Diana Mercer, who has been practicing divorce law as both an attorney and mediator since 1988 (she has handled an astounding 4,000 divorces), wrote an excellent article published today explaining why Jon and Kate need to call a truce.
She had this to say, in part:
The best predictor of how kids do post-divorce is the amount of conflict between the parents. It takes two to tango. Kate's finger-pointing is a bigger problem than whatever Jon is up to. If he can't be father of the year, then it's up to her to figure out how to work with that -- and vice versa. She picked him to be the dad of those 8 kids, and now she's got to deal with her decision, and insulting Jon and refusing to resolve the ongoing conflict is no solution. For Kate to deny her role in their poor ongoing relationship is naïve and immature....And for her to speak publicly about her disappointment with Jon is damaging to the kids. While they're still little, they know they're ½ Mommy and ½ Daddy. By hearing that "Daddy is bad" they hear that they're bad, too. When they're old enough, they'll see what Mom said about Dad and form their own opinions. Kate's strategy of "I'm good; he's bad" will likely backfire on her in the long run. And what is she teaching them about how adults should handle relationships? What it means to be married, and to be parents?
Mercer goes on to point out that if Jon and Kate made an effort to be amicable, there would be more flexibility. In other words maybe Jon wouldn't have put up a fight about the kids going to Australia, and maybe he wouldn't feel the need to take Kate to court every time she wants to disrupt his schedule, if they were friends. This is a must read.
As we ring in the new year, we wish for Jon and Kate to make peace and harmony their resolution, for the kids. Happy 2011.
127 sediments (sic) from readers:
Right now, Khate is the one who is solely responsible for the horrible "conflict" through her wildly selfish and immature behavior. She has trashed Jon in front of the kids, on talk shows, and made digs on Kate Plus 8. Jon is attempting to live a quiet life, trying to save his kids from the horrible indentured servitude their mother has them locked into, and he is working a real job! Why do these writers not do their homework and see what is really going on here? It's Khate!!! She is the Master of Conflict Creation and Trouble Making. These people who write these articles need to get their facts straight and do some research before they put these out.
She did lay most of the blame on Kate, she has been one of the few to see through this and do so.
Jon isn't completely innocent either, he himself has said he made mistakes. Kate is very much responsible but that doesn't mean Jon doesn't bear some responsibility. The difference is Jon is the only one of the two who is taking responsibility for his role right now. Not only has Kate refused to do so but is in complete denial she bears any responsibilty whatsoever.
Kate will never ever strive for peace and harmony with Jon. Her ego thrives on drama. She's not happy unless she bossing, bullying and pissed at somebody. We all knew without a shadow of a doubt, even from the very first episodes, that Kate would one day be the ex-wife from hell.
She will also be the monster-in-law from hell one day, too. Just watch.
There is no way Jon and Kate will ever put the kids above their hatred for each other.
I can't say as I blame Jon for refusing to back down from this witch. I wouldn't. She still tries ( and succeeds ) to treat Jon like a doormat and he shouldn't have to put up with it. Until she changes, they don't stand a chance at ever being amicable. I know he'd be willing to be amicable. She just makes it impossible.
I have to give Jon props for enduring her wrath and evilness for 10 long, miserable years. I think he should get a free pass for his temporary Kate-induced insanity last year.
My dad kind of did the same thing Jon did when I was little. He left and started a new family. At the time I was hurt, but now, as an adult, I clearly see how horrible my mother was to him and how SHE is the one who drove him away. I would've left her, too, kids or no kids. I think the G8 will see that Jon had to do what he did and that Kate is the one who ruined the family.
I hope they shun the hell out of her for it. But I can hear her now. "Look at all the wonderful trips I provided for you! And this is how you thank me?"
The problem with Jon trying to avoid conflict and make peace is that it will mean Kate will get every single holiday, Kate will get every birthday, Kate will take the kids wherever she wants whenever she wants, Kate will suck him dry with child support, Kate will throw him under the bus both in public and to the children, and the children will be completely and totally alienated from him within three months and will no longer have contact with Jon after six months.
I know that's sort of how it is now, but it will be worse if he doesn't keep fighting this obsessed alienator.
The best predictor of how kids do post-divorce is the amount of conflict between the parents. It takes two to tango.
Ms Mercer gives excellent advice just too bad it's wasted on Kate Gosselin. She's proven doesn't know how to do the tango in more ways than one.
Happy New Year to all!
I went to the Huffington Post and read the entire article. I thought it was a bit superficial, but made some valid points. What gets me are the comments. Not one seems to be based on reality. Statements like Jon and Ellen are selling stories about the kids to the tabloids, Jon has never apologized for his behavior and Kate has, Kate has never bashed Jon publically (according to that particular commenter, the only negative thing Kate's ever said about Jon is that he hasn't apologized), Kate is the one providing stability for the kids, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseum. Wow! Just, Wow! Are these people delusional or just stupid? Of course, Jon isn't blameless, but as Admin. says, he's the only one who seems to be trying to make amends for his behavior. He has apologized. Kate never has. Kate has bashed him in virtually every interview - in print and on television - that she's given in the past 2 years. The only time I remember Jon bashing Kate was in an interview he gave, shortly after the divorce announcement, where he said he despised Kate. I guess it really is true, people believe what they want to believe. Don't try to confuse them with facts.
That article is so true and completely hits the mark. Everytime I hear either of them bad mouth the other, it makes me cringe. I know from personal experience that the badmouthing will back fire and big time. Kate will have a lot to beg forgiveness for. But she won't. At least Jon has already started his apologies. Both will have to answer to these kids. Jon is on the right track now. They both have been very immature, but it seems as if Jon is growing up. Just look how immature she acted on Sarah's show. That is Kate.
Happy New Year!
On page 3 of Preesi's Australia/New Zealand post, there is a pic of Carla and Ashley, followed by the pic of Kate and the gang arriving in the airport.
On Kate's left (the right of the picture)a woman is standing who looks a great deal like Carla, in the picture above.
Could Carla have shut down her blog because sheis actually in Australia with them, maybe as the "Tutor"?
Happy New Year and let's all continue to unite to save these and other kids from this type of emotional abuse.
That said however, I wonder why I and others have taken on the responsibility of protecting these kids, after all I have raised my own without expecting others to do it so why fight so hard for the eight I have never even met? I guess the internet plays a big role for me as I don't even watch the show any more. I realize there are all kinds of injustices in this world and I as one person can only do so much to try and help. There are millions of large families in this world raising their own without any outside help and some may even be living below poverty levels and who is helping them? I do try to support organizations helping others, but I put my family first. My frustrations lie in the fact that Kate has been given so much, does not appreciate it and now it appears is passing that attitude on to the kids. Why is she so special that she continues to get her way? The fact that anyone approves of her actions just baffles me. No way would I let my teenage daughter work for someone like her. No amount of money is worth having my daughter made a personal servant for the likes of her. After reading the flight attend. account of this latest flight I am just speechless. It sounds like they were all medicated so they could sleep. Is it worth taking the health risk of eight kids? Maybe I am just too naive but I just cannot imagine medicating my kids and myself at the same time. I would have been watching every breath they were taking even though I knew I had help with me. My turn to rest would come later. Keep up the great work Kate so you can become Mother of the year for 2011-you deserve it NOT!!
She chose Jon as the father of the HOM's she planned on having as his ethnicity would give HER kids an obvious 'recognizable feature' advantage.
Holidays were agreed upon on a by the year basis, she got them all of the actual holidays last year and Jon was to get them this year. So what does she do with her 'power of filming rights'? Takes them out of the country New Years Day (Jon's first actual holiday). And some not so bright PA judge allows this because it is for 'filming' purposes. Children (two who have been expelled for inappropriate behavior and 8 who are struggling through life with that mother figure) are allowed to be pulled from school for two weeks so SHE can feed her enormous EGO with yet another FREE trip, going to a place that is going through their hottest season and drag those kids from one sight to another (none of which will mean much to the tups and even the twins don't seem to gain much from the sightseeing tours they get dragged on).
As far as the two of them and calling kettles black, Jon's immature behavior came right after his release from custody (when she told him after the vow renewal amen was barely said that it was over and he was free to live his life as long as he showed up for filming 'their happy married life') and that was about two years ago. BUT her immature (not even a strong enough word) behavior is ONGOING and ESCALATING!
She is not smart enough to even realize WHAT she is doing wrong, let alone correct it. I cannot think of anyone I have EVER felt was more disgusting than Kate for continuing to document her narcicissm (sp?)and expecting more and more to be given her, done for her, and feeling she can not only request it but is entitled to demand it. UGH!
That isn't Carla.
And I wouldn't be too quick to believe the rumour from the flight attendants. The sheep like to plant stories.
Kate is mentally ill, Jon is a hopeless, ineffective loser and a turd, the 8 little dysfunctional bags of money are being raised like wild animals and this or any blog is doing nothing to actually stop it. Administrator, what have you or any Gosselin blog done to actually stop any of the Gosselin dysfunction? I know you won't print this, because it hurts your feelings. You have done nothing to stop the Gosselin gravy train.
Who is watching and taking care of that poor dog Shoka and those chickens?
The problem is, Kate doesn't care if this is written about her. She's thinking, "Someone wrote something about me?? Yay, I'm relevant!" She won't change, as long as she has the power & control, & she knows she has those kids under her wing to mind-bend, she will keep manipulating & twisting those kids mind to HER liking. Jon may get them & say "Don't listen to what your mom says about me". Those kids are probably so frigin confused about everything right now.
It wouldn't surprise me in a few months time if the twins decide to live with Jon, & the tups follow suit. The twins are the tups only lifeline really. The twins are the only ones who probably treat them like children.
Not a Conspiracy said...(from the last thread)
People who wear designer clothes know them when they see them. Maybe Khate told one one of her minions to have the Liz Claiborn top ready for her when she woke up. She is loud and obnoxious and is a name dropper. That post was not written by a sheeple. Words like amenities and acoutrements, whomever, nahhh. Millions of people of hit these boards whether they post or not. Let's be thankful that people are speaking out and not discourage them from doing so by being doubting Thomases. It wasn't long ago we were wondering why in the world do people not speak out. And now that they are we should welcome them and encourage them for doing so and not be so jaded by Khate and her minions that we think it is some sort of a broad conspiracy. I sound like Hillary there -
and the most brilliant statement ever made in a deposition - it depends on what your definition of is is.
I agree!! We all wanted some inside info & now it's like we are bashing the messenger. I want to hear it!! Whatever happened to "anon on this?" We haven't seen this person in awhile. I hope it's because some people don't jump down his/her throat everytime he/she posts something. I enjoy hearing this inside info. So what if anon on this said TLC was going to start filming closer to home. I was under the impression he/she is closer to Jon's camp, maybe TLC told Jon this to shut him up, & then this Australia/NZ happened right behind his back. Come back "anon on this"!! I like your info! :) You've been right on many things.
The only way that Kate will allow peace is if Jon just goes away. I'm not sure what he's supposed to do to be more amicable. I think he's been pretty restrained throughout this whole mess - possibly too restrained. But if he were even more outspoken then people would blame him for the conflict. He is in a no-win situation.. and by extension, so are the kids.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said...You have done nothing to stop the Gosselin gravy train.
What do you suggest the administrator of this blog do? Send Kate a cease and desist notice? Email TLC and give them hell?
Trucker. I beg to differ, the photo at pressi's is Carla & Ashley. Look again...
The Liz Clairborne top is a really weird, specific detail to bring up if it wasn't true. As of two years ago, I know Macy's was selling a small selection of Liz Clairborne clothes...but even more important Kate wore a top in public previously from the Macy's Liz Clairborne collection of two years ago. It was the white top in the magazine cover photo of the whole family in white (last one with Jon before they imploded). I know this because I owned the same top (which I then returned). We all know how greedy Kate is when she gets near freebies. She may have taken home clothes from prior photo shoots and saved them with the tags. She does do this with the kids clothing. Every once in a while they show up in matching gymboree clothes in their current size that were on sale two years ago. Her abuse of taking freebies there led to her being cut off by that store.
But my point is her stylist or whoever did dress her in Liz Clairborne before and they may still of had clothes from when it was being sold in the malls...
How has this blog helped the Gosselin children even a little bit?
For those you are asking what this blog has done to stop the "gravy train" or "help the Gosselin 8" the answer may be nothing but I don't believe that is the intent anyway. Of course the administrator can do nothing to stop it but at least it helps to create an awareness about the situation and gives people a forum to discuss their frustration and disgust over this horrible mother and what she is doing to her children. I personally think the administrator does any awesome job with this blog and obviously cares very much about the welfare of these kids. If you don't like it then I guess don't read it. Until TLC cuts her loose Kate isn't going to stop no matter what anyone says or does.
Janelle, GREAT post...agree 100%. Happy New Year Adm and all the great bloggers! After a brunch of homemade Eggs Benedict, fried potatoes and Mimosas, I am ready for a nap!
I don't understand all these questions about what this particular blog has done to help the Gosselin dilemma. Honestly, it's a blog of people who choose to discuss what is going on on a reality tv show. Most of us don't like the way Kate treats her kids or anyone else. But there isn't anything Admin of this blog or any of the other blogs out there are able to do to help those children. We are all just a few voices in this train wreck. But if what you are saying is to try to make us shut up because we aren't accomplishing anything is ridiculous. Free country, free speech and all that. If the non fans, the ones who see Kate clearly for who and what she is are not allowed a voice then the few fans out there have no one to call them on anything and they just get more vicious. There is one particular Jon hater that sends him tweets and she is unbelievable in what she says to him. He has blocked her from tweeting him and she still continues to tweet about him. It's for that reason I will continue to read and comment on blogs like this one. Admin and the people on this blog provide great links and you can see just what idiocy Kate is up to now without ever turning on the TV.
A lot of people also say they are done with Kate and the blogs and want the rest of us to join them. Some are always saying don't watch anymore. When someone says those things and comment that they can't take any more I think of a movie I saw recently where a little boy had been kidnapped and after a period of time her 'friend' told her that essentially she needed to get on with her life and put all this behind her. The 'friend' asked her how much longer was she going to hold on to her illusion that her son might come back. Her response was 'When I can't stand it anymore, and not one minute sooner'. That's pretty much the way I feel about Kate G. She makes me sick, she is the meanest, nastiest piece of trash I have ever seen, but I will read here and elsewhere whenever I want to without anyone saying we need to stop. And as long as Admin continues her blog, I will be reading until I can't stand anymore. As for the Gosselin children, they are sunk. It's sad and tragic, but that's the way it is and whether anyone writes about it or not isn't going to change things.
How in the world would a flight attendant know what happens AFTER they deplane? Whoever wrote that comment supposedly knew what went on "on" the plane as well as "off" the plane. That just doesn't happen unless the flight attendant got off, too, and followed them. How would he/she know who was pushing the cart after they picked up their luggage? Flight attendants don't normally follow passengers through the terminal after a flight.
Everything he/she wrote could be picked up from that photo ( the shirt and Hannah pushing the cart ) and the rest just flat made up.
This is too wishy washy for me, especially on the heels of another recent flight attendant story about Alaska that got lots of comments, which I DO happen to believe was true.
But this one? I think somebody out there just has a wild imagination and needed some attention and decided to make up a new Australia flight attendant story.
I'm NOT saying Kate would never do any of that stuff on a flight, I'm just saying I feel 99% this new story is fabricated just for kicks and giggles and to see how gullible people are.
emschick1128: Thanks for posting. I am glad that you stated that the administrator can do nothing to stop the Gosselin gray train, because she nor ANY blog/administrator canNOT stop the FREAK show that is the Gosselin "family". At least we are clear on that. I agree that this blog is a great place to express our frustration with this FREAK show of a "family". I come to this blog to watch the latest happenings with the FREAK show that is the Gosselin "family". It is like me turning my head/neck on the highway when I see an accident. I am glad that it is finally being realized that this is just a place to catch up on the entertainment that is the Gosselin FREAK show and nothing more. That's fine. I have my own family to worry about, and to tell you the truth, I could give a rat's tail for the welfare of the Gosselin kids. I really don't care about them. I really don't. They mean nothing to me. They are just curiosities that you would see in a science museum or something. You know like a huge dinosaur skeleton that takes up a whole room and you gasp in awe at the freakishly huge size of the dinosaur.
Come back "anon on this"!! I like your info! :) You've been right on many things.
Such as....? Insiders have been "right" on things AFTER the fact, information that was published here and there on the internet. They pick up those things, try to add some specifics, but all it really amounts to is generalizations that anyone could conjure up.
I take it with the proverbial grain of salt, especially when they post that they will release more details after it's been made public. Well, sure, who couldn't take a published story and embellish it?
There is nothing earth-shattering in the F/A's account of the trip. NOTHING. What was written there could have been gotten from the photo of them in the airport. I'm just wondering how Kate got a "big bag of makeup" with her on the plane. On a recent trip, I had to throw away a bottle of lens solution away because it was too large and was not in a baggie. Does she get preferential treatment because of her celebrity status?
I don't think any of us here have the illusion that we can actually do something to help the kids. But it is a great place to vent our frustrations over seeing these kids that most of here watched from diapers to kindergarten with this horrific mother that it seems the rest of the world is catching on to, slowly but surely. Nothing more but certainly nothing less.
Pam said...
How in the world would a flight attendant know what happens AFTER they deplane? Whoever wrote that comment supposedly knew what went on "on" the plane as well as "off" the plane. That just doesn't happen unless the flight attendant got off, too, and followed them. How would he/she know who was pushing the cart after they picked up their luggage? Flight attendants don't normally follow passengers through the terminal after a flight.
The F/A may not have been working, but was flying back to their home base off-duty and was even seated in first class with them. They must have deplaned at the same time as the Gosselin entourage and saw the crew set up in the terminal taking pics. It's entirely possible everything happened just as the F/A wrote.
Pam and Inside Scoopers, ditto for me.
I am not a blind hater - I don't believe every.single."account" of K8 being nasty, although I tend to think that most of them are true enough. The latest "insider" story is just that, a story. Could be true, may not be true. I also take it with a grain of salt.
Titanic(Anita) - I worry about my family and friends too, but that doesn't mean I can't be sympathetic towards the Gosselin children even if I don't know them personally. IMO there is NOTHING entertaining at all about this modern day tragedy, it's all rather sickening actually.
Inside Scoopers said...
I'm just wondering how Kate got a "big bag of makeup" with her on the plane. On a recent trip, I had to throw away a bottle of lens solution away because it was too large and was not in a baggie. Does she get preferential treatment because of her celebrity status?
Maybe the story is made up, but it's also possible it's true. They said the BAG was big, not the products in it were big. I think we're making too much ado about very little. There is much of the entry that is very likely to have happened based on what we've seen of Kate's actions in the past.
Whether it's fact or fiction really doesn't matter in the greater scheme of things. The kids are still in Australia and not going to school on Tuesday, they're still working, and Kate is still their mother and we know what that's been like for them these past years.
Mimi to 3 said...
There is one particular Jon hater that sends him tweets and she is unbelievable in what she says to him. He has blocked her from tweeting him and she still continues to tweet about him.
If it is who I think you are talking about, I have also had to block her. When I tweeted Jon a few weeks back, he texted me back, & she tweeted me back something nasty. I had to block her. It's like, whoa, what did I do?? I'm supporting the guy, & she is deliberately trying to hurt him. I didn't even bother with a response because I read through her tweets & they were ALL nasty. I just don't get "hate" at all for other people. I don't hate anyone. I don't hate Kate, I hate her actions, I hate her mistreatment of her children. She will eventually catch on hopefully that her kids will hate her when they are older. It's sad really.
Kids don't cherish materialistic things, kids don't thrive on toys & dolls & tech & gadgets & xboxes, & trips, they thrive on love, schedules, hugs, caring, a mom & dad who is there to tuck them in, to read them a story, to ask them questions about their day, to help w/ homework, & a meal around the table. Kate just doesn't get that, I don't think. She wants to buy her kids off w/ goods, & for that, they will turn into spoiled, entitled, little divas/divos, like little Kates. I fear the worst for them, unless they break free.
Hippie Chick: I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your last paragraph on your last post!! YOU should have been the one to write a parenting book, not that mentally-ill spawn of the Devil Khatezilla Grosselin. Zondervan publishing are you listening?? Hippie Chick, your kid(s) are truly blessed, and you know what, they don't have a McMansion or a fancy first class trip to Australia/New Zealand I would bet. But they are much richer than those Gosselin kids will ever hope to be.
I could give a rat's tail for the welfare of the Gosselin kids. I really don't care about them. I really don't. They mean nothing to me. They are just curiosities that you would see in a science museum or something. You know like a huge dinosaur skeleton that takes up a whole room and you gasp in awe at the freakishly huge size of the dinosaur.
Oy. I don't know exactly how to reply to this! There are those who have written e-mails, made phone calls, worked with legislators in trying to get a bill drafted that would protect ALL kids on reality television, not just the Gosselins kids. It makes me sad to know that within this country there are apathetic people who look out for themselves alone, not caring about the welfare of others.
Is this what we have become, or does this viewpoint represent only a small part of society? I would think that there are many, many others who see what is wrong in society, especially with the exploitation of children, and don't look at these human beings as freak shows, but somehow try to make a difference. The opposite of love is not hate - it's apathy. It's not giving a damn.
I remember, when presenting a paper on Helen Keller (many looked upon her as a "freak," an oddity, a curiosity) I found that one of the things she was most concerned about was apathy. She said, "We may have found a cure for most evils; but we have found no remedy for the worst of them all, the apathy of human beings."
Apathy is a sort of living oblivion. God help us.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) wants to know what the blogs accomplish. Well, one thing the blogs have accomplished is providing information to the legislators who are attempting to revise the child labor laws in Pa. and, hopefully, throughout the US. That's no small accomplishment. If even one piece of information helps to prevent something similar from occurring to another family/other children then I think all the frustration, pain, anxiety and anger are worth it. NO child should have to endure what the G8 are undergoing, in public, every day, day in and day out. There's something inherently wrong with a society that revels in the mis-treatment of kids. If we can call attention to that and change people's attitudes and focus attention where it should be - on the safety and well-being of ALL children, then I say that's a really big accomplishment. More power to the Admins of this blog and all the other blogs, who are keeping the plight of the G8 in the forefront.
Off duty F/A said... Pam said...
How in the world would a flight attendant know what happens AFTER they deplane? Whoever wrote that comment supposedly knew what went on "on" the plane as well as "off" the plane. That just doesn't happen unless the flight attendant got off, too, and followed them. How would he/she know who was pushing the cart after they picked up their luggage? Flight attendants don't normally follow passengers through the terminal after a flight.
The F/A may not have been working, but was flying back to their home base off-duty and was even seated in first class with them. They must have deplaned at the same time as the Gosselin entourage and saw the crew set up in the terminal taking pics. It's entirely possible everything happened just as the F/A wrote.
January 1, 2011 11:43 AM
So, this "supposed" off duty flight attendant flew aaaalllll the way back to their home-base in first class with the Gosselins, deplaned with them, followed them to get their luggage and stack it on carts, then stuck close by to see who pushed the cart, who was looking at whom, which direction they were going, etc etc etc ?????
Yeah. I believe that ( not ).
I guess now, everytime Kate and the kids fly somewhere, all of a sudden all flight attendants around the country/world know to go to a Gosselin blog and give a play-by-play of how nasty Kate is and how misbehaved the kids are. How many trips did they take before Alaska, and no flight attendant ran to a blog? But once the Alaska F/A story garnered so much attention, now suddenly F/A's are compelled to recount the horror of flying with the Gosselins on blogs everytime they fly.
I'm sure Kate and the kids ARE a terror to fly with. But this particular story just reeks of a copy-cat trying to get people wound up and talking. The dead giveaway is too many mentions of things seen in the photo....a desperate attempt to make the story seem credible. Why didn't this person say what else Kate was wearing besides the shirt we could obviously see? The answer is, because he/she had no idea what else Kate had on because you can't see it in the photo.
Speaking of expensive stuff, I googled those new cars they got for their birthday,the Cadillac cars and guess how much they cost? No less than 400$ a piece.She bought 3 so that makes 1200$! And remember people,this is the woman who went on national television and cried about how POOR she is.I calculated this amount in my money and at least in my country,this is A LOT to spend on toys...
And now I remember that Christmas episode in which Kate said the kids won't always have the newest this and that but at least they would have memories as a family, which is more important than stuff.
As for the filming,here's how I see it:
I don't think there would be a Thanksgiving episode it's been too long, it would be ridiculous but there will probably be Christmas and New Year.20 days of filming in Australia, plus the 3 In Philadelphia how many episodes does that make? They made like 4 episodes out of the two weeks spend in NC so maybe 6 episodes? So maybe the kids can rest until Easter vacation? And then Easter vacation will probably be in Washington(at Rushmore Mountain) or in Arizona(at the Grand Canyon) or both and then in the summer vacation(which for these kids will start in May again) Europe and maybe Korea?
And then fall will come and we'll have the school episode, and the kids will still be wearing velcro shoes,sitting in high chairs,still don't know the triangle and a couple more of them will be expelled...and then Halloween and the whole deal again until February 2012 when Kate will drag Jon in court again where an awesome judge will allow an extension of the contract until 2014.
Downright depressing, I am done with this! For the Gosselin kids it might be better if 2012 is the end of the World!
Rearranging, Rep. Murt cannot do a darn thing about the kids going to Australia. It's out of his jurisdiction. PA can't tell Kate what to do when she is in another country. And Australia probably won't do anything, before they blink they will be gone. Murt can't do anything about what they do in Florida, Alaska, New York or North Carolina either. The legislature is not even in session so not sure what he can do now. Laws take time. As you can see he is still doing fact finding hearings to just educate himself and others about what the status quo even IS. While is can be frustrating, I think he is actually trying to go about this in a way that will do proper justice to this issue so this never, ever happens in his state again.
The fact that more than half of the Kate Plus 8 episodes aired have not even been in the state of PA says a lot. They are fleeing a state that has been on their case over the past year or so. They know full well that PA can't "investigate" or look into or give them trouble or fines about all the exploitation they are doing in other jurisdictions. Running is what you do when you are guilty. They are drive by night exploiters flying into a jurisdiction for a week or two then escaping before anyone even knows it happened.
I think one of the most important legacies of the Gosselins is that I believe it has and will cause many families to rethink whether they too want to sign up for a reality show, and will have a better awareness of boundaries and when to quit. But because it's very hard to measure a negative--i.e. the number of families that have PASSED on offers to do a show, we may never really know the full impact of this. But nonetheless it is real and it is there.
I know many, many divorced couples are actually very amicable post divorce, sometimes even more so than when married, and I always think that is incredible! But expecting divorced couples to always be "friends" for the sake of the kids is unrealistic.
Jon and esp K8 don't have be friends, they just need to be mature, civil adults. The phrase I have often seen when commenting about K8's behavior is "she needs to put her love for her children above her hate for her husband", which is very good advice and unfortunately advice that K8 will never, ever take.
I hope that Jon NEVER gives in to K8's demands to keep filming the children. I hope he ALWAYS puts up a fight, it's the only chance those kids have.
By the way, yet another reason we need national child labor laws. The Gosselins are not the first production to flee more restrictive jurisdictions for greener pastures. Even if they broke the law in jurisdictions (which I think they very well may have several times--in Florida no evidence of a required set tutor or posting the law, etc.), what's the worst that can happened, they get banned? Oh well not like they are doing that trip again anytime soon, no biggie.
Exploiting children should be exploiting children everywhere you go.
K8Sucks, spot on. Kate hates Jon more than she loves the kids. She is not the first divorced parent to let her anger get the best of her, the truly hard part however is getting past that and putting the kids first. Clearly Jon is trying to do that, he is taking the proper steps, he is making an effort. But from Kate, still waiting.
By the way wasn't it an insider who said about three weeks ago that Kate was trying to take Jon's New Year's visitation away from him. Sounds like he has odd years. They were correct. You take insiders with a grain of salt and when it plays out exactly as they told us, there ya go. Some are true, some aren't, I think most people understand that. No need to rehash that over and over.
NO child should have to endure what the G8 are undergoing, in public, every day, day in and day out. There's something inherently wrong with a society that revels in the mis-treatment of kids
Amen, Readerlady. I'm afraid that it's not going to stop with just the Gosselin kids. They are the guinea pigs in this whole mess. If we don't call attention to this exploitation, who knows how many other innocent, unsuspecting children, some only in diapers right now, will have to face the same emotional abuse? This is why laws must be enacted to protect ALL kids whose parents have bred them to become little moneymakers, thinking that their kids can support them in their obsession to live a lavish lifestyle. It has to end. Here and now...with the Gosselin kids.
I hope to heaven it's not too late for them. I hope they aren't the ones who were forced to sell their souls so that others won't have to face the same exploitation at the hands of a mother who sees them only as little marketable commodities.
As far as I'm concerned, Kate and Jon are a match made in Heaven. Neither one of them IMO give a rat's behind about those kids, outside of how much money they're going to make off them. All the "I'm sorry for what I did, I try everyday to make things better" and "I'm doing this all for the kids, they're playing, not working" (and those are from BOTH of these so-called parents) don't fly with me any more. Jon doesn't seem to actually be protesting too much beyond his infantile tweets, and Kate, well, nuff said there. So when both of them grow up, co parent as adults, and keep their issues out of the public eye (and yes, Twitter, as far as I'm concerned, is in the public eye) and put their kids' best interests before their graspy, greedy ways, then I'll believe they love those kids, and not a moment before. All they love is the lifestyle these 8 little ATMs buy them. At whatever price.
By the way wasn't it an insider who said about three weeks ago that Kate was trying to take Jon's New Year's visitation away from him. Sounds like he has odd years. They were correct. You take insiders with a grain of salt and when it plays out exactly as they told us, there ya go.
This information (the odd years) was printed in one of the tabloids, I think it was during the summer. I can't remember which one it was -- Star, NE, or an online internet magazine. I remember thinking at the time that if he has them next year on major holidays, and they want to travel over the summer, then she can't take them away to the Carolinas for a Fourth of July celebration unless she takes him along!
I have no doubt that the crew was filming. That's why we see Kate pushing the luggage kart! Kate only does manual labor when she is filming her fake can do bull sh-t!
I would imagine that after a 20-hour flight the entire crew would have deplaned and had a layover, including the pilots, which is why they work hard to get those flights. They get to layover in different parts of the world after a long grueling flight. I am sure there must have been truckloads of luggage and equipment that was being picked up at the luggage rack by the TLC crew. What we saw in that pic was probably carry on or at least only a smidgeon of what was off loaded. In that that pic the well groomed blonde lady in the in the background looks like she could be an attendant. She may have deplaned well after as the G8 were held up to set up the supposedly "candid" shot of Khate pushing a luggage cart when she has a crew of at 20 or more from TLC to do that for her. The kids' clothes looked fresh, their hair was combed, Khate herself looked well groomed, her hair was indeed straight (and thin). Why would anyone lie about that? They didn't sit right straight up for 20 hours just so they could all look when they got there. They knew they were going to be filmed when they got off the plane and I am sure it was a topic of discussion before everyone crashed as well as after they awakened. I don't get it and would not blame them if they never speak out again which of course just plays into Khate's well greased palm. I just don't understand why anyone thinks someone would sit around and plan something out like that just because they think we are so gullible - not - people almost have to show their credentials (source?) to be believable in the blogs and that is why we don't hear from that many people who may meet her in passing. None of the blogs that I follow could ever be miscontrued as gullible or easily manipulated by anyone.
Jon doesn't seem to actually be protesting too much beyond his infantile tweets, and Kate, well, nuff said there.
Do any of us really know what he is doing behind the scenes, how much he is protesting, how much of an expense he has gone to in trying to get this filming to end? He's not going public with everything, and that's a good thing. He's not talking, and it's probably driving her nuts because she doesn't know what he's up to. He's not out to win a popularity contest by making official announcements or making appeals to the public about the damage to his children that this filming is causing. Kate, on the other hand, has always felt the need to "set the record straight." Why is that? She said on several occasions (the divorce, the expulsion) that she's dealing with it privately, and within a matter of days, there she is, airing out all of the dirty laundry for public consumption.
Good for him. Unlike his ex-wife, he is keeping his mouth shut and taking the high road, knowing that if he does make a plethora of comments, she's just going to surface on national television to take jabs at him. She has a history of doing this. She has to have the last word in everything, and he's just not giving her the opportunity to do so.
"The dead giveaway is too many mentions of things seen in the photo....a desperate attempt to make the story seem credible. Why didn't this person say what else Kate was wearing besides the shirt we could obviously see?"
You're right!
Inquiring minds want to know about the hooker heels, the Juicy jeans...if the person knew it was a Liz top, certainly she/he would have observed if she was wearing leggings and Jimmy Choo & Ugg boots, or a denim mini-skirt and stilettos!
Was there only one photo published at the airport - the one showing her pushing the cart?
Who wrote this F/A story? It wasn't the F/A, was it, because the poster said that he/she would reveal the source later. In addition, the poster also said something to the effect that this is what she "was told." The poster, in the subsequent posting, refers to flight attendants as "they;" they do this, they prepare for landing, etc. If it had been the F/A who was doing the posting, she would have said (in reference to what attendants do): "WE are busy checking the cabin."
So this was a "middleman" doing the posting; second hand information not coming from the actual F/A? Is that correct?
Kart thought she was making a red carpet appearance at the airport pushing that cart. TLC must have paid the lone photographer to show up. The flight attendant's story sounds fairly credible. Maybe Kart's top was hanging up with the tags still on it or she announced what brand she was wearing over the loudspeaker. I doubt Kart allowed one of the young nannies to use a curling iron on her hair. Only someone like her friend Jamie would have that honor. She is probably there also.
Thanks, Administragtor. I did not know about the jurisdiction thing. I will cut Representative Murth some slack.
Moose Mania said...
Oy. I don't know exactly how to reply to this! There are those who have written e-mails, made phone calls, worked with legislators in trying to get a bill drafted that would protect ALL kids on reality television, not just the Gosselins kids. It makes me sad to know that within this country there are apathetic people who look out for themselves alone, not caring about the welfare of others.
Is this what we have become, or does this viewpoint represent only a small part of society? I would think that there are many, many others who see what is wrong in society, especially with the exploitation of children, and don't look at these human beings as freak shows, but somehow try to make a difference. The opposite of love is not hate - it's apathy. It's not giving a damn.
I remember, when presenting a paper on Helen Keller (many looked upon her as a "freak," an oddity, a curiosity) I found that one of the things she was most concerned about was apathy. She said, "We may have found a cure for most evils; but we have found no remedy for the worst of them all, the apathy of human beings."
Apathy is a sort of living oblivion. God help us.
And yet apathy for the Gosselins would get them out of the public spotlight quicker than anything. If we could somehow continue to effort for laws to protect all children on reality TV yet be apathetic about the Gosselins, that would be ideal.
Admin said: Mercer goes on to point out that if Jon and Kate made an effort to be amicable, there would be more flexibility. In other words maybe Jon wouldn't have put up a fight about the kids going to Australia, and maybe he wouldn't feel the need to take Kate to court every time she wants to disrupt his schedule, if they were friends.
Are you saying that Jon should not go to court when Take not only denies him all of us custody days for the entire month of Jan to take his children to the other side of the world so that she can film the heck out them and have them miss important therapy appointments and school so that she can continue to totally exploit her children for $$$? Let's just assume that Jon has made every attempt to conduct himself in an even handed and non belligerant manner and then let's assume that Take has not. Jon only has control over his own behavior. Take will not be modifying her behavior anytime soon, that I can see. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Jon has made significant and fundamental changes in his lifestyle and choices. Take has not. Jon has not made TV appearances throwing Take under the bus. Take has done this to Jon on multiple occasions. Anyone who is paying attention and is not delusionsal can see that the current communication and behavioral problem is Take's and hers alone. Of course by her totally selfish actions she has made this a problem that greatly affect all 8 kids causing them significant pain.
E-town Neighbor said...
Who wrote this F/A story? ...So this was a "middleman" doing the posting; second hand information not coming from the actual F/A? Is that correct?
Yes, that's my understanding, too. The comment posted was not written by the actual F/A, but a "middleman".
Someone in Australia or NZ created this Facebook page "Go Home Kate!!!" Interesing. She is loathed and detested worldwide.
Just as a curiosity question, has anyone seen Kate apologize to Jon? Has anyone seen Kate take the high road? Has anyone seen Kate putting the kids needs first? Just wondering about that because the fans claim she has done all these things but that Jon hasn't. I swear I saw Jon apologize to Kate and his kids in print, I have seen Jon taking the high road and not going on TV to bash and lie about Kate. I have seen him many times put his kids first. Just wanted to make sure the rest of you saw the same things I saw and not the deluded, revisionist history that the fans see.
Watching "Sister Wives" on TLC tonight because nothing else is on...Kody Brown makes my skin crawl. See that TLC has two new shows, Strange Sex and Strange Addictions. They are sinking to new lows on a daily basis, and, in my opinion, TLC now stands for Trashy Lurid Crap. Think I'll take an early shower before bed.
I was in Sydney in August and remember thinking it seemed like a pretty small airport, especially the arrivals area, for a place that hosted the Olympics! However, there was a lone papparazzo there where we were waiting for our driver and I asked him who he was waiting for. Katy Perry. On the way home, I asked the other lone photographer who HE was waiting for and he said Mark Wahlberg. There's one flight from LA each day and I believe these guys are tipped off about who may be on the flight. I don't know if they were tipped about the Gosselins, but if they study their industry, they know lots of pics are taken of them, so they took one. Only one. Or at least they only sold one. I find that soooooo funny: only one photographer (most likely) and one photo of Kate. She must have been so disappointed the P-people were not falling all over her! But it's just not like that over there.
Dee2 said... Trucker. I beg to differ, the photo at pressi's is Carla & Ashley. Look again...
Dee, read Trucker's post again, carefully. She wasn't referring to the OBVIOUS pic of Ashley and Carla, she was referring to the lady in the airport, pushing a cart, wondering if she was Carla. I don't think it is, I still think she's a airline employee, helping out.
It's not Carla at the airport...yes, that is her on Pressi's blog. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
I understand the posters comment about not caring about the kids. I don't think about them outside the blog world. I do have concern and apathy, but I have never missed a show. I watch for entertainment, just as
I do any other show. I think it is a bad idea for the kids to be on tv, and that Jon and Kate are bottom of the barrel, but I think there are alot of viewers like me. There is curiosity and it is very sad the kids are screwed, but I care more about my own kids, neighbors etc...I feel bad for Collin and Mady and the rest
but in 10 minutes my thoughts will be about something else.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said... Thanks, Administragtor. I did not know about the jurisdiction thing. I will cut Representative Murth some slack
Murt, not Murth.
Yes, that's my understanding, too. The comment posted was not written by the actual F/A, but a "middleman".
Thanks for responding to my question. So are we to assume that, according to this poster, she/he will reveal the "source," and name the identity of the person who witnessed this first-hand? That's what I got from the post. I wonder when that is going to happen. I don't think anyone is waiting with baited breath...
Moose Mania said...I'm afraid that it's not going to stop with just the Gosselin kids. They are the guinea pigs in this whole mess. If we don't call attention to this exploitation, who knows how many other innocent, unsuspecting children, some only in diapers right now, will have to face the same emotional abuse? This is why laws must be enacted to protect ALL kids whose parents have bred them to become little moneymakers, thinking that their kids can support them in their obsession to live a lavish lifestyle. It has to end. Here and now...with the Gosselin kids.
Amen to your words too, Moose.
When their seven babies were born, the McCaughey's got a letter from the remaining Dionne quintuplets warning them to keep their children out of the public eye, to maintain their privacy and to not confuse multiple births with entertainment. They said their own lives had been ruined by exploitation. I believe the McCaughey's took their advice to heart.
Kate was obsessed with the McCaugheys and therefore must have been aware of that letter but chose to ignore the guidance the Dionne's offered. Instead she went ahead, with Jon's assistance, and did the exact opposite. It's unsettling to think a mother and father would even consider selling out their own childrens privacy as a means of income. I understand people breed animals like dogs or horses and sell them to make a living, but children? Kate isn't a mother, she's a breeder and she should be relentlessly exposed for what she is doing to her children until the day she stops it. This blog is serving a purpose by doing that.
This is my first time posting on this site but a long time lurker. I live two miles down the road from the Gosselins on Heffner Road. Yes, it is true that they are gone and what is more disturbing is that there is a dog left outside to fend for himself and has been for the past three days. What is more distrubing is that this poor dog has been tethered to a chain on the north side of this house and doesn't seem to be getting any care or attention. I called the SPCA about this today but as of this evening, this poor dog is still unattended to.
@Totally Pissed - Please keep calling.
Anonymous said...
@Totally Pissed - Please keep calling.
Keep calling, and calling, and get your neighbors to call, and then call the police to check on the dog. I had a similar incident happen in my former neighborhood. SPCA
was very, very slow in answering complaints, so I called the police. The owner was arrested for animal neglect.
Please neighbor call the Humane Society and report what you have observed with this dog, maybe the chickens need help too as the dope only cares about her own selfish needs..Help the animals!!!
I knew it!!!!!!! I wasn't JOKING when upthread I said, "P.S. who is taking care of Shoka the dog and the chickens?" WE CANNOT HELP THE GOSSELIN 8, but by God, at least we can call the SPCA to help that dog and the chickens. The kids are hopeless lost causes...jurisdictions and stupid family court judges and all, but WE CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE NEGLECT OF SHOKA THE DOG AND THE CHICKENS.
@ Totally Pissed. Please keep calling and please update us. Kate is a cruel bint (Aussie insult).
PJ's momma said...
I was in Sydney in August and remember thinking it seemed like a pretty small airport, especially the arrivals area, for a place that hosted the Olympics! However, there was a lone papparazzo there where we were waiting for our driver and I asked him who he was waiting for. Katy Perry. On the way home, I asked the other lone photographer who HE was waiting for and he said Mark Wahlberg. There's one flight from LA each day and I believe these guys are tipped off about who may be on the flight. I don't know if they were tipped about the Gosselins, but if they study their industry, they know lots of pics are taken of them, so they took one. Only one. Or at least they only sold one. I find that soooooo funny: only one photographer (most likely) and one photo of Kate. She must have been so disappointed the P-people were not falling all over her! But it's just not like that over there.
I agree with you how disappointed Kate must have been to not have made the local headline news or the front page of the local newspapers on their arrival. They simply don't care about her in Australia and most don't even know who she is.
As for the pap being at the airport because of the Gosselin's arrival - I read somewhere that the lone photographer were actually waiting for someone else, happened to see the commotion and snapped the pic. She was simply lucky - or unlucky - that there was anyone there to take the pic in the first place.
Is there a local chapter of PETA in the area? I believe they would take immediate action? The SPCAs are in financial trouble. Have mostly volunteers.
@ Totally Pissed in PA......
I'm having trouble believing Kate would be that stupid and cold hearted to leave a dog outside for weeks unattended. She could get into a lot of trouble and possibly even come home to a dead dog. I doubt Kate or TLC would allow that to happen. I think we're being played on this one. At least I hope so anyway.
So one poster muses about the welfare of the dog and in comes a long time lurking neighbour to report the dog has been left chained outside. People, you are just begging for news to be fabricated about this family. Don't hold your breath waiting to hear the outcome of this bogus event.
I believe that the sheeple are planting stories about Kate to bait bloggers into making reports/statements etc, that make us look stupid. I don't know why Kate wouldn't have just asked the breeder to care for Shokla or board her at any other dog boarding place. I always leave my two with the vet when I travel. He has outside dog runs and one of my dogs has arthritis and needs medicine at times and I know they get good care when I am gone.(although I do miss them) I am not sure if this is true then, it would be so easy for Kate to make arrangements for this dog that would not cause public concern.
Kate always heads to the beach first. So many things to see and places to go in Australia but Kate must get that bikini and tan on. The woman does love the beach. Her skin is starting to look like a prune.
TOTALLY PISSED in PA said... This is my first time posting on this site but a long time lurker. I live two miles down the road from the Gosselins on Heffner Road. Yes, it is true that they are gone and what is more disturbing is that there is a dog left outside to fend for himself and has been for the past three days. What is more distrubing is that this poor dog has been tethered to a chain on the north side of this house and doesn't seem to be getting any care or attention. I called the SPCA about this today but as of this evening, this poor dog is still unattended to.
My blood is BOILING after reading this. You sound like a good, responsible person...PLEASE keep on this and update us. I didn't think it was possible to hate that BITCH anymore than I already did, but I was wrong. If she gave a DAMN about Shoka, she would have boarded him while she was gone.
Didn't take Kate long to whip out her "girls" and show them off in a bikini. Here's a photo taken at Bondi Beach - cameras in tow, of course!
Anita, thank you. :)
Stop giving TLC ideas!! You know that TLC reads this blog. They are fresh out of ideas, & you just gave them a slew of shows to work with. Now, we'll see them in Arizona, in JULY! And saying prayers around the table on Easter Sunday (fake fake fake). Oh, Roxanne, I like your posts, I do, but I think you may have just given TLC fodder for a few more shows here...& sure, us "normal moms" can all relate. Oh, wait...Nobody fricken watches!!! I forgot!! As you were... :)
"And yet apathy for the Gosselins would get them out of the public spotlight quicker than anything. If we could somehow continue to effort for laws to protect all children on reality TV yet be apathetic about the Gosselins, that would be ideal."
You know what I think?
I think that if I saw a neighbor mistreating their pet, the last place I would go to is here.
I would be calling animal protection agencies, local news, or I would even go to the house to see if I could help the animal myself.
I think Kate evil, selfish, and cruel, but I don't think she is THAT STUPID. I doubt she wants more bad publicity. She had to leave the dog in someone's care.
F-U silly sheep, tricks are for kids.
I've been thinking about this, I hate to say it but I think I'm going to ban the "insider information" posts. Unless they are someone I can verify like the blogger who actually posted pics at the airport before the Alaska flight, or the Philadelphia journalist who gave his name and posted pics.
There's so many people out there who get off on the attention and I'm tired of feeding it. Since there is no way to verify the person, every post causes the same around and around whether they can be believed and gets us right back to square one--they can't. And the thing is we are now getting enough people willing to go ON the record, like bystanders on twitter and facebook, bloggers, journalists, are the anonymous insiders really of much value anymore?
I won't ban stories I can verify. If you want to share a pic or can prove your insider story you story you can always email the blog confidentially. What does everyone think? Unfortunatly I think this is necessary to ban all of them even though 1 out of 10 is probably true.
If this is true, & please tell me it's not, (I would think Kate is not THAT dumb & get someone to care for her dog) Then keep calling, better yet, call the cops. Call Animal Control. They're better suited to handle this. They can take the dog right away. I would think you would know that? Maybe this is not true...but seriously, if it is, call animal control in your town NOW.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... You know what I think?
I think that if I saw a neighbor mistreating their pet, the last place I would go to is here.
I would be calling animal protection agencies, local news, or I would even go to the house to see if I could help the animal myself.
How is he/she supposed to get through the gate to help the dog?
Admin, I agree with you. Even the one's like "Anon on this" that seemed credible have had discrepencies. Why waste a lot of thought guessing which one's are true and which one's are not? I think more than a few of them are meant to make us look crazy. I for one would appreciate knowing that the comments have been verified or as most of them, opinions.
Knows Quality said... "Didn't take Kate long to whip out her "girls" and show them off in a bikini."
and if that view of them isn't proof they are implants I don't know what is.
Administrator said...
I've been thinking about this, I hate to say it but I think I'm going to ban the "insider information" posts. Unless they are someone I can verify like the blogger who actually posted pics at the airport before the Alaska flight, or the Philadelphia journalist who gave his name and posted pics.
There's so many people out there who get off on the attention and I'm tired of feeding it. Since there is no way to verify the person, every post causes the same around and around whether they can be believed and gets us right back to square one--they can't. And the thing is we are now getting enough people willing to go ON the record, like bystanders on twitter and facebook, bloggers, journalists, are the anonymous insiders really of much value anymore?
I won't ban stories I can verify. If you want to share a pic or can prove your insider story you story you can always email the blog confidentially. What does everyone think? Unfortunatly I think this is necessary to ban all of them even though 1 out of 10 is probably true.
Sounds good to me. I'm tired of watching our good intentions become fodder for Kate's
sick sycophants.
Updated the posting rules, please review!
Hopefully the new rule will stop people from bringing so-called insider info here from other sites.
Good idea Admin. I'm not saying all the insider info is bogus either, but sheeple are in panic mode and to post a false story -especially about abandoning the dog- would not be beneath them.
True or not, I sure hope that dog IS being taken care of.
Great idea Admin.
Like you mentioned, there are enough accounts that can be verified (pictures don't lie) without having to rely on "insider info".
What baffles me is that even with photographic proof such as WG's pics at the corn maze, the sheeple still think everyone is lying. ( and also believe K8 when she claims she just has a good bra )
I think there might be a problem with the verification process. What happens if there's a clerk at Target who wants to share a story about Kate behaving badly in the store? Will this person have to provide his/her name, and then you would call the store to verify that the person is employed there? Or can insider information be verified only through photos? Or, in the case of the dog story. If that person e-mails you with the story and gave his/her name, how would you check on that person to make sure he/she is a resident of Wernersville, and is, in fact legitimate? You have the whole privacy factor to consider. Exactly how do you verify a story?
Even if you can verify the identity of the person through contact information, you still don't know that the story is true as reported, and not the work of somebody out to make Kate look bad (not that she needs help doing that!)...
I think verifying a story is a good idea, but I'm just not sure how you would execute it.
I have no idea if the info posted by the supposed neighbor, regarding Shoka, is true or not. However - Kate is just dumb enough to rationalize that, since Shoka is kept outside all the time anyway, having someone come in once a day to feed/water him is sufficient care. I would HOPE that this is not the case, but I wouldn't take any bets on it.
Midnight, forcing insiders to put their money where their mouth is and actually email the blog weeds out sheeple worried about IP addresses and tracking them down. Then from there if there's a photo or someone to go on record the info will be posted, just like I posted the info from the Philly reporter and the Philly blogger both who went on record with names and photos. Otherwise, it will have to go into the reject pile and they can take it over to GWOP or other sites that allow it. Does it mean that some legit information will not get through? Yes, that is a consequence of being careful. The way I see it every single insider who posted truthful information, that information eventually came out anyway--Australia, the school suspension, etc. So since we take it with a grain of salt before it's verified ANYWAY, what's the point in posting it ahead of time? I'll choose to wait. I would NEVER demand someone's personal contact information, that's what the sheeple do and it's just downright creepy. An insider can voluntarily go on record, or not. Up to them.
By the way in CA it's now illegal to impersonate someone on the internet subject to up to one year in prison. About time.
As far as Shoka, we already know how that dog is mistreated what is the point in having some "insider" just add more fuel to the fire? Kate herself admitted she made him an outside dog, Kate herself has been shown multiple times never even home, we all know the status of that dog without an insider to tell us.
The word I want to use for Kate is unprintable. I don't think that family should have a dog period. The thought of that poor animal being separated from his mate in the first place was enough to make anyone with a heart cry. Then to make him an outside dog like he was only there to entertain the kids when they're playing out there is another disgusting selfish cruel thing to do. I don't like anything about Kate, but I HATE her for this. I wish they'd take that dog away from Kate's insane asylum and give him to a good home.
"So since we take it with a grain of salt before it's verified ANYWAY, what's the point in posting it ahead of time? I'll choose to wait."
Exactly how it should be.
"The way I see it every single insider who posted truthful information, that information eventually came out anyway--"
Or the information came out first, and the "insider" just ran with it, adding generalizations and other fluff to the info that had already been made public.
"By the way in CA it's now illegal to impersonate someone on the internet subject to up to one year in prison. About time"
Too bad all of the states aren't following suit. Speaking of which, whatever happened to "Kate's Mom" who was posting? Is she still claiming to be Mrs. Kreider, or did she disappear after the ROL story?"
I wouldn't be surprised if some of the "inside info" is posted by tlc interns just to keep the pot stirred until the next special comes on the air. After all, they have no qualms about posting Kate's fake blog.
Administrator said...
I've been thinking about this, I hate to say it but I think I'm going to ban the "insider information" posts. Unless they are someone I can verify like the blogger who actually posted pics at the airport before the Alaska flight, or the Philadelphia journalist who gave his name and posted pics.
This "neighbor" could have easily posted a photo of “the tethered dog” in order to verify her/his story. If s/he can see the dog’s apparent dire condition, then I’m assuming her/his camera can as well. I'm with those who believe someone just threw it out there to stir the pot, and then sat back and laughed as everyone went into a tailspin about animal abuse. After all, it's not just the Sheeple and the anti-kids-on-reality-tv folks who are reading this and other Gosselin-inspired blogs. I know of one blog in particular whose sole purpose is to mock the posts of GWOP. That's all they do. No joke. They live for stories like this that get posters all up-in-arms -- and are probably laughing their butts off at the uproar over an unconfirmed accusation about the dog.
I think your new rule is a good move, Admin. Hopefully it will weed out some of those false posts that are only meant to provoke everyone by targeting our hot buttons.
I love how you just assume that every fake insider is a "sheeple," as opposed to a person with such a hatred for Kate that s/he likes to further enrage their fellow anti-Kate folk.
I wouldn't be surprised if some of the "inside info" is posted by tlc interns just to keep the pot stirred until the next special comes on the air. After all, they have no qualms about posting Kate's fake blog.
Admin, I agree with you. Even the one's like "Anon on this" that seemed credible have had discrepencies. Why waste a lot of thought guessing which one's are true and which one's are not? I think more than a few of them are meant to make us look crazy. I for one would appreciate knowing that the comments have been verified or as most of them, opinions.
You know what I think?
I think that if I saw a neighbor mistreating their pet, the last place I would go to is here.
I would be calling animal protection agencies, local news, or I would even go to the house to see if I could help the animal myself.
I think Kate evil, selfish, and cruel, but I don't think she is THAT STUPID. I doubt she wants more bad publicity. She had to leave the dog in someone's care.
F-U silly sheep, tricks are for kids.
Anita, thank you. :)
PJ's momma said...
I was in Sydney in August and remember thinking it seemed like a pretty small airport, especially the arrivals area, for a place that hosted the Olympics! However, there was a lone papparazzo there where we were waiting for our driver and I asked him who he was waiting for. Katy Perry. On the way home, I asked the other lone photographer who HE was waiting for and he said Mark Wahlberg. There's one flight from LA each day and I believe these guys are tipped off about who may be on the flight. I don't know if they were tipped about the Gosselins, but if they study their industry, they know lots of pics are taken of them, so they took one. Only one. Or at least they only sold one. I find that soooooo funny: only one photographer (most likely) and one photo of Kate. She must have been so disappointed the P-people were not falling all over her! But it's just not like that over there.
I agree with you how disappointed Kate must have been to not have made the local headline news or the front page of the local newspapers on their arrival. They simply don't care about her in Australia and most don't even know who she is.
As for the pap being at the airport because of the Gosselin's arrival - I read somewhere that the lone photographer were actually waiting for someone else, happened to see the commotion and snapped the pic. She was simply lucky - or unlucky - that there was anyone there to take the pic in the first place.
I knew it!!!!!!! I wasn't JOKING when upthread I said, "P.S. who is taking care of Shoka the dog and the chickens?" WE CANNOT HELP THE GOSSELIN 8, but by God, at least we can call the SPCA to help that dog and the chickens. The kids are hopeless lost causes...jurisdictions and stupid family court judges and all, but WE CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE NEGLECT OF SHOKA THE DOG AND THE CHICKENS.
Anonymous said...
@Totally Pissed - Please keep calling.
Keep calling, and calling, and get your neighbors to call, and then call the police to check on the dog. I had a similar incident happen in my former neighborhood. SPCA
was very, very slow in answering complaints, so I called the police. The owner was arrested for animal neglect.
This is my first time posting on this site but a long time lurker. I live two miles down the road from the Gosselins on Heffner Road. Yes, it is true that they are gone and what is more disturbing is that there is a dog left outside to fend for himself and has been for the past three days. What is more distrubing is that this poor dog has been tethered to a chain on the north side of this house and doesn't seem to be getting any care or attention. I called the SPCA about this today but as of this evening, this poor dog is still unattended to.
Moose Mania said...I'm afraid that it's not going to stop with just the Gosselin kids. They are the guinea pigs in this whole mess. If we don't call attention to this exploitation, who knows how many other innocent, unsuspecting children, some only in diapers right now, will have to face the same emotional abuse? This is why laws must be enacted to protect ALL kids whose parents have bred them to become little moneymakers, thinking that their kids can support them in their obsession to live a lavish lifestyle. It has to end. Here and now...with the Gosselin kids.
Amen to your words too, Moose.
When their seven babies were born, the McCaughey's got a letter from the remaining Dionne quintuplets warning them to keep their children out of the public eye, to maintain their privacy and to not confuse multiple births with entertainment. They said their own lives had been ruined by exploitation. I believe the McCaughey's took their advice to heart.
Kate was obsessed with the McCaugheys and therefore must have been aware of that letter but chose to ignore the guidance the Dionne's offered. Instead she went ahead, with Jon's assistance, and did the exact opposite. It's unsettling to think a mother and father would even consider selling out their own childrens privacy as a means of income. I understand people breed animals like dogs or horses and sell them to make a living, but children? Kate isn't a mother, she's a breeder and she should be relentlessly exposed for what she is doing to her children until the day she stops it. This blog is serving a purpose by doing that.
Someone in Australia or NZ created this Facebook page "Go Home Kate!!!" Interesing. She is loathed and detested worldwide.
Admin said: Mercer goes on to point out that if Jon and Kate made an effort to be amicable, there would be more flexibility. In other words maybe Jon wouldn't have put up a fight about the kids going to Australia, and maybe he wouldn't feel the need to take Kate to court every time she wants to disrupt his schedule, if they were friends.
Are you saying that Jon should not go to court when Take not only denies him all of us custody days for the entire month of Jan to take his children to the other side of the world so that she can film the heck out them and have them miss important therapy appointments and school so that she can continue to totally exploit her children for $$$? Let's just assume that Jon has made every attempt to conduct himself in an even handed and non belligerant manner and then let's assume that Take has not. Jon only has control over his own behavior. Take will not be modifying her behavior anytime soon, that I can see. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Jon has made significant and fundamental changes in his lifestyle and choices. Take has not. Jon has not made TV appearances throwing Take under the bus. Take has done this to Jon on multiple occasions. Anyone who is paying attention and is not delusionsal can see that the current communication and behavioral problem is Take's and hers alone. Of course by her totally selfish actions she has made this a problem that greatly affect all 8 kids causing them significant pain.
Thanks, Administragtor. I did not know about the jurisdiction thing. I will cut Representative Murth some slack.
Kart thought she was making a red carpet appearance at the airport pushing that cart. TLC must have paid the lone photographer to show up. The flight attendant's story sounds fairly credible. Maybe Kart's top was hanging up with the tags still on it or she announced what brand she was wearing over the loudspeaker. I doubt Kart allowed one of the young nannies to use a curling iron on her hair. Only someone like her friend Jamie would have that honor. She is probably there also.
"The dead giveaway is too many mentions of things seen in the photo....a desperate attempt to make the story seem credible. Why didn't this person say what else Kate was wearing besides the shirt we could obviously see?"
You're right!
Inquiring minds want to know about the hooker heels, the Juicy jeans...if the person knew it was a Liz top, certainly she/he would have observed if she was wearing leggings and Jimmy Choo & Ugg boots, or a denim mini-skirt and stilettos!
Was there only one photo published at the airport - the one showing her pushing the cart?
I would imagine that after a 20-hour flight the entire crew would have deplaned and had a layover, including the pilots, which is why they work hard to get those flights. They get to layover in different parts of the world after a long grueling flight. I am sure there must have been truckloads of luggage and equipment that was being picked up at the luggage rack by the TLC crew. What we saw in that pic was probably carry on or at least only a smidgeon of what was off loaded. In that that pic the well groomed blonde lady in the in the background looks like she could be an attendant. She may have deplaned well after as the G8 were held up to set up the supposedly "candid" shot of Khate pushing a luggage cart when she has a crew of at 20 or more from TLC to do that for her. The kids' clothes looked fresh, their hair was combed, Khate herself looked well groomed, her hair was indeed straight (and thin). Why would anyone lie about that? They didn't sit right straight up for 20 hours just so they could all look when they got there. They knew they were going to be filmed when they got off the plane and I am sure it was a topic of discussion before everyone crashed as well as after they awakened. I don't get it and would not blame them if they never speak out again which of course just plays into Khate's well greased palm. I just don't understand why anyone thinks someone would sit around and plan something out like that just because they think we are so gullible - not - people almost have to show their credentials (source?) to be believable in the blogs and that is why we don't hear from that many people who may meet her in passing. None of the blogs that I follow could ever be miscontrued as gullible or easily manipulated by anyone.
NO child should have to endure what the G8 are undergoing, in public, every day, day in and day out. There's something inherently wrong with a society that revels in the mis-treatment of kids
Amen, Readerlady. I'm afraid that it's not going to stop with just the Gosselin kids. They are the guinea pigs in this whole mess. If we don't call attention to this exploitation, who knows how many other innocent, unsuspecting children, some only in diapers right now, will have to face the same emotional abuse? This is why laws must be enacted to protect ALL kids whose parents have bred them to become little moneymakers, thinking that their kids can support them in their obsession to live a lavish lifestyle. It has to end. Here and now...with the Gosselin kids.
I hope to heaven it's not too late for them. I hope they aren't the ones who were forced to sell their souls so that others won't have to face the same exploitation at the hands of a mother who sees them only as little marketable commodities.
By the way, yet another reason we need national child labor laws. The Gosselins are not the first production to flee more restrictive jurisdictions for greener pastures. Even if they broke the law in jurisdictions (which I think they very well may have several times--in Florida no evidence of a required set tutor or posting the law, etc.), what's the worst that can happened, they get banned? Oh well not like they are doing that trip again anytime soon, no biggie.
Exploiting children should be exploiting children everywhere you go.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) wants to know what the blogs accomplish. Well, one thing the blogs have accomplished is providing information to the legislators who are attempting to revise the child labor laws in Pa. and, hopefully, throughout the US. That's no small accomplishment. If even one piece of information helps to prevent something similar from occurring to another family/other children then I think all the frustration, pain, anxiety and anger are worth it. NO child should have to endure what the G8 are undergoing, in public, every day, day in and day out. There's something inherently wrong with a society that revels in the mis-treatment of kids. If we can call attention to that and change people's attitudes and focus attention where it should be - on the safety and well-being of ALL children, then I say that's a really big accomplishment. More power to the Admins of this blog and all the other blogs, who are keeping the plight of the G8 in the forefront.
Hippie Chick: I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your last paragraph on your last post!! YOU should have been the one to write a parenting book, not that mentally-ill spawn of the Devil Khatezilla Grosselin. Zondervan publishing are you listening?? Hippie Chick, your kid(s) are truly blessed, and you know what, they don't have a McMansion or a fancy first class trip to Australia/New Zealand I would bet. But they are much richer than those Gosselin kids will ever hope to be.
Mimi to 3 said...
There is one particular Jon hater that sends him tweets and she is unbelievable in what she says to him. He has blocked her from tweeting him and she still continues to tweet about him.
If it is who I think you are talking about, I have also had to block her. When I tweeted Jon a few weeks back, he texted me back, & she tweeted me back something nasty. I had to block her. It's like, whoa, what did I do?? I'm supporting the guy, & she is deliberately trying to hurt him. I didn't even bother with a response because I read through her tweets & they were ALL nasty. I just don't get "hate" at all for other people. I don't hate anyone. I don't hate Kate, I hate her actions, I hate her mistreatment of her children. She will eventually catch on hopefully that her kids will hate her when they are older. It's sad really.
Kids don't cherish materialistic things, kids don't thrive on toys & dolls & tech & gadgets & xboxes, & trips, they thrive on love, schedules, hugs, caring, a mom & dad who is there to tuck them in, to read them a story, to ask them questions about their day, to help w/ homework, & a meal around the table. Kate just doesn't get that, I don't think. She wants to buy her kids off w/ goods, & for that, they will turn into spoiled, entitled, little divas/divos, like little Kates. I fear the worst for them, unless they break free.
Come back "anon on this"!! I like your info! :) You've been right on many things.
Such as....? Insiders have been "right" on things AFTER the fact, information that was published here and there on the internet. They pick up those things, try to add some specifics, but all it really amounts to is generalizations that anyone could conjure up.
I take it with the proverbial grain of salt, especially when they post that they will release more details after it's been made public. Well, sure, who couldn't take a published story and embellish it?
There is nothing earth-shattering in the F/A's account of the trip. NOTHING. What was written there could have been gotten from the photo of them in the airport. I'm just wondering how Kate got a "big bag of makeup" with her on the plane. On a recent trip, I had to throw away a bottle of lens solution away because it was too large and was not in a baggie. Does she get preferential treatment because of her celebrity status?
emschick1128: Thanks for posting. I am glad that you stated that the administrator can do nothing to stop the Gosselin gray train, because she nor ANY blog/administrator canNOT stop the FREAK show that is the Gosselin "family". At least we are clear on that. I agree that this blog is a great place to express our frustration with this FREAK show of a "family". I come to this blog to watch the latest happenings with the FREAK show that is the Gosselin "family". It is like me turning my head/neck on the highway when I see an accident. I am glad that it is finally being realized that this is just a place to catch up on the entertainment that is the Gosselin FREAK show and nothing more. That's fine. I have my own family to worry about, and to tell you the truth, I could give a rat's tail for the welfare of the Gosselin kids. I really don't care about them. I really don't. They mean nothing to me. They are just curiosities that you would see in a science museum or something. You know like a huge dinosaur skeleton that takes up a whole room and you gasp in awe at the freakishly huge size of the dinosaur.
How has this blog helped the Gosselin children even a little bit?
The Liz Clairborne top is a really weird, specific detail to bring up if it wasn't true. As of two years ago, I know Macy's was selling a small selection of Liz Clairborne clothes...but even more important Kate wore a top in public previously from the Macy's Liz Clairborne collection of two years ago. It was the white top in the magazine cover photo of the whole family in white (last one with Jon before they imploded). I know this because I owned the same top (which I then returned). We all know how greedy Kate is when she gets near freebies. She may have taken home clothes from prior photo shoots and saved them with the tags. She does do this with the kids clothing. Every once in a while they show up in matching gymboree clothes in their current size that were on sale two years ago. Her abuse of taking freebies there led to her being cut off by that store.
But my point is her stylist or whoever did dress her in Liz Clairborne before and they may still of had clothes from when it was being sold in the malls...
Who is watching and taking care of that poor dog Shoka and those chickens?
Kate is mentally ill, Jon is a hopeless, ineffective loser and a turd, the 8 little dysfunctional bags of money are being raised like wild animals and this or any blog is doing nothing to actually stop it. Administrator, what have you or any Gosselin blog done to actually stop any of the Gosselin dysfunction? I know you won't print this, because it hurts your feelings. You have done nothing to stop the Gosselin gravy train.
That isn't Carla.
And I wouldn't be too quick to believe the rumour from the flight attendants. The sheep like to plant stories.
She did lay most of the blame on Kate, she has been one of the few to see through this and do so.
Jon isn't completely innocent either, he himself has said he made mistakes. Kate is very much responsible but that doesn't mean Jon doesn't bear some responsibility. The difference is Jon is the only one of the two who is taking responsibility for his role right now. Not only has Kate refused to do so but is in complete denial she bears any responsibilty whatsoever.
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