Sunday, December 5, 2010

Kate's tanning errand on Saturday

Is Kate tanning again on custodial time? Jon had the kids last weekend....

87 sediments (sic) from readers:

Laura D. said... 1

She looks more miserable than usual.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 2

Oops, I didn't see this post. I was just in the other post, below, posting a link to INF's story with her tanning pics from yesterday.

I guess this means she's flying her broom out to LA today to go cover SWTS for ET. It's pathetic how much time and money she spends tanning. What a horrible example as a mother, but then again, she's a terrible example for them in every area of life. Gee, hasn't anyone ever told her that tanning is bad for your skin and for your health? Ha, this will come back to haunt her one day, I'm sure.

Crocs? said... 3

Holy cow! Crocs? ~ Administrator said... 4

I still don't understand why she can't do this when the children are in school and the expelled children are with their tutor.

She doesn't WORK.

Tanning already IS ruining her skin.

Jo said... 5

I was watching something on TLC early afternoon yesterday when they kept advertising promos for their shows. They showed EVERY other show....except Kate Plus 8. I had to rewind to make sure I was seeing things correctly. Kate Plus 8 was not there. Is this the end??

Knows Quality said... 6

This shouldn't really surprise anyone...this woman has always done everything she could to escape being in the same house with her own children....

Whether it was flying around doing speaking engagements and leaving the kids with Jon, or claiming to be "sick" while on vacation and then going to a spa while Jon had the kids, tanning, shopping, dancing (and I use that word "loosely"), she's better than Houdini at escaping.

Westcoaster said... 7

Ms. Fake 'n Bake will look great out here in LA tomorrow in the cold and rain - piece of work.

And I will agree with Admin on this one - the woman does not WORK during the week, and yet has to do these grooming errands on her weekends with the kids? Not that I think she would be doing what normal moms do on a Saturday, like oh, say soccer games, ballet lessons, movies, etc. but really, what the heck does she do all week? Oh sorry, I forgot that she and the bf bodyguard were canoodling in NY earlier this particular week, guess that explains the Saturday salon visits.

The Blame Game said... 8

What I don't understand is with all the tanning that she has done ever since the divorce why is she not brown? If anyone tannged that regularly they would be a nice shade of brown not orange.

PatE said... 9

She has so much filler in her face she is looking like a chimp.

And that lower lip......?'s growing.

granny66 said... 10

The children are with their Dad this week end. I don't know why, but I do know that to be a fact. Perhaps custody has loosened after the custody talks, etc that went on this month. I am only speculating on that, but I do know they are with Daddy this week-end. Every minute they are with him is a wonderful for the children.

wrinkles R Kate said... 11

The Blame Game said... What I don't understand is with all the tanning that she has done ever since the divorce why is she not brown? If anyone tannged that regularly they would be a nice shade of brown not orange.
Good question. She may have recently switched to spray tanning (which often looks orange-y) from the tanning bed since all the fake baking has quickly taken a harsh toll on her skin. Compared to the fork picture here of Kate, she looks 15 years older now, even though that pic is only from 2007-8 or so. ~ Administrator said... 12

If they are with their dad, great. His previous arrangement was every other weekend, and he had them last weekend.

Maybe Kate is letting Jon stock up on custodial time so she can feel justified to demand them back when she needs to film them.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 13

Ugh... She's such a miserable wretch.

Kate must like the weathered, leathery look of an old baseball glove.

Knock yourself out, Kate.
Oompa-Loompa orange skin, with bright-white veneers is soooooo becoming.

LisaNH said... 14

Was there a hearing on Nov. 30 or was it postponed? Haven't seen anything about it anywhere.

alyssa said... 15

Maybe Kate is letting Jon stock up on custodial time so she can feel justified to demand them back when she needs to film them.
That is exactly what she is doing! She wants the kids on Christmas, New Year and Thanksgiving so she can show what a wonderful happy family they are(even without daddy) I bet there will be flashbacks from other Christmases, conveniently cutting Jon out, and the usual talk: It's hard to stretch Christmas for 8 kids, it's always a concern...bla bla bla
I have given up trying to reply to the sheeple..Every single retort they have,I've heard it first coming out of Kate's mouth.They are BRAIN WASHED and there is nothing we can do to change that :( she will always have a number of crazy suporters...

JudyK said... 16

Someone please tell Kate that tans, whether fake or real, are not natural in winter...oh, yeah, I forgot--there's nothing "natural" about Kate.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 17

Oh lookie, how appropriate for this blog installment. While Cruella De-Kate is getting her tan on, it's being reported that she is trying to sue Jon for $125,000 in back child support:

That Kate is such a "treasure". ~ Administrator said... 18

Kate has some nerve wanting more money out of Jon when the bulk of her income comes from working her children. Maybe her kids shoul ask her for back supper. ~ Administrator said... 19

Autocorrect! Support. Not supper.

Sunfire said... 20

Back supper makes more sense to Those poor kids need as much food as they can get.

kate's scary said... 21

Maybe it's my monitor but she doesn't look orange at all. But she sure looks unhappy. Makes me wonder if she got bad news during the latest court hearing.

It's great news if Jon has the kids this weekend. Could he be getting more visits? Would a decision like that be immediate?

One more thought. I'm glad Kate runs her errands when the kids are home. The kids get that much more time away from her. Since the chances are slim that Jon will ever get full custody, I'd like to see Kate gone from the home every minute that those kids are there.

have to ask said... 22

Is there something wrong with Kate wearing Crocs? I never liked them personally, but I must be missing something. Better than the hooker heels, I'd say.

Mimi to 3 said... 23

It always amazes me to see that 'put upon' look on Kate's face when she is out and about and Chris is filming her. Since she has this attitude of how famous she is, she sure does look sulky and mean rather than simply smiling knowing that her 'fans' will be watching.

The Blame Game said... 24

If she is using his kids to make money, lots of money, I don't how she could even get child support at all - the kids are supporting her as well as themselves. Without those kids Khate would have nothing or the money should be split 10 ways whether Jon is involved or not. That would be better for the kids - maybe Khate would treat them better if they had money. Sad but true. That judge is definitely biased in Khate's favor. I think Jon should have maintained his alliance with A Minor Consideration and Glorida Allred.

amb said... 25

How come the Palin/Gosselin episode was advertised for December 5th on Friday? As of Sunday, the promo now says that the episode will air on December 12th.

Gosselin Gossip said... 26

Jo said...

I was watching something on TLC early afternoon yesterday when they kept advertising promos for their shows. They showed EVERY other show....except Kate Plus 8. I had to rewind to make sure I was seeing things correctly. Kate Plus 8 was not there. Is this the end??


Kate Plus 8 is no longer weekly, instead specials.

TLC is not listing any new specials; therefore, there is nothing to currently promote.

However, the Gosselins possibly filmed a Thanksgiving special evidenced by paparazzi photos of the Gosselins kids in Native American garb - that's how you celebrate Thanksgiving, Gosselin style.

Michelle said... 27

I hate to be snarky about her appearance because it's irrelevant, but is she wearing the good bra or no bra? Her breast looks like it's pointing west.

Hope her plastic surgeon explained that even with implants a good bra is a good idea. Otherwise, she'll be back in a couple years getting those babies hoisted back up.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 28

Hhm, I guess she hasn't flown out to LA to cover SWTS. Isn't it on tomorrow night? Here are more boring crapola pics from her paid photographer, supposedly from today in PA:

(just click on the clickable links I've put here)

Kate Gosselin: Wintertime Runner

Doing her best to keep up on her physical fitness, Kate Gosselin was spotted out for a weekend jog in Wernersville, Pennsylvania.

With her eight children spending time with their father, the TLC reality mom made her way around the suburban streets while bundled up in hot pink athletic gear to counter the chilly winter weather.

The sighting comes as Miss Gosselin will soon be seen in her much-anticipated appearance on "Sarah Palin's Alaska" airing on December 12th.

Meanwhile, Kate has also been busily loading up on presents for the holiday season, as she'll reportedly be doting on the brood on Christmas Day while agreeing to let ex-husband Jon have the little ones on Christmas Eve.

Enjoy the pictures of Kate Gosselin out for a jog in Reading (December 5).


Laura D. said... 29

Kate Gosselin: Wintertime Runner, this sounds like a blurb out of the J. Peterman Catalog ala Seinfeld. And since when is a divorced woman addressed as "Miss" with her husbands's name following. Excuse my ignorance if this is an American thing since I'm Canadian, but she is Miss Kreider or Mrs. Gosselin (or you can replace Ms. in front of either of those). I'm so sick of her "borrowing" the Gosselin name for recognition while trying to maintain the single status.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 30

Geez Louise, is nowhere safe from this Khate monster? I was just reading a completely unrelated article at The Daily Mail (UK) and saw in the sidebar that they had an article about Khate, (with some funny screen shots):

Kate Gosselin breaks down in tears while camping with Sarah Palin in Alaska's wilderness

As a single mother-of-eight, Kate Gosselin is no stranger to stress.

But it took Mama Grizzly Sarah Palin to publicly reduce her to tears.

The bizarre duo headed off together on a camping trip in Sarah's native Alaska recently.

Filming the adventure for an episode of the politician's new reality show, Sarah Palin's Alaska, Kate brought her eight children with her.

'I have never camped for real,' Kate, 35, admitted in a new clip of the episode, released today on

In the preview clip, viewers can watch Kate hiking through the woods with her group of children and learning about the dangers of bears from a ranger.

At one point, Kate is tearful as she complains: 'I'm chilled to the bone.'

Sitting in the damp camp ground, the Kate Plus Eight star then moans: 'I'm hungry.'

In another scene, she jumps and pulls a face as she watches 46 year-old Sarah shooting a rifle.

Sarah is heard cajoling her with the words: 'Come on! It wasn't that bad!'

Sarah also commented on-camera: 'She's going to be relying on me to protect her.'

Kate has had plenty to be upset about of late.

The stressed-out star withdrew her children Collin and Alexis, six, from their private school last week, after discussion with their teachers.

'We have a situation where my kids are in an academic excelling school, where academics are pushed', she explained in an interview on The Today Show.

But the pressures of dealing with their parents divorce clashed with the high expectations of the school, in Pennsylvania.

'The two collided and they were just not doing well with the combinations. They were having anger issues, they were acting out behaviour things... I felt very alone.'


* Is there a Santa? Kate Gosselin's brood spark uproar after telling schoolmates their parents are lying to them

Kate and her husband Jon who once starred together in their original reality show, Jon & Kate Plus Eight, divorced in December 2009 after ten years of marriage.

To see Kate camping with Sarah, watch Sarah Palin's Alaska on TLC on Dec. 12.

Just a thought said... 31

I believe, once you're married, you lose the "Miss" altogether, even if you become divorced. I've been divorced for many years and no one has ever called me "Miss _________ (my maiden name), nor have I ever heard that before.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 32

"Enjoy the pictures of Kate Gosselin out for a jog in Reading (December 5)".



Anonymous said... 33

If all these teens and 20-somethings wish to look cool and cute now with their tight clothing, endless tanning, cocky attitudes, they are going to have nobody to blame but themselves when the time comes for them to seek employment. And when they hit their middle age, then what? Why try and maintain yourself to the level of an uneducated person for the sake of trying to look cool or individual when all you're actually doing is trying to fit in with your friends who are doing the exact same thing you are doing, what will you have to show for it when you become a parent or aren't employed because you screw around thinking the world will always be there to catch your mistake. I hate to think how far Kate will go to try and maintain her wealthy lifestyle all for the sake of a show that's on its last legs. I mean she's not 18-21. Its pathetic to see adults try and recapture their youth because they didn't get everything they wanted. Well, the world doesn't revolve around Kate or any other snot-nosed, I am better than you twit. This circus is going to come down and when it does she is going to have nobody to blame but herself since she's already cast off everyone else around her. Face it, Kate has only two friends left--her bodyguard and that camera. I hope she doesn't continue to blame Jon--that part of her life is over and she needs to stop trying to act like she controls him, she doesn't no human should have the right to control other humans. When her children and grown and gone and she ends up in a retirement home, nobody is going to care and its a real sad thing she wasted all her faux pas Christian antics g to gain sympathy. Its going to be a sad day when she, if ever, I doubt, wakes up and asks herself was it all really worth it? I mean its just sad. I don't envy Kate, I don't hate Kate, I would like to have symphathy for her but I can't have sympathy for anyone who brings on bad things which befall them by doing themselves in. I just don't.

LisaNH said... 34

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... Geez Louise, is nowhere safe from this Khate monster? I was just reading a completely unrelated article at The Daily Mail (UK) and saw in the sidebar that they had an article about Khate, (with some funny screen shots):


Oh for the love of Pete!! Kate must make a spectacle of herself no matter where she goes.

I finally got around to watching last week's ep of Sarah Palin's Alaska and I thought about how Sarah and her daughter were right there with their grandmother preparing fresh salmon for storing. They were gutting the fish and chopping away at it and not once did someone screech or jump up and down because it was "gross". I thought about Kate and how she would react. Ugh!! She has no class or common sense.

Midnight Madness said... 35

Crocs? said...

Holy cow! Crocs?

Well, yeah. It's much easier to slip out of them than to unbuckle those hooker heels when she has to take off her jeans/pants for tanning, and then have to buckle them again when she gets dressed!

Who DUH Thunk? said... 36

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... Geez Louise, is nowhere safe from this Khate monster? I was just reading a completely unrelated article at The Daily Mail (UK) and saw in the sidebar that they had an article about Khate, (with some funny screen shots)


Funny, I was just reading the Wall St. Journal and didn't see anything at all about Kate.

That train has left said... 37

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Oh lookie, how appropriate for this blog installment. While Cruella De-Kate is getting her tan on, it's being reported that she is trying to sue Jon for $125,000 in back child support


I think Cruella has just noticed how fast the Gravy Train is leaving the station - and that she's missed it.

The real shocker will hit her once she learns how much her kids' share of Jon's salary amounts to. It'll be a huge bite for him, but won't even cover the tanning for her, since his income is now presumably a perfectly normal one for an IT worker. I'm guessing that puts it at less than %60,000 a year, considering what he used to do, and his experience.

Big changes are coming for Cruella. And kudos to the dad, for doing the right thing and setting the right example for his kids. When it comes to good decisions, better late than never, for sure. ~ Administrator said... 38

They advertised Kate for next week on Palin and now that I see it on the big screen, Kate is actually CRYING. I don't think she is mocking the children at all, she is wallowing in her own self-pity. She throws what looks like a plastic bag of graham crackers aside.

Since it's Sarah's show, I wonder if Kate won't get to do her couch interviews to explain how she has low blood sugar and hadn't eaten in 36 hours. It would be funny to just get Sarah's spin on it, i.e. this waom needs to get a grip!

Regardless how anyone feels about Sarah Palin, Kate needs to realize that there are plenty of people who would pay in the hundreds of thousands of dollars at auction to go on a camping trip with a vice presidential candidate. Show some respect. ~ Administrator said... 39

By the way who is watching Alaksa? Like someone mentioned before, her kids very much roll up their sleeves and do whatever is asked of them with smiles on their faces.

I'm really impressed with the children. They are well-behaved, well-adjusted, but not little robots. They don't complain, they respect their mom and dad, and they have heavy support from a variety of friends and family members, right down to second cousins these people are surrounding themselves with. Every episode so far has featured some kind of extended family member.

Their parents have obviously taught them to see the fun in chores when you are doing it together as a family working toward the goal of providing. It really is quite a gift.

They tease their mom occasionally but it's not sort of "we're so annoyed with our freak mom" like it seems to be with Mady, but rather we love her so much that we banter.

AngiB said... 40

Here I am.... Shopping online for warm socks, really warm socks for my son, an active duty marine, born and raised in FL and has never seen snow before nor known how cold his toes could get in the elements. Then there is K8, tanning, nails etc.... for real? How damn vain. On a side note.. thank god for this blog giving me some kind of diversion. Kate has never let me down on "How not to treat your husband", "How not to treat your children". Of course common since told me, years ago, how to raise my kids and to have a long and happy marriage. Funny, I never enterend a tanning and/or nail salon in my entire life and my babies (now 21 & 20) love me just the way I am. If only K8 would just get it. ~ Administrator said... 41

I didn't see the discussion about Kate possibly making fun of the children, I don't read other blogs. Anyone is welcome to discuss that possibility here.

But even if she is just mocking the kids, why is it okay to mock cold, hungry, wet children? Isn't that, I don't know, mean???

Anonymous said... 42

I will just be happy, should the kids ever chose to do so when they are adults, they can freely talk to the media about how they really felt on everything and Kate won't really be able to do much about it--as they will be concenting adults. No more of this, "My kids tell me..." stuff. And the days of, "I'm in charge that's never go change so shush!" Those days will be long gone those kids hit 18. Unless by some miracle she'd be manage to control her kids until they turn 21 or until she decides they can acquire what may be left of their divided 15%.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 43

Who DUH Thunk? said...

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... Geez Louise, is nowhere safe from this Khate monster? I was just reading a completely unrelated article at The Daily Mail (UK) and saw in the sidebar that they had an article about Khate, (with some funny screen shots)


Funny, I was just reading the Wall St. Journal and didn't see anything at all about Kate.


Funny, I guess you aren't a regular reader of the WSJ then, (gee, Who DUH Thunk it?) You see, I have unfortunately come across mentions of Khate G even in the WSJ, much to my surprise and dismay:

Palin Reality Show Draws Nearly 5 Million Viewers

Nice attempt at being snarky, though, if that's what you were going for. I would hate to think that someone would be foolish enough to conclude that people who read and comment here on this blog only pay attention to pop culture and don't read more serious news. In my case, you could not be more incorrect.

Hippie Chick said... 44

Haven't posted in a couple days. My dads in the hospital. The drs. think he's gonna be OK, they're keeping an eye on his heart. It got me to thinking though as I sat here & read some posts about Kate. How she never spends time with her kids, how lucky she is that she has 8 healthy kids when she may not have been that frigin lucky. She also has extended family she never sees, & what the hell is she going to do if God forbid something ever happens to one of them & she doesn't get her chance to spend time with them because she was too busy chasing fame? She will regret that her whole life. You only get one family. She can still redeem herself with her family. I don't know how can live with herself. I am literally a wreck over my dad, & we are super close. Would Kate even care, or go back to tanning, bashing Jon, filming?

The drs are doing the catherization today to find out if all is ship-shape in my dads heart. (He just lived through 2 pulmonary embolisms) I can't go because my son has school & the hospital is an hour & a half away. (I was there all weekend) I'll be pacing..& praying. Sorry to get personal. I'm scared.

Boston Bean said... 45

Here is an article from the Boston Globe.

Hippie Chick said... 46

Also, I am NOT trying to be mean here, but it's obvious she has had botox in her face & not her neck area. Her neck is quite wrinkly. It could be the excessive tanning. Tanning is awful for skin. I have noticed this in other pics also where her neck is concerned. I try not to rank on her looks (her clothes? Ok, I will :)) But, this is a possible tell-tale sign that she has had botox or a lift or something & they skipped the neck.

cathy518 said... 47

Kate suing Jon for more child support? Well, I have heard this before, right around the time that Kate was trying to loosen Jon's grip on the kids and halt his refusal to let them film. If the rumours about her wanting the kids to film on New Year's is true and Jon is entitled to have them per the custody agreement, then I wonder if this is not just Kate's attempt to get Jon to allow the filming in exchange for her not trying to up the child support.

Jill P said... 48

I just saw this recap of the Gosselin/Palin episode on Yahoo. I won't be watching!

And thank you, Admin. :)

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 49

Whew! I just came from Dr. Lillian Glass' blog,
and I MUST share this with you all:

Kate Gosselin’s Anger, Pettiness, and Signals of Deception on the Today Show As She Discusses Kids Expulsion from School And Blames “The Divorce”

Vanessa said... 50

Fox News. com has released a "spoiler alert"-KATE GOSSELIN WHINES WAY THROUGH SARAH PALIN'S ALASKA. Everything the tabloids reported when the trip took place is there...she DID pack up the kids after only a few hours, whined, complained etc...I truly believe the "rumour" of Khate shaking Mady. WAAAYYY too many "rumours" seem to be getting confirmed lately.

Gosselin Palin Camping Spoilers said... 51

Read no further if you don't want spoiler details of Kate's stab at roughing it.

For a few fleeting moments, it seems she will savor her visit with the Palin family. She instantly bonds with Sarah, as they compare notes on the predatory nature of the media.

"There's not a whole lot of people that I run into that can understand the scrutiny (by) the media and beyond," says Kate, whose crumbling marriage to Jon was documented on "Jon & Kate Plus 8" while it spurred a feeding frenzy from the tabloid press.

Now, single mom Kate and her kids just happened to be in Alaska taping one of her "Kate Plus 8" specials, which occasioned their guest spot with the Palins.

The first stop: Sarah takes Kate to a bear safety class to prepare her for their camping expedition.

On the road from Wasilla to the class in Anchorage, Sarah sort-of jokes that, in case of a bear attack, "You need a partner with you who's slower than you."

"Oh, my gosh!" replies Kate, who already was spooked by the bear rug in the Palins' home. "Sacrifice your friends?"

At the rifle range, she looks more miserable than she used to look with Jon.

And that's only the beginning.

The day of the camping trip, it's -- wouldn't you know? -- pouring rain.

Out in the middle of nowhere by a stream and surrounded by mountains, Sarah is smiling, chipper and (literally) loaded for bear.

"Rain or shine, Alaskans still camp. We still find a way to have fun," she chirps.

Then Kate and her kids land at the campsite. Quickly, Kate proves to be a bigger pill than a horse tranquilizer.

"I'm not worrying about bears right now," she is soon grousing. "I'm just worried about keeping my toes wiggling 'cause they're freezing."

Sarah, daughters Piper and Willow, husband Todd and other family members seem to be having a blast. So, for that matter, are Kate's youngsters.

"The kids are having fun, so I'm tolerating it, but this is my new home," grumbles Kate, having sullenly planted herself, apart from the rest, beneath a tarp. "I am miserable, but, I mean, somebody's got to be."

Sarah, ever gung-ho, announces to the group, "This is the most luxurious camping spot I've ever seen!"

Cut to Kate, who tells the camera, "It just kills me that people, like, willingly do this."

Soon everybody else is enjoying hamburgers, hot-dogs and s'mores from the camp fire.

Maybe it was finding out the hot-dogs are moose. About that time, Kate loses it.

"I don't see a table, I don't see utensils, I don't see hand-cleansing materials," she whimpers. "This is not ideal conditions. I am freezing to the bone, I have 19 layers on, my hands are frigid. I held it together as long as I could and I'm done now!"

She gathers up her children and, mere hours after their arrival, they have eaten and run.

Fortunately, Sarah knows the show must go on. Minus the Gosselins, she settles the crowd down for the night.

"Well, I thought we were gonna go camping with the Gosselins," she says when it's all over, full of glossy good cheer. "Turned out, we didn't. We had lunch with them on a sand bar."

Virginia Pen Mom said... 52

Dr. Lillian Glass has an excellent post up about the Today Show interview--she has Kate's number. ~ Administrator said... 53

Oh, you mean another "rumor" the sheeple told us was "gossip, gossip, gossip" is true? AGAIN?


Denise said... 54

TLC Throws Kate Gosselin Under Alaskan Bus

Missed a trick said... 55

Hippie Chick said

what the hell is she going to do if God forbid something ever happens to one of them & she doesn't get her chance to spend time with them because she was too busy chasing fame? She will regret that her whole life.


No, she won't "regret that her whole life". You're missing something major here, Hippie Chick, because you're not a narcissist. She won't regret anything of the kind. When her kids get sick, it's just a big inconvenience for her.

If one of them, heaven forbid, dies, it will just be HER burden - until she finds a way to milk it for profit (could be attention, could be monetary).

There's only one person in a narcissist's life, and it isn't one of the kids to whom she gives birth.

Ask me how I know. As far as K8 goes, we've already seen how warmly she interacts with her children. They exist in her world for one reason only, which is why she's always so happy to be with them when TLC's cameras aren't rolling. Not.

Narcissists don't feel the kind of regret you are describing. The only thing that will happen in the future is that K8 may figure out that criticism may be keeping her from getting the attention that is her due.

THAT may cause her to regret her behavior, but longing for a good relationship with her children, family, etc., is never going to happen. That's not the point in a narcissist's world.

Questions said... 56

From the looks of all the bad press about Kate this am, I'd say she's dying a long, painful death.

I don't understand the My Fox Philly article, though. They're writing it as if the program aired last night. Isn't it airing Dec. 12th??

Livvy said... 57

December 6, 2010 7:20 AM
Denise said... TLC Throws Kate Gosselin Under Alaskan Bus

I realize Alaska is colder than what we are accustomed to but weren't they there in July????


You'll find Alaska's summer temperatures surprisingly pleasant. Daytime highs range from 60°F – 80°F. Nighttime lows are refreshingly cool, dipping into the 40's – 50's. May and September are 5° – 10° cooler.

Fahnette said... 58

Hippie Chick--

Sending love and prayers--I survived a PE back in May and it's so, so hard to feel like anything will make sense ever again but it will, it does. Love to you!

Diane F. said... 59

Hi Hippie Chick- I just said a prayer for you and your Dad. I went through a very similar episode with my Dad 19 years ago. But, I still remember the fear. Take care Hippie Chick. I don't comment often, but, felt compelled.

Sport said... 60

Hippie Chick ...

Sorry to hear of your father, I hope everything works out for you guys. Hang in there. My dad is having surgery on Wednesday himself, although hopefully not life threatening.

You have echoed much of what I have been saying and feeling all along. That this family is being herded through life, from one staged moment to another without any REAL thought of what is going on. They aren't making memories - they are posing for staged photo ops. Big difference.

It reminds me a lot of when my first was born. I read tons of books, had nephews and nieces over night to 'practice' and generally knew from a pretty young age I really wanted to be a dad. In the early days of parenting we always tried to be perfect and plan out everything:

"At 530pm we will eat, do the dishes at 6pm, have him in the tub by 620p and then in bed and read him a book from 645p-7p - and then he goes to sleep and its mom and dad time on the couch with a movie."

We all KNOW kids that age arent going to follow a schedule, so dinner runs late, he isnt in the tub until 30 minutes later, etc - and next thing you know you are internally a little angry and flustered that you are 'off schedule.' I had to learn as a dad to be more flexible and not worry about such stupid things. Once I realized that raising kids was a fluid situation and began 'going with it' a little more everything became easier and the stress of it went away.

This family has a SCRIPTED LIFE. kHate the Merciless and her narcissistic mind think they can control everyone and everything. With 8 of them there is no way to do that to the degree that Mommie Dearest expects! I pretty much realize what many of you must - until kHATE gets over herself and truly puts the kids first (not just saying that but DOING IT) this situation will never get better. In fact, I bet she resents them for holding her back, when in reality we only know HER because of THEM.

Troy Chula Vista said... 61

I caught a few minutes of Sarah's Alaska last night. I must say a couple of things:

1) She is pretty likable when she isn't quoting a sound bite regarding the latest political spin.

2) In the few mins I watched, she is 1000% more feminine and motherly than Kate will ever be. She exudes care about her family and a spark that makes her seem pretty cool. (I saw the scene where she is on the couch helping her daughter with homework).

How will Kate spin this Alaska fiasco? Will she go on the Today show and say she was promised 4 star acommidations and wasn't about to sleep in a "bag"? Will Merideth spoon feed her some more answers? I doubt it!

Troy Chula Vista said... 62

I went over to BM site to see how the sheeple were spinning the neg press thier leader is getting. They say she was "set-up" by Sarah & TLC to act this way because they know thats what brings in viewers. Huh? They then say that they would be that way too... oh so cold.

By the way, it seems that there are about 3 people who comment on BM site now. Ha Ha!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 63

Hang in there Hippie Chick. I also know what you are going through (my father is a kidney/heart patient).

Please know that you, and your dad, are in our thoughts and prayers.

Stay positive.


Audible Click said... 64

@ Hippie Chick. OT but I'm hoping for the best for your Dad. My husband has been through heaps of cardiac problems including a valve replacement and he's doing fine now. Hang in there!

cathy518 said... 65

Yes, prayers and hugs to you Hippie Chick.I too know what it is like to stand vigil for an ailing parent. I am sure nothing will comfort your Dad as much as your love and support. A side note; I always enjoy your posts, take care!

Maggie said... 66

Well, no sign of Kate of Entertainment Tonight last week or this week covering Skating With The Stars. I hope ET didn't promise Kate another assignment because this one failed. Enough of her on ET.

Maggie said... 67

Well, no sign of Kate of Entertainment Tonight last week or this week covering Skating With The Stars. I hope ET didn't promise Kate another assignment because this one failed. Enough of her on ET.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kat said... 68

Hang in there Hippie Chick. I also know what you are going through (my father is a kidney/heart patient).

Please know that you, and your dad, are in our thoughts and prayers.

Stay positive.


Sport said... 69

Hippie Chick ...

Sorry to hear of your father, I hope everything works out for you guys. Hang in there. My dad is having surgery on Wednesday himself, although hopefully not life threatening.

You have echoed much of what I have been saying and feeling all along. That this family is being herded through life, from one staged moment to another without any REAL thought of what is going on. They aren't making memories - they are posing for staged photo ops. Big difference.

It reminds me a lot of when my first was born. I read tons of books, had nephews and nieces over night to 'practice' and generally knew from a pretty young age I really wanted to be a dad. In the early days of parenting we always tried to be perfect and plan out everything:

"At 530pm we will eat, do the dishes at 6pm, have him in the tub by 620p and then in bed and read him a book from 645p-7p - and then he goes to sleep and its mom and dad time on the couch with a movie."

We all KNOW kids that age arent going to follow a schedule, so dinner runs late, he isnt in the tub until 30 minutes later, etc - and next thing you know you are internally a little angry and flustered that you are 'off schedule.' I had to learn as a dad to be more flexible and not worry about such stupid things. Once I realized that raising kids was a fluid situation and began 'going with it' a little more everything became easier and the stress of it went away.

This family has a SCRIPTED LIFE. kHate the Merciless and her narcissistic mind think they can control everyone and everything. With 8 of them there is no way to do that to the degree that Mommie Dearest expects! I pretty much realize what many of you must - until kHATE gets over herself and truly puts the kids first (not just saying that but DOING IT) this situation will never get better. In fact, I bet she resents them for holding her back, when in reality we only know HER because of THEM.

Fahnette said... 70

Hippie Chick--

Sending love and prayers--I survived a PE back in May and it's so, so hard to feel like anything will make sense ever again but it will, it does. Love to you!

Diane F. said... 71

Hi Hippie Chick- I just said a prayer for you and your Dad. I went through a very similar episode with my Dad 19 years ago. But, I still remember the fear. Take care Hippie Chick. I don't comment often, but, felt compelled.

Administrator said... 72

They advertised Kate for next week on Palin and now that I see it on the big screen, Kate is actually CRYING. I don't think she is mocking the children at all, she is wallowing in her own self-pity. She throws what looks like a plastic bag of graham crackers aside.

Since it's Sarah's show, I wonder if Kate won't get to do her couch interviews to explain how she has low blood sugar and hadn't eaten in 36 hours. It would be funny to just get Sarah's spin on it, i.e. this waom needs to get a grip!

Regardless how anyone feels about Sarah Palin, Kate needs to realize that there are plenty of people who would pay in the hundreds of thousands of dollars at auction to go on a camping trip with a vice presidential candidate. Show some respect.

Who DUH Thunk? said... 73

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... Geez Louise, is nowhere safe from this Khate monster? I was just reading a completely unrelated article at The Daily Mail (UK) and saw in the sidebar that they had an article about Khate, (with some funny screen shots)


Funny, I was just reading the Wall St. Journal and didn't see anything at all about Kate.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kat said... 74

"Enjoy the pictures of Kate Gosselin out for a jog in Reading (December 5)".



Just a thought said... 75

I believe, once you're married, you lose the "Miss" altogether, even if you become divorced. I've been divorced for many years and no one has ever called me "Miss _________ (my maiden name), nor have I ever heard that before.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 76

Hhm, I guess she hasn't flown out to LA to cover SWTS. Isn't it on tomorrow night? Here are more boring crapola pics from her paid photographer, supposedly from today in PA:

(just click on the clickable links I've put here)

Kate Gosselin: Wintertime Runner

Doing her best to keep up on her physical fitness, Kate Gosselin was spotted out for a weekend jog in Wernersville, Pennsylvania.

With her eight children spending time with their father, the TLC reality mom made her way around the suburban streets while bundled up in hot pink athletic gear to counter the chilly winter weather.

The sighting comes as Miss Gosselin will soon be seen in her much-anticipated appearance on "Sarah Palin's Alaska" airing on December 12th.

Meanwhile, Kate has also been busily loading up on presents for the holiday season, as she'll reportedly be doting on the brood on Christmas Day while agreeing to let ex-husband Jon have the little ones on Christmas Eve.

Enjoy the pictures of Kate Gosselin out for a jog in Reading (December 5).


Gosselin Gossip said... 77

Jo said...

I was watching something on TLC early afternoon yesterday when they kept advertising promos for their shows. They showed EVERY other show....except Kate Plus 8. I had to rewind to make sure I was seeing things correctly. Kate Plus 8 was not there. Is this the end??


Kate Plus 8 is no longer weekly, instead specials.

TLC is not listing any new specials; therefore, there is nothing to currently promote.

However, the Gosselins possibly filmed a Thanksgiving special evidenced by paparazzi photos of the Gosselins kids in Native American garb - that's how you celebrate Thanksgiving, Gosselin style.

amb said... 78

How come the Palin/Gosselin episode was advertised for December 5th on Friday? As of Sunday, the promo now says that the episode will air on December 12th.

kate's scary said... 79

Maybe it's my monitor but she doesn't look orange at all. But she sure looks unhappy. Makes me wonder if she got bad news during the latest court hearing.

It's great news if Jon has the kids this weekend. Could he be getting more visits? Would a decision like that be immediate?

One more thought. I'm glad Kate runs her errands when the kids are home. The kids get that much more time away from her. Since the chances are slim that Jon will ever get full custody, I'd like to see Kate gone from the home every minute that those kids are there.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kat said... 80

Oh lookie, how appropriate for this blog installment. While Cruella De-Kate is getting her tan on, it's being reported that she is trying to sue Jon for $125,000 in back child support:

That Kate is such a "treasure".

JudyK said... 81

Someone please tell Kate that tans, whether fake or real, are not natural in winter...oh, yeah, I forgot--there's nothing "natural" about Kate.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kat said... 82

Ugh... She's such a miserable wretch.

Kate must like the weathered, leathery look of an old baseball glove.

Knock yourself out, Kate.
Oompa-Loompa orange skin, with bright-white veneers is soooooo becoming.

Administrator said... 83

If they are with their dad, great. His previous arrangement was every other weekend, and he had them last weekend.

Maybe Kate is letting Jon stock up on custodial time so she can feel justified to demand them back when she needs to film them.

granny66 said... 84

The children are with their Dad this week end. I don't know why, but I do know that to be a fact. Perhaps custody has loosened after the custody talks, etc that went on this month. I am only speculating on that, but I do know they are with Daddy this week-end. Every minute they are with him is a wonderful for the children.

Westcoaster said... 85

Ms. Fake 'n Bake will look great out here in LA tomorrow in the cold and rain - piece of work.

And I will agree with Admin on this one - the woman does not WORK during the week, and yet has to do these grooming errands on her weekends with the kids? Not that I think she would be doing what normal moms do on a Saturday, like oh, say soccer games, ballet lessons, movies, etc. but really, what the heck does she do all week? Oh sorry, I forgot that she and the bf bodyguard were canoodling in NY earlier this particular week, guess that explains the Saturday salon visits.

Jo said... 86

I was watching something on TLC early afternoon yesterday when they kept advertising promos for their shows. They showed EVERY other show....except Kate Plus 8. I had to rewind to make sure I was seeing things correctly. Kate Plus 8 was not there. Is this the end??

Crocs? said... 87

Holy cow! Crocs?

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