Wednesday, December 15, 2010

More details of the children's school problems ....

Not that we didn't already know this, but all of Radar's sources says this was no "mutual" decision. One of the children was physical with a teacher.

252 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Westcoaster said... 1

So, so sad - and it doesn't take any psychology degree to jump to the rage these kids must be feeling towards a certain parent. Who is once again making herself feel special out of town while teenage babysitters watch her children. Crazy, she is simply crazy. ~ Administrator said... 2

Gee wonder where the kids learned to act out when hey don't like something.

faline said... 3

This is so sad. They are clearly exhibiting behavior they learned from their mother. She also never bothered to teach them that it's not ok to hit other people.

They do need to be socialized with other children, badly.

ko said... 4

Is this the breaking news alleged last week? Those poor kids...

Flower said... 5

Playing devil's advocate for the kids - what could the little ones do that would physcially harm an adult? They're tiny. I can't see them kicking or hitting an adult hard enough to cause damage. However, you know they're taking their aggression out where they can find an outlet because their mother is pushing them off on God and anyone else she can find to take care of them. Poor kids.

Kat said... 6

Can't someone step in? This is getting out of control. The laws in this country actually protect people like this. Right now Kate holds all of the strings. I almost can't bare to hear about this any more.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 7

Kate's ship is going down...down...down...

Fans are saying, "I supported her before, but the camping trip was the last straw." (I've seen similar messages on a few fan sites. Some get taken down, some stay up.)

And after so many biased pro-Kate, anti-Jon stories, Radar FINALLY paints Jon as the concerned, caring parent and Kate as the liar she is. Kate thought she could lie on national TV about something known to a number of people at the school and community? Wow. Delusional. And Radar was one of the last to have her back (for whatever reason--TLC-influenced, maybe.)
So Kaydar Online is no more?

Sport said... 8

The best part of ROL articles are definitely the comments section. The GR8K8 sheeple only post stuff like "But Ellen is fugly" or "Jon has a 1 BR apartment."

It's an article about what a horrible mother kHate is and how the kids are having a tough time and the ONLY thing the defenders can retort with are personal attacks on the father and his GF. Love it. In fact I like to jump in there a couple of times a week and rile them up a bit.

So ROL continues to throw The Shrew under the bus, proving they are likely done with her and intend to milk every last bit of ratings from her on the way out. Do you think she can see the writing on the wall yet? With an ego as large as her fake boobs one would imagine she spends a lot of time reading about herself. She HAS TO KNOW we think she is Evil Incarnate.

What I find telling is that even with the public critical of her parenting (lack of really) and all of her obvious shortcomings as a guardian to 8 kids, she STILL hasnt figured out how to be the person we think she should be to those children. We used to give her credit for being shrewd and sneaky and portraying this image as a wholesome mother. I think we give her WAAAYYY too much credit - she really isn't smart at all. A smart person, faced with falling fame and image problems, would have reinvented their image and at least tried to be what the public wants her to be.

She truly, seriously needs MAJOR mental and psychological help for extended periods of time. The children should be removed from her care so she can focus on herself.

(HAHAHA, did i really just type that!?! HAHAHA)

She should focus on getting herself right in the head, if that is even possible. Being away from those kids would also, hopefully, make her MISS THEM and maybe then she would realize the bigger picture. Getting them away from her would also allow those poor kids to heal. This situation is such a disgusting mess.

Beejcctx said... 9

Wow, her lying again. I'm just _shocked_ (snark off)

How the sheeple can continue to defend this monster is beyond me.

How do we get anyone to care enough in Washington to enact Nationwide Child Actor protections for children in any entertainment endeavor? That is something I think must be mandated in this crazy society of children being exploited by their parents.... whether they Gosselin, Duggar, Roloff or "Balloon Boy"s...

Sienna said... 10

Can you imagine what they might have acted like if they didn't like to do Moose math? lol
If they acted close to resemblance from their mother in Alaska, who has them trolling around like little puppets for her benefit, it's no wonder it came down to that.
In all seriousness, it is NOT their fault and would BEG BEG please, those kids NEED to stop being filmed. NOW.

This is beyond unhealthy for them, I cannot believe that judge refused to honor Jon's request, unbelieveable.

Pam said... 11

I'm glad to see ROL FINALLY waking up and smelling the stink that is Kate. She is a proven liar, time after time, and it is nice that she is being called out publicly for her crap.

She would've been better off keeping her mouth shut and not commenting. Keeping the matter private like it should've been.

But she couldn't pass up an opportunity to go on another morning talk show and get glammed up, get away from the kids with her boy toy, and bash Jon publicly. Now she's dug her own grave and proved what a liar she is and has always been.

I'm glad to seee that all the people who had Kate's number a long time ago, are finally seeing karma start to bite her in the butt. Slowly but surely.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 12

Not surprised at all. We all know that Kate lies, lies, and lies. Why should this situation be any different.

But all the same, it's good that her children are getting the proper attention they deserve to resolve their anger issues before it's too late. Resolve it now, before they grow up and become bitter, hateful, and spiteful like their mother.

Audible Click said... 13

She has some nerve to go on TV and deny they were expelled. This is some really serious stuff and she lies about it. Kate, we know you don't read anything but you have just reaped what you sowed.

CommomSense said... 14

Tough question Admin, I wonder too, most certainly Sarah Palin's Alaska showed no signs of Kate behaving that way. Yes, I'm being facetious and not a deranged sheeple.

When I was young people would always ask me why I looked so sad all the time. I suffer from depression and now realize I started having problems at a young age. These kids are hardly ever seen smiling w/ Kate. My heart is broken for them because if they are having these problems now I can guarantee it will get much, much worse. Furthermore, I have a hard time believing Kate is actually getting these kids any help as that will look badly upon her. As she stated she doesn't want to be embarassed by her children, when fact is, she should be embarrassed and ashamed of herself. That is impossible with a narcassist though. For those saying Jon planted this info...... maybe the kids are reaching out to someone such as a nanny, some of the other children may be speaking to a counselor at school, or if they are allowed to visit friends house, maybe they have spoken with a friend's parents. It's ridiculous what some of these sheeple come up with to "protect" Kate. What about protecting the children sheeple???

Barbra said... 15

and the article said 'hurt an adult', which could be worse than just hitting (i.e., bitting, jab with a scissor, any number of aggressive things). Kids sure do mimic what they see and hear at home! Remember how often kate would slap or slug jon and then laugh. Message to kate: your train is leaving the station, MOVE IT!!!!!!

Livvy said... 16

What puzzles me is how Kate could go on nat'l tv and blatently lie. She knows that many people know the truth ie folks at school, kids and parents. Yet, she somehow has the confidence to lie about and believe she will not be found out. Is it possible that she believes the lies she tells???

cathy518 said... 17

All I can say is that it is so cruel to allow the children to remain in that environment where they are just falling apart. Reports are that Kate hasn't been home in a week so the kids have had their babysitters to raise them and Dad only on the weekend. Not that this is not better for them than being with their hateful, distant and disdainful mother. What is it going to take before an intervention is made on the kids behalf? There are reports that the kids are going to Australia and New Zealand over the Christmas break for more filming. Not sure if that is true as I thought TLC was done with the expensive filming but time will tell. I will continue to pray for these children

Lolly said... 18

Many rumors have been proven to be true, lately. I would guess this is true too. I knew Kate was lying, like she always does. Any THINKING person knows she was lying.

ROL who has ALWAYS been a firm supporter of Kate's, called her a liar. Their source is someone "close to the school". I believe it might be a parent now, or even a school employee, who are sick of the lies and seeing the children mistreated, IMO.

If Kate is out of town, as reported by a blogger, then she is probably going to end up, once again, lying about this, on TV. I am sure the word got to her or her rep this story was going to break. I feel so sad for these children.

In the episode with Sarah, I think it was Alexis who grabbed Chuck's hand at one point to walk to the camp, when they first arrived. That was so sweet to me. It happened very quickly, but it was one of the girl tups. They all had just met these people. Too bad they don't have their own Grandfather to grab his hand. It seems the only constant people in their little lives is the crew, and THEY aren't even the original crew. Oh yeah, and Steve. So sad.

Must Love Dogs said... 19

So she lied to Meredith Viera's face and viewers as well and why am I not surprised, because when this womans lips are moving she s lying. Whoever the source is, it was bound to come out as soon as she went on air to lie about it and opened a can of worms. The woman can't keep her lying yap closed, can she? Then a week later she is photographed with a ugly grin from one ear to the next for her paps, the woman is a mental case.

Laura D. said... 20

I wonder if Mary Hart and Meredith knew she was lying all along or are they victims of manipulation as well? BTW, why does ABC & NBC have to get mixed up in TLC’s damage control? This reflects badly on them.

Sad very sad said... 21

"Alexis and Collin could go to a public school but they would be photographed and harassed," a source told
Unfortunately, exactly what many of us have been saying for years, the kids have NO friends and don't know how to interact with other children. Kate still thinks if she stopped all this tomorrow, they'd still be hounded by who, Chris? The damage she has done to her children will take years to correct and, that's if they are counseled by a top notch psychologist.

PJ's momma said... 22

Oh for pete's sake, did you read some of those comments? The sheeple are STILL defending this sham of a mother! The only way they can do it now is by saying Jon has sold this story (along with others), but by golly, they are sure saying it!

Maryanne said... 23

First, it was just a matter of semantics anyway - withdrawn, expelled, whatever - bottom line, the two aren't in that school now. If she can show they have matured and are now able to interact with others non-violently I believe the school will accept them back. That may be the "mutual" agreement. She publicly state that the school could no longer meet their needs. If she had met their "needs" before they entered school, but she didn't and this is the consequence. NOT the school's fault. Sadly, she continues to ignore their emotional needs.

Secondly, if the school presented her with explusion she could have agreed to "voluntarily" withdraw them so as to be able to say "mutual agreement". IMHO it's all just a manipulation of terms.

Thirdly, I sincerely hope that the children - all 8 (though I doubt that), but especially the two, are receiving legitimate therapy - not just "talking with the dog". I mean really, I live in a state right next to PA and it's 6 degrees F at the moment - a little too cold to make it to the therapist's "heated" doghouse office, don't ya think? That poor dog, a pack animal, raised with a sibling, returned to a pack, and now all alone, stuck in a doghouse. Awful, just awful. I think I feel for the poor chickens too, and I'm no fan of chickens.

Fourthly, will noone who actually CAN do something not step up to the plate and confront her about the kids and take action? No, I fear it will be too late for one or more of the 8 and some tragedy will occur. Sooo frustrating.

Lastly, Michael Lohan, (although I think he's a twit of magnanimous proportions), who knows a thing or two about messed up kids, reached out to Billy Ray Cyrus, re: Miley's recent bong exp. He urged him to quickly step in, but also allowed that divorce does really mess up kids, and it's imperative to work with your ex in a postive manner and not use the children as pawns. Kate Gosselin are you listening? This applies to you too. You and your children are not immune - no matter how far you stick your head in the sand. So, are you listening? No, I didn't think so. Did all those bleach jobs on your hair liquify your brain?????

Lolly said... 24

I just watched that segment again, she didn't grab his hand afterall, she looked like she was motioning for Chuck to come on, or waving at him. Regardless, too bad they don't have their own Grandfather to do things with. I will never forget my Granddad. Such good memories. Even sitting by his chair talking to him and laughing at this silly jokes.

Fahnette said... 25

People are saying the school had no right to publicize the information even though she maligned the school's reputation on a national platform--from what I can see they have every right to defend themselves, just like Krate.
Oh, and that Jon is behind the leaks.

I wonder if TLC knew the truth about the expulsion when it happened, or if she snow-jobbed them too. No wonder she's so angry--between this tidbit and the Palin episode she officially looks like one of the worst people on the planet.

Always thought the kids would bring this crashing down, but didn't expect it would be while they were still little. Maybe someone will hear them now.

alyssa said... 26

"Collin actually covered his face when he was having his school photograph taken because he thought he shouldn't be photographed," said the source.

I don't thing there is anything I could say... Except I have never felt this sorry for other children than for G8, maybe just for the kids who were tortured to death by people who where supposed to love and protect them, you know, children who die daily because of child abuse. I am sorry Mady, Cara, Leah, Joel,Aaden,Collin, Hannah and Alexis!I am truly sorry for the unfair things that are constantly happening to you!
This is my last comment on ANYTHING regarding the Gosselin kids, I can't stand it anymore.It's too sad.My hope is that soon, nobody will know you little kids anymore and that soon you will become anonymous and will be able to live peaceful lives.Good luck!

my9cats said... 27

As long as Kate is never publicly called out on her lies and omissions she will continue to spew out her garbage and get away with it. I am sure the school's hands are tied and they will not officially comment due to privacy issues. They certainly don't want to lose students for revealing confidential information.

dee3 said... 28

Good for Radar online.

But I was reading the comments over there and good grief, are they all 11 and 12 years old? Not only are their comments quite ridiculous but they sound so juvenile (in addition to having horrible grammar and spelling). I'm having a hard time seeing them as adults....and only as pre-adolescents at best.

At least I hope they're not adults. I hate to think that there are adults out there who are that juvenile (in addition to sounding so uneducated). Scary.

Anonymous said... 29

I feel nothing but sadness for all eight of these children. They learn by example. I'm not surprised to hear that at least some of them are not getting along with other children at school, but it is very alarming to hear that their bad behavior is directed at a teacher. I'm sure school authorities would have tried their best to resolve the situation and having the two expelled would come as a last resort. Having "outed" herself with the Palin family, Kate will have to come up with a good story to overcome the latest news confirming the fact that she is in fact a big fake.

Anita said... 30

To Alyssa: the Go$$elin kid$ will NEVER EVER gain anonymity or privacy. That hor$e has already left the barn a LONG, LONG time ago, and the Go$$elin kid$ $ick, $ociopathic greedy, $elf-centerd, fame-whoring -poor-excuse-of-a-"mother" will keep expo$ing them becau$e that i$ her ONLY ticket to FAME...ahh ye$, $weet FAME ...ahh FAME...and FORTUNE...ahhh ye$, $weet FORTUNE.... (that'$ how Khate'$ $ick, $ociopathic brain thinks). Tho$e kid$ will NEVER have their privacy. Their "mother" ha$ turned them into a Freak $how. But, hey, look at the bright $ide for them...they have a McMansion....

susieq said... 31 has a new article about how the kids want to live with Jon and they have a poll you can vote on if the kids would be better off living with Jon or Kate.

IDModo said... 32

Anita, please let us know why you believe that the children of sociopaths become menaces to society? It doesn't fit in with a lot of the research, so I would be interested in your sources.

Some children of sociopaths don't live to grow up to be menaces to society.

I think the children will have a hard enough time growing up without being labelled in that way. They are 6 years old, for heaven's sake. Can we stop labelling them and catastrophizing their futures, and focus on helping them in the present? Just my opinion...

Anonymous said... 33

dee3 said...

Good for Radar online.

But I was reading the comments over there and good grief, are they all 11 and 12 years old? Not only are their comments quite ridiculous but they sound so juvenile (in addition to having horrible grammar and spelling). I'm having a hard time seeing them as adults....and only as pre-adolescents at best.

At least I hope they're not adults. I hate to think that there are adults out there who are that juvenile (in addition to sounding so uneducated). Scary.


I agree. One comment even bashed Jon, saying that it was impossible to parent with him around. Do they not get the gist of the story?! It's about KATE AND HER LIE!!!! I was hoping that between the Sarah Palin camping episode and the article exposing Kate's lie, the rest of the sheeple would realize this is who Kate is. Maybe not. :(

TLC stinks said... 34

I can see it now on BM's site claiming that Jon or Ellen was the source for the Radar article. If true, what does it matter who the source was.

Anonymous said... 35

Life & Style are reporting Kate's explosive temper and selfish quest for fame have made her children miserable and they are now begging to move out. Surely it's time for the Court to take another look at custody matters.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 36

"Kate Gosselin's Kids Want To Move Out; Kate Lied About Expulsions"

Lauren said... 37

Does anyone have the best interest of the Gosselin 8 in mind?

Jon is busy having a pity party about past mistakes and Kate is in denial and doesn't want to take responsibility.

Doesn't anyone want to help these poor children?

Anita said... 38

Regarding Khatezilla'$ lies (gee, what a surprise... lie$ from Khatezilla) about her little money bag$ not being expelled from $chool ("Oh, it was a mutual decision. The kid$ were just throwing crumpled up paper around and not $itting $till in their seat$...blah...blah...blah...). Thi$ i$ what I have to $ay:

Dear Khate,
"Lier, lier, pant$ on fire!"

Mom In Lancaster County said... 39

I am sure the school's hands are tied and they will not officially comment due to privacy issues.


In the article that appeared in our local paper, a "source" in the school reported that the kids were not expelled. Technically, Kate didn't lie. Kindergarteners are not expelled. It's a matter of semantics. However, it was NOT a mutual decision. She had no choice. She was told that the kids needed to be withdrawn, but it was not expulsion. So whether one says they were expelled or withdrawn, bottom line is that they couldn't remain there.

Knows Quality said... 40

Can someone refresh me - wasn't there a hearing on Nov. 30th?

I think it's sad if this is all true...I don't want to believe it unless a really good source (and RadarOnline is not that source) confirms it...But, if it IS true, it doesn't come as a surprise, unfortunately.

We all saw Kate's behavior on the show Sunday night, and saw how mom acts like a spoiled-rotten 2-year old when she doesn't get her way. These kids have no other role model in their lives on a consistent basis to emulate, other than their crazy mom.


Erin said... 41

This makes me sad but honestly I could see why Collin and Alexis are acting out. Look who they have as a role model to shape their behavior from.
One of the saddest moments on J&K plus 8 to me was the episode on Collin's special day. At least I'm pretty sure that was the episode. Anyway...Collin is getting ready to leave the house and he approaches Kate (who is actually on the floor hugging Hannah) Collin stands there and says goodbye. Kate continues hugging Hannah and barely looks his way. Finally Collin says are you going to miss? Because I'm going to miss you. Kate NEVER lets go of Hannah, sort of says ya sure I'll miss you or something. Collins waits one more second for a hug or some eye contact.. NOTHING!
This was a boy who was crying out for a bit of love, affection and physical contact from his Mommy. That show was the end for me of being a fan. It broke my heart that she couldn't pause and think of her little boy who was standing inches from her seeking attention.
This episode did show me that Kate did not see her her boys as people requiring nurturing (remember Collin when he was impacted was climbing on her lap begging for help and she called him an antelope and dismissed him?)
How long did she think it would take for this boy to need an outlet for his frustrations of feeling not important? The writing was on the wall as far as I was concerned for future behavior.
Makes me sick.

Laurie M said... 42

Shame on the Today Show for giving Kate a platform to lie to the public. She should have left it as a private family matter and not even commented on it. But Kate needed an excuse to get back on the tv and try to win favor with her waning supporters. Thank goodness TLC is unable to cover up for Kate's lies anymore.

Aeris said... 43

dee3, I think you are correct in thinking the posters at are young girls. I hope so, too, because I can't imagine anyone older than 16 owning those comments. I think many of the younger sheep are drawn to the cute kids, not so much Kate. But they will defend the mother of the G8 to the death, same as they'll defend Justin Beiber or the Jonas Brothers. It's something having to do with that age group - I was there at one point, too. They're too young to understand the social implications of the situation. They only see adorable, matchy-match kids doing adorable things and going on fancy trips.

What's scary is some of these impressionable young girls are probably thinking how awesome and fun it would be to have multiples. It's shows like Khate's and those horrid MTV pregnant teen shows that are going to encourage teen pregnancy. Meanwhile, I'm newly 34 and my hubby and I are still waiting to have our first, until we know we can safely provide for a child or two.

wayward said... 44

Laurie M said... "Shame on the Today Show for giving Kate a platform to lie to the public. She should have left it as a private family matter and not even commented on it. But Kate needed an excuse to get back on the tv and try to win favor with her waning supporters. Thank goodness TLC is unable to cover up for Kate's lies anymore."
Laurie, this is 95% of Kate's problem and has been for years. When Jon first started hanging out at bars and pictures were surfacing, she VEHEMENTLY denied there were any problems. The more she denied it, the more paps started trickling into 'lil old Reading to PA to catch him. And we all know the rest.

It seems to be PR 101- when a scandal occurs pull the old "it's a private matter" out of your butt, SHUT UP and disappear for awhile. Why Kate's people continue to let her piss on America's leg and tell us it's raining is beyond me. It has never worked so why keep doing it? The only people who buy it are her 14 sheeple.

LisaNH said... 45

I can't believe ROL is running a negative story about Kate. Makes one wonder if TLC is truly distancing themselves from her. ROL has appeared to be in TLC's pocket for a long time, only ever printing positive news about Kate. But maybe TLC gave them the green light to go ahead and print what they want (like the truth maybe?).

Maybe TLC has had enough of this woman too and they want to get as far away as possible.

AuntieAnn said... 46

Sorry but I'm not going near Bill O's site even with a long stick to reach my keyboard. The guy is off his nut. Besides it's already been established that Kate's a pinhead and far worse, so there's really no need (for me anyway) to vote on it. She's a liar and a thief too. She stole her kids childhood and sold it to the highest bidder. That makes both TLC and Kate bottom feeders in my books.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 47

I think that after hearing/seeing Kate set her stories (yet again) straight on t.v., the few people that onced believed her are finally realising that Kate is full of it.

As for the rest of us, we knew/and know better than to believe every word that pops out of her mouth.

By the way, I can understand Kate wanting to protect her children. What she should have done is NOT gone on t.v. to set anything straight. She's her own worst enemy.


Ad nauseum said... 48

Anita said... Since this is a new thread, I want to repeat what I said in the previous thread: I am beginning to think that Kate Gosselin is a SOCIOPATH
Anita, perhaps you don't read the comments on each thread, but we have all discussed the possibility that Kate is a sociopath,(ad nauseum at times) on many threads. We have 'pegged' her w/just about any negative mental diagnoses that we might be aware of. No doubt, she is one sick gal. Sadly I don't believe she will get better on her own, and given the narcissist she is (along w/sociopath probably) she will never seek treatment. Sadly, I don't think she'll take OR allow her kids to seek treatment either. Reason, they know TOO much and will TELL on her.

Anon 1 said... 49

Question? Does anybody else have to hit "Submit" twice before your comment is sent. It happens to me every time I do my FIRST comment of the day (here), and after that, it is sent on the first time I click "submit".

Mimi to 3 said... 50

If her lips are moving -- she's lying. It's all she knows how to do. And how did this become all Jon's fault? There is a commenter at ROL that is such a rabid Jon hater it is scary. They just can't comprehend anything bad about their darling Kate. It's sick.

LisaNH said... 51

Sorry, this is a little ot, but I've been thinking about how Kate used to brag about eating organic and feeding the kids organic foods, but she certainly turned her nose up at the moose hotdog. I would think moose is a pretty organic meat since they come from the wild.

Lorrie said... 52

Anon 1 -- I have the same issue with the submit button.

Kate knew she could spin the expulsion however way she wished -- there was/is no way anyone in a position of authority at that school would go on the record and contradict her b.s. Sadly for Kate, many more people are no longer falling for her lies, and are finally, finally, FINALLY seeing her for the monster she truly is.

Betsy said... 53

The woman is digging herself deeper the more she opens her mouth. As for her lying, what else is new? The woman has been lying, cheating and stealing since her kids were born. Meredith V needs an eye opener when this woman sits across from her spewing out lies. As for this being Jon's fault, I don't think so. I don't care if her Sheeples say he is, this is the sheep calling the kettle black. The woman is now in LA with her boyfriend and has left all 8 kids home with nannies for the Holidays. She is worse than Octo=mom!!!!

Anon 1 said... 54

Looks like TLC is most definitely trying to get rid of Khate...

Anon 1 said... 55

And how did this become all Jon's fault?
The sheeple blame Jon for everything! They think he's leaking all these stories.

KAT said... 56

OMG!!! She is being pounded by every media outlet, magazine and internet blog around!!!! Finally!!! BYE, BYE ASSH#@$!!

Not True said... 57

Betsy said...

The woman is now in LA with her boyfriend and has left all 8 kids home with nannies for the Holidays. She is worse than Octo=mom!!!!


It's December 15th. There are no holidays for over a week. If you're going to accuse Kate of lying, you really should tell the truth yourself.

Pam said... 58

I knew as soon as I saw pics of her getting her hair done, she was gonna jet off to another Hollywood shindig. She always gets a major hair workover just prior to being with other celebs or a photoshoot.

LisaNH said... 59

Well, the results are in on Bill O'Reilly and 91% voted Pinhead 9% Patriot. Who knew that 9% of sheeple watch Bill O'Reilly? LOL.

Anita said... 60

Please tell me why so many posters are saying that Khatezilla (and her Booby Guard Stevie) are in L.A. ?? I have seen it on the threads several times today that $he is in L.A.. How do you guys know that?

Anonymous said... 61

I would love to hear Meredith V and Sherri Shepherd try and defend her now.

Hippie Chick said... 62

WHAT?? Kate, you are a despicable human being. Get your kids out of the spotlight once & for all. Can't you see that this is has gone too far now? With the lying, the arrogant behavior on the Today show, the Palin fiasco, throwing Jon under the bus, BLAMING Jon when he is doing everything right, & now children getting violent with children AND adults? When the EFF will she see that this is no longer making family memories & fun for the kids? This is torment, a lifetime of ridicule, serious mental disorders for the kids, all so Kate can keep chasing a dream that is blowing up right in her botoxed face.

It is soooo over for Kate. I figured she was toeing the line with the Palin show, but she is so over the line the "line is a dot" to her now. (to quote Joey Tribiani) I hope she knows that even the few fans she has left are turning on her. Her "blog" is full of scathing remarks, & a lot are from former fans. (I went there today for the 1st time ever). All I can say is I know I could never live with myself if I were Kate.

Hippie Chick said... 63

PS If we are to believe this INF article, Kate could go either way; she'll either be super happy to rid herself of these "burdens" she calls her kids (her thoughts I assume) and she can pursue a non-career of self-promotion. OR she will be pissed off because she won't have her little money bags anymore to use for filming (her thoughts I KNOW).

And why is she in LA? Getting fired hopefully?? I hope beyond hope she isn't landing another gig.

kate's scary said... 64

Hippie Chick said...

PS If we are to believe this INF article, Kate could go either way; she'll either be super happy to rid herself of these "burdens" she calls her kids (her thoughts I assume) and she can pursue a non-career of self-promotion. OR she will be pissed off because she won't have her little money bags anymore to use for filming (her thoughts I KNOW).

It's not a done deal, and I highly doubt Jon will ever get custody of all 8 kids. Dads rarely get custody. ~ Administrator said... 65

I think we could make a lot of money on teaching people how to argue a position.

They do not understand that WHO is the source of the article is, is a totally separate issue from the very real school problems they are having. The fact that it might be Jon doesn't excuse how terrible what is happening to them is. Perhaps they should address the REAL issue here--why are they behaving this way? How is being famous helping them do better socially and in school? They refuse to answer that and just deflect, deflect, deflect.

They have no clue who the source is anymore than we do. They sure are hypocrites accusing us of daring to believe "gossip, gossip, gossip" from "rag mags" (most of which turns out to be true anyway) when they are believing it's Jon with no proof whatsoever. There are dozens of people at that school whom it could be, some of whom I believe are blabbing inside info here. And if Kate has so many friends and family in their lives as they claim, it could also be any of them. There is no support to say it must be Jon. Could it be? Perhaps. But the evidence isn't there.

Gosselin Gossip said... 66

Anita said...

Please tell me why so many posters are saying that Khatezilla (and her Booby Guard Stevie) are in L.A. ?? I have seen it on the threads several times today that $he is in L.A.. How do you guys know that?

From another Gosselin blog posted in Admin's previous thread:

Anonymous said...
In the know said...
kate is not home, she is out of town, so the dog is on it's own tonight.

she went from NY to Los Angeles, will be home Sat, coming in BWI in MD. she doesn't like to arr in Phila.

2 baby sitters living there and one cook with the kids, think jon has the kids over the weekend.

she leaves those kids alone with strangers and bodyguards a lot more than anyone knows.she wants like everyone to think she has a job out in L.A. but the baby sitters are new. always new. she kids no one.

Wait until Sat or Sun, you will see she is going to mani pedi and spray tan. so orange. terrible look.

December 15, 2010 5:21 AM ~ Administrator said... 67

I totally disagree with the assessment they can't go to public school because they would be harassed. Public schools are just as capable of protecting their students. Public schools, even though they are "public" are what's called "limited purpose" public property under the law. A school has every right to only permit parents and students on the property and every right to kick Chris off just like a private school was. If Chris comes back, CALL THE COPS. A public school is capable of picking up the phone. And if a photographer is truly harassing a little child, Kate can get herself down to court and file a restraining order to restrain him from the property.

It also implies they are Prince William or something, it is ONE photographer and he can be dealt with.

If anything, public schools tend to be much bigger properties and they could easily find one where there would be no good place for Chris to stand off-campus and snap pics.

Moose Mania said... 68

SmileyGrl752 said...

I would love to hear Meredith V and Sherri Shepherd try and defend her now.


No question that they will. While I don't think that Meridith is a stupid as Sherri, neither one of them would admit that they were wrong. ~ Administrator said... 69

I think it kind of irritates me Kate acts like Americans are a bunch of celebrity obsessed oogly ga-ga over her and her kids. Like public schools are slums with people just like this. Get over yourself.

Yes some people are like this. But people get over it. When I started working for a celebrity sure it was cool at first, but you get over it in like five days and realize they are just as mean and nasty, or nice, as any other person. They are just PEOPLE. Gosh.

Schoos daze said... 70

Where I live, parents can't choose which public school they want their kids to attend. They have to attend the public school(s) that is/are in the district where the family lives. Sometimes there is only one elementary school, etc., not a choice. Perhaps it's different in PA.

LisaNH said... 71

The ironic thing about all of this is I always thought Alexis had the sweetest face of all the girls. A cute impish grin. It's so sad that these kids could be potentially facing a downward spiraling future. I blame their mother. They could have had great family relationships that would have given them more security in their lives. Instead they are treated like Cattle by their mother, herded out for the cameras then left in the pasture, guarded by a few teenage nannies until it's time to herd them out for the next photo op.

While they may do better with Jon, until the courts step in and allow him more time in their lives, the damage is done and the clock is ticking to see if it can be undone. ~ Administrator said... 72

I think Kate made a huge mistake wording her statements about this incident as if it were the school's fault, the school couldn't meet their needs, this school we decided was not right for them. Although that is not outright blaming the school, it does indeed imply that this was the school's fault and not Kate's. It makes it seem like if only the school knew how to deal with her children things would be fine.

I think it was only a matter of a time before the insiders couldn't bite their tongues anymore and let America think that this was not all KATE'S fault like it really was. That's tough. The source snapped and dished to Radar. ~ Administrator said... 73

Oh gosh violent kids can do a lot of damage. They can kick shins, they can BITE, they can smack and slap. Obviously they probably can't take DOWN an adult but they could hurt one. When my mother was a special ed teacher, another student attacked her and kicked her. He was very violent and had attacked several teachers. She felt VERY hurt by that, emotionally, like if only she had done this or that he wouldn't be violent with her--I remember my whole family reassuring her that wasn't her fault. It can be emotional for a teacher to feel like they've lost control of a student.

Even if what they were doing wasn't physically hurting an adult, you simply cannot have a child go around hitting an adult. Not only is that behavior outrageous and unacceptable, but it's not good for the other children at school to witness that.

LancNative said... 74

Sometimes there is only one elementary school, etc., not a choice. Perhaps it's different in PA.


It's the same way here. Kids attend the school in the district in which they live. However, if parents want them in another school system,, and if there are openings, they can do this, but it's not free.

LisaNH said... 75

Administrator said... Even if what they were doing wasn't physically hurting an adult, you simply cannot have a child go around hitting an adult. Not only is that behavior outrageous and unacceptable, but it's not good for the other children at school to witness that.

December 15, 2010 6:50 PM

I could have predicted this years ago, that these children would be violent. On the show, they would hit each other often, on the head or with a toy. I remember one ep where one of the boys pushed one of the girls off of the plastic picnic table they having lunch at. Kate's reaction was to yell at them "Hug!!". Huh?

These poor kids have no foundation what so ever. No one has taken the time to teach them right from wrong. This is where family would have come in handy. If they had family influences in their lives, maybe they would have been better off. We certainly know Aunt Jodi was a loving influence until she was barred by Kate. Maybe Jon's mother could have played a roll in their lives and passed on some of her wisdom, maybe even Jon's siblings. But no, Kate had to isolate them from anyone who would have true meaning in their lives.

Anon725 said... 76

"It's December 15th. There are no holidays for over a week. If you're going to accuse Kate of lying, you really should tell the truth yourself."


Not true. This is known as the "holiday season," and it extends through New Year's Day. It's not just December 25 or January 1 that are considered holidays. Their holiday break begins on Monday. There are activities going on at school right now, and if she's flying all over the country, she's missing those. Not that it really matters, because she doesn't support the kids in their school activities anyway.

Mimi to 3 said... 77

There is NO proof she is in LA right now, just an obscure report from someone without a name or source. Not that I doubt her being anywhere but at home with her kids, but just someone saying 'she is in LA' is not proof. Actually, the kids are far better off when she is not at home. The way she behaved on Sunday's show was demented. People like her should not have children.

wayward said... 78

Administrator said: ..."I think it was only a matter of a time before the insiders couldn't bite their tongues anymore and let America think that this was not all KATE'S fault like it really was. That's tough. The source snapped and dished to Radar."
This could not have been handled any worse than it was. If Kate would have stuck to her initial privacy BS and said nothing else, I think it might have blown over. But when she goes on national TV TWICE, blaming everybody but herself with a crappy smirk on her face, she opened a huge can of worms. The parents of the affected children are surely hurt and angry by her boldfaced lies, fingerpointing and refusal to own what her children have done. And you're right, I'm sure the parents are leaking info as a result and I don't blame them. Why is Kate allowed to lie and blame and point fingers at whomever she wants, while she makes people she comes in contact with sign a legal document vowing they won't do the same to her? ~ Administrator said... 79

I think if Kate played her cards right she could have kept this entire thing a secret and no one would be the wiser. I think people would be surprised the things that have been kept quiet and discreet by various celebrities who know how to do it.

If it's Jon, if she didn't treat him like dirt maybe he wouldn't be leaking stories. If it's other parents, if she had good relationships with them I doubt people would be leaking things. People who love and adore you don't usually leak bad things about you.

Anonymous said... 80

Administrator said...

I think it kind of irritates me Kate acts like Americans are a bunch of celebrity obsessed oogly ga-ga over her and her kids. Like public schools are slums with people just like this. Get over yourself.

I have never understood why people gush over celebrities. They are no better than the average person. Sure, they have more money. That's it. Money doesn't make you better than anyone. In the end? If all you care about is fame and glitz? Well, that's pretty sad. Kate hit the lottery with 8 healthy beautiful kids. There shouldn't be a price tag on their heads.

There is no way in hell Kate will be able to shut the twins up in a year maybe 2. They will speak out. Kids always do, in their own little ways.


Sandy said... 81

Maryanne said... If she can show they have matured and are now able to interact with others non-violently I believe the school will accept them back. That may be the "mutual" agreement.
Would the school take them back? What's the advantage to the school of having them there? I doubt there's much upside.

What's the risk? One risk that I see is that Katie goes on national TV and makes disparaging remarks against the school.

There has GOT to be a lot of opposition from faculty and parents to having the Gosselins in that school. If it were me making the decision, I would recommend not taking them back and hope the others would leave.

Audible Click said... 82

This comment was interesting.

Dec 15, 2010 @ 07:40 pm
Anonymous said:

I can say with complete certainty that yes, she's lying about it. My sister is an administrator for a partner private school in the area and knows with 100% certainty that things are NOT as Kate has portrayed to the media. Let's just say there are many concerned professionals -- and other parents -- in the PA area.

Karen said... 83

Why did the Today show give Kate a forum to spew her lies? What is the connection that allows this to happen over and over again? It is sickening, really. The only way I know to help the children is to "vote with our remotes." Any other ideas? Some people say that giving the Gosselins any attention, good or bad, is keeping them in the limelight. Right or wrong? I'm ready to "stick a fork in it." I have dealt with special needs children and never was attacked by a little one. Things are terribly wrong with this family. Kate has eliminated from the kids lives anyone who could help. She has to keep total control. That's her problem and in the end she will lose any control she thought she had. Time will tell the truth. It always does. She needs the help of a good "shrink." She'll never get it because she doesn't want to be told what to do especially if it contradicts what she wants to do or has done. Her thinking is "messed up." Or, we are being played once again to keep her in the limelight. Remember, it's all about "her."

Starz22 said... 84

Kate lied?? OMFG NO WAY!!! -snark off.

So how does kate get away this all this crap? The proof is out there.The kids are having major issues and kate is the one who has all the control.Kate says she is the only one raising these kids and yet its everybody elses fault.

Why isnt anyone calling kate out? Please dont take this wrong.This is a woman who has 8 kids.She lives in a small PA town.She is not a BIG celeb.Why arnt the teachers reporting the kids antics to someone? Isnt this thier job?They know about rotted sandwiches...the kids outbursts...violent outburts.This didnt just happen once.

I would have no problem reporting what I would see as "red flags" to someone.This is kate gosselin afterall.She is not a star.I could see being scared about calling out Angie or Madonna,you know real celebs with power.WTF does kate have? Why are people in her state so afraid to call this woman out?

These kids are begging for someone to help them.And yet...kate walks away un-blemished.I guess I just dont understand the fear people have for/from kate.

Kartie Dearest said... 85

Sarah Palin will be on Good Morning America on Friday. I'm not sure if it's a live or taped interview. In any case, I hope that some mention of the Gosselin episode is made and no sugar coating is done.

overthehill said... 86

can anyone remember the episode were they were organising the basement and the children were screaming and shouting upstairs .kate laughed it off.
these children have to many carers they should have consistency not an absentee mother

Daughter of a Narcissist said... 87

I'm fairly new and there's something I don't understand... The sheeple are claiming Jon is behind the leak about "what really happened" regarding the expulsion. What I'm getting from the comments I'm reading here is that they are NOT disputing this new "truth" but blaming Jon for bringing it to light. If I'm understanding this correctly, they don't care at all about Kate lying or the children having terrible problems, ONLY that JON exposed information? I'm assuming their outrage would be over Jon getting paid for his information? Wow. If this is accurate, they really are sheeple!

Vanessa said... 88

You know, she will probably in the end blame the "fame" for her children's problems. (and I mean the VERY end, when she's gone down the list of excuses EXCLUDING herself) But from what we saw on the camping with Palin episode, there were NO paps, NO fans, NO haters, NO crowds, NO Jon, NO NOTHING except her higness and some very gracious people. I don't remember the last time we saw those kids behaving so well as with the Palin clan. She is a cold-hearted, controlling, possesive, exploitive, childish, insufferable person. She was NOT doing everything for her kids, she is NOT a STRONG woman who will tackle anything life throws at her. Being a mother is the last thing on her list. THIS is why her kids are in the trouble they are in. She IS a narcissist raising these kids, ALL BY HERSELF.
The two who were expelled? WHAT is going to happen to them in a few years?

BerksPa said... 89

I can say with all honesty, that I have not seen Kate drop the kids off at the bus stop this week like she normally does.
Not to add flame to the rumor fire of her being in LA. She could be sedated in her little Master Suite right now after the S.P.A. fiasco on Sunday.

LancNative said... 90

These kids are begging for someone to help them.And yet...kate walks away un-blemished.I guess I just dont understand the fear people have for/from kate.


Obviously the school didn't cater to her every whim and told her, under no uncertain terms, that the kids had to be withdrawn. Her "celebrity" status did no good. She could have screamed and thrown a fit about having to remove them, but in the end, she had to take them out, so the school isn't afraid of Kate.

Betsy said... 91

I am so glad that her lies are now catching up with her, finally. As for her heading to LA with her boyfriend in tow for the Holiday Season, what could one expect from a greedy, selfish fame-ho. This is when the kids need family and stability and yet she gives them two teenage nannies who may have already quit after the first day. Let Jon move into the kids house and raise them kids and let her live under a bridge for all I care, she sucks as a mother.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 92

Taken from the comment section in Hollybaby website:


Posted at 8:42 PM on December 15, 2010

I live near this family and those of us who know them, see them daily know exactly what this woman’s agenda is. She is the most rude, obnoxious, ignorant and demanding person we have ever encountered. We hoped, against all odds that when they moved here, they would be here for just a short time after having to endure her arrogant and absolute rudeness to any of us when we reached out to her.

Things the tabloids overlook would curl your hair the way this woman treats her children when the cameras aren’t there. There was, for instance one day while Kate was was with her twins and how she totally berated them for not walking quickly enough for her as she was heading into the Giant Food store. She nearly picked her daughter up by her shoulder as she yelled at her like she was an animal.

On another occasion, Kate was parked at a gas pump, not even pumping gas and looking around like she was waiting for someone. Sure enough, a young male pulled up in a Nissan, got out of the car, adjusted his camera lense, gave her the thumbs up sign and then she began to pump gas, acting like she was annoyed. Funny thing was, she kept swiping her card in the pump and still couldn’t get the pum to turn on. She motioned to the photographer to stop.

We sat there watching her as she walked into the station and began motioning in a frantic way. We don’t know what she was saying or what transpired but she must have paid with cash as she came back outside in a huff, went to her Toyota and began to pump the gas. She looked over at her photographer and gave him a thumbs up and he began to focus the lense on her once again while she looked away, pretending to be annoyed.

When she finished pumping gas, she walked up to the photographer and they engaged in conversation and then she walked back to her car, pulled away and he followed her. An obviously staged photo op.'

Hippie Chick said... 93

Admin, I agree. They CAN go to public schools. Isn't it Kate who calls Chris anyways. Or are we just under that assumption? There are several famous kids that go to public schools & they are fine. Um, Madonna's kids...!! Kate just thinks she is all high & mighty.

About her getting interviewed by someone who will call her out; First of all, TLC or her PR person picks & chooses who will do it & pre-picks the questions. We all know they do that & we all know Kate has her answers at the ready. She always answers with an "Honestly this" or "Honestly that", which we also know begins a lie. If Kate truly wanted to keep this quiet, she would have. She dug her own grave here. Yes, someone should interview her if Kate HONESTLY wants to clear the air, but no fluff, no earpiece, & someone who will ask her follow up questions, & someone with integrity. BUT, IMO, she should keep her fat mouth shut. This should remain a private matter, but we all know Kate can't help herself. She has to "clear the air", time & time again, & it always makes her looks worse & worse. Let her. Again, she keeps digging a hole she will never get out of. I wonder if Jon is sitting back just biding his time. He must be worried sick though. I can't imagine what he must be feeling; he must feel helpless, knowing his kids are in trouble & want to be w/ him. The tides are turning though...

Behind the scenes said... 94

Starz22, there is someone who comes here using the name "anon on this" who seems to be in the know. This person has posted that things ARE being done behind the scenes "quietly."

As much as I'd like to see the cops pull up to her house, drag her out, screaming and yelling, throw handcuffs on her and put her in jail, things don't happen that way. Based on the amount of info that's coming out from "sources" it would seem to me there are people out there that have had it with her and are speaking out.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 95

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

LancasterMOM said...

"On another occasion, Kate was parked at a gas pump, not even pumping gas and looking around like she was waiting for someone. Sure enough, a young male pulled up in a Nissan, got out of the car, adjusted his camera lense, gave her the thumbs up sign and then she began to pump gas, acting like she was annoyed. Funny thing was, she kept swiping her card in the pump and still couldn’t get the pum to turn on. She motioned to the photographer to stop."


This SO verifies what we have long suspected! Thanks for re-posting, Pink Strait Jacket.

Stop the madness said... 96

Or, we are being played once again to keep her in the limelight. Remember, it's all about "her."

Of course we're being played to keep her out there. Anyone who doesn't believe that is in as much denial as Kate. Where would Kate be today without paps, tabloids and blogs?

Catherine said... 97

To those who say Kate needs therapy or mental health help: Kate has a severe, as severe as you can get, personality disorder. No therapy, no medicine, can cure someone's personality. She will be an evil, malignant narcissist until the day she dies. Has anyone here tried to change your personality? It's who you are. It's who she is. We only see it more clearly because her inflated ego doesn't even try to hide it any longer. Not that she ever hid it well, but it's obvious to even the most dense people now. The only sheeple left are those who share that personality and feel justified by Kate's behavior.

The only hope for those kids is Jon. He doesn't need to leak information about her to turn the public against her. The public doesn't matter. Only a family law judge matters. Jon has ample evidence against her, but the wheels of justice do turn very slowly, and she has enough resources to delay the inevitable, but Jon will get custody and Kate will have to pay ample child support.

The leakers are purposely using poor grammar, no capitalization at the start of sentences to disguise their writing style. I have good reason to believe the leakers are a teacher or teachers who just can't take it anymore. They may not be able to report her for leaving her kids for week upon week with a nineteen year-old, (Kate has to let the school know if she is out of town during her custody time) but they want the word out. Can you imagine how frustrated they are? They know these children personally! Look how upset people are who have never met the kids! Teachers teach because they love children. They've seen her in action and they can't bear it any longer.

I don't know if the kids can be salvaged. I think that's up to God's grace alone. Pray for those children, please!

Tucker's Mom said... 98

Yesterday's Oprah featured famous people trying out their "dream career". For Angie Harmon, is was to be a homicide detective, so she spent time talking about her experience with the medical examiners office, etc.
After, Oprah asked her about her family and acting career. Here's an excerpt from the show, taken from Oprah' website.
When you read this, compare and contrast these thoughts to the actions of Kate Gosselin, and keep in mind that Harmon was very, very emotional when speaking of her children. She was sobbing-her heart so full of love.
The medical examiners at the National Forensic Academy were so impressed with Angie's curiosity, they wanted to hire her! "And I would take the job," Angie says. For now though, Angie is satisfied with just playing the role of a homicide detective.

Just before she was offered the role on Rizzoli & Isles, Angie says she was thinking of walking away from show business to become a full-time mom to her three young daughters. "There's a part of me that just thought I need to get them out of L.A. and to be a full-time mommy," she says. "I'm not saying there's anything wrong with Los Angeles or California. It just moves so quickly, and I'm not a perfect parent. I need for their surroundings to make up for the things I lack, not contribute to it. "

Angie and her family moved to North Carolina to enjoy a slower-paced life. Now, for five months out of the year she works on Rizzoli & Isles, and she spends the rest of her time as a mom. Angie can now say moving across country was the right decision. "They deserve a childhood," she says."
Harmon also became emotional when talking about how one of her children began to blossom and become this wonderful, outgoing individual. She stated (paraphrasing), "Their personalities are developed by the time they're 6".
Yes, they are...but there's still hope if Jon stays the course.

Barb said... 99

The sheeple are not only saying that Jon is the source behind the ROL story, but also that none of it is true (Kate is just a wonderful, wonderful mother) and that Jon (and Ellen) are making up lies to make Kate look bad.
They are beyond help.

cathy518 said... 100

So if the rumours are true and she is in LA, more plastic surgery perhaps? Rehab? (god knows some kind of intervention is needed)What kind of show biz work would really be offered to her now? I would be shocked if TLC paid for her to go to Australia/New Zealand at this point. I can't see Jon giving permission for the kids to leave the country. But I keep thinking of that remark Kate made about visiting Austria with the kids after watching sound of music. Was she laying down the groundwork for this trip then? (Austria/Australia may just be mixed up by the "source") Boy just what these emotionally fragile kids need, being dragged on a trip like this. Kate doesn't even pretend to keep track of them anymore. I would be concerned about their physical safety in a strange country.I have to wonder if they could be doing any worse emotionally no matter where they are as long as they are with their so called "mother"

kate's scary said... 101

Administrator said...

I think if Kate played her cards right she could have kept this entire thing a secret and no one would be the wiser. I think people would be surprised the things that have been kept quiet and discreet by various celebrities who know how to do it.

Not sure I understand what you're saying. Kate could NOT have played her cards any differently than she did...unless she had some kind of epiphany! She's a hardcore, never-will-change narcissist who thinks everything she does is right. She has no concept of doing things any differently than she's does them. There are no cards to play, no options in Kate's mind. What she says and does is RIGHT (in her mind). ~ Administrator said... 102

I'm waiting for her to blame tlc. She will. When they cut her off soon.

watcher said... 103

Catherine, excellent post! Thank you.

Enough said... 104

Catherine said...

To those who say Kate needs therapy or mental health help: Kate has a severe, as severe as you can get, personality disorder. No therapy, no medicine, can cure someone's personality. She will be an evil, malignant narcissist until the day she dies. Has anyone here tried to change your personality? It's who you are. It's who she is. We only see it more clearly because her inflated ego doesn't even try to hide it any longer. Not that she ever hid it well, but it's obvious to even the most dense people now. The only sheeple left are those who share that personality and feel justified by Kate's behavior.

The only hope for those kids is Jon. He doesn't need to leak information about her to turn the public against her. The public doesn't matter. Only a family law judge matters. Jon has ample evidence against her, but the wheels of justice do turn very slowly, and she has enough resources to delay the inevitable, but Jon will get custody and Kate will have to pay ample child support.

The leakers are purposely using poor grammar, no capitalization at the start of sentences to disguise their writing style. I have good reason to believe the leakers are a teacher or teachers who just can't take it anymore. They may not be able to report her for leaving her kids for week upon week with a nineteen year-old, (Kate has to let the school know if she is out of town during her custody time) but they want the word out. Can you imagine how frustrated they are? They know these children personally! Look how upset people are who have never met the kids! Teachers teach because they love children. They've seen her in action and they can't bear it any longer.


If teachers are leaking the stories, they should be ashamed of themselves. There are proper channels to go through if you suspect child abuse and the protocol does not include running to the tabloids.

Not Watching said... 105

My son has gone to two private schools and has had his own share of problems since he is ADHD. This is my thoughts on the school situation:

More then likely the school bent over backwards for Khate and TLC. It lent their school some status to have “famous” students, and of course the tuition that 8 little moneybags brings. We also don’t know what (but I suspect yes) if additional money was given to the school since the children as reality stars posed special problems for the school due to the filming schedule etc…

However, no matter how much money or influence one parent has, other parents will, if their children are attacked physically or verbally, speak out and start talking about pulling their own children out of the school.

Over time I feel these incidents continued to such a frequency it must have caused many other parents to complain, putting the school’s administration in a position they could no longer defend. Especially if the school had bent over backwards with special monitors and staff to help the kids and still no progress in improving their behavior.

When it comes to attacking an adult, the reality is that a kicking, screaming kid throwing a full out temper tantrum must be restrained but in a gentle way. This can result in an adult getting hurt – you can get scratched, punched in the eye, have your glasses broken, be bitten, be slapped etc… and you cannot – as the adult – retaliate. That is the real reason a 6 year old can hurt an adult, so yes, I can believe that could happen.

Personally, I think parents or staff, disgusted with Khate, leaked this information. It does Jon more harm to have this out there, then good. OTOH, if I was a parent whose kid had been repeatedly attacked and then I was told by the school to keep quiet about it, and then see Khate on television with her lies, I would be infuriated!

I wonder how that judge, who granted Khate the ability to keep filming her children, sleeps at night? What a jackass.

Enough said... 106

wayward said...

This could not have been handled any worse than it was. If Kate would have stuck to her initial privacy BS and said nothing else, I think it might have blown over. But when she goes on national TV TWICE, blaming everybody but herself with a crappy smirk on her face, she opened a huge can of worms. The parents of the affected children are surely hurt and angry by her boldfaced lies, fingerpointing and refusal to own what her children have done. And you're right, I'm sure the parents are leaking info as a result and I don't blame them.


If it is fellow parents, I most certainly blame them. You don't use children to get back at their parents. None of this information about the children should ever have become public knowledge. Whoever leaked the information is despicable.

Sport said... 107

"If teachers are leaking the stories, they should be ashamed of themselves. There are proper channels to go through if you suspect child abuse and the protocol does not include running to the tabloids."


I dont agree. Enduring 2 years of her behavior is hardly RUNNING to the tabloids. At some point someone has to speak up. It's about time.

I love the Life & Style report that the kids want to move in with dad instead.

Catherine said... 108

If the teachers see Kate in action, and everything she does is horrific and sick, but walks a fine line between awful parenting and legal child abuse, what can the teachers do? Talk to Kate? That would be like banging your head on a brick wall. Talk to Jon? What can he do but wait for another court date? I don't blame them a bit for trying to get the word out any way they can. Drastic times call for drastic measures. This exploitation hasn't been seen since the Dionne's. There's no precedence for this freak show called the Gosselins in the last 50 years. What else can they do?? Have Kate arrested for being a self-centered bitch? Good luck with that.

Enough said... 109

Sport said...

I dont agree. Enduring 2 years of her behavior is hardly RUNNING to the tabloids. At some point someone has to speak up.


If they want to bitch about Kate to the tabloids, that's one thing. A bit tacky, in my opinion, but whatever. Discussing the children is another matter entirely. Why does someone have to speak publicly about the children's school behavior?

Gossellin8ComeFirst said... 110

Enough said... Sport said...

I dont agree. Enduring 2 years of her behavior is hardly RUNNING to the tabloids. At some point someone has to speak up.


If they want to bitch about Kate to the tabloids, that's one thing. A bit tacky, in my opinion, but whatever. Discussing the children is another matter entirely. Why does someone have to speak publicly about the children's school behavior?

Because Kate will not do what is right for her kids, only herself, and it about time someone calls Kate out on her poor choices to film the kids, when they clearly have issues. It is not about Kate but what is best for the kids, and these kids do not have ANY choice whatsoever, as their mother does what is best for her. Not the kids.It is and has always been about what is best for Kate. Get a clue.

Enough said... 111

This kind of krap happens all the time. Some despicable low-life is getting away with whatever, and the people we hold in high esteem and trust, physicians, lawyers, teachers cannot speak out. It makes it look like the bad guys always win. Combine that with how slowly the wheels of justice turn and it all looks hopeless. Although Kate’s bad behavior needs to be factored in during custody hearings, do we want the “leaders” of our communities being anonymous “tipsters?”

Do we even know that Jon is asking for full custody of his 8 kids? I’m not saying he isn’t or shouldn’t. I’m saying there is a whole lot we don’t know. Some people seem to think they have all the answers. Jon gets custody, moves into the big house and Kate pays him child support. Well, that’s not going happen overnight and we don’t even know if it’s being considered.

I just wish it would all stop and all the Gosselins and their myriad problems would go away or be allowed to fight it all out in private. A couple hundred lookie-loos don’t help matters one bit.

Enough said... 112

Gossellin8ComeFirst said...

Because Kate will not do what is right for her kids, only herself, and it about time someone calls Kate out on her poor choices to film the kids, when they clearly have issues. It is not about Kate but what is best for the kids, and these kids do not have ANY choice whatsoever, as their mother does what is best for her. Not the kids.It is and has always been about what is best for Kate. Get a clue.


There is no need to tell me to "get a clue" because I disagree that leaking stories about the children is in their best interest. I'm still waiting for someone to explain exactly how the children have benefited from having their school behavior publicly exposed.

AuntieAnn said... 113

BerksPa said... She could be sedated in her little Master Suite right now after the S.P.A. fiasco on Sunday.
That crossed my mind too and I can just see the gigolo sitting there with her giving her the old pep talk telling her she has to buck up and pull herself together the way he did in the back of the limo when she decided to have a meltdown rather than face the music, literally. She calls herself a strong woman but she is quite the opposite. Whenever she's faced with a problem like this she withdraws into her childish mode. There's a term for that too... it's called puerilism.

Sport said... 114

'Enough' -

Why do you assume a parent/teacher leaked this story? I can see a situation where a frustrated teacher vents to a friend or someone and that person passes it on.

No matter - its out, and instead of trying to deflect this situation into the 'leakers' fault why dont you focus your attention at the Shrew of a mother who allows this to happen, doesnt have a clue or desire to correct it, and then on top of it all goes OUT OF HER WAY to run to the TV shows to DENY IT.

At least you bit your tongue and resisted your desire to blame Jon for living in a 1br or Ellen for being 'fugly.'

Sport said... 115

"I'm still waiting for someone to explain exactly how the children have benefited from having their school behavior publicly exposed."


They live their lives on TV thanks to their Mommie Dearest! The damn mother exposes their entire lives to get PAID. Are you delusional? This is ALL a byproduct of kHATE insisting those kids live their lives in a fishbowl for $$. Stories dont have to be leaked - the wretched mother FILMS everything.

The Truman Show anyone?

You make ridiculous, inconsistent comments.
I also agree you need to get a clue.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 116


as sad and intrusive it is, word does get around in schools. You are right, personal information is not supposed to be "leaked out". But if enough people witnessed the offense, and it is serious enough to make parents, students, teachers, and neighbors talk about it to each other, they will. Neighbors, parents/students were already talking about Kate and her family, before the expulsion, so most likely, everyone is FED UP with the whole Kate Gosselin & family crap. After a while of enduring crap, you would be surprised how indifferent a human being can become.

From what information has been gathered, I think everyone in the neighborhood/school district has had it, and is ready to stop this runaway train by speaking up.

Sorry, I know it is difficult to process- especially when children are involved.
I used to say "Kate must have pissed off a bunch of people", now I KNOW Kate pissed (and continues to piss off) everyone around her.

It looks like people are just done with the whole family in general.

Laura D. said... 117

Hi Pink,

More stories such as the one you posted from “LancasterMOM” should leak out, we love them. Sounds like that witness sat there and watched for a long time. BUT sadly, as far as the Kate supporters are concerned, unless it comes out of Kate’s mouth it’s a “lie” or a “rumor.” What needs to happen is the witness should pull out a cell phone and record the incident, then post it on Youtube. Kate needs to be exposed and stopped, but one video is better than 1,000 stories. It’s much harder to go on TV and “set the record straight” when the act is captured on video. Hell, if her town is crawling with paps like Kate says, why doesn’t a rival pap catch Kate and Chris in one of their phony acts and sell THAT to ROL?

Anon725 said... 118

"I can say with complete certainty that yes, she's lying about it."


She's not lying about the kids being "expelled." It's a matter of semantics. Kindergarten doesn't expel students. What she is not telling the truth about is that it was a mutual decision. It goes down on the kids' records as a mandatory withdrawl, not expulsion.

Mom In Lancaster County said... 119

"I'm still waiting for someone to explain exactly how the children have benefited from having their school behavior publicly exposed."


You don't understand that? It shows that the kids' behavior is a direct reflection on their mother's lack of parenting; how her exploitation of them has resulted in anger/rage issues to the point of physically hurting others. That speaks volumes. Perhaps in the long run, the kids will have benefited because they may finally get the help they need. She cannot sweep this under the carpet any longer.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 120

Honestly, I do not know when Kate Plus 8's next episode is scheduled to air, but the best remedy to put an end to her ratings, and to get her off the air with the kids, is TO NOT WATCH THE SHOW! We are all adults, but if the ratings tank, we actually impact on the continuation of this show, as chances are poor ratings means the show may end or desist once and for all. And since we all care about the kids, this might be the best contribution we each can make by NOT WATCHING FUTURE SHOWS.

Mistletoe and Holly said... 121

"Starz22, there is someone who comes here using the name "anon on this" who seems to be in the know. This person has posted that things ARE being done behind the scenes "quietly.""


This poster hasn't given us anything that we don't already know or haven't suspected. It's all very nebulous. I'm waiting for some information that any anonymous poster couldn't make us...something with facts that can be substantiated. Anyone could say that things are being done behind the scenes. I think we all probably know that. It tells us nothing.

Yex said... 122

Enough said...

There is no need to tell me to "get a clue" because I disagree that leaking stories about the children is in their best interest. I'm still waiting for someone to explain exactly how the children have benefited from having their school behavior publicly exposed.


IMHO, the question you are asking is reflecting the paradoxical situation the children are in. They are being used as a shield against any criticism aimed at Kate (and, to some extent, Jon) - it is not fair to attack someone with 8 kids (you didn't walk a mile in their shoes), it is not fair to kids themselves, etc. Any information that describes troubles the kids get into, or their (bad) behaviour, is automatically discarded and labeled as "harmful for the kids".
However, to try to answer your question, IMO, the faith of the show directly depends on weather the kids appear to be comfortable with the filming. Kate's income also depends on that image, and it is her job to make sure that the public thinks that everything is all right in Gosselin family. Personally, I believe that the kids are under a lot of pressure because of the filming. This summer was really busy for them (plus, they are probably very sad about their parents' divorce). They appear to be reacting to that pressure, and Kate is again trying to deny that filming has anything to do with it - because it will be the end of the show. She blamed the divorce, said that she has to call Jon first, and so on, but when asked about the filming - said that only good things came out of it.
So, now, if you are somehow involved with the kids (as a teacher, or a nanny, for example), and you see that the filming is not so good for them, and nobody dares (or wants) to tell Kate about their fears that the kids might suffer greatly if the show continues (TLC certainly has no interest in cancelling their moneymaking show) - what do you do? Go to the CPS? According to some "insiders", it has been done, with no results. Tell the relatives? Are they even involved in kids' lives anymore?
It is a no-win situation, anything you do might harm the kids - trashing the mother, trashing the father, trashing TLC, talking about kids' problems, etc. But, I certainly wouldn't say that a 6 years old child, especially the Gosselin children, should feel embarrassed about being asked to leave the school for a while - to me, it just means that their lives are very complicated at the moment (because of the filming and media exposure) and they need help and privacy above all. It is really hard to find the way to show the audience that not everything is allright, many people believe only what Kate says, and leaking stories (for some)seems like the only way to help.

Please, excuse my English. :)

fidosmommy said... 123

I'm still waiting for someone to explain exactly how the children have benefited from having their school behavior publicly exposed.


It could be the one thing that gets Kate to see that her children have "issues" that need to be addressed by a therapist. While she said that some were seeing a therapist, this whole thing begs more more than what they were getting.

Sometimes you have to be shaken up in order to see reality. This very public exposure may be Kate's shake up. Especially since she first handled it by denying it. Now more info is coming out and her hand is being forced to see
things as they really are. Now, will she? That is the question.

If this had gone unexposed, Kate would most likely continue to live in her fantasy about her kids, and things might have gone completely out of hand. I am thankful that the first word on the aggressive behavior of 2 children was not a mainstream media report of a child being stabbed in the eye (ear, throat, hand) with a pencil by another child in his/her posh PA school.

This is a wake up call. Get the kids help. We know they have issues, and we are begging for them to be lifted out of this chaos.

I'm glad it's out in the open. Eyes will be glued to Kate Gosselin's handling of this. She must accept some major responsibility.

We are responsible for the welfare of children.
It's what societies do. We cannot say that it is none of our business when children are being
agressive toward other human beings. It's time to nip the behavior in the bud. If Kate won't,
the rest of us will push harder.

anon on this said... 124

After the last raking over the coals some of you gave me, I decided I was done here, but I am the one who told you that the incidents at school involved children AND adults. It was not just a teacher, but also the 1:1 adult companions that were assigned to C & A. I will say it again; the behaviors that are being displayed are mimicing their mother - her sneers, her hand and finger flipping, her tone, her disdain, even her strutting. And yes, her CONSTANT hitting and pinching of the children, THEY are now doing to others including adults.

At some point the information seems like it will come out about the tantrums Kate threw at the school, how she complained long and hard about how they wouldnt allow Steve to handle things for her, even her tantrums at the kids (in front of others) for making her look bad and ruining her 'career'.

Bringing this stuff to light IS helping the children. Kate was on the verge of taking this road show to another network and that offer is being rescinded. A NEW network. yes that is what I mean.

I think I know where the leaks are coming from and I dont think it is Jon.

When I said this last time, I said that 2 were pressuring Jon to help them leave their mother's house. It is up to 4 children now. They are very serious. It is causing problems between the siblings, it is all very awful.

I cant comment on November 30th until someone else does, publicly.

I am aquainted with someone involved.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 125

Laura D. said...

More stories such as the one you posted from “LancasterMOM” should leak out, we love them. Sounds like that witness sat there and watched for a long time. BUT sadly, as far as the Kate supporters are concerned, unless it comes out of Kate’s mouth it’s a “lie” or a “rumor.” What needs to happen is the witness should pull out a cell phone and record the incident, then post it on Youtube. Kate needs to be exposed and stopped, but one video is better than 1,000 stories. It’s much harder to go on TV and “set the record straight” when the act is captured on video. Hell, if her town is crawling with paps like Kate says, why doesn’t a rival pap catch Kate and Chris in one of their phony acts and sell THAT to ROL?


Hey Laura D :o)

I agree completely with you. What I find problematic with the die-hard sheeple is, if they insist that everything is a lie or rumour unless it comes out of Kate's mouth, they are in deep doo-doo. Kate is a known habitual liar. Therefore, the die-hard sheeple will never know the truth, and will forever be in a perpetual state of denial. No matter how bad it looks for Katie Irene, they will always support their saint Kate.

Good luck to them- if that is what they wish to do, but Kate is being exposed anyway- and because of that, the Gosselin 8 (and pup) will have a better chance at living an authentic life.

Audible Click said... 126

I sincerely hope that Kate and whatever PR machine she still has, will not be able to spin this debacle. If they try it will be akin to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Her supporters seemed to have dwindled to a handful of rabid fans. The rest of us can only sit here and worry about the children and the dog. A friend of mine once described an Narcissistic acquaintance of ours as "FIG JAM". I asked him what he meant and he said it stood for "F Me I'm Good, Just Ask Me". I think that describes Kate to a T.

Crispy Bacon said... 127

I think if I was the parent of a child being bullied by one of the Gosselins, I would be livid after witnessing Kate on national television denying things and saying everything is wonderful with her children. The Gosselin kids are not the only ones who should be protected. All children are entitled to attend school in a safe environment without being bullied. What Kate needs to realize is that the parents of children at the school are not going to kiss her ass and protect her.

Sandy said... 128

I'm still waiting for someone to explain exactly how the children have benefited from having their school behavior publicly exposed.
There is no benefit to the Gosselins but look at it from a different POV. A perfectly valid reason that many people send their children to private K - 6 schools is not for the educational benefits per say, but to keep them away from the riff-raff. So a family is sending their child to this Lancaster based private school and low and behold there is not only riff-raff, but a whole lot of riff-raff. It is not common for anyone to get expelled from kindergarten, so I imagine that having the G's in the school is drama out the ying yang that the paying customers don't want, need or are paying for.

Let's take it a step further. The problem is partially solved in that the trouble makers (riff-raff) are removed............but some misguided soul wants to offer to take them back into school...........and the mother is drawing all kinds of unwanted attention to the school.............and lying about the situation.

So, the last thing a person with this particular POV wants is to have the two trouble makers back, and it would be nice if the rest of them left, so why not stir up the hornets nest and tell the truth and see what happens. Let the Gosselins look for a new school, it's better than having to find another suitable educational alternative for themselves.

marie said... 129

fidosmommy said... I'm still waiting for someone to explain exactly how the children have benefited from having their school behavior publicly exposed.

The only positive outcome is that maybe some pressure will be brought on TLC to cancel this show and let the children heal and have their privacy. I don't think Kate will do that unless TLC forces her to. I don't think Kate "gets it" yet.

kate's scary said... 130

For those who think that this kind of exposure and scrutiny may bring Kate to her senses, you're hoping for something that isn't going to happen. If you read the experiences people have shared who have lived with family who have NPD and go on the internet and read about it:

you will get a good understanding of how futile it is to try and get these narcissistic people to see the error or their ways, admit it and change.

What will happen? said... 131

I would love to know how a group of bloggers is going to "push harder" and what the expected results are supposed to be. ~ Administrator said... 132

Actually my question is just the opposite, how has it helped the children all this time when most people in their lives have kept quiet about what's wrong here? Seems to me the more hush-hush everything is the worse it gets.

Audible Click said... 133

kate's scary said... For those who think that this kind of exposure and scrutiny may bring Kate to her senses, you're hoping for something that isn't going to happen. If you read the experiences people have shared who have lived with family who have NPD and go on the internet and read about it:

you will get a good understanding of how futile it is to try and get these narcissistic people to see the error or their ways, admit it and change.
Thanks for the link. I consider this a "must read". It really gives us insight into the pathology of Kate.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 134

What will happen? said...

I would love to know how a group of bloggers is going to "push harder" and what the expected results are supposed to be.


By "we", does NOT just signify the bloggers- it's everyone that sees that something is seriously wrong in the Gosselin 8's world.

"We" represents Mr. Paul Petersen from "A Minor Consideration", it represents the viewers, parents, teachers, neighbors, friends (or ex-friends), politicians, doctors, business owners and family members that will not allow this mess to continue for one more minute.

***And by the way, I understand people are toying with the idea (or grasping at any straw) that it's all TLC's fault. And I do believe TLC is partly responsible for enabling that Frankenstein Kate monster- but Kate was well aware of everything- the $$$$$$, and the fame she would obtain with TLC's help. It would not surprise me if desperate Kate Gosselin ever gets it into her little, greedy, foul brain to blame TLC. Problem with that is that she admitted on her own show that she will continue without Jon, and that the show was not responsible for the disintegration of her marriage etc... She also damned herself (for any future lawsuits), because of all the t.v. and magazine interviews she gave, insisting that the show has been the best thing that ever happened, that she is grateful to TLC for the opportunities they have given her and her kids,insisting that the show must go on, that it's her job, insisting that the kids will fall apart if the taping is stopped, etc... etc... she was well aware of what she was doing. Plus, IT'S ALL ON TAPE by her own mouth! Betcha TLC has alot of dirt on her, stuff that would be better off not seen or spoken about. I'm sure that they have a pretty good case against her. Not only that, because of her over-exposure, everyone has seen, and now know what a mighty, mighty, crazy, untalented, nasty kook she is. No one will ever take her seriously in show business. And to boot, she has become a pariah in her own town- UNECCESSARILY, but all due to her nasty doing. She has SCREWED her own stupid self, all over again. A lawsuit against TLC will D.E.S.T.R.O.Y her.

Sorry for the rant.

Maggie said... 135

How many of the Gosselin school mates witnessed these "attacks" and outbursts from not one but two of the Gosselin kids. It makes sense that the parents of these kids probably have talked to their friends and relatives about what was going on in their children's school. I think it is reasonably to think it may have been the relatives or friends of the parents of the kids' school mates that told Radar Online that the kids attacked the teachers.

I think instead of blaming Jon, Ellen, teachers, or administrators for leaking the extreme behavior of the Gosslins' kids, why not think that it may have been one of the many relatives or friends that have heard from the parents of the kids that may have witnessed the attacks.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 136

anon on this said... After the last raking over the coals some of you gave me, I decided I was done here, but I am the one who told you that the incidents at school involved children AND adults. It was not just a teacher, but also the 1:1 adult companions that were assigned to C & A. I will say it again; the behaviors that are being displayed are mimicing their mother - her sneers, her hand and finger flipping, her tone, her disdain, even her strutting. And yes, her CONSTANT hitting and pinching of the children, THEY are now doing to others including adults.

At some point the information seems like it will come out about the tantrums Kate threw at the school, how she complained long and hard about how they wouldnt allow Steve to handle things for her, even her tantrums at the kids (in front of others) for making her look bad and ruining her 'career'.

Bringing this stuff to light IS helping the children. Kate was on the verge of taking this road show to another network and that offer is being rescinded. A NEW network. yes that is what I mean.

I think I know where the leaks are coming from and I dont think it is Jon.

When I said this last time, I said that 2 were pressuring Jon to help them leave their mother's house. It is up to 4 children now. They are very serious. It is causing problems between the siblings, it is all very awful.

I cant comment on November 30th until someone else does, publicly.

I am aquainted with someone involved.


You have every right to be here- do not let anyone get you down for speaking your truth.
Your insight is always appreciated, and helps us all understand better what is happening.

Please reconsider sticking around, and participating in the discussion with us here.

Take care-

Maggie said... 137

Anon, is Kate in Hollywood possibly working out a deal to be on TV again (other than TLC)? I can't understand why she would be in LA for nearly a week. It is frightening to me to think she is working on another project that may return her on an another TV show or project. Any news on that. Or another thought is maybe she is filming for her "Twist of Kate" show. Thank you for info and concern for the kids.

Anon 1 said... 138

Anon on this - I for one appreciate your posts sharing a small amount of behind the scenes info. At least it gives us 'hope' that Jon or someone(s) is quietly working on behalf of the kids.

Hippie Chick said... 139

fidosmommy said...
We are responsible for the welfare of children.
It's what societies do. We cannot say that it is none of our business when children are being
agressive toward other human beings. It's time to nip the behavior in the bud. If Kate won't,
the rest of us will push harder.

Obviously, if I saw something going down in a store involving a child, I would speak up, if I knew my friend's husband was beating her & her child, I would speak up, but the problem with the Gosselin kids is, what CAN we do? We don't watch, we don't click, nothing. How can we advocate for these kids? I honestly feel so bad for them, I do, and I don't know about any of you, but I sure feel powerless in helping them. There really isn't much we can do as a society to get them the help they so desperately need, to back Jon in his fight, to frazzle Kate, etc. We can write to sponsors, email talk shows, boycott TLC, everything seems for naught. How do we help the Gosselin kids?

Kate the Great...Whiner and Deflector said... 140

I sincerely hope that Kate and whatever PR machine she still has, will not be able to spin this debacle.

If they can't spin it, they just create a deflection i.e. Kate's new hairdo in the midst of media attention on the camping episode.

Give the media new Gosselin gossip to talk about instead of harping on the negative ones.

silimom said... 141

Kate was on the verge of taking this road show to another network and that offer is being rescinded. A NEW network. yes that is what I mean.
Anon, I take this to mean that TLC is on the verge of canceling her show (oh sorry, they don't cancel shows. They just stop filming and airing them). I also suspect the new network was perhaps Oprah's new network. I'm glad to hear that the offer is being rescinded.

Anon, thank you for the updates. I understand the conflict some people have with it, however as a long time observer of this dysfunctional woman and her family, I appreciate it. It gives me...hope is the only word that comes to mind, that while the process is slow, there are people in their lives working for their good.

I for one have no problem with you sharing information. The tabloids are getting half of their stories, it seems, from things posted in these blogs. In that regard, it helps the children and Jon, because it gets the truth out about what is really happening here.

I agree also with the commenter who suggested that the next time someone sees Kate laying into her kids, they need to take out their cell and film it. Posting on YouTube would certainly get the word out and again, would help Jon if there are truly four children now who would prefer to live with him, which doesn't surprise me. Admin, could he submit into evidence video footage posted publicly? Just curious.

And for those who say we need to stop watching, it really goes beyond that. We need to stop googling her as well. The fewer people who make her relevant the better.

Here's to keeping them all, even Kate, in prayer for peace, harmony, reconciliation (no, not that Kate and Jon get back together, just that they can start working together for the good of their kids) and most of all healing. Here's to a better 2011 for this family.

fade2black said... 142

I agree with kate's scary, nothing is going to make this woman admit anything; I am hopeful, however, that this latest round of revelations will move her enablers to finally act in children's interest.

Troy Chula Vista said... 143

This was the first comment in INF's site. Wish they would say more..

FYI-from a local
"I live near this family and those of us who know them, see them daily know exactly what this woman’s agenda is. She is the most rude, obnoxious, ignorant and demanding person we have ever encountered. We hoped, against all odds that when they moved here, they would be here for just a short time after having to endure her arrogant and absolute rudeness to any of us when we reached out to her.
"Things the tabloids overlook would curl your hair the way this woman treats her children when the cameras aren’t there. There was, for instance one day while Kate was was with her twins and how she totally berated them for not walking quickly enough for her as she was heading into the Giant Food store. She nearly picked her daughter up by her shoulder as she yelled at her like she was an animal.
"On another occasion, Kate was parked at a gas pump, not even pumping gas and looking around like she was waiting for someone. Sure enough, a young male pulled up in a Nissan, got out of the car, adjusted his camera lense, gave her the thumbs up sign and then she began to pump gas, acting like she was annoyed. Funny thing was, she kept swiping her card in the pump and still couldn’t get the pum to turn on. She motioned to the photographer to stop.
"We sat there watching her as she walked into the station and began motioning in a frantic way. We don’t know what she was saying or what transpired but she must have paid with cash as she came back outside in a huff, went to her Toyota and began to pump the gas. She looked over at her photographer and gave him a thumbs up and he began to focus the lense on her once again while she looked away, pretending to be annoyed.
"When she finished pumping gas, she walked up to the photographer and they engaged in conversation and then she walked back to her car, pulled away and he followed her. An obviously staged photo op.'"

and by the way... the sheeple still blame Jon & Ellen for the "leak" someone else pointed out, who cares if it was them.... bad mothering is still bad mothering.

Gosselin Gossip said... 144

anon on this, I'm sorry to hear you were done with this blog because I appreciated your efforts in providing an insider perspective of what's going on in the Gosselin household and providing additional info/facts that Kate purposely omits.

It doesn't surprise me that Kate tried/is trying to move to another network. However, TLC must have a clause in her contract giving them exclusive rights.

What do you mean by "new network"? Like a new start-up such as Oprah's OWN network (not specifically hers but one that will eventually appear on cable in the near future)?

Although it wouldn't surprise me if she did try to pitch her show to Oprah and, wisely, it was rescinded.

Kat said... 145

Anon, I, for one am very interested in what you have to say. You seem to be holding back a little. But do appreciate any inside info. To say the's interesting.

Mimi to 3 said... 146

Anon on this: November 30 was the last court date, right? Just wanted to make sure that is what you were referring to. This whole situation has gone into total unbelievability. How can people sit still and quiet when she is seen behaving this way with her children and to her children and in front of other people? How does she manage to keep so much of it quiet? What kind of superhuman power does she seem to have that keeps people quiet? This is what has always puzzled me. She CANNOT be that powerful. There is something else going on here. Thank you for clarifying some of these things and being willing to come back. I feel most sorry for the kids, of course, but I definitely feel very sorry for Jon. He loves those kids. I think Kate must be so far gone now and her behavior on Sarah's show has hurt her far more than she can imagine. If she ever wanted to 'catch a man' she can forget it. Who in their right mind would want to be within a country mile of her? Those poor children. Why can't anyone do anything?

K8SUCKS said... 147

What will happen?

I do believe that we bloggers have definitely contributed to the awareness of the Gosselin children's plight.

K8 has gotten this far with her lies because many people don't/didn't know the real story behind this vile monster. The more K8's horrific behavior is publicized the better for the kids. Unfortunately, things may have to get worse before they get better........

audible click, never heard of FIG JAM, classic.

HW said... 148

Anon on this -
I'm sorry you have been raked over the coals for your reports. It certainly sounds like you are close to the situation.

I'd like to ask you: do you think there is hope? Hope that these children will eventually be removed from Kate and start on the road to recovery. Do you know if steps are being taken to help these children? Do you know if authorities are taking reports seriously if they have even been contacted.

I personally don't care if Kate is on television for the next 20 years, but those children are in danger and they don't just need to be off television - they need to be away from their mother. That's really all I'm interested in - is there hope for these kids?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 149

Courtesy of Preesi's website-

librarylady said:
I find it so interesting that we stopped seeing bus pick up pictures when Collin and Alexis were asked to leave LCDS. If he was an independent Paparazzi, he would still be out there snapping pictures. He was TOLD not to go to the bus stop anymore.

But who told him?

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said... 150

Sung by John Denver (composed by John Sommers):

Well the SIMPLE kind of life never did me no harm
A raisin' me a family and working on the farm
My days are all filled with an easy country charm
Thank God I'm a country boy.

Well I wouldn't trade my life for diamonds or jewels
I never was one of those MONEY HUNGRY FOOLS
I'd rather have my fiddle and my farming tools
Thank God I'm a country boy.

Yeah, city folk (read Khatezilla and the Booby Guard) driving in a black limousine
A lot of sad people thinking, "That's a mighty keen!" (Only the dwindling numbers of mentally ill-as-well Sheeple)
Son, let me tell you now exactly what I mean
Thank God I'm a country boy.

Thank God I am not Khate or the Go$$elin 8.

Go Away Kate said... 151

anon on this side. . . thank you.

i COMPLETELY believe you.

i think most do. sadly.

Unreal said... 152

Anon On This ~ I, for one, appreciate your input and validation of some of the happenings with the kids. Please stick around!!

Go Away Kate said... 153

Admin. . . where is the line between responsibility to these children as teachers, child care providers to report and the "keep your mouth shut agreements" that she makes everyone sign?

Anon on the side. . . where does she get the nannies? a service? does she use the childrens money to pay for nannies, school tuition, medical? knowing her, her money is HER money. i could see her dividing expenses by nine and thinking shes only responsible for herself. the childrens' money pays the "childrens' expenses".

Concerned Teacher said... 154

"She's not lying about the kids being "expelled." It's a matter of semantics. Kindergarten doesn't expel students. What she is not telling the truth about is that it was a mutual decision. It goes down on the kids' records as a mandatory withdrawl, not expulsion."

Anon725: I think that the info from your post and a previous one of mine you responded to shows that are an insider at LCDS. I am guessing you are a parent, because I hope a teacher would not divulge this confidential information. It is illegal to do so. Federal law protects students' academic and behavioral records. A teacher caught posting such information on the internet could (and should) be fired.

I CANNOT stand what Kate is doing to her children, but I am also so saddened by the publicity given to these innocent children over the past several weeks about sensitive, confidential info. It is bad enough that they have been removed from school. Can you imagine what this does to a child's self esteem? But it is even worse that it is splashed all over cyberspace, haunting them forever. This will never, ever go away for them.

URL said... 155

How could Kate take her children to another network if she is still under contract with TLC? Is TLC cancelling her contract or was an agreement being made with TLC and the other network? Doesn't Jon have to agree and sign any additional contracts involving his children? Why does Kate expect Steve to handle school issues? He isn't a parent to these children. Is he their legal guardian?

Karen said... 156

I don't believe Kate wants to "get it." She is happy with her life. She sees herself as a "star." Apparently with making 3.5 million in 2010 she is feeding her ego to the max. Of course she has also said, "do you ever have enough money?" I heard her say it out of her own mouth. She is still that greedy grifter who gave birth to a litter of kids for the fame and fortune. She knew full well what she was doing when she did it. Sickening, really.

Hippie Chick said... 157

Anon on this...

I don't know who is "raking you over the coals", but I rather enjoy your updates! Please don't stop because of some skeptics. Some of what you said has come to be, so I think you're legit. Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but again, I look forward to seeing your posts, so please keep them coming! :)
PS I hope you have never had the unpleasant experience of having to deal w/ Kate however. How unfortunate for you...

Hippie Chick said... 158

Oh, & another thing, Thank GOD this other network has said a big fat NOPE. Maybe that's why Kate's in LA right now; maybe this network is ripping her contract to shreds perhaps? Just a thought...

Kathy said... 159

Anon on this, may I just ask one question? I'm just curious about how you would know about Kate's dealings with the networks or that she was going to switch networks and had an offer on the table that's been rescinded.

It would seem to me as an outsider that Kate and her innermost circle would keep this type of info very close to the vest and not reveal it to anyone until the new contract is signed and the show is in production.

I am not a fan of Kate, nor do I think she's very bright, but wouldn't her handlers, agents insist that this info would be top secret? Thanks.

SusanNewHampshire said... 160

Administrator said... Actually my question is just the opposite, how has it helped the children all this time when most people in their lives have kept quiet about what's wrong here? Seems to me the more hush-hush everything is the worse it gets.

December 16, 2010 1:24 PM

Take heart Administrator, all is not for naught.
Everything you and the posters bring here makes a difference.

More and more are coming forward. Too bad it took this long to rescue eight beautiful children. People they are, just small people.

Soon they will be free. Too bad they have had to wait like a convict convicted of a crime they did not commit. But soon, thanks to you and everyone here that cares. The Father first and
foremost. He will come through for them. He has
a heart.

konspiracytheory said... 161

@ anon on this: FWIW, I believe you and appreciate any light you can shine into the dark corners of these kids' lives to expose their horror-show of a mother.

Anonymous said... 162

Everyone say a prayer/send good thoughts to those poor kids tonight. Sigh.

Kathy said... 163

I also want to add that it seems like TLC has stopped protecting her public image, which I believe is a step in the right direction for the kids. The more the public learns about Kate's horrible behavior and abuse of the children, the better off they will be in the long run. No one is judging these kids for having behavior problems. It was inevitable.

However, instead of just taking away their PR protection, I cannot wait for the day that TLC stops providing Kate with high power lawyers to keep her kids in bondage. That will be true progress.

Bodyguard, my A$$ said... 164

Anon on this, you are exactly what those kids have needed for so long. Thank you. This will get picked up, and the house of Kards will finally be around that a******'s feet. I can't wait until the day those hostages are rescued from their birth-monster.

And by NEW network, may I assume you mean Oprah?

Anonymous said... 165

Kathy said... Anon on this, may I just ask one question? I'm just curious about how you would know about Kate's dealings with the networks or that she was going to switch networks and had an offer on the table that's been rescinded.
If she told you that, she wouldn't be "Anon on this" anymore, would she?

Maybe TLC didn't like that Kate was looking for another network, maybe that's why they've decided not to 'protect' her anymore??

$o long Kate said... 166

Anon on this or SusanNewHampshire, do you know was the contract torn up, as a result of Sunday night's SPA show?

Kitty The Dog's Blog said... 167

BM bff and former Kate Supporter Nina Frye announced on her show today that she no longer supports Kate, the kids are being exploited to further Kate's dream of being a celebrity, they need to be off of television and need to have a normal life, the shows are staged (mentioned the Corn Maze) and that "we" need to get the word out about this.

credit thoughtful opinion blog for the news. There's no way I would have listened to that show!

LisaNH said... 168

Sarah Palin was on Bill O'Reilly tonight. He asked her, if she would give Kate Gosselin a cabinate position. Sarah smiled and replied "What do you think?". She also said that all she had to say about the episode was what she tweeted about 10% circumstances and 90% of how one reacts to those circumstances.

Audible Click said... 169

K8SUCKS said...

audible click, never heard of FIG JAM, classic.


I typed it wrong. It's FIG JAM = F I'm Good, Just Ask Me. No "Me" after the "F". I'd never heard it before but my friend is an Aussie and it may be a down under thing.

If anyone is in the mood for some schadenfreude check out FIG JAM's (Kate's) blog on TLC.

Anonymous said... 170

Ladies, if you get a chance .. watch Sarah P on the O Reilly show .... Bill ask her about Kate good infor

Not a Happy Camper said... 171

And Hooray to you Sarah. She handled it with clss but yet got her point across.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 172

See "Anon on this", you are welcomed and appreciated on this website.

Please stay.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 173

Kitty The Dog's Blog said...

BM bff and former Kate Supporter Nina Frye announced on her show today that she no longer supports Kate, the kids are being exploited to further Kate's dream of being a celebrity, they need to be off of television and need to have a normal life, the shows are staged (mentioned the Corn Maze) and that "we" need to get the word out about this.

credit thoughtful opinion blog for the news. There's no way I would have listened to that show!


Thanks :o) That's one heck of a slap in the face to Kate's minions.

behroke said... 174

I never thought I would see the day when something Sarah Palin said made me laugh. And that I have to thank Kate Gosselin for it!

Fahnette said... 175

Bodyguard, my A$$ said...
And by NEW network, may I assume you mean Oprah?

Oh my.
If she managed to piss off Oprah...remember what Oprah did to James Frey?

Anon725 said... 176

I am guessing you are a parent, because I hope a teacher would not divulge this confidential information. It is illegal to do so. Federal law protects students' academic and behavioral records. A teacher caught posting such information on the internet could (and should) be fired.

Absolutely. Teachers/staff/administrators have been warned not to discuss this. Quite honestly, the school is sick of this entire mess. If school personnel would leak this information, they would be found out and their jobs could be on the line.

Mom In Lancaster County said... 177

"Anon on the side. . . where does she get the nannies? a service? does she use the childrens money to pay for nannies, school tuition, medical? knowing her, her money is HER money. i could see her dividing expenses by nine and thinking shes only responsible for herself. the childrens' money pays the "childrens' expenses"."


According to the DOL ruling, she may withdraw the children's money (15 percent) to be used for school tuition, health/safety/welfare/childcare/living expenses. They are supporting themselves. I wonder how much is left in their account. ~ Administrator said... 178

Nina Frye announced on her show today that she no longer supports Kate, t
No waaaay. Is there a link to this????

This woman was idoloized by Kate's fans. They went on her show. I did listen to the one show with Deb and actually I thought OVERALL they were pretty respectful even though I totally disagreed with the way they supported Kate.

If she has defected that's fantastic. What did she say?

Livvy said... 179

Here is Nina's podcast for todays show.

On rt side of the page you will see 'recent shows' and click on today. You can ff toward the end of show where she discusses her change of heart on the issue.

Denise said... 180

Livvy, thanks. I bet the Klovers are in shock!!

Totallydisgusted said... 181

anon on this said...

Bringing this stuff to light IS helping the children. Kate was on the verge of taking this road show to another network and that offer is being rescinded. A NEW network. yes that is what I mean.


Thank you for providing what information you can regarding this situation. It's for the kids. Ignore the critics.

Midnight Madness said... 182

Nina Frye announced on her show today that she no longer supports Kate,
No waaaay. Is there a link to this????

I don't think that's what she said. I had problems with the audio, but she said that Kate could move near New York, put the kids in private schools there, get jobs on ET. It sounds like she still supports Kate since she said that Kate is a lovely host and people tune in just to watch her.
What she did say was that the kids need to be off the air.

Bodyguard, my A$$ said... 183

I believe anon on this works for one of the attorneys involved in this catastrophe. Or is a friend of someone who works for one of the attorneys. This horror story has reached critical mess, like a pressure cooker, and it is FINALLY blowing up right in Katie Irene's fake, lying face.

Those pictures with Steve in New York, where they called the paps in to see her new hairstyle? I never thought her smile was fake at all. She was in NY with the most important person in her life, besides herself, she was leaving her kids for over a week, and she had a secret. She had a new network that wanted her. That Cheshire Cat grin was the most genuine I've seen on her. Repulsive, but genuine.

But the Devil wants his due. Kart is falling fast and hard, and I won't be the least bit surprised if the DA is building an airtight child abuse case against her. Too many people have witnessed this abuse for her to get away with it forever. I would drop a dime on my own sister for child abuse if I felt it was warranted, and she's my dearest friend. Someone has to be ratting her out to the authorities. Everyone hates her. Why wouldn't they tell? How could they not protect those kids? She's just too OUT THERE with the abuse. She's been getting away with it for so long, she had to get sloppy at least a few times.

That story from anon about the constant pinching and hitting by Kate made my stomach hurt, but it also rang so true to me. I will love it if it's the kids who get her back inadvertantly by imitating her behavior, but not that I mean I'm glad they're hurting someone, just that it would be sweet justice if this is how she is finally caught. An abused kid pulled into therapy spilling his guts equals Katie Kreider on a "perp walk" in handcuffs.

Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is to see Katie Irene Kreider in an orange jumpsuit, with CFM heels, looking like something Shoka dragged in.

Oh, and she wanted Steve to fix it at the school because he fixes everything for her. I totally, totally believe this story. She thinks the whole world would be as mesmerized by him as she is. Sorry Katie, all he is is a silent witness to the destruction of eight children. I'd like to see Purse Boy's ass in jail, too. ~ Administrator said... 184

I'll have to listen to it, but it's highly significant that such a major sheeple is saying the kids should no longer be filmed. This is the same woman who said they get trips and that's why they should film.

Kitty The Dog's Blog said... 185

Midnight Madness:

Its from about the 51 minute mark on. In ref to what you posted she said Kate can continue to work (and she mentioned those things in response to the age old question "but what would Kate do? HOW would she support those kids?"), but the kids need to be off television. Along with the other things I posted.

Audible Click said... 186

Mom In Lancaster County said...
According to the DOL ruling, she may withdraw the children's money (15 percent) to be used for school tuition, health/safety/welfare/childcare/living expenses. They are supporting themselves. I wonder how much is left in their account.
I can see Kate "reading" that and seeing health/safety/welfare/childcare/living expenses as /mani/pedi/tacky extensions/fake orange tanning/purse boy/boob job/ and any other damn thing I want! BTW "Anon on this" please don't stop posting here your input is appreciated.

I Certainly Hope Not said... 187

Bodyguard, my A$$ said...

I believe anon on this works for one of the attorneys involved in this catastrophe. Or is a friend of someone who works for one of the attorneys. This horror story has reached critical mess, like a pressure cooker, and it is FINALLY blowing up right in Katie Irene's fake, lying face.


If the self-proclaimed insider works for an attorney involved in the case, the person should be fired immediately.

Reality Check said... 188

Administrator said...

I'll have to listen to it, but it's highly significant that such a major sheeple is saying the kids should no longer be filmed. This is the same woman who said they get trips and that's why they should film.
"Highly significant?!?" Since when is the opinion of some woman doing Internet radio "highly significant?" I highly doubt she is known outside of the Gosselin blogging world.

You need to wake up and realize that nothing that happens in the Gosselin blogging world is highly significant, despite your delusions of grandeur. ~ Administrator said... 189

Reality Check, why are you here then? LOL!

I get a kick out of, as Sarah would say, trolls coming here saying I am delusional to think this blog is the greatest (huh????), and yet here they are participating. Isn't that sorta just feeding my so-called delusions? Think about it.

Back on topic, care to address any of the excellent points brought up today about school and filming? Or you can't and just have to deflect and attack the messenger.

kate's scary said... 190

If it is true that 4 of the kids are asking to get away from Kate and live with Jon, things must be terribly chaotic and sad around there for all involved. I can't even imagine how all those kids must feel. I just pray there will be a quick solution and those kids will be allowed to be with their dad.

Kate, Mr DeMille is dead but I think you're ready for that close-up but it's gonna be real ugly.

Gullible Much? said... 191

"If the self-proclaimed insider works for an attorney involved in the case, the person should be fired immediately."


I agree. If the self-proclaimed insider is a "friend" of someone who works for an attorney, I would hope that this attorney would discover this breach of confidentiality and take matters into his/her own hands.

What puzzles me is that this "insider" claims that Kate threw a hissy fit at the school and really tore into the teachers. Unless this person was at the school, how would he/she know this? If not, it's only second-hand information. Anyone could say that Kate would take it out on the school, and report it as "insider information." Kate is Kate. Of course she would blame the school.

"That story from anon about the constant pinching and hitting by Kate made my stomach hurt, but it also rang so true to me."


This is nothing new! We've seen pictures of her doing this! Anyone could post this as "insider" info.

I think that there have been so many "insiders" posting who have eventually been "outed." BTW...whatever happened to Kate's "Mom" who disappeared after ROL did the article on her? Is she still blogging and claiming to be Mrs. Kreider?

There are those who will believe, and those who will doubt. That's the game of life.

Sandy said... 192

New network - eh? The timing of it all is telling. Maybe TLC didn't like the new network angle and aired the SPA footage and had the interns blast the comment sections of the ROL sites. Maybe they are dragging her through the mud like they did with Jon. What a tool this chick is. The coming meltdown may add to global warming.

Midnight Madness said... 193

"Highly significant?!?" Since when is the opinion of some woman doing Internet radio "highly significant?"

It's significant in the blogging world. Admin didn't say it was an issue of global concern.

PJ's momma said... 194

I listened to that radio thing, it's at about minute 51, and I didn't take it as a sheeple crossing over. She merely thinks the kids should be off the air, she DID call them exploited, however, she said Kate could relocate closer to NYC (plenty of private schools!) to be close to work. She seems to think Kate could actually be hired for some entertainment gig, saying that she's been a wonderful host on various shows and people watch to see her. I respect her for her views on the children, but she's still a Kate supporter, make no mistake about it.

Pants on Fire said... 195

To Anon on This: I've said it before & I'll say it again.

You are completely credible, and you are doing a great service to the Gosselin kids by posting here.

Thank You - and please continue.

Kathy said... 196

BTW, just want to clarify that I'm in no way a skeptic. I believe things are probably a lot worse than all the insider info put together, and that the kids need all the help they can get. I was just asking a question, thinking these types of contract negotiations are top secret, but I understand if answering it would give too much away.

Midnight Madness said... 197

I never read Kate's blog because it's so contrived, so fake and obviously written by someone else. However, I wandered over there to read the comments. My gosh! Talk about sheeple going over the other side. I know we're not supposed to bring other posts here, but this comment is from one of the few supporters left. It's really pathetic. Is this Kate's fan base? Teenagers, with a few totally ignorant, illiterate adults thrown into the mix? Is this what it has come down to?

"I worship Kate Gosselin, she is the bestest mom ever!
People who don't like Kate are rediculous.
I know I look like porky pig, but I still want to dress like Kate. I need plus size clothes though, and a bag to put over my ugly mug."

Anonymous said... 198

Mark my words, the next card TLC plays is going to be the redemption card. They are digging a hole for Kate deeper than the one Mel Gibson dug for himself. Soon Kate will appear on the talk shows,concillatory,apologetic, and stating she is going to remove herself and her children from the public forum while working on parenting solutions....awww,don't we all love her now? Come summer break those kids will be back to work flying hither, thither and yon, lining their mother's pocket once again with a re-defined brand.....and nothing will have changed except the kids will have chalked off another year on the walls of their lost childhood.

Audible Click said... 199

Anonymous said... Mark my words, the next card TLC plays is going to be the redemption card. They are digging a hole for Kate deeper than the one Mel Gibson dug for himself. Soon Kate will appear on the talk shows,concillatory,apologetic, and stating she is going to remove herself and her children from the public forum while working on parenting solutions....awww,don't we all love her now? Come summer break those kids will be back to work flying hither, thither and yon, lining their mother's pocket once again with a re-defined brand.....and nothing will have changed except the kids will have chalked off another year on the walls of their lost childhood.
I don't think the TLC PR machine can redeem her. There is no way to put the evil genie back in the bottle. The outrage against Kate and her treatment of the children has been growing by leaps and bounds and the SP camping trip may have sealed the deal and, I hope, cause her disturbing show to be dumped in the dustbin of failed "reality programs".

Life On The Edge said... 200

"You are completely credible, and you are doing a great service to the Gosselin kids by posting here."

**** ===== ****

I just have one question. How is this doing great service to the Gosselin kids? We haven't heard anything that hasn't already been told on various blogs, internet magazines and tabloids. How does an "insider" establish credibiity?

Perhaps an insider could tell us if the whole Sarah Palin disaster was staged just for ratings. Did TLC tell Kate to be arrogant and nasty because ratings were dropping, and they needed a way to resurrect interest in her, no matter if it was negative? An insider seems to know that Kate was shopping another network. I'd be interested in hearing TLC's reaction to the whole camping fiasco.

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