According to local journalist Hughe Dillon, an eyewitness, the children were made to go back down and climb the steps again, and the segment was very "scripted."

Yesterday the kids climbed the steps made famous in the movie Rocky (at the Philadelphia Art Museum), which camera crews got in their faces to capture it all and Kate chatted on her cell phone.

213 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 213 of 213 Newer› Newest»Administrator said...
I agree it would be very unusual for a father to get full custody absent something going on, especially in a state like Michigan going along with how things have always been. I don't even see it much where I am which I think is a state quite liberal to fathers. If a mother and father are both fit, custody in my state usually swings 50-50, or, whatever they want to work out that they can agree on. This is just not the case in many other states where there is a strong preferance for the mother even if the law says to be neutral.
Reasons I've seen a father get full custody are mother is doing drugs, mother is abusive to the children, mother is coaching the children AGAINST the father (boy does that feel good when justice is served on that), mother is in jail, mother is in another state or country and absent. Kids hate the mother, kids hate the mother's boyfriend. Mother doesn't like the kids. Mother has new kids and wants to dump the old ones on the father. Mother is homeless.
Not working and not making as much money as dad or have as nice a house is usually not a good reason to deny a mother custody.
The sheeple still haven't explained yet why Jon is a douchebag for not getting custody but Jamie isn't--since the question was thrown out there. Still waiting.
Today alone you have cast aspersions on a camera guy and on a woman whose great crime is to be friends with someone you can't stand. Because some random person claimed that Kate's friend doesn't have primary custody of her children, which you do not even know to be true, you are now throwing out possible "reasons" why. Your behavior is despicable.
Sorry if you haven't gotten the response you wanted. Unlike your sheeple, who jump at your every command, those who do not tow your company line don't feel compelled to answer your questions. Sucks to be control freak without the power to control everyone, huh?
....flock together.
@ fidosmommy, She was quite hysterical (and I don't mean in the funny ha ha sense) this summer in New York running and screaming with the ice cream cones and then going barefoot coming off the ferry from Ellis Island and even on the ferry she was yappier and uglier than her usual ugliness towards her kids. Also she was very cocky and verbal with Chris when Jamie was with her and they were heading in to some store back at Reading. It's like she feeds off the presence of someone of her mindset. Maybe it's my imagination but she's appears as if she's in a manic swing when she has Jamie with her.
I agree it would be very unusual for a father to get full custody absent something going on, especially in a state like Michigan going along with how things have always been. I don't even see it much where I am which I think is a state quite liberal to fathers. If a mother and father are both fit, custody in my state usually swings 50-50, or, whatever they want to work out that they can agree on. This is just not the case in many other states where there is a strong preferance for the mother even if the law says to be neutral.
Reasons I've seen a father get full custody are mother is doing drugs, mother is abusive to the children, mother is coaching the children AGAINST the father (boy does that feel good when justice is served on that), mother is in jail, mother is in another state or country and absent. Kids hate the mother, kids hate the mother's boyfriend. Mother doesn't like the kids. Mother has new kids and wants to dump the old ones on the father. Mother is homeless.
Not working and not making as much money as dad or have as nice a house is usually not a good reason to deny a mother custody.
The sheeple still haven't explained yet why Jon is a douchebag for not getting custody but Jamie isn't--since the question was thrown out there. Still waiting.
Has anyone else noticed that Kate behaves even more erratic than usual when the BFF Jamie is with her?
If the "hater" blogs weren't around, nobody would know about Kate's egregious behavior, Jon and Kate's sham marriage and many of the lies that TLC and Kate have been spewing.
When I've commented in the past that these blogs help keep Kate and her show viable, it's has been said on this blog that "we" are not big enough to have an influence on ratings or the outcome of the show. Are we an influence or not?
Can't believe in both or have it both ways.
I, for one, am in the process of going Kate-free, and it's a challenge, but I'm doing other things and don't even check into the blogs that much any more. Just had to add my two cents after some of the comments today and hearing people finally expressing thoughts about the bad effect blogging is having...as in keeping up a steady stream of controversy which only can help Kate.
I saw a good comment about apathy being the eventual end to Kate. I believe it!
BTW, Kate is her own worst enemy. Her bad behavior has been a boon to letting the media know what she's really about...not the blogs.
I want to post anony... said... Sure it's tough and discouraging but this blog and other "hater" blogs need to continue being vocal.
If the "hater" blogs weren't around, nobody would know about Kate's egregious behavior, Jon and Kate's sham marriage and many of the lies that TLC and Kate have been spewing.
Kate WILL go away. It may not happen as fast as we would like but Kate is just a temporary blip on the radar screen.
It's a battle but we cannot give up now.
I agree 100% with you.
I found this post at Preesi's website, but it originated from the comment section in that God-awful TLC Kate's Take blog:
The house of cards is falling.
I take no joy in seeing Kate fall apart before our very eyes.
I hope and pray that all of the fans will continue to support Kate, in a limited way this coming year. It will be easy to hate her when the truth comes out, but she'll need your support.
The children are going to be okay with their dad.
Posted by: Insider | 12/21/2010 at 04:21 PM
Sounds ominous.
Sure it's tough and discouraging but this blog and other "hater" blogs need to continue being vocal.
If the "hater" blogs weren't around, nobody would know about Kate's egregious behavior, Jon and Kate's sham marriage and many of the lies that TLC and Kate have been spewing.
Kate WILL go away. It may not happen as fast as we would like but Kate is just a temporary blip on the radar screen.
It's a battle but we cannot give up now.
Not 100% sure but it looks like we may be able to watch Hughe Dillon's show at some point.
http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/results/?keywords=hughe dillon&sort=date&adv=y
why does the hairspray (and lines) sound over the top to you? It's totally possible they spray her hair to get it out of her face. I didn't "get" the part about those being at the hotel from the night before. Is this person saying that those who stayed at the hotel followed the group to the museum? How was it that this person was so close that she/he could hear what was being said inside the limo?
Hi Admin,
I am wondering how you know these details? (I know that you would not add these details without knowing them as factual)
Admin said: Hughe Dillon was a journalist who was there and he said they forced them to climb the stairs at least twice. Hughe also said Steve ALLOWED him to take pics after he negotiated for them
Yes, Lauren, others feel like they don't know what to say anymore. I join you in thought.
So many, many of us have stopped watching TLC, but apparently there are still companies willing to advertise so there you go. Money begets money. Thus, the KG8 bus keeps on rolling. It takes a lot of money to keep up the lifestyle they have become accustomed to living. Sure appears they want to keep striking while the iron is hot, or before the kids get too old to boss around. Good or bad, Kate sees herself as a "hot babe" and will not go away without a fight. She doesn't seem to care what anyone thinks or says. Just dump anyone who questions your actions is her motto.
The future will not be kind to Ms. Gosselin. Those kids will repay her for her unkind attitude towards them and others. "Every dog has it's day."
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