Ron Bonacci, Food City vice president of marketing, said Gosselin’s visit is part of an initiative she plans to spell out in an upcoming season of the show, where she will go to different parts of the country volunteering her time for charities.
So this all was for the show then. Are the kids going to be dragged around the country as well, or will they be allowed to stay around home near their school and Daddy and just be normal kids? Well, if the kids have to be exploited, might as well help other people while doing it....?
So this all was for the show then. Are the kids going to be dragged around the country as well, or will they be allowed to stay around home near their school and Daddy and just be normal kids? Well, if the kids have to be exploited, might as well help other people while doing it....?
207 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 207 of 207 Newer› Newest»Where did Kate talk about Egypt? I may have missed it because I could not listen to her nonsense.
Also, HI 50, you summed up Kate's unkindness to charities (both as a giver and a receiver), abuse of people's goodwill and general lack of graciousness quite nicely.
I wish the stupid Supporters of Queen Me will stick to their own blogs, nobody is interested in reading their defense of their Khate or their half ass snark that's not amusing. Most of us here pick apart the BS that this witch and TLC present as reality.
As to Kate's remarks about adopting another child, you don't even care about the 8 that's right in front of you, why bother? If you don't want them, give them to Jon and his family and go and try to be the "Stah" that you think you are! And read a freakin' newspaper once in a while, will you?
Kate needs a bodyguard (ha!) and police escort (double ha!) in a small town in TN? Not only is she narcissitic but she's also delusional. Speaking of delusional, TLC must be suffering from the same malady if they are filming an episode that features Kate's "charitable" qualities. Charity starts at home IMO. Since she's alienated all family and friends I highly doubt that she's ever shown any charity towards any of them. When she went to St. Jude Children's Hospital she walked around with her nose up in the air and showed no warmth or compassion towards any of the patients or their families that I could see. Kate is anything but charitable and I'm willing to bet everything I have that anyone who has ever had any dealings with her would say the same thing. TLC is desperately trying to somehow salvage Kate's reputation to the point that it's now comical. All of America knows what kind of person Kate Gosselin is and she has burned every bridge along the way. Kate is done, over, kaput and the best thing TLC can do is wash their hands of her. The very thought of TLC trying to makeover Kate to be a "charitable" person makes me LMAO! TLC has truly lost their mind!
Stlfocus1 said: I think in the television world, they call this "jumping the shark" - changing the format to try to spark interest in a failing show.
The concept of 'volunteering her time to charities' for this show is absurd. How can a woman who has to bring people into her home to help HER out because she's always too exhausted to cope with her own family, help anyone else? She wants everyone to think she's some kind of invincible superwoman when really she's about as useless as tits on a boar. Her failed attempts at everything she's tried so far (DWTS, the View, ET) is proof she doesn't belong in the business. TLC is probably just waiting out her contract and threw this out there for now.
I went to Cairo a few years ago. Kate would not be comfortable there. Lovely people but 3rd world conditions. I'm glad those people finally said enough.
In my first comment I meant brave not brain, sorry :)
In the Neighborhood, I just think of Kate more as a Philly person than PA Dutch. I'm up north a few hundred miles, never heard anyone refer to the bacon in packs, although these days with manufacturers downsizing everything, they probably aren't all lbs anymore. She is confusing....
Kate grew up just down the road from me, Lancaster County, E-town. Philly was a world away. I think that some of what we learned growing up sticks with us in our adulthood, no matter where we live. I have to laugh at some of her phraseology, so typical of Lancaster County, but has viewers scratching their heads. It's sad because I know exactly what she is saying. There are some things you just can't lose, no matter how "big city" you want to be.
I'm off to the store to buy two packs of bacon for the BLTs tonight!
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