Kate: "There has been nothing but positive that has come out of [filming]."
CNN's Pat LaLama (a real journalist with a journalism degree who has been in the business for 30 years, she was an anchor for KTTV-Fox in L.A.): "She is in denial. She does not see the reality of the influence of media attention 24/7 on little tiny minds. Something's wrong here and I think the problem is--the fish stinks from the head as we Italian-Americans like to say--she is not facing the issues, she doesn't accept that she may be partly to blame for any of this."
Kate: "There has been nothing but positive that has come out of [filming]."
CNN's Pat LaLama (a real journalist with a journalism degree who has been in the business for 30 years, she was an anchor for KTTV-Fox in L.A.): "She is in denial. She does not see the reality of the influence of media attention 24/7 on little tiny minds. Something's wrong here and I think the problem is--the fish stinks from the head as we Italian-Americans like to say--she is not facing the issues, she doesn't accept that she may be partly to blame for any of this."
Since the Today show didn't see fit to show all sides of the story, just Kate's, we thought we'd post a Counterpoint here. Thanks to CNN (thank you, CNN--good grief!), we now have the counter-arguments to Kate's "setting the record straight."
The CNN journalists say Kate is, quote: delusional, in denial about the kids being expelled, angry, partly to blame, she needs to get with it, she takes every opportunity she can to slam Jon as a father, doesn't take any personal responsibility, has a celebrity obsession, is gone too much, and needs to get her kids off our darn T.V.'s.
Jealous? Or just journalists who don't have a need to kiss Kate's butt at the expense of eight suffering kids?
The CNN journalists say Kate is, quote: delusional, in denial about the kids being expelled, angry, partly to blame, she needs to get with it, she takes every opportunity she can to slam Jon as a father, doesn't take any personal responsibility, has a celebrity obsession, is gone too much, and needs to get her kids off our darn T.V.'s.
Jealous? Or just journalists who don't have a need to kiss Kate's butt at the expense of eight suffering kids?
106 sediments (sic) from readers:
Jon said he apologized, Kate claimed he didn't. Maybe she was busy yelling at someone and clapping her hands and didn't hear it. In any case your reconciliation with the children's father is absolutely nobody's business except you and Jon's and the children you are supposed to be doing this for.
She really doesn't get that making peace with your ex is really 90% for the children. She thinks it's 100% for her. Selfish, arrogant, delusional.
I had just posted in the other thread when you put this new thread up so I am moving it here. Wow, that CNN interview was incredible. People everywhere have her number except for Meredith Viera, Kate Coyne of People and TLC. The entire rest of the world gets that she is a class A *itch. Forgiven Jon? Oh no, the rage in her eyes is still there. But it makes her look so victimish to sit there knowing Jon won't get an equal chance to 'set the record straight'. It is so unfair to Jon in every way. One day karma will get this woman. Problem is, by that time, her kids will be sunk.
And did anyone notice in the clip they kept showing over and over of her at the Emmy's where she stood there with that chiseled big mouth of hers and then started to walk away from the spotlight and the woman directing her told her to go back and the look she gave her was pure Kate-hatred and then voila, that big fake smile is back. What a *itch.
Go Away, it really is so refreshing to know that these days whenever Kate bobbles away with her lies that most journalists aren't falling for it anymore.
In the old days it felt like we were the only ones saying, WTF.
CNN just served Kate a giant WTF on national TV and it was pretty darn awesome. You got SERVED, Kate.
Well, there you go.
I expect more and more people in the media (and elsewhere) will continue to call Kate out on her delusion, until she has no choice but to remove her children from t.v.
We all know that exposure is POISON to a narcissist. I suppose that it's 3x worse if you are in the public eye.
Kate's not going to fare too well with this- considering her inability to give up (or in) when she's wrong.
At least her children stand a fighting chance now to be children, not performing monkeys.
Justice will prevail.
I'm not usually a CNN watcher (I watch the other channel LOL), but this clip has certainly has redeemed CNN (somewhat) in my eyes. Like you said, Admin, finally, finally, finally, the main stream media is seeing Khate for what she really is. I think Pat Lalama really wanted to say that Kate was a lyer but had to edit herself by saying Kate was in "denial".
As for Meredith Viera, I never could warm up to that woman. For some reason, she always rubbed me the wrong way, so it is no surprise that she cozied right up to Kate. Guess it proves she's not a real journalist, just like Barbara Walters (also cozied right up to Kate).
I just wish that Kate would be interviewed by a tough journalist, a journalist who would not kiss her butt. But then again, Steve probably would not allow it.
This is great, but I'd be happier if they'd invited Kate on and said all this stuff to her face. I hope it happens soon.
CNN spoke the truth. Will the sheeple call them "haterz" too?
I don't think things will ever change for the children. I am giving up on thinking they will ever get off tv.
Hooray for the truth! I was beginning to wonder what was wrong with me and why no one on tv was calling out the true Kate Gosselin for her lying, delusional self. It is apparent that Kate G. will say and do anything to keep the "show" going and the money rolling in. She should keep her mouth shut, stay home, get therapy for herself and her kids, and the situation might right itself. As long as she is addicted to the attention of fame, those kids are in trouble. Sad, really.
"I'm not usually a CNN watcher (I watch the other channel LOL), but this clip has certainly has redeemed CNN (somewhat) in my eyes."
Haha, same here.
I wonder how she would fair up against Bill O'Reilly :) I would seriously pay to see him put her in her place.
Long time reader of this blog, but first time poster.
This is a great video clip from CNN. They have her number finally! As I watched a YouTube video of Kate being interviewed for the Today Show, I could not help but notice how her face has changed so dramatically over the past year or so. Her eyes are so black with anger and distain, and that HUGE chip on her shoulder is must weigh far more than her fake ta-ta's. She is a vile looking person, filled with bitterness and hate. Her bitterness reminds me of the South American vine known as the "matador." Beginning at the foot of a tree, the matador vine slowly works its way to the top. But as it grows, it kills the tree, and when at last the top is reached, it sends forth a flower to crown itself. Matador literally means KILLER.
That describes Kate's to a T.
Great job on this site Admin. I enjoy reading all the different view points, and appreciate your honest view of things.
~ Cdn Eastcoster
Kate may think she is witty and smart for making these comments on national television about how putting her children on a reality tv program is what is in the best interest of her children; however, trust me and it will happen, when she goes to sue TLC for the damage it has caused and after she is dropped like a hot potato, TLC will use these clips against her. You cannot deny the "rumors" if it coming directly out of the horse's mouth. :)
Sport said... "I'm not usually a CNN watcher (I watch the other channel LOL), but this clip has certainly has redeemed CNN (somewhat) in my eyes."
Haha, same here.
I wonder how she would fair up against Bill O'Reilly :) I would seriously pay to see him put her in her place.
OMG that would be hilarious!!! Bill would problably have Kate so intimidated she'd be sputtering and stammering LOL. She'd probably end up in the fetal position under the broadcast desk LOL.
should see the new one ROL ABOUT KATE
I'm glad that they're calling out kate on her lies, I just wish that the REAL journalists would call out poeple like MV and ask why the softball interviews.
We all knew Kate was delusional when the marriage renewal vow show aired and the marriage ended soon after. Clearly, she is devoted to the show at the expense of her children and her marriage. She will never say anything but good things about her pursuit for fame and fortune. The problem facing Kate is she is at an all time high of unlikeability. Unless a villian centered reality show comes along for her soon,she won't find many tv gigs. I hope Jon has a plan in place to rescue the kids.
Kate says Jon's public apology (via twitter or a tabloid or talk show isn't an apology to her... I can't imagine why when tabloids and talk shows are what she considers "life" ...maybe Jon wanted to get through to her in a medium she would understand.
Laura D., I agree with you. It IS nice to see her being called out for her outrageous behavior but it would be even better if when she is interviewed people would stop her when she is blatantly lying and force her to watch a clip of what she actually said. Then make her respond. And the instant she starts lying again, butt in and stop her and play another clip and so on. I think she would blow a gasket on national tv if that ever happened. For some reason, Viera (who I agree is about as warm to most people as a viper) and Coyne and TLC and even Kelly Ripa give her a pass every time. I just cannot understand why these same people don't say, after she has lied through another interview, 'And tomorrow Jon Gosselin will be here to 'set the record straight'. And keep the camera on her face the whole time. Why is that not happening? TLC can't keep him shut up forever.
I saw that segment with Pat LaLama and couldn't help thinking Kate will not accept the message. She is probably thrilled that she made ShoBiz Tonight, just like her appearances on Entertainment Tonight - "I really am in show business - I'm a star!!!"
Just more exposure for Khate. Depend upon it -- she and TLC see this as free publicity and more then likely ratings will go up. Thanks CNN!~ (not)
The only bad publicity is NO publicity.
Just wondering if anyone can figure out the timeline as far as when Jon was claiming he couldn't get a job because of his contract with TLC? He's finally got a regular job, curious if it's because he's finally let out of it.
As far the media FINALLY grasping what Ms. Thang is all about, I say IT'S ABOUT TIME! You really have to wonder who is part of her PR team? I think they are letting her go solo at it.
All this "I'm sorry" b.s. makes me sick.
Has Hate said "I'M SORRY" to her CHILDREN for the divorce SHE instigated and wanted?
Kate will never see this. You know she used to have Jon cull through the e-mails they got and delete the negative ones before showing Kate the adoring ones. Now somebody else has that job to only pass along the love.
BTW, I commented on the Today Show site and told them how disturbed I was that they have not
chosen to be "journalists" but have simply given Kate a stage for her fluff interviews. Ridiculous.
Kate was discussed on The View this morning. Sherri Shepherd announced to the world that Kate did not "choose" to have all these kids, that they only implanted 4 or 5, but "the embryos split". Yeah, great fact-checking, Sherri. No two of the Gosselin kids are identical - they are ALL fraternal. No embryo splitting happened there. More untruth being spread around on the TV.
@fidosmommy, I caught that too! Sherri is just a plain ol' simpleton. It looked like Joy wanted to keep at it "They had 2 kids right? How did they get six more? By ACCIDENT?"
Kate will never come out of the denial she is wallowing in as long as TLC and her other stooges and sycophants continue to support her in it.
She doesn't care what the rest of us think- as far as she's concerned we are not paying her salary, providing her purse boy, or keeping her in the public eye.
I don't think that she will come out of denial even when TLC and the media drop her, but I think there's less chance of it as long as they continue to maintain her delusions.
Vanessa said... Just wondering if anyone can figure out the timeline as far as when Jon was claiming he couldn't get a job because of his contract with TLC? He's finally got a regular job, curious if it's because he's finally let out of it.
The deal was that Jon could not get a job on TV - another reality show, a correspondent job,
a sitcom part, whatever. He could get a job as a postal worker, a car salesman, a bus driver or a cook. So, this new job of his does not go against his contract with TLC.
In one breath, she says the "two" in question have been the most vocal about missing their Dad, but then we hear she leaves them with a 19 yr old babysitter when she's off "working" in Mexico? THE DAY AFTER HER JON BASHING SESSION ON REGIS AND KELLY, I might add! SHE doesn't ALLOW him to have them when it's not his "turn"!
"Sherri Shepherd announced to the world that Kate did not "choose" to have all these kids, that they only implanted 4 or 5, but "the embryos split". Yeah, great fact-checking, Sherri. No two of the Gosselin kids are identical - they are ALL fraternal. No embryo splitting happened there. More untruth being spread around on the TV."
Sherri Shepherd has to be the dumbest person on television. She also thought the earth was flat; and said if given a match she would burn up the house and blow up Jon's car. Real classy lady.
For what is Jon supposed to apologize? For the divorce? For pulling the plug on the show awhile back? Exactly what apology is she waiting for? I don't understand...
Does Sherrie S. really think that Kate had embryos implanted? Well,the earth is flat, so it could be possible.
The Today Show interview was another opportunity that Kate RAN with to obliquely insult, marginalize and malign the father of her children. The messages that she sends are not as subtle as she thinks.
I'm glad to see a high-profile network speak the truth that we've all been espousing. I was beginning to think that my moral compass was somehow off, when no one, no one out there speaks for the children.
Here's a question- Is the number of children you have inversely proportional to the likelihood that you will live a "mainstream" life and work in a conventional career? In other words, at what number child do you stop espousing your chosen career path to eschew it entirely and seek fame and fortune?
Example-Kate could go back to nursing. HELL NO!! SHE HAS 8 KIDS!! Is 8 the magic number when you thwart your career to pursue fame? Is 6?
How to people with 10 or 12 kids ever....EVER...make it work by keeping on their chosen life paths?
I'll tell you how-hard work, day in and day out (you know, like most of our parents did), moderation, making tough choices and sacrificing.
Parents should choose quality of life over lifestyle.
from TVbythenumbers today:
According to them, Kate will be on TV for awhile yet.
We are to remember: "The kids were not expelled. It was a mutual decision."
The school said: There's the door. Take those kids and get out.
Kate said: Oh, umm, okay.
Ms. Shepperd is even more clueless - Kate didn't have IVF she had IUI. No embryos were ever implanted in her. That was in MB, Sherry. You should really research your guests more.
But that's the big issue now, isn't it? The bottom line is Sherri Shepperd can't even be bothered to really know anything about Kate because a) Sherri is as much a narcissist as Kate and b) in the end, Kate just isn't important enough for people to bother with fact checking.
Vanessa said...
Just wondering if anyone can figure out the timeline as far as when Jon was claiming he couldn't get a job because of his contract with TLC? He's finally got a regular job, curious if it's because he's finally let out of it.
Jon was only prohibited from obtaining 'unapproved' work (and TLC wouldn't approve anything) in the entertainment field when he was under contract with TLC. IDK whether he's still under contract or not, but it wouldn't really make any difference because his new job is reported to be in the IT field which would not be in violation of the non-compete clause in his contract.
December 1 was an interesting day. Kate was on TODAY show where she was publicly discussed her children's private issues and threw Jon under the bus, and then a web site announced that Jon has a real job although the Sheeple don't believe it. In fact there are those who think that Jon thinks that tweeting is an IT job. Whatever.
But December 2 is also an interesting day ... I see that CNN has spoken up about Kate being in denial and today on THE VIEW Barbara Walters brought up the subject of Kate Gosselin!!! Now keeping in mind that last year Kate was on Barbara's list of 10 most fascinating people, I was stunned to see Barbara even mention Kate at all but perhaps BW felt she should since the tide is turning against Kate, and as a journalist, to ignore it was not a good thing anymore.
I typed as fast as I could and even if not verbatim, the jist of what was said is still here:
BW: "In an interview yesterday Kate Gosselin denied that 2 of her children were expelled from school because they were dealing with anger issues over her high profile divorce ... that is what she said it was ... it was because she was divorced but not because of the television show and all of those kids. So what do you think?"
Joy: "It is interesting that she blames the husband, she will blame the show, blame everything but herself. I mean she has a part in this too. Right? I mean I'm not indicting the woman but it is like she has a part in this. When you get a divorce it is a two way street, both people are responsible so you have to take the blame.
Elizabeth: "Are you talking in terms of the divorce or the TV show ... it is hard to know which is causing it when you have both variables. Re the expellsion though on Kate ... it seems to be extreme ... if the kids are being expelled from school I would wonder too ... do they just not want the trouble or hype of the family? I would look into that as well."
Sherry: "She is in a hard position because she has 8 children so she needs finances for these kids so really a reality show is about the only way she can get on TV but you have children that are in a privileged situation 24/7 ... it is all about them ... then you go and put these kids in reality in a regular school with just normal kids ... it is going to be a little bit hard."
BW: "She said the reality show was the best thing that happened to the family because she could support these kids ... but 8 kids under any circumstances competing for the attention of the mother and the father ... it has to produce ... we don't know how it effects ..."
Elizabeth: "Remember early on she said how when the show was over the kids were sad that the crew was not there ... so you have to take into account that they are feeling that a bunch of people are no longer there, that they are feeling the loss of 12-14 people that were part of their family structure".
Then there was discussion between the ladies as to how the kids came about, including that Sherry was discussing how the eggs split. So even if they have had Kate on their show several times, they are still clueless about a lot of things such as how and why she has 6 kids and that Kate has dismissed all family in their children's lives but kept the TV crew instead.
All in all I was very happy to see Barbara Walters specifically bringing up the subject of Kate Gosselin, because as far as I'm concerned this is the beginning of the end.
tick tock tick tock ...
This one's interesting, given the source-Radar Online portraying Kate as the irresponsible parent and Jon as the responsible one.
fidosmommy said...Kate was discussed on The View this morning. Sherri Shepherd announced to the world that Kate did not "choose" to have all these kids, that they only implanted 4 or 5, but "the embryos split". Yeah, great fact-checking, Sherri. No two of the Gosselin kids are identical - they are ALL fraternal. No embryo splitting happened there. More untruth being spread around on the TV.
With the exception of Nadya Suleman, many of the HOM families that have appeared on reality tv mentioned they used IUI, not IVF.
A Single Mom, you beat me to it! But yes, it is interesting. Has anyone else noticed a shift in the media where Jon's concerned, or is it just me? I think the fact that he is staying out of the spotlight, is consistently advocating for his kids to be off tv and now even reportedly has a job not in tv is speaking to people and I read more and more comments from people astonished that he seems the more responsible parent. Stay the course Jon and you will prevail in the end.
Go Away, Kate said... I just cannot understand why these same people don't say, after she has lied through another interview, 'And tomorrow Jon Gosselin will be here to 'set the record straight'. And keep the camera on her face the whole time. Why is that not happening? TLC can't keep him shut up forever.
On the one hand, I would love to see Jon blast all her lies in public. But I think he's really handling it the right way, whether it's his own choice or a TLC contract clause, who knows.
He gains nothing IMO by trying to publicly call her out. It just become a big, public he said - she said. The people who know Jon and care about him know the truth and it's great if Jon is finally realizing that's what really matters. The rest of our opinions are irrelevant.
I think he's wise to let Kate just keep running her mouth and sinking herself. His actions are currently speaking far louder than his words. (And I hope those actions involve counseling for the kids and increased custody time).
I hope this negative publicity is a sign that Kate will soon go back to obscurity where she belongs. She's juiced the piglet (Kate+8, Today Show, DWTS, etc.)until it's bone dry.
Kart will never be interviewed by a 'real journalist' because a 'real journalist', a professional, would never agree to limit their questions. And Kart has to be in control of everything so she can vomit out her contrived answers and lies. She would never allow any interviewer to say "but didn't you say two years ago?" or "wait, are you saying that your bitch personality has no bearing on the kids' problems?"
Nope, unless she can get a guarantee they will only ask her pre-approved questions, she won't agree to sit for them.
Also, everyone keeps saying/talking about the TV SHOW AND THE DIVORCE. In my opinion, Kart is a mentally disturbed person who is abusive to her kids. Her personality disorder, and she does have one even if she doesn't reveal a doctor's diagnosis, is what is poisoning those poor kids lives.
That's the problem.
Kate Gosselin needs to stay away from the media where her kids personal lives are concerned and shut the hell up. If there is trouble at home than she needs to stay there and take care of the matter then taking off to NY for a new hairstyle, blab about her kids and throw her ex under the bus again than have some weird pictures taken later with a magazine for Chris her pap. The woman is so full of bullshit that it's spilling out of her ears now.
Really from what I am gathering from the CNN interview is that this woman needs to take responsibility for her actions, raise them kids and stay home, and stay off the media campaign that slams her ex every time she opens her mouth. One more thing Kartzilla should do, stop talking!!!!
IDModo said...
She doesn't care what the rest of us think- as far as she's concerned we are not paying her salary, providing her purse boy, or keeping her in the public eye.
Why should she care what strangers think? Do most people base their behavior on the opinions of people they don't know?
I am dreaming? The mainstream media is finally coming out and discussing Kate as she really is? It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood. I never thought I'd see the day.
Yes, Admin, I'm sure these accomplished women with respectable jobs are really just jealous haters who would much rather have a failing reality show on cable TV.
As for having Kate on one of these programs and asking her the hard questions, it'll never happen and it wouldn't be very professional anyway, to bombard her with questions and demand answers (although it would be fun to watch her ummmm and squirm).
But Kate is a full-blown narcissist who will never change. If she believes the sun rises in the West (and who knows, maybe she does), there is no amount of evidence you could provide that would make her admit she was wrong. NONE! KATE WILL NEVER CHANGE.
I'm just glad to see the media finally deciding to talk about what they've known all along. Even ROL, in it's unreliable, gaggingly gossipy way has jumped on the bandwagon today.
As for getting Jon on some interview show to tell his side, he's keeping quiet for the sake of the kids. Why would he want to continue the mudslinging? Stick to your guns, Jon! Way to go. You're doing the right thing.
hahaha the fish stinks from the head, how true, her Bobble head that is.
Saw this link on another blog:
I'm sure the kids will do anything to avoid getting Kate mad. Look what they have to deal with. Everyone needs to see the real Kate. Here she is.
I Woouldn't Either: If I had 8 children who were going to be affected by the way I portrayed myself in public, I sure as hell would care what strangers think about me!I would worry that my children's friends would tease them about my slutty clothing, my outrageous behaviour, my apparent closeness with a married man, and my continuous lies on TV.
Wouldn't you?
A single mom said... This one's interesting, given the source-Radar Online portraying Kate as the irresponsible parent and Jon as the responsible one.
Good for Jon! I always thought that was really f'd up that Jon was not allowed to see or care for the children when Kate was on DWTS or other trips alone with purseboy. "Anon on this," the person who sometimes posts with inside tidbits said the kids didn't like Cassi, the nanny who was left alone with the kids while Kate was in LA for the Emmys and then a week or so later for the Mexico People shoot. "Anon" said Judy, the Asian nanny they seem to have had the longest, got her hours cut because she was communicating with Jon. "Anon" said the kids love Judy. So if I'm putting this together correctly, it appears the children were *twice* in a 2 week span left alone for days at a time with a 19 yr. old girl they barely knew, instead of the experienced, beloved Judy. All because Judy acted on the best interests of the kids and communicated with their father, pissing off the Queen. And as with everyone else in the last six years who dared to cross Cruella, Judy was banished. Kate's sick obsession with control and spite apparently takes precedent over the needs and safety of her children.
You know, I am having a very hard time believing that the 2 tups are really going to counseling. Wouldn't the truth about their real home life come out? I just can't see kate allowing it.
Why should she care what strangers think? Do most people base their behavior on the opinions of people they don't know?
Most people, thank goodness, aren't Kate Gosselin. They do care how they present themselves. She should care what strangers think because that's all that is out there. She certainly can't base her behavior on friends' opinions because she has no friends.
Kate's Scary said;
I'm sure the kids will do anything to avoid getting Kate mad. Look what they have to deal with. Everyone needs to see the real Kate. Here she is.
What has she done to herself? How could anyone age that much in just a few years? This is the anger Jon had to face every day of his married life? Bless his heart! The turkey neck, that god-awful hair (the porcupine cut was better than that)...she looks like an aging plastic, rage-consumed Barbie. I hope all the potential "Kens" in her life she that photo.
IDModo said...
I Woouldn't Either: If I had 8 children who were going to be affected by the way I portrayed myself in public, I sure as hell would care what strangers think about me!I would worry that my children's friends would tease them about my slutty clothing, my outrageous behaviour, my apparent closeness with a married man, and my continuous lies on TV.
Wouldn't you?
If you have kids, I'm sure you've managed to embarrass them a time or two. Every parent does. I would never choose to be in the public eye, but if I were I would recognize that no matter what I did someone would complain, constantly reinforce that message to my children and let it go at that. I would not be spending my days worried about what complete strangers think about me nor would I teach my children that their sense of self-worth should come from the perceptions of strangers.
IDModo said...
I Woouldn't Either: If I had 8 children who were going to be affected by the way I portrayed myself in public, I sure as hell would care what strangers think about me!I would worry that my children's friends would tease them about my slutty clothing, my outrageous behaviour, my apparent closeness with a married man, and my continuous lies on TV.
Wouldn't you?
Yes, I would. When photos of me and a bodyguard are splash all over the tabloids with salacious headlines that make my husband look like a cuckold, you bet I'd trade the grey fox in for a portly, hirsute woman named Helga. Rumors gone.
But then, come to think of it, I love and respect my husband and years of filming showed that Kate did not love hers. Vows disavowed.
Forgive me if I go off on a strange tangent here ;)
I am watching "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" and I can't help but giggle, since the Burgermeister Meisterburger reminds me so much of Kart!
"Toys are hereby declared illegal, immoral, unlawful AND anyone found with a toy in his possession will be placed under arrest and thrown in the dungeon. No kidding!"
He might as well have said under penalty of severeness! And the Konpound is surely a true Sombertown!!
Someone help me out here, what was the somewhat recent interview in which Kate was asked, if you had to do it all over again would you have? She said yes. BUT if I recall correctly she DID admit then there was a downside but that she would still do it over again. Now she is saying there is NOTHING wrong with it period, nothing at all. Caught in a lie again. She went from saying there were negatives to now there are none at all.
Administrator said...
Someone help me out here, what was the somewhat recent interview in which Kate was asked, if you had to do it all over again would you have? She said yes. BUT if I recall correctly she DID admit then there was a downside but that she would still do it over again. Now she is saying there is NOTHING wrong with it period, nothing at all. Caught in a lie again. She went from saying there were negatives to now there are none at all.
She also recently said that she would not get married again (to Jon) if she had it to do all over. There ya go kids. Despite the fact that you all were born from this union, and had it not been for their marriage, you would not exist, you mom says "no", she'd pass.
Judas Priest, what a message. I would say that yes, I'd do it all over again because I have my beautiful children, so that in and of itself made it all worthwhile.
Worse than Jon saying "there goes my 20's".
Both should really think twice before speaking.
Nevermind I found it, it was Regis and Kelly. Kate also says quite clearly some of the children don't want to be Jon and call her up to come home early. That was her story then when she wanted us to hate Jon. Now that they are having problems and everyone is blaming her, she changes the lie AGAIN and claims the children want to see him more. When she thought it was best to say they don't want to see him that's what she said--now she thinks it's better to say they want to see him so that he can be blamed for their behavior, so now she's done an about-faced. She is CAUGHT in her lies and it's all right here:
The following is a transcript of some of the lies that Kate told Kelly Ripa and Anderson Cooper on 9/10/10:
Kelly: Do you think Kate, knowing what she knows now, would go back and do it all again? Or would you not choose to have the cameras in your life and in your house?
KATE: I look at it still as a huge blessing. I'm solely providing for eight kids and I can do that because of the opportunities, because of the way life turned out for me. So I still, when I go back and think in my mind, because I'm asked that a lot ... This change of career that has allowed me to provide for them. I mean, I'm providing still solely for them. I'm able to do that. I'm very grateful to to be able to have this job that they can be beside me while I'm working and they're playing.
Anderson Cooper: So you're saying Jon's not providing for them at all?
KATE: Um, I'm doing it, like I said by myself. Since our divorce, it's me....I don't need to worry about anybody else. For them, life has stayed the same.
Anderson: Is your relationship with Jon as contentious as some media makes it out to be?
KATE: Um, it's, you know.
Anderson: I'll take that as a yes.
KATE: It depends on the day. Um, I just know that, it's, you know, my focus is the kids and doing the best for them. [Admin: Are you saying Jon's focus isn't the children's best interest?] You know, Jon and I are divorced obviously, but he's still their father so I do try to keep it as peaceful as possible. I speak for myself.
Anderson: When the kids spend time with him what do you do?
KATE: Um, I basically wait for the phone call, um, for how many of them want to come home.
Kelly: No kidding!
KATE: Yeah. I do. I mean, I don't really have any exciting plans. Unless I'm working or traveling.
Kelly: If they want to come home what happens? I mean, are they allowed to?
KATE: It's a weird thing, that whole law. It's hard to explain it to your kids who want to be at home playing with their toys and sleeping in their bed and spending time with me, so. Um, as much as that is allowed I'm there for them and I bring them home.
Kelly: Wow.
Anderson: So you're saying basically that they don't enjoy being with him?
KATE: Um, you know some of them do. Different days different times they don't mind, some of them. It's a difficult situation. It's not home, it doesn't feel like home to them....This is very new to us, we've only been doing this for about three months that he's been actually spending time with them and taking them so it's very new.
I Wouldn't Either, there are many, many celebs in the public eye who are very well-liked and we hardly ever hear complaints about them. Really I would go so far as to say really there are only a consistent group that really get raked through the coals--Kate, for one, Mel Gibson, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, people in that group and the people who really deserve the criticism. Off the top of my head, just a few of the celebs who have a very good reputation with the public and rarely find themselves being criticized are Tom Hanks, Ellen Degenerus, Drew Barrymore, Adam Sandler, Jennifer Garner, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, Reese Witherspoon, Sandra Bullock, just to name a few. Do you think Kate ever wonders why all THOSE celebs are loved and she is not? It's just random? Yeah, right.
In Kate's situation, it is not just the "public" calling her out--it's Jon, it was Aunt Jodi and Uncle Kevin, it has been various other people in her life. When there is THIS much negative reaction to her choices, maybe, just maybe, you are doing something wrong?
Celebrities change their behavior all the time because of public opinion--they issue public apologies, they change their actions. Kate refuses not only to change a single thing she does, but moreover, refuses to even acknowledge one fraction of responsibility for destroying her family. She is one of the most arrogant and delusional people I have ever heard of.
I don't think anyone should just waffle back and forth based on the court of public opinion. But when this many people, for heaven sake even CNN is telling you that you need to wake up, maybe, just maybe, it's you and not everyone else???
Also if I could add, it can't be ignored that there is a HUGE difference between embarrassing your child in front of a few school friends, and embarrassing your child in front of 1.3 million strangers.
Thanks for the post Admin with R@K, if you read between the ummms it's all a bunch of lies all twisted like she is. Not a straight answer!
Tucker, I forgot about that horrible comment. Even the narcissist in my life admitted that her painful marriage that absolutely broke her and wiped her dry is never something she will regret because of the two amazing children that came out of it. And I thought she was bad. Used to anyway!
Sherri Shepherd announced to the world that Kate did not "choose" to have all these kids, that they only implanted 4 or 5, but "the embryos split".
Are you freaking kidding me ?!? K8 did absolutely choose to have her litter by going against her doctor's orders to skip the cycle because of too many eggs. There was no implanting in K8's procedure, she had an IUI (artificial insemination) not IVF . Chances for HOM's are much higher with IUI .
I'm glad that CNN did put K8 on the line but the fact that K8 has gotten this far despite her obvious mental health issues, lack of any true talent and exploitation of her children is disgusting. There is no jounalistic integrity anymore (except for maybe Anderson C and even he had to put up with K8's BS twice).
re: Kate saying she wouldn't marry jon again if she could do it all again. What. A. Moron. First off, she pursued him and insisted on marriage/kids right away. Secondly, without him, she wouldn't have the 8.
My stepkids used to laugh about how mismatched their mom and dad were, loved them both but understood why they split (amicably). But when they were younger, they'd freak themselves out by imagining how they might never have been born had their parents realized the mismatch earlier. And this is even with two loving parents who never expressed regret with their marriage. Those poor G8 kids. Their mom can actually imagine her life without them. Such a stupid, selfish bitch.
Tucker's mom and Admin:
IIRC, K8 also has said that the day she found out she was pregnant with the tups WAS THE WORST DAY OF HER LIFE( or something along those lines )
With the holidays approaching and shopping and all the mommy duties we have it's amazing we can find time to read this blog and have a little fun. My point here is, with 8 kids and 2 as of now being home schooled and all the things she claims she does, how in the world does she find it so important to run to the media and talk about her children while throwing daddy under the bus again? Shouldn't she be home and caring for her kids and actually being a mom than trying to make herself relevant on the Today Show. The interview was such BS and wasted good air time on this witch. I'm sure they could have filled that air time with something more important, even a lesson in stuffing Christmas stockings would have been so much better and useful.
Anyone who uses fertility treatments CHOOSES all the consequences of what could happen, including, if more than one egg is involved, multiples. Most people I've ever heard needing fertility treatments take full responsibility for what they are doing.
By no means do I think the slim chance of multiples should stop people from having a family--but don't act like you never realized this could happen. In Kate's own book she appeared to be gunning for multiples, she had twin dolls as a child. We've heard other reports she was obsessed with the McCauley's. The Dionne sisters wrote to the McCauley's when the kids were born--boy did they have that off, they should have written Kate.
I'm trying to go cold turkey off Kate, but actually read parts of the transcript of her Today interview. OMG! This woman is trying so hard to spin, spin, spin she can hardly put together a coherent sentence. How does Meredith do some of the amazing interviews she does and sit through this BS?
"When photos of me and a bodyguard are splash all over the tabloids with salacious headlines that make my husband look like a cuckold, you bet I'd trade the grey fox in for a portly, hirsute woman named Helga."
LOL!! Or Brunhilda the Barbarian! End of gossip!
Now, take that list of quotes by the CNN journalists, and compare it to posts by many of us on GWOP about 2 years ago! It's about freakin time that mainstream media FINALLY gets it. *NOW* there might be some hope for the kids.
Admin, just to add to your comments:
When it comes to fertility treatments, HOM's are considered a FAILURE by most reputable centers. K8 herself has said many times that she was hospitalized for overstimulated ovaries (too many eggs) but then several weeks later she found out she was pregnant. I firmly believe that K8's doctor told her to skip the cycle, she ignored him and didn't tell Jon about her condition, voila, she's pregnant with tups. I also do not believe her story that she had PCOS , or that she "knew" since she was young that she would have trouble getting pregnant. It is also highly suspicious that K8 used a different fertility doctor for the tups than with the twins.
I underwent fertility treatments for 3 years and therefore am very informed about this topic - her entire story is just more piles of crap and lies.
Los Angeles, CA–“The most universal behavior of unscrupulous people is not directed, as one might imagine, at our fearfulness. It is, perversely, an appeal to our sympathy.”
Kate always wants people to feel sorry for her, she plays the martyr role.
“This woman doesn’t think twice about destroying the reputations, health and well-being or the livelihood of others if they represent obstacles to getting what she wants. She’s the sort who will force you to get down on bended knee to beg forgiveness and then take delight in saying ‘No’. She makes you feel bad to ‘keep you on your toes’.
“Such women will not be happy until they have ripped the very heart and soul out of their victim.
Please read the rest, sound like Kate?
PS..Me thinks we have an insight of what Meredith Vieira's home life is really like now. How she treats her husband and children...just like Kate.
Admin, have you seen this article? It says Kate will be on Sarah Palin's show in 2 weeks.
Sherry Shepherd is an idiot! No wonder it took her so long to get pregnant. She doesn't have a clue about the biology and physiology of pregnancy. And when Kate "chose" not to reduce the embryos, she "chose" to have all those kids and she did "want" all of those kids to be born. And now it is her responsibility to care for them, and there is a better way to do that than to be on television, even is Sherry Shepherd doesn't believe so.
ID Modo and Tucker's Mom, I really enjoy your posts. You're both so articulate and intelligent.
MOst of the comments on Khate latest blog were negative and new comments have yet to get posted. There haven't been new posts in well over 24 hours. There are only 52 showing. I have sent in 3 and none of them have been posted. Mine are always posted even though they are negative. Maybe they've heard enough?
But if Kate had had a crystal ball, would she have taken the fertility drugs?
"If I could have looked into the future, I would not have done it," she admitted.
I copied this a while ago.
She’s the sort who will force you to get down on bended knee to beg forgiveness and then take delight in saying ‘No’. She makes you feel bad to ‘keep you on your toes’.
Didn't the kids thank her for the dogs (first time around) and she said, "You're not welcome."
“She holds grudges too. Her revenge and retribution can be savage and harsh. Surprise is her weapon. Expect the worst, then double it."
Here's a real wingdinger from the same L.A. newspaper article on the "Female Sociopath."
The authors must have interviewed my mother for this piece; er, before she died, that is. HA!
I don't know what turned the tide but the more Kate talks, the more people in the media call her out as a lying irresponsible parent. After Kate's interview on the Today show I saw several negative stories about her.
Will she turn on the ignore button and continue doing interviews - even though the media rakes her over the coals. It will be interesting to see what Kate's next move will be. In the end I think Kate's hypocritical behavior will be her own undoing.
There aren't too many, if any, pro Kate articles out there anymore. This one is very blunt.
Kitty The Dog's Blog said... Sherry Shepherd is an idiot!
ITA! Remember, she actually said on TV that she "doesn't know for a fact that the world is round". That's the intelligence of a Kate fan!
Must Love Dogs said... With the holidays approaching and shopping and all the mommy duties we have it's amazing we can find time to read this blog and have a little fun. My point here is, with 8 kids and 2 as of now being home schooled and all the things she claims she does, how in the world does she find it so important to run to the media and talk about her children while throwing daddy under the bus again? Shouldn't she be home and caring for her kids and actually being a mom than trying to make herself relevant on the Today Show. The interview was such BS and wasted good air time on this witch. I'm sure they could have filled that air time with something more important, even a lesson in stuffing Christmas stockings would have been so much better and useful.
LOL Must love Dogs, you make me laugh!
So after this week, I really wonder what Kate thinks. Does she even realize that most blogs are 99% against her and what she is doing to her children? The only blog I've seen that has a few positive comments about her and her show, are on TLC under Kate's "fake" Take blog. I just don't know how she can carry on the way she does knowing there is such strong dislike for her and her actions! I mean most celebrities have to have a thick skin and roll with the punches. But Kate, first of all, is NOT a celebrity, but just gets slammed, time after time and keeps comeing back for more. It's unbelievable. I think if I was her (and thank God I am not) I would just say. OK, I've done what I can for damage control, let me just focus on making a great Christmas Holiday for my kids and stay out of the media for the rest of the year! Just to try and save a little face. But I know it won't happen, because if she was a normal person with normal feelings and the best interest of her kids in mind, she wouldn't be in this media backlash in the first place. GRINCH!
Kate G. is delusional and so far into denial that it is almost funny. If it wasn't so sad for the kids, we could just ignore her totally. Of course, the reason we see Kate at all is because she had all those kids. It's called exploitation. Too bad the Dionne women didn't write a scathing letter to her. She deserves to be raked over the coals more than once.
I just read that the Alaska camping fiasco will be shown Dec. 12th on Sarah Palin's show. Can't wait. NOT.
K8SUCKS said...
I firmly believe that K8's doctor told her to skip the cycle, she ignored him and didn't tell Jon about her condition, voila, she's pregnant with tups.
A long time ago I saw a clip of K8 getting the news about that second pregnancy and whining to Jon "Are you mad at me, honey?"
I thought immediately that this is exactly what she did - ignored the doctor, "forgot" to tell Jon that super-fertilization was likely, and managed the hyper-multiple pregnancy she'd wanted all along.
Why else would she have said this to Jon? It's a very, very strange response to being told that your "infertility" has been overcome. Unless you lied or misled your spouse and manipulated him into accidentally giving you what you intended all along.
So after this week, I really wonder what Kate thinks. Does she even realize that most blogs are 99% against her and what she is doing to her children? The only blog I've seen that has a few positive comments about her and her show, are on TLC under Kate's "fake" Take blog. I just don't know how she can carry on the way she does knowing there is such strong dislike for her and her actions! I mean most celebrities have to have a thick skin and roll with the punches. But Kate, first of all, is NOT a celebrity, but just gets slammed, time after time and keeps comeing back for more. It's unbelievable. I think if I was her (and thank God I am not) I would just say. OK, I've done what I can for damage control, let me just focus on making a great Christmas Holiday for my kids and stay out of the media for the rest of the year! Just to try and save a little face. But I know it won't happen, because if she was a normal person with normal feelings and the best interest of her kids in mind, she wouldn't be in this media backlash in the first place. GRINCH!
Must Love Dogs said... With the holidays approaching and shopping and all the mommy duties we have it's amazing we can find time to read this blog and have a little fun. My point here is, with 8 kids and 2 as of now being home schooled and all the things she claims she does, how in the world does she find it so important to run to the media and talk about her children while throwing daddy under the bus again? Shouldn't she be home and caring for her kids and actually being a mom than trying to make herself relevant on the Today Show. The interview was such BS and wasted good air time on this witch. I'm sure they could have filled that air time with something more important, even a lesson in stuffing Christmas stockings would have been so much better and useful.
LOL Must love Dogs, you make me laugh!
Kitty The Dog's Blog said... Sherry Shepherd is an idiot!
ITA! Remember, she actually said on TV that she "doesn't know for a fact that the world is round". That's the intelligence of a Kate fan!
“She holds grudges too. Her revenge and retribution can be savage and harsh. Surprise is her weapon. Expect the worst, then double it."
Here's a real wingdinger from the same L.A. newspaper article on the "Female Sociopath."
The authors must have interviewed my mother for this piece; er, before she died, that is. HA!
But if Kate had had a crystal ball, would she have taken the fertility drugs?
"If I could have looked into the future, I would not have done it," she admitted.
I copied this a while ago.
I Woouldn't Either: If I had 8 children who were going to be affected by the way I portrayed myself in public, I sure as hell would care what strangers think about me!I would worry that my children's friends would tease them about my slutty clothing, my outrageous behaviour, my apparent closeness with a married man, and my continuous lies on TV.
Wouldn't you?
I am dreaming? The mainstream media is finally coming out and discussing Kate as she really is? It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood. I never thought I'd see the day.
Yes, Admin, I'm sure these accomplished women with respectable jobs are really just jealous haters who would much rather have a failing reality show on cable TV.
As for having Kate on one of these programs and asking her the hard questions, it'll never happen and it wouldn't be very professional anyway, to bombard her with questions and demand answers (although it would be fun to watch her ummmm and squirm).
But Kate is a full-blown narcissist who will never change. If she believes the sun rises in the West (and who knows, maybe she does), there is no amount of evidence you could provide that would make her admit she was wrong. NONE! KATE WILL NEVER CHANGE.
I'm just glad to see the media finally deciding to talk about what they've known all along. Even ROL, in it's unreliable, gaggingly gossipy way has jumped on the bandwagon today.
As for getting Jon on some interview show to tell his side, he's keeping quiet for the sake of the kids. Why would he want to continue the mudslinging? Stick to your guns, Jon! Way to go. You're doing the right thing.
Kart will never be interviewed by a 'real journalist' because a 'real journalist', a professional, would never agree to limit their questions. And Kart has to be in control of everything so she can vomit out her contrived answers and lies. She would never allow any interviewer to say "but didn't you say two years ago?" or "wait, are you saying that your bitch personality has no bearing on the kids' problems?"
Nope, unless she can get a guarantee they will only ask her pre-approved questions, she won't agree to sit for them.
Also, everyone keeps saying/talking about the TV SHOW AND THE DIVORCE. In my opinion, Kart is a mentally disturbed person who is abusive to her kids. Her personality disorder, and she does have one even if she doesn't reveal a doctor's diagnosis, is what is poisoning those poor kids lives.
That's the problem.
I hope this negative publicity is a sign that Kate will soon go back to obscurity where she belongs. She's juiced the piglet (Kate+8, Today Show, DWTS, etc.)until it's bone dry.
This one's interesting, given the source-Radar Online portraying Kate as the irresponsible parent and Jon as the responsible one.
Vanessa said...
Just wondering if anyone can figure out the timeline as far as when Jon was claiming he couldn't get a job because of his contract with TLC? He's finally got a regular job, curious if it's because he's finally let out of it.
Jon was only prohibited from obtaining 'unapproved' work (and TLC wouldn't approve anything) in the entertainment field when he was under contract with TLC. IDK whether he's still under contract or not, but it wouldn't really make any difference because his new job is reported to be in the IT field which would not be in violation of the non-compete clause in his contract.
Ms. Shepperd is even more clueless - Kate didn't have IVF she had IUI. No embryos were ever implanted in her. That was in MB, Sherry. You should really research your guests more.
But that's the big issue now, isn't it? The bottom line is Sherri Shepperd can't even be bothered to really know anything about Kate because a) Sherri is as much a narcissist as Kate and b) in the end, Kate just isn't important enough for people to bother with fact checking.
For what is Jon supposed to apologize? For the divorce? For pulling the plug on the show awhile back? Exactly what apology is she waiting for? I don't understand...
Kate will never come out of the denial she is wallowing in as long as TLC and her other stooges and sycophants continue to support her in it.
She doesn't care what the rest of us think- as far as she's concerned we are not paying her salary, providing her purse boy, or keeping her in the public eye.
I don't think that she will come out of denial even when TLC and the media drop her, but I think there's less chance of it as long as they continue to maintain her delusions.
Laura D., I agree with you. It IS nice to see her being called out for her outrageous behavior but it would be even better if when she is interviewed people would stop her when she is blatantly lying and force her to watch a clip of what she actually said. Then make her respond. And the instant she starts lying again, butt in and stop her and play another clip and so on. I think she would blow a gasket on national tv if that ever happened. For some reason, Viera (who I agree is about as warm to most people as a viper) and Coyne and TLC and even Kelly Ripa give her a pass every time. I just cannot understand why these same people don't say, after she has lied through another interview, 'And tomorrow Jon Gosselin will be here to 'set the record straight'. And keep the camera on her face the whole time. Why is that not happening? TLC can't keep him shut up forever.
We all knew Kate was delusional when the marriage renewal vow show aired and the marriage ended soon after. Clearly, she is devoted to the show at the expense of her children and her marriage. She will never say anything but good things about her pursuit for fame and fortune. The problem facing Kate is she is at an all time high of unlikeability. Unless a villian centered reality show comes along for her soon,she won't find many tv gigs. I hope Jon has a plan in place to rescue the kids.
should see the new one ROL ABOUT KATE
Kate may think she is witty and smart for making these comments on national television about how putting her children on a reality tv program is what is in the best interest of her children; however, trust me and it will happen, when she goes to sue TLC for the damage it has caused and after she is dropped like a hot potato, TLC will use these clips against her. You cannot deny the "rumors" if it coming directly out of the horse's mouth. :)
Long time reader of this blog, but first time poster.
This is a great video clip from CNN. They have her number finally! As I watched a YouTube video of Kate being interviewed for the Today Show, I could not help but notice how her face has changed so dramatically over the past year or so. Her eyes are so black with anger and distain, and that HUGE chip on her shoulder is must weigh far more than her fake ta-ta's. She is a vile looking person, filled with bitterness and hate. Her bitterness reminds me of the South American vine known as the "matador." Beginning at the foot of a tree, the matador vine slowly works its way to the top. But as it grows, it kills the tree, and when at last the top is reached, it sends forth a flower to crown itself. Matador literally means KILLER.
That describes Kate's to a T.
Great job on this site Admin. I enjoy reading all the different view points, and appreciate your honest view of things.
~ Cdn Eastcoster
CNN spoke the truth. Will the sheeple call them "haterz" too?
Well, there you go.
I expect more and more people in the media (and elsewhere) will continue to call Kate out on her delusion, until she has no choice but to remove her children from t.v.
We all know that exposure is POISON to a narcissist. I suppose that it's 3x worse if you are in the public eye.
Kate's not going to fare too well with this- considering her inability to give up (or in) when she's wrong.
At least her children stand a fighting chance now to be children, not performing monkeys.
Justice will prevail.
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