Love, love Jonny Moseley.
Rest of cast is kinda pathetic. Who even is Rebecca Budig???

And Johnny Weir, one of the judges on the show, said that his cousins lived near Kate and Jon and that everyone was annoyed about the paparazzi. Johnny went on to say that when he met up with Kate at a charity event, he found her to be "rude to everyone" a "terror" and a "nasty person." Jealous hater, or another truth teller?
129 sediments (sic) from readers:
Rebecca Buding - from Cincinnati, plays (played?) Greenlee Smythe on All My Children, married to and divorced from the Bachelor Bob
Guirney (spelling?), the one everyone seemed to love.
Kate as ET correspondent? OK by me. It will serve as more proof that she has no ability to
interview people, she can only talk about herself, and her only claim to fame is 8 little souls who have yet to know the impact of their mother's actions.
D-list show, D-list talent; she'll fit right in.
Guess she won't be needed to home-school or otherwise raise her kids this winter.
Did ET so soon forget her disasterous DWTS correspondent gig? What is wrong with them?
Wasn't Kate supposed to be a special correspondent for DWTS? I wonder if she will be interviewing Johnny Weir. He's a judge and he has been very vocal as to his dislike for her in the past. Might be some interesting sound bites coming from him.
She's like a turd you can't flush!
Can you link original article? Thanks!
Skating with the stars????? Never heard of it. Won't be watching it. Could care less about it. Skating with the Stars is almost like watching Jon and Kate Skating through life. We're all tired of them and don't really care at this point whether they skate with the stars, skate through the stars or skate through life. We all have more important things to do with our lives than watch the Gosselins, their spoiled brats and their troubles. Good riddance
This will be great --- she can't even skate across the rink --- as if she could make a coherent statement or question.
What in the hell are they thinking?
Why does ET dig this chick??
I forgot about Johnny! I dug up the article and posted a link.
Thanks, Johnny. He is in a position where he can tell the truth and not have to worry about being cut off from the kids.
I can't wait to watch that ninny make a "hugerish" fool of herself!! She is not making her kids do it, so that is a real plus, what most of us have been wanting. I can't wait to laugh my head off, to see how she will be dressed, how much she will make "it" all about her, listen to her sputtering, trying to put an entire sentence together that makes any sense, watching the awful faces she makes-it is going to be hilarious!! And it will be fun to watch the people-like Johnny Weir-who DO NOT LIKE this woman, try to interact with her, and still be polite in front of the camera! She will showcase herself, as having no talent, no wit,no class, no skills at all, plus Jon can hopefully take over the care if his kids.I would love it if she had to move to the west coast, and Jon could move into the mansion to take care of those kids, but that may be asking for too much, from a classless, selfish person like kate. We should all just be happy she is doing it without the kids-isn't that what we have been hoping for?
Wow, so it is true. I was soooo hoping the other blog was wrong, despite their accuracy on alot of Gosselin stuff. Why does Kate always get these opportunities? She certainly doesn't deserve.
She's like Nancy Pelosi and Barbara "Call me senator" Boxer. They won't go away.
I remember watching an episode that was suppose to be the kids day or something and they took Cara I believe to the rollerskating rink. Jon was great on his skates and Cara seemed to catch on very quick but Kartzilla didn't even try to skate and whinned the whole time that she wasn't outdoorsey. Does anyone remember that? How is she going to interview these people when she doesn't know nothing about the sport?
Since this show has had one go around and didn't catch on, wonder why they think it will work this time. ET might decide after a couple low rated episodes, it's not worth covering and having a correspondent there for weekly coverage.
Hopefully when Kate's away doing her ET job, Jon will have the kids - not paid employees.
So the dummy brings home one dog, has to have 2 of her 8 home schooled cause they have been kicked out of their school and she takes a job about something she knows squat of. Sounds like something this dummy would do. Who will be taking care of 2 kids all day, getting the other 6 ready for school plus take care of a dog now while she finds her lifes dream? Oh and lets not forget about the chickens. =)
Way to dedicate yourself to your family and repairing the fractured relationships with your kids.
Please just let her 15 minutes end.
Save the kids said... I remember watching an episode that was suppose to be the kids day or something and they took Cara I believe to the rollerskating rink. Jon was great on his skates and Cara seemed to catch on very quick but Kartzilla didn't even try to skate and whinned the whole time that she wasn't outdoorsey. Does anyone remember that? How is she going to interview these people when she doesn't know nothing about the sport?
I remember Jon and Kate taking Cara ice skating for Cara's special day out. Jon skated on skates (because he can) and Kate stayed in her
sneakers. She said she couldn't risk getting injured with all her mommy duties. That does make sense to me. But she clearly did not want to be there.
What does Kate know about ice skating? Well, let's see the pattern here..... What does she know about cooking? She "wrote" a cookbook that never saw the light of day in North America. What does she know about being a panelist on a TV talk show? She co-hosted on The View twice and was a candidate for Paula Deen's show and made a fool of herself each time. What does she know about nutrition? She gave demos on how to pack healthy and tasty school lunches yet her kids won't eat theirs with glee. What does she know about organizing? She showed us several of her techniques that clearly didn't even work for her so she called in a pro. Twice. Once for the kids' storage furniture in the rec room and once for the organization of paper towels, Juicy Juice boxes and wrapping paper.
What does she know about ice skating? Yeah, um.
I'm wondering if she might possibly have a contract with ET? Maybe when she jacked the ratings up so high for DWTS they signed her on for a number of correspondant appearances? It just seems strange to me that they would call her back in light of all the negative publicity and what's going on with the kids. Maybe they don't have a choice??
Why? Why?? ET is braindead or something.
Kate is like a stinkbug that just keeps sneaking back in the house. Get rid of her already. NO MORE, please.
@ Gotyournumber, you might be right, she holds no talent and could care less about anyone else. She just loves to sit and talk about herself, when the attention turns to someone else, she shuts down. Hmmm would be interesting to see her actually seem concerned or interested in anything or anyone other than herself. Won't be watching but would be interesting. Think ET opened up a contract and now is stuck with her.
I also remember about the episode I think was called Special Day or some crap, she went with the girls on their day but stayed home and made Jon take the boys. I remember thinking what kind of crap is that. The boys aren't good enough so she decides to stay home. Does anyone remember that and what did you think? I just thought to myself, what a shit ass mother she is to her sons,
gotyournumberKate said...
She's like a turd you can't flush!
ET lost credibility back in the 80's when they replaced Dixie Watley (sp?) with Mary Hart. What a sycophant!!! Ugh. I stopped watching 20+ years ago.
If ET is hoping Kate's controversial personality will garner ratings, they are sorely mistaken. She will drive away what few viewers that show has left. At this point, the general public is so sick of Kate, they want nothing more to do with the shrew.
Admin... CORRESPONDENT! It just looks weird the other way!
Kelly said: "We all have more important things to do with our lives than watch the Gosselins, their spoiled brats and their troubles."
Calling the kids names is uncalled for. I don't think it has a place on this blog, or on any other one. Kate may be fair game, but the kids, come on!
"Who will be taking care of 2 kids all day, getting the other 6 ready for school plus take care of a dog now while she finds her lifes dream?"
Probably the same person who has been taking care of them all along when she's jetting all over the country. THE NANNY! Why would this time be any different?
Again, I wonder why TLC has such issues with Jon doing 'entertainment' gigs outside of his contract, but allows Kate to do them all the time. Weird. Oh well, she'll shoot herself in her ugly foot in no time at all. Not that she'll notice. But everyone else will, and these gigs will dry up forever soon. Sadly, she will probably have no idea why.
LancasterCountyMom said...
Why? Why?? ET is braindead or something.
Kate is like a stinkbug that just keeps sneaking back in the house. Get rid of her already. NO MORE, please.
Aren't they nasty things? Hopefully we'll get a good freeze and those darn things will be gone forever. Wish the same could be said of Kate. Maybe if she goes on the ice...
Admin said: And Johnny Weir, one of the judges on the show, said that his cousins live near Kate and that everyone is annoyed about the paparazzi.
Weir grew up in Quarryville (not Quarrysville) in southern Lancaster County, but his cousins apparently live in Wyomissing (Berks County) and their house backs up to Kate and Jon's OLD house (the first house, not the current one) in Wyomissing. So everyone in Wyomissing STILL couldn't be annoyed by the paps because Kate and Jon are in Wernersville and not Wyomissing, and are not current neighbors of Johnny's cousins. Weir said it was the (house) "Kate and Jon LIVED in." Past tense. In fact, he says it "WAS really annoying for everybody," not that it still is.
LancasterCountyMom: Does that explanation make sense to you? It was a bit confusing in the article.
What's the difference? They were annoyed back then and now new people are annoyed.
Nobody wants paparazzi around them. Well except a few sheeple who think that's fun and exciting and think they would like the attention.
Does anyone know anything about the actual skating show? I googled it a few weeks ago when it was advertised during DWTS and it looked like there were only (I think) 6 contestants. Assumuing it's like every other elimination show, wouldn't that only last 3 or 4 weeks?
Hopefully when Kate's away doing her ET job, Jon will have the kids - not paid employees.
Can someone explain to me why Jon is not allowed to stay with the kids in the McMansion when Kate is away? And why he is not even allowed on the property to drop them off after visitation? And why does he tolerate this? After all, it is the kids' house, according to both K & J. This bugs the daylights out of me.
Here is the original Sept. 2009 article about Kate's appearance at the skating event. SHEEPLE DISCLAIMER: these reports of Kate being rude and difficult are of course, the lies of jellus haters. EOnline, who originally posted the article surely made all of this up and they are jus jellus of Kate also. EOnline is already rich, so they must be jellus that Kate is thin. The article was too long for one post so I'll post it in two.
Kate Gosselin had her diva day on Saturday.
The TLC star was slated to participate in the Stars Stripes & Skates charity ice skating event, benefiting the Heritage Foundation of 9/11, in the Danbury Arena in Danbury, Conn. While she managed to still attend the event, Gosselin's arrival was not without several major snafus.
"Before she got there, it was very diva-esque," stage manager Kari Hoffman tells E! News exclusively.
Not only was there drama over Jill Zarin also being in attendance—Bravo was shooting Real Housewives of New York City in the venue—but Gosselin dissed the star skaters, a volunteer and Hairspray star Nikki Blonsky.
Initially, Gosselin planned to attend the event in its entirety and then shake up the afterparty. However, when TLC got wind that Jill Zarin and Luann DeLesseps would be there shooting Real Housewives of New York City, Gosselin nearly had to withdraw from the festivities.
"She wasn't allowed to be a certain distance from the Bravo cameras because her TLC people almost didn't let her come to the event," event founder and producer Tara Modlin tells E! News. "She wasn't allowed to be in the same place, she wasn't allowed to be in the same camera shot. I had to remind them that it was about the kids and not about reality TV."
Zarin, who braved strapping on a set of blades and donning a skimpy skating dress, took the time to introduce herself to Gosselin near the entrance to the stage, where prying cameras were nowhere to be found. However, Gosselin's omnipresent bodyguard Steve Neild wasn't having it.
"It completely threw her off guard and Steve stepped in between them, attempting to keep them apart," Hoffman, who was assigned to keeping Kate happy, says.
The Real Housewife wasn't the only person Neild wanted to keep from his client.
Blonsky, who was serving as host for the evening, made a quick run to the restroom just as the lights were dimming in the arena. As she ran out, Gosselin was waiting in the wings for her introduction.
"Nikki finally comes out of the bathroom and we're trying to get her to the stage, but the security guard blocks her from getting to the stage!" Hoffman says. "He didn't bodycheck her, but he definitely nudged her out of the way."
(That's too bad—Blonsky has been known to defend herself.)
Physically getting Gosselin to the show wasn't an easy feat, either.
While she sweetly waived any sort of appearance fee, the octomom insisted that the Heritage Foundation foot the bill for a car service to shuttle her and Neild from Washington, D.C., to Danbury, a trek of more than five hours.
Such a request would inevitably ring up quite a cab fare for the small nonprofit, so one of the skater's mothers offered her services—and that of her shiny 2010 SUV—to pick them up and bring them to the event.
"When she pulled up to the hotel in Washington, Kate's bodyguard came up to the car and said she wasn't getting in," an insider tells E! News.
Neild told the generous mother that Gosselin, who had been informed of the transportation provided in advance, required a stretch limo with a divider. Only after the skating mother left to make the lengthy journey alone did the Gosselin camp set up their own chariot.
But that wasn't the end of it.
"It was really difficult to find a place to get her into the building because she wanted a side entrance, no crowd, no parking garage, and she needed to be dropped off right next to the entrance," Hoffman recalls. "It took three security guards and two others to get her to her dressing room."
Gosselin wasn't exactly friendly to the A-list skaters, either.
"She didn't even look at anybody," Johnny Weir tells E! News of meeting the reality star and posing with her on the red carpet.
After all that, Gosselin's actual participation in the show wound up lasting less than a minute.
Near the beginning of the show, she stepped out to a crowd chanting her name and introduced Derrick Delmore. And that was it.
"She did her little speech in the beginning of the show and left," Weir says. "Kate Gosselin was playing the diva act…I was disappointed to meet her and I was so disappointed she was involved in the show. It was such a waste."
(Originally published Sept. 29, 2009, at 3:42 p.m. PT.)
Watch the Canadian version is all I can say. Here they pair female Olympian pro-skaters with male hockey players, who can already skate, and the result is awesome pair skating. The women do all the tricks in pair skating anyway, so having a show with non-skating women is going to be dull. And Kate will fit right in because she'll be interviewing a D-listed cast and making an idiot of herself trying to steer the conversation back to her. As usual.
It looks like Kate's new "brand" is simply being an annoying person. It is working. She doesn't mind being mocked and the butt of the jokes as long as she is getting jobs in the entertainment industry. Remember how Foster Brooks' brand was being a drunk (even though, in real life, he mastered his drinking problem). I don't think that people in the public eye care what their image is as long as it gets them enough money to live however they wish in their private lives.
That said, I don't think that those children should be on TV, and I am appalled at the upbringing that they appear to have had to date.
gotyournumberkate said: "I'm wondering if she might possibly have a contract with ET? Maybe when she jacked the ratings up so high for DWTS they signed her on for a number of correspondant appearances? It just seems strange to me that they would call her back in light of all the negative publicity and what's going on with the kids. Maybe they don't have a choice??"
I applaud any work Kate can get without involving the kids, but I have thought the same thing as you about the contract with ET. I suspect ET signed her on to a deal last March, striking while the iron was hot. Now they are trying to find ways to utilize her. DWTS was obviously out of the question, but this z-list crew seems to be on par with her level of celebrity. Incidentally, FOX had an ice skating show about four years ago which only lasted one season. The show was supposed to be skating's version of DWTS, but it sort of became a joke, even with the cream of the crop of the ice skaing world involved with it. We'll see how this pans out.
Not interested in watching ET.
It's not going to be a successful gig for Kate anyway. Just more fodder for tabloids, blogs, and messageboards.
It's amazing that ET could not hire someone that has some knowledge, experience and talent... oh well.
Save the kids :
Yes, I remember it well. All of the kids supposedly had their own specialy day to do whatever they wanted with Jon and K8. K8 did not go on ANY of the boys' special days. Wench.
As for the skating gig - no, it doesn't directly involve the kids but the fact that her family is indeed imploding and she would rather be 3000 miles away so she can stay in the spotlight is just another example of her "piss poor parenting" (saw that in an article and loved it).
I don't like to see Kate rewarded with anything! I also do not expect that that this will add to the children's security, being cared for by revolving Nannies at this time of upheavel. I am sending ET a nessage telling them I refuse to watch because of that child abuser.
ZuDuSu said...
Does anyone know anything about the actual skating show? I googled it a few weeks ago when it was advertised during DWTS and it looked like there were only (I think) 6 contestants. Assumuing it's like every other elimination show, wouldn't that only last 3 or 4 weeks?
The show is set to run for only 6 weeks.
OMG, she is a completely talentless, horrible person and she gets rewarded for it. What is wrong with ET...what MORONS.
I hope this means she will be less obsessed with filming the kids! Whoever would be cool with this comment about their child,say "I" :
"alexis faith gosselin ..let dha world no dhat im waitin on U till ur turn 18 and happy 6th birthday.. "oh him got a big tail" -alexis:]"
prairiemary your post above explains why this "turd we cannot flush" (lol) is still on TV. Your giddy anticipation has the sponsors rubbing their hands together with glee.
Lets see how she does. As long as the kiddos are off the TV...I don't care what she does to make a living...
It does not involve the kids yet people are still complaining! What should she do? She's a working woman. Should Katie Courec, Meridith Viera, Marie Osmond and plenty others find other jobs out of the spotlight too? Whether she has talent or not doesnt matter. It's all about the ratings and ET thinks she will bring in the viewers. Nothing new with that concept. If you don't like her, don't watch her! So simple.
I almost wish Kate did actually have enough talent and skills to be in the entertainment industry. If she could make it on her own merit...and thus not really need the children to keep her being filmed and on TV......she would most likely give primary custody to Jon. We all know she does not enjoy raising her own children but needs them to fill the role needed to make her "mom of multiples". If she could be successful without them, I feel that there's a good chance that she would have Jon keep them most of the time.
Can someone explain what that actually means? She's just going to be reporting, what 1 to 2 minute clips to air on ET, right? She's working for them, not the show itself?
If so, why all the fuss? It's another BS gig that is not substantial, will blow by quickly. I think whoever said that she was probably contracted with ET is correct and since she was such a disaster as DWTS correspondent, this other low level show will finish off that contract.
Johnny Weir is known for talking out of school. He smack talked that other ice skater there...OH, what's his name...the one who won the Gold Medal & was on DWTS with Kate...can't think of his name!! I think he'll have lots to say to Kate. No holding back for Johnny. Can't wait. I also can't wait for Kate to make a complete & utter fool out of herself yet again behind that mic. Me Me Me...& flipping that mic back & forth like an idiot. And Skating With the Stars? Ummm..OK. Who will watch this crap? Didn't they try this before & it bombed in the ratings?
Westcoaster said...
D-list show, D-list talent; she'll fit right in.
Guess she won't be needed to home-school or otherwise raise her kids this winter.
Right, because any woman who has a job that involves children isn't raising her children.
LisaNH said...
She's like Nancy Pelosi and Barbara "Call me senator" Boxer. They won't go away.
Funny how that silly voting thing works. People don't go away when the people of their state continue to put them in office.
Enough Enough Enough said...
Westcoaster said...
D-list show, D-list talent; she'll fit right in.
Guess she won't be needed to home-school or otherwise raise her kids this winter.
Right, because any woman who has a job that involves children isn't raising her children.
That should have read "a job that involves travel."
I wonder how much she's making for this job? And why is it that Jon can't get jobs like this but Kate can. It makes no sense at all. When does this skating show start? I watched a little bit of that show when it was on last year and it was almost just like DWTS. The celebs all really suck at it. I think Johnny Mosely should do pretty good tho. You can watch the skating show,just don't watch ET. She doesn't work for the skating show,right? I do know that Bethanny Frankel(sp) will be on the show and I think she can't stand Kate.
Here's a little something Kate can buy the kids as a stocking stuffer! It's a book written by a plastic surgeon called "My Beautiful Mommy" and it explains all about plastic surgery to kids. It's supposed to prepare them for the changes they can expect if mommy has plastic surgery and how she'll be more beautiful afterwards! What is this world coming to.
Anonymous said... It does not involve the kids yet people are still complaining! What should she do? She's a working woman. Should Katie Courec, Meridith Viera, Marie Osmond and plenty others find other jobs out of the spotlight too? Whether she has talent or not doesnt matter. It's all about the ratings and ET thinks she will bring in the viewers. Nothing new with that concept. If you don't like her, don't watch her! So simple.
Anonymous I have to say that I've come to totally agree with you, I wish you would pick a name as I welcome your opinion. :-)
It used to bother me Kate would just take off on the kids repeatedly for long trips 3,000 miles away or even to NYC. I nannied for children whose mother left them nine out of ten days a week traveling across the country, and I saw how hard it was on them. But those children did not face filming and public exposure when she was home, it was positive for them when she was home and they savored time with her.
Every day on the road for Kate means one less day she has an opportunity to film and exploit her kids. If she gets something rolling in LA she may even move on from filming the kids and lose interest. Meanwhile every day the kids get older, and we all know the older kids get the less cute they are.... We know the woman will chase whatever brings the most money to her to feed her celebrity lifestyle, if she can find a way to do that and manage to leave the kids out of it, I am all for it. Actually, maybe we should watch whatever she does that is separate from the kids. The longer she works for ET, the less time to film the kids.
She'll be feed the questions via her ear piece.
BerksPa said... Lets see how she does. As long as the kiddos are off the TV...I don't care what she does to make a living...
ITA! Kate is not a happy person or a nurturing mother based on the information we have heard and seen. IMO if Kate Plus 8 is cancelled, it will be better for the kids because they won't be filmed, but Kate will be even worse towards them personally because she will be even more unhappy and it will be taken out on the kids.
Kate getting her coveted TV job that doesn't involve the kids is the best possible scenario IF the kids are in Jon's custody when she is unavailable instead of nannies. There is nothing good that can come from leaving the kids with nannies if their father is ready, willing and able to care for them.
The longer she works for ET, the less time to film the kids.
And less time to spend with her kids, trying to fix what's broken and get the family back on track. You can't do it from 3,000 miles away. In normal circumstances, a woman certainly should be able to travel. Filming is not the problem here. It's part of the problem, but it goes much deeper than that. This is no normal situation. This is a family in crisis, one that has become so dysfunctional that children with rage/anger issues have been expelled. Right now she needs to be home with them. Get both herself and her kids into therapy, and when the emotional healing is complete, THEN go back to work.
If she's not willing to do that, then she needs to give Jon full custody to raise these kids.
LancNative: you explained it perfectly. Q-ville is a world away from Wyomissing. One thing I am sure of though, Berks & Lancaster Countians (esp those in Mt. Joy, Wyomissing, and Wernersville) are sick to death of KATE Gosselin. It's more than past time for her "brand" to go away, should've ended years ago.
But Sunshine Kate being around the kids more doesn't appear to be helping anyway. She fought for my custodial time and the kids end up getting expelled. And we know how she treats them when she is around them.
You can't fix something if you don't accept something is wrong in the first place.
Kate and her enablers and followers refuse to admit any kind of fault in any of this. If you can't see the pot is cracked, how can you go about trying to glue it back together?
My two cents. As long as Kate is in the spotlight, there will always be a light on her kids! I can't look at her and NOT think of her kids. Now is the perfect time to pull back and try to give her kids some kind of normalcy in their lives. If she would just put as much effort into making herself a better person and mother as she is trying to make it as a celebrity, imagine all the good she could do!
Anonymous said...
It does not involve the kids yet people are still complaining! What should she do? She's a working woman. Should Katie Courec, Meridith Viera, Marie Osmond and plenty others find other jobs out of the spotlight too? Whether she has talent or not doesnt matter. It's all about the ratings and ET thinks she will bring in the viewers. Nothing new with that concept. If you don't like her, don't watch her! So simple.
Kate is a no talent nobody who just got on tv because of her multiples. Even though I don't like any of the others that you mentioned, at least they have some kind of talent. (Though Marie Osmond's "talent" is questionable especially in the area of doll sculpting since she has other people sculpt dolls for her company and she takes the credit for it). Kate NEVER would've been a 2 second spot on WGAL news if it wasn't for the sextuplets. She's no working woman, give me a break.
What is bothersome about Kate taking this job (yay, she's working on her own, not filming her kids, finally!) is that she's away from her kids when they're are so many problems occurring with at least 2 of them. I know she's damned if she does, damned if she doesn't & that's the problem. I agree that her working a job w/out the kids is great, but she SHOULD be with her kids right now. Or, even better, let the kids be with Jon. No nannies.
Sunshine on my shoulder said:"And less time to spend with her kids, trying to fix what's broken and get the family back on track. You can't do it from 3,000 miles away. In normal circumstances, a woman certainly should be able to travel. Filming is not the problem here. It's part of the problem, but it goes much deeper than that. This is no normal situation. This is a family in crisis, one that has become so dysfunctional that children with rage/anger issues have been expelled. Right now she needs to be home with them. Get both herself and her kids into therapy, and when the emotional healing is complete, THEN go back to work.
I couldn't agree more Sunshine! Even if Kate has been toxic to those children, they are still her children and should be her number one responsibility. She needs to be part of the solution since she is a large part of the problem, not hamming it up on TV somewhere. I am sorry but Kate the mess hater has made a horrible mess out of her children's lives and she needs to clean it up! The kids need stability and consistency not revolving nannies too!
The funniest thing I have ever read is that people think Kate should get in therapy. Are you serious? Does anyone really believe that Kate Gosselin would EVER admit she needs therapy for anything? You have to acknowledge a problem before you address it. She has not, cannot and will never admit she is the problem. It's always someone else.
Skating with the Stars? Never heard of it, is it new? And I must admit I dont think I have ever watched ET, not once. I guess it has been on a long time?
I dont get into all this gossip-stuff and scripted reality garbage. Like everyone else I tuned in to originally see the babies and the household in what I THOUGHT was a proper documentary. The last episode I ever watched was the one where Jon took some of the kids to a baseball game. They got that loge suite and I was disgusted because the kids were denied a proper ballgame experience. I remember watching it and saying "jeez, the poor kids may have just as well watched it on TV."
If nothing else the little Gosselins have busted open the public awareness that so-called reality shows are scripted, contrived, set-up fakes, that are capable of incubating cult followings of viewers less in touch with the real world than the rest of us.
I dont care if some screeching unpleasant woman gets a job on a show I dont watch, talking about another show I have never heard of. At least she wont be making her children work to support her any longer. Yes, those poor 8 babies remain under control of a mentally ill woman, but so are lots of other children and I hope at some point their father can help them. I just hope Katie doesn't screw this job up too, so that she doesnt have to return to public abuse of her children to make a living. (and people pay to watch that - why?)
I agree that this is a family in crisis.
Kate seems to believe that every crisis should be addressed by bringing in more money. If you are filling the coffers, why worry about the mental and emotional health of your family? It's a distraction from facing the truth - get
a celebrity job and you won't have to think about how things are at home.
Maybe you know the answer this? Is Jon not legally able to care for his kids when Kate is out of town? Why would a court OK the kids to be in a sitter's care if Dad was available?
That will be a break for the children.
Kate does not deserve any kind of serious on-screen television work. She has NO talent for it and nothing substantial to offer. IMO she is still a "nobody".
Let Discovery/TLC or whomever give her a job behind the scenes, but keep her OFF my television.
Link to Johnny Weir's hatred of Kate:
LancasterCountyMom said...
LancNative: you explained it perfectly. Q-ville is a world away from Wyomissing. One thing I am sure of though, Berks & Lancaster Countians (esp those in Mt. Joy, Wyomissing, and Wernersville) are sick to death of KATE Gosselin. It's more than past time for her "brand" to go away, should've ended years ago.
If you're sick to death of her, why are you spending time on a blog talking about her? Sorry, but I highly doubt her existence impacts the daily lives of the locals. If you're sick of her, don't watch her. Don't read about her. Don't talk about her. Voila! She'll be out of your life.
Anonymous said:
If you're sick to death of her, why are you spending time on a blog talking about her? Sorry, but I highly doubt her existence impacts the daily lives of the locals. If you're sick of her, don't watch her. Don't read about her. Don't talk about her. Voila! She'll be out of your life.
LOL, never said she "impacts" the daily life of "the locals". And I'm just like lots of others. Thought the show was cute at first, saw how Kate changed, hate how she treated Jon and how she still treats him, hate how she treats the kids, and am amazed that this no talent nobody is still popping up on yahoo and comcast news screens when I get on the computer and in the checkout line magazines at the grocery store and just would like her to go away. (After she finally is MADE to treat Jon & the kids fairly, of course.)
fidosmommy said,
"kate seems to believe that every crisis should be addressed by bringing in more money..."
Hate seems to believe that every crisis should be addressed by 'leaking' it to every media outlet on earth and exposing her family's gaping wounds to the entire world.
I think this entire disgusting mess is just one big commercial designed and produced by the SICKOS at TLC. And Take eats it up; she loves every twisted minute of it.
I cannot believe jon is allowing this to continue. He knows what Hate/TLC is capable of because he lived it; no way is he without blame - STILL.
but stayed home and made Jon take the boys. I remember thinking what kind of crap is that. The boys aren't good enough so she decides to stay home.
When Jon and Kate were still going through the divorce (or maybe it had been finalized, I don't remember) I got some People magazines (yes, I admit it)from our library and there was one article I read about how Kate had taken all 3 boys to a dude ranch in Wyoming. They had a picture of them, and all the boys wore long sleeve shirts, jeans, cowboy boots and hats, and Kate wore a mini sundress with boots and a hat. I felt bad for the boys, thinking they must have been sweltering in the hot sun wearing jeans and long sleeve shirts while Kate wore a sundress!! I'm wondering if she did it to make herself look like a good mom...
alana said...
fidosmommy said,
"kate seems to believe that every crisis should be addressed by bringing in more money..."
Hate seems to believe that every crisis should be addressed by 'leaking' it to every media outlet on earth and exposing her family's gaping wounds to the entire world.
Do you have any evidence to support your claim that Kate leaked these stories? Let's get real. You really think she leaked a story about her children being expelled from school, followed it up with one about her feeding her children rotten food, and then went for the publicity trifecta with the story about her telling her children they wouldn't get into heaven and would be sent away like the dogs? Come on.
Kate and her enablers and followers refuse to admit any kind of fault in any of this. If you can't see the pot is cracked, how can you go about trying to glue it back together?
It doesn't matter WHO is at fault! She's dumb, but she's not THAT dumb! She knows there is a problem, and her place right now is with them, not hamming it up on television. She claims to be the perfect mom. Let her practice what she preaches. The kids are no longer enrolled in school. Certainly she sees that there is a reason for this. Let her stay home and try to figure out WHY. She doesn't have to take the blame if she doesn't want to.
An anonymous said: "If you're sick to death of her, why are you spending time on a blog talking about her? Sorry, but I highly doubt her existence impacts the daily lives of the locals. If you're sick of her, don't watch her. Don't read about her. Don't talk about her. Voila! She'll be out of your life."
Which "Anonymous" is this? I think as much as we are are sick of Kate, we're equally as sick of trying to figure out who is posting what, especially when the sheeple can't (or won't) figure out how to pick a name.
With that loser Khate gone YET AGAIN the poor kids will finally be able to eat real food and NOT left over pb&js that are weeks old.
Actually no, the school didn't say anything. The school said no comment and TLC said no comment. If you look at the sentence again, a SOURCE said that school officials claim they were not suspended. That would put that source on the same level as a source saying they were expelled. School officials did not tell the media a thing. A mole did.
So I guess we're back to square one, sources saying two different things and neither of them any more credible than the other.
That said I agree with the school: no comment. But if I were a school official trying to help these poor kids, I would probably try to leak that it was just a mutual disenrollment, and not expelled. A kindergartner's school problems have been splashed across national tabloids, it's just gross. Good job Kate.
Trucker said...
Is Jon not legally able to care for his kids when Kate is out of town? Why would a court OK the kids to be in a sitter's care if Dad was available?
When Kate has custody, she is permitted by the court to handle it as she see wants, whether it be a babysitter or nanny when she's gone or to film the children for Kate Plus 8. When it is her custody time she controls their supervision.
Jon has no control until or unless it's his custody or visitation time. That's why when Kate did DWTS she got away with having the nannies watch them when she was out of town and why Jon was so upset that he only got them for his regular visitations and no more. She refused to budge on the visitation schedule even though she was across the country and nannies were taking care of the kids, she still wouldn't alter the schedule. It would be nice if she'd put the children first, but that's selfish and controlling Kate.
You have to put yourself in the mind of a narcissist if you dare. It's not about Kate wanting to be with the kids, but rather Kate not wanting JON to be with the kids. So she sees nothing wrong with trying to hang onto them for as much time as possible whether she is home. Being home or not is irrelevant to her, the point is to take them from Jon.
Kate has them all the time, she can start taking responsibility for their behavioral problems since most of their time is Mommy's custodial time. Karma.
I agree that as long as Kate G stays in the spotlight, her kids remain there also. She started this mess, only she can end it. That will not happen. She is addicted to attention, good or bad. I haven't watched ET since they started "supporting" Kate. She is a no talent, ITless, want to be. Kids do not come first in her world. If Jon doesn't work, why can't he stay with the children when she is parading all over the place? Something to do with the mansion do you think? "Mine all mine"?
dee3 said...
I suspect they are sandwiching Kate plus 8 between their 2 hottest shows right now in order to get people interested in it again...and then they can move it to another spot and have it bring in bigger numbers. They (and all the channels) usually don't clump their hottest shows together for very long...esp. 3 in a row. They do it temporarily to build viewership and then move it.
They're definitely hoping to increase ratings by sandwiching Kate Plus 8 between their 2 hottest shows, but they're kidding themselves if they think she can hold any kind of ratings for herself. IF she was any kind of a draw for the network like she used to be, SHE would be the lead in and one of the other 2 shows would be the middle. Her show is on it's last legs and I think it's laughable and should be embarrassing to her that they've scheduled her show this way. The one time queen of TLC is now on life support.
Administrator said...
You have to put yourself in the mind of a narcissist if you dare. It's not about Kate wanting to be with the kids, but rather Kate not wanting JON to be with the kids. So she sees nothing wrong with trying to hang onto them for as much time as possible whether she is home. Being home or not is irrelevant to her, the point is to take them from Jon.
Kate has them all the time, she can start taking responsibility for their behavioral problems since most of their time is Mommy's custodial time. Karma.
alana said... I cannot believe jon is allowing this to continue. He knows what Hate/TLC is capable of because he lived it; no way is he without blame - STILL.
What do you suggest he do? He just finished going before a judge asking that filming of the kids be stopped and he lost.
Kating With The Stars- I do not even own a t.v anymore, IF I do see it, it will be when I am getting chemo. Sorry it upset you.
>>>(Though Marie Osmond's "talent" is questionable especially in the area of doll sculpting since she has other people sculpt dolls for her company and she takes the credit for it). <<<
I sincerely doubt that too many people believe that Marie Osmond actually sculpts all those dolls herself. She just designs (or consults in the process) them but she does not actually make them herself. This is the norm. Artists and designers do just that- design- then they contract out the actual construction.
Administrator- thanks for agreeing with me. I'd use a name but I dont see how to do it without signing up for something,
<<<She started this mess, only she can end it. <<<
No, there are others that can end it, Blogs (including this one), so called haterz, sheeple, the media, the tabloids, gossip web sites. If no one pays attention to her, then she will be gone.
I hope no one watches Skating With the Stars. Vince Neil will be on. He famously killed his passenger in a DUI in the 80's and left two innocent people with brain damage. As recently as this summer, he was still drinking and driving (arrested in Las Vegas). I don't care what kind of alcoholic he is. That's unforgivable. He also has a history of assault. ABC rewards him with a paycheck? Forget it. Both Vince and Kate are on my no watch list.
Anonymous said...
I'd use a name but I dont see how to do it without signing up for something,
Under "Select profile," just choose "Name/URL" (right above "Anonymous"). Then all you have to do is type in a screen name under "NAME". (You can leave "URL" blank. You don't have to provide anything else.)
>>>Under "Select profile," just choose "Name/URL" (right above "Anonymous"). Then all you have to do is type in a screen name under "NAME". (You can leave "URL" blank. You don't have to provide anything else.)>>>
gotcha. Thank you. :)
To Concerned person~
To be honest, I don't think it's ALL about the money to Kate. Due to her severe narcissism, she truly believes she is that great and that entitled to the success that she wants. Being important is something she craves also.
I think that the status of being on TV is very important to her. Of course, the money is a big deal also because it allows her to live like the celebrity she wants to be.
To anonymous~
I don't like Kate at all. But the reason I read and post here is because I want to see the children taken off TV and I want to see the labor laws improved and updated in PA. So my interest in it continues.
As far as Kate being home with her children...I had a mentally ill, abusive mother....and to tell the truth, I practically lived in the homes of friends just to get away from her. The parents of friends gave me the support and caring I needed....for which I will be eternally grateful. She would truly have been of NO help to me if I was having any sort of problems. If the nannies are loving and supportive, they are better off with them than with Kate at home. Even better, with Jon.
And as far as I know, the family court will allow any reasonable (not illegal, etc.) custody agreement that both parents create and agree to. But...if the parents won't agree or one of them won't cooperate...then the court decides the custody arrangement. And hateful Kate is sticking it to Jon any way she can, including not letting him have the children when she is away for lengthy periods. This is because it's all about her, not about what's best for the children. Heaven help anyone who angers her (like Jon)....they will never get ANYTHING they would like to have....and she could care less if it would be better for the children.
Administrator said...
So I guess we're back to square one, sources saying two different things and neither of them any more credible than the other.
Werny Gal also confirmed that two of the children were expelled. Werny's been a reliable and credible witness, and to her credit, she didn't blog about the expulsion until the story broke.
And then Jessica at INF also said she had independent confirmation of expulsion and withheld the story until it broke as well.
There are also one or two sources who seem to have credible inside information and post anonymously on the blogs. So three to five sources say expulsion (regrettably) occurred to one saying it didn't.
First of all, may I vent about a pet peeve of mine? It tires me out to read all the versions of Kate's name that people use to be clever (Khate, K8, Take, Hate, Ms. Gosselin, etc.). Does it bother anyone else?
Second, in my divorce I had something called the Right of First Refusal written in to our parenting plan. What this means is that if either parent has to find childcare during our parenting time, the offer of the children returning to the other parent has to happen first before any alternative care can be found. In my particular case, I did this because I did not want my children being left with certain people. However, if I was unable or unwilling to take care of them, he was then free to choose whomever he wanted.
If Jon had this written into their divorce, it would mean that Kate would have to offer him the children every time she is unable to care for them for whatever reason - whether it's leaving to go to LA as an ET correspondent, or going to FedEx to make copies for two hours in ridiculous outfits. As long as Jon agreed to care for them during that time, she wouldn't legally be able to leave them with anyone else.
The flip side would be that if Jon had them and had to leave for some reason, he would have to offer the children back to her first. My guess is, based on what we know about Kate, she'd want to make things as inconvenient for him as possible and she'd refuse, requiring him to then find other child care (which she would then proceed to criticize).
I hope that if Jon does not currently have this written into the Parenting Plan, that he can do so at some point in the future; or that if he does have it in there he can start reinforcing it.
Westcoaster said...
D-list show, D-list talent; she'll fit right in.
And so will her tacky Double-D's
prairymary I'm sorry, but how was I to know you no longer owned a TV when you flat-out stated:
I can't wait to watch that ninny make a "hugerish" fool of herself!! She is not making her kids do it, so that is a real plus, what most of us have been wanting. I can't wait to laugh my head off, to see how she will be dressed, how much she will make "it" all about her, listen to her sputtering, trying to put an entire sentence together that makes any sense, watching the awful faces she makes-it is going to be hilarious!! And it will be fun to watch the people-like Johnny Weir-who DO NOT LIKE this woman, try to interact with her, and still be polite in front of the camera!"
My point was that people who feel as you do are keeping Kate on television. She does not have enough actual fans. Perhaps you meant you couldn't wait to HEAR about it?
Best of luck with the chemo, prairiemary. Take care.
Is that "right of first refusal" something that BOTH parents must agree to? And would they offer it to you during attempted mediation if one parent would not cooperate with the other parent, do you know?
And could one parent go back to court and ask for this? But be unable to have it put in the agreement if the other parent refused to agree/cooperate?
I know that the court is supposed to be in the best interest of the children....but where is that line drawn? If one parent is clearly motivated by screwing-over the other parent and by anger....and not the well-being of the children...does the court rule in favor of the parent who puts the children first, rather than just their anger at the spouse?
What would Jon have to do, in order to get the court to rule in the best interest of the achieve this "right of first refusal"...which to me seems to be much more in the children's interest than how Kate is currently doing/insisting upon?
It seems to me that it's a no-brainer that it would be better for the children to be with their own parent when the other parent is absent for long periods...rather than nannies and caretakers.
If the court is supposed to rule in the best interest of the children, why do they decide on some things and not others?
Kate will not be connected with SWTS at all - her gig is on ET. The reason she lost the DWTS gig was becasue they knew how toxic she was while on the show and the professonal dancers didn't want her around. ET owed her becasue they'd signed a contract with her to do something. She'll do a couple short segments on ET NOT SWTS. I don't watch ET but those that do will be able to see that she can't talk, read a teleprompter, chew gum and move the mic back and forth at once. I doubt that ET will get a ratings bump just becasue kate is doing a segment.
On another note TLC is putting her next K+8 on between their two most popular shows and will claim high ratings for her when in effect all it is are those folks too lazy to change the channel.....TLC knows that her ship has pulled in to port. The kids are getting older, are not cute toddlers any more and are having more problems than we should know about. If you watch the other two shows, change the channel when K+8 comes on.
"will be able to see that she can't talk, read a teleprompter, chew gum and move the mic back and forth at once."
I think Kate's main problem in these cases is that she is only interested in talking about herself and not interested in anyone else. In Kate's world, she either dislikes you or ignores you. Even to was documented that she was verbally abusive to him...for forgetting her Alaska.
She is absolutely the WORST person to be interviewing others....AND to be helping others on "Twist of Kate". She has zero empathy....for anyone. Then top that with lack of discernible talent, etc...what would possibly make her a good interviewer or TV show reporter of anyone but herself?I can't even imagine what she was like when she worked as a nurse.
dee3 said... Even to was documented that she was verbally abusive to him...for forgetting her Alaska.
Have you got links for that? I totally missed it. Thanks.
Kating with the stars- You are so very right, I should have said "wait to hear", or 'wait to read", and not wait to see-lol-see on WHAT! I have learned my lesson well from you-one word can make a huge difference. Thanks, I appreciate your comment. And thanks for wishing me well :)
I believe both parents must agree to it. I don't know how it is in PA but I would assume it would be brought up in mediation as a matter of routine. I also assume that either parent could request it after the original parenting plan is agreed to if it wasn't put in place at that time, but it would have to go before a judge if both parents couldn't agree on it.
As for the rest of your questions, I'm wondering the same things. In the first place, why did Jon agree to the arrangement that's in place? To me it looks like either he didn't want the kids very often or else he was being manipulated in some way by TLC/Kate's attorneys. Even from what little public info there is on the divorce arrangements, it's clear that everything in the divorce went in Kate's favor. I've seen some commenters that say it's the way things are in PA - the court favors mothers. But you would think that in a case such as this, where there are very unique circumstances, the court would have at the very least asked for a professional evaluation of the situation to make sure all the parties were represented fairly.
Admin, with your legal background, do you know why the court didn't request anything like that?
To Links please~
I will have to look for that article because I don't remember where I read it. I'd read a post at GWOP, from 11/11 that mentioned an article with the following points:
"*** Kate grabbed Mady and shook her so hard that the TV crew had to break up her scuffle , the personal assistant to Todd Palin wanted to file charges against Kate for child abuse.
*** The production crew of the show demanded that Kate/kids be edited out of the footage but was denied by top brass (ratings). In several of the scenes you see Sara Palin looking at Kate in disgust and also not even acknowledging her.
*** The deal that was made : the Palins and crew would not report it (did not want the negative exposure) if Kate left that evening and gave no interviews regarding the Alaska trip or they would report the incident to local PA authorities."
This was posted by K8STFU...Nov. 11th...discussion thread. So I went to find it and read the article myself.
It said the above, about Kate shaking Mady and Todd Palin wanting to report it but they agreed not to if she would leave that evening.
And also that because Steve forgot to bring her cell phone (not forgot to bring it to Alaska, forgot to bring it to her from their tent or wherever their stuff was)....Kate screamed at and was verbally abusive to Steve.
I will try to find it. There is SO much on the internet on Kate G. Sarah P. and Alaska when you try to google them.
To Bubbles~
Thanks so much...I really appreciate your response.
I have known various people (both men and women) who have gone through or were going through a contentious divorce where one of the spouses was angry, hostile, vindictive and doing everything possible to upset the other spouse. What a nightmare! Every single time!
The only thing that comes close is when the spouse(usually the husband) remarries a woman who is very aggressive and jealous of the ex-wife and runs the show, convincing the husband that he has to take the children away from their mother...and harassing the hell out of her. I'm sure you've seen this too.
This is allegedly happening with Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom (against the mother of his 2 children) and Khloes mom Chris is reportedly pulling the strings behind the scenes. Because the mother of the children is not a celebrity, she's going to have one hell of a time going up against the Kardashians and their expensive lawyers.
And I do believe the same thing happened to Jon...trying to go up against TLC. And he had one crappy lawyer after another...and Kate won every time in family court. BUT, Kate's infamy/faulty mothering is becoming so widely reported that I'd suspect the courts may have to change a few things in Jon's favor.
I wish I was knowledgeable about how the family court works in PA.
(To Bubbles..continued)
I had a friend a few years ago who got divorced and had 3 teen boy and 2 pre-teen girls. And she was furious that he was dating again, and totally screwed him over regarding custody in family court. SO....he moved to the other coast. And very shortly after that, the teen boy began to act up and she was complaining that the father wasn't there to help. And I said to her, 'well, you shouldn't have taken so much of the visitation away from him, as if you'd been more fair, he'd probably still be here"....which was totally true. He was SO upset about the custody ruling that he had to get away for a while.
And sure enough...she changed her tune and allowed way more liberal visitation for him.
I'm not saying it was exemplary for the father to move to the other coast BUT I have seen SO many if these cases....and almost every time, if the other spouse literally slams the door on the vindictive one...and refuses to engage her or give her what she wants....she usually relents after a while. It's no fun trying to aggravate the hell out of someone who won't react. I feel positive that if Kate eventually can't afford all the nannies and has to care for the children herself, she'll be calling Jon non-stop to come and take them off her hands.
But you would think there would have at least been mediation (with a mediator) in the Gosselin case. I'm curious at what age the children (the twins) would have input in terms of their preferences regarding custody in PA. I know that in some states, once the child reaches a certain age, the judge will speak to him/her and take what they want into consideration.
dee3 said...
To Links please~
I will have to look for that article because I don't remember where I read it. I'd read a post at GWOP, from 11/11 that mentioned an article with the following points:
Dee3, thanks for the reply. I found K8STFU's post and she began the post with this:
K8STFU said...
"Basics on the latest supposed incident between K8 and Mady (from ROL and another site). THIS HAS NOT YET BEEN PROVEN TO BE TRUE, NOR HAS "THE SOURCE" BEEN CONFIRMED AS LEGIT.
I have seen nothing else about this, and I definitely never read anything about Kate being verbally abusive to Steve.
I don't have a lot of time today, but I'll try and find some verification. At this point, I'm thinking it's all rumor.
PA law:
"The decision of the court may be considered reversible error if they won't hear the child's preference. However, the court has the discretion to interview the child out of the parents' presence. A child as young as 5 or 6 years of age may be heard. Though it is rare the court will hear from a child under 7 years, the child's ability to tell the truth from fiction and maturity will be the guidelines for whether a child may be heard. A child of 10 or 12 years of age is certainly entitled to have their opinions heard and given weight in legal proceedings about custody. Additionally, the court has the power to appoint an attorney for the child in contested cases."
PA law:
"The decision of the court may be considered reversible error if they won't hear the child's preference. However, the court has the discretion to interview the child out of the parents' presence. A child as young as 5 or 6 years of age may be heard. Though it is rare the court will hear from a child under 7 years, the child's ability to tell the truth from fiction and maturity will be the guidelines for whether a child may be heard. A child of 10 or 12 years of age is certainly entitled to have their opinions heard and given weight in legal proceedings about custody. Additionally, the court has the power to appoint an attorney for the child in contested cases."
I believe both parents must agree to it. I don't know how it is in PA but I would assume it would be brought up in mediation as a matter of routine. I also assume that either parent could request it after the original parenting plan is agreed to if it wasn't put in place at that time, but it would have to go before a judge if both parents couldn't agree on it.
As for the rest of your questions, I'm wondering the same things. In the first place, why did Jon agree to the arrangement that's in place? To me it looks like either he didn't want the kids very often or else he was being manipulated in some way by TLC/Kate's attorneys. Even from what little public info there is on the divorce arrangements, it's clear that everything in the divorce went in Kate's favor. I've seen some commenters that say it's the way things are in PA - the court favors mothers. But you would think that in a case such as this, where there are very unique circumstances, the court would have at the very least asked for a professional evaluation of the situation to make sure all the parties were represented fairly.
Admin, with your legal background, do you know why the court didn't request anything like that?
prairymary I'm sorry, but how was I to know you no longer owned a TV when you flat-out stated:
I can't wait to watch that ninny make a "hugerish" fool of herself!! She is not making her kids do it, so that is a real plus, what most of us have been wanting. I can't wait to laugh my head off, to see how she will be dressed, how much she will make "it" all about her, listen to her sputtering, trying to put an entire sentence together that makes any sense, watching the awful faces she makes-it is going to be hilarious!! And it will be fun to watch the people-like Johnny Weir-who DO NOT LIKE this woman, try to interact with her, and still be polite in front of the camera!"
My point was that people who feel as you do are keeping Kate on television. She does not have enough actual fans. Perhaps you meant you couldn't wait to HEAR about it?
Best of luck with the chemo, prairiemary. Take care.
Westcoaster said...
D-list show, D-list talent; she'll fit right in.
And so will her tacky Double-D's
Administrator said...
So I guess we're back to square one, sources saying two different things and neither of them any more credible than the other.
Werny Gal also confirmed that two of the children were expelled. Werny's been a reliable and credible witness, and to her credit, she didn't blog about the expulsion until the story broke.
And then Jessica at INF also said she had independent confirmation of expulsion and withheld the story until it broke as well.
There are also one or two sources who seem to have credible inside information and post anonymously on the blogs. So three to five sources say expulsion (regrettably) occurred to one saying it didn't.
I hope no one watches Skating With the Stars. Vince Neil will be on. He famously killed his passenger in a DUI in the 80's and left two innocent people with brain damage. As recently as this summer, he was still drinking and driving (arrested in Las Vegas). I don't care what kind of alcoholic he is. That's unforgivable. He also has a history of assault. ABC rewards him with a paycheck? Forget it. Both Vince and Kate are on my no watch list.
Kating With The Stars- I do not even own a t.v anymore, IF I do see it, it will be when I am getting chemo. Sorry it upset you.
dee3 said...
I suspect they are sandwiching Kate plus 8 between their 2 hottest shows right now in order to get people interested in it again...and then they can move it to another spot and have it bring in bigger numbers. They (and all the channels) usually don't clump their hottest shows together for very long...esp. 3 in a row. They do it temporarily to build viewership and then move it.
They're definitely hoping to increase ratings by sandwiching Kate Plus 8 between their 2 hottest shows, but they're kidding themselves if they think she can hold any kind of ratings for herself. IF she was any kind of a draw for the network like she used to be, SHE would be the lead in and one of the other 2 shows would be the middle. Her show is on it's last legs and I think it's laughable and should be embarrassing to her that they've scheduled her show this way. The one time queen of TLC is now on life support.
You have to put yourself in the mind of a narcissist if you dare. It's not about Kate wanting to be with the kids, but rather Kate not wanting JON to be with the kids. So she sees nothing wrong with trying to hang onto them for as much time as possible whether she is home. Being home or not is irrelevant to her, the point is to take them from Jon.
Kate has them all the time, she can start taking responsibility for their behavioral problems since most of their time is Mommy's custodial time. Karma.
Actually no, the school didn't say anything. The school said no comment and TLC said no comment. If you look at the sentence again, a SOURCE said that school officials claim they were not suspended. That would put that source on the same level as a source saying they were expelled. School officials did not tell the media a thing. A mole did.
So I guess we're back to square one, sources saying two different things and neither of them any more credible than the other.
That said I agree with the school: no comment. But if I were a school official trying to help these poor kids, I would probably try to leak that it was just a mutual disenrollment, and not expelled. A kindergartner's school problems have been splashed across national tabloids, it's just gross. Good job Kate.
Link to Johnny Weir's hatred of Kate:
fidosmommy said,
"kate seems to believe that every crisis should be addressed by bringing in more money..."
Hate seems to believe that every crisis should be addressed by 'leaking' it to every media outlet on earth and exposing her family's gaping wounds to the entire world.
I think this entire disgusting mess is just one big commercial designed and produced by the SICKOS at TLC. And Take eats it up; she loves every twisted minute of it.
I cannot believe jon is allowing this to continue. He knows what Hate/TLC is capable of because he lived it; no way is he without blame - STILL.
LisaNH said...
She's like Nancy Pelosi and Barbara "Call me senator" Boxer. They won't go away.
Funny how that silly voting thing works. People don't go away when the people of their state continue to put them in office.
Can someone explain what that actually means? She's just going to be reporting, what 1 to 2 minute clips to air on ET, right? She's working for them, not the show itself?
If so, why all the fuss? It's another BS gig that is not substantial, will blow by quickly. I think whoever said that she was probably contracted with ET is correct and since she was such a disaster as DWTS correspondent, this other low level show will finish off that contract.
Not interested in watching ET.
It's not going to be a successful gig for Kate anyway. Just more fodder for tabloids, blogs, and messageboards.
It's amazing that ET could not hire someone that has some knowledge, experience and talent... oh well.
gotyournumberkate said: "I'm wondering if she might possibly have a contract with ET? Maybe when she jacked the ratings up so high for DWTS they signed her on for a number of correspondant appearances? It just seems strange to me that they would call her back in light of all the negative publicity and what's going on with the kids. Maybe they don't have a choice??"
I applaud any work Kate can get without involving the kids, but I have thought the same thing as you about the contract with ET. I suspect ET signed her on to a deal last March, striking while the iron was hot. Now they are trying to find ways to utilize her. DWTS was obviously out of the question, but this z-list crew seems to be on par with her level of celebrity. Incidentally, FOX had an ice skating show about four years ago which only lasted one season. The show was supposed to be skating's version of DWTS, but it sort of became a joke, even with the cream of the crop of the ice skaing world involved with it. We'll see how this pans out.
It looks like Kate's new "brand" is simply being an annoying person. It is working. She doesn't mind being mocked and the butt of the jokes as long as she is getting jobs in the entertainment industry. Remember how Foster Brooks' brand was being a drunk (even though, in real life, he mastered his drinking problem). I don't think that people in the public eye care what their image is as long as it gets them enough money to live however they wish in their private lives.
That said, I don't think that those children should be on TV, and I am appalled at the upbringing that they appear to have had to date.
gotyournumberKate said...
She's like a turd you can't flush!
Way to dedicate yourself to your family and repairing the fractured relationships with your kids.
Please just let her 15 minutes end.
Can you link original article? Thanks!
Wasn't Kate supposed to be a special correspondent for DWTS? I wonder if she will be interviewing Johnny Weir. He's a judge and he has been very vocal as to his dislike for her in the past. Might be some interesting sound bites coming from him.
Rebecca Buding - from Cincinnati, plays (played?) Greenlee Smythe on All My Children, married to and divorced from the Bachelor Bob
Guirney (spelling?), the one everyone seemed to love.
Kate as ET correspondent? OK by me. It will serve as more proof that she has no ability to
interview people, she can only talk about herself, and her only claim to fame is 8 little souls who have yet to know the impact of their mother's actions.
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