It's President's Day, the children don't have school, and what else would they be doing but working? Someone snapped a photo of Kate and the kids in Giant today, the film crew sandwiched in the aisles with them. Will these kids ever get to actually just have a day off from everything? Thank you to the Twitter mom who snapped and posted the photos of this travesty.
103 sediments (sic) from readers:
Jeebus, these kids can't get a day off to save their little lives!
As she stands there facing the camera with her hands in her pockets. . . typical mom?
technically it's Sunday that she's shopping on. The 20th was yesterday. Kate should be in LA by now.
Gee, I hope they are getting time and a half, holiday pay! Oh no wait a minute, the get the same measly 12.5%/8 regardless, that mommy dearest can pull from for their 'necessities' (ie Jersey Shore type needs - like hair and tanning)
Kids & Kate at a grocery store. Wow. Yet another exciting & entertaining field trip for the viewers to enj...zzzzz
Who watches this crap? Kids taken for school shoes/bags and not being allowed to get what they want. Going for halloween and not being allowed to get what they want. And now going to the grocery store (huh?????) and probably not being allowed to get what they want. What on earth could be appealing about 8 kids and a camera crew in an aisle of a grocery store, especially since she's never been seen with them at the store at all - even if it IS in the aisle with the triangular crunchy things? Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel here.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!! Another exciting episode!!!
I have to chuckle, because this made me realize that the Lopez show obviously isn't live. lol
What is that tied onto the front of the cart? Camera/microphone?
Of course, matchy-matchy outfits again. Individualism not allowed while creating havoc while shopping with Mom and "Dads".
Closed "set", or were other customers admonished not to stare or approach?
And yes I'm hearing Lopez tonight is not live. She prob filmed it while she was in LA earlier this week.
Love the camera taped to the front of the cart.
Too bad Mady can't block its view the entire
shopping trip.
Ooooh.... ahhhhhh.... canned corn.
Riveting t.v.
F*cking nightmare...
Believe me ......I'm sure this also will not air. Just like all the other endless filming they have done. Where are all the episodes of Thanksgiving, Christmas and a lot of other events that we saw being taped. This will also end up in garbage bin.
I noticed that there's something mounted on the front of the shopping cart. Cart-cam? But no, there's not setting up or blocking. Nah.
Can't wait for this TLC special. The kids are being filmed working for their own food in a grocery store. This is probably the first and only time the kids will be allowed to pick out their own snacks in a grocery store. There's nothing fake or scripted about this. All moms take their kids grocery shopping with their film crew, boobyguard, bodyguard, and a camera rigged to the shopping cart. A full cart of free food for the kids and $250,00 for Kart to film her kids in the grocery store. Did Kart park in the fire lane or in her special handicapped parking spot? And did her boobyguard produce the childrens' work permits to the store manager?
oh, OH. Where's stevie?
Yep, that's a camera. Every little kid I know wishes a camera crew of "daddies" followed them around at the grocery store! (snort)
I just noticed Kate is even orangier in the caricature header and it cracked me up hard.
The twitterer who posted the pic just tweeted me. These pics were taken TODAY.
Happy day off from school, kids.
The camera mounted on the cart is so Truman Show-ish. Blech.
When I was a kid this kind of specticle would have absolutely MORTIFIED me. I was shy and HATED attention. As an adult I would be embarrassed, but as a child? Gosh, what a nightmare. I hope to God none of those kids are going through that kind of emotion.
So lets see...
They filmed at the Party Store for Halloween, they filmed the pilgrims and Indians for Thanksgiving, they filmed at the corn maze, and filmed in Australia and New Zealand and now the trip to the supermarket but none of it has aired What exactly are they waiting for?
Does Giant Foods normally have those huge lights
hanging from the rafters? They would be enough to give me a headache while I wandered down the pickle aisle.
I'm assuming those lights are just for filming. When did they go up, I wonder? Were more shoppers inconvenienced while the lighting personnel set up ladders in the aisles to hang those things?
The locals are already not happy with Kate in their midst. Making the chore of shopping even less fun might strenghten their case against her.
Oh choose me, shopping for groceries with 8 children and a gaggle of cameras, lights and crew, as if she ever shops with the kids anyway. And how nice for the regular working folk who might want to do their shopping on their (real) day off. This is not only contrived but seriously not even interesting. Yes put it in the can with all the other yet to be shown miles of footage TLC is piling up. Beyond done.
Boston Bonnie, the corn maze footage was shown in the Halloween special where Kate took her kids trick-or-treating with her boobies pushed up in her face, her feet smashed into stilettos, and a devil tail strapped onto her butt.
I would love to see Jon lose the earring and maybe get a hard hat because he is not like that anymore. Love the skin tone. Glad the girl got this shot. May not be scripted but there certainly is no spontaneity to it. They had to have gone in hours before and set up the frames and shots. At least the kids got to do something all kids do like go to the grocery store.
WOW! This is really starting to become very disturbing. When are the exec's at TLC going to stop this travesty they call entertainment. I mean really, a camera attached to the shopping cart. That is so NOT normal.
I would bet that this is more damage/spin control on the part of TLC - trying to show that Kate actually does something normal with her kids or that she actually spends time with them - just grocery shopping with her kids like every other mom in the country - LOL - as if! There has been so much bad press about Kate over the past year. She was just on The Talk and she tried to do a major amount of damage control and spin. Too bad everything she says is either an outright lie or contradicts what she said in another interview or on her show. I know it was mentioned that the new season is starting in April, but I just cannot fathom why they continue to bring back this lousy show - TLC knows it's all lies, the public is against them on Kate and the show - just cannot understand this choice by TLC to continue the nonsense.
Thanx for the post! This is un-effen believable!! What the hell is WRONG with her?!!
Everybody KNOWS...
1. The Gosselin 8 would NOT be shopping with Momster unless the cameras are rolling, the film crew 'daddies' are on duty for free babysitting, & TLC is PAYING the bill.
2. Momster is desperately trying to repair her mommy-image by pretending to take ALL the little Gosselin's shopping. Her reality? It's easier for Momster to shop alone than with the Gosselin 8.
3. If the kids are running around the store, grabbing at items on the shelf or even break something. It's really not their fault, she NEVER takes them shopping unless it's for WORK.
4. Momster has been hard at work refining & honing her skills as director, child exploiter, child pimp, & pretend mommy when the cameras are rolling.
5. Momster is desperately trying to repair her damaging incident witnessed on the airline. You know, the National Enquirer story of mommy dearest smacking one of her little girls across the face when the child woke her up. Ah, now everybody knows WHY she spent so much time on The Talk, blabbing about traveling with the Gosselin 8.
Her bull crap is piling higher & HIGHER everytime she opens her mouth & subjects the kids to 'playing' for the cameras. Katie, do you make your parents proud?!
Will these kids ever get to actually just have a day off from everything?
Considering that there has been no indication that they have filmed since their trip abroad, I think it's fair to say that they have many days off from everything. Why must you always exaggerate?
Kat said...
Believe me ......I'm sure this also will not air. Just like all the other endless filming they have done. Where are all the episodes of Thanksgiving, Christmas and a lot of other events that we saw being taped. This will also end up in garbage bin.
Where was it reported that they filmed Thanksgiving and Christmas episodes? Link, please.
Exaggeration Time? They've filmed 150 episodes, that is no exaggeration. They filmed Florida, North Carolina, Alaska, and New York over their summer break. That's four huge trips in just a two month time frame. They filmed a back to school episode after that. Then they filmed the Halloween episode over Halloween. They filmed two weeks in Australia over their Christmas break. The entire break. At the beginning of the break they filmed in Philly. There haven't been any holidays SINCE Christmas break. This is the first day off from school to film again, and sure enough, here they are filming.
To suggest that the children aren't working the vast majority of their vacations from school ignores the cold hard facts.
I believe that ANY filming of any kind at this point is too much after the 150 episodes they have done so far. Two minutes of filming is too much, in my opinion. Agree or not, that's up to you.
You stated that they never have a day off. That is exaggeration, plain and simple. In case you haven't noticed, they don't work every weekend.
Oh and FYI...MLK Day is a national holiday so you are incorrect in stating that there have been no holidays since Christmas break.
Exaggeration, do you know how ridiculous you sound trying to defend all the filming these poor kids have done? "Will they ever get a day off" is a rhetoricle question, not a statement of fact. IN GENERAL, they work MOST of their breaks, ok? They missed their first week back at school for all the damn filming. You're right, they got Martin Luther King Jr. day off from school. Though wee didn't see any filming, doesn't mean they didn't--they have to do the couch interviews at some point and we do not know when that is. For all we know they could have spent MLK filming couch interviews for Australia. But assuming they didn't, big whoop they actually got a day off!
And you're right they get weekends off. They're SUPPOSED to get weekends off.
Do you realize we are talking about SIX YEAR OLDS and time off??? Time off shouldn't even come into play in any way shape or form at that age. They are not supposed to be WORKING.
Shopping the organic section, Kate? Ha.
Somewhere in between all those shootings that Admin mentioned there was the pap shots of them in Indian costumes if I remember right? I figured they filmed that but can't remember if there was proof of it.
It has to be damage control. Kate or TLC have probably read it on this or other blogs that Jon can handle taking all the kids at once to do things so she has to show she is better than him of course!
Well at least one judge in PA is dirty. Why not the others? Like one who might be keeping 8 kids working via kick-backs by TLC/K8? Seems strange that judge always rules to keep those kids working, no?
Exaggerate, you exaggerate the other way. Or shall we say you downplay it. I think facts matter too, and here's the facts:
The approximate figure of 150 episodes is not based on IMDB, but the source themselves, TLC. IMDB is inaccurate, and here's why. If you look at IMDB, they often combine episodes that originally aired as two separate episodes on the same night. Even if they had two distinct plot lines and were clearly filmed on different days, IMDB combines them anyway, making it seem like it was just one episode when it was not.
If you don't believe me, examples of this are Home Roost. Which is only listed as one episode on IMDB. Home Roost was originally aired as two completely different episodes: Chicken Coops and Work Day and Kids Play. Two episodes, two different plot lines.
Another example of this is Babies and Bedrooms, which was clearly aired as Babies and Bedrooms Part 1 and a totally separate episode, Part 2, filmed on different days. Two episodes, now made to seem like one by our friend IMDB. There are other examples.
IMDB is also for some odd reason not including Sarah Palin's Alaska, Big Apple, Alaska Here We Come, and Gosselins and Goblins. That's another four episodes.
Just by looking at the above examples clearly IMDB is not accurate. 150 is an accurate figure and one Jon supports as well. He was on the show, he knows.
But for argument's sake, let's assume it was 122. Even though I've shown you above it clearly was not. 122 episodes is WAY too much for these kids, that is my opinion. I don't want them to be filmed anymore after that, 122 or 150.
When TLC resumed filming last year, were there any holidays or breaks from school that the children haven't been filmed working? If they didn't film on Christmas day it was because the crew had to go home to their own families and it would probably cost the production company quadruple pay to film on that day.
Please IGNORE Exaggeration and Link. They're idol worshippers defending Momster Dearest! They've learned the fine art of deflecting from their idol.
BTW, I agree the Gosselin 8 do not work every weekend. They have the weekends off when their in JON'S time. Momster signed the poor little sacrificial lambs lives away when she signed with TLC. They WORK on her time, they relax on Jon's time. Simple.
Don't know if it's been posted, but...
url, of course they would NOT film on Christmas day. Christmas was SCRIPTED!! Yes, scripted!! The Gosselin 8 PRETENDED & WORKED a fake scene to celebrate Christmas. Everybody knows that!
LIES, LIES, LIES!! It's ALL SCRIPTED!! They DON'T film daily events, it would be too boring! They CREATE a storyline, hence a script! That's why Momster dresses up like a hooker, for entertainment value! HAHAHAHA!!
Exaggeration time again said...
Considering that there has been no indication that they have filmed since their trip abroad, I think it's fair to say that they have many days off from everything. Why must you always exaggerate?
Are you kidding me? I'm not sure what day MLK's birthday was in relation to their return from Australia, but I believe the crew is entitled to a certain number of days off after returning from a long working trip. I wouldn't doubt if that weren't the case, there would have been filming!
This is how an ideal day off from school for little kids should go. Sleep in. Wake up late. Have a big breakfast of pancakes and sausage. Play or go sledding or bowling or something. NOT WORK!
I could understand if they filmed once in a while on a day off, but it's pretty much EVERY FRICKIN' TIME they get off of school.
I would love to know, from the person who took these pics, if good ole Purse Boy was along on this shopping trip. I always found it quite odd that the majority of the time he is not around when Kate is out and about with the kids. You would think she would want him there to protect her most precious little angels. But then again it's all about Kate. I really don't think she has to worry about anybody kidnapping or harming her, but the kids are very vulnerable to a lot of the nut cases that are out there. She has put those kids out there for all the world to see and if it were me i really wouldn't a "bodyguard" for me but most assuredly for my children.
fidosmommy said...
Does Giant Foods normally have those huge lights
hanging from the rafters? They would be enough to give me a headache while I wandered down the pickle aisle.
I'm assuming those lights are just for filming. When did they go up, I wonder? Were more shoppers inconvenienced while the lighting personnel set up ladders in the aisles to hang those things?
Those are the normal lights in Giant.
With Kate's winded speech on The Talk about packing toys for the kids for the flight, cooking every meal, and doing math homework and now filming at Giant with all the kids it seems like she's taking another stab at changing her image to be the do-all, hands on mom of eight again. Too bad for her and TLC that we're on to her 'schick' and know she's already failed at being Kan-do Kate -- she's Kan't do Kate, imo.
I just had to look up 'scripted' in case there is a more correct word for what is presented on K+8 shows(besides exploited). I looked on the Merriam Webster site and Free dictionary online. It doesn't always mean a written script with word-for-word lines the way I understand these definitions.
MW-Definition of SCRIPT
transitive verb
: to provide carefully considered details for (as a plan of action) --an event carefully scripted to attract attention
Free online dict.
script·ed, script·ing, scripts
2. To orchestrate (behavior or an event, for example) as if writing a script:
I am sure someone somewhere before filming has to 'script' what is going to happen so the G8 know what to do. Otherwise the kids would not be running up steps over and over again.
Also to the ones who say the kids don't work often. Geez I have seen comments about how many hours of filming it takes to get enough for a half hour show. If that wasn't so, Kate could just set a camera on a tripod and mail the tape to TLC and to show it as is and request to be paid to be her own cameraman too.
I wonder if it was Kate's idea to film at the grocery store. She must be tired of having to actually pay for food for those darn kids. A trip to the grocery store means that she can get food for free. She probably gets annoyed everytime she has to go to the grocery store and spend her hard earned money on the nutritional needs of her children.
Admin, don't waste your time on posters like Exaggeration.
I prefer to shop alone rather than with my 2 youngest children. Who would shop with 8? No one in their right mind...or contrived and scripted. So stupid.
Of course the only time we see Kate with the kids is when the camera is there too. We all know that that's all those kids are good for to Kate, and I'm sure those kids are growing up to realize that too. Remember when they stopped filming and she bitched and moaned on those talk shows that now she couldn't take the kids to NY because the filming was canceled? Why is that Kate? Because you can't be seen with your children unless you're getting paid for it? It's not like she has a job and couldn't find the time to take them, and it was during their summer break to boot!
We also know that she doesn't even play with her kids when she's at home; she admitted this herself on J&K+8. So what time does she spend with them? How is she an expert on mothering when she does NOTHING.
The sheeple are so deluded. They claim that because the paps follow Kate the family CAN'T go back. Well if that were true, wouldn't we see pictures or hear reports of Kate going out with her children? Without a fucking film crew? Or are the paps not following her every move proving that they can go back as long as Kate gives up her "career" of exploiting her family? You can't have it both ways sheeple.
And as an aside, I may have mentioned on here that I'm an actress. As such I have been on many sets where there is no script per se. In that case it's called a shot list. The crew has to get shots to make the story make sense, like establishing shots, and several retakes of things that seem natural and improvised. Ever notice on reality shows when they show someone walking up to a front door and knocking (from outside), and also show someone answering the door (from inside the house)? There is no way that that could be improvised. It is PLANNED people! I also know how long it takes to get a shot perfect. I've had to do a movement or say a line over and over and over again. It takes several takes to get a 3 second shot. It is very time consuming. When those kids are out and about filming they are in a time crunch. Time is money when you are filming. There isn't extra time to let them explore things on their own, or squeeze in an impromptu fun activity and just film it for the heck of it. Out door shots can be brutal. There's wind that the sound people have to contend with, and lighting from the natural sunlight. Those shots are also difficult because the sun moves causing continuity problems and unwanted shadows. I once was on a set where we filmed a little girl on a swing outside. It took over an hour to get a 5 second shot. Btw, that was for a commercial that was only 30 seconds long, no dialogue, and it was 8 hours of filming. Don't tell me what a breeze a 30 minute episode is because they don't have "lines."
I really hope people don't pick apart what I have to say here because I'm not an expert on reality tv. I just want to share my experiences on set and let people (and sheeple) know that filming is much more time consuming than the end product let's on.
pate said... oh, OH. Where's stevie?
He's probably in the next aisle blocking another shopper from accessing the frozen food section so that the crew aka "dads" don't miss the shot of Kate demeaning her children in the grocery store.
I feel so bad for Cara and Hannah in the pic....Cara has her arms crossed and looks upset, just like she did when they were in New Zealand. Something I don't understand is, why do they keep filming if they never show any of it?
I could understand if they filmed once in a while on a day off, but it's pretty much EVERY FRICKIN' TIME they get off of school.
They also had a day off on Friday. I wonder why she didn't take them somewhere for the long holiday weekend!
"I feel so bad for Cara and Hannah in the pic....Cara has her arms crossed and looks upset.."
No one looks happy in this pic. As usual, Kate can't even muster a smile.
BTW Admin, loving the orange hue Ms. G now sports. Well done!
Considering that there has been no indication that they have filmed since their trip abroad, I think it's fair to say that they have many days off from everything. Why must you always exaggerate?
What exaggeration? Other than an unanticipated snow day and morning delays because of the weather(no advanced warning in time to schedule filming), and this past Friday, there have been no other days off from school since they got home, which is what I am sure administrator meant. Yes, I do know that for a fact. Why must you exaggerate and say that they have had "many" days off when it simply isn't true? And we don't know if they filmed on Friday.
Thanks Chingada. I enjoyed learning more about it.
url said...
The kids are being filmed working for their own food in a grocery store.
This is so on the nose that it would be funny if it weren't true.
I also wanted to add that the kids do the couch interviews and they may have to dub a couple of "lines" in post production as well. More time devoted to the show that we would never see or hear about.
So -- Kate gets paid $250,000 an episode to shop at Giant? Why wouldn't she take eight kids along to buy food for a trip down one aisle? You can buy a heck of a lot of food for that amount of money!
We're getting snowed on right now. Watch for a snow day tomorrow. Since the crew is in the area, they may turn a snow day into a work day (sledding, building snow men)!
There is absolutely nothing that is going to stop this woman. Nothing.
TLC has pretty much filmed Kate and the kids into the proverbial corner. They know the few people that still watch K+8 have lost interest in seeing this family going on trips doing the same old thing show after show. They can't very well take their cameras into the house to film the nannies looking after the kids, they can't go into the tanning salons, they most certainly aren't welcome in the schools and even if they were, Kate doesn't participate in any of the parent/student activities does she? Unless Kate decides to take the kids and their dads to church, Giant Foods is about the only place left to film.
tic toc
I can't believe the crew were only on hand for the stunt shown. Today being Monday, how do we know the children haven't been working Saturday and Sunday as well as Friday if in fact they were off school that day as well? Didn't she say just last week that the children are "playing" in and off frame? I don't see any room for playing in that crowded aisle and what store wants children playing in grocery aisles anyway. This is outrageous!!!!
One of my cats did an IAMS commercial several years ago. It was a 45 second commercial and it took all day to shoot. He was in 2 shots in the commercial. In one, he was sitting on an actress's lap. This was shot over and over again, from every possible angle (fortunately, he was loving all the attention). In another shot he had to run across the floor of a kitchen set to a dish of food. Again, this was shot over and over, from every possible angle. Interestingly, not only was I required to be on the set at all times, a certified "animal wrangler" was also required to be present. My cat received more protection, by law, than those poor children get.
Admin - the kids were also filmed at a hockey game sometime after school started. October, I think?
Oh, gosh, Kate,you really MUST do it all!! These photos give us evidence that you actually take care of those kids and do the shopping and cooking for them! Oh, barf. She is so pathetic and transparent. And I'll bet she got tons of food that she usually doesnt get since TLC was footing the bill. Grifting even as the ship is sinking... Those kids must be so embarrassed.
"Something I don't understand is, why do they keep filming if they never show any of it?"
Presumably they are compiling episodes for a weekly series, beginning April. I suspect Quints by Surprise will return at the same time. If they have enough already for, say, eight episodes, that will take them through April/May. Perhaps the season finale will be the sextuplets' seventh birthday party? That's just a guess on my part.
I would love to know how much time was spent in the grocery store....was it a quick in and out or prolonged. And who in their right mind takes eight children grocery shopping? Oh yeah, that's normal and we all know what a normal life they lead. Thanks to the twitter person who took the pics.
"These photos give us evidence that you actually take care of those kids and do the shopping and cooking for them!"
She never, ever takes those kids grocery shopping with her! When would she do it? Certainly not when they get home from school at 4 p.m., and not on weekends when the nanny is there full-time. Why would she drag those kids to the grocery store when she's paying the nanny to stay at home and take care for them?
I shop at that store, and I've seen her there and about and she's always alone. Can TLC think up a more fake episode?
Even this is getting boring...cameras in the kids faces like always with no smiles from anyone. How sad and pathetic. On a happier note, I love the fact that it appears no one is into Kate anymore. She has been on second rate talk shows with nothing new to say and she doesn't even hit the enetertainment mags even more. Kate...I hear the clock ticking. Thank God for those kids.
Kate...I hear the clock ticking.
It's been ticking for a long time. We thought it was over when Jon pulled the plug on filming. Obviously, someone keeps rewinding the clock and she just keeps going and going and going. We haven't yet heard the alarm go off...
I don't understand how trashing these kids' mother is helping them? I mean the names I have seen on this forum alone are incredible, let alone the inverted thoughts.
So, please, clear if up for me?
Wow, just wow! This is never going to end for these kids. This is the life Kate has planned for them, whether they like it or not. She prefers the cash and comforts, the hell with the childhoods! I think to myself and say, how grateful I am for my regular life and that my kids are having a wonderful regular childhood!! They may never get to experience everything the G kids have done...but who cares...my kids are happy and love life. We do so much with our kids that does not require it to be extravagant and I feel they have not missed out. Going to a park on a beautiful spring day and having a picnic is fun and makes a great memory! Baking a cake for daddy's birthday was exciting today! Looking at the rain, playing legos, reading about dragons. When will Kate let the kids live normally, probably never, because she does not plan on being middle class or poor again. She sold the childhoods of her kids, and it is stunning to me that she does not realize the permanent damage she has forever caused her kids.....but maybe she does, and just doesn't care.
hehe....I'm sure that this wasn't real grocery shopping....just like the corn maze wasn't really what it looked like on TV. And when they were finished filming the grocery shopping in an aisle or two, they just left the cart with the groceries in it right there and left. It was pretend shopping.
Please, Stephanie, tell us how bashing Jon is helpful to the kids. The mother does it on national television shows and her over zealous fans post horrible comments about him and his girlfriend all over the Internet. How is that helpful!
I agree with those who believe nothing is going to stop Kate from filming those kids for money. This fiasco will not end until the "suits" decide to stop it. Then, Kate will begin shopping again for another chance to add to her own millions by using her kids. Talk about "singing for your supper." Sad, really, sad.
here's something I wrote on Baby Mama, we'll see if it hits the board.
Not so much of a Kate fan but just think she has a right to NOT take all the kids grocery shopping for several reasons, it adds to how long it takes, it creates havoc in the store with that many kids running around, it is boring for the kids, and many more. But, the thing is, if you don't normally do it, WHY do it for filming purposes? Where is the 'interest' in seeing the pictures of the kids grabbing at the shelves, the whole aisle being blocked, the camera crew getting in the way of the shoppers? That's all I wonder about, what are they filming that we want to see? It's also just my opinion that whether they are working or not, it doesn't seem to make sense to take kids out of school for 9 days (almost two school weeks) to go across the world to go to a zoo, a hotel pool, some stores, etc. How is that an educational trip when they have all of those things close to home and could see them without missing school? It would seem very realistic to understand that for someone from Kate's background being showered with all the attention, gifts, trips, makeovers, etc., it would be easy to fall into the trap of thinking it is all needed (rather than wanted) and want it to continue. However at almost 36 years old, you would think she would have thoughts of the kids and what is honestly best for them to help them become grounded adults. As it is now, it would be very hard for them not to have a sense of entitlement because this is all they have known, we are special (i.e., given preferential treatment when at public places, being given so much 'stuff', etc.) and we deserve all of this because of that. It is a shame that so many thought and commented on Mady being bratty way back, when in reality, she seems to have been a very perceptive little girl and felt she wanted no part of not being allowed to just be a kid and live her life without all of us snooping into every little corner of it.
kate can try to shop her kids out in the entertainment world but it ain't gonna happen. They have shown no special talents, no unique personalities (more like an identical pack), are not exceptionally attractive looking, all of which are things that help people get into the Business. She was turned down when she had the 'modeling' photo shop, should have seen the twins did not take direction, were not photogenic, and the would surely apply to the six pack. She continues to show her complete lack of intelligence by not realizing her time has run its course (actually, welllll past it) and she should let it go gracefully and with dignity. Oh, what the hell am I thinking! This is kate gosselin we're talking about.
kate can try to shop her kids out in the entertainment world but it ain't gonna happen. They have shown no special talents, no unique personalities (more like an identical pack), are not exceptionally attractive looking, all of which are things that help people get into the Business. She was turned down when she had the 'modeling' photo shop, should have seen the twins did not take direction, were not photogenic, and the would surely apply to the six pack. She continues to show her complete lack of intelligence by not realizing her time has run its course (actually, welllll past it) and she should let it go gracefully and with dignity. Oh, what the hell am I thinking! This is kate gosselin we're talking about.
Please, Stephanie, tell us how bashing Jon is helpful to the kids. The mother does it on national television shows and her over zealous fans post horrible comments about him and his girlfriend all over the Internet. How is that helpful!
hehe....I'm sure that this wasn't real grocery shopping....just like the corn maze wasn't really what it looked like on TV. And when they were finished filming the grocery shopping in an aisle or two, they just left the cart with the groceries in it right there and left. It was pretend shopping.
Oh, gosh, Kate,you really MUST do it all!! These photos give us evidence that you actually take care of those kids and do the shopping and cooking for them! Oh, barf. She is so pathetic and transparent. And I'll bet she got tons of food that she usually doesnt get since TLC was footing the bill. Grifting even as the ship is sinking... Those kids must be so embarrassed.
So -- Kate gets paid $250,000 an episode to shop at Giant? Why wouldn't she take eight kids along to buy food for a trip down one aisle? You can buy a heck of a lot of food for that amount of money!
We're getting snowed on right now. Watch for a snow day tomorrow. Since the crew is in the area, they may turn a snow day into a work day (sledding, building snow men)!
There is absolutely nothing that is going to stop this woman. Nothing.
Thanks Chingada. I enjoyed learning more about it.
Considering that there has been no indication that they have filmed since their trip abroad, I think it's fair to say that they have many days off from everything. Why must you always exaggerate?
What exaggeration? Other than an unanticipated snow day and morning delays because of the weather(no advanced warning in time to schedule filming), and this past Friday, there have been no other days off from school since they got home, which is what I am sure administrator meant. Yes, I do know that for a fact. Why must you exaggerate and say that they have had "many" days off when it simply isn't true? And we don't know if they filmed on Friday.
I could understand if they filmed once in a while on a day off, but it's pretty much EVERY FRICKIN' TIME they get off of school.
They also had a day off on Friday. I wonder why she didn't take them somewhere for the long holiday weekend!
pate said... oh, OH. Where's stevie?
He's probably in the next aisle blocking another shopper from accessing the frozen food section so that the crew aka "dads" don't miss the shot of Kate demeaning her children in the grocery store.
I prefer to shop alone rather than with my 2 youngest children. Who would shop with 8? No one in their right mind...or contrived and scripted. So stupid.
I wonder if it was Kate's idea to film at the grocery store. She must be tired of having to actually pay for food for those darn kids. A trip to the grocery store means that she can get food for free. She probably gets annoyed everytime she has to go to the grocery store and spend her hard earned money on the nutritional needs of her children.
With Kate's winded speech on The Talk about packing toys for the kids for the flight, cooking every meal, and doing math homework and now filming at Giant with all the kids it seems like she's taking another stab at changing her image to be the do-all, hands on mom of eight again. Too bad for her and TLC that we're on to her 'schick' and know she's already failed at being Kan-do Kate -- she's Kan't do Kate, imo.
fidosmommy said...
Does Giant Foods normally have those huge lights
hanging from the rafters? They would be enough to give me a headache while I wandered down the pickle aisle.
I'm assuming those lights are just for filming. When did they go up, I wonder? Were more shoppers inconvenienced while the lighting personnel set up ladders in the aisles to hang those things?
Those are the normal lights in Giant.
Just was at Giant tonight, although luckily not the location she was spotted at! In one photo she is in the "organic" aisle (you can tell from the brown flooring) but in this photo it's definite she's cruising through the "processed" food aisle: http://twitpic.com/42ba0v. I would've been mightily upset if the aisle had been blocked up like that tonight. There is no sense of graciousness to the other shoppers by moving out of the way. That young woman on twitter wouldn't have labeled that photo of Kate as an "evil witch blocking up the whole aisle" had Kate shown any ounce of respect to those around her.
url, of course they would NOT film on Christmas day. Christmas was SCRIPTED!! Yes, scripted!! The Gosselin 8 PRETENDED & WORKED a fake scene to celebrate Christmas. Everybody knows that!
LIES, LIES, LIES!! It's ALL SCRIPTED!! They DON'T film daily events, it would be too boring! They CREATE a storyline, hence a script! That's why Momster dresses up like a hooker, for entertainment value! HAHAHAHA!!
Please IGNORE Exaggeration and Link. They're idol worshippers defending Momster Dearest! They've learned the fine art of deflecting from their idol.
BTW, I agree the Gosselin 8 do not work every weekend. They have the weekends off when their in JON'S time. Momster signed the poor little sacrificial lambs lives away when she signed with TLC. They WORK on her time, they relax on Jon's time. Simple.
Well at least one judge in PA is dirty. Why not the others? Like one who might be keeping 8 kids working via kick-backs by TLC/K8? Seems strange that judge always rules to keep those kids working, no?
Somewhere in between all those shootings that Admin mentioned there was the pap shots of them in Indian costumes if I remember right? I figured they filmed that but can't remember if there was proof of it.
It has to be damage control. Kate or TLC have probably read it on this or other blogs that Jon can handle taking all the kids at once to do things so she has to show she is better than him of course!
Exaggeration, do you know how ridiculous you sound trying to defend all the filming these poor kids have done? "Will they ever get a day off" is a rhetoricle question, not a statement of fact. IN GENERAL, they work MOST of their breaks, ok? They missed their first week back at school for all the damn filming. You're right, they got Martin Luther King Jr. day off from school. Though wee didn't see any filming, doesn't mean they didn't--they have to do the couch interviews at some point and we do not know when that is. For all we know they could have spent MLK filming couch interviews for Australia. But assuming they didn't, big whoop they actually got a day off!
And you're right they get weekends off. They're SUPPOSED to get weekends off.
Do you realize we are talking about SIX YEAR OLDS and time off??? Time off shouldn't even come into play in any way shape or form at that age. They are not supposed to be WORKING.
You stated that they never have a day off. That is exaggeration, plain and simple. In case you haven't noticed, they don't work every weekend.
Oh and FYI...MLK Day is a national holiday so you are incorrect in stating that there have been no holidays since Christmas break.
Will these kids ever get to actually just have a day off from everything?
Considering that there has been no indication that they have filmed since their trip abroad, I think it's fair to say that they have many days off from everything. Why must you always exaggerate?
Thanx for the post! This is un-effen believable!! What the hell is WRONG with her?!!
Everybody KNOWS...
1. The Gosselin 8 would NOT be shopping with Momster unless the cameras are rolling, the film crew 'daddies' are on duty for free babysitting, & TLC is PAYING the bill.
2. Momster is desperately trying to repair her mommy-image by pretending to take ALL the little Gosselin's shopping. Her reality? It's easier for Momster to shop alone than with the Gosselin 8.
3. If the kids are running around the store, grabbing at items on the shelf or even break something. It's really not their fault, she NEVER takes them shopping unless it's for WORK.
4. Momster has been hard at work refining & honing her skills as director, child exploiter, child pimp, & pretend mommy when the cameras are rolling.
5. Momster is desperately trying to repair her damaging incident witnessed on the airline. You know, the National Enquirer story of mommy dearest smacking one of her little girls across the face when the child woke her up. Ah, now everybody knows WHY she spent so much time on The Talk, blabbing about traveling with the Gosselin 8.
Her bull crap is piling higher & HIGHER everytime she opens her mouth & subjects the kids to 'playing' for the cameras. Katie, do you make your parents proud?!
I would love to see Jon lose the earring and maybe get a hard hat because he is not like that anymore. Love the skin tone. Glad the girl got this shot. May not be scripted but there certainly is no spontaneity to it. They had to have gone in hours before and set up the frames and shots. At least the kids got to do something all kids do like go to the grocery store.
Oh choose me, shopping for groceries with 8 children and a gaggle of cameras, lights and crew, as if she ever shops with the kids anyway. And how nice for the regular working folk who might want to do their shopping on their (real) day off. This is not only contrived but seriously not even interesting. Yes put it in the can with all the other yet to be shown miles of footage TLC is piling up. Beyond done.
Can't wait for this TLC special. The kids are being filmed working for their own food in a grocery store. This is probably the first and only time the kids will be allowed to pick out their own snacks in a grocery store. There's nothing fake or scripted about this. All moms take their kids grocery shopping with their film crew, boobyguard, bodyguard, and a camera rigged to the shopping cart. A full cart of free food for the kids and $250,00 for Kart to film her kids in the grocery store. Did Kart park in the fire lane or in her special handicapped parking spot? And did her boobyguard produce the childrens' work permits to the store manager?
Ooooh.... ahhhhhh.... canned corn.
Riveting t.v.
F*cking nightmare...
And yes I'm hearing Lopez tonight is not live. She prob filmed it while she was in LA earlier this week.
Berks, I think Hollybaby mislabeled the photo as Feb 20th. The twitterer who broke the story is http://twitter.com/15_MeLoBaby_11. She posted it only 3 hours ago and said she is at Giant, implying right NOW. And Hollybaby is reporting the story as working today, it's just the date mislabeled.
Gee, I hope they are getting time and a half, holiday pay! Oh no wait a minute, the get the same measly 12.5%/8 regardless, that mommy dearest can pull from for their 'necessities' (ie Jersey Shore type needs - like hair and tanning)
As she stands there facing the camera with her hands in her pockets. . . typical mom?
Jeebus, these kids can't get a day off to save their little lives!
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