Jill Zarin has been advising Jon to get a job and turn down media offers, according to a source. Who knew the Real Housewife who headed one of the most uncomfortable breakdowns of a friendship ever seen on reality T.V. (her rift with BFF Bethany) would have such good advice for him. While Kate is busy making her children climb the Rocky steps so she can get her next pedicure, Jon has secured a
real job with a real estate developer, is refusing to go on camera again, and is visiting the kids three or four days a week.
Jon has been spotted a few times in the past hanging out with Jill and her family in New York.
113 sediments (sic) from readers:
The article also says he has a new girlfriend. I'm assuming My Fox Philly is just behind in their reporting?
This is what is to come in the new year 2011:
1.) More of Kate going on the Today show with Meirdith Viera kissing her butt.
2.) More of Kate co-hosting Entertainment Tonight with Mary hart kissing her butt.
3.) More of Kate going on Regis and Kelly with Kelly Ripa kissing her butt.
4.) More of Kate taking a limo to NYC to get $2000 haircuts.
5.) More... lots MORE of Kate being on the cover of People magazine.
6.) More of Kate blaming everyone and everything (like Jon, the school, etc.)...EXCEPT herself for the 8 little bags of money's behavioral problems.
7.) More of Purseboy Stevie Neild.
8.) More of "BFF" Jaimie Ayers.
9.) More staged photo-ops tanning, getting gas, getting manis and pedis and pushing a Kart in the parking lot of Target.
8.) More hooker heels, short skirts and cleavage-baring inappropriate "HEY LOOK at MEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!" outfits.
9.) More filming of "Kate plus 8".
10.) More of the 8 kids lives swirling hopelessly down into the stinky, smelly toilet bowl.
I couldn't find a date anywhere in that article but I'm guessing it's fairly old. He's had that job for a while now. I love that photo up top! Jon has never looked happier/healthier.
Any chance you can photoshop out the face of skank on Jon's left (Kate)? I'm still of the belief that TLC set up the whole 'meeting at the fence with Star Magazine (who also own ROL) reporter, who conveniently is friends with the biggest douche out there Michael Lohan in order to make Jon look bad. It's interesting how these 2 (among other scumbags Hailey and Stephanie S.), were 'witnesses' in Jon's Breach of Contract suit. I also find it interesting that Discovery Talent Services motioned to have certain documents placed under 'seal from public inspection', and Jon lost the 'opposition to motion' (docket #50), and DTS was 'granted in part' (docket #75) the 'motion to seal'.
What exactly was Discovery Talent Services hiding?
@aka Anita, interesting list. Now can we see come up with 10 positive things blogging has done?
To tell you the truth, Watcher, I agree with you 100% that blogging has not done anything positive. The only positive thing that I see blogging doing is that it is a forum for me to vent...but that's about it. So I agree with you, blogging is pretty useless, and the example of the enduring presence of Kate Gosselin and the continued filming of "Kate Plus 8" is proof that blogs such as these are useless and hopeless. But I like to vent here.
"interesting list. Now can we see come up with 10 positive things blogging has done?"
Also interesting and predictable that you cant come up with a list of THREE positive things kHate has done, can you? Just give me THREE positives for having the kids lives documented and scripted for TV.
Thought so ...
I know this is off topic but does anyone remember the episode where she was making soup or something and Jon was helping with the kids and cleaning up after her and he picked up the kitchen rug to straighten it out and she screamed at him. She went as far as telling him to go down stairs with the kids and stay there. I felt so bad for the guy that if I were standing there I would have belted her in the kisser. No matter what, he just couldn't please the witch
I agree 100%, Anita. Your Top 10 list looks scarily accurate. I just hope we, the blog community, are not all invested in the drama, like a bunch of lap dogs waiting for the next scrap. After the stories of the kids filming again, I've lost all hope for the G8. This crap will continue as long as there is an interest, positive or negative. I quit watching the show a LONG time ago, but for what? People are still watching and keeping it alive. To each their own, everyone has a right to watch it. But my personal contribution means nothing, and posting on blogs does nothing. Admin, you run a great blog, I'm not taking anything away from that. But I'm close to being completely "done" with this drama.
I disagree that blogging has done nothing...
1.The older girls surely have more freedom at dads or friends homes and are aware of these websites which support their long-suffering dad and show compassion and empathy for them.
2. Sponsors, tlc and khates jamie read these and know someone is watching...and that the NORMAL person thinks they are guilty of child abuse on so many levels.
3. Their peers (twins) read these and know the kids arent lapping up priveledges but rather they are being horribly over-handled by Cruella. They would tend to bully less and emphasize.
4. HOPEFULLY judges, interviewers etc come here to find out why dont these people adore kate.
5. John and his family are the last hope for these children and they come here to see they are on the right track.
6 We are creating a record of specific episodes and lies told and what happened that a savvy lawyer could latch onto and use...how many times have we said "GET THOSE KIDS A GUARDIAN AD LITEM" so they are personally represented.
7. this is a brain trust of ideas and thoughts that perhaps John has used. It imforms other "newbies" that he CANNOT say anything or else he is in breach ofcontract and they will cut his whatevers off if he makes a move. Fifty big mean CEOs and lawyers vs. one simple guy....
8 We can write sponsors, a BIG thing to do, and complain, write DWTS and ask he be put on after his contract runs out (in 2012?).
8. We give each other help an support...someday the babies will read this and know someone cared...someone tried to help...they werent alone.
9. We can spread the word about this site and GWOPs site.
10 And most important if we all put positive energy to envelope John and his children and prayer for this to come to an end and justice be served; if we PRAY for them to be freed and her to go to thereapy, we would be doing alot.Remember Jesus said "if you hurt children a millstone will be hung around your neck and youll be drowned.
Im a 70yr old Native american who grew up in a family of nine, 13 in my husbands, most of our friends have large families as do we. We lived for real like Sarah P does at camp sites...but about half the kids and grandkids have masters and phD's, most have some college and we never had moms who felt overwhelmed. If you dont micro manage, the kids play with each other and are good and can really help. We went to Catholic schools because mom worked there as a cleaning woman.
Sorry to be anon, but at my aage you"re lucky I can turn this thing on.I read this alot and love all of you good people.
Now that Oprah has taken over the Discovery Channel with her own network, do you think TLC will be affected in any way?
Anonymous... (Dec. 23 9:49 a.m.) I love your post!! :)
I find it interesting that TLC doesn't know WHAT to do with KrazyKate's livein boytoy Steve. One episode he is on camera throughout the show, the latest with Palin, he is no where to be seen.
What is the deal with Purseboy? I've read that he now lives at the house, is this true? Maybe the kids are having emotional problems because of her live in boyfriend. BTW, love anon's post, very wise woman.=) My parents had 10 kids and never, never did my mother act like a Kate Gosselin. My mother was a classy lady who raised us kids but not her voice or hand. Thanks Mom!!!
@aka Anita, I've liked coming here to vent too, but I realized reading about her was what was upsetting me, causing the need to vent. LOL, so no more reading. It is too frustrating.
@Sport, why would I want to come up with three positive things about Kate? Leave that to the sheeple. Because I believe the blogging is keeping Kate relevant does not mean I like her!
Anonymous at 9:49 a.m., I love your post, too! Well said. Thanks.
My impression is that Admin's reason for doing this is to document the abuse and prove the many lies spewing from TLC and Kate. Which she has done. Werny Gal performs a similar and, in my opinion, equally valuable function.
How soon we forget that one year ago Kate could do no wrong. But the blogs have exposed her many times, both through blog posts and comments. Who's to say that the blogs weren't part of the tide turning? The blogs have aptly pointed out lies and discrepancies. I agree that this all should have ended years ago, but at least the media doesn't seem to believe Kate is "Super Mom" any more, a moniker that literally turns my stomach.
Yes, I do believe that TLC is banking that Kate is no longer marketable as Super Mom, so now she's the Witch-You-Love-to-Hate. I see this failing as more REFUSE to watch her. Which I do believe more and more are. People are getting it.
And MANY of us here have sworn off TLC and Kate and DO NOT contribute to ratings. I've been "clean" since March. I pretty much boycott TLC completely.
I am amazed that a lawyer has not offered to represent or even help Jon get those dear souls off of TV and away from that abusive mother. I would think with all of the negative publicity regarding Katie Irene that now is the best time a good attorney comes forward to help Jon.
Susan, I was thinking the same thing! Where are Gloria Allred, her daughter Lisa (forgot her last name) or some other loud-mouthed "activist." Fighting the travesty and injustice suffered by these poor children seems to be right up their alley. Gloria assailed Michael Jackson in the media with a lot less evidence...why is Kate the child abuser getting a free pass? The ongoing suffering of these children is well-documented, and I can't comprehend why has Jon not enlisted the services and support of someone like Gloria. Jon doesn't have to speak out (thus remaining in compliance with his TLC contract)...Gloria can do it for him. The only way he'll end Kate's tyranny is by turning the casual viewing public (and advertisers) completely against her...he needs to enlist the assistance of someone like Gloria to wage an all-out media/tabloid/Facebook attack. What a sad commentary on what "entertainment" has disintegrated into.
I'm not so sure that Jon isn't still being paid for the use of his kids by TLC. He may not see the money (probably kept in trust for child support), but we really don't know. I just wish he would have fought harder in the beginning because it was obvious that he was over filming before they separated. Kate is the one who is in love with the limelight. And, yes, good or bad the controversy might keep her on TLC.
The children deserve to have a GAL and it's interesting that none has been appointed. Doesn't the court get that those are 8 little money-makers who need protection? The Gosselins would have remained complete unknowns were it not for the children.
If something more positive doesn't happen soon for those kids, I'm done reading about it. Those trips, her hairdo's, kids expelled from school, etc. are just sickening and maddening at the same time.
Thanks, Admin for allowing us to vent. You do a great job!
Fair enough, Watcher.
I misread your tone and post, apologies.
I disagree that blogging doesn't help. Done correctly it can be the online version of staging a protest, soliciting support and directing efforts to make a true change to child labor laws. It can be used to spread information and spark discussion. And most of all it isn't constricted by TLC's hyberbole.
Over the past two years blogging has been instrumental in getting both Rep. Murt and Paul Peterson involved in changing child labor laws in Pennsylvania. It was the bloggers who came together that helped get the ball rolling.
Keep in mind that while it may seem more time is spent gossiping and commenting on Kate's attire there is true change occurring in the background. The 'wheels of law' turn slowly but blogging helps keep heat on the issues at hand.
And so as not to be off-topic, if Jill Zarin was the one to advise Jon to get a job and lay low it was great advice.
One of my favorite gospel songs is "His eye is on the sparrow." Even if it's from a Christian song, I think it applies to my philosophy in general, religious or not. And the shared philosophy of many people religious or not. It's trying to say that no one's problems are too small to be cared about, even something as insignificant as a sparrow.
Reality tv kids might be "sparrows" in the grand scheme of child abuse, but there are a lot of eyes on them anyway.
"And I know that he watches me" Love it, Admin!
Merry Christmas!
Administrator said...
One of my favorite gospel songs is "His eye is on the sparrow." Even if it's from a Christian song,
..and that's why I watch Sister Act 2, just to hear Lauryn Hill sing that song.
Over the past two years blogging has been instrumental in getting both Rep. Murt and Paul Peterson involved in changing child labor laws in Pennsylvania.
Absolutely. Paul, in an interview video, explained that he was really out of the loop when it came to what was happening with the Gosselin kids until he was contacted by those who had seen and read about the travesty going on, and they convinced him to watch an episode. It all took off from there...
The same with Tom Murt. He was inundated with e-mails and phone calls, and because of people who were concerned, he drafted legislation to protect all kids on reality television, and re-write the antiquated child labor laws. He was so passionate about doing this because he is a family man who was appalled at what was happening in the entertainment industry in regards to the privacy rights of the Gosselins being violated. His feeling is that when a parent won't protect them, then the state must step in and be responsible.
I will be interested to see if/when Kate goes on another show such as GMA or Regis and Kelly, because the show with Sarah Palin has been such big news that I believe everyone is waiting to hear KATE'S reaction or side of the story regarding it. I will be very interested, for instance, to see if they ask her any questions about it, because it would obviously be the first question that any good journalist would ask, unless they are told up front that she will not speak about it.
If I were her, I would be mortified, and would not want to be questioned about it.
I look forward to the SPA but the last one with khate felt like the khate show. BORING. At least she and the kids didn't scream and screetch during SPA. At least on SPA it's educational and great scenery!! khate doesn't know anything about anywhere she goes.
In cleaning up the blog I came across this old article I posted last March:
I forgot this, US Weekly was reporting six months before two of the kids finally left school that the kids were depressed AND acting up in school. The rag mags strike again. Sounds like these school problems were going on months before the school finally resorted to having them leave.
The best evidence that blogging is doing some good as far as exposing the 8's exploitation is that TLC sent a cease and desist letter to this blog (am I correct, Admin) Why would TLC try to shut this blog down if it wasn't hurting their cause which of course, is filming these children?
Anonymous said...
Anonymous, I love your post too! Thanks for reminding us that perhaps we're not just beating our collective heads against the wall, even though it feels like it most of the time.
Also, thanks to the Administrator of this blog who keeps the ugly truth about Kate current and available for all to see.
Preesi has posted photos from Kate's BFF Jamie's wedding a couple of months ago. Apparently not a lesbian - just a famewhore.
OK, totally OFF TOPIC -
Make sure you see Bravo's "Shep and Tiffany Watch TV: Best of 2010" - it's on again in an hour (and I'm sure many times over the weekend).
GREAT piece on Kate on DWTS! ROFLMAO!
And good other stuff on other reality shows (especially if you watch Real Housewives and other Bravo shows).
cathy518 said...
The best evidence that blogging is doing some good as far as exposing the 8's exploitation is that TLC sent a cease and desist letter to this blog (am I correct, Admin) Why would TLC try to shut this blog down if it wasn't hurting their cause which of course, is filming these children?
December 23, 2010 7:30 PM
to keep this blog going for the publicity?
konspiracytheory said... Preesi has posted photos from Kate's BFF Jamie's wedding a couple of months ago. Apparently not a lesbian - just a famewhore.
That's got to get under Kate's skin a little. The cheese stands alone, Kate! You are the cheese!
konspiracytheory said...
Preesi has posted photos from Kate's BFF Jamie's wedding a couple of months ago
Jamie got married a couple of month ago? Who did she marry? Was Kate an attendant?
Teehee, Michelle - very true! Apparently Jamie married a doctor. Sorry, should have posted the link before:
Yes, Jamie married a doctor. Kate isn't in any of the pictures.
I read the post you did in December '09 about the differences between Legal, Physical, and Primary custody, but the term 'Full Custody' has been used recently (particularly with regard to Kate traveling with the kids) and I'm wondering if you could clarify what you know about the custody agreement for the Gosselin kids, etc. Thanks!
Jamie Cole Stubbs? How unfortunate. I was listening to some movie reviews the other morning and the critic said something that made me think of Kate + 8. He was talking about the "Meet the Parents" franchise and how bad it's become, in light of the latest installment "Little Fokkers." He said it's now just a paycheck for the actors involved. This is exactly what happened to the G's. Their show might have been relevant and entertaining at first but now it's nothing but a painful, contrived means to a paycheck for a vile greedy woman. Lots to do, bye everyone. Have a wonderful Christmas to those who celebrate!
This is OT but I just wanted to wish everyone here a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! Thank you for all of your great posts throughout this past year. You are all a great group of people! I have really enjoyed reading and participating in this blog thanks to all of you.
As a favor to me, could we all take a moment, at some point today or tomorrow and say a prayer or keep in our thoughts our brave troops serving overseas. This is a hard time for them being away from their families and friends.
(Okay enough of the mush, lets get back to the snark LOL-just kidding wink,wink).
The children are still being filmed, still not allowed to enjoy their vacations or live their lives like other kids do, like they deserve. As Kate once bellowed, “I’m in control and that’s never going to change.”
Hopefully Representative Murt’s legislation will pass and for those who were instrumental in bringing the Gosselin nightmare to his and Paul Peterson’s attention, they deserve a lot of credit. Improved laws will be a protection for children in the future. Sadly, the 8 have tremendous odds to overcome.
The demise of Kate+8 will be because of Kate’s own undoing, and she’s doing a good job of showing the public what a horrible person she is, or it will be the decision of TLC when she is no longer useful to them.
Blogging is entertainment now and is prolonging the inevitable, not providing a means to an end.
Has anyone else noticed that there is no more 'post a comment' box on Kate's Fake Blog at TLC.? ? ?
I'm going through some clips for the next exploitation "flashback" clip I'm doing, and I came across this real GEM.
Gosselins Go West episode, one of the first episodes, where Jon and Kate take the twins to Sequoia National Park. It's rainy and cold. Mady is shivering and has her hands in her sleeves. I'm cold! she tells Kate. I wanna go home! Of course the show goes on and Kate tells the camera saucily, "I love Mady but she's darn dramatic!"
Oh how I wish Mady could have thrown that back in her face in Alaska: I love you Mom but you're darn dramatic!
Anonymous, still TROLLING on Christmas Eve? Ha.
h8k8 said...
Yes, Jamie married a doctor. Kate isn't in any of the pictures.
Wasn't at Jamie's wedding, huh? Sounds like kHate doesn't have this friendship thing down quite yet.
Admin wrote:I forgot this, US Weekly was reporting six months before two of the kids finally left school that the kids were depressed AND acting up in school. The rag mags strike again. Sounds like these school problems were going on months before the school finally resorted to having them leave.
Well, Kate Gosselin said in her People magazine article - January 18, 2010 edition about her 8 children under 10. "They start counseling in the next 2 weeks. I found an awesome counselor who will come to us and she will be working with them. I am DEFINITELY SEEING SIGNS that it's a MAJOR NEED at this point. For some more than others, but they ALL REALLY STRUGGLING with the absence of a parent."
Of course Kate is strictly implying that it is Jon's fault that her kids are struggling. It has nothing to do with herand her absences and focus on her fame and fortune. But what does Kate do at this point in time in her life where SHE ADMITS that her kids have a MAJOR need for counseling and her kids are REALLY struggling? Again, what does she do?
Well, Kate signs up for DWTS. Admin. posted her whereabouts during this time with a calendar marking when Kate was gone from her kids in February, March and April. And Kate was gone a whole, whole lot. Not only was she doing DWTS, she was writing and promoting her book on every TV show, flying back and forth to NY, PA, LA many times. Heck, we know she flew out twice to New York to just have her hair done and again to go to the Discovery TV event promotion with Tony. Also during time, she also appeared twice on People's cover in January and March 2010. And let's not forgot she was planning her new tv show "Twist of Kate" and planing her new show "Kate Plus 8". Kate is a horrible mother. It is documented with proof (which the public has through photos, tv shows, magazine articles, etc.) that Kate was NOT there for her kids when they NEEDED her. No wonder 2 of them got expelled. And I believe that more than 2 have major issues.
Why didn't the public once bring up Kate's own words in her People magazine during this time. I am pissed. Sorry for the rant.
Are you actually trying to say the kids haven't filmed that much?
Maybe I should say no reality child has been filmed this INTRUSIVELY for this long. And yes I do count the first "special" that aired in March 2006, as the series and the fame continued in full force shortly after. If you think I am lying, do you think IMDB is lying?
IMDB shows Michelle Duggar in about 93 episodes, most of them half hour.
Kate Gosselin is in 112 episodes WITH THE KIDS, plus several episodes labeled as "specials" that aren't counted in that 112. And yes, the kids have been filming since they were a year and a half old.
The Gosselins beat the Duggars by a long shot. For the record though the Duggars filming is concerning as well, though thankfully the same kind of invasive paparazzi hasn't gone after them. I have a huge problem with filming a premature child in a hospital. There are Duggar blogs to discuss these issues, this blog is about one issue--it's not about world peace or child abuse in general or saving animals. It's called a niche, which is what most blogs are. I'm tired of the argument we don't care about other issues, because we do.
Why didn't the public once bring up Kate's own words in her People magazine during this time. I am pissed.
Who do you mean by "the public"? Most people don't watch Kate or even think about her. I don't have one family member, friend or coworker who ever even mentions her name. The only time I talk about her or think about her, for that matter, is when I'm reading the blogs. The general public certainly doesn't care enough to invest any time in her.
She's a big stinking fish in a little pond, and doesn't deserve the time we waste on her.
kimmie said...
cathy518 said...
The best evidence that blogging is doing some good as far as exposing the 8's exploitation is that TLC sent a cease and desist letter to this blog (am I correct, Admin) Why would TLC try to shut this blog down if it wasn't hurting their cause which of course, is filming these children?
December 23, 2010 7:30 PM
to keep this blog going for the publicity?
Kimmie, are you saying that TLC would try to shut the blog down to keep the blog going for the publicity? I'm confused.
Kimmie, you always seem to have an answer for everything, yet, your answers have evidence against your claim. When will you take your rose colored glasses off & see the truth? There really are not many people rallying in your corner anymore. Most have seen Kate for who she really is. If you want to keep defending a so-called mother who insists on filming children on their holiday break, when the rest of the countries children are home celebrating &/or relaxing, or filming them even though they have serious issues including getting expelled from school, or defending a woman who is never there for her kids, or defending a woman who is only doing this for her own personal gain, or defending a MOTHER who continued filming when her children were sick, vomiting, cold, thirsty, & yet, ceased filming when she was cold herself, then I think that speaks volumes about the kind of people her "followers" really are.
Maggie good comment. Jon's former lawyer who appeared on the Nancy Grace show last April, stated that NONE of the kids had ever had any therapy, despite Kate's statements that they would.
I first found this blog, on the night that Administrator was standing in line at kate's miniture book signing. I had posted just a few sentences, but that was all it took for so many of you to make me feel so welcome. Someone even figured out the rare illness that had struck me down, and taken away my health. I was used to posting on the wrong blogs, and getting into big trouble for not liking kate, then I found all of the same-minded people at this place.It was so nice to be able to speak my mind, and not get into trouble over it.I can see why Admin. may be tried of running this blog, as she does it 110%, she does it honestly and truthfully, which does take quite a big bite out of an already busy life.I am very upset the way kate mis-treats her own flesh and blood, she should be kissing someone's feet for giving her 8 healthy children, she should be thankful and loving every minute she gets to spend with them.But no, it always has to be taken forgranted, that these 8 will always be with her, so she can treat them the way she wants to. She is very lucky to not have lost a child, like I have lost a child. Christmas sucks for me, because she is not here, but I have to suck it up, for my other kids.Kate just has life way too easy. She needs to trip up just a little bit, and get back to the way her life was before her children made millions for her.She takes everyhting for-granted, every day, every minute. I hope this blog is able to keep going. I love everyone here, you all have so much good in your hearts for these precious children.All good things must come to an end-and that means even kate.I hurt for those poor kids, they do not have the same kind of normal life that their peers live, and they are old enough to know the difference. I hope and pray things change very soon, before their childhoods are gone forever.Everyone here-please have a very merry, healthy, and happy Christmas!!
Bubbles said...
kimmie said...
cathy518 said...
The best evidence that blogging is doing some good as far as exposing the 8's exploitation is that TLC sent a cease and desist letter to this blog (am I correct, Admin) Why would TLC try to shut this blog down if it wasn't hurting their cause which of course, is filming these children?
December 23, 2010 7:30 PM
to keep this blog going for the publicity?
Kimmie, are you saying that TLC would try to shut the blog down to keep the blog going for the publicity? I'm confused.
December 24, 2010 10:49 AM
i'm saying they could be using reverse psychology, knowing whatever they as/say to do will only encourage the opposite reaction.
Best Friend My Azz said...
h8k8 said...
Yes, Jamie married a doctor. Kate isn't in any of the pictures.
Wasn't at Jamie's wedding, huh? Sounds like kHate doesn't have this friendship thing down quite yet.
Don't know if she was at the wedding - just saying she's not in the pictures. VBG
PrairieMary said... I first found this blog, on the night that Administrator was standing in line at kate's miniture book signing. I had posted just a few sentences, but that was all it took for so many of you to make me feel so welcome. Someone even figured out the rare illness that had struck me down, and taken away my health. I was used to posting on the wrong blogs, and getting into big trouble for not liking kate, then I found all of the same-minded people at this place.It was so nice to be able to speak my mind, and not get into trouble over it.I can see why Admin. may be tried of running this blog, as she does it 110%, she does it honestly and truthfully, which does take quite a big bite out of an already busy life.I am very upset the way kate mis-treats her own flesh and blood, she should be kissing someone's feet for giving her 8 healthy children, she should be thankful and loving every minute she gets to spend with them.But no, it always has to be taken forgranted, that these 8 will always be with her, so she can treat them the way she wants to. She is very lucky to not have lost a child, like I have lost a child. Christmas sucks for me, because she is not here, but I have to suck it up, for my other kids.Kate just has life way too easy. She needs to trip up just a little bit, and get back to the way her life was before her children made millions for her.She takes everyhting for-granted, every day, every minute. I hope this blog is able to keep going. I love everyone here, you all have so much good in your hearts for these precious children.All good things must come to an end-and that means even kate.I hurt for those poor kids, they do not have the same kind of normal life that their peers live, and they are old enough to know the difference. I hope and pray things change very soon, before their childhoods are gone forever.Everyone here-please have a very merry, healthy, and happy Christmas!!
And the same to you PrairieMary, I hope that your Christmas and New Year are very happy, merry and bright. You deserve it!
I agree with so much of what you said. You are so right about Kate taking everything for granted. She is very fortunate to have 8 healthy children and yet she has no gratitude. She has had so many great things in her life and does she appreciate any of it? No, because she feels it was owed to her.
I also agree that she needs to be taken down a few notches. If she lost what she has like the house, the cars the $2,000 haircuts, she would be a mess, but she would also blame everyone around her (which wouldn't be too many people at this point because she has pushed everyone away). Sadly, she would not learn anything if she lost it all. She's not capable of comprehending the mistakes she has made. They are not her mistakes, they're everyone elses.
To Kimmie,
This is my first time posting. I care deeply about the kids' welfare, and that's why I visit this blog. Although we don't often agree, I think you always raise interesting questions and I am very curious about your opinions. You are articulate and I am hoping you will answer the following questions. Would you be willing? I am not trying to bait you in any way...I am simply wondering:
1. What is/are the primary reason(s) why filming the children should continue?
2. What is/are the drawback(s) to filming?
3. **Obviously, answer this only if you listed anything for #2: How do the benefits of filming outweigh the drawbacks?
Thank you and happy holidays. If you choose not to answer, I will understand. You take a lot of flack here, but I am reasonable and willing to listen to your opinions.
Merry Christmas Administrator and thanks so much for the awesome job that you do with this blog. I think I can speak for everyone when I say your efforts are much appreciated!!
1. What is/are the primary reason(s) why filming the children should continue?
Its what the family does together, why should they stop ?
2. What is/are the drawback(s) to filming?
IMO the only drawbacks are that people feel they have the right to interfere with them as if they have a say as to what this family can and cannot do.
3. **Obviously, answer this only if you listed anything for #2: How do the benefits of filming outweigh the drawbacks?
The benefits are that the family is doing what they choose to do rather then what someone outside their family says they should do.
Its what the family does together, why should they stop ?
2 of the kids were expelled from kindergarten and are being violent with adults.
Some families think having sex with children is a good thing and they do it as a family. Since they think it's good, I guess they should also continue.
Some families are cults and sacrifice animals for ritual. Hey, it's what they do so they should continue it.
You are freaking amazing. How will you feel when one of the kids kills themselves or ends up in jail? "Its what the family does together, why should they stop ?"
CPS was formed because all parents don't do what is best for their kids. CPS is people "outside the family" so I guess they really should just Mind their own business, right?
The benefits are that the family is doing what they choose to do rather then what someone outside their family says they should do.
Not all the family is "choosing" this. What is Jon, chopped liver? Last time I checked he is part of the FAMILY, 50% of the parents of this family, and Jon has been crystal clear he does NOT want the children to be filmed anymore. He is the family too and he wants to make it stop, he got a real job, turned down media offers, and is trying to go back to normal. Why does what Kate wants trump what he wants?
Unless you personally know the children I don't know how you can possibly know whether they are choosing this. Why would a child who covers his face in public choose to continue to expose himself publically? And Jon said they are "unanimous" they don't want to film anymore. That said, since when are 6 year olds old enough to make such important decisions as to whether they want their privacy violated? Do you think a 6 year old can even define what privacy is?? Do you think a 6 year old is capable of thinking about the future consequences? Last I checked 6 year olds barely know what day it is and are more concerned about what time Spongebob comes on rather than the long term implications of having their privacy violated.
Cops should mind their own business to. They have no right to interfere in a family. Also Uncle Sam should mind his own business my money is my family's money and he has no right to tell me what to do with it. Also child labor laws should butt the heck out because it's my kids and I can do what I want.
Of course that's ridiculous and frankly I think that poster sounds like a troll/shit-stirrer. Still nice to outline all the arguments against this crap now and again.
Admin, those 'fans' want to watch those kids until they are 18. They have no qualms about their mental health, physical danger or emotional issues.
It's THEIR entertainment and ONLY their entertainment that they care about. Sad, really.
Nah they'll drop these kids just like that as soon as they grow up and get squeaky voices and bad skin. It's the cute factor, like those bubbly ladies who oogle and oggly over precious moments dolls.
Meanwhile when the kids are that age they'll be the ones who have to deal with their foundation of a farce of a childhood, the resulting incredible dysfunction (expelled in kidnergarten? Who knows what is to come after that), and their narcissistic mother, while TLC and the rest of the public disappears.
All we'll be able to say then is we tried.
It's a Diverse World? An anonymous made a snarky comment this morning that we are all hating on Kate on Christmas Eve. Apparently they are the one assuming everyone celebrates Christmas. They brought up Christmas not me. I felt compelled to respond with my own snark, still trolling on xmas? It shut them right up apparently as I haven't had much problem all day.
You honestly think that I think everyone celebrates Christmas? Give me a break.
How can you possibly know what I spent my holiday doing? Are you stalking me?
The sheeple are so scary I don't understand it. We don't go over to their blogs and stalk them.
Yes, they are stalking you because you speak the truth. I loved what you said the other day about why some of us CAN'T publicize our private work because of the 'fans' would would call organizations and say, "she's a hater!"
Basically, since we 'dislike' Kate, we are unable to publicly do anything because they DO stalk us and they DO call places. But then again, we are the haters.
2 WORDS. dionne quintuplets
If the children don't want to film anymore they wouldn't. You can't make six or ten year old's look happy on film if they're not happy. I know this first hand.
A family court judge heard the case and did not rule in Jon's favor.
If even one child chooses not to film I do not believe a judge or a parent could/would make him/her do so.
From what I've seen Jon changes his mind about filming only when it has something to do with him and his agenda.
Collin was hiding his face from the paps, not the filming crew.
The family court judge ruled in Kate's favor for a reason. It really doesn't matter what you or I believe is right for this family, the judge ruled and gave Kate the right to make the choice's for her family.
If I see that a child is not happy filming and Kate continues to do it anyway I would change my mind about Kate. Until then I will continue to support Kate's right to live her live as she sees fit.
Not all mother's know best. I know this from personal experience. I know a boy who's mother felt it was "best" to give him up to the state. She signed away her rights as a parent to him and his brother. Why? Because the boys were sick of their father beating them and their mother, the one who signed them away. SHE felt it was best that they no longer lived there. She kept their youngest brother though. He got to endure more years of abuse and neglect.
Yeah, mother's know how to best raise their children.
Merry Christmas!
Open Minded said...
To Kimmie,
This is my first time posting. I care deeply about the kids' welfare, and that's why I visit this blog. Although we don't often agree, I think you always raise interesting questions and I am very curious about your opinions. You are articulate and I am hoping you will answer the following questions. Would you be willing? I am not trying to bait you in any way...I am simply wondering:
1. What is/are the primary reason(s) why filming the children should continue?
hi open-minded...i'll answer your questions, i hope they go through.
actually i don't necessarily want them to continue filming so much as i don't think filming them is bad for them. when you all saw jon pulling feces from collin's hiney on tv i saw jon's back and a white plastic bag...and i heard jon say he had assisted his son with his problem. yes i knew exactly what he was doing but i didn't see it and the act wasn't on tv. and i think it would have been forgotten a long time ago had people let it go.
you all saw joel on a hard dark laundry room floor all alone, i saw joel on a comforter on the floor of a laundry room lit and next to the dining room where all the other family (excpet jon) was and a couple of the kids going to the door of the room occasionally .
you all saw kate hating the boys, not touching them etc i saw kate many times hugging them, playing with them, and kissing them.
there are so many more instances...but i guess my opinion in a nutshell is that i think kate should have the right to film or not film as she sees fit. and i don't see her as evil and a horrible mom and a mom who hates her kids.
2. What is/are the drawback(s) to filming?
i'm sure there are drawbacks to filming. i think it's like anything else in life there are pros and cons. it all has to be weighed and decided by those who are the parents.
but mostly i see that if the kids don't want to be interviewed they don't talk or aren't on the chair. if they don't want to be filmed we don't see them. and i really think that the cameras are less intrusive as the kids have gotten older and i think that's a good thing.
3. **Obviously, answer this only if you listed anything for #2: How do the benefits of filming outweigh the drawbacks?
again, i don't think this is my decision...or yours. as to jon's right to decide about filming, i do think he has that right but i firmly believe he is only using this stance (and consequently the kate opposers) to furhter his own agenda. if i thought jon truly felt filming the kids was wrong and bad for them i would say his opinion should be given as much as kate's in the decision. but i don't. i think his belief in this is only to 1) get out of his contract with tlc 2) to destroy kate's career since she is not at outs with tlc and 3) i think he would film the kids in a second if he were getting the kind of money kate is.
Thank you and happy holidays. If you choose not to answer, I will understand. You take a lot of flack here, but I am reasonable and willing to listen to your opinions.
i do understand that many people who post are worried about the kids. i think though that too much has been said/believed that is not truth and we do not and cannot know all the things we'd need to to determine if we had the right. i wish you a very merry christmas!
December 24, 2010 2:45 PM
Administrator said...
Not all the family is "choosing" this. What is Jon, chopped liver? Last time I checked he is part of the FAMILY, 50% of the parents of this family, and Jon has been crystal clear he does NOT want the children to be filmed anymore. He is the family too and he wants to make it stop, he got a real job, turned down media offers, and is trying to go back to normal. Why does what Kate wants trump what he wants?
December 24, 2010 3:48 PM
for me, jon's motives are suspect. i truly believe jon is using the filming of the kids to further his agenda against kate and tlc. i don't believe he has changed his lifestyle willingly but from necessity.
if he could make the $$ kate does by doing what she does (filming with the kids) i think he'd be doing it. i think the only reason he isn't is b/c he burned those bridges.
i really think jon thought he could do what he wanted and still make the $$ tlc was giving him. he found out he couldn't. he tried to use the kids as a leverage tactic and he lost.
and i think the reason he is where he is now is because he cannot work in any kind of tv venue and make the kind of $$ he wants to.
in other words i do not think jon is sincere in his statements about filming the kids.
What if Kate wanted to sell her kids into prostitution? It's her choice, right?
What if she beat them DAILY, locked them in their rooms and never kissed them. IT's her choice to raise them as SHE SEES FIT, right?
What if she feels telling her daughter that they are ugly is a good thing. It's her kids, right?
Kimmie, I hope you don't have kids.
And again, Jon has no rights to raise HIS kids how HE sees fit. But that's okay because you all hate Jon so he shouldn't have ANY rights, just like the kids don't have any rights.
Jon described Collin's BM coming out. No there was no anus cam showing us. But why is okay to even talk about your children's bowel habits. Collin was also filmed when he was uncomfortable and crying and should have been at home in bed and fed a little fiber to help him.
Kimmie, what about all the footage of the children vomiting on the North Carolina trip this year. Is that ok? If so, next time your tummy hurts could you please film yourself vomting and upload it to youtube? If you wouldn't do that, there's our answer. Also, do you work? Have you ever called in sick because you were vomiting? The kids can't call in sick--only Kate gets to when Kate doesn't want to work.
"actually i don't necessarily want them to continue filming so much as i don't think filming them is bad for them. when you all saw jon pulling feces from collin's hiney on tv i saw jon's back and a white plastic bag...and i heard jon say he had assisted his son with his problem. yes i knew exactly what he was doing "but i didn't see it and the act wasn't on tv. and i think it would have been forgotten a long time ago had people let it go."
Kimmie -- you're not seeing the big picture because of those dang rose-colored glasses. It wasn't that the actual "act" wasn't shown on television. It was the fact that although her son was sick and needed his mother, Kate insisted that the filming continue. Her priorities were not with her son -- it was materialism that was more important. She was hell-bent on picking out those beds. You can't just let it go, pretending it didn't happen. It DID happen.
Joel on the floor. Would you, as a mother, put your son on a hard laundry floor because you didn't want your quilt vomited on...or would you put him in a nice, soft bed where he could rest comfortably, knowing that you probably would have an additional piece of laundry, but that's what mothers do -- they care for their sick children. Again, you are missing the point of our objections. It was all about Kate -- she didn't want additional laundry. Everything is about Kate, not the kids. The kids were seasick on the fishing trip -- they didn't turn back. The kids hated being in NYC in the heat. She forced them to film. Kate hated camping in Alaska when the kids had fun. They left. The world centers around her. You're not seeing outside the box -- only picking apart certain episodes that you think "aren't bad." You see what you want to see, closing your eyes to the reality of the situation. It's the old stick-your-head-in-the-sand syndrome. Pretend it doesn't exist and it doesn't. Naivety comes in all shapes and sizes. In this case, it's denial.
" i think though that too much has been said/believed that is not truth and we do not and cannot know all the things we'd need to to determine if we had the right."
How can you say this when it's right there on film? Don't you trust your own eyes?
" i do think he has that right but i firmly believe he is only using this stance (and consequently the kate opposers) to furhter his own agenda."
What is his agenda, and why he is not furthering it now? He has a job in real estate and he is staying away from media attention. What are the plans he is now secretly formulating?
"if they don't want to be filmed we don't see them. and i really think that the cameras are less intrusive as the kids have gotten older and i think that's a good thing."
You're not there! You don't know how intrusive the cameras are. You don't know how much filming they do just to get a half hour of footage. They were intrusive enough at the corn maize that those kids were told what to do, how to do and when to do it. They couldn't relax and have fun. They were directed what to do and then they were out of there. They are intrusive enough that these kids are sick of the cameras in their faces to the point that some of them cover their heads and hide their faces when they are outside, and that one of the boys didn't even want his school photo taken because he was so tired of being filmed. So how can you say that the cameras aren't intrusive? The cameras have disrupted their lives!
Admin said...If so, next time your tummy hurts could you please film yourself vomting and upload it to youtube?
And don't forget to include yourself lying in your own vomit, and we want to see the plastic bag holding the pink vomit. That would really be important in establishing the reality of the siutation.
A lot of what has been shown on this show is so way inappropriate. I was shocked with the potty training and the flu episode (where the one child was left on the floor).
In my family, potty training was not a public event. It was discussed very subtley like "Oh yes, Jane has started potty training." Period, end of story. No gory details. When the Gosselins' potty training was shown on tv, I was taken aback.
When the little boy was placed on the laundry room floor, that shocked me as well. I have a friend right now who has 4 children who are currently dealing with the flu. It has gone from one to the other, to another, to another. She and her husband have changed more sheets in the last week than Kate has ever changed in her lifetime. Does she complain (maybe a little because she's tired) but her first priority is the comfort and wellbeing of her children. Kate has never shown the love and devotion to her kids that my friend does.
I honestly believe that Kate won't go away until TLC walks away from her. Kate is all about Kate, not her 8.
How does a two-year-old "choose" to have his bowel habits discussed? That's what we're being told, the children are choosing to do this.
Collin could barely say Mommy and Daddy let alone say, Yes my parents I would love to film my bowel habits.
I had to laugh at the notion that Jon has some evil motive to get them off TV. Sure seems like to the contrary Kate is the one with the motive to keep them on TV. Yeah that's right, thy motive would be MONEY. Cash only, under the table, if possible please. It's much more obvious what Kate's motive is than some bizarre obscure motive Jon may have. Kate talks about money all the time she is clearly obsessed with having it and making it and throws in the trash anyone who tries to stop the gravy train.
Merry Christmas, Admin!
Thank you for all the hard work you do to make this the number one Gosselin blog.
Admin, your work here does not go unappreciated. This blog rocks... Keep it up!
Merry Christmas to everyone here on "15 Minutes Gosselin Style".
And dear Santa, if you bring Kate Gosselin a conscience I'll never ask for another thing. (yeah, right)
i think it would have been forgotten a long time ago had people let it go.
This is exactly what the sheeple want. They want all of Kate's bad behavior to be forgotten. They blame us for not letting things go instead of Kate for the bad behavior in the first place. Not only are they Kate apologists, but they are Kate deniers.
exactly said... i think it would have been forgotten a long time ago had people let it go.
This is exactly what the sheeple want. They want all of Kate's bad behavior to be forgotten. They blame us for not letting things go instead of Kate for the bad behavior in the first place. Not only are they Kate apologists, but they are Kate deniers.
And yet, in the same breath, the sheeple won't let Jon's indiscretions go from 2 years ago. He's made better choices in the last few months (has a regular job and steady girl) and they won't let him live down his previous behavior and so called "cheating" despite the fact that he's made improvements in his life.
Thank you for sharing your opinion. It did seem to open up a lot of discussion. I still mostly disagree with you, but I agree that Jon's motives and behavior have been a bit shady in the past; however, I do believe in the best in people, and my gut is telling me that he is trying to do what's right for the kids now.
What bothers me greatly are the things Kate says to her children. Recently in an episode she said to Cara that she would "leave you with people you don't know" if Cara didn't agree to a photo. Why would she say such a thing? It took my breath away! This is a child's greatest fear, and that type of threat is emotionally damaging, I believe.
No matter how we feel about Kate, she is those kids' mom. They love her and are confused and hurt by her words. Her behavior has been very erratic in recent episodes, and this behavior is different from what I observed in the early episodes. I believe very strongly that Kate needs to get some help for her sake and for her children's sake. This is what I am hoping. All children need stable parents who model the behavior they want in their children.
Merry Christmas to all fellow bloggers!
" i do think he has that right but i firmly believe he is only using this stance (and consequently the kate opposers) to furhter his own agenda."
Right after Jon said he wanted the children to stop filming because they were having behavioral problems, two of the kids got suspended....expelled, asked to leave because the school couldn't help them anymore,
whatever you call it, because of BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS, THAT vindicated Jon against ALL these accusations of "his agenda". I am really shocked that people are STILL accusing him of him of having an agenda after this happened.
Right after Jon said he wanted the children to stop filming because they were having behavioral problems, two of the kids got suspended....expelled, asked to leave because the school couldn't help them anymore,
I think the kids had already left school when Jon made the announcement that he was trying to get the filming to stop because they were having behaviorial issues and acting out. It just hadn't been made public yet. He saw what was happening to them and he took steps to stop the filming. That was his "agenda..." to get the kids off television because of their rage/anger issues.
Yes, Kimmie. Jon is in a long-term committed relationship to screw with TLC.
Jon gives the kids quality time, attention and a normal home life in order to hurt kate.
His motives are suspicious to you because you NEED the entertainment of the kids and, for some twisted reason you want Kate to "win." Screw the kids.
Why does "Kimmie" use bold type to make her comments stand out? Does she think we can't tell what she's quoting versus what she's saying, herself?
Kimmie, we have great reading and retention skills here at 15 minutes. I know you been to the dark side, and I can see how they might need the "help" to understand things.
Or maybe Kimmie is the official 15 Minutes "special sheeple correspondant".
I'm waiting on in great anticipation to find out whether or not she'd like her vomit to make an appearance on television.
I'd like to know how Kimmie feels about Kate Gosselin telling her kids "you're not Gosselins, you're Palins". And why did Kate ask her kids IF they wanted to leave, when she clearly was hell bent on leaving. (If Kate ain't happy, ain't nobody happy, she'll make 'em suffer).
Kimmie, no boldface is needed, but proper punctuation and capitalization are very much appreciated. Usually the first word of a sentence and proper pronouns are capped. Thank you.
Kate has been called out on being a lazy ass parent.I find it hard to say that kate is the (gag) mom...mother of these kids.Kate knows nothing about being a parent...or being a loving mother. We have been shown time and time again that what the kids need or want means NOTHING to kate.
Kate looks out for #1! Kate could care less if the kids are sick,throwing up all over...sleeping in thier puke.The show must go on!Its all about kate making HER pay-check.
I'm so tired of the sheeple trying to blame Jon for everything.Jon wanted the show to end.Kate said Hell No! So she divorced his ass thinking of no one but herself.Sure Jon was in the game when it started ...but it got to be too much...He asked for the show to end.He was handed his walking papers with chaines attached.
This man can do nothing to help his kids.As hard as he has tried he gets no where.Jon is SO limited as to what he can say or do.I so hope he can find someone to help him...but it looks slim.Even the Judge said ..."hey kate has all the say" even tho it has been prooven that the filming is hurting the kids.That the PRESSURE is too much for the kids.
So I have to say...asking people NOT to watch is the best help we can give the kids.It really does come down to ratings.If you dont watch you wont add to the numbers.With the numbers going down they are not given vacations to Alaska or even Florida...they are doing things much closer to home.Maybe they wont get the trip kate is begging for next.
I dont read other sites but here.Even here I dont click on the links.I see the story and the 1 or 2 pictures,,,thats all I need.I dont watch youtube...cause I just dont care.
This blog is good at posting facts that TLC dosent want us to see. IE the corn maze on Halloween...TLC would like us to believe that the kids took in the whole experience...BUT we know that was far from the truth.
The facts need to be told and this blog is giving the truth.
Again...it comes down to ratings.No ratings = no sponcers which = no show!
We all know that kate is a whiner and yells and abuses the kids.Why do you need to watch it? You want privacy for the kids?? THEN DONT WATCH!!! For any reason!
Why does "Kimmie" use bold type to make her comments stand out? Does she think we can't tell what she's quoting versus what she's saying, herself?
Kimmie, we have great reading and retention skills here at 15 minutes. I know you been to the dark side, and I can see how they might need the "help" to understand things.
Or maybe Kimmie is the official 15 Minutes "special sheeple correspondant".
I'm waiting on in great anticipation to find out whether or not she'd like her vomit to make an appearance on television.
I'd like to know how Kimmie feels about Kate Gosselin telling her kids "you're not Gosselins, you're Palins". And why did Kate ask her kids IF they wanted to leave, when she clearly was hell bent on leaving. (If Kate ain't happy, ain't nobody happy, she'll make 'em suffer).
Yes, they are stalking you because you speak the truth. I loved what you said the other day about why some of us CAN'T publicize our private work because of the 'fans' would would call organizations and say, "she's a hater!"
Basically, since we 'dislike' Kate, we are unable to publicly do anything because they DO stalk us and they DO call places. But then again, we are the haters.
"actually i don't necessarily want them to continue filming so much as i don't think filming them is bad for them. when you all saw jon pulling feces from collin's hiney on tv i saw jon's back and a white plastic bag...and i heard jon say he had assisted his son with his problem. yes i knew exactly what he was doing "but i didn't see it and the act wasn't on tv. and i think it would have been forgotten a long time ago had people let it go."
Kimmie -- you're not seeing the big picture because of those dang rose-colored glasses. It wasn't that the actual "act" wasn't shown on television. It was the fact that although her son was sick and needed his mother, Kate insisted that the filming continue. Her priorities were not with her son -- it was materialism that was more important. She was hell-bent on picking out those beds. You can't just let it go, pretending it didn't happen. It DID happen.
Joel on the floor. Would you, as a mother, put your son on a hard laundry floor because you didn't want your quilt vomited on...or would you put him in a nice, soft bed where he could rest comfortably, knowing that you probably would have an additional piece of laundry, but that's what mothers do -- they care for their sick children. Again, you are missing the point of our objections. It was all about Kate -- she didn't want additional laundry. Everything is about Kate, not the kids. The kids were seasick on the fishing trip -- they didn't turn back. The kids hated being in NYC in the heat. She forced them to film. Kate hated camping in Alaska when the kids had fun. They left. The world centers around her. You're not seeing outside the box -- only picking apart certain episodes that you think "aren't bad." You see what you want to see, closing your eyes to the reality of the situation. It's the old stick-your-head-in-the-sand syndrome. Pretend it doesn't exist and it doesn't. Naivety comes in all shapes and sizes. In this case, it's denial.
" i think though that too much has been said/believed that is not truth and we do not and cannot know all the things we'd need to to determine if we had the right."
How can you say this when it's right there on film? Don't you trust your own eyes?
" i do think he has that right but i firmly believe he is only using this stance (and consequently the kate opposers) to furhter his own agenda."
What is his agenda, and why he is not furthering it now? He has a job in real estate and he is staying away from media attention. What are the plans he is now secretly formulating?
"if they don't want to be filmed we don't see them. and i really think that the cameras are less intrusive as the kids have gotten older and i think that's a good thing."
You're not there! You don't know how intrusive the cameras are. You don't know how much filming they do just to get a half hour of footage. They were intrusive enough at the corn maize that those kids were told what to do, how to do and when to do it. They couldn't relax and have fun. They were directed what to do and then they were out of there. They are intrusive enough that these kids are sick of the cameras in their faces to the point that some of them cover their heads and hide their faces when they are outside, and that one of the boys didn't even want his school photo taken because he was so tired of being filmed. So how can you say that the cameras aren't intrusive? The cameras have disrupted their lives!
What if Kate wanted to sell her kids into prostitution? It's her choice, right?
What if she beat them DAILY, locked them in their rooms and never kissed them. IT's her choice to raise them as SHE SEES FIT, right?
What if she feels telling her daughter that they are ugly is a good thing. It's her kids, right?
Kimmie, I hope you don't have kids.
1. What is/are the primary reason(s) why filming the children should continue?
Its what the family does together, why should they stop ?
2. What is/are the drawback(s) to filming?
IMO the only drawbacks are that people feel they have the right to interfere with them as if they have a say as to what this family can and cannot do.
3. **Obviously, answer this only if you listed anything for #2: How do the benefits of filming outweigh the drawbacks?
The benefits are that the family is doing what they choose to do rather then what someone outside their family says they should do.
If the children don't want to film anymore they wouldn't. You can't make six or ten year old's look happy on film if they're not happy. I know this first hand.
A family court judge heard the case and did not rule in Jon's favor.
If even one child chooses not to film I do not believe a judge or a parent could/would make him/her do so.
From what I've seen Jon changes his mind about filming only when it has something to do with him and his agenda.
Collin was hiding his face from the paps, not the filming crew.
The family court judge ruled in Kate's favor for a reason. It really doesn't matter what you or I believe is right for this family, the judge ruled and gave Kate the right to make the choice's for her family.
If I see that a child is not happy filming and Kate continues to do it anyway I would change my mind about Kate. Until then I will continue to support Kate's right to live her live as she sees fit.
I first found this blog, on the night that Administrator was standing in line at kate's miniture book signing. I had posted just a few sentences, but that was all it took for so many of you to make me feel so welcome. Someone even figured out the rare illness that had struck me down, and taken away my health. I was used to posting on the wrong blogs, and getting into big trouble for not liking kate, then I found all of the same-minded people at this place.It was so nice to be able to speak my mind, and not get into trouble over it.I can see why Admin. may be tried of running this blog, as she does it 110%, she does it honestly and truthfully, which does take quite a big bite out of an already busy life.I am very upset the way kate mis-treats her own flesh and blood, she should be kissing someone's feet for giving her 8 healthy children, she should be thankful and loving every minute she gets to spend with them.But no, it always has to be taken forgranted, that these 8 will always be with her, so she can treat them the way she wants to. She is very lucky to not have lost a child, like I have lost a child. Christmas sucks for me, because she is not here, but I have to suck it up, for my other kids.Kate just has life way too easy. She needs to trip up just a little bit, and get back to the way her life was before her children made millions for her.She takes everyhting for-granted, every day, every minute. I hope this blog is able to keep going. I love everyone here, you all have so much good in your hearts for these precious children.All good things must come to an end-and that means even kate.I hurt for those poor kids, they do not have the same kind of normal life that their peers live, and they are old enough to know the difference. I hope and pray things change very soon, before their childhoods are gone forever.Everyone here-please have a very merry, healthy, and happy Christmas!!
kimmie said...
cathy518 said...
The best evidence that blogging is doing some good as far as exposing the 8's exploitation is that TLC sent a cease and desist letter to this blog (am I correct, Admin) Why would TLC try to shut this blog down if it wasn't hurting their cause which of course, is filming these children?
December 23, 2010 7:30 PM
to keep this blog going for the publicity?
Kimmie, are you saying that TLC would try to shut the blog down to keep the blog going for the publicity? I'm confused.
Are you actually trying to say the kids haven't filmed that much?
Maybe I should say no reality child has been filmed this INTRUSIVELY for this long. And yes I do count the first "special" that aired in March 2006, as the series and the fame continued in full force shortly after. If you think I am lying, do you think IMDB is lying?
IMDB shows Michelle Duggar in about 93 episodes, most of them half hour.
Kate Gosselin is in 112 episodes WITH THE KIDS, plus several episodes labeled as "specials" that aren't counted in that 112. And yes, the kids have been filming since they were a year and a half old.
The Gosselins beat the Duggars by a long shot. For the record though the Duggars filming is concerning as well, though thankfully the same kind of invasive paparazzi hasn't gone after them. I have a huge problem with filming a premature child in a hospital. There are Duggar blogs to discuss these issues, this blog is about one issue--it's not about world peace or child abuse in general or saving animals. It's called a niche, which is what most blogs are. I'm tired of the argument we don't care about other issues, because we do.
h8k8 said...
Yes, Jamie married a doctor. Kate isn't in any of the pictures.
Wasn't at Jamie's wedding, huh? Sounds like kHate doesn't have this friendship thing down quite yet.
I read the post you did in December '09 about the differences between Legal, Physical, and Primary custody, but the term 'Full Custody' has been used recently (particularly with regard to Kate traveling with the kids) and I'm wondering if you could clarify what you know about the custody agreement for the Gosselin kids, etc. Thanks!
konspiracytheory said...
Preesi has posted photos from Kate's BFF Jamie's wedding a couple of months ago
Jamie got married a couple of month ago? Who did she marry? Was Kate an attendant?
In cleaning up the blog I came across this old article I posted last March:
I forgot this, US Weekly was reporting six months before two of the kids finally left school that the kids were depressed AND acting up in school. The rag mags strike again. Sounds like these school problems were going on months before the school finally resorted to having them leave.
I will be interested to see if/when Kate goes on another show such as GMA or Regis and Kelly, because the show with Sarah Palin has been such big news that I believe everyone is waiting to hear KATE'S reaction or side of the story regarding it. I will be very interested, for instance, to see if they ask her any questions about it, because it would obviously be the first question that any good journalist would ask, unless they are told up front that she will not speak about it.
If I were her, I would be mortified, and would not want to be questioned about it.
One of my favorite gospel songs is "His eye is on the sparrow." Even if it's from a Christian song, I think it applies to my philosophy in general, religious or not. And the shared philosophy of many people religious or not. It's trying to say that no one's problems are too small to be cared about, even something as insignificant as a sparrow.
Reality tv kids might be "sparrows" in the grand scheme of child abuse, but there are a lot of eyes on them anyway.
I'm not so sure that Jon isn't still being paid for the use of his kids by TLC. He may not see the money (probably kept in trust for child support), but we really don't know. I just wish he would have fought harder in the beginning because it was obvious that he was over filming before they separated. Kate is the one who is in love with the limelight. And, yes, good or bad the controversy might keep her on TLC.
The children deserve to have a GAL and it's interesting that none has been appointed. Doesn't the court get that those are 8 little money-makers who need protection? The Gosselins would have remained complete unknowns were it not for the children.
If something more positive doesn't happen soon for those kids, I'm done reading about it. Those trips, her hairdo's, kids expelled from school, etc. are just sickening and maddening at the same time.
Thanks, Admin for allowing us to vent. You do a great job!
Susan, I was thinking the same thing! Where are Gloria Allred, her daughter Lisa (forgot her last name) or some other loud-mouthed "activist." Fighting the travesty and injustice suffered by these poor children seems to be right up their alley. Gloria assailed Michael Jackson in the media with a lot less evidence...why is Kate the child abuser getting a free pass? The ongoing suffering of these children is well-documented, and I can't comprehend why has Jon not enlisted the services and support of someone like Gloria. Jon doesn't have to speak out (thus remaining in compliance with his TLC contract)...Gloria can do it for him. The only way he'll end Kate's tyranny is by turning the casual viewing public (and advertisers) completely against her...he needs to enlist the assistance of someone like Gloria to wage an all-out media/tabloid/Facebook attack. What a sad commentary on what "entertainment" has disintegrated into.
@aka Anita, I've liked coming here to vent too, but I realized reading about her was what was upsetting me, causing the need to vent. LOL, so no more reading. It is too frustrating.
@Sport, why would I want to come up with three positive things about Kate? Leave that to the sheeple. Because I believe the blogging is keeping Kate relevant does not mean I like her!
Now that Oprah has taken over the Discovery Channel with her own network, do you think TLC will be affected in any way?
I know this is off topic but does anyone remember the episode where she was making soup or something and Jon was helping with the kids and cleaning up after her and he picked up the kitchen rug to straighten it out and she screamed at him. She went as far as telling him to go down stairs with the kids and stay there. I felt so bad for the guy that if I were standing there I would have belted her in the kisser. No matter what, he just couldn't please the witch
To tell you the truth, Watcher, I agree with you 100% that blogging has not done anything positive. The only positive thing that I see blogging doing is that it is a forum for me to vent...but that's about it. So I agree with you, blogging is pretty useless, and the example of the enduring presence of Kate Gosselin and the continued filming of "Kate Plus 8" is proof that blogs such as these are useless and hopeless. But I like to vent here.
Any chance you can photoshop out the face of skank on Jon's left (Kate)? I'm still of the belief that TLC set up the whole 'meeting at the fence with Star Magazine (who also own ROL) reporter, who conveniently is friends with the biggest douche out there Michael Lohan in order to make Jon look bad. It's interesting how these 2 (among other scumbags Hailey and Stephanie S.), were 'witnesses' in Jon's Breach of Contract suit. I also find it interesting that Discovery Talent Services motioned to have certain documents placed under 'seal from public inspection', and Jon lost the 'opposition to motion' (docket #50), and DTS was 'granted in part' (docket #75) the 'motion to seal'.
What exactly was Discovery Talent Services hiding?
This is what is to come in the new year 2011:
1.) More of Kate going on the Today show with Meirdith Viera kissing her butt.
2.) More of Kate co-hosting Entertainment Tonight with Mary hart kissing her butt.
3.) More of Kate going on Regis and Kelly with Kelly Ripa kissing her butt.
4.) More of Kate taking a limo to NYC to get $2000 haircuts.
5.) More... lots MORE of Kate being on the cover of People magazine.
6.) More of Kate blaming everyone and everything (like Jon, the school, etc.)...EXCEPT herself for the 8 little bags of money's behavioral problems.
7.) More of Purseboy Stevie Neild.
8.) More of "BFF" Jaimie Ayers.
9.) More staged photo-ops tanning, getting gas, getting manis and pedis and pushing a Kart in the parking lot of Target.
8.) More hooker heels, short skirts and cleavage-baring inappropriate "HEY LOOK at MEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!" outfits.
9.) More filming of "Kate plus 8".
10.) More of the 8 kids lives swirling hopelessly down into the stinky, smelly toilet bowl.
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