Kate has spent the better part of the past year and a half trying to convince everyone she "needs" to exploit her kids to pay the bills. Last spring she tearfully told Billy Bush of her financial straits--she says she cannot retire and that the children's college funds are not fully funded ($3.5 million isn't enough for college?). But how can she not be set for life on $3.5 million? Moreover, her actions do not suggest someone struggling in a terrible economy. Today, she was caught in New York City (with Steve, naturally) getting her hair done again--a trip estimated at at least $2,000, and was also seen wearing a giant ring on her right hand. And to top it all off, it's been reported Kate is still trying to get more child support out of Jon, who now has a normal IT job, and says that he paid greedy Kate more than $20,000 a month.
We've also been told:
- Kate makes about $250,000 an episode of Kate Plus 8.
- Kate made at least $200,000 to appear on Dancing With the Stars.
- Kate made an estimated $3.5 million this year. She's the fourth-highest paid reality star.
No one is falling for the lies anymore. The kids do not "need" to be exploited to get by anymore. The only thing Kate needs the children for is to support this excessive lifestyle.
120 sediments (sic) from readers:
After this I better not EVER see this woman go on national tv talk shows and weep she has a stack of bills in her purse she can't pay! She will only ever be broke if:
1. She did not invest the money she has made wisely.
2. She has not set aside atiquate funds for herself and her children to live at least comfortably.
3. How has she not yet manage to give the children fully (or even half)fully funded start on college money?
I mean this just screams both stupidity and sheer woe-is-me, poor-rich girl syndrome all over it, its pathetic! I may not struggle daily to support myself, and I count myself lucky to have a full time job with grand benifits, I work as an interperature for Russian, French, German and Spanish at a cancer institute, but I sure as heck see people all around me who struggle and are grateful for what they have, I am grateful for what I hate--and what I DON'T have, why? Because, lesson learned, if you get everything you want out of life, you'll end up like Kate--rich sure, but lonely, picked apart by media and every other tabloid out there, laughed at but not ever pittied because you got everything you ever wanted why whine?!
She's been spoiled too long and things even the rules set for her kids shouldn't have to apply to her just because I have 8 kids. I got newsfor Ms. Gosselin--LOTS of people have 8 or more kids and live on a lot LESS! No they might not have opted for the cheat-way of using drugs (not that to those women whom really use it to even get one baby and be lucky) The world knows she has 8 kids--but the world don't own Katie Irene Kreider-Gosselin a DAMN THING! (Sorry but I just had to say it!) The world should not OWN Kate ANYTHING for her choices!!!
What strikes me is look at the list of people, they are all living large just like Kate. Except one difference....none of the others are claiming poor. Why is it just Kate is poor and no one else? I have never seen someone lie so much about their financial situation.
1. Kim Kardashian, $6 million
2. Lauren Conrad, $5 million ("The Hills")
3. Bethenny Frankel, $4 million ("Real Housewives of New York," "Bethenny Getting Married")
4. Audrina Patridge, $3.5 million ("The Hills")
5. Kate Gosselin, $3.5 million ("Kate Plus Eight")
6. Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino, $3 million ("Jersey Shore")
7. Khloe Kardashian, $2.5 million ("Keeping Up With the Kardashians")
8. Kourtney Kardashian, $2.5 million ("Keeping Up With the Kardashians")
9. DJ Pauly D, $2 million ("Jersey Shore")
10. Kendra Wilkinson, $2 million. ("Kendra")
Marie, if she put even just a handful of payment for episodes and put it in a 529 college account, the most conservative one she can find, she would have a great college fund NOW and in eight years she would have an even BETTER one.
The children are not going to college for EIGHT MORE YEARS, at least. If you didn't touch that money, with compound interest in eight years the kids would be fine. If she really wants to be sure they are set, set aside even a few more episode's worth of payment.
Also I like that it says KATE is worth 3.5. What exactly are the kids worth? Just 15% of that?
As my dear husband said when I read your article to him
"After all that, she's only worth $3.5 million dollars???" The woman obviously doesn't know how to think rich, or at least she's not a long term financial thinker.
Yes, she shouldn't cry poor at all. However, I'm sure what's going through Kate's mind is "The endorsements I counted on haven't come through. The show can't go on forever. I don't have enough money to maintain my current lifestyle if the show is cancelled. Whatever shall I do?"
And bear in mind, some of that $3.5 million is the house. I think I read an article about her finances a few months ago that stated most of her assets are non liquid. That means she has very little actual cash assets.
Again, not saying she should cry poor but if the show was cancelled tomorrow, Kate would definitely have to downsize or go bankrupt in a few years.
Administrator said...
What strikes me is look at the list of people, they are all living large just like Kate. Except one difference....none of the others are claiming poor.
One other difference...those reality stars did not achieve fame on the backs of children. They are not exploiting kids to sustain their lavish lifestyle. (Those that have kids now were reality tv stars BEFORE they started a family.)
A good portion of that $3.5 million belongs to the Gosselin kids; it's not all Kate's.
Why didn't she get her hair done when she was in NYC last week? Wasting more money on travel.
Hopefully, she has a good reason to be in NYC besides getting her hair done and spending time with Steve. Who's at home with the kids? Will Jon get any custody time while she's away?
Wow...that's a lot of bling bling she's carrying on her finger. Is that 8 diamonds for her 8 kids? That's just tacky and more Gosselin money wasted on frivolous things.
Kate reminds me so much of my mother! I mean, Mom has nowhere NEAR $3.5 million, but she is perfectly comfortable financially and constantly complaining to everyone about not having money for bills or only being able to spend X on extras this month. She makes a big show of clipping coupons to save a quarter on toothpaste and wouldn't dream of (gasp) donating used items to charity when they can be resold! She rubs all of this in everyones' faces and then turns around and jets off to Europe again or spends obscene amounts on her scrapbooking hobby or one of her MANY collections. The sad thing is, I think Mom really believes she is hurting for money. She FLIPS OUT on my dad when he takes my two kids to Target and lets them spend $5 or $10 apiece. I bet Kate can completely justify all of her ridiculous spending on her tanning, etc and at the same time truly believe she is "poor" and needs every cent.
I own my own business, (a website) & am a student. My hubby works a FT job & we both work hard to make a good home for our son. My website is not exactly an "everyone wants it all" type of thing. I had to market the hell out of it to even get it off the ground, do farmer's market's etc. (It's alternative health type stuff). ALL of us worked hard to get where we are, is what I'm saying. Kate grifted, stuck her hand out, & begged for things. That's how she got where she is. Yet, she still wants more. MORE, MORE, MORE. It's never enough for her. She could have 10 million, & it wouldn't be enough.
She will parade those kids in front of cameras until they are hunched over from exhaustion & starving for money, & STILL go on TV & complain there is not enough money. She is a liar and a grifter, It's her nature. She'll never stop until she is stopped. She won't stop on her own either. Someone needs to stop her.She is too greedy to stop on her own.
This is slightly off, but I didn't know where to post it. Admin, feel free to move if necessary - this article is great!
Could this be why she was at Kinko's copying all those checks? (claiming Jon owes her money).
She is repulsive.
Admin., I'm confused. You are saying (in your lead) that she is WORTH 3.5 million, whereas reports are that she MADE 3.5 million dollars this year. If so, then, based on the fact that she has "worked" (and I use that term loosely) for more than a year and if she hasn't spent everything, she is worth more than the 3.5 million that she made this year. She must have assets because when she was crying about bills, it was reported that she had no liquid assets. Therefore, at that time she would have had money tied up in investments.
The kids as a UNIT would be worth 15 percent of 3.5 million, but EACH of them would be worth only about 2 percent of that.
Admin, great point about how much the kids are worth.
if my meager math skills are correct, each child SHOULD HAVE about $65K, for a life time of national humilation and maternal neglect.
we all pretty much know that there is NOT 65K times 8 sitting in an account somewhere for those children. Even if there is, an account with 1/2 million dollars in it for the kids seems like a small pittance given their mother's lavish lifestyle from selling her kids.
I agree with previous posters who said that TLC is now promoting her as a diva unstable joke; tune in to see how Kate humiliates herself next. Poor kids, I bet they would gladly trade in their little bank accounts for a real mommy.
How much of her millions goes back into her local community (and I'm not talking the franchise stores like Target and Party City)? Once a celeb reaches a certain level of wealth it is shameful if they don't give back (even if for the obligatory photo op). At the very least she could donate to the local Easter Seals, March of Dimes, Visiting Nurses Association or any of the myriad groups that helped her in her hour of crisis. Perhaps she does give quietly but somehow I think if she would be doing anything charitable, she would make sure there was a big splashy show. Or TLC would make an "episode" out of it. And please, one trip to St. Judes does not a philanthropist make.
For someone like Kate, there will never be "enough" money--she even said so in one of the fluff interviews she gave a couple of years ago. I'm sure she justifies her expenditures on herself as "business expenses"--she HAS to do it because she needs to look good for her career, blah, blah. In her narcissistic mind, she is the one responsible for everything--she carried sextuplets, was on bedrest, shopped a video around to get a show--she sees herself as captain of the ship. So, of course, the children (and Jon) are only supporting players or props in the success of her media carrer.
What Kate fails or refuses to realize is that there would have been NO show, TV career without Jon and the kids in the first place. To be fair, the children are, in my mind, EACH entitled to 1/10 and later, 1/9 of the gross earnings from the show, books, and appearances that exploited their private lives. However, we all no this is not the case legally.
She NEEDS to keep using the kids to support her new LIFESTYLE. We're thinking like the normal working class - that if we had 3.5 mil we'd be set for life. But Kate does not consider herself one of us. For her to keep that house, servants, private school, $2000 trips to New York she needs much more than 3.5 mil. If the kids' show gets cancelled tomorrow and she doesn't scale back her lifestyle her money will be gone in a year.
Great point, Admin, about the other reality people on that list all living large and not pretending to be broke like Khate. The only thing that I do not believe is accurate is saying she's "worth $3.5 million". The thing is, if she took in (note that I refuse to say she "earned") $3.5 million last year alone, she is probably worth far more than that. When you consider what she's made in the last few years, she should have a net worth higher than $3.5 million. For example, let's say my salary was $100,000 last year. Well, I own a home with a good portion of my mortgage already paid off in the last fifteen years, plus I have retirement accounts, stocks, etc. My net worth is well beyond my actual salary, as I believe Khate's is as well.
I hope with all the bad press lately, people are finally starting to see her for what she is - a liar, a terrible mother, and a child exploiter.
(Note to Hippie Chick - I was so glad to read in the other post that your father is home and doing well! Great news!)
Does this look like a game to you guys?
I cracked up laughing at a story on a rag mag site that said Kate looked "stunning" when she left Ted Gibson's studio. Kate and stunning do not belong in the same sentence. Yes, she's attractive but if I had the kind of money she has, my hair would be perfect, my teeth would be perfect, my boobs would be up where they're supposed to be and I'd be all hard-bodied because I'd have a personal trainer who would kick my butt working out every day.
Kate's all about Kate and her children are starting to see that and it's sad. Sadly, she's the type of person who isn't going to open their eyes until something really bad happens.
Kate may not have to worry about college funds if she can't even keep her kids in Kindergarten!! Stay off the TV and spend time with your kids you GRINCH!
Ha, you just have to love how the media has turned on her:
Top 10 Douchebags of 2010
4. Kate Gosselin
When one reality show door closes, a new reality show door opens, right? That's how it works for K.Goss, who jumped at the opportunity for some Dancing With the Stars. And—if you can believe it!—she was rumored to be quite the diva backstage, refused to listen to her dancing partner's instructions and spent her time jet-setting between Los Angeles to New York to talk about what a good mom she is while her kids stayed home with the nannies.
But since that was all early 2010 stuff, let's just check in to see where both Jon and Kate are now: Jon has a real job that is not on TV and Kate is still making random morning show appearances to talk about her family's private business. Interesting...
Also, you can vote for her at Access Hollywoood's site. She's currently in the lead with 46% of the vote:
POLL: The Daily Beast released its list of the top reality television earners — who is least deserving of the big paycheck?
* Kim Kardashian ($6 million) - 40%
* Lauren Conrad ($5 million) - 2%
* Bethenny Frankel ($4 million) - 4%
* Audrina Patridge ($3.5 million) - 8%
* Kate Gosselin ($3.5 million) - 46%
One more poll at Access Hollywood:
POLL: Fox News crowned its ‘Most Despised Stars of the Year,’ who do you despise the most?
* The Kardashians - 35%
* Kanye West - 20%
* John Mayer - 3%
* Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva - 7%
* Tiger Woods - 6%
* Kate Gosselin - 29%
You can click on the links above and vote!
With 8 kids, why does she even NEED a college fund for them? They should get financial aid out the wazoo - especially if they go to private universities.
Flower said...
Kate and stunning do not belong in the same sentence.
I am fighting SO hard to not make a Medusa joke here. I am also giggling at the mental image the aforementioned joke conjures up.
Ha, all that money and her roots are still showing. Guess no amount of hair dye can cover up her inner dark and evil core.
I just looked at the photos of Kate and Steve in NYC. So why exactly is Steve required to accompany her on unofficial, non-TLC related activities? I mean, if she can go to Target all by her lonsome (with her 12 inch heels for protection) why would she need a body guard in NYC? I can see him going to public events but for personal errands, come on!
I think more and more we'll find that Steve is not so much a bodyguard but a boy toy.
It is just utterly unbelieveable to me that she cries poor, bithced at Jon for not using a coupon for a measly shower head, is suing Jon for back child support.....
yet goes to NYC and gets a 5 hour pampered hair salon treatment and spends at least $1,000 ( if not more ).
And then she wonders why people hate her.
BTW...I personally think her hair looks awful. It is way to blond ( Playboy blond ), stringy, and she looks like a drug addict who belongs on Dr. Drew Rehab they way it hangs in her face.
And, as usual, she is all glowing and happy and smiley while she's in NYC getting attention away from the kids. Once she's back within 20 miles of the kids, the angry scowl "I hate my life" face will be back.
You can't help but wonder of Jon had the kids while she was off playing celebrity, or did she leave them with the nanny again.
I truly cannot stand this woman. There is something seriously wrong in her head.
How in the world can that hair cost $2,000?! It looks like overprocessed crap. As if there's no one in Reading, PA that could accomplish that for $100. She's certainly not a very good advertisement for the Ted Gibson salon.
And again, the double standard kills me. Can you imagine if Jon made the money she made last year, pampered himself the way she does and was suing her for child support! He'd get blasted. I'm sure she's spent far more on shoes than most single moms receive in child support per year.
Kate looks awful. She really does.
No, I'm not jealous! I think she's a very pretty woman who is in great shape. But, the tanning damage to her face is obvious. She looks splotchy, and her yellow, multi-colored hair looks fake and does not compliment her skin tone in any way.
Man, with all that money... this is what she chooses to look and dress like. What a waste.
Am I only one who thinks her weave makes her hair look like a helmet? She looks so much better wit her hair pulled away from her face.
She was so much prettier and natural with short hair (not the tellum), yoga pants and a tee shirt.
I believe she is suing Jon because he wants his kids off tv. Why weren't we hearing about this lawsuit months ago when she was so popular? Can we really believe that he owes that much? I thought TLC was paying her $20,000 per month which was part of Jon's paycheque from TLC?
Kate has made the classic mistake of living at or above her means. You should always live at least a tiny bit (or more) beneath your means.
Well, according to Kate, you can never have too much money...
To which everyone else asks- at what sacrifice, Kate?
I'm surprised her ass has not been smoked by God.
"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.
-Matthew 6:24
"She'll never stop until she is stopped."
Hippie, this is one of the best statements I have read , and so true.
LisaNH said...
I just looked at the photos of Kate and Steve in NYC. So why exactly is Steve required to accompany her on unofficial, non-TLC related activities? I mean, if she can go to Target all by her lonsome (with her 12 inch heels for protection) why would she need a body guard in NYC? I can see him going to public events but for personal errands, come on!
I think more and more we'll find that Steve is not so much a bodyguard but a boy toy.
I've always thought that neither TLC, nor Kate herself, felt she could be trusted to navigate from one appointment to another, to be polite to those she encountered, to stay 'on script', etc -- which is why Steve was with her as a handler. I think their relationship has changed considerably from the original one of employer/employee to one of a close confidant, paid 'friend', and maybe much more.
There has to be a LOT more behind the many stories about Steve sleeping in the basement. It just doesn't pass the smell test. A real 'bodyguard' can't protect his charges when he's asleep on a different floor than the family.
Why does Kate have paparazzi in NYC? I mean, you've got SJP and many, many other mega-stars and they hang around to catch her coming in and out of that hotel?
It doesn't make sense. What are the chances that her people alert the cameras?
I was under the impression that Steve was there to protect the family, mainly THE KIDS. The ruse has always been that with the kids on TV, some wacko could try and snatch them or otherwise hurt them, thus they needed a bodyguard.
If this were remotely true why wouldn't he forgo carrying a purse and umbrella on these stupid kHate trips and stay home with the kids to 'protect them?' When was the last time anyone cared to approach kHate? I wish there was another word to describe an Uber-Narcissist, because it would apply to her. She even takes narcissism to new heights!
Everything about this woman and her life is a freaking LIE and a disgusting case of an overinflated ego. From her "I deserve this body" quotes, the constant bullsh*t about her "working hard" to the absurd self entitlement on the red carpet.
The only time this shrew has ever worked for anything in her life was when she carried 6 kids inside her. Her daily life is so self centered its as if she is punishing her kids for the rest of their little lives for the inconvenience of being born.
She looks HORRIBLE - and she seems to be the only one who doesn't get it! It has become comical and embarrassing at the same time. Anger has been replaced by complete embarrassment for me. I dont know when it happened but she is such a disgusting, unlikable buffoon in public that I actually feel more sorrow for her than hatred.
Weird, I know.
alyssa said:
Does this look like a game to you guys?
Looks like an old pic, but I've never seen it before - sure doesn't look like they're playing, though!
I think more and more we'll find that Steve is not so much a bodyguard but a boy toy.
I don't think so. I think Kate would LIKE him to be more, but I have a feeling Steve may, hopefully, have higher standards than that. I suppose she could be a convenient ____(fill in blank). I think Kate started getting the hots for him a couple of years ago, around the time of the vow renewal, and proceeded w/the 'revamping' of herself at that point. She lost weight, started working out and jogging, the hair redo, dressing better (for awhile she was dressing better Ann Taylor), etc. But I think maybe it turned out Steve didn't want to hanky pank w/her. I think she finally gave up and that's when she started dressing like a hooker. Desperate!
I remember reading some place that Jon had said kate had money spread around in different bank accounts. And I heard her tell someone, on one of her media-blitz interviews, that her children all had substantial college funds. Was I dreaming, or did anyone else remember these statements?
I remember, un-morphed. But Kate talks out of both sides of her mouth. In one interview, she claims the kids all have substantial college funds set aside. (Though I remember the interview well, I can't recall the source. If anyone can remind me which interview that was, I'd appreciate it.)
In the Billy Bush interview last year, she laments that sadly, there is not enough money saved for college. She is not smart enough to keep track of her lies. She forgets the public is.
It is just utterly unbelieveable to me that she cries poor, bithced at Jon for not using a coupon for a measly shower head, is suing Jon for back child support.....
yet goes to NYC and gets a 5 hour pampered hair salon treatment and spends at least $1,000 ( if not more ).
I agree. She chewed Jon out for forgetting to use a coupon for a shower head, yet spends $2000 on her hair. Hypocrite much?
She was so much prettier and natural with short hair (not the tellum), yoga pants and a tee shirt.
I'm with you on that. I honestly think she was prettier with short hair (not the reverse mullet, but just small spikes in the back and short bangs in front), no enormous boobs, no overly tanned face, etc. In the pic of her with the fork above her on this site, I truly like her look better that way. Pale, short hair, fresh-faced and natural looking.
Lorrie said... I kept the links because this was such a blatant lie, amongst many, that she has told. The Billy Bush interview was this year.
8/10/09 Interview with Meredith Viera "THEY EACH HAVE SUBSTANTIAL COLLEGE FUNDS. THEY WILL ALL GO TO COLLEGE." (Second video on page at 4:17}
June 25, 2010 Interview with Billy Bush "the kids..uh..a portion of the money put away........NOT ENOUGH TO SEND TO THE KIDS TO COLLEGE".
There has to be a LOT more behind the many stories about Steve sleeping in the basement. It just doesn't pass the smell test. A real 'bodyguard' can't protect his charges when he's asleep on a different floor than the family.
He's not a bodyguard. He is Kate's personal assistant, assigned to make sure that she stays calm and doesn't go off on someone. There's no need for him to sleep in close proximity to the family because guarding them isn't in his job description.
I know this sounds weird but for a while there i felt myself getting angry with God or the Universe or whatever. I mean, here is a woman who is truly underserving of the generosity that has been bestowed upon her. She does not give back, have compassion for others, is selfish, demanding, greedy and cruel. Yet she truly is given life on a "golden plate"
There are so many kind, loving, hard working, moral people out there who are suffering tragedy. Loss of loved ones, homelessness, unhealthy children yet still they perservere. It would make me nuts that the world allows a grifter like Kate to make millions while the plight of others is never examined. I would think to myself. WHY? Where is justice. Where is karma? What happened to "good things happen to good people?"
This bitterness of how unfair things really are started to get to me. I had to shut off all things Kate. I can enjoy this blog though because it is nice to see other intelligent people say WTH to this craziness.
Recently I started to come to terms with this. It hit me. Karma is coming. Remember the phrase "the bigger they are the harder they fall." I think for Kate to really learn the lesson she had to "be on top". It's such a farther fall. Lets see.. she went from media darling, most talked about celeb of 09, super mom, best selling author, had a childrens' line in the works, was beautiful, had lovely children, loving husband, enough money to survive, friends, family, was a paid speaker on all things mom, had the media on her side saying how great she was, butt kissed by TLC ect. now look. haggard, loathed, a media joke, won several awards for douchbag and turkey of the year, children are sad, lost a loving husband, wories about money, has no friends, no family, no support. Kate is alone! Its starting to crumble. Another thing I have noticed...lately the media stories about Kate all start with "a close source of Kate said ..." hmmmm Kate has no close people in her life. I truly think TLC is leaking negative stories about her as a secret revenge. I think they are sick of her personally but are willing to stay as long as ratings are there. In the meantime they are having fun "leaking" horror stories. Kate is no longer in a protected bubble. I really want Dateline or someone to do a true expose and get the WHOLE truth out once and for all of her scam and let this woman go hide in shame. I hate that she grifted from churches with her poor me bit and I hate what she has done to her children. I hate that she took so much from so many and has given back nothing. I cant believe no one discusses THAT in the media.
ugh grifter in every sense of the word.
Tucker's Mom said... Why does Kate have paparazzi in NYC? I mean, you've got SJP and many, many other mega-stars and they hang around to catch her coming in and out of that hotel?
It doesn't make sense. What are the chances that her people alert the cameras
I am sure this is all a staged TLC outing for Kate. That is why Steve and her "pap" are there. I am sure any Paps that are regulars in NYC could care less about Kate's latest scarecrow doo.
What irritates me most is her big huge smile while she is galavanting around NYC with Stevie. Anytime you see her with her kids, she looks like she is mad at the world! The woman is the GRINCH!
Sport said...
I was under the impression that Steve was there to protect the family, mainly THE KIDS. The ruse has always been that with the kids on TV, some wacko could try and snatch them or otherwise hurt them, thus they needed a bodyguard.
Steve was never for the kids. I agree that it makes more sense that he'd be needed to ensure the kids' safety, protect them when she's out of town, etc - but that's never been the case. He was originally hired to protect Kate because of "over-excited" fans, but then he just never seemed to leave. Now he's her constant companion for EVERY out of town trip. The kids? Heck, any 19 year old is good enough for them. NUTZ, HUH?
On the Billy Bush tape she also claims the crew visits the kids and they "scream" when they come through the door-(after Jon stopped the filming) But on the very first show, of Kate plus 8, almost the very first sentence, she said this was the first time the kids had seen the crew since filming stopped. The dummy can't keep track of her own lies.
Erin - You have said it all in a nutshell. Exactly my thoughts of her! Perfect!!
If someone could make up a side by side photo collage...to the left, her face when WITH the kids, to the right, her face WITHOUT the kids. I'm not computer savvy, just blogging is an accomplishment for me!
E-Town Neighbor said...
He's not a bodyguard. He is Kate's personal assistant, assigned to make sure that she stays calm and doesn't go off on someone. There's no need for him to sleep in close proximity to the family because guarding them isn't in his job description.
Yes, that's why I also said: "which is why Steve is with her as a handler." Handler, personal assistant = tomato, tomatoe.
Sport, excellent post. She is indeed a 'comical baffoon'. The fact that she doesnt see any of it, makes the whole thing that much more entertaining.
TLC has figured there is money to be made dumming up attention toward her impending breakdown. Any day now she is going to come out with one of those cat-woman facelifts and think she is just lovely.
In the meantime she is incubating 8 little emotional wrecks, and THAT is NOT entertaining and funny. At least to us here.
Dear Erin, I'm not directing this comment at you. I did notice that you talked about more universal and spiritual topics which is why I up your name. I think part of the problem is me, I am shining a spotlight onto the person I wish would go away, but it only makes her presence grow. I think I need to find more positive things to give my attention to. I do agree that on the surface it looks like she may have achieved some financial success, but the price she paid is too great. I would rather be struggling along but have people think I was kind and compassionate. I would rather be acknowledged for protecting my kids than the wardrobe or house I can afford. I'm sure most people feel the same.
Peace to everyone.
Tucker's Mom said... Why does Kate have paparazzi in NYC? I mean, you've got SJP and many, many other mega-stars and they hang around to catch her coming in and out of that hotel?
It doesn't make sense. What are the chances that her people alert the cameras
It makes total sense in the world of Kate Gosselin.
Kate is a fame whore who fuels her self-esteem on attention from the paparazzi.
Real celebrities value their privacy. But Kate, a reality t.v. personality who lives and dies by the tabloids, must force herself on us in order to stay relevant. She is nothing without her kids.
Kate's people call the paparazzi when it suits her needs. She calls Chris to follow her around PA.
Erin, great post. I wanted to tell you something my father told me when someone completely evil would come out on top. He said, "The Devil takes care of his own."
You look at Khate, and she's the epitome of someone completely deceived by the devil. She's vain, rude, cruel and completely in love with herself.
But the Devil is a liar, "The Father of Lies". And when he gives you great gifts, much is expected in return.
We will probably see her worldly downfall. In fact, it is happening now. But her real downfall will be private, between her and God, and she will literally have Hell to pay for what she is doing to Jon and those eight little souls.
I wouldn't trade places with her for ANYTHING.
Nobody Likes A Narcissist...Thank you. :)
I have been feeling like Erin, too much overload about this selfish, sad, narcissistic woman. Too much Sarah Palin/Kate Gosselin, where try as some people do, the political overtones are screaming. This, in a week where a truly decent and caring mother, Elizabeth Edwards, has died too soon, has just had my head spinning whenever I think about values, goodness and just decent behaviour. I wish I read less than I do, and while I also believe in karma, let it not come at any further expense of these children.
un-morphed said: ... I remember reading some place that Jon had said kate had money spread around in different bank accounts. And I heard her tell someone, on one of her media-blitz interviews, that her children all had substantial college funds. Was I dreaming, or did anyone else remember these statements?"
You're right on both counts. The kids have college funds whenever it's convenient for Kate. When she was whining in churches for handouts or to Billy Bush that there's never enough money... they don't. When she's trying to look like a responsible parent, actually doing something with all that money, they do.
As far as the money Jon claimed she has spread out in different account/places, the general consensus on that is he was possibly referring to all the *CA$H* they pulled in from the church tour love offerings and the $20 autographed photos. It's highly doubtful they reported that money, who knows where they put it. Unfortunately, when Jon left, he left that money too. Because he referred to Kate having money "stashed away" at the time he withdrew the large amount of money from a joint account, many thought he was trying to reimburse himself for his half of the cash. If Kate was a nice person, which she most certainly is not- she could have let him have half or least some of the money. But legally she did not have to. Jon could not legally try to pursue unclaimed money without incriminating himself, as a co-signer of their tax return. Again, all the above was just speculation at the time, but if true this is another case of Kate being the cold hearted B that she is and coming out smelling like a rose.
Well said, Erin. This is one of the best comments ever, and I vote that it gets a front page reprint on this blog...it is that good. It deserves to be read by everyone and not lost in the comments section.
This comment is exactly what we have all wanted to say, but couldn't quite find the words.
I am sure this is all a staged TLC outing for Kate. That is why Steve and her "pap" are there. I am sure any Paps that are regulars in NYC could care less about Kate's latest scarecrow doo.
But, there are multiple paps seen in the NYC photos, which leads to me to ask why the hell are her photos valuable? The one and only reason they snap her photo is to get money. I just wonder how she remains relevant to the point where rag sites want her pics to post.
Erin...don't despair and don't let Kate have ANY power over you! She sold her soul. What a price to pay.
She is poor in all things that matter; goodness, family, friends, compassion, caring, sharing.
Really, what does she have? A lot of debt, a great deal of upkeep expenses and a bottomless pit of desire that will never be sated.
She can have it. We are far, far richer in life.
What someone should do the next time Kate happens to be interviewed on live TV is take both those clips when she says the kids have "Substantial" college funds and the other clip of, "There is not enough money to send eight kids to college." And ask her which is it.
I have this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach that it is perhaps Kate Gosselin who is Barbara Walters most fascinating person,do you even think that could be possible?
"Anytime she is with her kids she looks like she is mad at the world!"
That's because Kate sees her kids as this Great Responsibility she has to bear. They are her "job". I think Kate feels that as long as she is providing a shelter, food and clothes that she's fulfilled her job as a parent. What more do you want from her? To actually ENJOY being a mom? (well, yes Kate, actually I would hope you'd enjoy the blessings your children are. You connived enough to conceive them) She isn't, nor has she ever been, what most of us define as "maternal".
I can hear her now. "Not all mom's are the stay at home and bake cookies type! How dare you slap your labels on me! My kids are taken care of and they're just fine, thank you! Yes, they've had some anger isdues. But now that they're home with no real demands put on them and not having to navigate a social world I have ill equipped them to live in, they're back to normal! And besides," Kate continues, "People and friendships are over rated."
I pity Kate. I truly do. What a waste. I get very angry when people tell me they want "a baby". I tell them "I would hope you'd rather have a child." Kate is one of those baby collectors. She likes the attention being pregnant and having babies brings. What she doesn't want are children. And those people should collect dolls instead of children.
I agree with everything you said, Erin. Couldn't have stated it better if I tried.
What goes around, comes around. Hopefully, the children will not be hurt, but this story will not end well. Kate is desperate to be a star, is addicted to attention, both good and bad, and she is delusional about her own importance in show biz. Sad, really.
@erin becuase there is no god,she was not meant to have kids, people always defend her by saying "what about all those mothers who killed there kids? did they deserve to be mothers?" and to that i say no, those poor souls(kids) were sent to show us that we need to start as a society saying who can and cannot have kids i.e if you needs help having kids then no,if you are on drugs no, ect..a little requirements to have kids
sorry its so rambling......
Ted Gibson, that NYC hack hairstylist doesn't even realize that Khate is a walking advertisement NOT to patronize his salon. That hair is over processed, and dry as straw. It looks like horse hair or something. BTW, I used to watch "What Not to Wear" every Friday night for several years. I have not watched in ages. Nick Arrojo, who has since left the show, would have told Khate straight out to stick it. Ted Gibson is the stylist on there now and he has no personality and NO talent. Doesn't he get that Khate is bad for business??
Janelle, I'm with you about Ted on WNTW. Nick used to cut hair according to a person's hair type, lifestyle, and face shape. I haven't seen much that Ted did that I liked! Plus.....I'm sure he's a very nice guy.......but he sort of creeps me out. He is just TOO intense or overly-sincere or something. I know a guy at church who is just like that and he makes me uncomfortable. He hugs you a little longer than he should (when you've let go, he's still hanging on--awkward!) I've wanted to say more than once, "Jeez, back off a little! You're almost in my lap, looking into my eyes all the way to my soul or something!" I'm sure neither have any malice on their mind, but I find that tendency in a guy a little creepy. Plus, Kate's hair do is a hair don't.
Latest sheeple post makes my jaw drop! Seriously?
What someone should do the next time Kate happens to be interviewed on live TV is take both those clips when she says the kids have "Substantial" college funds and the other clip of, "There is not enough money to send eight kids to college." And ask her which is it.
The Billy Bush interview came first, before Kate said there were substantial college funds. I have a strong suspicion what happened was Kate told the sob story of inadequate college funds to Billy Bush, which resulted in incredible backlash, both here and elsewhere. People were jumping up and down, after five years of filming the crap out of those little children how could they not at the very LEAST have fully funded college funds??? What have you done with their money???
TLC told Kate you can't go around saying crap like that it looks bad, next time you are asked say the college funds are fine, otherwise no more hair extensions and pedicures and tans. Bingo, we get a different lie the next time the subject of college comes up, now all of a sudden the college funds are "substantial."
Concerning Kate's hair- she's going to lose her hair if she continues over processing it.
It happened to me a few years ago. I had it double processed at the beauty salon for about 2 years. In the end, my hair looked like straw, and I had to cut most of it off.
Nowadays, I stick to single processing only.
If her kids go to college, they will be able to get really good jobs and be free of her (financially, if not inside their heads). She wouldn't want that, would she?
Her look is one of desperation nowadays, she didn't look so "used" earlier this year, now she literally looks like Dina Lohan. Orange skin with layers of extra skin around her neck and that light blonde hair. Reminds me of that aunt from "Something about Mary". Pennsylvania family court is screwed up!
Look at ME!!! said...
Erin, great post. I wanted to tell you something my father told me when someone completely evil would come out on top. He said, "The Devil takes care of his own."
You look at Khate, and she's the epitome of someone completely deceived by the devil. She's vain, rude, cruel and completely in love with herself.
But the Devil is a liar, "The Father of Lies". And when he gives you great gifts, much is expected in return.
We will probably see her worldly downfall. In fact, it is happening now. But her real downfall will be private, between her and God, and she will literally have Hell to pay for what she is doing to Jon and those eight little souls.
I wouldn't trade places with her for ANYTHING.
I agree. Money is tight at our house, but we have wonderful friends and family, private lives, etc. I wouldn't trade places with her for all the money in the world. BTW, since when does the devil give good gifts? I think he can give gifts which appear to be good, but with a high price to pay. JMO though.
NOT WATCHING really does work.
"After airing only two episodes, A&E has removed The Hasselhoffs from its schedule, according to New York magazine's Vulture.
The reality series, which followed David Hasselhoff and his two daughters, Hayley, 18, and Taylor Ann, 20, debuted to 718,000 viewers during the premiere, and fell to 505,000 viewers for the second episode that immediately followed on Sunday night."
Look at Ted Gibson's site. A model with straight, platinum hair. It looks as freaky as Kate's.
I do not normally comment on Kate's appearance as I am not a girly-girl (lol!) and hair, makeup and clothes are just not something that interests me that much, but her skin here looks really terrible. She is ruining herself. I want to say she recently got a chemical peel maybe. It just looks so processed and manipulated. She had beautiful supple skin not more than two years ago. She looks like those middle-aged Florida ladies.
I agree with what everyone has said, this was a really beautiful young woman who has ruined herself.
So, who wants to bet that Kate, while in NYC, took the time to go to a broadway show, visit a museum or do something else that might expand her horizens? Anyone? Anyone?
I thought so, nope, no cultural enlightenment for this woman.
Tucker's Mom said:
But, there are multiple paps seen in the NYC photos, which leads to me to ask why the hell are her photos valuable? The one and only reason they snap her photo is to get money. I just wonder how she remains relevant to the point where rag sites want her pics to post.
I don't like to not give credit for someone elses post but I guess we are not suppose to mention other blogs on here. Anyway, there is a post on another blog from someone who says her husband is a photographer. She said they get calls from the celebs "people" to let them know where they will be and to take pictures. Her husband said when Kate walked out she acted like she was on the red carpet. After she left all the photographers laughed and made fun of her.
Fran, I don't like to not give credit for someone elses post but I guess we are not suppose to mention other blogs on here.
Fran and everyone, please read rule number 3 carefully. No TRASH TALKING other blogs. It's not that you can't mention another blog! Of course you can. And credit it. And talk nicely about it or mention something they said that was interesting or relevant.
I welcome hearing from other blogs. The only reason this rule exists is because I will NOT allow this blog to become a "boards on boards" blog. In other words a blog that has nothing better to do but pick on other blogs. From the posts I have gotten, I easily could have allowed this blog to take that path, and let me tell you it's tempting--but we will not do that. I know how that goes down elsewhere, and it's unoriginal, flat, boring, and most of all, pathetic.
By all means mention other blogs, web sites, whatever. That's not threatening to me. But if you are mentioning them just to trash them, go elsewhere. It's sort of like how when you told your mom about the school bully and you just wanted to get them back? And then your mom said no don't do that, treat them kindly. Which made you mad, but now you realize she was right.
Proof that this was a staged photo op: how did ROL or whomever know exactly what Kate had done to her hair, who did it and how much it cost? Obviously, this is a planted story to drum up publicity for Ted Gibson's salon with Kate as the willing puppet. Could she look more delighted to be 'swarmed' by the paparazzi? She would bend over and show us her asshole to could get her picture taken.
so desperate said...
Proof that this was a staged photo op: how did ROL or whomever know exactly what Kate had done to her hair, who did it and how much it cost? Obviously, this is a planted story to drum up publicity for Ted Gibson's salon with Kate as the willing puppet. Could she look more delighted to be 'swarmed' by the paparazzi? She would bend over and show us her asshole to could get her picture taken.
I disagree with the motive you've suggested. I think the call was made by Kate/TLC's publicists for publicity for KATE.
She is going to be on Palin's Alaska on Sunday and they've made sure to get her name and face in the media almost everyday for the past week. Yes, Gibson will benefit, but imo, this was a publicity stunt for Kate's benefit.
Check out Preesi Lefora's blog, click on "pertinent posts" and scroll down to the bottom. kate has NOT changed in the last few years, people had her pegged from day ONE.
Erin, The universe (karma) takes TIME. But it always happens!!
Steve "rat claws" has two sons and his own business. He has made the choice to work with Kate but it must be at the expense of his own family. I would think his sons have school activities where parents can go to, outside activities, etc. and his job must take him away from some of them. I cannot imagine a wife willing to put up with that at as it puts their own sons second after Kate. I understand many have jobs that take them away from their own families, but does Steve plan on doing this till Kate retires? Does he have other clients or a backup plan? I really don't care either way but I do think along with the Gosselin kids neglect, another family is also impacted, namely his own and I feel sad children do not have the security of two parents present in their daily lives. Of course there are many single parent families, but the facts are both these families have two parents alive and close by. I guess it is sad but I do not care if Kate or Steve mess up their own lives, but I do care that under age children loose out on the security of a routine, normal childhood.
Thank you for the links, Lolly!
As far as the children and their college accounts go, they have to graduate from kindergarten before they apply to college!
I have this song on my iPod, and every time I hear it I think of Kate. It's by Chris Sligh - he was on American Idol (I forget which season).
"I've had just enough of the spotlight when it burns bright to see how it gets in the blood.
And I've tasted my share of the sweet life and the wild ride, and found that a little is not quite enough.
I know how I can stray, and how fast my heart could change."
I think this is exactly what has happened to Kate. She had a little taste of fame and fortune and "found that a little is not quite enough."
SmileyGrl752 said...
Look at ME!!! said...
Erin, great post. I wanted to tell you something my father told me when someone completely evil would come out on top. He said, "The Devil takes care of his own."
You look at Khate, and she's the epitome of someone completely deceived by the devil. She's vain, rude, cruel and completely in love with herself.
But the Devil is a liar, "The Father of Lies". And when he gives you great gifts, much is expected in return.
We will probably see her worldly downfall. In fact, it is happening now. But her real downfall will be private, between her and God, and she will literally have Hell to pay for what she is doing to Jon and those eight little souls.
I wouldn't trade places with her for ANYTHING.
I agree. Money is tight at our house, but we have wonderful friends and family, private lives, etc. I wouldn't trade places with her for all the money in the world. BTW, since when does the devil give good gifts? I think he can give gifts which appear to be good, but with a high price to pay. JMO though.
I was going to comment that her upbringing (religious background) should have made her more level headed- BUT- I have a funny feeling that she was probably a problem from the start.
This reminds me of a song (from the early 80's) titled: "Everybody's Got To Learn Sometime" by The Korgis. In order for Kate to find happiness, she's going to have to change her heart.
In addition, her enablers (family and admirers not known to her), really need to ask themselves this question- by supporting her, am I REALLY helping Kate in the end? Or am I prolonging her self-destruction?
I certainly would not consider Kate's hairdo as positive advertising for Ted Gibson or the other people mentioned. Her hair looks like the plastic used in doll wigs.
Erin, great post. You have said it all. Kate got to where she is today by being greedy & what she has now is not a family & a home, but a "set", & she will keep that going for as long as she can, off the back of her kids, because she is selfish. You need to remember one thing though, the mighty fall hard. And what you pointed out was correct. She is dangling by a string. How she can go about her daily life, knowing that people despise her, know her truth about what she has done to her kids, is beyond me. She is either stronger than I thought, or completely oblivious.
Kate is crashing down. It won't be long. She burns bridges wherever she goes, DWTS, in interviews, Sarah Palin, her children...take comfort in the fact that you have a wonderful life, full of friends, (not paid for), family, (not estranged), kids?? (that don't hate you), a husband/partner?? (who is by your side), and a generally happy outlook on life (not skewed by greed & wanting more, more, more at the expense of others around you).
Laine said...
I certainly would not consider Kate's hairdo as positive advertising for Ted Gibson or the other people mentioned. Her hair looks like the plastic used in doll wigs.
Imagine how many Barbie dolls had to die for Kate to look like her idea of Hollywood.
Any Battlestar fans out there? Tricia Helfer's hair was so damaged by the repeated treatments required for her to maintain Six's platinum style that she ended up shaving her head.
Somehow I doubt Kate would ever do that, as badly as she will need to if she keeps going with it, although if someone tells her that and appeals to her sense of vanity she might stop dropping that much money on her hair.
Either that or she's going to lose the show and flip out and pull a Britney anyway.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
I was going to comment that her upbringing (religious background) should have made her more level headed- BUT- I have a funny feeling that she was probably a problem from the start.
This reminds me of a song (from the early 80's) titled: "Everybody's Got To Learn Sometime" by The Korgis. In order for Kate to find happiness, she's going to have to change her heart.
In addition, her enablers (family and admirers not known to her), really need to ask themselves this question- by supporting her, am I REALLY helping Kate in the end? Or am I prolonging her self-destruction
Sometimes a religious upbringing can have the exact opposite effect in offspring, IMHO. Look at Katie Perry. Her father is a minister and she is a former gosspel singer. She certainly doesn't dress like a minister's daughter. She also writes and sings songs that are not very gosspel-esque.
I used to work with a woman whose father was a minister and she was nuts. She had a similar attitude as Kate. Everything in life was about her, she was mean spirited. I can remember her telling me once about how she used to do LSD in her father's church!
I'm not saying that all children of clergy are like that, but in Kate's case, it's not really surprising that she would rebel against her religious upbringing like this. Sometimes the children do live their lives against all the religious teachings their parents tried to provide to them.
I also vote for Erin’s comment to posted up top. Every sheeple who wanders over here needs to read that. It just might shake some sense into them. On a “strange and ironic” note, yesterday while in a dentist’s office I was looking at the October issue of Good Housekeeping. There was a really good interview with Jamie Lee Curtis on the topic of her uber-organizational skills and the cool things she’s done to organize and declutter her home. Kate kept popping into my head as I read this article. See, if Kate had played her cards right, stayed on the original path she was on, that could have been HER interview. Just imagine the opportunities that might have come her way in the form of endorsements, spin-off TV shows centered around the home economics of raising a large family. But she got off that path in favor of the hooker stroll. Once the last few gawkers have grown weary that will be the end of her fame. There’s no way she can go back now - it's all over.
I read somewhere the following: "The wheels of the gods grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine." Maybe if we all remember these words, we can stand to see Katie Irene a few more minutes. The gods are working, believe me! Just wish her kids didn't have to suffer so under her thumb.
Excellent point, LisaNH!
I've not commented on Kate's looks until now. Her hair and clothes = Drekitude.
Erin: Your post sounds like you were reading my mind. I had a discussion with someone the other day saying the exact same things. Why are there some people who go through life ungrateful, rude and mean to others and yet everything seems to go their way?
I can't decide what is going on now. Is TLC doing these things to get rid of her or are they just changing the way they will market her? Instead of her being the image of the super Mom with 8 cute kids are they now going to go with the idea of "the person everyone loves to hate". In TV land that kind of image also can make them money.
I too found myself getting too upset over this woman and had to back away. I live in the same area as Kate and my disgust with her goes way back - even before there was a TV show. I haven't watched any shows for a long time, don't read ROL etc. I just read 2 blogs. I still do that because I keep thinking any day now there will be great news that this has all ended.
Erin - you are sooo right. I consider myself an intelligent person,and I was getting caught up in the Hate mania- it started with DWTS - one of my favories because I love dancing and I thought she invaded it.The media kept giving her more and more coverage....it drove me crazy. But now as I have heard,payback is a B----. Her poor children - I am a teacher with 25 years experience and when a child is asked to leave all you have to do is meet the parents and then you know why the child is the way they are.Just wait until they are older!! Getting asked to leave when you are 6. I have always said that we do not need better schools, we need better parents!!!So back to Erin - thank you for your thoughts.Hate is a piece of work - I am just afraid that she will find a way to stay in the media. Peace :)
PS- has she been corresponding for Skating with the stars? I do not watch it or ET because they insist on showing Hate. Just wondering.
LisaNH said: Sometimes a religious upbringing can have the exact opposite effect in offspring, IMHO. Look at Katie Perry. Her father is a minister and she is a former gosspel singer. She certainly doesn't dress like a minister's daughter. She also writes and sings songs that are not very gosspel-esque.
I used to work with a woman whose father was a minister and she was nuts. She had a similar attitude as Kate. Everything in life was about her, she was mean spirited. I can remember her telling me once about how she used to do LSD in her father's church!
I'm not saying that all children of clergy are like that, but in Kate's case, it's not really surprising that she would rebel against her religious upbringing like this. Sometimes the children do live their lives against all the religious teachings their parents tried to provide to them.
I agree, Lisa. I was raised in a Christian home, and my mom always said, "God doesn't have any grandchildren." In other words, HER walk with God would not be mine as well. First I would have to decide for myself if I accept Christianity as being true, then I would have to grow in my own walk of faith.
Fahnette said:
Imagine how many Barbie dolls had to die for Kate to look like her idea of Hollywood.
Hilarious! Thanks for the giggle! : )
Erin: Your post sounds like you were reading my mind. I had a discussion with someone the other day saying the exact same things. Why are there some people who go through life ungrateful, rude and mean to others and yet everything seems to go their way?
I can't decide what is going on now. Is TLC doing these things to get rid of her or are they just changing the way they will market her? Instead of her being the image of the super Mom with 8 cute kids are they now going to go with the idea of "the person everyone loves to hate". In TV land that kind of image also can make them money.
I too found myself getting too upset over this woman and had to back away. I live in the same area as Kate and my disgust with her goes way back - even before there was a TV show. I haven't watched any shows for a long time, don't read ROL etc. I just read 2 blogs. I still do that because I keep thinking any day now there will be great news that this has all ended.
Erin - you are sooo right. I consider myself an intelligent person,and I was getting caught up in the Hate mania- it started with DWTS - one of my favories because I love dancing and I thought she invaded it.The media kept giving her more and more coverage....it drove me crazy. But now as I have heard,payback is a B----. Her poor children - I am a teacher with 25 years experience and when a child is asked to leave all you have to do is meet the parents and then you know why the child is the way they are.Just wait until they are older!! Getting asked to leave when you are 6. I have always said that we do not need better schools, we need better parents!!!So back to Erin - thank you for your thoughts.Hate is a piece of work - I am just afraid that she will find a way to stay in the media. Peace :)
PS- has she been corresponding for Skating with the stars? I do not watch it or ET because they insist on showing Hate. Just wondering.
Excellent point, LisaNH!
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
I was going to comment that her upbringing (religious background) should have made her more level headed- BUT- I have a funny feeling that she was probably a problem from the start.
This reminds me of a song (from the early 80's) titled: "Everybody's Got To Learn Sometime" by The Korgis. In order for Kate to find happiness, she's going to have to change her heart.
In addition, her enablers (family and admirers not known to her), really need to ask themselves this question- by supporting her, am I REALLY helping Kate in the end? Or am I prolonging her self-destruction
Sometimes a religious upbringing can have the exact opposite effect in offspring, IMHO. Look at Katie Perry. Her father is a minister and she is a former gosspel singer. She certainly doesn't dress like a minister's daughter. She also writes and sings songs that are not very gosspel-esque.
I used to work with a woman whose father was a minister and she was nuts. She had a similar attitude as Kate. Everything in life was about her, she was mean spirited. I can remember her telling me once about how she used to do LSD in her father's church!
I'm not saying that all children of clergy are like that, but in Kate's case, it's not really surprising that she would rebel against her religious upbringing like this. Sometimes the children do live their lives against all the religious teachings their parents tried to provide to them.
@erin becuase there is no god,she was not meant to have kids, people always defend her by saying "what about all those mothers who killed there kids? did they deserve to be mothers?" and to that i say no, those poor souls(kids) were sent to show us that we need to start as a society saying who can and cannot have kids i.e if you needs help having kids then no,if you are on drugs no, ect..a little requirements to have kids
sorry its so rambling......
I have this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach that it is perhaps Kate Gosselin who is Barbara Walters most fascinating person,do you even think that could be possible?
Well said, Erin. This is one of the best comments ever, and I vote that it gets a front page reprint on this blog...it is that good. It deserves to be read by everyone and not lost in the comments section.
This comment is exactly what we have all wanted to say, but couldn't quite find the words.
I have been feeling like Erin, too much overload about this selfish, sad, narcissistic woman. Too much Sarah Palin/Kate Gosselin, where try as some people do, the political overtones are screaming. This, in a week where a truly decent and caring mother, Elizabeth Edwards, has died too soon, has just had my head spinning whenever I think about values, goodness and just decent behaviour. I wish I read less than I do, and while I also believe in karma, let it not come at any further expense of these children.
Erin, great post. I wanted to tell you something my father told me when someone completely evil would come out on top. He said, "The Devil takes care of his own."
You look at Khate, and she's the epitome of someone completely deceived by the devil. She's vain, rude, cruel and completely in love with herself.
But the Devil is a liar, "The Father of Lies". And when he gives you great gifts, much is expected in return.
We will probably see her worldly downfall. In fact, it is happening now. But her real downfall will be private, between her and God, and she will literally have Hell to pay for what she is doing to Jon and those eight little souls.
I wouldn't trade places with her for ANYTHING.
Tucker's Mom said... Why does Kate have paparazzi in NYC? I mean, you've got SJP and many, many other mega-stars and they hang around to catch her coming in and out of that hotel?
It doesn't make sense. What are the chances that her people alert the cameras
It makes total sense in the world of Kate Gosselin.
Kate is a fame whore who fuels her self-esteem on attention from the paparazzi.
Real celebrities value their privacy. But Kate, a reality t.v. personality who lives and dies by the tabloids, must force herself on us in order to stay relevant. She is nothing without her kids.
Kate's people call the paparazzi when it suits her needs. She calls Chris to follow her around PA.
E-Town Neighbor said...
He's not a bodyguard. He is Kate's personal assistant, assigned to make sure that she stays calm and doesn't go off on someone. There's no need for him to sleep in close proximity to the family because guarding them isn't in his job description.
Yes, that's why I also said: "which is why Steve is with her as a handler." Handler, personal assistant = tomato, tomatoe.
On the Billy Bush tape she also claims the crew visits the kids and they "scream" when they come through the door-(after Jon stopped the filming) But on the very first show, of Kate plus 8, almost the very first sentence, she said this was the first time the kids had seen the crew since filming stopped. The dummy can't keep track of her own lies.
I remember, un-morphed. But Kate talks out of both sides of her mouth. In one interview, she claims the kids all have substantial college funds set aside. (Though I remember the interview well, I can't recall the source. If anyone can remind me which interview that was, I'd appreciate it.)
In the Billy Bush interview last year, she laments that sadly, there is not enough money saved for college. She is not smart enough to keep track of her lies. She forgets the public is.
I was under the impression that Steve was there to protect the family, mainly THE KIDS. The ruse has always been that with the kids on TV, some wacko could try and snatch them or otherwise hurt them, thus they needed a bodyguard.
If this were remotely true why wouldn't he forgo carrying a purse and umbrella on these stupid kHate trips and stay home with the kids to 'protect them?' When was the last time anyone cared to approach kHate? I wish there was another word to describe an Uber-Narcissist, because it would apply to her. She even takes narcissism to new heights!
Everything about this woman and her life is a freaking LIE and a disgusting case of an overinflated ego. From her "I deserve this body" quotes, the constant bullsh*t about her "working hard" to the absurd self entitlement on the red carpet.
The only time this shrew has ever worked for anything in her life was when she carried 6 kids inside her. Her daily life is so self centered its as if she is punishing her kids for the rest of their little lives for the inconvenience of being born.
She looks HORRIBLE - and she seems to be the only one who doesn't get it! It has become comical and embarrassing at the same time. Anger has been replaced by complete embarrassment for me. I dont know when it happened but she is such a disgusting, unlikable buffoon in public that I actually feel more sorrow for her than hatred.
Weird, I know.
LisaNH said...
I just looked at the photos of Kate and Steve in NYC. So why exactly is Steve required to accompany her on unofficial, non-TLC related activities? I mean, if she can go to Target all by her lonsome (with her 12 inch heels for protection) why would she need a body guard in NYC? I can see him going to public events but for personal errands, come on!
I think more and more we'll find that Steve is not so much a bodyguard but a boy toy.
I've always thought that neither TLC, nor Kate herself, felt she could be trusted to navigate from one appointment to another, to be polite to those she encountered, to stay 'on script', etc -- which is why Steve was with her as a handler. I think their relationship has changed considerably from the original one of employer/employee to one of a close confidant, paid 'friend', and maybe much more.
There has to be a LOT more behind the many stories about Steve sleeping in the basement. It just doesn't pass the smell test. A real 'bodyguard' can't protect his charges when he's asleep on a different floor than the family.
How in the world can that hair cost $2,000?! It looks like overprocessed crap. As if there's no one in Reading, PA that could accomplish that for $100. She's certainly not a very good advertisement for the Ted Gibson salon.
And again, the double standard kills me. Can you imagine if Jon made the money she made last year, pampered himself the way she does and was suing her for child support! He'd get blasted. I'm sure she's spent far more on shoes than most single moms receive in child support per year.
Ha, all that money and her roots are still showing. Guess no amount of hair dye can cover up her inner dark and evil core.
Ha, you just have to love how the media has turned on her:
Top 10 Douchebags of 2010
4. Kate Gosselin
When one reality show door closes, a new reality show door opens, right? That's how it works for K.Goss, who jumped at the opportunity for some Dancing With the Stars. And—if you can believe it!—she was rumored to be quite the diva backstage, refused to listen to her dancing partner's instructions and spent her time jet-setting between Los Angeles to New York to talk about what a good mom she is while her kids stayed home with the nannies.
But since that was all early 2010 stuff, let's just check in to see where both Jon and Kate are now: Jon has a real job that is not on TV and Kate is still making random morning show appearances to talk about her family's private business. Interesting...
Also, you can vote for her at Access Hollywoood's site. She's currently in the lead with 46% of the vote:
POLL: The Daily Beast released its list of the top reality television earners — who is least deserving of the big paycheck?
* Kim Kardashian ($6 million) - 40%
* Lauren Conrad ($5 million) - 2%
* Bethenny Frankel ($4 million) - 4%
* Audrina Patridge ($3.5 million) - 8%
* Kate Gosselin ($3.5 million) - 46%
One more poll at Access Hollywood:
POLL: Fox News crowned its ‘Most Despised Stars of the Year,’ who do you despise the most?
* The Kardashians - 35%
* Kanye West - 20%
* John Mayer - 3%
* Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva - 7%
* Tiger Woods - 6%
* Kate Gosselin - 29%
You can click on the links above and vote!
I cracked up laughing at a story on a rag mag site that said Kate looked "stunning" when she left Ted Gibson's studio. Kate and stunning do not belong in the same sentence. Yes, she's attractive but if I had the kind of money she has, my hair would be perfect, my teeth would be perfect, my boobs would be up where they're supposed to be and I'd be all hard-bodied because I'd have a personal trainer who would kick my butt working out every day.
Kate's all about Kate and her children are starting to see that and it's sad. Sadly, she's the type of person who isn't going to open their eyes until something really bad happens.
Great point, Admin, about the other reality people on that list all living large and not pretending to be broke like Khate. The only thing that I do not believe is accurate is saying she's "worth $3.5 million". The thing is, if she took in (note that I refuse to say she "earned") $3.5 million last year alone, she is probably worth far more than that. When you consider what she's made in the last few years, she should have a net worth higher than $3.5 million. For example, let's say my salary was $100,000 last year. Well, I own a home with a good portion of my mortgage already paid off in the last fifteen years, plus I have retirement accounts, stocks, etc. My net worth is well beyond my actual salary, as I believe Khate's is as well.
I hope with all the bad press lately, people are finally starting to see her for what she is - a liar, a terrible mother, and a child exploiter.
(Note to Hippie Chick - I was so glad to read in the other post that your father is home and doing well! Great news!)
Admin, great point about how much the kids are worth.
if my meager math skills are correct, each child SHOULD HAVE about $65K, for a life time of national humilation and maternal neglect.
we all pretty much know that there is NOT 65K times 8 sitting in an account somewhere for those children. Even if there is, an account with 1/2 million dollars in it for the kids seems like a small pittance given their mother's lavish lifestyle from selling her kids.
I agree with previous posters who said that TLC is now promoting her as a diva unstable joke; tune in to see how Kate humiliates herself next. Poor kids, I bet they would gladly trade in their little bank accounts for a real mommy.
I own my own business, (a website) & am a student. My hubby works a FT job & we both work hard to make a good home for our son. My website is not exactly an "everyone wants it all" type of thing. I had to market the hell out of it to even get it off the ground, do farmer's market's etc. (It's alternative health type stuff). ALL of us worked hard to get where we are, is what I'm saying. Kate grifted, stuck her hand out, & begged for things. That's how she got where she is. Yet, she still wants more. MORE, MORE, MORE. It's never enough for her. She could have 10 million, & it wouldn't be enough.
She will parade those kids in front of cameras until they are hunched over from exhaustion & starving for money, & STILL go on TV & complain there is not enough money. She is a liar and a grifter, It's her nature. She'll never stop until she is stopped. She won't stop on her own either. Someone needs to stop her.She is too greedy to stop on her own.
Why didn't she get her hair done when she was in NYC last week? Wasting more money on travel.
Hopefully, she has a good reason to be in NYC besides getting her hair done and spending time with Steve. Who's at home with the kids? Will Jon get any custody time while she's away?
Wow...that's a lot of bling bling she's carrying on her finger. Is that 8 diamonds for her 8 kids? That's just tacky and more Gosselin money wasted on frivolous things.
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