Turns out TLC's bait and switch, listing a new episode of the popular, though controversial Sister Wives in many of our cable guides in place of Kate, was an epic fail. Sarah Palin's Alaska, which preceded Kate Plus 8, pulled a respectable 3.5 mil. 2.2 million viewers either switched channels or turned off the tube when Kate came on. Yea!
172 sediments (sic) from readers:
Yay is right! Finally, America gets it, and no amount of manipulation by TLC will change that.
That is WONDERFUL news - love it that TLC's little "bait and switch" was a bust.
Buh-bye, Khate.
I read somewhere (maybe here?) that she was back gracing the nail salon with her presence in PA yesterday - does that mean she's not doing ET anymore? I refuse to watch the stupid skating show or ET to find out! :)
That is awesome and I suspect the reason it was even that high was because of TLC's trickery. Just goes to tell you people are sick to death of her.
Fantastic news! Even more fantastic news is Kate was not mentioned on Entertainment Tonight last night or tonight. Remember she was named to be ET's special correspondent for Skating With The Stars. Admin. posted her interview with "The Stars" that Kate interviewed last Monday night for ET. Well, I don't know if Kate's gig was for only one night but lets hope she doesn't NOT turn up next week to continue her "special correspondent" coverage. By the way SWTS is only on 5 weeks. Next Monday will be the third week.
If you review her interviews with the Skating Stars last week (refer to Admin. vidoe) Kate actually gets 1 minute or less of her talking to the stars after their skating. Note all the interviewing that Kate does is about Kate. Her interviewing does NOT cover one thing about the stars and their skatings' performances or the stars thoughts or feelings abouttheir skating.
I feel certain that ET edited that piece to make Kate look like a bufoon. Yes, her skills suck but surely she interviewed the stars for more than one minute and must have asked the stars some reasonable questions. I think ET wanted her to look like the fool she is. Great news all around!
Great photo, Administrator!!
And you know, I can totally see Kate weaseling
her way into the Sister Wives show.
She would probably be the mean, bossy/pushy scheming sister wife.
As for the Kate + 8 ratings, at least they're going in the right direction.
Half a million is just a hop, skip, and a jump away folks- what do ya say? For the next "special", let's aim for a
"Block TLC Day"!
Ooooh, if you have not gone to the Dlisted site-
check out the comments. Not a fan/supporter in the bunch. As a matter of fact, few sites (if any) show positive comments for Kate- and we are all saying the same thing. That basically, it's Kate's own fault that she's in this perdicament.
Fantastic news!!! How low would the numbers have been without the bait & switch!?
It's still over 1 million too many watching this show and that's the sad part is so many claim they want the children off of the tv but they refuse to quit watching. This show isn't going anywhere until people stop tuning in. These ratings are disappointing. The same people who tuned in will say oh these are excellent the numbers aren't as high but guess what??? They are one of many who claim to dislike child exploitation and just continue to watch. I sincerely doubt they want the show to end because if they did they would tune out rather than tune in.
This is great news!!
Proud to say that I was also a non-viewer, those poor kids need to get off TV.
Admin, are you going to post a synopsis of the episode? I love reading your reviews, they always make me laugh.
I just have one question. When this show, as all shows do reality or fiction end, what is Kate really going to do for an income? I mean I don't hate Kate as a person, I just hate the actions she's chosen to show to me that speaks of her very little as someone whom is willing to put aside their personal issues and behave in a sociable proper way that most people do daily, make themselves at least look appealing whether or not you feel like doing it. Her actions are a sad truth that she doesn't bother to conceal but again for the type of person she is that can't be something easy. I don't hate Kate, I hate her actions, but I don't see her as the type as she claimed to go work at McDonalds if she has to as means to support her kids, I just don't see it. I could be wrong, I wish and I hope from all this tragic turns she and her family have taken that things might change. Its sad people allow themselves to be so manipulated even if they do it to themselves.
I certainly don't hate Kate either. I find her actions selfish and frustrating. She has an active nursing license although I shudder at the thought of her caring for patients.
If she has invested at all wisely, she should be OK. The big house and private school could go. The upkeep for the house must be astronomical.
I think the emotional toll on Kate would be terrible. She truly feels she is a "star". She is really more like a black hole.
Watched the episode on YT.
The whole hour long episode can be described like this.
Kate becomes a she-devil, seriously that was her costume. Some costume, ha.
She brings the dogs home to undermine Jon and win the kids favor. Even though Lexi asked "What's his name?"
She fakes a moment with Collin, telling him she liked seeing him happy and hugs him in way to show she cares to back up "I took them out of school" cover up. Then tells from the chair that he is Angry Collin cause of the divorce. Says nothing about Lexi the whole episode to hide that one of the perfect girls has a issue.
Throwback trip to the first episode, it's almost identical filled with flashbacks with Jon cut out of them. Plus proof that these kids don't make memories, they make episode.
Kate ask them if they remember and they shout, "We have the episode!"
Is even more careless then normal by:
- Almost leaving three kids at hay bales.
- Loses track of all the kids in the pet store and uses the PA to call for them, twice cause the kids ignore her. Great way to announce to every crazy sheeple that they are there. They are lucky they didn't get kidnapped by a crazy or a pedo by their mother's stupidity. And don't tell me it was okay the store clerks were there. One of them could have taken them to the back room or something.
- Loses the twins and Joel in the corn maze, seriously not even the the crew was with them or Steve.
The rest of the tups almost run from her too.
Not good in a corn maze plus how crowded it was. Along with that creeper photographer Chris lurking.
Oh if the timing is correct on the episode which is possible by the outfits, they went from the store to the maze meaning Shooka was left in the back of the van the whole time.
- Kate gave all the tups sharp pumpkin knives and was letting them cut their pumpkins out which turned out them dangerously stabbing them. They are lucky they didn't stab themselves or each other.
Oh, Lexi didn't know what a triangle looked like. Hmmm good tutor?
The final thing, that is funny but a bit disturbing as well, what Cara dressed up as. They revealed when they went trick or treating or better known as Kate letting them run to houses rampantly.
Cara chose to costume as Cara Gosselin.And no she didn't just choose not to dress up, she chose to go as herself as if she was on the show. She patterned as to what she had on in Alaska. If it's not obvious she has realized she is famous and that's what is a bt disturbing, that a ten yearold is aware of her fame from her mother throwing her on a reality show about her life.
One could also say that the confusion from tv guides with the missing Kate Plus 8 episode led to the dismal ratings as well.
Maybe Gosselin viewers and fans did not see their show listed, thus tuned-out when they wanted to tune-in.
Epic fail on showing a Halloween special after Thanksgiving. When's the Thanksgiving/Native American dress-up special going to appear? After Christmas?
Thanks for the recap TeamJon!
Wow the thing about Cara is so disturbing... funny, but disturbing.
Too, too funny photo! Just choked on my mug of tea by laughing. I only hope this is the real end. I question if the end is near with Kate looking gleeful in pics(that one of her next to Mary Hart is scary) but she may just be manic. I am wondering about court and hoping Jon has more access to his children.
Somebody help me. In the photo above of Kody and his wives, is Kate sitting in for Meri? It looks more like Ms. Gosselin than Meri, the first wife. Maybe I'm just now catching on to the joke........
In that photo she looks freakishly like Michael Jackson!!
Seriously, imagine her hair black. Clone.
Love the photo, Admin!
I'm still amused that SpongeBob did so much better than K+8 did. Kate was bested by a talking sponge...
Good for Cara!! Whether Kate denied her Halloween costume choice or Cara simply refused to participate in the charade for the sake of filming,(their first Halloween costume episode ever simply for ratings), my hat goes off to Cara!
Although the ratings are lower than usual, and I understand the morbid curiousity, I am disappointed the ratings are not even lower. Although TLC did pull a bait and switch, the only way to get this attention whore off tv is to stop watching, if you really want to to support the kids who have no say in the filming.
Wasn't the custody hearing scheduled for today? Any news, or was it postponed?
Kate meet Jacko said...
In that photo she looks freakishly like Michael Jackson!!
Seriously, imagine her hair black. Clone.
Too funny!! IIRC didn't Jacko deny plastic surgery as well?
fidosmommy said...
Somebody help me. In the photo above of Kody and his wives, is Kate sitting in for Meri? It looks more like Ms. Gosselin than Meri, the first wife. Maybe I'm just now catching on to the joke........
It's photoshopped. Admin placed her in there! Too funny!
Seriously, Alexis didn't know the name of the dog? How could that be? How attached could they have been to the dogs if one of the kids couldn't even remember his name?
If Khate were a genuine Christian, she would NEVER dress herself up in devil's garb - the thought would be abhorrent to her.
Kate's blog about the Sound of Music was fine until this:
"Hey kids... How about a field trip to Austria to "climb every mountain"??!!! I'm lacing up my hiking boots now..."
GAAAA, she can't do anything without fishing for a freebie.
I noticed that TLC is letting through the negative comments, which they have been doing lately, so have at it.
Notice how in the blog she never talks ONCE about what the twins thought, what the twins liked, their favorite part.
It was all me, me, me. I'M inspired by this song, this was a movie from MY childhood, I want a trip to Austria. She really is a piece of work.
Sharon here: Sorry, but I still can't figure out how to post with a name. I've tried so if anyone can help- please do. Anyway, just picture Snoopy dancing to the Peanuts song- that's me right now! I'm so glad to hear that her ratings continue to plummet. I believe some of the people viewing are from blogs and "news" shows for reporting purposes. The other people watch to see her act like a fool. I refuse to watch her show or click on any youtube link!
Administrator said... Kate's blog about the Sound of Music was fine until this:
"Hey kids... How about a field trip to Austria to "climb every mountain"??!!! I'm lacing up my hiking boots now..."
GAAAA, she can't do anything without fishing for a freebie.
I noticed that TLC is letting through the negative comments, which they have been doing lately, so have at it.
Something tells me the TLC Freebies train has left the area. She'll have to get Juicy Juice
or Party City to sponsor her. I wonder if we'd be treated to a rendition of "Eidelweis" during the Austria promos! And "Aaarnie" can go with her and show her the sights.
Sorry I was so stupid about the photo, Admin. It is a hoot for sure. Love it. It just took me awhile to see what I was seeing.
Someone did a good crop job in this TLC photo. The merry look on Kart's face says it all. Kody's got himself a new sister wife for the new season. Let the courting begin.
Sharon, when choosing a name, go to "Comment as: Select profile...and click on the check mark. A box opens up and go down to Name/URL - a box comes up that says Name. Type in your name, IGNORE the URL, and click Continue. You're done.
The implication it was the haters who caused these ratings really is without proof. The truth is we have no way of knowing who these 1.3 million people are unless any of you have gone around to their homes and surveyed them. What I do know is they all can't possibly be from this blog as I can assure you I don't have 1.3 million readers. To sort of chastize people here is kind of unfair. From what I saw very few watched it this time around. I haven't even watched it myself, I've been procrastinating on the recap.
I think those that blog forget there is a whole other world out there that DOESN'T blog or look up shows they watch or read anything about the stars or shows they like. They are called casual viewers, and they very likely could be contributing to the vast majority of her ratings.
I would say of the shows I watch I only read blogs, or boards, on two of them at most. I love Amazing Race, but I'm definitely a "casual viewer" who has never read a thing on the internet about it, ever visted a blog or ever posted on a board. I just watch it. To blame the blogs ignores the fact that there are a ton of people out there who are completely shut off from that whole world.
After you write your comment, click on the blue arrow for the drop-down menu (comment as: Select profile).
Toward the bottom is a selection called Name/URL. Type in your chosen name there (you don't need a URL to post).
Click on Post Comment.
If you have a Google account, choose Google Account, and it will take you to the place to sign in with that. Keep yourself signed in if you want, or re-do it each time you post by signing out.
I have no idea about Type Pad or any of the other selections. Somebody else will have to help you there.
True Christian, My Pitchfork said....If Khate were a genuine Christian, she would NEVER dress herself up in devil's garb - the thought would be abhorrent to her.
I was thinking the same exact thing. I don't want to bring too much of faith into this discussion, but as a Christian I would never dream of dressing up as a devil, let alone in front of my children. It's really not a matter to be joked about, even on Halloween. The children couldn't do anything gruesome or scary, yet she goes as the most evil figure in all of history. Wouldn't be such a big deal if she hadn't used so many Bible verses in her books, public appearances, etc. But you're right, My Pitchfork- I think this goes to show that her faith is really nonexistent at this point.
Also I want to add, unfortunatly there is no way to reach a casual viewer who will never google Gosselin and stumble here to fully realize the whole backstory to this whole fiasco. Though I think Kate has done enough now even on her own show to turn many away without ever having read a blog.
Hi, for what ever reason I cannot find the recent Halloween episode on You tube. Can someone post a link? Thanks
Okay- this is Shron and I'm trying to post with the name: I loathe Khate and her entire brand! Crossing my fingers that it works
Sharon here: oops- p.s. Thanks to all who helped me post with a name! It didn't work for me in the past and I think it finally worked!
So on her new blog she is begging again for a free trip, I won't be watching because to be honest, who wants to see the Gosselins on another trip throwing up and her screeching? As for the child who couldn't remember the dogs name, can you blame her. The dog was probably never mentioned until TLC and Kartzilla thought of adding it to an episode. Poor dog!
I think those that blog forget there is a whole other world out there that DOESN'T blog or look up shows they watch or read anything about the stars or shows they like. They are called casual viewers, and they very likely could be contributing to the vast majority of her ratings.
Thank you, Admin, for articulately that point so well. I've said it before on this blog and totally agree that any influence this blog (or any other anti-Kate blog, for that matater) has on the viewing numbers has to be minuscule, at best. I find all the comments imploring people to not watch the show ... or berating those that do ... a bit tiresome. As far as I'm concerned, if someone chooses to watch the show, they should be able to do so without feeling bullied by other bloggers. Anyone who reads this blog knows that watching the show contributes to the ratings. If that person still chooses to watch, that's his choice and I accept it ... his perogative ... free country. In the overall scheme of things, it's not going to make a bit of difference.
I'm not trying to burst anyone's bubble, because it would be so empowering to think that a few hundred, or even few thousand, bloggers can affect the show's ratings. However, sometimes reality sucks and the fact is there's a whole nation of viewers out there who haven't a clue to what a Gosselin blog is.
Oh my goodness! The kids were using pumpkin carving tools which are not sharp! It is possible Shoka was dropped home. But according to WG, they were only at the maze for 20 mins! Don't create drama but picking on little things! You sound like a sheep! There were many disturbing things on this epi and those should be focused on.
I looked for the youtube link also not to watch but to see if it was really up because on another website people were claiming to have watched on youtube. I dont think new episodes go up that fast but I could be wrong (i didn't see it posted btw). I was thinking those people claimed to youtube it so they could feel seem as if they not adding to the ratings. I say if you watch it "own it" and dont hide behind...i was flipping channels....i was curious....was at a friends who watched.....was in the hospital.....wanted to see if things were better...missed the kids....ect. those comments always end with "Why does TLC still film?" "Cant stand kate" "Hope rating go down" lol
I'm so glad to see the low ratings! Yay!
The only reasons Kate loves the Sound of Music is because the kids all dressed matchy-matchy and they were taken care of by a nanny. Thus began Kate's own odyssy to create a similar
Hollywood setting in her own home.
Okay now Radar has a pic of Kart (an old pic I may add) and saying how lonely she is and that she has no friends, boo hoo. I mean really, can Radar get any more dumber. I do believe Steve is living there like they said, I had a feeling all along that his wife kicked his ass to the curb a long time ago. So that's why they planted all them trees, so we wouldn't see the gray haired fox trotting along the property each and every day. This whole mess with this married man living in the same house with the kids must be so confusing to them, no wonder they are rebelling in school. She is so strange and having no friends is not surprising to hear.
I watched the Halloween Crapfest on YouTube.
A pox on Khate for tossing expensive Halloween decorations into her kartS with no seeming regard for the expense. I don't give a damn in TLC is paying for the items - the point is, Khate pimped herself as a coupon-clippin, penny-pinchin princess.
Fine example the she-devil sets for her kids - blows a wad of money on all that Halloween crap for the basement which the kids walked through once before turning it into a Haunted Indy 500 with their usual racing and screeching and crashing all over the place.
So, Khate couldn't have turned the Haunted Basement into an opportunity for the kids to socialize with their school friends? (Have they got any?? Poor kids.) Have a huge Haunted Party? Or why not have a neighborhood party? Could even turn it into a charity event.
Dumbass Khate. She's got cobwebs in more places than just her decorated basement.
Anita said...
Hi, for what ever reason I cannot find the recent Halloween episode on You tube. Can someone post a link? Thanks
I found the episode (in 6 segments) under a poster named H84K8 - or something close to that. Good Luck.
Re Alexis not knowing the dog's name... I don't think it was that she forgot the dog's name, but that she didn't realize it was Shoka. As in, she thought it was a new dog.
I've been reading this blog for the past few weeks but this is my first time posting. I honestly think Kate needs some type of a sit down intervention. It's just so over the top now it is almost comical.
We are rejoicing over a loss of 29,000 viewers from the last episode. If a few thousand don't make a difference, why are we celebrating? If she loses another 30,000 next time and drops down into the 1.2 area, I for one will be thrilled. So, I disagree that a few thousand won't make a difference.
What gets my goat are the ones on the other blog who snark, snark, snark away at every detail of the show, including Kate's expensive exercise equipment in the basement (huh?) then castigate TLC for airing the show. Then they give out the details of Kate exploiting Collin's "issues" and blame TLC for exploiting him. They wonder why it's on? For them.
People have every right to watch the show, but then to complain that TLC airs it is hypocritical.
When the dogs were sent away, Kate said the kids never mention them. Then I read that the kids talked about them every day, even though Alexis didn't know the dog's name. Kate can't have it both ways and neither can the viewers.
Sometimes ya gotta take a stand. I stand with the Gosselin children and pray that people will quit watching. You can always catch it on youtube a week later when it won't count for anything. For every youtube TLC removes, two more pop up in it's place.
I don't know for a fact that watching youtube or re-runs the same week helps Kate's numbers, but if David Zurawick (Z on TV) says it does, I believe him. He studies the industry for a living. The only interest I have in TV is getting the Gosselin kids the sweet feeling of privacy they have never had. Can you even imagine? I would cry if kids passed a note about me in school. These kids have the most private moments of their lives broadcast forever, including facebook pages directed at them. If you can't take a stand for those kids, I don't know what else to say.
Don't mean to rain on the parade, but the Nov. 7th ratings were 1.331 million. Reportedly, the numbers last night were 1.302 million. That's only a 29,000 viewer drop. What TLC and the entertainment execs will see is that Kate held fairly steady over a holiday weekend and that there is still an interest in Kate and crew, enough to warrant a once a month special so they can recoup some of the money they're paying her until 2012.
We will need to see what the numbers are for the Thanksgiving episode that will air sometime in December. That might be a better indicator as to whether the public is losing interest or not.
In another section of the this blog, it was mentioned that Collins was eating a dog cookie during the show. Do you know how hungry a child has to be to eat dog food? Neglect is a form of abuse. It has been mentioned several times in this blog how little is feed to the children. I am horrified that it seems that no member of the production staff has stepped up and spoken on behalf of the children. TLC and the production staff will have to explain how they turned a blind eye on the neglect and emotional abuse of these children are suffering.
How crazily cruel to have left in the part where Collin mistakenly takes a bite of the doggie treat.
When Collin eventually enrolls in a new school, the kids there are going to tease him relentlessly about his eating doggie food. I know kids. I'm a teacher.
In another section of the this blog, it was mentioned that Collins was eating a dog cookie during the show. Do you know how hungry a child has to be to eat dog food?
How crazily cruel to have left in the part where Collin mistakenly takes a bite of the doggie treat.
Collin eating the dog food had nothing to do with him being hungry. He picked the cookie from the cookie jar thinking it was for him, when Kate and the pet shop clerk were talking about giving a cookie to Shoka.
It wasn't Collin's fault, he just didn't realize that there are cookies for dogs as well as people.
As for leaving it as part of the episode, it was like one of those funny family stories that one cannot help but want to share with others. It's similar to those videos on America's Funniest Home Videos where you cannot help but laugh at the situation. Hopefully, by the time Collin and Alexis are enrolled into a new school or re-enrolled into their old one (depending on who you want to believe), kids would have long forgotten that snippet.
So how's come the kids suddenly have these problems AFTER they started filming again? Kate wants to blame it all on the divorce but I think it is because of the toll of filming. Mummy is putting pressure on them because people have figured out she is 100% narcissist or worse. She does everything for her kids? Well, follow the original custody agreement, after all--she said it was the kids' house, they bought it. Downsize and quit spending so much money, Kate. How confusing (and not to mention evil of their Mother) to tell the children they won't get into heaven when they see and hear their own mother lie and manipulate constantly, attention seek for any scrap of attention--good or bad. Kate needs to check herself grabbing her son's face like she does, she wonders where the rage comes from? Look in the mirror, Lady.
I'm a little over half-way into recapping this sorry mess, it is pure torture and soooo boring! If I wanted to watch ordinary kids pick out pumpkins all day I would park myself over at a pumpkin patch.
Devil, Funny FAMILY story, you said it. A story for the family, not for 1.3 million STRANGERS plus his school friends watching this and making fun of it. Eating a dog biscuit is something a bully can tease a child about for YEARS. Oh wait this child isn't even in school.
How do you know Collin wasn't hungry, are you inside his stomach? :)
It must really be that boring to even write for you Admin, I cannot even bare to think of watching it! I didn't even watch the little commerical on it it seemed just so over planned and boring...I think being sedated would be more lively than watching this show go down the tubes...but I've been wrong before.
To all that were disappointed that Kate's ratings were not lower than they were. Keep in mind the following numerous advertisements for Kate Plus 8 Halloween episode.
1) Kate was on for 3 nights--not 1 or 2 but 3 nights on Entertainment Tonight plugging herself and her kids.
2) For weeks,Kate had tons of plugs and articles from all different magazines, websites, newspapers, blogs, across the nation talking about 2 of her kids getting expelled. Don't you think many tuned in to see "what condition" her kids were in.
3) TLC had pop-up ads on the tv screen all day and night while I watched old reruns of 48 hours on TLC that weekend. All of TLC shows had pop-up ads for her show that week.
4)TLC had commercials advertising "Kate Plus 8" all week.
5) TLC misled who knows how many viewers with the very confusing tv guide listings in the 9pm timeslot (central) when Kate Plus 8 was shown.
6) TLC had "Kate Plus 8" immediately after Sara Palin's show. I watched Sara's show and there was NOT even a commercial between the two. One second the viewer was looking at Sara and the next second they were looking at Kate Plus 8. Keep in mind Sara's show has the biggest viewing audience of TLC, yet 2.2 million viewers purposely turned their channels because they didn't want to see Kate.
How many other tv shows have THAT much advertisment. None. Yet, with all the above interest & expense that TLC tried to garner for Kate Plus 8, the show still had its lowest ratings ever. I say it is a victory. More and more people are catching on to what a witch she is. And what a terrible mother she is. Give it time, the tide is turning.
P.S. For the few that think that maybe her ratings could have been higher because those that wanted to watch didn't know when she would be on I say hogwash. My goodness, that is pure bull. Her fans of all people would know when her show was on.
I don't think has been mentioned as to why the kids..especially the two that got expelled.. may be acting out more than usually. Kate says it is post divorce issues. You know what is probably the BIGGEST post divorce issue that she is 100% at fault for: Not letting Jon on the kid's property to pick up THEIR children. Think about it. For the past 18 months or so the kids have been use to seeing Jon on the property or in the house. Jon played with them numerous times on the grounds in the summer, fall, spring and winter. They have numerous memories of him being their daddy in that home. Yet he is not allowed to set foot on THEIR home property or in THEIR home. How devasting is that to them. I think that must repeatly hurt and upset them every time Jon picks them up or has to drop them off. Shame on Kate!
Kate Gosselin will appear today on the Today Show to tell us "what's coming up for her." I'll be watching CBS this morning. Done, done, done with listening to the "shrew's" voice. I'm finished listening to the spin and lies, lies spewing out of her mouth. Those soft-ball interviews make me sick to my stomach.
I agree with the fact that little Collin will be teased about eating the dog cookie. Kids never forget that kind of stuff, especially when they see it on television. That remark about the kids "having the episode" is quite telling. I remember a time when Jon mentioned something about the seasons of their show and Kate bit his head off and corrected him and said they don't live their life by seasons. Just like the coupon episode when she screeched at Jon about not having a coupon. How is that entertaining?
I hope the big reveal by Kate is that the Gosselin kids will no longer appear in her production!
Admin said: To sort of chastize people here is kind of unfair. From what I saw very few watched it this time around. I haven't even watched it myself, I've been procrastinating on the recap.
Yeah.. But good for you. Personally, I have an allergic reaction to Kate and realize that her voice is not welcome in this house.
Administrator said...
I'm a little over half-way into recapping this sorry mess, it is pure torture and soooo boring! If I wanted to watch ordinary kids pick out pumpkins all day I would park myself over at a pumpkin patch.
Oh, such a melodramatic martyr you are. Bored? Don't watch. Problem solved. The earth really will continue to spin on its axis if you don't post your oh-so-important recap.
Too many of the "haters" are still watching IMO. That number is still too high. It needs to be below 1 million I think before TLC will kick her to the curb, although it is rather low. She is sinking fast. When will Kate admit defeat? UNLESS, that is how many fans she has with a few of the haters mixed in. It still seems too high though...considering all the people that seem to dislike her & her "brand".
Any news on the court hearing? Is that public knowledge? I won't watch her on Today to hear all about it.
Admin, please accentuate in your recap that Kate only discussed Collin's issues,while sheltering Alexis and giving her privacy...Also I heard the story about Collin eating the cookie and I think somebody on another blog said Kate intended to be mean but then remembered the cameras and suddenly turned nice? Is that true? And did Collin seem uncomfortable with the hug Kate gave him at the corn maze or wherever that was? What a messed up family...
LOL at the picture above! Took me a few minutes to "get it" .
1.3 million viewers is still 1.3 million too many.
Today Show..."coming up next" "coming up next" Panning over to the cheshire cat a dozen times..."up next"...WHAT HAS SHE DONE TO HER FACE??? W.O.W
To those who posted that the ratings didn't go down by much- well- we are all happy that the ratings not only went down but also that the ratings have continued to plummet and that they are not rising! This is a business and I would say that it is failing! Sad to say that Jon and Kate became more popular as people tuned in to watch how Kate acted- and we couldn't believe it. For me, I didn't even watch for the kids. Then it came to a point where the show was just plain annoying and it was becoming so staged. Personally, I got a kick out of how much Khate was impressed with herself! Then when it all became about freebies- well- you know! I am also more disgusted by the fact that this woman really believes she is a "Stah" and that the world owes her. She honestly thinks that she belongs in the entertainment business! Oh, I could go on but I would get writer's cramp!
Little People Big World was cancelled for having ratings on par with Khate +8 so it's just a matter of time. Will it happen quick enough for me? No.
Your days are numbered Khate. Unfortunately, the scars you have made on your children's hearts because of your greed and narcissitic personality will last a lifetime :(
Oh, and the fact that X amount of fewers TURNED OFF or SWITCHED STATIONS at the end of Palin's show, is very telling to those who cover ratings. It means they a lead in show (that in itself has dropped ratings substantially) couldn't gain Khate more viewers.
I'm home with bronchitis and watched the Today show interview. It made me sick to my stomach.
Kate Gosselin is so phony, transparently self-centered and self-promotional, how is it that mainstream media don't "get it" and continue to give her so much air time? Really, I am incredulous. NBC has no apparent financial interest in a lousy little TLC "reality" show ... why continue to add to the promotion of the phony fest??
Kate was just on the Today show and I can't understand why! She said all of this on ET and so I think that this was just a free trip to New York and a free hotel stay for her and a free short vacay from her kids. She said everything is normal and all the kids are fine and all of a sudden Collin and Alexis are doing just fine and normal as ever. She said the pressure was them being in a school that pushes academics!!?? Don't all schools push academics? Have to say tho that she did look normal today except for those ugly ankle strap shoes that she must think look so good on her. Her legs looked quite thick. Oh,she also said that this is a "Heaven on Earth job that gives us free glorious trips" and we are all happy about filming and the kids love it. BLAH,BLAH,BLAH!!!
Kate is getting ready to appear on The Today Show. She is sitting there with a plastic smile from ear to ear, looking totally fake as usual. As someone once said, her smile doesn't reach her eyes. We were told she would be on immediately after the local news and then, all of a sudden, two other segments have come on, so her interview has been delayed until after them.
Admin said...I'm a little over half-way into recapping this sorry mess, it is pure torture and soooo boring! If I wanted to watch ordinary kids pick out pumpkins all day I would park myself over at a pumpkin patch.
So many have talked about what the show was about already. I don't blame you at all if you don't want to want to do it. We already know Kate was a bitch, the kids were a mess, Kate thought she was the best, & the dog came back. We thank you, we really do, but it MUST be exhausting sitting through that tripe.
Well, Meredith Viera just sat there like an idiot, feeding Kate lines so she could spew all her lies. I've noticed the media helps Kate spin the "Divorce Anger" lie over and over by saying the divorce happened a year ago. It's been TWO YEARS since that marriage ended and a year and a half since it was revealed. I don't remember hearing anything about a Gosselin money-maker being kicked out of pre-school two years ago. They're anger has more to do with being raised by a lying, cruel, hateful, insane witch.
Then Meredith asked if Hate accepts Jon's public apology and Hate smugly said that he never apologized to her personally. OMG! How about her apologizing to him for years of abuse, then taking off with Steve for the better part of a year, leaving him home with the kids.
Just when I think I couldn't possibly despise that woman any more.
What about keeping the kids' problems private, Loser!!
Just saw "Today" interview with that nitwit. How many times can we hear the same old broken record. Was so uninteresting and boring.
OMG, finally, after saying she'd be on next at least four times, she finally was on and lied through her teeth about the expulsion. She's good at talking through both sides of her mouth. She's so totally full of $hit. She talked about how she "researched" and "talked to other moms" about the kinds of problems her kids were having and it was totally normal. When did she ever care enough to take time for anything but herself? And then she said she always "reached out to Jon first." And from there the rest of the interview, as usual, was all about Kate...ME ME ME. She's disgusting.
Once again, trying to blame everything on Jon.
I watched the interview with Meredith. I wish I hadn't, Kate just makes me angry. Again she blamed the childrens problems on the divorce and said it was normal. She neglected to mention them having a camera in their face everywhere they go. To her that's not a problem at all. It's all the divorce. Yeah right. She also said Jon never personally apologized to her which frankly I have trouble believing. Again, it's all Jon's fault. When does Jon get an apology from her? In her mind it was all him and she had nothing to do with the demise of the marriage. I guess all the verbal abuse and demeaning him was nothing. In her mind he deserved it.
I am sure Admin will probably post a copy of Kate's interview on the Today Show but here is a summary of it:
Kate said that the kids were NOT expelled; the decision was mutual. The kids are thriving being homeschooled by a teacher along with weekly counseling. And Kate hopes the kids return to school before the end of December when school breaks. She thinks this is "totally, totally normal and nothing abnormal about this "mutual decision" for C & A. The kids were having a hard time with the divorce and had anger issues. Kate stated MANY times that this situation happens ALL the time with other kids whose parents are divorced. She said there was nothing "abnormal" about it.
She said Jon never asked for her forgiveness when Meridith quoted Jon saying that he felt very bad for all that happened in 2009 and had asked all--including Kate--for her forgiveness. Though Jon never asked Kate except through tv, she has forgiven him for the sake of her children.
Kate said there are no problems with the kids spending time with both Jon and her for the holidays. Kate is the one who initiates the call to Jon for both to agree on the holiday schedule.
Finally, Kate said, "Kate Plus 8" has no plans of being cancelled. And she thinks all of the traveling opportunities and all the benefits of her "working" with her children filming is fantastic and 100% beneficial. Those are my adjectives but you get the point.
And by the way, ALL the other kids are doing great; they couldn't be better.
I'm interested in seeing a body-language evaluation of the Today show interview from Dr. Lillian Glass.
Kate's body-language, from the shoulder shrugging, downcast eyes to the stuttering responses, mouth tension and overall demeanor, seemed to me to signal "lies, all lies." But maybe I've been watching too many episodes of "Lie to Me."
Recap on Today Show fluff interview.
From Huffington Post:
Kate Gosselin: My Kids Were Not Expelled!
Two of the Gosselin sextuplets were taken out of their Pennsylvania private school last month for behavior problems, and multiple sources reported that they were expelled. Kate is making a semantic distinction.
"The school would never use that word," she told People. "[Collin and Alexis] were not expelled. [The school] did not feel like they could meet their needs anymore, so it was decided they should leave, for now."
Collin and Alexis are seeing a therapist while they are home-schooled, Kate said, and she blames their issues on ex-husband Jon.
"They've been the ones to verbalize the most that they miss Daddy," she told People. "I could see that they're the ones struggling the most."
For his part, Jon has slammed Kate for keeping the kids on television, claiming the filming schedule is causing them to suffer emotionally.
"Each of them has experienced negative effects of having their lives so public. Some are struggling with emotional and/or behavioral issues," he tweeted.
It's a heaven on earth job and the show will go on??? She is SO arrogant. The show very well will NOT go on if the ratings continue to stink. She really thinks this can last forever as long as she wants it to.
As for the kids being expelled is no journalist capable of a follow-up question? If Kate wanted the children to stay in school would the school have let her? If her answer is no then the kids were expelled/asked to leave/kicked out. It is not a "mutual" decision when you have no choice. I applaud the school for not putting "expelled" on a child's permanent record but Kate can stop being so delusional, it's pretty clear it was one of those "Do you want us to fire you or will you just resign?"
She got caught in a lie again--the school was too academically challenging--thought the kids were doing the IDENTICAL curriculum at home with a tutor. If it were about academics how does that make sense? Another follow-up never asked--if you were dragging them on trips all summer when did you have time to prepare them for kindergarten?
So there really was no purpose to this interview other than Kate having an opportunity to once again defend the children's removal from school; state that Jon and she work out a holiday schedule, and that the show is not cancelled. That's it? She keeps getting air time for THAT?
Can't wait to see where this dog and pony show will appear next.
I just ventured over to what used to be one of the leading Kate supporter sites when I haven't peeked in a few months. The comments are WAY down, like only a few dozen comments on most posts and only about a hundred on posts several days old. It used to get several hundred within a few hours on each post. I think even now Kate keeps losing supporters every word out of her mouth.
Everyone please go to the Today website and post about her interview. At the top of their page, just click on Kate and at the bottom you can post a comment. You DO NOT have to sign up. It is very simple. I posted a negative comment and it was immediately posted.
Please, everyone do this. It is simple and Today needs to hear us. Thank you.
Also no one calls her out on talking negatively about Jon. How does THAT help the children? And what she's accussing him of is incredibly unfair. I thought there was no discussion of the case as per a court order?? KATE, THIS IS DISCUSSING THE CASE!
Apparently she throws in a little dig that SHE had to call him first for the holiday schedule? So?! Someone has to call first! Maybe Jon didn't want her to feel pressured to work it out on his terms, maybe he wanted her to call when she felt ready. Maybe Jon was trying not to instigate a fight by calling to nag her about what the plan was. MAYBE he was just following the damn family law order and there was no need to call her. I also call bullshit on that--any good family law order when parents don't get along will spell out each and every holiday. They should already know what the plan is. I do family law orders all the time and I simply do NOT allow parents who don't get along to get out of there without the holidays spelled out, right down to Labor Day.
She is such a frigin liar. Dig dig dig your hole. I watched about 2 minutes on Celebitchy before I had to shut it off. I just can't believe she can sit there with a straight face & just blatantly lie like she does. The divorce was over a year ago. It should have been dealt with THEN, but Kate was too busy traveling, worrying about herself, & Jon too. Screw the kids right? I don't believe for a second this has anything to do with the divorce and everything to do with filming. Kate, your kids will hate you for what you're doing, you famewhoring b*tch. It's over. I think after this display on the Today show, she'll be done. I really do.
PaMa said...
Thank you, Admin, for articulately that point so well. I've said it before on this blog and totally agree that any influence this blog (or any other anti-Kate blog, for that matater) has on the viewing numbers has to be minuscule, at best. I find all the comments imploring people to not watch the show ... or berating those that do ... a bit tiresome. As far as I'm concerned, if someone chooses to watch the show, they should be able to do so without feeling bullied by other bloggers. Anyone who reads this blog knows that watching the show contributes to the ratings. If that person still chooses to watch, that's his choice and I accept it ... his perogative ... free country. In the overall scheme of things, it's not going to make a bit of difference.
I'm not trying to burst anyone's bubble, because it would be so empowering to think that a few hundred, or even few thousand, bloggers can affect the show's ratings. However, sometimes reality sucks and the fact is there's a whole nation of viewers out there who haven't a clue to what a Gosselin blog is.
Thank God that we live in a country where we can voice our opinions.
With all due respect, PaMa- I think that it's a good thing to remind people that viewing the show is just going to add to the ratings. Sometimes they do not realize that.
Of course,in the end it's their business if they wish to continue watching the show.
Truthfully, I find it equally tiresome reading posts of people who obviously hate everything about the Kate + 8 show, yet they tune in anyway. So go figure.
As far as there being people out there that are unaware of the Gosselin bloggosphere, sooner or later (in this age of the internet), someone that is frustrated/angry/tired of seeing Kate + 8 on their t.v. is bound to accidently find this blog (or others)and join in. Just like I did well over a year ago.
As for me, I will continue to remind folks of their right to protest by turning the channel.
If it bothers you, just skip over my post. I will not be offended.
Take care.
You truly know Kate's lying as soon as her mouth opens.
Amazing that she is allowed these platforms to spew more lies and not be challenged. The way she wobbles her head like an angry ghetto girl annoys me to no end. Just more proof you can glam her up all you want, but the ghetto in her still shines through.
This woman blatantly lied about a boob job we can see with our own eyes. Why would anybody believe a word that comes out of her mouth regarding things we don't see?
She is one of the only people I know of who can live a dark, shady, coniving life behind closed doors, but go on tv and report that all is sunshine and rainbows and is never called out on her crap.
Unbelieveable. Meredith Viera is really a terrible interviewer. I'd like to see Matt Lauer grill her about some things. He wouldn't sit there, knowing she's lying, and move on to the next question.
The fall out has uh, um, uh, begun:
Yes! Most of the comments on The Today Show facebook wall are negative about Khate! I wrote to Dr. Lillian Glass and asked her to analyze this performance. I sure hope she does! And I sure hope The Today Show gets the picture. Does anyone kknow when Jon's gag order is over?
I also ask the question, why, oh why is NBC/Today Show still interested in this little TLC want to be phony, Kate Gosselin? The interview was sickening and there was no reason to believe anything that spewed out of her mouth. Those poor kids are becoming the "poor little rich kids" very quickly. Did you catch the part about how Kate is "planning for their future?" Enough said.
Same old kHate.
White Trash With Ca$h.
Did we really expect anything different from an out of control narcissist?? Still waiting for the day an interviewer calls her on her bullshit and confronts all of the lies.
I cant even stand the site of her. She looks HORRIBLE in the still shots form that interview.
I'm confused. From what I've read the ratings are not an EXACT count, but rather a sampling is taken and then a rating is extrapolated by using that sampling along with the number of viewers nationwide to arrive at the rating. It is not exact by any means and there is a lot of margin for error - at least that is what I have read when I googled it. In fact, one site I read said it was very flawed. Can someone please show me where I am misunderstanding?
Kate was right. They haven't cancelled her show . . . . .yet. Meredith states that they haven't seen her since June (secret response message to critics who stated why all the appearances on Today). Not expelled, mutually no longer going to the school.
What was noticeable to me -- No talk of Twist of Kate or a new book or her current gig with Skating with the Stars or really any future plans, just same ol same ol. Really what was it? -- answering tabloids in her famous "code talk". She looked down so much it was palpable.
Hanging onto those children for dear life. Oh yes, she had a standard dig at Jon and she now has admitted to the world, like it is really anyone's business that 2 of her children have problems -- do these kids even have a chance at normal at this point.
A little clarification before I get blasted. I am NOT saying it is fine and dandy to watch the show.
What I am saying is that from what I read the rating is not being gathered from every single viewer, but rather is an extrapolation based on a sampling. Here is a link from Nielsen explaining.
So the problems are now academic? nice parenting Kate - you tell Alexis on your tv show that she doesn't know what a triangle is and should know that by now and then go on the today show telling the whole world they are having academic issues. "my other six are excelling at school and at home" So Alexis and Collin can take that to mean Mom doesn't think we're smart.
I've never watched this show but made myself look at a few clips on YT. Kate is disgusting and IMO a horrible mother. I did post on the Today Show website in hopes they'll stop interviewing this psycho bint.
Administrator said...
She got caught in a lie again--the school was too academically challenging--thought the kids were doing the IDENTICAL curriculum at home with a tutor. If it were about academics how does that make sense?
It makes complete sense. Children struggling academically often do better with individualized attention rather than in a setting with a higher student to teacher ratio. There is a huge research base regarding multiple intelligences, learning styles, etc. You don't make the curriculum less challenging to meet the needs of struggling students, you change the way in which instruction is delivered.
It seems that these kids were struggling both academically and behaviorally, which is not a surprise as the two often are interlinked, so giving them more individualized attention while simultaneously addressing the behavioral problems via therapy is perfectly logical. If the kids had been in public rather than private school, they probably would still be in school rather than at home, as public schools typically have more resources available to deal with the wide variety of needs of their students.
Another People interview dated Dec. 1, 2010 about the expulsion:
Kate Gosselin: Collin and Alexis Are Struggling the Most By Kate Coyne and Alison Schwartz
As two of Kate Gosselin's brood continue their hiatus from the classroom, the mother of eight wants to make one thing clear: They were not expelled.
"The school would never use that word," Gosselin, 35, tells PEOPLE. "[Collin and Alexis] were not expelled. [The school] did not feel like they could meet their needs anymore, so it was decided they should leave, for now."
Collin and Alexis, both 6, are both seeing a private tutor who teaches them an "identical curriculum" until they are ready to return to school. But for now, Gosselin says the challenges are not just academic – they're personal.
RELATED: Kate Gosselin Blames Pressure, 'Divorce Anger' for Kids' Expulsion
"They've been the ones to verbalize the most that they miss Daddy," she says. "I could see that they're the ones struggling the most."
The Kate Plus Eight star says Collin and Alexis are seeing a therapist and "doing much, much better." They are suffering from post-divorce anger, she says, and were acting out in school in response.
"[Collin] was upset and saying things out of frustration – he'd crumple his papers and throw them on the floor," she says. "Alexis was angry in a different way. She didn't want to sit still. She'd get up and want to run around."
As for the rest of the Gosselin gang – which includes the other four sextuplets, Hannah, Leah, Aaden and Joel, and twins, Cara and Mady, both 10 – the reality star says she's just concentrating on being a good mom.
"I've kept the stability, the income – everything that they know and love – "I've come through on that," she says. "I am doing what my kids need me to do. That's really all that matters."
She makes me sick, sick, sick. Everything is I, I, I,I. What about what Jon's attorney said on the Nancy Grace program during the DWTS time. He said and the transcript is on her website that Jon pays $240,000 per year in child support. That the money has come from his share of the proceeds from the house and acreage. The money was put in a safe account so Jon could not use it for his personal use. The public needs to know this loud and clear.
Kate acts like she alone has provided the income and stability for her kids. I am so good that about 96% of all comments about Kate about this explusion on ALL the websites are against Kate.
It is Kate's fault that she will not let Jon on HER property or in HER house. You know, the one that Kate claims is the kids' house. The kids must feel terrible that Jon has to pick-up and deliver the kids on the side of the road. And that is 100% Kate's fault. Do you think this have affected the kids? Of course greatly, but Kate doesn't address that. The general public needs to know this also.
I posted on the Today Show website. I've never seen any Kate shows but watched a few clips on YT. This woman disgusts me in a very viceral way and I'm hoping her pathetic attempts to flog her show fails very soon.
Administrator said...
Apparently she throws in a little dig that SHE had to call him first for the holiday schedule?
That's not how I interpreted what she said. The question asked was whether they communicate directly or via attorneys. I interpreted her response to mean that she always tries to communicate directly first before using her attorney as an intermediary. I didn't take it to mean "I always call HIM before he calls ME."
Thank God that we live in a country where we can voice our opinions.
With all due respect, PaMa- I think that it's a good thing to remind people that viewing the show is just going to add to the ratings. Sometimes they do not realize that.
Of course,in the end it's their business if they wish to continue watching the show.
Truthfully, I find it equally tiresome reading posts of people who obviously hate everything about the Kate + 8 show, yet they tune in anyway. So go figure.
As far as there being people out there that are unaware of the Gosselin bloggosphere, sooner or later (in this age of the internet), someone that is frustrated/angry/tired of seeing Kate + 8 on their t.v. is bound to accidently find this blog (or others)and join in. Just like I did well over a year ago.
As for me, I will continue to remind folks of their right to protest by turning the channel.
If it bothers you, just skip over my post. I will not be offended.
Thank you Pink Straight Jacket I think you worded what I was thinking just the same. I am not saying people wont tune in outside of the blogging world. It's the people on the blogs who are against it but still watch. Of course I should have said it was their choice whether or not they watch and no we can't make people choose what we choose. I will still encourage not order people to stop watching. Which was probably my error in the first place
Spare Us said, "Oh, such a melodramatic martyr you are. Bored? Don't watch. Problem solved. The earth really will continue to spin on its axis if you don't post your oh-so-important recap."
Well, someone must've taken a double dose of their snot pills this morning! Methinks the sheeple are stamping their Kate-like stilettoed feet in frustration that their Queen is continuing her ratings freefall, despite TLC's desperate bait and switch.
Oh, and one more thing? You want to be "spared", Spare Us? Well, it goes both ways. Don't come to this blog. As you so eloquently say, "Problem solved!"
Administrator said:
It was all me, me, me. I'M inspired by this song, this was a movie from MY childhood, I want a trip to Austria. She really is a piece of work.
How can Kate say that the Sound of Music is from HER childhood? The movie came out in 1965. I remember going to see it, and I am about 15 years older than her.
I've been to Austria and they are all about "propriety" and manners. Kate is the "Ugly American Extraordinaire". Kate Gosselin going to Austria? What a joke. She would make a fool out of herself even more over there than she already does here in America.
On the Today show this morning, Kate said that the reason the kids have anger issues is because they miss their father, especially the two who were expelled. But when she was on Regis and Kelly a few weeks ago, she said the kids don't enjoy visiting their dad and that she spends the time they're with him by the phone, waiting for them to call to say they want to be picked up.
A direct contradiction, wouldn't you say?
Spare Us said, "Oh, such a melodramatic martyr you are. Bored? Don't watch. Problem solved. The earth really will continue to spin on its axis if you don't post your oh-so-important recap."
Actually Spare Us, I think everyone here is looking forward to the recap but you and the other displaced sheeple that troll this blog.
Spare Us said, "Oh, such a melodramatic martyr you are. Bored? Don't watch. Problem solved. The earth really will continue to spin on its axis if you don't post your oh-so-important recap."
I think someone is a little upset that Kate is sinking faster than a boulder. And this Today interview did her no favors...watching for about 2 minutes or so before I could take more. I posted on the Today show board. So far, all the comments are negative. Maybe they'll take the hint over there & not have Kate use them as a platform for her lie-spewing filth. As someone said upthread, the tides are turning...but this time I think it's permanent.
BTW, I wanted to thank everyone who posts news articles & internet articles. I usually don't see those things or actively look for them. It's great to read others' takes on Kate & her grifting, famewhoring ways. It's also nice to know that we are not the only ones who feel this way. There ARE people in the media who know the truth. So a big thank YOU to those who post those articles. :)
I used to eat those large Milk Bone dog biscuits when I was a kid - about 8 or 9 years old. It had nothing to do with having nothing else to eat. I liked them. My mom knew I ate them and never said a word. I got over it after about a year or so.
The Duggar show's ratings are apparently UNDER a million now, very low. I guess someone's gonna have to get pregnant again.
Anyway, more on-topic, I also posted to the Today show page with her interview, asking why in the world they're giving this person air time.
According to Reuters, Kate iis going to be on Palins show in two weeks. Now Sarah Palins ratings will drop too....
Why do all Kate’s interviewers use that opening line “Let’s set the record straight”. It that some kind of a joke? And what’s with all these wimpy journalists these days? Where are the Murphy Browns of the world. And what in hell’s kitchen was that segment about Jon not apologizing to her but she has let go of her anger and forgiven him anyway for the sake of the kids. WHAT DID HE DO TO HER??? She ended the marriage after 10 years of treating him like a dog and then he was “suspiciously” photographed in some obscure bar with a woman and all tabloid hell broke loose. What was he supposed to do? Sit in the garage like a prisoner? She owes HIM the apology. Meredith and the rest of them are just perpetuating the tabloid stuff, they never ask her what part SHE played in the divorce. When will Jon be allowed to tell his side of the story?
It doesn't matter what we do... this is a marketing campaign with no end. I think this is a very good study on marketing, how you can take a no talent person and market her so people watch. Sounds like a good thesis for a marketing/communications student.
After you write your comment, click on the blue arrow for the drop-down menu (comment as: Select profile).
Toward the bottom is a selection called Name/URL. Type in your chosen name there (you don't need a URL to post).
Click on Post Comment.
_______________________________________________ I've tried this twice and it's not working.I'm NOT a Kate fan.
Anonymous/ AKA Audible Click
Spare Us said...
Oh, such a melodramatic martyr you are. Bored? Don't watch. Problem solved. The earth really will continue to spin on its axis if you don't post your oh-so-important recap.
Aw... boo-hoo, a lost little sheeple troll.
Run back to your mother ship, you're not fooling anyone here.
P.S. I have a message for you: the Katie Irene Crazy Train has come to an end- it's all her fault, and she's also not fooling anyone anymore.
It sucks to be Kate.
Mona, forgive me for asking the obvious....did your mother film you eating the dog bones and make money from over a million people watching you eat those dog treats?
Is it just me or do her lips look different in the Today Show interview? They look much bigger than usual. Also, she kind of looks like a lion, but not in a good way.
What happened to Kate not speaking publicly on the situation w/ the 2 tups being expelled?????????? I thought she said it was a private matter?????????
Also does anyone know what happened w/ the court hearing that was suppose to take place this week????
This just occured to me sometime last night. That pretty much every private moment in these kids' lives has if not of TV, been in newspapers (staring with the Reading Eagle,) if what has not been shown on the show since they were a year old, those things we didn't see are written out in books, these kids have fan sites devoted to them, you tube channel videos of them, facebook pages, pictures coming and going to school, pictures in their own front yard, out in public, their mom goes on TV to give more personal info about them for the sake of trying to keep her face that this is why the show has to continue. Their faces are slashed across magazines, tabloids at the markets, on gossip sites, and private pictures people have taken of them with cell phones or cameras. This really, to me, when put in this type of context of just how much these kids are exposed, daily almost, weekly even, how can that amount of exposure be good for them? Sure they are 10 and 6 and maybe young, innocent but they aren't blind, they aren't deaf and just because their mom turns over the magazines doesn't make them not realize what is happening around them.
That the kids have nannies, bodyguards, helpers, camera crew, assistance, aids, who knows who, they travel in this pack, this bubble if you will as if its something to gawk at. All Kate did was bully Jon into have infertility drugs KNOWING the outcome, she said it herself, "We had to be willing to accept twins or triplets." That she possibly really wasn't going to get just one, seriously?
As the show appears to hopefully be on its last legs, I hope this circus can disappear. What's so bad about Kate going back to nursing (once all her kids are back in school) if she works the correct shift she can be home at a time that is most convenient, she can put the kids into afterschool activities that are hosted, the Boys and Girls Club which is designed for kids whose parents work, I believe as a place for them to go. If she had any relatives left who could pick them up, cook them dinner get them started on their homework and such things than going back to nursing would not be such the hassel she makes it out to be and that that type job would have been impossible fro the get go. Really? Then what, pray tell would Kate and Jon ave done if they had never been offered reality TV show? Jon would possibly still be at his or some other type of job, whilst Kate perhaps would still be a nurse on weekends or whatever. If they gotten divorced we would never have known about it.
I hope that one day Kate can say to herself it was worth it but I just don't see how all her actions, words, spinning things, filming, writing almost eveything down makes her someone people should continue to feel that its okay and she's a great mom. Contrary to what, those who lurk here and othersites feel she is a great mom, contrary to what I just said however odd it is, behind closed doors, what isn't written down, what isn't recorded, what isn't shown across magazines, newspapers and tv talk shows, we really don't know how good a mother she is and I think its bizzar to claim we know jut from the half hour we in the past watched them on TV to put her in the catagory of best mom. I'm sorry I just don't buy it. She isn't in Hollywood in the movies such as actresses who are decent and live quiet lives, she isn't on Broadway doing a New York musical. She is a central-Pennylvanian half-hour reality-tv personality. Of the likes of Jersey Shore, the VH1 reality shows that are on the odd number channels. She's in a nobody really should care were the live state, and se just should not be as relevent as she appears to be. How many times can you "set the record straight?" Does every actor in Hollywood who is hit by a scandal go on TV to discuss it, no, they may release a statement or appear rarely to combat, or settle things out of court typically.
watching for about 2 minutes or so before I could take more.
I meant take NO more!!!
(I'm sick today...sorry about all my posts) :)
Kate managed to go shopping with Steve
RE: Kate Gosselin in Sarah Palin's Alaska
From Reuters - "Sarah Palin's ratings recover a little from slide":
"The Alaska episode to watch will be in two weeks, when Kate Gosselin guest stars."
That pretty much every private moment in these kids' lives has if not of TV, been in newspapers (staring with the Reading Eagle,)
Until the article that came out last Sunday in the local newspaper (Lancaster Sunday News), I have seen nothing of Gosselin news -- not even during the divorce. I found this curious since this was their local newspaper when they lived in this county, as well as the kids going to school here. The media here just laid off them. I was really surprised when the newspaper printed the expulsion story. The editor has since offered his apology for naming the kids involved and the school.
"It makes complete sense. Children struggling academically often do better with individualized attention rather than in a setting with a higher student to teacher ratio."
Their class has an 8:1 student-teacher ratio. There are six of them. You can't get much more individual than that.
"If the kids had been in public rather than private school, they probably would still be in school rather than at home, as public schools typically have more resources available to deal with the wide variety of needs of their students."
While this may certainly be true in some school systems. the kids' private school has as many resources available as a public school. In fact, maybe more.
Ha, this hilarious pic of Kate showed up on Gawker. The comments are priceless.
I also noticed on INF they're down to one or two Kate defenders. Probably the same person.
Would love to see Dr. Glass' observation. But she has lied for so long that she sincerely beleives everything that she says is the truth.
How many times did she say wonderful and wonderfully?
meow: did not like the hair. And the shoes. And her attitude.
Wonder if she was that calm when she got the call to keep the kids home and talked to them about it.
I live just outside NYC - the rain has been absolutely torrential all day, but of course Kate is wearing open-toed shoes (gossipcenter.com). At least the rest of her outfit is appropriate for once...
Denise said:
Kate managed to go shopping with Steve
Who in their right mind wears peep toe high heels in the middle of a rain and windstorm? This woman defies logic. *sigh*
silimom said...Don't mean to rain on the parade, but the Nov. 7th ratings were 1.331 million. Reportedly, the numbers last night were 1.302 million. That's only a 29,000 viewer drop. What TLC and the entertainment execs will see is that Kate held fairly steady over a holiday weekend and that there is still an interest in Kate and crew, enough to warrant a once a month special so they can recoup some of the money they're paying her until 2012.
We will need to see what the numbers are for the Thanksgiving episode that will air sometime in December. That might be a better indicator as to whether the public is losing interest or not.
Silimom, I also agree with you on this. While it was the lowest ratings for the series thus far, it was still TLC's seventh most watched telecast for the week.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
Robert Seidman
Posted November 30, 2010 at 4:30 PM
@Kate – definitely not a performance that would make the retentionistas happy – it lost more than half the viewers from Sarah Palin’s Alaska, though at 1.302 million was still TLC’s 7th most watched telecast of the week.)
Some people started celebrating that the end was near after the Labor Day episode which featured the Gosselins at Bald Head Island, "Pirates, Kites, and Turtles" which had the lowest ratings then at 1.389 million.
People urged those who read these blogs not to watch, to get the ratings under 1 million, yet the following episode had an increase to 1.415 million.
These new low ratings could be from casual Gosselin viewers (who do not frequent these Gosselin blogs) out on Thanksgiving vacation or tuning into other shows at the 10pm time slot (it's possible that the younger TLC demographic of 18-49 preferred Kendra over Kate Plus 8).
As for the 2.2 million Sarah Palin's Alaska viewers that tuned-out, it has been reported previously that Palin's reality show attracts an older audience, which isn't the the typical TLC demographic. CBSnews.com stated last week (episode 2), "Only 885,000 of those viewers were in the coveted 18-49 age bracket, dropping 44 percent from last week. The report states that the show's median age is 57 - 15 years older than TLC's average." We'd have to compare the numbers for the 18-49 who watched Sarah Palin's Alaska to those who watched Kate Plus 8 to see how many of those viewers left (whom advertisers are watching/targeting).
This is the third straight week in a row that Sarah Palin's Alaska has proven not to be the best lead-in show for any TLC new/returning series/specials. The Sunday night 10pm time slot has been a weak-link for TLC during November sweeps.
Just watched the Today clip. If I counted correctly, she said "um" 30 times!
Linda, I only noticed one Kate defender and it's the same ol' rhetoric about Jon being the cause of all Kate's problems. Some people will never, ever let go of that.
Sally said... It doesn't matter what we do... this is a marketing campaign with no end. I think this is a very good study on marketing, how you can take a no talent person and market her so people watch. Sounds like a good thesis for a marketing/communications student.
Anybody ever see the movie the movie "Being There" with Peter Sellers where he plays a simple-minded gardner whose every word is taken as a profound statement.
Kate is the second story on AOL today, over 200 comments and most of them look negative.
The article says this: In her PEOPLE interview, Kate specified the nature of two of her brood's troubles: "[Collin] was upset and saying things out of frustration – he'd crumple his papers and throw them on the floor," she says. "Alexis was angry in a different way. She didn't want to sit still. She'd get up and want to run around."
OMG. Kate? She's a child! Children want to get up and run around, it's called NORMAL!
The "set the record straight" mantra is VERY annoying. It implies that Kate and only Kate tells the truth and everyone else is lying. Why would what Kate says be any more the truth than what Jon says or TLC says or a relative says or a friend says, or a source says? Kate is a proven liar.
E online is reporting that Jon got a job in the technology field. If its true that's great for him.
Hey, something just dawned on me. In Sunday's show, they showed Collin eating a dog biscuit and showed that Alexis didn't know what a triangle was. Did they purposely show those two things to show those two kids aren't "smart"? If they did that on purpose, that is absolutely horrible.
If Alexis didn't know what a triangle was, that's not her fault. It's her parents' fault. And eating a dog biscuit is something lots of kids would do, especially if they didn't realize it was for dogs. Even if they did know it was for dogs, lots of curious kids would try it.
I guess I'm thinking very "paranoid-ish", but I honestly wouldn't put it past Kate and TLC to make it look like those two kids need more than the school "could give them", rather than admitting that the kids are screwed up because of the life their mom provides for them.
LancasterCountyMom said...
Administrator said:
It was all me, me, me. I'M inspired by this song, this was a movie from MY childhood, I want a trip to Austria. She really is a piece of work.
How can Kate say that the Sound of Music is from HER childhood? The movie came out in 1965. I remember going to see it, and I am about 15 years older than her.
I've been to Austria and they are all about "propriety" and manners. Kate is the "Ugly American Extraordinaire". Kate Gosselin going to Austria? What a joke. She would make a fool out of herself even more over there than she already does here in America.
Never mind the fact that they settled in to watch the movie at 7:30.
Didn't Khate say somewhere that her bedtime is 7:31??
If this is true, then the stupid wench couldn't have made it past the opening credits.
Unless, of course........Khate was lying about her bedtime......What, Khate tell a LIE?????
Laura D. said...Linda, I only noticed one Kate defender and it's the same ol' rhetoric about Jon being the cause of all Kate's problems. Some people will never, ever let go of that.
Probably because Kate thinks Jon is the cause of all her problems and her children's problems.
She still won't let it go and move-on like Jon has. She continues to say negative things about him whenever she is given the chance.
Jon has a JOB
Kate's good-bye tour said...
Mona, forgive me for asking the obvious....did your mother film you eating the dog bones and make money from over a million people watching you eat those dog treats?
Ha! Good point. No, she didn't. I had a good mother who understood I had small quirks that did not even need to be told to my father or my siblings. Certainly not the neighbors or my friends. She knew what to keep private and what was OK for sharing. Her goal was not to embarrass me.
Linda said... Ha, this hilarious pic of Kate showed up on Gawker. The comments are priceless.
Thanks for the laugh! You're right, the comments are priceless! My personal fav..
"I guess this is how you end up looking after creating an entire career based on your ingestion of fertility drugs".
I don't hate Kate, I hate her actions, but I don't see her as the type as she claimed to go work at McDonalds if she has to as means to support her kids, I just don't see it.
That reminds me of the lie Kate told during a talk show when she and Jon were still going through the divorce. She said she'd work at McDonalds if she had to, to help support her family. So why isn't she? Why can't she work 2 jobs and be a nurse and work at McDonalds? I met someone at a local pizza place in our town who's working 3 jobs.
Let Kate make the rounds on the television shows; let her be interviewed by the Merediths of the industry; let her keep spinning her lies and bashing Jon. The more, the better. Each time she does so, she's digging herself in deeper. Each time she criticizes Jon, she's just making him look better and her look worse.
She's just too dumb to figure it out, and apparently nobody has told her.
Maybe if her (& Jon) spent some time with the kids after the divorce, got them some much needed therapy, & didn't just blow them off, then maybe there wouldn't be "anger issues". But apparently tanning, DWTS, going to France, getting mani/pedis, shopping, etc, etc, etc, & leaving the kids with nannies was more important than talking it out & getting them ALL help...
I still think it has a lot to do with the filming as well...and the fact that their mother is a self-centered control freak who only cares about fame...
TLC knows exactly what they are doing. Cutting her loose....little by little. Putting her on at 10 oclock, One show a month, Promises of her own show that does not exist. Just waiting for her contract to run out. They have too much invested in her. I think they get it now!!
LancNative said...
She's just too dumb to figure it out, and apparently nobody has told her.
Either that or somebody has told her and she had them stuffed in a small box (by which I mean heated doghouse, of course) so they wouldn't bother her with the reality of the situation.
Man, she's scary. The level at which she is disconnected from the rest of the world is truly the stuff of fiction--sad things for those kids is, it isn't. It's real.
Man, she's scary. The level at which she is disconnected from the rest of the world is truly the stuff of fiction--
Fanette, have you ever had a narcissist in your life? You sound like someone who is only just being introduced to the world of a narcissist. I remember a long six month period where I would simply sit there in disbelief unable to comprehend that there was actually a person out there who would behave like this not only toward me, but to their loved ones.
Admin--I have! And I am still in that "can't comprehend it" place that you speak of, I think because the worst of it was directed at my mum but I'm just now finding out how I fit into this person's twisted little equation and it's been six months since it all went down.
It's not a story I want to share too many details of publicly since I want to protect myself and our business...but suffice it to say if watching someone almost die triggered this particular level of narcissistic outburst, I hate to think what would have happened if I HADN'T survived.
Fahnette -
I totally understand. I have a father with NPD and half the time he makes me feel like I'm the crazy one. The other half I'm like "Huh?? How can you NOT see how you're acting?". He has denied numerous times that things occurred and has rewritten my childhood over and over (so that he's perfect and blameless). But that being said, even knowing what I know he still makes me angry and I still feel like smacking Kate and telling her to wake up and tell the truth!!
Someone mentioned TLC just letting Kate finish out her contract - I thought networks could pretty much cancel any show at any time. I mean, Kate isn't exactly an "A" list actor who would merit a pay or play contract. Admin, any thoughts?
kat said...TLC knows exactly what they are doing. Cutting her loose....little by little. Putting her on at 10 oclock, One show a month, Promises of her own show that does not exist. Just waiting for her contract to run out. They have too much invested in her. I think they get it now!!
Waiting for her contract to run out? According to Ellen in an old thread here, the kids' contract doesn't expire until February 2012, probably the same goes for Kate.
According to tvbythenumbers, her show is still one of the top 10 most watched telecasts for TLC, despite the dismal ratings. At this rate, her ratings will have to slide under a million before we can assume her show is canceled.
She might have a show in the top ten.......but just remember, no other show gets paid as much as her show does. It has to be worth what they are paying her. Is 1.3 million viewers worth all that investment?????
K8 would NEVER survive at my local McD's. The employees are prompt, courteous and hard working. Oh, and they SMILE =)
Kat said...She might have a show in the top ten.......but just remember, no other show gets paid as much as her show does. It has to be worth what they are paying her. Is 1.3 million viewers worth all that investment?????
The following tvbythenumbers writer posted these comments in his article "'Kate Plus 8' Hate: The Ratings Say She Isn't Going Anywhere":
Bill Gorman
Posted December 2, 2010 at 1:10 PM
Jlew, “She is being paid to get “Palin/Jon&Kate Plus 8 Divorce” ratings. If she can no longer break the 2 or 3 million mark then TLC will loose money. Isn’t that how TV business works?”
Whatever you *think* you know about the financial arrangements for the show, networks do not kill their *top* rated shows for *cost* reasons, they find a way to make them work. Kate Plus 8 is one of TLC’s top rated shows. The show isn’t going anywhere.
Bill Gorman
Posted December 2, 2010 at 8:33 PM
Is TLC disappointed that Kate’s ratings are down? Sure.
Is it still one of their top shows? Yes.
Will it be cancelled if it maintains its position? No.
Will lots of anti-fans return if I do a similar post each week with her latest ratings? I can only hope, and only time will tell. ;)
As I wrote this, this post was our 10th most visited of the day, and it didn’t get posted until after 2pm Eastern time.
According to this writer, apparently Kate Plus 8 won't be canceled because it is one of TLC's top rated shows (top ten most watched TLC telecast).
It doesn't make sense to us logical viewers to see a show remain on-air despite its dismal ratings and expensive cast.
If TLC is "making it work", they probably axed any big budget expenses i.e. plane trips (unless financially-sponsored) and reduced Kate's salary per episode (which she probably unwillingly accepted if it meant no cancellation).
The gradual decline in ratings isn't helping towards an immediate cancellation, but rather prolonging how long this show stays on-air. Her ratings must fall under one million for more than one episode and/or fall out of TLC's top ten most watched telecasts, before we see the end of Kate Gosselin on TLC.
This is also a cable network (with lower expectations) than one of the big broadcast networks, which has to answer to many advertisers, affiliates, etc. when a show's ratings decline.
Many of us wonder why TLC keeps Kate Plus 8 going, and this writer's comments helped me understand why the end won't come soon enough.
K8 would NEVER survive at my local McD's. The employees are prompt, courteous and hard working. Oh, and they SMILE =)
TLC knows exactly what they are doing. Cutting her loose....little by little. Putting her on at 10 oclock, One show a month, Promises of her own show that does not exist. Just waiting for her contract to run out. They have too much invested in her. I think they get it now!!
Jon has a JOB
Just watched the Today clip. If I counted correctly, she said "um" 30 times!
Thank God that we live in a country where we can voice our opinions.
With all due respect, PaMa- I think that it's a good thing to remind people that viewing the show is just going to add to the ratings. Sometimes they do not realize that.
Of course,in the end it's their business if they wish to continue watching the show.
Truthfully, I find it equally tiresome reading posts of people who obviously hate everything about the Kate + 8 show, yet they tune in anyway. So go figure.
As far as there being people out there that are unaware of the Gosselin bloggosphere, sooner or later (in this age of the internet), someone that is frustrated/angry/tired of seeing Kate + 8 on their t.v. is bound to accidently find this blog (or others)and join in. Just like I did well over a year ago.
As for me, I will continue to remind folks of their right to protest by turning the channel.
If it bothers you, just skip over my post. I will not be offended.
Thank you Pink Straight Jacket I think you worded what I was thinking just the same. I am not saying people wont tune in outside of the blogging world. It's the people on the blogs who are against it but still watch. Of course I should have said it was their choice whether or not they watch and no we can't make people choose what we choose. I will still encourage not order people to stop watching. Which was probably my error in the first place
Another People interview dated Dec. 1, 2010 about the expulsion:
Kate Gosselin: Collin and Alexis Are Struggling the Most By Kate Coyne and Alison Schwartz
As two of Kate Gosselin's brood continue their hiatus from the classroom, the mother of eight wants to make one thing clear: They were not expelled.
"The school would never use that word," Gosselin, 35, tells PEOPLE. "[Collin and Alexis] were not expelled. [The school] did not feel like they could meet their needs anymore, so it was decided they should leave, for now."
Collin and Alexis, both 6, are both seeing a private tutor who teaches them an "identical curriculum" until they are ready to return to school. But for now, Gosselin says the challenges are not just academic – they're personal.
RELATED: Kate Gosselin Blames Pressure, 'Divorce Anger' for Kids' Expulsion
"They've been the ones to verbalize the most that they miss Daddy," she says. "I could see that they're the ones struggling the most."
The Kate Plus Eight star says Collin and Alexis are seeing a therapist and "doing much, much better." They are suffering from post-divorce anger, she says, and were acting out in school in response.
"[Collin] was upset and saying things out of frustration – he'd crumple his papers and throw them on the floor," she says. "Alexis was angry in a different way. She didn't want to sit still. She'd get up and want to run around."
As for the rest of the Gosselin gang – which includes the other four sextuplets, Hannah, Leah, Aaden and Joel, and twins, Cara and Mady, both 10 – the reality star says she's just concentrating on being a good mom.
"I've kept the stability, the income – everything that they know and love – "I've come through on that," she says. "I am doing what my kids need me to do. That's really all that matters."
She makes me sick, sick, sick. Everything is I, I, I,I. What about what Jon's attorney said on the Nancy Grace program during the DWTS time. He said and the transcript is on her website that Jon pays $240,000 per year in child support. That the money has come from his share of the proceeds from the house and acreage. The money was put in a safe account so Jon could not use it for his personal use. The public needs to know this loud and clear.
Kate acts like she alone has provided the income and stability for her kids. I am so good that about 96% of all comments about Kate about this explusion on ALL the websites are against Kate.
It is Kate's fault that she will not let Jon on HER property or in HER house. You know, the one that Kate claims is the kids' house. The kids must feel terrible that Jon has to pick-up and deliver the kids on the side of the road. And that is 100% Kate's fault. Do you think this have affected the kids? Of course greatly, but Kate doesn't address that. The general public needs to know this also.
So the problems are now academic? nice parenting Kate - you tell Alexis on your tv show that she doesn't know what a triangle is and should know that by now and then go on the today show telling the whole world they are having academic issues. "my other six are excelling at school and at home" So Alexis and Collin can take that to mean Mom doesn't think we're smart.
Same old kHate.
White Trash With Ca$h.
Did we really expect anything different from an out of control narcissist?? Still waiting for the day an interviewer calls her on her bullshit and confronts all of the lies.
I cant even stand the site of her. She looks HORRIBLE in the still shots form that interview.
Sally said... It doesn't matter what we do... this is a marketing campaign with no end. I think this is a very good study on marketing, how you can take a no talent person and market her so people watch. Sounds like a good thesis for a marketing/communications student.
Anybody ever see the movie the movie "Being There" with Peter Sellers where he plays a simple-minded gardner whose every word is taken as a profound statement.
The fall out has uh, um, uh, begun:
PaMa said...
Thank you, Admin, for articulately that point so well. I've said it before on this blog and totally agree that any influence this blog (or any other anti-Kate blog, for that matater) has on the viewing numbers has to be minuscule, at best. I find all the comments imploring people to not watch the show ... or berating those that do ... a bit tiresome. As far as I'm concerned, if someone chooses to watch the show, they should be able to do so without feeling bullied by other bloggers. Anyone who reads this blog knows that watching the show contributes to the ratings. If that person still chooses to watch, that's his choice and I accept it ... his perogative ... free country. In the overall scheme of things, it's not going to make a bit of difference.
I'm not trying to burst anyone's bubble, because it would be so empowering to think that a few hundred, or even few thousand, bloggers can affect the show's ratings. However, sometimes reality sucks and the fact is there's a whole nation of viewers out there who haven't a clue to what a Gosselin blog is.
Thank God that we live in a country where we can voice our opinions.
With all due respect, PaMa- I think that it's a good thing to remind people that viewing the show is just going to add to the ratings. Sometimes they do not realize that.
Of course,in the end it's their business if they wish to continue watching the show.
Truthfully, I find it equally tiresome reading posts of people who obviously hate everything about the Kate + 8 show, yet they tune in anyway. So go figure.
As far as there being people out there that are unaware of the Gosselin bloggosphere, sooner or later (in this age of the internet), someone that is frustrated/angry/tired of seeing Kate + 8 on their t.v. is bound to accidently find this blog (or others)and join in. Just like I did well over a year ago.
As for me, I will continue to remind folks of their right to protest by turning the channel.
If it bothers you, just skip over my post. I will not be offended.
Take care.
She is such a frigin liar. Dig dig dig your hole. I watched about 2 minutes on Celebitchy before I had to shut it off. I just can't believe she can sit there with a straight face & just blatantly lie like she does. The divorce was over a year ago. It should have been dealt with THEN, but Kate was too busy traveling, worrying about herself, & Jon too. Screw the kids right? I don't believe for a second this has anything to do with the divorce and everything to do with filming. Kate, your kids will hate you for what you're doing, you famewhoring b*tch. It's over. I think after this display on the Today show, she'll be done. I really do.
It's a heaven on earth job and the show will go on??? She is SO arrogant. The show very well will NOT go on if the ratings continue to stink. She really thinks this can last forever as long as she wants it to.
As for the kids being expelled is no journalist capable of a follow-up question? If Kate wanted the children to stay in school would the school have let her? If her answer is no then the kids were expelled/asked to leave/kicked out. It is not a "mutual" decision when you have no choice. I applaud the school for not putting "expelled" on a child's permanent record but Kate can stop being so delusional, it's pretty clear it was one of those "Do you want us to fire you or will you just resign?"
She got caught in a lie again--the school was too academically challenging--thought the kids were doing the IDENTICAL curriculum at home with a tutor. If it were about academics how does that make sense? Another follow-up never asked--if you were dragging them on trips all summer when did you have time to prepare them for kindergarten?
I am sure Admin will probably post a copy of Kate's interview on the Today Show but here is a summary of it:
Kate said that the kids were NOT expelled; the decision was mutual. The kids are thriving being homeschooled by a teacher along with weekly counseling. And Kate hopes the kids return to school before the end of December when school breaks. She thinks this is "totally, totally normal and nothing abnormal about this "mutual decision" for C & A. The kids were having a hard time with the divorce and had anger issues. Kate stated MANY times that this situation happens ALL the time with other kids whose parents are divorced. She said there was nothing "abnormal" about it.
She said Jon never asked for her forgiveness when Meridith quoted Jon saying that he felt very bad for all that happened in 2009 and had asked all--including Kate--for her forgiveness. Though Jon never asked Kate except through tv, she has forgiven him for the sake of her children.
Kate said there are no problems with the kids spending time with both Jon and her for the holidays. Kate is the one who initiates the call to Jon for both to agree on the holiday schedule.
Finally, Kate said, "Kate Plus 8" has no plans of being cancelled. And she thinks all of the traveling opportunities and all the benefits of her "working" with her children filming is fantastic and 100% beneficial. Those are my adjectives but you get the point.
And by the way, ALL the other kids are doing great; they couldn't be better.
Once again, trying to blame everything on Jon.
Kate is getting ready to appear on The Today Show. She is sitting there with a plastic smile from ear to ear, looking totally fake as usual. As someone once said, her smile doesn't reach her eyes. We were told she would be on immediately after the local news and then, all of a sudden, two other segments have come on, so her interview has been delayed until after them.
To those who posted that the ratings didn't go down by much- well- we are all happy that the ratings not only went down but also that the ratings have continued to plummet and that they are not rising! This is a business and I would say that it is failing! Sad to say that Jon and Kate became more popular as people tuned in to watch how Kate acted- and we couldn't believe it. For me, I didn't even watch for the kids. Then it came to a point where the show was just plain annoying and it was becoming so staged. Personally, I got a kick out of how much Khate was impressed with herself! Then when it all became about freebies- well- you know! I am also more disgusted by the fact that this woman really believes she is a "Stah" and that the world owes her. She honestly thinks that she belongs in the entertainment business! Oh, I could go on but I would get writer's cramp!
Today Show..."coming up next" "coming up next" Panning over to the cheshire cat a dozen times..."up next"...WHAT HAS SHE DONE TO HER FACE??? W.O.W
Too many of the "haters" are still watching IMO. That number is still too high. It needs to be below 1 million I think before TLC will kick her to the curb, although it is rather low. She is sinking fast. When will Kate admit defeat? UNLESS, that is how many fans she has with a few of the haters mixed in. It still seems too high though...considering all the people that seem to dislike her & her "brand".
Any news on the court hearing? Is that public knowledge? I won't watch her on Today to hear all about it.
Admin said: To sort of chastize people here is kind of unfair. From what I saw very few watched it this time around. I haven't even watched it myself, I've been procrastinating on the recap.
Yeah.. But good for you. Personally, I have an allergic reaction to Kate and realize that her voice is not welcome in this house.
It must really be that boring to even write for you Admin, I cannot even bare to think of watching it! I didn't even watch the little commerical on it it seemed just so over planned and boring...I think being sedated would be more lively than watching this show go down the tubes...but I've been wrong before.
I'm a little over half-way into recapping this sorry mess, it is pure torture and soooo boring! If I wanted to watch ordinary kids pick out pumpkins all day I would park myself over at a pumpkin patch.
Okay- this is Shron and I'm trying to post with the name: I loathe Khate and her entire brand! Crossing my fingers that it works
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