We support a job that does not exploit the family and does not perpetuate their relentless public exposure and further the children's disturbing lack of privacy. Thank you, Jon, for taking that leap of faith to go back to the private world after five years of madness. Proof there are ways to support the kids without exploiting them. Jon did it, why can't Kate?
160 sediments (sic) from readers:
Contruction work is a GREAT JOB. Construction work can support a big family. I couldn't be more tired of the lame excuse that a TV show is required to support this big family. Actually, a good eight hour day on a roof will accomplish it, too, and as a bonus, that doesn't require exploiting the children's private moments.
Very proud of Jon. I'm wondering if this is the same company that put the solar panels on his (excuse me) Kate's home?
Regardless, I'm so glad he manned up. Nothing like hard work to show that you would do anything to provide for your family. Jon deserves MAJOR kudos for this!
I think it's great too for the kids to see and process Daddy works these days and these hours then buys me my food and clothes and bands, and arcade tickets and so on. Instead of I work these days and these hours and buy Daddy ski trips and L.A. trips and motorcycles and so on.
You know, a parent supporting the kids, the way nature intended it. It's kind of sad we have to give a parent major kudos for going out there and getting a private job and supporting their kids. What they're SUPPOSED to do?
Just a wild theory, these pics were taken a few days ago according to the time stamp. Maybe that red herring who threw out does Jon even work??? Was trying just a one last kamakazee effort to deflect from Kate's bad deeds onto Jon before these photos came out as proof oh snap he DOES work.
Was sorry to see TMZ mentioned the name of the company Jon works for. I hope the crazed Kate fans aren't calling and harassing the company for hiring him.
That said, he looks happy and NORMAL.
Kate can live on interest from her bank accounts for the rest of her life, and she would not know the first thing about real work or have the capability to actually "work." I had such a heavy job as a Legal Assistant that I didn't have a spare second--everything was a rush from the moment I arrived until the time I left everyday. Of course, I worked for the most prolific (and demanding) attorney in the firm--but people used to worry about me having a heart attack...and, no, I wasn't slow. I type over 120 wpm. It irritates me to no end to hear people suggest Kate needs to go back to work--she doesn't have a clue about REAL WORK and that includes her short-lived nursing career, which she stunk at according to her co-workers. I'm getting all worked up about her "entitlement" attitude again. Taking a deep breath--kudos to John for real work. I respect ANYONE who can hustle and get the job done, no matter what the job is, and have no patience for whiners and loafers.
The comapany's name was released several months ago and the sheeple have already called to try to get him fired. Like most bosses I'm sure they can distinguish between a desperate shit-stirring sheeple and a good employee. I'm sure they just laughed at them and said sure sure we'll get right on that, then hung up and laughed at the crazy internet lady, like any boss the sheeple has called over the years.
Think of all the advertising the company gets. My hubby and I are talking about getting solar panels (the major part of our home's roof faces South and the sun..perfect spot) and I went right to their site to check it out. Others may too.
This doesn't look like a paparazzi picture to me (the other ones either) because they have a time/date stamp. Usually pap pictures don't show that. I'm wondering if it was someone just walking by or maybe an employee that took the photos.
Either way. Jon has a job, he's working up a sweat, and doing it without asking for handouts.
Way to go Jon - honest work, 10 month anniversary with Ellen...definitely on the right track.
I guess the ugly rumor Jon works a private job was in that 1%?
It's about time.
Congratulations, and God bless, Jon.
I wish you a good life, and peace.
OMG...do NOT email George Lopez, or twitter him, or anything else!! Do you realize that brings MORE attention to Kate?? Then, that makes people think that you WILL watch just to see what will happen? George Lopez blasted her six ways from Sunday time & time again, people know how he feels. This is a ratings game. They are going to tune in (or out) to see how he treats her. If she is a good doggy, she will be play along & be a good sport & get a nice treat. If she isn't, well then, we all know her true colors anyways. Emailing & twittering is the worst thing a non-fan can do. It makes us look like we care what happens, like yes WE KNOW Kate is frigin lying sack of crap & every word out of her mouth is a contradiction, & why the hell would you, the host, waste your time interviewing this has-been?
My point is, it is a waste of time on YOUR part. If she is going to be on the show, she is going to be on the show. Let her. Who the hell even cares anymore? Lopez does not kow-tow to anybody anyway. If Kate can't take the heat, let her go running & crying out of the kitchen. WE know she is a POS. Most people know by now. Why the hell she is doing these interviews is plain & simple; she is desperate to stay relevant. That's all. The Talk interview gave her NOTHING. No articles, pictures...nothing. It seems that Kate is finally O.V.E.R. When is everybody going to come to terms with this? I certainly have. I think it's great. I'm not watching, just reading here, that's all. And what I'm reading seems to point in one direction; the EXIT door for Kate. Maybe some people don't want to let go? WHY???
Poor Kate. There goes her martyr image she so desperately wants to keep alive. Jon got away from the insanity and moved on and she's still stuck in the past trying to milk a dry cow.
Hippie Chick said...
OMG...do NOT email George Lopez, or twitter him, or anything else!! Do you realize that brings MORE attention to Kate??
I couldn't agree more! Let the sheeple tweet!
So glad the weather broke this week so Jon and the rest of that crew could get outside and start fulfilling some of those contracts they've been piling up. The sales part is tough work, knocking on doors and sitting down with people at their kitchen tables doing a sales pitch.
I think the outside part of the job will agree with Jon. He always seemed pretty handy to me.
As for where the pictures came from - who cares? The man is bashed mercilessly; his wife insults him every single time she speaks publicly (though admittedly the digs were a little more subtle this last time); why shouldn't he prove he's working? He's not divulging any custody details. She gets to go on national tv and bash him. He gets to prove his working.... Which one is less hateful?
Relax everyone, the sheeple are still spinning this in their own twisted ways.just wait for it.You'll be hearing pretty soon:
1.He had Ellen take those pictures-the media whore!
2.He probably doesn't earn enough to support the kids, Kate's still the main provider-the deadbeat!
3.Yeah,so he has a job now but what about that day in 1993 when he...remember that? focus on that, that they a hundred years ago when he screwed up something not on this!
4.Uh, Jon really can't stay out of the spotlight,seriously,when will an entire day pass without him making the front page somewhere?
5.The pictures are so fake, he is so posing! He just got dressed and climbed on a roof for 5 minutes so he can pretend he works.
..and many other pathetic ways of making this look small,insignificant,possibly fake and so on.I guess we should get used to the idea that the sheeple will NEVER get it.
So proud of you, Jon. Keep up the good work!
No, the kids are not affected, two of them just physically harmed people at school and were expelled!
George Lopez blasted her six ways from Sunday time & time again, people know how he feels.
Then why is she on his show, if he doesn't like her?
I watched Denise Richards on The View this morning:
She is graceful and respectful when answering what must be extremely difficult questions about her ex and father of her children, Charlie Sheen.
Despite Sheen's dispicable and irresponsible behavior, she nary gave a back-handed insult about him. Total class and restraint.
What a contrast to the persistent, shall I say, "innuendo" that has become part of Kate's message in virtually every media appearance and interview she has given when it concerns the father of her kids.
The man that she and she alone chose to procreate with. I suppose she doesn't realize that the husband and father she chose reflects on her a great deal. Put him down, put yourself down.
Under google news for Kate Gosselin there are just a few articles about her appearance on The Talk from Tuesday. Meanwhile there are over 30 articles about Jon and his job already, many on major news sites. Goes to show how interested people are in hearing about Kate's same old story about how the show isn't scripted, it's great for the kids, they enjoy traveling, blah blah blah. Jon earns more attention and respect by showing that he is a regular guy. I do think he sold those pictures of himself or that his company wanted them seen, though, so there is still some element of selling out but at least it's a positive message and doesn't exploit the children.
This is the PERFECT job for him. I have always thought that Jon wasn't lazy, he just lacked direction. He showed us viewers ( during J&K )many times that when he is given a task , he does it and does it well. During the show, he put together beds, installed carpeting, installed garage shelving and painted rooms all while Queenie sat on her white plastic throne and barked orders.
Go Jon.
BerksPa said...
Very proud of Jon. I'm wondering if this is the same company that put the solar panels on his (excuse me) Kate's home?
Regardless, I'm so glad he manned up. Nothing like hard work to show that you would do anything to provide for your family. Jon deserves MAJOR kudos for this!
He deserves MAJOR kudos for getting a job? It's great that he's working, but millions of people every day work to support themselves and their families. Why is Jon Gosselin deserving high praise for doing what he should be doing?
That's quite true, that Jon is a very capable man, and given the opportunity to grow up, will probably stay clear of the media circus that yes, he is partly responsible for - unlike his ex-spouse, who is largely responsible for the continuance of this circus. Jon married young, too young, to a woman who apparently had an agenda that I honestly believe he was not aware of. This does not excuse the acting out post-separation, but that behavior really does seem in the past. Moving on seems to be the agenda now.
Initeresting that Queenie does not seem to be of any interest to any paps on her recent and continuing CA adventure. Again, silence is the best way to treat her.
Admin you asked "Jon did it, why can't Kate"?
Because Kate is a lazy, self absorbed, narcissistic fame whore.
but most people aren't captured by a monster at 22 years old. Forced to procreate excessively, forced to quit their job and then castrated and treated like a dog. After escaping this abuse he went crazy and even HE believed that TV was his only option for work. HE snapped out of it and that's why he's getting Kudos. He was a kid when they married. Suddenly he's a famous father of 8 and kate throws him out. Woman were attracted to him (fame) and he'd never had that positive attention from Kate so he ate it up, as most men would.
Now he's maturing but we can't give him a pat on the back without a sheeple blasting us for praising Jon?
We would love to praise Kate but she refuses to do anything good, kind, responsible or unselfish.
She will die alone. Her kids will not want to be around the woman who almost destroyed their father.
Go Jon!
Who is George Lopez? What show does he have?
Most People Work said...
He deserves MAJOR kudos for getting a job? It's great that he's working, but millions of people every day work to support themselves and their families. Why is Jon Gosselin deserving high praise for doing what he should be doing?
He deserves MAJOR kudos not just for working, but for working a job that doesn't involved stepping on the backs of his children. He learned his lesson. Made a few mistakes along the way and is doing it the way the rest of the world does it. He's made the choice to live life the way most of society has to live it. Paycheck to paycheck and with hard work/labor.
Yes- isn't it amazing... millions of people work w/o using their children as props, (unlike she who shall be nameless). KUDOS to all the workers who are grown up to do it ON THEIR OWN. (and not using minors for a paycheck and entertainment fodder)
Tucker's Mom said... (about Denis Richard's)
Despite Sheen's dispicable and irresponsible behavior, she nary gave a back-handed insult about him. Total class and restraint.
I totally agree. Howard Stern had her on after he trashed the hotel room awhile back when she was there with their daughter's & of course, Stern was trying to get her to say things. Denise Richard's was the total epitome of class. Not one bad thing to say about Sheen, the father of her kids. If anything, she wants to protect him from the bad press & protect his image from reaching his daughters. I find that completely refreshing, especially nowadays. Look at Halle Berry! She is bashing her ex over custody issues with their daughter, something I thought she would never do! SHE seems so...well, classy too! It's amazing what people will do when jealousy creeps in.
It is so sad Kate can't get over Jon. It is obvious he is over her. He has moved on to greener pastures & good for him. He has a steady job (making homes Greener!! That is AWESOME!!), trying to do right by his kids, in a committed relationship, & not exploiting his children. Jon WENT back. Kate is the bad guy. She is stuck in the past; greed, jealousy, anger, resentment, hate, she needs some help in a major way. If she so wants to be a "Hollywood Player",(hahaha!!) this is no way to get in the game. Nobody wants a chick who disses everyone, lies & deceits, burns & then throws everybody over the bridge. MOVE ON KATE! Everyone else has. (I ranted again dammit!) Have a peaceful weekend everyone! :)
Jon is getting kudos because:
1. We've had to read all the sheeple comments for so long saying how Jon is lazy and doesn't want to work a real job....totally disregarding the fact that TLC wasn't allowing him to as long as he was under contract with them.
2. Even though he was in the limelight and making big bucks, he clearly does not consider it below him to get a physical full-time job for a regular paycheck (but I think it will be a cold day in hell before Kate ever works as an RN again).
Is it a big deal if just any father gets/works a job? Probably not. But Jon G. was (and still is to some degree) a celebrity...so he is NOT just any father working a regular job.
Sheeple complained when he wasn't working and now complain when he is.
talkischeap said...
Under google news for Kate Gosselin there are just a few articles about her appearance on The Talk from Tuesday. Meanwhile there are over 30 articles about Jon and his job already, many on major news sites.
Good for Jon. He must have 'enjoyed' his experience w/the guy who did their solar panels. Probably just felt good to do some man's work, up on the roof, where Kate wouldn't come and chew him out for something. Haha, now she's swimming with sharks, couldn't think of a better place for her!
The last thing I would want is someone on my roof smoking a cig and checking his text messages.
And Jon looks heavier than ever.
Oh, good Jon for getting a job. Good boy!
Most People Work said...
He deserves MAJOR kudos for getting a job? It's great that he's working, but millions of people every day work to support themselves and their families. Why is Jon Gosselin deserving high praise for doing what he should be doing?
Most People Work,
I agree, it's great that he's working!
You have never congratulated anyone that found a good job or niche in life?? He's earning an honorable living, and as long as it's not on his kid's backs- it's WONDERFUL!
I hope Kate catches on to that idea too, because her situation is no longer so unusual or interesting, as the kids are not the adorable little tots they once were. It will be wise for Kate to grow a personality, and some bankable talent- if she ever wants to make it in show business.
It's funny that she has not tried out for a soap opera. Afterall, she is no stranger to drama....
Sh*t, even Kate on the Cooking Channel sounds good. The world needs to be taught how to properly make some monkey munch or organic peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Jon is fat and checking his txt messages, is that all you sheeple can say?
I guess sheeple don't believe that employees should get breaks on the job. It's clear the whole crew was on a break as the whole crew is sitting down, talking, drinking, smoking and talking. A perfect time to snap some photos if it were another co-worker also on break--makes perfect sense.
Employees are entitled to breaks on the job. What breaks do the Gosselin kids get on the job?
Geez, Jon is proven to be working - BASH HIM! Jon has NOT flitted from GF to GF in over 10 months, BASH HIM! Jon tweets that he thinks KG has done such a good job with the expelled two - BASH HIM! He's finally no longer to the harpy who belittled him for breathing but I'm sure he's glad to have you "holier than thou" types to keep up the BASHING. Such hate by strangers for the children to see...GOOD JOB Sheeple.
So who appointed you people Jon's perpetual tormentors? God? KG?
Re: Denise Richards
I am glad that she has had a change of heart. Their divorce was rather nasty for a very long time, especially as they fought for custody of the girls. Granted as she said this week, this is Charlie's lifestyle it's nothing new, and so it's understandable that she wanted full custody, etc.
Unlike Kate, she has managed to adjust her attitude re: her ex. It may be because she realizes that Charlie makes a good living and both she and her kids benefit from that. I believe that at least plays a part in it.
I think, like Jon, she realized that there's a machine around Charlie and if she trashed him they would trash her. That's not productive, both for Denise or Jon. In Jon's case, the less he says, the better. Kate's actions will speak for themselves and she will be judged solely by them.
Jon can't text during what is likely a break on the job but K8 can have her 5th!pink!iPhone! glued to her ear whenever she's with the kids?
I'm glad Jon got a "regular" job--I think in the long run it will be good for him--and the kids as well (to see "reality"). Of course, it won't pay enough to send everyone first-class with top-tier accommodations around the world--but I guess Kate's already taken care of that part of their "education."
I have not agreed with all Jon's choices in the past, but I have to give him respect in this instance.
It's been reported for several months Jon has a job, and now here's the picture proof. Yesterday Jon was on the job site installing solar panels for the same company he's been reported to work for for months now.
Too bad the link that you posted contradicts what you are saying. This is not proof that he's been working for months. According to TMZ, he started the job this week. Oh, the name of the company is different than the one previously reported.
Jon replied to a Tweet that he actually has quit smoking and this was a rare slip up that he was caught in. Quitting would explain the weight gain. I'm sure the sheeple will pick this apart too.
Those Pesky, when I posted this early this morning half awake, I recalled this company to be the same as his former company. You claim it's not and since I think you're right I changed it. Sorry, I didn't commit any company name permanently to my head--I have no internest in emailing, writing letters, calling bosses, or whatnot. For those that do I can see how easy it is to remember the names of the companies he works for. The sheeple really hate that he finally did what they've been bitching about for months. And yes you are right it's only proof he worked on Feb 16, is that really how you want to spin it? There's no proof he worked any other day. Sure, fine. You're right.
As anyone can attest this blog is shaped largely by readers and I do change things if I mess up, so if you see a mistake or have a dispute, just tell me like an adult. No need for the snotty snide remarks.
In fact in trying to find the name of the company he was reported to work for a few months ago, I came across this sheeple comment: "Good luck getting this slug to get an actual job. Dumb a$$."
Well, he got one. What say you now sheeple? I don't understand why they would object to a father working construction that can pay the children's child support. This benefits the kids without hurting them one bit. Why wouldn't they want the kids to benefit???
They are so caught up in their rabid hate of this man they don't see that this benefits their queen Kate. If Jon is paying his child support that is less stress on Kate to support the kids. The kids win and KATE wins, too. Newsflash, sheeple you should WANT Kate to get her child support. It HELPS her. It helps your queen. Get it? Do you have any girlfriends? Do any of them get child support? Why wouldn't you want each and everyone one of their ex-'s to get a great job to support them?
Sorry, getting a bit snarky but this is absurd.
Admin said...."If Jon is paying his child support that is less stress on Kate to support the kids."
I agree you would think so but Kate's sights are set much higher. Jon's income is a pittance to the queen.His drop in the bucket will make no matter to Kate. she's looking for the big bucks baby.
she's looking for the big bucks baby
I'm sure Steve makes a decent income. But she's after more than just money, she wants FAME.
SoooOoOo glad Jon has a job!
Does anyone know if he has had custody of the kids this week while Queen B is in LaLa Land?
As I recall, Jon was working at a job in Harrisburg during season 1 or 2 of the show. Kate wanted him to give it up because it took him away from home too many hours in the day. I doubt the reason she wanted him home was because she missed Jon, but because she missed all the work Jon did around the house.
My point is that Jon had a job separate from the show. It was Kate who took it away from him, according to Kate during a couch interview.
As to the beds Jon pulled apart and put back together when the nursery got new carpeting, Jon was breaking his back over it. Kate kept
telling him to hurry up because it was time for the babies' naps and he was being too slow about putting the cribs back together. She couldn't let them sleep in their playpens that one day? Heck no, her obsessive schedule took top priority over logic and cooperation. I wonder if he had to make sure Leah returned to the exact same crib, in its exact right place, and he did NOT have Alexis' crib in that spot instead. Gheesh, now that would be catastrophic!
The sheeple have to hate Jon because him making an HONEST living illustrates the fact that the Queen Bitch is pimping out her kids.
They have to hate Ellen and they have to crucify him for smoking because thats all they've got.
Of course now they'll say it's about time he started working and then throw in their little speech of "I want to support Jon but I'm waiting for him to step up and make the right decisions".
Okay sheeple start spinning!
The sheeple have to deflect on someone, be it here or somewhere else. They demanded Jon get a job and support the kids, he got one. But instead of saying great Jon has a job, great the kids won't have to work, great he can make child support, they start attacking anyone and everyone. Even attacking Jon for taking breaks on the job site. Have these people never worked or are they all just moochers too? Mandatory breaks are written into almost all good employee manuals. If you're unionized any good union requires them. And many governent jobs require them by law. They are ripping on Jon for taking a break with all the other workers, it's gotten that pathetic.
With 300 odd posts here, mistakes happen sometimes. Peksy, Admin listened to you despite how rude you were and fixed the error, get over it. Either explain what is wrong about Jon working a decent job, or move on.
Although the sheeple complained about Jon not working and that he should get a job, they really didn't want him to get a normal job. They want to complain. Jon working is not what they wanted, so they then turn and have to find something else to pick on.
I saw a photo of Kate kissing Collin over at a sheeple site and I note how similar it is to all the other photos of her kissing her children. She is holding them at distance, almost shoving them back so she can then hold their face and peck their forehead. It is not loving, it is not maternal and it is not natural.
GoodJonGoodboy said...
The last thing I would want is someone on my roof smoking a cig and checking his text messages.
The owner of the roofing company decides what his employees may or may not do while on the job, or on their breaks. And unless you own one, it's really a moot point.
I noticed too that Denise has changed her image and looks more like a mom. The cheap blonde bombshell look is gone and she is more beatoful than ever.
Simply put, Jon is a decent man and the best chance those kids have in their lives. Good for him.
GoodJonGoodboy said... The last thing I would want is someone on my roof smoking a cig and checking his text messages.
How many solar panels can fit on top of your double-wide?
The owner of the roofing company decides what his employees may or may not do while on the job, or on their breaks. And unless you own one, it's really a moot point.
Right. And this was a commercial building, not a residence. It's not like you are trooping across someone's double-wide with a cigarette hanging out your mouth disrespecting their house. You can see from the photo they are suited up in equipment to go down steep roofs safely. When their breaks, which are likely written into their contract as mandatory as any good company would, are taken, it is probably a lot of unnecessary work and danger to get down the roof. It makes a lot more sense that once you go up on the roof, you stay up there, for breaks, lunch, and all.
Clearly this company is legit, any good company would clear smoke breaks with the building owner. Do you mind if the employees smoke up there on their mandatory breaks as long as they discard their cigarettes in a cup of water. If I trusted the company I could care less, I want my workers happy since they're doing something important for me. Smoking on a roof is no more dangerous than smoking inside a building. In fact since most roofs have fire-retardant, less so.
Has anyone seen Flipping Out? Now that will show you examples of disrespectful construction workers. They even made someone's yard their bathroom once. This is hardly the same.
Anyway, that's just a red herring to distract from the fact that at least one parent in this family is finally supporting the children without exploiting them.
Jon had a good job with the State of PA for a few years. The IT position, I believe. Of course, he quit that good job so he could stay home and be "house daddy" while Kate traveled the US with her grifting book tour. Jon probably kicked himself upside and down for ever quitting that job. Kate was "leader of the pack" and he allowed it. Finally, Jon woke from the coma of her control and we all know what happened when he tried to make the filming go away. It's such a sad story, but bless Jon for trying to stop this insanity of exploiting the kids for fame and fortune. He has seen the errors of the Kate Gosselin way.
I can't believe the sheeple are deflecting this much. Now they are saying Jon can't & shouldn't be taking breaks? Did I read that right further up the post? And the smoking thing...well, it's his health. I know, cause I smoke, & let me tell you, I have tried EVERYTHING to quit, short of hypnosis, thank God it's winter & I only smoke outside so I don't smoke much. I am not going to freeze my butt off, thanks. So what if Jon took a break (um, it's the LAW that every employee gets breaks during the work day DUH!) and so what if he smokes, as long as he doesn't smoke in front in front his kids. I don't smoke in front of mine. I see parents picking their kids up from school & lighting a cig, & I'm like "Ya can't wait til ya get home?"...anyway, I digress...
The sheeple will do everything to deflect. They want to make Kate look as great & wonderful & perfect as can be. The important thing is Jon got a job. They don't see that. Jon isn't exploiting his kids. Kate still is. The sheeple are in DENIAL. They just can't refute the facts anymore that are staring them in the face. We knew this day would come, & you all said this would happen, ya smart cookies. And here it is, the fans still can't see what's in front of their faces. When Kate is no more, which is well, happening now, are they going to step back & realize all this was for nothing? Standing up for her was pointless, because they were...well wrong? I admire people that stand up for their convictions & all, but these people have the proof that Kate has done wrong so many times...in the words of Kate: I don't get it.
...Was sorry to see TMZ mentioned the name of the company Jon works for. I hope the crazed Kate fans aren't calling and harassing the company for hiring him....
Oh I agree with that totally. Of course it's Ok for the crazed Kate haters to call and harass any company/tv show/network/newspaper for hiring her.
Jon quit his job because Jon was digging the money from TLC. He knew exactly what he was doing. This is ridiculous.
Also, Jon did NOT have to put the cribs back together Fido, they had been sold already, it was mearly putting their mattresses back down on the floor.
I'm not saying Kate was wrong or right, I am saying your facts arent correct and that is happening more and more over here.
Apples and oranges, Sara. TV shows and talk shows welcome and encourage feedback on guests. Almost all of them have comment forms and twitter accounts open to the public and ASK for comments. Sheeple leave positive comments on TLC and ET and Lopez. It is the same thing. It is not "harassing" to leave a comment that you either agree or disagree with a guest. Kate is not employed by any of these shows anyway, she is booked as a one-time guest. It's the same with the bloggers, it's fine to email them or leave comments whether you agree or disagree, but when the sheeple cross a line and try to step into someone's private life AWAY from all the Gosselins and contact employers who have nothing to do with the Gosselins, it's harassment.
Jon's job is a private sector job that has nothing to do with exploiting the Gosselins. When Kate gets a private sector job then contacting her employer will be just as taboo.
Get your facts, why Jon quit his government job in this case is not really a "fact." Only Jon knows the true motiviations why he quit. Fact: They both said he quit to be a stay at home dad while Kate went out on the road. That's just what they said. I can say my dog is purple with yellow stripes, it doesn't make it true. It's just what I said. Whether he really quit just to try to make more money from the gravy train only Jon knows that in his heart.
"GoodJonGoodboy: The last thing I would want is someone on my roof smoking a cig and checking his text messages. And Jon looks heavier than ever."
Really? Is that all you can come up with? Well, it's your day because I'm in the mood to respond to your absurdity:
I'll grant you that it was probably not a good idea to smoke on that roof. But meanwhile his car is not parked in a loading zone while smoking that ciggie. Nor is he painted orange or wearing inappropriate clothing. He is not prostituting the well-being of his kids in this picture, not speaking to the paps. And how do you know he is not reading a text message FROM one of his kids? He is not photographed putting gas in his car, picking up mail, going to a nail or tanning salon or hitting up the local Target store. He doesn't drag his young kids to places around the world that they are still too young to appreciate. He hugs his kids and makes them feel loved. He is their (ONLY) dad and he clearly enjoys that job too.
He is not bashing his ex-wife, his life, TLC, the sheeple or anyone else. He is simply living his life.
I could go on and on but I am bored with you already.
For as much as I abhor Kate, you simply can't compare Denise Richards to Kate because you have absolutely no idea how much money is involved in the Charlie Sheen family. I'm sure that Denise is well compensated for keeping quiet about Charlie and his antics.
Carol said... Although the sheeple complained about Jon not working and that he should get a job, they really didn't want him to get a normal job. They want to complain. Jon working is not what they wanted, so they then turn and have to find something else to pick.
You are absolutely correct. As we've said before, Kate and her flock of sheeple are cut from the same cloth. For two years, they've done nothing but rehash Jon's post-separation antics. Kate just did it four days ago by going on TV and pointedly referring to his "choices." Which ones Kate? The ones from 2009??
They can make fun of his weight or his smoking (the jury is still out on whether Queenie smokes also) Jon gets the last laugh.
He has absolved himself from a marriage were he was verbally and sometimes physically abused and has been in a stable, loving relationship for almost a year. He has been working and making an honest living. He has no financial ties or obligations to the McMansion, it's pathetically under water mortgage and it's enormous expenses to maintain. He is letting his children have routine kid experiences. He recently took his children to a birthday party, something the children have rarely been allowed to enjoy, if ever. It's been reported he takes the kids to visit family, something else they've not been permitted to do by their mother. Jon is free and moving forward with his life, his girlfriend and his eight children.
Kate on the other hand, is stuck. Stuck with now school age children whose education she disprupts to film the show that pays her mortgage. Stuck with a house she paid too much for, stuck with no other job prospects except her floundering reality show, stuck in the fact that she has been so nasty and unlikable (on TV and off) NO men have had any interest in dating her. Stuck with her decision to cut her family out of her life and denying herself and the children their love and support. Stuck in her need to be booked on the last remaining lame talk shows that will take her, to try to convince the public that her kids are wonderfully wonderful and ok with having almost all of their summer and school breaks being used to film a reality show. Despite the two tups who were acting out and had been physically harming other children and adults. Despite the fact that one of the twins was photographed in Alaska sobbing her little heart out. And saying on camera in Florida "I want to kill myself."
The sheeple mantra is "your jus jellus of Kate." I would rather poke my eyes with an ice pick than be her. Unless she undergoes some life changing events this year her future is looking bleak and uncertain. It doesn't matter what their respective bank balances might be, Jon is by far the richer person on any given day.
Blind item from the National Enquirer:
"What reality show diva was so annoyed when her daughter woke her up from a nap during a long flight that she slapped the kid across the face? The high-flying "mommie dearest" immediately apologized to her little girl when she realized nearby passengers saw the whole thing."
Kind of OT, but did anyone who say Denise on the View see how desperate Barbara Walters was for a sound bite from Denise? Someone at ABC clearly told BaBa to go into REPORTER mode and grill Denise about Charlie.. Denise didnt budge. I would be pissed if I was Denise, she was a guest host and was pushed for a juicy tid bit about her ex just for friggen ratings. Why cant anyone ask Kate even half as hard questions about her Alaska trip or other constant bashing of Jon?
Hippie Chick: This is off topic but I stopped smoking in September with hypnosis; one treatment worked, although my hypnotherapist gave me 2 back up appointments, and I've been smoke free since. Expensive but worth every penny. It also has a lifetime guarantee.
Jon is probably a little porky for the same reason that so many poor people are; he has wound up paying so much to Kate that his diet has had to be "cheap and cheerful"- heavy on the carbs and pasta.His active job will soon get rid of the extra poundage.
We don't know for fact many, many things about the Gosselin story, but we were fed tidbits over and over again. I believe it is called "story line."
No need for us to be snarky with each other. Some of us here used to be fans of the show and I, for one, felt duped by the whole mess. Jon is trying to make it in the normal world. Yes, he did enjoy the TLC perks for a time, but obviously he was able to stop and get a job in the private sector.
Thank you admin for your difficult task.
If the crew act as "Dads", who is acting as "Mom"?
Second-hand smoke, I don't like it either. Two of my best friends smoke. They have both tried to quit many times. They are considerate and don't smoke around me. The difference between smoking around kids and smoking around adults is adults are perfectly capable of just going somewhere else to get away from it, or asking them not to smoke around them. I trust the adults Jon works with can handle that.
If the crew act as "Dads", who is acting as "Mom"?
Certainly isn't Katie Irene.
Re smoking on the roof: all the roofers I know smoke,and I know a lot of roofers/construction people. Never knew a roofer who objected to "second hand smoke"..... or any other form of smoke. It's outdoors. They don't care.
I'm not saying Kate was wrong or right, I am saying your facts arent correct and that is happening more and more over here.
Then why are you here?
"This is ridiculous."
You got that right!
Getyofacts said...
Also, Jon did NOT have to put the cribs back together Fido, they had been sold already, it was mearly putting their mattresses back down on the floor.
OK, maybe they were not cribs, maybe they were the specially selected bunks she pondered over forever. Does it matter to the gist of the argument? Anyway, Jon had taken them apart and moved them out of the room so carpet could be put down. It was nap time and Kate wanted them back up. I would have to go dig up a video to watch, but I'm fairly sure she did not want just mattresses on the floor. My guess is that was because there would be little sleep going on with 6 kids that close to the floor -
some were very, very active. And also because that was just not the way Kate did things. She wanted her kids napping where they usually napped. Kate does not seem to accomodate tweaks
to her day very well.
Tucker's Mom said...
I watched Denise Richards on The View this morning:
She is graceful and respectful when answering what must be extremely difficult questions about her ex and father of her children, Charlie Sheen.
Despite Sheen's dispicable and irresponsible behavior, she nary gave a back-handed insult about him. Total class and restraint.
What a contrast to the persistent, shall I say, "innuendo" that has become part of Kate's message in virtually every media appearance and interview she has given when it concerns the father of her kids.
The man that she and she alone chose to procreate with. I suppose she doesn't realize that the husband and father she chose reflects on her a great deal. Put him down, put yourself down.
Let me just say that Nobody would book Denise Richards on any show right now, had it not be for the horrific behavior of her ex who obviously needs major help. She should keep her mouth shut period.
And of course shes not going to bash the guy, she is basically part owner of ALL residuals for The Two Men show, the more it keeps going the more she gets which is going to be AT LEAST 25 million dollars. Shes set for life because of Sheen and if she had any morality, she would not try to get press of her drug addicted ex husband.
George Lopez blasted her six ways from Sunday time & time again, people know how he feels.
Why will Kate be on his show if he hates her? Sorry for my naivety.
SmileyGrl752 said...
Why will Kate be on his show if he hates her? Sorry for my naivety.
Because it was the only show her publicist could book for her. She is history.
Dig out your video. They were on matresses for a long time. I think
the facts are important. Too much room for gist.
IDModo said... Hippie Chick: This is off topic but I stopped smoking in September with hypnosis; one treatment worked, although my hypnotherapist gave me 2 back up appointments, and I've been smoke free since. Expensive but worth every penny. It also has a lifetime guarantee.
I tried hypnosis to quit and it failed with me. But then again, I didn't really like the woman who did the hypnosis. She started the session with snide remarks about smoking and smokers.
I am currently trying Welbrutrin now to quit. My stupid insurance company won't cover Chantix which is like $160!! The insurance won't pay for Zyban either (which is Welbrutrin)but it will pay for Welbrutrim duh!
Okay back on topic. Good for Jon. He keeps showing that he has learned from his mistakes and is moving on. Kate liked to say "We can never go back." She's right, and Jon is proving that by moving on with his life and working and doing something worthwhile with his life without exploiting his children.
Getyourfacts said... Fido,
Dig out your video. They were on matresses for a long time. I think
the facts are important. Too much room for gist.
You may very well be right. I'm not going to look for the video, though. It's not that important to the point. So, I'm moving on, not
continuing this line of discussion.
I find it interesting that anyone in Kate's family or inner circle can be cast to the curb in a nansecond if they dare cross her or fail to agree with her about any given subject.
But celebrities have made fun of her, mocked her, and even trashed her, and she will still embrace them and pretend as if they are the best of friends and so fun to be around.
For example,
The ladies at The View have said some not-so-nice things about her, but she will go be a guest co-host in a heartbeat and sit and chit chat with them.
Jimmy Fallon mocked her BIG TIME, but she was all giddy and over the moon to get to work with him at the Emmy's.
George Lopez trashed her. She goes on his show.
Jimmy Kimmel made fun of her. She goes on his show.
Kathy Griffin mocked the crap out of her, but oh how she ( Kate ) just laughed and laughed and thought it was the funniest thing.
Sharon Osborne trashed her. That didn't stop her from going on The Talk.
But then poor Jodi, who did nothing but help Kate for YEARS, gets an offer from TLC and Kate goes ballistic and banished her from their lives. Just like that!
Poor Jon breathed wrong and forgot to use a receipt, and was banished from the queendom forever.
Kate should know that if she ever found herself disabled one day, for whatever reasons, that Jimmy, George, Whoopie, Joy, Kathy and Sharon aren't going to come wipe her ass and spoon feed her if she were unable to do it. But Jon and Kevin and Jody would have. They would've gladly become her caretakers if she ever found herself in that situation.
These celebrities she clings on to, as well as these "crew member who are like dads", will disappear faster than you can blink and would never ever support her like family would.
So it baffles me how she so quickly and easily cuts family and friends out of her life, but latches onto and won't let go of celebrities even when they have publicly been mean and, in a sense, bullied her to get laughs.
She truly has her priorities and loyalties all screwed up.
fidosmommy -- you're right she doesn't tolerate her freaking schedule screwed up, and not because the kids need a rest, but because SHE needs a break. Anyway, it was over boxes in the room. All Jon wanted to do was clean up the room and finish his work and she wouldn't hear of it.
Kates hissy fit over it starts @ about 2:40 on this clip:
Fame Junkie -- Admin commented on the previous thread that Kate is acting like she's saying F U no matter what you say, I'm staying relevant. I just watched the entire clip I mentioned in my post to fidosmommy. At the beginning of the clip is Collin's constipation incident and I noticed something about Kate that, looking back is now so obvious. When Jon said to Collin Mommy won't help you she's picking out beds, Kate dug her heels in. You could see how mad she was that Jon had the NERVE to say something like that about her, this wonderful mother of eight. So she purposely prolonged the decision. She didn't care that her little boy was in pain, she was going to punish both husband and son at any cost. It demonstrates perfectly Admins point. She still believes she's got a huge career in television and she's going to do anything, even make an ass out of herself to stay relevant to prove her point. Even if she's laughing all the way to the bank, it's pretty sick that she's willing to give up every ounce of dignity to do it. It takes a special kind of narcissist to be so ignorant and Kate just happens to be a special kind of narcissist.
LOLOLOL ADMIN!! I just noticed Kate's er, new color. Bwaahahaha!! Nice going!
I don't know why my post to fidosmommy didn't go through but here is the clip I mentioned. The 'nap argument' starts @ 2:40
Slightly OT, but still relevant. I just watched last week's episode of "Joan and Melissa". They share the same personal assistant who was reviewing their upcoming appointments and one was with Perez Hilton.
Joan did a 'chair interview' (like Kate does on the couch) where she stressed the importance of PR, saying she feels it's more than 50% responsible for your success. She said that you MUST stay in the media or public eye to be relevant. Kate was out of the media for a few weeks and interest in her is waning. Her PR appears to be plugging along, but it's too bad they have so few takers anymore. ha
Wayward...Feb. 19th 9:22 a.m.
Great post!!!
Second Hand Smoke Hater said...
Sorry, but if I were a roofer and had to take my breaks on the roof, I wouldn't want someone sitting next to me smoking. Perhaps Jon cleared it with his co-workers, but for you to say that the only thing he shouldn't do is smoke in front of his kids is rude and disrespectful to adults who don't want smoke blown in their faces.
Oh Jeez...here we go. Look, I know how it feels to be the one with 2nd hand around me. I quit when I was pregnant (& stupidly went back to it) And I was still bartending. I worked in a private club & smoking was still allowed. I do NOT want to hear how unsafe it was for the baby, I was making 800-1000$ a week & I worked until I was 8 a half months pregnant. My son is just fine now BTW. But it SUCKED. I had people smoking all around me, (but they were careful not to light up next to me) I came home from work & showered every day & night I worked. And even when I went back to smoking & was bartending, the smoke smell was so bad, I still showered after shifts. It IS gross. I know. And I WANT TO QUIT!!!
I'm a respectful smoker. I DO NOT smoke in front of my non-smoking friends, in front of people who do not smoke, & if I really really need one, I move to an area where there is nobody around. I'm not one of THOSE people. And smoking in front of kids?? Bad. Did you know in Maine it is illegal to smoke in your car with kids under the age of 18? Anyway, I am NOT an asshole smoker. Why does this matter anyways??
According to a little blurb on my AOL home page this morning: Regis and Kelly have been arguing for years over one topic. This week, Kelly found out she was wrong.
The article says:
Regis' longtime claim that reality shows are staged is finally vindicated on this morning's 'Live with Regis and Kelly.' Feeling victorious, he says to his co-host, "Regis told you that 10 years ago." Surprised by the revelation, Kelly tells the audience, "Regis has been saying all along that reality shows are fake, it's not real." Meanwhile, Kelly has been defending reality TV, saying that it's "based in reality." Reading from a news story, Kelly says, "Kristen Cavallari says that almost all of the MTV reality show 'The Hills' was scripted!"
At this Regis pumps his fist in the air, proclaiming, "Regis right again!" Giving credit where credit is due, 'Live' plays a clip from last year where Regis grills Cavallari about the show: "Nothing's scripted on the show? Just go where you want? You can talk now, come on, it's almost over." In the previously aired interview, Cavallari almost comes clean.
Sooooooooooo Kate went on THE TALK last week and said that her show was NOT scripted. Uh huh. I guess we all are to assume that the reporter in Philadelphia who saw the kids having to run up the same steps a few times until the camera guys had enough film footage, the Huffington Post reporter on vacation on Bald Head Island witnessing the children trying to fly kites in 20+ mph winds (who forces kids to fly a kite when there was a small craft advisory posted?), and last but not least Werny Gal seeing kids running around corn stalks for 15 minutes for less than 2 minutes of air time -- yeppers, all three of these people who observed "reality" TV and then reported what they saw must be fibbing, eh?
Thank goodness that the viewer numbers are higher for REGIS AND KELLY than they are for THE TALK -- just more people to see for themselves that if Kate's lips are moving she must be lying ... about anything and everything!
Admin...Kate is a nice new shade of orange in your picture at the top!! Nice!!
OMG - I just now saw the orange that Hippi Chick was referring to - WAY TO GO ADMIN!
Sooooooooooo Kate went on THE TALK last week and said that her show was NOT scripted
With the way Kate spins things, and dodges around word usage (such as expelled), she probably meant that there is nothing written down, nothing memorized for the kids to recite. Of course they are told what to do and when to do it, but in Kate's world, this is not her definition of "scripted," as in having written dialogue in front of them to follow.
So, if she gets called on it, she can say she's not lying, and will ask for the "script" to be produced. However, Kate should know that the term not only applies to a written text, but also means "an automated series of instructions carried out in a specific order." There certainly is enough proof of that.
LOL on Orange Kate!
I figured it was time that cartoon Kate's skin start looking just as utterly ruined as real Kate's!
Thank you Hippie Chick!
Not surprised about the sheeple's negative reaction to Jon working. It's really all they had left to pick on him about.
And no wonder Kate is seething mad and has been dissing him any way she can when she can gets on a talk show. IIRC and correct me if I'm wrong, Jon had to pay $20,000 a month from his buyout of the McMansion and his share of Andrews Ave.... I'm guessing this was determined when he had no job. By taking a regular job, I would think his child support would be a % of his yearly salary now and it would certainly not be remotely near 20k a month.
We saw Kate in all her half-dressed glory making copies of her expenses. To be a fly on the wall of the court room to hear queenie whine about how "the children are famous and need to go to a private school for their privacy" or "the children are celebrities and need to live on a 26 acre gated property for protection." Legal is not my area (Admin, help!) but I often wonder how that works when it's Kate who wants to continue the show and have she and her children be in the public eye. IMO Jon should not be obligated to have to pay the associated expenses when it's Kate's choice to continue this lifestyle.
Love Kate's new orange shade! Let's name it! How about 'stale pumpkin pie' or 'putrid persimmon'!
I guess even the sheeple admit Jon working is a good thing. But they don't want us to forget that he wasn't working before--even though he was at times contractually forbidden to do so, not to mention a terrible economy with high unemployment rates, being out of the workforce for many years and losing his skills due to doing this show, and so on. But at least admitting Jon working is a step forward (newsflash, it benefits the kids financially--we all should support the kids right?).
Hahaha- wow! Loving "Cartoon Kate" and her
oompa loompa doopity doody skin :o)
Not too far from reality...
SmileyGrl752 said... George Lopez blasted her six ways from Sunday time & time again, people know how he feels.
Why will Kate be on his show if he hates her? Sorry for my naivety.
Ratings, Smiley.
And because Kate is his guest, he probably will be very nice and flirty with her.
Hollywood... the land of make believe, where they chew you up, and spit you out when they're done with you.
With the way Kate spins things, and dodges around word usage (such as expelled), she probably meant that there is nothing written down, nothing memorized for the kids to recite.
E Town Neighbor, I agree. In addition to flat out lying, Kate is a very concrete thinker and chooses
words using their simplist and most basic meaning.
By taking a regular job, I would think his child support would be a % of his yearly salary now and it would certainly not be remotely near 20k a month.
Don't count on it. This is PA. I have known cases where the courts bled the divorced father dry to the point where he had to work extra jobs just to support the wife and kids in the style to which they had become accustomed. One would think that support is based on their current income, but it doesn't always work that way. For example, if the courts find that Jon, as a laborer, is not earning up to his potential, they would demand that he finds a position that does. An ex-husband cannot take any job that comes along for the sake of getting out of huge child support payments. If his skills are such, for example, that he could be making twice the yearly income at another job, say in the ITT field, then he is expected to find employment in that field and his support payments would be based on that income.
LOL with the skin...you got it spot-on, right down to the not-a-boobies in the good bra. Her hair, however, has never been gray-white, which always bothered me with that cartoon. Her hair is yellow -- scarecrow yellow, straw yellow, not silver!
So here's the funny thing: The sheeple claim they are not sheeple yet on a sheeple site,the administrator claims she HAD TO post the news about Jon working because EVERYONE ELSE HAD IT POSTED! Isn't that the definition of a sheeple I ask you? Following others rather then making your own decisions?
On a different note,I think the hiatus until, April is stalling until summer vacation(well, the kids' birthday first then vacation) is here, they'll probably film a lot during summer...again! I'm just saying,sadly, I do not see this ending anytime soon :(
Hippie Chick said... Second Hand Smoke Hater said...
Sorry, but if I were a roofer and had to take my breaks on the roof, I wouldn't want someone sitting next to me smoking. Perhaps Jon cleared it with his co-workers, but for you to say that the only thing he shouldn't do is smoke in front of his kids is rude and disrespectful to adults who don't want smoke blown in their faces.
Oh Jeez...here we go. Look, I know how it feels to be the one with 2nd hand around me. I quit when I was pregnant (& stupidly went back to it) And I was still bartending. I worked in a private club & smoking was still allowed. I do NOT want to hear how unsafe it was for the baby, I was making 800-1000$ a week & I worked until I was 8 a half months pregnant. My son is just fine now BTW. But it SUCKED. I had people smoking all around me, (but they were careful not to light up next to me) I came home from work & showered every day & night I worked. And even when I went back to smoking & was bartending, the smoke smell was so bad, I still showered after shifts. It IS gross. I know. And I WANT TO QUIT!!!
I'm a respectful smoker. I DO NOT smoke in front of my non-smoking friends, in front of people who do not smoke, & if I really really need one, I move to an area where there is nobody around. I'm not one of THOSE people. And smoking in front of kids?? Bad. Did you know in Maine it is illegal to smoke in your car with kids under the age of 18? Anyway, I am NOT an asshole smoker. Why does this matter anyways??
Don't feel bad Hippie. You're not alone. I'm a smoker too (been trying to quit for what feels like years). Oh God and we're both in NH. LOL. We should meet up sometime LOL.
Okay back on topic LOL (this is not directed at you Hippe, just a general post). As far as Jon smoking, so what? What difference does that make right now to us here? He's outside, on a roof. It would be different if he were smoking in an office in an enclosed environment. Right now, smoking is the least of that guy's problems. Rome wasn't built in a day. His vices are a lot more insignificant that his ex wife's vices (alienating friends and family, exploiting her children, selfishly spending their hard earned money on herself, being mean, nasty and a beotch to everyone around her etc...). Actually, her issues are not vices so much as they are Kate just being Kate
An insider emailed me telling me that two weeks ago Jon was at her friend's workplace in southern New Jersey installing solar panels. It took 2 days. But no one took any pics so there's no way to prove it. If true, confirms it's not just some kind of one-time contract job.
Let's remember that Superbowl commercial Jon wanted to do last year that easily could have brought in a million or more, this is according to Jon's attorney. That would be a million dollars to help the kids without making them work themselves. And you guessed it, TLC, forbid him from doing it.
So when he is painted as some big loaf, it helps to get the big picture of the kind of restraints this guy was in when he tried to bring in money for his children. I think it took him awhile to realize that trying to make money in the entertainment business was going to be a constant battle--against Kate, TLC and would continue to keep the kids' lives public. Once he finally resigned himself to that, he found this job. Construction work, especially specialized work like this that's so up and coming, could easily pay just as much as an IT guy if not more.
RE: Jon smoking
Who gives a crap? If his coworkers don't like it, who cares? It has nothing to do with Kate or the kids so why should the sheeple (or any of us for that matter) care? My parents are smokers, and that doesn't make them bad people. It doesn't make anyone a bad person. Exploiting your kids for millions does though...
Chingada said...
RE: Jon smoking
Who gives a crap? If his coworkers don't like it, who cares? It has nothing to do with Kate or the kids so why should the sheeple (or any of us for that matter) care? My parents are smokers, and that doesn't make them bad people. It doesn't make anyone a bad person. Exploiting your kids for millions does though...
Amen to that..my mother smokes too and she is the BEST mother I could have ever asked for. And just because the sheeple will wonder why we don't criticize Jon for smoking but we criticized Kate: it's because Kate claims to be all for ORGANIC, super-duper HEALTHY lifestyle
and smoking is not perceived as organic
Roxy, bingo. I knew that was coming, why is it ok or Jon to smoke but not Kate. Neither, but Jon isn't the hypocrite.
It's kind of funny to spend so much effort on being organic if you're just going to smoke a cigarette after your meal. That sort of cancels it out. It's the hypocricy of it. Jon never said I am a health nut all I care about is my health and the kids'. Kate did. And many people believe the video shows Kaste smoking around the twins on the beach in NC. The jury is still out on that.
The difference between Jon and Kate is that Jon is up front with what he does where as Kate is sneaky and lies. Kate is all about her "image" and Jon doesn't care what the world thinks of him, only his kids. Kate doesn't care what the kids think of her........ but would lie, cheat, and steal to convince the world she's a good mother. Kate's life is about illusions and delusions.
IMO Kate's people trying to prove to TLC she is still relevant. Sorry,not working Jon is way more popular than Kate.
For anyone interested in quitting~
I finally quit smoking cigarettes after a 36 year habit...and used the electric cigarette (without any nicotine in them). I highly recommend it....it was really quite easy, to tell you the truth. I'd always believed I was addicted to the actual act of smoking, rather than the nicotine....and that turned out to be correct for me. I don't really think that the nicotine is necessary and you can get them with it (in tapering amounts so you can taper off it) or without any....but you can get them in all sorts of lovely flavors.
You simply inhale and then blow out flavored mist. No burning whatsoever.
Apparently, the stats for success with the electric cigarette are quite high/good, from what I understand. Someone else recommended it to me and told me that 25 other people at her job had all quit smoking successfully by using them, in addition to her. So I followed her advice...and so glad I did. It's been at least 6 months and I don't even remotely miss them.
to dee3,
Congratulations on your success! That's wonderful.
I was extremely lucky when I quit. I just put out a cigarette and told myself "I'm done" and I
quit that day after so many years of smoking. It worked for me, I have never missed it, but I know I'm the exception to the rule. They say that giving up smoking is the hardest of all the addictions. I admire everyone who really does try, even if they are not successful. My dear sister tried so hard......
Anyway, encouragement and support for all out there trying to break the habit!
That includes Jon Gosselin. He may be trying very hard, but sometimes stress gets the better of you. I don't think he's failed, I think he
just hasn't succeeded yet. I hope that makes sense.
Well as far as the smoking let's just hope that Kate is not parked in the fire lane if Jon ever sets a fire on the roof.
Well as far as the smoking let's just hope that Kate is not parked in the fire lane if Jon ever sets a fire on the roof.
Oh, snap!! Good one, Admin. Good one
Admin said.........
Well as far as the smoking let's just hope that Kate is not parked in the fire lane if Jon ever sets a fire on the roof.
dee which brand electric cigarette did you use and what flavor?
I'm trying to quit now.
Isn't it interesting that after we talked for days about how awful it must be for kids to be dragged through airports and to spend so much time in the plane in that excruciatingly long flight Kate goes on The Talk and tells us how much fun the kids had in the plane,how Alexis LOVED it?
Also does anyone remember about the Alexis sleeping in the basement situation.Kate said:
1.Alexis was a light sleeper and Hannah and Leah would wake her up early every morning and she would gate migraines(later on Hannah was the one with the migraines,you know when they decided who should get their own room)
2.Later Kate said Alexis LOVED sleeping in the basement
3.Finally, Kate told us how Alexis wakes up in the middle of the night and wakes her siblings up too and so she had to be separated
Does anyone remember this? I wonder why Alexis really slept in the basement...
I wonder if Kate being out in L.A. is her trying to get an invite to this years Oscars??
I do have one question. It seems they have done alot of filming in the past months. Why isn't TLC airing any of all that footage?? Is this their way of running her contract out?
Administrator said...
Well as far as the smoking let's just hope that Kate is not parked in the fire lane if Jon ever sets a fire on the roof.
Very good, Administrator ;o)
Regarding Kate's appearance on The Talk; She looked nervous and had a bad case of oral diareah. The hosts could barely get a word in edgewise!
My question to you all is- was I the only one who felt insulted by her Clintonian finger-waggle?
"You would do it too!"
Excuse me, but hells no.
I would never trade my privacy for fame.
Her greed is unabashed. Oh, and while I'm at it, let me get something pretty petty out. She looks awful. She was a very naturally pretty woman with a sassy short hair cut and yoga pants. Why people pay so much money to look that bad...I'll never understand. She is truly a mere shadow of that fresh-faced mom of just a mere 5 years ago.
regarding the crew and how they're the kids' family,out of Kate Gosselin's mouth:
min 02:28 and I have nothing else to say except:
LisaNH said..
I tried hypnosis to quit and it failed with me. But then again, I didn't really like the woman who did the hypnosis. She started the session with snide remarks about smoking and smokers.
I am currently trying Welbrutrin now to quit. My stupid insurance company won't cover Chantix which is like $160!! The insurance won't pay for Zyban either (which is Welbrutrin)but it will pay for Welbrutrim duh!
I have to look into this hypnosis. I will today!! I tried Wellbutrin & the side effect I DID enjoy is that I lost 25 lbs. If I tried Wellbutrin now & lost that kind of weight, I would be 5ft9 & 115 lbs. Not so good. I also tried Chantrix last summer, which worked for a while, but my husband smokes. I had to see him sucking on cigarettes all the damn time. I asked him to spray himself before he walked in the door from work, from outside...but we would always go on these bike rides & walks & he would light up in front of me. My will was weak. (Why the hell did he do that anyway? He is usually super nice) I started smoking again. So that DID work, but it was ME. Chantix was expensive though. (sorry for the OT! But thank you so much for your suggestions!!)
I looked into those electric cigarettes. They really work huh? I so want to quit!!! It's gross & expensive. See, OK, I DO eat healthy, I'm a vegetarian, all the products I use are not tested on animals, I use organic frigin moisturizer for my face for crying out loud! I even drive a Prius!! (I sound like Kate!! LOL) I don't claim to be the end all & be all of the organic queen however. I still cook meat for my boys. I cannot plant a vegetable to save my life, but I do pretty good with herbs ( I better, I'm a herbalist!) And here I am, smoking. EWWW! Just kidding. It's just a bad habit I picked up in my old friends room. I picked up her Virginia Slim, inhaled, got light-headed, & wooo! That was it. My mom used to give me her cigarettes, at age 14! And I used to be able to buy them cause she gave the guy at the local store permission. ($1.56 back then!)
I want to stop. I'm 34 now. I live with another smoker, which makes it harder. I'll try anything, & I'll keep you all posted on my progress. I'll try the electric cig. first! Thanks dee3!! (sorry for the personal back story. Thanks Admin! :)
h8k8 said: ..."Joan did a 'chair interview' (like Kate does on the couch) where she stressed the importance of PR, saying she feels it's more than 50% responsible for your success. She said that you MUST stay in the media or public eye to be relevant. Kate was out of the media for a few weeks and interest in her is waning. Her PR appears to be plugging along, but it's too bad they have so few takers anymore. ha
PR is important but even more important is good PR and being a genuinely good person all around. Which our Katie Irene is not.
A small example of this is a story from about 13-14 yrs. ago when parts of the film "Girl Interrupted" was filmed here in Central PA. Winona Ryder and Angelina Jolie were in town for about 6 weeks. Winona Ryder sequestered herself in her hotel room and was only seen once, at a movie theater. Her BF at the time, Matt Damon came to town to see her and they went to the movies. They were immediately spotted in the lobby and inundated with autograph requests. Winona refused saying it was her day off but Matt stood and graciously signed every one while chatting with fans. Winona kept telling him that they had to go, finally she stormed into the theater alone. Angelina, on the other hand, was very visible in the community while she was here. She took in many of the sights and visited many children's programs like Head Start. She inquired about what toys and equipment was needed and quietly made sure they received them.
Months later while doing press for the movie, Winona made several very nasty comments about our area to a couple different magazines which our local paper reported on. Angelina mentioned our area once and spoke about it glowingly. Let's do a tally: Angelina Jolie- international red hot superstar, mom of 6 and humanitarian. Matt Damon- Super-super hot action movie star whose movies consistently gross 100 million and married dad of 4. Winona Ryder- Winona who? Oh, the one who was busted for shoplifting and is known for an ongoing prescription drug problem.
I'm glad that Kate (or TLC) spent thousands and thousands of dollars planting those trees to give her privacy from the throngs of paps who congregate at her house every day! What paps? She WISHES she were still newsworthy! LOL!! What a waste of money!
@Hippie Chick, be sure to carefully research the companies offering electric cigs. They can cost from $129-$199 dollars!
Here's a link for starters:
Roxyhelen said....
I wonder why Alexis really slept in the basement...
It was probably Jon's bed down there, unless he was already sleeping over the garage. I thought maybe Alexis started the night out in the bed in the basement and once she was fully asleep, Jon carried her upstairs to her own bed.
It's only a thought, no facts to back it up.
I don't recall Alexis having migraines, only Hannah. I sure hope she's over those. They must be terrible.
RoxyHelen said...
Also does anyone remember about the Alexis sleeping in the basement situation.Kate said:
1.Alexis was a light sleeper and Hannah and Leah would wake her up early every morning and she would gate migraines(later on Hannah was the one with the migraines,you know when they decided who should get their own room)
2.Later Kate said Alexis LOVED sleeping in the basement
3.Finally, Kate told us how Alexis wakes up in the middle of the night and wakes her siblings up too and so she had to be separated
Does anyone remember this? I wonder why Alexis really slept in the basement...
February 21, 2011 4:28 AM
It's been speculated that Alexis never did sleep in the basement, it was Jon that was sleeping down there. With all the basement footage showing a full-size bed (or pullout from couch, can't remember), Jon and Kate needed to come up with a reason why there was a bed in the basement. It's also possible Jon stayed down there with her. Either way, leaving a 3-year old alone in the basement and talking about it on national TV was extremely dangerous. And if it was Jon sleeping in the basement, there's further proof that he and Kate were emotionally separated before the McMansion.
It's been speculated that Alexis never did sleep in the basement, it was Jon that was sleeping down there.
At the E-town house or the Wernersville house? At the new house, Jon admitted he was sleeping in the garage apartment.
Hippie Chick said... dee3...
I looked into those electric cigarettes. They really work huh?
Hippie Chick, they do seem to work for many people, including my husband . He has been a 2pka day smoker for 30 yrs and has tried all the medicine on the market many times.
He would always let the urge take over though and would head to the store for a pk of Salems.
He got the electronic cigarette starting package and has been smoke free for 6 weeks now.
As for me, I'm afraid I waited too long.A year after fighting severe breathing problems, I was sent for an X-Ray and was told I have COPD.
It has changed my life in every aspect, as I can barely make it up the stairs to the bedroom.I cannot do any shopping for I run out of breath too easily.
As a young 64 year old, I am almost homebound now and thanks to the 35 yrs years of smoking there is no turning back. My lungs are shot for life and I will never be the same.
How did I quit? The second they told me I had COPD...I never took another drag nor have I even craved another cigarette. That was 1 year ago last Dec. I honestly just think that God took control.
Good luck to you and anyone else who decides to quit. I personally am impressed with the electronic cigarette and feel that money should not stop anyone from trying them.
Your quality of life is more important.
Look like the Talk having fights now
the enquirer
ushy Leah Remini is alienating her co-stars on The Talk, and sources say vicious behind-the-scenes battles are threatening to destroy the CBS talk show.
ushy Leah Remini is alienating her co-stars on The Talk, and sources say vicious behind-the-scenes battles are threatening to destroy the CBS talk show.
Tucker's Mom said...
Why people pay so much money to look that bad...I'll never understand.
Taking a break from cleaning my closet....UGH!!! I agree Tucker's Mom. I said this just recently; why do certain people try so hard to look younger when sometimes it makes one look older? Kate is the perfect example of this. Actually, I never found Kate to be attractive, her ugliness inside made her ugly outside. That is something you cannot escape IMO. I have a friend, & in high school guys used to call her homely, BUT she is the most wonderful person I have ever met in my life. She is a nurse (I respect nurses SO MUCH), & she is caring, kind, compassionate, she would open her doors for anybody, & I think she is one of the most beautiful people in the world. Insides count just as much, if not more than the outside. Kate will always be unattractive, no matter how much she tries to beautify herself. This whole fake boobs, fake blond, fake teeth...it's...plastic, unnatural. Look, we all try to to make ourselves look younger somehow. I still straighten my hair everyday, & rock the black eyeliner. I wear hippie clothes, scarves, hats, large rings, but that is WHO I AM. I have always been me. Kate is pretending to be someone who she is not.
She is a mom who started with the yoga pants, then started wearing heels, getting surgeries, etc. When she said 'I never went this long w/out heels', we were all like HUH?? I am NOT saying moms should all wear yoga pants all the time. We are who we are, & I LOVE that about our country, diversity, differences, etc. But Kate is being someone who she's not so she can chase the fame, & she thinks being blond & big boobed & skanky is the way. She blew her "mom" image long ago, IF that's what she was trying to portray, she blew it.
It's also possible Jon stayed down there with her. Either way, leaving a 3-year old alone in the basement and talking about it on national TV was extremely dangerous.
Oh, my gosh! You're right. I remember thinking at the time how dangerous that was. Here was a woman who put tape over their names on their backpacks, but advertised to the world that a child was sleeping alone in the basement. It was then I first started realizing that this woman was nuts, especially considering home invasions, such as JonBenet, and Elizabeth Smart.
Snark -- maybe it really was Jon who was sleeping in the basement, and not Alexis...she was hoping that someone would kidnap him!
"And if it was Jon sleeping in the basement, there's further proof that he and Kate were emotionally separated before the McMansion."
They absolutely were emotionally and physically separated before their move. Talk in the neighborhood was that the marriage already was doomed during the wedding vow renewal, or immediately thereafter. Word had leaked here even before they bought the Wernersville home that this was not a happy couple and separation was imminent.
Revealing where Alexis sleeps was reckless.
The tape thing on the backpack was just plain laughable. Sure that works if no one knows these kids. But their own video shows that they can't even walk through an airport without random and complete strangers shouting their names. No tape will help with that. It was literally like trying to patch a broken pipe with a little masking tape. It may hold for a minute or two, but that's it.
And it proves Kate knows there are creeps out there who want to lure the children away, and yet she continues to expose them so publically. Why doesn't she get to the heart of the problem and stop with the public exposure of her children? If she is really worried about the creeps out there, then why did she make sure that all of American can easily know her children's names and everything about them? The bottom line she is willing to sacrifice anything for money, even the safety of her own kids. She put a price on her children's heads. She sold them for a measely 200k an episode. Seriously is that all the children are worth to her?
E-Town Neighbor,
I can't speak for Aeris, but I think I may have
confused the two houses. It WAS the Andrews Ave. house I was thinking of, and there was no garage apartment there.
Again, my theory was that Jon let Alexis go to sleep alone in his basement bed (actually a rec room) until it was time for him to go to bed, then carted her upstairs. That would cover both stories of who slept in the basement, and still be the basic truth. Often children who have trouble getting to sleep because they are light sleepers will fall into deep sleep and never know they were moved.
I babysat 2 little girls for years. The 4 year old had lots of trouble getting to sleep, tossing and turning and mumbling. Finally she'd doze off. She needed to be taken to the bathroom every night about midnight or so. She never woke up, ever. She has no recollections of being physically removed from her bed every single night. Alexis might have the same pattern.
E-Town Neighbor, I meant the Elizabethtown house. Sorry for not clarifying! But there was a full bed down in the basement. One episode I remember seeing it was when the kids put on a fashion show. A bunch of them were sitting on it, and Kate may have mentioned Alexis being territorial about her siblings sitting on "her bed". Jon was sprawled across it without any fuss, though. IMO, he was staying down there with her.
Admin said.........
Well as far as the smoking let's just hope that Kate is not parked in the fire lane if Jon ever sets a fire on the roof.
Nice one! Unfortunately, if that ever WERE to happen, the sheeple would be all over Jon for being careless and starting a fire, yet they'd let Queen Mean go regarding her telling the whole world where Alexis slept.
Tucker's Mom said...
Regarding Kate's appearance on The Talk; She looked nervous and had a bad case of oral diareah. The hosts could barely get a word in edgewise!
I know what you mean! I watched a clip of her once on a talk show (can't remember which one it was, sorry), and Kate was yammering so fast that the poor host finally had to interrupt her, and Kate abruptly stopped in mid-sentence. You can tell she loves her voice and just talking about herself.
Oprah was very affectionate towards the McGhee parents of sextuplets. Seemed to make a point of saying her staff had to track them down. Got Walmart to donate $250,000 worth of gift cards. Poor Kate must be shrieking in protest at her tv screen, lol. The Dr.Phil show only gave her $5000 at Toys R Us.
Someone uploaded a cellphone photo of the Orange Witch and the 8 shopping at Giant's today with film crew on Twitter. Either she used up her production budget for the year or her crew of abaters told her that she needs to appear more like a regular mom. You know trolls, too little too late, most people lost interest, your cash cow shoved her hoof down her her own throat and I hope she bleeds your horrible station dry.
There was one episode where I, the viewer, could clearly see the child-proof plastic door knob cover on the INSIDE doorknob of the door to the basement which meant that essentially the kids were locked down there for periods of time.
As for Alexis, I think she was the cover for Jon being banished to the basement. When they moved to the new house, golden child Hannie got her own room, supposedly because of migraines, not Alexis.
And yes, the duct tape on the backpacks to 'protect the children from strangers' was ridiculous.
Oprah was very affectionate towards the McGhee parents of sextuplets. Seemed to make a point of saying her staff had to track them down. Got Walmart to donate $250,000 worth of gift cards. Poor Kate must be shrieking in protest at her tv screen, lol. The Dr.Phil show only gave her $5000 at Toys R Us.
Someone uploaded a cellphone photo of the Orange Witch and the 8 shopping at Giant's today with film crew on Twitter. Either she used up her production budget for the year or her crew of abaters told her that she needs to appear more like a regular mom. You know trolls, too little too late, most people lost interest, your cash cow shoved her hoof down her her own throat and I hope she bleeds your horrible station dry.
Hippie Chick said... dee3...
I looked into those electric cigarettes. They really work huh?
Hippie Chick, they do seem to work for many people, including my husband . He has been a 2pka day smoker for 30 yrs and has tried all the medicine on the market many times.
He would always let the urge take over though and would head to the store for a pk of Salems.
He got the electronic cigarette starting package and has been smoke free for 6 weeks now.
As for me, I'm afraid I waited too long.A year after fighting severe breathing problems, I was sent for an X-Ray and was told I have COPD.
It has changed my life in every aspect, as I can barely make it up the stairs to the bedroom.I cannot do any shopping for I run out of breath too easily.
As a young 64 year old, I am almost homebound now and thanks to the 35 yrs years of smoking there is no turning back. My lungs are shot for life and I will never be the same.
How did I quit? The second they told me I had COPD...I never took another drag nor have I even craved another cigarette. That was 1 year ago last Dec. I honestly just think that God took control.
Good luck to you and anyone else who decides to quit. I personally am impressed with the electronic cigarette and feel that money should not stop anyone from trying them.
Your quality of life is more important.
I do have one question. It seems they have done alot of filming in the past months. Why isn't TLC airing any of all that footage?? Is this their way of running her contract out?
For anyone interested in quitting~
I finally quit smoking cigarettes after a 36 year habit...and used the electric cigarette (without any nicotine in them). I highly recommend it....it was really quite easy, to tell you the truth. I'd always believed I was addicted to the actual act of smoking, rather than the nicotine....and that turned out to be correct for me. I don't really think that the nicotine is necessary and you can get them with it (in tapering amounts so you can taper off it) or without any....but you can get them in all sorts of lovely flavors.
You simply inhale and then blow out flavored mist. No burning whatsoever.
Apparently, the stats for success with the electric cigarette are quite high/good, from what I understand. Someone else recommended it to me and told me that 25 other people at her job had all quit smoking successfully by using them, in addition to her. So I followed her advice...and so glad I did. It's been at least 6 months and I don't even remotely miss them.
Chingada said...
RE: Jon smoking
Who gives a crap? If his coworkers don't like it, who cares? It has nothing to do with Kate or the kids so why should the sheeple (or any of us for that matter) care? My parents are smokers, and that doesn't make them bad people. It doesn't make anyone a bad person. Exploiting your kids for millions does though...
Amen to that..my mother smokes too and she is the BEST mother I could have ever asked for. And just because the sheeple will wonder why we don't criticize Jon for smoking but we criticized Kate: it's because Kate claims to be all for ORGANIC, super-duper HEALTHY lifestyle
and smoking is not perceived as organic
With the way Kate spins things, and dodges around word usage (such as expelled), she probably meant that there is nothing written down, nothing memorized for the kids to recite.
E Town Neighbor, I agree. In addition to flat out lying, Kate is a very concrete thinker and chooses
words using their simplist and most basic meaning.
Hahaha- wow! Loving "Cartoon Kate" and her
oompa loompa doopity doody skin :o)
Not too far from reality...
I guess even the sheeple admit Jon working is a good thing. But they don't want us to forget that he wasn't working before--even though he was at times contractually forbidden to do so, not to mention a terrible economy with high unemployment rates, being out of the workforce for many years and losing his skills due to doing this show, and so on. But at least admitting Jon working is a step forward (newsflash, it benefits the kids financially--we all should support the kids right?).
Sooooooooooo Kate went on THE TALK last week and said that her show was NOT scripted
With the way Kate spins things, and dodges around word usage (such as expelled), she probably meant that there is nothing written down, nothing memorized for the kids to recite. Of course they are told what to do and when to do it, but in Kate's world, this is not her definition of "scripted," as in having written dialogue in front of them to follow.
So, if she gets called on it, she can say she's not lying, and will ask for the "script" to be produced. However, Kate should know that the term not only applies to a written text, but also means "an automated series of instructions carried out in a specific order." There certainly is enough proof of that.
Admin...Kate is a nice new shade of orange in your picture at the top!! Nice!!
Wayward...Feb. 19th 9:22 a.m.
Great post!!!
I don't know why my post to fidosmommy didn't go through but here is the clip I mentioned. The 'nap argument' starts @ 2:40
fidosmommy -- you're right she doesn't tolerate her freaking schedule screwed up, and not because the kids need a rest, but because SHE needs a break. Anyway, it was over boxes in the room. All Jon wanted to do was clean up the room and finish his work and she wouldn't hear of it.
Kates hissy fit over it starts @ about 2:40 on this clip:
Dig out your video. They were on matresses for a long time. I think
the facts are important. Too much room for gist.
Tucker's Mom said...
I watched Denise Richards on The View this morning:
She is graceful and respectful when answering what must be extremely difficult questions about her ex and father of her children, Charlie Sheen.
Despite Sheen's dispicable and irresponsible behavior, she nary gave a back-handed insult about him. Total class and restraint.
What a contrast to the persistent, shall I say, "innuendo" that has become part of Kate's message in virtually every media appearance and interview she has given when it concerns the father of her kids.
The man that she and she alone chose to procreate with. I suppose she doesn't realize that the husband and father she chose reflects on her a great deal. Put him down, put yourself down.
Let me just say that Nobody would book Denise Richards on any show right now, had it not be for the horrific behavior of her ex who obviously needs major help. She should keep her mouth shut period.
And of course shes not going to bash the guy, she is basically part owner of ALL residuals for The Two Men show, the more it keeps going the more she gets which is going to be AT LEAST 25 million dollars. Shes set for life because of Sheen and if she had any morality, she would not try to get press of her drug addicted ex husband.
If the crew act as "Dads", who is acting as "Mom"?
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