Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Kate and kids tour New Zealand

Kate and the kids went to the Kiwi House to visit animals, the Waitomo Caves, and had dinner at Rotorua.

Missing school, looking tired, dressed alike. Still getting the crap filmed out of them.


71 sediments (sic) from readers:

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 1

I don't usually make sweeping statements based on a few photos but there is just no denying it--these kids look exhausted. I feel so sorry for them that they were not in school today doing NORMAL things with NORMAL kids.

I also find it impossible to believe that six kids age six, approaching seven, are still ALL willing to dress alike. I can see some of them okay with it but all six? Doubt it.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 2

When you were a kid and on summer break did you ever find yourself, even if you would never admit it, kind of missing school? The structure, all the friends at your fingertips, getting a break from your parents and siblings. I wonder if these kids MISS school. I have never felt so sorry for them.

amazing paps! said... 3

Who knew the paps staked out the Kiwi House! I suppose Jon tipped them off to this one too right?

BerksPa said... 4

You know what sucks...It's snowing here in PA. Kids are out sledding, enjoying the winter fun. Having snowball fights, etc. (my kids with their friends in the neighborhood, etc)
Snow day tomorrow. And what are the Gosselins doing.
Yup, they are touring another ZOO! Those poor kids should be playing with their classmates, having sleepovers. Making snow angels, drinking hot chocolate and LOVING every dang minute of Winter! My kids would flip out if they didn't get a chance to play in the snow...make snow men and sled. But then again, we're all bundled up here and not tooling around in the summer heat from one zoo to another.
BTW...didn't the Gosselin's go to a Crocodile place when they were in Florida for the kids birthday? No wonder they looked bored at the Croc Hunter's zoo...Been There, Done That...

Ellie said... 5

I wish Cara could go and live with Jon. She looks so lost-more and more every day. Not saying the other kids don't need to move out of the mansion, it's just Cara's face tells a million sad stories.

I hate you Kate Gosselin-but probably not as much as your kids will one day. I can't wait for them to pick out your retirement home.

Mimi to 3 said... 6

There's that straw hair again. And she does sorta resemble a scarecrow with that inner beauty of hers. LOL. It is really sad that the children are so exhausted -- but let's not forget that they are on a trip of a lifetime, a trip that is educational, a trip....but wait, this is only one more in a travelogue for these 6 and 10 year olds, while they should be in school. What part of this the sheeple don't get just blows me away. And they still face that return flight this weekend.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 7

The Kiwi zoo animals are a zoo within the zoo of the Gosselin children. Like if you planted a little ant farm in the elephant cage.

Is that anything like Inception with the dreams within a dream?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 8

Even the sheeple admit they shouldn't miss all this school.

I mean for pity sake when even the sheeple are conceding something about Kate how bad is it?

Worried about all this said... 9

I agree...there is something really wrong going on with Cara. She looks absolutely miserable in every picture. Wasn't she the child who did not have a Halloween costume? And walked out ahead of the other kids from Party City in that episode? What was up with that?

Also, wasn't she sitting away from Kate and the others at the crocodile show in Australia? She looks like she may be starting to go through puberty too. We all know how Mady feels. She expresses herself freely. I think she will be okay. I am possibly more worried about Cara than all the others because she holds in her feelings.

Ridiculous said... 10

It's sad that school was THE ONLY place they could go to feel normal, and now when they go back they will feel like outsiders again having been away so long.

It will be awkward for them, knowing the other kids have been back at it for over two weeks.

As a teacher, the thing that irked me the most was having families go on extended vacations and then come back and expect me to reteach everything they missed. When the kids suddenly were behind because of the trip, it became MY FAULT that the kid didn't understand the material currently being covered because they weren't there for the lessons that built up to it.

If it was absences due to prolonged illness or injuries, I was more than happy to help them catch up. Cruises and skiing? Not so much.

IMO, you have 2 1/2 months during the summer, 2 weeks at Christmas and a week for Spring break. It is not acceptable to take long vacations during the times school is in session. Working or not. They should've had on-set teachers and doing school work while on their working trip, and they did not. It is unfathomable to me that Kate gets away with the chit she gets away with.

She is a horrible parent. Plain and simple.

fidosmommy said... 11

To answer your question Admin, NO, I never missed school for one second. It wasn't that I disliked school, it was because I had "summer friends". Much of my time was spent in swimming practices with all sorts of friends - ones who didn't necessarily go to my school or live in my neighborhood. Then there were the hours of leisure at the pool with non-swim team friends and there were swim meets about every other weekend. There were Girl Scout meetings to attend and camping trips to plan. There were evenings playing badminton or croquet with my dad, and there were simple nights of just hanging out by myself. It was perfect.

I dreaded the start of school because it meant goodbye to so many of the summertime joys and back to a school schedule.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 12

Kate herself has said many times Cara is very close to Jon. We have seen how close Cara is to Jon. He even took her on a ski trip just her. They are very bonded. She is Jon's girl.

Maybe she misses her Daddy. She is after all separated from him for three weeks. That is a LIFETIME to a child. Especially a child who is especially bonded with a parent.

A lot has been said about missing school and friends and how tired the kids are, and so on, but I think just as terrible is how long they are being taken away from their Daddy. Can you imagine as a parent being apart from your children for THREE WEEKS? And for no good reason.

I hope he gets lots of visitation days to make up for this when they get back.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 13

If someone pulled their children out of school to plow a field or pick cherries people would be outraged. But it's just fine to pull these kids out to be filmed.

Lots of kids would love to pick fruit in the nice sun and not go to school and would have fun. Lots of kids would have fun at a zoo. But both are WORK and both are missing school.

I do not know very many people who would ever say this is remotely okay, certainly not any teacher. Even the sheeple themselves don't think this is okay! That's highly significant I think.

fidosmommy said... 14

RE: Cara

In one episode Kate delighted in telling us all that Cara would hold everything in and then would pour it all out at once, screaming and crying. Subject after subject of unconnected things would explode out. We got a display of it on camera. Jon and Kate seemed to think it was just Cara's way.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 15

Fidosmommy, the Gosselin kids don't have time to do all the nice things you got to do on vacation--from Girlscouts to swim meets to playing with your Daddy. They are too busy working and being taken from their Dad's visitation time. I think school could be a refuge for them. It is the one place they have privacy. I think they could very well be pining for it by now.

You see similar things from kids who have messy homelives be it divorce or abuse or whatever--they just want to be at school, school is their safe haven.

HI 50 said... 16

Damn MONEYGRUBBING Monster Mommy Dearest!

I despise the Klovers who insist their trips are a 'chance in a lifetime' opportunity. How can that be when the kids look absolutely MISERABLE! Every single day, the Gosselin 8 child laborers work, Work, WORK to support their money grubbing Momster!

I hope Jon files a countersuit against Kate. AND who is monitoring the TIME the kids are on the clock?! TLC runs a tight ship, surely they are traveling from place to place so quickly, it would be difficult for others to follow & clock the kids' work time.

She is a despicable, greedy, money grubbing, famemonger!! I can't stand her!

Mom In Lancaster County said... 17

"It will be awkward for them, knowing the other kids have been back at it for over two weeks."

Nine days. January 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. If they come back this weekend, the 17th is a school holiday. Still, nine days is nine days too many.

Mom In Lancaster County said... 18

"IMO, you have 2 1/2 months during the summer, 2 weeks at Christmas and a week for Spring break."


Oops...I missed this part of your post. They have nearly three full months in the summer, and eleven days for spring break. More than enough time to film without missing a day of school. What I am wondering is why they didn't wait until spring break. What was the rush? Does TLC know that this show is on its last legs and this is their last hope for rejuvenation, and therefore, it had to be done ASAP?

Kartie Dearest said... 19

Yes, agree with everyone on Cara. How can you not see the sadness behind those eyes.

Thank you to someone for correcting me on the start of school date as I thought it was 1/10 not last week Monday.

Has anyone here ever been pulled out of school for an extended time (for vacation or emergency) and if so, how was it trying to catch up with everything?

When I was in 4th grade, my mom took me out of the country for about 1.5 weeks to visit my terminally ill grandfather. I missed about 5-6 school days but took tons of homework with me (books to read, reports to write, math problems to solve--no tutor). I don't regret being pulled out because I had a chance to see my grandfather for the last time however I had trouble catching up with math. It was complicated division equations with the "remainder". My classmates were way ahead and it felt like I was gone for a month! My math grade went from an A to a C that semester.

I just feel for these kids!!

Kartie Dearest said... 20

P.S. One thing I noticed about the sheeple. Their arguments seem to stem from Jon's meltdown incidents between 2008-9.

Last time I checked, it's 2011? The kids are in New Zealand right NOW, this YEAR.

gotyournumberKate said... 21

Now they're horseback riding. How many fun-filled activities (shows) can they cram into one trip? I agree these kids have to be exhausted. How many flights alone have they taken since they left? Flying is exhausting to me as an adult. Has anyone else noticed how many photos of Cara show her with her arms crossed? I'm pretty sure this is sign of being defensive.


Oh, and BTW I apologize for saying I didn't think Steve was taking the photos at the pool. I just saw the shots of the balcony and his position and I agree they came from him. I officially eat my words:)

Save8FromKate said... 22

When I was 9 we took a vacation to Germany during summer vacation for 3 weeks. I did not want to go and miss that time off from school and playing with my friends, swimming, etc. I remember very few things from that vacation. I'm glad to have experienced it but w/ these kids going everywhere in such a short amount of time and really, all of the time throughout the year, what can they really have time to remember. There is no possible way they cannot be physically and mentally exhausted.

This whole fiasco has just becomes more and more sickening all the time. I just pray for Jon, his kids and hope what goes around finally comes around for Kate and she disappears.

TLC stinks said... 23

Where's Steve? Oh yeah, he's the one taking pictures.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said... 24

Those kids are missing *A LOT* of school. It's unbelievable. But, then again, it's Khatezilla Grosselin, the woman who is bringing contempt charges against the kids' own father. P.S. In your opinion, who do you guys think is more mentally ill:

1.) Octomom
2.) Khatezilla Grosselin (By the way, you wouldn't believe the words they are calling Khatezilla on Preesi's site...vile, but TRUE.)
3.) They are BOTH equally mentally-ill

JudyK said... 25

Let's see...Kate has a new tattoo, and it appears obvious to me that she has had those ankles lipo'd. Kate is an exhibitionist and the kids are simply there to frame pics of her. She can't wait to pull off her clothes on any occasion and on all trips to reveal yet another bikini...she must have at least 200 bikinis. And how many shoes, boots, handbags? Yep, it's all about the kids. Those poor little kids.

BaronessB said... 26

How many zoo's and animal shows do you really have to go to Gosselins? Go do something else. It looks like whatever they do or where ever they are. The kids looks wiped, tired, bored and lonely. They need To be around other children to play with. Not their siblings all the time. Its very odd behavior. Just to keep this close nit family together without friends, family and relatives.

The matchy matchy has to end Kate. They are not little toddlers anymore. Poor Cara she looks so upset to me. I feel bad for Cara and Mady. They will start developing soon. You can tell in Cara. This is going to be very awkward stage in their lives. I hope the cameras are gone by then. Mady and Cara don't need to be picked on or have body images problems. Even though I can tell little Miss Mady is turning into mommy. You can tell with her mannerisms, demeanor and personality.

SAHM said... 27

I personally don't think the kids are going back to that school. I think Kate has yanked them all out and will either home school them or put them in another school. I guess we will see when they return.

emschick1128 said... 28

More exciting pics up from New Zealand this time of the kids and Kate horse back riding. Wow, that will make for real must see tv like watching them tour a zoo, very riveting. As usual Kate has her bitch face on in every picture. It's amazing that for even 250k she still can't even PRETEND to be happy around her children. But if she was in LA or getting that straw hair of hers fixed in NY she'd be smiling from ear to ear. It boggles my mind who TLC thinks is going to enjoy this crap. For what this trip has cost them I can't imagine there going to get much in ratings. It's the same thing over and over

Sarah said... 29

"Snow day tomorrow. And what are the Gosselins doing.Yup, they are touring another ZOO! Those poor kids should be playing with their classmates, having sleepovers"

But you know what....it wouldn't matter because they have NO friends that come over or are allowed in the compound. So they would be miserable at home stuck with Mommy Dearest.

Also, remember how Kate HATES putting on snow suits? She timed this trip just right didn't she? No snow suits and a chance to put her bikini on during one of the worst snow storms ever in the USA.

And is it just me, but are Mady's poor clothes too tight from last summer. That is that ratty denim skirt she wore over and over and the shirt is too tight for a growing girl. I guess since she is not one of the six she isn't allowed new matching clothes, or new ones at that.

LisaNH said... 30

Administrator said... Kate herself has said many times Cara is very close to Jon. We have seen how close Cara is to Jon. He even took her on a ski trip just her. They are very bonded. She is Jon's girl.

Maybe she misses her Daddy. She is after all separated from him for three weeks. That is a LIFETIME to a child. Especially a child who is especially bonded with a parent.


Since Cara is Jon's girl, one has to wonder if Kate is especially brutal to Cara for the simple fact that she is close to her father? Maybe that is why she looks so lost.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said... 31

Cara looks broken.

Not Watching said... 32

I am still wondering why anyone would watch this on television? What is so interesting in watching people's "vacation films"? Especially of a family that I don't feel has exceptionally cute kids or those with some sort of great talent. JMO.

I guess brain-numbing, boring television is now the standard.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 33

When will these kids ever get a chance at a normal life that revolves around THEIR NEEDS OR WANTS??? Rhetorical, but amazing that a person who claims to be a super mom has so very little understanding, interest, insight or concern for her kids, chooses to pull them out of school for weeks. I still can no get over her piss poor decision to pull them out of school. And for what purpose? Australia is not going anywhere last I heard.

Queen Kate, as I will now refer to her, is going to have hell to pay one day for all of her selfish choices. Maybe not in the immediate future, but it is coming..... I truly can not get over her dragging these kids on this trip for this duration and pulling them out of school. Last straw. The kids clearly crave some normalcy, which this woman refuses to acknowledge on any level. Queen Kate....

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said... 34

HOW are all of these kids going to make up ALL of that missed school?

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 35

Admin said...When you were a kid and on summer break did you ever find yourself, even if you would never admit it, kind of missing school? The structure, all the friends at your fingertips, getting a break from your parents and siblings. I wonder if these kids MISS school. I have never felt so sorry for them.

Admin- I grew up in a small town with lots of kids, and my summers with filled with tag, hide and seek, wiffle ball, you name it, we played for hours together. I could also walk to my friends' houses, so we could play for hours, so I know I was very fortunate.

Unfortunately, I am not sure the G8 have the same opportunities for outside friendships, playing with other kids, etc... because Kate is a control freak. I have always worried, outside of school, how much time the G8 get to socialize with other children, which is a part of growing up to be healthy balanced adults. With 2 of the G8 expelled, it appears that any "outside" activities with other children may be very limited, due to filming and Kate's anti-social approach to life. Can you imagine having a mother like her decide whether you are allowed to spend time with friends outside of school? She is probably very limiting in this respect, as she is fearful of what the kids will say or do, as she should be, with her piss poor parenting. Sorry, but with the expulsion and then this trip, I have reached my limit with Queen Kate and the damage she is doing to her kids. I sincerely feel terrible for the kids. They deserve so much better.

Westcoaster said... 36

I'm quite sure that whatever educational aspect there is in visiting two lovely countries has been quite lost because these are young children, who live with a woman who completely lacks intellectual curiosity - they are not learning anything about either Australia or New Zealand. Instead they are on another round of airports, zoos, hotels, pools and beaches. Big whoop as the kids themselves might say. They look miserable in most pictures and the Queen Mommy also has her usual snarl on as well. Happy, fun, family vacation anyone? And yes, nine instructional days in the classroom, absent a set teacher, are about eight too many. And they will be time change exhausted for the week following their return. Hope you get your travelogue miles out of this TLC, but I bet your audience is going to be more MIA than you think.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 37

Kate and her tired, little ATMs...

Of course they are all tired, including their wacka-doo mother, and her Man Friday/ personal pappi-doo Steve.

Kate & Steve are going to need a vacation from working so hard, huh?

BaronessB said... 38

Sad news is that when the kids come home. Either they will not see john at all. They will be with a babysitter, nanny or whatever kate calls the help. They will go back to their norm routine. Of school, work slight play time and work. They will only see john slightly. Mommy will be gone to new york. Get a little r and r. Hair, nails, makeup, fakebake on. Picking up a few cases of the high grade box wine and starting her new Plot. She has to get ready for spring break, another bald island vacation and maybe London or Hong Kong this time around. Travel in Style with mommy and eight.

I swear this madness of Kate's will never end. She just pushes the limits on everything. Like someone said. Who cares about seeing this family go on a vacation any ways. Its boring family videos. That are basically just to Kate's liking not the kids.

I have a feeling if this new season of vacations gosselin style during a rescission dont work out and Tlc cancels them. Kate will blame Tlc for putting them on the vacations, took the pictures, bribed the kids and Johns fault.

A normal family of 4 middle class. Couldn't possibly take these many vacations in such a short period of time. The gosselins are not relatable anymore in society. They are above the common man and family.

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita) said... 39

To "A Pink Straight Jacket for Kate said...": "her Man Friday/ personal pappi-doo Steve"... THAT's a good one. P.S. When my daughter was Cara's age and started to develop, I made her wear a bra. Going through puberty with the cameras on you and your parents still fighting it out in divorce court...UGH!

cathy518 said... 40

Yes, and when those exhausted, depleted children finally do make it home, they will be rushed right back to school (no day to recover from jet lag in the McMansion and be in Queen Kate's way!)and face a mountain of make-up work. My son missed almost two weeks with Mono last year and it seemed to take him forever to catch up. He is a high school student too, and his teachers were great about helping out and understanding.

IDModo said... 41

I wonder whether they actually went horseback riding, or whether they just sat on horses in different positions and spots so pictures could be taken.
There is absolutely NO animation on the faces of those children.They look like they could be in the dentist's waiting room.

On the other hand, the expression on the face of the horse that is carrying Kate speaks volumes....

QueenKate said... 42

20 minute photo opp so they could run off to the next activity for 20 minute photo opp. Can we say staged and not about the kids having fun? This has already been proven. When has it ever been about the kids having fun?

There is a place in hell for Kate.

carolinapeach said... 43

9 missed school days times 8 chidlren = 72 days of daily school work and homework to catch up. Can you imagine catching 1 child up that missed 9 days, let alone 8? That is slmost impossible to do and then stay caught up with the current lessons. Hopefully there has been tutoring and they have been keeping up with their school work. That's what any normal parent would make sure happened. It's not like all 8 had the flu at once so there was no preparing for it.

LifeinOH said... 44

IDModo said...
I wonder whether they actually went horseback riding, or whether they just sat on horses in different positions and spots so pictures could be taken.
There is absolutely NO animation on the faces of those children.They look like they could be in the dentist's waiting room.

You are so right. Low affect. Not normal for children engaged and happy.

On the other hand, the expression on the face of the horse that is carrying Kate speaks volumes....

LOL! Priceless :)

BeDoneNow said... 45

Re the sheeple saying this latest film schedule is the 'chance of a lifetime".

NO, KINDERGARTEN is the chance of a lifetime. We have until age 80 to travel and / or work. Kindergarten is something you only do once at age 5.

Or twice at age 6.

Or likely 3 times until age 7...

BeDoneNow said... 46

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... Kate and her tired, little ATMs...

Of course they are all tired, including their wacka-doo mother, and her Man Friday/ personal pappi-doo Steve.

Kate & Steve are going to need a vacation from working so hard, huh?

Kate ALWAYS takes a vacation after her vacations. She will hightail it off to New York for 4-8 days, flipping the kids off as she heads down the driveway.

Enough in New Jersey said... 47

WOW - first photo in a long time where one of the twins doesn't have a mad puss on her face - I'll never forget watching on TV the famous birthday photo where she demands that she take only one photos fakes the smile and stomps off. And we wonder where that bratty behavior comes from ? NOT -- thanks Mom
and how about KHAte's warerobe change - really a short skirt to horse back ride - oh what I just happen to have jeans ...LOL this women is too much ! what an act and bad acting @ that !

Insert Creative Username Here said... 48

Someone on TMZ (the tv show) defended Kate saying she's exploiting the children to "put food on the table". That's one of the main defenses the sheeple come up with.

I'm sorry, but if I was truly poor and had 8 kids to think of, I would do ANYTHING, including living in an apartment, cutting back on everything, taking welfare (which is not something I consider lightly), etc.... But exploiting my children to makes ends meet...I would NEVER do that. Never never never.

The difference between this show and other shows is that this is a reality television show. I don't think kids should be featured on reality television. In a non-reality t.v. show, not only do they have more legal rights, they are playing a role. At the end of the day they could say they were playing a character. They can't say that with reality tv.

Saving Tats said... 49

JudyK said...

Let's see...Kate has a new tattoo, and it appears obvious to me that she has had those ankles lipo'd. Kate is an exhibitionist and the kids are simply there to frame pics of her.

Really? Where is her new tattoo? I must have missed that. Are you talking about the one that showed up on her belly (bikini) photo? That isn't new. She had it in the tummy tuck episode. She asked the doctor what would happen to it, and he admitted that he couldn't "save" all of it.

Maryanne said... 50

From the time I was 3, all through elementary and middle school (8th grade) I was pulled out of school to spend the entire month of March (4 weeks)in Fl. School work was taken along. Having no siblings, I finished it in a week. Ya know what? I have FEW memories of those trips, I couldn't tell you what Cypress Gardens looks like but I've seen the pictures, I WAS there. Returning to school in April was not fun - no one else got pulled for that much consecutive time and the teachers DID show their disapproval. Those tups are not gonna remember much about these trips, except maybe any negative moments. My parents had to quit this when I entered High School - school would not tolerate it. I would've rather stayed home and in school. BTW - I too had a narcisstic mother. I so feel for these children.

Marley said... 51

Another zoo? Who is their activities director?

Anonymous said... 52

I agree with whoever said the kids aren't going to return to their old school. That is SO unfair to Cara and Mady, who have been at that school since Kindergarten and probably have friends and a life there. But Kate is likely furious that the school expelled Alexis and Collin and is going to pull all 8 out to "show them" (as the school admins release a sigh of relief)

I think the twins will end up with Jon. They are not as relevant to the show as the tups are, and they are getting at that "not so fun" age. Once Kate can't make any money off of them, they will be banished to the Jon cornfield.

I do worry about Collin...he looks checked out. At six. So sad.

Watercolor Memories said... 53

From the time I was 3, all through elementary and middle school (8th grade) I was pulled out of school to spend the entire month of March (4 weeks)in Fl. School work was taken along. Having no siblings, I finished it in a week. Ya know what? I have FEW memories of those trips, I couldn't tell you what Cypress Gardens looks like but I've seen the pictures, I WAS there. Returning to school in April was not fun - no one else got pulled for that much consecutive time and the teachers DID show their disapproval.


Same experience here. I also was pulled out of school for weeks on end. We had a vacation home in Florida. Homework was taken along. However, here's where we differ. Teachers never showed their disapproval (possibly because they were all friends of the family!), and returning to school after being away never seemed to be an issue.

I wouldn't trade that experience for anything in the world. Those were, without a doubt, the best years of my life, and I still have fabulous memories of everything we did there (including Cypress Gardens, Sunken Gardens, baseball -- spring training, alligator farms, collecting shells), and when I look at the photos, I can recall vivid details of the trips, and even the fabric of my little dresses, and what perfume my mother wore during Easter dinner. I guess, too, that the time spent there was so very special to me because I was with two parents whom I loved very much. What I wouldn't give to be able to go back there for just one day, even just one hour.

However, when I was 10 or so, my parents realized that missing that much school wasn't a good thing, and we limited our time there, mostly to summer months and holiday vacations. Unlike you, I didn't have a narcissistic mother. She was a saint on earth. What memories she made for me.

That said, comparing my experience to the Gosselins' situation is like comparing apples to oranges. They are working while their mother (and I use that term loosely) films the crap out of them to support her lifestyle. My memories were good ones; and being in what seemed to me to be a tropical paradise (far away from the cold winters of the north) was something I'll never forget. Then, too, there was a constant there. It was familiar territory, and I had a friend who lived next door, and we played together constantly, sharing secrets, having sleepovers, and just being kids! The Gosselins have none of that -- they are dragged around on what she claims are "memory making" adventures of a lifetime, but all of these memories are going to blend together as they get older. What will they remember about going to a ski school when they were three? Probably not much, except their mother's melt-down on a plane...and so it goes.

I also think that all of these trips are, in addition to being money-making ventures, to give them bragging rights by being able to say, "Oh, we were there," "We stayed at an expensive beach hotel in Australia," "We rode horses in New Zealand," "we saw moose in Alaska," ad nauseum...it's a way for her not only to keep up with the Joneses, but to best them to the nth degree.

watchdog said... 54

There's that straw hair again. And she does sorta resemble a scarecrow with that inner beauty of hers.

K8: I haven't got a brain, only straw. Oh, I'm a failure, because I haven't got a brain!
Dorothy: Well, what would you do with a brain if you had one?
K8: Do? Why, if I had a brain, ♫ I would not be just a nothin', my head all full of stuffin', my heart all full of pain. I would dance and be merry, life would be a ding-a-derry, if I only had a brain! ♫
Dorothy: But you don't have a heart!
K8: I know! The sheeple think I'm perfect, but I'm not perfect! Bang on my fake chest if you think I'm perfect. Go ahead - bang on it! It's empty. The tinsmith forgot to give me a heart. All hollow. :(

Nine days. January 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. If they come back this weekend, the 17th is a school holiday. Still, nine days is nine days too many.

Do we know if K8 is sending any of the kids back to that school? Perhaps she really is going to homeschool them all. I didn't say homeschool them herself. LOL!

Moose Mania said... 55

Marley said...

Another zoo? Who is their activities director?


Dr. Doolittle.

mama san said... 56

loved the photo of Kate's hair straggling so that she looks [?] like a witch. Or, is she wearing a wig? thanks for my laugh of the day.

Sheliahky said... 57

Michael Starr's column in the New York Post(about midway through) states that Eileen O'Neill was promoted to a newly created position at Discovery

JudyK said... 58

ROL has a pic of Kate and Steve enjoying a late-night dinner at a swanky restaurant last night. Oh, and her top appears to be strapless.

mama san said... 59

here is the rol photo of the intimate dinner

Interesting that rol has an exclusive

luis said... 60

The kids are there! Please pay attention!

Dulcinea said... 61

JudyK said...

ROL has a pic of Kate and Steve enjoying a late-night dinner at a swanky restaurant last night. Oh, and her top appears to be strapless.


Yes, with the kids. Aaden is at the forefront of the photo (glasses), and it looks like one of the twins sitting next to Kate. ROL never came out and said they had dinner without the kids, but the article implies it. Sneaky bunch...

Dulcinea said... 62

JudyK said...

ROL has a pic of Kate and Steve enjoying a late-night dinner at a swanky restaurant last night. Oh, and her top appears to be strapless.


Yes, with the kids. Aaden is at the forefront of the photo (glasses), and it looks like one of the twins sitting next to Kate. ROL never came out and said they had dinner without the kids, but the article implies it. Sneaky bunch...

Sheliahky said... 63

Michael Starr's column in the New York Post(about midway through) states that Eileen O'Neill was promoted to a newly created position at Discovery

Not Watching said... 64

I am still wondering why anyone would watch this on television? What is so interesting in watching people's "vacation films"? Especially of a family that I don't feel has exceptionally cute kids or those with some sort of great talent. JMO.

I guess brain-numbing, boring television is now the standard.

gotyournumberKate said... 65

Now they're horseback riding. How many fun-filled activities (shows) can they cram into one trip? I agree these kids have to be exhausted. How many flights alone have they taken since they left? Flying is exhausting to me as an adult. Has anyone else noticed how many photos of Cara show her with her arms crossed? I'm pretty sure this is sign of being defensive.


Oh, and BTW I apologize for saying I didn't think Steve was taking the photos at the pool. I just saw the shots of the balcony and his position and I agree they came from him. I officially eat my words:)

Mom In Lancaster County said... 66

"IMO, you have 2 1/2 months during the summer, 2 weeks at Christmas and a week for Spring break."


Oops...I missed this part of your post. They have nearly three full months in the summer, and eleven days for spring break. More than enough time to film without missing a day of school. What I am wondering is why they didn't wait until spring break. What was the rush? Does TLC know that this show is on its last legs and this is their last hope for rejuvenation, and therefore, it had to be done ASAP?

Ridiculous said... 67

It's sad that school was THE ONLY place they could go to feel normal, and now when they go back they will feel like outsiders again having been away so long.

It will be awkward for them, knowing the other kids have been back at it for over two weeks.

As a teacher, the thing that irked me the most was having families go on extended vacations and then come back and expect me to reteach everything they missed. When the kids suddenly were behind because of the trip, it became MY FAULT that the kid didn't understand the material currently being covered because they weren't there for the lessons that built up to it.

If it was absences due to prolonged illness or injuries, I was more than happy to help them catch up. Cruises and skiing? Not so much.

IMO, you have 2 1/2 months during the summer, 2 weeks at Christmas and a week for Spring break. It is not acceptable to take long vacations during the times school is in session. Working or not. They should've had on-set teachers and doing school work while on their working trip, and they did not. It is unfathomable to me that Kate gets away with the chit she gets away with.

She is a horrible parent. Plain and simple.

Worried about all this said... 68

I agree...there is something really wrong going on with Cara. She looks absolutely miserable in every picture. Wasn't she the child who did not have a Halloween costume? And walked out ahead of the other kids from Party City in that episode? What was up with that?

Also, wasn't she sitting away from Kate and the others at the crocodile show in Australia? She looks like she may be starting to go through puberty too. We all know how Mady feels. She expresses herself freely. I think she will be okay. I am possibly more worried about Cara than all the others because she holds in her feelings.

Administrator said... 69

The Kiwi zoo animals are a zoo within the zoo of the Gosselin children. Like if you planted a little ant farm in the elephant cage.

Is that anything like Inception with the dreams within a dream?

BerksPa said... 70

You know what sucks...It's snowing here in PA. Kids are out sledding, enjoying the winter fun. Having snowball fights, etc. (my kids with their friends in the neighborhood, etc)
Snow day tomorrow. And what are the Gosselins doing.
Yup, they are touring another ZOO! Those poor kids should be playing with their classmates, having sleepovers. Making snow angels, drinking hot chocolate and LOVING every dang minute of Winter! My kids would flip out if they didn't get a chance to play in the snow...make snow men and sled. But then again, we're all bundled up here and not tooling around in the summer heat from one zoo to another.
BTW...didn't the Gosselin's go to a Crocodile place when they were in Florida for the kids birthday? No wonder they looked bored at the Croc Hunter's zoo...Been There, Done That...

Administrator said... 71

When you were a kid and on summer break did you ever find yourself, even if you would never admit it, kind of missing school? The structure, all the friends at your fingertips, getting a break from your parents and siblings. I wonder if these kids MISS school. I have never felt so sorry for them.