Fairly Legal was first known as Facing Kate. But in test screenings, there was so much confusion with Kate Gosselin that producers were afraid audiences wouldn't want to see another reality show about Kate. The network then changed the name.
Said star Sarah Shahi: “It was called Facing Kate, and now it’s called Fairly Legal. They did a test audience, a screening, and 80% of the people thought Facing Kate was a reality show about Kate Gosselin. So with that said, we had to change the title.”
86 sediments (sic) from readers:
Congratulations Kate for tainting her very own name. Seriously how bad is it when your first NAME has such strong associations for people?
Good Lord, how bad can it get? ?
Doesn't Karaoke mean "bad singing" in Japanese?
It looks like "Kate" now means "bad reality tv" *LOL* (that no one wants to associate with)
Kate's ego will see this as name recognition and it will go to her head. TLC will encourage that interpretation.
Didn't Kate Middelton want to be called Katherine for that same reason?
Interesting/awesome/funny that the USA Network does not want to be connected to "that" Kate in any way, shape or form!
Too bad that K8 doesn't realize how toxic she is thought to be by most people. K8 most likely believes she deserves more attention that Kate Middleton.
I don't think the royals have confirmed why Kate Middleton all of a sudden, incidentally, about a year ago (hmmmm!), wanted to be called Katherine instead of Kate. I mean she's not a 12-year-old like when my cousin Julie was that age who all of a sudden wanted to go by her given name Julia. A grown woman suddenly wanting to be called something different I find quite unusual.
Very suspicious! I think this show does air there and they certainly must be aware of all the bad press here.
I agree Gin, at least they will try to encourage it. But finally, at long last, people all over the place are just sick to death of her. They are sick of the way she thought of herself as this indispensable witch that could say or do anything she wanted and no one would ever question her (I mean, how dare they?). Only someone as whacked out as Kate would think name recognition was so important even when that name recognition held nothing but hateful and nasty thoughts when she is mentioned. (with apologies to the few sheeple who still defend her, well not really. I'm afraid Kate is in for a very rude awakening and she so richly deserves it.
Speaking of "Facing Kate," isn't "Twist of Kate" or "Touch of Kate" supposed to premiere in the spring? She better high-tail it out of Reading and get on with the filming. Spring is just around the corner!
Does anyone know the last time it was mentioned, either by TLC or by Kate herself?
That's the problem with some narcissists is from what I understand they feed off any attention and see all attention as positive. Sometimes they don't even see or understand what normal people would perceive as negative--like a show having to change their name to distance themselves from you. Another example of this might be say if your work has to constantly call you in the morning to ask where you are because you overslept or you're stuck in traffic, a narcissist, instead of being embarrassed, sees this as flattering work cares so much about her they would call. It only serves to add to their self-importance.
On the other hand some narcissists don't like negative attention even though they love positive attention. An example of this type seems to be Camille Grammer. She loves the attention but goes batshit on people the second it turns negative. Seems to me this type of narcissist is not quite as big of a head case as they "all attention all the time" type like Kate.
Gin said...
Kate's ego will see this as name recognition and it will go to her head. TLC will encourage that interpretation.
I agree. In her narcissistic mind she'll interpret this to mean she's world famous. The only thing that will ever have a negative impact on her is when her name does not appear anywhere.
Very suspicious! I think this show does air there and they certainly must be aware of all the bad press here.
I don't think that Kate Gosselin has that much influence over the Royal Family! One of the news channels here (it could have been Fox) reported that Kate Middleton's name is Catherine Elizabeth Middleton, that she has, from the get-go, preferred "Catherine" and that she has always asked her friends to call her that.
"Catherine" is much more of a formal name, and more befitting a member of the Royal Family than Kate or Katy!
I tend to think it has less to do with what she wants and more to do with trying to make it difficult on the press. KATE is 10 times easier to put in headlines, rhyme with things and so on. They called her Waity Katie. I think it's about trying to make things difficult for the press, which they have ever right to do.
I think Princess Kate is an adorable name and very "fitting." But it's her name she should be called what she wants.
One of my good friend's names is Katie and that was always in the back of my mind as a baby name both because of her and because I really liked it. Not anymore!
By the way these past several days are just proof that this family can easily disappear and go private and not live such a public and exploitive life. Kate's whole "there's no going back" is complete bullshit. There absolutely is a way to go back and this week proved it. Take the kids out of the public eye and go live your life.
One of my good friend's names is Katie and that was always in the back of my mind as a baby name both because of her and because I really liked it. Not anymore!
If you go back to the lists of the most popular baby names over the past decade, Kate and Katie made the list in the early to mid 2000s. Not so anymore! I wonder if that's because she's associated with the name, or because the Ewe and the Ram Sheeple are no longer breeding, and therefore, no more Katie lambs!
I think Princess Kate is an adorable name and very "fitting." But it's her name she should be called what she wants.
It's a cute name, but I don't think Buckingham wants adorable -- they want style and class. Otherwise, Charles would be Chuckie or Charlie; Prince Philip would be Phil; and Queen Elizabeth would be Lizzie.
The media shortened Diana to Di; Sarah Ferguson to Fergie. If I recall, the Royals in the palace weren't too keen on either name.
It's a cute name, but I don't think Buckingham wants adorable -- they want style and class.
The Winsors need to get over themselves. Princess Diana and her two lovely boys are the best thing that ever happened to them and they have just never acted like they appreciated it. Who cares if William's fiance's name is Kate or Rainbow or Cloud or Elmo. Diana kept the family going through the 80's and 90's and Kate/Catherine's similar appeal and next-doorishness is probably what's going to keep the royal family going the next fifty years.
I don't think the family seems to understand and appreciate the way Diana started a whole new era of the Winsors being not only relevant again, but practically pin-ups. The public's going to get rid of them for their uselessness eventually, but it's not going to happen anytime soon thanks to the Spencers.
For me the name Kate always reminds me of one of my favourite Shakespearean plays, The Taming of the Shrew ... somehow very apt.
I love the line from Petrucio
'For I am born to tame you Kate And bring you from a wild Kate, to a Kate, comfortable as other household Kates.'
That name for me will always be associated with the play (and especially the BBC modern version which is just wonderful!)
Interestingly enough just reading Petruchio's lines it would be possible to do a whole episode of Kate + 8 with Petruchio narrating from the couch 'Nay come Kate, come. You must not look so sour.' lol!
Culture and Kate together! Ye Gads!
Admin said...
Congratulations Kate for tainting her very own name. Seriously how bad is it when your first NAME has such strong associations for people?
I have a friend Kate who had told everyone to call call her Katy. I was like "Why, we used to do that in 4th grade??" And she said "Because every time someone calls me Kate, they either say 'hey Kate Hudson', or 'Kate Gosselin'...& when I'm bitchy, it's always the Goseelin one", I feel bad for her. Who wants to be associated with that monster? But she said it's ONLY when she's being bitchy. That I found funny & laughed. She didn't laugh. And she's blond & beautiful. WAY more beautiful than Kate. And WAY more likable. And she treats her daughter like a princess. But a names a name...
If the word Kate makes 80% of a test audience think of Kate Gosselin she'll be on tv for a very long time. I think TLC has carefully crafted her image to be as repulsive as networkly news possible so people will tune in to hate on her. And it is working.
“It was called Facing Kate, and now it’s called Fairly Legal,” Shahi said of her new TV series. “They did a test audience, a screening, and 80% of the people thought Facing Kate was a reality show about Kate Gosselin.
“So with that said, we had to change the title.”
Thus, Fairly Legal was born. It makes its Canadian debut Wednesday, Feb. 2 on Showcase.
There must have been a stampede out the door when they heard the original title of the show...
No one wants anything to do with Kate. She's a modern day Medusa.
This talk about the Royals and the name Kate reminds me of the public and press fascination with Diana. They made her out to be almost perfect and gave her many a free pass, like KG also. Diana was not perfect, she knew how to work the PR and used it to her advantage many times also. She also called the press when it was to her advantage and she threw the father of her sons under the bus like Kate. She was a much better Mother than Kate that is a fact, but she was not the savior many make her out to be. The Royals would and will continue to rule and many will continue to make bad marriages sadly but that is a fact for all of us. Prince Charles is like Jon Gosselin in a way as he cannot defend himself re:marriage and fatherhood. He certainly failed as a husband and there is no excuse for that. But Diana was made into the media darling and could do no wrong so PC was put in a tough situation. Now I realize many will not agree with me and that is fine as we are all entitled to our own opinions.
Am looking forward to reading about the E-program after others view and review it but I too fear Kate will again emerge the victor and Jon's crazy behavior after Kate ended the marriage will be the focus on him sadly. I bet he wishes he could go back and undo much of that. They will probably continue the lie that "poor" Kate is doing it alone after Jon started cheating on her, etc. Jon has stated more than once Kate came to him and said the marriage is over and Kate has even admitted that. She said they were on a plane and she looked at him and realized it was not going to work if I remember correctly. Of course, her stories change all the time but I do believe she said that.
Let's hope for the best and that the continued exploitation of the children by their Mother is not allowed to continue.
The name "fairly legal" makes the show clearly identifiable as a legal drama, which it is. This continues the pattern of TBS and USA on naming their drama's:
i.e. Royal Pains - medical doctor show
i.e. Burn Notice - burned spy
i.e. Closer - the confession that seals the deal
i.e. Leverage - gaining advantage
i.e. White Collar - FBI crime division
Facing Kate is simply just a stupid name - nothing to brand on for what the show is really about so I am sure it was thrown out for various reasons.
I don't give Khate Gosselin that much credit.
Hey everybody! My name is Caroline and I work on behalf of USA. I really like the name Fairly Legal because it makes me think of a series that has to do with the law but not completely. I love that it focuses on mediation and settles issues outside of the courtroom. A refreshing change from the other shows I've seen discussing the law. Have you all seen the first 2 episodes? I'd love to hear what your opinions are of the show that's not actually about Kate Gosselin.
It's been nice seeing no pics of the kids or Kate the Child Exploiter. Long may it continue.
And there's no Twist of Kate show. They put off the premiere four times and now they don't mention it at all. That means it's dead.
. . . or because the Ewe and the Ram Sheeple are no longer breeding, and therefore, no more Katie lambs! . .
thanks for the coffee through my nose ....
Not Watching Khate said...
The name "fairly legal" makes the show clearly identifiable as a legal drama, which it is. This continues the pattern of TBS and USA on naming their drama's:
i.e. Royal Pains - medical doctor show
i.e. Burn Notice - burned spy
i.e. Closer - the confession that seals the deal
i.e. Leverage - gaining advantage
i.e. White Collar - FBI crime division
Facing Kate is simply just a stupid name - nothing to brand on for what the show is really about so I am sure it was thrown out for various reasons.
I don't give Khate Gosselin that much credit.
Good points. I didn't find the report the least bit amusing and I agree that there are other reasons the show was renamed. Giving credence to this silly report does nothing but feed Kate's ego that she is relevant and that people aren't forgetting her.
Quick question: Did TLC ever air the crap-fest that was the corn-maze? I don't remember reading about a recap. Did they film that all for nothing?
I think that the change at top of TLC is a great sign that this is the beginning of the end...Changes at the top are usually followed by changes in direction...Kart is yesterday's news...been there, done that, next please...
If you watch the channel, you'll notice that Khate is rarely mentioned and hardly ever used in TLC's marketing and promotional efforts...I would say that this new GM has had a direct hand in that undertaking...
Sounds to me like they're moving on to the next train wreck...
Look at these drawings by kids with divorced parents. So sad. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/01/divorce-postcards_n_815635.html#s232231
All divorced parents should look at things like this daily (talking to you Jon & Kate).
Michelle thanks for sharing that. Unfortunatly I've seen a lot of drawings like that in my practice.
Number 6 and number 15 were especially on point. I was Daddy's girl until the divorce, and Just because you stopped loving Daddy shouldn't mean I have to.
Ms. Winter effectively replaces Eileen O'Neill, who was promoted last month to be group president for both TCL and the Discovery Channel.
Oh lovely. That should put O'Neill's office right across the hall from Oprah. I expect there will be dozens more freakshows once those two put their heads together.
"I guess TLC's marketing manager was doing something right, despite what people "think" about Kate.
All the talking about Kate has resulted in two nice promotions and probably very nice raises as well. "
Doing something right?????? Only if you have no moral compass and money is your god, your lover, and your only reason for existing.
All of these "promotions" are at the expense of children.
What comes to my mind when thinking about these so called "promotions" are slavery, prostitution, voyeurism, exploitation, and unmitigated greed!
I guess child exploitation (Kate and Crew) and vulgar programming (think Toddler's and Tiara's) in today's society = a promotion and lots of money.
Sad commentary on the lack of a moral compass in this country.
I truly do not understand how any of those associated with these shows can sleep at night, or how they can look themselves in the mirror each day.
What a disgusting group of human beings.
USAnetwork said...
Hey everybody! My name is Caroline and I work on behalf of USA. I really like the name Fairly Legal because it makes me think of a series that has to do with the law but not completely. I love that it focuses on mediation and settles issues outside of the courtroom. A refreshing change from the other shows I've seen discussing the law. Have you all seen the first 2 episodes? I'd love to hear what your opinions are of the show...
I think "Fairly Legal" is great! I was so impressed with Sarah Shahi in "Life" and she's not disappointed me in "Fairly Legal". The supporting cast is strong and I'm looking forward to watching the full season.
Keep up the good work, USANetwork!
I've always associated the name Kate with Kate the Great - Kate Hepburn. And of course, the musical, "Kiss Me Kate", based on
The Taming of the Shrew". I always liked the name, but no more. Kate has tainted it for me.
sftk - ITA with you about Princess Diana. Initially, she was a spoiled, sheltered, childish brat. I think she grew a lot as a person, and became a much better representative of the Royal Family as she matured. She was, undeniably, a good mother. Her adoration of her kids was apparent in every picture, and her insistence on being a hands-on mother, against "royal tradition" made her sons the young men they are today.
Michelle said... Look at these drawings by kids with divorced parents. So sad. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/01/divorce-postcards_n_815635.html#s232231
How tragic and heartbreaking...tears me up.
Kate is now a four lettered word.
USAnetwork said... Hey everybody! My name is Caroline and I work on behalf of USA. I really like the name Fairly Legal because it makes me think of a series that has to do with the law but not completely. I love that it focuses on mediation and settles issues outside of the courtroom. A refreshing change from the other shows I've seen discussing the law. Have you all seen the first 2 episodes? I'd love to hear what your opinions are of the show that's not actually about Kate Gosselin.
Hi Caroline ~
I will tell you that my boyfriend and I accidently found "Fairly Legal" when we were channel surfing and after watching the pilot episode we have programmed the DVR so we will never miss an episode.
However I will tell you that had "Kate" been in the title we may not have stopped to see what the show was about at all. I'm being dead serious.
FYI we also found the new series "Harry's Law" and like it too.
My favorite part of the NY Times article is when they admitted that Kate Gosselin's program has cooled. It seems like it won't take TLC long before they replace Kate with a show that can obtain higher ratings.
Tick Tock, I agree TLC is definitely shifting away from relying on Kate and moving on to the next big thing. We all knew TLC would throw her under the bus when it made financial sense. All of us except Kate.
I predict a lawsuit, Kate vs. TLC. She'll find something to sue them for. Kate discards things on her terms on her own time, they don't discard her. If TLC discards her first there will be hell to pay, in Kate's mind. When really she will just be another blip on TLC's radar.
She really thinks TLC is her own personal 401k and we all know that ain't gonna be how it goes down if we know TLC.
They all disgust me said..."Doing something right?????? Only if you have no moral compass and money is your god, your lover, and your only reason for existing."
Of course I was being facetious when I said that. But that's what a TV network wants...promotion that results in a show that makes them money. Obviously it was promoted in such a way and they rewarded with promotions. The public was not disgusted enough to ignore it, that's for sure.
"Sad commentary on the lack of a moral compass in this country."
It's not just this country. This kind of exploitative TV goes on around the globe. British TV, Japanese TV, everyone is on the trash reality TV bandwagon.
Administrator said... Tick Tock, I agree TLC is definitely shifting away from relying on Kate and moving on to the next big thing. We all knew TLC would throw her under the bus when it made financial sense. All of us except Kate.
I predict a lawsuit, Kate vs. TLC. She'll find something to sue them for. Kate discards things on her terms on her own time, they don't discard her. If TLC discards her first there will be hell to pay, in Kate's mind. When really she will just be another blip on TLC's radar.
She really thinks TLC is her own personal 401k and we all know that ain't gonna be how it goes down if we know TLC.
When TLC decides to let her go, what do you think her media spin will be? That she's the one that pulled out? That TLC has no heart, breaking a contract when she has 8 mouths to feed? And how long do you think it will be before she will be on E's and The View's door down right begging for a job (although if it's without the kids I say kudos)?
What I have found particularly funny about Kate is how she loves to deny that any of this bothers her. Remember when she and Jon were splitting up and she said 'I will not lay down and die'. Remember how she claims not to care what people say about her, that she doesn't hear other people? She doesn't listen or pay attention to people, especially her fans. Remember as recently as Australia while they were in the airport and everyone was talking about how miserable and unhappy they all looked, that she never smiles? Then, voila, there they are walking through the airport and everyone has this fake smile on their faces and the girls are wearing 'happy me' shirts. And most of all, remember how we heard for ourselves the screams from the back of the van not wanting to go home to Kate and the next week she was on TV saying she sits by the phone waiting for them to call her to come get them when they are with Jon. Yeah, she doesn't pay any attention or care. Riiiight. And now every media outlet out there has seen the light where Kate is concerned and she is toxic and no one wants to have anything to do with her. She must be freaking out right about now. Oh, I don't think TLC is done with her yet. We still have the Liberty Bell show, the Rocky steps show and NewZealand and Australia. But, the real people, not the few freaky fans that are still singing her praises, but everyone else is so done with her.
I've always associated the name Kate with Kate the Great - Kate Hepburn. And of course, the musical, "Kiss Me Kate", based on The Taming of the Shrew". I always liked the name, but no more. Kate has tainted it for me.
Yes, I think of Katherine Hepburn with I hear the name Kate. I recently met a very nice lady named Katie, intelligent, funny, interesting, and when I was introduced to her Kate Gosselin never entered my mind. I doubt I'll let Kate G. ever control my thoughts to that extreme.
Mimi, for someone who doesn't care what others think, Kate sure talks a lot about what other people think doesn't she?
She's contradicted herself on this too....I am blanking on that very revealing interview she did last year. It was a really long one in a print magazine I think. She said she knows TLC edits her to look bad, and said how the negative press was rough, if I recall. Maybe someone can track that article down, I can't really remember any more details. So which is it, does the negativity bother her or doesn't it?
Administrator said...She's contradicted herself on this too....I am blanking on that very revealing interview she did last year. It was a really long one in a print magazine I think. She said she knows TLC edits her to look bad, and said how the negative press was rough, if I recall. Maybe someone can track that article down, I can't really remember any more details. So which is it, does the negativity bother her or doesn't it?
'They crucify me' says Kate of TLC's editors in revealing interview
She said she knows TLC edits her to look bad,
I've read you saying that before, yet that isn't what she said...
Question: A lot of people who have been on reality TV complain it is edited to make them look a certain way (usually bad). Did you ever feel that way?
Kate: Um, well, I can see where they are going with a story line, and I don't think that it's that I'm painted a certain way. I think, "Did I really say that? Did I really do that? Yuk!" So, I mean, I did it. I gave it to them. It happened. I'm living my life. I think it's just looking at myself and saying "That didn't come across very good" or "Oh, I was too harsh." I'm guilty. I've said it before, I am a very Type A -- hurry, hurry get it done now. A "do-it-better-kind-of-person you know? That is a Type A personality, and we're not very nice sometimes.
Not to nitpick, thanks for pulling the actual quote. I remember Kate talking about editing. I had thought she was talking about being edited to look bad. It was interesting she actually said it's me all me. Wow, scary.
When Kate made that statement about how she will not just lay down and die, it was supposed to seem like she meant that the divorce would not get her down. But my interpretation is that she would not back down on continuing to film, therefore she had no choice but to divorce Jon because she wouldn't just "lay down and die" (which would be the equivalent of ceasing filming in her world).
Administrator said...
Not to nitpick, thanks for pulling the actual quote. I remember Kate talking about editing. I had thought she was talking about being edited to look bad. It was interesting she actually said it's me all me. Wow, scary.
Admin, but then I found this one:
Question: Do you ever have any input when it comes to editing?
"I do watch the shows before they air, and there have been a few occasions where I have said "ughhh." But, again, it is up to them whether they take it out. I know when I am inviting them into my house they are able to show whatever it is they have [filmed]. However, when I speak up about the kids and things I don't want about the kids in, I am listened to and I need to have that say. I will sacrifice myself. I mean, they crucify me. So what do I care? If I don't have a thick skin, I guess I'll never have one. Where the kids are concerned, I don't like them to be shed in an ugly light."
She's crazier than and sh*thouse rat. She contradicts herself all over the place.
Kate contradicting herself in the same article. Big surprise there!
Kate doesn't like the kids to be shed in an ugly light. Well, they have. And what has she done to stop that or prevent that? Why has she herself talked about their behavioral problems if she doesn't want them to be shed in an ugly light?
Sometimes all the barking mad things she has said need to be rehashed.
Not only did she talk about the kids' behavioral problems (tendencies), she wrote a book about it!
My husband recently went to a wedding. We had another thing going that night with the kids so he went alone.
At the wedding was a couple that he went to school with. They ran into each other several years after graduation, married and now have two kids. My hubby was talking to the wife and she says "The kids names are Jack and Kate. No, not after that lady on t.v. I wished we would have never named her that. That lady is such a bitch."
Caroline - I watched the first episode of "Fairly Legal" and have recorded but not yet watched the second. It's okay, I'll probably watch it if I have nothing better to do, but it's not my favorite show. I like "Royal Pains", "Psych", "Burn Notice" and "In Plain Sight" much better.
Not to nitpick but... said...
Admin, but then I found this one:
Question: Do you ever have any input when it comes to editing?
"I do watch the shows before they air, and there have been a few occasions where I have said "ughhh." But, again, it is up to them whether they take it out. I know when I am inviting them into my house they are able to show whatever it is they have [filmed]. However, when I speak up about the kids and things I don't want about the kids in, I am listened to and I need to have that say. I will sacrifice myself. I mean, they crucify me. So what do I care? If I don't have a thick skin, I guess I'll never have one. Where the kids are concerned, I don't like them to be shed in an ugly light."
Wow, Kate was all over the place with that question. I guess she was not wearing an ear piece that day...
That is a Type A personality, and we're not very nice sometimes.
I always HATED when K8 constantly classified herself as Type A or OCD or whatever , to justify her horrible behavior.
I am TRULY a Type A person and I am also good hearted, compassionate and abhore abuse of any kind, esp to those who have little or no voice - animals ( and I am not even an animal lover), kids and the elderly.
I am a neat freak and would NEVER make my kids stop carving pumpkins so I could clean up the mess. I also do not freak out if my kids get ice cream on their clothing. Oh, and my kids are allowed to play with markers too!
K8's need to be a controlling b*tch has nothing to do with being Type A.
After watching the first half of the RHWBH reunion, I continue to be fascinated with comparing the narcissism of Camille Grammar versus that of Kate G.
I agree with the Administrator that Camille does actually seem to be much more concerned about what others think of her than Kate ever has. It's comical, though....Camille just doesn't get it. At the reunion, she gets upset about how others see her but then turns around and displays the whole "seeing herself as the victim" regarding the divorce...with this "seeing herself as the victim" act being one of the criticisms about her.
I see Kate G. to be a narcissist who is in the same category that Casey Anthony is.....a blatant liar who feels entitled, craves attention and doesn't hesitate to step on anyone in her path. Camille, though a classic narcissist, is quite different from these other two (KG or CA).
Camille G, though quite histrionic and therefore prone to exaggeration, does not display the pathological lying that Kate G. or Casey A. do.
I agree that TLC will kick Kate to the curb at some point....but also think that she has become SO notorious, that she will get other offers....things like hawking products on QVC or HSN, etc.....and may be able to maintain the flow of cash...though not likely to ever be as much as she's made from TLC
She will NEVER just go away quietly or ever focus on mothering her children...EVER. And she will NEVER learn ANY lessons from ANYTHING.
BTW...IMO, ANYONE who agrees to be on any of the RH series has some degree of narcissism. To me, it's clearly seen if you watch all of them.
I also agree with the Administrator that the British royal family needs to get over itself...for a multitude of reasons, mainly that Diana and her sons were the best thing that ever happened to them....and they need to enter the 21st century.
As far as "Fairly Legal" goes, I have not seen any of the episodes yet....but let me say that while I love "Burn Notice" I just have not been able to get into "White Collar" or "Royal Pains". Hope this new show is better than those two.
I watch USA quite a bit, mainly because I love "House" and "Law & Order CI" (love Vincent D'onofrio). There is too much...I don't know, gratuitous acting "cutesy" or (difficult to watch) trying too hard or something...that annoys me about the other 2 shows (WC and RP).
The main character in "Fairly Legal" IMO...looks like a much classier (less whorish...and more intelligent) version of Kim Kardashian.
Oh...and such a shame that Kate G. had to have the name of "Kate"....as I had always loved that name....until she surfaced.
What could be any more ugly than not only filming but photographing them with their poo? How bizarre was that? Lying in their own vomit - unattended - vomiting in their sleep. Can we can go back? No we have to go further, we have to catch some fish. One has to wonder how fast that boat would have turned around if she was sick and vomiting. Holding up their vomit bag from air sickness for the world to see. Crying, melting down, burning up, so tired and sleepy she has to give them sugar to keep going. The list goes on and on. How much uglier can it get. They're kids. More likely she is referring to her own ugly moments.
"What could be more ugly than not only filming them but photographing them with their poo . . .lying in their own vomit."
How about when Kate fans created websites and wrote numerous posts about one of the twins, saying, among other things, that she deserved to be beaten black and blue; that she should have been strangled at birth; that she was a c@*t, a slut, a b^%ch. All this and SHE WAS ONLY SIX YEARS OLD!!!! Google Mady Gosselin some time and read some of the vile stuff that is out there, forever, about her. What kind of a mother doesn't defend her child against these kinds of attacks? What kind of a mother not only doesn't speak out about this sort of thing, but also continues to create and profit from situations that put the child out there for additional and continued attacks? I just cannot wrap my mind around a mother, who claims to "do it all for my kids" and says among other things that "my kids deserve it all on a golden platter" not only allowing but also encouraging this sort of thing. I was never blessed with children of my own, but there are children in my life, and I would fight to the death for them. I cannot fathom a biological mother who won't.
Hey everybody! Thank you so much for your feedback on the show. It's great to hear (USA Network fan, MickeyMckean) that you are enjoying the show. I suppose it's a good thing the show is now called Fairly Legal so nobody will confuse it with Kate Gosselin. She really has done a number on her name! (readerlady) I am happy that you are a fan of other USA shows and I know that this one will eventually win you over. The pilot episode tends to be slower because it has to give so much background, but it's quickly picking up speed and I encourage you to watch a few more episodes to see if you will continue to tune-in! Will you all be watching tomorrow at 10/9c? Have any of you encountered a situation where mediation would have been nice to have on hand?
USANetwork, I am an attorney and I worked with Mediators on an almost daily basis. They are of course often a huge help instead of dragging peopel through a nasty emotional trial as trials tend to be. But I have to say every time I see promos for the show I get a little chuckle at the way Mediation has been so sexed up on the show. Mediation is not all that sexy, in my experience! lol.
I have the pilot on my Tivo but haven't had a chance to check it out yet. I will probably this weekend.
Administrator: So glad to hear that you have had personal experience with mediation. It's great that you are an attorney who can understand and appreciate the role of a mediator (sexed up or not)! Perhaps more people will start to embrace mediation after this show? I'd love to get your feedback after you finally watch the show. Keep in mind you can all tune in tonight at 10/9c for the latest installment!
I watched some of it. I thought it was silly. The mediator ends up joining a men wrongly imprisoned (for several years who was just set free) in the smashing up of a small grocery store (out of sheer frustration I suppose). What kind of mediator would do something to put someone BACK in jail who shouldn't have been there in the first place??
Of course I'm very picky and realize television these days doesn't have to be good...just there.
W H Y do people keep feeding her ego? It is big enough, will not need nourishment for at least 9000 years! As if she has enough clout to warrant the name change of a show. Guess she is afraid to TRY to 'get the truth out' about everything they showed and said about her on E! THS. I'm sure it's NOT that she is smart enough to know there's NO WAY IN HELL she would be able to do that. We saw the truth, we know the truth and we are disgusted by the truth.
NOW it is time for her to slink back to the life she came from, you know the one out of the spotlight, far enough away that no one knows where the hell to send any more freebies. She and her kids have gotten enough stuff and trips to satisfy EVERY family in the US. Too bad it couldn't have been spread around so that a few more people would have shared in it.
Kate Reed is definitely her own version of a Mediator. Despite some of things that appear crazy, I think she does a really good job and somehow manages to work out every situation, sometimes in the least conventional ways. For a TV show, I am finally entertained, and it's something that beats the more mindless television out there. Did you catch the latest episode silly? Has anybody watched Royal Pains right before Fairly Legal? That's another TV addiction of mine.
Kate Reed is definitely her own version of a Mediator. Despite some of things that appear crazy, I think she does a really good job and somehow manages to work out every situation, sometimes in the least conventional ways. For a TV show, I am finally entertained, and it's something that beats the more mindless television out there. Did you catch the latest episode silly? Has anybody watched Royal Pains right before Fairly Legal? That's another TV addiction of mine.
Caroline - I watched the first episode of "Fairly Legal" and have recorded but not yet watched the second. It's okay, I'll probably watch it if I have nothing better to do, but it's not my favorite show. I like "Royal Pains", "Psych", "Burn Notice" and "In Plain Sight" much better.
Hey everybody! Thank you so much for your feedback on the show. It's great to hear (USA Network fan, MickeyMckean) that you are enjoying the show. I suppose it's a good thing the show is now called Fairly Legal so nobody will confuse it with Kate Gosselin. She really has done a number on her name! (readerlady) I am happy that you are a fan of other USA shows and I know that this one will eventually win you over. The pilot episode tends to be slower because it has to give so much background, but it's quickly picking up speed and I encourage you to watch a few more episodes to see if you will continue to tune-in! Will you all be watching tomorrow at 10/9c? Have any of you encountered a situation where mediation would have been nice to have on hand?
I've always associated the name Kate with Kate the Great - Kate Hepburn. And of course, the musical, "Kiss Me Kate", based on The Taming of the Shrew". I always liked the name, but no more. Kate has tainted it for me.
Yes, I think of Katherine Hepburn with I hear the name Kate. I recently met a very nice lady named Katie, intelligent, funny, interesting, and when I was introduced to her Kate Gosselin never entered my mind. I doubt I'll let Kate G. ever control my thoughts to that extreme.
Administrator said... Tick Tock, I agree TLC is definitely shifting away from relying on Kate and moving on to the next big thing. We all knew TLC would throw her under the bus when it made financial sense. All of us except Kate.
I predict a lawsuit, Kate vs. TLC. She'll find something to sue them for. Kate discards things on her terms on her own time, they don't discard her. If TLC discards her first there will be hell to pay, in Kate's mind. When really she will just be another blip on TLC's radar.
She really thinks TLC is her own personal 401k and we all know that ain't gonna be how it goes down if we know TLC.
When TLC decides to let her go, what do you think her media spin will be? That she's the one that pulled out? That TLC has no heart, breaking a contract when she has 8 mouths to feed? And how long do you think it will be before she will be on E's and The View's door down right begging for a job (although if it's without the kids I say kudos)?
They all disgust me said..."Doing something right?????? Only if you have no moral compass and money is your god, your lover, and your only reason for existing."
Of course I was being facetious when I said that. But that's what a TV network wants...promotion that results in a show that makes them money. Obviously it was promoted in such a way and they rewarded with promotions. The public was not disgusted enough to ignore it, that's for sure.
"Sad commentary on the lack of a moral compass in this country."
It's not just this country. This kind of exploitative TV goes on around the globe. British TV, Japanese TV, everyone is on the trash reality TV bandwagon.
My favorite part of the NY Times article is when they admitted that Kate Gosselin's program has cooled. It seems like it won't take TLC long before they replace Kate with a show that can obtain higher ratings.
USAnetwork said... Hey everybody! My name is Caroline and I work on behalf of USA. I really like the name Fairly Legal because it makes me think of a series that has to do with the law but not completely. I love that it focuses on mediation and settles issues outside of the courtroom. A refreshing change from the other shows I've seen discussing the law. Have you all seen the first 2 episodes? I'd love to hear what your opinions are of the show that's not actually about Kate Gosselin.
Hi Caroline ~
I will tell you that my boyfriend and I accidently found "Fairly Legal" when we were channel surfing and after watching the pilot episode we have programmed the DVR so we will never miss an episode.
However I will tell you that had "Kate" been in the title we may not have stopped to see what the show was about at all. I'm being dead serious.
FYI we also found the new series "Harry's Law" and like it too.
I've always associated the name Kate with Kate the Great - Kate Hepburn. And of course, the musical, "Kiss Me Kate", based on
The Taming of the Shrew". I always liked the name, but no more. Kate has tainted it for me.
sftk - ITA with you about Princess Diana. Initially, she was a spoiled, sheltered, childish brat. I think she grew a lot as a person, and became a much better representative of the Royal Family as she matured. She was, undeniably, a good mother. Her adoration of her kids was apparent in every picture, and her insistence on being a hands-on mother, against "royal tradition" made her sons the young men they are today.
USAnetwork said...
Hey everybody! My name is Caroline and I work on behalf of USA. I really like the name Fairly Legal because it makes me think of a series that has to do with the law but not completely. I love that it focuses on mediation and settles issues outside of the courtroom. A refreshing change from the other shows I've seen discussing the law. Have you all seen the first 2 episodes? I'd love to hear what your opinions are of the show...
I think "Fairly Legal" is great! I was so impressed with Sarah Shahi in "Life" and she's not disappointed me in "Fairly Legal". The supporting cast is strong and I'm looking forward to watching the full season.
Keep up the good work, USANetwork!
Michelle thanks for sharing that. Unfortunatly I've seen a lot of drawings like that in my practice.
Number 6 and number 15 were especially on point. I was Daddy's girl until the divorce, and Just because you stopped loving Daddy shouldn't mean I have to.
I think that the change at top of TLC is a great sign that this is the beginning of the end...Changes at the top are usually followed by changes in direction...Kart is yesterday's news...been there, done that, next please...
If you watch the channel, you'll notice that Khate is rarely mentioned and hardly ever used in TLC's marketing and promotional efforts...I would say that this new GM has had a direct hand in that undertaking...
Sounds to me like they're moving on to the next train wreck...
Not Watching Khate said...
The name "fairly legal" makes the show clearly identifiable as a legal drama, which it is. This continues the pattern of TBS and USA on naming their drama's:
i.e. Royal Pains - medical doctor show
i.e. Burn Notice - burned spy
i.e. Closer - the confession that seals the deal
i.e. Leverage - gaining advantage
i.e. White Collar - FBI crime division
Facing Kate is simply just a stupid name - nothing to brand on for what the show is really about so I am sure it was thrown out for various reasons.
I don't give Khate Gosselin that much credit.
Good points. I didn't find the report the least bit amusing and I agree that there are other reasons the show was renamed. Giving credence to this silly report does nothing but feed Kate's ego that she is relevant and that people aren't forgetting her.
. . . or because the Ewe and the Ram Sheeple are no longer breeding, and therefore, no more Katie lambs! . .
thanks for the coffee through my nose ....
The name "fairly legal" makes the show clearly identifiable as a legal drama, which it is. This continues the pattern of TBS and USA on naming their drama's:
i.e. Royal Pains - medical doctor show
i.e. Burn Notice - burned spy
i.e. Closer - the confession that seals the deal
i.e. Leverage - gaining advantage
i.e. White Collar - FBI crime division
Facing Kate is simply just a stupid name - nothing to brand on for what the show is really about so I am sure it was thrown out for various reasons.
I don't give Khate Gosselin that much credit.
“It was called Facing Kate, and now it’s called Fairly Legal,” Shahi said of her new TV series. “They did a test audience, a screening, and 80% of the people thought Facing Kate was a reality show about Kate Gosselin.
“So with that said, we had to change the title.”
Thus, Fairly Legal was born. It makes its Canadian debut Wednesday, Feb. 2 on Showcase.
There must have been a stampede out the door when they heard the original title of the show...
No one wants anything to do with Kate. She's a modern day Medusa.
If the word Kate makes 80% of a test audience think of Kate Gosselin she'll be on tv for a very long time. I think TLC has carefully crafted her image to be as repulsive as networkly news possible so people will tune in to hate on her. And it is working.
It's a cute name, but I don't think Buckingham wants adorable -- they want style and class.
The Winsors need to get over themselves. Princess Diana and her two lovely boys are the best thing that ever happened to them and they have just never acted like they appreciated it. Who cares if William's fiance's name is Kate or Rainbow or Cloud or Elmo. Diana kept the family going through the 80's and 90's and Kate/Catherine's similar appeal and next-doorishness is probably what's going to keep the royal family going the next fifty years.
I don't think the family seems to understand and appreciate the way Diana started a whole new era of the Winsors being not only relevant again, but practically pin-ups. The public's going to get rid of them for their uselessness eventually, but it's not going to happen anytime soon thanks to the Spencers.
Very suspicious! I think this show does air there and they certainly must be aware of all the bad press here.
I don't think that Kate Gosselin has that much influence over the Royal Family! One of the news channels here (it could have been Fox) reported that Kate Middleton's name is Catherine Elizabeth Middleton, that she has, from the get-go, preferred "Catherine" and that she has always asked her friends to call her that.
"Catherine" is much more of a formal name, and more befitting a member of the Royal Family than Kate or Katy!
Gin said...
Kate's ego will see this as name recognition and it will go to her head. TLC will encourage that interpretation.
I agree. In her narcissistic mind she'll interpret this to mean she's world famous. The only thing that will ever have a negative impact on her is when her name does not appear anywhere.
Didn't Kate Middelton want to be called Katherine for that same reason?
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