Why in the world isn't Kate sticking to "no comment"? Disgusting. In previews for Sunday's "Halloween" episode of Kate Plus 8, the children are shown misbehaving at Party City. Kate grabs Collin by the chin and orders him to "look at me when I'm talking to you," and some of the girls are shown fighting. Then, Kate says this: The kids are "having a rough time with post-divorce anger." So, Jon is not allowed to talk publicly about the divorce but Kate is? Talk about hypocrisy. And if the kids are having anger issues, it's just plain common sense to discuss it with a therapist, not a T.V. audience. In typical Kate fashion, it's all Jon's fault and not hers. Will Kate ever take any responsibility for them or will it always be laid on other people and things?
One more thing, when you are aggressively grabbing a child by the chin to get him to do what you want, how can you expect that child to treat his peers any differently in school when he wants to get what he wants? Treat a child with physical force and he will learn that physical force is acceptable behavior. Would you grab an adult by the chin to get what you want? Then don't do it to a child. Kate clearly does not get this connection whatsoever.
Apparently this source ("The kids are going through a challenging time, but Kate doesn’t feel this is something that should be discussed publicly. It is a private matter.”) didn't know that as soon as Kate could make money off the children's "challenging time" it would no longer be a "private matter."
265 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 265 Newer› Newest»How silly of me to think Kate was taking the high road saying no comment to everything and sticking to a simple episode about Halloween. Oh no, she has to talk about the divorce and the children's emotions.
This really takes the cake. Might as well turn something bad into money right? Now she's exploiting all their emotional issues for money. How does that $250,000 taste? Because the kids went through a lot of emotional turmoil to make sure she got paid. I have never been so disgusted at this whole thing.
It bugs the crap out of me when parents, hopefuly a minority, treat their kids like this, grabbing chins and so on. Would you do that to an adult? NO! Then why the hell are you doing it to your own precious child???? Geezus christ.
She's gotta do what she's gotta do to get those ratings up! Kids' privacy be damned!
She knows she's walking on thin ice, and she knows the ratings are better when there's drama and controversy. Knowing her, she's probably thrilled to pieces that all this stuff is in the news.
Ok all you sheep. Kate's talking about their bad behavior on tv, so please stop giving us crap for discussing it on the blogs.
Those kids were totaly fighting and hitting and having issues long before the divorce.
Nice try, Kate.
Not buying it. They learned this from YOU !
How do Kate's last remaining supporters justify crucifying blogs for discussing it when Kate herself is now discussing it? She's their own MOTHER, not some random person who happens to read an article about it. Talk about hypocricy and betrayal and dysfunction and greed all in one little sentence.
Will they turn on Kate now? Wait that's too logical. Though a standing order, if any sheep want to leave the flock they are always welcome with open arms here, like the prodigal son. We will celebrate.
Isn't that the little boy who got expelled from school? Lets face it, Kate Gosselin is a Jackass and there is nothing in the world that will change that. Makes me shudder to think what she does to the dogs.
Ratings up that's kinda funny. I guess at least I embrace and admit I watch it. I do support anyone else not watching though. It's a personal choice. You don't have to say your dog ate your homework, it does get silly.
I could have sworn I put my comment on this thread, but it showed up on the other one.
KUDOS to you, Administrator, for keeping on this witch's tail. You reveal the ugly truth and reality of this sick, pathetic shiester, sham of a mother.
Keep up the good work, administrator.
She'll use the divorce scheme till it drys out and crumbles. Not buying the divorce crapola Kate Gosselin, know too many divorced couples and their kids were just fine and dandy. A camera crew in your face 24/7 doesn't help these kids and a bitchin mother just makes it worse. BTW, she looks like an idiot with a camera crew in tow just to pick out costumes. Man handling them kids just causes a lot of hostility as well. No wonder them kids are screwed up.
Actually I think the kids are having a rougher time dealing with Mommy's post divorce anger because things didn't work out the way she had planned when she decided to dump Jon, Jon didn't want to film anymore and she had boobyguard by her side. She thought she was a "star" and Hollywood would be knocking down her door with offers. She's angry and is taking that anger out on her kids.
P.S. Administrator, I think that you are so right about the grabbing of the chin thing... "You wouldn't do it to a grownup, so don't do it to a child." Respect, respect, respect.
If she's grabbing their chins in a stern manner like she did right in front of that camera...
those kids are totally being smacked when those cameras aren't around.
Do you see the look of fear on Collin's face in that still photo? That look speaks volumes. He KNOWS what she's capable of.
I am still waiting for an answer from a Kate supporter as to the following:
Let's assume, for argument's sake, that the divorce and Jon are 100% responsible for the children's behavior and Kate is 0% responsible (even though that's ridiculous, bear with me). If so, why shouldn't they be allowed to deal with all their issues with the divorce and Jon privately? Why do they have to do it on our T.V. screens? How is this going to help their issues with the divorce? Don't you want them to heal?
Admin said, "She has been doing this since before her twins were born. In a way, she's kind of a genius with milking her own personal situations for a buck."
You nailed it exactly. She'd try to milk a halibut if she thought there were money in it.
Totally Disgusted has a point, there... And "boobyguard" LOL!!
Maybe I'm an extremest when it comes to this but I don't think you should use ANY physical force with a child for any reason. Including grabbing chins, including spanking, smacking, the works. Unless you are pulling a child back from railroad tracks (which is what you would do for an adult too) don't ever lay a hand on a child. Especially a child who is then parroting that same exact behavior with his siblings and at school and ends up being expelled, let go, whichever way you want to spin it for bullying.
The girls were squabbling and being physical, how can Kate say "stop it!" to them and then in the same breath be grabbing Collin?
It's as hypocritcal as telling a child "don't you ever f--ing use a curse word again."
“The kids are going through a challenging time, but Kate doesn’t feel this is something that should be discussed publicly. It is a private matter.”
This is what makes me absolutely disgusted by Kate. It's a private matter until it can up the ratings and keep her in the money. It's taking awhile but I think more and more celebrities and journalists are seeing who Kate really is. It's only a matter of time before everyone is disgusted by her. She's so freaking transparent and too stupid to know how to hide it. She can't hide it because it is so deeply ingrained in to her being. Can you tell I'm ticked?
Exactly, GotYournumber. Kate just does whatever the hell will make her more money. If shutting up will, she shuts up and claims it's for the kids. It was private because she thought it would make less money, as soon as she figured out how to make more money off it, all of a sudden it's not private.
She is a hypocritical blood-sucking leach and her hosts are her children. And I agree I think most of the media has caught on. Wonder if Meredith and the other Kate from People are embarrassed about defending her now.
So Sad said... If she's grabbing their chins in a stern manner like she did right in front of that camera...
those kids are totally being smacked when those cameras aren't around.
I was thinking the exact same thing So Sad. We know she's violent with the kids, we've all seen it. This whole thing is getting very, very ugly and scary for the kids. She needs stopped! When is John going to grow a set and rise above his fear of Kate and TLC?
Actually it's scary she is still so physical with the children after they are being bullies, but I think what's even more scary is she makes absolutely no bones about doing it on camera for us all to see. I.e. she sees absolutely nothing wrong with it.
Okay, I am lost! I read on some blog that the 2 kids WERE NOT EXPELLED. Is this true, the stories were all lies?
The article in Lancaster online quotes a "source". My guess is Kate was allowed to withdraw the children. The source also calls it a "case". Was a lawsuit initiated or threatened?
Admin said - NO! Then why the hell are you doing it to your own precious child???? Geezus christ.
You really are miffed tonight, aren't you? I think right now many of us are more disgusted than we've ever been. Don't forget that the kids saw the way she treated Jon, the way she berated him, and who knows if physical abuse ever went on in that house. We've seen Kate capable of going on a rampage, with anger directed at Jon. If the kids saw their mother lashing out at their father to get what she wanted and to assert her authority, what did that teach the kids, particularly the girls? That it's fine and dandy to carry on tongue-lashings and bully a male? They've seen their mother do it, so therefore it must be acceptable behavior.
What does it teach the boys? That they should be subservient to a female? Look at Collin's face. The boys know that they have to deal with it in silence, but when it gets to be too much, how is that anger going to be manifested? They are not going to be able to keep it all inside. When it comes out, and it will, it's going to be really nasty. Will they turn on women because they saw their own mother treat their father like that and they hated what she did to him? Will the boys remember that many times she said that they were icky and gross, and favored the girls? What will that do to their self-esteem?
This is a digusting, dispicable thing she's doing. My gosh -- to freely discuss this on national television. I knew that she was dumb, but I guess I didn't realize to what extent her ignorance really went.
Why didn't they edit out the bad behavior? Oh, wait...RATINGS! Anything for a buck. She has zero common sense. Zero. Actually, in non psychological lingo - she's nuts.
Ratings up: I had to laugh at your list of excuses for watching TLC. My dog actually did change the remote twice today (it was on the bed and the dog jumped up). But she didn't flip on TLC. It went to Psychic Kids both times.
TLC’s promos of the latest Kate+8 episode, with the voice-over of Kate saying that the kids are having divorce-related anger issues, is sheer damage control and pure BS. These kids are not angry due to the divorce. Their apparent hostile behavior stems from years of negligent parenting, modeling of anger-slapping-is-the-answer from Kate, and the fact that they’ve had no choice in their childhood “career.” Yeah, they’re angry, but it’s not because their parents divorced. They’re angry because they’ve been used and abused to support their parents. They’re angry because they’re modeling the angry passive-aggressive behavior of their narcissistic mother. It sickens me that TLC is so complacent in excusing their abuse of the Gosselin kids. How truly sad that we live in a country where the almighty dollar trumps real ethics. Nevertheless, my wager is on Karma … please, fingers crossed.
"My guess is Kate was allowed to withdraw the children."
Denise, any parent is "allowed" to withdraw their child. The issue is not if they were expelled, or if the parents withdrew the children because it was mandatory that they do so. It's all a matter of semantics. The fact is that the kids are not there and it is not by the choice of their parents. The reason they are no longer students there is because of anger issues that will never be addressed as long as their mother is in control of the situation.
It would not surprise me in the least if we see additional educational changes in the near future.
I despise Jon Gosselin even more. For not being man enough, human enough to protect his children, at all costs. For screwing up the most important thing of his life. For walking away and partying when he should have had his children's lifes as his priority.
Any of us who watched the earlier episodes of the children playing in the garage of the old house saw the tups randomly smacking the crap out of each other when they imagined their turf infringed upon. Sometimes they were issued "time out" other times nothing was said.
I'm not the least bit surprised, coupled w/Khate's behavior, that this violence contines.
I just noticed in the blowing through millions article, the van in the garage. Normally her license plates are fogged out. Maybe this was already common knowledge but I saw her license plate for the first time. GOLKRP1. Goal-keeper 1. Typical Kate. . . the show must go on mentality. Typical Kate. . . its all about the goal. not the common goal, just Kate's goals. Pathetic!!!!!!
Trucker said... I despise Jon Gosselin even more. For not being man enough, human enough to protect his children, at all costs. For screwing up the most important thing of his life. For walking away and partying when he should have had his children's lifes as his priority.
This really gets me too. The kids can look back someday and hopefully realize their mother was awful, but had mental health issues.
Their father flat out had enough and bailed. Maybe he's doing everything possible behind the scenes, but if he doesn't have those kids in weekly therapy, he's not doing crap IMO.
I despise Jon Gosselin even more. For not being man enough, human enough to protect his children, at all costs. For screwing up the most important thing of his life.
Who do you think supported and took an interest in every one of his children in all of their school activities -- bake sales, field trips, festivals, picnics, parent's day, conferences, holiday events, sports, etc. etc. etc. when their mother was jetting off to parts unknown, taking no interest in anything related to their education?
Perhaps some on here who have lived with a narcissist could explain what it's like to try to deal with them on a rational basis, how controlling they are, and no matter how much of a man you try to be, they will emasculate you at all costs.
Trucker said...
I despise Jon Gosselin even more. For not being man enough, human enough to protect his children, at all costs. For screwing up the most important thing of his life. For walking away and partying when he should have had his children's lifes as his priority.
Kate ended the marriage in 2008. Jon didn't walk away, he was pushed out by a verbally abusive wife. Jon realized that the filming was a huge mistake and he is petitioning the courts to get the filming stopped. Kate is the one who insists on continuing the filming and exploiting her children.
"Maybe he's doing everything possible behind the scenes, but if he doesn't have those kids in weekly therapy, he's not doing crap IMO."
Admin., if a judge rules that Kate can make the decision about filming, can a judge also rule that she is the one who decides if the kids go to therapy? If she refuses to do it, and a judge decides it's her decision, what recourse does Jon have, if any?
Michelle said...
Their father flat out had enough and bailed. Maybe he's doing everything possible behind the scenes, but if he doesn't have those kids in weekly therapy, he's not doing crap IMO.
KATE HOLDS ALL THE CONTROL. Jon has no say in A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G having to do with the kids.
And Kate is absolutely blameless? I don't think so.
Trucker said...I despise Jon Gosselin even more. For not being man enough, human enough to protect his children, at all costs.
I used to think that about him, but I'm cutting him some slack this go round. I think he's trying to do something about this mess and I believe him. It's not as easy as we think. Good God, after being married to Kate for ten years he had every right to celebrate like a sailor on shore leave. The more I learn about narcissists the more I understand his dilemma and the more I think Kate is the worst mother in the world. Toxic isn't a strong enough description for her.
This helps understand NPD a little better:
**Those who marry narcissists are trapped by them by a golden thread. The narcissist is so compelling and beguiling that before we know it we are seduced and eventually trapped. The narcissist creates a psychological labyrinth for his partner. "A labyrinth is a complex series of winding paths, similar to a maze...a labyrinth forces the walker to follow a specific serpentine path." The narcissist designs and orchestrates the labyrinth that the spouse must walk. Those married to narcissists eventually feel helpless since they must continue the strict pathway the narcissist has set for them. There are to be deviations. The spouse cannot be herself or himself---everything--the way you think and feel and act is decided by the narcissist. Often people in these situations have told me they felt they would never escape.
At some tipping point many of those imprisoned by the narcissist find the courage, strength, fortitude and sheer will to break through the boundaries of the labyrinth and run free (often for the first time in their lives).**
Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D.
Book: Freeing Yourself from the Narcissist in Your Life
Enough already,
I totally agree with you. The divorce is not causing the problem behavior, Kart's Bitch-of-a-mother treatment is what the kids are modeling after.
They see her treat folks like sh*t and so, of course, they do the same. Like baby ducks, they have completely imprinted on her appalling behavior and have become wild little brats.
Such a shame, because the early years are so formative. I wonder if the kids will be able to grow up normal after this.
And it's no surprise to me that she can't understand she is the problem. That's our little Kart... disturbed as ever.
Why doesn't purseboy ever step in to stop her?
I know for those of us who have had a narcissist in our lives, most of us have eventually made the decision to walk away, get out, never look back. You can do that if the narcissist is your parent, your employer, your friend, even another family member.
But if the narcissist is your spouse and you have to share your children with them until you are 18, suddenly you can't just walk away.
Jon has been doing exactly what he should be doing, going to the courts to try to change things. He has faced tremendous opposition from a family law court traditionally biased in favor of mothers and wealth. It really is quite amazing he is still willing to fight the narcissist. Most people would have quit ages ago, even with children involved. It's a testiment to how much he truly loves those children.
You know Kate is trying to tell us this is all about the divorce. Okay, if it is about the divorce, then what needs to change? Has she considered that perhaps every other weekend simply is not enough time with their FATHER and they want more?
I love how in her mind it's always something Jon has done, and not the opposite, that they are spending too much time with her and not enough time with a father they adore so much they scream for him when he takes them home.
I have a question for Kate, or for her followers. How does talking about their personal private issues on television, disclosing their private feelings as their mother and so-called protector, help them? How?
Why doesn't purseboy ever step in to stop her?
Because she's his meal ticket? She butters his bread, so to speak. Kate dismisses everyone in her life that she has no use for. He tries to stop her, and he's history. He knows he has it so darn good there - nice paychecks, all-expense paid vacations, the chance to strong-arm (or rat-claw) anyone in his way. Wasn't it reported a long time ago that she even buys his clothing? Who would want to walk away from that?
He must know that trying to stop her is totally useless, being the narcissist that she is. Control freaks don't take kindly to advice or criticism from anyone.
Oh hey, remember when Jon first said the children have issues? The sheeple said he was lying, exaggerating, trying to make Kate look bad. Now here's Kate confirming they in fact do indeed have anger issues, gee golly exactly what Jon said two months ago. So what do they say now? Why was Jon a liar then but not Kate? Keeping up with the defense of a liar like Kate has got to be exhausting.
It's perfect timing for the Halloween episode to air on Nov 28 for Kate to discuss "post divorce anger" and exploit her children even more -- 2 days before the scheduled hearing on November 30.
Someone please tweet Jon and tell him to watch - I think he might be interested in seeing this episode.
She and TLC are REPREHENSIBLE people.
Administrator said,
Keeping up with the defense of a liar like Kate has got to be exhausting.
I'd hate to be that farmer that has to put the flock in the barn at night. They must be so exhausted that they can't stand up long enough to be sheared.
Administrator said...
Exactly, GotYournumber. Kate just does whatever the hell will make her more money. If shutting up will, she shuts up and claims it's for the kids. It was private because she thought it would make less money, as soon as she figured out how to make more money off it, all of a sudden it's not private.
She is a hypocritical blood-sucking leach and her hosts are her children. And I agree I think most of the media has caught on. Wonder if Meredith and the other Kate from People are embarrassed about defending her now.
I don't think they are. Kate Coyne from People and Meredith are just like her. They were silent when she was and will defend and rally around her as she talks. They're all hypocrits! Want to take bets on how long before People does another feature with her?
@Anon725, narcissist typically from my familial experience anyway is that they only hear what they want to hear, only hear what suits them to the current moment in time. Trying to be rational or reason with them like any typical human being would to try and meet middle ground is met with intolerable resistence and the, "You're wrong, I'm right, You'll always be wrong, I will always be right." Type of attitude. They thrive off anyone who suits their cause or follows their way of thinking without questioning it, or if you do, you must agree or have some wiff of agreement in trying to rationalize or debate these people. In their world, just as the sun revolves around the earth, we should revolve around them and their narcissist ways of thinking, if anything just to watch them feel appeased and appreciated. Its almost impossible on any ordinary level of conversation for them not to interget how they feel about whatever given issue, that their viewpoint and experiences are the holier-than-holy, correct and or non-questionable answer or advice, whether it is offered or not. From my experience that if you don't conform or much less cater to their wishes, unasked for advice or loopy-logic than similiar to a rose push they will prune you--as in cut the offending weeds from the patch to ensure that their world remains centered on them. They drop you like a hot potato as soon as they see that you no longer serve them and their way of thinking.
I know this from personal experience because my grandma indulged my elder brother to the point that at 17 he knew everything, was always right even if he was wrong he never took notice of it. To this day he is arrogant, centered on himself and his thoughts, that if you don't nod and go along with whatever comes out of his mouth, wether he knows anyting actually related to the said topic that could be useful to you or not doesn't matter. Everyone is supposed to revolve around him and when I have in the past intergected my feelings, hell fire, its impossible to reason with him because he will scream, yell, phsycailly grab you, or hang up on you. In recent experience when I went to visit him for his wives baby shower, I had made other plans days after the baby shower to visit with friends and what I wanted to do was so unacceptable because I was not willing to spend my entire break there surrounded by him and his "new" family that he physically threw me out, dumping my suitcase on his front lawn for the world to see, physically grabbing me, screaming at me, lecturing and scolding me like I"m a no-nothing twit all because I would not cater to letting him boast and be the center of attention having told him I had made prior arrangements said AFTER the baby shower was celebrated properly, he weekend after the event it was still not acceptable because I would not again cater to him and how he saw things to be fit. As of since he asked to come out for Christmas I told him flattly since he told me he does not wish for contact since I'm the one with the problem because I'm the one who takes advnatage of people, I'm the one who is selfish, arrogant, wrong, rude any other way you want to put it its ALL my fault for daring to think I could have other obligations and people to meet with.
You know, after writing this I'm suprises that narcissist isn't recieving a larger base on being talked about since, quite frankly from reading various other posts it seems not entirely common yet enough really it should recieve more attention. Maybe it does I don't know but that's my experience and my peace whatever it is worth. And in these past few months I feel relaxed, free and no longer obligated to function my life around his narcissist toxic thought process.
I have never in all this time practicing family law seen a judge deny someone's request for a child to get therapy--either from a mother, father, or child's GAL/attorney.
Of course I'm in front of a judge who treats everyone fairly and rationally and doesn't care if you are rich, famous or both. Who knows what Kate could pull in court.
In any case, Jon needs to get a court order that Kate is not to discuss the children's emotional state on her television show.
Go Away Kate said...
I just noticed in the blowing through millions article, the van in the garage. Normally her license plates are fogged out. Maybe this was already common knowledge but I saw her license plate for the first time. GOLKRP1. Goal-keeper 1. Typical Kate. . . the show must go on mentality. Typical Kate. . . its all about the goal. not the common goal, just Kate's goals. Pathetic!!!!!!
We can't pin this one on Kate. That was Jon's personalized license plate from long ago. He was captain of the winning state soccer team in high school and is passionate about the sport. The plate on the van hasn't been blocked for years; their car plates are usually blocked.
Those kids have seen violence in the home since they were babies, how can they not think it's the way that virtually all conflict is handled?
Kate does nothing but scream, yell, bark, growl, grab, snatch, hit, smack, thump and snap at both the kids and Jon. I don't even want to think about what she did (does) to the dogs.
I have said for a long time if the roles were reversed and Jon was doing the things Kate was not only would the general public and the media be up in arms about the behavior (and the fact that it is being televised), but that many organizations would also be coming out with PSAs about domestic violence on J&K8.
The 2 examples that immediately spring to my mind if they were reversed:
1: Jon giving Kate a "love tap;" and
2: Jon smacking Sarah Snow (rather than Emeril) on the arm with a wooden spoon.
Administrator said...
I have a question for Kate, or for her followers. How does talking about their personal private issues on television, disclosing their private feelings as their mother and so-called protector, help them? How?
November 21, 2010 10:41 PM
She probably wouldn't be talking about it but someone leaked the school story. She does have the right to defend herself of all these accusations. So many rumors are flying around, some true and some false.At least hear her out before you make a decision on her . She's defending her children and herself. Those are her children who the blogs are talking about. She has the right to defend them. In the past weeks some people critical of her and have been asking why she didn't make a comment on this incident. Now that she is going to talk about it, they still are critical of her. She can't win with some people. I just wanted to give my POV. Thank you.
GOLKPR1 - nothing to do with Hate, believe it or not!
This was Jon's last hurrah to his alma mater; however it's his HIGH SCHOOL alma mater, where he was a "big shot" goalie on the soccer team.
Unfortunately, he never ventured to the halls of higher learning and attempted COLLEGE.
Another example of typical Gosselin puffing up. I've never heard of hailing HS sports as an alma mater; years ago, when we first de-coded that license plate I was SO EMBARRASSED for him/them.
Hey look,family of 8,septuplets and older daughter is still hanging without having exposed the kids to the media..Hmm all 7 are in school,normal and well adjusted.And their parents "provided" for them without a reality show.Interesting...
She HAS to say it's the divorce that is the stem of her kids' "anger" issues beacause then she thinks the focus will be off her. Deflect deflect deflect. Of course it will never be because SHE is the primary example of someone with "anger" issues and the biggest influence in their young lives. She always has and always will be thinking of only herself, she will spin anything in her warped mind to suit her needs.
I saw the promo for the "Hallowe'en" episode - the way she treated those kids, their behaviour, and her maniacal cackling were all too much. Then to add insult to injury, she shamelessly reveals her "pain" about the children's private matters. Why anyone would want to waste a Sunday evening on that is beyond me.
After seeing that mess, never has the line from the Wizard of Oz seemed more appropriate . . . "I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!" [insert image of Kate demeaning her kids and berating the dogs here].
In any case, Jon needs to get a court order that Kate is not to discuss the children's emotional state on her television show.
This might be a little difficult as he tweetted about their emotional state after the court hearing in October. Kate clearly has a highly skilled attorney and I doubt the is going to let that fact get lost in the shuffle.
And that is Jon's problem in protecting the children, his intentions are honorable (I believe) but he shoots himself in the foot by not having sound legal advice.
I understand from a human perspective why Jon cut loose and ran off to NY with Hailey but it really undermined his ability to protect the kids. He may be just digging out from that but he did NOT help things with his October tweet which I am sure was result of desperation.
I guess the good thing that could come from that tweet is if he now has a really good attorney at his side. Does anyone know if he has gotten help in that regard?
For Kate to say this on TV, for her to say this for possible ratings, for her to say this 2 months after Jon said it (thank you Admin)...what kind of monster is she? No comment huh? She is such a liar. She just spews lies & untruths. I don't think she can help it, but to use those kids as "bait" for ratings? I really dislike this woman. She will do anything to help herself move further into the spotlight, even if it hurts her childs psyche. Her kids don't need to see that "they were angry" about the divorce 8, 10, 12 years from now. Or any other embarrassing moment that has been put on TV for that matter.
She probably wouldn't be talking about it but someone leaked the school story. She does have the right to defend herself of all these accusations.
Wasn't the Halloween/corn maze filming done BEFORE the story leaked about the suspension? If so, then she's not talking about what happened in school, but rather the behavior at the Party City store. There would have been nothing to defend the kids about, because the expulsion story hadn't leaked yet.
Or, did TLC just now add Kate talking about the bad behavior (AFTER the expulsion story leaked)?
If all of this was done before, and she wasn't talking about the school thing, but rather the behavior at Party City, then this was made BEFORE her comment, "No comment" on the expulsion story.
Does any of that make any sense?
I would never dream of grabbing a child, or putting my hands on them in ANY way in my classroom. Why? Well, obviously, because: 1) I would get into heaps of trouble for it. But more importantly: 2) kids mind their parents/authority figures just fine even WITHOUT that parent having to resort to physical aggression. Imagine that! Talking to a child, calmly explaining your expectations, enforcing a reasonable, non-violent consequence if the behavior expectations are not met. THAT is the way to deal with children, but Kate can't be bothered. Takes too much patience, and too much work, I suppose. Much easier to grab children, yell at them, and belittle them.
So is Kate going to to be flying back and forth to LA for the next 6 weeks or is the ET job just a one-night-stand?
I won't be cutting Jon any slack until he insists that the kids be legally represented in court.
Ah yes, more betraying the children and their emotional states. Figured she was about due.
See, when Kate does it she's being brave and vulnerable, because she's so fragile and doing it alone and stuff. When we do it we're twitty gossips.
(SD: sarcasm implied, of course--and YES, it is a betrayal of the children for her to continue to discuss THEIR emotional fragility in the media or make it fair game--she probably complains to complete strangers in the parking lot.)
SD=sheeple disclaimer
Damn that Kate. It's really all about the show & making money off her kids. You would think that since her children are struggling, she would cut her losses, and shut down filming? Nope, not Kate. She would much rather continue with the show, and talk about her children's "issues" on t.v.
Hey Kate, your kids had "issues" long before the divorce. When are you going to be a real loving parent, huh? Jeeze Kate, you have failed miserably at the most important job you will ever do- being a mother. Anything else you do from now on will be pointless.
I fear for you, Kate- I really do. I don't want to be in your shoes. What you have done, is going to haunt you for the rest of your life.
I think Kate is chronically HYPER-HYPOCRITICAL. How can she say that her children's expulsion is a personal matter- but yet, sees nothing wrong in waiting for the next episode to explain it? Screw this, really.
I don't know what the future holds for her precious children. I pray that God watches over them, and guides them in the right direction. I'm sorry for Jon. The courts have chosen the wrong person to be the primary parent.
Damn you, Kate. Just damn you.
I mean this truly, if anyone still tunes in to watch Kate + 8 after all this, THERE IS NO HOPE FOR YOU.
She probably wouldn't be talking about it but someone leaked the school story. She does have the right to defend herself of all these accusations
Anon Me, I appreciate you stating an opinion that goes against the grain in a respectful manner. I have to disagree. Kate is not defending herself, she is ellaborating on a very bad situation and making it more sensational. Defending herself would be saying that is a vicious lie, or please give us some space during this trying time. Instead Kate is just stirring up the drama for ratings and money. In any case, why should Kate defend herself, shouldn't she be focused on defending the kids? They are the ones this is all about.
As far as Jon talking about their emotional state two months ago, he wanted the children off TV and he was explaining, briefly and vaguely, why--because it was emotionally detrimental. He did not give us specific examples of bad behavior, as the show does, pick out certain kids, as Kate has, or gone into specifics about what those issues are, as Kate did. Kate isn't saying they have anger issues AND that's why I want them off TV now too. Or they have anger isues AND that's why I ask you to give us some space. No, it was all about trying to save face, blame it on Jon, and boost ratings and controversy and create more wealth for her. Her motives are entirely different than a parent trying to do what is in a child's best interest. The whole thing is tainted.
Finally, I don't recall anyone here asking Kate to explain what is going on. What I do recall is some people said that she should speak up and say that this is a lie--that is, if it was. We wanted her to defend the CHILDREN, not herself. Kate didn't say it was a lie in the preview--she just talked about their private emotions to stir up ratings. Most of us said she should do exactly what she was doing up until now, saying no comment. I thought she was handling this whole mess so well up until now.
Looking at that photo, if anyone grabbed Kate's face like that, Gigolo Steve would strongarm the person without hesitation. She's got about a hundred pounds on that kid. Hardly a fair match at all, but she gets away with it.
Screw political correctness. I say she needs a good ass-kicking. But don't worry Steve, I have no plans of going anywhere near her. I don't ever want to breathe the same air she does.
Lauren said... KATE HOLDS ALL THE CONTROL. Jon has no say in A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G having to do with the kids.
Which is his own damn, selfish fault. The minute the marriage fell apart, did he line himself up with an amazing attorney, did he attempt to get primary custody of the kids and remain the stay at home parent he had been for the previous couple of years. NO! He had video evidence of who was the primary caregiver of those children even when he worked full-time outside the home. Did he choose to put together a strong case showing why he should have primary custody? NO!
Instead of putting money toward a strong attorney and fighting for his kids, he bought a sports car, a Mercedes, rented a Manhattan condo, trolled for chicks, went skiing in Utah, PUT HIMSELF AND HIS INTERESTS BEFORE HIS KIDS.
He has only himself to thank for the fact that he's now behind the 8-ball trying to show himself as the parent who really cares for those kids.
Those kids are sadly stuck with two amazingly selfish parents. If Jon is really trying to fix this, no judge would deny the kids therapy if one parent demanded it. No judge would deny guardian ad litems if one parent demanded it. If Jon demanded psychological evaluations for the court of the kids, Kate and he would also submit, things might start changing. My cousin was married to a "Kate" and did just that. The psychiatrist figured out exactly what was going on, despite mom's best efforts to twist the kids' minds and words. My cousin now has 50% physical custody. It can be done, if you work for it and want it.
Right now, does he take the kids to see Kevin and Jodi's kids during his time with them? Maybe. Hopefully. The kids need to know not everyone has been ripped from their lives. They loved Beth and her kids. Has he made amends and thanked Beth for everything she did for them? Maybe. Hopefully. More than ever, those kids need extended family, friends and strong relationships outside of the control of Kate and TLC employees.
Midnight Madness--
Considering how fast they threw together the Hallowsgiving episode, it would not come as a shock at all if they had her record that line right after the news of the expulsion dropped.
And it makes the whole lot of it even more reprehensible and disturbing if they did!
I don't think Kate waits for the cameras to be turned off to smack those children. TLC and its crew have allowed her to treat those children horribly and she knows she'll get away with it. I believe there is plenty of evidence somewhere of her hitting those children but for the sake of ratings TLC quietly puts it away. Those children will one day be able to look at the TLC crew and say "you saw it happen and you did nothing but keep filming."
Also, I am a child of divorce. I was nine when my parents divorced and believe me I (nor my siblings) turned into bullies. And it was a very contentious divorce. Those children would be having issues with or without the divorce, with without the cameras because Kate is a toxic wife and mother. She would be abusive no matter their life situation.
Admin said...I thought she was handling this whole mess so well up until now.
Me too. She was handling it privately, she was home (apparently) We thought she was doing the right thing about this matter, standing by her children. This might certainly come back & bite her in the ass during court. I hope Jon is watching carefully, taking notes. For her to announce to her "followers" & non followers alike, that her kids are pissed, well, it reeks of a ratings ploy.
And for the poster who listed the reasons why the remote would stop on the channel when Kate's stupid show is on, good one! I hope we all tune out this time. After all that has happened in the past few weeks, that should be reason enough NOT to watch. I wonder if her kids hope nobody watches. I wonder if they know about the ratings & pray that if no one watches they will be canceled & they really want that. I would rather watch paint dry than watch that crap.
Totallydisgusted said... Actually I think the kids are having a rougher time dealing with Mommy's post divorce anger because things didn't work out the way she had planned when she decided to dump Jon, Jon didn't want to film anymore and she had boobyguard by her side. She thought she was a "star" and Hollywood would be knocking down her door with offers. She's angry and is taking that anger out on her kids.
I completely agree.
Admin said:
"Jon has been doing exactly what he should be doing, going to the courts to try to change things. He has faced tremendous opposition from a family law court traditionally biased in favor of mothers and wealth. It really is quite amazing he is still willing to fight the narcissist. Most people would have quit ages ago, even with children involved. It's a testiment to how much he truly loves those children."
My mother is classic NPD, so believe me, I know what it's like to live with a narcissist. I'm also a mother though, and I simply cannot even imagine saving myself and leaving my children behind to suffer at the hands of an NPD parent. I really do think Jon loves those kids, and I agree that he appears to be doing the right thing at this time, but it kills me that for the longest time he chose to save himself and left his children behind to suffer the consequences. Also, many of us who have been following this whole saga from the beginning remember that Jon was an active participant in scamming churchgoers out of their hard-earned money - that certainly doesn't help him in the credibility department IMO.
This is what I have been saying all along, that it is a 'private matter' until Kate can make some bucks off of it.
Those kids cower and freeze around their mother, not even sheeple can deny that. But I suppose sheeple are jest jellus that they can't get paid and adored and pedicures for hitting their OWN kids into submission - Katie is their sheeee-rowwwww.
wow, that was snarky of me....
Yes, the kids have anger issues. So Kate shows them that that they have nothing on her because SHE has to be the angriest, the most put-upon, THE bigger bully.
"my kids have anger issues, but dont worry, I will beat and bully it out of them. We dont HAVE issues when we are not MEEEE! Having 'issues' is MY priviledge!"
Who do you think supported and took an interest in every one of his children in all of their school activities -- bake sales, field trips, festivals, picnics, parent's day, conferences, holiday events, sports, etc. etc. etc. when their mother was jetting off to parts unknown, taking no interest in anything related to their education?
Perhaps some on here who have lived with a narcissist could explain what it's like to try to deal with them on a rational basis, how controlling they are, and no matter how much of a man you try to be, they will emasculate you at all costs.
November 21, 2010 9:38 PM
Jon? You NEVER walk out on your children, at any cost! And you doing all those things for them was something you needed to continue to do, in spite of losing your 20's! You went along with the Gosselin Branding and were living it up. I have seen half assed attempts at best to take Kate back to court, only for you to switch attorneys numerous times, show up to court without counsel, without a job, any job. You had money too. Did you have your kids bests interests in mind when you and Hailey were living in NY? Nope, you blew thru the money instead of immediatly setting up a proper home for them, and documenting and journaling the things Kate had done. You lost your best attempt at a fight for your kids. Your reputation is shot. And your poor 8 kids, one can look at any recent photograph and see how sad and lost some are. Jon, YOU ARE NOT DOING ENOUGH. Jon, YOU NEED TO STOP ALL THE GAMES, and you know you are doing it. Jon, YOUR KIDS NEED TO BE YOUR EVERY WAKING MOMENT PRIORITY.
And this part I am sorry to say, things won't ever get better for the kids. Jon doesn't have the maturity or staying power to see anything through.
This "lowest of human beings" doesn't amaze me anymore. This is Kate's outlook: SHE DOES NOT CARE WHAT PEOPLE THINK OF HER AND WHAT SHE DOES! PERIOD! If she even did remotely care she would have stopped by now! Kate is the kinda kid growing up was jealous of rich kids who had everything.....she probably has schemed her whole life to become rich. When she married a well to do dentist son that set her scheme in motion. As a nurse in the OB/GYN field, she knew multiples would surely bring in the big bucks if she could manage to have some. It worked, and she has steam rolled her plan ever since. Her whole GOAL was to become rich....no matter who or what she needed to get there. Her nacissism and materialistic mentality have ruined her, her ex, her kids, and everything attached to her. She lives for the NOW....and does not truly see the endangerment of her poor choices today, and how they will affect the future for her and the kids. She wants and needs a lifestyle she cannot really afford. She validates herself through her material possesions. The kids for her have become burdens and an embarrassment....they must live a private hell at home. The fact that our society in modern times has allowed this barbaric treatment on TV of innocent kids is a sign of how low our society has sunk. These are real kids lives, being displayed for sick entertainment satisfaction. Kate will pay a high price for a "lifestyle" she needed via selling her kids lives. The timing is not now or even soon enough, but it will happen. We need to pray for what is to come to this family, because as of now Kate will not stop and will do what it takes to maintain her needs and wants front and center. Personally she is no better than mothers who have committed criminal acts against their kids(that is jmho). Their lives must be hell if Mady commented "wanting to die" on the birthday episode. Kate just brushed her off. She doesn't care and never will unless it benefits HER! The kids be damned!
OMG, then maybe Kate should have thought twice about banging the bodyguard and kicking her children's father to the curve and off the property.
And in the middle of a divorce you don't run off to dance leaving them alone with strangers. Is there anything this bitch has not screwed up?
Why does she still have custody?
Divorce always affects the children...it's just a matter of degree. The ones who do the best when their parents divorce when the parents are civil and cooperate in a plan that is best for the child/children. And a main reason for for having a terrible time with the divorce is when one or both parents are angry and hostile towards the other and refuses to cooperate with any plan that the spouse has input in. Another main reason is when one parent talks badly about the spouse IN FRONT of the children...and put them in a situation where they have to agree to the one spouse yet feel they are betraying the other.
If the children are having these significant behavior problems, especially at such a young age, they should:
Not be filmed and not on TV...just adds more stress
Get professional child therapy
Not say you are going to allow the spouse to be in the familiar home with his children on the custody days and then renege on that.......not send staff to meet your spouse and children at the gate when he is returning the children, and YOU should meet them at the gate...while being civil to the spouse. Even better, allow him to come on the property and let them out at the front door. Not give away their dogs and/or possessions
Almost every single decision that Kate makes for the children are just making this "difficulty handling the divorce" much worse.
Way to throw your kids under the bus.
If you weren't on every talk show and interview trashing their father maybe they would be coping better. Take some responsibility and step up as a parent for once.
I wouldn't put it past her to try to convince TLC that they create a new series where the children discuss their divorce related anger problems with a therapist.
I see the sheeple are still blaming Jon and giving Kate a pass.
Midnight Madness said: .... "Or, did TLC just now add Kate talking about the bad behavior (AFTER the expulsion story leaked)"?
I'm pretty sure since the story got out, Kate and TLC conspired on how best to make $$lemonaide$$ out of the leaked lemons.
Call me crazy, but I think this is what Kate's "this is a private matter" comment really meant:
"TLC, my PR team and I are currently working to use the expulsion of two of my children from school for a maximum ratings grab on 11/28, as well as how to apply blame for this on Jon as much as possible. As per usual, when my family is in crisis, I initially declare the matter private, until I decide how to best spin said latest matter. When I do come forward, my comments will be limited to venues which I control and paint me in the most flattering light, i.e. my own reality show, talk shows, or exclusive interviews with People magazine. Tune in Sunday, Nov. 28 to see how I so bravely deal with this latest setback and how none of it is my fault whatsoever. Keep an eye on your newsstands for an upcoming People cover story in which I tell Kate Coyne how having the children's father involved in their lives has had a detrimental effect on them. As always, nothing is how it seems until I tell you how to think it seems!"
Administrator said... I have a question for Kate, or for her followers. How does talking about their personal private issues on television, disclosing their private feelings as their mother and so-called protector, help them? How?
Here, let me play devil's advocate and help get them started. Let's see in the long run how many of their excuses I get right;
1 - It's a reality show, Kate is just keeping it real. Poor Kate.
2 - She has no choice but to keep the show going, she has eightcountemeight kids to support and Jon does nothing to help her blah blah blah. Poor Kate.
3 - None of the kids showed ANY anger issues until Ellen came on the scene, therefore it is all Ellen's fault. (notice how that one doesnt address the children's needs, just blame.) Also, none of the kids had anger issues before Obama became president, therefore it's the Democrats faults. (Makes as much sense). Poor Kate.
4 - Kate is just being a sharing and caring inspiration to us all, sharing her concerns and tragedies with so many other single moms. Sheeple appreciate her candor. If you dont like how she parents, look away. Poor Kate.
5 - Collin has always been stubborn, in order to get his attention she must use physical force. He is obviously quite ungrateful for all his mother does for him. Kate says he is always 'defiant of her authority', so ungrateful! Just like his lazy father. Poor Kate.
6 - Alexis has always been a handful. And now she is exposed to Ellen, that is why Alexis is acting out. Ellen combs her hair funny and has no business being near those chidren. Poor Kate has to clean up after the mess that Ellen makes of those kids.
7 - One time Jody gave them gum, against Kate's wishes. the sugar totally destroyed their delicate, preemie metabolism. Poor Kate.
8 - You are all just haterz on Kate (what a stupid little middle-school expression)and critcize her no matter what she does. Someday you will all be sorry. Dont worry so much about Kate's ungrateful children, you haterz should worry about your own. oops, we mean 'kids' us true sheeple never call them children. Poor Kate.
9 - Poor Kate. Everyone is just out to use her for money, hardly anyone is a true friend to her. She unloads on the camera because she is so lonely and the camera is her only friend sometimes.
10 - Poor Kate, she is so stressed with all the media scrutiny, and she hasnt had a vacation in nearly 2 months. poor Kate.
11 - She has no choice, no other choice at all, but to discuss her children's emotional problems on TV. You people all lie so much that she must set the record straight. There is no other option. If you dont like seeing little kids yanked around by their body parts, lied to, screamed at, demeaned, ridiculed, then look away. Poor Kate.
12 - (And for my grande finale) If you were in Kate's stilletos, you would do the same thing for $$. Go KATE!
@ dee3, I totally agree! The sad part is this behaviour from the parents was happening PRE-divorce!
How do you know what he is doing? Are you with him? Are you his attorney? A relative? Have you been to court with him?
If not, then none of us should sit in the grandstands and say that he is not doing enough.
If you do know, for a fact, what he is doing for his kids, then could you please post it here so that all of us could form an opinion?
Facts, please, not assumptions, not rumor, not gossip. Just the facts as to what is going on behind the scenes, in the courtroom, and in his life....with dates, times, places, documentation to back it up.
The only thing Kate is protecting is her filming the children. She knew this would get out about the kids, so she jumps on the divorce angle once again as their only problem. This way she gets a jump of the people who say the filming is effecting them too. "They are only playing! They love the film crew!" "They sobbed times 8 when told they wouldn't be filming" but "asked 'what's for lunch' when told of the divorce". Conflicting lies, that no one calls her on.
Once again, the rumors of being broke are being circulated. Just as in the days of DWTS. She HAD to work, because of 'high legal bills' she claimed. Now, rumors.. and lo and behold a special assignment with ET. Wow. And right when the kids are having some serious issues. . AGAIN, she just has to leave, because she is (sob) broke. The nannies will take good care of the kids, Kate. Geeez this woman makes me ill.
Trucker...I have been on Jon's side from the beginning, but I totally agree with you, 100%. He should have manned up from DAY ONE. So he "lost his 20's"... Big frigin deal! He went through hell with that woman, how the hell does he think his kids feel? And if he is so concerned about them, then he should have been doing more from the get-go. We don't know what he is doing behind closed doors. I am glad he's not going public with what he has up his sleeve, I hope he has an arsenal of information against that monster of a mother, but he did himself no favors by not standing up & fighting from the start, instead of jet-setting & dating a ho-bag (NOT Ellen). What's done is done, & he IS on the right track, but how stupid can you be? Does he get that he needs a good lawyer & representation? It's like he wants to keep playing along. I don't know...
Kate's wow factor must be her disgust factor, as she disgusts the majority of people who are exposed to her, and wow, TLC has figured out how to make a buck off of that. Quit tuning in people, those children can't afford the price of your admission into their private lives.
"Anger over the divorce" my ass. Those kids have been pounding on each other from the start. How they haven't suffered brain damage is beyond me. Pounding, shoving, smacking, kicking......and where was KHate?? Grinning it up for the cameras. Worthless excuse for a mother.
If I grabbed one of my kids' chins like that, they would be shocked, angry, and would probably pull away and look at me like I'm crazy. No way would they stand for that because they have never experienced it before, know that it's not okay, and would think there's something wrong with me, not them. The fact that the G8 just sit there and take her shit means (to me, at least) that they are used to it snd not in a position to argue about it. It makes me so sad that Jon can't be there to protect them from that foul-breathed monster
I think all these behaviors that she is trying to blame on the divorce are not in fact so much the divorce as it is that they don't have their father there to catch their back with her, and they are catching the brunt of her anger. And now she is going to come out and show the world that she is in charge. There is a way to get through a divorce amicably, and that is to put the needs of the children first, and bickering and hatefulness on the back burner.
I cannot for the life of me understand how the crew can accept this behavior as they obviously do by the fact that they quietly film it without intervention. She didn't get the old crew back - this a completely different crew that the children "love so much."
I remember a while back when Kate was on Joy Behar
show.... was talking about spanking... Kate said the Collin was a lot like her and need stronger punishment than the other children.
Administrator said..
In any case, Jon needs to get a court order that Kate is not to discuss the children's emotional state on her television show.
I don't know why, but for some reason, I just keep 'wondering or hoping' that behind the scenes, all this time, Jon has been working w/an attorney Paul Petersen has hooked him up with, and the attny. is going to come into court with guns blazing on the 28th. Wouldn't that be sweet?!!
The woman is a bully! Yes, Jon needs to man up even more and get these kids some professional help. Jon was blindsided by the divorce and did some things he is ashamed of (many people do silly things at that time). Usually, the person who is blindsided is stunned and rejected. Your self-esteem is in the gutter and that attracts the wrong type of people. Bless him that he is finally getting it back together.
Hopefully, someone will see that the kids need legal representation. This story is a mess and will not end well. Again, Kate G. is a bully and there are 5 plus years of tape to prove it. If we are to believe the reality of this reality show, old mom has been the negative influence teaching the kids to fight and torment each other and now others at school. Get a clue, Kate and TLC, and remove yourself and the kids from showbiz.
konspiracytheory said... My mother is classic NPD, so believe me, I know what it's like to live with a narcissist. I'm also a mother though, and I simply cannot even imagine saving myself and leaving my children behind to suffer at the hands of an NPD parent.
Konspiracy, you are absolutely 100% right. It was BECAUSE of my kids that I wanted to get away from my exs' narcissism. It was one thing for him to speak and treat me 'negatively', I could 'take up' for myself, but when he started treating my children, in their early teen years, the same way, I wanted him out of their lives, as much as could be possible. Fortunately, (and the divorce was horrible, you don't 'cross' a narcissist) he didn't care if he had any custody, just as long as he got "all the money". And, I'll say something else, IF Kate wasn't earning the big bucks off her kids, she wouldn't care either if she didn't have much custody. It has always bothered me that Jon would "leave" his children behind and take his freedom, knowing his children would be dealing with all her anger issues without him there as a 'buffer'.
Is it true that 2 of kates former employees are writing a tell all book about Kate? Is it true that this will be the book to contribute to the demise of ms. gosselin. What does anyone know about this?
Anonymous 1:51PM, I don't see how that could be true. I heard Al Walentis, while writing his book, ran into several brick walls i.e. people being afraid to speak and would-be sources changing their minds at the last minute (due to fear I would assume). All Kate's employees have to sign a confidentiality agreement, no?
I'm sorry, but I can't beleive this site is accusing Kate of abusing her kids by putting her hand under Collins chin. I don't know if any of you are parent's of kids that age. But I have 3, and after seeing the preivews, I don't feel she did anything wrong. I think you need to know as parent's what we go through to understand.
Haven't read anything about former employees writing a book, but have read that the house is up for sale with a NY auction firm.
Anonymous said...
Is it true that 2 of kates former employees are writing a tell all book about Kate? Is it true that this will be the book to contribute to the demise of ms. gosselin. What does anyone know about this?
Wouldn't that be juicy? But ultimately, it would also be putting the kids in the spotlight some more...If this rumor is true, hopefully the kids are left out of it.
Michelle @ 6:44am.
I agree with every single word you wrote. Jon does not get a pass on any of this until he steps up and secures legal, physical, and mental health support for his children.
I have seen NOTHING to support any of this yet. Shooka being back just might be my last straw with this family. Child abuse is horrible enough, but animal abuse just tips me over the edge.
I'm sorry, but I can't beleive this site is accusing Kate of abusing her kids by putting her hand under Collins chin. I don't know if any of you are parent's of kids that age. But I have 3, and after seeing the preivews, I don't feel she did anything wrong. I think you need to know as parent's what we go through to understand.
This site is not accusing Kate of abusing her kids based on one picture. The evidence is based on years and years of recorded television shows, interactions with them as documented by friends and family members, the psychological and emotional manipulations that have been seen time and time again on television and in written and electronic media.
Yikes, my sister use to be a fan of hers and saw her on ET tonight and said the woman is fake from her hair, nails, teeth and personality. She also said she tried to say she skates, what a liar!! Now liar is on the list too. As for Anon saying she grabs her kids face too..ugh. Thats why they love Kate Gosselin so much, her fans are abusers too. Raised kids of my own honey and never had to or want to grab a piece of their face. Take your being a parent is hard stuff somewhere else child cause it doesn't blow over here very well.
I cannot for the life of me understand how the crew can accept this behavior as they obviously do by the fact that they quietly film it without intervention.
I can't either. The crew must see everything. There must be one among them who has a conscience, or is a parent. In PA, someone who is simply around the children is not required to report it. I'm wondering, though, if Carla is homeschooling these kids, then she falls within the "teachers" criteria, and anyone who is homeschooling these kids, even if it's a tutor, must report any signs of neglect or abuse, whether emotional or physical.
I also don't understand why the bad behavior isn't edited out of the shows, especially now that the expulsion story was leaked. Is TLC keeping this in the show, banking on the fact that viewers know about the kids' bad behavior, and therefore will watch just to see it for themselves? This is pathetic beyond belief if they are doing it just for ratings.
Wouldn't you think that, in view of the fact that these kids were removed from school due to rage/anger issues, that anything having to do bad behavior would have been edited OUT of the show because there would be proof on film that it does exist and TLC wouldn't want viewers to know that they are contributing the bad behavior by having the cameras shoved in the kids' faces on a regular basis?
Jon's no longer there to take the brunt of her anger, so it falls on the kids.
Interesting...the Zillow page for the house (if it truly is going up for sale) has the price between 643,000 and 1.04m. WAY less than was paid for two years ago. Not sure why she would want to sell in this market and LOSE money on it. Coming from someone who just moved and got a great deal on a home 20k less than the sellers had paid for it. She'd be a fool to sell now.
It is bad parenting to spank, grab, overpower, bully, threaten and intimidate your children. So for those parents who think Kate is an ideal mother and good role model, please get yourself some help, and better role models. Children emulate what they see and these children have seen far too much agression between their parents. Kate in particular has a harsh tongue, she is an abusive parent and she is a child abuser.
Those kids hit cause they are being hit at home, they cuss cause they are hearing it from home, kids learn what they live and pass it on.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I really think Kate needs to go back to short hair! The long hair makes me think of the most evil parts of her persona. At least with the short hair, I kind of relate her more to the "old Kate", the awful, but not quite AS awful Kate (pre-diva).
Great job BeDoneNow great job on the devil's advocate. I was hoping you would end on "Go Kate" or "Team Kate" LOL.
How long do confidentiality agreements run? For your life? For the celebrity's life? For
two years after end of employment? Or is each one different?
I know this is America, but Prince Charles' personal valet was constrained by confidentiality like nobody's business. A few years after leaving Charles' service he wrote an account of his time in active service to the Prince. Mr. Berry died soon after it was released, if I recall.
I read on another blog that Kate is hoping to rev up interest in herself by revealing a new hairdo during her ET stint - a cute bob, minus the extensions. Supposedly she has been wearing a wig and hats to hide the new do for awhile.
Apparently she hopes yet another new hairdo will help keep her sinking ship afloat. Please, please lets refrain from commenting too much on this or doing surveys about this. Let's not feed this sick woman's ego any longer and give her the press she so desperately craves.
"I'm sorry, but I can't beleive this site is accusing Kate of abusing her kids by putting her hand under Collins chin. I don't know if any of you are parent's of kids that age. But I have 3, and after seeing the preivews, I don't feel she did anything wrong. I think you need to know as parent's what we go through to understand."
I think as parents, we do understand. We do have children. You are not alone in having three children. Physical force is not acceptable under ANY circumstances. In addition, abuse is not only physical. It can also be emotional. I think that this site is concerned with that - the years of emotional abuse, based on documented records that have been preserved on film. In PA emotional abuse IS child abuse, CFS is called in, and the abuser can be prosecuted. There are many, many instances of emotional abuse seen in that family; too many, in fact to list here.
Hitting has also been documented on film. Go back and take a look at the picture of Kate striking one of the girls for blowing a whistle; Kate shoving one of the boys when she hands him an ice cream cone; threats with a wooden spoon. One wonders, too, if these things are recorded on film, exactly what kind of physical altercations happen when the cameras aren't rolling.
"I agree with every single word you wrote. Jon does not get a pass on any of this until he steps up and secures legal, physical, and mental health support for his children."
I don't think that Jon is asking for a pass from anyone. I believe he's too busy getting his ducks in order for the court hearing. I just wonder how tough it is to go up against Kate and her henchmen in regards to custody and support. None of us knows what he is going through because he's keeping it private. Good for him. He's not out to win a popularity contest from anyone here or on any blogs. He's not asking for our approval. He's fighting the good fight, has been for some time, and most likely will continue to do so. I can't imagine what it must be like to take on Kate, the narcissist and controller.
On ETs preview of tomorrow night Kate is asked to set the record straight. "Were the kids really expelled?" Tune in tomorrow.
Although the children's "anger issues" are exacerbated by the show and the divorce, the real reasons lie within the way they have been raised by Kate since birth. What have they lived? It's pretty obvious to me. Their lives are the first half of the poem. These children need to live the second half of the poem. I hope it is possible with intervention from the court system.
Children Learn What They Live
by Dorothy Law Nolte, PhD
If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.
Livvy said... On ETs preview of tomorrow night Kate is asked to set the record straight. "Were the kids really expelled?" Tune in tomorrow.
November 22, 2010 4:53 PM
Let's face it. When has she ever "set the record straight" and told the truth? Never.
She lies lies lies to make herself look better.
She will never sit there and say HER kids were expelled. She will say they were having "post divorce behavior issues" and that SHE pulled them out.
I will fall over dead if she actually told the truth for once, but we know that won't ever happen.
Faunette....I don't know if any of you are parent's of kids that age. But I have 3, and after seeing the preivews, I don't feel she did anything wrong
Faunette I have a question for you. If one of your three children grabbed another by the chin and ordered them to "look at me when I am talking to you" would that be acceptable behavior to you? To me it's absolutely not. And certainly any school would not tolerate that. So how can we as adults treat a child like that, then expect a different behavior out of the child themselves in school and with their friends?
Being physical with a child to get your way just teaches a child to do just that, be physical. And THESE DAYS you cannot so much as touch your coworkers on the shoulder without being accussed of sexual harassment, so is it really a good idea to teach a child that socially this is acceptable behavior?
Pam said...
Livvy said... On ETs preview of tomorrow night Kate is asked to set the record straight. "Were the kids really expelled?" Tune in tomorrow.
I think that she needs to be very careful in choosing her words. There are some who know exactly what happened, and may call her on it.
Kate has never been able to keep her mouth shut on anything. She keeps digging that hole deeper and deeper.
What happened to the "no comment" comment, that they are keeping this private? Let me guess. It's going to be the same as the separation/divorce situation. She was keeping that private, too, and in the next breath was on national television discussing it.
She has gotten away with lying so often, she feels invincible.
One of these days, it will all come crumbling down.
Livvy said...
On ETs preview of tomorrow night Kate is asked to set the record straight. "Were the kids really expelled?" Tune in tomorrow.
Sorry Livvy, I refuse to watch/ or listen to Kate lie through her teeth anymore.
Shame on ET for continuing to enable her.
Paula said...
I see the sheeple are still blaming Jon and giving Kate a pass.
I see that most of you are solely blaming Kate and giving Jon a pass.
Admin said, "So how can we as adults treat a child like that, then expect a different behavior out of the child themselves in school and with their friends?"
You are so right. We have seen, on the shows, just how much these kids emulate Kate, right down to the hand gestures, the tone of voice, the screetching. Is it any wonder, then, that when she lifts his chin and tells him to look at her when she's talking to him, that the kids wouldn't do the same thing to other children at school?
Fahnette, how would you feel if another child did this to your child at school? Would you feel that this is acceptable behavior? What if that other child did this consistently, each time becoming more physical? Would you expect the school to step in and do something about it?
Children learn these things from their parents, and when this behavior turns physical and the school calls the parents, many times their response is, "I can't imagine why he's doing that. He doesn't behave like that at home." Of course he doesn't. It's called transference. He's now doing it to his classmates/friends, thanks to the parents who taught him that this is acceptable behavior.
I see that most of you are solely blaming Kate and giving Jon a pass.
That's simply not true. In this thread alone there have been several posts highly critical of Jon. I was just going to post that Jon needs to get himself to court at 8:30am tomorrow and get an emergency order that Kate is not to discuss the children's schooling on Entertainment Tonight or any media outlet. As far as we know he hasn't and that's sitting on his hands--I hope he is.
This blog has been highly critical of both Kate and Jon. For the most part people think very critically here and don't blindly support anyone--except the kids. Whereas the sheeple blindly throw Jon under the bus and support Kate NO MATTER WHAT. There has not been ONE SINGLE situation where they have supported Jon over Kate. Think about it, how can one person, the same person who has unmonitored visits with his kids, ALWAYS be wrong and Kate ALWAYS right? Sorry, not possible.
Faunette....I don't know if any of you are parent's of kids that age. But I have 3, and after seeing the preivews, I don't feel she did anything wrong--
Admin, I didn't write that. I was responding to this:
Anonymous said...
I'm sorry, but I can't beleive this site is accusing Kate of abusing her kids by putting her hand under Collins chin. I don't know if any of you are parent's of kids that age. But I have 3, and after seeing the preivews, I don't feel she did anything wrong. I think you need to know as parent's what we go through to understand. November 22, 2010 2:47 PM
and said "This site is not accusing Kate of abusing her kids based on one picture. The evidence is based on years and years of recorded television shows, interactions with them as documented by friends and family members, the psychological and emotional manipulations that have been seen time and time again on television and in written and electronic media."
I have been teaching dance for twenty years. That means twenty years of kids from all sorts of families. Only one time have we seen a mother grab her child by the chin and turn that little girl's head towards her with such force it left marks, and she left our studio and didn't come back because someone in the waiting room pointed out the marks. We don't know what happened to that little girl...
I would rather eat my own hand than bring harm to a child.
I'm so sorry Faunette you're right that came from "anonymous" not you. Of course it came from anonymous I should have known better than to think that someone who beats their kids would actually take enough ownership of it to at least pick a name here.
"I see that most of you are solely blaming Kate and giving Jon a pass."
I don't think that this can be seen at all. Please read the posts. Most of us agree that these two parents were responsible for creating this nightmare. The blame is not on Jon alone or Kate alone. At least not initially. They created the mess; they perpetuated the mess.
He went on record (on a couch interview) saying that he wanted to stop filming. She vetoed it and kept filming. He went to the court in September to try to stop filming. The judge ruled against him.
Sounds to me like right now it's either her way or the highway. It's an uphill battle for him all the way. I wish him well, but I just don't have good feelings about this unless he can get someone in his corner, like a pitbull attorney, who could really put the screws to Kate and hers.
Midnight Madness, I was responding to the same post as you, Anonymous at 2:47, defending this blog and Admin's accumulation of freely available evidence of Kate's abuse of her children. I was NOT agreeing with it.
S'ok! There's so much out there right now it's hard to keep track! Just keep fighting the good fight for the kids in Reality TV world.
I may not have kids of my own, but I've had the blessing to have so many little sisters over the years I can't even count them anymore!
I'm so sorry Faunette you're right that came from "anonymous" not you. Of course it came from anonymous I should have known better than to think that someone who beats their kids would actually take enough ownership of it to at least pick a name here.
Admin., isn't it time to block the anonymous option, or can't that be done? Sheeple obviously can't figure out how to use the drop menu and select "name." Either that, or they thrive on creating confusion in addition to stirring up the troops. They need to pick a name. It's so difficult to respond to multiple anonymouses.
I know people here have extensive experience with kids, be it being parents themselves, caregivers or nannies, teachers, or other professions that work directly with children. But I don't understand why the sheeple require you to have eight kids or even "kids" in general in order to understand Kate.
I don't think you need to own anything more than a goldfish to know you don't hurt a child. Do you need to have a wife or husband to know that you are not supposed to commit domestic violence against your spouse?
I know, I see that now, and I am truly sorry. I hate when somebody does that to my posts. I responded to Admin's post in which she addressed you. Profuse apologies.
Must have been one of those drive-thru sheeple who sees no harm in laying a hand on a child.
We will never come to any middle ground when we are trying to reason with someone who has a completely different value system.
As far as anonymous comments, yes Moose they are on their last leg. I think a part of me thinks that the sheeple are TRYING to make me turn of anonymous, like it's some kind of bizarre victory for them. I have this odd sense that I would be giving in to the trolls.
Save the kids said...
Now liar is on the list too.
Nope, that's pretty much been on the list, from the git-go. There ya go, something positive about Kate...she is consistent.
@ Kids are no match for a narcissist:
Thank you for confirming what I said about a parent not leaving their children behind when escaping from a narcissistic spouse. I'm so sorry for what you went through, but happy you escaped. And I agree: I think Kate would have gladly given up her parental rights (assuming Jon wanted full custody of them) if they were not bringing in the $$$.
PatE said...
OMG, then maybe Kate should have thought twice about banging the bodyguard and kicking her children's father to the curve and off the property.
And in the middle of a divorce you don't run off to dance leaving them alone with strangers. Is there anything this bitch has not screwed up?
Why does she still have custody?
There is no evidence whatsoever that she is sleeping with her bodyguard. Far better to "run off" to work (yes, DWTS is work) than to leave your kids for the latest flavor of the month.
I think Jon has made a lot of mistakes but I'm kind of tired of the accusation that Jon is running through women. It's not true anymore. How long will Jon be required to be in his current relationship before he will stop being accused of going after the "flavor of the month"? How long is a long relationship for you? Will nine months do? You can grown an entire baby in nine months, but that's not long enough to prove the relationship is solid?
There was a brief time where he dated several women, a few months. He stopped doing that with Hailey. For the past 12 months he has been with two women--Haily and Ellen. For the past nine months, he has been with the same woman. I don't see how this in any way justifies the constant attacks. He will never be forgiven by Kate, nor her fans. What is he supposed to do, would it be better to just be single and alone and unhappy, that's what people want for people not to pair up?
Why even bother posting on this site????? Your responses are moderated, censored and those that meet with the administrators P.C. opinion are posted. Total bullshit. You want opinion and run a blog, you post everyones opinion. You want to clean the response up, you don't run a blog. Stop with the p.c. bullshit.
You watching the television show and giving everyone a feedback is as bad as everyone watching the show and giving feedback. It's like saying "stay inside, I'll go out and taste the beer and tell you how horrible it was."
What a total sham. We all hate the show and most of us can't stand Kate but your decision to censor responses yet continue to watch her show and give us your censored version is as palatable as a 4th of July parade in Communist China.
Most of us signed on here to vent. We don't need a commentary on your viewing experience. Everyone who watches this explotation is guilty of abusing those children so you, taking one for the team so others can get your opinion is just as bad.
Whether people watch it or read your review, it's tantamount to being part of the viewing audience. Get a grip
Administrator said... I think Jon has made a lot of mistakes but I'm kind of tired of the accusation that Jon is running through women.
I agree, although there was Morgan something (the chick he was spending time with in Utah last winter) between Hailey and Ellen.
I think it's good if the kids are actually being exposed to a "normal" give and take relationship between him and Ellen (hopefully that's what they have) as opposed to what Jon and Kate modeled for them in the relationship department.
I am, however, sick to death of Sheeple who refuse to pick a name and stick with it. I think it's very big of you to post their opinions here when the sites they normally visit will allow no honest discussion whatsoever. Either put on your blinders and get on the bandwagon or you can't post. I wish they'd have the common courtesy to respect your request to pick a name and stick with it.
I don't understand. I'm P.C.? Gosh never heard that one before! :-) My recaps are censored? Usually I hear I exaggerate and am over the top and that could never be what really happened (except it was). You are welcome to watch the episode if you think I'm censoring something. If you don't watch the show how do you know my recaps are censored, I don't get it.
I obviously post all kinds of opinions as there are many different takes on things just in this post. I can't possibly hold all those opinions at once. If you don't like the recaps you don't have to read them!
I think I've shown them that I respect them enough to post differing opinions as long as they follow the rules, I don't understand why they can't respect us enough to pick a name.
Oh here's another celebrity church-goer who doesn't think he's above sitting in the pews with the commoners. Mark Walburg told 60 minutes he goes to mass EVERY DAY.
They even interviewed his Priest on 60 Minutes. He's given hundreds of thousands of dollars to the church according to the priest.
So yes not all celebrities are "too big" to worship with the rest of the slaves.
Someone on Facebook said Kate was in the audience of Skating With the Stars. I changed channels after 20 minutes - the show was BAD.
I saw that interview on 60 Minutes last night. He goes to mass every day even when he's off filming. I didn't realize he dropped out of school at 13 and was such a hellraiser. He certainly turned his life around in a big way.
9 - Poor Kate. Everyone is just out to use her for money, hardly anyone is a true friend to her. She unloads on the camera because she is so lonely and the camera is her only friend sometimes.
I realize you were playing devil's advocate, which you were awesome at! :) I'm curious, do the sheeple blame Beth, Jodi, Kevin, etc., in addition to Jon?
It seems to me Mark turned to the church in times of need to help him straighten his life out. In constrast, Kate expected the church to be there for her when she needed the "religion" angle and when that was no longer necessary, she stopped going to them.
Interesting...the Zillow page for the house (if it truly is going up for sale) has the price between 643,000 and 1.04m. WAY less than was paid for two years ago. Not sure why she would want to sell in this market and LOSE money on it. Coming from someone who just moved and got a great deal on a home 20k less than the sellers had paid for it. She'd be a fool to sell now.
Why would she want to sell? Has she finally found a place in Hollywood?
It's interesting that ET dumped Kate as a correspondent for DWTS but picked her up for Skating with the Stars. I watched the show tonight to see what it was like. I wanted to see how Bethenny (a real housewife) did. Kate was there in the front row sitting next to Tony. Either they were forced to sit next to each other or Kate found some time to finally return some of his texts.
All in all, I think Kate is the perfect correspondent for this show. It was horrible. The skating wasn't enjoyable to watch, the hosts were awkward, the format was off-putting...I think she fits right in. It's no wonder she landed this gig instead of DWTS. The bar is set much lower for this show.
I don't think Kate is even trying to appear to be a role model for moms anymore. Maybe she realized that that ship has sailed. Rumors about her kids being expelled, spoiled lunches and now she's back to traveling. While most moms would be concerned with the welfare of their children and getting ready for the holidays, Kate is exploiting her children's problems on ET and is flying across the country every week again. She can't even PRETEND to be a good mother anymore.
I think the kids are actually better off with her gone but I wonder if they feel that way. They may just feel neglected even though she treats them horribly when she's home. It's amazing that children love their parents even when they are being abused.
Midnight, I am sending you a big hug! Run-by Sheeplings are scary things!
I saw the 60 minutes interview too. Until I watched it, I thought Mark Walburg was the host of Antiques Roadshow!!
A little thing called an "h"
Mark Lewis Walberg (born August 31, 1962) is an American actor, television personality and game show host. His television credits include Antiques Roadshow,
Mark Robert Michael Wahlberg (born June 5, 1971) is an American actor, former rapper and producer of film and television. He was known as Marky Mark in his earlier years
I don't understand why they can't respect us enough to pick a name.
Maybe you need to post the website of an online dictionary so they can look up the meaning of "respect." Sheeple aren't the swiftest when it comes to the English language.
November 22, 2010 8:24 PM
Fahnette said...
Midnight, I am sending you a big hug! Run-by Sheeplings are scary things!
Especially a ram in search of a flock of ewes!
Re: Whoever thinks grabbing a kids face is ok. I have a headstrong little boy and when I need him to face me I get on his level and gently hold his arms to his sides. Grabbing a child or anyone else by the face is painful and humiliating. I can hardly bear to look at that picture, she could hurt his neck like that. As always, if she thinks it's acceptable to treat her children that way in public we know the private is much worse
You all should be happy she has a job without the children. Isn't that the point?
I have been unhappy with many of the things Jon has done in the past and posted it. But...he had to go up against TLC in one court case...filed regarding (on behalf of) the children recently...and lost...and is due to go back to family court again soon (Nov. 30th?) I really cannot think of what else he can do. He HAS to go by the previous court's ruling until he can get it changed.
And I had a friend years ago who was dealing with an ex who was treating him (and their daughter) similar to how Kate is. And he filed and filed and filed at the family court. And it was my observation that the court began to get annoyed with him for constantly filing. There is a down side to filing too much and too frequently...and it can also work against you.
He IS doing the right thing now...staying quiet, and filing to try to get the children off TV (several times now). When these children become difficult teenagers and Kate can no longer afford this army of nannies and help.....and Jon will not engage her and allow her to upset him...he will prevail eventually....and she will WANT him to take the children much more often. My opinion, of course.
For those who asked Kate was another no-show on Sarah Palin's Alaska.
Oh look they leave the kids with the grandparents when they can't be there. Todd's parents.
Anon me said... You all should be happy she has a job without the children. Isn't that the point
She had a job without the kids. It was called nursing. She lies and claims her new job means she gets to be home with her children in the same breath taking off 3000 miles away. That said I think we all know Kate is refusing to go back to nursing or any other job where she has to row with the other slaves, so if it can't be a regular job then fine she can take off on her kids while they are having serious problems in school to pursue her own fame. Better than filming the children, I agree. Why can't the kids be with Jon again when she's busy being a celebrity whore?
I am just watching Sarah Palin now and I like how she explains and embraces how difficult "FAME" has been on the children. Sheesh at least she has enough self-awareness to realize that she put her kids in this situation and it's been hard on them. When has Kate ever taken responsibilty for one second for pushing her kids into this lifestyle? This is how I believe most clear-minded mothers would react when thrust into fame like Sarah was or Kate was--have at least a little understanding of what they did to their kids.
Far better to "run off" to work (yes, DWTS is work) than to leave your kids for the latest flavor of the month.
DWTS was work for Kate? I guess that's why Tony appeared so grateful to finally have a partner (Audrina) who, he said, was actually willing to work, not be pushed around on a dance floor with what Carrie Ann said was no sense of self-awareness!
I guess maybe that's what Kate does best. Runs off to "work" when her kids at home are having behavior issues. Run away, and the problem with go away. At least she doesn't need to deal with it. Let the nanny handle it. Let Jon handle it. Let the gardener handle it. Let Chris handle it. Anybody but her. She has to work.
If Kate wants to know what work is really like, let her shadow a woman for a week -- one who stands on her feet for hours in a candy factory, trimming excess ends off a Tootsie Roll. Let her work from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m., then come home to a family of five kids (one set of twins) under the age of nine, whose father was killed in a motorcycle accident and had no life insurance. She tries to sleep during the day, but there is laundry to do, meals to cook (on the grill when the electricity was shut off), cleaning to be done, and busy, busy toddlers to supervise. I'm sure this member of my church would gladly let Kate "walk a mile in her shoes."
Yes, indeed. Let Kate see what WORK is really like. DWTS is not it. It was a glamour/diva op, and Kate loved it.
Re: There is no evidence whatsoever that she is sleeping with her bodyguard.
What type of evidence would be sufficient for you? I'm not too sure about this "whatsoever" word that you use. I guess I could be persuaded to believe that no concrete dyed in the wool absolute 100% beyond a doubt evidence exists.
It's obvious to me that she's been banging the boy since the 1st trip to Park City. I think thats when the show could have shifted to highlight J's relationship with the kids in a more outdoor and sporting way and Katie pitched a fit and initiated a sexual relationship with the help (among other things). I believe that's why her author friend left in a huff.
I think many people have come around to be highly questionable about this relationship (read - think they are doing the deed) and do not agree with this no evidence whatsoever concept you have.
Yes, children (and also animals) love their abusers (parents/owners) despite the abuse.
But I remember our terror when our father would go on a business trip...the horrible fear when we'd see him packing his suitcase because we were going to be alone with our mother for several days.
But if we'd had a choice we would have chosen to live with our father (if they'd divorced) every single time because we felt safer with him, he didn't bad-mouth our mother like she did him, and he behaved like he actually cared for us.
I have never touched my sons in anger...and the only time I might have touched them roughly would have been to save them from running out in the road in front of moving vehicles, etc. And they have turned into men a mother can only dream of...they treat women (including their own) like gold, they treat me like gold, are always there for me if I need them and have very successful careers.
Whereas I, raised by an abusive narcissistic mother, am horribly co-dependent, a people-pleaser of massive proportions, not assertive, easily intimidated and have put up with an abusive alcoholic husband for over 25 years (am finally separated). And several of my siblings have had significant problems as adults...drug problems and psychiatric problems. One brother even died last year at the age of 52 due to an overdose.
When we were older, my dad got transferred to a South American country for 2 years (for his job) and finally went wild fooling around with women (although my parents never divorced) and eventually had a daughter (accident) with a woman there. And when she was 19, he was able to bring her, her mother and her sister here. And my God, you should see the difference between her and us...just due to having a loving, non-abusive mother. HUGE difference. I wish I had her personality and happiness.
So now we have the Halloween episode.TLC is going to make it look like the kids had another AWESOME outing with kate,making memories.
Well,we know better.We have eye-witnesses and photos.The kids were shuffled to the maze only to be forced to WORK.Yes,sheeple to WORK.20 minutes to be told where to run and what to say...thats it!Nothing more.When the JOB was done...off they went.
Now we have the beast talking about the kids anger issues? Why now kate? We know why.She needs to shift the blame on anyone but her.This isnt new either.Kate is a liar looking out for #1,and we know its not the kids.
I have zero intrest in watching the show.The sound of her voice makes my stomach turn.We all know if you watch you are adding to the ratings...ratings are whats keep her on the air.We can expose the truth about this beast WITHOUT watching the show.
I really hope Jon is getting the help he needs to help his kids.The man will not be able to stand up to kate and tlc on his own.I dont understand how he can get so screwed by the courts.Why cant Jon demand that the kids get councling? Councling from the courts and not someone kate picks.How can this Judge not see that these kids are hurting and that they need help?The last thing they need are cameras in thier faces,being told when to smile and when to look happy.
Dont watch the damn show!Dont add to the ratings.Its been said a hundred times...No viewers = No show! Yes...its that simple!
And up until the day she died, I was still trying, in futility, to please my mother. Still "knocking on a door that would never open" as a therapist said to me. He also said I'd married an abusive husband because I wanted to re-create the ending I'd had with my mom....and of course, that turned out even worse.
Speaking of which, Dee, I'm happy to report that as of this week I've got someone else on board the "realitytvkids.com" team now who is going to help me approve comments as they come in, yea! She is neither a fan nor a detractor and does not post here (though once in a blue moon reads my recaps), but she's a long-time friend who runs her own web site and understands my rules. So thanks to Mary Anne for some much-needed help for this exhausted working girl. She won't be posting either in comments or posts, that will still be my realm.
It was really time to do that since I'm planning to be out of town for two weeks in December. Much of the time will be relaxing but I don't want to worry so much about always being on the ball with the site, she will pick up the slack.
Thanks to everyone for making the site such a success and a happy playground, usually.
I, too, saw the 60 Minutes segment on Mark Wahlberg. He said that kids ask him why they should finish high school since he didn't and he still became successful. He said that he asks them to imagine how much MORE successful he would have been had he furthered his education. Very impressive answer.
it's a whole one hour special..I just saw the promo on youtube and I am SICK! They actually dare to show corn maze scenes like the kids actually had FUN there!Also, at the pumpkin patch I see they had Collin roll a big pumpkin like he did in the first episode 10 little pumpkins? Is the episode an hour because it will have flashbacks? Kate was BRUTLA towards Collin,it may not seem like a big deal if you are older,but for a 6 year old that is brutal.It is just like shaken baby sindrom:if you shake an 8 year old,he'll cry,if you shake a 1 year old,the brain will smash against the cranial walls and he will die..It may be small for us but for a little kid it just isn't.This whole thing makes me sick..there are 8 comments and 6 of them are asking or answering the question wait which two were expelled?Just sad and sickening at the same time.
The fans claim we are jealous.
Not me…. are you jealous?
I'm very happy...hands up for all the other "haters" that are content....thought so.
A room full of handwaving single mothers that smile through the challenge of the day but still can find the beauty of a full moon while looking out the kitchen window elbow deep in the suds of washing dishes with the scent of their child's hug still on their apron long after tucking them in.
Do I wish that I was Katie? no thank you I am happy that I am not....
The fans claim we are jealous.
Not me…. are you jealous?
I'm very happy...hands up for all the other "haters" that are content....thought so.
A room full of handwaving single mothers that smile through the challenge of the day but still can find the beauty of a full moon while looking out the kitchen window elbow deep in the suds of washing dishes with the scent of their child's hug still on their apron long after tucking them in.
Do I wish that I was Katie? no thank you I am happy that I am not....
Midnight Serenade said...
If Kate wants to know what work is really like, let her shadow a woman for a week -- one who stands on her feet for hours in a candy factory, trimming excess ends off a Tootsie Roll. Let her work from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m., then come home to a family of five kids (one set of twins) under the age of nine, whose father was killed in a motorcycle accident and had no life insurance. She tries to sleep during the day, but there is laundry to do, meals to cook (on the grill when the electricity was shut off), cleaning to be done, and busy, busy toddlers to supervise. I'm sure this member of my church would gladly let Kate "walk a mile in her shoes."
Wow, so anybody who doesn't work the graveyard shift at a factory isn't really "working"? Give me a flippin' break. On second thought...Where do I pick up my unemployment check then? I could use some extra cash right now.
I'm so glad you got an additional person to help you approve comments. There are so many here now and I'm sure it's been taking up a whole lot of your time.
This is ONLY reported, not verified fact, but Hollybaby is reporting:
"Kate Gosselin might need a reality check! The reality star and mom-of-eight is furious that two of her 6-year-old sextuplets, Alexis and Collin were expelled from their private school for misbehaving, but should she really threaten them? Kate, who currently stars on TLC’s Kate Plus 8, reportedly told her kids “they wouldn’t get into heaven and Jesus doesn’t love bad people,” a source tells Us Weekly.
We told you before that Kate threatened the kids that they would be sent away like Shoka and Nala, their dogs that were returned to their breeder — although Shoka has since returned to the family. Don’t you think Kate is being too intense? Will threats help her children overcome their emotional issues?"
It's good to get away! Enjoy your time off Administrator :o) And thanks for giving us a place to vent.
Welcome aboard, and good luck, Mary Anne :o)
Anonymous 2:47,
I DO have children and I have never squeezed their cheeks like that.
I was spanked as a child and have no bad or painful memories of that but I do remember the pain of having my face squeezed like that the two or three times my mom did it. IT HURTS! The tender jaw skin gets pressed against your teeth and it hurts. Also, a child is prevented from crying out in pain when their face is squeezed like that. So not only are they being hurt, they are being silenced.
Administrator said... For those who asked Kate was another no-show on Sarah Palin's Alaska.
Oh look they leave the kids with the grandparents when they can't be there. Todd's parents.
November 22, 2010 9:38 PM
Kate must've really been THAT BAD, as was reported, for TLC to pretend that little camping trip never happened. There was probably just no way to redeem her and the footage would've just sealed the final nails in her career coffin.
I say, "Throw her under the bus, TLC!!!!! Show that footage and your ratings will hit the roof!!"
Pam said...
Kate must've really been THAT BAD, as was reported, for TLC to pretend that little camping trip never happened. There was probably just no way to redeem her and the footage would've just sealed the final nails in her career coffin.
On wikipedia it says that Alaska here we come WILL have a crossover with Sarah Palin's Alaska
"On wikipedia it says that Alaska here we come WILL have a crossover with Sarah Palin's Alaska"
Anyone can put stuff on wikipedia.
Remember Caroline Kennedy said "you know" 142 times in that interview when she was thinking of running for Hillary Clinton's senate seat? I think Kate has her beat with how many time she said "like" last night when she was on SWTS for ET. She really thinks she's cute. News alert Kate......you're not cute, you're annoying and filling sentences with the word like makes you look really stupid.
Anonymous said... The fans claim we are jealous.
Not me…. are you jealous?
Absolutely not! Disgusted is the word that comes to mind.
It boggles the mind that in 2010, a woman who
a) treats her family like shit
b) is rude, cold and abrasive to the rest of the world.
c) uses people and animals to further her own agenda.
d) Lies through her fake teeth as much as she breathes and blinks.
e) has as much charm and charisma as a dead fish.
f) Looks like a naked shar pei with a bad weave.
g) verbally and emotionally abuses her children
on camera.
h) prances around with a married man
this woman is handed opportunities of a lifetime
that she doesn't deserve. Businesses, corporations and tv executives offer her things she did not earn, nor is she appreciative of when she gets it. She just wants more!
That is not called jealousy. It's called disgust.
I Am Me said . . .
Wow, so anybody who doesn't work the graveyard shift at a factory isn't really "working"? Give me a flippin' break. On second thought...Where do I pick up my unemployment check then? I could use some extra cash right now.
Hello, I Am Me. It is really quite pathetic that you felt the need to make such a snide remark concerning the circumstances Midnight Serenade related. She, nor anyone else here, has ever said that you must work a graveyard shift to understand hard work. That was not the point.
Anyone who can hear this story of a woman whose husband was killed and who is working hard to provide for her children (without selling them to a TV production company), but shows no empathy or sympathy whatsoever simply highlights why Kate has fans - they are just like her.
This story was obviously just one example of the challenges faced by many in trying to support a family. It made the very clear point that your hero, Kate, has absolutely no idea what "hard work" means in relation to raising and nurturing children. It doesn't matter a hill of beans whether that person is a doctor or lawyer or nurse or secretary or a butcher, or baker, or candlestick maker.
The point is that Kate has cried and complained and moaned and whined at every turn about how hard she has it, despite the fact that she has had many, many people doing the heavy-lifting of caring for her children the whole time. She is able to lay in bed and be served coffee because someone else is caring for her children. She is able to take long runs and pamper herself and go shopping alone because someone else is caring for her children. She can jet off on vacations without her family because someone else is caring for her children. And she has been able to do this because her children have been working hard. Is that so difficult to understand?
Kate abdicated her responsibilities as a mother because she is focused solely on her own needs and desires. The only thing she has succeeded at is beating her children's psyches into a pulp.
dee3 said... Added:
And up until the day she died, I was still trying, in futility, to please my mother. Still "knocking on a door that would never open" as a therapist said to me. He also said I'd married an abusive husband because I wanted to re-create the ending I'd had with my mom....and of course, that turned out even worse.
dee3, our lives are almost exactly the same, minus the other woman. I feel for you, I've been down that same path. We should 'talk'.
Livvy said...
On ETs preview of tomorrow night Kate is asked to set the record straight. "Were the kids really expelled?" Tune in tomorrow.
Thanks, but no thanks. I can't understand moaning about wanting Kate to "go away", yet actively contributing to her longevity by driving up TV ratings. "Tuning in" will just keep her around. (Not wanting to ignite yet another debate about whether blogs also keep her around).
Remember when one of the boys banged his head on an airplane and Katie said, "God has built in punishments."
Tic Tock Kate.
She certainly has a knack for butchering the English language for someone who wants to work in the talk business. On ET she also said something like you need to "submerse" yourself in what you're doing. Submerse?! Try immerse, Kate.
remind me please. jon and kate were how old when they got married? how long did they "try" before getting the procedure for the twins? did we ever find out who her fertility doctor was? thanks. also, how far away is their current house from Beth? ("movin' on up")
gotyournumberKate said... I think Kate has her beat with how many time she said "like" last night when she was on SWTS for ET. She really thinks she's cute. News alert Kate......you're not cute, you're annoying and filling sentences with the word like makes you look really stupid.
So did Kate have a new hairdo as someone on another mentioned, saying she's been wearing a wig and waiting to show off her new hair when she did the ET commentary?
I Am Me said...
Wow, so anybody who doesn't work the graveyard shift at a factory isn't really "working"? Give me a flippin' break. On second thought...Where do I pick up my unemployment check then? I could use some extra cash right now.
OR! This could be just ONE of THOUSANDS of examples of women who are willing to do what Kate refuses to do to support her children, which is make sacrifices and put the kids first. She pretends to have it so much harder than any other mother on the planet but she's got a multi-million dollar corporation on her side. For now.
Man, and they say we're the ones who take things the wrong way...
HW Sorry but you need to watch the clip. Kate turns Collin's face gently and does not pinch his cheeks. People can dislike Kate all they want, but don't make it out to be this huge issue bordering on abuse when it's in fact a split second of head turning.
You know how almost every school has a teacher that you pray to God you never get? You know, the one who hates her job, yells, belittles, is unfair, can't stand kids, wart on the nose with hair growing out of it, makes you put your head down, humiliates you in front of everyone....etc etc etc?????
That's Kate. That's her parenting style.
She sucks to high heaven as a loving mother, but makes a great teacher from hell.
Welcome Mary Anne & Have a good trip Admin! :)
I didn't watch Kate on ET last night but throwing "like" & "you know" & "uh" & "ums" in sentences is the dumbing down of America. Kate of course is the epitome of that. She just plain sucks at everything she touches. Why ET decided to give her another shot is beyond me, but I know people aren't that happy about it. Not many people are too happy w/ that shrew of a...woman right now. Period. Go ahead Kate. Keep making an ass out yourself all on your own. Keep digging your hole.
gotyournumberKate said...I think Kate has her beat with how many time she said "like" last night when she was on SWTS for ET. She really thinks she's cute
I just watched a clip of her interviewing some of the contestants - if you want to call it interviewing. ET must have a death wish or something. She just had to throw in her banshee screech when Brandon Mychal Smith gave her a peck on the cheek. The woman is an idiot. She hasn't improved one iota since the last time she attempted to do that gig. In fact she's gotten worse.
SWTS was terrible. I was really disappointed and could only watch a little bit of the show.
Kate fit in well. The show didn't deserve anyone with talent or experience.
I am me said: "Wow, so anybody who doesn't work the graveyard shift at a factory isn't really "working"? Give me a flippin' break. On second thought...Where do I pick up my unemployment check then? I could use some extra cash right now."
No, work is work, whether it is working in a factory or starring in a failing reality show and being special correspondent to a z-list skating competition. I don't think anyone denies Kate is working.... it's just that thus far her work has cost her relationships with EVERY single member of her family, her marriage, her few friends, she is the butt of jokes, her previous hairstyle was turned into a best-selling Halloween costume last year, it has caused her to be paparazzi bait, she was shunned by the A-list reality show she did appear on, her children appear to be suffering from the notoriety, she is (by her own admission) lonely, and men(by her own admission) avoid her like the plague.
I would rather work in a factory and have my husband, my happy wonderful kids, my awesome group of girlfriends (some I've been close with since jr. high) and the knowledge we are going to see ALL our families on Thursday than live a minute in Kate's lonely, isolated world, with only one paid bodyguard as a friend. Just sayin' :)
Is there no way to contact ET?
Here is Kate "interviewing" (Squealing and waving her hands of course)
Ratings plummet for Skating With the Stars:
8:00 ABC Dancing With the Stars 4.7/13 23.28
9:00 ABC Dancing/Skating with the Stars 4.4/11 19.45
10:00 ABC Skating With the Stars (Premiere) 1.9/5 6.91
The fans claim we are jealous.
Not me…. are you jealous?
I'm very happy...hands up for all the other "haters" that are content....thought so.
A room full of handwaving single mothers that smile through the challenge of the day but still can find the beauty of a full moon while looking out the kitchen window elbow deep in the suds of washing dishes with the scent of their child's hug still on their apron long after tucking them in.
Do I wish that I was Katie? no thank you I am happy that I am not....
Oh yes, I am VERY jealous of Kate. I want so much to look 10 years older, have 2 of my 8 kids expelled from school, have all my kids fighting all the time, have no family or friends, and have my wonderful husband who helped me not be around anymore. Oh yes, I am so jealous of Kate Gosselin. (Note sarcasm for any sheeple). Laura Jean, I am with you 100%. I am quite happy that I am not Kate Gosselin either...
Most of the 9pm viewers for SWTS, saw Khate and said "hell no" and did not tune in for the 10pm premier. She has that effect on people.
Khate get a clue: America is over you!
What a poignant and provocative tale. I've been reading your comments for a long time now and I don't see you as "lacking" in any way. You are SO self-aware; maybe to a fault. Thank God for your dad and the good qualities he passed on to you. Maybe they've been your saving grace; the difference between your life and your brother's.
I look forward to reading what you write. Your words ALWAYS shine.
(please forgive me if this was too personal.)
Hey LauraJean & SmileyGrl :o)
Me too! Considering that I come from a narcissistic family (father, mother, grandmothers, middle sister, mother in-law, sister in-law), I am quite happy and at peace with the life my husband and I (kids & hairy kids included) have created for ourselves. God has blessed me (my entire life) with very good friends as well.
I do not envy Kate Gosselin.
I am very familiar with her kind, and I pity her. She has a LONG, HARD, LONELY road ahead of her.
Me...jealous of Khate?
Let's see:
I have a great and hard working husband
My husband is a retired firefighter who is respected by many.
I have 5 wonderful children.
I have awesome friends
Our families are part of our lives
We have annual passes to Disney
we have a few nice things
I love to volunteer
living privately and simply is a blessing
my kids are pretty happy, loved and nurtured
vacations are special family time
my kids play in mud and make mud pies
my son is the best player on his high school team
people like to be around me
I love to be around people
I like who I am, and I try to be the best person I can be everyday for family and myself
Nope! can"t say I am jealous of Khate...
I have it too good, to give it up for all that misery, I mean joyfulness Khate has. I"ll pass on Khate's magical life
No, work is work, whether it is working in a factory or starring in a failing reality show and being special correspondent to a z-list skating competition.
Really? So leaving your kids with nannies to fly off to a five-star Mexican report to sip Margaritas in the pool, being pampered right and left at a spa, having makeup done and hair styled, donning a bikini to run in the sand while your bodyguard stands by, ready to take you off for a night of good food and drinks is work? I guess so, because it's for a magazine cover, which is a publicity shoot for your reality show, and therefore considered, work because you're being paid.
With work like that, who needs "real" work?
Denise said... Is there no way to contact ET?
People have been raising hell about her on the ET Facebook page. Go there and tell them just how bad she sucks.
Like....I totally just....like....watched the ET video of ....like....Kate interviewing the skaters.....and...like....she totally.....like......sounds likes she's.....like.....in 7th grade.
Stop with the Valley Girl talk for gawd's sake!
And stop screaming you ninney!!!!!
Typical Kate.
All happy and giddy and smiley in L.A.
All grumpy and sourpuss and angry in P.A.
She NEVER acts that happy around her children. Ever.
ET must have a death wish or something. She just had to throw in her banshee screech when Brandon Mychal Smith gave her a peck on the cheek. The woman is an idiot. She hasn't improved one iota since the last time she attempted to do that gig. In fact she's gotten worse.
I read your post after I saw the clip. While I watched it I thought...this is worse than before! The immaturity is unreal; of course, she had to bring the kids into the discussion. Maybe the contestants didn't know who she was and she had to mention her children so they would recognize her as the mother of eight, count 'em, eight kids. Does anyone believe that she sits at home and watches television with her children? Where was Stevie Boy?
Do normal, mature adults speak like they are giddy teenagers? Seriously, her voice and interviewing style (if you call it that) is so annoying, like, um, heck, I don't know what it is besides, um, like, annoying! How could anyone live with such screeching?
Wasn't it reported that she had been wearing wig and caps in order for the big reveal of a new "bob" hairstyle, free of extensions? It sure looked to me like she had that over-processed scarecrow hair still going for her. Maybe the new hairdo is next week's big surprise.
I did watch part of the show. I had never seen it before. What in the heck WAS that, and who watches it? Fifteen minutes was enough for me...
I am so happy to see others have figured out what Kate G saw about Beth and wanted/envied. I read a while ago that Beth and family sold their mini-mansion on the hill and moved into a more modest home in a subdivision and Beth started college. Beth and Bob, especially Bob did not appreciate being filmed. They appeared to be sincere down to earth people who happened to be affluent. I believe the "green eyed monster" got in the way of their friendship with the Gosselins. I learned a long time ago that you cannot be friends with anyone who is jealous of you. Try as you might, it will not work. Beth moved on. Surely, Beth saw the light after helping with that Utah trip. She disappeared after that. Beth has class. She will not discuss what happened. Didn't go on a book tour either, did she? Kate wants what Beth has, but doesn't want to change herself to have IT. Still, a multi-million dollar corporation is behind her. Why? Anybody have the answer?
Dee, thanks for the link. I don't know how I got through it. It was cringeworthy.
Karen, I'm guessing contracts must be honored. Once they're fullfilled that'll be it. She just stinks. I have two daughters 11 and 16 who could do a much better job at interviewing, no kidding.
I Am Me said . . .
Wow, so anybody who doesn't work the graveyard shift at a factory isn't really "working"? Give me a flippin' break. On second thought...Where do I pick up my unemployment check then? I could use some extra cash right now.
Wow. Can you be anymore heartless? I guess you don't know what the emotion "sympathy" means. This woman lost her husband for Christ Sake.
TV by the numbers is reporting that SWTS did not get off to a good start, dropping to a 1.9 rating with 18-49 year age group and that it declined each half hour. So, let's see here. Kate had the lead in from DWTS and her newfound career as a reporter for SWTS looks dead in the water from the ratings.
Next, Sarah's show dropped from 10th last week to 68th this week. She still had a 3.4 million rating which beat the heck out of Kate's show. So, her lead in for Sunday night is not looking nearly so good as it was. I don't think she will be around for long since it looks like no matter where TLC sticks Kate it is a flop.
The really great thing about the ratings was that TLC did not have ONE show in the top rankings.
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