Decompressing after her three week trip Down Under? A couple other people in the audience spotted Kate at the Broadway musical
Jersey Boys, based on the band the Four Seasons. No kids.
Kate in New York after so much time with the kids? She is nothing if not predictable.
263 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 263 Newer› Newest»Does it seem like TLC has written into their contract a New York City getaway shopping spree/hair/Broadway show in return each time Kate is forced to be with the kids?
I see a Today interview coming up where she talks about how devastated she was to see first-hand the damage done by the flooding in Australia.
This is what an audience member said, lol: "I almost asked to take a picture with her but she looked like a total biotch!"
It is hard for me to understand wanting to go out after such a huge trip. The only place I want to decompress is at home. I guess other people deal differently but i don't get it.
No kids? Good. They finally get a vacation they deserve...time away from mommie dearest and those damn cameras.
Any human would be exhausted after such a busy trip over many time zones, but Kate's little helper, you know, the one she sold her soul to, gives her great gifts, (all worldly, not ones that really count).
Well, look at it this way, the kids get to decompress as well. After spending 3 weeks with their Mother they will need it.
They are with Jon while they get over jet lag, conveniently as soon as they're back on track she gets them back.
She's afraid to be alone in that mcmansion isn't she? All the money in the world can't change a cold empty mansion or buy away her loneliness.
Guess Jon gets eight jet-lagged kids.
Who's unpacking the bags, going through the mail getting groceries getting thing ready to go back to normal this week? I thought it all rests on Kate all alll all.
It probably killed her soul to have to spend so much time with her kids. She couldn't wait to get home to escape them. This woman is truly disgusting.
For Kate, a trip to New York *is* decompressing, because she gets to be in a fancy hotel suite without any kids or disruptions and get waited on hand and foot, while others deal with the rest of the fallout from the trip (jet lagged kids: Jon gets, 3 weeks worth of laundry: housekeeper gets, household chores: whoever has been taking care of them all along gets, etc).
I honestly am surprised that Kate would go see a Broadway show. You have to have a real appreciation of the actors to enjoy a show like that, and as Kate herself has said, she doesn't pay attention to other people.
She'll go on bedrest while her little meal tickets get sent to daddy's house to catch up on the school work they missed while WORKING.
Jon would probably let the kids sleep all day if they want, poor babies, but that will count as a full visit.
She just has to make sure she is still relevant. What better way than to be seen out and about? As someone else said, she is nothing if not predictable. Hope the kids have a great time with Jon.
My first thought was that as soon as the limo drove her a$$ home from the airport, first thing she would do is drop the kids off to Jon.Probably didn't even go home first.
Or more than likely she sent the kids home with Ashley and headed to the spas and of course to get her 'crocheted hair' done.
She needs to get ready for her "Tour Of Lies" on the talkshows and in the courtroom.
She must be exhausted after having to pretend to love her children in front of the cameras for such a long trip.
Yes, obviously Jon is way behind in his visitation. So the minute they get back, he gets the pleasure of dealing with tired, jetlagged kids who have to return to school on Tuesday. How very, very convenient for "World's Best Mom" Kate, who misses the brunt of their fatigue. Just when I think this woman cannot get any worse, she outdoes herself once again.
And I am absolutely positive that she planned this return down to a tee so she could get away from her brood when they were at their lowest point. Despicable.
Remember when the concept of this reality show was how to raise eight kids, six the same age, on a shoe-string budget? That was when I liked the show, when it was interesting. What might actually be interesting is watching all the fallout from coming home from a big trip--i.e. watch a huge family try to scramble to get organized and back on track in time for Tuesday--the mail, the newspapers, squeeze in a visit with daddy, the animals, the homework. In three weeks surely something needs to be repaired at home, surely something went wrong. I think that's ten times more interesting than watching yet another trip to some exotic locale. Of course we all know that Kate has "people" to do this for her. Somewhere along the way the concept of this show was completely lost.
No kids with her (wow, what a suprise) but I'm wondering if she was alone alone, or alone with her boyfriend, oops, I mean boobyguard, sorry, bodyguard.
"I honestly am surprised that Kate would go see a Broadway show. You have to have a real appreciation of the actors to enjoy a show like that, and as Kate herself has said, she doesn't pay attention to other people"
It's a amazing show. I've seen it twice. I doubt, though, that Kate ever heard of Frankie Valli, although she should remember "Big Girls Don't Cry" when she goes on the next talk show circuit; and she's told the boys many times to "Walk Like A Man."
Maybe K8 thought she was going to an audition for "The Jersey Shore".
In all seriousness :when we returned from our overseas trip, the kids were EXHAUSTED as was I. We literally walked into our house and went to bed. I'm guessing Katie Irene gots LOTS of rest on the return flight.
She is such a b*tch and SO damn predictable.
So...who accompanied her on this get-away to the Big Apple?
Let me guess...
She is probably in NYC to be seen, photographed and also to get that ratty weave redone at some ridiculous price.
Then its off to a spa, have the scary nails done, spray on some abs and a tan, also.
I *HOPE* it's not to appear on some stupid talk show to again talk about how wonderful (and poor) she is...
As mentioned by all of you above, how can you not have 100 things to take care of after being gone for so long? What a pompous a$$.
Jon gets to pick up the pieces: 8 exhausted kids.
Administrator said...
She's afraid to be alone in that mcmansion isn't she? All the money in the world can't change a cold empty mansion or buy away her loneliness.
It's not a HOME, after all. It's just a place to stash the kids she can't stand being around.
It's criminal that she takes these poor kids on such a lengthy trip and dumps them on others who then have to deal with the consequences.
Kate would rather die than support these kids emotionally. Or rather go to New York where she can live as a single adult, with no reminders of her 8 little paychecks to haunt her.
Administrator said....Somewhere along the way the concept of this show was completely lost.
But a new concept began....called "watching the train wreck".....becoming voyeurs watching the behavior of a malignant narcissist. And unfortunately, there are many (enough) who love to watch it....and seem to either have no clue or just don't care that it's having a negative effect on 8 little children.
And when the kids don't get their homework done at Daddy's because they're too tired, when they're still not back on a normal sleeping schedule, and when they act out because they are exhausted, how convenient to blame it all on Jon and not on the trip and the jetlag. The whole thing is a setup.
I absolutely think he should be with the kids now and that they have a lot of visits to make up. But a normal divorced family would say here you take the kids, just do the best you can to get them back on a schedule and what you can't do oh well, I'll stay home and get the house ready for our normal routine. Call me if you need anything. Instead it's DUMPING them like an old couch on him and off to Broadway in a whole other state.
How do you go from flying back from the other side of the world with 8 tired/exhausted kids and the next day in a different state watching a musical?! OKay, so next is the hair salon, then the Today show, and then the token visit to American Girl Apparel to pick up the freebies. Can someone be so predictable.
Instead of "reality" tv show, can they create a new catagory called "farcity" tv show.
I'm providing this link again to the Today Show Interview circa October 9th, 2009 -- the day, she was found in contempt for violating the arbitration agreement. If you haven't seen this interview, check it out and to see the woman's depth of manipulation, deceit and acting skills (or lack thereof):
Says Kate: I'M not tired after our trip, why should my kids be? I was able to limo my way up to NYC and actually stayed awake for an entire live show! Why can't the kids stay awake and do their times tables and learn some spelling words? Mady and Cara have a science project due on Wednesday and all I'll hear when I get home is Wah Wah Wah, they didn't have time to finish. Sheesh, I just don't get it!
Somewhere along the way the concept of this show was completely lost.
It was Season One. The travelogue episode where they were invited out to CA to give a talk at some church but first they went to see the sequoias. It was the beginning of the end. Kate discovered she'd hit the free-ride jackpot with her kids and it hasn't stopped since.
She must be exhausted after having to pretend to love her children in front of the cameras for such a long trip.
I think Kate stopped pretending to love her kids right about the time of the episodes where she yelled, "I'm in control and that's never going to end", told the tups she felt like she was talking to kindergartners (DUH) and that a one bedroom apt. sounded good.
Doesn't Kate want to spend time with the doggy? Oh, right...
Well, God forbid she spend any time getting them ready for school.
Moose Mania said...
I honestly am surprised that Kate would go see a Broadway show. You have to have a real appreciation of the actors to enjoy a show like that
No, Moose Mania, sorry to say it, but a NORMAL person might enjoy a show this way, but someone else, like Kate, say, might go because "it's what rich people do" or "it's where I can be seen" or "I'm gonna sit here on Broadway and dream of being up there - I can sing, too!" or "I dumped the kids and now somebody better entertain me". Or lots of other reasons, none of which require even noticing that actual people - other people -are on stage, much less appreciating what they're doing.
Let's face it, "appreciation" is not Kate's strong suit.
NPD. It's nothing if not predicable.
Maybe K8 thought she was going to an audition for "The Jersey Shore".
Or maybe she wants to go backstage and meet the Jersey Boys, flirt shamelessly, and try to actually snag one of them as her bf in order to fulfill her New Year's resolution. She probably wants a guy who's also in show biz too so they can travel together and be America's Cutest Celebrity Couple (barf).
Just as so many predicted, the self-appointed "princess" is "exhausted" but has to keep on "working" boo hoo hoo! I also agree we will see her on some of the shows this week blowing her own horn about what a good and hard working mother she is and what an amazing trip and opportunity it was for them, blah, blah, blah. I don't think anyone who interviews her gets the special treatment that she does. It is like she is a genie and all see has to do is wish for something and it is hers. Her pampered self-focused lifestyle continues like she is married to royalty. Well, it will end someday for her as she continues to age and fall out of favor, but the bottom line is all this is done at the expense of the kids and I sincerely hope she will be held accountable in the end.
What a life.
Get home from a long ass trip to the other side of the world, dump the kids off with dad, drop the nannies off at the house to do all the laundry and shopping, while she skeedaddles off to NYC with her lover so she can get her fake hair re-glued and re-dyed, and catch a show to boot! ( I predict pics tomorrow of her coming out of the NYC salon with a huge smile plastered on her plastic face).
Amazing! And she actually has a reality show claiming she does it all herself.
The only thing she does herself is dictate what everyone else is going to do while she gets pampered.
Non stop Kate . She needs to get her mug in some American papers now that she's been gone for a few weeks. Forget that the fact that her children might need some recovery time before they go back to school. They will be hard at work on Tuesday and Kate will be sleeping in preparing for what lies she'll tell on her next talk show about this latest fiasco.
How can anyone not see through this fraud? Poor, poor me, cries Kate. And yet here she is blowing money like it's Christmas in New York City on herself, just herself. A Broadway show is not cheap. If she were really struggling she wouldn't be going on shopping sprees in New York City. The fact is she is NOT hurting financially, she has plenty of money to spend on herself, and herself is exactly where most of the children's money is spent.
I bet Becki Dilley and Bobbi McCaughey would kill for a weekend in New York to get pampered and go see a show without the kids. Yet Kate gets her weekends in NY every other weekend!
I understand 90% of America is onto the fraud now, I still don't get the other 19%.
10%, not 19%. Typo!
Maybe Kate doesn't want to go back to PA. She might get arrested.
Right on, AuntieAnn. Freebies are what Kate is all about. So don't believe for a minute that she bought her own Broadway show ticket or paid for her own hotel. I'd bet my next retirement check on that one. Taker, they name is Kate. This is the best impression I have of her. All about her; no one else. I just hope she doesn't muddle up the a.m. shows because she was privileged to travel overseas to see the sites. I don't begrudge anyone who is needy getting what they truly need, but this gravy train is sickening. The ungrateful attitude is maddening. Jon doesn't appear to be stricken by the greed anymore. Still, I wonder when we'll ever know the truth about this family.
The travelogue episode where they were invited out to CA to give a talk at some church but first they went to see the sequoias
Yep, and K8 STOLE those beautiful pinecones from this national park ......
Maybe Steve is more cultured and he wanted to see the show. Khate will follow him to the ends of the earth and mirror his every move.
Administrator said...
They are with Jon while they get over jet lag, conveniently as soon as they're back on track she gets them back.
If they weren't with Jon you'd be complaining that she didn't allow her children to see their father after taking them away from him for an extended period.
I said I think they should be with Jon. I think they should be with Jon while Kate stays home and gets the household back on track. Instead it's all left up to Jon and the nannies. Get it?
What does it take for a psyche evaul order? A LOT. Kate would never have to submit to that until she's found pushing around in circles a shopping cart full of 15 dollar hams around the back entrance of Target.
Also isn't it true that narcissists are good at manipulating psyche evaluations so they come out just fine?
I know the narcissist I worked for had finally agreed to go to therapy and all the therapist did was give her stupid parenting techniques. I never saw any kind of treatment to actually help her with the narcissism.
Administrator said...
I said I think they should be with Jon. I think they should be with Jon while Kate stays home and gets the household back on track. Instead it's all left up to Jon and the nannies. Get it?
I get that you've surmised all this from someone seeing Kate in NYC. You don't actually know that everything has been left up to Jon and the nannies. NYC is not worlds away from PA. Maybe she had a meeting, saw a show and came home the next day to "get the household back on track." You have no clue.
No Win? This is a three day weekend. It would take a normal mother doing it by herself at least several days to catch up after being gone three weeks. The point is, Kate doesn't do it by herself. The point is, Kate is a fraud. How is someone crying poor sitting at a Broadway show in NY? Oh right because she's NOT POOR. She LIES.
Kate is in New York because she has a truckload of paid helpers to do everything for her, all paid by the children's hard work. Admit it. Also explain who paid for the Broadway show. That's right, the kids did again.
And if you're going to say TLC paid for it--if it weren't for the kids working FOR TLC, TLC wouldn't be paying for a darn thing. Thus, yes, the kids work to pay for her lifestyle. You can't get around it.
If the kids are not with Jon or the nannies, where are they?
I think the ones with NO CLUE are the ones still defending child exploitation and neglect.
She had a meeting in NY? Ok then. For someone as rich and famous as Kate now is, she could insist that "meetings" be held in PA, at her home, via video conference all. That way she can actually be home when Jon drops the kids off instead of sending the nanny up the drive to do the dirty exchange, and she can get the house ready for back to the routine. Every day celebrities who actually want to be with their children and be where they actually live make demands like this that people have no problem honoring, it's par for the course.
A meeting in NY is just an excuse to go to NY and pamper herself, and we have the photos to prove it.
Let's not forget this is a woman who had the nannies bring the kids home from Florida, BY THEMSELVES. So she could fly off to LA.
Make no mistake, these kids are well aware that Kate wants nothing to do with them or even their own home unless the kids are working. And if that's not how she really feels in her heart? Well, that's exactly what the kids are processing by her own actions.
No Win -
Have you ever been away from home for an extended period of time ?
Yep, and K8 STOLE those beautiful pinecones from this national park ......
That's right she did didn't she. And if I remember correctly she said she wanted to mail them back when she found out people weren't supposed to take them out of the park. So why didn't she, then? Guess she's always thought rules and regulations don't apply when comes to her, contrary to what she says.
"Anonymous said... I see a Today interview coming up where she talks about how devastated she was to see first-hand the damage done by the flooding in Australia."
She's too full of herself for that. Not unless she talked about how she single-handedly made the rain stop while raising her 8 (count the 8!) kids all be herself. :P
"Kartie Dearest w/ Staff of 12 said... WTH....
I'm providing this link again to the Today Show Interview...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3vzOET1tnM&feature=related "
Thanks for the link! It was actually on October 5th, four days before she was held in contempt. I can't believe the spin! She took out money because she was afraid he was going to spend the money but the arbitrator "made her put it back, and I did". It makes me cringe at how manipulative she is!
Administrator said... This is what an audience member said, lol: "I almost asked to take a picture with her but she looked like a total biotch!"
Was there an article on this or pics? Did you see this comment in a blog?
My personal opinion is that she never went home in the first place. They probably flew into NY, she stayed in her own luxury suite to see and be seen (well for KAte it would be to be seen, not see, because, well, you get it...) and then the kids were sent on their merry way with Ashley and whoever else went with them.
ITA with you Admin. The reason for watching in the first place several years ago was to see what it was like having that many kids and doing just the everyday things it takes to make life tick. And it would have been very interesting to watch them come home, unpack, get the laundry done, get homework done, rest, sleep, cook some good food. All that would have made the show real. But it hasn't been about real in a long time and Kate does not do anything except dress in her itsy bitsy teeny weeny bikini and parade around half or more exposed in front of everyone and has the most entitled diva expression on her face I have ever seen. And the sheeple still just keep on defending her.
"Maybe she had a meeting, saw a show and came home the next day to "get the household back on track." You have no clue."
When did Kate ever have the household on track in the first place? It's the paid helpers that do the work! Yes, we do have clues. Too many of them, in fact!
I guess she had that important meeting in the balcony of the August Wilson Theater!
"Kate would never have to submit to that until she's found pushing around in circles a shopping cart full of 15 dollar hams around the back entrance of Target.:
LOL!! I'm sure that if Chris waited around long enough, he'd see her doing just that, and grab some shots as evidence! He just needs to be out there more often on a regular basis!
I honestly am surprised that Kate would go see a Broadway show. You have to have a real appreciation of the actors to enjoy a show like that, and as Kate herself has said, she doesn't pay attention to other people.
I'd think one would have to have an appreciation of the arts. We all know that Kate has no appreciation for the arts, or politics, current events, history, etc. She's a shallow, vapid little wrench.
I am a "normal" mother of 4 - divorced, so there's only one parent in this household - and it takes ME at least 2 days on the weekend to get things caught up from the previous week and get ready for the week ahead.
After a trip that long, here's what I'd assume would need to be done:
*unpacking x9 people
*probably at least 5-6 loads of laundry (thinking of the high capacity washers she has 2 of)
*getting the dog back to the household and giving it some attention (haha, right)
*making sure there's nothing icky in the fridge
*grocery shopping trip to stock back up
*gas up vehicle
*3 weeks worth of mail to sort through, probably some e-mails and voicemails to sort through as well
*re-starting any services that were stopped while away (such as newspapers, maintenance, etc)
*planning for the week ahead (meals, appointments, etc)
*readjusting to the time zone and the normal fatigue that traveling causes
But instead, she's nowhere near her home, but traveling again while other people do all of the above and probably more.
Of course Jon should get some time with the kids, but it's unfair to the kids and Jon that he has them immediately after a trip such as this one, when they're majorly jet-lagged and fatigued and have been working the majority of their "winter break." I'm sure Jon doesn't mind because he's happy to see them, but it's too bad HE wasn't the one who got to be with them for the last 3 weeks.
Does anyone have a link to Kate in New York?
Gimme, Gimme said...
Moose Mania said...
I honestly am surprised that Kate would go see a Broadway show. You have to have a real appreciation of the actors to enjoy a show like that
No, Moose Mania, sorry to say it, but a NORMAL person might enjoy a show this way, but someone else, like Kate, say, might go because "it's what rich people do" or "it's where I can be seen" or "I'm gonna sit here on Broadway and dream of being up there - I can sing, too!"
Moose Mania didn't say that. It was a quote from someone else. My reply was that the show was amazing, but I doubted that she even knew who Frankie Valli was.
These quotes can get confusing sometimes! Been there, done that!
I can't imagine what it's like to be the wife of a "bodyguard" and have him call me the day after he got back to the states after being away for several weeks, only to hear him say, "Sorry, honey, I'm off to New York."
I think at that point, I'd tell him to stay there and rent a room indefinitely at the Essex House. Don't his sons miss him, and vice-versa?
Administrator said... What does it take for a psyche evaul order? A LOT. Kate would never have to submit to that until she's found pushing around in circles a shopping cart full of 15 dollar hams around the back entrance of Target.
Based on my cousin's experience, I totally disagree. His ex was cut from the Kate mold 100% and he let her call all the shots post divorce. When my cousin got remarried, his new wife was like WTF! They went to court to get 50/50 physical custody. Cousin demanded a psych exam of wife. Judge ordered psych exams of both parents. Narcissist ex-wife's came back as "inconclusive" basically meaning the psychiatrist knew she was trying to BS the crap out of him. Cousin and his wife now have 50/50 custody and the kids are thrilled.
Do you know what day she was at the show? Was it Saturday?
I wonder if she sent the kids home alone with the nannies like she's done before and headed off to NYC separate from them or drop them off at the McMansion and then desert them from there.
I just had a thought -- wanna bet that since Kate's in NYC after being gone for 3 weeks, she also stopped off at Ted Gibson's to have her hair re-glued onto her head and bleached some more. In other words - she's making a weekend out of this.
Administrator said...
This is what an audience member said, lol: "I almost asked to take a picture with her but she looked like a total biotch!"
Throwing rotten tomatoes at Kate would have been more appropriate.
Administrator said... She had a meeting in NY? Ok then. For someone as rich and famous as Kate now is, she could insist that "meetings" be held in PA, at her home, via video conference all. That way she can actually be home when Jon drops the kids off instead of sending the nanny up the drive to do the dirty exchange, and she can get the house ready for back to the routine. Every day celebrities who actually want to be with their children and be where they actually live make demands like this that people have no problem honoring, it's par for the course.
A meeting in NY is just an excuse to go to NY and pamper herself, and we have the photos to prove it.
I so agree, Administrator.
Within a day or two, they will release the pap photos of Kate with her newly "re-thatched" hair.
Administrator said...
No Win? This is a three day weekend. It would take a normal mother doing it by herself at least several days to catch up after being gone three weeks. The point is, Kate doesn't do it by herself. The point is, Kate is a fraud. How is someone crying poor sitting at a Broadway show in NY? Oh right because she's NOT POOR. She LIES.
Kate is in New York because she has a truckload of paid helpers to do everything for her, all paid by the children's hard work. Admit it. Also explain who paid for the Broadway show. That's right, the kids did again.
And if you're going to say TLC paid for it--if it weren't for the kids working FOR TLC, TLC wouldn't be paying for a darn thing. Thus, yes, the kids work to pay for her lifestyle. You can't get around it.
January 16, 2011 12:43 PM
No Clue said...
If the kids are not with Jon or the nannies, where are they?
I think the ones with NO CLUE are the ones still defending child exploitation and neglect.
Just wanted to say that this post hit the nail on the head.
I doubt Kate has even set foot in PA yet. It wouldn't surprise me if the kids and nannies took one plane out of LA back home, and she and Steve took one directly to NY.
Speaking of Christmas, what did Kate get her kids for Christmas. Why no show about the best Holiday of the year ? What's better than seeing 8 kids getting up Christmas morning ? Oh ..... I guess that's too much reality for Kate. The show would focus on the kids and poor Kate couldn't handle that. TLC would save a few bucks because air travel wouldn't be involved but I guess Katie Irene nixed that one. She doesn't get the pampering in her own home that she would get on some elaborate vacation. We might see that Kate didn't indulge her kids on Christmas the way she does herself on a daily basis. Or maybe it's nothing more than Kate wouldn't be caught dead having to get up early for anyone no matter what day of the year it is. What a sad sack she is.
I'm providing this link again to the Today Show Interview circa October 9th, 2009 -- the day, she was found in contempt for violating the arbitration agreement. If you haven't seen this interview, check it out and to see the woman's depth of manipulation, deceit and acting skills (or lack thereof):
The date of the show is Monday, October 5, not the 9th. Some of the court papers are dated October 6. However, the page in which there is a decree and order declaring she was found in contempt is NOT DATED, nor signed. This appears to be a separate document entirely because it is not dated or stamped, as are the other documents. The "Whereas" DATE is left blank.
Do we, in fact, know that she was found in contempt? The papers do not tell us when that was, of "if" it was. Has there been any mention in the media when this happened, or did she comment on it in any interviews?
Administrator? Could you please look at that document and tell us if this was the ruling of the judge?
Watched the Oct. clip from Today interview. What a lying sack of sh*t! Maybe going back on to address recent contempt charge and "twist of Kate" that, too! God forbid her PR team let her look sneaky and underhanded!
What does it take for a psyche evaul order? A LOT.
Happens here in Indiana all the time in custody cases. My best friend was accused of having a personality disorder by her husband who was divorcing her and seeking custody. She had to attend a day treatment program for 6 weeks to prove she was fit to be the custodial parent. It is actually quite common here which is why I have asked this same question for nearly 3 years, now.
We were fed the original concept from the get-go, but that ended so long ago that it's difficult to remember. The poor 8 will be exhausted when they do return to school. What a shame that Jon couldn't stay with them in their own home so they could rest in their own beds. If the house does belong to the kids, it's a shame the parents can't move in and out. Guess that might mean the master bedroom lock would need to be removed. (Snark). So much we just don't know. We're still being played by TLC/Kate. Keep up the interest, good or bad. It's sad, really. She's laughing all the way to the bank.
First let me start by saying that I am NOT defending Kate any way, shape, or form- Maybe Kate isn't affected by jet lag, I am not. I am in the military and have traveled half way around the world and back in a short time and suffered no jet lag. I feel very lucky, and apparently part of of a select few :D AND- I am not saying this applies to the children, just Kate. It just looks like to me she might not be affected by jet lag as much as other people, and that is why, maybe, she can bounce right into a Broadway show in New York. Not that she should, just that she can. Her energy would be better spent getting her house in order of course.
Maybe she's not bothered by jet lag as much as she is by the fact that after having the kids day-in and day-out (with the help of nannies, of course) that what really bothers her is staying home with them for another few days until school begins! She just had to have some time to herself (and with HIM), don't you know?
No Clue said,
"....Maybe she had a meeting, saw a show and came home the next day to "get the household back on track." You have no clue."
Maybe. We'll see, and if we're right, you'll state that right here won't you?
I think we can see exactly where her priorities lie: use the kids for fame and fortune and then dump them fr fun in NYC ASAP.
This just confirms that she really is totally detached from her children. She just sees them as coworkers at this point, really. The location shoot is over, time to pawn them off to someone else and be free again.
For someone who proclaimed "mine, all mine" in delight at her newly purchased mcmansion, she sure as hell hates being there, doesn't she? With or without the kids, it seems as if "home" is the last place she ever wants to be. Everyone involved would have been so much better off if Jon had been given the house and Khate bought some condo. It's more in keeping with her lifestyle, really. That or a hotel room, because all she does is check in and check out.
This also confirms that she has staff do just about everything for the kids and to run that household. As a lot of you have mentioned, after a trip like this, there's so much unpacking, laundry, and food shopping to do. Not to mention trying to get the kids back on schedule, have them get plenty of rest, get to bed early Monday night, and all ready for school. I'm just sick to death of Khate pretending to be supermom of eight that does it all when in fact she does FAR, FAR less than any mother of even just one child! What a joke! She really is NOTHING but someone who "plays" a mom on some dumbass tv show.
Sadiemay said...
Speaking of Christmas, what did Kate get her kids for Christmas. Why no show about the best Holiday of the year ? What's better than seeing 8 kids getting up Christmas morning ? Oh ..... I guess that's too much reality for Kate. The show would focus on the kids and poor Kate couldn't handle that.
I don't believe that we, the public, needed to be involved in the Gosselin kids' Christmas morning, or in what they got for Christmas...IF they had a Christmas at all? Most likely, they have become accustomed to distrusting such things. Wasn't it just a year or two ago they were all fooled into 'reacting' to what they THOUGHT was Christmas for the cameras, only to be told later - oops, it wasn't really Christmas at all. Not to mention, as far as I can tell, those kids only got a few days off after school broke for the holidays before getting right back into their work harnesses. Just as they did all summer. And at Easter. And at every other school break. They work. Those kids must be exhausted. When will the lightbulbs finally go on regarding these children? Or maybe I should say, when will the flashbulbs go OFF.
What never fails to sadden me is how little of a relationship she has with her kids. I don't like to sound preachy, but children are such enormous blessings. And to squander that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have a close, loving relationship with them just strikes me as such a sad waste. Of course, she doesn't seem to have the ability to have a close, loving relationship with anyone. More's the pity.
I get the feeling if Kate was to find a cure for cancer after a long extended trip, she would still be ragged on about it. 'What a biotch! Can't she rest and relax a few days before finding that cure!? '
No Win said...
Administrator said...
I said I think they should be with Jon. I think they should be with Jon while Kate stays home and gets the household back on track. Instead it's all left up to Jon and the nannies. Get it?
I get that you've surmised all this from someone seeing Kate in NYC. You don't actually know that everything has been left up to Jon and the nannies. NYC is not worlds away from PA. Maybe she had a meeting, saw a show and came home the next day to "get the household back on track." You have no clue.
No Win, I think you are the one with no clue.
After traveling for over 24 hours,not even mentioning the jet lag, there are at least 9 suitcases to unpack and mountains of laundry. School stuff to organize for 8 kids. How about groceries to buy? What about lunches to plan for the kids. Oh I get it she can just put what ever has been in the fridge for 3 weeks, kids will love that.
After you have done a round trip though Australia and New Zealand in a couple of weeks you might have a clue as to what is involved. It takes a lot more than "a day to get the house on track."
Also it is bloody hard to unpack when she is in a totally different State or didn't you realize that NY and PA are different States?
So, are the kids going back to school tomorrow? I'd insist on getting back from a huge trip two or three days BEFORE school started back so my kid could get re-adjusted to our time zone, rest, get her stuff in order, and have some downtime before school started back for her.
And she's 16! She's a sophomore and drives herself to school. I don't care--kids need rest and re-adjustment time after such a huge exhausting trip! Poor kids, ug. They're probably totally frazzled.
Also, Kate running off to NY the moment they get back is totally in character for her, so I don't see what's so hard to believe about it. She's got her hair and nails to get done. Gotta be seen! Gotta find someone in the media to whine and cry to about her hard, hard life!
butterfly, that very well may be the case. BUT.......why is it that K8 can never muster enough energy to do anything with her kids (unless it's for filming, and even then it's marginal at best) but her energy knows no bounds when it comes to ditching them and spending time pursuing her "career" ?
(I am responding to you in a respectful way, no snark meant !)
Perhaps I missed it... Who/What is the source?
I doubt they will have school tomorrow, most schools in the US have MLK day off.
Is Steve in NY after all this time away from his family??? Isn't Baltimore the first place he should go after a three week international trip rather than going to NYC??? I don't care how much money is involved if he is still in any way involved with his family, that is where he would be.
Linda the Good :
In all honesty, 2-3 days is NOT enough to recover from a trip like that. Those poor kids are physically and emotionally exhausted - they will need AT LEAST a week to assimilate to east coast time and a lifetime of therapy to deal with the fact that their mother is an abusive monster.
sandi, what exactly are you trying to say?
Does anyone have a link to the sighting?
It's funny because the Jersey Boys cast were performing at Sydney Harbour on New Years Eve (when Kate and the kids were presumably there) as they also have a stage show running in Sydney at the moment. Wonder if that has anything to do with her trip to see it on Broadway?
I think Steve is setting his kids up for their own issues. Despite most teenagers acting like they don't need Dad, this is when they actually need your presence the most. That is his call to abandon his own boys who need him, and he will have to deal with the consequences of missing out on their own childhoods so much. They seem athletic, how many sports games has he missed? How many winning goals? It's his choice to throw their childhood away.
As for the Gosselin kids, you can bet your bottom dollar they are internalizing that Mommy would much rather be off in New York being pampered than home helping to get the house and kids ready to go back to the routine. "I am not important" is being drilled into their little heads over and over and over with each luxury trip to New York she takes.
The woman I worked for traveled every other week and missed all kinds of stuff, and it was frightening to watch how an 8-year-old had learned not to need her, it was as if it were some kind of defense mechanism. At age EIGHT.
I am a little more cautious to disclose sources on this one since it opens people up to being harassed. The people who saw her didn't have nice things to say about her, I wouldn't want some crazed sheeple to try to get them fired.
I also think that kids are very perceptive in being able to differentiate between mommy/daddy CAN'T be here for a work/whatever versus mommy/daddy DON'T GIVE A SH*T about being here.
sandi said... I get the feeling if Kate was to find a cure for cancer after a long extended trip, she would still be ragged on about it.
Seeing that Kate IS a cancer, surely she has no interest in finding a cure for cancer. Now, if she found a cure for ratty-straw-like hair after a long trip, I'm betting throngs of Sheeple and the cast of Housewives of [insert the city] would certainly perk up and pay her due homage.
K8SUCKS said... I also think that kids are very perceptive in being able to differentiate between mommy/daddy CAN'T be here for a work/whatever versus mommy/daddy DON'T GIVE A SH*T about being here.
K8, abso-freaking-luetly. Even though a lot of traveling is for work, the woman I worked for would always take off two or three days ahead of her engagement to have plenty of time to screw around in Baltimore or New York or Florida with whatever friends she had amassed there. There was absolutely no reason she had to spend that long there. If the eight-year-old I knew was onto her bullshit (she was a narcissist who didn't want to be with her kids either), surely the 6 year olds here are there or almost there.
They did not need her. And these kids will learn not to need Kate if they already have not. Kate will be on her own then.
No snark taken! :D
you asked "BUT.......why is it that K8 can never muster enough energy to do anything with her kids (unless it's for filming, and even then it's marginal at best) but her energy knows no bounds when it comes to ditching them and spending time pursuing her "career" ?"
I agree, believe me! Plus, as many other as have mentioned, she never seems to look happy when she is with her children. Something is seriously wrong with that woman. She is not maternal. Those poor children.
I just had a brilliant idea. Someone should have tapped Kate's shoudler about 20 minutes into the first act and said she has to go. No more Jersey Boys for you. Then she might begin to understand how her children felt in Alaska when they were pulled away from their fun camping trip.
AuntieAnn said... Yep, and K8 STOLE those beautiful pinecones from this national park ......
That's right she did didn't she. And if I remember correctly she said she wanted to mail them back when she found out people weren't supposed to take them out of the park. So why didn't she, then? Guess she's always thought rules and regulations don't apply when comes to her, contrary to what she says.
And let's not forget the sad ending to the pine cone story ... they were later discovered in a box on a high shelf in the garage, crushed up with a bunch of other stashed away garbage/freebies when they did a spring cleaning. Do you think Kate "mailed them back" to the park??? More like she mailed them to the curb.
sandi said... I get the feeling if Kate was to find a cure for cancer after a long extended trip, she would still be ragged on about it.
I'm not sure what this means either but people used to hate Jon too until he proved himself after many months that he was trying to protect the kids. Our opinions changed of him. If Jon can change Kate can too and if she proves herself, people's opinions would change.
I have been saying for years that if Kate had simply admitted that this thing with TLC got out of hand and she needs some space to figure this out and decide whether to keep doing this, no one would begrudge her that.
Administrator said... The woman I worked for traveled every other week and missed all kinds of stuff, and it was frightening to watch how an 8-year-old had learned not to need her, it was as if it were some kind of defense mechanism. At age EIGHT.
**************************************************Believe me, the defense mechanism and "I don't need you because you are never there anyway." mechanism is well in place at age 8. A very lonely place for any kid. But hopefully it will foster an independent spirit further down the road for these little ones.
"NYC is not worlds away from PA."
It is if you've ever been stuck on the GW Bridge or the entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel!
"So, are the kids going back to school tomorrow? I'd insist on getting back from a huge trip two or three days BEFORE school started back so my kid could get re-adjusted to our time zone, rest, get her stuff in order, and have some downtime before school started back for her."
No. Tomorrow is a holiday. They did get back three days before school starts.
Administrator said... I just had a brilliant idea. Someone should have tapped Kate's shoudler about 20 minutes into the first act and said she has to go. No more Jersey Boys for you. Then she might begin to understand how her children felt in Alaska when they were pulled away from their fun camping trip.
Great idea, but given Kate's ignorance and total oblivion to anything worth knowing (ie, she probably couldn't wait for the show to end), I think the lesson would better be learned if someone cut short one of her dates with Stevie-Purse-boy-Boobyguard. "Enjoying that appetizer at Nobu with Mr. Grey, Kate? Yeah, well, sorry, you're going to have to go now." THAT, I believe, might actually get to her. Then again, given that she has no empathy for anyone, perhaps the point wouldn't be made even then.
Admin said, "As for the Gosselin kids, you can bet your bottom dollar they are internalizing that Mommy would much rather be off in New York being pampered than home helping to get the house and kids ready to go back to the routine"
But you're assuming that on any given day she gets the house and kids in a "routine." I doubt that she does. That's why she has paid help. She's a free spirit -- comes and goes as she pleases and everyone else manages the house. Why would returning from a trip be any different from any other day of the year? She doesn't do the work!
Pie the Cat said... Perhaps I missed it... Who/What is the source?
I would like to know that too, Pie. I looked at other boards and there's nothing about Kate being in NYC. Admin, I thought you insisted on not posting anything until it had been proven. I think I'd like to see the article, pic. IF it's an anonymous source, just say it's anonymous.
Come on guys you know I don't post anonymous sources anymore. It's from two separate facebook posts from two independent people willing to go on record with names and faces. I don't want these nice ladies, one of whom is a teacher, to lose their jobs, ok?
OMG...at Jersey Boys and just figured out Kate Gosselin is in the seat behind me!!!She looks hot!
Yesterday at 6:32pm via BlackBerry
@Jersey Boys and just saw Kate Gosselin. She just gave my husband the eye! I'd better watch out!
Yesterday at 6:29pm via BlackBerry
sandi said... I get the feeling if Kate was to find a cure for cancer after a long extended trip, she would still be ragged on about it. 'What a biotch! Can't she rest and relax a few days before finding that cure!? '
And her date was....?
OMG...at Jersey Boys and just figured out Kate Gosselin is in the seat behind me!!!She looks hot!
Yesterday at 6:32pm via BlackBerry
@Jersey Boys and just saw Kate Gosselin. She just gave my husband the eye! I'd better watch out!
Yesterday at 6:29pm via BlackBerry
Thank you. Please don't forget to 'share' at the beginning of a thread, when there's no article, pic, etc. Then for those lazy sheeple who don't read more than a few posts, they'll know we/you are on the up and up. Speaking of sheeple, has anyone seen that BM is looking like she's ready to 'ditch' her blog on Kate? Hmmm, could even she now be seeing the light? Nah, she's probably just pissed that Kate has yet to call/visit her. Her biggest fan.
What do you mean, are the sheeple suggesting that someone who works for the NYC Dept. of Education lied about seeing Kate? And that a separate person completely unrelated to the first person also made up the same story? They just don't want to believe Kate is already cashing the kids' checks in NY, that's all it is.
Why would anyone make up such a random story??? I had never even heard of this musical until today.
Many of us on here called it, including myself. 5-8 days in New York within hours of landing on US soil, flipping the kids off as she pulls away.
Mother-of-year cannot wait to get away from her children after having to put up with them, each and every single time. We have seen this over and over. Spin that, sheeple.
Dont the kids get talk with Mommy about all the manufactured memories, momentos, 'chance of a lifetime' events? Nope - they are done working for her for now and she has no use for them now. And the poor little ones have to go back to school within a day or two. Guess they finally get to look at their Christmas gifts now for just a minute, huh?
@Jersey Boys and just saw Kate Gosselin. She just gave my husband the eye! I'd better watch out!
What the hell is she doing ogling other womens' husbands. Couldn't follow the Jersey Boys storyline? Too deep for ya huh Kate.
What do you mean, are the sheeple suggesting that someone who works for the NYC Dept. of Education lied about seeing Kate?
No, not at all. Just remember, anything they can't account for, is always blamed on Jon or Ellen being behind the 'leak'.
Anon 1 said... I honestly am surprised that Kate would go see a Broadway show. You have to have a real appreciation of the actors to enjoy a show like that, and as Kate herself has said, she doesn't pay attention to other people.
I'd think one would have to have an appreciation of the arts. We all know that Kate has no appreciation for the arts, or politics, current events, history, etc. She's a shallow, vapid little wrench.
yes, she is. She is also quite simple minded, which is why she is so fasinated by twinkly, shiny things.
Eh, as someone suggested before, Kate probably fancied she was going to a live production of Jersey Shore. When it turned out to be about some 60s band she could care less about, she lost interest. That's probably when the ogling began.
It's t-shirt time!!!!
Lol do they honestly think Jon leaked this story? He told two random women on facebook to post it at just the exact moment Kate was sitting down. He is also in constant communication with Kate about which musicals she cares to go to in NYC, because we know how they're on such good terms. That's Jon she is talking to on her fifth pink iphone all the time keeping him informed of her whereabouts so he can leak stories and make her look good.
Jon also probably leaked this while he was out running errands today, another poster saw him at the gas station. While he was waiting for his receipt he shot me an email .... or maybe this was leaked by random people actually there, just like all the Australia stories were leaked by people actually there. Nah, that's too easy.
She's too full of herself for that. Not unless she talked about how she single-handedly made the rain stop while raising her 8 (count the 8!) kids all be herself. :P
Or she'll say something like, "oh look! The rain stopped just for us while we were in Australia. How nice," and then truly think it DID stop just b/c they were visiting.
yes, she is. She is also quite simple minded, which is why she is so fasinated by twinkly, shiny things.
BeDoneNow --I completely agree with that statement whether or not you're joking. ha! Do you remember the old video clips of her and Jon before they were married and then while they were on their honeymoon. She had this bizarre child's voice and then she was skipping around Disney World like a five-year-old. The only way I could think of to describe her when I saw that was she's "simple-minded". Childish in the truest sense of the word.
I meant I'd ensure my child got a few days of rest from a NORMAL trip. A halfway around the world two week trip would require more rest and downtime than three days.
Who DOES this to little kids, anyway?
Kate Gosselin and TLC, that's who!
What the hell is she doing ogling other womens' husbands. Couldn't follow the Jersey Boys storyline? Too deep for ya huh Kate.
She probably was waiting to hear "Why Do Fools Fall In Love," the only Valli song she thought she knew and then sombody told her, "No, Kate, that was Frankie LYMON, not Frankie Valli!"
I agree with whoever said they probably flew into NYC and Kate stayed there and the kids went on with nannies to PA. I doubt she even went to the mine-all-mine-mansion.
Bye kids, nice workin' with ya!
Twenty bucks says she's at a salon tomorrow. Because they don't have those in PA.
If this NY sighting was not so sadly predictable in so many ways, it might even be funny. So the jet lagged kids get handed off to the father who was cheated of his holiday time a few weeks ago, and the nannies get the laundry detail. The kids do not get to sleep in their beds, most likely, for this holiday weekend, and return to school even more foggy; when they act up in school towards the end of the coming week Monster Mom now blames Dad because somehow it is always his fault. Good times. I hope he finally nails her in court, and hard. Almost as much as I hopes her straw hair falls out, sorry, just had to say that.
lol Moose -- Or was she waiting for them to sing 'For Your Entertainment' and then ask her to stand up and take a bow. "Wow, Kate Gosselin's in the audience!!"
Big whoop.
She doesn't appreciate anything. I'd kill to see Jersey Boys. I've always loved Franki V. and the 4 Seasons. I still have their albums in the basement.
lol Moose -- Or was she waiting for them to sing 'For Your Entertainment' and then ask her to stand up and take a bow. "Wow, Kate Gosselin's in the audience!!"
Stand up and take a bow? Not good enough. She was waiting to join the cast in the curtain call. Maybe she was she expecting Steve and the audience to sing the rousing chorus of the previous Broadway hit, "Kiss Me Kate:"
"So, kiss me, Kate, thou lovely loon,
'Ere we start on our honeymoon.
So kiss me, Kate, darling devil divine,
For now thou shall ever be mine."
"She doesn't appreciate anything. I'd kill to see Jersey Boys. I've always loved Franki V. and the 4 Seasons. I still have their albums in the basement"
Oh, my gosh, AuntieAnn. I'm going back for the third time. "Sherry" is incredible.
If she didn't need the kids to film or for the child support money, those kids would be to Jon's before we can say exploitation. That is the saddest part of this all. These kids are pawns for her and she knew that the moment she had all those embryos placed. For all the lies this woman has fabricated, it makes me wonder or not if she truly had PCOS. I hope you are enjoying your time Kate, I think you are going to lose everything. What comes around, goes around and you deserve more than your share.
Oh, my gosh, AuntieAnn. I'm going back for the third time. "Sherry" is incredible.
aarrgh. I am now officially jEluS.
I usually don't post comments, only posting links to Gosselin gossip and/or tv ratings. However, I just wanted to share a little off-topic information about my brother's recent experience with reality tv, especially in regards to those "extras" spotted in the background. (He wasn't hired to be an extra, but I didn't know what else to call the people who appear in the background of a reality show.)
My brother works in the audio-visual industry and has been fortunate to do work for a few celebrity weddings/events at upscale hotels in the Los Angeles/Orange County area.
Just recently, he had to set-up for a wedding that was going to be filmed for Tori Spelling's upcoming reality wedding show. He did not interact with Tori or any of the cast but he was setting-up the event as filming occurred around him. Because he was at the filming location, the production crew took his picture and made him sign a WAIVER agreement, basically giving the tv crew the rights to use his image (if he was caught on film). I asked if he had to sign a confidentiality agreement forbidding him to speak about what he witnessed on the "set", but he said no. Of course, my brother is very discreet and is not one to gossip about the celebs, only telling me he saw/met so-and-so at such-and-such event. It's probably why he's consistently assigned to do these high-profile events.
People have commented before about whether or not "extras" that appear on Kate Plus 8 have to sign confidentiality agreements. I just wanted to share my brother's experience, to give a little perspective from an "extra". I consider Tori Spelling a bigger celebrity than Kate Gosselin because of her 90210 days, so it's interesting to hear that Tori didn't require any confidentiality agreements for her reality show. I would think the Gosselin's tv crew would do the same, but I'm only speculating at this point.
That's all I have to share with you, since my brother is pretty discreet and isn't one to gossip. I don't have any other information to share about Tori or her new reality show, so any questions/comments about that will go unanswered.
I hope this tiny tidbit was helpful.
Maybe Purseboy was trying to "culture" her.
What else could Kate do in New York while waiting to tape her Today interview? She has no friends to chill out with, she has no family on speaking terms to visit, she has no boyfriend, so all her agent can do is keep Steve at her side and place her in crowded rooms so people don't notice she is on this ugly soul selling ride by her lonesome. All those fancy hotels and limo rides get old after awhile. I am certain she is quite miserable and unhappy.
Still people, WHY no pictures from the airport? Again, were the children in such a bad state after the 3 week trip that the tabloids were payed to shut up or something? every time they came home from somewhere there were dozens of pictures why not this time? I seriously think something was VERY WRONG and that's why there were no pictures.Does anybody else feel the same?
I remember that honeymoon clip as well. Not only do I remember her odd "wittle(sic) girl" voice, I also thought it odd that she kept asking Jon " are you getting me, are you getting me?" as he filmed HER skipping down Main Street. Really, who does that ? My little ones didn't even do that when they were younger!
Dee said...
These kids are pawns for her and she knew that the moment she had all those embryos placed.
You bet the kids are pawns for her! but Katie Gosselin did not have any embryos placed. She used IUI treatment which stimulated her ovaries to produce more eggs and then she and Jon fertilized them the old fashioned way.
Kate Gosselin never ceases to amaze me. It's all Kate. mememememememeememememememe
About the timing of the tweets:
With an 8:00 p.m. curtain on a 2.5 hour show the intermission would be right at 9:30 p.m.. 9:30 p.m. Eastern Time is 6:30 p.m. Pacific Time. The tweeters may have been in New York but they tweeted someone in California. Admin is in California.
After all that has gone on -constant filming of private moments over the last few years, the divorce, ugly allegations, Kate's constant need to bash Jon, her chosen "Mother Personna"- in bikinis, plastic surgery, tanning, hair, nails etc., more importantly 2 expulsions/asked to to leave school, and recent travel during school time, I sincerely hope that something drastically changes for protection of the G8 immediately. Enter Court Guardian to protect their interests. It would be the humane thing to do for the kids. If there is nothing to fear, all of the children should have a voice in how they feel about filming and be able to express same to Guardian/Court asp. If there is nothing to hide, this should protect their feelings regarding future filming. After all, Kate has stated on film, that if either Jon or the kids wanted to stop filming, it would end. Never happened. Let's put this to the test and see what the kids (anonymously) really want. Of course with them being able to speak freely without any names mentioned about how they feel about being on film or them having to face Kate's wrath for saying what they really want to say. Seems simple, right? Why can't the Judge or a Guardian do this in the best interest of the kids? I don't care if Kate goes it solo in entertainment, I honestly think, it is time the kids' point of view/feelings are taken into consideration, so that the kids' best interest are protected once and for all. After all, there is nothing to fear if the kids are all so happy with filming.... The G8 have a right to express how they feel about filming. Why not do this, if FC is designed to protect the best interest of the kids? Not just financially but emotionally, psychologically, socially, etc... There should be nothing to fear if the kids are completely happy filming. And the kids have a right not to have to face Kate's wrath if they no longer want to film, so they need protections of FC which can certainly occur.
Finally, I know the financial issue(Kate being allowed to film to support her kids) has always been a driving influence in this case, as Kate always cries financial desperation, but with all of the money that has been made, and the parents' ability to get jobs outside of this show, there is really no reason why the Court could not, at this juncture, order them both to get jobs to sustain their children(minus the kids), if the kids no longer want to film.
How many people honestly feel these kids still want to film?
Not to defend k8 but maybe they already had the tickets before the tirp to Oz came up. You don't get good seats to that show by just walking up to the box office. I've seen it twice and got my ticket quite a bit in advance. Since she like Oz so much will her next stop be Wicked? Maybe she's trying to "culture" herself.
Of further note is the alienating factor Kate has imposed on her kids - no grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousin contact outside of filming. And most likely with school, which would include friend contact beyond school. Why would anyone do this, and why would a FC Judge allow this annihilation? It is simply crazy. Ask the kids what they want with a Court appointed Guardian,and without their personal identities being exposed. Emotional. social and psychological well-being should be considered highly in their overall well-being with no restraints.
Kate can cry money, but then she will need to step up to the plate to provide for them, like parents do day in and day out. Never mind all of the money that has been made off their backs that can surely be used to support their future needs. Kate allegedly has 11 stocked bank accounts for future expenses. She needs to use any/all money now to support the kids, so they don't have to work. Her sham regarding monies (no money) is actually just that, a sham, and totally disgraceful, as she does not want to spend it. She has done this since day one, crying poor, when she clearly had money available, but did not wish to spend that, as it was HER MONEY. What a pig. These are your kids. GET A JOB WITHOUT THE KIDS KATE!!!!
Has Kate programmed/brainwashed/terrorized the kids so far that they can not speak the truth about their feelings regarding anything?? And are not allowed to speak honestly outside of the house? This issue needs to be explored by the FCJ.
Agatha Christie (lol), you're right the timestamps were showing my time, Pacific, which would have been 930 Eastern Time. Wouldn't you know it, right at intermission!
Laurie said... Not to defend k8 but maybe they already had the tickets before the tirp to Oz came up. You don't get good seats to that show by just walking up to the box office.
The general public doesn't get good seats that way, but a box office has the right to give away your ticket. Look at the fine print sometime. This is how celebs who just breeze into New York just happen to find the best seats at the best show just like that. If I'm not mistaken it was Barbra Streisand who was notorious for just walking up to a box office and taking someone's seats. There was a Contracts court case about it once that sided in favor of the box office that is a famous one studied in law school, although I can't find this case with a quick search. If I have more time I'll look for it. The premise is a ticket to a show is NOT a contract between you and the box office, and therefore, they can give up your seat if they feel like it to Barbra or Kate or whoever. However a lot of celebs would never dream of having the arrogance to demand seats be given up for them, fortunatly.
That said I think more likely when they were planning out the Australia trip a New York trip for Kate to get over spending so much time with the kids was part of the package deal, and this was planned far in advance.
This is off topic, so admin, please post it where appropriate.
Interesting short article about kids on reality tv, specifically Toddlers and Tiaras on TLC. The comments are relevant to our discussions here.
Laurie said... Not to defend k8 but maybe they already had the tickets before the tirp to Oz came up. You don't get good seats to that show by just walking up to the box office.
I think Kate planned on going to NYC as soon as she flew into US airspace. The mansion is a lonely place when you have no family and no friends or neighbors.
Shows have VIP tickets and house seats reserved for last minute theater goers with money/fame/importance. Maybe Kate called one of her View "girls" to hook her up. Just kidding (maybe not...)
You don't get good seats to that show by just walking up to the box office
Trucker's Mom is right. In many cases you will get good seats, depending on who you are and who you know. NY shows "hold" the good seats back -- there are always some in reserve. If they themselves (or some vip or celebrity they know called for them), told management who the tickets were for, and asked if they had some good seats, chances are those seats would be available. Seats are also kept back in the event that cast members/production would have friends coming at the last minute. This is also true with concert venues. If you know someone in the band, tickets are put back for them, so that if they have friends who need tickets, they let the venue know, and the tickets and passes are held for them.
Been there, done that...many times.
Tucker's Mom said...
Shows have VIP tickets and house seats reserved for last minute theater goers with money/fame/importance.
You're right. Theatres have seats scattered around the house that they hold for vip guests, ie: producers, celebs, show actors, business people, politicians, etc. It's common for PR firms, secretaries, to call for tickets for their clients (often at the last minute) and if seats are open we're more than happy to oblige. It's good publicity for us for someone important to attend as it's a "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" deal from the old days of theatre in NYC. It's a throwback from the "good old boys network" and good business practice.
That said, I highly doubt Kate Gosselin would ever have any influence in getting tickets this way herself, but her contact at a certain magazine or network could have managed it with no problem. Or her host could have very well bought the tickets the way everyone else does. lol
******AuntieAnn said: Do you remember the old video clips of her and Jon before they were married and then while they were on their honeymoon. She had this bizarre child's voice and then she was skipping around Disney World like a five-year-old. The only way I could think of to describe her when I saw that was she's "simple-minded". Childish in the truest sense of the word.******
I also remember her when they were at Disney World & she was laying on the bed/couch/whatever saying something like this: "I wanna go & get more STUFF." I wonder if the honeymoon was paid for by Jon' Dad & now she had all this money to spend on "STUFF". She hasn't changed a bit. :/
Girl from Up North said...
This is off topic, so admin, please post it where appropriate.
Interesting short article about kids on reality tv, specifically Toddlers and Tiaras on TLC. The comments are relevant to our discussions here.
Thank you so much for sharing this article, Girl from Up North.
"Toddlers & Tiaras" is (at best) disturbing to watch. Just another case of underage children being exploited by their parents, for monetary
Just awful.
It defies logic.
I heard about the eyebrow thing. I think kiddie pageants are just breeding grounds for child molesters and moms living through their kids, I've thought this as far back as when Jonbenet Ramsey was murdered. They have always been exploitive, it was not the reality show that made them exploitive. If anything it brought awareness to it. I know the sheeple sometimes say why not mad at Toddlers and Tiaras? Because they are exploitive period, not exploitive BECAUSE of the reality show. This is not hard to understand. Well except for them. Folks were outraged 15 years ago and still are, a reality show hasn't changed that.
Yes, there are VIP tickets at "will call", but you have to make arrangements to get them ahead of time you can't just walk up to the box office that day unless the tickets are watiting for you. The person at the box office can't just "give" you good seats becasue you want them. Kate is no Barbra Streisand and I'm sure if she just walked up to the box office like Babs she'd get the "who the hell are you look". My guess is that she made the arrangements while still in Austraila.
I am betting this trip was planned WAY in advance and that Kate wouldn't even agree to go in the first place if a VIP NYC trip wasn't worked into the deal to help her recover after being with the kids so long.
Regarding jet lag, a lot of people who travel and run around like crazy, musicians and celebs for one, take pills to sleep when they are supposed to sleep and pills to stay awake when they are supposed to stay awake. Hence, no apparent jet lag. You force your body to adapt to the time zone with medication.
Medicating yourself and children seems to be more accepted in the entertainment world. When I used to work in it it seemed like everyone was doing that. Most of it was harmless over the counter stuff.
Regarding tickets, we are west-coasters who love the Big Apple and go there often. We've gotten half price tickets at TKTS with no advance planning at all. Not that I think that Kate waited in that monster line to score some tickets, but procuring them is not as hard as people seem to think - especially since that show's been around for quite a while. And AmericanAcademyOfDramaticArts Student is right too - people often turn in their tickets and they are then SOLD. We ended up with amazing seats at the sold-out last night of Rocky Horror Show because we chatted up the guy at the window and he told us to stick around. Sure enough, someone handed in some tickets, he waved us over, and we immediately bought them. (oh, if only he had handed them directly to us!!!!) Basically, if you are nice, people try to accommodate you. We ended up missing a show we bought advance tickets for due to illness and the house manager gave us tickets the next night - better than the ones we paid for! But we know Kate is not nice..... I admit that this latest thing just stuns me. 3 weeks gone, she dumps them with their dad and takes off again. Probably with Steve. I just got back from 10 days in Costa Rica and all I want to do is laundry and cooking and chillin' at home.
"Kate Gosselin Ditches Her Kids For An NYC Broadway Date Night! Exclusive!"
I wonder if Hollybaby picked this up from your blog, Admin. In any event, I LOVE the headline.... "Ditches her kids"... so true!
pop them pills! said...
Medicating yourself and children seems to be more accepted in the entertainment world. When I used to work in it it seemed like everyone was doing that. Most of it was harmless over the counter stuff.
Just teeing those kids up for a stint with Dr. Drew! Seriously, that's sick to medicate kids so they can earn money.
Does it strike anyone else as strange that there are no photos or recent sightings of Kate beyond the one at The Jersey Boys. I wonder if she is sitting back plotting how to get back in the public eye or if her handlers have told her to disappear for a while. She came back to 1) a contempt charge and court hearing, 2)declining ratings, 3)little interest in her activities (The Today Show was busy at the Golden Globes). . . . A normal person would look at the big picture and see that her 15 minutes is at 14:59 and make future plans. Wonder what Kate and her handlers will dream up to get her back in the public eye?
I just hope the kids are faring well & acclimating to the time change. I also hope if they are with Jon they are having fun. Some have speculated that Kate isn't sending them back to school tomorrow. I guess we'll all see, unless her "pap" isn't around. I'm thinking the kids school mates will be less than happy to hear about their Aus/NZ adventure. Like "oh, yay, you got to take another trip", & the teacher? Who's to say he/she is going to help the kids catch up if they didn't have their work. (although they were awfully busy filming). We don't know what went down on their trip. The teacher could be sick & tired of trying to keep the G kids up to date on their school work because of all these trips; he/she has other students that actually SHOW UP to school. And I'm not blaming the kids. Kate just doesn't see the forest through the trees. School is MUCH more important right now, but Kate needs to film them while she thinks they are all cute & cuddly. (sorry, IMO, they have outgrown that factor. They are 6 & 9. Kids that age? Brutes, whiny, spoiled, bratty, awkward...)
Get a grip Kate, you & your kids are just NOT special.
Lol, I'm sure Hollybaby could have sniffed this story out themselves but at least I broke it a whole 24 hours before they did. What were they, sleeping on the job?
I don't think her handlers wanted people to know she dumped the kids on Jon and then took off for a VIP vacation in NY. I think this trip was meant to be discreet. Hence no photos. They didn't count on people taking to facebook to call it like they see it.
I can just imagine Kate shifting uncomfortably in her seat when they sing the song "Big Girls Don't Cry."
Hopefully she takes that to heart on her next talk show appearance.
Administrator said...
I don't think her handlers wanted people to know she dumped the kids on Jon and then took off for a VIP vacation in NY. I think this trip was meant to be discreet. Hence no photos. They didn't count on people taking to facebook to call it like they see it.
It's astounding that she can have her photo taken on the other side of the world, practically everywhere she went, but back home, NADA.
It just makes me think all these "candid" photos are arranged. Why no pics of the crew arriving home in the States? She was snapped grinning ear to ear in every Aussie and Kiwi airport, coming and going. But arriving home? No one was waiting? LA...No one waiting?
Doesn't smell right to me. I'm thinking Preesi's sleuthing is spot on.
Chingada said...
I can just imagine Kate shifting uncomfortably in her seat when they sing the song "Big Girls Don't Cry."
Hopefully she takes that to heart on her next talk show appearance.
I think that somebody far upthread said the same thing. Guess when it comes to Kate, minds are in sync!
Oh, my gosh, AuntieAnn. I'm going back for the third time. "Sherry" is incredible.
aarrgh. I am now officially jEluS.
Aw, Auntie. I'm sorry! Should I bring you a tee shirt - or one of the guys?
Admin Said....I am betting this trip was planned WAY in advance and that Kate wouldn't even agree to go in the first place if a VIP NYC trip wasn't worked into the deal to help her recover after being with the kids so long.
Thanks Admin. That's what I was trying to say only you said it better.
A little random but the mention of their honeymoon video reminded me of another discrepancy in "The Reality of Jon and Kate."
In the "How we met" video, there's footage of them at some type of restaurant or banquet type dinner, and Jon is recording Kate. She acts all surprised, "Are you getting me?" He replies something about "This is my beautiful fiance, Kate." The date is the end of November, 1998.
Then they show the infamous Christmas recording, where she's all "Are you recording? Are you recording? Are you recording?" and he snaps "Yes, look at the RED LIGHT, Kate" then she way overdoes it, kissing him (grabbing his face while she does it) every time she opens a present, then opens the "engagement ring" and squeals with delight.
Seems bizarre that he'd be referring to her as his fiance in November if they didn't get engaged until December.
I suppose it's possible they'd ordered the ring and had to wait for it, but that seems unlikely considering Jon had the money to buy it and Kate has never had much patience.
Admin, I wanted to thank you for answering my question on the last thread about switching judges. I just saw it & now I understand. Thanks again for the clarification. :)
I'm thinking Preesi's sleuthing is spot on.
Ooops, gotta go check out, did Preesi's 'gals' find out something new? Besides the source of pics in Aust. and NZ?
Sorry...I apologize for my inaccurately saying in vitro vs. IUI. I totally apologize for my mistake and knew better.
Does anyone think Kate is in New York getting ready for the upcoming trial? Along with patting herself on the back with a much needed break since she WAS with the kids for that long? The reason she doesn't want people to know is because her handlers read the blogs and know we would be all over her for dropping her kids and hustling back by herself to New YOrk instead of helping the kids get back on track and catch up on homework.
I wish Jon much luck at his next court date. I hope the kids and Kate get what they deserve. Kids a much needed break from their vile mother and Kate gets charged with contempt. That would make my day. Hopefully, her karma is coming.
Does anyone think Kate is in New York getting ready for the upcoming trial? Along with patting herself on the back with a much needed break since she WAS with the kids for that long?
If she does have to appear before the Family Court Judge this week, she sure better not show up there with freshly redone hair, perfect nails, perfect toes poking out of new toeless
shoes and then say that she needed it all because she had just spent 3 entire weeks with those begging, whining, complaining, crying children of hers and she was "done".
Money woes? Won't look like it to a judge.
Loving mommy? Won't sound like it to a judge.
Kate is in NY to get her face in the news after being out of the country. She wants to make sure we haven't forgotten her even though she looks more like an absentee mother again after sending her kids home without her and doing what most mothers would be doing after a 3 week long trip ..... getting the kids ready for school and tackling the mountain of laundry from vacation. Oh I forgot ... Kate doesn't do those "motherly" things and hires help so she can focus on herself.
Kate Gosselin & Her Silver Fox Dine In ...
Headline From Radar the other day
Where is GN? How could any wife let her husband be called another womans silver fox? Gina, you need to speak up. Are you ok? Seriously people, where is she?
I also wat to say how lame it is to post that the "children couldn't possibly have jet lag if they traveled first class." The poster also goes on to say that if any of us have ever traveled "first class" we'd have known that. Also " if Kate spends 24/7 with her kids" they will be messed up. Where do these people come up with this stuff. Their excuses for Kate's behavior don't even make sense half the time. As a mother myself I have a hard time believing that anyone who has children could excuse the way Kate treats her children.
They do realize jet lag has to do with changing time zones, and not whether you were given a hot towel and a free meal in first class? Well gee I've flown first class and no one there promised me the time zones wouldn't change. Maybe that wasn't really first class!
Gina, you need to speak up. Are you ok? Seriously people, where is she?
I'm guessing sitting in a law office with the best divorce attorney she can find in Maryland.
Administrator said...
They do realize jet lag has to do with changing time zones, and not whether you were given a hot towel and a free meal in first class? Well gee I've flown first class and no one there promised me the time zones wouldn't change. Maybe that wasn't really first class!
I missed the post about flying first class alleviates jet lag.(too bloody funny)
I can attest that the time zones are exactly the same in the front of the plane as in the back of the plane. I have made the round trip from USA to Australia, more than once. First class every time. The jet lag is far worse and lasts longer than to Europe from the West coast. That is only an 8 hour time difference. LOL "only". It is still pretty bad. The whole body screams. One is so overtired they can't sleep and the thought of eating is nauseating then suddenly you become unconscious at the most inappropriate times.
BTW Admin. At what age would a Judge listen to a child's request to live with their father?
That post about first class also struck me as hilarious! One of them said a few weeks ago, that helloooooo, you can lie down! Well, so???? I travel a LOT, internationally, and to be fair, they may not have had too much jet lag (but plenty of fatigue) because they basically lost a whole day. 7-10 hours difference is the worst, but 20 or so is much easier. However, you still do wake up on 'home' time, your body doesn't know what the heck to do, and it takes days to adjust. Every time I go to Europe, I have a few nights of waking up around 3 am because my body thinks it's supper time. Going back to sleep is impossible. In desperation once, I took an Ambien. Bad idea. I've tried melatonin and Simply Sleep too, but the fact is that your body is confused and you can't really trick it into submission. I've talked to parents whose kids slept an entire 14-hour flight and said, "You're going to pay for that later!" And they assure me they know, but it makes the flight easier for everyone on the plane. But those kids were probably climbing the walls more than once. Man, I feel sorry for the G8.
We can expect to see the routine tanning and Target photos tomorrow. We'll also see the usual gas pumping and illegal parking photos of her picking up mail and boxes. She'll need to drive the big van with a hitched trailer in order to pick up all the boxes of freebies and cases of Australian boxed wine she sent home.
Administrator said...
I think Steve is setting his kids up for their own issues. Despite most teenagers acting like they don't need Dad, this is when they actually need your presence the most. That is his call to abandon his own boys who need him, and he will have to deal with the consequences of missing out on their own childhoods so much. They seem athletic, how many sports games has he missed? How many winning goals? It's his choice to throw their childhood away.
And it's not even just that Steve has been absent from his children's lives while playing father to someone else's. We're always talking about how mortified the G8 must be with their monster of a mom, but same for Steve's kids. Steve is pretty much in the media almost as much as Kate is. Can you imagine the ridicule his kids must get from friends and classmates? Their father is known as Purseboy--babysitter, handler, and boyfriend of clown car uterus Kate. Their mother Gina is probably seen as a fool to allow her husband to traipse around with that blonde idiot. It doesn't matter whether anything is going on between the two. The fact that their relationship-- \professional or otherwise--continues amidst rumors of their affair should be enough for them to end it for the sake of their families. Seems that Steve cares as much about his children as Kate does her own.
And they assure me they know, but it makes the flight easier for everyone on the plane. But those kids were probably climbing the walls more than once. Man, I feel sorry for the G8.
It depends on the kids and how resilient they are. Some can snap out of it overnight. I was expecting the worst after a very long (LONG!)flight oveseas. I was really dragging, I mean zombied-out. Kids were fine the next day, bouncing around and ready to see the sights. They had not been medicated, and they adjusted very fast. You just never know.
Me - not so much!
This was a 24 25 hour flight. I don't care who you are ..... but being stuck in a seat with a few stretches every now and then for that amount of time is exhausting, naps or no naps.
BTW Admin. At what age would a Judge listen to a child's request to live with their father?
I'm not Admin, but I am in PA. There is no set age in PA. A judge can listen to any child, but the child has to have a valid reason for wanting to live with the father. It can't be because Dad buys them bigger toys, has a nicer house, or lets them do whatever they want to do!
"The decision of the court may be considered reversible error if they won't hear the child's preference. However, the court has the discretion to interview the child out of the parents' presence. A child as young as 5 or 6 years of age may be heard. Though it is rare the court will hear from a child under 7 years, the child's ability to tell the truth from fiction and maturity will be the guidelines for whether a child may be heard. A child of 10 or 12 years of age is certainly entitled to have their opinions heard and given weight in legal proceedings about custody. Additionally, the court has the power to appoint an attorney for the child in contested cases."
Administrator said... Gina, you need to speak up. Are you ok? Seriously people, where is she?
I'm guessing sitting in a law office with the best divorce attorney she can find in Maryland.
January 17, 2011 4:04 PM
My guess is she's either locked in Kate's attic and being fed "powdered" donuts, or she's bathing in 100 dollar bills to stay quiet.
I think it's also possible she is terrified of him leaving her, and he has told her if she speaks out about him and Kate's relationship, he WILL leave her.
Whatever it is, he is a total joke of a body guard. If he truly loved his wife and kids, he would move them to the town he works in and make more effort to be with them, instead of covorting with a lonely horny single mother.
Jet Lagger, I agree, but I was referring to the fact that these kids on my flight(s) were asleep the entire time and would be awake all night when they got to their destination! I have also had kids on long flights like that behind me, and they never slept, nor stopped kicking my chair/playing with their tray table/call button/light. This was between screaming jags. Their parents did nothing, much as we have seen Ms. Gosselin be indifferent to how her children affect others around them. In one case, the flight attendant intervened and forced the parent to care for her own child! I wanted to kiss that woman.
Right, I think the point being made is they could sleep the entire flight and be very comfortable in first class, but then they'll be wild and crazy and up at all hours once they get there, or they can be much more willingly to be quiet and sleep once they get there but the flight was a nightmare.
You just are not liekly to win with a 20 hour flight and this many little kids. It's cruel and unnecessary to pull them out of school for this.
Admin said, "They do realize jet lag has to do with changing time zones, and not whether you were given a hot towel and a free meal in first class? Well gee I've flown first class and no one there promised me the time zones wouldn't change. Maybe that wasn't really first class!"
If it gets better the farther front you sit, just imagine how good those pilots feel!
"Anonymous said...
Kate Gosselin & Her Silver Fox Dine In ..."
What ROL neglected to say is that the kids were with them. Not too much of an intimate date. They had to wait until they got to NYC.
Of course the kids were in the pic. That's what Steve wanted it to look like. They probably shipped them off right after the pic was taken to the nanny for the rest of the night so they could enjoy their intimate time together. I thought Steve was smarter than that.
K8SUCKS, LancasterCountyMom -- I didn't hear her ask if Jon was 'getting her' on camera. How embarrassing. But I do remember her laying there saying in her God-awful baby voice that she was going shopping to get lots of "stuff". I wonder at what point in the honeymoon Jon realized he had made the biggest mistake of his life.
Aw, Auntie. I'm sorry! Should I bring you a tee shirt - or one of the guys?
Moose -- 'sokay. I'll get over it. Would a Tee with one of the guys in it be too much to ask? ;o)
Mom In Lancaster County said...
BTW Admin. At what age would a Judge listen to a child's request to live with their father?
I'm not Admin, but I am in PA. There is no set age in PA. A judge can listen to any child, but the child has to have a valid reason for wanting to live with the father. It can't be because Dad buys them bigger toys, has a nicer house, or lets them do whatever they want to do!
"The decision of the court may be considered reversible error if they won't hear the child's preference. However, the court has the discretion to interview the child out of the parents' presence. A child as young as 5 or 6 years of age may be heard. Though it is rare the court will hear from a child under 7 years, the child's ability to tell the truth from fiction and maturity will be the guidelines for whether a child may be heard. A child of 10 or 12 years of age is certainly entitled to have their opinions heard and given weight in legal proceedings about custody. Additionally, the court has the power to appoint an attorney for the child in contested cases."
Thank you so much for answering my question Mom in Lancaster. You have clarified things beautifully. I am wondering if Mady or Cara voiced a preference for living with their father. If their reason was that they no longer wanted to film the show any more, would that be considered valid? It's sad that they don't seem to have an advocate to speak for them.
Of course the kids were in the pic. That's what Steve wanted it to look like.
The photo was taken from outside. From the look on Steve's face (and Kate's), I don't think that either one of them had a clue that the photo was being taken.
"...the child's ability to tell the truth from fiction and maturity will be the guidelines for whether a child may be heard...."
How on earth would the sextuplets ever be able to distinguish truth from fiction relative to their lives and then attempt to elucidate THAT to a judge!
The photo was taken from outside. From the look on Steve's face (and Kate's), I don't think that either one of them had a clue that the photo was being taken.
You don't know that to be true. Could just be another Steve photo op.
You don't know that to be true. Could just be another Steve photo op.
LOL! Okay. It really looked like a photo op! If it were, she would have had her arm around her daughter, doing the "motherly" thing, smiling, showing what a wonderful time the kids were having and what a fantastic mom she is. He has a vacant stare on his face, and she has the look of "where the heck did you (person snapping picture) come from?"
And I guess Steve explained to his wife that this was a just a photo-op -- Kate in a strapless dress, having dinner with the Silver Fox. "But, honey, we staged that photo! Honest!"
'Administrator said...
Gina, you need to speak up. Are you ok? Seriously people, where is she?
I'm guessing sitting in a law office with the best divorce attorney she can find in Maryland. '
I'm guessing she is counting the money she and her poor excuse of a husband are making off of the Gosselin 8...she is not as clueless as she appears...imo...
Yes, we should feel compassion for the Nield lads. Having to raise 6-boys, solo, I made certain that they had role models in my Father, brothers and uncles. I saved Fridays for a one on one dinner. Saturdays I took them food shopping, gave then a list and guided them. No, they didn't have to deal with photos/stories. Gina, I am not walking in your shoes, but - - give your sons a semblance of dignity.
Maybe I missed this on another post, but who says the kids were in Business Class? Couldn't it be possible the kids, nannies, and crew were in coach the whole time? As as someone who has flown Business Class overseas, it's not that comfortable. In fact, it's very difficult to get comfortable to sleep and the jet lag is torture. IMO, those young children had no business being made to take such a long trip.
Also, I have read nothing to say that Kate was accompanied by her "date", Steve, for the show in NYC. How come those that saw her make no mention of him? Now THAT is something I would be sure to comment on and I would most certainly pay attention to their body language if I was sitting close to them.
Anyway, if she was indeed in NYC with Steve, that really leaves no doubt in my mind that he is no longer with Gina as any husband who loves his wife and family would make a bee-line home after such a long "business" trip.
I have been out the loop for the past few days, but I find it interesting that Preesi has broken the story regardin Jon filing the custody contempt and not Kate as the tabloids have spinned.
But here's the kicker. It's so obvious now that Kate is in bed with the paps. Apparently Preesi has also proved that those so-called fan shot taken in the airport in Australia was actually a PAP (tall guy with glasses and flip flops). I bet my bottom dollar that Steve approached him to take a picture to make money because, poor Kate, no one gave a rat's a** who she is in Australia.
chesterctymom said...
'Administrator said...
Gina, you need to speak up. Are you ok? Seriously people, where is she?
I'm guessing sitting in a law office with the best divorce attorney she can find in Maryland. '
I'm guessing she is counting the money she and her poor excuse of a husband are making off of the Gosselin 8...she is not as clueless as she appears...imo...
chesterctymom is probably closer to the truth than all the other speculation about Neild's marriage.
The bottom line is that Neild's occupation probably takes him away from home regularly. Not, perhaps, to "bodyguard" a harridan with a rich fantasy life, but if he works in any form of personal security, being away from home is just part of the job description.
As such, it's not all that different from the kinds of jobs that fathers traditionally had in previous generations - mom stayed home and raised the kids, dad was traveling on business all the time. This is a reality that Neild's wife and family presumably accommodated to long ago.
In situations like this, the spouse at home knows she/he has nothing to worry about, or long ago accepted that affairs were just part of the bargain. Those are, in most marriages, private decisions.
The difference here is that this job blew up and became public in ways that most don't. I think Neild is in an impossible position - if he quits, that reflects on his professionalism, and may cost him work in the future. If he stays, he (and his wife and family) are going to be subject to constant speculation.
Calls for Neild's wife to account for her attitudes and reactions seem very much out of line to me. Their marriage, and their accommodations to his assignments - even this insane one - are their business.
The Gosselins CHOSE to make their lives public in the most intimate ways. Neild just accepted an assignment, anonymously (until personally "outed" by others) that exploded in some not-necessarily predictable ways.
Well, the kids got lucky with a snow day today. One more day to get that jet lag under control!
'Administrator said...
Gina, you need to speak up. Are you ok? Seriously people, where is she?
I'm guessing sitting in a law office with the best divorce attorney she can find in Maryland. '
Maybe she had to sign a confidentiality agreement too? Like if she spoke out against it to the media, she could be sued by Kate?
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