Most dramatic moments: Her fight with Tony. He thinks I'm trying to "undermind" him, says Kate of Tony. Kate? It's undermine. She lost out to Marie Osmond's crazy fainting episode. We'll concede that one.

And Worst Dancer. In this category, Kate was the only female dancer to place. Kenny Mayne won, and Master P. got robbed!

71 sediments (sic) from readers:
She can't even be the best loser. Love the misspoken comment 'undermind' Tony. She sure has a gift of gab/and/or way with words, especially the ones she makes uppish in her own mine.l
I wonder if she is humiliated. Then she would know how her children feel every day.
I just read that one of the sextuplet girls has been suspended for fighting in school. I'm sure this is just a preview of what's to come in future years. They'll probably be getting arrested once they reach high school. They get bullied by their controlling mother constantly and watched it happen to their father. What a great role model she is for her kids.
Kate doesn't care. She said once that she ignores things that are unpleasant and just moves on. That's the approach she will take with this situation.
Pity she can't take her own advice about the divorce, as her behaviour in regard to Jon is still vengeful and nasty.
Humiliation would be hers,all about her, and hers alone. She is incapable of empathy towards her children, or they would have been off TV long ago.
IDModo said...
Kate doesn't care. She said once that she ignores things that are unpleasant and just moves on. That's the approach she will take with this situation.
What approach would you like her to take with this "situation"? Should she call a press conference to announce that she is offended by being named among DWTS worst dancers? She can't dance. She knows it. Anyone who watched the show knows it. Why should she care about being named as one of the worst dancers in the show's history?
OK guys I know that this is not a funny situation, my second thought was " did she hit another child with the little wooden spoon from their little kitchen." I'm sorry, kids learn from their parents.
my first thought kids do hit each other but to get supended means that it has happen more then once and a simple "time out" did not fix the problem.
@Anonymous regarding IDModo's comment about her not caring...I believe she's trying to say that it doesn't matter WHAT people say, you could start at the very beginning when all the blog sh%$ starting to hit the fan, the hate sites, aunt Jodi's sister, her CONTINUING to cause mental/emotinal injury to her kids on and off the screen, divorce spectacle etc., etc., ...she takes NO RESPONSIBILITY for any of her failures or mistakes or bad choices- she DOESN'T CARE! Only when she's being praised does she listen!
I just had a strange thought- how about DWTS have a segment where the worst voted dancers come back for another chance?
I vote that Master P and Kate Gosselin should be paired together... :ob
Anyone see the promos for "Skating With The Stars"? Ohhhhhh Kate....
Vanessa, I think you are right. When you are a
"testa dura" (hard head) narcissist like her, nothing affects her. She just keeps truckin'.
My new name for her is "Teflon Con"...
Why should she care about being named as one of the worst dancers in the show's history?
Because it was an award for something and the spotlight would once again have been on her. A popular opinion with many is that even bad press is good press. Many feel that she has NPD and if that's true, it makes no difference to her what others think because in her mind it's all about her anyway. ANY award would have made her happy and I don't believe she'll ever feel she was a bad dancer. She'll always feel it was Tony who couldn't teach her.
Anonymous said... IDModo said...
Kate doesn't care. She said once that she ignores things that are unpleasant and just moves on. That's the approach she will take with this situation. Should she call a press conference to announce that she is offended by being named among DWTS worst dancers?
What approach would you like her to take with this "situation"?
While I don't want to speak for IDModo, I believe she was commenting on the previous post, about the alleged incident of one of the girls being suspended. She wasn't talking about Kate being voted worst dancer on DWTS, IMO.
What approach would you like her to take with this "situation"? Should she call a press conference to announce that she is offended by being named among DWTS worst dancers?
Well that's what she usually does. Except her idea of a press conference is an interview with the bootlickers over at People mag. DWTS or a suspension makes no difference to her, as long as it has her name on it.
Thanks Anon1! But I WAS responding to BeDoneNow, and referring to the fact that IF Kate were humiliated by her DWTS performance, she would not be able to connect it with any humiliation that her children might feel, since she has no empathy for anything they are experiencing.
The point is not what she would DO, but how she would FEEL, and I believe her emotional approach would be to just sweep any bad feelings under the rug, rather than use them as a signpost to improve her own behaviour.
Anonymous is trying to play a semantic game with me; I think she knows what I meant.
You know, a different type of person could turn this into positive press and say, "It's true! I SUCK! If I had 3 feet, they'd all be left ones! But I know I did my best anyway." I doubt that'll happen though. Self-deprecation is usually appreciated by others, but narcissism is not.
Just got my issue of US Weekly today, and it had an article about Kate ruining Halloween for her kids. It says:
"What scared the eight Gosselin kids most this Halloween? Their own mom! On October 31, Kate Gosselin, 35, and bodyguard Steve Neild took her brood trick or treating - but 'Steve drove the van while Kate slept in the front seat,' and insider tells Hot Stuff [US Weekly]. 'The kids were told to be quiet so they wouldn’t wake her!' The source adds that the kids are 'sad all the time' and one of the sextuplets 'was suspended from school for two weeks for hitting another child.' (An insider says Gosselin yelled at the girl, 'You’re embarrassing me!') And the TLC star - whose Kate Plus Eight viewership has plunged almost 50 percent since June - doesn’t reserve her anger for her kids along. The first source says she’s hounding ex Jon Gosselin, 33, for child support: 'Kate told Jon she’ll sue until he signs over full custody. She wants him out of her life for good.'"
Inset text: Gosselin has hired a live-in nanny, “spending even less time with her kids,” says a source.
I'm curious as to how she hired another nanny so quickly.
Why bother being there and sleeping in the van? Why not just stay home and sleep? Makes no sense to me, but then I am a normal mom, who walked around door to door with my kids, and did not have a bodyguard to drive us around.She sounds more nuts as time goes by. And I was wondering, what kind of person calls themselves a fan, and says that they love the girl-tups as much if they were her own? Who thinks this way?? I see alot of the "fans" have very,very poor english skills, I would be ashamed to have them love me so much, they all sound like the fan who says that she is just 12!
@ Smiley, well that is interesting. For her to be fighting for full custody and wanting their father out of her life for good is not happening. He will always be their father and one day the grandparent to his kids children, the same children she gave birth to. Why is this bodyguard with her all the time, is he still married? Something is not right with the two of them, I believe he is no longer with his wife and is now living at the Gosselins. As for the trick or treating, can this woman do anything with her kids without help from other people?
I tend to take the articles from gossip rags like Us Weekly with a grain of salt.
I think it is wrong for any of us to jump on a bandwagon over tabloid articles.
That article may be true, but it doesn't "smell" right to me.
Why can't Kate see that none of this would be happening had she chosen not to sell out her children?
Jon is the ONE PERSON Kate cannot cut off from the kids and it's driving her nuts. It's driving her to insanity. She can't control this situation like she could Jodi, Beth, the grandparents, Tony, and so on.
And it's Kate being selfish as usual, not wanting someone the children clearly adore around them. What a sick twisted woman.
Yep, when a narcissist is done with you, they are done with you, and they want NO reminders of your existence whatsoever.
She can't change the fact that the kids are half Jon, and she can't simply push him out of existence and it drives her crazy.
Narcissists have a hard time distinguishing between positive and negative attention. For instance getting a lot of attention because you are sharing with all your friends/coworkers/family/anyone something normally uncomfortable and private--for instance, all the gory details of the breakup of your relationship and his affairs. You may be getting attention because people are nosey or they think the whole thing is ridiculous and behind your back making fun of you, but to the narcissist, attention is attention.
In Kate's mind she may think oh look most dramatic moment how exciting, my fight with Tony was so interesting and see how right I was! Or worst dancer look I made everyone smile, everyone is talking about me, I caused a stir and brought ratings. A narcissist would not understand these are negative awards.
I'm curious as to how she hired another nanny so quickly.
It's not difficult to hire a nanny within a few days if you go through an agency. You interview the applicants, do a background check (if she even bothers to do this) and you're good to go. She's home all the time, not off on marathon trips between PA and LA, so she has time to do this. Which leads me to my question: Why does she need a full-time nanny if the kids are in school five days a week, only awake at home for three hours a day?
Reports said that the other nanny quit. I don't believe it was disclosed WHEN this happened. If it was some time ago, she would have had plenty of time to hire a replacement.
Yes an agency can have you up and running almost instantly. I was with an agency after I finished school briefly and when you get the call, you can be in there the next day. A mother had broken her ankle on a Monday and needed help right away, I was preparing baby bottles the next morning.
In a way it's not such a good thing. If Kate didn't have an agency that could easily get you in there, she might hesitate to discard these nannies so easily since hiring a new one would be difficult. It makes "easy come easy go" very possible.
I was just wondering as to the spelling trolls lurking here awhile back, did you make fun of Kate when she said undermind? Or is it just haters' typos you make fun of. I bet Kate thinks undermind comes from "going under someone's mind."
Where there is smoke, there's fire. Something probably did happen with one of the Gosselin children being suspended. One can only hope that she receives some counseling as a requirement for re admittance to school. Also, I was disappointed to read of the Taco Bell incident with Jon and Ellen. I had been impressed that Ellen seemed mature and grounded before this story which makes her appear like a prima donna- hard to say but a little like "Kate"!
Administrator said... I was just wondering as to the spelling trolls lurking here awhile back, did you make fun of Kate when she said undermind? Or is it just haters' typos you make fun of. I bet Kate thinks undermind comes from "going under someone's mind."
Kate saying "undermind" had nothing to do with spelling. She simply doesn't know the correct word--she does that quite often.
It's a full time nanny who does ALL of the motherly duties a STAY AT HOME mom does... waking kids up, bus drop off/pick up, lunches, laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping (other than the photo op excursions.)I can't imagine what kind of time it takes to keep on top of a house that size.
Then of course she needs the nanny so she can do her trot around the county AFTER the kids get home. She needs a full time nanny because the nanny is the full time parent here.
So sad, apparently Julien Hug a Bachelorette contestant commited suicide yesterday. He drove into the woods and shot himself in the head.
Interesting article interviewing one of his friends, who says the following: "With the wealth and privilege he had, I can't imagine why he'd take his own life. I can't believe this. Why would such a beautiful man take his own life?"
Sheeple, please try to understand this. Because wealth, privilege and beauty do NOT always equal happiness.
Guys just a friendly reminder, when talking about the article about Kate sleeping away Halloween, because of the risk of libel you cannot flat out say Kate is a drunk or Kate is popping pills, etc. I realize that is an opinion but those comments will be deleted.
Steve Neild's resume is getting more and more embarrassing.
SmileyGrl752 said...
Just got my issue of US Weekly today, and it had an article about Kate ruining Halloween for her kids. It says:
"What scared the eight Gosselin kids most this Halloween? Their own mom! On October 31, Kate Gosselin, 35, and bodyguard Steve Neild took her brood trick or treating - but 'Steve drove the van while Kate slept in the front seat,' and insider tells Hot Stuff [US Weekly]. 'The kids were told to be quiet so they wouldn’t wake her!'
***********************************************! What the hell is going on?
Don't tell me that her bodyguard/handler/travel buddy/boob consultant is NOW her children's trick-or-treat chaperone?
What next? Steve hops into bed with each child to read bedtime stories?
Is Kate fully conscious when she not in front of the cameras? Or she just can't be bothered anymore?
Something is just not right. What the heck does she do that she cannot manage to stay awake during the day?
Kate, get your act together for yourself and for your kids! Get a complete physical for pete's sake. Something is not right.
Off topic but I had to share this. This mom loves her child for who he is, not who she wants him to be. Awesome.
Actually I'm not sure we can tell for sure she said it correctly. The exact quote was "he feels like I undermind(sic) him as a teacher." Present tense. But if Kate wanted to say it past tense she most likely would have said he FELT like I undermined him as a teacher.
In any case, even if she said this right, Kate screws up grammarish, wordish things all the time. Maybe all that nail polish has fried a few cells.
Just because someone looks after children, does not make them a nanny. I think we are assuming when we use the word "nanny", that the kids are being better looked after than they actually are.
From everything I have read, Kate hires baby sitters; people without formal training in child care and development. They are often young and inexperienced.They use physical discipline with Kate's blessing.
I believe she has had some actual nannies who are no longer with the family, due to her shrewishness and need for control.
I cannot imagine being a full time employee of Kate Gosselin. Imagine the mood swings you must see on a daily basis. If you see it on TV, it must be bad in 'real life'. No money in the world would have me working for that woman. Someone should go undercover, expose her for who she is. Yep, I understand there are those confidentiality agreements, damn those things must be iron-clad huh? Why has no one come forward & said more than the last nanny? There has got to be something going on in that house pertaining to the kids, more than what we already know. Maybe? Maybe the nanny's are getting paid big bucks to stay silent. I don't know...
Napping in the car at 6 pm on a Sunday evening? There is something seriously wrong with this woman.
Admin. Don't forget Kate's exclamation at the start of the old J&K shows....."It's ARE life" not our life. She screws up the most simple things.
Who naps on Halloween night while the kids go door to door trick or treating? I don't think she is right in the head. One night out of the year the kids get to play dress up and have fun and she decides to ruin it for them. Her fans said that she was probably sick, than stay home and let their father take them. Don't ruin the one night the kids can go out and have fun. Take your naps during the day while they are in school. As for her boyfriend/bodyguard, I remember when he had a wife and kids, what happened to them?
The sheeple who dote on and adore the Gosselin children to the point they don't see themselves as obsessed fans are now saying, sniff, it is only morally right they refrain from discussing the school suspension as THIS apparently is OFF LIMITS. Good one Sheeple. It is okay to make the child so famous her every movement gets reported on but when crap happens you all will pretend you are respecting her privacy. MORONS!
Admin, off topic as well, but I just read this article...
"Norwich family with sextuplets has had TV offers, but they prefer a reality with more privacy"
... what a difference. Contrary to what Kate believes, apparently you CAN raise a family without all the glitz. Their sextuplets are a year older than the Gosselins and they have one more daughter who is ten.
westcoaster said...
Napping in the car at 6 pm on a Sunday evening? There is something seriously wrong with this woman.
Maybe she was "fluish!"
I read Steve was driving the car while Kate slept and the children were 'trick or treating'. Why would she need a bodyguard in this this situation. I've always been able to take my children out on Halloween without 'protection' and, of course I manage to stay awake.
....tiredish, crankyish, jetlaggish, pmsish...
I agree with this article. It's only a matter of time and I pray for the children's sake we are on the final countdown.
Regarding the trick or treating, why didn't she just let Jon take them? I think everyone involved would have enjoyed it much more.
Fans are saying she was exhausted from taking care of "EIGHT" kids all by herself.
Guess "Can Do Kate" can't.
Something tells me that if the cameras were running, she'd be trick-or-treating with her children- hopping, screeching, & cackling from house to house...
Enough snark, either way you put it, whether Kate was genuinely sick, or tired or plain lazy-
why the hell would she spoil it for everyone by coming along? Why couldn't she just ask Jon to take HIS CHILDREN trick-or-treating, instead of making Steve do it?
The saddest part was that everyone had to be quiet so that Kate could sleep. So the kids were not allowed to express any joy...WHAT THE HELL!!!
Kids are supposed to let loose and have a good time on Halloween- laughing, screaming, talking out loud is a part of it. Does she have to control that too?
I saw a clip of the Alaska promo on another site, and was surprised (or maybe not) at one comment Kate made. The kids were panning for gold in a river, and one of the boys found a gold ring in his pan. Kate snatched it from him and screeched "Look, he found me a ring!!" Poor kid didn't even get a chance to get excited. Of course, everything eventually belongs to Katie "mine, all mine" Kreider!
Who naps on Halloween night while the kids go door to door trick or treating. I don't think she is right in the head. One night out of the year the kids get to play dress up and have fun and she decides to ruin it for them.
Exactly. She is a sad excuse for a parent. Guess she forgot to get her Starbucks coffee. Great- kids go trick or treating for first time BUT with a "body guard" and mom sleeping at 6PM in the van. (And don't awake the queen- Why even bother going??)
Yet she probably wouldn't let Jon take them so they could have had a good time. What a poor excuse for a mother- I wish she was filmed sleeping so people could see her reality based "great mothering" on Halloween. I am glad people are starting to come forward with the truth as opposed to the fake phony filming via TLC/Kate$$ version. Kate's lies need to be documented, for the sake of her kids and her twisted version of what is actually going on.
God help these kids with their "fictional" self-absorbed mother.
Fans are saying she was exhausted from taking care of "EIGHT" kids all by herself.
Now that is funny. ....sheeples are a riot, one excuse after another for Fake. Wonder how many of them slept in a van at 6pm on Halloween with their kids... I would bet not a one of them and they know it.
Someone from tlc must be leaking all these stories getting everyone riled up before an episode of k+eight is to air. I will never watch or click on anything to do with that woman. That is the only way to make her go away. I do visit several sights that summarize all the gossip but will never give those sites one of my clicks.
Fans are saying she was exhausted from taking care of "EIGHT" kids all by herself.
Why is it that the sheeple cannot understand that these kids are home for THREE hours with her during the week (with a 7:30 bedtime) and that she has nannies to do the work? If she didn't drag them around to god knows where on these filming escapades, maybe she wouldn't be tired! Heck, even on filming trips she has help!
If the poor thing is so tired from taking care of EIGHT children, let her call Jon to help...give him more visitations!
"The saddest part was that everyone had to be quiet so that Kate could sleep. So the kids were not allowed to express any joy...WHAT THE HELL!!!"
Where is this "report" coming from? Reliable information, or just internet gossip -- a friend told a friend, who told their step-niece, who told their hair stylist, etc. etc.? Do we, in fact, know that this is true?
mama mia said... The sheeple who dote on and adore the Gosselin children to the point they don't see themselves as obsessed fans are now saying, sniff, it is only morally right they refrain from discussing the school suspension as THIS apparently is OFF LIMITS. Good one Sheeple. It is okay to make the child so famous her every movement gets reported on but when crap happens you all will pretend you are respecting her privacy. MORONS!
And why is it delightful to gape and swoon over every other aspect of their lives (tears, terrors, puke, vomit...) but not THIS. Why?
Because their Queen isnt making any money off of this school suspension, that's why. It isnt kate they admire, it isnt the kids they adore; It's been a low IQ, unpleasant woman's ability to make money off giving birth. THAT is what they love.
It's been a low IQ, unpleasant woman's ability to make money off giving birth. THAT is what they love.
To which I add: None of them was blessed in the IQ department, and so they identify with her and wish that THEY could have given birth to little moneymakers. I think they do admire Kate in the sense that they admire her ability to pull this off and profit off these kids. They have the envy thing going on.
Linda in NS. I hate to defend kate but when she says."it's ARE life" it's just a regional pronunciation for OUR. I'm from NJ and that's how we pronounce it also.
They use Kate's behavior to excuse their own....
Has Kate come forward & said "Not true" to any rumors? (does she ever?) She LOVES the attention. These stories coming out now are a way for people to watch the show. Kate's people never come out & outright says "These rumors floating around are false. Kate Gosselin did NOT fall asleep in the car while her kids Trick or Treated.". "Kate's daughter did NOT get suspended from school". IMO, lies for ratings!
These stories are a way for the blogs to get going, & a way to get people excited about her stupid show! It's a trick!! Happy Belated Halloween. I'm imploring you, don't buy into the hype. Usually a rep will come forward, especially a rumor concerning a child, & squash it. Do you think Jennifer Garner would let this rumor fly about her kid? (so maybe it IS true?) But still, IMO, I think it's all trying to garner ratings for Kate's show. ugh. Crash & burn Kate. You are not welcome anymore.
Hippie Chick said...
These stories are a way for the blogs to get going, & a way to get people excited about her stupid show! It's a trick!! Happy Belated Halloween. I'm imploring you, don't buy into the hype.
Are you saying all the blogging is giving Kate the attention she wants and enjoys? Are you asking for people to stop doing that? It sounds like it. If so, kudos to you! You "get" it.
Anonymous, sheeple is allowed, and haters are allowed. What is not allowed is picking on ONE person. Chances are if the posts says "you" and then says something mean, it won't go through. I am TIRED of all the snotty comments I really am, I am TIRED of deleting, but that's part of it I suppose.
I'm sorry but I delete far more pro-Kate comments then anti because usually the pro-Katers come here already in a snotty mood and it reflects in their post and they end up violating usually multiple rules. That's the way it goes. Many, many pro Kate comments have been posted here but I believe scant few are made because the person actually wants to have an adult discussion. I know a troll when I see one. If you are not getting posted it's because I think you are a troll. Don't like my assessment don't come here.
Here's another hint, posts that start with phrases like "oh come on people" "you've got to be kidding!" or "hypocrites much!" followed by an intelligent comment, are getting deleted. They just are. Because I don't like your tone and I will NOT engage in that.
Hippie Chick said...
These stories are a way for the blogs to get going, & a way to get people excited about her stupid show! It's a trick!! Happy Belated Halloween. I'm imploring you, don't buy into the hype.
Are you saying all the blogging is giving Kate the attention she wants and enjoys? Are you asking for people to stop doing that? It sounds like it. If so, kudos to you! You "get" it.
Has Kate come forward & said "Not true" to any rumors? (does she ever?) She LOVES the attention. These stories coming out now are a way for people to watch the show. Kate's people never come out & outright says "These rumors floating around are false. Kate Gosselin did NOT fall asleep in the car while her kids Trick or Treated.". "Kate's daughter did NOT get suspended from school". IMO, lies for ratings!
These stories are a way for the blogs to get going, & a way to get people excited about her stupid show! It's a trick!! Happy Belated Halloween. I'm imploring you, don't buy into the hype. Usually a rep will come forward, especially a rumor concerning a child, & squash it. Do you think Jennifer Garner would let this rumor fly about her kid? (so maybe it IS true?) But still, IMO, I think it's all trying to garner ratings for Kate's show. ugh. Crash & burn Kate. You are not welcome anymore.
Fans are saying she was exhausted from taking care of "EIGHT" kids all by herself.
Why is it that the sheeple cannot understand that these kids are home for THREE hours with her during the week (with a 7:30 bedtime) and that she has nannies to do the work? If she didn't drag them around to god knows where on these filming escapades, maybe she wouldn't be tired! Heck, even on filming trips she has help!
If the poor thing is so tired from taking care of EIGHT children, let her call Jon to help...give him more visitations!
Fans are saying she was exhausted from taking care of "EIGHT" kids all by herself.
Now that is funny. ....sheeples are a riot, one excuse after another for Fake. Wonder how many of them slept in a van at 6pm on Halloween with their kids... I would bet not a one of them and they know it.
Something tells me that if the cameras were running, she'd be trick-or-treating with her children- hopping, screeching, & cackling from house to house...
Enough snark, either way you put it, whether Kate was genuinely sick, or tired or plain lazy-
why the hell would she spoil it for everyone by coming along? Why couldn't she just ask Jon to take HIS CHILDREN trick-or-treating, instead of making Steve do it?
The saddest part was that everyone had to be quiet so that Kate could sleep. So the kids were not allowed to express any joy...WHAT THE HELL!!!
Kids are supposed to let loose and have a good time on Halloween- laughing, screaming, talking out loud is a part of it. Does she have to control that too?
Yes an agency can have you up and running almost instantly. I was with an agency after I finished school briefly and when you get the call, you can be in there the next day. A mother had broken her ankle on a Monday and needed help right away, I was preparing baby bottles the next morning.
In a way it's not such a good thing. If Kate didn't have an agency that could easily get you in there, she might hesitate to discard these nannies so easily since hiring a new one would be difficult. It makes "easy come easy go" very possible.
Jon is the ONE PERSON Kate cannot cut off from the kids and it's driving her nuts. It's driving her to insanity. She can't control this situation like she could Jodi, Beth, the grandparents, Tony, and so on.
And it's Kate being selfish as usual, not wanting someone the children clearly adore around them. What a sick twisted woman.
Admin, off topic as well, but I just read this article...
"Norwich family with sextuplets has had TV offers, but they prefer a reality with more privacy"
... what a difference. Contrary to what Kate believes, apparently you CAN raise a family without all the glitz. Their sextuplets are a year older than the Gosselins and they have one more daughter who is ten.
Anonymous said... IDModo said...
Kate doesn't care. She said once that she ignores things that are unpleasant and just moves on. That's the approach she will take with this situation. Should she call a press conference to announce that she is offended by being named among DWTS worst dancers?
What approach would you like her to take with this "situation"?
While I don't want to speak for IDModo, I believe she was commenting on the previous post, about the alleged incident of one of the girls being suspended. She wasn't talking about Kate being voted worst dancer on DWTS, IMO.
Vanessa, I think you are right. When you are a
"testa dura" (hard head) narcissist like her, nothing affects her. She just keeps truckin'.
My new name for her is "Teflon Con"...
I just had a strange thought- how about DWTS have a segment where the worst voted dancers come back for another chance?
I vote that Master P and Kate Gosselin should be paired together... :ob
Anyone see the promos for "Skating With The Stars"? Ohhhhhh Kate....
OK guys I know that this is not a funny situation, my second thought was " did she hit another child with the little wooden spoon from their little kitchen." I'm sorry, kids learn from their parents.
my first thought kids do hit each other but to get supended means that it has happen more then once and a simple "time out" did not fix the problem.
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