Tuesday, February 1, 2011

E! True Hollywood Story: Kate Gosselin--Discussion Thread

How did this small-town Pennsylvania kid grow up to be one of America's most famous--and reviled--mothers of all time? E! promises to tell us.

Airs Wednesday, Feb 2., 10 p.m. EST. on E!

355 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Gatorgirl said... 1

More like infamous.....uggggh!

mama mia said... 2

Won't watch. It is sad to see that Werny Girl sold out to the network. They should just quote her blog instead of having her on. Why would she ever state that Kate is admired for doing it all when she knows the help does it all. I don't buy her claims she is trying to protect the children, they need the doors flung wide open and freed from Kate, not this smarmy cover up.

dee3 said... 3

Hmm....I am quite ambivalent here....do I or do I not want to watch this? On the one hand, I loathe watching anything with Kate in it....esp. if she opens her mouth. But on the other hand, it might be worth it if it gives any decent insight into what played a role in the making of one of the worst narcissists I've seen since Casey Anthony.

Does anyone have any idea if these E channel shows like this give good insight into the characters they are portraying or is it going to likely be just a puff piece? I'm not really familiar with this particular show on the E channel so I would appreciate any input anyone could give regarding just how insightful this might be about the REAL Kate...the malignant narcissist.....OR...will it just be the typical portrayal of a celebrity without any of the dirt..or any of the psychiatric problems?


Darcy said... 4

Figures it would air on Groundhog Day - we're all stuck in a world where it feels like all the Gosselin insanity just won't stop and keeps repeating ad nauseum - and we can't do anything to stop it!

I wish the fact that the groundhog saw his shadow meant an early end to certain TLC programming.

Mandy said... 5

It's pretty ugly out there, and I don't just mean the weather.

For the sake of a number of people who have left the flock, I do hope they portray Kate in at least a little bit of a positive light on this show to give the sheeple at least something to comment on and cling to. The hatred from them is disturbing!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. It's more about the war than the people involved anymore, at least on their part. Their numbers are small, but they're fiercely protective of their stance. I believe that many of them don't believe deep down in their hearts that they're right anymore, but they've dug in and will not recant! Total denial! They're going down with the ship!

And God help anyone who defects. I hope that Nina is ready for the onslaught. I tend to give her the benefit of the doubt, because I was not really involved and fairly sheeple-ish in some ways before the appearance on Regis and Kelly, the expulsion, and the Sarah Palin show. That's too much evidence to ignore if you're open-minded and playing with a full deck. I think most of the sheeple are lacking one or the other, and a few really scary individuals lack both.

I see the way they gang up on and spew at people with differing opinions on their blogs, but Nina having a bigger venue is putting them over the edge.

No E! for me said... 6

Darcy said...

Figures it would air on Groundhog Day - we're all stuck in a world where it feels like all the Gosselin insanity just won't stop and keeps repeating ad nauseum - and we can't do anything to stop it!



I don't even know where the E! channel is on my TV. With 200 something channels to choose from, I think I'll be able to find something else to occupy my time.

Mandy said... 7

Figures it would air on Groundhog Day - we're all stuck in a world where it feels like all the Gosselin insanity just won't stop and keeps repeating ad nauseum - and we can't do anything to stop it!


Oh, I think it's all slowly grinding to a halt. Kate might not get it right, but enough other people have gotten off the train that I think very soon the Gosselin children will have the privacy they deserve and need so very badly.

The thing I fear the most about it all is that the loving they do receive is probably limited to their mom when they are on camera, the camera crew, teachers, students and parents from their school who have them over to play or spend the night, and Jon, and I'm not sure he has a proven track record yet (though he's obviously very loving toward his children). That's just not enough. When the filming is over, there goes the mom's affection and the camera crew that obviously loves them... What will they have left?

I'm reminded of the old Boxcar children stories. Let's hope they band together as a team and that some family member is able to rescue them someday. I know that sounds dramatic, but unfortunately, it's true.

JudyK said... 8

I will probably throw something through the t.v. if ANYONE talks about how "Kate does it all." Hopefully, I'll be asleep before it comes on.

GoogleHer said... 9

Werny Girl sold out becasue she has her "book" coming out and is just another person trying to make a quick $$ of the Gosselins. She is as bad as everyone else riding this gravy train. She wants to portray herself as some sort of expert becasue she lives in the same town and is a practicing psychologist (although I've read that she's not licensed and hasn't been for a while).

Hippie Chick said... 10

I wanted to bring a quick discussion from the last thread over here. It's about what Kate would do if TLC dumped her sorry ass. I have said time & again, that Kate would be play the victim & turn around & blame them for exposing all of her life's little secrets, for MAKING her do this reality show, for forcing her to show the things she has shown (ex; vomit-fest, kid on the laundry room floor, etc), & for TLC NOT editing out the bad even though Kate wanted them to. Kate will BLAME BLAME BLAME TLC for everything that has gone wrong in Kate's life; her divorce, her lack of privacy, her 2 kids getting expelled, the fact that she HAD to throw Jon under the bus numerous times, ALL of these things, Kate will put the blame on TLC.

When TLC decided that Kate is not ratings-gold anymore (which let's face it, she is NOT) Kate will turn everything around & play the victim once again. Everything will be their fault. Her excuse will be "I didn't know what I doing. I was young & overwhelmed. I had 8 babies. They took advantage of me". Will people see through her crap & lies again, that's the question. WE know it's a LIE. She plays the victim like an Oscar winner plays his role in a movie. I just hope she steps up & takes responsibility for the fact that she played a HUGE role in destroying these kids lives, the biggest actually. Maybe people would respect her more for that if she told the frigin truth once in awhile. She is still Satan as a blond, but she NEVER takes responsibility for any of her own actions, EVER. Isn't that what a respectable adult does? She needs to find her way & grow up...she isn't teaching her children shit about life & how to be commendable members of society. (that's a whole other post. I ranted again! Damn me!!) :)

LindaFake said... 11

"mama mia said...
Won't watch. It is sad to see that Werny Girl sold out to the network. They should just quote her blog instead of having her on. Why would she ever state that Kate is admired for doing it all when she knows the help does it all. I don't buy her claims she is trying to protect the children, they need the doors flung wide open and freed from Kate, not this smarmy cover up."

I think WG's quote may have been taken out of context. Here's the quote I read:

"Adds Polly Kahl, author of “Jon & Kate Plus Eight: Reality TV & The Selling Of The Gosselins” adds, “Kate’s fans admire her for being a working mom, having a lot of kids, managing a household and basically doing it all…when it’s very hard even for the average mom to do it.”

Notice the ellipses. Polly said the FANS admire her for those things and she may have had a BUT after saying that. I doubt Polly has sold out to the point where she agrees with Kate's fans.

Not Watching said... 12

WG's blog for some time has been nothing but promoting her connection to the news "reporter" who wrote an e-book about his experience covering the Gosselins.

Not interested in what she has to say or this E! show. Personaly, E! covers a lot of has-beens in these shows so hopefully this is just another sign of the end.

Don't hold your breath said... 13

Hippie Chick said... I just hope she steps up & takes responsibility for the fact that she played a HUGE role in destroying these kids lives, the biggest actually. Maybe people would respect her more for that if she told the frigin truth once in awhile. She is still Satan as a blond, but she NEVER takes responsibility for any of her own actions, EVER. Isn't that what a respectable adult does? She needs to find her way & grow up..


It's been said so many times, but I'll say it once more. Kate is a narcissist. She is NOT going to accept responsibility, step up, apologize. Any of it.

I think you're correct that she'll blame others when she's no longer on TV because that's how she'll see her fall from grace...as someone else's fault, but don't wait for her to EVER admit to her part in any of the fiasco called Kate + 8 or apologize. Narcissists don't do that.

Westcoaster said... 14

I for one will not be watching this, as I have not watched anything Gosselin since the Hawaii vow renewal debacle. I will probably let you all catch me, just that guilty pleasure of reading about the trainwreck. As for WG, I do think her remarks are out of context, but then again she certainly made the choice to talk about her neighbors for this tv show. And I won't be buying her book either, truly liked her thoughtful viewpoint but making $$ off this situation has turned me off at this point.

Laura D. said... 15

Mandy, welcome to the bright side! Your comment was spot on.

No E! for me, and Darcy: Groundhog Day is airing tonight the same time as the E! special. I’ll take Bill Murray over Kate any day of the week!

GoogleHer, I’m reserving comment on WernyGal’s book. It was born out of a series of interviews she did with a TV producer (not TLC) and she ended up with so much material she decided to make it into a book. Not sure why she decided to put Jon & Kate’s name in the title though, that is curious.

Westbrooke Neighbor said... 16

I don't think you will find out anything new. Few who are truly close to Kate did not cooperate. Note that there will be no one from the old Westbrooke neighborhood on this -- 3 years of this fiasco took place here and the meat of the entire story. Why? because those neighbors won't cooperate as they are busy continuing their private fight to get the laws changed to protect children from what they believe, after all they witnessed, as child exploitation. E is no better than the tabloids, just packaging something to see if they can get rating dollars. Disappointed with the neighbor in Wernersville. Maybe she will prove me wrong but it is looking like further dollars being made from the Gosselin children. Just doesn't seem right. Some of the children being removed from school was a major wake up call. These are good kids that are in the middle of a terrible situation where they had no choice but will pay the psychological price. There will be no glory in saying we told you so. Only sadness Please take a moment and think before you watch anything further that involves the children. Thank you for listening.

Mandy said... 17

When TLC decided that Kate is not ratings-gold anymore (which let's face it, she is NOT) Kate will turn everything around & play the victim once again.


Hippie Chick, I believe you're right, but it doesn't bother me too much, because somehow I doubt she'll be given the platform to express her "poor me" status.

Lots has happened since Thanksgiving, but I believe that's the last time she got any air time at all from anything but her shows. I don't think anyone will want to hear it. Anyone who knows anything about the awful things she has done to her children is pretty finished with her.

Mandy said... 18

When TLC decided that Kate is not ratings-gold anymore (which let's face it, she is NOT) Kate will turn everything around & play the victim once again.

@Hippie Chick

I believe you're correct, but I don't think it's going to be anything to worry about, since I don't think she'll be given a platform to voice her "poor me" status anymore.

Lots of things that have negatively affected her "persona" have occurred since Thanksgiving, but I don't think she's been given any air time for anything but her shows since them. I really think pretty much everyone is done with her. Anyone with any kind of normal perspective on things can see that she has all but destroyed her children, and I doubt they'll be asking her back on the air anytime. soon. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

Ingrid said... 19

Hippie Chick said...It's about what Kate would do if TLC dumped her sorry ass
Could TLC do some sort of contract if they do dump her that would keep her from bad mouthing them for a couple years or more? Or sue her for false statements? Or better yet not allow her to work for any competition for a set amount of time like they do in other professions?

Hoping it really is a TRUE Hollywood Story said... 20

Anyone know for sure whether ratings count if you are not living in the USA?? I haven't watched anything Gosselin since way before the fake wedding renewal in Hawaii, but I was thinking I would at least record this E special in the hopes that it is a TRUE story and knocks Ms. Thang down a few notches by revealing what she really is!!

MickeyMcKean said... 21

Today is just the calm before the storm ... no doubt tomorrow all the blogs will be buzzin!

I will be watching the E! THS episode tonight. I have watched several of the THS in the past and yes, they do show the good, the bad, and the ugly and I'm sure the same will apply to this episode of Kate too.

I agree with LindaFake - I think Werny Gal's comment has been taken out of context and I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt at this point in time.

As for Werny Gal's book that is going to be released, I think the title “Jon & Kate Plus Eight: Reality TV & The Selling Of The Gosselins” says a lot too.

As we all now know, reality TV is not "real" since it is scripted. Until I got involved with the Gosselin blogs, I had NO idea just how much is actually fake and how the viewers are manipulated.

The bottom line is that I sincerely hope that the E! special and Werny Gal's book BOTH help get the viewers who are still tuning in to Kate Plus 8 to stop watching once and for all so the Gosselin children can finally enjoy the rest of their childhood in private. No way, no how should someone else's children private moments be filmed and then marketed as "entertainment" for complete strangers, especially if some or all of the kids themselves no longer want to participate. Just the fact that they are having problems in school tells me something is seriously wrong and the time to cancel the show is NOW.


fidosmommy said... 22

I remember one episode about the time of the divorce. Kate was outside and for some reason the camera was quite low, giving a good view of her chin. Something was said about Jon wanting to stop filming, and her nuttered response was
"That is so not going to happen." Does anybody else remember that? I remember thinking at that time that she would completely disregard any advice to put her children first.

I will not be watching the E! program, and am unsure what I'm going to do about WernyGal's
book. I got Al's book on Kindle, but never finished it.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 23

Hippie Chick said...

When TLC decided that Kate is not ratings-gold anymore (which let's face it, she is NOT) Kate will turn everything around & play the victim once again. Everything will be their fault. Her excuse will be "I didn't know what I doing. I was young & overwhelmed. I had 8 babies. They took advantage of me". Will people see through her crap & lies again, that's the question. WE know it's a LIE.


Problem with that is that there is video documentation recorded by TLC, where she states:

"I do watch the shows before they air, and there have been a few occasions where I have said "ughhh." But, again, it is up to them whether they take it out. I know when I am inviting them into my house they are able to show whatever it is they have [filmed]. However, when I speak up about the kids and things I don't want about the kids in, I am listened to and I need to have that say. I will sacrifice myself. I mean, they crucify me. So what do I care? If I don't have a thick skin, I guess I'll never have one. Where the kids are concerned, I don't like them to be shed in an ugly light."


So basically, Kate admitted that she was fully aware of everything, and willingly wanted to continue filming her mess of a life for the sake of the show.

Maybe she'll use the insanity defense...

As for watching "E-True Hollywood Story" tonight, I think I will pass. I have seen and heard enough about Kate and her "life".

Anyway, I have a yoga class to attend- much more enjoyable than watching a show about her "life".

Kate Gosselin makes me retch.

marie said... 24

I personally don't think Kate will blame TLC for anything. They both got what they wanted. Kate has enough money now that she can support herself and the kids if she invests wisely, and I think she will. TLC made millions off of her and the kids. It was a win-win. They both knew it would come to an end one day.

As for the E! show, people like Werny Gal have a lot of opinions about Kate until they actually have to say these opinions on the record, in person, and face to face with someone. It's a lot easier to write things on a blog than it is to say something in person and I really don't think Werny Gal has any more insight into Kate Gosselin's real life than any one who reads the news items.

As for buying her book - - why would anyone want to buy a book that is just a rehash of what she has written on her blog? There are no bombshells in the book. It is all a rehash of the secondhand information she has on her blog.

Mimi to 3 said... 25

Mandy, you are spot on with your definition of the fans. This whole thing has gone beyond nasty and hateful on their part. We are not even allowed to have our opinion on Kate since we disagree about her. They rip us to shreds and then claim they don't understand how people can hate on people they don't even know - i.e. Kate.

I will be watching tonight. From what I have read Kate refused to participate in the show so that says a lot to me about what will be on it. I never watch E!, but I will be tonight. What I would love to see are some people from her past, schoolmates, friends, guys she dated, other family or neighbors tell what she was really like way back when. I don't necessarily think that is what will happen, but you never know. I don't think it will be a big bash a thon about Kate, but I have a feeling it is not going to be a love a thon as we usually see. We may see a more factual and fair presentation than when she goes on the talk shows and spews her lies.

I feel incredibly sorry for the children of the fans. As much hatred as they spew at any non fan must zap any kind of good out of them -- and the children are the ones who always wind up suffering. And besides, by their own words, they are just like Kate. Scary.

Lynn said... 26

Nothing the E show might reveal is worth watching and giving them ratings. I feel so sorry that the Gosselins' children are not as important to them as their own greed and grifting. Have not watched anything regarding this "family" nor will I. The Hawaii vow renewal was the icing on the cake.

Mamma said... 27

I'd rather watch poker than this show and I hate watching poker on tv.

Warmth Of The Sun said... 28

"WG's blog for some time has been nothing but promoting her connection to the news "reporter" who wrote an e-book about his experience covering the Gosselins."


I've long thought that this person likes to rub elbows with people in the know. What really turned me off was a blog written about the child labor law hearings with Petersen, Arngrim, Provost and Representative Murt. In one of her responses to comments, she mentioned Representative Murt: "Tom as I now call him," saying that she was proud to have him on a PA payroll. Maybe it was just me, but it came off as being pompous.

I've known politicians for years, and not only local representatives, but state senators as well. I always address them as Senator ______, never by their first names. It's a matter of respect. However, after meeting Representative Murt one time, she now called him, "Tom." It did kind of make me giggle...

Whether or not her comments have been taken out of context remains to be seen. It does sound like she said that it is the FANS who admire Kate, not that WG admires her. It is disappointing, though, that there are people riding this gravy train, just to make a name for themselves, or for profit (book sales).

Is Admin planning to do a recap? Sorry if I missed that discussion.

Midnight Madness said... 29

Has there been any mention of the "fans" who were interviewed? Has BM spoken to them? After all, she is Kate's bff, administrator of the most popular, biggest fan site on the internet! One would think that she would snake her way into this show, one way or another!

Roxane said... 30

Statement of the year(from a sheeple):"the kids are happy smart normal kids end of story stfu"(the rest of the comment is kind of ugly so..) all I dared to say is that the kids should know their shapes at 6 and should not be expelled and should not have to hide from paps and should not be pulled out of school..(ok well I may have called her brainwashed too but that is purely because everything coming out of her mouth I've heard it before coming out of Kate's)

I gave up after that statement.You cannot convince the sheeple the kids are miserable or hurt or delayed and just basically not okay.Who does not see the fact that two of them do not attend school anymore as a red flag? Who in their right mind? They say they care about the kids, all they care about is being entertained by their vomit,pain,tantrums and tears. It's almost as sad as Kate's exploitation, that people are so blind and support the exploitation,that they don't even see it.

I just don't understand why? Why of all the reality show moms these people picked Kate and why are they defending her like their lives depend on it? I don't understand WHY are they defending her so hard? Why are they being so aggressive? Why would anyone get so worked up over a stranger? God I am a fan of singers and actors which I appreciate for their talent but...how do you get to the point where you take it PERSONALLY when somebody insults someone you're a fan of?

Bleep Werny Says said... 31

I am witholding most of my judgement of WG ( but not all ) until after I hear what exactly she has to say on this story.

However, I feel like she was bitten by the celebrity bug the moment the G's moved to her area, and when she met a few famous people at that child labor law hearing...well....I just feel like she's trying to climb her way into that "business". And she's using the G's as a stepping stone.

I think the book is out of line and will not reveal anything most bloggers don't already know. It's just a way for her to get her name out there and profit at the same time.

I read that she softened what she had to say about kate because she was worried about the kids hearing it. If she was so worried, she would've declined being interviewed and scraped any book ideas (Al must've revealed to her how much he made off his book ).

There was a time I really liked her and respected her opinions. But now I can see her motives are not because of the kids. It's because she wants to be known.

I have no doubts she would JUMP at the chance to be Kate's new BFF if given the opportunity.

I'll refrain from doing what sheeple do when you don't agree with them ( name calling and slander ), but I feel like WG is just like everybody else who exploits the G kids. I'm disappointed in her, but will not vilify her. She knows deep down she has no business making one dime, from a book or ads, off what these kids have had to endure.

Tick Tock said... 32

If this E! THS only painted Take in a good light, I doubt it would have seen the light of day. Nobody wants to watch "nice"...we live in an era where only sensationalism sells...the more controversial, the better...

Sooner or later (I predict sooner), TLC will "get it." Babies are cute to look at when they're babies and train wrecks can captivate our attention for a short period. Now really, besides the bloggers, how many in the casual viewing public really give a hoot about someone else's bratty, unappreciative, school-aged kids? She really has nothing to offer in the way of "entertainment" any longer...

Look at Britney Spears, Larry Birkhead and Paris Hilton...three years ago, we couldn't get our fill...now we barely hear any mention of them and our attention span has moved on to the likes of Teen Mom and Mel Gibson.

It WILL end...Take is fast approaching anonymity, and I predict that by time next year, no more magazine covers, no more Today show, no more Chris...the general viewing public just doesn't care about a 35+, orange, fake Barbie wannabe (can you say Pam Anderson), with the personality of a door.

Sure hope she's been saving for her rainy day because it's about to pour.

JudyK said... 33

Don't Watch said... JudyK said...

I will probably throw something through the t.v. if ANYONE talks about how "Kate does it all." Hopefully, I'll be asleep before it comes on.

Why do you need to be asleep before it comes on to miss it? If you don't want to watch it, turn off the TV or change the channel. It's pretty simple.

I don't need you giving me advice, "Kate," or telling me what to and what not to watch.

Previous E! THS subjects said... 34

dee3 said...
Hmm....I am quite ambivalent here....do I or do I not want to watch this? ...Does anyone have any idea if these E channel shows like this give good insight into the characters they are portraying or is it going to likely be just a puff piece? I'm not really familiar with this particular show on the E channel so I would appreciate any input anyone could give regarding just how insightful this might be about the REAL Kate...the malignant narcissist.....OR...will it just be the typical portrayal of a celebrity without any of the dirt..or any of the psychiatric problems?


Dee, E!THS usually gives a pretty balanced look at their subject. They've done stories since '96 on the Menendez brothers, River Phoenix, Anna Nicole, Michael Landon, Inside the Mind of a Serial Killer, Donald Trump, and many others.

They look into the subject's past and try to explain the reasons for the success, failure, or death of the person. The show about Kate would be difficult, but IMO interesting because so many people aren't participating - not Jon, nor the kids, paps, relatives, nor Kate herself. I don't think it will be a puff piece (my fingers AND toes are crossed however - lol), but I have no doubt that they'll be able to dig up enough info about her to tell the story. The E-Network isn't related to TLC/Discovery so they have nothing to gain or lose with this story (TLC will probably use it as a barometer for Kate's longevity, though) other than to boost their own ratings.

Check out this list of previous E!THS episodes and I think you'll see that most of them (especially at the beginning) are what I'd consider to be 'notorious' characters and Kate fits in quite well with them.


Her nose is out of joint said... 35

Midnight Madness said...
Has there been any mention of the "fans" who were interviewed? Has BM spoken to them? After all, she is Kate's bff, administrator of the most popular, biggest fan site on the internet! One would think that she would snake her way into this show, one way or another!


BM's nose is out of joint about it because she wasn't asked. The only blog interviewed was WG.

Aeris said... 36

Westcoaster, I also have not watched anything "Khate" since 2008, but it was the North Carolina trip that did it for me. Standout moments included the poor girls being forced to get cornrow braids (because they were free and oh-so-cute!) and Khate rudely pushing Joel away from helping with the "girls only" flag cake. That moment just broke my heart. It was then that I realized her kids were props, and her main focus was marketing her family, with all the matchy-matchy crap. I just can't watch her, it's more unpleasant than anything I could do in an average day, within reason. I also feel for the kids, so not watching gives me peace of mind and no guilty feelings.

Despite that, I may actually watch this special, on Youtube or on one of its multiple airings. As long as Khate and TLC are not financially benefiting from it, I'm game.

Laura D. said... 37

Werny Gal has finished her book! Check out her blog for details.

Mimi to 3 said... 38

Roxane, the fans are the way they are because they consider themselves 'just like Kate'. I heard BM claim this herself on multiple occasions. I don't believe that it has anything to do with Kate anymore, it is that they have developed such a hatred for us, the non fan, and that we have spoken out about it, that is what and who they hate so much. The one who thinks she is the head sheeple has such a few commenters and they all mimic her with every comment. I do believe they love Kate, but they hate us more. It's not going to change, it will only get worse now that every media outlet and commenter and organization is coming out and talking about Kate and it is never in a friendly way. Everyone except for the few fans that are left see Kate very clearly for who and what she is.

Anon 1 said... 39

Why of all the reality show moms these people picked Kate and why are they defending her like their lives depend on it? I don't understand WHY are they defending her so hard? Why are they being so aggressive? Why would anyone get so worked up over a stranger?
I think it's funny that the sheeple will rag on about they don't understand how us "haters" can hate Kate so much, since we don't even know her, yet they are blindly loving and supporting a fake mom as if they're her best friends.

No Baby Mama wasn't contacted, I think that's why she's been super nasty lately, she's pissed that E! didn't call HER! Kate's biggest fan!

Anonymous said... 40

I won't watch, was never a devoted watcher to begin with. As time went by the more Kate that came out via internet, magazines and a few glimpses I caught on TV that I wonder now, how can anyway watch this, let alone how can Kate be satisfied that TV-lifestyle has destroyed her once happy-suburban run of the mill family life? I guess there is no figuring out some people.

This E-show has no interest. Its ben a train wreck for so long they need to start picking up the pieces I think now. Her kids are 10 and soon to be 7 years old when is enough enough? When can anyone truly just sit back and be satisfied with what they have, sure we could all use more, doesn't mean we need it and to rememebr there will always be someone who has less than you do and not to rub it in their face because one day you could be at that other end in blink of an eye.

I just hope this story, good or bad is going to be part of the end. Nobody's life deserves to be shared by everyone all the time, family, friends, TV or otherwise certain things deserve the right to the enjoyment of the person and that moment in time yet I doubt Kate or those around her see it that way and that's sad.

Sherill said... 41

dee3 - WG stated on her blog weeks ago that she had consulted Paul Petersen when she was initially approached by E! to get his opinion. He strongly encouraged her to do this and explained that they are the most reputable show out there in this genre. He told her that he had personally been involved in several of their shows and has never been sorry. I believe that he is also interviewed for this documentary. Also, many fans (fanatics) have been dissing her for "taking money" to do this E! show. NOT TRUE! E! True Hollywood Stories is a documentary which participants are NEVER paid to do. From E! shows that I have seen, I think that they are balanced. WG also stated that the producers read all the blogs but decided to only contact WG. (I know how the fanatic owners of those sheeple blogs are green with jealousy over that)

GoogleHer - You are just repeating LIES that the sheeple have told about WG ever since they first began stalking her & Admin last spring. WG is a LICENSED therapist. This is PUBLIC information and very easily proven by googling the PA website.

Enough in New Jersey said... 42

KHate being on True Hollywood Story reminds me of the Christmas show the one were the women is the female version of Scrooge and her Christmas future is when see awakes to the TV with her own life story on True Hollywood Story When I think of KHate and that scenerio I laugh out loud how truely similar. Not watching in hopes that it sends a message - it being Ground Hog Day fitting as I am sure they will try to milk it over and over again -
If anything really puts KHate in a bad light can't wait to her how she spins it -- another BOO WOO poor me interview on the Today Show ?

LindaFake said... 43

"I just don't understand why? Why of all the reality show moms these people picked Kate and why are they defending her like their lives depend on it? I don't understand WHY are they defending her so hard? Why are they being so aggressive? Why would anyone get so worked up over a stranger? God I am a fan of singers and actors which I appreciate for their talent but...how do you get to the point where you take it PERSONALLY when somebody insults someone you're a fan of?"

This is a mystery but I have some idea of why. They are the sort of people who love to fight and hate to lose.

When things started out with the blogs it was easy to point fingers and peg what they call the haters as crazy people making stuff up. They defended Jon as much as they did Kate back then because they insisted that those negative haters didn't understand the dynamic and humor between Jon and Kate and the marriage wasn't in jeopardy at all.

Then as time went on and with the divorce more and more things predicted by the so-called haters came true. The Kate fans had a nice respite where Jon made a fool of himself and they could focus on him, but then as more time went on and Jon faded from the spotlight the general public started to turn against Kate. And if that weren't enough, recently the mainstream media has turned against Kate.

The sheeple are clinging to the good old days when they could easily feel smarter and cooler and superior to what they call haters. It's not so easy for them now and they have to fight even harder and dig in even deeper to hold onto that cool status they gave themselves. That's one of the reasons they sound so insane. To quote Linkin Park, they are "holding onto what they haven't got."

Roxane said... 44

Aeris, I just went on Youtube and saw that scene you were talking about, when Kate pushes Joel aside and it was such manipulation of the scene!
Joel came and asked what they were doing and said he wanted to help too.One of the girl tups said(at 4yo people)"It's a girl thing"
Then, the big scene:
Mady:"He can help" and something like come here Joel,I imagine because Kate's answer was:
"No, he can't come!"
Then Kate in the chair:And then it became a girl thing and THEY[the girls] were territorial and THEY didn't want the boys in"

This was just like on their 5th b-day party when they were in the parking lot and she tells the kids the paparazzi will get them or something and Joel asks:"What's paparazzi?" and Kate tells him not to say the word.In the chair Kate says: "When 5 year old Joel says,OH THERE'S THE PAPARAZZI, then you know you've been followed for a while..."

Yes, this is an honest person sheeple, not at all manipulative and totally washing your brains.

I am an only child but my two cousins are like my siblings,we grew up together.NEVER have I and my cousin left out her little brother(well he's only a year younger than us really), no matter what we did.I have never heard my uncle or aunt telling him there is something he can't do,only we can because we are girls and he's a boy.Also,when he got a toy gun as a present we wanted one too and guess what? we got ones, we were not told "no, you're a GIRL"(like one of the girl tups was told regarding that backpack from what I read around here). Also, when we got older we baked cookies together and he was not stopped by anyone to join us,he even enjoyed it.

This gender thing is so weird in the Gosselin family. And it was cruel to shove Joel aside but what's even sadder is that the little boy is used to the treatment.I remember the first special.When describing the kids Kate said something like:and then there's Joel, everybody forgets about Joel.Who says that about their kid?

Roxane said... 45

Oh and in that episode with the cake, the next sentence that came out of Kate's mouth was:"Oh let's face it boys' hands and nails are just always so dirty" . I read the recap over at GWOP to a beach episode and Joel had sand on his hands and apparently, another boy said uh disgusting hands and Joel started to cry desperately yelling I'm washing them now. There's something really wrong with that incident,IMO

westbrooke neighbor said... 46

I wish everyone would not worry about fans and fan sites. BM tried to skew one of our neighbors that contacted governmental agency's on what she saw and BM contacted her, made a threat and then wrote an article on her blog accusing the neighbor of stalking the Gosselins. She showed a picture of a car with someone taking a picture from inside the car to make it look like the neighbor did it. The funny part is all the tabloids contacted this neighbor including offering money for an interview and told her that if she would actually have pictures she could have made a mint. BM accused the neighbor of being jealous because Kate didn't talk to her - she talked to Kate. she just didn't agree with what she saw being done to the children. This particular neighbor was the one who gave the family the $50 gift card that Kate talks about in her book so that Kate could give to charity. BM even commented on sidewalks that this neighborhood doesn't even have. This neighborhood had to put protections in place because of the crazies, the uber fans, I believe every person who gets noticed at this level invites fans of all types and Kate Gosselin is no exception. With everything finally coming out, these types of fans are irrelevant. Please keep your focus on stopping the exploitation of children, in all capacities. Thank you

Anonymous said... 47

I don't have access to E so obviously will not be watching. I am very curious however and would appreciate a re-cap. I hope it will be well-balanced and not just a press agent's delight.

Hippie Chick said... 48

Roxanne said...
how do you get to the point where you take it PERSONALLY when somebody insults someone you're a fan of?

Welll...Ok, I'm a HUGE fan of John Lennon. Like, LOVE him. I admire him for many reasons. His music, his talent, his bed-ins, his peace movements, etc. He DID things for his fans, for the people, ya know? When people say distorted things about him, I get a tad offended. OK, I go a bit off, BUT, it's because the man HAD something to share. He was a gift to so many. He was struck down too soon & now we are without his music, & his peace loving happiness. The BIG difference between John Lennon & that wench whose name I won't mention in the same sentence as my idol, is that Lennon had talent, he was put on this earth because he had something to share with the world. *she* doesn't. She is a useless famewhore who is famous for the sake of being famous. That's all. And you're right, the people defending her really are blind to the fact that she has no descernible talent whatsoever. She popped out some kids & sought out the lifestyle, that is all. My Guy, he wrote beautiful songs, played with the most successful bands EVER, helped develop said band, & went on to become a successful solo artist, in more ways than one.

*she* is nothing but lucky. I will NOT watch this THS. I don't give a rat's ass about her story. I do hope it's honest & they tell the truth about her. I hope they wipe the floor with her silicone. She needs to be exposed. I'll wait for what you guys have to say (IF you watch) & your witty remarks. :)

So? said... 49

Laura D. said...

Werny Gal has finished her book! Check out her blog for details.


Is it really necessary to advertise for her here?

Ellie said... 50

I think it's getting a little too judgmental in here about WG. The last thing we want to sound like is BM's blog spouting untruths OR predictions of WG's involvement before ETHS even airs.

I also don't think it's right to judge her until you've read her (whole) blog.
I'm pretty sure she's self publishing her book which would be at her own expense. I don't believe she thinks she'll be raking in the dough more than just recouping costs.

I will be watching tonight with the hopes that the real grittiness that is Kate will be exposed. And it's not to piss off the sheeple, I hope it mainstreams how desperately these children need help.

Sadiemay said... 51

Has Kate gone into hiding because of this E Hollywood story or didn't she do well in court ?

Chingada said... 52

The Gosselins are weird about gender. I never understood why the boys and girls aren't allowed in each others rooms.

barhopper said... 53

I have watched this E Hollywood Story before and my recollection is that they don't usually interview fans. But then again there are few if any real Stars that have as many non fans as Kate Gosselin. Actually ...I think that's what makes her so interesting to people.

Westcoaster said... 54

Funny about Kate and her boys; I was struck looking at that picture above, the one of her when she was a school girl, struck by how much at least two of the little boys look like her. Look at the eyes and the mouth, the grin. Another dimension to the way she treats those little boys, perhaps, but I am not the licensed psychologist. Just had never really seen the resemblance before.

Go Away Kate said... 55

No husband, no family, no friends.

Nobody to hold, nobody to sleep with, nobody to lean on.

Nobody to call, nobody to lunch with.

The most famous mother. . . no endorsements deals, no commercial advertising, not a "go-to" mommy advisor, no talk show, no tlc follow kart series. . . no more easy money.

She doesnt clean, cook, organize, or mother. Thats what the help is for.

She shops and schemes.

What other person (famous or infamous) goes on national tv to discuss their divorce, custody situation, custody schedule, intimate details of their childrens feelings, private six and ten year old child struggles, its the ex-husband bashing tour.

No show, no book, no plans, just the desperation.

Just a bikini. Thats all "super mommy" is.

Go Away Kate said... 56

A lot of snow and ice pelting their region if Im correct.

Hope they are not holed up in the house with her for the next couple days, victims of her reeling from the E show.

Hippie Chick said... 57

OT, but remember when Kate & her kids went to Bald Head in NC? That lady from HP was there & she reported about seeing Steve & Kate being all touchy-feely? I found the old post today, because a) I'm kinda bored whilst my son plays video games & b) I'm done downloading all my music to my ipod, but this struck me. Alexis had spit on one of her brothers over a candy bar or granola bar or something. This was in July or August I believe. NOBODY did anything about it, of course. Kate ignored it. Isn't that something? Isn't Alexis one of the kids that got expelled for discipline problems? Well, there ya have it. If maybe Kate had nipped it in the bud sooner, say, when she was spitting on her siblings, & gently tried to explain how that kind of thing is wrong & there are healthier ways to deal w/ anger issues, then maybe Alexis wouldn't be in the situation she is in now. But NO, Kate ignores it because she thinks it will go away on its own, Kate doesn't care as long as the money keeps rolling in. Those poor kids have no one to turn to. They need help dealing w/ their anger issues, their social behavior, & dealing w/ Kate most of all.

Anonymous said... 58

unfortunately, about Kate's "weird gender thing" with her children, is not just Kate. I worked as a rep for Hasbro for a few years and naturally most of my time was spent in Toys R Us stores and I saw many, MANY parents behave that same way with their children- fiercely reinforcing gender stereotypes/roles. I myself felt it was prohibiting the children, but they weren't my children....sigh.....

Charles Z said... 59

Oh, I think it's all slowly grinding to a halt. Kate might not get it right, but enough other people have gotten off the train that I think very soon the Gosselin children will have the privacy they deserve and need so very badly.

Unless they move to some other planet, I don't see the Gosselin children will ever have the privacy and anonymity they indeed deserve.

Perhaps, as adults, one by one, they may blend in with the rest of the world. Hopefully.

Roxane said... 60

butterfly, that's just sad.It's like telling a girl she can't be a police officer or telling a boy he can't be a teacher.And I don't mean can=be allowed to I mean can=being capable of and this only because of their gender.It's so crazy if you ask me.A child should be told he/she can do whatever they want in life, they can achieve anything as long as they are dedicated to their goal right? It feels wrong to discourage a child like this.

I remember when Joel(?) joke and said he's "daddy's girl", he was kidding but the drama.oh my God the drama! Both Jon and Kate FREAKED OUT...

On a different note, am I the only one who thinks Kate should have taken that opportunity on Halloween when Alexis was dressed as Cleopatra to teach the children about Cleopatra?

Also, this may be a little crazy but you said(one of you) at some point that one of the girl tups could read,just not so great sometime in summer last year.Yet in the Halloween special Aaden states he doesn't know how to read.Is it possible that the boys' setbacks have to do with Kate constantly talking about how girls are so much better? I saw this documentary, it was really interesting,it was about an experiment done on 3rd graders.Some of them were told they were smart, some were told they are less smart.The ones who where told they were less smart did poorly that they in school,although they were generally doing well. Is this a possibility?

All This Is That said... 61

"Werny Gal has finished her book! Check out her blog for details."



"She knows deep down she has no business making one dime, from a book or ads, off what these kids have had to endure."


But somehow these people always seem to have a way of justifying it.

OC Girl said... 62

In addition to Werny Gal, Paul Petersen from A Minor Consideration was also interviewed for the show.


If Werny Gal and Paul Petersen were not a part of the show, would us non-fans even be interested? Probably not. What additional insight would we learn about Kate that we haven't already heard from her books, media interviews, and from various Gosselin blogs?

Am I the only one who thinks the use of these two interviewees is to garner more interest/ratings from the non-fans, besides creating a balanced viewpoint of Kate?

If Admin were a part of this show, would more of us be willing to watch because we follow her blog and respect her viewpoints or would we also start criticizing her if a show took her comments out of context?

I'm sorry but I will not break my continuous commitment to not watch anything Gosselin related on tv. I'd feel like I played right into the network's hands, adding to their ratings.

prairiemary said... 63

Well, I hope there will be a re-cap somewhere with this E! documentary, as I live in Canada, hooked up to Shaw satelite T.V, and can not find it listed on my guide on any of the channels. I guess I am as curious as everyone else is.

School Days said... 64

"Yet in the Halloween special Aaden states he doesn't know how to read.Is it possible that the boys' setbacks have to do with Kate constantly talking about how girls are so much better? I saw this documentary, it was really interesting,it was about an experiment done on 3rd graders.Some of them were told they were smart, some were told they are less smart.The ones who where told they were less smart did poorly that they in school,although they were generally doing well. Is this a possibility?"

I am a Reading Specialist, so I believe I can speak to this. Yes, absolutely, students' sense of self efficacy (belief in one's ABILITY to achieve) is directly related to how "smart" they think they are. Low achieving readers have had many opportunities to fail; thus, they don't think they are very smart. Skilled instruction, coupled with self-esteem building, helps these children achieve success. There is extensive research on this, and I can attest from experience, that it is true.

With that said, I would respectfully ask everyone to please refrain from commenting/speculating on the Gosselin children's academic skills. It is none of our business, and I believe it is harmful to the kids to post about this. I do have a professional opinion, but I would never share it here. Thank you!

Snow Globe said... 65

GoogleHer - You are just repeating LIES that the sheeple have told about WG ever since they first began stalking her & Admin last spring. WG is a LICENSED therapist. This is PUBLIC information and very easily proven by googling the PA website.


Could you please provide a link to the licensed therapists in PA? Thanks!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 66

To the person who asked, the rule is no trash talking other blogs/bloggers. The rule is not, no criticizing. There's a difference. I'm allowing some limited criticism of WG because she has stepped out of the blog and agreed to speak publically about E! She is not just a blogger anymore, she is now a commentor on E! You are free to discuss anyone who agreed to speak with E! as long as you are respectful. If I were on E! I wouldn't ask people not to discuss what I had to say even if they were criticial.

I do find it amusing how clearly jealous this makes Kate's fans.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 67

I'm kind of waiting to see E! before I decide whether it's worth a recap. Part of the fun of recaps is snark and if there's not much to snark on it's not as fun to write a recap nor read it. We'll see how it goes!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 68

The gender thing is always a sad thing for these kids. It's too bad gender is even brought up, why should it even be an issue for kids this age?

It's also taken to a ridiculous extreme. Kate didn't want Alexis to have a lizard backpack because she is a girl. Huh? It's not like she asked for a X-Men backpack or a football backpack which are probably something more clearly aligned to boys--even though it shouldn't matter. I don't see how a lizard is anyway remotely specific to a boy. Why? Because boys are icky like lizards? Let the kid get her lizard backpack, let her show interest in bugs and lizards and creepy crawlies, she just might one day grow up to be an entomologist. That's what my aunt got her degree in, and no one said to her girls don't play with bugs. And that was the 60's. Her interest in creepy crawlies didn't do her any harm, she works at Duke and is happily married with two kids.

silimom said... 69

For those wishing to verify Polly Kahl/WernyGal's site:


In the "profession" field, select "social work"
In the "License Type" field, select "professional counselor"
In the "Last Name" field, type "Kahl"
Then click search. Her license information comes straight up, and she's the only Polly Kahl listed.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 70

On Paul Petersen's "A Minor Consideration" Facebook page, he posted the following:

Paul Petersen MEDIA ALERT! Tonight, Wednesday, "E: True Hollywood Story" will profile Kate Gosselin. I was one of the participants. Expect fireworks at the beginning and the end. 10pm, the E Channel. Share your reactions, please.
Paul Petersen


Prairiemary said... 71

"Expect fireworks!" Now I want to hear about it for sure! Admin., I am very happy that you are not part of the E! story, as I get very heated up whenever I see you beaten-up as it is! Anymore and I could get close to blowing a gasket, like #1 fan seems so close to blowing.

Fahnette said... 72


To quote Watchmen: Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.

fidosmommy said... 73

Roxane said.....
On a different note, am I the only one who thinks Kate should have taken that opportunity on Halloween when Alexis was dressed as Cleopatra to teach the children about Cleopatra?


Yes, these teachable moments are wonderful. However, they assume the adult has some knowledge of the subject. Do you really think
Kate knows enough about Cleo to explain her to the kids? "Well, she was a rich woman who floated on barges with all her gold glistening in the sun. I have no idea where she lived or what she did. Oh well, sure, you'll look rich and famous in that Halloween costume!"

Ice Maiden said... 74

Go Away Kate said...

A lot of snow and ice pelting their region if Im correct.

Hope they are not holed up in the house with her for the next couple days, victims of her reeling from the E show.


They're not. We lucked out and it wasn't nearly the Armageddon that was predicted. Not much snow this time, just some ice and freezing rain, turning to all rain. It's gone and the roads are clear. School's in session and all is right with the world!
She will hole up in the house without the kids, crying on Steve's shoulder if he's still there. Is he still with her when there is no traveling or personal appearances?

I'm watching said... 75

I'm watching when it comes on. For the first time ever it sounds as if we are going to hear a more balanced picture of Kate Gosselin. Then again, they may be tricking everyone into believing it is more negative than positive. But the fans are sure running scared, they are very worried that Kate might be 'presented in a bad light that is not fair to her at all'. Wow, just wow! When has Kate ever treated anyone fair in her life? Sometimes things you have done in the past come back to bite you in the butt, if this is the one for Kate, I want to watch, front row, bag of popcorn ready!

Legal Eagles said... 76

I wonder if she and TLC have their attorneys poised and ready for action, scribbling notes like crazy, ready to file that lawsuit for slander...

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 77

Well already they've made a mistake, they showed a photo of what I think is family friends, not Kate's parents.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 78

Haha, E! claims that Kate stalked her long-term boyfriend Adam Mueller after the break-up showing up at places he was. Who's the stalker now?

Pam said... 79

Administrator said... Well already they've made a mistake, they showed a photo of what I think is family friends, not Kate's parents.

February 2, 2011 7:10 PM

I know. I had to laugh. It was Nana Joan and her husband.

Uh, oh said... 80

Ok. Watching. She is the second child of five? When did that become the forgotten middle child. Lie the first.
It's a damned puff piece so far.
She is looking like a SAINT!!

Aeris said... 81

Wow, those weren't Khate's parents? Overall, this special is terrible. Gosselin 101 at best, with the big tabloid stories thrown in. I think I'm ready to turn it off. Kudos to anyone who is making it through this dreck!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 82

This isn't really worth recapping but there are a few new tidbits I hadn't heard before.

One is you know the quote where she said society has an obligation to support them. They had an interview with Kate right after that came out where she said she would never say that and that society does NOT have an obligation to them. Now whether she really was misquoted or that was a quick PR fix to claim she was misquoted to save face, who knows. But they've done some good sluething here.

A neighbor near the old house said the camera crews would go onto their property to film and invade their space. What jerks.

gotyournumberKate said... 83

I haven't heard one positive comment about Kate yet. I just wish E had gotten all their facts straight, it takes away from the validity of everything else.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 84

They're showing that infamous "Daddy don't go!" footage of the kids screaming for Jon outside the house, but they're not showing the sound.

Come on now E! The sound is sort of the whole point of that clip.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 85

At least this was a reminder Kate really couldn't shut up about the divorce when it happened could she? This woman was rabid. She was desperate to get her income back. They showed the clip where she claimed the kids were wailing and sobbing times 8 when she told them the camares were going away. It bears repeating. Kate if your kids are wailing and upset about a CAMERA CREW, maybe there is something disfunctional about that????

PJ's momma said... 86

We are playing Scrabble Slam and this is on in the background, so we're listening more than watching. But did you catch how her OWN doctor clarified that she was on 8 weeks bed rest? She has gone on and on and on about how she was on bedrest for 20 weeks or 30 weeks or whatever number feels right for that interview, doing everything she could to sustain those 8 little lives! But he was clear - she was put on bedrest at 20 weeks and was on bedrest a total of 8 weeks. Hahaha!!!

PJ's momma said... 87

Sorry, I meant 6 little lives in my last post. I still can't get over her overblown and inconsistent bed rest times!

Reality Bites said... 88

Wednesday, Feb 2 10:00 pm

The E! True Hollywood Story: Kate Gosselin
Kate Gosselin may not have been Mother of the Year, she was definitely one of the more fascinating moms out there and THS will bring viewers up to date on her intriguing story.

Thursday, Feb 3 6:00 pm

The E! True Hollywood Story: Kate Gosselin
Kate Gosselin may not have been Mother of the Year, she was definitely one of the more fascinating moms out there and THS will bring viewers up to date on her intriguing story.

Friday, Feb 4 2:00 pm

The E! True Hollywood Story: Kate Gosselin
Kate Gosselin may not have been Mother of the Year, she was definitely one of the more fascinating moms out there and THS will bring viewers up to date on her intriguing story.

Read more: http://www.eonline.com/on/shows/ths/index.jsp#ixzz1CrjNvcY4

Mimi to 3 said... 89

It had a few straight facts about Kate and her nastiness, but it also showed much more footage of her on the talk shows 'getting the truth out there'. What a bunch of BS. And I sure didn't see any fireworks at the beginning, the middle or the end. There was nothing new. They didn't present her as a saint, there were other viewpoints, but Kate got most of the spotlight. They didn't mention a thing about her nastiness on DWTS but made it look as though Tony thought she was just great. They showed the school along with the name where the kids go and while I think most of us know about that, this was a huge no-no to me. That should have been blurred. I think the biggest surprise of the night to me was Stephanie Santoro. She didn't look nearly as skankish as we have seen her in the past photos and she had nothing nice to say about Kate. She didn't rip Jon a new one either, but she did say things about Kate that were not nice at all. I loved seeing Jodi and Kevin. They are a very nice couple and family. And yeah, probably the best part of all -- Kate was a stalker. Who knew?

E-town Neighbor said... 90

Gee, Kenton and Charlene Kreider really changed their appearance!! LOL!! So much for the credibility of the show, if they couldn't even double-check the accuracy of the photos they were showing.

They missed the entire begging for nursing help from the state. This was when she made the statement that because modern science has made multiple births possible, then society was responsible for providing for them. This indeed was the argument she used to try to pursuade PA to continue support for another year.

Also glad to know that the first time Kate was on a plane was when she was famous. Gosh -- I didn't know she was famous when they flew to Disney for their wedding trip!

What a piece of fluff.

Chingada said... 91

I wasn't thrilled with it. They made Kate seem like a really hard-working do it all mom with some minor criticisms of her attitude.

IDModo said... 92

The only fireworks I experienced were the ones that came from my reaction to this vapid piece of badly put together historical tripe.
A few weeks ago Eric Roberts was calling Kate a child abuser. Now he is saying she's not a bad person.WTF?
I hope nobody expected that this was going to expose Kate in such a way as to end her "career" on the backs of her children, because they will be sorely disappointed.

Jen said... 93

E! is notorious for replaying their shows..I am on the West Coast - missed checking the channel at 7 but I just looked and she is NOT on anytime in the next 5 hours (so no immediate repeat) That to me is odd...fo example the Kardashians or Holly's World or any of those "reality" shows they play them East coast time ( 9 or 10) so I see them at (6 or 7) but they ALWAYS re-show them again at "viewing time" out here (so we would see at 9 or 10 and it would midnight/one for the replay) NOt sure if that makes sense....But anywho.....No replay.....

Just me said... 94

A total waste of time. Seeing WG participated in the E story, if it's any indication of what her book is, I wouldn't waste my money. Too many people were already ripped by their "other source," Al and his BS book. Nothing but a fluff piece and very disappointing.

It was just so-so said... 95


In truth it should have been titled the Jon and Kate Plus 8 THS because it was actually all their story (children included) and not just Kate's story.

I am glad they didn't totally bash on Jon. Stefanie Santoro was certainly tamed down from past interviews and they made the affairs sound like heresay and not proven facts.

I also thought the archival footage of them in the supermarket or being interviewed back in 2004 after the sextuplets were born really highlighted just how much fame had changed them (especially Kate) and how much it destroyed their family. Once they had all that outside help and did not need to rely on each other, they just lost their way. And no matter what a fun schtick it is to play up bashing and bossing around your goofy husband for the TV cameras and ratings, it may have made for great TV, but was not a great idea for sustaining a marriage for the long haul. She gradually lost all respect and usefulness for Jon, making way for the more dominant master manipulator Stevie boy.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 96

This piece had the distinct sensation of being yesterday's news. Did anyone else feel that way? Like they should have aired it in 2009.

I think that's a good thing.

It was just so-so said... 97


Most of that footage was aired by E on a half hour special back in 2009 that was titled Jon and Kate Marriage in Crisis or something to that effect. I think very little of it was actually new footage or information.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 98

Ironically Stefane Santoro had what I think was one of the best remarks of the night.

She was explaining how sure the kids get opportunities and trips and fun. But that it's not like when normal kids go to Disney World and it's a trip and opportunity. To them it's a staged filming event. Not the same thing at all.

That was such a great point. Not that it hasn't been sad before a million times but she said it well. Having trips are GREAT. No one objects to TRIPS! Having trips for a TV SHOW is not okay. Huge difference!

Kartie Dearest said... 99

A lot of things on the show were already known to us, the bloggers already. However for someone who did not go digging and dont know the history, it's an eye opener. I, too, was surprised at Stephanie Santoro's segment. She seem to bash Kate more than Jon. I was also surprised at the amount of Today show interviews KG did... lie after lie!!

Even though some people may be disappointed that it was not harsh enough on Kate, I still think the show got the point across: The kids need to stop being filmed.

It wont help future ratings for K+8.

Chingada said... 100

No one objects to TRIPS! Having trips for a TV SHOW is not okay. Huge difference!


Not to mention they won't even remember those trips and experiences years down the line. Who really remembers all that much from the time they were six? My parents both traveled for work so I've been to a lot of places with them, but before the age of seven it's mostly a blur. What I do remember from that age is playing horsey with my dad, having my grandmother rock me to sleep, and begging to go grocery shopping with my mom.

LancNative said... 101

IDModo said...

The only fireworks I experienced were the ones that came from my reaction to this vapid piece of badly put together historical tripe.


LOL, ID Modo! I kept saying, "Where's the fireworks?" - sort of like Clara's "Where's the beef?"

I thought that there were comments that E! usually does a decent job with these stories. What happened with this one? Why all the clips of her giving television interviews? Nothing new or exciting there, just a rehashing of her sob stories.

Charles Z said... 102

Jen said... E! is notorious for replaying their shows..I am on the West Coast - missed checking the channel at 7 but I just looked and she is NOT on anytime in the next 5 hours (so no immediate repeat) That to me is odd...fo example the Kardashians or Holly's World or any of those "reality" shows they play them East coast time ( 9 or 10) so I see them at (6 or 7) but they ALWAYS re-show them again at "viewing time" out here (so we would see at 9 or 10 and it would midnight/one for the replay) NOt sure if that makes sense....But anywho.....No replay.....

February 2, 2011 8:34 PM

It will repeat several times. Feb 3, Feb 4, Feb 5, Feb 6, Feb 7 and maybe more. On Sunday, Feb 6 it will be on at 7am, 8am, and 9am. This crap is going to be on FOREVER....

fidosmommy said... 103

I'm SO glad my cable provider does not offer E!
I could freely flip channels without worrying that I was going to stumble over Kate on my set.

Tizzie said... 104

Don't hold your breath said...

It's been said so many times, but I'll say it once more. Kate is a narcissist.

TOO many times. We get it, enough with the constant references to it.

Mamma said... 105


That's it? Snore.

Linda the Good said... 106

I have to laugh--E! spent very very little time or money on this piece--it was cobbled together footage from an earlier piece they did (which was more sensational), they added in some more recent Kate interviews and they interviewed Polly and a few other people for it. They didn't bother to check that the pic of Kate's parents were really her parents! Ha! What did that take, a week to put together?

It was *incredibly* boring. I ended up wandering off and when it ended, I thought "that's it?" Hilarious. It felt like a weird afterthought.

I'll say it again, 2011 is going to be a particularly bad year for Kate the Child Exploiter. She's going to have to do something pretty desperate to stay in the spotlight.

What Was That About? said... 107

Why was ER there? I don't get it. I am wondering if he didn't get a smackdown after he spoke the truth and went on to try to make amends. What is his connection? Stephanie made some good points about the kids in particular. They said her parents were not around instead of not allowed to see the kids. Maybe that was her parents that somehow got on the compound maybe when Khate was gone. The man certainly looked the part of stern disciplinarian. It wasn't a love fest just kinda like read between the lines and make your own assumption. I thought they were going to a commercial for Chelsea but it was her show. It just stopped like it was too long for the time spot or something. Overall it left a lot of room for speculation - at least they didn't bash Jon and Wernygal got some good points across as well I think, I don't even remember, the most benign piece they have ever done. It was like it was never even there. I could tell you more about the Hogan piece that I just had on in the room walking in and out. Paul Peterson was brilliant. I am sending him a donation.

gotyournumberKate said... 108

Anytime I see or hear Eric Roberts commenting on the Gosselins 3 words come to mind. WTF?

Hippie Chick said... 109

It sounds like the THS didn't do much Kate-bashing huh? Bummer. Someday, my fellow friends, someone might tell the TRUE story. Maybe this is what they needed as a springboard? What did WG say? Did she say more than what they promo'd? I didn't have any interest in watching. I watched Modern Family (in repeats) & Cougar Town. I thought they would expose Kate, I really did. I should have known better. I'm telling you though, a real journalist worth his salt will spill all the nasty secrets of Kate & her lying ways soon. She is not worthy of this lifestyle anymore. Reality TV is NOT a career. And doing it off your kids backs is a crime. And what were the fireworks Paul Peterson was talking about??

JudyK said... 110

Couldn't get over how just plain homely she was in the beginning...wow, maybe there's star quality hidden somewhere for me too! Was Polly "Werny Gal"? The way the piece ended was way too abrupt...like it just fell off a cliff or something. I was saying "Huh, that's it?"

JudyK said... 111

"IDModo said... The only fireworks I experienced were the ones that came from my reaction to this vapid piece of badly put together historical tripe.
A few weeks ago Eric Roberts was calling Kate a child abuser. Now he is saying she's not a bad person.WTF?
I hope nobody expected that this was going to expose Kate in such a way as to end her "career" on the backs of her children, because they will be sorely disappointed."
I know!!! I was thinking WTH! It made me lose respect for him.

K8SUCKS said... 112

This segment was exactly what I expected : the truths were portrayed more or less accurately ( LOL at showing the wrong "parents") but there were HUGE holes all over the place :

1) no mention of the controversy surrounding the timing her second round of fertility treatments

2) no mention of the sham vow renewal in Maui when their marriage was already all but over

3) no mention of Beth's book, the REAL bestseller, MB, but focused on 8 Little Faces ?

4) no mention how there are NO friends or family in their lives

5) no mention of any of the infamous "gate" episodes

6) no mention of the child exploitation claims
by child development experts

7) totally glossed over the fact that Alexis and Colin were EXPELLED from kindergarten

8) no mention of how the entire DWTS cast hated her, her poor attitude and unwillingness to practice

9) no mention of how K8 and Jon shopped around a home video which is why TLC offered them a pilot about their lives in the first place

Eric Roberts added absolutely NO VALUE - I still don't understand why this nobody was included.

WG's comments did seem pretty balanced.

Who woulda thunk that Stephanie Santoro would actually be level headed (at least on camera) ? Didn't bash Jon , didn't paint K8 in a very flattering light either.

Paul Petersen's comments ( what was aired anyhow ) were nothing special either. Very disappointed.

Loved seeing the clips of Jodi and Kevin on GMA and at the hearings.

All in all , the segment was nothing special, but at least it didn't totally favor K8 which all the others seemed to do.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 113


I didn't tune in- spent that hour slot at yoga class. It sounds like it was not put together very well, and was poorly researched.

Sounds like it was another crappily made program featuring crappy Kate.

Crap about crap just yields more crap.

It's a shame the Gosselin 8's names will forever be associated with crap.

TLC stinks said... 114

I watched. There were a few nuggets, but if you've been following the story, nothing new. I don't know what everyone was expecting....proof that Kate drinks, beats her kids, screws Steve?

Here's what it's going to take to get the real story: when an employee or one of the kids goes public. No doubt Jon will come out with a book but it will be self-serving.

So, I am tired of this whole mess. I don't like all the name calling among the bloggers. This is so much like high school. What does any of this accomplish? I feel that what's done is done, it's too late for the Gosselin kids but it's not too late to fight for laws to stop TV execs and parents from exploiting their kids. Finally, the best action for now is to put pressure on TLC's advertisers. Look at what is happening with MTV's "Skins".

People should be putting all their energy into supporting Paul Peterson.

Hippie Chick said... 115

A recap of THS:


SAHM said... 116

I didn't watch but it sounds like i was right... Nothing new exposed.

Wonder what the ratings were?

SAHM said... 117

Maybe she will come out of hiding now. I am sure she is just dying to make her Target or tanning run.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 118

TLC has yet another new crap show exploiting kids:

TLC Takes It To A New Level With Series Debut Of 'Outrageous Kid Parties'


4 part series to premiere following all new Cake Boss on 2/21 at 9:30PM (ET/PT)

Los Angeles, CA – TLC announced that it will premiere new series OUTRAGEOUS KID PARTIES on February 21st at 9:30 PM (ET/PT). The show will introduce viewers to families who spend a small fortune to give their kids the celebration of a lifetime – even if that child’s lifetime has only been six years thus far. Four 30 minute episodes have been ordered and will premiere on February 21st at 9:30 PM (ET/PT) only on TLC.

Whether it’s a birthday party, a graduation, or any milestone celebration, each week OUTRAGEOUS KID PARTIES documents parents as they go beyond their means to give their child a huge eye popping, jaw dropping fete. With high expectations, they force other family members, friends and party planners to go to extreme measures to ensure that their fabulous party goes down in history as an event never to be forgotten.

“With relatable families throwing over the top celebrations OUTRAGEOUS KID PARTIES felt like a natural and fun fit to the TLC schedule.” said Nancy Daniels, SVP Production and Development. “A child’s birthday is certainly a momentous occasion, but I think what audiences will most enjoy is watching the parents who got a little carried away.”

OUTRAGEOUS KID PARTIES is a commission for TLC Executive Produced by Collins Avenue.

Hippie Chick said... 119

Steve reminds of what Howard K. Stern was to Anna Nicole Smith. He manipulates her. He tells her how to live her life & she just does it. There are photos where Kate just looks dazed when she is with Steve, the way Anna Nicole Smith looked when she was with Stern, & let's not forget, it was HIGHLY rumored & probably true that he was drugging her. Is Steve doing the same to Kate? I don't know, seems unlikely, but Steve has some some major control over Kate that's for sure. He's like her svengali or puppet master & she bows down to her master. It's all very weird. Does Kate WANT to be dominated? Or is she playing along to get her $$?

Odd the control he has over her. She was the dominant one for so long, & now there's Steve, her 'life-coach', so to speak, her handler, just as Howard K. Stern was to Anna Nicole Smith, and Kate's only friend (paid friend, as sad as that is) & he is domineering & in control. You would think Kate would HATE losing control. I think she loves every minute of it. I think she loves being told what to do & how to do it. She acts like a helpless little kitten for attention, & because she thinks it makes her look endearing somehow. Steve is eating it up & taking over her life. When he is gone, Kate is going to crack in a million little pieces & lose it. He is all she has.

PatK said... 120

Werny Gal's contribution was pretty much standard blog fare that we already knew, and I suspect that anything she voiced about the kids' being exploited and resulting future effects was graciously left on the cutting room floor. (I believe she's said they interviewed her for something like three hours.)

The only thing that stood out for me was Stephanie Santoro's seeming turnabout. I was expecting quite a Jon bashing from her.

I, too, don't understand Eric Roberts' "connection" to the whole thing. In fact, I couldn't understand what he said. lol

Kate must be grinning like a cheshire cat today.

silly me said... 121

"I thought that there were comments that E! usually does a decent job with these stories. What happened with this one? Why all the clips of her giving television interviews? Nothing new or exciting there, just a rehashing of her sob stories. "

That's exactly what I was thinking. I should have known better. These "celebrity" focused shows are just plain krap.

kate's scary said... 122

Odd the control he has over her. She was the dominant one for so long, & now there's Steve, her 'life-coach', so to speak, her handler, just as Howard K. Stern was to Anna Nicole Smith, and Kate's only friend (paid friend, as sad as that is) & he is domineering & in control.

Except when he's carrying her purse, of course.

Roxane said... 123

What is is with TLC and its obsession for children? Toddlers and Tiaras, Jon and Kate plus 8,19 Kids and Counting, Table for 12, Texas Quints,Sextuplets Take NY, Quints by Surprise, Multiples Specials, Kids with weird(and painful) diseases documentaries and now Outrageous Kid Parties.Seriously are people really this fascinated with stranger's kids?I tried to watch on YT some footage of 19 kids and counting and it was so boring and annoying, I think I watched like 4 minutes before deciding never to click on a 19 kids and counting link again lol.(and there's too many, it's really chaotic). I watched some J&K + 8 because the kids were so darn cute and some episodes from Table for 12(at least on camera, HUGE difference between the two families) but that's it, I don't know who said this but it's so true:If I want to watch a kid ride a bike I will watch my brother, cousin and even then you get bored after a while.

Mimi to 3 said... 124

Two thoughts this morning about the show:

1. Eric looked drugged out of his mind

2. It appears that everyone is 'afraid' of saying anything about Kate -- just as we all expected -- probably because of the fear of being sued. So, it's o.k. for Kate to lie about Jon and his hands are tied and can't speak out to defend himself. Everyone else was very careful about what they said, except for Stephanie. Way to go Steph.

fidosmommy said... 125

Lies have a lifetime. One day they always get
called out as lies. It doesn't happen as fast as we'd like most of the time, but in the end, the truth comes out. And when it does, the liar
has to relive the lie over and over again, and will always be remembered for being a liar.

It's so much better to come clean, deal with the consequences, and at least be respected for
owning up to the lying. People are generally
forgiving if you just 'fess up.

Kartie Dearest said... 126

For what it's worth, if E! did an expose on everything we knew, it would be a 3-4 part mini-series! There's a lot of info from 2005 that can hardly be squeezed into a 1 hour show.

Like I mentioned in my earlier post, for a viewer who doesn't know the history and backstory, this is a good start. Perhaps they can come up with part II and start getting their hands dirty.

I was surprised at how many witnesses came forward to say not-so-nice things about Kate.

1) The woman who ran the convention
2) Jon's friend
3) Stephanie who spoke out for the kids
4) The HOme Delivery tv show guy
5) Kate's own brother Kevin and Jodi (from cbs interview)

I guess they had to spin whatever Eric Roberts and Polly were saying to "balance it out". Polly said her interview was 3 hours long so imagine having to edit that into a 1 hour show. I wish they had included the corn maze fiasco but at least they included the part about the show being scripted television.

I don't see how this THS has helped KG's image. There's only the queen sheeple out there who announced that the THS segment made her love KG even more -- but that doesn't represented the mass population with normal sensibilities.

OH and I agree with the Howard Stern - Nicole reference. Very eerily similar. MAkes you wonder...

Too little too late said... 127

Just a couple of comments:

I'm glad the show didn't go into detail about the expulsion of two of the tups. They have enough to deal with without this situation being sensationalized on some tasteless celebrity show;

And what a difference a day makes - one day Stephanie Santoro is a skank and the next day it's, "Way to go, girl."

Don't hold your breath said... 128

Tizzie said...

Don't hold your breath said...

It's been said so many times, but I'll say it once more. Kate is a narcissist.

TOO many times. We get it, enough with the constant references to it.


Obviously everyone doesn't "get it," or else they'd stop wishing Kate would realize what she's done and sincerely apologize some day.

Besides, I thought one of the reasons for this blog was to educate people who don't know much about Kate to what she's all about. There are "constant references" to many of her behaviors and past actions and past episodes.

AMD said... 129

"TLC Takes It To A New Level With Series Debut Of 'Outrageous Kid Parties'"...we, unfortunately, already have a similar show in Canada on Slice TV.... Party Mamas.

Party Mamas - Season 3 - airs Tuesdays at 10pm ET / 7pm PT!

Party Mamas follows outgoing mothers as they plan over-the-top extravaganza parties for their children. Gone are the days of pin the tail on the donkey and pizza parties, now it’s time to supersize these events.


Lorrie said... 130

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

"TLC has yet another new crap show exploiting kids."


The show's description sounds suspiciously like MTV's "My Super Sweet Sixteen". Can TLC ever have an original idea?

AuntieAnn said... 131

Our cable provider doesn't include whatever channel E! THS is on, but by the sound of it the entire thing was just a rehashing of the same old stuff. As IModo said, no fireworks. How much more can anyone say about this talentless waste of oxygen anyway? If Hollywood Squares was still on she'd be relegated to the least called upon booth, if they even invited her onto the show. Yawn...

Tucker's Mom said... 132

Too little too late said...
Just a couple of comments:

I'm glad the show didn't go into detail about the expulsion of two of the tups. They have enough to deal with without this situation being sensationalized on some tasteless celebrity show;
Except, somehow, inexplicably, wonder of all wonders, Radar is reporting just today that J&K are very pleased with the kid's progress and that they hope that they can return to school in the Fall.
According to a "source".
Ugh....privacy? What privacy. Even if it's good, true and hopeful news.

Hippie Chick said... 133


I completely agree about fessing up. I tell my son all the time; "It's always easier to tell the truth even though it may seem harder at the time, but the more you lie, the harder it becomes to live that lie." Kate has just lied & lied & lied, as we all know, from DAY ONE. She can't even keep up with her lies at this point. I read that last night her doctor said she was only on bedrest for 8 weeks? But she has drilled it into everyone's head, including her own, that she was on it for what? 30 weeks?

When people lie time & again, they start to believe their own lies. (we know this as well about Kate) I have a old friend who did this. I think I may have mentioned her before. She was with her boyfriend for years, but screwing around with a couple other guys & a woman. I would have been there for her, had she come to me & been honest. But she just lied & lied & lied to me about it. I found out from our mutual friend, who happened to be the woman she was screwing around with. I brought this info to her, she denied it, until I told her I was one of her closest friends & she could tell me anything. She finally told me, about ALL of them, & said she was starting to believe her own lies. She lied to me for 1 year & a half, about SO SO much. I unknowingly covered for her while I watched her kid, & worked her shifts. I also lost a great friend, in her & her boyfriend, because he thought I knew all along. She also got her ass kicked by one of the girlfriends of one the guys she was screwing around with. Liars never win. EVER. They get found out, always. Kate's day will come, or is here, depending on how you look at it. WE know the truth, & E! obviously had something to share. Whether or not they wanted to skewer her, well, that's up for debate. Why now? Who knows. She needs to GO AWAY. That's my opinion.

Snow Globe said... 134

Like I mentioned in my earlier post, for a viewer who doesn't know the history and backstory, this is a good start.


I don't think this had any effect on anyone. Those who knew the entire history of this circus were unimpressed; those who didn't know and don't care wouldn't watch. It's not like it was a "news alert" show or anything revealing or earth-shattering about a famous, well-know celebrity that would make those "not in the know" to turn their sets to that channel.

Maryanne said... 135

I did not watch - the piece WAS titled THS: Kate Gosselin so she was supposed to be the focus. Was there nothing on how she decided the marriage would not work - you know, looked over at him while on a plane or something? I am in OH, which is close to PA and we are paralyzed by the ice storm - some power outages (we were without for 12 hours) won't be restored until Sunday or Monday. We had power lines by the dozens crashing down and blowing transformers because of the ice causing a weird Aurora Borealis type of sky all night Tuesday - very strange red/orange changing to blue. My child lives in a high rise condo smack in the middle of downtown Chicago - the pictures taken before, during the first wave of the storm, a lull, and the "cloud" carrying the second wave are stunning and scary. They had snomageddon - we have icemageddon. Armageddon has nuttin' on this storm! Who cares about KG. Getting the generator running, how to prevent flooding, gutters and trees falling down blocking roads (along with utility lines)...had neither desire nor time to care about this program or its "focus". I'm glad to hear that PA people are safe.

The Good Bra said... 136

I got tickled at Wernygal. She managed to deadpan the "good bra" thing, which took a tremendous amt of control on her part, I am sure.

AuntieAnn said... 137

Lol @ Kate and her lies. Look what she says about her second pregnancy back when she was mom of the month (ha!) on iparenting: "I was sick at 5 weeks with nausea and vomiting all the time, had hyperstimulated ovaries early on (another side effect of fertility meds, kidney stones, a PICC line (an IV line at home so I could handle my own fluids to avoid dehydration) and overall felt like I was 80 years old," Gosselin says. "Oh, and bed rest started at 7 weeks!"

Seven weeks. Holy shit. That's quite a stretch from the doctors story. I wonder if she's still going to stick to THAT lie. What a piece of work.

K8SUCKS said... 138

I'm glad the show didn't go into detail about the expulsion of two of the tups.


No, the insipid details did not need to be told, but the kids were indeed expelled, it's the truth and should be stated as such. To say the kids were pulled out of school (paraphrasing here) diminishes the gravity of the situation, which is without a doubt a result of being filmed all the time.

This is a prime example of what frustrates me so much about this debacle. The THS segments are not meant to trash anybody, but if the person that's being showcased is a horrible person, then that's what should be broadcast - it's not "bashing" to report on the truth.

Sadiemay said... 139

I had to laugh when Kate said she was "boring" and only goes to the UPS store, post office and grocery store. Guess she forgot about the tanning and the manicures, along with her out of town hair appointments. Kate thinks people will believe whatever nonsense she says. Truth is she is gone more than she's there and that why her kids are are getting expelled from school. Daddy left and mommy is always gone.

fidosmommy said... 140

Auntie Ann said...
Gosselin says. "Oh, and bed rest started at 7 weeks!"

Seven weeks. That's quite a stretch from the doctors story. I wonder if she's still going to stick to THAT lie. What a piece of work.

No, it's probably pretty close to the truth. At 7 weeks, Kate decided she could start bullying Jon around to bring her coffee, take care of the twins, do the laundry, cook, clean that kitchen floor 3 times a day on his hands and knees (like she told the maid candidate)
and fill up the gas tank. It had nothing to do with her being incapacitated, it had to do with her using her pregnancy as an excuse to lie in bed while hubby and volunteers swarmed all over the house on the other side of her bedroom door.


A Brit said... 141

Kate said "If I don't get enough sleep I get grouchy."
Guess she hasn't slept in years.

dee3 said... 142

I have the repeat of the show on right now. Boy, does Kate look different now compared to when the show first started. I know that Kate was most likely a narcissist from the get-go but she certainly did not come across as nearly so narcissistic in the very beginning.....at least watching the comparison on this show now.

I just spent a few hours listening to the radio podcasts of Nina Frye's show that are on her website. They are really worth listening to..for anyone really interested in this story....particularly about the reasons and factors behind so many of the initial fans totally changing their minds about the show (and about her children being filmed). There are interview with Preesi, Werny Gal and a great one with Paul Petersen.

The E! show isn't bad at all, actually. I am even enjoying it....especially because there is no screaming from Kate so far. I wasn't expecting the "ugly truth and nothing but the ugly truth", to be honest. I think that if viewers read between the lines, they are giving more than enough negative hints and clues about what sort of person Kate is and what's really been going on.

I agree with Snowglobe....most watchers already know most of the truth and for those learning about her for the first time, they are not and would likely not become fans anyway.
It's not a very positive portrayal of Kate. It's actually more negative (about her) than I was expecting.

For Administrator~to be honest, I'm not 100% sure if Kate was telling the whole truth about what she said regarding the state being responsible for supporting her children (or however she supposedly said or implied it). She lies so much, I can't help but to take this with a grain of salt.

Oh...and the Anna Nicole Smith situation.....I do NOT believe H. Stern was drugging her.....but he WAS enabling her. She was a serious drug addict and had been one for quite some time. And it was because he was in love with her (though she was not in love with him) that he would literally do anything she wanted....including getting drugs for her....and addicts can be very manipulative, even if you're NOT in love with them. If you've had a lot of experience in dealing with drug addiction or a drug addict...you can clearly see what was going on there. She was totally responsible for continuing her addiction and he was totally responsible for enabling her to continue....but no, not actively drugging her. She WANTED those drugs.

dee3 said... 143

Does anyone know when this THS was made/filmed? I'm thinking we also have to factor in that the tide had not turned against Kate anywhere near to the degree it has now.
Sure, they left out all sorts of really awful details we know about her...and it's frustrating....but it's a pretty darn negative portrayal of her, all things considered, I think.

Hehe....I never knew Al Walentis looks like an older version of Mike Meyers. :D

K8SUCKS said... 144

I just spent a few hours listening to the radio podcasts of Nina Frye's show that are on her website


Nina was a sheeple until late last year and then poof! she thinks K8 is exploiting her children. JMO, I think she is also capitalizing on K8's negative press so she can garner higher ratings for her (Nina's) talk show.

K8SUCKS said... 145

Oh, one more thing:

I was so sad when they showed old clips of the show. There is one shot where K8 is holding an giggling,infant boy tup (I think it was Colin), Mady & Cara when they were 3, etc. Those poor kids had NO IDEA what h8ll was in store for them in the next few years. So, so, so sad =(

Tizzie said... 146

Don't hold your breath said...

Besides, I thought one of the reasons for this blog was to educate people who don't know much about Kate to what she's all about. There are "constant references" to many of her behaviors and past actions and past episodes.

That's not what I meant, I was referring to the over-use of the "Kate is a narcissist" line. It's like Kate herself always saying "I have 8 kids."

Don't hold your breath said... 147

Well, Tizzie, as long as there are people here who keep hoping Kate will one day realize the error in her ways and change, I'll be around to remind them why that won't happen and I'll use the word "narcissist" in my explanation.

Grammy of nine said... 148

Kate Gosselin was exposed for the "control freak" that she is on the THS. We all know she is many, many things that are so negative, but she was certainly portrayed as being large and in charge of the Gosselin brand. She created it and is trying to keep it going and relevant at any cost to her family. Just think, if she had been a nicer, sweeter, more easy to get along with person she might have become even wealthier by serving as a true role model to young mothers. Imagine how the brand could have expanded. Instead, she and TLC are going to film (work) the holy puddin' out of 8 kids just to support a life style created by Kate's entitlement philosophy. We could site hundreds of examples of her high and mighty attitude. Most of us here have her number and can't stand what she has done to her family, Jon included. Kate might be featured today on E, but her star is falling faster than she could imagine. Two of her kids are messed up at age 6. Shameful, to say the least. We may never know how the others are affected by the greed and strange value system they were reared in.

Kate is totally self absorbed as witnessed by her total transformation into someone who is almost unrecognizable compared to just 6 yrs. ago. I'm not a trained psychologist/psychiatrist, but I recognize a narcissist when I see one. Sadly,they are in my family, too.

Hippie Chick said... 149

Tizzie & Don't Hold Your Breath...
You're referring to MY earlier post when I said...

I just hope she steps up & takes responsibility for the fact that she played a HUGE role in destroying these kids lives, the biggest actually. Maybe people would respect her more for that if she told the frigin truth once in awhile. She is still Satan as a blond, but she NEVER takes responsibility for any of her own actions, EVER. Isn't that what a respectable adult does? She needs to find her way & grow up..

(me now) I TOTALLY get & understand that Kate is a narcissist. I was just saying that IF she took responsibility ONCE in her lifetime, JUST ONCE, maybe she would see that would get more respect from the fans she has left, & maybe some people that don't exactly like her either. (I was referring to TLC throwing her to the side & Kate blaming them for EVERYTHING)I know that she probably never will take responsibility & blame it all on TLC. I get that. I was just stating my opinion, that's all. No need to go back & forth on an issue that's been out there. I'm not new, & I understand it IS helpful to those who are new to the game. It's all good! :)

gotyournumberKate said... 150

In my opinion Nina is genuine. When she was a sheeple I don't think she did the amount of research on the Gosselins she has done now. I think the more she saw and read the more she started to question Kate's motives and the welfare of the kids. I think the Alaska trip really blew her away. Before that she only had what the sheeple had to say to go by. They were in cahoots with Kate's mother and of course have a distorted view of the real Kate. JMO....

Anonymous said... 151

i didn't think those people they showed as kate's parents are correct. i thought they were the people that used to help do laundry and babysitting, but i don't remember their names?

BeDoneNow said... 152

Speaking of Reality TV Kids, has anyone seen this photo of one of the Duggar boys with these guns?

In a later article that I cannot find now, "Jim Bob" finally issues a statement and says the boys were going out to shoot squirrel for dinner. WHAT? Instant CREAMED squirrel? With assault rifles?

I guess this militia-type photo has little to do with the children being filmed, but more to do with how we as a viewing public just bleat along with cute camera angles and happy music, all the while supporting these creepy TLC families.

BeDoneNow said... 153

Don't hold your breath said... Well, Tizzie, as long as there are people here who keep hoping Kate will one day realize the error in her ways and change, I'll be around to remind them why that won't happen and I'll use the word "narcissist" in my explanation.


To my mind, you are reminding us that Kate has a form of mental illness, something that cannot be altered with the snap of anyone's fingers. It is easy for those that do not have a deeper understanding of mental illness to get frustrated about why someone just doesnt "stop that now and act right!" Kate is incapable of that, and as such is not in the best position to be hoarding 8 little lives all to herself.

readerlady said... 154

Not to give Kate the benefit of the doubt or anything, we wouldn't want to do that LOL, but it is possible that she was on "bed rest" beginning in her 7th week, yet her doctor says she was on bed rest for 8 weeks. There are varying degrees of "bed rest". A person on modified bed rest is allowed to be up and about for a limited number of hours a day but forbidden any strenuous activity. For example, they may be permitted a car ride and visit to a restaurant - with limited walking, or can get up and sit in a chair - but forbidden to do any housework, etc. The doctor was likely referring to the strict bed rest she was on while hospitalized for the 2 months before the babies were born.

SAHM said... 155

I knew it wouldn't be long before she surfaced for air.....

Kate, you better get to the tanning salon, you are starting to look like the rest of us....


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 156

Hunting is much more culturally accepted in many areas of the country, including where I grow up. Those don't look assault rifles to me at all, the brown one does indeed look like a squirrel rifel, the others look like normal single shot guns with a scope and handle. Helpful for shooting animals from crow's nests, etc.

That's what happens when you exploit your kids, photos like these will get dissected. Thankfully these kids are a lot older than a 6 year old at least.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 157

Hey at least Kate is wearing a winter coat. If she wasn't going to wear a winter coat yesterday she would officially be an alien.

BerksPa said... 158

New pics at INF of Kate sitting in her van while the kids load up yesterday after school. Looks like she only got out of the van once she realized there was a photog there - and she doesn't look thrilled at all.

It also looks like she has to park where the rest of the moms are parking now...no special 'van in front of the bus' treatment anymore.

AuntieAnn said... 159

fidosmommy, readerlady --- You're both probably correct. It would not be unlike her to play up the bed rest thing so she could get out of looking after the twins and everything that goes along with running a household. A multiple pregnancy was a perfect excuse to let everyone pamper her. Somewhere (?) I recall Kevin saying when they were younger and living at home she could get everyone to do her work for her. Her ability to manipulate people hasn't changed a bit over the years.

sally said... 160

I am starting to think that nobody cares about Kate anymore.

Hippie Chick said... 161

I agree with the posters who have said that Kate's definition of bed rest probably was a lot different than what the doctor ordered. Let's face it, she is as lazy as they come, & this gave her ample reason for bossing people around (i.e. Jon) & having him wait on her hand & feet. She manipulated him into having the tups, what makes anyone think differently about the fact that she told Jon the doctor told her "strict bed rest for 30 weeks". She could have easily faked a phone call, lied, etc. SHE IS A COMPULSIVE LIAR.

I cannot believe just how lazy she is when it comes to her family, but when she is doing something for herself to further her own agenda, say tanning, shopping, (OK, when I shop, I'm pretty excited too) mani/pedi, going to NYC to get her hair done, she is all over it, WITH the exception of DWTS she acts driven. Of course, WE know, it's the children that do the work, all of it actually, while Kate stands there like the furor she is & demands attention & bosses them around. She makes it look hard, but it's not. It's simple to get your kids into the biz, & then TRY & beautify yourself while your CHILDREN are made to suffer through plane rides, filming schedules, heat, etc, etc etc...(She'll always be ugly on the inside though.) (there I go again, ranting! Sorry guys!) xoxo

Mimi to 3 said... 162

I love how the article says 'enjoy' the photos of Kate at the bus stop. Enjoy? What kind of idiots are these people?

Wow said... 163

gotyournumberKate said...

In my opinion Nina is genuine. When she was a sheeple I don't think she did the amount of research on the Gosselins she has done now. I think the more she saw and read the more she started to question Kate's motives and the welfare of the kids. I think the Alaska trip really blew her away. Before that she only had what the sheeple had to say to go by. They were in cahoots with Kate's mother and of course have a distorted view of the real Kate. JMO..

You're claiming that you know the "real" Kate better than her mother does?

YUP said... 164

Kate's mom is not in her life. Yes, I think we all know Kate better than her mother does.

Reading Into Everything said... 165

BerksPa said...

New pics at INF of Kate sitting in her van while the kids load up yesterday after school. Looks like she only got out of the van once she realized there was a photog there - and she doesn't look thrilled at all.


Or perhaps she was sitting in the van until the kids got off the bus because it was freakin' cold, like any normal person would do.

Wow said... 166

YUP said...

Kate's mom is not in her life. Yes, I think we all know Kate better than her mother does.


Uh, none of you are in her life. In what alternate universe could you possibly think you know a stranger better than her own mother does? Not to mention that you have no clue whether Kate's mother is or isn't in her life currently because you don't know these people.

Maryanne said... 167

Well, for my first pregnancy (1 child) a total of 12 weeks - 4 at the beginning and 8 at the end. Second pregnancy (1 child)it was 8 at the end. Each preg. bed rest for different reasons. My daughter was put on strict bed rest (i.e. could not leave the bed except for bathroom unless she wanted to be hospitalized) in the last 8 weeks, and the child was born, healthy 4 weeks early anyway (meaning her bed rest was only 4 weeks)...I believe KG's doctor. KG "embellishes" for effect at any given time (hence the different bed rest tales she tells, always a grain of truth in her "embellishments" as opposed to her outright lies on other stuff.

Maryanne said... 168

Just a quick word about AN Smith - at Stern's trial/acquittal the judge found Smith to be what is called a pseudo-addict, she's was in severe chronic pain from her boob job(s). Yes, she wanted the drugs, she did actually need pain mgt and it's likely her pain was never properly managed. Thus the pseudo-addict reference. KG doesn't suffer chronic pain AFAIK - at least she hasn't said so - as AN Smith DID. No, I'm not a AN Smith fan by any means.

kate's scary said... 169

Mimi to 3 said...

I love how the article says 'enjoy' the photos of Kate at the bus stop. Enjoy? What kind of idiots are these people?

They may wonder the same thing about us. They're the ones monetarily benefiting from putting up pictures of Kate that people flock to so they can yet again discuss Kate.

xyz said... 170

"Of course, WE know, it's the children that do the work, all of it actually, while Kate stands there like the furor she is & demands attention & bosses them around."

"Furor?" Do you mean Fuhrer??

Roxane said... 171

Do you actually think that Alexis and Collin will do well once they're back in school?.Being unaccustomed to such a large group of stranger kids,do you really think they'll be socially okay after spending no less than 10-11 months isolated from the rest of the kids?

Also I am talking here about having to learn things in a larger group again.There is a difference when you have a teacher at home and the "classroom" is formed by you and your sibling and when the classroom actually consists of many other children.

The only bright side I see in this is that maybe they will be more independent after not spending every minute of the day with most of their siblings.I was disturbed when Jon said two years ago(regarding holding ALL the kids back a year because SOME were not ready) something like "We held them all back because they would FREAK OUT if we split them" Anyone saw Hannah's special day? She went horseback riding and she almost cried when she saw herself alone she barely wanted to ride(her parents said she was awfully shy but that maybe A LITTLE was due to the fact that they were usually together all the time-the tups).

And Kate went on and on about how Hannie was the kids' security blanket..what I saw in that episode was the kids being Hannah's security blanket.Not to mention Kate's idea that Hannah shows MATURITY by hanging back with her and not playing with the kids and clinging to her all the time.Kate really fed into that attachment (which personally I find unhealthy).

So do you think they will be okay socially after a year of being just the two of them?

dee3 said... 172


I totally agree with you. It's unfortunate that there are so many people who don't know much about personality disorders and don't recognize it when they see it. For us it's so clearly apparent.
Having unrealistic expectations of someone who, due to a personality order or serious dysfunction (which is not recognized by their love interest), is probably one of the significant factors in why so many relationships ultimately fail.


Well, to be fair....anyone who has a radio show not just Nina Frye) is going to want to speak on topics listeners would be the most interested in....and the whole Gosselin debacle probably attracts a lot of listeners at the current time. I truly do think she had an awakening and changed direction...the thing I'm a bit perplexed about is how a woman who has what it takes to have her own radio show was fooled/didn't see what was going on for so long (but that's just me);D

But I don't really understand why so many are accusing Nina, WG, etc...of only revealing this info in books, a radio show, etc. for the money. How would we get all the information we've learned about them...and about Kate...if there was nobody to reveal or explain anything?

If that was the case, everyone and anyone who has a blog, comments on a blog, or reports any sort of info would be considered to be taking advantage of the (childrens') situation. WG LIVES in the same town as the G's and Nina provided several experts who gave, on a public forum, lots of helpful info and insight into the situation.

I mean...if we are commenting here...we must be interested in this situation. And these people are WHO we get a lot of the information about this situation from. I could see if someone was writing a book intentionally filled with total inaccuracies...just to make a buck. But if reporting real info, be it a book writer, a radio host with expert guests, or a blog owner with lots of people who comment...I don't really see this as "taking advantage for the money".

Mind you, I'm not saying that any one of them could not be taking advantage only for the money (there are always exceptions)...but as a practical matter, I don't consider most of them to be doing that.

Leslie said... 173

Anonymous said... i didn't think those people they showed as kate's parents are correct. i thought they were the people that used to help do laundry and babysitting, but i don't remember their names?

February 4, 2011 7:04 AM

It's Nana Joan and her husband. She used to babysit Jon and she was in a few episodes when they lived in E-Town. If you look up the episode titles "Red, Whit & Gosselin", where they went to a 4th of July parade, you will see Nana Joan and her husband stopping to say hello.

I guess they visited Jon and the kids one day when Jon had custody and still had access to the mansion, and the paparazzi got a pic. Now that pic is being passed off as they are Kate's parents. So laughable.

Hippie Chick said... 174

Grammy of Nine said...
Instead, she and TLC are going to film (work) the holy puddin' out of 8 kids just to support a life style created by Kate's entitlement philosophy.

Holy puddin'... I had to giggle at that one!! Never heard that! Thanks for a new expression! :)

YUP said... 175

Tounge & Cheek. I was joking.
You sheeple REALLY need to get a grip.

Tizzie said... 176

Leslie said...

Anonymous said... i didn't think those people they showed as kate's parents are correct. i thought they were the people that used to help do laundry and babysitting, but i don't remember their names?

February 4, 2011 7:04 AM

It's Nana Joan and her husband.

Her husband's name is Terry

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 177

Wow said...

YUP said...

Kate's mom is not in her life. Yes, I think we all know Kate better than her mother does.


Uh, none of you are in her life. In what alternate universe could you possibly think you know a stranger better than her own mother does? Not to mention that you have no clue whether Kate's mother is or isn't in her life currently because you don't know these people.


Wow, the notion that Kate & her parents are estranged came directly from Kate & Jon's mouths on several occasions. I believe Kate goes further into explaining that in one of the Jon & Kate episodes, AND Jon has stated in another interview that the grandparents are not in their children's lives.

It's not our fault that Kate has chosen to sever ties with her family.

Advice to Kate (if you are reading this), it's never too late to mend broken fences. You, and your children are going to need the love & support of your family around you when TLC's camera crew disappears, and Hollywood stops calling. Do it for your kids.

Wow said... 178

YUP said...

Tounge & Cheek. I was joking.
You sheeple REALLY need to get a grip.


I believe the expression you're looking for is "tongue in cheek." How in the world would I know that you were joking? The person to whom I responded certainly wasn't, and that person claimed to know the "real" Kate better than her mother does.

E-town Neighbor said... 179

Not to mention that you have no clue whether Kate's mother is or isn't in her life currently because you don't know these people.


I think that you are forgetting that there are people here (and on other blogs) who do know the family and do have an insight into the relationship among family members. To say that "you have no clue" is an erroneous assumption.

""Furor?" Do you mean Fuhrer??"


LOL!! Maybe she/ he did mean "furor" as in fury, rage or madness! Fuehrer fits also! If you spell it Fuhrer (German), it needs the umlaut (two dots) above the "u." Otherwise, it's spelled Fuehrer.

gotyournumberKate said... 180

Wow said....."You're claiming that you know the "real" Kate better than her mother does?"

That's not what I said. I said their views are distorted. Kate herself has said that her childhood was not a happy one. She has said that her parents are not supportive parents or grandparents. She has said that she has chosen not to have a relationship with them. Watch it for yourself. It starts at the 2:00 minute mark.


What am I missing? said... 181

dee3 said...
...But I don't really understand why so many are accusing Nina, WG, etc...of only revealing this info in books, a radio show, etc. for the money. How would we get all the information we've learned about them...and about Kate...if there was nobody to reveal or explain anything?

If that was the case, everyone and anyone who has a blog, comments on a blog, or reports any sort of info would be considered to be taking advantage of the (childrens') situation. WG LIVES in the same town as the G's and Nina provided several experts who gave, on a public forum, lots of helpful info and insight into the situation.


I think I'm missing something. It's pretty much because of the blogs that Nina and WG know what they do about the Gosselin family in the first place. WG knew virtually nothing until they moved to Wernersville and Nina knows even less and is playing catch-up. They've learned from us, not the other way around (until very recently). The difference as I see it, is that WG's profiting from the Gosselins and the blogs basically aren't. (I didn't include Nina in my 'profit' comment along with WG because I wonder if she's making anything at all from the show.)

kidsRablessing said... 182

I see the sheeple are doing their rounds here. I don't get sheeple. Why do they visit here, when they know what to expect. They can show all the sarcasim they want around here, it won't change the fact that their Queen Bee is a royal b*tch and a failure as a mother. Sheeple hear this...nobody wants to be Kate, nobody is jellus of her and only sheeple admire her.... the rest of the world is disgusted by her......understood.

Lilly said... 183

Admin -
I'm wondering if you would be willing to read WG's book and do a quick recap? So many trust your opinion and I think that it would be helpful to the larger debate.

MickeyMcKean said... 184

What am I missing said,

"I think I'm missing something. It's pretty much because of the blogs that Nina and WG know what they do about the Gosselin family in the first place. WG knew virtually nothing until they moved to Wernersville and Nina knows even less and is playing catch-up. They've learned from us, not the other way around (until very recently). The difference as I see it, is that WG's profiting from the Gosselins and the blogs basically aren't. (I didn't include Nina in my 'profit' comment along with WG because I wonder if she's making anything at all from the show.)"


Here is something to think about ~ WG decided to write and then published her own book. This means that this is NOT a situation where a book publisher approached her, paid her money upfront to write it, and then they will pay to publish and then market her book.

In other words, WG took the time to write a book and then spent her own money to self publish it.

So why would WG do it in the first place with no guarantee that she will get her publishing costs returned or even get "paid" for all the time she spent to write it in the first place?

Could it be because it was an avenue to reach the Kate Plus 8 viewers who do not own a computer so they are clueless about the Gosselin blogs? You know, the viewers that have not figured out yet that it is the children who are supporting not only themselves and TLC?

I'm just saying that before anyone is quick to condemn WG for making money off the Gosselin children, take some time to realize that she may not make a single dime when the dust settles. So I say kudos to WG for trying to get the word out that "reality" tv is not "real life", that it is scripted, and that the children are working even when their own mother puts filming of their show as a high priority over their education.

No matter what Kate may say, these children are NOT just playing in front of a camera. They are working, plain and simple.

I sincerely hope that both the E! special and WG's book help get the word out to those people that are still tuning in to Kate Plus 8 because only when the viewers numbers drop will this stupid show be canceled once and for all.


Starlight, Starbright said... 185

I sincerely hope that both the E! special and WG's book help get the word out to those people that are still tuning in to Kate Plus 8 because only when the viewers numbers drop will this stupid show be canceled once and for all.


I don't think that WG has that much power. Those who are still tuning in are the sheeple. Do you think that they are going to buy a book and have an epiphany? Those who are on the fence about this show aren't going to be the deciding factor whether or not this show continues. I doubt that there would be an "ah-ha" moment. How many of them would buy a book by an unknown, self-published author? I don't think that the show plays that much of an importance in their lives. TLC will cancel it when TLC decides to cancel it. Let's be realistic here -- few people write a book with purely altruistic motives. One writes a book on the chance that a profit, even if small, will be the end result.

The bottom line is that anyone who writes a book, whether self-published or not, either does so to get their hands in the pie and make a name for themselves, or to get some money for a nest egg, no matter how trivial that may be.

If profit isn't a motive, then how about sending whatever cash comes from the sale of the book to Paul Peterson or to a charity (foundation) for abused children? I'll believe it when I see it, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Insert Creative Username Here said... 186

Sorry Yup...that should have been @Wow!

MickeyMcKean said... 187

Starlight, Starbright,

My point is that not all Sheeple are online, and any of them who saw the E! special may now be thinking about taking off their rose colored glasses. Also if they saw the special they will know the name Polly Kahl, they won't know that she is a self published author.

As for whether or not WG makes any money and decides to keep it or donate it, it is her decision. She is the one who decided it was worth it when she started her book.

As it is there is a poster on WG's blog who has helped a lot of people learn about NPD due to her MIL. We have been pushing her to think about writing a book about her experiences since most of it has been written and is sitting on various threads - now if the poster writes a book, will she be able to keep the proceeds for herself or will people think that she should have to donate them? Afterall she has a following in the first place because she posts on a Gosselin blog.

All I'm saying is that I hope that this is the beginning of the end of Kate Plus 8. If the E! special, WG's book, other tabloids and whatever else happens during this slow going train wreck all help in getting the show canceled, I'm going to be a very happy camper.


Anonymous said... 188

Starlite, I think I love you!!!!!!

You are spot on with EVERYTHING you say!

Bottom Line said... 189

Starlight, Starbright said... I don't think that the show plays that much of an importance in their lives. TLC will cancel it when TLC decides to cancel it.

That is the bottom line. After all is said and done, whenever that may be, Kate will be gone when TLC cannot make any more off her and her children. No book, blog or mediocre tabloid TV program is going to make a difference.

Starlight, Starbright said... 190

All I'm saying is that I hope that this is the beginning of the end of Kate Plus 8. If the E! special, WG's book, other tabloids and whatever else happens during this slow going train wreck all help in getting the show canceled, I'm going to be a very happy camper.


I think that this is the goal of anyone who cares about not only these children, but for any child who is at the mercy of a materialistic mother who sees her children as moneymakers and forces them to be on a reality television show. I do think that the blogs were responsible for opening many eyes to the point that we now have a PA child labor law on the table. The frustration comes because just when we think there's an end to this nightmare, she and the show rise from the ashes and these poor kids continue to work to support their mother.

Unless something very drastic happens and TLC decides to pull the plug, I just can't see an end to this anytime soon. This is one time I hope that I am proven very, very wrong.

"We have been pushing her to think about writing a book about her experiences since most of it has been written and is sitting on various threads - now if the poster writes a book, will she be able to keep the proceeds for herself or will people think that she should have to donate them? Afterall she has a following in the first place because she posts on a Gosselin blog."


Of course not! If she's writing a book about NPD, she's not digging into the lives of eight kids and is not making a profit off them. That's what is at issue here -- riding the Gosselin gravy train for all its worth.

"Also if they saw the special they will know the name Polly Kahl, they won't know that she is a self published author."


My point exactly! Why would they buy a book authored by someone whose name is unknown? How would they know what her credentials are, that she has "inside" information, or that she maintains a website? I certainly wouldn't buy a non-fiction book without checking out the author's credibility. Do you really think these people are so interested in the Gosselin saga that they would bother to do this? I think that this is very unlikely, but I'm feeling very skeptical tonight. It would seem that the people who would buy such a book are those who already know about this fiasco, but only want to find out if there is anything contained therein which would reveal any sordid details that they didn't already know.

How many copies has Al's book sold? Anyone know? Was it profitable? Is there really a market for this kind of material?

Anonymous said...

Starlite, I think I love you!!!!!!


That sounds like something from the Partridge Family! Now, what did I do with my keys to the Party Bus?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 191

The way I see it if someone has some kind of moral or other objection to a book, or a web site or whatever it is, you don't have to buy the book, or visit the web site, or participate in any way. This is America, thank God.

Anonymous said... 192

Kate is on her way out, to her own hell. How can you screw with 8 little lives and not pay? She will be a blip on the radar. Sadly, the kids will grow to be adults with constant cameras on them..

TLC told Jon & Kate they would be interested in the kids till they were 18.I think Kate is banking on that. Sadly it comes with a price. The price is, lost childhood, broken spirits and no belonging. Obviously Kate picked money over her kids.
Hey sheeple, I've known a few woman raise more kids then Kate had.

starz22 said... 193

So we get an e-true story on kate.It was what most of us said.Nothing new..nothing we didnt know.So WG had a say..she didnt say much...she said nothing we didnt alreay know..!So pin a rose on who's nose?

kates true story on E was just crap! Nothing new was said..no one called her out..No one said she abused the kids or dogs..or even Jon. kate was given the green flag...Say what you want..no one will go against you!!!
Who is willing to stand up to this beast?

Anonymous said... 194

Chances are if these viewers watching don't have computers, then the odds would be great that they don't even own a kindle, so therefore wouldn't be able to read WG's book anyway!

MickeyMcKean said... 195

Before this E! episode was aired I reminded the bloggers here on 15 Minutes that E! THS has a history of showing the good, bad and ugly and I felt they would do the same when it came to Kate Gosselin.

Unfortunately I have to say that after watching the episode I was disappointed. Specifically:

1. The comment that Kate said “that society has a responsibility to help” - E! did not bother to mention that the timing of this comment was referring to when Kate was petitioning the State of PA to extend payments for a nurse, Angela Krall, to continue helping her with the babies for more than just one year. This is why the comment rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. For the record Kate lost her plea for an extension.

2. Timing of the fertility treatments for both the twins and sextuplets. I am surprised that E! did not confirm that when Kate while in high school she was obsessed with the idea of having multiples after reading a book about the McCaugheys who had received a lot of gifts from strangers after the birth of their septuplets in 1997. Had they done so they would have probably come to the conclusion that Kate immediately used fertility treatments after getting married in the hopes of having multiples even though her treatments did not follow the standard of medical care – that is the first rule of infertility treatment is to do nothing invasive for at least a year after marriage since 95% of couples trying to conceive will do so within that time frame, especially if they are young and healthy. The facts are Jon and Kate were married in June 1999, had twins in October 2000, and because a set of twins was not good enough for the media attention she craved, Kate tried for “just one more” and hit the jackpot with a six pack in 2004. As it is E! did not even acknowledge that Kate opted to change doctors between the twins and the sextuplets. Gee, I wonder why? Could it be that the first doctor was not willing to help her a second time?

3. The first book “Multiple Blessings”, written by Beth Carson and Kate Gosselin, the book that was a big seller and was on the New York Bestseller List, was not even acknowledged. Not only was it not specifically mentioned, it was briefly shown anyway. However the cover of “Eight Little Faces” was shown repeatedly since that book was written by just Kate. Whereas I was under the impression that E! had contacted/interviewed Beth Carson, I now must assume that if so, Beth Carson did not want to participate in this Gosselin episode.

4. The vow renewal episode filmed in Hawaii in August 2008 that as it turns out was a complete joke on the viewers, as well as the children themselves. Nothing was mentioned that after this episode and then the subsequent move into the big house that Jon voiced his opinion at the end of the season that he thought it was time to end the show and Kate did not when she said, “we have things to iron out”.

5. The photo of Kate’s parents which were NOT her parents. I have been advised that this error has been caught and now any time the episode is aired the photos will not be seen.

6. Even though they show film footage of Kevin and Jodi Kreider, nothing is mentioned that there is a huge family rift and there appears to be NO contact between the families, especially after Kevin and Jodi testified at the PA hearings on revising their child labor laws.

7. Even though DWTS was brought up, Kate’s alleged diva antics behind the scenes were not mentioned at all. Interesting enough, if someone is doing an expose on Kate, how can you not acknowledge that not only did she go from a Pennsylvania mom to being on DWTS where she was not willing to even attempt to learn to dance, but then also wind up being invited by Jimmy Fallon to the 2010 Emmys and participating in a joke that is about the time she spent on DWTS!?!

8. Child exploitation - not mentioned. WTH????

Continued ...

MickeyMcKean said... 196

9. Pretty much ignoring the fact that two of the children were EXPELLED from regular kindergarten even though the previous year all of the sextuplets were held back from attending regular kindergarten in the first place so that they could attend junior which would allow them to be available for filming a couple of days during the week. This means that the children will be 19 when they graduated from high school - all because of a reality TV show.

10. No mention of the camping trip with Sarah Palin and her family where Kate’s true colors were shown - that there is no denying that it is ALL about Kate and it has nothing to do with the children who said they wanted to stay on the sand bank and continue having fun.

11. No mention that the recent filming schedule in Australia and New Zealand meant that all the children had to miss almost two weeks of school. Also that the parents were at odds as to whether or not the children could be taken out of the country to work in the first place.

12. I have to assume that Polly Kahl was questioned as to what she observed during the filming at the corn maze and yet nothing was mentioned as to how the children were there for only 15 minutes before TLC felt they had enough film footage to use in an upcoming episode.

13. I also have to assume that Paul Peterson and Polly Kahl made other very valid points but that there was not enough time to cover them. This is unfortunate as I believe both of these individuals would have been sure to point out the negative aspects of filming children with no filters for their privacy.

14. The church issue - that Jon and Kate did not choose the selective reduction - again, had E! discovered that Kate’s goal was to have multiples in the first place, of course selective reduction would never be considered an option.

15. All the lies that Kate has been caught in, including how the doctor on the show does not back up her claim as to just how long she was on bed rest.

In summary, I have to say that I think E! should have made it into a two hour show versus just the one hour because by attempting to cram everything into one hour I think E! dropped the ball.

Even though I did not learn anything new since I have been following this Gosselin saga closely for over two years, I must say I was surprised with Stephanie’s comments. I admit I assumed she would trash Jon and yet she stayed neutral and was pro kids. Kudos to Stephanie!

All the above being said, if I step back and look at it from a viewer’s point of view that has no idea about the Gosselin blogs, I do think that a viewer may figure out on their own that Kate has chosen fame and fortune over family, and just her physical transformation screams as to where her true current priorities are these days.


kidsRablessing said... 197

Mickey McKean,
You nailed it. Though I did not watch the E special on Kate, I think E does not give very accurate info on any celebrity. It is all fluff that they piece together.
Please consider emailing your post to E. They should see it, it is an eye opener, and maybe they need to reconsider how they put their fluff together from now on.

Deflate Kate's Ego said... 198

In summary, I have to say that I think E! should have made it into a two hour show versus just the one hour because by attempting to cram everything into one hour I think E! dropped the ball.

I don't think Kate deserves two hours of anyone's time, show producers or viewers! She would have thought she was really something, getting a two hour "special." Isn't her ego big enough?

LindaFake said... 199

gotyournumberKate said...
Wow said....."You're claiming that you know the "real" Kate better than her mother does?"

That's not what I said. I said their views are distorted. Kate herself has said that her childhood was not a happy one. She has said that her parents are not supportive parents or grandparents. She has said that she has chosen not to have a relationship with them. Watch it for yourself. It starts at the 2:00 minute mark.

There's no point in trying to aruge because the sheeple are like pitbulls when they find one sentence a "hater" says that they can nitpick about. They will take something like what you said and discuss with each other how the haters think they know Kate better than her own mother and how crazy that is. Then they will congratulate each other on their relative sanity and feel condescending pity towards the haters who only see the negative side of things.

Lia R. said... 200

To be fair to Polly, we must understand that she had no say in the way her interview was edited. So in that area, I cut her slack.

However, she has had ample opportunities to correct our perception of her, and has not chosen to do so. I find that disturbing.

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