Ron Bonacci, Food City vice president of marketing, said Gosselin’s visit is part of an initiative she plans to spell out in an upcoming season of the show, where she will go to different parts of the country volunteering her time for charities.
So this all was for the show then. Are the kids going to be dragged around the country as well, or will they be allowed to stay around home near their school and Daddy and just be normal kids? Well, if the kids have to be exploited, might as well help other people while doing it....?
So this all was for the show then. Are the kids going to be dragged around the country as well, or will they be allowed to stay around home near their school and Daddy and just be normal kids? Well, if the kids have to be exploited, might as well help other people while doing it....?
207 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 207 Newer› Newest»One really has to challenge the concept when the person "doing" the charity is doing so as part of her salaried reality show, and if her 10 minute gig in TN is any indication of what comes next, please don't insult anyone who really does give back. Too little, too late, wrong babe.
So this all was for the show then.
Of course it was. The people on the blog here are pretty darn perceptive. They saw right through this. The cartoon should also include tanning, French manicures, spa treatments and $2,000 hair cuts. Just think how many children could have been fed on the $7,000 hair extensions fiasco. Instead, she got a head full of scarecrow straw.
They should leave the kids as home and use these charity shows to fulfill her Twist of Kate contract.
Is THIS going to be their version of 'Twist of Kate'?
No matter how hard they try, they can't make something out of nothing with her. She's burned every opportunity she's been handed to relate to others, she's failed at fitting in with people, she's disingenuous, insincere, and unfortunately for any 'brand' that tries to partner with her, her tarnished reputation preceeds her. Good for her if she has found something to do ON HER OWN, but that part of this story remains to be seen.
She's nothing on her own, but I'll give her all the rope she needs to try to either climb out of the pit of public disdain she's dug for herself or hang herself (again) trying. But, she'd better leave the kids out of this latest ploy at reputation rehabilitation.
I'm not holding my breath that this is going to turn into anything much because unfortunately I think this comes a bit too late, but let's see if TLC lets her try this on her own.
Huh. I thought it already was a charity show. Haven't we been watching Kate benefit from various benefactors for years?
I don't think it bodes well if this is how their volunteering, charitable representative is going to behave when she travels to events. Ah, what the hell, she was like this when she traveled to churches and Woman's shows - what makes me think she's going to change.
Kate Gosselin demands the A-list treatment everywhere she goes! We told you that Kate took her kids to Tennessee, to shoot scenes for an upcoming episode of Kate Plus 8, despite the fact that it was the children’s spring break. A source tells HollywoodLife.com that Kate “made a scene” at the Tri-Cities Regional Airport in Blountville, TN., and had police give her an escort through the relatively small airport.
“Kate had the police walk her through the airport and into the parking lot,” our source says. “She was talking about wanting them to escort her limo to the hotel so the photographers didn’t get near her. But I’m not sure if they ended up going that far.”
(btw, that airport is TINY)
I don't understand the whole police escort thing. There are no pictures of her from this trip except from one bystander in the airport and a few from the radio station/event that were taken by her own people. What photographers was she talking about?!
I just read that Kate DEMANDED a police escort through the airport when they arrived in TN. She DEMANDED that the police escort her through the airport to her limo! She hasn't changed one bit, TLC is trying to do major damage control - trying to make her look like a human being. Day late, dollar short. Personally, I think it is all due to the fact that they are stuck with her in contract for another year. They probably figure if they have to pay for all of these trips that she demands, then they might as well MAKE her do some charity work. She is only going to get worse. The only time that she tries to act human is when the cameras are on her and only her. We have all seen how she treats her money bags - not well. She is scared to death that all of the feebies are going to end.
She drags the kids with her because she knows no one will come to see just her.
I can't believe she signed autographs at a food drop off event.
And did you notice Steve was right behind her watching every move she made.
She's managed to stoop lower than anyone could have guessed. I hope the kids will be spared this embarrassment and be able to stay home, but I doubt that will happen. They're obliged to work for their keep until they're 18 aren't they?
And will it be written into her contract that she and Steve will stay at five star hotels wherever they go to film Kate's charity work? Sure it will.
"...she will go to different parts of the country volunteering her time for charities."
I'm sorry, but how does it count as "volunteering" if she's getting paid $250,000 an episode to do it????
OxyMoron you took the words right out of my mouth.
What happened to her garbage collector job???
To begin with she is ridiculous!! I have recently been to that airport to drop off and pick up family members that flew in or out. That airport is in the middle of farmland on a two lane highway. There is no metropolis even remotely close to that airport. The airport itself is very small and never busy. It has one restaurant/bar area and one gift shop. She was actually worried about photographers?? It takes about 2 minutes to get to the parking lot from the front door of the airport. I doubt anyone in the area would even recognize her or care. I assume since nobody made a fuss over her at the remote countryside airport when she arrived, she caused a scene to get noticed. No doubt about it.
Oh good grief.............now she is going to be a charity diva??????????? I had so hoped we were done with her.
I know she is a fame whore, narcissistic, abusive to all around her, selfish, immoral, untruthful,arrogant, condescending, hypocritical, ugly hearted etc. However, I can somewhat understand why people are intrigued and follow this unending train wreck of a human being.
However, what I don't understand is how her utterly repulsive personality somehow doesn't override all of the above. Why bring that into your home via TV, magazine? How can she still be getting any kind of attention? Yikes! It's inexplicable to me.
Sorry for the rant, usually I just lurk.
I don't believe it is coincidental that TLC releases statements and blogs announcing the month of April as Kate Plus 8 return to their network, and the next day Kate and the kids are seen at the Foodbank. Honestly it doesn't make sense. Six almost seven years on TV and when has Kate ever been shown to do volunteer work. An image makeover by TLC is at work.
Also, we have not seen any recent photos of Kate at the gas station, post office, hair/nail salon, or NYC. These photos were constant and steady for a very long time. Again, image makeover before new season in April 2011.
There were no paparazzi photos of her anywhere. At the airport, at the store, nothing listed. I don't know what her concern is to be honest. Even a basic twitter and blog search showed only a few '1st person' accounts of seeing her and they were all benign.
I agree with the poster who said that her giving back should be just HER. The kids at 6 years of age don't need to become benefactors to anyone. They still have a life to live (hopefully off camera). Kate on the other hand could use this as her 'Twist of Kate' premise. Unfortunately her popularity wains when the kids aren't in the picture. She needs them for her bread and butter...actually in her case: boobs and botox.
pate said... What happened to her garbage collector job???
Didn't you watch the video? Kate was touching
white plastic grocery bags full of things like
boxed mac and cheese and canned non-organic green beans. To her, what she was doing was "collecting garbage".
Ron Bonacci, Food City vice president of marketing, said Gosselin’s visit is part of an initiative she plans to spell out in an upcoming season of the show, where she will go to different parts of the country volunteering her time for charities.
Yuk! What have these charities done to deserve this?
Volunteering by definition means to do some work without getting paid. Am I to presume that TLC will not be paying Kate for these charity appearances? You know, like everybody else that participates in volunteering/charity work?
Hey TLC, unlike Kate, we are quite aware of the various charities out there. AND unlike Kate, we have been donating our time and money to charities for YEARS. And unlike Kate, we all do it for FREE. So what exactly will Kate be teaching any of us that we do not know already?
Don't be fooled. This new show is just "A Twist of Kate" thinly disguised as Kate's traveling charity show.
A police escort? For real? I haven't heard of many "A" list stars who request such services when going through LARGE airports, let alone a D list reality diva. I don't think even Kathy Griffin has ever done such a thing!
I do agree with everyone who says that this new slant should be her "Twist of Kate" show. I wonder if they've decided to just keep her on Kate + 8 but to focus more on her and less on the kids by having her do some of these charity trips solo.
TLC and Kate have stooped to a new low. They are now at the bottom of the barrel in their deceptiveness, greed, and lies. Charity work...yeah, with Kate as the benefactor. I'm repulsed and can't wait for karma to bite her in the ass.
I think it is just being put out there I don't believe they are going to give up using all that wonderful footage they have been recorded of all the fun trips etc...
They are more than likely saying it to stir up interest and to get people to tune into the show.
Maybe she needed the police escort so none of the dirty poor people could come up to hug her and thank her for "her" charity work.....OR...because she got heckled and harassed on the way INTO the airport the first time...hmmm
Momof2 said... Maybe she needed the police escort so none of the dirty poor people could come up to hug her and thank her for "her" charity work.....OR...because she got heckled and harassed on the way INTO the airport the first time...hmmm
Or MAYBE because her bodyguard/lover was too busy taking the pics. Paps, my foot.
From Preesi's site it was posted that Chris, the photog that sells to INF daily lives in Wayne, PA. That is approximately 2 miles from the Whole Foods store in Devon where he took pictures of Kate in her yellow coat last spring. How did he know she would be there? She lives at least an hour away. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? Who called him? He also reportedly led her back to Route 202 because she was lost. Doesn't she have a GPS in that expensive Toyota SUV she purchased? Things that make you go hummmmmmm! Just saying! LOL
Wouldn't a police escort cause more attention, not less? Her ego is outrageous. I've seen many celebs in lax and not a single one ever had anything like that. My sister saw Steven Tyler and he just sat with everyone else in the terminal and chatted.
Yep. Kate Gosselin rides again. This time on the backs of those in need. Lady Liberty wearing stilettos... Give me your tired...your poor...your money.
The police escort causing more attention, not less is *exactly* why she demands it. She pretends it's because she's concerned about her safety or whatever, but the real story is that she just *wants* everyone to be looking at her. She's so transparent, she really takes the fun out of the game.
Police escort? WTF?? And we still don't know why she needs a "body guard." What a joke.
I saw Kelsey Grammar at SFO about 3 months ago. Here is a man in the midst of a tabloid scandal - no hordes of paparazzi, no fanfare. He was walking like a regular person. I live in San Francisco, and while we aren't full of celebrities like LA or NY (where I happened to live across the street from Robert De Niro and Harvey Keitel - two people that valued privacy yet were very personable people) we have our fair share of encounters here. I have never seen A-list celebrities being followed by the paparrazzi. I'm not saying that it never happens, but Kate Gosselin is doing something wrong if she really can't shake them. Nicole Kidman was at my gym a week ago working out. There weren't photographers laying in wait to take her picture. She didn't need a body guard and all the rest of this nonsense.
If Kate goes solo around the country to do charity events....fine. But to film it and make a series out of it doesn't seem to me would draw much viewer interest.
And I think we all know that she won't be appearing around the country at charity events on her own dime and without major monetary compensation. Therefore, I really see this tanking as a series and not happening at all if not a series.
This is a joke right? Is TLC out of its mind! LOL The biggest greedy, uncaring person is having a show about charitable giving and she is getting paid for doing it? How is that even comprehensible?
Hey TLC, bring it on! If you idiots at TLC really think this is a good idea, I cannot wait. We all know that if they have Khate zigzagging the country all summer to film these fake episodes that there will only be more and more stories about what a horrible diva witch she is. Hmm, maybe TLC knows that and that's the idea, one hell of a way to run out the last year of her contract and finally finish her off.
It's just a real shame that her poor kids will most likely be dragged all over the country all summer rather than enjoying that home they've worked so damn hard for all their lives. Maybe for a change they'd like to just spend their summer relaxing, playing in the pool, hanging out with friends, you know, all the stuff they've never had time for because they've been stuck filming. Will they EVER get the opportunity to just have a normal childhood before it's too late?
It was inevitable that TLC had to come up with a different approach---I mean, who is just going to watch her go on endless expensive trips with her kids? Damn, that got old ages ago.
But like so many others said, it's a day late and a dollar short. She's already known as a verbally abusive, controlling, cold jerk and now we're suddenly supposed to believe she's into doing "charitable activities" (while making major bank)?
Puh-lease. No one's buying what TLC is selling. And I bet this new turn totally pisses her the hail off.
Police escort, what a joke, not to mention complete waste of taxpayer monies. I fly out of Bob Hope airport in Burbank frequently, lots of real celebs catching Southwest flights to the Bay Area or Vegas. Stood in the coffee line with Sandra Oh one morning, and a few months back saw the Kardashian mom and one of the daughters (read later in some mag it was Kim's 30th in LV). Point being there were NO police, no guards, just folks catching a plane. OK, flying back to LA from Boston last summer, sat across the aisle from Rhianna, and she did have a bodyguard and was whisked off down a a special corridor, but again, it was done quietly. Kate is simply an arrogant piece of work. This charity thing is never going to fly anywhere.
AuntieAnn said...
Yep. Kate Gosselin rides again. This time on the backs of those in need. Lady Liberty wearing stilettos... Give me your tired...your poor...your money.
...and your kids. I'll film the crap out of them, too. The more kids, the more money...
a person who performs a service willingly and without pay.
Good luck. Kate can't help being herself. She's not empathetic so she can't even fake it. Even if she COULD control her body language and eye rolls - I will bet it will come off like her dancing - STIFF. Good Luck TLC trying to edit your way around that one!
We all know it wasn't the paparrazi taking pictures it was her "fans" that she wanted to back off - she was so afraid someone would get a candid shot and make a buck off of it. If it was the paps she would have been in hawg heaven. I despise that woman. And no I will not be watching.
I am hoping that this will be the last season of Kate Plus 8. Except for the few sheeple that will actually watch her, the ratings are going to be very low. Kate lost a lot of supporters after the Sarah Palin episode.
She didn't have anybody taking pictures of her, she was just bellowing to get attention. Most of us have heard locals who have seen her in the grocery store/target loudly talking to herself to get people to notice her. This was just more of the same only worse. The police should've escorted her back onto the plane and shipped her back to Wernersville, straight to the State Hospital. :/
Usually changing the concept of a show is a sign it's failing and something needs to be done to try to give it one last puff of air. And usually retooling and reworking never works.
And yes, I agree celebrities getting PAID to do charity work is inherently disingenuous. Something has always seemed off to me about that show Extreme Home Makeover....all the money and publicity involved taints it. Sure enough, I had an encounter with one of their so called charity "projects" in New Orleans. I am still a bit bothered by the driveby comment the other day that none of us do charity work. Many have posted since what they do, as did I. In addition to the charities here I give my time to, in 2007 I went to New Orleans with a small group of law students and the Red Cross. And no, no kids were taken along and filmed. You might think more than a year after Katrina what is the point in going there that "late". Except that was when they needed help the most, when almost everyone else had left. We helped clean up a courthouse in St. Bernard Perish, as well as an apartment building. The city was still in shambles, it was very sad. The last day we helped redo the outdoor lighting and drainage and landscaping at a children's playground. Redo it, because Extreme Home Makeover, which built the playground, completely messed it up. The Red Cross told us how the show came in there like a tornado, put up the park in two days and then stormed out leaving it in such bad shape they had to SHUT IT DOWN because of drainage problems. Nothing was thought out or planned, they just wanted to get something that looked like a playground UP and then get OUT. RedX felt strongly that this act of "charity" was all about filming, all about the money, and they were not seriously concerned with giving the children a park they could use.
Charity for filming purposes is highly suspect from the get-go, as most of us have pointed out. And for God sake I hope these kids can stay home and be normal and not be on the road throughout their childhoods like they have been draged into the damn USO. They are children, not trained monkeys.
Hey, maybe it could be like that new show, "Secret Millionaire" - where she can go & work at a charity and then present the charity with a huge check out of her own pocket when she's done!!!
Oh. Wait. This is KATE we're talking about here.
Writing a check for charity out of her own pocket? Bwahahahahaha.
Moose Mania said......and your kids. I'll film the crap out of them, too. The more kids, the more money...
Yeah can't forget the kids. Whatever she can exploit she will. Kids, charity work, doesn't matter as long as there's money in it for her. I think TLC chose this route because the people at the food bank probably don't know who and what her game is because they're too busy doing the actual hard work that volunteers at these place do, day in and day out. Half of them have probably never heard of her.
Doesn't she have a GPS in that expensive Toyota SUV she purchased?
It's optional. Perhaps she didn't get one, which is just as well. My Toyota LC has one (not very dependable), so I use the Garmin Nuvi!
Did SHE purchase the vehicle, did TLC purchase it, or is it leased? Only her friendly car dealer knows for sure...
Not defending her here, but finding 202 from Lancaster Avenue in Wayne isn't the easiest thing to do if one is not familiar with the area.
I apologize if this article is "old news" and has already been posted. It just showed up as "Trending:"
"Money-making momma Kate Gosselin is cracking the whip again.
This time, it's while her kids are on "vacation."
In a move that would make Jackie Coogan’s parents proud, Gosselin is reportedly marching her eight young children to Food City in Kingsport, TN to host a food drive that will be taped for her TLC show, “Kate Plus 8."
“Kate saw this as the perfect opportunity to film,” a source tells HollywoodLife.com. “Even if it is (the kids’) spring break.”
Apparently spring break is no time for the kids to shirk their duty as reality stars—and neither was Presidents’ Day. Instead of doing something fun—or even educational—for that holiday, the family filmed all afternoon in a local grocery store, according to the celebrity website.
At least this time spent in a grocery store will be helping a worthy charity.
“Kate and her kids will be at out here at Food City (on March 9th) at 10am,” a source at Second Harvest Food Bank explained to HollywoodLife.com. “We’re really excited to have them helping out for such a good cause.”
On another thread I said give her her due, she did get the people to turn out and donate. BUT, if you listen closely to the interview of the lady in charge of the collections, she says they were told A CELEBRITY. I think it was advertised that A CELEBRITY would be there but not until a small blurb in the local paper the night before was Kate identified. So I take back what I said. Kate didn't deliver, just good PR machinations delivered. Her Diva-ness probably did her best to F it Up, with her high heels (and wearing stilletos to a work site is stupid or plain condescending--it spells out exactly how hard she is willing to work) and her bottomless bucket list of things she has wanted to do all her life, gimmee, gimmee.
On a side note: Do you think Kate realizes race cars are not automatic transmissions? Does anyone really think Kate put forth the extra effort as a new driver to learn how to handle a standard? I don't unless her laziness only started after she married her goffer. I think she will be able to drive a race car just as well as she danced. (Perfectly in her mind but not so much in the real world.)
"Molly Hart"'s comments upthread at 2:30 pm on March 10 are awesome. Right on-point. You took the words right out of my mouth, Molly. I could not have said it any better! God, I hate that witch, Khatezilla Gro$$elin. Keep posting more, Molly. You (and the rest of us) are nobody's fool! We see through this IDIOT,Khatezilla, very clearly. Do you hear that TLC?
(I haven't read any comments yet)
So, FIRST they will show the Gosselin's going to Aus/NZ soaking up the sun, the to a hockey game on TLC's dime, then whatever else stupid thing they did traveling wise which not many others can afford, THEN they will start a "giving back" campaign. Damage control much?
My thoughts & Prayers go out to those in Japan. Unbelievable the tsunami they had there. Wait...please don't send Kate & the kids there to "help"...(not joking) I honestly do not think she could handle something like that. Have you seen the damage on TV? It's devastating. I am in shock...those poor people, some lost everything.
Chewey said...
Also, we have not seen any recent photos of Kate at the gas station, post office, hair/nail salon, or NYC. These photos were constant and steady for a very long time. Again, image makeover before new season in April 2011.
That's because nobody is taking the pics anymore. Nobody cares anymore. She is a NOBODY. This whole charity thing smacks of Kate trying on another persona. She won't make it until May being charitable. She has not one giving bone in her selfish, greedy body. For Kate, it's all about ME ME ME. And seriously, when you are being PAID to be charitable, it AIN'T frigin charity. And when TLC is paying for everything, like 1st class plane tickets, limo (ha!), and 5 star hotels, you AIN'T being charitable. DUH Kate Goesslin. DUH. I would love to see her write a check, with HER name on it, with her bank account # blurred out, made out for 500,000$ to a great charity. THEN, I'll be impressed. Until then, she's still a greedy bitch. (wow, not very 'hippie' today. I need to go meditate. Get rid of some negative energy...) :)
Taking a moment to send prayers to the people in Japan.
There but for the grace of God go we.
Hippie Chick said...
I would love to see her write a check, with HER name on it, with her bank account # blurred out, made out for 500,000$ to a great charity. THEN, I'll be impressed. Until then, she's still a greedy bitch. (wow, not very 'hippie' today. I need to go meditate. Get rid of some negative energy...) :)
What you fail to understand is that it is not Kate Gosselin's mission in life to impress you. She doesn't give a crap what you think about her, nor should she. Furthermore, if such a check were to become public, you and many others would be screaming that she was giving away her children's money without their permission.
This is just more of Kate's Princess Diana Complex. Diana was the most photographed woman in the world. Photographers really DID hound her everywhere she went. Kate, news flash! YOU are not Diana, and hordes don't follow you to touch the rim of your...too short dress.
Now, charity work? I suppose Kate's hoping to be "Queen of People's Hearts". Can you see it? Kate, channeling Diana, attempts to hug an impoverished child. Then she withdraws repulsed, screams "EWWWW!" and cackles. FAIL.
Kate, you are not beloved. You are not a princess. You're living a delusion.
What you fail to understand is that it is not Kate Gosselin's mission in life to impress you. She doesn't give a crap what you think about her, nor should she.
That's a joke right? If Kate didn't care what people think, she wouldn't make sure to address each and every rumor with her own spin and lies. If Kate didn't care what people think, she wouldn't have made the recent statement that 99% of what we hear about her is not true. Not only did that statement reveal that she is very aware of what is said about her, but that she cares what people believe. If she doesn't care what we think then she shouldn't care about our opinions about Jon. And yet she has made sure in interview after interview to be clear that we know Jon is just a deadbeat Dad the children don't even want to be with. She cares, big time.
On another note, please stop changing your name every time you post. If you believe so strongly in your contrary mantra, then stand behind it with one name.
Do you think Kate realizes race cars are not automatic transmissions? Does anyone really think Kate put forth the extra effort as a new driver to learn how to handle a standard?
HAH I can smell the clutch burning already!
Princess Diana:
Kate channeling Princess Diana:
No you will not do whatever you like, I Doubt It, you'll respect the rules here or you will be banned. I've only ever had to ban one other person here. Do you talk to people like this in your real life, or just here?
Livvy said...
Do you think Kate realizes race cars are not automatic transmissions? Does anyone really think Kate put forth the extra effort as a new driver to learn how to handle a standard?
LOL, Livvy! I was thinking the same thing when I heard her say she wants to drive a race car! If not, I wonder who is going to teach her to drive standard transmission. That clutch will be burned out in no time!
Did Kate get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? Poor baby.
Sure hope her next charity has to do with exploited children.
Go, Admin! You rock! I have known a narciccist or two but NEVER one as over the top as kate. Between the delusions and the wine consumed in her bitch suite at night, I'm surprised she is able to function at all. And it all carries over to the kids, just look at their faces, they look like they are petrified. It is amazing with all the stuff she has done on film that the judges in PA haven't figured out yet that she is no more fit to raise the 8 kids than she was to take care for the dogs.
Making them participate in her latest 'acting' endeavor was ridiculous because at 6 yrs old they have no concept of charity and giving and the reason for it. The little clip that was shown had a couple of them fighting over who would get to grab the stuff first.
Methinks you can't handle Kate being called on her bs actually. Banned.
I'm curious as to what Kate did more of while in Tennessee....
actual rolling up her sleeves and volunteering/manual labor collecting food and what goes along with that,
signing autographs, mugging for the camera, driving a racecar, and being catered to.
It would be great to know just how much time was invested in each area.
My guess is, 15 minutes TOPS with the volunteering, and 10 hours being a spoiled celebrity.
Agree with the banning, but I will say that this one was the only sheeple I have ever read who could actually write a coherent and grammatically correct sentence. Still, what a tool.
Admin, methinks you're right. LOL
Kate demanded a police escort for she and the kids while in Tennessee doing charity work?
Why didn't Kate stay home, donate the cost of 1st class tickets, hotel, booby guard costs, new clothes for anyone and a percentage of her salary and help out at the local Food Bank? She could have helped TN and PA at the same time. You know, where I live the needy pitch in and help pack food too. They also toss in what dollars or change they can afford, when they can afford it. Everyone (needing a helping hand or food) remembers a time when they never thought they would see the day when they would be standing in line at a food bank or church's door for food. Look how Kate worked those churches...for CASH. Kate Gosselin knows no guilt, if she did--that same old pat story of looking for change in the couch or bed rest would have changed when she was banking thousands as she bilked the churches, again and again, right before she moved into a 1.3 million dollar spread...while lying to the public about the state of her marriage but I guess we didn't understand Kate-speak then. "Mine, all mine, as far as the eye can see."
Sociopaths con people and feel no guilt, sociopaths think society owes them because they want attention, fame and fortune or multiples to make it happen. Kate Gosselin is that sociopath, destroying anything in her path to make it happen or make her trying to make her "go back". Sociopaths are dangerous.
I think in the television world, they call this "jumping the shark" - changing the format to try to spark interest in a failing show.
It NEVER works.
Admin said... (in response to a nasty comment to my post)
That's a joke right? If Kate didn't care what people think, she wouldn't make sure to address each and every rumor with her own spin and lies. If Kate didn't care what people think, she wouldn't have made the recent statement that 99% of what we hear about her is not true. Not only did that statement reveal that she is very aware of what is said about her, but that she cares what people believe. If she doesn't care what we think then she shouldn't care about our opinions about Jon. And yet she has made sure in interview after interview to be clear that we know Jon is just a deadbeat Dad the children don't even want to be with. She cares, big time.
Thank you Admin. I was thinking the same thing. She constantly goes on TV, skirting around the REAL issue, yet saying this & that about Jon, & how she has to "clear things up" that are siad about her. She absolutely cares what people think of her. How one can just sit there and lie like she does is beyond me. And I take back about her impressing me with a donation check. She will never impress me, ever. She has sunk too far in terms of nastiness to ever win back this viewer, & I stopped watching years ago.
If she ever showed any gratitude or thankfulness when she was receiving gifts & freebies, that would have been good for her image. Instead, she acted holier than thou, & down right rude. Now, she wants to show everyone her charitable side? Too late Kate. That's her new nickname from me: TOO LATE KATE.
One glaring difference between the princess Di and Kate pictures is that Diana looked overjoyed to be holding the baby. Kate looks underwhelmed; she actually looks like was gritting her jaws together
When I was a child, my Dad up and deserted us one day. We needed help and got it from kind, giving people. It was very humbling and we would not have wanted to be televised or recognized.
Stlfocus1 said: I think in the television world, they call this "jumping the shark" - changing the format to try to spark interest in a failing show.
Very appropriate, since she is reported to have had a close encounter with the sharks in Australia!
Doubt said: I'm sorry if you can't handle being called out on your BS. You clearly have control issues and don't like the fact that I don't choose to be controlled by strangers on the Internet.
What about being controlled by strangers in real life? It's called the law. We obey the law set up for the most part by strangers. When we don't, and we do things our way, there are consequences to pay. It's the same on a blog owned by an administrator. We obey the rules, or we don't post. The rules of posting are clearly outlined here. In both situations - the internet blogs, and in the "real" world - adhering to rules is something we must do. It's a fact of life.
Moose Mania said... Doubt said: I'm sorry if you can't handle being called out on your BS. You clearly have control issues and don't like the fact that I don't choose to be controlled by strangers on the Internet.
What about being controlled by strangers in real life? It's called the law. We obey the law set up for the most part by strangers. When we don't, and we do things our way, there are consequences to pay. It's the same on a blog owned by an administrator. We obey the rules, or we don't post. The rules of posting are clearly outlined here. In both situations - the internet blogs, and in the "real" world - adhering to rules is something we must do. It's a fact of life.
Exactly Moose Mania! But Doubt has a lot in common with Kate regarding rules...uh, I mean "disregarding" rules, such as Kate parking in Fire Lanes with no regard to what effect and/or danger that could present to other people. It's all about Kate and being convenient for Kate. The rules don't apply to Kate. Birds of a Feather.
The sheeple have NO room to spout about saying what they want and we can't handle it. If you post ANYTHING other than sugary salutations about the queen, you are banned! Then they sit around and talk about what the "fly" said and blah blah. At least on this blog, you are allowed to speak your mind without fear of ridicule or mocking. If a blog prevents comments against Kate, then they are living in a fantasy world and will never "get it"
Kate doesn't believe rules apply to her either which makes me slightly more open to the idea this might be Kate. Or someone like-minded.
Moose Doubt sounds quite like Katie Irene. She flaunts the law doesn't she; speeding tickets, parking in fire lanes, abusing her children, slandering Jon, grifting.....Come to think of it now that I have written this I am sure Doubt IS Katie Irene or, as Hippy Chick dubbed her, Too Late Kate
Come to think of it now that I have written this I am sure Doubt IS Katie Irene or, as Hippy Chick dubbed her, Too Late Kate
Kate can't speak without "honestly," "to be perfectly honest," or ummmmm this and ummmmm that. Likewise, she can't write sentences free of spelling or grammar errors, and without the use of !!!!!!!! after each sentence, so I DOUBT (pun intended) that it's Kate. It could very well be her paid intern blogger, though! ;-)
Perhaps the sheeple are all alike in mind, body and spirit. They are all above the law and obeying rules. We've seen it when they copy and paste posts from here and other blogs to their own blogs, flirting with copyright law, never believing that it just might well come back and bite them in their woolly little rear ends!
Totally ot but Moose are you a fan of the Mooseheads?
Kate said she wants to go to Asia. Do you think TLC will send her to Japan to assist in earthquake relief?
In all seriousness, I'm sure all of our hearts go out to the people there. The last report I heard was a death toll of over 1,000 and more than 80,000 missing. Compounding this is the radiation leak at their nuclear plant with 3,000 people near the plant being evacuated. They need our prayers right now. The video is terrifying to watch. How blessed we are to be right here where we are. We must never take life for granted.
Admin said...
Do you talk to people like this in your real life, or just here?
Of course he/she only talks rude here online,99% of people who are jerks online would never have the guts to talk like that in real life.But you know, everyone gets brain when they can cry insults while hiding behind a screen.
I am curious to see if now that you banned I doubt it there will be anymore comments from MirrorMirrorOnTheWall give me a break and all the other similar names :)
If Kate did a charity show it would be awesome, especially if the kids were let out of it.But the children are never going to be left out of it because they are the only reason some people still watch Kate Plus 8.Therefore, what I see is a lot more traveling in the future, even homeschooling.
I didn't want to add this in my previous comment, but like all of you here,my prayers are with those poor people in Japan and I am really hoping the peope from Bahamas, Philippines, New Zealand and the other places will not be harmed by the tsunami the Japan earthquake caused :( I hope no more lives are lost and I really wish they found those missing people alive!
In my first comment I meant brave not brain, sorry :)
Kate has inanely prattled about going to Egypt to adopt a baby at an orphanage.. My Pastor's son is in Egypt.He works there at the University as a Prof. He could not leave his apartment for nearly a week, until he was out of food, because of the rioting in the streets. There were gunshots everywhere; there was a curfew. People were getting shot at.We were all praying for his safety.
I think Kate's philosophy of Universal Rectal Centralism should be rewarded with a trip to Cairo, to see what is really happening in the world.
I went to Cairo a few years ago. Kate would not be comfortable there. Lovely people but 3rd world conditions. I'm glad those people finally said enough.
Please do not wish Katie Irene on the poor people of Japan.
If you are not specifically trained in disaster relief you can become a hindrance rather than help. The best thing that she or most of us can do it to send money to a reputable charity.
TLC's programming is bad enough, but they sunk to a new low filming at a food bank where people who needed food may have turned away to avoid being filmed. Who knows what trouble they went to just to get there? Buddy's PSAs are another matter; they are not potentially exploiting people in need by capturing them on film.
As for those who think "giving back" is a great thing for HER children to learn, I doubt that they LEARNED anything as she has NEVER demonstrated any interest in actually teaching them ANYTHING.
Did Kate get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? Poor baby.
Sure hope her next charity has to do with exploited children.
I think Kate gets up on the wrong side of the bed every day, no matter how much she sleeps.
The little clip that was shown had a couple of them fighting over who would get to grab the stuff first.
I read somewhere (sorry, can't find the link) that at one point, the kids just stood and didn't look at anyone or talk to anyone. I feel so bad for them.
Stlfocus1 said: I think in the television world, they call this "jumping the shark" - changing the format to try to spark interest in a failing show.
The concept of 'volunteering her time to charities' for this show is absurd. How can a woman who has to bring people into her home to help HER out because she's always too exhausted to cope with her own family, help anyone else? She wants everyone to think she's some kind of invincible superwoman when really she's about as useless as tits on a boar. Her failed attempts at everything she's tried so far (DWTS, the View, ET) is proof she doesn't belong in the business. TLC is probably just waiting out her contract and threw this out there for now.
A point was made about people working for non-profits. My sister works for a non-profit. A non-profit that does business consultanting to help other non-profits start up. It's a great thing. But she doesn't go around suggesting she is volunteering, or some kind of Mother Teresa humanitarian. She goes around saying this is my JOB, this is my WORK, this is what I do. It's a bonus if what you do also helps people, and that is the same at a lot of jobs, including doctors and lawyers and teachers--all help people who can't pay. If Kate wants to call this working for a non-profit now fine. But that's not what they are calling this whatsoever. This is being treated like some great humanitarian tour, like she's a missionary. That is not the situation and it is disengenious for any celeb, Kate included, to misrepresent it as such.
Katie Irene Kreider, infamous grifter, con artist, manipulator, narcissist in a CHARITY SHOW?!!!
ANYONE who thinks she would be "awesome" on a charity program is full of you-know-what!!!
Alturism and charity are two words Katie Irene has NO comprehension about. EVERYBODY knows how despicable she's been in other charitable incidences.
Their church's garage sale. She wanted to sell items from Jon's father - gifts to the twins and items Jon wanted to keep because they were FROM his father. She laughed about that, crazy narcissist. When they arrived & the signage had a typo...in a typical Katie meltdown...she FREAKED!
The Pediatric Cancer fiasco. Her attitude while shopping, wrapping & distributing the gifts was despicable...as if the act of being charitable was irritating, taking up too much of her precious time. Shopping for the gifts appeared to be a "chore." The kids didn't wrap the gifts "good enough" so she was irritated. Distributing the gifts...well everybody has seen that crap!
WHO THE HELL profits off the MISERY & SUFFERING of others?!! Will the participants receive equal pay, the same as Katie? Will the participants receive the 'diva' treatment, the same as Katie? 1st class transportation, 5-star hotel, police escort, mani-pedicure, spa treatment?! If I were the participant, I would demand the SAME TREATMENT as the wanna-be supa-sta Katie Kreider!
EVERYBODY KNOWS Katie is always on the prowl to take advantage of ANYONE, in ANY SITUATION.
* Jon, b/c he was a doctor's son...Cha ching.
* Jon's father, b/c he PAID $$ to support the fertility treatments, lifestyle, babies, inheritance...Cha ching.
* Kevin & Jodi, b/c she could always talk Kevin into doing all her chores (Katie admitted), get him to renovate & repair things around their house & free babysitting services from Jodi.
* Her parents who watched the twins where she was on bedrest & after delivering the G6, b/c they "didn't know how to help her." In REALITY, they refused to ask their church members for $$.
* Churchs, b/c the church members were sympathetic to their story of being impoverished BECAUSE OF THE G8, & she KNEW church members would GIVE!
* Volunteers, b/c they were FREE services she didn't have to pay for.
* PA government, b/c society OWED HER after she voluntarily sought fertility treatments.
* Community @ large. Free haircuts, free food, special parking space...free, free, free. If she couldn't get free...she would prowl for FREE!
* The Gosselin 8, b/c their her little sacrificial lambs who are 'just playing in front of the camera' BUT EVERYKNOWS, their WORKING to support themselves, Momster, Steve, TLC, Carla & Ashley, Jamie, etc, etc
* AND NOW..the poor, homeless, hungry b/c they have NO OTHER CHOICES!!
If charities are reading......PLEASE don't open your door to the blood-sucker Katie Irene Kreider PRETENDING TO CARE ABOUT YOUR CHARITY! When you cannot help her in the way SHE WANTS you to help HER, she'll throw your charity under the bus. She can't help herself b/c she's the realest of reality stars!
Kate needs a bodyguard (ha!) and police escort (double ha!) in a small town in TN? Not only is she narcissitic but she's also delusional. Speaking of delusional, TLC must be suffering from the same malady if they are filming an episode that features Kate's "charitable" qualities. Charity starts at home IMO. Since she's alienated all family and friends I highly doubt that she's ever shown any charity towards any of them. When she went to St. Jude Children's Hospital she walked around with her nose up in the air and showed no warmth or compassion towards any of the patients or their families that I could see. Kate is anything but charitable and I'm willing to bet everything I have that anyone who has ever had any dealings with her would say the same thing. TLC is desperately trying to somehow salvage Kate's reputation to the point that it's now comical. All of America knows what kind of person Kate Gosselin is and she has burned every bridge along the way. Kate is done, over, kaput and the best thing TLC can do is wash their hands of her. The very thought of TLC trying to makeover Kate to be a "charitable" person makes me LMAO! TLC has truly lost their mind!
I don't think Kate really cares what people think of her. I could see her thinking "I am rich, and they are ummm jealous" I think she cares about what TLC thinks of her and when they say to change things, she goes along with it because she will want to try and get a new contract next year. The only way she would "care" is if her TLC paycheck stopped.
I wish the stupid Supporters of Queen Me will stick to their own blogs, nobody is interested in reading their defense of their Khate or their half ass snark that's not amusing. Most of us here pick apart the BS that this witch and TLC present as reality.
As to Kate's remarks about adopting another child, you don't even care about the 8 that's right in front of you, why bother? If you don't want them, give them to Jon and his family and go and try to be the "Stah" that you think you are! And read a freakin' newspaper once in a while, will you?
Where did Kate talk about Egypt? I may have missed it because I could not listen to her nonsense.
Also, HI 50, you summed up Kate's unkindness to charities (both as a giver and a receiver), abuse of people's goodwill and general lack of graciousness quite nicely.
Gee, I'm not surprised....another TLC-NBC crapfest collaboration:
Charlie Sheen to be subject of TLC special
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) – TLC is getting into the Charlie Sheen business.
The Discovery-owned cable channel, famous for putting on shows like "Jon & Kate Plus Eight" and "Sarah Palin's Alaska," has ordered an hour-long documentary entitled "Charlie Sheen: On the Brink."
It will chronicle the very public unraveling of the recently-fired "Two and a Half Men" actor's career and public image.
With behind-the-scenes footage and brand-new expert commentary, including MacKenzie Phillips discussing life as a celebrity who has dealt with drugs and recovery, the show takes viewers inside Sheen's home and examines the relationships with the women in his life and his children.
The special will also highlight other celebrity meltdowns that have captured public attention and offer insight into what drives this bizarre behavior.
The special, which is being produced in association with NBC News, is slated to air on March 20 at 10 pm (EST).
It is expected to include news footage from Sheen's 24-7 media blitz, as well as original interviews on the actor's rise and fall.
In the meantime, Sheen - who is currently suing Warner Bros. Television and Men co-creator Chuck Lorre for $100 million - surely will continue to provide fodder for the network's cameras through his growing Twitter feed (2.5 million followers and counting), frequent webcasts and planned tour.
I still say Kate's on her way out. There are only 43 articles on Google News about her charity work and about 1/4 of them were from The Examiner. There was a time there would have been thousands. It's just a matter of time before there are zero. :)
So, the Tasteless Little Channel is going to exploit the mental illness of Charlie Sheen?
What a surprise. Anything for an audience.
I think everybody here has a firm grasp on the newest PR twist to change the beasts image.Too little too late is dead on.
Kate isnt a giver,she's a taker...it's been shown and proven for years what a nasty,greedy little taker she is.
Kate dosent do anything unless she gets PAID for it.That includes spending time with the children.The last thing kate wants to do is to use her time thinking about or helping anyone else but herself...not even the kids!
There will be no redemption for kate until she stops forcing the kids to WORK so she can live a lifestyle she thinks she's entilted to have.
Get your own damn job and let the kids be kids.
Sorry to sound like a broken record..But..dont watch this crap!When there is no money to be made off the kids back,TLC will end the show.We are here to try and help the kids right?Then DONT WATCH!For whatever reason,dont watch.Dont add to the ratings.When TLC starts losing money,kate will be tossed out on her lipo'd ass.I watched this show from the start...I stopped watching when the divorce came.I'm proud to say I have not watched one show since.Not a clip...not a re-run..not on youtube,no where!
I can come here and get all the info I need.People here are pretty smart and honest.I dont feel like I have missed out on anything by not watching the show.
Watching the show for any reason is whats keeping it on the air.The only way to help these kids...is by NOT WATCHING IT!!!
/sorry rant off!
TLC can shove it.
T: They
L: Lack
C: Conscience
tlc should KNOW the kids are no longer a draw, they are NOT adorable toddlers, they do NOT have any talent, they are NOT interesting, they are NOT entertaining, and all of their NOTS are thanks to never having been taught anything in the ways of skills they will need in order to become capable adults BY THEIR MOTHER. Kids do not thrive on what they learn in school only, they mostly need the daily at home type input. All they have learned from her is traits like greed, self-entitlement, delusional ideas, selfishness, How Not to Dress, how not to chew gum, rudeness, 'and the list goes on' (sing that like Sonny and Cher, 'and the beat goes on'}.
SHOUT OUT TO THE JUDGE - Stop allowing her to verbally and emotionally abuse those children and give them what is left of their childhood back. I didn't say physical abuse, although there have been some examples that could be taken that way, i.e., 'whalloping one of the girl tups (as seen on film), yanking their arms harshly to get their attention (again, as seen on film) and well, again, the list goes on (same tune, different verse).
What it all boils down to, get her off her high horse, put said horse in the stable (she's got the barn on hers, all hers, land) OR better yet, let HER ride off into the sunset!!!!!!
In other words she wants another biracial baby with silky black hair and brown eyes to be all matchy with her own poor little kids. I don't think Egypt is known to have a great number of orphans unless maybe the ones whose parents got killed in the riots that just ripped the country, during which famous Americans with film crews were attacked by mobs in broad daylight during filming, no less. Surely she was thinking of Haiti and just couldn't wrap her little head around it.
As a "single" mom of 8 who gets work permits for her kids at the age of 6 and frequently takes them out of school to work, I don't think she would be high on the list of desirables.
The adoption talk is just a filler, because she doesn't have anything else interesting to talk about...certainly not current events.
The world is falling apart while TLC spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to go and film an hour of sad little faces smiling for the camera while doing hard labor and Khate supposedly cuts a check for $800.00 to a food bank.
If they wanted to make a difference they should have shown a re-run preempted by a message that due to the dire straits of millions of Americans who need food TLC has chosen to donate the hunreds of thousands of dollars it would cost to produce a new episode to the "feed the children" campaign. Oh and Kate has very generously chosen to donate her salary as well because she has been so blessed and has had to rely on donations at one time for her own large family, until we came along. Then they could have truly called it a "special."
Yes the Food Bank was mentioned but the majority of the article was a much more interesting read to me!
Ya just gotta love it - It seems that mainstream media has Kate's number and with articles such as this it will influence even people who don't watch the show at all.
As it is I think the title of article pretty much sums things up for the reader who won't even take the time to open and read the article.
First three lines: Money-making momma Kate Gosselin is cracking the whip again. This time, it's while her kids are on "vacation." In a move that would make Jackie Coogan’s parents proud, Gosselin is reportedly marching her eight young children ...
Seriously, this whole article points out to the reader that the kids are WORKING, no ifs, ands or buts about it. With articles like this Kate Plus 8 won't be able to survive past this year because it most certainly opens up the eyes of the viewers who are not thinking about how often these children WORK - it tells them the kids are working on spring break and that they also had to work on President's Day.
IMO it makes the reader wonder - the person who does not think about how much time is involved behind the scenes in a reality show - when do these kids have time to PLAY and enjoy their childhood?
Thank you for the reminder Not to Watch the Show. With no malice or snark intended, I just do not think we need to be reminded any more. Certainly for more than a year now many, many, many, many people have extolled us to Not Watch the Show. (Many people). I think we do get it by now. I don't think very many of the people who post here do Watch the Show so you may be preaching to the choir anyway but even if not then I believe the people who post here are very aware of what their Watching the Show may or may not do. I haven't Watched the Show since before the divorce (except on You Tube when something really set the bloggers off and I wanted to see what the fuss was about--and I did that with a clear conscience) and I believe most here are the same (or stopped Watching the Show even earlier.)
And, again, if some do choose to watch I don't think I have the right to excoriate them.
So, with all respect, I would just as soon not read too many more people telling me to Not Watch the Show since I have had more than enough time to weigh the pros and cons.
And I think I only feel strongly because before April whenever, there will be at least another dozen people telling me Not to Watch the Show and it just gets boring.
I can't believe what is going on in Japan...those poor people. I was in tears last night watching...I know this has nothing to do with Kate, but it makes you look at the big picture. Now, radiation leaks are happening. Small villages, half their population is unaccounted for. I will be praying for everyone over there.
Talking about giving back; this is when the real celebs stand up & do something. They organize a telethon, or go over there & help the people. I wouldn't be surprised to see Sean Penn over there. They also dig in their own pockets & donate their own money. Without fanfare.
I agree with you, (& without snark also!!) I am an advocate of not watching also, but have learned to shut about it. And I'm sure we will hear it a dozen more times if not more before her stupid show airs. We know watching contributes to ratings & all that. We all want the kids off TV & Kate out of sight. OMG, do we want Kate out of sight. As for me, I haven't watched since before the divorce. I noticed something was funky when Kate was degrading Jon all the time, & I also thought something was weird when she had the kids stop carving pumpkins in the middle to clean up. That was kinda it for me. So, I get all my newsflashes here.
I love it here. All the updates I can get. I'm not really up on the legality of things, ie; the working permits & that kind of stuff. I don't get when people copy & post from legal sites. But otherwise, it's fun to come here & get the recaps so we DON'T have to watch! Thanks Admin!! :)
Hmmm posted earlier but it didn't make it for some reason. To Hi50 you are dead on about the charities. You should compile a list of 'charitable' things Kate has done, along with appropriate websites. The list you have above is dead on. Send that to the charities and ask them if this is someone they want to represent them.
Send that to the charities and ask them if this is someone they want to represent them.
I'm afraid that charities don't care about past history, only what is being given NOW. Those in need live in the moment, and would be happy that someone has "seen the light" and is willing to help the cause.
Maybe I'm off, but I don't think we should discourage charities from accepting help from the Gosselins. If the kids are going to be exploited at least OTHER people might be helped. Maybe when the kids are older they might take some solace that their exploitation helped other people at least.
No one here indicated they were posting vile messages on the charity's web site, it could very well be sheeple trying to make us look bad. Because sheeple do things like that, sadly.
Another facebook sighting at the airport, this one was Thursday evening.
So basically, with the exception of this weekend, the kids spent their ENTIRE SPRING BREAK WORKING. I don't even count Friday, the poor kids need at least a day to recover. Hopefully they'll get to relax at Daddy's this weekend.
That report about the kids just vegging at Dad's watching TV, true or not, if that IS what they do, I don't blame the poor things. Work their asses off all week and all I'd want to do is relax on the couch too.
Admin said...
Another facebook sighting at the airport, this one was Thursday evening.
Was there a police escort? Unreal. She is so delusional about the other one. Only Kate would need a police escort when NO ONE was chasing her.
Little story. I come from a large Italian family. When my Grandmother died, we had a police escort from the funeral home to the cemetery. My 2nd cousin is the chief of police (& also was in a movie recently that won a lot of awards at this yrs. Oscars, Sags, Golden Globes, etc). My grandmother knew everyone in town. She had volunteered her time, worked at the high school for many years, & again, we have a huge extended family. Having that police escort was something that she would have been so proud of in the inside, yet something she would have said "Oh, please, for me?" on the outside. Strangers were taking pictures, it was surreal. As I rode in that funeral limo, (ugh) & watched all the police bikes & cars I thought of my Nonna, & realized how many people truly loved her.
Kate will never be able to say that. And my Nonna was a REAL person, with REAL family. Her wake was 8 hours (I know, morbid & long) but people never stopped pouring in to say how much they loved her. I hope Kate realizes that some day she will be old & that she may not have anyone to turn to. My grandmother had so much family & friends, who will Kate have? It will be sad if she is all alone & has nobody in her life when she is unable to care for herself. I truly hope that doesn't happen. I couldn't imagine being old & alone. That scares me so much & I wouldn't wish that on anyone. (Even Kate. Seriously.)
I will also die alone. My very small family has all gone before me. But it does not scare me, nor does it sadden me. It's just a fact that I came to terms with long ago. I have expressed my desire for no funeral service, just a direct burial. While I'm still here, the thought of living in my big house alone suits me just fine. I will invite friends in, ask them to bring their furry pets along, and we'll have a marvelous good time of it.
Kate may have the same thoughts I do. It's OK
to be alone. I have no idea what lonliness feels like because I keep my mind occupied and my communication with friends and work folk
wide open. I guess that's the difference between Kate and me on this subject.
barbee said...
tlc should KNOW the kids are no longer a draw, they are NOT adorable toddlers, they do NOT have any talent, they are NOT interesting, they are NOT entertaining, and all of their NOTS are thanks to never having been taught anything in the ways of skills they will need in order to become capable adults BY THEIR MOTHER. Kids do not thrive on what they learn in school only, they mostly need the daily at home type input. All they have learned from her is traits like greed, self-entitlement, delusional ideas, selfishness, How Not to Dress, how not to chew gum, rudeness, 'and the list goes on' (sing that like Sonny and Cher, 'and the beat goes on'}.
It's really unfortunate that people feel the need to insult the Gosselin children because they dislike their mother so intensely. This is a public forum that the children can access. No child should be reading how s/he is not adorable, has no talent and is not interesting. And yes, I realize that they wouldn't be in the spotlight if it were not for their mother's choice to keep them on television, but that doesn't mean that it is OK to make rude comments about them.
I stopped watching JK8 well before the fake vow renewal, but I find that just seeing pictures of those children is heartbreaking. They, like all children, are special in their own way. The difference is that these eight, unlike millions of others, have been thrust into the spotlight.
The focus on these 8 is the result of an amoral television network and a mother who sold her children and her soul. I agree, there is no need to critique or criticize the children. Place the blame where it lays.
fidosmommy I too will be alone, and no it does not scare me, what would scare me would be people in sorrow. I too live in a big house and keep my mind and hands busy.
By the way, I live on the Oregon Coast, and we are fine after the Tsunami. If you were rich enough to afford a fishing boat, you may not be too happy.
I watched Charlie Sceen this morning and I have found Khate a mate. They can lay around drinking tiger blood and discuss who has the strongest God-like genes.
I believe those children do have talents and great individual personalities, but we will never be allowed to see them because Kate does not want them presented as individuals. They are to be presented as a unit (8 kids) or 2 units (twins and sextuplets) that she is SOLELY responsible for, placing her firmly in the martyr spotlight.
Starz22 above commented that Kate doesn't do anything unless she gets paid for it. I think that getting FILMED is more important to Kate than getting paid. Even if the $250,000 per episode figure is correct, I am willing to bet she'd still be doing this show even if she was only getting $2500 per episode.
The Gosselin kids can't "give back" since they've never been "given" anything except the responsibility to support the lifestyle to which their mother aspired and has now become accustomed.
My personal feeling today, after watching and reading about the earthquake in Japan, is that there is simply nothing relevant or remotely interesting about anything Kate Gosselin does. it simply does not matter, so sorry TLC, you and I are finished, and the decision to air a Charlie Sheen mocumentary does not make you look any better.
TLC really has it the lowest low exploiting one man's pathetic public downfall. Exploiting mental illness and drug addiction for ratings is disgusting. They also need to remember, that is someone's father, someone's son, someone's brother, someone's friend. It's not just about exploiting the man himself, but what that man means to so many people in his life.
Even the sheeple themselves have been saying for a few months now they don't like TLC either. Baby steps. They finally understand and accept TLC is just a user and abuser, when will they get that TLC is in good company with Kate?
The reality is that like all child stars these kids are growing up and the appeal is slipping away. Many former stars have spoken and written about all the insecurities created when one becomes older, including Alison Angrim and Danny Bonaduche. To ignore yet another cruel fact of the screwed up business of child stars runs the risk of dismissing their emotions about this. It should not be ignored, but handled with sensitivity.
I am not tring to be smart, but how do you draw a line between Charlies mental illness and Kates? To me they are just the same, except Kate has learned to keep her mouth shut and listen to her head set.
For some unknown reason, I like TLC when it is showing "Say Yes to the Dress" - New York City. Other than that odd exception, I see no point in the network any longer.
Yesterday I read an interview withTempestt Bledsoe, who played Vanessa on the Cosby show back when (People mag). She's in her late 30's now. She said she credits her mother and Bill Cosby for making sure she grew up to have a normal life in spite of living her childhood on a tv set. So it is possible, even in realty tv land. I imagine.
The Gosselin kids can't "give back" since they've never been "given" anything except the responsibility to support the lifestyle to which their mother aspired and has now become accustomed.
Good point. But why should they have to "give back" when they've given everything they can and more, including their childhoods? At this point, the blood-letting has to stop. There's nothing more to give. They'll be sucked dry before this fiasco is over.
fido -- I sometimes watch Say Yes To The Dress, and the self-entitlement many times is astonishing. The brides who always get what they want; the brides whose grannies are paying for the dress, clearly don't have that much money to spend, but the bride gets what she want anyway no matter if it's going to mean that their grandmothers don't eat for six months; the brides who wrap their daddies around their little fingers and their parents can't say no to them. Of course, there are some interesting stories there, too -- some humbling (the donated kidney, brides of military men, brides whose parent has passed away). It's not the run-of-the-mill freak show. I also watch 48-Hour Mystery - interesting, and not usual TLC fare.
As brought to my attention by Leave the Kids Alone, I will edit my comments to read:
tlc should KNOW 'that as PRESENTED BY THEM' the kids are...
Maybe it was not the best idea to put my comments where the kids might some day read them, however, I guess that since their own mother figure has made FAR worse comments about and to them on film it didn't seem so bad. It also would seem that the 'allowed' snarky comments about HER also would be hurtful to them or maybe they would agree with the comments if they read them. It is my feeling that at 10 even the twins should not be allowed on most parts of the Internet and the tups are obviously not on but if with her great parenting skills she does not make sure they are not 'on', then let HER explain to them why such comments might be made. And by the time the kids ARE old enough to go online like this, these comments will be so old and non-relevant that they won't even find them.
Admin: if my comments were out of line, please post it here so the offense isn't repeated.
Admin said, So basically, with the exception of this weekend, the kids spent their ENTIRE SPRING BREAK WORKING. I don't even count Friday, the poor kids need at least a day to recover. Hopefully they'll get to relax at Daddy's this weekend.
They go back to school on Tuesday, but since he is on the job on Fridays and Mondays, it would seem that they only have today and tomorrow with him. It will be interesting to see what they have lined up for their next day off, which is the 24th, and the long weekend of April 8. Then, of course, there is Good Friday and Easter Monday. Work, work, work...gotta get that filming done whenever they have days off! I bet anything that something is in the works for Easter break, even though it's not a long vacation.
It was either here on another blog where someone asked for a link to Kate saying she wants to go to Asia and rock babies in an orphanage. Here it is. It's on the radio at about the 5 minute mark.
Pamelajo said:
I am not tring to be smart, but how do you draw a line between Charlies mental illness and Kates? To me they are just the same, except Kate has learned to keep her mouth shut and listen to her head set.
I believe Kate's mental illness has absolutely nothing to do with psychosis. She is well this side of psychotic. Charlie seems to skip back and forth over that line almost continuously. Until he is firmly back on this side of the line I think he should be totally off limits. And TLC planning to ridicule, mock and belittle a sick person (which is what this voyeuristic, opportunistic idea for a television show sounds like to me) is vile. Disgusting and vile.
Kate is what I call a functional nutcase. She is able to live and work and go about normal activities in a relatively normal way. You might not realize until you see a good deal of her behavior how off her rocker is. She can function. What's going on with her is far more gray than what everyone can see is going on with Charlie Sheen. Charlie Sheen is clearly on some kind of dangerous manic episode, tearing through societal norms, and any reasonable person can see that he is in a frightening tailspin and that it's no exaggeration to suggest he might even be a danger to himself and other. And there's TLC knocking on the door to exploit it, naturally.
TLC should just lay off exploiting any of these people period, but when it's as clear as day what is going on with Charlie Sheen with very little gray, and they still don't hesitate to go there, it just goes to show how truly souless they really are.
It's nice to finally find something to agree on with the sheeple, TLC is scum.
Just a little side note but I think Tempest Bledsoe took Niecy's place on Clean House?
I'm going to pray for you tonight, seriously, you need all the help you can get. Seek help, ok?
Anonymous said...
I'm going to pray for you tonight, seriously, you need all the help you can get. Seek help, ok?
For whom are you praying? One poster, the entire blog, or Kate?
Anonymous said... I'm going to pray for you tonight, seriously, you need all the help you can get. Seek help, ok?
Katie Irene, is that you? It's past your bedtime--7:31 p.m.--quit playing on the computer and go to bed!
My comments here may be somewhat off-topic because they don't concern the Gosselins directly but they are about TLC. IMO the most exploitatory show on TLC is "Toddlers and Tiaras". I seeth just watching the previews. Not only are some of the mothers as evil as Kate but the fact that they dress their youngsters to look like prostitutes and have them on stage shaking their ass and trying to look sexy is beyond anything I can wrap my mind around. Then TLC films and broadcasts it for every sexual pervert in America to watch and enjoy (I'm gagging as I type this), and I think you all know what I mean by 'enjoy'. I imagine that every pedophile in America who watches that show are sexually aroused afterwards. I shudder when I think about how many of those sicko perverts then proceed to rape their own children when the show ends. IMO I think the parents of these pageant participants have a few loose screws themselves but it is unconscionable that TLC thinks that it's okay to show this to all of America every week (not counting the day-long marathons that run every so often). As much as I hate TLC for exploiting the Gosselin children, "Kate Plus 8" doesn't hold a candle compared to "Toddlers and Tiaras". TLC will do anything for a buck and they couldn't give a rat's ass who gets hurt along the way. Honestly I can't believe that whoever monitors what is allowed to be shown on TV hasn't banned "T and T" from being broadcast. Has no one considered the ramifications of airing this show on TV? Am I the only one who thinks that it's sick and perverted to dress a child up to look like a whore and then make her shake her ass and look sexy in stripper clothes? The Learning Channel, my ass. How about renaming it The Lewd and Lascivious Channel?
Anonymous said... I'm going to pray for you tonight, seriously, you need all the help you can get. Seek help, ok?
Seriously? Nite, Kate.
Donna, I totally agree w/ you regarding Toddlers and Tiaras. I've lost all respect for TLC.
Tennessee must have no child labor laws since this is Kate's 2nd time in TN, don't the Duggars hang out in TN at times too? TLC doesn't do a thing, Kate either unless there is $$$ or potential for ratings behind it. Nascar ....untapped viewers.
Ack! I listened to the link where she wanted to go to Asia's orphanages, to hold and rock babies. She makes me sick. Why didn't she hold and rock her own sick baby boy instead of laying him on the cold laundry room floor? Why didn't she stay home- rock and soothe Colin when he was so constipated, instead of dragging him shopping--and ignoring him? (that's when I KNEW she was a sociopath). I have more respect for Octomom then I do Kate. For she admits she hates herself for having to take money and exploiting herself and especially her kids. She tries to understand what the hell is wrong with herself. Kate cannot even do that much.
Tennessee must have no child labor laws since this is Kate's 2nd time in TN, don't the Duggars hang out in TN at times too? TLC doesn't do a thing, Kate either unless there is $$$ or potential for ratings behind it. Nascar ....untapped viewers.
I think that they do have child labor laws, but require no work permits. I'm also remembering that no minors under age 14 may work. Period. My college roomie lives in Knoxville, and I remember a few years ago her daughter wanted to work part time at the snack bar at the pool and she was a month short of her 14th birthday and under the child labor law, she wasn't permitted to do so. I don't know if they've gotten around to passing laws for minors in the entertainment industry, and right now I'm too tired to look it up! Spring ahead, fall back. One hour sleep lost tonight!
Dollywoodnext? said...
Ack! I listened to the link where she wanted to go to Asia's orphanages, to hold and rock babies.
She's a nurse - let her go to work full time in the women's and babies' hospital and she can spend her days rocking babies to sleep in the nursery.
What she REALLY meant was that she wants a free trip overseas, have the episode filmed, and get $250,000 for rocking those infants!
Don't forget she wants to "take supplies". (take supplies...what an idiot)
"Somewhere in Asia" is code for N Korea where they were almost headed before she kicked Jon to the curb. If she wanted to help orphans somewhere in Asia she would have done that on her own dime. What a transparent, shallow piece of work.
I Doubt It is most definitely Kate. It is blatantly obvious.
For Pam, who asked a question above. . . Kate spent two hours at Food City, from 10am-12pm.
At the airport, I was told that Kate threw a fit because people were trying to take pics of her with their cell phones.
To be a nurse,dont you have to keep up with all the newest medical treatments? kate hasent taken a class or worked as a nurse in how long?
Almost anyone can get the same thing that kate has...a few months reading...pass the test and WOOT...you are a nurse.
Who would ever want kate to look after a loved one?
How can kate still get a licence as a "nurse"? She hasent been working as one...she hasent studied...she knows nothing new...She treats the kids like co-workers...HOW does she even have a cd as a nurse?
TLC better watch itself with Charlie Sheen. He will go after their bazillions like he did Two and a Half Men. He is a litiginous sort of guy and has the money to hire the best.
THAT is the difference though...YOU have friends.
This new show line and image ain't gonna work. No one can stomach her as the bitch, so why would KanDoo(doo)Kate in Give Back mode be any more palatable? I, for one, am totally in my Kan'tDoKate mode. There is NOOOOO premise in hell they could try to float her by me on that would be of ANY interest (unless it was watching the door hitting her ass on her way off my television screen).
How typically Kate, she couldn't do a Give Back right next door because that wouldn't entail first Klass air, 5 star hotel, limo, etc., and now there's no hospital (like where the tups were born) that she can give back and hug babies. WTH, does she feel she has such a 'mother image' that we will get all warm and fuzzzzzy about seeing her holding a baby. She wasn't/isn't all touchy feely with her OWN kids!
It is "awesomely amazing" (good old kate words) that tlc is able to get any sponsors dumb enough to want their products aligned with this piece of humanity (NOT)! It sure doesn't promote an 'oooh, I really want to buy that'. And for tlc to keep spending the $$$$$$ on her that they do, they must have it to burn (which actually would be smarter and also more rewarding for those of us who find it disgusting to see her reaping so much for nothing. No one likes seeing GREED rewarded).
Donna, I agree completely. I could not stomach more than 5-10 minutes of that show. The mothers, (stage moms to the extreme) the children, (bratty, whiny & made up to look like dolls-fake tans, fake eye-lashes, it's disgusting!) I couldn't do it. I can't believe what TLC will do to get people to watch. They have no morals. WHO RUNS THAT CHANNEL? It's a chick, right? Well, gross. If it were a man, moral & ethical groups would be all over his ass for treating kids & girls like prosti-tots. But, since it's a woman, it's OK I guess. And if it were a man, he would be reprimanded for making the Gosselin children WORK WORK WORK all the time, & have their ass shown on TV, & most private moments shown, BUT since it's a woman, it's OK. I'm all for Woman's Equality & Equal Right's in the Workplace, but this crosses the line. What about Equal Right's for KIDS at TLC??? Or PA...
Here in IL your nursing license is renewed every two years. In order to renew you MUST complete 20 hours of continuing education units within that 2 year period (nurse practioners have to complete 50 hours) - your education does not end after you pass your boards! There are various seminars, courses, etc. but they have to be approved by our IL Dept of Professional Regulation. Your employer, if you are working, usually will help defray the cost. If you are NOT working they can be pricey. I don't know what the law is in PA but I do know that in IL being a brood mare does not count!
starzz 22 said
Almost anyone can get the same thing that kate has...a few months reading...pass the test and WOOT...you are a nurse.
Is that how it's done? I took a year of college classes (pre-requisites), then did 2 years in a diploma program. When I decided to get my BSN, I took what amounted to full-time college classes while working full-time and taking care of my pre-school daughter--all within a year's time. Please don't insult those of us on this board who have studied for years and still continue to work in the field of nursing. Katie Irene was smart enough to get through her nursing program and pass the state board test. Although I remember reading somewhere she would get upset when she gave wrong answers and couldn't do some procedures correctly. Too bad they didn't transplant compassion into her.
Not only are the sheeple obsessed with Kate, they are obsessed with this blog. The Admin here continues to post new and fresh threads and the comments are intelligent and thought provoking. Yet when trolling a sheeple site, I read commentes about is what is said on THIS blog. You can even find where they copy/paste a comment and then acuse us of posting vile things on the Food Bank story. The sheeple have NOTHING good to say about the queen, so they attack everyone who isnt of the same mind.
Just because there are some idiots in this world that post mean and hateful things against a charity, doesnt mean they are from this blog.. the world isnt THAT small.
In the newest issue of Star magazine, they have an article on Hank Baskett & Kendra Wilkinson. It says that Kendra is a contestant on DWTS, and at first she asked Hank if he'd mind if she went. He didn't really want her to b/c he wanted some time to be a family & stay out the spotlight for a while. Kendra went ahead and joined anyway. (Sound familiar?) Hank is saying that Kendra spends all her time working out b/c she's set on being a "hot babe" and she'll do anything for a buck, even leaving their son behind so she can dance on TV. Wonder if Kendra & Kate were separated at birth?
I am absolutely certain that Eastern Tennessee is gorgeous, has wonderful people, and the people lucky enough to live there love it. I know I would like to visit one day.
However, is this a place Kate Gosselin would even hint about as her next trip? Alaska has some kind of allure unlike the other states, Hawaii is Hawaii, and even a dude ranch seems like something kids might like even if Kate doesn't. But being in a warehouse in Eastern Tennessee? Where does a girl get her Nobu? Does Ted Gibson have a salon in Knoxville? Where is the scary thing to scream about while the cameras roll?
No, Kate was told to go to E. Tennessee and to
look it up on a map if she didn't know where it was. It was not her idea, I can pretty much
bet the rent on that one. She would be rubbing elbows with people she goes out of her way to ignore at home. There would be precious little
attention, with the majority of the attention being on (gasp!) the people bringing in the food items for distribution. Not Kate's cup of tea. No wonder she couldn't wait to get out of there. Nothing for her, nothing.
Troy Chula Vista said...
Not only are the sheeple obsessed with Kate, they are obsessed with this blog. The Admin here continues to post new and fresh threads and the comments are intelligent and thought provoking. Yet when trolling a sheeple site, I read commentes about is what is said on THIS blog. You can even find where they copy/paste a comment and then acuse us of posting vile things on the Food Bank story. The sheeple have NOTHING good to say about the queen, so they attack everyone who isnt of the same mind.
Do they seriously copy & paste our comments & rehash them over there? Wow. I find that deeply disturbing. I have gone over there once. I found that they have thought that WE are the vile, hateful ones. We have nothing but bad, negative things to say. But I thought they were delusional. "Kate is Great!" "Kate is providing such a great future for those kids!" "Kate is such a good mom!"
Can they not see what Kate is really doing to those kids? It was a fantasy land over there. And I also noticed it was mostly 4 or 5 people commenting over & over & over. I just found it to be sad that these people really think Kate is such a good mom & she is doing her "best" for those kids, & anyone of us would jump at the chance for a reality show. UM, NO. I would not. Do NOT speak for me. Kate sold those kids souls, as she did her own to the devil long ago. One day, those sheeple will wake up. Right now, they are defending her to the death, & are too stubborn to admit they are wrong. Kate could murder someone & the sheeple would have an excuse. "She has 8 kids! She was just tired..."
Remember on the talk when Kate tried to tell us we would do a reality show too? And then one of them jumped in and said well not EVERYONE. Thank you!!! I know it's hard for Kate but not everyone sees the world in the exact same twisted way she does. Not everyone values what she does.
No one likes to see "greed rewarded" is a spot on statement. When I caught on to Kate's greedy attitude is when the Gosselin mess lost its luster for me. The entertainment value is "gone with the wind." I wonder now in retrospect if there ever truly was value in the filming of the "realist of reality shows." TLC, please stop the madness. Kate, give back in private. In public it just shows how much you are starving for attention. Stop asking for favors from everyone you talk to. Asking for trips, race car drives, etc. just makes you look worse. The grifting continues and it is in such poor taste considering that the Gosselins are millionaires now. This is sad, really. Tacky to the max, don't you think?
"Do they seriously copy & paste our comments & rehash them over there? Wow. I find that deeply disturbing. I have gone over there once. I found that they have thought that WE are the vile, hateful ones"
Heck, yes! I remember when I first saw one of my posts copied verbatim. I was very disturbed. It was then I started checking into the copyright laws, the ownership of comments, and the penalties that could ensue if someone really got ticked off enough to pursue it. The sheeple don't get it - they, like Kate, think that they are above the law. Either that, or they don't have the intelligence to comprehend what copyright/plagiarism lawsuits entail. They've been lucky so far, but it may be inevitable that they get caught doing it to the wrong person.
Troy Chula Vista said...Not only are the sheeple obsessed with Kate, they are obsessed with this blog.
hehe. At least we're giving them something to talk about. Can you imagine what a herculean task it has to be to keep a site active that glorifies Kate Gosselin? It would be a blank page were it not for the swiped comments from other blogs.
Here's an interesting link about some natural girl quads in Minnesota. http://www.startribune.com/premium/117768808.html
It's the first part of a 6 part series featuring the girls. The gist of it was: They've wondered their entire lives what it must be like to be individuals. They've always been identified as "Durst girl" or "one of the quads."
The article talks about how they couldn't be without the others, and yet can't wait to be seen as individuals.
They're also having series on LifeTime starting Tuesday.
Couple of things:
If Ms. Kreider is going to volunteer, I would like to see her working - actually doing physical labor - on a Habitat for Humanity home, or doing repairs to an elderly person's home, something like that. I would be interested in seeing her pick up a hammer and nail up some drywall. Or help to lay a sidewalk. Older DD volunteered with local Habitat one spring break, they had to put in sidewalk on the property they were working on. She said laying the cement and making the sidewalk was much harder than she imagined. She also put up all the crown molding in the house they were doing by herself, and she was really proud, and has the pictures to prove it! I think manual labor where she makes something will help Ms. Kreider's self-esteem, and would give me a little teensy respect for her efforts.
I do NOT want to see the children working during their breaks.
Re nursing: Ms. Kreider is a registered nurse, and states vary in their renewal requirements. Virginia currently does not have continuing education requirements for RNs to renew their license, all you have to do is sent in your fee prior to the deadline and you renew for 5 years. There has been discussion in Virginia for several years about adding a requirement for continuing education hours, but last time I renewed I did not have to submit any continuing ed stuff. BTW there are several online sites, some government sponsored like CDC.GOV, some that have pharma sponsors like Medscape.com, where health professionals can earn continuing ed units for free.
Kate Gosselin does NOT have a BSN. She got her nursing diploma (not degree) at Reading Hospital and Medical Center after a 2 year program. "She is currently licensed to practice nursing but will have to complete 30 hours of continuing education credits before her next renewal in 2011 to comply with Pennsylvania Heath Department regulations." She last renewed her license in 2009.
I doubt nursing is the last thing Kate has in mind to ever do again - her dreams are much more lofty than ever doing an honest day's work for an honest day's wage.
Who wouldn't want to be on a reality show? My family, that's who!
We read some comic books and have active subscription with local comic shop, and a comic collection. A few years ago we got a call from the comic shop owner. He had been contacted by the producers of Wife Swap (the US version) and they were looking for a family who were comic fans. He told them he would pass it along to three families that were customers and kinda fit what the producers wanted - couple, school-age kids, comic fans - but he got the idea the producers really wanted to play up the comic fan aspect. The contract would have been for $32,000 and travel costs for about ten days total filming, swapping, and of course the production company would have rights to all the film for perpetuity.
Our family thought about it for maybe ten seconds before there was a resounding NO from everyone.
Sorry, folks, you will not be treated to upclose and personal views of my Silver Age collection, or my Lone Wolf and Cub, translated from the Japanese.
BTW read today that Tokyo is fine, the earthquake and tsunami was in the north, and the volcano that has become active again is in the south. And the creator of Pokemon is fine too, he posted to facebook he did NOT die in the tsunami as some twit on twitter tweeted.
"fidosmommy said...
I am absolutely certain that Eastern Tennessee is gorgeous, has wonderful people, and the people lucky enough to live there love it. I know I would like to visit one day."
It is most definitely gorgeous and I consider myself very lucky to live here. I would post pics of our beautiful mountains if I could.
Kate sold those kids souls, as she did her own to the devil long ago.
Hippie - Have you ever read Oscar Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray? Describes Kate to a tee. Apparently there's such a thing as Dorian Gray Syndrome even though it's not recognized by experts on mental disorders. Still, if this doesn't have Kate written all over it I don't know what has:
Dorian Gray Syndrome (DGS) denotes a cultural and societal phenomenon characterized by an excessive preoccupation with the individual's own appearance accompanied by difficulties coping with the aging process and with the requirements of maturation. Sufferers of Dorian Gray Syndrome are heavy users of cosmetic medical procedures and products in an attempt to preserve their youth. ~~ from Wikipedia
If everyone wanted a reality show then you would see everyone applying for shows like wife swap. Obviously only a few thousand families do that.
starz22, You're probably thinking of a Nursing Assistant, not a diploma school RN. The nursing curriculum for a degree program and for a diploma program is essentially the same. The students take the same courses, are required to have a certain number of hours of direct patient care, and are required to pass the same board exams. The primary difference between the degree and diploma programs is the non-nursing related courses that the degree students are required to take. Courses like English, History, languages, etc. The requirements vary from school to school, but a certain number of set and elective courses not related to the nursing curriculum are required for a bachelors or associates degree in nursing. That said, I don't see how Kate would have either the intelligence or the determination required for a degree program. I don't see how she managed a diploma program, actually. Those classes are no walk in the park, and require a lot of study.
readerlady said... starz22, You're probably thinking of a Nursing Assistant, not a diploma school RN. The nursing curriculum for a degree program and for a diploma program is essentially the same. The students take the same courses, are required to have a certain number of hours of direct patient care, and are required to pass the same board exams. The primary difference between the degree and diploma programs is the non-nursing related courses that the degree students are required to take. Courses like English, History, languages, etc. The requirements vary from school to school, but a certain number of set and elective courses not related to the nursing curriculum are required for a bachelors or associates degree in nursing. That said, I don't see how Kate would have either the intelligence or the determination required for a degree program. I don't see how she managed a diploma program, actually. Those classes are no walk in the park, and require a lot of study
Thank you for making my post clearer--I never thought that maybe Starz 22 meant a nursing assistant. But as someone who has done both the diploma program, passed the state board, then done an RN to BSN program, it was definitely no walk in the park. I also don't see Kate going back to ever doing something so mundane/non-glamorous when she hits bottom.
Susantoyota: I posted supporting you, but it wasn't published. That seems to be happening a lot lately. "h8k8 said... Kate Gosselin does NOT have a BSN. She got her nursing diploma (not degree) at Reading Hospital and Medical Center after a 2 year program." H8k8 said basically what I said. I have a friend who is "putting in the work" just like you have. Kate has no conception of what putting in the work is all about in any area of life. And, Kate has NO COLLEGE--she got her certificate through a diploma program.
Wah, wah, I have purse full of bills and my kiddies are either back in the mansion with the nannies or attending private school. Wah, wah,please give us your love offerings to help pay our bills, wah wah, the state should pay for the care of my children -- yes Kate is a regular Mother Teresa when it comes to selflessness and charitable work. Can't wait to see her new series featuring her doing nothing while whining about everything = oh wait, I did catch a season of that, horrible woman, get that biatch off tv. Please TLC, hook Kate up with Charlie Sheen, they are a good fit of crazy.
Jennifer said..She's so transparent, she really takes the fun out of the game.
Comment of the day Jennifer, LOVE it! LOL
JudyK said... Susantoyota: I posted supporting you, but it wasn't published. That seems to be happening a lot lately. "h8k8 said... Kate Gosselin does NOT have a BSN. She got her nursing diploma (not degree) at Reading Hospital and Medical Center after a 2 year program." H8k8 said basically what I said. I have a friend who is "putting in the work" just like you have. Kate has no conception of what putting in the work is all about in any area of life. And, Kate has NO COLLEGE--she got her certificate through a diploma program.
Thank you, Judy K. Diploma programs must differ from state to state as I thought everyone who went to diploma programs had to get that year of pre-requisites, such as anatomy, chemistry, nutrition, etc. through either a community or 4 year college before entering the program. I wonder if her pre-requisites were taught within her diploma program? Hmm, maybe 'anonymous':) will post later and let us know the answer to that question after she's drank her wine, uh saki, with the hired help.
Off topic a little, but has the most recent court date occurred? Weren't Jon and Kate supposed to be back in court in February? I do hope Jon is making plans for when Katie Irene's show/face/mental health implodes and he is able to obtain custody. It's just a matter of time. And by plans I am referring to living arrangements that will give those poor babies some privacy and a normal life.
Weren't Jon and Kate supposed to be back in court in February? I do hope Jon is making plans for when Katie Irene's show/face/mental health implodes and he is able to obtain custody. It's just a matter of time.
Sadly, it doesn't work that way in PA. Rulings favor the mother. The only chance of his getting custody is if she gave it to him, or she found herself in either the Wernersville State Hospital (five miles from her house) or mental health ward of Hershey Medical. I don't see that happening any time soon. Admin said upthread that Kate is functioning nutcase, which I found to be dead-on. As long as she is able to function despite what's not right in her head, she will have custody of those kids. So far, she's been very successful at pulling the wool over our eyes. It remains to be seen if she can continue this charade.
So TLC thinks that taking a show that is rating badly and staged / fake enough as it is, and making it MORE fake by leading us to believe that Kate has suddenly become "Give-Back Kate?"
Yeah right! She's ONLY doing it for the cameras and because she's getting PAID to do it!
Another reason I care less and less about Ms. kreider and her "giving back":
Older DD has friend who is English teacher in Ishinomaki, Japan. Her parents are frantic to hear from her. This town was hard hit by the tsunami, and still pretty much cut off.
WHO CARES about the fake celebrity when there is real tragedy in the world?
I am very sorry if I offended anyone in the nursing field.Kate claims to hold a degree in nursing.I know nurses are hard workers with dedacation,while they are so underpaid and given no respect.
I would never knock the nursing field.What I found funny was Kate...being able to STILL call her self a nurse when she hasent worked in that field for over 5 years now!
Again...very sorry if I offended the TRUE nurses!
The funny thing is she has been a not-a-nurse longer than she was-a-nurse yet still calls herself a nurse. Suppose it sounds better than hookerish wannabee celebrity playing the ridiculously ridiculous role of mommy 'dearest' (she does that part well), sex symbol (not so much as most of the real ones don't look like a boy in drag), philanthropic give-back kate (no way in hell, as it isn't give-back if you're paid and received $$$$$$ in perks), A-list talented celebrity (WTH, you need talent for that and there probably isn't one A-lister who knows or cares who she is, well, other than to know they don't care to know who she is) and as the resident expert on any topic, field, whatever (yeah right, we all know she knows as much about anything as a bag of rocks).
Her lack of intelligence/credibility, delusions, sense of entitlement, and too many other defects to list all work against her to let her realize what she isn't and get out of the limelight. It's sad that she doesn't 'get it' that she is a mockery, being made a fool of with the ways she is showcased by tlc and any real show biz people who get involved with her. Can't she see she is given one shot at stuff and never asked back? Doesn't she know that 'she' is the reason for that? Maybe her handler should withhold her wine boxes and start telling her the truth rather than enabling her to fall further and further down the hole into obscurity (although that ain't a bad place for her).
Starzz22 said . . .
I am very sorry if I offended anyone in the nursing field.Kate claims to hold a degree in nursing.I know nurses are hard workers with dedacation,while they are so underpaid and given no respect.
I would never knock the nursing field.What I found funny was Kate...being able to STILL call her self a nurse when she hasent worked in that field for over 5 years now!
Again...very sorry if I offended the TRUE nurses!
Thank you Starzz. I was not trying to imply that I was offended by your remarks, but just trying to point out the hard it is and the length of study required in the different nursing programs--diploma and degree. For all that Kate has utilized her nursing license, it does seem that she read a few books and became a nurse. She really should let her license go "inactive" but she still has time to do some internet continuing education courses before her renewal date. If she can pull herself away from these blogs:)
So Starzz22, no harm, no foul. I do enjoy your posts.
Madonna and Kate belong together as far as I am concern. Both are using sex to sell themselves, not the kind of Mother I admire. Just because Madonna adopted does not make her Mother Theresa. How much personal time can she spend with her children? Like Kate, a big part of her day is spent working out to keep the body image. Would any of you put Madonna's "coffee table book" out for your children to look at? Are you comfortable with young teens watching her perform? Kate is selling out to the entertainment industry for the money and fame but it is at the expense of her children.
she has no talent of any kind that I can see. How sad that so much time is wasted in this world by people admiring celebrities instead of good hard working people just living a decent life. How sad the earthquake victims are not a priority for some. I am sad to see the loss of morals in our society.
I see very few role models to admire esp. in the entertainment industry. Do we need programs promoting baby beauty contests or polygamy? or "My Mother is a playmate centerfold"? Television keeps sinking lower and lower.
I forgot to add to my previous post, I now only check the Gosselin blogs once a week and I will probably go bi-monthly next! I was wasting too much time following this train wreck and don't think anyone can help the kids now since Kate will do anything to make money. Check once a week, things stay the same, she drags them all over to keep supporting her lifestyle, same old news so why waste my time I figure. I only watch limited tv in the winter and will keep cutting back on that now that nice weather is coming. I sure wasted too much time and feel much better being productive without TV and the internet! I support anyone still trying to help change the trend of using children to make money and good luck.
I forgot to add to my previous post, I now only check the Gosselin blogs once a week and I will probably go bi-monthly next! I was wasting too much time following this train wreck and don't think anyone can help the kids now since Kate will do anything to make money. Check once a week, things stay the same, she drags them all over to keep supporting her lifestyle, same old news so why waste my time I figure. I only watch limited tv in the winter and will keep cutting back on that now that nice weather is coming. I sure wasted too much time and feel much better being productive without TV and the internet! I support anyone still trying to help change the trend of using children to make money and good luck.
Kate sold those kids souls, as she did her own to the devil long ago.
Hippie - Have you ever read Oscar Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray? Describes Kate to a tee. Apparently there's such a thing as Dorian Gray Syndrome even though it's not recognized by experts on mental disorders. Still, if this doesn't have Kate written all over it I don't know what has:
Dorian Gray Syndrome (DGS) denotes a cultural and societal phenomenon characterized by an excessive preoccupation with the individual's own appearance accompanied by difficulties coping with the aging process and with the requirements of maturation. Sufferers of Dorian Gray Syndrome are heavy users of cosmetic medical procedures and products in an attempt to preserve their youth. ~~ from Wikipedia
JudyK said... Susantoyota: I posted supporting you, but it wasn't published. That seems to be happening a lot lately. "h8k8 said... Kate Gosselin does NOT have a BSN. She got her nursing diploma (not degree) at Reading Hospital and Medical Center after a 2 year program." H8k8 said basically what I said. I have a friend who is "putting in the work" just like you have. Kate has no conception of what putting in the work is all about in any area of life. And, Kate has NO COLLEGE--she got her certificate through a diploma program.
Thank you, Judy K. Diploma programs must differ from state to state as I thought everyone who went to diploma programs had to get that year of pre-requisites, such as anatomy, chemistry, nutrition, etc. through either a community or 4 year college before entering the program. I wonder if her pre-requisites were taught within her diploma program? Hmm, maybe 'anonymous':) will post later and let us know the answer to that question after she's drank her wine, uh saki, with the hired help.
Off topic a little, but has the most recent court date occurred? Weren't Jon and Kate supposed to be back in court in February? I do hope Jon is making plans for when Katie Irene's show/face/mental health implodes and he is able to obtain custody. It's just a matter of time. And by plans I am referring to living arrangements that will give those poor babies some privacy and a normal life.
"Do they seriously copy & paste our comments & rehash them over there? Wow. I find that deeply disturbing. I have gone over there once. I found that they have thought that WE are the vile, hateful ones"
Heck, yes! I remember when I first saw one of my posts copied verbatim. I was very disturbed. It was then I started checking into the copyright laws, the ownership of comments, and the penalties that could ensue if someone really got ticked off enough to pursue it. The sheeple don't get it - they, like Kate, think that they are above the law. Either that, or they don't have the intelligence to comprehend what copyright/plagiarism lawsuits entail. They've been lucky so far, but it may be inevitable that they get caught doing it to the wrong person.
Not only are the sheeple obsessed with Kate, they are obsessed with this blog. The Admin here continues to post new and fresh threads and the comments are intelligent and thought provoking. Yet when trolling a sheeple site, I read commentes about is what is said on THIS blog. You can even find where they copy/paste a comment and then acuse us of posting vile things on the Food Bank story. The sheeple have NOTHING good to say about the queen, so they attack everyone who isnt of the same mind.
Just because there are some idiots in this world that post mean and hateful things against a charity, doesnt mean they are from this blog.. the world isnt THAT small.
Here in IL your nursing license is renewed every two years. In order to renew you MUST complete 20 hours of continuing education units within that 2 year period (nurse practioners have to complete 50 hours) - your education does not end after you pass your boards! There are various seminars, courses, etc. but they have to be approved by our IL Dept of Professional Regulation. Your employer, if you are working, usually will help defray the cost. If you are NOT working they can be pricey. I don't know what the law is in PA but I do know that in IL being a brood mare does not count!
To be a nurse,dont you have to keep up with all the newest medical treatments? kate hasent taken a class or worked as a nurse in how long?
Almost anyone can get the same thing that kate has...a few months reading...pass the test and WOOT...you are a nurse.
Who would ever want kate to look after a loved one?
How can kate still get a licence as a "nurse"? She hasent been working as one...she hasent studied...she knows nothing new...She treats the kids like co-workers...HOW does she even have a cd as a nurse?
Dollywoodnext? said...
Ack! I listened to the link where she wanted to go to Asia's orphanages, to hold and rock babies.
She's a nurse - let her go to work full time in the women's and babies' hospital and she can spend her days rocking babies to sleep in the nursery.
What she REALLY meant was that she wants a free trip overseas, have the episode filmed, and get $250,000 for rocking those infants!
Ack! I listened to the link where she wanted to go to Asia's orphanages, to hold and rock babies. She makes me sick. Why didn't she hold and rock her own sick baby boy instead of laying him on the cold laundry room floor? Why didn't she stay home- rock and soothe Colin when he was so constipated, instead of dragging him shopping--and ignoring him? (that's when I KNEW she was a sociopath). I have more respect for Octomom then I do Kate. For she admits she hates herself for having to take money and exploiting herself and especially her kids. She tries to understand what the hell is wrong with herself. Kate cannot even do that much.
Donna, I totally agree w/ you regarding Toddlers and Tiaras. I've lost all respect for TLC.
Anonymous said... I'm going to pray for you tonight, seriously, you need all the help you can get. Seek help, ok?
Katie Irene, is that you? It's past your bedtime--7:31 p.m.--quit playing on the computer and go to bed!
I'm going to pray for you tonight, seriously, you need all the help you can get. Seek help, ok?
Kate is what I call a functional nutcase. She is able to live and work and go about normal activities in a relatively normal way. You might not realize until you see a good deal of her behavior how off her rocker is. She can function. What's going on with her is far more gray than what everyone can see is going on with Charlie Sheen. Charlie Sheen is clearly on some kind of dangerous manic episode, tearing through societal norms, and any reasonable person can see that he is in a frightening tailspin and that it's no exaggeration to suggest he might even be a danger to himself and other. And there's TLC knocking on the door to exploit it, naturally.
TLC should just lay off exploiting any of these people period, but when it's as clear as day what is going on with Charlie Sheen with very little gray, and they still don't hesitate to go there, it just goes to show how truly souless they really are.
It's nice to finally find something to agree on with the sheeple, TLC is scum.
It was either here on another blog where someone asked for a link to Kate saying she wants to go to Asia and rock babies in an orphanage. Here it is. It's on the radio at about the 5 minute mark.
As brought to my attention by Leave the Kids Alone, I will edit my comments to read:
tlc should KNOW 'that as PRESENTED BY THEM' the kids are...
Maybe it was not the best idea to put my comments where the kids might some day read them, however, I guess that since their own mother figure has made FAR worse comments about and to them on film it didn't seem so bad. It also would seem that the 'allowed' snarky comments about HER also would be hurtful to them or maybe they would agree with the comments if they read them. It is my feeling that at 10 even the twins should not be allowed on most parts of the Internet and the tups are obviously not on but if with her great parenting skills she does not make sure they are not 'on', then let HER explain to them why such comments might be made. And by the time the kids ARE old enough to go online like this, these comments will be so old and non-relevant that they won't even find them.
Admin: if my comments were out of line, please post it here so the offense isn't repeated.
For some unknown reason, I like TLC when it is showing "Say Yes to the Dress" - New York City. Other than that odd exception, I see no point in the network any longer.
The reality is that like all child stars these kids are growing up and the appeal is slipping away. Many former stars have spoken and written about all the insecurities created when one becomes older, including Alison Angrim and Danny Bonaduche. To ignore yet another cruel fact of the screwed up business of child stars runs the risk of dismissing their emotions about this. It should not be ignored, but handled with sensitivity.
My personal feeling today, after watching and reading about the earthquake in Japan, is that there is simply nothing relevant or remotely interesting about anything Kate Gosselin does. it simply does not matter, so sorry TLC, you and I are finished, and the decision to air a Charlie Sheen mocumentary does not make you look any better.
fidosmommy I too will be alone, and no it does not scare me, what would scare me would be people in sorrow. I too live in a big house and keep my mind and hands busy.
By the way, I live on the Oregon Coast, and we are fine after the Tsunami. If you were rich enough to afford a fishing boat, you may not be too happy.
I watched Charlie Sceen this morning and I have found Khate a mate. They can lay around drinking tiger blood and discuss who has the strongest God-like genes.
I stopped watching JK8 well before the fake vow renewal, but I find that just seeing pictures of those children is heartbreaking. They, like all children, are special in their own way. The difference is that these eight, unlike millions of others, have been thrust into the spotlight.
The focus on these 8 is the result of an amoral television network and a mother who sold her children and her soul. I agree, there is no need to critique or criticize the children. Place the blame where it lays.
barbee said...
tlc should KNOW the kids are no longer a draw, they are NOT adorable toddlers, they do NOT have any talent, they are NOT interesting, they are NOT entertaining, and all of their NOTS are thanks to never having been taught anything in the ways of skills they will need in order to become capable adults BY THEIR MOTHER. Kids do not thrive on what they learn in school only, they mostly need the daily at home type input. All they have learned from her is traits like greed, self-entitlement, delusional ideas, selfishness, How Not to Dress, how not to chew gum, rudeness, 'and the list goes on' (sing that like Sonny and Cher, 'and the beat goes on'}.
It's really unfortunate that people feel the need to insult the Gosselin children because they dislike their mother so intensely. This is a public forum that the children can access. No child should be reading how s/he is not adorable, has no talent and is not interesting. And yes, I realize that they wouldn't be in the spotlight if it were not for their mother's choice to keep them on television, but that doesn't mean that it is OK to make rude comments about them.
Another facebook sighting at the airport, this one was Thursday evening.
So basically, with the exception of this weekend, the kids spent their ENTIRE SPRING BREAK WORKING. I don't even count Friday, the poor kids need at least a day to recover. Hopefully they'll get to relax at Daddy's this weekend.
That report about the kids just vegging at Dad's watching TV, true or not, if that IS what they do, I don't blame the poor things. Work their asses off all week and all I'd want to do is relax on the couch too.
Hmmm posted earlier but it didn't make it for some reason. To Hi50 you are dead on about the charities. You should compile a list of 'charitable' things Kate has done, along with appropriate websites. The list you have above is dead on. Send that to the charities and ask them if this is someone they want to represent them.
I can't believe what is going on in Japan...those poor people. I was in tears last night watching...I know this has nothing to do with Kate, but it makes you look at the big picture. Now, radiation leaks are happening. Small villages, half their population is unaccounted for. I will be praying for everyone over there.
Talking about giving back; this is when the real celebs stand up & do something. They organize a telethon, or go over there & help the people. I wouldn't be surprised to see Sean Penn over there. They also dig in their own pockets & donate their own money. Without fanfare.
tlc should KNOW the kids are no longer a draw, they are NOT adorable toddlers, they do NOT have any talent, they are NOT interesting, they are NOT entertaining, and all of their NOTS are thanks to never having been taught anything in the ways of skills they will need in order to become capable adults BY THEIR MOTHER. Kids do not thrive on what they learn in school only, they mostly need the daily at home type input. All they have learned from her is traits like greed, self-entitlement, delusional ideas, selfishness, How Not to Dress, how not to chew gum, rudeness, 'and the list goes on' (sing that like Sonny and Cher, 'and the beat goes on'}.
SHOUT OUT TO THE JUDGE - Stop allowing her to verbally and emotionally abuse those children and give them what is left of their childhood back. I didn't say physical abuse, although there have been some examples that could be taken that way, i.e., 'whalloping one of the girl tups (as seen on film), yanking their arms harshly to get their attention (again, as seen on film) and well, again, the list goes on (same tune, different verse).
What it all boils down to, get her off her high horse, put said horse in the stable (she's got the barn on hers, all hers, land) OR better yet, let HER ride off into the sunset!!!!!!
So, the Tasteless Little Channel is going to exploit the mental illness of Charlie Sheen?
What a surprise. Anything for an audience.
Gee, I'm not surprised....another TLC-NBC crapfest collaboration:
Charlie Sheen to be subject of TLC special
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) – TLC is getting into the Charlie Sheen business.
The Discovery-owned cable channel, famous for putting on shows like "Jon & Kate Plus Eight" and "Sarah Palin's Alaska," has ordered an hour-long documentary entitled "Charlie Sheen: On the Brink."
It will chronicle the very public unraveling of the recently-fired "Two and a Half Men" actor's career and public image.
With behind-the-scenes footage and brand-new expert commentary, including MacKenzie Phillips discussing life as a celebrity who has dealt with drugs and recovery, the show takes viewers inside Sheen's home and examines the relationships with the women in his life and his children.
The special will also highlight other celebrity meltdowns that have captured public attention and offer insight into what drives this bizarre behavior.
The special, which is being produced in association with NBC News, is slated to air on March 20 at 10 pm (EST).
It is expected to include news footage from Sheen's 24-7 media blitz, as well as original interviews on the actor's rise and fall.
In the meantime, Sheen - who is currently suing Warner Bros. Television and Men co-creator Chuck Lorre for $100 million - surely will continue to provide fodder for the network's cameras through his growing Twitter feed (2.5 million followers and counting), frequent webcasts and planned tour.
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