Look @ "mother of the year" the expression on her face once again shows how much she enjoys the activities that are kid friendly. This women needs a rality check.
WOW .... KHate is not wearing hooker shoes in the photo ... I think they are actually proper zoo visiting / walking shoes ! IS THAT STEVEN ? in the baseball hat standing in the very back by the palm ?
If you even thought that a camera was on you, wouldn'tyou at least TRY to look pleasant and happy? She's taping a tv show for crying out loud. Tickets were probably free, too. Bet she was thinking how mature and friendly Bindi is and wondering how she can work that into her own personality.
re the nanny pickign up all the kids junk at the pool. Again, we are The Entitled Ones.Such a shame. Children really do want to help and to be appreciated.
one more thing.. was this a private show just for them? If this is the zoo, then where are the other families? Were they not allowed to block the view of the royal queen? Again, entitlement rears it's ugly head. Wonder if the masses part for them when tehy walk by?
Looks like they got preferencial seating again! When will she ever let those kids pick out their own clothes and wear what they want! It is sickening to see them all still dressed the same! Ridiculous!
Sorry if this has been addressed. Was there anyone on the plane(s) that has first hand knowledge of how the trip went? How many meltdowns bacause there had be be. That is a horribly long trip for anyone. Somebody had to have a camera. Or did all the passengers and crew have to sign waivers???????
Haven't seen any pcis of the actual trip at all. Did Chris not see them off from PA?
Not one smile among the bunch (mom included). I know the kids have no choice, but if these trips leave Kate so miserable, why is she so into taking them?
Those kids look like robots, scared stiff robots. Where are the other two, out of frame?
She's got her usual sourpuss face on. Have to spend time with the kids, yawn.
And are there not zoos in the US? Just like with what I said about them dripping around a pool, they've got to go halfway around the world to see a zoo? Oh wait, that's right, to be FILMED seeing a zoo for work to make money for momma. Got it.
Why still matchy-matchy at 6? Let the kids be individuals; they are not one unit/person. Sheesh! And why so high up? I'd want to be down front, getting a better view! As to the claims of boredom, perhaps it's a part of the show where you are asked to be very quiet as a certain animal is handled or something. Who knows? The whole thing looks weird, but hopefully it's not, and is just a weird picture.
This is a sad picture. Where are all the spectators. Did they have a show just for them? Why aren't these children allowed to interact with other kids? Could they all look any more bored. I expect Kate to be bored, unless the activity involves a bikini she never seems interested. Perhaps the kids have become jaded to all of these "golden opportunites" and just don't find them fun or interesting any more. Aside from the obvious fact that they shouldn't be working at all, a break from all the "memory making" seems to be in order so that they can relearn how to appreciate such experiences.
Kate appears as her always charming, happy self. The kids look bored - and why not? They have been so many places that nothing is special anymore - especially with the cameras always going. What a crock!
Wow, that's going to make for real must see tv watching a row of people looking bored silly. I'm really puzzled as to why TLC spent a fortune flying them there, 5 star hotels etc, to basically do what they have done a gazillion times before? To me it's like the equivalent to watching someone else's home movie except this one has the mother bitching the whole time and hating her kids. Must be a last ditch effort at ratings but I can't imagine it's going to work it's just not interesting to watch someone's family on "vacation"(working in this case) I also hate the way Kate always has the tup girls\boys dressed a like in their freebe clothes as if they are 2 units not 6 individuals. But I suppose that's the least of their problems. Amazing that this continues
Guess the Daily Mail did not get the memo that this is a work trip as they dare to use the word "holidaying" to describe what K8 is doing in Australia. Great photo - 8 exploited working children watching another (Bindi Irwin) work for a living. No one looks too happy - did Steve forget to tell them to smile?
do Alexis,Leah and Hannah have new haircuts or is it just my impression? If not,does this mean we'll have footage of how they got the new hair cuts? looking forward to that[she said sarcastically]. The publication is right,they look bored
There's more pictures posted at ROL. Such happy, smiling faces (sarcasm)!! Looks like Cara wants no part of the filming, last picture shows her sitting a couple rows down by herself. Only one shot of anyone smiling. Things are so not right in Gosselinville . . .
Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic (aka Anita)
When is Khate going to be brought to her knees and realize that what she is doing to these kids is WRONG. My gosh, those kids kind of look shell-shocked. It is like GREAT things don't thrill them anymore because they have been given EVERYTHING on a "GOLDEN PLATTER" (It's silver platter, by the way , you nit-wit Khate). The next thrills the kids are going to seek out is drugs, alcohol, promiscuous sex etc., because the normal things in life just don't thrill them anymore. The 8 kids have "been there and done that" and will see out those risky and self-destructive "thrills"in the future.
By the way, who is the crazier nut-job? A.) Octomom (Octo-idiot) Nadya Suleman B.) Khatezilla Grosselin or C.) They are both equally nuts
I saw this on s site called Celebrity Dirty Laundry and it shows Kate is the white bikini with what looks like a tattoo at the right bikini line. This was the article that accompanied the picture. Kate Gosselin has a tattoo of something that points directly to her crotch area. Just in case you’ve forgotten, exactly where her 800 kids sprung into life from.
This must be part of her mid-life crisis move from soccer mom to sexy soccer mom, but either way, she’s still gross looking. I guess the male equivalent to this would be driving a Porsche when you’re 80, getting an earring and a 24-year-old girlfriend. But then again, that might only work for Hugh Hefner. Don’t quote me on that.
Still, we have to wonder why she wanted to tat up her girl parts with something so permanent. Perhaps that’s the only way to direct her boyfriend bodyguard to the goodies?
Ahhhhh, this is what they meant when they said some things should remain a mystery.
How much more BORING can this get? Another show at the zoo? Another show at the beach? Just different locations...different backgrounds. This is desperation now. Are the viewers (are there any left?) going to be treated to another dentist visit? Haircut? museum? sporting event? shopping trip? Ugh ugh ugh. This show is so...lame. And on it's last leg, no, it's last toe. The pinky toe. BORING! I hope nobody watches & this was a huge mistake. TLC, wake up!! No one cares about watching Kate & her kids (who are older & not wittle-bittle babies anymore) traveling all over the map. It smacks of "a last ditch effort". Has TLC ever heard of NEW AND FRESH IDEAS? I won't be watching as usual. Who is with me?
Gee I thought Kate's plan was that all that money they're making for her was supposed to buy them their happiness. They don't LOOK happy. What happened?
There are more pics at preesi's blog site, and in one of them, you can see steve sitting a few rows below them. It really, really pisses me off that she can never smile around her kids, or inter-act with them. In these zoo pictures, even the kids all look bitchy. Wait until spring break, she will have a brand new bikini, and be photographed posing in it,wishing she could be with all of the college kids who participate in the spring break fun. Wonder what will happen when Mady and Cara want to wear short mini-skirts, with hooker-heels, like their mother does. Does she truly not get it that she is their role model? She sure has come a long way from her "must be modest costumes" for DWTS. Admin., when can you lower that fork over her head! The "fans" see it as awful violence, would love to shake them up!
Wow, they had their own private sitting area with covered tarp. And their own P People. http://www.radaronline.com/photos/image/107865/2011/01/kate-gosselin-takes-kids-australia-zoo
Seems like EVERYWHERE they go they are given preferential treatment and kept away from others.
How are the kids supposed to function as normal adults one day when they have to actually mingle and co-exist with the general public?
Can't you see them going to a baseball or football game one day, and wondering where their suite is, and why they have to sit in the stands?
They already can't get along with other 6 year olds ( and adults/teachers ).
We are truly watching the slow destruction of 8 little lives. Each of them is being set up for failure as adults. I will be shocked if any of them turn out normally in another 10 years. I predict a few school drop-outs, several mug shots, several rehab stints, several divorces, etc.
Something I keep thinking about is a comment from one of the McCaughey Septuplets. He said he hopes that now that they're 13, the kids at school will stop teasing them. They get teased for being a McCaughey septuplet, and they don't even have a tv show.
The G8 just don't stand a chance because MONEY and being in the spotlight is more important to their mother.
WOW the kids look absolutely miserable! I imagine they are most likely just sick of being dragged to every zoo on this planet. How much of animals behind a fence looking at can you stand?... Mady looks pissed and Cara could not be more bored and mad at the cameras, you are right she is sitting a row below as far as Kate as possible and her horrid sounding cackle. blergh poor kids.
okay honestly the sheeple are pathological liars I swear! I read a sheeple comment which said: alexis and collin got expelled from kindergarten not because of filming but because of the divorce,they SAID in an interview "we got mad because we miss daddy". How screwed up is this?
Another one said: there's a video of the kids being sad when they were told they weren't filming anymore and another one in which they are happy because the crew is back.I can only provide footage of the second video because the first one I saw with a friend on a site. Seriously? Seriously? How desperate are they to make their hero Kate look good? Especially during hard times that would come if Kate announced engagement( I imagine if that happened some of the sheeple would stop being sheeple).This is pure speculation, I am not claiming to know something because I am an insider or anything like that(for the record).This is purely my speculation
I'm not sure it's always fair to say the kids look sad or miserable or even happy, for that matter, because of a single picture. There is enough evidence as a whole that has been compiled to draw the conclusion that they're unhappy, but I know from my experience that a child who is really concentrating on something he/she is watching or learning wouldn't be smiling all the time. Also, you can snap a dozen pictures in a few short seconds with a good camera, and those twelve shots can show many different expressions. A smile can follow a frown in just a few short seconds, and vice versa.
Maybe it's wiltingly hot, as well.
That being said, if I were a little kid who has gone on as many trips as they have in the past year, I wouldn't think ANY of it was a big deal anymore.
It looks as if someone realized after the first picture was sent to be posted on the various websites that someone noticed not everyone was visible in the shot, so they had two kids move down so as to show the entire tribe. JMO, of course. :)
By the time kids are 10, they can be very tweenish acting, so I'm sure the girls are getting fed up. Poor things!
Meanwhile, I can't help thinking... When this house of cards comes crashing down - and it WILL come crashing down - how will the children fare? What will become of them? How will they be treated. It's a frightening thought, don't you think?
It's sad, really that sites like this are even necessary. The Admin does a great job in keeping us informed. Even sadder is the fact that somebody at TLC believes that this family is even relevant in today's economy. Who do you know that is a single, divorced, mother of 8 can afford a vacation,period, much less going overseas for 3 weeks time or more? Until the numbers dry up with viewers and advertisers, this shrew, Kate G., will have her every wish granted. All for the children, of course. What did happen to the "modest Kate" of DWTS? She is desperate to "take it all off." All for the children, of course.
Looking at the photos on Radar Online, these kids have got full-blown POUTY faces going on.
These poor kids are "ruined!" (flashing back to dripping ice cream at Disney Land,and all because of their wretched mother, who is passing her own dysfunctional sense of entitlement onto her innocent children.
Sienna said... WOW the kids look absolutely miserable! I imagine they are most likely just sick of being dragged to every zoo on this planet. How much of animals behind a fence looking at can you stand?... January 6, 2011 11:52 AM ___________________ That's a profound comment right there.
TMZ has a thread about the Gosselins in Brisbane with all the bikini pics. Kate put those pics out there and a lot of the TMZ readers have left really gross comments about who would 'hit' that and with what among other things. Comments that no child or parent would ever want to see. These are the kinds of sick comments she has opened herself up too and it is really getting raunchy. What a fool to leave herself open to such denegration for a $.
How much more BORING can this get? Another show at the zoo? Another show at the beach? Just different locations...different backgrounds. This is desperation now. Are the viewers (are there any left?) going to be treated to another dentist visit? Haircut? museum? sporting event? shopping trip? Ugh ugh ugh. This show is so...lame. And on it's last leg, no, it's last toe. The pinky toe. BORING! I hope nobody watches & this was a huge mistake. TLC, wake up!! No one cares about watching Kate & her kids (who are older & not wittle-bittle babies anymore) traveling all over the map. It smacks of "a last ditch effort". Has TLC ever heard of NEW AND FRESH IDEAS? I won't be watching as usual. Who is with me?
Why is she still dressing the younger kids alike? It just illustrates the fact that they are her cute little moneymakers. Dress em up, parade em around....(gee am I talking about the kids or her boobs? ;) )
Those poor kids have got to be embarrassed, sitting under a tarp in a makeshift VIP section. If I were 10 years old again, I would be mortified being put in a spotlight like that. Perhaps their glum expressions are part embarrassment. It seems Cara is trying to separate herself from it as best she can.
Interesting that Kate is holding Alexis on her lap, and is actually interacting with Joel in another picture. They must have been filming. The highlight of this segment will probably be an update on Alexis and her love (or newfound fear) of alligators.
Someone mentioned in another thread that Kate has confidentiality agreements for her hired help, but more and more ppl are disregarding those and speaking out against her. My question is, why does she feel she needs to have them? Everyone (except the sheeple) know she abuses her kids, so why does she feel she needs to hide anything? Is she really that clueless that she thinks we don't see her hurting the kids (physically and emotionally)? And if you sign a CA but see her physically abusing one of the 8, and speak out or call authorities, is it possible she can sue you? Sorry for my naivety.
Kate's tat is a left over stem from a rose tattoo. Dr. Glassman told her part of it would be cut out. Kate didn't get a new tattoo pointing to her lady parts. What's with Ashley Turner and her knee hi cutoffs. This is a teenager who a big weight problem as well as being an exploiter.
Roxanne, I so agree with you. In what alternate universe is it right to ask kids in an interview why they were expelled from school? And of course, the canned answer from Kate, because of Daddy. I have been reading some of the sheeple comments as well, never a good thing BTW, and they are STILL going on and on about how can anyone hate on a woman they have never met? Well, I have a question for them. How can anyone love a woman so much that they have never met and why can't you find a new argument for defending your hero? And one more question, how can you see first hand her behavior, the way she dresses in front of her young children, etc., and try to revise what you are seeing to make it o.k.? Delusional. It's the only word for it.
Let the kids be individuals; they are not one unit/person. Sheesh! And why so high up? I'd want to be down front, getting a better view!
If you look at the front row, it's behind a fence, not a good place to be when you're a kid. They don't want to look through a fence to see a show. Sometimes higher up at these shows is a much better place to be because you get a bird's eye view of everything that's going on.
PaMomOfOne said... IMO -- The guy in front of them looks a lot like the man in the white shirt that was behind the group in all of the airport photos. A new bodyguard? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I thought the same thing. The very first pictures that came out, that man in the white shirt just caught my attention, and I didn't understand why.He is in most of the shots at the airport.
Man o man to be Kate. She sure is living it up. To hell with school, the kids being expelled, working the kids to death with trip after trip. She is cha chinging all the way to the bank, making money...er.. I mean memories. Nobody or nothing can stop the Gosselin machine. Not Rep. Murtha, Jon, Paul Peterson, child advocate groups. The G8's life is a tragedy in the making and will come to fruition in their teen years. This family is in big trouble in the years to come. But Khate the stupid b*tch is to self absorbed to care. As a child I traveled alot, I went to many wonderful places and had many experiences, but unfortunately my parents had a really bad marriage and ruined ALL the trips we went on. So what do I remember, not all the vacations, but all the ugly moments my parents had on these trips and the embarrasing moments we went through while they fought everywhere we went. Kate is wasting her time taking her kids on all these trips. The only thing they will remember from their childhoods is the embarrasment their parents caused them around the world airing their personal lives for all to see, not the trips!
I hope my comment goes through this time. I have had several not shown and my comments are not horrible. I am trying this one more time. Preferential treatment sitting in the front row and they look so happy to be there. Wow! If I was the marketing person of the zoo I would be absolutely pissed I allowed them free reign showing no gratitude or not even one hint of being engaged in the show.
Also, someone above mentioned above how being sheltered from others how they are going to act. Well, one hint is their expulsion from kindergarten. They do not know or been taught what is socially acceptable behavior. Look at their mother for pete's sake. These kids have been sheltered from so much and have not been allowed to be with other kids or even cousins. I hope someone who is close to this situation will stand up and do what is right for those kids. Think about those kids have nobody to talk to that is not on Kate's or TLC's payroll. I feel sick for those kids and wish them peace soon, very soon.
Pink, thanks so much for the link to the TLC story. What a great website, another good article was on the blurred line between reality and improvisation. http://www.salon.com/entertainment/tv/2010/10/22/jersey_shore_catfish_im_still_here_authenticity But it makes some unfair assumptions about viewers of reality TV. The author says viewers "intuitively understand that what they're seeing is an improvised story, performed on the fly by nonprofessional actors drawing on their personalities and imaginations ". Sheeple wouldn't agree! Its the realest reality show evah! ;)
Enough in NJ said... Look @ "mother of the year" the expression on her face once again shows how much she enjoys the activities that are kid friendly. This women needs a rality check. ~~~ Look at them ALL! They're exhausted, they've been over stimulated and they're desensitized to all the hoopla, they've 'been there, done that' so many times, it no longer holds the allure it did years ago. Let those kids LIVE in THEIR home and quit hauling them all over the universe! God, I cannot STAND that woman.
Kate looks bored and angry. She's probably mad because Steve wouldn't sit near her. He appears to be keeping his distance on this trip. Maybe Steve's having second thoughts about taking her to NZ and he'd rather take a croc home to meet his family.
I think the kids look tired and overstimulated, and who can blame them.
Who has had a puppy? These kids' expressions remind me of when I would take my puppy over to my friend who had three children who adored playing with him. I didn't mind they play with him, actually I thought it was good for him, but they would play and play until he just couldn't anymore. You could tell he really wanted to keep romping around with them but was just too tired, it was too much. So he would sort of just stand there with a glazed over look, not wanting to close his eyes and miss anything. It was really adorable.
With the Gosselin kids it's just sad. They've been overstimulated with all these trips and they've had it.
WOW the kids look absolutely miserable! I imagine they are most likely just sick of being dragged to every zoo on this planet. How much of animals behind a fence looking at can you stand?... Mady looks pissed and Cara could not be more bored and mad at the cameras, you are right she is sitting a row below as far as Kate as possible and her horrid sounding cackle. blergh poor kids.
How can you discern that Cara is "mad at the cameras" from this pic? For all you know, she was annoyed with one of her siblings and moved as far away as possible. Kids do that all the time.
The eggnog is actually a great analogy. Or anything that you look forward to and build up. I am taking my sister on a big vacation abroad for her birthday next year. We have said we wanted to do this for maybe 5 years but because of school and other things that got into the way we've never been able to do it until now. She has never been outside North America. She is thrilled, excited. It's FUN to see her like that, it's FUN to plan it with her, ask her what she wants to do, design it for her. If vacations like this were just thrown on us constantly that's not fun.
Kate is ROBBING them of the build up of life's great experiences. Heck why do kids even look forward to the summer so much, besides the obvious no school? Because for many families you're going to go on vacation or at least go to an amusement park. It's the anticipation that helps make it so fun. When you do trips year round constantly you lose that aspect.
I am a sucker for fall foods: Apples, pumpkin pie, squash, cider, fall coffees. If it were available in as good as quality all year round would they taste as great to me? Probably not. It's the build up.
Why does Kart look so miserable?? It's not cold, it's not raining, and she's not wearing 19 layers of clothes. I'm sure the concession stands have napkins, sanitizer and a variety of food.
Oh wait... she's not in her bikini and she's with her kids...
I've been getting a lot of complaints over the last few days of people losing comments. I am not deleting all that many, most that I deleted were an obvious violation of a rule. If you were deleted and you can't see what rule you violated it may have been a Blogger glitch. Blogger gets glitchy sometimes. Bear with it. As always you can email me if you don't understand why a comment was rejected.
Thank you to most of you for following the rules. And as a reminder please keep the snot level down, I am low on tissues.
"Those poor kids have got to be embarrassed, sitting under a tarp in a makeshift VIP section."
Although they may be embarrassed to be sitting there, the VIP section isn't "makeshift", it's always there for visiting VIPs (and let's face it, the Gosselins are well known public people and given they're filming a reality show, the management of Australia Zoo will want their view of the show to be as good as it can possibly be). During Steve Irwin's memorial service four years ago, the Irwins themselves sat in that VIP section, as did the Prime Minister of the country and other dignitaries. So putting a bunch of people filming a reality show there isn't unprecedented.
And yes, in some pictures (example) the kids look relatively engaged and/or happy. We don't necessarily know what they're looking at to elicit any of these expressions (when they're looking bored the pics may have been taken during an interlude of the show or something).
It was raining yesterday in Brisbane so I'm surprised they still got the show in. It runs daily at Australia Zoo (maybe even twice daily?) so no, they weren't the only crowd members in the stadium. I guess the photogs just avoided photographing the public for obvious reasons. That said, the Zoo does run private behind the scenes tours at additional cost (very expensive!) so I have no doubt the Gosselins, if they did take the tour, would probably have been escorted by one of the Irwins themselves, given the amount of money TLC would have splashed on it.
It will be interesting to compare the moments caught on camera in the pap pics where she looks relatively engaged with the children to the scenes from the tv show that will be on eventually.
How EMBARRASSING. Think about when you were 10. Not only are you completely isolated in the "special" area for VIPs but there are cameras pointed right at you. MORTIFYING for many children.
Sure Cara should be off to the side crossing her arms because she's annoyed at her siblings. Or maybe she found the seat that happened to be the one farthest away from the cameraman. Coincidence?
This one shows that the actual performance with the gators was going on right below them and they STILL look bored and tired. So the excuse it was just a lull in the show doesn't hold muster.
Sure Cara should be off to the side crossing her arms because she's annoyed at her siblings. Or maybe she found the seat that happened to be the one farthest away from the cameraman. Coincidence?
Well, considering that a) you don't know where the cameraman was during this shot and b) in the one pic where crew are present, they are standing near the seat she chose, I would say that your "coincidence" is a figment of your imagination.
I'm sure she's embarrassed, though her seat isn't furthest away from the cameras; actually, at some points it's the closest. She's also sitting right by Collin to begin with but for some reason he moves off, leaving her alone (maybe he was part of the show, or had to go to the bathroom or something). To me, it looks like Mady and Cara have been in a squabble, because both of them have mutinous looks on their faces similar to what my sister and I did after a fight, and they're pointedly sitting on different rows where normally they'd be together, even if separate from the rest of the group.
Keep Trying said... Well, considering that a) you don't know where the cameraman was during this shot and b) in the one pic where crew are present, they are standing near the seat she chose, I would say that your "coincidence" is a figment of your imagination. &&&&&&&&&&&& Check the picture again. The camera man is in it, in a blue shirt, on the far lower right from Cara. Look for the boom mic. It is not my "imagination". Cara is in the seat the farthest away from him. You keep trying!
How EMBARRASSING. Think about when you were 10. Not only are you completely isolated in the "special" area
You're forgetting, though, that it's all they have ever known. They accept this as being "the norm." What's going to happen when they no longer get that special VIP section, backstage passes, etc.? What will it take to mainstream these kids? I would think that there will be some sort of psychological conflict when they try to figure out why they are no longer special, and when they stopped being cute.
Brooke, she's situated herself out of the field of vision from the camera, low and off to the side. Whether she intended to or not, the point is that that could be a reason she removed herself from the rest of the family. Or she could have been mad at her siblings. Or mad at Kate. Anything is possible. Regardless, if the child is having a dispute with someone she deserves to have it privately without a camera in her face capturing it all.
In all the shots there is no way she could have made it into the camera's vision unless he aimed it right at her.
Hello all, Speaking of "too much of a good thing", yesterday I read this post and it reminded me so much of the Gosselins and what those kids are going through. Here is the link: Sufficiency: The Simple Guide to Enough
Here are my favorite parts: "But our brains get accustomed to certain levels of stimulation and they no longer produce a lasting reward…"
"Having enough means you are consuming to meet your basic needs without deteriorating your capacity to enjoy. Your capacity for enjoyment should be growing at all times. Sufficiency comes when you are neither rich, nor poor; when your basic needs are met and you live in modest comfort. It is the balance between excess and lacking; the thin line we call moderation."
Basically, because Kate is "working" so hard to give her children "everything" (sorry I usually feel the need to use quotes around everything Kate says) well, the problem is obviously over-exposure.
Her kids are over-exposed to the public. Her kids are over-exposed to first class EVERYTHING. Her kids don't realize what a joy vacation even IS anymore. I can picture one of the tups asking a classmate "how many vacations did you take this month?" Everything about this family has been online or on television, and her kids are SO FAR from normal.
I once thought she was cute when she said, way back when this started, how she wanted to take them all together to the parade, etc etc. "just because there are 6 of them, we do things like any other family, we pack up and go together". And then, for holidays or birthdays, she wanted them to be normal. "This may be the only time we get to vacation like this," blah blah blah. And now...they are so NOT normal.
But what happens if the show ends, will the kids even understand WHY they can't be VIP everywhere they go? Do they get how spoiled they are, I wonder...
The saddest part, are the areas where they are UNDER-exposed. They're under-exposed to playdates with friends. To family. To their daddy. ...To privacy. They could use a lot more of those things.
Trips and VIP treatment? They've had all they can stand. They appear "done".
Moose I've wondered about that. I don't even know how they will wait in line at the bank let alone do anything. At least Jon is taking them to a more normal small time baseball game without the VIP entitlement.
The kids I nannied for their parents did a really excellent job of trying to make sure their lives were "normal." We waited in the line with everyone else at an amusement park near a film shoot even though we were offered a VIP go to the front. Not a "fast past" where you go in the fast pass line, they didn't have that--it was an actual CUT THE LINE no one else got. Their dad said no they're not gonna do that. I agreed.
And by the way, we had a lot of fun in the line cracking jokes, talking, trading sunglasses, taking pics, and so on. It's not always such a bad slumming it with the other slaves.
Deflect, deflect, deflect. The real quesiton is why should Cara be filmed when she is in a bad mood? Why should she be filmed when she doesn't want to be with the family? Something happened that she doesn't want to sit with her mother and siblings. Why should this be filmed for her mother's TV show? Why shouldn't it be something private between her and her family we never find out about?
Please don't jump all over me for saying this, but regarding the tups being dressed alike...I did this with my younger kids when we traveled, especially to Disney, to zoos, etc. I remember one woman asking me if they were triplets (close in age, but not triplets). I said no, they weren't, but I do it for safety reasons. It is so much easier to keep any eye on kids. Daycare and lower school kids often do this when they go on field trips and they all wear the same color shirts. The eye automatically scans for those outfits, and it is so much easier to keep a head count. At the age of six, however, they did rebel and sometimes on trips I would use the same color scheme, but different outfits. This was done ONLY when we went on trips. They never would have stood for it on a daily basis!
That said, we have no way of knowing if this is done to make things easier for the nannies, or whether Kate just insists on keeping the pack thing going -- kids are a unit; kids are identified by others as sextuplets, hence the curiosity and publicity angle. It may also have to do with filming, continuity, and scene re-shoots.
Administrator said... The eggnog is actually a great analogy. Or anything that you look forward to and build up. ~~~~ Admin, that was one of the last posts I made on the last thread, so some might not know what you're referring to...Here is the post:
Anon 1 said... Grammy of nine said... Those kids appear to be bored in most pictures. It is probably harder and harder to entertain them. They have had more vacations/trips/perks in their young lives than most have in a lifetime. ~~~ Grammy, you are absolutely correct! How could the NOT be bored? Of course it's too much. It's "stimulation overload"! They couldn't possibly have any memories nor treasure any of their trips, there's too many trips and they're all condensed into such a short time span. How many places have they seen 'dolphins' jumping in the water this year? (the cove at Disney, on the fishing boat in NC, probably on the ferry crossing, now in Australia) Those kids must be 'desensitized' to new experiences and places. I LOVE egg nog. I scarf it up during the holiday season. I 'complain' about it only being a seasonal product at the store. Do I really want egg nog to be available to me all year? NO, one I'd weigh a ton, and 2, after 4, 5, 6 mos., I'd probably be sick to death of it. Too much, too soon for those kids. Sadly, too little too late, also applies. Jon, are you listening?
I think the sextuplets wear the same clothes because Kate receives freebies from the manufacturer and because she wants them to stand out to glorify herself.
Admin~I totally agree with you. Why should these kids not be able to decide whether or not they want to film (work). The two older girls are old enough to know what they want to do and their decision should be respected. I have a daughter that is their same age. It makes me really sick that none of these people have a conscience and cannot help these poor kids. I, for one, could not sit back and watch these kids being emotionally and verbally abused by their mother and not do anything about it. Kate is a vile soul and I will not call her a human being, because no human with a heart would treat another that way.
Snow Globe, I admire what you did with your kids, to keep them all together in a group. I see lots of families do it. But I believe Kate dresses them all alike, all the time, because it is an attention getter. I used to give her the benefit of the doubt and say that maybe she'd grab 3 sets of each clothing item because it was easy, but now I believe it's just to get people to notice/keep them interested. It's also a control thing for her. Everything is about being in control. My mom was just like that. No choices, you did as you were told. Just my opinion. Looking at those pictures, how utterly WEIRD that they're totally isolated all the time (although it's all they know), but also they are sitting there watching a show and there's a big mic boom in their faces and the camera dude is moving around in front of them. I mean, if you get used to that as 'normal,' something is very wrong! Poor kids; I do hope they eke out some fun and retain some good memories of this working vacation.
What I wonder is how KATE is going to be able to cope when her reality show ends, and there will really no longer be a reason to pay for bodyguards. Shocker! When the nannies quit because without the show as Kate said she couldn't afford to live or something like that.
I admit, it is easier when you travel to dress young children matching or similiar in color, and its not a bad thing, but really and truly, since she allowed her elder girls to dress different, I dislike she keeps them identical like a six pack or something.
I dislike the fact Kate felt she had to keep the younger girls hair different length so she would know who she is dealing with. And I dislike she feels her 6 younger children are not all normal becuse one of her sons has to wear glasses, I'm sorry but when he gers older and hears that comment if he hasn't already think of what that's going to do to him? Its just plain mean.
Traveling like they do, the thrill has to wear off at some point I'm sorry. But last yer and this year they've gone to what: New York, North Carolina, Alaska and now Australia. Come on, no family can relate to that type of traveling within a year. By show of hands who among us normal average people as Kate claims to be can afford to pull your kids out of school and bounce around the US and abroad? Not me.
Hi Everyone - I just wanted to post the link to the radio show Living the Dream Mom - Topic - "Gosselin Hour" that was aired today. This topic will be aired every Thursday in January. It would be great if we could all voice our opinions LIVE. Feel free to use whatever name you wish. No one knows who you are but more importantly - a VOICE expressing your thoughts about why the kids shouldn't be filmed anymore is what will perhaps make a difference! www.toginet.com/shows/livingthedreammom - Title - Gosselin Hour. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me anytime at Nina@livingthedreammoms.com. Thank you.
Do you ask the same question of children who work on farms? Should they be able to refuse to work in the family business?
How about the Duggar girls? Not only are they filmed, but they are forced to care for their younger siblings. Is that acceptable?
Not to feed the troll, but no, children who work on family farms should not be doing so for any measurable amount of time at six, and should not be taken out of school to work for the family at any age.
This is a pretty bogus argument, though, as there are statistically very few family farms left in this country, and child labor is generally against the law in the United States, and regulated for children 14-18.
Regarding the Duggars, of course it is reprehensible that the children are filmed, and of course the older children should not be raising the younger ones. It's the ADULTS' responsibility to raise children, not the job of other siblings. Help out once in a while? Sure. Permanent assignment? Ridiculous, and complete self-indulgence on the part of the breeder-parents.
People who would put a 6 year old to work on the farm outrage me. I imagine there are farm blogs out there for those interested in this obscure subject. Do you worship farm mothers and fathers and the Duggars exploiting their kids just as Kate's fans worship her? It goes both ways.
Administrator said...The real question is why should Cara be filmed when she is in a bad mood? Why should she be filmed when she doesn't want to be with the family?
Dee said...Admin~I totally agree with you. Why should these kids not be able to decide whether or not they want to film (work). The two older girls are old enough to know what they want to do and their decision should be respected. ----------
In recent episodes, Mady has been noticeably absent on-camera from certain Gosselin activities such as the vomit fest boat ride, the NYC bus ride, etc. Either she is able to skip these activities altogether or maybe she was present but out of camera range.
However, the same cannot be said for Cara. She's been present in every recent Gosselin activity, looking absolutely bored and/or miserable (such as the vomit boat ride?).
Why is Mady allowed to choose whether she is filmed or not, but Cara isn't?
Hold onto your hats, folks! I believe the Discovery channel has finally found the perfect vehicle for Kate! This vile network is now teaming up with the Vatican for it's new show "Exorcist-Files". I couldn't imagine anyone more qualified than Kate to be dealing with demons! I kind of have a feeling that they'd be afraid of her.. at least those poor kids wouldn't have to support themselves or their "mother" any longer!
But I believe Kate dresses them all alike, all the time, because it is an attention getter
I am inclined to believe you're right, but at the same time she IS making it easier for the nannies without her being aware of it!! So perhaps something positive is coming out of it while they are still this young! It will need to end, though, because those kids are really going to resent it.
Do you know what her comeback is going to be? She will argue that they all dress alike for school, so what's the difference?
Gin said: I think the sextuplets wear the same clothes because Kate receives freebies from the manufacturer and because she wants them to stand out to glorify herself.
I don't think she receives free clothing, or if she does, it isn't much. They do shop at Old Navy, and as far as I know, I've never seen product placement for that company. They did wear the Peace Love World shirts, but not everything is from them. Gymboree dismissed her a long time ago.
Why is Mady allowed to choose whether she is filmed or not, but Cara isn't?
There's no reason to believe that Mady is "choosing" and Cara is not. Mady may have figured out a way to make it unrewarding to put her on film, and may have no reluctance to express herself. Cara may be less confident/obstinate/able to protect herself.
Keep Trying said... What About Other Working Kids said... ___________
Same sheeple..different names I'd recongnize that writing anywhere-Kate's Take blog and __'s blog.
I'm going to say this and hope Admin lets it through. We here at 15 minutes have a different viewpoint than you. Some of us on this blog have somewhat different viewponts than others on this blog. And we are totally okay with that. In a respectful forum, differences of opinion make it interesting. We are not vengeful of people who think differently.
Getting the kids off the TV is the ultimate goal here. Sure we're aware of the Duggars (and farmer's kids if you suppose), but the title of this blog is 15 Minutes, Gosselin Style.
I'm not interested in going to a devoted fan site and stirring up crap and from what I gather,no differences of opinion are allowed there anyway. To each his own I guess, but you are definitely a trolling sheeple.
Do you ask the same question of children who work on farms? Should they be able to refuse to work in the family business?
We're also talking about filming in regards to work...having the camera shoved into their faces, and scripting. I live in farm country. The kids do chores on the farm to help their parents, and they do them at an early age. It's a way of life for them. The farm community is like a culture onto itself, laid down generations ago. They are not, however, the sole support of the family, nor are they dragged all over the country to support the diva lifestyle of their mother.
I don't recall the last time I saw a kid doing farm chores who was filmed being potty trained in the outhouse, vomiting behind the barn, or being constipated and his father taking time out from the spring planting to remove feces from the young lad's rear end. It's not put out by the media (and on the internet) for the country to see. Not so in the case of the working Gosselins. Big difference.
Administrator said... I've been getting a lot of complaints over the last few days of people losing comments. *********************** To those who say their comments are not getting through: I have noticed that when I try to put a comment through I have to click on "post comment" more than once. Sometimes 3 times before it goes through.
If you finish typing your comment and click on "post comment" and still can see your comment in the box, that means it did not get sent. Try to click on "post comment" again until your message disappears. When the box you typed in is blank again then you know it went through.
There are probably times when you thought the Administrator was deleting your message when in fact she never received it. Hope this helps.
Sheeple love to troll because sometimes the farmer forgets to shovel out the excrement in their pens and it gets pretty darn smelly in there. They wander over here to get a breath of fresh air!
Are there no other arguments left besides what about the duggars? Why not answer how all this filming is good for them? How about missing school? As for sheeple sites being unmoderated, That's because most of us have no need to troll there like they do here. When you hbe trolls you have to swiffer. They don't have that problem. We respect their right to have their site without disruption.
Sorry you cant come here with a snotty attitude then get mad when you get it back. To get respect give it. You're welcome back when you can do that. :)
In addition to their regular duties getting the crap filmed out of them to support Kate's psuedo-celeb lifestyle, the Gosselin children also have farm duties at home. They were shown looking after the chickens, often by themselves. So I guess these kids are doubly exploited, farm work and reality tv show work? No one had a problem with the Gosselin kids chipping in with the chickens, nor with any child doing so, and you can search the Home Roost thread from this summer for proof of that. If anything we were worried the chickens weren't getting enough adequate care as that was a lot of chickens to care for for such little kids.
Obviously farm "chores" are not exploitive if they are kept within reason. A city child is expected to make their bed and help clean the apartment and help watch little sister when mom runs to the store. A farm child is expected to help feed the chickens and milk the cows. I don't consider either exploitive. Just like reality tv there is a line to cross. The Gosselins crossed it with filming, they have not corssed it with "farm chores."
If they are doing chores so much that there is no time for friends and activities, or they are missing school or too tired to pay attention in school, yes I don't know who wouldn't be outraged. I'm not aware of a case like this with a farm child in any recent history. If there is one please point us to it. But again since the title of the blog is "reality tv" kids the farm kid really should find his own blog.
In the last picture on this post I am almost positive that two Irwins are sitting in the stands with the Gosselins. Look all the way on the right, you can see Mrs. Irwin's white pants, Kate leaning that way and animated, and the camera and boom mike are over there too.
Kate's and co are staying at the Ocean Mooloolaba resort. There was a first hand account from someone who's family was at the same resort. If you go to this site http://www.oceansmooloolaba.com.au/ you'll see pics of the resort that match up exactly with the 'pap' pics. Except there is no possible way the paps would have access to the pool area. They wouldn't have access to the private balcony Steve was on to take the pics. The pap pics are most likely Kate and Steve taking pics OF EACH OTHER and sending them to the tabloids. There's a post on it on Preesi's.
See What I See? said...In the last picture on this post I am almost positive that two Irwins are sitting in the stands with the Gosselins ===== I think you're right. It looks like Terri and Bob. The two moms have something in common in that the Irwin kids are celebrities, too. It must have been an awkward meeting though because the similarities stop there. The Irwins are conservationalists, kind of the at the other end of the spectrum Kate represents... which is exploitation and waste.
Sorry, accidentally posted this in an earlier thread so copying it here.
Per several articles:
"Kate’s ex-husband Jon tried to block the kids from going on the trip, but because it is work-related, the judge allowed it to happen."
Well there you have it. The children ARE working. The judge allowed them to go and to miss school because they are WORKING.
Fans can't have it both ways. They are either working or they're not.....pick one.
And I just HAVE to again mention something after reading a few of the fan comments on other sites.
Fans!! Have you EVER taken math? Even basic math? Kate has made hundreds of millions of dollars!! She has more money than any of you AND your spouses will EVER make your entire lifetime!
Have you every heard of making interest off your principle or is that over your little heads?
What in the hell is wrong with you with all this "she has to support her kids" and "she'll have to go on government subsidies (welfare) if she (the kids) doesn't continue to be a celebrity (work)?".....and "do you want her to go on welfare? and "do you want your tax dollars going to support her and her children"?
What in the heck is WRONG with you fans? I mean, there's clueless and then there's ridiculously clueless. HELLOOOO!!! Do you have any idea how much 350 million dollars is?? And that's ONLY for last year? Not to mention sitting on over a million dollars of real estate?
Welfare? Seriously? Did you even make it through elementary school math? 1 + 1 = 2 ??? Or were you expelled in kindergarten and missed all your math classes?
What planet are you on? When did you EVER see million dollar homes and mani-pedis/tanning sessions and private school and fancy vacations subsidized by the government/your tax dollars (for anyone who's not a politician???...j/k) Sheesh!
Gahhh....it just drives me nuts when I read these comments. Lots of the ridiculous fan comments drive me nuts but none as much as the "will have to go on welfare" ones.
We've always wondered what makes someone a fan of Kate's....and here we have it. You have to be so darn clueless and uneducated that you don't even know the most basic math!
It's 3.5 million dollars, not 350, but still a ton of money. Does Kate have any idea that 99 percent of Americanas would be THRILLED to have a retirement account worth 3.5 million dollars? She could retire on that today. And that's just what she made THIS YEAR. Let's say she puts this money in a very conservative account and makes a very conservative 3% a year, that's over 100,000 a year! For having your money just SIT in an account! You can't raise these kids on that kind of money? Gimme a break. And that's from her money from this year ALONE, if she saved all the money she made from the five years prior who knows what she could be making. If she were a little more liberal she could be making way more than 3%.
Awhile back when I tried to explain that if Kate just invested this money in even a low interest conservative account she could sit pretty the rest of her life I was brushed off as naive and that's not how money really works. But compound interest IS how money works, it's a mathematical certainty. This is how smart people stay rich and dumb people like Kate blow it all.
Anyway, the point is, she could live a comfortable life and does not need the kids, has not needed the kids, for years now. But because of her greed, wanting more more more, the kids are still working for her.
It's BECAUSE the Duggar parents did NOT allow filming of their children going to the potty, or film the contents of the potty, or put them on the floor in the dark and film it when they were sick.....and on and on.
THEY, to some degree, DO protect their children and do NOT allow the egregious things to be done to them and filmed that Kate's children are subjected to. Not to mention how many HOURS they are filmed compared to the Duggar children.
THAT is the main difference for me. A fairly simple issue of the Duggars being more protective of their children's privacy and dignity than Kate has EVER been.
Also keep in mind, when Steve and Kate send pictures to the tabloids, they misrepresent the locations. Kate is not a Brisbane Bikini Babe. She is on the Sunshine Coast in an exclusive 5 star luxury retreat. Rooms there are minimum $800 per night for a standard room and for her I'm sure she's in the 1200-2000 per night category. The exclusivity of this resort would prevent any paps from coming near paying guests. They have fabricated past locations to tabloids as well, even when Chris is taking the shots.
I don't believe Kate has been followed by real paps for a long time. Only Chris but I suspect TLC has some control over his content too. That means she's profiting from exposing her children to cameras even when TLC is not filming. She doesn't care that they look sad and in pain when they see cameras or 'p-people.' That this type of extreme exploitation is legal in PA and condoned by the rest of the country is astounding.
Oops....sorry about that error, Administrator. I was SO aggravated after reading those comments yet again on some of the celebrity sites....that I clearly wasn't paying attention carefully enough to the numbers I typed.
But yes, 3.5 million dollars is an amount people win in major lotteries and are able to retire for life. An amount of money most of us can ever dream of and will NEVER see.
I mean, to not understand how MUCH money that is and then to seem unaware that they are living a life of luxury and not living hand to mouth....is just clueless on top of clueless. WELFARE? Are they kidding? Please tell me that they are all 5 years old. I hate to think of adults being that clueless (stupid(.
Dee, that's why some people who suddenly come into a large amount of money blow it--be it inheritance, settlement, lottery. They're so dumb they don't understand how much money they have and how to properly put it in the right places to make it work for them. There is an excellent financial book called Rich Dad Poor Dad--the author is a little arrogant and outspoken but he's being truthful and he knows what he is talking about. Many dumb people stupidly blow their money. At one point he lists all the very wealthy well-known people who have declared bankruptcy and asks how does that even happen when you've made millions??? Because some people are DUMB and cannot handle it or understand it when they fall into money. Exhibit A, Kate purchasing the mansion which she cannot possibly maintain on anything less than wealthy income.
There is no reason, absolutely none, that ANYONE couldn't be set for life and their eight kids on 3.5 million. And that's just what she made this year!
Who told you that you were naive about the compounded interest? Kate's fans (in comments)?
I have never commented on Kate's looks, body or hair. The only thing I"m concerned with is that she's a detestable, abusive narcissist and that her children will have to pay for it for the rest of their lives.
The expulsion of the 2 tups is just the TIP of the iceberg....and at this point, I don't even know if they can be saved emotionally. The damage may have already gone too far.
"I think you're right. It looks like Terri and Bob. The two moms have something in common in that the Irwin kids are celebrities, too. It must have been an awkward meeting though because the similarities stop there. The Irwins are conservationalists, kind of the at the other end of the spectrum Kate represents... which is exploitation and waste."
I'm not so sure that's true. Bindi and Bob are involved in the family business just like the Gosselin kids. They appear in commercials for Australia Zoo, they pose for pictures in the official Irwin magazine, they take part in promotional events, and they are regularly filmed either informally (as part of Steve/Terri's wildlife documentaries) or formally (as part of Bindi's kids show). Bindi even presents some of their croc demonstrations at the zoo. If that's not working and taking part in a family business, I don't know what is.
How do you feel about all that? Maybe you feel it's different because they're homeschooled and can therefore travel with their tutor? I don't know. Maybe you feel the difference is the attitude of the mother, that Terri is more loving and competent than Kate? Or maybe the main difference is that Terri and Steve began their family enterprise with pure intentions (to protect the environment etc) whereas Kate and Jon's intentions were not so noble (basically to make money). It's interesting to ponder the differences in these families. Until you mentioned it, I hadn't really thought about the parallels between them. Comparing the Gosselins to the Irwins is probably more appropriate than the farm kids analogy.
I'm going to be tactful and not even say the word I call people who are that clueless about money/finances. I worked with many aides who did not understand mortgage or interest percentages, etc.
The fans are like 5 year olds who have never learned or experienced how adults handle money. And Kate comes from a social strata that would make her aware of investing money, how to handle large amounts of money. Heck, Mady would probably even understand investments, etc.
I just have a really difficult time every time I see these welfare comments. It's very difficult for me to even fathom that there are adults that clueless and uneducated. I always think, "gee, I HOPE these are all adolescents".
There are other (untrue) fan comments that drive me nuts also. The "Jon just up and left her" and "Jon ran around and cheated on her" and "Jon isn't paying child support". At least they can no longer go on and on about Jon being a dead-beat and not working....and a few others.
But this welfare stuff just drives me over the edge every time I read it.
I've heard a lot of Australians feel bindi is exploited. I don't know much about that situation but it does raise a question a child running a zoo show all the time.
E-town that's the point, Kate was so stupid to put herself in a situation where she is bleeding $$$ like crazy. This is why she is not set and why she will probably go bankrupt when it ends. She is her own ponzi scheme. Her money is plenty for any smart person to live off. The house would never have been bought by them.
Dee said: "And Kate comes from a social strata that would make her aware of investing money, how to handle large amounts of money."
Huh? She was raised as a PK in a rural area. What social strata? This is middle class America. She's nouveau riche, not old money. Since "making it big," do you really think she deals with finances on her own? She has financial consultants/estate planners to keep an eye on her retirement portfolio. Who would have taught her how to handle large amounts of money by investing it? She's never been around anyone with money.
She handles money (the kids' money) by spending it.
Someone posted on the K plus 8 Facebook page that she saw the family washing the turtles at the zoo today. The person looks legit. I dont know why I keep going over there to view the train wreck.
Kart washing a turtle when she hardly washes a dish. I'd like to see that. Although I gather she'll be standing in a corner as usual with arms crossed, etc.
Do 6 year olds (let alone 10 year old or a 36 year old crabby woman) have the know how to handle animals like this. All for the sake of filming - turtles, chickens and german shepherds have to make the sacrifice.
Comparing the Gosselins to farm kids is silly. My cousins were farm kids. They had several regular daily chores, but were NEVER taken out of school to help with farm work. They also had lots of free time to play on their huge acreage with lots of animals and tractors and barns and sheds to play in. When I visited I was expected to help with the chores. I LOVED it! While I'm sure they didn't necessarily "love" their chores, it was character building work and helping the family. They weren't gathering eggs so their mom could be famous and have constant mani/pedi/tanning sessions!
p,s, strike that - not "washing the turtles" but "scrubbing the turtles". Perhaps all the turtle washing and scrubbing will be educational sessions after all and teach Kart some good household cleaning chores. Educational trip... finally! yes!!
I think you'll find any photo of Kate having physical contact with her children corresponds to filming for her show. There is a camera man filming from the front row when Alexis in on her lap and she is leaning in toward Joel. At the Brisbane hotel there is frame after frame after frame of Kate with her children but none are touching her. I think those speak volumes about her.
Wow! If those photos don't just say it all! The Gosselin kids aren't allowed to just enjoy something like this as a family. They have to be segregated from the rest and have microphones/cameras in their faces listening/filming everything they say/do. These photos truly sicken me. You can just tell by the looks on the twins faces and their body language how embarrasing this is for them. I look for those two to start rebelling very soon if they haven't already. If they have to Kate it will make no matter though. Sadly, it probably won't matter at all thanks to Pennylvania judges. So very sad to me.
Sorry, for got to say this in my last post. I used to want to reply to the sheeple and try to make them understand. I realize now that #1. they are delusional and will never understand and never stop defending Kate no matter what she does. #2. there's no need to reply on their blogs because they read every comment we make on our blogs. They then laugh about them and pick them apart. Most of them really have way too much time on their hands.
I don't know to what extent the Irwin children are filmed, but from what I read here, it sounds like there is a big difference between them and the Gosselins. It is the Gosselins' personal lives that are filmed for public consumption. Also, Steve and Terri Irwin were celebrities/activists/entertainers in their own right first. The kids came along later. For the Gosselins, the parents never stood on their own, but always on the backs of their kids.
Also keep in mind, when Steve and Kate send pictures to the tabloids, they misrepresent the locations. Kate is not a Brisbane Bikini Babe. She is on the Sunshine Coast in an exclusive 5 star luxury retreat. Rooms there are minimum $800 per night for a standard room and for her I'm sure she's in the 1200-2000 per night category. The exclusivity of this resort would prevent any paps from coming near paying guests. They have fabricated past locations to tabloids as well, even when Chris is taking the shots.
I don't believe Kate has been followed by real paps for a long time. Only Chris but I suspect TLC has some control over his content too. That means she's profiting from exposing her children to cameras even when TLC is not filming. She doesn't care that they look sad and in pain when they see cameras or 'p-people.' That this type of extreme exploitation is legal in PA and condoned by the rest of the country is astounding. January 6, 2011 11:10 PM ---------------------- How ever will the sheeple blame Jon and Ellen for this? Photos taken from a private balcony at an expensive resort. Kate and Steve are SO BUSTED!! Famewhores!
Administrator said... E-town that's the point, Kate was so stupid to put herself in a situation where she is bleeding $$$ like crazy. This is why she is not set and why she will probably go bankrupt when it ends. She is her own ponzi scheme. Her money is plenty for any smart person to live off. The house would never have been bought by them. ********* Yup, Kate's expenses for that property have to be huge. Just off the top of my head, there's landscaping maintenance, house cleaners and pool maintenance. It adds up! DH and I own a modest home and the upkeep adds up. It's something you really have to think about when you become a home owner. The cost of the home/mortgage is the tip of the iceberg, really. That said, Kate could never work a another day and live off of her income and savings, IF she were smart and (really big) IF she were willing to step out of the spotlight, which, apparently, isn't going to happen until the kids are 18 (according to Kate). Which raises the question-does Kate intend to keep filming the kids through their teens? God help them. Another money related thought that I often ponder is the growing chasm between Kate and Jon's lifestyles. Kate is all big house, toys, things, first class everything, and Jon is a 1 BR apt in Central PA. I wonder if the kids feel somewhat guilty about going on with the show without their dad. Guilty that they are reaping this high-on-the-hog life and dad is struggling. I mean, it was just like their dad got crossed of of Jon and Kate plus 8-disregarded like flotsom and jetsom. Jon who? Who needs him? Shame.
Can you imagine the conflict in the children who are upset about having their picture taken and who are covering their faces when they see a pap - to have Steve, a person they're supposed to trust, behind the camera snapping pictures of them?
Kate first tells the kids to ignore the paps and it becomes quite obvious they're wary of them (they don't smile or engage, etc) and then low and behold, there's Steve doing the exact same things to them that the p-people do - flashing and clicking the camera in their faces.
Kids aren't equipped at 6 years of age to make those differentiations and I'd like Kate to try to explain that conflict to their psychologist.
"I've heard a lot of Australians feel bindi is exploited. I don't know much about that situation but it does raise a question a child running a zoo show all the time."
I'm an Australian, although of course I can't speak for all of us. But the feeling toward the Irwins is generally supportive here. People used to joke about Bindi's disposition (always chipper and enthusiastic) because it's so preternatually eager. But no one objects, particularly, to the inclusion of the children in wildlife documentaries or performance in shows. There's certainly nothing like the level of hatred toward the Gosselins in the US.
I think one difference between the Irwins and the Gosselins is that the Irwins are in the family business. If there were no cameras around, they would still have a future and careers.
I think Kate believes reality television alone is a career.
I remember seeing Bindi after her father died and I recall wondering if she was being exploited also....but there was also...I guess it would be her "performing" personality that sort of threw me...esp. seeing it in someone so young. She seemed to be absolutely loving the attention, speaking very animatedly and clearly performing up a storm....and I worried more about what type of adult she'll be....even a bit more than if she's being exploited.
She could turn out to be a wonderful adult but she was sending up red flags, at least that time I saw her, that might hint at the whole "attention-whore-in-training" type of thing. If she's getting this much attention and adoration as a child, how much is she going to emotionally need and expect as an adult? I just had a bit of a bad feeling when I saw her putting on a show so dramatically like she did.
If I'm remembering correctly, most of the celebrities and lottery winners who have burned through their $ and gone bankrupt have involved a huge element of "being conned" by unscrupulous hangers-on pretending to be 'advisers who are out for their best interest'.....all sorts of failed investments, stealing of their money, etc. The concept that they were not paying enough attention to what others were doing with their money.
I have no idea how susceptible Kate would be to this. She definitely does not bond with people and her narcissist personality doesn't listen to others but thinks she knows always knows better. We all suspect that she's being conned by TLC but I"m not completely sure about that, to be honest. She's definitely getting what she wants from them....celebrity, attention AND money. Her big mistake is that she thinks she's such a star that it will continue forever and that the $ will flow in forever.....rather than being susceptible to con-artist investors.
And even though TLC makes much more $ off the show than they're paying her....this is typical of that business and that's why many actors/celebrities start their own studios and production companies.
I think it's that she has no concern about the future and just assumes that she'll continue to get whatever she wants forever.. that would be her biggest downfall when it comes to running out of $ and going bankrupt. She thinks she deserves and is entitled to all these luxuries and has little concern about the future and the wisdom of doing some smart investing. And she could very well not listen or take heed to anyone giving her good/sound financial advice (due to her extreme narcissism).
Just my opinions/thoughts/impressions. I could be wrong, of course....just want to make that clear.
I'm so glad someone else compared Bindi Irwin to the Gosselin children (not sure yet about the younger child). I agree with you that it's much more similar than the children working on a farm.
When I saw her on one of the morning talk shows....her performance was so over-the-top/hamming it up...that I was actually uncomfortable. And to see that in someone so young was very disconcerting....a fame-whore-in-training(?).
And the thing with farm children is that the family usually NEEDS them to help out....just to help run the farm and to survive. But for the Gosselin/Irwin situation...it's all about attention, celebrity and getting rich....not about surviving.
When my husband & I quit smoking, we put all the money in a jar that we saved on cigarettes in a jar. After a few weeks, we were amazed at the amount that we saved. Instead of putting it in the bank, we decided to take a few more weeks & save & take a trip to Maine, one of our favorite places, with the 3 of us. The anticipation was awesome! Plus, knowing we had saved that money felt great!! We ended up taking that trip & it rained the 1st 3 days we were there, BUT it was still a blast, because we were together as a family.
Admin, you are right. It's the anticipation of the trip, not just saying you're going & then hopping on a plane. It's the reward of saving & being together as a family. Unfortunately, I have since started smoking again, but only because I'm a big dumbass. I don't smoke in the house & it's too cold to smoke outside, so thankfully, I'm not smoking much! :) And I start my Chantix again next Tuesday! go me. lol
I don't think the kids look bored in the pics at the Irwins' show. If anyone took a video of people at a show like that, most of them look like that (if that makes sense). I do believe when TLC gets done with the edits however, it will look like the kids are animated and excited the whole show and of course Kate will be using Alexis as a prop since the little one loves her gators. They will show Kate the wonder mother paying attention to the kids like that is the norm. Just another day in "reality" land!!
I wonder how the kids feel about not seeing Jon this whole time. This is a lifetime for them. They must miss him. Does Kate allow the kids to call, or when Jon calls, does she allow them to talk to him?
Brooke, the Irwin children (particularly Bindi) have always concerned me. I think they have always been exploited by their parents, but I was particularly shocked by how quickly Bindi was thrust into the role of Steve Irwin's money-making stand-in so soon after his death. In short, I think Kate Gosselin and Terri Irwin will get along just fine.
"okay honestly the sheeple are pathological liars I swear! I read a sheeple comment which said: alexis and collin got expelled from kindergarten not because of filming but because of the divorce,they SAID in an interview "we got mad because we miss daddy". How screwed up is this?"
Here we go again with the fans. The children "MISS DADDY"? What happened to all the "they don't want to be with Jon and prefer to be with Kate" nonsense? All the "that photo of them screaming in the van was all engineered by Jon and was not because it was time to leave him" (because they prefer to be with him)?
You cannot have it both ways. It's one or the other and you have to pick one.
I believe it is much worse than the children simply missing dad and that most of them are filled with rage (ie: the hitting school mates and teachers) and that the worst of it is that Kate bad-mouths Jon all the time in front of them and makes them feel angry and guilty for even caring about their father at all. This level of rage could doom their futures.
And regarding the girls getting older and wearing mini-skirts, etc.? The predictable reaction of a narcissistic mother is that she will compete with them and take every opportunity to criticize them, put them down and make them feel even more guilty.
And finally, I want to mention the whole Steve issue. And this is just speculation, though it is speculation based on my gut impression (even though I've never actually HEARD his side of the story).
Kate is SUCH a a narcissistic horror that no normal/mentally healthy man could ever be romantically interested in her. It would have to be someone extremely passive-aggressive (like Jon) or someone who is simply interested in her $ or getting celebrity by riding her coat-tails.
I believe that Steve cares very much for the children....but Kate? He may be concerned for her but I can't see how he could have any sort of romantic feelings towards her.
And what about the rumors of them kissing, etc? We are mostly women on this site....but the reality is that men have a tendency to...if they get an opportunity to get a little something different on the side...will go for it....and has nothing to do with romance. Unless he is a real psychological mess, I don't see him having ANY sort of romantic interest in her. The whole getting $ and celebrity through Kate? Not totally sure about that one. Could be possible or could slightly factor-in, IMO. But unless he's a real psychological mess, her behavior has to have really turned him off big-time.
I wonder how the kids feel about not seeing Jon this whole time. This is a lifetime for them. They must miss him. Does Kate allow the kids to call, or when Jon calls, does she allow them to talk to him?
Hippie Chick, those kids MUST be missing their dad. I just hope they are being allowed to at least, phone their father on this long trip.
I've never seen a person who has been given so many blessings & opportunities like Kate, just destroy it all simply because she feels like it, or deserves to get and do whatever she wishes. What the heck is going on in her head?
My husband calls women that behave like Kate, "Pretty Mental Patients".
We all know/ or have known women like Kate. Any relationship they have is unsustainable. It's only a matter of time before their true self comes out, and frightens the poop out of whoever they are with.
Hey Pink, regarding your comment that we all know someone like Kate, I've gotta say, I have known some wicked women and some awful, nut-cracking wives, but never, EVER, have I met someone like Kate. She's a whole new psych textbook waiting to be written. I can't fathom what it's like to be one of her captives, I mean children. It's just heartbreaking.
To the kids, Steve is just a friend/surrogate dad, etc., snapping fun family pics of them. They have no reason to suspect anything else.
If indeed he is the source of the paparazzi photos, I'm guessing the kids don't have a clue. I hope that's not the case, but if it is - shameful! January 7, 2011 6:55 AM ________________ If it's not Steve (and clearly it's not him all the time as evidenced by the photos of him in the stadium yesterday), IT IS someone in their entourage. The likliehood of another guest staying at the expensive hotel in Australia 1-knowing who Kate is and 2-knowing to take pictures and sell them to the same news sources that have had all the pictures this trip are not very great. Explain that away, sheeple!
The crazy thing is, looking at these photos, is how awkward the whole set up is at this outdoor theatre. I mean everyone else in the audience is sitting out in the open, no cover or roof (that I can see) and yet there sit the Gosselins, in the middle under a tarp of sorts and they just look silly sitting there among all those empty seats while the rest of the seating is apears to be filled with people. They just look really awkward.
On top of that, they don't look like they're having a good time either. They appear like this is a huge trial for them. It's not any fun for them according to their facial expressions.
Steve - P-person? Lover? Bodyguard? None of us knows for certain the true nature of this man and his relationship to Kate Gosselin. One thing seems very clear, given what has been written about the lack of interest in Kate by Australians in general, and the level of security undoubtedly in place at their high-end hotel. Steve Neild was almost certainly the photographer of the bikini shots, the Australian zoo shots, etc. Likewise, it would seem from the camera angles, that Kate was the P-person who took the picture of Steve on the balcony. Regardless... Who really cares? But I will tell you this - if Steve and Kate are not lovers or some other twisted sort of couple, I can't begin to imagine how Steve's wife tolerates such nonsense. The photos of Kate adjusting her top with boob about to fall out, the photos of her from above looking straight down on her chest, the crotch shots. Disgraceful, if he is still married to someone else. The woman must be daft or blind to put up with this crap from her husband. Not to mention the betrayal of the children who have been well trained to hate photographers. What a hot mess this continues to be. I would love to hear the truth one day - from Steve's wife, from Jon, from anyone.
KateSteveTLCandTheJudgeSuck said... If it's not Steve (and clearly it's not him all the time as evidenced by the photos of him in the stadium yesterday), IT IS someone in their entourage. The likliehood of another guest staying at the expensive hotel in Australia 1-knowing who Kate is and 2-knowing to take pictures and sell them to the same news sources that have had all the pictures this trip are not very great. Explain that away, sheeple!
Its looks like to me that someone in this picture is very bored. mmm Whom can that be? Oh Kate. Love the little tent idea. Is that their little cabana side show family idea? What is the point of Steve being at the bottom of the tent? That doesn't make any sense of a bodyguard being so far away from his work. They should be behind the person they are protecting not ahead of them. Plus were is the kids guards on this trip. This is a very scary situation. Steve couldn't possible be watching Kate 8 kids 2 babysitters and the whole TLC crew.
Once again it looks like its all about Kate's wants with a little bit of kids things to do.
Whats next SPRING BREAK with the gosselins? So kate can go down to cancun and relive her 20some era that she missed. Chasing her dreams and being a baby factory? come on kids lets learn lessons on alcohol poisoning, body shots, wet t shirt contest, slip in slides, bubble raves and the beach.
I can see it right now with the gosselins specials. The aussie one opens with Good Day Mate. Kate wearing khaki wearing a aussie hat and tan tank top. Then you see the kids holding little joeys jumping up and down and koala bears. Kate screams Put another shrimp on the barbie. Hannah NO MOMMY not my barbie. Kate cackles.
It just goes down hill from that. No one will be missing anything. It will be the same Kate show. See the kids, oh the kids are upset, see them eat, oh they are tired, see them enjoy this for a sec, see kate, hear kate, see kate, kate is upset, oh kates mad, oh kate and the kids together, kate holds one, kate starts telling the kids how to act, kids laughing, oh kids sad.. This can go on forever. Same show dif place.
This child was seen very infrequently on the Real Housewives of NY, and even though she may have taken this misstep without ever being a part of reality TV, it is now plastered all over the gossip section of the NY Daily News website for the world to see. How much more evidence do the sheeple need??
Hey Pink, regarding your comment that we all know someone like Kate, I've gotta say, I have known some wicked women and some awful, nut-cracking wives, but never, EVER, have I met someone like Kate. She's a whole new psych textbook waiting to be written. I can't fathom what it's like to be one of her captives, I mean children. It's just heartbreaking.
************************************************ Hi Bodyguard my a$$ :o)
Consider yourself fortunate.
I wish that I could claim the same, but I can't. I know 2 women that are very similar to Kate- except for the multiples part (thank God). Both were (and still are) emotionally, mentally, and physically draining to everyone around them- their husbands, children, parents, siblings, friends, neighbors, co-workers, bosses etc....
I compare them to the Black Hole phenomenon in space- except these women are both big, black emotional holes that suck the life & joy out of everything and everyone.
You are right, it is heartbreaking ESPECIALLY when children are involved.
In one of my comments to you, something got accidentally erased or didn't go through....but what I had said and wanted to point out (in response to something you wrote) is that the issue of children working was not ME validating it.....it was in regards to Kate and her fans saying that they are absolutely NOT working and are just filmed while playing.
By leaving that out, it is not clear if and how I was responding to your quote.
I sort of took it as you telling me "Duh...of COURSE they are working!".....but I wanted to point out that I wasn't talking about ME but about the claims of Kate and her fans.
Quoting Mandy: "To the kids, Steve is just a friend/surrogate dad, etc., snapping fun family pics of them. They have no reason to suspect anything else."
Really? What friend/surrogate dad then sells those photos of the kids to the press?
Face it, sheeples, Kate found another way to make money - selling her OWN photos rather than having to tip off the paps as to her/their whereabouts. She is after all, all about complete control...
Next season's Kate plus 8 shows on the trips to Philadelphia and Australia sound like that annoying relative/friend who used to always trying to corral you and want to show you slides of his/her vacation(s)....at least to me, that is. :D Hehehe.
whatevah said... Quoting Mandy: "To the kids, Steve is just a friend/surrogate dad, etc., snapping fun family pics of them. They have no reason to suspect anything else."
Really? What friend/surrogate dad then sells those photos of the kids to the press?
Face it, sheeples, Kate found another way to make money - selling her OWN photos rather than having to tip off the paps as to her/their whereabouts. She is after all, all about complete control...
May I add one more thing, please?
Kate and Jon have been selling their family photos for YEARS. The only difference now is that they are doing it seperately. They both realized long ago that their little circus act/brand would be profitable. Too bad their children are being treated as just objects they own, to do anything they want, and darn well please with them.
Yes, profitable alright... unconscionable too.
So bleat all you want Sheeple, it looks & smells bad from every angle.
All of K8's bikini shots are from above to the right.
The pic of Steve is from below to the left , where Katie Irene was lounging.
The angles match the pics perfectly.
From what I have read, the Gosselins et al are staying at a 5* resort (naturally!). No 5* resort would allow random paps to take pics by the pool. These were either taken by K8 and Steve or another TLC puppet who was incognito but hired to go along just for the purpose of getting the money shots.
Dee3 said (regarding Steve being involved with Kate):
It would have to be someone extremely passive-aggressive (like Jon) or someone who is simply interested in her $ or getting celebrity by riding her coat-tails.
OR, it could be someone who has a "savior" complex and thinks he sees a bad situation he has the patience, knowledge and persistence to solve.
That's not really much of a stretch for someone who is required to act as a minder, and who must constantly persuade a difficult person, that it is in her best interests to behave better than she thinks she should have to.
A man who thinks he can reach Kate's "inner good person" (I'm gagging here) might choose involvement with her. He might even believe that the kids would be better off if their mother is seeing a man who can contain (at least to some extent) her worst behaviors.
Administrator said... Im trying to figure out if this story has merits. If Steve tool the pica, who tool the pic of Steve on the porch? ---------- Kate.
Canuck said... The woman must be daft or blind to put up with this crap from her husband. Not to mention the betrayal of the children who have been well trained to hate photographers. What a hot mess this continues to be. I would love to hear the truth one day - from Steve's wife, from Jon, from anyone.
Since it's actually her life, has it ever occurred to you that she might have a better grasp on the situation than do those who are speculating from afar on the Internet?
Why do you think you're owed "the truth?" There is absolutely no reason that anyone needs to speak publicly about their private lives simply because a bunch of strangers like to gossip about them.
"If Steve tool the pica, who tool the pic of Steve on the porch?"
Exactly. I may eat my words someday but I don't think it was Steve who took these pictures and I don't think Steve and Kate are having an affair. From the looks of Steve's resume I think he is a very professional bodyguard and I don't think he would risk the reputation of himself or his company. I think TLC likes the publicity that comes with it but I doubt there's anything other than friendship going on.
whatevah said... Quoting Mandy: "To the kids, Steve is just a friend/surrogate dad, etc., snapping fun family pics of them. They have no reason to suspect anything else."
Really? What friend/surrogate dad then sells those photos of the kids to the press?
Face it, sheeples, Kate found another way to make money - selling her OWN photos rather than having to tip off the paps as to her/their whereabouts. She is after all, all about complete control..
My quote was taken out of context when only part of it was reposted.
You can read up higher in the thread, but I'll try to explain it better.
A Friend or a Pap mentioned that it must be confusing to the kids that Steve might now be functioning as a pap. If it's true and he is, my comment was that the kids only know him to be a friend/surrogate dad (not that I think that's a good thing, either), and they won't realize he's selling their pictures...... IF he's doing it. Someone pointed out that it could be anyone in their entourage. Either way, it's disgusting!!!!!!! I'm with you all the way on this one.
To add to what A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
I believe that instead of getting paid for tips to the paps, they are now providing the actual photos themselves thereby making much more money for themselves. (Well, except Jon doesn't seem to be doing it anymore.) Besides, they knew there weren't any paps in Oz that would think them newsworthy. Oh how I envy those Aussies!
And Admin, I think that's Kate's photo of Steve (the angles kind of work out). She knew it would stir up controversy and therefore keep her alive in Blogland. As to whether or not she realized it would out this little secret (she still thinks everyone lives in a sheeple shack) is anyone's guess.
Administrator said... Im trying to figure out if this story has merits. If Steve tool the pica, who tool the pic of Steve on the porch?
January 7, 2011 12:39 PM
*********** Mostly likely Kate or a TLC member since it's taken from someone looking up at Steve and since Queen Khate was posing oh so provocratively down below by the pool and people were wondering where old Steve was, the opportunity came up to take a picture of him.
I think it makes total sense when you think about it. What pap is going to be able to afford a stay at the hotel and if Steve is supposed to be a 'bodyguard', I'm sure the hotel will not allow any paps in.
Since she is unknown down in Australia, what better way to generate media for her by taking their own pics and selling it for profit at the same time. It's a win/win for Khate, TLC but thankfully the great sleuths at Preesi's site did some great investigative work and uncovered the whole fraud by TLC, Khate, Purseboy.
Who's taking the photos behind the guy performing the crocodile show? Surely no regular guest are allowed to just walk up behind him facing the audience and snapping pictures.
And surely they don't allow paparazzi to be in those areas.
It had to be either a zoo employee or the camera crew/producer taking the pics at the zoo.
My guess is the camera crew/producer is the source of ALL of these photos.
Just saw Camille Grammer on Ellen. Great interview, BTW. I don`t get RHOBH in Canada, but I do watch the other RH shows. But I wanted to see the interview b/c I hear so much about how Camille is portrayed. Camille made a few interesting points, one being that they film for 100 hours to get 43 minutes of tape (supporting what we have been saying) and that there is a difference between reality and reality TV. She also slipped up and made reference to her 'character'. Remind me again how the 8 are just playing....
Kate or a nanny, is my guess, from the pool area. The angle looks right. =======
We know for a fact that Kate can't go unnoticed for any length of time. She probably asked Chris to come along disguised as a nanny and he's the one taking the pictures :o) We didn't really think they'd go all the way to Australia and not send us some postcards now did we.
Maybe she'll even hit a Target store down there before they fly back.
"I can see it right now with the gosselins specials. The aussie one opens with Good Day Mate. Kate wearing khaki wearing a aussie hat and tan tank top. Then you see the kids holding little joeys jumping up and down and koala bears. Kate screams Put another shrimp on the barbie. Hannah NO MOMMY not my barbie. Kate cackles."
Yes, this is exactly how the show will be. I cringed reading it. I know I won't watch it.
This is from April, & obviously ToK is NOT gonna happen, but I like the line "Kate's going to make it about her." When does Kate NOT make it about her?
OT but, This website is amazing btw. It's great for news articles, pop culture, politics, etc. www.theweek.com (it's actually a magazine lol)
"From the looks of Steve's resume I think he is a very professional bodyguard and I don't think he would risk the reputation of himself or his company."
He's not a bodyguard! He's not guarding her or the children. He is her assistant; her handler, protecting others from the wrath of Kate, keeping her in line so that she doesn't go off on the public who might dare to photograph her or ask her a question, or heaven forbid, try to use the ladies room while she is occupying it. He has already risked any kind of reputation he had when he became a silver-haired purse-toting valet.
I got this off his company website. It's "just" my opinion that there is nothing sleazy going on between he and Kate. I think the man has more discipline than that. Like I said, I may eat my words someday but for now this is my opinion.
Steve K. Neild
Executive Vice President
Steve Neild served with the New Zealand Police Department for 19 years, during which time he lead the special operations section and focused on counter-terrorism and dignitary protection.
His special expertise is in VIP protection and major event security planning. His experience has included work for the 2000 Olympics, the 2001 Queensland Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), close protection planning and management for the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), for the Royal Families of Britain, Thailand, and Brunei, U.S. President Clinton, and many other elected heads of state. Mr. Neild has also served in leadership roles of large-scale security operations during the 2000 and 2004 Olympics and numerous major sporting events worldwide.
He has been the central point of contact and liaison with marketing and major corporate management operations, local police, various military representatives, and with government and international intelligence agencies.
Mr. Neild also has substantial experience in law enforcement and counter-terrorism operations and management of large critical facilities, such as Auckland International Airport in Auckland, New Zealand. This developed his skills in project and change management, business continuity, and risk management, comprising strategic asset protection and emergency planning, along with civil defense and security related aircraft crew/response personal training exercises.
gotyournumberKate said... I got this off his company website. It's "just" my opinion that there is nothing sleazy going on between he and Kate. I think the man has more discipline than that. Like I said, I may eat my words someday but for now this is my opinion ...
I think you might be picking the words out of your teeth very soon. lol That's been on his website for years. It doesn't mean that he didn't take the job with good intentions at the beginning, but that it didn't morph into what it is today: that of a minder, handler, babysitter, and assistant. It's his actions that are key, not his self-promotional business intro and his actions are NOT that of a bodyguard.
Becoming Kate's new daddy/handler/purse holder/boob consultant/travel companion/personal pap and advisor sounds like a huge demotion compared to all the real important jobs he's had in the past.
We've talked a lot about how Steve has no right to prevent people from taking photos and to ask people to delete photos. But that's not true at all at a PRIVATE PLACE. At this private hotel/resort he would have every right to have paparazzi thrown out. Even if it were another guest, if they are being a nuisance to them taking photos that were going to be splashed all over the internet hotel security could march right up to them, demand the pics be deleted, and kick them out. Private property is a whole other ball game. So it really begs the question if Steve were sitting right there on a porch why on earth wouldn't he stop the person taking photos? I thought he was there to "protect" the family from intrusions like this. If that's really his job he's terrible at it.
It's highly suspect. Also guess the theory that Jon calls the paps doesn't work anymore--how could he possibly call the paps in Australia?
Purse Boy's experience in counter terrorism should come in handy with Kate. I had to click this comment three times before it would let me preview. Maybe the problem is the browser?
Whoa, whoa, whoa...hold it! I read the article about Twist of Kate and what I got from it is, Kate will be helping "every day women," what peeves me is that this feels like Kate is not longer also, "ever-day woman." It pathetic the way it sounds to me. Don't know if anyone else here agrees or not but wow.
Whoa, whoa, whoa...hold it! I read the article about Twist of Kate and what I got from it is, Kate will be helping "every day women," what peeves me is that this feels like Kate is not longer also, "ever-day woman." It pathetic the way it sounds to me. Don't know if anyone else here agrees or not but wow.
Don't fret too much about it, Marie :o)
First, they have to find someone that is willing to stop laughing long enough at the idea of allowing Kate to "help" her.
Self-serving Kate doesn't "help" anyone.
It is highly doubtful that A Twist of Kate will go anywhere but in a garbage bin.
audibleclick said...Purse Boy's experience in counter terrorism should come in handy with Kate. ************************************************
Yes audibleclick, because Kate is such an important national security treasure [rolling eyes]....in her own mind ;o)
We jest but, seriously, I wonder if his former association with airport security isn't helping Kate fly around the world without the usual hassles the lowly commoners have to go through at airports. That would really piss people off.
I am more and more thinking Steve/TLC producers are the paps, because generally when A-list celebrities go to foreign countries we only see maybe one set of pictures. So why does Kate, who des not even have D-list celebrity status, have four sets of pictures and her trip isn't even half over?!
And how sick can you get? It's one thing if they only take pictures of Kate. But to take pictures of the kids is truly hideous. The kids already have to deal with cameras and booms in their faces, now when they get home (assuming they don't have access to the internet there), they will realize that all the pictures Steve took weren't for a family photo album, but for gossip sites!
You're right Pink. I mean why they keep pushing it back is a tell tale sign to me it's not going anywhere really. I cant imagine too many women eager for Kate's help these days since she's loosing fans for the show she already has.
And don't worry Pink, you aren't alone, I read comments from the bottom up too! :)
Please Stop Calling Purseboy a Security Guard...
As for Purseboy's 'resume', I read it with 100% skepticism - if I remember, his "company" only has three employees.....
In another life, I was in marketing, and wrote stuff like what you see on the company website and the dross listed on his 'resume' could very well be.. well, shall we say... embellished a bit?
There is a real art to 'writing to impress' without skirting the truth. The secret is to read between the lines.
My gut feeling, and I could be wrong, is that 3 guys got together and started a company and put out marketing dribble that made themselves look important.
I cannot believe that someone who was REALLY a bodyguard and in REAL security work would take on an assignment like Kart. REally, look at who he is handling - the queen of narcissim. Not really a primo 'security job' now, is it?
I say the fact that he does what he does speaks volumes - he's a high paid lackey purseboy....
No respect for him at all. In addition, he has now become an enabler, letting her get away with all her emotional and physical abuse of those kids. The fact that he hasn't reported her for things that happen during filming, again speaks volumes. The kids are definitely not the prime concern.
"Administrator said... At this private hotel/resort he would have every right to have paparazzi thrown out
This was an OBVIOUS photo op. Her posing and the angle of the camera, which she could clearly see a person with a camera. Just look at the poses. Holds her stomach on two of pix, posing "sexily" (LOL) When you are sunning UNLESS you are being photograhed or a MAN is watching you, who sucks in her stomach? In a few she doesn't suck it in. LOL I thought this should be obvious it was a TLC set up? And yes, this place is very exclusive. No way an unwanted paps would be there. Nor would Kate preen and pose like that.
228 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 228 Newer› Newest»Look @ "mother of the year" the expression on her face once again shows how much she enjoys the activities that are kid friendly. This women needs a rality check.
WOW .... KHate is not wearing hooker shoes in the photo ... I think they are actually proper zoo visiting / walking shoes !
IS THAT STEVEN ? in the baseball hat standing in the very back by the palm ?
Third sentence in they mention the tummy tuck. Someone needs to advise that lot that the aforementioned tuck was free.
Oh yeah Kate looks thrilled to be there, as do the kids...What is wrong with that picture?
If you even thought that a camera was on you, wouldn'tyou at least TRY to look pleasant and happy? She's taping a tv show for crying out loud. Tickets were probably free, too. Bet she was thinking how mature and friendly Bindi is and wondering how she can work that into her own personality.
re the nanny pickign up all the kids junk at the pool. Again, we are The Entitled Ones.Such a shame. Children really do want to help and to be appreciated.
one more thing.. was this a private show just for them? If this is the zoo, then where are the other families? Were they not allowed to block the view of the royal queen? Again, entitlement rears it's ugly head. Wonder if the masses part for them when tehy walk by?
Looks like they got preferencial seating again! When will she ever let those kids pick out their own clothes and wear what they want! It is sickening to see them all still dressed the same! Ridiculous!
Sorry if this has been addressed. Was there anyone on the plane(s) that has first hand knowledge of how the trip went? How many meltdowns bacause there had be be. That is a horribly long trip for anyone. Somebody had to have a camera. Or did all the passengers and crew have to sign waivers???????
Haven't seen any pcis of the actual trip at all. Did Chris not see them off from PA?
Not one smile among the bunch (mom included). I know the kids have no choice, but if these trips leave Kate so miserable, why is she so into taking them?
Why are they sitting so far back?
Those kids look like robots, scared stiff robots. Where are the other two, out of frame?
She's got her usual sourpuss face on. Have to spend time with the kids, yawn.
And are there not zoos in the US? Just like with what I said about them dripping around a pool, they've got to go halfway around the world to see a zoo? Oh wait, that's right, to be FILMED seeing a zoo for work to make money for momma. Got it.
Why still matchy-matchy at 6? Let the kids be individuals; they are not one unit/person. Sheesh! And why so high up? I'd want to be down front, getting a better view! As to the claims of boredom, perhaps it's a part of the show where you are asked to be very quiet as a certain animal is handled or something. Who knows? The whole thing looks weird, but hopefully it's not, and is just a weird picture.
This is a sad picture. Where are all the spectators. Did they have a show just for them? Why aren't these children allowed to interact with other kids? Could they all look any more bored. I expect Kate to be bored, unless the activity involves a bikini she never seems interested. Perhaps the kids have become jaded to all of these "golden opportunites" and just don't find them fun or interesting any more. Aside from the obvious fact that they shouldn't be working at all, a break from all the "memory making" seems to be in order so that they can relearn how to appreciate such experiences.
Kate appears as her always charming, happy self. The kids look bored - and why not? They have been so many places that nothing is special anymore - especially with the cameras always going. What a crock!
Wow, that's going to make for real must see tv watching a row of people looking bored silly. I'm really puzzled as to why TLC spent a fortune flying them there, 5 star hotels etc, to basically do what they have done a gazillion times before? To me it's like the equivalent to watching someone else's home movie except this one has the mother bitching the whole time and hating her kids. Must be a last ditch effort at ratings but I can't imagine it's going to work it's just not interesting to watch someone's family on "vacation"(working in this case) I also hate the way Kate always has the tup girls\boys dressed a like in their freebe clothes as if they are 2 units not 6 individuals. But I suppose that's the least of their problems. Amazing that this continues
IMO -- The guy in front of them looks a lot like the man in the white shirt that was behind the group in all of the airport photos. A new bodyguard?
Guess the Daily Mail did not get the memo that this is a work trip as they dare to use the word "holidaying" to describe what K8 is doing in Australia. Great photo - 8 exploited working children watching another (Bindi Irwin) work for a living. No one looks too happy - did Steve forget to tell them to smile?
This is really worth missing school (not).
do Alexis,Leah and Hannah have new haircuts or is it just my impression? If not,does this mean we'll have footage of how they got the new hair cuts? looking forward to that[she said sarcastically]. The publication is right,they look bored
There's more pictures posted at ROL. Such happy, smiling faces (sarcasm)!! Looks like Cara wants no part of the filming, last picture shows her sitting a couple rows down by herself. Only one shot of anyone smiling. Things are so not right in Gosselinville . . .
When is Khate going to be brought to her knees and realize that what she is doing to these kids is WRONG. My gosh, those kids kind of look shell-shocked. It is like GREAT things don't thrill them anymore because they have been given EVERYTHING on a "GOLDEN PLATTER" (It's silver platter, by the way , you nit-wit Khate). The next thrills the kids are going to seek out is drugs, alcohol, promiscuous sex etc., because the normal things in life just don't thrill them anymore. The 8 kids have "been there and done that" and will see out those risky and self-destructive "thrills"in the future.
By the way, who is the crazier nut-job?
A.) Octomom (Octo-idiot) Nadya Suleman
B.) Khatezilla Grosselin or
C.) They are both equally nuts
I'd like to see what you guys think.
I saw this on s site called Celebrity Dirty Laundry and it shows Kate is the white bikini with what looks like a tattoo at the right bikini line. This was the article that accompanied the picture. Kate Gosselin has a tattoo of something that points directly to her crotch area. Just in case you’ve forgotten, exactly where her 800 kids sprung into life from.
This must be part of her mid-life crisis move from soccer mom to sexy soccer mom, but either way, she’s still gross looking. I guess the male equivalent to this would be driving a Porsche when you’re 80, getting an earring and a 24-year-old girlfriend. But then again, that might only work for Hugh Hefner. Don’t quote me on that.
Still, we have to wonder why she wanted to tat up her girl parts with something so permanent. Perhaps that’s the only way to direct her boyfriend bodyguard to the goodies?
Ahhhhh, this is what they meant when they said some things should remain a mystery.
How much more BORING can this get? Another show at the zoo? Another show at the beach? Just different locations...different backgrounds. This is desperation now. Are the viewers (are there any left?) going to be treated to another dentist visit? Haircut? museum? sporting event? shopping trip? Ugh ugh ugh. This show is so...lame. And on it's last leg, no, it's last toe. The pinky toe. BORING! I hope nobody watches & this was a huge mistake. TLC, wake up!! No one cares about watching Kate & her kids (who are older & not wittle-bittle babies anymore) traveling all over the map. It smacks of "a last ditch effort". Has TLC ever heard of NEW AND FRESH IDEAS? I won't be watching as usual. Who is with me?
Gee I thought Kate's plan was that all that money they're making for her was supposed to buy them their happiness. They don't LOOK happy. What happened?
And they still have another week or two to go.
There are more pics at preesi's blog site, and in one of them, you can see steve sitting a few rows below them. It really, really pisses me off that she can never smile around her kids, or inter-act with them. In these zoo pictures, even the kids all look bitchy. Wait until spring break, she will have a brand new bikini, and be photographed posing in it,wishing she could be with all of the college kids who participate in the spring break fun. Wonder what will happen when Mady and Cara want to wear short mini-skirts, with hooker-heels, like their mother does. Does she truly not get it that she is their role model? She sure has come a long way from her "must be modest costumes" for DWTS. Admin., when can you lower that fork over her head! The "fans" see it as awful violence, would love to shake them up!
Wow, they had their own private sitting area with covered tarp. And their own P People.
Looks like Steve sitting 2 rows down from Kate, on the end, bright blue shirt and khaki shorts
Why are they always separated from the public?
Did they have the entire stadium to themselves?
Seems like EVERYWHERE they go they are given preferential treatment and kept away from others.
How are the kids supposed to function as normal adults one day when they have to actually mingle and co-exist with the general public?
Can't you see them going to a baseball or football game one day, and wondering where their suite is, and why they have to sit in the stands?
They already can't get along with other 6 year olds ( and adults/teachers ).
We are truly watching the slow destruction of 8 little lives. Each of them is being set up for failure as adults. I will be shocked if any of them turn out normally in another 10 years. I predict a few school drop-outs, several mug shots, several rehab stints, several divorces, etc.
Something I keep thinking about is a comment from one of the McCaughey Septuplets. He said he hopes that now that they're 13, the kids at school will stop teasing them. They get teased for being a McCaughey septuplet, and they don't even have a tv show.
The G8 just don't stand a chance because MONEY and being in the spotlight is more important to their mother.
I'm just venting.
WOW the kids look absolutely miserable!
I imagine they are most likely just sick of being dragged to every zoo on this planet.
How much of animals behind a fence looking at can you stand?... Mady looks pissed and Cara could not be more bored and mad at the cameras, you are right she is sitting a row below as far as Kate as possible and her horrid sounding cackle. blergh poor kids.
okay honestly the sheeple are pathological liars I swear! I read a sheeple comment which said: alexis and collin got expelled from kindergarten not because of filming but because of the divorce,they SAID in an interview "we got mad because we miss daddy". How screwed up is this?
Another one said: there's a video of the kids being sad when they were told they weren't filming anymore and another one in which they are happy because the crew is back.I can only provide footage of the second video because the first one I saw with a friend on a site.
Seriously? Seriously? How desperate are they to make their hero Kate look good? Especially during hard times that would come if Kate announced engagement( I imagine if that happened some of the sheeple would stop being sheeple).This is pure speculation, I am not claiming to know something because I am an insider or anything like that(for the record).This is purely my speculation
I still don't think that kids who were expelled from school should be rewarded with this type of "vacation".
Actually, this doesn't teach any of Kate's kids responsibility...just more expectations of entitlement.
How sad it will be when the bottom falls out.
More pics of Kate with her children yet having zero physical contact with them.
I am glad to see the bobs on the little girls. That will allow their hair to grow in thicker and not be so fly away.
I'm not sure it's always fair to say the kids look sad or miserable or even happy, for that matter, because of a single picture. There is enough evidence as a whole that has been compiled to draw the conclusion that they're unhappy, but I know from my experience that a child who is really concentrating on something he/she is watching or learning wouldn't be smiling all the time. Also, you can snap a dozen pictures in a few short seconds with a good camera, and those twelve shots can show many different expressions. A smile can follow a frown in just a few short seconds, and vice versa.
Maybe it's wiltingly hot, as well.
That being said, if I were a little kid who has gone on as many trips as they have in the past year, I wouldn't think ANY of it was a big deal anymore.
It looks as if someone realized after the first picture was sent to be posted on the various websites that someone noticed not everyone was visible in the shot, so they had two kids move down so as to show the entire tribe. JMO, of course. :)
By the time kids are 10, they can be very tweenish acting, so I'm sure the girls are getting fed up. Poor things!
Meanwhile, I can't help thinking... When this house of cards comes crashing down - and it WILL come crashing down - how will the children fare? What will become of them? How will they be treated. It's a frightening thought, don't you think?
It's sad, really that sites like this are even necessary. The Admin does a great job in keeping us informed. Even sadder is the fact that somebody at TLC believes that this family is even relevant in today's economy. Who do you know that is a single, divorced, mother of 8 can afford a vacation,period, much less going overseas for 3 weeks time or more? Until the numbers dry up with viewers and advertisers, this shrew, Kate G., will have her every wish granted. All for the children, of course. What did happen to the "modest Kate" of DWTS? She is desperate to "take it all off." All for the children, of course.
There are more pics at preesi's blog site, and in one of them, you can see steve sitting a few rows below them.
I skimmed Preesi's blog but couldn't find the pics. Could you please post a link of the page where the pics are.
Administrator said...
Steve is again MIA. Things that make you go hmmm.
Actually, Steve is there. At Preesi's website, you will find a photo of Steve sitting next to the gentleman (with the striped shirt) in the front row.
Sorry PrairieMary, I just realised you posted the same info in your post.
I have to stop reading the posts from the bottom first ;o)
Looking at the photos on Radar Online, these kids have got full-blown POUTY faces going on.
These poor kids are "ruined!" (flashing back to dripping ice cream at Disney Land,and all because of their wretched mother, who is passing her own dysfunctional sense of entitlement onto her innocent children.
Sienna said... WOW the kids look absolutely miserable!
I imagine they are most likely just sick of being dragged to every zoo on this planet.
How much of animals behind a fence looking at can you stand?...
January 6, 2011 11:52 AM
That's a profound comment right there.
TMZ has a thread about the Gosselins in Brisbane with all the bikini pics. Kate put those pics out there and a lot of the TMZ readers have left really gross comments about who would 'hit' that and with what among other things. Comments that no child or parent would ever want to see. These are the kinds of sick comments she has opened herself up too and it is really getting raunchy. What a fool to leave herself open to such denegration for a $.
Hippie Chick said...
How much more BORING can this get? Another show at the zoo? Another show at the beach? Just different locations...different backgrounds. This is desperation now. Are the viewers (are there any left?) going to be treated to another dentist visit? Haircut? museum? sporting event? shopping trip? Ugh ugh ugh. This show is so...lame. And on it's last leg, no, it's last toe. The pinky toe. BORING! I hope nobody watches & this was a huge mistake. TLC, wake up!! No one cares about watching Kate & her kids (who are older & not wittle-bittle babies anymore) traveling all over the map. It smacks of "a last ditch effort". Has TLC ever heard of NEW AND FRESH IDEAS? I won't be watching as usual. Who is with me?
I'm with you, Hippie Chick!!
Steve is there. ROL has the pictures. 4 and 10 you see him in a dark blue shirt, right lower part of the pictures.
This can be filed under, "You Aint Whistling Dixie"....
TLC's mental illness network:
The Loser Channel.
Why is she still dressing the younger kids alike? It just illustrates the fact that they are her cute little moneymakers. Dress em up, parade em around....(gee am I talking about the kids or her boobs? ;) )
Those poor kids have got to be embarrassed, sitting under a tarp in a makeshift VIP section. If I were 10 years old again, I would be mortified being put in a spotlight like that. Perhaps their glum expressions are part embarrassment. It seems Cara is trying to separate herself from it as best she can.
Interesting that Kate is holding Alexis on her lap, and is actually interacting with Joel in another picture. They must have been filming. The highlight of this segment will probably be an update on Alexis and her love (or newfound fear) of alligators.
Someone mentioned in another thread that Kate has confidentiality agreements for her hired help, but more and more ppl are disregarding those and speaking out against her. My question is, why does she feel she needs to have them? Everyone (except the sheeple) know she abuses her kids, so why does she feel she needs to hide anything? Is she really that clueless that she thinks we don't see her hurting the kids (physically and emotionally)? And if you sign a CA but see her physically abusing one of the 8, and speak out or call authorities, is it possible she can sue you? Sorry for my naivety.
K8 looks pissed - maybe someone told her hooker heels were not allowed in the croc area.
Kate's tat is a left over stem from a rose tattoo. Dr. Glassman told her part of it would be cut out.
Kate didn't get a new tattoo pointing to her lady parts.
What's with Ashley Turner and her knee hi cutoffs. This is a teenager who a big weight problem as well as being an exploiter.
Roxanne, I so agree with you. In what alternate universe is it right to ask kids in an interview why they were expelled from school? And of course, the canned answer from Kate, because of Daddy. I have been reading some of the sheeple comments as well, never a good thing BTW, and they are STILL going on and on about how can anyone hate on a woman they have never met? Well, I have a question for them. How can anyone love a woman so much that they have never met and why can't you find a new argument for defending your hero? And one more question, how can you see first hand her behavior, the way she dresses in front of her young children, etc., and try to revise what you are seeing to make it o.k.? Delusional. It's the only word for it.
Let the kids be individuals; they are not one unit/person. Sheesh! And why so high up? I'd want to be down front, getting a better view!
If you look at the front row, it's behind a fence, not a good place to be when you're a kid. They don't want to look through a fence to see a show. Sometimes higher up at these shows is a much better place to be because you get a bird's eye view of everything that's going on.
Well of course they got special treatment and VIP seats......**rolling eyes**
Just glad to see Kate finally wearing clothes and shoes that appropriate for the occasion. :)
PaMomOfOne said... IMO -- The guy in front of them looks a lot like the man in the white shirt that was behind the group in all of the airport photos. A new bodyguard?
I thought the same thing. The very first pictures that came out, that man in the white shirt just caught my attention, and I didn't understand why.He is in most of the shots at the airport.
The kids look typically uninterested as they watch the staged animals perform for the crowd on command.
Oddly similar to their everyday lives, in fact, only roles are reversed.
Man o man to be Kate. She sure is living it up. To hell with school, the kids being expelled, working the kids to death with trip after trip. She is cha chinging all the way to the bank, making money...er.. I mean memories. Nobody or nothing can stop the Gosselin machine. Not Rep. Murtha, Jon, Paul Peterson, child advocate groups. The G8's life is a tragedy in the making and will come to fruition in their teen years. This family is in big trouble in the years to come. But Khate the stupid b*tch is to self absorbed to care.
As a child I traveled alot, I went to many wonderful places and had many experiences, but unfortunately my parents had a really bad marriage and ruined ALL the trips we went on. So what do I remember, not all the vacations, but all the ugly moments my parents had on these trips and the embarrasing moments we went through while they fought everywhere we went. Kate is wasting her time taking her kids on all these trips. The only thing they will remember from their childhoods is the embarrasment their parents caused them around the world airing their personal lives for all to see, not the trips!
I hope my comment goes through this time. I have had several not shown and my comments are not horrible. I am trying this one more time. Preferential treatment sitting in the front row and they look so happy to be there. Wow! If I was the marketing person of the zoo I would be absolutely pissed I allowed them free reign showing no gratitude or not even one hint of being engaged in the show.
Also, someone above mentioned above how being sheltered from others how they are going to act. Well, one hint is their expulsion from kindergarten. They do not know or been taught what is socially acceptable behavior. Look at their mother for pete's sake. These kids have been sheltered from so much and have not been allowed to be with other kids or even cousins. I hope someone who is close to this situation will stand up and do what is right for those kids. Think about those kids have nobody to talk to that is not on Kate's or TLC's payroll. I feel sick for those kids and wish them peace soon, very soon.
I just listened to today's Nina Frye "Living the Dream Mom" show, where she talked about
Kate Gosselin.
I was pleasantly surprised by how much sense she made. Let's just say that she finally understands what we have been shouting for a long while now.
Check it out, you will not be disappointed:
Pink, thanks so much for the link to the TLC story. What a great website, another good article was on the blurred line between reality and improvisation.
But it makes some unfair assumptions about viewers of reality TV. The author says viewers "intuitively understand that what they're seeing is an improvised story, performed on the fly by nonprofessional actors drawing on their personalities and imaginations ". Sheeple wouldn't agree! Its the realest reality show evah! ;)
Enough in NJ said... Look @ "mother of the year" the expression on her face once again shows how much she enjoys the activities that are kid friendly. This women needs a rality check.
Look at them ALL! They're exhausted, they've been over stimulated and they're desensitized to all the hoopla, they've 'been there, done that' so many times, it no longer holds the allure it did years ago. Let those kids LIVE in THEIR home and quit hauling them all over the universe! God, I cannot STAND that woman.
Kate looks bored and angry. She's probably mad because Steve wouldn't sit near her. He appears to be keeping his distance on this trip. Maybe Steve's having second thoughts about taking her to NZ and he'd rather take a croc home to meet his family.
I think the kids look tired and overstimulated, and who can blame them.
Who has had a puppy? These kids' expressions remind me of when I would take my puppy over to my friend who had three children who adored playing with him. I didn't mind they play with him, actually I thought it was good for him, but they would play and play until he just couldn't anymore. You could tell he really wanted to keep romping around with them but was just too tired, it was too much. So he would sort of just stand there with a glazed over look, not wanting to close his eyes and miss anything. It was really adorable.
With the Gosselin kids it's just sad. They've been overstimulated with all these trips and they've had it.
Sienna said...
WOW the kids look absolutely miserable!
I imagine they are most likely just sick of being dragged to every zoo on this planet.
How much of animals behind a fence looking at can you stand?... Mady looks pissed and Cara could not be more bored and mad at the cameras, you are right she is sitting a row below as far as Kate as possible and her horrid sounding cackle. blergh poor kids.
How can you discern that Cara is "mad at the cameras" from this pic? For all you know, she was annoyed with one of her siblings and moved as far away as possible. Kids do that all the time.
The eggnog is actually a great analogy. Or anything that you look forward to and build up. I am taking my sister on a big vacation abroad for her birthday next year. We have said we wanted to do this for maybe 5 years but because of school and other things that got into the way we've never been able to do it until now. She has never been outside North America. She is thrilled, excited. It's FUN to see her like that, it's FUN to plan it with her, ask her what she wants to do, design it for her. If vacations like this were just thrown on us constantly that's not fun.
Kate is ROBBING them of the build up of life's great experiences. Heck why do kids even look forward to the summer so much, besides the obvious no school? Because for many families you're going to go on vacation or at least go to an amusement park. It's the anticipation that helps make it so fun. When you do trips year round constantly you lose that aspect.
I am a sucker for fall foods: Apples, pumpkin pie, squash, cider, fall coffees. If it were available in as good as quality all year round would they taste as great to me? Probably not. It's the build up.
mama mia said...
More pics of Kate with her children yet having zero physical contact with them.
Untrue. If you look at the series of pictures, at one point there is a child in her lap and she's holding Joel's arm.
Why does Kart look so miserable?? It's not cold, it's not raining, and she's not wearing 19 layers of clothes. I'm sure the concession stands have napkins, sanitizer and a variety of food.
Oh wait... she's not in her bikini and she's with her kids...
I got my answer.
I've been getting a lot of complaints over the last few days of people losing comments. I am not deleting all that many, most that I deleted were an obvious violation of a rule. If you were deleted and you can't see what rule you violated it may have been a Blogger glitch. Blogger gets glitchy sometimes. Bear with it. As always you can email me if you don't understand why a comment was rejected.
Thank you to most of you for following the rules. And as a reminder please keep the snot level down, I am low on tissues.
Has anyone ever noticed that she habitually dresses the tups with matching outfits, yet the twins have been able to pick their own outfits for YEARS.
I wonder if she is getting freebies and/or paid endorsements to dress them alike? Or maybe she views the tups as purely as marketable commodities?
I don't have kids, but I remember picking out my own outfits in kindergarten.
"Those poor kids have got to be embarrassed, sitting under a tarp in a makeshift VIP section."
Although they may be embarrassed to be sitting there, the VIP section isn't "makeshift", it's always there for visiting VIPs (and let's face it, the Gosselins are well known public people and given they're filming a reality show, the management of Australia Zoo will want their view of the show to be as good as it can possibly be). During Steve Irwin's memorial service four years ago, the Irwins themselves sat in that VIP section, as did the Prime Minister of the country and other dignitaries. So putting a bunch of people filming a reality show there isn't unprecedented.
And yes, in some pictures (example) the kids look relatively engaged and/or happy. We don't necessarily know what they're looking at to elicit any of these expressions (when they're looking bored the pics may have been taken during an interlude of the show or something).
It was raining yesterday in Brisbane so I'm surprised they still got the show in. It runs daily at Australia Zoo (maybe even twice daily?) so no, they weren't the only crowd members in the stadium. I guess the photogs just avoided photographing the public for obvious reasons. That said, the Zoo does run private behind the scenes tours at additional cost (very expensive!) so I have no doubt the Gosselins, if they did take the tour, would probably have been escorted by one of the Irwins themselves, given the amount of money TLC would have splashed on it.
It will be interesting to compare the moments caught on camera in the pap pics where she looks relatively engaged with the children to the scenes from the tv show that will be on eventually.
Here's a picture showing the crowd, complete with Steve and camera crew.
How EMBARRASSING. Think about when you were 10. Not only are you completely isolated in the "special" area for VIPs but there are cameras pointed right at you. MORTIFYING for many children.
Sure Cara should be off to the side crossing her arms because she's annoyed at her siblings. Or maybe she found the seat that happened to be the one farthest away from the cameraman. Coincidence?
This one shows that the actual performance with the gators was going on right below them and they STILL look bored and tired. So the excuse it was just a lull in the show doesn't hold muster.
Sure Cara should be off to the side crossing her arms because she's annoyed at her siblings. Or maybe she found the seat that happened to be the one farthest away from the cameraman. Coincidence?
Well, considering that a) you don't know where the cameraman was during this shot and b) in the one pic where crew are present, they are standing near the seat she chose, I would say that your "coincidence" is a figment of your imagination.
I'm sure she's embarrassed, though her seat isn't furthest away from the cameras; actually, at some points it's the closest. She's also sitting right by Collin to begin with but for some reason he moves off, leaving her alone (maybe he was part of the show, or had to go to the bathroom or something). To me, it looks like Mady and Cara have been in a squabble, because both of them have mutinous looks on their faces similar to what my sister and I did after a fight, and they're pointedly sitting on different rows where normally they'd be together, even if separate from the rest of the group.
Keep Trying said...
Well, considering that a) you don't know where the cameraman was during this shot and b) in the one pic where crew are present, they are standing near the seat she chose, I would say that your "coincidence" is a figment of your imagination.
Check the picture again. The camera man is in it, in a blue shirt, on the far lower right from Cara. Look for the boom mic. It is not my "imagination". Cara is in the seat the farthest away from him. You keep trying!
Keep Trying, I posted the pic on this post so you can see for yourself. Do I need to circle the cameraman or can you see it now?
"Keep Trying, I posted the pic on this post so you can see for yourself. Do I need to circle the cameraman or can you see it now? "
The pics you've posted show the cameraman has moved from side to side, both close to and far away from Cara.
If not,does this mean we'll have footage of how they got the new hair cuts?
You reckon theirs cost $7,000? ;)
Administrator said...
How EMBARRASSING. Think about when you were 10. Not only are you completely isolated in the "special" area
You're forgetting, though, that it's all they have ever known. They accept this as being "the norm." What's going to happen when they no longer get that special VIP section, backstage passes, etc.? What will it take to mainstream these kids? I would think that there will be some sort of psychological conflict when they try to figure out why they are no longer special, and when they stopped being cute.
Brooke, she's situated herself out of the field of vision from the camera, low and off to the side. Whether she intended to or not, the point is that that could be a reason she removed herself from the rest of the family. Or she could have been mad at her siblings. Or mad at Kate. Anything is possible. Regardless, if the child is having a dispute with someone she deserves to have it privately without a camera in her face capturing it all.
In all the shots there is no way she could have made it into the camera's vision unless he aimed it right at her.
Hello all,
Speaking of "too much of a good thing", yesterday I read this post and it reminded me so much of the Gosselins and what those kids are going through. Here is the link: Sufficiency: The Simple Guide to Enough
Here are my favorite parts:
"But our brains get accustomed to certain levels of stimulation and they no longer produce a lasting reward…"
"Having enough means you are consuming to meet your basic needs without deteriorating your capacity to enjoy. Your capacity for enjoyment should be growing at all times. Sufficiency comes when you are neither rich, nor poor; when your basic needs are met and you live in modest comfort. It is the balance between excess and lacking; the thin line we call moderation."
Basically, because Kate is "working" so hard to give her children "everything" (sorry I usually feel the need to use quotes around everything Kate says) well, the problem is obviously over-exposure.
Her kids are over-exposed to the public.
Her kids are over-exposed to first class EVERYTHING.
Her kids don't realize what a joy vacation even IS anymore. I can picture one of the tups asking a classmate "how many vacations did you take this month?"
Everything about this family has been online or on television, and her kids are SO FAR from normal.
I once thought she was cute when she said, way back when this started, how she wanted to take them all together to the parade, etc etc. "just because there are 6 of them, we do things like any other family, we pack up and go together". And then, for holidays or birthdays, she wanted them to be normal. "This may be the only time we get to vacation like this," blah blah blah. And now...they are so NOT normal.
But what happens if the show ends, will the kids even understand WHY they can't be VIP everywhere they go? Do they get how spoiled they are, I wonder...
The saddest part, are the areas where they are UNDER-exposed.
They're under-exposed to playdates with friends.
To family. To their daddy. ...To privacy. They could use a lot more of those things.
Trips and VIP treatment? They've had all they can stand. They appear "done".
Moose I've wondered about that. I don't even know how they will wait in line at the bank let alone do anything. At least Jon is taking them to a more normal small time baseball game without the VIP entitlement.
The kids I nannied for their parents did a really excellent job of trying to make sure their lives were "normal." We waited in the line with everyone else at an amusement park near a film shoot even though we were offered a VIP go to the front. Not a "fast past" where you go in the fast pass line, they didn't have that--it was an actual CUT THE LINE no one else got. Their dad said no they're not gonna do that. I agreed.
And by the way, we had a lot of fun in the line cracking jokes, talking, trading sunglasses, taking pics, and so on. It's not always such a bad slumming it with the other slaves.
Deflect, deflect, deflect. The real quesiton is why should Cara be filmed when she is in a bad mood? Why should she be filmed when she doesn't want to be with the family? Something happened that she doesn't want to sit with her mother and siblings. Why should this be filmed for her mother's TV show? Why shouldn't it be something private between her and her family we never find out about?
Kids dressing alike...
Please don't jump all over me for saying this, but regarding the tups being dressed alike...I did this with my younger kids when we traveled, especially to Disney, to zoos, etc. I remember one woman asking me if they were triplets (close in age, but not triplets). I said no, they weren't, but I do it for safety reasons. It is so much easier to keep any eye on kids. Daycare and lower school kids often do this when they go on field trips and they all wear the same color shirts. The eye automatically scans for those outfits, and it is so much easier to keep a head count. At the age of six, however, they did rebel and sometimes on trips I would use the same color scheme, but different outfits. This was done ONLY when we went on trips. They never would have stood for it on a daily basis!
That said, we have no way of knowing if this is done to make things easier for the nannies, or whether Kate just insists on keeping the pack thing going -- kids are a unit; kids are identified by others as sextuplets, hence the curiosity and publicity angle. It may also have to do with filming, continuity, and scene re-shoots.
Administrator said... The eggnog is actually a great analogy. Or anything that you look forward to and build up.
Admin, that was one of the last posts I made on the last thread, so some might not know what you're referring to...Here is the post:
Anon 1 said... Grammy of nine said... Those kids appear to be bored in most pictures. It is probably harder and harder to entertain them. They have had more vacations/trips/perks in their young lives than most have in a lifetime.
Grammy, you are absolutely correct! How could the NOT be bored? Of course it's too much. It's "stimulation overload"! They couldn't possibly have any memories nor treasure any of their trips, there's too many trips and they're all condensed into such a short time span. How many places have they seen 'dolphins' jumping in the water this year? (the cove at Disney, on the fishing boat in NC, probably on the ferry crossing, now in Australia) Those kids must be 'desensitized' to new experiences and places. I LOVE egg nog. I scarf it up during the holiday season. I 'complain' about it only being a seasonal product at the store. Do I really want egg nog to be available to me all year? NO, one I'd weigh a ton, and 2, after 4, 5, 6 mos., I'd probably be sick to death of it. Too much, too soon for those kids. Sadly, too little too late, also applies. Jon, are you listening?
I think the sextuplets wear the same clothes because Kate receives freebies from the manufacturer and because she wants them to stand out to glorify herself.
Admin~I totally agree with you. Why should these kids not be able to decide whether or not they want to film (work). The two older girls are old enough to know what they want to do and their decision should be respected. I have a daughter that is their same age. It makes me really sick that none of these people have a conscience and cannot help these poor kids. I, for one, could not sit back and watch these kids being emotionally and verbally abused by their mother and not do anything about it. Kate is a vile soul and I will not call her a human being, because no human with a heart would treat another that way.
Snow Globe, I admire what you did with your kids, to keep them all together in a group. I see lots of families do it. But I believe Kate dresses them all alike, all the time, because it is an attention getter. I used to give her the benefit of the doubt and say that maybe she'd grab 3 sets of each clothing item because it was easy, but now I believe it's just to get people to notice/keep them interested. It's also a control thing for her. Everything is about being in control. My mom was just like that. No choices, you did as you were told. Just my opinion.
Looking at those pictures, how utterly WEIRD that they're totally isolated all the time (although it's all they know), but also they are sitting there watching a show and there's a big mic boom in their faces and the camera dude is moving around in front of them. I mean, if you get used to that as 'normal,' something is very wrong!
Poor kids; I do hope they eke out some fun and retain some good memories of this working vacation.
Dee said...
Admin~I totally agree with you. Why should these kids not be able to decide whether or not they want to film (work).
Do you ask the same question of children who work on farms? Should they be able to refuse to work in the family business?
How about the Duggar girls? Not only are they filmed, but they are forced to care for their younger siblings. Is that acceptable?
What I wonder is how KATE is going to be able to cope when her reality show ends, and there will really no longer be a reason to pay for bodyguards. Shocker! When the nannies quit because without the show as Kate said she couldn't afford to live or something like that.
I admit, it is easier when you travel to dress young children matching or similiar in color, and its not a bad thing, but really and truly, since she allowed her elder girls to dress different, I dislike she keeps them identical like a six pack or something.
I dislike the fact Kate felt she had to keep the younger girls hair different length so she would know who she is dealing with. And I dislike she feels her 6 younger children are not all normal becuse one of her sons has to wear glasses, I'm sorry but when he gers older and hears that comment if he hasn't already think of what that's going to do to him? Its just plain mean.
Traveling like they do, the thrill has to wear off at some point I'm sorry. But last yer and this year they've gone to what: New York, North Carolina, Alaska and now Australia. Come on, no family can relate to that type of traveling within a year. By show of hands who among us normal average people as Kate claims to be can afford to pull your kids out of school and bounce around the US and abroad? Not me.
Hi Everyone - I just wanted to post the link to the radio show Living the Dream Mom - Topic - "Gosselin Hour" that was aired today. This topic will be aired every Thursday in January. It would be great if we could all voice our opinions LIVE. Feel free to use whatever name you wish. No one knows who you are but more importantly - a VOICE expressing your thoughts about why the kids shouldn't be filmed anymore is what will perhaps make a difference! www.toginet.com/shows/livingthedreammom - Title - Gosselin Hour. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me anytime at Nina@livingthedreammoms.com.
Thank you.
What about other working children said:
Do you ask the same question of children who work on farms? Should they be able to refuse to work in the family business?
How about the Duggar girls? Not only are they filmed, but they are forced to care for their younger siblings. Is that acceptable?
Not to feed the troll, but no, children who work on family farms should not be doing so for any measurable amount of time at six, and should not be taken out of school to work for the family at any age.
This is a pretty bogus argument, though, as there are statistically very few family farms left in this country, and child labor is generally against the law in the United States, and regulated for children 14-18.
Regarding the Duggars, of course it is reprehensible that the children are filmed, and of course the older children should not be raising the younger ones. It's the ADULTS' responsibility to raise children, not the job of other siblings. Help out once in a while? Sure. Permanent assignment? Ridiculous, and complete self-indulgence on the part of the breeder-parents.
Three wrongs don't make any kind of right.
People who would put a 6 year old to work on the farm outrage me. I imagine there are farm blogs out there for those interested in this obscure subject. Do you worship farm mothers and fathers and the Duggars exploiting their kids just as Kate's fans worship her? It goes both ways.
Child labor laws for farming were actually some of the first child labor laws to be written. I'm still waiting for reality tv children laws.
Administrator said...The real question is why should Cara be filmed when she is in a bad mood? Why should she be filmed when she doesn't want to be with the family?
Dee said...Admin~I totally agree with you. Why should these kids not be able to decide whether or not they want to film (work). The two older girls are old enough to know what they want to do and their decision should be respected.
In recent episodes, Mady has been noticeably absent on-camera from certain Gosselin activities such as the vomit fest boat ride, the NYC bus ride, etc. Either she is able to skip these activities altogether or maybe she was present but out of camera range.
However, the same cannot be said for Cara. She's been present in every recent Gosselin activity, looking absolutely bored and/or miserable (such as the vomit boat ride?).
Why is Mady allowed to choose whether she is filmed or not, but Cara isn't?
Hold onto your hats, folks! I believe the Discovery channel has finally found the perfect
vehicle for Kate! This vile network is now teaming up with the Vatican for it's new show "Exorcist-Files". I couldn't imagine anyone more qualified than Kate to be dealing with demons! I kind of have a feeling that they'd be afraid of her.. at least those poor kids wouldn't have to support themselves or their "mother" any longer!
But I believe Kate dresses them all alike, all the time, because it is an attention getter
I am inclined to believe you're right, but at the same time she IS making it easier for the nannies without her being aware of it!! So perhaps something positive is coming out of it while they are still this young! It will need to end, though, because those kids are really going to resent it.
Do you know what her comeback is going to be? She will argue that they all dress alike for school, so what's the difference?
Gin said:
I think the sextuplets wear the same clothes because Kate receives freebies from the manufacturer and because she wants them to stand out to glorify herself.
I don't think she receives free clothing, or if she does, it isn't much. They do shop at Old Navy, and as far as I know, I've never seen product placement for that company. They did wear the Peace Love World shirts, but not everything is from them. Gymboree dismissed her a long time ago.
What about Cara said:
Why is Mady allowed to choose whether she is filmed or not, but Cara isn't?
There's no reason to believe that Mady is "choosing" and Cara is not. Mady may have figured out a way to make it unrewarding to put her on film, and may have no reluctance to express herself. Cara may be less confident/obstinate/able to protect herself.
Keep Trying said...
What About Other Working Kids said...
Same sheeple..different names
I'd recongnize that writing anywhere-Kate's Take blog and __'s blog.
I'm going to say this and hope Admin lets it through. We here at 15 minutes have a different viewpoint than you. Some of us on this blog have somewhat different viewponts than others on this blog. And we are totally okay with that. In a respectful forum, differences of opinion make it interesting. We are not vengeful of people who think differently.
Getting the kids off the TV is the ultimate goal here. Sure we're aware of the Duggars (and farmer's kids if you suppose), but the title of this blog is 15 Minutes, Gosselin Style.
I'm not interested in going to a devoted fan site and stirring up crap and from what I gather,no differences of opinion are allowed there anyway. To each his own I guess, but you are definitely a trolling sheeple.
Do you ask the same question of children who work on farms? Should they be able to refuse to work in the family business?
We're also talking about filming in regards to work...having the camera shoved into their faces, and scripting. I live in farm country. The kids do chores on the farm to help their parents, and they do them at an early age. It's a way of life for them. The farm community is like a culture onto itself, laid down generations ago. They are not, however, the sole support of the family, nor are they dragged all over the country to support the diva lifestyle of their mother.
I don't recall the last time I saw a kid doing farm chores who was filmed being potty trained in the outhouse, vomiting behind the barn, or being constipated and his father taking time out from the spring planting to remove feces from the young lad's rear end. It's not put out by the media (and on the internet) for the country to see. Not so in the case of the working Gosselins. Big difference.
Administrator said... I've been getting a lot of complaints over the last few days of people losing comments.
To those who say their comments are not getting through: I have noticed that when I try to put a comment through I have to click on "post comment" more than once. Sometimes 3 times before it goes through.
If you finish typing your comment and click on "post comment" and still can see your comment in the box, that means it did not get sent. Try to click on "post comment" again until your message disappears. When the box you typed in is blank again then you know it went through.
There are probably times when you thought the Administrator was deleting your message when in fact she never received it. Hope this helps.
Sheeple love to troll because sometimes the farmer forgets to shovel out the excrement in their pens and it gets pretty darn smelly in there. They wander over here to get a breath of fresh air!
Are there no other arguments left besides what about the duggars? Why not answer how all this filming is good for them? How about missing school? As for sheeple sites being unmoderated, That's because most of us have no need to troll there like they do here. When you hbe trolls you have to swiffer. They don't have that problem. We respect their right to have their site without disruption.
I don't know why people have to click more than once to post a comment. Any techies out there who can help I'd appreciate!
Sorry you cant come here with a snotty attitude then get mad when you get it back. To get respect give it. You're welcome back when you can do that. :)
Administrator said...
I don't know why people have to click more than once to post a comment. Any techies out there who can help I'd appreciate!
I'm not a techie by any means, but I do have to click several times to get the post to go through.
In addition to their regular duties getting the crap filmed out of them to support Kate's psuedo-celeb lifestyle, the Gosselin children also have farm duties at home. They were shown looking after the chickens, often by themselves. So I guess these kids are doubly exploited, farm work and reality tv show work? No one had a problem with the Gosselin kids chipping in with the chickens, nor with any child doing so, and you can search the Home Roost thread from this summer for proof of that. If anything we were worried the chickens weren't getting enough adequate care as that was a lot of chickens to care for for such little kids.
Obviously farm "chores" are not exploitive if they are kept within reason. A city child is expected to make their bed and help clean the apartment and help watch little sister when mom runs to the store. A farm child is expected to help feed the chickens and milk the cows. I don't consider either exploitive. Just like reality tv there is a line to cross. The Gosselins crossed it with filming, they have not corssed it with "farm chores."
If they are doing chores so much that there is no time for friends and activities, or they are missing school or too tired to pay attention in school, yes I don't know who wouldn't be outraged. I'm not aware of a case like this with a farm child in any recent history. If there is one please point us to it. But again since the title of the blog is "reality tv" kids the farm kid really should find his own blog.
In the last picture on this post I am almost positive that two Irwins are sitting in the stands with the Gosselins. Look all the way on the right, you can see Mrs. Irwin's white pants, Kate leaning that way and animated, and the camera and boom mike are over there too.
Kate's and co are staying at the Ocean Mooloolaba resort. There was a first hand account from someone who's family was at the same resort. If you go to this site http://www.oceansmooloolaba.com.au/ you'll see pics of the resort that match up exactly with the 'pap' pics. Except there is no possible way the paps would have access to the pool area. They wouldn't have access to the private balcony Steve was on to take the pics. The pap pics are most likely Kate and Steve taking pics OF EACH OTHER and sending them to the tabloids. There's a post on it on Preesi's.
See What I See? said...In the last picture on this post I am almost positive that two Irwins are sitting in the stands with the Gosselins
I think you're right. It looks like Terri and Bob. The two moms have something in common in that the Irwin kids are celebrities, too. It must have been an awkward meeting though because the similarities stop there. The Irwins are conservationalists, kind of the at the other end of the spectrum Kate represents... which is exploitation and waste.
'conservationists' for crying out loud, not conservationalists. geez.
Sorry, accidentally posted this in an earlier thread so copying it here.
Per several articles:
"Kate’s ex-husband Jon tried to block the kids from going on the trip, but because it is work-related, the judge allowed it to happen."
Well there you have it. The children ARE working. The judge allowed them to go and to miss school because they are WORKING.
Fans can't have it both ways. They are either working or they're not.....pick one.
And I just HAVE to again mention something after reading a few of the fan comments on other sites.
Fans!! Have you EVER taken math? Even basic math?
Kate has made hundreds of millions of dollars!! She has more money than any of you AND your spouses will EVER make your entire lifetime!
Have you every heard of making interest off your principle or is that over your little heads?
What in the hell is wrong with you with all this "she has to support her kids" and "she'll have to go on government subsidies (welfare) if she (the kids) doesn't continue to be a celebrity (work)?".....and "do you want her to go on welfare? and "do you want your tax dollars going to support her and her children"?
What in the heck is WRONG with you fans? I mean, there's clueless and then there's ridiculously clueless. HELLOOOO!!! Do you have any idea how much 350 million dollars is?? And that's ONLY for last year? Not to mention sitting on over a million dollars of real estate?
Welfare? Seriously? Did you even make it through elementary school math? 1 + 1 = 2 ???
Or were you expelled in kindergarten and missed all your math classes?
What planet are you on? When did you EVER see million dollar homes and mani-pedis/tanning sessions and private school and fancy vacations subsidized by the government/your tax dollars (for anyone who's not a politician???...j/k) Sheesh!
Gahhh....it just drives me nuts when I read these comments. Lots of the ridiculous fan comments drive me nuts but none as much as the "will have to go on welfare" ones.
We've always wondered what makes someone a fan of Kate's....and here we have it. You have to be so darn clueless and uneducated that you don't even know the most basic math!
It's 3.5 million dollars, not 350, but still a ton of money. Does Kate have any idea that 99 percent of Americanas would be THRILLED to have a retirement account worth 3.5 million dollars? She could retire on that today. And that's just what she made THIS YEAR. Let's say she puts this money in a very conservative account and makes a very conservative 3% a year, that's over 100,000 a year! For having your money just SIT in an account! You can't raise these kids on that kind of money? Gimme a break. And that's from her money from this year ALONE, if she saved all the money she made from the five years prior who knows what she could be making. If she were a little more liberal she could be making way more than 3%.
Awhile back when I tried to explain that if Kate just invested this money in even a low interest conservative account she could sit pretty the rest of her life I was brushed off as naive and that's not how money really works. But compound interest IS how money works, it's a mathematical certainty. This is how smart people stay rich and dumb people like Kate blow it all.
Anyway, the point is, she could live a comfortable life and does not need the kids, has not needed the kids, for years now. But because of her greed, wanting more more more, the kids are still working for her.
And to the question about the Duggar children:
It's BECAUSE the Duggar parents did NOT allow filming of their children going to the potty, or film the contents of the potty, or put them on the floor in the dark and film it when they were sick.....and on and on.
THEY, to some degree, DO protect their children and do NOT allow the egregious things to be done to them and filmed that Kate's children are subjected to. Not to mention how many HOURS they are filmed compared to the Duggar children.
THAT is the main difference for me. A fairly simple issue of the Duggars being more protective of their children's privacy and dignity than Kate has EVER been.
Also keep in mind, when Steve and Kate send pictures to the tabloids, they misrepresent the locations. Kate is not a Brisbane Bikini Babe. She is on the Sunshine Coast in an exclusive 5 star luxury retreat. Rooms there are minimum $800 per night for a standard room and for her I'm sure she's in the 1200-2000 per night category. The exclusivity of this resort would prevent any paps from coming near paying guests. They have fabricated past locations to tabloids as well, even when Chris is taking the shots.
I don't believe Kate has been followed by real paps for a long time. Only Chris but I suspect TLC has some control over his content too. That means she's profiting from exposing her children to cameras even when TLC is not filming. She doesn't care that they look sad and in pain when they see cameras or 'p-people.' That this type of extreme exploitation is legal in PA and condoned by the rest of the country is astounding.
Oops....sorry about that error, Administrator. I was SO aggravated after reading those comments yet again on some of the celebrity sites....that I clearly wasn't paying attention carefully enough to the numbers I typed.
But yes, 3.5 million dollars is an amount people win in major lotteries and are able to retire for life. An amount of money most of us can ever dream of and will NEVER see.
I mean, to not understand how MUCH money that is and then to seem unaware that they are living a life of luxury and not living hand to mouth....is just clueless on top of clueless. WELFARE? Are they kidding? Please tell me that they are all 5 years old. I hate to think of adults being that clueless (stupid(.
Dee, that's why some people who suddenly come into a large amount of money blow it--be it inheritance, settlement, lottery. They're so dumb they don't understand how much money they have and how to properly put it in the right places to make it work for them. There is an excellent financial book called Rich Dad Poor Dad--the author is a little arrogant and outspoken but he's being truthful and he knows what he is talking about. Many dumb people stupidly blow their money. At one point he lists all the very wealthy well-known people who have declared bankruptcy and asks how does that even happen when you've made millions??? Because some people are DUMB and cannot handle it or understand it when they fall into money. Exhibit A, Kate purchasing the mansion which she cannot possibly maintain on anything less than wealthy income.
There is no reason, absolutely none, that ANYONE couldn't be set for life and their eight kids on 3.5 million. And that's just what she made this year!
Who told you that you were naive about the compounded interest? Kate's fans (in comments)?
I have never commented on Kate's looks, body or hair. The only thing I"m concerned with is that she's a detestable, abusive narcissist and that her children will have to pay for it for the rest of their lives.
The expulsion of the 2 tups is just the TIP of the iceberg....and at this point, I don't even know if they can be saved emotionally. The damage may have already gone too far.
"I think you're right. It looks like Terri and Bob. The two moms have something in common in that the Irwin kids are celebrities, too. It must have been an awkward meeting though because the similarities stop there. The Irwins are conservationalists, kind of the at the other end of the spectrum Kate represents... which is exploitation and waste."
I'm not so sure that's true. Bindi and Bob are involved in the family business just like the Gosselin kids. They appear in commercials for Australia Zoo, they pose for pictures in the official Irwin magazine, they take part in promotional events, and they are regularly filmed either informally (as part of Steve/Terri's wildlife documentaries) or formally (as part of Bindi's kids show). Bindi even presents some of their croc demonstrations at the zoo. If that's not working and taking part in a family business, I don't know what is.
How do you feel about all that? Maybe you feel it's different because they're homeschooled and can therefore travel with their tutor? I don't know. Maybe you feel the difference is the attitude of the mother, that Terri is more loving and competent than Kate? Or maybe the main difference is that Terri and Steve began their family enterprise with pure intentions (to protect the environment etc) whereas Kate and Jon's intentions were not so noble (basically to make money). It's interesting to ponder the differences in these families. Until you mentioned it, I hadn't really thought about the parallels between them. Comparing the Gosselins to the Irwins is probably more appropriate than the farm kids analogy.
I'm going to be tactful and not even say the word I call people who are that clueless about money/finances. I worked with many aides who did not understand mortgage or interest percentages, etc.
The fans are like 5 year olds who have never learned or experienced how adults handle money. And Kate comes from a social strata that would make her aware of investing money, how to handle large amounts of money. Heck, Mady would probably even understand investments, etc.
I just have a really difficult time every time I see these welfare comments. It's very difficult for me to even fathom that there are adults that clueless and uneducated. I always think, "gee, I HOPE these are all adolescents".
There are other (untrue) fan comments that drive me nuts also. The "Jon just up and left her" and "Jon ran around and cheated on her" and "Jon isn't paying child support". At least they can no longer go on and on about Jon being a dead-beat and not working....and a few others.
But this welfare stuff just drives me over the edge every time I read it.
I've heard a lot of Australians feel bindi is exploited. I don't know much about that situation but it does raise a question a child running a zoo show all the time.
E-town that's the point, Kate was so stupid to put herself in a situation where she is bleeding $$$ like crazy. This is why she is not set and why she will probably go bankrupt when it ends. She is her own ponzi scheme. Her money is plenty for any smart person to live off. The house would never have been bought by them.
Dee said: "And Kate comes from a social strata that would make her aware of investing money, how to handle large amounts of money."
Huh? She was raised as a PK in a rural area. What social strata? This is middle class America. She's nouveau riche, not old money. Since "making it big," do you really think she deals with finances on her own? She has financial consultants/estate planners to keep an eye on her retirement portfolio. Who would have taught her how to handle large amounts of money by investing it? She's never been around anyone with money.
She handles money (the kids' money) by spending it.
Someone posted on the K plus 8 Facebook page that she saw the family washing the turtles at the zoo today. The person looks legit. I dont know why I keep going over there to view the train wreck.
Kart washing a turtle when she hardly washes a dish. I'd like to see that. Although I gather she'll be standing in a corner as usual with arms crossed, etc.
Do 6 year olds (let alone 10 year old or a 36 year old crabby woman) have the know how to handle animals like this. All for the sake of filming - turtles, chickens and german shepherds have to make the sacrifice.
Comparing the Gosselins to farm kids is silly. My cousins were farm kids. They had several regular daily chores, but were NEVER taken out of school to help with farm work. They also had lots of free time to play on their huge acreage with lots of animals and tractors and barns and sheds to play in. When I visited I was expected to help with the chores. I LOVED it! While I'm sure they didn't necessarily "love" their chores, it was character building work and helping the family. They weren't gathering eggs so their mom could be famous and have constant mani/pedi/tanning sessions!
p,s, strike that - not "washing the turtles" but "scrubbing the turtles". Perhaps all the turtle washing and scrubbing will be educational sessions after all and teach Kart some good household cleaning chores. Educational trip... finally! yes!!
I think you'll find any photo of Kate having physical contact with her children corresponds to filming for her show. There is a camera man filming from the front row when Alexis in on her lap and she is leaning in toward Joel. At the Brisbane hotel there is frame after frame after frame of Kate with her children but none are touching her. I think those speak volumes about her.
Wow! If those photos don't just say it all! The Gosselin kids aren't allowed to just enjoy something like this as a family. They have to be segregated from the rest and have microphones/cameras in their faces listening/filming everything they say/do. These photos truly sicken me. You can just tell by the looks on the twins faces and their body language how embarrasing this is for them. I look for those two to start rebelling very soon if they haven't already. If they have to Kate it will make no matter though. Sadly, it probably won't matter at all thanks to Pennylvania judges. So very sad to me.
Sorry, for got to say this in my last post. I used to want to reply to the sheeple and try to make them understand. I realize now that #1. they are delusional and will never understand and never stop defending Kate no matter what she does. #2. there's no need to reply on their blogs because they read every comment we make on our blogs. They then laugh about them and pick them apart. Most of them really have way too much time on their hands.
I don't know to what extent the Irwin children are filmed, but from what I read here, it sounds like there is a big difference between them and the Gosselins. It is the Gosselins' personal lives that are filmed for public consumption. Also, Steve and Terri Irwin were celebrities/activists/entertainers in their own right first. The kids came along later. For the Gosselins, the parents never stood on their own, but always on the backs of their kids.
Kathy said...
Also keep in mind, when Steve and Kate send pictures to the tabloids, they misrepresent the locations. Kate is not a Brisbane Bikini Babe. She is on the Sunshine Coast in an exclusive 5 star luxury retreat. Rooms there are minimum $800 per night for a standard room and for her I'm sure she's in the 1200-2000 per night category. The exclusivity of this resort would prevent any paps from coming near paying guests. They have fabricated past locations to tabloids as well, even when Chris is taking the shots.
I don't believe Kate has been followed by real paps for a long time. Only Chris but I suspect TLC has some control over his content too. That means she's profiting from exposing her children to cameras even when TLC is not filming. She doesn't care that they look sad and in pain when they see cameras or 'p-people.' That this type of extreme exploitation is legal in PA and condoned by the rest of the country is astounding.
January 6, 2011 11:10 PM
How ever will the sheeple blame Jon and Ellen for this? Photos taken from a private balcony at an expensive resort.
Kate and Steve are SO BUSTED!!
I'm not a techie by any means, but I do have to click several times to get the post to go through.
Ditto for me. There were also a few posts (a few weeks ago) that never made it at all.
Administrator said...
E-town that's the point, Kate was so stupid to put herself in a situation where she is bleeding $$$ like crazy. This is why she is not set and why she will probably go bankrupt when it ends. She is her own ponzi scheme. Her money is plenty for any smart person to live off. The house would never have been bought by them.
Yup, Kate's expenses for that property have to be huge. Just off the top of my head, there's landscaping maintenance, house cleaners and pool maintenance. It adds up!
DH and I own a modest home and the upkeep adds up. It's something you really have to think about when you become a home owner. The cost of the home/mortgage is the tip of the iceberg, really.
That said, Kate could never work a another day and live off of her income and savings, IF she were smart and (really big) IF she were willing to step out of the spotlight, which, apparently, isn't going to happen until the kids are 18 (according to Kate).
Which raises the question-does Kate intend to keep filming the kids through their teens? God help them.
Another money related thought that I often ponder is the growing chasm between Kate and Jon's lifestyles. Kate is all big house, toys, things, first class everything, and Jon is a 1 BR apt in Central PA.
I wonder if the kids feel somewhat guilty about going on with the show without their dad. Guilty that they are reaping this high-on-the-hog life and dad is struggling. I mean, it was just like their dad got crossed of of Jon and Kate plus 8-disregarded like flotsom and jetsom. Jon who? Who needs him?
Can you imagine the conflict in the children who are upset about having their picture taken and who are covering their faces when they see a pap - to have Steve, a person they're supposed to trust, behind the camera snapping pictures of them?
Kate first tells the kids to ignore the paps and it becomes quite obvious they're wary of them (they don't smile or engage, etc) and then low and behold, there's Steve doing the exact same things to them that the p-people do - flashing and clicking the camera in their faces.
Kids aren't equipped at 6 years of age to make those differentiations and I'd like Kate to try to explain that conflict to their psychologist.
"I've heard a lot of Australians feel bindi is exploited. I don't know much about that situation but it does raise a question a child running a zoo show all the time."
I'm an Australian, although of course I can't speak for all of us. But the feeling toward the Irwins is generally supportive here. People used to joke about Bindi's disposition (always chipper and enthusiastic) because it's so preternatually eager. But no one objects, particularly, to the inclusion of the children in wildlife documentaries or performance in shows. There's certainly nothing like the level of hatred toward the Gosselins in the US.
I think one difference between the Irwins and the Gosselins is that the Irwins are in the family business. If there were no cameras around, they would still have a future and careers.
I think Kate believes reality television alone is a career.
I wonder if Steve will be getting a raise since he has now added paparazzi to his ever expanding responsibilities to this family or specifically Kate.
I remember seeing Bindi after her father died and I recall wondering if she was being exploited also....but there was also...I guess it would be her "performing" personality that sort of threw me...esp. seeing it in someone so young. She seemed to be absolutely loving the attention, speaking very animatedly and clearly performing up a storm....and I worried more about what type of adult she'll be....even a bit more than if she's being exploited.
She could turn out to be a wonderful adult but she was sending up red flags, at least that time I saw her, that might hint at the whole "attention-whore-in-training" type of thing. If she's getting this much attention and adoration as a child, how much is she going to emotionally need and expect as an adult? I just had a bit of a bad feeling when I saw her putting on a show so dramatically like she did.
If I'm remembering correctly, most of the celebrities and lottery winners who have burned through their $ and gone bankrupt have involved a huge element of "being conned" by unscrupulous hangers-on pretending to be 'advisers who are out for their best interest'.....all sorts of failed investments, stealing of their money, etc. The concept that they were not paying enough attention to what others were doing with their money.
I have no idea how susceptible Kate would be to this. She definitely does not bond with people and her narcissist personality doesn't listen to others but thinks she knows always knows better.
We all suspect that she's being conned by TLC but I"m not completely sure about that, to be honest. She's definitely getting what she wants from them....celebrity, attention AND money. Her big mistake is that she thinks she's such a star that it will continue forever and that the $ will flow in forever.....rather than being susceptible to con-artist investors.
And even though TLC makes much more $ off the show than they're paying her....this is typical of that business and that's why many actors/celebrities start their own studios and production companies.
I think it's that she has no concern about the future and just assumes that she'll continue to get whatever she wants forever.. that would be her biggest downfall when it comes to running out of $ and going bankrupt. She thinks she deserves and is entitled to all these luxuries and has little concern about the future and the wisdom of doing some smart investing. And she could very well not listen or take heed to anyone giving her good/sound financial advice (due to her extreme narcissism).
Just my opinions/thoughts/impressions. I could be wrong, of course....just want to make that clear.
I'm so glad someone else compared Bindi Irwin to the Gosselin children (not sure yet about the younger child). I agree with you that it's much more similar than the children working on a farm.
When I saw her on one of the morning talk shows....her performance was so over-the-top/hamming it up...that I was actually uncomfortable. And to see that in someone so young was very disconcerting....a fame-whore-in-training(?).
And the thing with farm children is that the family usually NEEDS them to help out....just to help run the farm and to survive.
But for the Gosselin/Irwin situation...it's all about attention, celebrity and getting rich....not about surviving.
I post this way after encountering problem: sign in,write comment; then click on preview; after that comes up click on post comment
When my husband & I quit smoking, we put all the money in a jar that we saved on cigarettes in a jar. After a few weeks, we were amazed at the amount that we saved. Instead of putting it in the bank, we decided to take a few more weeks & save & take a trip to Maine, one of our favorite places, with the 3 of us. The anticipation was awesome! Plus, knowing we had saved that money felt great!! We ended up taking that trip & it rained the 1st 3 days we were there, BUT it was still a blast, because we were together as a family.
Admin, you are right. It's the anticipation of the trip, not just saying you're going & then hopping on a plane. It's the reward of saving & being together as a family. Unfortunately, I have since started smoking again, but only because I'm a big dumbass. I don't smoke in the house & it's too cold to smoke outside, so thankfully, I'm not smoking much! :) And I start my Chantix again next Tuesday! go me. lol
I don't think the kids look bored in the pics at the Irwins' show. If anyone took a video of people at a show like that, most of them look like that (if that makes sense). I do believe when TLC gets done with the edits however, it will look like the kids are animated and excited the whole show and of course Kate will be using Alexis as a prop since the little one loves her gators. They will show Kate the wonder mother paying attention to the kids like that is the norm.
Just another day in "reality" land!!
I wonder how the kids feel about not seeing Jon this whole time. This is a lifetime for them. They must miss him. Does Kate allow the kids to call, or when Jon calls, does she allow them to talk to him?
Brooke, the Irwin children (particularly Bindi) have always concerned me. I think they have always been exploited by their parents, but I was particularly shocked by how quickly Bindi was thrust into the role of Steve Irwin's money-making stand-in so soon after his death. In short, I think Kate Gosselin and Terri Irwin will get along just fine.
Roxanne said...
"okay honestly the sheeple are pathological liars I swear! I read a sheeple comment which said: alexis and collin got expelled from kindergarten not because of filming but because of the divorce,they SAID in an interview "we got mad because we miss daddy". How screwed up is this?"
Here we go again with the fans. The children "MISS DADDY"? What happened to all the "they don't want to be with Jon and prefer to be with Kate" nonsense? All the "that photo of them screaming in the van was all engineered by Jon and was not because it was time to leave him" (because they prefer to be with him)?
You cannot have it both ways. It's one or the other and you have to pick one.
I believe it is much worse than the children simply missing dad and that most of them are filled with rage (ie: the hitting school mates and teachers) and that the worst of it is that Kate bad-mouths Jon all the time in front of them and makes them feel angry and guilty for even caring about their father at all. This level of rage could doom their futures.
And regarding the girls getting older and wearing mini-skirts, etc.? The predictable reaction of a narcissistic mother is that she will compete with them and take every opportunity to criticize them, put them down and make them feel even more guilty.
And finally, I want to mention the whole Steve issue. And this is just speculation, though it is speculation based on my gut impression (even though I've never actually HEARD his side of the story).
Kate is SUCH a a narcissistic horror that no normal/mentally healthy man could ever be romantically interested in her. It would have to be someone extremely passive-aggressive (like Jon) or someone who is simply interested in her $ or getting celebrity by riding her coat-tails.
I believe that Steve cares very much for the children....but Kate? He may be concerned for her but I can't see how he could have any sort of romantic feelings towards her.
And what about the rumors of them kissing, etc? We are mostly women on this site....but the reality is that men have a tendency to...if they get an opportunity to get a little something different on the side...will go for it....and has nothing to do with romance. Unless he is a real psychological mess, I don't see him having ANY sort of romantic interest in her. The whole getting $ and celebrity through Kate? Not totally sure about that one. Could be possible or could slightly factor-in, IMO. But unless he's a real psychological mess, her behavior has to have really turned him off big-time.
Kathy - do you have a link to the first hand account of someone staying at the same resort? (not doubting you, just want to read it!)
Hippie Chick said...
I wonder how the kids feel about not seeing Jon this whole time. This is a lifetime for them. They must miss him. Does Kate allow the kids to call, or when Jon calls, does she allow them to talk to him?
Hippie Chick, those kids MUST be missing their dad. I just hope they are being allowed to at least, phone their father on this long trip.
I've never seen a person who has been given so many blessings & opportunities like Kate, just destroy it all simply because she feels like it, or deserves to get and do whatever she wishes. What the heck is going on in her head?
This is not going to end well at all.
@a friend or a pap?
To the kids, Steve is just a friend/surrogate dad, etc., snapping fun family pics of them. They have no reason to suspect anything else.
If indeed he is the source of the paparazzi photos, I'm guessing the kids don't have a clue. I hope that's not the case, but if it is - shameful!
Hi dee3 :o)
My husband calls women that behave like Kate,
"Pretty Mental Patients".
We all know/ or have known women like Kate.
Any relationship they have is unsustainable.
It's only a matter of time before their true self comes out, and frightens the poop out of whoever they are with.
Hey Pink, regarding your comment that we all know someone like Kate, I've gotta say, I have known some wicked women and some awful, nut-cracking wives, but never, EVER, have I met someone like Kate. She's a whole new psych textbook waiting to be written. I can't fathom what it's like to be one of her captives, I mean children. It's just heartbreaking.
Mandy said...
@a friend or a pap?
To the kids, Steve is just a friend/surrogate dad, etc., snapping fun family pics of them. They have no reason to suspect anything else.
If indeed he is the source of the paparazzi photos, I'm guessing the kids don't have a clue. I hope that's not the case, but if it is - shameful!
January 7, 2011 6:55 AM
If it's not Steve (and clearly it's not him all the time as evidenced by the photos of him in the stadium yesterday), IT IS someone in their entourage. The likliehood of another guest staying at the expensive hotel in Australia 1-knowing who Kate is and 2-knowing to take pictures and sell them to the same news sources that have had all the pictures this trip are not very great.
Explain that away, sheeple!
The crazy thing is, looking at these photos, is how awkward the whole set up is at this outdoor theatre. I mean everyone else in the audience is sitting out in the open, no cover or roof (that I can see) and yet there sit the Gosselins, in the middle under a tarp of sorts and they just look silly sitting there among all those empty seats while the rest of the seating is apears to be filled with people. They just look really awkward.
On top of that, they don't look like they're having a good time either. They appear like this is a huge trial for them. It's not any fun for them according to their facial expressions.
Kathy said...
The pap pics are most likely Kate and Steve taking pics OF EACH OTHER and sending them to the tabloids. There's a post on it on Preesi's.
There are pics at the zoo in which both Steve and Kate are present. Who is it you think took those?
Steve - P-person? Lover? Bodyguard? None of us knows for certain the true nature of this man and his relationship to Kate Gosselin. One thing seems very clear, given what has been written about the lack of interest in Kate by Australians in general, and the level of security undoubtedly in place at their high-end hotel. Steve Neild was almost certainly the photographer of the bikini shots, the Australian zoo shots, etc. Likewise, it would seem from the camera angles, that Kate was the P-person who took the picture of Steve on the balcony. Regardless... Who really cares? But I will tell you this - if Steve and Kate are not lovers or some other twisted sort of couple, I can't begin to imagine how Steve's wife tolerates such nonsense. The photos of Kate adjusting her top with boob about to fall out, the photos of her from above looking straight down on her chest, the crotch shots. Disgraceful, if he is still married to someone else. The woman must be daft or blind to put up with this crap from her husband. Not to mention the betrayal of the children who have been well trained to hate photographers. What a hot mess this continues to be. I would love to hear the truth one day - from Steve's wife, from Jon, from anyone.
KateSteveTLCandTheJudgeSuck said...
If it's not Steve (and clearly it's not him all the time as evidenced by the photos of him in the stadium yesterday), IT IS someone in their entourage. The likliehood of another guest staying at the expensive hotel in Australia 1-knowing who Kate is and 2-knowing to take pictures and sell them to the same news sources that have had all the pictures this trip are not very great.
Explain that away, sheeple!
Its looks like to me that someone in this picture is very bored. mmm Whom can that be? Oh Kate. Love the little tent idea. Is that their little cabana side show family idea? What is the point of Steve being at the bottom of the tent? That doesn't make any sense of a bodyguard being so far away from his work. They should be behind the person they are protecting not ahead of them. Plus were is the kids guards on this trip. This is a very scary situation. Steve couldn't possible be watching Kate 8 kids 2 babysitters and the whole TLC crew.
Once again it looks like its all about Kate's wants with a little bit of kids things to do.
Whats next SPRING BREAK with the gosselins? So kate can go down to cancun and relive her 20some era that she missed. Chasing her dreams and being a baby factory? come on kids lets learn lessons on alcohol poisoning, body shots, wet t shirt contest, slip in slides, bubble raves and the beach.
I can see it right now with the gosselins specials. The aussie one opens with Good Day Mate. Kate wearing khaki wearing a aussie hat and tan tank top. Then you see the kids holding little joeys jumping up and down and koala bears. Kate screams Put another shrimp on the barbie. Hannah NO MOMMY not my barbie. Kate cackles.
It just goes down hill from that. No one will be missing anything. It will be the same Kate show. See the kids, oh the kids are upset, see them eat, oh they are tired, see them enjoy this for a sec, see kate, hear kate, see kate, kate is upset, oh kates mad, oh kate and the kids together, kate holds one, kate starts telling the kids how to act, kids laughing, oh kids sad.. This can go on forever. Same show dif place.
I think this is further proof of reality TV's ill effects on children:
This child was seen very infrequently on the Real Housewives of NY, and even though she may have taken this misstep without ever being a part of reality TV, it is now plastered all over the gossip section of the NY Daily News website for the world to see. How much more evidence do the sheeple need??
Bodyguard my a$$ said...
Hey Pink, regarding your comment that we all know someone like Kate, I've gotta say, I have known some wicked women and some awful, nut-cracking wives, but never, EVER, have I met someone like Kate. She's a whole new psych textbook waiting to be written. I can't fathom what it's like to be one of her captives, I mean children. It's just heartbreaking.
Hi Bodyguard my a$$ :o)
Consider yourself fortunate.
I wish that I could claim the same, but I can't. I know 2 women that are very similar to Kate- except for the multiples part (thank God). Both were (and still are) emotionally, mentally, and physically draining to everyone around them- their husbands, children, parents, siblings, friends, neighbors, co-workers, bosses etc....
I compare them to the Black Hole phenomenon in space- except these women are both big, black emotional holes that suck the life & joy out of everything and everyone.
You are right, it is heartbreaking ESPECIALLY when children are involved.
Take care-
Pink :o)
In one of my comments to you, something got accidentally erased or didn't go through....but what I had said and wanted to point out (in response to something you wrote) is that the issue of children working was not ME validating it.....it was in regards to Kate and her fans saying that they are absolutely NOT working and are just filmed while playing.
By leaving that out, it is not clear if and how I was responding to your quote.
I sort of took it as you telling me "Duh...of COURSE they are working!".....but I wanted to point out that I wasn't talking about ME but about the claims of Kate and her fans.
To the kids, Steve is just a friend/surrogate dad, etc., snapping fun family pics of them. They have no reason to suspect anything else.
They don't need a surrogate dad; the have Jon, and he is alive and well. Steve has his own kids. Does he ever see them?
A new post up at Hollybaby.com:
Is Kate Gosselin’s Bodyguard Steve Nield The One Taking Pics Of Her In A Bikini And Selling Them To Paparazzi?
Quoting Mandy: "To the kids, Steve is just a friend/surrogate dad, etc., snapping fun family pics of them. They have no reason to suspect anything else."
Really? What friend/surrogate dad then sells those photos of the kids to the press?
Face it, sheeples, Kate found another way to make money - selling her OWN photos rather than having to tip off the paps as to her/their whereabouts. She is after all, all about complete control...
Next season's Kate plus 8 shows on the trips to Philadelphia and Australia sound like that annoying relative/friend who used to always trying to corral you and want to show you slides of his/her vacation(s)....at least to me, that is. :D Hehehe.
Im trying to figure out if this story has merits. If Steve tool the pica, who tool the pic of Steve on the porch?
whatevah said... Quoting Mandy: "To the kids, Steve is just a friend/surrogate dad, etc., snapping fun family pics of them. They have no reason to suspect anything else."
Really? What friend/surrogate dad then sells those photos of the kids to the press?
Face it, sheeples, Kate found another way to make money - selling her OWN photos rather than having to tip off the paps as to her/their whereabouts. She is after all, all about complete control...
May I add one more thing, please?
Kate and Jon have been selling their family photos for YEARS. The only difference now is that they are doing it seperately. They both realized long ago that their little circus act/brand would be profitable. Too bad their children are being treated as just objects they own, to do anything they want, and darn well please with them.
Yes, profitable alright...
unconscionable too.
So bleat all you want Sheeple, it looks & smells bad from every angle.
All of K8's bikini shots are from above to the right.
The pic of Steve is from below to the left , where Katie Irene was lounging.
The angles match the pics perfectly.
From what I have read, the Gosselins et al are staying at a 5* resort (naturally!). No 5* resort would allow random paps to take pics by the pool. These were either taken by K8 and Steve or another TLC puppet who was incognito but hired to go along just for the purpose of getting the money shots.
Again, just speculation, but totally plausible !
Dee3 said (regarding Steve being involved with Kate):
It would have to be someone extremely passive-aggressive (like Jon) or someone who is simply interested in her $ or getting celebrity by riding her coat-tails.
OR, it could be someone who has a "savior" complex and thinks he sees a bad situation he has the patience, knowledge and persistence to solve.
That's not really much of a stretch for someone who is required to act as a minder, and who must constantly persuade a difficult person, that it is in her best interests to behave better than she thinks she should have to.
A man who thinks he can reach Kate's "inner good person" (I'm gagging here) might choose involvement with her. He might even believe that the kids would be better off if their mother is seeing a man who can contain (at least to some extent) her worst behaviors.
Administrator said... Im trying to figure out if this story has merits. If Steve tool the pica, who tool the pic of Steve on the porch?
Canuck said...
The woman must be daft or blind to put up with this crap from her husband. Not to mention the betrayal of the children who have been well trained to hate photographers. What a hot mess this continues to be. I would love to hear the truth one day - from Steve's wife, from Jon, from anyone.
Since it's actually her life, has it ever occurred to you that she might have a better grasp on the situation than do those who are speculating from afar on the Internet?
Why do you think you're owed "the truth?" There is absolutely no reason that anyone needs to speak publicly about their private lives simply because a bunch of strangers like to gossip about them.
"If Steve tool the pica, who tool the pic of Steve on the porch?"
Exactly. I may eat my words someday but I don't think it was Steve who took these pictures and I don't think Steve and Kate are having an affair. From the looks of Steve's resume I think he is a very professional bodyguard and I don't think he would risk the reputation of himself or his company. I think TLC likes the publicity that comes with it but I doubt there's anything other than friendship going on.
whatevah said... Quoting Mandy: "To the kids, Steve is just a friend/surrogate dad, etc., snapping fun family pics of them. They have no reason to suspect anything else."
Really? What friend/surrogate dad then sells those photos of the kids to the press?
Face it, sheeples, Kate found another way to make money - selling her OWN photos rather than having to tip off the paps as to her/their whereabouts. She is after all, all about complete control..
My quote was taken out of context when only part of it was reposted.
You can read up higher in the thread, but I'll try to explain it better.
A Friend or a Pap mentioned that it must be confusing to the kids that Steve might now be functioning as a pap. If it's true and he is, my comment was that the kids only know him to be a friend/surrogate dad (not that I think that's a good thing, either), and they won't realize he's selling their pictures...... IF he's doing it. Someone pointed out that it could be anyone in their entourage. Either way, it's disgusting!!!!!!! I'm with you all the way on this one.
Is Kate Gosselin’s Bodyguard Steve Nield The One Taking Pics Of Her In A Bikini And Selling Them To Paparazzi?
Hmmmmmmmmmm.... me thinks Steve has been caught red handed!
To add to what A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
I believe that instead of getting paid for tips to the paps, they are now providing the actual photos themselves thereby making much more money for themselves. (Well, except Jon doesn't seem to be doing it anymore.) Besides, they knew there weren't any paps in Oz that would think them newsworthy. Oh how I envy those Aussies!
And Admin, I think that's Kate's photo of Steve (the angles kind of work out). She knew it would stir up controversy and therefore keep her alive in Blogland. As to whether or not she realized it would out this little secret (she still thinks everyone lives in a sheeple shack) is anyone's guess.
Administrator said...
Im trying to figure out if this story has merits. If Steve tool the pica, who tool the pic of Steve on the porch?
Kate or a nanny, is my guess, from the pool area. The angle looks right.
Administrator said... Im trying to figure out if this story has merits. If Steve tool the pica, who tool the pic of Steve on the porch?
January 7, 2011 12:39 PM
Mostly likely Kate or a TLC member since it's taken from someone looking up at Steve and since Queen Khate was posing oh so provocratively down below by the pool and people were wondering where old Steve was, the opportunity came up to take a picture of him.
I think it makes total sense when you think about it. What pap is going to be able to afford a stay at the hotel and if Steve is supposed to be a 'bodyguard', I'm sure the hotel will not allow any paps in.
Since she is unknown down in Australia, what better way to generate media for her by taking their own pics and selling it for profit at the same time. It's a win/win for Khate, TLC but thankfully the great sleuths at Preesi's site did some great investigative work and uncovered the whole fraud by TLC, Khate, Purseboy.
In some of the pictures at the pool you'll see a black leather bag at the back of Kate's chair. It sure looks like a camera bag to me.
Who's taking the photos behind the guy performing the crocodile show? Surely no regular guest are allowed to just walk up behind him facing the audience and snapping pictures.
And surely they don't allow paparazzi to be in those areas.
It had to be either a zoo employee or the camera crew/producer taking the pics at the zoo.
My guess is the camera crew/producer is the source of ALL of these photos.
Just saw Camille Grammer on Ellen. Great interview, BTW. I don`t get RHOBH in Canada, but I do watch the other RH shows. But I wanted to see the interview b/c I hear so much about how Camille is portrayed. Camille made a few interesting points, one being that they film for 100 hours to get 43 minutes of tape (supporting what we have been saying) and that there is a difference between reality and reality TV. She also slipped up and made reference to her 'character'.
Remind me again how the 8 are just playing....
Kate or a nanny, is my guess, from the pool area. The angle looks right.
We know for a fact that Kate can't go unnoticed for any length of time. She probably asked Chris to come along disguised as a nanny and he's the one taking the pictures :o) We didn't really think they'd go all the way to Australia and not send us some postcards now did we.
Maybe she'll even hit a Target store down there before they fly back.
You can tell that he was taking the pics because she was trying so hard to look sexy it was almost comical.
"I can see it right now with the gosselins specials. The aussie one opens with Good Day Mate. Kate wearing khaki wearing a aussie hat and tan tank top. Then you see the kids holding little joeys jumping up and down and koala bears. Kate screams Put another shrimp on the barbie. Hannah NO MOMMY not my barbie. Kate cackles."
Yes, this is exactly how the show will be. I cringed reading it. I know I won't watch it.
This is from April, & obviously ToK is NOT gonna happen, but I like the line "Kate's going to make it about her." When does Kate NOT make it about her?
OT but, This website is amazing btw. It's great for news articles, pop culture, politics, etc. www.theweek.com (it's actually a magazine lol)
"From the looks of Steve's resume I think he is a very professional bodyguard and I don't think he would risk the reputation of himself or his company."
He's not a bodyguard! He's not guarding her or the children. He is her assistant; her handler, protecting others from the wrath of Kate, keeping her in line so that she doesn't go off on the public who might dare to photograph her or ask her a question, or heaven forbid, try to use the ladies room while she is occupying it. He has already risked any kind of reputation he had when he became a silver-haired purse-toting valet.
I got this off his company website. It's "just" my opinion that there is nothing sleazy going on between he and Kate. I think the man has more discipline than that. Like I said, I may eat my words someday but for now this is my opinion.
Steve K. Neild
Executive Vice President
Steve Neild served with the New Zealand Police Department for 19 years, during which time he lead the special operations section and focused on counter-terrorism and dignitary protection.
His special expertise is in VIP protection and major event security planning. His experience has included work for the 2000 Olympics, the 2001 Queensland Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), close protection planning and management for the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), for the Royal Families of Britain, Thailand, and Brunei, U.S. President Clinton, and many other elected heads of state. Mr. Neild has also served in leadership roles of large-scale security operations during the 2000 and 2004 Olympics and numerous major sporting events worldwide.
He has been the central point of contact and liaison with marketing and major corporate management operations, local police, various military representatives, and with government and international intelligence agencies.
Mr. Neild also has substantial experience in law enforcement and counter-terrorism operations and management of large critical facilities, such as Auckland International Airport in Auckland, New Zealand. This developed his skills in project and change management, business continuity, and risk management, comprising strategic asset protection and emergency planning, along with civil defense and security related aircraft crew/response personal training exercises.
gotyournumberKate said...
I got this off his company website. It's "just" my opinion that there is nothing sleazy going on between he and Kate. I think the man has more discipline than that. Like I said, I may eat my words someday but for now this is my opinion ...
I think you might be picking the words out of your teeth very soon. lol
That's been on his website for years. It doesn't mean that he didn't take the job with good intentions at the beginning, but that it didn't morph into what it is today: that of a minder, handler, babysitter, and assistant. It's his actions that are key, not his self-promotional business intro and his actions are NOT that of a bodyguard.
Thanks for sharing Steve's resume ;o)
Becoming Kate's new daddy/handler/purse holder/boob consultant/travel companion/personal pap and advisor sounds like a huge demotion compared to all the real important jobs he's had in the past.
I wonder why he "settled" for kookie Kate.
We've talked a lot about how Steve has no right to prevent people from taking photos and to ask people to delete photos. But that's not true at all at a PRIVATE PLACE. At this private hotel/resort he would have every right to have paparazzi thrown out. Even if it were another guest, if they are being a nuisance to them taking photos that were going to be splashed all over the internet hotel security could march right up to them, demand the pics be deleted, and kick them out. Private property is a whole other ball game. So it really begs the question if Steve were sitting right there on a porch why on earth wouldn't he stop the person taking photos? I thought he was there to "protect" the family from intrusions like this. If that's really his job he's terrible at it.
It's highly suspect. Also guess the theory that Jon calls the paps doesn't work anymore--how could he possibly call the paps in Australia?
Purse Boy's experience in counter terrorism should come in handy with Kate. I had to click this comment three times before it would let me preview. Maybe the problem is the browser?
Whoa, whoa, whoa...hold it! I read the article about Twist of Kate and what I got from it is, Kate will be helping "every day women," what peeves me is that this feels like Kate is not longer also, "ever-day woman." It pathetic the way it sounds to me. Don't know if anyone else here agrees or not but wow.
audibleclick said...
Purse Boy's experience in counter terrorism should come in handy with Kate.
Yes audibleclick, because Kate is such an important national security treasure [rolling eyes]....in her own mind ;o)
Marie said...
Whoa, whoa, whoa...hold it! I read the article about Twist of Kate and what I got from it is, Kate will be helping "every day women," what peeves me is that this feels like Kate is not longer also, "ever-day woman." It pathetic the way it sounds to me. Don't know if anyone else here agrees or not but wow.
Don't fret too much about it, Marie :o)
First, they have to find someone that is willing to stop laughing long enough at the idea of allowing Kate to "help" her.
Self-serving Kate doesn't "help" anyone.
It is highly doubtful that A Twist of Kate will go anywhere but in a garbage bin.
audibleclick said...Purse Boy's experience in counter terrorism should come in handy with Kate.
Yes audibleclick, because Kate is such an important national security treasure [rolling eyes]....in her own mind ;o)
We jest but, seriously, I wonder if his former association with airport security isn't helping Kate fly around the world without the usual hassles the lowly commoners have to go through at airports. That would really piss people off.
I am more and more thinking Steve/TLC producers are the paps, because generally when A-list celebrities go to foreign countries we only see maybe one set of pictures. So why does Kate, who des not even have D-list celebrity status, have four sets of pictures and her trip isn't even half over?!
And how sick can you get? It's one thing if they only take pictures of Kate. But to take pictures of the kids is truly hideous. The kids already have to deal with cameras and booms in their faces, now when they get home (assuming they don't have access to the internet there), they will realize that all the pictures Steve took weren't for a family photo album, but for gossip sites!
You're right Pink. I mean why they keep pushing it back is a tell tale sign to me it's not going anywhere really. I cant imagine too many women eager for Kate's help these days since she's loosing fans for the show she already has.
And don't worry Pink, you aren't alone, I read comments from the bottom up too! :)
audibleclick said...
Purse Boy's experience in counter terrorism should come in handy with Kate.
Well, Kate IS a TERROR............
As for Purseboy's 'resume', I read it with 100% skepticism - if I remember, his "company" only has three employees.....
In another life, I was in marketing, and wrote stuff like what you see on the company website and the dross listed on his 'resume' could very well be.. well, shall we say... embellished a bit?
There is a real art to 'writing to impress' without skirting the truth. The secret is to read between the lines.
My gut feeling, and I could be wrong, is that 3 guys got together and started a company and put out marketing dribble that made themselves look important.
I cannot believe that someone who was REALLY a bodyguard and in REAL security work would take on an assignment like Kart. REally, look at who he is handling - the queen of narcissim. Not really a primo 'security job' now, is it?
I say the fact that he does what he does speaks volumes - he's a high paid lackey purseboy....
No respect for him at all. In addition, he has now become an enabler, letting her get away with all her emotional and physical abuse of those kids. The fact that he hasn't reported her for things that happen during filming, again speaks volumes. The kids are definitely not the prime concern.
"Administrator said... At this private hotel/resort he would have every right to have paparazzi thrown out
This was an OBVIOUS photo op. Her posing and the angle of the camera, which she could clearly see a person with a camera. Just look at the poses. Holds her stomach on two of pix, posing "sexily" (LOL) When you are sunning UNLESS you are being photograhed or a MAN is watching you, who sucks in her stomach? In a few she doesn't suck it in. LOL I thought this should be obvious it was a TLC set up? And yes, this place is very exclusive. No way an unwanted paps would be there. Nor would Kate preen and pose like that.
TLC and Steve are now official PIMPS. Maybe they are trying to marry her off, to get rid of her. LOL
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