Decompressing after her three week trip Down Under? A couple other people in the audience spotted Kate at the Broadway musical
Jersey Boys, based on the band the Four Seasons. No kids.
Kate in New York after so much time with the kids? She is nothing if not predictable.
263 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 263 of 263 Newer› Newest»E-town Neighbor said... Well, the kids got lucky with a snow day today. One more day to get that jet lag under control!
Well now we know whose side God is on in this whole mess.
Well now we know whose side God is on in this whole mess.
LOL!! You're right about that. At first there was a two-hour delay, and I thought, good, at least they will get an extra two hours of sleep. Then the closure was announced. Unfortunately for them, though, there will be no sledding or building snowmen. This looks more like a DQ slushee, snow with melting ice!
SmileyGrl752 said...
Maybe she had to sign a confidentiality agreement too? Like if she spoke out against it to the media, she could be sued by Kate?
[In reference to Gina Neild]
If her husband is in security, no confidentiality agreement would be necessary. No one who sells personal security services can afford an indiscreet spouse. If she talks, she tanks his career.
Pam said: "My guess is (Gina's) ... locked in Kate's attic and being fed 'powdered' donuts."
LOL at the "Flowers in the Attic" reference! This is exactly why I love coming to this blog -- the posters here are not only spot-on and articulate, but often very witty! Thanks for making me smile!
[In reference to Gina Neild]
If her husband is in security, no confidentiality agreement would be necessary. No one who sells personal security services can afford an indiscreet spouse. If she talks, she tanks his career.
Wow. If she is a disgruntled wife being taken to divorce court (please note I said IF - it is not a statement of fact!) wouldn't that be a convient loophole to get back at him? Speak up and ruin his career because nobody said she couldn't. Of course, that would come back to bite her as far as alimony and child support go, but still, for an angry, vengeful wife, it might be a plan...... a stupid one, but still..
Can TLC sink any lower?? In my Entertainment Weekly:
TLC said that it will air a one hour special starring former National Association of Evangelicals leader Ted Haggard. The program will chronicle his attempts to launch a new ministry in Colorado Springs, the same town he left in 2007 after his drug use & relationship with a male prostitute were uncovered.
This is unreal. THIS is The Learning Channel? Go ahead Kate...be associated with this.
Did Jon even have his Christmas with his kids before the Judge allowed Kate/TLC to take them out of the country to work? Did the kids get anytime to play with their Christmas toys? Any down time over their Christmas break to relax and be kids? Strange how it is the middle of January, but to Jon and the kids...their time was put on hold, for Kate/TLC's love of exploiting children and $$$.
It's not really our business said...
The difference here is that this job blew up and became public in ways that most don't. I think Neild is in an impossible position - if he quits, that reflects on his professionalism, and may cost him work in the future. If he stays, he (and his wife and family) are going to be subject to constant speculation.
Considering this, he SHOULD resign as her bodyguard, if this is indeed his role, since his position has been compromised by his notoriety and rumors. Bodyguards should be nameless, faceless, and not so personally involved with their clients. They are there to do a job, not be an escort, have dinner with the clients, or serve as substitute father.
Considering this, he SHOULD resign as her bodyguard, if this is indeed his role, since his position has been compromised by his notoriety and rumors. Bodyguards should be nameless, faceless, and not so personally involved with their clients. They are there to do a job, not be an escort, have dinner with the clients, or serve as substitute father.
Considering this, he SHOULD resign as her bodyguard, if this is indeed his role, since his position has been compromised by his notoriety and rumors. Bodyguards should be nameless, faceless, and not so personally involved with their clients. They are there to do a job, not be an escort, have dinner with the clients, or serve as substitute father.
IF this is his sole role? He's not a bodyguard. He may have been hired as such in the beginning (protecting her from overzealous fans), but it has morphed into something entirely different. He's her mentor, her assistant, her tour guide, her advisor, her male escort, and probably most significant, he keeps her at bay and keeps her from going off on others. This is not the role of the bodyguard.
As such, why should he resign? He has a high-paying job, his wife knows he travels, and whatever she does or does not know about their relationship is absolutely none of our business. If it works for them, fine. Then resigning isn't an option. He should resign because it doesn't "look" good to the public? He should resign because of rumors? Baloney!
Mrs. Neild is keeping it private, as it should be. For her to make any kind of comment just opens up more gossip, more speculation, with rebuttals. Their private lives are just that. Their private lives. It's their relationship. In this day and age when everything has gone viral, including relationships and the need for everyone to know everything that's going on in lives of people we don't know personally, or known only casually (facebook, twitter), we don't need to know "everything you alway wanted to know about ________, but were afraid to ask."
I never thought Steve was professional, there was an excerpt on something where he spoke and had made a snide comment about the previous person who he was employed to guard and I thought then that a true professional would never have made any comment whatsoever. He also wouldn't joke that he is guarding the public from her. He would never make himself part of the story as a professional bodyguard. He is identifiable and for a bodyguard, he is disarmed.
Ten days ago Crikey Craig posted on his blog that he was going to dish details of serving Kate and crew at his restaurant. He hasn't posted or updated his blog since. Wonder why? Did she eat him?
TLC said that it will air a one hour special starring former National Association of Evangelicals leader Ted Haggard. The program will chronicle his attempts to launch a new ministry in Colorado Springs, the same town he left in 2007 after his drug use & relationship with a male prostitute were uncovered.
Ah, good old Ted. If that show is successful, we'll have the sequel, "The Fall and Resurrection of Jimmy Swaggart: The Devil Made Him Do It."
Well now we know whose side God is on in this whole mess
LOVE this Admin.
Steve needs to update his resume.
Perhaps Steve has changed careers, even temporarily. He may be part of a security company, but may be doing the Gosselin gig as a "hiatus" from that. He can still maintain part ownership in a company and go do other things for employment. I've seen business people do that sometimes, even if it's for just a year or so. Others have taken leaves of absence to pursue other interests. Steve may consider traveling as a real perk and happily go along. That's not unlike Ashley. She gets paid, she gets to go to some great places, and is willing to do the (grueling) work involved.
I think the two of them have holed themselves up in a hotel somewhere for some R&R after their exhaustive vacation. He's probably rubbing her feet as we write. Yeah, I'm being snarky because I have no respect for a guy who will play steward to an overpampered brat. I don't care how much money he's making from TLC for doing it, it's still coming off the backs of those eight kids who were bred for the $$. I agree with Jessica, he's no professional bodyguard. Just a gigolo.
Snow Globe said...
You don't know that to be true. Could just be another Steve photo op.
LOL! Okay. It really looked like a photo op! If it were, she would have had her arm around her daughter, doing the "motherly" thing, smiling, showing what a wonderful time the kids were having and what a fantastic mom she is. He has a vacant stare on his face, and she has the look of "where the heck did you (person snapping picture) come from?"
And I guess Steve explained to his wife that this was a just a photo-op -- Kate in a strapless dress, having dinner with the Silver Fox. "But, honey, we staged that photo! Honest!"
That's right ... A strapless dress ! The dinner was labeled swanky and I think the kids were most likely off to with the Nanny and the photo was
so it didn't look like what it really was , an intimate dinner for two.
Steve sure didn't want it to look like he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Gina might see it.
I am feeling some skeptism..either Kate is not in the country and neither are the kids... or the only time we see pics of her, is when she calls the paps...
How else do you explain no recent photos, or other stories about her whereabouts, or that of the kids...
Anyone know if they showed up at school today?
Meagler, Schools were closed today because of ice and freezing rain. If Kate had any mani/pedis scheduled I think she probably would have cancelled. Accidents everywhere.
Snow Globe, like I said If this is indeed his role. It's obvious to us this is no longer the case. His reputation as a bodyguard has taken a dive and he should now market himself as a handler and babysitter. It's incredible and sad that a grown woman and mother of eight young impressionable children needs to be kept in line.
I don't know Gina and Steve Neild, of course...but if *I* was Gina....I think that after I'd met Kate and gotten a big face-full of her rude, entitled, obnoxious behavior in person (which I suspect is much worse than we see)....I would not be worried in the least, knowing there was no way my husband would remain interested in her.....and that it was just a paycheck for him/us.
I also suspect that Steve's job is to babysit Kate and keep her from acting-out in public....and in order to do this, with a narcissist like Kate, he would have to get her to rely on him, get somewhat close to her....so all this apparent closeness, IMO, is him doing his job.
Sorry but I had to laugh when I read the comment about Steve not being able to "quit because it reflects on his professionalism and effect his ability to get future work" He'll never get work as a real "bodyguard" or security guard again. Real bodyguards don't carry the client's purse or hold their kids hands when walking since they are supposed to be protecting the client. Steve is a joke of a bodyguard
emschick1128 said...
He'll never get work as a real "bodyguard" or security guard again. Real bodyguards don't carry the client's purse or hold their kids hands when walking since they are supposed to be protecting the client. Steve is a joke of a bodyguard
Neild is not a bodyguard. He is providing "security", a word (and service) that covers a lot of meanings. His employer is presumably TLC, and the "security" he is providing is keeping Kate Gosselin sufficiently under control so that TLC can milk every last penny of revenue from her and her children.
Other potential employers, particularly those with problems of the same magnitude as the one presented by Mrs. Gosselin, will evaluate his performance based on how long he was able to keep the train wreck going for TLC.
In other words, he will be evaluated on how well he does the job he was hired to do, which has nothing to do with whether or not he's held a purse or a child's hand.
He's not a "security guard". He's providing a type of financial "security".
Sadiemay said..
The dinner was labeled swanky and I think the kids were most likely off to with the Nanny and the photo was
so it didn't look like what it really was ,
HUH????? Did you leave out a few important words here?????? Off to???? where?? And the photo was...????
I think the best word for Steve is handler.
From my own personal experience at Kate's book signing last April in Santa Monica, Steve was holding papers and talking to the fans and there were many moments where he wasn't paying one bit of attention to Kate, and we further saw in Kate's World, at one point he was trying to convince her to come out of the maintenance closet and face the embarrasingly small crowd including a sight-impaired little boy with a walking stick dying to meet her. I also personally saw a REAL security guard standing right beside Kate, in uniform, surveying the crowd doing what a real security guard would do. Steve was there to cart people away who asked Kate simple questions like how new child labor laws would affect filming.
Security, not really. There are real people for that. Handler, absolutely. Personally, I would be embarrassed if I were in her shoes and TLC felt I needed someone like him to guide me. I can handle myself.
"That's right ... A strapless dress !"
So what??!! It's not like she's never shown up barely clothed in the presence of her children, such as in a bikini top and shorts at a candy store! Kate's not known for her conservative attire.
Fact is that nobody knows that this was the prelude to an intimate date with Steve, or if this was just another dinner at a "swanky" restaurant. Haven't the kids ever eaten dinner at an upscale restaurant with their mother and Steve? Seems to me that they have...
To assume that the nanny took them so she and Steve could be alone is nothing more than speculation, and that really doesn't work very well for me.
Does anyone seriously think Khate's purse carrier/sharpie dispenser/implant consultant/boyfriend/male nanny/boyfriend has ANY hope of getting a legitimate job in security once this gig is all over and TLC cuts him and his girlfriend, oops, sorry, charge, loose? I'm sure anyone who could afford his services, except for that of a high paid gigolo, would get a legitimate bodyguard who actually DOES that sort of work on a professional level. As for Gina, if she hasn't already started divorce procedings, I'd advise her to take the money and run before it dries up.
"HUH????? Did you leave out a few important words here?????? Off to???? where?? And the photo was...????"
Anonymous, nobody knows that they were off to anywhere. The photo is on another thread on this blog.
I tend to agree with SnowGlobe, I don't understand why Radaronline started off with this tone like it was some kind of romantic dinner when clearly the kids were sitting right there. On the contrary it looked to me like Steve was in Jon's seat and it was a family dinner with "new daddy" which in my book is just as bad.
Radaronline misrepresented the photo and started this mess. On this blog I clearly stated from the beginning it was Steve, Kate and kids in the photo, and many other places said the same accurate comment. I really don't think much of Radar--they basically waited until the bandwagon was full steam ahead against Kate before they finally climbed aboard and started throwing her under the bus. The reporter I once met from there was very nice, but clueless.
Moose Mania said...
Ah, good old Ted. If that show is successful, we'll have the sequel, "The Fall and Resurrection of Jimmy Swaggart: The Devil Made Him Do It."
And then a "Very Special Episode: 'And Katie Makes 3; the Unholy Trinity. Postulating All The Way to The Bank'".
Steve has regressed into Katie's attendant, nothing more, nothing less. I think he taunts he with hints of unfullfilled romance in order to keep her in line, but that is all. He merely wants his fingers near the children's current and potential money. He keeps his eye on the long term prize.
For all we know, Mr. and Mrs. Nield are already divorced in whatever country they came from. OR Steve is teasing Kate with his faux intentions of impending divorce "but for the sake of his children..." etc. Kate is stupid enough to fall for this oldest trick in the book.
Twinkly, shiny things, Katie Irene.
BeDoneNow said...
Steve has regressed into Katie's attendant, nothing more, nothing less. I think he taunts he with hints of unfullfilled romance in order to keep her in line, but that is all
Here's something I've been wondering about regarding that situation. These two have been together for how long? Nearly two years? They travel the world, staying in first-class hotels. If (and this is only an assumption) these two were doing the deed, wouldn't you think by now that someone, somewhere would have evidence of it? That nosy maid making up their rooms while they went to breakfast -- did Kate leave something in his room, and vice-versa? Both of them coming downstairs in the morning at the same time? An affectionate neck rub? Everyone has camera phones these days, and knowing how much money could be made from selling such a photo, wouldn't someone be motivated to watch (or even stalk) them in hopes of getting some evidence?
Either they are very discreet, incredibly lucky, or there really is no hanky-panky going on.
I knew someone in school who was having an affair with a married man. He had kids and a beautiful wife and she worked for him. He basically kept promising her that someday, someday when he could figure it all out, he was going to leave his wife. Maybe when the kids are 18.
As far as I know, they are still having that affair.
I think sometimes men in affairs say what needs to be said to string the woman along and some women can be appeased like that indefinitely.
I knew someone in school who was having an affair with a married man. He had kids and a beautiful wife and she worked for him. He basically kept promising her that someday, someday when he could figure it all out, he was going to leave his wife. Maybe when the kids are 18.
As far as I know, they are still having that affair.
Are the "kids" 25 now, and parents themselves? ;-)
...These two have been together for how long? Nearly two years? They travel the world, staying in first-class hotels. If (and this is only an assumption) these two were doing the deed, wouldn't you think by now that someone, somewhere would have evidence of it? That nosy maid making up their rooms while they went to breakfast -- did Kate leave something in his room, and vice-versa? Both of them coming downstairs in the morning at the same time? ...
With adjoining rooms it would be very simple to visit each other with no one seeing anything. Walking down to breakfast and dinner together would be simple, too. It's rumored he's been living at the McMansion for how many months now? I really don't think it would be a problem for 2 people working as closely as K&S have for over 2 years to hide the romantic part of their relationship. People expect that wherever she is, he's not far away. I won't be surprised when they finally announce they've started dating (I don't believe they'll ever admit the truth of when they first got together, but we'll know.)
The type of man you described would be known as a casanova and would most likely have a history of doing this with other women. And there is a specific category of women who prefer to date these married men (ex: Amber Frye, Chandra Levy)....and always believe that he will leave his wife and that his wife is this horrible person and the poor husband should not have to put up with her and that she (the paramour) would make a much more superior partner for him....but of course, that never happens.
In fact, the wives of these guys know that they will always come back home so they choose to stay in the marriage. It often becomes this rather hidden, smug contest between the wife and the current paramour....with the GF liking the notion of stealing the husband from his wife but the wife liking the notion of showing the GF how he will always return to her.
I also totally agree with your impression that Steve his Kate's "handler". And not that I'm completely excusing him....but I would think, that if one had to be around Kate 24/7, one would want to play along with whatever role is required just to keep her quasi-happy and content (if that's even possible with Kate)....even if one had to fake it. Kate seems to go through nannies (and even friends) like she goes through toilet paper....and this guy has to be around her ALL the time....and has had to be around her for quite some time now. Just for self-preservation, he could very well be faking it and playing up whatever he needs to keep her as calm (and less likely to abuse him or to flip out) as possible.
I mean, if you really think about how horrible it's got to be to work for her as a nanny, etc....and the nannies don't even have to be actually WITH her all of the time....you can just imagine what it must be like to be around her almost 24/7, for several years now, and go everywhere with her. It could be a potential nightmare. Nobody else (except poor Jon and we could see how obsequious he had to be) has lasted that long around her. Steve may very well just be doing what he's gotta do to fulfill his job requirements....and keep himself sane while doing this.
My gut just tells me there is no affair. Could he fake being somewhat interested in her to keep her happy and get the job done? Quite possibly. But he just does not seem like the specific type that would even remotely put up with her or be remotely interested in her in any romantic way. People tend to be attracted to the specific sub-type that is the complement to their own dysfunction....and Gina and Kate seem like total opposites. If his preference is someone like Gina, there is no way he could be attracted to Kate. In fact, I can't even imagine what man would be attracted to Kate, once he got a load of her behavior and attitude.
Also, as far as Radar online throwing Kate under the bus....EVERYONE has started throwing her under the bus. Once they smell blood in the water, it becomes a free-for-all. That's why she made such a huge mistake by completely blowing the whole "role-model mom" thing....but of course, she couldn't help or control herself and we all knew that would happen.
And now that the whole role-model mom thing has clearly gone bye-bye....TLC is now hyping whatever will still still keep her relevant (and profitable)....and right now that is Kate being the villain and swirling innuendo that there's a possible affair with her married bodyguard.
It's a sad tale. We have a narcissist who truly believes she's a star and that she calls all the shots and a corporation that is only motivated by profit and is just playing along with her but also portraying her in whatever role will keep her relevant and profitable, if even just for that moment......but by doing this, also spelling her inevitable doom.
Kate might have had a long career as a role-model mom....with endorsements, books, speaking engagements, etc. But while she plays the major role in blowing this possibility and making herself a villain, so does TLC. They don't care about her and they don't really care about her children. TLC is not a person, it's a corporation. There may be individual employees of TLC who do care about the children....but the corporation, as an entity, is so much bigger than them that the corporation ALWAYS wins out...and with the corporation...it's always the bottom line that comes first. Always. The corporation, not being human, has no feelings or emotions...or conscience....and has to answer to their stock-holders.
I suspect that we all want to see the end of this tale....to see that what goes around comes around and hoping for the best for the children to happen. But when this is all over, it's going to be a very sad story, indeed. Kate will be incapable of learning anything from the outcome and the children will be stuck with her as a mother....and TLC will go on, oblivious of whatever havoc they caused.
Was there another snow day today in PA? or were the kids at school?
Also, as far as Radar online throwing Kate under the bus....EVERYONE has started throwing her under the bus. Once they smell blood in the water, it becomes a free-for-all. That's why she made such a huge mistake by completely blowing the whole "role-model mom" thing....but of course, she couldn't help or control herself and we all knew that would happen.
And now that the whole role-model mom thing has clearly gone bye-bye....TLC is now hyping whatever will still still keep her relevant (and profitable)....and right now that is Kate being the villain and swirling innuendo that there's a possible affair with her married bodyguard.
It's a sad tale. We have a narcissist who truly believes she's a star and that she calls all the shots and a corporation that is only motivated by profit and is just playing along with her but also portraying her in whatever role will keep her relevant and profitable, if even just for that moment......but by doing this, also spelling her inevitable doom.
Kate might have had a long career as a role-model mom....with endorsements, books, speaking engagements, etc. But while she plays the major role in blowing this possibility and making herself a villain, so does TLC. They don't care about her and they don't really care about her children. TLC is not a person, it's a corporation. There may be individual employees of TLC who do care about the children....but the corporation, as an entity, is so much bigger than them that the corporation ALWAYS wins out...and with the corporation...it's always the bottom line that comes first. Always. The corporation, not being human, has no feelings or emotions...or conscience....and has to answer to their stock-holders.
I suspect that we all want to see the end of this tale....to see that what goes around comes around and hoping for the best for the children to happen. But when this is all over, it's going to be a very sad story, indeed. Kate will be incapable of learning anything from the outcome and the children will be stuck with her as a mother....and TLC will go on, oblivious of whatever havoc they caused.
...These two have been together for how long? Nearly two years? They travel the world, staying in first-class hotels. If (and this is only an assumption) these two were doing the deed, wouldn't you think by now that someone, somewhere would have evidence of it? That nosy maid making up their rooms while they went to breakfast -- did Kate leave something in his room, and vice-versa? Both of them coming downstairs in the morning at the same time? ...
With adjoining rooms it would be very simple to visit each other with no one seeing anything. Walking down to breakfast and dinner together would be simple, too. It's rumored he's been living at the McMansion for how many months now? I really don't think it would be a problem for 2 people working as closely as K&S have for over 2 years to hide the romantic part of their relationship. People expect that wherever she is, he's not far away. I won't be surprised when they finally announce they've started dating (I don't believe they'll ever admit the truth of when they first got together, but we'll know.)
BeDoneNow said...
Steve has regressed into Katie's attendant, nothing more, nothing less. I think he taunts he with hints of unfullfilled romance in order to keep her in line, but that is all
Here's something I've been wondering about regarding that situation. These two have been together for how long? Nearly two years? They travel the world, staying in first-class hotels. If (and this is only an assumption) these two were doing the deed, wouldn't you think by now that someone, somewhere would have evidence of it? That nosy maid making up their rooms while they went to breakfast -- did Kate leave something in his room, and vice-versa? Both of them coming downstairs in the morning at the same time? An affectionate neck rub? Everyone has camera phones these days, and knowing how much money could be made from selling such a photo, wouldn't someone be motivated to watch (or even stalk) them in hopes of getting some evidence?
Either they are very discreet, incredibly lucky, or there really is no hanky-panky going on.
Snow Globe said...
You don't know that to be true. Could just be another Steve photo op.
LOL! Okay. It really looked like a photo op! If it were, she would have had her arm around her daughter, doing the "motherly" thing, smiling, showing what a wonderful time the kids were having and what a fantastic mom she is. He has a vacant stare on his face, and she has the look of "where the heck did you (person snapping picture) come from?"
And I guess Steve explained to his wife that this was a just a photo-op -- Kate in a strapless dress, having dinner with the Silver Fox. "But, honey, we staged that photo! Honest!"
That's right ... A strapless dress ! The dinner was labeled swanky and I think the kids were most likely off to with the Nanny and the photo was
so it didn't look like what it really was , an intimate dinner for two.
Steve sure didn't want it to look like he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Gina might see it.
I tend to agree with SnowGlobe, I don't understand why Radaronline started off with this tone like it was some kind of romantic dinner when clearly the kids were sitting right there. On the contrary it looked to me like Steve was in Jon's seat and it was a family dinner with "new daddy" which in my book is just as bad.
Radaronline misrepresented the photo and started this mess. On this blog I clearly stated from the beginning it was Steve, Kate and kids in the photo, and many other places said the same accurate comment. I really don't think much of Radar--they basically waited until the bandwagon was full steam ahead against Kate before they finally climbed aboard and started throwing her under the bus. The reporter I once met from there was very nice, but clueless.
emschick1128 said...
He'll never get work as a real "bodyguard" or security guard again. Real bodyguards don't carry the client's purse or hold their kids hands when walking since they are supposed to be protecting the client. Steve is a joke of a bodyguard
Neild is not a bodyguard. He is providing "security", a word (and service) that covers a lot of meanings. His employer is presumably TLC, and the "security" he is providing is keeping Kate Gosselin sufficiently under control so that TLC can milk every last penny of revenue from her and her children.
Other potential employers, particularly those with problems of the same magnitude as the one presented by Mrs. Gosselin, will evaluate his performance based on how long he was able to keep the train wreck going for TLC.
In other words, he will be evaluated on how well he does the job he was hired to do, which has nothing to do with whether or not he's held a purse or a child's hand.
He's not a "security guard". He's providing a type of financial "security".
Did Jon even have his Christmas with his kids before the Judge allowed Kate/TLC to take them out of the country to work? Did the kids get anytime to play with their Christmas toys? Any down time over their Christmas break to relax and be kids? Strange how it is the middle of January, but to Jon and the kids...their time was put on hold, for Kate/TLC's love of exploiting children and $$$.
SmileyGrl752 said...
Maybe she had to sign a confidentiality agreement too? Like if she spoke out against it to the media, she could be sued by Kate?
[In reference to Gina Neild]
If her husband is in security, no confidentiality agreement would be necessary. No one who sells personal security services can afford an indiscreet spouse. If she talks, she tanks his career.
chesterctymom said...
'Administrator said...
Gina, you need to speak up. Are you ok? Seriously people, where is she?
I'm guessing sitting in a law office with the best divorce attorney she can find in Maryland. '
I'm guessing she is counting the money she and her poor excuse of a husband are making off of the Gosselin 8...she is not as clueless as she appears...imo...
chesterctymom is probably closer to the truth than all the other speculation about Neild's marriage.
The bottom line is that Neild's occupation probably takes him away from home regularly. Not, perhaps, to "bodyguard" a harridan with a rich fantasy life, but if he works in any form of personal security, being away from home is just part of the job description.
As such, it's not all that different from the kinds of jobs that fathers traditionally had in previous generations - mom stayed home and raised the kids, dad was traveling on business all the time. This is a reality that Neild's wife and family presumably accommodated to long ago.
In situations like this, the spouse at home knows she/he has nothing to worry about, or long ago accepted that affairs were just part of the bargain. Those are, in most marriages, private decisions.
The difference here is that this job blew up and became public in ways that most don't. I think Neild is in an impossible position - if he quits, that reflects on his professionalism, and may cost him work in the future. If he stays, he (and his wife and family) are going to be subject to constant speculation.
Calls for Neild's wife to account for her attitudes and reactions seem very much out of line to me. Their marriage, and their accommodations to his assignments - even this insane one - are their business.
The Gosselins CHOSE to make their lives public in the most intimate ways. Neild just accepted an assignment, anonymously (until personally "outed" by others) that exploded in some not-necessarily predictable ways.
'Administrator said...
Gina, you need to speak up. Are you ok? Seriously people, where is she?
I'm guessing sitting in a law office with the best divorce attorney she can find in Maryland. '
I'm guessing she is counting the money she and her poor excuse of a husband are making off of the Gosselin 8...she is not as clueless as she appears...imo...
The photo was taken from outside. From the look on Steve's face (and Kate's), I don't think that either one of them had a clue that the photo was being taken.
You don't know that to be true. Could just be another Steve photo op.
Mom In Lancaster County said...
BTW Admin. At what age would a Judge listen to a child's request to live with their father?
I'm not Admin, but I am in PA. There is no set age in PA. A judge can listen to any child, but the child has to have a valid reason for wanting to live with the father. It can't be because Dad buys them bigger toys, has a nicer house, or lets them do whatever they want to do!
"The decision of the court may be considered reversible error if they won't hear the child's preference. However, the court has the discretion to interview the child out of the parents' presence. A child as young as 5 or 6 years of age may be heard. Though it is rare the court will hear from a child under 7 years, the child's ability to tell the truth from fiction and maturity will be the guidelines for whether a child may be heard. A child of 10 or 12 years of age is certainly entitled to have their opinions heard and given weight in legal proceedings about custody. Additionally, the court has the power to appoint an attorney for the child in contested cases."
Thank you so much for answering my question Mom in Lancaster. You have clarified things beautifully. I am wondering if Mady or Cara voiced a preference for living with their father. If their reason was that they no longer wanted to film the show any more, would that be considered valid? It's sad that they don't seem to have an advocate to speak for them.
K8SUCKS, LancasterCountyMom -- I didn't hear her ask if Jon was 'getting her' on camera. How embarrassing. But I do remember her laying there saying in her God-awful baby voice that she was going shopping to get lots of "stuff". I wonder at what point in the honeymoon Jon realized he had made the biggest mistake of his life.
Admin said, "They do realize jet lag has to do with changing time zones, and not whether you were given a hot towel and a free meal in first class? Well gee I've flown first class and no one there promised me the time zones wouldn't change. Maybe that wasn't really first class!"
If it gets better the farther front you sit, just imagine how good those pilots feel!
"Anonymous said...
Kate Gosselin & Her Silver Fox Dine In ..."
What ROL neglected to say is that the kids were with them. Not too much of an intimate date. They had to wait until they got to NYC.
Jet Lagger, I agree, but I was referring to the fact that these kids on my flight(s) were asleep the entire time and would be awake all night when they got to their destination! I have also had kids on long flights like that behind me, and they never slept, nor stopped kicking my chair/playing with their tray table/call button/light. This was between screaming jags. Their parents did nothing, much as we have seen Ms. Gosselin be indifferent to how her children affect others around them. In one case, the flight attendant intervened and forced the parent to care for her own child! I wanted to kiss that woman.
BTW Admin. At what age would a Judge listen to a child's request to live with their father?
I'm not Admin, but I am in PA. There is no set age in PA. A judge can listen to any child, but the child has to have a valid reason for wanting to live with the father. It can't be because Dad buys them bigger toys, has a nicer house, or lets them do whatever they want to do!
"The decision of the court may be considered reversible error if they won't hear the child's preference. However, the court has the discretion to interview the child out of the parents' presence. A child as young as 5 or 6 years of age may be heard. Though it is rare the court will hear from a child under 7 years, the child's ability to tell the truth from fiction and maturity will be the guidelines for whether a child may be heard. A child of 10 or 12 years of age is certainly entitled to have their opinions heard and given weight in legal proceedings about custody. Additionally, the court has the power to appoint an attorney for the child in contested cases."
This was a 24 25 hour flight. I don't care who you are ..... but being stuck in a seat with a few stretches every now and then for that amount of time is exhausting, naps or no naps.
We can expect to see the routine tanning and Target photos tomorrow. We'll also see the usual gas pumping and illegal parking photos of her picking up mail and boxes. She'll need to drive the big van with a hitched trailer in order to pick up all the boxes of freebies and cases of Australian boxed wine she sent home.
Gina, you need to speak up. Are you ok? Seriously people, where is she?
I'm guessing sitting in a law office with the best divorce attorney she can find in Maryland.
I also wat to say how lame it is to post that the "children couldn't possibly have jet lag if they traveled first class." The poster also goes on to say that if any of us have ever traveled "first class" we'd have known that. Also " if Kate spends 24/7 with her kids" they will be messed up. Where do these people come up with this stuff. Their excuses for Kate's behavior don't even make sense half the time. As a mother myself I have a hard time believing that anyone who has children could excuse the way Kate treats her children.
Kate is in NY to get her face in the news after being out of the country. She wants to make sure we haven't forgotten her even though she looks more like an absentee mother again after sending her kids home without her and doing what most mothers would be doing after a 3 week long trip ..... getting the kids ready for school and tackling the mountain of laundry from vacation. Oh I forgot ... Kate doesn't do those "motherly" things and hires help so she can focus on herself.
Sorry...I apologize for my inaccurately saying in vitro vs. IUI. I totally apologize for my mistake and knew better.
Does anyone think Kate is in New York getting ready for the upcoming trial? Along with patting herself on the back with a much needed break since she WAS with the kids for that long? The reason she doesn't want people to know is because her handlers read the blogs and know we would be all over her for dropping her kids and hustling back by herself to New YOrk instead of helping the kids get back on track and catch up on homework.
I wish Jon much luck at his next court date. I hope the kids and Kate get what they deserve. Kids a much needed break from their vile mother and Kate gets charged with contempt. That would make my day. Hopefully, her karma is coming.
Admin, I wanted to thank you for answering my question on the last thread about switching judges. I just saw it & now I understand. Thanks again for the clarification. :)
Chingada said...
I can just imagine Kate shifting uncomfortably in her seat when they sing the song "Big Girls Don't Cry."
Hopefully she takes that to heart on her next talk show appearance.
I think that somebody far upthread said the same thing. Guess when it comes to Kate, minds are in sync!
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