Craig, a Queensland waiter originally from Canada, cracked us up when he described seeing Kate was like "a black cat crossing your path." Kate, the kids, and entourage ate at the popular steakhouse M@Matmooloolaba (near the Sunshine Coast in Queensland) tonight and a few nights ago, too. The restaurant serves lamb brains.
Meanwhile, buzz is Sarah Palin's Alaska is cancelled.
50 sediments (sic) from readers:
Tip it!
Upscale? ... I didn't think it was particularly 'upscale' the last time I dined there!
Plus I see the the menus are actually breaching 2009 laws which said that imposing a surcharge on public holidays was illegal. I believe the penalty is something like $1.1 million.
Each year my employer has a retreat at Mooloolaba and we usually go out to dinner on the nights we're away, this place isn't one of the places we've been back to.
I think it's upscale I guess. Lamb brains? It's not exactly Olive Garden. He didn't mention any cameras, hopefully they had a nice family dinner camera free.
I don't understand on a once in a lifetime trip like this why you go to a restaurant known for local cuisine and then don't eat any of it.
Well I just looked at a review the prices aren't cheap but they aren't outrageous, $28-32 American dollars for a main course. So I guess it's more "average".
From original post...
Meanwhile, buzz is Sarah Palin's Alaska is cancelled.
I don't understand this comment. It was my understanding that SP's show was planned to be a one-time set of episodes, which were completed and shown. Did I miss something?
I thought Palin's Alaska was announced as an 8 episode mini-series from the beginning and there were never any plans for a second season. Maybe the use of the word "cancelled" is just a matter of semantics?
There was never an official statement from the Palins it was just going to be one season. A lot of people assumed it would be. After it was a hit there were reports TLC was in talks with her for season two. But apparently the results of those talks was no second season. Sarah could have probably managed it and campaigned at the same time and gotten TLC to give her a ton more money, but unlike Kate she's not a complete greedy sludge. She stuck to her guns and kept it to one season despite its success.
Poor choice of restaurants for young kids, imo. The menu doesn't seem to be very kid friendly.
I think it's fine to teach kids how to behave and enjoy nice places even if they don't necessarily have the standard kids menu mac and cheese. They can find SOMETHING they like. As long as cameras aren't there. Still a far cry from the Old Country Buffett days of their babyhood.
Still a far cry from the Old Country Buffett days of their babyhood.
When did they eat at the Old Country Buffet? In the very early days of filming? The only similar place I remember them filming was at the Shady Maple Smorgasbord in East Earl, PA (great place to eat -- wonderful "groaning board").
Photo on PopEater: LeeAnn Rimes and Kate having the same tattoo. I bet LeeAnn's is intact. Wasn't Kate's chopped apart during the tummy tuck procedure?
Sorry for going off topic but I’ve been meaning to write this.
Has anyone seen the movie Winter’s Bone? It’s a low budget film shot in Missouri’s poverty-stricken area. Beautifully filmed (like a documentary), acted, and garnering lots of international awards and nominations. The main actress who plays the teen daughter caring for her poor family is up for a Golden Globe nomination.
Anyway, I saw this movie the other night and they had a “behind the scenes and filming” feature. One segment was about filming the child actors. There were two child actors who played the main actress’s younger brother (about age 11) and younger sister (about age 5-6). In the movie, they were adorable and just seemed so natural. Many of their scenes were of them quietly playing in their yard with the dogs/toys, running around, jumping on hay or playing on the trampoline, sleeping, etc. -- those parts were filmed like a home movie with rarely any music. However, when you see the “behind the scenes filming” – every movement is choreographed and you can hear the director saying, “look down” “look up” “run this way” “keep running” “take a bite of the food”, "look over at him". During a couch scene, after a couple of takes, the director yelled, "cut", and the boy collapsed to the couch.
While watching the behind the scenes footage, I started to get really uncomfortable. I was thinking this is what the Gosselin kids must go through minus someone yelling “action!” and “cut” and that black and white prop that they clap together before shooting (I forget the name of that thing). They showed the boom person, camera person and producer (3 people) filming close to the child actors as they “played”.
I’m not implying that the Gosselin kids are told what to do with every action they do but the similarities of controlled behavior and filming staff surrounding the kids were eerie. A lot of parallels to the corn maze filming.
The obvious difference is that these child actors in the movie were properly paid, credited, and probably closely monitored by the union rep on working hours, teacher on site, etc.
Again, I apologize for going off-topic but if anyone saw this same behind the scenes segment, I would be interested in hearing your thoughts. I also encourage everyone to rent this movie (not just for the behind the scenes footage but the movie was great...but not a typical action fast pace type of movie).
Admin, the "black cat" comment is hysterical, but where did it come from? I didn't see it on Craig's Twitter.
I surely hope Kate hasn't developed an eating disorder. She seems so focused on the whole "no carbs!" fad and eating only low-fat foods. It's not good! She's thin enough.
It is also poor behavior to model for her kids. I do recall reading excerpts from a magazine that covered her "diet" and how she got into shape, and remember thinking that she's a bit obsessive and isn't eating enough calories.
It shows in her complexion and hair at times. You need fats and carbs!
Kate only had white wine for dinner?
Maybe he really meant that Kate "whined" at dinner.
I love the black cat analogy, though.
I saw an ad for a winery recently, that said that over 50% of Australian wine comes in boxes.
Kate must feel right at home.
Whenever I travel I eat the local cuisine. I've eaten sheep intestines (Haggis) when I went to Scotland, Scrapple at home, don't even ask what I ate while in Egypt. They even have festival where they eat bull testicles in the US and Canada. If those people want to eat lamb brains, more power to them. Not sure about Australia, but New Zealand has more sheep than Ireland and Scotland combined.
If all she can consume is a glass of wine to keep that figure that's a pretty boring, unfufilled life in my book.
Now for my snark....those laugh and eat words on the wall officially make it not an exclusive restaurant in my book. Though I'm surprised TLC didn't make them take it down and put Peace, love whatever up instead.
Oh gwad you know that the kids don't chow down on buffet food anymore. Its only high class from now on. The kids have been eating french cuisine for a couple of years. Looks at the paper plates or portions they have been served. A smidge of this and that. They might enjoy eating a little bit of brains, alligator, turtle or kangaroo. You must experience all kinds of cuisine. So you can get a better understanding of each culture. So who is the aussie on this trip? Oh Steve. So the kids miss out of Korea Jons place and they get to go down under.
Its nice that the kids are experiencing new places, adventures and trips first hand. But they never get a time to appreciate anything. They are rushed around like a tribe. They will never appreciate anything like their mom. Who has been handed everything since the show made it big. Trips, vacations, free products, clothing, food and etc. Are all great things to be offered to a family. But not to a family who doesn't appreciate one thing. Other than the most expensive or lucrative things. Some day Kate will have no more trips, no more vacations, no more free products, no more free clothing and money. She will have nothing. Because she new appreciated any of it. She just wanted more and more.
All Kate cares about is looking good, tanning, relaxing and greed. The 8 money bags she carries around are just the cake and icecream to her empire. It will be cracking down soon. People are so tired of this. Mom who had twins. Worked and tried to get pregnant with multi. Than she did. She started to get super greedy when she laid in bed. She had a plan of creating a empire. John and her said it was only so they both could have memories of the children growing up. Since their was 8 kids and its hard to video everything. That was Bull. Kate new what she was doing. She started to make the show revolve around her and the kids. Mixed in with John who she treated like a slave. John gave up. He was done with Kate's stories, lies and greed. So John left. Kate ran with this and used everything she could to get more popular. They both got richer and richer. Off johns bad behavior and kate acting like she never new. She cried poor mouth and got more funds. This woman new what she was doing all the time. It was all about living it up. Showing everyone that she hated or kicked down that. Hey I made it and kiss it. I'm better than all of you. I have everything. Well she might have everything. Minus friends, husband and family.
Kate is a self entitlement fame seeker. Her 15 min is almost up. You can tell because alot of her " so called kate cheers" are a dying breed. America has spoke. They are tired of the new and improved Kate. She is not what america saw when they first met the gosselins. She has 180 her life and self complently to this woman who thinks she is 20 with a surgtech body weave makeup fake bake walking barbie doll.
No wonder why america women, mothers and girls have body images problems. Its because of many reality, stars and movie actress who think you have to look 100 percent body perfect vain all the time. When your a mother. Its not about looking perfect all the time. Your attention should go to the child or children. It doesn't matter if they are o-20. Children need attention. I know I read some where that kate said her kids are grown and in school. She can now spend more time on herself. That is why we don't see her in sweats, t shirt and no makeup. Bull, complete bull.
In the ending. Wine is empty calories.
I just read a comment that Wernygal's wrote on her blog: One good thing is that now Jon is allowed to have the kids when Kate's away even if it's not his official time to have them, rather than having them stay with nannies.
I think that is great to know and her info is probably very solid. Maybe the judge isn't all that nuts. He/she probably ruled on this.
I wanted to follow up on the topic of Bindi Irwin and her potential exploitation that surfaced on an earlier thread.
A quick google search shows that some Australians, including a few politicians, expressed concern about her around the time of her father's death. She was trotted out for many appearances at a time when she would have been grieving for her father. Here's a link to one article and an excerpt:
October 2006
Australians are worried about Bindi Irwin.
A month after the world fell in love with the eight-year-old when she made a stirring speech at her father Steve's memorial service, concerns are growing about her living in the spotlight so soon after the Crocodile Hunter's death.
Bindi has been thrust into the public glare several times since the September 20 service… (snip)
But publicist Annie Howell explained:"Terri and Bindi both decided it was something Bindi absolutely wanted to do.
"Terri wouldn't do anything that wasn't exactly right for her kids.
"If Bindi decided she wouldn't want to do it, she wouldn't do it.
"This is something Bindi has very enthusiastically said she wants to do."
However Australian Psychological Society director Bob Montgomery backed exploitation concerns, saying he had recently turned the television off in disgust after spotting Bindi on TV.
"I promptly turned it off because I just thought I don't want to contribute indirectly to what strikes me as the commercialisation of a child's difficulty," he said.
"In a sense it is exploitation of a child for commercial gain."
He said while he had no knowledge of Bindi's case personally, he was concerned she had not been given the opportunity to grieve by being "pushed into such a public role".
(more in next post)
Another interesting article that appeared around the same time expresses some of the same concerns that critics of the Gosselin show have expressed. (Link and excerpt below.)
Interestingly, I didn't see any recent articles expressing concern. Perhaps people are resigned to her exploitation now? Or maybe people just thought it was a problem at the time of her father's death.
Jan 2007
Bindi Irwin understands what happened to her, as any eight-year-old would understand it. She understands her father is dead, and what that means to her mother and herself. But, as she grows up and becomes emotionally and intellectually more mature there is every possibility she will look back and ask why she was asked to play such a significant public role so soon after her father’s death.
Irwin family manager, John Stainton, has been quoted in the Australian media as saying, "[m]y criteria is if Bindi doesn't want to do it that day, if she wants to go to the zoo or the beach, then that's what we're doing".
It is a clear way of saying we are respecting this child and her wishes, but is it really respectful? This type of attitude assumes that Bindi is able to clearly articulate her needs and it assumes she doesn’t feel pressure and obligation from the adult world to continue to fill the shoes her father has left. As she said to Ellen DeGeneres, "I want to try and be him”.
Adults may think it is respectful to let children make their own decisions, but it isn’t. Especially at a young age children don’t have enough experience or knowledge to make a wide range of decisions. Respect is supporting children’s development, guiding their decision-making and giving them the capacity to understand that you can’t do everything.
But, with a National Press Club in Washington, an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and David Letterman's The Late Show and the announcement by the Australian Government that Bindi with be a “tourism ambassador” for Australia we have an eight-year-old girl whose father has recently died, whose mother is still grieving, keeping the schedule of an A-grade celebrity. And, not one person is standing up and saying, “Is this appropriate?”
Certainly, Bindi Irwin may simply continue on with the family animal empire, but child stars grow up and, no matter how poised and articulate, child stars don’t have the best track record as they head into adulthood.
The experiences we have as young children shape who we become as adults and these experiences are shaping Bindi Irwin right now. We should wish her luck.
Zoe said... From original post...
Meanwhile, buzz is Sarah Palin's Alaska is cancelled.
I don't understand this comment. It was my understanding that SP's show was planned to be a one-time set of episodes, which were completed and shown. Did I miss something?
No you didn't miss anything. I believe that Sarah mentioned something about it being only 8 episodes when she was on the Factor before Christmas. It was only supposed to be a mini-series from what I understand. So technically the show is not cancelled. That was just media spin. The last episode is being aired this Sunday.
The "posing" shot of Kate lounging on the chair with her arm flung up and Matti sitting there really bothers me. For a mother to be so provocative in full view of her children is creepy and disgusting. It reminds me of the photos of Sarah Ferguson and her lover sucking on her toes while her girls were close by. This has to be affecting the kids one way or another. TLC, Kate, Steve etc. must be pretty desperate to push this latest farce out, the focus being on Kate and her "rocking" body cause we all know that is the most important part of being a mother! And Gosselin kids listen up-you will never be important unless you are blond, have fake body parts and look good in a bikini! That is what will keep you in the spotlight and make you a wonderful woman!
Do you think Steve's wife looks fake also? Is that the message that want their sons to get?
Just sad that the inner nurturing of the kids seems to be neglected for the outward appearance of their mother. Kate has obliviously made her image number one on her list of priorities with money being number two and who knows what number the kids are.
She has no plans to get out of this disaster and will be catered to and in the public for a long time. TLC continues to use her with her consent and they deserve each other but the kids deserve love and respect from someone and since Kate can't give it let Jon do it if he can.
ADMIN? Perhaps I haven't had enough coffee yet, but did I miss an article about what the waiter said? The one about Sarah doesn't mention this? I wish the guy hadn't given his name, the "non-haters" (ha) have been known to try to get people fired and try to ruin professional reputations of the so called "haterz".
On Twitter, Craig referenced his blog, which is where the "black cat" comments are.
Katie Dearest...
LOVED Winter Bone. Didn't watch the behind the scenes footage. I would have to rent it again to watch it again. On GWoP there is someone who has a child "in the business". Go read over there about the ins & outs of being a child actor. It's not easy. She answered all of our questions patiently. (it's under last weeks comments)
About this restaurant thing; why wouldn't Kate take them to a kid friendly place?? OH, right, she thought it was upscale, MAYBE there would be paps there...HELLO STEVE, he would photograph her there, & there would be more pap shots. Maybe she should have eaten some brains. Could have helped her smarten the hell up!
Just saw pictures on justjared that Kate and the kids are flying to New Zealand today...she actually posed for a picture with one of the "little people".....smiling as well...she looks creepy though....oh well...
Virginia Pen Mom thanks! I found it now.
The menu at the resturant sounds very interesting. I sure wish I could order a few things from there to try them. As far as the kids, my kids ALWAYS wanted hamburgers where ever we went. (or pizza) I insisted they always at least TRY different things. And they thank me now for exposing them to different foods. I do the same now with my grandkids. They are really surpised how much they DO like things that they intially didn't think they would like. I hope the 8 have been allowed to eat or at least tried many different foods, especially since they have gone to so many places. Even different areas of our country have unique dishes.
Lamb brains? Is that anything like sheep(le) brains? Seriously,it seems that a lot of people had there eyes opened when Kate was a diva on Sarah Palin's show and now BikiniPicGate may have changed some more opinions.
Kate and kids and FOUR helpers dine at steakhouse? She needs four helpers now. If supermom can't handle her own eight kids in a restaurant, maybe she should stay at home and cook. What a farce. The woman is an international joke. She jugs back wine and lets others look after her kids. Next thing you know she'll have her people carry her around in a sedan chair.
I didn't post his blog originally because I was worried that the true haters, Kate's fans, would viciously attack him. This is some kid just trying to get by picking up odd jobs and in a foreign country, and he was actually kind of excited to see Kate. All he said was she just had a glass of wine. I don't think it's a crime to report what you see and I didn't want him attacked.
In the new pictures Kate is holding ofc Hannah's hand but also..Aaden's.Interesting
Just had a glass of wine instead of eating? Sounds to me like alcoholic behavior, and believe me, I know. "Liquid Meals" are popular with the alcoholic crowd.
"Administrator said... I didn't post his blog originally because I was worried that the true haters, Kate's fans, would viciously attack him."
Oops sorry. BUT his name was given and where the guy works. At least the blog DOES show he wasn't being mean spirited. He was happy or excited to see them. I surely hope the so called NON-Haters do not extend their way of "loving" to the guy.
After reading blogs and reading what has been done to people with a difference of opinion, I can well understand WHY most people do not use their real names.
when I read his twitter, it said all she had for dinner was white wine. Admin is being generous and cautious in stating the "one glass" theory.
And no need to worry about Kate not getting carbs; wine is FULL of carbs and sugars and as a former nurse, she knows that.
(I am deliberatly saying 'former' because she is not working or volunteering as a nurse now, and let's face it, it isnt like nursing is in her blood.)
Why, in this economy, would anyone want to watch the Gosselin family go on another expensive vacation? This is like rubbing your nose in it, isn't it? They are not relevant. We cannot believe anything out of Kate's lying mouth, and Jon doesn't get a pass either. He was part of starting this sham from the beginning. I wouldn't be surprised if he is being paid by
TLC for the "use" of his children.
Also, I believe TLC/Kate are filming the heck out of the kids as long as they can. "Striking while the iron is still hot." The viewers will "dry up" and the advertisers will go away. Not sure when, but it will happen. I still suspect that Kate is "personally" involved with someone at the top of the chain at the network. Why else would they be spending so much money on this fiasco? The kids are just like anyone's kids now. They are starting to be less and less charming and more ordinary. Thus, the matchy, matchy on the tups. They must be made to stand out in the crowd. I feel snarky about this, but also feel my statements are honest. Are there any answers to be had, or are we all just guessing?
Administrator said...
I didn't post his blog originally because I was worried that the true haters, Kate's fans, would viciously attack him. This is some kid just trying to get by picking up odd jobs and in a foreign country, and he was actually kind of excited to see Kate. All he said was she just had a glass of wine. I don't think it's a crime to report what you see and I didn't want him attacked.
Attacked? You mean like was done to Carla? Oh wait...that wasn't the sheeple, that was "your kind."
TLC to give her a ton more money, but unlike Kate she's not a complete greedy sludge. She stuck to her guns and kept it to one season despite its success.
'cept her opponents would require equal 'air' time. That might be hard to work in.
I certainly wouldn't want to eat lamb's brains. Sheep can carry a disease called scrapie, a spongiform encephalopathy, similar to Mad Cow.
While I agree that it is good for kids to sample different cuisines, traveling can also cause digestive upsets, and familiar food can help prevent those sorts of problems.
readerlady said...
I certainly wouldn't want to eat lamb's brains. Sheep can carry a disease called scrapie, a spongiform encephalopathy, similar to Mad Cow.
I'm tempted to ask if sheeple also carry a disease similar to Mad Cow, but that might be opening up a whole new can of encephalopathies.
sftk-I totally agree with you about kate doing her sexy pose,right beside her kids, her pre-teen daughter! It looks very creepy, is just plain sick.
And also Pots and Kettles, this guy is an innocent kid, Carla is a grown adult-Big difference!
Silence of the Lambs said "I'm tempted to ask if sheeple also carry a disease similar to Mad Cow, but that might be opening up a whole new can of encephalopathies.
LOL! I wouldn't be surprised. Some of them certainly seem to have holes where their common sense should bel
Silence of the Lambs said "I'm tempted to ask if sheeple also carry a disease similar to Mad Cow, but that might be opening up a whole new can of encephalopathies.
LOL! I wouldn't be surprised. Some of them certainly seem to have holes where their common sense should bel
readerlady said...
I certainly wouldn't want to eat lamb's brains. Sheep can carry a disease called scrapie, a spongiform encephalopathy, similar to Mad Cow.
I'm tempted to ask if sheeple also carry a disease similar to Mad Cow, but that might be opening up a whole new can of encephalopathies.
The "posing" shot of Kate lounging on the chair with her arm flung up and Matti sitting there really bothers me. For a mother to be so provocative in full view of her children is creepy and disgusting. It reminds me of the photos of Sarah Ferguson and her lover sucking on her toes while her girls were close by. This has to be affecting the kids one way or another. TLC, Kate, Steve etc. must be pretty desperate to push this latest farce out, the focus being on Kate and her "rocking" body cause we all know that is the most important part of being a mother! And Gosselin kids listen up-you will never be important unless you are blond, have fake body parts and look good in a bikini! That is what will keep you in the spotlight and make you a wonderful woman!
Do you think Steve's wife looks fake also? Is that the message that want their sons to get?
Just sad that the inner nurturing of the kids seems to be neglected for the outward appearance of their mother. Kate has obliviously made her image number one on her list of priorities with money being number two and who knows what number the kids are.
She has no plans to get out of this disaster and will be catered to and in the public for a long time. TLC continues to use her with her consent and they deserve each other but the kids deserve love and respect from someone and since Kate can't give it let Jon do it if he can.
I wanted to follow up on the topic of Bindi Irwin and her potential exploitation that surfaced on an earlier thread.
A quick google search shows that some Australians, including a few politicians, expressed concern about her around the time of her father's death. She was trotted out for many appearances at a time when she would have been grieving for her father. Here's a link to one article and an excerpt:
October 2006
Australians are worried about Bindi Irwin.
A month after the world fell in love with the eight-year-old when she made a stirring speech at her father Steve's memorial service, concerns are growing about her living in the spotlight so soon after the Crocodile Hunter's death.
Bindi has been thrust into the public glare several times since the September 20 service… (snip)
But publicist Annie Howell explained:"Terri and Bindi both decided it was something Bindi absolutely wanted to do.
"Terri wouldn't do anything that wasn't exactly right for her kids.
"If Bindi decided she wouldn't want to do it, she wouldn't do it.
"This is something Bindi has very enthusiastically said she wants to do."
However Australian Psychological Society director Bob Montgomery backed exploitation concerns, saying he had recently turned the television off in disgust after spotting Bindi on TV.
"I promptly turned it off because I just thought I don't want to contribute indirectly to what strikes me as the commercialisation of a child's difficulty," he said.
"In a sense it is exploitation of a child for commercial gain."
He said while he had no knowledge of Bindi's case personally, he was concerned she had not been given the opportunity to grieve by being "pushed into such a public role".
(more in next post)
I saw an ad for a winery recently, that said that over 50% of Australian wine comes in boxes.
Kate must feel right at home.
Photo on PopEater: LeeAnn Rimes and Kate having the same tattoo. I bet LeeAnn's is intact. Wasn't Kate's chopped apart during the tummy tuck procedure?
Still a far cry from the Old Country Buffett days of their babyhood.
When did they eat at the Old Country Buffet? In the very early days of filming? The only similar place I remember them filming was at the Shady Maple Smorgasbord in East Earl, PA (great place to eat -- wonderful "groaning board").
Poor choice of restaurants for young kids, imo. The menu doesn't seem to be very kid friendly.
I think it's upscale I guess. Lamb brains? It's not exactly Olive Garden. He didn't mention any cameras, hopefully they had a nice family dinner camera free.
I don't understand on a once in a lifetime trip like this why you go to a restaurant known for local cuisine and then don't eat any of it.
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