Read no further if you don't want spoiler details of Kate's stab at roughing it.
For a few fleeting moments, it seems she will savor her visit with the Palin family. She instantly bonds with Sarah, as they compare notes on the predatory nature of the media.
"There's not a whole lot of people that I run into that can understand the scrutiny (by) the media and beyond," says Kate, whose crumbling marriage to Jon was documented on "Jon & Kate Plus 8" while it spurred a feeding frenzy from the tabloid press.
Now, single mom Kate and her kids just happened to be in Alaska taping one of her "Kate Plus 8" specials, which occasioned their guest spot with the Palins.
The first stop: Sarah takes Kate to a bear safety class to prepare her for their camping expedition.
On the road from Wasilla to the class in Anchorage, Sarah sort-of jokes that, in case of a bear attack, "You need a partner with you who's slower than you."
"Oh, my gosh!" replies Kate, who already was spooked by the bear rug in the Palins' home. "Sacrifice your friends?"
At the rifle range, she looks more miserable than she used to look with Jon.
And that's only the beginning.
The day of the camping trip, it's -- wouldn't you know? -- pouring rain.
Out in the middle of nowhere by a stream and surrounded by mountains, Sarah is smiling, chipper and (literally) loaded for bear.
"Rain or shine, Alaskans still camp. We still find a way to have fun," she chirps.
Then Kate and her kids land at the campsite. Quickly, Kate proves to be a bigger pill than a horse tranquilizer.
"I'm not worrying about bears right now," she is soon grousing. "I'm just worried about keeping my toes wiggling 'cause they're freezing."
Sarah, daughters Piper and Willow, husband Todd and other family members seem to be having a blast. So, for that matter, are Kate's youngsters.
"The kids are having fun, so I'm tolerating it, but this is my new home," grumbles Kate, having sullenly planted herself, apart from the rest, beneath a tarp. "I am miserable, but, I mean, somebody's got to be."
Sarah, ever gung-ho, announces to the group, "This is the most luxurious camping spot I've ever seen!"
Cut to Kate, who tells the camera, "It just kills me that people, like, willingly do this."
Soon everybody else is enjoying hamburgers, hot-dogs and s'mores from the camp fire.
Maybe it was finding out the hot-dogs are moose. About that time, Kate loses it.
"I don't see a table, I don't see utensils, I don't see hand-cleansing materials," she whimpers. "This is not ideal conditions. I am freezing to the bone, I have 19 layers on, my hands are frigid. I held it together as long as I could and I'm done now!"
She gathers up her children and, mere hours after their arrival, they have eaten and run.
Fortunately, Sarah knows the show must go on. Minus the Gosselins, she settles the crowd down for the night.
"Well, I thought we were gonna go camping with the Gosselins," she says when it's all over, full of glossy good cheer. "Turned out, we didn't. We had lunch with them on a sand bar."
193 sediments (sic) from readers:
I love that Kate fancies that she can relate to Sarah Palin.
Kate you are a D-list reality TV star who uses the raising of her kids to make it to the top. Sarah Palin is a life-long career woman who clawed her way to the top on her own merit WHILE raising kids.
I really wish they had said the kids were miserable to. It kills me that the kids were enjoying it, were having fun. And because Kate's precious little toes are cold she has to stop their fun and take them away.
If that's not a selfish, narcissist move I don't know what is. I can't think of any mother in my life who wouldn't move heaven and earth to give her children a good time no matter if her fingers were falling off. It's called LOVE.
She's SO weird.
Like, Black Hole Of Need that can only be successfully quantified by Michio Kaku-level weird.
Reminds me quite a bit of the woman who turned my mum on her head back in June...the kicker about that was that she accused Mum of using my near-death as an excuse to be a beetch to people and yet who was the first person she called when she went into the hospital with double vision and dizziness? My mum.
It's all about Kate, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.
It doesn't matter if she is in front of the President of the United States, or the Prime Minister of Britain, or the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon- she is an ingrate, lacking grace and substance.
I sure hope TLC shared the towel with Kate to wipe the egg off their faces. Yet, they continue on....
I had the opportunity of a lifetime when I camped for a month in New Zealand 2 January's ago. I decided to participate in the trip offered by my school to go outside of my comfort zone. I had NEVER camped prior to this but wanted a challenge and something outside of the norm. There were plenty of moments where I found myself freezing and miserable. There was a moment we were welcomed onto an indigenous Maori campsite to spend some time with the natives who welcomed us wholeheartedly. We ate what they offered us (beets, bread, cold stew) even though it was not very appetizing at the moment.
If one of our group members would've refused to eat or complained out loud I would have been SO embarrassed. There were plenty of opportunities to complain but we AGREED to go on the trip WILLINGLY just as Kate AGREED to go, for the sake of TV or not it doesn't matter. It's just common social skills to treat a host with respect and kindness.
Sorry- all these leaks and sneak peeks are just ploys to get people to watch! Everyone wants to see Khate look bad! I have seen comments on other sites where people write that they gotta see this. The fact that there are multiple articles-daily- 2 weeks before the show is more evidence that TLC is trying to drum up business. I, for one, am not falling into the trap!
Right there, she should have been fired. Done. She's not doing her job, she is making everyone around her miserable, she is acting like a self-entitled, spoiled bitch, & whatever I may think about Sarah Palin, she was having a great time, hosting a family when she didn't really have to, teaching them things, & was probably having a great time with the G kids. And there's Kate, whining like a child. Sarah Palin is a better person than I, because I would have told her to shut the hell up, deal with it, & kick her in the ass. (Maybe she did?)
If the reports are true about anyone witnessing Kate shaking Maddy & not doing anything about it, that is so wrong. And also, Kate has made one powerful enemy in Sarah Palin. Palin has a lot of celebs in her rolodex, Kate's an idiot. Yet again, proving it is ALL about her, & she does not care about those kids. The kids were probably having a blast, especially getting to hang out with other kids. Selfish selfish Kate. And she keeps digging her hole!
The publicity hype has begun....I predict big numbers for this upcoming Palin show and this will prove to TLC to keep Gosselin. I'm not so sure this wasn't all planned. I mean, it's so predictable that Kate would whine and you couldn't really expect her majesty to actually camp!
Unfortunately, too many anti-Kate bloggers are saying they will watch. This is exactly what TLC wants. Bill Gorman from TV By The Numbers has this to say:
"I don’t think any show, broadcast or cable, currently seems to have more of a preponderance of “anti-fans” than TLC’s Kate Plus 8. Lots of folks seem to be looking for the show’s ratings just to see if it’s done badly.
Bad news, I guess, for the anti-fans is that the show’s doing just fine for TLC and the ratings aren’t going to take Kate out of their line up anytime soon."
He's right.
At least for me, Kate's behavior is not acceptable, not funny, and sets a terrible example for her children and the viewers who allow their children to watch. Believe me, this appearance on Palin's show will not result in Kate's cancellation. I can only hope that eventually the reality show phenomenon goes the way of dinosaur soap operas and quiz shows.
And it doesn't matter to her that the camping trip was part of her "JOB" (roll eyes) I wonder if they docked her pay because she bailed after a couple of hours? Why the HELL did she agree to do it in the first place if she's NOT an out-doorsyish kind of girl? I agree, in Kart's eyes, Sarah was outstaging, outshining, outspeaking, outparenting her. Kate is used to calling all the shots, she felt threatened and like a spoiled little brat, she just left (not before stomping, crying, throwing things, whining, complaining...) I wonder if Babwa, Sherri, Meredith etc., will comment on THIS one?
Oh and I just love reading she's STILL using her catch-phrase "I'm DONE!"
Why does Palin have ANYTHING to do with Kate? It will hurt her for sure. I wish the media would stop giving kate a platform. Nothing like rewarding bad behavior with thousands of dollars.
Such idiots at TLC.
Wow. Just wow. I did not see the episode, but this doesn't surprise me.
Now I am a nature girl...during the day lol. I do not like sleeping outside, in a tent, a far trek from a washroom. But I do it for my husband. And even though I am afraid at first, I know that I am just being a drama queen and that the weekend will be so fun. I suck it up. I might squeal at a bug, or think that every noise at night is a racoon or bear breaking into our car...but I laugh it off.
It's called self-awareness; and sacrifice for the ones you love.
Too bad she doesn't know the meaning of those concepts....how sad.
They're talking about it on The View now.
This reminds me of when TLC filmed Steve Thomas on Gosselin go Green episode. How very rude Kate was to him and the entire crew for the entire episode. Even Jon made fun of Steve and his "enthusiam". I suppose that is why Steve has been so successful. A day time emmy winner, has hosted shows since 1986, yet he was treated with such scorn----by this talentless nincompoop. She was disrespectful, also, to world renouned chef, Emeril Lagasse.
I personally do not care for Palin's style of politics, however, to not show this woman and her family SOME semblence of respect while taping for HER show, is dispicable. Kate probably does not even know exactly who Palin is and what she has done in her life, nor cares.
TLC, you are paying this woman 250K--for what exactly?
Can this woman be anymore of Bitch!!! It always has and always will be all about KATE. She needs to do the world and her kids a favor ans STFU!!
This is great exposure actually. Palin has more viewers than Kate on her own. This is going to expose kate to a new audience who will see how horrible she actually is. The love for this poor single mom is going to fade fast. I dont see how even sheeple will be able to defend this selfish behavior. (although im sure they will find a way. hehe)
How many think they either set Kate up to be whiny & miserable or she was coached/directed to be that way just to get people to watch her 'meltdown'? (a possibly scripted one?) I have seen many who say they are going to watch SP just for the meltdown.
I am not watching!
off subject--Lillian Glass has a great post about Kate and her time with Meridith last week.
So let me get this straight - TLC showed this episode after they put out a disclaimer that it was actually going to air on 12th. Another bait and switch. I hope she didn't get a bump in ratings because I like many others watched last night because I didn't think Khate was going to be on there or I wouldn't have. Didn't pay that close attention but the new episode I saw was hunting with her dad. I watched Bama Belles at 10:00 so I don't know. They are playing fast and loose with Khate and the scheduling right now trying to trick people into watching her, it seems like. I am glad to didn't see it even though I was watching Palin Khate would have made me nauseated as always.
Sarah and Kate sitting round the camp fire cackling gleefully about how much money their kids made being on tv, how great it is having cameras in their private lives, how fun it is being celebrities, makes you just want to run out and vote one into the Presidency of the United States.
Is the one that was on last night? (I taped it and will watch tonight). Or is this the one to air 12/12?
So, I wonder how the sheeple will spin this one? "Mean ole Sarah Palin made Kate go out in the woods. She's selfish and for putting Kate in harms way!! She only made her go out in the woods because she is jellus of Kate and her great parenting!!"
Obviously when Kate is "done" everyone else should be done too. Does this woman ever do anything but screech, whine, give orders, and be hateful to her children? Good going Kate, you sacrifice your kids on the altar of your greed and we all watch and shake our heads. Let me rephrase thatlast sentence. Most of us don't watch but we do read about you. You make me sick.
Is anyone surprised by this? When has Kate ever stayed because the kids were having fun?( and without meltdowns or complainig,if she decided to stay): It sure wasn't at the crayola factory, or at the bakery or during the boys' special days or anywhere else for that matter...lol naive Sara Palin! To think would actually survive without the 5 stars hotel, Mexico and Steve
AS far as I'm concerned....all of you people who are still watching this nitwit, are just contributing to her success. stop watching, stop taping and make this nightmare go away!! If you you can't keep your eyes off of her then don't complain about her!
What ever happened to "Kan-do Kate?" I thought she was willing to try anything. I'm not a huge fan of camping, either, but I think anyone should be able to suck it up for one day, especially if their kids are having a good time.
I think its funny that a lot of people say they want to see Khate on "Survivor" (supposedly for the drama aspect), but seeing that she can't survive one freaking night camping, there's no way she'd be able to handle "Survivor". For those who don't watch "Survivor," last episode brought us not one, but two quitters which pissed off viewers, the other players and even Jeff Probst to no end. However, the two quitters were able to last 28 days in Nicaragua with little food or water, extremely harsh weather (pretty much non-stop rain)and difficult physical immunity challenges every three days. Not to mention, they were surrounded by strangers and hadn't seen their families for weeks, unlike Khate who had all of her kids with her. So, they may be getting a lot of grief for quitting, but compared to Khate, they did a pretty awesome job.
Can you imagine this woman as a maternity nurse? "I don't see sterile pads! I don't see hand cleaning equipment! I don't see a bedpan! This IS not ideal conditions! I'm done!"
Where did Kate learn that everything she says must sound like it came out of the mouth of a nuresry school teacher? Miss Frances, of Ding Dong School, would turn over in her grave.
Kate, I don't see class; I don't see politeness; I don't see social skills.
I see a very bad little girl who deserves to go straight to bed without her wine box or cigarettes. Or bodyguard.
Clip of the ladies on the view discussing Kates Today interview. Joy gets it and Sherri is an air head.
Why in the hell did Kate agree to do this scripted camping trip in the first place? She is NOT the outdoorsy type, remember?
I hope they docked her pay, leaving after a couple of hours, how dare she? She stomped out of there because, like others have posted, EVERYONE ELSE WAS HAVING FUN! She was being upstaged by the Palin clan AND her own kid and she wasn't calling the shots. She was also probably feeling a little (a lot) inferior. Sarah Palin, say what you want, seems to me, by all accounts a GREAT MOM!
This diva temper tantrum sounds fairly hilarious for everyone else watching Ms. Kreider, especially as the kids and everyone else were having a good time.
I predict this clip will show up on lots of comedy shows, so the host can make fun of her. Things like "The Soup" on E and maybe Jimmy Fallon will have ?uestlove incorporate it into his video jam.
I'm not expert, but what did Kate think camping WAS? Its outside in the fresh air, cooking over a fire, going berry picking (maybe) fishing, doing charades, telling joke, doing hand shadows and simple enjoyments. Running around, exploring the camp ground. Even if you camp in a trailor or RV of some kind, camping is not (although according to Kate:
It is not in your backyard (not that you can't) but point is that camping isn't meant all the time to be within 5 minutes of your house if you forgot something. It isn't staying at a 5 star hotel to go out for a few hours then go back. It isn't having craft food serve provide already cooked meals. Utensils? Why would you need utensil anyway for hotdogs, hamburgers and smores? Aren't they hand-friendly?
And here is news for Kate--YOUR HANDS WILL WASH!!! Oh NO! Quick somebody get into a plane travel to the nearest store to pick up hand santizier and bottled water to appease her! Good grief.
Its not sad, its down right hilarious a 35 year old woman would chose to act like a 2 year old on national TV in front of other adults, children and the entire US/Canada. Kate should not have an excuse, so what if you're cold, its ALASKA. Not to be sterotypcial but that particular region, well, its cold. Next time to a little background check to prepare yourself with clothing.
If your kids are having fun, you put on a smile whether you feel like it or not, you suck it up, you eat what is there or you can go hungry and wait for breakfast. You can either go fishing and join in what is going on or you can ruin it for the rest of them. If you have one miserable person it ruins the mood for everyone else. Its selfish, rude, arrogant, the entitle, me, picky I am better than you, the I don't do that attitude that should be a complete embarrassment not a reward! But hey, its Kate's "CAREER" isn't it?
I hate to ask, but what rumors of Kate shaking Mady? If true, why in the world would you shake a child? You wouldn't (Hopefully) ever shake a baby (SID) you wouldn't shake another adult (Baattery? Or at least jail time for assault). What makes it okay tos hake a child? Your child? Is it because they are smaller than you? Is it because they are your kids and don't do what you want them to? Sorry, 9 times out of 10 kids are going to test you on boundaries private or public whether you want them to or not. I almost don't want to believe Kate shook her daughtert for whatever reason, but if this is the same woman who spanks her other daughter with press lurking (lord knows when she gets older kids are going to tease her, those pics on the internet aren't going anywhere folks). I just dont' see giving anyone a pass on that behavior. Why would people stand there and allow it to happen and continue filming?!! Sick!
"Mean ole Sarah Palin made Kate go out in the woods. She's selfish and for putting Kate in harms way!! She only made her go out in the woods because she is jellus of Kate and her great parenting!!"
At BM's site, all the sheeple are saying TLC set Kate up, and all shared their experience w/camping and of course, none of them liked 'roughing it' in the wilderness...so they totally understand where Kate is coming from.
Let's not forget, as someone mentioned earlier...this is Kate's JOB - her precious job/career that she blabs about every chance she gets. And that she's being paid extremely well for, I might add!! Most bosses wouldn't appreciate their employees saying "I'm Done", "I'm Outta Here", if they were given something to do that was "not ideal". What a joke. And let's remember also...this farce was filmed in SUMMER - JULY, as I recall. Oh my...they're gonna take her down, aren't they. Or they're damn fools if they don't. No employer will put up with this crap forever, not even TLC.
Actually, I think this is perfect. Kate revealing herself to some possibly new people who have never seen her behavior before because they might be turning in to see Sarah or Alaska. I've said this before and I'll repeat it here -- Kate Gosselin doesn't need anyone to destroy the 'career' she thinks she has built. She is doing a fine job doing that all on her own. She certainly needs no help from the non fans as the sheeple like to claim. Of course, there aren't too many sheeple left and the way Kate is behaving every time she is seen out and about or on another episode, any new people that are seeing her for the first time will just sit there with their jaw dropping open. Bye-bye Kate. Good riddance.
We watched Sarah Palin's Alaska last night and it was not the episode involving Kate (thank GOD)but was Sarah and her dad hunting Elk or something. I thought that the camping trip was suppose to air last night so maybe i am a little confused... did some people have Kate on while others didn't???? Maybe it is suppose to air next sunday.... OR MAYBE I AM JUST ALL CONFUSED TOGETHER... its been a long week for me... little sleep and we are right in the middle of moving.
As far as I'm concerned she got paid a hefty sum to 'SUCK IT UP', I know we expect some divaish behaviour from her, but to just walk off? She couldn't even muster up enough enthusiasm for her kids. She's brutal.
Have seen very confusing reports today regarding Kate is suing Jon for child support.
INF Daily is reporting the lawsuit is for $125MILLION; while another (can't remember the name) is stating $125,000. ?????????
This is just me musing but if I recall, the incident where Kate shook a child was rumored to end with the Palins asking her to leave in return for keeping their mouths shut about it. So could this be the script they decided on to make her exit more believable?
I can relate to Kate's hatred of the outdoors - I'm an "indoor gal" also. However, if someone were paying me $250,000 to visit with Sarah Palin, I would make the best of a bad situation. She should have been fired on the spot.
Saw the preview last night, one scene showed the kids playing with the Palin's dead bear rug (yuck, but that's another post), they yanked the tongue right out of that beast! Kate just laughed. I would have kicked them all out of my house at that point.
WHAT?!? Wasn't there some report that Jon was getting paid "hush money" by TLC to the tune of $25,000/mo of which $20,000 was going towards child support?? And what about the supposed contract w/ TLC that prevented him from getting any jobs in the media???
This is gonna get really interesting in the coming weeks. Can't wait to see if he counter sues her.
I would LOVE to see Kate visit the President. Would she actually be able to contain her diva-like behavior? My guess is, probably not.
I heard this really awesome slogan for the G8:
"They had no choice, they have no voice" I really think we should spread it around because it's brilliant(in my opinion).I will definitely be using it!
i WAS READING THIS ALSO ABOUT KATEhttp://drlillianglassbodylanguageblog.wordpress.com/
No employer will put up with this crap forever, not even TLC.
Not if it was TLC's decision to air this for ratings. Not to say it was scripted -- it was just Kate being Kate. When have they not presented Kate behaving badly?
granny66 said... off subject--Lillian Glass has a great post about Kate and her time with Meridith last week.
Ok I tried, but reading anything that woman writes is nearly impossible. She writes the way Kate talks.
Kate has made a big boo-boo in pissing off the Fox Network people, and the right-wingers will tag along for the ride. Some of the sheeple may have to choose between the 2 ladies. I would pay a shiny nickle to be a fly on a wall watching THAT debate.
Sheeple numbers may dwindle from 8 down to 7 after this airs.
I agree with posters that this Palin campout was scripted with Kate's melt down. I guess my previous post didn't make it because of my comments regarding the watchers/anti-Kate bloggers. Really tired of people commenting they plan to watch. TLC loves this.
mama mia said...
Sarah and Kate sitting round the camp fire cackling gleefully about how much money their kids made being on tv, how great it is having cameras in their private lives, how fun it is being celebrities, makes you just want to run out and vote one into the Presidency of the United States.
I was going to ask you if you'd seen the show, but then I realized it hasn't been on yet. I take it your extreme dislike for BOTH of them has you jumping to these conclusions because none of that has been mentioned in the spoilers.
Ingrid said...
How many think they either set Kate up to be whiny & miserable or she was coached/directed to be that way just to get people to watch her 'meltdown'? (a possibly scripted one?) I have seen many who say they are going to watch SP just for the meltdown.
In order for that to have been set up, Kate would have to be a pretty good actress which she is NOT. I don't believe for a minute it was a setup.
Yeah Can-do Sarah --- who didn't finish her term as governor....
If the kids loved it, then why is the girl at far right obviously crying in this photo? Told to suck it up I'm sure.
I think it wasn't set-up at all! I think she is just so full of herself that she doesn't care who she offends. What did she think she was getting into? She shows up at the front door wearing a Puffy Vest just so you can look fashionable. That vest may work in PA, but for goodness sake she was in ALASKA! Think cold, even in July (or at least make sure you scout the weather reports).
Just like that photo of her judging the food at the ET dinner and standing next to the women. She looks like she wants to say to her "don't stand so close, you are in my space, Steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevve!"
Since I do watch Sara Palin's show, I'm NOT going to avoid the show because Kate is going to be on. She's not going to dictate my watching habits
This photo of Mady crying is NOT from the Palin camping trip, it is from the gold panning trip several days prior. Mady was crying then but according to the recap the kids were having a great time once they went camping with the Palins. Maybe they were relieved to finally get a break from Kate. As for Kate playing this up, even the dwts judges pointed out she is a terrible actress. She just isnt that good. I think that's worse anyway, faking discontent and pulling the kids away from the FUN for ratings??? Absolutely disgusting thing to do to little children just trying to have some fun on a trip they probably never wanted to go on--most kids that age just want to swim and have friends over in the summer. The sheeple try to defend this and their defense just makes her look worse.
"Sarah and Kate sitting round the camp fire cackling gleefully about how much money their kids made being on tv, how great it is having cameras in their private lives, how fun it is being celebrities, makes you just want to run out and vote one into the Presidency of the United States."
Just taking a stab here, but bitter left wing liberal?
The difference is one woman has worked her whole life, professionally and as a caring mother. No nannies and assistants and cooks and housekeepers. Fame found her doing her daily job in some small town in Alaska and she was thrust into the limelight by the choice of others.
The other woman, well it's kHATE and I dont have enough room here to describe her but I will summarize in saying the only thing they have in common is being female.
I am undecided on Sarah as a politician. I do respect her as a mother and a person and have been surprised to find her quite likable.
Please keep your regurgitated politics out of the discussions, its one of the reasons I enjoy this blog.
Re: the rumor of Kate shaking Mady, which may or may not be true....
When Kate was confronted about spanking Leah for blowing a whistle, Kate defiantly announced that she punished her children the way she sees fit. So, if she sees fit to shake Mady, she probably sees nothing wrong with it.
Sarah Palin, my least favorite current politician, probably would take her child by the shoulders, look her in the face and say "My precious child, I would like to see better behavior than this from you. I know you can do it, because I have seen you behave better. Now is a great time to do it again. Thank you, my
darling daughter". And her child would probably have known Mom meant to straighten up!
I'm sure Piper can be a free spirit at times, but I seriously doubt Sarah and Todd have ever
shaken her.
Whoops, sorry. I posted my thoughts about the crying Mady/shaken Mady picture before I saw the Admin's post - the one that says this crying pic was not taken on the camping trip.
Oh well, like I keep saying, I could be wrong.
Guess I was.
Sport said... "Sarah and Kate sitting round the camp fire cackling gleefully about how much money their kids made being on tv, how great it is having cameras in their private lives, how fun it is being celebrities, makes you just want to run out and vote one into the Presidency of the United States."
Just taking a stab here, but bitter left wing liberal?
The difference is one woman has worked her whole life, professionally and as a caring mother. No nannies and assistants and cooks and housekeepers. Fame found her doing her daily job in some small town in Alaska and she was thrust into the limelight by the choice of others.
The other woman, well it's kHATE and I dont have enough room here to describe her but I will summarize in saying the only thing they have in common is being female.
I am undecided on Sarah as a politician. I do respect her as a mother and a person and have been surprised to find her quite likable.
Please keep your regurgitated politics out of the discussions, its one of the reasons I enjoy this blog.
December 6, 2010 2:04 PM
Good call. I agree with you on all points. This is a discussion of Khate and her vile behavior.
Love Sarah or hate her, she has done more for her family, her state and her country than Khate ever will.
I did read Sarah's first book and I remember her discussing the first time she went to Sen. McCain's home in AZ. She was not used to the desert and the heat. But did she complain and carry on in front of Senator McCain or anyone else? No of course not. She embraced the differences between their two states.
Kate will never be able to do that. She seems to think that she is the star. TLC is partially to blame in this, they coddled her all these years and gave her what she wanted when she wanted so she feel entitled to act like a harpie!
I must say that Sarah Palin was very likable and motherly. She doesn't need fake bake or straw like extensions to make her look nice. She is a beauty and she comes across very maternal. She has that air of sillyness and adventure that seems like she would be a fun person (I'm not saying anything about her politics).
Kate on the other hand, she has no maternal vibes or concerns for her 8 kids. Compare the little speech pep/talk/script she gave Collin against how Sara treats her kids. Kate is that idiot you see on the news who is jumping up & down behind the news person because they are on camera, they dont care how idiotic they look, they just want to be on camera.
If they hadn't been shipped to Alaska to crossover with Sarah by TLC, they wouldn't have done the gold panning. The entire trip shouldn't have happened, and the fact the kids were happy during a SMALL part of it (when many photos by others showed them exhausted), is not as important as the fact they shouldn't be filming them at all.
Sport said...
Please keep your regurgitated politics out of the discussions, its one of the reasons I enjoy this blog.
Sport, you said it well! I enjoy politics, but this blog isn't the place for those type of discussions.
I am not an SP fan, but I did watch her show last night. I was impressed with her family and the way she interacts with them. and I was really impressed with her hunting skills. I always hated it when woman are squealing and shrieking if things get too 'messy'. Even the Palin kids weren't afraid during the butchering.
Khate has nothing in common with SP and I'm sure SP was shaking her head in disgust at how Khate behaved. I believe there will be lots of fall-out from this.
kat said... AS far as I'm concerned....all of you people who are still watching this nitwit, are just contributing to her success. stop watching, stop taping and make this nightmare go away!! If you you can't keep your eyes off of her then don't complain about her!
December 6, 2010 10:26 AM
Although I agree with you about not watching and wished that she would go away. She puts herself out there to be critiqued by us. So long as she continues to exploit her kids and milk her fame you will find that people will have no shortage of complaints against. She doesn't give people reason to praise her.
I also agree she is a nitwit and somehow TLC stil wants to use her for any money they can make off her. So she doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.
Take care
I love how Kate's enablers excuse her bad behavior by saying that it's just Kate being Kate.
What exactly does that mean? That it is excusable behavior because Kate is a spoiled, entitled brat, who thinks she's above the law, can destroy as many lives as she wants, and can diss anyone she darn well pleases simply because she can?
The Gosselin 8 are going to have a lifetime of embarrassing "memories" that their mother claims to be building.
Too bad Steve doesn't carry a blow dart gun that shoots out a tranquilizer everytime Kate starts acting up.
All you'd hear is a "Thoot", "thunk", and a "thud".
I don't know but I smell something fishy. If Kate walked out in the middle of an episode that TLC really wanted to film they would have nailed her per her contract. I really think we're being played here. Let's face it, people want to see Kate show her true colors and what better way to hike the ratings than have her put on this act? The people who dislike Kate are the only one's keeping her relative. I could be wrong but I think it might have all been an act.
Well, thanks for the recap...er, spoilers, Admin!
We all know Kate's an "indoors" gal from Jon&Kate Plus 8. Is this her way of throwing a diva-fit, Mady style, when she has to do something she doesn't like? Maybe she had an epiphany that Sarah Palin was going to be TLC's biggest star, working with the famous reality tv producer Mark Burnett, and she'd have none of that - no one can be better than Kate Gosselin. No one can replace Kate Gosselin on TLC...NO ONE!! Snark.
At the rifle range, she looks more miserable than she used to look with Jon.
Oh...so we're to forget the time Kate went to the ranch with her three boys, having a blast going all gun crazy shooting paparazzi magazines?
"I'm not worrying about bears right now," she is soon grousing. "I'm just worried about keeping my toes wiggling 'cause they're freezing."
Yet she's not worried about walking in open-toed shoes when it's raining or snowing in NYC.
"The kids are having fun, so I'm tolerating it, but this is my new home," grumbles Kate, having sullenly planted herself, apart from the rest, beneath a tarp. "I am miserable, but, I mean, somebody's got to be."
Guess Mady was actually have some real fun on set! Kate, now you know how your children feel when you make them do something they do not want to do.
Maybe it was finding out the hot-dogs are moose. About that time, Kate loses it.
C'mon, please tell me you waited till she took a bite out of that hot dog AND SWALLOWED before you told her it was moose. Or, did you capture her spitting it out like celebs and their water?Sorry if I offended any moose-loving eaters.
"I don't see a table, I don't see utensils, I don't see hand-cleansing materials," she whimpers. "This is not ideal conditions. I am freezing to the bone, I have 19 layers on, my hands are frigid. I held it together as long as I could and I'm done now!"
Umm...all of a sudden Kate's gone all prim and proper. Sheesh! It's frickin' hamburgers and hotdogs! Don't recall you ever eating your sandwiches with a fork and knife!
Whatever happened to that so-called overly-organized (to the last detail) supermom? You don't carry any mini hand-sanitizer with you?! You've got eight kids! I have none! But, I always carry one just in case. It's called using a pocket, a purse, or a fanny-pack.
Love the over-exaggeration! Sheesh! If I was wearing 19 layers, I'd be sweating my cojones off! You really need 19 layers in summer Alaska yet you traipsed around NYC in a mini-skirt, open-toed stilletoes, and a sweater in the MIDDLE OF WINTER!
Are there any Alaskans who can attest to the summer weather conditions? It musn't have been that cold if the Gosselin kids are running around in puffer vests, not winter coats.
I love how Kate's enablers excuse her bad behavior by saying that it's just Kate being Kate.
I agree. I'd love to ask them, "So it's okay for Osama bin Laden to kill people b/c it's just him being him and that's how he deals with things?"
The Gosselin 8 are going to have a lifetime of embarrassing "memories" that their mother claims to be building.
On their trip to NYC, I felt bad for Cara b/c she is going to remember that trip as the one where mom forgot her milkshake and where mom threatened to leave her with people she didn't know if she refused to be in the picture. They're all going to remember the camping trip as the one where mom threw a temper tantrum and embarrassed them, as well as the host. Yes, they're making memories. Good ones to remember fondly on? No.
I am sure those that can be objective can name 5 people on each side of the politic spectrum they like and loathe.
Avoiding politics, what I find interesting about Palin is that she is a very attractive 'girlie girl' when she wants to be, yet is also really just a country redneck doing small town things, as well. Even though we all make fun of her voice or politics or state, she doesnt hide from it or get too defensive and almost seems to shrug it all off and embrace it. She is easy to identify with even though I am not a hunter nor a politician.
I am really not a fan of any so called 'reality tv' due to the fact that when someone has a camera in your face you never really act 'real.' A lot of the fallout with kHate is from the public discovering that she is nothing like the image she portrays. She goes out of her way to pat herself on the back for these amazing feats she accomplishes as a mother, when in reality the real mothers out there know many of these Super Tasks are just weekly chores. She devalues what the average, hard working mothers do for THEIR families (dad's too!)
I have to imagine many of you actual, real mother's cry when you see her on a Target run for nothing more than 17 rolls of Paper Towels - like you live with and care for 8 kids and yourself and when you run to the store all you need is a pallet of Towels? Who is she kidding, I am at the Supermarket 4x a week buying food for dinners and school lunches and soccer parties, etc and I only have 2 kids, myself and a dog.
Even though we all make fun of her voice or politics or state, she doesnt hide from it or get too defensive and almost seems to shrug it all off and embrace it.
No. We "all" don't make fun of her voice or politics or state.
Pink, I made a "thunk", and a "thud" sound falling off my chair laughing!!
Yeah Can-do Sarah --- who didn't finish her term as governor....
If the kids loved it, then why is the girl at far right obviously crying in this photo? Told to suck it up I'm sure.
"The girl?" Do you know her name? We don't know that she (Mady) is crying because she's not having fun. She could be crying because she had a run-in with her mother (who knows what sets off Kate?) and it had absolutely NOTHING to do with whether or not she was enjoying the trip.
How many think they either set Kate up to be whiny & miserable or she was coached/directed to be that way just to get people to watch her 'meltdown'? (a possibly scripted one?)
I don't believe Kate was coached/directed or scripted to have her meltdown. I think it was all natural, all spoiled and entitled, all Kate.
WildernessKindaGal said...
All... the sheeple are saying TLC set Kate up, and all shared their experience w/camping and of course, none of them liked 'roughing it' in the wilderness...so they totally understand where Kate is coming from.
The sheeple are also saying that because it was July, the weather was warm in Alaska and therefore the reports of Kate being cold are of course lies created by the haterz to disparage their idol. What dolts.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
I love how Kate's enablers excuse her bad behavior by saying that it's just Kate being Kate.
What exactly does that mean? That it is excusable behavior because Kate is a spoiled, entitled brat, who thinks she's above the law, can destroy as many lives as she wants, and can diss anyone she darn well pleases simply because she can?
I'm not a Kate "enabler." There is no excuse for Kate being Kate. My point was that TLC shows her behaving badly because that's Kate -- that's the way she is, and nobody is going to change her, so they don't edit out the bratty, spoiled behavior. That's what causes viewers to become voyeurs in the spectacle of the Gosselin train wreck.
SAHM said...
We watched Sarah Palin's Alaska last night and it was not the episode involving Kate (thank GOD)but was Sarah and her dad hunting Elk or something. I thought that the camping trip was suppose to air last night so maybe i am a little confused... did some people have Kate on while others didn't???? Maybe it is suppose to air next sunday...
Admin's entry was done based on a Fox News blog about a preview clip they saw. The episode has NOT YET AIRED. Unless TLC messes with the schedule, it should air, Sunday, December 12.
Sport said... I am sure those that can be objective can name 5 people on each side of the politic spectrum they like and loathe.
Avoiding politics, what I find interesting about Palin is that she is a very attractive 'girlie girl' when she wants to be, yet is also really just a country redneck doing small town things, as well. Even though we all make fun of her voice or politics or state, she doesnt hide from it or get too defensive and almost seems to shrug it all off and embrace it. She is easy to identify with even though I am not a hunter nor a politician.
That is so funny that said that about Sarah being a girlie girl. I said the exact same thing to my husband. On last night's show I said to my husband "I really respect a woman who goes hunting with a french manicure." LOL.
I also loved her relationship with her Dad. Reminded me of my relationship with my father. What relationship does Khate have with any of her family? None.
I think next week's show will backfire on TLC and Kate +8. She will probably offend so many people with her antics that more people will change the channel when her show is on. Kate's bad behavior can only hold the public's interest for so long.
"No. We 'all' don't make fun of her voice or politics or state."
- - -
Relax, Mistletoe.
Typing fast trying to get my point across - I wasnt focusing/worrying about my prepositions. I was defending her if you read what I said instead of correcting it.
I find it interesting that the very same people who excuse Kate's behavior by saying she's just being herself or she's stressed or whatever, are the very same people who label Mady as a "brat" or call her a b*&^% or a c(@# for exhibiting the same behavior. As far as I'm concerned, the behavior is more understandable and excusable coming from an exploited, neglected and extremely unhappy 10 year old than from a grown woman who should know better.
I don't endorse Palin's politics but, after watching the Alaska shows, I do admire her as a woman and mother.
From what I have read of the up-coming episode, it appears Kate has behaved badly again. The children were enjoying the experience and, for that reason and the fact that their hostess was once a candidate for Vice President of the U.S.A., she should have behaved with grace and courtesy instead of decaring, "I'm done".
Last week, they had a scene on SP's Alaska where Sarah was scrubbing one of their fishing boats and she said as she was scrubbing the sides of the boat "All Diva, all the time." Now that the Gosselin disaster is about to air, I wonder if Sarah was taking a swipe at Kate's behavior on the camping trip?
The sheeple are also saying that because it was July, the weather was warm in Alaska and therefore the reports of Kate being cold are of course lies created by the haterz to disparage their idol. What dolts.
I just love this one. The 'reports' of Kate being cold came straight from Kate's mouth and it is on film for the world to see. Dolts is not what I would call them. That was much too nice!
Relax, Mistletoe.
Typing fast trying to get my point across - I wasnt focusing/worrying about my prepositions. I was defending her if you read what I said instead of correcting it.
Prepositions? I think you mean "indefinite pronoun" (as in "all").
Sorry! I can't tell when someone is typing fast or taking his/her time. I only responded to your comment that "all" make fun of her. Not all do. I wasn't throwing a fit over it! Honest! LOL!
I'm relaxed, but wouldn't turn down another glass of wine! ;-) Cheers!
"The sheeple are also saying that because it was July, the weather was warm in Alaska and therefore the reports of Kate being cold are of course lies created by the haterz to disparage their idol. What dolts."
The sheeple need to read some reports from locals in Alaska who claimed it was rainy and chilly with highs only in the 40s that week.
The kids look cold in that photo too! Many of them have their hands pulled up into the sleeves of their jackets. Couldn't TLC spring for gloves,mittens for this trip? We all know their mom wouldn't. The other thing that bothers me about both Sarah and Kate is that who goes camping in full makeup? I know they knew it was filming but it just seems silly to see women camping who are all made-up.
Who came up with the dumb idea of Kate doing a crossover show in Alaska? Probably the same nitwit who will pay her another $250,000 and an all expense paid trip to Austria.
Cordelia said... What ever happened to "Kan-do Kate?" I thought she was willing to try anything. I'm not a huge fan of camping, either, but I think anyone should be able to suck it up for one day, especially if their kids are having a good time.
I think its funny that a lot of people say they want to see Khate on "Survivor" (supposedly for the drama aspect), but seeing that she can't survive one freaking night camping, there's no way she'd be able to handle "Survivor". For those who don't watch "Survivor," last episode brought us not one, but two quitters which pissed off viewers, the other players and even Jeff Probst to no end. However, the two quitters were able to last 28 days in Nicaragua with little food or water, extremely harsh weather (pretty much non-stop rain)and difficult physical immunity challenges every three days. Not to mention, they were surrounded by strangers and hadn't seen their families for weeks, unlike Khate who had all of her kids with her. So, they may be getting a lot of grief for quitting, but compared to Khate, they did a pretty awesome job.
Funny you should mention that, because I thought NaOnka (one of the quitters) reminded me more of Khate than anyone they've ever had on Survivor. Both rude, stuck-up, whiny, narcistic liars/quitter with no social skills or graces what-so-ever. I have to agree that compared to Khate, though, NaOnka handled herself pretty well out camping.
I'm a Democrat and I have never been camping in my life. I hate to be cold and wet. That said, I would be honored to take my kids camping with Sarah Palin. That is an adventure they would be telling their grandchildren about!
I think she is a wonderful mother and from what I understand, a great friend.
Kate failed this one in every possible way.
I can't imagine behaving so badly as anyone's guest, but this really is an all-time low for Kate.
By the way, I keep picturing these cartoon bears sitting in a "Kate Safety Class".
Whether or not Kate's meltdown was scripted (it wasn't, IMO), the viewing public and her kids' peers all get to see a juvenile, spoiled, stupid, self-impressed slutty-looking fool on camera. Imagine the embarrassment the G8 must deal with whenever their mom rears her oversized head on tv or in public. You can bet that the entire school knows what a jackass she is. And sadly, I wonder if the G8 are much liked anyway, reagardless of their mom, given the reports on their anti-social behavior at school. It's all so sad. They are stuck with that fool of a mother. And just wait until tlc is no longer there to enable her idiocy, directly or indirectly...what will become of them when their Mom completely loses it? I wouldn't be surprised if Kate wound up in a mental ward somewhere.
According to Wikipedia, the average July temperature in Wasilla, Alaska is 69 degrees Fahrenheit. The article says that July temperatures vary from 47 °F (8 °C) to 78 °F (26 °C). So - even if it were a cold day in AK when they were there, it was probably only in the 40's. While camping you are outside unless in your tent and there is usually some sort of fire. You can get chilly, but it was NOT like it was even near freezing (32 degrees). You put on a layer or two, wear a warm coat and gloves and STFU. Khate was being PAID to do this. It was written in to be part of the show for which she makes $250,000 per episode! What an insufferable piece of crap.
Who has seen a contract that says Kate gets paid this much. I think Jon said this but is he to be believed?? I would go camping with Sarah and her family, but being wet and cold would not be pleasant, but I could stick it out. Being an adult we all do things, but having 8 kids wet and cold might be a real problem. If they all got sick from this, and had medical bills and had to spend a week or so getting better, I might would think different about doing the whole overnight thing. IMO
I don't think this was an act....as we all know that Kate is terrible at acting. And it would be quite the feat to pull off acting like a major narcissist.....when she can't even manage the simplest things....like to act like she's actually interested in what the person she's interviewing is saying.
I think that TLC, seeing that a large part of their viewing audience have been watching the show because they don't like Kate. So they are now filming her in all her natural, entitled, narcissistic glory. They don't care what the heck she does as long as it makes people watch. If that means that she comes across as a bitch, that's fine with them as long as it draws viewers.
I absolutely did read that article (that has since totally disappeared off the net) about Kate shaking Mady so severely that one of Todd's staff wanted to report her to the authorities in PA....but that they agreed not to do it if she left that evening. And I totally believe it.
And I think the article disappeared off the net, not to protect Kate....but to protect Sarah Palin/the Palins for NOT reporting child abuse.
Kate is gonna be in for a shock. Jon is working as an IT guy and soon, he will have to have his child support drastically cut. I think that even though he's been paying a hefty child support every month....Kate wants to take every last penny he has or owns....just because he dared to cross Kate.
I'm hoping that there's at least ONE judge who will actually do his/her job in the family court in PA........and dismiss Kate's ridiculous request to literally leave her spouse with nothing so that she can continue to support her luxurious lifestyle. And he/she should also order that the children have their own legal representation. So far, the judges seem to be kow-towing to the power of TLC.....which is not right, IMO. They are supposed to first and foremost,protect the children and rule in the best interest of thee children....not be able to be bought off by a huge corporation.
I think part of Khate's horrible attitude going into this episode isn't just about the fact that she doesn't like camping, especially when it's colder and rainy. I think the real reason has to do with Khate's delusions of grandeur. We all know she thinks she's a big star. In her twisted mind, she probably thought that since she's TLC's big star, TLC needed her to go up to Alaska with the children and do a couple of cross over episodes to help launch the new Sarah Palin program.
Sounds crazy, I know, but this is Khate we're talking about here! Just look how in this recap Khate compares her life hounded by that sole paid photographer to the massive attention that Sarah draws everywhere she goes. She is totally delusional! I bet she went up there all full of resentment that she, the established star of TLC, had to go all the way to Alaska to help launch Palin's new show, lol.
I'm just hoping that after this incident in July, combined with the sliding ratings ever since then, that TLC has wanted to ax the show and they've only been stringing her along until they were able to air this Palin episode. It would be great to see her show canned soon, very soon!
The sheeple need to keep in mind that if their Meryl Streep was acting during all this, playing it up for the cameras, she isn't the only one that needs to act.
The children all need to go along with it. We know Mady, she calls her mom out. Sarah Palin's children need to go along with it. And Sarah and Todd need to "act" too, pretending to be a bit shocked Kate is behaving this way, "Come on it wasn't that bad!"
That's a HUGE amount of people who have to be putting on an impressive "act." It's just impossible.
Just admit it, Kate was an ungrateful, whiney baby and a horrible example to all those kids.
One other point to ponder. If Kate was "acting".....I think Kate needs to get some self-respect. The network is making a total laughing stock of you for money and you, too, are just going along with it for money. That is nothing but sad and pathetic. Is there anything she won't lower herself to do? If TLC thought it would get great ratings to watch her eat mud is that ok with Kate? Have some DIGNITY.
Was it all staged? Kart seems to tolerate the cold weather when she does her photog staged runs in Ghettoville. Or maybe, as many here have proposed, it was about being totally upstaged by the gracious Sarah & the gang of kids having a blast! Kart doesn't play well on the playground unless she is the *stah*. Being the odd man out is not in her playbook.
Anonymous, why must you sheeple bring up Jon and accuse him of wrongdoing (ie lying) whenever Kate does something wrong? He has NOTHING to do with HER awful, ungrateful, immature behavior. He had nothing to do with the embarrassment she caused their kids (and herself, if she had any sense) and the disrespect she showed the Palins and her employer, TLC. This is all on her. Leave Jon out of it
For the record it was not "Jon" who told us that Kate made $250,000 an episode. It was TVGuide. Not a rag mag. TVGuide. http://www.realitytea.com/2010/08/14/report-kate-gosselin-earning-250000-per-episode-tired-of-being-single/
Alert, Jon is brought up because that's what you do when you got nothing. You deflect, deflect, deflect--don't look behind that curtain look over here, see here!
I totally agree, Jon has nothing to do with Alaska. Jon has nothing to do with this entire thing! In fact he never even wanted his kids to go to Alaska. He has nothing to do with some camping trip with the Palins Kate ruined. He has nothing to do with people calling Kate out--she is causing that reaction all by herself. He hasn't said a thing about her in ages. Kate is the one obsessed with him, who can't stop talking about him, who can't stop LYING about him, who can't stop suing him for more money, who brazingly refuses to do the one thing he has EVER, EVER asked of her--to please give their children a private life. The only thing he has said is that he wants his kids off TV. They are his kids, too. I think it's rich that Kate wants to cut this guy off, wants nothing to do with what HE wants for the children, that is except his name. She will hang onto the last thing of him that makes her money--the Gosselin name.
Jon is working and shutting up. When does Kate plan to work and shut up? Ever?
From these spoilers, it seems like Kate got what she wanted, all the attention on her.
Isn't this supposed to be SARAH PALIN's Alaska, not Kate Plus 8?
It's unfortunate that most of the focus appears to be on Kate's miserable experience; however, Sarah Palin seems to handle her like a respectful and graceful host.
As far as watch or don't watch, I actually think this is the one time that it's not such a bad thing if people watch and the ratings are good. It's Sarah Palin and we know her fans will watch and none of them are going to care about boycotting just because it's Kate. It's going to get good ratings regardless, we really cannot change it, and I don't think it's a bad thing.
This is a golden opportunity to expose Kate to an entire new group of people whose only experience is probably her occasional lies and mistruths on The View and Today and so on. It's a golden opportunity to amass a whole new group of casual viewers who once were lost but now are found.
I am very impressed with Sarah. If the preview is any indication, she handled a completely disgusting and ungrateful guest with grace, class, a smile and a sense of humor. The classier those behave around Kate, the worse Kate looks.
Anonymous said...
Being an adult we all do things, but having 8 kids wet and cold might be a real problem. If they all got sick from this, and had medical bills and had to spend a week or so getting better, I might would think different about doing the whole overnight thing.
Then, how do you explain why the Palins continued camping after the Gosselins left? Sarah Palin has no regard for her children's health by keeping them in wet and cold conditions?
Sarah, daughters Piper and Willow, husband Todd and other family members seem to be having a blast. So, for that matter, are Kate's youngsters.
"The kids are having fun, so I'm tolerating it, but this is my new home," grumbles Kate, having sullenly planted herself, apart from the rest, beneath a tarp. "I am miserable, but, I mean, somebody's got to be."
Doesn't sound like the Gosselin kids were complaining about the miserable conditions; in fact, they were having a blast.
If Kate was a smart mother, she'd have spoken with Sarah beforehand about what clothing to bring in preparation for camping in Alaskan weather. Or, researched it online. Smart, organized moms (like she claims to be) would probably over-pack the essentials, not be ill-prepared.
Ok first of all it's well-documented you don't get sick from being out in the cold. You get sick from germs. They could go back to the hotel and get sick from a telephone receiver a sick housekeeper touched. Secondly, Kate wasn't saying I want to go home because the KIDS are going to get sick. It wasn't about the kids, it never was about the kids, it was about her getting comfortable again because the queen was uncomfortable for a few hours. The kids were having FUN according to this report. These kids got pulled away from normal and quiet summer activities with their normal friends to go work for their mother and they are finally have FUN on the trip and Kate has to pull them away.
Thirdly, all reports said it was no colder than about 45 degrees. That's nothing. Especially for children who live in PA where it regular is in the 20's and below in the winter. They had lovely tents, a great fire, appropriate rain gear, and there is absolutely no reason they shouldn't be warm as toast once they get settled. Sarah Palin's family was just doing just fine--and I repeat, the kids were having fun.
I used to go "winter" camping on the East Coast with girlscouts. In the Northeast winter camping meant early November. We were fine, we had a blast. We wore hats and mittens at night and had a nice warm sleeping bag in platform tents. During the daytime we had campfires and also kept warm out and about doing activities, hiking and so on. Camping is what you make of it. You can stand there and complain you are cold, or you can get moving, start cooking and doing chores, and suddenly the blood is moving again and you're warm and having fun.
For goodness sake how does Kate think they kept warm in the 19th century?
I guess the sheeple keep saying I hate camping, too. What a coincidence that every single sheeple also hates camping! Yeah right, bet half of them own those decked out trailers and go to the lake every summer. Guess what I am humann and I can relate to being cold, I can relate to being wet, and I can relate to being served something I don't like. What I CAN'T relate to is storming off in a spoiled self-entitled huff.
But in any case, they still don't get it. It's not ABOUT hating camping or liking camping. Most people hate driving in rush hour. But they do it to take their kids to gymnastics. There are many things parents "hate" but they tough out to give their children the experience and because they realize that the world does not revolve around them and whether they like things or not. My dad is completely tone deaf but you can bet he was at each and every one of my music concerts growing up and wrote the checks for each and every one of my music lessons.
I hate snowboarding. I'm terrible at it. I wish I was good, I am not. But you can bet there are a thousand moms out there who hate snowboarding but take their children to the mountain ANYWAY and tough out the cold and snow so they can have fun.
There are parents who tough out things they hate day after day after day.....Kate was asked to tough out something she did not enjoy for ONE NIGHT. She was not going to die. She was not going to be injured. She is not birthing a baby naturally with only a propane tank to keep her warm. At most she was probably going to eat a few things she didn't like and shiver a bit. GET OVER IT. For the kids.
If it were just Kate, I don't care what the hell she does. But there were eight kids, not to mention Palin's kids who probably enjoyed some juvenile company, and she couldn't tough it out for them. Selfish.
"Yeah Can-do Sarah --- who didn't finish her term as governor...."
Palin said a big reason she stepped down as governor was because of all the media hoopla surrounding her, she said it was a distraction to Alaska. She would be right. I am not naive to think there wasn't other motives, but I do believe she was actually trying to do what was in Alaska's best interest too--and that's evidenced by what she has done since, not much. She hasn't done anything earth shattering that she couldn't have done as governor as well--I believe she really did think that it was right for the state. And just from her show alone I see her spending a great deal of her free time, actually ALL of her time, with her loved ones. The ENTIRE SHOW is about Sarah doing things with her family--Todd, the kids and extended family. And you can't say it's just for the cameras when it's shown she spends entire long weekends at grandma's, and so on. This woman has more insight about what is best for a "thing", a state, than Kate does as to what is best for her own kids. KATE needs to step down from the hype, she could take a lesson.
Obama didn't finish his term as senator either, he stepped down. This is what was BEST for Illinois. I don't see what difference it makes. I think if it's the right thing to do for whatever multitude of reasons, it's very big of a politician to step down.
This show is going to be great for Sarah Palin. Kate is going to make her look great in comparison! If I were in her position I'd be excited about this episode premiering.
You know, Kate said (I think it was on an episode of DWTS but I'm not sure) that 90% of people who watch her don't like her. I wonder if she knows why and she milks it, or if she really is clueless...
Secondly, Kate wasn't saying I want to go home because the KIDS are going to get sick.
Perhaps it was partly because of the kids getting sick. Then SHE would have to take care of them, and one of them would end up being filmed on the laundry room floor.
Hey Kate, what happened to 'you get what you get and you don't get upset'? Did you let yourself eat a birthday cupcake after you tossed that food on the ground?Did you repack that moose hot dog until you finally ate it a week later? Why to you have no problem underdressing in cold weather when your lone paparazzo is around? Would you have been happier in Alaska if your boobs and cameltoe were on display? Why is it OK for you to have a meltdown but not your pathetic children? Geez, wonder why they have rage issues living with you. Fool
Kate has made statements that she is a contract honorer and not a quitter. She quit, leaving a production set after only a couple hours of filming because she was miserable with her own comfort and filming conditions during the Alaska camping trip. She wasn't concerned about her children being cold, wet or getting sick. This is a woman who made her children film and work since they were babies, vomiting, constipated, having diarrehea (runs), fevers, coughs, colds, sore throats, earaches, headaches, bellyaches, viruses, dehydrated, thirsty, hungry, sore feet, etc. and she doesn't stop filming. But whiney Kate wasn't a happy camper and she didn't want to eat her hotdog, so she quit.
...I bet she went up there all full of resentment that she, the established star of TLC, had to go all the way to Alaska to help launch Palin's new show, lol.
When Kate's trip to Alaska was originally announced it was reported they were filming crossover episodes for Kate Plus 8 and Palin's Alaska. Interestingly enough, soon after the first reports of Kate's meltdown surfaced, the crossover concept disappeared from TLC's statements. LOL
I just had to run to my computer to comment on this. I was in the kitchen making breakfast and lunches for my kids with the radio tuned to my local am talk news station, when the announcer (a former Miami Dolphin) started talking about a list that was released with the top earning reality stars. Number one was Kim Kardashian, 2 was Lauren Conrad, 3 Bethenny Frankel and numbers 4 and 5 were Audrina Patridge and KATE who both earned $3.5million last year!!! So yes, dear sheeple, the woman is paid VERY well by TLC. How many episodes were filmed this year? I think she might be making more than $250,000 each one.
As a funny aside, the DJ mentioned that Kate was going to be on Sarah Palin's show on Sunday, and laughingly said that it would be an interesting show to catch. I've got a feeling Kate will be a hot topic on all the conservative talk radio shows next Monday!
Here's a link to the article I found on Reality Star's earnings for 2010:
OK, what's the deal? How does TLC get others shows (presumably not connected) to promo anything with Kate?
The View showed the SP's Alaska clip with Kate, followed by a couple inane comments. This morning, The Today Show promoted a segment on the camping episode before a commercial break, as if they would be discussing it after. Instead, when the show resumed, they ran the same clip, followed by a few bland chit-chat comments, and done.
Why? "I just don't get it" ;-)
And seriously, if it was only 45 degrees out during that camping stint, even a damp 45 degrees out, with proper clothing (being operative here given Kate's love of open-toed shoes year-round), who wouldn't be fine for a night?
If my kids were having a good time, I sure would have just sucked it up for a night if only for my PRIDE!
How embarrassing for Kate. How sad for the kids to get schlepped all that way for an opportunity of a lifetime (some would think, politics aside (not that Kate has any awareness of of that)), only to have Kate break down and make them leave.
You know I would be a very strong Palin supporter if she had the guts to speak out and try and stop the exploitation of the Gosselin kids. She could really make an impact on this travesty and tragedy by trying to get politicians to propose legislation to stop making kids earn their own income and supporting parents lifestyles of the rich and famous. Of course I realize the Palin family is on the payroll of TLC but I could not as a woman, mother and wife be quiet about the abuse that these children are receiving. Mental abuse can be as damaging as physical and there are eight (count them) of them receiving it. We can be pretty sure the filming will continue over the holidays with no rest for the kids. Snowboarding in Austria anyone?
Admin, thank you for your numerous posts. There is not ONE thing I could say that you have not expressed very well for me. Thank you. Our household has been watching Sarah Palin's Alaska. We will be watching the Kate episode, too. My husband has never watched Kate + 8, so he will be a fresh take on Kate's personality. Should be interesting.
Sarah Palin how desperate are you? Kate Gosselin, really? Said...
"The kids are having fun, so I'm tolerating it, but this is my new home," grumbles Kate, having sullenly planted herself, apart from the rest, beneath a tarp. "I am miserable, but, I mean, somebody's got to be."
Guess Mady was actually have some real fun on set! Kate, now you know how your children feel when you make them do something they do not want to do.
Love that!! You make a good point there. She has no qualms about dragging her kids all over the place whether they like or not. Does she ever ask them how they feel, or look at their little faces & maybe see that they're sad, upset, tired?
Kate should have been fired for not doing her job. What a whiny little bitch. Sarah Palin, whether I like her not, is a better person than I for putting up with that self-entitled diva. I'm sure the Palin's were having a blast with the G kids, & I'm sure the G kids were having fun hanging out with other kids, something they never get to do. And of course Kate ruins it all because she is so selfish.
Does Kate see what she has done? Palin has a lot of celeb phone numbers in that rolodex of hers. Kate's an idiot. She really burned a bridge there. And Admin brought up a good point on another thread that the Palin fans will probably not take kindly to the way Kate treated her hosts (The Palin's) & that will be a whole new set of "Kate-haters". Keep on digging Kate!
Admin said...
"For goodness sake how does Kate think they kept warm in the 19th century?"
There's a part of me that giggles like crazy at the idea that Sarah might have told her they have to kill a bear and crawl inside it to keep warm.
By the way, I won't watch Palin's show, Kate's on, (& I don't watch TLC anyways) BUT, if people DO watch, & give Sarah's show the ratings because Kate is on, is that just as bad as watching K+8, OR are we giving Palin the viewers? Which is worse?
Kate was second banana in the Palin production. I can't ever imagine how that must have pissed off Kate. She's only used to having the camera on her and her eight. To be a "bit player" must have driven her mad (madder). She finally snapped and had a temper tantrum.
She certainly must be able to tolerate cold weather. I remember photos of her last year shortly after she got her new hair. She was with some young, dark haired guy (a hair stylist, I believe) and they'd had lunch and were walking to the parking lot. It was snowing out and damp and dark and cold. There was Kate, jacket wide open, flaunting her boobage. She definitely can handle the cold when she wants to.
You know, Kate said (I think it was on an episode of DWTS but I'm not sure) that 90% of people who watch her don't like her. I wonder if she knows why and she milks it, or if she really is clueless...
That would mean Kate would have to think about it, ponder, ruminate, mull it over in her mind. I honestly don't think Kate thinks things through. She reacts to things.
Kate should have been forced to continue filming while miserable. Only then might she begin to understand how her children felt when they were forced to film while constipated, with double ear infections, or vomiting on the floor.
Judy, I'm not trying to start a political debate. The point is I think both Obama and Sarah Palin had good reasons to step down from their posts--he because he was going to be president in a few months and he could not give Illinois his full attention, she because the media circus surrounding her was not the best thing for Alaska at the time.
Kate can't even begin to hold a candle to the work ethic of either of those politicians.
Force Kate? THAT would have been worth watching. But other than lasso her and tie her down, I doubt anyone forces Kate to do anything.
she is cuckoo said...
Hey Kate, what happened to 'you get what you get and you don't get upset'? Did you let yourself eat a birthday cupcake after you tossed that food on the ground?Did you repack that moose hot dog until you finally ate it a week later? Why to you have no problem underdressing in cold weather when your lone paparazzo is around? Would you have been happier in Alaska if your boobs and cameltoe were on display? Why is it OK for you to have a meltdown but not your pathetic children? Geez, wonder why they have rage issues living with you. Fool
Ah... very good post, "she is cuckoo"!
Because you see, rules do not apply to lofty Kate Gosselin.
Administrator said...
Kate should have been forced to continue filming while miserable. Only then might she begin to understand how her children felt when they were forced to film while constipated, with double ear infections, or vomiting on the floor.
Administrator, you and I think alike ;o)
sftk said...
You know I would be a very strong Palin supporter if she had the guts to speak out and try and stop the exploitation of the Gosselin kids. She could really make an impact on this travesty and tragedy by trying to get politicians to propose legislation to stop making kids earn their own income and supporting parents lifestyles of the rich and famous.
There are a couple hundred million people in this country who either don't know who Kate Gosselin is or don't give a fig, and certainly don't follow her shenanigans. To make the exploitation of the Gosselin kids Palin's platform is...unrealistic to say the least.
From the moment the public first set eyes on this woman, listening to her preach and bitch and moan, everything she DOES is a total contradiction of what she SAYS!
From making a meal, cleaning a meal...to saying if only Jon would ask her "what can I do for you Kate?", to the "germaphobe", to the "plannner", to the "contract honourer" to the "Can-do-sh!!t-Kate", to "I don't have $ to pay the bills", to "I just got a good bra", to "I wait for the kids to call and ask to leave Jon's place". My God, the list is ENDLESS...THIS is just the latest! How many times has she denied being demanding, a diva, a snob etc.?? I LOVE how EVERYONE is finally catching on!
A Pink Straigh Jacket For Kate said...
Would you have been happier in Alaska if your boobs and cameltoe were on display?
LOL!!!! I just woke up my boyfriend with cackling! He's a good man; he humors me by listening to this Gosselin stuff.
05) Kate Gosselin — $3.5 million
And this b!tch claims broke?
What's funny to me is the way the sheeple continue to defend Kate.
They're just like she is. They blame Alaska, they blame the weather, they blame TLC. And not a single one of them blames Kate for her miserable behavior.
She didn't mind the cold when she was in New York with Ted Gibson. Mini skirt, light top and open shoes,
Kate Gosselin goes out clubbing in New York with her hairdresser
Kate Gosselin and her busted weave were spotted out clubbing in New York. Kate was accompanied by her hairstylist, Ted Gibson, who claimed that the cheap-looking extensions he put in to fix Kate’s mullet would have retailed around $7,000.
I watched re-runs of SP show over the weekend, and I must say I'm impressed!!! Forget the politics, Sarah is a warm, friendly, nurturing mom who has a great sense of humor and alot of patience and obviously loves her family and Alaska. She seems like a genuine person, and Katie Irene just missed out on one of the most interesting evenings she could ask for. Can you imagine the girl talk around that campfire? I'm finally "jellus" of Katie, I wish I'd had that one opportunity to get to know Sarah in person.
"You know I would be a very strong Palin supporter if she had the guts to speak out and try and stop the exploitation of the Gosselin kids. She could really make an impact on this travesty and tragedy by trying to get politicians to propose legislation to stop making kids earn their own income and supporting parents lifestyles of the rich and famous. Of course I realize the Palin family is on the payroll of TLC but I could not as a woman, mother and wife be quiet about the abuse that these children are receiving"
So they spend what sounds like 2 hours together - and you expect her to bring down the kHATE Empire based on a camping experience? I dont think it has anything to do with 'guts.' And I dont think it has anything to do with 'being on the TLC payroll' either. Why is this train wreck suddenly the responsibility of the Palin Family?
In the big picture the G8 dont even register on the Palin radar - why should they? What about all of the Hollywood celebs kHate has been hobnobbing alongside this past year - why haven't they stepped up? Or DWTS? SWTS? Any other acronym...
We should be pointing fingers at not only TLC, but the pathetic cameramen and production people with a front row seat to this crap. They not only have stories to tell and a front row seat, but EVIDENCE in the form of film and photos.
Sport said..In the big picture the G8 dont even register on the Palin radar - why should they?
I am just guessing here, but I'd think the comment you quoted, may have been based on stories reporting that Todd Palin's asst. wanted to report Kate for child abuse, but they settled with Kate supposedly not talking about the Palins. That was my understanding.
Ok, I went to another blog to see sheeple comments. First there seems to be only about 4 or 5 consistent posters and 2 of them appear to be the moderators. Someone mentioned that the kids were "self supporting" and nearly got beheaded for the comment. Then the mod proceeds to say that they just del 18-22 comments overnite. Makes me wonder what they don't want to be said about Kate. Of those 5 or so consitent posters, I am sure that a couple of them post on ROL.
Vanessa said...
From the moment the public first set eyes on this woman, listening to her preach and bitch and moan, everything she DOES is a total contradiction of what she SAYS!
From making a meal, cleaning a meal...to saying if only Jon would ask her "what can I do for you Kate?", to the "germaphobe", to the "plannner", to the "contract honourer" to the "Can-do-sh!!t-Kate", to "I don't have $ to pay the bills", to "I just got a good bra", to "I wait for the kids to call and ask to leave Jon's place". My God, the list is ENDLESS...THIS is just the latest! How many times has she denied being demanding, a diva, a snob etc.?? I LOVE how EVERYONE is finally catching on!
Vanessa, do you realise that you just listed excellent monikers in your post for anyone that leaves messages with an "anonymous" name?
*Preach, Bitch & Moan...
*Make A Meal, Cleaning A Meal...
*What Can I Do For You, Kate?...
*Contract Honourer...
*Can-do-sh!!t-Kate... (my personal favorite)
*I just got a good bra... (another favorite)
And if you don't mind, I'm just altering the last one:
*Kate Waits For The Kids To Call...
Absolutely delicious!!!
Vanessa said...
From the moment the public first set eyes on this woman, listening to her preach and bitch and moan, everything she DOES is a total contradiction of what she SAYS!
From making a meal, cleaning a meal...to saying if only Jon would ask her "what can I do for you Kate?", to the "germaphobe", to the "plannner", to the "contract honourer" to the "Can-do-sh!!t-Kate", to "I don't have $ to pay the bills", to "I just got a good bra", to "I wait for the kids to call and ask to leave Jon's place". My God, the list is ENDLESS...THIS is just the latest! How many times has she denied being demanding, a diva, a snob etc.?? I LOVE how EVERYONE is finally catching on!
One more, Vanessa:
*Kate doesn't have $ to pay the bills....
Saw the preview last night, one scene showed the kids playing with the Palin's dead bear rug (yuck, but that's another post), they yanked the tongue right out of that beast! Kate just laughed. I would have kicked them all out of my house at that point.
It's a darn good thing it was a "dead bear rug".
What I mean by saying I would be a strong Palin supporter is that it will take someone with some political or legal pull to get Kate to stop using the kids for her own means. If enough public figures get after TLC and expose all this maybe this will help the 8 and other children. I also am referring to the stories about the shoot w/Palins and that again, Kate pulls a "poor me" at the kids expense and gets away with it. I just cannot believe this continues and so many cater to Kate and her ego continues to grow. We have two kids expelled from school, public displays of unhappiness from the kids, Jon finally trying to stop the train wreck, Jodi, Kevin and other friends and Paul Peterson, Rep. Murth and others but it continues and Kate gets her way. She climbs over the bodies of her victims, stomps on them with her stilettos and gets to spew her bs w/Meridith while her bodyguard protects her from the rain and the crowds of fans. Something is very wrong with this picture and the bottom line is the harm to the children. I don't care who finally puts a stop to this abuse but they will be a hero as far as I am concerned. Kate needs serious professional help and I hope someone convinces her finally.
I have no idea if I'm posting in the right place or not, but I think it would be a very nice thing if Kate were to tell Johnny Moseley
that JON would certainly get a kick out of meeting Johnny, and both men could take the 8 (or 5 or 2) kids out on the slopes together. Jon would enjoy the adventure, Kate only wants to hang around famous people. I wonder if Kate ever thought of letting Jon in on the fun for the sake of their kids?
Sport said....
We should be pointing fingers at not only TLC, but the pathetic cameramen and production people with a front row seat to this crap. They not only have stories to tell and a front row seat, but EVIDENCE in the form of film and photos.
Remember Scott the cameraman and Jen the producer. They left Jon and Kate +8 to go work with the Duggers because of "moral issues". At least that's what we've been told. Nothing more has been said about that.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... Vanessa said...
One more, Vanessa:
*Kate doesn't have $ to pay the bills....
Vanessa said..
to "I don't have $ to pay the bills",
She didn't forget that one Pink...
Vanessa said...
From the moment the public first set eyes on this woman, listening to her preach and bitch and moan, everything she DOES is a total contradiction of what she SAYS!
From making a meal, cleaning a meal...to saying if only Jon would ask her "what can I do for you Kate?", to the "germaphobe", to the "plannner", to the "contract honourer" to the "Can-do-sh!!t-Kate", to "I don't have $ to pay the bills", to "I just got a good bra", to "I wait for the kids to call and ask to leave Jon's place". My God, the list is ENDLESS...THIS is just the latest! How many times has she denied being demanding, a diva, a snob etc.?? I LOVE how EVERYONE is finally catching on!
Another one is,
"Everything I do is for the kids." Then she pulls them away from Alaska simply b/c she's miserable and they're having fun.
Remember Scott the cameraman and Jen the producer. They left Jon and Kate +8 to go work with the Duggers because of "moral issues". At least that's what we've been told. Nothing more has been said about that.
And yet they film and produce "Sister Wives"? Liars, just like Kate.
BWHAHAHAHA, Kate "didn't learn anything about nature on her Alaska trip, but she learned she wanted a man just like Todd Palin"...and she didn't get her claws in him? Hmmm, she's slipping. Kate doesn't know what she wants.
Can you imagine the girl talk around that campfire? I'm finally "jellus" of Katie, I wish I'd had that one opportunity to get to know Sarah in person.
Here's the thing. Do you think that Kate actually knew that Palin was governor of Alaska and was aware of her political background, or if she was, to what extent? Jon said that Kate doesn't read newspapers or watch the news and is clueless about current events.
I don't expect Sarah Palin to get involved with stopping all this after only knowing her for a few hours. Actually I think she's doing her part by allowing this episode to air. I have a funny feeling there was a LOT of talk behind the scenes about how to present this, the problem of Kate storming off and whether they were going to show that (seems like they ARE which is great), whether they were even going to air it, when, and so on. It is a GOOD thing it's airing.
Sport said...
We should be pointing fingers at not only TLC, but the pathetic cameramen and production people with a front row seat to this crap. They not only have stories to tell and a front row seat, but EVIDENCE in the form of film and photos.
I know!! Why the hell haven't they? Is it entertaining to them to watch children get degraded & spanked? What WE see must be mild compared to what they edit. How can they live with themselves if something is going on in that house? If it were any of us, I know we would do the right thing, confidentiality agreement or not, morals are morals. I could not live myself if I saw kids that were getting fed spoiled food, getting screamed at for little things, or getting slapped & did nothing about it.
We don't know for sure, but we have seen photos of Kate spanking, & she said that is how she deals with things? Is that all the time Kate?? Corporal punishment?? Jeez. They are children. No wonder they have violent tendencies...How will your sons treat their future wives? Will your daughters belittle their future husbands? Will your children become abusive to their children as well? Or will your kids become shells of themselves because they are so frightened of you? It's a vicious cycle.
i wonder how soon after this episode airs, that Kate will take to the talk shows to 'set the record straight'. That dingbat will accidently step her big stilleto toe into the political zietgeist and hopefully that will be the end of her.
Cant wait to see how this plays out.
On the other hand, I sure hope the children's show doesnt pick up more viewers, as the uninitiated decide to tune in to get a further look at the banshee.
Where were we "told" that Scott and Jen left because of moral issues?
Sarah did not want one spec of Kate's time to be aired, according to the leaked rumors. TLC wanted to drive the ratings up, up and up. And, guess what, I think TLC did it again. Until this was edited I think Kate was on eggshells, not really knowing if she were fired or not. (No blog, she kept a low profile) Then the new blog (first word: WHEW!) made me believe she got a reprieve. The edit worked and TLC sees Mega Ratings. Kate will probably get a bonus out of this little bit of pissiness. And her behavior will not get better.
Molly, I believe that Kevin/Jodi/Jodi's sister mentioned something about crew members leaving because of moral issues.
sftk, I knew what you were trying to convey. I am no fan of Sarah's (and I'm not even bitter, go figure) but she does have a very large fan base. She could use her influence for some good in this hot mess. Not saying she should, just that she could, like you said.
@ just wondering. I don't think most posters are watching the show and it can be pretty hard to avoid the Attila The Kate commercials if you're watching some other program on TLC. I get my info from the recaps Admin so kindly provides for us and fast forward through the Kate commercials if at all possible.
Molly, I believe that Kevin/Jodi/Jodi's sister mentioned something about crew members leaving because of moral issues.
Yes. It was last May (2009). I believe it's on YouTube.
(Admin, thanks for allowing us to occasionally get a bit off topic, briefly).
Hippie Chick - How's your father doing today? I've had you in my thoughts since reading your comments on the other post yesterday. I know what it's like, so hang in there. I hope he's doing better today.
So, any word on whether or not Khate is still on ET's payroll covering SWTS? I've read that the ratings continue to go down. I don't think ET even mentioned the show last week but I bet they will cover it tonight because I read that there was a bad accident during rehearsals yesterday and one of the pros had her finger sliced open. Also, one of the other skaters got ill (possible food poisoning) and had to be rushed to the hospital. Khate didn't go to LA this week to cover the show last night, did she? Ha, I hope that ET cut her loose after the first week! Maybe they decided to not waste time covering SWTS since it's been such a bomb.
Oh, poor Khate isn't able to go out to LA for a few days every week for five or six weeks like she planned. Well, you know, that's a good thing, isn't it Khate? Most mothers (especially of EIGHT kids!) are very busy in the month of December with the holidays. You know, shopping for and wrapping gifts, decorating the house, parties at the kids' school, concerts at school, etc. Now she has all this free time to just be a mom this month. Oh wait a second ....that's the LAST thing she wants to do with her time.
just wondering : haven't watched since the St Jude epi. I don't even click on the links provided by different sites because K8 makes me ill.
And yet they film and produce "Sister Wives"? Liars, just like Kate.
I think there's a difference between filming adults who have chosen to live an alternative lifestyle, as opposed to young kids who have no say in their lives. Adults are able to make their own informed (assumably) decisions, whereas kids have no say as to what is going on in their household. I'm assuming that's what was meant by the staff not wanting to film the G's anymore.
What about all of the Hollywood celebs kHate has been hobnobbing alongside this past year - why haven't they stepped up? Or DWTS? SWTS? Any other acronym...
Because they haven't seen her in person, interacting with her kids.
I just thought of a way to teach Kate the meaning of Irony. Jon should sit Mady or Cara down (which ever one was upset in the promo shot of Alaska) and ask them why they were upset and what happened. Also agree with the child that he will RECORD it on his cell or other means and then use that to show the judge why the kids should be off TV! Key here is that the child will be fully aware of the recording and that she understands fully that daddy is using this to help get them off camera.
These kids are smarter than given credit for, at least Mady & Cara are. The only downside, Kate probably has 1 or 2 of them wired to "tell Mommy everything daddy does" so Jon would need to be discreet.
That would be the ultimate example of irony. The recording should help stop the recording.
You know why I think Kate is suing Jon for the $125,000 in child support? Not because she needs the money. Just 3.5 million this year alone. And that doesn't include the $80,000 in child support. She is suing Jon because she is AFRAID that Jon just may buy a home now that he is employed. Kate is jealous and afraid that Jon might be able to purchase a house that the kids can enjoy. Remember Kate's comment that she sits at home waiting for the kids's to call her so she can pick them up when visiting with Jon. Kate said that the kids want to be in THEIR home with their things. I truly believe she wants the worst visit possible for her children when they visit their father. And that includes being cramped in a one bedroom apartment. Heaven forbid if Jon was able to buy a home with a private backyard that his children would enjoy. That would eat Kate alive. She doesn't want the best for her kids. She wants her kids to NOT like being at their father's home. The more uncomfortable for the kids when they are around Jon the better. Shame on Kate. If Kate truly wants the best for her kids she would forget about the past child support and help, yes help, Jon buy a home for the children that they can be proud of when visiting their father. But that is NOT Kate.
K8SUCKS said... Molly, I believe that Kevin/Jodi/Jodi's sister mentioned something about crew members leaving because of moral issues.
I thought the exact wording was that the crew came to Kevin and Jodi, asking/sharing w/them they were uncomfortable with some of the things that were going on during shooting. One I thought was of J&K fighting and they had to work to keep them apart, just to get enough film. I 'assumed' they may have meant issues involving the children.
"You know why I think Kate is suing Jon for the $125,000 in child support?"
You make some interesting points Maggie - but you know what I think this is about? Jon having another woman. kHate is alone and crying in interviews about how lonely she is and is always politicking for 'Mr Right' to come and sweep her off her feet.
I think she is bitter and jealous of Jon's happiness, and the desperate narcissist in her is trying to still control him in any way she can. She probably looks at it like 'he better not be spending that money on her!'
She really is a disgusting person, and I am talking on the inside. The more I read and the great points other people raise make me that much more aware of what a FREAK this psycho lady is and how bad she is for those poor kids.
I would bet $ that the kids LOVE sleeping in sleeping bags on the floor of Jon's tiny cramped apartment versus sleeping in separate cells at the Gosselin orphanage.
Just Wondering, please email me if you want a back and forth conversation. I am not going to tell adults what to do, nor do I permit using real names on this blog. It is a free country, if people want to watch this crap they are free to. The ratings, while okay for cable, are still very low and are made up largely of people who have never even been to a blog, let alone this blog. My hits do not even come close to 1.3 million I can assure you.
"I would bet $ that the kids LOVE sleeping in sleeping bags on the floor of Jon's tiny cramped apartment versus sleeping in separate cells at the Gosselin orphanage."
Ha! SO funny you said that I was just thinking it. Back in my single days I used to take all my siblings kids for a couple weekends a year. Seven kids and me in my tiny place. I would lay them out like sardines on the family room floor in sleeping bags and blankets and whatever I could find. Literally one end of the floor to the other. I would wedge myself right into the middle of them all. We would watch movies and play video games (what I do for a living) and board games, paint, draw, color - whatever.
TO THIS DAY, they remember it and bring it up often! The oldest is 22 now and it amazes me they remember those days because none of them were very old, the youngest ones were still in diapers. I love that they remember those times.
Makes you wonder what the G8 kids will remember from their childhood; and when I imagine what memories they will have I get sick to my stomach. They will be 'putting on old episodes' to reflect on their missed childhoods.
TLC is Kate's Mary Shelley said...
Sarah did not want one spec of Kate's time to be aired, according to the leaked rumors. TLC wanted to drive the ratings up, up and up.
Is there any way this can be verified?
Sarah Palin's Alaska (9pm)
- 2.780 million viewers
- 1.6/2 HH
- 0.8/2 A18-49
via TravisYanan
I know we're not tracking Sarah Palin's ratings but this is now the lowest ratings, down from 3.5 million last week.
Hope this new low wasn't caused by some Palin viewers tuning-out, thinking the Gosselin episode was going to air.
With all this media frenzy surrounding the Gosselin episode, it'll probably boost ratings for Sarah Palin's Alaska, which is unfortunate. I don't want TLC getting the wrong idea, that a dramatic, diva-like Kate Gosselin is still marketable by attracting more casual viewers. Isn't that only going to prolong her reality tv career?
Yes, you are correct , I very clearly remember that as well. It's difficult to recall all the details but the basic summary is that some crew members absolutely had a problem with what went on at the house.
Sport: unfortunately,I think the kiddos have a lifelong struggle ahead of them. They do have some good memories with Jon I suppose, but the bad memories with K8 will suffocate them. Sardine sleepovers are the best , I went to a few as well !
I keep reading that Katie was crying because there were no hand-cleansing materials. Geeze, she's a RN & mother of EIGHT, I'd think she would carry wipes or a bottle of Purell in her purse. When my kids were that age, they hadn't made the scientific discovery of Purell yet. My kids got to eat dirt and guess what, they survived.
We should be pointing fingers at not only TLC, but the pathetic cameramen and production people with a front row seat to this crap. They not only have stories to tell and a front row seat, but EVIDENCE in the form of film and photos.
I know!! Why the hell haven't they? Is it entertaining to them to watch children get degraded & spanked? What WE see must be mild compared to what they edit. How can they live with themselves if something is going on in that house? If it were any of us, I know we would do the right thing, confidentiality agreement or not, morals are morals. I could not live myself if I saw kids that were getting fed spoiled food, getting screamed at for little things, or getting slapped & did nothing about it.
I completely agree. If I had been there in Alaska, and if it's true that Kate shook Mady so hard she was crying, you can bet I would've called the authorities, whether Kate left or stayed, whether she threw a fit or not. Does no one care about those kids? How can grown adults see a grown woman shaking her own flesh and blood so hard she makes her cry, and not do anything about it? Poor kids must feel as if no one cares about them except Daddy. :(
Troy Chula Vista said:"I just thought of a way to teach Kate the meaning of Irony. Jon should sit Mady or Cara down (which ever one was upset in the promo shot of Alaska) and ask them why they were upset and what happened. Also agree with the child that he will RECORD it on his cell or other means and then use that to show the judge why the kids should be off TV".
You forgot one thing, Troy; Mady would have to go home after that, without Jon there to protect her. What do you think might happen to her if she was "disloyal" to Kate in that way? She is already an abuse target.IMO it wouldn't be safe for her to do that.
You make some interesting points Maggie - but you know what I think this is about? Jon having another woman. kHate is alone and crying in interviews about how lonely she is and is always politicking for 'Mr Right' to come and sweep her off her feet.
From experience I can assure you, the biggest gripe Kate has, is Jon thwarted HER plans. He finally stood up for himself and didn't succumb to her dictates. He didn't agree to continue the sham of an appearance of a marriage, and THAT is what makes Kate mad...and IF you can keep quiet and not engage in arguing with them, that only adds insult to injury for the narcissist.
You forgot one thing, Troy; Mady would have to go home after that, without Jon there to protect her.
Rarely is it a good idea to involve children, no matter their age, in what should be between the parents.
Maggie said:
Remember Kate's comment that she sits at home waiting for the kids's to call her so she can pick them up when visiting with Jon. Kate said that the kids want to be in THEIR home with their things. I truly believe she wants the worst visit possible for her children when they visit their father.
Maggie- I agree. If Kate is so interested in her children's well being, she would allow Jon to stay in the kid's home. Kate slamming Jon, by saying she just waits for the calls is completely uncalled for. Why can Kate slam Jon left and right, but he can not say one word about her. Quite frankly, neither of them should be permitted to publicly make ANY comments against either. For the sake of the kids. Kate is a witch, and I am not sure how she gets away with her horrible slamming of Jon in Family Court, since NEITHER parent should be permitted to comment publicly about the other parent. The kids need a break, since Kate can't seem to ever stop making negative comments on Jon. There is something seriously wrong with Kate to do this, but we all know what a selfish person she is, one who can not even consider how this effects her kids, but only herself. The Family Court Judge needs to put a lid on Kate once and for all. No one wants to hear her crazy antics anyway.
SmileyGrl752 said... We should be pointing fingers at not only TLC, but the pathetic cameramen and production people with a front row seat to this crap. They not only have stories to tell and a front row seat, but EVIDENCE in the form of film and photos.
I know!! Why the hell haven't they? Is it entertaining to them to watch children get degraded & spanked? What WE see must be mild compared to what they edit. How can they live with themselves if something is going on in that house? If it were any of us, I know we would do the right thing, confidentiality agreement or not, morals are morals. I could not live myself if I saw kids that were getting fed spoiled food, getting screamed at for little things, or getting slapped & did nothing about it.
I completely agree. If I had been there in Alaska, and if it's true that Kate shook Mady so hard she was crying, you can bet I would've called the authorities, whether Kate left or stayed, whether she threw a fit or not. Does no one care about those kids? How can grown adults see a grown woman shaking her own flesh and blood so hard she makes her cry, and not do anything about it? Poor kids must feel as if no one cares about them except Daddy. :(
Exactly. Something has been wrong with the filming of these kids from the get go. The fact that Jon wanted this to end, and he was their father, and knew well the kids wanted off the show tells everything.
What part of this did Kate not understand? The kids want to lead a normal life, minus cameras.
Right after my parents separated/divorced, my father would get us 3 kids every weekend. My father had a studio apartment. It literally had a kitchen, livingroom and bathroom. We'd sleep on the floor in sleeping bags. Do I have horrible memories of sleeping on the floor, or not being in my own bed? Nope...what I remember about that apartment was at bedtime, we would tell bedtime stories. So if it were my turn to start...I would start the story with one sentence, then it would be my brothers turn, and he'd add a sentence on to my story...etc. I remember us laughing hysterical as we would add funny lines to the stories.
You make some interesting points Maggie - but you know what I think this is about? Jon having another woman. kHate is alone and crying in interviews about how lonely she is and is always politicking for 'Mr Right' to come and sweep her off her feet.
From experience I can assure you, the biggest gripe Kate has, is Jon thwarted HER plans. He finally stood up for himself and didn't succumb to her dictates. He didn't agree to continue the sham of an appearance of a marriage, and THAT is what makes Kate mad...and IF you can keep quiet and not engage in arguing with them, that only adds insult to injury for the narcissist.
Just Wondering, please email me if you want a back and forth conversation. I am not going to tell adults what to do, nor do I permit using real names on this blog. It is a free country, if people want to watch this crap they are free to. The ratings, while okay for cable, are still very low and are made up largely of people who have never even been to a blog, let alone this blog. My hits do not even come close to 1.3 million I can assure you.
"You know why I think Kate is suing Jon for the $125,000 in child support?"
You make some interesting points Maggie - but you know what I think this is about? Jon having another woman. kHate is alone and crying in interviews about how lonely she is and is always politicking for 'Mr Right' to come and sweep her off her feet.
I think she is bitter and jealous of Jon's happiness, and the desperate narcissist in her is trying to still control him in any way she can. She probably looks at it like 'he better not be spending that money on her!'
She really is a disgusting person, and I am talking on the inside. The more I read and the great points other people raise make me that much more aware of what a FREAK this psycho lady is and how bad she is for those poor kids.
You know why I think Kate is suing Jon for the $125,000 in child support? Not because she needs the money. Just 3.5 million this year alone. And that doesn't include the $80,000 in child support. She is suing Jon because she is AFRAID that Jon just may buy a home now that he is employed. Kate is jealous and afraid that Jon might be able to purchase a house that the kids can enjoy. Remember Kate's comment that she sits at home waiting for the kids's to call her so she can pick them up when visiting with Jon. Kate said that the kids want to be in THEIR home with their things. I truly believe she wants the worst visit possible for her children when they visit their father. And that includes being cramped in a one bedroom apartment. Heaven forbid if Jon was able to buy a home with a private backyard that his children would enjoy. That would eat Kate alive. She doesn't want the best for her kids. She wants her kids to NOT like being at their father's home. The more uncomfortable for the kids when they are around Jon the better. Shame on Kate. If Kate truly wants the best for her kids she would forget about the past child support and help, yes help, Jon buy a home for the children that they can be proud of when visiting their father. But that is NOT Kate.
(Admin, thanks for allowing us to occasionally get a bit off topic, briefly).
Hippie Chick - How's your father doing today? I've had you in my thoughts since reading your comments on the other post yesterday. I know what it's like, so hang in there. I hope he's doing better today.
So, any word on whether or not Khate is still on ET's payroll covering SWTS? I've read that the ratings continue to go down. I don't think ET even mentioned the show last week but I bet they will cover it tonight because I read that there was a bad accident during rehearsals yesterday and one of the pros had her finger sliced open. Also, one of the other skaters got ill (possible food poisoning) and had to be rushed to the hospital. Khate didn't go to LA this week to cover the show last night, did she? Ha, I hope that ET cut her loose after the first week! Maybe they decided to not waste time covering SWTS since it's been such a bomb.
Oh, poor Khate isn't able to go out to LA for a few days every week for five or six weeks like she planned. Well, you know, that's a good thing, isn't it Khate? Most mothers (especially of EIGHT kids!) are very busy in the month of December with the holidays. You know, shopping for and wrapping gifts, decorating the house, parties at the kids' school, concerts at school, etc. Now she has all this free time to just be a mom this month. Oh wait a second ....that's the LAST thing she wants to do with her time.
I have no idea if I'm posting in the right place or not, but I think it would be a very nice thing if Kate were to tell Johnny Moseley
that JON would certainly get a kick out of meeting Johnny, and both men could take the 8 (or 5 or 2) kids out on the slopes together. Jon would enjoy the adventure, Kate only wants to hang around famous people. I wonder if Kate ever thought of letting Jon in on the fun for the sake of their kids?
Vanessa said...
From the moment the public first set eyes on this woman, listening to her preach and bitch and moan, everything she DOES is a total contradiction of what she SAYS!
From making a meal, cleaning a meal...to saying if only Jon would ask her "what can I do for you Kate?", to the "germaphobe", to the "plannner", to the "contract honourer" to the "Can-do-sh!!t-Kate", to "I don't have $ to pay the bills", to "I just got a good bra", to "I wait for the kids to call and ask to leave Jon's place". My God, the list is ENDLESS...THIS is just the latest! How many times has she denied being demanding, a diva, a snob etc.?? I LOVE how EVERYONE is finally catching on!
One more, Vanessa:
*Kate doesn't have $ to pay the bills....
Vanessa said...
From the moment the public first set eyes on this woman, listening to her preach and bitch and moan, everything she DOES is a total contradiction of what she SAYS!
From making a meal, cleaning a meal...to saying if only Jon would ask her "what can I do for you Kate?", to the "germaphobe", to the "plannner", to the "contract honourer" to the "Can-do-sh!!t-Kate", to "I don't have $ to pay the bills", to "I just got a good bra", to "I wait for the kids to call and ask to leave Jon's place". My God, the list is ENDLESS...THIS is just the latest! How many times has she denied being demanding, a diva, a snob etc.?? I LOVE how EVERYONE is finally catching on!
Vanessa, do you realise that you just listed excellent monikers in your post for anyone that leaves messages with an "anonymous" name?
*Preach, Bitch & Moan...
*Make A Meal, Cleaning A Meal...
*What Can I Do For You, Kate?...
*Contract Honourer...
*Can-do-sh!!t-Kate... (my personal favorite)
*I just got a good bra... (another favorite)
And if you don't mind, I'm just altering the last one:
*Kate Waits For The Kids To Call...
Absolutely delicious!!!
Sport said..In the big picture the G8 dont even register on the Palin radar - why should they?
I am just guessing here, but I'd think the comment you quoted, may have been based on stories reporting that Todd Palin's asst. wanted to report Kate for child abuse, but they settled with Kate supposedly not talking about the Palins. That was my understanding.
I watched re-runs of SP show over the weekend, and I must say I'm impressed!!! Forget the politics, Sarah is a warm, friendly, nurturing mom who has a great sense of humor and alot of patience and obviously loves her family and Alaska. She seems like a genuine person, and Katie Irene just missed out on one of the most interesting evenings she could ask for. Can you imagine the girl talk around that campfire? I'm finally "jellus" of Katie, I wish I'd had that one opportunity to get to know Sarah in person.
05) Kate Gosselin — $3.5 million
And this b!tch claims broke?
she is cuckoo said...
Hey Kate, what happened to 'you get what you get and you don't get upset'? Did you let yourself eat a birthday cupcake after you tossed that food on the ground?Did you repack that moose hot dog until you finally ate it a week later? Why to you have no problem underdressing in cold weather when your lone paparazzo is around? Would you have been happier in Alaska if your boobs and cameltoe were on display? Why is it OK for you to have a meltdown but not your pathetic children? Geez, wonder why they have rage issues living with you. Fool
Ah... very good post, "she is cuckoo"!
Because you see, rules do not apply to lofty Kate Gosselin.
Judy, I'm not trying to start a political debate. The point is I think both Obama and Sarah Palin had good reasons to step down from their posts--he because he was going to be president in a few months and he could not give Illinois his full attention, she because the media circus surrounding her was not the best thing for Alaska at the time.
Kate can't even begin to hold a candle to the work ethic of either of those politicians.
You know, Kate said (I think it was on an episode of DWTS but I'm not sure) that 90% of people who watch her don't like her. I wonder if she knows why and she milks it, or if she really is clueless...
That would mean Kate would have to think about it, ponder, ruminate, mull it over in her mind. I honestly don't think Kate thinks things through. She reacts to things.
Admin said...
"For goodness sake how does Kate think they kept warm in the 19th century?"
There's a part of me that giggles like crazy at the idea that Sarah might have told her they have to kill a bear and crawl inside it to keep warm.
...I bet she went up there all full of resentment that she, the established star of TLC, had to go all the way to Alaska to help launch Palin's new show, lol.
When Kate's trip to Alaska was originally announced it was reported they were filming crossover episodes for Kate Plus 8 and Palin's Alaska. Interestingly enough, soon after the first reports of Kate's meltdown surfaced, the crossover concept disappeared from TLC's statements. LOL
Hey Kate, what happened to 'you get what you get and you don't get upset'? Did you let yourself eat a birthday cupcake after you tossed that food on the ground?Did you repack that moose hot dog until you finally ate it a week later? Why to you have no problem underdressing in cold weather when your lone paparazzo is around? Would you have been happier in Alaska if your boobs and cameltoe were on display? Why is it OK for you to have a meltdown but not your pathetic children? Geez, wonder why they have rage issues living with you. Fool
Ok first of all it's well-documented you don't get sick from being out in the cold. You get sick from germs. They could go back to the hotel and get sick from a telephone receiver a sick housekeeper touched. Secondly, Kate wasn't saying I want to go home because the KIDS are going to get sick. It wasn't about the kids, it never was about the kids, it was about her getting comfortable again because the queen was uncomfortable for a few hours. The kids were having FUN according to this report. These kids got pulled away from normal and quiet summer activities with their normal friends to go work for their mother and they are finally have FUN on the trip and Kate has to pull them away.
Thirdly, all reports said it was no colder than about 45 degrees. That's nothing. Especially for children who live in PA where it regular is in the 20's and below in the winter. They had lovely tents, a great fire, appropriate rain gear, and there is absolutely no reason they shouldn't be warm as toast once they get settled. Sarah Palin's family was just doing just fine--and I repeat, the kids were having fun.
I used to go "winter" camping on the East Coast with girlscouts. In the Northeast winter camping meant early November. We were fine, we had a blast. We wore hats and mittens at night and had a nice warm sleeping bag in platform tents. During the daytime we had campfires and also kept warm out and about doing activities, hiking and so on. Camping is what you make of it. You can stand there and complain you are cold, or you can get moving, start cooking and doing chores, and suddenly the blood is moving again and you're warm and having fun.
For goodness sake how does Kate think they kept warm in the 19th century?
Anonymous said...
Being an adult we all do things, but having 8 kids wet and cold might be a real problem. If they all got sick from this, and had medical bills and had to spend a week or so getting better, I might would think different about doing the whole overnight thing.
Then, how do you explain why the Palins continued camping after the Gosselins left? Sarah Palin has no regard for her children's health by keeping them in wet and cold conditions?
Sarah, daughters Piper and Willow, husband Todd and other family members seem to be having a blast. So, for that matter, are Kate's youngsters.
"The kids are having fun, so I'm tolerating it, but this is my new home," grumbles Kate, having sullenly planted herself, apart from the rest, beneath a tarp. "I am miserable, but, I mean, somebody's got to be."
Doesn't sound like the Gosselin kids were complaining about the miserable conditions; in fact, they were having a blast.
If Kate was a smart mother, she'd have spoken with Sarah beforehand about what clothing to bring in preparation for camping in Alaskan weather. Or, researched it online. Smart, organized moms (like she claims to be) would probably over-pack the essentials, not be ill-prepared.
From these spoilers, it seems like Kate got what she wanted, all the attention on her.
Isn't this supposed to be SARAH PALIN's Alaska, not Kate Plus 8?
It's unfortunate that most of the focus appears to be on Kate's miserable experience; however, Sarah Palin seems to handle her like a respectful and graceful host.
Anonymous, why must you sheeple bring up Jon and accuse him of wrongdoing (ie lying) whenever Kate does something wrong? He has NOTHING to do with HER awful, ungrateful, immature behavior. He had nothing to do with the embarrassment she caused their kids (and herself, if she had any sense) and the disrespect she showed the Palins and her employer, TLC. This is all on her. Leave Jon out of it
I think part of Khate's horrible attitude going into this episode isn't just about the fact that she doesn't like camping, especially when it's colder and rainy. I think the real reason has to do with Khate's delusions of grandeur. We all know she thinks she's a big star. In her twisted mind, she probably thought that since she's TLC's big star, TLC needed her to go up to Alaska with the children and do a couple of cross over episodes to help launch the new Sarah Palin program.
Sounds crazy, I know, but this is Khate we're talking about here! Just look how in this recap Khate compares her life hounded by that sole paid photographer to the massive attention that Sarah draws everywhere she goes. She is totally delusional! I bet she went up there all full of resentment that she, the established star of TLC, had to go all the way to Alaska to help launch Palin's new show, lol.
I'm just hoping that after this incident in July, combined with the sliding ratings ever since then, that TLC has wanted to ax the show and they've only been stringing her along until they were able to air this Palin episode. It would be great to see her show canned soon, very soon!
I'm a Democrat and I have never been camping in my life. I hate to be cold and wet. That said, I would be honored to take my kids camping with Sarah Palin. That is an adventure they would be telling their grandchildren about!
I think she is a wonderful mother and from what I understand, a great friend.
Kate failed this one in every possible way.
I can't imagine behaving so badly as anyone's guest, but this really is an all-time low for Kate.
By the way, I keep picturing these cartoon bears sitting in a "Kate Safety Class".
I love how Kate's enablers excuse her bad behavior by saying that it's just Kate being Kate.
What exactly does that mean? That it is excusable behavior because Kate is a spoiled, entitled brat, who thinks she's above the law, can destroy as many lives as she wants, and can diss anyone she darn well pleases simply because she can?
The Gosselin 8 are going to have a lifetime of embarrassing "memories" that their mother claims to be building.
Too bad Steve doesn't carry a blow dart gun that shoots out a tranquilizer everytime Kate starts acting up.
All you'd hear is a "Thoot", "thunk", and a "thud".
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