Why in the world isn't Kate sticking to "no comment"? Disgusting. In previews for Sunday's "Halloween" episode of Kate Plus 8, the children are shown misbehaving at Party City. Kate grabs Collin by the chin and orders him to "look at me when I'm talking to you," and some of the girls are shown fighting. Then, Kate says this: The kids are "having a rough time with post-divorce anger." So, Jon is not allowed to talk publicly about the divorce but Kate is? Talk about hypocrisy. And if the kids are having anger issues, it's just plain common sense to discuss it with a therapist, not a T.V. audience. In typical Kate fashion, it's all Jon's fault and not hers. Will Kate ever take any responsibility for them or will it always be laid on other people and things?
One more thing, when you are aggressively grabbing a child by the chin to get him to do what you want, how can you expect that child to treat his peers any differently in school when he wants to get what he wants? Treat a child with physical force and he will learn that physical force is acceptable behavior. Would you grab an adult by the chin to get what you want? Then don't do it to a child. Kate clearly does not get this connection whatsoever.
Apparently this source ("The kids are going through a challenging time, but Kate doesn’t feel this is something that should be discussed publicly. It is a private matter.”) didn't know that as soon as Kate could make money off the children's "challenging time" it would no longer be a "private matter."
265 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 265 of 265 Newer› Newest»Call Me Crazy said...
I Am Me said . . .
Wow, so anybody who doesn't work the graveyard shift at a factory isn't really "working"? Give me a flippin' break. On second thought...Where do I pick up my unemployment check then? I could use some extra cash right now.
Hello, I Am Me. It is really quite pathetic that you felt the need to make such a snide remark concerning the circumstances Midnight Serenade related. She, nor anyone else here, has ever said that you must work a graveyard shift to understand hard work. That was not the point.
Anyone who can hear this story of a woman whose husband was killed and who is working hard to provide for her children (without selling them to a TV production company), but shows no empathy or sympathy whatsoever simply highlights why Kate has fans - they are just like her.
It has nothing to do with a lack of empathy or sympathy. I took exception to the notion that "glamorous" work doesn't count as "real" work. That is exactly the sentiment that was expressed and I stand behind my comment. If I were in that woman's shoes, I'm not sure I'd appreciate having my story used to argue a point on a Gosselin blog. I find that disrespectful.
I think the jealousy with Beth was just another "movin on up" move. Don't forget how they "needed" to move into the same addition as Kevin and Jodi. The shows that were filmed at their home showed they were still a "step up" from the Gosselins even at that stage. The remodel at the home before wasn't enough either. The house itself wasn't enough before that. Had to remodel. See a pattern here?
Kate and the ET screeching interview - I think when God handed out class and graciousness, Kate was sleeping in a tanning bed and He missed her entirely!
Midnight, I watched the first hour too then turned off the tv. I've had enough bullshitting with the stars this season. The networks have gone into overkill with this genre of programming. ABC/ET is scraping the bottom of the barrel when they keep skanks like Kate Gosselin on the payroll.
Call Me Crazy - Your post was excellent, well thought out and completely logical and quite easy to follow. I just don't think the 'sheeple' are able to follow logic. What did the comment about collecting unemployment mean? They can't make the jump from Kate giving Jon 'love taps', chastising him for breathing, berating him, etc. to the possibility that Kate is actually LIKE that all the time. They can't understand the concept of if she is like that on TV, what MUST she be like when cameras aren't running.
I just don't get it. How can these people keep on supporting this woman. Are they that naive to think that Kate is somehow sweeter off camera than on? (shaking my head..)
"People have been raising hell about her on the ET Facebook page. Go there and tell them just how bad she sucks."
Would love to -- gotta link?
Hippie Chick said...
I Am Me said . . .
Wow, so anybody who doesn't work the graveyard shift at a factory isn't really "working"? Give me a flippin' break. On second thought...Where do I pick up my unemployment check then? I could use some extra cash right now.
Wow. Can you be anymore heartless? I guess you don't know what the emotion "sympathy" means. This woman lost her husband for Christ Sake.
My comment had nothing to do with the woman and was not heartless. I simply think it's ridiculous to claim that one type of work counts as "real" work and another type of work doesn't because of some people's need to denigrate everything Kate Gosselin does. Performing on a television show is work. Entertainment reporting is work. Being a doctor is work. Working on an assembly line is work. Just because a profession seems "glamorous" does not mean there is not hard work involved.
Thanks Hippie Chick, for pulling this one forward. I don't know how I missed it.
I Am Me said...
Midnight Serenade said...
If Kate wants to know what work is really like, let her shadow a woman for a week -- one who stands on her feet for hours in a candy factory, trimming excess ends off a Tootsie Roll. Let her work from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m., then come home to a family of five kids (one set of twins) under the age of nine, whose father was killed in a motorcycle accident and had no life insurance. She tries to sleep during the day, but there is laundry to do, meals to cook (on the grill when the electricity was shut off), cleaning to be done, and busy, busy toddlers to supervise. I'm sure this member of my church would gladly let Kate "walk a mile in her shoes."
Wow, so anybody who doesn't work the graveyard shift at a factory isn't really "working"? Give me a flippin' break. On second thought...Where do I pick up my unemployment check then? I could use some extra cash right now.
AMEN, Midnight Serenade!
I Am Me, I hope you realize that your response was insensitive, don't you? Perhaps you did not
understand the gist of Midnight's post.
The woman that Midnight wrote about is worthy of admiration for her sacrifices, strength, and courage to lovingly (and unselfishly) carry on for her family.
Unlike that heathen succubus Katie Irene...
Anon 1 said...
Call Me Crazy - Your post was excellent, well thought out and completely logical and quite easy to follow. I just don't think the 'sheeple' are able to follow logic. What did the comment about collecting unemployment mean?
It meant that since I don't work in a factory, apparently I don't really work so maybe I should try collecting unemployment.
As for what I can or can't understand, I understand what an edited television show is, which many of you seem unable to grasp. I have no idea what Kate is like off camera since I don't know the woman. Do I think she's warm and fuzzy? I doubt it. Do I think she's Satan? No. There is middle ground between worship and hatred, you know. That is something that you and those who think like you fail to understand.
Maybe the contestants didn't know who she was and she had to mention her children so they would recognize her as the mother of eight, count 'em, eight kids. Does anyone believe that she sits at home and watches television with her children?
When Jon & Kate were still going through their divorce, I remember Kate was on Jay Leno via webcast, and Jay asked her how she was doing. She replied, "I'm baking cookies with the kids!"
Yeah right. Wonder if Jay or anyone in the audience was dumb enough to believe that.
Barbara said...Sarah's show dropped from 10th last week to 68th this week. She still had a 3.4 million rating which beat the heck out of Kate's show. So, her lead in for Sunday night is not looking nearly so good as it was. I don't think she will be around for long since it looks like no matter where TLC sticks Kate it is a flop.
The really great thing about the ratings was that TLC did not have ONE show in the top rankings.
Not to mention, less than one million viewers in the key adult demo (which advertisers mostly look at) watched the second episode of Sarah Palin's Alaska. Palin's show skews to the older demographic with a median age of 57 years old which isn't TLC's usual target audience.
So, how will Kate Plus 8's Halloween special do? Take a look at the ratings for Sister Wives Honeymoon Special, TLC's newest hit show, which aired after Sarah Palin's Alaska. It lost a little over a million viewers from the lead-in show. After last week's Palin premiere, the following show "What the Sell" lost more than 2.5 million viewers from the same lead-in show.
Sarah Palin's Alaska isn't the best lead-in show for struggling and/or new series on TLC based on those ratings. That, or viewers are only interested in Sarah Palin and immediately change the channel once it's over.
Kate needs to lose the orange tan, the Valley girl speak and get herself some education - parenting books might be a good start.
Watched ET. Kate says "there's a few men popping up" in answer to Mary Hart's ? about dating. (sure there is, I bet they're coming in droves, yeah Kate, sure there are). And based on the beginning of her answer for tomorrow nite to the question "What about the kids?",(they're milking it, not gonna answer that today/tonite) I can tell, she's getting ready to say she pulled them out of school. Just from the few words they showed her yapping, yep, lie no. 967,396,498,000 coming up!
1. Please do not use Anonymous unless you absolutely have to--like you have legit inside information
2. No insulting other posters or picking fights, refusing to let things go and move on. Please watch the rudeness, the smart-aleck comments, holier than thou, correcting everyone's spelling/grammar as if you've never made a mistake in your life, you get the idea. Treat people here like how you would talk to the person you most respect in your life, it's just pleasant that way. When you're rude because you can hide behind your computer screen, it's just pathetic. I am tired of telling adults not to be little snots.
3. No insulting/threatening/trolling/cyberbullying
4. No trash talking other blogs/bloggers here. We're not that blog.
I thought that perhaps, since ET was having her doing the commentary on SWTS, they might have coached her a little and told her to
But obviously they didn't, or they don't know how to coach her. That's pretty basic and she doesn't even have that down yet.
But I think she's in the right place -- doing piss-poor commentary for a third rate program nobody knows about or wants to know about with bad ratings from the get-go. And it's on the opposite coast from her kids!
As for what I can or can't understand, I understand what an edited television show is, which many of you seem unable to grasp.
One problem with this argument. Kate herself confirmed that this show is accurate, that it is the "realest reality show" you'll see. I think most of us have a healthy understanding of an editing bay. I know many of us myself included had a huge amount of skeptisism about the editing, until Kate herself insisted that in fact it was real, all real.
She can't fall back on "bad editing." She shoots herself in the foot every time.
In any case what does editing have to do with grabbing a little boy by the chin to get him to listen? There is nothing that precious child could have done to ever deserve to be treated with such disrespect. I do not think that particular incident was "abuse" however you want to define abuse, but it definitely was disrespect and is a prime example of why he himself may be such a bully in school. He is the victim of a bully at home.
I Am Me, everything is work? So is pimping out your children on a TV show work? And if it is, why aren't the kids working? Kate says she works and they play.
Lordy be, she's in the front row of the DWTS finale with Mary Hart.
I Am Me said...
It meant that since I don't work in a factory, apparently I don't really work so maybe I should try collecting unemployment.
In spite of 3 or more people here explaining to you what the original post "really" meant, you insist on using that as your argument. The fact that anyone would have to explain what the 'point' of the original story was meant to convey, says much. While I'm not sure about Kate being Satan, unless you've lived w/a narcissist for 25+ years, you can't possibly appreciate what life is like under their roof. It sure can seem like 'hell on earth' at times. Those kids are doomed with her for a mother, I repeat, doomed.
Anonymous I don't think grabbing/touching gently or not gently, someone's chin to get them to look at you is abuse. I do think it is demeaning and disrespectful.
Would you do it to an adult? At work when I think my coworker isn't paying attention to what I'm saying is that how I would react, walk up to them and grab their chin and force them to look me in the eye? Obviously that's ridiculous, so what is it okay to do it to a child, not matter how "split second" or no matter how "gently."
I suspect doing that to an adult would get you fired. So we're teaching Collin what, then? That his mother is a bully, and that being a bully is how you get your way, that's all.
Jeff Probst (sp?) and a bunch of B-listers just did a public service anouncement about the alarming increase in suicides related to bullying.
Midnight Madness said... Wasn't it reported that she had been wearing wig and caps in order for the big reveal of a new "bob" hairstyle, free of extensions? It sure looked to me like she had that over-processed scarecrow hair still going for her. Maybe the new hairdo is next week's big surprise.
I wouldn't use the word "reported." Someone posted it on another site, but it sounded so much like a ratings ploy, I didn't pay much attention to it.
"Wow, so anybody who doesn't work the graveyard shift at a factory isn't really "working"? Give me a flippin' break. On second thought...Where do I pick up my unemployment check then? I could use some extra cash right now."
I believe that the point of the post to which this person is referring is NOT to say that anyone who doesn't work in a factory isn't working. It was pointed out, as an example, that there are hard workers out there who support their kids (after the death of a spouse) and do whatever it takes to make ends meet WITHOUT selling their kids in the process, and that Kate should experience what these women go through on a daily basis.
Certainly women who contribute to the family income by being employed outside the home, whether they are teachers, bank managers, or sell real estate are working. Nobody ever said that they weren't.
The poster gave an example of someone she/he knows whose entire life is devoted to making sure that the kids are provided for. I'm sorry you couldn't see that. I, for one, am so tired of these snippy, snotty responses to posts that are not meant to be insulting to anyone, but are taken out of context and twisted around by people looking to be argumentative.
Dancing with the Stars Finale. Kate is in the front row with Mary Hart. You can't miss her in the opening sequence. But, oh my -- her dress is ill-fitting and the front panel of her thong pantie is clearly outlined. My husband says, "Looks like she is wearing a jock strap." OUCH!
I reported on the visible panties when she stands up -- and, really this is true, too -- she is chewing a wad of gum! I don't watch any of her shows, and here is is on a show I should be able to enjoy without her being a distraction.
Another Kate "fashion" report. At about the half way point of the show, you see her sitting down with a black throw/shawl over her shoulders. I don't know if she got chilled or someone told her about the horrible panty line. When she stands up again, it should be hidden.
AMEN, Midnight Serenade!
I Am Me, I hope you realize that your response was insensitive, don't you? Perhaps you did not
understand the gist of Midnight's post.
The woman that Midnight wrote about is worthy of admiration for her sacrifices, strength, and courage to lovingly (and unselfishly) carry on for her family.
Unlike that heathen succubus Katie Irene...
That's your interpretation of the post. Mine differs. The poster used another person's tragic situation to rip apart Kate for not doing "real work." If the woman in her story were to find sudden fame and quit her factory job in favor of a job that involved occasional travel away from her children but allowed her to better support them and spend more time with them overall, would she be condemned for that? I sincerely hope not and somehow doubt it.
DWTS, ET, etc. are opportunities for Kate to make $ that don't involve her children. That shouldn't be a problem, unless of course your hatred is so palpable that need to refer to someone as a heathen succubus.
Administrator said...
I Am Me, everything is work? So is pimping out your children on a TV show work? And if it is, why aren't the kids working? Kate says she works and they play.
Why are you asking me that? I'm not Kate and am not responsible for what she says. I've never said that I don't think the kids are working.
That's your interpretation of the post. Mine differs. The poster used another person's tragic situation to rip apart Kate for not doing "real work."
As the person who posted this story, I can tell you that you were way off base in your interpretation, but you can believe what you want. Nobody is going to convince you otherwise, and in the whole scheme of things, it's not important how you interpreted it.
I did not rip Kate apart, not by a long-shot. I said that she should spend some time with this woman and have her eyes opened to the tireless energy of one widowed mother who does not depend on her children to support her. Kate thinks she's "working" now, but until she would walk a mile in this person's shoes, she has no idea what real work is.
Oh, and by the way, the person was offered another job that involved travel. It wasn't a high-paying job, but it could have supplemented her income. She turned it down. It was offered to her right after her husband was killed. The kids at home needed her, and the one twin was having asthma attacks. She said she couldn't be away, because she was afraid her child would have a severe attack, and if he had to have emergency hospital treatment, she wouldn't be able to get home to him in time.
Enough said. Time to move on...
Admin said..."So is pimping out your children on a TV show work?"
It's called an opinion. She's not asking you to speak in the person of Kate. She's asking for AN OPINION! You gave your opinion before, so it shouldn't be any problem now.
My 3 posts regarding her appearance on DWTS are very superficial comments compared to other Gosselin issues. I was just so surprised to see her in the audience. I hope she is on her way home already.
I Am Me, you said "I simply think it's ridiculous to claim that one type of work counts as "real" work and another type of work doesn't"
That's why I asked if you thought Kate's show where she exploits her kids is "real work" because you seem to be saying that all work is real work.
I happen to think that exploiting your kids is exploiting your kids, and not a "job" which implies YOU yourself working.
I am me, I'll say one more thing and then I too am through. IF Kate would work on a real job even half as hard as she works on getting out of working a real job, she'd most likely be successful. Assuming of course, it didn't require interaction with other people. Not her strong suit.
"I hope she is on her way home already."
Kids are no match for a narcissist said~
I remember the first time I ran across J&K+8, scrolling through the channels. The intro in front of the house seemed so warm and fuzzy in a family way...and due to my childhood I love anything that looks like the home/family I was dreaming of, not the one I had.
Everything was going great...they were preparing to get some sort of photo done...I think it was to be at Beth's home....and as soon as Kate showed up, everything came to a screeching halt for me...and I was stunned...and horrified. Here was my mother again...in many ways, even worse than my mother. And I did not watch it again for a long, long time....until I saw the headlines of how money/product-focused the show had become so caught 2 shows on the Memorial Day Marathon that year. And that's it...3 shows total.
Did you recognize her behavior immediately? As being the bully of your childhood?
I truly do not understand how others didn't immediately see it and only saw the cute children.
Thank you so much...that was very kind and empathetic of you, truly. You know, once you grow up, you realize that your life (which did not turn out the way you'd hoped) was not just about the choices you made....but is about how you were programmed to make those choices.
One of my sisters is extremely successful, has a fabulous life, married to a doctor, very assertive, etc. She was the middle sister (it was me, the oldest...and then 3 brothers and finally 2 sisters) and she early on looked at our mother and told herself that this woman had nothing to offer her....and she practically ignored her and iced her out. She was, of course, very nice to her when we all got a lot older...but so interesting that the one who ignored her has the best life. I'm closest to her...and trying to learn how to be more like her.
At least, I did not end up with nearly as many problems as the youngest sister, which I consider a blessing.
I used to sit on the kitchen counter as a teen and listen to all my mothers complaining and anger...as it seemed to make her happy. If she didn't like something I said, she would slap me in the face, but this was just normal to me (I had to get my nose cauterized by an ENT doctor due to her causing so many bloody noses).
My mother was very short and my dad is very tall...and my 3 brothers all grew to over 6 ft. tall. So I'm sitting on the kitchen counter one day, and here came my one brother (the eldest brother, only a year younger than me)...and mom was angry at him for some reason and chased after him...and hit him. And I will always remember...(he towered over her)...and he spun around, put his fists up like a boxer, and said, "don't ever touch me again!"
And I remember being stunned, thinking OMG, we could really DO that?
And BTW....this particular brother has a fabulous life too....by far the 2 most successful, this one brother and the one sister, and have the least amount of issues out of all of us. The only thing they envy me for (to varying degrees) is how my sons turned out. They all hope their children turn out as well. I can be happy on my death bed for accomplishing that...and would not want to be Kate in a million years.
I remember going to group therapy and telling them about my childhood...and how my father never knew how she treated us while he was at work. And the others stared at me and said "oh, really?" And I was doing the whole, oh no! story and they still kept staring at me as if to say, how clueless are you?
I'll never know what to think about that...it really doesn't matter now...but was very interesting.
dee3 said..
You know, once you grow up, you realize that your life (which did not turn out the way you'd hoped) was not just about the choices you made....but is about how you were programmed to make those choices.
Excellent way of putting it...'choices you were programmed (and destined/doomed?) to make'.
" I don't think she will be around for long since it looks like no matter where TLC sticks Kate it is a flop."
Not to be a harp or tell anyone what they should do, but if people are truly sick of Kate, not watching the show when broadcast is a great way to make your point and lower ratings. If you are morbidly curious, you can always watch it on You Tube, after the ratings have been posted. Just my suggestion for those who really want to see this show end.
The kids (I) will fall apart if the show ends.
Project much Kate? What a witch for using her kids that way to project her own feelings, meaning SHE will fall apart if the show ends.
dee3 said..
You know, once you grow up, you realize that your life (which did not turn out the way you'd hoped) was not just about the choices you made....but is about how you were programmed to make those choices.
Excellent way of putting it...'choices you were programmed (and destined/doomed?) to make'.
Maybe the contestants didn't know who she was and she had to mention her children so they would recognize her as the mother of eight, count 'em, eight kids. Does anyone believe that she sits at home and watches television with her children?
When Jon & Kate were still going through their divorce, I remember Kate was on Jay Leno via webcast, and Jay asked her how she was doing. She replied, "I'm baking cookies with the kids!"
Yeah right. Wonder if Jay or anyone in the audience was dumb enough to believe that.
Thanks Hippie Chick, for pulling this one forward. I don't know how I missed it.
I Am Me said...
Midnight Serenade said...
If Kate wants to know what work is really like, let her shadow a woman for a week -- one who stands on her feet for hours in a candy factory, trimming excess ends off a Tootsie Roll. Let her work from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m., then come home to a family of five kids (one set of twins) under the age of nine, whose father was killed in a motorcycle accident and had no life insurance. She tries to sleep during the day, but there is laundry to do, meals to cook (on the grill when the electricity was shut off), cleaning to be done, and busy, busy toddlers to supervise. I'm sure this member of my church would gladly let Kate "walk a mile in her shoes."
Wow, so anybody who doesn't work the graveyard shift at a factory isn't really "working"? Give me a flippin' break. On second thought...Where do I pick up my unemployment check then? I could use some extra cash right now.
AMEN, Midnight Serenade!
I Am Me, I hope you realize that your response was insensitive, don't you? Perhaps you did not
understand the gist of Midnight's post.
The woman that Midnight wrote about is worthy of admiration for her sacrifices, strength, and courage to lovingly (and unselfishly) carry on for her family.
Unlike that heathen succubus Katie Irene...
Anonymous I don't think grabbing/touching gently or not gently, someone's chin to get them to look at you is abuse. I do think it is demeaning and disrespectful.
Would you do it to an adult? At work when I think my coworker isn't paying attention to what I'm saying is that how I would react, walk up to them and grab their chin and force them to look me in the eye? Obviously that's ridiculous, so what is it okay to do it to a child, not matter how "split second" or no matter how "gently."
I suspect doing that to an adult would get you fired. So we're teaching Collin what, then? That his mother is a bully, and that being a bully is how you get your way, that's all.
Typical Kate.
All happy and giddy and smiley in L.A.
All grumpy and sourpuss and angry in P.A.
She NEVER acts that happy around her children. Ever.
No, work is work, whether it is working in a factory or starring in a failing reality show and being special correspondent to a z-list skating competition.
Really? So leaving your kids with nannies to fly off to a five-star Mexican report to sip Margaritas in the pool, being pampered right and left at a spa, having makeup done and hair styled, donning a bikini to run in the sand while your bodyguard stands by, ready to take you off for a night of good food and drinks is work? I guess so, because it's for a magazine cover, which is a publicity shoot for your reality show, and therefore considered, work because you're being paid.
With work like that, who needs "real" work?
Hey LauraJean & SmileyGrl :o)
Me too! Considering that I come from a narcissistic family (father, mother, grandmothers, middle sister, mother in-law, sister in-law), I am quite happy and at peace with the life my husband and I (kids & hairy kids included) have created for ourselves. God has blessed me (my entire life) with very good friends as well.
I do not envy Kate Gosselin.
I am very familiar with her kind, and I pity her. She has a LONG, HARD, LONELY road ahead of her.
Ratings plummet for Skating With the Stars:
8:00 ABC Dancing With the Stars 4.7/13 23.28
9:00 ABC Dancing/Skating with the Stars 4.4/11 19.45
10:00 ABC Skating With the Stars (Premiere) 1.9/5 6.91
You know how almost every school has a teacher that you pray to God you never get? You know, the one who hates her job, yells, belittles, is unfair, can't stand kids, wart on the nose with hair growing out of it, makes you put your head down, humiliates you in front of everyone....etc etc etc?????
That's Kate. That's her parenting style.
She sucks to high heaven as a loving mother, but makes a great teacher from hell.
I Am Me said...
Wow, so anybody who doesn't work the graveyard shift at a factory isn't really "working"? Give me a flippin' break. On second thought...Where do I pick up my unemployment check then? I could use some extra cash right now.
OR! This could be just ONE of THOUSANDS of examples of women who are willing to do what Kate refuses to do to support her children, which is make sacrifices and put the kids first. She pretends to have it so much harder than any other mother on the planet but she's got a multi-million dollar corporation on her side. For now.
Man, and they say we're the ones who take things the wrong way...
Remember when one of the boys banged his head on an airplane and Katie said, "God has built in punishments."
Tic Tock Kate.
Anonymous said... The fans claim we are jealous.
Not me…. are you jealous?
Absolutely not! Disgusted is the word that comes to mind.
It boggles the mind that in 2010, a woman who
a) treats her family like shit
b) is rude, cold and abrasive to the rest of the world.
c) uses people and animals to further her own agenda.
d) Lies through her fake teeth as much as she breathes and blinks.
e) has as much charm and charisma as a dead fish.
f) Looks like a naked shar pei with a bad weave.
g) verbally and emotionally abuses her children
on camera.
h) prances around with a married man
this woman is handed opportunities of a lifetime
that she doesn't deserve. Businesses, corporations and tv executives offer her things she did not earn, nor is she appreciative of when she gets it. She just wants more!
That is not called jealousy. It's called disgust.
It's good to get away! Enjoy your time off Administrator :o) And thanks for giving us a place to vent.
Welcome aboard, and good luck, Mary Anne :o)
Midnight Serenade said...
If Kate wants to know what work is really like, let her shadow a woman for a week -- one who stands on her feet for hours in a candy factory, trimming excess ends off a Tootsie Roll. Let her work from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m., then come home to a family of five kids (one set of twins) under the age of nine, whose father was killed in a motorcycle accident and had no life insurance. She tries to sleep during the day, but there is laundry to do, meals to cook (on the grill when the electricity was shut off), cleaning to be done, and busy, busy toddlers to supervise. I'm sure this member of my church would gladly let Kate "walk a mile in her shoes."
Wow, so anybody who doesn't work the graveyard shift at a factory isn't really "working"? Give me a flippin' break. On second thought...Where do I pick up my unemployment check then? I could use some extra cash right now.
I, too, saw the 60 Minutes segment on Mark Wahlberg. He said that kids ask him why they should finish high school since he didn't and he still became successful. He said that he asks them to imagine how much MORE successful he would have been had he furthered his education. Very impressive answer.
So now we have the Halloween episode.TLC is going to make it look like the kids had another AWESOME outing with kate,making memories.
Well,we know better.We have eye-witnesses and photos.The kids were shuffled to the maze only to be forced to WORK.Yes,sheeple to WORK.20 minutes to be told where to run and what to say...thats it!Nothing more.When the JOB was done...off they went.
Now we have the beast talking about the kids anger issues? Why now kate? We know why.She needs to shift the blame on anyone but her.This isnt new either.Kate is a liar looking out for #1,and we know its not the kids.
I have zero intrest in watching the show.The sound of her voice makes my stomach turn.We all know if you watch you are adding to the ratings...ratings are whats keep her on the air.We can expose the truth about this beast WITHOUT watching the show.
I really hope Jon is getting the help he needs to help his kids.The man will not be able to stand up to kate and tlc on his own.I dont understand how he can get so screwed by the courts.Why cant Jon demand that the kids get councling? Councling from the courts and not someone kate picks.How can this Judge not see that these kids are hurting and that they need help?The last thing they need are cameras in thier faces,being told when to smile and when to look happy.
Dont watch the damn show!Dont add to the ratings.Its been said a hundred times...No viewers = No show! Yes...its that simple!
For those who asked Kate was another no-show on Sarah Palin's Alaska.
Oh look they leave the kids with the grandparents when they can't be there. Todd's parents.
I don't understand why they can't respect us enough to pick a name.
Maybe you need to post the website of an online dictionary so they can look up the meaning of "respect." Sheeple aren't the swiftest when it comes to the English language.
Interesting...the Zillow page for the house (if it truly is going up for sale) has the price between 643,000 and 1.04m. WAY less than was paid for two years ago. Not sure why she would want to sell in this market and LOSE money on it. Coming from someone who just moved and got a great deal on a home 20k less than the sellers had paid for it. She'd be a fool to sell now.
Why would she want to sell? Has she finally found a place in Hollywood?
I saw that interview on 60 Minutes last night. He goes to mass every day even when he's off filming. I didn't realize he dropped out of school at 13 and was such a hellraiser. He certainly turned his life around in a big way.
Someone on Facebook said Kate was in the audience of Skating With the Stars. I changed channels after 20 minutes - the show was BAD.
I don't understand. I'm P.C.? Gosh never heard that one before! :-) My recaps are censored? Usually I hear I exaggerate and am over the top and that could never be what really happened (except it was). You are welcome to watch the episode if you think I'm censoring something. If you don't watch the show how do you know my recaps are censored, I don't get it.
I obviously post all kinds of opinions as there are many different takes on things just in this post. I can't possibly hold all those opinions at once. If you don't like the recaps you don't have to read them!
Save the kids said...
Now liar is on the list too.
Nope, that's pretty much been on the list, from the git-go. There ya go, something positive about Kate...she is consistent.
S'ok! There's so much out there right now it's hard to keep track! Just keep fighting the good fight for the kids in Reality TV world.
I may not have kids of my own, but I've had the blessing to have so many little sisters over the years I can't even count them anymore!
Faunette....I don't know if any of you are parent's of kids that age. But I have 3, and after seeing the preivews, I don't feel she did anything wrong--
Admin, I didn't write that. I was responding to this:
Anonymous said...
I'm sorry, but I can't beleive this site is accusing Kate of abusing her kids by putting her hand under Collins chin. I don't know if any of you are parent's of kids that age. But I have 3, and after seeing the preivews, I don't feel she did anything wrong. I think you need to know as parent's what we go through to understand. November 22, 2010 2:47 PM
and said "This site is not accusing Kate of abusing her kids based on one picture. The evidence is based on years and years of recorded television shows, interactions with them as documented by friends and family members, the psychological and emotional manipulations that have been seen time and time again on television and in written and electronic media."
I have been teaching dance for twenty years. That means twenty years of kids from all sorts of families. Only one time have we seen a mother grab her child by the chin and turn that little girl's head towards her with such force it left marks, and she left our studio and didn't come back because someone in the waiting room pointed out the marks. We don't know what happened to that little girl...
I would rather eat my own hand than bring harm to a child.
Paula said...
I see the sheeple are still blaming Jon and giving Kate a pass.
I see that most of you are solely blaming Kate and giving Jon a pass.
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