Is she this desperate to stay relevant? Kate is confirmed as a guest on Lopez tonight on Monday, Feb. 21, according to TBS's schedule, along with guest Amar Stoudemire of the New York Knicks. Lopez films at Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank, so it's back to Los Angeles for Kate. George Lopez's famous "Keep Kate" campaign on Dancing With the Stars was pretty funny.

73 sediments (sic) from readers:
There's been a lot of chatter about signs that Kate does read the blogs.
The past few weeks the blogs have been talking about how the family CAN go back to normal and this month was proof of that. Then all of a sudden, here's Kate showing up on random talk shows to talk about absolutely nothing. It's almost like Kate is saying, you think I'm not relevant anymore, watch this you fools, F-U, here I am.....
With no disrespect to George Lopez, isn't this kind of the "bottom of the barrel" circuit now?
If she is so newsworthy or wonderful to interview or talented why don't the shows who have had her before ask her back? Did they finally get smart?
We can look forward to more of the same: lies, spin, and a host that will ask pre-approved questions.
So kate is going to be on GL? So what.We all know she's going to be lying through the veneers that the kids paid for by working.
Yes,its the kids working that has given kate the lifestyle she thinks she's entitled to.We all know without the kids...there would be NO show and NO money.
I think e-mailing the shows that kate is going to be on is just a waste of time.They will have her matter how many letters they get.We are giving her attention and keeping her in the headlines by sending twitters,e-mails,ect.
The sad part is...most of us sending these letters are the ones watching.I cant believe how many people said they watched her on the Talk.WHY??We know what keeps her coming back.Its the attention "we" are giving her.
We know that whoopie and joy cant stand her...but she's on the show...why? We stir the pot...thier show needs raitings and we are giving it to them.Same with the Talk and any other show she goes on.I bet 90% of the people posting here will watch her on GL for whatever excuse is given.
It really is simple.Stop talking about her.Stop watching the damn show.I guess the show will be back in April.Dont watch it!For whatever reason,its not worth it!The shows have been the same from the start...Look at me...I got another free kids love it...look at me playing with my crew (errr kids) I'm the best mom in the world....I do it all alone...I do it all for the kids...ect bla bla bla.
We have been there and done that over and over again.Why watch?? When no one is there watching...she will go away.Again...its that simple!
So, here's the big question:
Did Kate travel back to PA to be with her kids or is she spending the entire time in LA until after the George Lopez appearance?
What other LA shows is she planning on making a guest appearance?
Yeah, this is just odd promoting a series that won't air until April. So, is it February in LA then March or April in NYC? Promoting Kate Plus 8 - the perfect excuse to get away from the kids.
Thanks for the heads up that this harridan will be on the Lopez show. One night I will not be watching. That thing is not relevant or worthy of air time.
What happened to The View and Jimmy Kimmel? Her appearance on The Talk almost seemed solely to address what's written about her on the blogs. Nothing else is being written about her. It's pretty sad that she feels the need to tell the world 99% of what's written about her is not true when 99% of the world isn't even reading anything about her right now. She's losing it.
For all the Jon haters/Kate idolizers who think Jon's job is sitting at his computer at home all day I guess they're wrong. TMZ has an article this morning proving it.
SHe is not even on the list of talented trainwrecks. SHe is just a trainwreck.
She isn't doing these talk show for us.
She's doing them for herself.
She desperately NEEDS to find other work and she wants to continue to do it via Hollywood: ie: Television.
What these visits to talk shows do is show that she can pull in ratings and controversy, ergo other shows may want her as a guest actor (think Justin Bieber on CSI) or even Countess Luanne (from RHONY) on CSI (I think)
It's good if she wants to do this on her own and get the kids off TV. I'm all for it. Let her try to promote herself and her talents/assets/ability to pull in viewers.
One thing that caught me with 'The Talk' lead up was that Julie Chen in the over announcement at the break before Kate came on said "Kate Gosselin is here without the kids..." That clued me in there that she was trying to stand on her own two feet. It will be interesting to see if those 5 inch stilettos can keep her in the media spotlight.
@Chingada...I totally agree.
Please don't expect much from this appearance you will only end up disappointed. I prefer not to watch them because I can't stand watching her, esp. when she's lying and playing the victim.
Like I said before, as long as she's under the umbrella of TLC...we are NOT going to see any tough questions or truly true stories.
Ya know.....I'm not really sure what this sudden flurry of appearances means....I'm not really savvy about how the entertainment industry works (though I've been learning a heck of a lot about it thanks to this Gosselin mess). I'm guessing it could be a last desperate attempt to stay relevant? Or typical advertising expected when that person's show or movie is coming up? So advertising for the upcoming shows in April? Or damage control? Although, it had appeared that since the Alaska episode, TLC was now focusing on her negative behavior, seeing that as drawing more attention and viewers than doing damage why sudden damage control? Does TLC even have a consistent plan when it comes to her?
I'm really curious about this sudden flurry of appearances like I'm sure we all are.
From the previous thread about the Philly and corn episode - did those ever air? I don't watch so don't know, but don't remember discussion if they ever aired or not? What channel is Lopez on? Seems like she is going against the grain of the networks that have normally had her on such as ABC in particular, and NBC. If those didn't air, then they have a ton of footage that they are sitting on.
Is this a feeler tour for the new and improved TofK? I recognize now The Talk was just a rewrite of history regarding the slap the kid item. But Kate mentioned chasing tornados and they showed a clip of her swimming with sharks(?with something anyway). Is this iteration of TofK going to be putting the "sole support of eight children" in death defying roles? Well now, wouldn't that just be about as sensible as all the other ideas thrown out there. Would they try to kill her over and over? Would not bring this non watcher back but it might find an audience of voyeurs.
(The kids were featured in the clip of Kate in the tank so if it is a TofK then it seems it is just piggybacking on the kids' show. Was hoping they got their emancipation when Kate got her show.)
Could all just be my imagination. But can't imagine why a tour of talk shows unless there really is something other than a history rewrite.
Guess time will tell.
Jon at work! Good for him!
Same old same old sh*t.
Except, who cares anymore? The world has moved on, and the only fools keeping her relevant are the Khaters & Sheeple.
I hope George Lopez is enjoying his ex-wife's kidney... sorry, that was mean- even for me.
No wait, on further consideration--Kate may think she is willing to do dangerous things but we all know conditions are not "Ideal" on those kinds of assignments. Tornado chasing, as I recall, involves rain. Kate does not do so well in rain. Even with 59 layers. And that kind of wind would yank the extensions right off her head. I lived through a Lubbock, Texas tornado once and I am sure Kate just doesn't actually know what they are to say she is willing to go after them. (And didn't the balloon boy daddy already force his kids to do that anyway?)
So nevermind. It was just a free floating imaginative moment. TLC cannot be that stupid. (Kate very probably can be.)
My question is...WHY? She's so history. Unless she's announcing the premiere of Twisted Kate!'s Amar'e Stoudemire!
Darn it. I don't want to see HER, but I'd like to see HIM. How do I juggle this? Will she be the first guest, or the last guest? Guess I'll have to keep flipping around to find out!
Did she stay in L.A. this week?
This is why she is doing the circuit. Flying tips my ass.
If Kate is reading the blog, maybe we can give her some suggestions on what color blouse she should wear that won't clash with Orange skin.
It doesn't even matter that she goes on these shows anymore. No one is ever going to ask her anything of importance. They're fluff shows just for celebs to promote themselves. Although I'm sure George Lopez knows more about Kate's horrible attitude than most other show hosts. I would bet that his friend Tony let him know in private what Kate was really like to work with. Not that he's going to use that information to ask her anything difficult.
I agree with Admin that Kate is just going on these shows because she can. She probably started freaking out that her name hasn't been mentioned in the media in awhile so she insisted that her people book her on something. I do wonder if her usual outlets turned down the offer.
The appearances are just to feed Kate's ego. I don't think they're gaining her any new fans (people are sick of seeing her) and they aren't gaining her any new viewers to a show that is months away. She's already lost the fan base that once watched her show and the fans that she could have gained with her high profile stint on DWTS are gone too. Her attitude sucks and no one cares about her anymore. Her complaining, bitter bitch schtick is old and tired.
Admin, you nailed it. She's trying desperately to keep her face and name out there. And I want to echo the sentiment above, I mean no disrespect to Lopez or the ladies on The Talk, but I don't know a single soul who watches these shows. I'll say it again: 2011 is NOT going to be her year and by 2012, she'll finally be relegated to the heap of has-beens (hell, she's halfway there now).
Wonder where the pap photos of her and Steve in LA?
TLC stinks said...
Wonder where the pap photos of her and Steve in LA?
Damage control again? Trying to make it look like Steve is not with her all the time by not showing them together after all the speculation about their affair. Since I am sure he is there they just avoid any pap shots.
I hope I misheard, but think I may have heard Kate's name mentioned yesterday at the end of Oprah while I was in another room...she's doing another multiples program, either today or Monday. Will be so disappointed in Oprah if she allows that POS on her program, but she has connections now with TLC/Discovery, so it may be. Tell me I'm wrong...PLEASE!
Is she crazy? George Lopez has been very vocal about his distaste and she knows that - she referenced it when she thanked him on camera for trying to drum up votes to keep her on DWTS, no matter why he was doing it. His humor usually comes at the expense of others and he may shred her. I'd be scared to go up against someone like that, especially after all the things he's said about her, during that time and more recently. Yikes.
I am on Dish and according to my guide she is not listed as a guest on the 21st, of course that does not mean anything but just saying.
Sorry George .... not watching on 2-21 and e-mailing your show to express my dismay of your choosen guest ! Hope others will too !
I have Direct TV and my guide says Gene Simmons and Scott Bakula are on that night. No mention of Kate.
Thanks for the heads up. I don't watch his show but I will next week. I guess the kids are off school and she is staying all week. Doesn't make sense to fly back and forth. Other than you blogs and infrequent tv appearances, I would never know anything about her anymore since her show is off the air currently.
From a previous post:
@ Mimi to 3
Just because she was the middle kid and the 'neglected' kid -- according to her -- how can you hang on to that and exclude these family members from your life.
Thank you. Many have pointed out Kate's apparently endless stream of lies, but then seem to accept the "neglected middle child" b.s. as true.
Re: Justin Bieber's fans - I'm not excusing their behavior, but I think as a group they are significantly younger than most of the sheeple.
Guess it was just time for her to re-emerge from her brief winter slumber, ha. I read on another blog that perhaps she was out of view for a few weeks having lipo on her knees/thighs or so someone's plastic surgeon husband thought looking at her pics this week. I cannot believe I just typed that. Anyway maybe she's out here in LA for the NBA All-Star Game, you know, hanging at LA Live, going to parties, etc. And yes, that was the snark coming out. I agree with whoever said that she is really making the Class D circuit (no offense, but The Talk and GL are not the hottest shows), and I doubt she's climbing up. What goes around is definitely coming around IMHO.
Kate serves an important public service by showing up on various and sundry talk shows. . . her segments always promise to be so boring and uninspired that they provide viewers with an opportunity for an extended bathroom break before the guest following her comes out.
Enough in New Jersey said...
Sorry George .... not watching on 2-21 and e-mailing your show to express my dismay of your choosen guest ! Hope others will too !
Wrong thing to do, in my opinion. It just shows the hosts that Kate may have some relevance, she's still big news, not to mention that if they get e-mails voicing their objection to having her on television, it might have the reverse effect. They'll think that these are only a bunch of crazy Kate-haters with a vendetta out to get her, and the hosts may actually offer some sympathy for her because of what they might consider looney anti-fans.
Why show these networks that there is still any interest in her, good or bad? E-mails aren't going to solve anything -- they will not cancel an appearance because of it, and hosts will not ask any hard questions. They schedule the guests that they want to schedule, regardless of any protesting that is done.
I see no point in protesting - her lack of relevance is best treated with complete and utter silence.
As BerksPA said upthread, Khate is doing these low-profile interviews for herself, to earn a few bucks until April comes around. She doesn't care what we're saying on blogs, she needs money to pay for her frivolous living. Seems like she'll shop herself to anyone who will have her on. George Lopez won't say a darn thing to challenge her, despite his history of ridiculing her. Her handlers will make sure no hard questions are asked that may upset her. She has absolutely nothing of worth to offer anyone, she'll repeat the same s*** she's been spewing for the past two years. Total waste of time. Please do not watch if you can help it!
Queen Carrot REALLY hates being at home doesn't she?
One year, it was speaking engagements and collect from the churc.
The following year, book tours,
The year after that, Dancing With the Stars,
The year after that - Mexico photo shoot For People Cover.
Pretty sad that she just doesn't want to get a regular job and now needs to depend on the talk show circuit for income and free travel.
Kart - you're NOT RELEVANT anymore.
It's not showing up on some tv schedules for some reason but she is listed on TBS's own official schedule. This happened with The Talk too.
Kartie Dearest -- "Queen Carrot"...LMAO!
What is it that cops say at a car wreck? Oh yeah, 'nothing to see here folks, keep moving..'
Tinseltown said...
I see no point in protesting - her lack of relevance is best treated with complete and utter silence.
It's the one thing she would both understand and fear. And the only thing that will make her disappear. Complete shunning.
Who watches George Lopez anyway? I smell desperation.
Now I see there IS another Barbra on this blog. I'll revert to my 'barbee' posts from another site as I don't like it to look like I'm saying things that I'm NOT saying (like "it's about time" on the Jon's working thread).
Let her appear on GL, what can it hurt? The kids aren't with her (so they're NOT working) and the kids aren't with her (so they're bound to be happier).
The kids aren't with her which is a good thing, but she's doing this tour to promote the show and get everyone to watch in April. When it comes down to it, it's still about exploiting the kids. If she finally goes on a talk show someday and doesn't mention anything about watching the kids, or reveal personal info about them, I'll say different.
Lopez is looking for ratings. Don't bother emailing protesting about her's exactly why they booked her. I mean, it's not worth it to protest because it has done absolutely no good in the past and it certainly didn't stop her from appearing on The Talk. Let it go and she'll disappear.
Also, just a quick comment that I am glad that Jon has a regular job. What a difference a couple of years make. It will happen to Kate too. That will be justice....justice for the eight. Yes, it's nice to see Jon working rather than living off his kids. Good for him.
Who, please, is George Lopez? I have seriously never heard of him. He has a show?
Does anybody do "roasts" anymore? You know, a dinner event where the guest of honor is dragged over the coals in 'humorous' stories that make him/her look like a total fool?
We need one of those about now. Normally I detest the concept, but I think it's time for just one more.
Tinseltown said...
I see no point in protesting - her lack of relevance is best treated with complete and utter silence.
Bravo! Applause! :D
Also....I think that one of the big reasons her handlers won't allow any interviewer to ask her the tough questions is the same one that explains why they've had a babysitter with her for so long.....because she tends to be rude and easily angered (unless she's being fawned over on a talk show)....and the likelihood of her really acting-out in a negative way if she was asked tough questions that she didn't like would be very high. I could easily see her becoming very irate and even nasty, stalking off, etc. (and then maybe Steve would come over and grab the interviewer with his claws and reprimand her/him, lol).
Hehe....think "Teresa Guidice" on the reunion of RHONJ. :D
Oh, and I forgot to add something I wanted to say about barbee's comment.
I think many of us are torn when it comes to seeing Kate on TV shows because on the one hand, we would like to see her be in the limelight by herself, without the children, so they can have normal lives. But on the other hand, I think most of us, at this point, are afraid that ANYTHING that keeps her relevant, is gonna keep the kids on TV and that nothing short of having her become completely irrelevant again is going to achieve the outcome we'd like to see.
It's a very interesting situation. Sure, many of us, to be honest, would like to see her become irrelevant simply because we don't really like her and don't think she really deserves to continue to be a celebrity and make millions....mainly due to her being so ungrateful.
That's our subjective feeling. But objectively, I think we all hope that there might be a good chance that the kids could go back to normal lives if Kate COULD be a celebrity without the children. Emotionally, we don't think she's deserving, but intellectually, we know that this might be the best possible scenario so that the children can get normal lives back.
The problem is, IMO.....that we've become so accustomed to seeing these children kept in the limelight endlessly....and it has always seemed and continues to seem to correlate with Kate remaining relevant. I fear we are all starting to worry that our hope....that with Kate on her own in the entertainment industry, the children would be better off....was a delusion. Every time we hope this is she comes again and then we learn they are still filming the children....which has gone on for far too long.
The fear, I think, is that as long as she remains relevant, TLC will keep her children on TV. We want to see her become irrelevant to TLC, hoping that will get the children off TV...but we just keep seeing TLC hang on to her....way past her 15 minutes. WAY, WAY past them.
Personally? I would love to see her get her "just desserts". I think that's all she deserves at this point. But intellectually, I want to see any scenario that will get the best outcome for the children and get them away from the cameras.
Dee, I liked your post because it made me realize a few things. First off, I loathe Khate and would love to see her disappear from the media altogether. IMO, she is not a celebrity, she's a media personality. She has no talents worthy of being a celebrity. Every job she has ever done in the media relates to her kids, because they are the reason she is famous. She couldn't go a single DWTS episode without mentioning her children. These talk show interviews may not include the kids, but the main topic is always about "the kids". She's been putting words in her kids' mouths since the very beginning. Mostly lies, IMO. Going on a talk show and gossiping about your children and your 2-year old divorce is not an honest job, and I have no respect for that. If she has nothing relevant to offer an audience, she shouldn't be there. If Khate has any talent to act, or do anything that doesn't refer to her family AT ALL, I'm all for it. But frankly, that will never happen because she is only a media personality because of her kids. On her own, she's got nothing, and I think even she knows it.
Jon was lead like a lamb to slaughter and stayed until Kate was done with him. I fear for those children.
From a conference about emotional manipulation:
If I'm pompous, I avoid shame.
If I'm a victim, I have power.
If I triangulate, I get revenge.
If I blame you, you give me what I want.
If I threaten or pressure, I motivate.
If I break you, I own you.
Sorry George -- why don't you give your wife her kidney back now that you broke up with her?
Not back to L.A. -- STILL in L.A.
I liked George Lopez's sitcom but the handful of times I watched his new show I found him to be very mean-spirited and insulting to his guests. Could be interesting but I won't be watching.
BerksPa said...
"One thing that caught me with 'The Talk' lead up was that Julie Chen in the over announcement at the break before Kate came on said "Kate Gosselin is here without the kids..." That clued me in there that she was trying to stand on her own two feet. It will be interesting to see if those 5 inch stilettos can keep her in the media spotlight."
Let’s face it: Kate is and has always been NOTHING without the kids. They are the reason she became famous, and they are the reason she remains on TLC …. She’s proven over and over again that she has NOTHING to offer on her own. She failed at her talk show audition with Paula Dean; she bombed on DWTS (because she was a lazy, entitled ass who refused to practice … no matter what other excuses she tried to use, THAT is the truth); she’s too much of a narcissist to make a good interviewer, and therefore will never have a future in the media despite her delusional “gift-of-gab.” Kate’s only gift is in gabbing about HERSELF. And given what a totally bland and uninteresting person she is, who in their right mind wants to hear anything about her and her fabricated life??? The image of her as “super-mom” who brings her dollar-store bag of tricks on long plane rides is a load of crap, as is all of her manufactured image as America’s super-mom. Without the kids by her side in the limelight, Kate has ZERO to offer as a public figure. If she were smart (which she’s not), she’d try to find a way to make a living as a normal citizen, much like Jon is trying to do. But Kate is sick in the head, and truly believes her own press despite all evidence to the contrary.
At this point, the only thing that is interesting about Kate is how she has managed to cling to her 15 minutes for so long. She’s no doubt a case-book study in how someone with zero talent can bilk millions from churches, networks, the public, etc. I for one am looking forward to the day when the zombies wake up from their Kate-induced-coma and throw her to the curb once and for all.
I'm always amazed that Kate can never comes up with interesting things to say in these interviews. Normally when a celebrity is promoting something on a talk show, they say some prompted, pre-approved amusing story or other, or express their opinions on a current event. I don't think I've ever seen Kate do that...unless of course it has to do with her being Supermom. Does she really not have ANY amusing stories that would help the audience identify with her?
Also, when a celebrity goes on a talk show to "dispel rumors", they give an explanation that counteracts the rumors. All Kate does is say the rumors are untrue, and if she gives an "explanations" it SO unbelievable and contradictary (like the kids being devastated that filming stopped, the liked the 22 hour plane ride, etc...). You would think TLC would give her something to work with!
I would LOVE it if George would go through some of the Kate +8 say the video of the life-vest-less-kids on the boat throwing up, and Kate givig some sort of explanation like..."it looks like we went on the full trip, but really we turned around when the first kid threw up" or SOMETHING.
She does nothing to help dispel the "rumors", and she doesn't seem to get that the "rumors" mainly come directly from her show!
@ central PA has had enough! ...
You know...I always thought Kate would be good at giving advice on getting things for free and/or couponing lol. That seems to be something she's really good at!
But at most that would get her a blog and blog writers don't make much if any money let alone fame and trips and tanning!
You would think TLC would give her something to work with!
TLC can't trust her to do that. She would only dig herself in deeper!
There is no win here.... even if she is 'there without her kids', the KIDS are still mentioned, so the audience is expected to 'understand' this is the woman who had 'eight, count them, eight little money bags'..........
I'm sure, sure, sure that the host/moderator/whomever was instructed by Kart's 'people' to mention the kids in the intro.
She continues to make money off them even if they aren't there.
Rather like the recent article about Michael Jackson's estate making $131 million after his death.
Disgusts me.
This is OT, but does anyone know why the shows that were filmed (corn maze fakery, trip to Australia) have not yet aired? Are there legal issues that are holding up the air dates?
As I recall, TLC films em and gets the episodes on superquick to try to make as much $$$ as possible. So what's the holdup?
And on topic, the fact that she is doing the George Lopez show says it all. What, no Today? No The View?
Falling fast . . . .
Just wanted to add that I used to email and protest Kate's appearances until I realized that this was just adding to her interest and keeping her newsworthy. I agree with all those that say the best way, the only way to get rid of Kate is to ignore her and not watch anything she appears in. There are so many clips and recaps after her appearances that it isn't necessary to watch her to know what this witch is up to.
Anonymous said... This is OT, but does anyone know why the shows that were filmed (corn maze fakery, trip to Australia) have not yet aired? Are there legal issues that are holding up the air dates?
As I recall, TLC films em and gets the episodes on superquick to try to make as much $$$ as possible. So what's the holdup?
I believe the corn maze was shown in the Halloween episode, which aired after Thanksgiving last year. But the Australia/NZ and Philly trips haven't been seen yet.
Is it possible TLC is stretching their filming as thin as can be until Khate's contract is up next year? She's under contract for 2011, but TLC doesn't necessarily have to film her, correct? Especially since TLC just blew several-hundred thousand dollars sending her family across the world for what, 4-5 episodes worth of film? I really thought TLC would hold out until summer to show the Aussie trip, leaving only six months or so until the contract is up. I think TLC wants to get rid of her at this point - she's too expensive and falling fast in popularity.
Aeris said: ..."Is it possible TLC is stretching their filming as thin as can be until Khate's contract is up next year? She's under contract for 2011, but TLC doesn't necessarily have to film her, correct? Especially since TLC just blew several-hundred thousand dollars sending her family across the world for what, 4-5 episodes worth of film? I really thought TLC would hold out until summer to show the Aussie trip, leaving only six months or so until the contract is up. I think TLC wants to get rid of her at this point - she's too expensive and falling fast in popularity."
Aeris, I think you're on to something. It makes sense for TLC to spread out the shows they have in the can, especially if they are trying to wind out their time with Her Unbearableness. The kids have a long spring break coming up in March, I will be very interested in seeing if the kids will be allowed to just stay home or will they be whisked off on yet another trip?
I do find it very telling that Kate is going on third-tier talk shows instead of her usual View, ET and The Today show. We can only hope that they were contacted first and all took a pass.
OMG. On my channel guide description for LT it says 'Actress Kate Gosselin'. Actress only because she puts on an act when she needs to look like a real mom!
Just wanted to add that I used to email and protest Kate's appearances until I realized that this was just adding to her interest and keeping her newsworthy. I agree with all those that say the best way, the only way to get rid of Kate is to ignore her and not watch anything she appears in. There are so many clips and recaps after her appearances that it isn't necessary to watch her to know what this witch is up to.
There is no win here.... even if she is 'there without her kids', the KIDS are still mentioned, so the audience is expected to 'understand' this is the woman who had 'eight, count them, eight little money bags'..........
I'm sure, sure, sure that the host/moderator/whomever was instructed by Kart's 'people' to mention the kids in the intro.
She continues to make money off them even if they aren't there.
Rather like the recent article about Michael Jackson's estate making $131 million after his death.
Disgusts me.
@ central PA has had enough! ...
You know...I always thought Kate would be good at giving advice on getting things for free and/or couponing lol. That seems to be something she's really good at!
But at most that would get her a blog and blog writers don't make much if any money let alone fame and trips and tanning!
I'm always amazed that Kate can never comes up with interesting things to say in these interviews. Normally when a celebrity is promoting something on a talk show, they say some prompted, pre-approved amusing story or other, or express their opinions on a current event. I don't think I've ever seen Kate do that...unless of course it has to do with her being Supermom. Does she really not have ANY amusing stories that would help the audience identify with her?
Also, when a celebrity goes on a talk show to "dispel rumors", they give an explanation that counteracts the rumors. All Kate does is say the rumors are untrue, and if she gives an "explanations" it SO unbelievable and contradictary (like the kids being devastated that filming stopped, the liked the 22 hour plane ride, etc...). You would think TLC would give her something to work with!
I would LOVE it if George would go through some of the Kate +8 say the video of the life-vest-less-kids on the boat throwing up, and Kate givig some sort of explanation like..."it looks like we went on the full trip, but really we turned around when the first kid threw up" or SOMETHING.
She does nothing to help dispel the "rumors", and she doesn't seem to get that the "rumors" mainly come directly from her show!
Enough in New Jersey said...
Sorry George .... not watching on 2-21 and e-mailing your show to express my dismay of your choosen guest ! Hope others will too !
Wrong thing to do, in my opinion. It just shows the hosts that Kate may have some relevance, she's still big news, not to mention that if they get e-mails voicing their objection to having her on television, it might have the reverse effect. They'll think that these are only a bunch of crazy Kate-haters with a vendetta out to get her, and the hosts may actually offer some sympathy for her because of what they might consider looney anti-fans.
Why show these networks that there is still any interest in her, good or bad? E-mails aren't going to solve anything -- they will not cancel an appearance because of it, and hosts will not ask any hard questions. They schedule the guests that they want to schedule, regardless of any protesting that is done.
Guess it was just time for her to re-emerge from her brief winter slumber, ha. I read on another blog that perhaps she was out of view for a few weeks having lipo on her knees/thighs or so someone's plastic surgeon husband thought looking at her pics this week. I cannot believe I just typed that. Anyway maybe she's out here in LA for the NBA All-Star Game, you know, hanging at LA Live, going to parties, etc. And yes, that was the snark coming out. I agree with whoever said that she is really making the Class D circuit (no offense, but The Talk and GL are not the hottest shows), and I doubt she's climbing up. What goes around is definitely coming around IMHO.
My question is...WHY? She's so history. Unless she's announcing the premiere of Twisted Kate!'s Amar'e Stoudemire!
Darn it. I don't want to see HER, but I'd like to see HIM. How do I juggle this? Will she be the first guest, or the last guest? Guess I'll have to keep flipping around to find out!
Same old same old sh*t.
Except, who cares anymore? The world has moved on, and the only fools keeping her relevant are the Khaters & Sheeple.
I hope George Lopez is enjoying his ex-wife's kidney... sorry, that was mean- even for me.
From the previous thread about the Philly and corn episode - did those ever air? I don't watch so don't know, but don't remember discussion if they ever aired or not? What channel is Lopez on? Seems like she is going against the grain of the networks that have normally had her on such as ABC in particular, and NBC. If those didn't air, then they have a ton of footage that they are sitting on.
So, here's the big question:
Did Kate travel back to PA to be with her kids or is she spending the entire time in LA until after the George Lopez appearance?
What other LA shows is she planning on making a guest appearance?
Yeah, this is just odd promoting a series that won't air until April. So, is it February in LA then March or April in NYC? Promoting Kate Plus 8 - the perfect excuse to get away from the kids.
So kate is going to be on GL? So what.We all know she's going to be lying through the veneers that the kids paid for by working.
Yes,its the kids working that has given kate the lifestyle she thinks she's entitled to.We all know without the kids...there would be NO show and NO money.
I think e-mailing the shows that kate is going to be on is just a waste of time.They will have her matter how many letters they get.We are giving her attention and keeping her in the headlines by sending twitters,e-mails,ect.
The sad part is...most of us sending these letters are the ones watching.I cant believe how many people said they watched her on the Talk.WHY??We know what keeps her coming back.Its the attention "we" are giving her.
We know that whoopie and joy cant stand her...but she's on the show...why? We stir the pot...thier show needs raitings and we are giving it to them.Same with the Talk and any other show she goes on.I bet 90% of the people posting here will watch her on GL for whatever excuse is given.
It really is simple.Stop talking about her.Stop watching the damn show.I guess the show will be back in April.Dont watch it!For whatever reason,its not worth it!The shows have been the same from the start...Look at me...I got another free kids love it...look at me playing with my crew (errr kids) I'm the best mom in the world....I do it all alone...I do it all for the kids...ect bla bla bla.
We have been there and done that over and over again.Why watch?? When no one is there watching...she will go away.Again...its that simple!
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