Kind of sad that despite discussions on Jon and Kate Plus 8 about going to Jon's homeland, South Korea (even getting the kids passports for the trip), the kids are now going to see Steve the bodyguard's roots instead. Given the blurry feet again, the photos are definitely amateur. Another airport patron? Steve?
214 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 214 Newer› Newest»Someone must be reading the blogs becasue K8 is actually holding their hands in this picture rather than just presenting her paddle paw to them.
Somebody's been reading the blogs. Kate has her children's little hands firmly clenched in hers in these pics.
How horrible that she has to be told how to behave maternally by a bunch of strangers on a blog!
On Small Town, WG states that Jon can now have the kids when Kate's away, instead of them having to stay with nannies.
Kate Gosselin invades another foreign country. Isn't that an act of war?
I wonder how Werny Gal got that information but it is good news. FIG JAM Kate will probably get restless and connive her way to New York for some new hair extensions. Whenever I look at the fork and Kate picture on this blog, I think how much better she looked back then. She lost that "freshness" she used to have.
Someone from another thread said Hannah gets first dibs on Kate's hand and then the other hand is auctioned off. Lol.
Admin, I don't know if my last post went through sorry if this is a double post.
I wonder how Werny Gal got that information but it is good news. FIG JAM Kate will probably get restless and connive her way to New York for some new hair extensions. Whenever I look at the fork and Kate picture on this blog, I think how much better she looked back then. She lost that "freshness" she used to have.
You guuuuyyysss! Stop it! You say Kate's not really holding the kids' hands. Now pictures appear with her holding the kids' hands. You say that she should wear a long top over leggings. Now she's doing it. You say the kids never look happy in pictures, and now up crops pictures of the little girls with big smiles. The same is true of the comment that she is never holding one of the boys' hands, and NOW LOOK!! Not to mention the fact that she wore normal shoes to the zoo, and the ones she's wearing in these pictures are fairly normal, too.
Now that they're self-paparazzi-ing, they can make their family look as normal and happy as can be.. Either stop giving them suggestions or start saying Kate should carry one of them on her shoulders or something, and see if she does it!
Next thing you know, she'll be playing Marco Polo in the pool with them!
Seriously, until these pictures stop appearing all over the web and people stop commenting on them, what hope do those beautiful little children have of fading into obscurity and a normal, happy life?
Maybe we should suggest Kate wear a cowboy hat and see if that happens. MORE COWBOY HATS!
In any case there is something really slimey about these kids going to Steve's country before they've ever seen Jon's. Especially since Jon made it clear Steve makes him uncomfortable. I think it was the Larry King interview.
It almost feels like Kate is trying to poke Jon, flaunting herself and the kids in Steve's homeland. Using the kids to poke the father is just plain sick.
The pictures on the web right now have very little to do with the children fading into obscurity and having a happy normal life. Kate is the only one who can do that for the children and we all know she won't. She has said that she plans on filming the kids until they are off to college. We comment on the pictures as a way to point out her horrible approach to parenting. I, for one, will not sit idly by and not comment on her behavior. It may not do any good but at least I feel like I've done a little something.
Absolutely. Kate has the power to take her kids out of the spotlight. She refuses. She is so hellbent she is even pulling her kids out of school to keep them in the spotlight--how sick is that? Even Sarah Palin limited her children's public exposure to just one season. How many seasons does Kate require until they have been exposed enough? 10, 15, 80?
They should be enjoying their weekend right now in private--soccer, violin practice, playdate with friends, sledding, sleepovers, homework, church, get ready for school on Monday. None of the paparazzi has photographed things like this. It's just Chris and he's usually just at Target these days.
People People. If you think about it. Having your so called bodyguard, handler, purse boy, bag handler and etc. Taking your pictures is not a bad investment. They both can share the profits. If you think about it. 1/2 for him and 1/2 for her. Its so much easier and sleazy to keep it in the family. Than you don't have to worry about anyone getting a profit from it. Case in point another greedy move from the Kate camp. Let no one get any kind of monetary gain from this family.
With Steve or whomever in the Kate camp doing this. Taking photos. Kate is trying to show off to others in foreign land. See-See Me Im Kate Gosselin. Look im getting my picture taken. Look. Please give me attention. I need it. I feed off it. Also thous photos were not taken from a paps cam. That is a camera phone taking photos. You can tell because its very blurry. Or its a cheep camera.
Were is the Pink iphone? Could steve be taking them with the Pink Iphone? I couldn't imagine Kate without her phone. That thing is glued to her. She must not be expecting any phone calls or business matter in hand.
I believe this is just a slap in johns face. A side trip to new zealand not korea. Since last year john took some trips over seas. Enjoy it while it last gosselins. I dont see living the high life for long.
On Small Town, WG states that Jon can now have the kids when Kate's away, instead of them having to stay with nannies.
Was this a recent ruling? Could someone please post a link, or the title of the thread...something...please.
Who's the tall dude? Notice how she thinks she's too good to put her arm around him and just holds it by her side.
She has zero warmth about her. You can totally tell she hates regular people. She looks like she's thinking, "Ewwwww, please stop touching me and hurry up and snap the pic, Steve, dammit!"
Aaden always has a terrified look on his face when he's withing two feet of Kate.
Also, I wonder how many bikini's she'll whip out in NZ?
I don't know if Gina Neild is with them ( probably not ), but I think this is seriously crossing the line with them going to Steve's homeland and not bringing his wife. It is an utter display of Steve and Kate disrespecting Gina and his sons. I hope they are there and we just haven't seen them, but I doubt it.
Since I'm still new to the Gosselin blogging world, I keep wondering about Chris. Does he take pictures of both Kate AND Jon? I notice that Jon's pap pics are always with the children, as if to showcase his ability/desire to be a good dad. (Sorry I'm not on the Jon bandwagon, either, at this point, though at least he seems to have planted his feet in reality, finally.)
The pics of Kate are typically of her alone at a gas station, store, tanning/nail salon, etc. Could it be that she doesn't want the kids to recognize the pap as the same one that takes pictures of them when they're with their dad?
She could explain away the ones where she is at the bus stop, because the pap also takes pics of them with their dad at the bus stop....
Also, I don't buy that Jon sends the pap after Kate. How would he know when she was going to show up at Target?
The whole thing just seems so weird. Maybe I'm overthinking it?
Werny's comment about the kids staying with Jon: It's Comment #21 page 1 of the current thread in response to Shoka's Understudy, on Small Town.
How sweet - smiling at the kids, not wearing the hooker clothes, holding a little boy's hand - how normal, wonder what happened. And then I think, who cares?
And such a lovely vacation doing nothing that she and the kids do not do at home, truly worth missing school for - an airport here, an airport, lots of airports - oh and then a beach here, a pool there, another zoo or two. My guess is that TLC knows damn well that she will not perform well out of the comfort zone (like Alaska), and sent here someplace that looks like California or Hawaii, as long as you stay at the pool, beach or zoo. Yawn.
BaronessB said... People People. If you think about it. Having your so called bodyguard, handler, purse boy, bag handler and etc. Taking your pictures is not a bad investment. They both can share the profits
Makes perfect business sense. Cut out the middle man. Shocked Kate didn't think of this before. Mine...All Mine.
Your not overlooking it Mandy. Ive heard that Chris gets a call. Kate tells him were to meet her. She gives him the thumbs up and starts taking photos. Kate plays it off as how rude. When deep down inside she is loving it.
Mandy I also agree with you about the ignoring the gosselins and not posting. Its a best way to get them out of the spot light for good. But if you think about it Kate's popularity has dropped since last year. Its dropping more as we speak. Very soon. It will be done. Like Ive said America has spoken Kate is not worthy to be watched or photographed. She is just a fame seeker.
Kate goes NO WHERE with the kids unless they are filming. I've only seen her with the kids when they get dropped off for school. They don't go with mom shopping to the grocery store or to the movies, etc - not even just one or two at a time.
Jon however walks with the kids sometimes to The Works (restaurant/play place), Park, etc. He's giving them more of a normal upbringing as much as he can in his limited way.
Kate keeps them under lock and key unless she needs to squeeze another dollar out of their little souls.
Does anyone know if Steve's wife Gina is from New Zealand also? If she is that would be pretty strange for her not have gone on the trip as well. Maybe Kate won't allow it since she would have to share her boyfriend. I'm sure Steve is thrilled that he is getting an all expense paid trip to his homeland.
Administrator said...
Someone from another thread said Hannah gets first dibs on Kate's hand and then the other hand is auctioned off. Lol.
"That'll be $10. Pay up when we get home, Aaden, unless you'd rather I withdraw from your account. Actually, it's getting a little low, so just fork over the cash--hear what I said? CASH ONLY! No IRS trail, please. Got it? Good. Take my hand." LOL.
P.S. Auntie Ann, your posts are always sharply accurate and also make me laugh.
Wonder how Kate's potential future mother-in-law will take to her?
BerksPa said...
Kate goes NO WHERE with the kids unless they are filming. I've only seen her with the kids when they get dropped off for school. They don't go with mom shopping to the grocery store or to the movies, etc - not even just one or two at a time.
Unless you are stalking Kate Gosselin 24/7, you would have no way to know this.
IDModo said...
Somebody's been reading the blogs. Kate has her children's little hands firmly clenched in hers in these pics.
How horrible that she has to be told how to behave maternally by a bunch of strangers on a blog!
How pathetic that you are delusional enough to think you control Kate Gosselin's actions.
BerksPa said...
They don't go with mom shopping to the grocery store or to the movies, etc - not even just one or two at a time.
Actually she did took a a couple of kids at the time shopping and stuff.Hannah and Aaden, Hannah and Leah, Hannah and Alexis(notice a theme here?) Also I saw pics once or twice with Maddy and Cara.And to be fair, I also saw Collin and Cara pics and Collin and Hannah/Alexis(can't remember but admin posted it somewhere) so yeah, she takes them out on errands,she draggs them along in places she has to be and ONCE I saw her taking them to the park off camera but yeah, they have not been in a single trip unfilmed.
God knows after 5 seasons and 3.5 million (this year alone) dollars she could afford to take kids some place(amusement park or sth) without the God damn cameras but..that's Kate,going on "amazing" trips only when filmed
Oh, and I definetely never heard of her taking them to the movies off camera lol
"Kind of sad that despite discussions on Jon and Kate Plus 8 about going to Jon's homeland, South Korea (even getting the kids passports for the trip), the kids are now going to see Steve the bodyguard's roots instead".
Well, considering that there is a crisis going on between North & South Korea, I don't blame her a bit for not taking the kids there.
Besides, it takes all the attention away from Kate's dramatics.
Chris is the only pap on part-time duty for the Gosselins. At the height of the divorce a small group used to camp out across from their driveway, but that all dried up early last year. There hasn't been any taking pictures of her other than Chris in a long time.
Chris takes pics of both Jon and Kate and the kids - it's the same pap - they should certainly recognize his face by now since he's been snapping their pics for over 18 months now.
BaronessB said...
People People. If you think about it. Having your so called bodyguard, handler, purse boy, bag handler and etc. Taking your pictures is not a bad investment. They both can share the profits. If you think about it. 1/2 for him and 1/2 for her. Its so much easier and sleazy to keep it in the family. Than you don't have to worry about anyone getting a profit from it. Case in point another greedy move from the Kate camp. Let no one get any kind of monetary gain from this family.
You better believe it, BaronessB :o) !
It looks like Kate's minder is finally doing his job. Only Steve could convince her to give up the booby shirts, hooker hair, stilletos, satin mini drawers, drag queen makeup, in order to tromp and scowl through an airport.
Somehow he convinced her that is NOT how 'stahs' do it! they dress normal and hold their children's hands. And just to make sure not one bit of her effort is unnoticed, Steve is selling lots of pics of the grand event!
Too bad she wont dress like this and spend even HALF as much time being a room mother at her kids school, or helping with the Brownie troop, or Saturday gymnastics, or anything at all that isnt all about The Katie.
Pam said...
Who's the tall dude? Notice how she thinks she's too good to put her arm around him and just holds it by her side.
She has zero warmth about her. You can totally tell she hates regular people. She looks like she's thinking, "Ewwwww, please stop touching me and hurry up and snap the pic, Steve, dammit!"
Oh for goodness sakes, she's smiling and taking a picture with someone I would assume is a fan, and you're going to nitpick that? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?
I'd like to see a true pap photo of Kate and the kids taken without their knowledge where the lens catches Kate being attentive, loving, present and engaged with her children. So Steve, if you are reading here, go ahead and set that one up, I'll be sure to look for it on INF. LOL
"I don't know if Gina Neild is with them ( probably not ), but I think this is seriously crossing the line with them going to Steve's homeland and not bringing his wife. It is an utter display of Steve and Kate disrespecting Gina and his sons."
Perhaps she didn't want to go on the long trip and didn't want to pull her sons out of school. Do we know that she wasn't asked to accompany them and declined?
"Aaden always has a terrified look on his face when he's withing two feet of Kate."
Terrified? On what planet? He looks a bit tired and seems to be focused on something or someone ahead of him, but terrified? I don't see terror in his little face. Where are the other photos in which Aaden always looks terrified when he is with his mother? Could you link them, please?
Berks said, "Kate goes NO WHERE with the kids unless they are filming. I've only seen her with the kids when they get dropped off for school. They don't go with mom shopping to the grocery store or to the movies, etc - not even just one or two at a time."
Unless you follow them 24/7, how do you know what they do when they are not being photographed getting off the bus? To say that she goes NO WHERE with the kids is just speculation, not fact. I don't, however, believe that she takes all of them for fun trips unless she has help from the nannies, but to say, as a fact, that she never goes anywhere with any of them cannot be proven or disproven because we just don't know -- unless, of course, someone is following them every minute of every day.
I believe the whole buying the McMansion was a plan to isolate the kiddies and keep them totally available for filming. Dionne Quints, anyone? How could they possibly be involved in normal school activities when they are traveling so much? Kate doesn't want them to be normal or have a normal life. In her vanity she has become delusional about herself and the children. This story will not end well. If true, glad to hear Jon will be spending more time with the kids, but he still isn't providing them with a normal life. Maybe you can't unring a bell, but a parent should be able to protect their kids' childhoods. How about that, going to New Zealand, but may never go to Korea? Makes a person wonder, doesn't it?
Your not overlooking it Mandy. Ive heard that Chris gets a call. Kate tells him were to meet her. She gives him the thumbs up and starts taking photos. Kate plays it off as how rude. When deep down inside she is loving it.
Sorry if this is rather blonde, but when did she start loving the paparazzi? Or has she always loved it, and tried to hide it? On the J & K episode of the tups' 5th birthday, when Jon and Kate were going through the divorce, there were paps taking pics of the party, and Kate said it was ridiculous. In another episode, Kate takes the boys somewhere (on a ship of some kind) and tells them to "shoot" the paps (there was some kind pretend weapon on the ship). Anyway, I'm just wondering if Kate loved the attention from the start, and just acted like it was annoying, or did she really hate it, and when they left, realized she thrived on it?
I remember doing an interpretive exercise in one of my grad classes, many years ago. The students were shown photos, and each of us had to analyze them, describing what was happening in the photos. Each interpretation was different. The professor then explained what really was going on, and we all were surprised at how incorrect our interpretations were, and had a good laugh about it because we were so far off base.
Some of the recent posts on various blogs remind me of that class -- many different interpretations of photos (Mady was angry with her siblings; Mady was craving approval from her mother; the kids were having a fight; Mady and Alexis are trying to get close to Kate; the hand-holding analysis, sitting on Kate's lap, etc. etc.)
We can speculate until the cows come home, but that's all it is -- speculation. Bottom line is that the only people who know what incident prompted the kids' behavior, or why they are doing what they are doing in a particular photo, are those who were there with them.
Also, on another thread it was announced that Kate's New Years resolution was to get a man. Why does she want a new man; she had Jon! Did she kick him to the curb b/c he wanted out of the show? Was it b/c she felt he didn't step up enough, or do her bidding? Is the reason she wants a man is so she can have someone who will do whatever she wants?
Looks like she found a fan. Ha. They are going to be in NZ for a long time if they are not coming back until the 20th unless they are going back to Australia again. Steven must have a big family. Poor kids. They did not see one thing in Australia that they have not seen a hundred times over, except for 2 other working children. Also you can tell Steven is taking the pics - she doesn't smile like that for anyone else.
Did anyone listen to the Nina Fry thing, and if so, what did she say? I'm in Costa Rica and my connection is too spotty so I can not listen - plus, we are having way too much fun to care enough to do it! If anyone can fill me in, I'd appreciate it!
What was that Khate used to say - I need a couple of kids up here with me and no one would volunteer. In particular at the restaurant Jamie had to physically extract two from her table to take to Khates.
BeDoneNow said...It looks like Kate's minder is finally doing his job. Only Steve could convince her to give up the booby shirts, hooker hair, stilletos, satin mini drawers, drag queen makeup, in order to tromp and scowl through an airport.
He probably wants her to at least look the part of a mother, instead of an aging rock star, when he takes her home to meet mom and pop.
I posted this elsewhere, but this whole Steve thing taking the photos, if true, makes perfect sense. Remember the "Big Foot" Kate photos at her 4th of July party when Steve & his boys were there? We assumed she invited Chris the pap, which is entirely possible, but maybe it WAS Steve after all. Kate (& Steve actually) put those trees up to protect from paps. Just a ruse? So, maybe they've been doing this awhile now. But why would they have sold those Big Foot pics? They were so awful, IMO. Anyways, I digress.
If this is true, & Kate & Steve are in cahoots, well done Kate, you greedy b*tch. She has just found another way to make more money off the backs of her children. And Steve, being a willing participant makes him even more despicable. When will this madness end? Again, I am assuming, so shut me up if I'm wrong, but I wouldn't put anything past that famewhore we all know & love to dislike. (I don't like the h-word (hate)) But this fake-pic taking? Enough Kate!! I'm changing the words to a Pink Floyd tune here but: "Hey Mother, Leave those kids alone!"
Oooo, ok my request is to see Kate handle all eight kids all by herself. Lug the stuff, put sunscreen on their faces, really interact with them for more than a second and not to bark orders, either.
What did they PAY that guy to take a photo with Katie? WORST of all, she doesn't look comfortable taking a picture with a commoner! MUAHAHAHAHA!
Linda said... Oooo, ok my request is to see Kate handle all eight kids all by herself. Lug the stuff, put sunscreen on their faces, really interact with them for more than a second and not to bark orders, either.
January 8, 2011 3:15 PM
It would be way easier to just ask God to part another sea.
It looks like she took more time applying her makeup for this flight to meet the family than she has in others or maybe they're going to film this arrival. What in the heck are they going to do in NZ for 10 days? Yes, it's a fabulous country, but for 8 children? For 8-10 days?
@ Linda -- Nope, not gonna happen. Remember when TLC told her they were going to film a Games Gosselins Play episode and she bitched and said 'now they want me to pretend I play with my kids' (or something close to that). She brought them into this world to make money off them not to nurture them.
Dingoes make better mothers. (and badgers)
If Kate and Steve ARE the ones taking these photos and selling them to Just Jared and the likes, it is their last laugh on all the haters.
Because the blogs who diss Kate are the main ones who look at these photos and comment about them, thus making them sellable.
If nobody clicked on them or commented about them, then these celebrity websites would stop buying them.
We ( all the anti Gosslin blogs ) are the ones making the gossip sites and Kate rich.
She truly doesn't care that the world hates her as long as she's getting paid for it.
The Dionne quints got their own McMansion too, and a dog. In this photo they look happy enough, but their book written in their own words confirms their misery and isolation.
Kate in her book said I truly love the media. Of course she loves it. She had these kids for the attention, she got the attention, she loves it and always has loved it.
If Kate and Steve are selling these pictures, are they compensated by each newspaper/magazine/web site that publishes them? The U.K. paper the Daily Mail have published the latest "on the way to New Zealand" photos.
Burns Me Up! Where are you?
Our friend Katie Irene actually made an attempt to wear her leggings with something other than a tiny tee! The sweater needs to be just a teeeeny bit longer, but she actually looks relatively normal in these pics. Her hair looks messy cute.
See sheeple? We haterz ARE able to say something nice about Katie Irene .
I wonder if Kate's personal pap Chris will be at the airport when the Gosselins arrive back in the country Jan. 15. What a shame the kids didn't even get to enjoy playing with their toys from Christmas before they had to fly out of the country. I hope Jon and Ellen are making the best of a bad situation and are enjoying their alone time. That should make Kate mad, knowing they have alone time together. She has to be jealous that Jon has someone special and she doesn't (at least not publicly).
Kate is all about the money. I do not believe for a minute that she takes her kids anywhere that costs her money unless they are being filmed. So many of us have heard her make remarks about there never being "enough money." She is transparent and cheap unless it's on anyone but her dime. Remember the free piano that was left at the old house? She didn't for one minute want to pay for lessons. She is obvious. How about that wine only for dinner? Isn't that a giveaway to what really is happening? Or, is it just a way to save calories. Vanity is her middle name!
"Administrator said...
The Dionne quints got their own McMansion too, and a dog. In this photo they look happy enough, but their book written in their own words confirms their misery and isolation"
People who haven''t seen it, should really watch that movie. It's youtube ready..
Carla was called out. She put herself on this TV show then lied on her public blog. It's an attack to call someone out on a lie? I don't think so. Please show us where the "attack" was.
On the contrary I was fearful of people calling this guy's restaurant and getting him fired. Now that's attacked. He does not have a TV show, he is not an enabler of child exploitation, and he did not lie. Had he done any of that he is fair game.
It is not an attack to point out when a lie has been told, especially when it comes to children being pulled out of school just to be exploited.
". . .there is something really slimey about these kids going to Steve's country before they've ever seen Jon's."
Actually, the kids have been to Jon's "homeland". His mother was born and raised in Hawaii. His ethnicity is 1/2 Korean, but he is at least 2nd gen. American.
Pink and Marie - I usually read comments from the bottom up, too, esp. on the threads with a lot of comments.
Those poor kids must be dizzy with fatigue. I have done that trip to Australia from USA and it took me at least a week to get straight. At midnight I wanted breakfast and dinner for breakfast and was nauseated at the thought of food for dinner, No wonder Kate just ordered wine. Also they are traveling through different time zones in Australia. To give an idea of what those kids are going through physically. It is 8.30 pm Saturday in PA and 12 30pm in Sydney Sunday. and is 2.30 PM in New Zealand. Try that in a week and you will all be crazier than Kate. She really should be prosecuted for child abuse. I believe in Karma.... her day will come when she is alone and lonely and not one of her kids will speak to her.
A Brit, I totally agree this trip is whirlwind and exhausting. They are missing a lot of school, you would hope they are being tutored to keep up. Yet imagine not only being dragged back and forth to the airport and up and down the coast of this country in a variety of time zones, but now when it feels like 12am but it's really 9am your tutor wants to start a school lesson with you so you don't fall too far behind your academically accelerated, as Kate says, school because your mother needed to film the crap out of you to pay for her celebrity habit. It truly is disgusting. I think Kate should be made to do schoolwork on her vacation too to know how it feels. I want to see Steve doing some math problems too.
A lot of my general rules of thumb I toss aside when it comes to these kids. They have worked their butts off this whole trip, they are missing school, friends, activities, they should eat what they want to eat whether that's new stuff or just chicken fingers. They deserve to do what they want to do.
What date are they coming back to the US? Please tell me it's not a Sun. and they'll be expected to go to school the next day?
How about that wine only for dinner? Isn't that a giveaway to what really is happening? Or, is it just a way to save calories. Vanity is her middle name!
Maybe she chowed down on hors d'oeuvres or snacks before dinner and wasn't hungry at that time. Or, maybe she and her "bodyguard" were planning on a late night dinner sans kids, and she didn't want to ruin her appetite! There have been times when I took the kids out to eat and only ordered soup and a glass of wine because I just wasn't hungry at the time. And...I am not vain, nor a lush! ;-)
However, this is Kate!!
readerlady said...
Pink and Marie - I usually read comments from the bottom up, too, esp. on the threads with a lot of comments.
Well then, we're in excellent company :o)
Which reminds me of a silly little riddle my father used to tell...
Question: If 2 is company and 3 is a crowd, what is 4 and 5?
Answer: 9
Roxanne & Kat's Meow, I think BerksPA wasn't trying to say that she knew for an absolute fact that Kate NEVER takes her kids any where.
I think what she meant is that most of the pap photos (I'd say around 95% of them) are of Kate running errands alone. Occasionally we see her do something with Maddy & Cara, or with one or two of the tups, but it's very rare.
I think we all would rather see it the other way around: mostly running errands with the kids, rarely without. After all, how often are normal working moms out and about without their kids?
I would ask that you do not take comments so literally here. Most of us aren't trying to spread gossip; we're here to express opinions.
Anon 1 said...
What date are they coming back to the US? Please tell me it's not a Sun. and they'll be expected to go to school the next day?
Actually, if they came back on the 16th (Sunday), the 17th is a holiday -- no school, so it would give them at least a day to recover from the trip. Has anyone heard any dates on their expected arrival time back here in the good US of A?
I had a thought. What if-ever Jon were to take the kids out of the country on a trip during Kate's custodial time? How many of you other's here think she would throw an absolute fit because it would on her time and the kids, "would be missing school."
Why are these children being dragged to NZ? They should have gone home after their promotional trip to Australia. They have been working nonstop during their Chistmas and New Year's break (which was over the 4th of January) and too much school is being missed. The children should be home instead of being used as walking travel advertisements for their famewhore mother, her weasel boyfriend and greedy TLC. What are they going to see or do in NZ that they haven't done already? Are they going to shear sheep and knit sweaters for mommy dearest?
I have also noticed that she is not yanking their arms out of their sockets in these pics. She has never before been able to walk with any of the 8 without holding their hands as high up in the air as possible.
The training from her minder at least has paid off in the respect, for the kids. For now.
Perhaps her medication has been changed....
Thinking out loud here . . .if Steve is acting as pap, could he also be the "source close to the Gosselins" who leaked the story about the kids' school issues?
It certainly got Kate on the Today Show in a hurry.
He's very helpful.
Administrator said... http://www.oltca.com/axiom/DailyNews/2003/November/Dionne2.jpg
The Dionne quints got their own McMansion too, and a dog. In this photo they look happy enough, but their book written in their own words confirms their misery and isolation
Out of curiosity, I googled the Dionnes, and was appalled at the similarities to the Gosselin debacle. The technology was different in the ‘30’s and ‘40’s for sure, but those girls were subjected to the same circus that the Gosselin kids now face: having their personal moments documented for the world to see; being trotted out like a freak show exhibit at every lucrative opportunity…. How telling that the surviving Dionne girls actually sent a letter to the McCaughey septuplets’ parents to warn them of the dangers of commercializing their multiples. I’m paraphrasing, but I believe they said that multiple children should be treated as CHILDREN, not as entertainment. The McCaughey’s listened. Did Kate or Jon heed this warning or learn from the Dionnes’ experience? No, they did the exact opposite and instead chose to use their “multiple status” to make money to support their lazy asses.
Regarding the Dionne girls: "They were unaware for many years that the lavish house, expensive food and cars the family enjoyed were paid for with money they themselves had earned." I’m sure my illustrious co-posters will see the sad irony in this description of the Dionne quints. Bring any other gaggle of unassuming multiples to mind? Yeah, I thought so.
The Just Jared link, admin posted above, credits INF Daily for the photos.
Did INF Daily send Chris or one of their paps to cover the Gosselins in New Zealand? If so, did TLC or Kate's PR invite them for exclusive coverage i.e. a special filming event (just my speculation)?
I'm getting this vibe that this New Zealand trip is turning into the Gosselin's Hawaiian vacation, with a secretly planned wedding.
Isn't Kate's new year's resolution to find a man? Maybe she has, and they're using this trip to finally make it official.
You know, this whole situation has just gotten so darned pathetic I cannot even describe it. If Steve and Kate are the one's taking the paparazzi pics and selling them to the media they are two losers!! That's right, if Kate or TLC or Steve read this blog, you are LOSERS!!!
The essential fact that Ms. Kreider cannot change is that the basic concept of this show is BORING. The vast majority of people will look at pictures of other people's babies to be polite, and most babies are cute. The even vaster majority of people are not interested in other people's kids, whether they are little kids, school age kids, or even high school kids. No matter what trip Ms. Kreider and Krew go on, they will still be BORING. Why do I bother reading this site? Love the comments,you guys are so funny! And I support the goal of ALL children, not just Ms. kreider's, having legal protections.
url said... Why are these children being dragged to NZ? They should have gone home after their promotional trip to Australia.
footage. This trip will turn into at least 2-3 K+8 epis, I'd guess.
Also, wonder if that was Jon's 'bargaining chip' to let K take the kids to Australia? He gets the kids from now on when she is out of town.
Am I missing Colin in all these pics from Australia via JJ and ROL? What's the matter Steve, even Colin is scared of you, the new P People?
Joyinvirginia said:
The vast majority of people will look at pictures of other people's babies to be polite, and most babies are cute. The even vaster majority of people are not interested in other people's kids, whether they are little kids, school age kids, or even high school kids. No matter what trip Ms. Kreider and Krew go on, they will still be BORING.
Bingo! You said it, Joy!
I'm getting this vibe that this New Zealand trip is turning into the Gosselin's Hawaiian vacation, with a secretly planned wedding.
I think that would be bigamy, unless Steve, Gina and Kate are planning to move to Utah and appear on a new TLC production of Sister Wives!
GoPoshGo said...Regarding the Dionne girls: "They were unaware for many years that the lavish house, expensive food and cars the family enjoyed were paid for with money they themselves had earned." I’m sure my illustrious co-posters will see the sad irony in this description of the Dionne quints.
Kate knew that having sextuplets would bring all kinds of attention to her. Back then her narcissism was still festering under her skin, it wasn't as prominent as it is now. She knew about the Dionne quints because she was openly obsessed with the McCaugheys septuplets and was aware of the warning the Dionne women gave them about keeping the babies' lives private or they'd be . That was like telling her the combination for opening the safe. She shopped those babies from the beginning because she'd read the McCaugheys "were the recipients of many generous donations, including a 5500 ft² (511 m²) house, a van and diapers for the first two years, as well as nanny services, and even the State of Iowa offering full college scholarships to the babies upon their maturity and graduation from high school to any state university in Iowa. U.S. President Bill Clinton personally telephoned Mr. and Mrs. McCaughey to wish them his congratulations." (wikipedia)
It's sick and disgusting, but that didn't matter to Kate then and it doesn't now. She got what she wanted by purposely breeding multiples.
It's sick and disgusting, but that didn't matter to Kate then and it doesn't now. She got what she wanted by purposely breeding multiples.
If you think about it, she was foolishly 'gambling' w/her life as well as ? amt. of children's lives. Of all the things you listed that the McCaughey's received, the house was the only thing that would be of value to K&J. They wouldn't need the diapers if they didn't have 8 kids, nor the huge van, nanny services, nor full scholarships if she hadn't had the kids in the first place. She's so sick, so pathetically desperate, HOW does one become like that? You'd have to have some serious issues w/your past. Perhaps it was a case of "never wanting to be poor" that contributed to her downfall. I find it so hopeless that there is no cure for her, short of more money, more 'fame' more of everything.
Anon 1 -- Yep, it's obvious she wanted attention. The 'stuff' was great too, but the sextuplets were going to bring the spotlight on to her and the spotlight was her #1 priority...still is. Those babies were the means to an end as far as she was concerned. Wow, when you think about it, she was like a sleeping giant narcissist back then.
When I posted here on New Year's Eve, as Kate and Co arrived in Australia, I'd said I'd report on any media coverage I saw about the visit in this country. (I live in Melbourne.)
You haven't heard from me because there's hasn't been any! Nobody here knows, nobody cares that Kate and her children have done some of the usual things tourists do in what is usually sunny Queensland.
Much more noteworthy have been catastrophic floods over much of that state, and prolonged, atypical cool, wet and stormy weather all along the east coast. Kate could not have a picked a more dismal period weatherwise to come here if she'd tried.
I hope the kids got something out of it all but it's a bit hard to ascertain what.
Interesting to see if the New Zealand leg holds any delights for anyone apart from Steve.
Drunkorexia is a term that describes the practice of restricting food intake in order to drink more alcohol. It it is an eating disorder that has gotten much more attention as of late, especially on college campuses. All binge drinking is dangerous, but not eating while drinking is a shortcut to disaster as the body is quickly depleted by both these practices. There have been more than one occasion where I have wondered if Kate is drinking due to her appearance and behavior.
Love the plug that Kate is giving to our very own 'Woolworths'! She's picked up a great Australian fashion, the recylcable shopping bag! How very bogan of her.
One thing that struck me about her visit is that for a person with bi-racial kids, she's awfully 'WASP'. I was thinking that one of my experiences on going to a foreign country is to learn about the native people, so I was wondering if she would take the kids to a Corroboree, or a welcome to country ceremony. But then, on thinking about the J&K shows in the US, I don't think she's shown any interest in talking to the kids about First Nations, so why would she be interested in Aboriginal history in Australia. I'm wondering about another name I generally give to people like this, and am interested to hear what other readers think.
I do believe Steve is supplying many of the photos of them on this trip. Further, I believe she is dressing normally because she is going to meet his family. Talk about a ratings bonanza for TLC. It all makes sense because Mrs. Neild is nowhere to be seen.
Puddymoors said... Love the plug that Kate is giving to our very own 'Woolworths'! She's picked up a great Australian fashion, the recylcable shopping bag! How very bogan of her.
One thing that struck me about her visit is that for a person with bi-racial kids, she's awfully 'WASP'. I was thinking that one of my experiences on going to a foreign country is to learn about the native people, so I was wondering if she would take the kids to a Corroboree, or a welcome to country ceremony. But then, on thinking about the J&K shows in the US, I don't think she's shown any interest in talking to the kids about First Nations, so why would she be interested in Aboriginal history in Australia. I'm wondering about another name I generally give to people like this, and am interested to hear what other readers think.
Puddymoors, it would definitely be a very educational experience & a wonderful opportunity for the children- and even for Kate to experience a Corroboree or a Native American Ceremony in the U.S., or ANY native ceremony.
Unfortunately, we're talking about Kate here. She's not an outdoor girl, remember?
Can you imagine her whining, screeching and complaining? It would be EMBARRASSING.
Unless the Corroboree occurs in the lobby of a 5 star resort/spa- I doubt she'll be happy or interested.
Maybe Steve & the nannys can take the children?....
Insert Creative Username Here said... Roxanne & Kat's Meow, I think BerksPA wasn't trying to say that she knew for an absolute fact that Kate NEVER takes her kids any where.
I think what she meant is that most of the pap photos (I'd say around 95% of them) are of Kate running errands alone. Occasionally we see her do something with Maddy & Cara, or with one or two of the tups, but it's very rare.
I think we all would rather see it the other way around: mostly running errands with the kids, rarely without. After all, how often are normal working moms out and about without their kids?
I would ask that you do not take comments so literally here. Most of us aren't trying to spread gossip; we're here to express opinions.
Thank you, Insert Creative Username Here.
Kathy Griffin is leaving the D List so she is not "in the same pack" with Kate Gosselin.
There was a link on GWoP not to long ago about when Kate was begging for a van, I'm sorry, PRAYING for a van, her & Jon both, & their neighbors were weighing in about their greed back then! I didn't really know about how she was back in the day, when the babies were just babies, & they were grifting for freebies. Her own neighbors were on to her. I was shocked to read about it. I really thought the show made her a greedy monster.
I cannot believe Kate has been like this since day 1. It has been wired in her brain to be selfish. She sought multiples for one purpose & one purpose only. It's obvious she didn't intend to want to mother those kids & be maternal. Once she is done wringing them dry & getting everything she can out of them, she will toss them aside, just as she did everyone else in her life. The issue I see with this is the kids may get to her first & want to emancipate from her. There was never any bonding, it was all fake. Kate sought fame from having these kids & she got it. Now, she can't get rid of them. It's sad & gross. She has no leg to stand on w/out her kids. She is evil & awful. I hope those kids can emancipate from her, or Jon can help somehow. Kate is out for Kate only. She does not want to be a mother, she never has.
@She's Slick -- You are exactly right on all counts. If more believed as you do, this fiasco would have ended long ago.
Kathy Griffin has the ability to understand when a good thing has run its course. She is able to put short term gains aside to understand why she should end her show.
Kate will never understand this and unfortunatly unless you have that big picture thinking you are unlikely to make it long term in the entertainment world.
Kate has been trolling around for freebies since before the multiples were born. Other multiples receiving unsolicited donations of a few things when their babies were first born (that always dry up by the time they are 2 or 3) is hardly the same thing as dedicating your life to living off the backs of other hard-working Americans most of which you now make more money than they will ever see in a lifetime.
For the few of you that post a comment to ask why a comment was rejected, if you want to know why a comment was rejected, do not ask in another comment. I don't have private conversations via comments. Please email me if you want a response. Otherwise move on.
Does anyone know if Steve's wife Gina is from New Zealand also?
Puddymoors said:
I don't think she's shown any interest in talking to the kids about First Nations, so why would she be interested in Aboriginal history in Australia. I'm wondering about another name I generally give to people like this, and am interested to hear what other readers think.
Kate, a woman who has devoted herself to becoming the Barbi-est, most plastic of bleached blondes perfectly understood the potential appeal of naturally darker skinned adorable Asian-appearing babies, in a set of as many as possible.
There's a word for that, and I know it, as you seem to, as well, Puddymoors. And a few more, as well.
Ethnic/racial awareness? Where's the money in that? That's the only issue Kate is interested in.
Sunfire said...
I wonder if Kate's personal pap Chris will be at the airport when the Gosselins arrive back in the country Jan. 15.
Why would Kate call Chris the Pap anymore-
she has her man Steve to do the job.
Maybe a brass band and local cheerleaders will be at the airport to greet Kate + 8 .... ;o)
Yay for Kate! Right Sheeps?
Hippie Chick said... There was a link on GWoP not to long ago about when Kate was begging for a van, I'm sorry, PRAYING for a van, her & Jon both, & their neighbors were weighing in about their greed back then! I didn't really know about how she was back in the day, when the babies were just babies, & they were grifting for freebies. Her own neighbors were on to her. I was shocked to read about it. I really thought the show made her a greedy monster.
I cannot believe Kate has been like this since day 1. It has been wired in her brain to be selfish. She sought multiples for one purpose & one purpose only. It's obvious she didn't intend to want to mother those kids & be maternal. Once she is done wringing them dry & getting everything she can out of them, she will toss them aside, just as she did everyone else in her life. The issue I see with this is the kids may get to her first & want to emancipate from her. There was never any bonding, it was all fake. Kate sought fame from having these kids & she got it. Now, she can't get rid of them. It's sad & gross. She has no leg to stand on w/out her kids. She is evil & awful. I hope those kids can emancipate from her, or Jon can help somehow. Kate is out for Kate only. She does not want to be a mother, she never has.
Well Hippie Chick, if we had a private line to God like she does, we would be living "high on the hog" too ;o)
By the way, I agree 100% with you.
Ha. Maybe we shouldn't knock her private line to Jesus. It's been working out for her.
She calls, He answers.
It always amazes me that the sheeple sites come here and other non fan sites so they can take the comments back and make posts about it. It also amazes me that Admin has as much patience and determination (that's a good thing!) to not let this site deteriorate to a hate on other blog site as so many others have. On this site links are posted, photos of actual events are shown, and all the FACTS about what is really going on in Kate world, which is enough for any sane and normal person. It is the sheeple who have to come here and make huge posts attacking Admin and her commenters all at the same time they are claiming they would never come here. Just one more sign of delusion that they operate under.
Does anyone with very young children watch the Nick Jr. show with their kids called 'The Wonder Pets'? These 3 animals go around saving other little animals. Anyway, they have one on now where a herd of sheep are about to go off a cliff and the Wonder Pets have to get there in time to stop them from going off the cliff.
I have laughed and laughed at this always thinking about the sheeple running off the cliff while chasing Kate's coattails.
I came across this article written in 2008 as J&K+8 was taking off. The author pointed out that J&K+8 appeared to be marketed as a "Martha Stewart" approach to parenting i.e everything perfect and organized with no detail overlooked. Here's a link to the article, which incidentally is a Google cache since the original article mysteriously "disapeared"- Hmmmm... wasn't this about the time 'ol Julie May Carson came on board?
What I found really interesting was a reply to the article, again from 2008, basically saying all the things we've been saying and predicted for years, but at the time and even now (two expulsions later) the sheeple insisted we were dead wrong. Guess not.
May 25th, 2008 18:19
kate has evolved into a very whiney needy wife to jon….she decided that she wanted her teeth bleached too so they did it “together”…who paid for that perk?? my sister quit watching the show as a result of that episode.
kate made such a fuss over valentine’s day and about what jon would buy her….jon took her out shopping because she does not know how to pick out clothes like jon does….kate threw a fit over john taking time to iron a shirt for their “romantic night out” during the time kate was clenaing the kitchen.
i am so done with this show…trips to disneyworld…colorado….wow i wish i could have done this with my kids..funny part is that kids never remember vacations like this at such a young age.
just let the kids wear old clothes for once, chew gum and color with markers…such a strange upbringing will show up later when they go to school now i know why jon and kate’s parents are not in the picture e.g. of poor aunt beth and the gum incident…kate couldn’t stop about that one and beth does so much for her….note to kate don’t bite the hand that feeds u honey. (This person confused Beth with Aunt Jodi)
In regards to the article disapearing from Blogger, do you suppose TLC/Discovery asked for it to be removed? I find it disturbing that TLC/Discovery feels it is more important to squash the lies, bad behavior and parenting of their narcissistic reality star than to honor our constitutional right of free speech. And while they know they have no legal right to silence individuals who speak out or voice an opinion about Kate, it doesn't stop them from trying to intimidate them into doing so.
How petty and unimportant this all sounds when compared to the Tucson shooting.
Just one more sign of delusion that they operate under.
What they do is known in the internet world as boards on boards, it's pathetic and absolutely not allowed at most reputable forums, and it's certainly not allowed here and never has been. Thanks for helping to keep the manure out of here everyone!
Post to come, this is a test since Im computerchallengec.
watcher said... How petty and unimportant this all sounds when compared to the Tucson shooting.
Did you stumble on this board by accident while looking for the MSNBC or Fox sites for the lateset shooting updates? I can see how you'd mistake 15 Minutes Gosselin Style for Fox, the names are quite similar.
I want to clear up somethings about the Dionnes...my older sister was born the same week and we are French/Indian (metis) on the Canadian border. We followed their lives very close and their are deep ties:
* The babies were born into a big loving family on a poor farm in the "tundra" of N. Ontario. The french midwife saved the babies, putting them on the warm spot of the oven door. The dad was cool and withdrawn, struggling after money like Kate, the mom was warm and loving like Jon.
The local Dr. Dafoe literally confiscated the babies once he gave a few interviews and liked it. He represents TLC.
*The children were raised in a sterile cold hospitalenvironment regulated by the Doc.It was accross the road. He controlled their appearences and raked in the dough, becoming a celeb himself and paid to interview. The Dad fumed and grew even more filled with hatred and helplessness, while the mom waited in line, (sometimes pregnant) to see her babies in the visitor corridor( Similar to Jon waiting to see the kids on tv)The siblings never came over and the govt through Dafoe ran the show. The girls in "We were five" said they knew they were working on display as they "played" and it affected them.
*They were isolated from and treated differetly from their bro/sisters which created emnity and the Dionnes grew up with a "herd mentality", all dressed alike and babified to keep their brand valuable. Later they left marriages and ended up living together.
*They were not allowed much french and the customs and culture of their family. They were "anglized". They were denied full participation in their faith, although the Doc allowed the first year, soon it ment zero to him.
Doesnt this parallel the poor gosselins?
*Politics began to enter(as it did with senMurtha) and the Quebec politicos and the people joined forces to protest these babies becoming wards of the state at birth. This was commen since for almost 100 yrs. Canada routinely took native Indian children from parents at gunpoint if needed from age 4 0r 5 till 18, to "de-indianize"them.(this was done in the usa under the Dawes act,as well)
The Quints were now nine and no longer baby-cute so Dafoe gave up his right to profit. The dad took the diminished income and bought a big house, NOT a mansion. He got a car, too. He wanted the girls back and finally the govt of Canada and the DOc gave them back to a family they had now, no ties with, except poor Mdme. Dionne. Their Dad wanted contracts to continue.
Slowly they sank into anomnity...They were brave in all leaving to go on their own. Their mom and sibs(think Jons family, kevin, Jodie and kids) all suffered as well as they from loss of contact.They never rebonded with them.
At age 21(?) they received a pittance from money set aside. They later sued the govt and won a pittance. God bless them and bless and protect all of the Eight.
By this logic you might assume someone who is out at 6 Flags today doesn't care about the shootings. Or perhaps someone sunning in New Zealand doesn't care. Or someone out shopping, getting a mani/pedi, etc. Or anyone doing any leisure activity.
Don't assume people haven't been following this story since it first happened yesterday afternoon, have already combed all the news sites about it yesterday and today, and prayed for the victims and families. Many people here are very engaged with what is going on in the world. There are actually many other activities of interest to us besides Kate and her child exploitation.
It's actually Kate who admitted she doesn't keep up with the news, read a newspaper, watch it, etc. Maybe you should direct hate at Kate for not following this story. Sheeple can't defend Kate anymore so they have nothing left to do but attack people who have called her out on her crap. They have nothing left.
Administrator said...Ha. Maybe we shouldn't knock her private line to Jesus. It's been working out for her.
She calls, He answers.
Ahhh, so that's who she's always on the phone to. I wondered.
"Ahhh, so that's who she's always on the phone to. I wondered."
That's why I'm not getting through...obviously a PINK phone has supernatural/heavenly powers!
Is it possible for you to list your email address? Your link is specific to Windows Live and Outlook, neither one of which I use. Unless I sign up for accounts I don't want, or change my default email, I cannot email you.
I had no idea it was Jesus on the other line telling Kate, When you hear the tone, the time will be, 7:30.
Are you there God? It's me, Kate.
If I list my email it could get spammed. If you put your mouse over the email link, you should see the link in your lower left hand corner. But it's easy enough, it's admin @realitytvkids. com. Put it together.
Administrator said...
Don't assume people haven't been following this story since it first happened yesterday afternoon, have already combed all the news sites about it yesterday and today, and prayed for the victims and families. Many people here are very engaged with what is going on in the world. There are actually many other activities of interest to us besides Kate and her child exploitation.
Well said, Admin. I've been keeping current with the story through the two newspapers that I subscribe to and on the 'net. It amazes me that some people think that posting on this blog is all we do. I'd venture to say that most of us are busy people who take some time out to post our concern about the Gosselin children.
Are you there God? It's me, Kate.
God: Hi again, Kate.... What's that?? Yes I know, that was my bad. I could have sworn you said Australia.
Moose -- Let's go pink and see how that works out for us. I have quite a long list.
emschick1128 said...
Does anyone know if Steve's wife Gina is from New Zealand also?
Yes, they're both from New Zealand and they were married there. They are the parents of 2 teenage boys.
Administrator said...
Don't assume people haven't been following this story since it first happened yesterday afternoon, have already combed all the news sites about it yesterday and today, and prayed for the victims and families. Many people here are very engaged with what is going on in the world. There are actually many other activities of interest to us besides Kate and her child exploitation.
It's true. Our t.v. sets have been fixed on Fox News since the heartbreaking news was announced.
Our prayers are with all the families involved, and may Representative Giffords have the strength to recuperate fully.
It is truly a miracle that she is alive.
Indian Elder said...
I want to clear up somethings about the Dionnes...my older sister was born the same week and we are French/Indian (metis) on the Canadian border. We followed their lives very close and their are deep ties:
Thank you for visiting and posting the information on the Dionne sisters. The parallels are striking, aren't they? And, frightening when you think of the effects of all this filming will most likely be on the Gosselin children.
@Pink Straight Jacket for Kate
You're welcome! I've been reading this blog for a while and have only recently started commenting. I appreciate the respect demonstrated in the discussion, and want to do my part to keep it that way! :)
@Auntie Ann and Admin...
LOL @ the direct line to God comments!!!
Interesting that Kate's whereabouts hasn't been reported in Australia. I think this is even further proof that a Kate/TLC insider (cough Steve cough) is taking the pictures and giving them to the gossip sites. If it was an Aussie pap, wouldn't they first sell it to the Aussie's first? Then U.S. second?
ALso, Kate knows that Chris is with INF, and they are one of the only ones interested in pics of her and her brood. Doesn't it make sense that Kate/Steve/TLC would sell/give the pics to them?
When the mess of their life blows up in their face (as it's starting to already), they will have a lot to answer for...
It's true. Our t.v. sets have been fixed on Fox News since the heartbreaking news was announced.
Our prayers are with all the families involved, and may Representative Giffords have the strength to recuperate fully.
It is truly a miracle that she is alive.
Ditto. A parent says goodbye to a child, thinking that child is just going nearby for the educational experience of meeting a political official, and that child never returns home. You just never know, and have to count your blessings every moment, never taking anything for granted.
It's probably hard for sheeple to understand people capable of caring about multiple different issues at once. They can probably only handle one at a time.
Hello Bloggers,
I live in Tucson and have shopped at that Safeway many, many times. It is, in fact, my daughter's neighborhood grocery store.
Gabrielle Giffords is in critical condition at our University Medical Center, but she was operated on by a top trauma (former combat) surgeon and he has good hopes about her recovery. One of Gifford's friends, a federal judge, just happened to stop by to say hello to her, and he was murdered at the scene. A young nine year old was also killed in the shooting. She attended school in the district where I teach. Some innocent bystanders and one of Gifford's aides were killed. I believe a total of 6 people died either at the scene or at the hospital.
The Tucson community is utterly devastated by this horrible tragedy. Please keep everyone, especially the victims and their families, in your prayers. Tucsonans are just overcome with sadness and anger over this senseless event.
My sympathy to the families of all the victims; in particular to the family of the little nine year old girl, Christina Green, who was born on September 11, 2001.
Sad in Tucson said... Hello Bloggers,
I live in Tucson and have shopped at that Safeway many, many times. It is, in fact, my daughter's neighborhood grocery store.
Gabrielle Giffords is in critical condition at our University Medical Center, but she was operated on by a top trauma (former combat) surgeon and he has good hopes about her recovery. One of Gifford's friends, a federal judge, just happened to stop by to say hello to her, and he was murdered at the scene. A young nine year old was also killed in the shooting. She attended school in the district where I teach. Some innocent bystanders and one of Gifford's aides were killed. I believe a total of 6 people died either at the scene or at the hospital.
The Tucson community is utterly devastated by this horrible tragedy. Please keep everyone, especially the victims and their families, in your prayers. Tucsonans are just overcome with sadness and anger over this senseless event.
I'm so sorry for your community's
loss, Sad in Tucson. I wish we could
ease your pain.
Yes, you are in our prayers.
God bless you.
If Steve and his wife are both from NZ and they were married there,maybe that's why there is no record of their divorce in the US!! And maybe when they were both together over seas,they were in NZ getting a divorce! Not sure how to check records from there.
I think we've all been praying for the families of those who were killed and those who are struggling to recuperate. Sad in Tucson, how many people are now on the critical list? My heart aches for your city as well as our country. (A 'side' piece of info. I read, Christine Green's grandfather was was a MLB pitcher and subsequent manager of Philly team. Her dad is a scout for the LA Dodgers.)
If Steve and his wife are both from NZ and they were married there,maybe that's why there is no record of their divorce in the US!! And maybe when they were both together over seas,they were in NZ getting a divorce! Not sure how to check records from there.
You can't. The records in NZ are sealed for something like ten years (not sure exactly of the time period), but it's long!
A little slow said...
"It's probably hard for sheeple to understand people capable of caring about multiple different issues at once. They can probably only handle one at a time."
And their obsessive admiration, and defense of Queen Kate takes up 99.9 percent of their time.
Multi-tasking Sheeple said...A little slow said..."It's probably hard for sheeple to understand people capable of caring about multiple different issues at once. They can probably only handle one at a time."
And their obsessive admiration, and defense of Queen Kate takes up 99.9 percent of their time.
Last week they were giddy over inventing a story about Shoka being abandoned. Today they insert the topic of the shooting in Tucson onto here to deflect the discussion away from their idol. Of course it's tragic and everyone is saddened by it. Trying to make the tragedy in Arizona relevant on a blog about Kate Gosselin exploiting her children is twisted and sick and unfortunately typical sheeple behavior.
My prayers go out to the victims and the families and friends of those injured and killed in Tucson, and also to the residents of that city. What an unspeakable tragedy. Those of us who lived through the Kennedy assassinations and the King assassination will be having nightmares, for sure. I just hope that something positive comes out of all this. Like maybe the "fire and brimstone" politicians on both sides of the aisle will learn that a person who disagrees with their politics is no less a patriot, no less a caring person, no less a believer in this country. There are always the nutjobs around, but the current climate of demonizing the opposition contributes far more to this type of incident than many care to admit. God help us all.
How tragic that the young girl killed in the shooting was Dallas Green's granddaughter. As a rabid baseball fan, I certainly recognize his name.
Admin and others - ITA that just because we read here and post here, doesn't mean that we aren't involved in our communities or aware of and concerned about National and World events. Personally, I volunteer at our library, spend 2 days a week volunteering as a classroom monitor at my church's school, am a literacy tutor, and sing in my church choir. That doesn't include all my hobbies and the 5 - 6 books a week that I read, plus at least one daily newspaper. Concern for the G8 doesn't preclude concern for others.
To all the sheeple who lurk over here. One of your sheeps has crossed the line. Don't ever compare us (the people who are concerned about the welfare of thee Gosselins kids) with the tragedy in Tuscon. Somebody wrote:
"These people that stalk Kate, hate Kate, and stalk her fans are no different then the young man that killed all those people today"
Are you PROUD to call this one of your own? The Tuscon tragedy is so heartbreaking. I'll end here otherwise my self-censor button will malfunction.
"These people that stalk Kate, hate Kate, and stalk her fans are no different then the young man that killed all those people today"
I hope that this doesn't represent the mentality of ALL sheeple. If so, then God help us. They are far more delusional than any of us thought. This is the flock that supports Kate? This is her fan base? Nothing of which she can be proud...
I don't understand why they are so insistent on linking this horrific event with Kate. We didn't bring it up, we were all following the story but saw no need to drag it here. Obsessed much? Not everything has to do with their queen.
I guess we know why Kate needs a bodyguard. Her fans want to talk about a disturbing assassination attempt in Arizona when talking about Kate.
I hope that this doesn't represent the mentality of ALL sheeple
Since there's only about four sheeple left it's the mentality of at least 25% of them.
My concern is that another nutjob is going to become disenchanted with the politics of another member of Congress, and pull off a copycat killing at a Town Hall meeting. These deranged people are out there, and who knows if this is the trigger that might set another one off, especially if he sees the media attention this is getting, and he decides to make a name for himself by going out in a blaze of glory.
uh oh, Admin. Now they've got a math problem to solve.
Since there's only about four sheeple left it's the mentality of at least 25% of them.
LOL, Admin! I never thought about that. Seriously, though, it is kind of frightening when you think about it...that there are people out there who, with their limited intelligence, would even make a statement like that. Those are the obsessed fans, the reason that Steve was initially hired (didn't he call them "over-zealous"?).
We are all aware of the demographics of the sheeple, so to compare us with a deranged shooter of twenty people really isn't surprising. Scary, yes; surprising, no.
AuntieAnn said...
uh oh, Admin. Now they've got a math problem to solve.
Heck, AuntieAnn, They are probably trying to figure out where they can get the best deal on a pink phone, since their queen has that direct link going for her! Don't saddle them with another task as complicated as figuring out percentages!
Not to waste too much more space on the sheeple, but weren't some of them wishing death on Jon awhile back?
Administrator said... I hope that this doesn't represent the mentality of ALL sheeple
Since there's only about four sheeple left it's the mentality of at least 25% of them.
AuntieAnn said... uh oh, Admin. Now they've got a math problem to solve.
this made me LOL, almost spilled my fruit shake.
There could be an explosion on Mars with meteors headed to earth and somehow the sheeple will say we caused it through our hatred. Meanwhile their queen is busy figuring out what shade of orange looks best on her.
Sorry - I'm usually not this snarky but my threshold is short today.
Another week in NZ...
Administrator said... I don't understand why they are so insistent on linking this horrific event with Kate. We didn't bring it up, we were all following the story but saw no need to drag it here. Obsessed much? Not everything has to do with their queen.
I guess we know why Kate needs a bodyguard. Her fans want to talk about a disturbing assassination attempt in Arizona when talking about Kate.
Pay no mind to Kate's die-hard sheeples.
Their blind devotion is skewed (or is it screwed?). Maybe both.
AuntieAnn said...
Not to waste too much more space on the sheeple, but weren't some of them wishing death on Jon awhile back?
It was wrong for that poster to try to tie the massacre to you posters but AuntieAnn, I think you're trying to do that to them now. If I'm wrong I do apologize. But it sounds like you're implying that a Kate supporter could kill Jon. Two wrongs don't make a right.
AuntieAnn said..."not to waste too much more space on the sheeple, but weren't some of them wishing death on Jon awhile back?
Sherri Shepherd, (A sheeple? Funny that her last name is Shepherd!), who is always kissing up to Kate, made the statement that she would "blow up Jon Gosselin's car." I seem to remember, too, that there were various postings from the sheeple who said that the best thing that could happen is if Jon were dead.
J Croce, unfortuantly Auntie Ann is right. Someone said she wished Jon would just get into a car accident so that he would get out of Kate's hair.
I guess when the kids are screaming for Jon at the drop-off he IS getting in Kate's hair.
"These people that stalk Kate, hate Kate, and stalk her fans are no different then the young man that killed all those people today"
I'm going to blow right past the utter ignorance and ugliness of this accusation, and get to the real heart of the matter:
To the simpleton Sheep who posted this little nugget of stupidity: When you’re trying to insult us, would you KINDLY do us the favor of using proper spelling and grammar? You kind of lose [even more] credibility when your posts are written with the grammatical abilities of a 2nd-grader. (For the record, my apologies to all 2nd-graders who know the difference between “then and than” and “that and who”). Here’s the correct (albeit still ignorant and ugly) version of your post:
“These people WHO stalk Kate, hate Kate, and stalk her fans are no different THAN the young man WHO killed all those people today.”
And by God, even in its grammatically correct state, the post still reeks of utter ignorance and stupidity.
PS: Exactly who is “stalking” Kate’s fans????
Midnight Madness said... Sherri Shepherd, (A sheeple? Funny that her last name is Shepherd!), who is always kissing up to Kate, made the statement that she would "blow up Jon Gosselin's car."
Uggghhh. Yes, Sherri is the worst kind of Sheeple -- she blindly defends Kate, totally ignorant of the facts. A few weeks ago she was defending the fact that Kate had sextuplets by stating that some of the eggs had "split," which Kate had no control over. Um, Sherri, have you noticed that there are no identical pairs/sets within the tups???? If an egg had split, there would be identicals, and clearly there are not. She does not know the facts, yet she defends Kate just as blindly as the other ignorant Sheeple. Sadly, because she has a public "forum," much of the public who don't follow this debacle the way we do likely BELIEVE her misinformation. WHEN will a real journalist reveal the truth about Kate once and for all??
Last week they were giddy over inventing a story about Shoka being abandoned. Today they insert the topic of the shooting in Tucson onto here to deflect the discussion away from their idol.
Oddly enough though, I haven't seen anything on their blog about the Tucson tragedy.
J. Croce said...
...But it sounds like you're implying that a Kate supporter could kill Jon. Two wrongs don't make a right.
No, J. It was a Pot Meet Kettle comment.
We may say some shitty things about Kate, but I've yet to see anyone here wish death upon her. Personally I hope the next vacation TLC gives her will be on a space shuttle to Mars, but I don't want to see her killed.
Don't know if it's posted...Good night all!! :)
I just read the latest post on GWOP and someone is saying that the Mine-All-Mine Mansion is up for sale???????? That there have been many cars coming and going for showings while Kart is out of town...
And that she has quietly bought a home in New York?????????
Could this be???????
Or is this another plant by nefarious Sheeple People?
Wow, if this is true, it's seriously major. And been kept quiet too -
Has anyone else heard anything like this or should I just shut my trappola and slink away...
Sarah Palin said on tonight's episode: "I want my parents to be a big part of my kids' lives."
I mean you would think this is a given, but apparently not for everyone.
Midnight Madness said... Sherri Shepherd, (A sheeple? Funny that her last name is Shepherd!), who is always kissing up to Kate, made the statement that she would "blow up Jon Gosselin's car."
Uggghhh. Yes, Sherri is the worst kind of Sheeple -- she blindly defends Kate, totally ignorant of the facts. A few weeks ago she was defending the fact that Kate had sextuplets by stating that some of the eggs had "split," which Kate had no control over. Um, Sherri, have you noticed that there are no identical pairs/sets within the tups???? If an egg had split, there would be identicals, and clearly there are not. She does not know the facts, yet she defends Kate just as blindly as the other ignorant Sheeple. Sadly, because she has a public "forum," much of the public who don't follow this debacle the way we do likely BELIEVE her misinformation. WHEN will a real journalist reveal the truth about Kate once and for all??
Don't forget about Nancy Grace. I didn't watch it, but I heard that she bashed Jon when he and Kate were going through the divorce.
I trolled over to a Sheep site (BM). Now they say Chris is there and shot the pics because they are credited to INF. They also tear the Hollybaby article up and say its all lies.
"Last week they were giddy over inventing a story about Shoka being abandoned. Today they insert the topic of the shooting in Tucson onto here to deflect the discussion away from their idol."
I wonder how they feel, knowing that their little "story" about Shoka being neglected resulted in law enforcement having to check on him. Certainly she will get a report of this when she gets back. She would automatically assume that it was an "anti-Kate" person who did this. When Kate finds out that it was a fan who was stupid enough to invent this story, I don't imagine she's going to look at her followers in a favorable way (if she ever did).
I'm just baffled that they don't have the ability to look ahead and see the consequences of their actions. Not only did the police have to take the time to get out there and check the dog, file the reports, but this took time away from their responding to legitimate concerns. I guess the bottom line is that they just don't care. All is fair in their undying devotion to their deity.
It's beyond pathetic...
In fairness, I actually don't believe the Hollybaby article either. There is a pic of Steve from that same shoot. That doesn't make any sense.
As for Chris being there, that's ridiculous. ANYONE can sell pics to INF. Chris would never in his right mine shoot a photo with blurry feet. Chris would also have had to pay for that hotel room, the hotel room would just HAPPNEN to be open next to Kate, he would just HAPPEN to know what hotel they were even at. These photos are of very amateur quality. These photos are from amateurs who are then selling them to INF. I don't believe Chris is there for a second.
It's a crime to falsely report a crime. It's also now a crime to impersonate someone on the internet in CA. Hope that person covered their tracks very well.
When you run around the internet shit stirring this way and that, it actually can catch up to you at some point. Just keep doing it and hope it doesn't catch up! It's kind of sad that's what people do for fun.
Couldn't the TLC staff that is filming her, be taking the pics? (Even under direction of TLC to make her look like she has paps bother her everywhere?) I don't trust TLC so wouldn't put it past them.
Or for that matter what about Liar Carla's daughter? It would help with her college costs to sell them. (or the other nanny/helper/tutor people?)
Wow, if this is true, it's seriously major. And been kept quiet too -
Has anyone else heard anything like this or should I just shut my trappola and slink away...
There was a posting some time ago that everyone in the area knew that the property was for sale by an undisclosed New York big-ticket real estate company. Of course, it could have been another story planted by a sheeple. It was an unconfirmed report, and nothing more ever came of it because nobody could seem to find a listing for it (if it's a private sale, it wouldn't be in the multi-list). I think that it was mentioned that in order to schedule a showing, the potential buyer had to disclose all financial assets, proving that he/she had the funds to purchase the property. In order to keep the fans (the riffraff) out of there, as well as the media, this would make sense.
How strict are New York's Child Labor Laws?
A lot of celebs DO bring along a PR photographer, who then takes paparazzi style pics from afar and sells it to the press. It's either that or amateurs who also can easily sell to the press. Yes there are paparazzi in New York and certain part of LA. Yes paparazzi do camp out when something big hits elsewhere in the country. But it's impossible for the paps to find some of these people the places they find them--not without help. Think about it, how could the paparazzi possibly know to find her at this hotel absent a tip, or being part of their entourage in the first place? Or another hotel patron.
Administrator said...
It's a crime to falsely report a crime.
Here's a question I've been wondering about. The person posted on this blog and reported the neglect. In PA, the neglect and mistreatment of animals is a crime. In a situation like this, if law enforcement wanted to pursue this as the false reporting of a crime, would you, as Administrator, be required to turn over the IP address so that the poster could be identified? I don't think that the sheeple are clever enough to cover their tracks.
Absolutely prosecutors could try to subpoena my blog records. If I didn't want to turn them over I might be required to come to court to explain myself and for the judge to rule whether I must disclose them.
And you can bet I would absolutely cooperate with tracking down a false story like this that took the good people of PA charged with protecting its citizens on a false call. That said I'm sure the prosecutors have a lot better things to do with their time than pursue one lost sheep who is bored and a shit stirrer.
But just keep trying it, sheep, see what happens.
But just keep trying it, sheep, see what happens.
Thanks, Admin. Growing up, I was told by a very wise person, "You always get found out."
One of these days they are going to get caught. Luck won't always follow them around like sheep!
And also, factor in the 'cry wolf' aspect. What if someone DID see Shoka being abused and called about it now. Authorities would hesitate to make a special trip out there to check. It was juvenile behavior by a sheeple and not the least bit amusing.
While having an awful weather day and not feeling so well, I decided to look at a couple of fan blogs to see how many commenters are hanging around any more. On one of these fan sites, there were 7 commenters and on another fan blog it was even less. So the rumors are quite true that their numbers are shrinking!
Admin. a question for you? On one of these blogs, it wsa mentioned that when Kate is out of town that the judge ruled Jon could have the children. Have you heard anything about this? The rumor is that the judge ruled on this on that last meeting they had and this was when he gave Jon more liberal custody. So, just wondering if the judge agreed to let him have more time if Jon would agree to let the kids go off to work for 3 weeks while they should have been in school. Do you have any idea if any of this is true. If it is, could be things are swinging around Jon's way a little bit.
watcher said... "How petty and unimportant this all sounds when compared to the Tucson shooting."
How very strange. With this reasoning the Daily Mail (Brit Newspaper) should have printed no other news, other than this headline. I don't think anyone in their right mind could argue that this event is a great tragedy. I think 'the watcher' should find another hobby.
When I get annoyed about the sheeple I try to remember they recently admitted they don't think the kids should be pulled out of school for filming EITHER. We have some common ground, we can build from there can't we?
Seriously how bad is it when these people who will defend ANYTHING this woman does are now saying Eh, Kate, I don't think you should pull the kids out of SCHOOL necessarily. Mind you they want the kids to continue to have the crap filmed out of them, they judy don't really want them to miss school to do so.
A Brit, I'm agreeing a little bit with you. I wanted to add that Kate left the gorgeous state of Queensland at just the right time. While for the last week or so I've told many US friends that I'm fine and dry, and that all the rain is falling in the middle and centre of the state, today it got a lot closer. My cousin lost her car at work, another one had a creek come up while driving and was lucky to escape with his life. A friend of mine just texted to say that one of her Best Friends (pregnant) had been saved by her husband, who had subsequently drowned trying to save their kids.
This just blows my mind! While you are saying a prayer for the people of Tuscon, and the families of the slane there, please keep the people of Queensland in your prayers.
I think tomorrow I might start building an Ark!
Administrator said...
In fairness, I actually don't believe the Hollybaby article either. There is a pic of Steve from that same shoot. That doesn't make any sense.
Admin. Download this photo. Zoom in to Kate's hands. What do you see? A device capable of taking pictures. Why can you still not believe this possible? Who else in the hotel beside the Gosselin Circus Act would possibly give a crap about them, AND know to sell the shots to the same photo agencies that had all of the shots prior to the last set that went to INF?
SmileyGrl752 said...
...Don't forget about Nancy Grace. I didn't watch it, but I heard that she bashed Jon when he and Kate were going through the divorce.
She was ruthless about Jon. And, of course she didn't know the facts. One of the best segments I watched was when she had Jon's attorney, List, on her show. She was her usual obnoxious self and tried her best to not let him talk, but he got in some pretty good zingers and left her with no comeback (for a few seconds anyway). It was too bad Jon fired him when he did because I would have loved watching him put Nancy in her place with documentation and facts.
Could this be true, or is it another false bait story? said...
I just read the latest post on GWOP and someone is saying that the Mine-All-Mine Mansion is up for sale???????? That there have been many cars coming and going for showings while Kart is out of town...
And that she has quietly bought a home in New York?????????
Could this be???????
Or is this another plant by nefarious Sheeple People?
Wow, if this is true, it's seriously major. And been kept quiet too -
Has anyone else heard anything like this or should I just shut my trappola and slink away...
There's no MLS listing and no indication the house is for sale. I think the person posting these questions is the source of this rumor (this is the first it's been mentioned anywhere that I know of). IF there were cars coming and going I think the word would be out in town, everyone would be talking about it, and the media would be buzzing with the news.
Question: did the person who posted here that they'd seen the dog left outside actually call authorities to report the dog had been left outside? Or did they just say they'd called about it?
Bubbles, The Sheep left that comment here and sat back and let others call the authorities. She and her friends laughed & high-fived each other that the haters would call authorities.
It's no secret who posted that comment. She's been bragging about it at other blogs.
Puddymoors said... A Brit, I'm agreeing a little bit with you. I wanted to add that Kate left the gorgeous state of Queensland at just the right time. While for the last week or so I've told many US friends that I'm fine and dry, and that all the rain is falling in the middle and centre of the state, today it got a lot closer. My cousin lost her car at work, another one had a creek come up while driving and was lucky to escape with his life. A friend of mine just texted to say that one of her Best Friends (pregnant) had been saved by her husband, who had subsequently drowned trying to save their kids.
This just blows my mind! While you are saying a prayer for the people of Tuscon, and the families of the slane there, please keep the people of Queensland in your prayers.
I think tomorrow I might start building an Ark!
Good grief, Puddymoors! I hope the rain subsides.
May you all be safe, dry & comfortable.
Desperate Sheeple - I agree with you that the poster is the one who is spreading the rumor about the house being up for sale. I'm a regular reader and occasional poster on GWOP and there is no such post there. Now - I can't say that it wasn't there and then removed by one of the moderators, but it certainly isn't there now and wasn't there shortly after "Could this be true"s post showed up on here. There was a rumor posted on GWOP back in the summer or early fall to the effect that the house was listed with Sothebys. This was pretty quickly debunked by several people in the real estate business. So - I concur, it's just a desperate sheeple trying to muddy the waters again.
Yelled "Fire" in a theater said...
Bubbles, The Sheep left that comment here and sat back and let others call the authorities. She and her friends laughed & high-fived each other that the haters would call authorities.
So the sheeple are laughing because there are those who care enough about the welfare of an animal to call authorities? That's what responsible people do. I guess we know, then, that in addition to intelligence, sheeple don't even have a heart.
They really are a sad, pathetic bunch, aren't they (not to mention downright stupid) if that's what they have to do to get their kicks.
"There's no MLS listing and no indication the house is for sale. I think the person posting these questions is the source of this rumor (this is the first it's been mentioned anywhere that I know of). IF there were cars coming and going I think the word would be out in town, everyone would be talking about it, and the media would be buzzing with the news."
I posted upthread about this. It was reported some time ago on GWOP, but everyone pretty much dismissed it.
They really are a sad, pathetic bunch, aren't they (not to mention downright stupid) if that's what they have to do to get their kicks.
It's part of their diversion tactics. Deep down, I think the majority of sheeple now KNOW Khate is a bitch, but rather than admit it, they take to doing crap like this to keep their blogs going, so they'll have something to discuss. They rarely talk about Khate anymore...just about the 'haterz' sites, recipes, weather, pretty much anything BUT Khate.
I've seen sheeple who wish harm on Jon by hoping he'd end up in a car accident, but that's about it. I haven't seen anyone actually wanting to kill him.
Desperate Sheeple - I agree with you that the poster is the one who is spreading the rumor about the house being up for sale. I'm a regular reader and occasional poster on GWOP and there is no such post there
Reader -- there was one there last week, and it was removed, followed by one of the mods asking "insiders" to e-mail them if they had information so that it could be confirmed, rather than posting rumors. I went back and looked for the post about the sale of the house, and it was gone. If I remember correctly, it did sound like a plant.
Sounds like gwop is borrowing our new rule. Oh well happy to lend it.
How horrible. Why she would decide to go there in the midst of all the flooding and devastation is beyond me. Wouldn't it be great if TLC decided to give some of the thousands upon thousands of $ they spent towards all the plane tickets for Kate, towards some recovery effort? Kate, people are losing their children in these flood waters and you are fortunate to have all of your children healthy and intact. I just feel sick.
There are pics on ROL of them in NZ. Not sure if anyone had seen them but I noticed on one that a sign in the background says "Kiwi House & Native Bird Park. (a sort of zoo? AGAIN?)
So what's next kiddies. Oh yeah gotta get her bikini and beach shots soon.
I looked at the pix from NZ. Kate is still steering the kids around by their heads - especially the boys. Guess they're too "icky" to hold hands with unless she's trying to impress someone. Cara does not look like a happy camper in several of the pix. One thing is very clear from these pictures. The twins, especially Cara, are growing up very quickly. Kate's going to have her hands full with 2 hormonal girls sooner rather than later.
Thanks, It's A Jungle Out There. I appreciate the information. The post "Could It Be True" was referring to must have been taken down before I checked the thread. I saw the post from the moderator but assumed it referred to something that wasn't allowed through.
I belong to several cat show and feline health lists and some of our members live in Australia. There was a post this morning from a breeder in QLD. She said breeders and rescuers are preparing to evacuate their animals to the roofs, because they can't take them out with them and refuse to leave them to drown alone. Horrible. Prayers to everyone there and continued prayers for the residents of Tucson.
I've seen sheeple who wish harm on Jon by hoping he'd end up in a car accident, but that's about it. I haven't seen anyone actually wanting to kill him.
Yelled "Fire" in a theater said...
Bubbles, The Sheep left that comment here and sat back and let others call the authorities. She and her friends laughed & high-fived each other that the haters would call authorities.
So the sheeple are laughing because there are those who care enough about the welfare of an animal to call authorities? That's what responsible people do. I guess we know, then, that in addition to intelligence, sheeple don't even have a heart.
They really are a sad, pathetic bunch, aren't they (not to mention downright stupid) if that's what they have to do to get their kicks.
Desperate Sheeple - I agree with you that the poster is the one who is spreading the rumor about the house being up for sale. I'm a regular reader and occasional poster on GWOP and there is no such post there. Now - I can't say that it wasn't there and then removed by one of the moderators, but it certainly isn't there now and wasn't there shortly after "Could this be true"s post showed up on here. There was a rumor posted on GWOP back in the summer or early fall to the effect that the house was listed with Sothebys. This was pretty quickly debunked by several people in the real estate business. So - I concur, it's just a desperate sheeple trying to muddy the waters again.
But just keep trying it, sheep, see what happens.
Thanks, Admin. Growing up, I was told by a very wise person, "You always get found out."
One of these days they are going to get caught. Luck won't always follow them around like sheep!
Bubbles, The Sheep left that comment here and sat back and let others call the authorities. She and her friends laughed & high-fived each other that the haters would call authorities.
It's no secret who posted that comment. She's been bragging about it at other blogs.
In fairness, I actually don't believe the Hollybaby article either. There is a pic of Steve from that same shoot. That doesn't make any sense.
As for Chris being there, that's ridiculous. ANYONE can sell pics to INF. Chris would never in his right mine shoot a photo with blurry feet. Chris would also have had to pay for that hotel room, the hotel room would just HAPPNEN to be open next to Kate, he would just HAPPEN to know what hotel they were even at. These photos are of very amateur quality. These photos are from amateurs who are then selling them to INF. I don't believe Chris is there for a second.
Midnight Madness said... Sherri Shepherd, (A sheeple? Funny that her last name is Shepherd!), who is always kissing up to Kate, made the statement that she would "blow up Jon Gosselin's car."
Uggghhh. Yes, Sherri is the worst kind of Sheeple -- she blindly defends Kate, totally ignorant of the facts. A few weeks ago she was defending the fact that Kate had sextuplets by stating that some of the eggs had "split," which Kate had no control over. Um, Sherri, have you noticed that there are no identical pairs/sets within the tups???? If an egg had split, there would be identicals, and clearly there are not. She does not know the facts, yet she defends Kate just as blindly as the other ignorant Sheeple. Sadly, because she has a public "forum," much of the public who don't follow this debacle the way we do likely BELIEVE her misinformation. WHEN will a real journalist reveal the truth about Kate once and for all??
Don't forget about Nancy Grace. I didn't watch it, but I heard that she bashed Jon when he and Kate were going through the divorce.
I just read the latest post on GWOP and someone is saying that the Mine-All-Mine Mansion is up for sale???????? That there have been many cars coming and going for showings while Kart is out of town...
And that she has quietly bought a home in New York?????????
Could this be???????
Or is this another plant by nefarious Sheeple People?
Wow, if this is true, it's seriously major. And been kept quiet too -
Has anyone else heard anything like this or should I just shut my trappola and slink away...
J. Croce said...
...But it sounds like you're implying that a Kate supporter could kill Jon. Two wrongs don't make a right.
No, J. It was a Pot Meet Kettle comment.
We may say some shitty things about Kate, but I've yet to see anyone here wish death upon her. Personally I hope the next vacation TLC gives her will be on a space shuttle to Mars, but I don't want to see her killed.
Midnight Madness said... Sherri Shepherd, (A sheeple? Funny that her last name is Shepherd!), who is always kissing up to Kate, made the statement that she would "blow up Jon Gosselin's car."
Uggghhh. Yes, Sherri is the worst kind of Sheeple -- she blindly defends Kate, totally ignorant of the facts. A few weeks ago she was defending the fact that Kate had sextuplets by stating that some of the eggs had "split," which Kate had no control over. Um, Sherri, have you noticed that there are no identical pairs/sets within the tups???? If an egg had split, there would be identicals, and clearly there are not. She does not know the facts, yet she defends Kate just as blindly as the other ignorant Sheeple. Sadly, because she has a public "forum," much of the public who don't follow this debacle the way we do likely BELIEVE her misinformation. WHEN will a real journalist reveal the truth about Kate once and for all??
"These people that stalk Kate, hate Kate, and stalk her fans are no different then the young man that killed all those people today"
I'm going to blow right past the utter ignorance and ugliness of this accusation, and get to the real heart of the matter:
To the simpleton Sheep who posted this little nugget of stupidity: When you’re trying to insult us, would you KINDLY do us the favor of using proper spelling and grammar? You kind of lose [even more] credibility when your posts are written with the grammatical abilities of a 2nd-grader. (For the record, my apologies to all 2nd-graders who know the difference between “then and than” and “that and who”). Here’s the correct (albeit still ignorant and ugly) version of your post:
“These people WHO stalk Kate, hate Kate, and stalk her fans are no different THAN the young man WHO killed all those people today.”
And by God, even in its grammatically correct state, the post still reeks of utter ignorance and stupidity.
PS: Exactly who is “stalking” Kate’s fans????
J Croce, unfortuantly Auntie Ann is right. Someone said she wished Jon would just get into a car accident so that he would get out of Kate's hair.
I guess when the kids are screaming for Jon at the drop-off he IS getting in Kate's hair.
AuntieAnn said...
Not to waste too much more space on the sheeple, but weren't some of them wishing death on Jon awhile back?
It was wrong for that poster to try to tie the massacre to you posters but AuntieAnn, I think you're trying to do that to them now. If I'm wrong I do apologize. But it sounds like you're implying that a Kate supporter could kill Jon. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Not to waste too much more space on the sheeple, but weren't some of them wishing death on Jon awhile back?
Since there's only about four sheeple left it's the mentality of at least 25% of them.
LOL, Admin! I never thought about that. Seriously, though, it is kind of frightening when you think about it...that there are people out there who, with their limited intelligence, would even make a statement like that. Those are the obsessed fans, the reason that Steve was initially hired (didn't he call them "over-zealous"?).
We are all aware of the demographics of the sheeple, so to compare us with a deranged shooter of twenty people really isn't surprising. Scary, yes; surprising, no.
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