A source (shall we call them Captain Obvious?) is reporting that the well has run dry after Kate has blown the bulk of the children's money on her first-class, five-star lifestyle of manicures, pedicures, hair extensions, mansions, cars, trips, nannies, bodyguards, Nobu sushi and designer clothes.
Kate was hoping to book some advertising deals, such as with Cover Girl, but nothing has panned out. Now, according to the source, she might even consider a real job. All the more reason laws needs to protect children's money from parents like her.
159 sediments (sic) from readers:
Hmm, has she never smiled at her children the way she's smiling at her hair stylist in that photo? This woman is happiest when she is spending money on herself, it's pathetic.
Sharon here: Hoping she does not use this as an opportunity to go back on the talk show circuit to cry about all this money lost and how she needs more. At least she can't blame Jon for raiding her "liquid" account this time. I found it interesting that her show will be after Palin's next time. I'm hoping that not only will Palin's numbers drop but also that people will change the channel after that and Khate's ratings further plummet. Seems like there is a lot of "controversial publicity" about Khate at the time one of her shows is about to come on. I loathe this woman and her entire brand!
One has to wonder if this will really light the fires of outrage needed to get these kids to some level of emotional safety and off the damn show.
The expulsion and the sandwiches have raised ire but this--the idea that all the money she claimed to have needed for the kids went to support her lifestyle--could completely blow it up.
Sad that the priorities are so skewed, that misuse of money trumps emotional abuse as the big sign that it's all gone to hell...
I'm sorry, I'm not ignorant but who is Captain Obvious?
Those KIDS worked for that money, not her. What about the kids' money? Is that still safe in an account somewhere, or is she spending that too? I hope the kids sue the pants off of her or someone steps up & helps them do it soon.
OOOPS, sorry, re-read the post. She SPENT the kids money. Wow, just wow. So, she blew through her money, & then her kids money. Is that right? She is so stupid. Cover Girl? Seriously? She is not famous enough or likable enough to represent such a brand. I'm not shocked, but that money that the kids worked so hard for should have been safe guarded. Did she really think money would just keep rolling in? Those kids will now have have nothing to show for their hard work because their mother had to have the best of everything. What a bitch.
Just one comment.
A lot of what is listed was/is comped to her.
Wonder who covers the taxes or do the kids pay for that too?
In the hair extension photo, Kate has a genuine smile and her face is pretty. I think the photo with the fork is also a very lovely version of Kate. What happened?
Sorry to go back to the expulsion, but does anyone know what you do with a child who's been expelled. I know she's "homeschooling" them right now, but we know this isn't going to last.
Will another school take them? Will they already be on a list of some sort, the first time they bully, swear etc., will they be expelled from that school also? Just what does their future hold, academically.
Cover Girl??? Sorry to be snarky, but LOL!!
You people are so mean. Saint Kate is only flying, sleeping, dining and entertaining herself first class because of the points this earns. And with these points, she buys lovely gifts for the help. Why just last month nannies 78, 79, 80 and 81 received restaurant and movie coupons from Saint Kate's points. She didn't have to do that. She could have sold these on E-Bay with the kids corporate sponsored clothes. What do you think Jon buys the help? He is so low class he eats at Taco Bell where no points are earned. And he doesn't even have help. What a loser. So anyway, Kate is just doing her best to put food on the table for 8 kids plus the help so leave her alone.
But Kate deserves all that money for herself. After all she deserves to look good. That's exactly what she said to People when they did the porno shoot.....ummm sorry swimsuit shoot in Mexico.
We've all known all along that she has been spending money hard and fast. We knew that she would burn through the kids' money.
Kate as a cover girl???????? Come on now. Everytime I see that witch face I run for cover. I wonder if her cookbook " Love is in the mix" has been changed to "Mold is in the Mix" showing up on a dusty book shelf near you.
I hope Kate gets her "brain out of the clouds" real soon. Logically speaking, Kate is not show business/entertainment/spokesmodel/etc... material. She just does not have what it takes to make it there.
Fact is a fact.
Go back to nursing Kate. Or go to college, take some courses that interest you, and take it from there.
Your children are counting on you to have a level head.
Oh, look how happy, no, downright joyful, Kate looks when everything is about HER and everyone is fussing over HER. BTW, in those pics at the bus stop, she looks like hell. She looks very thin. Life is not treating her well right now. There's a cure for that, but she can't bring herself to seize it.
I think everyone should watch Palin's show, switch the channel when Kate comes on, then go back to watch Sister Wives after Kate. Shouldn't that send TLC a msg?
This blog is just a gossip rag at this point. The "source" talks about her $7,000 hair cut and you rush out and find a picture of said hair cut. Wake up! She didn't pay for the damn hair cut.
Garbage in, garbage out. This blog is pure garbage.
She honestly seems as if being around her kids is a grind. Like she's in the salt mines or something. I wouldn't pay much attention to it if it were just every now and then, but you never see any genuine joy in her when her kids are around. It's just barking orders, screeching, complaining, rolling her eyes, sighing and huffing, making sarcastic comments, threatening punishments, or relating whatever is going on to herself. That's it. Spontaneous hugs and kisses? Beaming at them? Sharing a special moment with a smile? Spontaneous verbal declarations of affection?
Of course, narcissists just don't do that. But still, it's got to be sad to be her kid and never know that warmth from your mom. I HAVE seen Jon engage in warm, loving, genuinely happy moments with the kids back when he was on the show, a lot. That was the biggest difference in them as parents, it was stark.
Anyway, more on-topic, I had the feeling this lifestyle was not one she could have maintained for the long-run, especially if she didn't establish more of a career on her own, and she couldn't. The house alone must be very expensive as far as mortgage, upkeep, groundskeeping, pool maintenance and electric/gas/water.
I actually don't believe this story at all. I think she's living on TLC and that her expenses are covered. I don't believe she has "Legow (Kate for 'legal') debt" either like she pretended on a talk show. I believe she has assets in the multi-millions plus she collects 20,000 per month from Jon for child support that she doesn't have to pay taxes on.
Her clothes and shoes look cheap to me and tanning and getting her nails done doesn't blow through millions. When she has travelled, it's been for 'jobs' and I doubt she paid for her accommodations.
I believe she's a monstrous child abuser but I do not believe she has spent what she views as 'her' money. I will bet she still has her TLC expense account and will as long as she and her children are under contract until 2012 or until TLC breaks the contract.
Because of her abuse which has recently come to light, I think she and her legal team know that there's a possibility for Jon to win primary custody of the kids and for HER to have to pay child support to HIM.
This is just TLC's way of setting the stage for Kate to declare poverty. It's a farce. IMO, she still has millions.
Kate Coyne said in an interview that it was her idea for the "new Kate" look, extentions etc. Remember the layout People did afterwards? Not for one minute do I think Kate spent a penny on her hair. MAYBE the follow up treatments, but not the intial process. Wouldn't all her tanning/mani/peds be a write off, as buisness related? Afterall she is a "star" on tv. Most of her airline travel is business related too, i am quite sure she paid nothing for them. And if for the show, TLC would handle the travel expenses. All ideas for the shows came from Kate's "wish list", so they pick out some place to send them, and pay for travel and accomodations, I am quite sure. She couldn't even spring for the trip to see that Statue of Liberty, after the show was cancelled last year. The kids had to wait a whole year until TLC took them. She gets so many freebies for advertising, things she doesn't have to pay for herself, which is another big savings for her. Kate is not broke. Far from it. I think this is another "leak" to give her an excuse to continue the filming IMO
I don't think even McDonalds would hire her anymore. She'd repack the burgers for a week.
Kate was SMILING because that was FREE. FREE FREE FREE FREE. She was getting pampered like a little show puppy. Did I say it was F.R.E.E. Kate wouldn't of spent that much. You have to be kidding me. The woman has enough clorox products and juicey juice and other endorsement products to live on. That basement of theirs is like a small shopping center. Wait until all that is dried up like her skin. For all the years of tanning.
COVER GIRL????????????????????? What hahhahahah
Kate misread the want ad...I think she thought they were looking for a spokesperson for "Covet Girl", not "Cover Girl"..............
Hippie Chick - Legally she isn't allowed to touch the kids' account but I honestly don't think there's a huge amount in there for the kids anyway. They receive a 15% cut of the pay per episode which is then divided by 8. I'd love it if there was a math whiz who reads this blog who might volunteer to crunch some numbers for us. I forgot how to calculate percentages.
I would love it if we could estimate how much is in those accounts from the entire run of the show...
Only gullible people believe everything they read.
"Kate was hoping to book some advertising deals, such as with Cover Girl,"
This points out the lack of self-awareness in Kate. If anything, people despised her more after DWTS so I don't understand why she thought she could get endorsement deals. Kate's little empire started to crumble after DWTS and even more so after the People mag bikini cover.
Kate has no real perception of how she fits into the celebrity scene. She is a reality star on extended life support. She's not on the same "level" as other Cover Girl spokespeople like Ellen, Beyonce, Drew Barrymore, etc. Not only that, people generally dislike Kate so who would want to hire her for product endorsement deals.
Her narcissism is making a fool of her.
Radar Online has the story about the dog being back. It's all supposed to be part of the dumb Halloween themed show. I posted it in the dog thread.
When the hell is TLC ever going to admit they've run out of ideas for this fake reality show? Not content with messing up the lives of eight innocent children, they even have to screw around with a couple of dogs all in the name of "the show must go on". So pathetic!
Guess the Radar/TLC partnership is alive and well. Never reported the explusions, but big news about the dog being back. Does anyone know if they are owned by the same entity or is it just an exchange of cash type arrangement?
Hippie Chick said...
I'm sorry, I'm not ignorant but who is Captain Obvious?
Ditto. Ignorant here, too. Who is this source, and how does this source have access to her financial/securities accounts?
"Legally she isn't allowed to touch the kids' account but I honestly don't think there's a huge amount in there for the kids anyway."
Unfortunately, legally, she may. Anything in their accounts may be used for their safety, education, welfare or, health. I'm not sure, however, how much she could get away with if she wanted to withdraw it. She could, for example, claim that a new car (SUV or van) is necessary for their safety. What is health? Could she use the money to purchase organic food? How about welfare? It's a really broad term. Could she use it to pay the home securities company? What about mortgage on the property? The house provides shelter for the kids.
While she can't use the kids' money for tanning sessions, there are many, many ways to get around the fifteen percent rule, claiming those things are for the kids' safety, health, education and welfare. The tuition, of couse, could come out of their fund.
Chingada said...
Hippie Chick - Legally she isn't allowed to touch the kids' account
This is NOT true. She can use the kids' 15% for housing, food, educational, medical and other expenses. And almost certainly has. After all, why should she spend the other 85% on the children, when they have their own funds?
There won't be a cent left for those children when they're grown up. There probably is virtually nothing in their accounts now.
Ha, more about her finances, PLUS ---->>>> "Twist of Khate" canceled!
Report: Kate Gosselin Has Blown Through Millions, Plus TLC Cancels One Of Her Shows
According to a new shocking report, Kate Gosselin has blown through millions of dollars and is now worried about her financial future.
Popeater reports that though the TLC reality star made a small fortune from her show Kate Plus 8 and Dancing With The Stars, most of that money is now gone.
“Kate lives like she is a movie star,” a friend tells Popeater. “She flies first class and stays at the most expensive hotels and spends money on herself like it’s going out of fashion. Remember, this is a woman who once spent $7,000 on a haircut!”
The source also adds that Kate thought she would get some endorsement deals following her stint on DWTS. “She thought she would earn millions by advertising baby carriages, food and cloths, but no one wanted her. The poor thing even thought she would get a deal with Cover Girl after being on ‘Dancing With The Stars,’ instead they went with Beyonce.”
The most shocking part of the article is that Kate is so worried about her finances that she is considering getting – gasp – “a real job!”
And in other Kate news, Life & Style magazine is reporting that TLC has canceled Kate’s other show – Twist of Kate. The reason? “It’s no longer on the schedule because Kate can’t bring in the ratings,” says a source.
Even worse, her other TLC show, Kate Plus 8, might also be in danger of cancellation due to low ratings. According to the Hollywood Life, the June 22, 2009 episode of Jon & Kate Plus 8 registered 10.6 million viewers, compared to the 1.3 million viewers who tuned in for her recent Alaska episode.
TLC reportedly pays Kate a lot of money to do the show, so with the low ratings, the network might be more than willing to say adios to Kate despite her popularity.
Anonymous said...
Only gullible people believe everything they read.
And only delusional people ignore the truth. And only cowards use the name Anonymous. And only sheeple defend Kate Gosselin.
On the basis of reported income:
15% of $250,000 = $37, 500 divided by 8 children = $4687.00 per child, per episode. Leaving Kate with $212,500.per episode.
This of course is before taxes.
As I understand it, this money was NOT put away for the children until it was ordered when the DOL got involved, and the permits were applied for.
"Not only that, people generally dislike Kate so who would want to hire her for product endorsement deals."
Exactly. What company would want to LOSE money? People would boycott the products. Of course, the sheeple would flock to buy make-up and hair supplies, but would they know what to do with the stuff after they bought it? :-)
Jon has filed for a re-examination of his child support obligation to be addressed on November 30th. (or later if it gets moved again.) Kate must submit documentation as to the children's expenses, including mortgage, electric bill, schooling, clothing and shoes, etc. THAT is what she was likely copying at FedEx the other day. yes, some folks use the 3-check binder system for everyday use.
There is very little in 'the account' for the children and she is allowed to dip into it to pay the mortgage and other essentials.
The stuff about the lunches is true, but she does it to show the kids, especially the little-er ones, that she is in control and they cannot escape her rules. It does however upset her to 'waste' money on food to be thrown away. with all the money she spends on herself, this is strange.
Kate will or already has, spent 5 minutes on homeschooling on her own, but this is to get a feel for it (she thinks) so that she can give proper instruction to the teacher she has hired. She is planning on admission to another school, any school, after the Christmas break. She would like to pull them all out, but you cant imagine what Mady and Cara are saying about THAT.
One friend has encouraged Jon to request the court appoint a temporary guardian ad litem for the children in order to offer the court an independent assessment of their needs. At least one of the children is 'insisting' that Dad get that child out of Mother's house and it is this sadness that is pushing Jon forward.
I have to repeat: Jon is remarkably terrified. Not only of Kate and the intricate contracts involved, but also the many lawyers who have messed with his head for their own agendas and also of making another move that will turn out in the long run to be wrong for the kids. He does continue to believe that allowing their mother to be trashed in the media regarding her mothering skills will be harmful to them.
Yes, Kate is stunned that the offers have dried up. She was convinced that interest in the children would continue for at least another 10-12 years and that she would be a star in her own right by then. Never mind the endorsments for products, she was convinced that she was quite talented enough to anchor her own long running TV show. She truly does not 'get it' that her own foul personality bleeds through everything. AND she blames many many others for "creating" stress in her life that has caused her to appear unpleasant.
Steve is playing a role in their lives more intricate than can be explained. I dont know if they are having sex, but Kate wants people to think so. I dont know who is paying him, but he IS being paid.
Lauren said...Her narcissism is making a fool of her.
And it's keeping her from recognizing what it's doing to herself. I've never seen anyone exhibit so many, if not every characteristic of narcissism as Kate does. She acknowledges the fact that 90% of the people hate her, but still thinks she's endorsement material. WTF?? I think the gerbil died of exhaustion-ive-nish and her brain is freewheeling it.
Since the next episode is to follow the Sarah Palin Alaska show; I wonder if this is a do or die situation for Kate. If the viewers who watch the Alaska show for the most part tune out K+8 and the number of viewers drops drastically, this could be end we have been hoping for.
I actually encourage Kate to seek out things like Cover Girl, jobs that are more to do with her and not the kids. Problem is she has blown every opportunity, she has no talent, she has no skills. Any fool can see that her spending is probably way out of wack with her income or at the very least, unsustainable. She is like many in the long line of "got rich quick" people who blow it all before the ink was dry--stupidity, ignorance, selfishness and greed.
And she CAN touch the 15%, my guess is she's blown through that as well for educational expenses and so on.
Please correct me if I'm wrong but...isn't Kates show airing right after Sarah's show?
Pretty smart thinking on TLC'S part.
Think about it. How many viewers will stay tuned, if only for a short moment, to see the kids or to see if the dogs are there?
Those few minutes count as a viewer.TLC is looking for the ratings and this is a sneaky way of getting them.
Sarah is just as irritating as Kate to me, so my fingers will NOT be "just passing by" the Lying Channel.
They won't get to count my household as a viewer. Been there, done that...no more.
Here's the thing often overlooked with freebies. You can argue these are all just theories--big problem with that. Freebies given in exchange for the show i.e. for WORK, are not freebies at all but INCOME and taxable.
So yes, if Kate got the haircut for working for TLC, which clearly she did, it's the same as getting a $7,000 check. Her check was just in the form of a haircut.
The tax code is very clear, you can pay someone in goods, services, in apples, pears, oranges, hair extensions, nails, cars, or a standard check. It is still income.
There is no way in hell the IRS would ever let Kate get away with just claiming that this is all "gifts" from TLC--she would be sitting in jail for tax fraud, and so would TLC.
The question you have to ask is would she be getting these so-called "freebies" once TLC drops her like a rock? The answer is obviously no. It's income and taxable.
theories I meant FREEBIES. Odd auto-correct!
She can use the kids money for their food, shelter,clothes, medical expenses and school tuition. This is the letter TMZ obtained from the DOL of PA and it states this clearly. See page 5 of the document, #3.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... Ha, more about her finances, PLUS ---->>>> "Twist of Khate" canceled!
Report: Kate Gosselin Has Blown Through Millions, Plus TLC Cancels One Of Her Shows
According to a new shocking report, Kate Gosselin has blown through millions of dollars and is now worried about her financial future.
Popeater reports that though the TLC reality star made a small fortune from her show Kate Plus 8 and Dancing With The Stars, most of that money is now gone.
I think this is just bogus hype to make people feel sorry for her and set her up for talk show appearances so she can cry fake tears and get people to believe she's desitute. She'll see the appearances as a way to beg for a cushy and well-paying gig promoting products or getting another show of some sort.
ADMIN, So - with the "freebies," is KG reporting these to the IRS on her tax returns as freebies and, as a result, paying taxes on them (as they are clearly income)? If she doesn't report them, then she is in deep trouble with the IRS and will be subject to penalties if not outright fraud, which, I assume, would mean jail time, right?
Of course, TLC has this all planned. I said this before. They are putting her right between Sarah Palin and Sister Wives, their two biggest shows right now. They are hoping no one will switch the channels and the feed in from Palin and the follow of Sister Wives will hold everyone enthralled to their station. I will never understand the programming decisions of this horrible station. Sister Wives?? Come on, really? I expect Kate will get a big boost from this placement, but it won't last. People are done with her for the long run. Her day in the sun is over. It's just a matter of time.
Jon needs to realize that being with a horrible parent is worse than any criticism said about that parent.
Poor kids need validation that Kate is a bad parent. It's heartbreaking for a child to love an abusing mother. They need to get out from under her influence.
I feel most concerned for the boys. What kind of relationship will they have with women when they are grown. She is emotionally crippling them.
Wow, I hadn't realized she can touch the children's account - thanks everyone for setting that straight. It seems like her only having 15 minutes was never a consideration for her. She keeps saying they can't go back... it's such baloney! There have been bigger stars who branch into other industries and quit show business. She isn't a real celebrity, she's tabloid fodder living in a mess of her creation. If they had quit the show a year ago when all the $hit was going down those kids wouldn't be followed by paparazzi today. People would have been drawn into the next train wreck, and the Gosselins would have gone the way of the Macarena
Sunshine On My Shoulder said...
Hippie Chick said...
I'm sorry, I'm not ignorant but who is Captain Obvious?
Ditto. Ignorant here, too. Who is this source, and how does this source have access to her financial/securities accounts?
I doubt admin was being literal with Captain Obvious - it was probably meant as "isn't it obvious to everyone that Kate is wasting her money away with all the proof in those paparazzi photos".
You don't have to be an insider to realize how careless Kate is with spending habits, especially working in a fickle industry as reality tv.
Something else that is going to stun Kate is when she finds out all the kids will need to file tax returns this year. If my understanding of the 15% is correct, the kids didn't start to receive it until this year. She's never had this problem before. For tax year 2010 each child will need to file ... and they will be paying the same tax rate at Kate. It's called "Kiddie Tax". Katie Irene will not be happy when she learns the IRS has it's hand out waiting for the checks. And don't forget the state and local taxes!
I don't see Kate spending recklessly. I do see her living on TLC's dime. She lives like an upper middle class lot lizard while being, by several accounts, a millionairess.
I believe she has plenty of money hidden away.
Katezilla is going to be in the studio on Entertainment Tonight Monday.
I guess we all saw that one coming.
If the report of money woes is true (I cant believe it myself) then kHate should be considering downsizing. That house is the first to go - with no job there is little hope of her maintaining the $800k+ mortgage. She better start planning for life after her 15 minutes...
He does continue to believe that allowing their mother to be trashed in the media regarding her mothering skills will be harmful to them.
Well if she'd get rid of her golden platter parenting methodology and quit chasing after a celebrity life that she's never been suited for she might be able to pull her family together. But I doubt she'll do that. Kate is harming her kids, not the people trashing her.
You don't have to be an insider to realize how careless Kate is with spending habits, especially working in a fickle industry as reality tv.
That's true. But IF someone (an insider) reported this, how do we know that there really is "an insider" and how credible that person is? What if this is one of the ex-nannies seeking revenge? This, then, becomes nothing more than gossip, because Kate could, in fact, have millions socked away. Hey, she's frugal -- recycles sandwiches. TLC could have been footing the bill for many of her expenses and vacations. Yes, she travels first class ad stays in expensive hotels, but if it's for filming, TLC would pick up most or all of the charges. If she pays for it, part of it would be deductible as a business expense. She may well be using the kids' fifteen percent for tuition, health and welfare costs, thus robbing them of their savings while she doesn't touch hers for those purposes.
This article makes it sound like she's destitute...and if it's based on rumors or the word of a disgruntled former employee, then the whole assumption that she's nearly broke is false.
anon on this said...She is planning on admission to another school, any school, after the Christmas break. She would like to pull them all out, but you cant imagine what Mady and Cara are saying about THAT.
I remember Cara's reaction when Jon and Kate announced they were moving to a new house in season 4's "Soup and a Surprise". She wasn't happy at all and Kate had to assure her that she would still go to the same school.
It would be a big mistake for Kate to pull all the kids out, ESPECIALLY the twins who have probably established good, trustworthy friends despite being on a reality tv show. It won't be easier on them to move to a new school and be the new kids, with a reality show. It would probably be more detrimental to those two girls.
That's probably one of their safe-havens, a stability in their life the last two years...seeing familiar faces and friends when everything else around you is unpredictable and constantly changing.
If she's moving all of them to a new school because it's easier for her schedule as far as transportation, why doesn't she allow Jon (who is currently not working) to take the twins to their school while she takes the others to a different school, swapping turns for the kids' sake? (I know it would never happen.)
She is planning on admission to another school, any school, after the Christmas break.
Lanc. County CS, Mount Calvary, or Living Word?
This is just a huge mess.
I think the best thing that Jon could do is advocate for a guardian ad litem. If he can walk away from this next custody hearing with that in place for the kids, it will be a major victory and that is where his focus and energy should be going.
As for Kate - I can honestly say I feel pity for her. Yes, she did this to herself, her ex-husband and her children and has to face the consequences of her actions, however it is going to be a rude awakening when the show goes away, when the bills pile up and when she can't get a job because no one will hire her as a nurse based on her prior reputation and the fact that she would need to go back for some professional development and no one will hire her in the entertainment industry because of her reputation as well.
Just very sad all the way around.
Wake up! She didn't pay for the damn hair cut.
If TLC "comped" the haircut and she accepted it, she will have to pay taxes on it. The more income she has, the higher tax bracket she's in. The more "gifts" she has to report, the more she has to pay out. It all adds up. The IRS is going to get you one way or the other.
And only cowards use the name Anonymous
...or sheeple who can't figure out to "Select profile" and use the Name/URL option. It's too confusing to them. Choosing "Anonymous" is right there in black and white without the need to type in anything!
Just heard this on TV, Kate is the Skating with the Stars correspondent for Entertainment Tonite starting Mon.
Kate got a job! ET's special correspondent for Skating with the Stars. She's on Monday.
I'm all for it. Don't see the appeal behind hiring her, but she clearly wants a TV career and if she can get one without the kids, all the better.
Plus, I would think with her in L.A., Jon would have a better chance of increased custody.
Kate has a new source of income. Tonight on Entertainment Tonight it was announced she's a correspondent for Skating with the Stars!
I just watched a ad on TV that Kate is to be a special correspondent for Skating With the Stars on ET.
Vanessa said...
Sorry to go back to the expulsion, but does anyone know what you do with a child who's been expelled. I know she's "homeschooling" them right now, but we know this isn't going to last.
Will another school take them? Will they already be on a list of some sort, the first time they bully, swear etc., will they be expelled from that school also? Just what does their future hold, academically.
There are plenty of other private schools in her area as well as public schools she can enroll them in. Just because they were expelled from a private school doesn't mean they'd be rejected from another one or the public system. She is choosing to homeschool them.
What I said was hardly against this blog to justify my post not having been posted. All I stated was that this might be a ratings ploy. But as my post was rejected I will never post or visit your blog again after sending you this post. You reject a post that was not rude or insulting to you or anyone else on your blog.
Judy said...
Please correct me if I'm wrong but...isn't Kates show airing right after Sarah's show?
Pretty smart thinking on TLC'S part.
Think about it. How many viewers will stay tuned, if only for a short moment, to see the kids or to see if the dogs are there?
You're right. Only way to boost Kate's ratings was to sandwich her show between their 2 hottest series now, Palin's Alaska and Sister Wives. Desperate, but it'll work. Their recent 'leaks' from 'sources' about Halloween, the dogs, etc was typical for TLC. They've done the same thing every time there's been a lull in her popularity and ratings.
Well, it looks like Kate will have an opportunity to pay her children back (said tongue in cheek) for all the money of their's she spent because I just read on another blog that Kate will be a corrospondent for Skating with the Stars.
Boy I hope it's not true, but it's a reputable blog. That would also explain why she and the kids are suddenly back in the news and being photographed by Chris the pap again after a prolonged absense.
I know Kate's "freebies" has been discussed before, but do companies like ABC, TLC, etc write off things like hair and makeup and wardrobe as expenses rather than charge them to the celebs as income/freebies?
Kate generally gets hair and wardrobe associated with these jobs and I'm wondering if her contracts are written (if it's even possible to do it that way) so that they're footing the bill and she's not liable in any way.
Was she hired as an ET correspondent for Skating With the Stars? (Looks like she did keep that part of her Hollywood rolodex that could give a pay back.) How very odd, though, if this is true. She cannot interview, she cannot ice skate, and she will force people like me to push the off switch so hard and so fast we may just break the remote. No one would think she would boost ratings would they? Not even dyed in the wool sheeple?
I love that she did get a job so the kids may get a fresh sandwich but yech, what a poor fit.
Chingada, I LOVE your name :o)
November 19, 2010 5:18 PM
Kaitlyn said... What I said was hardly against this blog to justify my post not having been posted
Whoa, hang on Kaitlyn. :-) I think I only rejected one, maybe two comments today, and it was early this morning. It was a pretty good day for people not breaking any rules, which is much appreciated! I go through comments quickly and as I recall the ones rejected today were both very rabid and nasty, and I don't recall anything about a ratings ploy. If I rejected a comment about that it wasn't on purpose. The reject and publish comments on my iphone are very close together and once in a blue moon I accidently hit the wrong one. I didn't get a chance to mention this but I accidentally deleted a great comment about Alison Angrim a week or so ago and I feel bad since it was good, but once deleted it's usually GONE, darn it.
Did you post under Kaitlyn? I'm looking back and don't see any comment from you. Also it was a long day at work today and I was in trial most of the day, so I still have a stack of comments to publish, I am going through now.
If you are wondering about your comment you can always email me. If you feel you didn't break the rules there's a good chance you didn't--and it may be because your comment is still pending, or it was accidentally rejected. You can always post it again. And finally, blogger does sometimes have glitches, it's possible it never reached me.
I never want to see anyone jump to conclusions like this without asking me first! This is a welcoming place for all opinions that follow the rules.
There was supposedly an announcement made by ET that Kate is going to be their Skating With The Stars correspondent, but I can't find anything on that except over at GWOP. Has anyone heard anything about this?
I think she should be an ET correspondant too. But she really has some nerve to push for full custody then take off to LA for something like this and then leave the kids with nannies.
Step one is get a job in L.A. Step two is let the children live with their father when she is not even freaking in the same state, for pity sake.
SWTS -- it could have been reported on television. Someone also announced it on Preesi's site. Nothing would surprise me.
If it is true about the Skating show, SO WHAT?? The kids will get a break, she is so obnoxious - she will probably fail and WE SURE DON'T HAVE TO WATCH!
Administrator said...
I think she should be an ET correspondant too.
Being a correspondent requires time away. This should please her to no end. She won't have to deal with the discipline problems at home. But would she throw the kids Jon's way and make him deal with it, or let the nannies be in charge?
I have mixed feelings about this. A normal mom would give up a job that involves traveling, just to be near her kids at this time. It would be in the best interests of the kids. However, she's not normal, so would staying at home with them do them more harm than good?
I also had two comments rejected today(one in the morning, one in the afternoon), and they were only comments about the posted article. I was wondering why, as well.
@anon on this. Although there's no way to know, your post sounded like you're in the know. Thanks for the info.
On another topic, if Jon is going to court to have child support payment reexamined, then I'm hoping that Kate DOES have a job as a correspondent with Skating with the Stars. If she's not working, the courts will be more likely to not reduce Jon's child support payments.
Taxes are complicated. But the bottom line is that while TLC might be able to get away with SOME "freebies" to Kate (such as an iphone for business purposes) she cannot sustain an entire lifestyle and call it a freebie.
For example, TLC cannot fully furnish her wardrobe and then Kate claims it's a freebie and not INCOME in the form of CLOTHES.
Paul Caron, who is an LLM and lawyer and writes a tax blog taxprof.com, has a good explanation why clothes, for starters, cannot be considered a FREEBIE just because your employer gave them to you and it sort of helps your image, much like Kate might claim. He was actually explaining why Sarah Palin (incidentally!) cannot just get a wardrobe from the RNC tax free and that actually it's all income.
“If there’s no tax consequence when the boss buys you the clothes that make the man that is the man that the boss wants to hire and the man wears the clothes anytime when not in his own home sanctuary, what’s to stop all the company executives and law firm partners from having their firms buy their clothes and letting them wear them on loan, taxfree? Surely that would be one boondoggle for the wealthy too many for American taxpayers to stomach.”
Kate has been toying with complicated taxes for over five years without much consequence, which leads me to believe that she has a good CPA working for her and making sure all her tax documents are on the up and up. After all it's no good to exploit your kids from jail.
It's people like the person who posted here claiming it's just a freebie so STFU that end up in jail claiming uhh-duh I didn't know I thought it was just a gift! Like Richard Hatch for starters.
I've had several innocuous comments "rejected" over the past few days, and figured that somehow they got accidentally deleted, since they fell well within the guidelines.
No reason to get shirty, folks. Blogger messes up a lot, and sometimes bloggers do, too. Forget it, resubmit, write another one, or email the blogger with questions. It's not a big deal
Here's the problem, calling something a freebie doesn't make it a freebie. The IRS will decide what they will accept as freebies and what they will accept as income, and one hopes that Kate has a good CPA making sure all the ducks are in a row.
There is a difference between writing off a flight and your employer paying for it. And there is a difference between paying for someone's business trip, and giving someone a trip in leiu of PAYMENT or AS payment.
When you write off a flight that means YOU paid for it, and later wrote it off your taxes. Maybe this is what Kate is doing, and that is fine. If TLC paid for her flight as a business expense and then paid her an additional payment for the trip, then yes the flight might be able to get by as a business expense. But if the flight, and trip, was given in lieu of payment (or reduce her payment), that is INCOME.
Work phones get complicated, TLC cannot just pay for Kate's phone for ALL USES without the IRS sniffing around. This article explains how complicated just giving an employee a cell phone gets:http://www.asaecenter.org/Resources/ANowDetail.cfm?ItemNumber=37233
Dizzying. The bottom line is this stuff is complicated and it simply is not going to fly at tax time to just say hey it's a freebie we're good, cya later!
As far as comments getting rejected, that's alarming.
As you can tell I'm pretty liberal with comments.
I will say this, rarely, I will see a big fight starting to brew with bickering back and forth. In that case there has been a few times where I've STOPPED that particular conversation even if a comment is appropriate, to head off a huge flame war.
But that hasn't happened lately.
Oh and I agree with this:
No reason to get shirty, folks. Blogger messes up a lot, and sometimes bloggers do, too. Forget it, resubmit, write another one, or email the blogger with questions. It's not a big deal
LancNative said... She is planning on admission to another school, any school, after the Christmas break.
Lanc. County CS, Mount Calvary, or Living Word?
November 19, 2010 4:39 PM
Mount Calvary and Living Word are both private Christian schools. Do you think any private school would take these kids? They don't have to. They can say based on the behavioral issues, they cannot accept them. Public schools have to take them. Which one is Lancaster County CS? Is that a public charter school?
Anonymous how can you possibly know what my schedule is, where I am, what I am doing, or even what time zone I am in on any particular day? Are you stalking me?
The fans are the scariest, I agree with Kate and Steve.
Anonymous said...
Only gullible people believe everything they read.
We don't believe everything we read. We were all highly skeptical of the story about the kids being expelled. I didn't even post the story for days and days.
Then sure enough, it's true. Why is it the stuff that starts out as every fan saying GOSSIP, CRUEL, MEAN, DON'T BELIEVE IT is the stuff that most often is true? Ha.
Mount Calvary is her old alma mater. If she hasn't badmouthed them, I can see them accepting the kids.
LCCS is Lancaster County Christian School. I forgot that it had merged with Living Word and has two elemtary school locations. It's not a charter school. It existed before as just Lancaster Christian School. It's a parent-run school in that the parents have influence over decisions more so than some other private schools. She'd love it, but I'm not so sure they could deal with her!
However, it's a great place and Kate could claim she's going back to her Christian roots. Seriously, though, I can see the kids going to LCCS. Beautiful country loction and some new modern facilities. I think they'd do well there, but they'd really have to tow the line.
About the expulsion, sorry guys to correct you but no school including a private school will accept them. When a child gets expelled from school, another school whether in that state or another will not accept their new enrollment till the following year. I'm afraid they will need to be home schooled for the year of 2010-2011. Check with your schools and ask, you will be very surprised. An expulsion is very serious
We don't believe everything we read. We were all highly skeptical of the story about the kids being expelled. I didn't even post the story for days and days.
That story (expulsion) could be proven. Unless we see Kate's financial statements, how can this one be proven? Of course, she could go on national television crying poverty. That one didn't work before, so the chances of it succeeding again are slim to none.
It can't be proven, no one is saying we know with absolute certainty what is in her bank account at this moment. It's circumstantial evidence, watching money/freebies/expenditures go in and out and drawing a reasonable conclusion that may or may not be right, but is reasonable. You can see Kate with a Starbucks Grande and you can go to your Starbucks and see how much it costs. Same with many other things. People have a general idea what things cost and we have a general idea what she is making according to multiple sources and general industry standards (250k an episode, currently). We also do know what the house costs and can make a reasonable guess at the upkeep.
There is nothing wild or outrageous about the suggestion that Kate may in fact be living beyond her means.
Actually Kate herself cried poor to Billy Bush just last year. But since Kate has no credibility I suppose that doesn't prove anything.
Must love dogs said
When a child gets expelled from school, another school whether in that state or another will not accept their new enrollment till the following year.
Not so. Each private school has its own policy, and makes its own assessment.
Private school may be an issue, though, as those schools naturally fill every slot at the start of the school year, and may find it difficult to accommodate new students during the school year. Private schools are under no obligation to accept anyone who doesn't meet their standards.
Public school students can, and do, enter the school system at any time during the year. Expulsion from a private school does not prevent enrolling in a public school.
In fact, except where homeschooling is permitted, students of mandatory age MUST be enrolled in school. If a private school kicks the kid out, and no other private will take him/her, then they must attend public.
Many a child has been tossed from a private school on Friday and enrolled in public school the following Monday. Public schools have to take everyone, at least until there's a new problem at the public that causes an expulsion at the public.
And, of course, kids enroll in the middle of the year in public schools all the time, for example, when a family moves.
Must Love Dogs said...
About the expulsion, sorry guys to correct you but no school including a private school will accept them. When a child gets expelled from school, another school whether in that state or another will not accept their new enrollment till the following year. I'm afraid they will need to be home schooled for the year of 2010-2011. Check with your schools and ask, you will be very surprised. An expulsion is very serious
Yes, an expulsion is very serious, but I remember when my brother was expelled from middle school he attended a continuation school. He was also expelled from high school but he attended the Junior College to finish his credits. I don't know how it works in elementary school, but I imagine there are options. What do you do if both parents work? How could homeschooling be an option?
Was the contract with SWTS signed BEFORE the expulsion story broke and now they might be scratching their heads wondering what they've gotten themselves into...or, was it signed AFTER the story broke, knowing that Kate is so polarizing that she would generate more viewers (the old car crash rubber-necking)?
I hope and pray that Jon stays strong for this upcoming hearing and doesn't back down and let Kate/TLC manipulate him. The latest events indicate the damage being done to those children is escalating.
As stated above, a Guardian ad Litem needs to be appointed ASAP to determine what's best for the kids.
Get more custody time. Those kids need to be with Jon when Kate is gone, not with the revolving nannnies. Even when Kate is home there are nannies there. How much quality time has she spent with the kids? Her time with the kids is all for show. With her issues, Kate shouldn't even have those kids full time unsupervised.
No amount of money is worth the damage being done to those children!
Administrator said...
Here's the thing often overlooked with freebies. You can argue these are all just theories--big problem with that. Freebies given in exchange for the show i.e. for WORK, are not freebies at all but INCOME and taxable.
So yes, if Kate got the haircut for working for TLC, which clearly she did, it's the same as getting a $7,000 check. Her check was just in the form of a haircut.
That still doesn't change the fact that she didn't pay $7,000 for a haircut, unless you're now claiming that the tax rate is 100%.
"Private school may be an issue, though, as those schools naturally fill every slot at the start of the school year, and may find it difficult to accommodate new students during the school year.Private school may be an issue, though, as those schools naturally fill every slot at the start of the school year, and may find it difficult to accommodate new students during the school year."
It would not surprise me if she waits until next fall and pulls all of them out of their current school and enrolls them in another private school. This would be devastating to Mady and Cara. Then again, what private school would want to deal with this entire situation and place themselves under a microscope, knowing that the kids' attendance there might cause an uproar with other parents? Christian schools might, but then again, it's hard to know. Each one would make its own assessment and decide accordingly.
Mandatory school attendance is age eight in PA. The six little ones don't have to go anywhere until then, or even be homeschooled. But I just can't see her having them underfoot at home until they are eight.
That still doesn't change the fact that she didn't pay $7,000 for a haircut, unless you're now claiming that the tax rate is 100%.
Actually that's not a fact at all, but speculation. We're not allowed to speculate I thought. Did TLC issue a statement that they paid for her hair? If not, it's speculation.
Regardless, she is either dolling out $7,000 herself, or dolling out tax dollars on it. Either way, the children's money is going in, not out.
If TLC is paying for all this stuff, why doesn't she say I'd rather take the 7,000 in cash so I can spend it on the kids' college?
Hair extensions now are not going to help the kids' college educations Kate keeps whining about. If Kate is so concerned about college lay down the law with TLC and say I want my money in cash now, not freebies.
Actually I mean the children's money is going out, not in! :-)
There's another interesting issue for a private school. Enrolling six children in the same grade could be quite a financial risk for the school if there is a history of expulsion/behavioral problems.
If the kids end up having to leave partway through the year, it wouldn't be easy to fill those slots with other children.
The school would still get tuition - in every private school I've known about, parents are on the hook for the entire year's tuition if expulsion occurs, but the school is suddenly stuck with a gap in the rising class and, possibly, the need to fill far more slots than usual at the next grade level.
That can get pretty hairy for admissions officers, and it's potentially a risk a private school may not want to take. Add to that the rumors of serious financial difficulties, an uncooperative parent who believes that the school should raise her children, and public evidence of chaos in the home, and these children don't look like prize candidates for any private school worth attending.
The kids have probably pretty much destroyed any chance of enrolling at a new private school. Correction - their mother has probably pretty much burned these bridges along with every thing else she's torched over the past six years.
If Kate is so concerned about college lay down the law with TLC and say I want my money in cash now, not freebies.
I don't mean to be nasty, but seriously, how many of those kids do we 'see' going on to college? I think maybe Mady and Cara and POSSIBLY one of the tups. They are getting NO direction at home, no encouragement to pursue higher education (that we can see), nothing about the value of education, etc. Instead they are learning how to 'expect' to be taken care of. Unless something drastically changes w/Kate and/or Jon, I don't see them getting the encouragement they'll need to pursue a college education. That doesn't mean they couldn't have the determination and drive to do it on their own, but again, I can't see that happening either.
Not so, I agree. I'd bet that the current private school the 6 currently attend, is possibly being worn thin dealing w/the notoriety that comes w/this family and w/Kate's nasty self.
Dogs said...About the expulsion, sorry guys to correct you but no school including a private school will accept them. When a child gets expelled from school, another school whether in that state or another will not accept their new enrollment till the following year. I'm afraid they will need to be home schooled for the year of 2010-2011. Check with your schools and ask, you will be very surprised.
I don't know where you are, but here in PA that simply isn't true. Private schools CAN and DO accept kids who were expelled, and they can do it within a day of the expusion or the following term if it is mid-year, IF they have an opening. It all depends on the school and its policies. There is no "one-size fits all" policy among private secular schools, and certainly not among Christian schools. I saw it happen with a classmate of my son. Within a week, he was enrolled in another private school. In addition, my niece teaches in a private school, and another friend is an admissions director at a private school, and they DO accept kids who were expelled mid-year. It is the decision of the individual school, which makes its determination by reviewing the facts of the case. I've also seen kids being accepted MID-YEAR to a private school when the child has moved from another location. It's not common, but it is done, and there is no school rule on the books to say that it's not allowed...again, IF there is an opening.
Not only that, these kids DO NOT need to be homeschooled because compulsory attendance is age eight, so they will not "need " to receive any kind of schooling for the balance of this school year.
OK, let's say that Kate enrolls her 2 kids in a public school because all the private ones are full. These 2 will have to wait in line because there is usually a waiting list. So much for the protection and great care taken for the privacy of those kids that we're told they get at the exclusive school they just left. The other students will already know why the 2 are now going to public school and that might cause some real taunting, causing more anger. In addition, they will be watched very, very carefully by teachers and school officials for any sign of trouble, and that in itself could lead to rebellion. The public schools cannot offer the same safety net that they enjoyed at their former school. I think Kate knows that.
I predict they will be homeschooled this year and Kate will have Steve or a nanny doing the work to reserve them a spot in a new private school for next year.
The school would still get tuition - in every private school I've known about, parents are on the hook for the entire year's tuition if expulsion occurs, but the school is suddenly stuck with a gap in the rising class and, possibly, the need to fill far more slots than usual at the next grade level.
The school the kids attend has a tuition insurance plan. I haven't reviewed it lately, so I'm not sure if it includes expulsion. I do know it includes withdrawal, such as moving, or for health reasons, but I don't know if there's an expulsion clause in there. It's an option you can take when you decide if you are going to pay the entire tuition lump-sum or use the tuition payment plan. If parents opt for the insurance, they will be off the hook for the cost of the tuition for the remainder of the year.
Kids' college said... I don't mean to be nasty, but seriously, how many of those kids do we 'see' going on to college? I think maybe Mady and Cara and POSSIBLY one of the tups. They are getting NO direction at home, no encouragement to pursue higher education (that we can see), nothing about the value of education, etc. Instead they are learning how to 'expect' to be taken care of. Unless something drastically changes w/Kate and/or Jon, I don't see them getting the encouragement they'll need to pursue a college education. That doesn't mean they couldn't have the determination and drive to do it on their own, but again, I can't see that happening either.
You're not being nasty. I agree 100% with everything you've written and have wondered for a long time if ANY of them will make it that far. Kate has yet to face the next stage of their growth (puberty), leave alone trying to control them and what they will choose to do that far into the future. Not after what they've been through under her command. She has NO idea what lies ahead of her.... X's eight.
On Thin Ice said...
Was the contract with SWTS signed BEFORE the expulsion story broke and now they might be scratching their heads wondering what they've gotten themselves into...or, was it signed AFTER the story broke, knowing that Kate is so polarizing that she would generate more viewers (the old car crash rubber-necking)?
Good question. However, Kate was originally announced to be ET's 'special correspondent' for the current DWTS and then was suspiciously DROPPED in favor of Niecy Nash. I'm wondering if they kind of owed her and/or they created this job for her to get themselves off the hook for dropping her from the other one. IMO, SWTS will never be as popular as DWTS and isn't nearly as long of a series anyway, so not as much prestige, etc. I guess we'll never know. Thank goodness she's only doing ET and not the actual SWTS show!
I suspect that the school has simply told Kate that A and C were not ready to handle being in all-day kindergarten and to have them wait another year. As has been pointed out many times, the sextuplets have shown developmental delays. The "reports" that Kate has threatened the children, blamed the school, etc. seem designed to increase the attention focussed on Kate as she struggles to maintain her so-called career.
Hi Admin,
I apologize that I assumed my comment rejected because it may have offended yourself and others. I did post it under my name and it could have accidentally been deleted or just got lost somewhere in cyberspace. I am glad that I don't have to leave the blog as I really enjoy commenting when I can and reading both sides of view.
My comment about Kate blowing all her money is probably a ratings ploy by TLC to get more people to tune into her show which is what they want as they are losing a lot of viewers. I stil encourage only you as our admin to watch and that the rest of us continue to boycott this show as Kate is only looking out for herself. Please everyone continue to boycott this show if we want Kate off of our TV we have to boycott any show she appears on!!
Anonymous said....
Garbage in, garbage out. This blog is pure garbage
So if this site is garbage why are you here reading??
AuntieAnn said...
Kids' college said... I don't mean to be nasty, but seriously, how many of those kids do we 'see' going on to college? I think maybe Mady and Cara and POSSIBLY one of the tups. They are getting NO direction at home, no encouragement to pursue higher education (that we can see), nothing about the value of education, etc. Instead they are learning how to 'expect' to be taken care of. Unless something drastically changes w/Kate and/or Jon, I don't see them getting the encouragement they'll need to pursue a college education. That doesn't mean they couldn't have the determination and drive to do it on their own, but again, I can't see that happening either.
You're not being nasty. I agree 100% with everything you've written and have wondered for a long time if ANY of them will make it that far. Kate has yet to face the next stage of their growth (puberty), leave alone trying to control them and what they will choose to do that far into the future. Not after what they've been through under her command. She has NO idea what lies ahead of her.... X's eight.
I'm so thankful no one labeled me when I was 6 and predicted I'd never go to college and questioned my chances for future success when I was in kindergarten. I don't think it's fair to be labeling the Gosselin children in this or any way. I also don't think it's fair to say they're "getting NO direction at home, no encouragement to pursue higher education (that we can see), nothing about the value of education, etc."
I'm certainly NOOOO fan of Kate and I have huge problems with her parenting (or lack of), but I certainly wouldn't say they're getting no encouragement to pursue higher education and nor know the value of education. We don't know what emphasis she puts on their education.
At age 6, the tups haven't matured enough for anyone to know what interests they'll have and want to explore when they're older. We know that one of the twins is involved in music and one in sports so who's to say what the tups will pursue. The tups are only in kindergarten and have another 11 years of school and emotional growth before anyone will know whether they'll be interested in a college education -- and they don't necessarily have to go to college to be successful anyway.
Because of a lack of direction in their younger years, cameras in their faces, the stigma of reality tv, a mother with NPD, and who knows what other emotional struggles they've endured, they'll definitely have a higher hill to climb than most children to achieve a healthy adult life, but it's unfair at this stage of maturity, to point fingers and make predictions 11 years out.
It's also not out of the realm of possibility that some of the kids may look TO education and learning as a way out of the kind of life they experienced as a young child.
"anon on this"~
I'm not sure how you are connected/have a bit more inside info....but everything you wrote sounds 100% believable and likely the truth. I appreciate you giving this info.
I suspect they are sandwiching Kate plus 8 between their 2 hottest shows right now in order to get people interested in it again...and then they can move it to another spot and have it bring in bigger numbers. They (and all the channels) usually don't clump their hottest shows together for very long...esp. 3 in a row. They do it temporarily to build viewership and then move it.
I believe that there are arguments both FOR the likelihood that she's blown through most of the money and also that she has not. The arguments against it DO hold some merit, IMO. The problem is, we don't really know what SHE pays for and what is comped/free. Nobody else has a bodyguard...so why does she? Why would they be paying for one for her and not paying for anyone else on their shows to have one too?
I think both scenarios are possible...but....I have noticed that where there's smoke, there's fire....and although many of the articles may have been incorrect about details....the general concept of what they're reporting about her uncannily seem to come true. So I do believe that these claims have at least some truth to them.
Also...and this is just my opinion...but I've been watching RHoBH and on it Camille (Grammer) comes across as a major narcissist and most viewers do not like her. Interestingly, the narcissism of Camille and Kate manifest a bit differently. Kate's is of the mean, aggressive type and Camille's is of more the passive-aggressive type.
But when these characters are first seen and become disliked, they attract even more viewers....the "love to hate" them phenomenon. However, this does not last forever and eventually viewers lose interest in them. And I believe that at least 50% of her viewers have been people who watch her because they cannot stand her...rather than fans (the other 50%)....and they are losing interest in droves and only the die-hard fans are still watching devotedly.
When that happens...and you combine that with the fact that the person has no discernible talent for anything in the entertainment industry and most people just find her generally unlikable...not to mention more and more unflattering info being released as time goes on....it's very unlikely that this stint on the skating show is going to pave the road to more entertainment work for Kate. It's more likely to play out like DWTS did, IMO....and make things even worse for her.
Thank you 'anon on this' for the info. I so hope Jon is getting competent, agenda-free help from "A Minor Consideration." As you implied, it seems like the legal representation Jon has had thus far has only been interested in money, being on TV or in magazines. When it came time to do battle with TLC they were clueless. It only makes sense that he gets help from people who know "the business" and have been in the business. I find it rather hypocritical that the young girl from Teen Mom has been swiftly dealt with (as she should) in regards to her neglectful parenting and assault on her baby's father, yet we've seen Kate do all these behaviors and no one does a thing. Kate CONSTANTLY gets a pass for her terrible behavior and unnacceptable actions, no wonder her ego is the size of a blimp and she's a terror to be around. She had these traits to begin with, but now she's been allowed to believe she's an untouchable superstar, who doesn't have to follow rules and who is on a different stratosphere then everyone else. I hope the hearing goes through as planned on the 30th, so any modifications can be made as soon as possible.
Administrator said...
Actually that's not a fact at all, but speculation. We're not allowed to speculate I thought. Did TLC issue a statement that they paid for her hair? If not, it's speculation.
Regardless, she is either dolling out $7,000 herself, or dolling out tax dollars on it. Either way, the children's money is going in, not out.
If TLC is paying for all this stuff, why doesn't she say I'd rather take the 7,000 in cash so I can spend it on the kids' college?
I didn't say TLC paid for the hair, I said she didn't. Here is the quote from the stylist: “My haircuts are $950. The color would have been about $500, and the extensions, which were great length extensions, would probably cost about $5000.” What is unclear about "WOULD HAVE BEEN and WOULD PROBABLY COST?" She did not pay for it, period. That does not mean that TLC paid for it. It doesn't mean that *anyone* paid for it. He's a TLC employee and got a ton of free publicity for his business. That may have been all the "payment" required.
Kids' college said...
If Kate is so concerned about college lay down the law with TLC and say I want my money in cash now, not freebies.
I don't mean to be nasty, but seriously, how many of those kids do we 'see' going on to college? I think maybe Mady and Cara and POSSIBLY one of the tups. They are getting NO direction at home, no encouragement to pursue higher education (that we can see), nothing about the value of education, etc. Instead they are learning how to 'expect' to be taken care of. Unless something drastically changes w/Kate and/or Jon, I don't see them getting the encouragement they'll need to pursue a college education. That doesn't mean they couldn't have the determination and drive to do it on their own, but again, I can't see that happening either.
Wow, you've already decided that 6 year-olds have a limited future? I sincerely hope that you don't work in education. You would see kids with far more intense family problems than the Gosselins every day. Part of the problem with urban education in this country is the culture of low expectations. There is a whole body of research on resilience in children and "high expections" is a cornerstone. How sad that so many people have already written off the Gosselin children.
Maybe Jon should have custody and child support payments.
Go for it Jon. You'd do a much better job. And you are the one in a steady relationship. You're not the one spending thousands on plastic surgery and have affairs with married people....and dumping your kids off with nannies at every opportunity.
You would not withhold food from your kids....and you were even the only one that loved and cared for the dogs.
You can also assume he is talking about if YOU got the hair extensions it would have cost YOU this amount. The way he phrased it could be interpreted either way.
Let's assume it was paid for. The IRS is very clear even amending the tax code a few years back just for arrogant celebs, that "freebies" are taxable and even passes out 1099s with celebrity freebie bags.
Again, just because someone calls it a gift doesn't make it so. In fact I believe any CPA would say this was no gift at all but payment in exchange for publicity. A gift is something free and clear, no strings attached. A CPA would say would he do this out of the goodness of his heart expecting nothing in return and gaining nothing? Since he did in fact have a gain, it's payment. Clearly, without a doubt, it's income to Kate. It would be the same thing as if Ted wrote her a 7,000 check in exchange for Kate going around saying how fabulous he is. Only this check is tied up to her hair extensions.
Any which way you slice it, trying to get 7,000 past the tax man is going to raise all kinds of red flags. They may very well pay taxes on it, not suggesting they aren't, but my point being the sheeple like to say she gets things for free and therefore is not robbing the children of anything and therefore doesn't have an expensive lifestyle, and it simply isn't so when it comes to taxes.
Actually this is how people end up in jail being so arrogant as to think they can call things what they want without the IRS saying wait just a minute here buster.
Jon needs to bring into court a 15-30 tape of Kate's behavior throughout their marriage.
Kate's Great "Hits".
Like you said, he got tons of publicity for it. Something lost--his services, and something gained--free publicity....is therefore income and taxable.
Try explaining to the auditor how no one gained and lost here is a failing proposition and is going to end them up with huge fees or even jail.
Wow, you've already decided that 6 year-olds have a limited future? I sincerely hope that you don't work in education. You would see kids with far more intense family problems than the Gosselins every day. Part of the problem with urban education in this country is the culture of low expectations.
I don't think anyone needs to write off a kindergartner. But I also think that to not treat this as a huge red flag, warning, wake-up call is just as big of a mistake. Calling it no big deal, brushing it aside, downplaying it, doesn't help the kids. That said, not everyone has to go to college, wants to go, should go, even Jon said that. I think college is overrated and that you can be very successful and happy doing alternative things. I make a decent side income doing things that have nothing to do with college, like my music.
Dee I've noticed that Camille has shades of narcissism too. I think the Richards girls are overall sweet and obviously devoted to their kids. I adore the British housewife, great sense of humor and doesn't take herself seriously.
But I don't know what to think of Kelsey Grammar, whom I always thought was so brilliant, being married to such an insecure dramatic bimbo.
When they had their fight in the restaurant and Kyle was desperately trying to explain the reality of what really occured in the conversation, everyone else who was there recalling Kyle's version or if they weren't there knowing she would never say what Camille accused of her, and the look of disbelief on Kyle's face at Camille....it's the look of someone trying to reason with a narcissist and many of us know it well. Kim tried to stay out of it even though she knew the truth, fair enough, but I can see how frustrating that was to Kyle to not have someone back her up. Unfortunatly with a narcissist since you cannot reason with them, sometimes the best tactic is Kim's tactic, just stay out of it.
I guess the conversation it wasn't on tape since they haven't shown it to us.
Voice of reason said... I suspect that the school has simply told Kate that A and C were not ready to handle being in all-day kindergarten
I..... don't......think......so. There is a lightyear of difference between being expelled and being pulled aside and mutually agreeing the children are not ready yet. I'm sure that's how TLC will spin it though, you may have just given them a good idea.
Where is Kate's libel suit if there was a discussion as benign as this> Her children are being dragged through the mud doesn't she want to step up for them and protect them against such vicious lies and sue the pants off everyone for spreading a false accusation they got expelled? Some mother.
The kids got expelled, it's the sad truth, and Kate cannot sue because you can't sue over the truth.
Oh I'm out of the loop, apparently Kelsey and Camille are getting a divorce. Maybe totally humiliating him on the show was the last straw for him.
Kate has shown her true colors by blowing all that money on frivolous things for herself and by penny pinching for those kids. Even those things 'for the kids', such as the money pit orphanage, the nannies and private school are really to satisfy kate's desperate need to show off and not have to take care of her own kids. Because she has shown herself to be so selfish and foolish with money, she has screwed herself out of any future goodwill from kind people or corprations. She is alleged to be the worst mom since Joan Crawford, raising/ torturing 8 innocent kids, so forget any gigs as a spokesperson for anything. Any job she gets in Hollywood is met with ridicule and skepticism. Most think she is still in front of cameras at all simply because she is a jackass to gawk at. And with each new endeavor, she accumulates new haters. The future is bleak for that family. The show will end someday, if not already and she has screwed herself and her kids over.
The kids got expelled, it's the sad truth, and Kate cannot sue because you can't sue over the truth.
Anyone can sue anyone over anything. Take the recently filed case of the Florida inmate who is suing the prison for torture because the television system malfunctioned. It doesn't mean that the plaintiff is going to win or the case isn't going to be dismissed, but a suit can be filed. The school has not issued any statements on this, nor confirmed that it was expulsion. Just because it is remaining silent isn't proof that this is what happened. There are privacy issues that must be upheld. Perhaps the kids weren't ready for Kindergarten, and if she were to bring a suit and the school would be subpoened and would testify that she was asked to withdraw the kids (and the kids were not forcibly removed), then yes, she would have a case. It all depends upon what went down on the kids' academic records, and how it was reported. An expulsion will stay on their record and follow them to college. College applications contain the question, "Were you ever suspended or expelled from a school system?" Was it reported as expulsion or withdrawal? We don't have access to the documents, and nobody is saying...
I think that Kate has bigger issues to deal with right now than to consider a lawsuit and having the added expense of more attorney fees.
I'm not saying that this is what happened, but since no confirmation on this has been received from any credible sources, i.e. the school or the parents, then we don't really know what happened, what measures were taken, what act or acts caused them to be removed (or expelled), or how it was entered on their record. You can't close your eyes to the truth. We know that they are no longer enrolled in school, but in this case, the "truth" is subjective.
Rose colored glasses. How many people will need to speak out that something is very wrong here before it will be enough to believe it? The school nor Kate would never issue a statement about this, that would be disgusting and I wouldn't want them to.
Obviously anyone can sue, I didn't mean that. But it would be a summary judgment against Kate and quite possibly an order to show cause as to why sanctions should not issue for filing a frivilous lawsuit. Why WOULDN'T you sue to protect your babies if this was wrong? This isn't a rumor against Kate it's a rumor against her babies. Kate is too busy? Well she's always been too busy to protect them and their rights.
These kids need a GAL and now.
East Coast Counselor said
There are privacy issues that must be upheld.
Ha, ha, that's rich! Since when has this mother EVER respected her children's privacy?
She can't touch the expulsion issue with a 10 foot pole because she can't figure out how to spin it to fit her own image of herself. That's the only reason she hasn't commented on this latest development in fine parenting.
Ha, ha, that's rich! Since when has this mother EVER respected her children's privacy?
She can't touch the expulsion issue with a 10 foot pole because she can't figure out how to spin it to fit her own image of herself. That's the only reason she hasn't commented on this latest development in fine parenting.
If you read my post, you will see that I never said Kate respected the kids' privacy. I said that there is a privacy issue regarding what the school reports.
If you go to the latest posting (on another thread here) you will see that the Lower School asserted that the kids were not expelled. I guess Kate could, then, touch the expulsion story with a 10-foot pole.
Both Jon and Kate Gosselin made a point of working people for sympathy, gifts, cash, gift cards, love offerings, etc. before and after the six kids were born. They are "greedy grifters" in my book and masters at manipulation using their "lot in life." That "lot" is rearing twins and sextuplets of their own planning. It's a horrible picture, but easy to trace. Sad story really. They couldn't afford this mess when they created it and they knew it. TLC and Jon's father (until his death) were their salvation. I don't believe for a minute that "tight wad" Kate has blown through her money. She is better at getting and spending money from others. The worst thing is that she has access to "all" of the money. She can spend the kids' 15% just about anyway she wants to spend it. That's the worst part. Those kids need legal representation by an impartial attorney.
To administrator~
Ahh....you watch RHoBH also. I can't believe I got sucked into another one. Currently I'm hooked on Atlanta, New Jersey and Beverly Hills. Could not get into the Wash. DC nor the Orange County one and I was watching the NY one, but think I've kinda lost interest in it.
I didn't think I'd be interested in the BH one, since I couldn't relate to the OC one, having lived all my live on the east coast, in the middle Atlantic region. But...typical...scrolling through channels during a commercial..saw it and started watching....and got hooked....mainly due to dislike of Camille. My favorite is also Lisa...and then Kyle/Adrienne. That Kim so far seems too vapid and Taylor...I don't know what the heck is going on between her and the husband...and she seems...well, kind of an airhead. Actually, Kim seems like an airhead too.
It's just very interesting to me to watch the 2 different types of narcissists, Kate and Camille. Kate is much easier to hate and Camille is much easier to dislike and be annoyed by...just IMO, of course.
Camille is also the type that has to hit on everyone else's husband because God forbid any man on the planet should prefer his own wife to her. She justifies this by whining that women are catty so she hangs out with men.
I think that if they are catty to her, it's because of her hitting on their husbands. And how about her relationship with that guy Nick? And he is married to her hairdresser, DD? WTF?
Camille used to be some sort of dancer on MTV and was in Playboy magazine. Kelsey fell for her only for her looks and age...pure arm candy/sexual allure. But I really give the guy credit for even staying with her for 13+ years. I couldn't put up with her for 13 minutes. She had two children by surrogate because she "has IBS"...another WTF. I've never seen her doubled over with abdominal pain.
I am not totally sure yet who filed for the divorce....she or Kelsey. I've read different versions of that on different sites.
To be honest, I think you have to be a narcissist to some degree to even want/agree to be on these reality shows....but Camille and Kate show an egregious degree of narcissism. We've just not seen Camille abusing her children (I think she can't be bothered with them...but that's better than abusing them.
IBS or old age? Yeah I think old age. A dirty little secret in Hollywood is that most celebs over 38-40 are having babies with donor eggs or surrogates. The children I nannied for were donor babies. Nothing wrong with it at all, it's just sad that it's such a secret.
I agree Camille is a different breed of a narcissist, but still a narcissist. It's really the wrong kind of person to be married to someone as famous as Kelsey Grammer. He needs someone perfectly content to support his stardom and talents instead of constantly trying to turn everything around to her. I laughed when Nickelodian was trying to help her save face and politely turning down her pilot because it was too "sophisticated" and she just took it as one big compliement when really they were looking for a way to turn her down without hurting her feelings--talk about zero self-awareness. The plot idea was a girl and her nanny--guess what it's been done before it was called Two of a Kind starring the Olsen twins.
I also found it significant that when she tried to explain why Kyle would be upset when Camille accused her of saying something she never did say (with multiple witnesses confirming Kyle never said such a twisted thing that Camille made up in her head), she finally landed on jealousy. Kyle is just jealous.
Think about it, Kyle was famous in her own right. Kyle has lots of money. Kyle also lives in Beverly Hills. Kyle also has great kids and a great husband. Kyle is also beautiful, more beautiful than Camille even. But Kyle is jealous?? How about Kyle was just upset that somebody thinks she said something she didn't? Naw, it can't be that simple.
Sound familiar? It's jealousy, uh huh.
Anyway, totally guilty pleasure! I started watching because I like the Richards girls and I think it's one of the better Housewife series they've had in years.
To me, one of the most outstanding features of Camille's narcissism is that she actually thinks people should have sympathy for how hard she has it...with an estate, multiple house staff and nannies, etc. She was whining about having to fly to Hawaii for a vacation for herself.
And it's not like she came from money....she knows what it's like on the other side of the fence. Yet she truly believes that the audience, most of whom are struggling in this recession, should be sympathetic to all her whining and complaining.
And there is similar behavior by Kate.....boo-hoo-ing on the talk shows about how hard she had it...truly convinced she had it harder than anyone else. You have to be a true narcissist to view it that way...you almost live in your own delusional world.
Also, like Kate, Camille wanted to be a someone of significance and to be successful without it being only due to her being married to Kelsey Grammer. And likewise, Kate wanted to be a huge celebrity on her own...without her children...except that never happened and she still needs her children to be a successful celebrity.
It's going to be really funny to see what Camille thinks now....getting divorced from Kelsey. Now she can definitely be that woman with her own significance and success, without him. Except....she's really a nobody without him...and she may regret what she said she wanted.
Administrator said...
IBS or old age? Yeah I think old age. A dirty little secret in Hollywood is that most celebs over 38-40 are having babies with donor eggs or surrogates. The children I nannied for were donor babies. Nothing wrong with it at all, it's just sad that it's such a secret.
It's not sad that it's a secret. It's nobody's business but the couple having the baby. Why should they have to announce that they used donor eggs?
They shouldn't have to announce it to the world. But to their child, family and friends, it shouldn't be something to be ashamed of. Infertility has long been something secret to be ashamed of--just like many women's issues. Just like how women's issues and diseases used to get a lot less attention, research and funding because it was a "woman problem." Had infertility been mostly a male problem, you can bet that it wouldn't have taken until the 1970s for the first IFV baby to be born.
Adoption used to be a dirty little secret. We now know that open and honest adoptions are better for all children involved instead of springing it on them at age 12 or even later.
There's no reason not to be open about having help.
And another reason. Splashing 40 and 50 year olds and "their" babies all over the covers of magazines can make young women think that they too can wait until that age to start their families. Not realizing that most of those babies are donor babies. Women have a right to be fully informed about reality. I can be mislead about plastic surgery and botox but I do not want to be mislead about my own biological clock.
Women who do not know everything about fertility are not "uneducated" but rather the victims of a culture which has for decades 1. hushed up women's fertility 2. become more and more focused on career before family thus creating a brand new problem our mothers rarely had to deal with, starting families in our 40's 3. and mislead into thinking that you come first and that your fertility will wait for you.
Google Celebrity and fertility, there are numerous articles out there about EDUCATED career women who do not realize that by the time they get around to starting their family they may not succede. This is in part because our celebrity culture celebrates advanced maternal age and rarely talks about the realities.
Did you have a class on FSH levels in high school? Didn't think so. My point being, if we were a culture more accepting of the true nature of fertility, we hopefully would prevent any women cheated out of having the family they wanted.
I'm not sure if they implanted a fertilized egg of Camille's in the surrogate or impregnated the surrogate with his sperm and her own eggs. In fact, I'm curious how...or even would/could that factor into a custody case. If the actual biological parent (Kelsy) might be trying to get primary custody from their legal, but not biological mother (IF it was the surrogate's eggs). You would know much more than I would about this. I suspect that legal trumps the non-biological...am I correct?
I totally agree with you. If I'd been unable to get pregnant, I'd have adopted way before I would have put myself through some of these invasive and horribly expensive treatments....insisting it HAD to be a newborn baby and HAD to be biologically mine.
I would have even adopted children past babyhood...possibly even with health problems/issues...if I could afford to stay home with them full-time and give them the attention they would need and not have to go to work every day. I raised my own children and I loved them for themselves, not really because they were biologically mine. I loved some of their long-time friends quite a bit, even though they weren't my own children. I love children, no matter whose they are biologically.
What's really important is HOW you raise that child and help to make him/her the wonderful adult he/she has become/becomes...MUCH more than if you are the biological parent.
There are biological parents who never contribute one thing towards the raising of their own child and non-biological parents who the child considers to be the real parent and remains eternally grateful to that non-biological parent for the rest of their lives.
I believe that it is parenting that makes you a parent....not necessarily biology.
dee3 said...
I'm not sure if they implanted a fertilized egg of Camille's in the surrogate or impregnated the surrogate with his sperm and her own eggs. In fact, I'm curious how...or even would/could that factor into a custody case. If the actual biological parent (Kelsy) might be trying to get primary custody from their legal, but not biological mother (IF it was the surrogate's eggs). You would know much more than I would about this. I suspect that legal trumps the non-biological...am I correct?
Surrogate babies must be formally adopted by the new parents (or parent depending on the egg/sperm donor situation). There are horrible stories of a surrogate mom wanting and getting her baby back after years of court battles. Thankfully laws were written to protect the 'adoptive' parents.
Ha, ha, that's rich! Since when has this mother EVER respected her children's privacy?
She can't touch the expulsion issue with a 10 foot pole because she can't figure out how to spin it to fit her own image of herself. That's the only reason she hasn't commented on this latest development in fine parenting.
If you read my post, you will see that I never said Kate respected the kids' privacy. I said that there is a privacy issue regarding what the school reports.
If you go to the latest posting (on another thread here) you will see that the Lower School asserted that the kids were not expelled. I guess Kate could, then, touch the expulsion story with a 10-foot pole.
East Coast Counselor said
There are privacy issues that must be upheld.
Ha, ha, that's rich! Since when has this mother EVER respected her children's privacy?
She can't touch the expulsion issue with a 10 foot pole because she can't figure out how to spin it to fit her own image of herself. That's the only reason she hasn't commented on this latest development in fine parenting.
Not so, I agree. I'd bet that the current private school the 6 currently attend, is possibly being worn thin dealing w/the notoriety that comes w/this family and w/Kate's nasty self.
There's another interesting issue for a private school. Enrolling six children in the same grade could be quite a financial risk for the school if there is a history of expulsion/behavioral problems.
If the kids end up having to leave partway through the year, it wouldn't be easy to fill those slots with other children.
The school would still get tuition - in every private school I've known about, parents are on the hook for the entire year's tuition if expulsion occurs, but the school is suddenly stuck with a gap in the rising class and, possibly, the need to fill far more slots than usual at the next grade level.
That can get pretty hairy for admissions officers, and it's potentially a risk a private school may not want to take. Add to that the rumors of serious financial difficulties, an uncooperative parent who believes that the school should raise her children, and public evidence of chaos in the home, and these children don't look like prize candidates for any private school worth attending.
The kids have probably pretty much destroyed any chance of enrolling at a new private school. Correction - their mother has probably pretty much burned these bridges along with every thing else she's torched over the past six years.
Maybe Jon should have custody and child support payments.
Go for it Jon. You'd do a much better job. And you are the one in a steady relationship. You're not the one spending thousands on plastic surgery and have affairs with married people....and dumping your kids off with nannies at every opportunity.
You would not withhold food from your kids....and you were even the only one that loved and cared for the dogs.
Kids' college said...
If Kate is so concerned about college lay down the law with TLC and say I want my money in cash now, not freebies.
I don't mean to be nasty, but seriously, how many of those kids do we 'see' going on to college? I think maybe Mady and Cara and POSSIBLY one of the tups. They are getting NO direction at home, no encouragement to pursue higher education (that we can see), nothing about the value of education, etc. Instead they are learning how to 'expect' to be taken care of. Unless something drastically changes w/Kate and/or Jon, I don't see them getting the encouragement they'll need to pursue a college education. That doesn't mean they couldn't have the determination and drive to do it on their own, but again, I can't see that happening either.
Wow, you've already decided that 6 year-olds have a limited future? I sincerely hope that you don't work in education. You would see kids with far more intense family problems than the Gosselins every day. Part of the problem with urban education in this country is the culture of low expectations. There is a whole body of research on resilience in children and "high expections" is a cornerstone. How sad that so many people have already written off the Gosselin children.
Actually Kate herself cried poor to Billy Bush just last year. But since Kate has no credibility I suppose that doesn't prove anything.
We don't believe everything we read. We were all highly skeptical of the story about the kids being expelled. I didn't even post the story for days and days.
That story (expulsion) could be proven. Unless we see Kate's financial statements, how can this one be proven? Of course, she could go on national television crying poverty. That one didn't work before, so the chances of it succeeding again are slim to none.
Anonymous said...
Only gullible people believe everything they read.
We don't believe everything we read. We were all highly skeptical of the story about the kids being expelled. I didn't even post the story for days and days.
Then sure enough, it's true. Why is it the stuff that starts out as every fan saying GOSSIP, CRUEL, MEAN, DON'T BELIEVE IT is the stuff that most often is true? Ha.
Oh and I agree with this:
No reason to get shirty, folks. Blogger messes up a lot, and sometimes bloggers do, too. Forget it, resubmit, write another one, or email the blogger with questions. It's not a big deal
Here's the problem, calling something a freebie doesn't make it a freebie. The IRS will decide what they will accept as freebies and what they will accept as income, and one hopes that Kate has a good CPA making sure all the ducks are in a row.
There is a difference between writing off a flight and your employer paying for it. And there is a difference between paying for someone's business trip, and giving someone a trip in leiu of PAYMENT or AS payment.
When you write off a flight that means YOU paid for it, and later wrote it off your taxes. Maybe this is what Kate is doing, and that is fine. If TLC paid for her flight as a business expense and then paid her an additional payment for the trip, then yes the flight might be able to get by as a business expense. But if the flight, and trip, was given in lieu of payment (or reduce her payment), that is INCOME.
Work phones get complicated, TLC cannot just pay for Kate's phone for ALL USES without the IRS sniffing around. This article explains how complicated just giving an employee a cell phone gets:http://www.asaecenter.org/Resources/ANowDetail.cfm?ItemNumber=37233
Dizzying. The bottom line is this stuff is complicated and it simply is not going to fly at tax time to just say hey it's a freebie we're good, cya later!
I also had two comments rejected today(one in the morning, one in the afternoon), and they were only comments about the posted article. I was wondering why, as well.
If it is true about the Skating show, SO WHAT?? The kids will get a break, she is so obnoxious - she will probably fail and WE SURE DON'T HAVE TO WATCH!
I think she should be an ET correspondant too. But she really has some nerve to push for full custody then take off to LA for something like this and then leave the kids with nannies.
Step one is get a job in L.A. Step two is let the children live with their father when she is not even freaking in the same state, for pity sake.
Chingada, I LOVE your name :o)
Was she hired as an ET correspondent for Skating With the Stars? (Looks like she did keep that part of her Hollywood rolodex that could give a pay back.) How very odd, though, if this is true. She cannot interview, she cannot ice skate, and she will force people like me to push the off switch so hard and so fast we may just break the remote. No one would think she would boost ratings would they? Not even dyed in the wool sheeple?
I love that she did get a job so the kids may get a fresh sandwich but yech, what a poor fit.
Well, it looks like Kate will have an opportunity to pay her children back (said tongue in cheek) for all the money of their's she spent because I just read on another blog that Kate will be a corrospondent for Skating with the Stars.
Boy I hope it's not true, but it's a reputable blog. That would also explain why she and the kids are suddenly back in the news and being photographed by Chris the pap again after a prolonged absense.
Vanessa said...
Sorry to go back to the expulsion, but does anyone know what you do with a child who's been expelled. I know she's "homeschooling" them right now, but we know this isn't going to last.
Will another school take them? Will they already be on a list of some sort, the first time they bully, swear etc., will they be expelled from that school also? Just what does their future hold, academically.
There are plenty of other private schools in her area as well as public schools she can enroll them in. Just because they were expelled from a private school doesn't mean they'd be rejected from another one or the public system. She is choosing to homeschool them.
You don't have to be an insider to realize how careless Kate is with spending habits, especially working in a fickle industry as reality tv.
That's true. But IF someone (an insider) reported this, how do we know that there really is "an insider" and how credible that person is? What if this is one of the ex-nannies seeking revenge? This, then, becomes nothing more than gossip, because Kate could, in fact, have millions socked away. Hey, she's frugal -- recycles sandwiches. TLC could have been footing the bill for many of her expenses and vacations. Yes, she travels first class ad stays in expensive hotels, but if it's for filming, TLC would pick up most or all of the charges. If she pays for it, part of it would be deductible as a business expense. She may well be using the kids' fifteen percent for tuition, health and welfare costs, thus robbing them of their savings while she doesn't touch hers for those purposes.
This article makes it sound like she's destitute...and if it's based on rumors or the word of a disgruntled former employee, then the whole assumption that she's nearly broke is false.
Chingada said...
Hippie Chick - Legally she isn't allowed to touch the kids' account
This is NOT true. She can use the kids' 15% for housing, food, educational, medical and other expenses. And almost certainly has. After all, why should she spend the other 85% on the children, when they have their own funds?
There won't be a cent left for those children when they're grown up. There probably is virtually nothing in their accounts now.
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