Friday, December 10, 2010

Sarah Palin: Alaska episode illustrates approaches to life

Sarah Palin tweeted this this morning:
"Life=10% circumstances, 90% your reaction to circumstances. Sunday's "Sarah Palin's AK 'Alaskan Hospitality'" episode illustrates that a bit."

Right on, Sarah. The more we get to know the real you the more we like you. (And also, we dig the passive aggressive slam at Kate.)

187 sediments (sic) from readers: ~ Administrator said... 1

So at least we know TLC isn't gagging Sarah and preventing her from speaking her mind. Or if they are, she doesn't care.

terri said... 2

When is Kate going to realize that everyone can see what a self-absorbed BITCH she really is. Kudos to Sarah for telling it like it is.

JudyK said... 3

Yay for Sarah for not letting TLC intimidate her.

Fahnette said... 4

I look at that picture of Kate and I have to wonder how much energy it takes to be as angry as she seems to constantly be.
It must be exhausting to keep her wall up all of the time.

Good on SP for telling it like it is.

PJ's momma said... 5

Whoa! Usually I loathe passive-aggressiveness, but that's a nice shot! Perhaps the tabloid attention (and sheeple blaming her) hasn't escaped her attention. Kate looks positively evil in that picture. ~ Administrator said... 6

Sarah is the type of women where if TLC phones her up this morning and says We told you not to say anything about Kate!!! She would just smile that trademark smile and say, "What? I didn't!"

I really like this gal.

squattmunki said... 7

I despise Sarah Palin's policies...and her in general. BUT I would show her respect in her own house! I was embarrassed for Kate when the kids were running wild in her house....and pulling out that bear tounge....kate just laughs it off.

I bet things were FAR worse than what we'll see Sunday. ~ Administrator said... 8

I despise Sarah Palin's policies...and her in general. BUT I would show her respect in her own house!

Bingo. It's politeness 101 that Kate can't even begin to understand.

LisaNH said... 9

Poor Sarah probably hasn't been able to comment on this since it happened back when, July? August?

You know, the ironic thing is, Sarah's show has had pretty good ratings since it started. She really didn't need Kate's presence to draw in viewers but I'm glad that Kate was on the show, since it illustrates what a shrew is. Anyone who was on the fence about Kate now has their answer about her and it isn't pretty.

HW said... 10

TLC has met its match if they expect Sarah Palin to protect the likes of Kate Gosselin; and Kate Gossline might have made her biggest mistake yet by being so rude to the Palin family. Regardless of our views on Sarah Palin, her fan base is far bigger than Kate's and, for lack of a better word, more powerful. This could be the final nail in the coffin of Kate's quest for fame. TLC might have to choose between these two women and it won't go well for them, I believe, if they choose Kate.

I only hope that if Sarah witnessed harsh treatment of the Gosselin kids (shaking Mady) she would speak up. This has worried me since the reports of the incident started coming out.

PJ's momma said... 11

I had another thought! Could that tweet have been sent to drum up ratings? Oh dear.

BerksPa said... 12

I truly believe that this Ted Gibson trip was pretty much a pacifier for what will be shown Sunday. Kate will be seen in an unflattering light (she already has in the previews) and I bet she's fuming already.

What I don't get is WHY oh WHY Kate can't be thrilled to be in the former Gov.'s home? The views from that great wall of windows has to be out of this world, yet she doesn't seem to care. She let's her children run wild and then laughs about it. She looks disgusted most of the time during the preview.
She couldn't show gratitude for Sarah opening her home up to her and the kids.
Why was Sarah able to make a whole episode out of the Gosselin visit, yet Kate couldn't even mention it on their Alaskan episode?
(I know the answer...and a snickers bar for anyone who else may)...

Yup...Kate is an ungrateful Jellus Hater! It shows all over her face in all the previews.

Politics aside, Sarah showed grace toward Kate, and honestly still does by not mentioning her by name in the tweet.

silimom said... 13

I certainly would never vote for Sarah Palin however I do respect the woman. As for TLC gagging her, I don't think TLC is making any demands on her where Kate is concerned. Sarah Palin's Alaska is their highest rated show at the moment, it's bringing them a lot of positive attention for the most part and it's also produced by veteran reality show exec Mark Burnett, the man behind Survivor and the Apprentice among other shows.

That's why it's so amazing how truly clueless Kate Gosselin is. If you're planning a long term career in reality television, Mark Burnett is the man who can make that happen. Kate probably has no clue the bridges she burnt when having her meltdown on Sarah's show.

overthehill said... 14

kate gosselin is crosseyed in that pic.

K8SUCKS said... 15


That's the thing. Zero respect for others (her host is a former VP candidate for crying out loud). Zero common sense. Zero tolerance for anything that isn't about her. Zero manners. Zero sympathy or empathy for others. Zero soul.

Mary in California said... 16

That has to be one of the ugliest pictures of Kate I've ever seen. Wow.

I don't like Sarah Palin's politics, but I'm learning to appreciate her as a person. I wish we could see the footage that didn't make the cut. I'm sure it's 10 times worse than what did.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 17

Sarah hit it on the nose.

Well, TLC & Kate... looks like Karma has finally come knocking on your door for destroying the Gosselin 8's childhoods.

And the name of that Karma is Sarah Palin.
And she is not taking sh*t from anyone.

Prepare yourselves folks, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

P.S. I'm still not watching Sunday's show- I continue to ban anything that "Kate the Snake" appears in.

Hippie Chick said... 18

Although I do not agree with Palin's politics, I agree with her stand she is taking right here against the fact that Kate did not respect her, although Sarah Palin tried to be a gracious hostess to her & her 8 children. Good for Sarah Palin for speaking her mind.

We will not see but a glimpse of what really happened on the trip, unless it is leaked. Kate is just a disrespectful person. Her kids were having fun, & Kate ruined it. Why can't the sheeple see that? Or was that Jon's fault too??? (sigh)

Mimi to 3 said... 19

I think this picture of Kate depicts her right down to her vile soul. This is how she always looks when she is out and about and pretending she hates the paps.

Michelle said... 20

I saw a preview. Did those kids really rip the tongue out of the bear rug?

I agree with Admin. The Republican party didn't have much control over what Sarah said during the 2008 campaign. TLC doesn't stand a chance.

Likewow said... 21

Oh, Kate better not say a bad word about the Palins or this trip. Thats a can of worms you don't want to open.

wayward said... 22

Lol.... Whatever could the flock be saying over at the barnyard? That Sarah is just jellus of Kate? The usual reasons/excuses they give when someone calls Kate out just don't hold up here. Sarah has had 5- count 'em 5 pregnancies and is in great shape. So the thin excuse doesn't work. Sarah has way more money than Kate, the "jellus becuz Kates rich" excuse doesn't hold up. Sarah is an ex-governor and probable presidential candiate for 2012, so "jellus becuz Kates famous" doesn't really apply, either. So what is it sheeple? Sarah and Sarah alone gave Kate a pretty good shot on her own Twitter. Could it be possible that Kate is really a hateful, ungrateful bitch or are you all still going to kid yourselves that Sarah is jus jellus like ya always do?

P.S. Re: the above picture.... The Grinch called and he doesn't appreciate Kate impersonating him.

Look at ME!!! said... 23

Hi wayward. Nice list for the sheeple. If you don't mind, I would like to add that Sarah has family and friends that simply adore her, and a gorgeous husband that would give his life for her. Kate thinks husbands are merely for sperm and to be a whipping boy. See what a little kindness gets you, Khate? You should try it some time.

Denise said... 24

wayward, they think it's all a set up to help Sarah Palin's ratings!!!

"Brilliant move on TLC's part..let's face it if they had wanted someone to smile & nod & pretend to enjoy it they would have had Michelle Dugger.

If they'd wanted a mom who'd roll up her sleeves & really get into it they would have asked Amy Roloff.

They had Kate in the crossover & I fully believe they got just the reaction & drama they were looking for...taking Kate to a shooting range to prepare for bears was the first clue for me! What do you all think? "

fidosmommy said... 25

I don't mind that Kate wouldn't want to take hunting lessons from Sarah Palin. But she could sure use a few weeks up there in Wasilla or in the Alaska wilderness to learn a few things about being a mother, finding good things to say about family, and building up a strong social network - one that works both ways. Sarah didn't raise her kids completely on her own because Sarah kept family and friends around her. She and Todd just did the vast majority of it themselves.

Sarah's not "my gal", but Sarah's a mom. That's the highest compliment I can pay to a woman who has children.

Midnight Madness said... 26

Mimi to 3 said...

I think this picture of Kate depicts her right down to her vile soul.


Can that be the same Kate who appeared on the cover of People afte the Mexico shooting? Isn't it amazing what can be done through the magic of airbrushing?

silimom said... 27

The bear tongue removal can be viewed on HollyBaby. Just google "Gosselin Kids Bear Rug Tongue" and you'll get a list of sites with the video clip.

And Kate's response? "Was the tongue removable before? Oh great, 'cuz it is now."

I've been in a similar situation (not with a bear tongue, but with scratched furniture) and our first response was to apologize profusely and offer to replace the damaged piece of furniture (which wasn't cheap).

I guess TLC didn't think it was important to put in Kate apologizing to Sarah over the damage...oh yeah...Kate never apologizes. Silly me.

One other observation:

Kate seemed less than thrilled to be there. She seemed really tired and less than enthused. Now, it could be that she'd already put in some days filming with the kids, and we know that it wears her out because usually it's the nanny who cares for them. So we could cut her some slack because after all, she's just not used to being a mom. Just playing devil's advocate here. ~ Administrator said... 28

I fully believe they got just the reaction & drama they were looking for
So under this incredible theory, in other words? TLC is completely using Kate. In other words, Kate has absolutely no self-respect, nor any respect for her children who have to deal with the fallout of a mother being made a total fool for money. In other words, Kate is allowing TLC to make millions off her bad behavior. Gee isn't that called prostitution? If Kate is making 3.5 million, you can bet they're making 10 times that.

So are the sheeple okay with Kate being USED like his? What does that say about Kate's self-respect?

fidosmommy said... 29

Admin asked....
What does that say about Kate's self-respect?


This is a trick question, right? ;-)

Gosselin Gossip said... 30

For those interested in learning more about reality tv, Werny Gal posted a small segment from her inteview with a producer in the industry.

First question: “How 'real' are reality shows and how much of it is actually 'scripted' with a story line?”

For the producer's response and more, go to Small Town Gosselins.

Laura D. said... 31

Denise, you're exactly right. You should go over to Small Town Gosselins. Werney Gal interviewed a TV producer last night and has posted the first installment.

Here's a little snippet: "Now, they're getting older and it's not the same type of thing, so you have to amp up the drama. You have to put something else in there that will attract the viewers, and if it's not the show-and-tell of cuteness, there's got to be something else out there. When you have competition out there, like "Jersey Shore" or "The Bad Girls Club," people want that, they want the drama. I mean, look at Kate's latest on the Sarah Palin show. There's a reason why TLC put her crying in their promos. Because people like drama. As long as there's drama, there will be viewers.
So, I kind of deviated from the question here, how much of it is actually scripted? Scripted isn't the term I'd use. “Heavily produced.” There are procedural ways of doing things. If you're writing a screenplay or writing a script for TV, you have characters, you have personalities, all you have to do now is put them in situations and create conflict or a catalyst. So, if you know Kate's going to be a hothead and you know Jon's going to be kind of frumpy, and you have him do something that's going to piss her off, well, there you go. Instant drama. It's a recipe."

A single mom said... 32

Sarah Palin agreed to exploit eight young children to drum up ratings for her show. SP chose to do a show with a company that has made millions by exploiting young children and publicly humiliating their parents. How does that make SP a great person? If the aim is to destroy evil kate (and BTW, I am not a Kate fan), then kudos for Sarah. Fantastic. But if what is most important is the well-being of those 8 exploited children whose family has been destroyed so TLC honchos can line their pockets with gold (because yes Kate's made money, but TLC has made many, many, many times more money out of this), how is SP's public humiliation of their obviously disturbed mother a good thing?As an abused child, I didn't want my mother humiliated; I just the abuse to stop, for her to love me and for my whole family to be happy. Isn't that what we'd wish for the Gosselins too? Watching ANY show with KG on it, even if it is just out of spite to see her make an ass of herself, perpetuates the abuse. We email the today show to complain when they have K8 on: why on earth would we congratulate SP and reward TLC by tuning into her show? We congratulate Murt for all the work he has done as a politician to get these kids off the air, and then we celebrate SP, another politician, for using them. It makes no sense.

As Z on TV said on his blog lately, we, the 'good' parents who hate Kate, ARE the target audience now. It's up to us to show respect for the kids and stop watching.

Anonymous said... 33

This article, if and whenever she went to New York to see Ted Gibson speaks volumes to how she is seen as a coupon clipping, I have to save and spare for my kids yet I can spend whatever I want on myself because I'm on reality tv. Oh please. If Kate never married Jon, never had her twins and sextuplets with help of drugs there would be no reality tv show. Has she ever stopped to look at it that way? I doubt it. Selfish, arrogant, rude, do as i say not as I do type self-service person. One day her actions are going to haunt her. Anybody seen (now I babysat yesterday so only reason I watched it) Mickey Mouse a Christmas Carol..Kate?

A single mom said... 34

Werny girl's blog has an interesting interview with a reality tv producer. The following is an excerpt in which he explains why humiliating Kate makes excellent business sense.

TLC sees something that's great for ratings, something that appeals to people. Kate had this appeal to people with a moral center, back when things started going. She was very pro-life, and that was attractive to the religious community. You supported her, you wanted to be there for her, because now she had this incredible plight on her hands. And what is she going to do? Nowadays that's changed a lot. So the show was more, in the beginning, about looking at cute kids and watching home movies, because everybody like home movies. Now, they're getting older and it's not the same type of thing, so you have to amp up the drama. You have to put something else in there that will attract the viewers, and if it's not the show-and-tell of cuteness, there's got to be something else out there. When you have competition out there, like "Jersey Shore" or "The Bad Girls Club," people want that, they want the drama. I mean, look at Kate's latest on the Sarah Palin show. There's a reason why TLC put her crying in their promos. Because people like drama. As long as there's drama, there will be viewers.

The rest of the interview is at

OC Girl said... 35

What does that say about Kate's self-respect?

She has none, unfortunately. She's willing to do whatever it takes to make more money, even if she has to embarrass herself on television. She probably doesn't even realize she's being used...too self-absorbed in her physical appearance and celebrity status.

Sad. The price she pays for the almighty dollar. ~ Administrator said... 36

CS, no one is assuming anything. Her tweet was about Kate; Sarah Palin specifically SAID "Sunday's "Sarah Palin's AK 'Alaskan Hospitality'" episode illustrates that a bit."

wayward said... 37

Administrator said... I fully believe they got just the reaction & drama they were looking for
So under this incredible theory, in other words? TLC is completely using Kate. In other words, Kate has absolutely no self-respect, nor any respect for her children who have to deal with the fallout of a mother being made a total fool for money. In other words, Kate is allowing TLC to make millions off her bad behavior. Gee isn't that called prostitution? If Kate is making 3.5 million, you can bet they're making 10 times that.

So are the sheeple okay with Kate being USED like his? What does that say
Admin, you're right. This is akin to prostitution. For many, many years now Kate has allowed herself to be bought and sold over & over again as long as she gets her piece of the action. She doesn't care about the husband she kicked to the curb, the estranged family, the detrimental effects it is having on her children- she. just. does. not. care. In her twisted mind, she is wealthy and lives like a celebrity, so she thinks she is successful. Her integrity and self respect apparently have a price, just like her children's childhoods do. She either cannot or will not see that there is a difference between wealth and success. Kate's wealth comes with past and future collateral damage so in my mind, she is not successful. The founder of the "Girls Gone Wild" franchise is rich, but because he made his money in such a sleazy, nasty, sometimes illegal way, I wouldn't call him successful either. This is why Kate is so polarizing to so many. We would not trade our children and our family for any amount of money but Kate would sell her Old Grandma for $1.50 if someone was paying. There is nothing in her life that doesn't have a price, nothing is sacred, nothing is off-limits as long as she can make a buck off it.

gotyournumberKate said... 38

You nailed it Wayward. My thoughts exactly!

Paula said... 39

Palin's last show only drew 2.6 viewers. This drama is just as much about getting viewers to watch Palin's show than it is about Kate G.

Look no further said... 40

"A single mom," thanks for the link. This says it all:

When you have competition out there, like "Jersey Shore" or "The Bad Girls Club," people want that, they want the drama. I mean, look at Kate's latest on the Sarah Palin show. There's a reason why TLC put her crying in their promos. Because people like drama. As long as there's drama, there will be viewers.

TLC does not need huge ratings to make good money and stay in business. What Kate brings to the table is drama and lots of it. She frowns, smiles, goes to Target, drags Steve around and it’s headline news on all the rag mags, then the blogs heat up and Kate survives to film another special.

Will that pure and simple statement stop people from asking why is Kate still around? I doubt it. But there’s the answer in black and white.

Denise said... 41

excellent analysis wayward. Kate sold her kids until interest dropped, now she sells herself. Disgusting.

Anon 1 said... 42

OT, but I hadn't seen 'this' pic of Kate in her "good bra".

Look at ME!!! said... 43

A single mom, I agree with every word you wrote. Bravo. Count me in as one who never, ever allows TLC to pollute my home with their trash. Shame on anyone who helps Kate exploit her children. Sarah Palin did herself no service being on screen with that child abuser. It only shores up Kate in her insanity.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 44

wayward- You hit the nail on the head! TLC has allowed Kate to be seen in the worst possible light (finally) and she is potrayed as the despicable, disgusting person that she is.

I think Kate Plus 8 is on its way out except for the sheeples. Seems like many have finally tired of her selfish, disgusting antics. Including TLC. Whatever ratings this show gets will be credited to SP, but KG's antics will be remembered. I think TLC has tired of Kate's antics, as well as many tabloids (INF, etc) and have problems with the kids being filmed, post kindergarten expulsion. Does not take a genius to see how something is seriously wrong in this family.

sftk said... 45

Love, love the picture of Grinch Kate and that is one you should keep showing. Her true character shows in that picture. Take away the hair extensions, brassy colors (hair & skin), make-up, flashy clothing, shoes etc. and that is the real Kate. Not a pretty picture at all!!

Anonymous said... 46

I just read your posts, and wonder why no one has said anything about the Palin kids being filmed?

The producers are right, the more you talk and write about Kate, the more she will stay in the news. If every blog would shut down, Kate would be gone. I wonder who would be the first blog to shut down, just asking.

Anti Passive-Aggressive Behavior said... 47

Administrator said...

Bingo. It's politeness 101 that Kate can't even begin to understand.


Says the person who is applauding another person's passive aggressiveness. Being passive aggressive isn't polite either.

It's Gossip Not Fact said... 48

HW said...

TLC has met its match if they expect Sarah Palin to protect the likes of Kate Gosselin; and Kate Gossline might have made her biggest mistake yet by being so rude to the Palin family. Regardless of our views on Sarah Palin, her fan base is far bigger than Kate's and, for lack of a better word, more powerful. This could be the final nail in the coffin of Kate's quest for fame. TLC might have to choose between these two women and it won't go well for them, I believe, if they choose Kate.

I only hope that if Sarah witnessed harsh treatment of the Gosselin kids (shaking Mady) she would speak up. This has worried me since the reports of the incident started coming out.


There are no "reports" of this incident. A troll on ROL started a rumor that has been repeated ad nauseum. ~ Administrator said... 49

Says the person who is applauding another person's passive aggressiveness. Being passive aggressive isn't polite either.
Normally, no. But seems to me Sarah put up with quite a bit before she finally snapped. We'll have to see the episode to see how patient she really was. I'm guessing if there were a Nobel Prize for such a trait she'd get it.

fidosmommy said... 50

Sarah Palin has a contract for 8 specials. Kate has a contract that (we think) goes until
2012. I doubt TLC has to choose between them. They (may) have already made their beds on this issue.

Tamara said... 51

Saw a new commercial tonight for TLC...seems to me they are trying to revamp their image a bit. The general feel was importance of family,and being genuine. One of the Say Yes to the dress women were on there, saying there was nothing phony about her. I found it really interesting, and it gave me hope that Kate's looong 15 minutes might finally be up. ~ Administrator said... 52

If every blog would shut down, Kate would be gone
That's probably not true. 1.3 million viewers at its lowers. Viewers of Kate's blogs, I can assure you, a small minority of that number.

and wonder why no one has said anything about the Palin kids being filmed?
As to what? As to filming? We talked quite a bit about concerns for those kids too throughout several posts. Two of the kids are adults and can choose, as for the other three, turns out when I actually saw the show most of the time the focus is on Sarah and other adults, and the episode has very little of the kids. And it has a definitive end. The problem with Kate Plus 8 is that it started out innocent but when they saw it was bad no one would STOP it. From what I've seen of Sarah I hope she would do the same if things took a turn for the bad. I am not against all children being filmed, what I am against is all children being exploited. There is a huge difference between an 8 episode "documentary" that is mostly about adults and not kids, and a 180 episodes, FIVE YEARS of day after day after day exploitation of little little children. HUGE.

Anonymous said... 53

silimom said...

The bear tongue removal can be viewed on HollyBaby. Just google "Gosselin Kids Bear Rug Tongue" and you'll get a list of sites with the video clip.


I watched it, and at the end of that video, Kate says "There's nothing I wouldn't do to protect my kids." Another lie.

Livvy said... 54

SP and Todd are self sufficient working adults not relying on their children to support them. Palin kids are on for just a few episodes, not their whole lives. Lastly, I didn't see any filming of the children on SP show that compromises their privacy or would cause them embarassment. Big Difference!!!!

Look at ME!!! said... 55

I think she meant to say, "There's nothing I wouldn't do to make a buck off my kids." ~ Administrator said... 56

Two episodes ago was supposed to be "Trigg's episode" all about Trigg. I was thinking sheesh exploit the poor little kid for who knows how long to get a whole episode out of it.

Well turns out, the episode really wasn't all about that at all. It was about the family trip to Todd's family's house. And the small part that was about Trigg, it was mostly an interview with Sarah movingly talking about her hopes and dreams for Trigg. They showed Trigg a few times playing with Todd on the swing or watching fireworks with Sarah. That was it. It's proof that you can still tell a child's story without exploiting the crap out of them. Kate take note.

Sarah 2012 said... 57

Administrator said...

Sarah is the type of women where if TLC phones her up this morning and says We told you not to say anything about Kate!!! She would just smile that trademark smile and say, "What? I didn't!"

I really like this gal.


Me too!! In fact, as I type, I'm drinking my coffee out of my "Sarah 08" mug!

Kate Gosselin Isn't Going Anywhere said... 58

I think Kate Plus 8 is on its way out except for the sheeples. Seems like many have finally tired of her selfish, disgusting antics. Including TLC. Whatever ratings this show gets will be credited to SP, but KG's antics will be remembered. I think TLC has tired of Kate's antics, as well as many tabloids (INF, etc) and have problems with the kids being filmed, post kindergarten expulsion. Does not take a genius to see how something is seriously wrong in this family.

If TLC is tired of Kate's selfish, disgusting antics, then why use that behavior to promote the upcoming episode of Sarah Palin's Alaska? Why not eliminate that episode altogether? They can't create another episode with other footage of Sarah Palin doing other things?

Kate Plus 8's viewers have changed, so has the show's production. It's no longer made for the sheeple, but for those "haterz" or people who like to criticize/discuss Kate's every move. Viewers are telling TLC what they want to see - we won't watch boring episodes like the Halloween special but we'll tune in to watch Kate out of her element, camping on Sarah Palin's Alaska.

The producer mentioned upthread from Werny Gal's site also said this:

If you take reality TV as a genre, [the approaches are] very widespread. Not every rule applies to every production. It really depends on what your goals are going to be with your viewers. Do you want them to laugh, do you want them to cry, do you want them to feel whatever it may be, that's how you're going to go about it. You always have a goal in mind.

TLC isn't going for the 'feel good' episodes like family home videos anymore. They want to rile us up - after watching any of the recent Kate Plus 8 episodes (or reading a recap, for those who refuse to watch), how many of us are left with that fuzzy "awww" feeling? Not much. We're irritated, annoyed, in an uproar that this so-called mom continues to live on in tv land.

As for the tabloids, they don't seem to be tired of her yet. Just today, some tabloids are reporting on her sexy, new do (which doesn't look any different, IMO) - ignoring that she spent $2000 and left her kids behind during a school week. This positive spin is Kate's PR attempt at deflecting all the negativity surrounding this Sunday's episodes. The talk is about her hair now, instead of her negative attitude.

If ratings increase this Sunday, Sarah Palin will have Kate to thank - whether she likes it or not. That will also let TLC know just how to use Kate in the future. Her diva-like antics are what the viewers want to watch.

(It wouldn't surprise me if producers are planning on taking-up Jonny Moseley's favor of teaching the Gosselins, with Kate actually attempting to snowboard. It's taking her out of her element, yet again, to stir up drama and watch her unfold. People will want to watch to see her fall on her ass and watch her meltdown.)

Moose Mania said... 59

I watched it, and at the end of that video, Kate says "There's nothing I wouldn't do to protect my kids." Another lie.

Not necessarily. I really do think she would do anything to protect them. Without them, she is nothing and she knows it. "Protection," then, to her means protecting the brand; protecting her financial support system; NOT protecting them in the sense that all good mothers protect their children.

Sarah 2012 said... 60

Ugh! Just watched the 'bear tongue' clip over on HollyBaby.

First off, could kHate's greeting to Sarah BE any less enthusiastic? What a clod that white trash woman is - she can't even muster up a full-wattage smile when she first meets
Sarah Palin. Rude wretch.

Then, the defenseless bear rug. Those kids have not been taught to respect other people's property. Well, at least it wasn't a vulnerable live animal being mauled by the renegade Gosselins - like the magician's rabbit in the birthday episode -- or like the kittens - can't remember which episode.

Lauren said... 61

I like the Palins and this is one reason why. Todd Palin didn't feel sorry for himself after being told that they would be having a child with Down's Syndrome. It just speaks to their amazing attitude they have towards life.

"I was very excited -- another baby in our family. And when she told me that our child might have Down syndrome, I asked myself, I just, I said, 'Why not us? Our family is never one to have that, you know ...want anybody to feel sorry for us,'' he said. "I knew that our family was strong and would be able to handle whatever was thrown at us."

It's pretty sad that Kate is so deeply dysfunctional that hanging out with the Palins didn't have a positive effect on her. No, instead she had a sour attitude, was a bad example for her children and took off with Steve. Kate could have learned a lot from the Palins.

Reality Bites said... 62

Kate is just plain obnoxious in this interview. So much so that I am beginning to wonder how anyone can stand being around her.

wayward said... 63

This just occured to me... just for sake of arguement, imagine if Sarah Palin gets elected president in 2012 or 2016- or even if she gets the Repub nomination but loses. The Gosselin children would have been able to say I camped with the President (or someone who ran for President) but no.... instead all they can say is "we camped for a few hours with Mrs. Palin and it was fun... but we had to leave after our 35 yr. old mother threw a tantrum and cried about food and hand cleansing materials."

Kate goes *on and on* about how the show must go on so the kids can have these "once in a lifetime experiences." Ok Kart, it doesn't get anymore once in a lifetime than this. A chance to spend undivided time with someone who could possibly be the leader of the free world and Kate blows her off because of a lack of Purell. Those "once in a lifetime" experiences Kate must be referring to are the $10,000/wk beachhouse, private access to Discovery Cove, being put up in a luxury hotel in NY while forcing the kids to traipse around the city smack dab in the middle of a heat emergency. This is another question I'd love a reporter with some cajones to ask her if she brings up the "once in a lifetime" BS again.

Protect the Gosselin 8 said... 64

(Slightly off-topic but this can apply to the Gosselins.)

I was reading an article about the Roloffs suing Washington County officials for entering their property without permission.

In the article, it was stated:

"The suit said the Roloffs have a heightened sensitivity to intruders because the “substantial celebrity” brought on by their television program. The case noted previous encounters with people who have threatened to harm them and their daughter and disclosed that burglars have successfully entered the family home in the past."

Read more: Little People stars sue Washington Co. | Portland Business Journal

Hopefully, when Kate is away from the Gosselin mansion, there are bodyguards or security measures to protect the kids, besides the nanny. An alarm system can warn the family when an intruder enters the property, but it won't completely deter someone from doing any harm.

Is this another reason why Shoka sleeps outside? Is he also a guard dog, in addition to family pet?

Troy Chula Vista said... 65

Reality Bites said... Kate is just plain obnoxious in this interview. So much so that I am beginning to wonder how anyone can stand being around her.

I cannot believe that. I wish they would play that for Barbara one morning on The View, I bet she would stop thinking how wonderful Kate is.

That woman has no clue how rude she is! She thinks she can say anything. She is not EVEN in the same league as Barbara or Larry and you have to have talent and the ability to interview people without driving the audience insane.

adt franchisee said... 66

Protect the Gosselin 8 said...
Hopefully, when Kate is away from the Gosselin mansion, there are bodyguards or security measures to protect the kids, besides the nanny. An alarm system can warn the family when an intruder enters the property, but it won't completely deter someone from doing any harm.

Is this another reason why Shoka sleeps outside? Is he also a guard dog, in addition to family pet?

Unless Kate has hired guards for the kids when she's out of town, they do not have extra protection. She takes the "bodyguard" Steve with her when she travels (ridiculous). The house has a gate that will not stop anyone intent on entering the property and had a basic alarm/security system (the basic found on other homes).

As for Shoka - dogs trained to be true guard dogs do not generally do double duty as the family pet with youngsters as their playmate. She's a fool if she relies on her "pet" to warn & protect her with it's bark against an intruder.

A major complaint of many has been that she takes Steve with her rather than leaving him with the children when she's gone and I agree. It makes absolutely no sense to leave 8 very vulnerable children in the care of a 19 year old child herself otherwise known as a babysitter.

gotyournumberKate said... 67

@Reality Bites......per the interview you linked. Who is Kate trying to kid when she says she would love a talk show spot someday but not right now because she has kids? She would grab on to a talk show offer faster than you and I can say "I just don't get it" if it were offered to her. She just hasn't been offered one. Another point, Kate's career is going to be over long before her kids are through college, the kids are resonsible adults, and she has enough money to retire. Does she really think she's that good that she is going to hold our attention for the next 20 years? What an ego! She's going to screw up way before that. It's already started with the kids getting expelled.

It amazes me to no end how Kate is all smiles in NYC but never smiles when snapped by cameras at Target, UPS, or the tanning salon. Is she so stupid that she thinks the same people don't see all photos of her? Does she think the celebrities and people in Hollywood who can help further her career only see the ones of her in NYC and on TV? She's a fake and miserable human being. Even the women on The View are starting to say how they really feel about her and she thought they were her "friends."

alyssa said... 68

Can you imagine how much moaning on national TV there would've been if one or more of her sextuplets had been born with Cerebral Palsy?( as it happens many times with high order multiples) As she once said about her precious baby boy Joel, Kate would have been the "unending fountain of whining"...Oh my God, the poor poor Kate, with 8 children, some of them sick...She would have needed so badly to provide for them that probably the sick kids therapy sessions and hospitalizations and possible surgeries would have been filmed...I mean not for the money,no,to share her experience with the world, the money would have been just a side effect.Thank God those kids are at least physically healthy for so many reasons amongst which this one!

Laura D. said... 69

Reality Bites: I hadn't seen that clip either. My jaw dropped. "When my kids are through college you'll never see me again"?????????? How bloody arrogant. Like it will be HER decision to walk away from celebrity and not the networks/producers/the public. Oh, and her comment about not wanting to work till she's as old as Barbara Walters... how disrespectful to a woman whose been in your corner helping you, you ignorant piece of work.

dee3 said... 70

It's gossip not fact said~

"There are no "reports" of this incident. A troll on ROL started a rumor that has been repeated ad nauseum."

That is not correct. I saw the report online myself...and it WAS an actual article....not a comment written on ROL. It mysteriously disappeared after a day or so....and I have my own opinion on why it was pulled off the net.

Laura D. said... 71

Reality Bites: One more thing regarding that clip you posted. Kate says she'll retire from celebrity when her kids are through with college. I was just starting to wash my dishes when a visual of Kate's mug, 18 years from now, invaded my brain. I was so scared I had to run back to the computer and share it with you!! Put a long blonde wig on Magda from There's Something About Mary, and you'll get the picture!

Listen Up, Sheeple: She is MEAN! said... 72

This is a comment from Lancaster mom from another site:
She takes her own kids to Supercuts here in town and never even tips the staff when they are all done screaming, running around the place, crying and punching each other. She demands that no other customers are allowed in the place while her kids are there and then demands a family discount. She's NEVER once tipped. She treats the locals like they are absolute trash and on many occasions, she has her own photographer get out of her van a couple yards away from where she is going to park and then acts surprised that she's being photographed. This woman is a fraud by all means.

Troy Chula Vista said... 73

I sent this link to the View. Lets see if Barbara kisses Kates butt now. Just floors me how rude and clueless Kate is. Kate can only wish and hope that she would ever be around as long as Barbara or Larry. They have skills, she has 8 kids, count em, 8.

kidsRablessing said... 74

You are right in what you said. SP and TP made their money from their own work. As far as their kids. They are used to being in the public media for awhile, due to their mother's political career. But they are not front and center in everything that is done in that family. They are not the main focus. Their childhoods were not sold. Sheeple are ridiculous to compare the 2 situations, they are just looking for something to make Khate look better than SP. Sheeple and Khate are hanging in for dear life. She's about over.

Anita said... 75

Those a##-kissers at The View just *HAVE* to see the clip of Hate calling Barbara Walters (and Larry King) OLD !!!! I have been SOO sick of seeing Barbara Walters and Joy Bayhar kissing Hate's but in the past. You don't cross Barbara Walters. I hope Barbara Walters sees the VILE comment Hate made on Inside Edition. How can we make sure Barbara (and Joy) see the clip??? ~ Administrator said... 76

It's like when Kate told Meredith oh no she's not quitting the show the show will go on. Actually, Kate, that's up to TLC. The show very well will NOT go on if and when they decide it no longer makes financial sense (cents). The ratings have consistently been on a downward trend and its fate is certainly more in question than it has ever been. I have never seen such an arrogant celeb acting like the fate of their career is completely up to them. As if the show will end when Kate wants it to and not a second before. Eat some humble pie. A big piece.

Can you imagine if Brad Pitt went around saying I WILL make a big blockbuster movie every six months and you WILL watch and it WILL make billions. What a tool. Or any celeb. ~ Administrator said... 77

I just watched that inside edition interview.....good freaking grief.

Kate will quit when she has enough to retire, huh? So 3.5 million is not enough? She does realize that less than 1% of Americans retire with that kind of money, right? She's already in the upper 1%.

Greedy, greedy ho.

Anita said... 78

HA ha ha!!! Google this: "Cosmetics linked to hair loss ordered off shelves." That expensive Brazilian Keratin Hair straightening crap was just banned in Canada... too much Formaldehyde...too DANGEROUS to use. Hate Go$$elin...that Stupid Bi#ch!! ~ Administrator said... 79

I also like how she said oh I'm not taking over for Larry King, it's not the right time for that. Look at the way she shifts her eyes. You KNOW she wanted that spot. Bad. ~ Administrator said... 80

Sorry one more comment about that absolutely ridiculous interview. I love how Kate leaves NO room for error. It's not, I will stay in the public eye until I have enough to retire, UNLESS it becomes bad for the children. Or I will be famous until they are 18, unless the children want a more private life at some point, or the paparazzi gets out of hand, or if more of them get expelled.

It's ALL about her and her fame and there is absolutely no room for what might be best for the children and no room for a change in circumstances. Oh, she WILL be famous, according to Kate.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 81

Kate apparently has some rights as producer to edit her OWN show, but had none when it came to SP's Alaska show. And look at the behavior that leaked out. Looks like she has been able to edit out a lot of her bad behaviors on her own show, and some left were atrocious, but with SP's show, her true personality leaked out once and for all.

What parent allows their kids to detroy a family's home and does not apologize? Or offer to pay for repairs? Bear tongue ripped out?

What person has a 4 year old melt-down, destroys all of the fun for her kids in spite of contractual requirements, and storms off the set? The same woman who claimed she does everything for her kids.

I think Kate is jealous (Jellus) of Sara's popularity, did not even bother to attempt the most basic civil ammenities, and TLC finally allowed Kate's atrocious behavior to come through on film. (Kate had no editing rights as it is Sara's show). I think Kate screwed up big time, and TLC is now no longer protecting her horrible behavior. Several tabloids are now regularly reporting snarky comments on her insanity, and it appears the tides are turning. Once and for all. Two kids expelled from kindergarten? Seriously, this woman is all about herself, and needs to be shut down once and for all. At least for the kids's sakes.

Very few can any longer stand Kate, except for a few with blinders on. For the sake of the kids, no one should watch Kate's show, in my opinion, as it only promotes more filming of the 8 kids, who seriously need a break.

Hippie Chick said... 82

I was curious & watched that Youtube link. I usually don't click on Kate's links, but had to with all the comments regarding it. Ummm, wow. She is one arrogant piece of work isn't she? Does she think she has a choice about how long she will have she will have a career? I cannot stress enough that she is ONLY a reality personality. She is not a Hollywood actress, singer, director, producer, or A-list hob-knobber. It boggles my mind that she actually thinks she is popular enough to keep this up for as long she wants to.

It is a known fact that even actors, unless you are top-tier, fall by the way-side. I'm talking Streep, De Niro, Pacino, etc. Look at Sharon Stone; where has she been lately? And it also a known fact that reality TV personality's fall by the wayside quicker than you can say "Where are they now?" Where is Puck from the Real World? Where are all the winners from Survivor? The Bacherlorette anyone? Paris Hilton? Even she is not newsworthy anymore. Everyone who is on reality TV goes down fast & hard, never to be heard from again. Her arrogance is unbelievable. She'll be dropped like a stone. Her 15 minutes may have outlived most, but it's coming to an end, & fast. She just has had the right PR people, but I think even they are turning on her. Media is turning on her. She will not be around for long now. This time next year, it will be Kate Who?

Michelle said... 83

Administrator said... It's ALL about her and her fame and there is absolutely no room for what might be best for the children and no room for a change in circumstances. Oh, she WILL be famous, according to Kate.

But she still tries (badly) to spin it like it's all for the kids. Once the kids "get through college" and are out having fabulous lives, we won't see her again. She'll retire. So she's basically saying she's "working" only to get those kids through college. She's tolerating fame and working for the sake of the kids. Does it sound like that to anyone else?

This interview just confirms IMO the warped version of reality she lives in and how she's going to fall apart when the fame fades.

grinch said... 84

Love Palin's zinger. Not only is it good advice in general, but it's a perfect bitchslap to the deserving Katan. Regarding Kate's face in the picture above (priceless, btw), she looks like she has just had overdone Botox in that shot. She has to use her brows just to open her eyes. The grinchy evil look fit her perfectly.

Michelle said... 85

Anita said... That expensive Brazilian Keratin Hair straightening crap was just banned in Canada... too much Formaldehyde...too DANGEROUS to use

Does Kate have them use organic formaldehyde?! Kate thinks anything is okay if it's organic.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 86

Michelle said... Administrator said... It's ALL about her and her fame and there is absolutely no room for what might be best for the children and no room for a change in circumstances. Oh, she WILL be famous, according to Kate.

But she still tries (badly) to spin it like it's all for the kids. Once the kids "get through college" and are out having fabulous lives, we won't see her again. She'll retire. So she's basically saying she's "working" only to get those kids through college. She's tolerating fame and working for the sake of the kids. Does it sound like that to anyone else?

This interview just confirms IMO the warped version of reality she lives in and how she's going to fall apart when the fame fades.
Like she is really going to last another 16 years until the tups complete college. What a delusional narcissist she is. I doubt she has more than a year, two at the tops, with her lack of talent and horrible personality. God help these kids. Their mother is off her rocker and needs help. ~ Administrator said... 87

I really wonder what she will do when everything really finally does dry up. I cannot picture her ever lowering herself to going back to a real job. Probably just try to make Jon pay her way?

fidosmommy said... 88

Where are all the winners from Survivor?


Richard Hatch is battling legal issues, Ethan Zohn is doing charitable work while battling leukemia with Jenna Morasca at his side, and the rest went back to the real world they came from. Rupert Boneham is also "captializing" on his win as the Most Popular, using the big bucks to fund a children's foundation in Indianapolis.

It was a short-term event for most of them, and they had lives to go back to. Your point is well taken. Their names are still known to some, but they are not standing around waiting to be noticed and given more star status. They are real people with real relationships and real lives.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 89

She has lost touch with reality.

Sure, she'll host a talk show.... in her demented mind. Kate's co-host will be Kate Gosselin. Her first and only guest will be Kate Gosselin- and she'll ask herself all kinds of questions, like what color nail polish Kate likes, and how to pose & smile for photos.
She will also demonstrate how to make peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, s'mores, monkey munch, and salad. Her show will be a big hit, from her left ear to her right ear.

I hate to be around her when she discovers that no one is interested in her lack of talent or substance. ~ Administrator said... 90

Brett from last season's Survivor goes to my church and is good friends with one of my friends. He started his own clothing company making cool t's and things like that. And he sits in church with the rest of us commonors and never talks about his time on TV. When I first met him I had this sense of I've seen him before, but couldn't place it. It literally took me four months before I suddenly said OMG that's THAT Brett. He laughed. :)

I cannot think of any reality star who has been able to milk the spotlight longer than a few years. I don't think Kate will be the first one ever to beat the odds.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 91

Let us not forget neither she or Jon completed a four year college. So her claim of kids need to complete college is pure and utter nonsense to prolong her own agenda. All colleges have PEL grants, scholarships, and student loans at low rates based on financial need, used by the majority of students to attend college.

Kate is full of sh_t. Seh already said she would not pay for a car for them, that they would have to pay for it. So why would college be any different? She is making excuses to extend her fame and NO ONE is buying it. It is after all, all about Kate.

Keep filming Katie- your kids will hate you for this, and do tell-alls one day to pay for their "college educations." What a selfish,lying moron she is.

Rickie said... 92

Protect the Gosselin 8 - No need to worry, the purse holding booby guard sleeps in the basement.

Michelle said... 93

I watched the clip on Holly Baby of the first meeting with the Palins. Kate seems so socially awkward around people she deep down knows she's not superior to in her mind.

And I can't believe her complete nonchalance when the kids ripped the tongue out of the bear rug. ~ Administrator said... 94

It is utterly obnoxious that no journalist calls her out when she says she needs more money. The follow-up question is then, what happened to the money from the past SIX YEARS?

Kate says she has divorce bills. Newsflash, the divorce was last year. How do you explain the other FOUR YEARS when you and Jon were together? Why isn't there a 529, fully funded college fund by now? As for retirement, Kate is still relatively young. If she socked away say a few grand a month in even a moderately conservative account, she still has decades left to build a huge nest egg.

What we've said so many times, the financial thing is such a cop out.

There are stars far wealthier than her who have never had a consistent career five years long who don't cry poor. I would say the average celeb has a shelf life of two to three years. If you manage to get over that hump you're lucky.

Karen said... 95

Did you all see the pics of Julia Roberts protecting her children from unwanted photos being taken? Hooray for the "good mother, Julia." She doesn't use her children (family) in any way. She and her husband support the children both emotionally and financially. Julia is a "Star" and will continue to be in the top tier of Hollywood.

Go away, Kate. You are not cut out for the "biz."

Hippie Chick said... 96

fidosmommy....That was exactly my point. They are real people with real lives. They knew that they could maybe hit the talk show circuit, talk about their experiences, maybe do a gig here & there...but then? They KNEW when to hang it up. Kate does not. She just keeps plugging along, thinking it is just going to keep going & going, until SHE says it's over. Wrong. I feel so bad for Ethan (?). He is struggling with his cancer diagnosis & is being so strong. I want to say he went & talked to someone about it, just once. Can you imagine how Kate would handle such a thing God forbid? I would never wish ill-will on anyone but she is damn lucky she has 8 healthy kids. Boo frigin hoo you're kid needed glasses. Right there is when she showed she had not one sympathetic bone in her entire body.

And IMO, from what I read here & on other blogs, I think some of her kids have ADHD. I would know. The way they behave, the way they fidget & blurt. Their violent tendencies. (there are more from what I have read) Will she ever get them tested? Or is she too self-involved to care? ADHD kids that are not treated are much more likely when they are older to fail at relationships, use drugs, get into motor vehicle accidents & become alcoholics. She should look into this. JMO of course.

wayward said... 97

Administrator said: "Kate says she has divorce bills. Newsflash, the divorce was last year. How do you explain the other FOUR YEARS when you and Jon were together? Why isn't there a 529, fully funded college fund by now? As for retirement, Kate is still relatively young. If she socked away say a few grand a month in even a moderately conservative account, she still has decades left to build a huge nest egg."
Those 529 funds that the then Lt. PA Governor opened for the tups on their 1st birthdays (as well as for the twins) used to be advertised here in PA as a way to save for college tommorrow at today's rates. In other words, you could lock in the tuition rates of the year you opened the account. That doesn't seem to be the case anymore, but I'm positive that was still the deal back in 2005 when the funds were opened. I would think they would keep the terms the same as they were when the account was opened. They were also called "TAP funds" back then but now they are 529 plans. So it is possible those 8 kids could go to college at 2005 rates when the time comes, further proving Kate DOES NOT need to subject these kids to this exsistence that is already having detrimental effects on them, using the college expenses as the excuse. If all or some of them potentially end up with emotional problems, troubles with the law, early parenthood, etc. as a result of their upbringing, college may not be an option for them anyway.
Disclaimer: Just a reminder, the former PA Lt. Governor, the late Catherine Baker-Knoll opened these funds and provided information on how the public could contribute to them. It has been erraneously thought that PA gave the kids free college educations and some people insist they've seen "a document" online proving this, but it has never surfaced. It has always been my humble opinion that not getting free college has pissed Kate off to no end, since the MacCaughey septuplets were given free college from their state of Iowa. She has beat this subject to death for years, I think hoping some institution of higher learning will finally bite and promise eight scholarships. On the other hand, it is possible the 529 plans are fully funded, but she simply is using college expenses as an excuse to keep the kids on TV and further her agenda.

Pate said... 98

Kate Gosselin is a dead soul.

Troy Chula Vista said... 99

I wonder why no one else in the Media thinks that Access video isn't worthy of showing just how rude and arrogant Kate is. Did Access even show that on their show? I guess it's all about ratings. Any media outlet that shows that clip, can probably forget about any "exclusive" interviews.

Would everyone agree that she slammed Barbara and Larry and made it sound as if they needed to work into their retirement ages? To use Kate's words, I Just Don't Get it. How does she feel saying that was proper? It's a shame that she needs to wear an earpiece at all times and be told what to say.

Michelle said... 100

Jimmy Kimmel is the man! (On another note, I've had far too much computer time today. Twelve inches so far and still snowing!)

Anonymous said... 101

Reality Bites said... Kate is just plain obnoxious in this interview. So much so that I am beginning to wonder how anyone can stand being around her.


I couldn't believe it when she said "this is a job, not a lifestyle" and "I need to re-learn how to relax" (once she retires). First of all, this IS a lifestyle for her!! She went to Mexico for a photo shoot, goes tanning and has her nails and hair done, and is always traveling, leaving the kids with nannies.

Secondly, she has already learned how to relax; like I mentioned before, tanning, trips, etc. Although I think she needs to REALLY relax and not get so bent out of shape over every little thing.

Anonymous said... 102

Another thing I was surprised at was when she said "I've got a lot of years left." Not if she keeps up that tanning, drinking, and smoking, she's not.

Silver haired babe said... 103

What about Elizabeth Hasselbeck from the View? She was on Survivor.

HW said... 104


HW said...

TLC has met its match if they expect Sarah Palin to protect the likes of Kate Gosselin; and Kate Gossline might have made her biggest mistake yet by being so rude to the Palin family. Regardless of our views on Sarah Palin, her fan base is far bigger than Kate's and, for lack of a better word, more powerful. This could be the final nail in the coffin of Kate's quest for fame. TLC might have to choose between these two women and it won't go well for them, I believe, if they choose Kate.

I only hope that if Sarah witnessed harsh treatment of the Gosselin kids (shaking Mady) she would speak up. This has worried me since the reports of the incident started coming out.


There are no "reports" of this incident. A troll on ROL started a rumor that has been repeated ad nauseum

Oh, okay. Then "this has worried me since RUMOR of this incident started coming out.
Is that better?

The point is, there is some reason that Mady is so distraught in that photo (the photo is real isn't it? Or do you claim that it it is photo shopped) and SOME people have said that there was a disturbing incident in which Kate treated mady entirely too harshly. Forgive me if I have trouble giving Kate the benefit of the doubt in this situation. She is not exactly known to have lots of patience and compassion for her children.

Kelly said... 105

As George Bailey said, so many years ago in the classic film, "It's a Wonderful Life",

"No man is a failure who has friends".

I guess Kate Gosselin should take a moment and watch that film. She may learn something quite humbling.

Pants on Fire said... 106

We're up to our armpits in snow here, so I took a little computer time and watched some "Ugly Moments" over on YouTube. Truly, kHate's vile moments are almost too much to take in rapid succession. GumGate, JoelGate,Breathing-Too-Loud-Gate.....

What is sticking in my heart right now is the heartbreaking sight of Mady & Cara at the Crayola Factory, begging their "mom" to let them color with markers.

Forget about saving up for their college, kHate. Start shopping around for a Mental Health Clinic that offers a group discount.

watcher said... 107

It is utterly obnoxious that no journalist calls her out when she says she needs more money. The follow-up question is then, what happened to the money from the past SIX YEARS?

I think the key word in your statement is "journalist." These people who interview her are either gossip show hacks or they host the daily yak shows that are so popular with folks who are home during the day. We're not seeing Kate interviewed by investigative journalists. Remember, Ellen Degeneres didn't even know who Kate was. She's interviewed because she's controversial (as in gossip rags and blogs talk about continually) and a ratings grabber.

Midnight Madness said... 108

Kate will quit when she has enough to retire, huh? So 3.5 million is not enough?


No, it's not, certainly not if she keeps the kids in the same school at a cost of $100,000 per year (does not include rising tuition costs). They are only in Kindergarten. Take that times twelve. The expenses on a property like that are astronomical -- mortgage, taxes, maintenance, utilities, pool, plus assistants and nannies. I know how much it costs to maintain such a place. Been there, done that. How long do you think 3.5 million is going to last at the rate she spends it?

Rumors? said... 109

The whole thing about Mady being shaken by Kate has me a bit puzzled. Someone above said they saw an article about it but now it's disappeared from the internet. How does that happen? It seems to me, if there had been an actual account with details it would have shown up here or on one of the other blogs. Very little gets by without someone spotting it and posting a link somewhere.

Without a link, I have to think it's rumor.

Not to minimize Mady's feelings, but she is often very upset about one thing or another, and I'd like to add, I'm NOT trying to minimize anything Kate could have done either. I just haven't seen any proof of what happened.

alana said... 110

As for some of the children having ADHD/ADD:
it's the impulsivity and risk-taking part of the disorder that 'causes' the propensity towards violence, drug and alcohol addiction, car accidents, etc.
If Take can't find the time to teach the kids colors and shapes, I can't imagine how her busy schedule would allow for even noticing they might need to be tested for ADHD/ADD.
The children are all very impulsive but not necessarily because of a disorder. I think they're just mirroring their mother's behavior.

As for attending college: at the rate they're going, very few, if any of them will be attending college.

fidosmommy said... 111

There was something online about Mady and Kate in Alaska. A "witness" said Kate shook Mady and that it was truly upsetting to Sarah (and Todd?) Palin. I read it here or GWOP, but did not follow any link to read it anywhere else (I rarely follow links). I can't imagine there were "witnesses" besides the Palins, Steve and the production/camera crew. I don't think they had child care people there with them, did they?

It was this "witness" report that began the talk of Sarah wanting Kate to leave the camp and that it was agreed if she would, the Palins would not report her. Now we seem to have info
that Kate left the campground because she simply could not handle being a frontierswoman.

Rumors start from rumors, from facts, and from nowhere. They're crazy "thingies".

un-morphed said... 112

I saw some headline in passing today, about Sarah Palin arriving in Haiti with/for some kind of aid to the people. Why can't kate do something like that, it would be such a huge way to teach her kids about how much they have, and how lucky they are, and a way to teach them about helping those in need.Even helping out right in her own community, with so much job-loss, so many people who are struggling. I would ne totally ashamed to be spending the amount she spends on "her look", while people suffer around me. I know I am not saying what I feel in my heart that I want to express, it's hard for me, she makes me soo mad! She has so much, her health, the kids' health, she is just so very ungrateful, and that is what she is teaching those 8 kids to be, ungrateful for all they have.Kate is skipping along thru life while holding hands with the Devil.

Hippie Chick said... 113

alana...good point. Again, I don't watch. This is just from reading posts, so that is all I have to go on. I shouldn't make judgement calls, but I have read elsewhere that the some of the kids seem to have the symptoms of ADHD/ADD. She is not teaching them anything but bad behavior if Kate is their role model. Ugh. A 6 year old who doesn't know their shapes? How sad is that? Kate is so damn lazy. All she cares about is herself.

Skeptical said... 114

I shouldn't make judgement calls, but I have read elsewhere that the some of the kids seem to have the symptoms of ADHD/ADD. She is not teaching them anything but bad behavior if Kate is their role model. Ugh. A 6 year old who doesn't know their shapes? How sad is that? Kate is so damn lazy. All she cares about is herself.

Gosh, I hate to see these statements about the kids when there's no substantive proof. Perhaps it's just me, but it seems things like this that get talked about and spread around can only be more harmful to them, especially when we don't know these things for a fact. Even if we did, I'm so uncomfortable with things being said about the kids that can eventually be found and used against them by cruel kids.

Chingada said... 115

Reality Bites said... Kate is just plain obnoxious in this interview. So much so that I am beginning to wonder how anyone can stand being around her.


I noticed a HUGE contradiction (what a surprise). She first says that she'll be done when her kids are through college and she can retire. Then she says she would like a "spot" (referring to an anchoring gig on a tv show??? delusional) but can't right now because she has kids... So which is it Kate? You want to retire when the kids are out of the house, or you want a spot like Larry King has when the kids are out of the house? You make me sick.

IDModo said... 116

I think that the Gosselin kids have so many trauma-based reasons for their behaviour, that "diagnosing" them with ADD or ADHD (especially without a professional assessment) does more harm than good; it implies that the kids have a condition that medication can ameliorate. This takes the onus off Kate to provide the children with a safe, non-abusive and non-traumatic childhood: just drug 'em up and keep filming!

Generally speaking, the symptoms of ADHD and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can appear very similar. The reality is that the children are being harmed, perhaps irreparably, by their mother's choice to continue exploiting them. ~ Administrator said... 117

Trying to explain their behavior with some kind of diagnosis takes the blame off Kate. I'm sure her fans would love that, being able to blame something rather than SOMEONE.

Kate is responsible for their behavior. She wanted full custody, she got it, and with that comes taking responsibility for their behavior since they're usually with her or dumped on the nannies she hires. Until you remove the element of Kate I don't know how anyone could possibly know if there's something else going on with these kids. Other than their narcissistic mother who only cares about riches and fame.

NancyB said... 118

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... Kate apparently has some rights as producer to edit her OWN show
Unfortunately, she does not. Actually, if she had been able to negoitiate her contract to include production responsibilities not only would she get a 2nd check for each episode BUT much more importantly she would have had the authority to decide NOT to include many of the gratituous and humiliating moments that have been shown and stripped any dignity and privacy from her children

NancyB said... 119

The Insider was running down the top 10 moments in Baba Wawa's 10 Most Fascinating People shows. This is the 3rd year for Palin. They showed a clip from last year where Baba asked if Sarah would ever do a reality show to which she replied 'No, I wouldn't do that to my kids.' She emphatically insisted that she would never do this...unless she would be paid 1 million per episode. Palin made 13 million this year.
Found the video:
Barbara Walters Most Fascinating People Of 2009
1 minute 50 second mark.
(Ignore the sex video baloney at beginning)

Rickie said... 120

This is from Jimmy Kimmel and is pretty funny!

Anonymous said... 121

We're up to our armpits in snow here, so I took a little computer time and watched some "Ugly Moments" over on YouTube. Truly, kHate's vile moments are almost too much to take in rapid succession. GumGate, JoelGate,Breathing-Too-Loud-Gate.....

What is sticking in my heart right now is the heartbreaking sight of Mady & Cara at the Crayola Factory, begging their "mom" to let them color with markers.

Forget about saving up for their college, kHate. Start shopping around for a Mental Health Clinic that offers a group discount.


The woman simply is not fit to be a parent. Period. During the Crayola Factory episode, she yelled at Jon similar to how she yelled at him in the Toys R Us episode, and when Jon stood up to her about letting the kids color since they were in a COLORING factory, Kate said "We wear nice shirts; I don't want marker on their nice shirts."

A REAL mom would've planned ahead and realized that if they're going to a coloring factory, she better put old clothes on the kids, clothes that can be stained. She has no maternal instinct in her at all. Does she have them wear nice shirts EVERYWHERE, even to the grocery store or playground?

And the part about how "men always take out the trash out and put gas in the car".....UGH!!! The interviewer asked her, "do you ever put gas gas in the car?" and Kate was like, "Who, me?" The interviewer said yes, and Kate was like, "no!" Not to mention her constant "JON!"

I'll get off my soapbox now.

Anonymous said... 122

I wonder if Kate is bipolar. During the Gum-gate episode, she asked Joel "Whatcha doing, Joel?" in a nice tone. As soon as he told her he was getting gum off his sock, she went ballistic in 2 seconds flat and screeched "No way! Who would give you gum?!"

Janelle said... 123

With respect to assigning a "diagnosis" to the kids. there are many pictures and clips out there of Colin seeming very spaced out - so much so and so often that I think he has numbed himself psychologically as a result of the abuse and psychological torment Kate subjects him to. Psychological numbing (aka "spacing out") is an effective defense to protect one's psyche from chronic trauma. People just "check out" to distance themselves from it. Kate is the source inflicting the trauma. SHE is responsible and is fully to blame!

Pants on Fire said... 124

SmileyGrl752 said...

We're up to our armpits in snow here, so I took a little computer time and watched some "Ugly Moments" over on YouTube. Truly, kHate's vile moments are almost too much to take in rapid succession. GumGate, JoelGate,Breathing-Too-Loud-Gate.....

What is sticking in my heart right now is the heartbreaking sight of Mady & Cara at the Crayola Factory, begging their "mom" to let them color with markers.

Forget about saving up for their college, kHate. Start shopping around for a Mental Health Clinic that offers a group discount.


The woman simply is not fit to be a parent. Period. During the Crayola Factory episode, she yelled at Jon similar to how she yelled at him in the Toys R Us episode, and when Jon stood up to her about letting the kids color since they were in a COLORING factory, Kate said "We wear nice shirts; I don't want marker on their nice shirts."

A REAL mom would've planned ahead and realized that if they're going to a coloring factory, she better put old clothes on the kids, clothes that can be stained. She has no maternal instinct in her at all. Does she have them wear nice shirts EVERYWHERE, even to the grocery store or playground?

And the part about how "men always take out the trash out and put gas in the car".....UGH!!! The interviewer asked her, "do you ever put gas gas in the car?" and Kate was like, "Who, me?" The interviewer said yes, and Kate was like, "no!" Not to mention her constant "JON!"

I'll get off my soapbox now.

We've got 20 inches of snow now.

The only reason kHate doesn't want stains on those kids' clothes is because she is so GREEDY - that she sells the clothes at a consignment shop.

She parades the kids around all matchy-matchy just like the Dionne Quints. No way would Monster Mom let the kids wear play clothes to the Crayola Factory - or to the bakery for their 4th birthday where they decorated cupcakes. I loved in that episode how Jon told kHate that she would regret it someday, not letting the kids just have fun.

When Jen asked kHate about never gassing up the cars, kHate replied innocently, "Isn't that normal?"

There is nothing normal about her. Unfit to parent is absolutely right.

Janelle said... 125

Even if Kate believes she owns those 8 little circus acts until they are 18, I think she is wrong - I mean legally. In the state where I live, if the child gets to be in their teens - and no longer wants contact with one of the divorced parents, they cannot be forced be with that parent. They are old enough to talk to the judge and make their desires known. I have a friend who is in this situation. She has two stepchildren in their teens and her husband has full custody and the kids go to their mother's every other weekend and during a few weeks in summer. The mother is a total whack job and mean to the kids. She makes them do "chores" when they come on their weekends. Basically, she uses them as her personal slaves for grass cutting, snow shoveling, cleaning the bathroom, etc. The kids do not even live there! The kids are refusing to go to her house. The husband's lawyer says there are legal grounds to go to the judge and make it official that the kids do not have to go to her house anymore. I am hoping that in another three or four years when Mady and cara hit 13 or 14, they will refuse to live with Kate anymore and their desire will be upheld in court.

squattmunkie said... 126

SmileyGrl752 said...
"We're up to our armpits in snow here, so I took a little computer time and watched some "Ugly Moments" over on YouTube..."

I read your comment, and decided to do the same thing. Wow. I could only watch 2 videos, and that was skipping through some of it. I **really** don't know how Jon took that for 10 years. TEN years of that abuse, henpecking and constant put downs HAS to get to a person. I have 10 times more compassion for Jon now. Those kids NEED him.

And, watching door-knob gate again made me scared for those kids. She was scary, the yelling, the CURSING at 3 year olds (that TLC edited out not with a beep, just a very quick silent pause)

Oh, the footage TLC must have on her...

Pants on Fire said... 127

While watching the "Ugly Moments" on YouTube, I couldn't help but notice that kHate's, er, chest area seemed quite puny. She must not have purchased that good bra yet, huh?

Anonymous said... 128

We've got 20 inches of snow now.

The only reason kHate doesn't want stains on those kids' clothes is because she is so GREEDY - that she sells the clothes at a consignment shop.

She parades the kids around all matchy-matchy just like the Dionne Quints. No way would Monster Mom let the kids wear play clothes to the Crayola Factory - or to the bakery for their 4th birthday where they decorated cupcakes. I loved in that episode how Jon told kHate that she would regret it someday, not letting the kids just have fun.

When Jen asked kHate about never gassing up the cars, kHate replied innocently, "Isn't that normal?"

There is nothing normal about her. Unfit to parent is absolutely right.


During the couch interview for the Crayola episode, Kate claimed she was being "practical" by not letting the kids color; otherwise they'd get stains on themselves and the clothes. No Kate, practical would be understanding that since you're going to a crayon factory, you're most likely going to be coloring, so the kids need old clothes to wear that won't matter if they get stained. THAT'S being practical.

There was another episode (not sure which one) where the family was outside somewhere, and Leah and 2 of the boys were in a stroller. Leah kept sucking on her hand, and Jon snapped and told her "don't do that!" and roughly yanked her hand. Poor girl looked terrified, and looked like she might cry, but she didn't. I think Jon had his feelings bottled up and just took it out on the kids, poor things. :(

Denise said... 129

I made it through 3 of the You Tubes. I have avoided the shows for so long, I had almost forgotten how really horrible she was. Those kids look so intimidated. And all Jon could do was roll his eyes.

Insomniac said... 130

When Jen asked kHate about never gassing up the cars, kHate replied innocently, "Isn't that normal?"


I thought she meant that it was "normal" for a husband to always put gas in the car for his wife. It had nothing to do with her being normal. Maybe I'm wrong. Wouldn't be the first time!

Anonymous said... 131

Still even after all this time I took an interest to watch the Gosselin Horror clips, as I liked to call them. To try in myself find the good in Kate. But you know after even three clips I realize even if you run days like that together of her worst days and attitude that's in front of the camera...what was behind or off the camera? I wished or thought there would have been good in Kate in those years yet run like that all together, makes me wonder how horrible a person has to be.

overthehill said... 132

adhd doesnt suddenly develop as anyone who has contact with adhd knows.
adhd would have become apparent well before 6 years old .they wouldnt have stayed in their cribs for hours at a time or the long journeys they have endured.i am of the opinion the childrens behaviour is like this because of inconsistency in their lives to many people looking after them not singing from the same sheet.

SAHM said... 133

From INF:

Is Kate still in NY????? And doing what???? Guess cleaning the chicken coop is their punishment for being expelled? Didn't Kate say in that episode that anyone who was "bad" would have that chore??? Poor kids. :(

Hippie Chick said... 134

Gosh, I hate to see these statements about the kids when there's no substantive proof.

There was proof that one of the 6 year old girls didn't know what a triangle was on the last show. It was all over this blog. It was ON the show.

Hippie Chick said... 135

overthehill...that's true too. I didn't think of that. I forgot that Kate left her babies in their cribs for hours at a time, while she what?? Rested. Needed relaxing time. Just like now. She NEVER wants to around those kids. I so want to watch those Worst Moments clips... but I'm afraid I'll get angry & I'm in a great mood today!!

It's true that those kids have an awful mother & are probably acting out because of what they witness. They are emulating her. I didn't mean to start a firestorm. I apologize.

BerksPa said... 136

You know what irks me. Is that the same day there are pictures of two of the tups and their 'nannies/babysitters/teachers/?' working in the stable (it was the stable and not the chicken coop as the stables can be seen from the road and the coops can't). Yet that day Kate is getting pampered and letting us all know that what she does is not a lifestyle, it's a job. *boohoo*.
And I seriously wonder who picks up the dog crap around the yard? Dogs gotta poo...someone's gotta pick it up.

SG said... 137

SmileyGrl said...
There was another episode (not sure which one) where the family was outside somewhere, and Leah and 2 of the boys were in a stroller. Leah kept sucking on her hand, and Jon snapped and told her "don't do that!" and roughly yanked her hand. Poor girl looked terrified, and looked like she might cry, but she didn't. I think Jon had his feelings bottled up and just took it out on the kids, poor things. :(

From what I remember she was sucking/licking the Purell off her fingers. Purell is toxic if ingested. He didn't want her eating it.

Lilly said... 138

My internet has been down so sorry if this has been discussed. I was just reading my US Magazine. It stated that the temperature was 53 degrees while they were filming the camping scenes with Sarah Palin and Kate complaining she was frozen to the bone. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Kate film a swim party for the kids in 40 something degrees and she was parading around in her bikini?

Lilly said... 139

My internet has been down so sorry if this has been discussed. I was just reading my US Magazine. It stated that the temperature was 53 degrees while they were filming the camping scenes with Sarah Palin and Kate complaining she was frozen to the bone. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Kate film a swim party for the kids in 40 something degrees and she was parading around in her bikini?

Sport said... 140

Holy. Cow.
I havent ever watched an entire show before, but years ago when I was still married (and they were too) I caught parts of a couple episodes when my (ex)Wife and kids would be watching it. I would wander by the family room and after 2-3 minutes the shrew would say something nasty to Jon or pompously look at the camera and deliver some totally FAKE line about herself and how amazing she is. That was enough for me, I would poke fun at my family for watching this crap and leave the room.

Even back at HER BEST in the early days she was a nasty shrew.

After reading your comments this morning I went to youtube for the 'Nasty Moments' clips. I had to walk away from the PC. Literally nauseating. I dont think I really had any idea just how much that guy had to endure being married to her. There were at least 50 examples of the witch behaving like a spoiled diva to her poor kids and husband. I couldnt even watch it. She is horrible to the core. She really ALWAYS has been - I think I thought it was a recent development (having not followed the show.)

One moment that clearly hit a nerve with me was watching that pathetic, ungrateful woman move into the McMansion. Standing in her bedroom the size of a small city and gathering her brood around to yell at them "Get a good look in here because I dont ever want to see you in here again. This is mommy and daddies room. Dont ever open the door." (paraphrasing)

Isnt that parenting 101???
"If you need anything in this brand new, strange, massive house or you get scared mom and dad are right over here." Sadly Jon had an equal part in it after kHate demanded he repeated to the kids "Dont ever come in here we need our privacy" (again paraphrasing.)

She went on and on for 5 minutes about how it was HER room and HER space for privacy, blah blah blah. She walks around like the Queen of England barking orders at people never actually doing anything herself. She actually took pride and bragged about standing at the front door and bossing people around without doing anything herself. She needs a serious slap across the face.

Maybe I am a freak parent myself, but if my kids were scared in a massive new home I would want them to come crawl into bed with me IMMEDIATELY. The thought of one of mine sitting scared in their room whimpering is far more disturbing than depriving me of some privacy or sleep. I have the rest of my life to sleep and be alone.

If a kid woke in the night feeling sick, or wet their bed, if they were scared or they were cold ... mine know to this day to come wake up dad. It is one of your most BASIC, instinctual emotions as a parent to BE THERE for your kids when they need you.

Why did she even have kids if she doesnt want to be a parent? I feel so angry after watching those clips. I need to go watch some football to cheer myself up...

overthehill said... 141

oh my god i have just seen on youtube the gosselin family mission statement.WHAT A FARCE

alyssa said... 142

SchmeckyGirl said... SmileyGrl said...
There was another episode (not sure which one) where the family was outside somewhere, and Leah and 2 of the boys were in a stroller. Leah kept sucking on her hand, and Jon snapped and told her "don't do that!" and roughly yanked her hand. Poor girl looked terrified, and looked like she might cry, but she didn't. I think Jon had his feelings bottled up and just took it out on the kids, poor things. :(

From what I remember she was sucking/licking the Purell off her fingers. Purell is toxic if ingested. He didn't want her eating it.

From what I remember, Leah was told to stop and then we saw Jon leaning towards her and than there was a CUT and then I saw Leah hysterically crying... And that reminds me I once saw Jon on the show grabing Collin by his ear.I think both parents used spanking as discipline, not just Kate...

They're SIX said... 143

alana said...

As for some of the children having ADHD/ADD:
it's the impulsivity and risk-taking part of the disorder that 'causes' the propensity towards violence, drug and alcohol addiction, car accidents, etc.
If Take can't find the time to teach the kids colors and shapes, I can't imagine how her busy schedule would allow for even noticing they might need to be tested for ADHD/ADD.
The children are all very impulsive but not necessarily because of a disorder. I think they're just mirroring their mother's behavior.

As for attending college: at the rate they're going, very few, if any of them will be attending college.


It is really sad that you and so many others have written off 6 year-olds.

Anonymous said... 144

Just saw a promo for TLC with a lot of it's stars, and Kate was not in it. Could this be the end of her? I hope so.

h8k8 said... 145

Sport said...
...Maybe I am a freak parent myself, but if my kids were scared in a massive new home I would want them to come crawl into bed with me IMMEDIATELY. The thought of one of mine sitting scared in their room whimpering is far more disturbing than depriving me of some privacy or sleep. I have the rest of my life to sleep and be alone.

It was widely speculated on the blogs at the time she made that statement about not entering the master bedroom 'under penalty of severeness' that Jon was already sleeping either in the basement or the garage apartment and she was covering up the fact that should the kids come in they would find him missing. Either way, she's a shrew! ~ Administrator said... 146

Actually it was Kate who lunged at Leah just before the cut to her bawling as if she had just been smacked. Jon first grabbed her hand out of her mouth, then Kate went in. Here is the Dutch Wonderland clip. It's at 5:10.

It's at

PJ's momma said... 147

Today is an incredibly nasty day outside. We got up and went to early services and then came home and hunkered down, just relaxing at home. And you know what? It's been wonderful. I baked a batch of cookies and made my husband his favorite tea and took him both and he was so sweet and I realized - I really, really love taking care of this man, who takes such good care of me. I derive such joy from the smallest things with him. I came to see what is up here and it struck me that it is sad that Kate probably doesn't know what that inner peace feels like, because she's always chasing the next thing and not enjoying what is right in front of her, things money can't buy. Heck, she's not even grateful for the opportunities she does get. What a sad, empty, lonely life she must lead.

Mom In Lancaster County said... 148

As for attending college: at the rate they're going, very few, if any of them will be attending college.


Nobody could possibly know that, not even with a crystal ball. They are SIX YEARS OLD, for gosh sakes! Much can happen between now and college. The twins have done well, and continue to do very well in school. I wouldn't dismiss any of them at this point.

They need encouragement and praise, not someone to tell them that it's doubtful they will go to college.

Zoe said... 149

Administrator said...

Actually it was Kate who lunged at Leah just before the cut to her bawling as if she had just been smacked. Jon first grabbed her hand out of her mouth, then Kate went in. Here is the Dutch Wonderland clip. It's at 5:10.
She put's Purell(or similar) on their hands, but then when the hands are licked tells the child "that's poison and you can die". Really Kate? Why would you put poison on your toddler's hands? Crazy-making!

Anonymous said... 150

Actually it was Kate who lunged at Leah just before the cut to her bawling as if she had just been smacked. Jon first grabbed her hand out of her mouth, then Kate went in. Here is the Dutch Wonderland clip. It's at 5:10.


On that clip, Mady didn't want to go on one of the rides b/c she thought it was too babyish or something, but Kate said "it's a family ride, and we're all going on it," and poor Mady just kept crying. Why does this woman INSIST on making her kids do things they don't want to do?! Mady doesn't want to go on a ride, but Kate makes her. The kids want to color at the Crayola factory, but Kate denies them that and tells them they can color at home. Why is she so bent on doing opposite of what her kids WANT? ~ Administrator said... 151

I think the point trying to be made is that Kate needs to worry about getting the children through kindergarten first, let alone college.

Zoe said... 152

SmileyGrl752 said...

Actually it was Kate who lunged at Leah just before the cut to her bawling as if she had just been smacked. Jon first grabbed her hand out of her mouth, then Kate went in. Here is the Dutch Wonderland clip. It's at 5:10.


On that clip, Mady didn't want to go on one of the rides b/c she thought it was too babyish or something, but Kate said "it's a family ride, and we're all going on it," and poor Mady just kept crying. Why does this woman INSIST on making her kids do things they don't want to do?! Mady doesn't want to go on a ride, but Kate makes her. The kids want to color at the Crayola factory, but Kate denies them that and tells them they can color at home. Why is she so bent on doing opposite of what her kids WANT?

Funny thing, though. If you notice, they only show 2 cars on the ride, each with a parent and 3 children. That means 2 children are either waiting or on another car that was never shown. Obviously they were not at this park alone and had helpers to ride with/wait with the others. Kate's comment that "she can't just wait alone"...another lie for reality TV. ~ Administrator said... 153

Later in the episode Kate and Jon talk about all the issues Mady has been having. Um, no, she just doesn't want to be at a stupid amusement park on stupid rides. What is wrong with that? Why must it be ALL EIGHT ALL THE TIME? Oh right because they were filming it. From what many people have said of Dutch Wonderland it's largely geared toward the smaller kids. No wonder Mady was basically like, wtf. ~ Administrator said... 154

You know in thinking about Mady, she reminds me of a few of the very gifted children I have known. These kids tend to grow out of things like mindless amusement parks quickly. They require more sophisticated stimulation. Complex sports, or chess, or difficult homework, or play a challenging board game with a friend, are more up their alley. It's not that they are trying to be a brat, they just have progressed beyond amusement parks. I totally get where she is coming from not having interest in Dutch Wonderland.

Sport said... 155

It sounds like a great afternoon at home, PJs Momma. I love days like that. It is really one of the things I hope for these kids most of all; many, many simple moments shared just like you describe.

Anon 1 said... 156

Smiley Girl Mady didn't want to go on one of the rides b/c she thought it was too babyish or something, but Kate said "it's a family ride, and we're all going on it," and poor Mady just kept crying.
SG, did you hear what she said? She couldn't leave Mady alone while she, Jon and the tups went on the ride. C'mon, there's plenty to snark about w/Kate, but I wouldn't have left one of my kids by themselves, would you?

Mom In Lancaster County said... 157

SG, did you hear what she said? She couldn't leave Mady alone while she, Jon and the tups went on the ride. C'mon, there's plenty to snark about w/Kate, but I wouldn't have left one of my kids by themselves, would you?


I was there the day of the filming and there were others with them. Even if they didn't have helpers, she could have left Mady with a crew member. It wouldn't be the first time a crew member helped or supervised the kids! Would I let my kids with the crew? No, but then again, I wouldn't let my children alone in the bathroom with a crew member, or in the basement with them without an adult present. Kate's relied on them before to babysit. After all, the crew is like family, and the kids miss them when they are gone, etc. etc....

Dutch Wonderland isn't Hersheypark or Disney by any means, but it is not just for little kids. There is plenty to do for children the twins' age. Mine still like to go there, and they are older than the twins were then.

Anonymous said... 158

Anon 1 said...

Smiley Girl Mady didn't want to go on one of the rides b/c she thought it was too babyish or something, but Kate said "it's a family ride, and we're all going on it," and poor Mady just kept crying.
SG, did you hear what she said? She couldn't leave Mady alone while she, Jon and the tups went on the ride. C'mon, there's plenty to snark about w/Kate, but I wouldn't have left one of my kids by themselves, would you?


No, but I wouldn't make my kids go on a ride they didn't want to go on either. Why couldn't Kate have left Mady w/ the camera man or one of the TLC guys? (I can't believe I said that), but why did it have to be her and Jon on the ride at the same time? Why couldn't Kate have taken the little girls on and have Jon stay w/ the twins and boys, then later Jon could go on the ride w/ the boys while Kate stayed w/ the little girls and twins. Is that really so hard? ~ Administrator said... 159

I have to say I totally disagree with the assessment that Sarah is personally hated. Do I think there is a lot of "hate" out there for her, absolutely! But I think from the vast majority, it's not PERSONAL. I think most people are able to separate Sarah Palin the hostess, the mother on a camping trip, and Sarah Palin working on political things. Sure enough there are a ton of people, both here and from professional writers, who say look, I cannot stand Sarah Palin but I really like how she handled Kate. She is amassing a lot of people who say they are really quite fond of her from what they have seen of the show. It actually reminds me of Obama in a way, I disagree with most of his politics, but I think he and his wife are lovely and they have a beautiful family and I LOVE, LOVE what Michelle Obama has to say about parenting. She gets it. It's not personal!

I lived in D.C. for a few years, I have never felt such animosity about political issues. I worked for a very partisan publication. But at the end of the day, we all ended up at the same bar sharing a pitcher of beer (the Hawk and Dove was a favorite hang out).

As for people in her own party "hating her", again I disagree. I think there are a lot of people who really blame her for McCain losing the election, who see picking her as all wrong, a really bad choice. But again, it's not personal. I certainly am in the camp that wish she had stayed governor of Alaska, but it's not personal in the slightest. I'd go camping with her any day and we don't have to talk politics.

Oh but with Kate, you can bet it's personal. ~ Administrator said... 160

I thought I was imagining that awkward handshake, thanks for pointing it out HW. SAW THAT. I'll mention it in the recap.

If Kate were leaving because she was afraid of bears she would have said so. The odds of a bear approaching a busy noisy campsite like that and eating someone is like one in a billion. Unless it was rabid or something, but that's what the guns are for! Timothy Treadwell basically laid down next to grizzly bears for like five years before they finally ate him, and they finally ate him when it was a really really bad salmon year.

I need to add I love that Kate was only allowed a very quick interview. Sarah led the way with the "interview couch". It's about time someone else got to tell the story instead of Queen Liar. ~ Administrator said... 161

Maybe bugs bite in other areas, but I've been camping in California and on the East Coast, and I have never had any problems with bugs in CA. On the East Coast, yes they are a huge nuisance. BUT, in weather warmer than 60 degrees.

I have never in my life been bitten by bugs in cold weather. When it's cold, bugs find a place to hide.

The kids weren't complaining about bugs one bit, just Kate. I call BS on the "bugs." ~ Administrator said... 162

I think it's the narcissism. It is striking to me that socially, Kate behaves very similarly to the narcissist I worked for.

Typical for this woman is when people are having a normal conversation about say, food we like, she will jump in with some completely off-beat, odd comment about how she always wanted to buy some property and start a winery. Who, what now? We were talking about hamburgers. She had a very hard time sort of working herself into the conversation in a normal, smooth way. Her comments were always so bizarre and random and didn't really "flow" with the conversation.

In other instances, if she couldn't think of anything to say, she would just repeat what you said. For instance if you said "I'm making quesadillas for the boys", she would echo, "Oh you're making quesadillas for the boys?"

A more normal response would be, "Oh what are you putting in them?" "Oh how hot is that pan?" Something like that.

Not saying these comments in and of themselves are not normal, but when this is CONSTANTLY how she speaking, either inserting a random comment or just repeating you, that's not normal.

Socially, narcissists can have a very difficult time, and it usually relates to their inability to relate to other people. Poor social skills can be a hallmark of a narcissist.

That said, I have heard that asperger's is sometimes misdiagnosed as narcissism PD, which is kind of sad.

Enough with the Palin Worship said... 163

As for people in her own party "hating her", again I disagree. I think there are a lot of people who really blame her for McCain losing the election, who see picking her as all wrong, a really bad choice. But again, it's not personal. I certainly am in the camp that wish she had stayed governor of Alaska, but it's not personal in the slightest. I'd go camping with her any day and we don't have to talk politics.

Oh but with Kate, you can bet it's personal.


Sorry, but when you are called petty, pathetic and a liar, among other things, by people who worked with you, it's personal.

Anonymous said... 164

Kate fits all these:

Hotchkiss' seven deadly sins of narcissism

1. Shamelessness - Shame is the feeling that lurks beneath all unhealthy narcissism, and the inability to process shame in healthy ways.

2. Magical thinking - Narcissists see themselves as perfect using distortion and illusion known as magical thinking. They also use projection to dump shame onto others.

3. Arrogance - A narcissist who is feeling deflated may re-inflate by diminishing, debasing, or degrading somebody else.

4. Envy - A narcissist may secure a sense of superiority in the face of another person's ability by using contempt to minimize the other person.

5. Entitlement - Narcissists hold unreasonable expectations of particularly favorable treatment and automatic compliance because they consider themselves special. Failure to comply is considered an attack on their superiority, and the perpetrator is considered an "awkward" or "difficult" person. Defiance of their will is a narcissistic injury that can trigger narcissistic rage.

6. Exploitation - can take many forms but always involves the exploitation of others without regard for their feelings or interests. Often the other is in a subservient position where resistance would be difficult or even impossible. Sometimes the subservience is not so much real as assumed.

7. Bad Boundaries - narcissists do not recognize that they have boundaries and that others are separate and are not extensions of themselves. Others either exist to meet their needs or may as well not exist at all. Those who provide narcissistic supply to the narcissist are treated as if they are part of the narcissist and be expected to live up to those expectations. In the mind of a narcissist, there is no boundary between self and other.

Enough with the Palin Worship said... 165

As for people in her own party "hating her", again I disagree. I think there are a lot of people who really blame her for McCain losing the election, who see picking her as all wrong, a really bad choice. But again, it's not personal. I certainly am in the camp that wish she had stayed governor of Alaska, but it's not personal in the slightest. I'd go camping with her any day and we don't have to talk politics.

Oh but with Kate, you can bet it's personal.


Sorry, but when you are called petty, pathetic and a liar, among other things, by people who worked with you, it's personal.

Administrator said... 166

I have to say I totally disagree with the assessment that Sarah is personally hated. Do I think there is a lot of "hate" out there for her, absolutely! But I think from the vast majority, it's not PERSONAL. I think most people are able to separate Sarah Palin the hostess, the mother on a camping trip, and Sarah Palin working on political things. Sure enough there are a ton of people, both here and from professional writers, who say look, I cannot stand Sarah Palin but I really like how she handled Kate. She is amassing a lot of people who say they are really quite fond of her from what they have seen of the show. It actually reminds me of Obama in a way, I disagree with most of his politics, but I think he and his wife are lovely and they have a beautiful family and I LOVE, LOVE what Michelle Obama has to say about parenting. She gets it. It's not personal!

I lived in D.C. for a few years, I have never felt such animosity about political issues. I worked for a very partisan publication. But at the end of the day, we all ended up at the same bar sharing a pitcher of beer (the Hawk and Dove was a favorite hang out).

As for people in her own party "hating her", again I disagree. I think there are a lot of people who really blame her for McCain losing the election, who see picking her as all wrong, a really bad choice. But again, it's not personal. I certainly am in the camp that wish she had stayed governor of Alaska, but it's not personal in the slightest. I'd go camping with her any day and we don't have to talk politics.

Oh but with Kate, you can bet it's personal.

Mom In Lancaster County said... 167

SG, did you hear what she said? She couldn't leave Mady alone while she, Jon and the tups went on the ride. C'mon, there's plenty to snark about w/Kate, but I wouldn't have left one of my kids by themselves, would you?


I was there the day of the filming and there were others with them. Even if they didn't have helpers, she could have left Mady with a crew member. It wouldn't be the first time a crew member helped or supervised the kids! Would I let my kids with the crew? No, but then again, I wouldn't let my children alone in the bathroom with a crew member, or in the basement with them without an adult present. Kate's relied on them before to babysit. After all, the crew is like family, and the kids miss them when they are gone, etc. etc....

Dutch Wonderland isn't Hersheypark or Disney by any means, but it is not just for little kids. There is plenty to do for children the twins' age. Mine still like to go there, and they are older than the twins were then.

Hippie Chick said... 168

alana...good point. Again, I don't watch. This is just from reading posts, so that is all I have to go on. I shouldn't make judgement calls, but I have read elsewhere that the some of the kids seem to have the symptoms of ADHD/ADD. She is not teaching them anything but bad behavior if Kate is their role model. Ugh. A 6 year old who doesn't know their shapes? How sad is that? Kate is so damn lazy. All she cares about is herself.

Rumors? said... 169

The whole thing about Mady being shaken by Kate has me a bit puzzled. Someone above said they saw an article about it but now it's disappeared from the internet. How does that happen? It seems to me, if there had been an actual account with details it would have shown up here or on one of the other blogs. Very little gets by without someone spotting it and posting a link somewhere.

Without a link, I have to think it's rumor.

Not to minimize Mady's feelings, but she is often very upset about one thing or another, and I'd like to add, I'm NOT trying to minimize anything Kate could have done either. I just haven't seen any proof of what happened.

Kelly said... 170

As George Bailey said, so many years ago in the classic film, "It's a Wonderful Life",

"No man is a failure who has friends".

I guess Kate Gosselin should take a moment and watch that film. She may learn something quite humbling.

Michelle said... 171

Jimmy Kimmel is the man! (On another note, I've had far too much computer time today. Twelve inches so far and still snowing!)

Hippie Chick said... 172

fidosmommy....That was exactly my point. They are real people with real lives. They knew that they could maybe hit the talk show circuit, talk about their experiences, maybe do a gig here & there...but then? They KNEW when to hang it up. Kate does not. She just keeps plugging along, thinking it is just going to keep going & going, until SHE says it's over. Wrong. I feel so bad for Ethan (?). He is struggling with his cancer diagnosis & is being so strong. I want to say he went & talked to someone about it, just once. Can you imagine how Kate would handle such a thing God forbid? I would never wish ill-will on anyone but she is damn lucky she has 8 healthy kids. Boo frigin hoo you're kid needed glasses. Right there is when she showed she had not one sympathetic bone in her entire body.

And IMO, from what I read here & on other blogs, I think some of her kids have ADHD. I would know. The way they behave, the way they fidget & blurt. Their violent tendencies. (there are more from what I have read) Will she ever get them tested? Or is she too self-involved to care? ADHD kids that are not treated are much more likely when they are older to fail at relationships, use drugs, get into motor vehicle accidents & become alcoholics. She should look into this. JMO of course.

grinch said... 173

Love Palin's zinger. Not only is it good advice in general, but it's a perfect bitchslap to the deserving Katan. Regarding Kate's face in the picture above (priceless, btw), she looks like she has just had overdone Botox in that shot. She has to use her brows just to open her eyes. The grinchy evil look fit her perfectly.

Administrator said... 174

Sorry one more comment about that absolutely ridiculous interview. I love how Kate leaves NO room for error. It's not, I will stay in the public eye until I have enough to retire, UNLESS it becomes bad for the children. Or I will be famous until they are 18, unless the children want a more private life at some point, or the paparazzi gets out of hand, or if more of them get expelled.

It's ALL about her and her fame and there is absolutely no room for what might be best for the children and no room for a change in circumstances. Oh, she WILL be famous, according to Kate.

Listen Up, Sheeple: She is MEA said... 175

This is a comment from Lancaster mom from another site:
She takes her own kids to Supercuts here in town and never even tips the staff when they are all done screaming, running around the place, crying and punching each other. She demands that no other customers are allowed in the place while her kids are there and then demands a family discount. She's NEVER once tipped. She treats the locals like they are absolute trash and on many occasions, she has her own photographer get out of her van a couple yards away from where she is going to park and then acts surprised that she's being photographed. This woman is a fraud by all means.

alyssa said... 176

Can you imagine how much moaning on national TV there would've been if one or more of her sextuplets had been born with Cerebral Palsy?( as it happens many times with high order multiples) As she once said about her precious baby boy Joel, Kate would have been the "unending fountain of whining"...Oh my God, the poor poor Kate, with 8 children, some of them sick...She would have needed so badly to provide for them that probably the sick kids therapy sessions and hospitalizations and possible surgeries would have been filmed...I mean not for the money,no,to share her experience with the world, the money would have been just a side effect.Thank God those kids are at least physically healthy for so many reasons amongst which this one!

Moose Mania said... 177

I watched it, and at the end of that video, Kate says "There's nothing I wouldn't do to protect my kids." Another lie.

Not necessarily. I really do think she would do anything to protect them. Without them, she is nothing and she knows it. "Protection," then, to her means protecting the brand; protecting her financial support system; NOT protecting them in the sense that all good mothers protect their children.

Sarah 2012 said... 178

Administrator said...

Sarah is the type of women where if TLC phones her up this morning and says We told you not to say anything about Kate!!! She would just smile that trademark smile and say, "What? I didn't!"

I really like this gal.


Me too!! In fact, as I type, I'm drinking my coffee out of my "Sarah 08" mug!

SmileyGrl752 said... 179

silimom said...

The bear tongue removal can be viewed on HollyBaby. Just google "Gosselin Kids Bear Rug Tongue" and you'll get a list of sites with the video clip.


I watched it, and at the end of that video, Kate says "There's nothing I wouldn't do to protect my kids." Another lie.

Anti Passive-Aggressive Behavi said... 180

Administrator said...

Bingo. It's politeness 101 that Kate can't even begin to understand.


Says the person who is applauding another person's passive aggressiveness. Being passive aggressive isn't polite either.

Anonymous said... 181

I just read your posts, and wonder why no one has said anything about the Palin kids being filmed?

The producers are right, the more you talk and write about Kate, the more she will stay in the news. If every blog would shut down, Kate would be gone. I wonder who would be the first blog to shut down, just asking.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 182

wayward- You hit the nail on the head! TLC has allowed Kate to be seen in the worst possible light (finally) and she is potrayed as the despicable, disgusting person that she is.

I think Kate Plus 8 is on its way out except for the sheeples. Seems like many have finally tired of her selfish, disgusting antics. Including TLC. Whatever ratings this show gets will be credited to SP, but KG's antics will be remembered. I think TLC has tired of Kate's antics, as well as many tabloids (INF, etc) and have problems with the kids being filmed, post kindergarten expulsion. Does not take a genius to see how something is seriously wrong in this family.

Look no further said... 183

"A single mom," thanks for the link. This says it all:

When you have competition out there, like "Jersey Shore" or "The Bad Girls Club," people want that, they want the drama. I mean, look at Kate's latest on the Sarah Palin show. There's a reason why TLC put her crying in their promos. Because people like drama. As long as there's drama, there will be viewers.

TLC does not need huge ratings to make good money and stay in business. What Kate brings to the table is drama and lots of it. She frowns, smiles, goes to Target, drags Steve around and it’s headline news on all the rag mags, then the blogs heat up and Kate survives to film another special.

Will that pure and simple statement stop people from asking why is Kate still around? I doubt it. But there’s the answer in black and white.

gotyournumberKate said... 184

You nailed it Wayward. My thoughts exactly!

Administrator said... 185

CS, no one is assuming anything. Her tweet was about Kate; Sarah Palin specifically SAID "Sunday's "Sarah Palin's AK 'Alaskan Hospitality'" episode illustrates that a bit."

Marie said... 186

This article, if and whenever she went to New York to see Ted Gibson speaks volumes to how she is seen as a coupon clipping, I have to save and spare for my kids yet I can spend whatever I want on myself because I'm on reality tv. Oh please. If Kate never married Jon, never had her twins and sextuplets with help of drugs there would be no reality tv show. Has she ever stopped to look at it that way? I doubt it. Selfish, arrogant, rude, do as i say not as I do type self-service person. One day her actions are going to haunt her. Anybody seen (now I babysat yesterday so only reason I watched it) Mickey Mouse a Christmas Carol..Kate?

Laura D. said... 187

Denise, you're exactly right. You should go over to Small Town Gosselins. Werney Gal interviewed a TV producer last night and has posted the first installment.

Here's a little snippet: "Now, they're getting older and it's not the same type of thing, so you have to amp up the drama. You have to put something else in there that will attract the viewers, and if it's not the show-and-tell of cuteness, there's got to be something else out there. When you have competition out there, like "Jersey Shore" or "The Bad Girls Club," people want that, they want the drama. I mean, look at Kate's latest on the Sarah Palin show. There's a reason why TLC put her crying in their promos. Because people like drama. As long as there's drama, there will be viewers.
So, I kind of deviated from the question here, how much of it is actually scripted? Scripted isn't the term I'd use. “Heavily produced.” There are procedural ways of doing things. If you're writing a screenplay or writing a script for TV, you have characters, you have personalities, all you have to do now is put them in situations and create conflict or a catalyst. So, if you know Kate's going to be a hothead and you know Jon's going to be kind of frumpy, and you have him do something that's going to piss her off, well, there you go. Instant drama. It's a recipe."

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