She probably took her happy pills today. Its odd to see her smile with her children.
Kate probably will come out with some lame story about why she was caught smiling.
"Oh its so great getting away with my family". No one knows us down here and we are free from the P People.'' Oh life is great. Thanks TLC for paying for the great get away. I will be a better mom, actress, reality star, cook, and all above. I really needed to get out of the U.S.A it was killing me and my children. Oh thank heavens for this time away.
Now Cut me the check someone. I'm Poor again. Look my kids need money. I need money. We all need money. Give it to me.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita)
Administrator, with all due respect, please don't call this nonsense a "working vacation". It is a business trip both for Khate and for her employees (her children). Khatezilla GROSSelin is smiling in these recent Brisbane photos, but the truth is, there is and UGLY, UGLY underbelly to all of it. Behind the fake veneers (by the way, I don't care if a women gets breast implants or veneers, its just the LYING about it I can't stand) is total family dysfunction, at least two children who cannot function well in society and the other children who do not have any hope of functioning well in society, either, and a mentally-ll, fame-whore of a baby factory. That's A LOT to smile about, Khatezilla GROSSelin, isn't it, you delusional WITCH!
OK, not to be all 'been there, done that' but we went to Brisbane too, and if they're headed to the coast, it's another LONG (90 minutes for us) car ride to get there. That side trip for my husband's work was a giant hassle. (Packing again, going through long security lines, etc.) We would not have done it if he hadn't had to be there for work. And New Zealand's probably next? That's a lot of travel for those little kids. And they'll have a very long journey home. I hope they have a blast, because it's a grueling travel schedule.
I feel for these kids, in and out of airports, constantly smiling for the camera. I can't imagine going through that after any amount of traveling. They should be in school with their peers, and not on a working vacation with their Mommy Dearest. I also wish someone would tell her HOW to wear leggings with the appropriate top. I believe the top is supposed to COVER your assets below. NOT show them off.
Oh and I just want to add this: if I were told, when I was grown, that I went to all these AMAZING places, but I went to them all before I was even seven, I'd be pissed. You see, there's no way they're going to even remember all that much about these trips. At least, they aren't going to seem like distinct things in their mind, like an older child, a teen, or an adult would remember them. There's also no way a six year old can possibly appreciate that "we're on the OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD, WOW!" You know? They don't even know enough about Australia or Alaska or any of the great places they've gone to be able to appreciate how amazing these trips are.
So yeah, I'd be pissed to think I actually went to all these cool places, including some once-in-a-lifetime trips, and uh, I hardly remember any of it. It's going to be a big blur of rushing here and there and having orders barked at them. Same as at home.
I'm beginning to think this is going to be another episode like the fake vow renewal in Hawaii. First they stopped at legoland or some place in CA then off to Hawaii where they traipsed all over the place before Kate and Jon exchanged lies in front of about 12 relatives. So is this the same thing? A big build up pre wedding show where the family and extras travel all over Australia filming the same ole same ole and then off to NZ where she gets to meet the future in-laws and blah blah blah....
I wouldn't put it past Kate to whore herself out and marry this guy just for the sheer thrill of another freaking free trip and to ensure people are still talking about her. She screwed her kids heads over in Hawaii so I'm sure she'd be willing to do it again if there's money in it. I don't think the institution of marriage means all that much to her anyway.
Don't know which one she is, but the little one on Katie Irene's right sure looks like she's got a nice sunburn on her face. Check out the left side of her face, right under her eye. That's gonna hurt. Oh, right, it doesn't matter as long as Katie Irene is happy. Hey, maybe they can get a good camera shot of the girl crying in pain - that will make Katie smile and screech. Worthless; she's just worthless.
Or not a rumor? There is a sheeple bragging "at another site" about how she started the rumor about the dog being neglected.
Why? We really didn't fall for it and had it spotted as sheeple-plant almost from the get-go. Next time they start a rumor, they have to plan it out more carefully and think about what they are posting. The sheeple said that "in the evening" the dog was still there. It's dark in the evening. There is no way she could have seen a black dog in the evening (in the dark) from the road. They'll have to make it more believable than that, but I guess they don't have the intelligence to execute a credible story.
What happened was that, in order to err on the side of caution, the police were called, they had to check it out, and spend their time doing it. A sheeple is proud that they caused a police response? They really have no common sense, do they? This isn't unlike a phony report to CPS or calling in a bomb threat. It had to be checked out and involved an intervention by law enforcement. Sheeple have a pack mentality -- the demographics are all the same, and they are just plain nuts.
That is her clenched teeth fake smile. She never smiles with her eyes. Steve must have said Khite you look faaabulous dahling, smile for me. She is nothing if not predictable. We knew the smiley one was coming.
Also, sorry for being so naive, but what exactly is the sheeples' purpose for starting a rumor? Do they just like to see us mad? (Kinda like Kate; she enjoys if her kids are miserable, then she's happy).
K8Sucks, I thought I was the only one who noticed her affinity for leggings as pants! It drives me nuts! I won't even wear them like that around my house, and no one sees me except my 5 and 2 year old sons. LOL. She must REALLY think she's hot. Because I am all of 105 lbs, and I don't feel comfortable wearing them like that. I SO feel for her girls with such a fashionable mother. My daughter is 10, just like the twins, and she would be HORRIFIED if I went out wearing something something like that. I have long followed this blog, and I just can't get over the fact that she's taken all those children out of school for this trip. I ONCE let my daughter miss the firs two days of school b/c we were at the beach. I'd talked to the prinicipal beforehand, and she said they usually strongly disapprove of such absences, but she wouldn't have a problem with my daughter missing school. She said my daughter was an excellent student,and wouldn't have any problems adjusting when she returned to school. We also live in Pa, about 100 miles North of the Kompound. I felt terrible and worried about my daughter missing those two days, much less two weeks! I will never allow her to miss school again, for any type of vacation. (I'd also like to mention it was her first two days of first grade, and I can't imagine the twins missing two weeks of 4th grade, since I know just how much homework my daughter gets in one day.)
Admin, I feel bad, when I made the comment on the last blog about Shoka, I had not read up on the posts I had missed during the holidays. I did not see the "insider" thing on the dog being neglected. The dog is off the back porch which is not even visible to the road anyway. I have always taken the "insider" reports with a grain of salt, and am very happy that you will no longer let them through without some kind of evidence. My post about Shoka was entirely innocent! The more I thought about it, I would imagine that the McMansion will be left without anyone staying there. Since they are (in)famous and all. I am qute sure that TLC would pay for a caretaker, since they are on another business trip.
Although, I am still curious why TLC has on their site that Shoka "Visits".
"Linda said...You see, there's no way they're going to even remember all that much about these trips."
Exactly what I have been saying all along. Yeah, great trips, but think back when you were that age. How much of anything do YOU remember? The kids will remember the horse pooping at the dude ranch, the eggs being thrown, riding the horses, but how much else? Even a few days after they returned from NYC, after taking the train for the first time there, they couldn't even remember they took the train! They have been given so much, yet too young to really appreciate it. The grown ups who say they "are living the dream" are really living the grown ups dream with all the travel, etc. Not what little kids dream. IMO
I see the memo finally sunk into her thick head: "Your face shows how much your moneymakers annoy you and no amount of confidentiality agreements or Rat-Clawing is helping. SMILE ONCE IN A WHILE. Your next spa session depends on it."
I think most everyone knew a sheeple started that rumor about Shoka. If you go to any of their sites, they don't talk about Kate much at all; it's all hate. Hate for the jellus haterz, hate for Jon and Ellen, hate for blogs like this one. They actually believe we are all "batsh#t crazy" and they are the only sane, intelligent people left. They will do anything at this point to save face. Even they can't seem to think of anything good to say about Kate.
Yep, Lolly. The first trip I even remember going on I was 8 years old and it was Hot Springs, Arkansas. I just remember the cabin and going out in a canoe and the fact that I forgot to pack a bathing suit. That's it. I didn't know Arkansas from Arizona at that point.
I also remember quite a bit of a trip to Carlsbad Caverns when I was 12. Mostly fighting with my brother and how creepy and dark the caverns were.
But before that? Nope. I'm told my first plane trip was when I was four. Whoop-dee-do, I don't remember a thing about it.
Kate and her trips reminds me of a couple I know who took their SIX MONTH OLD daughter to Disney World. Oh, they went on and on about HOW MUCH FUN SHE HAD. They took tons of pictures, I'm guessing to show her when she's old enough to know what she's looking at. In nearly every picture she's wiped out asleep in a stroller, looking like she's going to have a heat stroke (it was July). Her parents are grinning like maniacs. The thing is, they can't afford to do that trip again. That was super expensive for them. So why go when the kid can't even freaking remember it or enjoy it???
Kate would have done better to save up her money and take the kids on these amazing trips when they're all older. But then again, I'm assuming she's thinking about them and she's not. She's thinking about her.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... Kate and her amazing, traveling circus act- eight, count 'em, eight little money bags.
Cue the circus music...
How true that is. She's nothing without them. She can't act, dance, interview others, write, keep her lies straight, and she can't even pretend to be a good mother. She's nothing without putting her 8 kids on display - all for fame and fortune.
They actually believe we are all "batsh#t crazy" and they are the only sane, intelligent people left.
I've read some of their comments on ROL, and in addition to their being neither sane nor intelligent, they are illiterate! I can't figure out if most of them are tweenagers, teenagers, or adults who are just plain incapable of writing one simple grammatically-correct sentence.
So many things I could comment on, but I'll just stick to one: In the above picture, notice how Alexis and Hannah are holding her hands, but Kate is not reciprocating - basically she's just got her hands out there for them to hang onto. Isn't it a natural response that when a little one holds your hand you sort of instinctively curl your hand around theirs? I know we jest a lot, but there truly does seem to be something wrong with her.
A big build up pre wedding show where the family and extras travel all over Australia filming the same ole same ole and then off to NZ where she gets to meet the future in-laws and blah blah blah...
Probably not -- she wasn't on "Say Yes To The Dress" and without a freebie gown, what's she going to wear at the ceremony? Black leggings?
Also, sorry for being so naive, but what exactly is the sheeples' purpose for starting a rumor? Do they just like to see us mad? (Kinda like Kate; she enjoys if her kids are miserable, then she's happy).
Hey SmileyGrl :o)
Remember the proverb, "An idle mind is the devil's playground" ?
What normal, busy adult has the time to invest into such an idiotic prank? That indicates both a lack of "life", and a lack of "clue".
Also, couple the above sentiment with a generous dose of frustration that they cannot save their rotten false idol from her own self-destruction.
Remember the proverb, "An idle mind is the devil's playground" ?
In Meredith Wilson's song from The Music Man, "Ya Got Trouble," it's "the idle BRAIN is the devil's playground," and this (planting the dog story) shows that there isn't a brain among them!
For all the Auzzies who have never heard of Kate Gosselin, she was the correspondent on Skating with the Stars. What, never heard of that either? Well that tells you how much in demand she is over here. Please convince her to stay and live among you.
I am an avid, amateur photographer, and I can tell you with certainty that those pictures were not taken by a pap. The hand movement is blurred, they're over-exposed...I think it was definitely Purse Boy with a point and shoot camera. No pap takes pictures that poorly, and Alexis, or whoever that is, wouldn't be smiling right into the camera if it was a pap. The poor image quality is a dead giveaway. I've never seen such lousy pap pictures, even on the move. There are simple ways to adjust for a moving person with an SLR camera. Nice try, Purse Boy. Stick to what you're good at, whatever that may be.
When I was younger, my mom & dad told me they used to take me & brother to the beach every Sunday. I don't remember. I barely remember going to Disney when I was 11 for crying out loud! I remember waiting in lines, eating a filet mignon, forgetting my suitcase at the airport & meeting some kid at the hotel rec room. Oh, & Sea World, but barely. And I was 11! These kids have video, yes, but at what cost? So Kate "can make memories?" No. So Kate can travel the frigin world & live in the lap of luxury. That is all this means to her now. She could care less about making memories anymore. If she truly wanted to make memories, she would be snapping photos left & right of those kids everywhere they went. I have a little Kodak PlaySport vidoe Camera, it takes pics & video. It goes EVERYWHERE w/ me. I videotape & snap pics of everything my son does, the cats, the dog, my husband, things for my blog, etc. That is making memories. I guess an edited version of the kids lives & Kate acting like a drill sergeant is what she wants to remember & what she wants the kids to remember. Oh, & pap photos. Nice version of your lives Kate! You're such a great mom! (& I'm the Pope)
It looks to me like Kate has attempted to dress the tup girls like herself. Or maybe it's the other way around ... she's dressing like the 6-year olds. The outfit is certainly more flattering on the tups.
Oh and I just want to add this: if I were told, when I was grown, that I went to all these AMAZING places, but I went to them all before I was even seven, I'd be pissed. **** Wow, You'd be pissed? Ever heard of gratitude? I went to a bunch of amazing places when I was seven. I do remember quite a bit of the trip and I am grateful that my parents took advantage of an opportunity when it presented itself.
I see that, like always, Hannah is holding kHATE's hand. I wonder if kHATE has some kind of Lottery system to auction off her other hand to the rest of her 7 kids.
The kids ALL look good, except for some of their hair. They usually look like homeless refugees. They look really sweet! Guess Kate thought they looked so cute, she would cover up too!
Kate and her trips reminds me of a couple I know who took their SIX MONTH OLD daughter to Disney World. Oh, they went on and on about HOW MUCH FUN SHE HAD. They took tons of pictures, I'm guessing to show her when she's old enough to know what she's looking at. In nearly every picture she's wiped out asleep in a stroller, looking like she's going to have a heat stroke (it was July). Her parents are grinning like maniacs. The thing is, they can't afford to do that trip again. That was super expensive for them. So why go when the kid can't even freaking remember it or enjoy it??? ------------------------------------------
A young mother at work was feeling sad because her husband had taken their son on a father-son camp out. She missed her son and wanted him home. Guess how old "son" was? He was SIX MONTHS OLD!! I guess he will never forget that good time with just him and his Dad sitting around the camp fire! LOL!!!
If you click the link above the first picture shows kate with the usual puss on her face. If you go through the pictures you can see exactly when she was told to "smile" for the camera.
How sad that Kate only shows her pearly whites for a PR stunt, not because she is genuinely happy to be spending this time with her children (if that ever really happens).
Her smiling is directed at the camera, not her own kids.
Plus, the picture admin used, Kate's barely holding their hands in an affectionate manner.
Please join me on this Thursday, Jan. 6th at 10am-11am est on Living the Dream Mom Radio to chat about how the kids are being exploited and should be off the show. The more noise we make - LIVE on the AIR - maybe someone will hear us! Please call in at 1-877-864-4869. You can go to my showpage at to view schedule. Thank you! Great blog! - Nina Frye
When the pap approaches a true celeb with their family, the celebs become angry and protective (i.e. Woody Harrelson, Jennifer Garner, Halle Berry, Nicole Richie), they don't walk front and center smiling like a medicated hyena.
"Parents are encouraged to consult the school calendar to see that their children are present on every school day. Students should also recognize this responsibility and take full advantage of the time provided for their education. Absences from school should be limited to illness, family emergencies, medical appointments, religious observance, or significant family milestones.
Excused Absences Absences due to illness, family emergencies, medical appointments, religious observance, or significant family milestones will be considered excused. Students are responsible for the material missed and will be permitted to make up work.
Unexcused Absences When students miss school due to extended family vacations or other reasons that do not fit the categories outlined above, these absences will be recorded as unexcused and students will be expected to make up work on their own. When possible, parents should notify the school well in advance of these occasions. Teachers are not required to assist students in making up missed work: the burden of catching up will fall on the student."
Way to go, Kate! Nice job putting EXTRA pressure on the kids (esp. the twins) when they return to school!
Or not a rumor? There is a sheeple bragging "at another site" about how she started the rumor about the dog being neglected. **** Can you post the link to the site? I looked around and couldn't find anyone claiming to have started the rumor.
I'm not sure that I would use the word pissed but my younger daughter certainly does not remember some of the conference trips we took when my husband used to attend annual medical meetings, before the hard homework factor set in. We were able to take advantage of these meetings to go to D.C. and Orlando, kids probably missed 2-3 days of school. The last one was when our oldest hit middle school and there really was too much homework to feel good about the traveling. There's a 5 year gap between oldest and youngest and she really does not remember a lot of details about some of our adventures. Mind you, she's not pissed and hads certainly traveled plenty as she got older, but for these 6, and maybe even the older 2, life is pretty much just one big packing and unpacking, airports and beaches, and nanny time, whether on the big bus or at home. There is a time and place for everything, and when the $$$ dry up along with Kate's face, what will they all have? Memories of airports, suitcases and cameras in their faces.
Pam said- Just look at Kate. You can tell the cameras are rolling because she's acting like she likes her kids._______ And like Steve is on the other side of the camera, since no one else gives a crap.
Auntie Anne said-I'm beginning to think this is going to be another episode like the fake vow renewal in Hawaii. First they stopped at legoland or some place in CA then off to Hawaii where they traipsed all over the place before Kate and Jon exchanged lies in front of about 12 relatives. So is this the same thing? A big build up pre wedding show where the family and extras travel all over Australia filming the same ole same ole and then off to NZ where she gets to meet the future in-laws and blah blah blah____________________
I agree. This whole trip seems so crazy, having the kids miss 2 weeks of school, going to Steve's homeland. Not getting why this trip had to happen NOW! Seems very contrived.
Burns me up said-I have long followed this blog, and I just can't get over the fact that she's taken all those children out of school for this trip.-----
I agree, something's up. Weddding, desperate attempt for attention from a new market that doesn't give a darn.... Pathetic that she has Alexis wear a "Happy Me" tee shirt, like a tee shirt actually mean that Alexis is happy. (See - the tee shirt say so, so it must be true.)
I have to say that her pulling the kids out of school for two weeks to film, wtih all that is going on is the proverbial last straw for me. She needs to get a job, any job, and support the kids as well as Jon. (I know he has a job,) but it is really that simple. People do it day in and day out. They have made enough money to support the kids and it is time that they both act like parents, and leave the G8 out of their parental duty to provide for them. Kate's claim that they can not go back is a bunch of BS. And I do not care if Kate continues in the "entertainment" field, just leave the kids out of it. The kids have more than earned the right to a life with their parents supporting them and out of the spotlight. And I hope it is not too late for them.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita)
Thank you! Thank you, Nina! I am a Mom and I can't stand what Kate Gosselin is doing to these kids! PLEASE, SOMEHOW, SOME WAY, *STOP* THE MADNESS THAT IS KATE GOSSELIN.
When would be a better time to take this trip, I wonder? When it's summer in Pennsylvania it is winter in Australia. I have no idea what the average temps are in winter in Australia, so that may or may not be a factor. During America's Spring? Fall? The kids would still be missing school.
I'm looking forward to your show on Thursday. Most of us are not haters, we just see a different side. We see Kate Plus 8 being filmed and all the trips being taken for Kate not the children. There might have been a point when it was done for the children and to pay the bills but not anymore. It has gone way, way beyond that. It is now being done to feed Kate's incessant need for fame, money, and the luxuries she has become accustomed to. We see a side of Kate the so called "sheeple" can't and won't. They make constant excuses for her rude and narcissitic behavior. In our minds Kate can do whatever she wants to make money including having her own television show but considering what the children have been through and Kate's obssession with forcing the kids to film continuously on their days off we want her to do it alone without using and exploiting them. I personally hope she continues to make millions of dollars, just not by using her kids.
We also see the good in Jon. We will pretty much all agree he has made some really stupid mistakes but he has owned up to them and is trying to do right now. We remember from the early shows who was the more compassionate parent and who had the ability to empathize with the kids. We remember which parent didn't want to film the kids from the very beginning but as always was overridden by the more dominant one and tried to make the best of it. For awhile he too was caught up in the fame and money but soon came back to his senses. Kate never did.
Thanks for the forum you are offering us to express our opinions. I hope you get some good callers who are able to express their opinions in dignified and intelligent ways and are from both sides. I hope they are able to leave the bashing and personal vendettas aside.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said...
Thank you! Thank you, Nina! I am a Mom and I can't stand what Kate Gosselin is doing to these kids!
I'm confused. On another thread you wrote... January 1, 11:12 a.m.:
..."to tell you the truth, I could give a rat's tail for the welfare of the Gosselin kids. I really don't care about them. I really don't. They mean nothing to me. They are just curiosities that you would see in a science museum or something..."
Have you had a change of heart? If so, great! If not, I don't understand why you would now say you can't stand what she's doing to the children when a few days ago you couldn't give a "rat's tail" about them.
Linda..Greetings from Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas! Thanks for the shout out! Did ya'll notice how she is NOT gripping her kids hands like a loving mother would? The kids are trying to grip hers but hers are just straight out?
They flew to Queensland Australia? The state that has the most horrendous flooding EVER? I know Australia is a big country, but Why would any caring mother want to take her kids anywhere NEAR a disaster area?
"When the pap approaches a true celeb with their family, the celebs become angry and protective (i.e. Woody Harrelson, Jennifer Garner, Halle Berry, Nicole Richie), they don't walk front and center smiling like a medicated hyena."
Many times, but not always. I've seen very gracious "true" celebrities and their families who do smile and allow their pictures to be taken. In fact, I've been with one of them. I've never seen one smile, though, like a medicated hyena. That's exactly what she looks like! Too funny! It reminds me of the person who compared the photo of Kate on the lift at DWTS to the donkey on Shrek! Dead ringer!
Yeah, I'd be pissed. How am I supposed to be grateful about stuff I can't even remember? I was just speaking for myself--I've never even been out of the country. So yeah if I were told "oh you went fabulous places before you were seven!" I'd be all "what???" I have the strange feeling these great trips and all the money are going to dry up, so yeah, I can see the kids being in exactly that position in several years. And Kate will tell them to be grateful, like you just did to me. Interesting.
GoPoshGo said...Regarding the photo above: Holy fake Joker smile, Batman. ===== Yeah, no kidding. And through her clenched teeth she is saying "just how long do I have to hold their hands AND this grin?? Take the picture already and get these kids away from me!"
Be Grateful said... Wow, You'd be pissed? Ever heard of gratitude? I went to a bunch of amazing places when I was seven. I do remember quite a bit of the trip and I am grateful that my parents took advantage of an opportunity when it presented itself. &&&&&&&&&&& I've heard of gratitude, and I'm still waiting for Kate to show gratitude to her children for all these trips, for her millions, for her mansion, for her celebrity lifestyle, for her stint at the Emmys and DWTS, and so on. When has she ever once thanked the children for making her dreams come true? She probably doesn't even think it had anything to do with the little moneymakers. That's the difference, Kate's fans think she is giving her kids an extraordinary life. On the contrary it is the children giving KATE an extraordinary life and since when is it a child's responsibility to do that for their parent?
Did your parents film you on that trip when you were 7 and broadcast it to millions? I didn't think so. Why should the children be grateful they were exploited? On the contrary they would have every right to be angry.
I've heard of gratitude, and I'm still waiting for Kate to show gratitude to her children for all these trips, for her millions, for her mansion, for her celebrity lifestyle, for her stint at the Emmys and DWTS, and so on. ===== She makes a HUGE deal out of it whenever one of the kids says thank you to her. The day they drove up to the McMansion one of them thanked her and she went on about it as if SHE alone had built it from the ground up. Typical behavior coming from a narcissist. If it wasn't for putting them to work she'd still be doing her shifts on the maternity ward. But the sheeple gobble up her drivel like it's holy water.
Okay, I'm done reading and seething. I've been doing this for months, and I just have to say something.
IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE! It's not rocket science to know these kids are in trouble because their mom is a selfish fame whore. My heart breaks for these kids.
It's not rocket science to figure out that Kate and Steve are/were emotionally involved. DUH!!!! Remember that DJ that saw them holding hands in a hotel lobby? I heard that back when I first started getting interested in this nutty saga. What did the DJ have to gain by making that up? NOTHING!
It's not rocket science to figure that the people that defend Kate care nothing for the children. They are painted in a corner and would rather continue to sing her praises than to admit they were wrong. They spend hours making up names like "BAH" (sorry, can't stop laughing over that one).
I'd say that both sides tend to treat rumor as fact if it suits their purposes and fact as fiction if it doesn't - not everyone, just some - but other than that, you guys I think are on the right track. The others don't care how the kids are affected as long as Kate looks like a star. I don't get it. I'm not sure if I've ever witnessed a more selfish person.
So if a sheeple is bragging about planting the story regarding the dog - it wouldn't be much of a jump to assume a sheeple leaks all the stories for which they blame Jon and Ellen. If they are prone to it anyway, they are likely to put the stories out there, then immediately jump on the "Jon can't keep his mouth shut" bandwagon to take attention off of them.
Seems to me a sheeple has just shot herself in the paw......
1) I don't remember one thing about our family trips to anywhere except I got carsick on every single one of them. The first one I remember is when I was about 10, and it was a LONG drive to Canada to see relatives there. There was little fun to it, since there were no cousins or friends to see once I got there.
2) Kate's handholding style. Could it have something to do with her nails? She may have decided she needs to keep her fingers straight so as not to scratch. If that's the case, then maybe she needs to bite those things off and put her kids before fingernails.
"fidosmommy said... Just a question, not an argument:
When would be a better time to take this trip, I wonder? When it's summer in Pennsylvania it is winter in Australia. I have no idea what the average temps are in winter in Australia, so that may or may not be a factor. During America's Spring? Fall? The kids would still be missing school."
They don't need to work in Austrailia at all would be my answer. When I was nine my family took a three week vacation to Germany during the summer. What do I remember from that..... a cousin getting a small toy motorcycle stuck in my hair, walking up stairs to see a castle (don't remember anything about the castle), that their basments are not anything like basements in the USA, etc. Absolutely nothing that would provide me with any type of educational value. I would love to go again to actually experience the country but my health problems won't allow that now. I am happy that I was there, but w/ the 8 going soooo many places, I think they won't remember anything about anywhere. They can't recognize a triangle for goodness sake! Very, very sad! Sorry, I can't seem to get a comment to go through so I'm using anonymous.
Kate is the type of person who would expect a thank you from firefighters for being the first to call 911 when a house is on fire. When really she should be thanking them for saving the house. She doesn't get it.
The answer is they should never go to Australia to work. They should never go anywhere to work. They are children. Their job is to be children and go to school. If they are on vacation from school and Kate wants to take them on a nice private camera-free vacation wherever in the world, by all means go for it.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita)
To Warmth of the Sun: Let me explain it to you, if I can. I was watching the Today show this morning, and Allyson Sweeny from The Biggest Loser was on. ( She has a diet book out). Anyway, she said that ONE of the reasons that some of these contestants got so big in the first place is that they thought that being really overweight, say 400 pounds, was a HOPELESS cause to even TRY to lose weight. I guess that is how I felt about the Gosselin kids. It seemed so hopeless that I didn't bother to care anymore. But since Nina Frye made that post, I have gotten hope back that something good can happen (maybe) to those kids if their mentally-ill, poor-excuse of a "mother" is STOPPED. If the momentum of Ms. Nina does nothing to put a dent into the mess that is the Gosselin freak show, then I will probably give up caring about the Gosselin kids again. I know, most of you are probably thinking "WHAT?" But that is how I feel. I will NOT waste emotional energy on the Gosselin kids if it appears again, after this Nina Frye thing, that there is NO HOPE for them.
Oh, I fully agree they should not be working! But there were several comments about the kids being out DURING SCHOOL TIME to travel, so I asked the question about selecting a better time. When there are 2 different hemispheres involved it gets tricky. Summer isn't summer everywhere all at the same time.
I haven't yet figured out why TLC thought they needed to go to Australia in the first place. Seems like a ridiculous plan to me no matter how pleasant the Australians are and how beautiful their country is.
She makes a HUGE deal out of it whenever one of the kids says thank you to her. The day they drove up to the McMansion one of them thanked her and she went on about it as if SHE alone had built it from the ground up.
And when they thanked her for the dogs, she said, "You're not welcome." What's really interesting is that these kids are expected to thank HER, but we've seen on various episodes that they have not been taught to thank anyone...not for plush animals given to them, not when their food is served to them, not at Chocolate World in Hershey when the free sample candy was handed to them at the end of the ride (I watched because I was curious if they would thank the person there. My kids know that they can't accept that candy unless they say thank you).
We also have a rule in our house that if someone gives them a gift, such as a new sweater, it's not worn before a thank you note is written; if it's a toy, it's not played with until a thank you note is written. If they are a guest in someone's home during a weekend or vacation, they write a thank you note when they get home. Kate has no clue whatsoever as to the meaning of the words thankful or grateful.
I can't take credit for the medicated hyena comment. That honor belongs to blogger Kartie Dearest! I just referred to it in my post.
What I remember about ever car and flight, train ride I have ever taken:
Packing, unpacking, the never staying organized as a kid.
My dad never stopped to let anyone go to the bathroom. If you didn't go when he last stopped 10 hours ago, oh well. We never stopped to look at things along the way.
I got car sick a couple of times, always right when we got to the destination to. That if I got quiet in the backseat and then said something my brother forgot I was back there.
My brother and I fought over the front seat in the car, he always won, calling that darn, "I get front seat first, and the ever popular, I'm older."
That my brother got bored asked if he could watch TV, my mother said, "Look out the window, there is your TV."
I wonder what Kate's kids will remember:
Packing, unpacking, getting sick, cameras in their faces, no family, no friends to share their experience, fighting witha sibling or two, getting yelled at by Kate, being told to wave at fans, being dressed alike?
Awwww Midnight... you're too kind. I was going to say medicated donkey or camel but hyena came to mind since that animal likes to scavenge for freebies (and not make the effort to work for food).
I don't know if this was already posted but my friend sent me a link from Perez Hilton. Perez used to be Pro-Kate as well.
With parents like Jon and Kate Gosselin, do you blame them??
The Gosselin kids are apparently becoming extremely out of control!
According to Life & Style magazine, during a trip to Philadelphia for a Kate Plus 8 shoot, the children were misbehaving and Kate didn't even bother to discipline them.
A source says, "The kids started running wild …. They were trying to touch the bell and the guards freaked out." However, instead of getting her eight kids in control, Kate was just plain rude to the guards. The source adds, "She was incredibly nasty to them and tried to make excuses for her kids behavior. But the kids were DEFINITELY out of line."
We feel sorry for any nanny that has to be in the middle of that situation.
These kids are obviously acting out and it doesn't help that they're required to "work" in front of cameras.
2) Kate's handholding style. Could it have something to do with her nails? She may have decided she needs to keep her fingers straight so as not to scratch. ==== fidosmommy -- I agree it has to do with the nails, but not that she's afraid she'll scratch her kids. It's just to keep her nails looking good. But now you've got me wondering how she does all that work raising eight kids, shopping, cleaning, laundry, cooking, packing and still keeps those claws so well manicu....oh wait...
To Titanic Anita: I don't believe anyone can have it both ways - care/not care at the drop of a hat. Human nature is a bit more complicated than that. I, for one, am not buying what you are selling - but to each his own. One of the reasons admin's blog is what it is!
Kartie Dearest said... LOL on Kate's big grinch smile. When the pap approaches a true celeb with their family, the celebs become angry and protective (i.e. Woody Harrelson, Jennifer Garner, Halle Berry, Nicole Richie), they don't walk front and center smiling like a medicated hyena. ~~~ Just to give credit where credit is due...wasn't Midnight Madness, it was Katie Dearest that coined the "medicated hyena" comment. BTW, I too love it Katie Dearest! Perfect! Sassy
fidosmommy said... Oh, I fully agree they should not be working! But there were several comments about the kids being out DURING SCHOOL TIME to trave ~~~~ Doesn't matter if it was to go to Australia or to Philly. They shouldn't be out of school, and they shouldn't be filming.
rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita)
You're right Marie, and there may be no end in sight. I don't have any high hopes for this Nina Frye thing... but I will give it the benefit of the doubt.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said...
To Warmth of the Sun: Let me explain it to you, if I can. I was watching the Today show this morning, and Allyson Sweeny from The Biggest Loser was on. ( She has a diet book out). Anyway, she said that ONE of the reasons that some of these contestants got so big in the first place is that they thought that being really overweight, say 400 pounds, was a HOPELESS cause to even TRY to lose weight. I guess that is how I felt about the Gosselin kids. It seemed so hopeless that I didn't bother to care anymore. But since Nina Frye made that post, I have gotten hope back that something good can happen (maybe) to those kids if their mentally-ill, poor-excuse of a "mother" is STOPPED. If the momentum of Ms. Nina does nothing to put a dent into the mess that is the Gosselin freak show, then I will probably give up caring about the Gosselin kids again. I know, most of you are probably thinking "WHAT?" But that is how I feel. I will NOT waste emotional energy on the Gosselin kids if it appears again, after this Nina Frye thing, that there is NO HOPE for them. **** Nina Frye hosts an Internet Radio show. Exactly what great power do you think she possesses?
It is possible to care about something or someone without becoming emotionally overinvested. You don't seem to understand how to strike that balance.
Midnight -- I have to say I did see Leah say thank you to Sarah's dad when he gave her a hot dog. She's a little sweetie. Anyway it's pretty sad that we notice when it DOES happen. My kids learned to say please and thank you from most. I think Kate has taught hers to say thank you too, but only to her. ~~~ I can't take credit for the medicated hyena comment. That honor belongs to blogger Kartie Dearest! I just referred to it in my post. ~~~ Ooops! Sorry about that Kartie Dearest. Thanks... I'm still laughing.
Midnight Maddness, Most refresing thing I have read on Gosselin blogs in a long time, your thank you note rule. I am old school Southern and had similar rule. Good manners are a rareity anymore. Nothing beats a handwritten note!
Midnight -- I have to say I did see Leah say thank you to Sarah's dad when he gave her a hot dog.
Oops! I only saw a few parts of that show, and missed that. Mamma G gets on my nerves way too much! Thanks for pointing that out. Maybe as they get older they will take note that others around them say thank you, and will follow suit.
Titanic said: But since Nina Frye made that post, I have gotten hope back that something good can happen (maybe) to those kids if their mentally-ill, poor-excuse of a "mother" is STOPPED. If the momentum of Ms. Nina does nothing to put a dent into the mess that is the Gosselin freak show, then I will probably give up caring about the Gosselin kids again. I know, most of you are probably thinking "WHAT?" But that is how I feel. I will NOT waste emotional energy on the Gosselin kids..." ________________________________
I don't think Nina has that kind of power. I'm with bearswife on this one -- you can't have it both ways, and to think that you base "caring" on the outcome of one event (a radio show and possible momentum) makes no sense no matter how you try to rationalize it.
"It is possible to care about something or someone without becoming emotionally overinvested. You don't seem to understand how to strike that balance."
I understand flip-flopping quite well. It's not something I would ever do in the case of the Gosselin kids, or ANY kids being exploited. One either cares or one doesn't. Black and white. No gray areas when the welfare of kids are involved. Your post was quite clear -- you said you didn't care about them, nothing about being emotionally overinvested. You didn't care. Period. You called them curiosities in a museum. But, as bearswife said, "to each his own."
"In these photos from Hollybaby the kids look burnt:"
Interesting comment from an Aussie...!!! Why is it that nobody ever has anything good to say about her? I wonder if she can ever be nice to anyone. You'd think that someone somewhere would step to the plate and say that they saw Kate having a pleasant moment!
fidosmommy, I was in Australia in August and I thought it was wonderful. Not too hot, not too cold, about 70, but a bit chilly at night (windbreaker weather). We were near beaches but nobody was in the water, but I'm not really a beach person. It was absolutely perfect weather for sightseeing and enjoying everything. It rained a couple of times but it blew over quickly. You could sit outside and drink a beer and enjoy people watching, live music, street performers, or whatever. We thought it was an ideal time to visit. No lines at things that would be kid-friendly, such as Wildlife World and the Aquarium (which are wonderful, but I doubt they saw in 2 days). To us, it was perfect!
We all know that kates "people" read here.They know that many comments have been made about how tired and miserable the kids look while jet-setting all over the place.So WE know kate was told to look happy and smile her fake teeth off.I'm sure the kids were also told by kate,whether it was with bribes or threats of punnishment...they better be smiling and looking happy.For years we have seen kate looking miserable when she's being forced to "play" a caring mother.Not for a minute did I think...OMG she's happy and she's with the kids!
I was a huge fan of Steve Irwin.The man gave his all to help save and protect animals.Weird or not I felt a huge loss when he died.I believe his father said it best when he said the animals have lost thier best friend.For this beast of a woman to go to his zoo and viset with his daughter makes me sick.This beast cares NOTHING about animals.Like she gives a shit.But hey...anything for a free trip and ways to keep her in the spotlight right?I'm sure Bindi has no clue to who the Gosselins are.It's gonna piss me off to see Bindi and Terri kissing this womans ass. Kate has no idea what this "zoo" means or stands for.Yet...she gets it handed to her on a silver platter. Like Steve was looking out for animals who have no control or say...I believe this blog is doing that for the children.When he saw something that was unjust or bullshit he tried to do something to fix it.This is what this site is doing.Trying to call out the BS that is the Gosselin childrens lives!
"In these photos from Hollybaby the kids look burnt:"
Interesting comment from an Aussie...!!! Why is it that nobody ever has anything good to say about her? I wonder if she can ever be nice to anyone. You'd think that someone somewhere would step to the plate and say that they saw Kate having a pleasant moment!
What my nationality got to do with this?
Your comment doesn't make any sense, in my comment I never said anything mean about Kate just that the kids looked burnt and I hope while they in QLD they get hats and suncream but on them.
In Australia we have been major campaigns promoting for skin protection and warnings against skin cancer:
Protect yourself in five ways from skin cancer: Slip! Slop! Slap! Seek! Slide!
1. Slip on sun protective clothing that covers as much of your body as possible.
2. Slop on SPF 30+ broad spectrum sunscreen liberally to dry skin, at least 20 minutes before sun exposure. Reapply every two hours when outdoors.
3. Slap on a broad brimmed hat that shades your face, neck and ears.
4. Seek shade
5. Slide on sunglasses.
If their mother hadn't been swanning around in her bikini and put suncream and a hat on them, they wouldn't be burnt.
I have to say that Hollybaby article was badly written. Last time I visited 'Lone Pine' it was run down, and only Japanese tourists went there. Neither Australia Zoo nor Sea World are in Brisbane. They are in the neighbouring cities. Sea World is not a patch on the Sea World's in the US.
In terms of those who said that Kate was taking kids into a disaster zone, Queensland is BIG! The areas that are flooded are quite rural, and a long way up the coast from Brisbane. Bundaberg and Rockhampton are at least an 8 hour drive. Further than the drive from LA to San Fran!
There is still a good chance of Kate and the kids getting wet, as the forecast was for more rain this week for South-Eastern Queensland.
A couple of extra points: 1) Pheobe does a great job of explaining slip, slop, slap. As a teacher I seem to spend forever dealing with kids without hats. I'm not allowed to go out of a classroom without a hat/umbrella and I also add sunnies and long sleeved shirts. 2) For those asking when would be a better time to visit Australia, we are currently having summer vacation for ALL school children across Australia, 6 weeks starts about 2 weeks before Christmas, and goes until the end of January. During that time it's fairly hot (high thirties and above) and as you come further north VERY humid (90%+ most days). Winter is fairly mild. Snow in the major capital cities is very rare. A cold day in Brisbane during winter is 15 degrees celcius. We do get snow, but that's inland, and much further down south (Melbourne and Sydney).
I would suggest that February or March (prior to our Easter break, when all kids are off) would have been a better time. It's still warm, but a lot less busy.
I hope when if/when they visit places like Australia Zoo or Seaworld that they don't go to the front of the line. Lots of kids here have been waiting for their day to visit and that seems very unfair. Plus Australian's are notorious for equity, and if queue jumping ISN'T done. Anyone who tries it is likely to not be well received.
I posted some of this earlier but for some reason my post didn't show up. Is anyone able to tell me the time of Nina's chat show. I'm trying to sort out what time in Australia it will be on!
"Your comment doesn't make any sense, in my comment I never said anything mean about Kate just that the kids looked burnt and I hope while they in QLD they get hats and suncream but on them."
My fault. I'm sorry.
I wasn't referring to you as the Aussie. I have no idea about your nationality. You didn't say in your post that you were from Australia!
I was referring to a comment that was left on the page that you linked. It came from someone who was on the same flight as Kate to Brisbane. There was nothing positive said about her.
"Your comment doesn't make any sense, in my comment I never said anything mean about Kate just that the kids looked burnt and I hope while they in QLD they get hats and suncream but on them."
My fault. I'm sorry.
I wasn't referring to you as the Aussie. I have no idea about your nationality. You didn't say in your post that you were from Australia!
I was referring to a comment that was left on the page that you linked. It came from someone who was on the same flight as Kate to Brisbane. There was nothing positive said about her.
I have said in previous comments on this site I am an Aussie so I thought you may have read one of those and knew my nationality - my apologies too for misunderstanding.
I think the sheeple are starting to get it. Even they are now admitting that pulling the kids out of school might send the "wrong message" to them. Took 'em awhile but they got there.
Please join me on this Thursday, Jan. 6th at 10am-11am est on Living the Dream Mom Radio to chat about how the kids are being exploited and should be off the show. The more noise we make - LIVE on the AIR - maybe someone will hear us!
Hi Nina,
We have been making noise about their exploitation for a number of years now while listening to you support Kate and her most vocal fans. I hope you can appreciate my reservations about your changed stance on the plight of the Gosselin kids.
It seemed that you relied heavily on information from the fans for the basis of your opinions instead of doing your own homework and I'm curious about why you changed your opinion and if you've now taken the time to research the family history.
What was your "ah-ha" moment and why?
On Thursday, I hope to hear what finally made the difference for you and get a feel for your knowledge of the exploitation that's continuing to take place. Will we hear an apology to the kids for relying on the fans' versions of the reality of the Gosselin kids' exploitation and the further exploitation it caused them?
I'm curious to know if you have spent any time researching the history of some of the fans you supported, some who have gone to extraordinary lengths to personally and professionally discredit some of the "haterz" bloggers and how you feel about their focus on you because of your acknowledgment of the exploitation of the children?
I'm also curious whether your changed opinion is due to a genuine concern for their exploitation and that of others in reality tv or because you needed to draw more listeners? Why the flip?
I hope you can appreciate that I'm skeptical of your changed opinion and my hesitation to trust you especially after the frequent PSA's made here at Realitytvkids after the show where you announced your new views and the new ones here this past week. They felt desperate and left me with an uneasy feeling.
Anyway, Nina - welcome to the club. It's never too late to help shine the light on the plight of the Gosselin kids. They need all of the help they can get.
So WE know kate was told to look happy and smile her fake teeth off.I'm sure the kids were also told by kate,whether it was with bribes or threats of punnishment...they better be smiling and looking happy.
I'm very inclined to believe the rumors that Steve was the one who took the shots in the airport and on the escalator. When has anyone EVER seen the kids (Alexis?) smile like that other than for Jon? When has anyone EVER seen Kate smile like that other than when she was flirting? I believe they were smiling for Steve, just as the poster at GWOP said.
There are pics at justjared of her and the kids by a pool yesterday. She is in another new string bikini. I think she knew someone was taking pics cos she looks very posed on her chair. And of course she is hardly acknowledging her kids.
It just brings a feeling of disgust to my mouth to see the posed pics of BayWatch mom of the year oh so "casually" lounging on her throne by the pool without a care in the world. I don't know of many mothers of young children who feel so relaxed while their children are near water-oh wait-I forgot about "not there but in Virginia doing intensives" Ashley! And of course the others behind the scenes. Was Steve taking the pics? and if so I would not be comfortable about my husband doing that. So of course her bikini pics will be all over the new s stands which actually helps curb my appetite when I go shopping! In all seriousness how can she as a Mother help her kids by promoting the message that a woman should fit a certain image-long blond hair , enhanced breasts and skimpy clothing etc. Her daughters are dark haired, small frames and will probably not look like their mother unless they go the same makeover route. And the boys get the message also about superficial looks. She continues to sell her soul to get more money but she sure does not seem happy and contented. She has set her own bar so high it will take more and more time, money and work to keep up her appearance. That will be her number one concern, not the kids I fear.
When Kate gushes on about how it is their dream to see Disney World, Alaska, Australia, etc most people look at her and think "so what, what makes your family more entitled than ours?" And when people start examining the Gosselin lifestyle of taking and asking and never giving back, it is a huge turn off. So Kate can drag her money makers hand in hand all over the world and swish her inflatables until the cows come home, it is not endearing her to anyone.
Administrator, I just wanted to tell you that I love the way you can take a sheeple argument and completely turn it on them with blazing, lazer-like logic. I'd love to see you in a courtroom.
"Puddymoors said... I posted some of this earlier but for some reason my post didn't show up. Is anyone able to tell me the time of Nina's chat show. I'm trying to sort out what time in Australia it will be on!"
Nina's show will be on Thursday January 6th at 10 AM EST. I have NO idea what time that is where you are. LOL The program stays on the site, so if it is in the middle of the night, for you, you can still listen to it.
If you weren't aware, Nina is dedicating the entire month to the discussion of Kate. Every Thursday at 10 AM EST.
"Administrator said...January 4, 2011 6:25 PM I've heard of gratitude, and I'm still waiting for Kate to show gratitude to her children for all these trips, for her millions, for her mansion, for her celebrity lifestyle"
What an absolute EXCELLENT rebuttal. I don't think anyone could have said it better! Catherine, I agree! And I also notice, they never have a come back, unless it is just more silly snark. LOL
It is so disheartening to hear Kate make remarks such as "when they get a job", when asked if they would get something. THEY HAVE A JOB. It really made me angry. The gall of this woman. She nor her die hard fans get it.
There are pics at justjared of her and the kids by a pool yesterday. She is in another new string bikini. I think she knew someone was taking pics cos she looks very posed on her chair. And of course she is hardly acknowledging her kids.
Of course. And I would not doubt that those photos were taken by her personal "handler" (Steve).
No pap in Australia is remotely interested in Kate's manufactured a*s.
There are pics at justjared of her and the kids by a pool yesterday. She is in another new string bikini. I think she knew someone was taking pics cos she looks very posed on her chair. And of course she is hardly acknowledging her kids.
Haha!! Looks like Kate is posing for a 1940 pin-up calendar. And she's ticked that Mady is spoiling all the shots.
Hey - remember back in Florida, before Kate's inflatables (good one, poster above!) when she was wearing a one-piece suit, screaming to Jon, "Hold their hands! Hold their hands!"
Now? Not looking quite as concerned about her kids' safety in the water. Oh, silly me. That's what the staff is for.
Whoever it was upthread that talked about Kate and contentment was spot on. It is the one thing that I don't think she will ever have. She may have her fake looks, all enhanced, she may have her money made off the backs of her kids, she may have her fancy home and she may have Chris following her around taking her picture to make her relevant. But she does not have contentment....and it shows in her face all the time. I think she is beginning to feel desperate. I say that because with the public turning against her in droves, she knows the possibility of her meal ticket may be ending. She also knows that Jon is not going to give up fighting her in court every time she tries to film them against his wishes and she knows that one of these times things will turn against her there. She was feel scared, or maybe not. From what I've heard narcissistic personalities don't feel scared, everything is always some one elses fault.
Can you imagine having to be in an airport as much as those kids do? How very sad. I don't care what the exotic ports of call are, traveling is not particularly fun with all the retrictions in place now. Very sad indeed.
Off topic but today's Huffington Post has an excellent article about American rudeness and how it affects the developing brain:
Do any of the sights with pics have a source name for the pics? I'm just curious if Steve is taking these pics and selling them and putting the money in Kate's pocket!! That might be why she is smiling so big and why in those pics by the pool she could not care less that someone is taking pics. Cos she knows it's Steve and he will be getting big bucks for them. Just a thought.
Regarding Nina Frye - it is somewhat simple to grasp. She had a t-shirt business and sent Kate a t-shirt. Kate wore it on her show which increased sales for the short run. Nina never really watched the show or was a "fan". She became a fan because Kate was her hook to sell her shirts.
She then started the radio show and found out that the Gosselin crowd was a definite draw to her show.
IMO this is just an attempt to bring new people and new controversy to her show to keep it fresh and stimulating. You can't fault her for that really but I kind of feel like she isn't sincere. I will give her a chance but I do think she is a bit of a user. She used the fans and now she is going to use those of us that want the Gosselins off tv.
I have her number said... Regarding Nina Frye - it is somewhat simple to grasp. She had a t-shirt business and sent Kate a t-shirt. Kate wore it on her show which increased sales for the short run. Nina never really watched the show or was a "fan". She became a fan because Kate was her hook to sell her shirts.
She then started the radio show and found out that the Gosselin crowd was a definite draw to her show.
IMO this is just an attempt to bring new people and new controversy to her show to keep it fresh and stimulating. You can't fault her for that really but I kind of feel like she isn't sincere. I will give her a chance but I do think she is a bit of a user. She used the fans and now she is going to use those of us that want the Gosselins off tv.
I agree. I think she's more interested in boosting her listening numbers. She almost begged for "haterz" to call in the last time she talked about Kate but no one did. And guess what happened next? She changed her opinion. Coincidence? IDK Will she have a new line of "stop child exploitation" t-shirts to advertise?
Naruto said... But "I have her number" you are WRONG!
Nina is NINA BELL from the old GDNNOP blog. She was a J&K+8 watcher and definite sheeple. She fought with the Haters for years.
This is why we are so skeptical of her now.
I'm sorry, Naruto, but you're wrong in this case. Please see the previous thread for clarification and information on our conversation.
There may indeed be a Nina Bell, but we're discussing Nina Frye, who has a program on called "Living the Dream Mom". They're two completely different people.
Thank you for the information about winter in Australia. I was trying to ask if there was a good non-school time for the kids to take a long trip to Australia, and if winter weather would be a factor. You have answered that and I appreciate it.
To the others who responded, I KNOW they should not be working anytime. But the question did not specify work trips, it was any extended trip. Yeah, I know that's all the Gosselins know right now, but there are future trips to think about too. Sometimes families take trips, and if they are going to another hemisphere to do it, when would be the best time to do it to deal with school schedules, weather, etc. That's all I was asking.
I am not Nina Bell! I have no idea who that is! As far as my change of heart - I will make this brief because I could go on and on - I don't blame you for being skeptical. I would be skeptical myself. I really didn't have an Ah Ha moment. Yes, I was a fan and watched some shows - not all. As Kate Plus 8 started to air I tuned in more - I started to feel that the show wasn't real anymore and the kids would be troubled by this later in life. I started to research the web and realized that I wasn't the only one that felt the kids should be off the air! I simply had a change of heart. I already dedicated the 1st Thurs. of the month to "Gosselin Hour" but couldn't continue the support of the show! I wanted to be honest. Again, I don't hate anyone. It is not about the ratings, Kate or Jon. This hour is about the kids. How can we get through to Kate to stop filming with the kids? I am open to all callers. I don't wish this to be one-sided. If someone feels strongly about why the kids should continue filming than by all means call in. But I need your support if you agree with me and perhaps the combo of blogging, posting and also VOICING our opinions and thoughts LIVE will somehow pay off and Kate will have a change of heart. Thanks guys! Hope to chat with you on the air. - Nina
Nina, I understand following through with the first Thursday of the month as 'Gosselin Hour' since it was scheduled, but why devote an hour each week to the topic in the month of January?
Also, I've heard you say you support Kate on tv, just not filming the kids. If you have done your research and followed the backstory, you'll see that Kate has been the ringleader of this exploitation circus and that they has always put filming before the most basic needs of her children, and continues to do so. A person such as this will never change her spots. She has been extraordinarily ruthless in her climb to B list reality stardom.
Kate is not straightforward about anything, including her finances. There is no evidence of any trusts set up in the names of the kids, and she recently said there are college funds then took it back a few months later. Her most recent statement to the press is that there is not enough for college. She is newly (after 2009) required to set aside 15 percent for the kids in total, BUT she can take out money for their tuition, medical, and other expenses as she sees fit. I am willing to bet that the kids won't see a dime of the money unless they sue her later on.
Kate Gosselin is a longtime scammer with absolutely no conscience. There is ample evidence of this if you do the research.
I think we should all give Nina a chance regarding her change of heart. If you think about it, many bloggers here were once "fans" of the show... including myself. We just dialed in earlier than some others. Many former fans didn't even know about Jodi's sisters blog and just changed ther minds because of Kate's rude behavior on the show.
Give the former sheeples a chance to do their research. There's 3-4 years worth of digging and reading to do.
Don't forget that the Pro-Kate hollywood reporter (forgot her name) also had a change of heart.
I don't think ratings have anything to do with people changing their stance IMO.
Everyone's "aha!" moment is on a different timeline but sooner later, they'll catch up.
Sometimes families take trips, and if they are going to another hemisphere to do it, when would be the best time to do it to deal with school schedules, weather, etc. ~~~~ Kate's family doesn't take trips...Kate doesn't go anywhere on her dime. She couldn't even take them to the Statue of Liberty. She preferred to blame that on Jon, he cancelled the program so now the kids don't get to go to the SofL.
Kartie Dearest said... I think we should all give Nina a chance regarding her change of heart. If you think about it, many bloggers here were once "fans" of the show... including myself. We just dialed in earlier than some others. Many former fans didn't even know about Jodi's sisters blog and just changed ther minds because of Kate's rude behavior on the show.
Give the former sheeples a chance to do their research. There's 3-4 years worth of digging and reading to do. ~~~ I wonder though, if one can present a thorough 'argument' for keeping the kids off TV without knowing some history of KG. Nina posted this comment in post above,
"But I need your support if you agree with me and perhaps the combo of blogging, posting and also VOICING our opinions and thoughts LIVE will somehow pay off and Kate will have a change of heart."
This makes me think Nina believes Kate to be a honest, rational, just a bit misguided mother. KATE have a change of heart?? You'd have to be able to appreciate the "whole" Gosselin phenomenon such as Kate's preconceived plan to first circumvent the drs. to get preg. w/multiples, her scamming the church audiences, etc. to really appreciate what kind of person Kate is and what she's up against. I just don't see how this program can do much of anything for the kids.
"But I need your support if you agree with me and perhaps the combo of blogging, posting and also VOICING our opinions and thoughts LIVE will somehow pay off and Kate will have a change of heart."
No change of heart for that one. Kate is stubborn as the day is long. If anything, voicing opinions and thoughts is just going to make her forge ahead even more. She will not let anyone else "win." Never. It would mean no more "celebrity" status, and the withdrawal would kill her.
Anonymous/Sassy said...I wonder though, if one can present a thorough 'argument' for keeping the kids off TV without knowing some history of KG. Nina posted this comment in post above,
I agree Sassy, background is very important. I also think one KEY piece of information that everyone should understand is that Kate has NPD. Narcissists DON'T change and although Nina may have good intentions with her show, Kate having "a change of heart" is simply not going to happen because of it. However, I'm not saying she shouldn't try to help.
PS: To not post as Anonymous; select the option 'Name/URL' (it's right above where you are choosing 'Anonymous). Fill in the box with your name. Leave the URL part blank. Click continue and you're done.
Here I go again....While Kate certainly has many, if not most, of the characteristics associated with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, as far as I know she has not been diagnosed appropriately by a mental health professional.
I realize that a lot of people have had experiences with parents and relatives with NPD, that fit Kate's behavioural patterns.That doe not make them diagnosticians.
We can glibly say "Oh well, Kate has NPD, she'll never change" and thereby absolve her of any responsibility to be accountable for her abusive behaviour.
With respect,can we please leave the diagnostics to the people who are trained to provide them and concentrate on making Kate and TLC accountable for what they are doing to destroy those children?
I wonder how many more women will get fertility shots to have all those babies and get a reality show to take care of them?????? If its that easy, why don't the america just give money away...that's what they are doing by watching reality shows. Kate is a disgrace to ALL mothers!
"Administrator said...January 4, 2011 6:25 PM I've heard of gratitude, and I'm still waiting for Kate to show gratitude to her children for all these trips, for her millions, for her mansion, for her celebrity lifestyle"
What an absolute EXCELLENT rebuttal. I don't think anyone could have said it better! Catherine, I agree! And I also notice, they never have a come back, unless it is just more silly snark. LOL
It is so disheartening to hear Kate make remarks such as "when they get a job", when asked if they would get something. THEY HAVE A JOB. It really made me angry. The gall of this woman. She nor her die hard fans get it.
Administrator, I just wanted to tell you that I love the way you can take a sheeple argument and completely turn it on them with blazing, lazer-like logic. I'd love to see you in a courtroom.
It just brings a feeling of disgust to my mouth to see the posed pics of BayWatch mom of the year oh so "casually" lounging on her throne by the pool without a care in the world. I don't know of many mothers of young children who feel so relaxed while their children are near water-oh wait-I forgot about "not there but in Virginia doing intensives" Ashley! And of course the others behind the scenes. Was Steve taking the pics? and if so I would not be comfortable about my husband doing that. So of course her bikini pics will be all over the new s stands which actually helps curb my appetite when I go shopping! In all seriousness how can she as a Mother help her kids by promoting the message that a woman should fit a certain image-long blond hair , enhanced breasts and skimpy clothing etc. Her daughters are dark haired, small frames and will probably not look like their mother unless they go the same makeover route. And the boys get the message also about superficial looks. She continues to sell her soul to get more money but she sure does not seem happy and contented. She has set her own bar so high it will take more and more time, money and work to keep up her appearance. That will be her number one concern, not the kids I fear.
I think the sheeple are starting to get it. Even they are now admitting that pulling the kids out of school might send the "wrong message" to them. Took 'em awhile but they got there.
So WE know kate was told to look happy and smile her fake teeth off.I'm sure the kids were also told by kate,whether it was with bribes or threats of punnishment...they better be smiling and looking happy.
I'm very inclined to believe the rumors that Steve was the one who took the shots in the airport and on the escalator. When has anyone EVER seen the kids (Alexis?) smile like that other than for Jon? When has anyone EVER seen Kate smile like that other than when she was flirting? I believe they were smiling for Steve, just as the poster at GWOP said.
You're right Marie, and there may be no end in sight. I don't have any high hopes for this Nina Frye thing... but I will give it the benefit of the doubt.
To Titanic Anita: I don't believe anyone can have it both ways - care/not care at the drop of a hat. Human nature is a bit more complicated than that. I, for one, am not buying what you are selling - but to each his own. One of the reasons admin's blog is what it is!
Oh, I fully agree they should not be working! But there were several comments about the kids being out DURING SCHOOL TIME to travel, so I asked the question about selecting a better time. When there are 2 different hemispheres involved it gets tricky. Summer isn't summer everywhere all at the same time.
I haven't yet figured out why TLC thought they needed to go to Australia in the first place. Seems like a ridiculous plan to me no matter how pleasant the Australians are and how beautiful their country is.
"fidosmommy said... Just a question, not an argument:
When would be a better time to take this trip, I wonder? When it's summer in Pennsylvania it is winter in Australia. I have no idea what the average temps are in winter in Australia, so that may or may not be a factor. During America's Spring? Fall? The kids would still be missing school."
They don't need to work in Austrailia at all would be my answer. When I was nine my family took a three week vacation to Germany during the summer. What do I remember from that..... a cousin getting a small toy motorcycle stuck in my hair, walking up stairs to see a castle (don't remember anything about the castle), that their basments are not anything like basements in the USA, etc. Absolutely nothing that would provide me with any type of educational value. I would love to go again to actually experience the country but my health problems won't allow that now. I am happy that I was there, but w/ the 8 going soooo many places, I think they won't remember anything about anywhere. They can't recognize a triangle for goodness sake! Very, very sad! Sorry, I can't seem to get a comment to go through so I'm using anonymous.
"When the pap approaches a true celeb with their family, the celebs become angry and protective (i.e. Woody Harrelson, Jennifer Garner, Halle Berry, Nicole Richie), they don't walk front and center smiling like a medicated hyena."
Many times, but not always. I've seen very gracious "true" celebrities and their families who do smile and allow their pictures to be taken. In fact, I've been with one of them. I've never seen one smile, though, like a medicated hyena. That's exactly what she looks like! Too funny! It reminds me of the person who compared the photo of Kate on the lift at DWTS to the donkey on Shrek! Dead ringer!
Thank you! Thank you, Nina! I am a Mom and I can't stand what Kate Gosselin is doing to these kids! PLEASE, SOMEHOW, SOME WAY, *STOP* THE MADNESS THAT IS KATE GOSSELIN.
Pam said- Just look at Kate. You can tell the cameras are rolling because she's acting like she likes her kids._______ And like Steve is on the other side of the camera, since no one else gives a crap.
Auntie Anne said-I'm beginning to think this is going to be another episode like the fake vow renewal in Hawaii. First they stopped at legoland or some place in CA then off to Hawaii where they traipsed all over the place before Kate and Jon exchanged lies in front of about 12 relatives. So is this the same thing? A big build up pre wedding show where the family and extras travel all over Australia filming the same ole same ole and then off to NZ where she gets to meet the future in-laws and blah blah blah____________________
I agree. This whole trip seems so crazy, having the kids miss 2 weeks of school, going to Steve's homeland. Not getting why this trip had to happen NOW! Seems very contrived.
Burns me up said-I have long followed this blog, and I just can't get over the fact that she's taken all those children out of school for this trip.-----
I agree, something's up. Weddding, desperate attempt for attention from a new market that doesn't give a darn.... Pathetic that she has Alexis wear a "Happy Me" tee shirt, like a tee shirt actually mean that Alexis is happy. (See - the tee shirt say so, so it must be true.)
I have to say that her pulling the kids out of school for two weeks to film, wtih all that is going on is the proverbial last straw for me. She needs to get a job, any job, and support the kids as well as Jon. (I know he has a job,) but it is really that simple. People do it day in and day out. They have made enough money to support the kids and it is time that they both act like parents, and leave the G8 out of their parental duty to provide for them. Kate's claim that they can not go back is a bunch of BS. And I do not care if Kate continues in the "entertainment" field, just leave the kids out of it. The kids have more than earned the right to a life with their parents supporting them and out of the spotlight. And I hope it is not too late for them.
"Parents are encouraged to consult the school calendar to see that their children are present on every school day. Students should also recognize this responsibility and take full advantage of the time provided for their education. Absences from school should be limited to illness, family emergencies, medical appointments, religious observance, or significant family milestones.
Excused Absences Absences due to illness, family emergencies, medical appointments, religious observance, or significant family milestones will be considered excused. Students are responsible for the material missed and will be permitted to make up work.
Unexcused Absences When students miss school due to extended family vacations or other reasons that do not fit the categories outlined above, these absences will be recorded as unexcused and students will be expected to make up work on their own. When possible, parents should notify the school well in advance of these occasions. Teachers are not required to assist students in making up missed work: the burden of catching up will fall on the student."
Way to go, Kate! Nice job putting EXTRA pressure on the kids (esp. the twins) when they return to school!
How sad that Kate only shows her pearly whites for a PR stunt, not because she is genuinely happy to be spending this time with her children (if that ever really happens).
Her smiling is directed at the camera, not her own kids.
Plus, the picture admin used, Kate's barely holding their hands in an affectionate manner.
If you click the link above the first picture shows kate with the usual puss on her face. If you go through the pictures you can see exactly when she was told to "smile" for the camera.
Kate and her trips reminds me of a couple I know who took their SIX MONTH OLD daughter to Disney World. Oh, they went on and on about HOW MUCH FUN SHE HAD. They took tons of pictures, I'm guessing to show her when she's old enough to know what she's looking at. In nearly every picture she's wiped out asleep in a stroller, looking like she's going to have a heat stroke (it was July). Her parents are grinning like maniacs. The thing is, they can't afford to do that trip again. That was super expensive for them. So why go when the kid can't even freaking remember it or enjoy it??? ------------------------------------------
A young mother at work was feeling sad because her husband had taken their son on a father-son camp out. She missed her son and wanted him home. Guess how old "son" was? He was SIX MONTHS OLD!! I guess he will never forget that good time with just him and his Dad sitting around the camp fire! LOL!!!
It looks to me like Kate has attempted to dress the tup girls like herself. Or maybe it's the other way around ... she's dressing like the 6-year olds. The outfit is certainly more flattering on the tups.
Also, sorry for being so naive, but what exactly is the sheeples' purpose for starting a rumor? Do they just like to see us mad? (Kinda like Kate; she enjoys if her kids are miserable, then she's happy).
Hey SmileyGrl :o)
Remember the proverb, "An idle mind is the devil's playground" ?
What normal, busy adult has the time to invest into such an idiotic prank? That indicates both a lack of "life", and a lack of "clue".
Also, couple the above sentiment with a generous dose of frustration that they cannot save their rotten false idol from her own self-destruction.
A big build up pre wedding show where the family and extras travel all over Australia filming the same ole same ole and then off to NZ where she gets to meet the future in-laws and blah blah blah...
Probably not -- she wasn't on "Say Yes To The Dress" and without a freebie gown, what's she going to wear at the ceremony? Black leggings?
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... Kate and her amazing, traveling circus act- eight, count 'em, eight little money bags.
Cue the circus music...
How true that is. She's nothing without them. She can't act, dance, interview others, write, keep her lies straight, and she can't even pretend to be a good mother. She's nothing without putting her 8 kids on display - all for fame and fortune.
Admin, I feel bad, when I made the comment on the last blog about Shoka, I had not read up on the posts I had missed during the holidays. I did not see the "insider" thing on the dog being neglected. The dog is off the back porch which is not even visible to the road anyway. I have always taken the "insider" reports with a grain of salt, and am very happy that you will no longer let them through without some kind of evidence. My post about Shoka was entirely innocent! The more I thought about it, I would imagine that the McMansion will be left without anyone staying there. Since they are (in)famous and all. I am qute sure that TLC would pay for a caretaker, since they are on another business trip.
Although, I am still curious why TLC has on their site that Shoka "Visits".
Also, sorry for being so naive, but what exactly is the sheeples' purpose for starting a rumor? Do they just like to see us mad? (Kinda like Kate; she enjoys if her kids are miserable, then she's happy).
That is her clenched teeth fake smile. She never smiles with her eyes. Steve must have said Khite you look faaabulous dahling, smile for me. She is nothing if not predictable. We knew the smiley one was coming.
156 sediments (sic) from readers:
Do you think Kate got TLC's memo? Stop looking like such a grinch!
She probably took her happy pills today. Its odd to see her smile with her children.
Kate probably will come out with some lame story about why she was caught smiling.
"Oh its so great getting away with my family". No one knows us down here and we are free from the P People.'' Oh life is great. Thanks TLC for paying for the great get away. I will be a better mom, actress, reality star, cook, and all above. I really needed to get out of the U.S.A it was killing me and my children. Oh thank heavens for this time away.
Now Cut me the check someone. I'm Poor again. Look my kids need money. I need money. We all need money. Give it to me.
Steve must be on the other side of the camera as I have yet to see him in any of the shots.
I guess they are going to grace Bindi Irwin with their presence.
Watch out, Bindi! She'll insult you and your family, too, like she did Piper Palin.
Just look at Kate. You can tell the cameras are rolling because she's acting like she likes her kids.
Administrator, with all due respect, please don't call this nonsense a "working vacation". It is a business trip both for Khate and for her employees (her children). Khatezilla GROSSelin is smiling in these recent Brisbane photos, but the truth is, there is and UGLY, UGLY underbelly to all of it. Behind the fake veneers (by the way, I don't care if a women gets breast implants or veneers, its just the LYING about it I can't stand) is total family dysfunction, at least two children who cannot function well in society and the other children who do not have any hope of functioning well in society, either, and a mentally-ll, fame-whore of a baby factory. That's A LOT to smile about, Khatezilla GROSSelin, isn't it, you delusional WITCH!
I had to laugh at how much her face in this photo looks like the face in the caracature photo at the top of this blog....LOL
OK, not to be all 'been there, done that' but we went to Brisbane too, and if they're headed to the coast, it's another LONG (90 minutes for us) car ride to get there. That side trip for my husband's work was a giant hassle. (Packing again, going through long security lines, etc.) We would not have done it if he hadn't had to be there for work. And New Zealand's probably next? That's a lot of travel for those little kids. And they'll have a very long journey home. I hope they have a blast, because it's a grueling travel schedule.
I feel for these kids, in and out of airports, constantly smiling for the camera. I can't imagine going through that after any amount of traveling. They should be in school with their peers, and not on a working vacation with their Mommy Dearest.
I also wish someone would tell her HOW to wear leggings with the appropriate top. I believe the top is supposed to COVER your assets below. NOT show them off.
Awwww, someone told Kate "Smile WHILE you are touching one or more of the children, OK? LOOK LIKE YOU LIKE THEM."
Oh and I just want to add this: if I were told, when I was grown, that I went to all these AMAZING places, but I went to them all before I was even seven, I'd be pissed. You see, there's no way they're going to even remember all that much about these trips. At least, they aren't going to seem like distinct things in their mind, like an older child, a teen, or an adult would remember them. There's also no way a six year old can possibly appreciate that "we're on the OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD, WOW!" You know? They don't even know enough about Australia or Alaska or any of the great places they've gone to be able to appreciate how amazing these trips are.
So yeah, I'd be pissed to think I actually went to all these cool places, including some once-in-a-lifetime trips, and uh, I hardly remember any of it. It's going to be a big blur of rushing here and there and having orders barked at them. Same as at home.
Do you think she's aware of the major flooding crisis throughout Queensland? Nah, it's all about ME and my cameras. What a tool.
I'm beginning to think this is going to be another episode like the fake vow renewal in Hawaii. First they stopped at legoland or some place in CA then off to Hawaii where they traipsed all over the place before Kate and Jon exchanged lies in front of about 12 relatives. So is this the same thing? A big build up pre wedding show where the family and extras travel all over Australia filming the same ole same ole and then off to NZ where she gets to meet the future in-laws and blah blah blah....
I wouldn't put it past Kate to whore herself out and marry this guy just for the sheer thrill of another freaking free trip and to ensure people are still talking about her. She screwed her kids heads over in Hawaii so I'm sure she'd be willing to do it again if there's money in it. I don't think the institution of marriage means all that much to her anyway.
Don't know which one she is, but the little one on Katie Irene's right sure looks like she's got a nice sunburn on her face. Check out the left side of her face, right under her eye. That's gonna hurt. Oh, right, it doesn't matter as long as Katie Irene is happy. Hey, maybe they can get a good camera shot of the girl crying in pain - that will make Katie smile and screech. Worthless; she's just worthless.
Or not a rumor?
There is a sheeple bragging "at another site" about how she started the rumor about the dog being neglected.
She's proud of herself and all her sheeple friends are patting her on the back.
BasementDweller : Alexis is holding K8's right hand. I always loved her elfin face, so cute =)
Pam : LOL, agreed !
KSTLCSuck : Steve is probably JUST off to the side of the lens range - to whom do ya think K8 is flashing that big ol' smile?
Burns Me Up : yep, K8 doesn't seem to understand that LEGGINGS ARE NOT PANTS.
Rumor said...
Or not a rumor?
There is a sheeple bragging "at another site" about how she started the rumor about the dog being neglected.
Why? We really didn't fall for it and had it spotted as sheeple-plant almost from the get-go. Next time they start a rumor, they have to plan it out more carefully and think about what they are posting. The sheeple said that "in the evening" the dog was still there. It's dark in the evening. There is no way she could have seen a black dog in the evening (in the dark) from the road. They'll have to make it more believable than that, but I guess they don't have the intelligence to execute a credible story.
What happened was that, in order to err on the side of caution, the police were called, they had to check it out, and spend their time doing it. A sheeple is proud that they caused a police response?
They really have no common sense, do they? This isn't unlike a phony report to CPS or calling in a bomb threat. It had to be checked out and involved an intervention by law enforcement. Sheeple have a pack mentality -- the demographics are all the same, and they are just plain nuts.
I hope she doesn't ask Bindi where her father is or start talking about deadbeat dads.
Somebody needs to educate Kate about leggings.
She wears them like work-out gear. She has no clue they are meant to be covered by a long top and only the LEGS show, not the ass.
She is such a dolt.
That is her clenched teeth fake smile. She never smiles with her eyes. Steve must have said Khite you look faaabulous dahling, smile for me. She is nothing if not predictable. We knew the smiley one was coming.
Isn't "working vacation" an oxymoron?
Also, sorry for being so naive, but what exactly is the sheeples' purpose for starting a rumor? Do they just like to see us mad? (Kinda like Kate; she enjoys if her kids are miserable, then she's happy).
K8Sucks, I thought I was the only one who noticed her affinity for leggings as pants! It drives me nuts! I won't even wear them like that around my house, and no one sees me except my 5 and 2 year old sons. LOL. She must REALLY think she's hot. Because I am all of 105 lbs, and I don't feel comfortable wearing them like that. I SO feel for her girls with such a fashionable mother. My daughter is 10, just like the twins, and she would be HORRIFIED if I went out wearing something something like that.
I have long followed this blog, and I just can't get over the fact that she's taken all those children out of school for this trip. I ONCE let my daughter miss the firs two days of school b/c we were at the beach. I'd talked to the prinicipal beforehand, and she said they usually strongly disapprove of such absences, but she wouldn't have a problem with my daughter missing school. She said my daughter was an excellent student,and wouldn't have any problems adjusting when she returned to school. We also live in Pa, about 100 miles North of the Kompound. I felt terrible and worried about my daughter missing those two days, much less two weeks! I will never allow her to miss school again, for any type of vacation. (I'd also like to mention it was her first two days of first grade, and I can't imagine the twins missing two weeks of 4th grade, since I know just how much homework my daughter gets in one day.)
Admin, I feel bad, when I made the comment on the last blog about Shoka, I had not read up on the posts I had missed during the holidays. I did not see the "insider" thing on the dog being neglected. The dog is off the back porch which is not even visible to the road anyway. I have always taken the "insider" reports with a grain of salt, and am very happy that you will no longer let them through without some kind of evidence. My post about Shoka was entirely innocent! The more I thought about it, I would imagine that the McMansion will be left without anyone staying there. Since they are (in)famous and all. I am qute sure that TLC would pay for a caretaker, since they are on another business trip.
Although, I am still curious why TLC has on their site that Shoka "Visits".
"Linda said...You see, there's no way they're going to even remember all that much about these trips."
Exactly what I have been saying all along. Yeah, great trips, but think back when you were that age. How much of anything do YOU remember? The kids will remember the horse pooping at the dude ranch, the eggs being thrown, riding the horses, but how much else? Even a few days after they returned from NYC, after taking the train for the first time there, they couldn't even remember they took the train! They have been given so much, yet too young to really appreciate it. The grown ups who say they "are living the dream" are really living the grown ups dream with all the travel, etc. Not what little kids dream. IMO
I see the memo finally sunk into her thick head: "Your face shows how much your moneymakers annoy you and no amount of confidentiality agreements or Rat-Clawing is helping. SMILE ONCE IN A WHILE. Your next spa session depends on it."
I think most everyone knew a sheeple started that rumor about Shoka.
If you go to any of their sites, they don't talk about Kate much at all; it's all hate. Hate for the jellus haterz, hate for Jon and Ellen, hate for blogs like this one.
They actually believe we are all "batsh#t crazy" and they are the only sane, intelligent people left. They will do anything at this point to save face. Even they can't seem to think of anything good to say about Kate.
Yep, Lolly. The first trip I even remember going on I was 8 years old and it was Hot Springs, Arkansas. I just remember the cabin and going out in a canoe and the fact that I forgot to pack a bathing suit. That's it. I didn't know Arkansas from Arizona at that point.
I also remember quite a bit of a trip to Carlsbad Caverns when I was 12. Mostly fighting with my brother and how creepy and dark the caverns were.
But before that? Nope. I'm told my first plane trip was when I was four. Whoop-dee-do, I don't remember a thing about it.
Kate and her trips reminds me of a couple I know who took their SIX MONTH OLD daughter to Disney World. Oh, they went on and on about HOW MUCH FUN SHE HAD. They took tons of pictures, I'm guessing to show her when she's old enough to know what she's looking at. In nearly every picture she's wiped out asleep in a stroller, looking like she's going to have a heat stroke (it was July). Her parents are grinning like maniacs. The thing is, they can't afford to do that trip again. That was super expensive for them. So why go when the kid can't even freaking remember it or enjoy it???
Kate would have done better to save up her money and take the kids on these amazing trips when they're all older. But then again, I'm assuming she's thinking about them and she's not. She's thinking about her.
Kate and her amazing, traveling circus act-
eight, count 'em, eight little money bags.
Cue the circus music...
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
Kate and her amazing, traveling circus act-
eight, count 'em, eight little money bags.
Cue the circus music...
Whistling the "Entrance of the Gladiators" right now, and you know works!
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
Kate and her amazing, traveling circus act-
eight, count 'em, eight little money bags.
Cue the circus music...
How true that is. She's nothing without them. She can't act, dance, interview others, write, keep her lies straight, and she can't even pretend to be a good mother. She's nothing without putting her 8 kids on display - all for fame and fortune.
They actually believe we are all "batsh#t crazy" and they are the only sane, intelligent people left.
I've read some of their comments on ROL, and in addition to their being neither sane nor intelligent, they are illiterate! I can't figure out if most of them are tweenagers, teenagers, or adults who are just plain incapable of writing one simple grammatically-correct sentence.
So many things I could comment on, but I'll just stick to one: In the above picture, notice how Alexis and Hannah are holding her hands, but Kate is not reciprocating - basically she's just got her hands out there for them to hang onto. Isn't it a natural response that when a little one holds your hand you sort of instinctively curl your hand around theirs? I know we jest a lot, but there truly does seem to be something wrong with her.
A big build up pre wedding show where the family and extras travel all over Australia filming the same ole same ole and then off to NZ where she gets to meet the future in-laws and blah blah blah...
Probably not -- she wasn't on "Say Yes To The Dress" and without a freebie gown, what's she going to wear at the ceremony? Black leggings?
SmileyGrl752 said...
Also, sorry for being so naive, but what exactly is the sheeples' purpose for starting a rumor? Do they just like to see us mad? (Kinda like Kate; she enjoys if her kids are miserable, then she's happy).
Hey SmileyGrl :o)
Remember the proverb, "An idle mind is the devil's playground" ?
What normal, busy adult has the time to invest into such an idiotic prank? That indicates both a lack of "life", and a lack of "clue".
Also, couple the above sentiment with a generous dose of frustration that they cannot save their rotten false idol from her own self-destruction.
Remember the proverb, "An idle mind is the devil's playground" ?
In Meredith Wilson's song from The Music Man, "Ya Got Trouble," it's "the idle BRAIN is the devil's playground," and this (planting the dog story) shows that there isn't a brain among them!
For all the Auzzies who have never heard of Kate Gosselin, she was the correspondent on Skating with the Stars. What, never heard of that either? Well that tells you how much in demand she is over here. Please convince her to stay and live among you.
I am an avid, amateur photographer, and I can tell you with certainty that those pictures were not taken by a pap. The hand movement is blurred, they're over-exposed...I think it was definitely Purse Boy with a point and shoot camera. No pap takes pictures that poorly, and Alexis, or whoever that is, wouldn't be smiling right into the camera if it was a pap. The poor image quality is a dead giveaway. I've never seen such lousy pap pictures, even on the move. There are simple ways to adjust for a moving person with an SLR camera. Nice try, Purse Boy. Stick to what you're good at, whatever that may be.
When I was younger, my mom & dad told me they used to take me & brother to the beach every Sunday. I don't remember. I barely remember going to Disney when I was 11 for crying out loud! I remember waiting in lines, eating a filet mignon, forgetting my suitcase at the airport & meeting some kid at the hotel rec room. Oh, & Sea World, but barely. And I was 11! These kids have video, yes, but at what cost? So Kate "can make memories?" No. So Kate can travel the frigin world & live in the lap of luxury. That is all this means to her now. She could care less about making memories anymore. If she truly wanted to make memories, she would be snapping photos left & right of those kids everywhere they went. I have a little Kodak PlaySport vidoe Camera, it takes pics & video. It goes EVERYWHERE w/ me. I videotape & snap pics of everything my son does, the cats, the dog, my husband, things for my blog, etc. That is making memories. I guess an edited version of the kids lives & Kate acting like a drill sergeant is what she wants to remember & what she wants the kids to remember. Oh, & pap photos. Nice version of your lives Kate! You're such a great mom! (& I'm the Pope)
It looks to me like Kate has attempted to dress the tup girls like herself. Or maybe it's the other way around ... she's dressing like the 6-year olds. The outfit is certainly more flattering on the tups.
Linda said...
Oh and I just want to add this: if I were told, when I was grown, that I went to all these AMAZING places, but I went to them all before I was even seven, I'd be pissed.
Wow, You'd be pissed? Ever heard of gratitude? I went to a bunch of amazing places when I was seven. I do remember quite a bit of the trip and I am grateful that my parents took advantage of an opportunity when it presented itself.
I see that, like always, Hannah is holding kHATE's hand. I wonder if kHATE has some kind of Lottery system to auction off her other hand to the rest of her 7 kids.
Awww sad- I just found out that Gerry Rafferty passed away today from liver failure.
R.I.P. Gerry.
"Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right,
here I am, stuck in the middle with you"
The kids ALL look good, except for some of their hair. They usually look like homeless refugees. They look really sweet! Guess Kate thought they looked so cute, she would cover up too!
Kate and her trips reminds me of a couple I know who took their SIX MONTH OLD daughter to Disney World. Oh, they went on and on about HOW MUCH FUN SHE HAD. They took tons of pictures, I'm guessing to show her when she's old enough to know what she's looking at. In nearly every picture she's wiped out asleep in a stroller, looking like she's going to have a heat stroke (it was July). Her parents are grinning like maniacs. The thing is, they can't afford to do that trip again. That was super expensive for them. So why go when the kid can't even freaking remember it or enjoy it???
A young mother at work was feeling sad because her husband had taken their son on a father-son camp out. She missed her son and wanted him home. Guess how old "son" was? He was SIX MONTHS OLD!! I guess he will never forget that good time with just him and his Dad sitting around the camp fire! LOL!!!
If you click the link above the first picture shows kate with the usual puss on her face. If you go through the pictures you can see exactly when she was told to "smile" for the camera.
How sad that Kate only shows her pearly whites for a PR stunt, not because she is genuinely happy to be spending this time with her children (if that ever really happens).
Her smiling is directed at the camera, not her own kids.
Plus, the picture admin used, Kate's barely holding their hands in an affectionate manner.
There's no motherly affection. Period.
Hello All -
Please join me on this Thursday, Jan. 6th at 10am-11am est on Living the Dream Mom Radio to chat about how the kids are being exploited and should be off the show. The more noise we make - LIVE on the AIR - maybe someone will hear us! Please call in at
1-877-864-4869. You can go to my showpage at to view schedule.
Thank you!
Great blog!
- Nina Frye
LOL on Kate's big grinch smile.
When the pap approaches a true celeb with their family, the celebs become angry and protective (i.e. Woody Harrelson, Jennifer Garner, Halle Berry, Nicole Richie), they don't walk front and center smiling like a medicated hyena.
From the school's Parent Handbook:
"Parents are encouraged to consult the school calendar to see that their children are present on every school day. Students should also recognize this responsibility and take full advantage of the time provided for their education. Absences from school should be limited to illness, family emergencies, medical appointments, religious observance, or significant family milestones.
Excused Absences
Absences due to illness, family emergencies, medical appointments, religious observance, or significant family milestones will be considered excused. Students are responsible for the material missed and will be permitted to make up work.
Unexcused Absences
When students miss school due to extended family vacations or other reasons that do not fit the categories outlined above, these absences will be recorded as unexcused and students will be expected to make up work on their own. When possible, parents should notify the school well in advance of these occasions. Teachers are not required to assist students in making up missed work: the burden of catching up will fall on the student."
Way to go, Kate! Nice job putting EXTRA pressure on the kids (esp. the twins) when they return to school!
Rumor said...
Or not a rumor?
There is a sheeple bragging "at another site" about how she started the rumor about the dog being neglected.
Can you post the link to the site? I looked around and couldn't find anyone claiming to have started the rumor.
I'm not sure that I would use the word pissed but my younger daughter certainly does not remember some of the conference trips we took when my husband used to attend annual medical meetings, before the hard homework factor set in. We were able to take advantage of these meetings to go to D.C. and Orlando, kids probably missed 2-3 days of school. The last one was when our oldest hit middle school and there really was too much homework to feel good about the traveling. There's a 5 year gap between oldest and youngest and she really does not remember a lot of details about some of our adventures. Mind you, she's not pissed and hads certainly traveled plenty as she got older, but for these 6, and maybe even the older 2, life is pretty much just one big packing and unpacking, airports and beaches, and nanny time, whether on the big bus or at home. There is a time and place for everything, and when the $$$ dry up along with Kate's face, what will they all have? Memories of airports, suitcases and cameras in their faces.
Pam said- Just look at Kate. You can tell the cameras are rolling because she's acting like she likes her kids._______
And like Steve is on the other side of the camera, since no one else gives a crap.
Auntie Anne said-I'm beginning to think this is going to be another episode like the fake vow renewal in Hawaii. First they stopped at legoland or some place in CA then off to Hawaii where they traipsed all over the place before Kate and Jon exchanged lies in front of about 12 relatives. So is this the same thing? A big build up pre wedding show where the family and extras travel all over Australia filming the same ole same ole and then off to NZ where she gets to meet the future in-laws and blah blah blah____________________
I agree. This whole trip seems so crazy, having the kids miss 2 weeks of school, going to Steve's homeland. Not getting why this trip had to happen NOW! Seems very contrived.
Burns me up said-I have long followed this blog, and I just can't get over the fact that she's taken all those children out of school for this trip.-----
I agree, something's up. Weddding, desperate attempt for attention from a new market that doesn't give a darn.... Pathetic that she has Alexis wear a "Happy Me" tee shirt, like a tee shirt actually mean that Alexis is happy. (See - the tee shirt say so, so it must be true.)
I have to say that her pulling the kids out of school for two weeks to film, wtih all that is going on is the proverbial last straw for me. She needs to get a job, any job, and support the kids as well as Jon. (I know he has a job,) but it is really that simple. People do it day in and day out. They have made enough money to support the kids and it is time that they both act like parents, and leave the G8 out of their parental duty to provide for them. Kate's claim that they can not go back is a bunch of BS. And I do not care if Kate continues in the "entertainment" field, just leave the kids out of it. The kids have more than earned the right to a life with their parents supporting them and out of the spotlight. And I hope it is not too late for them.
Thank you! Thank you, Nina! I am a Mom and I can't stand what Kate Gosselin is doing to these kids! PLEASE, SOMEHOW, SOME WAY, *STOP* THE MADNESS THAT IS KATE GOSSELIN.
Regarding the photo above: Holy fake Joker smile, Batman.
Clearly the Boobyguard is in front of the pack, just off camera, holding up a TLC mandated cue-card reading: "Smile under penalty of severeness."
Just a question, not an argument:
When would be a better time to take this trip, I wonder? When it's summer in Pennsylvania it is winter in Australia. I have no idea what the average temps are in winter in Australia, so that may or may not be a factor. During America's Spring? Fall? The kids would still be missing school.
I'm looking forward to your show on Thursday. Most of us are not haters, we just see a different side. We see Kate Plus 8 being filmed and all the trips being taken for Kate not the children. There might have been a point when it was done for the children and to pay the bills but not anymore. It has gone way, way beyond that. It is now being done to feed Kate's incessant need for fame, money, and the luxuries she has become accustomed to. We see a side of Kate the so called "sheeple" can't and won't. They make constant excuses for her rude and narcissitic behavior. In our minds Kate can do whatever she wants to make money including having her own television show but considering what the children have been through and Kate's obssession with forcing the kids to film continuously on their days off we want her to do it alone without using and exploiting them. I personally hope she continues to make millions of dollars, just not by using her kids.
We also see the good in Jon. We will pretty much all agree he has made some really stupid mistakes but he has owned up to them and is trying to do right now. We remember from the early shows who was the more compassionate parent and who had the ability to empathize with the kids. We remember which parent didn't want to film the kids from the very beginning but as always was overridden by the more dominant one and tried to make the best of it. For awhile he too was caught up in the fame and money but soon came back to his senses. Kate never did.
Thanks for the forum you are offering us to express our opinions. I hope you get some good callers who are able to express their opinions in dignified and intelligent ways and are from both sides. I hope they are able to leave the bashing and personal vendettas aside.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said...
Thank you! Thank you, Nina! I am a Mom and I can't stand what Kate Gosselin is doing to these kids!
I'm confused. On another thread you wrote...
January 1, 11:12 a.m.:
..."to tell you the truth, I could give a rat's tail for the welfare of the Gosselin kids. I really don't care about them. I really don't. They mean nothing to me. They are just curiosities that you would see in a science museum or something..."
Have you had a change of heart? If so, great! If not, I don't understand why you would now say you can't stand what she's doing to the children when a few days ago you couldn't give a "rat's tail" about them.
Linda..Greetings from Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas! Thanks for the shout out! Did ya'll notice how she is NOT gripping her kids hands like a loving mother would? The kids are trying to grip hers but hers are just straight out?
They flew to Queensland Australia? The state that has the most horrendous flooding EVER? I know Australia is a big country, but Why would any caring mother want to take her kids anywhere NEAR a disaster area?
"When the pap approaches a true celeb with their family, the celebs become angry and protective (i.e. Woody Harrelson, Jennifer Garner, Halle Berry, Nicole Richie), they don't walk front and center smiling like a medicated hyena."
Many times, but not always. I've seen very gracious "true" celebrities and their families who do smile and allow their pictures to be taken. In fact, I've been with one of them. I've never seen one smile, though, like a medicated hyena. That's exactly what she looks like! Too funny! It reminds me of the person who compared the photo of Kate on the lift at DWTS to the donkey on Shrek! Dead ringer!
Yeah, I'd be pissed. How am I supposed to be grateful about stuff I can't even remember? I was just speaking for myself--I've never even been out of the country. So yeah if I were told "oh you went fabulous places before you were seven!" I'd be all "what???" I have the strange feeling these great trips and all the money are going to dry up, so yeah, I can see the kids being in exactly that position in several years. And Kate will tell them to be grateful, like you just did to me. Interesting.
According to a poster at GWOP all the airports pics we are seeing are set up and taken by Steve.
GoPoshGo said...Regarding the photo above: Holy fake Joker smile, Batman.
Yeah, no kidding. And through her clenched teeth she is saying "just how long do I have to hold their hands AND this grin?? Take the picture already and get these kids away from me!"
Be Grateful said...
Wow, You'd be pissed? Ever heard of gratitude? I went to a bunch of amazing places when I was seven. I do remember quite a bit of the trip and I am grateful that my parents took advantage of an opportunity when it presented itself.
I've heard of gratitude, and I'm still waiting for Kate to show gratitude to her children for all these trips, for her millions, for her mansion, for her celebrity lifestyle, for her stint at the Emmys and DWTS, and so on. When has she ever once thanked the children for making her dreams come true? She probably doesn't even think it had anything to do with the little moneymakers. That's the difference, Kate's fans think she is giving her kids an extraordinary life. On the contrary it is the children giving KATE an extraordinary life and since when is it a child's responsibility to do that for their parent?
Did your parents film you on that trip when you were 7 and broadcast it to millions? I didn't think so. Why should the children be grateful they were exploited? On the contrary they would have every right to be angry.
I've heard of gratitude, and I'm still waiting for Kate to show gratitude to her children for all these trips, for her millions, for her mansion, for her celebrity lifestyle, for her stint at the Emmys and DWTS, and so on.
She makes a HUGE deal out of it whenever one of the kids says thank you to her. The day they drove up to the McMansion one of them thanked her and she went on about it as if SHE alone had built it from the ground up. Typical behavior coming from a narcissist. If it wasn't for putting them to work she'd still be doing her shifts on the maternity ward. But the sheeple gobble up her drivel like it's holy water.
I've never seen one smile, though, like a medicated hyena.
Bwaha ha ha ha! Good one Midnight!
Okay, I'm done reading and seething. I've been doing this for months, and I just have to say something.
IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE! It's not rocket science to know these kids are in trouble because their mom is a selfish fame whore. My heart breaks for these kids.
It's not rocket science to figure out that Kate and Steve are/were emotionally involved. DUH!!!! Remember that DJ that saw them holding hands in a hotel lobby? I heard that back when I first started getting interested in this nutty saga. What did the DJ have to gain by making that up? NOTHING!
It's not rocket science to figure that the people that defend Kate care nothing for the children. They are painted in a corner and would rather continue to sing her praises than to admit they were wrong. They spend hours making up names like "BAH" (sorry, can't stop laughing over that one).
I'd say that both sides tend to treat rumor as fact if it suits their purposes and fact as fiction if it doesn't - not everyone, just some - but other than that, you guys I think are on the right track. The others don't care how the kids are affected as long as Kate looks like a star. I don't get it. I'm not sure if I've ever witnessed a more selfish person.
So if a sheeple is bragging about planting the story regarding the dog - it wouldn't be much of a jump to assume a sheeple leaks all the stories for which they blame Jon and Ellen. If they are prone to it anyway, they are likely to put the stories out there, then immediately jump on the "Jon can't keep his mouth shut" bandwagon to take attention off of them.
Seems to me a sheeple has just shot herself in the paw......
1) I don't remember one thing about our family trips to anywhere except I got carsick on every single one of them. The first one I remember is when I was about 10, and it was a LONG drive to Canada to see relatives there. There was little fun to it, since there were no cousins or
friends to see once I got there.
2) Kate's handholding style. Could it have something to do with her nails? She may have decided she needs to keep her fingers straight
so as not to scratch. If that's the case, then maybe she needs to bite those things off and put her kids before fingernails.
"fidosmommy said... Just a question, not an argument:
When would be a better time to take this trip, I wonder? When it's summer in Pennsylvania it is winter in Australia. I have no idea what the average temps are in winter in Australia, so that may or may not be a factor. During America's Spring? Fall? The kids would still be missing school."
They don't need to work in Austrailia at all would be my answer. When I was nine my family took a three week vacation to Germany during the summer. What do I remember from that..... a cousin getting a small toy motorcycle stuck in my hair, walking up stairs to see a castle (don't remember anything about the castle), that their basments are not anything like basements in the USA, etc. Absolutely nothing that would provide me with any type of educational value. I would love to go again to actually experience the country but my health problems won't allow that now. I am happy that I was there, but w/ the 8 going soooo many places, I think they won't remember anything about anywhere. They can't recognize a triangle for goodness sake! Very, very sad! Sorry, I can't seem to get a comment to go through so I'm using anonymous.
Kate is the type of person who would expect a thank you from firefighters for being the first to call 911 when a house is on fire. When really she should be thanking them for saving the house. She doesn't get it.
The answer is they should never go to Australia to work. They should never go anywhere to work. They are children. Their job is to be children and go to school. If they are on vacation from school and Kate wants to take them on a nice private camera-free vacation wherever in the world, by all means go for it.
Midnight, I ALSO loved it: a medicated hyena!!! That was a good one.
To Warmth of the Sun: Let me explain it to you, if I can. I was watching the Today show this morning, and Allyson Sweeny from The Biggest Loser was on. ( She has a diet book out). Anyway, she said that ONE of the reasons that some of these contestants got so big in the first place is that they thought that being really overweight, say 400 pounds, was a HOPELESS cause to even TRY to lose weight. I guess that is how I felt about the Gosselin kids. It seemed so hopeless that I didn't bother to care anymore. But since Nina Frye made that post, I have gotten hope back that something good can happen (maybe) to those kids if their mentally-ill, poor-excuse of a "mother" is STOPPED. If the momentum of Ms. Nina does nothing to put a dent into the mess that is the Gosselin freak show, then I will probably give up caring about the Gosselin kids again. I know, most of you are probably thinking "WHAT?" But that is how I feel. I will NOT waste emotional energy on the Gosselin kids if it appears again, after this Nina Frye thing, that there is NO HOPE for them.
Oh, I fully agree they should not be working!
But there were several comments about the kids
being out DURING SCHOOL TIME to travel, so I asked the question about selecting a better time. When there are 2 different hemispheres involved it gets tricky. Summer isn't summer everywhere all at the same time.
I haven't yet figured out why TLC thought they needed to go to Australia in the first place.
Seems like a ridiculous plan to me no matter how pleasant the Australians are and how beautiful their country is.
AuntieAnn said,
She makes a HUGE deal out of it whenever one of the kids says thank you to her. The day they drove up to the McMansion one of them thanked her and she went on about it as if SHE alone had built it from the ground up.
And when they thanked her for the dogs, she said, "You're not welcome." What's really interesting is that these kids are expected to thank HER, but we've seen on various episodes that they have not been taught to thank anyone...not for plush animals given to them, not when their food is served to them, not at Chocolate World in Hershey when the free sample candy was handed to them at the end of the ride (I watched because I was curious if they would thank the person there. My kids know that they can't accept that candy unless they say thank you).
We also have a rule in our house that if someone gives them a gift, such as a new sweater, it's not worn before a thank you note is written; if it's a toy, it's not played with until a thank you note is written. If they are a guest in someone's home during a weekend or vacation, they write a thank you note when they get home. Kate has no clue whatsoever as to the meaning of the words thankful or grateful.
I can't take credit for the medicated hyena comment. That honor belongs to blogger Kartie Dearest! I just referred to it in my post.
HW said,
Seems to me a sheeple has just shot herself in the paw......
I think that sheeple have hooves, and cloven ones at that!
What I remember about ever car and flight, train ride I have ever taken:
Packing, unpacking, the never staying organized as a kid.
My dad never stopped to let anyone go to the bathroom. If you didn't go when he last stopped 10 hours ago, oh well. We never stopped to look at things along the way.
I got car sick a couple of times, always right when we got to the destination to. That if I got quiet in the backseat and then said something my brother forgot I was back there.
My brother and I fought over the front seat in the car, he always won, calling that darn, "I get front seat first, and the ever popular, I'm older."
That my brother got bored asked if he could watch TV, my mother said, "Look out the window, there is your TV."
I wonder what Kate's kids will remember:
Packing, unpacking, getting sick, cameras in their faces, no family, no friends to share their experience, fighting witha sibling or two, getting yelled at by Kate, being told to wave at fans, being dressed alike?
Awwww Midnight... you're too kind. I was going to say medicated donkey or camel but hyena came to mind since that animal likes to scavenge for freebies (and not make the effort to work for food).
I don't know if this was already posted but my friend sent me a link from Perez Hilton. Perez used to be Pro-Kate as well.
With parents like Jon and Kate Gosselin, do you
blame them??
The Gosselin kids are apparently becoming extremely out of control!
According to Life & Style magazine, during a trip to Philadelphia for a Kate Plus 8 shoot, the children were misbehaving and Kate didn't even bother to discipline them.
A source says, "The kids started running wild …. They were trying to touch the bell and the guards freaked out." However, instead of getting her eight kids in control, Kate was just plain rude to the guards. The source adds, "She was incredibly nasty to them and tried to make excuses for her kids behavior. But the kids were DEFINITELY out of line."
We feel sorry for any nanny that has to be in the middle of that situation.
These kids are obviously acting out and it doesn't help that they're required to "work" in front of cameras.
2) Kate's handholding style. Could it have something to do with her nails? She may have decided she needs to keep her fingers straight
so as not to scratch.
fidosmommy -- I agree it has to do with the nails, but not that she's afraid she'll scratch her kids. It's just to keep her nails looking good. But now you've got me wondering how she does all that work raising eight kids, shopping, cleaning, laundry, cooking, packing and still keeps those claws so well manicu....oh wait...
To Titanic Anita:
I don't believe anyone can have it both ways - care/not care at the drop of a hat. Human nature is a bit more complicated than that.
I, for one, am not buying what you are selling - but to each his own. One of the reasons admin's blog is what it is!
Kartie Dearest said... LOL on Kate's big grinch smile.
When the pap approaches a true celeb with their family, the celebs become angry and protective (i.e. Woody Harrelson, Jennifer Garner, Halle Berry, Nicole Richie), they don't walk front and center smiling like a medicated hyena.
Just to give credit where credit is due...wasn't Midnight Madness, it was Katie Dearest that coined the "medicated hyena" comment. BTW, I too love it Katie Dearest! Perfect!
fidosmommy said... Oh, I fully agree they should not be working!
But there were several comments about the kids
being out DURING SCHOOL TIME to trave
Doesn't matter if it was to go to Australia or to Philly. They shouldn't be out of school, and they shouldn't be filming.
You're right Marie, and there may be no end in sight. I don't have any high hopes for this Nina Frye thing... but I will give it the benefit of the doubt.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said...
To Warmth of the Sun: Let me explain it to you, if I can. I was watching the Today show this morning, and Allyson Sweeny from The Biggest Loser was on. ( She has a diet book out). Anyway, she said that ONE of the reasons that some of these contestants got so big in the first place is that they thought that being really overweight, say 400 pounds, was a HOPELESS cause to even TRY to lose weight. I guess that is how I felt about the Gosselin kids. It seemed so hopeless that I didn't bother to care anymore. But since Nina Frye made that post, I have gotten hope back that something good can happen (maybe) to those kids if their mentally-ill, poor-excuse of a "mother" is STOPPED. If the momentum of Ms. Nina does nothing to put a dent into the mess that is the Gosselin freak show, then I will probably give up caring about the Gosselin kids again. I know, most of you are probably thinking "WHAT?" But that is how I feel. I will NOT waste emotional energy on the Gosselin kids if it appears again, after this Nina Frye thing, that there is NO HOPE for them.
Nina Frye hosts an Internet Radio show. Exactly what great power do you think she possesses?
It is possible to care about something or someone without becoming emotionally overinvested. You don't seem to understand how to strike that balance.
Midnight -- I have to say I did see Leah say thank you to Sarah's dad when he gave her a hot dog. She's a little sweetie. Anyway it's pretty sad that we notice when it DOES happen. My kids learned to say please and thank you from most. I think Kate has taught hers to say thank you too, but only to her.
I can't take credit for the medicated hyena comment. That honor belongs to blogger Kartie Dearest! I just referred to it in my post.
Ooops! Sorry about that Kartie Dearest. Thanks... I'm still laughing.
The sheeple sure must think Nina has a lot of power. They are awfully ticked she left the flock. If she's a nobody why would they care?
Midnight Maddness,
Most refresing thing I have read on Gosselin blogs in a long time, your thank you note rule. I am old school Southern and had similar rule. Good manners are a rareity anymore. Nothing beats a handwritten
In these photos from Hollybaby the kids look burnt:
I hope they put hats and suncream on the kids in QLD.
AuntieAnn said...
Midnight -- I have to say I did see Leah say thank you to Sarah's dad when he gave her a hot dog.
Oops! I only saw a few parts of that show, and missed that. Mamma G gets on my nerves way too much! Thanks for pointing that out. Maybe as they get older they will take note that others around them say thank you, and will follow suit.
Titanic said: But since Nina Frye made that post, I have gotten hope back that something good can happen (maybe) to those kids if their mentally-ill, poor-excuse of a "mother" is STOPPED. If the momentum of Ms. Nina does nothing to put a dent into the mess that is the Gosselin freak show, then I will probably give up caring about the Gosselin kids again. I know, most of you are probably thinking "WHAT?" But that is how I feel. I will NOT waste emotional energy on the Gosselin kids..."
I don't think Nina has that kind of power. I'm with bearswife on this one -- you can't have it both ways, and to think that you base "caring" on the outcome of one event (a radio show and possible momentum) makes no sense no matter how you try to rationalize it.
"It is possible to care about something or someone without becoming emotionally overinvested. You don't seem to understand how to strike that balance."
I understand flip-flopping quite well. It's not something I would ever do in the case of the Gosselin kids, or ANY kids being exploited. One either cares or one doesn't. Black and white. No gray areas when the welfare of kids are involved. Your post was quite clear -- you said you didn't care about them, nothing about being emotionally overinvested. You didn't care. Period. You called them curiosities in a museum. But, as bearswife said, "to each his own."
Phoebe said...
"In these photos from Hollybaby the kids look burnt:"
Interesting comment from an Aussie...!!! Why is it that nobody ever has anything good to say about her? I wonder if she can ever be nice to anyone. You'd think that someone somewhere would step to the plate and say that they saw Kate having a pleasant moment!
The Insider just did a "Who's In and Who's Out" for 2011.
Kate Plus 8 was selected as OUT
Teen Mom was selected as IN
They made mention of how people are just tired of Kate and think she should just go away.
fidosmommy, I was in Australia in August and I thought it was wonderful. Not too hot, not too cold, about 70, but a bit chilly at night (windbreaker weather). We were near beaches but nobody was in the water, but I'm not really a beach person. It was absolutely perfect weather for sightseeing and enjoying everything. It rained a couple of times but it blew over quickly. You could sit outside and drink a beer and enjoy people watching, live music, street performers, or whatever. We thought it was an ideal time to visit. No lines at things that would be kid-friendly, such as Wildlife World and the Aquarium (which are wonderful, but I doubt they saw in 2 days). To us, it was perfect!
We all know that kates "people" read here.They know that many comments have been made about how tired and miserable the kids look while jet-setting all over the place.So WE know kate was told to look happy and smile her fake teeth off.I'm sure the kids were also told by kate,whether it was with bribes or threats of punnishment...they better be smiling and looking happy.For years we have seen kate looking miserable when she's being forced to "play" a caring mother.Not for a minute did I think...OMG she's happy and she's with the kids!
I was a huge fan of Steve Irwin.The man gave his all to help save and protect animals.Weird or not I felt a huge loss when he died.I believe his father said it best when he said the animals have lost thier best friend.For this beast of a woman to go to his zoo and viset with his daughter makes me sick.This beast cares NOTHING about animals.Like she gives a shit.But hey...anything for a free trip and ways to keep her in the spotlight right?I'm sure Bindi has no clue to who the Gosselins are.It's gonna piss me off to see Bindi and Terri kissing this womans ass.
Kate has no idea what this "zoo" means or stands for.Yet...she gets it handed to her on a silver platter.
Like Steve was looking out for animals who have no control or say...I believe this blog is doing that for the children.When he saw something that was unjust or bullshit he tried to do something to fix it.This is what this site is doing.Trying to call out the BS that is the Gosselin childrens lives!
Julianna said...
Phoebe said...
"In these photos from Hollybaby the kids look burnt:"
Interesting comment from an Aussie...!!! Why is it that nobody ever has anything good to say about her? I wonder if she can ever be nice to anyone. You'd think that someone somewhere would step to the plate and say that they saw Kate having a pleasant moment!
What my nationality got to do with this?
Your comment doesn't make any sense, in my comment I never said anything mean about Kate just that the kids looked burnt and I hope while they in QLD they get hats and suncream but on them.
In Australia we have been major campaigns promoting for skin protection and warnings against skin cancer:
Protect yourself in five ways from skin cancer: Slip! Slop! Slap! Seek! Slide!
1. Slip on sun protective clothing that covers as much of your body as possible.
2. Slop on SPF 30+ broad spectrum sunscreen liberally to dry skin, at least 20 minutes before sun exposure. Reapply every two hours when outdoors.
3. Slap on a broad brimmed hat that shades your face, neck and ears.
4. Seek shade
5. Slide on sunglasses.
If their mother hadn't been swanning around in her bikini and put suncream and a hat on them, they wouldn't be burnt.
I have to say that Hollybaby article was badly written. Last time I visited 'Lone Pine' it was run down, and only Japanese tourists went there. Neither Australia Zoo nor Sea World are in Brisbane. They are in the neighbouring cities.
Sea World is not a patch on the Sea World's in the US.
In terms of those who said that Kate was taking kids into a disaster zone, Queensland is BIG! The areas that are flooded are quite rural, and a long way up the coast from Brisbane. Bundaberg and Rockhampton are at least an 8 hour drive. Further than the drive from LA to San Fran!
There is still a good chance of Kate and the kids getting wet, as the forecast was for more rain this week for South-Eastern Queensland.
A couple of extra points:
1) Pheobe does a great job of explaining slip, slop, slap. As a teacher I seem to spend forever dealing with kids without hats. I'm not allowed to go out of a classroom without a hat/umbrella and I also add sunnies and long sleeved shirts.
2) For those asking when would be a better time to visit Australia, we are currently having summer vacation for ALL school children across Australia, 6 weeks starts about 2 weeks before Christmas, and goes until the end of January. During that time it's fairly hot (high thirties and above) and as you come further north VERY humid (90%+ most days).
Winter is fairly mild. Snow in the major capital cities is very rare. A cold day in Brisbane during winter is 15 degrees celcius. We do get snow, but that's inland, and much further down south (Melbourne and Sydney).
I would suggest that February or March (prior to our Easter break, when all kids are off) would have been a better time. It's still warm, but a lot less busy.
I hope when if/when they visit places like Australia Zoo or Seaworld that they don't go to the front of the line. Lots of kids here have been waiting for their day to visit and that seems very unfair. Plus Australian's are notorious for equity, and if queue jumping ISN'T done. Anyone who tries it is likely to not be well received.
I posted some of this earlier but for some reason my post didn't show up. Is anyone able to tell me the time of Nina's chat show. I'm trying to sort out what time in Australia it will be on!
"Your comment doesn't make any sense, in my comment I never said anything mean about Kate just that the kids looked burnt and I hope while they in QLD they get hats and suncream but on them."
My fault. I'm sorry.
I wasn't referring to you as the Aussie. I have no idea about your nationality. You didn't say in your post that you were from Australia!
I was referring to a comment that was left on the page that you linked. It came from someone who was on the same flight as Kate to Brisbane. There was nothing positive said about her.
Julianna said...
"Your comment doesn't make any sense, in my comment I never said anything mean about Kate just that the kids looked burnt and I hope while they in QLD they get hats and suncream but on them."
My fault. I'm sorry.
I wasn't referring to you as the Aussie. I have no idea about your nationality. You didn't say in your post that you were from Australia!
I was referring to a comment that was left on the page that you linked. It came from someone who was on the same flight as Kate to Brisbane. There was nothing positive said about her.
I have said in previous comments on this site I am an Aussie so I thought you may have read one of those and knew my nationality - my apologies too for misunderstanding.
I think the sheeple are starting to get it. Even they are now admitting that pulling the kids out of school might send the "wrong message" to them. Took 'em awhile but they got there.
Nina Frye said...
Hello All -
Please join me on this Thursday, Jan. 6th at 10am-11am est on Living the Dream Mom Radio to chat about how the kids are being exploited and should be off the show. The more noise we make - LIVE on the AIR - maybe someone will hear us!
Hi Nina,
We have been making noise about their exploitation for a number of years now while listening to you support Kate and her most vocal fans. I hope you can appreciate my reservations about your changed stance on the plight of the Gosselin kids.
It seemed that you relied heavily on information from the fans for the basis of your opinions instead of doing your own homework and I'm curious about why you changed your opinion and if you've now taken the time to research the family history.
What was your "ah-ha" moment and why?
On Thursday, I hope to hear what finally made the difference for you and get a feel for your knowledge of the exploitation that's continuing to take place. Will we hear an apology to the kids for relying on the fans' versions of the reality of the Gosselin kids' exploitation and the further exploitation it caused them?
I'm curious to know if you have spent any time researching the history of some of the fans you supported, some who have gone to extraordinary lengths to personally and professionally discredit some of the "haterz" bloggers and how you feel about their focus on you because of your acknowledgment of the exploitation of the children?
I'm also curious whether your changed opinion is due to a genuine concern for their exploitation and that of others in reality tv or because you needed to draw more listeners? Why the flip?
I hope you can appreciate that I'm skeptical of your changed opinion and my hesitation to trust you especially after the frequent PSA's made here at Realitytvkids after the show where you announced your new views and the new ones here this past week. They felt desperate and left me with an uneasy feeling.
Anyway, Nina - welcome to the club. It's never too late to help shine the light on the plight of the Gosselin kids. They need all of the help they can get.
So WE know kate was told to look happy and smile her fake teeth off.I'm sure the kids were also told by kate,whether it was with bribes or threats of punnishment...they better be smiling and looking happy.
I'm very inclined to believe the rumors that Steve was the one who took the shots in the airport and on the escalator. When has anyone EVER seen the kids (Alexis?) smile like that other than for Jon? When has anyone EVER seen Kate smile like that other than when she was flirting? I believe they were smiling for Steve, just as the poster at GWOP said.
There are pics at justjared of her and the kids by a pool yesterday. She is in another new string bikini. I think she knew someone was taking pics cos she looks very posed on her chair. And of course she is hardly acknowledging her kids.
It just brings a feeling of disgust to my mouth to see the posed pics of BayWatch mom of the year oh so "casually" lounging on her throne by the pool without a care in the world. I don't know of many mothers of young children who feel so relaxed while their children are near water-oh wait-I forgot about "not there but in Virginia doing intensives" Ashley! And of course the others behind the scenes. Was Steve taking the pics? and if so I would not be comfortable about my husband doing that. So of course her bikini pics will be all over the new s stands which actually helps curb my appetite when I go shopping!
In all seriousness how can she as a Mother help her kids by promoting the message that a woman should fit a certain image-long blond hair , enhanced breasts and skimpy clothing etc. Her daughters are dark haired, small frames and will probably not look like their mother unless they go the same makeover route. And the boys get the message also about superficial looks. She continues to sell her soul to get more money but she sure does not seem happy and contented. She has set her own bar so high it will take more and more time, money and work to keep up her appearance. That will be her number one concern, not the kids I fear.
When Kate gushes on about how it is their dream to see Disney World, Alaska, Australia, etc most people look at her and think "so what, what makes your family more entitled than ours?" And when people start examining the Gosselin lifestyle of taking and asking and never giving back, it is a huge turn off. So Kate can drag her money makers hand in hand all over the world and swish her inflatables until the cows come home, it is not endearing her to anyone.
Administrator, I just wanted to tell you that I love the way you can take a sheeple argument and completely turn it on them with blazing, lazer-like logic. I'd love to see you in a courtroom.
"Puddymoors said... I posted some of this earlier but for some reason my post didn't show up. Is anyone able to tell me the time of Nina's chat show. I'm trying to sort out what time in Australia it will be on!"
Nina's show will be on Thursday January 6th at 10 AM EST. I have NO idea what time that is where you are. LOL The program stays on the site, so if it is in the middle of the night, for you, you can still listen to it.
If you weren't aware, Nina is dedicating the entire month to the discussion of Kate. Every Thursday at 10 AM EST.
I agree, Catherine, I love how Administrator can kick the Sheeple's butts to Timbuktu. Administrator is sharp.
"Administrator said...January 4, 2011 6:25 PM I've heard of gratitude, and I'm still waiting for Kate to show gratitude to her children for all these trips, for her millions, for her mansion, for her celebrity lifestyle"
What an absolute EXCELLENT rebuttal. I don't think anyone could have said it better! Catherine, I agree! And I also notice, they never have a come back, unless it is just more silly snark. LOL
It is so disheartening to hear Kate make remarks such as "when they get a job", when asked if they would get something. THEY HAVE A JOB. It really made me angry. The gall of this woman. She nor her die hard fans get it.
NT said...
There are pics at justjared of her and the kids by a pool yesterday. She is in another new string bikini. I think she knew someone was taking pics cos she looks very posed on her chair. And of course she is hardly acknowledging her kids.
Of course. And I would not doubt that those photos were taken by her personal "handler" (Steve).
No pap in Australia is remotely interested in Kate's manufactured a*s.
NT said...
There are pics at justjared of her and the kids by a pool yesterday. She is in another new string bikini. I think she knew someone was taking pics cos she looks very posed on her chair. And of course she is hardly acknowledging her kids.
Haha!! Looks like Kate is posing for a 1940 pin-up calendar. And she's ticked that Mady is spoiling all the shots.
Hey - remember back in Florida, before Kate's inflatables (good one, poster above!) when she was wearing a one-piece suit, screaming to Jon, "Hold their hands! Hold their hands!"
Now? Not looking quite as concerned about her kids' safety in the water. Oh, silly me. That's what the staff is for.
Whoever it was upthread that talked about Kate and contentment was spot on. It is the one thing that I don't think she will ever have. She may have her fake looks, all enhanced, she may have her money made off the backs of her kids, she may have her fancy home and she may have Chris following her around taking her picture to make her relevant. But she does not have contentment....and it shows in her face all the time. I think she is beginning to feel desperate. I say that because with the public turning against her in droves, she knows the possibility of her meal ticket may be ending. She also knows that Jon is not going to give up fighting her in court every time she tries to film them against his wishes and she knows that one of these times things will turn against her there. She was feel scared, or maybe not. From what I've heard narcissistic personalities don't feel scared, everything is always some one elses fault.
Can you imagine having to be in an airport as much as those kids do? How very sad. I don't care what the exotic ports of call are, traveling is not particularly fun with all the retrictions in place now. Very sad indeed.
Off topic but today's Huffington Post has an excellent article about American rudeness and how it affects the developing brain:
Kate are you listening?
Do any of the sights with pics have a source name for the pics? I'm just curious if Steve is taking these pics and selling them and putting the money in Kate's pocket!! That might be why she is smiling so big and why in those pics by the pool she could not care less that someone is taking pics. Cos she knows it's Steve and he will be getting big bucks for them. Just a thought.
Regarding Nina Frye - it is somewhat simple to grasp. She had a t-shirt business and sent Kate a t-shirt. Kate wore it on her show which increased sales for the short run. Nina never really watched the show or was a "fan". She became a fan because Kate was her hook to sell her shirts.
She then started the radio show and found out that the Gosselin crowd was a definite draw to her show.
IMO this is just an attempt to bring new people and new controversy to her show to keep it fresh and stimulating. You can't fault her for that really but I kind of feel like she isn't sincere. I will give her a chance but I do think she is a bit of a user. She used the fans and now she is going to use those of us that want the Gosselins off tv.
I have her number said...
Regarding Nina Frye - it is somewhat simple to grasp. She had a t-shirt business and sent Kate a t-shirt. Kate wore it on her show which increased sales for the short run. Nina never really watched the show or was a "fan". She became a fan because Kate was her hook to sell her shirts.
She then started the radio show and found out that the Gosselin crowd was a definite draw to her show.
IMO this is just an attempt to bring new people and new controversy to her show to keep it fresh and stimulating. You can't fault her for that really but I kind of feel like she isn't sincere. I will give her a chance but I do think she is a bit of a user. She used the fans and now she is going to use those of us that want the Gosselins off tv.
I agree. I think she's more interested in boosting her listening numbers. She almost begged for "haterz" to call in the last time she talked about Kate but no one did. And guess what happened next? She changed her opinion. Coincidence? IDK Will she have a new line of "stop child exploitation" t-shirts to advertise?
But "I have her number" you are WRONG!
Nina is NINA BELL from the old GDNNOP blog.
She was a J&K+8 watcher and definite sheeple.
She fought with the Haters for years.
This is why we are so skeptical of her now!
Nina Frye is not Nina Bell
Naruto said...
But "I have her number" you are WRONG!
Nina is NINA BELL from the old GDNNOP blog.
She was a J&K+8 watcher and definite sheeple.
She fought with the Haters for years.
This is why we are so skeptical of her now.
I'm sorry, Naruto, but you're wrong in this case. Please see the previous thread for clarification and information on our conversation.
There may indeed be a Nina Bell, but we're discussing Nina Frye, who has a program on called "Living the Dream Mom". They're two completely different people.
To PJsmomma and Puddymoors,
Thank you for the information about winter in Australia. I was trying to ask if there was a good non-school time for the kids to take a long trip to Australia, and if winter weather would be a factor. You have answered that and I appreciate it.
To the others who responded, I KNOW they should not be working anytime. But the question did not specify work trips, it was any extended trip. Yeah, I know that's all the Gosselins know right now, but there are future trips to think about too. Sometimes families take trips, and if they are going to another hemisphere to do it, when would be the best time to do it to deal with school schedules, weather, etc. That's all I was asking.
I have her number and I are talking about Nina Frye from who has a show called Living the Dream Mom.
And, I'm still skeptical.
Hello Everyone-
I am not Nina Bell! I have no idea who that is! As far as my change of heart - I will make this brief because I could go on and on - I don't blame you for being skeptical. I would be skeptical myself. I really didn't have an Ah Ha moment. Yes, I was a fan and watched some shows - not all. As Kate Plus 8 started to air I tuned in more - I started to feel that the show wasn't real anymore and the kids would be troubled by this later in life. I started to research the web and realized that I wasn't the only one that felt the kids should be off the air! I simply had a change of heart. I already dedicated the 1st Thurs. of the month to "Gosselin Hour" but couldn't continue the support of the show! I wanted to be honest. Again, I don't hate anyone. It is not about the ratings, Kate or Jon. This hour is about the kids. How can we get through to Kate to stop filming with the kids? I am open to all callers. I don't wish this to be one-sided. If someone feels strongly about why the kids should continue filming than by all means call in. But I need your support if you agree with me and perhaps the combo of blogging, posting and also VOICING our opinions and thoughts LIVE will somehow pay off and Kate will have a change of heart. Thanks guys! Hope to chat with you on the air.
- Nina
Nina, I understand following through with the first Thursday of the month as 'Gosselin Hour' since it was scheduled, but why devote an hour each week to the topic in the month of January?
Also, I've heard you say you support Kate on tv, just not filming the kids. If you have done your research and followed the backstory, you'll see that Kate has been the ringleader of this exploitation circus and that they has always put filming before the most basic needs of her children, and continues to do so. A person such as this will never change her spots. She has been extraordinarily ruthless in her climb to B list reality stardom.
Kate is not straightforward about anything, including her finances. There is no evidence of any trusts set up in the names of the kids, and she recently said there are college funds then took it back a few months later. Her most recent statement to the press is that there is not enough for college. She is newly (after 2009) required to set aside 15 percent for the kids in total, BUT she can take out money for their tuition, medical, and other expenses as she sees fit. I am willing to bet that the kids won't see a dime of the money unless they sue her later on.
Kate Gosselin is a longtime scammer with absolutely no conscience. There is ample evidence of this if you do the research.
I think we should all give Nina a chance regarding her change of heart. If you think about it, many bloggers here were once "fans" of the show... including myself. We just dialed in earlier than some others. Many former fans didn't even know about Jodi's sisters blog and just changed ther minds because of Kate's rude behavior on the show.
Give the former sheeples a chance to do their research. There's 3-4 years worth of digging and reading to do.
Don't forget that the Pro-Kate hollywood reporter (forgot her name) also had a change of heart.
I don't think ratings have anything to do with people changing their stance IMO.
Everyone's "aha!" moment is on a different timeline but sooner later, they'll catch up.
Sometimes families take trips, and if they are going to another hemisphere to do it, when would be the best time to do it to deal with school schedules, weather, etc.
Kate's family doesn't take trips...Kate doesn't go anywhere on her dime. She couldn't even take them to the Statue of Liberty. She preferred to blame that on Jon, he cancelled the program so now the kids don't get to go to the SofL.
Kartie Dearest said... I think we should all give Nina a chance regarding her change of heart. If you think about it, many bloggers here were once "fans" of the show... including myself. We just dialed in earlier than some others. Many former fans didn't even know about Jodi's sisters blog and just changed ther minds because of Kate's rude behavior on the show.
Give the former sheeples a chance to do their research. There's 3-4 years worth of digging and reading to do.
I wonder though, if one can present a thorough 'argument' for keeping the kids off TV without knowing some history of KG. Nina posted this comment in post above,
"But I need your support if you agree with me and perhaps the combo of blogging, posting and also VOICING our opinions and thoughts LIVE will somehow pay off and Kate will have a change of heart."
This makes me think Nina believes Kate to be a honest, rational, just a bit misguided mother. KATE have a change of heart?? You'd have to be able to appreciate the "whole" Gosselin phenomenon such as Kate's preconceived plan to first circumvent the drs. to get preg. w/multiples, her scamming the church audiences, etc. to really appreciate what kind of person Kate is and what she's up against. I just don't see how this program can do much of anything for the kids.
"But I need your support if you agree with me and perhaps the combo of blogging, posting and also VOICING our opinions and thoughts LIVE will somehow pay off and Kate will have a change of heart."
No change of heart for that one. Kate is stubborn as the day is long. If anything, voicing opinions and thoughts is just going to make her forge ahead even more. She will not let anyone else "win." Never. It would mean no more "celebrity" status, and the withdrawal would kill her.
Anonymous/Sassy said...I wonder though, if one can present a thorough 'argument' for keeping the kids off TV without knowing some history of KG. Nina posted this comment in post above,
I agree Sassy, background is very important. I also think one KEY piece of information that everyone should understand is that Kate has NPD. Narcissists DON'T change and although Nina may have good intentions with her show, Kate having "a change of heart" is simply not going to happen because of it. However, I'm not saying she shouldn't try to help.
To not post as Anonymous; select the option 'Name/URL' (it's right above where you are choosing 'Anonymous).
Fill in the box with your name.
Leave the URL part blank.
Click continue and you're done.
Here I go again....While Kate certainly has many, if not most, of the characteristics associated with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, as far as I know she has not been diagnosed appropriately by a mental health professional.
I realize that a lot of people have had experiences with parents and relatives with NPD, that fit Kate's behavioural patterns.That doe not make them diagnosticians.
We can glibly say "Oh well, Kate has NPD, she'll never change" and thereby absolve her of any responsibility to be accountable for her abusive behaviour.
With respect,can we please leave the diagnostics to the people who are trained to provide them and concentrate on making Kate and TLC accountable for what they are doing to destroy those children?
I wonder how many more women will get fertility shots to have all those babies and get a reality show to take care of them?????? If its that easy, why don't the america just give money away...that's what they are doing by watching reality shows. Kate is a disgrace to ALL mothers!
"Administrator said...January 4, 2011 6:25 PM I've heard of gratitude, and I'm still waiting for Kate to show gratitude to her children for all these trips, for her millions, for her mansion, for her celebrity lifestyle"
What an absolute EXCELLENT rebuttal. I don't think anyone could have said it better! Catherine, I agree! And I also notice, they never have a come back, unless it is just more silly snark. LOL
It is so disheartening to hear Kate make remarks such as "when they get a job", when asked if they would get something. THEY HAVE A JOB. It really made me angry. The gall of this woman. She nor her die hard fans get it.
Administrator, I just wanted to tell you that I love the way you can take a sheeple argument and completely turn it on them with blazing, lazer-like logic. I'd love to see you in a courtroom.
It just brings a feeling of disgust to my mouth to see the posed pics of BayWatch mom of the year oh so "casually" lounging on her throne by the pool without a care in the world. I don't know of many mothers of young children who feel so relaxed while their children are near water-oh wait-I forgot about "not there but in Virginia doing intensives" Ashley! And of course the others behind the scenes. Was Steve taking the pics? and if so I would not be comfortable about my husband doing that. So of course her bikini pics will be all over the new s stands which actually helps curb my appetite when I go shopping!
In all seriousness how can she as a Mother help her kids by promoting the message that a woman should fit a certain image-long blond hair , enhanced breasts and skimpy clothing etc. Her daughters are dark haired, small frames and will probably not look like their mother unless they go the same makeover route. And the boys get the message also about superficial looks. She continues to sell her soul to get more money but she sure does not seem happy and contented. She has set her own bar so high it will take more and more time, money and work to keep up her appearance. That will be her number one concern, not the kids I fear.
I think the sheeple are starting to get it. Even they are now admitting that pulling the kids out of school might send the "wrong message" to them. Took 'em awhile but they got there.
So WE know kate was told to look happy and smile her fake teeth off.I'm sure the kids were also told by kate,whether it was with bribes or threats of punnishment...they better be smiling and looking happy.
I'm very inclined to believe the rumors that Steve was the one who took the shots in the airport and on the escalator. When has anyone EVER seen the kids (Alexis?) smile like that other than for Jon? When has anyone EVER seen Kate smile like that other than when she was flirting? I believe they were smiling for Steve, just as the poster at GWOP said.
You're right Marie, and there may be no end in sight. I don't have any high hopes for this Nina Frye thing... but I will give it the benefit of the doubt.
To Titanic Anita:
I don't believe anyone can have it both ways - care/not care at the drop of a hat. Human nature is a bit more complicated than that.
I, for one, am not buying what you are selling - but to each his own. One of the reasons admin's blog is what it is!
Oh, I fully agree they should not be working!
But there were several comments about the kids
being out DURING SCHOOL TIME to travel, so I asked the question about selecting a better time. When there are 2 different hemispheres involved it gets tricky. Summer isn't summer everywhere all at the same time.
I haven't yet figured out why TLC thought they needed to go to Australia in the first place.
Seems like a ridiculous plan to me no matter how pleasant the Australians are and how beautiful their country is.
Midnight, I ALSO loved it: a medicated hyena!!! That was a good one.
"fidosmommy said... Just a question, not an argument:
When would be a better time to take this trip, I wonder? When it's summer in Pennsylvania it is winter in Australia. I have no idea what the average temps are in winter in Australia, so that may or may not be a factor. During America's Spring? Fall? The kids would still be missing school."
They don't need to work in Austrailia at all would be my answer. When I was nine my family took a three week vacation to Germany during the summer. What do I remember from that..... a cousin getting a small toy motorcycle stuck in my hair, walking up stairs to see a castle (don't remember anything about the castle), that their basments are not anything like basements in the USA, etc. Absolutely nothing that would provide me with any type of educational value. I would love to go again to actually experience the country but my health problems won't allow that now. I am happy that I was there, but w/ the 8 going soooo many places, I think they won't remember anything about anywhere. They can't recognize a triangle for goodness sake! Very, very sad! Sorry, I can't seem to get a comment to go through so I'm using anonymous.
"When the pap approaches a true celeb with their family, the celebs become angry and protective (i.e. Woody Harrelson, Jennifer Garner, Halle Berry, Nicole Richie), they don't walk front and center smiling like a medicated hyena."
Many times, but not always. I've seen very gracious "true" celebrities and their families who do smile and allow their pictures to be taken. In fact, I've been with one of them. I've never seen one smile, though, like a medicated hyena. That's exactly what she looks like! Too funny! It reminds me of the person who compared the photo of Kate on the lift at DWTS to the donkey on Shrek! Dead ringer!
Thank you! Thank you, Nina! I am a Mom and I can't stand what Kate Gosselin is doing to these kids! PLEASE, SOMEHOW, SOME WAY, *STOP* THE MADNESS THAT IS KATE GOSSELIN.
Pam said- Just look at Kate. You can tell the cameras are rolling because she's acting like she likes her kids._______
And like Steve is on the other side of the camera, since no one else gives a crap.
Auntie Anne said-I'm beginning to think this is going to be another episode like the fake vow renewal in Hawaii. First they stopped at legoland or some place in CA then off to Hawaii where they traipsed all over the place before Kate and Jon exchanged lies in front of about 12 relatives. So is this the same thing? A big build up pre wedding show where the family and extras travel all over Australia filming the same ole same ole and then off to NZ where she gets to meet the future in-laws and blah blah blah____________________
I agree. This whole trip seems so crazy, having the kids miss 2 weeks of school, going to Steve's homeland. Not getting why this trip had to happen NOW! Seems very contrived.
Burns me up said-I have long followed this blog, and I just can't get over the fact that she's taken all those children out of school for this trip.-----
I agree, something's up. Weddding, desperate attempt for attention from a new market that doesn't give a darn.... Pathetic that she has Alexis wear a "Happy Me" tee shirt, like a tee shirt actually mean that Alexis is happy. (See - the tee shirt say so, so it must be true.)
I have to say that her pulling the kids out of school for two weeks to film, wtih all that is going on is the proverbial last straw for me. She needs to get a job, any job, and support the kids as well as Jon. (I know he has a job,) but it is really that simple. People do it day in and day out. They have made enough money to support the kids and it is time that they both act like parents, and leave the G8 out of their parental duty to provide for them. Kate's claim that they can not go back is a bunch of BS. And I do not care if Kate continues in the "entertainment" field, just leave the kids out of it. The kids have more than earned the right to a life with their parents supporting them and out of the spotlight. And I hope it is not too late for them.
From the school's Parent Handbook:
"Parents are encouraged to consult the school calendar to see that their children are present on every school day. Students should also recognize this responsibility and take full advantage of the time provided for their education. Absences from school should be limited to illness, family emergencies, medical appointments, religious observance, or significant family milestones.
Excused Absences
Absences due to illness, family emergencies, medical appointments, religious observance, or significant family milestones will be considered excused. Students are responsible for the material missed and will be permitted to make up work.
Unexcused Absences
When students miss school due to extended family vacations or other reasons that do not fit the categories outlined above, these absences will be recorded as unexcused and students will be expected to make up work on their own. When possible, parents should notify the school well in advance of these occasions. Teachers are not required to assist students in making up missed work: the burden of catching up will fall on the student."
Way to go, Kate! Nice job putting EXTRA pressure on the kids (esp. the twins) when they return to school!
How sad that Kate only shows her pearly whites for a PR stunt, not because she is genuinely happy to be spending this time with her children (if that ever really happens).
Her smiling is directed at the camera, not her own kids.
Plus, the picture admin used, Kate's barely holding their hands in an affectionate manner.
There's no motherly affection. Period.
If you click the link above the first picture shows kate with the usual puss on her face. If you go through the pictures you can see exactly when she was told to "smile" for the camera.
Kate and her trips reminds me of a couple I know who took their SIX MONTH OLD daughter to Disney World. Oh, they went on and on about HOW MUCH FUN SHE HAD. They took tons of pictures, I'm guessing to show her when she's old enough to know what she's looking at. In nearly every picture she's wiped out asleep in a stroller, looking like she's going to have a heat stroke (it was July). Her parents are grinning like maniacs. The thing is, they can't afford to do that trip again. That was super expensive for them. So why go when the kid can't even freaking remember it or enjoy it???
A young mother at work was feeling sad because her husband had taken their son on a father-son camp out. She missed her son and wanted him home. Guess how old "son" was? He was SIX MONTHS OLD!! I guess he will never forget that good time with just him and his Dad sitting around the camp fire! LOL!!!
Awww sad- I just found out that Gerry Rafferty passed away today from liver failure.
R.I.P. Gerry.
"Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right,
here I am, stuck in the middle with you"
It looks to me like Kate has attempted to dress the tup girls like herself. Or maybe it's the other way around ... she's dressing like the 6-year olds. The outfit is certainly more flattering on the tups.
SmileyGrl752 said...
Also, sorry for being so naive, but what exactly is the sheeples' purpose for starting a rumor? Do they just like to see us mad? (Kinda like Kate; she enjoys if her kids are miserable, then she's happy).
Hey SmileyGrl :o)
Remember the proverb, "An idle mind is the devil's playground" ?
What normal, busy adult has the time to invest into such an idiotic prank? That indicates both a lack of "life", and a lack of "clue".
Also, couple the above sentiment with a generous dose of frustration that they cannot save their rotten false idol from her own self-destruction.
A big build up pre wedding show where the family and extras travel all over Australia filming the same ole same ole and then off to NZ where she gets to meet the future in-laws and blah blah blah...
Probably not -- she wasn't on "Say Yes To The Dress" and without a freebie gown, what's she going to wear at the ceremony? Black leggings?
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
Kate and her amazing, traveling circus act-
eight, count 'em, eight little money bags.
Cue the circus music...
How true that is. She's nothing without them. She can't act, dance, interview others, write, keep her lies straight, and she can't even pretend to be a good mother. She's nothing without putting her 8 kids on display - all for fame and fortune.
Kate and her amazing, traveling circus act-
eight, count 'em, eight little money bags.
Cue the circus music...
Admin, I feel bad, when I made the comment on the last blog about Shoka, I had not read up on the posts I had missed during the holidays. I did not see the "insider" thing on the dog being neglected. The dog is off the back porch which is not even visible to the road anyway. I have always taken the "insider" reports with a grain of salt, and am very happy that you will no longer let them through without some kind of evidence. My post about Shoka was entirely innocent! The more I thought about it, I would imagine that the McMansion will be left without anyone staying there. Since they are (in)famous and all. I am qute sure that TLC would pay for a caretaker, since they are on another business trip.
Although, I am still curious why TLC has on their site that Shoka "Visits".
Isn't "working vacation" an oxymoron?
Also, sorry for being so naive, but what exactly is the sheeples' purpose for starting a rumor? Do they just like to see us mad? (Kinda like Kate; she enjoys if her kids are miserable, then she's happy).
Somebody needs to educate Kate about leggings.
She wears them like work-out gear. She has no clue they are meant to be covered by a long top and only the LEGS show, not the ass.
She is such a dolt.
That is her clenched teeth fake smile. She never smiles with her eyes. Steve must have said Khite you look faaabulous dahling, smile for me. She is nothing if not predictable. We knew the smiley one was coming.
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