It just seems staged, to go to the most OBVIOUS store for children in the entire city. It's as if someone said quick can't make it look like this weekend getaway is all about you, quick make it seem like you're thinking about the kids.
I don't usually snark on Kate's clothes or bling, but I can't help it--seriously with the matchy-match BFF necklaces? Are they in 5th grade???
I also think as others have speculated Kate is back to her real hair, and I think it looks a million times BETTER. It would also be several thousand dollars cheaper I would think to maintain. Maybe that money she saves can go in the not fully funded college accounts.
I think she brings her "friend" with her to make her look better. I hate to snark, but that lady needs to drink some water for her skin. She looks old enough to be Khate's mom.
Does Khate hate coats? If she can handle walking around in that in NY she surely could of handled the 50 degree weather in Alaska.
Yeah, the most famous toy store in the world, and Kate goes twice WITHOUT her kids. They get to walk with her while she walks barefoot on Liberty Island sucking on a lollipop but if they want to see a toy store they have to google it!
You can't see the forest thru the trees...Just like an addict looking in the mirror she believes her outward appearance is blemish free. She looks so ridicules. Her whole "I'm city chic" thing is like she's at Halloween party dressed as character from Sex and the City. The limo, the heals, FAO Schwartz, come on Katie...really? It's sad actually to watch, it's like those pro athletes who can't retire and instead going out with dignity they go out as has-beens. She is a has-been reality star whose ego is bigger than her fan base.
A washed up nobody, desperately grasping at anything to stay relevant by selling photos of herself doing absolutely nothing special.
She's full of sh*t not wearing a coat. It was warmer when she was in Alaska, and she was frozen to the bone? I guess NYC "cold" is downright balmy compared to Alaska's 60-something degrees when she was there.
Strange indeed. Her ego shows no bounds. If she reads about herself like she says she does, does she see that she is always portrayed in a negative light? Wouldn't that be enough for her to just SEE that she is doing so much harm for her kids? HER KIDS?? Why doesn't that register with her? Going to FAO is not going to fix her image or the damage that has been inflicted on her kids. More damage control. More desperation. More Steve pap photos. More stupid shows. She's been off the TV for far too long now for anyone NOT in the Gosselin blogging world to care. I think her show will tank.
SquatmunkieRN said... I liked it better when the media ignored her. I bet it was peaceful for the kids. ***** Agreed, but at the same time here we are commenting on it and rewarding both her, TLC and the tabloids with our attention, which just encourages the behavior.
I'm just glad the kids weren't along and could have some time to just be kids, not subjects of photos.
I don't care what Kate does, where she goes or who she's with as long as her kids are free from the confines of "fame".
I notice that even though Kate has a camera focused on her (Steve?), there are no passersby who are snapping pics with their cell phones. Either they don't know who she is or else they don't care who she is. NYC'ers aren't gaga over anyone, really. The famous and infamous come and go so quickly around there.
Steve was with them at FAO Schwarz. There's a pic of him walking in front of them. If he didn't take the pics, TLC arranged for a lone photographer to do it. I loathe these people. And Jamie is just there to show that Kate has a single (meaning ONE) friend. It's all P.R.
I'm assuming Kate's kids have TONS of toys already. So since she is the new charitable Kate, maybe she is buying toys for needy kids or for the kids in Japan, NOT! This new charitable Kate is a joke!! She uses the needy, the sick children, Ronald McDonald charities, fund raising yard sales....all for her to make money for "her" show. Humbleness does not exist in Kate's's only for money making purposes on her so called charity shows. Her life makes a statement on how low society has come. She emotionally abuses children/sells childhoods to highest bidder in exchange for lavish lifestyle = rewards for Kate!!
Does Khate hate coats? If she can handle walking around in that in NY she surely could of handled the 50 degree weather in Alaska.
A friend of mine was in the city yesterday. She said it was very cold and chilly and windy...never topped 50 degrees. So, Kate can't stand to be outside in Alaska in 50 degrees when she's dressed in 19 layers (??), but she can walk around NYC in the same temperature wearing open toe shoes, no coat, and a scooped neck top with exposed skin. She's a strange bird, that one is!
I think we are wasting time criticizing Kate's clothes.It is not relevant to the exploitation of the kids IMO.Everyone has the freedom to dress however they like,that's what democracy is all about. Also, if it's not her week-end with the kids she can go wherever she likes.
Now, the fact that the jewels and expensive places she goes to do not match the "I'm poor" story, that's a different thing.And if it is a custodial week-end then being away is wrong.
I wonder where the kids' b-day will be this year? And how much school they will miss? And how many parties will they have? I know kids are happy with being taken to Olive Garden but seriously, how would you feel if you got to go to a nearby restaurant and your brother would go to Discovery Cove? I would hate to be Mady or Cara...
I'm assuming Kate's kids have TONS of toys already. So since she is the new charitable Kate, maybe she is buying toys for needy kids or for the kids in Japan, NOT!
LOL!! If she were buying toys for the needy kids in Japan, she would have gone to Toys R Us on Time Square, and checked out the clearance shelves. She would not have gone to FAO. Maybe she just likes carrying those FAO bags because they look impressive!
It just seems staged, to go to the most OBVIOUS store for children in the entire city. It's as if someone said quick can't make it look like this weekend getaway is all about you, quick make it seem like you're thinking about the kids.
I don't usually snark on Kate's clothes or bling, but I can't help it--seriously with the matchy-match BFF necklaces? Are they in 5th grade???
I couldn't agree more with these statements, Admin. It's almost exactly what I was going to say.
Again, Khate thinks a stop at FAO is what everyone does when they hit the city, so she has to go there and try to get noticed. Actually, the real fun of going there is with kids, but I do have to admit that I probably wouldn't want to go there with eight kids in tow. Speaking of eight kids, it doesn't look like she picked up much. You know, FAO usually has free shipping; it's so much easier, but then no photo opps.
The outfit is ridiculous, yet again. Hideous shoes, and again, it all smacks of a desperate attempt to appear younger which does nothing but make her look foolish and pathetic. It was only in the 40's yesterday in NYC, so she must have been freezing in that thin top, no coat and those open shoes. What a moron! Again, she does it all to stand out and be noticed. But, as fidosmommy noted, nobody around her is even paying attention to her, let alone snapping a cell phone pic.
The best friend necklace thing is soooo weird! Like admin said, it's as if they're in 5th grade or something!
This is Khate's usual M.O. before a show is about to air - limo to NYC; dinner at a high profile, trendy restaurant; a stop at FAO or some other touristy place; plus, she most likely had her hair touched up (and maybe a mani/pedi/spray tan). I am convinced that ALL of this is on TLC's bill each and every time. They give her these weekends in NYC to try to promote the show, and really, the expense is nothing to TLC. My, how often will Khate be doing this once TLC no longer foots the bill?
OH, one more thing...Who in their right mind goes to NYC from PA and buys bulky stuff like kids toys to trapes back to PA, limo or not? Obviously it's not for the kids because they are not carrying enough bags. If she wanted to specifically purchase something at FAO then why not just go to King of Prussia or order online and have it delivered? AND THE BIGGEST REASON NOT TO PURCHASE IN THE CITY IS THE SALES TAX. I go to NYC more than a few times a year, we go to all the stores, and then go buy the same exact thing in KOP or online because I'm not paying 8% tax when I can pay 6% here. And please, enough with the outfits. You're at a children’s toy store not the jersey shore. Hmmm, maybe she thinks if she dresses like a bravo housewife she'll get an offer from Andy Cohen himself....But wait! She's a wanna be from small town America.
OH, one more thing...Who in their right mind goes to NYC from PA and buys bulky stuff like kids toys to trapes back to PA, limo or not? Obviously it's not for the kids because they are not carrying enough bags. If she wanted to specifically purchase something at FAO then why not just go to King of Prussia or order online and have it delivered? AND THE BIGGEST REASON NOT TO PURCHASE IN THE CITY IS THE SALES TAX. I go to NYC more than a few times a year, we go to all the stores, and then go buy the same exact thing in KOP or online because I'm not paying 8% tax when I can pay 6% here. And please, enough with the outfits. You're at a children’s toy store not the jersey shore. Hmmm, maybe she thinks if she dresses like a bravo housewife she'll get an offer from Andy Cohen himself....But wait! She's a wanna be from small town America.
Kate is obviously the subject of the photo shoot hence the directive for her not to wear a jacket out on the street. They have always done this to make her the focal point. It is silly and it must be chilly for her, but they are desperate.
Is Kate taking the limo back home to PA? I wonder how much that costs in gas? I know up here in NH gas is pretty damn expensive. In NYC, gas prices must be soaring. I can't imagine having to fill a limo...OMG a frigin limo...with gas from PA then NYC, then back to PA again. We all know Kate is probably not whipping out her AMEX for the gas bill. Unless she is, then her kids are paying for that too. POS.
And frankly, I couldn't care less about Kate not wearing a jacket. She knows it irks. (she reads here, remember?) It's the fact that she wasn't the center of attention on SPA that was getting to her, & that's why she flipped out. She wasn't cold, she wasn't hungry. She wasn't front & center. Walking around NYC w/out a coat? She thinks the whole city is gawking, staring at her jumbo boobs. Wrong-o. As fidosmommy said, no one was interested in her. That must have stung poor Kate. Awww. How does it feel to be at the bottom Kate? To be Z-list? Does the bottom of barrel taste good Kate?
Thanks, JudyK, for the shout out. I really believe that Kate doesn't know she doesn't know. TLC has been running her show/life for years now. The kids will continue to "work" until we all vote with our remotes. Someone else will have to stop Kate because she will never stop herself from seeking attention, both good and bad. I remember the time Jon joined Mr. Brown, his mentor at the moment, for dinner at Shady Maple. They were still a sweet, struggling family at that point. Boy, oh boy, how things have changed. Guess it's true we must be careful what we wish for.
This trip to NYC is certainly bad PR for a woman who wants to "give back" and change her image. Kate contradicts herself at every interview. "Actions speak louder than words." TLC must think we are a bunch of dummies. This is probably what her own family has witnessed and when they pointed it out to her, they were dumped like a hot potato. Kate only wants praise, not questions.
Is Kate taking the limo back home to PA? I wonder how much that costs in gas? I know up here in NH gas is pretty damn expensive. In NYC, gas prices must be soaring. I can't imagine having to fill a limo...OMG a frigin limo...with gas from PA then NYC, then back to PA again. We all know Kate is probably not whipping out her AMEX for the gas bill. Unless she is, then her kids are paying for that too. POS.
____________________________ I've been guilty of hiring a driver and limo to go to the city because I refuse to drive in NYC and because I hate driving through tunnels (I'm working on that!). There were times when I had no other option because the trains didn't get me to where I needed to go and I had to have a driver wait for me when I arrived there...complicated, long story. Anyway, the limo generally charges just under $500 round trip to NYC, plus tips (automatically added). Gas is figured into that price. If you're on an hourly rate, and there's massive traffic at the GW bridge or Lincoln Tunnel, the cost can be considerably more. Some companies charge a flat rate, regardless of the time involved.
But, and here's the catch. There's a "wait time," which costs less than driving time, but still, if she had that limo on stand-by for any length of time (like overnight), it would really add up. Perhaps she hired one limo to drive her there, and then an in-city limo to take her shopping and wherever she wanted to go within the city. What's wrong with cabs?
Train fare to NYC is $96 per person round trip, but then there would be no photo ops of her sitting in the limo!
My guess is Kate knew there were paps outside and put HER coat in the huge bag. I honestly believe that. If you look at the photos EVERYBODY, yes, everybody has on a coat. The sleeves on her blouse are very thin. Kate must have brought a coat with her. Just her vanity in wanting to "show off" is frightening for a mother of 8 small kids.
Commenters are saying her looks have nothing to do with her kids but I think it does. What mindframe thinks to hide her coat in a bag or purposely not wear a coat on a freezing day so she can show off her boobs and thin frame in skin tights jeans.
And her eyebrows and eyes look different. She may have had her eyebrows professional done. They look completely different-- with an arch-- than the night before photos. And her eyes look like they did when she had botox in them. Her roots look done too. She didn't stick around in NY city to shop for her kids. I am sure she had some "professional" hair work, botox or some kind of expensive vanity work while she was there.
The problem is, Kate has built her entire physical transformation on the backs of her children. She used her children to have the means to be in a position to transform herself into a celeb. She LOVES her new self, a self she did not earn herself, but rather put her babies to work to obtain. She does not seem to feel one ounce of guilt or regret that precious little Collin has to walk around covering his little face because of the fame and fortune she forced him to acheive for her.
Cankles and stretch marks and cellulite? Not relavant to me. Nips and tucks and straw hair and makeovers and the kids' money pissed away on a bottomless pit of a wardrobe? Relevant.
Amen, Admin! Great way to express how we feel. Kate has certainly achieved "fame" off the backs of her little children. Pissing away the kids' money is the "realist reality."
Admin, if I add on to your already very good comments :
$ aside, how about the sheer amount of TIME AND EFFORT K8 expends to keep up her celeb appearance but somehow that determination and will all all but nonexistent when it comes to protecting her children or putting her children's physical and emotional well being as her top priority.
And from the previous thread, Hippie, I agree with you. I don't feel one iota of sympathy or sadness for the sorry state of Katie Irene's personal life. She has had how many years and opportunities to do the right thing and always chooses the path towards fame and fortune via exploiting her own children.
Hi Etown, i have never drove a car into manhattan either. omg, just the thought of it makes me chringe. When we go we take the train from hamilton to penn station. Then either we walk or get a cab. So much easier and frankly worth the fare.
Commenters are saying her looks have nothing to do with her kids but I think it does. What mindframe thinks to hide her coat in a bag or purposely not wear a coat on a freezing day so she can show off her boobs and thin frame in skin tights jeans.
Well, it wasn't exactly freezing, but it was chilly and breezy, and much to cold to be walking around in open-toe shoes, particularly after her horrible display of "freezing to the bone" in Alaska when it was the same temperature in NYC and she was bundled up in Alaska.
"Hi Etown, i have never drove a car into manhattan either. omg, just the thought of it makes me chringe. When we go we take the train from hamilton to penn station. Then either we walk or get a cab. So much easier and frankly worth the fare."
I got stuck driving in the Lincoln Tunnel for three hours during a security scare. I can do the bridge if I must, but I'd rather have someone else do the driving! If I must use a driving service, I don't do the limo thing anymore -- much too ostentatious, and so 10-years-ago-ish. I'll request a Town Car or nice SUV.
Admin said, "Nips and tucks and straw hair and makeovers and the kids' money pissed away on a bottomless pit of a wardrobe? Relevant."
Absolutely. Especially when she's crying there isn't enough in their college accounts, and whole milk is so expensive. What a piece of work.
Kate has spent the past five years trying to scam America that this family is poor. What's ridiculous is even wearing her hair extensions and her new manufactured body and her makeover she still tried to claim that attorneys fees were eating her alive and that she desperately needed the kids to work to support them and needed more child support from Jon. Maybe if she didn't blow all the money on herself she wouldn't be in such a pickle.
What attorneys fees now? Things have settled down in family law court, the divorce was finalized ages ago. As it was it was a quickie divorce that was finalized incredibly fast, actually to me shockingly fast, compared to the average divorce with that much money and kids involved.
Once again Kate's lack of honesty bites her in the butt. She would be in a much better situation in terms of public perception of her if she embraced it and was honest. If she said look, we have been given more money than we would ever know what to do with and that's why I have the luxury of spending so much on myself. And if she assured us that each and every college fund was fully funded and that each and every child had a trust with the bulk of the family's money secured for them, she would have a lot more leeway to skip around NYC spending the rest of it all on herself.
But crying poor while friend Barbie hair is sticking out of your head? It doesn't work. are spot on! It's amazing just a few years ago on one episode she said something about not being into fashion. She lied. Everything she has done to herself or for "the kids" has been planned in advance.....she is a con artist. She will do anything or use anyone to achieve "her" goals. She gives motherhood a bad name. She is a pitiful human. How she dresses and treats her kids reflect a person who is struggling with guilt and low self esteem. She tries TOO hard, and it makes her transparent. We can see through her, right straight to her phony act and lies. Her demeanor in pictures with and without the kids is so telling of how she feels about them. A mother who cashes in on her kids to provide a lavish lifestyle for herself, is truly a vile human being. One day the kids will be old enough to find out their purpose in their family, concieved to fulfill the greedy wants of a narcissistic mother. That's really when Kate's world will come to a crashing end. These kids will seek explanations and want forgiveness for losing their precious childhoods. Will she be woman enough to tell these kids the truth, before they find it themselves?? As a narcissist, she will blame it on all Jon and them. I know Kate or her handlers read this, and Kate thinks she is one upping all of us. She may be saying we are jealous and want to be her. Let me tell you Kate, in your dreams!!! None of us would want to even remotely be you or look like you. I am a mother who can sleep at night, knowing my kids are taken care of by their parents, not my kids taken care of or working to support me and their father. Living with that guilt, must be killing you Kate. Behind your fake smile and fake life, you know you suffer, because you are going to have to pay the piper eventually and the wait is killing you. Trust me, all the damage you caused to your family was not worth it. Enjoy while you can, cause the fall will be long and hard. I just hope the children will find peace in their lives one day, and will be able to forgive you.
silimom -- ITA with your opinion. I was thinking this weekend as I began seeing all the photos of her out and about 'oh no, here we go again'. But we all knew this would happen once it got closer to April 4. TLC has their cameras following her everywhere making sure she is filmed and that those shots are dropped off wherever they want them. And here we are looking at the links in total disgust, but still looking and they are laughing all the way to the bank. I personally don't think there are enough people in blogland to make a bit of difference in the ratings or her popularity. The ratings come from people who have their TVs on all day long and all night long and don't care a thing about her but she is just something to watch to fill their empty days. IMO. Kate is so full of herself and that entitled diva look on her face is disgusting. Just be prepared, the next two weeks we are going to see that stupid looking mug of hers everywhere.
The FAO Schwarz thing is just another example of Kate's mismanagement of money. I've been there once several years ago and it was nothing but a tourist trap. As I recall it was crowded, huge, and overpriced.
I checked their web site and sampled one toy to see if it was still just as overpriced as I remembered. I checked out a popular toy, LEGOS, specifically the LEGO Pharoah pyramid thing. FAO Schwarz has it for 109 bucks. Wal-mart? Has it for $97, a whole 12 bucks cheaper. And if you buy it directly from Lego's web site it's $99. Sure FAO Schwarz has "free shipping" but there's a huge catch--you have to spend at least 99 bucks--eye roll.
Overpriced tourist trap and more of the kids' money pissed away.
Administrator said. . . Overpriced tourist trap and more of the kids' money pissed away ================== Oh I so agree with you but KIDS love it. I mean LOVE it. I put up with it so that my son could bask in the glory of all those toys. Toys as far as the eye can see. And colors. Everywhere. And the see-through elevator he just had to ride. (Yes and, of course, the Big piano on the floor.)
He was young enough to believe that the toys were just to look at. We passed it often on our walks but only once went in. You grit your teeth and tighten your hand-hold but you do things like that just so you can watch the wide-eyed amazement on your child's face. And if you break down and buy him some cheap puppet you both relive that day every time you play puppets at night before he goes to sleep. But you Do Not go there without your child. Why would you even consider that? Unless you are more into pretending to be a good mother than actually being one.
Good, I went there when I was a teenager and I liked it too for that fun aspect of it, but not to actually buy anything. I remember thinking on the one hand, this is fun. On the other, it would not be fun if I had to buy things I wanted here.
I'm not against it for the FUN of it, I just think when people do their regular toy shopping there they are often blowing money.
Exactly. Going there is the experience. Buying toys there is just pretentious (or foolish, or just done to get some "look at me I'm a good mom" props to carry around.)
Kate was possitively glowing in the pap photos from her night out with Jamie. The same can be said of her photos at FAO. Why? Because she's back being the center of TLC hired paps? Gag!!
With everything else going on in the world (Libya, Japan etc...) why do the paps (hired by TLC) even care about this has been? She's pathetic.
Shout out to Hippiechic: Sorry we couldn't get together (only read your post today). Couldn't even find parkining at the N. Conway outlet so I skipped Coach. Could not imagine what the store was like if I couldn't even find a parking spot. I hate crowds!!!
Oh yay, Kate is spending some of the money the children earned on toys while on her trip to New York, which the children's work paid for as well. How generous of her.
Just a quick little tidbit about the FAO in NYC. It's not what it used to be. When I lived in NYC (in the 90's) FAO was a great place! They had the clock that played their theme song, it was an adventure. They don't even have that 'fairytale' forest of stuffed animals at the front entrance anymore. And their Harry Potter Section was so empty, they had a few potter candies and stuffed Owls, but it wasn't impressive. I remember when I went how amazing it was for me and I was in my early 20's when I lived there. Now...not so much. Sure you've got the guy dressed up at the door, but after that, it's just a glorified ToysRUs store. Went there last spring with my kids and they were BORED BORED BORED. The Times Square ToysRUs is much better. They at least have a Ferris Wheel inside. That said, it is rather interesting that Kate decides to take this weekend as her time to go to the city - sans children - when it is her custody weekend.
I really think she has gotten bigger implants. Compared to pics from the Australia trip her boobs look even bigger.
Maybe they just get bigger on their own. It's getting warmer here. Doesn't matter expand as the temperature rises? It's those darn molecules bumping into each other, causing friction, making them larger! By August, she'll be mistaken for Dolly P!
Great Post!! I too wonder how she sleeps at night knowing what she puts those kids though & what she HAS put those through. How she has lied & manipulated. I know she is possibly a narcissist so doesn't care but does she ever wonder if her kids will come to her & wonder why they were used for her own gain in the entertainment field? You made some great points. :)
LisaNH... No problem!! The boys & I (husband & son) ended up doing some hiking, going to see a movie, did some bike riding, my son got to ride his new motorized scooter he got from my brother for Christmas & we went on for what seemed like 15 walks with my dog. We had a great weekend! I'm sorry you couldn't get into Coach! I was hoping I could live vicariously through you & hear about a new bag you got! Maybe next time? :)
FAO became hugely popular after the movie "Big" -it used to be fun to just walk through the store because it was basically a huge fantasy land. Unfortunately, like Anon. above stated, it is not what it used to be.
As for our friend K8, she will never feel guilty because she will never feel she did anything wrong. In fact, I can almost guarantee she will lay all the guilt and blame on her kids : do you know what I had to do to put food on the table for you kids , if mommy didn't work so hard you would never have been able to create memories in Alaska, Maui, etc. She is a vile, sick woman.
Did a quick google on botox. Full effect takes three to 10 days--but it can start sooner. (Strangely frozen smiles, eyebrows that seem to be arching themselves?) Most common side effect is bruising where the needle went in.
The woman clearly has been freshly Botoxed, inside and out - if I did not enjoy the conversation here, I would have to kick myself for continuing to waste time on her. Wasted time is truly what she has become. Looks like her new give back life only goes as far as she is paid to do it.
Great Post!! I too wonder how she sleeps at night knowing what she puts those kids though & what she HAS put those through. How she has lied & manipulated -------------- Easy to answer. Kate sleeps very well thank you very much. I'm sure the box of wine is a good aid. Even without wine she'd sleep well because she simply does not have a conscience. She doesn't think about what she put them through for one moment.
If I recall correctly from what I've read about narcissism, when a child grows up and confronts their mother about her narcissism and wronghoods in that child's childhood, a common reply from the narcissist is, "that's not how I remember it!" or, "you exaggerate!" We've already seen shades of this from Kate in how she describes events to us from her skewed perspective when we have video proof that's not what happened. Let's take the camping trip for instance. What the vast majority of people see as a grave injustice to the kids--selfish Kate can't suck it up and ends up leaving when they were having fun--to Kate she was simply cold, wet, miserable, a brief acknowledgment that the kids were having fun but that doesn't matter because I am SUFFERING! No acknowledgment whatsoever how unfair it was to rip the kids from an opportunity of a lifetime. Two completely different views of the same events.
Or let's take a visit with Daddy. Kate seems to remember this as the kids calling her wanting to go home and not wanting to go with him. Whereas the video evidence we have clearly shows kids downright DISTRAUGHT to leave Dad and be returned to Kate at the McMansion.
I am getting a report that at the restaurant Friday night people already there were asked to MOVE so Kate and her entourage could sit. Trying to confirm it.
I can say without a doubt the celeb I worked for NEVER did that. She would die of embarrassment before she did that. She would always make sure reservations were made anywhere well in advance and that they knew she was coming and could set aside the tasting room or whatever was needed so it was private.
I have heard Barbra Streisand was notorious for just walking into whatever--a play, a restaurant, and demanding seats be given up.
For the life of me, I can't figure out why a 35 yr. old woman needs botox. It makes sense for me, 21 years older than Kate, but I don't want to look like my eyebrows are painted on, so I'll pass.
If I looked like her after just undergoing botox injections, I would not go out in public for a few days, so I am stumped as to why she did.
No surprise about them having sitting patrons move when Kate's crew arrived. Makes me think this was not pre-planned. If I were paying top dollar for my meal and comfortably seated, I would tell them to go f&^* themselves. I would think they would have her celebrating her birthday with her kids, so it will be interesting to see how TLC plays this. As always, she uses TLC for a free trip and dinner, escorted by her not-a-bodyguard. I think this birthday thing will be an opportunity for her to hype her needing a man and throw the scent off Steve.
Administrator said... I am getting a report that at the restaurant Friday night people already there were asked to MOVE so Kate and her entourage could sit. Trying to confirm it.
I bet you will get confirmation on that Admin because that fits Kate's MO. After the antics at the airport in TN, and the seperate seating they had in Austrailia (at the zoo), it would not surprise me in the least if Purseboy, on Kate's orders, demanded they have special seating at the inconvenience of the other patrons.
Hippie Chic, glad to hear you had a great weekend. Despite the Coach fiasco, we had a wonderful time. It just felt good to get away from Concord. And the ride from Gorham to N. Conway was stunning (gorgeous scenery!).
I'd take our simple weekend with the beautiful vistas over a weekend in NYC like Kate had any day of the week. As I'm sure you would too, Hippie. What you and I did this weekend is worth more than one night Kate spends in a city with her paid help at fancy restaraunts and limo rides.
I went to their website, expecting to be wowed. No such thing. The offerings looked mundane at best. One Christmas ornament was purchased by a bride to be given as favors, and she was so unhappy with them that she donated them to some charity. She said they were cheaply made. I would expect much better of anything sold by such a highbrow store as FAO Schwarz, even tree ornaments.
If this shopping trip was being filmed, it's truly a bizarre choice by TLC producers, IMO. However, that said, it is entirely possible that FAO would not allow the camera crew inside the store. I recall last time Kate was quite rude to the salespeople. Rudeness seems to follow Kate like toilet paper on a shoe.
That weirdo Mama person posted on Twitter yesterday that KG's visit to STK made it a hip and happening restaurant, I guess she doesn't leave her little hut alot either. I agree with the poster about STK, it's a cheesy restaurant/lounge for Out of Towners, Jersey Shore types and Middle Age people. Most of the restaurant reviews from NYers were negative and the music is outdated since they play only songs from the 80's and 90's which should fit KG since it's her turn to chase her lost youth. It's about 5 blocks away from the "Hip & Happening places". If they bumped anyone for KG and her crew, STK staff is as moronic as NYers said about them. BTW, her little jaunt into NY was not even mentioned in any of our local newspapers. Khate, go get a real job, you are irrelevant and most people with common sense know what you are, a fame whore.
Administrator said: If I recall correctly from what I've read about narcissism, when a child grows up and confronts their mother about her narcissism and wronghoods in that child's childhood, a common reply from the narcissist is, "that's not how I remember it!" or, "you exaggerate!" ************************************************ Having a mother-in-law who has NPD, I can confirm that this is EXACTLY what they say. They will also say "you have a very vivid imagination", or "I would NEVER do or say something like that!" They will deny, deny, deny. Narcissists will NEVER admit any wrongdoing. If they do, it's worded in such a way that they never do apologize and/or they blame you for what they did. For example, they might say "I'm sorry if that's how you feel" or "I'm sorry this happened, but you should have (fill in the blank)."
It's a no-win situation to try and get someone with NPD to see your side of things and own up to any role they may have played in hurtful situations. You would be wasting your time and energy. This is why I always, always advise anyone to distance themselves as much as possible - entirely remove yourself from their lives is ideal (this is what we have done with my NPD MIL).
Another good description I heard one time: narcissists are like relationship tornadoes - they touch down, do a ton of damage, and then they're gone leaving a path of destruction in their wake that they never have to be held accountable for.
FAO actually went backrupt and closed down. Toys R Us bought it in 2009. Kept the FAO name for out of towners and touristy types who haven't experienced the 'original' store. It's pretty low-brow if you ask me. When it was in it's heyday it was indeed magical. You could spend all day there and still not see everything. The newer Toys R Us in Times Square, when it first opened especially, is GRAND! Plus you get all the excitement of Broadway and the other tourist trap places when you are down there. In the spring and summer, since they've closed down many of the streets to aid in making the city greener, you can sit out and have your lunch literally in the middle of Broadway. It's pretty cool and great if you are into people watching. Better than any reality tv show out there.
FAO actually went backrupt and closed down. Toys R Us bought it in 2009. Kept the FAO name for out of towners and touristy types who haven't experienced the 'original' store
Toys R Us is selling quite a few of the labeled FAO items in its stores.
"The newer Toys R Us in Times Square, when it first opened especially, is GRAND"
...and the kids can ride the Ferris Wheel! I much prefer that store over the "fake" FAO store. It's those touristy types, and those who don't know that it's actually a Toys R Us store (like Kate) who keep FAO alive.
Administrator said: If I recall correctly from what I've read about narcissism, when a child grows up and confronts their mother about her narcissism and wronghoods in that child's childhood, a common reply from the narcissist is, "that's not how I remember it!" or, "you exaggerate!" ************************************************ Having a mother-in-law who has NPD, I can confirm that this is EXACTLY what they say. They will also say "you have a very vivid imagination", or "I would NEVER do or say something like that!" They will deny, deny, deny. Narcissists will NEVER admit any wrongdoing. If they do, it's worded in such a way that they never do apologize and/or they blame you for what they did. For example, they might say "I'm sorry if that's how you feel" or "I'm sorry this happened, but you should have (fill in the blank)."
And I have to add . . .
The only apology I ever received from my NPD mother was: "I am so sorry you misinterpreted everything I said."
Administrator said: If I recall correctly from what I've read about narcissism, when a child grows up and confronts their mother about her narcissism and wronghoods in that child's childhood, a common reply from the narcissist is, "that's not how I remember it!" or, "you exaggerate!" ************************************************ Having a mother-in-law who has NPD, I can confirm that this is EXACTLY what they say. They will also say "you have a very vivid imagination", or "I would NEVER do or say something like that!" They will deny, deny, deny. Narcissists will NEVER admit any wrongdoing. If they do, it's worded in such a way that they never do apologize and/or they blame you for what they did. For example, they might say "I'm sorry if that's how you feel" or "I'm sorry this happened, but you should have (fill in the blank)."
And I have to add . . .
The only apology I ever received from my NPD mother was: "I am so sorry you misinterpreted everything I said."
------------------------------------------ My turn! Same exact story here w/ my NPD mother. Way back before I had even heard of NPD, I foolishly tried to hash out some of my grievances with my mother - those were her exact responses. I know better now and keep her at arm's length as much as possible. Here's the funny part: Care to guess how I eventually learned about NPD? Thank you Katie Irene!
It's too late for Kate and her NPD, but I looked at some of the risk factors. The children are right on track to "inherit" this from their mother:
* Parental disdain for fears and needs expressed during childhood * Lack of affection and praise during childhood * Neglect and emotional abuse in childhood * Unpredictable or unreliable caregiving from parents * Learning manipulative behaviors from parents
What is going to happen when they realize that they are not longer a media sensation -- will they be told they are no longer cute? How are they going to handle it when those lunch rooms at the amusement parks are closed to all others except them? No more VIP passes, no more freebies and crooked houses showing up at their door. They are sick and tired of the cameras in their faces, being dragged everywhere, but, have they come to expect the special treatment and perks that go along with it? What happens when all of those things cease to be?
Sorry if this has already been mentioned but I guess TLC was filming her NY excursion. Has anyone else noticed that unless the show is filming, no one photographs Kate or the kids? Am I mistaken? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Finally, I have reached a point in my life where my NPD mother can no longer hurt me. How did I manage that? I simply came to terms with what she is, what drives her. I no longer talk to her. I expect her to behave as she does. Nothing she does or says surprises me anymore.
I have siblings who are also narcissists. But they don't know it. Will I tell them? No, because it won't matter. You don't argue with a narcissist. I just stay away from them. I need to look out for my blood pressure.
Best of all, I no longer feel guilty for not talking to her. To talk to her would be to enable her in her disfunctional behaviour. To talk to her would be masochistic behaviour on my part. I no longer discuss her with anyone.
I am never surprised when my siblings go back and forth as far as she is concerned. I am never surprised when they say, "But, she's our mother." Ok, that does not give her the right to bulldoze us.
Ah! I am free of her. I am so at peace. And, there is no guilt and never will be anymore. If only I had known all this years ago, my life could have been so different. When I think of all the anger-filled years that I had to suffer because I knew nothing of the existence of the NPD . How patient, tolerant, and forgiving I was for so many years? Only to have her spit in my face at the first opportunity. This is what a narcissist does. You never know when they will turn on you. And, believe me, it's when you least expect it. It's always when you think "things are finally okay between us now."
A heartfelt thank you to all the blogs who opened my eyes.
If they indeed filmed this NYC excursion as an episode, I wonder if it will be another Kate Gosselin sympathy piece, like an Inside Kate's World 2.0 or something like that?
There's a new photo of Khate from Saturday in NYC on Hollywood Life. Apparently, in addition to FAO, she did quite a bit of shoe shopping for herself (on TLC's dime, I am convinced). Expect to see plenty of fugly new shoes on her upcoming prearranged, fake photo shoots in parking lots:
Lucille because of your story I have decided to tell mine. I have always been embarassed to post this, but my mom and I do not talk....she was a narcissist and as a kid/teen, I did not know what that was. No matter how hard I tried, there was no pleasing my mom. She did many not so nice things in her life, but has always been able to justify them. But she ripped me to shreads for all my mistakes. Never encouraged me in anything, always criticized. Even as an adult/mom(me), she always made sure I knew she WAS the mother and I the daughter, and she could scold and slap me if I disrespected her. I spent pretty much my whole life seeking her approval. One day I had surgery and was out of it and for the next few days felt lousy. I had called her days before to let her know the time of the surgery and when I would be home. I never heard from her. My mother always expected for me and my brother to call her, she says kids should call their mother, not the other way around. You would think she would call me to see how I was will be 6 years since that episode, since we have spoken. It took many years to heal from the pain and guilt of not speaking to my mother. I realized I was the child, she was the grown up. I was wronged, and when I realized that, I could move forward in my life without letting the past hurt me anymore. I still love her, but she no longer controls me in any aspect. Narcissist people destroy others lives and when you are a child it's so confusing to grow up living with someone like that. Funny thing she doted on my brother, he could do no wrong. My brother and I still talk but not often. Kate is destroying her children little by little, and it will take many, many years for them to recover. Their adult lives will be filled with turmoil because of their mother's actions. I am sad for them, because of what I lived through. As a mother, I vowed never to treat my children, the way my mother treated me. I have a wonderful, healthy relationaship with all 5 of my precious children and that is why my name is kidsRablessing.
"Con artist." Great description of Kate. I have felt that for many, many years. Counterfeit is another good description of her. Get rich and famous and turn your back on the people who helped get you there. Fits Kate to a tee, doesn't it?
The only time Kate is seen now anywhere is when TLC is filming or doing the paps job and making sure she is 'out there'. Really funny how far she has sunk in the public eye. No one cares, except of course, the few fanatical sheep who worship at her feet. TLC can keep on trying to force her down people's throats but they are going to learn really quickly that people are sooooo done with her.
Ha, this is too predictable. Total photo-op. I don't know what reason Khate would have to stop in at FAO by herself, AGAIN, except she needs to remind folks horn that she's the mom of eight, count 'em, eight kids! I doubt she's buying anything for her own kids; there's not a whole lot in that bag she's carrying. The whole thing is just a photo-op, because it's "trendy" to shop there.
If TLC is really funding this trip, I'd be ashamed if I was her, with the world events that are taking place. Still, I'd rather her take all eight of her kids to FAO and let them choose any toy they wanted. They could even film it, I'd just like to see the kids get rewarded for giving their precious time up for our entertainment (general statement, I know many have given up watching).
So Kate goes from giving back by helping at a food bank to a weekend on the town. I guess in her mind she an justify the NYC trip as giving back because she is stimulating the economy by spending so much of the kids...I mean HER hard earned money. Said entirely tongue in cheek.
There's a new photo of Khate from Saturday in NYC on Hollywood Life. Apparently, in addition to FAO, she did quite a bit of shoe shopping for herself (on TLC's dime, I am convinced). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
So the KIDS bought their mother new shoes again. Didn't one of them say that she already has a closet full of shoes? Bet they'll be thrilled to know that they paid, or TLC paid (indirectly) for expensive shoes that can be purchased for the fraction of the costs at the outlets here in PA (Lancaster and Berks are the outlet capitals of the East Coast!)...
The approximately five pairs of Aldo shoes in her bags are probably equal in price to one pair of her very expensive Stuart Weitzman heels, she was wearing during the book tour of 2009.
That being said, and not to be petty, but Kate's hair looks very thinned out. I also think it looks as if she got her extensions out and that is her natural hair. She also looks like she had even more plastic surgery and has been dieting to an extreme. She is very gaunt, her boobs look ginormous and her thighs and legs look especially thinned out, nothing like when she was on Dancing with the Stars.
Also, we should all watch or dvr DWTS. They are concerned about a ratings drop without Kate or Bristol. Anyone who watched and liked it should give it a chance, let's not give Kate all the credit for its past success.
Just flipping through the channels and landed on Harvey Levin, TMZ. What to my wondering eyes should appear but Kate and Jamie in a video of both of them getting into the limo. I missed what the paps asked them...something about a "shot." Kate said, "I don't do shots." She was asked what she drinks. "Wine," she said, as she got into the car.
Thanks to all for bringing me up to date on FAO Schwarz. My son is almost 19 now so our visit to the store was nearly 15 years ago. The ToysRUs in midtown didn't exist (I remember going to one somewhere in Manhattan back then but it was just a place to buy toys--not an event). Think FAO Schwarz was the original "event shopping experience" place but am not real sure about that. In a way I am sad it has outlived its uniqueness. Only the name lives on apparently. Oh well. The Gosselin kids didn't miss all that much then.
If anyone else posted this link please forgive me. I didn't see it on here anywhere. In my opinion Bonnie Fuller hit the nail on the head. Of course the sheeple hate her. They hate anyone who has seen the light when it comes to Kate.
"There's a new photo of Khate from Saturday in NYC on Hollywood Life."
According to Hollywood Life, her earrings are not diamonds but crystals, "Max & Chloe Blu Bijoux Double Oval Crystal Earrings, $38." From a close up of one of the pics, her bracelet(s) are not diamond either. Dress - $80, shoes $79. Not outrageous.
The only apology I ever received from my NPD mother was: "I am so sorry you misinterpreted everything I said."
***************************************************************** I'm so sorry. This is all too familiar as my mother-in-law is a narcissist as well. ******************************************************************* Lucille said: Best of all, I no longer feel guilty for not talking to her. To talk to her would be to enable her in her disfunctional behaviour. To talk to her would be masochistic behaviour on my part. I no longer discuss her with anyone. ******************************************************************* Lucille, I'm so sorry your mother is a narcissist. I know how painful this is, but I applaud you. Good for you for putting up boundries to protect yourself. A narcissist is an abuser. People should protect themselves from all abusers, emotional or physical...regardless of whether or not they are your parent, sibling or friend. You should absolutely not feel any guilt for not having anything to do with her. It's - sadly - a waste of time and is emotionally draining.
I hope those prices are accurate. Hollywoodlife is historically inaccurate You can't get around the price of the limo though. __________________________________
Admin and Diamonds - that's not the same dress, nor the same purse, nor shoes. They are telling you how to get the same "look," probably for a fraction of the price. Example -- in the photo, Kate is wearing triangle-shaped earrings, while the price and photo of the ones quoted are long ovals. If you look carefully, it will tell you that this is the "look." They did the same thing on another website.
I think the clothing on Hollywood life is just for a similar looking outfit. You can tell by comparing the earrings to the ones she's wearing in the pictures that they are not exactly the same.
Just a thought. Is it possible it was Jamie who wanted to shop at FAO for her own children? Or to get small gifts for the Gosselin kids from Auntie Jamie and Dr. Uncle?
If so, I think it's a hoot that Kate has been relegated as baggage carrier for her rather than the other way around.
As I read the list of traits of a narcissist, I started to feel like I was in familiar territory.
My mother refused to ever say she was sorry to us, refused to acknowledge that she had done anything remotely wrong in childraising. I also heard the mantras. She told me I had an overactive imagination, that I was not hard done by, that I was overreacting. She had no regrets about anything.
However, I cannot say my mom was a narcissist. Her background was that she had an overly controlling stepfather who refused to give an inch on anything. Mom chose to love him, respect him, but she decided early on that nobody would EVER lay blame at her feet about ANYTHING ever again. So, she didn't. That was that. Narcissist? No. Stubborn? You bet. Stubborn to a fault. Sometimes it drove me mad, other times it drove me to tears of utter frustration. She never "got it".
But, she was still a terrific mother, went to great lengths to make a comfortable and loving home, volunteered time as a Girl Scout leader and youth group helper, officiating at our swim meets, always there for us. It was clear we were loved, no doubt there. Frustrated, but sure of our mother's love.
So, the qualities listed in the preceding posts above must be weighed against the positive things we find in a person to get a fuller picture of what's going on.
I just find it very odd that she's been friends with Jamie forever, when there was absolutely no mention of her, or evidence of their friendship, prior to all of this.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm on the first train out of here tomorrow to NYC. I want the slava wedge. Perfect for going to Target and Giant. Betcha she wears them with that teeny denim skirt that she likes so much!
Non-Mommy: Jamie has been around for quite a while, although not as long as Kate would have you believe. There are some archival pictures on Preesi's site of them acting like young teenagers, having a sleepover and cuddling, from at least two years ago. The game with the necklaces has been going on at least that long. There is a picture in the archives of this site of Jamie manhandling one of the children outside the Wernersville house.
Central casting called... Jamie, you're up
Non-Mommy said... I just find it very odd that she's been friends with Jamie forever, when there was absolutely no mention of her, or evidence of their friendship, prior to all of this.
Jamie and Kate met via a multiples group in PA when they both had their twins. They formed a "friendship" at that point -- whatever that might mean when you're talking about Kate. Jamie subsequently moved to Michigan (I think -- but definitely somewhere far away from PA). For some reason, every time TLC needed to prove that Kate had a friend, they fly Jamie in. Not sure why, but she's been the go-to "friend" when there's need to show Kate's "relational" side.
The elephant in the room question is obviosly WHY hasn't Kate made friends in her community? Why import friends from central casting to act as her friends? I think the answer is pretty obvious.
Re: Kate and narcissism...the first time it really stood out and I really noticed her blatant ignorance of anyone but her royal self was way back when she and Jon were xmas shopping with the eight. She embarrassed him by hollering at him and then when they went outside to the van she couldn't understand why he was mad at her. I thought she was kidding. As it turned out she said she doesn't notice those things. WTF? How can you not notice there are a hundred people gawking at you for screaming at your husband. It served a dual purpose for her though: She made Jon look like an idiot, and she got attention...two of the many things she prides herself on. That might have been the episode I turned from being a fan to absolutely despising the woman.
Re wedges: Personal opinion, but they are the fugliest thing on the planet. At least Kate can co-ordinate her shoes with her personality now.
Off to watch a wonderful Kateless Season 12 of DWTS. woohoo!
Off topic but I'm a sucker for this season's Celebrity Apprentice, my guilty pleasure. Catching up on my Tivo and it's kind of facinating the way it sort of presents all the different "types" of celebrity personalities in one group.
One of the types? Celebs who understand who their fans are, appreciate the value of their fans, and HAVE THEIR FANS' BACKS. This is obviously not the type of celeb Kate is. Kate who says her worst nightmare is a crazed fan and calls her fans overzealous and can't be bothered to stay more than the required 25 minutes and book signings.
On last night's episodes Richard Hatch insulted the country music audience as backward and less educated.
The country music star on the show, John Rich--he immediately snapped back and said: "I will not be happy if ANYBODY stereotypes my audience as low intelligent, as folks who can't think or have their own money! If anyone in this van wants to step up on that subject I'd be more than happy to square off with you about it!"
Yowser, talk about having your fans' backs! Love it. You know, there is something to be said about having this kind of respect for one's fanbase.
This is the first time watching Celebrity Apprentice, and I have to say, I am disgsuted with Deonne Warwick. Star Jones, too, but Deonne is downright nasty. I used to like her but no more. She's a total beeotch.
I never watched Neenee Leakes before, but I like her, so far. I think she's funny. And Latoya is just darling. She's not as whackadoo as I thought she was. And Gary Busey is almost adorable on here. Nutty, but adorable. Did I just say that?
If Deonne lasts one more week I will scream. She does not deserve to still be there.
I would LOVE to see Kate on this show. She'd be eaten alive right away. I would pee myself laughing to hear Donny T. say, "Kate, ya fired!"
Deonne really takes the cake. Did you catch her chomping away on her gum? Is that some trait of narcissists??? She's how I imagine Kate would be on this show: lazy, flighty, snail's pace, abrasive, controlling, devoid of any decent ideas. She wanted top building on a children's book. It wasn't about the kids it was about making sure her name was on it.
In a way this show really is rather brilliant as far as reality TV goes. There aren't much better ways to be able to get to the heart of who a celebrity really is as a person than putting them all together in a small space and forcing them to accomplish random tasks together. You just can't mask your true personality in that highly charged situation for long, it's too hard. The genuine, decent, hardworking, grounded celebs emerge right away and the waste of space lazy narcissists pop right out too.
Sure...kate is the best.This is a woman who has never had to WORK or be held responsiable for the litter she gave birth to.Kate says WE OWE HER!!We gave her science and now we will pay for that.. Kate had a plan...she was after HOM...she got them..!! Now its up to us to pay the pay for college..while kate tans..eats at non organic resturants..sells the clothes she got for free...kate is willing to give back? Sure...As long as TLC is singing the check
Kate is so done!!!Please dont watch this crap fest Not watching is the ONLY way we can win~!
Administrator said... Deonne really takes the cake. Did you catch her chomping away on her gum? Is that some trait of narcissists??? She's how I imagine Kate would be on this show: lazy, flighty, snail's pace, abrasive, controlling, devoid of any decent ideas. She wanted top building on a children's book. It wasn't about the kids it was about making sure her name was on it.
In a way this show really is rather brilliant as far as reality TV goes. There aren't much better ways to be able to get to the heart of who a celebrity really is as a person than putting them all together in a small space and forcing them to accomplish random tasks together. You just can't mask your true personality in that highly charged situation for long, it's too hard. The genuine, decent, hardworking, grounded celebs emerge right away and the waste of space lazy narcissists pop right out too. _____________________________
I don't think chewing/popping gum in public is necessarily the sign of a narcissist...think it's more likely the sign of someone with absolutely NO CLASS. But Dionne does have that in common with Kate. Dionne is mean, lazy, and inept. Something else she has in common with Kate, and, yes, they are both narcissists. Did you also catch her paying her bills via phone while she was supposed to be working? Your last sentence is exactly the reason Kate would never work out on this show. It is great reality t.v., though, and I'm liking Marlee Matlin and think she will be a force to be reckoned with.
I wonder if the aldo shoes were another freebie since they are now promoting which pairs she bought?
Also, Kate is quite tall and those heels are probably almost 5 inches high. Do you think she likes to tower over everyone? She will be standing at about 6 feet or taller in those shoes. I am about an inch shorter than Kate and feel uncomfortable in heels of that height since it makes me so much taller than most people I encounter.
Diamonds on the soles of her shoes said... "There's a new photo of Khate from Saturday in NYC on Hollywood Life."
According to Hollywood Life, her earrings are not diamonds but crystals, "Max & Chloe Blu Bijoux Double Oval Crystal Earrings, $38." From a close up of one of the pics, her bracelet(s) are not diamond either. Dress - $80, shoes $79. Not outrageous.
There are many sites that have similar "ads" for the photos they run and they call it something like 'get the look'. They're not necessarily telling you exactly what the celeb is wearing, but how to look similar to the celeb.
You can tell from the close up that the earrings are different than what Kate is actually wearing, that the dress could have been bought just about anywhere - same with the shoes. It's a sales or advertising tool, not a factual description of what the celeb is wearing.
Silimom, I think you and everyone else has noticed the link between filming and paps showing up. Obviously, the paps are tipped off by Kate's or TLC's publicists. I totally get how this works. It's all about perception. Of course, we bloggers respond and they love that. What is needed is some real detective work exposing her sham by the paps or a magazine, not this hand-in-hand working relationship. I hope some day when Jon is no longer in TLC grips he can clarify.
There are pictures on Zimbio of Kate leaving The Essex Hotel in NYC. Let's take a guess: it's Steve taking the pictures (has to be) one of them it looks like she is blowing a kiss! She barely smiles. Looks like her face would crack if she did.
I'm just making a general statement about wine. I think it's scary the way some people think that wine is a harmless alcohol and no one really becomes an alcoholic off it.
I worked for someone who only ever drank white wine or champagne. She started drinking at four o'clock every day and didn't stop until she passed out, usually between nine and midnight. I realized after several weeks of watching this that this woman was a true alcoholic. When I tried to bring my concerns to someone else in the house I was told it's just wine, it's not like she's getting behind the wheel, it relaxes her, she would never accept there's a problem and stop.
Notably, between the hours of four and midnight are when the school kids are home. So basically, she was almost always drunk or passed out when the kids were home and needed her.
It's just scary that wine is treated differently than hard liquor or beer. It's all alcohol, and it can all cause addiction.
Marlee Matlin is sharp as a stick! It's amazing that someone who can't hear the tone of people's voices and so on has everyone pegged for what they are exactly right. I can't wait to see her be project manager. She has been a keen businesswoman for many years. It's hard enough to be a lasting successful actress in Hollywood let alone a deaf one.
She is so genuine. She recently made a reality show about hearing children living with deaf parents. Sounds like a heck of a lot more interesting show than most crap out there. When she was unsuccessful with pitching it to any network, she said what the heck I'll put it on youtube. It wasn't about making money it was about telling these people's stories.
Oh by the way Marlee married a cop and lives in a modest house with him and their kids just a few miles from where I live. This area is by no means a celebrity hot spot. She lives in a normal, ungated neighborhood not far from the freeway. I think she's giving her kids a real gift keeping them away from the nonsense of Hollywood.
why is what Kate wears, how she styles her hair, whether she has had botox or not, where she shops, what shoes she wears, who she is with when not with the kids, etc, etc, any of our business? What would some of you say if people talked about you that way? You'd be indignant and rightfully so. Let's keep it about the kids, not what Kate is wearing. Otherwise it just sounds bitter. JMHO!
It seems to me that after every time Kate and the kids are filming,Kate gets a trip and shopping spree all to herself as a reward. But no one will ever bring that up to her because all of the celebs on these talk shows all stick together and are afraid of stepping on the toes of TLC. I just wish there was a superman of reporters that would step up and expose all of her lies and how bad she treats the kids and how much money she spends on herself. It makes me sick but I'm not going to dwell on it cos my blood pressure will go up. I won't be watching her show. If her show on April 4th is on at 10pm she will be up against Hawaii Five-0. That show is awesome and I watch every week. Rerun or not.
My opinion about shopping at FAO Schwartz is that it is still fun to shop there if you bring your kids. They have the piano from the movie Big again and the kids love it.
There really is no reason to shop at FAO unless you do have kids with you. It's overpriced and nothing special for adults alone.
I think the kids would have enjoyed the experience.
"Silimom, I think you and everyone else has noticed the link between filming and paps showing up. Obviously, the paps are tipped off by Kate's or TLC's publicists. I totally get how this works. It's all about perception. Of course, we bloggers respond and they love that. What is needed is some real detective work exposing her sham by the paps or a magazine, not this hand-in-hand working relationship. I hope some day when Jon is no longer in TLC grips he can clarify."
I don't think that would be in the best interest of the kids, do you? Their dad writing a tell-all book about their mom? Jon just needs to do what he's doing now, try and get back to a normal life that he and the kids can enjoy together without the shadow of Kate hovering above them.
"Momzilla Kate Gosselin -- with her ever-present film crew -- is on the prowl again for a new man. The over-coiffed TLC "Kate Plus 8" star, whose divorce from the father of her eight kids, Ed Hardy mannequin Jon Gosselin, was finalized last year, headed to 230 Fifth on Friday night in search of romance, or a reality-TV version of it. A spy reports, "It was supposed to be Kate's 36th birthday celebration, but it was all about meeting men. She was all dolled up in a black cocktail dress, brought a camera crew and was chatting up a lot of guys. It wasn't clear if they were actors or not." A TLC rep didn't get back to us."
According to the NY Post's Page Six, Kate was spotted filming at a rooftop bar in Manahttan friday night and she was chatting with various men. How does this fit in with Kate Plus 8 and the charity theme? Is Twist of Kate coming? Will it be a dating show?
Didn't click on the links, but dammit, I love Aldo. I don't know if I should keep giving them my business...
I saw my friend today & her & her husband are trying for a baby. They are doing the IVF method. (I don't know or CARE if this was Kate's method or not, what my friend said next was hilarious). She said, the doctors are pretty careful about couples not having multiples, but because of her age, they are inserting 2 eggs. But she told the doctor "I'll be dammed if I turn out like that freak show Kate Gosselin! God help those kids. No wonder her husband left!" I was totally taken aback. Her & I never talked about Kate. It was so funny!
And about the NPD moms...I don't think mine is, but I think she had me for the sake of having me. She thinks my brother is the 2nd coming, me, not so much. She never taught me anything, finances, boys, sex, she never even brought me to the damn dentist when I was a teen. Thank God when I got insurance when I was 18, I only had 2 cavities. We took my parents in when they fell on hard times (we have an apt. in our house) & they have taken advantage of us left & right. They pay NO utilities. She thinks she is my son's 2nd mother & steps on my toes all the time. She invades my privacy. When I have called her on all this, she gets defensive & walks away. When I met my husband, I was in debt because I had my car repossessed. She never taught me about saving $$, or told me I could be anything. She doesn't think what I'm doing now school-wise is relevant. She shits all over me. Is this NPD or just plain bitchiness? (sorry to rant, but I saw the other posts & saw that others have experience with this. Just wondering. Thanks) :)
New Twist of Kate perhaps? Instead of meeting fans, she makes a desperate attempt at meeting men in NYC. Maybe she's been getting ideas from Hailey's blog - about being single in the city - having her dates filmed.
New titles for Kate's show: Kate - On the Prowl Kate Finds for a Mate Kate Plus 8 on a Date (someone else presented this idea ages ago) Kate - It's all about Me and My Needs
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ As long as she's not filming the kids, let her continue on her desperate attempt at fame.
I've said it before and I say it again, she really should have branded herself as a hands on mom, not a 'world' traveler, desperate for attention mom.
Options: Exercise/Trainer - since she says she likes to run/workout updated her background in nursing Organic Chef - with her non-kids time - she could have taken cooking/nutrition lessons. Home Organizer Guru - With her self proclaimed OCD she could have been a spokesperson and used it to her advantage.
Sure all of these things would take time to perfect, but instead of traveling, manicuring, tanning and botoxing, she could have documented it by video, stopped prowling around for men and attention and really became more than just a late night punchline. She could have had so much more respect if she would have done that and been coached to do it well. She sabotaged herself which is too bad.
"Momzilla Kate Gosselin -- with her ever-present film crew -- is on the prowl again for a new man. The over-coiffed TLC "Kate Plus 8" star, whose divorce from the father of her eight kids, Ed Hardy mannequin Jon Gosselin, was finalized last year, headed to 230 Fifth on Friday night in search of romance, or a reality-TV version of it. A spy reports, "It was supposed to be Kate's 36th birthday celebration, but it was all about meeting men. She was all dolled up in a black cocktail dress, brought a camera crew and was chatting up a lot of guys. It wasn't clear if they were actors or not." A TLC rep didn't get back to us."
Kate had something done around her eyes. They look smaller and squintier than usual, or maybe it's just me. If Kate Plus 8 had never been on the air, and if you showed me the "before" pic of Kate, during Jon & Kate Plus 8, (when she was young and fresh-faced) and the "after" pic now, I truly don't think I would have recognized her.
When Kirstie Alley lost all that weight and made her bikini debut on Oprah, she said she lost the weight by dancing. She turned on fast music and danced for an hour straight every day. And, she did it in high heels. Although this was several years ago, she probably has muscle memory so she can dance comfortably in high heels again and her muscles will do what she asks them to do. Good for Kirstie!
Kate got no muscle memory from sitting around getting her nails done and her hair weaves put in. She didn't even chase after her kids; she just waved them away and told them to take care of things themselves. So Kate found the practices uber difficult.
anna said... why is what Kate wears, how she styles her hair, whether she has had botox or not, where she shops, what shoes she wears, who she is with when not with the kids, etc, etc, any of our business? What would some of you say if people talked about you that way? You'd be indignant and rightfully so. Let's keep it about the kids, not what Kate is wearing. Otherwise it just sounds bitter. JMHO!
To make a very, very long explanation short and to the point, the reason people object to Kate's shopping, hair changes, transportation choices, etc is because her children are WORKING to earn the money that buys her all this stuff you object to us talking about and because Kate made a conscious decision to make her life public when she signed up for a reality show and to promote herself in the press. Had Kate taken the time or made the effort to have a career on her own and let her children live a private life, I don't think anyone here would object. But, she didn't. And, thus we do.
Let's keep it about the kids, not what Kate is wearing. Otherwise it just sounds bitter. JMHO!
Why is it that some just don't get it? This IS about what she is wearing because it's about the kids. They are paying for these ridiculous outfits and have absolutely no say in the matter. Secondly, it is ABOUT the kids because they have to be embarrassed about the way she looks. What mom walks around town with her kids dressed like a hooker with her boobs displayed just so she will be noticed? The boys have to see it, and they have to know what other kids are saying about their mom. The twins certainly are aware of it - they are pre-teenagers. What kind of a role model is she for those children? Their friends' moms don't dress that way and don't hang out at NYC bars hoping to find men, and aren't filmed doing it!
How would YOU like to be the subject of ridicule because your mother flaunts her body at every chance she gets? Good grief, if she wouldn't have these kids working to support her, I don't think that anyone would care that she fits in with the crowd on Sixth or Water streets.
The reason she is doing this is for media attention - to keep her name in the news, and generate controversy in hopes that viewer ratings will not so south. Filming involves the kids. Without them, she would be nothing. This is about the kids - no mistake about it.
@Pink Straight Jacket: Yes, I watched! And I've replayed Kirstie Alley's number a zillion times. She was INCREDIBLE! Watching her nail it actually brought tears to my eyes...watching her just made me feel happy!!! I hope she wins it, because she has the work ethic, talent, and personality to earn that trophy.
the picture of her that I STILL don't recognize her in is the one on her blog in the red dress. NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, about her face looks like her when she's out and about with the paps (Chris in the good old days/Steve now). Facial structure and features ALL look like someone else. My guess is she did her own makeup for that pic and we all know she knows nothing about make-up, hair, clothes, posture, poise, speech, etc.
And as for us commenting on how tacky she looks in what she wears, IT'S FUN! And if there's one thing I learned from watching her is that the mantra is... if it's FUN, JUST DO IT! (and who cares WHO it hurts). Works for her, works for me!
And as for us commenting on how tacky she looks in what she wears, IT'S FUN! And if there's one thing I learned from watching her is that the mantra is... if it's FUN, JUST DO IT! (and who cares WHO it hurts). Works for her, works for me! _____________________
anna said...why is what Kate wears, how she styles her hair...... who she is with when not with the kids, etc, etc, any of our business? ===== Think of it this way...we're just helping the kids keep track of how their mommie spends THEIR money when she's out there in NY makin' memories with her boyfriend and her bff. When they get a little older, they'll appreciate it.
Kirstie can dance! Kate didn't even try. She insisted on the dance floor in her home, Tony coming to her home, all the extra flourish because she has 8 kids. Nothing worked, especially Kate. She just doesn't have the IT factor. Try as she might, without her kids working Kate doesn't have a show. We are frustrated by the fact that Kate is using money the kids make to keep up this "fake and phony" existence. And, yes, she is unrecognizable from now back to the first time she was on tv. It's amazing how she has been transformed and it's not in a good way.
Just wish she would allow Jon to have the kids so she could be on her merry way to Hollywood. Guess that will never happen because Kate needs the kids for the show. They are supporting their entire family (9 of them). That is why we care what Kate wears, spends on hair, shoes, nails, limo rides, body guard, spa treatments, and general personal fun. The Gosselin kids will care someday, too.
I agree that one day the Gosselin kids will care about where their money went. When they look back on pictures and video of Mommy, they may very well resent that the years of truly ugly outfits, shoes, hairstyles and dinners out cost them their college funds.
Thought I read here that BM was going to be on Dr. Oz today. Anyone know if it happened? Looks like the tweets she made about becoming a much-wanted talk show celeb have been removed.
What Kate wears may not be our business but where is it written that we can't have an opinion on a picture that's in a news article. These same people wouldn't have a problem with what we were saying if we said how great Kate looked.
Disgusted, you can change your name however many times you want but you are still banned. Especially since every post you have tried to make since then is a personal attack on another poster. When and if you can post following the rules, and even manage a post without personally attacking someone else, I will lift the banning. I wonder if this is how you go through your real life, insulting everyone who happens to cross your path. Maybe that explains why you have so much time to troll here?
And if there's one thing I learned from watching her is that the mantra is... if it's FUN, JUST DO IT! (and who cares WHO it hurts). Works for her, works for me!
I'm no sheeple; I can't stand Kate either, but isn't that stooping to her level?
Disgusted, you can change your name however many times you want but you are still banned.
If memory serves me, the person you banned commented that she didn't care if she was banned; it was inconsequential in her life. Why, then, would she persist in trying to troll here?
Several of your comments have been published? I don't think so. I know it's hard for people who can't digest anything more difficult than Hop on Pop, but posting on a blog and having someone else approving the bulk of my comments means this blog takes up, at most, about 10 minutes of my time a day and usually less. Perhaps take up gardening? I started planting herbs this spring.
I'm guessing 'disgusted' et al is saying Admin spends all her time on the blog. And yet she (or he) says 'several' of her comments have been posted? hmmm perhaps she should sign in as "Mrs. Kettle"... and stick with that.
Whoa! Katie Irene! Lay off of the botox around those brows. Every since Jon's former doorman and dear old Hailey's pic reappeared on ROL bashing Jon, we knew it was all leading up to Kate coming back on TLC. Then the do-gooder (fake) K8 appeared. Isn't it strange how it seems Hailey, Stephaniewhatshername, the lawyer for the Lohan gang and Major...all seem to connect to TLC and K8? One has to wonder if this TLC/K8 posse might have been intentionally put into Jon's path cause that's how TLC/K8 rolls. Strange how they all come of the woodwork when K8 needs PR, good or bad--now here's Jamie. I'm so glad Buddy took K8's place/time slot and he can show you some simple, good recipes that's easy to cook, too! Plus, those beautiful cakes! He's a good parent and provider...sure, he's a bit of drama, the good, clean kind but he knows how to do charity, he makes you think of family and helping others, he's the real deal. Go away, K8!
Just catching up on DWTS, can't poor Tony catch a break? At least what's her face (Wendy?) doesn't have a completely horrible personality, but her dancing is so timid and downright sad. I have yet to see Tony paired with someone who actually has any kind of decent shot at top two or three, and the ones that do seem to get paired with the same two or three dancers again and again. Makes you wonder.
By the way, if anything Disgusted more or less confirmed that it's not a bunch of sheeple trying to derail things here, but rather one person here who gets off on being a troll. In fact that's not even accurate to call them a sheeple, but something much less adorable, a troll. All the other sheep have gone back to the pen for the night and don't seem concerned with what goes on here.
In all seriousness, I appreciate the sheep that don't care what other blogs do, since I really don't care what they do over on their blogs--I don't troll over there and I respect the sheep who have no need to troll over here likewise. I think the vast majority of us agreed to disagreed a long time ago.
I HEART Kirstie Alley. I didn't watch DWTS, but I watched her show on Bravo (?) & she is too funny. She is blunt but classy. She treats her kids like they are a king & a queen BUT they still know their place. She rocks. I have always been a fan. I'm glad she's doing well. I'll have to Youtube her performance!
Just read on hollywood life details of Kate chasing men. She was at the rooftop bar and she was dancing with her friend when a man came up and pulled her away to dance with her. I'm sure since this was all being filmed, that TLC paid some actors to act interested in her. She obviously needs more attention than she's getting and now TLC is putting out their own Bachelorette. It says the one she paid more attention to is bald. There were 5 guys that she flirted with. All paid actors I'm sure. It was all filmed. I guess they really think we're stupid.
Just wanted to add to my post that I think it's really terrible of her to go man chasing and partying on her custody weekend. Miss ALL FOR THE KIDS should have spent the weekend with her kids. But we all know that her kids now are just an afterthought. What was wrong with next weekend? It's closer to her birthday. And Jon would have the kids. Maybe it was going to be too cold next weekend for her to walk around NY without a coat.
It sounds like TLC is throwing out all kinds of different "themes" for the show and will see which one gets the most ratings. We have the standard travel show they've been peddling awhile with the Australia trip, then we have the idea of a giving back show or charity show with Tennessee, now maybe they will see how a show just about Kate dashing around NYC channeling Mary Tyler Moore will play out. And finally a Kate on the Prowl show with the men at a club.
This is what you call throwing all the sticky buns at the target and seeing which one will actually stick.
As if she has not put these kids through enough, now they may have to suffer through the embarrassment of their mother trying to land a date on TV! Many people say they don't care what Kate does as long as she keeps the kids out of it, but I think filming kate trying to "catch" a man on TV would be awful for the kids. To think that her actions do not affect the kids is crazy. I am sure they get backlash at school. The best thing to do is NOT WATCH HER! Then maybe she will finally GO AWAY!
NT said... Just read on hollywood life details of Kate chasing men. She was at the rooftop bar and she was dancing with her friend when a man came up and pulled her away to dance with her. I'm sure since this was all being filmed, that TLC paid some actors to act interested in her. She obviously needs more attention than she's getting and now TLC is putting out their own Bachelorette. It says the one she paid more attention to is bald. There were 5 guys that she flirted with. All paid actors I'm sure. It was all filmed. I guess they really think we're stupid.
I was shocked when I read this, since I thought Kate doesn't dance! She was as stiff as a board when her and Jon danced in Hawaii and we all know how DWTS went down? So what is up with her and Jamie dancing? Was it the wine?
And finally a Kate on the Prowl show with the men at a club. ==== And getting paid to do it. That's a polite term for prostitution. Maybe she's found her niche.
I was reading the account of Kate dancing at the bar, and thought of the good people at the churches who were scammed into believing that here was a devout Christian woman who, by her own admission, led people to Jesus.
I was thinking about the minister at Roswell, GA who refused to believe that her self-proclaimed religious goodness was all a show. When some viewers tried to point this out, he answered e-mails with a snotty attitude.
I wonder what these people think now that we have an account of a born-again Christian mom at a rooftop bar in New York City, trying to pick up men while her kids are at home under the care of a babysitter.
Guess it's safe to say that Kate isn't high in demand for speaking engagements at churches, especially not fundamental ones!
just wondering said... BabyMama (Deb) will be on Dr. Oz either today or tomorrow. You may want to tune in... ................... Thanks. The ad I saw said something about a 700 lb woman trying to lose weight. Could that be it?
"In a recent Harper's Bazaar interview with super-fan Kim Kardashian, Taylor opened up about her many husbands, jewels and philanthropic work. "I never planned to acquire a lot of jewels or a lot of husbands," Taylor told the 30-year-old Kardashian sister. "For me, life happened, just as it does for anyone else. I have been supremely lucky in my life in that I have known great love, and of course I am the temporary custodian of some incredible and beautiful things. But I have never felt more alive than when I watched my children delight in something, never more alive than when I have watched a great artist perform, and never richer than when I have scored a big check to fight AIDS."
She doesn't say anything about dancing on a rooftop bar, on the prowl for a man with a shaved head. Maybe Ms Taylor should have had a conversation with Kate.
The gist of it: "Cause hot or not, there are some things that you just don’t touch with a ten-foot pole, and Kate’s monster-fucking-attitude is one of them."
Roflmao!!! The sheeple, or at least one who is at the end of the alphabet says that "there are reports all over the internet that the ratings where down on DWTS and Kate was the reason for such high ratings" ha ha ha ha ha ha.
I say the sheeple should look up: Strawman Argument
re: Kate and the men at that rooftop bar.... What keeps going through my head is a saying I read once and I am not quoting exact but you will get the drift:
Alcohol: Making women look good since the beginning of time.
Roflmao!!! The sheeple, or at least one who is at the end of the alphabet says that "there are reports all over the internet that the ratings where down on DWTS and Kate was the reason for such high ratings" ha ha ha ha ha ha.
But here again, we have the sheeple's inability to look PAST their argument and consider the reason why Kate may have contributed to high ratings. Viewers wanted to see her fall on her a$$ and make a fool of herself! IF ratings were high, it wasn't because she had a myriad of fans who were enamored simply because of her beauty and dancing ability; it was because they found that she was the Monday night comedy relief. This is not something for which the sheeple should boast.
Moose -- Yep I'd say so. And even more to the point, doesn't that make TLC her pimp? hehe. For what she's getting paid, she'd better be damn good at it.
Livvy -- Gotta call 'em as we see 'em. They're not fooling anyone. :o)
Is it possible that TLC is straining to find a niche for Kate without the children because they are getting so much heat about filming the kids? Could they buy out her contract, or is it cheaper to keep filming this greedy grifter? What kind of man would ever, ever want to be with this kind of woman? She's not in her 20's, has 8 kids, and appears to be desperate to stay in the limelight. Sad, really.
Moose -- Yep I'd say so. And even more to the point, doesn't that make TLC her pimp?
AuntieAnn -- Of course, that means there are two of them - TLC, as well as Kate, for selling her kids to the highest bidder. It's a profession as old as time, and I guess if it's tried and true, you just gotta go for it.
To prostitute oneself doesn't always mean that one is a lady of the night - it's not only about sex. A prostitute can also be a person who offers to do an activity for money or favors, even though it may bring him/her dishonor or dislike; it's a sell-out. So, technically, then, you've got to call a spade a spade. She is what she is, and those children are her commodity.
i am really getting bored with the Gosselin Saga and I think many people feel the same way I do.. I don't think there are many people left on either side.This really is the beginning of the end.The Gosselin kids are old news no matter what TLC or anyone else does, from where I stand.
Yes and that one sheppie is wacked when it comes to letting her posters bash the father of 8 but she will stop posts about Kate's faults-LOL That is one of the worst hate sites I have seen. Some of those posters are so lost in life ans the one that starts with L is just down right in need of mental help. I heard many tuned in to the season Kate was on to see Pamela Anderson dance and the one that won the trophy. The ratings are good this time for sure-what???? No Kate, seems she was not big attraction but is what made the show lose viewers. The show took a dive from her being on it big time. Viewers are coming back now. Kate should have stayed with her kids on her custody weekend, why not go when she does not have custody, she went before the weekend-she loves to be gone when they are home or she is not making money off them. Gona be sad if it is true and she was pimping herself out on the roof top for her kids to see. Jon is not so bad after all. It's all Kate who has continued to use and leave the children to the hired help. Kate will be known as the mommie dearest and that's about it. They can pimp her out anyway they want on TLC, no one is buying into it anymore except the crazies (maybe 10) who worship this monster and they need help too!
Yes and that one sheppie is wacked when it comes to letting her posters bash the father of 8 but she will stop posts about Kate's faults-LOL That is one of the worst hate sites I have seen. Some of those posters are so lost in life ans the one that starts with L is just down right in need of mental help. I heard many tuned in to the season Kate was on to see Pamela Anderson dance and the one that won the trophy. The ratings are good this time for sure-what???? No Kate, seems she was not big attraction but is what made the show lose viewers. The show took a dive from her being on it big time. Viewers are coming back now. Kate should have stayed with her kids on her custody weekend, why not go when she does not have custody, she went before the weekend-she loves to be gone when they are home or she is not making money off them. Gona be sad if it is true and she was pimping herself out on the roof top for her kids to see. Jon is not so bad after all. It's all Kate who has continued to use and leave the children to the hired help. Kate will be known as the mommie dearest and that's about it. They can pimp her out anyway they want on TLC, no one is buying into it anymore except the crazies (maybe 10) who worship this monster and they need help too!
I'm a bit out of the loop, I don't keep up for a week or so, I come back and Kate's a Kougar!!?? LOLOLOLOLOL!
Trolling NYC with her rent-a-friend, having dinner with some TLC minions to appear she has friends, having her pictures taken by her boobyguard because she is no longer relevant, filming her dying reality show (that no longer involves a stich of reality) while chatting with men who had to be nice to her because they were on camera. Sheeple, please tell us again why we r jellus of this woman?
It is very sad how on the z site they bash Ellen-a person they don't know too. They use people to try and create a fake goodness in Kate. Kate Gosselin is a money and fame monster and really has nothing else on her agenda. A man-who would be stupid enough to be with her-no one. People see how terrible she was to Jon and continues to be to him and jealous of his love interests. So jealous she is pimping herself out on tv. I just think it is funny how tlc is pimping her out and she is so stupid she just does it at all costs. Jon has made mistakes but nothing like what Kate continues to do. She does any and everything to get away from being a mom to the 8. Sick and they may as well right their mom off, she is stuck on herself and she will attract the low life she is pimping herself out to be. Gona be funny the more she gets used as she has used her own family. She may as well do cheap porn, that is what she looks like.
They've found the legal name of a 'hater' and are posting comments made by her students. They are trying to get her fired. They've called the college she works at to say she blogs on work time.
They've gone lower than low. Even Kate isn't that bad.
They've found the legal name of a 'hater' and are posting comments made by her students. They are trying to get her fired. They've called the college she works at to say she blogs on work time.
I think that Admin could probably address this better than I could, but aren't they treading on very dangerous territory if they are doing this? It's a litigious society, and it wouldn't take much for the person being targeted to end the sheeple's rampages for good...hitting them where it hurts - in the pocketbook.
Posting comments from "Rate Your"? Or are they actually talking to her students directly for these quotes? And I would hope the admins at her college would simply hang up on these "sheeple" rather than rewarding them with attention. Better yet, I would hope they'd refer the person behind this harrassment to the psychology department.
As for commenting while at work, as long as they aren't doing it when they should be instructing, I don't believe her superiors will care.
Yea that Z site acts like Kate was a president showing up at a birthday present as a guest, "all the attention would have been on her instead of the dancers" DWTS would have invited her if they wanted, they certainly had lots of past dancers there! What backlash did DWTS have from the "treatment of Kate"? I think the Sheeple read "Sheeple Delusions Quarterly".
I emailed this nut case, and she posted my email on her site and then they went to town. They assume my gender and that I am "stomping my feet" because she blocked my email address. So what. It gave them something to stand around and piss into the wind about.
I still think the comparisons of Ellen & Kate were silly and so petty and childish. Half of the nuts can only call Ellen "Government worker" and the rest pick on her weight and appearance. They claim she put herself out for ridicule because she does EVERYTHING Kate does and wants to be like Kate..huh? I guess this is a serious case of deflection away from the queen.
What will they blog about when Kate is gone? The 10 reasons why Ellen & Jon made TLC dump Kate?
I blog here under a consistent name, so I will use another name for this posting.
The sheeple I think are just projecting their own experiences as low-level employees with bad bosses, or their experience as middle management on a power trip.
A good boss will actually allow an employee to make a few personal calls, browse the internet occasionally, and gasp, even have a few water cooler discussions about the game last night. A good boss doesn't care about this kind of thing, within reason of course, because it creates a pleasant work environment, happy employees, a relaxed atmosphere, and actually, results in better productivity. Have you noticed that most workplaces don't block the internet, or cell phone use, or personal calls? There is a reason it's allowed.
On the other hand, you could be that boss that says NO TALKING ABOUT ANYTHING BUT WORK, NO CALLS FROM YOUR SICK CHILD, NO LOOKING AT BLOGS FOR A FEW MINUTES IN THE MORNING OR OVER LUNCH, NO CHECKING CNN, NO WATER COOLER HANGOUTS GET BACK TO WORK.....and just see how that works out for you with your employees....yeah, not so much.
I'm guessing the sheeple were that much-loved employee always tattling on their cubicle mate for checking out the ESPN scores. I'm sorry they had such sucky workplace experiences.
beyond low said... They've found the legal name of a 'hater' and are posting comments made by her students. They are trying to get her fired. They've called the college she works at to say she blogs on work time.
And *we're* the "haterz"????? lol. What a group of loony tunes. I hope whatever department they reach at the college refers them to the English Department for a lesson in spelling and grammar, followed by a much needed visit to the Philosophy Department for some schooling in building a logical argument, then on to a visit to the Basket-Weaving Department – because these women CLEARLY need a hobby, and finally on to the Psychology Department where they’d be forced to submit to a battery of tests and evaluations, which would no doubt result in an E-ticket to the loony bin.
Have these women even been to college??? Because if they had they’d understand a professor’s schedule, and that blogging between teaching courses is not an offense that would get one fired (I’m a former college professor, so I can tell you this stunt is pure idiocy … although I’m sure the bloggers here figured that out already!!). Oh, and then there’s that pesky little thing called Tenure. What a group of ignorant simpletons these Sheeple are. I’m starting to feel badly for real sheep that we use their name to describe such a desperate and ill-informed group.
Based on this latest stunt, there’s no doubt these are the same women who as school-girls could not hold their own in an argument, and instead tattled on everyone in order to look important and to gain the teacher’s favor. Note to Linda and BM: Kate doesn’t give a rat’s ass about how you try to bring down the “jellus haterz” or how much you defend her. She doesn’t know who you are, and she doesn’t care about you. Kate’s fan base is dwindling day by day. Let’s face it, it’s the people who can’t stand her – NOT the fans – who, sadly, are keeping Kate relevant at this point.
I don't believe in my recollection Kate has EVER said anything negative about Ellen or even so much as breathed her name. Not publically anyway. Kate may insult Jon but she hasn't said anything about his friends in ages. Her fans need to get on board that Kate is respectfully keeping mum about Ellen, and has certainly not asked anyone to drag her through the mud and bring her down. Even Kate seems to have quietly accepted that Jon is going to have girlfriends, just like she is allowed to pursue boyfriends. She can hardly rip on Ellen then turn around and have a nightclub party with a bunch of single men. I do know this working in family law court--it IS a heck of a lot easier to get a no contact order with a girlfriend or boyfriend. They are not the parent. You can bet Kate would be first in line to get it if she thought someone Jon was letting around the kids was a problem. We have never heard a MENTION of a no contact order with Ellen, and we have photographic proof she sees the kids freely with Jon. I just don't see any signs Kate is fixated on her in the slightest. If she is she is doing a darn good job of hiding it, and we all know Kate can't act.
When even Kate is not concerned about someone, you would think her sheeple would get a clue.
As far as trying to maliciously interfere with someone's employment--how anyone could know what someone's work schedule, when their breaks are, what their office policy is, whether they are home sick or on a personal day is in the first place is beyond me--I also don't recall Kate asking for help to bring down her haters either. If anything mostly she talks about how crazed and over-zealous her fans are. I'm guessing calling someone's boss would fit right in with that description. If the shoe fits.
They claim she put herself out for ridicule because she does EVERYTHING Kate does and wants to be like Kate..huh?
Why would Ellen want to be like Kate? Kate treated him like a "friggin dog." He finally had the intestinal fortitude to leave that situation. Logic would dictate, then, that the converse is true: Ellen wouldn't want to be ANYTHING like Kate. She wouldn't want him to leave. What lack of reasoning ability these sheeple have! Why would ANYONE want to be like Kate? I think most of us value our friends and families. Sheeple seem to think that beauty, toned abs, great legs, OUTWARD appearance is what matters. They dwell on it. Anyone can get hair extensions, botox, fake tans, and breast enlargements. It's inner beauty -- the beauty of the soul -- that counts. They haven't been able to figure that out, and it's doubtful that they ever will.
If this person (the target of the current sheeple attack) is a professor at a college, then it wouldn't matter if the educator is blogging on his/her laptop on campus as long as he/she is teaching; shows up for class; grades and returns papers; is available for advisement, etc. Professors in academia are generally paid through a salary rather than an hourly wage. I guess, though, since the sheeple know nothing about colleges and universities, they probably aren't aware of this fact.
Again, if I were those sheeple, I would be extremely careful about taking students' comments on and using them against the professor. The perpetrators are flirting with a possible slander or libel suit. Why is it that they just don't understand this? They can't be that stupid. Okay, strike that...
"Note to Linda and BM: Kate doesn’t give a rat’s ass about how you try to bring down the “jellus haterz” or how much you defend her."
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Exactly. This is what I don't understand. Why would you idolize someone who wouldn't give you the time of day if you ever came face to face with that person? Kate wouldn't. She believes herself to be the Bourgeoisie. The sheeple are the Proletariat. I know her. I've seen her at work. She would treat her adoring fans as insects.
It's just baffling as to why her fan base sets up shrines to her. My background isn't in psychology, although I have taught other subjects on the university level. I would love to explore this impetus for idol adoration. I do remember from some psyc classes that this often begins when adolescents make the transition to adulthood. In doing so, they may form attachments to the illusion of the perfect celebrity and then make the determination that this is the person that they either want to become, or they don't want to become.
Perhaps the sheeple just haven't as of yet made that transition to adulthood. They're still getting their feet wet. This could possibly explain their antics to try to get someone fired. It's immaturity on their part. It's the only explanation I can offer.
"getting bored with the Gosselin Saga and I think many people feel the same way I do.. I don't think there are many people left on either side.This really is the beginning of the end.The Gosselin kids are old news no matter what TLC or anyone else does, from where I stand." ------------------------------------------------ Agreed. Katie also changed into an arena in which she can't compete. She's getting her clock cleaned by the housewives, jersey shore and the rest of the dribble out there. Time to move on.
Professors do a whole lot more than just office work. They take lots of work home with them. And, as an astute poster noted above, they are on salary. They are paid for doing the work of teaching classes, consulting with students, writing research materials, attending conferences, and going to meeting after meeting. You can't fit all that into a neat 8 hour day, so you work well past "quittin' time". If we're talking a 40 hour week, my bet is most professors spend a whole lot more than that doing all that their job requires. Ergo, the school does not mind them taking some time to call home, e-mail a friend, even shop online as long as they don't let their job responsibilities slip.
After all, if the school says "No personal stuff during your work time", the prof can just as easily say "no school stuff during my personal time!"
Professors are generally pretty self-motivated, and don't need to be told when to work and when to take a break. That kind of control over themselves is how they got where they are. It's not the faculty goofing off that most schools worry about.
They went to ratemyprofessor to bash? I wouldn't put it past them to have posted those reviews. They were saying that with enough bad reviews she will get fired! Are they really that stupid? Do they really think a college takes a website like that seriously?
The sheeple are just resentful that their career dreams never got off the ground. I'm sorry that they never made it to a salaried position to know how it works. I guess if you flip burgers and have to answer to middle management I'm guessing that unlike higher paying jobs no you are not allowed to bring in your laptop with you, text message, make a personal call, or anything like that--not that there's anything wrong with flipping burgers, but if that's your experience don't try to tell other people what is acceptable at their jobs.
It's really quite the same for many professions. Lawyers bill hours--if you aren't working on the case and want to make a personal call or check out the game's score, you simply don't bill anyone for it. It's your choice as long as you make your billable hours. Are lawyers in the company box seat not allowed to enjoy the game while they discuss the case with their clients? This would be the same for professions like accountants, doctors, consultants, and so on. And yes, most people who get to this point work far more than 40 hours a week, even if it's just thinking about strategies and ideas in the shower. I'm guessing the bosses are more apt to try to trace phone calls and seek restraining orders rather than get mad at their employee.
Admin said: "The sheeple are just resentful that their career dreams never got off the ground."
Do you think that they ever really had career dreams? Would they aim for any kind of achievement, or realize that what they are now is all that they could ever hope to become? I don't know, and I'm not being snarky. Has anyone done any demographics on the sheeple, or aren't there enough of them left to provide enough data for an ethnographic study? Sheeple-ism is a culture onto itself!
I almost feel sorry for them. Almost, but not quite, particularly if what I am hearing is true and they are now stalking/harassing a college professor. That goes beyond their garden-variety annoying or provoking.
My guess is some of these sheeple once got in trouble on the job. Perhaps stole a cheeseburger, helped themselves to the cash box, forgot their uniform, maybe got caught calling their boyfriend on the office phone. I'm sorry for that but it's kind of pathetic to keep projecting it onto other strangers. Move on.
Who moved my Cheese said... The sheeple I think are just projecting their own experiences as low-level employees with bad bosses, or their experience as middle management on a power trip. ************************** Cheese, you're giving the psychos too much credit. They haven't even made it to the work world yet; I'd hazard a guess that they're 14-15 year olds trying to defend their queen of the white lawn chair.
271 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 271 Newer› Newest»It just seems staged, to go to the most OBVIOUS store for children in the entire city. It's as if someone said quick can't make it look like this weekend getaway is all about you, quick make it seem like you're thinking about the kids.
I don't usually snark on Kate's clothes or bling, but I can't help it--seriously with the matchy-match BFF necklaces? Are they in 5th grade???
I also think as others have speculated Kate is back to her real hair, and I think it looks a million times BETTER. It would also be several thousand dollars cheaper I would think to maintain. Maybe that money she saves can go in the not fully funded college accounts.
I think she brings her "friend" with her to make her look better. I hate to snark, but that lady needs to drink some water for her skin. She looks old enough to be Khate's mom.
Does Khate hate coats? If she can handle walking around in that in NY she surely could of handled the 50 degree weather in Alaska.
Yeah, the most famous toy store in the world, and Kate goes twice WITHOUT her kids. They get to walk with her while she walks barefoot on Liberty Island sucking on a lollipop but if they want to see a toy store they have to google it!
You can't see the forest thru the trees...Just like an addict looking in the mirror she believes her outward appearance is blemish free. She looks so ridicules. Her whole "I'm city chic" thing is like she's at Halloween party dressed as character from Sex and the City. The limo, the heals, FAO Schwartz, come on Katie...really? It's sad actually to watch, it's like those pro athletes who can't retire and instead going out with dignity they go out as has-beens. She is a has-been reality star whose ego is bigger than her fan base.
Everyone has on a coat but Kate. I thought she couldn't stand cold weather?
I liked it better when the media ignored her. I bet it was peaceful for the kids.
What a farce.
A washed up nobody, desperately grasping at anything to stay relevant by selling photos of herself doing absolutely nothing special.
She's full of sh*t not wearing a coat. It was warmer when she was in Alaska, and she was frozen to the bone? I guess NYC "cold" is downright balmy compared to Alaska's 60-something degrees when she was there.
Strange woman.
A Pink Straight Jacket said...
Strange woman.
Strange indeed. Her ego shows no bounds. If she reads about herself like she says she does, does she see that she is always portrayed in a negative light? Wouldn't that be enough for her to just SEE that she is doing so much harm for her kids? HER KIDS?? Why doesn't that register with her? Going to FAO is not going to fix her image or the damage that has been inflicted on her kids. More damage control. More desperation. More Steve pap photos. More stupid shows. She's been off the TV for far too long now for anyone NOT in the Gosselin blogging world to care. I think her show will tank.
SquatmunkieRN said...
I liked it better when the media ignored her. I bet it was peaceful for the kids.
Agreed, but at the same time here we are commenting on it and rewarding both her, TLC and the tabloids with our attention, which just encourages the behavior.
I'm just glad the kids weren't along and could have some time to just be kids, not subjects of
I don't care what Kate does, where she goes or who she's with as long as her kids are free from the confines of "fame".
I notice that even though Kate has a camera focused on her (Steve?), there are no passersby
who are snapping pics with their cell phones.
Either they don't know who she is or else they don't care who she is. NYC'ers aren't gaga over anyone, really. The famous and infamous come and go so quickly around there.
Steve was with them at FAO Schwarz. There's a pic of him walking in front of them. If he didn't take the pics, TLC arranged for a lone photographer to do it. I loathe these people. And Jamie is just there to show that Kate has a single (meaning ONE) friend. It's all P.R.
I'm assuming Kate's kids have TONS of toys already. So since she is the new charitable Kate, maybe she is buying toys for needy kids or for the kids in Japan, NOT! This new charitable Kate is a joke!! She uses the needy, the sick children, Ronald McDonald charities, fund raising yard sales....all for her to make money for "her" show. Humbleness does not exist in Kate's's only for money making purposes on her so called charity shows. Her life makes a statement on how low society has come. She emotionally abuses children/sells childhoods to highest bidder in exchange for lavish lifestyle = rewards for Kate!!
Does Khate hate coats? If she can handle walking around in that in NY she surely could of handled the 50 degree weather in Alaska.
A friend of mine was in the city yesterday. She said it was very cold and chilly and windy...never topped 50 degrees. So, Kate can't stand to be outside in Alaska in 50 degrees when she's dressed in 19 layers (??), but she can walk around NYC in the same temperature wearing open toe shoes, no coat, and a scooped neck top with exposed skin.
She's a strange bird, that one is!
I think we are wasting time criticizing Kate's clothes.It is not relevant to the exploitation of the kids IMO.Everyone has the freedom to dress however they like,that's what democracy is all about. Also, if it's not her week-end with the kids she can go wherever she likes.
Now, the fact that the jewels and expensive places she goes to do not match the "I'm poor" story, that's a different thing.And if it is a custodial week-end then being away is wrong.
I wonder where the kids' b-day will be this year? And how much school they will miss? And how many parties will they have? I know kids are happy with being taken to Olive Garden but seriously, how would you feel if you got to go to a nearby restaurant and your brother would go to Discovery Cove? I would hate to be Mady or Cara...
I'm assuming Kate's kids have TONS of toys already. So since she is the new charitable Kate, maybe she is buying toys for needy kids or for the kids in Japan, NOT!
LOL!! If she were buying toys for the needy kids in Japan, she would have gone to Toys R Us on Time Square, and checked out the clearance shelves. She would not have gone to FAO. Maybe she just likes carrying those FAO bags because they look impressive!
Administrator said...
It just seems staged, to go to the most OBVIOUS store for children in the entire city. It's as if someone said quick can't make it look like this weekend getaway is all about you, quick make it seem like you're thinking about the kids.
I don't usually snark on Kate's clothes or bling, but I can't help it--seriously with the matchy-match BFF necklaces? Are they in 5th grade???
I couldn't agree more with these statements, Admin. It's almost exactly what I was going to say.
Again, Khate thinks a stop at FAO is what everyone does when they hit the city, so she has to go there and try to get noticed. Actually, the real fun of going there is with kids, but I do have to admit that I probably wouldn't want to go there with eight kids in tow. Speaking of eight kids, it doesn't look like she picked up much. You know, FAO usually has free shipping; it's so much easier, but then no photo opps.
The outfit is ridiculous, yet again. Hideous shoes, and again, it all smacks of a desperate attempt to appear younger which does nothing but make her look foolish and pathetic. It was only in the 40's yesterday in NYC, so she must have been freezing in that thin top, no coat and those open shoes. What a moron! Again, she does it all to stand out and be noticed. But, as fidosmommy noted, nobody around her is even paying attention to her, let alone snapping a cell phone pic.
The best friend necklace thing is soooo weird! Like admin said, it's as if they're in 5th grade or something!
This is Khate's usual M.O. before a show is about to air - limo to NYC; dinner at a high profile, trendy restaurant; a stop at FAO or some other touristy place; plus, she most likely had her hair touched up (and maybe a mani/pedi/spray tan). I am convinced that ALL of this is on TLC's bill each and every time. They give her these weekends in NYC to try to promote the show, and really, the expense is nothing to TLC. My, how often will Khate be doing this once TLC no longer foots the bill?
OH, one more thing...Who in their right mind goes to NYC from PA and buys bulky stuff like kids toys to trapes back to PA, limo or not? Obviously it's not for the kids because they are not carrying enough bags. If she wanted to specifically purchase something at FAO then why not just go to King of Prussia or order online and have it delivered? AND THE BIGGEST REASON NOT TO PURCHASE IN THE CITY IS THE SALES TAX. I go to NYC more than a few times a year, we go to all the stores, and then go buy the same exact thing in KOP or online because I'm not paying 8% tax when I can pay 6% here.
And please, enough with the outfits. You're at a children’s toy store not the jersey shore.
Hmmm, maybe she thinks if she dresses like a bravo housewife she'll get an offer from Andy Cohen himself....But wait! She's a wanna be from small town America.
OH, one more thing...Who in their right mind goes to NYC from PA and buys bulky stuff like kids toys to trapes back to PA, limo or not? Obviously it's not for the kids because they are not carrying enough bags. If she wanted to specifically purchase something at FAO then why not just go to King of Prussia or order online and have it delivered? AND THE BIGGEST REASON NOT TO PURCHASE IN THE CITY IS THE SALES TAX. I go to NYC more than a few times a year, we go to all the stores, and then go buy the same exact thing in KOP or online because I'm not paying 8% tax when I can pay 6% here.
And please, enough with the outfits. You're at a children’s toy store not the jersey shore.
Hmmm, maybe she thinks if she dresses like a bravo housewife she'll get an offer from Andy Cohen himself....But wait! She's a wanna be from small town America.
Kate is obviously the subject of the photo shoot hence the directive for her not to wear a jacket out on the street. They have always done this to make her the focal point. It is silly and it must be chilly for her, but they are desperate.
Is Kate taking the limo back home to PA? I wonder how much that costs in gas? I know up here in NH gas is pretty damn expensive. In NYC, gas prices must be soaring. I can't imagine having to fill a limo...OMG a frigin limo...with gas from PA then NYC, then back to PA again. We all know Kate is probably not whipping out her AMEX for the gas bill. Unless she is, then her kids are paying for that too. POS.
And frankly, I couldn't care less about Kate not wearing a jacket. She knows it irks. (she reads here, remember?) It's the fact that she wasn't the center of attention on SPA that was getting to her, & that's why she flipped out. She wasn't cold, she wasn't hungry. She wasn't front & center. Walking around NYC w/out a coat? She thinks the whole city is gawking, staring at her jumbo boobs. Wrong-o. As fidosmommy said, no one was interested in her. That must have stung poor Kate. Awww. How does it feel to be at the bottom Kate? To be Z-list? Does the bottom of barrel taste good Kate?
Thanks, JudyK, for the shout out. I really believe that Kate doesn't know she doesn't know. TLC has been running her show/life for years now. The kids will continue to "work" until we all vote with our remotes. Someone else will have to stop Kate because she will never stop herself from seeking attention, both good and bad. I remember the time Jon joined Mr. Brown, his mentor at the moment, for dinner at Shady Maple. They were still a sweet, struggling family at that point. Boy, oh boy, how things have changed. Guess it's true we must be careful what we wish for.
This trip to NYC is certainly bad PR for a woman who wants to "give back" and change her image. Kate contradicts herself at every interview. "Actions speak louder than words." TLC must think we are a bunch of dummies. This is probably what her own family has witnessed and when they pointed it out to her, they were dumped like a hot potato. Kate only wants praise, not questions.
Is Kate taking the limo back home to PA? I wonder how much that costs in gas? I know up here in NH gas is pretty damn expensive. In NYC, gas prices must be soaring. I can't imagine having to fill a limo...OMG a frigin limo...with gas from PA then NYC, then back to PA again. We all know Kate is probably not whipping out her AMEX for the gas bill. Unless she is, then her kids are paying for that too. POS.
I've been guilty of hiring a driver and limo to go to the city because I refuse to drive in NYC and because I hate driving through tunnels (I'm working on that!). There were times when I had no other option because the trains didn't get me to where I needed to go and I had to have a driver wait for me when I arrived there...complicated, long story. Anyway, the limo generally charges just under $500 round trip to NYC, plus tips (automatically added). Gas is figured into that price. If you're on an hourly rate, and there's massive traffic at the GW bridge or Lincoln Tunnel, the cost can be considerably more. Some companies charge a flat rate, regardless of the time involved.
But, and here's the catch. There's a "wait time," which costs less than driving time, but still, if she had that limo on stand-by for any length of time (like overnight), it would really add up. Perhaps she hired one limo to drive her there, and then an in-city limo to take her shopping and wherever she wanted to go within the city. What's wrong with cabs?
Train fare to NYC is $96 per person round trip, but then there would be no photo ops of her sitting in the limo!
My guess is Kate knew there were paps outside and put HER coat in the huge bag. I honestly believe that. If you look at the photos EVERYBODY, yes, everybody has on a coat. The sleeves on her blouse are very thin. Kate must have brought a coat with her. Just her vanity in wanting to "show off" is frightening for a mother of 8 small kids.
Commenters are saying her looks have nothing to do with her kids but I think it does. What mindframe thinks to hide her coat in a bag or purposely not wear a coat on a freezing day so she can show off her boobs and thin frame in skin tights jeans.
And her eyebrows and eyes look different. She may have had her eyebrows professional done. They look completely different-- with an arch-- than the night before photos. And her eyes look like they did when she had botox in them. Her roots look done too. She didn't stick around in NY city to shop for her kids. I am sure she had some "professional" hair work, botox or some kind of expensive vanity work while she was there.
The problem is, Kate has built her entire physical transformation on the backs of her children. She used her children to have the means to be in a position to transform herself into a celeb. She LOVES her new self, a self she did not earn herself, but rather put her babies to work to obtain. She does not seem to feel one ounce of guilt or regret that precious little Collin has to walk around covering his little face because of the fame and fortune she forced him to acheive for her.
Cankles and stretch marks and cellulite? Not relavant to me. Nips and tucks and straw hair and makeovers and the kids' money pissed away on a bottomless pit of a wardrobe? Relevant.
Amen, Admin! Great way to express how we feel. Kate has certainly achieved "fame" off the backs of her little children. Pissing away the kids' money is the "realist reality."
Admin, if I add on to your already very good comments :
$ aside, how about the sheer amount of TIME AND EFFORT K8 expends to keep up her celeb appearance but somehow that determination and will all all but nonexistent when it comes to protecting her children or putting her children's physical and emotional well being as her top priority.
And from the previous thread, Hippie, I agree with you. I don't feel one iota of sympathy or sadness for the sorry state of Katie Irene's personal life. She has had how many years and opportunities to do the right thing and always chooses the path towards fame and fortune via exploiting her own children.
Hi Etown, i have never drove a car into manhattan either. omg, just the thought of it makes me chringe. When we go we take the train from hamilton to penn station. Then either we walk or get a cab. So much easier and frankly worth the fare.
Commenters are saying her looks have nothing to do with her kids but I think it does. What mindframe thinks to hide her coat in a bag or purposely not wear a coat on a freezing day so she can show off her boobs and thin frame in skin tights jeans.
Well, it wasn't exactly freezing, but it was chilly and breezy, and much to cold to be walking around in open-toe shoes, particularly after her horrible display of "freezing to the bone" in Alaska when it was the same temperature in NYC and she was bundled up in Alaska.
"Hi Etown, i have never drove a car into manhattan either. omg, just the thought of it makes me chringe. When we go we take the train from hamilton to penn station. Then either we walk or get a cab. So much easier and frankly worth the fare."
I got stuck driving in the Lincoln Tunnel for three hours during a security scare. I can do the bridge if I must, but I'd rather have someone else do the driving! If I must use a driving service, I don't do the limo thing anymore -- much too ostentatious, and so 10-years-ago-ish. I'll request a Town Car or nice SUV.
Admin said, "Nips and tucks and straw hair and makeovers and the kids' money pissed away on a bottomless pit of a wardrobe? Relevant."
Absolutely. Especially when she's crying there isn't enough in their college accounts, and whole milk is so expensive. What a piece of work.
According to Radaronline they were filing at Adlo and FAO Schwartz...
Kate has spent the past five years trying to scam America that this family is poor. What's ridiculous is even wearing her hair extensions and her new manufactured body and her makeover she still tried to claim that attorneys fees were eating her alive and that she desperately needed the kids to work to support them and needed more child support from Jon. Maybe if she didn't blow all the money on herself she wouldn't be in such a pickle.
What attorneys fees now? Things have settled down in family law court, the divorce was finalized ages ago. As it was it was a quickie divorce that was finalized incredibly fast, actually to me shockingly fast, compared to the average divorce with that much money and kids involved.
Once again Kate's lack of honesty bites her in the butt. She would be in a much better situation in terms of public perception of her if she embraced it and was honest. If she said look, we have been given more money than we would ever know what to do with and that's why I have the luxury of spending so much on myself. And if she assured us that each and every college fund was fully funded and that each and every child had a trust with the bulk of the family's money secured for them, she would have a lot more leeway to skip around NYC spending the rest of it all on herself.
But crying poor while friend Barbie hair is sticking out of your head? It doesn't work. are spot on! It's amazing just a few years ago on one episode she said something about not being into fashion. She lied. Everything she has done to herself or for "the kids" has been planned in advance.....she is a con artist. She will do anything or use anyone to achieve "her" goals. She gives motherhood a bad name. She is a pitiful human. How she dresses and treats her kids reflect a person who is struggling with guilt and low self esteem. She tries TOO hard, and it makes her transparent. We can see through her, right straight to her phony act and lies. Her demeanor in pictures with and without the kids is so telling of how she feels about them. A mother who cashes in on her kids to provide a lavish lifestyle for herself, is truly a vile human being. One day the kids will be old enough to find out their purpose in their family, concieved to fulfill the greedy wants of a narcissistic mother. That's really when Kate's world will come to a crashing end. These kids will seek explanations and want forgiveness for losing their precious childhoods. Will she be woman enough to tell these kids the truth, before they find it themselves?? As a narcissist, she will blame it on all Jon and them. I know Kate or her handlers read this, and Kate thinks she is one upping all of us. She may be saying we are jealous and want to be her. Let me tell you Kate, in your dreams!!! None of us would want to even remotely be you or look like you. I am a mother who can sleep at night, knowing my kids are taken care of by their parents, not my kids taken care of or working to support me and their father. Living with that guilt, must be killing you Kate. Behind your fake smile and fake life, you know you suffer, because you are going to have to pay the piper eventually and the wait is killing you. Trust me, all the damage you caused to your family was not worth it. Enjoy while you can, cause the fall will be long and hard. I just hope the children will find peace in their lives one day, and will be able to forgive you.
silimom -- ITA with your opinion. I was thinking this weekend as I began seeing all the photos of her out and about 'oh no, here we go again'. But we all knew this would happen once it got closer to April 4. TLC has their cameras following her everywhere making sure she is filmed and that those shots are dropped off wherever they want them. And here we are looking at the links in total disgust, but still looking and they are laughing all the way to the bank. I personally don't think there are enough people in blogland to make a bit of difference in the ratings or her popularity. The ratings come from people who have their TVs on all day long and all night long and don't care a thing about her but she is just something to watch to fill their empty days. IMO. Kate is so full of herself and that entitled diva look on her face is disgusting. Just be prepared, the next two weeks we are going to see that stupid looking mug of hers everywhere.
The FAO Schwarz thing is just another example of Kate's mismanagement of money. I've been there once several years ago and it was nothing but a tourist trap. As I recall it was crowded, huge, and overpriced.
I checked their web site and sampled one toy to see if it was still just as overpriced as I remembered. I checked out a popular toy, LEGOS, specifically the LEGO Pharoah pyramid thing. FAO Schwarz has it for 109 bucks. Wal-mart? Has it for $97, a whole 12 bucks cheaper. And if you buy it directly from Lego's web site it's $99. Sure FAO Schwarz has "free shipping" but there's a huge catch--you have to spend at least 99 bucks--eye roll.
Overpriced tourist trap and more of the kids' money pissed away.
Administrator said. . .
Overpriced tourist trap and more of the kids' money pissed away
Oh I so agree with you but KIDS love it. I mean LOVE it. I put up with it so that my son could bask in the glory of all those toys. Toys as far as the eye can see. And colors. Everywhere. And the see-through elevator he just had to ride. (Yes and, of course, the Big piano on the floor.)
He was young enough to believe that the toys were just to look at. We passed it often on our walks but only once went in. You grit your teeth and tighten your hand-hold but you do things like that just so you can watch the wide-eyed amazement on your child's face. And if you break down and buy him some cheap puppet you both relive that day every time you play puppets at night before he goes to sleep. But you Do Not go there without your child. Why would you even consider that? Unless you are more into pretending to be a good mother than actually being one.
Good, I went there when I was a teenager and I liked it too for that fun aspect of it, but not to actually buy anything. I remember thinking on the one hand, this is fun. On the other, it would not be fun if I had to buy things I wanted here.
I'm not against it for the FUN of it, I just think when people do their regular toy shopping there they are often blowing money.
Exactly. Going there is the experience. Buying toys there is just pretentious (or foolish, or just done to get some "look at me I'm a good mom" props to carry around.)
Kate was possitively glowing in the pap photos from her night out with Jamie. The same can be said of her photos at FAO. Why? Because she's back being the center of TLC hired paps? Gag!!
With everything else going on in the world (Libya, Japan etc...) why do the paps (hired by TLC) even care about this has been? She's pathetic.
Shout out to Hippiechic: Sorry we couldn't get together (only read your post today). Couldn't even find parkining at the N. Conway outlet so I skipped Coach. Could not imagine what the store was like if I couldn't even find a parking spot. I hate crowds!!!
Oh yay, Kate is spending some of the money the children earned on toys while on her trip to New York, which the children's work paid for as well. How generous of her.
Isn't Kate spending the children's money on toys for them sort of a robbing Peter to pay Paul situation?
Or would it be robbing Peter to pay Peter? To be more specific, robbing Mady to pay Mady, Collin to pay Collin, and so on.
I really think she has gotten bigger implants. Compared to pics from the Australia trip her boobs look even bigger.
Just a quick little tidbit about the FAO in NYC. It's not what it used to be. When I lived in NYC (in the 90's) FAO was a great place! They had the clock that played their theme song, it was an adventure.
They don't even have that 'fairytale' forest of stuffed animals at the front entrance anymore. And their Harry Potter Section was so empty, they had a few potter candies and stuffed Owls, but it wasn't impressive.
I remember when I went how amazing it was for me and I was in my early 20's when I lived there.
Now...not so much. Sure you've got the guy dressed up at the door, but after that, it's just a glorified ToysRUs store. Went there last spring with my kids and they were BORED BORED BORED. The Times Square ToysRUs is much better. They at least have a Ferris Wheel inside.
That said, it is rather interesting that Kate decides to take this weekend as her time to go to the city - sans children - when it is her custody weekend.
Bubbles, the non-blogger-ID one said...
I really think she has gotten bigger implants. Compared to pics from the Australia trip her boobs look even bigger.
Maybe they just get bigger on their own. It's getting warmer here. Doesn't matter expand as the temperature rises? It's those darn molecules bumping into each other, causing friction, making them larger! By August, she'll be mistaken for Dolly P!
Great Post!! I too wonder how she sleeps at night knowing what she puts those kids though & what she HAS put those through. How she has lied & manipulated. I know she is possibly a narcissist so doesn't care but does she ever wonder if her kids will come to her & wonder why they were used for her own gain in the entertainment field? You made some great points. :)
No problem!! The boys & I (husband & son) ended up doing some hiking, going to see a movie, did some bike riding, my son got to ride his new motorized scooter he got from my brother for Christmas & we went on for what seemed like 15 walks with my dog. We had a great weekend! I'm sorry you couldn't get into Coach! I was hoping I could live vicariously through you & hear about a new bag you got! Maybe next time? :)
FAO became hugely popular after the movie "Big" -it used to be fun to just walk through the store because it was basically a huge fantasy land. Unfortunately, like Anon. above stated, it is not what it used to be.
As for our friend K8, she will never feel guilty because she will never feel she did anything wrong. In fact, I can almost guarantee she will lay all the guilt and blame on her kids : do you know what I had to do to put food on the table for you kids , if mommy didn't work so hard you would never have been able to create memories in Alaska, Maui, etc. She is a vile, sick woman.
Did a quick google on botox. Full effect takes three to 10 days--but it can start sooner. (Strangely frozen smiles, eyebrows that seem to be arching themselves?) Most common side effect is bruising where the needle went in.
I would call Katie busted.
The woman clearly has been freshly Botoxed, inside and out - if I did not enjoy the conversation here, I would have to kick myself for continuing to waste time on her. Wasted time is truly what she has become. Looks like her new give back life only goes as far as she is paid to do it.
Great Post!! I too wonder how she sleeps at night knowing what she puts those kids though & what she HAS put those through. How she has lied & manipulated
Easy to answer. Kate sleeps very well thank you very much. I'm sure the box of wine is a good aid. Even without wine she'd sleep well because she simply does not have a conscience. She doesn't think about what she put them through for one moment.
If I recall correctly from what I've read about narcissism, when a child grows up and confronts their mother about her narcissism and wronghoods in that child's childhood, a common reply from the narcissist is, "that's not how I remember it!" or, "you exaggerate!" We've already seen shades of this from Kate in how she describes events to us from her skewed perspective when we have video proof that's not what happened. Let's take the camping trip for instance. What the vast majority of people see as a grave injustice to the kids--selfish Kate can't suck it up and ends up leaving when they were having fun--to Kate she was simply cold, wet, miserable, a brief acknowledgment that the kids were having fun but that doesn't matter because I am SUFFERING! No acknowledgment whatsoever how unfair it was to rip the kids from an opportunity of a lifetime. Two completely different views of the same events.
Or let's take a visit with Daddy. Kate seems to remember this as the kids calling her wanting to go home and not wanting to go with him. Whereas the video evidence we have clearly shows kids downright DISTRAUGHT to leave Dad and be returned to Kate at the McMansion.
What a twisted brain she has.
I am getting a report that at the restaurant Friday night people already there were asked to MOVE so Kate and her entourage could sit. Trying to confirm it.
I can say without a doubt the celeb I worked for NEVER did that. She would die of embarrassment before she did that. She would always make sure reservations were made anywhere well in advance and that they knew she was coming and could set aside the tasting room or whatever was needed so it was private.
I have heard Barbra Streisand was notorious for just walking into whatever--a play, a restaurant, and demanding seats be given up.
For the life of me, I can't figure out why a 35 yr. old woman needs botox. It makes sense for me, 21 years older than Kate, but I don't want to look like my eyebrows are painted on, so I'll pass.
If I looked like her after just undergoing botox injections, I would not go out in public for a few days, so I am stumped as to why she did.
No surprise about them having sitting patrons move when Kate's crew arrived. Makes me think this was not pre-planned. If I were paying top dollar for my meal and comfortably seated, I would tell them to go f&^* themselves. I would think they would have her celebrating her birthday with her kids, so it will be interesting to see how TLC plays this. As always, she uses TLC for a free trip and dinner, escorted by her not-a-bodyguard. I think this birthday thing will be an opportunity for her to hype her needing a man and throw the scent off Steve.
Administrator said... I am getting a report that at the restaurant Friday night people already there were asked to MOVE so Kate and her entourage could sit. Trying to confirm it.
I bet you will get confirmation on that Admin because that fits Kate's MO. After the antics at the airport in TN, and the seperate seating they had in Austrailia (at the zoo), it would not surprise me in the least if Purseboy, on Kate's orders, demanded they have special seating at the inconvenience of the other patrons.
Hippie Chic, glad to hear you had a great weekend. Despite the Coach fiasco, we had a wonderful time. It just felt good to get away from Concord. And the ride from Gorham to N. Conway was stunning (gorgeous scenery!).
I'd take our simple weekend with the beautiful vistas over a weekend in NYC like Kate had any day of the week. As I'm sure you would too, Hippie. What you and I did this weekend is worth more than one night Kate spends in a city with her paid help at fancy restaraunts and limo rides.
Re: FAO Schwarz.
I went to their website, expecting to be wowed.
No such thing. The offerings looked mundane at best. One Christmas ornament was purchased by
a bride to be given as favors, and she was so unhappy with them that she donated them to some charity. She said they were cheaply made. I would expect much better of anything sold by such a highbrow store as FAO Schwarz, even tree ornaments.
If this shopping trip was being filmed, it's truly a bizarre choice by TLC producers, IMO.
However, that said, it is entirely possible that FAO would not allow the camera crew inside the store. I recall last time Kate was quite
rude to the salespeople. Rudeness seems to follow Kate like toilet paper on a shoe.
That weirdo Mama person posted on Twitter yesterday that KG's visit to STK made it a hip and happening restaurant, I guess she doesn't leave her little hut alot either. I agree with the poster about STK, it's a cheesy restaurant/lounge for Out of Towners, Jersey Shore types and Middle Age people. Most of the restaurant reviews from NYers were negative and the music is outdated since they play only songs from the 80's and 90's which should fit KG since it's her turn to chase her lost youth.
It's about 5 blocks away from the "Hip & Happening places". If they bumped anyone for KG and her crew, STK staff is as moronic as NYers said about them. BTW, her little jaunt into NY was not even mentioned in any of our local newspapers. Khate, go get a real job, you are irrelevant and most people with common sense know what you are, a fame whore.
Administrator said: If I recall correctly from what I've read about narcissism, when a child grows up and confronts their mother about her narcissism and wronghoods in that child's childhood, a common reply from the narcissist is, "that's not how I remember it!" or, "you exaggerate!"
Having a mother-in-law who has NPD, I can confirm that this is EXACTLY what they say. They will also say "you have a very vivid imagination", or "I would NEVER do or say something like that!" They will deny, deny, deny. Narcissists will NEVER admit any wrongdoing. If they do, it's worded in such a way that they never do apologize and/or they blame you for what they did. For example, they might say "I'm sorry if that's how you feel" or "I'm sorry this happened, but you should have (fill in the blank)."
It's a no-win situation to try and get someone with NPD to see your side of things and own up to any role they may have played in hurtful situations. You would be wasting your time and energy. This is why I always, always advise anyone to distance themselves as much as possible - entirely remove yourself from their lives is ideal (this is what we have done with my NPD MIL).
Another good description I heard one time: narcissists are like relationship tornadoes - they touch down, do a ton of damage, and then they're gone leaving a path of destruction in their wake that they never have to be held accountable for.
FAO actually went backrupt and closed down. Toys R Us bought it in 2009. Kept the FAO name for out of towners and touristy types who haven't experienced the 'original' store.
It's pretty low-brow if you ask me. When it was in it's heyday it was indeed magical. You could spend all day there and still not see everything.
The newer Toys R Us in Times Square, when it first opened especially, is GRAND! Plus you get all the excitement of Broadway and the other tourist trap places when you are down there. In the spring and summer, since they've closed down many of the streets to aid in making the city greener, you can sit out and have your lunch literally in the middle of Broadway. It's pretty cool and great if you are into people watching. Better than any reality tv show out there.
FAO actually went backrupt and closed down. Toys R Us bought it in 2009. Kept the FAO name for out of towners and touristy types who haven't experienced the 'original' store
Toys R Us is selling quite a few of the labeled FAO items in its stores.
"The newer Toys R Us in Times Square, when it first opened especially, is GRAND"
...and the kids can ride the Ferris Wheel! I much prefer that store over the "fake" FAO store. It's those touristy types, and those who don't know that it's actually a Toys R Us store (like Kate) who keep FAO alive.
Anonymous said...
Administrator said: If I recall correctly from what I've read about narcissism, when a child grows up and confronts their mother about her narcissism and wronghoods in that child's childhood, a common reply from the narcissist is, "that's not how I remember it!" or, "you exaggerate!"
Having a mother-in-law who has NPD, I can confirm that this is EXACTLY what they say. They will also say "you have a very vivid imagination", or "I would NEVER do or say something like that!" They will deny, deny, deny. Narcissists will NEVER admit any wrongdoing. If they do, it's worded in such a way that they never do apologize and/or they blame you for what they did. For example, they might say "I'm sorry if that's how you feel" or "I'm sorry this happened, but you should have (fill in the blank)."
And I have to add . . .
The only apology I ever received from my NPD mother was: "I am so sorry you misinterpreted everything I said."
Administrator said: If I recall correctly from what I've read about narcissism, when a child grows up and confronts their mother about her narcissism and wronghoods in that child's childhood, a common reply from the narcissist is, "that's not how I remember it!" or, "you exaggerate!"
Having a mother-in-law who has NPD, I can confirm that this is EXACTLY what they say. They will also say "you have a very vivid imagination", or "I would NEVER do or say something like that!" They will deny, deny, deny. Narcissists will NEVER admit any wrongdoing. If they do, it's worded in such a way that they never do apologize and/or they blame you for what they did. For example, they might say "I'm sorry if that's how you feel" or "I'm sorry this happened, but you should have (fill in the blank)."
And I have to add . . .
The only apology I ever received from my NPD mother was: "I am so sorry you misinterpreted everything I said."
My turn! Same exact story here w/ my NPD mother. Way back before I had even heard of NPD, I foolishly tried to hash out some of my grievances with my mother - those were her exact responses. I know better now and keep her at arm's length as much as possible. Here's the funny part: Care to guess how I eventually learned about NPD? Thank you Katie Irene!
It's too late for Kate and her NPD, but I looked at some of the risk factors. The children are right on track to "inherit" this from their mother:
* Parental disdain for fears and needs expressed during childhood
* Lack of affection and praise during childhood
* Neglect and emotional abuse in childhood
* Unpredictable or unreliable caregiving from parents
* Learning manipulative behaviors from parents
What is going to happen when they realize that they are not longer a media sensation -- will they be told they are no longer cute? How are they going to handle it when those lunch rooms at the amusement parks are closed to all others except them? No more VIP passes, no more freebies and crooked houses showing up at their door. They are sick and tired of the cameras in their faces, being dragged everywhere, but, have they come to expect the special treatment and perks that go along with it? What happens when all of those things cease to be?
Sorry if this has already been mentioned but I guess TLC was filming her NY excursion. Has anyone else noticed that unless the show is filming, no one photographs Kate or the kids? Am I mistaken? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Finally, I have reached a point in my life where my NPD mother can no longer hurt me. How did I manage that? I simply came to terms with what she is, what drives her. I no longer talk to her. I expect her to behave as she does. Nothing she does or says surprises me anymore.
I have siblings who are also narcissists. But they don't know it. Will I tell them? No, because it won't matter. You don't argue with a narcissist. I just stay away from them. I need to look out for my blood pressure.
Best of all, I no longer feel guilty for not talking to her. To talk to her would be to enable her in her disfunctional behaviour. To talk to her would be masochistic behaviour on my part. I no longer discuss her with anyone.
I am never surprised when my siblings go back and forth as far as she is concerned. I am never surprised when they say, "But, she's our mother." Ok, that does not give her the right to bulldoze us.
Ah! I am free of her. I am so at peace. And, there is no guilt and never will be anymore. If only I had known all this years ago, my life could have been so different. When I think of all the anger-filled years that I had to suffer because I knew nothing of the existence of the NPD . How patient, tolerant, and forgiving I was for so many years? Only to have her spit in my face at the first opportunity. This is what a narcissist does. You never know when they will turn on you. And, believe me, it's when you least expect it. It's always when you think "things are finally okay between us now."
A heartfelt thank you to all the blogs who opened my eyes.
If they indeed filmed this NYC excursion as an episode, I wonder if it will be another Kate Gosselin sympathy piece, like an Inside Kate's World 2.0 or something like that?
There's a new photo of Khate from Saturday in NYC on Hollywood Life. Apparently, in addition to FAO, she did quite a bit of shoe shopping for herself (on TLC's dime, I am convinced). Expect to see plenty of fugly new shoes on her upcoming prearranged, fake photo shoots in parking lots:
Scroll to the FIFTH photo
And, yet again, she pauses, poses and smiles for the photographer. What a pathetic joke.
Lucille because of your story I have decided to tell mine. I have always been embarassed to post this, but my mom and I do not talk....she was a narcissist and as a kid/teen, I did not know what that was. No matter how hard I tried, there was no pleasing my mom. She did many not so nice things in her life, but has always been able to justify them. But she ripped me to shreads for all my mistakes. Never encouraged me in anything, always criticized. Even as an adult/mom(me), she always made sure I knew she WAS the mother and I the daughter, and she could scold and slap me if I disrespected her. I spent pretty much my whole life seeking her approval. One day I had surgery and was out of it and for the next few days felt lousy. I had called her days before to let her know the time of the surgery and when I would be home. I never heard from her. My mother always expected for me and my brother to call her, she says kids should call their mother, not the other way around. You would think she would call me to see how I was will be 6 years since that episode, since we have spoken. It took many years to heal from the pain and guilt of not speaking to my mother. I realized I was the child, she was the grown up. I was wronged, and when I realized that, I could move forward in my life without letting the past hurt me anymore. I still love her, but she no longer controls me in any aspect.
Narcissist people destroy others lives and when you are a child it's so confusing to grow up living with someone like that. Funny thing she doted on my brother, he could do no wrong. My brother and I still talk but not often.
Kate is destroying her children little by little, and it will take many, many years for them to recover. Their adult lives will be filled with turmoil because of their mother's actions. I am sad for them, because of what I lived through. As a mother, I vowed never to treat my children, the way my mother treated me. I have a wonderful, healthy relationaship with all 5 of my precious children and that is why my name is kidsRablessing.
"Con artist." Great description of Kate. I have felt that for many, many years. Counterfeit is another good description of her. Get rich and famous and turn your back on the people who helped get you there. Fits Kate to a tee, doesn't it?
The only time Kate is seen now anywhere is when TLC is filming or doing the paps job and making sure she is 'out there'. Really funny how far she has sunk in the public eye. No one cares, except of course, the few fanatical sheep who worship at her feet. TLC can keep on trying to force her down people's throats but they are going to learn really quickly that people are sooooo done with her.
Ha, this is too predictable. Total photo-op. I don't know what reason Khate would have to stop in at FAO by herself, AGAIN, except she needs to remind folks horn that she's the mom of eight, count 'em, eight kids! I doubt she's buying anything for her own kids; there's not a whole lot in that bag she's carrying. The whole thing is just a photo-op, because it's "trendy" to shop there.
If TLC is really funding this trip, I'd be ashamed if I was her, with the world events that are taking place. Still, I'd rather her take all eight of her kids to FAO and let them choose any toy they wanted. They could even film it, I'd just like to see the kids get rewarded for giving their precious time up for our entertainment (general statement, I know many have given up watching).
So Kate goes from giving back by helping at a food bank to a weekend on the town. I guess in her mind she an justify the NYC trip as giving back because she is stimulating the economy by spending so much of the kids...I mean HER hard earned money. Said entirely tongue in cheek.
There's a new photo of Khate from Saturday in NYC on Hollywood Life. Apparently, in addition to FAO, she did quite a bit of shoe shopping for herself (on TLC's dime, I am convinced).
So the KIDS bought their mother new shoes again. Didn't one of them say that she already has a closet full of shoes? Bet they'll be thrilled to know that they paid, or TLC paid (indirectly) for expensive shoes that can be purchased for the fraction of the costs at the outlets here in PA (Lancaster and Berks are the outlet capitals of the East Coast!)...
The approximately five pairs of Aldo shoes in her bags are probably equal in price to one pair of her very expensive Stuart Weitzman heels, she was wearing during the book tour of 2009.
That being said, and not to be petty, but Kate's hair looks very thinned out. I also think it looks as if she got her extensions out and that is her natural hair. She also looks like she had even more plastic surgery and has been dieting to an extreme. She is very gaunt, her boobs look ginormous and her thighs and legs look especially thinned out, nothing like when she was on Dancing with the Stars.
Also, we should all watch or dvr DWTS. They are concerned about a ratings drop without Kate or Bristol. Anyone who watched and liked it should give it a chance, let's not give Kate all the credit for its past success.
Just flipping through the channels and landed on Harvey Levin, TMZ. What to my wondering eyes should appear but Kate and Jamie in a video of both of them getting into the limo. I missed what the paps asked them...something about a "shot." Kate said, "I don't do shots." She was asked what she drinks. "Wine," she said, as she got into the car.
Kate may not "do shots", but clearly she "gets shots" in her forehead and around her eyes.
Thanks to all for bringing me up to date on FAO Schwarz. My son is almost 19 now so our visit to the store was nearly 15 years ago. The ToysRUs in midtown didn't exist (I remember going to one somewhere in Manhattan back then but it was just a place to buy toys--not an event). Think FAO Schwarz was the original "event shopping experience" place but am not real sure about that. In a way I am sad it has outlived its uniqueness. Only the name lives on apparently. Oh well. The Gosselin kids didn't miss all that much then.
If anyone else posted this link please forgive me. I didn't see it on here anywhere. In my opinion Bonnie Fuller hit the nail on the head. Of course the sheeple hate her. They hate anyone who has seen the light when it comes to Kate.
"There's a new photo of Khate from Saturday in NYC on Hollywood Life."
According to Hollywood Life, her earrings are not diamonds but crystals, "Max & Chloe Blu Bijoux Double Oval Crystal Earrings, $38." From a close up of one of the pics, her bracelet(s) are not diamond either. Dress - $80, shoes $79. Not outrageous.
I hope those prices are accurate. Hollywoodlife is historically inaccurate You can't get around the price of the limo though.
Konspiracytheory said: And I have to add . . .
The only apology I ever received from my NPD mother was: "I am so sorry you misinterpreted everything I said."
I'm so sorry. This is all too familiar as my mother-in-law is a narcissist as well.
Lucille said: Best of all, I no longer feel guilty for not talking to her. To talk to her would be to enable her in her disfunctional behaviour. To talk to her would be masochistic behaviour on my part. I no longer discuss her with anyone.
Lucille, I'm so sorry your mother is a narcissist. I know how painful this is, but I applaud you. Good for you for putting up boundries to protect yourself. A narcissist is an abuser. People should protect themselves from all abusers, emotional or physical...regardless of whether or not they are your parent, sibling or friend. You should absolutely not feel any guilt for not having anything to do with her. It's - sadly - a waste of time and is emotionally draining.
I've never shopped through Hollywood Life, however each item has its own link to the outlet when you can buy it on line with those prices.
Administrator said...
I hope those prices are accurate. Hollywoodlife is historically inaccurate You can't get around the price of the limo though.
Admin and Diamonds - that's not the same dress, nor the same purse, nor shoes. They are telling you how to get the same "look," probably for a fraction of the price. Example -- in the photo, Kate is wearing triangle-shaped earrings, while the price and photo of the ones quoted are long ovals. If you look carefully, it will tell you that this is the "look." They did the same thing on another website.
I think the clothing on Hollywood life is just for a similar looking outfit. You can tell by comparing the earrings to the ones she's wearing in the pictures that they are not exactly the same.
Just a thought. Is it possible it was Jamie who wanted to shop at FAO for her own children?
Or to get small gifts for the Gosselin kids from
Auntie Jamie and Dr. Uncle?
If so, I think it's a hoot that Kate has been relegated as baggage carrier for her rather than the other way around.
As I read the list of traits of a narcissist, I started to feel like I was in familiar territory.
My mother refused to ever say she was sorry to us, refused to acknowledge that she had done anything remotely wrong in childraising. I also heard the mantras. She told me I had an overactive imagination, that I was not hard done by, that I was overreacting. She had no regrets about anything.
However, I cannot say my mom was a narcissist.
Her background was that she had an overly controlling stepfather who refused to give an inch on anything. Mom chose to love him, respect him, but she decided early on that nobody would EVER lay blame at her feet about
ANYTHING ever again. So, she didn't. That was that. Narcissist? No. Stubborn? You bet.
Stubborn to a fault. Sometimes it drove me mad, other times it drove me to tears of utter frustration. She never "got it".
But, she was still a terrific mother, went to great lengths to make a comfortable and loving home, volunteered time as a Girl Scout leader and youth group helper, officiating at our swim meets, always there for us. It was clear we were loved, no doubt there. Frustrated, but sure of our mother's love.
So, the qualities listed in the preceding posts above must be weighed against the positive things we find in a person to get a fuller picture of what's going on.
I just find it very odd that she's been friends with Jamie forever, when there was absolutely no mention of her, or evidence of their friendship, prior to all of this.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm on the first train out of here tomorrow to NYC. I want the slava wedge. Perfect for going to Target and Giant. Betcha she wears them with that teeny denim skirt that she likes so much!
Non-Mommy: Jamie has been around for quite a while, although not as long as Kate would have you believe. There are some archival pictures on Preesi's site of them acting like young teenagers, having a sleepover and cuddling, from at least two years ago.
The game with the necklaces has been going on at least that long.
There is a picture in the archives of this site of Jamie manhandling one of the children outside the Wernersville house.
I've read somewhere that they met at a new mother's class when the Gosselin twins were born. Then Jamie moved to Michigan.
Non-Mommy said... I just find it very odd that she's been friends with Jamie forever, when there was absolutely no mention of her, or evidence of their friendship, prior to all of this.
Jamie and Kate met via a multiples group in PA when they both had their twins. They formed a "friendship" at that point -- whatever that might mean when you're talking about Kate. Jamie subsequently moved to Michigan (I think -- but definitely somewhere far away from PA). For some reason, every time TLC needed to prove that Kate had a friend, they fly Jamie in. Not sure why, but she's been the go-to "friend" when there's need to show Kate's "relational" side.
The elephant in the room question is obviosly WHY hasn't Kate made friends in her community? Why import friends from central casting to act as her friends? I think the answer is pretty obvious.
There are pictures of Jamie with Kate and Jon at the E-Town house too.
Re: Kate and narcissism...the first time it really stood out and I really noticed her blatant ignorance of anyone but her royal self was way back when she and Jon were xmas shopping with the eight. She embarrassed him by hollering at him and then when they went outside to the van she couldn't understand why he was mad at her. I thought she was kidding. As it turned out she said she doesn't notice those things. WTF? How can you not notice there are a hundred people gawking at you for screaming at your husband. It served a dual purpose for her though: She made Jon look like an idiot, and she got attention...two of the many things she prides herself on. That might have been the episode I turned from being a fan to absolutely despising the woman.
Re wedges: Personal opinion, but they are the fugliest thing on the planet. At least Kate can co-ordinate her shoes with her personality now.
Off to watch a wonderful Kateless Season 12 of DWTS. woohoo!
The elephant in the room question is obviosly WHY hasn't Kate made friends in her community?
This might help to answer that question...
Off topic but I'm a sucker for this season's Celebrity Apprentice, my guilty pleasure. Catching up on my Tivo and it's kind of facinating the way it sort of presents all the different "types" of celebrity personalities in one group.
One of the types? Celebs who understand who their fans are, appreciate the value of their fans, and HAVE THEIR FANS' BACKS. This is obviously not the type of celeb Kate is. Kate who says her worst nightmare is a crazed fan and calls her fans overzealous and can't be bothered to stay more than the required 25 minutes and book signings.
On last night's episodes Richard Hatch insulted the country music audience as backward and less educated.
The country music star on the show, John Rich--he immediately snapped back and said: "I will not be happy if ANYBODY stereotypes my audience as low intelligent, as folks who can't think or have their own money! If anyone in this van wants to step up on that subject I'd be more than happy to square off with you about it!"
Yowser, talk about having your fans' backs! Love it. You know, there is something to be said about having this kind of respect for one's fanbase.
This is the first time watching Celebrity Apprentice, and I have to say, I am disgsuted with Deonne Warwick. Star Jones, too, but Deonne is downright nasty. I used to like her but no more. She's a total beeotch.
I never watched Neenee Leakes before, but I like her, so far. I think she's funny. And Latoya is just darling. She's not as whackadoo as I thought she was. And Gary Busey is almost adorable on here. Nutty, but adorable. Did I just say that?
If Deonne lasts one more week I will scream. She does not deserve to still be there.
I would LOVE to see Kate on this show. She'd be eaten alive right away. I would pee myself laughing to hear Donny T. say, "Kate, ya fired!"
Deonne really takes the cake. Did you catch her chomping away on her gum? Is that some trait of narcissists??? She's how I imagine Kate would be on this show: lazy, flighty, snail's pace, abrasive, controlling, devoid of any decent ideas. She wanted top building on a children's book. It wasn't about the kids it was about making sure her name was on it.
In a way this show really is rather brilliant as far as reality TV goes. There aren't much better ways to be able to get to the heart of who a celebrity really is as a person than putting them all together in a small space and forcing them to accomplish random tasks together. You just can't mask your true personality in that highly charged situation for long, it's too hard. The genuine, decent, hardworking, grounded celebs emerge right away and the waste of space lazy narcissists pop right out too.
billing, not building
Sure...kate is the best.This is a woman who has never had to WORK or be held responsiable for the litter she gave birth to.Kate says WE OWE HER!!We gave her science and now we will pay for that..
Kate had a plan...she was after HOM...she got them..!!
Now its up to us to pay the pay for college..while kate tans..eats at non organic resturants..sells the clothes she got for free...kate is willing to give back? Sure...As long as TLC is singing the check
Kate is so done!!!Please dont watch this crap fest
Not watching is the ONLY way we can win~!
Administrator said... Deonne really takes the cake. Did you catch her chomping away on her gum? Is that some trait of narcissists??? She's how I imagine Kate would be on this show: lazy, flighty, snail's pace, abrasive, controlling, devoid of any decent ideas. She wanted top building on a children's book. It wasn't about the kids it was about making sure her name was on it.
In a way this show really is rather brilliant as far as reality TV goes. There aren't much better ways to be able to get to the heart of who a celebrity really is as a person than putting them all together in a small space and forcing them to accomplish random tasks together. You just can't mask your true personality in that highly charged situation for long, it's too hard. The genuine, decent, hardworking, grounded celebs emerge right away and the waste of space lazy narcissists pop right out too.
I don't think chewing/popping gum in public is necessarily the sign of a narcissist...think it's more likely the sign of someone with absolutely NO CLASS. But Dionne does have that in common with Kate. Dionne is mean, lazy, and inept. Something else she has in common with Kate, and, yes, they are both narcissists. Did you also catch her paying her bills via phone while she was supposed to be working? Your last sentence is exactly the reason Kate would never work out on this show. It is great reality t.v., though, and I'm liking Marlee Matlin and think she will be a force to be reckoned with.
OMG, just saw the wedge shoes Kate about FUGLY!!! Agree w/ the other poster. Did like the pumps, but the others...just ugh.
I wonder if the aldo shoes were another freebie since they are now promoting which pairs she bought?
Also, Kate is quite tall and those heels are probably almost 5 inches high. Do you think she likes to tower over everyone? She will be standing at about 6 feet or taller in those shoes. I am about an inch shorter than Kate and feel uncomfortable in heels of that height since it makes me so much taller than most people I encounter.
Diamonds on the soles of her shoes said...
"There's a new photo of Khate from Saturday in NYC on Hollywood Life."
According to Hollywood Life, her earrings are not diamonds but crystals, "Max & Chloe Blu Bijoux Double Oval Crystal Earrings, $38." From a close up of one of the pics, her bracelet(s) are not diamond either. Dress - $80, shoes $79. Not outrageous.
There are many sites that have similar "ads" for the photos they run and they call it something like 'get the look'. They're not necessarily telling you exactly what the celeb is wearing, but how to look similar to the celeb.
You can tell from the close up that the earrings are different than what Kate is actually wearing, that the dress could have been bought just about anywhere - same with the shoes. It's a sales or advertising tool, not a factual description of what the celeb is wearing.
Silimom, I think you and everyone else has noticed the link between filming and paps showing up. Obviously, the paps are tipped off by Kate's or TLC's publicists. I totally get how this works. It's all about perception. Of course, we bloggers respond and they love that. What is needed is some real detective work exposing her sham by the paps or a magazine, not this hand-in-hand working relationship. I hope some day when Jon is no longer in TLC grips he can clarify.
There are pictures on Zimbio of Kate leaving The Essex Hotel in NYC. Let's take a guess: it's Steve taking the pictures (has to be) one of them it looks like she is blowing a kiss! She barely smiles. Looks like her face would crack if she did.
For good detective work read Preesi. Especially the section on Chris.
To call her stupid would be an insult to stupid people!
Chris section is in the "where have the paparazzi (one) gone". Sorry for any confusion.
I'm just making a general statement about wine. I think it's scary the way some people think that wine is a harmless alcohol and no one really becomes an alcoholic off it.
I worked for someone who only ever drank white wine or champagne. She started drinking at four o'clock every day and didn't stop until she passed out, usually between nine and midnight. I realized after several weeks of watching this that this woman was a true alcoholic. When I tried to bring my concerns to someone else in the house I was told it's just wine, it's not like she's getting behind the wheel, it relaxes her, she would never accept there's a problem and stop.
Notably, between the hours of four and midnight are when the school kids are home. So basically, she was almost always drunk or passed out when the kids were home and needed her.
It's just scary that wine is treated differently than hard liquor or beer. It's all alcohol, and it can all cause addiction.
Marlee Matlin is sharp as a stick! It's amazing that someone who can't hear the tone of people's voices and so on has everyone pegged for what they are exactly right. I can't wait to see her be project manager. She has been a keen businesswoman for many years. It's hard enough to be a lasting successful actress in Hollywood let alone a deaf one.
She is so genuine. She recently made a reality show about hearing children living with deaf parents. Sounds like a heck of a lot more interesting show than most crap out there. When she was unsuccessful with pitching it to any network, she said what the heck I'll put it on youtube. It wasn't about making money it was about telling these people's stories.
Oh by the way Marlee married a cop and lives in a modest house with him and their kids just a few miles from where I live. This area is by no means a celebrity hot spot. She lives in a normal, ungated neighborhood not far from the freeway. I think she's giving her kids a real gift keeping them away from the nonsense of Hollywood.
why is what Kate wears, how she styles her hair, whether she has had botox or not, where she shops, what shoes she wears, who she is with when not with the kids, etc, etc, any of our business? What would some of you say if people talked about you that way? You'd be indignant and rightfully so. Let's keep it about the kids, not what Kate is wearing. Otherwise it just sounds bitter. JMHO!
It seems to me that after every time Kate and the kids are filming,Kate gets a trip and shopping spree all to herself as a reward. But no one will ever bring that up to her because all of the celebs on these talk shows all stick together and are afraid of stepping on the toes of TLC. I just wish there was a superman of reporters that would step up and expose all of her lies and how bad she treats the kids and how much money she spends on herself. It makes me sick but I'm not going to dwell on it cos my blood pressure will go up. I won't be watching her show. If her show on April 4th is on at 10pm she will be up against Hawaii Five-0. That show is awesome and I watch every week. Rerun or not.
My opinion about shopping at FAO Schwartz is that it is still fun to shop there if you bring your kids. They have the piano from the movie Big again and the kids love it.
There really is no reason to shop at FAO unless you do have kids with you. It's overpriced and nothing special for adults alone.
I think the kids would have enjoyed the experience.
"Silimom, I think you and everyone else has noticed the link between filming and paps showing up. Obviously, the paps are tipped off by Kate's or TLC's publicists. I totally get how this works. It's all about perception. Of course, we bloggers respond and they love that. What is needed is some real detective work exposing her sham by the paps or a magazine, not this hand-in-hand working relationship. I hope some day when Jon is no longer in TLC grips he can clarify."
I don't think that would be in the best interest of the kids, do you? Their dad writing a tell-all book about their mom? Jon just needs to do what he's doing now, try and get back to a normal life that he and the kids can enjoy together without the shadow of Kate hovering above them.
ABC said...
For good detective work read Preesi. Especially the section on Chris.
Could you provide a link? I cannot find my way around that blog. I'd like to read the stuff about Chris. Thanks.
I thought Jamie lost custody of her kids? Doesn't her ex husband have them?
Links please...
Start on page one.
"Momzilla Kate Gosselin -- with her ever-present film crew -- is on the prowl again for a new man. The over-coiffed TLC "Kate Plus 8" star, whose divorce from the father of her eight kids, Ed Hardy mannequin Jon Gosselin, was finalized last year, headed to 230 Fifth on Friday night in search of romance, or a reality-TV version of it. A spy reports, "It was supposed to be Kate's 36th birthday celebration, but it was all about meeting men. She was all dolled up in a black cocktail dress, brought a camera crew and was chatting up a lot of guys. It wasn't clear if they were actors or not." A TLC rep didn't get back to us."
The rooftop bar:
Was this filmed for an episode? Why?
According to the NY Post's Page Six, Kate was spotted filming at a rooftop bar in Manahttan friday night and she was chatting with various men. How does this fit in with Kate Plus 8 and the charity theme? Is Twist of Kate coming? Will it be a dating show?
Didn't click on the links, but dammit, I love Aldo. I don't know if I should keep giving them my business...
I saw my friend today & her & her husband are trying for a baby. They are doing the IVF method. (I don't know or CARE if this was Kate's method or not, what my friend said next was hilarious). She said, the doctors are pretty careful about couples not having multiples, but because of her age, they are inserting 2 eggs. But she told the doctor "I'll be dammed if I turn out like that freak show Kate Gosselin! God help those kids. No wonder her husband left!" I was totally taken aback. Her & I never talked about Kate. It was so funny!
And about the NPD moms...I don't think mine is, but I think she had me for the sake of having me. She thinks my brother is the 2nd coming, me, not so much. She never taught me anything, finances, boys, sex, she never even brought me to the damn dentist when I was a teen. Thank God when I got insurance when I was 18, I only had 2 cavities. We took my parents in when they fell on hard times (we have an apt. in our house) & they have taken advantage of us left & right. They pay NO utilities. She thinks she is my son's 2nd mother & steps on my toes all the time. She invades my privacy. When I have called her on all this, she gets defensive & walks away. When I met my husband, I was in debt because I had my car repossessed. She never taught me about saving $$, or told me I could be anything. She doesn't think what I'm doing now school-wise is relevant. She shits all over me. Is this NPD or just plain bitchiness? (sorry to rant, but I saw the other posts & saw that others have experience with this. Just wondering. Thanks) :)
New Twist of Kate perhaps?
Instead of meeting fans, she makes a desperate attempt at meeting men in NYC.
Maybe she's been getting ideas from Hailey's blog - about being single in the city - having her dates filmed.
New titles for Kate's show:
Kate - On the Prowl
Kate Finds for a Mate
Kate Plus 8 on a Date (someone else presented this idea ages ago)
Kate - It's all about Me and My Needs
As long as she's not filming the kids, let her continue on her desperate attempt at fame.
I've said it before and I say it again, she really should have branded herself as a hands on mom, not a 'world' traveler, desperate for attention mom.
Exercise/Trainer - since she says she likes to run/workout updated her background in nursing
Organic Chef - with her non-kids time - she could have taken cooking/nutrition lessons.
Home Organizer Guru - With her self proclaimed OCD she could have been a spokesperson and used it to her advantage.
Sure all of these things would take time to perfect, but instead of traveling, manicuring, tanning and botoxing, she could have documented it by video, stopped prowling around for men and attention and really became more than just a late night punchline.
She could have had so much more respect if she would have done that and been coached to do it well. She sabotaged herself which is too bad.
HollywoodLife is filled with viruses and is screwing up my system. Just wanted to warn everybody.
The pics @ zimbio: Looks like it took a lot of effort to squeeze out a smile. Must have hurt. That botox really does put her face in freeze frame.
"Momzilla Kate Gosselin -- with her ever-present film crew -- is on the prowl again for a new man. The over-coiffed TLC "Kate Plus 8" star, whose divorce from the father of her eight kids, Ed Hardy mannequin Jon Gosselin, was finalized last year, headed to 230 Fifth on Friday night in search of romance, or a reality-TV version of it. A spy reports, "It was supposed to be Kate's 36th birthday celebration, but it was all about meeting men. She was all dolled up in a black cocktail dress, brought a camera crew and was chatting up a lot of guys. It wasn't clear if they were actors or not." A TLC rep didn't get back to us."
The rooftop bar:
Was this filmed for an episode? Why?
Come hell or high water, TLC will find Kate a man, marry them, and then they will film them in their marital bed.
Should I throw up now or wait 'til later?
Kate had something done around her eyes. They look smaller and squintier than usual, or maybe it's just me. If Kate Plus 8 had never been on the air, and if you showed me the "before" pic of Kate, during Jon & Kate Plus 8, (when she was young and fresh-faced) and the "after" pic now, I truly don't think I would have recognized her.
Anyone catch last night's DWTS?
Kirstie ROCKED!!!
She may not be a young chippie, or wear a size 2, but she gets it- you have to WORK IT, move & groove to to the music, and enjoy the opportunity.
Ahem, very different from shopping cart Kate....
When Kirstie Alley lost all that weight and made her bikini debut on Oprah, she said she lost the weight by dancing. She turned on fast music and danced for an hour straight every day.
And, she did it in high heels. Although this was several years ago, she probably has muscle memory so she can dance comfortably in high heels again and her muscles will do what she asks them to do. Good for Kirstie!
Kate got no muscle memory from sitting around getting her nails done and her hair weaves put in. She didn't even chase after her kids; she just waved them away and told them to take care of things themselves. So Kate found the practices uber difficult.
anna said...
why is what Kate wears, how she styles her hair, whether she has had botox or not, where she shops, what shoes she wears, who she is with when not with the kids, etc, etc, any of our business? What would some of you say if people talked about you that way? You'd be indignant and rightfully so. Let's keep it about the kids, not what Kate is wearing. Otherwise it just sounds bitter. JMHO!
To make a very, very long explanation short and to the point, the reason people object to Kate's shopping, hair changes, transportation choices, etc is because her children are WORKING to earn the money that buys her all this stuff you object to us talking about and because Kate made a conscious decision to make her life public when she signed up for a reality show and to promote herself in the press. Had Kate taken the time or made the effort to have a career on her own and let her children live a private life, I don't think anyone here would object. But, she didn't. And, thus we do.
Let's keep it about the kids, not what Kate is wearing. Otherwise it just sounds bitter. JMHO!
Why is it that some just don't get it? This IS about what she is wearing because it's about the kids. They are paying for these ridiculous outfits and have absolutely no say in the matter. Secondly, it is ABOUT the kids because they have to be embarrassed about the way she looks. What mom walks around town with her kids dressed like a hooker with her boobs displayed just so she will be noticed? The boys have to see it, and they have to know what other kids are saying about their mom. The twins certainly are aware of it - they are pre-teenagers. What kind of a role model is she for those children? Their friends' moms don't dress that way and don't hang out at NYC bars hoping to find men, and aren't filmed doing it!
How would YOU like to be the subject of ridicule because your mother flaunts her body at every chance she gets? Good grief, if she wouldn't have these kids working to support her, I don't think that anyone would care that she fits in with the crowd on Sixth or Water streets.
The reason she is doing this is for media attention - to keep her name in the news, and generate controversy in hopes that viewer ratings will not so south. Filming involves the kids. Without them, she would be nothing. This is about the kids - no mistake about it.
@Pink Straight Jacket: Yes, I watched! And I've replayed Kirstie Alley's number a zillion times. She was INCREDIBLE! Watching her nail it actually brought tears to my eyes...watching her just made me feel happy!!! I hope she wins it, because she has the work ethic, talent, and personality to earn that trophy.
the picture of her that I STILL don't recognize her in is the one on her blog in the red dress. NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, about her face looks like her when she's out and about with the paps (Chris in the good old days/Steve now). Facial structure and features ALL look like someone else. My guess is she did her own makeup for that pic and we all know she knows nothing about make-up, hair, clothes, posture, poise, speech, etc.
And as for us commenting on how tacky she looks in what she wears, IT'S FUN! And if there's one thing I learned from watching her is that the mantra is... if it's FUN, JUST DO IT! (and who cares WHO it hurts). Works for her, works for me!
And as for us commenting on how tacky she looks in what she wears, IT'S FUN! And if there's one thing I learned from watching her is that the mantra is... if it's FUN, JUST DO IT! (and who cares WHO it hurts). Works for her, works for me!
LOL @ Barbee! I agree.
Kate told one of her daughter that she'll have a pretty smile, someday.
After that, as far as I'm concerned Kate's physical appearance is free game.
anna said...why is what Kate wears, how she styles her hair...... who she is with when not with the kids, etc, etc, any of our business?
Think of it this way...we're just helping the kids keep track of how their mommie spends THEIR money when she's out there in NY makin' memories with her boyfriend and her bff.
When they get a little older, they'll appreciate it.
Kirstie can dance! Kate didn't even try. She insisted on the dance floor in her home, Tony coming to her home, all the extra flourish because she has 8 kids. Nothing worked, especially Kate. She just doesn't have the IT factor. Try as she might, without her kids working Kate doesn't have a show. We are frustrated by the fact that Kate is using money the kids make to keep up this "fake and phony" existence. And, yes, she is unrecognizable from now back to the first time she was on tv. It's amazing how she has been transformed and it's not in a good way.
Just wish she would allow Jon to have the kids so she could be on her merry way to Hollywood. Guess that will never happen because Kate needs the kids for the show. They are supporting their entire family (9 of them). That is why we care what Kate wears, spends on hair, shoes, nails, limo rides, body guard, spa treatments, and general personal fun. The Gosselin kids will care someday, too.
I agree that one day the Gosselin kids will care about where their money went. When they look back on pictures and video of Mommy, they
may very well resent that the years of truly ugly outfits, shoes, hairstyles and dinners out cost them their college funds.
You chose THAT over my education? Mommy's MEAN!
Thought I read here that BM was going to be on Dr. Oz today. Anyone know if it happened? Looks like the tweets she made about becoming a much-wanted talk show celeb have been removed.
What Kate wears may not be our business but where is it written that we can't have an opinion on a picture that's in a news article. These same people wouldn't have a problem with what we were saying if we said how great Kate looked.
Disgusted, you can change your name however many times you want but you are still banned. Especially since every post you have tried to make since then is a personal attack on another poster. When and if you can post following the rules, and even manage a post without personally attacking someone else, I will lift the banning. I wonder if this is how you go through your real life, insulting everyone who happens to cross your path. Maybe that explains why you have so much time to troll here?
And if there's one thing I learned from watching her is that the mantra is... if it's FUN, JUST DO IT! (and who cares WHO it hurts). Works for her, works for me!
I'm no sheeple; I can't stand Kate either, but isn't that stooping to her level?
Administrator said...
Disgusted, you can change your name however many times you want but you are still banned.
If memory serves me, the person you banned commented that she didn't care if she was banned; it was inconsequential in her life. Why, then, would she persist in trying to troll here?
Several of your comments have been published? I don't think so. I know it's hard for people who can't digest anything more difficult than Hop on Pop, but posting on a blog and having someone else approving the bulk of my comments means this blog takes up, at most, about 10 minutes of my time a day and usually less. Perhaps take up gardening? I started planting herbs this spring.
I'm guessing 'disgusted' et al is saying Admin spends all her time on the blog. And yet she (or he) says 'several' of her comments have been posted? hmmm perhaps she should sign in as "Mrs. Kettle"... and stick with that.
Is Estupida from the previous thread also trolling as "disgusted?" The M.O. is the same...
"hmmm perhaps she should sign in as "Mrs. Kettle"... and stick with that."
You got that right, AuntieAnn! Or Mr. Pot. I don't think she'd understand the reference, though.
Whoa! Katie Irene! Lay off of the botox around those brows.
Every since Jon's former doorman and dear old Hailey's pic reappeared on ROL bashing Jon, we knew it was all leading up to Kate coming back on TLC. Then the do-gooder (fake) K8 appeared. Isn't it strange how it seems Hailey, Stephaniewhatshername, the lawyer for the Lohan gang and Major...all seem to connect to TLC and K8? One has to wonder if this TLC/K8 posse might have been intentionally put into Jon's path cause that's how TLC/K8 rolls. Strange how they all come of the woodwork when K8 needs PR, good or bad--now here's Jamie.
I'm so glad Buddy took K8's place/time slot and he can show you some simple, good recipes that's easy to cook, too! Plus, those beautiful cakes! He's a good parent and provider...sure, he's a bit of drama, the good, clean kind but he knows how to do charity, he makes you think of family and helping others, he's the real deal. Go away, K8!
Well, whether she's a pot or a kettle, she's cooked now!
Just catching up on DWTS, can't poor Tony catch a break? At least what's her face (Wendy?) doesn't have a completely horrible personality, but her dancing is so timid and downright sad. I have yet to see Tony paired with someone who actually has any kind of decent shot at top two or three, and the ones that do seem to get paired with the same two or three dancers again and again. Makes you wonder.
By the way, if anything Disgusted more or less confirmed that it's not a bunch of sheeple trying to derail things here, but rather one person here who gets off on being a troll. In fact that's not even accurate to call them a sheeple, but something much less adorable, a troll. All the other sheep have gone back to the pen for the night and don't seem concerned with what goes on here.
In all seriousness, I appreciate the sheep that don't care what other blogs do, since I really don't care what they do over on their blogs--I don't troll over there and I respect the sheep who have no need to troll over here likewise. I think the vast majority of us agreed to disagreed a long time ago.
I HEART Kirstie Alley. I didn't watch DWTS, but I watched her show on Bravo (?) & she is too funny. She is blunt but classy. She treats her kids like they are a king & a queen BUT they still know their place. She rocks. I have always been a fan. I'm glad she's doing well. I'll have to Youtube her performance!
The world lost a true star today. There will never be another Elizabeth Taylor EVER. No one comes close.
I'm so sad that all the greats are leaving us.
May Elizabeth rest in peace.
Just read on hollywood life details of Kate chasing men. She was at the rooftop bar and she was dancing with her friend when a man came up and pulled her away to dance with her. I'm sure since this was all being filmed, that TLC paid some actors to act interested in her. She obviously needs more attention than she's getting and now TLC is putting out their own Bachelorette. It says the one she paid more attention to is bald. There were 5 guys that she flirted with. All paid actors I'm sure. It was all filmed. I guess they really think we're stupid.
I changed channels when Kirstie came on. I am terrified of Scientology and any members of that cult and try not to support them in ANY way.
I was amazed at Ralph Macchio.
Just wanted to add to my post that I think it's really terrible of her to go man chasing and partying on her custody weekend. Miss ALL FOR THE KIDS should have spent the weekend with her kids. But we all know that her kids now are just an afterthought. What was wrong with next weekend? It's closer to her birthday. And Jon would have the kids. Maybe it was going to be too cold next weekend for her to walk around NY without a coat.
Pink Straight Jacket...
I just saw that too about Elizabeth Taylor. So sad. She was truly a great. May she rest in peace.
It sounds like TLC is throwing out all kinds of different "themes" for the show and will see which one gets the most ratings. We have the standard travel show they've been peddling awhile with the Australia trip, then we have the idea of a giving back show or charity show with Tennessee, now maybe they will see how a show just about Kate dashing around NYC channeling Mary Tyler Moore will play out. And finally a Kate on the Prowl show with the men at a club.
This is what you call throwing all the sticky buns at the target and seeing which one will actually stick.
As if she has not put these kids through enough, now they may have to suffer through the embarrassment of their mother trying to land a date on TV! Many people say they don't care what Kate does as long as she keeps the kids out of it, but I think filming kate trying to "catch" a man on TV would be awful for the kids. To think that her actions do not affect the kids is crazy. I am sure they get backlash at school.
The best thing to do is NOT WATCH HER! Then maybe she will finally GO AWAY!
NT said...
Just read on hollywood life details of Kate chasing men. She was at the rooftop bar and she was dancing with her friend when a man came up and pulled her away to dance with her. I'm sure since this was all being filmed, that TLC paid some actors to act interested in her. She obviously needs more attention than she's getting and now TLC is putting out their own Bachelorette. It says the one she paid more attention to is bald. There were 5 guys that she flirted with. All paid actors I'm sure. It was all filmed. I guess they really think we're stupid.
I was shocked when I read this, since I thought Kate doesn't dance! She was as stiff as a board when her and Jon danced in Hawaii and we all know how DWTS went down? So what is up with her and Jamie dancing? Was it the wine?
And finally a Kate on the Prowl show with the men at a club.
And getting paid to do it. That's a polite term for prostitution. Maybe she's found her niche.
Maybe somebody mistakenly thought Kate was dancing. She was likely trying to take a dump and it was mistaken for dancing.
BabyMama (Deb) will be on Dr. Oz either today or tomorrow. You may want to tune in...
I was reading the account of Kate dancing at the bar, and thought of the good people at the churches who were scammed into believing that here was a devout Christian woman who, by her own admission, led people to Jesus.
I was thinking about the minister at Roswell, GA who refused to believe that her self-proclaimed religious goodness was all a show. When some viewers tried to point this out, he answered e-mails with a snotty attitude.
I wonder what these people think now that we have an account of a born-again Christian mom at a rooftop bar in New York City, trying to pick up men while her kids are at home under the care of a babysitter.
Guess it's safe to say that Kate isn't high in demand for speaking engagements at churches, especially not fundamental ones!
Tomorrow, Dr. Oz is a rerun
Kate Gosselin dancing? That's an oxymoron if I ever heard one. Even the force of a tornado couldn't help her sway to the music.
BabyMama (Deb) will be on Dr. Oz either today or tomorrow. You may want to tune in...
WHY is she on the show? Aren't addictions often the topic? Is she going to confess her bizarre obsession with you-know-who?
WHY should we want to tune in? LOL!
just wondering said...
BabyMama (Deb) will be on Dr. Oz either today or tomorrow. You may want to tune in...
Thanks. The ad I saw said something about a 700 lb woman trying to lose weight. Could that be it?
@ Auntie Ann. I nearly spit coffee on my computer! You crack me up!!
Elizabeth Taylor has passed away.
"In a recent Harper's Bazaar interview with super-fan Kim Kardashian, Taylor opened up about her many husbands, jewels and philanthropic work. "I never planned to acquire a lot of jewels or a lot of husbands," Taylor told the 30-year-old Kardashian sister. "For me, life happened, just as it does for anyone else. I have been supremely lucky in my life in that I have known great love, and of course I am the temporary custodian of some incredible and beautiful things. But I have never felt more alive than when I watched my children delight in something, never more alive than when I have watched a great artist perform, and never richer than when I have scored a big check to fight AIDS."
She doesn't say anything about dancing on a rooftop bar, on the prowl for a man with a shaved head. Maybe Ms Taylor should have had a conversation with Kate.
"And getting paid to do it. That's a polite term for prostitution. Maybe she's found her niche."
...and the shoes to go with it. TLC reportedly set it up and filmed it. Isn't that aiding and abetting?
Interesting link:
The gist of it:
"Cause hot or not, there are some things that you just don’t touch with a ten-foot pole, and Kate’s monster-fucking-attitude is one of them."
Roflmao!!! The sheeple, or at least one who is at the end of the alphabet says that "there are reports all over the internet that the ratings where down on DWTS and Kate was the reason for such high ratings" ha ha ha ha ha ha.
I say the sheeple should look up: Strawman Argument
re: Kate and the men at that rooftop bar....
What keeps going through my head is a saying I read once and I am not quoting exact but you will get the drift:
Alcohol: Making women look good since the beginning of time.
Roflmao!!! The sheeple, or at least one who is at the end of the alphabet says that "there are reports all over the internet that the ratings where down on DWTS and Kate was the reason for such high ratings" ha ha ha ha ha ha.
But here again, we have the sheeple's inability to look PAST their argument and consider the reason why Kate may have contributed to high ratings. Viewers wanted to see her fall on her a$$ and make a fool of herself! IF ratings were high, it wasn't because she had a myriad of fans who were enamored simply because of her beauty and dancing ability; it was because they found that she was the Monday night comedy relief. This is not something for which the sheeple should boast.
Isn't that aiding and abetting?
Moose -- Yep I'd say so. And even more to the point, doesn't that make TLC her pimp? hehe. For what she's getting paid, she'd better be damn good at it.
Livvy -- Gotta call 'em as we see 'em. They're not fooling anyone. :o)
Is it possible that TLC is straining to find a niche for Kate without the children because they are getting so much heat about filming the kids? Could they buy out her contract, or is it cheaper to keep filming this greedy grifter? What kind of man would ever, ever want to be with this kind of woman? She's not in her 20's, has 8 kids, and appears to be desperate to stay in the limelight. Sad, really.
Alcohol: Making women look good since the beginning of time.
Moose -- Yep I'd say so. And even more to the point, doesn't that make TLC her pimp?
AuntieAnn -- Of course, that means there are two of them - TLC, as well as Kate, for selling her kids to the highest bidder. It's a profession as old as time, and I guess if it's tried and true, you just gotta go for it.
To prostitute oneself doesn't always mean that one is a lady of the night - it's not only about sex. A prostitute can also be a person who offers to do an activity for money or favors, even though it may bring him/her dishonor or dislike; it's a sell-out. So, technically, then, you've got to call a spade a spade. She is what she is, and those children are her commodity.
i am really getting bored with the Gosselin Saga and I think many people feel the same way I do.. I don't think there are many people left on either side.This really is the beginning of the end.The Gosselin kids are old news no matter what TLC or anyone else does, from where I stand.
Yes and that one sheppie is wacked when it comes to letting her posters bash the father of 8 but she will stop posts about Kate's faults-LOL That is one of the worst hate sites I have seen. Some of those posters are so lost in life ans the one that starts with L is just down right in need of mental help. I heard many tuned in to the season Kate was on to see Pamela Anderson dance and the one that won the trophy. The ratings are good this time for sure-what???? No Kate, seems she was not big attraction but is what made the show lose viewers. The show took a dive from her being on it big time. Viewers are coming back now. Kate should have stayed with her kids on her custody weekend, why not go when she does not have custody, she went before the weekend-she loves to be gone when they are home or she is not making money off them. Gona be sad if it is true and she was pimping herself out on the roof top for her kids to see. Jon is not so bad after all. It's all Kate who has continued to use and leave the children to the hired help. Kate will be known as the mommie dearest and that's about it. They can pimp her out anyway they want on TLC, no one is buying into it anymore except the crazies (maybe 10) who worship this monster and they need help too!
Yes and that one sheppie is wacked when it comes to letting her posters bash the father of 8 but she will stop posts about Kate's faults-LOL That is one of the worst hate sites I have seen. Some of those posters are so lost in life ans the one that starts with L is just down right in need of mental help. I heard many tuned in to the season Kate was on to see Pamela Anderson dance and the one that won the trophy. The ratings are good this time for sure-what???? No Kate, seems she was not big attraction but is what made the show lose viewers. The show took a dive from her being on it big time. Viewers are coming back now. Kate should have stayed with her kids on her custody weekend, why not go when she does not have custody, she went before the weekend-she loves to be gone when they are home or she is not making money off them. Gona be sad if it is true and she was pimping herself out on the roof top for her kids to see. Jon is not so bad after all. It's all Kate who has continued to use and leave the children to the hired help. Kate will be known as the mommie dearest and that's about it. They can pimp her out anyway they want on TLC, no one is buying into it anymore except the crazies (maybe 10) who worship this monster and they need help too!
I'm a bit out of the loop, I don't keep up for a week or so, I come back and Kate's a Kougar!!?? LOLOLOLOLOL!
Trolling NYC with her rent-a-friend, having dinner with some TLC minions to appear she has friends, having her pictures taken by her boobyguard because she is no longer relevant, filming her dying reality show (that no longer involves a stich of reality) while chatting with men who had to be nice to her because they were on camera. Sheeple, please tell us again why we r jellus of this woman?
It is very sad how on the z site they bash Ellen-a person they don't know too. They use people to try and create a fake goodness in Kate. Kate Gosselin is a money and fame monster and really has nothing else on her agenda. A man-who would be stupid enough to be with her-no one. People see how terrible she was to Jon and continues to be to him and jealous of his love interests. So jealous she is pimping herself out on tv. I just think it is funny how tlc is pimping her out and she is so stupid she just does it at all costs. Jon has made mistakes but nothing like what Kate continues to do. She does any and everything to get away from being a mom to the 8. Sick and they may as well right their mom off, she is stuck on herself and she will attract the low life she is pimping herself out to be. Gona be funny the more she gets used as she has used her own family. She may as well do cheap porn, that is what she looks like.
They've found the legal name of a 'hater' and are posting comments made by her students. They are trying to get her fired. They've called the college she works at to say she blogs on work time.
They've gone lower than low. Even Kate isn't that bad.
beyond low said...
They've found the legal name of a 'hater' and are posting comments made by her students. They are trying to get her fired. They've called the college she works at to say she blogs on work time.
I think that Admin could probably address this better than I could, but aren't they treading on very dangerous territory if they are doing this? It's a litigious society, and it wouldn't take much for the person being targeted to end the sheeple's rampages for good...hitting them where it hurts - in the pocketbook.
Posting comments from "Rate Your"? Or are they actually talking to her students directly for these quotes? And I would hope the admins at her college would simply hang up on these "sheeple" rather than rewarding them with attention. Better yet, I would hope they'd refer the person behind this harrassment to the psychology department.
As for commenting while at work, as long as they aren't doing it when they should be instructing, I don't believe her superiors will care.
Yea that Z site acts like Kate was a president showing up at a birthday present as a guest, "all the attention would have been on her instead of the dancers" DWTS would have invited her if they wanted, they certainly had lots of past dancers there! What backlash did DWTS have from the "treatment of Kate"? I think the Sheeple read "Sheeple Delusions Quarterly".
I emailed this nut case, and she posted my email on her site and then they went to town. They assume my gender and that I am "stomping my feet" because she blocked my email address. So what. It gave them something to stand around and piss into the wind about.
I still think the comparisons of Ellen & Kate were silly and so petty and childish. Half of the nuts can only call Ellen "Government worker" and the rest pick on her weight and appearance. They claim she put herself out for ridicule because she does EVERYTHING Kate does and wants to be like Kate..huh? I guess this is a serious case of deflection away from the queen.
What will they blog about when Kate is gone? The 10 reasons why Ellen & Jon made TLC dump Kate?
I blog here under a consistent name, so I will use another name for this posting.
sorry.. should have been birthday party. not present.
The sheeple I think are just projecting their own experiences as low-level employees with bad bosses, or their experience as middle management on a power trip.
A good boss will actually allow an employee to make a few personal calls, browse the internet occasionally, and gasp, even have a few water cooler discussions about the game last night. A good boss doesn't care about this kind of thing, within reason of course, because it creates a pleasant work environment, happy employees, a relaxed atmosphere, and actually, results in better productivity. Have you noticed that most workplaces don't block the internet, or cell phone use, or personal calls? There is a reason it's allowed.
On the other hand, you could be that boss that says NO TALKING ABOUT ANYTHING BUT WORK, NO CALLS FROM YOUR SICK CHILD, NO LOOKING AT BLOGS FOR A FEW MINUTES IN THE MORNING OR OVER LUNCH, NO CHECKING CNN, NO WATER COOLER HANGOUTS GET BACK TO WORK.....and just see how that works out for you with your employees....yeah, not so much.
I'm guessing the sheeple were that much-loved employee always tattling on their cubicle mate for checking out the ESPN scores. I'm sorry they had such sucky workplace experiences.
beyond low said... They've found the legal name of a 'hater' and are posting comments made by her students. They are trying to get her fired. They've called the college she works at to say she blogs on work time.
And *we're* the "haterz"????? lol. What a group of loony tunes. I hope whatever department they reach at the college refers them to the English Department for a lesson in spelling and grammar, followed by a much needed visit to the Philosophy Department for some schooling in building a logical argument, then on to a visit to the Basket-Weaving Department – because these women CLEARLY need a hobby, and finally on to the Psychology Department where they’d be forced to submit to a battery of tests and evaluations, which would no doubt result in an E-ticket to the loony bin.
Have these women even been to college??? Because if they had they’d understand a professor’s schedule, and that blogging between teaching courses is not an offense that would get one fired (I’m a former college professor, so I can tell you this stunt is pure idiocy … although I’m sure the bloggers here figured that out already!!). Oh, and then there’s that pesky little thing called Tenure. What a group of ignorant simpletons these Sheeple are. I’m starting to feel badly for real sheep that we use their name to describe such a desperate and ill-informed group.
Based on this latest stunt, there’s no doubt these are the same women who as school-girls could not hold their own in an argument, and instead tattled on everyone in order to look important and to gain the teacher’s favor. Note to Linda and BM: Kate doesn’t give a rat’s ass about how you try to bring down the “jellus haterz” or how much you defend her. She doesn’t know who you are, and she doesn’t care about you. Kate’s fan base is dwindling day by day. Let’s face it, it’s the people who can’t stand her – NOT the fans – who, sadly, are keeping Kate relevant at this point.
I don't believe in my recollection Kate has EVER said anything negative about Ellen or even so much as breathed her name. Not publically anyway. Kate may insult Jon but she hasn't said anything about his friends in ages. Her fans need to get on board that Kate is respectfully keeping mum about Ellen, and has certainly not asked anyone to drag her through the mud and bring her down. Even Kate seems to have quietly accepted that Jon is going to have girlfriends, just like she is allowed to pursue boyfriends. She can hardly rip on Ellen then turn around and have a nightclub party with a bunch of single men. I do know this working in family law court--it IS a heck of a lot easier to get a no contact order with a girlfriend or boyfriend. They are not the parent. You can bet Kate would be first in line to get it if she thought someone Jon was letting around the kids was a problem. We have never heard a MENTION of a no contact order with Ellen, and we have photographic proof she sees the kids freely with Jon. I just don't see any signs Kate is fixated on her in the slightest. If she is she is doing a darn good job of hiding it, and we all know Kate can't act.
When even Kate is not concerned about someone, you would think her sheeple would get a clue.
As far as trying to maliciously interfere with someone's employment--how anyone could know what someone's work schedule, when their breaks are, what their office policy is, whether they are home sick or on a personal day is in the first place is beyond me--I also don't recall Kate asking for help to bring down her haters either. If anything mostly she talks about how crazed and over-zealous her fans are. I'm guessing calling someone's boss would fit right in with that description. If the shoe fits.
They claim she put herself out for ridicule because she does EVERYTHING Kate does and wants to be like Kate..huh?
Why would Ellen want to be like Kate? Kate treated him like a "friggin dog." He finally had the intestinal fortitude to leave that situation. Logic would dictate, then, that the converse is true: Ellen wouldn't want to be ANYTHING like Kate. She wouldn't want him to leave. What lack of reasoning ability these sheeple have! Why would ANYONE want to be like Kate? I think most of us value our friends and families. Sheeple seem to think that beauty, toned abs, great legs, OUTWARD appearance is what matters. They dwell on it. Anyone can get hair extensions, botox, fake tans, and breast enlargements. It's inner beauty -- the beauty of the soul -- that counts. They haven't been able to figure that out, and it's doubtful that they ever will.
If this person (the target of the current sheeple attack) is a professor at a college, then it wouldn't matter if the educator is blogging on his/her laptop on campus as long as he/she is teaching; shows up for class; grades and returns papers; is available for advisement, etc. Professors in academia are generally paid through a salary rather than an hourly wage. I guess, though, since the sheeple know nothing about colleges and universities, they probably aren't aware of this fact.
Again, if I were those sheeple, I would be extremely careful about taking students' comments on and using them against the professor. The perpetrators are flirting with a possible slander or libel suit. Why is it that they just don't understand this? They can't be that stupid. Okay, strike that...
dontcha know, they are teaching the haters a lesson.
"Note to Linda and BM: Kate doesn’t give a rat’s ass about how you try to bring down the “jellus haterz” or how much you defend her."
Exactly. This is what I don't understand. Why would you idolize someone who wouldn't give you the time of day if you ever came face to face with that person? Kate wouldn't. She believes herself to be the Bourgeoisie. The sheeple are the Proletariat. I know her. I've seen her at work. She would treat her adoring fans as insects.
It's just baffling as to why her fan base sets up shrines to her. My background isn't in psychology, although I have taught other subjects on the university level. I would love to explore this impetus for idol adoration. I do remember from some psyc classes that this often begins when adolescents make the transition to adulthood. In doing so, they may form attachments to the illusion of the perfect celebrity and then make the determination that this is the person that they either want to become, or they don't want to become.
Perhaps the sheeple just haven't as of yet made that transition to adulthood. They're still getting their feet wet. This could possibly explain their antics to try to get someone fired. It's immaturity on their part. It's the only explanation I can offer.
"getting bored with the Gosselin Saga and I think many people feel the same way I do.. I don't think there are many people left on either side.This really is the beginning of the end.The Gosselin kids are old news no matter what TLC or anyone else does, from where I stand."
Agreed. Katie also changed into an arena in which she can't compete. She's getting her clock cleaned by the housewives, jersey shore and the rest of the dribble out there. Time to move on.
Professors do a whole lot more than just office work. They take lots of work home with them.
And, as an astute poster noted above, they are on salary. They are paid for doing the work of teaching classes, consulting with students, writing research materials, attending conferences, and going to meeting after meeting. You can't fit all that into a neat 8 hour day, so you work well past "quittin' time". If we're talking a 40 hour week, my bet is most professors spend a whole lot more than that doing all that their job requires. Ergo, the school does not mind them taking some time to call home, e-mail a friend, even shop online as long as they don't let their job responsibilities slip.
After all, if the school says "No personal stuff during your work time", the prof can just as easily say "no school stuff during my personal time!"
Professors are generally pretty self-motivated, and don't need to be told when to work and when to take a break. That kind of control over themselves is how they got where they are. It's not the faculty goofing off that most schools worry about.
They went to ratemyprofessor to bash? I wouldn't put it past them to have posted those reviews. They were saying that with enough bad reviews she will get fired! Are they really that stupid? Do they really think a college takes a website like that seriously?
The sheeple are just resentful that their career dreams never got off the ground. I'm sorry that they never made it to a salaried position to know how it works. I guess if you flip burgers and have to answer to middle management I'm guessing that unlike higher paying jobs no you are not allowed to bring in your laptop with you, text message, make a personal call, or anything like that--not that there's anything wrong with flipping burgers, but if that's your experience don't try to tell other people what is acceptable at their jobs.
It's really quite the same for many professions. Lawyers bill hours--if you aren't working on the case and want to make a personal call or check out the game's score, you simply don't bill anyone for it. It's your choice as long as you make your billable hours. Are lawyers in the company box seat not allowed to enjoy the game while they discuss the case with their clients? This would be the same for professions like accountants, doctors, consultants, and so on. And yes, most people who get to this point work far more than 40 hours a week, even if it's just thinking about strategies and ideas in the shower. I'm guessing the bosses are more apt to try to trace phone calls and seek restraining orders rather than get mad at their employee.
I really just feel sorry for them at this point.
Guys..........Run for the Hills!!!!!!!!
Admin said: "The sheeple are just resentful that their career dreams never got off the ground."
Do you think that they ever really had career dreams? Would they aim for any kind of achievement, or realize that what they are now is all that they could ever hope to become? I don't know, and I'm not being snarky. Has anyone done any demographics on the sheeple, or aren't there enough of them left to provide enough data for an ethnographic study? Sheeple-ism is a culture onto itself!
I almost feel sorry for them. Almost, but not quite, particularly if what I am hearing is true and they are now stalking/harassing a college professor. That goes beyond their garden-variety annoying or provoking.
My guess is some of these sheeple once got in trouble on the job. Perhaps stole a cheeseburger, helped themselves to the cash box, forgot their uniform, maybe got caught calling their boyfriend on the office phone. I'm sorry for that but it's kind of pathetic to keep projecting it onto other strangers. Move on.
Who moved my Cheese said... The sheeple I think are just projecting their own experiences as low-level employees with bad bosses, or their experience as middle management on a power trip.
Cheese, you're giving the psychos too much credit. They haven't even made it to the work world yet; I'd hazard a guess that they're 14-15 year olds trying to defend their queen of the white lawn chair.
About Kate being why DWTS ratings were high...I would think Pam Anderson had something to do with that...
Oh, & because I'm a dork; Happy Birthday to me. :) It's the 6th anniversary of my 29th!
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