Things have been fairly quiet in Gosselin land since the family got back from Australia. There was a skating party and a liquor store run, and a rather mundane E! True Hollywood Story about Kate, but for the most part, the kids have been living their normal lives and being left alone.
Kate's excuse (cop-out) for continuing the filming has often been because, according to Kate, the family can never "go back." But with everything all quiet on the Wernersville front, we ask Kate, didn't you indeed "go back" this month? And was it really all that difficult to give those poor kids a normal, private life?
263 sediments (sic) from readers:
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Admin, they don't live in Wyomissing. They live in Wernersville!
As far as living the quiet life, let's see what happens during spring break in a few weeks...
E-town Neighbor said...
"As far as living the quiet life, let's see what happens during spring break in a few weeks... "
Nothing will happen during spring break as long as Kate doesn't drag them in another filmed trip to Canada or Europe! Except for,maybe a couple of pictures from Easter Day(again IF she displays them like last year!).
Admin is RIGHT:They had a normal month, only a couple of bus photos in only two days.I've seen them no where else.UNLESS Kate exposes them again,things will stay this quiet and we won't see more than a few pictures(if those) of the kids!
All this:"There's no way back" is BS! But of course, sadly, the new K+8 episodes will bring them back in the spotlight and Kate will drag them somewhere in April/do something controversial so...
UNLESS Jon won something big at the end of this month in courts(God I hope that happened!)
Nothing will happen during spring break as long as Kate doesn't drag them in another filmed trip to Canada or Europe! Except for,maybe a couple of pictures from Easter Day(again IF she displays them like last year!).
That was my point. Things are quiet UNLESS she drags them for another filming trip. They have an extended spring break (early March) with plenty of time for filming.
Easter isn't over spring break, so I doubt we will see them hunting for eggs over break.
What's strange to me is that all this footage has been filmed but none of it has aired...hmmm. Bye bye Kate--won't miss ya.
It's always quiet before the storm.
The kids can have a normal life if Kate would let them. Unfortunately, TLC will be airing more episodes and true to form, Kate will emerge from her cave a week prior. Can't wait for the Target/Tanning pics from Chris; maybe some Stevie pics too. Because it is all so predictable, it goes to show that the formula is not working and this hopefully signals we are nearing the end of this circus.
Maybe it's all over? TLC could have seen the light. The new GM over there may have different views of the future for TLC & Kate isn't in it. Her ToK show is NOT happening obviously. She is just not newsworthy anymore. Her 15 minutes could have came up, it came fast, but isn't that we wanted? Her kids may finally have the life that they deserve now. No filming til exhaustion, no news about them, etc.
I guess we'll see. Unless that wench Kate has something up her sleeve. I hope she likes this quiet, downtime with her kids. Maybe she does? Who knows. We all know that she craves the spotlight. This is either killing her or she is enjoying it or she is planning her next PR move (that does NOT involve tanning, shopping, nails, BORING stuff). Here's hoping she is HELPING her kids with school, activities, & playtime. Maybe she has finally stepped up & become a MOTHER. I still would have zero respect for her though, after what she has done to those kids. Does that make me a jerk? I feel it would be a PR spin possibly...I don't know. I don't trust that woman when it comes to credibility. She has just lied so many times. I'm just speculating anyways...Who the hell knows what she is up to. (wow, I'm all over the map. Sorry!) :)
I believe Kate is a determined enough woman that if she wanted this crazy circus freak show to stop, she could make it stop! Problem is, she doesn't want that. I am sure she is just taking someone's advice and laying low due to the upcoming hearing. ONce that is over with, she will rear her ugly head once again. She can't help herself. She will not stop until she is forced to stop. Poor Kids!
As it has been stated, these past few weeks prove that she can disappear if she wants to, but I think it is simply a stategy for the hearing.
Wonder where stevie is. And who is paying his bills.
Also, wonder if Oprah had anything to do with it.
Of course Kate is probably cooking up something. The point is not that the family HAS gone away, the point is the family CAN go away, if they want to.
Another one of Kate's lies debunked--that they cannot go back. Of course they can, and this month proved it.
Iam with TLC stinks ..... it's only the quiet before the storm - all that money wasn't spent on trips and filming for it not to be seen. Wait till the next ratings sweep or something like that - they'll be back.
In my opinion there is NO WAY that fame seeking KHate is stepping out of the stop light !! She would have to be dragged out kicking and screaming !! The women is too self centered !
Again I think it is just the quiet before the next Hurricane KHate !
Enjoy the nothing new while you can !!!
Honestly, I'm thrilled to see no news on Khate. I hope it keeps up, but like TLC Stinks stated, this may be the calm before the storm. I can see Khate laying low for now as long as there is some guaranteed income in the future, ie. the kids filming on spring break. Will they film a "fake" Easter in March and air the episode in May? Maybe they'll save the Australia trip footage for a TLC Summer event? It wouldn't be the first time footage was shown a half-year after it was shot, and there would be less confusion with the weather being opposite of ours in the Northern Hemisphere.
I have to LOL at the whole Twist of Kate thing. That was never going to happen. They managed to get in one test episode while the kids weren't allowed to film. It was a total "worst case scenario", fallback plan in case TLC didn't have the kids for Kate Plus 8. Further proof that Khate cannot carry a show on her own.
"The new GM over there may have different views of the future for TLC & Kate"
That would be sweet karma. The recent promotions at TLC were partly a result of Kate+8. I wonder if Kate is bright enough to see the irony.
Ah, but how much income has been generated this month? How long can Kate go without being paid for something? How long will it take to wean herself off her "wants" as opposed to "needs"?
Maybe she's got one of those late night infomercials coming out. You know, selling makeup products like Melissa Gilbert, whatever it is Joan Lunden is now selling, or Chuck Norris and Christie Brinkley with their exercise equipment. It pays the rent.
What product would we buy from Kate Gosselin if she were not using the kids to help her sell it?
"Another one of Kate's lies debunked--that they cannot go back. Of course they can, and this month proved it."
I don't believe this quiet spell is proof that the Gosselins can go back. I guess it depends on how you define "go back." I don't think they can ever go back to being an anonymous and/or regular family.
Of course they can go back. This is one of the huge reasons Kate is such a dumb ass. Think of all the people in today's job market and the current economy that are without jobs, have lost jobs and have had to downsize. I know a family in Florida who lost a huge paying job. His kids were in exclusive private schools, the oldest just went off to college, a sprawling home on the oceanfront, cars, everything you can think of. They lost it all. Kids are in public school, and most of all he still has no job. So, yes, anyone can go back because sometimes there is no choice. She is so entitled it is absurd.
I don’t believe Kate meant they could not go back; she meant she would not want to go back. As in BACK to nursing, BACK to a smaller house, BACK to raising her own kids, BACK to cooking, cleaning & laundry, BACK to a reasonable shoe budget, BACK to the local hairdresser… you get the picture.
How do we know that the kids have been left alone this past month? Perhaps clandestine filming has been going on inside the home.
Thanks for the new topic; the other one, along with the back and forth blog bashing, had taken on a really negative tone. Perhaps there is just nothing much to say in Gosselin world these days? That is a good thing.
We're only thinking it's over because nothing has been done in public. Who knows what's been going on behind the gates of the Konpound. Those kids could be having cameras shoved in their faces from morning til night and nobody would know. Remember the report was TLC wanted to get back to more home filming. They'll probably emerge with Steve as their new daddy.
Millions ... ha ha ha
my comments not making through...
Hippie Chick said...
Maybe it's all over? TLC could have seen the light. The new GM over there may have different views of the future for TLC & Kate isn't in it. Her ToK show is NOT happening obviously. She is just not newsworthy anymore. Her 15 minutes could have came up, it came fast, but isn't that we wanted? Her kids may finally have the life that they deserve now. No filming til exhaustion, no news about them, etc.
The new GM at TLC still reports to Eileen O'Neill so I doubt there will be much of a programming change and if there is it will certainly have ONeill's stamp of approval on it.
We still have the Australia and NZ episodes to endure before we can even consider breathing a sigh of relief that the kids may be free from filming. She may be gone from the media for right now, but you can bet she'll be back when she's needed for promos.
As Admin said, it isn't that she IS gone right now, it's that she CAN be gone if she wants to.
I think it's quiet because the production crew has been filming their voiceovers, sofa interviews, etc. and TLC will air the new episodes just prior to and during their school spring break. They will probably air the new episodes with TLC's other controversial show, Sister Wives and their TLC move to Las Vegas. Of course nothing is scripted or manufactured with that show and family. I also think TLC will send the children on another trip to film during their school break. There doesn't seem to be anything of interest to film at or near their house. These travel trips are probably paid for (or at least partly free) by the places they film at since the trips are promotional advertisements. As long as TLC is making money off the children, they will continue filming until their contract is finished. Hopefully, Jon will not sign a renewed contract with TLC for his children.
I hope this break from filming is allowing the kids to do normal kid things like go on playdates, play musical instruments or sports and spend time with their dad.
I recently rewatched a special TLC aired in October 2009 called "You asked, Kate answered." I distinctly remember Kate staring daggers into the camera during the original airing when an off-camera producer asked a "viewer-submitted" question about whether the kids go to friends' houses, play sports, etc. I remember rewinding that part a few times and even pointing out to my husband how PO'ed she looked at that question. Interestingly, in the online version I recently watched, Kate is smiling slightly while the question is asked off-camera, then there's a very quick edit to a close-up of her face answering the question. I truely think TLC did a re-shoot on that question to make it appear as though the kids are living normal lives like any other kid who hasn't grown up in front of cameras. Footage of their mother looking annoyed at the thought of them doing normal kid things that interfere with filming does not support TLC or Kate's assertion that filming is good for them.
Kate's answer to the "what happened to the dogs" question was interesting too. She basically said she made the decision to return the dogs because she couldn't give them as much attention as they deserved. It's been widely reported that Jon returned the dogs because Kate was flat-out neglecting them. I guess they're basically saying the same thing, but it's interesting to see how both Jon and Kate put their own spin on it.
PS - After watching the whole special I must say I miss the old Kate side mullet LOL
fidosmommy said... Ah, but how much income has been generated this month? How long can Kate go without being paid for something? How long will it take to wean herself off her "wants" as opposed to "needs"?
Maybe she's got one of those late night infomercials coming out. You know, selling makeup products like Melissa Gilbert, whatever it is Joan Lunden is now selling, or Chuck Norris and Christie Brinkley with their exercise equipment. It pays the rent.
What product would we buy from Kate Gosselin if she were not using the kids to help her sell it?
I want that "good bra" she wears that made her go from a "B" to a "Double D"...
They absolutely can go back to a tabloid /media free life.
The problem is, Kate is terrified of going back. Her luxury lifestyle will be gone. The help will be gone. The bodyguard will be gone. THAT is what she means by, "We can't go back."
I am sure we will see more "specials" since TLC forked over a lot of money for the recent activities. As for when, someone asked Kate's mother that question on the facebook page (I'm voting for kate gosselin)and she said she did not know when they would air. That is assuming it is really her mother!
What's next? said... "Another one of Kate's lies debunked--that they cannot go back. Of course they can, and this month proved it."
I don't believe this quiet spell is proof that the Gosselins can go back. I guess it depends on how you define "go back." I don't think they can ever go back to being an anonymous and/or regular family.
What I'd like to see, or actually NOT see, is Kate being a REAL mom to those kids and taking them out to dinner, to the movies, to the park or anything fun that most families do regularly. However, if that happened, at least while there's filming or a chance of filming, there will be pap pics. If Jon does it, it's just another weekend with dad. If Kate did it, it would be a MIRACLE and it would be documented.
Of course she could go back to the simpler life, but not willingly. As long as she's holding the reigns she's going to keep filming those kids to finance her lifestyle. How much longer she can stay in charge is another question because sooner or later I'm guessing Mady and Cara are going to align with their father and there's going to be an all out rebellion against those cameras. I wouldn't doubt if there's a war going on over that right now.
TLC stinks said... It's always quiet before the storm.
I agree. Betcha any money the roll-out of the episodes will coincide with some other cringe-worthy media event.
Kate is not being laid back and quiet right now, I feel sure of it. Planing, filming, more plastic surgery, conniving,focusing her hate on someone somewhere. She will make sure the media knows all about it in her own due time. Fine. Just leave your little children out of it, Katie.
Surely she is aware of the tide turning against her and is merely regrouping right now. Also, it has been really hard to show your bare boobs and toenails in this cold and snow, so what really is the point of being out and about?
AuntieAnn said... Of course she could go back to the simpler life, but not willingly. As long as she's holding the reigns she's going to keep filming those kids to finance her lifestyle.
Always love your comments and I am not disagreeing with you in any way.
But could someone please enlighten me?!? Just HOW does 'filming those kids" finance her lifestyle? What is it about those children that makes them so intriquing that folks PAY MONEY to look at them? I dont get it.
I havent seen the show since Jon took the kids to a Phillies game and they had the loge seats. By now those kids have got to be very ordinary and rather common. How do these kids bring in money? Why do people WANT to look at them?
Laura D. said...
I don’t believe Kate meant they could not go back; she meant she would not want to go back. As in BACK to nursing, BACK to a smaller house, BACK to raising her own kids, BACK to cooking, cleaning & laundry, BACK to a reasonable shoe budget, BACK to the local hairdresser… you get the picture.
I agree. She WON'T go back is what she means. She refuses to be the "housewife & mother" she once was. She wants to be the "superstah" in her own mind. Please. How many people have to say this before she gets it? Reality TV people are NOT superstars!! They are a flash in the pan. Famous for being famous. Where the hell is Paris Hilton lately? Oh right...not newsworthy anymore, because she got famous for being a socialite, having a reality show, being in a couple crappy movies, having a DUMBASS catch-phrase, partied all the time, & got busted for drugs. I'm not saying Kate will go THAT route, but the reality TV thing sticks in my mind. They are cheap to make, but scripted TV in on it's way back in if you ask me. Kate's going nowhere fast. She CAN go back & be a mom, teach her kids values, morals, kindness, she can love them for who they are, not for what they do for her.
**CThippiechick, I'm in NH! Been blogging here awhile under 'Hippie Chick' & we are like a sacred group...not many of us left out there! (the philosophy of it all...)Well, not from where I'm from anyways. I don't see many hippies in my area. (People tell me all the time I was born in the wrong generation!) Been wearing the patchouli again...ah, memories. :)
Absolutely she can go back to a normal life and give the kids a normal life FOR THE FIRST TIME. It's not as if she was an international superstar and people the world over are just CLAMORING for Kate Gosselin news. She was a D list reality show persona with zero talent, a walking train wreck for people to watch, so no, it won't be hard to transition to a regular life.
The problem is she's a narcissist who has become accustomed to getting a LOT more attention than everyday Janes ever get. She's not going to willingly give that up. It'll have to be taken away.
Completely off topic, but I just read this from
TLC's production gurus. More of the same educational stuff??? And now it's going global?
AuntieAnn said...
Of course she could go back to the simpler life, but not willingly. As long as she's holding the reigns she's going to keep filming those kids to finance her lifestyle. How much longer she can stay in charge is another question because sooner or later I'm guessing Mady and Cara are going to align with their father and there's going to be an all out rebellion against those cameras. I wouldn't doubt if there's a war going on over that right now
I agree Auntie. In fact Mady has been rebelling for a while.(and been labeled a brat because of it) In the Hawaii episode Mady is quite vocal about NOT wanting to be Kate's Maid of Honour. Cara is more passive than Mady but I am sure that she too will align with Mady very soon. Then all that is left is Kate + 6 then Kate + none. We can only hope.
Ellen got promoted that is why there is a new GM at TLC. Ellen has even more power so don't expect TLC to change at all considering how cheap these reality shows are to produce.
OWN by Oprah is linked directly to Discovery so the appearance of Khate on OWN would not surprise me in the least.
They can go back to the simpler life, but the kids live shave been impacted forever. And not in a good way.
Enough in New Jersey said...Wait till the next ratings sweep or something like that - they'll be back.
We're in the midst of February sweeps which kicked off Feb. 2nd and goes through March 3rd.
Up until Feb. 22, Kate Plus 8 is not listed on TLC's weekly schedule. However, they still have the last two weeks of the sweeps calendar to air the Australian special, if they choose to do so.
According to a recent TLC press release, the network's ratings are increasing in key demos (without Kate Plus 8). Things that make you go hmmm...
TLC Heats Up January Ratings With Year-Over-Year Increases In Key Demos
If I were a TLC executive, why not take a chance and see how our network ratings fair during February sweeps without the once mega-hit Gosselin family. Based on that press release, TLC is holding strong in cable ratings without the expensive Kate Plus 8.
According to TLC, who's the world's worst mom?
TLC International Announces 2011 Production Slate
(This is from TLC International, so I'm not sure if this will actually air in the USA.)
* World’s Worst Mom
13×60; premieres in select markets in 3Q11
Lenore Skenazy made headlines around the world in April 2008 when she allowed her nine-year-old son, Izzy, to travel on the New York subway on his own. Dubbed “America’s Worst Mom,” Lenore is now on an intrepid mission: to stage family interventions freeing kids smothered by their helicopter parents. World’s Worst Mom is a Cineflix (Worst Mom) Inc. production, in association with TLC International.
The greed will not end until Kate is forced to stop the cameras. This little lull is just that. The wheels are still turning in that mini-mansion. We just don't see it, but no way will she return to the quiet life without a fight. Kate herself has said you can never have enough money. As someone told me once, "It's always easier to go up than to come down with your lifestyle." Those precious children aren't done filming yet. Sad, really.
fidosmommy said... Completely off topic, but I just read this from
TLC's production gurus. More of the same educational stuff??? And now it's going global?
That new show "Worlds Worst Mom" seems like a natural transition show for Kate...just sayin..
You know now that I think about it Kate's multiple statements that the family cannot "go back" really just speaks to her delusions. She really fancies herself some kind of Oprah or Cher or Madonna who will never be able to go back to a quiet life again (although even Madonna has her kids in public school, ha).
Sure the kids may always be "known" but that would have happened anyway locally just by being multiples. It doesn't mean they can't go back to a normal, quiet life. The McCauley kids clearly have a normal quiet life despite occasionally getting a little attention for who they are. Some like it, some don't, but being recognized occasionally is nowhere near as detrimental as what the Gosselins have been through. If they can go back to just being recognized now and again they may have hope for normalcy again.
I'm not so sure that they can go back. At least not without suffering some kind of withdrawal. Imagine -- no backstage passes, no vip seats at Phillies games, no stores open just for them, no free this and free that, no being "scheduled" to attend a Globetrotters game, no more appearances on national television, etc. etc. Kate's got a sweet taste of the good life, and anything less than that is going to be bitter in her mouth. How do you explain to a child that they aren't important anymore, that their days of cuteness are over? However, kids are resilient, they'll survive. Not so sure about the matriarch of the family, though.
I keep thinking about that song, "How ya gonna keep 'em away from Broadway jazzin' around/ how you gonna keep 'em down on the farm after they've seen Paree (Australia!)?"...
How indeed?
Oh I don't think Kate can go back. She will forever resent those that ended the gravy train--Jon for the lawsuit, the kids for growing older and resisting filming in favor of friends and school and dad and privacy, TLC for cutting her off which they surely will do.
But do I think the kids will adapt right back into normal life in a snap? Absolutely. These kids don't give a rat's ass about Australia or Alaska or the Globetrotters. I think they are just as happy at a zoo in some exotic location as they are at a skating party a few miles from home. Kids don't care about the things the adults care about and are projecting onto them.
"I think they are just as happy at a zoo in some exotic location as they are at a skating party a few miles from home. Kids don't care about the things the adults care about and are projecting onto them. "
Sorry, I'm not following this logic. If they're as happy at a zoo in some exotic location as skating at a party with friends then they're...happy. I thought the premise to all the blogging by us child advocates is they're NOT happy with all the filming and traveling.
What?, I'm not sure I agree that the children are always miserable all the time whenever they are filming. That is a rather extreme position. There are photos and video of them happy sometimes, there are photos and video of them sad and bored and hot and irritated sometimes. Also just because you are happy at one moment at a zoo doesn't mean it was worth the 16 hour flight to get there for that moment of happiness.
The point is, they do not need to be taken to an exotic locale and ripped from their friends and school and father to have fun.
Actually Jon said it best, just because a child may enjoy something doesn't mean it's good for them. Some may enjoy going to Australia, but an adult should recognize they should not be pulled out of school for such a thing.
Why do people WANT to look at them?
BeDoneNow -- that's a good question. Other than being two sets of multiples, they are not remarkable in any way, and I don't mean that disparagingly. They're not the flying Wallendas, they're normal kids who've been forced into an abnormal situation thanks to their bizarre mother. Why people still argue that they should be filmed is beyond me.
@A -- I've always admired Mady's moxy. She isn't afraid to stand up to her mother and that's got to be a huge threat to Kate. The other kids seem to cower from her, but not Mady. I'll bet she comes to their rescue more than we know and she's the one they'll go to for support when they're grown.
Remember when Mady didn't want to go on the boat trip in NC, the one where all the kids were puking. Poor babies. They never really explained how that went down, but I find it hard to believe the first time Mady said she didn't want to go it was all rainbows and roses sure no problem. Mady got her way, but who knows what she had to do for that to happen.
All I could think of when that happened is what are they gonna do when all eight of them put their feet down? Ha.
I think Mady and Kate go toe to toe on a lot of issues. If the crew ever breaks their silence we're going to hear all kinds of stories about their arguments. You gotta give the kid credit. She had the guts to write a "no cameras allowed" sign and post it on her door. Kate probably brushed it off as cute, but I think Mady was done with all this filming a long time ago.
Maybe someone at TLC has finally figured out that negative attention isn't necessarily better than no attention. Maybe they hope we'll all assume that Kate is home just being a mother without the daily updates about her tanning and UPS pick ups.
My opinion?
Yes, Jon and the children can all go back to a normal, quiet life.
But Kate? NO....she will NEVER accept or acquiesce to that ever again. No matter what happens...even if the children, John and Ellen are all living a simple, quiet life just fine and her show was canceled....she will be trying to find any and every avenue to stay in the limelight....be it QVC, infomercials, going on those shows like "the surreal life" or "celebrity rehab", etc.....she is not gonna go quietly. I feel quite sure of that. She is now a legend in her own mind and will be driven to find some sort of limelight to maintain her own mental status-quo.
URL said Hopefully, Jon will not sign a renewed contract with TLC for his children.
Admin, Since Kate has primary custody would Jon's signature be required for a new contract?
dee3, can you imagine how BORING Kate would be on Celebrity Rehab if her problem was that she was addicted to the spotlight & needed rehab for THAT? Ugh. How utterly pointless & yawn worthy that would be to watch, huh?
Joan Rivers Mocks Kate Gosselin on 'Lopez Tonight' (VIDEO)
Joan Rivers Talks Kate Gosselin on 'Lopez Tonight'Joan Rivers shared the stage of 'Lopez Tonight' (weeknights, 12AM ET on TBS) with a "curse jar." Each time she or George Lopez let out a profanity, a dollar bill would go into the jar.
Rivers got on the subject of Kate Gosselin. The mother of eight children "has moved to New York, which is great. And we're thrilled to have her, because if there's another terrorist attack we can all hide in her utuerus," she joked.
Kate has moved to New York?
Pretty funny comment from Joan R.
Livvy said...
URL said Hopefully, Jon will not sign a renewed contract with TLC for his children.
Admin, Since Kate has primary custody would Jon's signature be required for a new contract?
With the court's recent decision to let Kate film the kids over Jon's objections, I don't think his signature on any contract is ever going to be necessary in the future. Unless Jon wins an appeal on those decisions, I think Kate (and maybe the judge if Jon objects) is the only one who needs to sign a contract for the kids in the future.
Kate wont have a choice. This is not going to last forever, and she will have to deal with the real "reality" soon enough. Hope she enjoys it while it lasts. She is a miserable person with no family or friends.
She is vile for selling her kids childhoods, so she can play hollywood.
Off topic . . .Have a question regarding Kate's book "I Just Want You to Know". A fan site is quoting pg. 104-105 where Kate talks about being alone taking care of the 8 for the 1st year and a half with only occassional help.
To be frank - that's wrong. The first year she had the state paid nurse full-time, and many volunteers set up through her church. That's how she met Beth. Also in the early documentary the volunteers are shown assisting with the babies.
Even when the show became Jon & Kate Plus 8, it was no secret that she still had people come over to do her laundry.
Does she ever tell the truth?
Preesi's site has a great Open letter to Werney Gal about her participation in E! show. Check it out!
I read the letter on Preesi's site. This was the first time this person ever posted on Preesi's (joined 20 hours ago). Sounds odd to me. Don't know why anyone would want enflame the trolls even more. I am suspicious with the vitriol expressed on some troll sites. The letter is a rehash of what is being said. Disapponted in Preesi.
Personally, I would not have written a book, but in the end, it's all about getting the word out there how screwed up reality tv/TLC is. What's done is done. If you don't like what Werny Gal did, then just don't go to her site.
Sorry about re-posting but I accidentally posted the comment on a different video. So I found a new picture of Collin hiding his face.Here it is:
Also, I made a picture which actually consists of as many pictures with the kids hiding their faces(mainly Collin).
I usually post with a blog ID, I will use a fake name now,because I do not want to be haunted down by the sheeple,especially for the second picture.
Preesi's site has a great Open letter to Werney Gal about her participation in E! show. Check it out!
Some women never get past junior high school behavior. How childish. The author seems quite possessive about everything Gosselin. Very silly.
This was the first time this person ever posted on Preesi's (joined 20 hours ago).
Couldn't it be a regular poster using another name?
Admin, I have felt forever that it's Kate who is fulfilling her own wishes to see these exotic places. She is the one who is running the show and again I say she will film the "puddin" out of these kids for as long as she can. Of course, it's all with TLC's help. If TLC drops them, don't you all think she'll "shop around" for another chance to make the bucks off her kids? This woman is addicted to the lifestyle. All this "it's for the kids" is a bunch of hooey. It's by her kids working that she has been exposed to the hollywood lifestyle. Aren't most people beginning to see this for what it is?
TLC stinks said...
I read the letter on Preesi's site. This was the first time this person ever posted on Preesi's (joined 20 hours ago). Sounds odd to me. Don't know why anyone would want enflame the trolls even more. I am suspicious with the vitriol expressed on some troll sites. The letter is a rehash of what is being said. Disapponted in Preesi.
Personally, I would not have written a book, but in the end, it's all about getting the word out there how screwed up reality tv/TLC is. What's done is done. If you don't like what Werny Gal did, then just don't go to her site.
I agree with you, TLC stinks. Something is rotten in Denmark (as they used to say). True,
if a website rubs you the wrong way, why go there? That's torture.
I wonder if the crop of "new" names that are appearing all of a sudden are plants by TLC to turn people off blogs, etc... by "dividing and conquering"? It is easier for TLC/Kate to start all over again without the widespread disention.
I'm not disappointed in Preesi, though. I do not agree with all the fierce anger towards Werny, but it is Preesi's website, and she's entitled to her opinion. I think she has a good website :o)
Anyway, it's not a good time to turn on each other, especially when there's work to be done.
I'm sure someone out there will find fault with what I said...
I do have to say that while I enjoy the comments on the WG blog, and hers too, I am sorry that she wrote the book, sorry that she participated in that E show, sorry that she seems so much more personally involved in the neighborhood story. That is, of course, her decision, I'm just sorry that it has gone in that direction.
I also read the letter on Pressi's site; if it is indeed from a first time poster, and it reads poorly, then it is a very skewed opinion. What is the point of inflaming the sheeple trolls.
Very quiet in real news from Wernersville; perhaps she really did move to New York as Joan Rivers said in a comedy sketch.
TLC stinks,
What does WG's book or the E! story have to do with visiting her blog or not?
I read the letter at Pressi's and I agree with it. I'm very disappointed in WG's actions and I'm glad whomever wrote it, did. They made some good points and expressed them pretty well. I wrote WG a very polite comment about the E! show that was never posted and maybe it happened to this person too and they felt that was their way to get their opinion out to others.
Totally disappointed in Pressi. As a matter of fact I am leaning on the side of appalled.
Scratch that, I am appalled.
What have YOU done to help the 8 Preesi, Oh the old player in this Gosselin drama? NADA as far as I can tell, unless you consider feeding the paparazzi that hung out at the Gosselin Estate in the summer of 2009, and being in the inner circle of GWOP, helping the Gosselin children. What have you done, exactly to improve these children's lives?
For the record, I am not a sheeple or a fan by any stretch, and I used to support Preesi (she should know who I am by what I just wrote). The operative words being "used to".
No more, that is for sure.
TLC stinks said... I read the letter on Preesi's site. This was the first time this person ever posted on Preesi's (joined 20 hours ago). Sounds odd to me. Don't know why anyone would want enflame the trolls even more. I am suspicious with the vitriol expressed on some troll sites. The letter is a rehash of what is being said. Disapponted in Preesi.
Personally, I would not have written a book, but in the end, it's all about getting the word out there how screwed up reality tv/TLC is. What's done is done. If you don't like what Werny Gal did, then just don't go to her site.
This is what I was talking about when I posted in the previous thread about Werny and various other blogs tearing her to pieces. As I said, I didn't watch the show on E so I have no idea what Werny said. All I know is that she wrote a book (I haven't read that either), so I am out of the loop by not having read the book or seen the tv show.
But what I find rather startling is how quickly some blogs have turned on her. Being on the outside looking in, I don't understand where all this anger toward her is coming from. I just don't understand it.
I thought we were all involved in the blogs to express our horror over the way the children are being exploited but now there seems to be a crack in the anti exploitation blogs' solidarity and I just don't understand where all that is coming from or why it's happening?
I don't think it is a question of whether "they" can go back, but rather whether it is now time to go forward. Tups are 6, will be going on 7, and the twins are 10, will be going on 11. The tups are no longer babies, and the twins seem to have had enough of filming in different ways. After DWTS, Sara Palin episode, which probably gave a good documented idea of how Kate really acts, and then two of the kids "expelled" from school, or removed (whatever), TLC may very well be evaluating whether this show has run its course. And between the child expoitation issues, and Kate's ugly not-a-hands on mom, may actually be evaluating if this is the direction they want to go. After all, her K +8 ratings have not really been that good, and there are obvious signs that this show has gone in a very bad direction, which even TLC may no longer be able to ignore any longer, as they have several other non-controversial hit shows.
I am hoping this show has run its course, and that faced with all of the undisputable controvery with the "apple pie" image, TLC may want to unload this show once and for all.
I do have one question. Does Kate get paid for filming, whether the film is aired or not? I am assuming so, just not sure. Regardless, serious warning flags have been thrown up, and am hoping this is a good sign, that TLC is moving on and not including the kids in any future "aired" episodes.
I could care less what Kate does, although she has made plenty of money, and it would be nice if she would be the "super mom" she proclaimed herself to be, and pay attention to her kids. But if the kids are left off the air, and Jon cares for them instead while Kate pursues fame, I think this would be a step in the right direction.
I am sensing a huge fade here, but have been wrong before.
Ms. Kreider and the Krew have been boring since the very beginning. They get more boring as the kids age and the "unscripted" vacations have become more contrived. There is an entire new season of reality competition shows coming up with NEW faces! OLD FAVORITE faces! NEW locales! Fun, fun, fun. TLC shows - not so much fun. I would rather watch Larry the Cable Guy with his new show on the History Channel interview moonshine makers and Emily Post's daughter and granddaughter rather than listen to one second of the Ms. Kreider sofa talk.
(PS the new show with Larry the Cable Guy is REALLY interesting and funny. Really.)
I think it is blatantly clear now that all of Kate's publicity was manufactured by her agent/PR team and was not generated by a massive fan base wanting papparazi following her every move.
But what I find rather startling is how quickly some blogs have turned on her. Being on the outside looking in, I don't understand where all this anger toward her is coming from. I just don't understand it.
I thought we were all involved in the blogs to express our horror over the way the children are being exploited but now there seems to be a crack in the anti exploitation blogs' solidarity and I just don't understand where all that is coming from or why it's happening?
Boredom with no news on Kate?
mama mia said... I think it is blatantly clear now that all of Kate's publicity was manufactured by her agent/PR team and was not generated by a massive fan base wanting papparazi following her every move.
Nicely said and proof-positive (a month long of proof!) of what we have been saying all along. TLC could hire ME with my camera and call it 'stalking paparazzi'. Hired hands to create paid-for buzz, does not a supa-stah make. No one really cares anymore. Let the babies go free.
Can we just move on?
I was glad when Admin finally started a new thread to bring the focus back on the Gosselin family, away from the flamefest happening here and on other Gosselin blogs.
However, now people are attacking another blog in regards to Werny Gal.
This isn't 15 Minutes, Werny Gal style.
Can't we all follow Admin's Rule #3? Stop refusing to let things go and just move on. Obviously, Admin's moved on so should we.
If we feel the need to vocalize our opinions about something on another blog, then post on THAT blog, not here.
Let's focus our discussion back to the Gosselin family, not another flamefest.
Who else is tired of this flamefest? said...
Can we just move on?
I was glad when Admin finally started a new thread to bring the focus back on the Gosselin family, away from the flamefest happening here and on other Gosselin blogs.
However, now people are attacking another blog in regards to Werny Gal.
This isn't 15 Minutes, Werny Gal style.
Can't we all follow Admin's Rule #3? Stop refusing to let things go and just move on. Obviously, Admin's moved on so should we.
If we feel the need to vocalize our opinions about something on another blog, then post on THAT blog, not here.
Let's focus our discussion back to the Gosselin family, not another flamefest.
I'm tired of it too. IF Kate is gone from the media until they air the next episodes, lets be happy and do what the sheeple said we couldn't -- find something else to do.
I've got a novel idea. Let's have a life other than Kate Gosselin's exploitation of her kids and do something other than talking about other blogs here at 15 MGS.
Whatever ...but let's please drop this silly talk of other blogs over and over.
Who else is tired of this -- I have my hand up.
My hand is waving too.
I'm tired of it too. It's very immature.
WG handled things the way she saw fit at the time. Why does she get NO benefit of doubt from some?
It's time to end the board on board violence.
We're all tired of this WG situation. But it's a hot topic and Admin is the only one out there willing to post our views.
Kudos Admin, you are allowing us a place to discuss something that is too hot to handle for the other blogs.
Too hot to handle for the other blogs?
IMO, there hasn't been a blog that hasn't talked about or attacked WG.
Everwhere said: "IMO, there hasn't been a blog that hasn't talked about or attacked WG."
How many Kate Gosselin blogs are out there, both pro and con?
That I know of? About 10.
It can't be said enough I am so relieved things are quiet in Gosselin land. God help them hopefully it's not because they are filming at the McMansion or in some other secret location, but rather they are doing what kids are supposed to be doing, going to school, spending time with friends, and having quality time with family.
I kind of chuckle at this notion that now that things are quiet people can go back to a normal life. I always had a life. As much as I appreciate it that others appreciate all the "hard work" I put into this, it's really not that hard. Plus I have a "staff" now Mary Ann, have had her help for awhile. See the About Us section in the sidebar. Frankly the blog runs itself and only takes a few minutes a day. It's just one of my many interests I squeeze into each busy day.
As for the blog readers it also shouldn't take more than a few minutes to catch up on the comments and post. Maybe they are assuming we are sheeple and it would take a lot longer to follow and process all this writing blog?? Tee-hee. Also Google reader makes it easy as pie to follow multiple blogs real quick. Anyway, I trust we all already have normal lives and still do. Hopefully the Gosselin kids are getting a taste of a normal life as we speak.
God help them hopefully it's not because they are filming at the McMansion or in some other secret location, but rather they are doing what kids are supposed to be doing, going to school, spending time with friends, and having quality time with family.
It is not yet spring break. This could be the quiet before the storm. Let's see what happens the beginning of next month.
Westcoaster said...
Anyway, it's not a good time to turn on each other, especially when there's work to be done.
That was my exact sentiment when I wrote a post on WG's site yesterday when things were being said about someone else. I prefer not to even say who, because let's face it, the sheeple are loving the mud-slinging. I'm not sure if my post made it up, & I haven't posted on her site in awhile, but we are all on one side here. We are here for the kids. I also said let the Kate lovers be the vile, dark ones (or something like that). I was nice, (am I ever mean? because they're are posters here that post there, & I don't wish any ill-will on WG at all). And I said this:
Give Peace a Chance! :) (But you guys know me over here)lol
Kate will be a guest on "The Talk" next Tuesday. I just saw it on my DVR. I believe they film out of L.A. (but maybe wrong).
I read an interesting segment when reading up on the Talk that said... "Though many previous reports had stated that reality star Kate Gosselin would be on the program, she was dropped from the pilot"
So, expect tan, nail, hair appt. to occur in the next few days.
I hope Sharon Osbourne gives it to her good.
More spinning from Kate... vomit
Quick question: If the 2 tups that were expelled are not ready to go back to school til next year, do you think Kate, being the super star mom she is, AHEM, yeah right, will say "Well, we can't separate them, let's hold them ALL back again". Wouldn't that be a terrible thing to do?? (I know it would be!) Shouldn't the other 4 move forward to 1st grade?? This would be her treating them like a group again, like a 6-pack, & not like individuals like they ARE. This would be her keeping them babyish again...& they wouldn't graduate until they're freakin 23. (exaggeration of course) Do you think she would do that?? Again?
Questions said... This was the first time this person ever posted on Preesi's (joined 20 hours ago).
Couldn't it be a regular poster using another name
True, but why not just use your regular name if you are a poster on Preesi's site? In fact, if it was Preesi, why not just identify yourself as Preesi? And posing as Preesi, real or not, this poster sent the letter to Werny and she posted it and responds to it. I believe the letter is just a trouble maker enjoying getting the bloggers all worked up. If it is Preesi, then Preesi should own up to it. The letter to Werny signs off as Preesi but on Preesi's site it's from someone with the name Grapes of Wrath. I say it's time to move on. Remember, the trolls are loving this infighting.
A life outside the Gosselins? Seriously? Hahahaha!!! I kid. Of course we all do. This week, & most weeks, has been jam packed with things I've been doing. I have started tutoring my son at home, as well as him going to school, to help him get his grades up. This has been both super-fun & educational for both of us. He is really excited about it. When he comes home from school, he does his "real homework", & then asks what is on the whiteboard for his lesson from me. (This makes me all giddy inside!) I also have my website, my studies, my 12th anniversary coming up, a dog, 4 cats, (one of which has diabetes), a house to maintain, appointments, meetings with clients, volunteering, doctors to see, exercising, shopping to do (yeah, I'm bad about clothes & shoes, & hats & bags)...Oh & the most important...my family & friends, who I adore & love with all heart. The Gosselins are but a blip on my radar, & I come here for the fun of it. I do not obsess, or think about them, or talk about them to my husband or friends (except the one who really hates her too, but even that's rare). We ALL have lives outside of this blogging world.
It IS fun to come here & snark once in awhile, but it's important to stay focused on WHY we come here; for the kids.
I am sensing a huge fade here, but have been wrong before.(My Comment)
My comment had nothing to do with this site, but rather had to do with overall interest by TLC in airing the G8 on tv, as well as promoting Kate's circus antics. There are signs of their withdraw on some levels.
A little snark, but saw a picture of Kate carrying a container of pretzels while picking up the kids? Pretzel label fully exposed. If this was some kind of advertisement for the pretzels, it really illustrates my point. Desperate times call for desperate measures in Kate's mind. It's actually pathetic. But not really that surprising.
Keep your fingers crossed, maybe these kids will have a life off the cameras, minus any footage that has already shot.
Quick question: If the 2 tups that were expelled are not ready to go back to school til next year, do you think Kate, being the super star mom she is, AHEM, yeah right, will say "Well, we can't separate them, let's hold them ALL back again". Wouldn't that be a terrible thing to do?? (I know it would be!) Shouldn't the other 4 move forward to 1st grade?? This would be her treating them like a group again, like a 6-pack, & not like individuals like they ARE. This would be her keeping them babyish again...& they wouldn't graduate until they're freakin 23. (exaggeration of course) Do you think she would do that?? Again?
If she didn't want to separate them, she already would have pulled the others out of school. What purpose does it serve to speculate about all the bad things that Kate might do?
No I don't said...
If she didn't want to separate them, she already would have pulled the others out of school. What purpose does it serve to speculate about all the bad things that Kate might do?
I am not speculating, just wondering is all. She HAS kept them all back as a group before. Was it to benefit the kids, or HER to keep the babyish thing going so the money can roll in? We all know what Kate is capable of. I am aware that some of the kids may not have been ready for kindergarten, & that's fine, but let's face facts here, Kate needs to accept that some of the kids may be ready for 1st grade. She keeps them in a bubble, & never lets them outside of that bubble. They are "the tups". They should be separated for Christ sake to experience life, to enjoy friends, to LEARN.
Kate is so clueless. I admit, I am not the best mother, but I know I have done right by my child. Anyway, I was NOT speculating, I was trying to get people's opinion. That's all.
Since 90% of what is speculated turns out to be true, I can see how it's tempting.
Kids expelled...true.
Filming the crap out of the kids every time they go on vacation from school...true.
Forcing Jon to pick up the kids at the end of the driveway....true.
Kids want to be with Jon and cry for him....true.
Kids hate the paparazzi....true.
And so on.
What exactly is she going to talk about on The Talk? Her liquor store run and parking in the fire lane? Nothing is happening.
Maybe they're about to air the Australia episodes.
I haven't seen The Talk, please tell me it's better than the flock of prairie chickens that is the View.
I can't watch "the view" for more than 5 mins and tried watching "the talk" and lasted even less. It's the same exact setup just different players.
The View makes me want to pluck out my eyebrows one little hair at a time.
That show is awful. No one can get a word in edgewise. Joy Behar is the worst. She used to be funny.
"If she didn't want to separate them, she already would have pulled the others out of school. What purpose does it serve to speculate about all the bad things that Kate might do?"
Kate does enough bad stuff that we don't even need to speculate.
The View is like some bizarre illegal social experiment where what if you lock up four ego-maniacs all together in the basement for five years and see what happens. It's so painful, has been since almost the beginning. Good job Waa-waa.
I remember Sharon was on a talk show one time (I believe it was Ellen) and she was asked about Khate. She pretty much turned her nose up! Her daughter, Kelly, was defending her when she was on DWTS. Seems like the women of The Talk are not fans of exploiting your children so it will be interesting how they spin this whole thing. I have watched The Talk and it seems somewhat boring and not very hard hitting. The women don't seem to talk over each other like The View but I also don't think they press their guests. Also, they have had many guests on who have said how important it is for exes to get along for the sake of their children. It will be interesting to see if they ask her about the questions we all have and call her up on some of her lies. My guess is that this will be another teflon moment for Khate and a love fest on how great she is as a mom since she has soooo many kids- how DOES she do it. I hope the ratings are down for that day!
Kate on the Talk with the loudmouth Leah Remini. That outta be fun to listen to. I'll pass, thanks.
Re: What exactly is she going to talk about on The Talk? Her liquor store run and parking in the fire lane? Nothing is happening.
She is going to break the news that "Twist of Kate" is going to be renamed "The G-Spot". Just a renaming..........Not actually going to film or air a show, just rename it.
I saw the Talk stuck on the treadmill at the gym. The one time I saw it all of the ladies start out around a table doing hot topics but then only 2 or 3 interview a guest. Knowing Kate, she won't be out there with Sharon Osbourne.
Whooo-hooo-hooo! Kate on The Talk?
Kate had better mind her p's & q's around Sharon Osbourne. She will not tolerate "Kate speak".
Remember Kate, wear no earrings that day, and put your hair in a tight, greasy bun.
Bop and weave, Kate
Bop and weave...
P.S. not watching it either.
I just checked, the talk does tape in LA. Hopefully that means the kids get to be with Jon.
Seems like the women of The Talk are not fans of exploiting your children so it will be interesting how they spin this whole thing.
What about Sherri Shepherd? Last I heard she was a Kate fan and was all for filming the kids.
I think Sherri Shepherd just feels some kind of bizarre solidarity with Kate because they both used fertility treatments. Notice I didn't say because they both suffered from infertility since you can hardly say Kate truly suffered from infertility when she didn't even try very long to get pregnant naturally.
I had a kidney stone once but I don't blindly defend all people who have had kidney stones.
Isnt "The Talk" the one that Katie was on the verge of getting a full time gig on as one of the hosts, but lost the job? I dont follow daytime TV, so I'm not sure.
I think Kate is a good mom.
SmileyGrl752 said...
Seems like the women of The Talk are not fans of exploiting your children so it will be interesting how they spin this whole thing.
What about Sherri Shepherd? Last I heard she was a Kate fan and was all for filming the kids.
I think ya'll may be confusing the two shows. The View is on ABC with Whoopie, Barbara Walters, Sherri Shepard, Behar, etc. The Talk is on CBS with Sharon Osborne (who does NOT like Kate), Leah Remini, Holly Robinson Peete, etc.
No one appears on these shows without an agenda so there must be some purpose behind Kate's appearance other than to talk about the harsh winter weather in PA. The questions are will she be a guest or a guest host, will Sharon Osborne be on when Kate is on (I say NO), and of course what is the reason behind Kate's appearance. How will Kate further exploit her kids and how will she further alienate their dad and how will she further violate the order to not talk about court proceedings.
I've attempted to watch The Talk a couple of times and have been so turned off by the different hosts I've never even made it to the first commercial break. It's basically a dumbed down version of The View with it's purpose being a promotional vehicle for whatever personality needs exposure and of course protecting it's affiliated shows and stars. (I wonder what the link is between The Talk and Kate?)
Kate is a pretty women I have to say that.
The fact is if Kate is going to appear on "The Talk" she must have something to say. In my opinion only, she is a has been. Who in their right mind would care? As a Valentine's Day gift to everyone who follows this bolg, Kate does not have a wedding ring or engagement ring on her finger, she does not have a husband, she does not have extended family, but she does have 8 little ATMs who continue to provide her an income. How sad that this "mother of 8" has to rely on her children for an income and cannot provide one for herself. Snark done.
The Talk tapes early Tuesday morning in LA, correct? That means Kate will definitely have to be in LA by Monday, Valentine's Day.
So that means she and Steve will probably spend Valentine's Day together. Steve won't be with his wife, he'll be with Kate.
Kart can continue talking, but no one is listening anymore. It doesn't matter if she's on the View or the Talk, nothing interesting comes out of her mouth and Steve is probably off camera telling her what scripted lies to say through her earpiece. If this show is a step down from the View, then at least she's going in the right direction. Hopefully, her ratings will go down below TLC's basement level and will end up in a sewer pipe or septic tank. She's not flushing fast enough and a decent plumber needs to unclog the toilet for one good swift flush and she'll be gone.
Twitter accounts for:
Sarah Gilbert (Exec Producer of the Talk)
Sharon Osbourne @MrsSOsbourne
Holly Robinson Peete @hollyrpeete
Leah Remini @LeahRemini
All 4 are very active tweeters so whatever you tweet them, they'll sure to read.
Oh The Horror, most men who miss Valentine's Day are not being accussed of having a relationship with the woman the spent it with. The children's own father said Steve made him uncomfortable. It's just one of many, many days Steve has spent apart from his own wife. He even went to see his parents with Kate without his wife, who were reported to be very turned off by Kate's gift of a photo of Steve with the kids. It's questionable, at best.
Here's a thought, how about Kate says hey Steve you've been so loyal and dedicated to me all these years, why don't you stay behind this Valentine's Day and take the wife out for crab cakes, I'll be fine on my own this time in LA.
What, Kate can't take of herself for a few days in LA? It's a jungle out here.
Hippie Chick said:
**CThippiechick, I'm in NH! Been blogging here awhile under 'Hippie Chick' & we are like a sacred group...not many of us left out there! (the philosophy of it all...)Well, not from where I'm from anyways. I don't see many hippies in my area. (People tell me all the time I was born in the wrong generation!) Been wearing the patchouli again...ah, memories. :)
Hey there Hippie Chick! I've been lurking here for a while and your posts always catch my eye thanks to your name. Hope you don't mind me using a similar name; it's my twitter handle so I figured I'd go with it here too. Always nice to meet a kindred spirit, especially one who's not afraid to rock the patchouli ;)
sorry, Sarah Gilbert's correct twitter account is @THEsaragilbert
There is no "h" in Sara.
You should all be happy she's on a show without the kids. Maybe it's a start.
Kate on "The Talk"? You can pretty much bet the rent that her interview time will be pre-approved by someone, and the hosts have been told to go easy on her. While the hosts might really like to throw Kate lots of tough questions, they still have to be careful.
They don't have a Rosie O'Donnell who wouldn't care what she asked, how she asked it, or to whom she would have to answer for it. Love her or hate her, Rosie spoke her mind and never allowed anyone to censor her. Of course, her popularity dropped, but at least she got her
opinions out there without apology.
I don't see anybody on The View or the Talk being the new Rosie. Therefore, the issues of
great importance and of interest to us probably won't be dealt with to our satisfaction.
A question for Admin.
Does the blog's second moderator use "Administrator" when she comments or use her own screen name? Just wondering if when I see Admin if it's you or her. Thanks!
Admin is always me. Mary Ann doesn't comment here, if she did I would tell her to use Mary Ann but the Gosselins don't interest her lol.
Oh the Horror, you claim Steve, who is a consenting adult and has chosen to be in the public eye and even speak on behalf of Kate, is none of our business. But it's fine for the children to be our business, have cameras in their home and have Kate make 150 episodes all about their personal lives. It's fine for the sheeple to enjoy all that about minors who have no choice and make that their business. But Steve the consenting adult is the one where it's none of our business. Hypocritical.
I hope that Sara Gilbert is more like sassy "Darlene Connor" (one of the best sitcom characters ever)when interacting with K8.
Unfortunately, it is pretty clear that K8 will not appear on a show unless everything has been cleared for her beforehand : softball topics, no real discussion and certainly no exposing any of her lies.
I dont think she'll be back on The View. Remember when she was interviewed and had the nerve to say "I don't want to be as old as Barbara Walters or Larry King and still working" Kate WISHES she could be around that long. Barb and Larry have distinguished carrers. Lea Remmi is a obnoxious host. She is just like she was on King of Queens, a loud Opinionated, throw her husband under the bus anytime she can B**ch. Sara will be too busy churnning butter and making wooden toys for her socially awkward kids, Holly will keep saying "go girl" and Julie Chen will be daydreaming about when the next season of Big Brother starts (her hubby runs CBS so she doesnt really care). Sharon will be "sick" that day.
You should all be happy she's on a show without the kids.
Happy? To hear lies, lies, and more lies, and to unmercifully (and unjustly) berate her ex-husband, the father of those children?
I can think of a name for the emotion it evokes, but happy isn't it.
Kate on The Talk? Great. Must be time to promote the episodes that are in the can.
I wonder what creative new way she'll come up with to throw Jon under the bus.
Lather, rinse, repeat. Boooooring!!
It's almost certain that this is just to promote upcoming Kate Plus 8 episodes, so no I'm not simply happy she's just doing something "without the kids." The thing she is doing without the kids is just to get people to watch the kids more.
Unless she's going to announce her engagement to Steve? Yeah, this is about Kate Plus 8 and please watch my poor exploited kids more.
Sara Gilbert was a child star (as well as her sister and brother) and knows about all the issues Allison Angrim had after Little House.
Sharon Osborn let one daughter opt out of their Reality show. She also knows all the troubles Kelly had with the blogs and people calling her fat. The scrutiny was too much on teen-aged Kelly. I'm glad she's doing so good now.
Leah Remini worked as a child too. She was on many shows in the 80's and is BFFs with Jennifer Lopez.
All these women should have opinions about Kate whoring out her kids. I hope Kate's camp only booked her out of desperation and that she is finally interviewed the RIGHT way.
Why did you take the kids out of school to work?
Sharon knows it's work. She had a reality show. Yeah, I agree, she'll call in sick that day. Too bad.
I don't hear great reviews of The Talk. This could also be a desperate attempt to "up" viewership by bringing in one of the most controversial women out there. People will tune in because some love Kate and some loathe
Kate. People who have never heard of The Talk
will be lured in just to see what she says.
Lisa kn said...
Kate is a pretty women I have to say that.
I think you omitted an adjective: pathetic. It should be,, "Kate is a pretty pathetic WOMAN" (woman, singular, not plural. One Kate is one too many!)...
You should all be happy she's on a show without the kids
This is such a trite and obtuse statement.
When people criticize K8 and say that she should get a job, it means a job that is in no way, shape or form connected to the kids or her "brand" :
- no advising on how to be organized
- no advising on how to be a hands-on mom
- no advising on how raise a family as a single parent
- no advising on how to be an organic cook and baker
- no advising on how to be green
- no advising on how to dance or work hard
- no advising on avoiding the paps
- no advising on how to clip coupons and save money for college funds
etc, etc.
Thus far, these are the types of "jobs" K8 has had and they have all been bogus. Is this really that difficult to understand ?
Don't want an Iphone said...
Sara Gilbert was a child star (as well as her sister and brother) and knows about all the issues Allison Angrim had after Little House.
Sharon Osborn let one daughter opt out of their Reality show.
The daughter was over 18. Sharon didn't "let" her out of anything. She did not have the power to dictate that her adult daughter appear on the show.
I like Leah Remini. She doesn't mince words either. I don't know about the rest of the hosts but between her and Sharon I hope they take turns ripping Kate a new one. Trouble is we're so used seeing her slither around and avoid the tough questions with her prepared (and really stupid) stock answers, so I won't get my hopes up too high.
Vivian Ward -- That was too funny!! lol!
I stand corrected.
I just wanted to point out that one of the Osborne children chose to not participate and it was no big deal.
I'm not going to watch it though. Kate will walk on to the set with her 8" heels, wave a weak little wave to the audience, bare her clenched veneers with that frozen grin on her face and give her usual limp handshake to the hosts. I can't put myself through watching that again. I agree with whomever it was who said they'd rather have their molars removed with a tire iron.
Vivian Ward -- That was too funny!! lol!
AuntieAnn - that was me, a.k.a. Moose Mania. I couldn't help it. Now I have that darn song stuck in my head!
"I can't put myself through watching that again. I agree with whomever it was who said they'd rather have their molars removed with a tire iron."
I haven't watched her on any talk shows. I find myself yelling at the television, and what I have said shouldn't be repeated in mixed company. (or alone, for that matter!).
I've never even heard of this show before and will not be watching. Anything Kate is on is off limits. She is soooo in the past and the tiring old come back on the talk shows to promote herself is so been done and only the sheeple care enough to watch her and encourage her to further exploit her children. No thanks.
Ah Moose! I should know better...lol. I love that song. Here's one for Kate by the late great RO..."It's Over".
Administrator said...Unless she's going to announce her engagement to Steve?
Shhhhh...don't ruin the surprise for Kate on Valentine's Day! LOL
Auntie Ann said, Here's one for Kate by the late great RO..."It's Over"
AuntieAnn -- you're right! I never thought about that one:
Setting suns, before they fall,
Echo to you, 'That's all, that's all,'
But you'll see lonely sunsets, after all,
It's over, it's over, it's over.
It could easily be called "Kate's Swan Song!"
Old Roy really knew how to write them.
Seriously, who in the entertainment industry still feels she's worthy of having her as a guest on these talk shows? There hasn't even been a lot of new controversy surrounding her lately. It's just the same old crapola about her having eight kids and a reality show where they are herded everywhere to film their "vacations". She's not even a respectable mother and everyone with half a brain knows by now this woman does NOT take care of her children by herself and she is a fraud.
This is the most idiotic thing anymore.
Kate will be a guest on "The Talk" next Tuesday. I just saw it on my DVR.
Confirmed via twitter TheTalk_CBS:
Next Week On #TheTalk: @llcoolj, @gw27, Kate Gosselin, @shebop_aka_cyn, Wendie Malick, @Chefjeffspeaks & the Men & Women of @BandB_CBS!
However, The Talk's official site only lists Cyndi Lauper for Tuesday's show. Hopefully, that means Kate's guest spot will be relatively short.
AuntieAnn said... I'm not going to watch it though. Kate will walk on to the set with her 8" heels, wave a weak little wave to the audience, bare her clenched veneers with that frozen grin on her face and give her usual limp handshake to the hosts. I can't put myself through watching that again. I agree with whomever it was who said they'd rather have their molars removed with a tire iron.
Ugggggh... the vision alone is disturbing. But what will be even more disturbing is how this group of usually outspoken women will treat Kate like gold and shower her with compliments on how she raises eight kids as a single mom and looks so wonderful. It will be all prearranged, unadulterated crap. Sharon Osbourne will be warned within an inch of her life not to dare call Kate out. And don't forget, when she goes on one of these things there's always some record she wants to set straight. More lies and spin she wants to try to feed America to save face for the latest shitty thing that she's done or that has happened as a result of her forcing her children to earn a living for her.
I predict she will first address her ungracious and bratty behavior on the Sarah Palin show and blame it all on editing. She will claim that she was brought on the show to jazz it up and create buzz because the filming to that point had been boring. She may or may not claim the producers told her to "stir the pot." Then she will claim she & Sarah text and email all the time and they are good buddies.
Next, she will bring up the Australia trip and talk about how wonderfully wonderful the trip was, she'll claim the kids just loved it and did just wonderful and didn't want to go home. She'll then use this trip as an example as to why she and the kids have to be on TV and she'll throw some educational hogwash in there. With the word "education" being mentioned, one of the ladies will then ask the pre-arranged question about the two kids Kate "withdrew" from school and Kate will give a pre-arranged answer about how wonderfully wonderful they are doing and it was the best thing for them and they are ummm just thriving wonderfully and are great. Finally, there will be a pre-arranged question about Jon, Kate will give a pre-arranged answer that will first remind America about his behavior almost TWO YEARS AGO and then slam and diminish his parenting abilities, but in a more subtle way since there's been so much back and forth between he and her about confidentiality.
Even if I was home I wouldn't watch, but I can't wait to find out here on Tuesday if Kate hits any of my predictions on the nail.
Spot-on, wayward! We've seen it all too many times not to be able to predict. This is the reason she's still invited onto these shows. The blogging community will start laying bets on what drivel & lies she'll spew and voila! Ratings gold. I admit I'm mildly interested but I will not watch; I'll wait for the re-cap.
Wayward, you are SOOO right. I LOVED your prediction of that witch, Khatezilla Gro$$elin'$ appearance on "The Talk". Unfortunately, it will probably all come to pass. Khate'$ a Fake. Khate'$ a Fake. Khate'$ a Fake.
I'm not allowed to tweet Leah Remini, at least I don't think. We had a fight. LOL I'll tweet Sara Gilbert later.
CTHippieChick said...
Hey there Hippie Chick! I've been lurking here for a while and your posts always catch my eye thanks to your name. Hope you don't mind me using a similar name; it's my twitter handle so I figured I'd go with it here too. Always nice to meet a kindred spirit, especially one who's not afraid to rock the patchouli ;)
Of course I don't mind! I love there are other hippies out there! I have gotten the "Is someone wearing patchouli"? At Barnes & Noble just this past week, & I claimed it. They said "Oh, I haven't smelled that since high school! I loved that smell!" Were they just being nice? I don't know, but frankly, I don't care! LOL Have a happy weekend!
I should refrain my statement about the Leah Remini "fight", it was more like words exchanged. We weren't really THAT nasty. Well, we weren't exactly pleasant either. But I don't think she would want to hear from me again. She didn't block me though! Surprisingly. I still am all set with that twitter exchange about Kate going down... :)
Sorry to post AGAIN! The interviewers on the Talk are always Sharon Osbourne, Leah Remini, & Julie Chen. As far as I always saw the few times I saw it. So maybe Sharon WILL be interviewing Kate??
Leah, Sara and Holly were all child/teenage actors so they might be the better ones to interview Kate.
Kate is now appearing on a talk show few people watch. Probably arranged by her PR people who have her holding pretzel containers and wine, to keep her alive, with TLC's approval. Won't be watching. She is hitting the bottom of the barrel.
I agree, footage is sitting in the can, and TLC is waiting to see the ratings on The Talk, and any indication of whether anyone will actually watch K+8 and whether they decide to actually air the previously filmed footage. When was the last time TLC actually aired a show of her (November'10 ?) She is currently not listed for any episodes in Feb '10 on TLC website.
I believe her popularity has faded, not sure why she was chosen for E! story, but it seems this footage was sitting around for a while, and was some type of last ditch effort/agreement to keep Kate alive.
Quite frankly, I think the ship has sailed, no one cares about Kate anymore, and last ditch favors are being called in to see if they can resurrect interest in Kate. And her show. I've said this before and will say it again, her DWTS, true behavior on SP, expulsion of 2 kids, and constant horrible diva behavior has turned even some of the sheeples off.
Hopefully, this is her PR's team last ditch effort to make Kate relevant. TLC does not seem to have any immediate plans to air shows of footage shot in Phila, or Austria. If they did, there probably would have been an announcement by now. Her contract will end a year from now, and TLC will probably stretch out any airing of the footage through the next year to complete their contract with her.
Her PR team can line up any talk shows they like, but who even watches, let alone believes a word she says anymore? Am starting to think TLC has pulled all final strings they will do for Kate, and she is relying solely on her PR team to keep her relevant. Hopefully, this signals the end of the filming/broadcasting of the G8 unless they absolutely have to, for TLC to complete their contract with her through Feb 2012. Bye bye Katie.
Should we start taking bets on when Kate will file her own lawsuit against TLC? I give it 60 days. As soon as she realizes she's been cut loose she'll find a way to sue them, for something, anything.
Not that I would ever defend Kate, but TLC probably made a hundred times over as much money off this family than Kate, Jon and the kids ever actually pocketed for themselves. I would be bitter.
A child featured on Toddlers and Tierra's appeared on this show (The Talk), where a toddler was dancing innappropriately to a song, and they showed the interviewers' reactions to her dance and it was NOT good. (I believe it was Sharon and Leah) so maybe they will recognize that small children should never be filmed. Who knows? They both appeared totally disgusted in the clips, as they watched the kid perform, and did not appear happy to witness such an inappropriate display.
Administrator said...
Not that I would ever defend Kate, but TLC probably made a hundred times over as much money off this family than Kate, Jon and the kids ever actually pocketed for themselves. I would be bitter.
Why would you be bitter? Corporations profit from their employees all the time. That's the real world. For every actor making millions of dollars, there's a production company and network making many, many millions more. That's the nature of the business.
Gosselin8ComeFirst said...
A child featured on Toddlers and Tierra's appeared on this show (The Talk), where a toddler was dancing innappropriately to a song, and they showed the interviewers' reactions to her dance and it was NOT good. (I believe it was Sharon and Leah) so maybe they will recognize that small children should never be filmed. Who knows? They both appeared totally disgusted in the clips, as they watched the kid perform, and did not appear happy to witness such an inappropriate display.
T&T is the worst case of child exploitation on TV that I've ever come across. Those little girls end up looking like hookers by the time they toddle up on the stage to "perform." Those babies are taught to make pouty faces, wiggle their behinds at the judges like pole dancers. They're forced to perform when they should be taking naps, wear uncomfortable fake teeth, get spray tanned in their faces, endure the gluing on and wearing of false eyelashes and heavy wigs.
And, what, the interviewers on The Talk looked like they were disgusted at how the kids danced? SO WHAT? That piece of trash show [T&T] is still on the air, and worse, babies are turned into replicas of teeny street walkers in "beauty pageants" all over the country for profit.
Who cares what some 2nd rate talk show hosts think? They obviously don't have any clout to make any changes and I doubt the couch potatoettes who watch these shows give a rats back end what they're seeing. Just pass the donuts and diet Pepsi. What can they possibly say about Kate that will make any difference?
Except, if they diss her, it will give the blogs something to focus on for a little while.
Who Cares-
Kate Gosselin is allowing the filming of her babies and has been all along the way. And relies on them for her income. That is sad. Shouldn't Kate have had enough time to find her own means to support them, so these young kids's privacy is not sold to the highest bidder?
We are definitely not on the same page. I do not think the G8 kids should continued to be filmed.
So don't twist what I am saying, Kate needs to support her kids independently of the show. The kids need their privacy as youngsters (after 150 episodes aired), and for Kate to say there is no going back is insane. Get a job Kate. Support your kids off camera, as I would say to the T & T fame whores.
My point was that The Talk would probably not support ANY child exploitation, including Kate exploiting her kids on film.
Kate is not listed as a guest on The Talk for next week.
Gosselin8ComeFirst said...
... My point was that The Talk would probably not support ANY child exploitation, including Kate exploiting her kids on film.
The Talk is FURTHERING child exploitation by featuring the kids who are on T&T as well as Kate Gosselin if she talks about the show that her kids are on. With the hosts of The Talk not saying anything in protest of the T&T show and by the producers booking the guests on the show in the first place they're giving the exploiters free advertising and an implied blessing to continue. The reason these guests are booked on these shows in the first place is to promote their shows for the network. I'm confident Kate will do the same thing.
Gosselin8ComeFirst said...
Kate Gosselin is allowing the filming of her babies and has been all along the way. And relies on them for her income. That is sad. Shouldn't Kate have had enough time to find her own means to support them, so these young kids's privacy is not sold to the highest bidder?
Yes, Kate should be supporting herself and her kids, not visa versa. Where did I imply otherwise?
The point of my post was who cares about what some two-bit talk show hosts think? They have no power or ability or desire to make any changes. They just "talk."
Regarding your statement:
"We are definitely not on the same page. I do not think the G8 kids should continued to be filmed.
Where did I say the G8 should continue to be filmed?
h8k8 said... The Talk is FURTHERING child exploitation by featuring the kids who are on T&T as well as Kate Gosselin if she talks about the show that her kids are on. With the hosts of The Talk not saying anything in protest of the T&T show and by the producers booking the guests on the show in the first place they're giving the exploiters free advertising and an implied blessing to continue. The reason these guests are booked on these shows in the first place is to promote their shows for the network. I'm confident Kate will do the same thing.
I don't think you can really compare TLC and the Gosselins to a company and its employees. First of all the kids weren't even paid for the first four years. After that they only get 15% Most companies actually pay their worker bees. I get all of my paycheck, thank God, not just 15%. Second, we're not talking about adults working on an assembly line and then going home at the end of the day to their family. The whole show was the family and is about sucking the lifeblood out of eight childhoods. I can't think of any LEGAL business that does such a thing. And finally, if you quit your job at Proctor and Gamble they just hire someone else. But these are workers that cannot be replaced. When Jon left it almost killed the show, since a lot of the appeal was the dynamic of Jon and Kate. You cannot just cast new kids if the kids refuse to work. This is more comparable to say a baseball player who is the best pitcher in the league. You can't easily replace him, thus he is worth a lot more than just your average outfielder. The family cannot be replaced, thus they are worth more. When you have a highly valued worker, you're supposed to compensate them accordingly. Anyway fFor stealing a child's childhood I would think it would be worth a bit more than 15% for those kids.
Even Jon's attorneys said that the money TLC made off the family, in the 100's of millions, was grossly disproportionate to what the family actually pocketed, specifically, the kids. If I'm not mistaken in the beginning they were only making a few grand an episode, which was outrageously low compared to the profit the show was making. But since they were stupid and inexperienced they didn't know they should be demanding more.
A lot of companies are starting to impose real limits on the imbalance between execs and employees. Such as executives are not permitted to make more than three or four times the salary of its lowest paid employee, things like that. All these inflated bonuses and salaries are part of the reason we had such a bubble burst.
Ok - Great- I think I pointed out this show does allow children stars on their show. I NEVER agreed with this. What I noted was none of of the interviewers agreed with this. The Talk is actually a show to be ignored, but some posters are now attacking the actual message I was trying to give. That hosts on the show, let alone bloggers, would not view this show seriously.
One less poster here. It has gotten ridiculous on this site. My agenda was always to rid the G8 of filming and exploitation.
What grounds would Kate have for filing a lawsuit against TLC? She made millions from them, reportedly $250,000 per episode and was given the lifestyle and fame she desperately wanted. No one forced her to sign contracts to film her family in 40 episode seasons. If it wasn't for Jon trying to stop filming, she'd probably still be filming 40 episodes in back to back seasons. She's always maintained what a dream job this is for her and filming her children has been nothing but positive experiences for them. Maybe some or all of the children will file a lawsuit against TLC and one or both parents when they are no longer minors.
I totally get the point Gosselin8ComeFirst was trying to make. He/she was pointing out that the Talk hosts looked less than thrilled at the T&T toddler's dancing, so maybe the ladies won't blow sunshine up Kate's droopy ass because Kate is just as guilty of exploitation as the T&T parents are.
This is something I thing TV hosts, anchors, etc. run into all the time. They are told the content to read or guests to interview and then they have to look & act perky and positive about it despite their personal feelings. I remember when Mika Breszinski (sp?) from MSNBC outright refused to cover Paris Hilton's coming or going to jail a few years back. She sort of freaked out and said it wasn't news and she wasn't lowering herself to cover it. That's rare, mostly the hosts have to swallow their convictions and suffer through as I'm sure Anderson Cooper did the day Kate came on R&K while he was guest hosting. The hosts on The Talk had to be polite with the T&T toddler's family but apparently they tried to use their facial expressions to express their real feelings.
Kate has never been asked any tough questions on one of these shows and IMO, it's because K+8 is her only source of income. No network wants to be sued because their talk show host ripped Kate a new one and then the ratings tank even further.
Why is the show Kate's only source of income? How did it come to this when she had multi book deal with a Christian book publisher, a promising career as a spokesperson and many, many other ventures. Like Twist of Kate? ToK1 involved her doing a Dirty Jobs type of show. I knew that would never happen. ToK2 involved her visiting her (literally) rabid fans and helping them with their lives. Clean, neat and someone babbling on and peeing their pants over Kate's presense. I thought this was a winner. This version seems to be dead in the water now too. We all know Kate is not a nice person and is mostly unable to force herself to be nice. But for the sake of her children and to gave them a more normal life, it appears she wasn't even willing to give ToK2 a try. She seems to only want the choice which is the most disruptive to the children's lives, schooling, school breaks, summer vacation and visitation with their father and that's her completely unrealistic and out of touch with most of America, travel show. I hate to say her days are numbered, because as we all know.. Kate is the proverbial turd that will not flush. But I sincerely hope 2011 is the year she starts to fade away.
URL, I'm sure any number of Kate's crafty attorneys could make a lawsuit out of it. Whether she would actually win would be another story, I doubt it.
If someone came to me in this situation, off the top of my head I would start with some torts. For starters, this idea of signing a contract without an attorney like everyone admits they did. I would try to get the whole contract thrown out as invalid and seek damages. Misrepresentation, undue influence, fraud are just some of the many other torts. I would seek damages. She could also try suing on behalf of the children for back wages when they weren't paid SQUAT (I'm still shaking my head at that), and then damages for not paying those wages. She can even try torts like emotional distress. Since she is their mother she can sue on behalf of the kids. You could also try to throw the contract out and get damages because children, by law, cannot contract. If there's a lawyer, a lawsuit can be dreamed up. Doubt it would go anywhere.
My point is, TLC is probably just next on Kate's list of people or things to estrange. Time is ticking.
The children don't receive 15% of the gross. Here is the actual wording.
15% of WHAT IS DUE THE CHILDREN must be put in trust and may be used for health, education, and welfare.
No one has ever said how much "is due the children" and what happens to the other 85%.
Here is the link.
For starters, this idea of signing a contract without an attorney like everyone admits they did. I would try to get the whole contract thrown out as invalid and seek damages.
Their response to this is that it wasn't TLC's responsibility to provide them with, or even suggest, that they get an attorney. I believe I read somewhere on a complaint that they were given the opportunity for representation, and therefore it was up to them to seek counsel. TLC would contend that they have nobody to blame but themselves. There was no legal representation on the initial contract, but they did have an attorney present for subsequent signings. If they got the first contract thrown out (highly unlikely), wouldn't it be the more recent contracts that still would be valid?
"She can even try torts like emotional distress. Since she is their mother she can sue on behalf of the kids. You could also try to throw the contract out and get damages because children, by law, cannot contract."
I can't see that claim working either. Who was under emotional distress? Kate? Jon? The kids? She dragged them around for filming, TLC would maintain, and therefore SHE is the one who inflicted emotional distress, not TLC. If it's true that the contract contains a clause stating that either one of the parents can end filming at any time, then TLC's response would be that she continued with the filming even though she could have stopped it. She wouldn't get anywhere on that one, either.
That said, if TLC pulled the plug, I bet she grabs one of her attorneys to file suit, but she's going to have a difficult time going up against TLC. We don't know what is in the contract (s), but I would imagine that a good attorney can find a loophole somewhere to start proceedings.
Moose, like I clearly said, I doubt any lawsuit like that would prevail. I'm just saying, bet Kate tries to sue, just watch.
Gosselin8Comefirst said....
One less poster here. It has gotten ridiculous on this site. My agenda was always to rid the G8 of filming and exploitation.
Please don't go. I love your posts. They are always very well stated & you are always for the kids first & foremost. I agree The Talk is a bombfest. Why Kate is making an appearance now is beyond me. She has NOTHING to offer, except exploitation of her kids, which has ALWAYS been her agenda. That is ALL she is good for. Please reconsider coming back. There is something going on. Since that bitch Kate has not been newsworthy lately, it seems some people on the side of the kids are jumping on each other. WHY is this happening?? I thought we WANTED her gone! (I am NOT saying this is what you are doing Gosselin8, not at all)
It seems like people are mad that she has been out of sight. I thought this was a YAY moment. So frigin what if she is going to be on The Talk. This show is a second rate View, which is second rate in it's own right. Kate has nothing to offer except lies, on top of lies, & crap, & more lies. Let's all remember why we are here, like why Gosselin8comefirst is here...FOR THE KIDS!!! *off my soapbox*
Administrator said...
Moose, like I clearly said, I doubt any lawsuit like that would prevail. I'm just saying, bet Kate tries to sue, just watch.
No argument there. However, since we don't know what is in the contracts, an attorney may find SOMETHING that might give her a fighting chance in court. It would mean, however, that she would have to spend big bucks fighting TLC. The question is - would she be willing to do this, knowing that her chances of winning would be slim to none? Are a fool and her money soon parted?
First things first. The show needs to end!
The CW is doing a show where a "real person" hangs out with a celeb they absolutely detest called "Haterz". Did they get that idea from Twist of Kate?
15% of WHAT IS DUE THE CHILDREN must be put in trust and may be used for health, education, and welfare.
No one has ever said how much "is due the children" and what happens to the other 85%.
That is not the "actual" wording. It is the media's interpretation (abc). The five-page letter was not reprinted. There were conflicting reports in the media when this story broke. For example, CNN printed the following: "At least 15 percent of the money paid to the children must be put into an irrevocable trust account that can be spent only when the children turn 18, the state said."
There was no mention by CNN of "gross" proceeds, nor that the money could be used for their welfare, education, health, etc., nor did it say "due" to the children. Moreover, "gross" proceeds never was explained. Did "gross" mean proceeds collected by TLC, or the amount Kate grossed on each episode? This never was made clear.
"The turd that will not flush". Now THAT's the funniest thing (and maybe closest to the truth) I've ever heard Kate called! Thanks for the outright belly laugh after a couple of weeks of very un-funny in-fighting on the blogs. I'm about done too...
BeDoneNow said... Isnt "The Talk" the one that Katie was on the verge of getting a full time gig on as one of the hosts, but lost the job? I dont follow daytime TV, so I'm not sure.
Does anyone have any recollection of this? or am I the only one on the planet (the blog) who isnt vested in daytime TV?
Cold In Cleveland... I am in Macedonia, transplanted from Bedford and Maple Hts!
10doll and Lisa kn seem to be the same troll. (patting her on the head).
Question for Admin:
Awhile back, the question was asked regarding the copyright of this blog. This came about when the sheeple were copying and pasting comments from here onto their blogs and dissecting them. I believe you said that this blog is copyrighted, and each blogger who comments here "owns" his own remarks, and as such, could have a case against sheeple who do this (not that anything would ever come from it).
However, I just read that WG wrote, regarding plagiarism, that "comments left on my blog are then part of my blog and use of them belongs to me."
Who "owns" the comments left on a copyrighted blog?
just wondering said...
The children don't receive 15% of the gross. Here is the actual wording.
15% of WHAT IS DUE THE CHILDREN must be put in trust and may be used for health, education, and welfare.
No one has ever said how much "is due the children" and what happens to the other 85%.
That info is incomplete and misleading.
The letter from the Attorney for the PA DOL to Discovery dated March 2, 2010 on Page 5 #3 states:
"At least 15% of the gross proceeds of this show and future shows or performances, due the children, remain or will be placed in the irrevocable trust accounts for the minors registered on November 20, 2009 ... until the minors reach at least 18 years old unless the funds are distributed for the safety, welfare, education, or health of the minor children according to the terms of the trust and applicable state law."
You're right, we don't how much the "gross proceeds of the show" amount to. Some blogs have speculated the term means 15% of Kate's reported salary of $250,000 per episode and others interpret it to mean 15% of TLC's gross proceeds which could be considerable.
Moose Mania said...
That is not the "actual" wording. It is the media's interpretation (abc). The five-page letter was not reprinted. There were conflicting reports in the media when this story broke. For example, CNN printed the following: "At least 15 percent of the money paid to the children must be put into an irrevocable trust account that can be spent only when the children turn 18, the state said."
There was no mention by CNN of "gross" proceeds, nor that the money could be used for their welfare, education, health, etc., nor did it say "due" to the children. Moreover, "gross" proceeds never was explained. Did "gross" mean proceeds collected by TLC, or the amount Kate grossed on each episode? This never was made clear.
The 5 page letter from the Attorney for the DOL is online.
The wording of "gross proceeds" is very ambiguous and IMO leaves the kids plenty of leeway to sue later on depending on how the clause was interpreted ie: were they paid 15% of the true gross proceeds on TLC/Discovery's books or were they paid after adjustments or were they paid 15% of Kate's salary of $250,000 as some blogs have interpreted the wording. Kate may have a per/episode salary, but I'm hoping the kids have some recourse to recoup a more equitable paycheck for giving up their childhoods.
Does WG have a terms of service or terms of use somewhere where she explicitly says that once you post a comment there it becomes her copyrighted material? Copyright law on the internet is not completely settled, however absent a terms of service, everything I have researched suggests that comments posted to blog articles are copyrighted to their respective posters, not to the blog owner. This would be consistent with copyright law, which gives broad protection to the creators of content, regardless of WHERE they create that content. Copyright law is not my speciality but I did take a few intellectual property classes in law school.
Think of it this way. Say I wrote a story. And then I went over to your bulletin board at your house and tacked it there. Do you own copyright to my story now just because I tacked it to your board? Obviously not. The same principles apply when you come over to my "home" which is my blog, and post your "story" which is your comment. It's still yours.
I want your comments here to be YOUR comments. You all hold the copyright. I only hold the copyright to the posts and my own comments. And yes another blog is violating copyright by swiping comments here. You're welcome to send them a cease and disest if they did it to you. However that kind of thing is just what they want, a reaction. Better to ignore it I think.
I think a "terms of use" where you say once you comment it becomes the blogger's copyright is the only way to get around this--and that's fair because if you don't like losing your copyright then you don't have to post. I'm not sure if Youtube still does this but at a lot of video hosting sites you lose copyrights to videos you upload there. If you don't like it you don't upload your video. But they can't just take all the rights to it without warning you.
DOL letter, EXACTLY. What does gross proceeds mean?
Not to mention, the Australia trips were surely outrageously expensive. Surely the "proceeds" from the Australia episodes are not nearly as high as doing the chicken coop episode at home. Why should the kids get paid so much less for the same, if not harder work?
And what if, conceivably, the show isn't making a profit? Sometimes networks do keep shows that don't make a very good profit on paper for other reasons--like it's bringing good publicity, good will to the network. For example, a network might spend in the millions, maybe even billions to secure the Olympics or the Super Bowl on their network, and might actually operate at a loss when all is said and done. But it was worth it, big picture, to be the network that had the Olympics or the SB. It was worth the loss at that time.
So if there is a loss or they break even the kids get nothing?
Such an incredibly flawed plan.
Re: Copyright: Would that mean that all the information posted by Heather about NPD, that she was considering writing a book about, now belongs to WG?
Administrator said...Does WG have a terms of service or terms of use somewhere where she explicitly says that once you post a comment there it becomes her copyrighted material? Copyright law on the internet is not completely settled, however absent a terms of service, everything I have researched suggests that comments posted to blog articles are copyrighted to their respective posters, not to the blog owner. This would be consistent with copyright law, which gives broad protection to the creators of content, regardless of WHERE they create that content. Copyright law is not my speciality but I did take a few intellectual property classes in law school.
Think of it this way. Say I wrote a story. And then I went over to your bulletin board at your house and tacked it there. Do you own copyright to my story now just because I tacked it to your board? Obviously not. The same principles apply when you come over to my "home" which is my blog, and post your "story" which is your comment. It's still yours.
I want your comments here to be YOUR comments. You all hold the copyright. I only hold the copyright to the posts and my own comments. And yes another blog is violating copyright by swiping comments here. You're welcome to send them a cease and disest if they did it to you. However that kind of thing is just what they want, a reaction. Better to ignore it I think.
I think a "terms of use" where you say once you comment it becomes the blogger's copyright is the only way to get around this--and that's fair because if you don't like losing your copyright then you don't have to post. I'm not sure if Youtube still does this but at a lot of video hosting sites you lose copyrights to videos you upload there. If you don't like it you don't upload your video. But they can't just take all the rights to it without warning you.
Reading comments from various Gosselin blogs regarding Werny Gal's book, it appears that she MIGHT have used other blogger's comments in her book without their knowledge or consent.
If I read you correctly, would that be a violation of copyright material because she never asked for the original poster's consent to use their material? What if you at least cite the original source? Is it then okay to use that material without having to ask the original source first? (Isn't that what teachers/professors always told us to do? To cite our sources to avoid plagiarism?)
Therefore, if her book makes any profits and someone has concrete evidence to prove parts in her book came originally from their source, without their consent, is that original source entitled to any of those profits from the book? Is it possible for them to sue or seek legal action against her?
I've always wondered why some posters ask others if they could use their comments/materials for their own purposes. It never occurred to me, until now, that they are trying not to plagiarize material.
What does gross proceeds mean?
It is very ambiguous.
However, could it be possible that the Gosselin kids are now entitled to the entire gross including dvd sales and ad revenue, not just gross proceeds from the show alone?
If so, assuming the network is still profiting from the show, that is a lot more money than the 15% from Kate's salary.
It's too bad that the money isn't placed in a trust that cannot be touched until the kids turn of age.
Kate was the number seven douche bag of the year on the E! site.
Personally I would have given her the number one spot...
I frequent a professional discussion board on the internet. A member, who participates even though in a different career, often lifts entire
postings and puts them on his site for discussion (and usually derision). When asked to stop, he always asserts that whatever is on the internet blogs is not copyrighted and can be freely used anywhere.
The 5 page letter from the Attorney for the DOL is online
I'm sorry. I wasn't clear in my post. Yes, it is online, but it wasn't reprinted in the article that "just wondering" cited. It's a seven-page letter - maybe ABC didn't read the other two pages!
I am curious about one thing that perhaps Admin can help with. On page 3, it specifically states that the kids may work as long as it doesn't interfere with school attendance. This, however, is for 14-16 year olds who are employed as golf caddies. Because a "special performances permit" was issued to the children, does this mean that they DO NOT have to follow the rules for the 14-16 year olds because that rule (interference with school attendance) applies specifically to golf caddies? What about school attendance if a special performance permit is issued?
There is nothing stated that would indicate an exception to this rule if the school gives permission for the kids to be away for weeks at a time. A private school can give permission for absences, but I would think that the DOL ruling would supersede whatever attendance policy that the school has. The letter states that DOL may impose restrictions to permits that it issues. The question is...did it do just that, and if it did, does the bureau know that Kate took the kids out of school for nine days for the Australia trip, and was this a violation of the DOL ruling?
Admin: Thanks for your response on the copyright question. I don't see any TOS on the WG site, but maybe I'm not looking in the right place. I think the question came up because of possible plagiarism - if a writer takes comments from a blog that he/she owns and reprints them in a book, is this plagiarism? She is saying that because she owns the blog, then she owns the comments. I would think that researching the internet wouldn't be sufficient in this case because the jury is still out and you're going to get different answers. Before I would write a book, I would check with an attorney experienced with copyright laws -- that person would be best qualified to research it. It seems to be a gray area and I just wouldn't take the chance.
Re: Copyright: Would that mean that all the information posted by Heather about NPD, that she was considering writing a book about, now belongs to WG?
According to WG, yes, it would. However, if she wrote the book FIRST and the book was copyrighted, and then she posted it on the blog, who would own it? Would there be dual ownership? ;-)
If I read you correctly, would that be a violation of copyright material because she never asked for the original poster's consent to use their material? What if you at least cite the original source? Is it then okay to use that material without having to ask the original source first? (Isn't that what teachers/professors always told us to do? To cite our sources to avoid plagiarism?)
I'm wondering the same thing. She states that she did not give credit for comments to specific bloggers, but instead "acknowledged" everyone whose comments she used in the back of the book. So it seems that she neither sought permission nor gave proper attribution. I don't see how she can claim that posters' comments are her intellectual property.
She states that she did not give credit for comments to specific bloggers, but instead "acknowledged" everyone whose comments she used in the back of the book
Did she acknowledge each blogger (individually, by name, as in a works cited list), or was it just a blanket acknowledgment, all-encompassing? If it's true that even if a blog is copyrighted but the individual bloggers still own their own posts, then I would certainly think that if those bloggers wanted to press the issue (if profits were made from the book sales), they could have a legitimate complaint. The problem is, what damages, if any, could be claimed?
Is there a terms of service or terms of use with a disclaimer that all posts belong to the owner of the blog? I couldn't find it, but it may be hiding there somwhere!
fidosmommy said... When asked to stop, he always asserts that whatever is on the internet blogs is not copyrighted and can be freely used anywhere.
This discussion is a breath of fresh air. Nice!
I think this is still an ongoing issue as to what is really protected on the internet under copyright laws.
When I had to design an educational website for my education technology course, my professor stressed that any material I used from the internet should at least be cited with a "Courtesy of [...]" or a footnote with a direct link back to the original source/website, not just under a separate "resources" page but rather on the same page where you use that material. (One good example of this is wikipedia that uses footnotes and provides links at the bottom of the page.) As long as you cite the original source with a direct, specific link (not just the general home page) and don't claim that material as your own, then it cannot be considered copyright infringement.
I didn't have to ask for consent before using the material on my website, but if the original source were to ever contact me about removing their material from my website, then I had an obligation (not just common courtesy) to do so.
It's similar with posters here that post information from other sites. As long as they cite the source and provide a direct link with the material in their comment, it cannot be considered copyright infringement. However, if that original source were to post here asking that we no longer post info/links from their site, then we could be infringing on their copyright material if we still continued to do so.
Looking at the pictures of the top 10 douche bags for 2010 and still just can't get over that scarecrow hair of hers, that horrible outfit she has on. And it reminds me how she claimed she wanted to dress carefully so her kids would not be embarassed or see her in an 'unseemly' manner. Yet, the minute the warm weather comes around she is mostly naked around them in her bikinis every chance she gets or she has on a top cut down to there with her fake books hanging out. If her lips are moving, she's lying.
Moose Mania said...
Admin: Thanks for your response on the copyright question. I don't see any TOS on the WG site, but maybe I'm not looking in the right place. I think the question came up because of possible plagiarism - if a writer takes comments from a blog that he/she owns and reprints them in a book, is this plagiarism? She is saying that because she owns the blog, then she owns the comments. I would think that researching the internet wouldn't be sufficient in this case because the jury is still out and you're going to get different answers. Before I would write a book, I would check with an attorney experienced with copyright laws -- that person would be best qualified to research it. It seems to be a gray area and I just wouldn't take the chance.
It also doesn't hurt to practice common courtesy first and ask the original source if you can use their material in your book.
That's sneaky practice of Werny Gal to now claim copyright ownership of comments left on her blog. I was not aware of this and have posted in her blog in the past (under a different name), and I personally feel it would be unethical not to give credit where credit is due. If she did this to avoid having to ask for consent from individual posters, then that is shady and I am even more disappointed in her current actions.
If there is some disclaimer or terms of service listed on Werny Gal's site, please tell me where I can locate this information and I will retract my original opinion. As an owner of a separate non-related website, I make it a practice to list any disclaimer in a visible manner on multiple pages (not just the home page) where visitors can easily see it before contributing to my site.
Thanks Admin for stating and clarifying to your readers that our comments belong to us!
Re: Copyright: Would that mean that all the information posted by Heather about NPD, that she was considering writing a book about, now belongs to WG?
According to WG, yes, it would. However, if she wrote the book FIRST and the book was copyrighted, and then she posted it on the blog, who would own it? Would there be dual ownership? ;-)
How would that work? Hopefully, Heather gave her consent for Werny Gal to use her material in her book and it works both ways to Heather's advantage.
I don't think it's fair to Heather to have to cite Werny Gal as a source or ask for her consent to use her own original material (Heather's, not Werny Gal's posts) in her own book.
It's one thing to take material from another source and post it on another site for your benefit (as some posters have experienced above), but it's another thing to use material without consent and proper credit for a published book. It's still unethical practice even if one was to never actually profit from this book. You can't use that as an excuse to justify the book.
You'd be surprised how many people are willing to participate or cooperate with whatever your project is if you just ask.
I'd rather not give details but I've been involved with an ongoing project for a few years now that is heavily reliant on others, and I would say more than 90% of people I ask to participate are thrilled to do so. With that many people willing to help out, you can just tell the other 10% who would rather not share that's ok thanks anyway.
This completely eliminates any fear of copyright or lawsuits when you get people's permission. It's nice to just live without that fear.
OC Girl, that was for educational use, and there is a lot more leeway for that. Educational use isn't just whatever you write claiming it's educational, but rather, usually has to be used in an academic type setting. Another exception is Fair Use. I get away with posting short Gosselin video clips under Fair Use, which allows LIMITED copyrighted material for purposes of debate. If I posted the whole episode I would probably find myself in trouble.
Simply citing something is not going to always protect you from copyright. To that guy saying he can post whatever he wants on his blog because it's the internet, that is absolutely 100% not true. That's like saying it's not check fraud if I use electronic checks. You bet it is.
The direction I've seen the law going is to try to treat the internet similar to other forms of medium, even though it has some major differences. The direction is certainly not a legal free for all as many people act like it is.
That wrong impression I think is because it's so much easier to get away with things on the internet because of the anonymity. People assume because I can get away with it, it must be legal. This is how Napster was, so many people really thought that was legal until they finally found a way to bust people.
For instance grown mature women wouldn't normally pull what someone says, say in a newspaper, and post it everywhere and make fun of it over at the beauty parlor or church or restaurant. But on the internet, it's ok because it's anonymous.
I'm hearing that some comments were pulled but I don't know if they were pulled without permission. Were any comments pulled from here or did anyone have their comments pulled from elsewhere without their permission?
Administrator said...OC Girl, that was for educational use, and there is a lot more leeway for that. Educational use isn't just whatever you write claiming it's educational, but rather, usually has to be used in an academic type setting. Another exception is Fair Use. I get away with posting short Gosselin video clips under Fair Use, which allows LIMITED copyrighted material for purposes of debate. If I posted the whole episode I would probably find myself in trouble....
Thanks for the clarification!
Just wanted to add my experience to the discussion, but I see now that it is different for non-educational purposes.
They are copyrighted to her blog if she has a terms of service or a statement on her copyrighted blog that any and all comments made on her blog (compilations) become a part of her blog's copyright. If commenters want to retain their ownership of their comments made, then they wouldn't comment on that blog. It is pretty straight forward.
Anyone taking any blog post and their comments (compilations) then they are infringing and if her blog is registered, that would allow her to collect monetary damages for said infringement.
Anyone that owns a blog or site should register it.
Infringement, I agree with the first part. If there is a terms of use, which apparently there isn't that anyone can see.
I don't agree or understand the second part. You don't need to "register" your blog to sue for copyright. Register with who? The big bad government? You don't even need to put a little c next to anything. A common misconception is that you have to march yourself down to some copyright office to copyright things. Not so. Just by virtue of posting here you have a copyright. It's automatic. My blog is automatically copyrighted (the posts) and your posts are automatically copyrighted--no worries.
"It also doesn't hurt to practice common courtesy first and ask the original source if you can use their material in your book."
Absolutely, but I'd get it in writing with a signature, just so I would be covered if any questions about it ever came up. If that meant sending a fax or snail mail with a notarized statement that includes a signature, so be it. I wouldn't rely solely on an e-mail consent. Too much can go wrong.
Thanks, Admin, for commenting on this issue. I didn't know when I asked the intial copyright question that quite a few would also be interested in the same topic. I was simply curious about who owned the comments if a blog was copyrighted. I know that quite a few of my posts here have been copied and pasted onto another blog, and I had wondered about the legality of it.
If someone wanted to initiate a lawsuit for plagiarism, would they also have to prove damages, both compensatory and punitive?
I found the following site. It gives the penalties for plagiarism (Check under "legal punishments"):
Just as an aside -- my family is friends with a musician/songwriter. One family member wanted to use some of the lyrics from one of that person's well-known songs in a publication. Everyone here would know the song unless they've been living in a man/woman cave for the past three decades. The editor of the publication refused to allow even partial lyrics to be printed without receiving a signed authorization from the songwriter himself, which was done. I think that in recent years there has been a crack-down on plagiarized material, ESPECIALLY with the advent of the internet. Professors routinely use "turnitin.com" to check for illegally copied works, and even if one sentence comes up as a match with a previously submitted paper by someone else, it spells big trouble for the student.
According to this plagiarism site, not even small parts of a work may be used without permission of the author, or without correctly citing the source. The question is whether or not the posts on a blog are the legal possession of the original blogger, or if they are the possession of the blog owner who has allowed the blogger to put his post on that blog.
I would think that a disclaimer or TOS would be a good way to protect the blog owner, but I'm not so sure that legally that would hold up in court. The internet has opened up a whole new area in terms of what's legal and what isn't. New laws will have to be written, and cases tested before any definitive answers can be found.
Moose Mania said...
I would think that a disclaimer or TOS would be a good way to protect the blog owner, but I'm not so sure that legally that would hold up in court. The internet has opened up a whole new area in terms of what's legal and what isn't. New laws will have to be written, and cases tested before any definitive answers can be found.
Nowadays, it seems very wise to always err on the side of caution. People are no longer hesitant to file lawsuits these days.
I, too, don't know how well a disclaimer or TOS holds up in court, but it doesn't hurt, as a site owner, to always remain upfront with your followers/readers about how you intend to use their content i.e. posts, photos, videos, etc. Moreover, any disclaimer should be CLEARLY VISIBLE and easy to locate. That way, it's harder for them to claim that you never warned them.
If you plan on using their current/future material for your own purpose, it would be ethical to at least inform your followers/readers about this and give them ample time to remove their content, if they wish to do so.
Backtracking on something that was never clearly stated beforehand is just an excuse to cover up something you knowingly did.
I'm Curious Too said...She states that she did not give credit for comments to specific bloggers, but instead "acknowledged" everyone whose comments she used in the back of the book
Moose Mania said...Did she acknowledge each blogger (individually, by name, as in a works cited list), or was it just a blanket acknowledgment, all-encompassing? If it's true that even if a blog is copyrighted but the individual bloggers still own their own posts, then I would certainly think that if those bloggers wanted to press the issue (if profits were made from the book sales), they could have a legitimate complaint. The problem is, what damages, if any, could be claimed?
Are there different types of copyrights for blog owners to choose from? Or, do different blog sites copyright different material since Admin uses Blogger and Werny Gal uses Squarespace? We're getting two different responses here with Admin saying posters own their content, and Werny Gal claiming she owns her posters' comments. This is what's creating all the confusion yet an interesting, intellectual discussion.
It seems like some bloggers are upset but who knows if any of them are really willing to pursue any legal action. What evidence would they need and what legal action could they pursue? Like a cease and desist letter prohibiting the sale of the book or removal of specific content?
Did she actually use comments from her blog in her book? As someone who used to post infrequently on her blog, I would have liked to know beforehand that my comments could possibly be used for other purposes like a book (whether or not they were actually used).
However, if she used comments/info from another blog without properly citing the original source, then that's a different story.
I always assumed that the copyright is to protect the owner's content and what is put up on the site (to prevent from improper use, etc), not a transfer of ownership. Unless it was stated otherwise, I never for once thought that by posting my own thought on a person's blog would transfer ownership of that thought to the site owner. Does that even make any sense? Why would you want ownership of someone else's thought or the right to use it without consent and proper citation? Isn't that what we call plagiarism?
This never worried me before because I was under the assumption that what I post in a person's blog, most likely remains on that blog with no other intended use. This is such a unique situation for a blogger, if this is really true, to use others' comments from her blog and/or other blogs as references for a published book.
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