Via Facebook: just saw kate gosslin and her kids in first class on the flight to australia! crazzyyy
14 hours ago via BlackBerry
The children's vacation from school lasted only a brief moment before they were put back to work. First filming in Philadelphia, then on a plane with Kate to film for at least a few weeks in Australia and New Zealand, according to Radaronline and travelers taking to Facebook to report what they see.
Jon later tweeted he tried to stop the trip. Ashley is likely with them, as according to her mother's blog, she too is gone for 20 days.
14 hours ago via BlackBerry

Jon later tweeted he tried to stop the trip. Ashley is likely with them, as according to her mother's blog, she too is gone for 20 days.
Outrageous. A child's time off from school should be just that, time off, not just a great chance to put them to work.
240 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 240 Newer› Newest»You know this is exactly the worst that we predicted? That every time the kids got a day off from school Kate would film the crap out of them.
She really is out of this world. Knowing full well they were about to take off for Australia, she drags the poor things to Philadelphia too???? Couldn't she cancel the Philly trip since they were going to get the whole rest of their vacation blown working? No, she has to do BOTH. Unbelievable.
And since they are going to miss school, will there be a tutor available???
Isn't this another fine example of why those kids need guardian ad litems, Admin? Shouldn't someone be deciding if it's in the kids' best interest to be pulled out of school and dragged halfway around the world to film?
Kate is profitting off of it, so clearly she has a financial interest in them going. Jon can't do crap it appears.
Sorry to double post, but I can hear Kate and the sheeple already talking about what an AMAZING opportunity this is for the kids.
THEY'RE SIX AND STRUGGLING IN SCHOOL. This is really what they need at this age. God forbid mommy save some of the money they've earned for her and PAY to take them to Australia when they're older and can actually appreciate it if she feels this is something they must see.
This is why I need to avoid all things Gosselin. It just boils my blood that no one is looking out for what's best for those kids. If their father is, he's doing a piss poor job IMO.
What about the kids education? They will be missing more school....
I actually think Australia/New Zealand is a lot more sensible place to take a very young child than say someplace where some upper level history classes would help them appreciate it like Europe or Asia.
That's the thing, this would make a lovely family trip if it were just that. It's not, it's a business trip. It's work. It's more privacy violated. That's the problem with it.
And yes the bigger Kate digs a hole the more rabid her fans get, and stalker-ish.
That is one long flight that even an adult could barely tolerate. On top of that, Australia's eastern coast is having major storms and flooding right now.
How many trips have they taken this year...
North Carolina
So if they're gone for that long does that mean Jon approved this? Doesn't school start on the 3rd?
Jon is probably finding out about it at the same time as everyone else.
Which is *glances at watch* NOW.
Oh. My. Lord. I cannot believe that. I've done that flight from the west coast and it is brutal. They will be 20 hours off their time zone and will lose a whole day (gain it back when they return). And for what? I feel so very sorry for those little kids. WHO is looking out for these kids and WHY does TLC invest so much money in them?
Sorry, forgot to say this when I mentioned the expense - my husband's company flies him first class and that ticket to Australia in August was 10 grand. I fly coach because we pay for my ticket (which is fine with me, I'm just happy to go). So that's a hundred grand for Khate, her lover, and the kids. I'd hate to pay all that money and be up in that cabin with them - they are not well behaved at all.
I don't think the Gosselin kids will ever be free until they reach the age of majority. Both parents are disgusting.
As for Steve Neild - how convenient he gets an all expenses paid trip back home to New Zealand and then on to Australia. Will his wife and 2 sons be along for the ride or stay home like they did when he went to Mexico with Kate? Personally, I can't stand the guy and hope his wife kicks his girly-bony ass to the curb. What a loser he is.
Yep. She's got her little moneymakers working on their holidays AGAIN and forcing them to take another long trip to support her lifestyle. Guess Kate told them they'll have to suck it up one more time. No problem for there, her entourage can take care of the kids while that useless tit of a mother screeches her way through another episode. Who'll be looking after Shoka while the family is gone?
Pure conjecture on my part but this stinks. Besides Steve's background and probably his family, who or what would be there that would make them take a sidetrip to New Zealand that Kate would interested in? No offense intended either to that island. It's beautiful - my aunt lived there for years and said it was like a paradise. But there's not enough flash and bling there to attract that fame-whoring witch. I think the jig is about to be up and they're going to make some kind of announcement.
Hope someone phones Australia and warns them about what's about to land in on them.
Maybe this will be another wedding episode with TLC following the new blended family around on their honeymoon? Why else would they go to Steve's neck of the woods when they had previously planned to go to S. Korea?
DISGUSTING. That's all I have to say.
I told myself if I found out that they went to Australia I would be done with all things Gosselin and it appears the time has come. This makes me furious! The trips are for one reason only and that is for Kate. The kids are too young to really appreciate a lot of what they are doing. Kate wants to get in all the free vacations she can and the bonus is she gets paid for it too. She is using her kids to get to travel to places she wants to visit. If there was ever a person in this world who doesn't deserve this it is her.
You can see why Carla and Ashley are not about to come forward concerning anything bad they may see. If they do there goes the free vacations and money for Ashley and money and freebies like a new kitchen for Carla. I don't care how "Christian" they may be.
I just am so tired of reading about all this crap. Things never change. I don't have any hope left that things will change for the kids.
I give up!
Let me see, Hawaii didn't phase the kids, Alaska didn't phase them - they have seen and done it all - there was nothing left. A 1 million dollar episode for 1 million viewers, make that 1.3. Australia would be the last place on earth that a kid would choose to visit would be my guess. Why they can't do an episode with Jon to take them to their homeland - South Korea.
Wow! Just wow.
First of all, I suppose Jon approved this? seeing as how he was supposed to have them for New Years Day?
Missing school for filming so their mother can remain in the spotlight. Enough said.
Ashley will be missing quite a bit of college classes, as well? She may as well have kissed off this semester to take this trip.
Do you think the kids, at age 6, will remember all thee trips? I vaguely recall going to Disney when it opened in '72, but if it weren't for the photos, I don't think I'd ever remember going.
Let's face it. Kate takes these trips for Kate. The kids are the reason she gets to indulge in these fancy vacations, so they have to come. But if she had it her way, they'd be home with the nanny. Kate is living out her dreams and fantasies and making memories for herself. The kids are just her passport to paradise.
Jon....You messed up here, Buddy. You had the power to say no. You have scheduled custody dates and she took them out of the country. You had the power to say no. Please tell us how Kate bends over backwards for you. I doubt she does. And you know darn well she'd NEVER EVER allow you to take the kids on a trip overseas. You must've been paid off to allow this. What a shame.
Because she will be right back on the Today Show next month bashing you again.
Khate Meet the Nields said...
Let me see, Hawaii didn't phase the kids, Alaska didn't phase them - they have seen and done it all - there was nothing left. A 1 million dollar episode for 1 million viewers, make that 1.3. Australia would be the last place on earth that a kid would choose to visit would be my guess. Why they can't do an episode with Jon to take them to their homeland - South Korea.
Why would Australia be the last place on earth that children would choose to visit? There are plenty of things for kids to do there.
Their homeland is the U.S. Isn't Jon also part French and part Welsh? Should he be taking the children to those countries as well?
What do you want to bet the judge said no to Jon if he tried to stop this trip? Seems Jon has been running into roadblocks all along concerning Pennsylvania judges and Jon's wishes. I think Jon's hands were tied and he had no power to stop this trip.
Jon sold his kids again. Way to go tweet-boy.
I can just see this episode now. The kids will do their couch interviews thusly:
Producer: What did you enjoy the most about Australia?
Alexis: (flailing arms wildly) We saw kangarooooooos!
Leah: (just before Alexis finishes, flailing arms in a different direction) We saw kangarooooooooooos!
Aaden: (almost breathless, but still jumping off the couch to answer) YES! They hopped and they hopped. It was AWESOME!
Producer: What else did you like?
Leah: (kicking her feet wildly) A beeeeeeeeach!
Alexis: (also kicking feet) A beeeeeach!
Aaden: (jumping back onto couch) YES! We went swimming!
And so on. Just another trip, just another location. Fun, but barely memorable.
I hope Mady and Cara get some useful, educational benefit from this trip.
And today's lessen, children, is.....
All these years and episodes, and only one contrived trip to St. Jude to "give back"
( i.e. pass out copies of a book and make an episode out of it for money ). Only one time has Kate ever attempted to give back.
She is definitely a taker, a glutton, greedy , and selfish.
These kids have no clue what it means to help others or to be charitable. Their mamma sure doesn't, so how could they?
I would have liked to have seen an episode where they passed up the trip and took that money ( for travel ) to buy toys and gifts for underprivedged children and families at Christmas. I think with the kids' current behavioral issues, this would've been a wonderful learning experience.
But instead, they get first class and kangaroos.
These kids are being set up for some serious depression as adults. Just wait til they have to actually work for their money ( unlike their mother ) and the freebies stop. REALITY will hit them like a ton of bricks.
Nothing Wrong With Australia - have you been to Australia!? The flight from mid-west coast is 14 HOURS nonstop. I believe it is one of the longest nonstops in the world. The kids will be 20 hours off their time zone. They will be exhausted. I was just there - there is really nothing there that the kids can't see here, except maybe close-ups of koalas and kangaroos and some bugs/mammals/amphibious creatures exclusive to that area, which we were thrilled to see - but we're old enough to remember it all. I'm sure they couldn't care less about the bridge or the Opera House. We also traveled to the Sunshine Coast, and the re-packing, airport security, flight, transport to the next locale, settling in again, only to do it all again in a few days was a huge hassle. We were glad we didn't go to New Zealand after all that. These are little kids - the trip is absolutely exhausting. You should see the zombies that get off those planes. People stand in the customs/immigration lines and stagger forward because they are so darn tired. Sorry, but I don't think the kids should miss school to be filmed in Australia under such grueling conditions. If they were teenagers, their ability to handle it might be different, but they are little kids.
On Carla's latest blog entry she says Ashley is in Virginia taking intensives.
It's interesting that Kate and STAFF were able to get a flight out of the country with air traffic still snarled all over the country, people camped out in airports, etc.
No wonder Supermommy needed a tanning session,it's summer Down Under.
First class to Oz, I believe I am done now.
And yes, since you do need both parents' permission to take minors out of country, guess Jon couldn't pass this one up for them either - wonder how much TLC paid him for his signature?
Sunfire said... What do you want to bet the judge said no to Jon if he tried to stop this trip? Seems Jon has been running into roadblocks all along concerning Pennsylvania judges and Jon's wishes. I think Jon's hands were tied and he had no power to stop this trip.
It's possible. The assumption Jon said it was ok isn't necessarily true. When divorced parents disagree they have to go to court and a judge makes the call. Jon could have objected to this very strongly, and lost. I can see how a judge might think oh how wonderful a trip to Australia why would a big mean awful Daddy want to stop that?
It's simply not true you need both parents permission to take a child out of the country. You need both to do it without taking it to court. If you disagree, you have to take it to court and the judge decides.
I'm Done said... I just am so tired of reading about all this crap. Things never change. I don't have any hope left that things will change for the kids.
I give up!
I'm with you. We actually believed "Anon on This" was a source. She/He had the inside scoop on how pissed Kate was because no more big trips but more home filming. What a joke!
Things will never change basically until the kids are completely unfilmable - juvie, rehab, emancipation, etc. Like I said, TLC could cut Kate's salary by 90% and she'd still make far more than she would in nursing. She will never walk away and Jon will never grow a pair big enough to fight for the best interest of those kids.
Bottom line is he walked away and left Kate with all the cards. No going back. Damage is done. Live with that one, Jon.
I agree with the above comments about Jon allowing this trip to take place.
I have always tried to be on Jon's side, even if many times he has pulled some stupid tricks that was not in his childrens best interest. I guess that since I only had two choices as parents go, I had to choose Jon.
Jon as a parent could have stopped this trip considering everything going on with his children.
I guess it is just too much of an effort or was too much money to turn down. Sorry, but I am finished believing in fantasy and believing that Jon Gosselin will fly in on his fairy broom, scoop up his kids and they can live happily ever after without their famewhore mother,TLC and all the paid so-called friends.
Never going to happen....they have nobody to fight for their future.
These children are doomed and have no chance of real true relationships or success in their lifetimes.
I see Steve found a way to get a free trip back to his homeland on the backs of these kids. I hope this makes him happy and that he gives Kate some "winky" for letting him go home for free. I'd hate to see that airline bill for them but the crew too. I'm sure the crew sat in coach though.
That is a long time to take the kids out of country and out of school.
So if they're gone for that long does that mean Jon approved this? Doesn't school start on the 3rd?
School starts on the 4th. They'll probably take off Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week. That's not horrible. It's not like they are taking off several weeks. Not that I condone it. I would never do it. With not much going on after vacation, there are parents, however, who do take an "extended" break, some before vacation, some after.
That said, with these kids struggling in Kindergarten, and knowing the exhaustion that such a trip must bring, this is absolutely unconscionable that a parent would even consider this.
Maybe they're planning on being back by the 4th, but I seriously doubt it. Time will tell.
Scratch my previous post about them possibly being back by the 4th or the following Monday. ROL and FoxPhilly is reporting that they will be filming for 2-3 weeks and won't be back until mid-January. That's missing more than just a few days of school.
This woman is certifiable. Totally nuts, and there's nothing to stop her. Nothing.
First class eh? I just looked up the price of a flight from Pittsburgh, PA to Sidney, Australia for ONE adult and ONE child.
Get ready for this..... $13,673.50!! I even used Expedia, so the price should be lower than booking straight with the airline.
What does TLC have invested in this? They probably spent over 100K on airline tickets/baggage/passports alone to fly the G8, nannies and crew to Aussie.
Oh, forgot to add the flight is 25-29 hours depending what time you depart. WHERE is the guardian these kids so desperately need?
The kids are struggling in school and they are doing THIS instead of going to school?
Just, WTF?
Nothing wrong with Australia I agree. Maybe just maybe if they are quiet with feet planted they will get to the Sydney opera house. Or whale watching. A little deep sea fishing and the Australian Zoo and whale watching, camping in the outback? Did I mention the zoo? Swimming with the dolphins but wait they have already done that. Visit an atrium - are these birds real? Oh - please the coral reef, but alas they are only 6, guess snorkling the coral reef is out. Camping in the outback it is. I stand by my statement not tops on a kids list of places to visit especially not kids whose job it is to hit the ground running to cram it all in after a grueling 20-hour vomitfest. It is a working vacation for them. There will be no leisure.
It is outrageous, but not surprising that Kate/TLC are dragging the 8 little money bags to Australia & New Zealand. I wonder if an on-site teacher will be accompanying the kids on this trip?...
It doesn't matter how many days the kids miss from school, and it doesn't matter where they go- their mother and TLC will always be a big, ominous black cloud hanging over the Gosselin 8's natural lives.
**Apologizes ahead of time to Australia & New Zealand. Our version of a Tazmanian Devil (Kate) is heading your way. Please know that Kate Gosselin does not represent all Americans.
Oh, and she's looking for a man-
lock up all your unsuspecting males**.
(P.S. what the hell, Jon. Are you o.k. with Kate taking the children to Australia & New Zealand? And does it bother you that your children are going to miss school?)
This is all becoming so sad for those kids. Is there any hope for them? At one time I thought there was, but now I not so sure.
What do you when your kids have behavior issues and are struggling in school and 2 are expelled? You take them to Australia so they miss school. When they get back they will be behind unless the shrew takes a tutor to keep them current with their school work, which I doubt, because school is not a priority, nor is anything else associated with their well being. Unbelievable. How utterly sad.
And the saddest part for the kids, you can bet they will continue to be hauled hither and yon to see all the things they have seen before in their own hemisphere while Khatan and Steve do their disappearing act - so they can have some leisure.
Got my eyes and ears in Sidney/Gold Coast/Caboolture/Brisbane checking to see if they actually show up, and then they promise to forward me any 'mentions' in papers etc. Loads of my internet friends are Aussies.
Hopefully Kate will let them have some Koalas (lovely chocolates w/ caramel)...that is if they are good children and let her skimp around in her bikini at the beach in front of her 'not a boyfriend - boobyguard'.
Administrator said...
It's simply not true you need both parents permission to take a child out of the country.
Traveling alone with my kids, I had to have a notarized statement giving permission to take my kids on Caribbean cruises. Without such a statement, they would not have allowed us on the ship. In fact, I watched a young widow on embarkment who had to wait while the death certificate was faxed to the ship, proving that the husband was deceased and therefore, no permission from him was possible in order to take the kids out of the country.
She is definitely a taker, a glutton, greedy , and selfish.
I agree Pam. Your post said it all. She is repulsive in every way.
As for Jon allowing this, there's more than one side to every story. We don't know what's going on behind the scenes. We DO know that Kate gets her way no matter what. Even if it takes years, I'm sure we're going to learn lots of ugly details about all kinds of things she's put people through to get what she wanted, and this will be one of them.
Un-freaking-believable! I just don't even know what to say anymore. Well, I do, but I'll have to work hard to censor myself.
Yesterday, when I saw photos of Khate going to her usual tanning place on Monday (I think), I just had a feeling she was about to leave for this rumored trip. My gosh, this has to be costing TLC a ton of money, between the first class travel for Khate and the kids, and the flight expense for all the crew, plus hotel and meals for the entire bunch.
Why in the world did TLC think it was necessary to cram in a couple of days shooting in Philly in bitter cold right before Christmas when they knew Khate and the kids would be leaving on this long trip soon? I imagine they're planning on getting at least two or three episodes out of this trip. More boring same old crap, if you ask me. But, I suppose TLC thinks a trip to Australia will surely be worth it because it will draw in the curiousity seekers, and thus, the ratings.
As a mother of a child around the age of the twins, I have to say that missing school at this age is a complete pain in the ass and honestly, not fair to the kids. By this age, the teachers expect all the work to be made up, including tests and any book reports or projects. It gets to the point that whenever my child is sick and I know will be out of school for a couple of days, I know we will both be paying for it for a week just to get caught up while doing the regular work upon return to school. How many days are Khate's kids missing of school for this trip, at least a week, maybe two? That is insane.
Finally, as a former family law attorney, I cannot believe a judge would approve this trip. I've had many judges deny trips to Florida from the Northeast when it only involved missing a couple of days of school. I've heard more than one judge declare that there are plenty of days off from school for those trips, even when it involved visiting grandparents. What the hell is wrong with these judges in PA?
Aside from academics, this just cannot be good for the kids at school otherwise. There are already issues and when they don't return from Christmas break along with all the other kids, it will only serve to separate them more from their peers, especially if they don't return for another week or two. Just not a good idea!
Plus, as others mentioned, what a long, grueling trip! When adults come home from a trip like this they are exhausted for days due to the jet lag. A trip like this would make any adult feel tired and out of it for at least a week. I think the rough rule of thumb is that it takes your body one day to adjust per time zone crossed. I haven't been further than Europe, and I have to tell you that when I come back to the East Coast from Europe, I am dead for about a week, just exhausted and all messed up as far as sleeping and even eating. You couldn't pay me to travel as far as Australia.
Those poor kids. Really, what will they gain from this? And, at what cost? I bet they would rather be home on Christmas break like normal kids, playing in the snow with their friends, maybe going to a movie over the break, going to friends' houses, etc. I'd say visiting family, but we know they aren't permitted to do that. Poor kids.
Uugh, just when I think that I could not be any more disgusted by Khate and TLC. It will never end!
She always wins. It has always and will always come down to that. How she manages to keep the judges in her pocket is the big mystery. She is not as powerful as all that. Something very strange is going on. Nobody, and I means nobody, wins everything, every time. Her day is coming. It will probably come from her kids turning on her when they are a little older because we all know the judicial system will not do anything, TLC has no morals, Kate is a b**ch. It's really shocking.
First time posting for me. I live in sunny Melbourne, Australia, and occasionally
watch Jon & Kate + 8 and Kate + 8 on Discovery Health.
We've seen no episodes here made more recently than about a year ago but I follow the recent doings of the Gosselin family on this blog.
For the same reason as other bloggers I am highly dismayed that Kate and Co are heading to this part of the world! Can't imagine there will be much interest in them this country (or New Zealand) as very few have heard of them (or would care).
We've just had Oprah (who brought with her 300 of her fans) out here on an Australian-government subsidied trip to spread the attractions of Australia in the US. Looks like it's worked too well!
Oprah had a ball - and an incredible amount of publicity - visiting Sydney Harbour and the Opera House, various wildlife parks, the Great Barrier Reef off Queensland, tropical island resorts ditto, Uluru (or Ayers Rock, a giant monolith in the desert of Central Australia, current temp 38 deg C) and so on...the usual tourist spots.
Many places (except this last) and unique animals would be attractive to young children but I can't see any objective reason for the young Gosselins to come here at this stage of their lives. Add to which it's midsummer, which can be incredibly hot and humid, and distances are long.
Will keep you posted from the down under perspective as to how the family is regarded on this trip. There may be nothing to say!
Wow what an expensive, long, grueling trip. With the kids, and the entire film crew and entourage, it has to be enormously exspensive. I don't get it. LOL The kids won't appreciate nor remember much of any of these trips, they might appreciate them much later in life. But remember them? The horse that pooped, OH YEAH, the egg fight? OH YEAH, the dolphins? OH YEAH, the fantastic scenery anywhere, not so much. Famous buildings, MAYBE the Statue of Liberty, but not much else. This is all for Kate, obviously.
The twins hopefully will get something out of some of the trips, since they are older. Kate never seems to do research to teach her kids things about where they are. Too bad, it isn't a true learning experience. Why New Zealand? Australia? Never heard her mention those two countries. Just weird to me that Steve is from there. This trip is weird. Don't know why yet, but it is very weird.
And about Jon, Kate has always made reference they NEVER tell "a certain someone" in advance their plans, because "it might get out." So maybe Jon didn't even KNOW until the last minute. ? Who knows?
They will be gone for 3 wks.
I am just wondering if this very, very expensive and long trip is Kate's payback for TLC throwing her under the bus on Sarah's show? LOL If they are gone until mid January, that is 2 weeks of school missed, if they are due back on the 3rd. Wow, just wow.
I have a feeling that Kate has pulled ALL the kids out of that school. How could she have possibly gotten permission for them to miss so many days? I always had to get approval from my kids' school if they were coming back late from vacation. No way LCDS approved this! She will be homeschooling all of them now...what a great idea for a new episode!
Question: Wasn't this a show about the struggles of a single mother with 8 children? Didn't she say that on a number of national media shows (Today, The View, ET)? I no longer identify with the show. Does anyone? Who is this show made for? Besides Kate? Excessive trips like they have been showing has destroyed my trust in the show. Do they not have any family values or integrity?
I'm more interested in the Hayes family on Table for 12 (yes, another TLC show, but more grounded).
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
Plus as others mentioned, what a long, grueling trip! When adults come home from a trip like this they are exhausted for days due to the jet lag. A trip like this would make any adult feel tired and out of it for at least a week. I think the rough rule of thumb is that it takes your body one day to adjust per time zone crossed. I haven't been further than Europe, and I have to tell you that when I come back to the East Coast from Europe, I am dead for about a week, just exhausted and all messed up as far as sleeping and even eating. You couldn't pay me to travel as far as Australia.
I've taken incredibly long trips and am not messed up for a week. Just because you react a certain way to travel doesn't mean that every adult has the same reaction.
My guess would be that the Judge approved this trip over Jon's objection. This guess is based on the fact they were all in first class. I do not believe the children have traveled first class in the past and this might have been a way to assure the judge the children would be able to rest on the long trip as most first class seats fold out into sleeping recliners. Just my opinion.
Well, as some of you posters have informed us, this trip to Australia will be brutal. I do hope they will film Kart when she begins bawling like she did during that trip to UTAH!
If she thought that was bad, I can't wait to watch her go into orbit for this trip. Except if she takes out her frustration on her little money makers. Poor kids.
So. Who got paid off for this trip? The judge? Jon? As far as Carla's blog entry about Ashley in Virginia-don't think so. Trying to put the genie back in the bottle is what she's doing.
Completely and utterly disgusted at whomever is responsible for granting permission for this trip.
Wasn't Jon supposed to have the kids New Years Day?
enews | December 29, 2010 |
The reality TV mom has made her New Year's resolution--she's on the hunt for a new man! Get the dating details!
YouTube - Kate Gosselin's Dating Decision
C'mon, we all know this story that's been planted these last few days is bullcrap. What interesting timing that this story (non-story) is out everywhere right before they depart for a lengthy vacation, one big happy family. They're putting it out there that Khate is finally ready for a relationship, so it will be no big surprise when the announcement comes out.
We should all take bets on how long it will take now for it to be released that Khate and her "bodyguard" fell in love, unexpectedly of course, while on this trip together. They'll spin it and say that he's been separated most of this year and going through a divorce. Just watch, it's going to come out soon! They'll act like it's a brand new relationship when it's been going on for years.
I posted the other day, She is going to meet
purse boy's family.
Where has purseboys wife and faimily been for the last six months?? Jon Gosselin knew a long time ago. Just because the witch hid it does not mean it is not real. Just the thought gags me but the mini skirt and red leather jacket was my tipoff.
Will Gina Neild be making the trip also, first class with her husband?
I'm shocked that TLC would shell out what must be a staggering amount of money for this trip especially since Kate's ratings have been consistantly declining. The flights alone are very expensive and to fly first class with all those people. Why are they still investing so much money in her? I don't get it. Those poor kids, I am beyond disgusted. More school missed but oh well, the show must go on! God help that selfish bitch when karma catches up with her.
I doubt if Jon had any say in this at all. He seems to have less say so over his own kids than any other father in history. I think he could make a good case for minority discrimination.
From the October 15, 2010 entry on this blog:
Friday, October 15, 2010Family law judge permits Kate to continue filming
Jon's pleas with the court that filming should stop because the children have experienced "negative effects" and are "struggling with emotional and/or behavior issues" fall on deaf ears.
Jon went on to say, "I will have to answer to my children for the rest of my life. I will have to live with this guilt the rest of my life. I am truly sorry."
To Jon, do not feel guilty about trying to fix what you clearly and rightly recognize as a mistake. It's never too late. And keep on fighting for what you know in your heart is best for your children.
In family law cases when parents share legal custody, as Jon and Kate do, when there is a dispute such as there is here over filming, the parents must go to family law court to have a judge resolve it. We can only hope the judge tried to do the best thing given the facts he or she was presented with. But at this point, we'd really like to see the children represented by a children's attorney with extensive experience representing minors in family law court. A lot of adults are telling us how they feel, but a court has yet to hear from the children themselves. We have one question for the judge, however: Why should a child have to give up their privacy to support their parents?
I susupect that the issue of the kids being taken to Australia may have been decided by the judge. A trip like this is not a spur of the moment thing and would have been in the planning stages in October.
How on earth did TLC/Kate gain such control over everything....who is behind this?
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said:
Aside from academics, this just cannot be good for the kids at school otherwise.
I cannot believe a judge would approve this trip.
Maybe none of them are in school anymore. Removing kids from my daughter's excellent prep school for this amount of time meant dismissal from school. It wasn't tolerated - that was part of the contract.
Their mother certainly doesn't care about academics, or anything educational, for that matter, and who knows what their father thinks.
There's no reason any judge had to approve or even know about this. Taking minor children out of the country only requires permission in writing from both parents which must be presented along with passports. This is parental idiocy, not judicial idiocy.
However, it certainly is a crime in every other possible way (ethical, moral, spiritual, emotional, psychological, etc., etc.)
Her kids will fail as adults because of her. They will think that they can fly first class everytime no matter what and what they do is cute. Half of them can't even speak right and they are going on 7 years old. She should be more worried about their academics instead of making memories on useless trips.
I've suspected for some time that Jon is under court order (from the hearing in October that he tweeted about) to not interfere with filming in any way, and I think this proves it. I can't see Jon allowing Kate to take those kids out of school for this long otherwise. He's the parent who reportedly has attended all their school functions and been supportive of their education. The former teacher in me is seeing red right now.
Kartie Dearest - you left out NYC and Philadelphia. That's 6 trips in as many months, plus filming the corn maze and trick or treating. Those poor kids have had no down time at all. No wonder they have behavior problems.
Does anyone know if TLC paid Chris (karts personal pap) to go on this trip too?
I've been reading various accounts of the length of the trip. If it's true they will be back in the middle of the month, (around the 18), they will miss nine days of school (There's a MLK holiday in there).
This is absolutely insane. I hope that she's getting nothing but bad press out of this, and FINALLY she will be seen as the nutcase she is. If there's anything good that comes out of it, it will be substantiation of the face that we've know this all along. But those poor kids!
Apparently TLC figures there's still money to be made out of her; otherwise, they wouldn't be footing this astronomical bill. I hope this whole thing falls flat on its rate and ratings drop even more because of it.
So much for the "insider" on here, the "anon" who reported that TLC refuses to take them on extended vacations because viewers can't identify with these episodes anymore; therefore TLC told Kate that they would only be filming close to home. Yeah, right. Sure they did. That's why they are flying the entourage first class Down Under! How much more "extended" can you get?
Here is the tweet exchange I just read from Jon to someone:
Jon (to everyone): "What's everyone's New Year's resolutions this year?"
divadirector42 (to jon): "that you would do something about keeping your kids off TV. Looks to me like they are off to Australia for more filming."
Jon (to diva): "I did do something. But in the end, I did not have the final say."
divadirector42: "You are kidding me and they still went. Sorry to snark but I get so frustrated for you and feel for the kids."
pamelajaye (to Jon): so sorry to hear about Australia. totally sucks! I know you can't say anything, but I"m sorry. just unbelievable.... hang in.."
Jon: "Thanks Pam!! We win some we lose some I guess. As long as we fight the good fight right?"
pamelajaye: "you keep on doing that. someday everyone will see. in the meantime your kids will see a good example, no matter where they are"
I was just waiting for this...
As a mom of a little girl just 5 months older than the 6, I can't imagine taking a trip like this. My husband travels often for work. We've discussed taking her on one of his international trips, but feel that she's just not ready (and she's way more mature and better behaved than Kate's kids). Between the long flight, the time change, different cuisine -- it just wouldn't be worth it at her age. Not say that she would like seeing a castle, tower, tropical beach etc... but to a 6 year old, a beach is a beach -- regardless of how long it takes you to get there.
My daughter Ashley did a semester in college in Australia and this is a really long flight. We live in MA so she had to fly to CA then I think it's a 14 hour flight to Australia. Then after that they have to be put to work. This situation is really unbelievable what is being done to these kids. I wonder if they will have a tutor. But I suppose their education doesn't matter as long as Mommy dearest is making money
I'm sorry but after everything that has happened and with the timing, I don't believe Carla anymore when she says one day that Ashley is gone for 20 days (corresponding perfectly with the trip to Australia), then that post is immediately taken down when people are talking about it, then the next day she claims Ashley is in VA. I had a lot of respect for Carla, but no anymore. I am convinced she is being paid by TLC. I honestly thought there were some honest and sincere people in the world that TLC wouldn't or couldn't touch. I was wrong.
LisaNH said...
Mark my words, those kids are going to end up like Leif Garrett. They'll be into drugs, alcohol, have eating disorders and be arrested all before they hit 16. We'll be reading about them getting busted a couple times a year just like Leif Garrett. And all because of Kate. She is to blame (and TLC). Why? Because they would not allow these kids to be kids.
How lovely that you have written off 6 year-olds.
Jon Gosselin's Twitter account is protected. It is really disrespectful to re-post his Tweets here.
What Kate wants, Kate gets. I hope those kids don't get drugged the whole flight.
December 29, 2010 5:26 PM
Invasion of Privacy said...
Jon Gosselin's Twitter account is protected. It is really disrespectful to re-post his Tweets here.
No, it isn't. Not in this case. It's important to know that he DID try to do something. Eliminates much gossip and speculation that he stood by and did nothing and sanctioned this trip.
Invasion of Privacy said... Jon Gosselin's Twitter account is protected. It is really disrespectful to re-post his Tweets here.
Even though I don't "tweet" and personally find it infantile and ridiculous, I have to AGREE with the above comment.
Well I guess we need to turn this in to Bill O'Rilley to have her up for the pinhead (again). He just did a segment tonight on reality TV and how parents are doing it (to their kids) for the money and fame. Admin - you're really good at putting things in perspective maybe you can email Bill about this trip and pulling the kids out of school.
Sorry - I did not mean to violate Jon's Tweets. I'm sure he's aware, however, that whatever he tweets will be public knowledge. He has over 70.000 followers.
Mod- if this is any type of violation then you can remove my post about the tweet exchange. I did not post to stir up gossip.
How lovely that you have written off 6 year-olds.
Nobody wrote off anyone. The poster simply called things as she saw it, and yes, if these kids continue with no direction, having the crap filmed out of them, having them robbed of their childhood, the future that the poster predicted is entirely plausible. We've seen it happen over and over and over again with child actors. Just ask Paul Petersen.
Of course there is hope for them, IF this nonsense is stopped dead in its tracks. But what is so frustrating is that it doesn't seen to be happening, and yes, the more their childhoods are taken away, the more they are exposed to living for the cameras being shoved into their faces, the more the likelihood of a not-so-positive future for them.
I guess this means that Jon will not spend New Years Eve with his children, huh?...
Coincidence or a bit of big ole' Katie-poo-poo spite?
Do you suppose Kate told TLC I said Austria not Australia!
In Dumb and Dumber Jim Carey starts saying well g'day mate to a beautiful model from Austria. Haha.
Or more likely maybe she thinks she's getting her trip to Austria.
Just trying to lighten the mood after this bad news.
Like I have been saying for these past few years and up until now, Jon is full of it. If he gave a damn about these kids, they wouldn't have been allowed to leave this country, much less be taken from his custody and visitation time without his consent.
Obviously, Jon is still being paid off by TLC and Kate and it all boils down to the almighty dollar.
This wimp hasn't stood up for these kids as long as they have been alive and I'm not buying for one minute that both he and Ellen are looking out for their well being.
I'm a divorced Dad and the proud father of three kids and there is no way in HELL that I would allow this woman to treat my children like chattel and let their youth be compromised for a buck.
There is no way a judge, an attorney or a guardian would go against the other parents wish so long as that other parent was granted joint custody. Jon sold out again and like he did for the past several years, he lies, manipulates, plays the press and gives in to Kate's whims as long as there is a paycheck coming out of it.
Why you people think Ellen is the save all, be all and Jon and Ellen are grounded, this trip proves that both Jon and Kate are reaping profits off of little kids who don't have a loud enough voice. These kids are treated worse than sweat shop kids in China, working for twenty five cents an hour when the big wigs make all the bucks. Shame on Jon. HE's a coward and he allowed this to happen
All I can think is what in the world did Jon do to lose all his rights to his children? He f....d up something big time to lose to Kate. I guarantee Ashley is with them and her "intensives" is just a red herring.
I found this comment on a blog about the trip to Australia. I didn't think of it before but it might be the only hope left that the ratings continue to drop. I have seen several, many of these type of comments since the Alaska fiasco with Sarah Palin. Keeping my fingers crossed.
"I have watched Kate and the whole stuff for a while - but after her antics in Alaska and seeing how unappreciative her kids are - I am done."
Oh, & let's not forget guys, all us parents can relate to this right? No, I am not jealous in the least. I can think of 100 other things I would rather do than travel w/ 8 children, especially a flight like that, but wasn't TLC supposed to make K+8 more, ummm, relatable? Yeah, not so much here. TLC is reaching with this one. I hope this particular show flops. I really do. Then all that $$ they spent will be a big, fat waste. Then maybe they'll see that Kate is not worth it.
Administrator said...
Do you suppose Kate told TLC I said Austria not Australia!
^^^^^^^^!! and all she took with her were her fur-lined hiking boots and guitar (so she could sing Edelweiss on the mountaintop). Maybe that's why she was taking yodeling lessons! ;-) I know she wants a man, but Christopher Plummer is 81 years old and married, no longer looks like a young Captain Von Trapp! He's not available!
I'm just reading some of the sheeple comments that the kids would learn far more in 2-3 weeks away than at school.
Um.... It's time for a cocktail.
Trucker said...
All I can think is what in the world did Jon do to lose all his rights to his children? He f....d up something big time to lose to...
Not necessarily. The court hearings were held to determine who had the right to film, not if filming was detrimental or positive for the kids. In the end, the judge, when presented with evidence, decided that SHE had the right to film. The judge may be totally opposed to filming, but he had to go by the law. His personal feelings could not enter into his deision. In addition, we don't know what's written in any of the contracts (either custody issues, or with TLC), and Jon may have had to agree to allow filming if TLC wanted to do it. His hands may be tied.
Is this correct, Admin?
Kelly said..
Why you people think Ellen is the save all, be all and Jon and Ellen are grounded, this trip proves that both Jon and Kate are reaping profits off of little kids who don't have a loud enough voice. These kids are treated worse than sweat shop kids in China, working for twenty five cents an hour when the big wigs make all the bucks. Shame on Jon. HE's a coward and he allowed this to happen.
Kelly, couldn't have said it ANY better! I've given Jon the benefit of the doubt more times than I can count. He's a wussy piece of $hit, IMO. He can "tweet" his lies all he wants, I don't buy it. He lived w/this monster, he knows the damage she can, does and will do, yet not only does he bail on his kids and leave them to suffer, he lies to try to 'fool' people into believing he really cares. You can bet he's making money off of those kids. Those kids have not ONE. SINGLE. PERSON. in their lives fighting for them. God help 'em.
Trucker said... All I can think is what in the world did Jon do to lose all his rights to his children? He f....d up something big time to lose to Kate. I guarantee Ashley is with them and her "intensives" is just a red herring.
Me too Trucker. (see above post to know what I think of Jon) How people can "claim" they follow Christ, yet turn around and lie, (Carla) not to mention not speakup for those kids, is beyond me. Since I vacillate back and forth as to whether these blogs keep Khate relevant, I'm coming to the conclusion that they may be doing JUST that. I can't in good conscience continue to comment on this family.
Love to Travel -
You are probably one of the lucky ones that doesn't suffer much from jet lag, but for most people this type of trip is truly exhausting.
Those poor babies.
I hate her, I really do.
Kelly and Anon1 I have to agree with both of you. This is whole trip is a huge illustration that these kids have messed up parents who are involved with a heartless tv network and will never have lives of their own.
When J&K divorced people said that the public was watching the destruction of a family. Well now we're watching the destruction of 8 children. By the time Kate, Jon and TLC are done with them, they will be empty shells.
This wimp hasn't stood up for these kids as long as they have been alive and I'm not buying for one minute that both he and Ellen are looking out for their well being.
That is absolutely not true. Have you been with him in attorney conferences? Have you been with him to court? Have you read the contracts? Have you looked over the documents? Were you there when the judge decided that she has the right to film?
If so, and you know something, then spill. Otherwise, to make these statements with no inside information as to what happened, and why, then you don't know...none of us does.
I, for one, am sick and tired of the Jon bashing and pinning all the ills on him when we don't know what is happening behind the scenes, and it really isn't our business to know. We do not have the right to inspect sealed documents, and he may be under a gag order.
Granted, something is radically wrong here, but to say it's his fault is just plain ridiculous. The strong arms of the judicial system work in ways that aren't so easily accepted by the wronged party, but the law is the law. I'm afraid in this case, his hands are tied unless he persists in this fight and has a high-powered attorney who can find loopholes in the law.
"I'm a divorced Dad and the proud father of three kids and there is no way in HELL that I would allow this woman to treat my children like chattel and let their youth be compromised for a buck."
You would if the courts made its decision that this is the way it is. Don't for a minute think that he isn't fighting for his kids. Don't for a minute think that Jon isn't the one who has been there ALL THE TIME for his kids at school and their struggles therein. She's not. She couldn't care less. He IS there for them, and he continues to do so. Yes, I've seen it.
Didn't Kate recently file a motion in court for back child support Jon supposedly owed? Did Kate drop her suit if Jon agreed to let her film the children in Australia? Aside from the obvious connection with Steve and NZ, Bindi Irwin filmed a series for Discovery Kids. Discovery Kids was dissolved in October, 2010 and is now called the Hub owned by Discovery and Hasbro. This trip to Australia will probably be some type of a crossover or promotional show using the Gosselin children and the new network.
I was about to believe Jon was telling the truth and after reading Kelly's comments and thinking about it, it only makes sense that he agreed to this trip after being paid big bucks. I used to like Jon a lot, but not so much anymore. There is no way Kate could win every single time something comes up. Just no way. It is what has confused me for a long time -- you know, how she just keeps winning. Then Kelly just caused something to 'pop' and I realized she's winning because Jon is caving, every single time. Then he sends out a tweet defending himself and making himself look innocent and some of us (myself included) fall for it. Nah, not anymore Jon. You are being paid and you are allowing this witch and TLC to destroy your children. I mean, what judge would allow a mother to take those children out of school for that long? Nope, makes no sense. I guess next thing we see will be Kate prancing all over Australia in her bikinis and meeting Steve's family and I agree, a wedding announcement is in the works. And it will be presented as 'it just happened, we're so happy'. Yeah, good one Kate.
What still boggles my mind is them sending a cease and desist letter to Admin. They were so afraid of a blog they had to threaten? Good job Admin, on standing firm against them. It is SOOO nice to know some people have integrity and dont back down.
He can "tweet" his lies all he wants, I don't buy it. He lived w/this monster, he knows the damage she can, does and will do, yet not only does he bail on his kids and leave them to suffer, he lies to try to 'fool' people into believing he really cares. You can bet he's making money off of those kids. Those kids have not ONE. SINGLE. PERSON. in their lives fighting for them. God help 'em.
I disagree. It's so easy to sit at computers and say this, observe from afar and say he should do this and he should do that, but unless you've been in this situation and know exactly what the law says in this case, and what he has done to cease filming, then it's just that -- Monday morning quarterbacking.
Yes, he knows what she is capable of doing, which is why this makes it so much more difficult.
He knows that you can't kill the bogeywoman.
I susupect the Jon bashing is to deflect the negative attention away from Kate's determination to film her kids for the money.
If a judge granted Kate the right to do this, and the state allows the kids to be worked like this, Jon is limited in what he can do or say without the risk of losing what contact he does have.
Possible TLC pitch meeting that started the whole thing: if we can get Kate in a bikini in the middle of winter, our ratings will go up. Just a couple of episodes and we should be able to make a profit for the year. Those short shorts or mini's she wears with spiked heals are still high style in Australia. It's summer down there. We can get a People magazine cover/exclusive to help promote the show. And then all the other rags will have her on their cover in no time. The internet will be burning with pap shots of her in a little two piece. The bloggers will go crazy! Oh, and the kids can go along too. After that long flight, she will have a melt down and say something stupid to her kids. Ratings Gold! 5 million viewers easy.
If she thought that was bad, I can't wait to watch her go into orbit for this trip. Except if she takes out her frustration on her little money makers. Poor kids.
This is exactly why Kate is still being filmed.
When no one cares any longer Kate will be gone.
It doesn't look like that day is coming any time soon.
Where's the apathy?
"but wasn't TLC supposed to make K+8 more, ummm, relatable? Yeah, not so much here."
That's what was reported on this blog, and all the more reason not to believe everything those "I can't say more until it's made public" inside anonymouses put forth.
What I want to know is what kind of a hold Kate has on TLC. With ratings plunging, sheeple deserting, outcries of abuse by writers of internet articles, why does TLC think that she's still a big moneymaker? Is it because she has now presented herself as behaving badly, and they are milking this for all it's worth? Great, let them have her, but release the kids!
Isn't Twisted Kate supposed to have its grand premiere in the spring (March)? Is this supposed to be a 12-part travel special because Sarah's Alsaka was a success for them? Why doesn't the travel channel just buy them out?
If the sheeple are saying that they will learn more in Australia than in school, unless these kids are planning to major in anthropology/geography in college, what are they hoping to learn? That kangaroos hop? That koalas are cuddly? Geography isn't a course option at school, so what are they going to learn? Better to stay home and learn how to get along with their peers in school, how not to hit, and maybe even throw in a hexagon and triangle along with it.
Maybe standing up for your kids is going to take more that a tweet. I expected this from Kate but you should be ashamed!
Kartie Dearest said... I'm just reading some of the sheeple comments that the kids would learn far more in 2-3 weeks away than at school.
And the Sheeple are absolutely right. Where else will the G8 learn to "hit their marks" or “act like they’re having fun”? Certainly not in school. I hear they attend a very posh institution, but I'm quite certain its curriculum is lacking in teaching "how to do a re-take" or that "you get to stay just long enough til we get the shot, then we yank you away to the Darth Vadar van [no matter how much fun you may/could have had]."
And yes, the Sheeple are correct: this trip -- much like all the others -- WILL teach the kids a lesson they would NEVER learn at school: that their mother could give a rat's ass about their educational, psychological, emotional, or physical well-being; and, that she will happily rob them of their childhoods in order to line her own insatiable pockets. Wow, who knew I'd ever agree with the Sheeple????
What I find most curious about the whole fiasco, though, is *why Australia/New Zealand*???? Seems an odd choice for a holiday vacation for a "single" (cough, gag) mom and eight young children. The flight is just too long for kids that age. Not to mention, it's exorbitantly (dare I say OBNOXIOUSLY) expensive -- and I don't care who's footing the bill, it's still way over the top, especially given that most won't recall most of it in a few years -- they're just too young to appreciate it right now). Could it be that the Booby-guard will be up-graded from his current role as not-a-step-daddy to the “real deal” in 2011? Something stinks in the land of Gosselin. I just can’t quite connect the dots. Anybody?
Looks like there are some judges in PA who don't always put the welfare of the children first.
E Town Neighbor said:
You would if the courts made its decision that this is the way it is. Don't for a minute think that he isn't fighting for his kids. Don't for a minute think that Jon isn't the one who has been there ALL THE TIME for his kids at school and their struggles therein. She's not. She couldn't care less. He IS there for them, and he continues to do so. Yes, I've seen it.
We've all seen Jon's tweets, and his staged photo op's with the kids in his two bedroom apartment along with the cursory photo's of his sanctimonious girlfriend who is riding the white horse to save the kids and the family and the Gosselin name.
We've also seen the pathetic video of Jon dropping off the children at the gate while they screamed in terror and who knows what they were told before he exited the car. We've also seen Jon trying to play the dutiful dad, picking up and dropping off the kids at such an opportune time in Wernersville Pa when Papparazzi are about as plentiful in that section of the world as Unicorns are on any given Saturday.
Jon plays the press just like Kate and he hasn't done a thing to stop this abuse of his flesh and blood. Don't start selling us on his virtues. Like Kate, he's also part of the problem. If Jon had a set on him, those kids wouldn't be traveling to another continent, on a christmas holiday that most kids are home playing with their toys, wondering where Santa Claus is right this minute and missing that bearded bastard in their innocent thoughts and childish ways.
Jon's allowed them to be spirited out of the country without any protest other than a cowardly tweet on twitter. Try to sell his virtues but his silence is deafening.
What the kids are learning is that school is not something to be taken seriously, especially attendance. When they want to skip in high school Kate can't very well punish them with a straight face. She taught them it is not a priority. They may learn lots in Australia while missing school. That's not the point.
Kangaroo Kate said...
If the sheeple are saying that they will learn more in Australia than in school, unless these kids are planning to major in anthropology/geography in college, what are they hoping to learn? That kangaroos hop? That koalas are cuddly? Geography isn't a course option at school, so what are they going to learn?
If you think that Australia only has koalas and kangaroos to offer, perhaps you are the one who needs an education.
Administrator said...
What the kids are learning is that school is not something to be taken seriously, especially attendance. When they want to skip in high school Kate can't very well punish them with a straight face. She taught them it is not a priority. They may learn lots in Australia while missing school. That's not the point.
Earlier you said it would be a great trip if they weren't filming. Now you're claiming that it's a terrible idea because the children won't value school. Make up your mind.
Jon's allowed them to be spirited out of the country without any protest other than a cowardly tweet on twitter. Try to sell his virtues but his silence is deafening.
Just one question, Kelly. Do you understand that if you don't follow the rules of the court, you will be held in contempt? Do you understand that it is up to a judge to examine evidence ad rule accordingly? I would think, that, as a former cop, you would have this down to a science, but it certainly doesn't sound like it. If the judge looked at the evidence, and decided that SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO FILM, how many times must he go to court to try to get the judge to rescind his decision? How many appeals must be filed?
I don't have to sell any of his virtues. I know him; you don't.
I too am from Australia (East coast near where all the bad weather has been) and Kate has picked peak tourist season to come. All our kids are on 6 week breaks. I live in the theme park capital (google Dream World) and the cars outside that place were like nothing I've seen before! Why anyone who didn't have to would choose to come now is beyond me!
Plus the heat and humidity are ridiculous! (35 degrees where I am!) I would like to see Kate try tanning for real ... 5 minutes in the sun yesterday and I'm pink. Sun here is sooo much hotter than in other parts of the world.
I'll be keeping my eyes on the news (as should others in parts of Australia to see if they are coming) Might also give my local MP a call and see about permits for filming children in Australia.
Which is it, it would be a great trip without filming AND not missing school. I Didn't know it was going to cut into so much school time when I said that, now we know. I think Australia is a great place.
I have to say, I've never in my life seen somone more undeserving and ungrateful who receives so much handed to her. She is a person who is granted all these freebies and luxuries, and all she has to do to get it is act like a banchee and treat her kids like crap.
Kate would be a nobody, and she knows this, if she were nice and sweet and thoughtful. She KNOWS she has to be a big bully if she wants to stay on tv. Lucky for her, she finds this very easy to do.
She is a classic example of when people ask why bad people have good things happen to them....and why do good people have bad things happen to them.
Kate is clearly a bad person who has good things happen.
She's mean, rude, spoiled, ungrateful, a crybaby, hateful, spiteful, arrogant, egotistical, conceited...
and she gets rewarded with money and luxury vacations and invited to be on The Today Show.
I truly think this is what strikes a nerve with most of the naysayers. Good people hate seeing bad people be rewarded. Period.
And they especially hate seeing a bad person use her kids to get what she wants.
If you think that Australia only has koalas and kangaroos to offer, perhaps you are the one who needs an education.
LOL!! Snark, snark (posting rule #2)! No further education needed here -- I've gone the whole way on that one! I never said that's all Australia has. I've been there twice; the long flights were horrible, but the country is gorgeous. However, what six-year-old is going to be interested in the culture and history of the country? They may learn things that they couldn't get from a textbook, but how how much are they going to retain? In their later years, how much do you think they will remember from this trip? I hope they take a plethora of photos, including the exhaustion and the melt-downs, and maybe even the vomiting!
One more thing. United is the most common carrier (nonstop) from the states and they land once per day at Sydney - at 6:30 am. So if the G's are on that flight, they'll be arriving in the wee hours of the morning. We did - and the hotel was not ready until about noon. Also, the airport is not that large and there is usually a papparazo standing in the arrivals area (he was waiting for Katy Perry when we were there), so if they got wind of it, there will be pics of them arriving soon. I'm with Kelly; Jon has blown it. He should have thought about the ramifications for his children when he was banging everything in sight, partying it up with Hailey, hanging with Lohan while wearing Ed Hardy, staging a break-in at his Manhattan apartment, etc., because he lost all credibility and will never live down the 'cheating'. Kate came out looking like the victim and some people will never believe otherwise, no matter how big a bitch she is and always be. Her bullying made him complacent and it shows. "Sorry" doesn't cut it. I think they both suck. Big time.
Why couldn't they take the whole month of June to do it, when school is out? Is TLC in a hurry to film, knowing that the ratings are in the dumps and this is the last hurrah -- the last chance to raise the numbers? Why the urgency?
If they MUST go, why not go when they are not missing school...WITHOUT the cameras? Oh, wait...TLC wouldn't be footing the bill!
Wow Kelly, what an incredibly ignorant thing to say.
Jon has pleaded his case in court more than once. He can't win against TLC and their team.
Jon admitted he made mistakes when he originally allowed the filming. He started objected while he was still in the family and still receiving a large paycheck. His objections are what lead to the divorce!!!
He objected, he tried to stop it, TLC won a huge judgment against him. He tried again and again. TLC kept him under contract so that he was boxed into a corner.
Jon and Kate both messed up but only JON stopped playing along and stop living off the exploitation of his children.
Laine said...
From the October 15, 2010 entry on this blog, "Family law judge permits Kate to continue filming":
Jon's pleas with the court that filming should stop because the children have experienced "negative effects" and are "struggling with emotional and/or behavior issues" fall on deaf ears.
Jon went on to say, "I will have to answer to my children for the rest of my life. I will have to live with this guilt the rest of my life. I am truly sorry."
To Jon, do not feel guilty about trying to fix what you clearly and rightly recognize as a mistake. It's never too late. And keep on fighting for what you know in your heart is best for your children.
In family law cases when parents share legal custody, as Jon and Kate do, when there is a dispute such as there is here over filming, the parents must go to family law court to have a judge resolve it. We can only hope the judge tried to do the best thing given the facts he or she was presented with. But at this point, we'd really like to see the children represented by a children's attorney with extensive experience representing minors in family law court. A lot of adults are telling us how they feel, but a court has yet to hear from the children themselves. We have one question for the judge, however: Why should a child have to give up their privacy to support their parents?
I suspect that the issue of the kids being taken to Australia may have been decided by the judge. A trip like this is not a spur of the moment thing and would have been in the planning stages in October.
Thanks for posting this, Laine.
Jon has done more than tweet about it, but he ultimately lost in court.
From same blog entry, excerpt from Jon's Statement:
On Friday 15th October 2010, @jongosselin1 said:
As you may or may not be aware, I have been working for some time to remove my children from television. I do not believe being on TV is beneficial to any of them. They are no longer toddlers that are oblivious to what is going on around them. They are now six and ten, in school and desperately in need of a normal life....
On October 13, 2010, I went to court to act in the best interest of my children- to remove them from television. The judge respectfully denied my plea, and granted filming rights to their mother. I honor the judge’s decision, but I do not support it. I will not stop fighting to remove my children from television. It is not a child’s job to support themselves, or a lifestyle, they need to be kids. I would like to apologize to my friends, family, and especially my children for not taking a stand earlier in my life and not questioning my decisions to have our lives documented and displayed. I will have to answer to my children for the rest of my life. I will have to live with this guilt the rest of my life. I am truly sorry!
Their whole summer was booked with travel they couldn't squeeze it in!
Stunned by ignorance:
TLC DIDN't win a huge judgement against Jon. Check out and see that the case was settled prior to trial. Jon gave in and as a result, Jon continued to get paid by TLC and the kids were allowed to be filmed on television for the next year and a half.
TLC didn't get a judgement against Jon. TLC signed Jon to another year and a half, continued to pay him 5,000 dollars per month while he still didn't have gainful employment and his kids continued to stay on television.
Kelly, I am an insider. Your information is only partially complete and lacking some needed facts.
Jon stopped receiving money very early on. They did get a judgment against him. That, sir, is a fact.
Stunned by the ignorance said... Wow Kelly, what an incredibly ignorant thing to say.
Jon has pleaded his case in court more than once. He can't win against TLC and their team.
Jon admitted he made mistakes when he originally allowed the filming. He started objected while he was still in the family and still receiving a large paycheck. His objections are what lead to the divorce!!!
And instead of staying in the house, remaining the at home parent he had been for over a year while Kate traveled on her speaking engagements, he LEFT HIS KIDS and moved to NYC! I'm a parent and can't imagine how he did that. He knew what a damaging creature Kate is and left his kids to her.
He could have stayed and had plenty of proof who was the primary caregiver in that home, even when he was working outside the home. Plenty of video proof and still 1/2 the family fortune to hire a good lawyer with. HE DIDN'T. Now the damage is done.
A lot of bad family law cases are about momentum. Once the other parent has that momentum it can be VERY hard to break that. For some judges, make a few mistakes in the beginning and they NEVER forgive you for that. I feel for any parent going up against a narcissist with momentum.
Administrator said... A lot of bad family law cases are about momentum. Once the other parent has that momentum it can be VERY hard to break that. For some judges, make a few mistakes in the beginning and they NEVER forgive you for that. I feel for any parent going up against a narcissist with momentum.
Exactly! Jon can blame TLC and their big, bad lawyers all he wants but it's his own fault he ended up in this position. He could have had custody, the house, Kate paying child support and alimony, and his kids off TV if that's what he wanted. Being a free-wheeling bachelor was his priority and now that he's changed his tune, doesn't matter. He's screwed. I don't know how you ever explain that one to your children.
If Jon wins some and loses some in court shudder to think what he's won--stopped that trip to the moon Kate was planning? Thank goodness!
Stunned by the ignorance said...
Kelly, I am an insider. Your information is only partially complete and lacking some needed facts.
Jon stopped receiving money very early on. They did get a judgment against him. That, sir, is a fact.
Absolutely. It is irritating when people pull info, try to interpret it to support their arguments without really knowing the complete picture, and base their criticism on what is repeated in tabloids, internet articles, etc., gossip mongers who are often so far out in left field that they aren't even in the ballpark. They pull pieces here and there, some half-witted "journalist" pastes the whole thing together, and bingo, you have a story not based on facts but is the shoddy work of an uneducated intern.
There is so much more that may be happening behind the scenes that isn't being reported, and quite frankly, really isn't the business of bloggers. There is such a thing as attorney-client privilege, and Jon may have been directed not to say a thing about this that could jeopardize his case, which is why we are not hearing anything from him or from his attorney. Smart move...unlike some of his other attorneys who turned out to love the media.
I happen to like Jon more than most people here I think. But, if the bloggers aren't privy to the real facts and can only read partial facts, then they're bound to come up with conclusions that aren't accurate. So I don't think anyone should be irritated with them for coming up with these conclusions. Either tell us some of what is really going on, if you can, or don't get mad when we interpret based on what we read. Thanks.
Also, JON DID TRY TO STOP THIS!!! For all of you saying he didn't, you're WRONG!
Oh how I wish I had never heard of any of these people. Count me in on the done side.
So done.
But, if the bloggers aren't privy to the real facts and can only read partial facts, then they're bound to come up with conclusions that aren't accurate.
The problem with this is that you don't know what you are reading is only "partial facts." It could all be gossip and innuendo, and therefore one comes up with conclusions that have no basis in fact whatsoever.
For Kelly: If you indeed were in law enforcement and you were required to testify in court, under oath would you present your version of what you thought happened, throwing out digs here and there, or would you present the facts, and only the facts?
"Exactly! Jon can blame TLC and their big, bad lawyers all he wants but it's his own fault he ended up in this position. He could have had custody, the house, Kate paying child support and alimony, and his kids off TV if that's what he wanted. Being a free-wheeling bachelor was his priority and now that he's changed his tune, doesn't matter. He's screwed. I don't know how you ever explain that one to your children."
I think you may have missed Admin's point. She's saying that it's tough to go up against something as powerful as TLC. Throw Kate into the mix, and it's doomsday. If he missed some golden opportunities in the beginning, it's very hard to start a momentum in the middle of the game, especially if the attorney you had at the beginning turned out to be incompetent and not the pit bull you had hoped for. Getting back on track before a judge may ultimately be futile.
What does one do with eight children on a 21-hour flight, particularly if six of them are only six years old and even have trouble sitting still in a classroom during a school day?
Are they kept drugged? If so, what is their physical health by the time they finally arrive? How much down time do they need? I've taken long trips with children, but never that many, and not for that amount of time on a plane. It must be horrible for them. Will they even be ready to return to the classroom once they get back?
I really think Kate is going to be her own undoing. Nothing else including Jon is going to stop her. It's going to be her and she doesn't have enough self control to be anything but herself. She's greedy and feels entitled. This is not going to change. It never ceases to amaze me though what thick skin this woman has. She doesn't care about anything or anyone except the money.
I think Jon has the right intentions. He just lacks the aggression and motivation it would take to really fight TLC and Kate. Let's face it, anyone who would allow Kate to degrade them for as long as he did lacks the self esteem to stand up for himself. Jon is too nice and his kids are suffering for it. If those were my kids and I wanted them off television they would have been off long ago. No corporation or greedy mother would have stopped me.
Kate lost a lot of true fans when she acted like a diva in Alaska. It's going to happen again and everytime it does she will lose more viewers. She can't help herself and it's just a matter of time. I too have given up on Jon being the one to give the kids a normal childhood. He's just not that person. He's too easily swayed and allows people to walk on him. He's also way too layed back for this sort of battle.
Personally I don't know if Jon Gosselin has tried contacting Paul Peterson founder of A Minor Consideration but if he truly does want to help his kids he should be contacting this organization as well as expressing his concern to his congressional reps in PA, in particular the one who recently held hearings on child labor (Rep Murt?). The welfare of the Gosselin children is everybody's concern when reports like this one suggest there are no independepent agencies or laws protecting their best interests.
No corporation or greedy mother would have stopped me.
Sadly, they would have. Unfortunately, talk is easy, but when it comes to dealing with entitities who have an unlimited amount of money at their displosal (TLC), coupled with Kate's attorneys, you'd find your funds soon exhausted by court proceedings, suits, etc.
I don't think it's as easy as it sounds to go up against a powerhouse such as TLC. Unfortunately, Jon didn't have the right person on his court at the very beginning, and she won. It's now too little, too late for him.
We are presuming that in Oct the Judge ruled that the 8 could continue filming. I don't agree with the ruling but thats what it is. Perhaps it was a contractual issue. Kate & Jon signed a contract and the judge ruled that they must honor that contract. Only time will tell.
I do believe however that filming and dragging the 8 half way around the world to do that filming are two different issues. I don't understand how Jon has nothing to say about removing these troubled children from school for this crap. I don't understand how any judge could rule that this is in the best interest of the children.
How is it that the courts can totally disregard all of Jon's wishes and go along with this disgusting, unhealthy lifestyle for the 8 children. Some are bringing up Jon's unfortunate early behavior in going to Europe & NYC but even with that he was& is the hands on parent. Why is going to Europe with Hailey and Kate and Steve going to Cabo so different??? When it was Jon's custody, he was there. Kate looks for any reason to be away from home.
OK. I'll stop. Just a real eye opener for me to see how little the clearly better parent has to say about the lives and well being of his children.
From NSW here. Puddymoors, found a site with laws for all states in regards to filming children:
I believe most people in Australia have no idea who Kate is or could care less about her. She will experience none of the recognition she gets when travelling within the US. IF people stare at her, it will be because she has cameras with her, that is all (well maybe because all the kids too lol). Sure, there may be a few fans, but nowhere near as many as in the US (currently, I mean, too, lol). I remember when ANTM came down under, it hardly made news at all, it's shown on cable/satellite tv here, just as J&K+8 is too. But ANTM would be far more popular (the channel itself would be more popular too, as it's part of the 'starter' package, whereas Discovery Health is optional). So, we may here hardly anything about her and the kids being here.
I'm not sure what people think Jon is supposed to do. The judge gave Kate the right to control filming..period. That was the ruling. She has control. From what I've witnessed here in PA with friends & aquaintences, the only way a Dad gets primary custody is if the mom is in jail. After she gets out (no matter what she's done), she gets at least 50/50 + child support. Jon is in a no-win situation. The courts in PA won't let a dad win.
Many of you have posted that Jon did indeed try to stop the filming, and was denied his petition by the courts. But how did Kate take the kids out of the country without his permission? I understand he couldn't prevent the filming, but shouldn't he have had rights as far as his minor children leaving the country?
from Aussi newspaper
Kate plus 8 thru the gate
Kelly is right! I am so tired of giving Jon the benefit of the doubt here. There is no way in hell I would allow this to happen to my children. For all those arguments about Jon being powerless due to court orders, look at the facts!! You have a public record, well documented of the distress these children are in. It defies logic to think that a judge would agree that these kids could have been taken out of school on an international trip when two have been already kicked out. I can't imagine any judge allowing kids to miss weeks of school in any case. There are laws about educational neglect that would apply to the twins at least. I have a suspicion that the school may be glad to have a break from the children and their "Mother" though.
The Alaska show proves that Kate does not interact with her children, does not provide any care or nurturing. A 20 plus hour flight is brutal. They have motion sickness, will be exhausted and Kate will be wined and tranquilised into oblivion while the hired help does what it can. This is horrible for me to admit but I have lost all hope for these kids.
They're here:
Got here at midnight.
Westcoaster said...
No wonder Supermommy needed a tanning session,it's summer Down Under.
First class to Oz, I believe I am done now.
And yes, since you do need both parents' permission to take minors out of country, guess Jon couldn't pass this one up for them either - wonder how much TLC paid him for his signature?
I keep seeing people say this about "permission"....I live in PA and my husband has a daughter from another marriage. He got shafted during the original custody agreement and anytime that he tried to ammend it, his ex tied him up in red tape to draw out the whole thing and to waste everyone's time and money. Several trips were taking over the years and at NO time was my husband required to give permission (verbally, written or otherwise). And since she had primary custody, it was kind of "hey, we are going to so an so. we will be back such and such". So,I'm not really sure that JOn's permission was needed or given~
Joann said.
I totally agree with you Joann, well stated.
I figured the trip was in the works when Kate's fake blog posted the farce about Kate and the twins watching the Sound of Music. I don't believe Kate ever takes, or has the time to watch a movie with any or all of the kids unless she has a motive.
I sincerely hope that Jon has not totally blown his chance of ever getting more control of his children. The entertainment industry controls the purse strings and it will take a giant of a attorney to take on TLC. We will soon be in the new year and still things continue the same with Kate & TLC ruining the kids life I blame all the enablers that bow down to Kate also. How can Carla, Jamie and Kate's sister defend her? If they would only put themselves in the kids minds and think like the little ones do, they would have to admit it must be very confusing and scary.
I feel like we all have been socked in the face and thrown backward in our quest for the kids and frankly I am feeling defeated and ready to quit. I wanted to hope Jon was doing all he could but until or unless I get positive proof of that I don't want to go on. I am a Mother and my instincts keep telling me I should fight for the kids and any other children who will be put in this type of lifestyle but it appears there is not much I can do. Thankfully my husband and I raised our children differently and have a clear conscience about that.
Wasnt there a hearing in late November that could have been re: this trip? I remember reading somewhere that there was a hearing but never read anywhere what it was re: or what the outcome was. Clearly this isnt a trip you plan @ the last min, so maybe when Jon didnt give permission say in October, Kate/TLC ran to the judge to get permission.
Is this Ashley?
I see some people criticizing Jon and saying he should have stopped Kate from taking the kids to Australia, but not one person has said just how he was supposed to have done that. Kate was given the sole right, by the court, to determine when/where/how the kids would be filmed. Just what was Jon supposed to do? Refuse to return the kids to her after his visitation days - get charged with contempt of court and go to jail? Take the kids and disappear? Lie down on the runway and prevent the plane from taking off? Violate the court order and be charged with contempt of court and go to jail? How would that be helping the children? Jon needn't have done anything at all to have caused the court's decision to give Kate full control over the kids' filming. Family courts make stupid, unfair and unsafe decisions every day. Let me tell you about an acquaintance of mine. When she graduated from high school she joined the Air Force. While on active duty she met and married a fellow soldier and gave birth to her first child. When her tour was up, she opted for discharge, with a commitment to serve a number of years (I don't remember exactly how many) in the Air Force Reserves. A year later, her husband completed his tour and was discharged. When she became pregnant with their second child, he decided he didn't want the responsibility of a family, so he took off. She was granted a divorce, child support, and full custody of the kids. He never saw the younger child and hadn't seen the older one for 2 years when her unit was called to active duty. She made her mother legal guardian of the children and was deployed to Iraq. Around the same time, the ex stopped paying child support. When the court came after him, he filed for sole custody of the children, and a judge granted it on the grounds that their mother had abandoned them. She's been back for over 6 months and still hasn't been able to see her children. This is just one example of the unfairness of some family court judges. My point is - Jon may have done all the right things in court and still lost. We have no way of knowing, since the records are sealed. In the meantime, the kids are caught in the middle, under the control of a greedy and vindictive witch. I feel sorry for them.
Kate Gosselin was LIVID with her portrayal on SPA. Defamation of Character charges, etc. Even though it was all on tape. TLC gave her this trip as repayment. Kids had to come along for filming. Kate only thinks of herself.
TLC is trying to do damage control with Kate and it is costing them a lot of money.
Kate is very much in control of this. She is manipulating this for all it's worth.
I don't think TLC gave Jon any money, more likely they told him to f-off. Why? Because they could as he does not have a high profile lawyer, and he is trying to singlehandedly fight a greedy corporation with a wall of highly paid lawyers at their disposal.
Jon should have stuck with Paul Peterson and which I believe at one time Gloria Allred was going to step in - what happened there we will never know.
At his worst he was still the better parent for those kids.
Education? We saw Khatan stop a history lesson from a teacher and a retired teacher in Alaska, a hands on history lesson creekside that they were enjoying very much. Why? Because she wasn't the center of attention as much as she tried and finally had to resort to a tantrum under the tent oh and she was hungry, throwing the icky sandwich to the ground like a 5-yo. Yet more likely for other reasons that got swept under the rug. That trip really was all about the kids and Khatan couldn't stand it. So education - that is a joke. She could care less about their education as long as they know how to hit their mark and smile for the cameras.
Those kids were doomed from the start. They were born and bred to do just what they are doing now, make their birth mother rich and famous.
And New Zealand? Steve is ready to introduce his pack to the family. What next?
She's Arrived... you can see in this picture it looks as tho Ashley is with her.
Westcoaster said....."No wonder Supermommy needed a tanning session,it's summer Down Under."
Yep, if you look at the link posted above you'll see this has given the perfect opportunity to bring the girls back out in full swing.
Anon. said...
Kate Gosselin was LIVID with her portrayal on SPA. Defamation of Character charges, etc. Even though it was all on tape. TLC gave her this trip as repayment. Kids had to come along for filming. Kate only thinks of herself.
TLC is trying to do damage control with Kate and it is costing them a lot of money.
Kate is very much in control of this. She is manipulating this for all it's worth.
Thanks, Anon.! When I read things like this, it makes sense to me. Who would want to go to Australia and New Zealand? Kate, of course. If she has a thing for Neild, she probably thinks it will win points with him for getting this thing together.
She's definitely not thinking of the kids. Those who have taken this trip say it's grueling. We've heard and seen that the kids have issues with travel sickness in much lesser circumstances.
Would TLC want to do this trip? I can't think of any reason why. They lost money (presumably) on Alaska when Kate didn't film enough to make a K+8 episode. This trip must cost many times the amount spent there.
The last puzzle piece, then, is WHY does TLC throw so many $$ after Kate trying to make her happy? Do they still think she's a cash cow? Or do they think that her breakdown, when she turns on them, will be embarrassing and shed light on things TLC would prefer covered up? I believe it's the latter. This thing is going to blow soon.
Is this Ashley?
December 30, 2010 6:26 AM
That looks like Ashley to me. Carla has also changed her blog again and deleted the part about Ashley taking intensives.
"Kate Gosselin was LIVID with her portrayal on SPA. Defamation of Character charges, etc."
No one defamed Kate's character except Kate. I don't know if it's still the case but Kate used to have no say in editing. She wouldn't have a leg to stand on in a lawsuit.
Missing school, eh??? Maybe they're not going back to LCDS. Maybe all are home schooled - then off to new schools in the fall.
A couple of things... I really feel for Jon. His year of going nuts, reliving his youth and bachelorhood cost him a lot because he lost the PR war. I believe him that he is changed. Why? Because I don't see him. I don't see photo opps or television appearances. Let's face it, if Kate is this hot, Jon could certainly score some publicity and money just being tacky - like Mr. Lohan. He could let TLC film him on "Daddy trips". He could be doing any number of things to cash in on the cash cow. But he has been very quiet as of late, and to me this is indicative of the fact that he is now trying to play this with strategy and integrity. People make mistakes and fame and money are the two weapons Satan himself uses most often to tempt. It is hard to say no. Jon said yes for a moment but he has, for the love of his children, changed to a no. Also I have watched this show from the beginning and I believe that the love I saw Jon give to his kids and the love that they returned to him was real.
As for traveling. My father was a diplomat and I lived in Asia as a very young child. It is not true that the kids cannot gain from this travel at such a young age. They can. It is also not true that the long flight will kill them. There are kids who do this all the time. What IS true, is that the value that can be gained from foreign travel will be lost because of a parent who has no appreciation for anything and is therefore unable to make the children understand why this trip is special. Kate is very ignorant, unintelligent, and has zero curiosity about the world around her. She simply wants to be seen - it is her only need.
And finally about the kids' future. I find that I worry most about Cara. So many people prefer Cara to Mady because she is quiet and unassuming. But such people can be a problem because they don't voice their pain and we have been told that Cara holds it all in until she explodes. Mady calls the bullcrap when she sees it (it's why I love her), but Cara endures until she breaks. Mady will be the one who breaks Kate. She is and has always been the one with the will that is stronger than Kate's. Mady is also very very smart (gifted, IMO). Kate is not. People jumped on Mady for bullying her younger siblings, but I for one will never forget that it was Mady (and not ANY of the other adults involved) that stood up to Kate on Colin's behalf during gum/beargate. And she was 7. Mady will be Kate's reaping.
A couple of things... I really feel for Jon. His year of going nuts, reliving his youth and bachelorhood cost him a lot because he lost the PR war. I believe him that he is changed. Why? Because I don't see him. I don't see photo opps or television appearances. Let's face it, if Kate is this hot, Jon could certainly score some publicity and money just being tacky - like Mr. Lohan. He could let TLC film him on "Daddy trips". He could be doing any number of things to cash in on the cash cow. But he has been very quiet as of late, and to me this is indicative of the fact that he is now trying to play this with strategy and integrity. People make mistakes and fame and money are the two weapons Satan himself uses most often to tempt. It is hard to say no. Jon said yes for a moment but he has, for the love of his children, changed to a no. Also I have watched this show from the beginning and I believe that the love I saw Jon give to his kids and the love that they returned to him was real.
As for traveling. My father was a diplomat and I lived in Asia as a very young child. It is not true that the kids cannot gain from this travel at such a young age. They can. It is also not true that the long flight will kill them. There are kids who do this all the time. What IS true, is that the value that can be gained from foreign travel will be lost because of a parent who has no appreciation for anything and is therefore unable to make the children understand why this trip is special. Kate is very ignorant, unintelligent, and has zero curiosity about the world around her. She simply wants to be seen - it is her only need.
And finally about the kids' future. I find that I worry most about Cara. So many people prefer Cara to Mady because she is quiet and unassuming. But such people can be a problem because they don't voice their pain and we have been told that Cara holds it all in until she explodes. Mady calls the bullcrap when she sees it (it's why I love her), but Cara endures until she breaks. Mady will be the one who breaks Kate. She is and has always been the one with the will that is stronger than Kate's. Mady is also very very smart (gifted, IMO). Kate is not. People jumped on Mady for bullying her younger siblings, but I for one will never forget that it was Mady (and not ANY of the other adults involved) that stood up to Kate on Colin's behalf during gum/beargate. And she was 7. Mady will be Kate's reaping.
gotyournumberKate said...
Is this Ashley?
Yes, one of them is Ashley. IDK who the other one is. As for Carla being a truth telling, Christian? I guess we can cross that question off the list - the answer is a resounding ..... NO!
Anon. said... Kate Gosselin was LIVID with her portrayal on SPA. Defamation of Character charges, etc. Even though it was all on tape. TLC gave her this trip as repayment. Kids had to come along for filming. Kate only thinks of herself.
TLC is trying to do damage control with Kate and it is costing them a lot of money.
Kate is very much in control of this. She is manipulating this for all it's worth
Oh I don't believe this comment for one second.
TLC isn't afraid of Jon, so why would they be afraid of Kate? They could cremate her with cutting room floor footage of her bad behavior if they wanted to.
I personally feel like TLC makes deals with Kate along the lines of...we will give you this amazing trip if as long as you keep showing your true colors, temper tantrums, hissy fits and all.
Her outbursts and bad behavior are huge ratings draws, and TLC knows this. Kate exploits her kids, but TLC exploits Kate!
You can guarantee that there will be Kate meltdown /psychotic episode / major controversy while they film in Australia. TLC knows thats what people want to see.
And besides, it's summer there and Kate can wear her hooker outfits. I'm thinking the all male crew wanted to take her somewhere warm so they can see boobage. Kate won't disappoint!
Let's just say that Jon made mistakes, yes, but he is trying NOW. Who knows what happened behind this whole Australia trip that he was OK with it. Did TLC pay him to let it happen? Who knows? We know he is the better parent by a landslide. Jon made mistakes right after the divorce, but look at why. He was under that witch's thumb for 10 years. He couldn't breathe right w/out getting yelled at. I feel that he wants to rectify his mistakes, but he is up against a huge corporation, a judge on Kate's side, & Kate, who always gets her way.
This trip may be it. A HUGE bankrolling mistake. Throw Kate in a bikini, sure, but it's hot in Australia right now. Are they going to have the kids traipsing through the heat & humidity AGAIN? Kate yelling, screaming? More meltdowns...We've seen it all before. TLC is funding a losing game at this point.
If Jon has a poor defense team that is Jon's fault! He ran thru a handful of high profile lawyers, and all of his money when he left to recapture his 20's, his Manhatten apt, his tattoo, his car. People keep saying he's up against TLC, boo hoo. If Jon had listened to good advice early on, before HE signed on for more salary from TLC, before he breeched his own contract, maybe he would have had a case.
So Kate was taking the kids out of the country for 20 days and Jon couldn't negotiate for Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day or all of Christmas Eve?
Guess his balls still firmly reside in Kate's purse.
Oh yea, that's Ash alright and Mady looks likes she is ready to burst into tears and Kate looks pissed! Looks like another young helper as well.
So Carla, is this Ashley's LU intensive you were talking about?
Scammers and liers!
TLC knows that Kate's mental instability will be a draw for curious viewers. I wouldn't doubt that TLC is COUNTING on many breakdowns from Kate (and her innocent kids as well)on this trip. They're probably hoping that will bring up their golden child's faltering ratings.
If Kate wants to do that, power to her.
I just wish they would leave the innocent Gosselin 8 out it!
P.S. [whispers] Not tuning in helps...
gotyournumberKate said...
Is this Ashley?
Yep! That's Ashley.
I'd have more sympathy for Jon if made an effort at legal representation. What's he doing in court, representing himself? ("A man who represents himself has a fool for a client.").
I tend to think something is amiss here in this situation. I am honestly beginning to think that saving these kids is a lost cause. I'd like to believe that someday they will be saved, but I think that is a fantasy.
Every time Kate does something vile, hateful or stupid, she gets rewarded for it. And part of her reward is disrupting the lives of her kids as much as she can.
And while Jon has tried to provide some normalcy for them, he's a failure at protecting them. He has not done everything he could to protect them. He tried but he hasn't tried hard enough.
I don't even for a minute believe that Kate has been given this trip because of some threats by her after her showing on Sarah Palin's show. That was a mere few weeks ago and it takes longer than that to plan this kind of trip. Besides, I don't think Kate would threaten the hand that feeds her. She knows if she loses her contract with TLC she is out because no other network would want to deal with her. Besides again, she has been doing this for so long and she knows what she says is being taped. She was fully aware while the filming was going on what would show.
As for the people with inside information, sorry, I've heard that all before. Seems like there is always someone with something inside, like 'I know him or her' with information no one else knows, but there is NO proof. This has been going on for too long and proof is needed, not just someone saying they know them.
IF there's nothing going on between Kate and Steve - why wouldn't his family take advantage of going along on a great trip to their homeland with their SUPPOSED friends, the Gosselin's?
IMO, it's because theres's a LOT more to the friendship and working relationship between Kate and Steve. I don't think Gina supports this at all, nor do their sons.
Where there's smoke, there's fire. I don't think the rumors were rumors. I think we're going to find out a LOT more about these two by the time they return to US soil.
Motley said... That looks like Ashley to me. Carla has also changed her blog again and deleted the part about Ashley taking intensives.
Maybe Carla should just shut up. It sounds exhausting staying ahead of the lies she's posting and getting caught on.
WOW. That is indeed Ashley. I have to say this one really surprises me. Carla preaches one thing and does another. Wonder how Kate feels about her dropping hints on her blog, it's not the first time she's done that. But for her to outright lie is totally unexpected.
Seems to me tlc told Carla to shut her pie hole. Just seems silly to be so concerned about leaks when some teenager was just going to facebook blab about it before they even took off and the paps were at the airport to greet them. They can't stop the public from blabbing.
I think Carla just posted a message to all of us who don't believe her. Apparently she has a lot of time on her hands too reading all of our posts about her and changing her blog to suit her lies.
So, TLC thinks the masses will be interested in watching a rich, entitled, bitter, ungrateful, whining, surgically enhanced, stiletto-teetering harpy portraying a financially challenged, over-worked, 'single' mother on an outrageously and obscenely expensive first- class holiday in Australia. Ummmm, no.
Shut off your tv. Quit being the marketplace that feeds Kate's fame addiction. She will go away the second there is no market for her crap. Abusing her children on tv has been very profitable to her and TLC. The sky is the limit so long as they have you as their audience. Shut your tv off.
She said her comments were misread. I don't get that. Does she see the photo proof of Ashley there? I think she got herself in trouble with tlc.
Not only is the tide of public opinion changing for Ms. Katie Irene, it seems it's also changing for TLC/Discovery. The whole debacle with the Michael Jackson autopsy is revealing Discovery for the slime they are. Most networks are low on ethics but Discovery has none.
Lets just say this show has turned into a lame travel channel all about Kate plus 8 baggage. Its not even worth her being on TLC payroll. Everyone is tired of this woman. All she does is going on expensive lavish trips. That many people with 8 or more kids and adults cant afford. Maybe this is the last trip. Than its over with. We could only wish. Kate has a way of secretly pointing out their next adventure. Now everyone will get to hear her sing the sound of music on the hill tops.
Also may I say that. Have these so called Kate specials with the kids. Doesn't mean you have to go all out. We are not dealing with just one episode once a year. They are doing 5 or more. Its to outlandish for my taste. Im so over Kate Gosselin and her tribe.
Trucker said...
If Jon has a poor defense team that is Jon's fault! He ran thru a handful of high profile lawyers, and all of his money when he left to recapture his 20's, his Manhatten apt, his tattoo, his car. People keep saying he's up against TLC, boo hoo. If Jon had listened to good advice early on, before HE signed on for more salary from TLC, before he breeched his own contract, maybe he would have had a case.
LisaNH said...
I'd have more sympathy for Jon if made an effort at legal representation. What's he doing in court, representing himself? ("A man who represents himself has a fool for a client.").
Jon made a lot of mistakes and is paying dearly for them. He thought he had good representation, but found out the hard way he didn't.
Yes - Jon has had representation in his recent hearings. It's not his fault the judge ruled based on the LAW rather than FOR the kids.
Why are so many people blaming Jon for this saying if he hadn't screwed around blah, blah and he could have custody, the house etc, I think all of us would do many things in life differently if we could see the future, unfortunately we can't. As they say hindsight is 20\20. At least he has admitted he made mistakes and is trying to get things back on track now. I'm sure he did contest the trip but was over ruled like with the filming. Even if he had become a priest after they split up I think it's highly unlikely he would have been given custody. We may all think Kate is an unfit mother and she is by most normal people's standards but she may not fit the criteria by legal standards to not have the kids. This whole situation is disgusting to me. Despite having a wonderful opportunity once again I'm sure she'll do nothing but bitch and whine. There is a picture of her and the kids at the Sidney airport and the boobs look even bigger than ever.
Admin said..."She said her comments were misread. I don't get that. Does she see the photo proof of Ashley there? I think she got herself in trouble with tlc."
From the looks of her blog the woman doesn't know the meaning of keeping her mouth shut. She gives every little detail of her and her familys life. I wonder how her kids feel about their every move being publicly displayed. Wow!
Even the sheeple don't like tlc anymore. It's nice to find some common ground, I'm not making fun. Finally we can all agree tlc is slime.
I wonder if Carla goes to the same church which had the minister who paid J&K to speak even after so many warned him about the farce they were living. It seems Carla has sold her soul also for money.
I am sure we will see Kate cavorting on the beach soon. I wonder if she has figured out she is in Australia and not the "Sound of Music" Austria?
I would do a pay-per-view to see Kate and a kangaroo in a boxing match though!
XYZed said...
So, TLC thinks the masses will be interested in watching a rich, entitled, bitter, ungrateful, whining, surgically enhanced, stiletto-teetering harpy portraying a financially challenged, over-worked, 'single' mother on an outrageously and obscenely expensive first- class holiday in Australia. Ummmm, no.
Yes, that's exactly what they think. It's the controversy and all the above that people tune in to see. They want to see meltdowns on the airplane and watch her act exactly as they've predicted.
Administrator said...
She (Carla) said her comments were misread. I don't get that. Does she see the photo proof of Ashley there? I think she got herself in trouble with tlc
I could give a rat's-a*s about Carla's blog, Carla, or her daughter Ashley. As far as I'm concerned, anyone that enables Kate & TLC is full of sh*t.
I used to think Carla's heart was in the right place- but not so much now. After so many years of enabling Kate, you would think Carla's eyes would be opened by now.
What Kate is doing, is the exact opposite of what her religion preaches. She's not going to change, and as long as she has well meaning people or enablers around her, Kate is going to continue taking advantage of them. The only thing that is going to fix Kate is a good psychiatrist, some medication, and........ electroshock treatment ;o)
Can someone please post a link to Carla's blog ? I had it on my old (burned out) computer, so all my favorites are gone, gone, gone.I love my new 17" laptop, but feel lost without all my links !
It's so darn exhausting keeping up with the "Big" stars like Kate Gosselin.
Thanks in advance,I appreciate it.
Here you go.
gramof5 said...
Can someone please post a link to Carla's blog ?
I wonder if Carla goes to the same church which had the minister who paid J&K to speak even after so many warned him about the farce they were living. It seems Carla has sold her soul also for money.
Ah, the good Rev. Craig Yoshihara. That church is in Roswell, GA, and he's moved to Fresno, so I kind of doubt it!!
Administrator said...
Even the sheeple don't like tlc anymore. It's nice to find some common ground, I'm not making fun. Finally we can all agree tlc is slime.
Just when I thought that TLC couldn't sink any lower, they've added a new freak show to their menu -- this one about addictions, and a gal who eats toilet paper. Pathetic.
"From the looks of her blog the woman doesn't know the meaning of keeping her mouth shut. She gives every little detail of her and her familys life. I wonder how her kids feel about their every move being publicly displayed. Wow!"
Isn't this exactly what Kate is doing with her kids? Birds of a feather...
Carla seems to have taken her blog private ...
readerlady said...
I see some people criticizing Jon and saying he should have stopped Kate from taking the kids to Australia, but not one person has said just how he was supposed to have done that. Kate was given the sole right, by the court, to determine when/where/how the kids would be filmed. Just what was Jon supposed to do? Refuse to return the kids to her after his visitation days - get charged with contempt of court and go to jail? Take the kids and disappear?
Absolutely. Talk is easy, but putting that talk into practice is a real b**ch.
Hey, Kelly, some reading for you:
Dee2 said... Here you go.
gramof5 said...
Can someone please post a link to Carla's blog ?
Thanks Dee2..but Ms. Carla no longer has an open blog.She's locked it up tight and secure.
That just tells me that she has been told by the higher-ups(TLC)to close up shop for awhile. she what some people call a Christian ?
Administrator said...
Seems to me tlc told Carla to shut her pie hole.
Carla has been dropping "hints" since Day One. Remember when she said that she has two new homeschoolers, and then the story broke about the kids being expelled? I think that she likes to be linked with someone "famous." Then when the latest stories appear, she can say that she knew this a long time ago...makes her feel that she's special, in the loop, so to speak. Some people are like that...
well, if nothing else, we got Carla to make her blog private. Even if they don't admit it I'm sure her kids will be grateful now.
BTW, I changed a light bulb today if anyone is interested.
Dee2 said...
Here you go.
gramof5 said...
Can someone please post a link to Carla's blog ?
You can look, but she's already deleted the "incriminating" posts. Carla is a LIAR.
Here you go.
gramof5 said...
Can someone please post a link to Carla's blog ?
It's private. :(
"Kate Gosselin was LIVID with her portrayal on SPA. Defamation of Character charges, etc."
Why would Kate be livid with her portrayal on SPA, but not on J&K + 8? She acted the same way.
Dee2 said...
Here you go.
gramof5 said...
Can someone please post a link to Carla's blog ?
December 30, 2010 10:08 AM
Unless you're signed up for her blog don't bother. The liar blocked access to non-subscribers.
What's The Matter With Pennsylvania? Dirty, stupid judges getting their palms greased under the bench?
Carla's blog is now password protected...
Don't think Carla Turner is the brightest color in the box. Her blog is filled with words used incorrectly and lots of mispellings. And her blog should be private. So many people give too much info on the net and it is exactly what we teach our kids not to do. Ashley will have 'intensive' child care duties that is for sure.
freedomforall said...
What's The Matter With Pennsylvania? Dirty, stupid judges getting their palms greased under the bench?
Please read Admin's explanation on the latest thread. Judges don't make laws, they interpret them.
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