Jon, who was recently spotted by several sources and a photographer putting up solar panels in both New Jersey and PA, is reportedly making about $72,000 a year at his construction job.
Is that enough to raise eight children without putting them to work too? With some careful spending, we think so.
I have a college degree, graduated at the top of my class with every honor imaginable and have never made close to that much per hour. I'm so sick of the self-entitled society we live in and people being paid for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING...i.e., Kate Gosselin. Good for Jon...that's a very respectable salary. I respect him for getting out of the make-believe, superficial world they lived in as Jon and Kate Plus Eight, and becoming grounded.
"Is that enough to raise eight children without putting them to work too?" ---------------------------------- Absolutely, especially if the mother works at least part time as well. Say...if she found a 9 to 3 job and she would be home just in time to give the kids lunch,help with homework,play with and tuck in,but putting yourself in embarrassing situations and putting your kids vomit on TV in a desperate attempt to become a celebrity is obviously more important than the well-being of their children!
Absolutely, especially if the mother works at least part time as well. Say...if she found a 9 to 3 job and she would be home just in time to give the kids lunch
The kids are gone from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. They don't come home for lunch. His total salary won't cover the annual cost of the kids' tuition, let alone the food, clothing, utilities, taxes, maintenance, and hired help at the house. Methinks something would have to go. On the other hand, she is allowed to dip into the kids' trust to pay for their education, health, and welfare and just about anything else she can justify as being needed by the children.
I am actually very uncomfortable with this post. As far as I can tell Jon is trying to live a private life, working for a private company. How is where he works or his salary any of our business?
Mom in Lancaster, when we say that 75k is plenty to raise eight children, I don't mean in their current lifestyle. Kate needs to give up this lifestyle, a lifestyle of luxury of which there is absolutely no proof the kids are any happier in (if anything, I would argue they are worse off, having to walk around covering their faces from paps and with a broken family), so that the family can live in a manner in which they can afford without working the kids.
No, it's probably not enough for a mansion, hair extensions, manis and pedis every week, Whole Foods, the best of this and the best of that. What it IS enough for? A happy childhood. Once you have satisfied a child's basic needs, happiness does not depend on how much money you have. I know there are many people here who had good childhoods, who were lucky not to have narcissistic parents. Who here of those people had the BEST of everything?
My childhood was happy and normal and full of good memories, what it was not full of was mansions and "things". My parents raised us kids I think on about $55,000 between them. I hadn't a clue how much they made until I was a teenager, and I remember when I did realize their salary thinking as a kid wow we're rich! Lol.
Dulcina, I don't post where Jon works. That's creepy. I see what you are saying, the problem is Kate has constantly fed us the lie that the children HAVE to work to be able to live and breathe. She has fed this lie and myth over and over that the family cannot make it without the show. Jon's very respectable salary proves that Kate is a complete liar. There is very decent income coming into this family that is not being obtained by exploiting the kids in any form, I'm guessing even more than what they were making before the show, and it's just proof that she is just spewing garbage to keep the family famous, it never was about needing the money, it was about needing the lifestyle--huge difference.
The next time Kate says she cannot afford her family someone needs to shove this information back into her face--doesn't their father make 35 bucks an hour?
Here's a scan from Preesi's site of a very unkind US mag article about Jon.
It appears that Kate has taken on a new tactic in her campaign to bash Jon without getting in trouble with the judge- the magazine article sourced by "a friend" or "a pal." This one is particularly low, claiming among other things that he hasn't paid the lease on his car since Sept. and all the kids do when they come over is watch TV. Another "source" close to Jon went on Radar to refute the whole thing.
This is sad. Jon has moved on & up and Kate persists on trying to drag him back down to her pathetic level.
IMO, I think she has either gotten new PR representation or her current PR people have told her to lay low and ditch the weekly half-dressed, totally arranged in advance ho strolls. Instead they want the focus on Jon and they want it to be as negative as possible. If they make Kate a victim maybe more people will tune in. Like you just posted above Admin, Jon's lack of a job and frat boy behavior was one of the excuses she frequently used as an excuse for why she needed to continue the show and "put food on the table." Every time more news comes out about Jon's new life, something else comes out from Kate's camp slamming him to the ground. I think she's desperate. Her ugly inner soul was thoroughly exposed on the Sarah Palin show and the problems with the two tups has blown her mother of the year facade. No one cares about her, no one in Hollywood will touch her and her flimsy excuses for why she HAS to continue the show just don't wash anymore. Hopefully she is at 14:45 of her 15 minutes.
...the problem is Kate has constantly fed us the lie that the children HAVE to work to be able to live and breathe. She has fed this lie and myth over and over that the family cannot make it without the show.
Did the Gosselins ever mention, in the beginning of their original series, that they did the show because they needed the money to support their family?
I thought their original intention for doing the series was to create family memories and show viewers what it was like to raise multiples.
I never got the impression that the Gosselin family was struggling just to put food on the table or making ends meet.
If Kate was able to quit her nursing job and the Gosselins could afford things like the sextuplet's 3rd birthday party (with pony and such), Jon's birthday vacation, etc., then they weren't exactly poor. I doubt those were all-paid for by TLC, as the series was just starting.
A couple things about the mudslinging about what Jon does on his visitation time. If Kate has a problem with his visits she can take him to court. It's gross and disgusting the way sources run to the press to rat out these parents. The psychological damage and parental alienation this could potentially cause could be catastrophic. I hope whoever is this mole, or moles, thinks for just a second about what this could do to the kids. There is a REMEDY if there is a visitation problem--court. There is absolutely no reason to involve the press.
As far as the TV, we have plenty of pap photos that show Jon certainly does not just park them in front of the TV. They've been seen at the pool, on a nice hike and picnic, the arcade, the took the twins to Olive Garden on their bday. Might I remind this source as seen on the show, it was Kate parking the kids in front of the TV even when they were BABIES, specifically they've been seen watching TV in the morning, and during naps watching Jon and Kate, naps which Kate herself admitted were several hours long when they were barely two. Most doctors don't even recommend babies that age even watch TV PERIOD. So it's a little hypocritical to accuse Jon of parking them in front of the TV when that's exactly what was always done.
That said, maybe they are watching a little TV. So what? Maybe the kids want to veg out and relax. They go to a challenging school all week long, probably have tons of homework, on top of trying to be a normal kid they're required to comply with filming schedules, even on their days off (President's Day most recently), not to mention couch interviews. Maybe these kids are exhausted and just want to relax on the couch, you can't blame the poor things. I have many fond memories of curling up with popcorn and mom or dad to watch a good movie. Sorry, is there something wrong with that?
OC Girl, you are absolutely right. For the longest time Kate and Jon claimed this was about "making memories." Kate changed her story just this PAST YEAR, that suddenly the reason they did the show, from the very beginning, was for the money. Bullshit, it was never about getting by. Was it about money? Of course. But it was about having enough money to live like Beth or better, not about having enough money to survive. There is no evidence this family EVER struggled to put food on the table other than Kate's lies.
Jon and Kate reportedly had an inheritance from Jon's father stashed away in an account. Kate is reported to have said that she had no intention of using that money to pay for child expenses, and went on the begging tour to do just that. Free diapers, free clothes, free nursing care, free cribs, free strollers, free Giant and Target gift certificates, free van (traded in for a better color, upgraded model) and the list goes on. IIRC, there was a request for help with utilities as well.
Really, what else was there to pay for? The mortgage, insurance on the cars, house insurance, property taxes, income taxes, cell phones..... Everything else seemed to drop on their doorstep or were expected to be there.
I remember reading her Wish List on their original website. Then there were the church appearances for more of the same and the $20 for a picture of the children.
K8 said one reason they accepted TLC's offer (after shopping their home video to them) is because they did not have time to take pictures or videos of the kids .
"There is no evidence this family EVER struggled to put food on the table other than Kate's lies. "
Actually, there is plenty of evidence pointing to the contrary : Jon's dad provided a lot of financial support, they had savings of over $30k ( K8 herself said that they shouldn't have to use their savings), etc.
And if the kids watch tv with Jon, good for them. Many folks like to relax after a hard day's work, and those poor kids WORK HARD.
K8 that is what I am saying, Jon's dad helped them, therefore, they did not have to struggle.
It's not struggling when you have the safety net of someone paying your way keeping you from struggling. Struggling is when that safety net goes away and you have to do it on your own. There has never NOT been a safety net for this family that we know of. And with Jon's new well-paying job they will be just fine just like of multiples that never put their kids on TV and remarkably? Aren't homeless!
Considering that the national average hourly wage for solar panel installers with several years experience is in the $17-20 range, I find it very hard to believe that someone in rural PA with no experience in the field is making $35/hr.
Not sure where your statistics are coming from, but if you google it, I just saw a job posting paying six figures. They are electrcians and highly specialized, which means good pay. How do you know Jon has no experience? I'm not going to name the company but if you look at their web site it's very clear they do more than just hook up a few big solar panels. They seem to be very involved with entire green solutions for commercial businesses, again requiring more specialization and more pay. It's also possible a friend cut him a break with a higher than average salary.
It Doesn't Compute, I accidently deleted your comment I'm sorry. You may post it again but the gist was you pointed your source to jobmonkey. I think is a decent guide but it by no means disproves that this is how much Jon is making. I just checked the three main jobs I have had on their site--a copy editor, a nanny, and a lawyer. And only one of their salary estimates was anywhere near the ballpark salary I made. One in particular was off by nearly 30k--I made much less, and one was a good 20k lower--I made much higher. There are so many factors that go into your salary. Not only that but at most workplaces people make a variety of different salaries. You can be sitting next to someone who seemingly has the same qualifications as you and make vastly different amounts, depending on all those factors. It can even depend on how hard you are willing to negotiate your salary when you get the job. Personally I have never negotiated a salary, based on a complicated boring theory some job experts ascribe to why you shouldn't, but other people will get right in there and make their demands and often, get it--fair enough. I just don't think it proves Jon does or doesn't make this amount of money, only that he is making more than what one web site says he should. And if he doesn't make this much you can bet Kate will be the first to tell us, so I'll just wait.
Of course I can't disprove the $35 figure, but I've done some work-related research on green industry jobs and the number jumped out at me as really high. If you don't like jobmonkey, check out the US DOL: None of the installer jobs listed come close to having a national average salary of $35/hr. It just strikes me as odd that someone with little to no experience in the field in rural PA, where the cost of living is not exorbitant, would make that much $. More power to him if he is, but I'll remain skeptical.
Good for Jon. I don't even need to know his income. He turned his life around and moved on, that's enough.
I listened to Charlie Sheen whining that he had a family to support. I don't know, but I think if a person can't support their family on $2 million an episode and whatever that worked out to per year, they are stupid in the head. Even if he never made that kind of money again he's still got enough to last a lifetime or two and lots to spare. If he ends up on the street he'll have no one to blame but himself. Same goes for Kate. There is NO money shortage and if she says there is she's lying. She should get together with Charlie so they can throw themselves a huge pity party on their limited income. Maybe they can ask for donations.
And just for the record I have a theory that Katie K. went after Jon in the very beginning BECAUSE she knew his daddy was a dentist in small town Wyomissing. She probably knew she could get the dental work she needed for nothing and marry into money, while she plotted for bigger stuff. She's been a gold digger from the get-go.
One more thing...Kate better not complain that the kids are watching tv. Does she forget they're earning their living appearing on that thing? Kind of ironic isn't it. Keep your big fat mouth shut Kate. I'm enjoying the silence, don't ruin it for me.
What does it matter to us, the viewers of "Kate's" show, something Jon is no longer a part of, how much he makes (other than to affirm the fact that parents of HOM's can make it on a regular salary - contrary to Kate's statements otherwise)? Since Jon has decided to become a private citizen I think it's awfully 'nosy' of us to speculate whether he earns more or less than the national average and try to verify or cast doubt on the accuracy of the reported figures. We don't know if he's an installer or has other job duties, whether he only works with solar panels or does work with other green technology, whether he works in rural or urban areas, or anything about his job responsibilities. I subscribe to what Jon said in his tweet a few months ago which said that if the info didn't come directly from him, to not necessarily believe it.
Kudos to Jon for making the decision to become a private citizen again, for finding a job in a depressed economy, and for trying to live his life in a responsible manner. If we'd only leave him alone and let him live it, I think he'd truly be happy.
It irks me when people post inaccurate facts about the Gosselins, especially when such things as the van purchase are verifiable, by Jon and Kate themselves! Again, Fido, Jon bought a burgandy van with their money. It was NOT a gift. Kate went ewww to the hideous color and he was able to trade it in for the blue one. I am not meaning to pick on you, other sites tear posters apart for not having the facts straight and it perpetuates rumor and inconsistencies. I think if someone is not sure about a G fact, don't put it out there as one.
As far as Jon's salary, not in a million years to I beliver JG is making close to that. Maybe the owner of the company. Maybe "source" figured in all his benefits and came up with that figure, I don't know. I make 32.80 in the medical field, with a degree and 15 yrs experience.
I am glad is employeed...I hope it lasts. But ever time he willing poses for pap pictures I just think to myself, how much has Jon really changed
None of the installer jobs listed come close to having a national average salary of $35/hr. It just strikes me as odd that someone with little to no experience in the field in rural PA, where the cost of living is not exorbitant, would make that much $. More power to him if he is, but I'll remain skeptical.
He absolutely could be making that much here in rural PA. Construction jobs are among the highest paid jobs. I have a friend who works in a similar construction job and he has earned, in summer employment, $40 an hour. In fact, a relative works a warehouse/tow motor job, and is bringing home $32 an hour, just for hoisting boxes to the assembly line. I have another friend who has applied for an outdoor construction job (he's keeping his fingers crossed that he's going to get it) and the pay is $37 an hour TO START. It's totally possible -- I've seen it happen. Whether Jon is making that much per hour I have no idea, but it's not out of the realm of possibility.
Sent this comment to another site yesterday re Scott Disick of "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" getting booed on Lopez: "First, I like Scott. Can't stand Khloe and her baby talk and foul mouth; can't stand Kris, the mother, a/k/a The Kardashian Pimp; and I like Bruce Jenner, the sanest and nicest one of all. And I'm amazed that Scott got booed and Kate Gosselin did not."
Anonymous said... It's also possible a friend cut him a break with a higher than average salary.
Good point. I helped my friend out during the holidays at a popular store that sells great stuff, (candles, furniture, pillows,) REALLY great stuff...anyway, she is the manager & she gave me a great salary to help her for 2 months. She told me I was making more than her assistant manager because she wanted to help me out, knowing I was just getting my business off the ground & not making much money.
As for Jon, that is a great salary & is an amazing help for his family. Kate can bitch & moan all she wants that she has no money & the "entertainment business" is the only thing that will help her poor, struggling family... PLEASE! Again, as some of you have said, it's just the lifestyle she cares so much about. Not college, not making sure those kids get their cut when they become of age & want their money that they worked so hard for. I hope Jon is stashing money aside. Now, with Jon's new salary, will this be adjusted for his child support?
This does not look like some rinky dink company, a friend could have helped him get a good salary, he could know the CEO, who knows, I just don't have that much of an issue of believing this figure. It's been speculated that Jon may have made some contacts when solar panels were installed on the McMansion as seen on Jon and Kate Plus 8, it's entirely possible his contacts there have been following this story and wanted to help him out. People DO help people out sometimes, that may be hard for someone as selfish as Kate to believe, but they do.
That said even if it is inaccurate, so what? He has to start somewhere. This is what every other warm-blooded American does when they are trying to support a big family. Work at the best job they can get even if the pay is not as much as they wished for, work hard, work their way up to the next salary step, keep on that upward trend. If Kate worked a private sector job like this too like she used to they could go back to raising their family in private just like every other family of multiples who never pimped out their kids.
Bottom line I am tired of the excuse that the children need to be exploited for this family to get by. These children do not need to be exploited no more than someone needs to strip to make their way through school. There are a hundred and one other ways to put yourself through school rather than exploiting yourself, just like there are a hundred and one ways to pay for this family without exploiting the kids. Not buying it, Kate.
JudyK said... Sent this comment to another site yesterday re Scott Disick of "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" getting booed on Lopez: "First, I like Scott. Can't stand Khloe and her baby talk and foul mouth; can't stand Kris, the mother, a/k/a The Kardashian Pimp; and I like Bruce Jenner, the sanest and nicest one of all. And I'm amazed that Scott got booed and Kate Gosselin did not."
Have you ever seen the show? Well, you must have if you know of Khloe's annoying talk. Scott is a big asshole, AND the bad guy. They probably told Scott "We are going to have the audience boo you" & Scott was probably all over it. He loves being the bad guy. He said it on the show once. I used to watch, but the way they displayed that baby was unreal. I'm glad they decided not to in the new show, but I think it's because the baby would have gotten more attention because he is so cute, & God forbid any attention be taken away from Kim & Kourtney Kardashian. They are annoying reality famewhores, famous for being famous, just like Kate. And there are 2 more sisters their mom can pimp out...she already had one modeling bathing suits.
UGH, Kardashians--Scott has been a total A-hole in the past, but I think he's really trying to do better and that he does love the baby and Kourtney. And I agree with all you said--I've quit watching the show, because I can no longer stomach it. And, yes, Kris is pimping out all her daughters, including starting on the two youngest--her greed and ego know no end. Remarkably, she is a dead ringer for one of my best friends--when I first started watching the show, it was like seeing my friend Jana on t.v. But, unlike my friend, she's a horrid mother who thinks she is their contemporary instead of their mother and who lets them get away with totally disrespecting both Bruce and her, as well as allowing filthy language without blinking an eye. Their trash t.v. and pimping has now bought Kris and Bruce a brand new mansion, and all they had to do was sell their souls for fame and fortune--some obvious parallels with Kate.
I don't watch the Kardashians I don't quite understand why they are famous but I do have to say I did have an encounter with them that was good. I'm friends with a character actor who was on a popular TV show that recently finished a long run. He invited me and my best guy friend to the Unknown premiere a few weeks ago in West L.A. It was kind of fun to go with him since it meant cutting all the lines and that everyone knew him. He obviously loved this scene, we just wanted to see the movie, but it was fun to watch HIM have fun. I have never been interested in going to premieres before but I guess normally when commoners go to premieres there is this long line along the theater you have to wait in, but since we were with him, we could do the red carpet. Anyway like most actors he is outgoing, will approach anyone. He was going up to all the celebs there, chit-chatting, etc. Sure enough, Kim and Kris Kardashian were there. They weren't making a spectacle of themselves, they were dressed modestly in really thick sweaters and jackets since you know it was COLD, they were just quietly getting their popcorn and going to their seats. My friend went right up to them to say hello. Kim's face lighted up. She recognized him, said she was a huge fan of his show, and OFFERED to take a picture. Kris was quiet and stayed out of the way. I thought it was kind of neat that instead of Kim acting like SHE was the celebrity, look at me take my picture, she turned the tables and was going ga-ga for just a random character actor. Keep in mind my friend is a really young guy, just recently broke into Hollywood, he thought this moment was the greatest.
It was just one moment in time with the Kardashians, I've never seen them before or known anyone who has, but I thought it was a positive encounter.
Oh and by the way we talked to a paparazzo and an autograph collector who were SO nice and polite and they asked so nicely for photos. My friend knows them from other events and he is on good terms with them. I guess unless you are a really superstar it makes sense to get chummy with the paps.
Am I to believe that Jon actually went shopping for something that expensive, something Kate would co-own without consulting her or having her along for the purchase? Something she had put on their Wish List for donations? Wow, talk about shopping without a coupon! Somehow I find that a very dangerous thing for him to do, as well as a total waste of his time. Is she ever satisfied with anything that is given to her? It always has to be bigger, better, matching, or somehow different than what she is given. She did the shopping and turned down the gifts she didn't like. I seriously doubt Jon went to the car dealership to make that burgandy van purchase on his own. Even if the money for a van purchase was a gift, I don't believe Jon was bold enough to spend it without Kate's firm approval in size, color, and style.
Please tell us how you are sure your own facts are correct. I'd be happy to see your source.
I don't need to know how much Jon is making and neither does anyone else outside of the court, the IRS and his horrible ex-wife. All I need to know is Jon has transitioned to being a non-public figure. He's doing everything right. He doesn't go on TV shows trash-talking Kate, he lays low, he works for his income and his job doesn't involve child exploitation, like Kate's does.
I say bully for him. He looks SO much better than her. Even with her semi-recent laying low, her job still involves a wealthy lifestyle and sustaining it on the backs of the kids.
The information we got about the van came from US magazine in 2009. It was the same article where Jon's former boss told why he was fired, how Kate got out of bed to complain to Jon about her lunch being late and the information about the DONATED van, a gift from a friend of Jon's father.
US magazine is hardly the Wall Street Journal, but it's info in print. Fact or "enhanced", we'll never really know, but it seems so true to form for Kate. I can see it all happening.
Word around the neighborhood was that the van was donated...that the G's absolutely spent no money for it, and that they did indeed trade it in on the Big Blue Bus. In fact, if I made a few phone calls, I could find out who donated it, but in the whole scheme of things, does it really matter?
Molly -- Jon very well could be making that amount of money. No doubt about it. I was curious, and so I called the owner of a roofing company, and he does have employees who make $25 to $38 an hour, with the opportunity to make time-and-a-half for OT. But then again, Jon's finances as his business. Whatever he's making, good for him. I hope he does well in court when he has to present his actual wages to determine recalculated child support.
Where did you hear that Jon bought the van without Kate's approval?
I can believe the hourly dollar amount being suggested that Jon is making. I was shocked when finding out how much money a friend of mine was making hanging billboard signs. He didn't need a higher education degree, just nerves of steel. It is considered dangerous, not a lot people were willing to climb so high up to hang signs and he benefited from that.
I have never been interested in going to premieres before but I guess normally when commoners go to premieres there is this long line along the theater you have to wait in, but since we were with him, we could do the red carpet.
Yes, God forbid you have to stand in line with the "commoners." The horror.
Aren't you special, "commoners" is an ongoing joke here. Everyone who isn't Kate and doesn't walk the red carpet or shop at Whole Foods is a commoner, or has to row with the other slaves. I have no problems standing in lines, or rowing a boat.
Things are fairly quiet in Gosselinland. Spring break began yesterday, and there are no photos at the airport, and no hype about a trans-world trip. I have not heard anything about filming, and since they are off until the 15th, this is unusual. Either they are: 1. Not going anywhere; 2. They are going somewhere but the kids have been really good at keeping a secret; or 3. They are going somewhere, but Kate didn't tell them anything until yesterday, thus they couldn't leak the info because they didn't know they would be working over break.
It's very strange that they would have so much time off from school and not have to work for their supper!
Aren't you Special, like many sheeple, you completely twist and turn and misinterpret what we are saying about Kate. You are saying (picking an argument really), you love what Kate loves therefore you are a hypocrite. It is not this black and white. I don't think anyone with a straight face would say they wouldn't mind being able to cut a line once in awhile. What we have a problem with is Kate using her KIDS to be able to cut that line. I did not use a child, I was invited by a B-lister to come with him. No children were exploited in my one day of my entire life of going through the front door and not standing in line. My friend got to where he is by hard work. Acting classes, years and years of stage work, sacrificing a social life and friends and fun to get on the screen. He got to Hollywood by himself, not by any children.
No one has a problem with expensive clothes, Hollywood premieres, special treatment, actors, and so on. But get there on your own, not by pimping your kids out.
I love sushi too, that does not make me a hypocrite for disagreeing with Kate buying the most expensive sushi in town with her children's money while their college funds sit there not fully funded, according to her. I also like Dexter, so does Kate. So move on.
Aren't, yes In facthe's been acting since about 8 on stage. He has the benefit of being classified as an ACTOR under the law. He had a Coogan fund. The subject of his childhood has not come up much I do not know how he feels about the protections in place.
Hey Admin: I used to think that a characteristic of "sheeple" was to take everything face-on literally. Unnuanced. Black and white. Like the commoner reference above. Whoever called themselves "Aren't You Special!" saw your comment exactly as written, with no room for humor or nuance or subtle meaning. I know there are people (10% of the population if I remember correctly) who actually do think like that but it seemed strange to me that so many of the sheeple shared that rare characteristic. Then I thought further and realized that another characteristic of "sheeple" is to post using a bunch of sock puppets. Wouldn't it be funny if all those comments have all along come from one main sheeple under many, many different personas? Maybe not all sheeple are snotty. Maybe they just have gotten a bad rep by their one prolific, humorless member. I will just think of it as Legion from now on. With all the nuances attached!
T.T.N.I.C. said, "Maybe not all sheeple are snotty."
Could it be that they come off as snotty because their intelligence level is so low? The snotty attitude is their defense mechanism. They know that they aren't the smartest people on the planet, and in order to compensate for this lack of smarts, they are rude and insulting because this persona somehow makes them feel superior and gives them the air of importance that they wish they had. Is it possible that they do recognize that they were absent when intelligence, reasoning ability and sense of humor were handed out, or are they really dumb and don't know that they are dumb?
I wonder what it would be like being inside the mind of a sheeple...if only for five minutes!
I think we can all be biased in one direction or another. The sheeple are painted into a corner, I believe. Some may still buy their own lies, but I think others won't give in due to pride. We've all been there and done that to some extent regarding something in our lives about which we are very emotional.
Look at the exploding blogs as of late. The manic posting on the sheeple blogs is unbelievable, as if they're desperate.. And one shut down for a day because the owner couldn't even control the sockpuppets! When you can't control the sockpuppets, does that mean you have MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder)?
Seriously, the 15 minutes really is about up. Eventually, people will give up and go home; it's just a matter of time.
I have a question. I live in Pennsylvania and am divorced. This was 30 years ago but the way the courts determined the amount of child support to be paid was by taking both my income and my ex husbands income and using a chart or formula to determine who paid what. If this is still the case why is Jon being forced to pay Kate child support? Why is he being called a deadbeat Dad? The way I see it Kate should be paying Jon alimony for giving up his career to stay at home and take care of the children while she was put working and promoting her books. In my opinion he shouldn't have to pay her a dime especially in light of the fact their children are supporting themselves for the most part. This drives me crazy. Either Jon had a very bad attorney during the divorce negotiations or I am missing a very important detail. Why is he expected to pay her at all?
I think Jon should pay child support, because he is their father and should have a say in their upbringing. But, it should be based on his current income and he should be provided with a detailed accounting of how she is spending this money. Especially with her history of extensive spending on herself.
"But, it should be based on his current income and he should be provided with a detailed accounting of how she is spending this money. Especially with her history of extensive spending on herself."
Unfortunately, there is no child support accountability law in PA. She is not required to provide a report on how she is spending the money. As long as they appear well-fed, clothed, and appear to be thriving, she does not have to give an accounting on the money received. There are exceptions to this law; for instance, in the case of a special needs child, she might have to prove that the money designated for the welfare of that child is being spent exactly as it should. However, even that is a rare exception and doesn't always hold true.
Here's a link to child support guidelines, according to PA Code:
No one is picking up on the fact that they have filmed so much footage in the past couple of months........and none of it has aired! Why?? Why are they taking the time to film if they have no plans to air it?? Does she get paid regardless?? Is it called "running out her contract"? Maybe someone can answer that for me.
*Why are they taking the time to film if they have no plans to air it?*
According to Kate on her recent appearances, they will air in April. I wonder if she will go on other talk shows to promote closer to the airtime. Maybe no one will have her.
"But, it should be based on his current income and he should be provided with a detailed accounting of how she is spending this money. Especially with her history of extensive spending on herself."
Unfortunately, there is no child support accountability law in PA. She is not required to provide a report on how she is spending the money. As long as they appear well-fed, clothed, and appear to be thriving, she does not have to give an accounting on the money received. There are exceptions to this law; for instance, in the case of a special needs child, she might have to prove that the money designated for the welfare of that child is being spent exactly as it should. However, even that is a rare exception and doesn't always hold true.
Here's a link to child support guidelines, according to PA Code:
I have a question. I live in Pennsylvania and am divorced. This was 30 years ago but the way the courts determined the amount of child support to be paid was by taking both my income and my ex husbands income and using a chart or formula to determine who paid what. If this is still the case why is Jon being forced to pay Kate child support? Why is he being called a deadbeat Dad? The way I see it Kate should be paying Jon alimony for giving up his career to stay at home and take care of the children while she was put working and promoting her books. In my opinion he shouldn't have to pay her a dime especially in light of the fact their children are supporting themselves for the most part. This drives me crazy. Either Jon had a very bad attorney during the divorce negotiations or I am missing a very important detail. Why is he expected to pay her at all?
T.T.N.I.C. said, "Maybe not all sheeple are snotty."
Could it be that they come off as snotty because their intelligence level is so low? The snotty attitude is their defense mechanism. They know that they aren't the smartest people on the planet, and in order to compensate for this lack of smarts, they are rude and insulting because this persona somehow makes them feel superior and gives them the air of importance that they wish they had. Is it possible that they do recognize that they were absent when intelligence, reasoning ability and sense of humor were handed out, or are they really dumb and don't know that they are dumb?
I wonder what it would be like being inside the mind of a sheeple...if only for five minutes!
Aren't, yes In facthe's been acting since about 8 on stage. He has the benefit of being classified as an ACTOR under the law. He had a Coogan fund. The subject of his childhood has not come up much I do not know how he feels about the protections in place.
What does it matter to us, the viewers of "Kate's" show, something Jon is no longer a part of, how much he makes (other than to affirm the fact that parents of HOM's can make it on a regular salary - contrary to Kate's statements otherwise)? Since Jon has decided to become a private citizen I think it's awfully 'nosy' of us to speculate whether he earns more or less than the national average and try to verify or cast doubt on the accuracy of the reported figures. We don't know if he's an installer or has other job duties, whether he only works with solar panels or does work with other green technology, whether he works in rural or urban areas, or anything about his job responsibilities. I subscribe to what Jon said in his tweet a few months ago which said that if the info didn't come directly from him, to not necessarily believe it.
Kudos to Jon for making the decision to become a private citizen again, for finding a job in a depressed economy, and for trying to live his life in a responsible manner. If we'd only leave him alone and let him live it, I think he'd truly be happy.
Of course I can't disprove the $35 figure, but I've done some work-related research on green industry jobs and the number jumped out at me as really high. If you don't like jobmonkey, check out the US DOL: None of the installer jobs listed come close to having a national average salary of $35/hr. It just strikes me as odd that someone with little to no experience in the field in rural PA, where the cost of living is not exorbitant, would make that much $. More power to him if he is, but I'll remain skeptical.
Not sure where your statistics are coming from, but if you google it, I just saw a job posting paying six figures. They are electrcians and highly specialized, which means good pay. How do you know Jon has no experience? I'm not going to name the company but if you look at their web site it's very clear they do more than just hook up a few big solar panels. They seem to be very involved with entire green solutions for commercial businesses, again requiring more specialization and more pay. It's also possible a friend cut him a break with a higher than average salary.
K8 said one reason they accepted TLC's offer (after shopping their home video to them) is because they did not have time to take pictures or videos of the kids .
"There is no evidence this family EVER struggled to put food on the table other than Kate's lies. "
Actually, there is plenty of evidence pointing to the contrary : Jon's dad provided a lot of financial support, they had savings of over $30k ( K8 herself said that they shouldn't have to use their savings), etc.
And if the kids watch tv with Jon, good for them. Many folks like to relax after a hard day's work, and those poor kids WORK HARD.
OC Girl, you are absolutely right. For the longest time Kate and Jon claimed this was about "making memories." Kate changed her story just this PAST YEAR, that suddenly the reason they did the show, from the very beginning, was for the money. Bullshit, it was never about getting by. Was it about money? Of course. But it was about having enough money to live like Beth or better, not about having enough money to survive. There is no evidence this family EVER struggled to put food on the table other than Kate's lies.
Mom in Lancaster, when we say that 75k is plenty to raise eight children, I don't mean in their current lifestyle. Kate needs to give up this lifestyle, a lifestyle of luxury of which there is absolutely no proof the kids are any happier in (if anything, I would argue they are worse off, having to walk around covering their faces from paps and with a broken family), so that the family can live in a manner in which they can afford without working the kids.
No, it's probably not enough for a mansion, hair extensions, manis and pedis every week, Whole Foods, the best of this and the best of that. What it IS enough for? A happy childhood. Once you have satisfied a child's basic needs, happiness does not depend on how much money you have. I know there are many people here who had good childhoods, who were lucky not to have narcissistic parents. Who here of those people had the BEST of everything?
My childhood was happy and normal and full of good memories, what it was not full of was mansions and "things". My parents raised us kids I think on about $55,000 between them. I hadn't a clue how much they made until I was a teenager, and I remember when I did realize their salary thinking as a kid wow we're rich! Lol.
Absolutely, especially if the mother works at least part time as well. Say...if she found a 9 to 3 job and she would be home just in time to give the kids lunch
The kids are gone from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. They don't come home for lunch. His total salary won't cover the annual cost of the kids' tuition, let alone the food, clothing, utilities, taxes, maintenance, and hired help at the house. Methinks something would have to go. On the other hand, she is allowed to dip into the kids' trust to pay for their education, health, and welfare and just about anything else she can justify as being needed by the children.
"Is that enough to raise eight children without putting them to work too?" ---------------------------------- Absolutely, especially if the mother works at least part time as well. Say...if she found a 9 to 3 job and she would be home just in time to give the kids lunch,help with homework,play with and tuck in,but putting yourself in embarrassing situations and putting your kids vomit on TV in a desperate attempt to become a celebrity is obviously more important than the well-being of their children!
67 sediments (sic) from readers:
That $72,000 should only be PART of the income used to raise 8 kids. Kate should have to kick in her share, too, right?
I have a college degree, graduated at the top of my class with every honor imaginable and have never made close to that much per hour. I'm so sick of the self-entitled society we live in and people being paid for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING...i.e., Kate Gosselin. Good for Jon...that's a very respectable salary. I respect him for getting out of the make-believe, superficial world they lived in as Jon and Kate Plus Eight, and becoming grounded.
"Is that enough to raise eight children without putting them to work too?"
Absolutely, especially if the mother works at least part time as well. Say...if she found a 9 to 3 job and she would be home just in time to give the kids lunch,help with homework,play with and tuck in,but putting yourself in embarrassing situations and putting your kids vomit on TV in a desperate attempt to become a celebrity is obviously more important than the well-being of their children!
Absolutely, especially if the mother works at least part time as well. Say...if she found a 9 to 3 job and she would be home just in time to give the kids lunch
The kids are gone from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. They don't come home for lunch. His total salary won't cover the annual cost of the kids' tuition, let alone the food, clothing, utilities, taxes, maintenance, and hired help at the house. Methinks something would have to go. On the other hand, she is allowed to dip into the kids' trust to pay for their education, health, and welfare and just about anything else she can justify as being needed by the children.
I am actually very uncomfortable with this post. As far as I can tell Jon is trying to live a private life, working for a private company. How is where he works or his salary any of our business?
Mom in Lancaster, when we say that 75k is plenty to raise eight children, I don't mean in their current lifestyle. Kate needs to give up this lifestyle, a lifestyle of luxury of which there is absolutely no proof the kids are any happier in (if anything, I would argue they are worse off, having to walk around covering their faces from paps and with a broken family), so that the family can live in a manner in which they can afford without working the kids.
No, it's probably not enough for a mansion, hair extensions, manis and pedis every week, Whole Foods, the best of this and the best of that. What it IS enough for? A happy childhood. Once you have satisfied a child's basic needs, happiness does not depend on how much money you have. I know there are many people here who had good childhoods, who were lucky not to have narcissistic parents. Who here of those people had the BEST of everything?
My childhood was happy and normal and full of good memories, what it was not full of was mansions and "things". My parents raised us kids I think on about $55,000 between them. I hadn't a clue how much they made until I was a teenager, and I remember when I did realize their salary thinking as a kid wow we're rich! Lol.
Administrator, your comments on March 4 at 4:47 p.m. were awesome. I loved it.
Dulcina, I don't post where Jon works. That's creepy. I see what you are saying, the problem is Kate has constantly fed us the lie that the children HAVE to work to be able to live and breathe. She has fed this lie and myth over and over that the family cannot make it without the show. Jon's very respectable salary proves that Kate is a complete liar. There is very decent income coming into this family that is not being obtained by exploiting the kids in any form, I'm guessing even more than what they were making before the show, and it's just proof that she is just spewing garbage to keep the family famous, it never was about needing the money, it was about needing the lifestyle--huge difference.
The next time Kate says she cannot afford her family someone needs to shove this information back into her face--doesn't their father make 35 bucks an hour?
Here's a scan from Preesi's site of a very unkind US mag article about Jon.
It appears that Kate has taken on a new tactic in her campaign to bash Jon without getting in trouble with the judge- the magazine article sourced by "a friend" or "a pal." This one is particularly low, claiming among other things that he hasn't paid the lease on his car since Sept. and all the kids do when they come over is watch TV. Another "source" close to Jon went on Radar to refute the whole thing.
This is sad. Jon has moved on & up and Kate persists on trying to drag him back down to her pathetic level.
IMO, I think she has either gotten new PR representation or her current PR people have told her to lay low and ditch the weekly half-dressed, totally arranged in advance ho strolls. Instead they want the focus on Jon and they want it to be as negative as possible. If they make Kate a victim maybe more people will tune in. Like you just posted above Admin, Jon's lack of a job and frat boy behavior was one of the excuses she frequently used as an excuse for why she needed to continue the show and "put food on the table." Every time more news comes out about Jon's new life, something else comes out from Kate's camp slamming him to the ground. I think she's desperate. Her ugly inner soul was thoroughly exposed on the Sarah Palin show and the problems with the two tups has blown her mother of the year facade. No one cares about her, no one in Hollywood will touch her and her flimsy excuses for why she HAS to continue the show just don't wash anymore. Hopefully she is at 14:45 of her 15 minutes.
...the problem is Kate has constantly fed us the lie that the children HAVE to work to be able to live and breathe. She has fed this lie and myth over and over that the family cannot make it without the show.
Did the Gosselins ever mention, in the beginning of their original series, that they did the show because they needed the money to support their family?
I thought their original intention for doing the series was to create family memories and show viewers what it was like to raise multiples.
I never got the impression that the Gosselin family was struggling just to put food on the table or making ends meet.
If Kate was able to quit her nursing job and the Gosselins could afford things like the sextuplet's 3rd birthday party (with pony and such), Jon's birthday vacation, etc., then they weren't exactly poor. I doubt those were all-paid for by TLC, as the series was just starting.
A couple things about the mudslinging about what Jon does on his visitation time. If Kate has a problem with his visits she can take him to court. It's gross and disgusting the way sources run to the press to rat out these parents. The psychological damage and parental alienation this could potentially cause could be catastrophic. I hope whoever is this mole, or moles, thinks for just a second about what this could do to the kids. There is a REMEDY if there is a visitation problem--court. There is absolutely no reason to involve the press.
As far as the TV, we have plenty of pap photos that show Jon certainly does not just park them in front of the TV. They've been seen at the pool, on a nice hike and picnic, the arcade, the took the twins to Olive Garden on their bday. Might I remind this source as seen on the show, it was Kate parking the kids in front of the TV even when they were BABIES, specifically they've been seen watching TV in the morning, and during naps watching Jon and Kate, naps which Kate herself admitted were several hours long when they were barely two. Most doctors don't even recommend babies that age even watch TV PERIOD. So it's a little hypocritical to accuse Jon of parking them in front of the TV when that's exactly what was always done.
That said, maybe they are watching a little TV. So what? Maybe the kids want to veg out and relax. They go to a challenging school all week long, probably have tons of homework, on top of trying to be a normal kid they're required to comply with filming schedules, even on their days off (President's Day most recently), not to mention couch interviews. Maybe these kids are exhausted and just want to relax on the couch, you can't blame the poor things. I have many fond memories of curling up with popcorn and mom or dad to watch a good movie. Sorry, is there something wrong with that?
OC Girl, you are absolutely right. For the longest time Kate and Jon claimed this was about "making memories." Kate changed her story just this PAST YEAR, that suddenly the reason they did the show, from the very beginning, was for the money. Bullshit, it was never about getting by. Was it about money? Of course. But it was about having enough money to live like Beth or better, not about having enough money to survive. There is no evidence this family EVER struggled to put food on the table other than Kate's lies.
Jon and Kate reportedly had an inheritance from Jon's father stashed away in an account. Kate is reported to have said that she had no intention of using that money to pay for child expenses, and went on the begging tour to do just that. Free diapers, free clothes, free nursing care, free cribs, free strollers, free Giant and Target gift certificates, free van (traded in for a better color, upgraded model) and the list goes on. IIRC, there was a request for help with utilities as well.
Really, what else was there to pay for? The mortgage, insurance on the cars, house insurance, property taxes, income taxes, cell phones..... Everything else seemed to drop on their doorstep or were expected to be there.
I remember reading her Wish List on their original website. Then there were the church
appearances for more of the same and the $20
for a picture of the children.
K8 said one reason they accepted TLC's offer (after shopping their home video to them) is because they did not have time to take pictures or videos of the kids .
"There is no evidence this family EVER struggled to put food on the table other than Kate's lies. "
Actually, there is plenty of evidence pointing to the contrary : Jon's dad provided a lot of financial support, they had savings of over $30k ( K8 herself said that they shouldn't have to use their savings), etc.
And if the kids watch tv with Jon, good for them. Many folks like to relax after a hard day's work, and those poor kids WORK HARD.
K8 that is what I am saying, Jon's dad helped them, therefore, they did not have to struggle.
It's not struggling when you have the safety net of someone paying your way keeping you from struggling. Struggling is when that safety net goes away and you have to do it on your own. There has never NOT been a safety net for this family that we know of. And with Jon's new well-paying job they will be just fine just like of multiples that never put their kids on TV and remarkably? Aren't homeless!
Considering that the national average hourly wage for solar panel installers with several years experience is in the $17-20 range, I find it very hard to believe that someone in rural PA with no experience in the field is making $35/hr.
Not sure where your statistics are coming from, but if you google it, I just saw a job posting paying six figures. They are electrcians and highly specialized, which means good pay. How do you know Jon has no experience? I'm not going to name the company but if you look at their web site it's very clear they do more than just hook up a few big solar panels. They seem to be very involved with entire green solutions for commercial businesses, again requiring more specialization and more pay. It's also possible a friend cut him a break with a higher than average salary.
It Doesn't Compute, I accidently deleted your comment I'm sorry. You may post it again but the gist was you pointed your source to jobmonkey. I think is a decent guide but it by no means disproves that this is how much Jon is making. I just checked the three main jobs I have had on their site--a copy editor, a nanny, and a lawyer. And only one of their salary estimates was anywhere near the ballpark salary I made. One in particular was off by nearly 30k--I made much less, and one was a good 20k lower--I made much higher. There are so many factors that go into your salary. Not only that but at most workplaces people make a variety of different salaries. You can be sitting next to someone who seemingly has the same qualifications as you and make vastly different amounts, depending on all those factors. It can even depend on how hard you are willing to negotiate your salary when you get the job. Personally I have never negotiated a salary, based on a complicated boring theory some job experts ascribe to why you shouldn't, but other people will get right in there and make their demands and often, get it--fair enough. I just don't think it proves Jon does or doesn't make this amount of money, only that he is making more than what one web site says he should. And if he doesn't make this much you can bet Kate will be the first to tell us, so I'll just wait.
No problem.
Of course I can't disprove the $35 figure, but I've done some work-related research on green industry jobs and the number jumped out at me as really high. If you don't like jobmonkey, check out the US DOL: None of the installer jobs listed come close to having a national average salary of $35/hr. It just strikes me as odd that someone with little to no experience in the field in rural PA, where the cost of living is not exorbitant, would make that much $. More power to him if he is, but I'll remain skeptical.
Good for Jon. I don't even need to know his income. He turned his life around and moved on, that's enough.
I listened to Charlie Sheen whining that he had a family to support. I don't know, but I think if a person can't support their family on $2 million an episode and whatever that worked out to per year, they are stupid in the head. Even if he never made that kind of money again he's still got enough to last a lifetime or two and lots to spare. If he ends up on the street he'll have no one to blame but himself. Same goes for Kate. There is NO money shortage and if she says there is she's lying. She should get together with Charlie so they can throw themselves a huge pity party on their limited income. Maybe they can ask for donations.
And just for the record I have a theory that Katie K. went after Jon in the very beginning BECAUSE she knew his daddy was a dentist in small town Wyomissing. She probably knew she could get the dental work she needed for nothing and marry into money, while she plotted for bigger stuff. She's been a gold digger from the get-go.
One more thing...Kate better not complain that the kids are watching tv. Does she forget they're earning their living appearing on that thing? Kind of ironic isn't it. Keep your big fat mouth shut Kate. I'm enjoying the silence, don't ruin it for me.
What does it matter to us, the viewers of "Kate's" show, something Jon is no longer a part of, how much he makes (other than to affirm the fact that parents of HOM's can make it on a regular salary - contrary to Kate's statements otherwise)? Since Jon has decided to become a private citizen I think it's awfully 'nosy' of us to speculate whether he earns more or less than the national average and try to verify or cast doubt on the accuracy of the reported figures. We don't know if he's an installer or has other job duties, whether he only works with solar panels or does work with other green technology, whether he works in rural or urban areas, or anything about his job responsibilities. I subscribe to what Jon said in his tweet a few months ago which said that if the info didn't come directly from him, to not necessarily believe it.
Kudos to Jon for making the decision to become a private citizen again, for finding a job in a depressed economy, and for trying to live his life in a responsible manner. If we'd only leave him alone and let him live it, I think he'd truly be happy.
Good for him.
Sounds like he has successfully moved on with his life.
Looking forward to never hearing from him or about him ever again- and I mean this in a good way.
Live well and prosper, Jon.
It irks me when people post inaccurate facts about the Gosselins, especially when such things as the van purchase are verifiable, by Jon and Kate themselves!
Again, Fido, Jon bought a burgandy van with their money. It was NOT a gift. Kate went ewww to the hideous color and he was able to trade it in for the blue one. I am not meaning to pick on you, other sites tear posters apart for not having the facts straight and it perpetuates rumor and inconsistencies. I think if someone is not sure about a G fact, don't put it out there as one.
As far as Jon's salary, not in a million years to I beliver JG is making close to that. Maybe the owner of the company. Maybe "source" figured in all his benefits and came up with that figure, I don't know. I make 32.80 in the medical field, with a degree and 15 yrs experience.
I am glad is employeed...I hope it lasts. But ever time he willing poses for pap pictures I just think to myself, how much has Jon really changed
None of the installer jobs listed come close to having a national average salary of $35/hr. It just strikes me as odd that someone with little to no experience in the field in rural PA, where the cost of living is not exorbitant, would make that much $. More power to him if he is, but I'll remain skeptical.
He absolutely could be making that much here in rural PA. Construction jobs are among the highest paid jobs. I have a friend who works in a similar construction job and he has earned, in summer employment, $40 an hour. In fact, a relative works a warehouse/tow motor job, and is bringing home $32 an hour, just for hoisting boxes to the assembly line. I have another friend who has applied for an outdoor construction job (he's keeping his fingers crossed that he's going to get it) and the pay is $37 an hour TO START. It's totally possible -- I've seen it happen. Whether Jon is making that much per hour I have no idea, but it's not out of the realm of possibility.
Sent this comment to another site yesterday re Scott Disick of "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" getting booed on Lopez: "First, I like Scott. Can't stand Khloe and her baby talk and foul mouth; can't stand Kris, the mother, a/k/a The Kardashian Pimp; and I like Bruce Jenner, the sanest and nicest one of all. And I'm amazed that Scott got booed and Kate Gosselin did not."
Anonymous said...
It's also possible a friend cut him a break with a higher than average salary.
Good point. I helped my friend out during the holidays at a popular store that sells great stuff, (candles, furniture, pillows,) REALLY great stuff...anyway, she is the manager & she gave me a great salary to help her for 2 months. She told me I was making more than her assistant manager because she wanted to help me out, knowing I was just getting my business off the ground & not making much money.
As for Jon, that is a great salary & is an amazing help for his family. Kate can bitch & moan all she wants that she has no money & the "entertainment business" is the only thing that will help her poor, struggling family... PLEASE! Again, as some of you have said, it's just the lifestyle she cares so much about. Not college, not making sure those kids get their cut when they become of age & want their money that they worked so hard for. I hope Jon is stashing money aside. Now, with Jon's new salary, will this be adjusted for his child support?
This does not look like some rinky dink company, a friend could have helped him get a good salary, he could know the CEO, who knows, I just don't have that much of an issue of believing this figure. It's been speculated that Jon may have made some contacts when solar panels were installed on the McMansion as seen on Jon and Kate Plus 8, it's entirely possible his contacts there have been following this story and wanted to help him out. People DO help people out sometimes, that may be hard for someone as selfish as Kate to believe, but they do.
That said even if it is inaccurate, so what? He has to start somewhere. This is what every other warm-blooded American does when they are trying to support a big family. Work at the best job they can get even if the pay is not as much as they wished for, work hard, work their way up to the next salary step, keep on that upward trend. If Kate worked a private sector job like this too like she used to they could go back to raising their family in private just like every other family of multiples who never pimped out their kids.
Bottom line I am tired of the excuse that the children need to be exploited for this family to get by. These children do not need to be exploited no more than someone needs to strip to make their way through school. There are a hundred and one other ways to put yourself through school rather than exploiting yourself, just like there are a hundred and one ways to pay for this family without exploiting the kids. Not buying it, Kate.
JudyK said...
Sent this comment to another site yesterday re Scott Disick of "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" getting booed on Lopez: "First, I like Scott. Can't stand Khloe and her baby talk and foul mouth; can't stand Kris, the mother, a/k/a The Kardashian Pimp; and I like Bruce Jenner, the sanest and nicest one of all. And I'm amazed that Scott got booed and Kate Gosselin did not."
Have you ever seen the show? Well, you must have if you know of Khloe's annoying talk. Scott is a big asshole, AND the bad guy. They probably told Scott "We are going to have the audience boo you" & Scott was probably all over it. He loves being the bad guy. He said it on the show once. I used to watch, but the way they displayed that baby was unreal. I'm glad they decided not to in the new show, but I think it's because the baby would have gotten more attention because he is so cute, & God forbid any attention be taken away from Kim & Kourtney Kardashian. They are annoying reality famewhores, famous for being famous, just like Kate. And there are 2 more sisters their mom can pimp out...she already had one modeling bathing suits.
UGH, Kardashians--Scott has been a total A-hole in the past, but I think he's really trying to do better and that he does love the baby and Kourtney. And I agree with all you said--I've quit watching the show, because I can no longer stomach it. And, yes, Kris is pimping out all her daughters, including starting on the two youngest--her greed and ego know no end. Remarkably, she is a dead ringer for one of my best friends--when I first started watching the show, it was like seeing my friend Jana on t.v. But, unlike my friend, she's a horrid mother who thinks she is their contemporary instead of their mother and who lets them get away with totally disrespecting both Bruce and her, as well as allowing filthy language without blinking an eye. Their trash t.v. and pimping has now bought Kris and Bruce a brand new mansion, and all they had to do was sell their souls for fame and fortune--some obvious parallels with Kate.
I don't watch the Kardashians I don't quite understand why they are famous but I do have to say I did have an encounter with them that was good. I'm friends with a character actor who was on a popular TV show that recently finished a long run. He invited me and my best guy friend to the Unknown premiere a few weeks ago in West L.A. It was kind of fun to go with him since it meant cutting all the lines and that everyone knew him. He obviously loved this scene, we just wanted to see the movie, but it was fun to watch HIM have fun. I have never been interested in going to premieres before but I guess normally when commoners go to premieres there is this long line along the theater you have to wait in, but since we were with him, we could do the red carpet. Anyway like most actors he is outgoing, will approach anyone. He was going up to all the celebs there, chit-chatting, etc. Sure enough, Kim and Kris Kardashian were there. They weren't making a spectacle of themselves, they were dressed modestly in really thick sweaters and jackets since you know it was COLD, they were just quietly getting their popcorn and going to their seats. My friend went right up to them to say hello. Kim's face lighted up. She recognized him, said she was a huge fan of his show, and OFFERED to take a picture. Kris was quiet and stayed out of the way. I thought it was kind of neat that instead of Kim acting like SHE was the celebrity, look at me take my picture, she turned the tables and was going ga-ga for just a random character actor. Keep in mind my friend is a really young guy, just recently broke into Hollywood, he thought this moment was the greatest.
It was just one moment in time with the Kardashians, I've never seen them before or known anyone who has, but I thought it was a positive encounter.
Oh and by the way we talked to a paparazzo and an autograph collector who were SO nice and polite and they asked so nicely for photos. My friend knows them from other events and he is on good terms with them. I guess unless you are a really superstar it makes sense to get chummy with the paps.
Am I to believe that Jon actually went shopping for something that expensive, something Kate would co-own without consulting her or having her along for the purchase? Something she had put on their Wish List for donations? Wow, talk about shopping without a coupon! Somehow I find that a very dangerous thing for him to do, as well as a total waste of his time. Is she ever satisfied with anything that is given to her? It always has to be bigger, better, matching, or somehow different than what she is given. She did the shopping and turned down the gifts she didn't like. I seriously doubt
Jon went to the car dealership to make that
burgandy van purchase on his own. Even if the money for a van purchase was a gift, I don't believe Jon was bold enough to spend it without Kate's firm approval in size, color, and style.
Please tell us how you are sure your own facts are correct. I'd be happy to see your source.
I don't need to know how much Jon is making and neither does anyone else outside of the court, the IRS and his horrible ex-wife. All I need to know is Jon has transitioned to being a non-public figure. He's doing everything right. He doesn't go on TV shows trash-talking Kate, he lays low, he works for his income and his job doesn't involve child exploitation, like Kate's does.
I say bully for him. He looks SO much better than her. Even with her semi-recent laying low, her job still involves a wealthy lifestyle and sustaining it on the backs of the kids.
Jon 1
Kate 0
The information we got about the van came from US magazine in 2009. It was the same article where Jon's former boss told why he was fired, how Kate got out of bed to complain to Jon about her lunch being late and the information about the DONATED van, a gift from a friend of Jon's father.
US magazine is hardly the Wall Street Journal, but it's info in print. Fact or "enhanced", we'll never really know, but it seems so true to form for Kate. I can see it all happening.
Fido -- is this the article?
Word around the neighborhood was that the van was donated...that the G's absolutely spent no money for it, and that they did indeed trade it in on the Big Blue Bus. In fact, if I made a few phone calls, I could find out who donated it, but in the whole scheme of things, does it really matter?
Molly -- Jon very well could be making that amount of money. No doubt about it. I was curious, and so I called the owner of a roofing company, and he does have employees who make $25 to $38 an hour, with the opportunity to make time-and-a-half for OT. But then again, Jon's finances as his business. Whatever he's making, good for him. I hope he does well in court when he has to present his actual wages to determine recalculated child support.
Where did you hear that Jon bought the van without Kate's approval?
I can believe the hourly dollar amount being suggested that Jon is making. I was shocked when finding out how much money a friend of mine was making hanging billboard signs. He didn't need a higher education degree, just nerves of steel. It is considered dangerous, not a lot people were willing to climb so high up to hang signs and he benefited from that.
I have never been interested in going to premieres before but I guess normally when commoners go to premieres there is this long line along the theater you have to wait in, but since we were with him, we could do the red carpet.
Yes, God forbid you have to stand in line with the "commoners." The horror.
Aren't you special, "commoners" is an ongoing joke here. Everyone who isn't Kate and doesn't walk the red carpet or shop at Whole Foods is a commoner, or has to row with the other slaves. I have no problems standing in lines, or rowing a boat.
Things are fairly quiet in Gosselinland. Spring break began yesterday, and there are no photos at the airport, and no hype about a trans-world trip. I have not heard anything about filming, and since they are off until the 15th, this is unusual. Either they are:
1. Not going anywhere;
2. They are going somewhere but the kids
have been really good at keeping a secret; or
3. They are going somewhere, but Kate didn't tell them anything until yesterday, thus they couldn't leak the info because they didn't know they would be working over break.
It's very strange that they would have so much time off from school and not have to work for their supper!
Aren't you Special, like many sheeple, you completely twist and turn and misinterpret what we are saying about Kate. You are saying (picking an argument really), you love what Kate loves therefore you are a hypocrite. It is not this black and white. I don't think anyone with a straight face would say they wouldn't mind being able to cut a line once in awhile. What we have a problem with is Kate using her KIDS to be able to cut that line. I did not use a child, I was invited by a B-lister to come with him. No children were exploited in my one day of my entire life of going through the front door and not standing in line. My friend got to where he is by hard work. Acting classes, years and years of stage work, sacrificing a social life and friends and fun to get on the screen. He got to Hollywood by himself, not by any children.
No one has a problem with expensive clothes, Hollywood premieres, special treatment, actors, and so on. But get there on your own, not by pimping your kids out.
I love sushi too, that does not make me a hypocrite for disagreeing with Kate buying the most expensive sushi in town with her children's money while their college funds sit there not fully funded, according to her. I also like Dexter, so does Kate. So move on.
I'm glad to know Jon has a job that supplies his financial needs. That makes me feel better
about his future.
Aren't, yes In facthe's been acting since about 8 on stage. He has the benefit of being classified as an ACTOR under the law. He had a Coogan fund. The subject of his childhood has not come up much I do not know how he feels about the protections in place.
Why are you here by the way if you are so irritated by what I share? Just to hate?
Hey Admin:
I used to think that a characteristic of "sheeple" was to take everything face-on literally. Unnuanced. Black and white. Like the commoner reference above. Whoever called themselves "Aren't You Special!" saw your comment exactly as written, with no room for humor or nuance or subtle meaning. I know there are people (10% of the population if I remember correctly) who actually do think like that but it seemed strange to me that so many of the sheeple shared that rare characteristic. Then I thought further and realized that another characteristic of "sheeple" is to post using a bunch of sock puppets. Wouldn't it be funny if all those comments have all along come from one main sheeple under many, many different personas?
Maybe not all sheeple are snotty. Maybe they just have gotten a bad rep by their one prolific, humorless member. I will just think of it as Legion from now on. With all the nuances attached!
T.T.N.I.C. said, "Maybe not all sheeple are snotty."
Could it be that they come off as snotty because their intelligence level is so low? The snotty attitude is their defense mechanism. They know that they aren't the smartest people on the planet, and in order to compensate for this lack of smarts, they are rude and insulting because this persona somehow makes them feel superior and gives them the air of importance that they wish they had. Is it possible that they do recognize that they were absent when intelligence, reasoning ability and sense of humor were handed out, or are they really dumb and don't know that they are dumb?
I wonder what it would be like being inside the mind of a sheeple...if only for five minutes!
It's very strange that they would have so much time off from school and not have to work for their supper!
I'm sure they'll be working. We just don't know about it yet.
@ Bah Bah Black Sheep:
I think we can all be biased in one direction or another. The sheeple are painted into a corner, I believe. Some may still buy their own lies, but I think others won't give in due to pride. We've all been there and done that to some extent regarding something in our lives about which we are very emotional.
Look at the exploding blogs as of late. The manic posting on the sheeple blogs is unbelievable, as if they're desperate.. And one shut down for a day because the owner couldn't even control the sockpuppets! When you can't control the sockpuppets, does that mean you have MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder)?
Seriously, the 15 minutes really is about up. Eventually, people will give up and go home; it's just a matter of time.
I have a question. I live in Pennsylvania and am divorced. This was 30 years ago but the way the courts determined the amount of child support to be paid was by taking both my income and my ex husbands income and using a chart or formula to determine who paid what. If this is still the case why is Jon being forced to pay Kate child support? Why is he being called a deadbeat Dad? The way I see it Kate should be paying Jon alimony for giving up his career to stay at home and take care of the children while she was put working and promoting her books. In my opinion he shouldn't have to pay her a dime especially in light of the fact their children are supporting themselves for the most part. This drives me crazy. Either Jon had a very bad attorney during the divorce negotiations or I am missing a very important detail. Why is he expected to pay her at all?
I found this form that is used to determine child support. I just don't understand how Jon can be considered a deadbeat father.
I think Jon should pay child support, because he is their father and should have a say in their upbringing. But, it should be based on his current income and he should be provided with a detailed accounting of how she is spending this money. Especially with her history of extensive spending on herself.
Kate's Cart commented,
"But, it should be based on his current income and he should be provided with a detailed accounting of how she is spending this money. Especially with her history of extensive spending on herself."
Unfortunately, there is no child support accountability law in PA. She is not required to provide a report on how she is spending the money. As long as they appear well-fed, clothed, and appear to be thriving, she does not have to give an accounting on the money received. There are exceptions to this law; for instance, in the case of a special needs child, she might have to prove that the money designated for the welfare of that child is being spent exactly as it should. However, even that is a rare exception and doesn't always hold true.
Here's a link to child support guidelines, according to PA Code:
No one is picking up on the fact that they have filmed so much footage in the past couple of months........and none of it has aired! Why?? Why are they taking the time to film if they have no plans to air it?? Does she get paid regardless?? Is it called "running out her contract"? Maybe someone can answer that for me.
*Why are they taking the time to film if they have no plans to air it?*
According to Kate on her recent appearances, they will air in April. I wonder if she will go on other talk shows to promote closer to the airtime. Maybe no one will have her.
Kate's Cart commented,
"But, it should be based on his current income and he should be provided with a detailed accounting of how she is spending this money. Especially with her history of extensive spending on herself."
Unfortunately, there is no child support accountability law in PA. She is not required to provide a report on how she is spending the money. As long as they appear well-fed, clothed, and appear to be thriving, she does not have to give an accounting on the money received. There are exceptions to this law; for instance, in the case of a special needs child, she might have to prove that the money designated for the welfare of that child is being spent exactly as it should. However, even that is a rare exception and doesn't always hold true.
Here's a link to child support guidelines, according to PA Code:
I have a question. I live in Pennsylvania and am divorced. This was 30 years ago but the way the courts determined the amount of child support to be paid was by taking both my income and my ex husbands income and using a chart or formula to determine who paid what. If this is still the case why is Jon being forced to pay Kate child support? Why is he being called a deadbeat Dad? The way I see it Kate should be paying Jon alimony for giving up his career to stay at home and take care of the children while she was put working and promoting her books. In my opinion he shouldn't have to pay her a dime especially in light of the fact their children are supporting themselves for the most part. This drives me crazy. Either Jon had a very bad attorney during the divorce negotiations or I am missing a very important detail. Why is he expected to pay her at all?
T.T.N.I.C. said, "Maybe not all sheeple are snotty."
Could it be that they come off as snotty because their intelligence level is so low? The snotty attitude is their defense mechanism. They know that they aren't the smartest people on the planet, and in order to compensate for this lack of smarts, they are rude and insulting because this persona somehow makes them feel superior and gives them the air of importance that they wish they had. Is it possible that they do recognize that they were absent when intelligence, reasoning ability and sense of humor were handed out, or are they really dumb and don't know that they are dumb?
I wonder what it would be like being inside the mind of a sheeple...if only for five minutes!
Why are you here by the way if you are so irritated by what I share? Just to hate?
Aren't, yes In facthe's been acting since about 8 on stage. He has the benefit of being classified as an ACTOR under the law. He had a Coogan fund. The subject of his childhood has not come up much I do not know how he feels about the protections in place.
What does it matter to us, the viewers of "Kate's" show, something Jon is no longer a part of, how much he makes (other than to affirm the fact that parents of HOM's can make it on a regular salary - contrary to Kate's statements otherwise)? Since Jon has decided to become a private citizen I think it's awfully 'nosy' of us to speculate whether he earns more or less than the national average and try to verify or cast doubt on the accuracy of the reported figures. We don't know if he's an installer or has other job duties, whether he only works with solar panels or does work with other green technology, whether he works in rural or urban areas, or anything about his job responsibilities. I subscribe to what Jon said in his tweet a few months ago which said that if the info didn't come directly from him, to not necessarily believe it.
Kudos to Jon for making the decision to become a private citizen again, for finding a job in a depressed economy, and for trying to live his life in a responsible manner. If we'd only leave him alone and let him live it, I think he'd truly be happy.
No problem.
Of course I can't disprove the $35 figure, but I've done some work-related research on green industry jobs and the number jumped out at me as really high. If you don't like jobmonkey, check out the US DOL: None of the installer jobs listed come close to having a national average salary of $35/hr. It just strikes me as odd that someone with little to no experience in the field in rural PA, where the cost of living is not exorbitant, would make that much $. More power to him if he is, but I'll remain skeptical.
Not sure where your statistics are coming from, but if you google it, I just saw a job posting paying six figures. They are electrcians and highly specialized, which means good pay. How do you know Jon has no experience? I'm not going to name the company but if you look at their web site it's very clear they do more than just hook up a few big solar panels. They seem to be very involved with entire green solutions for commercial businesses, again requiring more specialization and more pay. It's also possible a friend cut him a break with a higher than average salary.
K8 said one reason they accepted TLC's offer (after shopping their home video to them) is because they did not have time to take pictures or videos of the kids .
"There is no evidence this family EVER struggled to put food on the table other than Kate's lies. "
Actually, there is plenty of evidence pointing to the contrary : Jon's dad provided a lot of financial support, they had savings of over $30k ( K8 herself said that they shouldn't have to use their savings), etc.
And if the kids watch tv with Jon, good for them. Many folks like to relax after a hard day's work, and those poor kids WORK HARD.
OC Girl, you are absolutely right. For the longest time Kate and Jon claimed this was about "making memories." Kate changed her story just this PAST YEAR, that suddenly the reason they did the show, from the very beginning, was for the money. Bullshit, it was never about getting by. Was it about money? Of course. But it was about having enough money to live like Beth or better, not about having enough money to survive. There is no evidence this family EVER struggled to put food on the table other than Kate's lies.
Administrator, your comments on March 4 at 4:47 p.m. were awesome. I loved it.
Mom in Lancaster, when we say that 75k is plenty to raise eight children, I don't mean in their current lifestyle. Kate needs to give up this lifestyle, a lifestyle of luxury of which there is absolutely no proof the kids are any happier in (if anything, I would argue they are worse off, having to walk around covering their faces from paps and with a broken family), so that the family can live in a manner in which they can afford without working the kids.
No, it's probably not enough for a mansion, hair extensions, manis and pedis every week, Whole Foods, the best of this and the best of that. What it IS enough for? A happy childhood. Once you have satisfied a child's basic needs, happiness does not depend on how much money you have. I know there are many people here who had good childhoods, who were lucky not to have narcissistic parents. Who here of those people had the BEST of everything?
My childhood was happy and normal and full of good memories, what it was not full of was mansions and "things". My parents raised us kids I think on about $55,000 between them. I hadn't a clue how much they made until I was a teenager, and I remember when I did realize their salary thinking as a kid wow we're rich! Lol.
Absolutely, especially if the mother works at least part time as well. Say...if she found a 9 to 3 job and she would be home just in time to give the kids lunch
The kids are gone from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. They don't come home for lunch. His total salary won't cover the annual cost of the kids' tuition, let alone the food, clothing, utilities, taxes, maintenance, and hired help at the house. Methinks something would have to go. On the other hand, she is allowed to dip into the kids' trust to pay for their education, health, and welfare and just about anything else she can justify as being needed by the children.
"Is that enough to raise eight children without putting them to work too?"
Absolutely, especially if the mother works at least part time as well. Say...if she found a 9 to 3 job and she would be home just in time to give the kids lunch,help with homework,play with and tuck in,but putting yourself in embarrassing situations and putting your kids vomit on TV in a desperate attempt to become a celebrity is obviously more important than the well-being of their children!
That $72,000 should only be PART of the income used to raise 8 kids. Kate should have to kick in her share, too, right?
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