Our source in Berks County is revealing that the current court docket says that Jon filed for contempt of the custody order on January 6, 2011. A week later, on January 14, Kate also filed for contempt, perhaps as a counter-claim. So it's back to the war of the roses.
It's too bad they both can't just follow all court orders and get along for the sake of the kids.
112 sediments (sic) from readers:
You know what I think? I think a source told the media there was a contempt action going on in Berks with the Gosselins, and the stupid media who don't bother to fact check just assumed that Kate was filing against the dead-beat dad. Turns out it was actually KATE violating court orders and Jon finally having the balls to call her on it. Oops! Naturally Kate cannot let ANYTHING go and hit him right back with a counter-claim. Oh, well, I guess it's what I would do.
Yeahhhhh...this is last week's news.
Ok Nor Cal. I doubt it's last week's news for Jon and Kate until this is over with.
I see lots of outlets reporting that Kate filed and some reporting Jon filed, but I haven't seen many reporting the real truth, that Jon filed then Kate filed--i.e. they both filed.
Nor Cal Girl said...
Yeahhhhh...this is last week's news.
Could you reveal your source that confirmed last week that BOTH of them filed, with the date that Kate filed, and what was included in her complaint? Facts, please...not rumor or gossip.
As everyone has probably heard, Regis announced on Tuesday that he is retiring after the end of this year's season. Tonight I read that some people might already be considered including Kelly's husband Mark or Anderson Cooper.
However the article also indicated that Regis' shoes were going to be hard to fill so there is always a chance that the producers may consider replacing him with a woman.
God words in mysterious ways ... I'm so glad right now that Kate went on Regis & Kelly last September and once again threw Jon under the bus. Kudos to Anderson Cooper at the time for trying to pin her down the minute she started to play her games, but Kate went forward and took the chance to go on and on about how she has to wait at home for the kids to call her to come and get them when they are at Jon's apartment.
A lot of people noticed her performance that day, and then we all later figured out that Kate failed to mention to Anderson and Kelly that she and Steve were flying to Mexico later that day for a photo shoot. Thanks to TMZ there are the photos from the resort where they stayed.
So even if the producers of Live decide to look for a woman to co-host, I sincerely doubt that Kate will be considered. Oh, I'm sure Kate wants her manager to inquire about applying for the job ASAP anyway but no, I'm pretty sure the producers talk among themselves and if the alleged diva antics on the DWTS set were true, everyone in the business know about it by now because it was less than a year ago.
Last but not least, I'm sure the producers are also aware that Kate just dragged her kids to Australia and New Zealand and it was pointed out in various media outlets that Kate pulled the kids out of school to do so. Jon tried to stop it, but a Judge allowed them to WORK.
In other words Kate left no doubt in anybody's mind that filming is more important to her than her children's education. This is a big deal since two of the tups were recently expelled and that was also covered in the media.
Unfortunately the demographics for Live would include a lot of stay at home moms who do know that an education is important to all children, including the Gosselin children. Also the viewers know that in all households except for Kate's, it is the parents who support the family and not the children.
Now we have the contempt charge - regardless of who filed first - the Gosselin divorce is always going to be nasty.
So all things considering, I'm sure that the producers of Live have better things to do than to consider Kate and all her baggage.
The 14th was last Friday ...so it appears Kate filed suit as soon as she got back in the country. I read lots of blogs and it was assumed by all the pro Kate sites that Kate filed the original suit and Jon countered with one of his own. They can't imagine that perfect Kate would ever violate a court order and Jon must be filing another frivolous lawsuit. I guess they have to say that or risk being banned from their pro Kate site. LMAO
No way could Kate ever pull off a co hosting job with anyone. She can't stop talking about HERSELF. I think America has her number and she will always be nothing more than Tabloid fodder .... along with the worst mother in America.
People had the opportunity to see exactly where her kids rate in her life when she pulled them from school to party in Australia right on the heels of two of the sextuplets being removed from school. I guess Kate needed the money so bad that this trip couldn't be put off for until summer break.
There is NO chance Kate would be replacing Regis! Just the thought of it is laughable.
I guess Kate needed the money so bad that this trip couldn't be put off for until summer break.
Not in the summer. That's Australia's winter. She would be too cold, with no opportunity for bikini beach bazooms shots.
The kids have eleven days off for spring break. That would have been plenty of time to see Australia, in nice weather, and she wouldn't have to yank them out of school.
Administrator said...
You know what I think? I think a source told the media there was a contempt action going on in Berks with the Gosselins, and the stupid media who don't bother to fact check just assumed that Kate was filing against the dead-beat dad. Turns out it was actually KATE violating court orders and Jon finally having the balls to call her on it. Oops! Naturally Kate cannot let ANYTHING go and hit him right back with a counter-claim. Oh, well, I guess it's what I would do.
How do you know Kate violated court orders? As an attorney, I would hope that you would recognize that one party filing for contempt is not proof of the other party's wrongdoing. Since Kate filed too, does that mean Jon is in contempt as well? How about waiting until the judge rules to declare that either violated a court order?
Naturally Kate gets ALL the benefit of the doubt when it comes to her sheeple. When this was Kate filing first of course Jon was the bad guy. Now that the shoe is on the other foot suddenly Kate didn't do anything. Figures.
Sheeple? Kate has already admitted she violated court orders in the past. This is not anything new. And if you actually read my post, I state that they both should just follow the court orders. BOTH of them.
Filing frivilous contempt actions that have no basis gets you in trouble with the state bar, one would hope there is something to BOTH their claims and they aren't wasting limited tax dollars and resources in the great courts of PA with frivilous motions. They both have very experienced attorneys who are well aware what filing frivilous motions does.
Here's a new blog from The Examiner in Canada.
TLC's Kate Plus 8 - Gosselin custody documents surface on the web
Court documents relating to the custody agreement and divorce of TLC reality stars Jon and Kate Gosselin have surfaced on the web. The documents from Berks County court house were put up by an unfan blog last week.
Jon Gosselin's lawyer, Mary T. Vidas states that the documents are not from her office. Kate's lawyer Mark Momjian did not respond by the time of this articles publication. The documents contain a tgv watermark on them and could be documents regularly made public by the courts dockets.
The documents list the dates of filings since April of last year and also include a divorce document where Kate's lawyers are actively working to seal all records of the divorce. It seems that because Jon left the state of PA foreign divorce papers were also filed in another state and Kate wants those documents sealed.
TMZ reported earlier this year that Jon Gosselin may be in contempt of court for releasing child custody agreement information that the Judge has ordered be kept quiet.
The documents have created speculation that Kate Gosselin was actually being held in contempt by Jon but if you read through the list you can see that it is Kate's lawyers filing to keep the documents sealed. The custody papers stem from Jon's original filing in April of last year in which Kate was a defendant against Jon's attempts to gain custody. Momjian called the original filing reckless.
Examiner comment from "Annie":
The document that is posted here shows that Jon filed contempt of court on 1/6/2011. Kate filed her own contempt of court charges on 1/14/2011. TMZ reported that Kate filed contempt of court charges on 1/10/2011. That is most likely the date that the papers were submitted to the court. It can take a few days for them to be entered into the system.
If Kate filed 1/14 but TMZ reported it on 1/10, did someone leak it to them early OR did they make a mistake reading the docket OR did Kate really file on 1/10 with her lawyers telling TMZ about it and it just not make it to the docket until 1/14?
That examiner article is completely useless ramble. I have no idea what it's trying to say.
This article is silly. Jon cannot "hold Kate in contempt" the judge does that. The only thing Jon can do is ask the judge to do it, which is what he did, and she also did.
A court docket is not court "documents." As far as I know any documents circulating are old and have been seen before. Anyone can write an examiner article, that's why I don't post them anymore.
It would be so predictable if Kate leaked this story to the press. Way to spin it that Jon violated an order and she is just doing what she needs to do to stop him. Completely leaving out that tiny little detail that Jon filed first accusing HER of violating orders, and really Kate's contempt is far more likely just a predictable defense strategy any good lawyer would do. How predictable.
I think the court needs to appoint a lawyer for the kids so their interests would also be represented in court. Courts frequently do this especially in cases where the it seems the parents are using the kids to alienate the other parent or brain washing them about what rights they have in the matter. The children are allowed to meet with Guardian alone and express and desires or concerns without repercussions from the parent. It also provides a forum where the children can ask questions and know that they will get a straight answer and not a guilt trip laid upon them by Mommy or Daddy. The legal guardian also has access to all health/mental health and school records which will help guide them in making the decisions and knowing when it's necessary to petition the court for relief on their behalf. The parents are also court ordered to pay for the Law guardians service to the children and the courts.
If Kate and Jon are going to continue these battles in court ..... the kids need to be represented.
With 8 kids not having a gal is absolutely ridiculous. Especially in such a clear case of parental alienation. Maybe they do.
Often a gal is the only person who can salvage a parental alienation case. I know people who feel forever indebted to the gal for educating the judge what was really happening and turning things around to the better, more fair and just result.
Jon Gosselin's lawyer, Mary T. Vidas states that the documents are not from her office. Kate's lawyer Mark Momjian did not respond by the time of this articles publication.
If this is true then Momjian's "response" speaks volumes about who leaked information.
Fist, I owe Jon a huge apology! When I first learned that Kate was taking the 8 to Australia and missing school, I was livid and I blamed Jon for not stopping her. I even thought he might have been paid off to allow this. I was completely wrong in this assumption, Jon did try and the court again failed these children.
So now I am wondering what you are suggesting when you say it is too bad that these two can't follow the court orders for the sake of the kids"? It seems to me that Jon has to continue to fight Kate tooth an nail in court for the sake of these children. Kate does not appear that she will ever consider the cost of filming her children in terms of their basic welfare. She has two children who did not make it through the first few months of kindergarten and she pulls the bunch out of school to go to Australia for more filming? Incredible! I would put nothing past her. Jon can only continue to fight this, or all will be lost for these kids.
I think the reason we haven't seen or heard anything about Kate since her return is that her attorney has advised her to lay low until after the court hearing. I feel that her attorney probably knows that she can't stop herself from bad-mouthing Jon, so that is why we haven't seen her on any of the talk shows she so loves. Or could it be possible that nobody is that interested in her anymore after she pulled those kids out of school and denied Jon his visitation over the holiday. One can only hope.
Admin said...(on another thread)
I knew someone in school who was having an affair with a married man. He had kids and a beautiful wife and she worked for him. He basically kept promising her that someday, someday when he could figure it all out, he was going to leave his wife. Maybe when the kids are 18.
As far as I know, they are still having that affair.
I think sometimes men in affairs say what needs to be said to string the woman along and some women can be appeased like that indefinitely.
My friend fell into that line hook, line & sinker. This guy she met (at a bar) promised her the moon, the sun...you name it. We were together that night, I was designated driver, as usual, & I could not keep her away from this guy. He was smooth. She was a smitten kitten. Anyway, she is in a committed relationship, at least I thought, when the bar guy & her started calling & meeting up & she started telling me she was falling for him. I was like...You have a child with your boyfriend of 16 years!! She was never really happy with him. But this smooth talker was just that, a smooth talker who never intended on giving my friend anything but...well, sex. He broke her heart.
Steve maybe taking all he can from Kate by promising her all these things...trips, protection, a friend...etc. He is probably a smooth talker too. Kate's falling for it too because she is lonely as she can be. She has no one BUT Steve. JMO.
Jon needs to take a page from Tammy Etheridge. When Melissa dumped her she took to her blog, Hollywood farmgirl, and set the record straight. Yesterday she blew the doors off a People mag article, revealing how they use the star's publicist as the source and how these storie are "leaked" just to sell albums or give publicity to some project.
So Jon, get yourself a blog and start responding to all the crap Kate and company have pulled on you. Shine the light.
I truly get that Jon must stand up to Kate because if he doesn't, she will steamroll him and take away everything he has with his kids.
That being said, these two parents are a complete embarrassment to their children.
They...mostly Kate....should be so ashamed of how immature and spiteful this whole thing is being handled.
Yet they can only think about themselves and not their children they brought into the world.
Even Camille Grammar is being gracious toward Kelsey and his girlfriend for the sake of her children. She publicly stated that they have to co-parent together so she doesn't want any ugliness.
If only Kate could be so mature. Ha!
Oh, but wait. Kate says it's the people "closest to her" telling her what she needs to do. Of course. It's always somebody else's fault.
I just don't get why this hasn't been done.
All I have to say is these poor kids are in a battle against 2 parents who can't stop fighting & shutting the hell up about it. You just know this burns Kate if Jon filed first, & Kate HAD to fight back. She probably bitched & moaned the whole Aus/NZ trip & the kids heard her bashing Jon. What does that do to a child's mind, hearing your mom bash your dad constantly? The hate must soothe her, (yes, soothe) & she doesn't realize how this affects her kids. She is the worst kind of divorcee with kids.
I had a friend when I was younger whose mom would always bash her ex. I still remember it. When she did it, I felt uncomfortable, I would look at my friend & tears would well in her eyes, & she would run to her room. Her mom would say "She's ok, I always say stuff like that". The damage is frightening. The kids won't win if they don't have someone to protect them.
"So Jon, get yourself a blog and start responding to all the crap Kate and company have pulled on you. Shine the light."
Absolutely the worst thing he could do. Can you imagine all the charges she would file against him for violating gag orders, not to mention giving her the opportunity to go on every talk show to bash him?
The best thing Jon can do, for himself the the kids, is exactly what he is doing now...lying low, keeping things private and NOT telling the world what he is doing. It must be driving her nuts not knowing what he is up to. In addition, he's thinking about the kids, who will know that he didn't air dirty laundry about their mother in public.
When one starts to respond to "crap" that the other person is pulling, it only gives them a venue to do the rebuttal thing, and it becomes old after awhile, with the he said/she said arguments. Kate always needs the last word, and she'd like nothing better than a chance to do verbal sparring on national television. It would never end, and heaven knows, we are sick or it and want it to end...for the sake of the children. I would believe that the public doesn't want him to "shine" the light. The public wants that light put out, once and for all.
mama mia said"
So Jon, get yourself a blog and start responding to all the crap Kate and company have pulled on you. Shine the light.
As Moose Mania said, absolutely the WORST thing he could do. These children don't need to see their parents slugging it out in the court of public opinion. He needs to win in the COURT OF LAW, which he where his energies, sensibly and maturely (now!) are concentrated.
Pam said...
Even Camille Grammar is being gracious toward Kelsey and his girlfriend for the sake of her children. She publicly stated that they have to co-parent together so she doesn't want any ugliness.
You've got to be kidding, right? Camille Grammer also publicly insinuated that Kelsey liked to dress in womens clothes for sexual arousal. Wonder what that little tidbit will do to their kids psyche.
I have to believe that the Contempt that Jon has requested has to do with Kate not allowing contact ie telephone calls between Jon and the 8 while they were in Au. Almost immediately after Jon's filing, ROL puts up a post about how great Take is for allowing telephone contact between Jon and the 8 because she knew how concerned he was. Blah, blah, blah.....
cherier1 said...
I just don't get why this hasn't been done.
They may already have them.
This is from TMZ: Truth is ... TMZ knows Camille has told members of the "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" cast repeatedly ... Kelsey loved to wear women's clothes. Some people on the set say Camille dripped of bitterness over the divorce, and would tell anyone who would listen about Kelsey.
From what I've seen of Camille I actually think she's very similar to Kate. She's most defintely a narcissist. And she's a fight picker. She picks fights. It's why she has such difficulty in her relationships with girlfriends. It's funny in that she knows she has problems with girlfriends yet thinks it's all their fault, not hers. Sounds so familiar.
It's also funny to see the public's reactions to her outrageous behavior since this is a lot of people's first experience with a true narcissist.
You come out of the Real Housewives completely understanding where Kelsey is coming from. Irony is had she not done that show public opinion would probably naturally side with her. Karma strikes again.
I think it's so similar to how a lot of people "understand" where Jon is coming from since we know Kate from her show and what a pent up bossy nagging shrew she was to him.
Livvy said...
I have to believe that the Contempt that Jon has requested has to do with Kate not allowing contact ie telephone calls between Jon and the 8 while they were in Au. Almost immediately after Jon's filing, ROL puts up a post about how great Take is for allowing telephone contact between Jon and the 8 because she knew how concerned he was. Blah, blah, blah..
We don't know why Jon filed contempt charges against Kate. The docket doesn't give a reason and we probably won't ever see the actual papers because Family Court files are sealed in PA. But, your hunch may be right, it was a simple phone call so why would Kate make such a big deal out of it and then it make a headline at Radar.
In the original post here, I think you meant to say 2011.
I'm glad Kate is staying hidden and quiet now, whatever the motivation. Wish she'd stay hidden and quiet!
How is a GAL appointed? Who gets the ball rolling on this? It's so obvious that they each child needs one. Jon is taking the high road by not spewing hate as Katie Irene does. He seems to be the voice of reason. Can he ask for a GAL???
January 19, 2011 6:22 AM
Hippie Chick said... All I have to say is these poor kids are in a battle against 2 parents who can't stop fighting & shutting the hell up about it. You just know this burns Kate if Jon filed first, & Kate HAD to fight back. She probably bitched & moaned the whole Aus/NZ trip & the kids heard her bashing Jon. What does that do to a child's mind, hearing your mom bash your dad constantly? The hate must soothe her, (yes, soothe) & she doesn't realize how this affects her kids. She is the worst kind of divorcee with kids.
Unfortunately, I can tell you what it does to a child. It makes that child have all sorts of self esteem issues; stress related health issues; and eventually a contempt for the parent who bashes the ex.
My mother spent years spewing hatred about my dad. Even upon his death - over 30 years after their divorce - she was bad mouthing him to us. I mean, literally, while we four kids were planning his funeral, she was calling us to remind us how horrible we were to spend our time seeing that his final wishes were met and asking if we were going to work so hard to take care of her when she was sick and dying. And the things she commplained about with him were so petty - trivial little slights that she had hung onto for years - like one time she left us with him and instead of pouring our milk over the cereal he gave us a cup of cereal and a cup of milk. She tells that story all the time like he should have been arrested for it. She truly hated the man more than she loved us kids. And now? Now she has four children who only see her out of obligation, 9 adult grandchildren who have learned what a bitter person she is and are pulling away from her on their own accord, and a complete denial of how she destroyed her children.
She won't realize that her attempts to get me to hate my dad really only served to get me to hate myself and what I must represent to her. It's been a long journey to get over her venomous ways.
Administrator said... This is from TMZ: Truth is ... TMZ knows Camille has told members of the "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" cast repeatedly ... Kelsey loved to wear women's clothes. Some people on the set say Camille dripped of bitterness over the divorce, and would tell anyone who would listen about Kelsey.
From what I've seen of Camille I actually think she's very similar to Kate. She's most defintely a narcissist. And she's a fight picker. She picks fights. It's why she has such difficulty in her relationships with girlfriends. It's funny in that she knows she has problems with girlfriends yet thinks it's all their fault, not hers. Sounds so familiar.
It's also funny to see the public's reactions to her outrageous behavior since this is a lot of people's first experience with a true narcissist.
You come out of the Real Housewives completely understanding where Kelsey is coming from. Irony is had she not done that show public opinion would probably naturally side with her. Karma strikes again.
I think it's so similar to how a lot of people "understand" where Jon is coming from since we know Kate from her show and what a pent up bossy nagging shrew she was to him.
January 19, 2011 7:39 AM
I never watched Real Housewives. I didn't know Camille was like that. I just saw her on tv being interviewed last week and saying she met, and shook hands with, Kelsey's girlfriend, and said she was "nice".
Can you just imagine Kate shaking hands with Ellen and then going on Regis & Kelly or the Today Show and publicly saying Ellen was nice? And that she is trying to get along for the sake of the kids because they have to co-parent? I think hell would freeze over.
Camille may be a lot like Kate, but it seems like she at least tries to attempt to be an adult when she needs to be for the sake of the kids....unlike Kate, who would rather die than put her children first.
I'm curious about the GAL, too. If it's up to the same judge to appoint one who also let Kate take them out of school to work, those kids are f*ucked.
Administrator, I suddenly am unable to comment and it keeps saying "your open ID credentials could not be verified"....and I had put in the same "dee3' as I have always used. Hope this gets through to you...dee
I had just been ready to add that Camille has been telling salacious details about Kelsey and is subtly threatening to tell even more. IMO...it's this is blackmail/extortion....(but Admin. beat me to it).
I also agree that Camille is a narcissist but with some significant differences compared to Kate. In fact, it's very interesting to compare the two of them.
One of the differences IMO is that apparently, despite not changing her behavior, Camille actually does care and is upset about how the public is perceiving her on RHOBH....and making excuses to explain this away on her Bravo blog.
But it appears to me that Kate is totally oblivious of what others think about her and could care less, really. She doesn't seem the least bit fazed by negative comments regarding her. SHE thinks she's great and to her, it seems to be inconsequential what others think of her.
I'm not sure how this would be termed in psychiatry but I suspect it would put Kate quite a bit higher on the "delusional scale".
Never mind....it's working again and allowing me to comment. Don't know what the heck happened....dee
I am rather confused about this contempt charge that Kate has filed (retaliated with). From my perspective, Kate is just AS guilty and probably even more guilty about revealing custody information....such as her saying on TV that she waits by the phone for her children to call her when they are with Jon and ask her to come and get them (insinuating that they do not like their visitation with dad).
BUT....I am not a member of facebook or twitter so do not get to see what Jon might post/twit there. HAS he been revealing lots of custody information there?
Otherwise, I'm just not really getting what she's referring to. Can anyone explain it to me? Thanks
How do you think kate's little boys feel about being steared by the head all the time? (I saw 3 pictures from three different ocasions)?
On a different note, er all know baby mama reads this blod then quotes us and she and the sheeple try to trash our comments,yet no one mentions the contempt..hmm weird...they are focused on a crappy article which hints that the Australia trip was educational(although it seems to me that the author is ironic)and on bashing Jon(you know,because they are not haters like us who dare be mean to kate,theirs trashing jon is soo not the same with us pointing out Kate's mistakes lol ).The contempt story seems to be tabu..what's the matter? no arguments to defend your idol?
Technically anyone can petition the court for GALs but only the court can appoint them.
IMO, the request would most likely come from Jon because it seems crazy for Kate to want someone independently advocating for her kids who could put a stop to some of her exploitation, change visitations, custody, and give more power to Jon and the kids themselves. I'd imagine Jon would have a fight on his hands from Kate even asking for GALs.
For all we know, they already have GALs.
What no photos of another Starbuck's - getting the mail - my nails done and pumping gas photos ? Is it too cold in PA for the Papz's to snap KHate photos ? LOL my goodness it been a few days already - someone has fallen off thier duty ! LOL
dee3 said...
I am rather confused about this contempt charge that Kate has filed (retaliated with). From my perspective, Kate is just AS guilty and probably even more guilty about revealing custody information....such as her saying on TV that she waits by the phone for her children to call her when they are with Jon and ask her to come and get them (insinuating that they do not like their visitation with dad).
Otherwise, I'm just not really getting what she's referring to. Can anyone explain it to me? Thanks
Dee, we don't know the reason for the contempt charge. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with Jon Twitter or leaking and selling info to the media and could have something to do with visitation or support payments, etc, etc.
If we believe the leak from TMZ that started all this that Kate's motion is about Jon's tweets and being the "source" for ROL and other articles, then I agree that Kate would be at least as guilty as him with her "setting the record" tours of talk shows, not to mention the things that she discusses about the kids on her show in the first place. But, we just don't know.
BYW, Jon hasn't said anything on Twitter about the kids other than what you've read here about him being unhappy with the latest court decision - but that was months ago.
Enough in New Jersey said...
What no photos of another Starbuck's - getting the mail - my nails done and pumping gas photos ? Is it too cold in PA for the Papz's to snap KHate photos ? LOL my goodness it been a few days already - someone has fallen off thier duty ! LOL
And the peace and quiet has been so nice. Kate can get away from the media and take the kids out of it too -- if she wants to!
I don't know about all of you- but I am enjoying this Katie news blackout. Whether it's being done on purpose or not, it's delicious not having to roll my eyes at the latest Kate absurdity.
It's funny how easily Kate can stop all the media madness--when she wants to or when she is forced to....
Yes Kate, you and your children CAN live private lives. Now, try it for a bit longer.
As someone who does have access to Jon's twitter. I will say he has been mum on any kid activities for quite a while now so if you were following him to get any inside scoop, you wouldn't find it. He is also very kind in his responses to fans. I think that's why he still has a lot of followers.
Guess Chris was crossed off the "Favorite Paps" list now that Steve/TLC takes the pictures. Katie had to find some way of cutting out the middle man so she can get her greedy moneygrubbing hands on the profits! No one makes money off my kids BUT ME!!
"Is it too cold in PA for the Papz's to snap KHate photos ? LOL my goodness it been a few days already - someone has fallen off thier duty ! LOL"
Not too cold, just too snowy and icy! Winter weather advisories out there, and the roads have not been easy to navigate! There was a snow day yesterday, with freezing drizzle again
today. I guess she's honkering down and staying put. If she's going out, it needs to be tomorrow. There's another storm coming tomorrow night into Friday, which, hopefully, will result in another snow day for the kids!
Or maybe she's just in hiding until the court date passes!
Dee: I had the same problem with the "credentials" notice. I was laughing, thinking, "WHAT" credentials? Do I need to e-mail Admin with my driver's license photo and number?
Technically anyone can petition the court for GALs but only the court can appoint them.
IMO, the request would most likely come from Jon because it seems crazy for Kate to want someone independently advocating for her kids who could put a stop to some of her exploitation, change visitations, custody, and give more power to Jon and the kids themselves. I'd imagine Jon would have a fight on his hands from Kate even asking for GALs.
For all we know, they already have GALs.
Either lawyer can petition the court on behalf of his/her client to get a law guardian involved for the children and frankly I'm surprised that wasn't done just because of the number of children involved and the nastiness of the divorce altogether.
I doubt there is a law guardian in place or Kate wouldn't get away with some of the stuff she's pulling. I'm hoping Jon reads these posts and considers petitioning for one. The kids would have a voice and an unbiased ear to listen to their concerns. A law Guardian would also see to it that the kids got the therapy needed as I don't for a minute believe Kate is adequately addressing this issue.
HW said...
January 19, 2011 6:22 AM
Hippie Chick said... All I have to say is these poor kids are in a battle against 2 parents who can't stop fighting & shutting the hell up about it. You just know this burns Kate if Jon filed first, & Kate HAD to fight back. She probably bitched & moaned the whole Aus/NZ trip & the kids heard her bashing Jon. What does that do to a child's mind, hearing your mom bash your dad constantly? The hate must soothe her, (yes, soothe) & she doesn't realize how this affects her kids. She is the worst kind of divorcee with kids.
Unfortunately, I can tell you what it does to a child. It makes that child have all sorts of self esteem issues; stress related health issues; and eventually a contempt for the parent who bashes the ex.
My mother spent years spewing hatred about my dad. Even upon his death - over 30 years after their divorce - she was bad mouthing him to us. I mean, literally, while we four kids were planning his funeral, she was calling us to remind us how horrible we were to spend our time seeing that his final wishes were met and asking if we were going to work so hard to take care of her when she was sick and dying. And the things she commplained about with him were so petty - trivial little slights that she had hung onto for years - like one time she left us with him and instead of pouring our milk over the cereal he gave us a cup of cereal and a cup of milk. She tells that story all the time like he should have been arrested for it. She truly hated the man more than she loved us kids. And now? Now she has four children who only see her out of obligation, 9 adult grandchildren who have learned what a bitter person she is and are pulling away from her on their own accord, and a complete denial of how she destroyed her children.
She won't realize that her attempts to get me to hate my dad really only served to get me to hate myself and what I must represent to her. It's been a long journey to get over her venomous ways.
I feel so bad for you HW. Sounds like you had a mom very much like Kate. I had a very similar situation and yes the self esteem issue is a biggy. Self esteem shapes ones entire life from their education to their relationships. The self serving self absorbed parent will spend every day of her life trying to convince you to hate and love only her. My situation didn't end well. My dad eventually took his life and left the nastiest note to my mother that she had won the battle. I had to go to the police department and identify handwriting because the police thought she had killed him. I remember sitting in the intensive care unit with him while they decided whether to transplant any of his organs. My Mother never so much as shed a tear. She didn't even stay until he died. She was tired and wanted to go home. She had no problem sleeping in the house where he just shot himself hours earlier. She won ... and until the day she died she spent her time reinforcing what she wanted all of us kids to feel about our father (who I adored) and how she suffered
all the years she was married to him. The result is a totally dysfunctional family who to this day struggles with self esteem and trust issues.
Kate's alienation attempts need to be stopped before she does irreparable damage to these children.
More confusion?
It's funny how easily Kate can stop all the media madness--
But never the blogging madness, eh? The bloggers can talk
about private vs public schools, boobs and toes, hair and tans, Steve and Gina, GALS, ADHD, NPD, OCD and CRAP for hours, days, weeks and months.
Kate could fall off the earth and the bloggers would blog for eons about how wonderful there's no Kate to talk about anymore!
It does seem that an independent pap would know that a picture of the kids getting onto (or off of) a school bus yesterday would be an easy sell. Since most people (or at least most Gosselin bloggers) are concerned about the extensive absence from school they would be very relieved to see the kids actually getting to go back. If I were an independent pap making money off the Gosselins I would definitely have been at the bus stop yesterday--either early morning or afternoon. The fact that no pap was there doesn't prove a pap only shows up when summoned and there were no summons, but it is one of those things that makes you go hmmmm. This was a no-brainer photo for an independent.
I also think if I were an independent pap and did show up and there were no children getting onto (or off of) a bus I would know I could sell that story even without pictures.
I am not advocating for paps to be at the bus stop. I for myself am fine with no proof one way or the other but based on earlier candids published all over I would have expected to see at least one from Tuesday if the paps were actually operating independently. Again it does not prove anything that there were no photos but it raises the hmmmm factor dramatically.
Enough in New Jersey said... What no photos of another Starbuck's - getting the mail - my nails done and pumping gas photos ? Is it too cold in PA for the Papz's to snap KHate photos ? LOL my goodness it been a few days already - someone has fallen off thier duty ! LOL
Is she back in Pa? I bet she is still holed up in a New York hotel suite, getting her $7000 haircut and still drinking like a fish.
After all, Mother-of-the-Year had to put up with her own children for 3, count em 3, weeks! The poor darling deserves her January few minutes (or weeks on end) to herself!
I have enjoyed reading the posts about Kate being able to stay out of the news "if she wants to." The problem is - she does not want to - thus the pimping out of her children. There is no way anyone would be interested in Kate G. if it wasn't for her kids. Unfortunately, her kids don't have a choice, but Jon and Kate do. Hopefully, one day someone will step up for them and say - ENOUGH!
I just posted about lack of bus pictures from yesterday. Just remembered yesterday was a snow day for them. My bad!
However everywhere I said yesterday you could insert today and my point would still hold--If the pap(s) were independent and not on a will-call basis with Kate pics should have appeared.
dee3 said...
One of the differences IMO is that apparently, despite not changing her behavior, Camille actually does care and is upset about how the public is perceiving her on RHOBH....and making excuses to explain this away on her Bravo blog.
But it appears to me that Kate is totally oblivious of what others think about her and could care less, really. She doesn't seem the least bit fazed by negative comments regarding her. SHE thinks she's great and to her, it seems to be inconsequential what others think of her.
Why should she care what complete strangers think of her?
cherier1 said..
GAL ASAP. I just don't get why this hasn't been done.
Amen to that. As well as to Court gag orders that neither Jon or Kate can discuss Court Orders, NOR can their lawywers, and that Jon and Kate can bad mouth the other in public, for the sake of the kids who have to deal with this insanity. With orders enforced. What a circus this has become.
It is bad enough the kids are required to work and film, which the Court has approved, but their parents' comments towards each other on national TV,leaks, etc... needs to stop NOW. How much are 6 and 10 year olds supposed to take at the expense of their parents?
Quite frankly, the Court would be foolish not to employ a GAL, as there are 8 small children living a circus life they never asked for. I can not imagine facing my classmates (the only contacts they now have in the outside world) with the way these two parents have behaved and their exposure on TV.
These kids are an afterthought and someone needs to take the reigns and look out for the kids once and for all. Expuslions, pulling kids out of school to film, dropping kids off at a gate.. this has become so disturbing, that it is imperative that these kids have a voice before it is too late. If there is smoke, there is fire. And these kids deserve every consideration that is being made in THEIR best interest. Bring on the GAL. If everything is great, nothing to fear. Both of these parents should welcome this.
On a different note, er all know baby mama reads this blod then quotes us and she and the sheeple try to trash our comments,yet no one mentions the contempt..hmm weird...they are focused on a crappy article which hints that the Australia trip was educational(although it seems to me that the author is ironic)and on bashing Jon(you know,because they are not haters like us who dare be mean to kate,theirs trashing jon is soo not the same with us pointing out Kate's mistakes lol ).The contempt story seems to be tabu..what's the matter? no arguments to defend your idol?
I don't think it's a matter of being out of ideas, but rather a matter of being unable to understand what's going on. Before they can defend Kate or review the court papers, they would have to figure out the meaning of the word "docket." And, we know that's never going to happen!
Why should she care what complete strangers think of her?
Because she wants to have a 'career' in the media.
Don't ask me to purchase products she advertises or watch shows she's on if she's unlikable. The reason people like Kelly Ripa and Ellen DeGeneres are famous and WORKING is because they are LIKABLE. They are NICE to their fans and people, in general.
Kate is mean. She doesn't like people and they don't like her. The 4 sheep that follow her around are not enough to make her a "star."
And you will read EVERY. SINGLE. WORD the bloggers write. Don't like it? Stop reading.
And the peace and quiet has been so nice. Kate can get away from the media and take the kids out of it too -- if she wants to! ----
I agree, I could care less what Jon and Kate do for their careers, but the kids need to be appointed a GAL to see if this is in their best interest. After all, these kids are unique in that 8 kids who DID NOT SIGN UP TO FILM
and have their lives broadcast nationally, continue on, in spite of the fact that there are serious symptoms of problems. Why wait for more problems to emerge, when a GAL could be appointed by the Judge now to protect the best interest of the kids? Seems to me, these kids have had no voice in how they feel about this.
Sorry for my rants, but these 8 kids deserve a right to have their voices heard, as the Family Court is designed to protect the best interest of the kids. These kids deserve an advocate to protect their well-being, as it is obvious to many that these kids are not faring as well as they should be. Aside from that, pulling 8 kids out of school to work and film for 3 weeks is insane, especially after two kids were expelled/removed from school. Never mind all of the warning signs that have been filmed and are available for anyone/all to see. How many warning signs are needed so the 8 kids can get a GAL? If the kids are all peachy keen, a GAL is not a wasted resource, as it will either confirm or deny their well-being. Not too may kids have been put in this position with constant filming and media exposure, so why would a FCJ not appoint a GAL in this instance? It is all about the kids' best interest.
Just Curious said... dee3 said...
One of the differences IMO is that apparently, despite not changing her behavior, Camille actually does care and is upset about how the public is perceiving her on RHOBH....and making excuses to explain this away on her Bravo blog.
But it appears to me that Kate is totally oblivious of what others think about her and could care less, really. She doesn't seem the least bit fazed by negative comments regarding her. SHE thinks she's great and to her, it seems to be inconsequential what others think of her.
Why should she care what complete strangers think of her?
January 19, 2011 3:51 PM
She wants these complete strangers to be her fans and watch her pathetic little show so she can stay rich and famous and live a life of luxury.
THAT'S why she should care what complete strangers think of her.
If she had no desire to exploit her children on tv and had no need for fancy things and fame, then I can see her not caring what people think.
She never learned that if she wants a good career in showbiz, she HAS to suck up to fans and at least act like she's interested in others and smiles. Instead, she thought she could have it all, and be snotty, rude and walk around with a scowl, and expect that people would still like her.
If she wants the showbiz carreer she so desperately craves, she will have to learn to start caring what people think of her. Otherwise she will always be the Kate that is hated by most of America. America has pretty much made it clear they don't like what they see in her.
Enough already said...
It's funny how easily Kate can stop all the media madness--
But never the blogging madness, eh? The bloggers can talk
Enough already -- your moniker is perfect. I think we've had ENOUGH ALREADY from sheeple complaining about blogging here when, in fact, that's exactly what they (YOU) are doing! Give it a rest! It wears thin after awhile, especially the "eh" after your sentences.
Kate could fall off the earth and the bloggers would blog for eons about how wonderful there's no Kate to talk about anymore!
And the sheeple? You would follow her right off the edge, wagging your tails behind you.
Enough already said...
It's funny how easily Kate can stop all the media madness--
But never the blogging madness, eh? The bloggers can talk
about private vs public schools, boobs and toes, hair and tans, Steve and Gina, GALS, ADHD, NPD, OCD and CRAP for hours, days, weeks and months.
Kate could fall off the earth and the bloggers would blog for eons about how wonderful there's no Kate to talk about anymore!
Yes, sheeple. Continue believing whatever your little heart desires. You must be so proud of Kate and her err, um, accomplishments [cough, cough]
Tell ya what- the day your greedy, selfish, tacky, untalented, and ridiculous St. Kate drops off the face of the earth into anonymity- I PROMISE NO ONE WILL SPEAK OF HER IDIOTIC ASS. She's nothing but a boil on the face of humanity. NOTHING MORE.
Shame on you for supporting Kate- ya space cadet. Run back to your mothership. Go on. Your kookie leader awaits.
BTW: Either way, Kate's career, and life has tanked because of her lack of talent, lack of personality, and lack of compassion for anyone other than herself. We all (including you, sheeple) have nothing to do with her undoing.
She did it all by her nasty self.
If you're going to worship someone, why choose Kate, of all people? She's not worthy.
Rumors that Jon is no longer employed in that sales job.
Enough already said... It's funny how easily Kate can stop all the media madness--
But never the blogging madness, eh? The bloggers can talk
about private vs public schools, boobs and toes, hair and tans, Steve and Gina, GALS, ADHD, NPD, OCD and CRAP for hours, days, weeks and months.
Kate could fall off the earth and the bloggers would blog for eons about how wonderful there's no Kate to talk about anymore!
And know while doing it we were providing your reading matter so that you could take the time to let us know how bored you are with what we write. If you cared to give us a discussion topic maybe we could direct you to a blog that writes about what does not bore you. Otherwise I guess you have just set yourself up for pain and angst. I am so sorry.
Woohoo Pink! Game. Set. Match.
Let's think about this. What's really pathetic here? Blogging about something rather insignificant in the grand scheme of things, or blogging ABOUT people blogging about something insiginifiant?
Thanks Admin- I am now laughing. Bloggers coming to your site to tell us how awful we are to blog while they are blogging.
Oh, the irony .... This is really very funny stuff. I have to thank them for the laughs, and of course, you as well, for allowing me to blog back to their blog.... about us blogging too much.
Just Curious said... "Why should she care what complete strangers think of her"?
Because..... complete strangers are the folks who welcomed the Gosselin family into their homes and made her the public figure she is today. Without the "complete strangers" she would still be wearing a 32A bra and be schlepping around in her sweatpants. Without complete strangers she would probably still be praying on her sixgosselin website that she wished people would "be led" (her favorite churchey sounding way of begging) to give her stuff.
As someone else here or maybe on another blog said, she was set up perfectly a couple years ago to be a spokesperson, a co-host on a talk show, an endorser, participant in a children's clothing line and STAH of HER OWN SHOW!!! These would have ALL BEEN ENDEAVORS THAT DID NOT INVOLVE HER KIDS WHATSOEVER!!!!
But she blew it. She blew it all because she is a nasty, difficult, mean person who has a knack for burning every bridge she crosses in the entertainment industry. I have not heard of one living creature who has ever had a positive experience while interacting with her, except BM (which I don't count.) She sabotaged- whether it was subliminal or blatant, every chance she was given to be a star in her own right, let the kids retreat to private life AND establish a firm foothold in the industry which could have carried on for years. Instead, she stubbornly insists that people are going to want to see her drag 8 miserable school-age kids to god-knows-where until they are eighteen years of age and that is her "work." Already, America is telling her by the numbers they are not interested. She's a ridiculous and irresponsible tool for shunning all the other opportunities that were given to her and now, her current standard of living depends solely on her already floundering reality show staying on the air.
So..... just curious, to get back to your question, "why should she care what complete strangers think of her"? Because if even more complete strangers stop watching her show, she's gonna have to pick up some scrubs at Target and dust off her nurse's license. Not even TLC will keep her on the air if no one is watching.
Maybe Kate got bangs in NYC (seems to be the new celebrity hairdo) or she was banging her boyfriend, whatever. No paps wanted to take photos of her in NY. Kate is probably hiding out because of Jon's court filing. Did Jon file because Kate took the kids out of the country to work during his holiday custody time and didn't allow them to even speak with him? Or did Kate and Steve sell the Australian poolside photos that were taken from one of the children's cameras?
Wow, Wow, and Wowza lady Gosseson8ComeFirst.
You said it, you said it. You have it, you know it, you expressed it. I hope Jon Gosselin has read your post. Wow Again. Boy do you get it.
Thank you, Susan Patenaudde, Amherst, New Hampshire.
Gosselin8ComeFirst said... Thanks Admin- I am now laughing. Bloggers coming to your site to tell us how awful we are to blog while they are blogging.
Oh, the irony .... This is really very funny stuff. I have to thank them for the laughs, and of course, you as well, for allowing me to blog back to their blog.... about us blogging too much.
January 19, 2011 6:15 PM
completely disgusted said... Just Curious said... "Why should she care what complete strangers think of her"?
Because..... complete strangers are the folks who welcomed the Gosselin family into their homes and made her the public figure she is today. Without the "complete strangers" she would still be wearing a 32A bra and be schlepping around in her sweatpants. Without complete strangers she would probably still be praying on her sixgosselin website that she wished people would "be led" (her favorite churchey sounding way of begging) to give her stuff.
Can you clear this up? said... More confusion?
Can You Clear This Up, I'm not sure I agree with Metrowny of their assessment that this contempt action is just a "continuation" of a previous action. I have the court docket since April and there is no other contempt action, January 6 was the first time a contempt action was ever brought.
I do agree that this custody thing is ongoing, and I do agree that Jon being the plaintiff is just because way back in April 2010 he filed to change custody so the person that files first is usually called the plaintiff throughout the case, even if Kate files a motion as a moving party. However, Jon's contempt was listed first, followed a week later by Kate's contempt.
I respect that blog but I'm a lawyer too and that's not how I'm interpreting this as some old complaint or a continuation. Even if it is old, the point is they both filed for contempt at some point. That said, a Court Docket is just one little phrase and you have to take it for what it is and realize you don't know the whole story.
Admin said...."Let's think about this. What's really pathetic here? Blogging about something rather insignificant in the grand scheme of things, or blogging ABOUT people blogging about something insiginifiant?"
Exactly! They really believe that they are above it all. If only they could step back and see it all they would realize how obsessed and ridiculous they sound. As much as they won't admit it they are no different. I read a lot of hate and anger in their posts but they think we're the crazy ones. It makes me laugh.
I wonder..how many articles can the Examiner write in one day about the Gosselins? On any given day you can find at least 4-5 articles written by them about this family. They'll write anything fact or fiction to get a click on their site. I no longer read any of them even if the headline looks interesting. I purposely pass on everything written by them because I find their site very trashy.
BeDoneNow said...
Rumors that Jon is no longer employed in that sales job.
Also on that site:
Apparently one of the tups was suspended for two weeks for a previous encounter as well...
Kate needs to make those children and not her bank account the utmost priority right now...
Now that this topic is being discussed. What about the bloggers who come to a site, blast the regular posters, blog owner, administrators, etc. on the site, then go to another site and post their disgust and the offensive comments with a link to the opposing site? Can anyone believe that happens? LOL
Url, lol. Apparently they've never heard of boards and boards or the fact that it is almost universally forbidden at any blog worth its salt.
I stick to my original comment, what's really pathetic here?
Best forum rules: http://forums.televisionwithoutpity.com/index.php?act=Help&CODE=01&HID=26
I also love this: "We ask you not to discuss the boards on the boards because this is a site about television, and the discussion should remain about television -- or about something of substance. Once the discussion starts being about the site and each other, it's very easy for the site to slide into irrelevance."
I'm all about family learning vacations. Actually that's all my family really did growing up my mom being such a huge history buff. I loved it. We didn't miss school and I think there are maybe a few photos and some private video of the trip that remains where it should be, at my parents' house.
I just don't want the Gosselins filmed while they learn. No one objects to them learning things.
It is obnoxious this implication we don't want these poor kids to learn wonderful things about Down Under. Please.
Because said...
Why should she care what complete strangers think of her?
Because she wants to have a 'career' in the media.
She has a career that seems to be going just fine, despite what some complete strangers think of her.
Enough already said...
It's funny how easily Kate can stop all the media madness--
But never the blogging madness, eh? The bloggers can talk
about private vs public schools, boobs and toes, hair and tans, Steve and Gina, GALS, ADHD, NPD, OCD and CRAP for hours, days, weeks and months.
Kate could fall off the earth and the bloggers would blog for eons about how wonderful there's no Kate to talk about anymore!
And you obviously have been reading it all. What does that say for you?
She has a career that seems to be going just fine, despite what some complete strangers think of her.
A career based on the foundation of eight destroyed childhoods, childhoods belonging to not just any kid but your own flesh and blood, is nothing to be proud of.
She has a career that seems to be going just fine, despite what some complete strangers think of her.
It's good I wasn't drinking a soda when I read this, or I'd be cleaning off my computer screen right about now!
"Career?" Did you say "Career?" Yeah, well, okay if you say so! LOL!
She (Kate)has a career that seems to be going just fine, despite what some complete strangers think of her.
Yeah, sure- if by "career" you mean grifting & lying up the wazoo...
Why don't we try using this forum for doing some good for the state of Pennsylvania..Medicaid rules say that if and when a person who has gotten even one penny of Medicaid $$ every come into money ..The taxpayers will be returned all of the money for services granted to the family..Why don't we try and see if this gets anyone's attention? If we would each post this on this and other Gosselin sites something might just happen and the children would finally be taken off of camera. and Kate would have to pay cold hard cash for defrauding Mediacde.
I wonder..how many articles can the Examiner write in one day about the Gosselins? On any given day you can find at least 4-5 articles written by them about this family. They'll write anything fact or fiction to get a click on their site. I no longer read any of them even if the headline looks interesting. I purposely pass on everything written by them because I find their site very trashy.
She (Kate)has a career that seems to be going just fine, despite what some complete strangers think of her.
Yeah, sure- if by "career" you mean grifting & lying up the wazoo...
She has a career that seems to be going just fine, despite what some complete strangers think of her.
It's good I wasn't drinking a soda when I read this, or I'd be cleaning off my computer screen right about now!
"Career?" Did you say "Career?" Yeah, well, okay if you say so! LOL!
Enough already said...
It's funny how easily Kate can stop all the media madness--
But never the blogging madness, eh? The bloggers can talk
about private vs public schools, boobs and toes, hair and tans, Steve and Gina, GALS, ADHD, NPD, OCD and CRAP for hours, days, weeks and months.
Kate could fall off the earth and the bloggers would blog for eons about how wonderful there's no Kate to talk about anymore!
And you obviously have been reading it all. What does that say for you?
BeDoneNow said...
Rumors that Jon is no longer employed in that sales job.
Also on that site:
Apparently one of the tups was suspended for two weeks for a previous encounter as well...
Kate needs to make those children and not her bank account the utmost priority right now...
Rumors that Jon is no longer employed in that sales job.
Kate could fall off the earth and the bloggers would blog for eons about how wonderful there's no Kate to talk about anymore!
And the sheeple? You would follow her right off the edge, wagging your tails behind you.
Just Curious said... dee3 said...
One of the differences IMO is that apparently, despite not changing her behavior, Camille actually does care and is upset about how the public is perceiving her on RHOBH....and making excuses to explain this away on her Bravo blog.
But it appears to me that Kate is totally oblivious of what others think about her and could care less, really. She doesn't seem the least bit fazed by negative comments regarding her. SHE thinks she's great and to her, it seems to be inconsequential what others think of her.
Why should she care what complete strangers think of her?
January 19, 2011 3:51 PM
She wants these complete strangers to be her fans and watch her pathetic little show so she can stay rich and famous and live a life of luxury.
THAT'S why she should care what complete strangers think of her.
If she had no desire to exploit her children on tv and had no need for fancy things and fame, then I can see her not caring what people think.
She never learned that if she wants a good career in showbiz, she HAS to suck up to fans and at least act like she's interested in others and smiles. Instead, she thought she could have it all, and be snotty, rude and walk around with a scowl, and expect that people would still like her.
If she wants the showbiz carreer she so desperately craves, she will have to learn to start caring what people think of her. Otherwise she will always be the Kate that is hated by most of America. America has pretty much made it clear they don't like what they see in her.
And you will read EVERY. SINGLE. WORD the bloggers write. Don't like it? Stop reading.
I just posted about lack of bus pictures from yesterday. Just remembered yesterday was a snow day for them. My bad!
However everywhere I said yesterday you could insert today and my point would still hold--If the pap(s) were independent and not on a will-call basis with Kate pics should have appeared.
More confusion?
HW said...
January 19, 2011 6:22 AM
Hippie Chick said... All I have to say is these poor kids are in a battle against 2 parents who can't stop fighting & shutting the hell up about it. You just know this burns Kate if Jon filed first, & Kate HAD to fight back. She probably bitched & moaned the whole Aus/NZ trip & the kids heard her bashing Jon. What does that do to a child's mind, hearing your mom bash your dad constantly? The hate must soothe her, (yes, soothe) & she doesn't realize how this affects her kids. She is the worst kind of divorcee with kids.
Unfortunately, I can tell you what it does to a child. It makes that child have all sorts of self esteem issues; stress related health issues; and eventually a contempt for the parent who bashes the ex.
My mother spent years spewing hatred about my dad. Even upon his death - over 30 years after their divorce - she was bad mouthing him to us. I mean, literally, while we four kids were planning his funeral, she was calling us to remind us how horrible we were to spend our time seeing that his final wishes were met and asking if we were going to work so hard to take care of her when she was sick and dying. And the things she commplained about with him were so petty - trivial little slights that she had hung onto for years - like one time she left us with him and instead of pouring our milk over the cereal he gave us a cup of cereal and a cup of milk. She tells that story all the time like he should have been arrested for it. She truly hated the man more than she loved us kids. And now? Now she has four children who only see her out of obligation, 9 adult grandchildren who have learned what a bitter person she is and are pulling away from her on their own accord, and a complete denial of how she destroyed her children.
She won't realize that her attempts to get me to hate my dad really only served to get me to hate myself and what I must represent to her. It's been a long journey to get over her venomous ways.
I feel so bad for you HW. Sounds like you had a mom very much like Kate. I had a very similar situation and yes the self esteem issue is a biggy. Self esteem shapes ones entire life from their education to their relationships. The self serving self absorbed parent will spend every day of her life trying to convince you to hate and love only her. My situation didn't end well. My dad eventually took his life and left the nastiest note to my mother that she had won the battle. I had to go to the police department and identify handwriting because the police thought she had killed him. I remember sitting in the intensive care unit with him while they decided whether to transplant any of his organs. My Mother never so much as shed a tear. She didn't even stay until he died. She was tired and wanted to go home. She had no problem sleeping in the house where he just shot himself hours earlier. She won ... and until the day she died she spent her time reinforcing what she wanted all of us kids to feel about our father (who I adored) and how she suffered
all the years she was married to him. The result is a totally dysfunctional family who to this day struggles with self esteem and trust issues.
Kate's alienation attempts need to be stopped before she does irreparable damage to these children.
Guess Chris was crossed off the "Favorite Paps" list now that Steve/TLC takes the pictures. Katie had to find some way of cutting out the middle man so she can get her greedy moneygrubbing hands on the profits! No one makes money off my kids BUT ME!!
I don't know about all of you- but I am enjoying this Katie news blackout. Whether it's being done on purpose or not, it's delicious not having to roll my eyes at the latest Kate absurdity.
It's funny how easily Kate can stop all the media madness--when she wants to or when she is forced to....
Yes Kate, you and your children CAN live private lives. Now, try it for a bit longer.
Enough in New Jersey said...
What no photos of another Starbuck's - getting the mail - my nails done and pumping gas photos ? Is it too cold in PA for the Papz's to snap KHate photos ? LOL my goodness it been a few days already - someone has fallen off thier duty ! LOL
And the peace and quiet has been so nice. Kate can get away from the media and take the kids out of it too -- if she wants to!
Technically anyone can petition the court for GALs but only the court can appoint them.
IMO, the request would most likely come from Jon because it seems crazy for Kate to want someone independently advocating for her kids who could put a stop to some of her exploitation, change visitations, custody, and give more power to Jon and the kids themselves. I'd imagine Jon would have a fight on his hands from Kate even asking for GALs.
For all we know, they already have GALs.
Administrator, I suddenly am unable to comment and it keeps saying "your open ID credentials could not be verified"....and I had put in the same "dee3' as I have always used. Hope this gets through to you...dee
Administrator said... This is from TMZ: Truth is ... TMZ knows Camille has told members of the "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" cast repeatedly ... Kelsey loved to wear women's clothes. Some people on the set say Camille dripped of bitterness over the divorce, and would tell anyone who would listen about Kelsey.
From what I've seen of Camille I actually think she's very similar to Kate. She's most defintely a narcissist. And she's a fight picker. She picks fights. It's why she has such difficulty in her relationships with girlfriends. It's funny in that she knows she has problems with girlfriends yet thinks it's all their fault, not hers. Sounds so familiar.
It's also funny to see the public's reactions to her outrageous behavior since this is a lot of people's first experience with a true narcissist.
You come out of the Real Housewives completely understanding where Kelsey is coming from. Irony is had she not done that show public opinion would probably naturally side with her. Karma strikes again.
I think it's so similar to how a lot of people "understand" where Jon is coming from since we know Kate from her show and what a pent up bossy nagging shrew she was to him.
January 19, 2011 7:39 AM
I never watched Real Housewives. I didn't know Camille was like that. I just saw her on tv being interviewed last week and saying she met, and shook hands with, Kelsey's girlfriend, and said she was "nice".
Can you just imagine Kate shaking hands with Ellen and then going on Regis & Kelly or the Today Show and publicly saying Ellen was nice? And that she is trying to get along for the sake of the kids because they have to co-parent? I think hell would freeze over.
Camille may be a lot like Kate, but it seems like she at least tries to attempt to be an adult when she needs to be for the sake of the kids....unlike Kate, who would rather die than put her children first.
Livvy said...
I have to believe that the Contempt that Jon has requested has to do with Kate not allowing contact ie telephone calls between Jon and the 8 while they were in Au. Almost immediately after Jon's filing, ROL puts up a post about how great Take is for allowing telephone contact between Jon and the 8 because she knew how concerned he was. Blah, blah, blah..
We don't know why Jon filed contempt charges against Kate. The docket doesn't give a reason and we probably won't ever see the actual papers because Family Court files are sealed in PA. But, your hunch may be right, it was a simple phone call so why would Kate make such a big deal out of it and then it make a headline at Radar.
cherier1 said...
I just don't get why this hasn't been done.
They may already have them.
Pam said...
Even Camille Grammar is being gracious toward Kelsey and his girlfriend for the sake of her children. She publicly stated that they have to co-parent together so she doesn't want any ugliness.
You've got to be kidding, right? Camille Grammer also publicly insinuated that Kelsey liked to dress in womens clothes for sexual arousal. Wonder what that little tidbit will do to their kids psyche.
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