Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Court docket from April 2010 to January 2011

Divorce docket for Jon and Kate reveals disputes over child support, Kate's motion to seal the record (which was granted), mixed in with periods of relative quiet. Jon and Kate were also court-ordered to attend Children in the Middle of Divorce, a class in Wyomissing designed to help teach co-parenting techniques.

Thanks to our Berks County source, here is the complete court docket since April. The following was transcribed from actual screen captures of The County of Berks, PA government web site. Any notes from Administrator are in [brackets]. Bear in mind a court docket is simply a schedule of proceedings, and can sometimes be confusing or misleading.

Docket Summary
All Actions Docket Summary
Docket #: 10

First Defendant: GOSSELIN, KATIE I
Action Type: Misc. case / Custody
Judge Assigned: [redacted per Admin]

[Admin: The following five entries appear to have to do with Jon and Kate's mutual contempt motions]

1/14/11: Order of 1/14/11 re: Pet for Special Relief. Copies and notice sent 1/14/11
1/14/11: Order of 1/14/11 issuing Rule re: Deft Katie's Pet for Contempt. Copies and notice sent 1/14/11
1/14/11:Deft Katie's Petition for Contempt with Prop Orders & Svc
1/14/11: Order of 1/14/11 issuing Rule re: Pltf Jonathan's Pet for Contempt. Copies and notice sent 1/14/11.
1/6/11:Pltf Jonathan's Petition for Contempt of Custody Order with Proposed Order

[Admin: The following three entries look like they may have to do with a temporary modification to the custody arrangement to permit the children to work in Australia. It appears that on 12/16/10 Kate may have brought this issue to the court's attention.]

12/27/10:Pltf's Answer to Deft's Emergency Pet for Special Relief
12/16/2010: Order of 12/16/10 re: Emergency Pet for Special Relief. Copies and notice sent 12/16/10: Deft Katie's Emergency Petition for Special Relief with Proposed Orders

11/30/2010: Order of 11/30/10. re: Custody. Copies/notice sent 11/30/10

10/27/2010: Order of 10/26/10 Court Use Only. Copies/not sent 10/28/10
10/14/2010: Order of 10/13/10 re: Pet for Enforcement. Copies & notice sent 10/14/10
10/14/2010: Order of 10/12/10 re: Mtn to Quash Subpoena. Copies and notice sent 10/14/10.
10/14/2010: Motion to Quash Subpoena with Proposed Order & Svc
10/12/2010: Appearance of Mark A Momjian, Esq as co-counsel for Deft Katie I Gosselin
10/01/2010: Pltf Jonathan K Gosselin's Answer to Deft's Pet for Enforcement w/ Cert of Service

9/13/2010: Order of 9/10/10. Copies & notice sent 9/13/10
9/13/2010: Order of 9/10/10 re: Pet for Enforcement. Copies and notice sent 9/13/10
9/09/2010: Deft Katie I Gosselin's Pet for Enforcement w/ prop. Rule and Orders (2) and Cert of Service
8/27/2010: Order of 8/26/10 re: Cust Trial. Copies/Notice sent 8/30/10
8/19/2010: Amended Order of 8/18/10 Prothy to SEAL record. Copies and notice sent 8/20/10

7/12/2010: Order of 7/12/10 Directing Prothy to SEAL the record. Copies and Notice sent 7/13/10

5/27/2010: Continuance of Child Custody Mediation Orientation to a date
to be determined. Custody Conciliation date will still be 7/12/10 @1:00 pm as previously scheduled
5/14/2010: Order of 5/14/10 con't Status Conference from 5/24/10 to 5/25/10. Copies and notice sent 5/17/10
5/03/2010: Withdrawal of Appearance of Anthony F. List, Esq.; Appearance of Mary T. Vidas, Esq. for Pltf, Jonathan

4/23/2010: Order of 4/23/10 sched Status Conf for 5/24/10. Copies & Notice sent 4/23/10
4/21/2010: Deft, Katie's Praecipe to WITHDRAW Deft's Preliminary Objections to Complaint in Custody & for Child support filed on 4/1/10
4/16/2010: Continuance of Custody Mediation Orientation to 6/8/10 @1:00 pm for the Deft & 1:15 pm for Pltf
4/15/2010: Continuance/Notice of Child Custody Hrg on 7/12/10 @ 1:00pm
4/14/2010: AMENDED COMPLAINT in CUSTODY w/Cert of Srvc
4/14/2010: Appearance of Anthony F List Esq for Pltf Jonathan
4/12/2010: Deft Katie's PRELIMINARY OBJECTIONS to Complaint in Custody and for Child Support with Notice, Brief, Proposed Order and Svc
4/09/2010: Appearance of Cheryl L Young Esq for Deft Katie
4/09/2010: Scheduling Order of 4/9/10 - Pltf & Deft to attend Children in the Middle - Mediation Conf sched 5/25/10 & Custody Conf sched 6/14/10 @ 1:00pm
4/07/2010: 02:44PM COMPLAINT in CUSTODY and for Child Support with Proposed Order and Cert of Svc of Complaint upon Cheryl L Young, Esq by Fax and First Class Mail and Berks Co
Prothy by Hand on 4/7/10

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41 sediments (sic) from readers:

E-town Neighbor said...

mixed in with periods of relative quiet. Jon and Kate were also court-ordered ordered to attend Children in the Middle of Divorce, a class in Wyommising designed to help teach co-parenting techniques.

Spelling correction -- Wyomissing. This "class" included nothing more than a video on how to parent. I wonder if she actually sat there and watched it, or if that was "beneath" her! ~ Administrator said...

I've been meaning to ask, how do you pronounce Wyomissing? I assume it's Native American and I have a guess, but I'm not sure.

E-town Neighbor said...

Admin., I was going to include the pronunciation, but I didn't want to insult you! You're right -- its Native American, taken from the Lenape tribe that lived by the creek there (according to my very old PA book of early Native American history).

It's pronounced WEI - oh - MISS- ing. Accent is NOT on the second syllable.

Knows Quality said...

E-town neighbor said:
This "class" included nothing more than a video on how to parent. I wonder if she actually sat there and watched it, or if that was "beneath" her!
Couldn't she just send the nannies in her place?

Kidding. :) ~ Administrator said...

Thank you etown, I figured it's time I finally know! I think I almost have it, is it like this: we-oh-missing? As in We love chocolate? Or is it whey like curds and whey? Whey-oh-missing?

It is NOT pronounced like you might start to say Wyoming, am I correct? ~ Administrator said...

Children in the Middle is just three-hours?? What can you possibly on this green earth learn about parenting in just three hours. I would send the nanny too.

My do not know a judge who wouldn't laugh this parenting class right out of the courtroom.

We have a class here for conflicted parents approved by the courts and it's TWELVE WEEKS held right at the court. You actually, ya know, learn stuff.

E-town Neighbor said...

Admin., It's WHY as in WHY does Kate continue to exploit her kids?

So, accent the WHY and the MISS.

I had to chuckle when I read the docket because I could just picture the sheeple trying to get past the first "Pet for special relief," with them saying, "Is Shoka included in this?" Can you imagine them reading this entire docket, let alone trying to figure it out?

Re: The video. I don't imagine the nannies would have to watch it, since they most likely know more about parenting those kids than Kate does.

E-Town Neighbor said...

It is NOT pronounced like you might start to say Wyoming, am I correct?

LOL!! Yes, it is. Start to say Wyoming, and after the "o" add the MISSing, with an accent on the MISS.

PamelaJaye said...

Hi Admin
Werny was on um... Nina Frye's show last week (was that the 13th?) and one of them pronounced it. It was probably Werny. And I'd figure she would know. It sounded like the way it was spelled here, but I have the advantage of having heard it first.

I had wondered as well, in addition to wondering the distances between all the key places in the saga from Reading to Elizabethtown to Wyomissing to Wernersville to whereever the kids go to school to Harrisburg where Jon once worked and I think the tups were born. If you aren't from there, you need a map to keep it all straight.
(and yeah, I know what school it is but why publicize it? don't know if you have, figured you wouldn't, but I don't usually read the comments here and lots of times I don't even come. Sadly, I seem to have too many hobbies these days.)

Thanks for the info, even though I wasn't able to follow all of it.

I *was* assuming that the court ordered "training" was standard (for all divorce cases with custody in PA). Didn't know it was just a video though. Figures, though.

nothing against your blog. it's good. and has news. I just couldn't keep up with the comments, ended up at Werny's where there *used to be* fewer, and was interested in the psychological angle. I do have you in my live bookmarks, though.

AuntieAnn said...

Three hours would not sit well with Kate. She looked fairly put off for having to sit with Sarah Palin while a very patient instructor was showing the idiot how to protect herself from a grizzly attack. But look at it this way...Kate only has about three hours of real parenting under her belt. Three more hours of tutelage would double her knowledge. That's 45 minutes per child which is more than she'll ever need if we go by the time she actually spends with them.

A Brit. said...

Funny thing it was all the comments that kept me coming back. So many opinions, most from very educated people. Very interesting.

Bubbles said...

Did Jon quit his job??

Anonymous said...

Did the kids go back to school today? Or are they all pulled from LCDS?

PatK said...

E-town Neighbor said...

I had to chuckle when I read the docket because I could just picture the sheeple trying to get past the first "Pet for special relief," with them saying, "Is Shoka included in this?"

I actually laughed out loud at this one.

A Brit. said...

PatK said...

E-town Neighbor said...

I had to chuckle when I read the docket because I could just picture the sheeple trying to get past the first "Pet for special relief," with them saying, "Is Shoka included in this?"

I actually laughed out loud at this one.
So did I. Thank you E town ~ Administrator said...

It's interesting Kate goes by Katie here, maybe that's her given name?

For some reason it makes me laugh when I hear that Kate Middleton wants to be called KATHERINE but her handlers insist she be called Kate.

E-town Neighbor said...

Admin said: "It's interesting Kate goes by Katie here, maybe that's her given name?"


Yes, I think it is. I'll check the yearbook. In school, she was Katie Kreider.

KKKKatie is her name said...

Kate's given/legal name is Katie Irene Kreider Gosselin. She used Katie all through school and she didn't start using Kate until much later.

Hippie Chick said...


K8SUCKS said...

Katie Irene is her given name.

K8SUCKS said...

Oh, forgot to mention to add me to the list who initially thought "Pet" meant a pet, as in the dogs......LOL, just goes to show how much I know about this type of legal document !!

BeDoneNow said...

Knows Quality said... E-town neighbor said:
This "class" included nothing more than a video on how to parent. I wonder if she actually sat there and watched it, or if that was "beneath" her!
Couldn't she just send the nannies in her place?

Kidding. :)

It's ok, I am sure she sent Steve, the children's ASSISTANT pimp.

E-town Neighbor said...

"I actually laughed out loud at this one.
So did I. Thank you E town"


No problem! I really chuckled when I thought about the sheeple trying to figure out this docket, considering their literacy and comprehension skills!

Can't you hear it?
Sheeple: "Mtn to Quash? What's that? Do they mean mountain to SQUASH? Is that a spelling mistake?"
No sheeple, QUASH...suppress, make invalid.
"Redacted by Admin? What's that?"
Sheeple, that means the Administrator of this this board REMOVED personal information (the judge's name) from the docket!

I bet their online dictionaries really received a workout on this one!

readerlady said...

E-town Neighbor said "I bet their online dictionaries really received a workout on this one!"

That's assuming they 1). Know what a dictionary is and 2). Know how to use one.

Interesting reading, Admin. Thanks for posting it. I hope the hearing today goes in Jon's favor. Those kids need some relief.

Not Watching said...

Once again, the Gosselins are in the news and racking up web interest. Just in time for Khates new specials. :(

I'm just not interested in these people and my only concern is to get the children off television.

Sport said...

Surprise - as predicted your weekly lame "kHate Goes Shopping because She is Super Mom" pics.

So predictable. So transparent. So staged.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Divorce happens, obviously- but jeeze, can't they just put aside their intense hatred for each other, and keep it peaceful/amicable for their kids?

This docket is damn pitiful & CHILDISH.

How can you properly raise 8 children with such a weak, and hostile base?

Hippie Chick said...

Well, I'm no sheeple, & I don't get it, does that mean I'm stupid? Not trying to be...a jerk or anything, but I seriously do not get what anything means in this docket. I'd consider myself pretty book-smart, (I'm reading Pharmocognosy, Medical Herbalism & Medical Botany books right now for my studies) but this is pretty complicated to follow. HELP!

Hearing date? said...

readerlady said...
Interesting reading, Admin. Thanks for posting it. I hope the hearing today goes in Jon's favor. Those kids need some relief.


Did I miss something? Where was the date of the upcoming hearing announced?

Karen said...

These kids have never been first. Money is the altar the parents worship. We still don't know what Jon's part is in this play, do we? I believe his main goal two years ago was to get away from Kate, not to save his kids' childhoods. He may be more grown-up now, but he was just as deep into the grifting in the beginning as Kate. This is such a sad story.

Bubbles said...

Ummm...the Bubbles who posted up above with a Blogger ID is not me!

Mom In Lancaster County said...

"These kids have never been first. Money is the altar the parents worship. We still don't know what Jon's part is in this play, do we? I believe his main goal two years ago was to get away from Kate, not to save his kids' childhoods."


Karen, take a look at the court docket. What money is he worshipping? Seems to me this is about child custody and doing what he thinks is best for his children. I don't see anything there that indicates he's getting a cent out of this. In fact, he's spending his own money on the custody issue. What money was he going to get by going to court because he didn't want his kids dragged to Australia for filming?

What money does he get by supporting his kids in all of their school activities -- field trips, sports, conferences, etc.? He's the one who is always there for them, not their mother. We DO know what part he plays. I've seen it on the kids' faces when he's with them. You've seen it in photos. That speaks volumes.

readerlady said...

@ Hearing date?

I may be mistaken. I thought I read that the hearing on Jon's complaint was supposed to be today. I may have misinterpreted something or someone may have reported the wrong date. Sorry.

Karen said...

Mom in Lancaster county, you are right about the custody issue. My mind wandered back a few seasons when Jon was still under Kate's spell. I'll try to stay on today's issue next time. This whole story is so sad. Thanks Admin for your excellent job. We do care about the kids.

Mom In Lancaster County said...

"These kids have never been first. Money is the altar the parents worship. We still don't know what Jon's part is in this play, do we? I believe his main goal two years ago was to get away from Kate, not to save his kids' childhoods."


Karen, take a look at the court docket. What money is he worshipping? Seems to me this is about child custody and doing what he thinks is best for his children. I don't see anything there that indicates he's getting a cent out of this. In fact, he's spending his own money on the custody issue. What money was he going to get by going to court because he didn't want his kids dragged to Australia for filming?

What money does he get by supporting his kids in all of their school activities -- field trips, sports, conferences, etc.? He's the one who is always there for them, not their mother. We DO know what part he plays. I've seen it on the kids' faces when he's with them. You've seen it in photos. That speaks volumes.

Karen said...

These kids have never been first. Money is the altar the parents worship. We still don't know what Jon's part is in this play, do we? I believe his main goal two years ago was to get away from Kate, not to save his kids' childhoods. He may be more grown-up now, but he was just as deep into the grifting in the beginning as Kate. This is such a sad story.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kat said...

Divorce happens, obviously- but jeeze, can't they just put aside their intense hatred for each other, and keep it peaceful/amicable for their kids?

This docket is damn pitiful & CHILDISH.

How can you properly raise 8 children with such a weak, and hostile base?

Not Watching said...

Once again, the Gosselins are in the news and racking up web interest. Just in time for Khates new specials. :(

I'm just not interested in these people and my only concern is to get the children off television.

E-Town Neighbor said...

It is NOT pronounced like you might start to say Wyoming, am I correct?

LOL!! Yes, it is. Start to say Wyoming, and after the "o" add the MISSing, with an accent on the MISS.

K8SUCKS said...

Oh, forgot to mention to add me to the list who initially thought "Pet" meant a pet, as in the dogs......LOL, just goes to show how much I know about this type of legal document !!

Administrator said...

I've been meaning to ask, how do you pronounce Wyomissing? I assume it's Native American and I have a guess, but I'm not sure.