As the infamous Kate/Sarah Palin crossover approaches, more information is coming out about the camping trip buzz kill. According to a "well-placed source," Kate and Sarah were not so chummy. But Kate and Todd? BFF from the very start.
Meanwhile, the twins in this pic don't exactly seem starstruck to meet yet another celeb. Nor should they be. Most kids don't care about this kind of thing; we know it's hard for Kate ("I truly enjoy the media") to understand someone would not be as excited about "Hollywood" as her.
119 sediments (sic) from readers:
Two alpha females will never get along. Todd Palin is used to being beta to Sarah's alpha, IMO, and likes the role just fine. I'm not the least surprised that Kate found a quiet, unassuming man to be attractive - someone she could boss around and who would come at her beck and call when she needed him to fix something or take care of the kids.
"Kate Gets Along Better With Todd Palen than Sarah"
I sense a pattern here with Kate. She's attracted to married men...
Kate had better not put Todd Palen on her "magical" wish list. Sarah will make beef jerky out of her ;o)
Kate Gosselin is a flirt and must believe that men find her extremely attractive. She has trouble keeping female friends because she is competing with everyone. She is sickening to the max. Such a shame that Sarah Palin had to be bothered with Kate and her kids. That TLC needs to find another family to sponsor. The Gosselin's gravy train is about to run out.
Todd can be her new bodyguard....
HI50 said...
Katie Cry-der needs to watch her back...Sarah is a no-nonsense type woman who wouldn't hesitate to load her shotgun & block Katie into another dimension....Muahahaha
December 7, 2010 5:28 PM
Heck, I'd become a Palin fan if she did us that favor!
There is no way in hell that Kate Gosselin will get any man of the stature of Todd Palin. Kate Gosselin will one day, find a man who has no balls, no self esteem, no money, no job and doesn't care how dominant she is. That's all she will find. The entire world knows all about Kate Gosselin and for the most part, the entire world would rather suffer from pancreatic cancer than live a day under the roof, the thumb and the control of Kate Gosselin.
She could attempt to give me a lap dance in a thong and thigh highs, whispering sweet nothings in my ear and I would sooooooo choose to rather watch the weather channel on Tivo. This woman is so unattractive in every way there is nothing that she brings to the table.
Thanks a lot for the visual of Kate in a thong and thigh-highs. Now I need the brain bleach. Bleccchhhhhh.
I'm sitting here watching 22 Minutes ( a canadian weekly comedy show) and in the opening sketch they mention the Khate's appearance on SP's Alaska. They say that local grizzly bears are urged to do the right thing. Too funny!
The clip isn't up on their website yet, but will probably be there after tonight.
I'm beginning to feel we're puppets of TLC. This whole Palin/Gosselin thing happened 5 MONTHS ago! Everyone has moved on and here we are spending days talking about it. I think we're being used.
Aha, but if she can get a married man to run away with her, that proves she's the bestest and more better and most beautifullest-ish woman on the entire planet. Ish.
Sheeple Disclaimer (it's frustrating that we have to do this): Trying to win a married man away from his wife is not okay and I am not advocating that in any way. This is sarcasm directed at Kate's desire to be the center of every man's attention and her inexplicable attraction to men who are not legally or emotionally available. Even if he says his marriage is rocky, you tell him to grow the hell up and work on it.
She's not looking for a relationship, she's looking for validation for her horrible, horrible choices.
Kelly! Haven't seen you post in a while!
Thanks for the laugh!
Unless Todd talks like a girly girl and is into dressing matchy-matchy like a certain purse-carrying bodyguard I don't think Kate has a chance of stealing the first dude away from Baracuda Sarah!
Off topic, but I'm out of the loop. Was she the ET correspondent on SWTS this week? Thanks.
Was listening to the radio on the way home from a Christmas banquet tonight, and the announcer had a list of Top 10 Celebrity D-Bags. Kate Gosselin was #4.
One thing I noticed in this pic is that Sarah Palin seems very earthy. Her roots are showing, her hair is kind of messy, it's frizzy in the back, her wardrobe looks like you could get it at Lands End. She just seems so normal compared to $7,000 hair extentions Kate.
I was not expecting to be all that crazy about Sarah but she is coming across as very likable on her show, and her sweet children are really a reflection of her and Todd.
I really, really like what I see between her and Trigg. She treats him like any other child. She says he's going to do everything the other children did. He is the sweetest thing and just sort of melts into her whenever she holds him. Same with Todd.
I think Kate's affinity for married men is just a narcissist thing. She goes after them because she CAN. Narcissists don't feel bound by social rules and society's taboos. Married men are just another thing to counquer.
The article says: "Yet Kate and Todd Palin got along extremely well," my well-placed source reveals. "Todd would be the perfect man for Kate. He does exactly what he's told, is happy to stay home and look after the kids and is perfectly happy staying out of the spotlight. He's the opposite of [Kate's ex-husband] Jon and it also doesn't hurt that he is very good looking."
Jon was 2 of those 3 things. He always did what he was told, and was perfectly happy staying out of the spotlight. He just didn't want to be a stay-at-home dad, (which is fine, I'm not saying he had to). IMO, I truly don't think any man will want Kate.
TLC and Kate are to blame for all the horrible things Kate Gosselin has done to her family. Kate is after money and fame, tlc is after money. The kids are stuck in the middle of a mad & selfish woman and the show because maybe Kate tells them if they don't work for her then they will have nothing. Not true, Kate just don't want to work and support the kids, she is to busy selling her children, chasing fame and going to the nail salon to tan and get herself done. Kate is a person that only considers herself, that is why she stopped being a wife long before she made it public and forced a divorce on Jon. May as well of divorced her kids to other than they are the reason she gets the big bucks and lead her on the road to tv and media money. Sad but Kate caused the truama-all in my opinion only.
Kate may think she is desirable and irresistable, but my two year old niece begs to differ. She saw the characature at the top of the page and said, "Scary...". I wanted to show her that Kate didn't really look like that (even though she does!!) and played the clip where the kids get Shoka back and Kate is clapping her hands as she barks instructions to the kids. My niece then said, "Mean teacher". Oh, if she only knew....
I pity any man Kate gets her claws into just as I pity Jon. She ruined him, the evidence is in their precious episodes. By season 4 he refuses to barely even talk while sitting in the chair with her because she criticized and emasculated him every chance she got.
That favorite and embarrassing moments episode is the worse. Jon was bringing up valid points where Kate treated him like crap, like the infamous ToysRus yell across the store and Kate blames it all on him. It's too the point the producer has to stop Kate and move on.
She emasculated Jon so much that he was willing to throw himself at anyone who would make him feel like a man and not like one of the dogs.
I think this song explains it best.
She'll do the same to any man she can. What I worry is how she'll treat the boys when they get into their teens. The same?
From what I've seen with the way Sarah treats her husband, there is NO comparison to the way kate treated Jon. Todd MAY do all the UN-manly (not true)things like "stay at home", but he is NOT TOLD BY SARAH to do this! They are a TEAM and work TOGETHER along with their huuuuuge extended family! Sarah said she COULD NOT HAVE GOT TO WHERE SHE IS NOW WITHOUT TODD!! Plus Todd has his fishing business that they are BOTH participants in and are slowly teaching their oldest son to take it over...I have not witnessed Sarah talk down to Todd, belittle him, undermind (or is it underMINE?) him, boss him around, and I haven't seen her do this to her kids. All these excursions may have been scripted for the show, but you can tell she's an avid outdoorswoman and has done all of it before! Kate is the epitomy of the term "c%$k-tease". Remember those girls in highschool?
Come across sooo sexual, so flirty, so...whatever, but when it came to actually getting a guy...well those guys were only after one thing from those girls, and they WOULDN'T out! (not that I'm condoning that they should have gotten "lucky", I hope everyone gets my jist?)
Of course, she is one of those woman who likes men more. She is catty like that. But what is gross about it, his WIFE was right there!! I tend to have more male friends also, BUT, they are gay. Makes a big difference I think. And we have couples who are very good friends, but I could never have a male friend who is married without being friends with the woman too. It would look bad to my husband & to the other woman...
BTW, My dad is home from the hospital!! Everything looked pretty good during his procedure. No major surgery needed! Thank you for all your thoughts & prayers. It means a lot to me. :) You all are really great, caring people. I appreciate that so much.
I think Kate is looking for love in all the wrong places.
Next time she's in California, she should stop by a nursing home, and hook up with wealthy, widowed, elderly gentlemen there.
Win win.
Administrator said...her sweet children are really a reflection of her and Todd.
Sorry Admin, but I've got to disagree with you on this one. I was not impressed with Willow or Bristol's facebook postings where they used coarse language and an offensive term.
Administrator said...
I think Kate's affinity for married men is just a narcissist thing. She goes after them because she CAN. Narcissists don't feel bound by social rules and society's taboos. Married men are just another thing to counquer.
Or because they're "safe." She knows they will never leave their wives, and she really doesn't want them. It's just the thrill of the hunt.
This is not uncommon behavior for the narcissist - she sees herself as sexy and desirable (yes, I know get the brain bleach again!) and that EVERY MAN should be falling all over themselves for her and her "charms".
Another woman around is just a piece of furniture.
I lived through that with my mother the narcissist, though I am the computer geek - she had to slither over to my husband to ask what he thought. She was also very promiscuous and cheated on my dad.
Narcissists always feel entitled...to anything and anyone.
Kelly said... There is no way in hell that Kate Gosselin will get any man of the stature of Todd Palin. Kate Gosselin will one day, find a man who has no balls, no self esteem, no money, no job and doesn't care how dominant she is. That's all she will find. The entire world knows all about Kate Gosselin and for the most part, the entire world would rather suffer from pancreatic cancer than live a day under the roof, the thumb and the control of Kate Gosselin.
She could attempt to give me a lap dance in a thong and thigh highs, whispering sweet nothings in my ear and I would sooooooo choose to rather watch the weather channel on Tivo. This woman is so unattractive in every way there is nothing that she brings to the table.
December 7, 2010 6:02 PM
Hi Kelly. I have missed your posts!! You bring a lot of humor and insight into the conversation.
As for Kate doing a lap dance (yes brain bleach is in order here LOL), I can just picture her putting one of those paper toilet seat barriers on some guys lap before she do the dance LOL. And if she didn't like his cologne she'd throw a fit like she did in Alaska. LOL.
Remember all the flirting with the camera guys?
Remember the hot air balloon episode? I can just imagine how it went down when Stevie boy first came into the picture. Hey, maybe it was Stevie all along she was talking to when we thought it was to the camera?
Not much has been said about the twins in this pic. From their expressions I'm guessing they don't give a flying flip about Sarah Palin. The kids don't CARE about the celebrity lifestyle Kate so desperately wants. They are not asking to hitch a ride on that train.
One of the main sheeple arguments is all the "opportunities" Kate is giving her children--to meet interesting people and go to interesting places and do interesting things.
This whole argument is an epic fail because it does not recognize the needs and wants of a developmentally appropriate child. One of the greatest needs of a child this age is to be in a secure environment with lots of opportunities to socialize with other children their age. When asked if you want to meet Sarah Palin this summer, or have a pool party, bet it all that every single child would pick pool party and say Sarah Palin WHO?
It is Kate and her fans PROJECTING what they would want onto the kids--THEY think it would be cool to camp with Sarah Palin, therefore the kids are getting an amazing opportunity. It's so short-sighted and ignorant to a child's real needs.
Well this is a perfect time to seque into a personal story. A family friend (early 50's guy) was spending the night in order to get up early the next morning to do some manly camping stuff with my husband. I had on the "Gosselin Halloween" show as he was dozing on the couch. When he woke up briefly and watched the screen, he said (of Kate)..."Who's THAT? She's hot". Bwah. It is fascinating that he didn't know who she is and it proves that she's not as household word as thought. Eh, Todd seems to really groove with Sarah and Sarah seems secure in their life and relationship. Actually Todd appears to groove with just about everyone from how's he's presented on the show. He's one cool dude.
I am not a follower of the Palins, but from the one Alaska episode I watched, I got the impression Todd worked, had his own fishing boat. Does he work as a fisherman or is he a stay at home dad?
Administrator said...
"It is Kate and her fans PROJECTING what they would want onto the kids--THEY think it would be cool to camp with Sarah Palin, therefore the kids are getting an amazing opportunity. It's so short-sighted and ignorant to a child's real needs."
Of course she is. Her agenda is quite clear. Kate may be using her children to get whatever she desires--- BUT--- at the same time, "ironically", her children, HER ATTITUDE, her mouth, her laziness, her arrogance, and her utter lack of talent (grace too), are preventing her from ever obtaining what she really wants- to be a star.
It's too bad for Kate, that her kids just want to be kids.
Also, have we ever seen Kate look as gracious as Sarah? When has she ever offered up her hand to shake to ANYONE, let alone 2 kids?
Even if Sarah is playing it up for the show, she GETS it, you should try and be on your best behaviour when you've got cameras in your face.
Plus, setting a good example for the kids around you.
Just a thought said... I'm beginning to feel we're puppets of TLC. This whole Palin/Gosselin thing happened 5 MONTHS ago! Everyone has moved on and here we are spending days talking about it. I think we're being used.
TLC puts these stories out there to have us watch the show as well. If she is on Palin's show well you better tune into the show because a story has leaked that Kate likes a man like Todd. I hope people wouldn't want to tune in to see Kate make a fool of herself if she infact flirted with Todd it goes to show that she is a hypocrite. She likes that people hate Jon because they feel he cheated on her but it's okay to flirt with married men because she is Kate and she can do no wrong in her eyes and the eyes of the sheeple that support her and her stupid show.
Admin said...
It is Kate and her fans PROJECTING what they would want onto the kids--THEY think it would be cool to camp with Sarah Palin, therefore the kids are getting an amazing opportunity. It's so short-sighted and ignorant to a child's real needs.
Camping with Sarah Palin has not helped 2 of the kindergartners function in a school setting, has it? Nor did touring NYC in record breaking heat. I could go on but I will spare you.
My point is, not one single thing these kids have been put through for nearly every second of their lives has helped them function like normal children or normal people, now has it?
Sheeple explain it to me because I am missing it. Has all of this helped Mady be a happier little girl? Has it helped Kate be a happier, more loving contented person? Has it helped the sextuplets be well adjusted kindergartners, eager to learn and share their happiness and experiences with their classmates?
I understand Kate doesnt like camping. Why agree to it in the first place? Did the former Governor of Alaska LIE to Kate and promise a luxury hotel to camp in? Other than someone physically harming one of her children, is there ANYTHING ANYTHING that justifies her temper tantrum at Sarah Palin, and storming off her job duties? Her TOES were cold and she wanted different FOOD? Really?
(Actually I attended hubby's work Christmas party the other night, the banquet hall was freezing, the food was mostly stuff I cant even eat, but there I was, stuck and cheerful for nearly 6 hours coz it was important to him.)
What about the 'trips of a lifetime' for the children? Was this camping trip not one of those? or are only luxury hotels worthy of being called 'trips of a lifetime'?
As for Todd Palin, his wife is a professional and a career woman in her own right. If Todd and Sarah (or Dick and Jane for that matter) decide that one parent will tend to the homefront while the other focuses on career, good for them. Jon would have been agreeable to that if Kate's 'career' didnt include filming his children all the time. All Kate wants is a step and fetch boy; and as soon as she has him all broke down, she doesnt want him anymore. She is so unhappy within herself, that she cant see straight anymore.
As for the Kate defenders, having money and getting out from under their own children is SO important to them, they cannot comprehend that the rest of us have different priorities in our own lives.
I don't understand how you can consider a discussion logical or fair if you NEVER want to hear opposing views. It was refreshing to see a post on BM (yes I guess I am a lurker, oh well) site that WASN'T bashing Jon. Very articulate and logical argument about how lopsided support payments seem. It only upset a couple of sheeple who had to say "THIS IS A PRO KATE SITE".. if you have to scream it that doesnt make it more powerful or convincing.
Another article:
"TLC managed to put together a Kate Gosselin, Sarah Palin camping trip! Weird but true! Why would Sarah Palin ever go out in the wilderness with semi-famous Kate Gosselin? Well, the TLC network pays for both of their paychecks since both women have shows via that network so naturally TLC can make its stars do whatever the heck they want'
Well, imagine her having to hang around a wanna be who is constantly complaining about her kids and her ex-husband! Yeah, great TV but horrible reality! Way to go! Can’t wait to see what else TLC forces their celebrities into doing. Yippie!"
I doubt that Kate was throwing herself at Todd. I just don't see it and Sarah and her house full of pushy broads, lol, wouldn't stand for it. Still I am not surprised that Kate and Todd got along because Todd is used to talkative ambitious women with overinflated egos - he is married to one. And truth be known, that is perfectly fine, if you have one partner with a strong personality then the other should be more laid back. Sadly, I really believe that Kate and Jon worked for a while. They had similar interests and values and they had two wonderful little girls in the twins - who I think they were pretty good parents to. But Kate's basic narcissistic personality (which many people have) expanded into a full blown disorder and Jon left her. Kind of like you can have a person who is generically egotisical but harmless who becomes a megalomaniac given the right circumstances.
Regarding Jon leaving her, I was thinking about this the other day. I honestly believe that Kate loved/loves Jon and her spiralling out of control is not just because of the fame, but because underneath her sickness, she knows she lost the love of her life. In a twisted kind of logic I can sort of see her motivation to make it all worth it. Only nothing is worth losing your whole family and that is what she is heading for.
Troy, that group isn't looking for a logical discussion. I read that post by Misty also and I'm surprised they let it through. They are mearly a cheering section for Kate and in between cheers they exchange recipies. I find the subject of that group relevant here b/c we're always trying to figure out what type of person supports Kate. The answer is "people who keep their heads in the sand."
Todd works (worked) on the North Slope, as well as running a commercial fishing business. The oil field job is so many months there, so many at home. Don't remember how many.
Anybody know? said...
I am not a follower of the Palins, but from the one Alaska episode I watched, I got the impression Todd worked, had his own fishing boat. Does he work as a fisherman or is he a stay at home dad?
Anybody know? said...
I am not a follower of the Palins, but from the one Alaska episode I watched, I got the impression Todd worked, had his own fishing boat. Does he work as a fisherman or is he a stay at home dad?
Yes, Todd worked in the oil fields on the North Slope for many years, he has a very successful commercial fishing business - which is seasonal, he is a 4-time winner of the 2000 mile Iron Dog 'snowmobile race' in Alaska, is an avid hunter and outdoorsman, and seems like a good hands-on parent. Todd is, I believe, part Alasaka native Eskimo (his grand or great-grandmother).
Wait, you mean she didn't find Todd "icky?" Interesting.
Not surprised that she and Sarah didn't get along, though. It sounds like Khate was annoying and whiny as hell about the whole camping experience. Good for Sarah for getting along with the b*tch for even one night!
In my opinion, Kate sees her show as a springboard for herself and her children to pursue bigger and better things. She's got a few Hollywood gigs, and she is probably still hoping somebody will tune in and see her 8 adorable children and hire them for a commercial or one of those Hannah Montana/The Suite Life type shows starring THE GOSSELIN KIDS!
Then she will be set for life all over again, and will only have to occasionally show up at the studio to make sure the kids are eating their lunch in the correct order. Then she can
shop, get beautified, see a plastic surgeon or
hang out with the newest Hollywood name until it is time for the nannies to pick the kids up.
Wow....the kids must have gotten a big 'Christmas Bonus' from TLC !
Check out the rock on Kates finger.
Oh yeah...don't forget to take a peek at the shoes....
I just read that Fitness Magazine has Kate as one of the best bodies of the year. GAG!!!! I just can't believe it. Her head is going to get even bigger.
H8K8-Thanks for the info on Todd. Sounds like a neat guy. I have a feeling Todd was polite to Kate and that's about it. This little blurb from Popeater is pure Krap if you ask me, a waste of time to even discuss.
Kate's pics on the INF site shows Kate with a big diamond on her finger. Wonder what that means?
Kelli said...
Regarding Jon leaving her, I was thinking about this the other day. I honestly believe that Kate loved/loves Jon and her spiralling out of control is not just because of the fame, but because underneath her sickness, she knows she lost the love of her life. In a twisted kind of logic I can sort of see her motivation to make it all worth it. Only nothing is worth losing your whole family and that is what she is heading for.
I have to respectfully disagree on Jon being the love of her life. If he was and Kate truly loved him unconditionally, she would have fought to stay married - attend couple's counseling, reconnect with him by spending more one-on-one time (not the opposite, leaving her family on many occasions), etc. Jon said he wanted marriage counseling but she refused or was too busy trying to salvage the Gosselin brand, not the Gosselin family.
If she knows she lost the love of her life, wouldn't she show some remorse/regret for how she treated him? Wouldn't she attempt to make some reconciliation with him now, work towards being friendly parents, since they have children together?
Sometime after the renewal ceremony, Kate must have thought she could trade-up for a better husband. She changed physically, not for better health, but to look more attractive, sexy, and star-worthy.
Rarely did Jon ever make fun of her for physically changing after the sextuplets' birth. Yes, there was jowls of a dog and the preference for blondes, but did we hear Jon ever complain that she needed to lose weight?
Kate's done everything she could to look attractive to get another man, but it hasn't happened. Meanwhile, same old Jon has managed to settle down with Ellen.
I think she's spiteful that Jon has a new love and she doesn't, which is evident in her continued attempts of bringing him down whenever she speaks with the media.
Judy, that ring looks like junk jewellry to me. Big chucky rings are popular right now; my daughter has a few. Oh, and the shoes? What can I say about Kate's choice of footwear that hasn't been said a million times.
Judy said...
Wow....the kids must have gotten a big 'Christmas Bonus' from TLC !
Check out the rock on Kates finger.
Oh yeah...don't forget to take a peek at the shoes....
Poor Kate.... She's so sad, and she can't afford socks.
As for the ring she's wearing- it appears to be the artisan jewelry her sister specializes in.
Sorry Admin, but I've got to disagree with you on this one. I was not impressed with Willow or Bristol's facebook postings where they used coarse language and an offensive term.
Lala, I looked up this story. Turns out both Bristol and Willow were on the defense when they posted on facebook. Bristol after she was criticized for doing DWTS by Margaret Cho, and Willow, who was defending her mom. When someone attacks you, you should be able to respond to them. I know when you go after someone's mother, it's natural to respond shortly. It's my understanding they apologized for going off.
I'm not going to judge people based on one misguided facebook posting that was provoked by people attacking these KIDS in the media. It wasn't like they are posting offense things for the heck of it. They are just kids, they are just learning how to be public figures, and they are only famous because of their mom, and I stand by my original comment that they are sweet kids, overall. I didn't say they were perfect, just sweet. I don't think there is a young person out there who has not regretted something they said on facebook. The instant yet "permanent" medium has its consequences. It doesn't make all those kids "bad kids."
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... Judy said...
Wow....the kids must have gotten a big 'Christmas Bonus' from TLC !
Check out the rock on Kates finger.
Oh yeah...don't forget to take a peek at the shoes....
Poor Kate.... She's so sad, and she can't afford socks.
As for the ring she's wearing- it appears to be the artisan jewelry her sister specializes in.
Does Kate not realize it's DECEMBER? If these pics are from today (or yesterday even), it's bloody cold out!! The high today in NH was 25 and yesterday was 30. Who wears shoes like that, w/o socks in December? Oh yeah, Kate.
She never has dressed "weather appropriate". Mabye she's got a screwed up thyroid? She has never dressed her kids appropriately for cold weather either.
I'm not going to judge people based on one misguided facebook posting that was provoked by people attacking these KIDS in the media. It wasn't like they are posting offense things for the heck of it. They are just kids, they are just learning how to be public figures, and they are only famous because of their mom, and I stand by my original comment that they are sweet kids, overall. I didn't say they were perfect, just sweet. I don't think there is a young person out there who has not regretted something they said on facebook. The instant yet "permanent" medium has its consequences. It doesn't make all those kids "bad kids."
Bristol Palin is not a kid. She is a grown woman with a child.
The fact that you choose to defend Willow, who went on a homophobic rant against a kid who said something negative about her mother's television show -- hardly a deep-rooted personal attack -- speaks volumes about you and your values.
Vanessa said... Also, have we ever seen Kate look as gracious as Sarah? When has she ever offered up her hand to shake to ANYONE, let alone 2 kids?
I wondered if Kate has ever HAD her kids shake hands? Cara looks clueless as to what is going on when Sarah is reaching out her hand.
I am not aware of that incident, I don't know what she said. The article I read said there was a comment about Margaret Cho who was PICKING on them, who was on the attack, which then put two very young and inexperienced people on the defense. I am not defending making offensive remarks, simply saying I don't judge someone's entire character and whether they are a good kid, based on one misguided remark they later apologized for.
You have never said anything offense? Ever in your life? I don't think I've ever met someone Willow's age who hasn't regretted something they said. This is part of growing up and learning bounadries and becoming appreciative of where people are coming from. My character? I don't appreciate this turned aruond on ME for my opinion. This is not about ME and my values, you have no idea how I feel about those issues. What I don't think is fair is to cruficy a young person permanently for one mess up, I find that THAT speaks volumes about a person if we are going to. That's awfully harsh and unforgiving. Like I said, overall I find them to be nice kids.
Speaking of chances, I would say I gave Kate about a hundred of them before I turned on her. If we're talking about character that is the kind of person I am. By your logic, she wasn't entitled to any of that.
New pics of Kate grocery shopping on Gossip Center wearing ripped jeans!! How old does this woman think she is? My two daughters wear them but there 20 and 22. What an ass she is.
Although I'm on opposite political sides w/ Sarah Palin, I hafta say that I have newfound and utmost respect for her after watching all of her episodes on Sarah Palin's Alaska. She is no tenderfoot PRISSY MISSY like Kate Gosselin--she's the REAL DEAL--exactly whom she professes to be. Gotta hand it to her.
NT Said:
just read that Fitness Magazine has Kate as one of the best bodies of the year. GAG!!!! I just can't believe it. Her head is going to get even bigger
We're really scraping the bottom of the barrel when we read and comment on her having the best body of the year. With all the scars from tummy tucks, boob jobs, cottage cheese hanging of her untoned legs and a body that is built like a crooked playhouse, I suggest we send whomever claims that she has the "body of the year" a real contender........A pinata.
Admin, I love the stance you've taken about the Facebook remarks of Bristol and Willow Palin. You beautifully defended your position and at the same time showed compassion and understanding for the youthful mistakes our kids make. I hope the Palin girls have learned something from this and use more discernment in the future. This is one of the steps we take towards maturity and that journey never ends for any of us.
I love how the sheeple are now attacking Sarah Palin as if she is somehow responsible for the failed camping trip. One even had the nerve to say that Sarah was "unhospitable to Kate" for serving moose hot dogs. Ummm... didn't the Gosselins go to Alaska for Alaskan experiences? It's very common in Alaska to see moose or caribou something or other on a menu. I'm by no means a fan of the Palins but I sincerely doubt they were ungracious hosts.
BM... fitting name since that's all that blog spews.
Admin: Generally I agree with you 100%, but Willow's offensive homophobic Facebook comment (although it was later apologized for) is a direct reflection of her values. These are the values that she was likely raised with. As a parent of a bisexual daughter who must hide her relationship, I take deep offense to any comment of this nature, regardless of the person's age. Thank you for allowing me to express my opinion.
Kate's "love of her life" is herself. No man or woman will be good enough for her. She should be the star of her own TLC reality show about narcissists who marry themselves. First episode, Kate in her TLC paid fake wedding gown (repeat), planning her fake ceremony (repeat), with her fake reception and guests (another repeat) and finally the fake honeymoon (Hawaii repeat, maybe Mexico since this is a TLC favorite honeymoon destination and less expensive). Steve can walk her down the aisle and give her away to herself.
The following is a very interesting article which references several experienced hunters who commented on Sean Hannity's website 7 Palin's facebook wall.
"Sarah Palin the TV Star Exposes Sarah Palin the Fake Hunter"
This is Sarah Palin's fault??? Excuse me but when someone invites YOU to take part in what they do, you are supposed to adapt to THEM, not the other way around.
You don't invite someone from New York to Jamaica and then serve them NY pizza. The expectation is you're going to get Jamaican food. It is not "rude" to provide an authentic Alaska experience. What's RUDE is for Kate to refuse to give this a go for ONE NIGHT. And not only that, but she was paid $250,000 to do it! I'm sure there were plenty of people out there who are jobless and would be willing to rough it for ONE NIGHT for that kind of money.
I just wanted to make a little comment on the ring. I think it is an attention thing considering what finger she put it on and the way she showed it off in the picture. I think she wants people to see the ring and start blogging about it before the big weekend show.
I wonder if it is the precious ring "her kids want so much to buy her".
It's very common in Alaska to see moose or caribou something or other on a menu. I'm by no means a fan of the Palins but I sincerely doubt they were ungracious hosts.
I guess if the sheeple were lucky enough to be a guest of a Parisian diplomat, they would expect the host to serve a burger and fries (or eggs and grit) instead of escargot!
Everyone Deserves, I also have family members, close friends, and coworkers who are gay. I DO take offense to comments about gay people. I DO find them unacceptable. What I'm saying is I don't write someone off as a bad kid for one remark. She is a young woman, she is learning, I have faith with a little more real world experience she won't be so short-sighted. I think she will look back on this in a short while and say "oh gosh why did I say THAT? I was such a kid!" I also think that it is not her fault, in fact it is her mother's, that she is famous. It is not her fault, in fact it is her mother's, that the public follows this family.
I think I have a lot more patience for someone this age who is only famous because her mother CHOSE this. Just like the Gosselin kids the Palin kids had no choice.
If the Gosselin kids grow up and make a comment like this that wasn't exactly "perfect" they are going to get the same kind of slack from me. They are young, they are learning, and most importantly, this "fame" thing was not their choice nor their fault.
It is hard enough to be a young woman these days let along have to do it in the public eye because your mother chose a public lifestyle years before you were even born let alone old enough to have a say.
You don't invite someone from New York to Jamaica and then serve them NY pizza.
Exactly! LOL, Admin., I think we were typing our comment at the same time!
These are the values that she was likely raised with.
I disagree. This is what she has learned from her peers -- NOT what she has been raised with, and she has apologized for it. That in itself says much.
I imagine people who want Sarah to bow to Kate and not the other way around are the type that were like those "American" tourists I always saw and was so embarrassed about when I was in Europe.
Laura D. said...
Judy, that ring looks like junk jewellry to me. Big chucky rings are popular right now; my daughter has a few. Oh, and the shoes? What can I say about Kate's choice of footwear that hasn't been said a million times.
I agree Judy about the ring looking like costume jewelry - in fact it looked like things were dangling off of it. And the shoes -- OMG, in one pic 2" of the back of the shoe was showing where her foot had slid forward because of the ridiculously high spiked heel. Let's all spell t.r.a.s.h.y looking. And, don't forget what looks like a recent dye job and choppy cut on the straw mop she refers to as her hair. It looks like the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz.
Her head is going to get even bigger.
It could be worse. I could be her boobs.
Moose that is a good point. Gosh I had a potty mouth when I was in high school, so did my whole crew. We did and said dumb things young people do. Was that from my parents? Actually, not at all. They NEVER swear. Ever. They are this perfect church-going couple. Most kids grow out of the rowdy, quick-to-act thing as you mature and so will the Palin kids. There is a lot of pressure to be "cool" from the young crowd--to say this or that about this or that group. What is acceptable to your peers at that age won't be acceptable as you get older.
Now if this came from their mother, a mature woman who knows her own mind, would that be a different story? Absolutely!
There are a lot of recent quite interesting studies out there about the impulsive brain of teenagers and 20-somethings. We're learning more and more about why they act the way they do. USA Weekend just had a great article about it. What we at our ages would absolutely see as a comment that NEVER should be made because of a variety of reasons, a young person's brain is not always quite mature enough to process those kind of ramifications. What's Kate's excuse for her brain?
Admin said
This is Sarah Palin's fault??? Excuse me but when someone invites YOU to take part in what they do, you are supposed to adapt to THEM, not the other way around.
Exactly!!! When in Rome....
As to Willow's Facebook comments.. Willow is a child who over reacted, then apologized. Just banter between two kids. No reflection on her parents, just a kid growing up. From what we have seen, the Palin children are well adjusted and very much loved children. Hope we can say the same about the G8 in years to come.
Put on your coat, Kate!
It was cold and windy in Reading where Kate grocery shopped. Today's temps were @ 24* with a high of only 35*. The winds were 10 mph gusting to 30! This is the same woman who whimpered about being cold while camping with Palin this summer!
I don't think any of us would want to be judged by the stupid things we said or did during our teen years.
This just occurred to me...Mark Burnett produces both Sarah Palin's Alaska AND Celebrity Apprentice.
Is this the reason why Kate's not on Celebrity Apprentice this season?
It wasn't Trump who turned her down (or maybe he did) but MARK BURNETT who said no to that diva.
It appears that TLC is now 'marketing' Kate to the "haterz" as opposed to the sheeple. It's quite evident that 'we' outnumber 'them'. Gotta hand it to 'em, they're slick. They are now allowing/showing Kate to be the b*tch she is, in the past month or two. Not even trying to hide it anymore since too many people have caught on to her. Yep, we're being played. I would bet they use these blogs as an indicator of the no. of haterz there are as opposed to the sheeple.
BTW, I think BM blocked me, when I go to her site, it automatically pops over to another web page. Is anyone else having trouble going to her site tonite?
She is back in NYC
Hope the 8 aren't left alone with one 19 yo baby sitter.
Steve looks sooo intense. What does he think he is protecting her from???
Forgive me if this has been posted already. I haven't yet gone through all the comments today (catching up now):
BREAKING NEWS! Kate Gosselin Spends BIG BUCKS To Get Her Hair Done In NYC!
The reality star spared no expense on her hair at one of New York’s top salons!
EXCLUSIVE! Mere hours ago Kate Gosselin left Ted Gibson Salon, one of New York City and Hollywood’s top destinations for A-list hair, where two of the industry’s best just worked their magic on her well-publicized hair. What did the reality diva have done? Read on!
Kate evidently spent about four or five hours getting a La Brasiliana keratin treatment as well as color with celebrity colorist and L’Oreal Consultant Jason Backe as well as a haircut with none other than the salon’s namesake, beauty industry giant Ted Gibson himself!
The reality diva must be preparing for one fabulous holiday celebration because this destination for A-list hair is worth quite a bit. A La Brasiliana keratin treatment (a four-hour process that straightens hair) starts at $950, a haircut with celebrity hairstylist Ted Gibson is worth $950 and color with A-list colorist Backe starts at $200. That means the price of her trip to the salon most likely starts around $2000 and would only go up from there!
Secretly, as a Gibson girl myself, I have to say that she’s in amazing hands. They’re worth every dollar! But what do you think? Would you spend that kind of money on your hair? Vote now!
First Pics! Parking Lot or Street Corner? Either Way, Kate Gosselin’s Got It Covered
When most of us go grocery shopping we wander out in whatever’s laying around. Sure, we could look nicer. But Kate Gosselin takes looking “nicer” to an extreme. We caught the mom of eight keeping busy grocery shopping for her family at her local Giant Supermarket in super tight jeans, four inch heels, and a conservative grey turtleneck sweater that somehow made her appear much more busty than usual.
Kate must really feel like showing off! It’s no wonder – she just made Fitness Magazine’s year-end roundup list as one of the celebrities with the best bodies. We hope Kate relishes it – something tells us she’ll never make any magazine’s list of most stylish celebrities.
Looks like they got the headline wrong. It should read: "Khate Gosselin stops off for groceries on her way home from working the strip club".
This woman is in desperate, desperate need of a friend to tell her what an ass she's making of herself. Trash, total trash.
Livvy said From what we have seen, the Palin children are well adjusted and very much loved children. Hope we can say the same about the G8 in years to come.
News flash Liv. Sadly you can't say that about the G8 NOW let alone in years to come.
Looks like they got the headline wrong. It should read: "Khate Gosselin stops off for groceries on her way home from working the strip club".
You got that right. When I looked at those shoes, the first thing that came to my mind was the trial of Mary Winkler, the wife of a Tennessee minister who was convicted of murdering her husband after years of humiliation. At the trial, the defense attorney set a pair of shoes on the stand, along with a wig, and a tearful Mary told the jury that her husband made her wear those shoes during sex.
as far as being invited, sp didn't invite the gosselins. it was a cross over totally different thing.
Invited, not invited, cross-over. TLC said early in the game that the Gosselins were invited. It's a matter of semantics. The fact is that the Palins were hosts. If you were on someone else's turf, and they were showing you around, offered you food, would you throw it on the ground, all the while whining and complaining about the situation? Imagine how embarrassed the other person would feel, not to mention being insulted. YOU JUST DON'T DO THAT TO SOMEONE ELSE! Forget that this was a "crossover," or whatever you want to call it. I'm willing to bet that the majority of bloggers here have more manners in their little fingers than Kate has in her entire body. This little exhibition of hers did nothing to teach her children about being gracious. All it showed them is a sense of entitlement, that if nothing goes your way, you throw a fit and just pull out.
Kimmie, it's time to take off those rose-colored glasses and see things as they really are. Reality can be harsh, but living in an Alice in Wonderland cocoon is not the way to go through life. You may find out that the Queen of Hearts really has no heart and is nothing more than an ill-tempered monarch, not unlike some people in the real world who have showed their true colors on reality television.
FYI, I cut off the Palin/Facebook conversation not because people were necessarily breaking the rules, but I saw where it was going--toward a huge fight.
That is not something I usually do but it's the holidays and I don't want a big fight right now.
Carry on!
Moose that's really the difference between us and Kate.
We think that behavior is unacceptable in ALL circumstances, unless you are maybe three--with apologies to 3-year-olds.
I don't think it's acceptable to stomp around like a baby whether you are the host, the guest, the invitee, the inviter, the friend, the coworker, the employer, the employee, a child, an adult, a woman with eight kids, six kids, two kids, no kids. Not acceptable. Ever. To say this would be accetable under certain circumstances is simply expressing a completely different set of value systems--which is why I've said before we will never meet in the middle with Kate's fans, because our value systems are such polar opposites.
Moose Mania said...
Kimmie, it's time to take off those rose-colored glasses and see things as they really are. Reality can be harsh, but living in an Alice in Wonderland cocoon is not the way to go through life. You may find out that the Queen of Hearts really has no heart and is nothing more than an ill-tempered monarch, not unlike some people in the real world who have showed their true colors on reality television.
December 9, 2010 6:09 PM
truly kate doesn't figure into my personal life at all...and if i found out everything that everyone who hates kate has said is all true it wouldn't make a particle of difference to me personally. i would be shocked and i would be sad for her and the kids if all the hate was true but it wouldn't affect my life.
i've said before but i'll say it again, i do not love kate (or hate her). i do not think she is queen of anything. i do not think everything she does or says is golden and truth.
in fact if i had not seen the all the hatred for kate on a few blogs a year ago i wouldn't have even kept up on her life at all.
i just feel that she had been treated unfairly in a lot of ways by people who do not know her and who do not and should not have any say in her life.
Kimmie, I can appreciate that you feel Kate has been treated unfairly, this is a woman who has been heavily criticized. My take on this however is that it's the children who have been treated unfairly. Kate has a choice. If she thinks the public is unfair, she has the choice to take herself out of the public eye. Jon did so. The children do not have a choice. If they feel things are unfair they cannot just take themselves out of the public eye, their mother will not let them. Their mother is hellbent on exploiting them until they are 18.
As for your belief we should not have any say in her life, I disagree when it comes to the children. The public does have a say when it comes to using your children to make money--we elect the politicians, like Murt, who make the laws when it comes to that. The law is quite clear that a parent cannot just do what they want when it comes to their children being in show business. There are extensive laws on the books in most states including PA regarding what a working child is and isn't permitted to do. So, it is our business. And when a child is being exploited, it very well SHOULD be everyone's business.
Kate's supporters say her children are none of our business--problem is, that's just not what the law says, nor public policy. A parent is NOT just allowed to do whatever they want. And Kate herself said she made them our business.
Kimmie, the fact that you highlight " IF ALL THE HATE IS TRUE" makes it quite clear that you do not believe the hate is true at all.
Story after story (on tv and off) about K8's nasty behavior have been documented since before the tups were born. How anybody can still be doubtful is beyond my comprehension, really.
Sarah Palin's latest tweet:
Life=10% circumstances, 90% your reaction to circumstances. Sunday's "Sarah Palin's AK 'Alaskan Hospitality'" episode illustrates that a bit
"i just feel that she had been treated unfairly in a lot of ways by people who do not know her and who do not and should not have any say in her life."
Kimmie -- what about the people who do know her? Why do you suppose that we do not hear anyone singing her praises about what a wonderful person she is, or how great a mom she is, or how much she cares for her family, or that she just exudes cheerfulness and sunshine?
Why is that? People who have had Kate encounters (both up close and personal and just a casual relationship) have reported that she's rude and annoying.
Kate is not a nice person, and I do know this from personal experience. She is not treated unfairly. It's the other way around; she's the one who treats other people unfairly.
"i just feel that she had been treated unfairly in a lot of ways by people who do not know her and who do not and should not have any say in her life."
Why do her nannies/babysitters keep quitting on her? it's b/c she treats them unfairly!! Same with her family and friends- she has none b/c she treated them badly.
"i just feel that she had been treated unfairly in a lot of ways by people who do not know her and who do not and should not have any say in her life."
Kimmie -- what about the people who do know her? Why do you suppose that we do not hear anyone singing her praises about what a wonderful person she is, or how great a mom she is, or how much she cares for her family, or that she just exudes cheerfulness and sunshine?
Why is that? People who have had Kate encounters (both up close and personal and just a casual relationship) have reported that she's rude and annoying.
Kate is not a nice person, and I do know this from personal experience. She is not treated unfairly. It's the other way around; she's the one who treats other people unfairly.
Moose Mania said...
Kimmie, it's time to take off those rose-colored glasses and see things as they really are. Reality can be harsh, but living in an Alice in Wonderland cocoon is not the way to go through life. You may find out that the Queen of Hearts really has no heart and is nothing more than an ill-tempered monarch, not unlike some people in the real world who have showed their true colors on reality television.
December 9, 2010 6:09 PM
truly kate doesn't figure into my personal life at all...and if i found out everything that everyone who hates kate has said is all true it wouldn't make a particle of difference to me personally. i would be shocked and i would be sad for her and the kids if all the hate was true but it wouldn't affect my life.
i've said before but i'll say it again, i do not love kate (or hate her). i do not think she is queen of anything. i do not think everything she does or says is golden and truth.
in fact if i had not seen the all the hatred for kate on a few blogs a year ago i wouldn't have even kept up on her life at all.
i just feel that she had been treated unfairly in a lot of ways by people who do not know her and who do not and should not have any say in her life.
NT Said:
just read that Fitness Magazine has Kate as one of the best bodies of the year. GAG!!!! I just can't believe it. Her head is going to get even bigger
We're really scraping the bottom of the barrel when we read and comment on her having the best body of the year. With all the scars from tummy tucks, boob jobs, cottage cheese hanging of her untoned legs and a body that is built like a crooked playhouse, I suggest we send whomever claims that she has the "body of the year" a real contender........A pinata.
New pics of Kate grocery shopping on Gossip Center wearing ripped jeans!! How old does this woman think she is? My two daughters wear them but there 20 and 22. What an ass she is.
I'm not going to judge people based on one misguided facebook posting that was provoked by people attacking these KIDS in the media. It wasn't like they are posting offense things for the heck of it. They are just kids, they are just learning how to be public figures, and they are only famous because of their mom, and I stand by my original comment that they are sweet kids, overall. I didn't say they were perfect, just sweet. I don't think there is a young person out there who has not regretted something they said on facebook. The instant yet "permanent" medium has its consequences. It doesn't make all those kids "bad kids."
Bristol Palin is not a kid. She is a grown woman with a child.
The fact that you choose to defend Willow, who went on a homophobic rant against a kid who said something negative about her mother's television show -- hardly a deep-rooted personal attack -- speaks volumes about you and your values.
Judy said...
Wow....the kids must have gotten a big 'Christmas Bonus' from TLC !
Check out the rock on Kates finger.
Oh yeah...don't forget to take a peek at the shoes....
Poor Kate.... She's so sad, and she can't afford socks.
As for the ring she's wearing- it appears to be the artisan jewelry her sister specializes in.
Kelli said...
Regarding Jon leaving her, I was thinking about this the other day. I honestly believe that Kate loved/loves Jon and her spiralling out of control is not just because of the fame, but because underneath her sickness, she knows she lost the love of her life. In a twisted kind of logic I can sort of see her motivation to make it all worth it. Only nothing is worth losing your whole family and that is what she is heading for.
I have to respectfully disagree on Jon being the love of her life. If he was and Kate truly loved him unconditionally, she would have fought to stay married - attend couple's counseling, reconnect with him by spending more one-on-one time (not the opposite, leaving her family on many occasions), etc. Jon said he wanted marriage counseling but she refused or was too busy trying to salvage the Gosselin brand, not the Gosselin family.
If she knows she lost the love of her life, wouldn't she show some remorse/regret for how she treated him? Wouldn't she attempt to make some reconciliation with him now, work towards being friendly parents, since they have children together?
Sometime after the renewal ceremony, Kate must have thought she could trade-up for a better husband. She changed physically, not for better health, but to look more attractive, sexy, and star-worthy.
Rarely did Jon ever make fun of her for physically changing after the sextuplets' birth. Yes, there was jowls of a dog and the preference for blondes, but did we hear Jon ever complain that she needed to lose weight?
Kate's done everything she could to look attractive to get another man, but it hasn't happened. Meanwhile, same old Jon has managed to settle down with Ellen.
I think she's spiteful that Jon has a new love and she doesn't, which is evident in her continued attempts of bringing him down whenever she speaks with the media.
H8K8-Thanks for the info on Todd. Sounds like a neat guy. I have a feeling Todd was polite to Kate and that's about it. This little blurb from Popeater is pure Krap if you ask me, a waste of time to even discuss.
I just read that Fitness Magazine has Kate as one of the best bodies of the year. GAG!!!! I just can't believe it. Her head is going to get even bigger.
Wait, you mean she didn't find Todd "icky?" Interesting.
Not surprised that she and Sarah didn't get along, though. It sounds like Khate was annoying and whiny as hell about the whole camping experience. Good for Sarah for getting along with the b*tch for even one night!
Todd works (worked) on the North Slope, as well as running a commercial fishing business. The oil field job is so many months there, so many at home. Don't remember how many.
Anybody know? said...
I am not a follower of the Palins, but from the one Alaska episode I watched, I got the impression Todd worked, had his own fishing boat. Does he work as a fisherman or is he a stay at home dad?
Another article:
"TLC managed to put together a Kate Gosselin, Sarah Palin camping trip! Weird but true! Why would Sarah Palin ever go out in the wilderness with semi-famous Kate Gosselin? Well, the TLC network pays for both of their paychecks since both women have shows via that network so naturally TLC can make its stars do whatever the heck they want'
Well, imagine her having to hang around a wanna be who is constantly complaining about her kids and her ex-husband! Yeah, great TV but horrible reality! Way to go! Can’t wait to see what else TLC forces their celebrities into doing. Yippie!"
I don't understand how you can consider a discussion logical or fair if you NEVER want to hear opposing views. It was refreshing to see a post on BM (yes I guess I am a lurker, oh well) site that WASN'T bashing Jon. Very articulate and logical argument about how lopsided support payments seem. It only upset a couple of sheeple who had to say "THIS IS A PRO KATE SITE".. if you have to scream it that doesnt make it more powerful or convincing.
Administrator said...
"It is Kate and her fans PROJECTING what they would want onto the kids--THEY think it would be cool to camp with Sarah Palin, therefore the kids are getting an amazing opportunity. It's so short-sighted and ignorant to a child's real needs."
Of course she is. Her agenda is quite clear. Kate may be using her children to get whatever she desires--- BUT--- at the same time, "ironically", her children, HER ATTITUDE, her mouth, her laziness, her arrogance, and her utter lack of talent (grace too), are preventing her from ever obtaining what she really wants- to be a star.
It's too bad for Kate, that her kids just want to be kids.
Well this is a perfect time to seque into a personal story. A family friend (early 50's guy) was spending the night in order to get up early the next morning to do some manly camping stuff with my husband. I had on the "Gosselin Halloween" show as he was dozing on the couch. When he woke up briefly and watched the screen, he said (of Kate)..."Who's THAT? She's hot". Bwah. It is fascinating that he didn't know who she is and it proves that she's not as household word as thought. Eh, Todd seems to really groove with Sarah and Sarah seems secure in their life and relationship. Actually Todd appears to groove with just about everyone from how's he's presented on the show. He's one cool dude.
Remember all the flirting with the camera guys?
Remember the hot air balloon episode? I can just imagine how it went down when Stevie boy first came into the picture. Hey, maybe it was Stevie all along she was talking to when we thought it was to the camera?
Administrator said...
I think Kate's affinity for married men is just a narcissist thing. She goes after them because she CAN. Narcissists don't feel bound by social rules and society's taboos. Married men are just another thing to counquer.
Or because they're "safe." She knows they will never leave their wives, and she really doesn't want them. It's just the thrill of the hunt.
I think Kate is looking for love in all the wrong places.
Next time she's in California, she should stop by a nursing home, and hook up with wealthy, widowed, elderly gentlemen there.
Win win.
I pity any man Kate gets her claws into just as I pity Jon. She ruined him, the evidence is in their precious episodes. By season 4 he refuses to barely even talk while sitting in the chair with her because she criticized and emasculated him every chance she got.
That favorite and embarrassing moments episode is the worse. Jon was bringing up valid points where Kate treated him like crap, like the infamous ToysRus yell across the store and Kate blames it all on him. It's too the point the producer has to stop Kate and move on.
She emasculated Jon so much that he was willing to throw himself at anyone who would make him feel like a man and not like one of the dogs.
I think this song explains it best.
She'll do the same to any man she can. What I worry is how she'll treat the boys when they get into their teens. The same?
The article says: "Yet Kate and Todd Palin got along extremely well," my well-placed source reveals. "Todd would be the perfect man for Kate. He does exactly what he's told, is happy to stay home and look after the kids and is perfectly happy staying out of the spotlight. He's the opposite of [Kate's ex-husband] Jon and it also doesn't hurt that he is very good looking."
Jon was 2 of those 3 things. He always did what he was told, and was perfectly happy staying out of the spotlight. He just didn't want to be a stay-at-home dad, (which is fine, I'm not saying he had to). IMO, I truly don't think any man will want Kate.
Off topic, but I'm out of the loop. Was she the ET correspondent on SWTS this week? Thanks.
Kelly! Haven't seen you post in a while!
Thanks for the laugh!
Aha, but if she can get a married man to run away with her, that proves she's the bestest and more better and most beautifullest-ish woman on the entire planet. Ish.
Sheeple Disclaimer (it's frustrating that we have to do this): Trying to win a married man away from his wife is not okay and I am not advocating that in any way. This is sarcasm directed at Kate's desire to be the center of every man's attention and her inexplicable attraction to men who are not legally or emotionally available. Even if he says his marriage is rocky, you tell him to grow the hell up and work on it.
She's not looking for a relationship, she's looking for validation for her horrible, horrible choices.
Thanks a lot for the visual of Kate in a thong and thigh-highs. Now I need the brain bleach. Bleccchhhhhh.
HI50 said...
Katie Cry-der needs to watch her back...Sarah is a no-nonsense type woman who wouldn't hesitate to load her shotgun & block Katie into another dimension....Muahahaha
December 7, 2010 5:28 PM
Heck, I'd become a Palin fan if she did us that favor!
"Kate Gets Along Better With Todd Palen than Sarah"
I sense a pattern here with Kate. She's attracted to married men...
Kate had better not put Todd Palen on her "magical" wish list. Sarah will make beef jerky out of her ;o)
Two alpha females will never get along. Todd Palin is used to being beta to Sarah's alpha, IMO, and likes the role just fine. I'm not the least surprised that Kate found a quiet, unassuming man to be attractive - someone she could boss around and who would come at her beck and call when she needed him to fix something or take care of the kids.
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