According to local journalist Hughe Dillon, an eyewitness, the children were made to go back down and climb the steps again, and the segment was very "scripted."

Yesterday the kids climbed the steps made famous in the movie Rocky (at the Philadelphia Art Museum), which camera crews got in their faces to capture it all and Kate chatted on her cell phone.

213 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 213 Newer› Newest»The cell phone is classic. She's not savoring the trip with her kids she's just seeing to it they are filmed while she goes on with her normal routine. I'm surprised she's not getting a pedicure while the kids get filmed.
WHO is she talking to that's so important? She can't shut off her phone on a family vacation?
"When you hear the tone the time will be 10:45."
Hughe Dillon was a journalist who was there and he said they forced them to climb the stairs at least twice.
Do the sheeple crying hypocricy understand this post is about exposing the "reality" of this scripted production? Probably not.
She must have had a wardrobe trailer on site. If you look closely at the series of photos, at some point she changed from tight leggings to jeans, also switching from a mid-thigh-length jacket into a shorter one and different boots where she's seen running up the steps. It's all about her.
Who even watches this travesty anyways?? At least one person if they are still filming. Kate is not going away anytime soon. She could care less what the public thinks, and rides on the wave of the public dislike of her, all the way to the bank. This family is hopeless.
Kate may be giving these kids an affluent lifestyle now(with their money), years from now theses kids won't be living any higher than middle class, because the money will be gone by then. She will be in hiding for all the damage she has caused these kids.
Kate may think she has it all, but she has nothing, and her life is not one many of us would care to have. They are are "brand" not a family. A money machine. As far as childhoods, those were kissed good-bye a long time ago. And her religion is: Money.
Good luck to Kate, her future looks bleak. All things ALWAYS come to an end.
I'm not seeing that she changed jeans, it looks like they just look a little darker in different lighting.
Hughe also said Steve ALLOWED him to take pics after he negotiated for them. I thought this was about protecting the kids, not leaking photos to the press.
Who's the other blonde there? The nanny? Looks like she's texting or something in the first photo. So neither one of the adults that are supposed to be minding the kids are paying one iota of attention at that moment.
Kate and the nanny don't need to pay attention to the kids when you have a camera crew.
Check out this camera guy's creepy smile while he films them:
I like how Kate is also dressed properly for the weather this time, in a thick jacket, warm gloves and boots. Because she didn't want to set herself up to fail this time, unlike in Alaska where she never wanted that to work whatsoever.
Administrator said...
Check out this camera guy's creepy smile while he films them:
Ewwwwww. He looks frightening.
I'm sure this guy is perfectly harmless but why would you want some stranger with a camera all up in your children's faces?? What does Kate know about him really? Is he her BFF? Does she have his resume, knows his criminal history, does he have a family and kids of his own? It's not like home movies where your mom or dad is behind the camera for pity sake.
Admin said...
Fans are usually responsible for stalking and people getting hurt. Typically they think they are in some kind of relationship with the celeb. Sounds so familiar to people talking about Kate as if she were some kind of best girlfriend.
John Lennon, Selena, Rebecca Lucile Schaeffer, all lost their life to a fan.
Admin, I love ya, but please, never never never use that woman who has 8 kids & John Lennon in the same sentence again. Thank you. (I am seriously his biggest fan, & I got a little offended there for a moment...) :) I understand your point however, but still...
Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Kate cannot/will not do ANYTHING with her kids unless a camera is filming. I wonder if the Gosselin 8 even know the significance of running up those steps OR if they even heard or seen the movie "Rocky".
I'm waiting for the episode where can-do Kate/TLC make the kids climb Mt. Everest.
They really are like little circus monkeys, aren't they? Do this, do that, go there, climb this, go back down and climb it again! Schnell!
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
I'm waiting for the episode where can-do Kate/TLC make the kids climb Mt. Everest.
She'd probably pronounce it ev-er-rats.
I wonder if Aron Ralston would be available to lead the tour. She'd lose it completely over the stump.
Lorrie said...
Who's the other blonde there? The nanny? Looks like she's texting or something in the first photo. So neither one of the adults that are supposed to be minding the kids are paying one iota of attention at that moment.
December 22, 2010 6:03 AM
Thats Jamie Cole - Ayers. Kates BFF. Remember her now?
I'm waiting to see if the kids are working on Christmas Eve or Christmas!!!! Looks like aboring episode anyways.
Doesn't Jamie live in Michigan or Ohio or something? Why isn't she with her own children the week of Christmas?
Administrator said...
Doesn't Jamie live in Michigan or Ohio or something? Why isn't she with her own children the week of Christmas?
December 22, 2010 6:53 AM
Her husband has primary custody.
Makes you wonder about Jamie. How did that happen in states like those that heavily favor mothers.
"If you look closely at the series of photos, at some point she changed from tight leggings to jeans, also switching from a mid-thigh-length jacket into a shorter one and different boots where she's seen running up the steps."
I thought the same thing, then looked at different pictures and realized that the woman with the shorter coat, different boots, and lighter jeans is Jamie. At some point Jamie passed Kate running up the stairs (probably because Kate was on the phone).
Two things ( because my life just won't feel right if I don't get in at least one weekly snark about Kate....tee hee )
1 ) We all know darn well none of these visits to these places would've ever occured if the cameras were not around. The kids would've remained sequestered at the Konpound with nannies while mommy ran away to pamper herself.
2) It irritates me to no end when Kate holds that right side flap of hair as if she is holding a stage curtain open and peering out to see the audience.
Here's an article with the Top 10 New Restaurants. Maybe TLC can take Kate, Jamie, Steve, and the kids to Seattle. That would be a great time to film them in the Space Needle, too. You wait and see...I'm sure they'll work in a trip to Seattle. Although, it's not sunny and warm there, so maybe Kate will pout and not go there. I wouldn't want to see another hissy fit fest like we witnessed in Alaska.
At least it appears the twins were spared from this debacle. I think (hope) they're on to their mother's lies; how many times can Kate justify to them about things/lies she says on TV about school, working hours, their dad. And Steve.
I believe it is Jamie too. Notice were Mady always puts herself...
So Jon tweeted that it was "cool" his kids were at the Hockey game. He really can't distinguish what is cool and what isn't, which is why the kids are still on TV!!!
Carol, if those kids come with their mother to Seattle, I promise you I will be protesting at the Space Needle, science center, Pike Place Market, etc. I live near all those things and will have my "Children should not work to support their parent's lifestyle" sign at the ready. Seattle is very kid-oriented (and protest minded, haha) - I don't think the locals would look favorably on her coming here to film.
I agree with everyone else who is puzzled about why Kate G. cannot take her kids anywhere unless the TLC camera is rolling. The only answer I can come up with is money, money, and more money. If she went on her own, golly, she would need to bring money like the rest of us. It's called paying your own way. She needs her (kids') money for more important things like hair, make-up, fancy cars, McMansion, etc. The list is endless, isn't it? Jealous, no, just feeling tired of Kate G, created by TLC.
Is ignoring her going to make her 15 minutes of fame disappear any quicker? Is there an answer to that question?
The kids don't know who the H--- Rocky is or even the movie to appreciate a smidgen of why they had to run up the stairs but yet they were made to re-enact the scene.
The whole place looks pretty empty -- did they clear the area for filming or was it just very early in the morning.
Jon has proven to be an idiot. He is willingly letting his children be filmed and likely profiting off it alongside Kate. The pair of them should do jail time for bringing children into this world for the sole purpose of profiting off them.
I have come to believe that that phone is merely a prop for her, allows her to not look at her kids, or the cameras - she has no one to talk to, since Steve and the BFF are apparently there with her, as are her camera people - all a prop. As is this facade of filming her oh so wonderful life, all a prop, to make the $$$ that keep her in tans, manis and slut shoes - not a scripted scene about giving back to others at this holiday time, or anything that might reflect the "Christian" character that she so tried to impress the audience with in the beginning. At least, I suppose, the kids are not locked up in the Me Mansion while she runs her errands on her custodial time - wonder who is watching the dog and the chickens - what a life they all lead. And again, who cares to watch the travelogue, so edited and scripted. This family is not amusing, entertaining or otherwise charming any more, and the ratings are showing it - good call TLC, keep those cameras rolling.
Everything this woman associates herself with seems so devoid of life and happiness. I can't even click on the links any more - I just don't care.
Maybe some day TLC we give Kate her walking papers, but it won't be any time soon. As long as she is still willing to sell eight little souls to rake in money for herself and a network that cares little about the negative image they are promoting, she will be around. It all used to be irritating, now it's quite disturbing.
It is SHAMEFUL the kids have to work on their Christmas break. Kate has no soul. She has a black heart. Do the kids even WANT to work? Did she frigin ask them? Probably not. She probably said, You're working on your break, end of discussion. The kids are downtrodden, exhausted from fighting her. They have no fight left in them. This is one of the most dispicable acts of motherhood I have ever seen from Kate, & we've seen some doozies. Making the kids work on their Christmas break...Kate is so desperate at this point. Someone needs to stop her, NOW!
I am baffled why PurseBoy would think he can stop folks in public from taking pictures..... they are in public... and if the person taking pictures is a distance away, not coming in close, how can he think he can make them stop?!
This is the second time I've read that he approached people and tried to make the stop taking pictures or make them delete pictures from their camera. The first was on the beach in North (or South?)Carolina. The photographer was another guest on the beach, was pretty far away and was taking pictures with her cell phone. He approached her and told her to delete the pictures. She said no. And now he tried to get the reporter/photographer to stop taking pictures of Kart and her moneybags while out in the open on the museum steps....
THEY ARE OUT IN THE OPEN, IN PUBLIC! The photographers in both cases were a distance away and no physical threat. THEY CAN TAKE PICTURES IF THEY WANT TO.
I'd love for Purseboy to approach me - I'd have 911 on speed-dial, ready for him to try to take away my camera. Just try it, bag-carrier.......
I know why they are so hinky about this though - they don't want photos popping up with stories about how fake the scenes are before the show airs. It really is a buzzkill when blogs and the public know she is a fake and is forcing her little cash monkeys to work like dogs.
They want to film in secret to preserve the 'mystery' -- HA! The only mystery is how she has lasted this long...........
This is just gross.
Why should 6 year olds have to climb up and down stairs for a living but not be allowed to go camping? Oh yeah, I forgot. Their mother gets paid a quarter of a million dollars for the kids to climb stairs, but less apparently if the kids go camping.
A quarter of a million dollars, folks. That's what Kate makes to stand there and sneer at her children. This is IF the episode airs.
Guess what we were told about them filming close to home was true. The State of PA is gonna LOVE these promo shows!
The whole place looks pretty empty -- did they clear the area for filming or was it just very early in the morning.
It was in the middle of the afternoon according to Hughe. It was empty because all the other families are at HOME, baking cookies, putting up the tree, wrapping presents and relaxing on their VACATIONS.
Ratclaws doesn't want a photographer to capture how many times the kids were forced to climb the steps. Take ten!
They are in a public place and Hughe didn't need to even "negotiate" with him, he had every right to take as many pics of this farce as he wanted to.
Administrator said...
The whole place looks pretty empty -- did they clear the area for filming or was it just very early in the morning.
It was in the middle of the afternoon according to Hughe. It was empty because all the other families are at HOME, baking cookies, putting up the tree, wrapping presents and relaxing on their VACATIONS.
Agreed about where the kids ought to be. Three straight days of filming on their break...
I'm from Philly and have ran up and down those steps hundreds of times during my runs from the Penn campus. It's not unusual for the Art Museum steps to be pretty empty on a weekday this time of year. I doubt anyone shut the area down for them-it's surrounded by public sidewalks and of course, closing it down would prohibit people from getting in and out of the East Entrance.
I'm surprised that Jon called the filming at the Flyers game cool...
We can easily predict that the music playing will be the theme from Rocky while Kate ponders about how hard she works and how far they have come....blah blah. You could recap it now..
According the the link on Preesi's site, that blod is Jaimie (sp?). It's weird how she is trying to look like Kate (or is Kate trying to look like her?). Same blond hair in a similar style. Odd.
This is the second time I've read that he approached people and tried to make the stop taking pictures or make them delete pictures from their camera. The first was on the beach in North (or South?)Carolina. The photographer was another guest on the beach, was pretty far away and was taking pictures with her cell phone.
They were also at the Please Touch musuem when Purseboy told a woman to delete the photos in her cell phone. Allegedly.
Trucker said...
So Jon tweeted that it was "cool" his kids were at the Hockey game. He really can't distinguish what is cool and what isn't, which is why the kids are still on TV!!!
Did Jon tweet that it was cool that the kids got to see the hockey game, or that it was cool to have the kids filmed during the game? I'm sure Jon would think it was fun for the kids to watch the game. Jon likes sports. It doesn't mean that he thinks filming his kids is good for them.
Maybe Jon just needs to keep quiet so he's not misinterpreted.
Hippie Chick, I agree! I don't even like seeing his name on Gosselin blogs.
About Kate & her stupid phone: she probably turns the ringer all the way down to silent & pretends she is talking to someone to sound important. That way, the ringer won't go off & she won't look as DURRR as she already is. Kate is probably just pretending to talk to someone, like the Butterball Turkey Hotline, or 1-800-Dial-A-Bitch.
Jamie C had the same hair before Kate got extensions. You can see pictures of their so called friend ship with kates short hair.
I guess Jamie is texting her kids that she will not be home for the holidays. Kate is more important.
This is just unbelievable that these poor kids can not have a minutes peace. Who seriously would find any of this entertaining? Kate is a whacko who has zero regard for her chilren's welfare and TLC is right there with her, disgusting. When is it going to end? Maybe years from now we can follow Kate when she visits some of the kids at the PA state prison(only if it's being filmed of course) Or maybe Jeff from Intervention can do a crossover and help get the kids in to rehab while Kate fake cries about it. I can not imagine that after 2 of your kids get expelled from kindergarten(WTF??) the show must go on. God help these poor kids and what is going to happen in the years to come. Kate deserves whatever comes her way for having totally taken away her kids childhood and privacy and shame on TLC for being her accomplice.
Maybe Jon just needs to keep quiet so he's not misinterpreted.
Or perhaps well-intentioned people should not post his tweets on blogs. I know, I know. He shouldn't be tweeting or talking or breathing for that matter, and he should have thought of all this before he ever put his kids on TV and it's all his fault.
Here’s the twitter thread where Jon said “cool.” This should explain his meaning:
***These are tweets sent by Admin TO Jon.
To start it off JAYSERV tweeted to Jon that the kids were at the Flyers game.
Jon sent a tweet TO JAYSERV saying: "So I've heard. Cool!!"
Then Admin tweeted TO Jon: "Jon it's not "cool" your kids were at a Flyers game they were being FILMED."
Jon replied to Admin saying: "Actually, I was saying it was cool that the person tweeting me saw them."
To which Admin then replied: "ah, I see. we still support you getting these kids off TV and having a normal life."***
Another thing, if PA is trying to promote tourism their efforts are lost on me. My husband is a huge Rocky fan and would love to climb those steps, but at this point I’m disgusted with the whole state of PA.
The first thing I thought when I saw Kate on the phone in these pics and while filming yet...man, that broad has balls...is that Stevie must not have been there. She's a BITCH.
Laura said,
"Another thing, if PA is trying to promote tourism their efforts are lost on me. My husband is a huge Rocky fan and would love to climb those steps, but at this point I’m disgusted with the whole state of PA."
Right. Blame it on PA because TLC decided to film closer than home rather than take these kids on long, expensive vacations. PA set this whole thing up because the state really is enamored with Kate and all of the tourism she promotes. PA's economy depends on Kate promoting the state! She's been filming solely in PA for years now, and is the spokesperson for PA tourism! NOT! On the contrary, PA will vote on the bill that will protect the rights of kids being filmed in this state, limiting their hours, making sure that the kids have a set teacher, etc. etc. PA DOL has screwed up in the past, but darn it, I hope this time we get this right and do what needs to be done for all children.
Trucker said...
So Jon tweeted that it was "cool" his kids were at the Hockey game. He really can't distinguish what is cool and what isn't, which is why the kids are still on TV!!!
Read Admin's account of the tweet (on the other thread). This is not what he meant.
I have to ask: (Not that they closed down this place for their filming in Philidelphia) but if you shut down a place or location for filming, isn't it called a "set?" like you film for television shows? And if they have in the past as it appears shut down certain places to film Kate and her kids, would you also call that a "set" as well? I mean it cannot be reality tv and real life if you have to shut down a place to film people going about their daily life at...oh, the shoe store, the place to get backbacks and the school uniforms. It just strikes me as odd.
As last year when the younger kids went to school at the church pre-school I can't remember but they were the only kids there. Don't most classes have more than 6 kids who are all your siblings?
Someone doesn't know who ROCKY is?
My heart is breaking.
Read it wrong. Of course the kids don't know me but if you ask Kate, I'm their biggest fan.
As last year when the younger kids went to school at the church pre-school I can't remember but they were the only kids there. Don't most classes have more than 6 kids who are all your siblings?
The tups didn't go to a church preschool last year. They were in prekindergarten at the same private school they've attended this year.
Once there was film of the tups in a Sunday school class. Is that what you're talking about?
Home For The Holidays: Relax, I’m not literally disgusted with the whole state of PA; just using hyperbole. Let’s just say I’m disgusted. Period. Having said that, if the G’s ever showed up in my town to film you can bet I’d be writing to every elected official and every newspaper I could think of to voice that same disgust. Call it guilt by association, kind of like how the Kate lovers are disgusted with Ellen. Yes, my tongue is in my cheek.
I apologize both since I have not watched much of even Jon and Kate plus 8 only on occasion if nothing was on. And that in trying to ask sometimes my English fails to be correct.
However, that is possibly. I am not sure which school the younger children had been in yet they were "Running Late" as Kate said dashing off to get to school yet upon arriving they seemed to be the only children there or so it seemed.
Wow, I'm to the point where I just don't know what to say anymore. Does anybody else feel like that?
Questions said... As last year when the younger kids went to school at the church pre-school I can't remember but they were the only kids there. Don't most classes have more than 6 kids who are all your siblings?
The tups didn't go to a church preschool last year. They were in prekindergarten at the same private school they've attended this year.
Once there was film of the tups in a Sunday school class. Is that what you're talking about?
December 22, 2010 12:33 PM
They were in pre-school twice. The first time at the church, the second time at the school they are in now.
To my understanding, they were not the only kids in either pre-school class.
There is a comment on Gosslins without pity from someone who saw the whole filming or knows someone who saw. It's very interesting and puts Kate in a whole new dark light. She showed no love to those kids at all. I don't know how to copy it,sorry. I think it starts out So you want to know about the filming yesterday...
Lauren: Yup. I'm near the point where I feel like throwing in the towel and swapping recipies with BM's group.
Tidying things up and came across this gem.
Spontaneous, zany, wacky shenanigans for Christmas break! That crazy kHate.
Real nice job selling the fun with the cell phone in your ear as the kids climb the steps for the historic moment. The clincher is the 'Mother of The Decade' look on her face at the top of the steps as she directs her minions (then probably screeches.)
Yes, Lauren, others feel like they don't know what to say anymore. I join you in thought.
So many, many of us have stopped watching TLC, but apparently there are still companies willing to advertise so there you go. Money begets money. Thus, the KG8 bus keeps on rolling. It takes a lot of money to keep up the lifestyle they have become accustomed to living. Sure appears they want to keep striking while the iron is hot, or before the kids get too old to boss around. Good or bad, Kate sees herself as a "hot babe" and will not go away without a fight. She doesn't seem to care what anyone thinks or says. Just dump anyone who questions your actions is her motto.
The future will not be kind to Ms. Gosselin. Those kids will repay her for her unkind attitude towards them and others. "Every dog has it's day."
NT, thanks, here's that post in 2 parts:
Philadelphia Worker said...
Well everyone wants to know about the filming yesterday?
Up pulls 2 limos with the Stahs of the show plus someguy driving the mega van, without the kids, as they were in the limo until filming.
The producer and Kate went over and over and over the scripts. She opened the door of the limo and she was shouting "blah, blah, blah, repeat that, do you hear me? repeat it as I said it, repeat it, nooooooooo that is not right, we get done when you get it right, do you hear me?????? Get it ready.
Stop it, stop it. Repeat it and that is when we eat"
So the Queen marches the kids out of the car and the only people who were kind and patient with the kids, of course they were paid, was the camera and sound boom people.
Kate has her back to the camera and while the kids were being filmed, she is mouthing the words for them to ask/say (no, I didn't hear that part) as that was quieter and not yelling) but she keeps holding her hair back, hair, hair, hair. They had to repeat shots as her hair was blowing at times. She gets really pissed at that. The producer keeps spraying her hair. I guess she was the producer as she told everyone what to do. Total of crew? 5
2 babysitters, Kate, SteveO, another big, big black guy.
Part two:
Lordie, she looks older in person. She yelled at the kids to run, run up the steps. The steps are wide and they fell a couple of times.
Damn disgusting actually. All very structured in what they did.
It was so obvious that these kids had no idea what they were doing on the steps of the Art Museum, where I work across the circle at another place. We watched her and she is a bit over the top with her emoting.
People were there and outside her hotel from the night before. No one approached any of them, no one.
The kids were tired and something else wasn't right, so self conscious of all of us looking at them. The camera man said they were not getting the right light and to hurry. I don't know what that was about (this at the Phila art museaum)
No I did not see any motherly touching, nothing, she holds her hair back.
The babysitters? Said nothing when the camera is off. Nothing to the kids, listened to Kate ranting about some of the kids I think.
I don't know all the kids and it is confusing to someone who does not know the faces, but several looked stunned or asleep or something wrong. Are any of her kids on medication? The boy with the glasses? He was crying at one point after he fell twice. She doesn't move toward them except when the camera is on.One of the babysitters ran to him. Wowie wowie
We talked to someone at the art museum and they said (no, can't tell you who that was) that TLC filming had been arranged, no entrance into the museum, so no preparation for that. After all would she want them to see art or know what it is herself.
The friends at the museum said that she is mean, cold, distant, talked to no one other than crew. Held that phone until Steve took it out of her hand. She keeps the phone nearby at all times.
If I forgot anything or hear of other things, I do know about the hotel, but I promised not to say anything. She made a lot of demands a head of time. Very long list, yes it was first class.
Oh I almost forgot. The boyfriend Steve was there. Yep and she did talk with him, stood close to him. He says a lot to the kids like he is the dad and not the bodyguard.
That is all right now. As I am at work but my dear friend say to write on this blog as she does all the time.
How long did it take on the museum steps? No more than 20 maybe 25 min. It was faster than we excpected. It was a sunny day with high temps in the high 30s, so not a cold day, not at all, but it could get cool with the winds at times. The only one who complained about that wind, was your sweetheart of a matha drucker.
Is she on medication? She is strange looking.
12/22/2010 12:33 PM
Here is the comment from GWOP:
Philadelphia Worker said…
Well everyone wants to know about the filming yesterday?
Up pulls 2 limos with the Stahs of the show plus someguy driving the mega van, without the kids, as they were in the limo until filming.
The producer and Kate went over and over and over the scripts. She opened the door of the limo and she was shouting “blah, blah, blah, repeat that, do you hear me? repeat it as I said it, repeat it, nooooooooo that is not right, we get done when you get it right, do you hear me?????? Get it ready.
Stop it, stop it. Repeat it and that is when we eat”
So the Queen marches the kids out of the car and the only people who were kind and patient with the kids, of course they were paid, was the camera and sound boom people.
Kate has her back to the camera and while the kids were being filmed, she is mouthing the words for them to ask/say (no, I didn’t hear that part) as that was quieter and not yelling) but she keeps holding her hair back, hair, hair, hair. They had to repeat shots as her hair was blowing at times. She gets really pissed at that. The producer keeps spraying her hair. I guess she was the producer as she told everyone what to do. Total of crew? 5
2 babysitters, Kate, SteveO, another big, big black guy.
Lordie, she looks older in person. She yelled at the kids to run, run up the steps. The steps are wide and they fell a couple of times.
Damn disgusting actually. All very structured in what they did.
It was so obvious that these kids had no idea what they were doing on the steps of the Art Museum, where I work across the circle at another place. We watched her and she is a bit over the top with her emoting.
People were there and outside her hotel from the night before. No one approached any of them, no one.
The kids were tired and something else wasn’t right, so self conscious of all of us looking at them. The camera man said they were not getting the right light and to hurry. I don’t know what that was about (this at the Phila art museaum)
No I did not see any motherly touching, nothing, she holds her hair back.
The babysitters? Said nothing when the camera is off. Nothing to the kids, listened to Kate ranting about some of the kids I think.
I don’t know all the kids and it is confusing to someone who does not know the faces, but several looked stunned or asleep or something wrong. Are any of her kids on medication? The boy with the glasses? He was crying at one point after he fell twice. She doesn’t move toward them except when the camera is on.One of the babysitters ran to him. Wowie wowie
We talked to someone at the art museum and they said (no, can’t tell you who that was) that TLC filming had been arranged, no entrance into the museum, so no preparation for that. After all would she want them to see art or know what it is herself.
The friends at the museum said that she is mean, cold, distant, talked to no one other than crew. Held that phone until Steve took it out of her hand. She keeps the phone nearby at all times.
If I forgot anything or hear of other things, I do know about the hotel, but I promised not to say anything. She made a lot of demands a head of time. Very long list, yes it was first class.
Oh I almost forgot. The boyfriend Steve was there. Yep and she did talk with him, stood close to him. He says a lot to the kids like he is the dad and not the bodyguard.
That is all right now. As I am at work but my dear friend say to write on this blog as she does all the time.
How long did it take on the museum steps? No more than 20 maybe 25 min. It was faster than we excpected. It was a sunny day with high temps in the high 30s, so not a cold day, not at all, but it could get cool with the winds at times. The only one who complained about that wind, was your sweetheart of a matha drucker.
Is she on medication? She is strange looking.
12/22/2010 12:33 PM
Hi Admin,
I am wondering how you know these details? (I know that you would not add these details without knowing them as factual)
Admin said: Hughe Dillon was a journalist who was there and he said they forced them to climb the stairs at least twice. Hughe also said Steve ALLOWED him to take pics after he negotiated for them
Nancy, Hughe and I exchanged a few emails early this morning when I asked him if I could use his pics. That's when he gave a few more details. He said he is going to reveal more on his Philly news show tonight and then would pass it on once that info is releaed.
I have to say, that account from a supposed "eye witness" about hairspray and lines sounds...a bit over the top.
Everyone has failed at stopping this madness. Even Jon himself. Insiders or those close to the kids who try to help just get themselves estranged. Jon, Jodi and Kevin, and so on.
Blogging has not really helped, ignoring it has not helped, outsiders have not helped, insiders have not helped. The whole thing is very discouraging.
why does the hairspray (and lines) sound over the top to you? It's totally possible they spray her hair to get it out of her face. I didn't "get" the part about those being at the hotel from the night before. Is this person saying that those who stayed at the hotel followed the group to the museum? How was it that this person was so close that she/he could hear what was being said inside the limo?
Is this person saying that those who stayed at the hotel followed the group to the museum?
Red flag number 1. Bizarre statement.
How was it that this person was so close that she/he could hear what was being said inside the limo?
Red flag number 2.
As far as the hairspray and lines, it just sounds like too much like what people want to hear about what a "production" it is.
Sure this could be true, but it sounds like BS to me. Like another sheeple trying to say what people want to hear, then turning around and laughing that people will believe anything.
Hughe is a much more credible source as we have picture proof he was there and he is a reporter for a local TV station with no reason to lie.
Do you know what local station this report is supposed to be on? I haven't seen anything of it yet.
I assume it would be NBC's NON Stop Philly Channel with Celeb Chat on The Scene?
I'm not sure if this is NBC, or a separate local access channel affiliated with NBC.
If they were close enough to hear what was being said inside the limo, wouldn't rat-claws have told them to get moving? I can't imagine him allowing a gathering at the limo when they were trying to film.
Some of that account sounds strange -- not that it's not possible that the kids ran up and down the steps a few times and fell, and not that she was yelling at them and was a shrew. It's just that I think there was too much elaboration on small details that it just doesn't sound plausible. Not a total doubter, just not a total believer, either!
I think they basically took a few statements consistent with what Hughe said, i.e. running up and down the steps, looked at the photos, and then added a few outrageous details. Now they are sitting back, folding their arms and waiting to laugh at all the dumbos who believe it.
I hope I'm wrong but this one feels way off.
Administrator said... Everyone has failed at stopping this madness. Even Jon himself. Insiders or those close to the kids who try to help just get themselves estranged. Jon, Jodi and Kevin, and so on.
Blogging has not really helped, ignoring it has not helped, outsiders have not helped, insiders have not helped. The whole thing is very discouraging.
This is exactly how I feel too. This whole thing really is beginning to feel hopeless. I all honesty, I think the kids are too far gone. The damage is done and nothing anyone has done to try and save them has failed.
God forgive me for saying so, but I think in a few years we'll be seeing one or two (or more) of the Gosselins on shows like Celebrity Rehab. I'm not trying to be funny about this either.
Leif Garrett has been on this season to CR and when I see him or hear his stories on the show all I can think of is the Gosselin children. He was in a similar circumstance in the 70's. He was all over the place with a camera in his face all the time. He got into drugs and alcohol at a young age and look at him now? He's what, 57 or 58 years old and he has wasted his life and his money on heroine.
I can see this happening to some of the Gosselin children (I hope that I am wrong, I really do) but they are suffering the same instability and lack of parenting that Leif didn't have.
Trucker said...
So Jon tweeted that it was "cool" his kids were at the Hockey game. He really can't distinguish what is cool and what isn't, which is why the kids are still on TV!!!
It's well and good if we criticize Jon and Kate for crappy statements or actions, but we're out of line when we don't know what in the heck we're talking about and do it anyway or don't apologize when we're wrong.
Someone asked for an explanation of the confusing tweets and this is what I posted on the previous thread:
To start it off JAYSERV tweeted to Jon that the kids were at the Flyers game.
Jon sent a tweet TO JAYSERV saying: "So I've heard. Cool!!"
Then Admin tweeted TO Jon: "Jon it's not "cool" your kids were at a Flyers game they were being FILMED."
Jon replied to Admin saying: "Actually, I was saying it was cool that the person tweeting me saw them."
To which Admin then replied: "ah, I see. we still support you getting these kids off TV and having a normal life."
To follow a 'conversation' in twitter you need to either click back and forth between twitter pages to see what each person is tweeting or click where it says 'in reply to ___' under the text of the tweet to see what the person is referencing in their reply. It's confusing to say the least.
The parental rights to your child is a very powerful thing under the law. Kate is their parent, she has custody, she can do what she wants. In fact, I think this woman gets off on doing what she wants against the opposition of almost everyone else. Even if the best child labor laws limited their hours to one or two a day, she would be filming them those one or two hours. Since Kate has shown no willingness to take advice from anyone else but herself, even though countless family members and the vast majority of public opinion has been practically begging her to wake up and give her children a normal life, nothing will change. It's almost like she wants to prove people wrong now, like it's stubborness. Want me off your TVs, well, just you watch I will NOT leave! Kids be damned.
I do not have a lot of hope for them, however, what I do still have hope about is that I think most families out there ever approached by a reality show, or even child acting, might think twice now. Look what it did to the Gosselins--divorce, children hiding their faces in public, kids expelled. And so on.
What's sad about that is the good families already knew it was a bad idea before this ever even happened, so it's sort of like preaching to the choir. But maybe, just maybe, there will be a family on the fence who will remember what happened to the Gosselins and turn it down. We won't ever really be able to easily know what families those are, but trust that they are out there. If the record of the destruction of this family leads to other families making better choices, it's still worth it.
Administrator said... I'm sure this guy is perfectly harmless but why would you want some stranger with a camera all up in your children's faces?? What does Kate know about him really? Is he her BFF? Does she have his resume, knows his criminal history, does he have a family and kids of his own? It's not like home movies where your mom or dad is behind the camera for pity sake.
I'm sure Kate has no idea what the crew's background is, nor does she likely care. Kate is far too self-centered to wonder about anything other than herself.
The people filming the family are the ones that Kate insisted the kids missed so terribly during the show's hiatus. Yet she has the audacity to also say that she "waits by the phone to see how many want to come home" when they are with their own father!
If a national mag contacted Hughe to do the story, then obviously Kate/TLC alerted the mag to where they would be. Kate's whole life is staged and so are the lives of those poor kids. I doubt that Kate even recognizes the difference between tv and reality anymore. And sadly, I imagine the kids are having trouble with that same thing. Their whole lives have been consumed with this mess.
To purseboy can't stop people from taking pictures...
A friend of mine took his family to see Thomas at the Strasburg Railroad a while ago, and happened to see the Gosselin's as they were filming J&K+8. He started to take some pictures, but was stopped by someone (sorry don't know who!) He informed the person that, no, this is a public area and he can take pictures if he wants to. He was told that although that is true, they would prefer if he doesn't. He said that was fine and he would respect them when they put it that way.
You are right on the money. I also hold little hope for the Gosselins, Kate has an agenda and the kids be damned. She has always been a "jellus hater" of people with money, so she did what she could to become rich. She concocted her plan to concieve multiples, then shop around for a show while pregnant with the 6. She knew full well, what could happen, but the money and things superceeded(?)the well being of those kids. She, Jon and TLC have pretty much destroyed the kids chances of a normal childhood and adult life. They will always be looked at, like the way one looks at a cute puppy through a pet store window. And the stuff they will find on the internet about themselves and their family, could very well put some of those kids over the edge. It is very sad. But I also believe many families in their similar situations have turned the reality shows away in fear of ending up like the G8s. I admire the multiple families, that have gone above and beyond to give their kids a normal life w/o a show, and earning their own monies, and not putting their kids out their to make a buck for them. Kate could take some lessons from those moms of multiples.
It's almost like she wants to prove people wrong now, like it's stubborness. Want me off your TVs, well, just you watch I will NOT leave! Kids be damned.
This is it exactly. It's now become a matter of wills. The more the public protests, the more determined she is to forge ahead. There is nothing that is going to stop her, other than TLC if ratings tank. One thing, though, I think we can do is to keep an eye on the filming, and if we notice any violations, notify DOL or Rep Murt. TLC would hate to be hit with penalties and fines, and if (and when) a set teacher is put into place, along with new rules and regulations, it's going to take Kate out of control and annoy the heck out of her.
Other than that, these kids are at the mercy of a maniac and there's nothing anyone can do. I do have a feeling, though, that something's going to give in the near future.
Administrator said...
Everyone has failed at stopping this madness. Even Jon himself. Insiders or those close to the kids who try to help just get themselves estranged. Jon, Jodi and Kevin, and so on.
Blogging has not really helped, ignoring it has not helped, outsiders have not helped, insiders have not helped. The whole thing is very discouraging.
I know it's discouraging, Admin, but the work of you and other Gosselin bloggers has not gone without notice. Although the show is still in production, blogs have helped accelerate the awareness about child exploitation in reality tv and in particular the Gosselins. Rep. Murt's bill (and the need for it) gained momentum with the help of bloggers and Paul Petersen's work is now known by thousands more people because of the words typed on blogs.
While I don't think K8 + 8 is going to disappear as quickly as we hoped, I firmly believe it's length has been shortened and it's legacy has been altered because of the awareness of the childrens' exploitation and the abuses they've endured at the hands of Kate and TLC.
Without our voices pointing out the abuse and neglect the children endure, Kate's NPD, and the effects of cameras in their faces since birth, she and TLC might have succeeded in their ruse of the innocent mother who did it all by herself.
Reality tv isn't 'reality'. Thanks to blogs like this one and a few astute members of mainstream media, the word is out about the scam being perpetrated on viewers about manipulated 'reality'. Bloggers have helped change the way many people think of reality tv.
I hope we give the Gosselin children a history of their show thru the eyes of strangers who cared enough about them to write so passionately and show the part they played during the explosion of the genre of reality tv.
I hope they will one day look back and know there were people who cared enough about their futures to try to bring awareness of what they endured because of the intrusion of cameras in their lives.
At least we can say we tried.
Administrator said: Everyone has failed at stopping this madness. Even Jon himself. Insiders or those close to the kids who try to help just get themselves estranged. Jon, Jodi and Kevin, and so on.
Blogging has not really helped, ignoring it has not helped, outsiders have not helped, insiders have not helped. The whole thing is very discouraging.
I agree, Admin. Things are not getting better for those kids. Even when filming ends, they'll still have Kate as their mother, and there's nothing we can do to make her a fit parent. I think in the New Year I'm going to go Gosselin-free. I love visiting this blog to read everyone's comments, but we just re-hash the same stuff - Kate's horrible, she runs errands, she's spotted filming somewhere with the kids, etc. It's all becoming so boring. And I can't help thinking that when the blogs light up, somehow that's a payoff for Kate. It may not be ratings for her, but it does show our interest in everything she does. When will we all lose interest? I look forward to that day.
Admin, I agree with your assessment about the supposed bystander who saw the filming. Doesn't sound right.
A lot of people including admin on here seem discourage by the filming. At this point, we just have to let the bad publicity eventually affect the ratings. They are still over 1 Million viewers per episode. It's gotta dip to 700K, or 800K for TLC to axe the show. David Hasselhoff's reality show was cancelled after 2 episodes with the same low ratings.
A few years ago I had a friend living in California who was in a bad marriage. She did not file for divorce immediately because her children were 10 and 12. She waited for her youngest daughter to turn 12 because that was the minimum age the CA court (so she said) allowed the child to decide who they wanted to live with (even though the husband was the primary income bearer). I have since lost touch with this friend and dont know what happen.
My point is, if PA has the same law, can the kids make their own minds as to who they want to live with when they reach the age requirement? Does anyone know?
My point is, if PA has the same law, can the kids make their own minds as to who they want to live with when they reach the age requirement? Does anyone know?
PA has no minimum age requirement. They could request a change of living arrangements right now, but they just can't make up their own minds, not even when they are twelve. However, they must have a very good reason for wanting to live with their father. It can't be because he lets them stay up until midnight, or he buys them new toys every day. The judge questions the children and makes his determination. With children the age of the Gosselins, they really need to have valid reaons for wanting to move.
In this case, though, especially with the twins, I would think that they would have a considerable amount of documentation to show to the judge.
Not 100% sure but it looks like we may be able to watch Hughe Dillon's show at some point.
http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/results/?keywords=hughe dillon&sort=date&adv=y
Sure it's tough and discouraging but this blog and other "hater" blogs need to continue being vocal.
If the "hater" blogs weren't around, nobody would know about Kate's egregious behavior, Jon and Kate's sham marriage and many of the lies that TLC and Kate have been spewing.
Kate WILL go away. It may not happen as fast as we would like but Kate is just a temporary blip on the radar screen.
It's a battle but we cannot give up now.
I found this post at Preesi's website, but it originated from the comment section in that God-awful TLC Kate's Take blog:
The house of cards is falling.
I take no joy in seeing Kate fall apart before our very eyes.
I hope and pray that all of the fans will continue to support Kate, in a limited way this coming year. It will be easy to hate her when the truth comes out, but she'll need your support.
The children are going to be okay with their dad.
Posted by: Insider | 12/21/2010 at 04:21 PM
Sounds ominous.
I want to post anony... said... Sure it's tough and discouraging but this blog and other "hater" blogs need to continue being vocal.
If the "hater" blogs weren't around, nobody would know about Kate's egregious behavior, Jon and Kate's sham marriage and many of the lies that TLC and Kate have been spewing.
Kate WILL go away. It may not happen as fast as we would like but Kate is just a temporary blip on the radar screen.
It's a battle but we cannot give up now.
I agree 100% with you.
Lorrie said... Who's the other blonde there? The nanny? Looks like she's texting or something in the first photo. So neither one of the adults that are supposed to be minding the kids are paying one iota of attention at that moment.
December 22, 2010 6:03 AM
That's Jamie Cole-Ayers, Khate's BFF from Michigan. She's the divorcee whose husband is the CEO of Merrillat Cabinets in Adrian, MI. He has custody of the twin girls and the little boy who is 7. She is a real piece of work, too.
I'm curious, the sheeple, who always blast Jon for not having full custody and rag on him for losing in the family law courts....do they say the same thing about Jamie, who also reportedly doesn't have custody of her kids and is clearly not with them during the one week of the year you would think a mother should be with their kids? Or does Jamie get a pass, but not Jon, because if she's with Kate she must be someone great.
RE: the Gosselin children in Sunday School.
First of all, your English is wonderful. I know
it is not your first language, but you're very well understood.
Secondly, yes, the little ones did attend a preschool Sunday School class one Sunday. Jon and Kate went into the huge "auditorium" for worship. The children made some craft, which their mom threw out as soon as she found a garbage can. And yes, it looked like they were the only children in the class. For a church that size, it seemed very strange to me. I would have thought there would have been at least a dozen kids in that classroom. My bet is that other kids could not be filmed for privacy issues or even because TLC did not want to pay them for being on the show. Hence an empty room was found for the Gosselins and a teacher. Who knows how long they actually stayed in that room? They may have filmed what they wanted and then moved them into another class to be with other children. We'll never know what TLC did.
If the "hater" blogs weren't around, nobody would know about Kate's egregious behavior, Jon and Kate's sham marriage and many of the lies that TLC and Kate have been spewing.
When I've commented in the past that these blogs help keep Kate and her show viable, it's has been said on this blog that "we" are not big enough to have an influence on ratings or the outcome of the show. Are we an influence or not?
Can't believe in both or have it both ways.
I, for one, am in the process of going Kate-free, and it's a challenge, but I'm doing other things and don't even check into the blogs that much any more. Just had to add my two cents after some of the comments today and hearing people finally expressing thoughts about the bad effect blogging is having...as in keeping up a steady stream of controversy which only can help Kate.
I saw a good comment about apathy being the eventual end to Kate. I believe it!
BTW, Kate is her own worst enemy. Her bad behavior has been a boon to letting the media know what she's really about...not the blogs.
Khate believes she is above the law, as do all anti-social personalities (sociopaths). I'd like to see the IRS come down on her for all the money she bilked from people all these years in the church scams. Did she ever declare that as income on her taxes? No - because it all was "cash only." The IRS is not dumb and personally, I'd like to see her do a long stint in a federal penitentiary. Ten years might work for me. Longer would be better.
Is is with a very heavy heart that I see the end of 2010 for the children as no better, and perhaps worse, than at any other time in their lives.
On the chance that negative attention is fueling K8's determination to film the children as often as she can, I have made a personal resolution to completely ignore anything Gosselin from this point forward. For me, this means no more blog-reading, blog-posting, or link-following. And, of course, absolutely no tv-viewing of her EVER.
This is really hard for me -- I like the bloggers here very much. I think we all have the best interests of the children at heart, even when we go off-course and criticize things that really have no bearing on the issue at hand: that of the exploitation of children for financial gain. It doesn't matter what K8 wears. It doesn't matter what she feeds the children (or doesn't feed them). It doesn't matter how many nannies we think come and go. It doesn't matter how often we think K8 is not with the children. The ONLY thing that matters, that is 100% completely true and obvious, is the horrid exploitation of her children at her own hands.
I am done with anything having to do with her and, hopefully, as we all begin to fall away, she will be done, too.
*This is not a comment on anyone else's desire to do what they want to do --- blogging, viewing, or whatever -- this is in no way a value judgement on anyone else; it's just going to be my way of coping in 2011 with this horrible situation*
Admin - I do believe things are going to get better for the kids, but I also believe that they are going to get worse first. These kids are not "actors" - and they are already having trouble holding in their natural emotions of anger, frustration, tiredness and apathy towards TLC filming. TLC will continue to find it harder and hard to have anything worthwhile on film, and I personally think her ratings will continue to go down.
Hold on, it's going to be a bumpy ride, but yes, it will have a finish. JMO
Just had to add my two cents after some of the comments today and hearing people finally expressing thoughts about the bad effect blogging is having...
I don't mean to sound snippy but we've discussed this very issue for AT LEAST the last six months. This is by no means the first time people are expressing thoughts about it. Actually we've discussed it so much I am kind of sick of it--not because I object to the subject, but it is irritating to go around in circles about the same thing over and over and over and over.
I don't really like the implication that I am finally permitting discussion of such a thing because I always have and we've always discussed it. It is not a black and white issue either. Some people believe blogging is helpful for various reasons, others do not for various reasons, I am kind of at the point where the subject has been so chewed up it's getting exhausting.
Administrator said...
...It is not a black and white issue either. Some people believe blogging is helpful for various reasons, others do not for various reasons, I am kind of at the point where the subject has been so chewed up it's getting exhausting.
I don't want to be snarky or rude, but you're the one who initiated this line of comments this last time.
"TLC will continue to find it harder and hard to have anything worthwhile on film, and I personally think her ratings will continue to go down.
Hold on, it's going to be a bumpy ride, but yes, it will have a finish."
I totally agree, but my gosh, how much more can these kids take? These are not adults -- they are six-year-olds. They are impressionable; they are fragile; they are not emotionally developed to the point where they can absorb any of this and just brush it off. She's going to keep after them and after them, knowing full well the damage is doing, and she just doesn't care.
Has anyone else noticed that Kate behaves even more erratic than usual when the BFF Jamie is with her?
The Gosselin 8 are being psychologically destroyed by their monstrous so-called mother. Oh, sorry, I should say that they have been psychologically destroyed. No one reading this can challenge me on this. You all know it's true. America is watching helplessly! I know something about being the child of a narcissist. The destruction starts at the very beginning. I am now 69. So often, I've wanted to take my own life because of all the pent up anger. This is what causes suicide. It's anger turned inwards. You have no idea how much it hurts me to say this, but even as a young child, I wanted to die. There were times when the emotional pain which my mother stirred up in me was unbearable. She made me feel like nothing. Feeling like nothing hurts!
It was reading all these Gosselin blogs that opened my eyes to the narcissistic personality of my mother. The light went on for me the moment I realized that my mother is a narcissist. This knowledge explained her behavioral pattern. I no longer blame myself for anything. I understand that I was a victim. And, I am never surprised at anything my mother does or says now that I know where she's coming from. Because now I know it's the narcissism speaking in her. Actually, I think I'm completely healed because I have not felt any emotional pain nor anger since this discovery. It was like a cleansing, a deliverance. I was able to give myself permission to stay away from her in order to protect myself. I'll never really be completely free of her though. I have distanced myself physically but I have moments when I think of what might have been. It's strange the hold that a mother has on her child. I haven't talked to her since April. Talking to her would be equal to masochistic behavior.
There has to be someone out there who can do something for the Gosselin children. Money is power. Is there not someone out there rich enough to do something for these children. Someone with enough clout to have those children taken away from her and the atmosphere of hell she has created for them.
Jon reminds me of my father. He enabled her. My father would have lived longer had it not been for my mother. I'm positive of that. She would beat up on him and scratch him if he dared try to oppose her.
Kate Gosselin is one scary woman. I tremble for those children. They live in bondage. But, there must be someone out there who can challenge her. Those poor children. I shudder to think of what goes on behind closed doors.
I have prayed for them. I've also prayed for Kate and Jon. I'm leaving it up to the Lord to deliver these poor, helpless children. To select someone and use that person as His instrument.
Those poor babies should be enjoying their Christmas break. I don't think they know what a break is!
I have never watched that show much. From the very beginning, I had that woman pegged as a shrew and she touched all the nerve buttons in me. Her voice, her mannerism! It would get to me. I don't know how people can watch her. I'll never understand it.
When Will It End
H8, I do not bring up this subject. I was responding to this comment from "Anna" who claims to be an insider:
Anna said... Have you guys ever heard the saying "All publicity is good publicity?"
She goes on about blogs and how blogging makes it worse.
When I tried to find this comment I couldn't, I thought I was nuts. Until I realized it was not in this thread but the hockey thread. Since I get the comments emailed to me for approval I had assumed they all went to this current thread and not one from a few days ago.
In any case, I did not bring the subject up, nor did I mean to drag another thread into it. I was replying to Anna because I thought her post was well-taken, and most importantly, managed to voice a controversial opinion while still following the rules.
Didn't an insider report that they are supposed to be going to Australia and New Zealand over break? If so, when does that big bird leave in the friendly skies?
If it's true that Jamie does not have custody of her own children I am appalled that she is entrusted with the care of the Gosselin children. I suppose there are legitimate reasons for a mother not having primary custody of her kids but right now I can't think of one other than mental or physical illness. Raising 3 small children on my own there were many times it would have been so much easier for me financially, mentally, and physically to give custody of them to their father. I never once considered it. How can a mother give up her kids and then think she can be a good influence in someone elses kid lives? If her husband won custody in a battle she must not have been fit. Judges just do not take children away from their mothers unless there is a very good reason.
AuntieAnn said... Has anyone else noticed that Kate behaves even more erratic than usual when the BFF Jamie is with her?
I hadn't noticed that. Can you cite some examples? Thanks.
I agree it would be very unusual for a father to get full custody absent something going on, especially in a state like Michigan going along with how things have always been. I don't even see it much where I am which I think is a state quite liberal to fathers. If a mother and father are both fit, custody in my state usually swings 50-50, or, whatever they want to work out that they can agree on. This is just not the case in many other states where there is a strong preferance for the mother even if the law says to be neutral.
Reasons I've seen a father get full custody are mother is doing drugs, mother is abusive to the children, mother is coaching the children AGAINST the father (boy does that feel good when justice is served on that), mother is in jail, mother is in another state or country and absent. Kids hate the mother, kids hate the mother's boyfriend. Mother doesn't like the kids. Mother has new kids and wants to dump the old ones on the father. Mother is homeless.
Not working and not making as much money as dad or have as nice a house is usually not a good reason to deny a mother custody.
The sheeple still haven't explained yet why Jon is a douchebag for not getting custody but Jamie isn't--since the question was thrown out there. Still waiting.
Anonymous said...
It was reading all these Gosselin blogs that opened my eyes to the narcissistic personality of my mother. The light went on for me the moment I realized that my mother is a narcissist. This knowledge explained her behavioral pattern. I no longer blame myself for anything.
Admin, the blogs have, at the very least, helped this eloquent poster deal with an issue that has haunted her for 69 years. We may argue back and forth about what impact the various Gosselin blogs have or will have in the future but one thing is very clear to me, one person was helped and IMO that makes it all worth it.
@ fidosmommy, She was quite hysterical (and I don't mean in the funny ha ha sense) this summer in New York running and screaming with the ice cream cones and then going barefoot coming off the ferry from Ellis Island and even on the ferry she was yappier and uglier than her usual ugliness towards her kids. Also she was very cocky and verbal with Chris when Jamie was with her and they were heading in to some store back at Reading. It's like she feeds off the presence of someone of her mindset. Maybe it's my imagination but she's appears as if she's in a manic swing when she has Jamie with her.
Anonymous said:
It was reading all these Gosselin blogs that opened my eyes to the narcissistic personality of my mother. The light went on for me the moment I realized that my mother is a narcissist. This knowledge explained her behavioral pattern. I no longer blame myself for anything. I understand that I was a victim. And, I am never surprised at anything my mother does or says now that I know where she's coming from. Because now I know it's the narcissism speaking in her. Actually, I think I'm completely healed because I have not felt any emotional pain nor anger since this discovery. It was like a cleansing, a deliverance.
Anon, I am a bit younger than you, but other than that the parallels are eerie. I too did not know there was a 'name' for the way my mother behaves, and I too blamed myself for a lot. Not only have the discussions on this and similar Gosselin blogs opened my eyes, they've also given me peace of mind and the confidence to deal with my narcissistic mother appropriately. I only wish I had figured all of this out sooner. Best of luck - things can only get better, right? :)
Why is her BFF not spending the holidays with her own children? I remember last year Chris had taken photos of the unfit mothers coming out of a mall this time of year as well. Strange that she is not spending the Christmas Holiday with her own kids again. Looking at the pictures really amazes me how she trained them 6 to be Circus Monkeys, just absolutely amazing.
Must Love Dogs said... Why is her BFF not spending the holidays with her own children?
A judge said she couldn't so she has to spend her holiday non-custodial time living through Kate and her kids?? Just a possibility. I don't think I've ever even known a mother who lost custody of her children to the father, not counting clients.
....flock together.
Administrator said...
I agree it would be very unusual for a father to get full custody absent something going on, especially in a state like Michigan going along with how things have always been. I don't even see it much where I am which I think is a state quite liberal to fathers. If a mother and father are both fit, custody in my state usually swings 50-50, or, whatever they want to work out that they can agree on. This is just not the case in many other states where there is a strong preferance for the mother even if the law says to be neutral.
Reasons I've seen a father get full custody are mother is doing drugs, mother is abusive to the children, mother is coaching the children AGAINST the father (boy does that feel good when justice is served on that), mother is in jail, mother is in another state or country and absent. Kids hate the mother, kids hate the mother's boyfriend. Mother doesn't like the kids. Mother has new kids and wants to dump the old ones on the father. Mother is homeless.
Not working and not making as much money as dad or have as nice a house is usually not a good reason to deny a mother custody.
The sheeple still haven't explained yet why Jon is a douchebag for not getting custody but Jamie isn't--since the question was thrown out there. Still waiting.
Today alone you have cast aspersions on a camera guy and on a woman whose great crime is to be friends with someone you can't stand. Because some random person claimed that Kate's friend doesn't have primary custody of her children, which you do not even know to be true, you are now throwing out possible "reasons" why. Your behavior is despicable.
Sorry if you haven't gotten the response you wanted. Unlike your sheeple, who jump at your every command, those who do not tow your company line don't feel compelled to answer your questions. Sucks to be control freak without the power to control everyone, huh?
Why is her BFF not spending the holidays with her own children?
Maybe Christmas isn't a holiday she celebrates. There are people of other faiths in this country you know. It's not a holiday for everybody.
Disgusted, relax, breathe. It's been well established Jamie does not have full custody of her children. It was not one person, this has been disclosed by multiple people. You can believe it or not. Segwaying into why a mother wouldn't have custody is a natural point of discussion, not sure why this is threatening. It's certainly been discussed ad nauseum. If Jamie doesn't like it she is welcome to not allow herself to be filmed (unlike the kids she is a consenting adult).
If she does have custody of her kids, where are they when she is with Kate so much? She was with her practically all summer. Why this is so upsetting I don't understand. The hypocricy of loving Jamie who is not with her kids this week, but hating Jon, who is also not with his kids this week, is being pointed out, which I think Kate's fans really don't have a solid response to. If there is one, I haven't heard it.
We have all questioned who the camera men are. Why is it wrong to question who strangers are who are with children? Do they have background checks? TLC has not answered this. We are going to continue to ask who these STRANGERS and MEN are around the kids.
What I find disgusting is actually that someone wouldn't ask who that man is who is always with a bunch of 6 year olds. Everyone else around little children that much is thoroughly investigated. Teachers, doctors, even lawyers.
Wow Just Wow, there are two of us approving comments now. Sometimes inappropriate ones slip through because we are skimming or doing something else or just in a hurry. We balance trying to get through the comments fast, as you can tell, it's a lot of reading and a lot of clicking and approving. We do the best we can.
If you find something objectionable, please don't assume it's because either of us fully stand behind it or other such nonsense. Instead of posting some kind of snide bitchy response and blaming the admins, email me and point out what you find objectionable. I will listen.
In fact, I removed the comment that bothered you and I appreciate you pointing it out, because that's why I removed it. I did not notice that one part before, so.
We are human. Even though I am expected to run this blog the way Jesus Christ would.
DISGUSTED.... what ARE you blathering on about?
Please offer your insight into 6 year olds working, being removed from kindergarten against their will, working, screaming to not go home, more working, being responsible for their mother's support because they are the same age.... additional working.... Also, the hitting, pinching, screeching, humiliating, name calling, disgust, mental illness etc we see from the birth-giver of these little ones...
issues, not deflecting... issues... reality, not scripting, issues.. reality.. REAL CHILDREN... REAL.. Oh I give up.
Disgusted, you are purposely pulling quotes out of context. This was my very next remark:
I'm sure this guy is perfectly harmless but why would you want some stranger with a camera all up in your children's faces??
That is really the point, you cannot possibly know all these revolving crew.
As for the background checks, I suppose you are right maybe they have done them, but they are not required:
You really think TLC, which violated numerous child labor laws and could have been seriously fined but got off with just a slap on the wrist, bothered to do something that isn't even required by law? And if they DID do them why didn't they respond when it was pointed out by Paul Petersen background checks were never required under PA law and he was appalled?
If they have done the background checks on their own (surre they did) why are they fighting a law that would make it required? Why fight something you do anyway? TLC hired a lobbyist to oppose Rep Murt's laws.
TLC did respond when all the accusations came out about child labor law violations. They admitted that they left payment to the kids up to Jon and Kate and so on. That was their opportunity to say, and also we always do thorough background checks on all the crew to make sure they are safe with the children especially since they are alone with them and even filmed them going potty. Instead they said nothing. NOTHING.
Silence says a lot.
Maybe Jon just needs to keep quiet so he's not misinterpreted.
Been there. :( I feel for him.
I'm sure Kate has no idea what the crew's background is, nor does she likely care. Kate is far too self-centered to wonder about anything other than herself.
Is the same true for the nannies? Does she just hire anyone who's looking for a job w/ out background checks and/or interviews?
My question is, who is monitoring compliance with the work permits, and what consequences are there when there are violations? Who enforces the consequences?
It's too bad the sheeple don't think it can happen, but it does. They're out there.
Baby Sitter Accused Of Molesting Children
Amazing how the sheeple can sidestep the important issues here. They're so very comfortable with Kate's decision to keep filming those children at any cost - even their physical and mental health. Who thinks that way? It's mind boggling! What kind of wakeup calls do these people need?
Auntie, people have gotten so blind in their love for Kate that they are going so far as to throw fits when we ask that the grown men who are around the children be backgrounded checked. What are they so scared of, that something bad might come up? Why do they think TLC would do this when they have violated child labor laws in the past, and background checks aren't even the law.
If all these people are perfectly safe, what's the big deal with running their background checks? What's the big deal with making it the LAW you run their background checks? I don't think TLC is stupid, I think they are CHEAP and won't run them unless forced to.
Yet another reason for child labor laws.
Sheeple seem to have more of a problem with our dislike for Kate, rather than our dislike for what Kate is doing to her children. I could care less if she wants to be a celebrity. She's got every right to try to be that. If she makes an idiot of herself that's the chance she takes. But if laws are passed that could stop her from exploiting her kids to the point that they're becoming unhinged over it just so she can maintain that celebrity, it's logical to assume they'd be passed with good reason. And that logic is the wall the sheeple are up against. Why would any adult want to see children hurt in any way, shape or form?
Sheeple should know by now that it's not just Kate Gosselin's kids we're talking about here, it's all kids on reality tv programs.
I seem to remember reading about an episode where Jamie's child was hit by one of the Gosselin children. I no longer watch this show, so I don't know which episode this took place in.
Maybe Jamie's ex-husband saw the truth about Kate early and was able to protect his children.
. And that logic is the wall the sheeple are up against. Why would any adult want to see children hurt in any way, shape or form?
Auntie Ann,
For the sheeple, it's not about the children. It never has been. They are secondary. This is all about Kate. I don't think that the sheeple are "adults," in the same way most of us are adults. Many are teens. Those who aren't, are immature and think like adolescents. They have no reasoning ability because their brains never developed to full functioning capacity.
The sheeple have never been concerned about children on reality television, as long as their queen is still the celebrity. If the kids are exploited along the way, well, that's too bad. That goes with the territory in Kate's quest for fame.
Thank you everyone. I'm seeing that People are WAKING UP. We need to just lay low and stop talking about this family. A SILENT protest is a must. If we want to make sure these kids can be out of the spot life for good. Ive started posting this. Why because. Everyone is at fault.
We are the ones that keep this show alive. The media uses blog and many sources to see what the public is talking about. I know this. I am in that field. They use it to their advantage. So Stop think and just take awhile and dont talk about the gosselins at all. For the sake of the kids. Start of the year and just drop it. Ive said this before on Small Town. She will not listen. But you all need to NOW. Sometimes you have to drop something to let it go. For the better. If everyone stops talking and blogging about this family. You will see a a drop in the gosselins talk.
This has worked before with many reality and stars. Kate doesn't need anymore talk of any kind. Who cares what her hair, makeup, clothing, cash and etc she has. DROP IT. Do it for the kids.
The media will catch on. It will I promise. Please for the sake of the kids.
Please Post this.
I'm just curious about the reason that suddenly Kate's twitter, and Jamie's photobucket page have gone private.
The last tweet Kate made a lot of people pointed at Jamie. Me, I could understand the wording from my own perspective (post the same way on my facebook page) but now I'm suspicious.
Still love the fact that Kate is not following anyone on twitter, ultimate narcissist (sp!) only has followers. Seriously, who does that!
Did they group go into the Museum? This is suppose to be a great art museum, and it would be terrific if the kids saw the exhibits. I took my kids very young to the art museum, and they loved the Egyptian mummy exhibit.
My guess is that they went only up and down the steps.
AuntieAnn said...
Sheeple seem to have more of a problem with our dislike for Kate, rather than our dislike for what Kate is doing to her children. I could care less if she wants to be a celebrity. She's got every right to try to be that. If she makes an idiot of herself that's the chance she takes. But if laws are passed that could stop her from exploiting her kids to the point that they're becoming unhinged over it just so she can maintain that celebrity, it's logical to assume they'd be passed with good reason. And that logic is the wall the sheeple are up against. Why would any adult want to see children hurt in any way, shape or form?
I agree, AuntieAnn.
Maya Angelou has a saying, "If, someone shows you who they are, believe them"...
Kate has been showing her true colors up, down, round and round for years- and it's not getting any better.
More and more sheeple are starting to realise just how emotionally, mentally & morally ill Kate is. It's only a matter of time before the rest of them wake up from their Katie Irene fog.
A Pink Straight Jacket said...(from a fan)
The house of cards is falling.
I take no joy in seeing Kate fall apart before our very eyes.
I hope and pray that all of the fans will continue to support Kate, in a limited way this coming year. It will be easy to hate her when the truth comes out, but she'll need your support.
The children are going to be okay with their dad.
IF this is true, and someone is REALLY in the know about something, it sounds like someone is coming forward about a possible abuse claim, maybe? And it sounds like they have hard proof. Who knows though, we see a lot of posts on different sites who say they know stuff.
I agree with the poster (sorry, I don't know who said it) who said keeping these sites going about Kate is a good idea. She needs to be exposed for who she really is. Admin has brought to light (& many others) so many things about Kate that people may never have seen. We need to keep plugging along until she is done, gone, from our TVs, & the kids can have their lives back. As a group, we have accomplished so much! Don't give up. Kate won't, she's too greedy, someone needs to stop her, & it should be us!
While I'm here, I just wanted to wish everyone the happiest of Christmases. Peace & love to you & yours this holiday. ~Hippie Chick
I am not trying to offend here, but a mother who doesn't have custody of her kids leaves a bad taste in my mouth. (unless it's financial) There is a boy in my son's class who lives with his dad, & his mom has him on the weekends. My son had a sleepover with him once & I went to pick him up, well, there was a picture of another boy, & I said "Is this your nephew?" & she broke down and said "No, this is my other son, I don't have custody of him either" She proceeded to tell me a big long story of how she lost custody of both her boys, & she only has visitation w/ 1 boy, she never sees the other. This chick was off her rocker. She has clinical depression w/ suicidal tendencies, she's on several different meds, she doesn't work, she has violent tendencies, etc. I barely knew this woman, & she was telling me all this stuff. (Why does she have the other boy at all??)
This BFF of Kate's must have something up w/ her if she no longer has custody of her kids, yet, Kate lets her babysit her own kids. I'm sorry, something is wrong with this picture.
Merry Christmas & a Blessed New Year,
Hippie Chick!!
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays,
A Blessed, Happy, Healthy &
Wealthy (couldn't hurt...)
New Year to all!!
This BFF of Kate's must have something up w/ her if she no longer has custody of her kids, yet, Kate lets her babysit her own kids. I'm sorry, something is wrong with this picture.
What if she just didn't feel capable of taking care of her kids, and thought the best place to be for them is with their father and therefore she reliquished custody? I don't think anyone is capable of making any judgments on this woman without knowing the circumstances or the reason why he has custody, if indeed he does.
Suggesting maybe she just let her husband had custody is just as much speculation as speculation that maybe something happened--it's all the same thing.
What I don't understand is that no one knows the "circustances" or the "reasons" Jon has custody either, no one was in those hearings, and yet everyone has speculated left and right what he must have done to get such a terrible deal. I recall the mantra after Jon was forced to drop his own children off at the end of the driveway like a Christmas package, that Jon "must have done something" for Kate to make him do that. That's speculation. Maybe he didn't DO anything, he was just tired of Kate's ridiculous demands and her obsessive alienation of him and voluntarily decided to stop coming to the house to try to reduce the drama. My point being it's hypocritical to say anything about Jon's circumstances then get upset when we say something about Jamie's. Jamie seems to have replaced Jon, she's put herself on TV multiple times and opened herself up to it. She is perfectly capable of doing what Beth did and disappearing if she doesn't want people questioning why she is not even in the same state as her own children two days before Christmas.
If Kate's fans can speculate about what a terrible father Jon must be, it's only fair we be allowed to speculate what put Jamie in the position she is in.
I don't see a facebook page for Jamie anymore, she probably has gone private after putting herself out there, but I found this:
According to that Jamie had posted on facebook she was hoping to have her kids for the following summer. That would be summer 2010. So there ya go. She didn't have her kids.
Kate's fans were allowed to question who Jon allowed around the kids all they want--the girlfriends and so on, but we're not allowed to question someone who was hired to BABYSIT the kids who is sitting on facebook lamenting how she hopes she is allowed to have custody of her own children this summer. I love how Kate cuts off people who have been proven to be cut from the right cloth like Aunt Jodi and Beth, and then brings in someone this questionable to replace them.
Kk, you and Anna expressed yourselves much better than I can. I agree with both of you, and do not feel good about keeping Kate's name front and center anymore. I, too, am moving on although it may be easier said than done. It has become part of my routine to check in on the blogs daily. But that's what new years resolutions are all about!
Happy 2011 everyone.
If someone doesn't have custody of his/her kids due to suffering from a mental illness, this is not a reason to stigmatize or degrade them. Clinical depression with suicidal tendencies is a pretty serious illness; there should be no blame attached to having a serious illness, rather an understanding that under the circumstances it may be better for them not to have the added daily stress of trying to raise children.
People don't become clinically depressed and/or suicidal to avoid responsibilities, or because they are morally deficient.It really makes me angry when people suggest that mental illness is a choice.
IDM, I totally agree mental illness is not a choice. I know it's not. I also think what is often discounted or not realized is that a lot of people on drugs, all these "horrible" druggies are actually just self-medicating mental illness. I think IF someone has these issues going on I would want them to seek help and focus on their stability and focus on staying a part of their own children's lives as much as they can, rather than be watching someone else's kids. If a family member lost their kids and then wanted to babysit someone else's, wouldn't you say maybe now is not a good time for that? If anything wouldn't it HURT to be mothering someone else's kids knowing you don't have custody of your own? I think if someone is unstable that's setting them up for even more instability. This is all hypotheticals, but rather interesting discussion.
Do you see in that last picture that it looks like kate has a ear bud in. I believe why kate has her phone and her hair long. Is people are telling this woman what to do and what to say. So um um um um she can be normal. Umm um um um without it Kate is just mentally not there. Think about it. The lady complained that long hair bothered her for the longest time. Than she gets this long hair. After she got called out wearing a ear bud during the kate interview with natialie.
"We are the ones that keep this show alive. The media uses blog and many sources to see what the public is talking about. I know this. I am in that field. They use it to their advantage. So Stop think and just take awhile and dont talk about the gosselins at all. For the sake of the kids. Start of the year and just drop it. Ive said this before on Small Town. She will not listen. But you all need to NOW. Sometimes you have to drop something to let it go. For the better. If everyone stops talking and blogging about this family. You will see a a drop in the gosselins talk."
Thank you for posting this, Fishbone. I am with you for 2011. I'm ready for an old-fashioned "shunning"; Khate deserves it. And yes, this kind of thing does work, it worked on Paris Hilton and Speidi, for the most part. Now we just need to get rid of Khate and the Kardashians(?)
To me it would depend on whether the person had got appropriate treatment for their depression and was able to accept whatever arrangement they had made for their children's continued stability.
If I had a dollar for every woman I know who has suffered from clinical depression and has daily care of children, I would be a rich woman! My point was simply that I don't think it's fair to stigmatize people for mental illness; nor do I feel that it's right to speculate about why someone does or doesn't have custody of their children.
It would only be fair if we could assume that all the courts in North America treat petitioners for child custody in a fair and equitable manner and that the right person always got primary custody of the children.
It would only be fair if we could assume that all the courts in North America treat petitioners for child custody in a fair and equitable manner and that the right person always got primary custody of the children.
While I do think, know, it's still far more unusual for a mother not to have custody, your point is well taken. Just look at Jon. The parent who wants to stop his children's privacy from being raped over and over loses custody to a very sick and twisted celebrity obsessed famewhore money hungry witch and child exploiter. It is indeed a crazy court system.
I wasn't sure where to put this comment so thought I would just add it to the most recent posting. I wanted to thank Admin for posting my comment yesterday, and thanks to those who responded too. I've only recently come across this virtual 'sub culture' of blogs devoted to Kate Gosselin and her family, and I must say I find the ongoing debates between the "sheeple" and "jealous haters" to be fascinating. Clearly this family strikes a chord with many people, and their transformation from average, middle class, middle American family to famous, wealthy celebrity causes a knee jerk reaction of admiration in some and disgust in others. I do have a question: I see that Kate has an older set of twins as well as the sextuplets. Did she utilize fertility drugs for one or both (or neither) of the pregnancies? And if so, was she trying for a large set of multiples or were fertility drugs used with the hope of merely having a single child?
While I do find this discourse fascinating, I must disagree that Kate is a child abuser. Clearly this 'reality' show is heavily scripted, and I do believe the writers have in a sense purposely created the character of 'Momster Kate' by playing off of and exaggerating certain negative facets of her regular, day to day personality. And while I do agree that these eight children are existing in a high pressure, less than ideal environment, and that their young lives would be better spent away from the cameras, I have a difficult time understanding why some are so aghast at this particular situation. Again, while not ideal, child actors with 'stage parents' have always and will continue to exist, so long as TV and movies are a form of entertainment. Why do the Gosselin children, as opposed to countless other child actors, arouse such outrage?
My sister in law is a social worker here in NYC, and has worked for DCF for the past eight years. One would not believe the environments in which many of these children are residing - homes filled with animal feces and bags of garbage, crack pipes and syringes on the coffee table, year-old dirty dishes piled two feet high in the kitchen sink. Toilets that have not worked for months at a time; the children are forced to use a bucket. Infants with cracked skulls from being beaten and shaken, five year olds tied to their beds or locked in closets for a day at a time as punishment. I hear stories like this from my SIL on a weekly basis, then look at the Gosselin children and just cannot get as outraged as many of you do. If one wishes to make the world a better place by helping abused children, may I suggest volunteering with your local DCF agency? Or perhaps joining a Big Brother/Big Sister organization or putting in time at your city's Boys and Girls club? These are things one can do right now to make a huge difference in abused childrens' lives, and I guarantee these things will make a bigger difference than commenting on the Gosselins' daily activities, which, as I explained in my last comment, will only prolong Kate Gosselin's fame and relevancy.
I hope no one takes offense at what I had to say, and I am certainly not telling anyone what to do. I just see a lot of people on this blog who really seem to care about children, and there are many things you can do to make a real difference right in your own communities.
Thank you for reading!
re jamie and custody of her kids: maybe she has custody during the year and the dad has them summer and christmas vacations.
custody arrangements are worked out for many different reasons and not all are nefarious. it could be as innocent as the way the parents work schedules fall, where they work, what they do for work, where they live (as in proximity to each other) etc.
Why do the Gosselin children, as opposed to countless other child actors, arouse such outrage?
There is a huge difference between child actors and the Gosselins. Child actors go to a set and play a character. At the end of the day they can come home and be themselves and be comfortable living their "real" lives and not have most of that exposed to the public. In contrast, the Gosselins are themselves on camera, the show IS their life, the life is their show. They cannot say oh that was just a character of Mady. That IS Mady. They cannot escape. There have never in our lifetimes existing a child filmed as THEMSELVES, as their own person, for this long--going on six long years.
Child actors deserve heavy protections and they have it in many states. The laws are excellent now in CA. What's shocking is that reality shows are often able to get around child labor laws because they are not "acting" when actually, being exposed as yourself and the loss of privacy that comes with it is, in many ways, much worse.
Cameras never invaded Miley Cirus' home to watch her vomit or pee or have a tantrum.
What makes you think we don't help children in our own communities?
What does it matter if other children have it worse? Do we ignore it because you don't think it's "that bad?"
How do you know the G kids haven't been locked in their rooms, beaten and verbally abused?
The way I explain the argument that there are other children out there who are abused much worse is this:
When your local lake has an oil spill that ruins it, do you throw up your hands and say so what there was a much bigger oil spill in the Gulf this year and we should focus on that one! Just because there are much worse things happening in the world doesn't mean that you cannot take up a cause not as "terrible" as other things out there. The fact that there are other abused children out there does not negate the fact that many people don't agree with the Gosselin children continuing to work and expose their private lives. You don't pass on by a child who had his hand burned by an iron by his mom, because another mom set her kid on fire and that was much worse. They are BOTH terrible.
I too could tell you stories of abuse that would blow your mind.
Cameras never invaded Miley Cirus' home to watch her vomit or pee or have a tantrum.
I would like to ask anyone who thinks that these kids aren't abused, if, as parents, they would agree to having a camera film a father pulling feces from his son's butt in the back of a van. If any parent says this is okay, that parent has serious issues. This may not be physical abuse, but it is emotional abuse. According to the guidelines set forth by the state of PA, Youth and Family Services may investigate ANY report of abuse, and it doesn't have to be physical. Mental and emotional abuse IS abuse. These kids do not give their permission to be filmed and have their privacy exploited, and thus broadcast on national television and the internet. It is NOT the responsibility of ANY child to support themselves and their parents' lifestyle.
How many parents would leave their kids ALONE in the bathroom while a male crew member is filming a child? What parent does this? It's not okay, no matter how a person tries to justify it.
What makes you think we don't help children in our own communities?
Bingo. I know for a fact many people here have made it their life's work to help children. Others volunteer for a variety of causes related to children. Maybe someone here has only ever just sent a Christmas present to a needy child or called the child abuse hotline on someone abusing their child, but no act is too small when helping a child. Disclosing every detail of what we do for kids would be violating confidentiality, their privacy, and would expose ourselves to the sheeple tracking us down and harassing us. We value children's privacy. It's a value held here that we want for the Gosselins too.
Anna said... I see that Kate has an older set of twins as well as the sextuplets. Did she utilize fertility drugs for one or both (or neither) of the pregnancies? And if so, was she trying for a large set of multiples or were fertility drugs used with the hope of merely having a single child?
...I have a difficult time understanding why some are so aghast at this particular situation. Again, while not ideal, child actors with 'stage parents' have always and will continue to exist, so long as TV and movies are a form of entertainment. Why do the Gosselin children, as opposed to countless other child actors, arouse such outrage?
If one wishes to make the world a better place by helping abused children, may I suggest volunteering with your local DCF agency? Or perhaps joining a Big Brother/Big Sister organization or putting in time at your city's Boys and Girls club? These are things one can do right now to make a huge difference in abused childrens' lives, and I guarantee these things will make a bigger difference than commenting on the Gosselins' daily activities, which, as I explained in my last comment, will only prolong Kate Gosselin's fame and relevancy...
Anna, you admitted you've only recently gotten interested in the Gosselin story and it would be impossible to address all the examples over the past years to adequately explain the feelings of many bloggers so I'll try to be brief.
*Kate became pregnant with the help of IUI fertility treatments. After the twins she told Jon she wanted one more child, however got 6. There is controversy about that pregnancy and a Google search will explain it all to you.
*Why are we aghast about the Gosselin kids and not child actors and stage parents? Admin gave a great response and I'll add just one other thought. The Gosselin kids are the breadwinners of the family. They are supporting themselves and their mother is living a lavish lifestyle because of their hard work.
*To suggest that if we want to make the world a better place we should volunteer helping abused children rather than blogging suggests that we don't volunteer and I take strong exception to that statement. I volunteer 3 days a week working with children in a homeless shelter and tutor reading in a second grade classroom. Any other suggestions for my spare time?
*Should we turn our eyes from what some consider to be inconsequential abuse to concentrate on what others deem more important? Abuse is abuse and all cases warrant attention. It's not my place nor yours to judge the means or extent of the assistance others are able to supply.
I believe one day the Gosselin children will appreciate the fact that strangers cared enough about them to try to draw attention to the abuse and exploitation they experienced because of their mother's need for fame and fortune.
*I think you may be questioning whether there is actual abuse in the Gosselin family. There are examples of abuse documented in photos and video clips of Kate hitting, pinching, and grabbing the kids (and her ex-husband) as well as mental and emotional abuse that is blatant.
If you are interested in understanding why we blog about the Gosselins and why our opinions about them are so strong I suggest you take the time to watch the over 130 episodes of the Gosselin's show (watch the ORIGINAL dvds because subsequent versions have been 'sanitized'), read the thousands of articles online about the family, and of course don't forget going back and reading this and other blogs chronicling the history of our outrage over the child exploitation we've witnessed by the Gosselin parents.
Looks like this guy wasn't the only pap to cover it. Radar got more pics. Wasn't on Inf, maybe Chris wasn't paid for this trip.
kimmie said...
re jamie and custody of her kids: maybe she has custody during the year and the dad has them summer and christmas vacations.
It's common knowledge for years that Jamie's ex-husband has primary custody of their 3 children. While Jamie obviously must have visitation during different times of the year - it's still just visitation.
TeamJon said...
Looks like this guy wasn't the only pap to cover it. Radar got more pics. Wasn't on Inf, maybe Chris wasn't paid for this trip.
Photos are from WENN for Radar and the Philly newscaster who originally posted the info yesterday.
Admin - did you ever get the chance to talk with Hugh E. Dillon after his broadcast last night?
Your points are well taken, and thank you for being respectful in stating your opinions. As a teacher WHO DOES deal with students, on a daily basis, who live or have lived in circumstances like you describe (We have many who are in foster care because of this), I can assure you that lots of us here have devoted our life's work to children. I have also taught in high income schools, and guess what? Abuse happens there too. It's just hidden better. Believe, me, CPS was called more frequently than you would imagine at my former elementary school. That is why I feel this blog and others like it are important. We are exposing more and more people to the abuse of the Gosselin children. IT IS ABUSE. Yes, Kate is getting negative attention from this exposure, and eventually, TLC will cut her loose.
Have you honestly watched the show over the years? We can cite many, many examples of Kate's abuse to both her children and her husband. Did you know that kindergarten expulsions are rare? And that two of Kate's kids were expelled? Kate admitted they have "anger issues", which she blames on the divorce. I have taught dozens of children from recent divorce situations over the years. I have never seen a student expelled over "divorce anger." At least some of the Gosselin children have deep emotional and psychological issues.
Thank you for your comments. They add to the discussion.
I agree there are children who live in worse conditions than the Gosselins. But that doesn't excuse the need for laws to protect children in reality TV. As it is, an obnoxious parent with dreams for fame and money and no regard for the children can get a reality show without giving a damn for what the children want.
Of course, attention should be paid to children from horrific situations. But attention should also be paid to children in reality TV who should have the same protections as child actors.
Hello everyone; I'm a regular reader and poster. I hope this doesn't offend any of you, but all this speculation about Jamie's custody situation really bothers me. It's none of our business. And speculating on her fitness as a parent or mental status doesn't do a thing to help the Gosselin kids. If anything, perhaps she has something very painful in common with Jon. I feel for her as a friend of Kate's, because we've seen how Kate treats her, but that's her choice. Maybe, just maybe, she wants to be a light for a very troubled person. I have done that in my life - but gave up when they refused to see themselves wrong in any situation. I don't know - I just don't want to see someone torn down simply because they are Kate's friend, especially if her kids could read this. In any case, I wish each of you precious moments as you celebrate the holiday with those you love most - and I pray the same for those 8 little children, and Jamie's children too.
TheresaB said...
What makes you think we don't help children in our own communities?
What does it matter if other children have it worse? Do we ignore it because you don't think it's "that bad?"
How do you know the G kids haven't been locked in their rooms, beaten and verbally abused?
Hi TheresaB, thank you for responding to my comment. You made some very good points! I'm sure many here do volunteer to help children in their own communities - clearly everyone here cares deeply about children, especially those disenfranchised or being abused. I apologize if I was interpreted as saying none of you do, in fact I have no doubt many do, apparently including yourself. Thank you for all that you do to help the children in your own city - the saying does go, "It takes a village". : )
I also don't think the Gosselin children should be ignored (IF they truly are being abused)just because they don't have it 'as bad' as some of the children my sister in law sees. I just don't think the Gosselins are being abused. They are surrounded by camera men, helpers, nannies, teachers, and of course their father apparently sees them several days a week if what I read was correct. I can't believe these children could be being abused (having a vapid, materialistic, bitchy mother, while sad, doesn't qualify as child abuse to me) and none of the above would see the signs and/or report Kate for full-fledged child abuse. Especially Jon, as he seems to really love his children. Or perhaps I am naive and all these people could be aware of the abuse and yet not report it - do you think that is possible? That is just too horrific to even comprehend, but I'm curious to hear if you think this may be the case. I certainly hope it isn't. On that same note, and in response to your last question, I guess we don't know that the Gosselin kids aren't being beaten and/or locked in the closet. Would Kate risk that kind of behavior with the eyes of the nation on her? Would she risk one of the children accidentally letting it slip that "Mommy locked me in the closet again last night?" Have bruises ever been seen on these children? Is Kate THAT arrogant and out of control? These aren't rhetorical questions - I am very curious to hear the answers!
I must mention again that I just began taking an interest in this whole Gosselin situation, and it's unlike anything I've ever seen before. I'm fascinated and horrified, but most on here I am sure know more about the situation than I do. How old were these children when the show started?
Thank you again, TheresaB, for responding to my comment.
Anna, first let me say I so appreciate you contributing to this discussion in a respectful manner and I will do my absolute best to see to it you are treated the same way back by everyone here.
Check out this photo when Kate was spanking Leah for what looks like blowing a whistle: http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2009/06/17/2009-06-17_kate_gosselin_defends_spanking_her_daughter_leah.html
Some people call this physical abuse, others call it spanking. It's a tomato-tomato debate.
I also define exploitation as emotional abuse, and a good starting point to see some of that are some of the "flashbacks" I've been doing to the most exploitive moments in the series. Since I have some time over xmas break I'll try to upload some more, Collin constipated is one of the worst I think:
Julianna said: I would like to ask anyone who thinks that these kids aren't abused, if, as parents, they would agree to having a camera film a father pulling feces from his son's butt in the back of a van.
Um, what?! I'm sorry, I was unaware of this incident. A father pulling feces from his son's bottom? Was the child sick? Why were they not in the privacy of a bathroom? And they FILMED this??? Did it make the final cut and was it aired on the actual show? If so, yes, this is absolutely emotional abuse. That poor child! Did these parents give no thought that one day this child will grow up and have to face his peers - the girl he wants to ask to a dance, fellow members of his baseball team, etc - knowing they had most likely viewed this VERY private moment? Sickening.
OK, I am beginning to see why many think the kids are abused. Are there other incidents like this? I do not want to actually watch the show or even give it hits on YouTube in order to see for myself. How could TLC allow this? This is sickening, and again, yes, IMO it is emotional/mental abuse and perhaps even sexual abuse as who knows how many pedophiles view this show for their 'own reasons'? Absolutely horrific.
Thank you for the oil spill analogy, admin. You are absolutely right, and I stand corrected, especially now that I know of the incident above and am going to assume there are others like it.
Anna watch the flashback clips. You are not giving TLC hits because they are uploaded directly to the blogger servers and TLC does not get any credit for that. TLC personally contacted me and one of the issues they were ticked about was us using the clips here, but thanks to the "fair use" doctrine and free speech (copyrighted material is permitted to be used in limited amounts to debate an issue--in this case, exploitation of the kids), they can't do anything about it. We're not going to be bullied by that. Watch away.
Thank you for the warm welcome, Admin. From what I've read so far most on this blog treat others with respect, which is a rarity in the blog world. It reflects very highly of you, of course, in not allowing name-calling, trash talking, flaming, etc, and that you approve every comment to keep it clean for the rest of us is very admirable. Thank you again!
After reading about just a few of the above incidents - the boy's constipation 'solution' with cameras on, Mady(?)being hit by Kate, etc., I am beginning to see what all the uproar is about. I just cannot believe these incidents are taking place on a TV show on national television, and that whoever is head honcho at TLC has not put a stop to it. Would these children have grounds for a lawsuit against their "parents" and/or TLC one day? Civil law is not my forte.
Just one more question, you mentioned I should watch the "flashbacks". Where would I find these? Thank you for all of your help.
Hi,H8K8, Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me re my initial comment on this thread, and for answering my question about Kate's fertility treatments. I should have googled it myself, but did not want to give "Kate Gosselin" even one more hit to contribute to her perceived popularity.
You also made a very good point about the Gosselin children being the "breadwinners" in this family, which I had never thought of before, but should have. Obviously they are the stars of the show, and there would be no show without the children. I do assume they are getting paid for their episodes, and that money earned isn't simply being put in an account for Kate to use at her 'discretion', right? I'm almost afraid to hear your answer to this question.
Re your other responses, again, I do apologize that I came across as presumptive that no one here volunteers with children in their own areas.I don't think that, in fact I assumed many already do, including yourself. It is wonderful work that you are doing, and I'm sure it means a world to the kids. I also didn't mean to tell people what to do with their time, but rereading my initial comment, I realize it did sound like I was saying that, and for that I also truly apologize. Sometimes it's difficult to accurately express exactly what you want to say when commenting on a blog - no facial expressions, no voice inflections - and clearly I need to work on that. Commenting on blogs and message boards is also new to me, hopefully I will get better in time.
Finally, I recently (as in, within the last hour) was introduced to a few horrific incidents that occurred on and off the show, and these incidents absolutely persuaded me that yes, these children are most likely being abused on a consistent basis. I suppose I really didn't want to believe it from the get go, because abuse of children and animals is one of a few things I will not tolerate from anyone, no matter who they are.
Which brings me to another thought - last one, I promise - my SIL who works for DCF is sent to the homes of very poor children 95% of the time. Obviously poverty CAN breed frustration, which leads to violence, which leads to abuse, but it really makes me wonder if there are socioeconomically elevated children who are also being abused, like the Gosselins, and the abusers just have more resources to cover it up or the stigma attached to the 'child abuser' label (as there should be!) prevents other family members and friends from reporting it. (See: Ramsey,JonBenet).
Sorry for hijacking this thread, but I'm very happy that long-term commenters engaged me immediately in discussion, and I'd like to do the same in kind and respond to you too when I have the time. Just in the past hour I went from not thinking the Gosselins were abused to knowing that they absolutely are - thanks to all who gave me the proof I needed.
Sorry, I forgot to say this earlier. Where did this Australia/New Zealand thing come from? Did someone go from "Austria" (on her blog) and assume she was going to Australia? The reason I ask, is because I was in Australia in August. It is truly wonderful! However, I am a seasoned global traveler (3 continents this year) and that trip bothered me.....14 hours from San Francisco (and we had to fly to San Francisco). Can you imagine the logistics, and the exhaustion for those kids? Plus, Sydney is absolutely the most expensive place I've ever been, even more expensive than Tokyo or any European city. A box of panty liners at a Woolworth's was over $6. I just don't see it happening. And I hope it doesn't.
Anna said...
I do assume they are getting paid for their episodes, and that money earned isn't simply being put in an account for Kate to use at her 'discretion', right?
You're right Anna, you don't want to hear. All 8 kids receive 15% divided by 8 per epi. The rest, 85% going to Kate. And, yes, Kate may use that for their food, clothing, school expenses, healthcare basically anything that the kids use/need. It's absolutely archaic. Pa. should hang their head in shame!
Deep Down in the Trenches, first I want to say thank you, and that I have so much admiration for you as a teacher. Both of my parents were teachers, and I quickly learned it is very hard work, with low pay, and that one must be completely devoted to the students in order to stick with it. So bless you - I have no doubt you are an amazing teacher and have made important differences in many of your students' lives. You are certainly one of my heroes, as all good teachers are.
To answer your question, no, I must admit I have not watched the show over the years. I don't have cable television, and in fact only knew who the Gosselins were peripherally until a few days ago when I stumbled across a couple of these blogs while doing media research for my job. Clearly I have much to review, but over the course of just tonight I was persuaded through the illustration of several abusive incidents which a few lovely commenters described for me that at least some and perhaps all of these G children are being subjected to abuse on a multitude of levels. And I am horrified, and want to do something about it, badly. I am now coming around to possibly believing this blog could be a good thing for the children - perhaps we could collaborate and create a presentation of sorts which will illustrate the various incidents of abuse that have been witnessed and/or caught on camera, along with descriptions of proven abuses that were not caught on film, and present the final draft to...Who? Pennsylvania's Senators and Representatives? Our own state's Senators and Representatives? The owner of TLC? Obama? JK about that last one. : ) Perhaps if we can get some senators or representatives on our side, they will announce that Kate Gosselin and her children are not welcome in their state if they are bringing film crews along with them. I know, sounds pretty silly, but the level of helplessness I feel is tremendous. I'm almost afraid to watch the flashbacks, as I imagine they will make my blood boil, and my blood pressure to rise. What little I've seen/heard about tonight I am already aghast at.
Sorry for the long post - off to bed go I. Thank you all, Admin especially, for welcoming me into your little community. I do believe it is meant to serve a noble purpose, and truly hope it does.
Anon 1 said: You're right Anna, you don't want to hear. All 8 kids receive 15% divided by 8 per epi. The rest, 85% going to Kate. And, yes, Kate may use that for their food, clothing, school expenses, healthcare basically anything that the kids use/need. It's absolutely archaic. Pa. should hang their head in shame!
15% divided by EIGHT, and the rest goes to Kate?! Are you kidding? 15% of $250,000 (the amount I was just informed the "family" makes per episode) is $37,500. Divided by 8, that means the children only make about $4,700 per episode each, while Kate gets to keep $212,500 from each episode. (!!!!!!!) Unbelievable! What sleazy lawyer figured out this financial plan? And how could TLC agree with it? I am so upset right now. Thank you for the response, Anon 1. Simply unbelievable.
Anna, that's not even the full story. What's even more disgusting is that the children were not paid a dime directly until April 2009. The children started working in March 2006, when they were a year and a half. They had to wait until the summer of 2009 before they were ever paid a thing directly. And no back pay that we know of. The children worked for THREE YEARS without pay. In most societies that's called slave labor.
At the conclusion of a lengthy investigation by the PA Dept. of Labor, they finally said they would need to put 15% of the earnings aside for the children. Oh, but there's more. Kate is allowed to dip into that 15% for necessities like school tuition. Conceivably, there could be nothing left of it right at this moment.
Clearly I have much to review, but over the course of just tonight I was persuaded through the illustration of several abusive incidents which a few lovely commenters described for me that at least some and perhaps all of these G children are being subjected to abuse on a multitude of levels.
Anna: I'm not sure if anyone mentioned these episodes, but you should see the tear-jerking Gumgate (Kate threatens to throw Collin's Mr. Bear into the trash because Aunt Jodi gave the kids gum, and some of it got on Mr. Bear); and the episode of Joel, very sick, who was put on the cold laundry room floor because she didn't want him to vomit on the quilt; and the more recent deep sea fishing trip, in which the kids got seasick, Kate wouldn't turn around, and the children were lying in their own vomit (Kate didn't think to bring a change of clothing along); Kate dragging the kids through NYC in 104 degree heat, where even the horses were exempt from pulling carriages. There is also Watergate, in which Mady, on national television, asked for a drink of water, Kate grabbed the water bottle in front of her, drank some, and refused to let her have a drink. The thing is, Anna, these events are not fiction -- they have been preserved on film.
Another one that comes to my mind is when Kate told Collin to sit on the steps in the garage and said, "I don't even want to hear you breathe."
Anna asked about the constipation episode. Yes, it was filmed and made the final cut. Kate and the kids and Jon were shopping for new beds. The kids were running wild in the store. Collin was complaining about stomach problems (he was constipated), and instead of Kate telling them to stop filming so they could take care of him, she kept right on filming and selecting beds from a catalogue, and told Jon to take him to the van and take care of his problem. Poor Collin had wanted his mommy, Kate wanted nothing to do with him because picking out the beds was her priority.
There's also the potty training the boys episode, where one of the kids is sitting on the potty chair upstairs (and can't "go"), and Kate turns out the light and walks out, letting him alone in the dark with the camera guy. One of the boys was also filmed naked from the back -- with a shot of his bare butt. There is also an episode of the kids sitting on potties in Beth's driveway.
Perhaps someone here could pull up a list of the really disgusting episodes for Anna. I know I didn't even put a dent in those that she should see.
There is a bill in the PA legislature (google PA House Bill 2515) drafted by Rep. Tom Murt which should put safeguards on the filming of kids in PA. He admits that the current laws are archaic, and hearings were held to address the concerns. Among those present to testify were former child stars, Paul Petersen (of A Minor Consideration); Jon Provost (Lassie) and Alison Arngrim, Little House on the Prairie. There is a transcript of that hearing online.
And yes, it's true that fifteen percent of the show's gross income it to be put into an account for the kids, but that Kate can dip into that fund for their tuition, health, safety and welfare, and living expenses. Who knows what, if anything, remains in that account after she makes her allowable withdrawals. She could conceiveably also take money out of there for the mortgage, food, childcare, etc. They are supporting both themselves and her.
I'd like to refer you to the non-profit organization started by Paul Petersen, the child actor from the Donna Reed Show which aired on tv in the 1950's. His non-profit, tax-deductible foundation was formed to give guidance and support to young performers, Past, Present and Future. The members of AMC are always "on call" to assist parents and their professional children on a 'No Cost basis.' By providing a strong emphasis on education and character development, plus helping to preserve the money these children generate, the members of AMC are always available to help with the tricky Transition issues that for many kid stars prove to be so troubling.
Once on the site, click on "Contents" at the top of the page to read the articles they've posted - a number of them specific to the Gosselin's.
I also suggest you wade through the Realitytvkids' archives (which are listed in the margin to the right >>>) to familiarize yourself with our Gosselin blogging history - it'll give you a clear picture of the child exploitation and abuse Admin has chronicled for a number of years now.
You'll see references to PA Rep. Murt who has drafted new legislation (with Paul Petersen's input) for children in the entertainment industry, which will hopefully be signed into law early in the new legislative session. Letters have been written, phone calls made, e-mails sent and awareness is taking place. Blogging about these issues hasn't been for naught.
Anonymous who's 69,
My favorite sister killed herself on Saturday.
Our mother was a diagnosed NPD and BPD among other things. Two of her children have taken their own lives; there were nine of us.
Reading here is the first "contact" I've made with the living since Saturday; it helps me feel real and normal to be here.
My sister would call me every day and we'd talk at least two hours. I feel kind of bad since sometimes I'd be reading here when she called so I didn't answer the phone. But we talked on Friday for 90 minutes and I told her to call Saturday, if she needed to. She was my favorite sister and I loved her so much. She, like you, was 69 years old.
All my life I've had therapists tell me "not to ever consider suicide because the pain it causes for those left behind is immeasurable." I didn't really believe it until now. Anonymous, please find someone who knows about narcissism and can help you fix the broken parts. I believe it is possible to heal; my sister just couldn't wait anymore.
This hurts more than when my dad died.
PJs Momma, I wondered the same thing when I saw somewhere about the Australia/Austria thing. I'm Australian, and the number of times people think I'm from Europe ... it's phenomenal. I just hope that if Kate comes down under she doesn't plan to use the bridge from Australia to New Zealand (there isn't one, although it was very interesting to debate this very issue with a 'super shuttle' driver the last time I flew in to NYC ... at 3am no less!). Which brings me to my other point, I agree, the flight between the US and Australia is HUGE. Kate and the kids needed a stop over between PA and Hawaii ... when you change time zones she is going to need about 20 stops. It's a huge flight!
I'm not sure about the expense ... I don't like going to Sydney, I come from the gorgeous northern climes, where it is currently pouring, and about 30 degrees. We are expecting a flooded Christmas.
If Kate does come downunder, it would sure be interesting to see how the locals react to her ... not many people would know her.
Oh, Alana
The hurt you feel is palpable. Please accept my deepest sympathies.
“I am now coming around to possibly believing this blog could be a good thing for the children - perhaps we could collaborate and create a presentation of sorts which will illustrate the various incidents of abuse that have been witnessed and/or caught on camera, along with descriptions of proven abuses that were not caught on film, and present the final draft to...Who? Pennsylvania's Senators and Representatives? Our own state's Senators and Representatives? The owner of TLC?”
Anna, I think that is a wonderful idea! I’m all for doing something constructive instead of doing the usual commenting on hair, shoes and puffy face. Snarking is fun, but it isn’t productive. But, like you, I wonder who would we present it to? I also wouldn’t want to do something that would further embarrass the children. They have so much to deal with as it is. And Jon would also have to be considered. These are his children. Would he want strangers working up some kind of abuse report?
I think many people who were frustrated long ago with Kate’s behavior notified Paul Peterson and Rep. Murt about what was happening to the children and the conditions in which they were being filmed (the bathroom shots for example.) Peterson and Murt have taken up the cause. I guess I really don’t know what we could do.
Alana, hugs to you.
I'm so sorry.
There have never in our lifetimes existing a child filmed as THEMSELVES, as their own person, for this long--going on six long years.
Once again, you are lying. The series didn't begin airing until April 2007, which isn't close to 6 years. If you want to include specials in this calculation, the Duggars' first special aired in 2004, so they have been on television longer than the Gosselins. Of course, you're not railing against them because it's really not about kids on reality television, it's about hating one particular mother of kids on reality television.
h8k8 said...
kimmie said...
re jamie and custody of her kids: maybe she has custody during the year and the dad has them summer and christmas vacations.
It's common knowledge for years that Jamie's ex-husband has primary custody of their 3 children. While Jamie obviously must have visitation during different times of the year - it's still just visitation.
Gossip does not equate to "common knowledge." Do you know the woman? If not, how would you have access to a complete stranger's custody agreement?
how would you have access to a complete stranger's custody agreement
Because she used to blab about her custody on facebook. I don't know why anyone would do that, let alone someone who is on TV.
To Audibleclick: Thank you for your concern regarding what I have lived through. It touches me deeply. I'm okay now thanks to these blogs which have helped me realize that there is a name for what my mother is. As they say, knowledge is power. Thanks to these blogs, I am completely free of her. No more guilt.
Alana: Please accept my condolences for the loss of your dear sister. I can only wish that she could have been enlightened as I was. Please don't worry about me. I would never kill myself. It's just that my mother has the power to make me want to do it because of the rage that a narcissistic person such as she is capable of awakening in a person. As I said before, suicide is rage turned within. There is no contact between us now and I feel so much peace and relief.
Because I've lived with a narcissistic and was raised by one, I know first-hand what the Gosselin children are going through. It's hard beyond belief.
I strongly believe that Jon is a much stronger person than most people give him credit for. I strongly believe that Ellen Ross has been a Godsend for him. Jon, if you're reading this, please hang in there. I know how much you've suffered under the dominion of Kate and many people admire you for having survived this ordeal. Don't ever lose sight of your children and what they're going through.
Alana, please accept my sympathies for the loss of your dear sister. I cannot imagine how you feel, but I know you are hurting. Hugs and prayers for your healing, are being sent for you.
@ Lucille
I'm so thankful that this and other blogs have helped you break free of your Mother. I've only had to deal with one Narcissist in my life and it was an eye opening experience to say the least.
@ Alana
My thoughts are with you during this trying time. May you remember the good times with your sister and celebrate the good memories you made together.
@ Admin and the other posters
I wish you and yours Happy Holidays. I think this blog is a wonderful way to communicate our concerns for the Gosselin kids. I wish those kids only happiness and peace in the New Year.
Alana, so sorry for your loss. ((hugs))
What frightens me is that you are living proof of the potential harm that is being done to those poor children. I am sad for them and so angry at the woman who claims to do "everything" for them when in reality she is a selfish woman who cares for no one but herself!
Alana, please accept my condolences.
I am so sorry for your loss. May your sister rest in peace.
First I'd like to thank everyone who engaged me in discussion immediately, and in a respectful. My very first comment basically said that this blog and others like it, and those dedicated to "Supermom Kate" are all prolonging her 15 minutes of fame. Whether the blog is critical of Kate or worships Kate makes no difference to bookers who find guests for speaking engagement, publishers looking for a viable book idea (single mom with 8 kids; twins AND sextuplets!) or companies who are looking for an affordable celebrity to represent their product (otherwise known as endorsement deals). The number one qualification for these kinds of deals is: Is the celebrity still relevant? Are they nationally recognized/mainstream? Do they provoke strong feelings, either good or bad, within our marketing demographic? If the answers to the above are yes!, then the potential celebrity spokesperson has a higher chance of getting that speaking engagement, that book deal, that product endorsement. That was my introduction into the reasons why I really feel blogs like this are helping Kate, not hurting her. All publicity is good publicity, say it with me. All publicity, even rumors circulating about child abuse and narcissism, is good publicity. Sad, but certainly true.
Then, yesterday, never having actually seen the show before and unaware of the Gosselin family dynamics, a few kind posters pointed me in the right direction so that i could read and watch various incidents they were sure I would agree are child abuse. And I do agree. And suddenly my blood was boiling angrily, and I felt more hate for Kate Gosselin than i've ever felt for a total stranger. After sleeping on it, I woke up and began thinking that i might have been wrong about this blog. The owner and commenters really seem to truly care about the gosselin children, and have been doing very well in dating and documenting each episode of abuse. Admin is also keeping her readers abreast of the goings on with Rep Murt, who sponsored a bill proposing stricter standards for child actors in the state of Pennsyvania. Both are good, honorable things, and I began to think, Wow, it looks like I really was wrong about this blog - Admin and the members seem to focusing on documenting the abuse and supporting Rep Murt with his proposed law...
cont below in next comment
Anna, I enjoy your posts. I hope we can see the continuation of what you were writing.
"Of course, you're not railing against them because it's really not about kids on reality television, it's about hating one particular mother of kids on reality television."
You can keep saying it over and over again but it doesn't make it true. For many it's about the kids and only about the kids. It's a matter of degree and the Gosselin kids have had been affected negatively more than any of the other reality show kids. Compare the Table for Twelve kids to the Gosselins; their parents are still together, their father didn't quit his job to live off the income from the show and they aired very few episodes. They also didn't parade their kids on talk shows so the audience could watch them "play".
You may want to believe it's all about Kate hate but that's because you don't want to look at why you support everything she does to the detriment to her kids.
Great Post, LadyBlue.
I've been wanting a reason to like Kate. In the early days of JK&8 I LOVED her! It was her treatment of Jon that changed that opinion.
I wanted her to kick-ass on DWTS so I could think she's actually good at something. I praised her Leno comedy skit. However, this woman is NOT likable. If she didn't exploit the children nobody would even know who she was (many still don't) and, although we don't worship the ground she walks on as her fans do, some of us don't 'hate' her. We want her to do the right thing. If Kate wanted to stop the filming but Jon was insisting to continue, we'd rally around Kate. YOU don't get it, IT IS ABOUT THE KIDS ... not hating Kate.
I've finally had the time to catch up on posts here, after the last few, hectic days. Anna - I have enjoyed reading your posts. I appreciate that you have taken the time to read and think about what we have to say and to investigate things on your own. You've been open-minded enough to consider our viewpoints and to learn about what's going on. There are some things I haven't seen mentioned in the other responses to your posts, that you may want to check out:
1). At one point, those little kids were being filmed 24/7. There was a camera set up in their bedroom and it ran all night. I can't site the specific episode - I think it was one of the specials, either "Surviving Twins and Sextuplets" or the 2nd one, "How We Got Here" (sometimes called "Surviving Twins and Sextuplets, a Year Later", but I'm not sure. Perhaps one of the others can tell you more. Anyway, one of the things caught on the all-night cam. was one of the girls - I think it was Alexis - figured out how to get out of her crib, and was shown climbing out and wandering around the room when she was supposed to be asleep.
2). In the old house, Cara and Mady had a sign on their door ordering cameras to stay out. This was shown in numerous episodes.
3). When the family was clearing out the garage, preperatory to moving to the mansion, Kate threw away the twins' special Christmas tree ornaments from their grandfather, Jon's father. On the same episode, she forced Jon to throw out his mementos of his father, including his dad's golf clubs.
4). This wasn't on the show, but the pictures were in one of the tabloids the summer of 2009. The kids were outside playing and Kate was on her infernal cell phone. Leah had been given a whistle to play with and it was disturbing Kate. When Leah didn't immediately stop blowing it, instead of moving to another area of the yard to continue her call, or taking the whistle away from her - as most parents would do - Kate proceeded to hike Leah's skirt up in front of God and everyone and whale away on her. The expression on Kate's face was chilling. She clearly was furious at having been disobeyed, as she saw it. She later defended her actions saying it was her right to discipline the kids as she saw fit.
5). At the age of 2, the little kids would run to the time-out corner with just a look from Kate. What 2 year old - or any age little one for that matter - does that unless they have been punished severely for failure to comply? Again, this was on several episodes - season 1, I think.
6). There are numerous incidents - at least one per episode - of Kate hitting, smacking, "lovetapping", and punching at Jon. In addition, she frequently made disparaging comments to him in front of the children and in one episode, when he scolded a couple of the children she told them "don't pay any attention to Daddy. Daddy's mean".
These incidents are just the tip of the iceberg. I believe, and there are many others who agree with me, that she is abusive, that Jon was a battered spouse, and that the children are being subjected to much worse abuse away from the cameras.
Welcome to the blog. I hope we'll be hearing more from you.
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and that the coming year brings peace, finally, for the G8.
Anna said... I see that Kate has an older set of twins as well as the sextuplets. Did she utilize fertility drugs for one or both (or neither) of the pregnancies? And if so, was she trying for a large set of multiples or were fertility drugs used with the hope of merely having a single child?
...I have a difficult time understanding why some are so aghast at this particular situation. Again, while not ideal, child actors with 'stage parents' have always and will continue to exist, so long as TV and movies are a form of entertainment. Why do the Gosselin children, as opposed to countless other child actors, arouse such outrage?
If one wishes to make the world a better place by helping abused children, may I suggest volunteering with your local DCF agency? Or perhaps joining a Big Brother/Big Sister organization or putting in time at your city's Boys and Girls club? These are things one can do right now to make a huge difference in abused childrens' lives, and I guarantee these things will make a bigger difference than commenting on the Gosselins' daily activities, which, as I explained in my last comment, will only prolong Kate Gosselin's fame and relevancy...
Anna, you admitted you've only recently gotten interested in the Gosselin story and it would be impossible to address all the examples over the past years to adequately explain the feelings of many bloggers so I'll try to be brief.
*Kate became pregnant with the help of IUI fertility treatments. After the twins she told Jon she wanted one more child, however got 6. There is controversy about that pregnancy and a Google search will explain it all to you.
*Why are we aghast about the Gosselin kids and not child actors and stage parents? Admin gave a great response and I'll add just one other thought. The Gosselin kids are the breadwinners of the family. They are supporting themselves and their mother is living a lavish lifestyle because of their hard work.
*To suggest that if we want to make the world a better place we should volunteer helping abused children rather than blogging suggests that we don't volunteer and I take strong exception to that statement. I volunteer 3 days a week working with children in a homeless shelter and tutor reading in a second grade classroom. Any other suggestions for my spare time?
*Should we turn our eyes from what some consider to be inconsequential abuse to concentrate on what others deem more important? Abuse is abuse and all cases warrant attention. It's not my place nor yours to judge the means or extent of the assistance others are able to supply.
I believe one day the Gosselin children will appreciate the fact that strangers cared enough about them to try to draw attention to the abuse and exploitation they experienced because of their mother's need for fame and fortune.
*I think you may be questioning whether there is actual abuse in the Gosselin family. There are examples of abuse documented in photos and video clips of Kate hitting, pinching, and grabbing the kids (and her ex-husband) as well as mental and emotional abuse that is blatant.
If you are interested in understanding why we blog about the Gosselins and why our opinions about them are so strong I suggest you take the time to watch the over 130 episodes of the Gosselin's show (watch the ORIGINAL dvds because subsequent versions have been 'sanitized'), read the thousands of articles online about the family, and of course don't forget going back and reading this and other blogs chronicling the history of our outrage over the child exploitation we've witnessed by the Gosselin parents.
This BFF of Kate's must have something up w/ her if she no longer has custody of her kids, yet, Kate lets her babysit her own kids. I'm sorry, something is wrong with this picture.
What if she just didn't feel capable of taking care of her kids, and thought the best place to be for them is with their father and therefore she reliquished custody? I don't think anyone is capable of making any judgments on this woman without knowing the circumstances or the reason why he has custody, if indeed he does.
Why do the Gosselin children, as opposed to countless other child actors, arouse such outrage?
There is a huge difference between child actors and the Gosselins. Child actors go to a set and play a character. At the end of the day they can come home and be themselves and be comfortable living their "real" lives and not have most of that exposed to the public. In contrast, the Gosselins are themselves on camera, the show IS their life, the life is their show. They cannot say oh that was just a character of Mady. That IS Mady. They cannot escape. There have never in our lifetimes existing a child filmed as THEMSELVES, as their own person, for this long--going on six long years.
Child actors deserve heavy protections and they have it in many states. The laws are excellent now in CA. What's shocking is that reality shows are often able to get around child labor laws because they are not "acting" when actually, being exposed as yourself and the loss of privacy that comes with it is, in many ways, much worse.
Cameras never invaded Miley Cirus' home to watch her vomit or pee or have a tantrum.
"We are the ones that keep this show alive. The media uses blog and many sources to see what the public is talking about. I know this. I am in that field. They use it to their advantage. So Stop think and just take awhile and dont talk about the gosselins at all. For the sake of the kids. Start of the year and just drop it. Ive said this before on Small Town. She will not listen. But you all need to NOW. Sometimes you have to drop something to let it go. For the better. If everyone stops talking and blogging about this family. You will see a a drop in the gosselins talk."
Thank you for posting this, Fishbone. I am with you for 2011. I'm ready for an old-fashioned "shunning"; Khate deserves it. And yes, this kind of thing does work, it worked on Paris Hilton and Speidi, for the most part. Now we just need to get rid of Khate and the Kardashians(?)
Do you see in that last picture that it looks like kate has a ear bud in. I believe why kate has her phone and her hair long. Is people are telling this woman what to do and what to say. So um um um um she can be normal. Umm um um um without it Kate is just mentally not there. Think about it. The lady complained that long hair bothered her for the longest time. Than she gets this long hair. After she got called out wearing a ear bud during the kate interview with natialie.
Kk, you and Anna expressed yourselves much better than I can. I agree with both of you, and do not feel good about keeping Kate's name front and center anymore. I, too, am moving on although it may be easier said than done. It has become part of my routine to check in on the blogs daily. But that's what new years resolutions are all about!
Happy 2011 everyone.
Thank you everyone. I'm seeing that People are WAKING UP. We need to just lay low and stop talking about this family. A SILENT protest is a must. If we want to make sure these kids can be out of the spot life for good. Ive started posting this. Why because. Everyone is at fault.
We are the ones that keep this show alive. The media uses blog and many sources to see what the public is talking about. I know this. I am in that field. They use it to their advantage. So Stop think and just take awhile and dont talk about the gosselins at all. For the sake of the kids. Start of the year and just drop it. Ive said this before on Small Town. She will not listen. But you all need to NOW. Sometimes you have to drop something to let it go. For the better. If everyone stops talking and blogging about this family. You will see a a drop in the gosselins talk.
This has worked before with many reality and stars. Kate doesn't need anymore talk of any kind. Who cares what her hair, makeup, clothing, cash and etc she has. DROP IT. Do it for the kids.
The media will catch on. It will I promise. Please for the sake of the kids.
Please Post this.
DISGUSTED.... what ARE you blathering on about?
Please offer your insight into 6 year olds working, being removed from kindergarten against their will, working, screaming to not go home, more working, being responsible for their mother's support because they are the same age.... additional working.... Also, the hitting, pinching, screeching, humiliating, name calling, disgust, mental illness etc we see from the birth-giver of these little ones...
issues, not deflecting... issues... reality, not scripting, issues.. reality.. REAL CHILDREN... REAL.. Oh I give up.
Why is her BFF not spending the holidays with her own children?
Maybe Christmas isn't a holiday she celebrates. There are people of other faiths in this country you know. It's not a holiday for everybody.
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