While many eye-witnesses and insiders have reported that Kate drinks (some even report quite heavily), she's never actually been seen purchasing booze before until today.
And she ended up in the fire lane again. In this photo, you can see "fire" written under her car, and the red fire sign reflecting in the car window.
188 sediments (sic) from readers:
Tip it!
Her lack of discretion is a little frightening. If you were in Kate's shoes with all the speculation about your drinking, when you see Chris around wouldn't you just KEEP DRIVING and not stop at the liquor store? Or send your assistant whom no one recognizes. Instead she walks in there without a care in the world.
I think she really does want to just fuel the blogs and cause chatter and drama. It's like she really has just done a giant F-U I don't care what you say I don't care what you think I am what I am deal with it. This kind of attitude is bizzare and frightening.
Booze, expensive cars, manicures, pedicures, hair extensions--still don't see how any of this benefits the kids.
I have read that she has an occasional glass of wine before bed. Don't really know if she drinks much or not. It would not surprise me if she did drink .... being all alone so much of the time. Drink enough and you can convince yourself of anything ... like I am a good mother, I am a good mother. LMAO
Admin, ITA with your 2 theories about this latest "development".
Either way, K8SUCKS big time.
Oh, and I am willing to give her leeway about the lack of coat thing - she looks good (clothing only).
We know this is how Kate feels, we know she feels like "F-U." When she was comparing herself to Sarah Palin (hahahahhaa) she talked about how she didn't like America get her down and neither will Kate.
Kate? America was mad at Sarah Palin for her job and for politics, get it??? It was not personal, for the vast majority. With Kate it's OH soooo personal, it's about the very core of who she is as a person and as a mother. How can she even begin to compare the two?
Sarah Palin has tons of supporters and tons of detractors, and it's almost all about politics. It makes sense for Sarah to keep trucking on. For Kate, when most of America thinks you're a child exploiter and money-grubbing famewhore, maybe, just maybe, most of America is right and you are wrong? I mean maybe just a teeny bit. But no she has never in her life even allowed this to be a remote possibility.
I didn't notice that another good catch about parking illegally. What is wrong with her knowing Chris is right there? Seriously she has gone off her rocker, it's official.
I'm surprised she didn't open the bottle of booze right there and then and start guzzling it down as she drives away and Chris snaps pics, she's that brazen right now.
Kate probably thinks if it's organic you can't be an alcoholic.
Yepperdoo, Admin. Organic wine doesn't cause liver/brain damage to alcoholics! Just the other stuff! Not that I think that she's an alcoholic by any means, but her rationale toward 'organic' is really laughable.
Admin, you are right, she is simply doing the liqour store trip as a way to stay relevent in the eye of the public. Why else would she call Chris and let him know where she was headed so he could take pictures of her?
I think it's a forgone conclusion that she lets Chris know where she will be and when. And when Chris isn't available (like maybe not being able to get a passport so he could go on the Aus/NZ trip) Rat Claw is available for photog duty.
I find it ironic that she buying booze while driving the van that she is supposed to transport her children in.
This fire lane thing is seriously starting to piss me off. One time okay maybe she didn't see the sign. But this is at least the third time she's parked in that lane.
Someone in my immediate family is a diabetic and they have had a few episodes of very low blood sugar which resulted in a coma and we had to call an ambulance. Thank God each time there was no one like Kate blocking their way to us. Thankfully it's been several years since the last episode, but what if someone diabetic was in that store and an ambulance needed to be called and Kate's big honkin' SUV is parked right there blocking the entrance? Or ANY emergency?
Does someone need to die before Kate stops being such a selfish arrogant tool and parks where the rest of America parks, in a damn designated parking spot?
My bet is she's been asked to pick up a bottle of sake for a Japanese dinner. She clearly does not have a clue what she's shopping for. Maybe they are having Part II of the Asian Dinner tradition, with Mady sporting chopsticks in her hair and the little children all wearing matching kimonos while they have their Nobu shipped in from New York for appetizers, and fresh Alaskan Salmon for entree. Sake for Mom and ????.
You know, they were practically in Japan when they were in New Zealand and in Alaska (snark) so Kate assumes she knows all about that country and its cuisine and customs. She just absorbed all Pacific culture while in Alaska, Australia and NZ. ;-)
Are we to believe Chris camps out at the liquor store all day every day in the hopes that Kate will one day stop in and he gets the photo? Or did Kate call him to meet her there at exactly the same moment she stepped out of her car? Things that make you go hmm.
I love the cozy layered shirts by the way. Now get out of the fire lane.
Yeah I bet this will be an Asian-themed episode. Oh so the kids are working on a school night? Nice!
fidosmommy, laughing at your comments.
Good catch on illegally parking, PJ's Momma. K8's sense of entitlement knows no bounds.
I mentioned this on a previous thread, but K8 going to a liquor store, for whatever reason, is indeed a whopping FU to everyone because she is backed by the POWERFUL AND RELENTLESS TLC. She does whatever the h8ll she wants because SHE CAN.
fidosmommy kind of beat me to it...I was going to suggest that perhaps she was going to be cooking special Japanese cuisine for Stevie-boy.
Looks like she's parked in the fire zone again.
I agree, this is most definitely a photo op set up by Kate. That explains why she has no coat and why she is buying organic wine ... you know, sticking with the brand.
She probably couldn't send the nannies out for the wine, anyway. Most of them appear to be under-age.
rollin' rollin' rollin', keep that PR rollin' KARTHIDE
It's amazing to me that she continously
insists on parking in fire zones.
Her cojones are the size of Pa.
Oh for god's sake, of course she's called that pap to come and play with her. For one thing he's right there inside the store with her, one of those pics is a close up of the bottle being placed in a bag. She has the semi-scowl, the she uses to pretend she's annoyed. My guess is that she had some sake while Down Under and decided to remind the world that she is now a world traveler. Oh and ORGANIC, all the better. Crazy biotch.
She looks like she's out of it going into the liquor store. She even parked her van crooked in the fire lane. She didn't even park in a real parking spot. Something is definitely wrong with her.
Whoo, I think Chris sometimes just follows them. It would be very easy to linger at Jon's apartment and follow his car when he leaves right to the gas station or pharmacy. That makes sense given that Chris catches him once he starts pumping gas, or coming OUT of the pharmacy, not going in.
I thought there was no parking outside the Gosselin house, which makes them harder to trail out of the house. But let's assume he followed Kate anyway, somehow. That doesn't explain how he managed to have time to find a parking spot and run to the door of her car as she was opening it and getting out. Unless Kate WAITED for him to get set up, which is just as bad as calling him.
If the pics were only of her coming OUT of the liquor store yes I would probably assume he just followed her. But they are of her arriving and getting out of the car, like it's a movie premiere. How did he get set up so quick?
LisaNH said...
I find it ironic that she buying booze while driving the van that she is supposed to transport her children in.
Get real...I never support anything this wretched excuse for a mother does, but this is over the top. She is buying wine, just like millions of other Americans do every single day...she is NOT drinking it in the van she is transporting her children in. I am a gourmet cook, and I drink wine with every dinner every night. I NEVER drink and drive. And I applaud her for having the balls to buy it herself instead of assigning that task to one of her many paid helpers, knowing she will be criticized for it...this is in no way a cover-up.
How did he get set up so quick?
I guess the bra isn't the only magical thing in Kate's life. The pink cell phone has a life of its own and automatically dials him when before she leaves the house!
"She even parked her van crooked in the fire lane. She didn't even park in a real parking spot. Something is definitely wrong with her."
I told you she still doesn't know how to drive that vehicle. It's time to get serious about reading that owner's manual!
LisaNH said...
I find it ironic that she buying booze while driving the van that she is supposed to transport her children in.
She's not drinking and driving, neither with the kids or without the kids. She's buying a bottle of wine, probably for cooking. How is she supposed to get it home? Strap it to the roof, or send it home in a cab? Sheesh!
In addition, if she were on a booze-buying trip, I doubt that she would just stop with Saki. There would be more in that sack than just one bottle, like Chardonnay, Captain Morgan, Seagram 7, and a good bottle of Absolut.
Did the store employee have to sign a CA to prevent him from spilling the beans to the media on her liquor purchase or purchases, and the identity of the photographer?
Chris is so lucky to get the money shot. She waited till he parked his car, got his gear together then ran in the store before he took the staged photo. Maybe he even texted her, "When you go up to the register, turn around, act surprised then I'll take the shot!"
Liquor stores are filled with people buying wine. I doubt they are all drunks. Buying wine does not equal alcoholism. Again, pure speculation and assumption.
STAGED! I love how the salesman is holing the bottle perfectly so we can read the label. Something about how it says premium on it amuses me, like she saw that it's both "organic" and "premium" just like her! It reminds me of when I worked at Trader Joe's and someone came up to me looking for the Trader Joe's brand "gourmet pie crusts." I led her to them and handed her a box and she looked at me and said "but are these the gourmet?" I kept my mouth shut and thought "lady, it says gourmet because we put it on the box." It's so funny how people believe every buzz word they see on a products packaging.
Hey, who knows, maybe Kate is an expert on booze. I wouldn't be surprised ;)
Anna, read the comments again no one here said Kate was an alcoholic. In fact just the opposite, PJ said "Not that I think that she's an alcoholic by any means."
Don't spin things that are not here.
There was some snark that you can't be an alcoholic if it's organic, which was just SNARK about Kate and her silly obsession with organic, and hardly the same thing as accusing Kate of being an alcoholic.
That sad, when is the last time you saw pap photos of another celeb in the liquor store? It's because real celebs don't DO THAT. They understand pap photos of a liquor store cause gossip and speculation and they avoid it. So it really begs the question why is Kate putting herself in a position where she is causing this? Has she become that desperate to be talked about? The point being made here is that Kate has become so brazen she doesn't give a crap about liquor stores or fire zones.
I am tired of words being put in people's mouths.
Judy, lots of people drink wine every night. Some of them are alcoholics, most aren't. They don't have to be chefs to do that.
I don't commend Kate for this however. This wasn't a brave act, it was an arrogant STUNT. And a double one at that--buying liquor and parking in the fire zone. Celebs who drink wine don't try to create controversies around it.
Administrator said...
Yeah I bet this will be an Asian-themed episode. Oh so the kids are working on a school night? Nice!
What? Has someone announced that the dinner is for tonight? Sake doesn't stay potable for more than a day? Somebody should contact the liquor store and tell them that the shelf-life of Sake is only one day! If it's an Asian-theme episode, why would you assume that it's being filmed TONIGHT?
"I'm surprised she didn't open the bottle of booze right there and then and start guzzling it down as she drives away and Chris snaps pics, she's that brazen right now."
Quite honestly, Admin., I'm surprised at your comments on this thread. This just doesn't sound like remarks you would make. In fact, I've read more "brazen" comments from the bloggers on this one than on others with a hundred or so posts. I'm hoping this is just a fluke, and the blog isn't sinking to the level of the Sheeple. This is the stuff they eat up with gusto!
Julianna, it was just a guess about what the wine might be for, that's all. Relax.
The sheeple "eat up" anything no one can say anything that is acceptable to them, so who cares?
I am not going to apologize for considering someone who parks in a FIRE LINE quite possibly putting someone's very life in danger to be just as brazen as someone who drives with an open container.
What excuse for why Kate parks in a fire lane and endangers people's lives? What?
Has anyone ever had to call an ambulance for a loved one? I have. Surely even some of Kate's fans have. Would it still be okay if it were Kate's car blocking help to your loved one? This is not okay period and there is NO excuse for it, none.
Here's the thing I've noticed w/ Kate.
She does most of her shopping on Tuesdays. When I've seen her out and about (not just taking the kids to the school bus) it's always those days and also that's when pics of her are taken. Target, UPS, Nails, Tan.
If she really didn't want to be followed (let's say she *cough* doesn't *cough* call Chris) then wouldn't she vary her shopping excursions?
UPS/Starbucks/Liquor Store are all in the same complex.
Nails/Tan/Target are in another complex.
She must do this big ole 'circle of shopping' in one day and then whatever else the rest of the week. (with the occasional tanning sessions on different days I think...according to Chris's photos)
I'm definitely not a Kate fan but I don't really see the big deal about buying a bottle of sake from a liquor store. I could criticize her on so many other issues. Now if she were caught patronizing a drive-through daiquiri stand (yes, they do exist in some places!) I would question her judgment.
I buy cheap vodka from liquor stores. I mix it with water, put it in a spray bottle and use it as an unscented substitute for Febreze. Heaven help me if someone I know saw me making my purchase.
No excuses for parking in a fire lane.
I'm sorry I meant Giant (food store) not Starbuck. Starbucks is across the complex from the Tanning place.
Target/Bed Bath Beyond/Party City etc are in the same complex...it's late, I'm usually in bed at this hour...
Administrator said...
Are we to believe Chris camps out at the liquor store all day every day in the hopes that Kate will one day stop in and he gets the photo? Or did Kate call him to meet her there at exactly the same moment she stepped out of her car? Things that make you go hmm.
Are we to believe that Chris hangs out at the pharmacy all day, or did Jon call him to meet him there? Things that make you go hmm.
Thankyoufairy, a bottle of wine is not a big deal. The doing it in front of the paps is a big deal. So is parking in a fire lane. No other celebs do such a thing.
When Jon went to a bar last year he was raked through the coals. Most celebs realize that it's just tacky to be photographed at bars, liquor stores, and the like. Most celebs avoid it.
If the paps were there when Jon was getting out of his car at the pharmacy, ready to snap that photo, I would agree with you. They didn't catch him until he came out, which suggests they were following him and set up in time for him to come back out. The same goes when Kate is caught coming out of places. She was probably followed.
Kate was photographed getting out of the car as if the pap had plenty of time to get ready for it. I think they both tip off the paps.
And Jon? How did the paps get set up in time for Kate to get out of the car? There are no photos of Jon getting OUT, just getting back in. Also how did they find her at random places in Australia? I think they are both guilty of tipping off the paps.
Do you think she's asking the guy, "Do you have anything that says ORGANIC on the label?". Maybe that's the only reason why she bought the sake!?!? She's so healthy, I'll bet she smokes organic cigarettes. ;)
UGH! I don't want to have anything in common with Kartie but UGH... I have to admit the Momokawa Ginjo brand is probably one of the best affordable grocery store sake brand there is. It's really smooth and great either hot or cold, especially the junmai. This is not a cooking rice wine, it's a drinking rice wine.
It is strong stuff so you have to pour it in a small sake cup and sip it to appreciate the flavor. The bottle size she bought is appropriate for a party-size group but I dont think she's heading to a party anytime soon (unless it's a party for 1).
If she bought that for herself.. dayum woman!!There's a term in Japan called "Kitchen Drinker" to define those who drink in their kitchen alone and depressed. Need I say more...
Let me add that I'm NOT a heavy drinker--- my drinking limit is quite laughable actually (1/2 a beer and done) but I do enjoy smooth tasting sake with sushi or at a party.
I think parking in the fire zone for photo-op is a bigger violation than purchasing the liquor, but if she's drinking that alone every night, I hope it's after the kids are asleep.
You could give this woman organic antifreeze and she would take a swig.
What I'm finding amusing about the recent pics is the NE is experiencing some extremely frigid temps and there's "19 layer" Kate schlepping around with no coat.
If she's too cold and can't function when it's 10 degrees in Alaska, how in the world does she manage when it's below freezing in Pennsylvania?
My only explanation is the absence of Chris. No Chris, she freezes and wants to hole up in an expensive lodge. Chris, she'll run around outside all day. And we thought Steve was all-powerful.
Administrator said... Judy, lots of people drink wine every night. Some of them are alcoholics, most aren't. They don't have to be chefs to do that.
I don't commend Kate for this however. This wasn't a brave act, it was an arrogant STUNT. And a double one at that--buying liquor and parking in the fire zone. Celebs who drink wine don't try to create controversies around it.
After thinking about this, I agree with you--especially since she was photographed--had to be a photo op. And I posted before I read the other comments, so didn't see the fire lane violation report. That just galls me. Kate doesn't give a damn about anyone but herself, and it reminds me of something I read on another blog a day or two ago. A neighbor of Kate's said Kate was parked next to her a few days ago at Target--just staring straight ahead, got out of her SUV, slammed her car door, hitting this woman's car and denting it. When the woman confronted Kate, Kate told her to get away from her. She said Kate then walked up to a young man with a camera and then backed away and started walking again as he took her pic. I believe it because it sounds just like Kate (and Chris). Remember her hit and run?
Maybe Steve was going to make her sushi at home. I don't think it would be for filming, because they always hid that on film like they were teetotalers.
Admin, I agree. It's to fuel the blogs. I haven't read any posts yet, so I'm not sure what other have said yet. Kate, oh Kate...
OK, so a few ideas. MAYBE, she is having a friend over. HAHAHA. Or, maybe she is having salmon for dinner & really wants to indulge. Maybe she's freezing her ass off from not wearing a coat & needs to warm the eff up (let's hope she's not slugging that bottle back in her car but I doubt she'd be THAT dumb, but she IS dumb because alcohol does not warm the blood), or maybe she just felt like having a few small cups of sake last night. One bottle does not an alcoholic make & I'm NOT defending Kate, but she KNOWS Chris is there, & she just HAPPENS to stop at the liquor store? Hmmmm? She knows exactly what she's doing. Fueling the blogs, getting onto INF, & getting all of us talking. BORING.
She clearly wants attention. Thank goodness she's not getting much outside of a few blogs here and there.
Staged photo op indeed.
thankyoufairy said...
I buy cheap vodka from liquor stores. I mix it with water, put it in a spray bottle and use it as an unscented substitute for Febreze. Heaven help me if someone I know saw me making my purchase.
Add some pretty scented essential oils to make a cheap, home-made room spray! (lavender, chamomile-expensive tho-, eucalyptus, rosemary, etc) That's what I do! :) Oh, & distilled water is best, just an FYI. :) I LOVE doing it! I make a "relaxing" spray for my son's room, one for the bathroom, living room, etc. So much fun!!
Maybe she is stocking up in preparation for the E! THS airing. I think if I had one of those airing about me, I would grab a bottle(or two) of wine to drink while watching. Just sayin. :)
I love the "innocent" look on her face when she is turned to the camera, but not looking directly at him. "Oh wow, what was that click?" LOL She is certainly NOT an actress. Such an obvious photo op.
Illegal parking? Who cares? It is the QUEEN of ORGANICS! Move outta the way!
I would be willing to bet this is a "hint" for an upcoming 'gourmet" dinner that Kate and TLC has in the works. Something other than those famous PB and banana sandwiches she "developed". LOL Why else would there be such an obvious photo op? (Other than the attention, of course)
"thankyoufairy said...I buy cheap vodka from liquor stores. I mix it with water, put it in a spray bottle and use it as an unscented substitute for Febreze."
I had never heard of this! I would think it might stain certain fabrics it comes in contact with? Sorry, this just caught my eye, have to ask!
Sara let me put it to you this way. No other celeb is stupid enough to park in a fire lane when the PAPS are there. Show me a pic of someone else doing that and I'll stand corrected. When you google celebrity and fire lane, just Kate comes up. Little ole Kate.
I hope no one in that plaza ever has to call 911.
As long as she understands this could happen:
Administrator said...
This fire lane thing is seriously starting to piss me off. One time okay maybe she didn't see the sign. But this is at least the third time she's parked in that lane.
"She is capable of being furious if she is ignored or is not given what she wants. She has mastered the art of expressing an opinion so forcibly and convincingly that it takes on the appearance of being a fact.
"Her regular tantrums involve swearing, shouting, intimidation and threatens. She will wear people down until, for a quieter life, they agree with her. Interestingly, what she threatens to inflict on others is what she would find most damaging and hurtful to herself. Equally interestingly, she feels criticism and humiliation intensely, even if none is intended or given, and she will fight ferociously to defend what she sees as an attack, whether or not there is one. Sometimes she will create a threat in her mind merely to defend and excuse what she knows to be her own dreadful behavior.
"She will expect you to keep quiet about her conduct towards you, assuming you will feel shame or embarrassment because you tolerate it. If you collude by maintaining your silence, it perpetuates her behavior. She needs her victims to stay quiet about her. Beware of allowing yourself to get sucked into this game. She’ll take delight in knocking you down a peg or two - for your own good, of course!
"This attitude demonstrates a lack of concern for other people’s wishes, welfare and rights, and she matter-of-factly shows a blatant disregard for society’s rules, regulations and laws. A petty but common example of this is her blasé attitude towards parking her car. Parking restrictions simply don’t apply to her and parking tickets are stuffed in the glove compartment to be forgotten and left unpaid.
"Parking fines are not the only unpaid bills that mount up. When the bailiffs call she spins her sob story and plays the victim. Yet the moment they have been persuaded to leave she feels nothing more than contempt for those to whom she owes money. Her definition of a personal loan is often more like a donation; so don’t expect to see your cash again. Don’t ever open a joint bank account with her. She defaults on formal loans, and will almost certainly have a poor credit rating. She may even have stacks of County Court Judgments (CCJs) against her."
K8 IS a female sociopath.
I believe she is parked in the fire lane because having to wear heavy coats and drive is uncomfortable, so with her huge entitlement issues and her 'I'm so important the rules don't apply to me' (and why should they, she gets away with everything!) this way she can park in the fire lane, hop right out to the door of the store without putting on a coat. Besides she wants people to see how conservatively she is dressed and they can't see that if she has on a coat. B**ch!
Remember when she claimed she doesn't pay attention to people at the Toys R Us episode? How she said 'I will never lay down and die', and all the rest of her nastiness when talking about people watching her show and making her famous? Everything she does now is in answer to people's remarks on blogs. Everything. When they were in Australia, the tups were wearing shirts that said 'happy me' on the front of them. There are too many examples to mention here, but you've all seen them. She really thinks people believe everything she says -- well the 5 sheeple do, but that's it.
She is so beyond disgusting. She may look fairly good on the outside - sans the straw hair -- but she is SOOO ugly on the inside it just leaks out.
Berks PA: Did you ever stop to think that since YOU personally know Kates schedule of what days she does things, that the paps are probably smart enough to figure it out too? Whats the big deal over a bottle of sake? Why is that newsworthy?
You know damn well she's texting Chris: "come closer to the window u idiot so u can get a shot of the sake"
And the fire lane thing grinds my gears too. Too bad there's never a cop around to ticket her. Better yet a tow truck.
I have driven 15 passenger vans in the past (the kind that Kate drives.) Those things are horrible to park with. Kate would likely have to park at the furthest spot away in the parking lot to be able to easily pull forward with that monster. That being said, parking in the fire lane is NO EXCUSE when she is able bodied enough to walk the full length of the parking lot. Of course, with her "celebrity" status, walking that full length appears as though it is beneath her. It's a shame that even those in handicapped parking, who have a need to be closer, have to walk further than Kate. I feel so sick at her desire to place herself beyond everyone.
OOOOO, a sheeple has appeared. And she just left the fan site that claims to have 620 followers and is begging for all those 'followers' to come out and comment. Sad to say to the sheeple, people go to the fan sites to LOL at the excuses made for Kart's behavior. They don't comment about how great Kart is. There are only 5 of those left.
The sheeple just cannot stand it when someone who lives in the area and sees Kate comes here to make a comment. It doesn't mean she is following her around, just that she sees her out and about - not rocket science. Their jealousy that they cannot be the ones who see Kate is out of control. IF you don't like the comments here, why are you here? Why not hang out at your favorite sheeple site where you can all worship Kate to your hearts content?
I have never heard/read of any "speculation" about Kate being a drunk except on here. So much for "all" the speculation!
What better way to dispel rumors of a drinking problem than to stage a photo op going to the liquor store (for the first time ever!) looking kind of lost, needing help finding what she wants, then purchasing only ONE bottle. Trust me, wine is being delivered to her house by someone on a regular basis.
You’re right Shortnsaszy – one bottle of sake is no big deal. That’s what she wants you to think. This was all for show.
Shortnsaszy...Duh! that's what I was trying to say...!
That's why I put that out there...Chris doesn't have to park his car outside the house, he knows her routine, and if she really wanted to keep him guessing, then she would vary her schedule... Gawd some people need reading comprehension classes.
Sake/Vodka/Boxed Wine...I don't give a crap.
However, I do care that she parks like the queen of Sheba in fire lane. The parking spots are not that far away...it's a two side 'lane' by the entry with the parking spots parallel to it.
The alcohol shopping just feeds the fire...if she wanted to hide it she could by shopping at a different State Store not the one right next to Giant and the UPS place she frequents.
This photo has nothing to do with K8 drinking and everything to do with her being an self- centered famewhore. Can't wait until Queenie gets a ticket or towed for parking her arse in the Fire Lane.
I did get a kick out of the fact that K8 chose organic sake - gawd she's so pathetic.
I dont care if she buys a bottle of wine. I dont care if she goes without a coat in near zero temps, even though upper 40's and "19 layers" sent her into a tantrum in Alaska.
I DO care that she parks in fire lanes and has not be ticketed.
She has likely set up this shot to show her fans how 'culturized' she is.
If she was getting wasted on sake she would be buying a lot more than one lousy bottle. There is no doubt in my mind that she is a heavy drinker and smoker, THAT is what is aging her face so badly.
As far as hot flashes go, too much blood sugar, as in processing the sugars in alcohol, can produce sweats in the body.
Now that my 4 children are grown and gone, I too have a glass of wine (Pinot Grigio thank you) nearly every evening.
*IF* Kate did not set up this shot, then I say this: You sold your 'realest reality' life and your privacy for money, Kate. And you sold other people's lives too, simply because you feel entitled to do so. THIS is what you get - criticism and scrutiny. WE the viewing public are paying money to scrutinize you, that is what you are getting paid for. We gawk at you and scrutinize what we see, and then you get to cash the checks. THAT is the way it works. If you dont like it, then get out. Or find something else to charge us for. Your dancing? No. Your pleasant personality? Nyet. Your compassionate interviewing skills? Nada. Your mothering skills? aniyo.
Ronie the alcohol speculation by no means began here. A former nanny gave an interview awhile ago about Kate's drinking. Maybe someone can dig it up. It is not something dreamed up, Kate's own employee ratted her out.
Sorry to change the subject but I recently saw a commercial for the new TLC show Kitchen Boss starring Buddy from Cake Boss and realized that he now has already had 2 spinoffs filmed and aired on TLC in less than 2 years, which reminded me of how pathetic it is that Twist of Kate is MIA. These TLC shows are so cheap and quick and easy to film and edit yet Twist of Kate has been in pre-production for going on a year. You would think TOK is a TV masterpiece with all the time it's taking. I think it's clear at this point that TOK ain't happening.
According to the sheeple the woman at INF who wrote the Sake story is giving them the wink wink with her writing. Also according to the sheeple they are all highly intelligent gals with a keen sense of humor (if they do say so themselves) and are able to detect the sardonic wit and satire in the INF article that the humorless haterz are unable to understand. They think the INF writer is making fun of the haterz instead of Kate. *eyeroll*
BerksPa said...
Shortnsaszy...Duh! that's what I was trying to say...!
That's why I put that out there...Chris doesn't have to park his car outside the house, he knows her routine, and if she really wanted to keep him guessing, then she would vary her schedule... Gawd some people need reading comprehension classes.
Sake/Vodka/Boxed Wine...I don't give a crap.
However, I do care that she parks like the queen of Sheba in fire lane. The parking spots are not that far away...it's a two side 'lane' by the entry with the parking spots parallel to it.
The alcohol shopping just feeds the fire...if she wanted to hide it she could by shopping at a different State Store not the one right next to Giant and the UPS place she frequents.
Why should she want to hide it? There is nothing wrong with buying a bottle of sake. If it causes bloggers to gossip, so be it. She clearly doesn't care, nor should she. I wouldn't care what complete strangers were saying about me either if I were in her position.
I keep hearing about this Sageway site, so I went there. Oh my goodness, they are all laughing at everyone else because "THEY" don't see how she's parked in the fire lane because there's no red or yellow line. You can clearly see FIRE LANE beneath the truck and she has been photographed there repeatedly, right under the sign that says, "Fire lane, no parking," a sign I just saw twice in my gym's parking lot. I do, however, agree with them that Jessica writes those snarky captions to poke fun at the haters, because just about everything she snarkily accuses Kate of doing is something a hater would accuse of her doing. Who cares if she does or doesn't wear a coat or buys a bottle of wine? I sure don't care about that our her wardrobe/hair choices (except that she spends a lot on stuff for herself and not the kids). If she wants to look foolish, that's up to her. But the illegal parking? Big no no.
Kate Gosselin accused of drinking and beating children
* June 17th, 2009 3:22 am ET
According to The National Enquirer a former employee of the Gosselin's has come forward accusing Kate of being a heavy drinker and says she often hit the children. The former employee claims that after a hard day of mommy work, Kate would settle in and drink a whole bottle of wine to ease her troubles.
"Jon didn't usually drink with her, and he didn't seem pleased with it. He'd roll his eyes and tell Kate to put the wine down. She'd answer, 'Screw you. I'll do what I want.' Her frustration with the kids seemed to be taking a toll, and drinking was her outlet," the source said.
The source even accused Kate of disciplining the kids off-camera in a very harsh and sometimes violent manner. "When one of the boys closed a door on another one once, Kate got in their faces and yelled, 'You tell me the truth about what happened!'" the source recalled.
"The children just stood there, terrified. Then she dragged one of the boys into the bathroom and spanked him five or six times with a large plastic mixing spoon." The source claimed that this happened more than once but Kate didn't want any of it in the show and therefore it was never shown.
Continue reading on Examiner.com: Kate Gosselin accused of drinking and beating children - Miami Reality TV | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/reality-tv-in-miami/kate-gosselin-accused-of-drinking-and-beating-children#ixzz1CAYDMwjz
Again, WHO CARES about the damn bottle of liquor?? It's all to keep the un-relevant one relevant. Since Kate the Kon hasn't been in the news lately, she just HAD to feed her ego somehow. She knew this would light the boards right up, & everyone is feeding right into the palms of her greased up wrinkly, orange hands. Who cares about the jacket, she is showing off her goods on INF. And she KNEW parking in a fire lane would cause an uproar. She's frigin' dumb, but she knows how to start a hailstorm & to get people talking about her. It's all about getting herself out there & people talking about her. She probably called her PR person & said all whiny & in a little girl voice:
"I haven't been in the news lately. I haven't been on INF, or ROL, or anything since Jon sued me. What should I do" pout pout pout...
PR person: "Call Chris, go to the liquor store, that'll get people talkin', oh, & park in the fire lane...yeah..."
Kate: "Good idea, & I won't wear a jacket to have the bloggers KEEP talking about my boobs & the fact that I couldn't hack it in Alaska! I'm relev...newswor...popular another day!"
Wow, amazing! Just went to...I think "Gossip Center" and saw pics of Kate in the same outfit picking up her kids after the liquor store pickup. Same outfit, but DIFFERENT SHOES! She has on flat, wedge-type shoes at the liquor store and very slim, high-heeled boots on at the bus pickup. Now, tell us again sheeple, how this is NOT a photo op! What a laugh. And the little boys look miserable...just hanging their heads. And Mady looks like she's giving Kate some lip. Love Mady. (Have trouble telling Mady and Cara apart, so maybe it's Cara.)
Ronie said...
I have never heard/read of any "speculation" about Kate being a drunk except on here. So much for "all" the speculation!
There has been "speculation" about Kate drinking for over a year and it was even in an article in the NE.
Glad you're reading here, though (however, if you were reading other blogs or magazines you'd have seen it discussed there, too).
The parking in the fire lane -- This is not the first time she has done this. How does she keep managing to get away with it? Why is she never punished by law enforcement for this? How does she always talk her way out of everything. Even the sheeps cannot defend this one. No way, no how.
The source—who claims to have worked for the Gosselins for six months until summer 2008—spills, "By the end of the day after the kids were settled, Kate would drink a bottle of wine by herself. This happened several nights a week."
This was a source from JUNE 2009. People have been talking about this issue since before this blog was even born. Actually, we were kind of late to the game.
Chris had a full schedule. Take pics of KG buying sake, then of her picking up the kids. The photo of her holding the jar of pretzels (label out) is so obviously staged. Please correct me if someone is in "disagreeance".
Hmmm... what will we hear next.. that Momokawa and the Pretzel company struck an endorsement deal with KG.
This woman, Kate G. will do anything to stay relevant. This article showing her at the liquor store is disgusting and unnecessary. I'm done with anything she says or does. I don't care if she buys the entire liquor store. She has still grifted and worked her kids to get everything she has. Without the 8 kids, she would still be working an 8 to 5 job like the rest of society and probably couldn't afford fuel for that big oversized van or a trip to the liquor store. This just needs to stop.
justthefacts said...
The source—who claims to have worked for the Gosselins for six months until summer 2008—spills, "By the end of the day after the kids were settled, Kate would drink a bottle of wine by herself. This happened several nights a week."
I was going to ask where you found this quote but I googled it myself and found it EVERYWHERE from June '09. lol The "speculation" about Kate drinking has been going on for a longggg time.
"Now, the National Enquirer is claiming that she's been turning to bottles of booze to calm herself down after long days on the set of Jon & Kate Plus 8 with her octo-brood."
The source—who claims to have worked for the Gosselins for six months until summer 2008—spills, "By the end of the day after the kids were settled, Kate would drink a bottle of wine by herself. This happened several nights a week."
"While many people have been assuming it's hubby Jon Gosselin who has been turning to substances to ease the stress of his day-to-day life, it seems as though he didn't approve of her boozing."
"Jon didn't usually drink with her, and he didn't seem pleased with it. He'd roll his eyes and tell Kate to put the wine down. She'd answer, 'Screw you. I'll do what I want.' Her frustration with the kids seemed to be taking a toll, and drinking was her outlet."
JudyK, whether it's a staged photo or not, she's wearing the same shoes in both sets of pictures. Her pants are long and cover her boots, but she's wearing the same boots in both sets of pictures. I sort of assumed she went from her, ahem, errands, to pick up the kids.
"Please correct me if someone is in "disagreeance".
I used to shake my head at the Kate-isms, but this was one time (probably the only time) that the word usage was actually not one that was made up. Disagreeance, while not used much anymore, is a word. I wonder if she knew that, or just happened to get lucky!
Where is the pretzel photo?
Not sure if you are already aware of this 'collection', so I'll post it for others to see it:
(The link is very long,and I'm not sure if this tag works. I hope you won't mind if it doesn't).
JudyK said...
Wow, amazing! Just went to...I think "Gossip Center" and saw pics of Kate in the same outfit picking up her kids after the liquor store pickup. Same outfit, but DIFFERENT SHOES! She has on flat, wedge-type shoes at the liquor store and very slim, high-heeled boots on at the bus pickup. Now, tell us again sheeple, how this is NOT a photo op! What a laugh. And the little boys look miserable...just hanging their heads. And Mady looks like she's giving Kate some lip. Love Mady. (Have trouble telling Mady and Cara apart, so maybe it's Cara.)
Oh for goodness sakes. She is wearing heels at the store. They heels are clearly visible in the pic next to the car.
Recovered & takes one to know one said...
What better way to dispel rumors of a drinking problem than to stage a photo op going to the liquor store (for the first time ever!) looking kind of lost, needing help finding what she wants, then purchasing only ONE bottle.
Yep, and the choice of sake looks quite deliberate, as if intending to prove that she drinks very selectively. Sake, after all, is not consumed in vast numbers of US households.
It's also something that is normally drunk quite sparingly, from very tiny cups. Only "culturized" people would know this, of course, and it looks a whole lot as if we're supposed to assume that someone "culturized" enough to buy sake would never, never, never abuse alcohol.
This woman is a real piece of work. She gets more and more despicable, seemingly by the minute.
You know, the purchase of only one bottle might have been a "save" once she'd been spotted. It's not as if Kate has any privacy any more.
If she ever intends to do a liquor run (a completely legitimate thing to do, providing you're not drinking while driving, or while caring for 8 children), she ALWAYS runs the risk of being seen, and having her shopping reported.
She has no privacy. Just as her kids don't. If she buys liquor, people will talk. If she's spotted buying liquor, she may leave with fewer purchases, and different ones, from those she intended. And whose fault is that?
Bingo! Welcome to your world, Kate.
I totally believe Kate enjoys her wine but Saki has become quite popular for tightening skin, closing pores and lightening age spots. I can tell you it works very well.
Hippie Chick said... Again, WHO CARES about the damn bottle of liquor?? It's all to keep the un-relevant one relevant. Since Kate the Kon hasn't been in the news lately, she just HAD to feed her ego somehow. She knew this would light the boards right up, & everyone is feeding right into the palms of her greased up wrinkly, orange hands. Who cares about the jacket, she is showing off her goods on INF. And she KNEW parking in a fire lane would cause an uproar. She's frigin' dumb, but she knows how to start a hailstorm & to get people talking about her. It's all about getting herself out there & people talking about her. She probably called her PR person & said all whiny & in a little girl voice:
"I haven't been in the news lately. I haven't been on INF, or ROL, or anything since Jon sued me. What should I do" pout pout pout...
PR person: "Call Chris, go to the liquor store, that'll get people talkin', oh, & park in the fire lane...yeah..."
Kate: "Good idea, & I won't wear a jacket to have the bloggers KEEP talking about my boobs & the fact that I couldn't hack it in Alaska! I'm relev...newswor...popular another day!"
I think you're right. I also think that she could be using this as a way to deflect from the upcoming court case with Jon on the contempt issues.
RE: the ETHS:
Also interviewed is Brian Sep, a friend of Jon's. "If my wife was bossing me around and making fun of me on national TV, I couldn't deal with it," Sep says in the show.
I am very sensitive to fragrances. I get headaches, burning eyes, a burning nose and sometimes what I can only describe as a twitchy cough. The vodka mixture is supposed to break down the substances that are smelly similar to the way Febreze works, but Febreze has a masking fragrance as well that gives me terrible headaches.
I spray down the sofa and the dog bed with the vodka mixture and it hasn't damaged any of the textiles yet. It seems to remove the doggy odor without leaving any additional fragrance. I would recommend testing it on an inconspicuous patch first, though.
Whoo Hoo party at the Gosselins. We got sake and now pretzels. Gonna be a good time
Livvy said... I totally believe Kate enjoys her wine but Saki has become quite popular for tightening skin, closing pores and lightening age spots. I can tell you it works very well.
If saki lightens age spots wouldn't it also remove the orange glow that she pays so much for? (snark)!
For those who corrected me regarding the shoes, thank you. I was WRONG, and now I'm embarrassed. And, no, I wasn't drinking Saki at the time!
it's her fault :
But you see, K8 DOES have privacy. She is not a real celeb and nobody except Chris the pap gives one rat's a$$ about her.
This was not an "oooops" situation. It was an obviously orchestrated attempt to keep her in the spotlight just a teeeeeny bit longer.
Real celebs who truly covet privacy are usually very successful at achieving it. Heck Nicole Kidman just announced the arrival of another baby - via surrogate - and the birth was over a month ago.
Yep, and the choice of sake looks quite deliberate, as if intending to prove that she drinks very selectively. Sake, after all, is not consumed in vast numbers of US households.
Maybe not, but it IS used in cooking.
This woman is a real piece of work. She gets more and more despicable, seemingly by the minute.
She's despicable because she goes to the liquor store to buy a bottle of Sake? I think that when she drags these kids around for another trip of filming and exploitation, THEN she may be considered more despicable -- not because she's purchased a bottle of Japanese alcohol.
I guess I better send one of the hired help (I WISH!) out to buy a bottle of wine for me because I wouldn't want the neighbors to see me coming home with a bottle and think I'm despicable, and a lush!
"Same outfit, but DIFFERENT SHOES! She has on flat, wedge-type shoes at the liquor store and very slim, high-heeled boots on at the bus pickup. Now, tell us again sheeple, how this is NOT a photo op! What a laugh"
Take the photo in the liquor store (the one with the clerk's photo blurred out), enlarge it, and you can see that there are HEELS on her shoes; same shoes she's wearing at the bus stop. The liquor store shoes are not flat - in some of the photos you can't see the heels because her pants are so long.
I don't think I'd give the Sheeple any suggestions to check out the photos to prove that it was a photo op; it just may come back to bite you! Sheeple do bite, do they not, or do they just headbutt?!
JudyK said...
For those who corrected me regarding the shoes, thank you. I was WRONG, and now I'm embarrassed. And, no, I wasn't drinking Saki at the time!
Sorry, Judy. I corrected you BEFORE I read that you were enjoying some Sake! Going to see what's in MY wine cellar. It's about that time! LOL!
Laurie said
If saki lightens age spots wouldn't it also remove the orange glow that she pays so much for? (snark)!
LOL Laurie. I hadn't thought of that but it makes sense.
I have driven 15 passenger vans in the past (the kind that Kate drives.) Those things are horrible to park with. Kate would likely have to park at the furthest spot away in the parking lot to be able to easily pull forward with that monster
If you remember,K8 never had a problem parking the van in the spot FURTHEST from the bus so she could give Chris the pap ample time to snap away.
I don't understand why K8 is given even the least amount of benefit-of-the-doubt. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice.....
That's very interesting about using a vodka mixture instead of Frebreze. If it's sprayed on the sofa and dog's bed, can the dog lick them and become a drunk?
Oh my goodness, they are all laughing at everyone else because "THEY" don't see how she's parked in the fire lane because there's no red or yellow line
I see so instead of excusing Kate they just pretend it isn't happening.
This is the best pic of the fire zone: http://celebrity-gossip.net/sites/default/files/imagecache/fullsize_image/images/k/kate-gosselin-012511-1.JPG
You can clearly see FIRE written in giant letters on the pavement, right UNDER the car! It's like she parked it dead center on the fire paint. And you can see the FIRE ZONE sign REFLECTING in the car window, near her head lol.
Not only is this crystal clear it's the fire zone, but this is not the first time Kate has been photographed doing this. Where I grew up they never painted the curbs red, they just had a sign. In CA they always do, but you just don't see that as much on the east coast for some reason.
I hope she is never around if one of her fans ever needs to call 911.
I think if Kate hadn't been exploiting her kids their entire lives, she might be cut a little more slack here.
You reap what you sow.
Hollywood Life says Kate bought the sake for Steve - it's his favorite drink.
You can clearly see FIRE written in giant letters on the pavement, right UNDER the car! It's like she parked it dead center on the fire paint. And you can see the FIRE ZONE sign REFLECTING in the car window, near her head lol.
Admin, dontcha know by now that the sheeple have a minimal grasp-at best - of the English language -reading is too difficult so they are just looking for the red or yellow colors.....
My dog never licked the vodka. It evaporates pretty quickly if you don't saturate the surface with it. A light mist was sufficient. I would usually tell her it was time for a bath so she would slink away and disappear until I was finished:)
"Admin, dontcha know by now that the sheeple have a minimal grasp-at best - of the English language -reading is too difficult so they are just looking for the red or yellow colors....."
I don't think it is so much that they are illiterate (athough that can't be ruled out), but the fact that they can't look beyond their noses to SEE anything that isn't hitting them squarely in their fleecy faces. Shearing time will be upon them in the spring...maybe getting the wool out of they eyes will help, although I doubt it.
Let's face it. Sheeple will never be sending their resumes to investigative firms!
A little off topic but HippieChick - What's the ratio of vodka to water? Would you put a couple of sprigs of rosemary in it to infuse? I'm sensitive to fabrize and I've never heard of this. I'd like to try it.
Us: Look at that elephant.
Sheeple: What elephant? All you haters see what you want to see!
E-town neighbor,
Of course I was being snarky, but seriously, have you read sheeple comments ?
I agree with every word you said.
It seems like this is obvious but I just thought of it, I bet they don't bother to paint the curbs red as much on the east coast is because of all the snow that can easily pile up and hide the red curb. Gosh where I grew up you'd be lucky if you see a curb 6 months out of the year.
So it makes sense in snowy PA if it's a sign up high away from the snow as well as letters on the pavement, instead of the curb.
And now I feel as cultured as a bottle of sake.
The reason they are sheeple is because they can never admit Kate does or says or thinks or behaves in any way other than the right way. I'm so sorry to break this to you sheeple, even the one that is visiting us today on this site, but NOBODY is perfect, NOBODY does everything right.
I finally broke down and went to INF to see the pick-up pictures. I'm glad to see that Mady had her violin case with her. So she's still taking lessons. She has a certain amount of talent, so I'm happy she's pursuing it. I'm sure she doesn't get any encouragement from Kate. Jon probaby encourages her, but he apears to be just this side of tone deaf, so probably can't appreciate it other than that it's his daughter.
They don't usually paint the curbs here in the northeast ... But the signs are PLENTY BIG so as not to be missed. Kate can read ....can't she ?
Even saints have to perform two miracles. LMBO
Some sleuthing going on at GWOP:
"Upon further sluething, the pics from the liquor store weren't well-sanitized by inf. In the properties fields for the jpg files, Chris Watts is listed as owning the copyright (probably the default from his camera). Also, the pics of her emerging from the van were stamped 5:18 pm, and the ones at the checkout counter were 5:34 pm. (She was parked in that fire lane at least 15 min, probably.)
Also, the caption embedded in the file for the saki run pics is below:
January 25, 2011: Kate Gosselin goes to the liquor store for a little shopping before heading to pick up her six kids from the bus stop in West Reading, Pennsylvania. Kate got some help from one of the store clerks and then picked out a little white wine and took off."
So it is mentioned that she is heading to pick up the kids.
INF posted the bus pick up pics as though they were taken today, 1/26, and they most certainly were not. And the time stamps on these were around 1 PM, and we know that's too early.
I hope the E biopic is going to mention she has one (and only one) pap-people, Chris."
1/26/2011 4:27 PM
INF posted the bus pick up pics as though they were taken today, 1/26, and they most certainly were not. And the time stamps on these were around 1 PM, and we know that's too early.
For what it's worth -- Kids had an early 11 a.m. dismissal today because of the snow.
I totally believe Kate enjoys her wine but Saki has become quite popular for tightening skin, closing pores and lightening age spots.
Would she question if one has to rub it on the face, or drink it, or both, in order to be effective? ;-)
OT: NEVER use Febreeze in the house where you have pet birds, any species of birds. It has been known to be toxic, resulting in death.
Kate has the same clothes on at the Liquor store, as she has picking up the kids.. I believe they are from the same day..
Is PA hands free with cell phones? I'm not sure why she has to carry that phone around everywhere. Am I the only one who keeps my phone in my purse and wears a bluetooth while driving and out and about?
Audible Click said,
January 25, 2011: Kate Gosselin goes to the liquor store for a little shopping before heading to pick up her six kids from the bus stop in West Reading, Pennsylvania. Kate got some help from one of the store clerks and then picked out a little white wine and took off."
So it is mentioned that she is heading to pick up the kids.
INF posted the bus pick up pics as though they were taken today, 1/26, and they most certainly were not. And the time stamps on these were around 1 PM, and we know that's too early.
I'm not sure what I'm missing here, but INF daily posted the photos on 1/26 WEDNESDAY, and the first paragraph reports:
"Kate Gosselin has taken it upon herself to disprove the rumors that she repeatedly re-packages her kids’ leftovers. She met the kids at their bus stop YESTERDAY with an enormous container of Snyder’s sourdough pretzels."
YESTERDAY, which was 1/25, Tuesday.
LancNative said
She's despicable because she goes to the liquor store to buy a bottle of Sake? I think that when she drags these kids around for another trip of filming and exploitation, THEN she may be considered more despicable -- not because she's purchased a bottle of Japanese alcohol.
I guess I better send one of the hired help (I WISH!) out to buy a bottle of wine for me because I wouldn't want the neighbors to see me coming home with a bottle and think I'm despicable, and a lush!
Of course she's not despicable because she bought a bottle of sake. She's despicable because she's posing for the pap. She's despicable because she's parking in a fire lane as if she were the only person in the world who mattered.
She's despicable because she's sold out her children and stolen their childhoods. She's despicable because the only thing that matters to her is herself, and because this looks like another staged event to create an impression she needs to control.
I could have said this more clearly. I drink sake about twice a year. It's hardly a crime. I once bought several gallons of vodka for preserving fruit, though I don't drink it. Buying alcohol isn't the issue here. The issue is her continuing, ridiculous, desire to control perceptions. Everyone's perceptions, as if she could control the world as easily as she controls her children's lives.
I finally found the video where Kate herself says she drinks "a glass' wine alone, at night, she is lonely. (insert sob).
Kate Gosselin on Weight Loss
At the 0148 mark
7/9/10 Views: 49496
If Kate is buying that Sake for Steve,why is he there when they are not filming? And why didn't he go with her if he is her bodyguard? I hope we find out the truth about them soon!
Laurie said...
A little off topic but HippieChick - What's the ratio of vodka to water? Would you put a couple of sprigs of rosemary in it to infuse? I'm sensitive to fabrize and I've never heard of this. I'd like to try it.
Hi! The way I do it is this: 2 parts distilled water, 1 part cheap vodka & 15-20 drops of your favorite essential oil in a spray bottle from the dollar store. Not a large one, I would have to go & look but maybe 4-8 ounces should suffice. Shake well & use.
If you would like to just make the room good without the hassle of making a spray, put a large pot of water on a boiler (on medium low or low) or radiator or pellet stove, (again, distilled is best) & add your rosemary sprigs, or a couple orange peels, or some lemon peels, or even some essential oils. I make my own mix all the time. If you use the essential oils, do NOT use for cooking again! This will smell up your house n the lower floors at least. I do this all the time to make my house smell like a garden. The lemon peels smell awesome, & so does the rosemary!! (sorry for the OT) :) I have a book filled with ideas about what to fill a pot with but it's downstairs, I can give you all more ideas later if you want. I LOVE this stuff. This is what I DO!! So excited! :) :) :) :)
About the show E THS, I watched a rerun about Hulk Hogan and family on this show the other night. It showed the GOOD, the BAD AND the UGLY. It seemed like they held nothing back. And it was updated to include the latest events in the family.
MAYBE we will see a fair account of the Gosselins. MAYBE.
Hippie Chick ... Thanks for these tips! I spend so much money on these things, but never quite get what I want.
Sorry this is OT, but this article made my day!
It says Jon was patient with the kids, and the kids were well behaved. =) Go Team Jon!
what a judgmental blog! Let's see what happens in your lives so the rest of us can tear you all apart like you do Kate!
"The Gosselins were at the Lancaster skating rink to celebrate a classmate’s birthday. All of the kids reportedly went off and hung out with friends. Their day sounded amazingly normal, for the Gosselins!"
I really hope this article is true!It;s the first time I have ever heard that the Gosselin kids are going to a birthday party and hanging out with peers.This is exactly what these kids need,NORMAL activities.I wonder how will the sheeple spin this article.
Speaking of,I really think they are panicking because of the E! thing because now they have a What do you think Kate should do to improve.fix her image? campaign.I have such hopes regarding this E! special...
Jon and Ellen are really good for the kids. I've heard that time and again from people who live in Jon's complex (and no, Ellen doesn't live with him).-mostly from the times they spent with them this summer and the restaurant (not Austin's) that they sometimes go to.
I'm glad they have fun and are able to just be normal kids with dad and their school friends (and no TLC cameras and Kate's production crew around)
SmileyGrl752 said... Sorry this is OT, but this article made my day!
It says Jon was patient with the kids, and the kids were well behaved. =) Go Team Jon!
That's wonderful to hear, SmileyGrl!!!
Hi Roxanne. I saw that too. They're all sure E! will be full of lies and they're e-mailing E! to complain. Someone should post over there that Jon and Kate were both invited to participate in the show but declined. I'm too chicken to do it! Imagine Kate passing up a chance to "set the record straight" lol. She wouldn't know what to say without a TLC earpiece.
Most likely it was a school sponsored thing. Kate can't handle her 8 let alone her 8 with friends unless someone else was paying for it and providing the babysitters.
"I really hope this article is true!It;s the first time I have ever heard that the Gosselin kids are going to a birthday party and hanging out with peers."
This is why it is so frustrating to read posts, such as Kate controls the kids, she never allows them to go anywhere with friends, they never go out unless they film, the kids aren't involved in activities, they should be at sleepovers, etc. etc.
They DO go to parties, they DO have activities, they DO hang out with friends, they DO participate in events at school. This is nothing new. It's just not reported, and we don't see it happen, and because we don't see what they do 24/7, it is assumed that are they will never be socialized.
That said, it is JON who tries to make sure these kids are "normal" kids. He needs full custody, no doubt about it. I've seen him with these kids, and he is an amazing, down-to-earth dad, who wants to make memories (the RIGHT kind of memories for his children). If only she'd allow it to happen.
The Castle is a great place for parties -- big enough to have fun, and small enough to do whatever, without large crowds.
I hope the article is true. I can picture the kids really having a good time since they were with their Dad and not being micro-mangaged and being allowed to just be kids.
Off topic, but please go to Nina Frye's website for the repeat broadcast of todays EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT "Gosselin Hour 1-27-2011" show: http://www.toginet.com/shows/livingthedreammom
Today she had on three experts:
*Dr. Michael Brody, who is a child psychiatrist and Chair of the Television and Media Committee of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
*Sherry Gaba, LCSW, who is a licensed psychotherapist and life coach who has helped hundreds of people cope with lifelong addictions, eating disorders, depression,
anxiety, trauma, single parenting and divorce
* Ilene Dillon, M.S.W., aka The Emotional Pro, who is a 40-year Family therapist, as well as a coach, author, and radio show host.
I would advise all to tune in (especially Kate's sheeple) if you have not already.
If you think the Gosselin 8, or any child in a reality show are not in trouble- think again.
E-town neighbor-
I've always assumed that all the scenarios you mentioned are when the kids are with K8 ( not going to friends' houses , etc).
When I put my kids on tv, puking, crying, pooping and having tantrums, I give you full permission to tear me apart, judge me and do all you can to rescue my children.
Sadiemay said...
Most likely it was a school sponsored thing.
No, it was not a school sponsored "thing." The Castle is a popular place for birthday parties. The school doesn't sponsor roller skating at the rink, or anywhere else. Kids seldom have birthday parties at home. Kids celebrate at the Lazer Dome, ice skating rink, bowling, Chuckie Cheese, movie nights, etc. It wasn't Kate handling eight kids. It was Jon and Ellen who took them.
Loved Jessica's tongue in cheek article. I think it was mostly directed at Gosselin kids' supporters and maybe a bit at the sheeple, too, but think about it. If Kate and Chris are in cahoots, and those photos were so obviously staged, don't you think Kate was in on those stories, too? Scoffing at multiple issues in a short period of time? Come on! Maybe she was just helping Jessica earn a little extra money?
It's not like the tabloids are known for their accuracy or their above reproach "journalists". Isn't the average accuracy record of the tabloids about 8% or something? Would you put it past an INF writer to stoop to that level?
What's really sad, if it's true, is that Kate can't rise above this crap for the sake of her children. So very very sad for them. She's more concerned about snarking than protecting their privacy.
At any rate, all this speculation is getting out of hand.... Oh, wait!
what a judgmental blog! Let's see what happens in your lives so the rest of us can tear you all apart like you do Kate!
And you are judging us for judging K8. Typical.
Someone from another site wrote " think it was great for the kids to go roller skating and that their dad was with them. He is more athletic than Kate...so it works.".................
RU kidding ? I didn't roller skate either but that never stopped me from taking my kids to the rink. Kate gets no passes for not being athletic.
Give credit where credit is due. Jon cares about these kids ....Kate cares about herself. The kids suffer because if Kate doesn't like to do it or if she can't do it (insert camping) .............. no one gets to do it.
jacee said...
what a judgmental blog! Let's see what happens in your lives so the rest of us can tear you all apart like you do Kate!
Why are you reading it?
Are you aware that in a Larry King interview, Kate herself said that since they put the family out there, that it is our business? She's got to take the ugly and the bad with the good. Reality is reality. She can't have only the "good." Here is the exact quote. Show aired February 2, 2009:
"Well, with our reality show, obviously, we put them out there. And, you know, our goal in our show is to show the real life of what it is like to have two sets of multiples. And basically, essentially, WE'VE MADE IT YOUR BUSINESS."
With that statement, she opened herself up to it...to whatever might be thrown her way. She doesn't think before she speaks.
E-town Neighbor said...
Sadiemay said...
Most likely it was a school sponsored thing.
No, it was not a school sponsored "thing." The Castle is a popular place for birthday parties. The school doesn't sponsor roller skating at the rink, or anywhere else. Kids seldom have birthday parties at home. Kids celebrate at the Lazer Dome, ice skating rink, bowling, Chuckie Cheese, movie nights, etc. It wasn't Kate handling eight kids. It was Jon and Ellen who took them.
OK ...Now it's making sense. Jon took them. I just assumed it HAD to be a school sponsored thing because we all know Kate doesn't DO those things. My bad.... and good for Jon and Ellen.
jacee said... what a judgmental blog! Let's see what happens in your lives so the rest of us can tear you all apart like you do Kate!
The point being that if Kate wants the limelight, she must also take what comes with it. In her own words, "the good, the bad and the ugly".
Nobody here has signed contracts to have our lives put on the national stage, therefore we
have not opened the opportunity for criticism about how we live our lives. If Kate wants privacy and nobody caring about how she lives her life, she can have it by getting her family off TV.
jacee said...
what a judgmental blog! Let's see what happens in your lives so the rest of us can tear you all apart like you do Kate!
Sorry jacee, but most likely the "rest of you" will never have to tear us all apart for exposing & destroying our children's lives on t.v. like your Katie has done to her own children for money & fame.
It's sad that you are confusing our "breakthrough", with Kate's "breakdown".
My question is - WHY does Kate need nannies, paid employees, etc? The kids are in school all day, not half-days. I could understand it if she had eight toddlers at home. If she couldn't handle the care and maintenance on a property that size, then she shouldn't have bought the property! How much more manageable the "old" house would have been!
We had a home that was larger than Kate's, with a pool, and considerable acreage. I didn't even have a cleaning person to come once a week, let alone a nanny or housekeeper on a regular basis. I did it all myself, including the regular care of the pool, as well as outdoor planting and landscaping. I often worked in the yard after everyone was in bed. I had todders and an infant at home who weren't in school, as well as an elderly, ill relative who lived with us and needed constant care. It can be done! Can-do Kate really is a misnomer. She can't seem to do anything without an assistant except grill sammonella chicken and make regular photo-op trips to her local hang-outs.
Of course, I suppose in order to take the trips to LA and NYC in hopes of an offer from the entertainment industry necessitates her keeping a staff on the site at all times. You just never know when ABC, CBS or NBC will be begging her to interview for a prestigious position. And she must have peace and quiet when writing her books, as all good authors do.
Off topic but the Real Housewives reunion show tonight....Camille Grammer is very similar to Kate. She thinks the entire thing was set up to make her look bad, she doesn't own her own behavior and choices at all. When she was called out on all the viewers thinking she was narcissistic--naturally she's in total denial.
Re: Chris, the pap...
WG stated (recently), in answer to a blogger's question, that Chris lives in Philly, drives an hour to hang out in Wernersville (in winter and summer) parks front of the house, waits for her to leave, and follows her.
Take it for what it's worth. Don't shoot the messenger.
"met said... Is PA hands free with cell phones? I'm not sure why she has to carry that phone around everywhere. Am I the only one who keeps my phone in my purse and wears a bluetooth while driving and out and about?"
No, millions have bluetooth, so you are not alone. lol
This made me think of the incidents where Kate had no
idea that things existed. She just heard of a label gun last year!? I have had one for years, from primative to the ulter modern ones. But for YEARS they have been available. What "extremely organized" person would not know of this? She had no idea they made the undercounter refrigerators. She even nastily asked Jon "What planet are you on?" mocking him for suggesting something that didn't exist. Who remodels a kitchen without researching all the new and handy things available? And undercounter refers are not even new.
She looked really dumb (lazy?) to me. I would venture to say, she has no clue what a bluetooth is.
"met said... Is PA hands free with cell phones? I'm not sure why she has to carry that phone around everywhere. Am I the only one who keeps my phone in my purse and wears a bluetooth while driving and out and about?"
No, met, judging by what I see when I'm driving and out and about, I'd say you're in the majority.
While I do have a cell phone that I carry in my purse for emergencies, I have never had any desire to chat with friends, family while running errands, etc. Nor do I care to chat with people who are out and about trying to carry on a conversation with me and the clerk at the store or the talking box at McDonalds. LOL
Ring said, I have never had any desire to chat with friends, family while running errands, etc. Nor do I care to chat with people who are out and about trying to carry on a conversation with me and the clerk at the store or the talking box at McDonalds. LOL
My son insisted I buy a bluetooth. I tried it and hated it. I don't chat on the phone when I am out and about, and certainly when I am driving.
I figure nothing is so important that it can't wait until I am home (unless it's an urgent matter). What did we do before we had cell phones? We waited until we got home and used the land line! As far as I know, most of us who grew up with home phones are not conversationally-challenged! We survived!
That said, when it comes to cell phones and the feeling of security in an emergency, not to mention being able to keep in touch with your kids, it's not something I would want to give up.
I always thought Kate's cell phone is her security blanket. If she doesn't want to make eye-contact, or feels uncomfortable in a situation, she can just pretend she is engaged in an important phone conversation. Likewise, perhaps she always has that phone to feel important, and when being photographed, she can look like she's talking with someone in her celebrity world.
jacee said...
what a judgmental blog! Let's see what happens in your lives so the rest of us can tear you all apart like you do Kate!
Well, come on in and have a look. I'm sure you will be quite bored.
I do not go shopping in a bikini top even if I'm on vacation.
I do not dress in embarrasingly skimpy clothes to shop at Target.
I do not disparage my husband to our children or to anybody else and I most certainly have never slapped his face.
Nor does he do either of those things to me.
I have never filmed my children in various states of undress and using the bathroom. I have never filmed them throwing a tantrum or vomiting so that they might be humiliated when the whole country watches.
I have been married nearly 24 years and when I tell my children that their father and I are best friends and our marriage is forever I MEAN IT.
I spend my days volunteering at my kids' school where I have become friends with the parents of their friends. I host their friends in our home and our home is a safe and welcoming place for everybody - young and old.
My life is not perfect because I am not perfect but I am confident you would not find anything at all in my life similar to Kate. I feel confident the same can be said of most of the followers of this blog.
So, yeah, come on in and have a look at our lives and tell us how we compare to Kate Gosselin.
I have to wonder...In PA when someone is caught breaking the law on video or film,cant the police issue a ticket to kate even if they werent there to see it 1st hand?
Example...kids come and tp and egg your house...you have cameras catching the "perps".The cops see the video and identify them.They are issued tickets and are held accountable for thier crime.
Why cant kate be issued tickets for parking in the fire lanes?The proof is there...seems pretty easy to me!Why do PA law officals let kate get away with this?Are they afraid of her?
If no one in her home town is afraid of her and really believe she isnt the star she thinks she is...why is she allowed to get away with this bs? She just keeps flipping the bird to the people in PA and they seem to take it.
Just makes me wonder is all.
If this was to happen in my state...a photo would be enough and mommy dearest would be getting a ticket in the mail ASAP!
Sake for Steve.
So, yeah, come on in and have a look at our lives and tell us how we compare to Kate Gosselin.
Yeah, Kate's good for one thing. She makes us feel so good about ourselves.
Yeah, Kate's good for one thing. She makes us feel so good about ourselves.
K8 doesn't make me feel better about myself - I don't need her to validate that I am a good person and loving ,and certainly imperfect, mom.
You know how K8 does make me feel ? Sickened by the fact that she forces her children to perform like circus animals so she can live the life of a STAH. Incensed at the way she has scammed innocent, generous people out of their money when she never truly suffered financially. Frustrated by her pathological lying. Annoyed by her huge ego and sense of entitlement. Exasperated that nothing has been done to stop this madness and this monster from destroying her own children's lives. THAT's how K8 makes me feel.
So to repeat myself again...people in PA seem to know her number...got her pegged...Why cant photos of kate parking in the fire lines get her a ticket?
In my small town a photo showing someone parking in a fire lane when they DONT belong there will get them a ticket.Why isnt kate getting tickets?
I do believe the people living in PA think shes a star and thats why they never call her out on anything.
Are the people in PA saying kate is such a HUGE star and they can do nothing to stop her?
OMFG she is worthless...This woman gets away with everything cause people who see her acting like a god says NOTHING.
I get that you in PA dont protest out side her gates...BUT if I was to ever see this woman in public...I would say something...like what a bitch...or worthless mother...she looks like hell...can she get more oranger? Or even look at her and say...omg its the beast...
K8SUCKS said... Yeah, Kate's good for one thing. She makes us feel so good about ourselves.
K8 doesn't make me feel better about myself - I don't need her to validate that I am a good person and loving ,and certainly imperfect, mom.
You know how K8 does make me feel ? Sickened by the fact that she forces her children to perform like circus animals so she can live the life of a STAH. Incensed at the way she has scammed innocent, generous people out of their money when she never truly suffered financially. Frustrated by her pathological lying. Annoyed by her huge ego and sense of entitlement. Exasperated that nothing has been done to stop this madness and this monster from destroying her own children's lives. THAT's how K8 makes me feel.
I agree wholeheartedly with your assessement of Kate's worst atttributes, and how all of this has impacted on her own flesh and blood.
Her constant parking in a Fire Zone shows her blatant thumbing her nose that rules do not apply to her; too heavy to carry one bottle to her van?? Seriously. I do think both Kate and Jon have some type of agreement with Chris for photo opps of their choosing, rather than random photos. Could be wrong.
As for the single Asian liquor purchase, knowing Kate, there is some reason for this, maybe trying to do a show, so she can now get a trip to Korea, who knows? She is very calculating, so I would not be surprised. After the Alaska episode, TLC would be crazy to do a Korea episode, but TLC has proven time and time again that they will cater to Queen Kate. Not sure why, probably something we are not aware of, wish I could figure it out. But then again, look at some of their other crazy shows. I will say that based on some of her recent photos (knowing Chris will be there) that she is on something - heavy meds most likely. So maybe this show will end. Is there any listing of her next episode/episodes? Is TLC stringing her along?
From what I'm reading here...my guess would be that this little trip by Kate G. was simply a source of additional income for her due to this "product placement" gig. They were doing this quite a bit on J&K+8 a few seasons in...and got paid by the companies who sell these products.
I'm sure keeping herself relevant was also a big factor....but to me, it looks like she might have been making additional money/income by staging this "product placement" gig....since she went out of her way to show the labels of both the sake and the pretzels.
I was wondering the exact same thing myself. I would think that if cameras are intentionally installed at traffic lights to catch drivers running red lights....I don't see why residents there could not submit these photos to the police there as well so they could ticket Kate.
Otherwise, she is just going to keep doing it. She's been photographed several times parking in handicapped spaces while shopping. Every single one of these incidents should be reported to law enforcement there, in fact (IMO).
Also....would it have to be a local resident that would/could report this to their local law enforcement?
WG lives there, I believe. Perhaps residents like her ARE actually reporting these things to the police there but we just don't have access to that info (?). There seem to be quite a few residents there who do not like Kate G. much....and it would be hard to believe (at least to me) that some of them are not complaining to the police about this already.
Yeah, Kate's good for one thing. She makes us feel so good about ourselves.
K8 doesn't make me feel better about myself - I don't need her to validate that I am a good person and loving ,and certainly imperfect, mom.
You know how K8 does make me feel ? Sickened by the fact that she forces her children to perform like circus animals so she can live the life of a STAH. Incensed at the way she has scammed innocent, generous people out of their money when she never truly suffered financially. Frustrated by her pathological lying. Annoyed by her huge ego and sense of entitlement. Exasperated that nothing has been done to stop this madness and this monster from destroying her own children's lives. THAT's how K8 makes me feel.
jacee said...
what a judgmental blog! Let's see what happens in your lives so the rest of us can tear you all apart like you do Kate!
Sorry jacee, but most likely the "rest of you" will never have to tear us all apart for exposing & destroying our children's lives on t.v. like your Katie has done to her own children for money & fame.
It's sad that you are confusing our "breakthrough", with Kate's "breakdown".
"met said... Is PA hands free with cell phones? I'm not sure why she has to carry that phone around everywhere. Am I the only one who keeps my phone in my purse and wears a bluetooth while driving and out and about?"
No, met, judging by what I see when I'm driving and out and about, I'd say you're in the majority.
While I do have a cell phone that I carry in my purse for emergencies, I have never had any desire to chat with friends, family while running errands, etc. Nor do I care to chat with people who are out and about trying to carry on a conversation with me and the clerk at the store or the talking box at McDonalds. LOL
Re: Chris, the pap...
WG stated (recently), in answer to a blogger's question, that Chris lives in Philly, drives an hour to hang out in Wernersville (in winter and summer) parks front of the house, waits for her to leave, and follows her.
Take it for what it's worth. Don't shoot the messenger.
When I put my kids on tv, puking, crying, pooping and having tantrums, I give you full permission to tear me apart, judge me and do all you can to rescue my children.
E-town neighbor-
I've always assumed that all the scenarios you mentioned are when the kids are with K8 ( not going to friends' houses , etc).
"I really hope this article is true!It;s the first time I have ever heard that the Gosselin kids are going to a birthday party and hanging out with peers."
This is why it is so frustrating to read posts, such as Kate controls the kids, she never allows them to go anywhere with friends, they never go out unless they film, the kids aren't involved in activities, they should be at sleepovers, etc. etc.
They DO go to parties, they DO have activities, they DO hang out with friends, they DO participate in events at school. This is nothing new. It's just not reported, and we don't see it happen, and because we don't see what they do 24/7, it is assumed that are they will never be socialized.
That said, it is JON who tries to make sure these kids are "normal" kids. He needs full custody, no doubt about it. I've seen him with these kids, and he is an amazing, down-to-earth dad, who wants to make memories (the RIGHT kind of memories for his children). If only she'd allow it to happen.
The Castle is a great place for parties -- big enough to have fun, and small enough to do whatever, without large crowds.
SmileyGrl752 said... Sorry this is OT, but this article made my day!
It says Jon was patient with the kids, and the kids were well behaved. =) Go Team Jon!
That's wonderful to hear, SmileyGrl!!!
"The Gosselins were at the Lancaster skating rink to celebrate a classmate’s birthday. All of the kids reportedly went off and hung out with friends. Their day sounded amazingly normal, for the Gosselins!"
I really hope this article is true!It;s the first time I have ever heard that the Gosselin kids are going to a birthday party and hanging out with peers.This is exactly what these kids need,NORMAL activities.I wonder how will the sheeple spin this article.
Speaking of,I really think they are panicking because of the E! thing because now they have a What do you think Kate should do to improve.fix her image? campaign.I have such hopes regarding this E! special...
what a judgmental blog! Let's see what happens in your lives so the rest of us can tear you all apart like you do Kate!
Laurie said...
A little off topic but HippieChick - What's the ratio of vodka to water? Would you put a couple of sprigs of rosemary in it to infuse? I'm sensitive to fabrize and I've never heard of this. I'd like to try it.
Hi! The way I do it is this: 2 parts distilled water, 1 part cheap vodka & 15-20 drops of your favorite essential oil in a spray bottle from the dollar store. Not a large one, I would have to go & look but maybe 4-8 ounces should suffice. Shake well & use.
If you would like to just make the room good without the hassle of making a spray, put a large pot of water on a boiler (on medium low or low) or radiator or pellet stove, (again, distilled is best) & add your rosemary sprigs, or a couple orange peels, or some lemon peels, or even some essential oils. I make my own mix all the time. If you use the essential oils, do NOT use for cooking again! This will smell up your house n the lower floors at least. I do this all the time to make my house smell like a garden. The lemon peels smell awesome, & so does the rosemary!! (sorry for the OT) :) I have a book filled with ideas about what to fill a pot with but it's downstairs, I can give you all more ideas later if you want. I LOVE this stuff. This is what I DO!! So excited! :) :) :) :)
LancNative said
She's despicable because she goes to the liquor store to buy a bottle of Sake? I think that when she drags these kids around for another trip of filming and exploitation, THEN she may be considered more despicable -- not because she's purchased a bottle of Japanese alcohol.
I guess I better send one of the hired help (I WISH!) out to buy a bottle of wine for me because I wouldn't want the neighbors to see me coming home with a bottle and think I'm despicable, and a lush!
Of course she's not despicable because she bought a bottle of sake. She's despicable because she's posing for the pap. She's despicable because she's parking in a fire lane as if she were the only person in the world who mattered.
She's despicable because she's sold out her children and stolen their childhoods. She's despicable because the only thing that matters to her is herself, and because this looks like another staged event to create an impression she needs to control.
I could have said this more clearly. I drink sake about twice a year. It's hardly a crime. I once bought several gallons of vodka for preserving fruit, though I don't drink it. Buying alcohol isn't the issue here. The issue is her continuing, ridiculous, desire to control perceptions. Everyone's perceptions, as if she could control the world as easily as she controls her children's lives.
Audible Click said,
January 25, 2011: Kate Gosselin goes to the liquor store for a little shopping before heading to pick up her six kids from the bus stop in West Reading, Pennsylvania. Kate got some help from one of the store clerks and then picked out a little white wine and took off."
So it is mentioned that she is heading to pick up the kids.
INF posted the bus pick up pics as though they were taken today, 1/26, and they most certainly were not. And the time stamps on these were around 1 PM, and we know that's too early.
I'm not sure what I'm missing here, but INF daily posted the photos on 1/26 WEDNESDAY, and the first paragraph reports:
"Kate Gosselin has taken it upon herself to disprove the rumors that she repeatedly re-packages her kids’ leftovers. She met the kids at their bus stop YESTERDAY with an enormous container of Snyder’s sourdough pretzels."
YESTERDAY, which was 1/25, Tuesday.
Kate has the same clothes on at the Liquor store, as she has picking up the kids.. I believe they are from the same day..
Even saints have to perform two miracles. LMBO
The reason they are sheeple is because they can never admit Kate does or says or thinks or behaves in any way other than the right way. I'm so sorry to break this to you sheeple, even the one that is visiting us today on this site, but NOBODY is perfect, NOBODY does everything right.
They don't usually paint the curbs here in the northeast ... But the signs are PLENTY BIG so as not to be missed. Kate can read ....can't she ?
Us: Look at that elephant.
Sheeple: What elephant? All you haters see what you want to see!
"Admin, dontcha know by now that the sheeple have a minimal grasp-at best - of the English language -reading is too difficult so they are just looking for the red or yellow colors....."
I don't think it is so much that they are illiterate (athough that can't be ruled out), but the fact that they can't look beyond their noses to SEE anything that isn't hitting them squarely in their fleecy faces. Shearing time will be upon them in the spring...maybe getting the wool out of they eyes will help, although I doubt it.
Let's face it. Sheeple will never be sending their resumes to investigative firms!
That's very interesting about using a vodka mixture instead of Frebreze. If it's sprayed on the sofa and dog's bed, can the dog lick them and become a drunk?
Laurie said
If saki lightens age spots wouldn't it also remove the orange glow that she pays so much for? (snark)!
LOL Laurie. I hadn't thought of that but it makes sense.
it's her fault :
But you see, K8 DOES have privacy. She is not a real celeb and nobody except Chris the pap gives one rat's a$$ about her.
This was not an "oooops" situation. It was an obviously orchestrated attempt to keep her in the spotlight just a teeeeeny bit longer.
Real celebs who truly covet privacy are usually very successful at achieving it. Heck Nicole Kidman just announced the arrival of another baby - via surrogate - and the birth was over a month ago.
Livvy said... I totally believe Kate enjoys her wine but Saki has become quite popular for tightening skin, closing pores and lightening age spots. I can tell you it works very well.
If saki lightens age spots wouldn't it also remove the orange glow that she pays so much for? (snark)!
Whoo Hoo party at the Gosselins. We got sake and now pretzels. Gonna be a good time
Hippie Chick said... Again, WHO CARES about the damn bottle of liquor?? It's all to keep the un-relevant one relevant. Since Kate the Kon hasn't been in the news lately, she just HAD to feed her ego somehow. She knew this would light the boards right up, & everyone is feeding right into the palms of her greased up wrinkly, orange hands. Who cares about the jacket, she is showing off her goods on INF. And she KNEW parking in a fire lane would cause an uproar. She's frigin' dumb, but she knows how to start a hailstorm & to get people talking about her. It's all about getting herself out there & people talking about her. She probably called her PR person & said all whiny & in a little girl voice:
"I haven't been in the news lately. I haven't been on INF, or ROL, or anything since Jon sued me. What should I do" pout pout pout...
PR person: "Call Chris, go to the liquor store, that'll get people talkin', oh, & park in the fire lane...yeah..."
Kate: "Good idea, & I won't wear a jacket to have the bloggers KEEP talking about my boobs & the fact that I couldn't hack it in Alaska! I'm relev...newswor...popular another day!"
I think you're right. I also think that she could be using this as a way to deflect from the upcoming court case with Jon on the contempt issues.
You know, the purchase of only one bottle might have been a "save" once she'd been spotted. It's not as if Kate has any privacy any more.
If she ever intends to do a liquor run (a completely legitimate thing to do, providing you're not drinking while driving, or while caring for 8 children), she ALWAYS runs the risk of being seen, and having her shopping reported.
She has no privacy. Just as her kids don't. If she buys liquor, people will talk. If she's spotted buying liquor, she may leave with fewer purchases, and different ones, from those she intended. And whose fault is that?
Bingo! Welcome to your world, Kate.
JudyK said...
Wow, amazing! Just went to...I think "Gossip Center" and saw pics of Kate in the same outfit picking up her kids after the liquor store pickup. Same outfit, but DIFFERENT SHOES! She has on flat, wedge-type shoes at the liquor store and very slim, high-heeled boots on at the bus pickup. Now, tell us again sheeple, how this is NOT a photo op! What a laugh. And the little boys look miserable...just hanging their heads. And Mady looks like she's giving Kate some lip. Love Mady. (Have trouble telling Mady and Cara apart, so maybe it's Cara.)
Oh for goodness sakes. She is wearing heels at the store. They heels are clearly visible in the pic next to the car.
justthefacts said...
The source—who claims to have worked for the Gosselins for six months until summer 2008—spills, "By the end of the day after the kids were settled, Kate would drink a bottle of wine by herself. This happened several nights a week."
I was going to ask where you found this quote but I googled it myself and found it EVERYWHERE from June '09. lol The "speculation" about Kate drinking has been going on for a longggg time.
"Now, the National Enquirer is claiming that she's been turning to bottles of booze to calm herself down after long days on the set of Jon & Kate Plus 8 with her octo-brood."
The source—who claims to have worked for the Gosselins for six months until summer 2008—spills, "By the end of the day after the kids were settled, Kate would drink a bottle of wine by herself. This happened several nights a week."
"While many people have been assuming it's hubby Jon Gosselin who has been turning to substances to ease the stress of his day-to-day life, it seems as though he didn't approve of her boozing."
"Jon didn't usually drink with her, and he didn't seem pleased with it. He'd roll his eyes and tell Kate to put the wine down. She'd answer, 'Screw you. I'll do what I want.' Her frustration with the kids seemed to be taking a toll, and drinking was her outlet."
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