Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Kate and kids horseback ride in New Zealand, pose for the paparazzi

Now they're making the kids pose for the paparazzi? (Check out Collin's face.) Or is this more likely TLC's personal PR photographer?

212 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 212   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

It is downright disgusting, knowing Collin's history with photographers, he is being made to stand there and smile at them. Sick, sick, sick.

Also look at the way it looks like Kate is talking to Steve. Trying to turn him into Jon is she? Do you think Steve's gonna stand for that? ~ Administrator said... 2

Well that confirms it, they're in bed with the paparazzi. There are two photos where they are POSING, looking directly at them and smiling. I wonder what Kate's cut is, 80-90%? ~ Administrator said... 3

Dog and pony show. Dogs in Alaska, ponies in New Zealand.

Mamma said... 4

Collin and Cara are the ones I feel most concerned about.

Something needs to happen to make this stop. What?

Staged photo ops and Chris? said... 5

I think that TLC takes PR shots of all the working vacations. Kate had the same slimming sideways pose in NYC. There are also "candid" photos taken, which is obvious as the question has got to be asked, "how the hell did the paps get onto this property?".
And, if you watch the video of the horseback riding, I would swear I hear Chris the paid pap saying "Kate!" (and she ignores him, per usual. You can also hear at least one shutter snapping away as the family files by on horseback.
It's staged.

Mamma said... 6

I really despise her parenting.

AuntieAnn said... 7

It looks like Kate's reading the riot act to ratclaws in that middle photo. He's gotta be getting paid a fortune to escort that witch around the globe otherwise he would have quit that job long ago.

Why don't they just take the kids back home to a studio with a green screen, let them walk around with those sad zombie faces, and then superimpose a video with every vacation spot in the world behind them, for the next twenty episodes. Then they can hand Kate a script which she can read using her nauseating monotone voice and just fill in the various locations.

There aren't any words left to describe what a disgusting human being she is.

Grammy of nine said... 8

Great description, "Dog and pony show." It's time for it to end. Maybe the family will never get back to normal, but getting and keeping the kids back into school would be a good start. I wonder if that will happen or if Kate has other plans? The judge has given her free reign so she is totally in control of work, play, life now, isn't she? What is the attraction to her? Is it the exhibitionist behavior, the straw colored hair, the fact that she bore 8 kids, her glowing personality, or her negative attitude? I'm sure her parents, if the truth be told, are mortified by her behavior. The public display of body parts would be enough for most of us to hang our heads. She certainly needs to be more mindful of her young girls who are 10 and starting to develop. It's such a tough time for them and she needs to put her own selfish ways to the side and take better care of Mady and Cara. If nothing else, get them a "good bra" for real. Kate G. is not a role model for anyone.

Bodyguard, my A$$ said... 9

Love how she grasps Hannah's hand and lets Leah hold a finger.

I have a finger for ya, Kate!

Cara is swollen from crying in almost every picture. But who cares? She's not the money shot.

Bodyguard, my A$$ said... 10

Oh, and yes, Collin looks miserable, but who cares? And where's Aaden in this tight-knit family? Doesn't matter. He's just an icky boy. Pretty soon the family picture will be Kate and Hanny, oh, and Purse Boy. Then, maybe then, Kate will be happy. But not really.

BaronessB said... 11


Is that leah or alexis? Whomever it is they looks so super adorable with their hair cut short. I'm glad to a slight difference in the kids.

Karen said... 12

That woman is laughing all the way to the bank. The bad, the good, she is addicted to the attention. Everyone who has tried to stop the insanity has been dismissed. There are too many to mention here, I'm sure. You go along with her every wish or whim or you are snuffed out of their lives. This will not end well. But, in the mean time, Kate G. is continuing to grift in another country and enjoy watching her bank account grow. No one I know would ever, ever be able to travel abroad with 8 kids and the nannies and stay for 20 days. It's sickening, really. In this economy, it's like rubbing our noses in their prosperity. TLC doesn't care as long as even one person watches and one company advertises, do they? What's next, Europe over the summer?

Pam said... 13

They ARE their own paparazzi. No doubt they are the ones selling their own photos.

Cracks me up how she was quoted in People Magazine, complaining how she is photographed 24/7.

And here she is photographing herself and selling them.

AuntieAnn said... 14

I have a finger for ya, Kate!
lol Bodyguard.

Her piehole is open in almost every photo. I can't imagine how painful this must be for the entire crew. Even her little sidekick Ash looks disgruntled.

For christsake when is someone going to set those children free.

Jessch said... 15

It is beyond ridiculous what Kate is doing to those children. They do not look like they are happy at all.

I feel especially for Cara. Mady shows "us" enough how she feels about certain things, but Cara has a different character ... she looks beyond sad in most pictures I see from this fun fun fun work vacation.

Someone posted that they were't sure whether the kids are gonna go back to school in PA. I am not too sure about that either ...

Moose said... 16

Poor Collin. Bless his heart. He looks so lost and sad. If somebody ( Jon ) doesn't step in and do something, he is going to be one messed up adult.

We are seeing signs of serious depression in a six year old, and his mother could care less so long as she gets her exposure.

I've never seen a child on a horse look so distant.

Hippie Chick said... 17

How many plane trips have these kids been on? How many car rides? How many freaking animals have these kids seen? And the school thing...we have all touched on that. Kate DOES NOT CARE. She wants to film film film until the kids cannot even lift their little heads anymore. Until they get back to their 2,000 dollar a night hotel room & collapse into the bed from exhaustion. This trip has NOT been an educational trip in the least. It has been all for TLC's "family entertainment hour" & nothing more.

Kate's stupid show was in the toilet. I really think that this was a last ditch effort on TLC's part to garner ratings. All of the crap they are pulling to get Kate in the spotlight; the Steve as a pap, Kate suing Jon, Kate in a bikini, Kate taking the kids out of school, is ALL for ratings. TLC must think that since we, the "haters" blog about her, we will watch her stupid show. WRONG. We will not. We will not watch. Kate suing Jon was the dumbest thing she could have done. All over the web, people are saying how much they are sick of Kate & her antics, how much she to needs to mother those kids & how much she needs to STOP slandering Jon all the time. It's Kate who slanders Jon, not Jon. NOBODY likes Kate. Nobody is on her side. This Aus/NZ show is going to fail. Mark my words (please) This will be an EPIC FAIL. And Kate will be gone from our TV's & the kids, well hopefully, they will get their lives back.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 18

Collin's facial expression makes me sad.
You can tell that he wants no part of this.

All these photos, and filmed episodes are nothing more than well-documented WARNINGS of what's to come for these kids.

Long ago, Kate claimed that they were just filming memories for their children- how ironic that all those filmed episodes are going end up being "exhibit A" in 8 future court lawsuits.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 19

(From the other thread)
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said...

HOW are all of these kids going to make up ALL of that missed school?


Lat's tally this up.

These children are going to return to school after:

(1) being *literally* halfway around the world
(2) changing time zones
(3 the anger and frustration of being dragged on a trip they probably had no interest in whatsoever (geez, their faces tell THAT story)
(4) having no opportunity to play with their toys or enjoy the holiday or Pennsylvania snow.
(5) two of the children recently being expelled for severe behavioral issues
(6) the high publicity of the above, including their mother discussing it herself on national TV.
(7) missing their beloved dad and surely sensing HIS frustration
(8) possibly knowing that their difficult mother is dragging their loving dad to court again--accusing HIM of being "money-grubbing". Nice.
(9) all that filming--highly intrusive WORK
(10) missing nine days of school and so being incredibly behind--which will have frustration all its own.
(11) returning to school and feeling like an outsider, as if they didn't before. Life has been going on for the other children at school.

Exhausted children--barring everything else--are behaviorally-challenged children. She is setting them up to fail.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 20

More photos horseback riding-
Note: check out Kate's facial expressions while on the horse, hehehe.

That woman is just a pill, isn't she?

Mimi to 3 said... 21

For those who think Jon should do something, what should he do? Kidnap them and run with 8 kids? He is trying to do something but the judge shoots him down every single time. His hands are tied. And he is trying to do the smart thing by being quiet and working behind the scenes. Unlike the bitch he was married to who wants everything in front of the cameras and on every tabloid and morning show out there --telling her side of course, not the real truth. I just don't see what anyone thinks Jon can do. Colin looks so very sad and troubled. He never smiles and he looks so very depressed. I hope Kate is happy. If I were her, I would be very worried about Colin. The proper question here would be 'what is wrong with the PA judicial system that allows this witch of a mother to hold such total control over them against their father's wishes'. That is the huge elephant in the room.

emschick1128 said... 22

I could be wrong but personally I don't think Kate and Steve are fooling around. I see him as the equal to an adult babysitter for Kate to keep her from acting even more socially inappropriate and less bitchy with the kids she would be if someone wasn't around to keep her in check. She is such a miserable bitch and control freak that I can't imagine any guy not telling her to take a hike. He gets paid big bucks in his adult sitter role but I'm sure when the cash flow dries up Steve won't be there for Thanksgiving anymore.

Anonymous said... 23


Why is everyone BUT Kate wearing sweatshirts? (Gotta show the boobies)

Kate switched from short skirt and heels to jeans and sneakers for horseback riding (wonder who was deigned to carry her "wardrobe", certainly not her)

Why are the kids wearing shower caps under their helmets? Hmmm, perhaps Kate had a hissy fit that they weren't handed BRAND NEW helmets, eww icky germs from othe peoples heads. In all fairness, I would wear a shower cap too but can you imagine the fit Kate had?

More BS said... 24

I'm thinking a TLC photographer is on the trip with them. You can see a guy taking pics at the Bindi show. He probably was sitting with Steve at the resort taking shots (not sure where the shot of Steve came from, maybe another photog) and he probably travels with the family to take publicity shots of these trips.

Bodyguard, My A$$ said... 25

OMG, I never do this, but I went to the Dark Side to see for myself how many fans are left (roughly seven)and somehow, they actually see pictures of the kids SMILING! Huh?? I see miserable, lonely, suffering kids, but those delusional cows will see what they want to see. Cara's puffy, swollen eyes tell a million stories; none of them happy.

One person actually wrote that the family DESERVED this "Vacation". I can almost hear the children asking what they did to deserve this!

Big mistake. From now on I'll take everyone's word for it how few Klovers there are left. Nutjobs in the extreme!

Enough in New Jersey said... 26

Did anyone else notice the sunglass change ?
I guess the one part only goes with the skirt and the change into jeans warrants a change of sunglasses as well. LOL This women is a piece of work -

Helpthesekids said... 27

Jon, if you read these blogs--remember when you all said Colin was going to be the engineer because he thought out how things worked or lined toys up? He is/was such a good little helper? Look at his little face and how he stands off to the side now. His little mind is being destroyed, NO ONE has the right to do that to another human being. You KNOW how this feels, Jon.
My sons were allowed to grow and think for themselves and they graduated as engineers from college. One student at my son's graduation asked the question...when did you first decide to become an engineer? I first thought of my own boys (how they thought or drew buildings or could see point C while their little play buddies were still on point A. , Jon mind drifted to your little 6 year old boy then, of Colin lining his toys up or trying to make it fit just right.
There is a time to suck it up (I've had to do that myself as I was divorced from their father too about finances) but when it comes to their self-esteem and have to take a stand.
Cara is going to have problems too. Mady is a survivor. Hannah will have problems, even though Kate favors her, Leah is the forgotten child...those kids are learning what Momma teaches...and it is not pretty... Get help.

gotyournumberKate said... 28

I wonder if the kids know about Kate filing charges against their father. Maybe that's why Cara has looked so sad the whole trip. I'm sure they have overheard conversations about it.

As a child of divorce I can tell you that children worry about their parents at a very early age. I was 6 when my parents split up and I really worried about my Dad being alone. My mother then met a jerk who didn't want us kids to see our father. He would take us away an hour before my Dad was due to arrive to take us for the day. He also had the police waiting for my father one time he came for us and had him arrested for being a little behind on child support. I can't tell you how hard this was for me to see as a child. I cried many tears over the way my father was being treated. I could go on and on with the stories but my point is how very hard I think this must be on the G8 especially Cara who is so close to Jon. When I look at her I can truly feel her pain. My heart aches for these kids having such a greedy, vindictive mother. Someday this will come back to haunt her. I can promise you that. When I was 10 I begged and begged until I finally was able to move in with my father. He lived over 2 hours away and this devastated my mother but I couldn't get there fast enough. I look for the same thing to happen with Cara.

Insert Creative Username Here said... 29

Is Cara wearing the same shirt in these pics as the pics in the previous post?


Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 30

1) Kate brings a change of wardrobe for herself from jeans/sneakers after horseback riding....none for her children in spite of the heat.

2)Kate will file motion after motion after motion in Court to protect HER alleged image. She clearly does not give a damn about how this effects her kids or this motion would be filed with a request to be "sealed" to protect the kids. What a complete bitch she really is. It is all about her SELF IMAGE and damage control. Who cares about the kids, right Kate??

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 31

Insert Creative Username Here said... Is Cara wearing the same shirt in these pics as the pics in the previous post?

I think both twins are, because they do not need to be matchy like the Tups are required to do by the Queen. Also, Kate did a wardrobe change from jeans and sneakers to short skirt and flip flops.... well because she is the Queen. And only her comfort/appearance matters..

Bodyguard, My A$$ said... 32

That picture of Kate bitching out Steve cracks me up. He's standing there like a soldier getting reamed at by a drill sargeant. I bet when she turned her back he imitated Collin's Happy-F-U-Dance.

Poor, sweet Cara, in the background, taking it all in. I absorbed EVERYTHING at her age.

This might one day be a blur to the young kids, but Cara will remember every smarmy, nasty, evil detail.

Auntie Ann, glad I made you laugh at the finger for Kate. You've been cracking me up on a daily basis. You sure have that bi@@h's number. If I couldn't laugh I'd cry.

Insert Creative Username Here said... 33

I'm still waiting to see Kate candidly playing with the kids. Not posing like a smiling happy family, not holding their hands while walking to their next photo session, but actually playing with them.

Oh and I mentioned the same shirt thing because I wonder if it is the same day but everyone was made to change wardrobes to make it look like different days for the show? Not that it really matters, but it's hardly reality.

Insert Creative Username Here said... 34

Oh and what's up with them always doing activities related to animals? Is that really the only activity they enjoy? Are the kids now reduced to only having one like?

Westcoaster said... 35

And while Queensland floods, and lives are lost, TLC is filming the queen and her entourage, safely removed from the real world of just a few days ago. Makes you sick to think about all of this.

On one of the other threads, someone said that the reason that Kate continues to drag Jon through the courts is that he is the one person she cannot summarily dismiss from her life, try as she might. I find that the most telling comment in all of this - if you look at her past, that is exactly what she has done with any and all who displeased her, from ex-boyfriend, to father and mother, to siblings and to friends. I think that she thought Jon could be dismissed as well, and she and TLC tried their damnedest to to just that. It must really kill her that the FATHER of "her" children will not leave the picture and I will also guess that she is clueless as to why that would be.

What a message this trip has sent to her older daughters - yanked away from holiday plans with their father, taken to the home country of their mother's special friend - they are not stupid. Their sad, and angry faces, say it all. I think it is not by accident that Mady is not seen in any of these pictures - but yet here we go to the beach, the pool, a horseride, the zoo, being dragged here and there on really hot days. And when they get plopped back down, jet-lagged, into a cold PA winter, the physical confusion will be another burden. Of course, Mumsie will be out of that picture because she will need her re-tuning sessions with the mani-pedi, tanning bed and a self-important trip to NYC for more straw hair, accompanied by the body-guard to protect her from, oh, no-one.


kimmie said... 36

The sheeple can blame Jon for all the problems the kids are having but I did some reading on past articles in the Reading Eagle. There is an article on their web site about when Kate was crying to the state that she still needed a nurse after the tups turned one.

I found this interesting.
The state’s medical consultant testified that Krall bathes and feeds the infants, changes diapers and cleans their surroundings.

A daily vitamin is the only medicine the infants take.

“I could find no medical need to have a skilled nurse in the house,” he said. “What the Gosselins need is someone to stay with mom and dad.”

While two of the sextuplets, Collin and Alexis, receive physical therapy through Easter Seals, the four other babies are progressing normally, the consultant said.
Collin and Alexis have had problems since they were born.

AuntieAnn said... 37

Bodyguard --You know, if it weren't for the FACT that eight kids lives are being totally screwed by an insane mother, the whole story of Kate and her life as a famewhore-on-tour WOULD be amusing. Why can't they just put her on a cruise ship with the gray-haired buddy of hers and let them sail around the world with a camcorder attached to that inflatable chest of hers and let those children have what's left of their childhood back.

I truly hope Jon is getting his act together with Paul Petersen and some dedicated lawyers to rescue the G8.

Moose Mania said... 38

Moose said...

Poor Collin. Bless his heart. He looks so lost and sad. If somebody ( Jon ) doesn't step in and do something, he is going to be one messed up adult.


Just wanted to say that this is not my post. Apparently there are two Mooses (Meese?!). The more Moose, the merrier, but it could be confusing! :-)

Irony said... 39

Queensland is reporting the "worst natural disaster in history."
They have floods too.

fidosmommy said... 40

OK, I admit the kids might remember horseback riding (somewhere - where was it????).

But somebody from the Pennsylvania area, please tell me. Are there horses in that part of the country that 8 young children could ride in a controlled area?


A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 41

More photos of Kate the day they went horseback riding...

hmmmmmmmm... with her magical bra.

anna said... 42

Collin looks like a typical kid to me. and 'swollen from crying'?? Please...

lacy said... 43

Theres no way Kate went horeback riding. This was a photo op. OK kids up on the horses . Try to smile. The horses are corralled. This is pathetic!! TLC is getting away with working the kids far beyond their time alloted for filming each day. They must be looking forward to the 22 hr flight home. Very sad.

Who's Really Delusional? said... 44

Bodyguard, My A$$ said...

OMG, I never do this, but I went to the Dark Side to see for myself how many fans are left (roughly seven)and somehow, they actually see pictures of the kids SMILING! Huh?? I see miserable, lonely, suffering kids, but those delusional cows will see what they want to see. Cara's puffy, swollen eyes tell a million stories; none of them happy.


There are pictures of the kids smiling among this series of photos, hence those indicating that they see smiling children are not "delusional cows." The Administrator didn't choose to post the candids where they are smiling. Surprise, surprise.

Hober said... 45

Well as least the younger kids finally got sneakers with laces not velcro.

Also, I did have to laugh at the Steve/Kate pic. Why is he wearing an earpiece like the Secret Service who protect our President wear?

Unknown said... 46

ROL (I believe) has a video along with the pictures. The person filming yells, "Hi Kate". There's no discernable accent, but to me it sounds like our favorite Pap - Chris. Would it be possible (total consipiracy theory here)that TLC realized the "pap" pictures in AU/NZ were being traced to their originators and requested that Chris come on down?

PA Neighbor said... 47

But somebody from the Pennsylvania area, please tell me. Are there horses in that part of the country that 8 young children could ride in a controlled area?


Yup. Do it all the time! My friend owns a stable. If it's horses they wanted, I could have seen to it that they had a day of riding! But the ones they rode are special -- those were NZ horses, and in order to make memories, Berks County horses just won't cut it!

Moose Mania said... 48

That picture of Kate bitching out Steve cracks me up. He's standing there like a soldier getting reamed at by a drill sargeant. I bet when she turned her back he imitated Collin's Happy-F-U-Dance.


Auntie Ann...was that the Fickle Finger For Kate?

"1) Kate brings a change of wardrobe for herself from jeans/sneakers after horseback riding....none for her children in spite of the heat."


Are you sure it was hot? The kids are wearing sweatshirts.

Ride em Kate.. said... 49

Why are the kids wearing shower caps under their helmets? Hmmm, perhaps Kate had a hissy fit that they weren't handed BRAND NEW helmets, eww icky germs from othe peoples heads. In all fairness, I would wear a shower cap too but can you imagine the fit Kate had?
I commented about this earlier, but I guess it didn't go through. I was wondering why ALL the kids weren't wearing the caps! I'm thinking Kate's "YOU MUST OBEY" rule must be running thin by now. She can only get a few takers when there are witnesses, because I am sure she had a fit about how disgusting it would be for HER kids to wear helmets OTHER kids wore!! These are the types of things she concerns herself with....what a good mom. I sm surprised she is wearing a helmet herself. I bet having her wear that caused a scene and a tantrum!!! Maybe that is why she looks so happy to be out there having this memorable experience with her kids!!

Hippie Chick said... 50

My husband, son & I go horseback riding at least 3 times a year, twice in the summer & once in the fall when the leaves are changing. We found a great place the next town over, cheap rates, a 5 mile ride, we get the same horses each time, & it is amazing. Not once is my son NOT smiling on his horse who is named Jake. (Mine is named Sugar, :))

I don't get how these kids are so unhappy. OK, I do, but why can't Kate see?? Is she so blind? Horseback riding is an unbelievable experience. It's freeing, & relaxing, & so beautiful & you are one with nature &...I could on & on. Yes indeed, that is the hippie in me. And seeing my son's happiness is what makes MY life worthwhile anyways, as I am sure the moms & dads on this blog could attest to. Selfishness is so ugly. When I had my son, I was young (23) & had all the partying out of my system. I'm not perfect, all parents make mistakes, we all wonder "what if" sometimes, but ultimately it is our child's well being & happiness & making them a productive member of society that we attain to do. Kate is not doing that.

She is looking out for HER future only, emotionally, financially, physically...her children will suffer emotionally forever & never know how to react to the simplest of things. Kate is teaching them nothing. Her children are behind in school, they are behind emotionally from what I read, yet Kate musters on, because it furthers Kate's agenda. She does not care about those kids at all, but only to use them, wring them dry, then toss them aside when she is done getting what she needs out of them. Her happiness is all that matters. She does not see her childrens faces, she sees THROUGH them. It is so, so sad & disheartening to know there is/are mothers out there that do not care about their children. Kate is one of them, in public view, & still she goes on, like it's OK & tolerated. One day, she will be alone & will still not see why her kids hate her. In her twisted mind, it will never be her fault. (sorry about the rant) ~Peace

Linda said... 51

Look at the fourth picture down. Why are there FOUR little kids in pink and two in blue? The big kids aren't in this pic. Is one boy wearing pink? What the hell?

And as you scroll down that page, look at the pics of just Kate on a horse. She couldn't possibly look more bored if she TRIED.

So the kids flew halfway around the world and missed a lot of school to so far go to zoos and ride horses. Huh. (And of course, to work. Always to work.)

I was shocked when I remembered they've been there since late December! Sheesh! And the first pic on this page (the comments page here) reeks of desperation. Look at me and all my kids having fun!

The gig has long been up, Kate. Let those poor kids have a normal life.

Pam said... 52

I can't help but laugh at that photo of purseboy. He looks like he's either got to poop, or is squeezing a penny in his buttcheeks.

I can imagine Kate is saying this...

"Stop playing with the toys and come here! Now!
I'm trying to check out and you're over there playing like a little kid!"

Remeniscent of the Toys R Us days.

Roxanne said... 53

I knew I was missing something and now I know what it is...the places they've been so far:
Crocoseum(Alexis loves crocs) horseback riding(Hannah loves that), Phillie game(Cara is a fan of sports)I am curious where they will go next but if I am right they will go somewhere Mady or Leah would really like..The boys looked particularly miserable this trip I am dying to see if they will go someplace Joel loves it or Collin loves it I am not saying Aaden because he sort of enjoys animals...Anyone want to take bets?
Something else just occured to me...Should I be knowing these things about a bunch of kids who live 600 miles away from me? Weird I do not know what any other multiples like so it must not be normal for children's lives to be on TV hmmmm....interesting

Poor Collin,he's obvoiusly struggling :(

A4Eliz said... 54

Kate seems to be paying more attention to Alexis lately, wonder why that is... If Kate and Steve are not having an affair than why was he with her in Mexico?

Anonymous said... 55

Why did the judge allow them to go b/c it was "work-related"? Does he not understand that it's the KIDS who are working? 6 and 10 year olds shouldn't even HAVE work permits in the first place!

Virginia Pen Mom said... 56

It just hit me--

At one point Kate said she had every intention of filming the kids until they were 18. (Can't remember where I read it.) Why 18? It's the age of consent. At 18, the kids can say, "Absolutely not! Never again." It's as if she's saying she's going to film them every single year that she can MAKE them do it. Talk about a planned-out power trip! How about, "Until the kids and I decide we don't care to do it anymore?" Nope--until 18. The poor little prisoners.

She's crazy said... 57

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...
...2)Kate will file motion after motion after motion in Court to protect HER alleged image. She clearly does not give a damn about how this effects her kids or this motion would be filed with a request to be "sealed" to protect the kids. What a complete bitch she really is. It is all about her SELF IMAGE and damage control. Who cares about the kids, right Kate??

All child and family cases in PA are sealed. RadarOnline says they "learned" the suit was filed. Makes you wonder how they found out ie: which one of Kate's attorneys told them.

On close inspection said... 58

Linda said...

Look at the fourth picture down. Why are there FOUR little kids in pink and two in blue? The big kids aren't in this pic. Is one boy wearing pink? What the hell?


Look closely at the picture again.
In order from left to right is: boy tup, 2 girl tups, Kate, boy tup, TWIN, and girl tup. You can tell it's either Cara or Mady by the color of her helmet - it's dark and all the tups' helmets are white and she's wearing a l/s sweatshirt. Look at the 3rd pic on the page and you'll see the twin on the horse at the far left of the pic, then a boy, Kate, and 2 girl tups. Of course they're all matchy matchy, tup girls are all in pink, boys in blue, and the twins in whatever.

More NZ photos said... 59

For more pictures of today in NZ.

Child labor abuse said... 60

SmileyGrl752 said...
Why did the judge allow them to go b/c it was "work-related"? Does he not understand that it's the KIDS who are working? 6 and 10 year olds shouldn't even HAVE work permits in the first place.

You're right, 6 and 10 year old children shouldn't be working, but they have "Special Performance Permits" which allow it and the judge ruled on the law rather than what was best for the kids. Special Permit holders still have to follow the rules for hours worked, where, etc, but the 'entertainment permit' gets around that pesky notion that children shouldn't be working and supporting their parents in the first place by allowing kids to 'work'. Clever, how TLC and Kate were able to get those permits when there had never been any discussion of whether reality tv kids 'work' rather than simply play in front of the cameras like Kate said.

Boston Bonnie said... 61

I don't know the kids by face nor do I want to because they deserve that small piece of privacy from me.

I do have to say that the little boy that is on the fringe of the group breaks my heart. He has such a sad and vacant look on his face & by standing apart appears to be trying to remove himself physically from the group.

How sad :(

Audible Click said... 62

Here is another sickening spin on Kate by TLC via ROL.

Love these quotes:

"Kate Gosselin allowed her ex-husband Jon to speak with their eight kids recently during their action packed trip to Australia and New Zealand, can reveal."

So Queen Kate "allowed" the kids to speak to Jon. How nice of her./sarcasm

"Kate and her brood are about to return to America and thankfully it looks like the kids will be returned safe and sound to their father"

Returned to their father so she can run off somewhere to get a mani/pedi and have those ratty extensions tended to.

"But to her credit Kate kept him posted and he was allowed to talk to his kids on the phone - who saw the trip as a huge adventure."

We have to give her credit because she did the decent thing? What a crock. A "huge adventure" yeah right, those poor kid's faces tell a totally different story.

AuntieAnn said... 63

I suppose the ppl who work there had to ask Kate to keep her screeching and hollering to a minimum so as not to spook those horses. I know the animals are trained and fairly docile, but up until yesterday they've probably never had a banshee mount them.

As an aside...What do you guys wanna bet the next load of livestock delivered to the McMansion acreage is going to be riding horses for the kids so she can threaten them with those too.

Joan Crawford was Mrs. Butterworth compared to this bitch. ~ Administrator said... 64

Excuse me but the kids have a RIGHT to speak to their father and Jon has a RIGHT to speak to them. Kate allowed it? If she didnt guess who would be filing for contempt then?

Who's blabbing? said... 65

She's crazy said.....

Makes you wonder how they found out ie: which one of Kate's attorneys told them.


It was recently revealed that TMZ had a "mole" at the LA County courthouse. That is, someone they "planted" there, who applied for a job, was hired, and fed information to TMZ. H was discovered and fired (by LA County, presumably he still works for TMZ).

TMZ is not alone in this game.

Also, "cases" and "records" may be sealed in many jurisdictions where "filings" are not.

The bottom line, though, is that where there's enough money, there's often a leak. It wouldn't have to be one of the primary parties.

Audible Click said... 66

AuntieAnn said...

Joan Crawford was Mrs. Butterworth compared to this bitch.

Yep, no one could ever accuse Kate of being syrupy. Sugar sweet she's not.

emschick1128 said... 67

To say that Kate totally repulses me would be a gross understatement but that having been said even if she were the nicest, sweetest mother in the world no one is going to enjoy watch someone else's family going on continuous vacations(even if they weren't working)touring zoos, sightseeing,riding horses, it's just plain BORING. Especially when you see them do it a hundred times. I hope the rating totally suck after all the money TLC has wasted on this ungrateful witch. Those poor kids deserve to have their own lives back and not be forced to miss school, be away from their father and their friends and most of all to support their lazy ass mother's lavish lifestyle. I love it when the sheeple call Jon out for not working and say how hard Kate works. Kate doesn't work at all as far as I'm concerned but her kids sure do.

Neigh, Neigh, Neigh said... 68

Did the girls buy cowboy (girl) boots just for this one shoot?
Glad to see that Kate is wearing her good bra for this excursion. The horses must be so impressed with her boobage.

She's a criminal said... 69

Boston Bonnie said...
I don't know the kids by face nor do I want to because they deserve that small piece of privacy from me.

I do have to say that the little boy that is on the fringe of the group breaks my heart. He has such a sad and vacant look on his face & by standing apart appears to be trying to remove himself physically from the group.

How sad :(

That sad looking little boy is the same one who covers his face when someone tries to take his picture - whether it's a pap or just the school photographer.
He's the same sad little kindergarten boy who was 'expelled' from school for aggression toward a student and an adult.
He's the same sad little boy who needs love, patience, consistency, order, guidance, understanding, therapy and the companionship of his father. But, instead there he is exploited by his mother, forced to perform and have his picture taken by the cameras so that he can help support his mother so she can live a lifestyle she thinks she deserves!

What Kate is doing to her children should be a criminal offence. ~ Administrator said... 70

Delusional accused me of only posting sad photos. Not so. I post both. The first photo all but Collin are smiling. It's the sheeple sites who refuse to post the mountain of sad photos that constantly roll in.

just I said... 71

Delusional thinks working children is fine. NOTHING a sheeple says has any merit whatsoever.

Mamma said... 72

Administrator said...
Delusional accused me of only posting sad photos. Not so. I post both. The first photo all but Collin are smiling. It's the sheeple sites who refuse to post the mountain of sad photos that constantly roll in.

You speak the truth. They only see what reinforces their twisted version of the truth.

Dee said... 73

This woman just makes my blood boil in regards to what she is doing to her poor kids. I don't give two shits about her, but those kids look absolutely miserable. It looks they only smile when they have to. Happy kids smile all the time and look they are having a good time. I know I have 3 of them. I know not everything is roses and lollipops but what is it going to take for someone to stand up and help these kids.

I would like someone to do Kate what she has done to her kids. Let's give Kate her own monkey show. Making her do everything she has made her kids do~vomiting and having someone bitch at her, taking a crap on TV, making her wear ugly, velcro tennis shoes, making her go without tans and pedicures for a month and lastly making her get her haircut for $10 at the local Fantastic Sams or Great Clips. That is what this b^@#h deserves. Just for the record, I am typically a sweet, friendly person but she brings out the worst in me. I can't believe she calls herself a "mom". She is the wicked stepmother.

Dee said... 74

I am probably a little slow here, but what judge thinks its okay for 6 and 10 year old kids to work while on a "vacation", and mommy dearest gets to go and parade around in 5 star resorts. She can choose to work and when but her kids can't. That is truly f*&^#d up in my opinion.

Bodyguard, My A$$ said... 75

Delusional, a staged, posed photo where the kids are told to smile (probably under the penalty of severeness, or being left behind, or no longer being a Gosselin) doesn't compare to the months and months of kids frowning, scowling, crying, hitting, staring into space or hiding their faces. Anyone who defends child exploitation/abuse deserves not another moment of my time.

Have a wonderful, Kate-filled life. I'd rather remove my molars with a tire iron.

Sport said... 76

I followed the links to the other sites that had a bunch more photos and seriously there is not ONE pic where anyone is smiling besides the staged 'say cheese' family shot - and even then only half are really smiling.

It is so mundane that this is still continuing. NOBODY wants to see her parade herself around like a skank, dragging the kids from one photo-shoot to another. All the poor kids just look BEAT DOWN in every photo I see lately. Very sad, very depressing.

Anyone trying to defend her actions or her parenting at this point needs serious medical attention and likely some (more?) drugs.

It is beyond a disgusting joke anymore.
Beyond sad.

I can't find the words. PATHETIC comes to mind but even that doesn't do it justice. The woman is a Grade A whack job.

I thought the depression was over... said... 77

She is really keeping a tight rein on Alexis. In virtually every photo she has her next to her, in her lap, or holding her hand. Poor Collin - and where is Aaden I wonder.

And about that work related judge - when has a kid had to miss school to work since the depression or back in the cotton picking days when they closed down the whole school (southern lady here).

mama mia said... 78

It must drive Kate bat shit crazy knowing she can have 6 babies at once and land a reality tv show but she can't force Jon to play her husband in real life. She desperately wants someone to love her/put up with her/stick around her. And no matter what she does to herself or how much money she makes, she just can't put someone into that role. It has to happen organically. How ironic, eh.

PaMa said... 79

Won't the horseback riding be another repeat show/experience/memory? If I remember correctly, Kate and the boy tups rode horses in the dude ranch episode.

kidsRablessing said... 80

I am truly disgusted that TLC would film this pathetic show, when one these countries are in the midst of one of their worst tragedies with the floods. Khate went over there to film a show, that she will be profiting from.....will she be human enough to donate some of her pay(the kid's mulah)to help them?? Does she even care that people are suffering as she galavants Down Under like its a happy time for folks there?? Of course not. She has truly sunk to her lowest. Enjoy now Khate, cause when you go down under, it won't be pretty.

She's a witch said... 81

"Kate Gosselin allowed her ex-husband Jon to speak with their eight kids recently during their action packed trip to Australia and New Zealand, can reveal."

Do you think Jon had to go to the judge to get to talk to his kids?

Anonymous said... 82

We can all feel sorry for the children in third world countries who cannot go to school because they have to work to help support their families. Can anyone tell me the difference in the Gosselin case. Granted the Gosselin children will be going back to school (at least some of them) when they return but they have missed school because they are working to support their mother. Either education is important or it's not. I vote for education and I'm sure parents in third world countries would prefer education over working for their children if it were not for the fact that the children's meager earnings are necessary to sustain the family.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 83

Administrator said...

Delusional accused me of only posting sad photos. Not so. I post both. The first photo all but Collin are smiling. It's the sheeple sites who refuse to post the mountain of sad photos that constantly roll in.



Delusional is delusional.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 84

From the ROL story:

"But to her credit Kate kept him posted and he was allowed to talk to his kids on the phone - who saw the trip as a huge adventure."


The genius journalists at ROL left their little participle dangling out. :) So the way this sentence reads, it's the PHONE who's having a grand adventure. Gosh, ROL, maybe you got that right--'cause the KIDS sure are miserable.

Incommunicado... said... 85

How very kind and gracious of her to "allow" the kids to talk to their dad from halfway around the world. They should all have cell phones so they can talk their dad anytime they feel like it. They have to have their mom's pemission? Jon should bring this up in court also that he is incommunicado with his kids unless Khate "allows" them to talk to him from halfway around the world. That's some real nice mothering skills you got there lady. I hope the kids are getting hazard pay for this trip.

A Brit said... 86

This image of Cara is like a poster ad to "Save A Child" The ad would read spend a dollar and save a child. The sadness and despair on her little face is palpable. And there is the 'she devil' in the background, screaming as usual. I have been to the Waitomo Caves in New Zealand. They are spectacular. Before you go in, you are told that you must be very quiet or all the glow worms turn off their little blue tail lights. Can you imagine Kate (big mouth) screeching and screaming while telling the children to be quiet? When they return to America they will need at least 4 or 5 days to recover from the jet lag. They have to cross the international date line. perhaps if there is enough of an outcry, some authority will step in, or maybe the judge that allowed this trip will be named and shamed.

Insert Creative Username Here said... 87

Anonymous said...We can all feel sorry for the children in third world countries who cannot go to school because they have to work to help support their families. Can anyone tell me the difference in the Gosselin case.

Yes. The difference is we do not live in a third world country. There are plenty of jobs out there for Kate to work. She just doesn't want to work them. She has chosen one profession (reality tv) she wants to be apart of.

She hasn't even tried to get a normal non-hollywood job to support those kids. If she tried finding other employment, scaled back her lifestyle, got rid of the non essentials, moved to an affordable apartment, and STILL couldn't support those kids, then maybe I would understand it. But that's not what's happening. She wants to do this because she wants the lifestyle, regardless of how detrimintal it has proven to be to her kids.

A Brit said... 88
SORRY! I forgot to post the image that I was referring to

Mimi to 3 said... 89

Someone else may have posted this and I may have missed it but you all did notice the shirts the girls have on saying 'Happy Me', right? Kate is so stupid and there is no fixing that kind of stupid. She claims she doesn't care or pay attention to what other people say or think, but those shirts are directed at those who clearly see unhappiness on those childrens faces.

AuntieAnn said... 90

Moose Mania said... Auntie Ann...was that the Fickle Finger For Kate?
Hi Moose --I can't take credit for that comment, wish I could :o) That was Bodyguard my A$$ and yep, I'm pretty sure she was talking about the Fickle Finger for Kate!
Irony said... Queensland is reporting the "worst natural disaster in history."
They have floods too.
Bwahahaha! You guys are cracking me up tonight!

(Sheeps, just so you know and you don't get all twisted out of shape, the floods are not the joke. Your Katie is)

BerksPa said... 91

A Brit said...
SORRY! I forgot to post the image that I was referring to


Did you notice all the photogs are holding their cameras high so they can get the 'boob' shot. Kate is in high heaven knowing her 'assets' are on display. *gag me*

lacy said... 92

administrator? Is there a chance you could post the pix from RWA? PRICELESS! ~ Administrator said... 93

What are the RWA pics?

lacy said... 94 sorry I thought everyone knew that site.

I See You said... 95

Delusional says:
There are pictures of the kids smiling among this series of photos, hence those indicating that they see smiling children are not "delusional cows." The Administrator didn't choose to post the candids where they are smiling. Surprise, surprise


Delusional is LindaOriginal.....'nuff said

just wondering said... 96

Is this the pic you wanted? Priceless! ~ Administrator said... 97

What a silly little shit stirrer. Anyone is free to click on the link and see ALL the photos. I always post links to all the photos. The percentage of happy kids pics to sad and tired is about 10 to 1 these days.

There were more than a dozen photos posted of the horseback trip that day. I pulled one of the whole family where the kids were decidedly happy, one showing a cameraman in the background to show that it was filmed, another of her apparently berating Steve, and finally one showing them riding horses. I can't possibly publish every single photo.

Sheeple who pick out the few photos of just happy kids are guilty of exactly what they are so upset about--the implication we're trying to spin it so the kids are JUST unhappy. Well they do the same thing, spinning it like they are happy!

People here have proven themselves highly intelligent and can figure this out and draw their own conclusions.

Besides I don't need a sad photo of Collin to tell me what I already know, as in Collins own words on the premiere of Kate Plus 8: "It's good the paparazzi went away!" Spin that.

Audible Click said... 98

The Bleeple (not a typo) live in their own reality just like their idol Kate. The remaining handful have taken a position (that Kate is hard working,a wonderful mother, we're all jealous,... ad nauseum and they are going to defend that position to the bitter end. I'm sure when this debacle is over they'll find some other "star" to latch on to. Everytime I read their comments I think "What the bleep?".

Sally said... 99

Please do not provide a recap for these shows. It is better if nobody watches. I am sure I am not the only one who does not need a recap, and would like it to all go away. Thanks.

LisaNH said... 100

Here's a funny story for all of you. It's ot but it's cute.

My mother tells me, tonight, that she heard on Entertainment tonight that my favorite person (said tongue in cheek)is pregnant. I asked "Who?". She replied "That Kate Gosselin. They said so on ET.".

So a few hours later I decided to check here to see if there was any talk about an announcement. Didn't see anything. Surfed online and I finally found it.

Kate is pregnant, but it's Kate Hudson, not Kate Gosselin. LOL. I can see where she would have heard it wrong "Gosselin", "Hudson".

I guess you had to be there.

T.I.N.I.C. said... 101

I know this is skirting the edge of board on boards but silly little shit stirrer was so intolerant of opposing opinions on her favorite blog the only non-biased poster on that site was run off with extreme viciousness. Yet silly just drops in here strewing her snidenesses hither and yon. I am glad differencess of opinions are welcomed here but silly is just stirring the pot--she doesn't care to present a reasoned rebuttal. Flame her for all I care!

Starz22 said... 102

Wow...kate is Mother Teresa for allowing the kids to TALK to thier father while they are working.Pin a rose on her botox'd nose!
I'm sure kate was right there listening to everything that was said.Also I'm sure the kids were TOLD what they were allowed to say to thier father.

If Jon loses in this newest court battle..I'll be convinced that something fishey is going on.How can Jon lose this one? He has proof of kate doing everything she says he's doing.

What judge really thinks its best for the kids to work rather than be in school getting an education?This isnt a family struggling to get by.These kids dont have to work to put food on the table.They live in a mansion and have the best of everything.They attend private school (well most of them do)...they fly 1st class.They get trips that most hard working people will never be able to afford.

The kids have "things". What the judge need to see is, the kids need to be kids.They need to be with a parent who loves them and lets them know that they are loved.They need to play and have friends.They need a parent who is willing to hold cuddle them...not to make them smile for the camera OR ELSE!!!

Let kate "work" all she wants.Let her go after her dream.Let the kids be kids.These kids should NOT have to support thier mother.

Living life on the red carpet is not what the kids are use to or long for.Thats kate dream.Make her get it on her own.The kids just want a normal life with family,friends and good times.What 6 year old wants or longs for this kind of life?
And that my friends,is what they can only get from thier father!

I really hope Jon goes into court with a good attorney and proof.Theres plenty of proof at his fingertips.

Also...I hope no one watches when this "vacation" airs.Really it comes down to no ratings = no show!For the sake of the children...PLEASE dont watch this train wreck!

Starz22 said... 103

Sorry to post again so soon.I left out that I wouldnt be suprised to see something at the end of the show...That kate was aware of the flooding and devastation that was going on while she was there living it up.I'm sure we'll see kate making some kind of donation to help the victims.(well a check from TLC)

Wow...this woman truly cares! ~ Administrator said... 104

Linda or whoever they are has been banned for being completely unable to post a comment without being a snotty, rude arrogant little twit and violating rules 1 through 3 over and over each and every post.

Too bad, because they had good points. Oh well other people have made them here without violating the rules.

FYI, Kimmie has also been banned for being a troll. My understanding is even the sheeple sites have banned her! I've never had to ban people before. Two in one day. Wow.

Thanks to the 99% rest of the posters who follow the rules and create great discussion.

Anonymous said... 105

You know, I have had to type and retype then stop and start over again because I didn't want to post a rant, not really my taste. And after finding the perfect choice of words I found them. Yep.

This whole show/family lifestyle are an absolute CIRCUS and a complete JOKE!!

As a list of all the places the kids have gone for trips that I can think off top of my head, is just not relatable to any family is it?

New York
North Carolina

Abroad: Australia & also New Zealand.

The list of people they now have to help support their "Everyday lives,"

Boom Tech/Sound Tech
And anybody else behind the scenes we don't see.

This is't the "realest reality tv show out there." If it was all Kate would have to do is put on a helmet and strap a camera to it and walk around without all these extra people then send it in to TLC unedited, becuase guess what LIFE isn't EDITED!

Maybe I should change my name to, "Heaven help me so I don't crawl through my TV when Kate is on..."

Virginia said... 106

This is a little OT, but they are trying to pass a bill in West Virginia - if children miss 10 days of unexcused absences, the parents' drivers license will be revoked.

"a bill that one West Virginia senator thinks would encourage families to understand the importance of education are among the suggestions leaders in their fields believe could lead education reform in the state."


"I think responsibility has to start somewhere and it is the parents' responsibility as parents to put the welfare of their child first, and one of those aspects is to get the child to school," Wells said."

another great statement from the article:

"I think that one of the things a parent owes to a child that they bring into this world is to provide an environment to make sure they're in school," he said. "I just have a hard time as a parent, seeing how a parent would neglect their child, and I do think it's neglect ... you are hampering that child's ability to succeed in life by keeping them out of school and that's a disservice to that child."

So, if the teachers at the Gosselin school felt these absenses are unexcuseable (don't we all?), Khart wouldn't be able to park in the fire lane anymore!

Anonymous said... 107

Can we STOP calling these trips "working vacations?"

They are not. They are WORK. These kids are WORKING. They are never on vacation.

Does anyone believe the kids did anything fun that wasn't filmed?!?!? That Kate took them someplace special just because and without the cameras? That this trip was planned by Kate the cameras just happened to come along?

They are working. Period.


h8k8 said... 108


Kate's contempt of custody suit is supposedly asking the judge to "modify the custody agreement to protect the kids from their alleged money-grubbing dad" which I guess means limit his contact with them.

Could you explain what other remedies she could be asking for other than money?

Also, can the judge take away a parent's visitation as a penalty for a contempt charge?

K8SUCKS said... 109

My heart breaks for little Collin. As another poster mentioned he looks not only sad but CHECKED OUT. He is so done with all of this crap and he's only 6.

I have an almost 6 year old so I sometimes think about how different his life is compared with the Gosselin kids. He plays with friends, goes to movies with his family, goes to birthday parties, etc. He has a normal, happy childhood.

K8 is a sick monster - there is a special place in h8ll waiting just for her.

BTW Admin, I sent a post in the other thread, responding to Conspiracy Theories but it never made it ??

Roxanne said... 110

Admin I think you should post the recap here so people will know that they can find out what happened in the episode without tuning in.Your recaps prevent many people from tuning in "out of curiosity" IMO.

About Kimmie she trolls here and she trolls she on any side or she just likes to try to annoy people in general?weird..she probably needs an occupation

The situation is beyond despicable right now I never imagined things would go this far I hope the mess will be over soon but like I said in previous posts I highly doubt it :(

I don't know what else to say I am honestly speechless, what more can you say when you see such things happening to innocent children?

Linda in NS (not the other Linda) said... 111

"under the penalty of severeness". OK maybe I'm a total drooling idiot but would SOMEBODY tell me WTF that statement means? It makes absolutely no sense to me.....but then again if it was uttered by Kate, I don't speak sensible English, Gosselin I guess it DOES make sense in a warped sort of way.

Tucker's Mom said... 112

just wondering said...

Is this the pic you wanted? Priceless!
Not, not a fan here. But really folks, this woman had a preternaturally large belly with sextuplets and irretrievably stretched skin as a consequence. What I see is a favorable result from a tummy tuck and some loose skin that remains.
Underneath, as seen in the upper ab region, is one hell of a tight core, which Kate's obviously worked hard for.
What is there to pick on? Her body is really something, given 2 pregnancies with multiples. If you take out the obvious lying about the boob job and fact that yes, the kids work hard for mommy to indulge in making this body...she's in great shape and it shows.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 113

Looks like Kate is busted again....

She and the sheeple are always complaining about poor Kate being constantly followed by the paparazzi--taking those intrusive pictures of her and the kids. Now it appears that the two "fans" she took pictures with at the airport aren't fans at all but known paparazzi. So, maybe she looked so happy because AT LAST the real paparazzi were there to make sure her mug got on magazines around the world--along with the photos Steve had (presumably) previously sold.

The dark-haired pap, Ali, made video footage of David Hasselhoff at Bondi Beach in Australia, and the tall guy was in the video as well. Remember, too, how Kate threw out the idea of how she'd LOVE to meet David Hasselhoff? Was that a plant, just like when she mentioned how she'd love to be on "Dancing With the Stars"?

Someone on Preesi mentioned that if Steve and Kate WERE selling photos, perhaps that's why Steve bullies fans to delete their photos.

Ali's video and the photos of "Kate with her fans" are here:

(Scroll down toward the bottom where it says, "This was emailed to me by a poster here who didnt want to post it."

terri said... 114

I truly believe this trip is TLC'S last desperate attempt to bring in ratings for the show. If it doesn't happen then i think we will be witnessing the beginning of the end for Kate. OH DEAR LORD! From my lips to God's ears.

Hippie Chick said... 115

Dee said...
Just for the record, I am typically a sweet, friendly person but she brings out the worst in me. I can't believe she calls herself a "mom". She is the wicked stepmother.

Me too Dee. I am usually smilin', laughin', happy...but seeing this monster mom, it makes my blood boil. Why do I do do it? Why do I put myself in the thick of it? I don't know. I'm not obsessed with Kate & her 8, that's for sure. It's like a trainwreck I guess. I have been involved for so long now, I guess I want justice for those kids. If I stopped now, I wouldn't know. Plus, I'm online ALL day for my job, & during downtime, this is a fun place to come & poke around. The thing is also, I need to even out my mood I guess. Can't be upbeat all the time. LOL But seriously, it IS about seeing those kids getting what they truly deserve; a lifetime without cameras, and a lifetime of happiness.

earlpits said... 116

January 12, 2011 8:39 AM Hippie Chick...

right on! Not only do I not watch Kate anymore, I stopped watching the whole TLC channel, then I stopped watching Discovery channel. If I want to watch a channel, it is A&E...where TLC steals their ideas and tweaks it (people) into the extreme and exploitation of the worst kind.

You are also right about the blogs saying it is Kate, not Jon. Matter of fact, the state of PA ought to take notice that public is starting to wonder what the hell is going on with those PA Judges? Back room deals?

Lolly said... 117

"Administrator said...they are has been banned for being completely unable to post a comment without being a snotty, rude arrogant little twit and violating rules 1 through 3 over and over each and every post."

Glad to read this. It is really tiresome to read the snide snarky comments for no purpose than to pick a fight or be condescending. I have found one thing, most of the die hard "loving" fans, are not mature enough nor rational enough for adult debate. I used to listen to all sides, to see if perhaps I had misjudged something, but no more. The "loving" fans are really irrational to a point of being just ridiculous. I use 'loving' sarcastically, of course. Since they brand anyone with an opposing opinion as 'haterz'. They, who have done the most vile and vindictive things to 'haterz' that I have ever witnessed online.

I think this blog is the most fair and has some real debate. Posters have no problem to counteract another's opinion, and most times it is presented in a respectful manner. Sometimes, we can misjudge something, or go overboard, (God knows I am guity of that) and it is GOOD to have other posters who are mature enough to speak up and call attention to that fact.

Thanks again for all your hard work. I especially dislike how YOU are attacked constantly. It is very personal at times, BUT it amuses me how much of a threat you are to some. If you weren't, they wouldn't be here reading and commenting constantly. ~ Administrator said... 118

I find this article highly offensive:

It's entitled Piper out-divas Kate Gosselin. Piper was behaving like any 10 year old I know who is tired and just starting to realize their parents aren't necessarily the most wonderful things in the world. In other words, she's normal. And ten. What is Kate's excuse??? She's 35!

Another reason kids shouldn't have their lives dissected on TV. Journalists write articles about what divas they are the next day. Disgusting.

gotyournumberKate said... 119

This is a good article on the effects of fame fortune on people who were previously unknown. Kate fits the characterisitics.

sftk said... 120

Well, I for one do not care if Kate has great abs. or works so hard for her "great" body, looks good, etc. I care that she puts herself and her image before her kids. The best Mothers I know do not look like plastic barbie dolls. I get frustrated because the media and fans are so focused on how great Kate looks they overlook the obvious. Kate's number one priority is herself, money, money and money times eight. She has 8 little puppets she and TLC pull the strings on. They say, dance and they dance. We all should do our best to stay healthy and physically active but most of us do not have the resources available to them Kate does. There is no way Kate keeps her look without spending hours on herself daily which of course means hours taken away from the children. Most mothers are lucky to have one hour to themselves daily since childcare & household duties require most of the day. How much time does she spend one on one with each? Having eight kids is doable and there are many large families that live without paid help.
Sadly this disaster will continue and the puppets will keep preforming for a long time I fear.

Connection said... 121

No one said anything about her looks until she started using the kids $$$ to buy them.

Linda in NS said... 122

Got Your Number good article; thanks for pointing it out. However I think there is a typo in this paragraph, would you not agree? "Financial woes. People assume celebrities have a lot of money. But that's not always the case. Even after five seasons of Jon & Kate Plus 8, Kate Gosselin signed up for Dancing With the Stars because, she said, her family needed the money. The pressure supposedly drove her to cry on-set." I think the writer meant cry "on cue" not on set lol!

Mimi to 3 said... 123

But Starz22 -- who would hire Kate if she didn't have the kids with her? She is a talentless shrew and there isn't a program out there that would want her. Those kids are the only reason anyone watches. I mean, how many Zoos can you visit and still make it interesting. To a kid a Zoo is a Zoo. Whether it is in Australia or Wernersville. I feel very sorry for them facing that plane trip home this weekend.

Immoral said... 124

Tucker's mom said:

If you take out the obvious lying about the boob job and fact that yes, the kids work hard for mommy to indulge in making this body...she's in great shape and it shows.


Yes, she has the best body her children's labor could buy.

THAT'S what deserves picking on. I don't see a refurbished body, I see eight abused children.

Not a fan said... 125

Virginia Pen Mom said...
Looks like Kate is busted again....
...Now it appears that the two "fans" she took pictures with at the airport aren't fans at all but known paparazzi. So, maybe she looked so happy because AT LAST the real paparazzi were there to make sure her mug got on magazines around the world--along with the photos Steve had (presumably) previously sold.


I think maybe "at last" after they called a pap someone finally showed up. lol

Who really cares about the kids? said... 126

I am not writing this so it will be published. I know you’d never allow it to be seen. But I want you to read it as an “administrator” of a Gosselin blog.

I have come to dislike the “haters” as much as I dislike Kate. You bloggers and Kate have something in common; your blatant disregard for the children’s feelings.

Is it ignorance the bloggers display when they say they are “voices for the children?” If the children could speak publicly, I’m convinced they’d tell all of you to leave them alone and stop blogging about them. I’m positive Collin won’t be happy to see how his bowel obstruction situation has been discussed for years (!) and Cara isn’t going to be saying “thank you” when she finds out a group of gossiping women enjoyed exploring her upcoming puberty. None of them will appreciate a group of strangers (mis)diagnosing them with various syndromes, tics, behavior problems, bleak futures for lack of anything better to do with their time.

Is it rampant stupidity the bloggers possess when they cannot see that discussing every episode, every photo, every one of Kate’s outfits, every pair of her shoes, every tanning session, every line, wrinkle, and frown has done absolutely NOTHING to keep 8 beleaguered little kids off of television? Haven't the bloggers admitted as much, saying "she's never going away?" How can they possibly think gossiping day in and day out is helping those kids? The ones who are actually trying to help the children are doing it quietly, minding their own business not publicly gossiping like a bunch of clucking old hens. Is it not possible to provide a resource of Kate’s bad behavior without the endless gossiping and snarking?? Of course it is.

Does no one find it odd to be searching the internet hourly to find the latest photo of Kate Gosselin so it can be posted on blogs and dissected for days on end?

You all are using the kids -- Kate, for a big paycheck, you for entertainment and to fill some kind of void, and, of course, to satisfy your addiction to everything Gosselin.

Kate wants to remain in the public eye and you provide her the perfect means. She's on TV because of you and you all ignore that fact.

Perhaps individually you’re lovely, caring people. Collectively, you’re ignorant, crass and terribly thoughtless.

Lolly said... 127

"Administrator said... I find this article highly offensive:"

God, I Agree! What a terrible article. No matter what one thinks of the Palins, this is HORRIBLE to zero in on a CHILD. Putting your kids OUT there, though, DOES bring this BS out. What a shame.

HW said... 128

Tucker's Mom said... just wondering said...

Is this the pic you wanted? Priceless!
Not, not a fan here. But really folks, this woman had a preternaturally large belly with sextuplets and irretrievably stretched skin as a consequence. What I see is a favorable result from a tummy tuck and some loose skin that remains.
Underneath, as seen in the upper ab region, is one hell of a tight core, which Kate's obviously worked hard for.
What is there to pick on? Her body is really something, given 2 pregnancies with multiples. If you take out the obvious lying about the boob job and fact that yes, the kids work hard for mommy to indulge in making this body...she's in great shape and it shows.

I agree that Kate has a nice shape and has worked hard to lose weight. I've said before that if she wore a nice sleek one piece or a high waisted two piece, people would leave her alone and comment on how nice she looks. The issue, I believe, is her hypocricy. On Dancing With The Stars, Kate specifically said she chose her costume (the first one, I think) because it was modest and she wanted to set a good example for her girls. Then she parades around in very skimpy bikinis. Also, the People Magazine cover (wearing the white bikini) was basically proven to be photo shopped as it showed no scars and no tattoo. And yes, everybody knows about her tummy tuck but I certainly view that as a head start to getting fit. An average mother trying to lose her tummy doesn't get that head start. She couuld show a little humility and acknowledge that extra help she received for free. So it really isn't Kate's body that is bringing on the snark, it is her attitude of entitlement about it and her less than honest approach when she talks about it.

Linda, but not that one! said... 129

I'm not the Linda that got banned, I hope! I've never said anything vile or snotty here!

Warmth Of The Sun said... 130

"How can they possibly think gossiping day in and day out is helping those kids?"


Are you aware that before all of the blogging took off, the Pa legislators were oblivious as to how severe the exploitation of reality kids really was? It is BECAUSE this was kept in the public eye that hopefully there will be a bill passed to protect all kids on reality television. This never would have come about had not the outrage been exposed. Even Paul Petersen went on record that he was not aware of it until someone on the internet told him to watch a show; he did, read all of the outrage, and as a result he became interested in the welfare of these kids. As such, he has made several trips to PA to testify and also meet with legislators. All of this happened because nobody sat back and quietly ignored the situation.

"Does no one find it odd to be searching the internet hourly to find the latest photo of Kate Gosselin so it can be posted on blogs and dissected for days on end?"


In theory, I agree with this. Photos are over-analyzed to the point where they have taken on a life of their own. In my opinion, it's absolutely ridiculous and pointless because nobody knows exactly what has happened at any given point when the photo was shot. We can see, however, from the various photos that these kids look tired, over-worked and not happy campers. That speaks volumes about the stress that these kids deal with on a daily basis. Calling attention to Kate's "wonky eye" is just plain cruel, as is the speculation (and assertion) by some that these kids are destined to be failures in life, doomed to years on the psychiatrist's couch. Nobody knows what the future holds for these kids; they only know that they do need intervention now.

"The ones who are actually trying to help the children are doing it quietly, minding their own business not publicly gossiping like a bunch of clucking old hens."


How are they doing this? Perhaps you'd like to share.

"Perhaps individually you’re lovely, caring people. Collectively, you’re ignorant, crass and terribly thoughtless."


You made some valid points up until your last sentence. Then all was lost. No credibility has ever been established when the poster resorts to insults and name-calling. You lose everything you hope to have accomplished. It's best to just stick to discourse that doesn't come off simply as a snotty remark.

AuntieAnn said... 131

Is it ignorance the bloggers display when they say they are “voices for the children?” If the children could speak publicly, I’m convinced they’d tell all of you to leave them alone and stop blogging about them. I’m positive Collin won’t be happy to see how his bowel obstruction situation has been discussed for years (!) and Cara isn’t going to be saying “thank you” when she finds out a group of gossiping women enjoyed exploring her upcoming puberty.

I'm more convinced that Collin, Cara, Leah, Joel, Aaden, Alexis, Mady and Hannah won't be happy to discover that their privacy was signed away on a contract. Kate Gosselin's name is on it.

None of them will appreciate a group of strangers (mis)diagnosing them with various syndromes, tics, behavior problems, bleak futures for lack of anything better to do with their time.

Apparently your days aren't that full, either.

marie said... 132

Who cares about the kids . . . THANK YOU! That needed to be said.

Moms of the year said... 133

Administrator said...

I find this article highly offensive:

[It's the one about Piper Palin being a "diva" on the Palin TLC reality show.]


What I find highly offensive is Sarah Palin's willingness to sell her family to a reality network - just like Kate Gosselin.

Let Sarah famewhore all she wants. Ditto for Kate. But they have no business pimping out their kids.

OF COURSE they are risking having this type of article written about their children, and they both know it full well - but, no matter, mommy's need for attention/fame/whatever is much more important.

Mindreader said... 134

Who really cares about the kids said:

If the children could speak publicly, I’m convinced they’d tell all of you to leave them alone and stop blogging about them.


And you know this how? I can tell you that the only thing that let me keep my sanity during a childhood with a narcissistic parent was the rare encounter with an adult who, though powerless to change my life, at least recognized what was happening.

That recognition was the only thing that let me know that I wasn't the crazy one, and became the foundation for recovering in adulthood.

No one can speak for these children, either now, or in the future. But it is in no way unreasonable to assume that at least some of the eight will feel validated by the observations, and the advocacy, made by people on blogs like this one, who saw what happened and knew it was wrong.

hypocrisy abounds said... 135

Who really cares about the kids? said...
blah, blah, blah

Who really cares, obviously you don't because you're posting about the very thing you're so rudely protesting against...discussing the Gosselin children and their plight. Your hypocrisy is equal to that displayed by Kate.

p.s. I'm convinced the kids would be thankful someone cares about them and is supporting their dad in his efforts to set them free. Quite obviously their mom could give a sh@#.

Audible Click said... 136

Who really cares about the kids? said...
I’m convinced they’d tell all of you to leave them alone and stop blogging about them.

What you've really said is that you've convinced yourself and have decided to lecture those of us who have chosen to blog about Kate and her mistreatment of her children. You have no idea what the children will think in the future and neither do we. One thing is clear, we at least cared enough to point out the abuse of the children at the hands of Kate and TLC. What you have posted is your opinion and it is just that, your personal opinion. I disagree with it and will continue to post when I feel that there is another example of the children being abused.

Sport said... 137

"What I find highly offensive is Sarah Palin's willingness to sell her family to a reality network - just like Kate Gosselin. "

How are they even remotely similar?
The Palins show feels like you are actually watching people in their everyday lives, doing normal stuff, parenting and such.

kHate's freak show is a narcissistic mother dragging her kids from one staged photo-op to another, with sad faces, underfed, wearing the same matching clothes.

I guess they are both women - so there is that similarity.

Moose Mania said... 138

gotyournumberKate said...

This is a good article on the effects of fame fortune on people who were previously unknown. Kate fits the characterisitics.


In 1989, sociologists Patricia and Peter Adler studied overnight celebrities and wrote a book, "The Glorified Self." It could easily have been written about Kate, some twenty years later. It's a good read.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 139

Who really cares about the kids-

The same amendment that protects your freedom to lecture us in a snotty manner, is the same amendment that we use to protest against Kate and the damage she is doing to her children.

Anonymous said... 140

It's entitled Piper out-divas Kate Gosselin. Piper was behaving like any 10 year old I know who is tired and just starting to realize their parents aren't necessarily the most wonderful things in the world. In other words, she's normal. And ten. What is Kate's excuse??? She's 35!


I don't think it's possible for anyone to out-dive Kate.

Also, this is OT, and excuse my naivety, but why is GWOP called GOSSELINS Without Pity? We all have pity for the kids, and for Jon, who's trying hard to help those kids. The only Gosselin we hate is Kate, so shouldn't it be GOSSELIN Without Pity, or Kreider w/ out pity, or Kate w/out pity....

Linda But Not That One said... 141

My comments aren't going through so forgive me if I'm freaking out for nothing, but I really hope I'm not being confused with the Linda who was banned!

I'm the one who was raised by a narcissistic mom. I have one teenage daughter. Anyway, I can't seem to access administrator email, so I would have sent it there, but this is my only option. Maybe I should change my name!

Looking for something thats not there said... 142

Palin's show was about their lifestyle in AK, Kate's show is about how she creates contrived opportunities for her children to travel and work to support their family. Palin could have done her show very easily without any family members participating. Kate has no show without the kids. No comparison at all, imo

Interesting said... 143

From TMZ Comments:

Funny - the Berks county docket shows that it's Jon who filed the Petition for Contempt - not Kate.

"1/06/2011 Pltf Jonathan's Petition for Contempt of Custody Order with
Proposed Order"

JudyK said... 144

Posted this in the wrong spot: ROL has a pic of Kate and Steve enjoying a late-night dinner at a swanky restaurant last night. Oh, and she appears to be wearing a halter top--bare shoulders.

apples and oranges said... 145

Palin is ENDING her show, after just one season. Not the same thing as filming your child from one year old to six and counting. ~ Administrator said... 146

My, my, my, how the tables have turned. So it's Kate in contempt then? Maybe they both filed motions to hold the other in contempt. Jon for his tweets, Kate for talking on Regis and other instances. The first thing I would do if I were Jon is counter-sue as a strategy to try to get her to throw hers out.

Pam said... 147

It always cracks me up when ignorant people come to anti- Gosselin blogs and blast naysayers for hating on Kate, when they can't see their own hypocrisy in doing the same thing.

Do they think its' ok to talk bad about people on a public forum, as long as it's not about Kate?

If they TRULY believed in what they say, they wouldn't resort to name calling and nit picking the haters ( the SAME THING they accuse the haters of doing to Kate ). But the fact that they do, they are just looking for and begging for drama because they are lonely and bored and just don't get along with anybody. I'll bet they have no friends in real life and they see Kate as their make believe friend they have to defend.

We are not the bullies here. We are a group of people who are publically calling out a disturbed mother who is the biggest bully of all, bullying her children and anybody who gets in her way of fame. Why would you want to defend and support a bully who is ruining 8 young lives? Please do a self heart-check about that. You are mad at the wrong people for some strange reason.

Pam said... 148

Administrator said... My, my, my, how the tables have turned. So it's Kate in contempt then? Maybe they both filed motions to hold the other in contempt. Jon for his tweets, Kate for talking on Regis and other instances. The first thing I would do if I were Jon is counter-sue as a strategy to try to get her to throw hers out.

January 13, 2011 12:42 PM

I agree 110% !!! Jon has video proof of Kate violating the court order, as well as publically humiliating him.

He also needs to find out who in her camp reported the lawsuit to ROL ( Mark Momjian ), which clearly violated the court order.

Go Jon Go!!!!! Stick it to that wench and her flying monkey Momjian.

NT said... 149

ROL has a pic of Kate and Steve out for swanky dinner in NZ. She looks at the person taking the pic and looks very guilty and caught!!! I am dying to see what she has on. Looks strapless. I guess TLC pays for her "dates" too.

Bodyguard, My A$$ said... 150

Hey Admin, I agree about Jon counter-suing Kate. I've often wondered if he's gone after spousal support, (if the roles were reversed, she'd be well taken care of) and if he could sue her for slander for implying, if not outright saying, that the visitation is new and the kids aren't used to being with him (parental alienation, anyone?). She did try to parse her words by mentioning that particular visitation was new, as in going to his apartment as opposed to switching turns at the house. But it was patently obvious what she was trying to say. What a joke. The children obviously have been attached to him from the start. You can't fake or edit out the love they feel for him. It oozes from their very beings. Their birth mother? Not so much.

Funky Cold Madeena said... 151

NT said...
ROL has a pic of Kate and Steve out for swanky dinner in NZ. She looks at the person taking the pic and looks very guilty and caught!!! I am dying to see what she has on. Looks strapless. I guess TLC pays for her "dates" too.

January 13, 2011 12:57 PM

Caught doing what? Eating? The kids are sitting right there with them. Although Steve does appear to be acting as husband/daddy at the head of the table.

Gina Neild, if this twit is still your husband, please go get yourself a good lawyer. You are being made a fool of. You can't say you were the last to know because they are flaunting it right under your nose.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 152

Listening to Nina Frye's "Gosselin Hour"
1-13-2011 show. SPOT ON!! Paul Petersen is just brilliant.

If you have some free time, please check it out.

JudyK said... 153

NT said... ROL has a pic of Kate and Steve out for swanky dinner in NZ. She looks at the person taking the pic and looks very guilty and caught!!! I am dying to see what she has on. Looks strapless. I guess TLC pays for her "dates" too.
I also posted about this. What's even better than Kate's expression is the expression on Steve's face...LMAO!!! This was obviously not a paid-for photo op. Oops.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 154

God speed, Jon.

You have many people on your, and your children's side.

Snow Globe said... 155

Is there a link to the Berks County docket?

It wouldn't be the first time she was found in contempt (Arbitration Awards 2009)

Anonymous said... 156

Got my issue of US Weekly today (weird thing is I didn't even subscribe to it; I've gotten magazines before that I haven't subscribed to, but anyway) they have a photo of Kate and the kids in a candy store in Queensland, and all Kate is wearing is a sparkly bikini top, khaki shorts, and strappy sandals. I'm sure her mom is so proud of her now. (snark).

Aeris said... 157

"Who really cares about the kids?" didn't say she was a Khate supporter at all, she just stated her opinion about the effects the blog gossip may have on her children. Yes, it was snotty and judging in tone, but I understand what she's saying. The kids may appreciate their supporters when they're older, but not right now. I think reading horrible things about their Mommy (and Daddy) would crush them. But that is mainly Kate's fault, by keeping herself and the kids in the public eye. There is going to be online gossip and print articles, regardless. She can't keep her kids out of stores forever, they're going to at least see her on tabloid covers. The twins are old enough to go online and Khate couldn't care less what they may read about their family.

The to the poster who asked about the blog "Gosselins Without Pity" it is a take on the website, the home of a very controversial Jon & Kate Plus 8 forum. Imagine sheeple and haterz posting in the same place. The mods couldn't keep it under control, so the thread was closed forever - this was in early 2008. That's when some of the posters established GWOP, a place where we could speak what we wanted to and advocate for the kids. Amazing that this battle has been going on for three years now.

Donna said... 158

What the heck is up with Kate shopping while wearing only a bikini top? Is that a symptom of narcissism? Is she so stupid that she doesn't realize that a normal 35 year old mother of 8 does not shop in public while wearing a bikini? She's wearing something a prostitute would wear, doesn't she know that? TLC needs to do a cross-over show featuring her on What Not To Wear. I'm serious! I know she doesn't have any friends but somebody needs to tell her that she looks like a whore.

It's Me said... 159

The reason it is called GosselinS without pity is because when it was started no one liked Jon either. They were hated equally.

Donna said... 160

I keep trying to post a comment but it doesn't seem to be going thru for some reason. I'll try again...
Does anyone know the status on Steve? Is he still married? Is his family with him in NZ? Are they with him and the Gosselins on all the outings, dinners, activities that they're doing while they're there? How many kids does he have and how old are they? Where do they live in the States and does Steve live with them? Thanks for the info if anyone has any answers. I appreciate it because I'm just curious!

fidosmommy said... 161

RE: Kate's abs.

Let's not forget that the surgery she had included tightening her abdominal muscles. It's
the part I'm told is the most painful during recovery. Granted, it would be her lower abs and midsection more than her upper abs, but still, the surgery had a lot to do with her
core looking like it does today.

AuntieAnn said... 162

Kate and Ratclaws are enjoying a late night dinner date after "a long, exhausting day of filming."

Long and exhausting for Kate, but not for the kids, of course. It's all play. What a load.

Maybe they were doing something else to work up an appetite. Care for a cigarette, Kate?

Ellie said... 163

Linda, but not that one! said... I'm not the Linda that got banned, I hope! I've never said anything vile or snotty here!

Aren't you Linda NS? The silly little shit stirrer is LindaOriginal. She's BM's understudy. She's the one who LOVES Kate but ignores the welfare of the children. Linda has a particular air of superiority towards anyone (even the other sheeple), remind you of anyone? In fact she'll even deny coming here.

I don't think any regulars here would mix you up with her. Her posts reek of sheeple snot.

Mamma said... 164

The pro-Kate group will never stop defending their position. They'd have to admit they were wrong or were had. "Someone" would have to reinvent or close her blog. Won't happen.

A date plus 8? said... 165

JudyK said... NT said... ROL has a pic of Kate and Steve out for swanky dinner in NZ. She looks at the person taking the pic and looks very guilty and caught!!! I am dying to see what she has on. Looks strapless. I guess TLC pays for her "dates" too.
I also posted about this. What's even better than Kate's expression is the expression on Steve's face...LMAO!!! This was obviously not a paid-for photo op. Oops.


Looks to me like the kids are with them -- they're out of focus, in the forefront of the photo -- you just see the backs of two of their heads. So, I don't think Kate and Steve were "caught" doing anything -- other than spending more of the kids' money on another expensive dinner, of course....

A Brit. said... 166

Who really cares about the kids? said...

I am not writing this so it will be published. I know you’d never allow it to be seen. But I want you to read it as an “administrator” of a Gosselin blog.
Now I think you owe Admin an apology. She did post your comment. I am curious.Have you gone to each and every blog to post this same message? If so then you are what you called all of us posters. You must read the blog to realize that we are all "crass, ignorant, clucking old hens" A tad hypocritical don't you think?

Dinner For Ten said... 167

NT said... ROL has a pic of Kate and Steve out for swanky dinner in NZ. She looks at the person taking the pic and looks very guilty and caught!!! I am dying to see what she has on. Looks strapless. I guess TLC pays for her "dates" too.


Caught at having dinner? I don't understand. Is it unusual for Steve to have dinner with them? Usually a "date" is between a man and a woman; however, the kids are sitting right there...

readerlady said... 168

Linda In NS - You asked about the phrase "under penalty of severeness". Yes, it is Gosselinese. When Kate showed a camera crew through the new mansion, she told the kids (although I've often wondered if maybe the comment wasn't a back-handed slap at Jon) that they would never see the inside of "her" bedroom again "under penalty of severeness".

People keep saying that the kids are at the table with Kate and Steve, but the only pix I saw on ROL doesn't show any kids. There is someone (can only see the back of her head) who appears to be sitting at the table too - dark haired, female - but appears to be much too tall, and has an elaborate hairstyle, so I don't think it is one of the kids - but no sign of the kids. Are there other pix out there?

Mamma said... 169

Ellie said...

Aren't you Linda NS? The silly little shit stirrer is LindaOriginal. She's BM's understudy. She's the one who LOVES Kate but ignores the welfare of the children. Linda has a particular air of superiority towards anyone (even the other sheeple), remind you of anyone? In fact she'll even deny coming here.

I don't think any regulars here would mix you up with her. Her posts reek of sheeple snot.

Well said. LindaOriginal is ExtraCrispy on the blogs. ~ Administrator said... 170

I'm always kind of amused at people who post comments like that. It's like a drunk coming into a bar, pouring a drink, and then standing up and yelling at everybody else to stop drinking they'll go to hell for it. If you are here and know all about this blog and the Gosselins, it's hypocritical to preach at others to stop.

I guess I should be flattered this blog is so talked about, but I can't help finding it just obnoxious. We leave them alone, why don't they buzz off? ~ Administrator said... 171

If Steve cannot situate the family at a table that isn't within direct line of a window someone could easily snap a pic through, he's doing a terrible job as a bodyguard. Most fancy restaurants have VIP areas or "tasting rooms" or a wine room that would be nice and private. Makes you wonder if they wanted their pic taken.

I saw the Schwarzeneggers eating out in Pacific Palisades last year and their bodyguards were stationed outside the door, not sitting at the table with the family.

Berks said... 172

Snow Globe said...
Is there a link to the Berks County docket?
It wouldn't be the first time she was found in contempt (Arbitration Awards 2009).


The Berks court docket is only available if you or your employer (attorneys and news agencies, etc.) pays the yearly subscription fee to use the "RAD" system. RAD is an online subscription service that allows you to view the Berks County Prothonotary’s Dockets via the Internet. The fee? $300/year.

Patience is a virtue said... 173

Donna said...
I keep trying to post a comment but it doesn't seem to be going thru for some reason. I'll try again...

Donna, your posts appear to be coming through, but it's not instantaneous. They sit in queue until Admin has a chance to approve them. Be patient. :o)

Mom In Lancaster County said... 174

"The Berks court docket is only available if you or your employer (attorneys and news agencies, etc.) pays the yearly subscription fee to use the "RAD" system. RAD is an online subscription service that allows you to view the Berks County Prothonotary’s Dockets via the Internet. The fee? $300/year."


Wow. Glad I'm in the next county over. Viewing prothonotary dockets are free here!

AuntieAnn said... 175

We leave them alone, why don't they buzz off?

Well, you know how it is Admin. It's a defense mechanism. No one likes to be told that their baby is ugly.

A Brit. said... 176

I have been thinking of Kate's statement (excuse) for dragging her children hither and thither. "I am making memories for my kids"
Memories are subjective. They belong solely in the mind of the person remembering. As much of a control freak as Kate is,even she cannot control what her children will remember.
I do know that my sister and I often share very different memories of the same event. And things I remember she has completely forgotten.
Kate will find out eventually that her children will remember her screeching, anger and control much more vividly that the zoos, beaches, horses and countries.
I know from personal experience what it is to be raised by a narcissistic control freak. Remembering the fear of angering her. The guilt one feels for disliking their mother.Feeling odd because of harbouring such feelings. I wonder how far away the Gosselin children will move to get distance from Kate. (when they are able) I moved to another continent. So did my sister.

Dinner For Ten said... 177


Look at the pic on the new thread. It looks like one of the twins sitting next to Kate, with one of the boys (Aaden?) sitting next to either Cara or Mady.

Grammy of nine said... 178

Kate appears to have a body that some women would envy. The trouble with it is that most of us know that it was paid for by her children and she refuses to dress in "good taste." She has become an exhibitionist and loves, loves, loves the attention it gives to her, both good and bad. She is advertising the "goods" to an extreme that is disgusting to most.

That's No Eleborate Hairdo said... 179

readerlady said... People keep saying that the kids are at the table with Kate and Steve, but the only pix I saw on ROL doesn't show any kids. There is someone (can only see the back of her head) who appears to be sitting at the table too - dark haired, female - but appears to be much too tall, and has an elaborate hairstyle, so I don't think it is one of the kids - but no sign of the kids. Are there other pix out there?

January 13, 2011 5:07 PM

Ummmmmm...that is not a female with an elaborate hairdo. It's two kids heads. One looks like Aaden (with his glasses on)looking slightly to his right, and one looks like it might be the back of Hannah's head looking toward Steve. Look at it again.

Anonymous said... 180

I do know that my sister and I often share very different memories of the same event. And things I remember she has completely forgotten.
My sis and I are the same. But, then she is 8 yrs. younger than me. I think each child remembers aspects of the same occurence differently. Yes, we too had a narcissistic mother. Til the day she died, I was still trying to get her approval/love/acceptance, and I was 52. After she died I eventually found myself getting angry over these issues. I think I've finally made peace w/much of my history. I'm still a work in progress. It's hard.


BerksPa said... 181

This was posted just two hours ago. Interesting Tweet:
Wonder if she's on her way home or back to Australia.

RotoruaAirport Rhys Arrowsmith
Kate Gosselin enjoyed The Rotorua International Airport yesterday with her 8 very well behaved children.
2 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

A Brit. said... 182

You can fly to US from New Zealand. Hopefully she is bringing them home to rest. Well bringing them home..... but I doubt to rest.

Dinner For Ten said... 183

Ummmmmm...that is not a female with an elaborate hairdo. It's two kids heads. One looks like Aaden (with his glasses on)looking slightly to his right, and one looks like it might be the back of Hannah's head looking toward Steve. Look at it again.


LOL!! I was looking at the photo and trying to figure out what readerlady was seeing, and at quick glance, it does look like a female with a very large bun on the back of her head. I was going to post that the "bun" was Aaden's head, but you beat me to it! ;-)

Linda in NS said... 184

Ellie said... Linda, but not that one! said... I'm not the Linda that got banned, I hope! I've never said anything vile or snotty here!

Aren't you Linda NS?
No she isn't; I am the Linda in NS. Lots of Lindas on here.
Reader Lady, thanks for the explanation. It still makes no sense to me but, then again, I have a good grasp of the English language :))
I feel so very sorry for those children having to make that (estimated) 22 hour flight back to the US. We went to the Orient a few years back and the jet lag we experienced when we got home was nothing to laugh at. I missed an additional three days of work trying to "catch up". I was bone tired yet my mind wouldn't shut off nor would my eyes close. Those poor little kids. Their monster of a mother will doubtless have no sympathy for their plight. I hope there is somebody there with patience for those eight little souls.

readerlady said... 185

Okay, Y'all. Getting older is NOT fun! I enlarged the picture. What I thought was a woman with an elaborate hairstyle is Aaden and one of the twins (?) with something flowery in front of them. Guess I need some new computer glasses. I still think Kate is reprehensible for putting another man in the position of acting father to those kids while doing everything in her power to cut their own father out of their lives. It would be one thing if Jon were a criminal or dangerous to the kids, but he's just a man who lost his way for a while and is now trying to atone for his mistakes.

What A Wonderful World said... 186

I totally agree about the trip being exhausting. I flew back from Australia a few years ago and it took me nearly a week to recover. It's not a fun experience. You're right -- you just want to sleep and can't because you're too tired to sleep. Your entire body clock has to be re-set. Maybe kids are more resilient, I don't know. I wonder if Kate will recuperate fast and make a trip to NYC to get those roots taken care of. Hey, Kate, there's a great salon not far from you, and they charge $90 for touch-ups!

Anonymous said... 187

I do know that my sister and I often share very different memories of the same event. And things I remember she has completely forgotten.
My sis and I are the same. But, then she is 8 yrs. younger than me. I think each child remembers aspects of the same occurence differently. Yes, we too had a narcissistic mother. Til the day she died, I was still trying to get her approval/love/acceptance, and I was 52. After she died I eventually found myself getting angry over these issues. I think I've finally made peace w/much of my history. I'm still a work in progress. It's hard.


That's No Eleborate Hairdo said... 188

readerlady said... People keep saying that the kids are at the table with Kate and Steve, but the only pix I saw on ROL doesn't show any kids. There is someone (can only see the back of her head) who appears to be sitting at the table too - dark haired, female - but appears to be much too tall, and has an elaborate hairstyle, so I don't think it is one of the kids - but no sign of the kids. Are there other pix out there?

January 13, 2011 5:07 PM

Ummmmmm...that is not a female with an elaborate hairdo. It's two kids heads. One looks like Aaden (with his glasses on)looking slightly to his right, and one looks like it might be the back of Hannah's head looking toward Steve. Look at it again.

A date plus 8? said... 189

JudyK said... NT said... ROL has a pic of Kate and Steve out for swanky dinner in NZ. She looks at the person taking the pic and looks very guilty and caught!!! I am dying to see what she has on. Looks strapless. I guess TLC pays for her "dates" too.
I also posted about this. What's even better than Kate's expression is the expression on Steve's face...LMAO!!! This was obviously not a paid-for photo op. Oops.


Looks to me like the kids are with them -- they're out of focus, in the forefront of the photo -- you just see the backs of two of their heads. So, I don't think Kate and Steve were "caught" doing anything -- other than spending more of the kids' money on another expensive dinner, of course....

AuntieAnn said... 190

We leave them alone, why don't they buzz off?

Well, you know how it is Admin. It's a defense mechanism. No one likes to be told that their baby is ugly.

It's Me said... 191

The reason it is called GosselinS without pity is because when it was started no one liked Jon either. They were hated equally.

Berks said... 192

Snow Globe said...
Is there a link to the Berks County docket?
It wouldn't be the first time she was found in contempt (Arbitration Awards 2009).


The Berks court docket is only available if you or your employer (attorneys and news agencies, etc.) pays the yearly subscription fee to use the "RAD" system. RAD is an online subscription service that allows you to view the Berks County Prothonotary’s Dockets via the Internet. The fee? $300/year.

Administrator said... 193

I'm always kind of amused at people who post comments like that. It's like a drunk coming into a bar, pouring a drink, and then standing up and yelling at everybody else to stop drinking they'll go to hell for it. If you are here and know all about this blog and the Gosselins, it's hypocritical to preach at others to stop.

I guess I should be flattered this blog is so talked about, but I can't help finding it just obnoxious. We leave them alone, why don't they buzz off?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kat said... 194

Listening to Nina Frye's "Gosselin Hour"
1-13-2011 show. SPOT ON!! Paul Petersen is just brilliant.

If you have some free time, please check it out.

Funky Cold Madeena said... 195

NT said...
ROL has a pic of Kate and Steve out for swanky dinner in NZ. She looks at the person taking the pic and looks very guilty and caught!!! I am dying to see what she has on. Looks strapless. I guess TLC pays for her "dates" too.

January 13, 2011 12:57 PM

Caught doing what? Eating? The kids are sitting right there with them. Although Steve does appear to be acting as husband/daddy at the head of the table.

Gina Neild, if this twit is still your husband, please go get yourself a good lawyer. You are being made a fool of. You can't say you were the last to know because they are flaunting it right under your nose.

NT said... 196

ROL has a pic of Kate and Steve out for swanky dinner in NZ. She looks at the person taking the pic and looks very guilty and caught!!! I am dying to see what she has on. Looks strapless. I guess TLC pays for her "dates" too.

Administrator said... 197

My, my, my, how the tables have turned. So it's Kate in contempt then? Maybe they both filed motions to hold the other in contempt. Jon for his tweets, Kate for talking on Regis and other instances. The first thing I would do if I were Jon is counter-sue as a strategy to try to get her to throw hers out.

JudyK said... 198

Posted this in the wrong spot: ROL has a pic of Kate and Steve enjoying a late-night dinner at a swanky restaurant last night. Oh, and she appears to be wearing a halter top--bare shoulders.

Looking for something thats no said... 199

Palin's show was about their lifestyle in AK, Kate's show is about how she creates contrived opportunities for her children to travel and work to support their family. Palin could have done her show very easily without any family members participating. Kate has no show without the kids. No comparison at all, imo

Linda But Not That One said... 200

My comments aren't going through so forgive me if I'm freaking out for nothing, but I really hope I'm not being confused with the Linda who was banned!

I'm the one who was raised by a narcissistic mom. I have one teenage daughter. Anyway, I can't seem to access administrator email, so I would have sent it there, but this is my only option. Maybe I should change my name!

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