Via Facebook: just saw kate gosslin and her kids in first class on the flight to australia! crazzyyy
14 hours ago via BlackBerry
The children's vacation from school lasted only a brief moment before they were put back to work. First filming in Philadelphia, then on a plane with Kate to film for at least a few weeks in Australia and New Zealand, according to Radaronline and travelers taking to Facebook to report what they see.
Jon later tweeted he tried to stop the trip. Ashley is likely with them, as according to her mother's blog, she too is gone for 20 days.
14 hours ago via BlackBerry

Jon later tweeted he tried to stop the trip. Ashley is likely with them, as according to her mother's blog, she too is gone for 20 days.
Outrageous. A child's time off from school should be just that, time off, not just a great chance to put them to work.
240 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 240 of 240 Newer› Newest»Trucker said...
Don't think Carla Turner is the brightest color in the box. Her blog is filled with words used incorrectly and lots of mispellings. And her blog should be private. So many people give too much info on the net and it is exactly what we teach our kids not to do. Ashley will have 'intensive' child care duties that is for sure.
Uh, it's "misspellings" not "mispellings." If you're going to comment on someone else's spelling, you might want to double-check your own.
Oh the Irony
Your comment was very rude and snotty towards Trucker. There's a difference between misspellings and typos you know.
Do you think the judge's ruling that the parent with residential custody can decide to film or not film took into consideration pulling children out of school to do so? I find it hard to believe that a judge would determine the parent w/residential custody has the right to film if she wants to, even if it means the children miss school.
Trucker said... "Don't think Carla Turner is the brightest color in the box. Her blog is filled with words used incorrectly and lots of mispellings."
And this is a woman who homeschools?
Bubbles said...
Do you think the judge's ruling that the parent with residential custody can decide to film or not film took into consideration pulling children out of school to do so?
I don't think it has anything to do with residential custody or pulling the kids out of school. Kate Plus Eight is under contract with TLC; therefore, this is work-related and she (Kate) must honor that contract. The kids are part of that.
You can look, but she's already deleted the "incriminating" posts. Carla is a LIAR.
Could it be that TLC (or one of the suits) got to her? Hasn't she dropped hints about what's going on with the show, her daughter's whereabouts, etc.? If you're not guilty about something, you don't delete the posts that might suggest that not everything is on the up-and-up. If she's signed a CA, wouldn't dropping hints be considered a violation of the CA?
There's something I don't understand. It has been reported that Carla wrote that her daughter was in VA for intensives; then something to the effect that VA got more snow than we did.
Obviously she knew that her daughter was going to Australia. Wouldn't she have figured that photos of her on the trip would eventually surface, and she'd have to explain how Ashley could be in Virginia and Australia at the same time?
I spent two weeks in Australia recently and even though I travelled business class, I have to tell you the trip and the jet lag were gruelling. Those poor kids will be exhausted, and for what - for yet another show on the Gosselins on yet another exotic, expensive vacation.
E-town Neighbor said... There's something I don't understand. It has been reported that Carla wrote that her daughter was in VA for intensives; then something to the effect that VA got more snow than we did.
Obviously Carla knew that her daughter was going to Australia, so why set up the ruse? Wouldn't she have figured that photos of Ashley would eventually surface in OZ, and Carla would have to explain how Ashley could be in both Virginia and Australia at the same time?
My take: Carla is as much of a famewhore as Kate ... and just as dumb, but not paid as well. Clearly, Ashley has already been documented on the trip. DUH, Carla, welcome to the 21st century -- and have you heard of that pesky little invention called a camera???? It was just a matter of minutes before photos of the whole entourage would appear online. DUH. No big surprise at the reports that Carla switched her blog to "private" the other day. I haven't seen the blog, as I have no interest in one more Bible thumping hypocrite. Like Kate, she claims to be Christian, but it seems she's sold her soul (and her daughter) to TLC just like Kate and Jon did.
I'm not a fan of home-schooling either, and Carla gives me one more reason to doubt its benefits/credibility. Do they give the "teachers" a stupidity test before allowing them to tutor their own children??? Carla is evidence that they clearly do not. I shudder to think that the Ashley generation will be in charge of educating my own children. God help the next generation.
As a divorced parent I have to take issue with your statement regarding permission to take children out of the country. The spouse wanting to take the kids has to secure permission from either the Court in an Order or a Consent Agreement from the ex-spouse. The only exception to this rule is if the traveling spouse has full legal custody. I'm assuming Kate has the passports with her. If she took the kids to Australia without permission, the State Department could flag her passport before she even steps on the plane. Someone gave her permission.
Poobear, no I agree with your assessment of what is required to leave the country. I don't know where I originally said it but I think I said it's not true Kate needs permission FROM JON to leave the country. If I didn't say FROM JON or from the other parent I certainly meant it. Kate went to court and got the court to give permission. Hence, she went without Jon's permission.
It defies logic to think that a judge would agree that these kids could have been taken out of school on an international trip when two have been already kicked out. I can't imagine any judge allowing kids to miss weeks of school in any case. There are laws about educational neglect that would apply to the twins at least.
And yet, that is what happen!
What I truly do not understand is why does Kate have or need or whatever to take her kids on vacation after vacation after vacation? It, to me, does not make a lick of sense. Sure, we all take family vacations or something special here and there, what I just wonder how do you keep a vacation special if you do it so often?!! I say this after getting back from having gone to the Rose Parade in Pasadena, CA for 6 days. That was truly an experience if not something else entirely!!
Half the fun of vacations is the anticipation. Without that I think you miss out on a lot.
E-town Neighbor said... There's something I don't understand. It has been reported that Carla wrote that her daughter was in VA for intensives; then something to the effect that VA got more snow than we did.
Obviously Carla knew that her daughter was going to Australia, so why set up the ruse? Wouldn't she have figured that photos of Ashley would eventually surface in OZ, and Carla would have to explain how Ashley could be in both Virginia and Australia at the same time?
My take: Carla is as much of a famewhore as Kate ... and just as dumb, but not paid as well. Clearly, Ashley has already been documented on the trip. DUH, Carla, welcome to the 21st century -- and have you heard of that pesky little invention called a camera???? It was just a matter of minutes before photos of the whole entourage would appear online. DUH. No big surprise at the reports that Carla switched her blog to "private" the other day. I haven't seen the blog, as I have no interest in one more Bible thumping hypocrite. Like Kate, she claims to be Christian, but it seems she's sold her soul (and her daughter) to TLC just like Kate and Jon did.
I'm not a fan of home-schooling either, and Carla gives me one more reason to doubt its benefits/credibility. Do they give the "teachers" a stupidity test before allowing them to tutor their own children??? Carla is evidence that they clearly do not. I shudder to think that the Ashley generation will be in charge of educating my own children. God help the next generation.
Dee2 said...
Here you go.
gramof5 said...
Can someone please post a link to Carla's blog ?
December 30, 2010 10:08 AM
Unless you're signed up for her blog don't bother. The liar blocked access to non-subscribers.
Administrator said...
Seems to me tlc told Carla to shut her pie hole.
Carla has been dropping "hints" since Day One. Remember when she said that she has two new homeschoolers, and then the story broke about the kids being expelled? I think that she likes to be linked with someone "famous." Then when the latest stories appear, she can say that she knew this a long time ago...makes her feel that she's special, in the loop, so to speak. Some people are like that...
Dee2 said... Here you go.
gramof5 said...
Can someone please post a link to Carla's blog ?
Thanks Dee2..but Ms. Carla no longer has an open blog.She's locked it up tight and secure.
That just tells me that she has been told by the higher-ups(TLC)to close up shop for awhile. she what some people call a Christian ?
readerlady said...
I see some people criticizing Jon and saying he should have stopped Kate from taking the kids to Australia, but not one person has said just how he was supposed to have done that. Kate was given the sole right, by the court, to determine when/where/how the kids would be filmed. Just what was Jon supposed to do? Refuse to return the kids to her after his visitation days - get charged with contempt of court and go to jail? Take the kids and disappear?
Absolutely. Talk is easy, but putting that talk into practice is a real b**ch.
Carla's blog is now password protected...
Administrator said...
She (Carla) said her comments were misread. I don't get that. Does she see the photo proof of Ashley there? I think she got herself in trouble with tlc
I could give a rat's-a*s about Carla's blog, Carla, or her daughter Ashley. As far as I'm concerned, anyone that enables Kate & TLC is full of sh*t.
I used to think Carla's heart was in the right place- but not so much now. After so many years of enabling Kate, you would think Carla's eyes would be opened by now.
What Kate is doing, is the exact opposite of what her religion preaches. She's not going to change, and as long as she has well meaning people or enablers around her, Kate is going to continue taking advantage of them. The only thing that is going to fix Kate is a good psychiatrist, some medication, and........ electroshock treatment ;o)
XYZed said...
So, TLC thinks the masses will be interested in watching a rich, entitled, bitter, ungrateful, whining, surgically enhanced, stiletto-teetering harpy portraying a financially challenged, over-worked, 'single' mother on an outrageously and obscenely expensive first- class holiday in Australia. Ummmm, no.
Yes, that's exactly what they think. It's the controversy and all the above that people tune in to see. They want to see meltdowns on the airplane and watch her act exactly as they've predicted.
Even the sheeple don't like tlc anymore. It's nice to find some common ground, I'm not making fun. Finally we can all agree tlc is slime.
Lets just say this show has turned into a lame travel channel all about Kate plus 8 baggage. Its not even worth her being on TLC payroll. Everyone is tired of this woman. All she does is going on expensive lavish trips. That many people with 8 or more kids and adults cant afford. Maybe this is the last trip. Than its over with. We could only wish. Kate has a way of secretly pointing out their next adventure. Now everyone will get to hear her sing the sound of music on the hill tops.
Also may I say that. Have these so called Kate specials with the kids. Doesn't mean you have to go all out. We are not dealing with just one episode once a year. They are doing 5 or more. Its to outlandish for my taste. Im so over Kate Gosselin and her tribe.
Seems to me tlc told Carla to shut her pie hole. Just seems silly to be so concerned about leaks when some teenager was just going to facebook blab about it before they even took off and the paps were at the airport to greet them. They can't stop the public from blabbing.
Motley said... That looks like Ashley to me. Carla has also changed her blog again and deleted the part about Ashley taking intensives.
Maybe Carla should just shut up. It sounds exhausting staying ahead of the lies she's posting and getting caught on.
gotyournumberKate said...
Is this Ashley?
Yep! That's Ashley.
TLC knows that Kate's mental instability will be a draw for curious viewers. I wouldn't doubt that TLC is COUNTING on many breakdowns from Kate (and her innocent kids as well)on this trip. They're probably hoping that will bring up their golden child's faltering ratings.
If Kate wants to do that, power to her.
I just wish they would leave the innocent Gosselin 8 out it!
P.S. [whispers] Not tuning in helps...
If Jon has a poor defense team that is Jon's fault! He ran thru a handful of high profile lawyers, and all of his money when he left to recapture his 20's, his Manhatten apt, his tattoo, his car. People keep saying he's up against TLC, boo hoo. If Jon had listened to good advice early on, before HE signed on for more salary from TLC, before he breeched his own contract, maybe he would have had a case.
Is this Ashley?
December 30, 2010 6:26 AM
That looks like Ashley to me. Carla has also changed her blog again and deleted the part about Ashley taking intensives.
Is this Ashley?
Westcoaster said...
No wonder Supermommy needed a tanning session,it's summer Down Under.
First class to Oz, I believe I am done now.
And yes, since you do need both parents' permission to take minors out of country, guess Jon couldn't pass this one up for them either - wonder how much TLC paid him for his signature?
I keep seeing people say this about "permission"....I live in PA and my husband has a daughter from another marriage. He got shafted during the original custody agreement and anytime that he tried to ammend it, his ex tied him up in red tape to draw out the whole thing and to waste everyone's time and money. Several trips were taking over the years and at NO time was my husband required to give permission (verbally, written or otherwise). And since she had primary custody, it was kind of "hey, we are going to so an so. we will be back such and such". So,I'm not really sure that JOn's permission was needed or given~
No corporation or greedy mother would have stopped me.
Sadly, they would have. Unfortunately, talk is easy, but when it comes to dealing with entitities who have an unlimited amount of money at their displosal (TLC), coupled with Kate's attorneys, you'd find your funds soon exhausted by court proceedings, suits, etc.
I don't think it's as easy as it sounds to go up against a powerhouse such as TLC. Unfortunately, Jon didn't have the right person on his court at the very beginning, and she won. It's now too little, too late for him.
What does one do with eight children on a 21-hour flight, particularly if six of them are only six years old and even have trouble sitting still in a classroom during a school day?
Are they kept drugged? If so, what is their physical health by the time they finally arrive? How much down time do they need? I've taken long trips with children, but never that many, and not for that amount of time on a plane. It must be horrible for them. Will they even be ready to return to the classroom once they get back?
I happen to like Jon more than most people here I think. But, if the bloggers aren't privy to the real facts and can only read partial facts, then they're bound to come up with conclusions that aren't accurate. So I don't think anyone should be irritated with them for coming up with these conclusions. Either tell us some of what is really going on, if you can, or don't get mad when we interpret based on what we read. Thanks.
Kangaroo Kate said...
If the sheeple are saying that they will learn more in Australia than in school, unless these kids are planning to major in anthropology/geography in college, what are they hoping to learn? That kangaroos hop? That koalas are cuddly? Geography isn't a course option at school, so what are they going to learn?
I think they will meet Crocodile Dundee at Walkabout Creek and go camping in the Outback.
Stunned by the ignorance said... Wow Kelly, what an incredibly ignorant thing to say.
Jon has pleaded his case in court more than once. He can't win against TLC and their team.
Jon admitted he made mistakes when he originally allowed the filming. He started objected while he was still in the family and still receiving a large paycheck. His objections are what lead to the divorce!!!
And instead of staying in the house, remaining the at home parent he had been for over a year while Kate traveled on her speaking engagements, he LEFT HIS KIDS and moved to NYC! I'm a parent and can't imagine how he did that. He knew what a damaging creature Kate is and left his kids to her.
He could have stayed and had plenty of proof who was the primary caregiver in that home, even when he was working outside the home. Plenty of video proof and still 1/2 the family fortune to hire a good lawyer with. HE DIDN'T. Now the damage is done.
Kelly, I am an insider. Your information is only partially complete and lacking some needed facts.
Jon stopped receiving money very early on. They did get a judgment against him. That, sir, is a fact.
Their whole summer was booked with travel they couldn't squeeze it in!
Wow Kelly, what an incredibly ignorant thing to say.
Jon has pleaded his case in court more than once. He can't win against TLC and their team.
Jon admitted he made mistakes when he originally allowed the filming. He started objected while he was still in the family and still receiving a large paycheck. His objections are what lead to the divorce!!!
He objected, he tried to stop it, TLC won a huge judgment against him. He tried again and again. TLC kept him under contract so that he was boxed into a corner.
Jon and Kate both messed up but only JON stopped playing along and stop living off the exploitation of his children.
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