Kate and her children are in a suite at tonight's Flyer's game in Philadelphia. The family is sharing their seats with Flyers hockey player Ian Laperriere, who is sitting out the season after a bad concussion.
Kate and the children were also spotted at the Liberty Bell this morning. Apparently as soon as they are on vacation from school, they start filming "vacations."
Kate and the children were also spotted at the Liberty Bell this morning. Apparently as soon as they are on vacation from school, they start filming "vacations."
204 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 204 Newer› Newest»When do the children get a vacation? They are either in school, which is supposed to be a child's real full time job, or when they are on vacation, they start up filming again. They don't HAVE vacations. They work two jobs--school and filming.
OMG, why can't they just leave the kids alone?
How creepy is it you are 6 years old and half the stadium is either twittering about you or posting something on facebook about you. This is what has been done to these children.
This reminds me of when the sheeple said that I hate camping too or I hate game meat too. I'm sure they will say a hockey game is FUN what's wrong with that! It's not camping. It's not the game meat. It's not the hockey game. It's the FILMING of it all. I don't care what they are doing just gives these kids some darn privacy.
Take them to a suite GREAT! Just stop FILMING IT.
I have read that the children were with Jon for the weekend. As soon as they get home, it's time to go to work again. There ought to be a law that a vacation from school is a vacation from work.
Hi, This is my first time posting.... So, Hello Everyone!
How sad for these kids...And from the tone on Twitter the fans are not to impressed she's there in a box seat. Does she even watch Hockey? I would think this might be something Jon could've done on his visistion, but than again, it wouldn't be televised and we all know how mommy dearest feels about quality time...quality time is for the viewers! So Sad
Administrator said...
How creepy is it you are 6 years old and half the stadium is either twittering about you or posting something on facebook about you.
I have my doubts that this question will be posted, but I'll give it a try.
Why is it creepy to have people twittering or writing on facebook about these kids and blogging isn't?
Is school even out yet? Here in Jersey kids still have two more days!!
I sent an email to the Flyer protesting the filming of the children at the game. I hope people are making an uproar about the Gosselin children at the game being filmed. I am sure that not everyone is aware of what is a happening.
Jeanette2010 said... Hi there, yup quailty time for the viewers. She makes me ill. Really ill. She has lost some long time supporters, and I love that. I wish everyone could see what we see.
I pity, and fear for Ian Laperriere. Hasn't he suffered enough?
Geeze, the kids are back at work already?
Tsk, tsk. I hope all the little Gosselins covered their faces the entire time, and ruined every single shot.
F-U Kate & TLC-
For the love of Pete!!! Could these poor kids be left alone for 5 freaken minutes!!! No wonder they are having emotional issues!! These kids never get a break.
I wish there was some way that someone could get a restraining order against TLC and their mother so that they will stop this madness and leave the kids alone.
Why can't they go to a Hockey game and NOT film it. Geez Louise. This woman can only do stuff with her kids as long as she's getting paid for it. She will never learn!
Yeah, jumped the shark just doesn't describe it.
From another Gosselin blog, photo of the Gosselins in the suite:
twins241 said...
you can see pic here
Kate most likely demanded Kleenex for kids. Betcha one or more are SICK and working!
So this is probably the Flyers' management's secret weapon. Listen to Kate shrieking or play seriously injured?? Kate? Injured? I'll bet we see headlines about the miraculous recovery of one Ian Laperriere tomorrow.
This isn't quality time with her kids, more like workie time kiddies. Mama needs a new pair of shoes and new hair extensions cause the old ones are lookin kind a ratty. Sick of her getting special treatment, give the damm free tickets to Make a Wish foundation.
Six days before Christmas and this turd of a mother has to make her kids work..she is so pathetic. Two expelled for emotional and behavior problems and she has to make them work for their tutors too. Give it up Gosselin, your kids are a mess and so are you!!!!
Hope Kate Gosselin jinxed the Flyers, like Jessica Simpson with the Dallas Cowboys.
The Flyers organization needs to learn a lesson and not associate themselves with this diva.
Apparently their first day of winter break was today, Monday. Jon tweeted they were with him this weekend. Kate is probably mad he even got that time, they could have gone to the Saturday game. Kate wastes NO TIME, the second they are on vacation and not with Jon, it's back to work.
Werny Gal, who I consider very reliable, is reporting that Kate plus 8 has been renewed for another season.
There are no SEASONS, it's just one long filming the kids every chance they can get them out of school.
Define, the kids cannot go out in public without everyone jumping on their phone. People here don't WANT that for the children. We would be thrilled if no one was twittering or facebooking about them. That is our main goal, and Jon's, to give them back a normal life. The purpose of this post is to expose what a circus their lives are.
I bet Kate was hoping for a Florida filming vacation over Winter Break. Instead, I guess TLC is going ahead with the local filming, and have probably even provided all the holiday decorating inside the McMansion for same.
Let me explain it this way, blogs remarking about incidents in which the children's privacy is violated is not the same way as someone directly violating their privacy by twittering that they see them.
I want them to be able to live a life where they can go to a hockey game and be unnoticed. Kate and Jon have destroyed that for them.
Is there any possibility of these kids getting an advocate of some kind? I mean this is crazy. This should be a time in their lives when they are enjoying themselves, anticipating Christmas morning. Instead, they are forced to work! How is this situation any better than Child Labor at the turn of the 20th century when 5 year olds were working in factories? Seems like the child labor laws that were the result of child labor back then are invisible now.
I totally agree Admin...
I live in PA and I am appalled that we don't have better laws for working children in TV. And that this is even an argument in Harrisburg. I don't know that much about it, but I would support or help any organization trying to change these laws. I feel so bad for these kids, and I questioned all thier motives from day one. it's just a sad sad situation.
Mommy Dearest will have to answer for her actions someday and in the end she will lose everything she has because Karma is a...It will catch up to her. It catches everyone eventually.
I bet those kids had fun running Textile machines sometimes too. The difference was 100 percent of their earnings went to the parents. These kids get a whole 15! Progress.
Nobody would be blogging or twittering about these children if their mother would allow them to retire into a real childhood. If the witch would leave them home no one would be talking about them.
This is yet another indication of the complete and utter disregard for the children's welfare displayed by Kate and TLC. There is no question that hockey is a violent sport. The Gosselin parents have both been made aware of the children's anger issues and at this point how it is inhibiting two of the younger children from participating in a school program designed for children of that age.
At this game not only do they witness the violence of the sport but they also witness the cheers of the crowd demonstrating to them that violence is not only acceptable but good. I wonder if they will be gifted with hockey sticks so that they can play this game at home while mom is once again away.
Meanwhile Jon is at home with his Christmas tree probably knowing that the parenting that he did over this past weekend to bring a semblance of sanity into his children's lives is tonight being squandered.
There is usually some occasional fighting, verbal and physical, in all sports, but there's no denying hockey is one of the worst offenders. There are web sites devoted to hockey fights. On the one hand, usually there are consequences for fighting--you go to the penalty box or get kicked out of the game. And I doubt Kate knows enough about hockey to even realize how violent it can be. It is also one of the more dangerous of the sports up there with football, you are far more likely to die playing hockey than say basketball. People don't wear proper equipment and get hurt, or they skate on unsafe ice and fall in, things like that.
I loosely follow hockey since I had a couple family members who played college. I for one don't watch for the fights and I know a lot of fans who don't like the fights and like the sport itself. I don't care for the fights anymore than I care to see a foul in basketball and the boring foul shots.
Best hockey game ever, you can see the 1980 Olympic Russia-US game on youtube.
OK Admin. I am showing my age now but I was at the 1980 US Russian hockey game in Lake Placid. It truly was exciting.
Administrator said...
Define, the kids cannot go out in public without everyone jumping on their phone. People here don't WANT that for the children. We would be thrilled if no one was twittering or facebooking about them. That is our main goal, and Jon's, to give them back a normal life. The purpose of this post is to expose what a circus their lives are.
Bullshit. If that were the purpose, you would not have included the picture. Your hypocrisy truly knows no bounds. You follow every move these children make. Whose really the creepy one?
Just an after thought. The village of Lake Placid rocked for days after that game. Great memoriews.
Did You, you can believe what you like. I didn't post anything even though there was speculation about this game all weekend long.
We're back to blaming the blogs instead of the real offender, Kate. Reminds me of people who blame the rape victim for not locking her door.
If you think posting a pic of the kids at a public hockey game is not okay, then how do you feel about the actual episode that will air that will show the suite up close and personal??? Is THAT okay for you? Who is the hypocite here really.
Livvy I cannot believe you were at that game. WOW. I assume you had no idea it would be such an upset. I went to Lake Placid once to see Olympic village but man alive to be at that game.
I've tried to not let her "vacations" bother me, but, I for one, am really getting tired of seeing them going to all these places that I can't even afford to go to. Trust me, I am not jealous, but why does every episode have to be a trip somewhere? I am hoping the kids had a good time, but I'm sure they would have had a much better time if it had been spent with Jon at the game. I'm sure she will be shrieking even more than usual in this episode.
Wow. If no one tweets about them when they go out in public there is nothing to blog about. GET IT? If the kids become private and no one recognizes them, no one will tweet and there will be nothing to blog about. GET THAT TOO?
The kids' last day of school was Friday 12/17 and sure enough they're already back to work the first day Kate has custody and the Flyers have a home game.
I see the kids dressed in jerseys - AGAIN. Will we have another repeat of an over-the-top, gushy player/kid introduction like they did at the other games? Will they go home with hockey sticks and pucks to use against each other? Did they get to stay for the entire game or was this another quick scene and then onto another location? Did anyone spend time explaining the game to them? Were they embarrassed with a formal introduction in front of the whole audience?
Just another disgusting example of child exploitation by Kate and TLC. The irony of her exposing kids already having problems with anger, impulse control, and violence to the sometimes violent game of hockey will most likely be lost on the sheeple. But, I hope it is noticed by the psychologists and experts writing laws protecting children in reality tv, journalists, Jon's attorneys, and most importantly shareholders and advertisers with TLC who may finally see the damage being done to the Gosselin children.
Deflect, deflect, deflect from Kate the great. :)
Administrator said... I bet those kids had fun running Textile machines sometimes too. The difference was 100 percent of their earnings went to the parents. These kids get a whole 15! Progress
So true. Sad really how we really haven't come that far.
I guess the people who went into child labor factories and took photos to EXPOSE what was going on were just as bad as those who hired the kids.
Come off it. Those photos were how child labor laws got passed. This is about shutting us up so that queen Kate isn't exposed for who she is. It has nothing to do with any real concern for protecting the kids. The slow snowball effect of people refusing to shut up is working and the sheep are scattering as it comes down the mountain. I understand why they would fear that.
We have a difference of opinion as to what best exposes Kate, all right? This has been discussed over and over. Move on please. If you don't like posts about specific incidents of the children being exploited, don't come here. I will continue to do them as long as they continue to be exploited.
I did get to spend two weeks at the Olympic Village. Did you know that the housing was originally a TB hospital and after the Olympics it bacame a state prison. Lake Placid has become a bit commercialized since then but still a very lovely place.
Actually, I think what is being done to these kids is very similar to child labor of the past. This is not some kind of novel opinion, Google around and wow look at all the articles, including one just the other day saying Kate should be ARRESTED for child exploitation. Those kids spent hours in a factory, these kids spend hours on an airplane being carted around the country to do a dog and pony show for the cameras. I also think it is very similar to the Dionne's, strikingly similar.
If you don't see the similarities actually I find that to be delusional. Working kids are working kids, whether you are asking them to clean out some gears or sew with a needle or troop around in front of cameras and smile big even if they are vomiting.
Jon said the kids all don't want to do this. Unanimous. Either Kate is lying or Jon is lying but they can't both be telling the truth.
I would note that all the "fuss" made on the internet and elsewhere was what caught Rep Murt's attention. There is nothing delusional about the impact of people saying bad things about the bad things Kate does. Do we wish it had much more of an impact, absolutely. But these is nothing delusional about the fact that it DOES have an impact, however small.
Discovery gave me a Cease and Disest letter in August--why would they do that if they didn't think blogs had an impact? How is that delusional, Discovery themselves is telling us to shut up. I sent them a polite reply back saying basically, free speech baby.
Bullshit. If that were the purpose, you would not have included the picture. Your hypocrisy truly knows no bounds. You follow every move these children make. Whose really the creepy one?
Who's really the creepy one? From all indications, you are. Why? Because you follow every move this blog and the bloggers make, can't wait to pounce on its administrator for publishing a photo, and then yell hypocrisy! Can't you see how twisted that is? Stay away if it's such bulls**t!
Are the work permits posted in the suite? According to the PA child labor laws, these must be posted where the kids are filmed. In addition, the kids cannot work where alcohol is served. Do they serve drinks in the suite? Did they stop filming at 10 p.m.?
Seems perhaps an e-mail to Rep Murt is in order.
@ Did You Write That With A Straight Face?
Not being much of a TV watcher Kate + 8 was barely a blip on my radar when I stumbled across this blog. The blog opened my eyes to the absolutely egregious situation that the Gosselin children are in.
Thanks to their parents, their childhood has been one of constant filming, such as potty training, sickness, fighting, meltdowns, etc. These things should have been private but they were sold to TLC. I'd never watched the show at all but after reading the blog I saw clips and some episodes online. I also researched Rep.Murt and his struggle to change Pennsylvania's child labor laws and then took the time to read about the Gosselins getting money and help during the time the kids were newborns. They played a really good game of "I'm a good Christian now give us money".
So I'd say this, the blog may not be your cup of tea, you may think we're stalking "poor" Kate but for me it is a good example of just how far down the rabbit hole Kate is willing to go.
This blog opened my eyes and, hopefully, it will help others to see the horrible impact TLC has had on the Gosselin 8's lives and I think that most of us will not watch the show so perhaps it will finally be canceled.
@Jennifly05 well your not missing much! Lappy is with that Kate moron who has the 18 kids in one of the boxes at the game
I get that people hate this blog, that's obvious. But this blog gets 5000-8000 page impressions a day. 7500 today. I know what it is and what it isn't--what it is, is a Gosselin blog that is being read. It's a blog that is annoying Discovery such that they even tried to scare us away with a big bad lawyer. I don't really think most of that traffic can be attributed to the posts as I was still posting back in 09 when I wasn't getting hits, but rather the usually interesting discussion that follows--thanks to ya'll. If I have any "delusions" as you claim, I suppose it would be about the people who post interesting things here. :)
I've tried to not let her "vacations" bother me, but, I for one, am really getting tired of seeing them going to all these places that I can't even afford to go to.
What also irks me is that Kate shows no genuine appreciation or gratitude for getting all these free special opportunities.
Is that the same behavior she is bestowing upon her children? That they somehow deserve all these privileges because they are "celebrities" who shall be "served on golden platters"?
The Gosselin kids probably think this is yet another film outing. Do they really understand how truly lucky they are to be given these special opportunities? Many kids won't get these kinds of opportunities in their lifetime. (And yes, that does sound like sheeple talk. What I'm trying to say, so horribly written, is that these kids probably won't appreciate these opportunities because they are so accustomed to it. It's become their normal because it's for filming.)
Admin, the "fan" that keeps niggling at whatever you post may write better than 99% of the others, but he/she completely fails at comprehension. This person refuses to read what you say.
Livvy, I was at Lake Placid, too! I wasn't at the hockey game, though. I did see Eric Heiden in speedskating, and I even saw him practice. I have some great slides, I should scan them.
Sorry for the off topic, Admin. It was just wonderful to see another Lake Placid attendee.
I get that this might be the Gosselins first hockey game, so some might like it or not. However, imagine little Flyer fans watching the show and seeing the Gosselin kids bored or saying negative/stupid things about it. It's a wasted opportunity that should have been given to more deserving kids, especially those who absolutely love watching the Flyers but can't afford to watch the game in person.
Unfortunately, I do believe that the Gosselin kids will mostly remember the bad stuff about hockey and use their free hockey sticks and pucks as weapons, not sports equipment. Kate will blame increased fighting at home as her little hockey players playing around. The production crew will egg the kids on to demonstrate their new "hockey skills" on each other. No one will bother to teach them about hockey and what are more acceptable behaviors (I oppose fighting and all things goon-like) - the kids will go on assuming that the players hit cause they like to inflict pain and that you can fight when you're mad at someone. They'll create Gosselin goons and just laugh about it.
As for the Liberty Bell...how's the weather in PA? Another contrived outing probably to avoid the hoards of tourists in the summer.
This is turning into a great winter vacation. NOT!
Only 3 more days until the kids return to Jon for Christmas Eve...
Wow, what a way to get into the festive holiday spirit, Gosselin style!
Difference between Kate and Sarah Palin:
Kate gets her hair done (at $2000) a pop (freebie or not) Heads to a box seat at Flyers game w/ kids. She still hasn't dealt with the elephant in the room (kids being expelled and should not be filmed anymore)
Sarah (and her hubby and daughter) fly down to Haiti w/ Samaritan's purse. Sarah gets lambasted in the media for having a 'hairdresser' do her hair. Turns out it was BRISTOL pinning her mom's hair off her face while she met with the orphans handed out gifts and talks w/ countries leaders.
Kate still skates through the media spotlight and not many people bat an eye for being worst mother of the century.
Just for S+G's
Guess she wasn't really welcome there.
Crazy Kate said... "I sent an email to the Flyer protesting the filming of the children at the game"
Great idea, I have sent one too!
In the last thread, about the Entertainment Weekly article I posted, Admin, you pointed out it wasn't fair that people are judging Jon still about not being a good father figure. I took it a different way entirely. I took it to mean that the people at EW knew that Kate is so overbearing, so mean, & doesn't allow Jon to see the kids. That's how I took it anyways...They were calling Kate out on her disrespect for Jon, & all the times she's thrown him under the bus.
How rude will she treat this guy? Will she cut him off & think she knows more than him about hockey? Will she thank the people that gave her the luxury box or think it was just supposed to be handed to her? Who will watch this crap??
Like I posted before - even though the popular media is crying out for Khate to stop - the beat goes on.
Thanks to your local family court judge who allows it. He could stop it by court order but has NOT.
Go ahead TLC renew this slop of a show - those 8 little lawsuits are ticking down their time clock.
How about let the Gosselin children enjoy their first day of winter vacation in the privacy of their home, and TLC donate in their name the suite seats and a meet and greet with Ian to eight kids dying of cancer who love hockey. They should phone up Make a Wish. Something tells me the Gosselin kids would be all for it.
Philadelphia yesterday was much colder than Alaska. In the 30's. You couldn't even see your breath in Alaska anda people walked around without hats and gloves. You don't do that in PA this time of year.
Will Kate melt down, or will she be okay because she can have a cigarette and doesn't have a better mother to share the spotlight with?
How long does a hockey game last. Don't they have a 10:00 pm mandate. I guess the hockey player is safe from the pawing, because he doesn't have the bountiful silver hair that she prefers.
Well at least she won't have to use her arm as a table to make the kids their standard fair, half a sandwich, crunchy things, fruit, and desert in that order, and juicy juice if they are lucky. No icky hotdogs from the concession stand for her kids - they deserve better - like cold stale sandwiches that she makes from materials she picks up at a convenience store on the way. Gotta look like a mom somehow, I guess.
If you honestly want kate to go away.....don't watch her show!!!!!!! Stop "watching it by accident". The ratings are low,so it won't take much to get rid of her. What will it take to make that happen? If you really care about the kids......Turn the channel!!!!!!!!!!
The hockey outing is the same as the first baseball game, which is when I stopped watching the show.
It is a cheat.
Secluded within their own Gosselin cult, in a private suite with only hired help and PR folk to interact with. No other fans to surround you and have fun with, cant even SEE the action, no sounds no smells no friends no memories.
Princess Diana spent all of her kids lives fighting this bubble.
I thought we read that TLC was going to start filming the stupid show around the house to "get back to basics", or was I dreaming that? Weren't they going to show Kate be more "hands on" & such, because not everyone can afford lavish trips? I know it was just a hockey game & people do that kind of thing all the time, but still...what happened to around the house filming? I guess if we see them going to another country/state, we'll know it was just another lie, perpetuated by "the machine". (sorry to post again Admin) :)
Ahhhh, Christmas week for little 6 and 10 year olds....
Getting ready for the Christmas childrens play at church, singing carols at church about a baby, trying to hide your mommy's and daddy's homemade gifts under your bed, cutting pieces of red and green construction paper to make a chain to decorate with, a big snowman in the front yard, some snow angels all around, helping mommy with Christmas cookies, laying under and staring up at the magical tree, making special cards for grandma and grandpa, cleaning up your room because your cousins are coming over, making pretty angels out of anything you can find, Christmas cartoons and movies on TV....ahhhhh.
Or - you can be a Gosselin and spend it being worked, screamed at, hit and hitting, sequestered, and then worked some more.
And there is nothing we can do. :((
There is a place in hell for both TLC and Kate Gosselin. With 2 kids being expelled, and all of the turmoil/criticism/exploitation these kids have had to handle/endure at very tender ages, I wish Kate and TLC a very similiar New Year to the synthetic and unhappy lives the G8 have been forced to endure. They live in a media bubble with an insane, selfish mother who will never put her kids first.
I don't think anyone would hold it against TLC and Kate if they issued a statement that this has been a difficult few months for the family and they need to go on hiatus for awhile while the family finds some stability.
Even if they don't actually cancel the show, at least show some self-awareness that the family needs a break.
I wonder why TLC is stubbornly holding on to this idiot woman and her children? What is the draw? The ratings are going down hill, the public in general cannot stand Kate, so why do they insist on screwing up these kids lives further? What is the benefit for TLC?
Every single facebook and twitter I skimmed yesterday was negative. These aren't Kate "haters" or "sheeple." They are random people at a game who didn't understand why she was there.
I also think there is something to be said for all the trips and expensive events they go on and how the public perceives it in this economy. I think it's the wrong kind of economy to brag about 5-star vacations and box suites at hockey games and to be dropping hints for trips to Austria. I'm sure that has turned away a lot of people. It's not exactly jealousy, but it's certainly people who don't care to watch a family with very different priorities live it up.
Kat said... If you honestly want kate to go away.....don't watch her show!!!!!!! Stop "watching it by accident". The ratings are low,so it won't take much to get rid of her. What will it take to make that happen? If you really care about the kids......Turn the channel!!!!!!!!!!
Kat- you are 100% on par. Lowering the ratings on the show is the only way to shut this insane circus down. EVERYONE needs to stop watching the show if we want the best for the kids. This is where we will make an actual impact on the ratings, which is all that seems to matter to TLC. Don't count on Kate to EVER do the right thing - $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Was that enough $ signs? We can actually contibrute to the end of the show by NOT WATCHING THE TRAIN WRECK.
Not trying to tell anyone what to do, but making a suggestion of how best to help the G8.
Yet another exploitative show from TLC
As long as it pushes Kate & her kids aside...
LisaNH said...
I wonder why TLC is stubbornly holding on to this idiot woman and her children? What is the draw? The ratings are going down hill, the public in general cannot stand Kate, so why do they insist on screwing up these kids lives further? What is the benefit for TLC?
LisaH-Have you read the interview with the TV producer? It may answer your question.
According to Werny Gal:
…they [TLC] have scheduled more episodes to film. Yes, she has a contract til 2/12, but TLC doesn't have to film more within that time if they don't want to.
While you all may have the most honorable of intentions (stopping the children from being filmed), TLC seems intent on continuing. The growing controversy over Kate and her outrageous behavior has not stopped TLC from continuing.
While we have delighted in the “mainstream media” discovering what an inconsiderate, selfish and utterly rude self-absorbed b*tch Kate is, TLC understands a lot more about how to generate revenue than we know about how to stop a cable TV show to cease filming.
Apathy is the revenue killer, NOT controversy. That fact is falling on deaf ears
Someone here mentioned the kids were sporting their new, free shirts with Flyers logo on them. Don't worry people, those tee's come with a price, TLC will expect them kids to be wearing them shirts the next day when they are expected to do their couch interviews. =) Everything comes with a price!! Those 6 year olds will babbling on like 2 year olds with them new tee's just wait n see. Their little ole show is becoming soooo predicable.
You're a Mean One, Kate the Grinch said...
What also irks me is that Kate shows no genuine appreciation or gratitude for getting all these free special opportunities.
YES! And they (Jon included) have been that way from the beginning... especially the Hawaiian episode. They were getting a MASSIVE suite with helpers and special events - and all she could say was "how accomodating" they were to her.... WTF? As if she was the Queen of all Clown Car Vaginas and they must bow down to her.... (of course a "Princess Bride" reference comes to mind.... bowing to the Queen of Putrescence!)
That was the episode that had me shaking my head and started looking into this trainwreck.
I had already noted the obvious similarities to the Dionne Quints... but this, is "The Truman Show" on a huge scale.
The lies need to stop for these children. Think about Truman not knowing who was real and fake in his life - everyone was an actor hired to play a role - these kids have the same situation.
Their inner circle is not loving family, but PAID HELP - and that, if reports are true, get rotated out a lot. This is just sad.
Yet the kid's Custodial Parent just keeps exploiting them, careless of their emotions or the lives she is harming... sad really.
They're probably on the couch right now being forced to do interviews all day about the gam, another day of work on their vacation.
Just as we suspected, Kate is not going anywhere. But admin., it just made my day to know that Discovery sent you a cease and desist order and you let them have it right back with the free speech comment. They really do think they are all that and they rule the world. Sorry Discovery, opinions are free and accepted and there is nothing you can do about it. You can force Kate down people's throats with your filming but you cannot shut up what people think. Kate is so 'strong' and won't back down even for the good of her own children and TLC exploits them and has now renewed the show. Kate is probably walking around cackling 'I won, I won'. It's ironic that she may be winning but her kids are the real losers.
This blog Won't be another doormat. :). Proof the little guy can win. I told them to shove it and they backed off. They knew they had nothin but scare tactics Ha.
It's been said that her contract runs through Feb 2012 which equals 1 or 2 (possibly 3?) more seasons. I guess tlc will pick it up on a season to season basis or rather than announce that the show is running through 2012 they will only announce it season to season to "fool" everyone into thinking that it's going great.
I'm not trying to sound argumentative, more pessimistic than anything, but telling people not to watch the show is a pretty moot point by now. I think even if everyone except the 5 Sheeple left stopped watching, TLC would still film the kids on their vacation time, Kate would still prance around in open toed shoes in February in PA and still strut around on whatever continent TLC has decided to film them "vacationing" on.
One would think that by now, with the ratings going down, down, down, since last year at this time, the show and Kate would have been canned. But no, it's still going and I read somewhere that it's been renewed for yet another season. Not watching the show isn't really accomplishing anything with TLC.
Mimi of 3, you are correct, Kate isn't going anywhere and sadly neither are kids, except to gear up for their winter break filming schedule, then their spring break filming schedule, then summer break filming schedule etc...
I just wanted to chime in on the Hockey game.
I am a HUGE Sports fan (shocker, I know.)
I dont think attending a game is bad because of the violence. Hockey is an incredible experience to see live. I try and take my kids to a Sharks game or two each year.
What I do find horrible is kHATE making it yet another filmed, fake trip of privilege. Sitting in a suite with waitresses and filming the shrew shreeking. As many have noted, it would have been 10x more fun for them to do this with their dad. Maybe even break it into TWO trips to the arena with 4 kids each time to allow you to actually interact with the kids, explain the game to them and be there to answer any questions.
Live sporting events are great fun. This feels like yet another occasion where kHate has taken something fun and exciting and turned it into a work day.
So,TLC really tried to have you stop this site?
Rumor has it that Kate is presenting her children with 8 little sewing machines for Christmas....
Just kidding.
Heaven is scared of Kate and all seven layers of hell doesn't want her either.
It's obnoxious that she doesn't take the kids anywhere without filming them. Since people on Twitter blab about seeing them we know when they are out and about. The last time I remember her taking them out without cameras was nine months ago to a Taylor Swift concert with Tony. Nine months has gone by without her doing anything with them. It's not about taking the kids out and having fun, it's about filming them, period.
LisaNH said... I'm not trying to sound argumentative, more pessimistic than anything, but telling people not to watch the show is a pretty moot point by now. I think even if everyone except the 5 Sheeple left stopped watching, TLC would still film the kids on their vacation time, Kate would still prance around in open toed shoes in February in PA and still strut around on whatever continent TLC has decided to film them "vacationing" on.
One would think that by now, with the ratings going down, down, down, since last year at this time, the show and Kate would have been canned. But no, it's still going and I read somewhere that it's been renewed for yet another season. Not watching the show isn't really accomplishing anything with TLC.
I see your point LisaNH, but I always thought that ratings = money. How long will the sponsers support a show with low amount of viewers?
I don't tell anyone whether to watch or not, but I allow posts to discuss the issue. I think a big problem is this show is not on a big network like NBC. It's on a little cable network. What are low ratings on regular TV are decent cable ratings. What would be a huge decline if this were on regular TV isn't much of anything on cable.
The ratings are going in the right direction which is a good thing, but I'm not sure they've gone low enough yet to make the cost-benefit not make sense to TLC.
Posters have repeated recently: 'I read somewhere that it's been renewed for yet another season.'
I just wanted to clarify the 'rumor' and misconception.
Kate Plus 8 has not yet been renewed for another season.
The misconception began with a statement by Werney Gal which she clarified later.
She said: "It's been reported that kate + Eight has been picked up for another season."
and then she clarified it by saying: "what I meant was they have scheduled more episodes to film. Yes, she has a contract til 2/12, but TLC doesn't have to film more within that time if they don't want to. That just means Kate has to be available to them if they want her to film." (re: filming of the Flyer's game.)
I agree with Sport that hockey games aren't necessarily bad because of the violence. I used to attend games when I was younger and it was all part of the fun. Just the other day a friend of mine mentioned that she had taken her sons to a game (children in the same age bracket as the Gosselins) and talked about how they were waiting for the fights and I thought nothing of it. The difference with the Gosselin children is that some of them have been aggressive with other children; we've also seen them be aggressive with each other many, many times. Combine that with the fact that they don't normally follow sports or go to sporting events therefore don't understand the game, and you end up with a bad situation. I would bet that they rarely paid attention to the game except when there was fighting and "excitement" on the ice - they probably learned nothing about the actual sport.
But the real problem isn't what they were doing when they were out being filmed, it was that they were out being filmed - not just during a vacation from school, but during the HOLIDAYS. Most of us look for a way to get extra days off from work during the holidays, not create more. :-(
Now I'm off to bake cookies with my kids, since I have the week off from work and they from school!
I tend to agree about the 2012 assessment. It's really more of an option, an option to continue if TLC wants to. Like most good TV contracts I'm SURE there is a way to option out at any time for any reason, good ratings, bad ratings, new direction of TLC, star having a breakdown, bad press, whatever the reason they can bring that axe down at any moment.
Years ago a friend of mine was on a show that got renewed for five years. I was excited for her, until she explained that that really means nothing and that she thought they were still in huge danger of being cancelled. Sure enough, that was their last season. Six months later it was gone. It really means nothing other than an "option."
It's also a fine example of the way a TV network totally controls its stars. I think that's fine and dandy if you are acting, but quite another story if you are letting them tape your LIVES. TLC can opt out before 2012 but Kate and the kids sure can't, not easily anyway.
Oh the sheeple they are too much. They've posted their own top ten of Kate's BEST moments .... except a lot of it is not specific incidents, it's like 1. Kate is great! 2. Kate holds her head up high 3. Kate laughs at herself!
Hahahahah. They can't even come up with 10 independent events of Kate's good behavior.
Sorry to go back to the SPA show, but I'm curious. Why has she had to "set things straight" everytime she has to explain someone else's actions? Jon, her family, Kevin and Jodi, the fans, the paps, the two expelled kids?She's thrown every single one of them under the bus, but why isn't she "explaining" her atrocious behviour she demonstrated with the Palins?
When you're constantly, constantly "setting the record straight" on everything, do you think maybe, just maybe it's your record that is screwy and not everyone else's?
I've also heard the sheeple are saying that we just don't want the kids to have these memories. Noooo that's not what we're saying. In fact just the opposite, we want them to enjoy tons of wonderful memories through their childhood, but in privacy. It's the manufactured situations for filming purposes that are bothersome, not the memories.
I just talked to my friend in LA who finished her first big role in a made for TV movie which happened to be with some people I've worked for. She is super excited and I'm happy for her--they filmed the movie out of state and rented a mansion for a number of house scenes. It's a low budget so actually most of the movie is at the house. Turns out? They originally wanted to film it at the producer's house in LA, after they had a meeting there and loved the location. This producer has two kids. He told them no way, no how, we have kids in and out and school and I'm not going to turn their home environment into a movie set that's going to go on 6 weeks. He put his foot down. So they changed the location, no harm no foul.
Even people in Hollywood know that's not what kids should be around.
Hmm, has anybody come up with more pictures of them at the game, going to the game, or leaving the game? I would think that Chris, the photographer on TLC's payroll, would have some shots by now. I wonder why nothing's out yet? I'm hoping just maybe it's because of all the backlash.
I've also heard the sheeple are saying that we just don't want the kids to have these memories.
There is absolutely no way, no how, that anyone could convince the sheeple of this because their brains aren't capable of processing this information, much less understanding it. This is quite obvious when you try to figure out what they are trying to say (their writing style, their language usage, etc.), so it goes without saying that they can't read, much less understand what we are promoting -- which is MEMORIES of a childhood free of public scrutiny, in the privacy of their own homes, hopefully with a parent who, herself, is not only delusional, but in need of a serious mental over-haul.
Uugh, I suppose the sheeple will gloat over this news about Palin's show:
With 2.56 million viewers Sarah Palin’s Alaska wasn’t anywhere near the top 25.
TV By The Numbers
Last week's numbers for Palin's show (the Gosselin camping fiasco):
Sarah Palin’s Alaska (9pm)
- 3.066 million viewers
- 1.8/3 HH
- 0.9/2 A18-49
1. Kate is great! 2. Kate holds her head up high 3. Kate laughs at herself!
Why don't they continue along those lines?
1. Kate is great at lying and throwing Jon under the bus.
2. Kate holds her head up high; it's necessary because those hair extensions weigh her down.
3. Kate laughs at herself; she joins the entire viewing population who considers her a laughingstock.
Etc. Etc.
"Heaven is scared of Kate and all seven layers of hell doesn't want her either."
I think it's NINE circles, but when it's Kate, who's counting, although the 8th circle, Fraudulents, might fit the crime.
There's an online quiz available to determine which circle wants you. The second question in the quiz is "Have you been known to dress provocatively to attract the attention of the opposite sex?"
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
Here they are:
I dont think attending a game is bad because of the violence. Hockey is an incredible experience to see live. I try and take my kids to a Sharks game or two each year.
Maybe not for "normal" kids, but these kids are around enough violence, and two of them were expelled from school because of it. Isn't it kind of like handing them a new XBox and "Call of Duty?" Take them to a Sixers game without cameras following them around, let them sit among other fans in the arena, and take along someone who could explain the game...NOT in a suite with a mother who thinks that NHL stands for Not Home Long.
Administrator said... I tend to agree about the 2012 assessment. It's really more of an option, an option to continue if TLC wants to. Like most good TV contracts I'm SURE there is a way to option out at any time for any reason, good ratings, bad ratings, new direction of TLC, star having a breakdown, bad press, whatever the reason they can bring that axe down at any moment.
I just wish to heck they would take that option of ending the show once and for all. That is what is so frustrating. We read about the ratings tanking but TLC continues to film. Nothing seems to make them stop.
Kate certainly has given them plenty of reason to cancel the show this past year with her horrendously horrendous behavior. But no, every time it looks like the kids are going to get a break, TLC shows up with mics, cameras, vans, producers etc...
I just am starting to feel like this who scenario will never end for the kids.
That's my all time favorite sheepleism -- she holds her head high, she's a strong woman. Well, actually, no she's not, she's a bully. And sure she holds her head high, as she in her own words said 'I will never lay down and die'. Her arrogance and that of her few fans knows no bounds. I have heard this comment for all the years the blogs have been around -- Kate is a strong woman and they claim they are just like her, they GET her. Heaven help us all, don't get anywhere close to these people who want to be just like Kate. Toxic.
And I agree that telling people over and over not to watch makes no difference at all. Even though there are quite a few people on here commenting, in all of the Gosselin blogs there aren't enough people to keep this show on the air or take it off. I believe it is those people who never turn off their TV that keep all the reality shows going. I don't watch Kate, I can't stand to see her with that straw hair and that attitude from hell, but I believe it is up to each person to decide what to watch and not watch. We aren't going to make any difference in whether this show stays on or goes off. I do, however, think TLC and Kate pays attention to the blogs -- especially since they contacted Admin and tried to bully her into closing up shop.
We read about the ratings tanking but TLC continues to film. Nothing seems to make them stop.
Please read the interviews posted on Werny Gal's site. They are very informative and insightful regarding the business of reality tv.
Small Town Gosselins
Mr. TV Producer (TVP) has an explanation for this in this excerpt:
TVP: The ratings are an interesting thing. I noticed there's a question about how far the ratings have to drop before a show is canceled. It doesn't matter. Ratings don't have to drop for a show to be canceled. It can be canceled for any reason or it can be kept on if they see a viable interest in it.
WG: Even if the ratings aren't good?
TVP: Absolutely. They don't have to have a show go into the black to keep it on the air.
WG: How is interest in a show expressed, if not in ratings?
TVP: DVD sales, among other things, cross-over promotional types of things.
WG: So in other words, if the TV commercial revenue is only a small part of the revenue generated from a show, as long as the overall revenue is good...
TVP: Yes, the show doesn't have to generate any revenue to keep it on the air. Is it as good investment? No. But the rules set by the shareholders and set by the heads of development determine whether they'll keep it on the air or not. So, there's no set rules that if it drops below this rating, we have to take it off the air.
WG: But don't low ratings encourage them to move on to shows that will rate higher ratings?
TVP: Absolutely.
WG: It's just not as black and white as most people think it is.
TVP: It doesn't have to make sense, that’s the thing. To you and I, if something doesn't make money, we try something else. Ultimately you have to decide to stop doing it. [In this case] TLC has to make that decision. Do we keep the show, as far as the ratings are concerned? In the cable market a 1.4 is actually a decent rating going across the board. You can make money off that. Now if you're comparing that to what their high was, like a 10.6 or so, that's a dramatic drop. But 10.6 was a dramatic high, too, when you're averaging a 3 or 4 before that.
I don't think we have to tell people to watch or not, the better question is why do they continue watching after seeing a couple episodes? It is not entertaining. Kate is a bad actress and the kids are annoying.
Gossip posted: Please read the interviews posted on Werny Gal's site. They are very informative and insightful regarding the business of reality tv.
Board on boards?
I more or less agree with what that producer is saying. Tlc may keep it on to keep a general controversy going which they may believe overall is good for the network's reputation in theory. Even if ratings are so so. However it IS all about money, it's more a question of what factors the believe are leading to money, ratings being one. A popular reason to cancel a show with good ratings is because of the wrong demographic.
I would be more impressed if the kids had been spotted at a hockey game, in the regular seats, having fun with their dad and his girlfriend. This entitlement has to stop. Yes, Princess Diana tried to expose her boys to "real life." They went to McDonald's, water parks, homeless shelters, and waited in line at movie theaters.
Jon has been quoted as saying he is concerned about the childrens' attitudes. Any wonder they have attitude when they are treated like they deserve such extra special different than normal treatment everywhere they go? It's disturbing to say the least. What happened to going places with friends and others away from the family pack? I believe that Kate doesn't want the kids out of the pack because she wants to maintain that exclusive control. Everything Jodi and Kevin have said is true. Time is vindicating the prophets! Kate is a greedy, greedy woman. How could anyone in their right frame of mind not see this?
The twins in North Carolina were given their own separate quarters like a guest house, huge room, really nice. I remember their reaction was so negative, they couldn't see the positives. All they saw was a double bed. It kind of reminded me of how Kate would react. Kate in fact complained there were no shades.
I'm sure the sheeple will say I wouldn't want to sleep with my sister either, that's not THE POINT. Gaa. The point is they were behaving in an ungrateful and unattractive manner.
Moose Mania said... I've also heard the sheeple are saying that we just don't want the kids to have these memories.
There is absolutely no way, no how, that anyone could convince the sheeple of this because their brains aren't capable of processing this information, much less understanding it. This is quite obvious when you try to figure out what they are trying to say (their writing style, their language usage, etc.), so it goes without saying that they can't read, much less understand what we are promoting -- which is MEMORIES of a childhood free of public scrutiny, in the privacy of their own homes, hopefully with a parent who, herself, is not only delusional, but in need of a serious mental over-haul.
Nope, Moose Mania- the sheeple are constantly getting it wrong.
It's not the bad "memories" we're against,
it's the "mammaries" & other thingies that Kate has purchased off the little Gosselin's backs- that's what we're against.
@ Mimi of 3 from a Mimi of 7
Very well said, Kate is a bully and she picks on the weak (her children, and probably the nannies). Bullies typically tear other people down to make themselves feel good and IMO Kate combines bullying with classic signs of NPD, a very dangerous situation. The sheeple may claim she's a strong woman but her actions indicate otherwise.
A strong woman would put her children first come hell or high water. I truly believe that she orchestrated the whole multiples deal from conception onwards. Those children look at their Mother and see some sort of figurehead who doesn't protect or nurture them, she exists for herself and herself only. I'd like to think that one day she will be left alone, standing in the ashes of what could have been an amazing life full of real love and happiness.
I'll just add one more thing. Due to a family tragedy my son and his two small children moved back with my husband and I for three years. Before they came back we'd had ten years of doing exactly what we wanted to do. We put ourselves first for the first time in thirty five years of marriage. Did I have to think twice when asked to put being a Mimi aside and become a de facto Mommy? Hell no! They needed us and we were willing to put our retirement fun on hold. It was hard in the beginning but we managed. Looking back it seems a blur of school, swimming lessons, soccer, dance classes, kids running in and out of the house, etc. In my memory it seemed like chaos but a few days ago my, now 13, year old granddaughter said. "Mimi, you can't ever sell your house." I asked why and she said "We had the best times there." That's what Kate is giving up and it is so much more than she will ever realize.
Actually Moose Mania, we're also against all those uncomfortable, embarrassing memories she (and TLC)are forcing the little Gosselins to endure, instead of just being allowed to be kids...
Board On Boards Bored said...
Gossip posted: Please read the interviews posted on Werny Gal's site. They are very informative and insightful regarding the business of reality tv.
Board on boards?
See rules below.
Another Gosselin blog happens to have additional information on this topic, especially since it's not the first time people commented about low ratings/no TLC cancellation here.
I thought the tv producer's explanation would help the person I left a comment for.
Moving on.
I have no problem with mentioning interesting information on other blogs. While it's boards on boards, it's not negative. What I won't tolerate is bullying the blogger, bringing information over here simply to make fun of it and them. Which is what most other Gosselin blogs fill up most of their spare time with. General remarks about "sheeple" are okay, specific remarks about specific bloggers is not okay.
I so agree with many of the posters who feel the isolation that Kate has imposed on these innocent kids has been very negative influence. The people that Kate is keeping the children from are not only relatives but potential friends and mentors with many talents and gifts. It was obvious on the SP show how entranced the kids were with SP's father and brother and the lessons they were teaching.
At the hockey game they viewed a very rough sport that they have absolutely no knowledge of from a glass enclosed viewing area separate from the crowd. Kate, their chief role model is a bully; at the game they watched the bullies being cheered. It is no wonder that they are exhibiting aggression and entitlement problems at school.
I have absolutely nothing against hockey. I just question introducing these children to such a violent sport at a time when they are dealing with behavioral problems so severe that two of the children cannot even cope with being in a classroom. After these problems have been addressed and the children are a bit more mature would be the time for this sporting event - and, of course, it should be in the stands without the cameras and maybe without Kate and her silver haired pal.
I don't think attending a game is bad because of the violence. Hockey is an incredible experience to see live. I try and take my kids to a Sharks game or two each year.
Maybe not for "normal" kids, but these kids are around enough violence, and two of them were expelled from school because of it. Isn't it kind of like handing them a new XBox and "Call of Duty?"
It's about good parenting, making the right decisions that are appropriate for your children. If the kids were sheltered their entire life, would that ultimately teach them not to use aggressive behavior towards other people? I don't think so.
The blame should be placed on the parent, not the sport or activity. It's the lack of parenting in the Gosselin household that has caused this aggressive behavior to continue. Kate is not instilling good values in her kids, teaching them about appropriate behavior, helping them differentiate between what's right and wrong, and disciplining them appropriately when they falter. Has she been filmed disciplining her children lately, besides yelling at them and/or making facial threats?
I doubt the majority of those who play "Call of Duty" resort to violence and gun use in their real life. The same with hockey. Many fans don't leave a hockey game wanting to start a fight. Why? They know the difference between the game and real life. It's probably why we enjoy certain games/sports - the ability to do things we normally wouldn't do in our daily lives.
This is why I don't agree with Kate bringing her kids to an NHL hockey game. Instead, she could have brought them to a college hockey game where fighting is not allowed. (They are more fun, IMO.)
If she can't teach her kids about appropriate behavior, how would she even teach her children about hockey behavior - that it's part of the game but not for real life. Hopefully, some of the Flyers players (not goons) could instill some sense into them.
Kate would probably laugh it off and think it's cute that her kids are acting like little hockey players fighting and hitting each other with hockey sticks.
Good parents would discipline immediately and reinforce that hockey sticks are sports equipment, not weapons. Fighting is not allowed. Period.
If the only thing kids remember about sports is the violence, then they shouldn't be taken to these events.
Apathy is the revenue killer, NOT controversy.
I love this comment from a poster above. It really captures the reason this evil woman continues to be catered to and filmed. I've been reading this blog for awhile and have seen constant comments of "Her 15 minutes are up." I've come to believe her 15 minutes are going to last a long, long time. TLC knows the show is all about Kate and her bad behavior and so does she. TLC is all about conjuring up controversy so the haters will tune in to watch her egregious behavior. They cater to the people who can't stand her. Maybe someday both the haters and the sheeple with become apathetic to this horrible person. I just hope it's not too late for the kids.
TLC knows the show is all about Kate and her bad behavior and so does she. TLC is all about conjuring up controversy so the haters will tune in to watch her egregious behavior.
It's a brash move by TLC and Kate to film at the Flyers game, probably to generate more buzz about this upcoming special.
It's exactly what they want. Controversy to garner more attention and make viewers decide - how badly will I want to watch to see if this hockey game brings out the worse in the kids?
Just like the Alaskan camping trip. Spill enough beans about Kate's experience in early August to make us curious, then go into a media frenzy once a highlight reel/preview clip is officially released.
They're going all Jersey Shore now.
Maybe Kate Plus 8 is to TLC as The Real World and The Real World/Road Rules Challenges are to MTV. No longer in their prime yet still continue to exist.
Even if the Gosselin kids get their privacy back now, I wouldn't put it past Kate to pull a Kris Kardashian and remarket her family when they are older. Kate Plus 8 2.0: Growing Up Gosselin.
These children shouldn't be filming for hours and days to support the greedy famewhore mother's lifestyle. That's the controversy. Someone should have thrown the witch onto the ice and used her as the hockey puck. That episode still wouldn't be worth the $250,000 she is paid.
If Kate had been given free passes to a Flyer's
game (including a suite), but TLC was not filming it, do you think they would have gone?
I doubt the majority of those who play "Call of Duty" resort to violence and gun use in their real life.
Of course not. Normal people don't. However, you don't give Call of Duty to someone with a proclivity toward violence if you think that he/she is going to play it 24/7. Likewise, you don't give hockey sticks to kids who have anger issues and have been seen pounding the heck out of each other and hitting a dog with a baseball bat. Kids are impressionable. Hockey sticks can quickly turn into weapons.
Just as we suspected, Kate is not going anywhere.
Many, many thought it was over for Kate after her debacle on SP's show. It happens constantly now. It started with DWTS. Kate is obnoxious and people think it's over then she rises from the ashes to film again.
That is the way it will be until people don't care any more. But when will that be? It's really up to the haters at this point. After all, aren't there only 5 fans?
People in the area have reported that they've seen her with a pap, giving the thumbs up when she's ready to have her picture taken. Do any of you think that maybe she wears those open-toed hooker heels to keep the hate going? If she's meeting a pap, she's dressing for the pictures. She's fueling the hate and earning $250,000 while doing it.
Keep on hating her and she'll keep on collecting her enormous paycheck while she drags her kids around by the ears.
Anonymous said...
These children shouldn't be filming for hours and days to support the greedy famewhore mother's lifestyle. That's the controversy. Someone should have thrown the witch onto the ice and used her as the hockey puck. That episode still wouldn't be worth the $250,000 she is paid.
Nice to see you put through yet another post advocating physical violence against Kate. And you all wonder why she has a bodyguard? Hint: It isn't just because of overzealous fans, as you like to claim.
Sorry,had to pipe in here about Call of Duty (LOL). My husband has it and I've played a few times. It's fun. Okay I know this totally off topic but I am seriously pms-ing today (couldn't everyone tell from my earlier posts LOL). Actually COD is good for pms irritability.
My brother and his wife Sandi have driven up from Florida to head North to see their grandkids, they have st0pped at my house which is between trips to spend a day or two. My boys are so happy to see their uncle Jimmy and Aunt Sandi. The Gosselin kids would feel the same as well if this evil woman would invite their family instead of a camera crew into their home. I have made my brother one of his favorite suppers and now baking fruit cakes to bring to family up north when he arrives, i know fruit cake, but they love it. =) Happy Holidays my fellow bloggers
Lisa NH admitted: "Actually COD is good for pms irritability."
Wouldn't a punching bag serve the same purpose? LOL!
Steve isn't her bodyguard he is her assistant. When he was chatting with us at the booksigning Kate was way out of his line of vision and he was holding some papers, hardly in position to jump on the queen during some kind of threat.
He is there to protect her from her own stupidity, hauling people away when they ask Kate the tough questions like about child labor laws.
fidosmommy said...
If Kate had been given free passes to a Flyer's
game (including a suite), but TLC was not filming it, do you think they would have gone?
Not a chance!
It Seems That Some of You Shouldn't Be Attending Hockey Games Either said...
Anonymous said...
...Someone should have thrown the witch onto the ice and used her as the hockey puck. That episode still wouldn't be worth the $250,000 she is paid.
Nice to see you put through yet another post advocating physical violence against Kate. And you all wonder why she has a bodyguard? Hint: It isn't just because of overzealous fans, as you like to claim.
Good heavens, I don't think a tongue in cheek, snarky comment about Kate being used as a hockey puck would ever be considered a real threat or to be advocating violence -- other than by the sheeple trying to deflect from the issue.
Tongue in cheek is too much for the sheeple. If I said somebody please shoot me they would call the suicide hotline for me.
Steve is not a bodyguard. I took this pic of Steve, you can clearly see he is holding a bunch of papers, and Kate is nowhere in sight.
This pic shows the REAL bodyguard, dressed in white wearing a badge. Steve is several feet away nowhere near close enough to jump anyone.
"And you all wonder why she has a bodyguard?"
I don't think we wonder that at all. We know why she has a bodyguard -- it's to protect Kate from Kate, as an insider here has explained several times. Why else do you think Steve was dragged along on the Alaska camping trip? It certainly wasn't to protect her from overzealous Kate-haters who were hiding with the bears and moose in the wilderness accessed only by seaplane!
By the way, do the sheeple know the truth about why Steve was initially hired? Oh, wait...it was probably spelled out for them in black and white, but they couldn't figure it out, or see the writing on the wall right in front of them.
USA Weekend the magazine supplement to our local paper had a little blerb about Kate yesterday in the Who's News letter section. The question was "What are Kate Gosselin and her eight children doing now?"
Answer - Single mom Kate and her brood have quite a following. That's why TLC is creating a new show for her, Twist of Kate. The show's concept is still evolving, and no debut date is set. "I want to be out there learning form others, helping to provide insight whenever I can, though I don't consider myself an expert on anything," Gosselin tells us. She appreciates her fans, she says, "The fact that people really support me and want the kids and I to do well...,is flattering," she says. "I never understood the importance of fans until we went through tough times." Gosselin's current show, Kate + 8, will continue airing as a series of specials through 2011.
Of course not. Normal people don't. However, you don't give Call of Duty to someone with a proclivity toward violence if you think that he/she is going to play it 24/7. Likewise, you don't give hockey sticks to kids who have anger issues and have been seen pounding the heck out of each other and hitting a dog with a baseball bat. Kids are impressionable. Hockey sticks can quickly turn into weapons.
Hockey Puck, I agree with you.
I wasn't trying to imply that Call of Duty is an appropriate game for kids, even teens. That was not my intention. Someone brought it up, suggesting that hockey is as violent as the game. I was offended as a hockey fan and tried to rationalize how violent games and sports don't necessarily lead to violent behavior. And yes, I'm quite aware that it probably does happen but it's not normal behavior for most people.
Like I said in the rest of my post, it's about good parenting which includes making the right decisions that are appropriate for your children, whether it's purchasing a game, attending a sporting event, etc. Parental discretion.
If you know that your child will only focus on the negative aspects, the violence, then those sports, games, etc. are not for them.
More so, if the parent does not take the time and effort to teach their children how to behave appropriately and make good choices in life.
Well they say we don't get Kate's "sense of humor." (What being a total drag of a bitch is funny??) They don't get ours.
Steve and Kate had a golden opportunity to explain why he was needed in the documentary "Inside Kate's World." They could have said right then, we are very frightened of the people who don't like Kate. Instead they blamed it all on her FANS. Her...fans. They are not scared of people who dislike her nor is there any kind of documented incident of any NON-fan putting her in danger. Just a fan/fans. Yup.
Also in her book Kate calls her fans "annoying." She doesn't mention a word about the people who dislike her. It's always the people who love her who give her problems, Kate said it.
Apparently when I said I was going to the East Coast to visit my FAMILY, the fans said Kate should be careful. I love how only they go there. Not me, not us--the fans go there. Because deep down they really want to be stalking Kate.
That's why TLC is creating a new show for her, Twist of Kate. The show's concept is still evolving, and no debut date is set. "I want to be out there learning form others, helping to provide insight whenever I can, though I don't consider myself an expert on anything," Gosselin tells us. She appreciates her fans, she says, "The fact that people really support me and want the kids and I to do well...,is flattering," she says. "I never understood the importance of fans until we went through tough times." Gosselin's current show, Kate + 8, will continue airing as a series of specials through 2011.
I believe that's an old quote as that was the original concept for the new show.
Considering that TLC listed the Halloween special as part of Season 2, it doesn't surprise me that at least a couple more specials will probably air.
Twist of Kate has been talked about by TLC since November 2009. When a network is talking about a concept for more than a year, it usually means there are problems. Big ones.
Um a scary email could be all about how some stranger wants to dress their kids just like yours. A creepy package could be from some stranger sending you dolls representing the kids.
They have never called out non-fans. And come on now if there had been an incident with a non-fan Kate would milk it for all its worth.
Midnight Madness said... Lisa NH admitted: "Actually COD is good for pms irritability."
Wouldn't a punching bag serve the same purpose? LOL!
LOL. Wish we could have a punching bag but we live in an apartment so COD will have to suffice as a PMS remedy LOL.
Administrator said... Twist of Kate has been talked about by TLC since November 2009. When a network is talking about a concept for more than a year, it usually means there are problems. Big ones.
You know, I was wondering about Twist of Kate just the other day. I was trying to figure out how they (the producers, editors etc...) were going to be able to incorporate Kate's reverse Mullet with the timing of the show. If I remember correctly, the photos that were leaked showed her in a diner with her old hair style. How could they make the show look current her hair was short and it is long (and straw like) now?
I think you're right, Admin, I think there are problems and it probably will never air.
Fans are usually responsible for stalking and people getting hurt. Typically they think they are in some kind of relationship with the celeb. Sounds so familiar to people talking about Kate as if she were some kind of best girlfriend.
John Lennon, Selena, Rebecca Lucile Schaeffer, all lost their life to a fan.
Richard Gere's stalker was quoted as saying "I want to be with you and share your life."
So actually you're right no wonder she has a bodyguard to stop all these people who want to share Kate's life.
Kate and her kids were at the Franklin Institute today with the film crew. My daughter's class was there on a field trip.
I'm sorry, for those of you not from the area, the Franklin institute is a science learning center in Philadelphia. Looks like they spent the night in Philly.
Anonymous said... Kate and her kids were at the Franklin Institute today with the film crew. My daughter's class was there on a field trip.
Well, that's TWO days in a row of filming that we're aware of. Most moms are at home making final Christmas preparations.
"I never understood the importance of fans until we went through tough times."
Oh please, when did schmoopy EVER go through tough times? When she got down to the last busload of free diapers? The woman is delusional. She's been pampered from head to toe since day one. She only said that to appease her adoring sheeple. And the poor buggers believe her. She can't stand them because in her mind she's above everyone else. She'd spit on one of them if they asked her the wrong question.
Those sheeple also say that this blog is dangerous, because of the picture of the big fork so close to kates head- I got alot of laughs over that one!
lol prairie. I suspect they have never heard of cliches before, let alone ones involving done meat. They probably pronounce cliches, "clicks."
I know when I want to hurt someone the first thing I grab is...a FORK!
prairiemary, please tell me you're joking. Do they think Admin is going to chase her down and tenderize her? Good grief.
The day I did that photo I actually wanted to paste Kate's face on a fat opera singer. But that requires too much fuss with Photoshop and I didn't feel like it. The fork took two seconds. I think it's a better cliche anyway!
That would have gone right over their heads too.
Yes I imagine they probably thought I was wishing ill-will on Kate's vocal chords, that I was def. a danger.
I did a really nice job in PhotoShop of Steve and Kate with the DVD cover of "The Bodyguard" but I lost it when my old pc bit the dust. What a shame, it was hilarious.
What, you mean cliche doesn't rhyme with squishy?
Well, who would've guessed?!
when the mc mansion was purchased I read on some blog that it was in trust[?] by TLC. Kate has stated numerous times that it was for the kids. Is there anyway that Jon could get custody and also the house for the kids to live in? The county that I live in real estate can be searched.
when the mc mansion was purchased I read on some blog that it was in trust[?] by TLC.
This has been answered many times.
The deed to the house is:
William R. Blumer, Trustee under the CWM Revocable Trust Agreement dated October 17, 2008
Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Who_owns_the_Gosselin%27s_new_house#ixzz18rFZzCof
Have you guys ever heard the saying "All publicity is good publicity?" I bring this up because I work in the entertainment field in NYC, and I felt compelled to let you know that you all are doing the kids no favors by reading/posting on this website (if you really do want the show to be canceled and for Kate to go away, that is.)
When Kate's agent and/or management company is fishing for gigs for her - whether they be TV appearances, book deals, speaking engagements, etc - they use sites like this as an example to illustrate the large amount of public interest in her. It matters not at all to them that this site and others like it are critical of Kate - in fact, it only reinforces the image they are attempting to sell, of the "woman America loves to hate". When those who book such gigs and engagements see the multiple websites devoted to Kate, and the hundreds of comments under each posting (blog owners work hard for years in the hopes of getting so many comments/site views) it proves to them there is still wide popular interest in Kate Gosselin, and thus she will continue to make money because of you.
I dislike this woman as much as you all do, and it seems like most of you really care about these children and want the show off the air and for this vapid woman to go away, so I thought a reality check from someone in the know might be helpful. Again, by maintaining this blog, giving it page clicks, and posting comments you are only prolonging Kate's success.
Off my soapbox now, thank you all for reading.
Thank you, Anna. You are 100% correct.
It will fall on dear ears, however. But thank you, Admin. for allowing Anna's post.
You are 100% correct, but as much as the blogs probably help Kate's "career", I think they will help bring her down eventually too. Not only are people loving to hate Kate, but they are becoming very disturbed by her more and more everyday. It is apparent her kids well being is not at the top of her list. She is losing her hate/love luster with the public. She is being seen as an abuser.....and America hates child abuse. Her show barely has decent ratings, so she is slowly going downhill. I am glad the blogs follow the lives of the children, because the public needs to know the hell these kids are living.
Any company associated with Gosselin or TLC should be ashamed. These kids are living marionettes/street monkeys pedeling for money by the evil owners. We are giving Kate too much credit as the "woman America loves to hate". They really do hate her, she is a disgusting human being with no regard to the sanctity of childhood. Her downfall is going to make her a worse person than she already is and we will worry for the well being of those kids in that household when mom is not sought after anymore, at least with the blogs exposure of a wicked Kate, we know people will hopefully be around to keep a close eye on those suffering children.
...at least with the blogs exposure of a wicked Kate, we know people will hopefully be around to keep a close eye on those suffering children.
How can we "know" "hopefully?" With all due respect, the people who can help those children are those who interact with them, not bloggers spread around the country, banging away on their computers.
The best thing that can happen for those children at the moment is to get them off TV.
The blogging has gone on for years. The only changes have been, the Gosselins got divorced and Kate makes more money.
I never meant bloggers....I meant teachers, family or friends(if they have any around), neighbors. With all due respect, blogging has helped reveal the real Kate. That is how I found out how vile she really is.
The blogging has gone on for years. The only changes have been, the Gosselins got divorced and Kate makes more money.
Huh? That was exactly Anna's point! All the blogs talking about her (and kids) is keeping Kate relevant.
Anna, you are totally spot on! It is here that the 'haterz' have a problem. They believe they have nothing to do w/Kate staying in the public eye, if they aren't watching the show. But, as you said, all the chatter across the internet is prolonging Kate's 15 minutes, not cutting it short.
Darlin, what are you doing to keep it alive?
Anna, you are totally spot on! It is here that the 'haterz' have a problem. They believe they have nothing to do w/Kate staying in the public eye, if they aren't watching the show. But, as you said, all the chatter across the internet is prolonging Kate's 15 minutes, not cutting it short.
December 22, 2010 4:32 PM
What kind of gigs will Kate get if the majority of blogger comments and/or media articles are negative and her mistreatment, exploitation of her children and lousy work ethics are exposed? If she's so marketable at this point, why is her own show with TLC still in the developmental stages and is continuously postponed? Why doesn't TLC release the children out of the contract and Kate can film her own show? If she's such a ratings draw, then why doesn't she have several new shows airing on TLC? If a few blogs and bloggers are giving her so much publicity, then why isn't she hosting shows on multiple networks or waving from a float in numerous parades? Her ratings are declining, her last book tanked, she has no real talent, and her likability factor is almost zero. And whatever happened to her paid speaking engagements?
Second of all, you have to be prepared to fight. Fighting could involve relentless letter writing, phone calls, and open communication with leaders to let her know, that you know what she is up to, and that you are telling the world! What Jezebel fears and hates the most, is when they are exposed. They are usually able to easily seduce and deceive people, so when you expose them, it hits them like a train. They lose their power and get knocked out of their path. In this momentum you can work. That is the time to keep pounding to expose her, because she is weary, and has been taken off guard
What kind of gigs will Kate get if the majority of blogger comments and/or media articles are negative and her mistreatment, exploitation of her children and lousy work ethics are exposed? If she's so marketable at this point, why is her own show with TLC still in the developmental stages and is continuously postponed? Why doesn't TLC release the children out of the contract and Kate can film her own show? If she's such a ratings draw, then why doesn't she have several new shows airing on TLC? If a few blogs and bloggers are giving her so much publicity, then why isn't she hosting shows on multiple networks or waving from a float in numerous parades? Her ratings are declining, her last book tanked, she has no real talent, and her likability factor is almost zero. And whatever happened to her paid speaking engagements?
The blogging has gone on for years. The only changes have been, the Gosselins got divorced and Kate makes more money.
Huh? That was exactly Anna's point! All the blogs talking about her (and kids) is keeping Kate relevant.
Anna, you are totally spot on! It is here that the 'haterz' have a problem. They believe they have nothing to do w/Kate staying in the public eye, if they aren't watching the show. But, as you said, all the chatter across the internet is prolonging Kate's 15 minutes, not cutting it short.
Twist of Kate has been talked about by TLC since November 2009. When a network is talking about a concept for more than a year, it usually means there are problems. Big ones.
Thank you, Anna. You are 100% correct.
It will fall on dear ears, however. But thank you, Admin. for allowing Anna's post.
I did a really nice job in PhotoShop of Steve and Kate with the DVD cover of "The Bodyguard" but I lost it when my old pc bit the dust. What a shame, it was hilarious.
"And you all wonder why she has a bodyguard?"
I don't think we wonder that at all. We know why she has a bodyguard -- it's to protect Kate from Kate, as an insider here has explained several times. Why else do you think Steve was dragged along on the Alaska camping trip? It certainly wasn't to protect her from overzealous Kate-haters who were hiding with the bears and moose in the wilderness accessed only by seaplane!
By the way, do the sheeple know the truth about why Steve was initially hired? Oh, wait...it was probably spelled out for them in black and white, but they couldn't figure it out, or see the writing on the wall right in front of them.
Anonymous said...
These children shouldn't be filming for hours and days to support the greedy famewhore mother's lifestyle. That's the controversy. Someone should have thrown the witch onto the ice and used her as the hockey puck. That episode still wouldn't be worth the $250,000 she is paid.
Nice to see you put through yet another post advocating physical violence against Kate. And you all wonder why she has a bodyguard? Hint: It isn't just because of overzealous fans, as you like to claim.
I doubt the majority of those who play "Call of Duty" resort to violence and gun use in their real life.
Of course not. Normal people don't. However, you don't give Call of Duty to someone with a proclivity toward violence if you think that he/she is going to play it 24/7. Likewise, you don't give hockey sticks to kids who have anger issues and have been seen pounding the heck out of each other and hitting a dog with a baseball bat. Kids are impressionable. Hockey sticks can quickly turn into weapons.
TLC knows the show is all about Kate and her bad behavior and so does she. TLC is all about conjuring up controversy so the haters will tune in to watch her egregious behavior.
It's a brash move by TLC and Kate to film at the Flyers game, probably to generate more buzz about this upcoming special.
It's exactly what they want. Controversy to garner more attention and make viewers decide - how badly will I want to watch to see if this hockey game brings out the worse in the kids?
Just like the Alaskan camping trip. Spill enough beans about Kate's experience in early August to make us curious, then go into a media frenzy once a highlight reel/preview clip is officially released.
They're going all Jersey Shore now.
Maybe Kate Plus 8 is to TLC as The Real World and The Real World/Road Rules Challenges are to MTV. No longer in their prime yet still continue to exist.
Even if the Gosselin kids get their privacy back now, I wouldn't put it past Kate to pull a Kris Kardashian and remarket her family when they are older. Kate Plus 8 2.0: Growing Up Gosselin.
I don't think attending a game is bad because of the violence. Hockey is an incredible experience to see live. I try and take my kids to a Sharks game or two each year.
Maybe not for "normal" kids, but these kids are around enough violence, and two of them were expelled from school because of it. Isn't it kind of like handing them a new XBox and "Call of Duty?"
It's about good parenting, making the right decisions that are appropriate for your children. If the kids were sheltered their entire life, would that ultimately teach them not to use aggressive behavior towards other people? I don't think so.
The blame should be placed on the parent, not the sport or activity. It's the lack of parenting in the Gosselin household that has caused this aggressive behavior to continue. Kate is not instilling good values in her kids, teaching them about appropriate behavior, helping them differentiate between what's right and wrong, and disciplining them appropriately when they falter. Has she been filmed disciplining her children lately, besides yelling at them and/or making facial threats?
I doubt the majority of those who play "Call of Duty" resort to violence and gun use in their real life. The same with hockey. Many fans don't leave a hockey game wanting to start a fight. Why? They know the difference between the game and real life. It's probably why we enjoy certain games/sports - the ability to do things we normally wouldn't do in our daily lives.
This is why I don't agree with Kate bringing her kids to an NHL hockey game. Instead, she could have brought them to a college hockey game where fighting is not allowed. (They are more fun, IMO.)
If she can't teach her kids about appropriate behavior, how would she even teach her children about hockey behavior - that it's part of the game but not for real life. Hopefully, some of the Flyers players (not goons) could instill some sense into them.
Kate would probably laugh it off and think it's cute that her kids are acting like little hockey players fighting and hitting each other with hockey sticks.
Good parents would discipline immediately and reinforce that hockey sticks are sports equipment, not weapons. Fighting is not allowed. Period.
If the only thing kids remember about sports is the violence, then they shouldn't be taken to these events.
I so agree with many of the posters who feel the isolation that Kate has imposed on these innocent kids has been very negative influence. The people that Kate is keeping the children from are not only relatives but potential friends and mentors with many talents and gifts. It was obvious on the SP show how entranced the kids were with SP's father and brother and the lessons they were teaching.
At the hockey game they viewed a very rough sport that they have absolutely no knowledge of from a glass enclosed viewing area separate from the crowd. Kate, their chief role model is a bully; at the game they watched the bullies being cheered. It is no wonder that they are exhibiting aggression and entitlement problems at school.
I have absolutely nothing against hockey. I just question introducing these children to such a violent sport at a time when they are dealing with behavioral problems so severe that two of the children cannot even cope with being in a classroom. After these problems have been addressed and the children are a bit more mature would be the time for this sporting event - and, of course, it should be in the stands without the cameras and maybe without Kate and her silver haired pal.
Actually Moose Mania, we're also against all those uncomfortable, embarrassing memories she (and TLC)are forcing the little Gosselins to endure, instead of just being allowed to be kids...
Moose Mania said... I've also heard the sheeple are saying that we just don't want the kids to have these memories.
There is absolutely no way, no how, that anyone could convince the sheeple of this because their brains aren't capable of processing this information, much less understanding it. This is quite obvious when you try to figure out what they are trying to say (their writing style, their language usage, etc.), so it goes without saying that they can't read, much less understand what we are promoting -- which is MEMORIES of a childhood free of public scrutiny, in the privacy of their own homes, hopefully with a parent who, herself, is not only delusional, but in need of a serious mental over-haul.
Nope, Moose Mania- the sheeple are constantly getting it wrong.
It's not the bad "memories" we're against,
it's the "mammaries" & other thingies that Kate has purchased off the little Gosselin's backs- that's what we're against.
Darlin, what are you doing to keep it alive?
Anna, you are totally spot on! It is here that the 'haterz' have a problem. They believe they have nothing to do w/Kate staying in the public eye, if they aren't watching the show. But, as you said, all the chatter across the internet is prolonging Kate's 15 minutes, not cutting it short.
December 22, 2010 4:32 PM
I more or less agree with what that producer is saying. Tlc may keep it on to keep a general controversy going which they may believe overall is good for the network's reputation in theory. Even if ratings are so so. However it IS all about money, it's more a question of what factors the believe are leading to money, ratings being one. A popular reason to cancel a show with good ratings is because of the wrong demographic.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
Here they are:
Uugh, I suppose the sheeple will gloat over this news about Palin's show:
With 2.56 million viewers Sarah Palin’s Alaska wasn’t anywhere near the top 25.
TV By The Numbers
Last week's numbers for Palin's show (the Gosselin camping fiasco):
Sarah Palin’s Alaska (9pm)
- 3.066 million viewers
- 1.8/3 HH
- 0.9/2 A18-49
Hmm, has anybody come up with more pictures of them at the game, going to the game, or leaving the game? I would think that Chris, the photographer on TLC's payroll, would have some shots by now. I wonder why nothing's out yet? I'm hoping just maybe it's because of all the backlash.
Posters have repeated recently: 'I read somewhere that it's been renewed for yet another season.'
I just wanted to clarify the 'rumor' and misconception.
Kate Plus 8 has not yet been renewed for another season.
The misconception began with a statement by Werney Gal which she clarified later.
She said: "It's been reported that kate + Eight has been picked up for another season."
and then she clarified it by saying: "what I meant was they have scheduled more episodes to film. Yes, she has a contract til 2/12, but TLC doesn't have to film more within that time if they don't want to. That just means Kate has to be available to them if they want her to film." (re: filming of the Flyer's game.)
LisaNH said... I'm not trying to sound argumentative, more pessimistic than anything, but telling people not to watch the show is a pretty moot point by now. I think even if everyone except the 5 Sheeple left stopped watching, TLC would still film the kids on their vacation time, Kate would still prance around in open toed shoes in February in PA and still strut around on whatever continent TLC has decided to film them "vacationing" on.
One would think that by now, with the ratings going down, down, down, since last year at this time, the show and Kate would have been canned. But no, it's still going and I read somewhere that it's been renewed for yet another season. Not watching the show isn't really accomplishing anything with TLC.
I see your point LisaNH, but I always thought that ratings = money. How long will the sponsers support a show with low amount of viewers?
Rumor has it that Kate is presenting her children with 8 little sewing machines for Christmas....
Just kidding.
Heaven is scared of Kate and all seven layers of hell doesn't want her either.
It's been said that her contract runs through Feb 2012 which equals 1 or 2 (possibly 3?) more seasons. I guess tlc will pick it up on a season to season basis or rather than announce that the show is running through 2012 they will only announce it season to season to "fool" everyone into thinking that it's going great.
You're a Mean One, Kate the Grinch said...
What also irks me is that Kate shows no genuine appreciation or gratitude for getting all these free special opportunities.
YES! And they (Jon included) have been that way from the beginning... especially the Hawaiian episode. They were getting a MASSIVE suite with helpers and special events - and all she could say was "how accomodating" they were to her.... WTF? As if she was the Queen of all Clown Car Vaginas and they must bow down to her.... (of course a "Princess Bride" reference comes to mind.... bowing to the Queen of Putrescence!)
That was the episode that had me shaking my head and started looking into this trainwreck.
I had already noted the obvious similarities to the Dionne Quints... but this, is "The Truman Show" on a huge scale.
The lies need to stop for these children. Think about Truman not knowing who was real and fake in his life - everyone was an actor hired to play a role - these kids have the same situation.
Their inner circle is not loving family, but PAID HELP - and that, if reports are true, get rotated out a lot. This is just sad.
Yet the kid's Custodial Parent just keeps exploiting them, careless of their emotions or the lives she is harming... sad really.
LisaNH said...
I wonder why TLC is stubbornly holding on to this idiot woman and her children? What is the draw? The ratings are going down hill, the public in general cannot stand Kate, so why do they insist on screwing up these kids lives further? What is the benefit for TLC?
LisaH-Have you read the interview with the TV producer? It may answer your question.
Kat said... If you honestly want kate to go away.....don't watch her show!!!!!!! Stop "watching it by accident". The ratings are low,so it won't take much to get rid of her. What will it take to make that happen? If you really care about the kids......Turn the channel!!!!!!!!!!
Kat- you are 100% on par. Lowering the ratings on the show is the only way to shut this insane circus down. EVERYONE needs to stop watching the show if we want the best for the kids. This is where we will make an actual impact on the ratings, which is all that seems to matter to TLC. Don't count on Kate to EVER do the right thing - $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Was that enough $ signs? We can actually contibrute to the end of the show by NOT WATCHING THE TRAIN WRECK.
Not trying to tell anyone what to do, but making a suggestion of how best to help the G8.
I don't think anyone would hold it against TLC and Kate if they issued a statement that this has been a difficult few months for the family and they need to go on hiatus for awhile while the family finds some stability.
Even if they don't actually cancel the show, at least show some self-awareness that the family needs a break.
I thought we read that TLC was going to start filming the stupid show around the house to "get back to basics", or was I dreaming that? Weren't they going to show Kate be more "hands on" & such, because not everyone can afford lavish trips? I know it was just a hockey game & people do that kind of thing all the time, but still...what happened to around the house filming? I guess if we see them going to another country/state, we'll know it was just another lie, perpetuated by "the machine". (sorry to post again Admin) :)
Well at least she won't have to use her arm as a table to make the kids their standard fair, half a sandwich, crunchy things, fruit, and desert in that order, and juicy juice if they are lucky. No icky hotdogs from the concession stand for her kids - they deserve better - like cold stale sandwiches that she makes from materials she picks up at a convenience store on the way. Gotta look like a mom somehow, I guess.
Philadelphia yesterday was much colder than Alaska. In the 30's. You couldn't even see your breath in Alaska anda people walked around without hats and gloves. You don't do that in PA this time of year.
Will Kate melt down, or will she be okay because she can have a cigarette and doesn't have a better mother to share the spotlight with?
Like I posted before - even though the popular media is crying out for Khate to stop - the beat goes on.
Thanks to your local family court judge who allows it. He could stop it by court order but has NOT.
Go ahead TLC renew this slop of a show - those 8 little lawsuits are ticking down their time clock.
Difference between Kate and Sarah Palin:
Kate gets her hair done (at $2000) a pop (freebie or not) Heads to a box seat at Flyers game w/ kids. She still hasn't dealt with the elephant in the room (kids being expelled and should not be filmed anymore)
Sarah (and her hubby and daughter) fly down to Haiti w/ Samaritan's purse. Sarah gets lambasted in the media for having a 'hairdresser' do her hair. Turns out it was BRISTOL pinning her mom's hair off her face while she met with the orphans handed out gifts and talks w/ countries leaders.
Kate still skates through the media spotlight and not many people bat an eye for being worst mother of the century.
I've tried to not let her "vacations" bother me, but, I for one, am really getting tired of seeing them going to all these places that I can't even afford to go to.
What also irks me is that Kate shows no genuine appreciation or gratitude for getting all these free special opportunities.
Is that the same behavior she is bestowing upon her children? That they somehow deserve all these privileges because they are "celebrities" who shall be "served on golden platters"?
The Gosselin kids probably think this is yet another film outing. Do they really understand how truly lucky they are to be given these special opportunities? Many kids won't get these kinds of opportunities in their lifetime. (And yes, that does sound like sheeple talk. What I'm trying to say, so horribly written, is that these kids probably won't appreciate these opportunities because they are so accustomed to it. It's become their normal because it's for filming.)
@Jennifly05 well your not missing much! Lappy is with that Kate moron who has the 18 kids in one of the boxes at the game
Are the work permits posted in the suite? According to the PA child labor laws, these must be posted where the kids are filmed. In addition, the kids cannot work where alcohol is served. Do they serve drinks in the suite? Did they stop filming at 10 p.m.?
Seems perhaps an e-mail to Rep Murt is in order.
I would note that all the "fuss" made on the internet and elsewhere was what caught Rep Murt's attention. There is nothing delusional about the impact of people saying bad things about the bad things Kate does. Do we wish it had much more of an impact, absolutely. But these is nothing delusional about the fact that it DOES have an impact, however small.
Discovery gave me a Cease and Disest letter in August--why would they do that if they didn't think blogs had an impact? How is that delusional, Discovery themselves is telling us to shut up. I sent them a polite reply back saying basically, free speech baby.
Administrator said...
Define, the kids cannot go out in public without everyone jumping on their phone. People here don't WANT that for the children. We would be thrilled if no one was twittering or facebooking about them. That is our main goal, and Jon's, to give them back a normal life. The purpose of this post is to expose what a circus their lives are.
Bullshit. If that were the purpose, you would not have included the picture. Your hypocrisy truly knows no bounds. You follow every move these children make. Whose really the creepy one?
There is usually some occasional fighting, verbal and physical, in all sports, but there's no denying hockey is one of the worst offenders. There are web sites devoted to hockey fights. On the one hand, usually there are consequences for fighting--you go to the penalty box or get kicked out of the game. And I doubt Kate knows enough about hockey to even realize how violent it can be. It is also one of the more dangerous of the sports up there with football, you are far more likely to die playing hockey than say basketball. People don't wear proper equipment and get hurt, or they skate on unsafe ice and fall in, things like that.
I loosely follow hockey since I had a couple family members who played college. I for one don't watch for the fights and I know a lot of fans who don't like the fights and like the sport itself. I don't care for the fights anymore than I care to see a foul in basketball and the boring foul shots.
Best hockey game ever, you can see the 1980 Olympic Russia-US game on youtube.
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