TVSquad.com has named Kate number two in the Top 10 Jerks of 2010 (behind only TV exec Jeff Zucker, the man who fired Conan--eh, fair enough). Not only that, but they want her off our TV's and arrested for child exploitation.
2010 was the year America caught onto her, finally.
71 sediments (sic) from readers:
We Americans can sometimes be slow on the uptake about these things, but once we catch on, watch out!
I agree that Kate should not be on TV. She can work anywhere she can find employment, but I don't want to see her on TV. She does not belong there. Neither do her 8 children.
I agree, let her do whatever she wants in the entertainment field (hah), just do it without exploiting her children. Unfortunately not only has she really pretty much ruined their young lives, but she is now a 35 year old plastic body/face/hair wannabee with a toxic personality - that persona barely works at 18, let alone working your way to 40. Pathetic no matter how you look at her, and her future.
Has there been anything positive written about her (tabloids, internet magazines, etc.) since the Alaska revelation? I'm not talking about the few lingering sheeple who are still being fleeced and butting heads with the opposition, but actual articles, polls, television commentaries?
The sheeple's position on this is that Kate is free to raise/sellout/profit on her children as she sees fit because that is her right as their mother. They focus entirely on her rights and as for the children, they pretend that what they see on tv are kids having fun and getting amazing perks. Well it is no fun and not a perk to be raised by babysitters, do poorly in school, have no friends or family or social network outside the employer, and have parents stuck in a bitter feud over their wellbeing. These children are not entitled to college funds, a mansion, free trips and swag, they are however entitled to their privacy and their childhoods.
The picture of Kate they used in the article looks just like Jane Fonda when she was in her 50s.
On a side note, I hope John is working behind the scenes to get full custody of the children.
I agree with one poster who thought Kate could be a sociopath. How TLC allows this to continue is beyond me. They have no shame.
It's about time.
It's also time for mental health professionals to step in and examine the ENTIRE family.
Unfortunately if Kate continues to stay in the entertainment industry she will still be an embarrassment to her children. I certainly believe she should be earning some income to raise the children with but if it means getting cosmetic procedures, dressing like a attention seeker groupie, fawning over people as phony as she is that still draws the wrong kind of attention and the kids are included. There are lots of towns or cities she could move to to get out of the limelight and live a somewhat normal life if she choose to. Sure there would be the initial interest but after a while things would quiet down and they would be living under the radar like most of the other large families out there. Sadly, Kate loves the attention she brings to herself and it includes dragging the kids into it. I wonder what she would be doing in her life now to get attention if she had not had all her babies?
This mess will keep growing until something or someone stops it but she has dug her feet in and will have to be dragged out to get her to stop. At least more people who have interacted with her are speaking out now and it continues to prove how she really is. She needs a big intervention but without true family or friends who is willing to help her?
*This mess will keep growing until something or someone stops it*
No, the mess will keep growing as long as people keep watching and commenting on it.
TLC is BRILLIANT as a PR machine. They have realized the only way to sell Kate now is as a villain. And they have now targeted Kate haters as their demographic, not the sheeple.
I'm sure more horrible episodes and news will be on the way, as THAT's what people read. There really isn't an audience for another Kate redemption scenario, and TLC knows it. They are literally milking her for every drop of press they can get.
sftk said... This mess will keep growing until something or someone stops it but she has dug her feet in and will have to be dragged out to get her to stop. At least more people who have interacted with her are speaking out now and it continues to prove how she really is. She needs a big intervention but without true family or friends who is willing to help her?
I think you're right about Kate digging her heels in. Her attitude is way past denial. She simply doesn't care. She is going to do what she wants to do and that is final.
I find it ironic that it has taken this long for the main stream media to catch on to her. Blogs like this one and others have for years caught on to the real Kate. Did TLC have that much power to influence so much of this country's media bias toward Kate?
I think TLC is tired of her and now the flood gates have been opened so the media can say whatever they want about her and TLC is turning their back on all of it.
I agree with what sftk just said. This whole thing reminds me of some weird child experiment that went bad. I remember years ago reading about this "baby in a box" where the father who was some kind of scientist of psychologist or something (it's been years since I read about it) tried a lab experiment on his child. The first year of her life she was raised in a "box" like a plexiglass container. I guess he was wanting to see if there was any difference between children who are cradled and held and had a lot of human contact during the first year. Can you imagine?
Regarding the above pic, my first thought was that Mady, with her arms folded, looked stubborn and angry. After taking another look, she looks like she is trying to hold back from bursting into tears. Just my take.
MammaKnows said...
?? Finally what ??
I stand corrected. I looked up baby in a box stories online, and evidently the father constructed his invention to be temperature controlled, etc..so that the baby could be free of clothing and move about easily. Evidently it was used solely as a crib.
However, what I was remembering was the reports about him, way back in the seventies, when several magazine reports about him said that the child was reared for the first year in the box.
Is it wrong that it brings me such pleasure to see Kate go from one of Barbara Walter's Most Intriguing People of 2009 to the no. 4 position on E's Top 10 Douchebags of 2010 and now no. 2 on the Top 10 Jerks of 2010?
The only thing that happened in 2010 to bring this change about was that Kate was given many more opportunities to shine and in those opportunities, many more people were exposed to the real Kate Gosselin.
She was handed 2010 on a "golden" platter and managed to F*CK it up! Even TLC can't protect her image anymore. I know Kate will never take the blame for her massive PR downfall, but she has no one to blame but herself.
No, Michelle, I don't think you are wrong. I think many, many people feel the same way.
I don't think the people on his list come close to her heinous behavior. Some are portraying a character. Kate is playing herself.
I think it is a sad state of affairs the crap that is put on TV for our enjoyment and even sadder that we watch it.
I think Kate still has potential on TV just being a awful horrible person. I think Twist of Kate would have shown her unstable behavior just like what we saw on SPA.
Let her be on TV being crazy, just someone get the kids out of her care.
Jon and Ellen, if your kids really don't want to be with Kate, they need an attorney and emancipation. I think if they say they don't want to film anymore in front of a judge, with an attorney representing them, they would win.
I like that TVSquad said it in a 2 sentence phrase. Like, Enough Said. There has been NO good articles about Kate lately, not one. Wake up Kate! You're not wanted in the public eye anymore!
Blogs like this one and others have for years caught on to the real Kate.
Who'd have thought all it would take was a different production and film crew. (SPA vs K+8)
Heather, well said!
Anon, you make an excellent point. The Kate Plus 8 crew/production has a conflict of interest, they want to keep the gravy train going so they can keep their jobs and get paid. So they find the fine line between creating just enough controversy to keep people interested, without making people actually turn away.
Sarah Palin's production had no such incentive. Kate was only coming on once and one time only. Sarah's show is only eight or so episodes anyway, rather like a miniseries. They could show Kate how she really is and it doesn't hurt them. Actually, it just helped Sarah look better.
It makes you wonder about the footage that remains on the cutting room floor.
ITA Michelle. I have stayed in the Gosselin blogging world for a good while just waiting to watch her mighty downfall. There isn't anyone who deserves it more. And her attitude of I'm strong and will not back down has got her here. She just cannot allow anyone else to say a word without her defending herself. And TLC gave her that forum to lie repeatedly after we had already seen photos of her in magazines before the episode was shown and the programs with Meredith and The View where she was allowed to spout her crap and they were all gushy around her, but the minute she was off they were criticizing her. I never understood why she always got to sit there and lie and wasn't called on it. Can you even imagine how the sheeple are going to react to this. Thing is, they can go on their blogs and have a fit, but they cannot change the way she is reviled and hated everywhere now. And the great part -- she did it all to herself. I hope she never gets a gig on TV again, just has to slide back into obscurity, right where she belongs.
Who'd have thought all it would take was a different production and film crew. (SPA vs K+8)
I think Kate's behavior was showcased on DWTS for a lot of people to see who didn't know who she was. BIG mistake for her handlers, but anyway, things started going downhill from there.
As we have all said for a very long time, the kids need to be off of TV. The kids have had their lives scrutinized since day one, as Kate and Jon (at the time) were all about money, freebies, speaking to church groups for $, books about the kids, speaking engagements, tv shows, and any other possible way they could make money while talking about the 8 kids they chose to have by "selling the kids' privacy" every step of the way.
I honestly do not care what either Kate or Jon do to support THEIR kids, but I am adamant the filming of the kids and books written about them needs to stop! These 8 kids have endured far more expolitation of their personal lives than any child should ever have to experience.
Kate will never get it because she is all about herself, but I am hoping Jon has some success in Family Court so he can spend more time with the kids, and that the filming will end once and for all. Kate has been finally shown for the shrew that she really is and always has been, although many of us realized this long before. Kate will stop at nothing, so it is time either the Family Court or TLC shut this witch down. Remember, the shows went from weekly to periodic, but she still could not contain herself; she has serious mental health issues. Even then, she took the kids on non-stop trips during their summer vacation, many of which were grueling and clearly not enjoyable for kids - NYC in extreme heat conditions, and most recently SP Alaska, in which she bitched constantly, while noting her kids were having a great time, yet shut it down after 2 hours. This woman flew 8 kids on an 8 hour flight, only to bail from SP Alaska after 2 hours because SHE was not comfortable. It was and has never has been about the kids, and anyone who cares one iota about the kids, knows she has been using them for her own fame and that it is NOT in their best interest to be filmed (Expulsion of 2 kindergartners.) If this is not a huge red flag that Kate still does not seem to get, I don't know what is. Never mind the fishing trip in which the kids were throwing up, extremely sick but she insisted on fishing so SHE could catch some fish on film. She could have turned that boat around in a minute, if she was truly concerned about her kids.
Wake up Kate fans, her kids are NOT doing well in spite of what you think you see on film. The Expulsion of 2 speaks a thousand words....
Admin said..
Anon, you make an excellent point. The Kate Plus 8 crew/production has a conflict of interest, they want to keep the gravy train going so they can keep their jobs and get paid. So they find the fine line between creating just enough controversy to keep people interested, without making people actually turn away.
Sarah Palin's production had no such incentive. Kate was only coming on once and one time only. Sarah's show is only eight or so episodes anyway, rather like a miniseries. They could show Kate how she really is and it doesn't hurt them. Actually, it just helped Sarah look better.
It makes you wonder about the footage that remains on the cutting room floor.
Exactly. The true Kate came through loud and clear on this episode, as she did not have the same buffers.
Gosselin8ComeFirst said... The true Kate came through loud and clear on this episode, as she did not have the same buffers.
Amen! When she was having her meltdown, trying to keep from flat out bawling, it looked like she was reaming out a production assistant or producer. Can you imagine what these people endure working with her? Talk about a toxic workplace. Thankfully they get to go home at the end of the day. Sadly for the kids, this isn't just a toxic workplace, it's their life.
Big surprise that when a couple of the original crew from J&K+8 were given the opportunity to work with the Duggars, they jumped at the opportunity and never looked back. I remember watching an episode of the Duggars when the boom mike operator (who we saw in early Gosselin seasons) brought his daughters with him to the Duggars. The daughters were commenting on how wonderful it was to spend the day there and one said something like her dad really liked working with the Duggars because they were the same people off camera as they were on camera. I'm sure her dad couldn't make the same comment about the Gosselins.
Exactly. The true Kate came through loud and clear on this episode, as she did not have the same buffers.
Not entirely true. The network has final say on what airs, not the producers of the show. TLC knew EXACTLY what was being shown, knew EXACTLY how she behaved in Alaska, and it was aired with TLC's blessing. It really doesn't have anything to do with the producers of SPA.
TLC knows it has to portray her as a villain/ungrateful/nasty. It's what her audience (the Kate haters) expects. If TLC diverts from that format, they lose their audience. And there isn't anyone left to target.
I wonder if we'll ever see what is on the cutting room floor from the Sarah Palin show. Sometimes things like that get leaked from people who just don't care. It has happened in the past. I can't think of any examples off the top of my head, but I'm sure if we sit tight, something may get leaked eventually. It could even be TLC themselves leaking it, trying to rid themselves of Kate, ya never know. There is definitely more to that trip than we know (the Maddy incident, for example).
I think if Kate ever throws TLC under the bus, we'll see more leaks of Kate abusing those kids. What will she do then? How will she "clear the air"?
Oh, & Kate's Take stupid blog never printed my post. I pointed out that Kate always keeps filming when it's convenient for Kate, like if her kids are vomiting, etc, but if Kate's cold & hungry, they keep filming. Hmmm, wonder why they didn't print it?
Guys, I really feel bad about slaming the sheeple right about now..They are mostly CHILDREN, 12-16 maybe 17.I was kind of harsh with a sheeple on youtube(incidentally calls herself "nbr1kategosselinfan" ) only to find out she's 16 years old and her best defense is "I am a 16 year old kid"
I talked to her a little and guess what? It is not her fault..It's her parents who let her watch this crap on TV and I wonder if they know that her daughter thinks of Kate Gosselin as her "hero" and "role model" and refuses to listen to listen to anyone who says kate is not perfect.Not to mention that everything she says,I heard coming out of Kate's mouth first,word for word!
We need to do everything we can to stop the production of this show,this is more serious than we thought.Not only the Gosselin kids are in danger here...Young minds, who are now forming a perspective in life,are forming that perspective by watching this woman in her "reality" show,during her appearances...They think everything she does is great.They just want to be her.
They had no choice,They have no voice~Save the Gosselin 8
(and the young girls who are growing up trying to be Kate Gosselin)
I will say, for those of you who think Kate is going away any time soon, it's not going to happen. TLC has recognized they now have primarily 'haterz' than fans as their demographics. They're just going to let Kate be herself from now on, I'd guess. It'll work too, maybe better than when she was portrayed as a "real loving mom".
Mama Mia's comments at the top of the thread are VERY nicely articulated. I hope everyone scrolls up to read them. Right on, Mama Mia!!!
HIppie Chick made a VERY good point: that B#tch Khate made filming CONTINUE when her children were vomiting on the VOMITFEST episode (TLC even labelled the episode as "A Rough Ride" ... now THAT's 'entertainment'...ghee$h). Yet that B#tch khate HALTED filming when her preciou$ toes were cold...what a VILE, toxic B#tch that devil-$pawn Khatezilla Gro$$elin i$. Not since the Dionne quintuplets has there been such disgraceful exploitation of children for "entertainment". UGGGGH. Khate makes me SICK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Notgonnahappen, Omarosa was reality TV #1 badgirl. She didn't vanish but bounced from one reality show to another. Last I heard she was in divinity school.
There seem to be two opinions on what is happening in the media re Kate.
1. TLC is sabotaging her by finally removing the "protection" of there PR machine thus putting themselves in a position to quit filming her (and to possibly say they've come to realize that the kids should be off TV.)
2. TLC realizes that due to Kate's appearance on SPA they can market her as a total villain and boost the Kate plus 8 ratings.
Being rather new to the Kate 8 world I'd like some opinions from any of the Kate 8 veterans on this blog. What do you think will happen?
I meant if Kate's cold & hungry they STOP filming...sorry! :)
Administrator, please help me out on this one... on INF's website, Cris' photos show Khate with OPEN-TOED $HOE$ in the middle of December, yet she was b#itching and whining and moaning in Alaska with Sarah Palin when I am sure TLC provided Khatezila with very warm socks and very warm boots. Yet Khate moaned the whole time how her toes were frozen to the bone. Khatezilla can prance around Reading with Cris with OPEN shoes in the middle of winter. I don't get it. Help me out.
But here's the thing - Kate has received negative press before and she's still here. Kate is like the neighborhood witch that everyone likes to gossip about. The more people talk about her, the more crazy stuff she does. We are rewarding her for her narcissistic behavior by paying attention to her.
What needs to happen is for the tabloid press to stop writing stories about her. Which won't happen because too many people like her or hate her. It's a win/win for the magazines.
SP is "Executive Producer" of SPA, so that speaks volumes on what is shown on that show. I think TLC has proven that they do not really care what is filmed on ANY show, just as long as the viewers tune in. I will always believe K8 had/has a wonderful contract, and an even better PR person, and that is why K8 has been around this long - nothing more, nothing less. ALL of tv is a business and when it is no longer profitable to have K8, she will be gone.
Now the real quandry for the rest of us is, do we bloggers (both 'for' and 'against' K8) contribute to the profitable bottom line of K8? I don't believe it's possible to know with certainty the answer to that, as only hindsight will shed light on that point. I will say this: it has been only we bloggers concerned about the children who have been able to focus attention on the childrens' well-being (and not Kate's $ bottom line)and if that concern has contributed a little to TLC's and/or Kate's profit margin, I think the benefit has outweighed the possibly small gain to either of them. I believe the negative press and attention to both TLC as a corporation and K8 as a miserable excuse for a mother will eventually overshadow any possible profit.
From the beginning of the G8's odyssey, I wondered why K8 did not want to try to make it on her own, without using the children, and I have finally realized that she always knew she was too lazy and that she actually didn't have "it". I am continually amazed at how she has blown through every opportunity for singular fame and I think it may be her PR person that has bailed (or been fired because perhaps K8 no longer wants to pay for it).
TLC will NEVER "do the right thing". Kate will NEVER "do the right thing". Jon is having trouble doing the right thing (and I'm giving him a lot of leeway there that he is doing anything at all). I take solace in knowing that when the profit margin goes down and/or the contract winds down, the right thing will happen on its own, and that appears to be right around the corner.
Hippie Chick said...
I meant if Kate's cold & hungry they STOP filming...sorry! :)
Which generates more press /media attention /blogging comments?
1. Kate being gracious and doing her best for her children?
2. Or Kate acting like a total assbag?
It. Is. All. About. How. Much. PR. TLC. Can. Get.
Wake up Kate fans, her kids are NOT doing well in spite of what you think you see on film. The Expulsion of 2 speaks a thousand words....
It doesn't matter to them. It never was about the kids. It's all about Kate. Sheeple do not care if the children are doing well or are jeopardy.
"But here's the thing - Kate has received negative press before and she's still here. "
I agree. However, wasn't the negatives always balanced somewhat with those (like People) who were butt-kissers? You had some positives thrown in there, even among internet magazines. Seems most of those have defected.
Someone mentioned how the Dingy still wears open toed sandals in the dead of Winter, who knows why she even bothers to crawl out of her king sized bed? She is impossible, the only woman I have seen with open toed shoes in winter and acted like her toes were going to freeze off in Alaska in middle of August and yet she had socks n boots on at the time. Kate Gosselin, puleeezzzz leave the open toed sandals for Spring and Summer!!!!
I finally had enough of TLC's part in the exploitation of the Gosselin children and found the following contact information for them and left the comment below:
"I watched J&K+8 during the divorce drama but quickly realized I was adding to her exploitation of the children. I watched the episode of Sarah Palin's Alaska that Kate was on and noticed that, if anything, Kate has gotten worse. Please stop contributing to the children's issues by continuing to film them. I don't care how many programs or opportunities you bestow on Kate, but please stop including the kids. They need their privacy to deal with their issues."
OK people...I personally am tire of snarking about Kate's looks & shoes, & mean personality...My two precious, precious grandchildren just left my house. There are only two of them, but they are the same ages at the Gosselin 8 & I am sick to death thinking of those poor children with no one to protect them...I would do ANYTHING for my grandchildren & I am heartsick to think that the Gosselins have no one who can help them...Jon, Ellen, please tell us what we can do...Money, phone calls, letters...There has GOT to be something we can do besides sit by & watch the destruction of 8 little lives...
Administrator said...
It makes you wonder about the footage that remains on the cutting room floor.
Well, in the two hours Kookbook Katie was at the sandbar with SP for lunch, somebody procured a boat and suitable lodging for..........lets see........Kate plus eight plus two nannies plus some guy who is supposed to keep Kates panties from bunching up........so that's lodging for 12 people. I would have like to see that footage.
roxyhelen said... Guys, I really feel bad about slaming the sheeple right about now..They are mostly CHILDREN, 12-16 maybe 17.I was kind of harsh with a sheeple on youtube(incidentally calls herself "nbr1kategosselinfan" ) only to find out she's 16 years old and her best defense is "I am a 16 year old kid"
That's kind of sad because teenagers are very impressionable and developing good judgment.
Unfortunately, there remain many adult sheeple raising children, like the #1 fan and her cohorts. They are now ripping Nina Frye apart for changing her opinion of Kate, much like they ripped Bonnie Fuller apart.
In reading comments at INF, I saw one posted a document which "proved" Kevin and Jodi paid off their mortgage at the time they gave an interview for money in the sheeple's eyes. No proof Kevin and Jodi were paid for interviews was ever provided, of course. I had heard this rumor many times, but this was the first "proof". The proof they've been using to spread this lie is nothing but a satisfaction of mortgage filed for a refinance. Someone looked at the public record and pointed out to said sheeple the chain of documents showing there is a mortgage and always has been.
It's so sad that anyone who dares reveal the truth gets viciously attacked by the sheeple. They tried to ruin the reputations of Jodi and Kevin. Why? Anyone who watched the show saw Jodi and Kevin giving the Gosselin family nothing but unconditional love. I remember Kate saying years ago she loved that Jodi loved the kids for who they were, not what they were. I remember thinking if only their parents could see them that way.
The Huffington Post blogger who saw them on vacation was also attacked for reporting what she saw. They were digging into her parents' tax records and were going to actually go to the home.
These aren't kids, these are the adult sheeple. It's weird, sad and scary. It also explains why so many people come out as sources without saying who they are. I wouldn't want my name available to these people. Their devotion to Kate is so extreme, they seek to destroy anyone who dares pull back the curtain. It's like Dr. Lillian Glass said. They see so much of themselves in Kate that they defend her as vigorously as they would defend themselves.
heather said...It. Is. All. About. How. Much. PR. TLC. Can. Get.
Ok, you feel it's all about PR. I feel it's all about ratings and profit. PR means nothing if the network can't sell the show to it's advertisers and make money for it's shareholders. In the business of selling tv shows, it's about advertisers getting their message out and making money and in turn paying the network lots of money for running their spots. The more popular the show, the more money the network can charge per second for an ad and the more money the network makes for their bosses the shareholders.
Kate's ratings have experienced a steady decline and despite any PR she may get, good or bad, it's still the advertisers (and shareholders) that have to be happy. I firmly believe that Kate's days are numbered unless K8+8 can find more viewers - and fast. She'll be gone long after we originally hoped, but sooner than she thinks.
Can someone please provide a link for the Alaska episode? Can't find it on Youtube.
Lorrie, I think TLC has removed all of the Alaska videos. Can't find them anywhere.
Ha, we all know that Khate's behavior on Sarah Palin's show not only finally woke up some of her former fans, but it exposed her horrible attitude and personality to a whole new audience,(as did DWTS earlier this year). Well, too bad for Khate that TLC's going to be re-airing that episode at least four more times in the next week:
Sunday 12/19 at 8pm, and again at 1am ET (Monday12/20); and
Sunday 12/26 at 7 pm ET, and again at 2am ET (Monday 12/27).
I'm sure some people who missed it the first time will catch this Palin episode and have the unfortunate experience of witnessing how disgusting this Khate Gosselin person is. Ha!
h8k8 said...
Kate's ratings have experienced a steady decline and despite any PR she may get, good or bad, it's still the advertisers (and shareholders) that have to be happy. I firmly believe that Kate's days are numbered unless K8+8 can find more viewers - and fast. She'll be gone long after we originally hoped, but sooner than she thinks.
I agree. The "haters" (I assume) aren't watching. (I really hope aren't watching) After this debacle with the Palin show, she has lost many fans. IF there's another K+8 show, (has there even been filming?) I think the ratings will be abysmal, there goes the sponsors. And like h8k8 said, without sponsors, there's no show. There's no money to be made. When a show is popular, sponsors chomp at the bit to have a spot. The Friends series finale for example- I think sponsors were paying like 1.5-2 million bucks to show their ads. Do companies want to be associated with such a vile woman, with negative press? A woman who is not on top, fading fast, exploits her kids? A woman whose 2 kids just recently got expelled & she lied about it? I wouldn't be surprised if some of K+8's regular sponsors have pulled out. Another bridge burned, perhaps? No more freebies...
Their devotion to Kate is so extreme, they seek to destroy anyone who dares pull back the curtain. It's like Dr. Lillian Glass said. They see so much of themselves in Kate that they defend her as vigorously as they would defend themselves.
We all do that kind of defending, although not to the extreme you mention. I've seen it on several blogs when one person says something about Kate's parenting and there are 2 who reply to say Hey, wait a minute! I do that, it's not so bad! Or those who say private schools are not the best use of the kids' money and others will chime in with Hey, my kids go to private school and we think it's just great. Leave private school alone! (Hust 2 random examples.)
We all get defensive when we want to. I KNOW I do, hard as it is to admit it.
As far as political ads I'm sorry I don't control those. They appear based on a complicated formula I don't control. They are usually based on what you're talking about. So don't talk politics if you don't want to see things reflecting what we're talking about.
I thought Twist of Kate was scheduled for Dec.
No, wait, it was spring 2010. No, summer of 2010. No, fall of 2010. Then December 2010.
Spring 2011, anyone? We're taking bets. Winner gets a whole day of running errands with Kate.
Where is the information about the tech people from J & K + 8 going to work on the Duggar's show? I think whomever partipicated in filming unclothed children and making that footage public is culpable. Even worse if they have their own children.
Hippie Chick said...
The "haters" (I assume) aren't watching. (I really hope aren't watching)
I wouldn't be so sure of that. The Gosselin blogging world is small. The people who don't like Kate that blog about her and read the blogs probably aren't watching, but there are plenty of people out there who are probably curious and want to tune into her bad behavior now. The best thing TLC can do is market her as a villain so they can gain a whole new audience. Let's face it - people don't watch the Real House Wives of New Jersey or The Bad Girls Club to see women who are the epitome of grace and class. They watch because it's full of drama and it makes audiences feel like they are better. Congratulations Kate, your show is in the same category as Bridezillas. You have so much to be proud of.
fidosmommy said...
Their devotion to Kate is so extreme, they seek to destroy anyone who dares pull back the curtain. It's like Dr. Lillian Glass said. They see so much of themselves in Kate that they defend her as vigorously as they would defend themselves.
We all do that kind of defending, although not to the extreme you mention. I've seen it on several blogs when one person says something about Kate's parenting and there are 2 who reply to say Hey, wait a minute! I do that, it's not so bad! Or those who say private schools are not the best use of the kids' money and others will chime in with Hey, my kids go to private school and we think it's just great. Leave private school alone! (Hust 2 random examples.)
We all get defensive when we want to. I KNOW I do, hard as it is to admit it.
I think the OP was referring to a much more drastic or vigorous defense than comparing themselves to Kate. People calling themselves fans have attempted to interfere with and destroy the personal and professional reputations of blog owners and posters.
I don't think complaining about Kate on a blog in any way compares to attacking a poster personally. Kate has chosen to put herself in the media and we haven't. We may see comparisons or contrasts of Kate's actions to ourselves and blog about them, but I think I'm speaking for the vast majority of bloggers in saying we'd never think about delving into the personal details of someone's life and trying to destroy their credibility, source of income, or reputation all in the name of being a fan of Kate Gosselin.
It should go without saying ... be careful with the info you make available on the internet.
On Preesi's blog there is confirmation that Kate + 8 will be filming at a hockey game tonight. A hockey game?? When you have children who are having anger issues, how appropriate is it for you to take them to see hockey players body checking and beating each to a bloody pulp? I am seeing all types of negative fallout potential from this one. Anybody else??
h8k8 said...
Kate's ratings have experienced a steady decline and despite any PR she may get, good or bad, it's still the advertisers (and shareholders) that have to be happy. I firmly believe that Kate's days are numbered unless K8+8 can find more viewers - and fast. She'll be gone long after we originally hoped, but sooner than she thinks.
I agree. The "haters" (I assume) aren't watching. (I really hope aren't watching) After this debacle with the Palin show, she has lost many fans. IF there's another K+8 show, (has there even been filming?) I think the ratings will be abysmal, there goes the sponsors. And like h8k8 said, without sponsors, there's no show. There's no money to be made. When a show is popular, sponsors chomp at the bit to have a spot. The Friends series finale for example- I think sponsors were paying like 1.5-2 million bucks to show their ads.
PR equal advertising. That's what PR is--advertising. More PR, more attention, more mentions of the products (Kate). Every time Kate is mentioned, TLC gets a plug for their NETWORK. Freebie advertising.
And ratings are not the only factor in why shows are kept on the air. If the product placements are selling like hotcakes, well that's more advertising $$$ for TLC as more product placement deals are coming in, even if ratings are dropping. If dvds are selling through the roof, then it doesn't matter if ratings are tanking because the overall brand is still profitable. It's a complex situation when deciding whether to kill a show for ratings and includes other factors. I have no idea how any of the "branded products" or "product placements" are doing financially, but this is how it works (see WG's blog, a reality television producer explains the whole scenario).
And I don't know if haters are watching, but TLC is trying it's hardest to gain more viewers in this demographic.
Until FAMILY COURT JUDGE sees the damage, it doesn't matter one iota what the media says. The kids are still filming, still under Khates' thumb, still being expoileted, and the last talk show host still tiptoed around Khates' issues and lies.
I don't know Pennsylvania law but I do wonder why the children don't have a guardian ad litem representing their interests when Jon and Kate are in court. This latest BS of dragging them off to a hockey game to film is another example of Kate's exploitation of her children and her unbridled worship of the almighty dollar.
Kate Gosselin's appearance on SP Alaska and DWTS said EVERYTHING about how she truly behaves in person. She was able to escape a lot of wrath due to TLC editing on HER show.
In spite of this, many sheeples continued to buy her "TLC on air" personna, defending this woman in a most unusual and extreme way, in spite of many, many reports, she was an ungrateful, selfish, child expoliting, greedy diva. Most recently, two kindergartenders expelled, and no matter what the sheeples say, expulsion or not, having two kindergarters removed/expelled from private school is extremely noteworthy and surely a sign of the problems they have been experiencing and not addressed. This did not happen overnight. Kate is barely around, and even when she is, she delegates to her hired helpers, equivalent of full time nannies, no matter what she calls them. She seems happiest when the kids are NOT around- smiles everywhere. She talks very badly, even recently about Jon on national TV, ignoring the fact this might pose an embarassment to her children at school who have to face their classmates. I am still not sure why she can go on national tv and bash Jon, but he can not say a word. Or why he can not stay with the kids in THEIR home during visitation, if this would make them more comfortable. Quite frankly, I do not think Kate does anything to assist her kids with the transition of custody of her own children which makes her an extremely selfish witch, who chooses to try to make Jon look bad every step of the way. How does this help her kids and why would any parent go on national TV to discuss this. She really is a predator. And not a good mother for doing this. And the bell has been rung on what a selfish parent she is (SP Alaska show) as she only does things with her kids when it benefits her ($250,000 per episode). For those sheeples who can't see REALITY for what it is, or choose to ignore it (because Kate if the best mom ever!), they should be ashamed of themselves. 2 KIDS WERE EXPELLED/ASKED TO LEAVE PRIVATE SCHOOL AT AGE 6 WHILE IN KINDERGARTEN. Most kids start kindergarten at age 5. Hello... and wake up. Stop supporting Kate's dysfunctional behavior as it is affecting the kids. You do remember the 8 kids she had, right?
Audible Click -"I don't know Pennsylvania law but I do wonder why the children don't have a guardian ad litem representing their interests when Jon and Kate are in court."
Good question. I have always wondered this myself. Who is representing the interest of the kids?? They should have a say in this matter as they live with their parents' choices day in and day out. And have to deal with all the filming and tabloid rumors, with Kate saying, "The show must go on."
What do the kids want??? I think we all know the answer, but no one should be afraid to hear the children's thoughts on filming, if they have nothing to fear.
After all, Kate has an interest in the earnings by filming, which may not be in the best interest of the children. If there is nothing allegedly wrong with the filming, why can't the kids have a guardian to represent their 8 best interests?
ADMIN or any other legal eagles, I have a question. What is a "Friend of the Court"?
When Jon has a hearing scheduled, can he invite a "Friend of the Court" ie Paul Petersen to weigh in?
I know 'expert testimony' is expensive, and Kate will just fire back with 10 of her own 'experts'...
I just have some memory in the back of my head about "Friend of the Court Briefs" but I dont know what that is.
I am still not sure why she can go on national tv and bash Jon, but he can not say a word
Why would he want to? He's being smart, doing the right thing. She goes on television and bashes him; he uses another forum to bash her back. Where does it end? She'd always have to have the last word. The best thing to do is to keep quiet -- it drives the opponent nuts! Kate's showing her true colors. Jon is showing that he's not stooping to her level. Good for him.
What happened to Kate the "high road taker?" Guess that didn't last long! LOL
After all, Kate has an interest in the earnings by filming, which may not be in the best interest of the children. If there is nothing allegedly wrong with the filming, why can't the kids have a guardian to represent their 8 best interests?
h8k8 said...
Kate's ratings have experienced a steady decline and despite any PR she may get, good or bad, it's still the advertisers (and shareholders) that have to be happy. I firmly believe that Kate's days are numbered unless K8+8 can find more viewers - and fast. She'll be gone long after we originally hoped, but sooner than she thinks.
I agree. The "haters" (I assume) aren't watching. (I really hope aren't watching) After this debacle with the Palin show, she has lost many fans. IF there's another K+8 show, (has there even been filming?) I think the ratings will be abysmal, there goes the sponsors. And like h8k8 said, without sponsors, there's no show. There's no money to be made. When a show is popular, sponsors chomp at the bit to have a spot. The Friends series finale for example- I think sponsors were paying like 1.5-2 million bucks to show their ads. Do companies want to be associated with such a vile woman, with negative press? A woman who is not on top, fading fast, exploits her kids? A woman whose 2 kids just recently got expelled & she lied about it? I wouldn't be surprised if some of K+8's regular sponsors have pulled out. Another bridge burned, perhaps? No more freebies...
Ha, we all know that Khate's behavior on Sarah Palin's show not only finally woke up some of her former fans, but it exposed her horrible attitude and personality to a whole new audience,(as did DWTS earlier this year). Well, too bad for Khate that TLC's going to be re-airing that episode at least four more times in the next week:
Sunday 12/19 at 8pm, and again at 1am ET (Monday12/20); and
Sunday 12/26 at 7 pm ET, and again at 2am ET (Monday 12/27).
I'm sure some people who missed it the first time will catch this Palin episode and have the unfortunate experience of witnessing how disgusting this Khate Gosselin person is. Ha!
I will say, for those of you who think Kate is going away any time soon, it's not going to happen. TLC has recognized they now have primarily 'haterz' than fans as their demographics. They're just going to let Kate be herself from now on, I'd guess. It'll work too, maybe better than when she was portrayed as a "real loving mom".
Who'd have thought all it would take was a different production and film crew. (SPA vs K+8)
I think Kate's behavior was showcased on DWTS for a lot of people to see who didn't know who she was. BIG mistake for her handlers, but anyway, things started going downhill from there.
MammaKnows said...
?? Finally what ??
The picture of Kate they used in the article looks just like Jane Fonda when she was in her 50s.
On a side note, I hope John is working behind the scenes to get full custody of the children.
I agree with one poster who thought Kate could be a sociopath. How TLC allows this to continue is beyond me. They have no shame.
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