Denise... I know right? They are learning so much! Mady(?) looks bored out of her mind. Kate looks pissy to be talking to her child as usual. WHY aren't they going sightseeing? Is this gonna be "K+8 and all the beaches they visited?" OMG, how BORING!!!
That boy is probably saying "Mom, what exactly is this doing for my future?"
Have you ever noticed that there is not one picture of her hugging or showing affection toward her kids. With my kids, I am ruffling their hair or giving them little hugs. It is odd that not one picture ever shows Kate with any kind of affection beyond holding their hands to guide the kids someplace.
Someone posted at INF over the weekend that these would be coming out soon. Their comment was that her PR team would be releasing bikini shots of Kate any day now. Guess they were right!
Well, this explains why she's got her little plow-horses working again. She's going to have to book another tummy tuck and by the look of it, besides a good swift kick, her ass needs some augmentation.
She looks irritated at Mady. Maybe she's asking her mother something school "I need some help with my math homework".
Just my humble opinion/observation on Kate's magical boobies:
You would think a woman laying on her back, her age, with the ample boobage she has, would have breast sliding back towards her armpit, instead of standing at attention?
Liar, liar, pants on fire, Katie Irene- I smell boob job purchased by your WORKING children.
Seriously? She pulled them out of school for 2-3 weeks for this? She dragged Jon to court to fight to be able to do this?
I hope the kids' school sees how much learning is taking place.
And I hope the ignorant judge who allowed this trip sees just how much "working" is taking place.
That woman reeks of desperation. She's desperate for a man. Desperate for the tabloids to praise her body. Desperate for fame. I have never in my 31 years seen anybody as pathetic as Kate Gosselin.
well I for one didn't even know they made wedge high heeled thong sandals. I spotted them in the photo, up above. So thanks Kate, this trip is truly educational for me, at least! SNARK!
For the easy payments of 20 grand you can look like this to. Personal trainer, organic food/produce, hair stylist, makeup artist, fake bake and wardrobe. not included.
So kate is reliving her 20somes. Good for your Kate. She embraces the flaws of her frankenstein body. Fake belly button and mid flab. Thats not what I saw on the magazine. Ive been lied to. I guess Kate is vain. But not super vain. She should hide the scares. Kate better hold on to the people pictures. Soon with the sun damage. She is going to look like a washed up leather couch.
Love to see that Mady is turning into little kate. Looks like Kate has rubbed off one of her children. Well and the 2 tups who started fighting also.
Wow, I was just about to say what Denise did upon seeing that picture. Guess Steve is shooting from the balcony?
Seriously, if he is the 'official' photog because no one else in Australis gives a rat's ass about the famous KG, no wonder she had that big smile in the Brisbane airport - she was smiling at HIM.
Leave me alone; don't drip water on me; go play............ Don't most parents play in the pool with the kids? Mine did! Love the bikini and cutoff mini skirt - not. They both belong on very young girls, not moms of 8. A coverup is usually worn poolside, but she's not a fan of covering up. She'll never learn. Good gawd, I hope this is her last hurrah, her last freebie that she doesn't deserve.
And then, silly me, I actually looked at the pictures, to see -
- bored expression - wet kids, but since she's dry, guess she's not the one in the pool with them - twin sitting with her, needs attention, all she does is close her eyes and stretch out - no interaction, until wet kids appear, and then she's up, with her stern look, giving directions - whole lot of fun (not) going on as usual - and oh my, that's one ugly scar, stretch mark she has going on on one hip. This is not a bikini body, at least not for a 35 year old with 8 kids.
Seriously, I looked at her, in that bikini, with the straw hair, and thought, all that is missing are some tatts. Big ones.
They had to go on a 20+ hour plane ride for this? Wonder if Ashley is getting some college credit for her soon to be educational essay on the beauty of Australia and New Zealand?
Kids always look miserable. Almost as miserable as Kate does.
The only thing Miserable Kate has created is a miserable time for any poor human that is exposed to her.
Can't wait for her to turn on Stevie. Once she has a ring, her true nature will come out...and she will quit playing the role of a 14 girl on her first date.
Why is this show sitll relavent? I mean really, honestly?
1. Kate wants to take kids somewhere, is either "Ironically" on their wish list, what's THAT about? Or its somewhere the "kids" want to go...right. 2. We watch them pack, talk about how it was getting there (about how it is to walk through an airport and hear people yell out Kate's name) the hassel of taking her 8 kids (she never fails to mention its difficult) 3. Check into hotel, watch the kids race around, someone starts to cry, Kate has an atittude or issue. 4. They show maybe 3-5 days of their trip of things they did. Alone, with just them, no other people, no other family just them and the crew. 5. Kate spends most of her time yelling at her kids or talking to the camera.
I mean havne't we all seen this before? Why taking this from PA to Alaska, San Diego, Australia wherever, their routine isn't any different and therefore just basically a repeat in a different place. Nothing new, nothing worth while, nothing if any really educational. Just Kate getting her sun tan on whilst someone watches the kids while she talks to the crew and tries to look annoyed that her celebrity holiday is being interupted by paparazzi...Please.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita)
Yawn! The QUEEN and her socially-dysfunctional minions. My kid has been sick Monday, Tuesday and today (Wednesday). The doctor said he can go back to school tomorrow. I am so happy for HIM to be able to get back to school with his friends and to learn. and to see his teacher again. Sunbathing in a bikini on your UMPTEENTH free vacation does NOT a success make, Khate, you idiot.
So who is watching her kids in the swimming pool while she lounges around?? Do the nannies ever get "down time", or are they expected to be on duty 24hours? She makes me sick!
They Should be in School said...(on another thread) And I hope my post shows up! I don't think it's anyone's fault, but I've posted a couple or few times, & none of my posts have gone through. What?? :) Am I in trouble?
Can you imagine having to be in an airport as much as those kids do? How very sad. I don't care what the exotic ports of call are, traveling is not particularly fun with all the retrictions in place now. Very sad indeed.
I never thought of that. These poor kids, I think everyone gets a pat down per the TSA rules, so does that mean all the G kids are getting frisked too at every stop? Jeez Kate. I know that's part or traveling & it's a safety thing, sure, but as much GD traveling as Kate MAKES these kids do for filming purposes to further her own agenda, those poor little kids have to either get frisked & fondled or go through that naked x-ray machine for all to see. Are they filming that too? Why the hell not? They filmed them on the potty, puking, crying, & in the bath? Hey, why not right? Just another day in the life...(or am I way off here?)
Looks like Hailey Glassman got herself a job on the New Housewives of New Jersey. I wish Kate was on one of those Houswives shows without the kids. She seems to think she is one of them. They would eat her alive.
Anyone see the one pic where the nanny is picking up all the pool supplies and is bogged down with towels and a bag and a pool ring and Kate is standing there waiting with just her phone?
Here's the link:
Of course kHate has to also go with the hooker-heels-flip-flops. Cant ever be something subdued or normal that she wears. She honestly thinks she looks good and is a 'great catch.'
If I caught something like that I would throw it back.
Wow, lounging by a swimming pool - the kids missing school was SO worth it - especially for Mady and Cara. So where are the pictures of Kate playing with the kids? Surely there must be some because it wouldn't be like the worlds greatest mom to just lounge around looking bored when the joys of her lives are nearby!!!! Oh yeah, that's right, the world is out to make her look bad so they're obviously holding back on those pictures. You'd think SOME would get through SOME of the time though. Must be a big ol' conspiracy.
Why don't we ever see pictures of Kate actually playing with her kids. Like, in the water, splashing around, swimming, building sand castles, jumping rope, playing catch, playing hide and seek etc.
All we ever see are pictures of her standing around, ordering the kids around, (and ordering everyone else around her), etc. It's rather unnatural. It's like the kids are supposed to orbit around Kate like she's the sun or something.
I also noticed in the pics where she has her arm up over her head she is SUCKING in her belly (which is fine most women do) but only do when A. someone is taking a photo or B. a "hot" man is around. It's obvious she knows she is being photographed hence the sucking in the belly and trying to be "sexy" pose....Can't help but laugh
Clearly all the photos of Kate were taken to help her snag a man. Just look at them. These photos are not of the normal kind that are taken of a family on vacation- OOPS, I MEAN, working.
Apparently TLC/Steve are in the dating business as well....
Curious about purseboys "family" . . . the peer backlash is or probably will be for the G8. But I dont think it ends just there. What about Steve's children. Gina is just "allowing" this to all go on and on and on? What? When he is out in public with the family, his care and concern seems to be with Kate, not the children. Do cameras follow him and his own children? Do he protect his own children? He doesnt seem to "protect" the G8. Would he let cameras get in his childrens face and follow them around? Are his own children under this scrutiny in their own world? At their school, with their friends? This whole charade, whether they are together or not, has to be affecting his OWN children. Where is Gina all the time? Does she work? Is she at home cleaning her house, cashing the checks while her "husband" runs around the world with Jon's children, playing the daddy role? They have a daddy.
Does he have to reassure Gina all the time? The phone calls home. Does Gina's friends question her about Steve? When Gina goes to Target and Whole Foods, do people in town know shes the "wife" of karts "handler"? What does Gina tell her children when they are eating dinner and dads with his other family? Just curious.
The caption says that she is relaxing on a balcony at her hotel. Is the pool on the balcony? So is the photographer on the next floor balcony? There is a woman in the photo -- do you mean that Kate had to SHARE an area with other people? They didn't clear the balcony?
BINGO!! Judging from the trajectory of Kate's photos and a photo of Steve (4th box at the OK! Magazine article), I think it's safe to say he is the pap-for-hire on this trip.
I thought the same thing about the pic with her hand up!!! She is sucking in her belly. What a joke. How come she's not pissed off that someone is taking her picture? Cos it's Steve that's why. Wonder how many more new string bikinis we will see her in on this trip?
Not surprised, it's just typical Kate. More self-promotion, to hell with the kids education. She is simply ghastly. So Kate calls this work? Yeah, I think the judge should be made aware of this.
Totally OT, and sorry if it has already been mentioned, but K8 is on the cover of the new People Yearbook. The article inside (and I am paraphrasing since I read it for free at work) said the usual BS. Her body is ALL natural, just the result of her hard work and exercise and that she is ready to find a man. The newest pics sure prove how au naturel her boobage is...NOT!
Pink, I think you're right. What a phoney self-serving b!tch. It would be perfect if an onlooker would have taken a pic of Steve taking a pic. But then again why would they? No one there has a clue who they are.
Kate has to stretch out as much as possible because she has loose skin - notice it when she stands up or sits up in her chair - that along with the big scars.
She doesn't have the big hunks of fat hanging out of the back of her suit anymore - lipo?
I don't get why people continue to trash her body? Is that really what we want to educate people on? We have a platform here - if you google Gosselins, this is one of the top blogs that come up - we can make a difference. Right now we come across as jealous. I think we lose all credibility when we start bashing her looks. This blog is supposed to be about reality kids, right?
I don't get why people continue to trash her body? Is that really what we want to educate people on? We have a platform here - if you google Gosselins, this is one of the top blogs that come up - we can make a difference. Right now we come across as jealous
I don't see the body-bashing as a jealousy thing (at least not most of the time). I see it as a "she's a selfish liar" thing. Her own emphasis on her body and her appearance is what makes people so angry, because she so obviously cares more about how she looks than she does about her own kids.
Add to that the incredible amounts of money she spends on her appearance - that's money THE CHILDREN EARNED - and the obvious fact that she is completely disinterested in the children's welfare in every possible way, and it's no wonder people go nuts when she's photographed in situations where she clearly is desperate for as much attention as possible.
But it's KATE who has put her narcissistic pursuit of attention to her body out there. It's KATE who has made that attention the be-all and end-all of her existence. And her self-absorption is why her children are so terribly neglected. It's a bit much to expect people to stop reacting to such blatantly negative behavior.
KATE is the one who has made this a legitimate focus for criticism.
To No Credibility - Nope, we're not jellus... the issue is that:
1) She DENIED ever having a boob job but it's obvious she did so that's where her credibility is lacking in my book. Just admit it!! Lots of Celebs get boob jobs - why deny?
2) She pulled her kids out of school so she can lounge on a pool chair for an obvious photo op.
3) Her physical appearance --- all thanks to the 8 moneybags.
I have to wonder what it feels like from a child's perspective to see your mom (or dad) going through dramatic physical changes - body (pale to dark brown), face (botox overdose), hair (brunette to blonde), clothing (sneakers to hooker heels) in a short time period.
I guess the only person who could provide that answer right now is Melissa Rivers.
My computer has been in the shop for over a week. I came back to this sight first thing and nearly lost my lunch. I feel defeated to think that TLC is funding this wonderful trip yet again for the Gosselins. Maybe I'm jealous, but she is just so unrelatable. Single woman, on her own, my assets. Someone with power and money loves this woman and is keeping her out there. We are being played like a fine tuned fiddle. Whether it is intentional or not, we are providing free promotional time for the "shows" they have been taping. Until the laws change and their dad, Jon, gets real, nothing will change. Kate, and maybe Jon, are laughing all the way to the bank. If any of my kids had been dismissed from school, at any age, we would cancel family vacations until the situation improved and everyone in the family was back on track. This woman is so self absorbed, I cannot think of anything else to say. Happy 2011 to all!
I deleted an anonymous insider story hijacked from GWOP. Read the rules, I don't post those anymore. And that story is a perfect example of exactly why I don't--someone claiming they HEARD from someone who saw Steve taking pap photos--it's too perfect, exactly what people have suggested here than an insider pops up to "confirm" our suspicions. *rolls eyes*. No more.
My understanding is even Kate's fans admit that maybe it's not the best idea to pull children out of school like this. I like when we find common ground. I think it's nice to find things we can all agree. I think as of now I've found two things we agree on with some of the fans--that TLC sucks, and that the kids shouldn't be pulled out of school.
Besides the obvious academics and teaching children it's just fine and dandy to miss school just to lounge poolside, there's another aspect of missing school.
When the kids get back, especially Mady and Cara, the first thing their classmates are going to say was how come you missed so much school?! Where were you?! You missed this and that and this. Some of them might give them a hard time. After all why should my classmate get to go swimming in beautiful weather while I have to learn long division? Way to set them up to amass a bunch of enemies at school. Kids can be more vicious than the worst adult.
I give Nina the benefit of the doubt, she claims she hasn't seen very many episodes. See a select few and you might not be aware of all this. To me it's just plain old common sense that you don't film away a child's childhood, but people who maybe are only listening with half an ear might be a little late to the party. I think we should be courteous and kind. If you want to be skeptical that's fine but be respectful.
But to Nina, you're dreaming if you think anyone can get through to Kate. Her own husband couldn't, her own brother couldn't, hell if some random people on a radio show can. You can't "get through" to narcissists. You're operating as if she's not a narcissist, that's the first thing you need to learn. Kate will stop when TLC or a judge makes her stop and never before. She will never stop because she had a change of heart like a normal person who changes their mind. That's why we're here, to learn and grow and a changed mind often results from that and that's not something a Kate fan should ever be ashamed of. Thank God we can change our opinions on things, I certainly have, or we'd never have progress. People change, it's hoped for the better.
Admin said......"Kate will stop when TLC or a judge makes her stop and never before. She will never stop because she had a change of heart like a normal person who changes their mind."
Amen to that! Without the viewers though Kate has no show and if it means one changed mind or one person seeing through her lies at a time it will be well worth it in the end. It's getting there.......
I get what you're saying and I've considered that too but I honestly think if Kate didn't put so much emphasis on her body neither would anyone else. She parades around in the skimpiest clothes possible and jumps into bikinis any chance she gets. She wants her body to be noticed so she's going to have to live with the criticism as well as the leering she so desperately longs for.
I think the reason I in particular have no qualms about making negative comments about Khate's body is because during all the time she was going on national TV crying that she had to have the show to support the kids and that she was broke and had no money, and there was no money in the college fund she was steadily spending money on all these procedures that have completely changed her looks to the point that she is almost unrecognizable and those procedures do not come cheap. But most importantly here is a woman that looks completely different in every way and she lies about it. Because she knows that she would be criticized for spending so much money, when her kids have been working all this time for nothing, and she couldn't cry wolf if the truth was known. And she goes on Ellen and says the kids can get a diamond ring like the one she wants when they get a job (that was when the show was off). I could just go on and on. And now that she has totally reshaped herself she is out there dressing entirely inappropriately for some one who does it all for the kids. If she was honest about it as many are there would be nothing to talk about. And I think more so since she got rid of Jon that little business about the kids playing alongside her while she is working has been exposed for what it really is - she is the one who is playing alongside the kids who are not just working, but working hard. No I have no sympathy for that wretched woman whatsoever.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita)
If you go to link that NJGal51 has posted up thread, they talk about the tattoo. It used to be a groin rose before the witch's tummy tuck.
I really could care less what Kate wears or how much plastic surgery she has had. Do I think she is a horrible role model in this department for her children? Yes, I do. But I never dwell on such issues.
My only concern is for the kids. As I posted on the last thread, the Gosselins' school considers the missed days to be unexcused absences. The students are solely responsible for making up their missed work, and the teachers are not required to provide the work ahead of time.
Missing even one day of school puts children behind, particularly in math lessons. These lessons build skills day by day to master concepts in the particular math strand taught. Fourth grade math is probably quite challenging at this school. Is the tutor capable of teaching the lessons to the twins? Does she even have access to the lessons? Who knows.
Math is just one curricular area. They will also be missing science and/or social studies and language arts lessons. The school is "academically accelerated" (Kate's quote). Unless specific lesson arrangements were made ahead of time, the older girls (and the kinders) will most likely be behind when they return. Factor in the jet lag, and those kids are going to be beyond exhaused. Of course, Kate is not responsible for ANYTHING as far as work goes when they come back, and she can rest up as she wishes!
Even if the kids do keep up with their lessons, is this fair to young children who are also expected to be "on" for hours of filming each day during this so-called vacation? This is VERY WRONG! I just don't get it at all... I can't believe the school will tolerate this long absence, when the policy is very clear.
I understand that many are angry/frustrated that Kate pulled her kids out of school for filming.
There was a comment* that this should be considered a business trip, not a working vacation. Moreover, was it ever mentioned that this trip was specifically intended for an educational purpose?
On one hand, there are comments* saying that they hope that Kate and TLC are abiding by child labor laws and not over-working the kids. On the other hand, the minute the kids get a relaxing break from filming (hopefully true, unless the crew was also filming the pool escapades), comments are made about how could a judge allow this work-related trip while the family is lounging pool-side.
So, which is it? Because the kids are missing school to film, they must be filmed/working non-stop to appease the judge's ruling? Or, Kate and the TLC crew need to abide by child labor laws, limiting the amount of hours/days the Gosselin kids are filmed?
(Many will say the best choice is that filming should stop altogether, I get that. But, that's not an option while the Gosselins are filming in Australia.)
* Comments coming from this site's various blog posts regarding this Australia trip, not just in this particular thread.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita)
Regarding Open-Minded's comment: Yup. The proverbial s*it is going to hit the fan for the G8 when they get back to reality and their school and their schoolwork. You see, and obvioulsly all of you DO see, that what they are doing in Australia and in Steve's homeland of New Zealand is NOT reality even though Khatezilla has characterized her show as "the realest of reality shows"! Blah, blah, blah, Khate, blow it out your.... It is too bad those kids are not getting training on how to live in the REAL know, homework, manners, gratefulness, respect for you teachers...
But to Nina, you're dreaming if you think anyone can get through to Kate. Her own husband couldn't, her own brother couldn't, hell if some random people on a radio show can. You can't "get through" to narcissists. You're operating as if she's not a narcissist, that's the first thing you need to learn. Kate will stop when TLC or a judge makes her stop and never before. She will never stop because she had a change of heart like a normal person who changes their mind. That's why we're here, to learn and grow and a changed mind often results from that and that's not something a Kate fan should ever be ashamed of. Thank God we can change our opinions on things, I certainly have, or we'd never have progress. People change, it's hoped for the better.
Administrator, I agree with everything you said, except for the part about the only thing that will stop her (Kate) is TLC or a judge.
I truly believe that Kate foolishly thinks and behaves like she is above the law.
As for TLC stopping her, I'll bet if they ever decide to stop her, she will turn it around, blame them for the destruction of her marriage, and for exposing her (and her children) to a lavish lifestyle, therefore they are responsible for keeping her family employed (or something equally as kookie like that).
If you go to link that NJGal51 has posted up thread, they talk about the tattoo. It used to be a groin rose before the witch's tummy tuck.
If you watch the tummy tuck episode, it's discussed on there. I guess no amount of money can buy a waistline or move the belly button to where it's supposed to be.
Missing school to feed mom's ego...again
Aside from a shot of the G's arrival at the airport, it seems that every "pap" (and by that I mean "STEVE") photo so far has been of Kate in a bikini. Things that make you go 'hmmmmmmm.'
"This is VERY WRONG! I just don't get it at all... I can't believe the school will tolerate this long absence, when the policy is very clear."
I don't believe that it will tolerate very much of this. There are parents who take a few days extra days of vacation before or after a break, but seldom do parents take their kids out for this amount of time. I'm at a loss as to why they couldn't take this trip over spring break, which would give them a good eleven days when they wouldn't be missing school -- an additional day off before and after actual break would make it 13 days, with no serious consequences to academics (those days before and after break generally don't amount to too much in terms of lessons). What was TLC's rush to do this trip? A last-ditch effort for ratings? It couldn't wait until March?
By the time the twins get to MS (in two years) extended vacations such as this absolutely will not be tolerated. Let's just keep our fingers crossed that the circus tent comes down on this show by that time.
I teach 4th grade. You miss one day and you've missed a lot. Especially this time of the year when classes start buckling down to prepare for achievement testing in late February/ early March ( in Florida, anyway ).
Another potential issue is, the G8 coming back to school and disrupting the flow and routine the other kids settled into after the holiday, by bragging and gloating about the lavish trip to Australia. Kids their age will NOT be excited for them. They will be jealous. And they will tire quickly of hearing about it, especially since they've been back at the academic grind while the G8 were playing with kangaroos and hitting the beach.
I see that the G8 are being taught ( modeled by their mother )that school is not as important as people make it out to be. If you misbehave, you get to stay home. If you want to jet across the world, you do it and to heck with being in class.
They have also been taught that their father ( not that he didn't try ) cannot save them and that he has no say in how they are raised. Soon, they will loose all respect for him because their mom taught them how to do this. "What daddy says and wants for you doesn't mean a hill of beans!"
So, when they are older, and he has to tell them "No", they will think, "Well, you have no say anyway. Mommy makes all the rules, not you."
As a retired therapist I am most concerned about the fact that the children who were expelled from school are missing their therapy sessions. Therapy is not something you can just do when you feel like it; it involves continuity and connects one session to another.
With two children who have been expelled for physically aggressive behaviour, at the age of 6, it would seem to me that therapy should be a priority if those kids are ever going to re-integrate into a school setting.Their aggression is not going to go away by itself, especially with Kate as a role model for normalcy.
Not providing therapy when it is needed is the same, IMO, as not providing medical attention for a physical ailment.
Devil's advocate said.. On one hand, there are comments* saying that they hope that Kate and TLC are abiding by child labor laws and not over-working the kids. On the other hand, the minute the kids get a relaxing break from filming (hopefully true, unless the crew was also filming the pool escapades), comments are made about how could a judge allow this work-related trip while the family is lounging pool-side. ~~~ IMO, they're not mutually exclusive. They shouldn't be taking them out of school for ANY filming, (and probably very little for any trips) much less just so Kate can laze around by the pool is the reasoning I would think. But since they HAVE to film, one would hope the laws are being enforced, but I highly doubt it. That being said, I think the kids probably needed and appreciated the break from being dragged around on planes, trains and automobiles. JMO.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita)
Yes, CallMeCountry, on the link up-thread that NjGal51 gave for the website, someone stated that part of the groin rose tattoo got chopped off when the witch Khatezilla Grosselin had her tummy tuck. (By the way, I think that it is great if women want to improve there appearance by getting tummy tucks, boob jobs, veneers, whatever, but just don't do it on the backs of your kids!) Also, the CallMeCountry moniker reminded me of that song John Denver recorded:
"Well the simple kind of life never did me no harm... a raisin' me a family and workin' on the farm...City folk driving in a black limousine (to go to Starbucks to get their caffeine on the way to Ted Gibson's salon in NYC to get $2000 hair cuts with Booby Guard Stevie-boy) a lot of sad (read: pathetic) people think, "That's a mighty keen!"...
Well we don't think her limousine is "mighty keen". We think it is has become her jackass mobile.
Therapy is not something you can just do when you feel like it; it involves continuity and connects one session to another. ~~~~ Surely you don't believe Kate has those kids in therapy? IMO she would NEVER risk that...she knows the first thing a therapist would tell her is get those kids off TV!
I get what you're saying and I've considered that too but I honestly think if Kate didn't put so much emphasis on her body neither would anyone else. She parades around in the skimpiest clothes possible and jumps into bikinis any chance she gets. She wants her body to be noticed so she's going to have to live with the criticism as well as the leering she so desperately longs for.
Typical Kate said... Anyone see the one pic where the nanny is picking up all the pool supplies and is bogged down with towels and a bag and a pool ring and Kate is standing there waiting with just her phone?
Here's the link: &&&&&&&&&&&&& LOL, this is a must see. The nanny is so bogged down she is holding a towel in her MOUTH! Ha. And there's the queen standing there empty handed looking like she is ordering the kids to do something.
On the application for Gosselin nanny I bet it says, Must have three hands.
Kids are constantly processing and internalizing life lessons they carry with them into adulthood. Teach a child to value the importance of school which is their JOB at this age, and they will value the importance of a job later on.
Kids who are taught school is not to be valued, that attendance rules do not apply to them, can easily become adults who can't hold down jobs. One day when they decide I don't feel like going into work today, it won't be okay this time and they'll get fired.
Didn't we also recently see Mady still with her violin? Miss two weeks of orchestra practice and you're also hopelessly behind. At that age she'll be expected to make it up, and when she's too exhausted to do so she'll get frustrated and want to quit--fantastic. Did they haul the violin to Australia? Also what about school activities? Things like spirit week, the Friday night basketball game, friends' birthday parties, and so on. All their friends reminding them how much they missed after. There are just a hundred reasons why you shouldn't miss this much school.
Also not much has been said about being taken from their DADDY for three weeks. That is a LONG time in a child's world.
Typical Kate said... Anyone see the one pic where the nanny is picking up all the pool supplies and is bogged down with towels and a bag and a pool ring and Kate is standing there waiting with just her phone?
Here's the link: &&&&&&&&&&&&& LOL, this is a must see. The nanny is so bogged down she is holding a towel in her MOUTH! Ha. And there's the queen standing there empty handed looking like she is ordering the kids to do something.
On the application for Gosselin nanny I bet it says, Must have three hands.
Maybe she simply didn't notice. She's looking at her kids. If she were faced toward the nanny and not the kids, there would be people complaining that she was ignoring her children.
The constant nitpicking negates any legitimate concerns that you may have and gives you no credibility whatsoever.
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita)
To IDModo: You stated "...therapy should be a priority if those kids are ever going to re-integrate into a school setting." Not only that, but therapy should be a priority if those kids are ever going to re-integrate into LIFE and know, the REAL world. Of course, therapy is NOT a priority for the mentally-ill witch Khatezilla. (By the way, Khatezilla is not a witch because she is mentally ill, she is a witch because she refuses to get help for herself and her kids. But as we know, Narcissism is difficult to treat.)
It's snark. It's FUNNY given what we know of Kate to see a pic of the nanny doing it all and Kate just standing there. It fits.
Do I think Kate may very well have gone over to her a moment later to help out? Absolutely. It's just snark. It's ok. I agree Kate is nit-picked. I don't agree everyone does that.
"On the application for Gosselin nanny I bet it says, Must have three hands."
...and a mouth.
Did they buy those pool toys there for just one day at the pool...the tube, alligator? Are they going to deflate them and take them home, or just leave them behind? You know, she really is pathetic.
Maybe she simply didn't notice. She's looking at her kids. If she were faced toward the nanny and not the kids, there would be people complaining that she was ignoring her children.
Didn't we see pictures of her awhile back coming out of a vacation rental where everyone (Steve, the kids) was carrying things, suitcases, toys and she had absolutely nothing in her hands? I remember there were remarks that he had been promoted from purse boy to bellboy.
Hope they had fun in the sun yesterday, 'cause it's raining now! Glad the kids had a relaxing day without cameras. The whole of South-East Queensland (from the Sunshine Coast where Australia Zoo is, to the Gold Coast where the theme parks are and inland) is awash ... once again!
For those interested check out
What a joy it will be to go to lots of the outside experience places in weather such as this. Because we generally have such great weather, many tourist attractions aren't built for wet weather. The best place to take kids is probably GOMA (our own Gallery of Modern Art) in Brisbane City, they could walk there or catch a train from their hotel in the city. But it will be with the rest of the population, eager to make the most of a free outing in bad weather.
Had to laugh too at the poetic justice of the bag one of the Nanny's is carrying in the 'arrival at Brisbane airport' shoot. Looks like they've found the store 'Witchery'.
The constant nitpicking negates any legitimate concerns that you may have and gives you no credibility whatsoever.
As a narcissist, doesn't Kate like to be in the public eye, and loves attention, regardless if it's good or bad? Praise or criticism? I remember an interview she did with Larry King, in which she told him, "and basically, essentially, we've made it your business."
Since she admitted that it is *our* business, then it would seem that she admits that she is fair game, along with the criticism that goes with it.
Also in that interview she said, "However, I do not think that, you know, anybody's goal should ever be to have multiples. I don't feel like that is necessary."
Hasn't it been reported that this was her goal from the beginning...having multiples? Why would she say that she doesn't feel it is necessary? In her case it most definitely was necessary -- necessary to have little workers to support her lifestyle. She certainly couldn't have done it without multiples.
Maybe she simply didn't notice. She's looking at her kids. If she were faced toward the nanny and not the kids, there would be people complaining that she was ignoring her children.
The constant nitpicking negates any legitimate concerns that you may have and gives you no credibility whatsoever.
I smell a sheeple. Nitpicking doesn't negate any legitimate concerns. It just means we're snarking inbetween our legitimate concerns.
Go Away Kate said...Curious about purseboys "family" . . . ==== I'm sure Gina Neild must have been offered millions by now for the inside scoop on what's going on between her husband and Kate Gosselin. I'll bet she has tabloid reporters sitting on her doorstep every day. IMO someone must be paying her big bucks to keep her mouth shut.
IF they are divorced and IF he and Kate are now 'secretly' a couple, it would be TLC's pleasure to be the one to announce it. The famewhore would be in her glory for the attention that story would garner. Her only two goals apparently are to stay famous and to have lots of money and it's fairly obvious by now she doesn't care how she does it.
Those kids are going to model Kate behavior to not help out. What a shame that they were never taught to say thank you, or offer a person struggling with bags a hand. Then again, it was Kate who said they deserve to have life served to the on "a golden platter." We all know those kids are paying for the platter themselves.
"Maybe she simply didn't notice. She's looking at her kids. If she were faced toward the nanny and not the kids, there would be people complaining that she was ignoring her children."
All good moms have eyes in the front, side and back of their heads. That's been an established fact for generations. Their peripheral vision is amazing. Guess Kate just never fine-tuned it.
Auntie Ann said: IF they are divorced and IF he and Kate are now 'secretly' a couple, it would be TLC's pleasure to be the one to announce it.
***************** Oh they will Auntie Ann. Just as soon as they get back to the USA; my take is the purpose of the trip is to meet the new in laws who, doubtless, will ask Stevie boy WTF are you thinking!!!!!
Every picture of her picking up the kids from the bus (with nannies in tow) same thing. . . nanny with book bags hanging off of her and kart standing there with her phone. she needs a free hand for her "face-grab" mothering.
No Credibility said...."We don't have to stoop to her level."
I don't really consider this stooping to Kate's level. Anyone who puts themselves out there for the world to see is subject to scrutiny. It happens to any celebrity who doesn't make their lives private. We don't see Sandra Bullock or Reese Witherspoon parading around in tops where their boobs hang out or bikinis but those who do like Paris Hilton and Snooki are criticized. Reese and Sandra have dignity and are classy. Paris, Snooki, and Kate do not.
Admin said "Do I think Kate may very well have gone over to her a moment later to help out? Absolutely.
I don't think so. This is the woman who sat in her white plastic chair while she either directed Jon on what to do or directed the children in their "playing". I really doubt that she helped at all.
Didn't we see pictures of her awhile back coming out of a vacation rental where everyone (Steve, the kids) was carrying things, suitcases, toys and she had absolutely nothing in her hands? I remember there were remarks that he had been promoted from purse boy to bellboy
It was during their summer trip to Bald Head - there were pics of Steve carrying the boogey boards and other beach gear to the car, K8 carried her iPhone.
Legit says said... Maybe she simply didn't notice. She's looking at her kids. If she were faced toward the nanny and not the kids, there would be people complaining that she was ignoring her children @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Obviously they are getting ready to go. Getting ready to go means there are things to pick up and carry away. Kate has her things...her phone and her nannies to do the rest! She is too busy trying to channel Britney Spears ala the Federline years to care if the nanny is breaking her back. After all...isn't that what she pays the nanny to do!!!
Where did she find that skirt??? They certainly don't sell that type of stuff in any womens section of the store. Must be Husky Teen size!!
OK, I do yoga, cardio, etc, & never had enhancement surgery. I have abs, sure, but I worked hard for them. I understand why Kate had the tummy tuck. I think any woman in her situation would have done the same thing, but why not admit to the boob job? It is so frigin obvious. I always wanted a breast reduction, but then I lost weight, & lost some boobage in the process, so no need, but you bet your butt I would've admitted it. How can she deny this?? She just wanted her boobs to stick out further than her stomach most likely. I'm serious.
She may have body dysmorphic disorder, or some kind of body image disorder. Although I'm no psychiatrist. I'm familiar with this, because I've been through this, (BDD) still going this, & will probably continue to go through it for the rest of my life. When I look at myself, I rip myself apart, even though I'm underweight, & have muscle tone...I know, sounds weird. I work out, (never enough for me) & when I eat something I feel guilty, so I eat like a bird. (it is NOT an eating disorder) Kate probably is so obsessed with looking good all the time, she will pass this on to her kids. NOT GOOD. I hope her kids, her daughters especially get away unscathed. Girls these days can develop eating disorders as young as 8 years old. But Kate thinks about Kate, not how things will affect her children, ever.
Maybe she simply didn't notice. She's looking at her kids. If she were faced toward the nanny and not the kids, there would be people complaining that she was ignoring her children.
The constant nitpicking negates any legitimate concerns that you may have and gives you no credibility whatsoever.
Come on now, this is Kate we're talking about. You are giving her WAY to much credit. It's well known that she does not lift or carry ANYTHING.
Her bending bone has been missing from birth.
And as for not paying attention to the nanny because she was looking at the kids----- you're kidding, right? It is also well known that Kate can't be bothered with them either.
As far as negating any credibility by nit-picking Kate, I offer to you that there is enough proof that the children are in trouble because of their mother.
I don't think by us stating the obvious, negates any credibility. Kate is doing a fine job of making a complete a*s of herself. Especially, everytime she goes on talk shows to "set the story straight". It's downright LAUGHABLE!
I want to believe that you are also upset with the children's situation? And that you feel that filming is the main reason their lives are upside-down? And think that Kate is the main reason for perpectuating this circus? If so, then you understand why we are deconstructing this monster. It's one way to stop her (albeit a small one). If exposing the Gosselin 8's tyrant mother helps to release her children from working, then so be it. And fortunately, we're not alone, so many people feel the same.
Just Wikipedia's Body Dysphoria...Kate does NOT have that. My therapist says I do. I researched it before but I never realized how bad it was. Thank you Anita. My husband tells me the same thing. Unfortunately, I had a mother who gave me no self-esteem, & ex-bf's who were a-holes & said mean things to me. And now that I'm where I should be weight wise, it's still not enough. I'm getting help though..that's the important thing. Sorry to get personal.
I don't think there is anything wrong with giving Kate a little reality check when it comes to her bikini body. Like a lot of you have said she puts it out there and we know she probably spends hours reading about herself.
She would actually look good in a one piece - her stomach is wrinkly and scarred (where are these wash board abs?) and the bottem is much too small on her flat butt. If she didn't have the boob job she would look much older.
TLC will be filming the pudding out of those 8 little money makers until they can no longer get advertisers to pay and viewers to watch. They appear to be "striking while the iron is hot." Those kids appear to be bored in most pictures. It is probably harder and harder to entertain them. They have had more vacations/trips/perks in their young lives than most have in a lifetime. It's taken for granted and no longer thrilling. Kate sucks the "fun" out of it. That's on tape, too. It's the entitled thing that gets me. Appearing to be ungrateful for so much is a turn-off. Any "good" man surely won't be fooled by the shrew, Kate Gosselin. Bikini or not, she is not a nice person. "Pretty is as pretty does." The viewer numbers are shrinking and school, therapy, or just fun at home will not stop the excessive filming. Kate/TLC are pulling out all the stops on this. Trip to Australia, what 6-8 yr. old thinks up that idea? These are Kate's dreams and wishes. She is making her wishes come true on the backs of her 8 kids. Sad, really.
Right, talking about Kate's body, her wonky eye, psychoanalyzing every photo and expression, etc. is about "helping the children." Keep telling yourself that.
Very well, "It's About Being Catty". Whatever makes you happy. Continue believing that Kate is not poisonous to her children by allowing them to be filmed doing everything, and enabling her by continuing to watch her dying show. Continue to ignore the facts, and her kid's tired, and frustrated faces. As long as Kate is happy, who cares what the kids think or feel, right?
Do yourself a favor, keep your supporting Kate on the "down-low". It doesn't look good for you.
As for the rest of mankind, we'll continue protesting injustices our way.
P.S. will you at least, get your head out of Kate's butt long enough to pray for those kids?
Grammy of nine said... Those kids appear to be bored in most pictures. It is probably harder and harder to entertain them. They have had more vacations/trips/perks in their young lives than most have in a lifetime. ~~~ Grammy, you are absolutely correct! How could the NOT be bored? Of course it's too much. It's "stimulation overload"! They couldn't possibly have any memories nor treasure any of their trips, there's too many trips and they're all condensed into such a short time span. How many places have they seen 'dolphins' jumping in the water this year? (the cove at Disney, on the fishing boat in NC, probably on the ferry crossing, now in Australia) Those kids must be 'desensitized' to new experiences and places. I LOVE egg nog. I scarf it up during the holiday season. I 'complain' about it only being a seasonal product at the store. Do I really want egg nog to be available to me all year? NO, one I'd weigh a ton, and 2, after 4, 5, 6 mos., I'd probably be sick to death of it. Too much, too soon for those kids. Sadly, too little too late, also applies. Jon, are you listening?
Does anyone know if the cameras were at the pool? If not, then hallelujah! I'm not for them taking another BUSINESS trip, but at least the kids get SOME kind of down time.
I think Kate is missing out on her own children. It won't be long before they're adults, and she won't be able to look back on the kids' childhoods like other moms can. She won't have the same memories: splashing in the pool with them, inventing stories and games with them, listening to their funny and innocent reactions to things. All she'll remember is all the times she laid out in the sun, the trips to the nail and hair salons, and the money she made off of them.
Of course it's too much. It's "stimulation overload"! They couldn't possibly have any memories nor treasure any of their trips, there's too many trips and they're all condensed into such a short time span.
Absolutely. Is Kate living vicariously through her kids? She complained that she was never on a plane before her wedding trip to Disney. They never went anywhere when she was growing up (or so she says). She's trying to make up for all those vacations she never had as a kid. These children have been everywhere; done everything. How much more is left to do? To what do they have to look forward? With each trip getting more "exotic," and farther away, what kind of stimuli will they need to keep them entertained and satisfied as they grow older? If each trip isn't bigger and better than the last, they will be bored and miserable. Nothing will ever be quite good enough.
"Kate’s ex-husband Jon tried to block the kids from going on the trip, but because it is work-related, the judge allowed it to happen."
Well there you have it. The children ARE working. The judge allowed them to go and to miss school because they are WORKING.
Fans can't have it both ways. They are either working or they're not.....pick one.
And I just HAVE to again mention something after reading a few of the fan comments on other sites.
Fans!! Have you EVER taken math? Even basic math? Kate has made hundreds of millions of dollars!! She has more money than any of you AND your spouses will EVER make your entire lifetime!
Have you every heard of making interest off your principle or is that over your little heads?
What in the hell is wrong with you with all this "she has to support her kids" and "she'll have to go on government subsidies (welfare) if she (the kids) doesn't continue to be a celebrity (work)?".....and "do you want her to go on welfare? and "do you want your tax dollars going to support her and her children"?
What in the heck is WRONG with you fans? I mean, there's clueless and then there's ridiculously clueless. HELLOOOO!!! Do you have any idea how much 350 million dollars is?? And that's ONLY for last year? Not to mention sitting on over a million dollars of real estate?
Welfare? Seriously? Did you even make it through elementary school math? 1 + 1 = 2 ??? Or were you expelled in kindergarten and missed all your math classes?
What planet are you on? When did you EVER see million dollar homes and mani-pedis/tanning sessions and private school and fancy vacations subsidized by the government/your tax dollars (for anyone who's not a politician???...j/k) Sheesh! just drives me nuts when I read these comments. Lots of the ridiculous fan comments drive me nuts but none as much as the "will have to go on welfare" ones.
We've always wondered what makes someone a fan of Kate's....and here we have it. You have to be so darn clueless and uneducated that you don't even know the most basic math!
Kate made 3.5 million last year not 350 million. Huge difference but your point is very well made. She has millions so there is no need for her to HAVE to continue filming her kids.
Kate hasn't made anywhere near hundrds of millions of dollars. I think you have your decimal point in the wrong place. It's 3.5 million dollars, and in this real estate market, the house isn't worth anything near to what they paid for it.
The $100,000 interest a year will take care of one year of school tuition ONLY. She would have to dip into the pricipal to pay mortgage, taxes, utilities, nannies, grounds keepers, food, clothing, etc. She could manage on that IF she gave up the current lifestyle. However, once you've had a taste of a five-star luxury penthouse, it's kind of hard to go back to being just plain old Katie Gosselin from rural Lancaster County (her roots).
I've had real estate holdings in this area, and I have a darn good idea of what she needs a year just to meet the expenses (with no frills). In fact, I think I can come fairly close. I'll have to sit down again and figure it out, but the money she made in 2010 is not going to last a lifetime IF she insists on her current lifestyle. If she comes down off her high horse and lives like the rest of America, she certainly shouldn't have any problems providing for those kids until they reach the age of 18.
Yes, the kids are WORKING. The DOL ordered that they obtain WORK PERMITS. If they wouldn't be working, there would be no order to obtain WORK PERMITS!
"Admin said "Do I think Kate may very well have gone over to her a moment later to help out?"
I highly doubt it....she can't even carry her own purse.
Good grief, if I saw someone loaded down like that, I'd be RUSHING over....even if it wasn't MY stuff being carried. I help people carry things into our condo building all the time.
hippy chick~
Yes, you are right....malignant narcissism and body dysmorphia are almost the total opposite of each other. Kate things she looks fabulous....why there is all the skimpy outfits and the multiple photos of her in them. Those with BDD often hide behind clothes that are way too big....and not teeny bikinis.
And yes, I did put the decimal point in the wrong place but turned around and corrected it. And where do you come up with 100,000 per year? Last year alone, she made 3.5 million. That's million, not thousand.
And as far as the whole stimulation-overload issue....any good child psychologist will tell you that from toddler to teen, children become more and more (and more) concerned with their peers.....and what their peers think of them....WAY more than they care about any vacation.
Heck, if you even remember back to your adolescent will remember what that was like. The shootings they've had in schools...mostly about fitting-in and opinions of peers. I've never seen the school shooter who was the real popular kid.
And this could be a major contributing factor in the behavior of the 2 tups who were expelled (hitting, cursing, etc.) addition to learning it from watching their mother. They might have major rage issues due to how they perceive what their peers think of them and their likely inability to fit in due to the frequent filming, inability to go to school activities or to spend lots of time with the other schoolmates.
Hehe, here, I'll fix it. It's driving me nuts anyway:
And I just HAVE to again mention something after reading a few of the fan comments on other sites.
Fans!! Have you EVER taken math? Even basic math? Kate has made millions of dollars!! She has more money than any of you AND your spouses will EVER make your entire lifetime!
Have you every heard of making interest off your principle or is that over your little heads?
What in the hell is wrong with you with all this "she has to support her kids" and "she'll have to go on government subsidies (welfare) if she (the kids) doesn't continue to be a celebrity (work)?".....and "do you want her to go on welfare? and "do you want your tax dollars going to support her and her children"?
What in the heck is WRONG with you fans? I mean, there's clueless and then there's ridiculously clueless. HELLOOOO!!! Do you have any idea how much 3.5 million dollars is?? And that's ONLY for last year? Not to mention sitting on over a million dollars of real estate?
Welfare? Seriously? Did you even make it through elementary school math? 1 + 1 = 2 ??? Or were you expelled in kindergarten and missed all your math classes?
What planet are you on? When did you EVER see million dollar homes and mani-pedis/tanning sessions and private school and fancy vacations subsidized by the government/your tax dollars (for anyone who's not a politician???...j/k) Sheesh! just drives me nuts when I read these comments. Lots of the ridiculous fan comments drive me nuts but none as much as the "will have to go on welfare" ones.
We've always wondered what makes someone a fan of Kate's....and here we have it. You have to be so darn clueless and uneducated that you don't even know the most basic math!
I wasn't referring to them actually working or not....I was referring to all the fans who comment that the children are "just playing" and who say that it's NOT work. Kate has also insisted multiple times that this is not work and that they are only filmed playing and going about their normal day.
And yes, this is not a great real-estate market...but it WILL be again...just like it always has. In the down times, they cut way back on new home construction....and then per economy 101, scarcity raises prices.
It is just like the stock market and it fluctuates. She is sitting on property that could be worth a LOT when the real-estate market picks back up again. Property is an asset....esp. if you hold on to it and sell it at the right time. There are plenty of wealthy investors grabbing up property in Aspen and other resort areas right now while it's less expensive. They obviously feel quite confident that the real-estate market is gonna pick back up again and they'll make a nice, hefty profit.
Maggie said... Kate made 3.5 million last year not 350 million. Huge difference but your point is very well made. She has millions so there is no need for her to HAVE to continue filming her kids.
The issue isn't how much Kate has MADE; it's how much she SPENDS. Big difference. Yes, she's made (I won't dare say "earned") enough to support all of them for the rest of their lives, if the monies were invested and spent properly and prudently. However, Kate chooses to live an exhorbitant lifestyle; one she CANNOT support for the long-term. She's completely delusional, as she seems to think this gravy train is actually a long-term gig. No "reality star" lasts for long, least of all a self-centered, narcissistic, child-exploiting, unappreciative bitch. Sorry to be so blunt, but I believe each and every one of those adjectives describes Kate perfectly. The over-riding issue is that Kate insists on living a certain lifestyle which REQUIRES that her kids continue to be filmed. So, do the G8 need to work? The answer actually is YES: and the reason is to support their selfish mother's over-the-top lifestyle. Period. The *morality* of this issue is an entirely different discussion (one I'm sure Kate never bothers to consider).
Hippie Chick said... She may have body dysmorphic disorder, or some kind of body image disorder.
@Hip: I've studied BDD and eating disorders extensively, and let me tell you that Kate exhibits NO signs of any disorder other than Narcissistic Personality Disorder [for the record, I have a PhD in this area, so I do know what I'm talking about]. It's a RARE day that someone with a body image problem OR an eating disorder would EVER flaunt their bodies in a too-small bikini the way Kate does. People with body image issues have a predictable MO: they HIDE their bodies -- even well-proportioned ones or underweight ones. They don't see how beautiful they are. Kate, on the other hand, doesn't seem to see her flaws. ANY of them: physical, personal, emotional, or otherwise. A classic narcissist. She seems to truly believe she's all that, and a bag of chips.
Sadly, based on my years of research, my fear for eating disorders and BDD actually lies with the kids ... and yes, even the boys. And it's not just Kate's freaky feeding habits that could lead to food issues for the kids. The bigger issue is her relation to them and her treatment of them. Eating disorders are just one way to act out in response to negligent or abusive parenting. The literature bears this out. These kids will have an uphill battle if they don't get some good therapy ASAP. There are MANY theories for why people have eating disorders and food issues. Given my research, what I've read in the literature, and articles I've published about a mother's role in a child's eating disorder, I'd sadly say that these kids are primed for some serious disorders if they don't get some professional intervention soon. I'm not saying they'll all develop eating disorders, but trouble will definitely be brewing down the pipeline if these kids don't get some serious outside intervention. STAT.
I'd sadly say that these kids are primed for some serious disorders if they don't get some professional intervention soon. I'm not saying they'll all develop eating disorders, but trouble will definitely be brewing down the pipeline if these kids don't get some serious outside intervention. STAT.
How do we know what they eat on a daily basis? The camera isn't with them 24/7. Yes, we've seen her telling them what order to eat their food; we've seen them with a few grapes on their plates, BUT we have no way of knowing what the nanny cooks for them, or how often they eat, or even what they eat. Maybe these kids don't eat much at one sitting. If you would see them in person, you'd be surprised at how slight and fine-featured they are, even the boys. Maybe they are grazers, and their stomachs don't hold much at a time.
When you assess a child with a potential for an eating disorder somewhere down the line, don't you observe his eating habits on a regular basis? You have to know what he eats, the nutritional value of the food, and how often he eats. In the case of the Gosselins, a hypothetical theory could be formulated, but without sufficient data to make a conclusion, isn't it very difficult to say with certainty that they need immediate intervention?
It is a 'filming trip' so these kids will probably get lots of sweets and semi-regular meals (though, I don't know about the latter with certainty).
Kate seems to reserve the really punitive food schedule for when they are in school and she's bored at home. When filming, she probably works them hard but tries to make it slightly better than the hell on earth of life at the orphanage. The one that made them scream and wail whenever Jon dropped them off. It's in Kate's interest to make filming slightly less depressing than their ordinary lives, so that they will 'want to film'.
Though from the sad looks on their faces in the pics, the subterfuge doesn't seem to work on them as well anymore. They look lost and alone.
When you assess a child with a potential for an eating disorder somewhere down the line, don't you observe his eating habits on a regular basis? You have to know what he eats, the nutritional value of the food, and how often he eats. In the case of the Gosselins, a hypothetical theory could be formulated, but without sufficient data to make a conclusion, isn't it very difficult to say with certainty that they need immediate intervention?
You misread my post. My point was that it's not what she is or isn't feeding them that necessarily would lead to an eating disorder. My point was that the way a parent treats a child, along with his or her relationship with a child, are typically key factors for people with eating disorders. THAT was my point. Given how toxic Kate appears to be, I predict some serious issues for some if not all of the kids. I said the kids were primed for some serious disorders, not just eating disorders. As I mentioned, eating disorders are just one potential problem, but they could have other issues as well. My overall point, though, was that if ANYONE is at risk for an eating disorder in that house, it's the kids, and not Kate.
And yes, I DO believe the kids need immediate intervention. Between having their personal lives exposed without their consent, their parents ugly divorce, and their narcissistic mother, these kids could probably benefit from some good therapy.
It is a 'filming trip' so these kids will probably get lots of sweets and semi-regular meals (though, I don't know about the latter with certainty).
Kate seems to reserve the really punitive food schedule for when they are in school and she's bored at home. When filming, she probably works them hard but tries to make it slightly better than the hell on earth of life at the orphanage. The one that made them scream and wail whenever Jon dropped them off. It's in Kate's interest to make filming slightly less depressing than their ordinary lives, so that they will 'want to film'.
Though from the sad looks on their faces in the pics, the subterfuge doesn't seem to work on them as well anymore. They look lost and alone.
Of course it's too much. It's "stimulation overload"! They couldn't possibly have any memories nor treasure any of their trips, there's too many trips and they're all condensed into such a short time span.
Absolutely. Is Kate living vicariously through her kids? She complained that she was never on a plane before her wedding trip to Disney. They never went anywhere when she was growing up (or so she says). She's trying to make up for all those vacations she never had as a kid. These children have been everywhere; done everything. How much more is left to do? To what do they have to look forward? With each trip getting more "exotic," and farther away, what kind of stimuli will they need to keep them entertained and satisfied as they grow older? If each trip isn't bigger and better than the last, they will be bored and miserable. Nothing will ever be quite good enough.
Just Wikipedia's Body Dysphoria...Kate does NOT have that. My therapist says I do. I researched it before but I never realized how bad it was. Thank you Anita. My husband tells me the same thing. Unfortunately, I had a mother who gave me no self-esteem, & ex-bf's who were a-holes & said mean things to me. And now that I'm where I should be weight wise, it's still not enough. I'm getting help though..that's the important thing. Sorry to get personal.
Legit says said... Maybe she simply didn't notice. She's looking at her kids. If she were faced toward the nanny and not the kids, there would be people complaining that she was ignoring her children @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Obviously they are getting ready to go. Getting ready to go means there are things to pick up and carry away. Kate has her things...her phone and her nannies to do the rest! She is too busy trying to channel Britney Spears ala the Federline years to care if the nanny is breaking her back. After all...isn't that what she pays the nanny to do!!!
Where did she find that skirt??? They certainly don't sell that type of stuff in any womens section of the store. Must be Husky Teen size!!
There is an article on website on the trip. The article says after swimming they went to watch Terri and Bindi Irwin during the Croc Show at Australia Zoo and how bored they all looked. Below is the link to the picture:
Maybe she simply didn't notice. She's looking at her kids. If she were faced toward the nanny and not the kids, there would be people complaining that she was ignoring her children.
The constant nitpicking negates any legitimate concerns that you may have and gives you no credibility whatsoever.
I smell a sheeple. Nitpicking doesn't negate any legitimate concerns. It just means we're snarking inbetween our legitimate concerns.
It's snark. It's FUNNY given what we know of Kate to see a pic of the nanny doing it all and Kate just standing there. It fits.
Do I think Kate may very well have gone over to her a moment later to help out? Absolutely. It's just snark. It's ok. I agree Kate is nit-picked. I don't agree everyone does that.
Typical Kate said... Anyone see the one pic where the nanny is picking up all the pool supplies and is bogged down with towels and a bag and a pool ring and Kate is standing there waiting with just her phone?
Here's the link: &&&&&&&&&&&&& LOL, this is a must see. The nanny is so bogged down she is holding a towel in her MOUTH! Ha. And there's the queen standing there empty handed looking like she is ordering the kids to do something.
On the application for Gosselin nanny I bet it says, Must have three hands.
Maybe she simply didn't notice. She's looking at her kids. If she were faced toward the nanny and not the kids, there would be people complaining that she was ignoring her children.
The constant nitpicking negates any legitimate concerns that you may have and gives you no credibility whatsoever.
Kids are constantly processing and internalizing life lessons they carry with them into adulthood. Teach a child to value the importance of school which is their JOB at this age, and they will value the importance of a job later on.
Kids who are taught school is not to be valued, that attendance rules do not apply to them, can easily become adults who can't hold down jobs. One day when they decide I don't feel like going into work today, it won't be okay this time and they'll get fired.
I get what you're saying and I've considered that too but I honestly think if Kate didn't put so much emphasis on her body neither would anyone else. She parades around in the skimpiest clothes possible and jumps into bikinis any chance she gets. She wants her body to be noticed so she's going to have to live with the criticism as well as the leering she so desperately longs for.
Yes, CallMeCountry, on the link up-thread that NjGal51 gave for the website, someone stated that part of the groin rose tattoo got chopped off when the witch Khatezilla Grosselin had her tummy tuck. (By the way, I think that it is great if women want to improve there appearance by getting tummy tucks, boob jobs, veneers, whatever, but just don't do it on the backs of your kids!) Also, the CallMeCountry moniker reminded me of that song John Denver recorded:
"Well the simple kind of life never did me no harm... a raisin' me a family and workin' on the farm...City folk driving in a black limousine (to go to Starbucks to get their caffeine on the way to Ted Gibson's salon in NYC to get $2000 hair cuts with Booby Guard Stevie-boy) a lot of sad (read: pathetic) people think, "That's a mighty keen!"...
Well we don't think her limousine is "mighty keen". We think it is has become her jackass mobile.
As a retired therapist I am most concerned about the fact that the children who were expelled from school are missing their therapy sessions. Therapy is not something you can just do when you feel like it; it involves continuity and connects one session to another.
With two children who have been expelled for physically aggressive behaviour, at the age of 6, it would seem to me that therapy should be a priority if those kids are ever going to re-integrate into a school setting.Their aggression is not going to go away by itself, especially with Kate as a role model for normalcy.
Not providing therapy when it is needed is the same, IMO, as not providing medical attention for a physical ailment.
Aside from a shot of the G's arrival at the airport, it seems that every "pap" (and by that I mean "STEVE") photo so far has been of Kate in a bikini. Things that make you go 'hmmmmmmm.'
I think the reason I in particular have no qualms about making negative comments about Khate's body is because during all the time she was going on national TV crying that she had to have the show to support the kids and that she was broke and had no money, and there was no money in the college fund she was steadily spending money on all these procedures that have completely changed her looks to the point that she is almost unrecognizable and those procedures do not come cheap. But most importantly here is a woman that looks completely different in every way and she lies about it. Because she knows that she would be criticized for spending so much money, when her kids have been working all this time for nothing, and she couldn't cry wolf if the truth was known. And she goes on Ellen and says the kids can get a diamond ring like the one she wants when they get a job (that was when the show was off). I could just go on and on. And now that she has totally reshaped herself she is out there dressing entirely inappropriately for some one who does it all for the kids. If she was honest about it as many are there would be nothing to talk about. And I think more so since she got rid of Jon that little business about the kids playing alongside her while she is working has been exposed for what it really is - she is the one who is playing alongside the kids who are not just working, but working hard. No I have no sympathy for that wretched woman whatsoever.
146 sediments (sic) from readers:
Wow, I am impressed with how educational the Australia trip is so far!
I know right? They are learning so much! Mady(?) looks bored out of her mind. Kate looks pissy to be talking to her child as usual. WHY aren't they going sightseeing? Is this gonna be "K+8 and all the beaches they visited?" OMG, how BORING!!!
That boy is probably saying "Mom, what exactly is this doing for my future?"
Nice to know Captain Whitehair is really earning his money on this trip!
(more sarcasm)
What REAL mother has time to sunbathe when taking the kids to the pool, especially when you have eight kids running around?
Have you ever noticed that there is not one picture of her hugging or showing affection toward her kids. With my kids, I am ruffling their hair or giving them little hugs. It is odd that not one picture ever shows Kate with any kind of affection beyond holding their hands to guide the kids someplace.
Someone posted at INF over the weekend that these would be coming out soon. Their comment was that her PR team would be releasing bikini shots of Kate any day now. Guess they were right!
Me too, Denise. Look how engaged Mady looks.
Well, this explains why she's got her little plow-horses working again. She's going to have to book another tummy tuck and by the look of it, besides a good swift kick, her ass needs some augmentation.
She looks irritated at Mady. Maybe she's asking her mother something school "I need some help with my math homework".
Just my humble opinion/observation on Kate's magical boobies:
You would think a woman laying on her back, her age, with the ample boobage she has, would have breast sliding back towards her armpit, instead of standing at attention?
Liar, liar, pants on fire, Katie Irene-
I smell boob job purchased by your WORKING children.
Seriously? She pulled them out of school for 2-3 weeks for this? She dragged Jon to court to fight to be able to do this?
I hope the kids' school sees how much learning is taking place.
And I hope the ignorant judge who allowed this trip sees just how much "working" is taking place.
That woman reeks of desperation. She's desperate for a man. Desperate for the tabloids to praise her body. Desperate for fame. I have never in my 31 years seen anybody as pathetic as Kate Gosselin.
The day before they flew out of PA.....
"Hello? Radar Online?
This is Kate.
Huh? Really?
Listen. I am headed to Australia and I will be bring 29 bikinis with me.
Yes, the kids are coming...sadly. Had no choice.
Remember to use words like "smokin" and "rock hard" and "babe"...okay?
The check will be in the mail shortly.
well I for one didn't even know they made wedge high heeled thong sandals. I spotted them in the photo, up above. So thanks Kate, this trip is truly educational for me, at least! SNARK!
For the easy payments of 20 grand you can look like this to. Personal trainer, organic food/produce, hair stylist, makeup artist, fake bake and wardrobe. not included.
So kate is reliving her 20somes. Good for your Kate. She embraces the flaws of her frankenstein body. Fake belly button and mid flab. Thats not what I saw on the magazine. Ive been lied to. I guess Kate is vain. But not super vain. She should hide the scares. Kate better hold on to the people pictures. Soon with the sun damage. She is going to look like a washed up leather couch.
Love to see that Mady is turning into little kate. Looks like Kate has rubbed off one of her children. Well and the 2 tups who started fighting also.
Wow, I was just about to say what Denise did upon seeing that picture. Guess Steve is shooting from the balcony?
Seriously, if he is the 'official' photog because no one else in Australis gives a rat's ass about the famous KG, no wonder she had that big smile in the Brisbane airport - she was smiling at HIM.
TLC thinks this is going to be interesting why?
Leave me alone; don't drip water on me; go play............ Don't most parents play in the pool with the kids? Mine did! Love the bikini and cutoff mini skirt - not. They both belong on very young girls, not moms of 8. A coverup is usually worn poolside, but she's not a fan of covering up. She'll never learn. Good gawd, I hope this is her last hurrah, her last freebie that she doesn't deserve.
And then, silly me, I actually looked at the pictures, to see -
- bored expression
- wet kids, but since she's dry, guess she's not the one in the pool with them
- twin sitting with her, needs attention, all she does is close her eyes and stretch out
- no interaction, until wet kids appear, and then she's up, with her stern look, giving directions
- whole lot of fun (not) going on as usual
- and oh my, that's one ugly scar, stretch mark she has going on on one hip. This is not a bikini body, at least not for a 35 year old with 8 kids.
Seriously, I looked at her, in that bikini, with the straw hair, and thought, all that is missing are some tatts. Big ones.
They had to go on a 20+ hour plane ride for this? Wonder if Ashley is getting some college credit for her soon to be educational essay on the beauty of Australia and New Zealand?
Denise - you beat me to it. This trip is for one reason: so Kate can trot out her girls, and I don't mean Cara, Mady, Alexis, Hannah & Leah.
Kids always look miserable. Almost as miserable as Kate does.
The only thing Miserable Kate has created is a miserable time for any poor human that is exposed to her.
Can't wait for her to turn on Stevie. Once she has a ring, her true nature will come out...and she will quit playing the role of a 14 girl on her first date.
Why is this show sitll relavent? I mean really, honestly?
1. Kate wants to take kids somewhere, is either "Ironically" on their wish list, what's THAT about? Or its somewhere the "kids" want to go...right.
2. We watch them pack, talk about how it was getting there (about how it is to walk through an airport and hear people yell out Kate's name) the hassel of taking her 8 kids (she never fails to mention its difficult)
3. Check into hotel, watch the kids race around, someone starts to cry, Kate has an atittude or issue.
4. They show maybe 3-5 days of their trip of things they did. Alone, with just them, no other people, no other family just them and the crew.
5. Kate spends most of her time yelling at her kids or talking to the camera.
I mean havne't we all seen this before? Why taking this from PA to Alaska, San Diego, Australia wherever, their routine isn't any different and therefore just basically a repeat in a different place. Nothing new, nothing worth while, nothing if any really educational. Just Kate getting her sun tan on whilst someone watches the kids while she talks to the crew and tries to look annoyed that her celebrity holiday is being interupted by paparazzi...Please.
You've got to be kidding me! Check out photo 10 of 10 on the popsugar link...classic Katie Irene. I feel so sorry for the kids.
Yawn! The QUEEN and her socially-dysfunctional minions. My kid has been sick Monday, Tuesday and today (Wednesday). The doctor said he can go back to school tomorrow. I am so happy for HIM to be able to get back to school with his friends and to learn. and to see his teacher again. Sunbathing in a bikini on your UMPTEENTH free vacation does NOT a success make, Khate, you idiot.
TLC thinks this is going to be interesting why?
Let's see how many comments it generates before we ask that.
So who is watching her kids in the swimming pool while she lounges around?? Do the nannies ever get "down time", or are they expected to be on duty 24hours? She makes me sick!
They Should be in School said...(on another thread) And I hope my post shows up! I don't think it's anyone's fault, but I've posted a couple or few times, & none of my posts have gone through. What?? :) Am I in trouble?
Can you imagine having to be in an airport as much as those kids do? How very sad. I don't care what the exotic ports of call are, traveling is not particularly fun with all the retrictions in place now. Very sad indeed.
I never thought of that. These poor kids, I think everyone gets a pat down per the TSA rules, so does that mean all the G kids are getting frisked too at every stop? Jeez Kate. I know that's part or traveling & it's a safety thing, sure, but as much GD traveling as Kate MAKES these kids do for filming purposes to further her own agenda, those poor little kids have to either get frisked & fondled or go through that naked x-ray machine for all to see. Are they filming that too? Why the hell not? They filmed them on the potty, puking, crying, & in the bath? Hey, why not right? Just another day in the life...(or am I way off here?)
Katie cannot lie anymore about the "not a boob job". Those pics prove it. It's not just a good bra anymore. Ugh. Exhibitionist much?
Looks like Hailey Glassman got herself a job on the New Housewives of New Jersey. I wish Kate was on one of those Houswives shows without the kids. She seems to think she is one of them. They would eat her alive.
This jerk is at a pool with eight children and is spending her time tanning? If that doesn't scream "priorities" I don't know what does.
At least her minder got some skin shots for his album. That was the point, wasn't it?
What's with the sunglasses? Her eyes need protection, but the children's don't?
Anyone see the one pic where the nanny is picking up all the pool supplies and is bogged down with towels and a bag and a pool ring and Kate is standing there waiting with just her phone?
Here's the link:
Of course kHate has to also go with the hooker-heels-flip-flops. Cant ever be something subdued or normal that she wears. She honestly thinks she looks good and is a 'great catch.'
If I caught something like that I would throw it back.
Wow, lounging by a swimming pool - the kids missing school was SO worth it - especially for Mady and Cara. So where are the pictures of Kate playing with the kids? Surely there must be some because it wouldn't be like the worlds greatest mom to just lounge around looking bored when the joys of her lives are nearby!!!! Oh yeah, that's right, the world is out to make her look bad so they're obviously holding back on those pictures. You'd think SOME would get through SOME of the time though. Must be a big ol' conspiracy.
Why don't we ever see pictures of Kate actually playing with her kids. Like, in the water, splashing around, swimming, building sand castles, jumping rope, playing catch, playing hide and seek etc.
All we ever see are pictures of her standing around, ordering the kids around, (and ordering everyone else around her), etc. It's rather unnatural. It's like the kids are supposed to orbit around Kate like she's the sun or something.
Check out photo 1 of 10 on popsugar. Kates checking out her girls, and I don't mean Mady and Cara.
justme, can you post a link? Can't find the photo.
Sport said...
If I caught something like that I would throw it back.
If I caught something like that I'd take antibiotics.
Gotta love the skank high heel flip flops with a bikini. Kate hair is such a wreck it amazes me that is could cost so much and look so cheesey.
I also noticed in the pics where she has her arm up over her head she is SUCKING in her belly (which is fine most women do) but only do when A. someone is taking a photo or B. a "hot" man is around. It's obvious she knows she is being photographed hence the sucking in the belly and trying to be "sexy" pose....Can't help but laugh
I didn't watch the video (why bother?) but some of the reader comments are hysterical!
Clearly all the photos of Kate were taken to help her snag a man. Just look at them.
These photos are not of the normal kind that are taken of a family on vacation- OOPS, I MEAN, working.
Apparently TLC/Steve are in the dating business as well....
By the way, a true sign that there are breast implants is that they stay in place when laying on your back (not sliding towards the armpits).
Just food for thought, draw your own conclusions....
Curious about purseboys "family" . . . the peer backlash is or probably will be for the G8. But I dont think it ends just there. What about Steve's children. Gina is just "allowing" this to all go on and on and on? What? When he is out in public with the family, his care and concern seems to be with Kate, not the children. Do cameras follow him and his own children? Do he protect his own children? He doesnt seem to "protect" the G8. Would he let cameras get in his childrens face and follow them around? Are his own children under this scrutiny in their own world? At their school, with their friends? This whole charade, whether they are together or not, has to be affecting his OWN children. Where is Gina all the time? Does she work? Is she at home cleaning her house, cashing the checks while her "husband" runs around the world with Jon's children, playing the daddy role? They have a daddy.
Does he have to reassure Gina all the time? The phone calls home. Does Gina's friends question her about Steve? When Gina goes to Target and Whole Foods, do people in town know shes the "wife" of karts "handler"? What does Gina tell her children when they are eating dinner and dads with his other family? Just curious.
Thats the like SHE chose.
sorry. . . liFe.
The caption says that she is relaxing on a balcony at her hotel. Is the pool on the balcony? So is the photographer on the next floor balcony? There is a woman in the photo -- do you mean that Kate had to SHARE an area with other people? They didn't clear the balcony?
BINGO!! Judging from the trajectory of Kate's photos and a photo of Steve (4th box at the OK! Magazine article), I think it's safe to say he is the pap-for-hire on this trip.
See for yourself:
I thought the same thing about the pic with her hand up!!! She is sucking in her belly. What a joke. How come she's not pissed off that someone is taking her picture? Cos it's Steve that's why. Wonder how many more new string bikinis we will see her in on this trip?
Not surprised, it's just typical Kate.
More self-promotion, to hell with the kids education. She is simply ghastly.
So Kate calls this work? Yeah, I think the judge should be made aware of this.
Totally OT, and sorry if it has already been mentioned, but K8 is on the cover of the new People Yearbook. The article inside (and I am paraphrasing since I read it for free at work) said the usual BS. Her body is ALL natural, just the result of her hard work and exercise and that she is ready to find a man.
The newest pics sure prove how au naturel her boobage is...NOT!
Pink, I think you're right. What a phoney self-serving b!tch. It would be perfect if an onlooker would have taken a pic of Steve taking a pic. But then again why would they? No one there has a clue who they are.
Kate has to stretch out as much as possible because she has loose skin - notice it when she stands up or sits up in her chair - that along with the big scars.
She doesn't have the big hunks of fat hanging out of the back of her suit anymore - lipo?
I.WANT.THAT.GOOD.BRA! Even when she's lying on her back AND NOT WEARING the good bra the girls stay up! That good bra has magical mystical powers.
She doesn't look quite as good in this picture because she's not sucking in the gut.
I don't get why people continue to trash her body? Is that really what we want to educate people on? We have a platform here - if you google Gosselins, this is one of the top blogs that come up - we can make a difference. Right now we come across as jealous. I think we lose all credibility when we start bashing her looks. This blog is supposed to be about reality kids, right?
NO Credibility said:
I don't get why people continue to trash her body? Is that really what we want to educate people on? We have a platform here - if you google Gosselins, this is one of the top blogs that come up - we can make a difference. Right now we come across as jealous
I don't see the body-bashing as a jealousy thing (at least not most of the time). I see it as a "she's a selfish liar" thing. Her own emphasis on her body and her appearance is what makes people so angry, because she so obviously cares more about how she looks than she does about her own kids.
Add to that the incredible amounts of money she spends on her appearance - that's money THE CHILDREN EARNED - and the obvious fact that she is completely disinterested in the children's welfare in every possible way, and it's no wonder people go nuts when she's photographed in situations where she clearly is desperate for as much attention as possible.
But it's KATE who has put her narcissistic pursuit of attention to her body out there. It's KATE who has made that attention the be-all and end-all of her existence. And her self-absorption is why her children are so terribly neglected. It's a bit much to expect people to stop reacting to such blatantly negative behavior.
KATE is the one who has made this a legitimate focus for criticism.
To No Credibility - Nope, we're not jellus... the issue is that:
1) She DENIED ever having a boob job but it's obvious she did so that's where her credibility is lacking in my book. Just admit it!! Lots of Celebs get boob jobs - why deny?
2) She pulled her kids out of school so she can lounge on a pool chair for an obvious photo op.
3) Her physical appearance --- all thanks to the 8 moneybags.
I have to wonder what it feels like from a child's perspective to see your mom (or dad) going through dramatic physical changes - body (pale to dark brown), face (botox overdose), hair (brunette to blonde), clothing (sneakers to hooker heels) in a short time period.
I guess the only person who could provide that answer right now is Melissa Rivers.
My computer has been in the shop for over a week. I came back to this sight first thing and nearly lost my lunch. I feel defeated to think that TLC is funding this wonderful trip yet again for the Gosselins. Maybe I'm jealous, but she is just so unrelatable. Single woman, on her own, my assets. Someone with power and money loves this woman and is keeping her out there. We are being played like a fine tuned fiddle. Whether it is intentional or not, we are providing free promotional time for the "shows" they have been taping. Until the laws change and their dad, Jon, gets real, nothing will change. Kate, and maybe Jon, are laughing all the way to the bank.
If any of my kids had been dismissed from school, at any age, we would cancel family vacations until the situation improved and everyone in the family was back on track. This woman is so self absorbed, I cannot think of anything else to say. Happy 2011 to all!
I deleted an anonymous insider story hijacked from GWOP. Read the rules, I don't post those anymore. And that story is a perfect example of exactly why I don't--someone claiming they HEARD from someone who saw Steve taking pap photos--it's too perfect, exactly what people have suggested here than an insider pops up to "confirm" our suspicions. *rolls eyes*. No more.
My understanding is even Kate's fans admit that maybe it's not the best idea to pull children out of school like this. I like when we find common ground. I think it's nice to find things we can all agree. I think as of now I've found two things we agree on with some of the fans--that TLC sucks, and that the kids shouldn't be pulled out of school.
Besides the obvious academics and teaching children it's just fine and dandy to miss school just to lounge poolside, there's another aspect of missing school.
When the kids get back, especially Mady and Cara, the first thing their classmates are going to say was how come you missed so much school?! Where were you?! You missed this and that and this. Some of them might give them a hard time. After all why should my classmate get to go swimming in beautiful weather while I have to learn long division? Way to set them up to amass a bunch of enemies at school. Kids can be more vicious than the worst adult.
I give Nina the benefit of the doubt, she claims she hasn't seen very many episodes. See a select few and you might not be aware of all this. To me it's just plain old common sense that you don't film away a child's childhood, but people who maybe are only listening with half an ear might be a little late to the party. I think we should be courteous and kind. If you want to be skeptical that's fine but be respectful.
But to Nina, you're dreaming if you think anyone can get through to Kate. Her own husband couldn't, her own brother couldn't, hell if some random people on a radio show can. You can't "get through" to narcissists. You're operating as if she's not a narcissist, that's the first thing you need to learn. Kate will stop when TLC or a judge makes her stop and never before. She will never stop because she had a change of heart like a normal person who changes their mind. That's why we're here, to learn and grow and a changed mind often results from that and that's not something a Kate fan should ever be ashamed of. Thank God we can change our opinions on things, I certainly have, or we'd never have progress. People change, it's hoped for the better.
Dee I love your answer. You go girl.
YIKES! What a difference between the one posted at the top and this one.
Admin said......"Kate will stop when TLC or a judge makes her stop and never before. She will never stop because she had a change of heart like a normal person who changes their mind."
Amen to that! Without the viewers though Kate has no show and if it means one changed mind or one person seeing through her lies at a time it will be well worth it in the end. It's getting there.......
No Credibility,
I get what you're saying and I've considered that too but I honestly think if Kate didn't put so much emphasis on her body neither would anyone else. She parades around in the skimpiest clothes possible and jumps into bikinis any chance she gets. She wants her body to be noticed so she's going to have to live with the criticism as well as the leering she so desperately longs for.
I think the reason I in particular have no qualms about making negative comments about Khate's body is because during all the time she was going on national TV crying that she had to have the show to support the kids and that she was broke and had no money, and there was no money in the college fund she was steadily spending money on all these procedures that have completely changed her looks to the point that she is almost unrecognizable and those procedures do not come cheap. But most importantly here is a woman that looks completely different in every way and she lies about it. Because she knows that she would be criticized for spending so much money, when her kids have been working all this time for nothing, and she couldn't cry wolf if the truth was known. And she goes on Ellen and says the kids can get a diamond ring like the one she wants when they get a job (that was when the show was off). I could just go on and on. And now that she has totally reshaped herself she is out there dressing entirely inappropriately for some one who does it all for the kids. If she was honest about it as many are there would be nothing to talk about. And I think more so since she got rid of Jon that little business about the kids playing alongside her while she is working has been exposed for what it really is - she is the one who is playing alongside the kids who are not just working, but working hard. No I have no sympathy for that wretched woman whatsoever.
If you go to link that NJGal51 has posted up thread, they talk about the tattoo. It used to be a groin rose before the witch's tummy tuck.
I really could care less what Kate wears or how much plastic surgery she has had. Do I think she is a horrible role model in this department for her children? Yes, I do. But I never dwell on such issues.
My only concern is for the kids. As I posted on the last thread, the Gosselins' school considers the missed days to be unexcused absences. The students are solely responsible for making up their missed work, and the teachers are not required to provide the work ahead of time.
Missing even one day of school puts children behind, particularly in math lessons. These lessons build skills day by day to master concepts in the particular math strand taught. Fourth grade math is probably quite challenging at this school. Is the tutor capable of teaching the lessons to the twins? Does she even have access to the lessons? Who knows.
Math is just one curricular area. They will also be missing science and/or social studies and language arts lessons. The school is "academically accelerated" (Kate's quote). Unless specific lesson arrangements were made ahead of time, the older girls (and the kinders) will most likely be behind when they return. Factor in the jet lag, and those kids are going to be beyond exhaused. Of course, Kate is not responsible for ANYTHING as far as work goes when they come back, and she can rest up as she wishes!
Even if the kids do keep up with their lessons, is this fair to young children who are also expected to be "on" for hours of filming each day during this so-called vacation? This is VERY WRONG! I just don't get it at all... I can't believe the school will tolerate this long absence, when the policy is very clear.
Sorta OT, but this article is an interesting read on Bonnie Fuller. Not real well liked it appears.
I understand that many are angry/frustrated that Kate pulled her kids out of school for filming.
There was a comment* that this should be considered a business trip, not a working vacation. Moreover, was it ever mentioned that this trip was specifically intended for an educational purpose?
On one hand, there are comments* saying that they hope that Kate and TLC are abiding by child labor laws and not over-working the kids. On the other hand, the minute the kids get a relaxing break from filming (hopefully true, unless the crew was also filming the pool escapades), comments are made about how could a judge allow this work-related trip while the family is lounging pool-side.
So, which is it? Because the kids are missing school to film, they must be filmed/working non-stop to appease the judge's ruling? Or, Kate and the TLC crew need to abide by child labor laws, limiting the amount of hours/days the Gosselin kids are filmed?
(Many will say the best choice is that filming should stop altogether, I get that. But, that's not an option while the Gosselins are filming in Australia.)
* Comments coming from this site's various blog posts regarding this Australia trip, not just in this particular thread.
Regarding Open-Minded's comment: Yup. The proverbial s*it is going to hit the fan for the G8 when they get back to reality and their school and their schoolwork. You see, and obvioulsly all of you DO see, that what they are doing in Australia and in Steve's homeland of New Zealand is NOT reality even though Khatezilla has characterized her show as "the realest of reality shows"! Blah, blah, blah, Khate, blow it out your.... It is too bad those kids are not getting training on how to live in the REAL know, homework, manners, gratefulness, respect for you teachers...
Administrator said...
But to Nina, you're dreaming if you think anyone can get through to Kate. Her own husband couldn't, her own brother couldn't, hell if some random people on a radio show can. You can't "get through" to narcissists. You're operating as if she's not a narcissist, that's the first thing you need to learn. Kate will stop when TLC or a judge makes her stop and never before. She will never stop because she had a change of heart like a normal person who changes their mind. That's why we're here, to learn and grow and a changed mind often results from that and that's not something a Kate fan should ever be ashamed of. Thank God we can change our opinions on things, I certainly have, or we'd never have progress. People change, it's hoped for the better.
Administrator, I agree with everything you said, except for the part about the only thing that will stop her (Kate) is TLC or a judge.
I truly believe that Kate foolishly thinks and behaves like she is above the law.
As for TLC stopping her, I'll bet if they ever decide to stop her, she will turn it around, blame them for the destruction of her marriage, and for exposing her (and her children) to a lavish lifestyle, therefore they are responsible for keeping her family employed (or something equally as kookie like that).
She's IS a professional con-artist, you know.
If you go to link that NJGal51 has posted up thread, they talk about the tattoo. It used to be a groin rose before the witch's tummy tuck.
If you watch the tummy tuck episode, it's discussed on there.
I guess no amount of money can buy a waistline or move the belly button to where it's supposed to be.
Call me country, but what the heck is a groin rose -like a rose tatoo that got the top cut off or something?
Aside from a shot of the G's arrival at the airport, it seems that every "pap" (and by that I mean "STEVE") photo so far has been of Kate in a bikini. Things that make you go 'hmmmmmmm.'
"This is VERY WRONG! I just don't get it at all... I can't believe the school will tolerate this long absence, when the policy is very clear."
I don't believe that it will tolerate very much of this. There are parents who take a few days extra days of vacation before or after a break, but seldom do parents take their kids out for this amount of time. I'm at a loss as to why they couldn't take this trip over spring break, which would give them a good eleven days when they wouldn't be missing school -- an additional day off before and after actual break would make it 13 days, with no serious consequences to academics (those days before and after break generally don't amount to too much in terms of lessons). What was TLC's rush to do this trip? A last-ditch effort for ratings? It couldn't wait until March?
By the time the twins get to MS (in two years) extended vacations such as this absolutely will not be tolerated. Let's just keep our fingers crossed that the circus tent comes down on this show by that time.
Open Minded, I agree 100%
I teach 4th grade. You miss one day and you've missed a lot. Especially this time of the year when classes start buckling down to prepare for achievement testing in late February/ early March ( in Florida, anyway ).
Another potential issue is, the G8 coming back to school and disrupting the flow and routine the other kids settled into after the holiday, by bragging and gloating about the lavish trip to Australia. Kids their age will NOT be excited for them. They will be jealous. And they will tire quickly of hearing about it, especially since they've been back at the academic grind while the G8 were playing with kangaroos and hitting the beach.
I see that the G8 are being taught ( modeled by their mother )that school is not as important as people make it out to be. If you misbehave, you get to stay home. If you want to jet across the world, you do it and to heck with being in class.
They have also been taught that their father
( not that he didn't try ) cannot save them and that he has no say in how they are raised. Soon, they will loose all respect for him because their mom taught them how to do this. "What daddy says and wants for you doesn't mean a hill of beans!"
So, when they are older, and he has to tell them "No", they will think, "Well, you have no say anyway. Mommy makes all the rules, not you."
As a retired therapist I am most concerned about the fact that the children who were expelled from school are missing their therapy sessions. Therapy is not something you can just do when you feel like it; it involves continuity and connects one session to another.
With two children who have been expelled for physically aggressive behaviour, at the age of 6, it would seem to me that therapy should be a priority if those kids are ever going to re-integrate into a school setting.Their aggression is not going to go away by itself, especially with Kate as a role model for normalcy.
Not providing therapy when it is needed is the same, IMO, as not providing medical attention for a physical ailment.
Devil's advocate said..
On one hand, there are comments* saying that they hope that Kate and TLC are abiding by child labor laws and not over-working the kids. On the other hand, the minute the kids get a relaxing break from filming (hopefully true, unless the crew was also filming the pool escapades), comments are made about how could a judge allow this work-related trip while the family is lounging pool-side.
IMO, they're not mutually exclusive. They shouldn't be taking them out of school for ANY filming, (and probably very little for any trips) much less just so Kate can laze around by the pool is the reasoning I would think. But since they HAVE to film, one would hope the laws are being enforced, but I highly doubt it. That being said, I think the kids probably needed and appreciated the break from being dragged around on planes, trains and automobiles. JMO.
Yes, CallMeCountry, on the link up-thread that NjGal51 gave for the website, someone stated that part of the groin rose tattoo got chopped off when the witch Khatezilla Grosselin had her tummy tuck. (By the way, I think that it is great if women want to improve there appearance by getting tummy tucks, boob jobs, veneers, whatever, but just don't do it on the backs of your kids!) Also, the CallMeCountry moniker reminded me of that song John Denver recorded:
"Well the simple kind of life never did me no harm... a raisin' me a family and workin' on the farm...City folk driving in a black limousine (to go to Starbucks to get their caffeine on the way to Ted Gibson's salon in NYC to get $2000 hair cuts with Booby Guard Stevie-boy) a lot of sad (read: pathetic) people think, "That's a mighty keen!"...
Well we don't think her limousine is "mighty keen". We think it is has become her jackass mobile.
Therapy is not something you can just do when you feel like it; it involves continuity and connects one session to another.
Surely you don't believe Kate has those kids in therapy? IMO she would NEVER risk that...she knows the first thing a therapist would tell her is get those kids off TV!
gotyournumberKate said... No Credibility,
I get what you're saying and I've considered that too but I honestly think if Kate didn't put so much emphasis on her body neither would anyone else. She parades around in the skimpiest clothes possible and jumps into bikinis any chance she gets. She wants her body to be noticed so she's going to have to live with the criticism as well as the leering she so desperately longs for.
We don't have to stoop to her level.
Typical Kate said... Anyone see the one pic where the nanny is picking up all the pool supplies and is bogged down with towels and a bag and a pool ring and Kate is standing there waiting with just her phone?
Here's the link:
LOL, this is a must see. The nanny is so bogged down she is holding a towel in her MOUTH! Ha. And there's the queen standing there empty handed looking like she is ordering the kids to do something.
On the application for Gosselin nanny I bet it says, Must have three hands.
Kids are constantly processing and internalizing life lessons they carry with them into adulthood. Teach a child to value the importance of school which is their JOB at this age, and they will value the importance of a job later on.
Kids who are taught school is not to be valued, that attendance rules do not apply to them, can easily become adults who can't hold down jobs. One day when they decide I don't feel like going into work today, it won't be okay this time and they'll get fired.
Didn't we also recently see Mady still with her violin? Miss two weeks of orchestra practice and you're also hopelessly behind. At that age she'll be expected to make it up, and when she's too exhausted to do so she'll get frustrated and want to quit--fantastic. Did they haul the violin to Australia? Also what about school activities? Things like spirit week, the Friday night basketball game, friends' birthday parties, and so on. All their friends reminding them how much they missed after. There are just a hundred reasons why you shouldn't miss this much school.
Also not much has been said about being taken from their DADDY for three weeks. That is a LONG time in a child's world.
Administrator said...
Typical Kate said... Anyone see the one pic where the nanny is picking up all the pool supplies and is bogged down with towels and a bag and a pool ring and Kate is standing there waiting with just her phone?
Here's the link:
LOL, this is a must see. The nanny is so bogged down she is holding a towel in her MOUTH! Ha. And there's the queen standing there empty handed looking like she is ordering the kids to do something.
On the application for Gosselin nanny I bet it says, Must have three hands.
Maybe she simply didn't notice. She's looking at her kids. If she were faced toward the nanny and not the kids, there would be people complaining that she was ignoring her children.
The constant nitpicking negates any legitimate concerns that you may have and gives you no credibility whatsoever.
To IDModo: You stated "...therapy should be a priority if those kids are ever going to re-integrate into a school setting." Not only that, but therapy should be a priority if those kids are ever going to re-integrate into LIFE and know, the REAL world. Of course, therapy is NOT a priority for the mentally-ill witch Khatezilla. (By the way, Khatezilla is not a witch because she is mentally ill, she is a witch because she refuses to get help for herself and her kids. But as we know, Narcissism is difficult to treat.)
It's snark. It's FUNNY given what we know of Kate to see a pic of the nanny doing it all and Kate just standing there. It fits.
Do I think Kate may very well have gone over to her a moment later to help out? Absolutely. It's just snark. It's ok. I agree Kate is nit-picked. I don't agree everyone does that.
"On the application for Gosselin nanny I bet it says, Must have three hands."
...and a mouth.
Did they buy those pool toys there for just one day at the pool...the tube, alligator? Are they going to deflate them and take them home, or just leave them behind?
You know, she really is pathetic.
Maybe she simply didn't notice. She's looking at her kids. If she were faced toward the nanny and not the kids, there would be people complaining that she was ignoring her children.
Didn't we see pictures of her awhile back coming out of a vacation rental where everyone (Steve, the kids) was carrying things, suitcases, toys and she had absolutely nothing in her hands? I remember there were remarks that he had been promoted from purse boy to bellboy.
Hope they had fun in the sun yesterday, 'cause it's raining now! Glad the kids had a relaxing day without cameras.
The whole of South-East Queensland (from the Sunshine Coast where Australia Zoo is, to the Gold Coast where the theme parks are and inland) is awash ... once again!
For those interested check out
What a joy it will be to go to lots of the outside experience places in weather such as this. Because we generally have such great weather, many tourist attractions aren't built for wet weather. The best place to take kids is probably GOMA (our own Gallery of Modern Art) in Brisbane City, they could walk there or catch a train from their hotel in the city. But it will be with the rest of the population, eager to make the most of a free outing in bad weather.
Had to laugh too at the poetic justice of the bag one of the Nanny's is carrying in the 'arrival at Brisbane airport' shoot. Looks like they've found the store 'Witchery'.
The constant nitpicking negates any legitimate concerns that you may have and gives you no credibility whatsoever.
As a narcissist, doesn't Kate like to be in the public eye, and loves attention, regardless if it's good or bad? Praise or criticism? I remember an interview she did with Larry King, in which she told him, "and basically, essentially, we've made it your business."
Since she admitted that it is *our* business, then it would seem that she admits that she is fair game, along with the criticism that goes with it.
Also in that interview she said, "However, I do not think that, you know, anybody's goal should ever be to have multiples. I don't feel like that is necessary."
Hasn't it been reported that this was her goal from the beginning...having multiples? Why would she say that she doesn't feel it is necessary? In her case it most definitely was necessary -- necessary to have little workers to support her lifestyle. She certainly couldn't have done it without multiples.
Maybe she simply didn't notice. She's looking at her kids. If she were faced toward the nanny and not the kids, there would be people complaining that she was ignoring her children.
The constant nitpicking negates any legitimate concerns that you may have and gives you no credibility whatsoever.
I smell a sheeple. Nitpicking doesn't negate any legitimate concerns. It just means we're snarking inbetween our legitimate concerns.
Go Away Kate said...Curious about purseboys "family" . . .
I'm sure Gina Neild must have been offered millions by now for the inside scoop on what's going on between her husband and Kate Gosselin. I'll bet she has tabloid reporters sitting on her doorstep every day. IMO someone must be paying her big bucks to keep her mouth shut.
IF they are divorced and IF he and Kate are now 'secretly' a couple, it would be TLC's pleasure to be the one to announce it. The famewhore would be in her glory for the attention that story would garner. Her only two goals apparently are to stay famous and to have lots of money and it's fairly obvious by now she doesn't care how she does it.
Those kids are going to model Kate behavior to not help out. What a shame that they were never taught to say thank you, or offer a person struggling with bags a hand. Then again, it was Kate who said they deserve to have life served to the on "a golden platter." We all know those kids are paying for the platter themselves.
Legit says said...
"Maybe she simply didn't notice. She's looking at her kids. If she were faced toward the nanny and not the kids, there would be people complaining that she was ignoring her children."
All good moms have eyes in the front, side and back of their heads. That's been an established fact for generations. Their peripheral vision is amazing. Guess Kate just never fine-tuned it.
I am so sorry! Legit didn't say that people would complain if she was ignoring her children. That was Pick Pick Pick.
Apologies to Legit, who was the one who said that she smells a sheeple (and she's probably correct!).
Auntie Ann said: IF they are divorced and IF he and Kate are now 'secretly' a couple, it would be TLC's pleasure to be the one to announce it.
Oh they will Auntie Ann. Just as soon as they get back to the USA; my take is the purpose of the trip is to meet the new in laws who, doubtless, will ask Stevie boy WTF are you thinking!!!!!
Every picture of her picking up the kids from the bus (with nannies in tow) same thing. . . nanny with book bags hanging off of her and kart standing there with her phone. she needs a free hand for her "face-grab" mothering.
No Credibility said...."We don't have to stoop to her level."
I don't really consider this stooping to Kate's level. Anyone who puts themselves out there for the world to see is subject to scrutiny. It happens to any celebrity who doesn't make their lives private. We don't see Sandra Bullock or Reese Witherspoon parading around in tops where their boobs hang out or bikinis but those who do like Paris Hilton and Snooki are criticized. Reese and Sandra have dignity and are classy. Paris, Snooki, and Kate do not.
Admin said "Do I think Kate may very well have gone over to her a moment later to help out? Absolutely.
I don't think so. This is the woman who sat in her white plastic chair while she either directed Jon on what to do or directed the children in their "playing". I really doubt that she helped at all.
Didn't we see pictures of her awhile back coming out of a vacation rental where everyone (Steve, the kids) was carrying things, suitcases, toys and she had absolutely nothing in her hands? I remember there were remarks that he had been promoted from purse boy to bellboy
It was during their summer trip to Bald Head - there were pics of Steve carrying the boogey boards and other beach gear to the car, K8 carried her iPhone.
Legit says said... Maybe she simply didn't notice. She's looking at her kids. If she were faced toward the nanny and not the kids, there would be people complaining that she was ignoring her children
Obviously they are getting ready to go. Getting ready to go means there are things to pick up and carry away. Kate has her things...her phone and her nannies to do the rest! She is too busy trying to channel Britney Spears ala the Federline years to care if the nanny is breaking her back. After all...isn't that what she pays the nanny to do!!!
Where did she find that skirt??? They certainly don't sell that type of stuff in any womens section of the store. Must be Husky Teen size!!
OK, I do yoga, cardio, etc, & never had enhancement surgery. I have abs, sure, but I worked hard for them. I understand why Kate had the tummy tuck. I think any woman in her situation would have done the same thing, but why not admit to the boob job? It is so frigin obvious. I always wanted a breast reduction, but then I lost weight, & lost some boobage in the process, so no need, but you bet your butt I would've admitted it. How can she deny this?? She just wanted her boobs to stick out further than her stomach most likely. I'm serious.
She may have body dysmorphic disorder, or some kind of body image disorder. Although I'm no psychiatrist. I'm familiar with this, because I've been through this, (BDD) still going this, & will probably continue to go through it for the rest of my life. When I look at myself, I rip myself apart, even though I'm underweight, & have muscle tone...I know, sounds weird. I work out, (never enough for me) & when I eat something I feel guilty, so I eat like a bird. (it is NOT an eating disorder) Kate probably is so obsessed with looking good all the time, she will pass this on to her kids. NOT GOOD. I hope her kids, her daughters especially get away unscathed. Girls these days can develop eating disorders as young as 8 years old. But Kate thinks about Kate, not how things will affect her children, ever.
Sorry, my comment was directed toward Pick, Pick Pick also. Not Legit
This article was so promising until...the last phrase!
Ahhh, Hippie Chick, I'm sure you're BEAUTIFUL!
Pick Pick Pick said...
Maybe she simply didn't notice. She's looking at her kids. If she were faced toward the nanny and not the kids, there would be people complaining that she was ignoring her children.
The constant nitpicking negates any legitimate concerns that you may have and gives you no credibility whatsoever.
Come on now, this is Kate we're talking about. You are giving her WAY to much credit.
It's well known that she does not lift or carry ANYTHING.
Her bending bone has been missing from birth.
And as for not paying attention to the nanny because she was looking at the kids----- you're kidding, right? It is also well known that Kate
can't be bothered with them either.
As far as negating any credibility by nit-picking Kate, I offer to you that there is enough proof that the children are in trouble because of their mother.
I don't think by us stating the obvious, negates any credibility. Kate is doing a fine job of making a complete a*s of herself. Especially, everytime she goes on talk shows to "set the story straight". It's downright LAUGHABLE!
I want to believe that you are also upset with the children's situation? And that you feel that filming is the main reason their lives are upside-down? And think that Kate is the main reason for perpectuating this circus? If so, then you understand why we are deconstructing this monster. It's one way to stop her (albeit a small one). If exposing the Gosselin 8's tyrant mother helps to release her children from working, then so be it. And fortunately, we're not alone, so many people feel the same.
Just Wikipedia's Body Dysphoria...Kate does NOT have that. My therapist says I do. I researched it before but I never realized how bad it was. Thank you Anita. My husband tells me the same thing. Unfortunately, I had a mother who gave me no self-esteem, & ex-bf's who were a-holes & said mean things to me. And now that I'm where I should be weight wise, it's still not enough. I'm getting help though..that's the important thing. Sorry to get personal.
I don't think there is anything wrong with giving Kate a little reality check when it comes to her bikini body. Like a lot of you have said she puts it out there and we know she probably spends hours reading about herself.
She would actually look good in a one piece - her stomach is wrinkly and scarred (where are these wash board abs?) and the bottem is much too small on her flat butt. If she didn't have the boob job she would look much older.
There's the reality, Kate
I think you are right, Kate-go-away.
I think she would look lovely in a one piece.
She just needs to say "no" to Victoria's Secret bathing suits...
TLC will be filming the pudding out of those 8 little money makers until they can no longer get advertisers to pay and viewers to watch. They appear to be "striking while the iron is hot." Those kids appear to be bored in most pictures. It is probably harder and harder to entertain them. They have had more vacations/trips/perks in their young lives than most have in a lifetime. It's taken for granted and no longer thrilling. Kate sucks the "fun" out of it. That's on tape, too. It's the entitled thing that gets me. Appearing to be ungrateful for so much is a turn-off. Any "good" man surely won't be fooled by the shrew, Kate Gosselin. Bikini or not, she is not a nice person. "Pretty is as pretty does." The viewer numbers are shrinking and school, therapy, or just fun at home will not stop the excessive filming. Kate/TLC are pulling out all the stops on this. Trip to Australia, what 6-8 yr. old thinks up that idea? These are Kate's dreams and wishes. She is making her wishes come true on the backs of her 8 kids. Sad, really.
Come on now, this is Kate we're talking about. You are giving her WAY to much credit.
It's well known that she does not lift or carry ANYTHING.
The only thing she lifts is her big head.
It's About Being Catty said...
Right, talking about Kate's body, her wonky eye, psychoanalyzing every photo and expression, etc. is about "helping the children." Keep telling yourself that.
Very well, "It's About Being Catty".
Whatever makes you happy. Continue believing that Kate is not poisonous to her children by allowing them to be filmed doing everything, and enabling her by continuing to watch her dying show. Continue to ignore the facts, and her kid's tired, and frustrated faces. As long as Kate is happy, who cares what the kids think or feel, right?
Do yourself a favor, keep your supporting Kate on the "down-low". It doesn't look good for you.
As for the rest of mankind, we'll continue protesting injustices our way.
P.S. will you at least, get your head out of Kate's butt long enough to pray for those kids?
Grammy of nine said... Those kids appear to be bored in most pictures. It is probably harder and harder to entertain them. They have had more vacations/trips/perks in their young lives than most have in a lifetime.
Grammy, you are absolutely correct! How could the NOT be bored? Of course it's too much. It's "stimulation overload"! They couldn't possibly have any memories nor treasure any of their trips, there's too many trips and they're all condensed into such a short time span. How many places have they seen 'dolphins' jumping in the water this year? (the cove at Disney, on the fishing boat in NC, probably on the ferry crossing, now in Australia) Those kids must be 'desensitized' to new experiences and places. I LOVE egg nog. I scarf it up during the holiday season. I 'complain' about it only being a seasonal product at the store. Do I really want egg nog to be available to me all year? NO, one I'd weigh a ton, and 2, after 4, 5, 6 mos., I'd probably be sick to death of it. Too much, too soon for those kids. Sadly, too little too late, also applies. Jon, are you listening?
Does anyone know if the cameras were at the pool? If not, then hallelujah! I'm not for them taking another BUSINESS trip, but at least the kids get SOME kind of down time.
I think Kate is missing out on her own children. It won't be long before they're adults, and she won't be able to look back on the kids' childhoods like other moms can. She won't have the same memories: splashing in the pool with them, inventing stories and games with them, listening to their funny and innocent reactions to things. All she'll remember is all the times she laid out in the sun, the trips to the nail and hair salons, and the money she made off of them.
I almost kind of feel sorry for her....
Of course it's too much. It's "stimulation overload"! They couldn't possibly have any memories nor treasure any of their trips, there's too many trips and they're all condensed into such a short time span.
Absolutely. Is Kate living vicariously through her kids? She complained that she was never on a plane before her wedding trip to Disney. They never went anywhere when she was growing up (or so she says). She's trying to make up for all those vacations she never had as a kid. These children have been everywhere; done everything. How much more is left to do? To what do they have to look forward? With each trip getting more "exotic," and farther away, what kind of stimuli will they need to keep them entertained and satisfied as they grow older? If each trip isn't bigger and better than the last, they will be bored and miserable. Nothing will ever be quite good enough.
Per several articles:
"Kate’s ex-husband Jon tried to block the kids from going on the trip, but because it is work-related, the judge allowed it to happen."
Well there you have it. The children ARE working. The judge allowed them to go and to miss school because they are WORKING.
Fans can't have it both ways. They are either working or they're not.....pick one.
And I just HAVE to again mention something after reading a few of the fan comments on other sites.
Fans!! Have you EVER taken math? Even basic math?
Kate has made hundreds of millions of dollars!! She has more money than any of you AND your spouses will EVER make your entire lifetime!
Have you every heard of making interest off your principle or is that over your little heads?
What in the hell is wrong with you with all this "she has to support her kids" and "she'll have to go on government subsidies (welfare) if she (the kids) doesn't continue to be a celebrity (work)?".....and "do you want her to go on welfare? and "do you want your tax dollars going to support her and her children"?
What in the heck is WRONG with you fans? I mean, there's clueless and then there's ridiculously clueless. HELLOOOO!!! Do you have any idea how much 350 million dollars is?? And that's ONLY for last year? Not to mention sitting on over a million dollars of real estate?
Welfare? Seriously? Did you even make it through elementary school math? 1 + 1 = 2 ???
Or were you expelled in kindergarten and missed all your math classes?
What planet are you on? When did you EVER see million dollar homes and mani-pedis/tanning sessions and private school and fancy vacations subsidized by the government/your tax dollars (for anyone who's not a politician???...j/k) Sheesh! just drives me nuts when I read these comments. Lots of the ridiculous fan comments drive me nuts but none as much as the "will have to go on welfare" ones.
We've always wondered what makes someone a fan of Kate's....and here we have it. You have to be so darn clueless and uneducated that you don't even know the most basic math!
Kate made 3.5 million last year not 350 million. Huge difference but your point is very well made. She has millions so there is no need for her to HAVE to continue filming her kids.
Kate hasn't made anywhere near hundrds of millions of dollars. I think you have your decimal point in the wrong place. It's 3.5 million dollars, and in this real estate market, the house isn't worth anything near to what they paid for it.
The $100,000 interest a year will take care of one year of school tuition ONLY. She would have to dip into the pricipal to pay mortgage, taxes, utilities, nannies, grounds keepers, food, clothing, etc. She could manage on that IF she gave up the current lifestyle. However, once you've had a taste of a five-star luxury penthouse, it's kind of hard to go back to being just plain old Katie Gosselin from rural Lancaster County (her roots).
I've had real estate holdings in this area, and I have a darn good idea of what she needs a year just to meet the expenses (with no frills). In fact, I think I can come fairly close. I'll have to sit down again and figure it out, but the money she made in 2010 is not going to last a lifetime IF she insists on her current lifestyle. If she comes down off her high horse and lives like the rest of America, she certainly shouldn't have any problems providing for those kids until they reach the age of 18.
Yes, the kids are WORKING. The DOL ordered that they obtain WORK PERMITS. If they wouldn't be working, there would be no order to obtain WORK PERMITS!
"Admin said "Do I think Kate may very well have gone over to her a moment later to help out?"
I highly doubt it....she can't even carry her own purse.
Good grief, if I saw someone loaded down like that, I'd be RUSHING over....even if it wasn't MY stuff being carried. I help people carry things into our condo building all the time.
hippy chick~
Yes, you are right....malignant narcissism and body dysmorphia are almost the total opposite of each other. Kate things she looks fabulous....why there is all the skimpy outfits and the multiple photos of her in them. Those with BDD often hide behind clothes that are way too big....and not teeny bikinis.
And yes, I did put the decimal point in the wrong place but turned around and corrected it. And where do you come up with 100,000 per year? Last year alone, she made 3.5 million. That's million, not thousand.
And as far as the whole stimulation-overload issue....any good child psychologist will tell you that from toddler to teen, children become more and more (and more) concerned with their peers.....and what their peers think of them....WAY more than they care about any vacation.
Heck, if you even remember back to your adolescent will remember what that was like. The shootings they've had in schools...mostly about fitting-in and opinions of peers. I've never seen the school shooter who was the real popular kid.
And this could be a major contributing factor in the behavior of the 2 tups who were expelled (hitting, cursing, etc.) addition to learning it from watching their mother. They might have major rage issues due to how they perceive what their peers think of them and their likely inability to fit in due to the frequent filming, inability to go to school activities or to spend lots of time with the other schoolmates.
Hehe, here, I'll fix it. It's driving me nuts anyway:
And I just HAVE to again mention something after reading a few of the fan comments on other sites.
Fans!! Have you EVER taken math? Even basic math?
Kate has made millions of dollars!! She has more money than any of you AND your spouses will EVER make your entire lifetime!
Have you every heard of making interest off your principle or is that over your little heads?
What in the hell is wrong with you with all this "she has to support her kids" and "she'll have to go on government subsidies (welfare) if she (the kids) doesn't continue to be a celebrity (work)?".....and "do you want her to go on welfare? and "do you want your tax dollars going to support her and her children"?
What in the heck is WRONG with you fans? I mean, there's clueless and then there's ridiculously clueless. HELLOOOO!!! Do you have any idea how much 3.5 million dollars is?? And that's ONLY for last year? Not to mention sitting on over a million dollars of real estate?
Welfare? Seriously? Did you even make it through elementary school math? 1 + 1 = 2 ???
Or were you expelled in kindergarten and missed all your math classes?
What planet are you on? When did you EVER see million dollar homes and mani-pedis/tanning sessions and private school and fancy vacations subsidized by the government/your tax dollars (for anyone who's not a politician???...j/k) Sheesh! just drives me nuts when I read these comments. Lots of the ridiculous fan comments drive me nuts but none as much as the "will have to go on welfare" ones.
We've always wondered what makes someone a fan of Kate's....and here we have it. You have to be so darn clueless and uneducated that you don't even know the most basic math!
Did I fix all of them okay?
E-town neighbor~
I wasn't referring to them actually working or not....I was referring to all the fans who comment that the children are "just playing" and who say that it's NOT work. Kate has also insisted multiple times that this is not work and that they are only filmed playing and going about their normal day.
And yes, this is not a great real-estate market...but it WILL be again...just like it always has. In the down times, they cut way back on new home construction....and then per economy 101, scarcity raises prices.
It is just like the stock market and it fluctuates. She is sitting on property that could be worth a LOT when the real-estate market picks back up again. Property is an asset....esp. if you hold on to it and sell it at the right time.
There are plenty of wealthy investors grabbing up property in Aspen and other resort areas right now while it's less expensive. They obviously feel quite confident that the real-estate market is gonna pick back up again and they'll make a nice, hefty profit.
Maggie said... Kate made 3.5 million last year not 350 million. Huge difference but your point is very well made. She has millions so there is no need for her to HAVE to continue filming her kids.
The issue isn't how much Kate has MADE; it's how much she SPENDS. Big difference. Yes, she's made (I won't dare say "earned") enough to support all of them for the rest of their lives, if the monies were invested and spent properly and prudently. However, Kate chooses to live an exhorbitant lifestyle; one she CANNOT support for the long-term. She's completely delusional, as she seems to think this gravy train is actually a long-term gig. No "reality star" lasts for long, least of all a self-centered, narcissistic, child-exploiting, unappreciative bitch. Sorry to be so blunt, but I believe each and every one of those adjectives describes Kate perfectly. The over-riding issue is that Kate insists on living a certain lifestyle which REQUIRES that her kids continue to be filmed. So, do the G8 need to work? The answer actually is YES: and the reason is to support their selfish mother's over-the-top lifestyle. Period. The *morality* of this issue is an entirely different discussion (one I'm sure Kate never bothers to consider).
Hippie Chick said... She may have body dysmorphic disorder, or some kind of body image disorder.
@Hip: I've studied BDD and eating disorders extensively, and let me tell you that Kate exhibits NO signs of any disorder other than Narcissistic Personality Disorder [for the record, I have a PhD in this area, so I do know what I'm talking about]. It's a RARE day that someone with a body image problem OR an eating disorder would EVER flaunt their bodies in a too-small bikini the way Kate does. People with body image issues have a predictable MO: they HIDE their bodies -- even well-proportioned ones or underweight ones. They don't see how beautiful they are. Kate, on the other hand, doesn't seem to see her flaws. ANY of them: physical, personal, emotional, or otherwise. A classic narcissist. She seems to truly believe she's all that, and a bag of chips.
Sadly, based on my years of research, my fear for eating disorders and BDD actually lies with the kids ... and yes, even the boys. And it's not just Kate's freaky feeding habits that could lead to food issues for the kids. The bigger issue is her relation to them and her treatment of them. Eating disorders are just one way to act out in response to negligent or abusive parenting. The literature bears this out. These kids will have an uphill battle if they don't get some good therapy ASAP. There are MANY theories for why people have eating disorders and food issues. Given my research, what I've read in the literature, and articles I've published about a mother's role in a child's eating disorder, I'd sadly say that these kids are primed for some serious disorders if they don't get some professional intervention soon. I'm not saying they'll all develop eating disorders, but trouble will definitely be brewing down the pipeline if these kids don't get some serious outside intervention. STAT.
I'd sadly say that these kids are primed for some serious disorders if they don't get some professional intervention soon. I'm not saying they'll all develop eating disorders, but trouble will definitely be brewing down the pipeline if these kids don't get some serious outside intervention. STAT.
How do we know what they eat on a daily basis? The camera isn't with them 24/7. Yes, we've seen her telling them what order to eat their food; we've seen them with a few grapes on their plates, BUT we have no way of knowing what the nanny cooks for them, or how often they eat, or even what they eat. Maybe these kids don't eat much at one sitting. If you would see them in person, you'd be surprised at how slight and fine-featured they are, even the boys. Maybe they are grazers, and their stomachs don't hold much at a time.
When you assess a child with a potential for an eating disorder somewhere down the line, don't you observe his eating habits on a regular basis? You have to know what he eats, the nutritional value of the food, and how often he eats. In the case of the Gosselins, a hypothetical theory could be formulated, but without sufficient data to make a conclusion, isn't it very difficult to say with certainty that they need immediate intervention?
It is a 'filming trip' so these kids will probably get lots of sweets and semi-regular meals (though, I don't know about the latter with certainty).
Kate seems to reserve the really punitive food schedule for when they are in school and she's bored at home. When filming, she probably works them hard but tries to make it slightly better than the hell on earth of life at the orphanage. The one that made them scream and wail whenever Jon dropped them off. It's in Kate's interest to make filming slightly less depressing than their ordinary lives, so that they will 'want to film'.
Though from the sad looks on their faces in the pics, the subterfuge doesn't seem to work on them as well anymore. They look lost and alone.
Midnight Madness said...
When you assess a child with a potential for an eating disorder somewhere down the line, don't you observe his eating habits on a regular basis? You have to know what he eats, the nutritional value of the food, and how often he eats. In the case of the Gosselins, a hypothetical theory could be formulated, but without sufficient data to make a conclusion, isn't it very difficult to say with certainty that they need immediate intervention?
You misread my post. My point was that it's not what she is or isn't feeding them that necessarily would lead to an eating disorder. My point was that the way a parent treats a child, along with his or her relationship with a child, are typically key factors for people with eating disorders. THAT was my point. Given how toxic Kate appears to be, I predict some serious issues for some if not all of the kids. I said the kids were primed for some serious disorders, not just eating disorders. As I mentioned, eating disorders are just one potential problem, but they could have other issues as well. My overall point, though, was that if ANYONE is at risk for an eating disorder in that house, it's the kids, and not Kate.
And yes, I DO believe the kids need immediate intervention. Between having their personal lives exposed without their consent, their parents ugly divorce, and their narcissistic mother, these kids could probably benefit from some good therapy.
It is a 'filming trip' so these kids will probably get lots of sweets and semi-regular meals (though, I don't know about the latter with certainty).
Kate seems to reserve the really punitive food schedule for when they are in school and she's bored at home. When filming, she probably works them hard but tries to make it slightly better than the hell on earth of life at the orphanage. The one that made them scream and wail whenever Jon dropped them off. It's in Kate's interest to make filming slightly less depressing than their ordinary lives, so that they will 'want to film'.
Though from the sad looks on their faces in the pics, the subterfuge doesn't seem to work on them as well anymore. They look lost and alone.
Come on now, this is Kate we're talking about. You are giving her WAY to much credit.
It's well known that she does not lift or carry ANYTHING.
The only thing she lifts is her big head.
I think you are right, Kate-go-away.
I think she would look lovely in a one piece.
She just needs to say "no" to Victoria's Secret bathing suits...
Of course it's too much. It's "stimulation overload"! They couldn't possibly have any memories nor treasure any of their trips, there's too many trips and they're all condensed into such a short time span.
Absolutely. Is Kate living vicariously through her kids? She complained that she was never on a plane before her wedding trip to Disney. They never went anywhere when she was growing up (or so she says). She's trying to make up for all those vacations she never had as a kid. These children have been everywhere; done everything. How much more is left to do? To what do they have to look forward? With each trip getting more "exotic," and farther away, what kind of stimuli will they need to keep them entertained and satisfied as they grow older? If each trip isn't bigger and better than the last, they will be bored and miserable. Nothing will ever be quite good enough.
Just Wikipedia's Body Dysphoria...Kate does NOT have that. My therapist says I do. I researched it before but I never realized how bad it was. Thank you Anita. My husband tells me the same thing. Unfortunately, I had a mother who gave me no self-esteem, & ex-bf's who were a-holes & said mean things to me. And now that I'm where I should be weight wise, it's still not enough. I'm getting help though..that's the important thing. Sorry to get personal.
Ahhh, Hippie Chick, I'm sure you're BEAUTIFUL!
Sorry, my comment was directed toward Pick, Pick Pick also. Not Legit
Legit says said... Maybe she simply didn't notice. She's looking at her kids. If she were faced toward the nanny and not the kids, there would be people complaining that she was ignoring her children
Obviously they are getting ready to go. Getting ready to go means there are things to pick up and carry away. Kate has her things...her phone and her nannies to do the rest! She is too busy trying to channel Britney Spears ala the Federline years to care if the nanny is breaking her back. After all...isn't that what she pays the nanny to do!!!
Where did she find that skirt??? They certainly don't sell that type of stuff in any womens section of the store. Must be Husky Teen size!!
There is an article on website on the trip. The article says after swimming they went to watch Terri and Bindi Irwin during the Croc Show at Australia Zoo and how bored they all looked. Below is the link to the picture:
I am so sorry! Legit didn't say that people would complain if she was ignoring her children. That was Pick Pick Pick.
Apologies to Legit, who was the one who said that she smells a sheeple (and she's probably correct!).
Maybe she simply didn't notice. She's looking at her kids. If she were faced toward the nanny and not the kids, there would be people complaining that she was ignoring her children.
The constant nitpicking negates any legitimate concerns that you may have and gives you no credibility whatsoever.
I smell a sheeple. Nitpicking doesn't negate any legitimate concerns. It just means we're snarking inbetween our legitimate concerns.
It's snark. It's FUNNY given what we know of Kate to see a pic of the nanny doing it all and Kate just standing there. It fits.
Do I think Kate may very well have gone over to her a moment later to help out? Absolutely. It's just snark. It's ok. I agree Kate is nit-picked. I don't agree everyone does that.
Administrator said...
Typical Kate said... Anyone see the one pic where the nanny is picking up all the pool supplies and is bogged down with towels and a bag and a pool ring and Kate is standing there waiting with just her phone?
Here's the link:
LOL, this is a must see. The nanny is so bogged down she is holding a towel in her MOUTH! Ha. And there's the queen standing there empty handed looking like she is ordering the kids to do something.
On the application for Gosselin nanny I bet it says, Must have three hands.
Maybe she simply didn't notice. She's looking at her kids. If she were faced toward the nanny and not the kids, there would be people complaining that she was ignoring her children.
The constant nitpicking negates any legitimate concerns that you may have and gives you no credibility whatsoever.
Kids are constantly processing and internalizing life lessons they carry with them into adulthood. Teach a child to value the importance of school which is their JOB at this age, and they will value the importance of a job later on.
Kids who are taught school is not to be valued, that attendance rules do not apply to them, can easily become adults who can't hold down jobs. One day when they decide I don't feel like going into work today, it won't be okay this time and they'll get fired.
gotyournumberKate said... No Credibility,
I get what you're saying and I've considered that too but I honestly think if Kate didn't put so much emphasis on her body neither would anyone else. She parades around in the skimpiest clothes possible and jumps into bikinis any chance she gets. She wants her body to be noticed so she's going to have to live with the criticism as well as the leering she so desperately longs for.
We don't have to stoop to her level.
Yes, CallMeCountry, on the link up-thread that NjGal51 gave for the website, someone stated that part of the groin rose tattoo got chopped off when the witch Khatezilla Grosselin had her tummy tuck. (By the way, I think that it is great if women want to improve there appearance by getting tummy tucks, boob jobs, veneers, whatever, but just don't do it on the backs of your kids!) Also, the CallMeCountry moniker reminded me of that song John Denver recorded:
"Well the simple kind of life never did me no harm... a raisin' me a family and workin' on the farm...City folk driving in a black limousine (to go to Starbucks to get their caffeine on the way to Ted Gibson's salon in NYC to get $2000 hair cuts with Booby Guard Stevie-boy) a lot of sad (read: pathetic) people think, "That's a mighty keen!"...
Well we don't think her limousine is "mighty keen". We think it is has become her jackass mobile.
As a retired therapist I am most concerned about the fact that the children who were expelled from school are missing their therapy sessions. Therapy is not something you can just do when you feel like it; it involves continuity and connects one session to another.
With two children who have been expelled for physically aggressive behaviour, at the age of 6, it would seem to me that therapy should be a priority if those kids are ever going to re-integrate into a school setting.Their aggression is not going to go away by itself, especially with Kate as a role model for normalcy.
Not providing therapy when it is needed is the same, IMO, as not providing medical attention for a physical ailment.
Aside from a shot of the G's arrival at the airport, it seems that every "pap" (and by that I mean "STEVE") photo so far has been of Kate in a bikini. Things that make you go 'hmmmmmmm.'
Call me country, but what the heck is a groin rose -like a rose tatoo that got the top cut off or something?
I think the reason I in particular have no qualms about making negative comments about Khate's body is because during all the time she was going on national TV crying that she had to have the show to support the kids and that she was broke and had no money, and there was no money in the college fund she was steadily spending money on all these procedures that have completely changed her looks to the point that she is almost unrecognizable and those procedures do not come cheap. But most importantly here is a woman that looks completely different in every way and she lies about it. Because she knows that she would be criticized for spending so much money, when her kids have been working all this time for nothing, and she couldn't cry wolf if the truth was known. And she goes on Ellen and says the kids can get a diamond ring like the one she wants when they get a job (that was when the show was off). I could just go on and on. And now that she has totally reshaped herself she is out there dressing entirely inappropriately for some one who does it all for the kids. If she was honest about it as many are there would be nothing to talk about. And I think more so since she got rid of Jon that little business about the kids playing alongside her while she is working has been exposed for what it really is - she is the one who is playing alongside the kids who are not just working, but working hard. No I have no sympathy for that wretched woman whatsoever.
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