Said Kate of the crew: "These guys when the cameras are off, they’re dads, they’re, they’re helping us, they, they play games with the kids, they read books to ‘em, I mean this is family to us."

The last we checked, the kids have a dad who does all that, and they have a family already, too.
177 sediments (sic) from readers:
The Office is one of the few shows I watch and I like how even though most of the time it's just straight comedy, occasionally they have dramatic or moving moments.
An ongoing theme has been that the boss Michael takes his relationship with his employees far more seriously than they do. He is very emotionally invested in work. His friendships with coworkers run far deeper to him than they do to the other person.
There is a recent episode, I cannot remember which one, where he talks about how you all are my family, you're my FAMILY. And it was just sort of sad because to his co-workers, he's just a co-worker. He's not family like a REAL family.
It reminds me of Kate. In her mind she thinks she has some kind of meaningful relationship. When really it's just a crew doing a job and when it's over, it will be on to the next one. It's co-workers. I highly doubt they are as emotionally invested as she claims she is. Most healthy people keep work at work and home life at home. That's not to say you can't find great friendships at work. But to hinge your entire emotional well-being on your "work family" is unhealthy at best.
What about that producer Jen Stocks who was seen on camera several times and was with the family for years. Later she left the show. She was crew. Do they still see her? Do they have dinners with her and keep in touch??? If they don't keep in touch with Jen what make Kate think they will keep in touch with anyone else?
According to the Figure 8 web site Jen is still with Figure 8, only working on the medical shows. Now why is that, why didn't she stay with Jon and Kate if she's still with Figure 8? Her bio doesn't even make mention of Jon and Kate. Things that make you go hmm.
OMG, the amount of delusion is just stunning. Either ALL of us are completely out of our minds and have been for a long time, or she is TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY out of hers! It can't be lying - how could she be doing that so consistently and *convincingly*? And people who don't already know the reality (the one we believe) would have no clue from interviews like this. It's really scary. Pretty funny to see, though, that Sharon vanished just for this segment.
Yeah, Kate, where is your real family, your mother and father -- I mean what could they have done so badly that you won't allow them to see their grandchildren ever but you will allow these crew people who are dads that you have standing in for Jon when he would rather be their dad but you bring in these crew dads to play with them, eat with them etc. Why do you need a crew to be their family when you have plenty of brothers and sisters who would be great aunts and uncles with nieces and nephews to be with at family events -- rather than having to pay the crew to be with you. Sorry babe, once the show is over, that crew is gone and will have a whole new set of people to be with. You will be yesterday's news. Why can't you be gracious and kind and make amends with your families for your kids sakes.
I posted on the previous thread that Kate had 2 full-time assistants/babysitters with her on the Australia trip. I just looked back on the photos when they were walking through the airport and there are 2 woman (one is Ashley)and the other is in a brown sweater holding the hands with the kids and pulling luggage.
So Kate had 3 full-time assistants on this trip. Ashley, Steve, and the other girl in the photos. And here is Kate talking about handing out toys to suit her kids moods on the plane and how she only gets no to little sleep on the plane because of her kids. What bullshit! There are 3 people hired to go for the specific purpose of watching HER kids.
When the Julie Chen asked Kate on "The Talk" specifically for tips of traveling with kids, Kate should have said hire 3 people to watch and play with them.
Kate will never understand she would be respected more if she just said you know what it's eight kids and we have the money now, how I do it is with a nanny.
Camille Grammer has three nannies. She is a narcissist but at least she doesn't lie about the nannies. She admits it, I need and want the three nannies, I ain't gonna pretend they're not here. I respect that far more than if she lied about it.
Does Kate think about the nannies when she downplays their role? They're people Kate, they get invested in your children and they have feelings. They don't necessarily want to be treated like they don't exist.
Imagine if your boss one day said I do everything here and acted like you only come in a few hours on a Wednesday afternoon. Yeah, it hurts.
I only watched a brief clip. Are you saying Sharon was there for the rest of the show but not Kate's segment???
LOL how did they explain THAT?
You know, I think I'm ready to just throw in the towel.
How does someone skate by so easily. Kart is like the Charlie Sheen of reality shows - not that I'm implying she's into drugs & porn... but there is blatant action of child neglect and exploitation (and the continuous lies) yet why does she always get empathetic treatment and adoration from these interviews?
Can someone tell me how one figure can be so polarizing. Why do we see someone who gets away with atrocious behavior and yet another group sees a "super mom just trying to survive."
I'm tired of this bs and over it.
ADMIN: Not only did Sharon skip the Kate gag fest so did Holly. The producers didn't even bother to try to explain their absence away. Sharon and Holly have my respect that they didn't bow down to the alter of Kate. Kate Gosselin is so delusional and such a liar. She even said she would never trash Jon on national TV. Can somebody please post links to other talk shows where she did just that!
This appearance on The Talk was just more of the same old song. You can go back and watch other interviews and i swear it's almost like she just hits the playback button. This woman is so delusional and i don't think this appearance helped her one bit.
Corey Haim's mom will be on GMA this morning talking about her sons life in the spotlight. I'll try & catch it, but I'm sure they'll have it online later. I'm sure this will be a good one to see.
They have that show in the can down to the couch interviews. I can't figure why they are waiting so long to show it. The kids will have grown a couple of inches before it even airs and Khate will have had a couple more procedures. Unless they are still tweaking it, must be an editor's nightmare. One very telling statement - it is more like they watch me. I am sure they do....like a hawk. I guess she is back to playing the I'm just little I need you to take care of me role. What a comfort to the kids.
Her hair in that photo looks just like my caricature of her!!!
I actually think it's quite possible that the crew does play with the kids, read to them, etc. I don't think it's normal behavior for a film crew, but if they are decent people who have a heart, it's not rocket science to see these kids are hurting, and knowing that if they don't do these things with the kids, they might not get that personal attention at all, I think they could be quite apt to shower some of their on the kids.
Calling them "dads", however, was nothing but a major Jon bashing ploy. I'm sure the film crew will be embarrassed to hear she said that.
I also still think that the meltdown on Sarah Palin's was not an impromptu incident, but that it was a plan she hatched up because she couldn't stand that she and her kids were welcomed with open arms into a loving extended family unit. She just couldn't take anymore. Perhaps one or more of the children even told her that he/she/they wanted to have parties with their grandparents, aunt, uncles, and cousins. Speculation, of course, but that whole meltdown was soooooooo fake. I'm sure that wasn't the only reason, but I'd be willing to bet it was a contributing factor. :)
I can see that Leah Remini is where I was before I knew too much about the situation. I thought the "haters" were terrible, and frankly, I think tweeting her was a pretty dumb idea.Guessing it was only a couple of people. Until I really started reading what goes on at the sheeple sites, I had no idea how nasty and hateful they were. "Hater" sites pale in comparison. It's the old "mean girl/groupie syndrome", I guess.
Also, I get tired of reading that it's too late for the Gosselins. It's never too late. In the trash heap that was Dr. Laura (She said lots of good things, actually. Unfortunately, they were mostly canceled out by her callousness and lack of listening skills.), she once told a young mom that everyone has two chances at the parent/child relationship - once as a child and once as a parent. The second one is the only one that you can control. Let's hope the Gosselin children understand that when they're grownups. There is much healing for a parent who comes out of such a situation when he/she has a healthy relationship with their own kids.
I'm sad for Kate that she didn't have a great relationship with her parents, but even sadder that she chose fame on her second turn. Still, I never say anyone is hopeless. We can all hope that now that her star is fading, she will begin to look for that healing in REALITY.
That is so sad that she is in this fantasy world where she makes up family for these kids. They have a dad, they have family but they don't get to see their extended family because their mother has alienated them. So they rely on strangers who are "hired help" to be a family to them because their mother is not. She is really sick and delusional.
Kate's comments are disturbing and insulting to her kid's DAD, BLOOD FAMILY, and ALL THE PEOPLE THAT WORK AROUND THE CLOCK FOR HER & HER KIDS.
And if she thinks the crew are going to stick around (after the show dies)and be pseudo-dads/playmates/nannies to her kids, she's sorely mistaken. The crew will move to the next paid gig that TLC/Discovery sends them to, without even looking back.
Kate's deluded....
"Facing the world...in baby steps together..."?? The woman has no idea of how asinine she sounds. As a 36 year old woman she is just now learning to face the world,in tiny steps, along with her 6 year old children? How irresponsible is that?
And of course she is taking "the world" literally rather than figuratively; she needs to travel to all of it before she can face it, and drag the kiddies along for a learning experience.
Going across the world to another continent is a "baby step"? How about getting along with people in your own town, your children's school community, your children's father...
Could she be any more Orange?!
she made the comment she ONLY has a babysitter 3 1/2 days (that is 84 hours and with the kids at Jons on weekends means the help is there 16.8 hours a day, Mon-Fri). The kids leave for school really early and don't get home until 4ish, so what the heck is the sitter there for? Unless she comes from mid-afternoon until late morning so kate has help every minute, PLUS some, when the kids are home. (sarcasm)
she can shovel it out anyway she wants but if came from her, looks like Krap, smells like Krap, it IS Krap!
Just imagine, simply put, if the kids' real father ever, ever implied his girlfriend was "like" a mother to the children? But the hired crew are dads in absentia. You are absolutely right that she has no idea that there is a dividing line between work relationships and family relationships; it is a truly delusional world.
Once again no serioius questions are asked or explanations demanded. A fake family has to be created so she can control them and have pretend-affection.
This woman is so old-news; why is she even relevant for a talk show?
I watched Corey Haim's mom in GMA. She said if she could do it all over again, she wouldn't change anything! Huh? As we all know, Haim did not die of a drug overdose, but was a serious drug addict for a long time. This was due to the pressures of his Hollywood life, & being a child actor. Partying, getting to do things other kids couldn't do, being on set at a young age, he had no father figure, & his mom let him get away with this stuff because she didn't want to punish him. Plus she knew he wouldn't listen. With no direction, he started going down the wrong path, marijuana, cocaine, & eventually, prescription pills, which frankly are the worst. I have seen 2 of my friends go off the wall with prescription pills. (After my last surgery, one came over & tried to steal my medication, but my husband caught her). So prescription pills are dangerous & hard to quit, apparently.
I'm not saying the G-kids will fall into the category. They will not be child "stars" forever. They are on reality TV. Big difference between movie stars, magazine dreamboat covers & reality TV kids, but will Kate give them the direction they need? The morals of growing up correctly in a society where in HS kids steal their parents pills & hand them out at their lockers? (I'm terrified of this, but I've taught my son well) Will Kate teach her kids right from wrong & I'm not talking camera angles here. She is so wrapped up in her own BS, in her own universe, these kids have Jon, yes, but not steadily. Their lives have been so abnormal thus far. They need stability & now. Kate is delusional if she thinks none of her kids will come out of this unscathed.
On the issue of Khate bashing Jon, please refer back to my transcript posted in the previous post (Part 3 of 5, posted in my comments at 5:39 pm on Feb 15th). Also, watch the video, of course.
I listened to the interview very carefully and I triple checked it. There is a BIG comment that everyone seems to be missing. Right before the commercial break between her segments, Khate said:
Khate: Well, no, I needed to respond at some point ‘cause the rumors get out of control. I mean, ninety-nine percent of what you read about me online is not true. Um, it’s far from true. And so, I feel like the answers that I put out there were because I have to remember that my kids are going to be able to look back on this, and there’s certain things I needed to come out and say, I need to clear the record and say this is not what’s happening, I mean…..
And so, the only things I came out and said were things that I didn’t want my kids to see me, you know, on The Today Show, on any show, you know, bashing their father. I won’t do it, you will never hear me do it. He will always be their father, no matter his choices.
(Audience applause)
JC: We have much more with Khate Gosselin when we come right back.
[Commercial break]
There she goes again! While proclaiming to never bash Jon, she implies that he's making bad choices, but he's still their father (as much as she hates that fact).
Hmm, I wonder if they have a court date coming up soon? I would think this would be highly relevant - that Khate is STILL going on tv bashing Jon by implying he's a crappy father!
Hippie Chick said... I watched Corey Haim's mom in GMA. She said if she could do it all over again, she wouldn't change anything! Huh? As we all know, Haim did not die of a drug overdose, but was a serious drug addict for a long time. This was due to the pressures of his Hollywood life, & being a child actor. Partying, getting to do things other kids couldn't do, being on set at a young age, he had no father figure, & his mom let him get away with this stuff because she didn't want to punish him. Plus she knew he wouldn't listen. With no direction, he started going down the wrong path, marijuana, cocaine, & eventually, prescription pills, which frankly are the worst.
I'm not saying the G-kids will fall into the category. They will not be child "stars" forever.
It's funny you mentioned that. Years ago VH1 did a Behind the Music about Leif Garrett and his mother said something similar to Corey Haim's mother. She said that she did not put any restrictions on Leif because she didn't want to be "the bad guy" or mean parent. So as a teenager he went off on tour unsupervised, had no supervision on set, had no discipline at home etc... The difference is that now, Leif's mother regrets not being a parent to him. Look at his life? It's been nothing but a haze of drugs and alchohol for the last 30-35 years.
Like you, I hope that this does not happen with the Gosselin children, but I'm pessimistic about their future. I hope I'm wrong. I hope that somehow Jon (and hopefully his family) will make a difference.
Administrator said...
I only watched a brief clip. Are you saying Sharon was there for the rest of the show but not Kate's segment???
LOL how did they explain THAT?
They didn't need to "explain" THAT. It's the way that the show is structured. Typically, not all hosts interview each guest.
She also took an underhanded swipe at Jon when she said they are a unit of nine now, and it is a much better unit.
Like, their daddy just ruined the whole family with his mere presence, and once they got rid of him, they were a better family.
If I were Jon, I would be highly offended by that statement. It came across as if he just drug the whole family down. If I recall correctly, SHE was the one who was always yelling and hollering and fighting.
Oh, and I was also highly amused by her ridiculous comment that her children are going to be well prepared to be out and about in the real world on their own.
Those kids are going to be eaten alive by the real world because they have NO IDEA how to be in it without all the entitlement and first class service.
I guess only kids who have a reality show and get free luxury trips around the world are prepared enough to be out on their own once they're old enough.
Really. You just cannot fix stupid.
So what happen to the second diamond. She loose Jamie?
And who booked her on the show, if no one wanted her?
Does Jon really have a job, besides sitting at home on a computer site all day??? Just asking? How can he pay child support and help with medical insurance for his children? Kate is not perfect, no one is, but why is Jon not working a real job.
"My kids are going to be equipped to face the world when they get out on their own because we are learning it in baby steps together."
Ummm....no, Kate. Your kids are NOT going to be equipped to handle it when they are no longer receiving the entitlements to which you have made them become accustomed.
It will be a hard process for them to come to grips with having to make it on their own without a team of people planning their every move for them and the freebies have dried up.
Zoetta said... "Facing the world...in baby steps together..."?? The woman has no idea of how asinine she sounds. As a 36 year old woman she is just now learning to face the world,in tiny steps, along with her 6 year old children? How irresponsible is that?
And of course she is taking "the world" literally rather than figuratively; she needs to travel to all of it before she can face it, and drag the kiddies along for a learning experience.
Going across the world to another continent is a "baby step"? How about getting along with people in your own town, your children's school community, your children's father...
February 16, 2011 5:43 AM
Oh I totally agree. Kate, my God what planet does she live on?
These kids might be better than others at being a good passenger on a plane, and better at how to navigate a zoo or building a sand castle, but they will be piss poor at how to fight fairly, how to maintain relationships through the good times AND bad without casting people to the curb, how to earn a genuine living without cameras, how to go to Target without Chris the paparazzi in their face, etc etc etc.
I cannot believe she just said, " I was on TV addressing what was put out there. I never bash their father, I won't do it". What an effin bold face lie!!!!
When are we ever going to be rid if this Bitch?!
The only "friends" Kate has left are the hired help (a.k.a. Steve). By extension then, the hired help (the ones who are really nice to the kids) are now "family".
Kate is desperate to find any means to justify and continue her behaviour. In her warped mind, I'm sure she thinks this is just fine. For the kids, though, I imagine it's just confusing, especially when her comments about staff are kinder than what she says about their own father.
Kate is looking more oriental every time I see her with those eyes getting pulled back more and more.
This woman is delusional and to lie about not bashing Jon is a "crock." So sad to have someone lie straight faced and no body calls her on any of it. I suppose they are all getting paid to be "sweet." Noticed the real moms, Holly and Sharon, were conspicuous in their absence from the Kate segment. Good for them. Believe me, the "crew" is not family. They are paid to put up with Kate and the kids. If they happen to be nice to the Gosselins, it is because they are nice people in general. If you aren't mentioned in the will, you are not family, Kate. This is just maddening and I hope more and more see this shrew for what she isn't. My heart is with Jon and the kids. That hair looks like straw-snark. I'm done with this mess and will not come back. Good wishes to all who write here.
Lay off the organic carrots Kate your skin tone is neon orange.
Bubbles, why are you here trying to stir up crap? Isn't it enough for you at the fan site where you can babble away about how great, how fantastic Kate is? It's not enough that you can go there and rip into this site and other non fan sites and then come back here and try to insinuate the Kate is fantastic mentality? Obviously, no one here agrees with your attitude about Kate, so why do you and a few other fans feel this need to come here and bash people for not thinking like you do? It makes no sense.
You know, if it was anyone but Kate saying it, I would say that the 'dads' comment was just an indication that they are dads themselves who care about her kids. But I think it was a very calculated statement made to demean Jon. Plus, what stuck out to me was this: she has repeatedly gone on and on about how the kids kept asking when the crew was coming back. If 'they will always be in our lives', where were they during that time? Apparently they were not in their lives during that hiatus and weren't back in their lives until they came back to work.
Did you catch how gleefully she proclaimed at least twice that they've traveled the WORLD now? That was funny to me too.
Oh well. Delusion, thy name is Kate and apparently you are not going down without a fight.
I did not like her hair. Too young, blonde and stringy. Plus I could see the roots.
I hear Kate will be profiled on 60 Minutes. Does anyone else know anything about this? I cannot believe a News program of their stature would stoop so low.
mama mia said... Lay off the organic carrots Kate your skin tone is neon orange
I thought her face looked puffy.
Sorry - just have to say all the money she spends on her hair .... what happened ?
It looked like an attempt @ the Farah look that got caught in the rain ... OMG ... maybe she's saving money and doing her own hair ... kidding of course ... LOL iam sure Miss Pamper me me me me me all about me spent a bundle somewhere for that look.
Jon has had a job for months. Just because he doesn't publicize the place (can be found on the Kate fansites, they've already harassed the place) and isn't on talk shows doesn't mean he's not working. You can be damn sure if he wasn't paying child support he'd be back in court and Kate would be crying on any TV outlet that would have her.
Why is it your concern? Jon is not doing anything to attract tabloid attention, he's working and taking care of his children. You are so concerned that he's not whoring himself to the media that you assume he sits on his butt all day and you are wrong. Very wrong. He works with people, he has friends, he has a life beyond Kate Gosselin, and those children are his main concern.
Why does she need the camera crew dads to read to the kids,etc.? when she could have her own parents, and siblings do that?
How sad when the hired tv crew has to step in and take the parent role. Maybe they felt inclined to do all those things because she doesn't.
And in the transcript, she mentions that her kids are old enough to do their own thing so sometimes she doesn't know where they are. Ummm.... maybe because you yourself said you dont play with the kids (just monitor from plastic throne).
When the wicked witch crashed the munchkinland party, you couldn't see a munchkin in sight... wonder why?
For me, it's easy to tell when Kate is fabricating her story/stories by the way she speaks; the tone of her voice completely changes.
If only she spoke so "softly" to her own children!
I think "crew" is code for Steve - period. It's her way of not exactly lying and not really telling the truth. She's actually believes she's got everyone fooled. Idiot.
Also, I thought someone had fiddled with the color on my monitor when I came here. But no, she really IS a weird shade of orange isn't she.
And finally to Emily -- You could not have done a better job of her caricature. Dead on!!
We all know that Kate is a narcissit but she seems to be a pathological liar. I lived with a pathological liar and he believed anything that came out of his mouth even though it might not be true. He told so many lies, he would forget a previous version of the lie and believe the new version of the lie each and every time. Here is a summary of a pathological liar:
1) Exaggerates
2) One-upping
3) Constructs reality around themselves
4) Because these people don't value honesty, they don't value loyalty
5) They contradict what they say
I have only seen a few shows with the Duggers. One I caught it showed "Jim" the sound man. He said that this family, the Duggers, where just like you see on TV when they are not filming. He added....not like other families on TV....he was the sound man for the Gosselins for a few years.
So do you think the Crew Dads were waiting at the airport when they came home from Oz, or were they waiting at home with dinner on the table? Oh wait, they have their own families, and other assignments when TLC is not filming in Wernersville. Reality check. Let us re-examine the difference between real family and work friends one more time.
Darn it, I can't few the video in Canada. I only wanted to see if she was really as orange as she looks in the still photo. Do you think she pissed off the lighting guy and that's just a red bulb shining on her? I mean, she looks so unnatural!
Kelly GI said... I hear Kate will be profiled on 60 Minutes....I cannot believe a News program of their stature would stoop so low.
60 Minutes investigates frauds and scams all the time.
Mimi to 3,
How many bubbles are on the net. You have no idea where I post or if I do. I know one bubble that posts here also. Guess you can't answer any question poised here. Just a FYI, I am not here to stir up anything. That's seems to be your game, asking a simple question does not need to be answeredd with your rude comments. No wonder the BL gets a bad rap. Please have a nice grumpy day.
I never thought I'd ever say it, but pleeeease bring back the reverse spikey mullet!!
I had that "do" in 1977. I had a giant comb sticking out of the back pocket of my Jordash jeans, a wad of Bubblelicious gum in my mouth, and flashing lights underneath my rollerskates.
Still trying to figure out what shade of skin that is. Lobster orange?
For someone who thinks she's just all that and a bag of chips, she sho' looks cartoon'ish.
Girlfriend needs to add a stylist to her posse' and payroll.
Bubbles, what makes you think Jon isn't working or paying child support? Your comment was worded in a way that was negative towards him. Somehow, I don't think you were asking because you care but for a reason to cut-down Jon.
Noticed the real moms, Holly and Sharon, were conspicuous in their absence from the Kate segment.
Why don't the other hosts count as "real moms?"
I put it on YT in case you want to watch it without adding to CBS viewership
Bubbles, there is a commenter named Bubbles who posts on fan sites. Mimi to 3 has probably seen her/him and thought you were one in the same. Bashing Jon is a Kate/Kate-fan pass time. We're not used to seeing it here.
Kate needs a diaper change cuz it smells like BS.
AuntieAnn said...
I think "crew" is code for Steve - period. It's her way of not exactly lying and not really telling the truth.
You are one smart cookie! That explains everything. I don't remember, was Steve around when filming was on hiatus?
Bubbles said...
Does Jon really have a job, besides sitting at home on a computer site all day??? Just asking? How can he pay child support and help with medical insurance for his children? Kate is not perfect, no one is, but why is Jon not working a real job.
Bubbles, at least Jon is putting his life together- while Kate is stuck on stupid, regurgitating the same old bullsh*t.
Jon saw the error of his ways, he is obviously sending his support payments, and has moved on. Can you say the same for Kate? Is Kate satisfied with anyone? Can she do anything without there being conflict or drama? She claims that everyone in her life has left her- why is that? Just asking?
Every single boring time Kate goes on t.v., she has to insult the father of her children one way or another. At least Jon is free, and SHE CANNOT PUSH HIM AROUND ANYMORE. And I think it's consuming her.
Keep drinking the Kool-Aide, Bubbles...
P.S. Kate has to find another "job", she SUCKS ROYALLY in the entertainment field.
Did Kate stay in contact with Tony Dovolani? No! She hasn't stayed in contacted with anyone after all is said and done.
Katie Irene is NOT Hollywood star, she is a reality show fame wh*re! Everybody KNOWS that!
She hates the media, behaves like a whiney, cry baby, because her antics are exposed for the world to see. Just what she wanted, attention!!
She's a piriah and she doesn't even know that. She has NO self awareness of the joke she's become.
Kate has made every effort to ensure that Jon is out of the kids' lives as much as possible (thanks to her high-dollar attorneys and a screwed-up court system), all the while collecting as much child support as she can squeeze out of him.
Why do the Kate fanatics still try and blame Jon for being a deadbeat dad? One can only do so much with tied hands.
Have been gone all morning so I haven't read the entire blog yet, but I did want to point out something (and maybe someone already has). I noticed yesterday that Kate, for the first time, is wearing a single necklace instead of the double necklace...wonder if there's trouble in Stevie land?
It is normal on The Talk for only 2 or 3 of the hosts to sit out segments. This was nothing special about Kate's. I laughed at the bags of toys from the dollar store on the plane. When has she ever been photographed coming out of one. Hasn't it also been reported by flight attendants that Kate and Steve sit separate on plans from the kids and are tended to by nannies and flight attendants. It was the usual, if her mouth was moving, she was lying.
AuntieAnn said... Kelly GI said... I hear Kate will be profiled on 60 Minutes....I cannot believe a News program of their stature would stoop so low.
60 Minutes investigates frauds and scams all the time.
Before this rumor goes too far, a poster on a fan site said IN MY OPINION:
"IMO, Kate Gosselin will be featured on a future 60 Minutes episode."
Does Jon really have a job, besides sitting at home on a computer site all day??? Just asking? How can he pay child support and help with medical insurance for his children? Kate is not perfect, no one is, but why is Jon not working a real job.
He does have a real job. Haven't you been reading the updates? He's working in sales and marketing with a "real" company, and reportedly is very happy with his job, out of the limelight.
I don't believe anyone is trying to dismiss the other mothers on the Talk panel, but it did appear that Leah doesn't know Kate or doesn't really care about the "truth" on the Gosselins. We know how Sharon feels because she has made no secret of her feelings towards Kate. The statement Kate made about their show not "being scripted" was sickening. We know that is just not true. Those kids are used to doing take after take of the various scenes. I believe the "melt-down" in Alaska was for viewer benefit as well. Fake, phony, counterfeit, Kate. Laughing all the way to the bank, still, isn't she? Entitlement doesn't teach anyone how to make it in the real world, does it? Kate did not look pretty or natural on this show. Orange is not attractive on anyone.
E-town Neighbor said...
Does Jon really have a job, besides sitting at home on a computer site all day??? Just asking? How can he pay child support and help with medical insurance for his children? Kate is not perfect, no one is, but why is Jon not working a real job.
We don't know that he's not working. As far as we know he is paying child support which I believe is based on income which means Kate would pay most of it. That's the way it's always been regarding child support but usually the man is the one making the most money.
Finally got to see it via YouTube. My takes: It was clearly damage control. Her people must feel this is needed monthly, or at least every quarter.
Kart’s initial nervousness melted away as she realized how well received she was with the ladies. Once she started babbling she couldn’t stop – perhaps they had more questions for her but couldn’t get a word in?
She looked sooooooo satisfied and pleased with herself at the end, not realizing she had her foot in her mouth all the way up to her ass.
About the audience cheering & clapping: I went to the taping of a show about 15 years ago. Before the show even began they filmed us (the audience) cheering & whistling as loud as we could, clapping till our hands hurt (both sitting and standing) to augment the actual responses after taping. Anyone know if this is still done? I find it hard to believe the whole “Talk” audience was truly cheering for Kart.
Thanks for clearing up my question of Jon having a job. He was behind in cs. I just wondered how he was going to get caught up with it. Kate may have to get a regular job someday, nothing lasts forever, but Jon will then have to do more. My concern was if Jon is going to be able to do this. No matter if Kate downsized, the kids bills will always be there. Both parents should be responsible, and no way was I giving Kate a pass on this.
Let me rephrase my comment. (I apologize also) Kate is looking more and more like a cat with those eyes getting pulled back more and more. No offense to cats because I have two of them. She is starting to like Jocelyn Wildenstein in the eyes. That is what I was going for. I did not mean to offend people here or from Asia with my comments.
Again I am sorry for my comment. I did not mean for it to be racist.
I will decline from posting and visiting anymore.
PatK said...
Kate has made every effort to ensure that Jon is out of the kids' lives as much as possible (thanks to her high-dollar attorneys and a screwed-up court system), all the while collecting as much child support as she can squeeze out of him.
Why do the Kate fanatics still try and blame Jon for being a deadbeat dad? One can only do so much with tied hands.
You are conveniently forgetting that Jon did not seek full custody initially. She is not doing everything in her power to keep him out of their lives; their custody arrangement is one shared by millions of divorced couples. You also are forgetting that he *chose* to move to another state after their split. Since returning to the area where his children live, he ha seen them regularly. Kate is not preventing that from happening.
Bubbles, you give yourself away by saying, "No wonder the BL gets bad rap". Only fan sites refer to Admin as "the BL". We don't. I believe that's "bloggin' lawyer" in fanspeak. So, go back over to the dark side, please, where a BM is waiting for you! LOL.
Uh, bubbles is it? My husband sits at home on the computer all day - he's a successful, sole proprietor architect whose office is in our house. He left a corporate job 20 years ago because he could make so much more on his own. Thanks to that decision our kids enjoyed ivy league educations. All of them. Your comment about Jon is highly offensive and insulting. Why do think your bashing and hating on Jon makes you any better than the Kate criticizers you despise so? Kinda makes you a hypocrite.
As a side note all the sheeple went BESERK when Ellen jokingly referred to herself as " stepmom" ...will they show the same outrage over the "dads" comment - the should and more so since it was the mother, of all people, who said it. But hypocrites that they are, won't.
Let Khate do her own show sans kids. Without a doubt if she makes money from it she'll put in an account for HER only, god forbid any of HER money spent on anyone other than her...
Laura D. said...
About the audience cheering & clapping: I went to the taping of a show about 15 years ago. Before the show even began they filmed us (the audience) cheering & whistling as loud as we could, clapping till our hands hurt (both sitting and standing) to augment the actual responses after taping. Anyone know if this is still done? I find it hard to believe the whole “Talk” audience was truly cheering for Kart.
February 16, 2011 2:27 PM
I noticed on Monday's show ( yes, I watch this everyday and not just because Katezilla was on ) that the audience seemed to be screaming really loud and whistling like crazy when LL Cool J came out, but when the camera panned to a section of audience, NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON was hooting and hollering. Just lightly clapping. It was obvious that the loud whistling and hooting was taped, because that particular audience was pretty chill. The audio and visual didn't match.
Let!s Deal in Reality Please said...
Same old, same old
So Kate took the kids "for " work to Australia and New Zealand with Jon's blessing? If I recall, some of that time "may" have been during his custody time. She seemingly ditches any and all chances for Jon to see the kids other than his court order visitations (and she possibly found a way around hat too- note I said may). I think if she could refuse Jon any time with his kids she would. He even, graciously, I might add, like one who is actually thinking of his kids said he thought Khate had done a good job with the two who had, uh, issues.
Personally, I wish they both would just shut up,.
Sadiemay said...
E-town Neighbor said...
Does Jon really have a job, besides sitting at home on a computer site all day??? Just asking? How can he pay child support and help with medical insurance for his children? Kate is not perfect, no one is, but why is Jon not working a real job.
I DID NOT say this, Sadiemay. I quoted Bubbles, and my response was that he had a real job. That little *********** separates the quotes from the response.
@ Bubbles: Kate may have to get a regular job someday, nothing lasts forever, but Jon will then have to do more.
Kate reportedly pulled in 3.5 MILLION DOLLARS in 2010 alone. On the backs of her children.
That should go a long way, invested and spent wisely.
She had another "Dayam Baby, What'd you do to your hair?" day that day.
"Orlando, you like it? It's Scarecrow yellow!"
why is it 'racist' to state that kate is getting to look more and more like her children which is something 'she' clearly stated she aspires to? sometimes politcally correct crap can sure be silly!
When the entertainment business FINALLY realizes she is a dead dog and stops the farce called a show, the kids lifestyle will have to return to something normal and average, so Jon will NOT have to cough up more money. There is NO legitimate reason on earth that HER kids deserve a lifestyle any better than any other children from a regular family with a father in the IT field and a mother who is a nurse (if the health care field will even take her back). She has shown NO nursing type skills or aptitude over the years, doesn't even have a kind bedside manner for her own sick children and can't see beyond her own arrogant self.
No offense to cats because I have two of them.
Well, as long as any CATS blogging here aren't offended....
I don't doubt that some of the hatred towards Jon is because he is not Caucasian, even though he is American-born.
met said... Admin.....
Let me rephrase my comment. (I apologize also) Kate is looking more and more like a cat with those eyes getting pulled back more and more. No offense to cats because I have two of them. She is starting to like Jocelyn Wildenstein in the eyes. That is what I was going for. I did not mean to offend people here or from Asia with my comments.
Again I am sorry for my comment. I did not mean for it to be racist.
I will decline from posting and visiting anymore.
February 16, 2011 2:33 PM
What is so racist about saying someone's eyes are pulled back like an Asian's? That's ridiculous to think that is a racist statement.
I think Asian eye's are beautiful. And they are pulled back. That is not a racist remark to describe it that way. My BFF is Japanese and she would laugh if she read that someone was offended by such a remark.
They just look absurd on Kate is what the problem is.
BTW Disgusted : high five to ya.
Bubbles said...
Does Jon really have a job, besides sitting at home on a computer site all day??? Just asking? How can he pay child support and help with medical insurance for his children? Kate is not perfect, no one is, but why is Jon not working a real job.
Yesterday Bubbles, you posted that "all of us whiners should move on, as Kate has moved on" You suggested we find a better topic to discuss, like teen Moms or poverty. Yet here you are back today bashing Jon. A tad hypocritical don't you think?
But really nice to know that you are so in touch with what Jon is doing about his child support payments and medical insurance etc.
1. The boobs were without the normal massive cleavage, for once. Obvious damage control of her image.
2. She looked and sounded nervous as hell.
3. Her hair gets worse by the month...totally fried with DARK ROOTS showing. How can anyone with her money have hair that looks so awful?
4. I couldn't stop staring at her plastic forehead. Must be fresh botox.
5. The lies were breathtaking. I hope that the body language expert, Lillian Glass, analyzes this interview, cause Kate was in rare form.
Bubbles said...
Thanks for clearing up my question of Jon having a job. He was behind in cs. I just wondered how he was going to get caught up with it. Kate may have to get a regular job someday, nothing lasts forever, but Jon will then have to do more. My concern was if Jon is going to be able to do this. No matter if Kate downsized, the kids bills will always be there. Both parents should be responsible, and no way was I giving Kate a pass on this.
I would totally understand if Jon is behind in his child support payments, as it was $20,000/month prior to the recent custody deal over the summer. There aren't many normal jobs Jon is qualified for (lacking a college degree, etc.) that would pay enough money to cover
those monthly child support payments (or even half that amount).
This is why some of us are concerned about the Gosselin's financial situation. When the show finally ends, there is no way either parent will be able to support Kate and the kids' current lifestyle and its expenses in the long run (even with the money they have already earned).
How much of the current child expenses goes towards tuition? If it's even half of $20,000/month and the TLC money dries up, then the Gosselin parents would have to make a difficult choice about the kids' education. Find a way to continue paying their tuition or use that money saved towards more necessary family expenses by placing the kids in public education.
The Gosselins aren't the only HOM family (or large family) in the US. I think the media forgets that, especially when they say the Gosselins need the show to support their family. No, the Gosselins need the show now to support their current lifestyle. If many HOM families have found a way to survive on normal salaries, then the Gosselins can do the same. It won't be easy but it's definitely possible.
I don't thing KG is making herself look Asian on purpose. It's the botox that is causing the muscle to freeze by the temples.
I hope this thread doesn't veer off into this race thing.
I wonder if Admin could line up photos of Kart from 2006 to present day because the change in appearance is more drastic than my mom's kitchen renovation.
P.S. by the way, I'm Asian-American but do not have slanted eyes. Not all of us do.
Oh Bubbles, I am decidedly ungrumpy today. I was just pointing out the obvious about your comment. And by the way, making the statement that Jon is behind in child support was only talked about by Kate. The fan sites are the ones who took that comment and tried to make it into a fact, with no proof but Kate's continuous badmouthing him and lying about him.
Picked up the National Enquirer at the hair salon the other day while waiting. I caught a "Guess Who?" blind item that read, " What reality show diva was so annoyed when her daughter woke her up from a nap during a long flight that she slapped the kid across the face? The high-flying "mommie dearest" immediately apologized to her little girl when she realized nearby passengers saw the whole thing!" Things that make me go Hmmmmm....
Hey, Bubbles! said...
Bubbles, you give yourself away by saying, "No wonder the BL gets bad rap". Only fan sites refer to Admin as "the BL". We don't. I believe that's "bloggin' lawyer" in fanspeak. So, go back over to the dark side, please, where a BM is waiting for you! LOL.
Thanks ........ I wanted to say the same. She's obviously here to stir the pot.
Let's Deal in Reality Please said...
You are conveniently forgetting that Jon did not seek full custody initially. She is not doing everything in her power to keep him out of their lives; their custody arrangement is one shared by millions of divorced couples. You also are forgetting that he *chose* to move to another state after their split. Since returning to the area where his children live, he ha seen them regularly. Kate is not preventing that from happening.
I think Pat K is referring to the fact that Kate has had the kids on every major holiday (thanksgiving, christmas, new years) for the last two years. Most custody agreements are every other. Plus, when she went to LA to shoot Dancing With the Stars, she left the kids with babysitters instead of giving Jon the option to watch them (which he took her to court over). I think there is more evidence of her trying to lessen the kids time with Jon but that's what I can think of off the top of my head.
(Referring to hate comments towards Bubbles) Not calling out anyone specifically, but can we make an effort to be nice to each other?
I like to assume that everyone who posts here is trying to express a valid opinion, and react to it as such. Can we agree that if we disagree with someone's comments, we can respectfully reply to them with reasons for thinking differently? I hate to see grown adults spreading hate to someone who is expressing an opinion.
@ Bubbles...if you're not the Bubbles that comes over here from the fan site with the sole purpose to stir things up, you probably want to change your username. Or at least word your comments in such a way that cannot be interpreted as belittling the common opinion here that Kate is exploiting the children.
I don't doubt the kids might miss the crew and enjoy having them but I think it is only because of the attention they get while playing with them. I bet the kids wouldn't miss the cameras if the crew didn't have fun with them.
I never wrote this before but I think Kate disliked the camping more because she had to share the limelight with SP- since it wasn't about ONLY her and her kids.
Racism implies superiority. Saying Kate's eyes looked oriental is not racist. It may be offensive to some but it's not racist unless the commentor was saying non-Asian eyes are superior.
I think the point of the original comment was to say Kate's eyes were so pulled back that it resembled stereo-typical Asian eyes. Granted the commentor used "oriental" instead of Asian which is not politically correct, but other than that I see nothing wrong with her comment.
And I'm glad someone else noticed that her face was so stiff! Holy Botox Batman!
Chingada said...You are one smart cookie! That explains everything. I don't remember, was Steve around when filming was on hiatus?
Ah shucks thanks, Chingada. (blushing) I think it's blatantly obvious those two are doing each other and Steve is a permanent fixture at the McMansion. I can't prove it but so far no one seems to be able to prove I'm wrong.
Kate twists her answers to suit the lie she's telling at the moment.
re: the 60 Minutes comment
maybe not said... Before this rumor goes too far, a poster on a fan site said IN MY OPINION:
"IMO, Kate Gosselin will be featured on a future 60 Minutes episode."
I said on another thread here recently that I'd like to see 60 Minutes do sixty minutes on her. The poster you quoted was basically saying the same thing. I don't think that qualifies as a rumor.
I'll reiterate what I wrote in my earlier comment on this thread....60 Minutes investigates frauds and scams all the time. It would make my day to see a real investigative journalist pin Kate to the wall.
Sorry Kate. The orange skin and red blouse clashed! The hacked off bleached hair and flourescent white teeth were gross. She looked all shiny and plastic. Where did the old Kate go? Why no questions about family members only that the crew are dads? Such a sad story that fits into a 5 minute segment.
I see Bubbles can't post her bashing of Jon on ROL anymore (Maggie) so she ventures on over here. Go back to Ziggy with the other haters.
She's a nutjob said... Observations:
1. The boobs were without the normal massive cleavage, for once. Obvious damage control of her image.
Oooooooo you must've missed the footage of Kate sitting on her throne in the basement, talking to the camera about the Australia trip.
Boobage hanging low and wobblin' to and fro. She can tie em in a knot. She can tie em in a bow. Those suckers were being shown big time!!!
You'll notice that she usually puts the girls on grand display when she's interviewing in the basement, because she's surrounded by men with no kids around.
I have LMAO about 10 times looking at that ridiculous photo of her on The Talk. What the hell color is her skin? She looks like she slept in a tanning bed a few hours and got fried to a crisp.
maybe not...My apologies. I reread the post by Kelly GI that said "I hear Kate is going to be profiled on 60 Minutes". My bad. That does make it a rumor.
I have nothing much to add, just a question.
Is that all Kate's hair now, or does she still have extensions in there? It seems rather synthetic-looking to me.
At least it was out of her face this time and she didn't have to keep tossing her head to the side or holding the flap of bangs behind her ear to see who she was talking to. Thank goodness.
Kate wants to chase a tornado but can't handle 24 hours at a campsite in 50 degree weather. Honestly ... who is she trying to kid . LMAO
I apologize for being OT-but the childrens' college education will be funded by the state so long as they attend state (PA) schools. Seems I remember there was something signed at the birth of the six that hopefully included the twins.
The kids have guaranteed 4-year scholarships before considering they have earned everyone (including Jon & Kate) the price of an Ivy education over the last few years.
Laura D said: About the audience cheering & clapping: I went to the taping of a show about 15 years ago. Before the show even began they filmed us (the audience) cheering & whistling as loud as we could, clapping till our hands hurt (both sitting and standing) to augment the actual responses after taping. Anyone know if this is still done?
I was at a comedy special a few months ago. Before the first "comic" (he was NOT funny) came out the host asked us to give him a big round of applause. People were clapping and the host kept saying louder, louder and whistle. Very contrived but they were taping it for a TV special.
Pennsylvania 8-5000 said...
I apologize for being OT-but the childrens' college education will be funded by the state so long as they attend state (PA) schools. Seems I remember there was something signed at the birth of the six that hopefully included the twins.
The kids have guaranteed 4-year scholarships before considering they have earned everyone (including Jon & Kate) the price of an Ivy education over the last few years.
The statement about a funded college education is an old misconception. The state of PA opened TAP funds for the public to contribute to, but they did NOT fund them and they were "guaranteed" nothing actually. There may be hundreds in the account or there may be millions (which I highly doubt) but any monies put there was done by the PA taxpayers, not the state itself and it may or may not put anyone through a PA state college.
I apologize for being OT-but the childrens' college education will be funded by the state so long as they attend state (PA) schools. Seems I remember there was something signed at the birth of the six that hopefully included the twins.
This rumor has been going around for some time. What was opened was a TAP account PA 529. It was established by the late lieutenant governor, Catherine Baker Knoll, who was the one who declared the tups "State Treasures." The state is not funding anything.They do not have scholarships. The account is open for DONATIONS. Anyone may contribute. In any case, the mandatory attendance at a state college is no longer in effect. They may attend any college of their choice, even approved ones overseas.
I don't think that her appearance went over as planned....there has been no "buzz" about her appearance and no pap pictures. Has the train finally pulled in to the station? We can only hope so!
@ Bubbles: Kate may have to get a regular job someday, nothing lasts forever, but Jon will then have to do more.
Administrator can correct me if I am legally incorrect here....but a divorce judge would NOT rule that a father has to provide support to maintain the lavish lifestyle that the children (Kate) live at the current time....WHEN there is no reasonable expectation that the father could afford this amount or make an income that could afford this amount .
Jon apparently was able to pay the 20 grand amount back when he was being paid (per his contract) by TLC....but once that money runs/ran out, he would be expected to provide an amount of child support that would be reasonable for a normal lifestyle for his children....since he does not make anywhere near what it would require to support a lavish lifestyle and he is not likely to be able to make that much in the future.
I suspect that what you may be thinking of is a divorce situation where a father with a very significant income and potential income (like an NBA player, for example)....is ordered to pay an amount of custody that would maintain the lavish lifestyle of any child/children he would have....because he CAN afford it. In fact, this situation USUALLY involves alimony (often ordered to be paid to a wife who did not have the lavish lifestyle prior to the marriage), rather than custody....but the basic concept is: IF the father is making a significant amount of money or has the definite potential to do so (or simply has a LOT of money, due to inheritance, etc.)....he will be expected to help maintain what lifestyle the child/children are/have become accustomed to......that is, unless and until the situation becomes changed and he can no longer reasonably afford that amount.
It is about how much the father (or either spouse, for that matter) can reasonably afford....and NOT about how lavish a lifestyle the child/children have become accustomed to. A judge will not order a spouse to pay an amount that he/she can not reasonably afford to pay.
I didn't watch the clip, (thank you Nobody Likes A Narcissist, for the rundown) but looking at the picture, it seems she is trying to pull off what so many other celebs (she is so not a celeb) have done; bring a hairstyle in as their own. Well, first off, Kate did NOT invent The Farrah, Farrah did. Secondly, Kate already had a hairstyle named after her: The Possum, & it was panned & made fun of by people all over the country, so there ya go. She also needs something long that covers her ears so her precious little ear piece is secure & covered & no one will see it. You just KNOW someone is feeding her the answers. The uhs & ums though in the transcript? Priceless. What a dolt. Is she waiting for the answer? Or does she just sound that idiotic? Is that how she sounds on her couch interviews also? It's almost as if she is a teenager who puts "like" after every word. Annoying as hell. My niece does it, & I want to scream when she does it. Like, like, like shut up!!
Kate's contradictions are catching up to her. She can't even keep them straight. WE know & the sheeple know too, they are in denial though. Kate is a trainwreck. We just wait. TLC probably won't even air her stupid show. Why now with the plugging of her show? Makes no sense. She has no relevance, so trot her off on a non-popular talk show? Hmmm. Ok then. I say she is done. And I say yay.
Also wanted to add....I did not see Kate on The Talk but in reference to this issue regarding the crew men being like "fathers"......back in the 70's I volunteered at a Head Start daycare center and remember the head of the daycare explaining to me (because of the behavior of some of the children I witnessed) that the ones who were overly affectionate to strangers often had a history of neglect/abuse.
Not that I'm saying that all the crew men are strangers to the G. children....but it seems clear that different crew people and caretakers cycle in and out of the lives of these children and they seem to be overly affectionate to them for their age....and remind me of the some of the children at the daycare.
In the real world, it can be very difficult to get ones children to be friendly towards, much less affectionate towards, for instance, their mother's new boyfriend. Whereas, the G. children seem to be lacking a healthy fear of strangers.
Also....as far as talk shows go....I think that TLC would NEVER allow Kate to participate in any of them unless they agreed to do a puff piece, more or less....so I would consider it unreasonable to expect to see her asked the hard questions on any of them....at least until she is no longer tied-up with TLC.
And I'd not expect any real sort of expose done in any sort of documentary-type show either....as long as she is still actively connected to TLC....as long as they have some sort of financial relationship with her and are invested in her (or in her children, but with Kate as part of the package).
We won't get to see any of that until TLC cuts the tie-line with her. THEN it would become reasonable to hope or expect to see the real story exposed. But until that happens, I think it would be totally fruitless to have those types of expectations. It's going to be one disappointment after another until TLC totally cuts her loose. (JMO)
I wonder if Kate was bitching at TLC because she was disappearing off the radar (pun intended)and they allowed her to do The Talk (just to shut her up) but really didn't give her the support she is used to. Hence, no big publicity, no pap's, etc. I believe they MAY run the rest of her episodes in April but for now they are buying time and keeping her on the payroll until they see if the new programing they have lined up is a hit or not. If desperate they will air her (hopefully) final episodes. At any rate something was "off" about the appearance on The Talk and I am sure it had to do with TLC backing off on their support of Kate. Flush, she is circling the drain.
I wonder if in some alternate universe that Kate and the sheeple honestly think it is right for Kate to equate these crew members with family. It is an insult to families everywhere, including the families of these crew members, that she equates them with dads to her children because they are dads in their own families therefore they will always be their families. She has such a screwed up mental faculty she doesn't even realize how messed up she sounds. Message to Kate: you have a family, a mother and father, sisters and a brother, nephews and nieces, you HAD friends that you blew through and tossed aside. Suck it up and make up with your family and allow them to be your children's family. How can anyone hold a grudge as long as Kate has. Just because she was the middle kid and the 'neglected' kid -- according to her -- how can you hang on to that and exclude these family members from your life. Those kids would be so much richer to have real family around than crew members who will be GONE, Kate, gone the day this show wraps.
For the sheeple to think Kate had good reasons to chuck everyone out of their lives, I could agree that one or two people might not get along, but every single family member and every friend that was supposedly her bestest friend in the world are now gone? At what point do you open your eyes and see the common denominator in this whole fiasco is Kate, that SHE cannot get along with anyone.
SusieQ said...
I wonder if Kate was bitching at TLC because she was disappearing off the radar (pun intended)and they allowed her to do The Talk (just to shut her up) but really didn't give her the support she is used to. Hence, no big publicity, no pap's, etc.
Other than at the airport, there are rarely paparazzi photos of Kate in LA. There aren't pap photos when she's come out to do ET, etc. It has nothing to do with a lack of support or publicity. When Kate does something like the Today Show in NY, there are paparazzi photos because she enters/exits their car on the street, where anyone can gather. In LA, people are driven on/off the lots and paparazzi typically can't get on lots. That's why you see tons of pictures of celebrities going into their Letterman appearances, but you don't see the same for Leno.
I'm not quite sure why people were tweeting the hosts of The Talk in the first place. Haven't all of these women been bitten by the fame bug? Isn't that why they are all on TV in the first place? Attacking Kate would be like attacking their own reasons for being on TV. Talking to them about protection of privacy seems to make no sense at all
I don’t concern myself much with Kate’s looks. Her unwillingness to support herself and her children unless they are working is what I find so reprehensible. However, I’d just like to clear one thing up. Kate doesn’t have a Farrah Fawcett hairdo and it’s not out of style. Kate has what is known in hairdo jargon as a “layered-wispy” style and it’s a popular style right now-sort of a takeoff on the mussed, windblown cuts. I work in a hair salon and see it quite often. It’s cute on young girls.
I used to enjoy reading this blog. Lots of people with good viewpoints and humor. Lately, not so much. I'm not emotionally invested in this situation, perhaps that's it, because reading now is less fun and more like interpreting the shrieking. No, I'm not from the other side. I have no side.
Was just going to leave and never return but then I thought, what the hell. Might as well let them know what one person's opinion is.
I just wanted to say something regarding the talk shows and tweeting the hosts... When Kate goes on these talk shows, they aren't meant to be expose's. They are soft ball interviews to plug her upcoming projects and do damage control. These interviews are like when a movie star goes on a talk show to talk about their new movie and tell a couple of mildly funny anecdotes. Of course I'm not equating Kate Gosselin to a movie star, but I think it's foolish to expect anyone to ask her hard-ball questions in that type of forum.
On that note, tweeting the hosts of these shows makes anti-Kate people look crazy, and worse, it makes Kate look sympathetic. I know it's frustrating to watch people give her phony flattery and let her lie threw her teeth with no repercussions, but what do you expect? Day time talk shows aren't known for hard hitting journalism. Honestly, the only way the truth will get out there about the Gosselins is going to be through the tabloid press because that's what she is, tabloid fodder. I'm not holding my breath to see a real journalist take on Kate because she is a joke and a waste of time.
I wrote to Dr. Lillian Glass and she is done with Kate Gosselin. I received two beautiful responses from the Dr. yesterday and today. As long as the "suits" can keep making money from the Gosselins, the show will go on. Once the money dries up, bye, bye. Don't be too concerned about Kate feeding her kids. She has made enough money to feed them for 10 lifetimes. I'm going with the good Dr. and saying bye, bye, too.
Kate doesn't have to worry about money. She made plenty from "her" first book, she scammed a boatload from church engagments, filled her bank account from speaking tours, made a nice little bundle from dancing like a circus bear on DWTS and of course is still raking it in off the backs of her kids in that realist of all reality shows. Almost everything in her house has been gifted to her as are the extravagant (ahem) world travels. There are no financial woes in her life. What there is, is her fear of fading into nothingness where she came from. She sprays herself bright orange so people will keep noticing her. It's all she's got left.
Did you ever notice that when she's interviewed by women, Kate acts demure and is soft spoken. But when interviewed by men she is brash and flirty? I think it's because she knows women can see through her charade...men get charmed by her attention.
If Kate said that the crew is a part of the family, and that a relationship with them would be kept even if filming ceased, then why did she claim it was such a blow to the kids when Jon wouldn't allow filming anymore? If the crew was "family", then there should have been nothing to worry about in terms of the kids not seeing them. She can't keep her stories straight.
Hair, There & Everywhere said...
Kate doesn’t have a Farrah Fawcett hairdo and it’s not out of style. Kate has what is known in hairdo jargon as a “layered-wispy” style and it’s a popular style right now-sort of a takeoff on the mussed, windblown cuts. I work in a hair salon and see it quite often. It’s cute on young girls.
Thank you for clearing that up. It looks feathered to me, so that's what confused me a bit. Kate can try to look young all she wants, we all do it!...but the tanning & everything, that will catch up to her. Her skin is an odd color, & that is just from the picture. It is unnatural. Who strives to look orange-y? Skin should be taken care of. You really don't have a do-over. If she gets wrinkly & permanently brown, well, I don't know. I guess that's her own problem. Her hair? The dying & over-processing, that'll damage hair excessively also. Trying so hard to look young can make one look older.
In the law there is something called the Plain Meaning Doctrine. It basically says you read into the law what the plain meaning of the words are, you don't read into it beyond that. If a law says no motorcycles are permitted on sidewalks, you don't read into the law and assume that non-motor bicycles are not permitted either, unless the law said bicylces too.
Kate did not say the crew are dads in their real lives themselves. She did not say they too have children. She said these dads, period. Then went on to list things dads do--reading, playing etc. Especially given a lot of the crew appear to be about 22, I highly doubt every single one has kids at home too. Surely at least a few of them are still young and unattached. Plain meaning.
Regardless of her intention, it was hurtful and inappropriate.
I can say I hate you but I don't really mean it--doesn't mean it's not hurtful and appropriate.
Mimi to 3 said....
but every single family member and every friend that was supposedly her bestest friend in the world are now gone?
Is Jamie "gone", or is she just up in Michigan with her new husband? I think we might see Jamie reappear in the summer, if anybody still cares enough to take pictures of Kate by then.
From Nobody Likes a Narcissist's transcript of The Talk:
Kate - ... And so, the only things I came out and said were things that I didn't want my kids to see me, you know, on The Today Show, on any show, you know, bashing their father. I won't do it, you will never hear me do it. He will always be their father, no matter his choices.
NO MATTER HIS CHOICES. wtf? She bashed him in the same sentence she said she wouldn't bash him.
Hippie Chick said...
Kate's contradictions are catching up to her. She can't even keep them straight.
Jon did say once, in one of the show's couch interviews, that Kate contradicts herself. She'll say one thing then contradict herself in the next sentence.
AuntieAnn said... Kate doesn't have to worry about money. She made plenty from "her" first book, she scammed a boatload from church engagments, filled her bank account from speaking tours, made a nice little bundle from dancing like a circus bear on DWTS and of course is still raking it in off the backs of her kids in that realist of all reality shows. Almost everything in her house has been gifted to her as are the extravagant (ahem) world travels. There are no financial woes in her life. What there is, is her fear of fading into nothingness where she came from. She sprays herself bright orange so people will keep noticing her. It's all she's got left.
You express everything I am thinking in every post you make...you just do it so much better than I do. Keep posting!
Again, I did not watch Kate on The Talk, but from what I'm reading here, my impression was that this was her way of trying to do damage control for:
1) inferences that the long hours of filming are not good for the children/harmful for the children. (oh no, they are great for them because they get to spend quality time with all these "dads"/role models). And also:
2) inferences regarding the male film crew....that some might have more than a business interest in the children, etc....and no background checks were done in the past, apparently. (but oh no, these guys are like "dads"....so they couldn't possibly have any tendencies towards pedophilia....because "dads" don't do that sort of stuff....so the children are perfectly safe with them...even alone with them). And also, possibly:
3) inferences that the anger control and rage issues that the children have exhibited could be related to anger that they have to be away from their father for periods of time...since the divorce. And also that whole incident where the children were screaming in Jon's van when he was returning them to Kate. (but oh no, these suspicions cannot possibly be true because they get plenty of "fathering" when they are with their mother....from these great "dads" who are filming them).
I have found it very helpful to take breaks from the Gosselin debacle every few days/weeks. It causes me to be less frustrated by the situation and also makes me aware of other things going on out on the net. The whole 'Justin Bieber at the Grammy awards show losing out to someone else' situation....resulting in violence from his fans towards the winner....shows me that there are probably sheeple out there for every celebrity....it's the nature of the beast.
Our questions regarding how they can continue to see such a twisted version of reality in terms of what the rest of us are seeing.....can be put into some degree of perspective when it becomes clear that there are certain personalities (with probable personality issues, IMO) who will exhibit this behavior and DO exhibit it towards a whole list of celebrities. It seems that every celebrity has a group of rabid fans who adore them no matter what they do.
But boy, I have to say that this entire debacle has taught me a whole lot of things about show business corporations and about psychiatric and/or personality disorders. That in itself makes it very interesting to me .....and I take breaks in order to prevent myself from getting too emotionally invested because I know that it will just continue to frustrate me....as long as the current status quo of this situation continues....and seems to be going on and on endlessly with no 'just desserts' in sight.
Jennivo69 said:
I think it's because she knows women can see through her charade...men get charmed by her attention.
A slight correction. She THINKS men get charmed by her attention. There is not one man in my life that can stand her. As a guy I work with says: "I'd rather have my fingernails slowly ripped off than watch her for a minute."
dee 3, good post.
I was thinking that Kate considers the filming to be a good distraction for the kids so they don't think about Daddy much. If you're traveling with lots of men around you, if you're
running and playing with men in the yard at home and there is at least 1 male figure around the dinner table, then why would they miss Daddy? Since Kate does not bond with people herself, she may consider the dad-but-not-Daddy
relationships to be enough to keep them satisfied and not get sad/angry about Jon's absence. They just latch onto whomever is there. Good enough, right?
They've got Larry and Carl and Michael and Moe
(made up names) so why should they even think about Jon?
Truly questionable logic, but I think it's where Kate is.
Ooops.. Almost forgot to say this... Have you noticed how quickly the hullaballoo has calmed down after the latest Kate appearance? No books coming out, no hosting appearances, no tv shows, nuttin' till April, and then just more episodes of the Eight...
You know that THAT means!
When TLC drops KG we won't see anyone going after the "true story". For one, no one will care anymore. Two, K will be blaming TLC at that point for the "destruction of her family", TLC making her the "fall guy" when "all of those terrible things were shown, i.e. Alaska camping, her shrieking, belittling of Jon and the children, the expulsion of the two, etc. etc. etc." a la Billy Ray Cyrus. KG will never, ever take responsibility, let alone blame, for any of the consequences of her (and Jon's) decisions regarding their children's lives and lack of privacy, normalcy.
If this was already discussed please forgive me for repeating it. I haven't had time to read all of the comments yet.
Was it just me or did anyone else notice on the show that Kate seemed to be talking directly to the blogs? I can't think of everything but there were more than a few times she addressed issues that aren't discussed anywhere but on the blogs about her. One example was when she said the shows weren't scripted. She repeated it saying something like "did you hear me? The shows aren't scripted". It just made me think that she is readin the blogs and what's said about her does bother her. She said 99% of what is said about her is not true. She's hardly even being written about anymore other than on the blogs and out of the few non blogs that do still write about her about 1/2 are in her favor.
She could get herself back in the news if she hooks up with Billy Ray Cyrus. That should generate a few headlines.
dee3 you are right, this was 100% classic Khate Gosselin damage control.
There are some posts on a couple other blogs about a recent blind item from Nat'l Enquirer regarding "a reality show diva" who slapped her daughter across the face during a long flight after the child woke her up. When the diva realized other passengers had seen this, she quickly apologized to the girl. Of course, it is the Nat'l Enquirer were talking about and we have no idea who the diva actually is. However.... it was discussed here and elsewhere after her appearance Tuesday what could her motive possibly have been to make a point to thoroughly discuss flying and that she doesn't sleep (even though she is well known for her Ambien and Franzia cocktails) and the kids love flying and are such good fliers, I bring toys.. blah, blah, blah..... I just think that's too much of a coincidence that she just had to randomly throw it out there that she doesn't sleep on flights.
And isn't it funny how while claiming not to trash Jon she completely trashed him? Bringing up his "choices" for instance, choices he made over a year ago. What she was really saying was "please remember the 2009 Jon, I really looked like the better parent then and people pitied me when he was running around with all those women."
And claiming that the crew is like family and dads to the kids had a two-fold purpose. She knows how bad it looks that the kids have no contact with any of their extended family (aside from when Jon takes them to be with family) By claiming the crew is like dads, she thinks that sounds warm and fuzzy and it also was a dig at Jon. I think she knew as it was coming out of her mouth that there is no way any of that crew is having any contact with her after the show is over. But, because she is Kate she gets a perk most narcissists don't get to enjoy. She makes people sign confidentiality agreements so they are legally bound not to talk about her, but she gets to say whatever she wants and the individual(s) cannot refute it.
For someone who claims she doesn't care what people think about her, she spends an awful lot of time trying to change what people think about her. She even had her speeding tickets scrubbed off the PA Magistrate site when a few months ago they were visible, like the moving violations of the rest of us mere mortals are.
I predict Kate will have her own Billy Ray Cirus moment when the time comes. It's all TLC's fault and they put the family on a path of destruction. Only difference is she won't admit any regrets.
Two, K will be blaming TLC at that point for the "destruction of her family", TLC making her the "fall guy" when "all of those terrible things were shown, i.e.
The problem with this is that she's on record for saying that the shows aren't scripted; the kids love the crew; it's a wonderful experience for the kids, etc. etc. If she did blame TLC and decide to file suit, TLC has evidence that it didn't cause the destruction of the family because it will be in her own words.
Of course, in the hands of a good attorney, the argument would be that she was at the mercy of TLC and was told what to say and when to say it.
I can't find the post now but it was such an excellent point worth repeating.
If the kids are going to see the crew all the time when filming is over with and if they are like family when filming is over with, why on earth were the kids DEVASTATED, according to Kate, when filming stopped? I thought they're not losing their family or dads at all, I thought they were going to be friends for life and always see them.
She is just one lie after another.
gotyournumberKate said... "Was it just me or did anyone else notice on the show that Kate seemed to be talking directly to the blogs? I can't think of everything but there were more than a few times she addressed issues that aren't discussed anywhere but on the blogs about her. One example was when she said the shows weren't scripted. She repeated it saying something like "did you hear me? The shows aren't scripted". It just made me think that she is readin the blogs and what's said about her does bother her. She said 99% of what is said about her is not true. She's hardly even being written about anymore other than on the blogs and out of the few non blogs that do still write about her about 1/2 are in her favor. "
I choked on my Diet Coke when I read she claimed "99% of what is said about me isn't true." Wowwwww, if I was in the public eye and 99% of what was said about me wasn't true, I'd be hiring a pit bull law firm and start suing. If 99% of what was being said wasn't true, I'd be winning lawsuits left and right! Kate, however, has never filed a lawsuit for libel. It has been said that the discovery process would be too damning for her to even attempt. So instead she refutes allegations made against her with *very* carefully worded quasai-denials ("these boobs are all me!!" Yeah.... now that they have been implanted in your body- they're all you) Another occasion when she was asked about the new boobs she said "who has time for surgery?" They didn't ask if she had time for surgery, they asked if she had breast augmentaion. She's the master of word diarheaa.
As far as her reading the blogs personally, I don't know if she does but her "people" do. On Preesi's site, Preesi somehow knows when Kate's publicist goes on the site from the IP address and location and she makes a big announcement. Kate made a point of stating the show is not scripted because both Werny and the reporter covering the filming in Philly specifically saw scripts and retake after retake while they witnessed shooting.
Kate is sort of like the Wizard of OZ, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!!" No matter what people witness with their own eyes, no matter that Werny took a picture of the not-a-script, Kate just wants us to disregard it completely and only buy the BS she is selling.
I don't know if the show is so much "scripted" in the traditional sense where it's line by line by line, but it's ridiculous to try to claim it's not blocked, planned, filled with retakes, etc. There is a loose "script" to follow. The "script" may have been a list of all the shots to get, all the places they need to go, and so on. The Philly reporter said the children were made to walk up the Rocky steps multiple times. That's called a RETAKE.
Kate admitted they sit down and plan things out. Kate cannot claim every last bit of it is not scripted. When the kids say "On the next Jon and Kate Plus 8!" I guess they just go around saying that in their normal lives??? Of course that is a line being fed to them to say. She has no credibility when we can prove her wrong right there.
It's been brought to my attention Kate's fans are trying to say that since Alaska, the children have only been filmed going to Australia.
Epic fail, epic untruth. The children subsequently filmed a Halloween episode and an episode in Philadelphia. Two whole episodes. One which involved an overnight trip. If they're going to accuse us of lying they can't lie themselves.
When did they film Alaska? Was it before or after they filmed them back to school shopping and the first day of school?
Schmecky you're right I forgot about the back to school footage. That was either late Auguest or early Sept. According to the pap photos of Alaska, that was July.
So yes, at least THREE episodes the sheeple refuse to acknowledge. In their delusional world they've only filmed Alaska and Australia.
Rule of thumb, if these kids are in school they probably aren't filming. But if they are on vacation, they are getting the crap filmed out of them. Personally I like to spend my vacations on vacation, not working a second job.
I think more important than the number of episodes is the number of hours it takes for them to film those episodes. How many days of filming did they do to produce the one Australia episode....
@JudyK -- Thanks JudyK. I think you express yourself perfectly, don't YOU stop posting either. Kate should be brought to bare for every lie she's ever told. We could be on here a long time...lol
Today on Youtube I found a channel (gosselinarchives) where someone has compiled a whole series of not-so-nice clips of Kate. Warning...don't watch if you have high blood pressure.
Wayward said..."She's the master of word diarheaa."
I completely agree! Kate beats around the bush and twists words all the time. She said she never bashed Jon in public. Just because she has never come out and called him a loser or a bad afther she has implied it until she is blue in the face. She really thinks people are stupid. Well, come to think of it some people really are stupid and believe every word she says. She's fooling less and less people every day though. Even Leah from The Talk tweeted that they couldn't invite her to come on the show and then attack her. We will never see that happen. I'm sure Kate and TLC makes sure of that way in advance. It's what these talk show hosts are saying under their breath that I want to hear.
Another filming the sheeple aren't acknowledging - the hockey game. When was the trip to NYC? Was that before or after Alaska? How about the trip to the OBX? Wasn't that after Alaska?
The women on "The Talk" may have "been bitten by the fame bug", but all but Sharon Osbourne have been successful based on their own hard work and talent. Holly Robinson Peete has been a regular on several successful television shows even before her marriage to Rodney Peete. Sara Gilbert was a successful child actress who transitioned to a successful adult actress. Ditto Leah Remini. Julie Chen was a successful journalist and television host even before her marriage to the president of CBS. Sharon brings the perspective of having been on a reality show, and has parlayed that into a career on other reality and talk shows. All of these women are mothers, and NONE of them exploit their children to keep their presence in the public eye.
Thanks to fidosmommy and wayward.
I did see the National Enquirer blind referred to on several sites...about Kate slapping one of her daughters on the plane....and it certainly does appear to have a direct connection to this apparent damage control appearance on The Talk.
To be honest, due to her degree of narcissism, I'm not really all that sure whether she does, in fact, care about what others think or say about her.....since she would be of the opinion that she is right and anyone who disagrees is wrong. I don't have the psych expertise to really determine this with any specificity.
So not sure if it's TLC who cares....a lot more than Kate does...when it comes to the negative opinions of others. It sure is true that when you compulsively lie, you end up constantly contradicting yourself.....it goes with the territory of constant lying....esp. for someone like her who doesn't think anything of it, lies with a straight face and believes her own lies.
And @Adiministrator~
Good point. How can the children desperately miss this film crew if they keep in contact with them even when not filming? It's ridiculous, really. And have you ever heard of any film crew keeping in contact with anyone they were filming long after the filming was over? There might be a rare few instances where a real friendship developed....but generally speaking, I don't see this happening in the huge, huge majority of the cases. This is just Kate's delusion again.
"Rule of thumb, if these kids are in school they probably aren't filming. But if they are on vacation, they are getting the crap filmed out of them. Personally I like to spend my vacations on vacation, not working a second job."
Let's see what happens on spring break in two weeks. It's a nice long vacation. If they're not filming when they have the chance, maybe this could be the end. Or maybe not! They've fooled us before.
For Bubbles, who asked when Jon is going to get a real job. Check out TMZ for some pics of him with the construction company (he's growing a beard). It's a far cry from the lifestyle of a playboy celebrity.
Let's do the math...Khate says 99 percent of what's on the internet about her is not true. So one percent is true. If there were 100 items, 1 of them is true. Too bad for her there are millions of items so the " true" items are in the hundreds of thousands -at least!
There is a very good post from" hubby is a pap" about Kate's trip to New York and L.A. on Gosselin's without pity. She spent two days in New York before going to LA and that meant Steve was not with his wife at all for Valentines Day. Also,they called the paps to let them know they would be jogging in Central Park and only one pap showed up but did not take any pics. It's a good post. I tend to believe it.
Listen to this interview on the Oprah Show..Kate can't even remember her documented lies!
Notice how many times she said the crew changes...
Let's do the math...Khate says 99 percent of what's on the internet about her is not true. So one percent is true. If there were 100 items, 1 of them is true. Too bad for her there are millions of items so the " true" items are in the hundreds of thousands -at least!
dee 3, good post.
I was thinking that Kate considers the filming to be a good distraction for the kids so they don't think about Daddy much. If you're traveling with lots of men around you, if you're
running and playing with men in the yard at home and there is at least 1 male figure around the dinner table, then why would they miss Daddy? Since Kate does not bond with people herself, she may consider the dad-but-not-Daddy
relationships to be enough to keep them satisfied and not get sad/angry about Jon's absence. They just latch onto whomever is there. Good enough, right?
They've got Larry and Carl and Michael and Moe
(made up names) so why should they even think about Jon?
Truly questionable logic, but I think it's where Kate is.
@JudyK -- Thanks JudyK. I think you express yourself perfectly, don't YOU stop posting either. Kate should be brought to bare for every lie she's ever told. We could be on here a long time...lol
Today on Youtube I found a channel (gosselinarchives) where someone has compiled a whole series of not-so-nice clips of Kate. Warning...don't watch if you have high blood pressure.
It's been brought to my attention Kate's fans are trying to say that since Alaska, the children have only been filmed going to Australia.
Epic fail, epic untruth. The children subsequently filmed a Halloween episode and an episode in Philadelphia. Two whole episodes. One which involved an overnight trip. If they're going to accuse us of lying they can't lie themselves.
gotyournumberKate said... "Was it just me or did anyone else notice on the show that Kate seemed to be talking directly to the blogs? I can't think of everything but there were more than a few times she addressed issues that aren't discussed anywhere but on the blogs about her. One example was when she said the shows weren't scripted. She repeated it saying something like "did you hear me? The shows aren't scripted". It just made me think that she is readin the blogs and what's said about her does bother her. She said 99% of what is said about her is not true. She's hardly even being written about anymore other than on the blogs and out of the few non blogs that do still write about her about 1/2 are in her favor. "
I choked on my Diet Coke when I read she claimed "99% of what is said about me isn't true." Wowwwww, if I was in the public eye and 99% of what was said about me wasn't true, I'd be hiring a pit bull law firm and start suing. If 99% of what was being said wasn't true, I'd be winning lawsuits left and right! Kate, however, has never filed a lawsuit for libel. It has been said that the discovery process would be too damning for her to even attempt. So instead she refutes allegations made against her with *very* carefully worded quasai-denials ("these boobs are all me!!" Yeah.... now that they have been implanted in your body- they're all you) Another occasion when she was asked about the new boobs she said "who has time for surgery?" They didn't ask if she had time for surgery, they asked if she had breast augmentaion. She's the master of word diarheaa.
As far as her reading the blogs personally, I don't know if she does but her "people" do. On Preesi's site, Preesi somehow knows when Kate's publicist goes on the site from the IP address and location and she makes a big announcement. Kate made a point of stating the show is not scripted because both Werny and the reporter covering the filming in Philly specifically saw scripts and retake after retake while they witnessed shooting.
Kate is sort of like the Wizard of OZ, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!!" No matter what people witness with their own eyes, no matter that Werny took a picture of the not-a-script, Kate just wants us to disregard it completely and only buy the BS she is selling.
I just wanted to say something regarding the talk shows and tweeting the hosts... When Kate goes on these talk shows, they aren't meant to be expose's. They are soft ball interviews to plug her upcoming projects and do damage control. These interviews are like when a movie star goes on a talk show to talk about their new movie and tell a couple of mildly funny anecdotes. Of course I'm not equating Kate Gosselin to a movie star, but I think it's foolish to expect anyone to ask her hard-ball questions in that type of forum.
On that note, tweeting the hosts of these shows makes anti-Kate people look crazy, and worse, it makes Kate look sympathetic. I know it's frustrating to watch people give her phony flattery and let her lie threw her teeth with no repercussions, but what do you expect? Day time talk shows aren't known for hard hitting journalism. Honestly, the only way the truth will get out there about the Gosselins is going to be through the tabloid press because that's what she is, tabloid fodder. I'm not holding my breath to see a real journalist take on Kate because she is a joke and a waste of time.
I don’t concern myself much with Kate’s looks. Her unwillingness to support herself and her children unless they are working is what I find so reprehensible. However, I’d just like to clear one thing up. Kate doesn’t have a Farrah Fawcett hairdo and it’s not out of style. Kate has what is known in hairdo jargon as a “layered-wispy” style and it’s a popular style right now-sort of a takeoff on the mussed, windblown cuts. I work in a hair salon and see it quite often. It’s cute on young girls.
SusieQ said...
I wonder if Kate was bitching at TLC because she was disappearing off the radar (pun intended)and they allowed her to do The Talk (just to shut her up) but really didn't give her the support she is used to. Hence, no big publicity, no pap's, etc.
Other than at the airport, there are rarely paparazzi photos of Kate in LA. There aren't pap photos when she's come out to do ET, etc. It has nothing to do with a lack of support or publicity. When Kate does something like the Today Show in NY, there are paparazzi photos because she enters/exits their car on the street, where anyone can gather. In LA, people are driven on/off the lots and paparazzi typically can't get on lots. That's why you see tons of pictures of celebrities going into their Letterman appearances, but you don't see the same for Leno.
I wonder if in some alternate universe that Kate and the sheeple honestly think it is right for Kate to equate these crew members with family. It is an insult to families everywhere, including the families of these crew members, that she equates them with dads to her children because they are dads in their own families therefore they will always be their families. She has such a screwed up mental faculty she doesn't even realize how messed up she sounds. Message to Kate: you have a family, a mother and father, sisters and a brother, nephews and nieces, you HAD friends that you blew through and tossed aside. Suck it up and make up with your family and allow them to be your children's family. How can anyone hold a grudge as long as Kate has. Just because she was the middle kid and the 'neglected' kid -- according to her -- how can you hang on to that and exclude these family members from your life. Those kids would be so much richer to have real family around than crew members who will be GONE, Kate, gone the day this show wraps.
For the sheeple to think Kate had good reasons to chuck everyone out of their lives, I could agree that one or two people might not get along, but every single family member and every friend that was supposedly her bestest friend in the world are now gone? At what point do you open your eyes and see the common denominator in this whole fiasco is Kate, that SHE cannot get along with anyone.
I don't think that her appearance went over as planned....there has been no "buzz" about her appearance and no pap pictures. Has the train finally pulled in to the station? We can only hope so!
Pennsylvania 8-5000 said...
I apologize for being OT-but the childrens' college education will be funded by the state so long as they attend state (PA) schools. Seems I remember there was something signed at the birth of the six that hopefully included the twins.
The kids have guaranteed 4-year scholarships before considering they have earned everyone (including Jon & Kate) the price of an Ivy education over the last few years.
The statement about a funded college education is an old misconception. The state of PA opened TAP funds for the public to contribute to, but they did NOT fund them and they were "guaranteed" nothing actually. There may be hundreds in the account or there may be millions (which I highly doubt) but any monies put there was done by the PA taxpayers, not the state itself and it may or may not put anyone through a PA state college.
There is a very good post from" hubby is a pap" about Kate's trip to New York and L.A. on Gosselin's without pity. She spent two days in New York before going to LA and that meant Steve was not with his wife at all for Valentines Day. Also,they called the paps to let them know they would be jogging in Central Park and only one pap showed up but did not take any pics. It's a good post. I tend to believe it.
I apologize for being OT-but the childrens' college education will be funded by the state so long as they attend state (PA) schools. Seems I remember there was something signed at the birth of the six that hopefully included the twins.
The kids have guaranteed 4-year scholarships before considering they have earned everyone (including Jon & Kate) the price of an Ivy education over the last few years.
maybe not...My apologies. I reread the post by Kelly GI that said "I hear Kate is going to be profiled on 60 Minutes". My bad. That does make it a rumor.
I have LMAO about 10 times looking at that ridiculous photo of her on The Talk. What the hell color is her skin? She looks like she slept in a tanning bed a few hours and got fried to a crisp.
Chingada said...You are one smart cookie! That explains everything. I don't remember, was Steve around when filming was on hiatus?
Ah shucks thanks, Chingada. (blushing) I think it's blatantly obvious those two are doing each other and Steve is a permanent fixture at the McMansion. I can't prove it but so far no one seems to be able to prove I'm wrong.
Kate twists her answers to suit the lie she's telling at the moment.
re: the 60 Minutes comment
maybe not said... Before this rumor goes too far, a poster on a fan site said IN MY OPINION:
"IMO, Kate Gosselin will be featured on a future 60 Minutes episode."
I said on another thread here recently that I'd like to see 60 Minutes do sixty minutes on her. The poster you quoted was basically saying the same thing. I don't think that qualifies as a rumor.
I'll reiterate what I wrote in my earlier comment on this thread....60 Minutes investigates frauds and scams all the time. It would make my day to see a real investigative journalist pin Kate to the wall.
(Referring to hate comments towards Bubbles) Not calling out anyone specifically, but can we make an effort to be nice to each other?
I like to assume that everyone who posts here is trying to express a valid opinion, and react to it as such. Can we agree that if we disagree with someone's comments, we can respectfully reply to them with reasons for thinking differently? I hate to see grown adults spreading hate to someone who is expressing an opinion.
@ Bubbles...if you're not the Bubbles that comes over here from the fan site with the sole purpose to stir things up, you probably want to change your username. Or at least word your comments in such a way that cannot be interpreted as belittling the common opinion here that Kate is exploiting the children.
Let's Deal in Reality Please said...
You are conveniently forgetting that Jon did not seek full custody initially. She is not doing everything in her power to keep him out of their lives; their custody arrangement is one shared by millions of divorced couples. You also are forgetting that he *chose* to move to another state after their split. Since returning to the area where his children live, he ha seen them regularly. Kate is not preventing that from happening.
I think Pat K is referring to the fact that Kate has had the kids on every major holiday (thanksgiving, christmas, new years) for the last two years. Most custody agreements are every other. Plus, when she went to LA to shoot Dancing With the Stars, she left the kids with babysitters instead of giving Jon the option to watch them (which he took her to court over). I think there is more evidence of her trying to lessen the kids time with Jon but that's what I can think of off the top of my head.
Bubbles said...
Thanks for clearing up my question of Jon having a job. He was behind in cs. I just wondered how he was going to get caught up with it. Kate may have to get a regular job someday, nothing lasts forever, but Jon will then have to do more. My concern was if Jon is going to be able to do this. No matter if Kate downsized, the kids bills will always be there. Both parents should be responsible, and no way was I giving Kate a pass on this.
I would totally understand if Jon is behind in his child support payments, as it was $20,000/month prior to the recent custody deal over the summer. There aren't many normal jobs Jon is qualified for (lacking a college degree, etc.) that would pay enough money to cover
those monthly child support payments (or even half that amount).
This is why some of us are concerned about the Gosselin's financial situation. When the show finally ends, there is no way either parent will be able to support Kate and the kids' current lifestyle and its expenses in the long run (even with the money they have already earned).
How much of the current child expenses goes towards tuition? If it's even half of $20,000/month and the TLC money dries up, then the Gosselin parents would have to make a difficult choice about the kids' education. Find a way to continue paying their tuition or use that money saved towards more necessary family expenses by placing the kids in public education.
The Gosselins aren't the only HOM family (or large family) in the US. I think the media forgets that, especially when they say the Gosselins need the show to support their family. No, the Gosselins need the show now to support their current lifestyle. If many HOM families have found a way to survive on normal salaries, then the Gosselins can do the same. It won't be easy but it's definitely possible.
Bubbles said...
Does Jon really have a job, besides sitting at home on a computer site all day??? Just asking? How can he pay child support and help with medical insurance for his children? Kate is not perfect, no one is, but why is Jon not working a real job.
Yesterday Bubbles, you posted that "all of us whiners should move on, as Kate has moved on" You suggested we find a better topic to discuss, like teen Moms or poverty. Yet here you are back today bashing Jon. A tad hypocritical don't you think?
But really nice to know that you are so in touch with what Jon is doing about his child support payments and medical insurance etc.
No offense to cats because I have two of them.
Well, as long as any CATS blogging here aren't offended....
I don't doubt that some of the hatred towards Jon is because he is not Caucasian, even though he is American-born.
She had another "Dayam Baby, What'd you do to your hair?" day that day.
"Orlando, you like it? It's Scarecrow yellow!"
E-town Neighbor said...
Does Jon really have a job, besides sitting at home on a computer site all day??? Just asking? How can he pay child support and help with medical insurance for his children? Kate is not perfect, no one is, but why is Jon not working a real job.
We don't know that he's not working. As far as we know he is paying child support which I believe is based on income which means Kate would pay most of it. That's the way it's always been regarding child support but usually the man is the one making the most money.
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