Other odd eating behaviors:
- In "Back to School," Kate ordered the children to eat their lunch in a certain order: sandwich, fruit/veggies, crunchy things, dessert.
- Lots of viewers have expressed concern over the portion control Kate exerts on the children, at times serving only a handful of grapes, tortilla chips and dip as a meal.
- The sextuplets were denied bagels at breakfast when they really wanted them and the twins got them. Perhaps the sextuplets were just hungry.
- Kate's uninformed and bizarre obsession with "organic" food and feeding her children only food she deems worthy. As long as the bag of Cheetos says organic, it's Kate approved.
- Food has been withheld from the children as punishment. The boys were denied cupcakes on their birthday for not finishing their dinner. Most parenting experts now believe that food should never be tied up with punishments or rewards.
- Multiple sources have confirmed that their private school does not allow the students to throw out food so that parents can know what the child is and isn't eating.
- Kate once complained that Mady won't drink dairy, without considering a possible lactose intolerance problem or an allergy. In fact, a whopping 90% of children of Asian decent show some degree of lactose intolerance, from mild to debilitating.
A healthy relationship with food is vitally important at this age. Negative feelings associated with food early on can manifest in serious problems later in life, the teen years and beyond--anorexia, bulimia, obesity, over- and under-eating.
115 sediments (sic) from readers:
I tend to think less is more when it comes to trying to help foster a child's good relationship with food. You feed children a variety of nutritious foods and when kids get hungry enough they know it and they know how to their fill. Kate is overly preoccupied with good organic, portions, and so on, and it's an unhealthy obsession that is trickling down to the kids imprinting on their little minds a sense that food is associated with anxiety. Needless to say, not a good thing.
This story is so bizarre and frankly, unbelievable, even for a controlling bitch like Kate. BUT...think about it. If this story was made up by some hater, then why hasn't Kate said boo about it? I'd be furious if someone made this up about me and my kids. And if this story made it into print, I'd deny it vehemently, demand a retraction and threaten to sue for slander. Wouldn't you? No way would I want anyone to suspect that I was that cruel or crazy or that I'd endanger my children's health. No way would I let my children be humiliated with a rumor that paints them as abused and me as abusive. So what gives? Why is Kate so uncharacteristically quiet NOW? She claims to want privacy (yeah, right) but this story crosses the line IF UNTRUE. Her silence on the matter speaks volumes.
How hard is it to provide a lunch that your kids will eat? It's not rocket science. Your kid hates mayo? Don't put mayo on her sandwich. She loves spaghetti? Make a huge batch for dinner and pack leftovers for tomorrow's lunch (yum). Too tired to pack a lunch? Make the nanny or personal organic chef (roll eyes) do it or buy some Lunchables or let her buy lunch at school. Anything is better than repacking sandwiches deemed inedible the first time. This is not even remotely normal behavior.
It wouldn't surprise me if this is indeed true. Kate has also used food as a reward system when filming: 1) Season 5 - "Kate's Birthday Surprise" - Leah tells her siblings that they'll get a piece of candy after saying, "Mommy the big bus is here. Where are we going?"; 2) Season 6 - "School Time" - as the kids enter the barber shop for haircuts, Kate says, "Quiet, remember frosties are on the line."
"The ultimate goal of rewarding children is to help them internalize positive behaviors so that they will not need a reward...Using candy or food as a reward reaches beyond the short-term benefits of good behavior....By giving children empty calories as a reward for good behavior, we are saying, "Here is something unhealthy for you because you behaved so well." Does this make sense?"
If Kate wants her kids to behave properly while in public and/or filming, she needs to be explicit with her expectations and praise them verbally when they do follow them which is rarely caught on film. We mostly see her negative reactions to the situation, especially when kids start acting out.
Did it surprise anyone when two of her sextuplets were expelled from school? Kate needs to stop obsessing about the food and start concentrating on better parenting.
This story is likely true given what we have seen of Kate's food and control issues. In her mind she is teaching them thrift which is so warped given how insists they live in a mansion, have a pool, wear new clothes and get tons of toys. Carrie Ann said something last night on DWTS that I thought was pointed at Kate, she was talking about how a person's soul is revealed in their dancing, and honesty, passion, etc can't be faked. Kate can reviews like "stepford wife" and "shopping cart". Enough said.
Organic, yet rotten food said... "This story is so bizarre and frankly, unbelievable, even for a controlling bitch like Kate"
I had the same reaction! I thought that this story was too similar to "Mommy Dearest" to be true! Now I don't know. If it made it into print, there must be some collaborating sources or they couldn't print it. It is common knowledge that Kate has lawyers and would sue if this was just libel, I would think.
But if true, things must be worse for these children then I ever imagined. Repacking their lunches with uneaten food is all about power and control, although some sheeple will surely say it is Kate being frugal. "She's got 8 kids, don't ya know" She also has millions of dollars which she doesn't hesitate to spend on herself.
I cannot imagine what it is like for these children now. As public opinion turns and Kate is seen as the horrible mother she is, (what took folks so long to realize this-geez) the kids are less marketable/bankable. The whole situation has lost its cute factor. I fear that Kate's rage will be directed right at these children over this. I don't think she can even do her target/gas run photo op during school hours anymore because it will be pointed out she is not home to home school. Kate must be seething about all of this. I can only hope Jon is close enough to help those kids. I fear they are in immediate danger
Kate doesn't care whether the kids like the food or not. This isn't about the food.It's about the power struggle between a severely inadequate mother and six year old children.
I don't think Kate packs the lunches herself, although I believe she is rigid about what goes into them.It's part of her constant fear-driven need to prove "I'm the Boss of Them!"
As the children become older and better able to rebel, Kate's 'parenting' will become more and more punitive and unreasonable.The kids need to be rescued from this inevitable result of her inability to parent appropriately.
OMG people, making lunches is not that hard and does not require a degree. I raised kids and packed many lunches. You know what your kids like, for instance one loved tuna sandwiches, the other ham and cheese. Once in awhile I would check the school lunch menu and let them pick from there. Kate just has to do everything her way no matter how disgusting it will be.
Who could ever forget the words from her own mouth -they went to bed without supper because they drank so much milk at the farmers. This is after a 1/2 mile trek with at least one in shoes that did not fit, working/filming (which we now know is work, thank you WG) at the farm in the fresh air and sunshine for no telling how long. Those kids tore into that milk like they hadn't seen it in a month of Sundays. Because also from her own mouth - organic milk is too expensive.
OK, I'm no fan of Kate but your charge that she denied her kids food because she wouldn't let them eat cupcakes is just ludicrous. Cupcakes are a treat and don't contribute to the nutritional value of any meal. That she denied them dessert because they didn't finish their meal is actually a GOOD thing! I grew up with 6 siblings and even if it was my least favorite meal, if I didn't finish, I didn't get dessert. We all had a choice and we all knew the consequences.
It's JMHO but the hypercritical assessment of Kate and Jon's parenting decisions is getting really over the top ridiculous. My kids didn't always eat their lunch, sometimes they just weren't hungry...it happens. Whether she repacks them or not, who knows? It's all just gossip, let not get carried away.
Gross. I hope that this is not true.
My kid's school would make each child take home what they did not eat or finish. By the time those lunch boxes made it home, the ice packs were warm, and the food was unappetizing. I would immediately empty out the contents & wash out the lunch boxes. If I noticed any uneaten food, I would ask them why it was not eaten, I would LEARN from that, and then I would offer something different the next day. Or I would ask them, what they would like to eat for lunch.
Sometimes I would just give them money to buy their lunch. Really. Not it's not an issue. Just give them what they want, and if they decide not to eat it, then let it go, and not make an issue of it by sending it back the next day (YUK!!!)
I understand that Kate is high-ho gung-ho on serving organic food (with no preservatives) to her children. Can you imagine how quickly the food breaks down?
This family is exhausting, and working on my last raw nerve. It will not be upsetting to me if they are never heard from/or about again.
I wonder if more sources are coming out due to the upcoming custody hearing (if there really is one). Maybe people are realizing the damage being done and will start speaking up.
I hate to believe the lunch story, but who could think to make this up. It's just weird enough to be typical Kate behavior. For eight kids to be able to chant in unison "sandwich, vegetable, fruit, etc." is too bizarre to be real. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen the clip.
She can't take the time to teach the little girls how to tie their shoes when they clearly want tie shoes, but can drill the order to eat their lunch into their heads so perfectly they can chant it in unison. Why not just put 90% healthy things that they like in their lunches and 10% dessert. Even if they eat dessert first, they'd still be hungry and eat the healthy stuff (or most of it).
That's just gross and nasty! I think the show has shown more vomiting episodes than any other illness, makes you wonder if rotten food was to blame in some instances. I'm surprised Kate didn't mention on her TLC blog seeing sandwiches that the kids tossed out the school bus window.
What a timely thread. I still make my college-age son a lunch and just this morning I noticed he took his sister’s sandwich by mistake. I was so upset because he can’t stand mayo and he will not be able to eat it. I called his cell right away to warn him, but I told him to bring the sandwich home for his sister to eat later. She’s always hungry after school and would happily pop this sandwich into the Panini grill. But would I dream of packing this sandwich for her tomorrow? That would be a big NOOOOOOO.
OK, I'm no fan of Kate but your charge that she denied her kids food because she wouldn't let them eat cupcakes is just ludicrous. Cupcakes are a treat and don't contribute to the nutritional value of any meal. That she denied them dessert because they didn't finish their meal is actually a GOOD thing!
I didn't charge Kate with anything, Kate denied cupcakes on their birthday. Maybe they were full. Can't they have their cupcakes then? She then handfed Hannah until she finished her meal to make sure the girls got their cupcakes, then made the boys WATCH as the girls devoured their cupcakes, then claimed oh the next day they didn't even care. Well they are four they move on, but how does she know what was internalized about that incident about food, birthdays and their mother?
I wasn't allowed dessert until vegetables were eaten. But on a birthday can't we bend the rules??? It was cruel, pure and simple.
Pink Straight Jacket -- your description of packing lunches probably matches the majority of households. It is just so reasonable. Your plan is about food and kid's appetites and learning likes and dislikes -- it is NOT about control. Kate's lunch plan is all about being the boss. Remember, she is in charge that that is not going to change (her words!). Even when they leave the house, they have Kate's voice in their head. She will lose this battle for control, probably sooner than later. But, she is going to go down fighting with ever increasing forms of punishment.
She repacks their un-eaten lunches to "show them". Just like gum-gate, she said throwing out his bear "would teach him not to chew gum"
She doles out punishments that are so ubsurd and DO NOT fit the crime. It's ALL about control, it's all about power. She's a bully, and only bullies those in close proximity. Just like Jodi, Kevin, Beth, Jon, and all the countless others, once they "wise up" and stand their ground, they are gone! When those kids turn 18, I bet the majority of them will be gone too!
Judgmental Much? said... OK, I'm no fan of Kate but your charge that she denied her kids food because she wouldn't let them eat cupcakes is just ludicrous. Cupcakes are a treat and don't contribute to the nutritional value of any meal. That she denied them dessert because they didn't finish their meal is actually a GOOD thing! I grew up with 6 siblings and even if it was my least favorite meal, if I didn't finish, I didn't get dessert. We all had a choice and we all knew the consequences.
Have you seen the episode.If not let me tell you about it
It was the tups 4th b-day and the entire episode focused on a day they spend at a bakery where they decorated their own cupcakes.When they arrived home, from "you will eat them at dinner" Kate went to "Only if you eat the dinner you get them." Hannah was SPOONFED the required bites in order to get her cupcake and the plate still looked full when kate lifted it.And yet hannah got her cupcake while ALL the boysțwho were filmed eating dinner and fruit, didn't get them for "not even trying to eat"
It was their b-day and they waited all tehy long to eat them,and yet,unfairly kate said NO. It wasn't parenting, it was CRUELTY,those boys were heartbroken!
First off, from what we know of Kate's own family, her father is a very dominating (bullying) personality and mom is more passive. Kate is most likely parenting the way she was parented, which sadly means this cycle will pass to the next generation.
Secondly, I'm surprised Kate hasn't appeared on the Today show yet. I'm sure an interview is imminent. However, I will give her a few props if she DOESN'T run to the media and keeps it private. Not many, mind, as I think the only reason we haven't seen her on the talk circuit is because she's embarrassed and doesn't want to answer the logical question to
come out of this - why are your kids still filming?
Sad, sad, sad.
Admin, don't forget in their b-day episode the kids got candy for behaving in the store and kate humiliated Joel by pretending to give him a candy and when he opened his mouth she took it away...What kinds of parent does that to a 5 year old? And speking of being lactose intolerant, Hannah once cried that she wants her cereal dry, and she doesn't want milk and she got send to time out...
Sorry if it's been posted...it's funny though!
Unfortunately, I do believe this story, simply because she trotted them out and made them chant in unison about the ORDER in which they were to eat their meals. If she is truly 'incensed' as the article states, it's likely because the kids broke that order. Sandwiches were near the top of the list and dessert was at the bottom. It doesn't say their desserts are being repacked each day. I had a 'mother' like Kate, minus the $$$, and I realize at 46 that I DO have some issues with food. Nothing earth shattering, but I do attribute it to my mother's punitive approach to food. She was very controlling in all things and I resist any type of control, so my spouse and I have struggled to find balance for 25 years, as he was raised in an abusive/chaotic home and NEEDS control. I attribute many of my quirks to the fact that my main parent was all about showing who was the boss. Always. Love rarely enters the equation with a parent like that. Ramifications are lifelong.
PS what I meant was, his comments are funny.
Vanessa those kids will be gone long before they're 18. They will be gone as soon as they are no longer of any use to their mother.
When my kids were the age of Mady & Cara they complained about what I was packing for sandwiches. I suggested if they didn't like what I packed they could do their own. This turned out to be a fantastic idea and they were in charge of packing their own lunches until they graduated. They took healthy lunches and they ate their lunch because it was what they liked. Why Kate wouldn't do that for the older ones I don't know.
@ Judgmental much,
To add to Sarah's post, the WHOLE time they were supposed to be having fun, creating memories at the bakery, all she could do was sqwak about getting dirty, not eating the icing, just basically sucking the fun out of the whole thing. Not to mention she didn't pack extra clothes and had the kids cake decorate in their Sunday best. Another example of her trying to sabotage their fun. Just youtube it. And if you've seen the episode, it's frankly quite scary that you saw something totally opposite of what transpired.
To everyone offering up reasonable alternatives to repacking unwanted food:
The problem is that your suggestions are all reasonable and sane. The problem is also that we are dealing with Kate. Kate does not weigh the logic of anything, she simply decides what is going to be and will not budge from it.
My parents were very controlling over food. My mother was not a great cook, and meals were often truly poorly prepared concoctions. Mom
doled out the portions in the kitchen (no seconds, clean your plate completely) and we were not allowed an opinion of the taste of anything. Just eat it.
When I moved away to college, I decided I was going to eat WHAT I wanted in the AMOUNT I wanted WHEN I wanted it. That has exploded into
obesity that I have fought my entire adult life.
I rebelled against my parents' food issues and
replaced them with my own.
I see problems ahead for a certain 8 children.
For whoever it was that asked why Kate isn't defending herself? She never defends herself unless she is in front of a camera where she can say what she wants, however she wants with the most amount of people watching. I don't expect to hear from her about either the expulsion or the lunch food unless and until she is on the morning talk shows, on her own show on the couch where she can spout any crap she wants and get away with it or in some magazine. As far the the cupcakes, she had acted horribly all day long. It was just icing on the cake, so to speak, when she refused to allow the BOYS to eat their cupcakes -- remember little Joel looking at his and saying 'oh, my....' -- and allowed the girls to have theirs after they hadn't eaten their dinner either. So typical of Kate. And the next day explaining they had totally forgotten about it. Sure. Right. Except it is stored somewhere in their brain and will come back as a memory at some point. All to bite Kate in the ass for her controlling, nasty ways.
It's classic Kate and her poor understanding of child development to proclaim the children forgot all about the incident. Newsflash, just because a child isn't talking about it doesn't mean they haven't internalized it and stored it away as yet another traumatic moment living with a narcissist.
The person who posted that it's okay to deny a child dessert on his birth, I guess when we're coming from such polar opposites where one person thinks that's okay and another doesn't, I can't see us ever coming to any kind of "meet in the middle" place with the sheeple. Like negotiating with terrorists--you can't.
I think the thing here is that most normal parents do take into consideration the likes and dislikes of their children's food choices. I am by no means saying that we should all be short order cooks, but not putting mayo on a sandwich or allowing a child eat cereal / milk separately is really not a big deal.
I don't like certain foods and I wouldn't like it if someone made me eat it, why would I purposely do that to my kids?
As for Cupcakegate, that is one episode for the books. The epi description is "Tups 4th Birthday", the owners closed the store for K8 who was her normal bitchy, ungrateful self, and guess what ? The grand finale is that the boy tups didn't get to eat their cupcakes and the girls did, in front of the boys. And , as another poster mentioned, Hannah didn't eat any more than the boys. The look on Aaden's face when he realized that he couldn't have his BIRTHDAY cupcake was heartbreaking. Judgemental much, have you even seen the episode ?
My own opinion--I don't think we'll be seeing Kate on many (or ANY) talk shows, news shows, etc. TLC set those up as show promotions, I feel sure. I believe TLC no longer cares to devote much in the way of resources to her sinking ratings ship and is probably also concerned she will embarrass them as her comments get more and more outrageous.
The Regis show was the last, wasn't it? "I sit by the phone and wait for the kids to call when they're at Jon's"--said as she's leaving that day for Cabo, Mexico. That was the beginning of the flood of poor publicity, as I recall. Her silence on these newest accusations is not necessarily of her choice. The usual platforms are not inviting her, and TLC's not making it happen.
Maybe they can 'cancel' Kate now?
During the back to school episode when she had the children chant in unison the order of the menu she stated something like she would be checking their lunches when they got home. I'm wondering if she said after that "What you don't eat will be repacked until you eat it". Perhaps that was edited out.
Before the sheeple jump down my back, it's only a opinion of mine. I haven't carved it in stone.
Regarding the Birthday trip to the Bakery, Kate had to control that whole situation as well to the point where Jon even clued her in. The poor Bakers who had this wonderful session prepared for the kids were completely frowned upon the whole time by Kate. The kids were so excited that they got to eat all the gooey icing as they were preparing their own special cupcakes and Kate told one of the kids not to eat it- that they would get a stomach ache. So what! Sometimes that happens on Halloween or Christmas when children & grown-ups indulge a little too much.
Kate knew what this trip entailed and if she didn't want her children partaking in the WHOLE experience, then they should have stayed home.
Oh wait-then they would've had one less episode.
"How hard is it to provide a lunch that your kids will eat? It's not rocket science. Your kid hates mayo? Don't put mayo on her sandwich. She loves spaghetti? Make a huge batch for dinner and pack leftovers for tomorrow's lunch (yum)"
So true Organic!
Exactly what I was thinking myself. My poor daughter was bringing home mostly uneaten sandwiches last year for the first time. I started asking her if she wasnt hungry, didnt like ham/turkey, etc.
I guess, going through a divorce, she didnt want to hurt my feelings. Turns out she no longer liked sandwiches i finally found out! It was just too much bread. So we started making 'rollups' for her instead, same ingredients basically only wrapped into a flour tortilla and cut up into bite sized pieces. She loves those - but your next-day Spaghetti suggestion is her favorite!
"I suggested if they didn't like what I packed they could do their own. This turned out to be a fantastic idea and they were in charge of packing their own lunches until they graduated. They took healthy lunches and they ate their lunch because it was what they liked. Why Kate wouldn't do that for the older ones I don't know."
Another great suggestion that works very well (and gives M/D a little extra time in the morning!)
I make the 'main' item in my kids lunches normally (sandwich/rollups/leftover) and the kids do the rest. Normally two fruit items and something fun like crackers, nuts or some chips.
Mary Ann said...
Pink Straight Jacket -- your description of packing lunches probably matches the majority of households. It is just so reasonable. Your plan is about food and kid's appetites and learning likes and dislikes -- it is NOT about control. Kate's lunch plan is all about being the boss. Remember, she is in charge that that is not going to change (her words!). Even when they leave the house, they have Kate's voice in their head. She will lose this battle for control, probably sooner than later. But, she is going to go down fighting with ever increasing forms of punishment.
She IS in charge. She is the parent. Why that is controversial is beyond me. Do you advocate anarchy in all households?
I will never forget Aaden's poor pitiful cry over the cupcakes. What? We can't have our cupcakes fork in hand halfway to his mouth. Apparently the crew was in on it because they kept panning over to show Aaden eating. He ate heartily. He always does - even if it is just 5 grapes and 3 crackers he savors the flavor. I used to think he must have a great palate for flavors because he always relished his food...that was before I came to learn that his mother has an unnatural obsessive compulsion with barely there food portions. I'm not even going to mention the fact that you could count his ribs on the vomitfest episode when he is lying there listless in his own vomit being comforted by a girl tup.
BTW, the sandwich pic shown above is at once absolutely adorable and heartbreakingly appropos.
I hope to god this is untrue.Can you imagine all the bacteria and E-coli floating around in that sandwich.The kids have their own little science project growing right there in their lunch boxes. How organic is a week old sandwich.
Girlfriend needs to learn to pick her battles. Everyone would be so much happier. This is not a battle you would want to win,if one of the kids become seriously ill.
As far as for thier birthday, awe heck my grandmother would often say and DO it with, "having ice cream for before dinner," once in a while, that if we were not hungry when it was dinner time or breakfast we would eat when we got hungry. Its common sense I think that once in a while--now nobody jump down my throat here--I said ONCE in a GREAT WHILE it should be deemed fine to allow children some slack on sweets (i.e. birthdays) Grant it they are not healthy yet it will teach children that sweets in proportion and occasionally are not entirely harmful either.
For Kate to say they had no clue the next day (her and Jon) let's not forget him. Kids have memories you wouldn't even imagine they will remember, they do. Just because they are young does not mean they don't have brains. Seriously.
My mother has always been dominate, my father passive unless he had his temper. My mother used to save my cereal in the bowl with the milk in the fridge for the next morning (after the morning I didn't finish it) it sat in the fridge all day and all night long. Her method since she is not from America was, "you will learn their are children who would be happy to have that." My point it there comes a time when trying to teach your kids certain values are good that just don't make any sense the way you approach it is all. Yes I know America is a free country, where on every corner you have fast food, the grocery stores are laden with more food than most from other ocuntries will never lay eyes on in a day.
My mother used food as reward yes, which now I cannot stand. The way Kate seems to do this, indulge the girls deny the boys is very disturbing. Isn't this the same woman who in one episode said, "Hannah, oh darling," and then, "Your nails are horendous child!" To Joel? Its just sad nobody has noted these abusive before. Just because its on TV does not mean it should be deemed for viewership. (The Jersery Shore for one...) You can pay any young 20 year old to act likle a fool and think its "cool." Doesn't make it original.
Marie, 21 years old, Russian-American, 3 years battle of bulimia and won over my food addictions and fears and am proud of that fact. And I hope and pray not to see any of the Gosselin children or any other child in America to have to deal with that lonely, painful, addictive behavior when in a counry one should have the right (even as a child) to have a voice and a choice of what they like and don't like, all that should be required on new food is that the child TRIES it, tastes it before deciding they don't like it.
But on a birthday can't we bend the rules??? It was cruel, pure and simple.
...epecially after they decorated them! I'll never forget the look on that little guy's face when he said, in disbelief, "I don't get my cupcake?" It ranks right up there with gumgate.
It was not only cruel on her part, it was sadistic, almost as if she enjoyed it.
I wonder if she controls their Christmas morning, telling them in what order they have to unwrap their gifts or they don't get any. If they don't do it correctly, does she take the gifts away? Nothing would surprise me.
I can't imagine that a 6 year old would have the TIME to eat everything that Kate packs (sandwich, fruit, veggies, yogurt, etc., etc.). When my daughter was that age, half the lunch period was taken up by walking to the cafeteria (first wait until everyone is in line and quiet), waiting in line, sitting, opening everything, lots of talking and playing, etc. Most kids that age don't eat everything in their lunch. So what? Just pack less food. Don't include dessert if you don't want the kid to eat it and not the sandwich. Just put in half a sandwich, or cheese and crackers, or lunch meat, no bread.
Oh My. Another scathing article at hollybaby.com They are reporting the other six are on probation.
I hate to admit my father was like and is like Kate he used to make us sit for hours and eat cold food and we couldn't leave until it was finished. Dessert forget that wasn't even allowed except on our birthdays, and if it wasn't eaten the same way and we weren't sitting up to his standards at the dinner table or if we talked with out mouth with food in it it caused a whole lot more problems later. He was and is still the same he tried to control every aspect of our lives even now as adults. I have nothing more to do with him because he was invited to my wedding and insulted my husband at our wedding simply because he couldn't control the food, the location , the groom his family and more importantly myself. I agree with some that most of the kids will grow up to hate Kate or want nothing to do with her because of how she treats them. They will remember things that she thought they forgot. I know that I still remember so many bad memories and I know they have affected my life and you don't forget just because you don't talk about them it doesn't mean you don't remember them. Kate like my father never ever apologized he was always the victim and he always had a reason to justify his rotten behavior. I pray for those children that they get help sooner rather than later.
I believe it. It sounds bizarre, unless you grew up with an over-controlling parent like this. This is entirely about control...a parent like this feels like they must always win the battle, and dominate the children. Parents like this love the baby stage, but have immense problems handling children once they become more vocal and opinionated. I'm sure this is just one example of many in her attempt to win the power struggle, which will only get worse as they get older.
IDK how much or if any of this is true, but if it is, heaven help those children! I feared their lives were like this behind closed doors and I'm sick thinking it's true.
Kate Gosselin Tells Her Troubled Kids They’re Going To Be Sent Away Like Their Dogs!
This is crazy! Here’s another reason Kate Gosselin is a terrible mom. She told her eight kids — who are all on probation at school — they’re not going to heaven! And she’s blaming the kids teachers for their bad behavior!
How awful is this? After two of Kate Gosselin’s sextuplets, Alexis and Collin, 6, got expelled from their private school for misbehaving in class, she threatened all eight of her kids, telling them, “they wouldn’t get into heaven and Jesus doesn’t love bad people,” a source tells Us Weekly. But if that isn’t bad enough, Kate continued her rant adding that they would be “sent away like [their former dogs] Shoka and Nala if they didn’t change their behavior.” Isn’t she taking this a little too far?
Did growing up on camera lead to their expulsion?
Instead of realizing the root of the problem — the kids are obviously acting out since her divorce from ex Jon Gosselin and because of the pressures of having every moment of their lives filmed by TV cameras – Kate is blaming everybody else. “Jon blames Kate for not being home,” says the insider. “He says they’re hitting because that’s how Kate taught them to deal with problems — yelling and hitting.” How can we forget Kate’s constant jabs at Jon on the Jon & Kate Plus 8 interview couch?
Kate gives her kids stale food for lunch!
“TV and stardom aside, divorce can wreck havoc on a child and sometimes manifest through misbehavior,” psychotherapist Jonathan Alpert tells HollyBaby.com. ”Throw into the mix all the hoopla of being reality TV stars and the product of a highly publicized upbringing and subsequent divorce, and you’re bound for trouble.” An insider tells Us magazine that both parents are to blame: “They get no parenting from either Jon or Kate. They’re left to figure things out for themselves.” It’s hard not to feel sorry for those poor children.
But Kate isn’t feeling much compassion. Not only is she threatening her children, but her attitude is the same toward their private school officials. “She’s told them, ‘I pay a lot of money to send my kids here; you fix the problem.’” For now, Alexis and Collin are being taught by private tutors, but there are claims that Kate plans on homeschooling the two kids herself — OK! magazine is reporting that she was spotted at a Fed Ex office copying lesson plans over the weekend. Uh-oh. They’re in trouble!
–Leigh Blickley
Anonymous said... I will never forget Aaden's poor pitiful cry over the cupcakes. What? We can't have our cupcakes fork in hand halfway to his mouth. Apparently the crew was in on it because they kept panning over to show Aaden eating. He ate heartily. He always does - even if it is just 5 grapes and 3 crackers he savors the flavor. I used to think he must have a great palate for flavors because he always relished his food...that was before I came to learn that his mother has an unnatural obsessive compulsion with barely there food portions. I'm not even going to mention the fact that you could count his ribs on the vomitfest episode when he is lying there listless in his own vomit being comforted by a girl tup.
November 17, 2010 9:42 AM
I hope Jon takes a copy of this episode (NC VomitFest) to court with him 11/30.
Admin, I have a question for you.
This story has been floating around the internet for a week. And I know that you don't publish Gosselin articles unless they turn out to be true. So I was wondering why you decided to report this on your blog?
Thanks in advance.
Midnight Madness said...
But on a birthday can't we bend the rules??? It was cruel, pure and simple.
...epecially after they decorated them! I'll never forget the look on that little guy's face when he said, in disbelief, "I don't get my cupcake?" It ranks right up there with gumgate.
It was not only cruel on her part, it was sadistic, almost as if she enjoyed it.
Guys, giving in to your kids just because they look cute or you feel guilty is NOT good parenting either.
Parents make rules which their children need to live by. Children grow into responsible adults by learning that even though they can make their own decisions, they have to deal with the consequences of those decisions also. Kate's decision not to let them have their cupcakes if they didn't finish their dinner was tough, but not cruel. In fact, good for her for being consistent and following through.
Anonymous said....When you have children, you can bend the rules on their birthday to your heart's content. It is not "cruel" for a parent to make a different choice. What is pure and simple is that you don't get to parent other people's children
No, we can't parent other people's children. That's why we're all trying to get Kate to parent her own children. So far the negatives
of her parenting style far outweigh the positives. In fact, I see very few positives. Anyone?
lovetoread62 said...
I can't imagine that a 6 year old would have the TIME to eat everything that Kate packs (sandwich, fruit, veggies, yogurt, etc., etc.). When my daughter was that age, half the lunch period was taken up by walking to the cafeteria (first wait until everyone is in line and quiet), waiting in line, sitting, opening everything, lots of talking and playing, etc. Most kids that age don't eat everything in their lunch. So what? Just pack less food. Don't include dessert if you don't want the kid to eat it and not the sandwich. Just put in half a sandwich, or cheese and crackers, or lunch meat, no bread.
Wait...now she's giving them too much food? I thought she was starving them. I can't keep up with the criticisms.
"Judgmental Much? said... Guys, giving in to your kids just because they look cute or you feel guilty is NOT good parenting either.
Parents make rules which their children need to live by. Children grow into responsible adults by learning that even though they can make their own decisions, they have to deal with the consequences of those decisions also. Kate's decision not to let them have their cupcakes if they didn't finish their dinner was tough, but not cruel. In fact, good for her for being consistent and following through. "
It was NOT because they looked "cute" or a matter of "guilt". It was their BIRTHDAY. Got it yet?
Judgmental Much? said...
Kate's decision not to let them have their cupcakes if they didn't finish their dinner was tough, but not cruel. In fact, good for her for being consistent and following through.
I hate to feed the trolls, but EVERYTHING about how she handled that birthday was cruel, and intentional.
"Consistent and following through"? Not hardly. Some who finished got cupcakes, some who did not finish unless hand-fed got cupcakes. Everybody got a HUGE build-up, including the theoretically positive experience of decorating MY OWN CUPCAKE, and then got to watch while the whole experience collapsed in their mother's endless, mindless nastiness.
This woman wouldn't know consistency or "follow-through" if she fell across it. ALL of her parenting is angry self-indulgence.
Kate is mentally ill. There is no other explanation for the way she treats and ignores her children. She is beyond cruel to them. Heartless. Rene S has a youtube video up on her blog today that shows some scary highlights of Kate's parenting. There is Kate threating to toss Collin's security teddy, he wailing and Mady trying to comfort him - at what point does Kate snap out of that behaviour? There is Kate sitting on butt in the white throne not flinching a muscle when one of the tups flips out of his bike onto the pavement, and in the corner, two more are biting and hitting each other, and there she sits, refusing to lift a finger, barking out orders to Jon. It was a sickening montage of Kate making her kids sob and wail and freak out over absolutely nothing. She is not a mother. She has zero maternal instincts. She is cruel and unkind and hostile and menacing and extremely unstable. I fear for those kids. I bet they get treated far worse when the cameras are off. I think that will come out soon enough but it won't be fast enough to save those Gosselin children.
Judgmental Much? said... Guys, giving in to your kids just because they look cute or you feel guilty is NOT good parenting either
The kids did not look CUTE that day, they looked HEARTBROKEN.They were done with teheir dinner yet Kate kept them in the high chairs so they can watch their siblings(all girls) eat their desert. After they had WORKED in front of cameras for hours and hours , and on their b-day they didn't deserve ONE damn cupcake which they had been expecting all day? Or maybe you don't think those kids worked that entire day? Maybe you think the kids played in front of the cameras...
Has Kate Gosselin's Show 'Twist of Kate' been canceled?
"Has Kate Gosselin lost her ratings mojo? ”Twist of Kate is canceled,” a source tells Life & Style magazine. “It’s no longer on the schedule because Kate can’t bring in the ratings.”
Despite Twist of Kate’s cancellation, TLC reps say, “Neither show has been canceled! In fact, the next Kate Plus 8 special airs Nov. 28.” They didn’t mention Twist of Kate.
The June 22, 2009 episode of Jon & Kate Plus 8 registered 10.6 million viewers, but since the show dropped Kate’s ex-husband Jon Gosselin, the ratings have plummeted. Ratings for the most recent episode of Kate Plus 8 banked on Kate’s trip to Alaska, but it failed. It only brought in 1.3 million viewers, the lowest number yet for the show!"
Consistency? I don't think that had anything to do with consistency. This is a woman who took off on her children for three weeks to train for DWTS then only saw them a few days every week. This is a woman who has left her children in the care of no less than 11 nannies over the past two years--this blog published the photographic proof. This is a woman who has pulled them out of school and jetted them all across the country so she can collect her 85% cut of their millions. This is a woman who has one by one estranged most of their closest family and friends and is trying with all her might to do it to their father to, the father they scream for when he has to take them back to her. This from a woman who has turned their lives upside down in her quest for fame and fortune. She is the least consistent parent I've ever seen.
Moreover, Kate herself clearly believes that rules can and should be broken, as we saw a whole episode about how it's a family tradition to eat ice cream cones for supper once a year. If she was able to break the rules then why not on their birthday?
Running a family on a militant by-the-book rules are never to be broken just causes children to rebel and break them. Teach kids to live a little. And if there's any time to live a little, it's on a four-year-old's birthday. What could a four year old possibly do to warrant such a severe punishment?
And on other note, a four-year-old's stomach, Kate should know, is very different from an adult's. It's small, kids get full fast, and most children that age do much better to have six small meals rather than being force-fed three big ones. She has always treated them like small adults, and not unique children with unique needs far different from an adult. That's part of the narcissism, having great difficulty imaging how someone else might feel.
Judgmental Much? said...
Parents make rules which their children need to live by. Children grow into responsible adults by learning that even though they can make their own decisions, they have to deal with the consequences of those decisions also. Kate's decision not to let them have their cupcakes if they didn't finish their dinner was tough, but not cruel. In fact, good for her for being consistent and following through.
In principle, you're right. But, these were 4 year old children who had spent hours at a bakery, had decorated their own cupcakes, they'd eaten the majority of their meal, were not given a second chance and encouraged, the rule was UNEQUALLY enforced among the children, and it was their BIRTHDAY.
Parenting to raise responsible children is a lot more than enforcing rules, ruling with an iron hand, being inflexible, and having schedules and routines.
Yes. And it's also quite a gift if you can manage to teach your children compassion.
mama mia said...
Kate is mentally ill. There is no other explanation for the way she treats and ignores her children. She is beyond cruel to them. Heartless. Rene S has a youtube video up on her blog today that shows some scary highlights of Kate's parenting.
Who is Rene S? And where can we find her blog with the YouTube video? Please and thanks
Anonymous copied my post to Pink Straight Jacket and asked if I promoted anarchy within households? No -- I don't promote rebellion. Just kindness and respect. Thanks, anonymous for the opportunity to clarify.
I remember "Cupcake-gate" very well, because I was so sad for those little boys. That was supposed to be their birthday treat. I really hope those kids got another celebration and that wasn't it.
I also laugh at Kate's "organic" obsession. Remember how proud she was of herself when she discovered "organic marshmallow fluff"? Oh. Em. Gee. This woman is so clueless.
With the court date looming, infdaily has new pics of the kids playing in the yard with what they claim is one of the dogs. I cannot imagine why any reputable breeder would return the dogs to that house of horrors.
I always thought KKate was a sadist. That says it all.
She enjoys causing pain, that's why she dresses like a dominatrix.
I think the pics on INF Daily are old pics that were not published before. The children look smaller than they do now. It's not possible to tell whether the girl is Alexis because her face isn't visible.
This might be a blatant attempt to counteract what Kate allegedly said about sending the kids away like the dogs; or making it look like she is doing something kind for Alexis, who loves dogs.
I don't believe that either of the dogs is back. I think this is just more despicable PR.
Livvy said...
With the court date looming, infdaily has new pics of the kids playing in the yard with what they claim is one of the dogs. I cannot imagine why any reputable breeder would return the dogs to that house of horrors.
It wouldn't surprise me if they filmed the Gosselins reunion with their dog, just another storyline like the chickens.
INF is reporting that Kate has at least one of the dogs back. I certainly hope this is not true and assumed they would have found them new homes by now. If they did send the dogs back I am totally disgusted. She mistreated them the first time she had them so what would be any different now
She also used snack as a reward for taking naps.
No nap, no snack. So wrong.
With the court date looming, infdaily has new pics of the kids playing in the yard with what they claim is one of the dogs. I cannot imagine why any reputable breeder would return the dogs to that house of horrors.
If the dogs are 'returned', it can only be for Kate saving face purposes. She kept them in their crates for so long that one of them tried to chew his way out. And hey why not bring them back while the family is dealing with rage issues amongst the kids. If Kate isn't capable of teaching her children compassion and restraint with humans, how can teach them to treat the dogs appropriatly?
All this coming out about old sandwiches, kids expulsion, and her bad behavior in that house is probably being leaked out by one of the many nannies.
Judgmental Much? said... Children grow into responsible adults by learning that even though they can make their own decisions, they have to deal with the consequences of those decisions also.
That goes for Kate too, right? The adult who sits in her chair snapping her bubble gum and saying "Nobu Nobu I want Nobu!" like a five-year-old. The same Kate who stuffs her face with four different desserts at the spa. That Kate.
Oh yeah, I'm looking forward to watching her deal with the consequences of her decisions alright.
Running a family on a militant by-the-book rules are never to be broken just causes children to rebel and break them. Teach kids to live a little.
Unfortunately, the "RULES" change constantly when you're a narcissist. What 'works' one day won't necessarily be the case the next day. There is no rhyme or reason, it just depends on the 'mood' the narcissist is in.
AuntieAnn said..
Oh yeah, I'm looking forward to watching her deal with the consequences of her decisions alright.
Doesn't seem to be dealing with it too well at the moment, does she? LOL
All right sheeple, here's one for ya: it's okay to feed your kids day or week-old sandwiches b/c it saves money, and Kate is frugal, right? If she's so frugal, then why does she go tanning and have her nails and hair done every week? I read somewhere that she paid $7,000 for a haircut! Why not use some of that money to buy groceries and pack fresh lunches for the kids?
IDModo said...
I think the pics on INF Daily are old pics that were not published before. The children look smaller than they do now. It's not possible to tell whether the girl is Alexis because her face isn't visible.
These pics are not new since the sextuplets didn't have those cars until this season's Kate Plus 8. They were birthday presents from Kate.
Isn't the return of the dog too little, too late? Don't see the point or what PR purpose that will serve.
The youtube video is at www.goodenoughmother.com and Rene is a tv host who shot that View-like tv talk show pilot with Kate and Paula D last summer. She thinks Kate should get those kids off tv pronto.
Children grow into responsible adults by learning that even though they can make their own decisions, they have to deal with the consequences of those decisions also. Kate's decision not to let them have their cupcakes if they didn't finish their dinner was tough, but not cruel. In fact, good for her for being consistent and following through.
Good for her? This wasn't about being consistent. This was about CONTROL. Hers. You're right. It wasn't cruel. It was beyond being cruel. It was sadistic and mean-spirited, with shades of Mommy Dearest. It was their birthday, for gosh sakes. They decorated the cakes. Why even let them do that if she was going to rule with an iron fist and not let them eat their treats? What kind of mom would coddle the girls, force feed them, and then coldly tell the boys that they didn't follow the rules? Sexist, much? I'm just surprised that she didn't cook them something that they absolutely hated, knowing full well that they wouldn't finish their meals and therefore would be able to deny them (the boys) their cupcakes.
What kind of mom couldn't make an exception to their "finish the dinner" rule on ONE DAY out of the year? Joan Crawford comes to mind...
I'm with Auntie Ann. I can't wait to see Kate deal with the consequences of her decisions. It's not going to be a pretty sight. You reap what you sew. Kate can't teach the kids to be responsible adults because she's only an immature child herself. It's like the proverbial blind leading the blind. There's no role model there. All they see is entitlement, greed, bickering, all wrapped up in one angry person. I do have hope for Mady, who appears to have much better common sense than her mom, and displays better logical thinking than Kate has ever been capable of.
These pics are not new since the sextuplets didn't have those cars until this season's Kate Plus 8. They were birthday presents from Kate
If the cars were this years gifts, that would mean about six months ago. They must be recent and the dogs must be back.
Maybe K is trying to show the courts what a great Mom she is by bringing back the dogs 'for the sake of the kids.'
I feel sooo sorry for the children but now have to worry about the dogs too.
INF is claiming those pictures were taken today.
First Pics! Alexis & Collin Gosselin Play In The Yard; Plus Shoka The Dog Returns!
Alexis and Collin Gosselin were out playing in their yard today with their dog Shoka.
Dogs have been known to bite in self defense. I hope the children treat the dog kindly.
If the dogs are back, it's only so that this horrible mother can "prove" to the children that, if they do exactly what she says, they might be allowed to stay. Or return, if she exiles them.
What a dispicable human being.
These pics are not new since the sextuplets didn't have those cars until this season's Kate Plus 8. They were birthday presents from Kate.
Why is one of the dogs in the picture if the kids didn't get those cars until this seasons's shows?
Long time lurker but first time post here. I just posted this at the other site... link about Kate's financial woes from Perez Hilton..
Lauren said... Admin, I have a question for you.
This story has been floating around the internet for a week. And I know that you don't publish Gosselin articles unless they turn out to be true. So I was wondering why you decided to report this on your blog?
I make the best call that I can based on what I know. I do my best to post what is true but not actually being Kate Gosselin, I can never know for sure. I think I have a pretty good sense though.
If Kate is concerned so much with discipline and consistency, then why does she allow the fighting/hitting kids to "work it out" among themselves?
Judgmental Much? maintains that it's good for Kate to follow through (rules/discipline) with consistency. There times when Kate has reprimanded and yes, even threatened mis-behavior with a wooden spoon (or hitting a child...captured on film), but then other times she ignores fighting children and tells them to deal with the problem themselves. When it comes to discipline, can you imagine with all of the nannies/sitters in that household the muddled methods of child-raising that must be used?
A parent cannot waver in consistency. Kate does, though. She adheres to the principle of "conveniency in discipline." In other words, when she's too lazy to deal with it, she ignores it. What kind of a message does this send to the kids? If she's not going to be consistent, then the perfect time to follow the "do whatever" rule should have been on their birthdays. Let them eat their cupcakes, with or without their dinner. A lapse of one night in nutritional wellness isn't going to take a toll on their over-all health and well-being.
Gosselin Gossip said...
IDModo said...
I think the pics on INF Daily are old pics that were not published before. The children look smaller than they do now. It's not possible to tell whether the girl is Alexis because her face isn't visible.
These pics are not new since the sextuplets didn't have those cars until this season's Kate Plus 8. They were birthday presents from Kate.
Oops...I meant to say that the pics are new, not old. Didn't catch my mistake until now. I apologize.
One of the very first episode of the Gosselins I caught was the one where the children were getting physicals to start preschool. I remember being shocked at their size...it was very low on the growth charts. The doctor was asking the kids about their favorite foods and I wondered if they were at risk for "failure to thrive". Anyway, I was also surprised later that these kids were always drinking juice in other episodes. I was taught that fruit juice can be a problem with some low weight children because they fill up on calories from sipping on the juice and then aren't interested in eating other more nutritious food at meals. Even with healthy eaters, actual fruits and vegetables are better than juice since they are less processed. I suspected that their juice consumption had more to do with product placement than proper nutrition.
I wouldn't be so surprised if food was a means of control in this family and that sandwiches were returned if they weren't eaten.
In comparison, my parents never made me eat anything I didn't want and I didn't do that to my child, either. Neither of us were unhealthy and now we both enjoy a wide variety of foods. I was also allowed to pick my own portions with one caveat: I wasn't allowed to take excessive portions of one item if it meant there wasn't enough for everyone. Also, the parents were not short order cooks. We could choose to eat what was served or we could wait until the next meal for something else.
Dessert wasn't a regular thing. When it did occur, it wasn't conditional on whatever else we ate. Again, it was shared and once it was gone, it was gone. It didn't matter if we ate it first or last.
One last comment. My parents would have never taken me to a bakery to decorate my own birthday cupcake without letting me actually eat a portion. I could never have done that to my child. If there are problems with the foods the children are eating, take food out of the celebration equation.
Wait...now she's giving them too much food? I thought she was starving them. I can't keep up with the criticisms.
That's our whole point. Kate is a narcissist and any day is a grab bag what you might get. One day she's making them eat a huge sandwich and crunchy things and all this crap or she sends it back, the next she's only serving a few crackers and some grapes and calling it a meal. One minute she's making them eat a well balanced meal before dessert, the next she's taking them out for ice cream for dinner. This is classic narcissist, changing the rules day to day, even hour by hour.
So yes, Kate can starve them one moment give them too much food the next. Scary and yet we've seen her bizarre and inconsistent behaviors when it comes to food time and time again, it's all documented in those 150 plus episodes.
This is one of my favorite posts I did about how bad Juicy-Juice is after Kate was seen again carting it home by the truckload. My Juicy-Juice expose! LOL.
Kate was already in a foul mood on the day of "cupcake-gate". She had that scowl on her face right from the intro. The minute they got there, the "drill captain" started in. Why were those kids dressed in their Sunday best to go CAKE DECORATING? She sabotages EVERY memory making experience, they will not have MEMORIES, they'll be talking about how their childhood was a NIGHTMARE. She turned what was supposed to be a fun afternoon into yet another downer. SHE did not want to be there, so EVERYONE was going to pay. That's how her mind works. All the confessionals on the couch preaching and pretty much trying to SHOW the world what a great mother she is the most scripted part of show. She re-writes and changes what everyone has seen WITH THEIR VERY OWN EYES, to suit her delusional view.
Admin said -- I do my best to post what is true but not actually being Kate Gosselin, I can never know for sure.
Then said -- One day she's making them eat a huge sandwich and crunchy things and all this crap or she sends it back, the next she's only serving a few crackers and some grapes and calling it a meal.
So if one is not Kate Gosselin and can never know for sure, then how would one know what she feeds them on a daily basis, since the cameras are not there 24/7? It might be that these kids don't eat a lot at one sitting. They might be grazers, eating small meals throughout the day. It might also be that when we've seen grapes on a plate it's because they have been snacking during filming. Perhaps they've had their "big" meal from the catering service. Bottom line is, unless we are there, we don't know what these kids are eating or are not eating. Certainly you can say that we have a pretty good idea, since we've seen their meals being filmed. But the fact is, that's only a miniscule part of their everyday life, and last time I checked, none of us was in the kitchen with them.
Does Kate even cook...or is it the nanny who makes the meals and sees to it that these kids eat? Since Kate was an absentee mom so often, I would hope that the nanny is making sure that these kids get healthy, balanced meals. Again, we don't know that, but someone better be there to monitor these kids' eating habits to make sure that they are getting what is needed for proper growth and development. It appears that Kate's fake "organic" obsession is just that -- a stunt for the cameras, much like those post-it scripture notes and the call to fellow Christians to stuff the box with love offerings, all in the name of the Lord.
8 Little Grazers said..
I would hope that the nanny is making sure that these kids get healthy, balanced meals.
8, I wouldn't count on that. From what I've seen in the past, most of the nannies appear to be quite young. I doubt they prepare a nutricious hot meal for those kids.
All of the nannies I knew when I did that job were very good about serving good healthy foods, myself included. Just because you are young doesn't mean you know nothing about a good diet. The biggest health nuts I've ever met were people in their 20's. I hope despite their young ages the nannies she has hired provide good food.
Administrator said...
All of the nannies I knew when I did that job were very good about serving good healthy foods, myself included. Just because you are young doesn't mean you know nothing about a good diet. The biggest health nuts I've ever met were people in their 20's. I hope despite their young ages the nannies she has hired provide good food. Administrator said...
All of the nannies I knew when I did that job were very good about serving good healthy foods, myself included. Just because you are young doesn't mean you know nothing about a good diet. The biggest health nuts I've ever met were people in their 20's. I hope despite their young ages the nannies she has hired provide good food.
Oh, I totally agree! Several of my friends have nannies in their 20s. These young gals are total health nuts and serve nutritious foods. Sometimes they reprimand me for some of the things I serve, and I think I do a pretty darn good job in preparing healthful meals.
It's the older ones who seem to be lax in that department, especially in this area, where so many older ones themselves have grown up on a steady diet of fats, red meats and carbs.
Vanessa -
I believe they actually went to the bakery right after church.
Jon told K8 she should have brought clothes for the kids to change into so she wouldn't freak about messing the good clothes.
why does Kate do this to the children. Surely she can see how this TV stuff contributes to their emotional problems. They have to deal with so much more than most children do. No wonder they're getting expelled from school.
why does Kate do this to the children. Surely she can see how this TV stuff contributes to their emotional problems. They have to deal with so much more than most children do. No wonder they're getting expelled from school.
Administrator said...
All of the nannies I knew when I did that job were very good about serving good healthy foods, myself included. Just because you are young doesn't mean you know nothing about a good diet. The biggest health nuts I've ever met were people in their 20's. I hope despite their young ages the nannies she has hired provide good food. Administrator said...
All of the nannies I knew when I did that job were very good about serving good healthy foods, myself included. Just because you are young doesn't mean you know nothing about a good diet. The biggest health nuts I've ever met were people in their 20's. I hope despite their young ages the nannies she has hired provide good food.
Oh, I totally agree! Several of my friends have nannies in their 20s. These young gals are total health nuts and serve nutritious foods. Sometimes they reprimand me for some of the things I serve, and I think I do a pretty darn good job in preparing healthful meals.
It's the older ones who seem to be lax in that department, especially in this area, where so many older ones themselves have grown up on a steady diet of fats, red meats and carbs.
Kate was already in a foul mood on the day of "cupcake-gate". She had that scowl on her face right from the intro. The minute they got there, the "drill captain" started in. Why were those kids dressed in their Sunday best to go CAKE DECORATING? She sabotages EVERY memory making experience, they will not have MEMORIES, they'll be talking about how their childhood was a NIGHTMARE. She turned what was supposed to be a fun afternoon into yet another downer. SHE did not want to be there, so EVERYONE was going to pay. That's how her mind works. All the confessionals on the couch preaching and pretty much trying to SHOW the world what a great mother she is the most scripted part of show. She re-writes and changes what everyone has seen WITH THEIR VERY OWN EYES, to suit her delusional view.
Wait...now she's giving them too much food? I thought she was starving them. I can't keep up with the criticisms.
That's our whole point. Kate is a narcissist and any day is a grab bag what you might get. One day she's making them eat a huge sandwich and crunchy things and all this crap or she sends it back, the next she's only serving a few crackers and some grapes and calling it a meal. One minute she's making them eat a well balanced meal before dessert, the next she's taking them out for ice cream for dinner. This is classic narcissist, changing the rules day to day, even hour by hour.
So yes, Kate can starve them one moment give them too much food the next. Scary and yet we've seen her bizarre and inconsistent behaviors when it comes to food time and time again, it's all documented in those 150 plus episodes.
If Kate is concerned so much with discipline and consistency, then why does she allow the fighting/hitting kids to "work it out" among themselves?
Judgmental Much? maintains that it's good for Kate to follow through (rules/discipline) with consistency. There times when Kate has reprimanded and yes, even threatened mis-behavior with a wooden spoon (or hitting a child...captured on film), but then other times she ignores fighting children and tells them to deal with the problem themselves. When it comes to discipline, can you imagine with all of the nannies/sitters in that household the muddled methods of child-raising that must be used?
A parent cannot waver in consistency. Kate does, though. She adheres to the principle of "conveniency in discipline." In other words, when she's too lazy to deal with it, she ignores it. What kind of a message does this send to the kids? If she's not going to be consistent, then the perfect time to follow the "do whatever" rule should have been on their birthdays. Let them eat their cupcakes, with or without their dinner. A lapse of one night in nutritional wellness isn't going to take a toll on their over-all health and well-being.
Judgmental Much? said... Guys, giving in to your kids just because they look cute or you feel guilty is NOT good parenting either
The kids did not look CUTE that day, they looked HEARTBROKEN.They were done with teheir dinner yet Kate kept them in the high chairs so they can watch their siblings(all girls) eat their desert. After they had WORKED in front of cameras for hours and hours , and on their b-day they didn't deserve ONE damn cupcake which they had been expecting all day? Or maybe you don't think those kids worked that entire day? Maybe you think the kids played in front of the cameras...
"Judgmental Much? said... Guys, giving in to your kids just because they look cute or you feel guilty is NOT good parenting either.
Parents make rules which their children need to live by. Children grow into responsible adults by learning that even though they can make their own decisions, they have to deal with the consequences of those decisions also. Kate's decision not to let them have their cupcakes if they didn't finish their dinner was tough, but not cruel. In fact, good for her for being consistent and following through. "
It was NOT because they looked "cute" or a matter of "guilt". It was their BIRTHDAY. Got it yet?
Midnight Madness said...
But on a birthday can't we bend the rules??? It was cruel, pure and simple.
...epecially after they decorated them! I'll never forget the look on that little guy's face when he said, in disbelief, "I don't get my cupcake?" It ranks right up there with gumgate.
It was not only cruel on her part, it was sadistic, almost as if she enjoyed it.
Guys, giving in to your kids just because they look cute or you feel guilty is NOT good parenting either.
Parents make rules which their children need to live by. Children grow into responsible adults by learning that even though they can make their own decisions, they have to deal with the consequences of those decisions also. Kate's decision not to let them have their cupcakes if they didn't finish their dinner was tough, but not cruel. In fact, good for her for being consistent and following through.
Anonymous said... I will never forget Aaden's poor pitiful cry over the cupcakes. What? We can't have our cupcakes fork in hand halfway to his mouth. Apparently the crew was in on it because they kept panning over to show Aaden eating. He ate heartily. He always does - even if it is just 5 grapes and 3 crackers he savors the flavor. I used to think he must have a great palate for flavors because he always relished his food...that was before I came to learn that his mother has an unnatural obsessive compulsion with barely there food portions. I'm not even going to mention the fact that you could count his ribs on the vomitfest episode when he is lying there listless in his own vomit being comforted by a girl tup.
November 17, 2010 9:42 AM
I hope Jon takes a copy of this episode (NC VomitFest) to court with him 11/30.
Oh My. Another scathing article at hollybaby.com They are reporting the other six are on probation.
BTW, the sandwich pic shown above is at once absolutely adorable and heartbreakingly appropos.
"I suggested if they didn't like what I packed they could do their own. This turned out to be a fantastic idea and they were in charge of packing their own lunches until they graduated. They took healthy lunches and they ate their lunch because it was what they liked. Why Kate wouldn't do that for the older ones I don't know."
Another great suggestion that works very well (and gives M/D a little extra time in the morning!)
I make the 'main' item in my kids lunches normally (sandwich/rollups/leftover) and the kids do the rest. Normally two fruit items and something fun like crackers, nuts or some chips.
Maybe they can 'cancel' Kate now?
To everyone offering up reasonable alternatives to repacking unwanted food:
The problem is that your suggestions are all reasonable and sane. The problem is also that we are dealing with Kate. Kate does not weigh the logic of anything, she simply decides what is going to be and will not budge from it.
My parents were very controlling over food. My mother was not a great cook, and meals were often truly poorly prepared concoctions. Mom
doled out the portions in the kitchen (no seconds, clean your plate completely) and we were not allowed an opinion of the taste of anything. Just eat it.
When I moved away to college, I decided I was going to eat WHAT I wanted in the AMOUNT I wanted WHEN I wanted it. That has exploded into
obesity that I have fought my entire adult life.
I rebelled against my parents' food issues and
replaced them with my own.
I see problems ahead for a certain 8 children.
PS what I meant was, his comments are funny.
Admin, don't forget in their b-day episode the kids got candy for behaving in the store and kate humiliated Joel by pretending to give him a candy and when he opened his mouth she took it away...What kinds of parent does that to a 5 year old? And speking of being lactose intolerant, Hannah once cried that she wants her cereal dry, and she doesn't want milk and she got send to time out...
She repacks their un-eaten lunches to "show them". Just like gum-gate, she said throwing out his bear "would teach him not to chew gum"
She doles out punishments that are so ubsurd and DO NOT fit the crime. It's ALL about control, it's all about power. She's a bully, and only bullies those in close proximity. Just like Jodi, Kevin, Beth, Jon, and all the countless others, once they "wise up" and stand their ground, they are gone! When those kids turn 18, I bet the majority of them will be gone too!
Gross. I hope that this is not true.
My kid's school would make each child take home what they did not eat or finish. By the time those lunch boxes made it home, the ice packs were warm, and the food was unappetizing. I would immediately empty out the contents & wash out the lunch boxes. If I noticed any uneaten food, I would ask them why it was not eaten, I would LEARN from that, and then I would offer something different the next day. Or I would ask them, what they would like to eat for lunch.
Sometimes I would just give them money to buy their lunch. Really. Not it's not an issue. Just give them what they want, and if they decide not to eat it, then let it go, and not make an issue of it by sending it back the next day (YUK!!!)
I understand that Kate is high-ho gung-ho on serving organic food (with no preservatives) to her children. Can you imagine how quickly the food breaks down?
This family is exhausting, and working on my last raw nerve. It will not be upsetting to me if they are never heard from/or about again.
This story is likely true given what we have seen of Kate's food and control issues. In her mind she is teaching them thrift which is so warped given how insists they live in a mansion, have a pool, wear new clothes and get tons of toys. Carrie Ann said something last night on DWTS that I thought was pointed at Kate, she was talking about how a person's soul is revealed in their dancing, and honesty, passion, etc can't be faked. Kate can reviews like "stepford wife" and "shopping cart". Enough said.
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