It's Spring break from school and naturally, it looks like the kids are being put to work again. A T
witterer spotted Kate and the kids in a Tennessee airport. At some point, we hope these little work horses can get a vacation from what should be their real job, school, that doesn't involve working a second job the entire time.
tarastreet: At Tennessee airport w Holly & Megan. Holly almost pinched my arm off in baggage. Why? Kate Gosselin walked by with her entire brood.
about 5 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone ·
76 sediments (sic) from readers:
These kids have worked through almost EVERY real vacation from school since this past summer. I wonder if they even understand what a break from school really means to most kids--relaxing, friends, playdates, movies. Not WORKING. For pity sake I couldn't feel more terrible for them, or more helpless.
You know I would gloat that we called this, but there's no really much to call. If they get a break from school 9 times out of 10 they are filming. Expect the crap to be filmed out of them THIS summer too. Sigh.
WAIT a minute I just remembered, didn't they already go to Tennessee? The episode about the ducks? If they are filming again are they this strapped for ideas they have to back to the same places they've already been??? Ridiculous.
I have to say, exploitation aside and not making light of that, who really cares where they go anymore? Even if the show returns to the TLC lineup, they are so far behind and so off season, the audience has to have largely drifted away. No longer so cute, no longer relevant, time to go away.
Westcoaster, exactly. The trips to nowhere all that interesting are, just that, not all that interesting. Like a really boring travel show on public TV with a really uninteresting host you had to sit through in your European History class or something. Zzzzz. The appeal of Alaska to most casual viewers was the unbelievableness of Kate's meltdown. No one cared about panning for gold or seeing some Moose antlers. There was a rumor Kate tried to pitch the show to a different network and bet you anything it was a travel show that, not surprisingly, no one wanted to pick up. Even that aside, travel shows are a very NICHE area. Travel shows are not a dime a dozen by any means. There is of course the Travel channel, which these days has become sort of a third food network rather than Travel, a few other shows scattered here and there that somehow always make their way back to the theme of food, and that's it. There just isn't the market for travel shows right now, probably because of the economy. People don't WANT to see all these fabulous vacations they can't go on.
I think it's really terrible that not only are these very young kids giving up their days off to work, but they are making a show that is on its last leg and is not even a GOOD show anymore. If they have to work away their childhoods it would be nice to at least have something good to show for it.
The Twitterer (is it tweeter?) said that they took a limo to the hotel. With gas through the roof and the economy so bad do they honestly think 5-star vacations with limos and whatnot are all that appealing to people?
And to give you an idea of how LONG it's been since we've checked in with this family, they still have episodes in the can from DECEMBER being forced to hike up and down the Rocky steps. Who is going to be interested in what they were doing even before Christmas? It already feels like ages ago. I really don't know what the thinking is behind this on TLC's end. Unless to just drag, drag, drag, and string, string, string?
Westcoaster has a point. BIGGER stars with serious meltdowns are dominating the headlines. Her trips with the Gosselin 8 are yesterday's news. Short of exposing her possible affair with the basement dweller, there's nothing she can expose that can top the Sheen meltdown, Beiber kicking his dancer, or Affleck & McCain efforts to help the people in the Congo.
If the Gosselin 8 are filming for TLC, that would not be old news. Money grubbing Katie & TLC will wring every single fiber from the Gosselin 8 to make $$ before the Gosselin 8 lose their kid appeal with the public. As for multiples, there are many more families with multiples who are learning from Katie Irene's exploitation of the G8 & choosing to stay away from the cameras. Kids FIRST is a concept Katie could NEVER understand.
What the hell!?????
Let me get this straight. The Gosselin children's lives consist of going to school, spending 10 hours a week on a bus just to get there, coming home and going to bed 3 hours later. THE MINUTE there is a school break they get dragged to another state or country (and also even when school isn't on break.) Aside from the fact that this does not resemble in any form or fashion what a childhood should be- where is the "reality" in this? How is this even remotely relatable to anyone? What kind of show is this? Why do they barely film anything else anymore other than extended travel? And the kicker is that their mother has promised on national TV that they will get part time jobs as teens, they will buy their own cars and their college funds aren't fully funded. They will reap none of the sacrifices they are being forced to make.
I know we did all assume Kate and TLC would take advantage of the spring break, I just really hoped they would let those kids stay home. It is soooooooo interesting to me that the same Kate who fretted and whined on R&K about how the kids "just want to be in their own beds" "just want their own toys" and "get homesick" when they are visiting their Dad, apparently doesn't give a shit about toys & beds and their home when she's constantly dragging them all over the world for her own selfish purposes. I am truly saddened and disgusted. I really thought after the Philly and AU&NZ trips those kids would be given a break.
Speaking of Charlie Sheen, I have this to say of Kate. She doesn't even come close. He clearly is not aware of what a complete wreck and embarrassment he is to his family, his dad and kids and so on. Whatever it is, mental illness or drugs or whatever, people express it in different ways. The way he is doing it has become an absolute pathetic disgusting disaster, and the victims are his family, namely his children.
Wayward, what the hell is right.
I really don't think it can be exaggerated how damaging it may turn out to be to pull a child away from his home and friends and father for every single break he ever has from school--when it comes to their socialization alone. School is great for making friends but the real social skills are learned when the teaching stops. They need to be able to use these breaks to do things with friends OUTSIDE the classroom. And I find it hard to believe that not one single friend of theirs had anything planned over break they wanted to include these kids on. How many sleep overs, ski trips, movies, etc., did they have to pass on because they are being forced to work? It's all well and good to say the kids don't have to participate if they don't want to, such as Mady not going on the boat ride in NC. But she couldn't just go back to her normal life and go hang out with a friend when she chose not to film. Instead she sat in a lonely hotel room.
Another thing Kate needs to keep in mind. Pull your kids from their friends enough and eventually the friends will learn so-and-so Gosselin is always too busy to play. Eventually, friends will give up. It is sick and horrible what is being done to these kids. It's going to have life-long consequences. These are CRUCIAL years, formative years. CRUCIAL social skills are being built right now that are constantly being interuptted. And those skills are not going to be developed around a bunch of 20-something boom operators and their pack of siblings.
Oh you know how much the adoring public can't wait for the corn maze in October scenes, wait is it now spring? And you're right, what's relevant about the constant travelogue shows? Airports, hotels, limos, more airports, not to mention the handlers, the match clothes, the complete artificial look to this reality is mind-boggling and frankly, boring. I haven't watched an episode since the mockery that was Hawaii. And right now, sadly, our airwaves are imploding with the exploits of bigger celebs; Kate who?
Remember how the sheeple always insisted any kid would be lucky to grow up this way? Well, I think it's sick, and I'm VERY glad my daughter got to have a nice normal childhood with memories of sleepovers with friends, Girl Scout camping trips, earning GS badges, school field trips, times spent at Grandma and Opa's house (they live on the beach!), violin recitals, basketball teams and soccer teams at the Y, going to high school football and baseball teams. And all without a camera crew in her face filming her life from infancy on for public consumption.
My child's identity and childhood was never for sale. If someone had come knocking at my door, the answer still would have been a resounding no. Some people still know what's important in life.
Those poor kids have no childhood. They've been earning their mother's fame and "wealthy" lifestyle their entire short lives. It's not in any way, shape or form enviable: it's SAD.
Is it possible they are just on a "family" vacation this time?
Admin said: ..."These are CRUCIAL years, formative years. CRUCIAL social skills are being built right now that are constantly being interuptted. And those skills are not going to be developed around a bunch of 20-something boom operators and their pack of siblings."
Exactly. The effects of being isolated from having friends as well as their young extended family members has already reared it's ugly head. We've all seen them beat the crap out of each other when they get mad over the slightest things. They have not been given the opportunity to learn and develop the "filter" and social nuances we all aquire at a young age by being exposed to a variety of people. We are taught to call our neighbor "Mrs. Smith", we figure out that while we might whack our brother because we want the ball he has, we'd never whack our friend.
They are mainly cared for by young women who need to keep their job. I suspect these girls are probably not as firm with the kids as they should be in regards to respect for adults, in order to keep the peace and her job. It's JMO, but I think they feel they are equal with adults because they are used to adults jumping through hoops for them. This might explain the agression problems the two had with adults. And then there's the matter of the film crew or "dads." Another group of people who are being paid to patronize the kids and do whatever it takes to get the shots they need. It's just a messed-up situation and it leaves them completely unprepared for that life that they alone, are apparently going to have to forge for themselves.
Linda, these kids are lucky all right. They will be lucky if they come out of a completely dysfunctional artificial childhood paying their mother's way through fame.....with any sense of normalcy and stability.
Anyone who thinks this is normal and good for them, well, all I can say is I'm sorry that they have such a superficial view of what makes a childhood happy and stable and "good." Essentially if anyone thinks what they are being forced to do is great, they've bought into what the tabloids and media WANT Americans to think--that the "best of" everything, the most beautiful, most expensive, exotic, is the key to happiness. I think most well-adjusted people take this kind of propaganda with a grain of salt. I hope so anyway. You're right, sad is the only word.
Another attorney I work with unfortunatly had a bad rear-end accident this weekend. His Mercedes is totalled. He is a great guy, so generous, we love him. But he was VERY happy last year to finally be able to afford his beautiful Mercedes. He talked about it all the time, gave everyone rides in it. That Mercedes to him represented that he made it. Do you know what he said today? When it comes down to it when you get rear-ended God doesn't care you were driving a Mercedes.
I found this kind of profound in a way. When it comes down to it, shit happens in life and you can surround yourself with the best Mercedes in the world but it's not going to change whether the life you live is lucky or unlucky or happy or sad or what have you. How one's life goes is not going to be better just by the fact that you can now afford a Mercedes. And these kids lives are not better for THEIR "Mercedes" lifestyle.
"Airports, hotels, limos, more airports, not to mention the handlers, the match clothes, the complete artificial look to this reality is mind-boggling and frankly, boring"
Didn't an insider post here not too long ago that TLC was cutting all of the travelogue shows because "real" people don't identify with expensive vacations...therefore, all of the filming would be done in Kate's own backyard? So much for credible information!
I would have been very surprised, since their break lasts until the 15th, if they had not gone anywhere. She can't stay at home with the kids. They did do a good job keeping it hush-hush, though.
There is absolutely nothing that is going to stop her from filming the crap out of those kids. Nothing.
Yeah. Kate's "Mercedes life": Well Duh, Winning!!!
You go girl, LOL that was great.
I bet Kate loved his ORGANIC union of hearts quote.
*Is it possible they are just on a "family" vacation this time?*
Another poster said Steve was there so that's doubtful, and then there's their habit of filming every school break. The cameramen are like family though.
Name one time this family ever went on vacation without cameras. Only one that I can ever think of, when Kate flew the kids out to LA to visit her on DWTS. One time of allll the trips they've ever taken.
Where is that person who always posts that they don't film EVERY school break we EXAGGERATE. After all they didn't film on MLK Day! You out there?
Well I work at the airport they came in to they came in to TRI here in east TN! she had a fit a bag clam that people were trying to take there pic... when no one was!!! Why are they here in east TN...
I wonder if Ashley is also on Break this week, or if Kate is managing with just Steve and the one other nanny?
I can't believe TLC is still spending this kind of money on this dog and pony show.
Had a fit in baggage claim over imaginary pictures, hmmm - same old, same old prima donna Kate. Well here's advice for you - keep your kids at home for a change on their vacation time, and no one will bother any of you. Novel idea, I know, but that's how the real world rolls.
I agree with the poster who hypothesized that these kids do not have a healthy relationship with adults, that perhaps they consider themselves equals or even worse. It would certainly explain a lot. Sad lot.
*Is it possible they are just on a "family" vacation this time?*
"Yeah, right, and I'm Lola Falana" (Roseanne show...Dan telling Roseanne that Wayne Newton on stage really IS Wayne Newton, and she doesn't believe him)
A family vacation, as in Kate PAYING for a family vacation? Yeah, right!
In all fairness, I think everyone in the blog world would be up in arms if she had pulled the kids out school to film. Not that filming them on breaks is acceptable or justified. I personally am sick of this vile woman and wish she would just give it up already!!
Here's a pic of them at the airport
According to another 'tweet' from a different user Kate was not happy at the airport on her way to the plane. Nanny or Kate's lookalike friend is with them.
I can't think of one time Kate ever paid for a real vacation for her family either. Kate is a "user" and would never pay when someone else is willing to. I can't imagine TLC thinking all these trips make interesting watching. Just how many paid for trips can the public stomach? If the show is only on every couple of months they have to almost be to the end of their contract.
I Was at the NY Book Signing...
I read your post. Thank you for elaborating. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I knew something was up. I KNEW it. There is no way Kate would go out of her way for any fan, I'm sure she would just sign her book, & say NEXT, like cattle. It's bothersome that after all these years that there is really not one incident of positive interaction I have read about Kate. I have read here & GWOP for years now. Locals come here & have nothing nice to say, they say she is just as rude & bitchy in person as she is on TV. How can anyone go through life like that?
If I treated my husband the way she treated/treats Jon, I would feel so horrible all the time. If I walked all over my child & disrespected him the way she disrespects & NEGLECTS her kids, I would feel awful all the time. I know, it's her personality disorder, but ya know, she has got to have feelings, emotions, something in her heart somewhere. I still stand by my original position of not caring for Kate, or her exploitation of her kids, but HOW can anyone be so void of emotions for their kids, so mean, so heartless?
I am beginning to think that K8's filming is being done for distribution to other countries. It would explain why we are not seeing anything current here, but that she is constantly traveling with a crew.
Admin, thank you for getting what I was trying to say. Kate runs after the "Charlie Sheen" life so hard, with its riches and fame that she just doesn't see how high the real cost is.
I don't know what caused Charlie's demons (although he did start filming at age nine) and I don't know for sure that the Gosselin children will have the same ones but it is fair to say that forming one's self perception as a developing child, using the distorted image created by the lens of a camera, is guaranteed to leave some imperfect impressions.
The appeal of Alaska to most casual viewers was the unbelievableness of Kate's meltdown. No one cared about panning for gold or seeing some Moose antlers.
Wow, you are able to speak on behalf of all viewers of the show? Here's a thought: Why don't you speak for yourself only since in reality you have no way of knowing what the appeal of the show was to other people.
This is just pathetic. For Christ's sake Kate, enough!! These kids go through airport security more than a flight attendant! How many times do these kids get patted down & frisked for security purposes? Kate must love the feel of a good frisk, since she has no man in her life, she's gotta get it somewhere.
And Tennessee? Again? Repeat repeat repeat. Boring. This show has become the Travel Channel without the interesting hosts & the informative guide. Just 8 kids looking miserable & a stupid blond woman going "Look, sand! Oh, look, a tree! Say hi tree! Can I drive the limo?" (a limo. what a dolt.) This show is so lame, so irrelevant, & SO OVER. When will this family do something worth watching, like read to the elderly, feed the homeless, volunteer at the animal shelter? Maybe do anything else that will teach the kids something worthwhile & something helpful to OTHERS?
I am so glad I do not watch this crap & get my updates from here. I would easily throw something at my TV if I had to watch this non-deserving family get just another trip, because "Kate said so". How about TLC give those trips to some military families whose husbands/wives/moms/dads/sons/daughters/ just came home? I'm sure they could use some family time. Oh, right...they STILL think Kate is watchable. WRONG. It's been too long, I think Kate will tank in the ratings. *rant over* :)
My parent live in that area. I can't think why they would go to East TN, unless it was for camping or to see the car races at Bristol Motor Speedway. Do you think they are filming a camping trip to show what a great camper Kate is? Will Kate make snarky comments about the Alaska camping trip and smirk at the camera? Could this trip be damage control?
Not On Your Life said...
"Yeah, right, and I'm Lola Falana" (Roseanne show...Dan telling Roseanne that Wayne Newton on stage really IS Wayne Newton, and she doesn't believe him)
I LOVE that show! That one was just on the other day!! I was watching while I was studying! LOL (sorry, had to throw that in.)
They can't stay home during any school holiday because that would me that Kate would have to (gasp) spend an entire day with her children herself!
She gets her breaks during the day when the kids are in school. During school holidays she takes these trips to have the "hired hands" from TLC babysit her kids while she gets a free trip.
Eastern TN. hmm? Well, that's Knoxville, Chattanooga, Pigeon Forge. Is Dollywood open in late winter? Are they going to visit the Chattanooga ChooChoo? The Smokey Mountains. Can't imagine that those kids would find a lot of interesting things in that area this time of the year. Maybe in late Spring, but not now. My first thought was they were either going to go to the Grand Ole Opry or that Kate would inflict herself on the patients at St. Judes again and maybe visit Graceland, but those aren't in Eastern TN. At any rate, looks like Kate is interfering with Jon's custody again. I'm sure he had plans to spend part of the school break with the kids. No wonder every picture I've seen of the kids for the past year shows at least some of them with dark circles and bags under their eyes. Kate never gives them time to relax and just be kids.
Wonder if they are going to Dollywood in Pigeon Forge or headed to Gatlinburg area.
I'm disgusted(I don't know how many more times I can use this word regarding Kate Gosselin) so I am only going to say this:
When I was little, I would spend Christmas break with my grandparents,parents,and a cousin and her parents.I would spend NY's Eve with my cousins and Easter also at my grandparents and other family members mentioned above.During summer, I would normally stay at my grandparents(there were tons of kids there,they live at country) and for one or two weeks(nut usually one,maybe 10 days at times) me, my parents and most times some cousins(which are like brother and sister to me) would go to the seaside or to a mountain area.And I was HAPPY! I had the greatest childhood in the world with that 10 days yearly trip with family and friends (occasionally I would visit other cousins in different cities throughout the year but that doesn't count as trip although I had tons of fun).
And I can honestly tell you that if I had been asked at 6:Do you want to go to Australia or to your two cousins(the ones which are like my siblings) ? my answer would have been My COUSINS. I am willing to bet that if the Gosselin kids were given a choice, they would chose the same thing(and if they had been allowed to get to know and bond with their cousins)
Administrator said... Name one time this family ever went on vacation without cameras. Only one that I can ever think of, when Kate flew the kids out to LA to visit her on DWTS. One time of allll the trips they've ever taken.
And I wouldn't really consider that a family vacation. Probably spent most of the time in airports and on the plane. Land, visit, take off again.
Is it just me or is there a twin missing. I see three boys, three little girls and one twin.
Kathy said... I am beginning to think that K8's filming is being done for distribution to other countries. It would explain why we are not seeing anything current here, but that she is constantly traveling with a crew.
You may have something here! There is a lot of footage somewhere that is not being aired here! Thanksgiving, Philadelphia, Hockey game and all of Austrailia and NZ. Remember the rumors in the summer that she would spend the Christmas holidays promoting her show in England...well, that never happened, but maybe they are filming to distribute outside the USA, where no one knows her!!!!! Siberia
SarahP said... They can't stay home during any school holiday because that would me that Kate would have to (gasp) spend an entire day with her children herself!
She gets her breaks during the day when the kids are in school. During school holidays she takes these trips to have the "hired hands" from TLC babysit her kids while she gets a free trip.
This is exactly what I think! Somewhere along the way, Kate lost the ability to cope with and handle her own children by herself on a day to day basis. The mere thought of a school break, or summer vacation probably sends her screaming for Xanax. She just doesn't know what to do with them anymore even with the help of nannies, so why not make a little extra cash off of them!!
Also, to use Kate's words: "I just don't get it". Why is TLC still paying to send them on trips. If they have the contract to ride out, then film around where they live. It's all just monotonous garbage anyway, why the extra expense....I just don't get it!
WTG Family Judge! Make those kids work for their mommy! The court could have put a stop to it. Their lack of enforcement is so obvious. They haven't and won't.
The only thing that will stop this woman is when her kids do it. :(
Livvy, I think both twins are there. The one with the blue jacket is, I think, Mady, because she usually has her hair pulled back in a pony tail. I think Cara is the one in the white jacket in front of the boys, because the bag she's carrying is identical to the one the other one is carrying.
I found this online:
Second Harvest Food Bank teams up with Kate Plus for food drive
Second Harvest Food Bank of Northeast Tennessee will be holding a Food Drive at Food City, 1205 Eastman Road, Kingsport from 10 a.m. to noon tomorrow with the help of TLC’s Kate Plus 8.
“The Food Bank and Feeding America are excited to have been selected as the charity for this segment of Kate Plus 8 giving back,” said Rhonda Chafin, Executive Director.
The need for food assistance in Northeast Tennessee continues to grow. Last year approximately 7.8 million pounds of food and grocery products were distributed by the Food Bank serving over 33,000 individuals each month through Food Bank agencies and special programs. The Food Bank is asking for help from the community to meet the growing need through food drives like this. People are also encouraged to help meet the increased need for food assistance by making a monetary donation, becoming a Food Bank agency, volunteering or holding a food drive.
Second Harvest Food Bank of Northeast Tennessee feeds the hungry by securing donations of food from national and local manufacturers, grocers and individuals. They redistribute the donations to non-profit charities that feed the hungry in an eight county region of Northeast Tennessee composed of Carter, Greene, Hancock, Hawkins, Johnson, Sullivan, Washington and Unicoi counties.
The Food Bank is a member of Feeding America, the Nation’s Food Bank Network and is one of 5 Food Banks in Tennessee and one of 200 in the Feeding America Network. For more information about Second Harvest Food Bank of Northeast Tennessee visit For information about Feeding America also visit
PaMomOfOne said...
I found this online:
Could you provide the link, please. Thanks.
"Second Harvest Food Bank teams up with Kate Plus for food drive"
Hopefully they'll just be gone for the day and the kids can spend the rest of the time at home and with their dad.
This is a good example to set for the kids.
I forgot, I think Dollywood is closed until at least April. *EDITED to add: They open March 26th***
She can't go somewhere where a person can compete with her boob job anyway...
So after the foodbank, I'm sure they will go to the Grand Ole Opry and that fancy hotel. What is it? Gaylord? Oh yes, she will visit Gaylord.
Why travel all the way to TN for a food bank. PA has their own food banks. If this is Kate "giving" back - Kate and TLC should remember the saying - Charity begins at home. After everything the people in the PA area gave this family, Kate should be busting her behind to pay them back first. Charities are hurting for help...
BTW - I live in the area - Dollywood is closed, Gatlinburg is alright but not real thrilling this time of year, snow is mostly melted so we have that dormant brown looks to all the trees/mountains so the Smokey Mountain park will be boring, parts of the Blue Ridge Parkway are still closed so no trips there. And for the person who talked about Kate camping - right now with our temps and rain - it would still feel like Alaska to Kate.
On a final note - this part of TN/NC area is under a flood watch - why does bad weather seem to appear where Kate is?
My understanding from another site is that the show will resume airing in April, although personally I think they will wait until summer and that Kate plus 8 will be on weekly from June to August.
"The Food Bank and Feeding America are excited to have been selected as the charity for this segment of Kate Plus 8 giving back,”
I don't understand why Kate has to "give back" in TN. There are many areas of PA that are in desperate need of help due to industries leaving/closing down. Why can't she ever help those in her own state?? The students at Penn State University just held their big dance marathon to help kids with cancer at the Hershey Medical Center (where the tups were born) and raised over $9.6 million dollars! This is a huge event at Penn State (and for the state as a whole) -- different sororities & fraternities "adopt" families of patients, they hold special events for the families and children, etc. The funds the students raise go to the families to help in the treatment and care of the children. Kate could have easily done something for this big event and if she wanted her kids to be involved, they could have done something too.
It would be nice if she & the kids could "give back" without cameras, publicity, and travel. It's a shame that her narcissism must show even when she's "giving back".
Links please said...
Here it is:
Ampersmom said...
Why travel all the way to TN for a food bank. PA has their own food banks. If this is Kate "giving" back - Kate and TLC should remember the saying - Charity begins at home. After everything the people in the PA area gave this family, Kate should be busting her behind to pay them back first. Charities are hurting for help...
She can't really "give back" in PA becasue the good folks there have her number. I'm betting that everyone who has said that they're filming to show the episodes overseas is correct.
Just saw the airport picture, typical, tup boys and tup girls out in public in the matchy/matchy outfits (to make sure people know who they are,or at least catch their eye with the 'alikeness' so they know 'WHOM' they are seeing). Glad I live far away from PA, TN and anywhere else she'd go with them. I doubt she'd like WI in the Winter, and just so she knows (since we all know she reads this) WI Spring weather stinks too, Kate.
Hopefully they'll just be gone for the day and the kids can spend the rest of the time at home and with their dad.
In your dreams! They'd never travel there for one day. They'll have to film multi-episodes for TLC to justify expenses. They're out of school until the 15th...might as well milk it for all its worth!
They are still "striking while the iron is hot." I tell you they will keep filming the "puddin" out of these kids as long as TLC wants to pay for it. Kate will not pull the plug on her own. She'll need to be cancelled and then she'll shop around for a replacement to TLC. Mark my words! She will not give up the lifestyle for anything or anyone without a fight. She wants money and doesn't have an issue with using the kids to make it for her.
She is a Cow said,
"Somewhere along the way Kate lost the ability to cope with and handle her children on a day to day basis..."
Well, not really. She couldn't "lose something" she NEVER EVER had!
I truly believe Kart has had tons of help with those kids from the time she was on 500 weeks of bedrest, right on through to this very minute.
Apparently her show is returning April 6th with an hour long episode - The Australia Episode. She apparently gets to swim with sharks. Sorry, I don't need to watch another episode of Kate Gosselin freaked out by the natural world. Kudos that she tried it, I guess. You certainly couldn't pay me enough to do it.
In twitpic of the family on the escalator at the airport, from the back, it looks like Jamie is with the family - again.
Anyone wondering if they'll make this a 'fun' trip as well as one for work. It's almost a 2 hour drive from where they landed to Dollywood. I'm guessing this will be another trip, just like all the others, where they'll drop in, make their appearance, and leave with no activities factored in for leisure time for the kids.
Anyone wondering if they'll make this a 'fun' trip as well as one for work. It's almost a 2 hour drive from where they landed to Dollywood.
If they go to Dollywood, they'll find themselves in the same predicament as the Griswolds at Wally World in National Lampoon's Vacation. Dollywood is closed until March 26th.
I COULD SCREAM!!! Why is she here!!? I live 15 minutes from Kingsport. I know the exact location of that Food City! I cannot believe she has the nerve to show up here and film a show. I am really mad at Food City. Everyone knows this is not about charity, it is about making Kate look good. I would love to go there and say a few things to her, but hubby says no way!! She should have discreetly sent the food bank a check and stayed away from Tennessee!
There is nothing wrong with the kids helping out at the food bank. There is everything wrong with WHY they are there. I read that Kate got the idea of helping out! Ha! Her idea? Hardly. Her ideas are all about getting, not giving.
Other celebs go to charities around the world but they don't drag their kids along, film them, and make money off an episode about them.
I COULD SCREAM!!! Why is she here!!? I live 15 minutes from Kingsport. I know the exact location of that Food City! I cannot believe she has the nerve to show up here and film a show. I am really mad at Food City. Everyone knows this is not about charity, it is about making Kate look good. I would love to go there and say a few things to her, but hubby says no way!! She should have discreetly sent the food bank a check and stayed away from Tennessee!
Anyone wondering if they'll make this a 'fun' trip as well as one for work. It's almost a 2 hour drive from where they landed to Dollywood.
If they go to Dollywood, they'll find themselves in the same predicament as the Griswolds at Wally World in National Lampoon's Vacation. Dollywood is closed until March 26th.
She is a Cow said,
"Somewhere along the way Kate lost the ability to cope with and handle her children on a day to day basis..."
Well, not really. She couldn't "lose something" she NEVER EVER had!
I truly believe Kart has had tons of help with those kids from the time she was on 500 weeks of bedrest, right on through to this very minute.
PaMomOfOne said...
I found this online:
Could you provide the link, please. Thanks.
Just saw the airport picture, typical, tup boys and tup girls out in public in the matchy/matchy outfits (to make sure people know who they are,or at least catch their eye with the 'alikeness' so they know 'WHOM' they are seeing). Glad I live far away from PA, TN and anywhere else she'd go with them. I doubt she'd like WI in the Winter, and just so she knows (since we all know she reads this) WI Spring weather stinks too, Kate.
She can't really "give back" in PA becasue the good folks there have her number. I'm betting that everyone who has said that they're filming to show the episodes overseas is correct.
Kathy said... I am beginning to think that K8's filming is being done for distribution to other countries. It would explain why we are not seeing anything current here, but that she is constantly traveling with a crew.
You may have something here! There is a lot of footage somewhere that is not being aired here! Thanksgiving, Philadelphia, Hockey game and all of Austrailia and NZ. Remember the rumors in the summer that she would spend the Christmas holidays promoting her show in England...well, that never happened, but maybe they are filming to distribute outside the USA, where no one knows her!!!!! Siberia
Administrator said... Name one time this family ever went on vacation without cameras. Only one that I can ever think of, when Kate flew the kids out to LA to visit her on DWTS. One time of allll the trips they've ever taken.
And I wouldn't really consider that a family vacation. Probably spent most of the time in airports and on the plane. Land, visit, take off again.
Wonder if they are going to Dollywood in Pigeon Forge or headed to Gatlinburg area.
They can't stay home during any school holiday because that would me that Kate would have to (gasp) spend an entire day with her children herself!
She gets her breaks during the day when the kids are in school. During school holidays she takes these trips to have the "hired hands" from TLC babysit her kids while she gets a free trip.
My parent live in that area. I can't think why they would go to East TN, unless it was for camping or to see the car races at Bristol Motor Speedway. Do you think they are filming a camping trip to show what a great camper Kate is? Will Kate make snarky comments about the Alaska camping trip and smirk at the camera? Could this trip be damage control?
This is just pathetic. For Christ's sake Kate, enough!! These kids go through airport security more than a flight attendant! How many times do these kids get patted down & frisked for security purposes? Kate must love the feel of a good frisk, since she has no man in her life, she's gotta get it somewhere.
And Tennessee? Again? Repeat repeat repeat. Boring. This show has become the Travel Channel without the interesting hosts & the informative guide. Just 8 kids looking miserable & a stupid blond woman going "Look, sand! Oh, look, a tree! Say hi tree! Can I drive the limo?" (a limo. what a dolt.) This show is so lame, so irrelevant, & SO OVER. When will this family do something worth watching, like read to the elderly, feed the homeless, volunteer at the animal shelter? Maybe do anything else that will teach the kids something worthwhile & something helpful to OTHERS?
I am so glad I do not watch this crap & get my updates from here. I would easily throw something at my TV if I had to watch this non-deserving family get just another trip, because "Kate said so". How about TLC give those trips to some military families whose husbands/wives/moms/dads/sons/daughters/ just came home? I'm sure they could use some family time. Oh, right...they STILL think Kate is watchable. WRONG. It's been too long, I think Kate will tank in the ratings. *rant over* :)
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