Despite TLC's best efforts to try to keep this quiet, the entourage was not so inconspicuous as they arrived in Sydney today to begin their working vacation, Peace Love World luggage in tow.
http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity/kate-plus-8-through-the-gate/story-e6frfmqr-1225978942923 (photo courtesy: Stephen Cooper)
In other news, the L.A. County Coroner is refusing to listen to Discovery's arrogant demands to cooperate with an exploitative and intrusive TV program reenacting Michael Jackson's autopsy, a program that has sparked outrage among thousands of viewers. Said assistant chief coroner Ed Winter, "I think it's unprofessional and I wouldn't do it out of respect for the family." Thank you, Mr. Winter, for respecting Michael Jackson's surviving children.
http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity/kate-plus-8-through-the-gate/story-e6frfmqr-1225978942923 (photo courtesy: Stephen Cooper)
In other news, the L.A. County Coroner is refusing to listen to Discovery's arrogant demands to cooperate with an exploitative and intrusive TV program reenacting Michael Jackson's autopsy, a program that has sparked outrage among thousands of viewers. Said assistant chief coroner Ed Winter, "I think it's unprofessional and I wouldn't do it out of respect for the family." Thank you, Mr. Winter, for respecting Michael Jackson's surviving children.
156 sediments (sic) from readers:
Someone here re-posted a comment from another blog that said something to the effect “when the truth comes out Kate will need our support, even in a limited way.” I don’t have time to look for it right now. Next the tabloids re-hash that Kate is ready for a new man. Next she takes a trip to boobyguard’s homeland… well? I joked in the last thread that there could be a wedding. Perhaps something is about to come out.
Looks like Bitch-From-Hell is mad because no one would push her luggage cart for her. Boy is Steve gonna hear about that when they get to their suite.
Or maybe no one recognizes her. That would really upset a narcissist.
The Micheal Jackson autopsy reenactment story comes as no surprise. Discovery/TLC is pond scum.
Found this on radar:
TLC needs to be sued! Its criminal what TLC and Kate are doing to these kids. They need to be in school, not making money for their mother to pretend she is a celeb. She is NOT. She is sickening!
I see 3 helpers and of course Steven is lurking just outside camera range I am sure. Don't you know Khatan is vying for him to take his spot beside her, preferably holding her hand, with all this talk about a man in 2011. She has had a man all along. She is such a liar. The kids look surprisingly relaxed for such a long trip. At least they were dressed comfortably.
She never smiles or even looks pleasant, although she wants all the perks of celebrityship. What, of course she's tired after that flight, but she knew what she was getting into. The kids had no idea. So, how hard is it to at least have a pleasant look on your face rather than entitled, I'm a diva look. BTW, Carla's blog is now set to private. She dropped just enough information to make people figure out what was going on and now looks like she doesn't like that people see things for what they really are. Hmmmm.
Isn't New Zealand a hop, skip and a jump away from Australia? I wonder if the kids are going to meet their new step-grandparents?
Oh Lord, I just thought of something! What if they're filming for Oprah's new channel OWN???
Isn't Oprah taking tons of people to Australia?
Will there be some kind of cross-over???
Nice idea Kart - filming your show in the hottest/humid time of the year in OZ... there are flood advisories everywhere over there.
Also, I have never seen one person go through a drastic physical transformation in such a short time besides Heidi Montag...but at least she admitted to it. Be sure to thank your kids for the fronting the cost.
p.s. I think the Kool-Aid bowl has been spiked-
"what a great opportunity for them! The kids are young! Missing school for this is not a big deal, and they will catch up quickly! It's not like they are in middle school or high school where they miss a ton of work! who knows they probably have school work to take with them! I say go for it now while TLC flips the bill!"
Reading sheeple comments should be mandatory in all prisoners in solitary confinement. Good punishment.
Here's the last one for now before I clear the mini-bar.
"for all we know, the kids' teachers recommended a trip to Australia and TLC agreed and picked up the costs."
I have to say she doesn't look very happy. That's a very calculating look she has on her face.
Dee2 said... Found this on radar:
If this is true, WHY-WHY-WHY hasn't Jon tried to get independent representatives for the children. They need a voice independent of their parents. A judge is basically ordering them to work to support their mother in a lavish lifestyle. A guardian ad litem (or whatever PA calls them) would at least be able to evaluate and present to the court what is in the best interest of the kids. Going to Australia to work or staying home, going to school and working on anger issues.
Lillian Glass has a new post up "Dr. Lillian Glass Ten Top New Years Wishes for Newsmakers in 2011"
#1 happens to be none other than our girl Kate Gosselin. Here's the link:
That ROL article speaks of the judge granting permission because it was for work - and yet the sheeple are still saying Jon is jellus because he can't go, Ellen is burning with envy because she wants to be just like Kate, the kids are going to have so much fun, it will be more educational than school, etc. Can these people read? The judge allowed them to GO TO WORK.
Dee2 said...
Found this on radar:
Thanks for the link.
How convenient for Kate! She's determined to have her kids for every holiday. When Jon makes plans to celebrate New Years with his kids (inviting friends and family), she intervenes and schedules filming.
Isn't that one "helper" Ashley? There's the proof that Carla lied on her blog.
Its called Parental Alienation - what TLC/Kate are doing. They could have picked another time to go... say over the summer... kids wouldn't miss any school and Jon could still have time to have his summer visitation w/ them.
Maybe Jon and his lawyer tried... but i would object to having this judge oversee the case and request for a new judge to be assigned.
Oprah interviewed Lisa Marie Presley and the Jackson family earlier in this, her final season. Is this just another coincidence or some connection to Discovery/TLC's disgusting program regarding Michael Jackson's autopsy.
First she goes to Australia, then Kate does. Then she has all the TLC 'stars' on. Now another connection on topics/shows.
I never would have guessed Oprah would stoop so low but I'm beginning to think she knows exactly what she's getting involved in and she doesn't care one bit.
It's nice to see Ashley working so hard on her 'intensives'. I thought Christians weren't supposed to intentionally lie. Whatever.
Well I guess the only place they haven't visited yet is the moon! Those kids are gonna be so disapointed one day when they learn there's nowhere left to visit,they can't cut to the front of the line and well, that they have never lived in the 'real world'.
I hope that piece of shit they have to call Mom and the suits at TLC rot in hell!
Looking at that photo again, it looks as though there's sunlight in the background, so they must've arrived yesterday morning, yet the article wasn't posted until midnight last night. Hahaha see, she's not newsworthy enough for us to be bothered posting an article about her arriving at or near the time it happens, instead it's held off until it's daytime in the US. Evidently from that article there were other actual celebrities arriving that morning too.
When will the people that know for a FACT that what Jodi & Kevin and Jon said about the "contract" that Kate presented to Jon in 2008 is the truth and that Steve the 'boobyguard' has been LIVING and currently IS living at the the orphanage come forward and speak the truth? For the sake of the children's sanity, the time is NOW. Can you imagine how crazy-making that living this lie is for them?
Dee2 said...
Found this on radar:
I read that article, it and says that a judge ruled in favor b/c it was work-related. Does the judge not understand that it's 6 YEAR-OLD KIDS that are working, and not Kate?
The sheeple are spinning this trip as a great educational learning experience for the kids. Hello? This is work. The kids are being dragged from one location to another, cameras rolling. Just like at home, their primary care givers are hired help, they are not vacationing with their mother, they are not living out some family dream. This is work and most of what will be shown is designed to bring tourists to the area. When the children are not required on camera they are back at the hotel, might as well be in their basement rec room. Any activity they are taken out on will be so rigidly scheduled they won't experience anything. And remember, they are celebrities with a wall around that that does not permit them to experience local culture. It is a 20 day film shoot and they should be in school. Jon is an idiot to sell out the kids like this.
Kate looks to be about 50 years old in this photo.
Carla has made her blog private. I guess this "Christian" woman didn't like being caught lying and exploiting eight children for $$.
What is the mad face all about? Apparently having someone give you an all expense, first class trip isn't enough to make this witch smile.
Oh wait, it's because she had to bring the 8, yes 8 kids, with her.
Kate wants to be a celebrity, but even celebs don't travel this much! Mostly just going on location for movies. (Though some do go on vacation, they're not gone ALL summer and understand the importance of downtime).
Jon fired the best lawyer he had. So this is his fault. Hope your reading this Jon.
And right on cue! There's the boobage.
She couldn't wait to whip those girls out into something a little mors slinky.
Oh jippers!!!! Look at their luggage, can we say FREEBIE people
Looks like two young helpers and an adult helper. Maybe she is the tutor that is pushing the other luggage cart. I can't believe Kate has stooped low enough to push her own luggage. She does NOT look happy. And you all know she can't stand putting snow suits on the kids so maybe this is her way of getting out of the cold weather. At least I'm assuming it is warm there since Katie is wearing a tiny tank top with cleavage down to there.
Jon's gotta compete with the kid's stepdad (TLC). Like Citizen Kane, they're keeping her on the air no matter how bad she is.
Carla has leaked at least two huge stories this trip and Alaska with her little hints. She also said something about tutoring 2 new students when the kids got expelled, and bragged about cabinets. It's her fault these things were leaked. We have proof of this. But the sheeple are all over Jon for leaking things when they have absolutely no proof he ever even did.
Where is the outrage about Carla blabbing about what Ashley is up to? Anyone with half a brain can figure out it's a Gosselin connection. Yet the sheeple still go on about Jon leaking. If anything it's worse when someone you trust and have helping you is leaking things. Hypocrites ya think?
Anonymous said...
Carla has made her blog private. I guess this "Christian" woman didn't like being caught lying and exploiting eight children for $$.
Maybe she simply didn't like being harassed repeatedly by complete strangers. It really isn't a crime against humanity to be friends with Kate Gosselin, despite what you all seem to think.
You all realize Carla posts on most of the blogs under several different aliases. You can tell Carla's post as they are virulently anti-Jon.
Karen, after being up all night in an airport that resembled a shelter I didn't register that comment. Next time you can email me to point it out instead of posting some kind of snarky comment in response. I am removing it thanks to you pointing it out. I have removed comments before when people bring them to my attention. I do the best I can, as I'm sure any blogger does. Thanks.
The judge allowing it because it was "work" is a perfect example of how the judge has to follow the law. Someone explained this so well before, sorry I don't remember who, and it really is important to note.
Judges aren't supposed to make laws, they are supposed to interpret the laws. If the law is clear there is not much to interpet. The law is clear in PA--a parent has the right to film the crap out of their kids. There is no provision such as, unless they are covering their eyes for the paps, unless they have all said they don't want to film, unless you've already filmed them for who knows how many thousands of hours, unless you interview them and think it's not in their best interest. A good judge actually follows the law. As it stands the law says you can film. The judge followed the law. For him to prohibit filming actually would be considered by many as a bad ruling, as it was not following the law, it was changing it and making up a new thing. And in fact, Kate might easily win on appeal if he did that. Instead of being upset with the judge for just doing what he is SUPPOSED to do, follow the law, the path is back to the drawing board with the people who make and change the laws, Rep. Murt and others. Get the law changed so the judge has the ability to stop this.
Thanks to the Gosselins maybe there needs to be a lifetime "bank" for a child of maximum hours they can film. You know, no more than 5,000 hours before age 18 or whatever. Sheesh.
Administrator said...
The judge allowing it because it was "work" is a perfect example of how the judge has to follow the law. Someone explained this so well before, sorry I don't remember who, and it really is important to note.
I think that might have been me, Admin. I don't think this is so difficult to understand, but there are those who believe it all the fault of the judge -- that he is greedy, getting paid off, in cahoots with TLC, whatever. It comes down to interpreting the law.
Even if the judge is vehemently opposed to everything associated with reality television, and thinks these kids are being exploited to the maximum, sees Kate as a manipulating shrew, he can't let his personal feelings interfere with a decision. You're right -- if he would have ruled the other way and another judge would have looked at it, Kate probably would have won on appeal. Was his decision right? We don't think so. Was there justice for the children? Absolutely not! But at the present time, that's the way it is. The only hope, the only slim chance Jon has in all of this is engaging an attorney who could somehow find a loophole in all of this, and cite previous rulings made in the favor of the plaintiff. That doesn't look likely. But give the guy credit -- he's trying. He didn't let it go without a fight. She said she's taking the kids on the trip -- he took it back to court, for the second time since October.
In this case, the law needs to be changed. Right now I can say that, as a lifelong resident of PA, I am ashamed of the Pa court system and how this entire fiasco is being handled.
Looks like two young helpers and an adult helper. Maybe she is the tutor that is pushing the other luggage cart. I can't believe Kate has stooped low enough to push her own luggage. She does NOT look happy.
That "adult helper" looks like a flight attendant or airline personnel, IMO.
Kate probably had to push her own luggage as part of this heavily-produced show. The producers will edit out the extra help to make it seem like Kate is doing this international trip alone, just for more dramatic effect.
Either that or she's not amused that there wasn't an entourage awaiting her hand and foot when they landed. One airline personnel will not suffice this diva queen.
Admin - your post at 5:05pm regarding the judge following the current law... does that mean his ruling about work trumps the prearranged custody days of the other parent?
Anonymous said,
"Maybe she simply didn't like being harassed repeatedly by complete strangers. It really isn't a crime against humanity to be friends with Kate Gosselin, despite what you all seem to think."
Maybe, then, she shouldn't post photos, every event of the day, her kids' whereabouts (he's in bed, he's watching television) on a blog that is viewed by complete strangers!! It's really creepy!
Maybe she should learn to tell the truth; then she wouldn't feel harrassed by "complete strangers!" By the way, how intensive is the college training in Australia?
Are anonymouses still trolling on here?
I wonder how that judge would feel if it were his children or grandchildren being dragged around being filmed and he had no say in the matter.
This fiasco has become so unbelievably bizarre and ridiculous.
I also find it quite interesting that most of the "rumors" that come out have been proven to be true. Every time a new nearly-unbelievable rumor comes out, commenters chastise us for "believing everything we read" and yet don't seem to have much to say when the rumors are proven to be true.
I suspect since Australia is such a big trip the judge knew it would have to cut into Jon's custody time, and he probably gave him some makeup time when they get back. For instance some extra days to make up for the missed holidays.
By the way how does Kate feeling about taking these children from their father for THREE WEEKS? That is forever to a child.
As far as Kate trying to get each and every holiday, I called this ages ago. Obsessed alienators want the holidays just to take them from the other parent, not because they sincerely want the kids on those days. It's about taking away from the other parent, not what you gain yourself. Kate is so textbook.
Kate Gosselin Isn't Going Anywhere said...
Either that or she's not amused that there wasn't an entourage awaiting her hand and foot when they landed. One airline personnel will not suffice this diva queen.
Good grief. Have any of you ever gotten off a plane after a really long flight? Most people are not grinning from ear to ear; they're tired and somewhat disoriented.
I've followed this sad story for some time now but have never posted. I was just wondering if there are any laws about the children being in school that the Judge needed to consider when making this decision?
As an Aussie I was hoping Kate wouldn't get past border security :(
I don't think that many Aussie's will know who Kate is and fawn over her.
The Gosselins haven't been in the media over here very much. On free to air television only one documentary type show about life with 8 kids has been shown though you can see the show if you have cable.
I feel so sorry for the kids, its really hot here so I hope they get lots of breaks, water and chances to swim.
NO way in HELL if I had kids I would let my 6 and 10 year children fly to another country without me. Especially if they are WORKING.
Jon, where are you? Are you protecting your children? If the judge isn't listening, it's time to get your ass on TV and tell the world what is happening. Really, how long are your children going to suffer? Call up one of the morning shows, tell us WHY children who are suffering in school are being pulled out of school to WORK for mommy.
It's time, it's really time Jon.
Can someone please list all the vacations they've gone on this year?
You mean business trips?
Los Angeles twice.
New York city.
North Carolina.
I think that's all.
Admin: How is this judge "following the law?" It's obviously not in the kids best interest to be out of school, esp when they are struggling. I thought family court judges did what's best for the children.
This judge seems like one of those who people who think the mother knows best, and is the better parent no matter what.
Pennsylvania: Pa. R. Civ. P. 1915.11 (1997): The court may appoint an attorney to represent the child.
If Jon hasn't explored this option, I'm at a loss.
This judge seems like one of those who people who think the mother knows best, and is the better parent no matter what.
This isn't about whether filming is in the best interests of the children. This is about WHO DECIDES if they can film. I think the children's welfare issue is a whole other can of worms, separate from who decides when and where to film.
Is that correct, Admin?
Admin, don't judges have discretion when deciding cases? Don't they have discretion when interpreting the law?
Michelle said...
Pennsylvania: Pa. R. Civ. P. 1915.11 (1997): The court may appoint an attorney to represent the child.
Is Kate alone under contract with TLC, or is each of the kids also under contract to "work" for a specified amount of time? If the kids are still under contract, what is an attorney for the child going to do? Break the contract? Maybe. Then TLC appeals and it goes back to court, where it is tied up for months or even years. Meanwhile, the kids are filming and the damages to their emotional well-being keeps mounting (along with their attorney's fees).
So each of the kids sues TLC to make the contract null and void and they eventually win. Kate is still under contract to TLC for the show, Kate Plus Eight. If there is no "Eight," is she in breach of contract because the kids' attorney somehow managed to get their portion of the contract voided?
The problem is that we have no "inside" information or access to the TLC contract.
Help, Admin!
If this "judge" is forbidden from using his brain, eyes and ears to decide what is in the best interest of the children, then what/who is influencing his decision about WHO DECIDES if they can film? On what, exactly, is he basing his decision that K8 should control the filming schedule ?
I would love to believe that there is no corruption involved, but I am one of those that absolutely believes this immoral "judge" is lining his own pockets at the expense of those kids' childhoods. This entire debacle has been so blatantly one-sided from the beginning - TLC is clearly out for blood.
Most people are not grinning from ear to ear; they're tired and somewhat disoriented.
I am always grinning from ear to ear when I get off a flight, long or short. It means we arrived and the plane didn't crash! It's that euphoric feeing of once again planting your feet firmly on the dirty ground!
Can you tell I'm not a really good flier (too many close calls)?
Moose Mania said... Is Kate alone under contract with TLC, or is each of the kids also under contract to "work" for a specified amount of time? If the kids are still under contract, what is an attorney for the child going to do? Break the contract?
I was thinking along the lines of certain aspects and timing of filming. An independent attorney representing solely what is in the best interest of the child. Is it in the best interest of the child to be taken to Australia to film for three weeks and miss school, anger management therapy, etc. or is that particular undertaking unnecessary at this time and let's just film the kid sledding instead. The best interest of the children vs. the best interest of Kate and TLC.
On another note, it's been said they are under contract until 2012. Now that Kate's been awarded "filming rights" does that mean she can extend the contract as she sees fit without Jon's consultation/agreement?
Admin - I do understand about the judge following the law. According to current PA law, the children can be filmed. I do get that.
However, the judge did have a legal option available to them - Jon had a scheduled visitation for the weekend of New Years. The judge would have been following the law by enforcing that visitation schedule in response to Kate's petition to override the custody agreement and take the kids to Australia, including but not limited to Kate agreeing to provide travel and hotel accommodations for Jon to fly out to Australia and be with the children during his scheduled visitation time.
The judge decided not to. The judges hands were not tied, he/she had a legal out.
Administrator said... You mean business trips?
Los Angeles twice.
New York city.
North Carolina.
I think that's all.
December 30, 2010 7:11 PM
Wasn't Kate in Paris at one point this year? Without the kids?
For somebody who claims she's always exhausted and stressed, she sure hops around the world a lot. I guess she's trying to be like the Jolie-Pitts.
You know, though. Her jet-setting might be frustrating to a lot of people right now, but it's going to be dayum funny one day when her ship has sunk and she's all shriveled up and sitting in that big ole house all alone....no more trips, no more kids, no more Steve, no more nuttin'. Mark my words, someday she will be all alone and there will be nobody for her to boss and bully anymore. Nobody for her to control. She will blow through her money and end up in a one bedroom apartment just like Jon.
Just her and her plastic boobies.
Judges aren't supposed to make laws, they are supposed to interpret the laws. If the law is clear there is not much to interpet. The law is clear in PA--a parent has the right to film the crap out of their kids. There is no provision such as, unless they are covering their eyes for the paps, unless they have all said they don't want to film, unless you've already filmed them for who knows how many thousands of hours, unless you interview them and think it's not in their best interest. A good judge actually follows the law. As it stands the law says you can film. The judge followed the law. For him to prohibit filming actually would be considered by many as a bad ruling, as it was not following the law, it was changing it and making up a new thing. And in fact, Kate might easily win on appeal if he did that. Instead of being upset with the judge for just doing what he is SUPPOSED to do, follow the law, the path is back to the drawing board with the people who make and change the laws, Rep. Murt and others. Get the law changed so the judge has the ability to stop this.
Yes, they are supposed to interpret the laws fairly and without bias. This judge, in my opinion, applied the law unfairly and with extreme bias.
Bubbles said: ...."I also find it quite interesting that most of the "rumors" that come out have been proven to be true. Every time a new nearly-unbelievable rumor comes out, commenters chastise us for "believing everything we read" and yet don't seem to have much to say when the rumors are proven to be true."
You beat me to it, bubbles I was going to say the same thing. Where are those people who were so quick to lecture grown adults and insult the one person who was providing some limited inside info? That person's info turned out to be legit but after being "raked over the coals" (anon's words) they've disappeared. I don't understand why people weren't satisfied to just read the posts and take it for what it was and trust that others could do the same, instead they had to behave like a pack of bossy 14 yr. old girls.
Moose Mania - Sorry but your information is not correct. The children are not of age to sign contracts or to legally sue.
From news reports, Queensland Australia is having terrible floods right now. One can only hope that coverage of a real natural disaster will cut down on coverage of this man-made disaster of Ms. Kreider and her Krew arriving down under.
I also think TLC learned from the Palin show that a cranky Ms. Kreider attracts more attention than a happy Ms. kreider. They will probably send the entire family on a walkabout in the outback with very little creature comforts, in hopes of getting some mega-tantrums from Ms. Kreider on film.
"Wasn't Kate in Paris at one point this year? Without the kids?"
It is so interesting to see how many legal eagles are on this board, those with insights into the law and exactly what contracts were introduced into evidence, what was contained within these documents, why the judge had other options in this case, and how the law was interpreted incorrectly! Perhaps someone could provide a link to those documents so we all could play "judge for a day" and rule on this one, based on the evidence submitted!
"The judge would have been following the law by enforcing that visitation schedule in response to Kate's petition to override the custody agreement and take the kids to Australia, including but not limited to Kate agreeing to provide travel and hotel accommodations for Jon to fly out to Australia and be with the children during his scheduled visitation time."
If this wasn't part of the original custody agreement, Jon did not have to agree to this even if it were offered. He shouldn't have to take a flight around the world just to spend time with his kids. Maybe he had no desire to go to Australia. Could you see Kate shelling out resources for him to do this? Why would she agree? She doesn't even pay for her own trips (couldn't go to the Statue of Liberty when it was not funded by TLC). Do you think that she would pay him for anything? Perhaps the law regarding whose decision it was to film superceded his visitation rights, and this wasn't even an option that could have been given. We haven't seen the agreements; we just don't know.
Judges aren't supposed to make laws, they are supposed to interpret the laws. If the law is clear there is not much to interpet.
Judges have always interpreted the law many different ways. I've often wondered if that is one reason laws comprise reams upon reams of paper -- so they cannot be misinterpreted and or to cover every contingency, but what's clear to one judge isn't so clear to another.
I'm not clear what Jon was asking when he last saw the judge...more custody...the kids should no go abroad...? What law was the judge following, therefore? Was he following the child custody agreement or were they arguing filming of the kids??
I just don't see this as so black and white.
@Michelle - Just because the court "may" appoint an attorney for the children doesn't mean they "have" to. And since the courts have taken away Jon's say about filming, traveling, etc. - they would probably take Kate's word over his about a separate attorney. I'm sure she's said they don't need one.
silimom - How is Jon supposed to fly to Australia when he has a new job? I doubt he has much vacation time yet.
Admin, about the Judge just following the law, I'm not sure I understand. Yes, there is no law against filming the children. But there is also no law against a lot of things that are not in the children's best interest. Isn't that the overriding concern? As I understand it, Jon and Kate have joint custody. They have equal say in important decisions regarding the kids and if they disagree, they go before a Judge who decides. How would it have been not following the law for the Judge to have decided that taking children out of the country, missing school when they are already having seirous behavior issues there, and depriving their father of his holiday custody time, were not in the best interests of the children or violative of a custoday agreement?
None of this makes sense to me. How could a judge order these eight children to go to work and miss school? I thought the days children working in a sweatshop instead of being educated were over. I cannot believe that there is not a foundation here for Jon to challenge this. You have 8 children, at least 2 of which were struggling in school to the point of expulsion. It is not as if they were all doing well in school and could quickly make up any work when they got back. These children are going to be in even rougher shape once they come back to their school routine. Get ready for more expulsions, I would expect. Is there any reason to hope for these kids making it anymore?
One good thing I have noticed is the articles written about the goings on of the Gosselins have dropped significantly. I go to Google News to search news and the number has dropped form the thousands in the past to under 100. No matter how big the news is about them I haven't seen the number of articles go above 100 in a long time. Most of the articles are written by a few select sites too. Very rarely are they legitimate sites. Of course it was an exception with the Sarah Palin trip but interest is just fading into the sunset. The Gosselins are not big news anymore. It's just a matter of time.
I wanted to make a suggestion, and that we try writing to the politicians in Australia. The Federal Minister for Youth is Peter Garrett (a minor celebrity himself in Australia, where he was frontman for Midnight Oil).
I recommend contacting Federal politicians as they have influence all over Australia, rather than trying to guess which State Kate is going to be visiting.
It might also be a good idea to contact the shadow minister (always keen to stand up and say something if the party in power do nothing), and his name is Luke Hartsuyker.
Another one who has shown great intestinal fortitude, and the ability to make a big noise in the media is Senator Nick Xenophon. In the last year he has been attempting to take on the Church of Scientology, to have it's 'tax free status' removed.
I'm going to start writing letters tomorrow. It was also interesting to see many of the comments on the news.com.au article from people either not knowing who Kate was, or up in arms because they hoped we weren't paying for another Oprah junket!
Weather in Aus....fires and floods, she couldn't be going at a better time:
Preesi has a scan from Life & Style magazine which says the children were wild when visiting the Liberty Bell. They were trying to touch the bell, etc. And Supermom Kate defended their behavior.
Children have to be taught good manners, and they can be. But not in the circus atmosphere that Kate Gosselin has created. Get them off the road and turn the cameras off, Kate. Let them spend some one-on-one time with you and Jon. (Well, with Jon!) You think this is bad? Wait until they're teens...
I guess the naysayers were wrong said... Where are those people who were so quick to lecture grown adults and insult the one person who was providing some limited inside info? That person's info turned out to be legit but after being "raked over the coals" (anon's words) they've disappeared.
I agree. No need to lecture adults on what they choose to believe.
On the other hand, Anononthis specifically said TLC had decided to make it more of a homebased show and end all the traveling which Kate was pissed about. That was followed up with filming all over Philadelphia and a trip downunder which doesn't jive at all with this round of inside info.
Kate Gosselin Isn't Going Anywhere said...
Either that or she's not amused that there wasn't an entourage awaiting her hand and foot when they landed. One airline personnel will not suffice this diva queen.
Good grief. Have any of you ever gotten off a plane after a really long flight? Most people are not grinning from ear to ear; they're tired and somewhat disoriented.
Well, Kate never seems to be grinning AT ALL when she is with her children, whether she has just finished a very long flight or not. New York was not far from their house and she was hateful and mean there. She was hateful and mean in Disney World. She was even hateful and mean in the party store during the "Halloween" episode, and that was a mere few miles from her house via the van. I really don't think the long flight has anything to do with Kate's expression in that photo. To me it looks like her expression every time she's with her kids.
Just saw this, here's the letter from the executors of Michael Jackson's estate to Discovery. I hate to say it but I kind of laugh at the way they're trying to appeal to Discovery's conscience and sense of morals....like they have any of that.
"Your decision to even schedule this program is in shockingly bad taste, insensitive to Michael's family and appears motivated solely by your blind desire to exploit Michael's death, while cynically attempting to dupe the public into believing this show will have serious medical value. We were especially outraged when a sickening print advertisement for the program appeared making light of Michael's death by depicting a corpse sprawled on a steel gurney covered by a sheet with a hand sticking out wearing Michael's signature glove."
You know another point about Discovery, if they were to actually back down on showing this program I think it would be to their benefit, they won't lose all of Michael Jackson's fans as viewers. But because they are so blinded by their stubborness and arrogance they don't see that the cost-benefit of caving is actually probably a better way to go.
Happy, and healthy New Year to all :o)
It's been a pleasure sharing my thoughts with all of you. It's a breath of fresh air being surrounded by intelligent, and funny people.
I joined this website because I noticed that we all had the same gut feeling- that something has been desperately wrong with the Gosselin situation for many years. My hope for this year is that justice will prevail for the Gosselin 8, and for all minors that are being forced to work.
Never give up the fight folks.
Take care,
I want to share an interesting quote with all of you:
*When people don't know how to change something, they often start searching for a way to justify failure, rather than thinking about how they could try doing something different to make it work. - Richard Bandler
***Think about it the next time you read a comment that defends Kate's actions.***
So, Kate made it to Australia, in the SUMMER. I asked on the other thread if she was going to drag her kids around through the humidity & heat while she bounces around in her bikini for ratings. I hope she remembers water for the kids this time. I hope she researched where the hell they are they going, instead of saying "oh, this is a big Opera House, where they sing Opera". Although they are FILMING, yet again, & Kate can't get ever get away from that, she could use this opportunity to look like a good mom, & not a stupid, bad, moronic, ME ME ME mom, & teach her kids something about where they are.
Why can't she just take her kids to places without the damn cameras? Doesn't she realize her kids aren't stupid?? They KNOW what she's doing. They know Kate uses them, especially the twins. I'll say it again, I hope this show, whether it's a 2-parter or what, bombs. Kate can't help but melt-down. She can't help but yell at her innocent kids. That CAN'T be the draw anymore. The scenery & beauty of Australia/NZ won't cut it for many people. Kate is done. Let this show implode.
When will this show air? When people will have lost interest in Kate? Or does she & TLC have something planned to keep her relevant?
HW -- I so agree with you. The only thing I would add to what you said is Kate never smiles at all unless a camera from TLC or one of the talk shows is plastered in her face. When she is out and about she has that sour, I'm entitled, I'm so much better than you look on her face. I've said before, I don't care if she is exhausted after a flight, all it takes is a look other than that b*tch from hell look she always gives the camera. But she can't even do that. She makes me sick.
Hippie Chick said... So, Kate made it to Australia, in the SUMMER. I asked on the other thread if she was going to drag her kids around through the humidity & heat while she bounces around in her bikini for ratings. I hope she remembers water for the kids this time. I hope she researched where the hell they are they going, instead of saying "oh, this is a big Opera House, where they sing Opera". Although they are FILMING, yet again, & Kate can't get ever get away from that, she could use this opportunity to look like a good mom, & not a stupid, bad, moronic, ME ME ME mom, & teach her kids something about where they are.
Why can't she just take her kids to places without the damn cameras? Doesn't she realize her kids aren't stupid?? They KNOW what she's doing. They know Kate uses them, especially the twins. I'll say it again, I hope this show, whether it's a 2-parter or what, bombs. Kate can't help but melt-down. She can't help but yell at her innocent kids. That CAN'T be the draw anymore. The scenery & beauty of Australia/NZ won't cut it for many people. Kate is done. Let this show implode.
Hippie Chick - I wholeheartedly agree. This sham as Kate as a "good mother" needs to end. Any normal person can see that she uses her kids for her own purposes, that the filming of her kids has had a HUGE impact on her kids, and that she is doing what is best for her in every instance. Let this travesty end. Kate has no boundaries when it comes to her kids. It is all about HER, in spite of her kids. I still can not believe she pulled them out of school for this trip. Where does the insanity end??
Just an observation...this isn't the haircut she got in NYC a few weeks ago...looks like longer extensions have been added and it is NOT a good look for Kate...it drags her face down, making her look older. She looks like hell in the above pic.
cathy518 said... None of this makes sense to me. How could a judge order these eight children to go to work and miss school? I thought the days children working in a sweatshop instead of being educated were over.
I couldn't agree more w/ you Cathy. Someone needs to report/complain about this Judge's rulings...it very much appears he is on TLC's payroll.
Administrator said...I hate to say it but I kind of laugh at the way they're trying to appeal to Discovery's conscience and sense of morals....like they have any of that.
Disovery's proclivity for exploiting people knows no bounds. It isn't enough that Michael was pushed into the spotlight at a young age by a father whose only goal was to get rich off of him, they want to exploit his death now too. They're a sick bunch.
Here's the reformatted letter I would write to Discovery/TLC concerning the Gosselin kids:
"Your decision to even schedule this program is in shockingly bad taste, insensitive to eight young children and appears motivated solely by your blind desire to exploit them, while cynically attempting to dupe the public into believing this show will have entertainment value. We were especially outraged when a sickening advertisement for the program appeared making light of their situation by depicting a deranged mother sprawled on a beach barely covered by a "really good bikini" enjoying a cool drink as her kids were being worked to the point of exhaustion in high winds, 103 degree temperatures and raging fires while their peers enjoyed a delightful snowy Christmas vacation back in the U.S."
Hippie Chick said...
So, Kate made it to Australia, in the SUMMER. I asked on the other thread if she was going to drag her kids around through the humidity & heat while she bounces around in her bikini for ratings. I hope she remembers water for the kids this time. I hope she researched where the hell they are they going, instead of saying "oh, this is a big Opera House, where they sing Opera".
If Australia is anything like kHATE's educational trip to the Statue of Liberty, it'll be more like, "Say HI to the Opera House! Hi Mr. Opera House!!"
One word describes Kate physically, emotionally, and spiritually.....
I've made the trip to Australia...when I was 18. It is a brutal trip that takes days to recover from. Under normal circumstances, this is a rough trip for kids. To have to work as well, this just makes me sick to my stomach. I believe TLC is putting Kate in situations that will bring out the worst in her, for that is the only way for the show to continue to succeed.
I also wonder if Jon truly did all he could to sotp this. I'm really finished with this trainwreck, and I feel like I'm contributing by reading the blogs. So, keep up the good work, but I'm going to forget about Kate entirely and just hope that this all eventually ends.
I've said before, I don't care if she is exhausted after a flight, all it takes is a look other than that b*tch from hell look she always gives the camera. But she can't even do that. She makes me sick.
I keep thinking of a line from Legally Blonde, where Elle says, "When I dress up as a frigid bitch, I try not to look so constipated."
Perfect fit for Kate.
Wonder if she even showed the kids where they were going on a world map? Heck, I wonder if she even bothered to look on a map. Doubt her global awareness is very deep. When we travel, I always read up about the places we are going to visit. Perhaps the twins will have some appreciation of this international adventure; doubt the others will at their age, especially with no guidance from their barely literate mother. And again, here's to timing - who really cares where they were, where they go when TLC puts this on the air in oh, maybe, March?
Hi Mr. Opera House is definitely her speed.
She told the kids they were going to ski with the Von traps.
Billibong said...
Moose Mania - Sorry but your information is not correct. The children are not of age to sign contracts or to legally sue.
I didn't provide any information that said that they did. I asked a question...IF an attorney is provided for each of the kids, could each of them demand that that the contract be broken? I didn't know -- that's why I asked. And IF they could, what would happen? Would Kate still be under contract?
PA courts may appoint attorneys for minors. That's the law. In this case, wouldn't the attorneys, on behalf of the kids, be able to file a motion to cease filming? If not, then what is the purpose of each of the children having an attorney? Admin?
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
Happy, and healthy New Year to all :o)
It's been a pleasure sharing my thoughts with all of you. It's a breath of fresh air being surrounded by intelligent, and funny people.
I joined this website because I noticed that we all had the same gut feeling- that something has been desperately wrong with the Gosselin situation for many years. My hope for this year is that justice will prevail for the Gosselin 8, and for all minors that are being forced to work.
Never give up the fight folks.
Take care,
I agree, and want to repeat what she said: I hope everyone on here has a Happy New Year, and here's hoping things get better for the Gosselin kids! I am so glad to be part of a group that is against Kate and sees her for who she is. When J and K were going through their divorce, it seemed a lot of people were on Kate's side, saying Jon shouldn't have cheated on her, she's a hard-working mom w/ 8 kids, etc. I felt like I was the only one who saw Kate's meanness and nastiness to Jon; I've seen people say that "well, she had to treat him that way b/c he never stepped up and did anything, he was like her 9th child." Bull. There is NEVER an excuse to be mean to someone. EVER. Even if Jon hadn't done anything or stepped up, Kate could've taken the high road and been kinder instead of constantly screaming at him. Here's an article Kate needs to read:
Happy New Year, everyone!!
Isn't Discovery now OWN? Would Oprah give her blessings to an exploitation show about Jackson's autopsy? It just doesn't sound like something to which she would agree.
Kate: Say hi to Mr. Opera House
Kids: Hi, Mr. Oprah House
Kate: It's Opera, not Oprah
Kids: What's the difference?
Kate: Nothing. Say hi to Mrs. Oprah House
Puddymoors said...
I wanted to make a suggestion, and that we try writing to the politicians in Australia. The Federal Minister for Youth is Peter Garrett (a minor celebrity himself in Australia, where he was frontman for Midnight Oil).
I recommend contacting Federal politicians as they have influence all over Australia, rather than trying to guess which State Kate is going to be visiting.
It might also be a good idea to contact the shadow minister (always keen to stand up and say something if the party in power do nothing), and his name is Luke Hartsuyker.
Another one who has shown great intestinal fortitude, and the ability to make a big noise in the media is Senator Nick Xenophon. In the last year he has been attempting to take on the Church of Scientology, to have it's 'tax free status' removed.
I'm going to start writing letters tomorrow. It was also interesting to see many of the comments on the news.com.au article from people either not knowing who Kate was, or up in arms because they hoped we weren't paying for another Oprah junket!
What do you expect a politician to do, throw them out of the country? On what grounds?
LOL@ "She told the kids they were going to ski with the Von traps."
What do you expect a politician to do, throw them out of the country? On what grounds?
I'm not sure either what a politician would do! Maybe those Down Under are concerned that their country is funding the trip.
I'd be more interested in finding out what, if any, child labor laws exist in Australia and New Zealand, and if those laws were being followed.
Isn't Discovery now OWN? Would Oprah give her blessings to an exploitation show about Jackson's autopsy? It just doesn't sound like something to which she would agree?
She got where she is today because she has exploitation down to a science.
Midnight Madness said... Isn't Discovery now OWN? Would Oprah give her blessings to an exploitation show about Jackson's autopsy? It just doesn't sound like something to which she would agree.
Oprah is just as willing to exploit Michael as the next sensational journalist. She never, and I mean, NEVER passes up a chance to ask questions about his alleged drug use or the molestation charges. I understand that those issues are always going to cloud Michael's memory, but there are a lot of facts that can be found to refute them. She never refers to THOSE facts!
I just read that Discovery has dropped its plans to televise the MJ autopsy re-enactment citing ongoing legal proceedings and input from the MJ Estate.
Midnight Madness said...
Isn't Discovery now OWN? Would Oprah give her blessings to an exploitation show about Jackson's autopsy? It just doesn't sound like something to which she would agree.
Discovery HEALTH is now OWN.
Do you think they will be filming with Bindi Irwin?
What's the Point? said...
Puddymoors said...
I wanted to make a suggestion, and that we try writing to the politicians in Australia.
What do you expect a politician to do, throw them out of the country? On what grounds?
Maybe raise awareness of the Gosselin kids situation, Jon's disagreement with the trip, that they are missing school, some have emotional problems, child exploitation, TLC's complicity in the mess, etc.
Maybe..... there are is a politician in Australia who is interested in children and parental rights (unlike the majority of them in the USA) and who might like to havet their name in the press to start off the new year.
Midnight Madness said... Isn't Discovery now OWN? Would Oprah give her blessings to an exploitation show about Jackson's autopsy? It just doesn't sound like something to which she would agree.
Discovery Networks owns OWN, not the other way around. OWN will take over the space of Discovery Health, which I think is just going bye-bye.
JoyinVirginia said...
From news reports, Queensland Australia is having terrible floods right now. One can only hope that coverage of a real natural disaster will cut down on coverage of this man-made disaster of Ms. Kreider and her Krew arriving down under.
What makes you think the Gosselins' trip is going to garner extensive coverage? They're not the center of the universe.
She got where she is today because she has exploitation down to a science.
I agree! Our new Gov. elect, Ms. Hailey, denied Oprah's request to film Susan Smith in prison. I do NOT like Oprah.
GWOP has an interesting post up from a F/A in case you haven't seen it.
AuntieAnn said...
She got where she is today because she has exploitation down to a science.
THANK YOU, Auntie Ann. For those of us old enough to remember the 80’s, Oprah hinged her career/talk show on exploitive “journalism” a la Maury Povitch and Jerry Springer. She’s since re-invented herself as the “sophisticated bookworm” (gag), but those of us who watched the evolution of her career are not fooled. She started her talk show as a Mumu-wearing, overweight, over-the-top-eye-shadow-smeared exploiter who consistently encouraged guests and viewers to “name their abuser.” God knows how, but she’s managed to metamorphose herself into someone who is seemingly sophisticated and worldly. Despite that smoke-screen, she’s still the same exploiter she’s always been – she just does it in better shoes now. And, while I do admire some of the charitable work Oprah has done in recent years, she loses major points for the fact that she ALWAYS has a camera crew in tow when doing good deeds. The insistence on being recognized for doing good deeds, in my book, sort of negates the true purpose of the deed.
Anyone else notice in the picture above, only one person is looking at them. The rest are going about their own business as though her royal highness is not even there. Priceless.
About the Flight... said...
GWOP has an interesting post up from a F/A in case you haven't seen it.
Could you please give the screen name of the poster, or time of post, etc. so it's easier to find. Thx.
Maybe raise awareness of the Gosselin kids situation, Jon's disagreement with the trip, that they are missing school, some have emotional problems, child exploitation, TLC's complicity in the mess, etc.
Maybe..... there are is a politician in Australia who is interested in children and parental rights (unlike the majority of them in the USA) and who might like to havet their name in the press to start off the new year.
Guess I'm dumb, but for what purpose? Why would Australians care that an American pulled kids out of school? There must be a reason for a politician to call awareness to these things. What would the end result be? Other than "awareness" what would you hope to achieve?
/31/2010 1:22 PM
F/A's stick together said.......
According to the flight attendant, the 8 little Gosselin kids threw their pillows and blankets all over the place and didn't bother to pick them up before they left the plane. I took my kids to the dentist yesterday and I MADE them clean up all the toys and magazines in the dentist's office. I told them that it was RUDE and inconsiderate to leave a place in such a shape. I'll be darned if I am going to raise a bunch of ungrateful, self-entitled brats for kids like those Gosselin kids seem to be turning out. I was so proud of my kids after they straightened the place out, and they were proud of themselves, too. We will probably NEVER have the money to go to Australia and New Zealand, but we will always have our pride, dignity and respect. There is no hope for those Gosselin kids. I feel as if they are being brought up to be like wild animals. By the way, In Touch magazine has an article that says the Gosselin kids were *OUT OF CONTROL* as well at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia.
I have time to burn for a few, found this link on Preesi's site. Interesting as well.
That Huffington Post article is a MUST READ. I will do a separate post. Thanks, Another.
They said exactly what I said, if you hate Daddy the child will feel you hate them too, as they are half Daddy. You must hate at least half of them then.
Y/W admin - Exactly - the problem with Khate is that she just plain doesn't care. She can't see past the nose on her face. One day maybe just maybe she will cut her nose off to spite her face (raised on sayings here).
In January '06 Oprah and Discovery announced the formation of a partnership for OWN.
"Winfrey will serve as Chairman of The Oprah Winfrey Network, LLC and the venture will be 50/50 owned by Discovery and Harpo. This is a cashless transaction and The Oprah Winfrey Network, LLC will be an independent company."
And in August 2010 they amended their agreement.
"On August 6, 2010, Discovery Communications, LLC (“DCL”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Discovery Communications, Inc. (the “Company”), Harpo, Inc. and Oprah Winfrey entered into an amendment to their joint venture agreement governing OWN: The Oprah Winfrey Network (“OWN”). As part of the amendment, Ms. Winfrey has agreed to increase her on-air commitment to OWN, including hosting or starring in a show to air on OWN and DCL has agreed to increase its funding commitment to OWN from $100 million to $189 million, which funding will be in the form of a revolving loan from DCL and/or debt financing from a third party lender to OWN."
Is Oprah forced to cooperate with the morally corrupt Discovery Communications because of finances? How involved will Discovery be in her network's show's content? I'm NOT an Oprah fan, but I sure wonder if she sold her soul to corrupt Discovery to get the latest funding and why.
Oprah Schmropah said... Despite that smoke-screen, she’s still the same exploiter she’s always been – she just does it in better shoes now.
We're on the same page...I deleted a part of my earlier post that said Oprah was Jerry Springer only dressed nicer. She's made millions exploiting people yet it's almost blasphemy these days if you dare point that out.
What I'd give to have Phil Donohue come back. :o)
I don't think that "F/A stick together" post on GWOP is credible. It sounds just like something a sheeple would write to stir stuff up, especially the part about Mady being denied water again. I've been on that flight and many other overseas flights. You don't have to wake people up. They start bringing up the lights before they serve breakfast and they clang around quite a bit preparing that. By the time they start serving, pretty much everyone is up and ready to eat and they still have plenty of time to freshen up in the lavatory before landing, even with the long lines of people waiting to use the facilities.
I've been on that flight and many other overseas flights. You don't have to wake people up.
What if they are in Benedryl or Ambien-induced sleep? Wouldn't kids on Benedryl sleep very soundly?
I tend to agree with your assessment of the F/A comments. Nothing that we haven't heard before -- no new revelations. Anyone could have written that account.
PJ's momma said:
I've been on that flight and many other overseas flights. You don't have to wake people up.
Well, actually, if you've drugged children who've vomited on planes and boats before so that they will sleep through most of a 20-25 hour trip, you probably do have to wake them up, along with their drugged mother.
That would be just one more reason to bring the nannies along -- that and making sure the children got freshened up and changed before deplaning. Mama sure isn't going to do it.
The kids look drugged in the photo, but so would any small children dragged around the world on such an insane trip after a week of filming at home.
I find the denial of water, food, etc. for the last 45 minutes (once they'd been changed) completely believable, based on all the control freak dressing, feeding, etc., that's been seen previously.
The instructions reportedly given to the nanny attendants are completely consistent, as is the mother's apparent concern only with her own grooming.
It's really amazing to watch this abuse - this perfectly legal abuse - continue ad nauseum. It's so hard to believe that a parent/parents/an idiot judge are completely unable to see this for what it is and put a stop to it.
Lots of "nice" middle class families have horrific problems that others don't see, but this one's issues, and the destruction of its children, is right out in the open for all to see. No shame, no sense, just greed and meanness. Wow.
PJ's momma said... I don't think that "F/A stick together" post on GWOP is credible. It sounds just like something a sheeple would write to stir stuff up, especially the part about Mady being denied water again. I've been on that flight and many other overseas flights. You don't have to wake people up. They start bringing up the lights before they serve breakfast and they clang around quite a bit preparing that. By the time they start serving, pretty much everyone is up and ready to eat and they still have plenty of time to freshen up in the lavatory before landing, even with the long lines of people waiting to use the facilities.
But were you "relaxed" with the help of some Benedryl or other over the counter med that helped you sleep? We're told Kate takes something to sleep and also has the kids take something. It may take longer to wake up in that case.
Is Oprah forced to cooperate with the morally corrupt Discovery Communications because of finances? How involved will Discovery be in her network's show's content? I'm NOT an Oprah fan, but I sure wonder if she sold her soul to corrupt Discovery to get the latest funding and why.
Interestingly enough, just this week Oprah dedicated an entire episode to Reality TV's Big Stars. No Kardashians. No Real Housewives. No Jersey Shore cast.
Instead, it was all Discovery shows: "Cash Cab", Mike Rowe of "Dirty Jobs/Deadliest Catch", and some fresh faces of TLC - "DC Cupcakes" and "Quints by Surprise".
It looked like one big promotion to encourage Oprah's viewers to also tune into these shows. It had Discovery written all over it, and Oprah was just the pawn.
Not to mention, when the Sister Wives cast made an appearance on her show, it was filled with fluff and no hard-hitting questions one would expect from someone of Oprah's caliber.
About the Flight... said... GWOP has an interesting post up from a F/A in case you haven't seen it.
OK, OK, you all got me, I had not considered the possibility the kids were drugged on the flight and NEEDED to be woken up. I once took an Ambien out of desperation because of really bad jet lag,and I slept 20 hours straight. However, too many other things about that FSA post on GWOP made me scratch my head. Liz Claiborne top? HOW would they know the brand of the top and is Liz Claiborne even making clothes now? They've shut down the Liz stores in my area, but maybe they sell them at Kohl's or something. It's just too many weird and specific details, but yes, if someone is on Benadryl or Ambien, they would certainly be hard to wake up. AND that person posted again and said they did not comply with their 'marching orders' and Kate's minions did all the work. But I still find it a weird post. I dunno.......some 'anonymous' sources have certainly be proven to be credible, so I could be wrong.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! May it be one of peace and stability for everyone - including the Gosselin 8!
Searching for a F/A post? said...
About the Flight... said... GWOP has an interesting post up from a F/A in case you haven't seen it.
Go to GWOP, click on Free Discussions Through 12/31, it's F/A stick post @1:27 p.m.
Liz Claiborne top? HOW would they know the brand of the top and is Liz Claiborne even making clothes now?
LOL!! I was just about to ask if the F/As checked the tag in her top! Maybe one of the F/As had the same top, or had seen it in a store.
Yes, JC Penney and QVC were still selling Liz the last time I checked; our outlet store closed.
People who wear designer clothes know them when they see them. Maybe Khate told one one of her minions to have the Liz Claiborn top ready for her when she woke up. She is loud and obnoxious and is a name dropper. That post was not written by a sheeple. Words like amenities and acoutrements, whomever, nahhh. Millions of people of hit these boards whether they post or not. Let's be thankful that people are speaking out and not discourage them from doing so by being doubting Thomases. It wasn't long ago we were wondering why in the world do people not speak out. And now that they are we should welcome them and encourage them for doing so and not be so jaded by Khate and her minions that we think it is some sort of a broad conspiracy. I sound like Hillary there -
and the most brilliant statement ever made in a deposition - it depends on what your definition of is is.
I went on a few Australian Newspaper sites and read the comments about Kate being there. The majority of people didn't even know who she is and the rest felt pretty much the same as most of us here. They can't stand her.
@ Not a Conspiracy said...Millions of people of hit these boards whether they post or not. ---> If that's the case, then I rest MY case -- these boards create a lot of curiosity, which causes people to watch the show...
and... and the most brilliant statement ever made in a deposition - it depends on what your definition of is is. ---> Perhaps that's what Jon needs, "The Bill Clinton Handbook of Obfuscation and Lies." It worked for him!
Not a Conspiracy said...
People who wear designer clothes know them when they see them. Maybe Khate told one one of her minions to have the Liz Claiborn top ready for her when she woke up. She is loud and obnoxious and is a name dropper. That post was not written by a sheeple. Words like amenities and acoutrements, whomever, nahhh. Millions of people of hit these boards whether they post or not. Let's be thankful that people are speaking out and not discourage them from doing so by being doubting Thomases. It wasn't long ago we were wondering why in the world do people not speak out. And now that they are we should welcome them and encourage them for doing so and not be so jaded by Khate and her minions that we think it is some sort of a broad conspiracy. I sound like Hillary there -
and the most brilliant statement ever made in a deposition - it depends on what your definition of is is.
If you choose to believe every piece of gossip on the Internet that aligns with what want to believe, that is your business. It doesn't take a conspiracy theorist to recognize that anybody can post anything online anonymously. The latest flight attendant post on GWOP reeks of BS to me. The story -- and I do believe it is just that -- ends with Mady asking for a drink. Come on.
The story -- and I do believe it is just that -- ends with Mady asking for a drink. Come on.
That's what is so suspicious about the whole story -- that a flight attendant would be aware of the "deny Mady a drink of water" story that happened some time ago. Are F/A's really into the whole Gosselin saga? It sounds more like it was written by someone who is very familiar with the goings-on of the Gosselins, someone who just wants attention.
and... and the most brilliant statement ever made in a deposition - it depends on what your definition of is is. ---> Perhaps that's what Jon needs, "The Bill Clinton Handbook of Obfuscation and Lies." It worked for him!
Not really. He was still impeached for obstruction of justice and perjury!
I Did Not Have Sex With That Woman! said...
and... and the most brilliant statement ever made in a deposition - it depends on what your definition of is is. ---> Perhaps that's what Jon needs, "The Bill Clinton Handbook of Obfuscation and Lies." It worked for him!
Not really. He was still impeached for obstruction of justice and perjury!
And he was "impeached" by the House of Representatives and acquitted by the Senate. He remained in office.
The title for the photo above should be " Kate Looks for Alleged Hounding Photographers with Great Disappointment."
Seriously, even in in US, there are no papparazzi, other than INF Chris, who has a deal with Kate to photograph her. $$$
There is no papparazzi blitz Kate, so get over yourself. No one gives a damn about you anymore and do not wish to photograph your kids thereby exploiting them. Well, except for Chris, with both of you making money off the photos. You must be so proud of yourself for claiming papparazzi won't stop, when you in fact, you arrange photos of your kids for $$$. Even your kids know this at this point. You are surely a great parent, who does not have the desire to find your own way, minus your kids and all of the filming that is ultimately destroying them.
This woman needs to be stopped, she does not care one iota of how the filming effects her kids, and a lawyer who can actually address this in Court needs to come forward. It may be too late, but we all know Kate will continue to film her kids for her own benefit no matter what. AND THIS NEEDS TO STOP. Why isn't there someone to represent the kids since they did not enter in to this contract? TWO KIDS EXPELLED, MISSING WEEKS OF SCHOOL, seriously...Is Kate a good judge of what is best for her kids? We all know the answer.
"And he was "impeached" by the House of Representatives and acquitted by the Senate. He remained in office."
I think that's recorded in history! Fact is, though, he is only the second President to have been impeached. Not a very impressive legacy.
"And he was "impeached" by the House of Representatives and acquitted by the Senate. He remained in office."
I think that's recorded in history! Fact is, though, he is only the second President to have been impeached. Not a very impressive legacy.
I Did Not Have Sex With That Woman! said...
and... and the most brilliant statement ever made in a deposition - it depends on what your definition of is is. ---> Perhaps that's what Jon needs, "The Bill Clinton Handbook of Obfuscation and Lies." It worked for him!
Not really. He was still impeached for obstruction of justice and perjury!
And he was "impeached" by the House of Representatives and acquitted by the Senate. He remained in office.
and... and the most brilliant statement ever made in a deposition - it depends on what your definition of is is. ---> Perhaps that's what Jon needs, "The Bill Clinton Handbook of Obfuscation and Lies." It worked for him!
Not really. He was still impeached for obstruction of justice and perjury!
Liz Claiborne top? HOW would they know the brand of the top and is Liz Claiborne even making clothes now?
LOL!! I was just about to ask if the F/As checked the tag in her top! Maybe one of the F/As had the same top, or had seen it in a store.
Yes, JC Penney and QVC were still selling Liz the last time I checked; our outlet store closed.
OK, OK, you all got me, I had not considered the possibility the kids were drugged on the flight and NEEDED to be woken up. I once took an Ambien out of desperation because of really bad jet lag,and I slept 20 hours straight. However, too many other things about that FSA post on GWOP made me scratch my head. Liz Claiborne top? HOW would they know the brand of the top and is Liz Claiborne even making clothes now? They've shut down the Liz stores in my area, but maybe they sell them at Kohl's or something. It's just too many weird and specific details, but yes, if someone is on Benadryl or Ambien, they would certainly be hard to wake up. AND that person posted again and said they did not comply with their 'marching orders' and Kate's minions did all the work. But I still find it a weird post. I dunno.......some 'anonymous' sources have certainly be proven to be credible, so I could be wrong.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! May it be one of peace and stability for everyone - including the Gosselin 8!
Is Oprah forced to cooperate with the morally corrupt Discovery Communications because of finances? How involved will Discovery be in her network's show's content? I'm NOT an Oprah fan, but I sure wonder if she sold her soul to corrupt Discovery to get the latest funding and why.
Interestingly enough, just this week Oprah dedicated an entire episode to Reality TV's Big Stars. No Kardashians. No Real Housewives. No Jersey Shore cast.
Instead, it was all Discovery shows: "Cash Cab", Mike Rowe of "Dirty Jobs/Deadliest Catch", and some fresh faces of TLC - "DC Cupcakes" and "Quints by Surprise".
It looked like one big promotion to encourage Oprah's viewers to also tune into these shows. It had Discovery written all over it, and Oprah was just the pawn.
Not to mention, when the Sister Wives cast made an appearance on her show, it was filled with fluff and no hard-hitting questions one would expect from someone of Oprah's caliber.
Not a Conspiracy said...
People who wear designer clothes know them when they see them. Maybe Khate told one one of her minions to have the Liz Claiborn top ready for her when she woke up. She is loud and obnoxious and is a name dropper. That post was not written by a sheeple. Words like amenities and acoutrements, whomever, nahhh. Millions of people of hit these boards whether they post or not. Let's be thankful that people are speaking out and not discourage them from doing so by being doubting Thomases. It wasn't long ago we were wondering why in the world do people not speak out. And now that they are we should welcome them and encourage them for doing so and not be so jaded by Khate and her minions that we think it is some sort of a broad conspiracy. I sound like Hillary there -
and the most brilliant statement ever made in a deposition - it depends on what your definition of is is.
If you choose to believe every piece of gossip on the Internet that aligns with what want to believe, that is your business. It doesn't take a conspiracy theorist to recognize that anybody can post anything online anonymously. The latest flight attendant post on GWOP reeks of BS to me. The story -- and I do believe it is just that -- ends with Mady asking for a drink. Come on.
In January '06 Oprah and Discovery announced the formation of a partnership for OWN.
"Winfrey will serve as Chairman of The Oprah Winfrey Network, LLC and the venture will be 50/50 owned by Discovery and Harpo. This is a cashless transaction and The Oprah Winfrey Network, LLC will be an independent company."
And in August 2010 they amended their agreement.
"On August 6, 2010, Discovery Communications, LLC (“DCL”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Discovery Communications, Inc. (the “Company”), Harpo, Inc. and Oprah Winfrey entered into an amendment to their joint venture agreement governing OWN: The Oprah Winfrey Network (“OWN”). As part of the amendment, Ms. Winfrey has agreed to increase her on-air commitment to OWN, including hosting or starring in a show to air on OWN and DCL has agreed to increase its funding commitment to OWN from $100 million to $189 million, which funding will be in the form of a revolving loan from DCL and/or debt financing from a third party lender to OWN."
Is Oprah forced to cooperate with the morally corrupt Discovery Communications because of finances? How involved will Discovery be in her network's show's content? I'm NOT an Oprah fan, but I sure wonder if she sold her soul to corrupt Discovery to get the latest funding and why.
Y/W admin - Exactly - the problem with Khate is that she just plain doesn't care. She can't see past the nose on her face. One day maybe just maybe she will cut her nose off to spite her face (raised on sayings here).
I have time to burn for a few, found this link on Preesi's site. Interesting as well.
According to the flight attendant, the 8 little Gosselin kids threw their pillows and blankets all over the place and didn't bother to pick them up before they left the plane. I took my kids to the dentist yesterday and I MADE them clean up all the toys and magazines in the dentist's office. I told them that it was RUDE and inconsiderate to leave a place in such a shape. I'll be darned if I am going to raise a bunch of ungrateful, self-entitled brats for kids like those Gosselin kids seem to be turning out. I was so proud of my kids after they straightened the place out, and they were proud of themselves, too. We will probably NEVER have the money to go to Australia and New Zealand, but we will always have our pride, dignity and respect. There is no hope for those Gosselin kids. I feel as if they are being brought up to be like wild animals. By the way, In Touch magazine has an article that says the Gosselin kids were *OUT OF CONTROL* as well at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia.
/31/2010 1:22 PM
F/A's stick together said.......
About the Flight... said...
GWOP has an interesting post up from a F/A in case you haven't seen it.
Could you please give the screen name of the poster, or time of post, etc. so it's easier to find. Thx.
AuntieAnn said...
She got where she is today because she has exploitation down to a science.
THANK YOU, Auntie Ann. For those of us old enough to remember the 80’s, Oprah hinged her career/talk show on exploitive “journalism” a la Maury Povitch and Jerry Springer. She’s since re-invented herself as the “sophisticated bookworm” (gag), but those of us who watched the evolution of her career are not fooled. She started her talk show as a Mumu-wearing, overweight, over-the-top-eye-shadow-smeared exploiter who consistently encouraged guests and viewers to “name their abuser.” God knows how, but she’s managed to metamorphose herself into someone who is seemingly sophisticated and worldly. Despite that smoke-screen, she’s still the same exploiter she’s always been – she just does it in better shoes now. And, while I do admire some of the charitable work Oprah has done in recent years, she loses major points for the fact that she ALWAYS has a camera crew in tow when doing good deeds. The insistence on being recognized for doing good deeds, in my book, sort of negates the true purpose of the deed.
GWOP has an interesting post up from a F/A in case you haven't seen it.
JoyinVirginia said...
From news reports, Queensland Australia is having terrible floods right now. One can only hope that coverage of a real natural disaster will cut down on coverage of this man-made disaster of Ms. Kreider and her Krew arriving down under.
What makes you think the Gosselins' trip is going to garner extensive coverage? They're not the center of the universe.
What's the Point? said...
Puddymoors said...
I wanted to make a suggestion, and that we try writing to the politicians in Australia.
What do you expect a politician to do, throw them out of the country? On what grounds?
Maybe raise awareness of the Gosselin kids situation, Jon's disagreement with the trip, that they are missing school, some have emotional problems, child exploitation, TLC's complicity in the mess, etc.
Maybe..... there are is a politician in Australia who is interested in children and parental rights (unlike the majority of them in the USA) and who might like to havet their name in the press to start off the new year.
Midnight Madness said...
Isn't Discovery now OWN? Would Oprah give her blessings to an exploitation show about Jackson's autopsy? It just doesn't sound like something to which she would agree.
Discovery HEALTH is now OWN.
Administrator said...I hate to say it but I kind of laugh at the way they're trying to appeal to Discovery's conscience and sense of morals....like they have any of that.
Disovery's proclivity for exploiting people knows no bounds. It isn't enough that Michael was pushed into the spotlight at a young age by a father whose only goal was to get rich off of him, they want to exploit his death now too. They're a sick bunch.
Here's the reformatted letter I would write to Discovery/TLC concerning the Gosselin kids:
"Your decision to even schedule this program is in shockingly bad taste, insensitive to eight young children and appears motivated solely by your blind desire to exploit them, while cynically attempting to dupe the public into believing this show will have entertainment value. We were especially outraged when a sickening advertisement for the program appeared making light of their situation by depicting a deranged mother sprawled on a beach barely covered by a "really good bikini" enjoying a cool drink as her kids were being worked to the point of exhaustion in high winds, 103 degree temperatures and raging fires while their peers enjoyed a delightful snowy Christmas vacation back in the U.S."
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