Coming up on Sarah Palin’s Alaska! In just one hour Kate single-handedly elevates the stupidest woman in the Republican Party and her entire family into the most-loved political dynasty since John Kennedy‘s Camelot. I’ve heard a lot of liberals who watched this episode are “mad” that they basically like Sarah Palin now. Haha, I love it.
In the interest of full disclosure, I'm registered Republican, have been since I was 18. I voted for the McCain/Palin ticket, grudgingly so. Like many Republicans I think Sarah Palin is a total idiot. Her show however is either the most genius marketing idea she ever had, or this really is how she is. Or maybe both. She’s been nothing but an attentive, devoted mommy, a genuine person, a supportive wife, down-to-earth and, well, kinda adorable. And Sarah is as usual adorable as she goes gun shopping to help protect a “gal” she’s going to be “campin’” with. Ha. Most people wouldn’t mind just letting the bears have at Kate, but Sarah cutely wants to protect her.
After the gun shopping the Palins go hike a local mountain. They take a bunch of extended family members--cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents and such. Extended family? I don’t get why you would want to include your relatives in your life experiences. I think Sarah Palin gets her cuteness from her dad. “I’m lost, where am I?” Chuck shouts, even though he‘s surrounded by like a dozen family members. Ha. And I love that his name is Chuck. It just fits.
Like it’s a freaking living breathing Good Housekeeping magazine, after hiking Sarah then helps Piper with her homework, lovingly chiding her not to rely on a calculator for her math.

Sarah breaks the news that they are going camping tomorrow with Kate and her eight kids. Piper is just thrilled, giving a huge toothy smile and thumbs up. Don’t worry, Kate will wipe that smirk off her face in no time, hand sanitizer or not.
“We always get a kick out of introducing people outside of Alaska to what it is we do,” Sarah says. I just love people who say they get “kicks” out of things. It reminds me of my growing up years in rural America, which I‘ve been very nostalgic for lately.
Kate and the kids trudge up to the front door. They all look really exhausted. Presumably they just finished a grueling three days or so of shooting Kate Plus 8, so I don’t blame them.
Kate makes the most eye contact with Sarah she ever will in this entire episode, about 2.2 seconds worth. “So good to meet you!” she says in that fake way you might speak when you really don’t give a crap and probably have already forgotten the other person‘s name. What did you say your name was again? Sarah what-now?
Kate does realize this is thee Sarah Palin, right? Not just another random family they paid to go camping with like they paid that random family to go gold panning with a few days before?
2.2 more seconds later and the children are already destroying Sarah Palin’s personal property, attacking a bearskin and even ripping out the tongue. No one scolds them or even suggests they calm down a little, they are just allowed to have at it like little killer bees swarming their victim. Finally Kate tells them eh, you best put it back now.
Kate admires Sarah “for being a strong woman, who doesn’t back down, who doesn’t let the world’s opinion of her change her or get to her.” It’s obvious Kate thinks she’s just like Sarah. It’s obvious Kate also thinks that the whole world just one day decided it’s pick on Sarah Palin Day or pick on Kate Gosselin Day, randomly like that. It puts the blame on the world, and not on Kate, as usual. It’s the world’s fault, why wouldn’t it be?
Let me explain something to Kate. With the exception of a small minority of Palin “haters” who actually do hate her as a person, Americans, in general, hate Sarah Palin because of her absolutely stupid opinions on things like immigration, gun control, foreign policy (I can see Russia from my house!), and things like that. And many Republicans resent her because she helped lose the election and made our party look stupid. Get it? We hate her opinions, not her. We just don’t want a woman with straw for brains to actually be in charge of anything, or even second in line to be in charge of anything (my liberal friends are shouting fiftieth in line is not even enough.). Most people really don’t have a problem with what she does in her spare time, like climb mountains with her kids and help them with homework. Now unlike Sarah, people hate Kate because she’s a greedy, narcissistic celebrity-hungry hair extension-loving whore who has exploited every last dollar out of her precious kids’ childhoods, destroyed any chance at a normal life in so doing, and is now holding them upside down by their ankles and shaking out any last remaining change. The reason Kate is hated and the reason Sarah Palin is hated is like trying to compare Alaska to Hawaii--you really can‘t. They’re both “unattached” states but it stops there. You both have a reality show and it stops there, Kate.
Piper shows the children Sarah’s home studio. “My mom has another job, she goes on TV and talks to people,” Piper explains. I wait for Mady to say, My mom has another job, too. She goes to New York and spends our money on fried Barbie doll extensions. But they must have edited that out.
Kate thinks she and Sarah can understand each other because of the media scrutiny. Their lives are so vastly different Kate cannot even begin to comprehend what it’s like to be Sarah Palin, but sure, whatever. Gee willikers, Sarah sure is giving ole Kate there a lot of credit, “I think Kate and I probably have a lot in common. I know certainly we will put our children first!” Um. Sarah? Have you actually seen Kate’s show?
I kind of like that Sarah stuck in “probably.” It sorta implies she really doesn’t know that much about Kate at all, has only just heard they would probably get along. From what I’ve seen of Sarah, I think had she really known, she never would have agreed to this trip.
I’ll say this for Kate, she is very comfortable holding Trigg, doesn’t seem to feel any awkwardness about that. I really do appreciate that Kate got right in there with him. If we’re going to be honest, this can be hard for people who are not used to being around a special needs child, it’s not something I would judge anyone for if someone were uncomfortable at first, but Kate wasn‘t at all. Good for her.
Sarah says they leave the children with the nanny to go to “bear school.” What nanny? Because they definitely edited her out and made it seem like it‘s just Kate. Sarah opened her big fat Alaskan mouth and blew the cover on that one. If called out on that Sarah is totally the type to say, "Oops, did I say that?! I'm so sorry!" Only she would not be sorry at all. This woman should get in line for sainthood she's coming across so darn likable. She probably has a better chance at canonization than becoming president anyhow. The miracle she performed was putting up with Kate Gosselin for a few hours.
I wonder if they will learn how to steal a pic-i-nic basket at bear school! Just a little Yogi Bear joke. I always thought you should shout and act really big if a bear confronts you, that‘s what they told me at Yosemite, but the bear professor is saying something completely different. He wants you to talk quietly to them and then at some point get on your stomach, and if all else fails, there’s the guns. I don’t understand this, but this is why I don’t live in the wilderness.
Sarah spouts some nonsense about how Americans need to realize we need guns to protect ourselves from animals. Yes, Sarah, the 0.1% of Americans who are actually in any danger whatsoever of that probably do need guns. The rest of us don’t really need semi-automatics or grenade launchers or all the other deadly weapons available out there to ward off a snippy chihuahua or a cat being a brat. See this is why Sarah should just stick to being a normal person and not talk politics. I instantly get annoyed when she starts talking “issues.” I don’t want her to ever talk about any “issues” again so I can keep liking her.
Next at bear school they do some target practice outside. Kate pretends she is super uncomfortable with this, even though she was practically Annie Get Your Gun when she took the boys to Wyoming last year. I think she probably sings in her head Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better when it comes to the kids--she is not the type to let the children beat her at anything, be it an actual game, or even, having fun. We’ll see this later. Anyway, let’s put it this way, if she feels like flirting with her instructor she’ll shoot whatever you want her to. If she doesn’t, she’s demure Kate who has never shot a gun before and isn’t all that interested in learning. Kate, ironically, says she would do anything to protect her children including using a gun. Which is why it took her so damn long to finally plant those bushes in the front yard of the house. What was it, a year? Come off it, Kate.
Sarah says she feels a responsibility to protect Kate’s kids. Gee I’m glad someone in their lives does!
Kate and the kids head over with Sarah to Grandpa Chuck’s house. I wonder if the children asked Kate what a grandpa is. The kids absolutely adore Chuck, completely fascinated by all his Alaskan chotskies. Of course Chuck is the type of guy to not just show the kids a porcupine quill, but to actually stick his arm with it to demonstrate. Sarah is basically like, Dad, please! Ha. I love when grown-up kids have to reel in their parents, it‘s like this funny role-reversal thing. They go for a fun tractor ride, which almost makes me cry with nostalgia because that‘s what my grandfather always did, took us grandkids for a ride around the property on his tractor. There’s nothing like a grandpa, is there? I have never seen such a genuine smile out of Mady. Not for several years anyway. They need genuine people like this in their lives so badly. People of all ages.
Finally it’s the big day and it‘s raining. Sarah is all, it’s raining but if the family is together we’ll have a great time! Plus it’s so beautiful out there! Let’s focus on the family! Everything is perfect! Seriously, she says things are “perfect.” Do you kind of wonder if she is being extra cheerful and chipper just to piss Kate off? Like those people who talk about how wonderful their health is thanks to their stupid raw foods diet and drinking lots of water, when someone is just trying to tell them about their bowel problems and mind-splitting migraines. It’s kind of funny because I bet Sarah’s happiness did indeed piss off Kate.
Waa-waa, here comes Kate boarding the seaplane, head bent and shoulders slumped. It’s cold and rainy, bemoans the Grinch.

Back at the campsite, the Palins are setting up the tents and the fire and you half expect Jeremiah Johnson to saunter up with a bearskin draped over his shoulders.
“Are you kidding me?” Kate bitches as they get off the plane. “Doesn’t the lodge sound much more exciting to you?” Chuck gives her the hand. I’m serious, he gives her the talk-to-the-hand. It … is…. awesome. And makes you wonder how much bitching she did at Chuck’s house before, such that this old guy is already giving her the hand before she even gets to the campsite.

Cut to Sarah, who is literally snapping kindling in half with just her hands: Rain or shine Alaskans still have a most excellent time, I know I’m gonna enjoy this, she says happily. Ha! Go Sarah. Go Chuck, too. Oh, this is gonna be good. It already is.
Waa-waa, we forgot bug spray, says the Wicked Witch. Um, what? I have been camping dozens of times in many different climates, hot, cold, dry, wet, humid, sticky, and so on. And I have never once seen bugs out when it’s raining and this cold. Most bugs do not come out in the rain, it turns their wings all wet and they go kamikaze on you.
You’re gonna love this! says the Good Witch. What a story for your schoolmates back home!
“You really like this?” Kate questions Sarah rudely. In response, Sarah rambles on about fish and a great fire roarin’ and the mountains and everything is gorgeous!
Kate parks herself under a tent and stands there. This is where she will remain for the rest of the episode. I notice she is chomping away on her gum. I don’t think it’s really the rain that is bothering her. I think she is just on edge because she can’t go off with her boxed wine and her pack of Camels or she might get eaten by a bear and then who would exploit the kids? And also, she is very, very jealous of Sarah, who is wonderful with all the kids and has a perfect life and makes way more money than Kate.
Meanwhile the kids are incredibly engaged with Chuck and Sarah’s brother Chuck Jr. (love it, Chuck Jr.), exploring the environment. Salmon teeth, cool. They run over to show Kate their findings and Aaden is basically like, Fool, why you be standing there under the tent when the fun is out here? He doesn’t quite say it like that but he does want to know why Kate won’t come join them. Poor kid. There are only so many precious few years that your son wants Mommy to take part in the fun with him, and then it’s gone forever. Keep chomping that gum, Kate, while their childhoods waste away.
Alexis is loving fishing with Todd. Willow says the kids are having a great time. Of course they are. Adults are engaging them, that’s all it takes. Keeping kids happy just requires a few salmon teeth. Not money, not trips, not stuff. Just salmon teeth.
Back under the tent, Kate is complaining about non-existent bugs still. She has delusions of grandeur in addition to delusions of bugs. “Sorry I’m miserable, but somebody’s gotta be,” Kate deadpans. Wow. Actually, no, miserable people suck and should be thrown to the bears.
Sarah states the obvious, although since this is not obvious at all to Kate I’ll go over it for her benefit: “Kids will always have fun if they’re bein’ productive and helpful and pitchin’ in!” Sarah explains. Good Lord, who knew Mother of the Year 2010 should go to Sarah Palin of all people? It’s like a hidden talent, like discovering George Bush was a chess master in his spare time.
“This is cruel and unusual punishment,” Kate says as she paces like a caged lion. “I’m paralyzed.” This woman is so barking mad she is just talking nonsense at this point. Paralyzed, what? How insulting to people who really are paralyzed. It really is a wonder she wasn’t hauled off the set in a straight jacket. It was pointed out that Kate wouldn‘t turn the boat around in North Carolina when the children were practically laying in their own vomit. Because she had her little heart set on deep sea fishing. Now this time it’s the children who want to fish, and I think Kate should be made to stay on this trip even if her fingers fall off from gangrene. No worse than laying in your own vomit. Fair is fair.
Sarah goes on and on about how camping helps you unwind and that you need to remember what is really important in life. She is seriously just poking the crazy now, and it is the most hysterical thing I have ever seen anyone do to this woman. If Sarah can’t be president of this country, she can certainly be president of the Kate Haters hearts.
Meanwhile it’s like an episode of Romper Room over there, the kids are still having a wonderful time, now they’re making a map of Alaska out of rocks, and shortly after that they start making hot dogs and smores. This is so fun, this camping spot is luxurious! Sarah adds.
“It just kills me that people willingly do this,” Kate mutters. Where’s Steve anyway? She could cuddle up warm with him. That might stop her bitching.
You know it’s been widely speculated that Sarah and Kate were put together because the producers knew full well they were putting Kate in a situation where she would implode. Maybe so, and that’s fine. Except for the fact that eight children are involved and have to deal with her shitty fallout and have their fun times ruined. Eight children are having an amazing trip (with a possible future president, I might add, what a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity) and Kate is sucking the life out of it. If they want to put Kate in highly charged situations, send her mountain climbing with the Dali Lama, explore land mines with Angelina Jolie, I don’t know, sail around the world with Danny Bonaduce. But damn, could they please leave the kids out of it? Just leave the kids out of it.
Kate, who is apparently three-years-old, makes a big fat rude face at her moose hot dog and won‘t even try it. Making smores is so fun! says Sarah. There is actually an interview with none other than Barbara Walters in which Piper says her favorite food of her mom’s is moose hot dogs. So not only is Kate insulting something her host made for her, but she is also insulting Piper’s favorite food of her mom’s. Just as a general rule? Don't insult your host, at all. I bet Kate didn't know that was Piper's favorite food. What is just another insult to Kate turns out is actually a comment that could be devastating to a young child.
Sarah shouts at Todd to come join the cookout but he pretends he doesn’t hear her and just keeps fishing. Ha! I just love how men like him choose to deal with situations like these. The world needs more Todd and less Kate. Mady, whom Kate always claimed was not into this stuff, is, of course, having a ball, and chatters on as such. It is so refreshing that for once, the children are finally able to speak for themselves and not through the propaganda machine of Kate.
“We are not camping people, I’ll scream it from mountaintops!” Kate says tearfully. “Why would you pretend to be homeless? I don’t get it!” Kate? It’s not we. It’s you. Just you. Little old you.
There’s no paper towels, there’s no utensils, there’s no tables, there’s no hand sanitizer! What, does she require a silver tea service to eat a hot dog? Is she going to ring for Chuck to bring over the ketchup? Require him to wear a butler uniform too? Also, she could have actually contributed to the camp site and brought along paper towels, utensils, and hand sanitizer if that’s what she required. You know, she’s still chomping away on her gum. She just wants a cigarette, that’s all this really is. My best friend is, sadly, a smoker, and this is how she gets when she goes without it for a few hours. She’s an absolute sweetheart again once she gets her fix.
Kate is crying to production. Crying. She held it together as long as she could but she’s “done now!” She’s hungry! Kate, that’s what the hotdog was for! She throws something on the ground. Also, oddly, she says she has 19 layers on. Why not an even 20? Kate picks the oddest numbers when she exaggerates/lies. She also says her hands are freezing, and holds them up. Oh, she’s not wearing gloves. Which is probably why her hands are freezing.
I said this the moment this episode aired: Kate sets herself up to fail because she wants to fail. She never wanted to go on this camping trip because Sarah would be the star, not her, so she made sure it was absolutely miserable so that it would not succeed. Somebody ring for that straight jacket now, please.
Come on, it wasn't that bad, "geez," Sarah says. Sarah has gotten quieter now, but, haha! Look at her face!

Todd's still fishing? Ha. Sarah wanders over, confused. "Are you staying out here by yourself? Are you escaping?" she asks. She pauses a moment, then, "Now I get it. You're smarter than you look, honey!" Baw-hahahaha. Baw-hahaha. Oh, my God. Could we have like a co-presidency? Todd and Sarah together?
Meanwhile Kate is over with Piper. It's one thing to be

"I like the rain," Piper says cheerfully. I love children. I love them because they are wired to make lemonade out of lemons. It's like they don't even understand that rain is a bad thing. I honestly think children as they get older are "taught" that things like rain are bad. We are born not knowing that. We are born with a natural affinity to have fun under any circumstances, and adults like Kate fuck that up as they raise us.
Piper, who was so thrilled to meet Kate, now gives her a look. She was once a sheeple, now is a hater. Welcome, Piper, welcome.
Chuck, bless his heart, tries to get Kate warm by the fire. And thank goodness he points out he never once heard the kids complain. Once. They had a ball.
Kate asks the children if they want to stay or go. "Actually, I do want to stay," Joel says. They all chime in they want to stay. Fine, says Kate, you're now a Palin not a Gosselin. I don't understand why this makes the kids so sad. Being a Palin sounds a hell of a lot more fun. I'm being facecious of course. What a cruel and heartless thing to say to a six-year-old.
Totally guilt-tripped, Alexis says fine, I'll go. Kate goes over to Sarah and says they're going to go. Oh, WTF!
How are you going to break it to the children? Sarah asks. I just adore that Sarah's first thought goes to the children. Kate's last thought goes to her children. This would be after money, Steve, hooker heels, sushi, hair extensions, manicures, being bitter at Jon who long got over her like two decades ago, cigarettes, and her personal comfort level. Then she might give a fleeting thought to the kids. Sarah and Kate awkwardly hug, not even making eye contact. Piper doesn't even want to walk them over to the seaplane. She shakes her head vehemently. She even calls her Mom to come back over. Love it.
Ironically, the weather clears. How metaphorcally awesome.
"She bitched the minute she got off the plane," Chuck remarks. Sarah is the classiest reality star to ever grace our screens. She is kind of like, come on now Dad if you put me out of my element in New York City on the red carpet I would probably do the same. Eh, I'm guessing not. I'm guessing she would say this is fun! Let's have a double latte and get a manicure just like all the rich folk do down in these parts! We can have family time at Susan Sarandon's ping-pong club after we're done here! Yup, that's Sarah.
A lot of people must think we're just a bunch of nerds playing charades and going camping, Sarah says. Sarah, give yourself some credit. I think you and your family are wonderful. I think you and your family get it. And someday when you are gone, I think charades with their Mom and Dad and Gramps out there camping in the wilderness is what your children will be so fondly remembering when they have grandkids of their own. That is what making a memory is really about. Sarah says kind of sadly that the Gosselin kids probably would have had a great time and remembered this forever. Yes, yes they would have. My heart aches for them and I can tell Sarah's does, too.
As the Palins finally go to bed, Sarah says, sweetly, "Goodnight, I love you."
"I have to pee!" Willow replies. Is she....making fun of someone here?
"That's enough, Willow!" Sarah retorts.
Ha! Sarah for president of our hearts.
83 sediments (sic) from readers:
Thanks for the recap, I can well imagine Kate sulking in a corner refusing to participate. Does she not realize what this does to her children? They can't have any fun when she is around, she makes them choose between her or the activity, and she embarasses them constantly with her bizarre behaviour. She is beyond rude. She is insufferable. I really hope they get therapy so they don't grow up being attracted to an abuser type like Kate.
I am really beginning to think that Kate Gosselin is a sociopath. She is one sick woman.
I love the rain too. Kate is just unreal. I still can't get over it. Great re-cap Admin. You have nailed Kate, yet again. What bugs me so much is how she wouldn't involve herself. If she had just had some fun with the rest of the group, instead of being a miserable d-bag, then maybe she could have seen the forest through the trees, so to speak. WHY does she have to ruin her kids fun ALL the time, & make it about her all the damn time? Her kids will remember this always, not only from their own memories, but this will forever be on video for them to look at. They were laughing, learning, having fun.
One day, they will go to Kate & say "You couldn't just TRY for us Mom? Not just once?" No matter how hard I try to see the good in that woman, it's never there. Ever. And I hate that I can't. She is pure greed. Those poor kids.
Vote on (at the very bottom of the page) for Kate being a Pinhead on the Sarah Palin camping trip.
In the know said...
kate is not home, she is out of town, so the dog is on it's own tonight.
she went from NY to Los Angeles, will be home Sat, coming in BWI in MD. she doesn't like to arr in Phila.
2 baby sitters living there and one cook with the kids, think jon has the kids over the weekend.
she leaves those kids alone with strangers and bodyguards a lot more than anyone knows.she wants like everyone to think she has a job out in L.A. but the baby sitters are new. always new. she kids no one.
Wait until Sat or Sun, you will see she is going to mani pedi and spray tan. so orange. terrible look.
In the know said...
kate is not home, she is out of town, so the dog is on it's own tonight.
she went from NY to Los Angeles, will be home Sat, coming in BWI in MD. she doesn't like to arr in Phila.
2 baby sitters living there and one cook with the kids, think jon has the kids over the weekend.
she leaves those kids alone with strangers and bodyguards a lot more than anyone knows.she wants like everyone to think she has a job out in L.A. but the baby sitters are new. always new. she kids no one.
Wait until Sat or Sun, you will see she is going to mani pedi and spray tan. so orange. terrible look
Above was posted on another site but I thought it was interesting and if true another example of Kate spending time away from the kids, leaving them with paid help and having a good time in LA. I wonder who helps the kids with their homework? It is sad that Jon is not allowed to stay with them when she is not there since she travels so much. Kids need lots of physical reassurances, hugs are so important to a child and talking on a phone just does not do it. There is such a huge void in their lives and they will always be dealing with it. I could not live with myself if I had ignored my kids and can be assured that I gave them lots of hugs and kisses, pats, touches and praise and as adults they still have those assurances.
For the first time, I'm disappointed in your re-cap. The continued jabs at Sarah Palin's intelligence, or lack thereof in your opinion, were ugly. I agree she was not ready for prime time when John McCain picked her as a VP candidate, but that doesn't make her stupid. And she never said she could see Russia from her window. It's like you watched Tina Fey too many times and mistook her for the real Sarah Palin, who is as crazy as a fox.
I'm not saying Palin is an intellectual giant, but neither is our teleprompter-in-chief. The insults and hatred for her in general just don't make sense to me. Who did Sarah Palin ever hurt to make her such a target? John McCain was a pathetic candidate who threw away his chances when he suspended his campaign. It was a huge blunder.
That being said, I enjoy your wicked sense of humor and intelligence and I appreciate your compassion for the Gosselin children. I always have.
Great recap Admin,
I am still stunned that this went down as it did and am watching the fallout. Bill O'Reilly has is Kate a pinhead poll going on if anyone would care to vote:
Is that fork finally stuck in Kate? I can't imagine any advertisers wanting to sign on to Kate and her efforts in the future. All she had she wasted. Again, my thoughts and prayers go to the 8, with hopes that their Dad will be able to be more a part of their lives. Have a good day everyone, I am up to my elbows in Christmas
Is there someone who can post the link for this episode? I can't find it on youtube.
Side note- on Kate's Blog there are tons of defectors! Many many posters are saying THIS episode can NOT be defended, that they've given her their support up until this one!
Funny, they were ok with her treating her husband, kids, inlaws, nannies, helpers etc, like s^%$t, but THIS time she went too far!
Wow! Nice job, Administrator!
Sarah and her entire family were lovely hosts to the Gosselins. I mean really, if the shoe was on the other foot, Kate would not have been capable of showing ANYONE a pleasant experience-
because she's too self absorbed. I love how the little Gosselins were hanging on to every word Sarah's father said. Those children are so badly starved for a kind, and loving mentor.
Damn you Kate for depriving them of this.
I may not agree with everything Sarah says, but I respect her. Recently, Sarah, her husband Todd, and Bristol went to Haiti to visit a bunch of cholera centers. Can you imagine Kate doing the same? Highly doubtful.
If I were Kate, I would start making amends with "Ghettoville", because she will be seeking employment there very soon.
Hopefully after all the negative fallout from this disaster TLC will finally get rid of the fame whore once and for all. I did e-mail them with my thoughts on how she is bringing their network down big time.
Kate is a liar; Kids' Anger Issues Even Worse Than Thought!
Admin-Most EXCELLENT recap. I laughed and laughed. So many choice one liners. This has to be one of your best.
I think we all knew Kate was lying. Wonder if a parent or someone at the school is fed up with Kate's lies and is talking. I hope the judge in their custody case has all the facts regarding what happened at the school.
Your recap was spot-on Admin. I didn't watch but a few minutes of pt 4 on YouTube (that was enough!) but from what I saw, you nailed the situation and the players. I did notice one thing missing - and that might only be because I did not view the entire episode, but I never saw any Gosselin gear (backpacks, duffles, etc.). Perhaps Kate never intended to stay?
Also, this showed up at HuffPo:
Great recap Admin. This was the best yet (and they've all been very good).
I think this ep did do wonders for Sarah Palin in the publics mind, as you said in your recap. I think people who hated her before, don't hate her as much (but still don't love her) and actually have more respect for her than they did previously.
Kate certainly did herself no favors with her tantrum in Alaska. But I also wonder if TLC has wanted to get rid of this shrew for a while. I mean her ratings are tanking, the money tree is losing it's leaves and this episode is one way to shake the final leaves off the branches. Like now TLC has an excuse to rid themselves of this woman?
Several sites are posting new, troubling information about the "expulsion". Like we speculated, it was more serious than first reported.
Thanks for the recap, Admin. Of course the producers had an "idea" that Kate would not like camping in the Alaskan wilderness--people watch these shows for the so-called drama. What kills me is she gets PAID to do this--I don't care if it's $50k or $250k an episode--that is a ridiculous amount of money to be paid for b!tching, IMO.
The trip was free (to Kate) and she was getting a paycheck--her kids were having fun, and she STILL couldn't suck it up for at least one night? Pathetic.
A few years back, my MIL paid for me and my husband and two teens to go to Costa Rica to attend her friend's wedding. It was rainy season there--but the sun managed to shine at least part of the time. While horseback riding up a volcano, it POURED--we were bone-soaking wet--I could literally pour water out of my shoes. However, when we got to the top of the mountain, we still partook of the mud baths and hot springs. We wound up having a wonderful adventure--I thought, "who knows if we'll ever get the chance to do this again?"--so we made the best of it. It's one of my kids' (and my) favorite memories about the trip.
She wore blue eye shadow while camping. I saw it, yet couldn't believe it. Who does that!
Wow, wow, wow!!! ROL actually printed something negative about Kate? Am I in an alternate universe? I thought they were in TLC's pocket. What happened?
Admin, I thought your imagery of Kate holding the kids upside down and shaking the last bit of change from them was excellent. So, so sad--but it puts a picture on what's really going on. The children are about as helpless as that, too.
I have to say your version of Chuck giving Kate "the hand" made me laugh out loud. Sarah and Chuck were a great pair to give to Kate. Finally, people who aren't kissing up to Her Hiney-ness. Or should that be Her "Heinousness"? Hmmm.
I am registered as a Independent and also voted the McCain/Palin ticket. Palin was not ready for VP, however I did like her as a person. The media has tried every way to shred her image and destroy any political advancements. Her accent also painted a huge target on her back. I am glad Palin is doing this show because it shows Americans the true Sarah Palin. It was a brilliant move to film the Palin family!!! I also love that FINALLY Kate's image is starting to fall apart. Yet again I am left feeling very sorry for Kate's children.
I didn't watch the episode but I have read enough to form an opinion that GRANDPA CHUCK ROCKS. Love the pic above where he is giving K8 the palm and basically telling her to stfu.
Thanks for another great re-cap Admin.
This camping show really highlighted just how much Kate's greed has devoured her. She really, truly showed that she does not care about anyone but herself.
She should have used the experience to get a handle on what it's going to be like to be homeless when it's all over and Jon has the kids. I guess she doesn't realize that the same people who built her up will bring her down with even greater momentum. TLC is plainly out to destroy her.
Re: What bugs me so much is how she wouldn't involve herself. If she had just had some fun with the rest of the group, instead of being a miserable d-bag, then maybe she could have seen the forest through the trees, so to speak.
There are so many funny items to comment on. This is one of them. Kookie Kookbook Katie was going to make sandwiches. That's what she was trying to say. Making sandwiches is a stable of the show. She had the two nannies and Stevie boy all set up to make them and discovered that the (fixings in the lunchables??) weren't up to her standards, or nobody wanted that crap, and there were no paper towels, hand cleaning goop, etc. Her kids wanted the meat roasted on the fire - who wouldn't? They were camping in the rain and unseasonable chilly temps. Her kids wanted something hot. So...she had no skills or personality to add. She couldn't boss the teenage babysitters around while they made the sandwiches and she melted down.
I really believe that by the time Kate and the children got to that part of their trip, Kate had had enough of dealing with the children and was past the point of patience. Add to that, in the wilderness where they were to stay for as many as 48 hours, she was unable to get away from everyone for a cigarette break and/or her evening cocktails. I've seen this kind of irrational behavior in smokers/drinkers who aren't able to have their "fix."
I wonder how many of the crew, nannies, and Palin's tried to get Kate out from under that tent. At her meltdown rant, the camera showed three or four adults that I hadn't seen on camera before. I can only imagine what cursing, stomping and belly-aching went on before it was decided to ditch the trip and give in to her childish tantrum.
I think this is as close as we will ever see of how detatched, uninterested and angry Kate is in her dealings with the children. She turned over all responsibility of them to the Palin's and seemed happy to leave them there when she was "done." The fact that the children weren't shown interacting with her may indicate that they have accepted that Mom doesn't "play well with others" and have given up on a relationship with her since she turns her back on them. It's shameful on her part and pathetic for those beautiful little people.
In the know said...
kate is not home, she is out of town, so the dog is on it's own tonight.
she went from NY to Los Angeles, will be home Sat, coming in BWI in MD. she doesn't like to arr in Phila.
If true, this level of detail is completely inappropriate and verges on stalking. Nobody needs to know where Kate will be landing and when.
There is no way Kate can damage control on this, she is done for. Personally I think TLC is tired of Kate and shot this episode just to finish her off.
After seeing her at her worst no serious TV spot is gonna want to touch her with a 39 and half inch pole. LOL
Maybe she actually has to go back to work at a real job and get her poor little manicured nails dirty.
Your pic couldn't be more true, stick that fork in Kate,she's done like the moose hotdogs she despises.
HippieChick said:
" One day, they will go to Kate & say "You couldn't just TRY for us Mom? Not just once?" No matter how hard I try to see the good in that woman, it's never there. Ever. And I hate that I can't. She is pure greed. Those poor kids. "
So true, I feel the same! The pain those kids go through reminds me of what I went through with my own narcissistic mom. Thankfully, I had a wonderful dad under the same roof to help balance it out. The G8 don't even have that. I hope Jon never stops fighting for his kids, and I'm very proud of him getting a regular job.
My own father will be having surgery tomorrow and he will be in the hospital for close to a week. I took time off from work to be there for him, though my mom believes I'm solely coming to keep her company. I've gotten used to how she is, but the hurt that comes from it lingers forever.
Admin, excellent recap, as always! I feel like the only one who hasn't watched this episode. Part of me wants to, but seeing those wonderful kids being treated like dogs literally makes me sick. Same goes for watching Khate, I have no patience for that woman's childish behavior.
Great recap Admin!
Maybe I missed it...but you didn't seem to comment on one of my favourite parts.
When Kart and Sara are on the way to the bear training Sara talks about how to survive a bear attack you 'just have to make sure that you are with someone slower than you'
Kate looks horrified and then says 'sacrifice a friend!"
Sara looks a bit bad (like 'oops I made a joke and she didn't get it)...then Kart pipes in with "well just so you know I can outrun you for sure"
LOL I loved it. Mock horror,then complete malice- saying the same thing she was just shocked that sara would suggest.
Katie Krieder took and axe
Gave her "career" 40 whacks,
When she saw what she had done
She gave her "job" 41.
I sincerely hope this is the beginning of the end for her. Job refers to her pathetic career, not to her kids. It's a shame I even have to add that disclaimer but we all know the kids are just a job and paycheck to her.
Good luck tomorrow with your father, HippieChick.
Mine had successful surgery last week and I am headed over there right now to make him some lunch and talk a little sports and family and get his mind off things. I will probably end up doing repairs and fix-its around the house and naturally troubleshooting ANYTHING electronic, yet I wouldnt change it for the world. I am blessed to have my parents 20 minutes away as I believe its a vital part of raising kids. Multiple generations of family gathering a couple times a week to hang out and be together.
It makes me wonder out loud if some sort of family tragedy would bring kHATE and the 8 back into the lives of the extended family. Obviously I dont wish for anything like that but I cant help thinking about it as I self reflect.
No, Aeris, you're not the only one who didn't watch. I only caught "part 4" on YouTube and it was enough. I hope the next time Kate has the nerve to say she does everything for her kids that someone will point to this episode and call her out. Yep, she didn't even try to take part and have fun for her kids. I'm so sorry they didn't get to spend more time with the Palins; I think it was very therapeutic for them to see how a loving family treats each other.
Also, Kate is so unappreciative of everything given to her it's really disgusting. I have always wanted to visit Alaska and would have loved camping with the Palins, even though I'm a democrat, lol. It looked like a wonderful time and I'll bet the scenery was even more beautiful in person. But Kate just throws it all away because she can't deal with not being pampered and at the center of attention. Yeah, you're making memories for your kids, Kate, but not the kind you think.
I wish the courts would give the kids to Jon, force Kate to sell her "mine all mine" mansion to help him support them, and commit her to a mental institution where she can live in her own self-centered fantasy forever. I can dream...
Do you kind of wonder if she is being extra cheerful and chipper just to piss Kate off?
I suspect Sarah was not intentionally trying to piss Kate off. For her 'role' I'd guess she was internally going around in circles, as in what/how can she entice Kate out of her funk to join in the party.
Having been in the same type of position as a child with my mom, what goes through your mind when you're actually enjoying something (because other people are involved, otherwise there is NO joy) is 1. you feel guilty for having fun/enjoyment while your mother is over 'there' brooding. 2. Your heart starts racing, as in "please mom, don't do 'that' now, pleease don't ruin this moment(s), if you must pleaaassee save it for home". Even though you KNOW full well that she is going to halt your fun. Then, when mom can't handle nymore "fun", your heart breaks when she tells you she wants to leave.
What happens with a mom like Kate is the kids scurry around doing anything and everything to try and 'appease' her...make her smile, or be happy. It's a miserable feeling, you never believe you are/were 'good enough'.
@Anita, actually the Bill O'Reilly pinhead/patriot poll is asking if Kate is a pinhead or patriot for "going on a camping trip with Sarah Palin". It doesn't appear to refer to her appalling lack of manners and mental instability. Just the trip, not her crappy behavior. I don't think she's a pinhead for going, I think she's amazingly lucky. And she's certainly not anyone's patriot. So I'm not voting since I don't understand the question! :)
Sarah is a patriot for putting up with Kate for two whole hours.
Best. Recap. Yet.
I don't think she's a pinhead for going, I think she's amazingly lucky.
Yeah, lucky Sarah didn't use that bear gun on her!
“We are not camping people, I’ll scream it from mountaintops!” Kate says tearfully. “Why would you pretend to be homeless? I don’t get it!” Kate? It’s not we. It’s you. Just you. Little old you.
Several years ago our youth group went on a missions trip to Kensington, PA. The director of the mission house there told us that some youth groups do actually pretend to be homeless so they get a feel of what some of the actual homeless people go through. They were not allowed to have cell phones, had to beg or buy their food, and stay outside in the dark with cardboard boxes (can't remember if they actually had to sleep outside or not).
To say camping is pretending to be homeless is an insult. Homeless people would be grateful for a tent, raincoat, and moose hot dogs instead of carboard boxes, begging, etc.
TLC/Discovery LIES.
Exploitation of human beings, period.
When Sarah said they leave the children with the nanny to go to bear school, it crossed my mind that she was referring to her or Todd's mother as the nanny.
I'd much rather be in 53 degree rain than the record breaking heat they toured New York in. I didn't see the episode, but in photos those kids looked miserable. Stuck watching mommy shop in Chinatown during a heat warning with bright, red overheated faces.
That's downright dangerous. Children handle heat much differently than adults. I'm sure given a choice, the kids would have said "that's it, I'm done" during mommy's Chinatown shopping trip but they have no voice.
Great re-cap. Just a minor, yet important point. You called Trigg a "special needs child". I am an Early Childhood Educator, and we are taught that the child always come first. He is a child first and foremost and someone with a special need second. A child with special needs. It's a small twist of words, but it means a lot.
Thank you for taking the time to write this out!! Great insights.
I loved your recap Mod, Great Job!
Wow, even the politically correct terms are politically INcorrect. Will it never end?
I don't think Admin misspoke or intended any slight to Trigg in anyway. She is intelligent and some times we get a little to hellbent on always being PC. I can also understand how there are certain triggers that can hurt, annoy or upset someone, but really no harm was done and she was far from inappropriate.
I myself am sick and tired of being on edge about being politically correct all the time.
Can't keep up with the right phrases anymore so I try and just speak kindly when refering to someone with any kind of special needs or ability and that is what she did.
Well I def think we are too PC but if it bothers folks I can switch around the words. His special needs don't define Trig but they are a part of him as well.
Close friends of my family growing up had a son with Downs Syndrome, he was a few years younger than me and he became sort of like another brother to us. While I cannot begin to understand raising a child with those kinds of needs, I feel like that experience did give me a better understanding and appreciation of DS and I'd be the first to jump up if anyone ever insulted a child like him or Trig.
... actually the Bill O'Reilly pinhead/patriot poll is asking if Kate is a pinhead or patriot for "going on a camping trip with Sarah Palin". It doesn't appear to refer to her appalling lack of manners and mental instability. Just the trip, not her crappy behavior.
Actually it was though. On Bill O'Reilly's show last night they showed the clip of K8 throwing down the sandwich in disgust, and the "Pinheads & Patriots" poll question (link in left sidebar) was "Is Kate Gosselin a pinhead or a patriot for going on a camping trip with Sarah Palin?" Then he added, "Of course, we know she's a pinhead. We just want to see by how wide a margin people think she's a pinhead." LOL! That isn't the way I would have worded the question, but it is what it is.
The results were in tonight. By a margin of 91% to 9% America believes K8 is a pinhead.
I've read (for the first time) in two different places today that K8 smokes. I know we've seen photos and video of Jon smoking, but have we seen any evidence of K8 smoking or is this just a rumor?
(Sorry to post anon, don't have any of the above accounts!)
Thanks for the recap - I refuse to watch anything with that woman on it, but I was so very curious about this episode.
Have to admit, I'm a fan of Palin. As much as there are voters who will say they voted for McCain grudgingly because of Palin, there are those of us who voted for Palin and winced that McCain was on the ticket. As for her political views re: gun control, immigration, etc, hers are actually right in line with the Republican party. and Tina Fey said "I can see Russia from my house," not Palin. She stated that from certain parts of Alaska, Russia is distantly visible, which is true. But I commend you for being able to separate a person's political leanings from their qualities as a human being.
I didn't ever think of Kate smoking, but you are so right! I bet she does and was not wanting Sarah to point it out on camera. I'm so sad to hear that the kids missed out on the full camping experience, but at the very least they got a lot more attention and interaction than they usually do.
I am no Palin fan.The woman's view of politics scares me.But...Sarah has and is something that the great kate will never have or be.Sarah IS a caring and loving MOTHER.Thats something that kate will never be,or understand!
Kate probably was VERY mad about no bathroom facilities. That was not addressed on the show, but as everyone knows, when you gotta go, you gotta go. Boy, I wish they showed film of Kate's reaction when it was explained how one was to "relieve" him or herself. You know Kate was "pissed" over that. Sorry for the pun!
watchdog said...
I've read (for the first time) in two different places today that K8 smokes. I know we've seen photos and video of Jon smoking, but have we seen any evidence of K8 smoking or is this just a rumor?
It was discussed in the "Rough Ride" threads (see right sidebar for links) whether or not Kate is actually exhaling a puff of smoke during the twins' surfing lessons. Or, it was the wind blowing the tent's canvas top creating the illusion of smoke.
You'll probably find footage on YouTube (search "kate gosselin smoking" or "kate plus 8 vomit fest"); however, the video is probably grainy so you'll have to judge for yourself.
I watched Barbra Streisand on Larry King tonight. She has so much class, is so charitable and is unbelievably talented. She has built an amazing home that is filled with fantastic antiques. But she said her most prized possession is the letter she received from the cast of Yentl telling her how much they enjoyed working with her and for her (she acted and directed the movie). She obviously knows how to treat people. Now why is it that this hugely talented legacy can humble herself enough to treat people with some kind of respect but Kate Gosselin, who has no talent at all and certainly has no class, can't? It just boggles my mind that Kate has no respect for anyone and treats everyone like crap and gets away with it! This woman is a complete egomaniac. I just can't believe that someone somewhere hasn't put her in her place. Are people scared of her and if so, why? If she came into my privately-owned establishment and disrespected one of my employees or failed to leave a tip, she wouldn't be allowed back in. BTW, I wonder if Ted Gibson shuts down his salon for her? If so, I'll bet she pays a whole lot more than $2,000 for a haircut. Those children won't even have money to go to college because she's blowing all of THEIR money. Thanks for letting me rant.
Thank you, Admin, for the great work you do on this site. It's the only one I visit and I always enjoy your commentary along with everyone else's comments. Thanks again!
Great recap. It's being fairly widely reported that the kids want to move out and live with Jon. I hope Kate sinks like the Titanic.
"After seeing her at her worst no serious TV spot is gonna want to touch her with a 39 and half inch pole. LOL"
I think you mean 39-and-a-half FOOT pole! An "inch" pole wouldn't be long enough! You're a mean one, Mrs. Kate.
Wonderful writing! The recaps are gems! Thanks for taking the time to do that.
Oh for goodness sakes! This is brilliant! I thought Kate was horrible, mean, nasty, pig headed, rude, unreal! I saw her abuse and mistreat Steve Thomas, when his home improvement tv show was doing incredibly beautiful work to her mansion...greening it with solar panels, new windows, and much more. The whole time he and his crew worked at NO COST to her, she belittled him, complaining that they were "messing up my house, and you'll never finish it anyway--just like my father never finished any home repairs." He was gracious too, just like Sarah. I didn't like SP before, but I have so much respect for her now. She knows building her kids and family up, listening to them, and not taking harsh words as a personal affront are the way to live. Having lived with a spouse who was irritated and eventually angry when I was cheerful, I loved Sarah's happy talk with the witch. I really became fond of her every time she irrirtated "the one who's named cannot be mentioned" with a happy comeback. She's smart-she knew being upbeat was driving DarthVader crazy! Yessirre, I gained lots of respect for Sarah!. LOVE love love your writing admin--you explained the parts I missed, and put the perfect twist on it....since I was in and out of the room during the show, I couldn't always put my finger on why it was so disquieting, or why I couldn't turn the channel......your take was perfect!! Please write on more public annoyances like this!!!
Wonderful writing! The recaps are gems! Thanks for taking the time to do that.
Great recap. It's being fairly widely reported that the kids want to move out and live with Jon. I hope Kate sinks like the Titanic.
I watched Barbra Streisand on Larry King tonight. She has so much class, is so charitable and is unbelievably talented. She has built an amazing home that is filled with fantastic antiques. But she said her most prized possession is the letter she received from the cast of Yentl telling her how much they enjoyed working with her and for her (she acted and directed the movie). She obviously knows how to treat people. Now why is it that this hugely talented legacy can humble herself enough to treat people with some kind of respect but Kate Gosselin, who has no talent at all and certainly has no class, can't? It just boggles my mind that Kate has no respect for anyone and treats everyone like crap and gets away with it! This woman is a complete egomaniac. I just can't believe that someone somewhere hasn't put her in her place. Are people scared of her and if so, why? If she came into my privately-owned establishment and disrespected one of my employees or failed to leave a tip, she wouldn't be allowed back in. BTW, I wonder if Ted Gibson shuts down his salon for her? If so, I'll bet she pays a whole lot more than $2,000 for a haircut. Those children won't even have money to go to college because she's blowing all of THEIR money. Thanks for letting me rant.
Kate probably was VERY mad about no bathroom facilities. That was not addressed on the show, but as everyone knows, when you gotta go, you gotta go. Boy, I wish they showed film of Kate's reaction when it was explained how one was to "relieve" him or herself. You know Kate was "pissed" over that. Sorry for the pun!
... actually the Bill O'Reilly pinhead/patriot poll is asking if Kate is a pinhead or patriot for "going on a camping trip with Sarah Palin". It doesn't appear to refer to her appalling lack of manners and mental instability. Just the trip, not her crappy behavior.
Actually it was though. On Bill O'Reilly's show last night they showed the clip of K8 throwing down the sandwich in disgust, and the "Pinheads & Patriots" poll question (link in left sidebar) was "Is Kate Gosselin a pinhead or a patriot for going on a camping trip with Sarah Palin?" Then he added, "Of course, we know she's a pinhead. We just want to see by how wide a margin people think she's a pinhead." LOL! That isn't the way I would have worded the question, but it is what it is.
The results were in tonight. By a margin of 91% to 9% America believes K8 is a pinhead.
Wow, even the politically correct terms are politically INcorrect. Will it never end?
I loved your recap Mod, Great Job!
Great re-cap. Just a minor, yet important point. You called Trigg a "special needs child". I am an Early Childhood Educator, and we are taught that the child always come first. He is a child first and foremost and someone with a special need second. A child with special needs. It's a small twist of words, but it means a lot.
TLC/Discovery LIES.
Exploitation of human beings, period.
“We are not camping people, I’ll scream it from mountaintops!” Kate says tearfully. “Why would you pretend to be homeless? I don’t get it!” Kate? It’s not we. It’s you. Just you. Little old you.
Several years ago our youth group went on a missions trip to Kensington, PA. The director of the mission house there told us that some youth groups do actually pretend to be homeless so they get a feel of what some of the actual homeless people go through. They were not allowed to have cell phones, had to beg or buy their food, and stay outside in the dark with cardboard boxes (can't remember if they actually had to sleep outside or not).
To say camping is pretending to be homeless is an insult. Homeless people would be grateful for a tent, raincoat, and moose hot dogs instead of carboard boxes, begging, etc.
@Anita, actually the Bill O'Reilly pinhead/patriot poll is asking if Kate is a pinhead or patriot for "going on a camping trip with Sarah Palin". It doesn't appear to refer to her appalling lack of manners and mental instability. Just the trip, not her crappy behavior. I don't think she's a pinhead for going, I think she's amazingly lucky. And she's certainly not anyone's patriot. So I'm not voting since I don't understand the question! :)
Sarah is a patriot for putting up with Kate for two whole hours.
No, Aeris, you're not the only one who didn't watch. I only caught "part 4" on YouTube and it was enough. I hope the next time Kate has the nerve to say she does everything for her kids that someone will point to this episode and call her out. Yep, she didn't even try to take part and have fun for her kids. I'm so sorry they didn't get to spend more time with the Palins; I think it was very therapeutic for them to see how a loving family treats each other.
Also, Kate is so unappreciative of everything given to her it's really disgusting. I have always wanted to visit Alaska and would have loved camping with the Palins, even though I'm a democrat, lol. It looked like a wonderful time and I'll bet the scenery was even more beautiful in person. But Kate just throws it all away because she can't deal with not being pampered and at the center of attention. Yeah, you're making memories for your kids, Kate, but not the kind you think.
I wish the courts would give the kids to Jon, force Kate to sell her "mine all mine" mansion to help him support them, and commit her to a mental institution where she can live in her own self-centered fantasy forever. I can dream...
In the know said...
kate is not home, she is out of town, so the dog is on it's own tonight.
she went from NY to Los Angeles, will be home Sat, coming in BWI in MD. she doesn't like to arr in Phila.
If true, this level of detail is completely inappropriate and verges on stalking. Nobody needs to know where Kate will be landing and when.
Thanks for another great re-cap Admin.
This camping show really highlighted just how much Kate's greed has devoured her. She really, truly showed that she does not care about anyone but herself.
She should have used the experience to get a handle on what it's going to be like to be homeless when it's all over and Jon has the kids. I guess she doesn't realize that the same people who built her up will bring her down with even greater momentum. TLC is plainly out to destroy her.
Wow, wow, wow!!! ROL actually printed something negative about Kate? Am I in an alternate universe? I thought they were in TLC's pocket. What happened?
Kate is a liar; Kids' Anger Issues Even Worse Than Thought!
Hopefully after all the negative fallout from this disaster TLC will finally get rid of the fame whore once and for all. I did e-mail them with my thoughts on how she is bringing their network down big time.
Great recap Admin,
I am still stunned that this went down as it did and am watching the fallout. Bill O'Reilly has is Kate a pinhead poll going on if anyone would care to vote:
Is that fork finally stuck in Kate? I can't imagine any advertisers wanting to sign on to Kate and her efforts in the future. All she had she wasted. Again, my thoughts and prayers go to the 8, with hopes that their Dad will be able to be more a part of their lives. Have a good day everyone, I am up to my elbows in Christmas
For the first time, I'm disappointed in your re-cap. The continued jabs at Sarah Palin's intelligence, or lack thereof in your opinion, were ugly. I agree she was not ready for prime time when John McCain picked her as a VP candidate, but that doesn't make her stupid. And she never said she could see Russia from her window. It's like you watched Tina Fey too many times and mistook her for the real Sarah Palin, who is as crazy as a fox.
I'm not saying Palin is an intellectual giant, but neither is our teleprompter-in-chief. The insults and hatred for her in general just don't make sense to me. Who did Sarah Palin ever hurt to make her such a target? John McCain was a pathetic candidate who threw away his chances when he suspended his campaign. It was a huge blunder.
That being said, I enjoy your wicked sense of humor and intelligence and I appreciate your compassion for the Gosselin children. I always have.
In the know said...
kate is not home, she is out of town, so the dog is on it's own tonight.
she went from NY to Los Angeles, will be home Sat, coming in BWI in MD. she doesn't like to arr in Phila.
2 baby sitters living there and one cook with the kids, think jon has the kids over the weekend.
she leaves those kids alone with strangers and bodyguards a lot more than anyone knows.she wants like everyone to think she has a job out in L.A. but the baby sitters are new. always new. she kids no one.
Wait until Sat or Sun, you will see she is going to mani pedi and spray tan. so orange. terrible look.
I love the rain too. Kate is just unreal. I still can't get over it. Great re-cap Admin. You have nailed Kate, yet again. What bugs me so much is how she wouldn't involve herself. If she had just had some fun with the rest of the group, instead of being a miserable d-bag, then maybe she could have seen the forest through the trees, so to speak. WHY does she have to ruin her kids fun ALL the time, & make it about her all the damn time? Her kids will remember this always, not only from their own memories, but this will forever be on video for them to look at. They were laughing, learning, having fun.
One day, they will go to Kate & say "You couldn't just TRY for us Mom? Not just once?" No matter how hard I try to see the good in that woman, it's never there. Ever. And I hate that I can't. She is pure greed. Those poor kids.
I predict one of two things will happen:
She will once again whore herself out with an ET gig and set the record straight in a exclusive interview with Mary Hart.
And get on another cover of People magazine.
AND another fluff interview on Today.
In the very near future, the only guest appearances she will get offered are flea markets and county fair dunking booths.
Sorry Kate, you should put away those hiking boots because, unless you pay for it, your derriere is not going to Austria.
Thanks for the recap, I can well imagine Kate sulking in a corner refusing to participate. Does she not realize what this does to her children? They can't have any fun when she is around, she makes them choose between her or the activity, and she embarasses them constantly with her bizarre behaviour. She is beyond rude. She is insufferable. I really hope they get therapy so they don't grow up being attracted to an abuser type like Kate.
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