Friday, December 17, 2010

School bus stop

Kate picked the kids up yesterday, sans two.

93 sediments (sic) from readers:

KateSteveTLCandTheJudgeSuck said... 1

Looks like the kids bought mommy some more plastic surgery on her face. She's got that tight-faced frozen look going on.
You think Kate gets dizzy from all the 'spinning' she does?

Fahnette said... 2

She's so orange.

There is nothing behind her eyes. NOTHING.

It must be so tiring to be Kate, and not because of all the trips/filming/"errands"/paps/self-inflicted drama.
It must be tiring to keep up her facade, keep track of what lies she's told to whom, what kid she needs to manipulate, how to further damage Jon, how to score another free haircut. The few truly controlling people I've met in my life always complained about being tired because they were on guard ALL THE TIME.

It's really starting to show in Kate...

Anonymous said... 3

Yeah, I don't know many people who look orange in wintertime. Its just not natural. I happen to pass a lady when I go into work she looks awful with hardened wrinkled orangle skin and I wonder what these people see? Why they need more? Nobody else really cares if you have a year-round tan because its just not healthy nor natural to be that color unless you live in a crayon box.

But why isn't she happy to see them? I babysit freuently enough the little girl, even if I've had a bad day, when I go to pick her up from preschool I put on a smile and take interest in her art projects or whatever she happens to talk about on the way home until she falls asleep. Its just really sad, even with Pap(s) there she could at least smile for her kids. Has anyone EVER seen her smile when Kate's kids get off the bus? And the difference in how THEY smile when they see Jon? Sad, sad, sad.

Don't Believe Everything You Read said... 4

I thought Kate was in LA and had abandoned her children for the holidays? One of the self-proclaimed insiders went so far as to indicate when and where she'd be landing and lo and behold, that information turns out to be false.

amazon mommy said... 5

1. Looks like the kids are not that super excited to see her.

2. She doesn't look that excited to see them.

3. She looks run down, tired and drugged.

4. She needs to lay off the tanning. She looks out of place.

5. To busy with the iphone that with her kids once again.

6. No heals, skirts or v necks Kate? odd.

KateSteveTLCandTheJudgeSuck said... 6

Don't Believe Everything You Read said...

I thought Kate was in LA and had abandoned her children for the holidays? One of the self-proclaimed insiders went so far as to indicate when and where she'd be landing and lo and behold, that information turns out to be false.
December 17, 2010 7:49 AM
Actually, not all information was wrong. She IS a peculiar shade of orange.

LisaNH said... 7

said... Looks like the kids bought mommy some more plastic surgery on her face. She's got that tight-faced frozen look going on.
You think Kate gets dizzy from all the 'spinning' she does?


I thought the exact same thought when I saw the photos, she's had more plastic surgery. Her mouth is twisted in an odd way and her face looks swollen, like one looks when they have dental work.

All I can say is that Kate looks rough. She is looking seriously haggard and her eyes look spaced out.

I also wondered if she looks bad because maybe she's having a mental health issue, with all this bad press this week.

Hippie Chick said... 8

Wow. Orange! I saw a woman a couple days ago in the store. She was very orange & very wrinkly & very leathery. I glanced at her & did a double take, I couldn't help it. (I still feel bad!) I KNOW she either tanned too much or is still at it. I could tell that she knew I was staring, so I said "I love your scarf!" & she said "Thank you!" (I always try to compliment someone once a day anyways, it makes me feel good) but I couldn't help but think; does she regret how much damage she has done to her skin? You listening Kate? SPF 15 goes a long way!! (Aveno Simply Radiant w/ SPF 15 Moisturizer 2x a day for me!!) :)

Westcoaster said... 9

Iwill leave all comments on appearance to others, but what never fails to bemuse me is the phone - for a woman who has no friends, has cut off her family, who the HELL does she talk to? I doubt it's TLC or Hollywood calling - yes, I know it's probably a facade, or nervous tick, and she needs to look like she's important, but seriously, who doesn't shut up the phone to spend time with the kids? Like, how was your day or hi honey, how nice to see you. Piece of orange work.

Trucker said... 10

I didn't notice Kate's looks...who cares? What I noticed is that poor A and C, and how sad it is they been raised in an environment that they cannot even attend school because they are so screwed up. That's all I noticed. When the kids get home from school, do you think they ask their brothers and sisters about their day, or do you think the others taunt them and make them feel bad. We've seen that behavior when Jon took Alexis for her lip injury. I know a certain amount of that rivalry is to be expected, but makes you wonder how the 2 "naughty" ones, who don't follow the "course" are treated? How many times a day are they reminded of their problem? And when the others leave for school, awww so sad!!!!!

Skeptical said... 11

"In the know" wasn't...
In the know said...
kate is not home, she is out of town, so the dog is on it's own tonight.

she went from NY to Los Angeles, will be home Sat, coming in BWI in MD. she doesn't like to arr in Phila.

2 baby sitters living there and one cook with the kids, think jon has the kids over the weekend.

she leaves those kids alone with strangers and bodyguards a lot more than anyone knows.she wants like everyone to think she has a job out in L.A. but the baby sitters are new. always new. she kids no one.

Wait until Sat or Sun, you will see she is going to mani pedi and spray tan. so orange. terrible look.

Although sources may say what we want to hear, we really need to be careful.

kate's scary said... 12

I'm with you, Trucker. I can't imagine how all those kids feel with two not allowed to attend school. It has to be bad for all of them.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 13

Oompa Loompa Doompadee Doo...

My...Kate is looking contrite in those photos.

I wonder who she is peddling the family "brand" to- and what her sales pitch is?

Maybe she's selling the kids as a new singing family group ala The Cowsills or The Partridge Family?

The Singing Gosselins!

Laura D. said... 14

I was going to say she's starting to look like Joan Rivers, but on second thought, Joan has way nicer skin.

Sienna said... 15

Interesting post concerning Kate's behavior at the Boscov's store (possibly the same one she went school uniform shopping) this was from a thread on

Former Department Store Worker
Posted at 11:27 AM on December 17, 2010
.That’s NOTHING compared to the way she would act when she came into Boscov’s. She would come inside by herself and go over to the makeup counter and after spending an inordinate amount of time testing and asking for samples and then ringing up a rather large bill, she would demand to see the manager to inquire as to why she was being charged so much. When the answer didn’t suit her, she would demand a full refund and promise never to come back again. We all laughed because we didn’t want her to come back again. She carried a pink cellphone and the damned thing never rang. She dressed so out of style but thought she was IT! No wonder her husband dumped that dead weight.

Lolly said... 16

"Trucker said... I didn't notice Kate's looks...who cares? What I noticed is that poor A and C,"

I agree, in this instance. I can only imagine the teasing going on. I think the worst thing is not having these children around their peers in a school, I am not an expert though. I can't help but wonder, if this will set them back even more. They cannot learn to socialize with others unless they actually do it. I pray they are getting the counseling she says they are. I hope they all are. But who knows?

Troy Chula Vista said... 17

IMO there is NO WAY Kate will be asked back on any media show. No way anyone can interview her without asking about the SP fiasco. Once that question has been asked, she can only lie or tell the truth. Well, history has shown lies are the only spin she knows! There is no way she can say anything that people will go "ok, I forgive her that was cold" (well, the sheeple will believe). There are no amount of scripted answers that can convince anybody with a brain that she was less than a complete fool on that camping trip.

Funny how no media/gossip show has had her on the shows or even talked about the incidents with SP. Probably because they don't want to look like fools as well and there is no way they can spin this to make her look "like she just had a bad day" because the true Kate came out on that trip.

Bodyguard my A$$ said... 18

Do you think it's possible that Kate's PR people STRONGLY suggested she get her butt home, call Chris and be seen with those kids before they go to Jon's this weekend? Ever hear of a change of plans?

Bodyguard, my A$$ said... 19

Oh, and the prediction that she'd be orange? She puts the Oompa Loompas to shame. ~ Administrator said... 20

I understand not all mothers are demonstrative with their kids. Problem is kids this age crave a parent to be thrilled to see them, wrap them in a huge hug. Just google the benefits of touch, hugging, etc. to a child and tons of articles come up. Touch is the first sense to develop in the wound and babies and young children who are held, massaged and hugged have in many studies are healthier emotionally and physically.

When I think about how cold Kate is with these kids sometimes I think about the opposite of that, Princess Diana. Check out this video at the 7:50 mark where Diana picks up Harry from school. Quite a contrast.

Hippie Chick said... 21

Princess Di was an amazing mother, & not just by this video, by countless other photographic evidence. There is NO comparison. Kate should try to take an example of the kind of mother Princess Di was & use it to do right by her own children.

kate's scary said... 22

I'd hardly call Kate being orange a prediction.

fidosmommy said... 23

Maya Anjelou once said "When your child walks into the room, do your eyes light up?"

Please help! said... 24

Nina Frye of the internet radio program "Living the Dream", who used to be huge supporter of Kate's show, has now reversed her opinon, as some of you know.

She is requestiong participation and support to help get the kids off the air. You can either email or call in during the program, with your opinons/concerns.

January 6th, Thursday at 10 AM EST is her show that will air for this discussion.

silimom said... 25

Troy Chula Vista said...
IMO there is NO WAY Kate will be asked back on any media show. No way anyone can interview her without asking about the SP fiasco.

She'll be back on. It just won't be right away. They'll give it time for all the recent reports to die down, she'll stay out of the spotlight for a while and then bam! she'll be back.

You know, I really don't care if she wants to pursue a media career. Personally, I don't think she has what it takes, but she's certainly held in there longer than I or many other people ever gave her credit for.

I don't think that ceasing production of Kate + 8 is going to suddenly make Kate transform into the perfect parent. Kate is who she is and she has some genuine issues she needs to confront, analyze and deal with but probably never will.

However, I do think Kate having her own career separate from the children would be a good thing for the following reasons:

1) Kate would be getting the attention, fame and money she craves. And the old adage rings true - if momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. But if momma is happy, life is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows (or at least involves less arm yanking, smacking, pinching and yelling).

2) Kate would focus entirely on her "career" and would probably work to be away from home as much as possible. Yes the kids would be raised by nannies, but even a 19-20 year old nanny is probably more grounded and parental than Kate.

3) With Kate gone all the time, Jon would have a stronger case for requesting primary physical custody. At that point, Jon would be able to provide the more stable, consistent home life these children clearly need, as based on the reports of their school.

I don't think that Kate is particularly maternal. I think she loves babies. I think she has a harder time when those babies grown up and become people with their own opinions and the ability to express those opinions.
I think the reason she yanks, yells and bullies is because her own father raised her that way (that part is total speculation - I have never met the man and can only form an opinion based on the comments local people have made regarding him) and Kate is too self involved to realize that parenting takes time and patience. We tend to want immediate results from our kids and we forget sometimes that they need to process what we're saying before they can act. Sometimes we ask them to do something and think we're being very clear and yet they hear something completely different.

Kate wants to manage her kids and that's not a bad thing for the most part but hand in hand with that is also nurturing your children.

Here's praying she opens her heart and decides to change. I wonder sometimes - yes she was a pretty self centered person it sounds like before the shows. But would she have gotten this bad even if the shows had never been or do the shows just magnify her issues? What would Kate and Jon's life had been like had the show never been there? Would they still be married? (Probably, IMO) Who would Kate have become?

Sorry, I've had only 2 hours sleep (raising kids and going back to school in your 40's is tough!) so I'm starting to ramble. I think it's nap time.

Take care all.

Pants on Fire said... 26

kHate looks like she's wearing a few layers of pancake makeup, like we used to wear performing in high school musicals.

And - hey - kHate - why din'cha wear that poofy black coat up in Alaska??

HW said... 27

Another difference between Princess Diana and Kate:
Diana was basically the first royal mother to be so openly affectionate to her children and I believe she took some heat for that from the Queen. She had people telling her to curb her maternal love and she refused.

Kate has people urging her to try to tap into her maternal love and she's refusing.

TeamJon said... 28

Hannah is covering her face again and Leah looks upset. They never look this way with Jon. Would it kill Kate to actully smile for once it instead of looking like a orange troll.

Bodyguard, my a$$ said... 29

No, Kate being orange isn't a prediction. Kate being THAT orange? I've never seen anything like it. She looks radioactive.

Hippie Chick said... 30

Holy crap...look at Kate in 1999 (got enough blush on??)

And in 2000 with the twins...

What a difference. She is still gross on the inside.

Those Little Oompas said... 31

"I'd hardly call Kate being orange a prediction."


LOL!! You got that right. When hasn't she been orange? All she needs is a chemical mistake (green) on her straw hair (or a good dose of chlorine in the pool) and she'll be set to do the local playhouse's version of Willie Wonka.

Bodyguard, my a$$ said... 32

Speaking of Princess Diana, one of my favorite videos ever was when William was just a little boy in primary school. They had a fun field day, and Diana was there, running in a race against the other moms. It was just so normal and lovely. She won, btw.

Can you imagine Kate...oh never mind.

K8SUCKS said... 33

You know, I have to really wonder about the motives behind people like former sheeple Nina who all of a sudden have converted into "let's get the kids off tv" spokespeople.

K8 has been surrounded by controversy for years, and , what, 1 little episode with Sarah Palin all of a sudden opens the eyes of all these folks jumping on the bandwagon ? Totally disingenuous, IMO.

Moose Mania said... 34

Is anyone having problems with the celebrity gossip site being infected? My anti-virus goes ballistic when I try to access it.

Moose Mania said... 35

"Yes the kids would be raised by nannies, but even a 19-20 year old nanny is probably more grounded and parental than Kate."


The problem with that is "nannies." Plural. You can't have multiple care-givers raising kids because there is no consistency in discipline. Those kids are messed up now -- how do you think they'd be if they'd be cared for by revolving nannies, each with a totally different set of child-raising values than the previous one? Those kids need consistency in their lives!

Find one Mrs. Doubtfire and stick with her (or him!)

captain kitchen said... 36

This is OT but on this mornings Today Show they did a recap of the most memorable moments of 2010 and LMAO.....not one shot or mention of KG.

h8k8 said... 37

Westcoaster said...
...what never fails to bemuse me is the phone - for a woman who has no friends, has cut off her family, who the HELL does she talk to? I doubt it's TLC or Hollywood calling - yes, I know it's probably a facade, or nervous tick, and she needs to look like she's important, but seriously, who doesn't shut up the phone to spend time with the kids?...

Have you noticed in all the pics of Kate's phone up to her face she's always listening and never caught in the process of talking (her mouth open)? Celebs are coached to carry something to appear busy or important, eg: a bottle of water, cell phone, shopping bag, etc. I think she's using the phone as a prop and is talking to no one.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 38

Found this post at GWOP today:

Bailey said...
My friend's children go to the same school as the Gosselin children and she tells me it's an open secret that the kids have emotional problems. Not just the two. The kids only play with each other because they've been mean to a lot of the classmates and nobody wants to play with them. When they don't want to do things in class, they act out and that's why one of the kids hit the teacher. That was the last straw. Kate is very nonchalant about the whole thing and really doesn't interact with the staff. Jon is more hands on.
A lot of the teachers are hoping Kate chooses another school for the kids. The kids are taking away the teachers times with the other students. It's very stressful.

Audible Click said... 39

Some interesting stuff posted on GSWOP. In this picture FIG JAM (Kate) looks worse than usual.

Here is another interesting tidbit:

K8STFU said...

Just saw Steve at the Under Armour Store , Montgomery Mall in Bethesda, MD (next town over from Potomac which is where Steve lives). He looks exactly like he does in pics, he was with 3 teenage boys, K8 was not with him.

And things are booming right along on in the comments section of "Kate" Sound Of Music Blog.

Indian Lake said... 40

Pink said - "Maybe she's selling the kids as a new singing family group ala The Cowsills or The Partridge Family?"


The Cowsills were the inspiration for the "Partridge Family" television series. I know one of the Cowsills really well, and Kate and company are no Cowsills.

I remember when Jon said that Kate has a great singing voice. Then I heard her sing, and thought, what is he smoking?

Pants on Fire said... 41

Hippie Chick said...

Holy crap...look at Kate in 1999 (got enough blush on??)

And in 2000 with the twins...

What a difference. She is still gross on the inside.


These old pics are proof that she has had a chin implant, if you ask me.

Don't Believe Everything You Read said... 42

Bodyguard my A$$ said...

Do you think it's possible that Kate's PR people STRONGLY suggested she get her butt home, call Chris and be seen with those kids before they go to Jon's this weekend? Ever hear of a change of plans?


Right, it's far more plausible to think that she was dragged back to PA unexpectedly than to think that an anonymous, self-proclaimed "insider" is full of it.

Anon725 said... 43

That's not orange from tanning. It looks more like discoloration from a chemical peel. My gosh! Her skin is terrible! What is wrong with this woman? If this was a peel, she better stay out of that tanning bed.

Looks like only one of the kids got the memo about LS dress-down day. Guess Kate doesn't bother about things like that.

FandM Alumna said... 44

What's the matter with Kate's mouth? It looks so odd - her lips are puffy so maybe she's had Botox around the lips to remove those smoker's lines? She also has a series of lumps on the lower left cheek near her mouth - line filler, maybe? The very odd looking expression on Kate's face make me think somebody's been undergoing some touch up work ...

noh84kate said... 45

My youtube account got deleted. One too many copyright infringements :( Bummer. Discovery flagged part 2 of the camping episode. I even removed the episode title, alaska, and palin but they still found it.

Not sure what I'm going to do. We have been thinking about canceling cable since we don't watch much TV and it's expensive. But I know lots of people watch on YT to avoid contributing to ratings or because they have no other way to watch. Bummer

AuntieAnn said... 46

FandM Alumna said... What's the matter with Kate's mouth?

Whenever it opens a lie falls out.

Moose Mania said... 47

It looks so odd - her lips are puffy so maybe she's had Botox around the lips to remove those smoker's lines? She also has a series of lumps on the lower left cheek near her mouth - line filler, maybe?


Look at the photo of her on the top of this page with the fork. Fresh, natural, nice skin. Then look at the latest photos of her. How could anyone go from good to bad in trying to look better? Pretty soon she'll have a Sally Jessy happening with her face, and there's no undoing it. What in the name of all that's holy is the matter with her? Is a total breakdown imminent? Is this all to show Jon that she can look as young (or younger) than his girlfriend?

Midnight Madness said... 48

AuntieAnn said...

FandM Alumna said... What's the matter with Kate's mouth?

Whenever it opens a lie falls out.


I was going to say, "too much toxic waste spewing forth", but you beat me to it! :-)

kate's scary said... 49

If Kate had as much work done as there are comments every time new pics show up, she'd have no face left!! Sometimes the lighting/shadows affect the look of the photo. Sometimes monitors don't show true colors. I can guarantee that if it had been a bright, sunny day, and Kate was facing the sun you'd see what looks like a smooth, wrinkle-free face which isn't a true look either.

I'm more curious about the bulging vein on the left side of her neck actually.

Donna said... 50

I think that Kate has had many offers to appear on talk shows to talk about the Alaska trip. However, I think that someone (Steve?) is strongly encouraging her to lay low hoping that this will die down and eventually go away. I think that people (Steve?) know that she's not capable of rectifying her behavior and will only do more damage by talking about this publicly, especially now that there's more talk about the school incident. I think that Kate is using a little common sense and finallly just keeping her big trap shut. I think that if she appeared on a talk show she would only make things worse than they already are. Kate doesn't have the ability to humble herself enough to act contrite and issue a public apology to Sarah Palin, which IMO is the only way that she might have of saving herself and her so-called career. I may be totally off base here but I believe that somebody is trying to do damage control at this point and she's finally listening.

Donna said... 51

"What's wrong with Kate's mouth?"
"Whenever it opens it a lie falls out."

OMG, that is hilarious! Thanks for the best laugh I've had all day!

capable of forming my own opinion said... 52

Don't Believe Everything You Read said... Bodyguard my A$$ said...

Do you think it's possible that Kate's PR people STRONGLY suggested she get her butt home, call Chris and be seen with those kids before they go to Jon's this weekend? Ever hear of a change of plans?


Right, it's far more plausible to think that she was dragged back to PA unexpectedly than to think that an anonymous, self-proclaimed "insider" is full of it.

Don't Believe...... we get it. You have made it perfectly clear you do not believe any "inside" information. You have told us not to believe it either.. again and again and again. There's been some discussion about it and I think we've all come to the conclusion that we all take it with a grain of salt, because at the end of the day it IS an anonymous source after all. Most though, seem interested in what this individual has to say. So enough. Every other post seems to be peppered with your snark about the inside info and it's getting old. It's also somewhat condesending as an adult to be told how to think and what to believe. Besides, if you are convinced all the "insiders" are frauds, why are you so concerned with what they have to say? Ignore those posts if you find them so bothersome.

Anon 1 said... 53

Donna said..
I may be totally off base here but I believe that somebody is trying to do damage control at this point and she's finally listening.
When haven't 'they' been doing damage control with Kate? Kate doesn't listen to anyone, unless it's in her earpiece and she's being fed what to say.

Got to hand it to her for that, at least she's smart enough to know she's too dumb to pull off a real interview, even the ones where the questions have been given to the interviewee telling what to ask.

In The Neighborhood said... 54

I can guarantee that if it had been a bright, sunny day, and Kate was facing the sun you'd see what looks like a smooth, wrinkle-free face which isn't a true look either.


It WAS a bright sunny day!

Anon me said... 55

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
Found this post at GWOP today:

Bailey said...
My friend's children go to the same school as the Gosselin children and she tells me it's an open secret that the kids have emotional problems. Not just the two. The kids only play with each other because they've been mean to a lot of the classmates and nobody wants to play with them. When they don't want to do things in class, they act out and that's why one of the kids hit the teacher. That was the last straw. Kate is very nonchalant about the whole thing and really doesn't interact with the staff. Jon is more hands on.
A lot of the teachers are hoping Kate chooses another school for the kids. The kids are taking away the teachers times with the other students. It's very stressful.

I'm sorry but why would you believe this story? Most kids from large families stick together and play together. Maybe they're shy around other kids. ~ Administrator said... 56

I think we're just seeing the same bit of work Kate has had done in different angles and lights.

Also the "look" of plastic surgery changes with healing and time. So if her face looks like a disaster one day, it can look like a completely different disaster the next. That doesn't mean she's had a dozen surgeries, I suspect a good 3 or 4 major things done however.

Midnight Madness said... 57

Also the "look" of plastic surgery changes with healing and time. So if her face looks like a disaster one day, it can look like a completely different disaster the next.


Yes, the "look" may change, but it doesn't turn orange overnight without having had something done to it!

alana said... 58

Dear noh84kate,

I'm sorry to hear your YouTube account's been deleted; it's really creepy how threatened certain people became of it.

You certainly put a lot of time and thought into your videos. I hope you know that many of us enjoyed the heck out of them! I really appreciate all the difficult and creative work you put in to them. THANK YOU.

Moose Mania said... 59

Besides, if you are convinced all the "insiders" are frauds, why are you so concerned with what they have to say?


I don't recall reading that "Don't Believe" said that all insiders are frauds, only that she/he says that no credibility has been established. Nothing wrong with asking for a confirmation of sources. But since it's not going to happen, it makes no sense to dwell on it. Believe what you want to believe; some will hang on every word an "insider" posts, while others will just dismiss it as idle gossip from someone wanting to get attention by proclaiming to be close the situation. What's sauce for the goose (er...Gosselin)...

h8k8 said... 60

audibleclick said...
Some interesting stuff posted on GSWOP. In this picture FIG JAM (Kate) looks worse than usual.

What is GSWOP, anyone?

IDModo said... 61

I have always thought the pink phone was Kate's remote control receiver, with Steve on the other end guiding her footsteps and telling her what to do next; as if she was a little car.She never has the phone to her ear when he is with her."Now, Kate,take two steps forward; you will see a door; the sign on the door says Tanning Salon; open the door and proceed inwards..."

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 62

Indian Lake said...

Pink said - "Maybe she's selling the kids as a new singing family group ala The Cowsills or The Partridge Family?"


The Cowsills were the inspiration for the "Partridge Family" television series. I know one of the Cowsills really well, and Kate and company are no Cowsills.

I remember when Jon said that Kate has a great singing voice. Then I heard her sing, and thought, what is he smoking?


Hey Indian Lake :o)

You said it, The Gosselins DO NOT = The Cowsills. Barbara Cowsill had a beautiful voice-
and Kate, well Kate screeches & nags real well (not close to Barbara's talent).

Growing up, I had a huge crush on Barry, John & Paul.

Good to see another Cowsill fan here. We're damn good people ;o)

Take care.

Audible Click said... 63

h8k8 said... audibleclick said...
Some interesting stuff posted on GSWOP. In this picture FIG JAM (Kate) looks worse than usual.

What is GSWOP, anyone?
Sorry for the confusion I meant to type GWOP (Gosselins Without Pity) blog.

Concerned Teacher said... 64

Did anyone notice the black book Kate was holding with the pink print? When you look closely at the words, it says "LCDS Kindergarten Paddington ???(I think) Journal". I can read all of it except the third word.

While journaling is a common and appropriate writing assignment for all grades, I am very curious as to why kindergarten students are writing in standard composition books. These books are used for a variety of assignments in the higher grades. They have small lines and no space for a picture. Many Kindergarten students don't have the fine motor skills to write on such small lines.

I recall Kate saying the LCDS is "academically accelerated". Another poster stated that the curriculum at the school is comparable to a first grade curriculum at other schools. Yet another person boasted how kinder students in this school read above grade level.

This is KINDERGARTEN, people! I hope that I am wrong and this just looks like a composition book. Assigning writing that is developmentally inappropriate to 5 and 6 year-olds may be part of the reason why two of Kate's kids could not cope.

Maryanne said... 65

OMG - she NEEDS a facelift! Check out that neck!

wryview said... 66

Concerned Teacher - many schools in the area use standard composition books - but have the kids use two or more lines to write on and they draw their pictures at the top.

Audible Click said... 67

I'd love a peek at what those poor Gosselin kids write in their journals.

Zoetta said... 68

I may be right out to lunch on this one but my kids had a special bear in their classroom and children got to take him home overnight as a reward for good behaviour. The teacher kept track in a book of who got the bear on what day and it got sent home with a comment about the good behaviour.Could this be what the Paddington Journal is?

Focus On Something That Matters said... 69

Maryanne said...

OMG - she NEEDS a facelift! Check out that neck!


Superficial and catty much? Who cares?

Moose Mania said... 70

"Superficial and catty much? Who cares?"


These snarks always make me laugh. If you don't care, then why do you bother to read here, and why do you waste your time writing, "Who cares?" It's a paradoxical riddle, and so very juvenile.

LancNative said... 71

The Kindergarten class at the kids' school has been doing this for more than 25 years. Paddington goes home with kids; they often take him on vacation. He has been all over the country and overseas. It's a very cool project, and the kids love to hear about the bear's experiences. Many of these kids are able to write about it in Paddington's Journal; if not, their parents help them.

LancNative said... 72

Concerned teacher,

Relax. No need to get "concerned" that writing in a journal is too challenging for these kids. I've not seen one child who has been academically or emotionally damaged by taking Paddington home and sharing his experiences. This is not a dissertation. It is a simple, "Paddington went to the beach. It was hot. We fished. We saw boats," etc. etc. Two short sentences is all that's needed. Parents help.

It is true that the class is on the academic level as first grade at public schools; it is true that many of these kids are reading on the third, fourth, fifth grade levels. Kindergarten isn't pushing them to do this. It's always been this way at school; that's one of the reasons why parents send their kids to the school -- BECAUSE these kids have tested above average in many areas of academics and the classes are structured accordingly.

I seriously doubt that the Gosselin kids couldn't cope because they were assigned to take Paddington home with them and to share his experiences. I think they have much bigger problems than that. I also believe that the only ones who can make an assessment about their anger/behaviorial issues are the teachers and counselors, not the many so-called experts out there who are not teachers at the school, but feel that they can make judgments about school curriculum based on what they see in a photo.

Concerned Teacher said... 73

LancNative/AKA LCDS parent or possible teacher:

Actually, I think you need to relax. My post did not state that journaling is inappropriate for kindergarten. Please read it again. I said journaling is appropriate at all grade levels. Journaling about Paddington or other book characters is very common K curriculum...give me a break.

I did say that a standard composition book is not apppropriate for kinders, and I stand by that. The lines are too small and there is no space for drawing. That is what is inappropriate and what I meant. Are students supposed to draw their picture over the lines? Are composition books some sort of cost-saving measure at this pricey school? I taught K for years, and used appropriate writing materials for my students. The materials never included small composition books...Okay I'm done. Let it go and don't be so defensive.

In The Neighborhood said... 74

I can guarantee that if it had been a bright, sunny day, and Kate was facing the sun you'd see what looks like a smooth, wrinkle-free face which isn't a true look either.


It WAS a bright sunny day!

capable of forming my own opin said... 75

Don't Believe Everything You Read said... Bodyguard my A$$ said...

Do you think it's possible that Kate's PR people STRONGLY suggested she get her butt home, call Chris and be seen with those kids before they go to Jon's this weekend? Ever hear of a change of plans?


Right, it's far more plausible to think that she was dragged back to PA unexpectedly than to think that an anonymous, self-proclaimed "insider" is full of it.

Don't Believe...... we get it. You have made it perfectly clear you do not believe any "inside" information. You have told us not to believe it either.. again and again and again. There's been some discussion about it and I think we've all come to the conclusion that we all take it with a grain of salt, because at the end of the day it IS an anonymous source after all. Most though, seem interested in what this individual has to say. So enough. Every other post seems to be peppered with your snark about the inside info and it's getting old. It's also somewhat condesending as an adult to be told how to think and what to believe. Besides, if you are convinced all the "insiders" are frauds, why are you so concerned with what they have to say? Ignore those posts if you find them so bothersome.

Kate Don't Rate said... 76

Hippie Chick said...

Holy crap...look at Kate in 1999 (got enough blush on??)

And in 2000 with the twins...

What a difference. She is still gross on the inside.


These old pics are proof that she has had a chin implant, if you ask me.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kat said... 77

Found this post at GWOP today:

Bailey said...
My friend's children go to the same school as the Gosselin children and she tells me it's an open secret that the kids have emotional problems. Not just the two. The kids only play with each other because they've been mean to a lot of the classmates and nobody wants to play with them. When they don't want to do things in class, they act out and that's why one of the kids hit the teacher. That was the last straw. Kate is very nonchalant about the whole thing and really doesn't interact with the staff. Jon is more hands on.
A lot of the teachers are hoping Kate chooses another school for the kids. The kids are taking away the teachers times with the other students. It's very stressful.

h8k8 said... 78

Westcoaster said...
...what never fails to bemuse me is the phone - for a woman who has no friends, has cut off her family, who the HELL does she talk to? I doubt it's TLC or Hollywood calling - yes, I know it's probably a facade, or nervous tick, and she needs to look like she's important, but seriously, who doesn't shut up the phone to spend time with the kids?...

Have you noticed in all the pics of Kate's phone up to her face she's always listening and never caught in the process of talking (her mouth open)? Celebs are coached to carry something to appear busy or important, eg: a bottle of water, cell phone, shopping bag, etc. I think she's using the phone as a prop and is talking to no one.

captain kitchen said... 79

This is OT but on this mornings Today Show they did a recap of the most memorable moments of 2010 and LMAO.....not one shot or mention of KG.

Don't Believe Everything You R said... 80

Bodyguard my A$$ said...

Do you think it's possible that Kate's PR people STRONGLY suggested she get her butt home, call Chris and be seen with those kids before they go to Jon's this weekend? Ever hear of a change of plans?


Right, it's far more plausible to think that she was dragged back to PA unexpectedly than to think that an anonymous, self-proclaimed "insider" is full of it.

Those Little Oompas said... 81

"I'd hardly call Kate being orange a prediction."


LOL!! You got that right. When hasn't she been orange? All she needs is a chemical mistake (green) on her straw hair (or a good dose of chlorine in the pool) and she'll be set to do the local playhouse's version of Willie Wonka.

silimom said... 82

Troy Chula Vista said...
IMO there is NO WAY Kate will be asked back on any media show. No way anyone can interview her without asking about the SP fiasco.

She'll be back on. It just won't be right away. They'll give it time for all the recent reports to die down, she'll stay out of the spotlight for a while and then bam! she'll be back.

You know, I really don't care if she wants to pursue a media career. Personally, I don't think she has what it takes, but she's certainly held in there longer than I or many other people ever gave her credit for.

I don't think that ceasing production of Kate + 8 is going to suddenly make Kate transform into the perfect parent. Kate is who she is and she has some genuine issues she needs to confront, analyze and deal with but probably never will.

However, I do think Kate having her own career separate from the children would be a good thing for the following reasons:

1) Kate would be getting the attention, fame and money she craves. And the old adage rings true - if momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. But if momma is happy, life is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows (or at least involves less arm yanking, smacking, pinching and yelling).

2) Kate would focus entirely on her "career" and would probably work to be away from home as much as possible. Yes the kids would be raised by nannies, but even a 19-20 year old nanny is probably more grounded and parental than Kate.

3) With Kate gone all the time, Jon would have a stronger case for requesting primary physical custody. At that point, Jon would be able to provide the more stable, consistent home life these children clearly need, as based on the reports of their school.

I don't think that Kate is particularly maternal. I think she loves babies. I think she has a harder time when those babies grown up and become people with their own opinions and the ability to express those opinions.
I think the reason she yanks, yells and bullies is because her own father raised her that way (that part is total speculation - I have never met the man and can only form an opinion based on the comments local people have made regarding him) and Kate is too self involved to realize that parenting takes time and patience. We tend to want immediate results from our kids and we forget sometimes that they need to process what we're saying before they can act. Sometimes we ask them to do something and think we're being very clear and yet they hear something completely different.

Kate wants to manage her kids and that's not a bad thing for the most part but hand in hand with that is also nurturing your children.

Here's praying she opens her heart and decides to change. I wonder sometimes - yes she was a pretty self centered person it sounds like before the shows. But would she have gotten this bad even if the shows had never been or do the shows just magnify her issues? What would Kate and Jon's life had been like had the show never been there? Would they still be married? (Probably, IMO) Who would Kate have become?

Sorry, I've had only 2 hours sleep (raising kids and going back to school in your 40's is tough!) so I'm starting to ramble. I think it's nap time.

Take care all.

fidosmommy said... 83

Maya Anjelou once said "When your child walks into the room, do your eyes light up?"

Administrator said... 84

I understand not all mothers are demonstrative with their kids. Problem is kids this age crave a parent to be thrilled to see them, wrap them in a huge hug. Just google the benefits of touch, hugging, etc. to a child and tons of articles come up. Touch is the first sense to develop in the wound and babies and young children who are held, massaged and hugged have in many studies are healthier emotionally and physically.

When I think about how cold Kate is with these kids sometimes I think about the opposite of that, Princess Diana. Check out this video at the 7:50 mark where Diana picks up Harry from school. Quite a contrast.

Lolly said... 85

"Trucker said... I didn't notice Kate's looks...who cares? What I noticed is that poor A and C,"

I agree, in this instance. I can only imagine the teasing going on. I think the worst thing is not having these children around their peers in a school, I am not an expert though. I can't help but wonder, if this will set them back even more. They cannot learn to socialize with others unless they actually do it. I pray they are getting the counseling she says they are. I hope they all are. But who knows?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kat said... 86

Oompa Loompa Doompadee Doo...

My...Kate is looking contrite in those photos.

I wonder who she is peddling the family "brand" to- and what her sales pitch is?

Maybe she's selling the kids as a new singing family group ala The Cowsills or The Partridge Family?

The Singing Gosselins!

Skeptical said... 87

"In the know" wasn't...
In the know said...
kate is not home, she is out of town, so the dog is on it's own tonight.

she went from NY to Los Angeles, will be home Sat, coming in BWI in MD. she doesn't like to arr in Phila.

2 baby sitters living there and one cook with the kids, think jon has the kids over the weekend.

she leaves those kids alone with strangers and bodyguards a lot more than anyone knows.she wants like everyone to think she has a job out in L.A. but the baby sitters are new. always new. she kids no one.

Wait until Sat or Sun, you will see she is going to mani pedi and spray tan. so orange. terrible look.

Although sources may say what we want to hear, we really need to be careful.

Trucker said... 88

I didn't notice Kate's looks...who cares? What I noticed is that poor A and C, and how sad it is they been raised in an environment that they cannot even attend school because they are so screwed up. That's all I noticed. When the kids get home from school, do you think they ask their brothers and sisters about their day, or do you think the others taunt them and make them feel bad. We've seen that behavior when Jon took Alexis for her lip injury. I know a certain amount of that rivalry is to be expected, but makes you wonder how the 2 "naughty" ones, who don't follow the "course" are treated? How many times a day are they reminded of their problem? And when the others leave for school, awww so sad!!!!!

LisaNH said... 89

said... Looks like the kids bought mommy some more plastic surgery on her face. She's got that tight-faced frozen look going on.
You think Kate gets dizzy from all the 'spinning' she does?


I thought the exact same thought when I saw the photos, she's had more plastic surgery. Her mouth is twisted in an odd way and her face looks swollen, like one looks when they have dental work.

All I can say is that Kate looks rough. She is looking seriously haggard and her eyes look spaced out.

I also wondered if she looks bad because maybe she's having a mental health issue, with all this bad press this week.

amazon mommy said... 90

1. Looks like the kids are not that super excited to see her.

2. She doesn't look that excited to see them.

3. She looks run down, tired and drugged.

4. She needs to lay off the tanning. She looks out of place.

5. To busy with the iphone that with her kids once again.

6. No heals, skirts or v necks Kate? odd.

Don't Believe Everything You R said... 91

I thought Kate was in LA and had abandoned her children for the holidays? One of the self-proclaimed insiders went so far as to indicate when and where she'd be landing and lo and behold, that information turns out to be false.

Marie said... 92

Yeah, I don't know many people who look orange in wintertime. Its just not natural. I happen to pass a lady when I go into work she looks awful with hardened wrinkled orangle skin and I wonder what these people see? Why they need more? Nobody else really cares if you have a year-round tan because its just not healthy nor natural to be that color unless you live in a crayon box.

But why isn't she happy to see them? I babysit freuently enough the little girl, even if I've had a bad day, when I go to pick her up from preschool I put on a smile and take interest in her art projects or whatever she happens to talk about on the way home until she falls asleep. Its just really sad, even with Pap(s) there she could at least smile for her kids. Has anyone EVER seen her smile when Kate's kids get off the bus? And the difference in how THEY smile when they see Jon? Sad, sad, sad.

KateSteveTLCandTheJudgeSuck said... 93

Looks like the kids bought mommy some more plastic surgery on her face. She's got that tight-faced frozen look going on.
You think Kate gets dizzy from all the 'spinning' she does?

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