9. Kate and Tony’s Paso Doble. Try as he might, Tony still looked like he was pushing around a shopping cart after all that practice. Kate dances to Papa-paparazzi, stomping around the floor, throwing down fake tabloids, and at the end of it all, Bruno calls her a bitch from hell. The best, however, was a day later, when Jimmy Fallen dressed up as her and did his own version. April.

8. Kate lies about plastic surgery, sort of. The oompa-loompa claims it’s all natural. Or rather, she skirts the question in People magazine, saying, "Plastic surgery? Please. Who has time to even think about it, let alone do it?" Meanwhile her wonky eye just gets wonkier and top experts in the field say, for sure, she’s gotten some major work done. Sources also say Steve even advised her on her implant size. March.
7. Barefoot in the Park. In a series of bizarre pics, "germaphobe" Kate is spotted walking barefoot on Liberty Island and sucking on a lollipop. In a video of the trip TLC posted, she is seen given a broken lolli to Joel and taking a whole one for herself. July.
6. From reverse mullet to $7,000 hair extensions, Kate goes to New York to get a makeover, and comes back looking like a fried Barbie doll. The haircut will lead to many more trips to New York throughout the year in upkeep, thousands of dollars in the children’s hard-earned cash each time. January.
5. Kate parks in a fire lane. Never has there been a better metaphor for the mantra that arrogant, delusional Kate lives by: The rules everyone else follows don't apply to her. September.
4. Kate lies about Jodi and Kevin. After Jodi and Kevin bravely testified at Rep. Murt‘s congressional hearing, Kate accused them of doing it for money, claimed that they hadn’t seen her children in two years (a blatant lie, as there were photos of the two of them and Benny visiting the children just a few months prior, as well as some pics of Jon and Kevin hanging out in January), and then actually had the gall to accuse them of leaving their children to testify (Kate? It was one day! How many days have you left your children in 2010?). What was telling, however, was Kate never actually tried to refute any of their very specific concerns about filming, such as lying about what day Christmas was to the children. Jodi and Kevin were the first people “in the know” to speak up about the abuse, and Kate and her remaining fans have made them pay dearly for it. (And the "best" moment of 2010 goes to Jodi and Kevin, the first insiders to get serious about speaking
out about this whole mess. Thank you!) April.
3. Kate’s book, I Just Want You to Know. The book, mostly in the form of very personal letters to the children, discloses intimate details about their reactions to the divorce, and describes an incident in which Mady lied about a beach towel on the floor. To top it all off, Kate says she is thoroughly annoyed with fans, and also seems to think she has a direct line to God, in her letter “Dear Jesus.” Finally, Kate said, “I’ve learned to talk to my kids on the phone and love them from afar, reminding myself that I had to do my job. I truly enjoy the campaigns, books, shows, media.” April.
2. Kate throws Jon under the bus on Regis and Kelly. Kate says that Jon isn't paying his child support obligations, tried to imply Jon staying with the children is a new thing (even though various photos throughout the year prove otherwise) and claims she waits by the phone for the children to call her to come pick them up from Jon's. Then she takes off for Mexico with Steve for several days. Obsessed alienator Kate has made various derogatory comments about the children's father throughout the year, but this one was one of the worst. They came on the heels of video of the children screaming distraughtly for Jon when he dropped them off at Kate's. The accusations were so outlandish Jon, who usually keeps his mouth shut lately, was compelled to respond, issuing a statement that his children and loved ones "know the truth." September.
4. Kate lies about Jodi and Kevin. After Jodi and Kevin bravely testified at Rep. Murt‘s congressional hearing, Kate accused them of doing it for money, claimed that they hadn’t seen her children in two years (a blatant lie, as there were photos of the two of them and Benny visiting the children just a few months prior, as well as some pics of Jon and Kevin hanging out in January), and then actually had the gall to accuse them of leaving their children to testify (Kate? It was one day! How many days have you left your children in 2010?). What was telling, however, was Kate never actually tried to refute any of their very specific concerns about filming, such as lying about what day Christmas was to the children. Jodi and Kevin were the first people “in the know” to speak up about the abuse, and Kate and her remaining fans have made them pay dearly for it. (And the "best" moment of 2010 goes to Jodi and Kevin, the first insiders to get serious about speaking

3. Kate’s book, I Just Want You to Know. The book, mostly in the form of very personal letters to the children, discloses intimate details about their reactions to the divorce, and describes an incident in which Mady lied about a beach towel on the floor. To top it all off, Kate says she is thoroughly annoyed with fans, and also seems to think she has a direct line to God, in her letter “Dear Jesus.” Finally, Kate said, “I’ve learned to talk to my kids on the phone and love them from afar, reminding myself that I had to do my job. I truly enjoy the campaigns, books, shows, media.” April.
2. Kate throws Jon under the bus on Regis and Kelly. Kate says that Jon isn't paying his child support obligations, tried to imply Jon staying with the children is a new thing (even though various photos throughout the year prove otherwise) and claims she waits by the phone for the children to call her to come pick them up from Jon's. Then she takes off for Mexico with Steve for several days. Obsessed alienator Kate has made various derogatory comments about the children's father throughout the year, but this one was one of the worst. They came on the heels of video of the children screaming distraughtly for Jon when he dropped them off at Kate's. The accusations were so outlandish Jon, who usually keeps his mouth shut lately, was compelled to respond, issuing a statement that his children and loved ones "know the truth." September.
And finally the number one gaffe ....
1. Kate ruins Sarah Palin’s Alaskan camping trip. Her spoiled, snotty, downright rude behavior was so shocking a significant number of fans lined up to be fleeced, turning on her big time, including one of her biggest supporters, Hollywood Life editor Bonnie Fuller. Meanwhile, Sarah Palin was elevated from something of a Republican Party joke, to something akin to what you might expect if Mother Teresa and Princess Diana had a baby. And Chuck, Sarah's dad, remarked hysterically that Kate "bitched from the minute she got off the plane." Chuck, this woman has bitched from the moment she arrived on this planet. December.

Have a great holiday, everyone! Thanks for making this blog what it is. ~Admin.
168 sediments (sic) from readers:
Admin, thanks for the recaps. I'll keep hoping that, somehow, some way, things will improve for the 8 children.
Yep, that's our Katie! Just think what she has planned for 2011.
"She will expect you to keep quiet about her conduct towards you, assuming you will feel shame or embarrassment because you tolerate it. If you collude by maintaining your silence, it perpetuates her behavior. She needs her victims to stay quiet about her. Beware of allowing yourself to get sucked into this game. She’ll take delight in knocking you down a peg or two - for your own good, of course!
"This attitude demonstrates a lack of concern for other people’s wishes, welfare and rights, and she matter-of-factly shows a blatant disregard for society’s rules, regulations and laws. A petty but common example of this is her blasé attitude towards parking her car. Parking restrictions simply don’t apply to her and parking tickets are stuffed in the glove compartment to be forgotten and left unpaid.
"Parking fines are not the only unpaid bills that mount up. When the bailiffs call she spins her sob story and plays the victim. Yet the moment they have been persuaded to leave she feels nothing more than contempt for those to whom she owes money. Her definition of a personal loan is often more like a donation; so don’t expect to see your cash again. Don’t ever open a joint bank account with her. She defaults on formal loans, and will almost certainly have a poor credit rating. She may even have stacks of County Court Judgments (CCJs) against her.
Hmm, was this book about the female sociopath written about Kate?
Oh, you are a daredevil, posting this list with so many days left in the year! She could top herself yet! That noob over on INF who keeps holding up Kevin/Jodi's refi paperwork as proof that they made a ton of money (95K compared to the 3.5 mil Khate made on her children this year alone, but that irony is lost on them), and paid off their mortgage also said that the G's are filming at a hockey game tonight. If it's true, there could be another top 10 moment just waiting to be revealed! Just kidding - you know we love ya!
Very nice job Admin! And Thank YOU for keeping this blog a great place to come & vent about Kate Gosselin, the biggest dumbass, d-bag, & famewhore of 2010! (oh, & one of the worst moms, can't forget that one) :)
How sad is it that ONE PERSON can have 10 worst moments in just one year. When I was actually going through them to pick them out, I had to make CUTS. In other words there were many more than 10 horrible moments but I had to wittle it down somewhere.
LOL, that's a great postcard picture. Sheeple taking the "Leap of Faith" for their idol and all of them going "SPLASH". For 2011, I will continue to block out the scumbag channel TLC from my Dish Network. Happy Holidays all!
1. Kate ruins Sarah Palin’s Alaskan camping trip. Her spoiled, snotty, downright rude behavior was so shocking a significant number of fans lined up to be fleeced, turning on her big time, including one of her biggest supporters, Hollywood Life editor Bonnie Fuller.
Actually I think Bonnie Fuller was turned off when Kate went on R&K and claimed her kids didn't like being at his house.
Thanks Administrator for the awesome job that you do with this blog. Your sense of humor always cracks me up and you obviously put a lot of effort into keeping us informed about the seemingly endless Gosselin saga. I have a feeling this story will continue for a long time as the kids end up in jail, have drug problems etc, I hope in 2011 Kate gets exactly what she deserves. I really feel that she is going to ruin these poor innocent children's lives permanently if someone doesn't intervene in the near future. I always find it amusing that her followers seem to believe that if she doesn't do a reality show she will have to go on welfare and there is no middle ground. I wonder how all those people who had several children is past generations managed to get by?? The answer is they worked and lived within there means. My parents raised 9 kids without the benefit of a reality show and we managed fine. We even went to college without a college fund. She makes me absolutely sick as do the whackos that support her. I think she is a horrible mother and has no love what so ever for those poor children. She showed her true colors with Sarah P when she wasn't the center of attention and couldn't take it. And for someone who was so cold she wasn't even wearing gloves. If she had gotten off her lazy ass and moved she wouldn't have been "chilled to the bone" She'll certainly never be able to use the excuse again that she puts her kids first when it was as plain as day that she didn't give a shit what she kids wanted. I think being on that show and having hissy fit was the final nail in her coffin. But then again like a bad penny she keeps turning up.
Good job, Admin. Quite a 2010 for Katie Irene Gosselin.
Let's hope 2011 brings some big changes in the lives of the kids.
Excellent post, Admin! Great job, as usual!
I can only wonder what 2011 will be like for Khate. It's hard to even believe that this time last year she was going on Leno to laugh about having her divorce finalized.........
Ha, just that thought made me look it up and Happy Anniversary, Jon! Tomorrow, December 19th is the one year anniversary of their divorce being finalized.
And, as I mentioned, Khate commemorated that day last year by appearing on Jay Leno's show in the "10 at 10" segment. Z on TV wrote about her very bizarre performance here:
Kate Gosselin @ Jay Leno: TV mom bombs again
The clip he has there isn't available any longer, but I found it on YouTube. If you can stand it, check it out - it was the beginning of Khate trying to reinvent herself as the "single mother", where she was given so many opportunities but wasted them all. She claims she wants to be on DWTS, like it's just something she just thought up, and a contract wasn't already in place. What a terrible actress she is. Uugh, and she sings Paparazzi. I honestly believe that Khate thought she was about to embark on this wonderful new tv career this time last year, (because she's so talented, you know, lol). If you ask me, if was probably the worst year on her life. Check it out, what a difference a year makes:
Kate Gosselin on Jay Leno
Kate Gosselin, star of the hit show "Kate Plus 8" on TLC, will be filming an episode at today's game with her eight kids in tow . .
Denise reported, "Kate Gosselin, star of the hit show "Kate Plus 8" on TLC, will be filming an episode at today's game with her eight kids in tow . ."
There is absolutely NOTHING that anyone can do to stop her, is there? Nothing! What kind of society have we become?
Hit show? LOL!
Denise said...
Kate Gosselin, star of the hit show "Kate Plus 8" on TLC, will be filming an episode at today's game with her eight kids in tow . .
Another heavily-produced segment. Sigh.
Great. She'll probably screech every time a hockey player takes a hit.
Too bad they'll probably be watching from a luxury box. If they sat in the stands, there's no doubt some die-hard hockey fan would tell her to shut the f*** up!
So...is this for the Christmas/winter special?
They haven't even scheduled the airing of the Thanksgiving special!
What are they waiting for? The New Year? LOL...cause I always look back at Thanksgiving when I'm making my New Year's resolutions. Snark.
Kate Gosselin, star of the hit show "Kate Plus 8" on TLC, will be filming an episode at today's game with her eight kids in tow
So the show's going to be about the Gosselins watching a hockey game. So then the viewers will watch the Gosselins watching a hockey game.
Isn't that kind of like watching paint dry?
I'm watching TLC right now and they showed a little snippet (I don't know what to call it) between commercials. It featured a lot of the people who play on TLC's reality shows, such as What Not To Wear, 19 Kids and Counting, Cake Boss, the 2 women who owned the cupcake shop, Say Yes To The Dress, along with others that I can't think of right now. It was basically just a collage (sp.?) of the people on the shows like Michelle Duggar, Jen, etc. Anyway, interestingly enough Kate WAS NOT on this TLC commercial. I bet that Kate will go through the roof when she finds out that TLC did this and didn't ask her to participate. I so hope that this is an indication that Kate's days of being a "star" are over. I pray that TLC is going to drop the show and her forever. Karma, karma, karma...
Guess Kate ticked off the help at Ted's salon recently.
I don't understand how they can be filming at a hockey game last night if Jon has the children this weekend, unless that "source" has the wrong day. I also don't understand how people know about the New Zealand/Australia trip to be taken next year. Must be some insiders who know these things and are leaking them.
A Very Expensive and Stingy Haircut
This reality star, well not really anymore thank goodness. Anyway, she recently got a $2,000 hair cut and did not tip anyone. She also said thank you to just one person and that was her bodyguard when he opened the door for her. Classless.
It’s everyone’s favorite mom, Kate Gosselin!
Kate has traded in her mullet for a sleek, lighter, layered look. What do you think of her new ‘do?
Services by Ted Gibson in New York included cut, color, and a Brazilian hair-straightening treament. By the way, for the same $2000, she could have paid for monthly haircuts for all 8 of her kids for an entire year. Including tip.
The comments are great
I hope the Philadelphia fans are as hard on her (not the kids) as they were on the Palins. Wonder if she will wear her open toed hooker heels to the game?
Merry Christmas kids, more filming. Awful, like watching someone die a slow, painful death.
WOW!!! This will be an episode not to be missed. Watching a hockey game with the Gosselins. Great programming. Kate sitting in the stands bitching about how cold it is and all the 25 layers she has on while the kids are throwing popcorn at the real fans.
Ratclaws keeping the one adoring fan from approaching the group and Kate trying to figure out what the little blackish thing is that all the players are fighting over. Meanwhile, back at the barracks, Colin and Hannah are still punished for doing a Jason Bourne on the teachers at LDCS. Colin is in his skivies, dancing with a broom in front of the fireplace while Hannah is speed dialing Dominoes and having pizza's delivered to their unsuspecting neighbors.
Back on the bus for the ride back to Hooterville, Kate is still bitching about how cold she is while the kids are throwing her wonder bras out the back windows of the bus to be used as speed bumps for supposed paparazzi that are following them.
I'm yawning.......I'm yawning even more..........SNOORRRRRRRRING.
Looks like Ted did not do her any favors. Her hairs looks stringy and the cut is ill-defined--looks even more unkempt. Someone said in the comments over there maybe it was comped and she didn't have to tip. Well maybe not Ted but what about all the understudies that had a hand in it? No difference to them if it is comped or not.
It is called redistribution of wealth Khate and one of the primary reasons rich people get huge tax breaks. Who was the male star the other day that left a $100 tip for a $30 meal that he could that have gotten comped for gracing their doors. That is how it works Khate - also known as a trickle down effect.
I wonder what they get at Austin's? You know the kids' favoritest place to eat that just happens to have a fine wine list? The one that delivers the kids' food to Khate so she can linger over it and touch every piece before she reluctantly hands it over to the kids who are literally eating imaginary meals off the table while they wait. Hopefully they have a mandatory tip imbedded in the bill.
In the pecking order amongst the rich and famous a poor tipper is at the bottom of the food chain.
Thank YOU, Administrator for letting us write our views!! By the way- excellent Top 10! I don't know how you were able to narrow all of Kate's Worst Moments to just 10 ;o)
So Kate seems to have a direct line to God, huh?
I beg to differ, but God has nothing to do with her evil, trickery, and lies. I think it's more accurate to think that she has a direct line to Satan instead.
But I digress...
Happy Holidays to you, and all the folks that visit this website!
So I'm reading People Magazine's Best (and Worst) of 2010 Special Double Issue. On page 53 shows the cover of their People Yearbook 2011 and guess who's stinking mug is practically smack in the center?? You guessed it...Kate!!! Are they trying to tell us we're in for more but kissing in 2011!!!! Have their eyes not been opened finally from all the recent goings on!!! What is wrong with these "People"?? Oh and they manage a dig at Jon on page 120 in a snippet titled "Forgotten But Not Gone". They show Jon's picture alongside the likes of Danielle Staub, Levi Johnston, Vienna Girardi(Bachelor), and Angelina Pivarnick(Jersey Shore). Jon's caption states "The father of eight has reportedly secured a real job in the technology field and remains with his girlfriend Ellen Ross."
Denise said...
Kate Gosselin, star of the hit show "Kate Plus 8" on TLC, will be filming an episode at today's game with her eight kids in tow . .
The torture continues.
[with sarcasism] I wonder which kid(s) begged Kate to go to that game? ...
When are they going to film Kate having her head examined?
TLC and Kate can take their show and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.
Going to a hockey game? Kate taking them to a hockey game? Please let it not be an AHL game as that would likely be the Hershey Bears. Keep Kate far far away from the Hershey Bears please.
Sunfire, did I read that correctly??? Khate and ger 8 little bag$ of money are going to Australia and New Zealand in 2011? It would NOT surprise me IN THE LEAST. UGGGGHHHHH! I would RATER have my two kids not be expelled from school than take a trip to Australia and New Zealand. But that's just me...call me crazy. Also, everyone please take note of the fact that the witch Khatezilla Gro$$elin wore OPEN-TOED hooker heels traipsing around Reading in the dead of winter the other day (INF daily, I think). OPEN-... toed... hooker... heels... Yet thi$ witch whined about being frozen to the evil, demented, $ick, twi$ted bone on Sarah Palin's Alaska show. The witch was wearing her FREEBIE warm socks and warm boots and yet was whning that she was cold. Why oh why wa$n't the witch cold with her open-toed hooker heels in Reading?
Hmmmm interesting. Kate couldn't handle the "cold" on the camping trip in Alaska in July, but she can go to a hockey game, where I assume the stadium is cold. I wonder, maybe TLC is setting her up for another "I'm cold!" melt down?
@ Aka Anita, I noticed pics of Kartzilla also with open toed sandals and wondered why someone would bend down, and pick such shoes out of their shoe closet in the dead of Winter. Doesn't this Bimbo own boots or shoes?
A Pink Straight Jacket for Kate said: When are they going to film Kate having her head examined? GOOD ONE. It would be an UGLY, UGLY sight inside that demented, $ick, evil, greedy, incapable-of-empathy, twi$ted, $elf-centered brain of her$. The doc$ would be going, "EEEEWWWWHHH! YUK! GRO$$!" Al$o, tho$e three boy$ are going to one day be BIGGER than that witch...think about it and all the po$$ibitie$...just saying...
$ick, evil, greedy, incapable-of-empathy, twi$ted, $elf-centered brain of her$. The doc$ would be going, "EEEEWWWWHHH! YUK! GRO$$!" Al$o, tho$e three boy$ are going to one day be BIGGER than that witch...think about it and all the po$$ibitie$...just saying...
Does this bother ($$$!!) anyone else, or is it just me in my old age, especially the "just saying...?"
"Please let it not be an AHL game as that would likely be the Hershey Bears. Keep Kate far far away from the Hershey Bears please."
It's the Flyers and the Rangers at the Wells Fargo Center, as posted.
just listened to nina frye ex sheeple.
praise the lord shes seen the light
There is an interesting, revealing discussion among the sheeple about Lisa what's her name defecting from Kate. The essense of what they are saying is she is not loyal, she is a traitor.
So basically what they are saying is NO ONE can ever leave the cult of Kate for ANY reason or they are a traitor. It's not like supporting a sports team and you leave when the going gets tough and you're a tratior. This is a real woman raising real kids. If she makes a decision or does something that you find morally objectional, it's not being a "traitor" to leave her. It's making a decision that her morals and actions are no longer consistent with you and you cannot support it.
Proof that the few fans she has left are truly cultish, they are not analyzing and reasoning through the choices she has made, they are just blindly supporting her. Really frightening.
When Kate's fame ends I hope all the people she hurt keep on keeping out of her life. She deserves all the loneliness, distance and ostracization she created.
Great top ten list, Admin and if you'd made a top 40 list, it still wouldn't cover them all ;o)
I guess if a person doesn't mind raking in the bucks by making a complete ASS of themselves whenever they get a gig, Kate's got it made. Never mind that the kids are coming apart at the seams because of her lousy parenting, she'll stop at nothing to keep that ugly mug of hers out there.
The Christmas holidays have started and without skipping a beat the eight are put to work immediately. Nothing new about that, but really, a hockey game? Is she going to tell us they begged her to take them to a hockey game in Philadelphia? I doubt if they even want to be seen in public with her anymore. What if she gets booed and jeered. Can you imagine how the kids would feel if that happened?
Dialilng for $$s... What is it EXACTLY about the "just saying..." expression that bothers you??
Administrator said...Proof that the few fans she has left are truly cultish, they are not analyzing and reasoning through the choices she has made, they are just blindly supporting her. Really frightening.
Awww, the poor sheeple are starting to panic. It has to be frightening for THEM to see the flock scatter because some of them finally realized that the woman they've been so loyal to is really a wolf in sheep's clothing.
At least there are some left who are willing to scatter, willing to look independently at situations. I don't understand why it took them soooo long but oh well at least it happened.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said...
Dialilng for $$s... What is it EXACTLY about the "just saying..." expression that bothers you??
It's trite, it's become kind of a buzz thing. Ask administrator. I think she wrote that it drives her nuts, too! The $$$$ is just plain childish, unprofessional, distracting, and looks like, well, crap! Do you see any other posts on here that look like that?
As I said, it could be just me! I guess I'm just not "with it!" LOL!
I guess it takes some people longer than others to get over a bad habit. At least they know they can come over to this side and get de-programmed, rehabilitated and set free. haha.
This was reposted on Werny's Blog and in lieu of just posting the link to it, I thought I'd repost it here. This was a blog entry of a former E-Town neighbor of Jon and Kate's. If I'm not mistaken, I believe he is a minister. It's from early June 2009 so he wrote it just a few weeks before the separation announcement. His words are so beautiful and sadly prophetic. He is yet one more person who verifies that Kate is not a nice person and had no interest in interacting with anyone.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Jon & Kate. . . Too Late?
A train rolled into my tiny little neighborhood three years ago. About a year later, that train was making some noise as the wheels were starting to come off the tracks. Now, that train - as everyone with eyes and ears knows - has full-scale derailed.
For some reason, the world is enjoying watching this train wreck. To be honest, those of us who knew enough to see it coming can easily fall into the proud and self-righteous "I told you so" mode. To be honest, I have. And, it's even easy to wish ill-will on people who seemingly did everything they could to steer their train off the tracks through an endless series of unwise decisions and caving in to the ways of the world, thereby bringing all of this on themselves. Yep, let them get what they deserve. The Gosselin family has gotten themselves into a ridiculous mess. We watch them tearfully ask "Why?" and "What can we do?" and they look even more ridiculous. The curiosity factor is off the charts. Jon and Kate Gosselin and their kids are in trouble. We all know it.
I've remained publicly silent on this clan (that's become more than a blip on the pop culture radar) for a long time. Numerous people have suggested to me that I offer some analysis publicly, because I'm a neighbor and the President of an organization that promotes the well-being of kids The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding. It wasn't easy being quiet when you could clearly see what was happening. However, I think it was the right thing to do. As those who are around me know, there were times that I brought them up over the course of the last two years when I'd be out speaking. But it was all in passing. Youth workers at some conferences who could answer the fun little trivia question - "What current TV reality show features the CPYU office building?" -could win a book. Yep, our office was sometimes caught during filming. As the popularity of Jon & Kate Plus 8 grew among Christians who were thrilled to be watching one of their own, just about everywhere I went to speak I would tell people where I was from in Pennsylvania. . . which would be followed excitedly with the same question from unknowing and faithful fans who had blindly partaken of the J & K kool-aid: "Central Pennsylvania! Do you live near Jon and Kate?!? Oh, I love them!" I would quickly answer, "Yes. And you need to stop watching." My response was usually seen as heartless and would elicit protests. Sometimes a few words to back up my opinion were enough to convince people that reality TV is not reality. Usually, people looked at me like I was a heartless liar. . . more evidence of the fact that good-natured people sometimes naively prefer to believe their own fantasies, rather than the truth. There were good reasons why I'd answer that way. More on that in a bit. . . but first, some history.
I live in a little neighborhood in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, whose name has recently gotten increased publicity. It's called Westbrooke. We moved here in 1991 and were part of a small, very friendly, and intimate group of 37 young families who built our homes on the two streets that made up our development. We literally all knew each other. There was one way in and one way out of neighborhood. We walked, talked, played, cooked-out, shared meals, and waved at each other all the time. After a few years, a couple streets were added and our neighborhood more than doubled in size. Still, we remained fairly close. In fact, this Saturday we're having our annual neighborhood yard sale. There's still only one way in and one way out of our neighborhood. All this to say, while it has been decreasing in recent years because of mobility and change, friendliness and community has always been a mark of our neighborhood.
One of those original houses was built by the parents of the female half of my next door neighbors. I can look out my CPYU office window (which sits just across the street from that one entrance to our neighborhood), and still see that house. Tragically, my neighbor's father succumbed to cancer several years ago. Then three years ago, his widow was killed in a car accident. The brick house they had built on Andrew Avenue went up for sale. I can still remember my next door neighbor coming over in 2006 and saying, "We sold the house. Guess who's moving in?" I had no clue. He replied, "The sextuplet family." I had read about the local family in the newspaper because of the multiple births. But I knew little more. At that point, I don't think there was even a show. We were getting new neighbors. Not celebrities.
To be honest, I thought how fortunate it was that the Gosselin family was moving into a good neighborhood, especially under their circumstances. This was a family who would most likely need lots of help and support, and our neighbors had a history of generously giving it. In fact, back in 1991, the neighborhood pulled together to care for a young bed-ridden mother-to-be who lived in the house just across the street and to the left of the Gosselin house. She was locked-in a high-risk pregnancy with quadruplets. My wife, along with most of the other wives in the neighborhood, cooked their meals, tended to their needs, and sat for hours each day with the expectant mom over the course of several months. If help was needed, Westbrooke was a great place to find it.
But from the time they moved into the neighborhood until the time they left, generous offers of help, meals, etc. were turned away. . . and usually not with even a polite "thank-you." The stories are multitude. And, they are consistent. These offers were not given to celebrities, but to neighbors in need. Nobody in our neighborhood was starstruck. . . simply because these were neighbors and not stars. In addition, there was a growing awareness that something was just not right. One member of the marriage would walk the kids in their six-seat stroller and was willing to engage neighbors in friendly conversation. The other immediately developed a reputation for being rude, self-centered, and demanding. Those in our neighborhood who had known that person for years were not surprised. Sadly, the one who ruled the roost set the tone, and it wasn't good. Eventually, we never saw the friendlier half of the couple.
And now we know. The family's choice to live their lives in front of the world has yielded undeniable evidence that the train has not only derailed, but wrecked.
Why am I passing this on? It is not to gossip. It is simply to pass on some limited yet accurate context about a situation that has gone public because the primary characters in this sad, sad drama have chosen to throw themselves - and their children - in the limelight. My blog is occasioned by the Gosselin story as told publicly to the world by the Gosselins themselves.
For a minute, remove all the rumors and stories (many of which are true), and think only about how the family has chosen to present themselves. Think too about the fact that when the cameras are on, we usually put on our best smiles and best behavior. . . and then think - long and hard - about what that best behavior has been on this particular show. Then, imagine what life is like and how people act when the cameras aren't rolling. After taking that all into consideration, we shouldn't be surprised by the train wreck that's taken the world by storm.
The Gosselins moved out of our neighborhood just before last Thanksgiving to a new million and half dollar home. Ironically, we're consistently told by one member of the family that money is scarce. To be honest, our little neighborhood is relieved that the publicity blitz went into high gear after they moved. Yes, the media still shows up to film their empty house and interview neighbors. I saw them here yesterday. But for me personally, knowing that the story is continuing to unfold, knowing that all kinds of people are responding and throwing around opinions, knowing that this has become the cultural event of the year, and knowing that 8 precious little lives are being forever shaped for life by both their parents' decisions and the decisions of a world enamored by the story, I decided to break my silence and answer the question many who know I was a neighbor have recently asked. . . "What do you think?" So, let me weigh in. . .
First, none of us should be surprised by any of this. As I said before, all it took was a set of eyes, a couple of ears, and some basic common-sense and elementary-level discernment to know that the train that's wrecked was coming off the tracks for a long, long time. In my travels I am continually stunned and even saddened by the parade of starstruck people who adore this family as Godly heroes and Christian role models. Where is the discernment? It's not that the Gosselins are high-profile Christians who are going through the everyday struggles with sin. Rather, they've chosen to live a high profile life that is increasingly about eagerly embracing another way. Without a doubt, the kids are cute. Without a doubt, raising 8 young kids has to be difficult. But is that reason enough to overlook and even justify the horrible things that are being done and happening. . . and embrace a family that is obviously self-destructing before the world because of their habits and choices?
Second, we have to wonder why the train was allowed to continue to wreck even though it was heading off the tracks for a long, long time. Sadly, I think one or both of two things have happened. On the one hand, the people closest to Jon and Kate who could have been advising them wisely may have become so starstruck and enamored themselves that they didn't want to compromise their ability to rub elbows on a regular basis with celebrity. They didn't want to tell the emperor that he - or she - is not wearing any clothes. They didn't say anything. On the other hand, the stars themselves are so self-absorbed that they don't want to listen to anyone who might offer some good counsel, and yes - even Biblical advice. My guess is that it's a combination of both. Those who have been known to have spoken up have been systematically removed by the powers-that-be from the system. The result is the emperor can remain naked without being bothered. . . all the while enjoying the fact that the whole world's watching. Sadly, we're now at the point of becoming embarrassed by the emperor's ignorance.
Third, this train wreck called Jon & Kate Plus 8 offers a clear window into the human condition. . . and ourselves. This is a couple whose deep, deep narcissism has made them oblivious to each other, their kids, their extended family, old friends, wise living, and perhaps even the God they so blatantly claim to serve. It appears they've forgotten the everyday reality of their human depravity and the constant dangers that it poses. They've let down their guard. The evidence seems to point to the fact that they are eagerly engaged in the pursuit and worship of created things, rather than their Creator. Life has become about the things they can get. Kate is embracing the life of a diva. But they are not alone. Each of us has the seeds of the same thing sitting in our own hearts. While you and I can sit where we sit and pronounce it as wrong - and we should - I wonder what I would do if I had the opportunity to receive what they've received. I know what I should do. I can say what I think I would do. But I know what I'd be tempted to do. So if we are going to fulfill our responsibility to speak up and criticize, it had better be done in a humble spirit that recognizes beyond a shadow of a doubt that each of us is only one bad decision away from the same thing. . . or perhaps we're already dealing with this stuff but not for the whole world to see.
Still, that's not reason to remain silent when things are going horribly wrong. The chaos surrounding any kind of wreck requires analysis and intervention from people who still have their wits about them and who have some sense of not only what's going on, but what to do. People who have been in wrecks usually aren't in any condition to tend to themselves. They need outside help, and they need it fast.
Which leads me to this. . . we need to respond. Silence is not an option. One of the great lessons of history is that those who remain silent and uninvolved when a group of people are being oppressed (in this case, 8 small children) are not helping, but hurting the situation. Those people who choose to remain silent and not intervene by speaking up, have chosen to actively participate in the oppression. It's guilt by silence. In this case, two parents and 8 little kids are laying wounded on the side of the road.
So let me humbly suggest some responses. . . because I don't think it's too late for this couple and their family. God is in the business of redeeming all kinds of situations. To Jon and Kate, it's not too late for you to save your marriage and your family. To those who care about Jon and Kate (and we all should), it's not too late to do your part to see this thing redeemed.
To Jon and Kate. . . I don't regularly watch your show. I've seen bits and pieces as I channel surf, and sometimes I stop to watch just to see, well, who in the neighborhood you've caught on camera. I even thought I might make it on a few times. . . like the time I interrupted the kid's bike-riding lessons by driving my car into the camera's line of sight on a trip out of the neighborhood. I did, however, see the recent clip where you, Kate, lamented what's happening through your tears. According to my newspaper, so did ten million other people. You expressed confusion and said you didn't know what to do. I know you're smarter than that. . . you have to be. Here's what you need to do. . . and I believe you know it. . . pull the plug. Pull the plug and pull it now. The key to a redemptive and healthy resolution to this entire fiasco lies in your hands. From what I know, I think Jon will be right with you. Realize that the temptation will be to carry on so that you can accumulate fame and fortune. But as someone you and I both claim to know once said, "What does it profit a person to gain the whole world. . . and then lose his soul?". . . or, her husband and children? Please understand that I pass this on with a full knowledge of my own weakness and depravity. I trust you understand that I say this humbly. Keep it all plugged in and you will be one very rich and famous lady. You will also be facilitating a life under public scrutiny for your kids. They will not have a childhood. Keeping it plugged in will steal their childhood, steal your family, and promote a culture of celebrity-obsession gone wild. Pull the plug and pull it now. Kate, if you don't see what's happening all around you then you are a very confused woman who is so out of touch with reality that you need an intervention. If you do see it and you choose to keep it all plugged in, then you've exposed what's most important to you. Don't be like the rich young ruler who knew what he had to do, but walked away very, very sad. Jon and Kate, if you don't pull the plug, shame on you for what you're doing to your kids. Kate, don't let your definition of "multiple blessings" move from your 8 children. . . to the fame, fortune, and freebies that are now filling your life. If that's what you choose to do, you are exploiting your kids. If you don't pull the plug and pull it now, shame on you.
So- I'm looking at the USA Weekend in today's paper. They always have a staged (IMO) Q&A section. Cindy Gray of PA asks- "What are Kate Gosselin and her eight children doing now?" Really- like there's not something about them in the news EVERY DAY!
Here's the answer: Single mom, Kate Gosselin, 35, and her brood have quite a following. That's why TLC is creating a new show for her, Twist of Kate. The show's concept is still evolving, and no debut date is set. "I want to be out there learning from others, helping to provide insight whenever I can, though I don't consider myself an expert on anything," Gosselin tells us. She appreciates her fans, she says. "The fact that people really support me and want the kids and I to do well... is flattering," she says. "I never understood the importance of fans until we went through tough times." Gosselin's current show, Kate + 8, will continue airing as a series of specials through 2011.
I am throwing up in my mouth. This question is such an obvious plant and such an obvious damage control tactic. We all know- this is all CRAP! Geez!
Nothing new about that, but really, a hockey game? Is she going to tell us they begged her to take them to a hockey game in Philadelphia?
She's going to say that they were "scheduled" to be at the hockey game (remember the Globetrotters game?) and that the hockey players met them all in the locker room, bowed down, and told them that they have been waiting for this moment for years because they are all devoted fans of the show and have never missed an episode.
To TLC. . . you used to be called The Learning Channel. I wonder, what are you teaching Jon and Kate's kids? What are you teaching your viewers? I wonder, do you ever think about the welfare of those 8 children over and above advertising revenues and skyrocketing ratings? The right thing for you to do is the same. Pull the plug, and pull it now. If not, you need to be held accountable. You are exploiting the Gosselin kids and their family. . . and we know you're getting rich. And Jon and Kate, if TLC doesn't let you go. . . then you know for sure that they don't care one bit about you and your kids. TLC, if you don't pull the plug and pull it now, shame on you.
To the Paparazzi. . . . are you kidding me? Put your cameras away. Leave these parents and their kids alone so that they can do the right thing and get their family back on track. I know you don't care, but you are contributing to the ruin of 10 lives. Not only that, you are throwing chum that's feeding a sick frenzy of celebrity-obsession that sells lots of magazines and makes lots of money. . . and which is also ruining an entire generation. Shame, shame, shame on you!
To Zondervan. . . Kate's publisher. . . . and one of my publishers. . . you need to take a long hard look at what you are doing to promote a worldview, parenting style, and message about faith that I know doesn't line-up with what has historically been your solid commitments as a publishing company. What Kate Gosselin is now promoting is a faith that is nothing more or less than the world with a thin veneer of Jesus-talk. I know you care about children, youth, and families. You've published numerous books to build the Kingdom of God and to equip strong families. For several reasons, you need to step up and pull the plug. Sure, Kate can go somewhere else and find a publisher if she so desires. But if the books you are selling don't line up with reality, or if the books you are selling are contributing to a media fascination and frenzy that's causing the loss of both childhood and the lifelong emotional health for 8 precious children. . . then please, pull the plug. If you don't, shame on you.
And finally, to me. I know that I'm a part of the culture, the media world, the church, and the human race. While choosing to be silent would promote the downfall of this family, any words I speak about this situation have to come from an introspective heart that seeks humility, love, the Kingdom of God, and the greater good. What I say to myself is what I will say to everyone who is thinking about the Gosselins: You are no better. The seeds of what you don't like in them live in you. Your life and family are far from perfect. Keep looking in the mirror to see where you might be doing the same things. . . although not in a highly-publicized and public way that the world can see. And if you/I don't. . . then shame on you/me.
Jon and Kate, it's not too late. You know that. This mess you've gotten yourselves into can be cleaned up and fixed. My prayer is not only that you will do the right thing, but that the rest of us who have contributed to derailing your family will do the right thing as well.
by Walt Mueller
fidosmommy said...
Yep, that's our Katie! Just think what she has planned for 2011.
Hopefully, she's LONG gone & nothing but a faint memory in 2011!!
Why would kids who are 10 and 6 years old want to go see a hockey game? I have nothing against those few young boys or girls who are really into the game because maybe the watchedc it with dad and all that on a weekend and want to see some in real life. But seriously? I know of no child that age who would want to drive to Philidelphia just to see a game. I doubt they ALL asked to go to this game, come on, realistically? In any event Kate can only say for so long, "My kids say this..." And it is passed off as really how they feel before the kids already figured out they never said that and start to voice their opinions.
Werny says the hockey story isn't true.
The kids are with Jon this weekend.
"The fact that people really support me and want the kids and I to do well... is flattering," she says."
"and want the kids and ME to do well," Kate, not "want the kids and I to do well."
This woman wants to be a talk show host?
"Werny says the hockey story isn't true."
Was Werny waiting outside the gate to follow them?
Darn. I wanted to hear Kate go on and on about Mario Gosselin.
There is a website:
There is a celeb section if I remember correctly (haven't been in awhile), but I wonder if our little Katie Krieder is in there somewhere? I'll have to check it out!
PJ momma's post upthread said someone over at INF said they'd be at the hockey game tonight. That could be after Jon drops them off? Who knows, it could be just a rumor but going to a hockey game is kind of an odd rumor to get started. And if it's odd it's probably true because it has something to do with the idiot Kate.
"PJ momma's post upthread said someone over at INF said they'd be at the hockey game tonight. That could be after Jon drops them off? Who knows, it could be just a rumor but going to a hockey game is kind of an odd rumor to get started. And if it's odd it's probably true because it has something to do with the idiot Kate."
It was posted on Philly.com daily news:
"Kate Gosselin, star of the hit show "Kate Plus 8" on TLC, will be filming an episode at today's game with her eight kids in tow . . ."
"There is a celeb section if I remember correctly (haven't been in awhile), but I wonder if our little Katie Krieder is in there somewhere?"
KREIDER! Sounds like Cry-der! ;-)
It was posted on Philly.com daily news:
I wish they wouldn't always say her kids are 'in tow' like she's mother goose. First of all, they are forced to go to support the family and secondly if anyone tows them it's the nannies, not Kate.
I wonder what kind of footwear she'll have on. Do they make open-toed winter boots?
I LOVED this post.
Absolutely best post of the year. Kudos to you, Admin, for not only running the blog, but coming up with this gem. :)
WG had a post up about the hockey game and took it down when she was able to confirm that it was not true and that the kids are with Jon all weekend. Moose Mania - you are starting to sound like a hostile sheeple with that sarcastic line of yours about WG: "Was Werny waiting outside the gate to follow them?"
WG's blog posts have a solid and proven track record for telling the truth. I am a little bit surprised that Admin posted your nasty comment as she has repeatedly stated that no dissing other blogs would be allowed. Oh well.
I'm watching TLC right now and they showed a little snippet (I don't know what to call it) between commercials. It featured a lot of the people who play on TLC's reality shows, such as What Not To Wear, 19 Kids and Counting, Cake Boss, the 2 women who owned the cupcake shop, Say Yes To The Dress, along with others that I can't think of right now. It was basically just a collage (sp.?) of the people on the shows like Michelle Duggar, Jen, etc. Anyway, interestingly enough Kate WAS NOT on this TLC commercial. I bet that Kate will go through the roof when she finds out that TLC did this and didn't ask her to participate. I so hope that this is an indication that Kate's days of being a "star" are over. I pray that TLC is going to drop the show and her forever. Karma, karma, karma...
Additionally, the Jones Family (of TLC's Quints by Surprise) posted on facebook that they are appearing on Oprah, Dec. 28th. They added to this original post:
JonesLife We taped it in early November and it was wild! We're only on for about 6-8 minutes, but we're so excited to see it! The show topic is TLC All Stars or something like that.
Is Kate making an appearance on this episode as well? Hopefully, her invitation got lost in the mail.
Imagine if Kate and her Gosselin 8 got excluded from an Oprah show on TLC All-Stars! Would love to be a fly on the wall and see how she'd react to that rejection.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... Denise said...
[with sarcasism] I wonder which kid(s) begged Kate to go to that game? ...
100$ says it was Cara, the sporty(?) twin.I bet it will be like this:
Well, Cara is really into sport,she was so good in that first ski trip,she was a natural(no mention about the trip to Utah she only took with daddy) and she was so darn good at surfing( where mommy took her last summer) and she is good at every sport and so she watches hokey on TV and knows the Phillie players and she practically begged to go to this game.And the rest of the kids tagged along to have new memories and experiences...
Whoever watches the episode, please tell me if I am right(more like confirm)
I am a little bit surprised that Admin posted your nasty comment as she repeatedly stated that no dissing other blogs would be allowed. Oh well.
I didn't diss another blog! I made no reference to her blog. I didn't realize that WG is sacred territory!
I'm surprised that Admin posted your comment, "you are starting to sound like a hostile sheeple with that sarcastic line of yours about WG," since one of the rules is "no insulting other posters or picking fights!"
Hostile sheeple? LOL! Aren't they all?
"WG's blog posts have a solid and proven track record for telling the truth."
Then why was it reported as gospel that a drunken Jon broke into the chicken coop, but when asked (by several people) to confirm it, the reason was that no complaint was filed. Hey, when law is called, there is a record of the call, regardless if a complaint was filed. With connections, this should have been easy to be verified, but never was.
Marie said...
Why would kids who are 10 and 6 years old want to go see a hockey game?
Why wouldn't they? Parents take children that age to sporting events all the time. Is there anything Kate can do that someone won't find a need to nitpick? If it were Jon allegedly taking them to the game, nobody here would be complaining about it.
Some of y'all are up in arms about the article about the G8 going to a hockey game tonite, yet Werney Gal says they're with Jon - if you'd take the time to Google the article and Flyers info to read the info at the link or check the Flyer's schedule you'll see that they were to be at the game 'tonight' with the article being dated Saturday, 12/18/10 - - which means it would have happened YESTERDAY.
Also, the schedule is quite clear - the game took place, Saturday at 1:00 pm.
If Werney Gal has info that the kids were seen with Jon this weekend, I'm inclined to believe her.
To AUNTIE ANN: "Do they make open-toed winter boots?" Good one!
To HIPPIE CHICK: "Hopefully she's LONG gone & nothing but a faint memory in 2011." With all due respect, dearest Hippie Chick, you are delusional if you think that Katie Irene Kreider Gro$$elin will be "long gone" in 2011. $he will not be. (Sorry, well..sort of...maybe...for the "$" signs, but my fingers NATURALLY gravitate to the CAPS key and "$" sign when I type in the word Gro$$elin. It is weird how that happens!)
To Administator and all of the folks who take an interest in looking out for the Gosselin kids in their exploitation, I wish you all the very best holiday and a wonderful New Year!!
I work a lot of hours, but the exloitation of the children and their mother exploiting them for her own self gain, has always irked me to the core. With all of the crap these kids have had to deal with in school, I feel terrible for them, as they are not equipped, DO NOT DESERVE THIS, and should have a much happier life without so many demands placed on them by Kate. It has obviously become not beneficial to any of the G8 to be filmed, as they all have lives to live outside of their mother's insane needs.
I really do pray they get some relief, as all 8 of their lives are in a very impressionable stage, and they really need someone to step up to the plate for them, including the Judge overseeing custody, TLC filming issues (doubt that will happen) and anyone else etc...
Best wishes for the G8 that they will finally be given some assistance and relief in the new year so they can lead "normal lives," minus the cameras. The kids did not sign up for this.
I am sure at this point that that is all they would wish for. To lead normal lives without the cameras.
Shame on their mother for being such a selfish money hungry witch, and never considering her children's feelings (hello - they have to answer to their classmates for all of Kate's crazy selfish behavior) and need to have a life off camera once and for all. This filming is NOT benefitting the kids, other than financially, which is all Kate cares about. She is not fit to be a mother of them, they deserve so much better.
Maybe Kate gathered up her remaining sheeple and took them to the hockey game to film TLC's new show Kate Minus 8 Kids, Plus 8 Sheeple.
Is there anything Kate can do that someone won't find a need to nitpick?
Oh boy, where do we start? Rephrase that and ask 'is there anything that Kate can do that doesn't involve making money off their backs that someone won't find a need to nitpick?'
We DO lay off the parasite when she does something nice with her kids, but it very rarely happens that she's nice about anything. And if Jon takes them anywhere these days, it isn't to make money off them any more.
On the hockey topic...yes, Google definitely IS our friend. There's a Flyers home game Monday night in Philadelphia.
Maybe they're filming at that one?
To "Gosselin 8 Come First": I hate to break it to you, but 2011 is not going to bring an end to that fame-whore Khatezilla Gro$$elin'$ filming of her 8 little bag$ of money. Sorry, I know you don't like it, but you need to face the facts.
We can't miss the forest through the trees. It doesn't bother me they are going to a hockey game, if this report is true. I loved sports games at that age and it does not hurt the children to be exposed to that occasionally to decide if they are into that too. I imagine at least some of the boys will and who knows, maybe some of the girls (all eight, unlikely, but it doesn't hurt to show kids what it is about then let them decide if they want to continue attending such things).
The issue is they are filming it. Why can't they enjoy a hockey game with their mommy in PRIVATE? Why do 3 million people have to watch this?
As far as, if it were Jon we wouldn't be critcizing--not true. You can bet if Jon were filming his children I would criticize him. Jon does not escape criticism here, that is absolutely untrue.
And recall when Jon took the children, with Ellen, to a minor league baseball game this summer, even though there weren't cameras there he was criticized by many of us here, mostly on two points 1. we suspected he might have invited Chris, how else would he have found him and 2. we thought at the time it was too soon to introduce them to Ellen, who was very new at that point.
Jon does not escape criticism and to try to discredit this blog with mistatements like that doesn't work.
@Enough Nitpicking,
That is not what I meant. Sorry again for failing to be understood. I only meant that it seems highly unlikely that ALL the kids would like the same thing is all I am saying. Do any of you who have a large family, do ALL of you like to go to the same thing at the same time? Maybe maybe not but chances are not all eight children would have interest in hockey. I admit I could be wrong but haven't we heard some kids say yes they want to do something, whilst others do not?
People please, just becasue someone or myself say something in opinion does not give you the right to challenge or attack that opinion just because you feel all the kids would want to go, they might have I just don't see it that way.
Enough Nitpicking said...
Parents take children that age to sporting events all the time. Is there anything Kate can do that someone won't find a need to nitpick? If it were Jon allegedly taking them to the game, nobody here would be complaining about it.
That's probably true. But, I'm guessing if Jon took the kids to a game, it wouldn't be comped and filmed by TLC. He'd take them because he wanted to, not because it was written in the script that he had to. That's the difference, in my eyes, at least.
Right on, Lorrie! Tell it like it is. To Enough Nitpicking: When there are NO CAMERA$, we won't nitpick, it is as simple as that!
You must look closely at the blurb about the game it said "KATE GOSSELIN" will be filming. Said nothing about the kids. Jon had the kids this weekend.
What will she advise the hockey players on life for twisted Kate? Jon just tweeted he dropped the kids off.
dministrator said...
As far as, if it were Jon we wouldn't be critcizing--not true. You can bet if Jon were filming his children I would criticize him. Jon does not escape criticism here, that is absolutely untrue.
The OP did not mention the filming, she complained about children not being interested in the game. Your point is irrelevant.
I used to love going to Bruins games with my dad, my brother hated it...but then again, I wasn't being filmed for all to see. We'll see how many people actually give a damn about watching a fame-hungry orange mommy & her 8 kids eating hot-dogs & popcorn. Whoop-dee-doo! I think I'd rather watch grass grow, paint dry, my dog sh*t, clean the cat box, clean the toilet, make out with my drunk neighbor who talks to the sky when it's lightning...you guys get my drift...
Noooo, stop perpetuating the lie that we do not criticize Jon. I quickly found the minor league game post I did on July 4, 2010, and here is just a sampling of some of the negative comments:
-I noticed right away how Jon was on his phone while one of the boys was leaning over the railing (a little too far for my comfort).
-The kids do not look happy or like they are having fun in those pics! I did not see one smile! With as little time as Jon gets to spend with them, you'd think he'd stay off his phone!!
-with Jon, Ellen and Jon's photographer friends!
-He ruined it by TWEETING. Just do it and shut up. No one needs to know what a good Dad you are being but your kids. Just because he and Kate are making "parenting" an all for show contest.
Proof this blog is critical of him too. We are not blindly going after Kate as someone suggested in a comment that broke the rules earlier today--fair is fair and if Jon does something crappy we SAY SO. It's called being independent thinkers. Whereas the Kate fans say all good things about Kate and all bad things about Jon. We look at each situation independently.
A hockey stadium is probably just as cold as a rainy summer Alaska day. But I suppose since it's the Kate Plus 8 editors Kate's meltdowns and fits will be edited down.
People please, just becasue someone or myself say something in opinion does not give you the right to challenge or attack that opinion just because you feel all the kids would want to go, they might have I just don't see it that way.
Marie, I'm not challenging or attacking you. However, whether you have 2, 3, 10, 12 kids, parents do sometimes plan family times around an event that not each of them love and oftentimes they haven't been exposed to it in the first place to genuinely know if they love it or not. My youngest dtr. was dying to see the Nutcracker this Christmas. My other 2 dtrs. had expressed no interest. But it was a family outing, and they were going and of course, they loved it. My point being, just because a kid doesn't like something, doesn't mean they get to sit out, when it's a family outing. Unfortunately, these kids have to be filmed going to a hockey game, there's nothing genuine and family outing-ish about that.
I think the kids need to learn to compromise and work together, today we'll go to the hockey game because these kids like it, and maybe another time we'll go to the amusement park because these kids like it, and maybe another day we'll go for a hike because these kids like it, and so on.
The issue is the filming of it. Share these experiences with your children FINE but stop filming the crap out of them!
Enough Nitpicking said...
Parents take children that age to sporting events all the time. Is there anything Kate can do that someone won't find a need to nitpick? If it were Jon allegedly taking them to the game, nobody here would be complaining about it.
When that woman lies and cheats and hurts children to get her made-up-self AND HER HOCKEY GAME OUTING on my TV, on MY cable bill, on MY Windex (or whatever) tab, I will "scream it from Mountaintops!" STOP WATCHING LITTLE CHILDREN BE SOLD TO THE HIGHEST COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER so that their mother can hit, pinch, lie, scream, and hate them in her spare time!
Just what in the world is so hard to understand about that?!?
(Everytime I get really riled like this, Admin decides not to post my rant; I luv ya anyway! haha).
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said...
To HIPPIE CHICK: "Hopefully she's LONG gone & nothing but a faint memory in 2011." With all due respect, dearest Hippie Chick, you are delusional if you think that Katie Irene Kreider Gro$$elin will be "long gone" in 2011. $he will not be.
You're absolutely correct, and I hate to say this, but I have a sneaky suspicion that some folks wouldn't know what to do w/their time, IF there were no KG.
"(Sorry, well..sort of...maybe...for the "$" signs, but my fingers NATURALLY gravitate to the CAPS key and "$" sign when I type in the word Gro$$elin. It is weird how that happens!)"
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said... To "Gosselin 8 Come First": I hate to break it to you, but 2011 is not going to bring an end to that fame-whore Khatezilla Gro$$elin'$ filming of her 8 little bag$ of money. Sorry, I know you don't like it, but you need to face the facts.
Okay Rearranging- We shall see. Folks got to see her true colors on RECENT SP Alaska, DWTS, recent expulsion/dismissal of her kids FROM KINDERGARDTEN as well as many other recent articles about what a self-centered witch she is, and many people get it. Only the sheeples need to deal with the most recent news.
Administrator said...
A hockey stadium is probably just as cold as a rainy summer Alaska day. But I suppose since it's the Kate Plus 8 editors Kate's meltdowns and fits will be edited down.
And another thing you can count on: kHate will be wearing open-toe hooker heels in that freezing arena.
Bears Are Safe said...
"Please let it not be an AHL game as that would likely be the Hershey Bears. Keep Kate far far away from the Hershey Bears please."
It's the Flyers and the Rangers at the Wells Fargo Center, as posted.
Kate needs to keep far far away from everything hockey. Period.
Jimmy Fallon said this: "Kate Gosselin was one of 2010's most searched-for celebs. Unfortunately, it was her kids searching for her."
Gotta love Jimmy Fallon.
Are we Nitpicking on poor kate? You bet! Well maybe,not really...HUM..
I guess my problem or nitpicking would be that we NEVER see kate doing anything with the kids when she's NOT being PAID for it.
My problem or nitpicking is, that the kids are on Christmas break and instead of enjoying thier time off...they are being forced to WORK.They are not getting ready for the holiday events.They are not preparing for family traditions ( well...maybe when we see the x-mas special...everything taped in 1 day). Hell..the kids arnt just relaxing, hanging out,playing in the snow(not sure if PA has any atm.)The kids are WORKING.
With all the recent troubles those poor kids are having,they are not given any time off.Kate herself said they are under-pressure.So why not give them time just to be kids?Kids who get to do what other kids are doing.Hanging out with friends,sledding,lounging around the house watching cartoons ect ect.
Here it is Christmas time and the kids are working!Working for what 12% of money they will likely never see.Childhood memories they will never have.
I guess I am nitpicking.It would be one thing to see kate doing something with the kids that they want to do.It would be something to see kate enjoying her kids just being kids for the memories and the enjoyment,and not just for the PAYCHECK!
Hello...my name is Star,and I'm a nitpicker!
Wait folks! MaggieL has a good point (assuming this outing really happened):
MaggieL said...
On Preesi's blog there is confirmation that Kate + 8 will be filming at a hockey game tonight. A hockey game?? When you have children who are having anger issues, how appropriate is it for you to take them to see hockey players body checking and beating each to a bloody pulp? I am seeing all types of negative fallout potential from this one. Anybody else??
Oh MaggieL, the cynical side of me says that the little Gosselins would not be phased in the least because they are used to pushing, shoving, and all that aggression.
But I agree with you- I can definitely see the lack of wisdom in taking already aggressive (little) children to a violent game, such as ice hockey.
I guess it could be worse, she could be taking the kids to a boxing or wrestling match, or a bullfight on the next episode of Kate + Eight...
If Kate and her children are being filmed during a hockey game, then they will probably be there for a limited amount of time and they will leave from a back door to go home or to be shuttled to the airport. The production crew films for several days, whether it will be in PA or out of town.
Kate Don't Rate said...
And another thing you can count on: kHate will be wearing open-toe hooker heels in that freezing arena.
Kate would be in a warm, comfy, expensive sky box where she'd pretend to watch the game IF she went on Saturday.
What will she advise the hockey players on life for twisted Kate? Jon just tweeted he dropped the kids off.
A hockey stadium is probably just as cold as a rainy summer Alaska day. But I suppose since it's the Kate Plus 8 editors Kate's meltdowns and fits will be edited down.
And another thing you can count on: kHate will be wearing open-toe hooker heels in that freezing arena.
Great. She needs to stay far far away from hockey players.
If she knew she was interacting with NHL players or men in general, Kate probably skank'd it up to impress them (just like she does with her mostly male production crew). She'll wear a revealing, low-cut top with a push-up bra to go with those open-toed shoes.
Some arenas are warm enough that you don't need any winterwear (except when you're heading back outside in wintry conditions). The ice is frozen from underneath, not from above. The more people in the stands, the warmer it gets. I've never heard of needing 19 layers to attend an indoor hockey game.
h8k8 said...
Kate would be in a warm, comfy, expensive sky box where she'd pretend to watch the game IF she went on Saturday.
Too bad.
If she were in the stands shrieking and screeching whenever there was a good hit or a punch thrown, there's no doubt some die-hard hockey fan would tell her to shut the f*** up!
In her mind, she's too good/too much of a celebrity to be sitting among the common folk.
Anonymous said,
"If Kate and her children are being filmed during a hockey game, then they will probably be there for a limited amount of time and they will leave from a back door to go home or to be shuttled to the airport"
What airport? Wells Fargo Center is only a short zip down the PA turnpike!
"A hockey stadium is probably just as cold as a rainy summer Alaska day. But I suppose since it's the Kate Plus 8 editors Kate's meltdowns and fits will be edited down."
I've been to Wells Fargo (Flyers) quite a few times, and it's not cold at all. It's not like the old Ice Capades or Follies from years ago when you froze your fingers and toes off if you sat anywhere near the rink!
So -- did she go or didn't she go?
Kate has had some really great opportunities in her life and she has squandered them. Would I want her life? No, not in a million years (Although, I wouldn't mind be as skinny as she is LOL).
After watching Sarah Palin's show tonight, I feel like she has the kind of life I wouldn't mind livine; eventhough I am completely content with my life. Sarah is so family oriented, down to earth and has a great outlook on life not matter what comes her way. And she has a great love for her family, our US Military (who are also near and dear to my heart) and her country.
Kate, on the other hand, is just so.....I don't know negative, self absorbed and churlish. If it doesn't involve her, she's not interested.
I don't like to wish bad things on people, but I certainly hope that 2011 will be the final countdown for Kate Gosselin. If anyone deserves to be taken a few notches, it's Kate. She has ruined the lives of 8 children and countless other people who were there for her throughout the years.
Admin, thanks so much for the great list of "un-accomplishments" of KG. And thank you for providing a mature and intelligent blog for everyone to share their opinions, concerns and theories in a warm, open environment.
Name's the Game said...
My point being, just because a kid doesn't like something, doesn't mean they get to sit out, when it's a family outing.
On the episode where they go to Dutch Wonderland, Mady doesn't want to go on a ride because she feels it's too babyish. Kate tells her that it's a family ride, so they're all going on it. Should Mady have sat out the ride?
Personally, I would have let her sit out the ride if she didn't want to go on it; either Jon could have stayed w/ her and the boys while Kate and the others went on, then Kate could've stayed w/ Mady while Jon and the boys went on. Oh wait, Kate has to have everything the way SHE wants it, no matter hpw other people feel.
To Starz22: Nitpick away! I agree with your post up thread 100%. We are going to keep nitpicking until this NITWIT Khatezilla Gro$$elin stops filming her 8 little bag$ of money.
Maybe with all the fans defecting and negative press after the infamous camping trip TLC is going back to Twist of Kate. I for one would be delighted to see them stop Kate Plus 8 and just film Kate on her own show.
MaggieL said...
On Preesi's blog there is confirmation that Kate + 8 will be filming at a hockey game tonight. A hockey game?? When you have children who are having anger issues, how appropriate is it for you to take them to see hockey players body checking and beating each to a bloody pulp? I am seeing all types of negative fallout potential from this one. Anybody else??
I understand what you are saying about taking children, some who have aggressive behavior, to a hockey game.
I don't want to turn this into a hockey debate, discussing its violent nature especially with fighting. This blog is not the place.
While there are some goons in hockey, there are also many players who don't fight and try to play by the rules. Hockey players amaze me because it is a brutal sport, yet when you meet some of them, they are actually some of the nicest, soft-spoken athletes.
It does trouble me that the Gosselins are filming at an NHL hockey game. One reason is that I never got the impression that Kate is a big sports fan, so she could be clueless when it comes to hockey.
Kate is not the right person to take her children to their first hockey game (I presume). If she doesn't understand the game, how will she explain to her children what is happening on the ice? That players are checking one another because they're mad at each other? Fighting is allowed so it's okay to fight?
Good parents (with hockey knowledge) would teach their children about the game of hockey and its rules. That the behaviors/actions on the ice should stay on the ice, not anywhere else. There are many teachable moments, especially when there's a bad hit or a fight breaks out. As far as children should know, those bad behaviors do not go unpunished as they must take a time-out in the penalty box. It hurts the team and sometimes teams lose because of these penalties.
However, Kate cannot even teach her children how to act/behave appropriately, so how will she even convey that message about hockey to her children?
It's all contrived, not a hockey-loving parent sharing her passions with her children.
It would sicken me if, later, Kate or the kids mention that they started fighting like hockey players. I wouldn't put it past the producers to encourage the kids to demonstrate what they learned at the hockey game. It's their ignorance that will send the wrong message that hockey is all about fighting cause it's not.
For Kate, this is just another freebie to take advantage of and a wasted opportunity to teach her kids anything.
On the episode where they go to Dutch Wonderland, Mady doesn't want to go on a ride because she feels it's too babyish. Kate tells her that it's a family ride, so they're all going on it. Should Mady have sat out the ride?
No matter how you try to clarify your post, there's always someone that has to take it to the next extreme. I was talking about a family OUTING where one doesn't hire a babysitter when all but one wants to go to the event. With that being said, most parents do their best to get the ONE hold out excited over the said event. IF there was someone to stay w/Mady while the others went on a ride, then no, I wouldn't have made her go on a ride. Please folks, common sense, ok?
I think there is a fine line between teaching a child to get along with the whole family and be a good sport, and forcing a child to do something they don't want to. Where that line is, is difficult for any parent, let alone someone as horrible at parenting as Kate.
Midnight Madness said...
So -- did she go or didn't she go?
NO, Kate did not go. The game was Saturday afternoon. As Werney Gal said on Sunday morning, the kids were seen with Jon this weekend.
I think that Kate is just "jellus". America's most famous Hockey Mom is Sarah Palin.
Somewhat off topic but did anyone read about a show being filmed: Heidi Klum.
The 37-year-old worked undercover in Santa Monica, California, for U.S. TV show I Get That A Lot. It mentioned other celebrities also filmed. Also on the show were rapper Ice-T, who tried to pass himself off as a shoe salesman, and Paris Hilton, who attempted to go incognito at a gas [petrol] station
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1339813/I-Get-That-A-Lot-Heidi-Klum-pretends-lookalike-works-pizza-parlour.html#ixzz18eWq8H9l
Sounds like the premise for Kate's promised "Twist of Kate" but hopefully this show will be without her and a success.
I agree with those violent aspects of the sport thing, & I also agree that not all hockey players are violent & crazy when you get them off the ice. They have to be aggressive on the ice in order to get that point. It's true that showing that kind of thing to the G kids may not be the wisest step in the right direction at this point in time. Hip checking, elbowing, the hockey players are all padded & equipped to take these blows. Does Kate think before she does anything? 2 of her children just got expelled for violent tendencies/behavior & she brings them to one of the most violent sporting events you could bring them too?
My son has anger issues, he is in therapy (he has ADHD also) & we bought him a punching bag that comes right back up when you punch it. It has worked wonders in helping get out his anger. My son was bullied for a year at another school, we had to transfer him, it was so bad. (the school, superintendant, did NOTHING to help) But this punching bag, lemme tell ya, when he has had a bad day, he goes in his room, punches this thing, & he's like a new kid. If Kate would LISTEN to her kids, maybe they would be OK. Get them some help, it WORKS.
NO, Kate did not go. The game was Saturday afternoon. As Werney Gal said on Sunday morning, the kids were seen with Jon this weekend.
So, if filming was scheduled, as reported on the Philly website, I wonder why it was cancelled. This doesn't sound like some wild rumor someone would invent -- it was too specific.
Midnight Madness said... NO, Kate did not go. The game was Saturday afternoon. As Werney Gal said on Sunday morning, the kids were seen with Jon this weekend.
So, if filming was scheduled, as reported on the Philly website, I wonder why it was cancelled. This doesn't sound like some wild rumor someone would invent -- it was too specific.
Maybe Jon finally said NO to Kate, you will not do filming on my visitation time. He was scheduled to have the kids for the week-end, and maybe Kate scheduled filming on his time and he said a big NO to this. Just guessing, but if it was Jon's week-end, why would they be filming with Kate? Seems the witch thought this would be okay with him for $$$$$$ and perhaps Jon rejected them filming so Kate could make a buck off her kids' backs, in spite of prior custody arrangements. Jon needs to keep saying NO to Kate's efforts at filming, not only on HIS time, but in general.
The pattern Kate has of trying to distrupt Jon's custodial time is well documented.
The hockey game could be just another incident.
Last summer she called the cops on Jon's custodial time and brought them to his house. She wanted to see the kids. The cops were basically like, sorry lady it's his time. http://m.usmag.com/v/CelebNews/JonGosselinPoliceOrd/?p=0&KSID=a0bc66301a8a917975186c98e1abb68c
Then we also got a report last week Kate was trying to get Jon to give up his New Year's Day custodial time. It's not your year Kate, too bad so sad.
Jon needs to put his foot down each and every time this OBSESSED ALIENATOR tries to ruin his time with his childrne.
sftk said...
Somewhat off topic but did anyone read about a show being filmed: Heidi Klum.
The 37-year-old worked undercover in Santa Monica, California, for U.S. TV show I Get That A Lot. It mentioned other celebrities also filmed. Also on the show were rapper Ice-T, who tried to pass himself off as a shoe salesman, and Paris Hilton, who attempted to go incognito at a gas [petrol] station.
Sounds like the premise for Kate's promised "Twist of Kate" but hopefully this show will be without her and a success.
I saw a commercial for it and it looked like a comedy - someone was trying to flip a pizza crust with no success and the star was laughing. lol
Administrator said...
The pattern Kate has of trying to distrupt Jon's custodial time is well documented.
The hockey game could be just another incident.
Last summer she called the cops on Jon's custodial time and brought them to his house. She wanted to see the kids. The cops were basically like, sorry lady it's his time. http://m.usmag.com/v/CelebNews/JonGosselinPoliceOrd/?p=0&KSID=a0bc66301a8a917975186c98e1abb68c
Admin, I was confused for a minute and thought something had happened this past summer. The incident and link you referenced is from 8/14/09 when Kate showed up at gate to the McMansion when Jon was there on his custody time and Kate wanted to see the kids when she didn't agree with his babysitter.
Jon Gosselin says police made Kate leave their $1.1 million Pennsylvania home Thursday night after a heated argument.
"She tried to come home yesterday, and I wouldn't let her in the gate, and I guess she called the police," Gosselin tells Splash News. "The police came and said it was a civil matter."
"An officer pulled me aside and I said, 'This has never happened before and I'm just trying to spend time with my kids and she's [Kate] gonna have to leave,'" he says.
Look back at Jon and Kate's happier days.
Jon says Kate "tried to 'cry it up' with the cops and it didn't work and they said, 'You have to leave.'
"It was a miscommunication. Kate said she was coming home, and I said, 'Well, it's my time to spend with the kids,'" Jon goes on. "I don't come home when she's with the kids, and vice versa -- and that's how it's supposed to be."
Kate who? Meet Jon Gosselin's new women.
What sparked the fight?
Jon says he called babysitter Stephanie Santoro -- a 23-year-old single mother and aspiring model who has stayed overnight and partied with Jon -- to watch the kids while he was filming Jon & Kate Plus 8.
Watch Kate's appearance on Live With Regis and Kelly.
"I guess she didn't agree with my babysitting," Jon says of Kate, adding that it was the first time he'd seen his ex wife for "a long time" (they announced they were separating in June).
When asked why Kate was upset about Santoro (who also works as a "shooter girl" selling shots at local club Legends), Jon says, "I have no idea. I guess 'cause she didn't have approval."
Jon says he'll only approve of Kate's babysitters "if she'll approve mine."
No one was arrested during Thursday's fight and no citations were issued.
A teary-eyed Kate immediately checked in to a local Days Inn.
Earlier the same day day, a Live! With Regis and Kelly interview aired, during which Kate said her marriage to Jon could never be saved. "You know, we definitely have different goals at this point," she said. "A lot has changed, a lot of unexpected things have came up."
Then we also got a report last week Kate was trying to get Jon to give up his New Year's Day custodial time. It's not your year Kate, too bad so sad.
Kate is probably trying to make another $250,000 on Jon's custodial time. JON, say no to Kate once and for all, so all of the madness can stop and the kids can have some priacy. Although Jon gets a pro-rated fee for his kids towards their insane child support, each time Kate films, even on Jon's custodial time, she get mega bucks in child support.
Jon needs to stop Kate scheduling filming on his time, as the kids REALLY need to be with a normal parent now. He also needs to forge ahead in Family Court that the filming needs to stop, as clearly it has had a HUGE impact on his children's well-being, in spite of what greedy, self-absorbed, money hungry, poor parent Kate may have to say.
If Jon does not step up to the plate now, with all of the talk about how his kids are doing, and Kate's greed, he never will.
Sorry two summers ago. Gosh has this obsessed alienator been trying to sabatoge Jon for over two years? Wow.
Allegedly it was over a disagreement about babysitter approval, which is awfully rich coming from Kate who leaves all 8 kids alone with 19 year olds while she takes off 2000 miles away.
In any case, if you have a problem with the children's babysitter? You don't go to the house, make a scene, call the cops, and cause such horrible anxiety for the children. You call your attorney. If I had a dime for every time one of my clients acted instead of calling their attorney--ugh, very frustrating.
You deal with disputes over babysitters in court or through attorneys, not by calling the cops.
This is completely OT, so I'll keep it short. I lurk here and other blogs, agree with everyone that Katie Irene is off her rocker, but I don't have kids so I feel inadquate sometimes to comment....but yesterday my bf and I were in a sports bar watching the Giants game (no comments needed- thanks) and a guy came in and sat his 2 year old son down on one of the stools next to ny best girlfriend who was also with us and then procedded to walk around saying hi to his "buds". What struck me besides how wrong this was is the look on his son's face - he was SO MAD.....a few people tried to say hi to him (including my gf) but little man would not speak to anyone (good) and was clearly upset that he was there. It made me so sad, and made me think he should be at home playing, doing something he wants, not what Dad wants. They were there about 1/2 hour, and it was just beyond words for me.
Then I imagined 8 little kids, doing things they hate, just cause mommy doesn't care. Very very sad.
She probably schedules things like filming at the hockey game and then tells him about it one hour before it's supposed to happen so he doesn't really have a chance to say no. If that's the case and he put his foot down, that's yet another step forward.
Is it possible that the kids were whisked in and out in 20 minutes to make it APPEAR as if they attended the game? Like the corn maze?
Also, maybe Kate is filming on her own, they will present it as if she is trying to learn (gasps, screech, scream, hooker heals, booby shirts and all) learn about hockey because supposedly the boys want to play now in a peewee league.
Seein' as to how she is such a good mother and all.
I don't think taking a 2 yr old to a sports bar is a good idea no matter what. That is not an age appropriate activity or place.
melissaf... I bartended for years & I once bartended at a sports bar. There was this guy that came in every Sunday & drank. Well, one Sunday, he came in with his 11 year old son, plopped him down on the stool in front of the touch-play machine & ordered a beer. I said "Are you outta your mind? I will not serve you a drink when you are a) with YOUR CHILD and b) driving your child!" He got very beligerant, the manager stepped in, I stood my ground, & the guy left. I never saw him again. Come to find out, he owned a popular diner in town, & blacklisted me. I don't care. Bringing your kid into a bar is so frigin ignorant. Oh, man, do I have bartending stories...I used to love getting the phone calls from kids to their mom to come home. Those were just great. (sarcasm) "Is my mom there?" said all meekly. Or the "I'll have one more then go get my kid" UM WHAT?? If I had known you were getting your kid, I wouldn't have served you in the first place, you TOOL! That's when my psychology lesson would kick in & I would talk them in to calling a neighbor, grandmother, friend, anyone else, to pick up their child. People are stupid sometimes, & put their children in danger because they "think they can". Sorry about the rant. (so glad I got out of bartending) My bartender ex-friend over-served someone in the summer, he got on his motorcycle, now he is in a wheelchair for life because he got in an accident. This has gone wayyyy off topic now...SORRY!!
Admin -
your link http://m.usmag.com/v/CelebNews/JonGosselinPoliceOrd/?p=0&KSID=a0bc66301a8a917975186c98e1abb68c
does not work - do you have another one? I had not heard about this further kate craziness and I do not doubt it, I just wanted to see the documentation. Thanks and have a GREAT holiday with your family!
Amelia, the link works fine for me. Did you copy and paste it? Maybe you included another letter or something if you copied it? I've done that before.
Amelia said...
Admin -
your link http://m.usmag.com/v/CelebNews/JonGosselinPoliceOrd/?p=0&KSID=a0bc66301a8a917975186c98e1abb68c
does not work - do you have another one? I had not heard about this further kate craziness and I do not doubt it, I just wanted to see the documentation. Thanks and have a GREAT holiday with your family!
I used the link Admin posted and copied and pasted the article in my post in this thread today at 7:14am Scroll up a few posts to read it or try the link again. It does work.
Amelia, I'm guessing you cut off a no. or letter when you copied the link. It does work.
From my Entertainment Weekly: Kate Plus 8 made the number one spot for WORST show of the year. Here's the article in it's entirety.
'Sure, a gal's gotta make a living. But better Kate Gosselin go back to nursing-or even find another reality show a la Dancing With the Stars to vent her free-floating rage-than foist her bad temper and questionable child rearing on America and those poor kids of hers. Added pain in watching, wondering if those tykes will ever have a strong father figure in their lives.'
(me now...) Yep, the NUMBER SPOT, in an entertainment magazine, that caters to Hollywood bigwigs, directors & actors alike. Entertainment Weekly is calling Kate out? That is HUGE IMO. And not just on the lack of "entertainment", the lack of parenting. That speaks volumes.
Good that it's been named the worst show, good that they pointed out Kate's questionable parenting, but the strong father figure is uncalled for. Proof that a lot of the general public has bought into the deadbeat dad story Kate has been so obsessed with pushing on us. Kate TOOK custody from Jon. Jon has had to fight this crazed women in court to try to get her to stop filming the crap out of his children. Jon sees the children on weeekends and does positive things with them like xmas trees and hikes and picnics. The kids scream for Jon when he drops them off. Claiming they have no strong father figure is really not accurate.
Admin is correct that the general public has bought into kates bs. Neither my sister nor my bff watch kates shows or follow any blogs. Really no interest. When I brought it up, both said, that Kate really got stuck with that husband. She tries so hard blah, blah. Their only exposure to Kate has been seeing her interviewed by Meredith Viera and we all know what lies they were. I think my sis and bff are really very typical of America's opinion of 'poor' Kate.
I think after the Alaska palin crossover a lot of America suddenly understood Jon.
She knew when she was putting that bad info out there about Jon that no one in that side of the industry watched her show or followed the blogs. And even with trying to pull the wool over everyone eyes she still got worst show. I followed the thread on Preesi's site for People's most incredulous moments and I think she got number one for that, too, for her pasa doble and not in good company, either. And that is KC. Wow, who knew all it would take is to pit her up against a woman that really would do anything for her kids and not just lip service and she is toast. Maybe TLC is smarter than we have given them credit for. If she even hinted that she might defect after all they have done for her, not good. And they messed around with her show until there are others now based on the same premise. Even Sarah and Piper did the waitressing thing. I feel for the kids and hope they can get out of there before it all comes tumbling down.
Hippie Chick said...
From my Entertainment Weekly: Kate Plus 8 made the number one spot for WORST show of the year. Here's the article in it's entirety.
'Sure, a gal's gotta make a living. But better Kate Gosselin go back to nursing-or even find another reality show a la Dancing With the Stars to vent her free-floating rage-than foist her bad temper and questionable child rearing on America and those poor kids of hers. Added pain in watching, wondering if those tykes will ever have a strong father figure in their lives.'
(me now...) Yep, the NUMBER SPOT, in an entertainment magazine, that caters to Hollywood bigwigs, directors & actors alike. Entertainment Weekly is calling Kate out? That is HUGE IMO. And not just on the lack of "entertainment", the lack of parenting. That speaks volumes.
Thanks for sharing the article, Hippie Chick :O)
[Inserts sarcasm] Kate must be sooooo proud...
God help her kids.
Classic post, Admin!
Happy Holidays to all,
Werny Gal
According to a fan site, Kate and the kids went to the Flyers game tonight.
The kids DO need a strong father figure, and while Jon is being a father figure, he is not a STRONG one. A STRONG father figure wouldn't have left those poor children in that woman's care in the first place. He had a lot of opportunities to do the right thing and still screwed things up. He VOLUNTARILY agreed to the terms of the divorce for both property and custody agreements. He's turned down offers of help from people in positions to actually help him (Paul Petersen, etc).
I appreciate and respect that Jon is making attempts to become a better parent, and it's clear the kids love him and prefer to be with him. I hope he will continue to have steady employment, good health, and regular visitation time with the kids and that he will continue to fight for their freedom. If/when Jon has exhausted every avenue to get those kids out of the complete control of that woman, *then* I will say he is a strong father figure.
If/when Jon has exhausted every avenue to get those kids out of the complete control of that woman, *then* I will say he is a strong father figure.
Exactly what is a STRONG father figure? How do you define it? How do you know what he is doing now, how much he has done in the past (only to be met by a brick wall?) and what he continues to do? We don't know, and right now we don't need to know. He doesn't need to make everything public. To say that he's not a strong father figure because of things done in the past is saying that nobody can redeem themselves.
We have a pretty good idea what went on in that home under her rule, but unless you've lived it, we really don't know what she put him through, perhaps undermining every attempt he made to be a "strong" father figure.
I took this pic of Steve, you can clearly see he is holding a bunch of papers, and Kate is nowhere in sight.
This pic shows the REAL bodyguard, dressed in white wearing a badge. Steve is several feet away nowhere near close enough to jump anyone.
My definition of a strong father is one who does everything possible to protect his children. Based on the surface view we have of this situation, Jon has not done this. But you have a very valid point that there may be things going on that we don't know about - I truly hope this is the case.
I'm so tired of hearing Jon did this now...Jon said to kate he wanted his life back right b4 the divorce show.
Jon was wanting the privacy back..Jon said he was DONE filming...but it was kate who had the final say...she said" we will be back" It was kate who said "we cant go back".
Why cant you go back kate? The kids are too young to remember...the twins will forget if they have better memories.You are giving the kids NOTHING.
The kids dont care where you eat or what you wear.
The kids remember who was there for them.The kids remember who had thier backs.They know that Jon is ALWAYS there for them.They know that kate will be there when she's being paid.
Kate only plays a mom on TV.The kids know this...how very sad it has to be for them!
Classic post, Admin!
Happy Holidays to all,
Werny Gal
Hippie Chick said...
From my Entertainment Weekly: Kate Plus 8 made the number one spot for WORST show of the year. Here's the article in it's entirety.
'Sure, a gal's gotta make a living. But better Kate Gosselin go back to nursing-or even find another reality show a la Dancing With the Stars to vent her free-floating rage-than foist her bad temper and questionable child rearing on America and those poor kids of hers. Added pain in watching, wondering if those tykes will ever have a strong father figure in their lives.'
(me now...) Yep, the NUMBER SPOT, in an entertainment magazine, that caters to Hollywood bigwigs, directors & actors alike. Entertainment Weekly is calling Kate out? That is HUGE IMO. And not just on the lack of "entertainment", the lack of parenting. That speaks volumes.
Thanks for sharing the article, Hippie Chick :O)
[Inserts sarcasm] Kate must be sooooo proud...
God help her kids.
Admin is correct that the general public has bought into kates bs. Neither my sister nor my bff watch kates shows or follow any blogs. Really no interest. When I brought it up, both said, that Kate really got stuck with that husband. She tries so hard blah, blah. Their only exposure to Kate has been seeing her interviewed by Meredith Viera and we all know what lies they were. I think my sis and bff are really very typical of America's opinion of 'poor' Kate.
Amelia, I'm guessing you cut off a no. or letter when you copied the link. It does work.
Admin -
your link http://m.usmag.com/v/CelebNews/JonGosselinPoliceOrd/?p=0&KSID=a0bc66301a8a917975186c98e1abb68c
does not work - do you have another one? I had not heard about this further kate craziness and I do not doubt it, I just wanted to see the documentation. Thanks and have a GREAT holiday with your family!
MaggieL said...
On Preesi's blog there is confirmation that Kate + 8 will be filming at a hockey game tonight. A hockey game?? When you have children who are having anger issues, how appropriate is it for you to take them to see hockey players body checking and beating each to a bloody pulp? I am seeing all types of negative fallout potential from this one. Anybody else??
I understand what you are saying about taking children, some who have aggressive behavior, to a hockey game.
I don't want to turn this into a hockey debate, discussing its violent nature especially with fighting. This blog is not the place.
While there are some goons in hockey, there are also many players who don't fight and try to play by the rules. Hockey players amaze me because it is a brutal sport, yet when you meet some of them, they are actually some of the nicest, soft-spoken athletes.
It does trouble me that the Gosselins are filming at an NHL hockey game. One reason is that I never got the impression that Kate is a big sports fan, so she could be clueless when it comes to hockey.
Kate is not the right person to take her children to their first hockey game (I presume). If she doesn't understand the game, how will she explain to her children what is happening on the ice? That players are checking one another because they're mad at each other? Fighting is allowed so it's okay to fight?
Good parents (with hockey knowledge) would teach their children about the game of hockey and its rules. That the behaviors/actions on the ice should stay on the ice, not anywhere else. There are many teachable moments, especially when there's a bad hit or a fight breaks out. As far as children should know, those bad behaviors do not go unpunished as they must take a time-out in the penalty box. It hurts the team and sometimes teams lose because of these penalties.
However, Kate cannot even teach her children how to act/behave appropriately, so how will she even convey that message about hockey to her children?
It's all contrived, not a hockey-loving parent sharing her passions with her children.
It would sicken me if, later, Kate or the kids mention that they started fighting like hockey players. I wouldn't put it past the producers to encourage the kids to demonstrate what they learned at the hockey game. It's their ignorance that will send the wrong message that hockey is all about fighting cause it's not.
For Kate, this is just another freebie to take advantage of and a wasted opportunity to teach her kids anything.
Maybe with all the fans defecting and negative press after the infamous camping trip TLC is going back to Twist of Kate. I for one would be delighted to see them stop Kate Plus 8 and just film Kate on her own show.
Anonymous said,
"If Kate and her children are being filmed during a hockey game, then they will probably be there for a limited amount of time and they will leave from a back door to go home or to be shuttled to the airport"
What airport? Wells Fargo Center is only a short zip down the PA turnpike!
What will she advise the hockey players on life for twisted Kate? Jon just tweeted he dropped the kids off.
A hockey stadium is probably just as cold as a rainy summer Alaska day. But I suppose since it's the Kate Plus 8 editors Kate's meltdowns and fits will be edited down.
And another thing you can count on: kHate will be wearing open-toe hooker heels in that freezing arena.
Great. She needs to stay far far away from hockey players.
If she knew she was interacting with NHL players or men in general, Kate probably skank'd it up to impress them (just like she does with her mostly male production crew). She'll wear a revealing, low-cut top with a push-up bra to go with those open-toed shoes.
Some arenas are warm enough that you don't need any winterwear (except when you're heading back outside in wintry conditions). The ice is frozen from underneath, not from above. The more people in the stands, the warmer it gets. I've never heard of needing 19 layers to attend an indoor hockey game.
Kate Don't Rate said...
And another thing you can count on: kHate will be wearing open-toe hooker heels in that freezing arena.
Kate would be in a warm, comfy, expensive sky box where she'd pretend to watch the game IF she went on Saturday.
Wait folks! MaggieL has a good point (assuming this outing really happened):
MaggieL said...
On Preesi's blog there is confirmation that Kate + 8 will be filming at a hockey game tonight. A hockey game?? When you have children who are having anger issues, how appropriate is it for you to take them to see hockey players body checking and beating each to a bloody pulp? I am seeing all types of negative fallout potential from this one. Anybody else??
Oh MaggieL, the cynical side of me says that the little Gosselins would not be phased in the least because they are used to pushing, shoving, and all that aggression.
But I agree with you- I can definitely see the lack of wisdom in taking already aggressive (little) children to a violent game, such as ice hockey.
I guess it could be worse, she could be taking the kids to a boxing or wrestling match, or a bullfight on the next episode of Kate + Eight...
Jimmy Fallon said this: "Kate Gosselin was one of 2010's most searched-for celebs. Unfortunately, it was her kids searching for her."
Gotta love Jimmy Fallon.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said...
To HIPPIE CHICK: "Hopefully she's LONG gone & nothing but a faint memory in 2011." With all due respect, dearest Hippie Chick, you are delusional if you think that Katie Irene Kreider Gro$$elin will be "long gone" in 2011. $he will not be.
You're absolutely correct, and I hate to say this, but I have a sneaky suspicion that some folks wouldn't know what to do w/their time, IF there were no KG.
"(Sorry, well..sort of...maybe...for the "$" signs, but my fingers NATURALLY gravitate to the CAPS key and "$" sign when I type in the word Gro$$elin. It is weird how that happens!)"
dministrator said...
As far as, if it were Jon we wouldn't be critcizing--not true. You can bet if Jon were filming his children I would criticize him. Jon does not escape criticism here, that is absolutely untrue.
The OP did not mention the filming, she complained about children not being interested in the game. Your point is irrelevant.
Right on, Lorrie! Tell it like it is. To Enough Nitpicking: When there are NO CAMERA$, we won't nitpick, it is as simple as that!
Enough Nitpicking said...
Parents take children that age to sporting events all the time. Is there anything Kate can do that someone won't find a need to nitpick? If it were Jon allegedly taking them to the game, nobody here would be complaining about it.
That's probably true. But, I'm guessing if Jon took the kids to a game, it wouldn't be comped and filmed by TLC. He'd take them because he wanted to, not because it was written in the script that he had to. That's the difference, in my eyes, at least.
As far as, if it were Jon we wouldn't be critcizing--not true. You can bet if Jon were filming his children I would criticize him. Jon does not escape criticism here, that is absolutely untrue.
And recall when Jon took the children, with Ellen, to a minor league baseball game this summer, even though there weren't cameras there he was criticized by many of us here, mostly on two points 1. we suspected he might have invited Chris, how else would he have found him and 2. we thought at the time it was too soon to introduce them to Ellen, who was very new at that point.
Jon does not escape criticism and to try to discredit this blog with mistatements like that doesn't work.
Is there anything Kate can do that someone won't find a need to nitpick?
Oh boy, where do we start? Rephrase that and ask 'is there anything that Kate can do that doesn't involve making money off their backs that someone won't find a need to nitpick?'
We DO lay off the parasite when she does something nice with her kids, but it very rarely happens that she's nice about anything. And if Jon takes them anywhere these days, it isn't to make money off them any more.
On the hockey topic...yes, Google definitely IS our friend. There's a Flyers home game Monday night in Philadelphia.
Maybe they're filming at that one?
To AUNTIE ANN: "Do they make open-toed winter boots?" Good one!
To HIPPIE CHICK: "Hopefully she's LONG gone & nothing but a faint memory in 2011." With all due respect, dearest Hippie Chick, you are delusional if you think that Katie Irene Kreider Gro$$elin will be "long gone" in 2011. $he will not be. (Sorry, well..sort of...maybe...for the "$" signs, but my fingers NATURALLY gravitate to the CAPS key and "$" sign when I type in the word Gro$$elin. It is weird how that happens!)
I'm watching TLC right now and they showed a little snippet (I don't know what to call it) between commercials. It featured a lot of the people who play on TLC's reality shows, such as What Not To Wear, 19 Kids and Counting, Cake Boss, the 2 women who owned the cupcake shop, Say Yes To The Dress, along with others that I can't think of right now. It was basically just a collage (sp.?) of the people on the shows like Michelle Duggar, Jen, etc. Anyway, interestingly enough Kate WAS NOT on this TLC commercial. I bet that Kate will go through the roof when she finds out that TLC did this and didn't ask her to participate. I so hope that this is an indication that Kate's days of being a "star" are over. I pray that TLC is going to drop the show and her forever. Karma, karma, karma...
Additionally, the Jones Family (of TLC's Quints by Surprise) posted on facebook that they are appearing on Oprah, Dec. 28th. They added to this original post:
JonesLife We taped it in early November and it was wild! We're only on for about 6-8 minutes, but we're so excited to see it! The show topic is TLC All Stars or something like that.
Is Kate making an appearance on this episode as well? Hopefully, her invitation got lost in the mail.
Imagine if Kate and her Gosselin 8 got excluded from an Oprah show on TLC All-Stars! Would love to be a fly on the wall and see how she'd react to that rejection.
It was posted on Philly.com daily news:
I wish they wouldn't always say her kids are 'in tow' like she's mother goose. First of all, they are forced to go to support the family and secondly if anyone tows them it's the nannies, not Kate.
I wonder what kind of footwear she'll have on. Do they make open-toed winter boots?
"PJ momma's post upthread said someone over at INF said they'd be at the hockey game tonight. That could be after Jon drops them off? Who knows, it could be just a rumor but going to a hockey game is kind of an odd rumor to get started. And if it's odd it's probably true because it has something to do with the idiot Kate."
It was posted on Philly.com daily news:
"Kate Gosselin, star of the hit show "Kate Plus 8" on TLC, will be filming an episode at today's game with her eight kids in tow . . ."
"Werny says the hockey story isn't true."
Was Werny waiting outside the gate to follow them?
Darn. I wanted to hear Kate go on and on about Mario Gosselin.
Why would kids who are 10 and 6 years old want to go see a hockey game? I have nothing against those few young boys or girls who are really into the game because maybe the watchedc it with dad and all that on a weekend and want to see some in real life. But seriously? I know of no child that age who would want to drive to Philidelphia just to see a game. I doubt they ALL asked to go to this game, come on, realistically? In any event Kate can only say for so long, "My kids say this..." And it is passed off as really how they feel before the kids already figured out they never said that and start to voice their opinions.
Nothing new about that, but really, a hockey game? Is she going to tell us they begged her to take them to a hockey game in Philadelphia?
She's going to say that they were "scheduled" to be at the hockey game (remember the Globetrotters game?) and that the hockey players met them all in the locker room, bowed down, and told them that they have been waiting for this moment for years because they are all devoted fans of the show and have never missed an episode.
Still, that's not reason to remain silent when things are going horribly wrong. The chaos surrounding any kind of wreck requires analysis and intervention from people who still have their wits about them and who have some sense of not only what's going on, but what to do. People who have been in wrecks usually aren't in any condition to tend to themselves. They need outside help, and they need it fast.
Which leads me to this. . . we need to respond. Silence is not an option. One of the great lessons of history is that those who remain silent and uninvolved when a group of people are being oppressed (in this case, 8 small children) are not helping, but hurting the situation. Those people who choose to remain silent and not intervene by speaking up, have chosen to actively participate in the oppression. It's guilt by silence. In this case, two parents and 8 little kids are laying wounded on the side of the road.
So let me humbly suggest some responses. . . because I don't think it's too late for this couple and their family. God is in the business of redeeming all kinds of situations. To Jon and Kate, it's not too late for you to save your marriage and your family. To those who care about Jon and Kate (and we all should), it's not too late to do your part to see this thing redeemed.
To Jon and Kate. . . I don't regularly watch your show. I've seen bits and pieces as I channel surf, and sometimes I stop to watch just to see, well, who in the neighborhood you've caught on camera. I even thought I might make it on a few times. . . like the time I interrupted the kid's bike-riding lessons by driving my car into the camera's line of sight on a trip out of the neighborhood. I did, however, see the recent clip where you, Kate, lamented what's happening through your tears. According to my newspaper, so did ten million other people. You expressed confusion and said you didn't know what to do. I know you're smarter than that. . . you have to be. Here's what you need to do. . . and I believe you know it. . . pull the plug. Pull the plug and pull it now. The key to a redemptive and healthy resolution to this entire fiasco lies in your hands. From what I know, I think Jon will be right with you. Realize that the temptation will be to carry on so that you can accumulate fame and fortune. But as someone you and I both claim to know once said, "What does it profit a person to gain the whole world. . . and then lose his soul?". . . or, her husband and children? Please understand that I pass this on with a full knowledge of my own weakness and depravity. I trust you understand that I say this humbly. Keep it all plugged in and you will be one very rich and famous lady. You will also be facilitating a life under public scrutiny for your kids. They will not have a childhood. Keeping it plugged in will steal their childhood, steal your family, and promote a culture of celebrity-obsession gone wild. Pull the plug and pull it now. Kate, if you don't see what's happening all around you then you are a very confused woman who is so out of touch with reality that you need an intervention. If you do see it and you choose to keep it all plugged in, then you've exposed what's most important to you. Don't be like the rich young ruler who knew what he had to do, but walked away very, very sad. Jon and Kate, if you don't pull the plug, shame on you for what you're doing to your kids. Kate, don't let your definition of "multiple blessings" move from your 8 children. . . to the fame, fortune, and freebies that are now filling your life. If that's what you choose to do, you are exploiting your kids. If you don't pull the plug and pull it now, shame on you.
I guess it takes some people longer than others to get over a bad habit. At least they know they can come over to this side and get de-programmed, rehabilitated and set free. haha.
Dialilng for $$s... What is it EXACTLY about the "just saying..." expression that bothers you??
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